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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, 2ca1bdf21b2af5bdc6812f9b55….png)

f745e4  No.2708163

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of force only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Integrity, for in Truth lies Victory.

Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 08.21.18

>>>/patriotsfight/172 ————————- The Great Awakening (Caps: >>2685833 , >>2697454 )

Monday 08.20.18

>>>/patriotsfight/171 ————————- Nothing to See Here (Cap: >>2677514 )

>>2674220 rt >>2674099 ——————- SESSIONS HINTS TO TRUST THE PLAN!

>>>/patriotsfight/170 ————————- [Movie 1] Showtime. ( Cap: >>2674083 )

>>>/patriotsfight/169 ————————- [Movie 1] Showtime. (had an error, deleted; Cap: >>2674178 ; Cap of both: >>2674392 )

Sunday 08.19.18

>>>/patriotsfight/168 ------------------------- [Cause] & [Effect] (Repost: >>2668232)

>>>/patriotsfight/167 ------------------------- Define 'Projection'... 'Narcissist' (cap: >>2667561 )

Thursday 08.16.18

>>2636358 rt >>2635778 ——————- Timelines change. Watch the budget

>>2634959 rt >>2634937 ——————- UK has problems

>>2634937 rt >>2634794 ——————- Badge of honor - military grade

>>2634368 ————————————– Ref to McCann was not intended

>>2634253 rt >>2634140 ——————- Why did the Podesta Group close?

>>2633895 rt >>2633829, >>2633830 -- Within a week of the last "BOOM" set?

>>2633717 rt >>2633643 ——————- Remember, 'conspiracy' friends, LARPS have access to a full stock of 'original' surveillance photos.

>>2633643 rt >>2633258 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2632125 ————————————– What are shovels used for?

>>2631586 ————————————– PEOPLE must unite to clean out these old institutions.

>>>/patriotsfight/166 ------------------------- Another wave of attacks? (cap: >>2631072 )

>>2630332 rt >>2630212 ——————- Caps of PF #164, #165

>>>/patriotsfight/165 ------------------------- What a coincidence! (Caps: >>2630191 )

>>>/patriotsfight/164 ------------------------- Patriots in control. (Cap: >>2629907 )

>>2628837 rt >>2628758 & >>2628768 Hooah! ; ES = @Snowden (re: >>2628352 )

>>>/patriotsfight/163 ------------------------- What happens if FISA fails or “signers” cannot be trusted? (Cap: >>2628741 )

>>2628569 rt >>2627887 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2628352 ————————————– Ask yourself simple questions.

>>2628219 rt >>2628080 ——————- Drops equate to reaction/action?

>>2628048 rt >>2627990 ——————- For anyone questioning if [XBOX] happened or not.

>>2627887 ————————————– Anyone has problems w/ their “XBOX Live” accounts…?

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

f745e4  No.2708176


are not endorsements


>>2573462 , >>2573531 Archives have been updated: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)


>>2707467, >>2707514, >>2707659, >>2707756, >>2707793 Planefag Reports

>>2707511, >>2707650, >>2708060 Resignations, Unsealed Indictments and Human Trafficking Arrest in the news today:

>>2707541 Trump says he will consider a pardon for former campaign chairman Paul Manafort..

>>2707577 Sessions Unseals 43-Count Indictment Against Chinese Nationals Trafficking Fentanyl

>>2707701 Why are claimed individuals not named in Cohen Plea?

>>2707945, >>2707949, >>2708044 New DJT, reposted with corrected link.

>>2707959 Crisis in Canberra: Fresh leadership spill looms for Malcolm Turnbull

>>2708164 #3419


>>2706686 Lanny Davis Tells Supporters to Donate to Michael Cohen — Directs Them to President Trump’s Donation Page!

>>2706711 Aeolus wind satellite has been launched

>>2706716 Report: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg ‘Pours Millions into Midterm Initiatives’

>>2706728, >>2706938 Trump vows Palestinians will 'get something very good' in talks

>>2706812 Update on pedophile arrests, CEO resignations and Indictments

>>2706921 She’s Ba-ack! The Muzzle Is Off! Low IQ Maxine Waters Calls for Trump Impeachment

>>2707007, >>2707107 New DJT (Re)Tweets

>>2707132, >>2707135 Sky King Sky King

>>2707157 Man who sold ammo to Las Vegas massacre gunman indicted by feds

>>2707181, >>2707304 "Fire dept. rejects Verizon’s “customer support mistake” excuse for throttling"

>>2707375 Collected Resignation Reports+

>>2707381 #3418


>>2706040 Russia is stockpiling gold as fresh US sanctions loom

>>2706058 White House Daily Update

>>2706068 New DJT

>>2706173 Retired Elementary Teacher Arrested For Alleged Child Rape on School Grounds

>>2706250 10 indicted on wire fraud, counterfeiting and money laundering charges in Idaho

>>2706252 An Indiana priest is attacked by a man yelling, 'this is for all the little kids'

>>2706430 Secret Service seeking assistance to identify these unknown individuals..

>>2706459 Apple CEO Tim Cook has donated '5 million dollars worth' of Apple shares to an unspecified charity

>>2706464 Lanny Davis Admits Cohen Has No Evidence Trump Directed Him to Pay Stormy..

>>2706530 Former Swiss Bank Executive Pleads Guilty to Role in Billion-Dollar International Money Laundering Scheme..

>>2706537 Asia Argento is shamed for her alleged assault of minor, 17, by street artist Sabo who plasters #SheToo posters all over LA..

>>2706541 Police: Illegal Alien Accused of Murdering Mollie Tibbetts Used Stolen ID to Work in U.S.

>>2706563 Wyoming Rebuffs Trump, Picks Native Son in GOP Governor Race

>>2706592 #3417

#3416 Baker Change

>>2705132 'Flesh-eating' STD allegedly reported in England

>>2705185 Clockfag Update

>>2705232 Clinton email chain relaying gaps to exploit in moving children after Haiti quake:

>>2705280 Graph of relationships of the Clinton Foundation Board of Directors

>>2705316 Verizon Incompetence and Greed Leaves Firefighters Throttled During Wildfire

>>2705397 Cohen Attorney Lanny Davis Is Registered Foreign Agent for Pro-Russian Oligarch Wanted by US Government and Linked to Putin

>>2705512 Remember Cohen raid 'hand picked by Trump'?

>>2705516, >>2705616, >>2705724, >>2705826 This document discusses the governments role in our education systems

>>2705548 Syria: Battle for Idlib has begun

>>2705699 It Begins: Democrats Label President Trump “Unindicted Co-Conspirator,” Refuse to Work

>>2705706 Illegal immigrant who committed multiple rapes after 2012 ICE detainer not enforced gets 80 years in prison

>>2705752 New York Times ‘Seizes’ On Murder Of Mollie Tibbetts To Attack Donald Trump

>>2705787 #3416

Previously Collected Notables

>>2704970 #3415

>>2702708 #3412, >>2703480 #3413, >>2704310 #3414

>>2702803 #3409, #3410 (BiB #3413), >>2701951 #3411

>>2698070 #3406, >>2698837 #3407, >>2699650 #3408

>>2695795 #3403, >>2696515 #3404, >>2697294 #3405

>>2693531 #3400, >>2694268 #3401, >>2695040 #3402

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

f745e4  No.2708179

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2690944

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

>>870846 --- The Letter Q - Printable Q Graphics

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>2178691 -- A Project to Create Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 -- Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2529066 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#38 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>2677671

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

( more at >>>/comms/283 )

f745e4  No.2708182

QPosts Archive Sites

* Q Clearance Archive:


QMap Mirrors

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* How to archive a website offline >>974637

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>2516402

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>870846 The Letter Q

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

27 >>2466904 26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ---------- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.NewsAnon --------------------- https://qanon.news/Archive

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY


0bda19  No.2708186

Raise your hand if you too saw this coming a mile away:

Paris Dennard destroys Mudd on CNN.

2 days later:


f745e4  No.2708194

File: da4753d6f4479ee⋯.jpg (329.67 KB, 1184x802, 592:401, c8022e2d6e66def45ec3012b4e….jpg)

Dough #3420



f028d7  No.2708202

When it comes time for your last supper, will you recognize it, or will you let it pass by unnoticed? Will you assume another is coming? If there is work to be completed between yourself and the Lord, the day to patch whatever is leaking is always today.

6177fb  No.2708203

File: 81ef2e7d39fabe3⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 2050x1218, 1025:609, Bless-this-Bread-3.jpg)

File: 58de4c327229b1d⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 1440x1915, 288:383, Love-You-Anons.jpg)

Thank you, Baker.

Love you, everyone. Thanks for all your hard work. WWG1WGA!

039546  No.2708204



Asia Argento shock: Could #MeToo be damaged by statutory rape allegation against her?

Clinton -> Bourdain -> Argento -> Weinstein -> #MeToo -> Cabal -> Lucifer

44babb  No.2708205

>>2708027 LB

Difference in tweets is @MikePompeo4USA vs. @SecPompeo

@MikePompeo4USA doesn't exist ….

915af3  No.2708206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


f5e6e1  No.2708207

File: 56a4f4528e768b7⋯.png (36.68 KB, 597x302, 597:302, 10,omite.PNG)

:10 minute delta

Add 4USA

ClockFags are on it!!!

3fb074  No.2708208


You forgot soros

f745e4  No.2708209


Baker Requesting Handoff

Missed announcement again,

Gettin' real tired tonight, kek..

28b66a  No.2708210


Do you mean, "should we damage the #metoo" movement?

8c604e  No.2708211


>its on muh clockfag but idk - pic related


Balls_Ligma_13:73-17=no u

c364c1  No.2708212

Over-under for mass starvation in South Africa is now 18 months. Get your bets in early!

Qanon.pub #570 (excerpt, copypasta)

"Keep them starved"

"Keep them blind"

"Keep them stupid"

HRC March 13, 2013 [intercept].

6177fb  No.2708213

File: 7f8efe7950210c3⋯.jpg (1.7 MB, 2083x2499, 2083:2499, You-Are-Sheep-to-Them-1.jpg)

89b161  No.2708214


Raise your hand if you shit the bread. Wait for the damn dough asshat.

bb8fa8  No.2708215


Yeah but if you had to go into a door on a dark night. One house was a black dude and one house was a Jew. What house you going into?

e2a283  No.2708216

File: 3d11008202f83e2⋯.png (618.81 KB, 933x691, 933:691, potus-switcharoo-points-to….png)

File: 80c6caec4170d5c⋯.png (162.37 KB, 1313x693, 1313:693, delta-10-twiter-archive.png)

10 min delta on tweets

interesting :54 sec, then :45 sec on the correction also

clockfags might want to inspect these

039546  No.2708217

File: 3d5d9e22e5546c0⋯.jpg (82.6 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 2ge65y.jpg)

You rang?

5bfba8  No.2708218


Eat shit rulesfag.

53bf1f  No.2708219

File: b451f7332db6e2e⋯.jpg (128.54 KB, 858x828, 143:138, 1.JPG)

File: 8e8a06cf41e065f⋯.jpg (90.3 KB, 709x930, 709:930, 2.JPG)

File: fbd0d27251f4fd6⋯.jpg (116.33 KB, 631x847, 631:847, 2a.JPG)

File: d74ce248cc8cafd⋯.jpg (67.01 KB, 588x640, 147:160, 6.JPG)

Man who sold ammo to Las Vegas massacre gunman indicted by feds


ce1bef  No.2708220

File: 77da7d0d5397eb3⋯.png (30.56 KB, 588x300, 49:25, ClipboardImage.png)

Should we keep an eye on / dig this "fan" account? Controlled by Pompeo?

f0a7c3  No.2708221

>>2708201 lb


<what was the misspell on the pompeo account?


1fa6d8  No.2708222

>>2708148 last jew

Do catholics run the media jew?

How about the Federal Reserve?

AIPAC? Huh jew?

039546  No.2708223

File: 2c864cc03305be6⋯.jpg (80.61 KB, 810x610, 81:61, 1012-bourdain-clinton-spli….jpg)

File: 1f53a919ae15954⋯.jpg (43.56 KB, 960x950, 96:95, DfWzdi9XUAE3M3h.jpg)

039546  No.2708224

File: 03e84ca7b6d1bf4⋯.jpg (44.01 KB, 539x960, 539:960, DfNt4MQVMAUQUUO.jpg)

File: 768be3aeb5291b0⋯.jpg (21.29 KB, 570x542, 285:271, il_570xN.838717793_4mr2.jpg)

Asia Argento shock: Could #MeToo be damaged by statutory rape allegation against her?

c43b35  No.2708225

File: c6fff1ad80f20dc⋯.png (382.72 KB, 755x796, 755:796, ben_shapiro_vs_rosie_of_do….png)

best Ben Shapiro twat

4302ec  No.2708226

File: 609fd031f4b2311⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 1170x780, 3:2, 1408051501385.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

728a22  No.2708227

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b913cb  No.2708228

File: 4d180d9076ad2c4⋯.jpeg (7.76 KB, 177x263, 177:263, th-4.jpeg)


40424e  No.2708230

Im starting to think South Africa is a practice run to taking the goods of the doers in the world and giving it to the leaches. Total cabal playbook move.

The invaded EUR with Slime

They are trying to the the same to the US

They will give all our shit to the migrants, and kill us off with Fentynal.

3933b1  No.2708231

I need the FBI decode of the pedos and the LA Sheriff Badge.

76f37a  No.2708232

Q has been awfully quiet

Makes me think this CF

habbening might just be


a92467  No.2708233

File: eb38d8c078c4280⋯.jpg (9.37 KB, 400x294, 200:147, 24847f575d8ad506732d11c074….jpg)

File: 3fb82a2a4fa0434⋯.jpg (118.02 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 039cf55f761116f⋯.jpg (52.97 KB, 1264x710, 632:355, 4a3a0975f7ba2e100185d3f4f1….jpg)

File: 2b13cb139412b2d⋯.jpg (30.76 KB, 800x500, 8:5, twinpeaks-3x03-0406.jpg)

File: 347a73e48ec1880⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1600x1600, 1:1, 1 y40rsb-eAVLVTW8gFDwj-w.png)


i'm stuck in the rod lodge bro hook me up.


△ △

ba60fb  No.2708234

>>2708189 lb

so dark!

89b161  No.2708235


Glad to see your first post wasn't a concernfaggot post. It's not a rule, it's respect for the Baker.

77db04  No.2708236


Should have told her to grow one first.

1fa6d8  No.2708237

File: 10e654b3ca35dd9⋯.jpg (33.33 KB, 349x266, 349:266, KosherSandwich.jpg)

File: 62f9869a8f0a1ac⋯.jpg (45.36 KB, 467x263, 467:263, KosherSandwich1.jpg)

File: b6fbf90051fdbd1⋯.jpg (41.53 KB, 467x263, 467:263, KosherSandwich2.jpg)

File: 831441951151b29⋯.jpg (45.35 KB, 471x264, 157:88, KosherSandwich3.jpg)


Fuck that kike

e66346  No.2708238

File: c71c68acab3d32f⋯.jpg (99.31 KB, 959x524, 959:524, fema teams II & III activa….jpg)



> FEMA III activated (pb)

FEMAfag was right, but looks like it is for Hurricane Lane

039546  No.2708239

File: 6d389b958ead297⋯.png (110.12 KB, 500x583, 500:583, anthony-bourdain-bourdain-….png)





On June 8, 2018,

Bourdain was found dead of an apparent suicide by hanging in his room at Le Chambard hotel in Kaysersberg, France.

6b3d16  No.2708240

File: a5970d727714ec7⋯.gif (3.21 MB, 600x338, 300:169, dough.gif)

a97250  No.2708241

File: 3d5ec41bb67ec24⋯.jpg (130.67 KB, 614x587, 614:587, #.jpg)


Baker here brah

Good to see you and the sweet bakes man.

Confirm handoff?


I'm on a fresh IP (I think), let me know if you want me to post proof of bakes. TY

4302ec  No.2708242

File: fd52127f6615abe⋯.jpeg (110.28 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, cq5dam.web.1200.675.jpeg)


Thanks, anon.

5bfba8  No.2708243


Q's always quiet for a reason.

Never forget that.

da6e7c  No.2708244

File: b8d9f1cb7d9c623⋯.png (47.71 KB, 844x388, 211:97, PF.PNG)



Do you want the @HouseGOP to immediately begin impeachment hearings on President Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Justice?

bb8fa8  No.2708245


I got an idea.....we offer the Whites in South Africa homes in California. And give them all the money they need to make the transition .

77db04  No.2708246

File: 43798a906ada4d6⋯.png (140.1 KB, 1000x966, 500:483, kosher.png)

9afb20  No.2708247

Much Confusion

The twisted web of who did what has now got soo many players and twists that nobody is going to be able to digest this whole shit show.

How you going to red pill normies any more

I'd say less than 10% are going to understand much if anything about what is going on. Its such a big fucking soap opera that you can't break it into sound bites that people can listen to on the way to work.

This is a very difficult situation to break down to peeps. And many will just tune out, because frankly why should they give a damn?

"Pompeo who? Larry Davis? Whats an Oligarch?"

c43b35  No.2708248

File: 66e71d94981ab48⋯.jpg (77.41 KB, 924x500, 231:125, 2ge40s.jpg)

a54638  No.2708249

From Awan's Plea Deal

After the entry of your client’s plea of guilty to the offense identified in paragraph 1 above, your client will not be charged with any non-violent criminal offense in violation of Federal or District of Columbia law which was committed within the District of Columbia by your client prior to the execution of this Agreement -Awan Plea Agreement

I know this may be reaching, but what possibly could he have done violent?

SR?? 187?? or conspired?

I know Q mentions MS-13, but disinfo is necessary…

It seems like I remember Matt Couch disagreeing with Q on the MS-13. Also, I believe Couch said Awan was at a party that night with SR. Not sure how true that is.

e51cb7  No.2708250


I wish it was.. blacks have power there now and recent leadership is incredibly racist. Those within the ANC party actually call for the killing of whites. They're starting with the farmers. It's a barbaric place to be right now. But yeah, no one cares about a white minority being persecuted so we'll never see it in the news here. But if the racism was reversed and it was a black minority facing this in SA, the entire world would literally revolt and DEMAND we invade to free them.. ironically setting up some kind of system like apartheid so the two races could coexist. People think apartheid was racist and maybe it was to a degree.. but a big part of it was to allow the two races to exist without being killed by those who chose to hold onto the barbaric uncivilized tribal ways of the past. I always think whenever our spoiled minorities here cry racism.. go to SA as a white person and experience it for real.

039546  No.2708251

File: 94492f26f34d488⋯.jpg (53.45 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, drake-album-scorpion-1280x….jpg)

File: 871877162917110⋯.jpg (178.22 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


Eat a Scorpion?



c01811  No.2708252


That tweet deserves to be shared widely with the commentary, "What did he mean by this?"

c43b35  No.2708253

File: 4f116f2d6a00a39⋯.png (39.25 KB, 644x330, 322:165, 10min.png)

10 minute Delta, sorry if already noted… it happened at like post 740/751 last bread

f6b608  No.2708254

nobody cares about your twatter poll da6e7c

29eac3  No.2708255

Mike Pompeo




Send in the troops!

7ec52b  No.2708256


oh, they'll be thirsty for info

f16365  No.2708257

File: 3ed02365327a5ce⋯.jpg (343.82 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, obr4416.jpg)


66c5c9  No.2708258

File: e1cfb375702c1f7⋯.png (511.67 KB, 698x751, 698:751, sandyhoaxlunch.png)


f3da93  No.2708259

File: 3ece3c2b2d899e5⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2706.PNG)

f745e4  No.2708261


Glad to see backup here,

really not my finest night baking, a few sloopy errors..

BO/BV be advised,

Confirming Handoff

I'm too tired to keep on baking anyway

5bfba8  No.2708262


But, smegma face, the bread is considered ready to go AFTER the https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Dat's respectin' da baker.

Come back.

d92720  No.2708263


Where's the Clock Fag....??

Thats like Having a Date and no clock...

I know the ClockFamFag has something on it..

Now we do have Bruce Ohr coming up In T-Minus 6 days...

And then the


674170  No.2708264


Did Anthony Bourdain hang himself in the back of the head with two ropes?

039546  No.2708265


+++ ++ + -> Soros -> Clinton -> Bourdain -> Argento -> Weinstein (Black Cube) -> #MeToo -> Cabal -> Lucifer


3fb074  No.2708266


W daid re: Bank fraud but this sounds much broader

f6c335  No.2708267

File: 3df52ab9efb2de2⋯.png (4.29 MB, 4517x549, 4517:549, sadhfjklshdfkjhsdkf7777.png)

Everyone in the path of the MAGAWAVE please prepare yourselves,"

dddd5d  No.2708268

Oh for fuck sake anons, POTUS asking us to fight for Wall.

5d697b  No.2708269

File: f55fc3b784bc663⋯.png (981.73 KB, 1015x668, 1015:668, lwhdy.png)

039546  No.2708270

File: cdea5f433739b65⋯.jpg (42.7 KB, 600x400, 3:2, all-we-need-is-love-haters….jpg)

780215  No.2708271

File: aeb4cf08b9332d1⋯.png (99.22 KB, 1125x589, 1125:589, IMG_1925.PNG)

649ebc  No.2708272

File: 4ba4f76dfd9d7e2⋯.png (1011.69 KB, 1703x888, 1703:888, 88.png)

Welp boys, he finally mentioned South African genocide.

Now prepare for the biggest shillstorm you've ever seen in your life.

a9b58f  No.2708273

File: 7414f68a1bac394⋯.jpg (23.26 KB, 425x164, 425:164, posobiec.jpg)

Little Jack is calling out Q.

2c4cb7  No.2708274

>>2707945 (lb)

Diamonds. Which is the deal?

3fb074  No.2708275


Sry Q said

1fa6d8  No.2708276


Having borders is races

d2636e  No.2708277


>>2708241 Yeah fresh IP, proof of bake would help sort my list out.

f5e6e1  No.2708278

File: 3c3a2be561bebb7⋯.png (827.03 KB, 1331x591, 1331:591, MP4USA.PNG)

This is the twatter account for the 4USA handle.

Will monitor the followers.

2d29eb  No.2708279


Two red scarves tied to the bathroom sink p trap.

caff61  No.2708280

File: 726fb4faa57cc81⋯.jpeg (301.61 KB, 1157x855, 1157:855, F7A4984A-57BB-4A3B-A67B-1….jpeg)

Maybe this @mikepompeo4usa worth following.

7ec52b  No.2708281


48 hours… and how long have we been waiting for his debunks?

da7cf6  No.2708282

File: b32e09e21eb7ccf⋯.png (815.31 KB, 749x492, 749:492, KeepfightingPOTUS.png)



KEK. This is going to win a lot of friends for POTUS on the internet and beyond.


This type of stuff is what is needed to get people fired up again. I know it's difficult, and it shows the way it was phrased and all. But the FIRE is real. People want their countries back.

Thank you, POTUS.

acf4ce  No.2708283

File: 823c16f4d351d19⋯.jpg (964.26 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, MichaelQ.jpg)

f6c335  No.2708284

File: beb442105cbaccf⋯.png (238.69 KB, 305x344, 305:344, fdgdf5g46454657.PNG)

d37536  No.2708285





d078cf  No.2708286


for what it's worth, if that's the dude that always runs images through deep dream, he's a badass and seems to be consistent baker

9afb20  No.2708287

South Africa is being destabilized for a strategic purpose.

Who is doing the destabilization?

Who put the current clown in office?

Who needs those waters destabilized?

South African waters are necessary for a lot of oil movement.

5bfba8  No.2708288


And send the _ _ _ _ _ _ to them in return, ya know, to "work" the farms vacated by the whiteys?

bb5d3e  No.2708289


My thoughts exactly anon. Wait till early Nov 2019

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the storm is upon us…"

039546  No.2708290

File: 92aa2eca42d56dc⋯.jpg (80.66 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2fy46f.jpg)





c01811  No.2708291


Trade 10 illegals for 1 South African

d078cf  No.2708292


I dunno… the guy seen publicly praising him on multiple occasions?

a54638  No.2708293


They left open for any violent charges. Of course bank fraud would not be violent.

bb8fa8  No.2708294


Bring them to California. Refugee status. Watch the damn liberals heads explode.

a97250  No.2708295

File: 27bf3900e67b4a1⋯.jpg (172.59 KB, 508x508, 1:1, 27bf3900e67b4a1a217217b474….jpg)


Your baking is always great imo. Rest up and sleep well.

Handoff confirmed

039546  No.2708296


1fa6d8  No.2708298


Save white people in SA

Fuck the oil

40faf5  No.2708299

To the anon who posted the NYT article and your theory of Stormy/Cohen/Hillary -

can you repost, I'd like to suggest for Notable.

7b03ae  No.2708300

File: c70ae2ad18d2f64⋯.gif (1.07 MB, 1280x960, 4:3, 1516760033223.gif)


That's why it's gotta be meme'd, and likely possibly turned into a movie..

d6b36b  No.2708301

File: 23393204e7c33b0⋯.png (856.82 KB, 795x694, 795:694, bomb.PNG)

FF alert.

f5e6e1  No.2708302


NP Anon. Things fly fast.


46c072  No.2708303


Why does he keep posting retarded shit?!

I'm thinking that since he started bashing Q, his views & whatever have sky rocketed so that's why he keeps crying like a Russian Bride buyer with buyers remorse.

He's is SUCH a hack.

d2636e  No.2708304


I agree. Proof of bake would just help to confirm for sure though.

b463eb  No.2708305

File: 4a49f636c3040a4⋯.png (535.31 KB, 720x1018, 360:509, 20180822_195002.png)

Moar missing explosives? Hmmm


e66346  No.2708306

File: d548fedf80f824d⋯.jpg (153.15 KB, 934x704, 467:352, strait face.jpg)

039546  No.2708307


NYT has been reporting some interesting stuff lately….

Strange timeline indeed.

351210  No.2708308




You guys make my heart sing. No homo.

d2bc1b  No.2708309

File: 8d139c49db94c2a⋯.jpg (143.07 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, malema2.jpg)


Baker goin-all-out on the racist theme. kekekek

<do what you do, baker. kek

d078cf  No.2708310


Right after Christmas.

Storm clouds will start rolling in late december.

9c7ffc  No.2708311

File: c3d21dacf48f6e4⋯.png (965.96 KB, 1022x606, 511:303, 2018-08-22_22-32-04.png)

File: 1613739f530ae32⋯.png (473.12 KB, 637x426, 637:426, 2018-08-22_20-20-35.png)

File: d7a6787d305acd9⋯.png (990.8 KB, 799x1061, 799:1061, 2018-08-21_10-24-59.png)



930407  No.2708312

File: a5cd219c890729f⋯.gif (1.58 MB, 540x304, 135:76, 1.gif)

6b3d16  No.2708313

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A juror from manafort's trial will be with Shannon Bream

might be interdasting

46c072  No.2708314

File: 63f7247eec1c0a6⋯.png (144.67 KB, 263x282, 263:282, 63f7247eec1c0a6252edeef794….png)

a97250  No.2708315


Thanks BO, sure thing.


1fa6d8  No.2708316


Yup. Basically what America will be in fifty or a hundred years.

But at least they will still be "american" right?


b913cb  No.2708317

Q might not even mention Cohen or Manafort. Why should he? They got busted. Not Trump.

Everyone in Washington is dirty. Haven't we figured that out yet?

d6b36b  No.2708318



701219  No.2708319

File: a2b1420e7fd2fa1⋯.jpg (453.44 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, LASheriffPedoBadge.jpg)

File: 0ee82dc17eb7b03⋯.png (349.91 KB, 468x523, 468:523, SheriffPedoSymbol.png)

File: 1f26dd895b0f715⋯.png (265.52 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Pedo symbols.png)

File: b8287ce33dbe0f5⋯.png (374.19 KB, 651x858, 217:286, Pedophile Symbols.png)

649ebc  No.2708320

File: a1cc8c4aef4f0fc⋯.jpg (61.42 KB, 900x450, 2:1, ac55e1a18443fbed9123c81fa6….jpg)

5bfba8  No.2708321


Because he's a childish jerkwad.


Don't follow childish jerkwads

16dcf7  No.2708322



Screen Actors Guild




f6c335  No.2708323

File: 86629394bac8b8a⋯.png (150.94 KB, 300x400, 3:4, 1528066618259.png)





8b7498  No.2708324

File: c07b334833cc328⋯.jpg (68.53 KB, 600x600, 1:1, StayOnTarget.jpg)

039546  No.2708325

File: 2c864cc03305be6⋯.jpg (80.61 KB, 810x610, 81:61, 1012-bourdain-clinton-spli….jpg)

File: 1f53a919ae15954⋯.jpg (43.56 KB, 960x950, 96:95, DfWzdi9XUAE3M3h.jpg)

File: e72194f6a1ca439⋯.jpg (15.83 KB, 400x300, 4:3, lucifer.jpg)

bb8fa8  No.2708326


Awww shit. God works in mysterious ways.

d2bc1b  No.2708327

File: 6ee0df9b406a2a4⋯.png (33.17 KB, 170x202, 85:101, bernieisnotalpha.png)

4f6da8  No.2708328

POTUS names NoName tomorrow, preview at 11

cf7fbb  No.2708329


"Raise your hand" is Jack ((( Posobiec ))) thing.

40faf5  No.2708330

c5ba7d  No.2708331

File: 19854e9e9c392a7⋯.jpg (230.85 KB, 600x500, 6:5, mini_fireworks_store_t[1].jpg)



76f37a  No.2708332


It would be so badass if Q bitchslapped

Posobifag like he did to Maher

6b3d16  No.2708333


thank you for stepping up baker, can't do it right now

was going to help the baker if really needed

e08799  No.2708334


The TWEET of Death.

That was stupid of him.

d2636e  No.2708335

File: be336732651e3be⋯.webm (2.35 MB, 640x360, 16:9, How_To_Win_An_Argument_In….webm)

728a22  No.2708336

burn the pizza

70803a  No.2708337


BO, while you're here, The Letter Q bread is coming on 751 posts – should we pin it to the board so we don't lose all them fine Q's to the archive abyss?


5bfba8  No.2708338


Indeed He does. Praise the Lord!

c3d8b8  No.2708339


For the historically illiterate, the symbol of the fish was used by early Christians to symbolize Christianity – the fishers of men. The Pope's mitre (hat) represents the Crown of victory which awaits the faithful once they attain the beatific vision (i.e. see God in heaven).

4302ec  No.2708340

File: 5965a1582d907d8⋯.jpg (28.59 KB, 403x361, 403:361, 7832756770497476572.jpg)


Jack's hungry for them Q drops.

023d89  No.2708341



Story by Staff Sgt. Mary Junell

North Carolina National Guard

The North Carolina Army National Guard hosted a deployment ceremony honoring the 514th Military Police Company at the Pirates Club in Greenville, North Carolina, August 12, 2018 in advance of their upcoming mobilization.

More than 160 Soldiers are scheduled to deploy in support Operation Enduring Freedom - GITMO and will be charged with providing various external security operations in support of the ongoing mission of the Joint Detention Group at Guantanamo Bay Naval Station.

Sgt. Benjamin Bullard, one of the Soldiers deploying with the 514th said he is looking forward to the deployment.

"It's a fun opportunity," Bullard said. "It's a little bit different than going to Afghanistan again, I'm excited."

Deploying to Guantanamo Bay will provide the Soldiers of the 514th a unique experience compared to previous mobilizations.

"We're pretty excited about this deployment because it's not a combat deployment," said 1st Lt. Fredrick Yebuah, the unit's executive officer. "But it is a high-profile mission and we are prepared to engage it."

Although this deployment is not as dangerous as the unit's recent mobilizations, leaving family for an extended amount of time is never easy.

"Really the hardest part is for [the families] back home who have to continue on with their everyday lives while we continue our mission downrange." Yebuah said.

The 514th Military Police Company was organized and federally recognized on 27 April 1926 and served in WWII with the 30th Infantry Division.

Since 1990 the 514th has deployed five times for federal service:

1990 Operations Desert Shield and Operations Desert Storm,

1996 Operation Joint Endeavor,

2003 Operation Noble Eagle,

2004 Operation Joint Guardian,

2012 Operation Enduring Freedom - Afghanistan

The 514th has also been called to numerous State Active Duty missions to support civil authorities;

of note during the 2016 Charlotte Riots and Hurricane Matthew.

https ://www.dvidshub.net/news/288498/ncng-514th-military-police-company-deploys-guantanamo-bay


da7cf6  No.2708342


You mean uranium.

>South Africa is being destabilized for a strategic purpose.

base of anti-white hatred. just like zimbabwe.

3b34ca  No.2708343

True corrected the tweet to let africa know Mike pompeo is now secretary pompeo now, shits going to be different

f745e4  No.2708344

>>2708277, >>2708315

>proof of bake would help sort my list out.

Sorted for us two then ;)


Wasn't sure wether to include 'white' or not tbh. But they are without a doubt the victims in SA, so yea..

039546  No.2708345

File: e98d85ad3cb9396⋯.jpg (134.4 KB, 1461x1067, 1461:1067, sherlock-star-wars-hunger-….jpg)

File: 7eba2ecb5a2103d⋯.jpg (474.92 KB, 1024x853, 1024:853, wolf-in-sheeps-clothing.jpg)

728a22  No.2708346

learn how to play the memeo

release the game

c87279  No.2708347

File: 3c2901bce3ff1ca⋯.png (60.02 KB, 884x162, 442:81, AQUA TECH OPERATIVES CIA.PNG)

File: 4121aeb889ae859⋯.png (56.67 KB, 1242x425, 1242:425, AQUA TECH MAIN SITE MOST I….PNG)

File: a2f9a8a125d8998⋯.png (160.26 KB, 534x340, 267:170, aqua tech hdqtrs PA ss.PNG)

File: c89e6356f72110c⋯.png (43.27 KB, 643x630, 643:630, aquatech since 1981 bloomb….PNG)

>>2707685 lb


from your ss re 1992 LA riots:



Aqua Tech world wide conglomerate currently buying up water companies all over the US.

main site


Ownership profile and services, Bloomberg.



Executive Profile

Karl Michael Millauer

Senior Vice-President, Aquatech International Corporation

Age Total Calculated Compensation This person is connected to 2 Board Members in 2 organization across 6 different industries.

See Board Relationships

60 –


Mr. Karl Michael Millauer has been Senior Vice President of Aquatech International Corporation since March 2010. Mr. Millauer served as the Chief Financial Officer of Wolford Aktiengesellschaft. Mr. Millauer served as Chairman of the Management Board at CHRIST Water Technology AG from October 2001 to August 19, 2008 and also served as a Member of its Management Board and Chief Executive Officer. He served as Chief Operating Officer of BWT AG from 2001 to September 26, 2005 and a Member of the Executive Board from January 8, 2001 to September 26, 2005. He was responsible for the business division of Aqua Systems Technologies. He serves as a Member of supervisory board at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH. He has been a Member of the Supervisory Board at Frequentis AG since September 2002. Mr. Millauer served as a Member of the supervisory board at S & T System Integration & Technology. Mr. Millauer served as a Member of the Supervisory Board at Libro Handelsgesellschaft mbH until May 31, 2001.


Executive Profile

Devesh Sharma

Executive Vice President, Aquatech International Corporation

Age Total Calculated Compensation This person is connected to 0 Board Member in 0 organization across 3 different industries.

55 –


Mr. Devesh Sharma serves as an Executive Vice President of Aquatech International Corporation. Mr. Sharma served as a Senior Vice President of Business Development and Business Processes at Commercial Metals Company since July 2010. He served as Vice President of Business Development at Commercial Metals Co. He was involved in Jewellery Retailing after returning from Kuwait during the Iraq war. He served as a Director of Speakwell Skills Academy Pvt Ltd. (formerly Speakwell English Academy). He learned computer education in Mumbai. Mr. Sharma was an Educationist for the past 10 years.


Hard to track decentralized operations.

Texas Aqua Tech chock full of ghost employees and shell companies.

Massive complaints and push back from communities who have had Aqua Tech take over local operations.

Will add this to my diggs.

Thanks anon.

a54638  No.2708348


There is this….but says Virginia, not DC


House IT Worker At Center Of Scandal Allegedly Abused Three Muslim Women

Multiple women in relationships with Imran Awan, the indicted former IT aide for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, have recently called Virginia law enforcement and alleged being abused by him, police reports obtained under Virginia’s Freedom of Information Act show.

Officers found one of the women bloodied and she told them she “just wanted to leave,” while the second said she felt like a “slave,” according to Fairfax County Police reports obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group. A third woman claimed she was being kept “in captivity.

039546  No.2708349



d078cf  No.2708350




but loud

fce027  No.2708351

File: eb59812ca8869c5⋯.jpg (365.73 KB, 1280x668, 320:167, Screenshot_20180822-220100.jpg)

File: 1b440502addf0c1⋯.jpg (333.62 KB, 1280x672, 40:21, Screenshot_20180822-220924.jpg)

File: 0ef35c746826653⋯.jpg (368 KB, 1226x650, 613:325, Screenshot_20180822-222042.jpg)

File: e6990d7a82419b5⋯.jpg (429.07 KB, 1278x664, 639:332, Screenshot_20180822-223610.jpg)

Planefag, big stuff up

3 - Boeing E-6B Mercury Doomsday over - Arkansas, Kansas City & outside Eufaula, OK running the Canadian River.

1- Boeing B-52H Startofortress, North of Beaumont, LA

1 - Lockheed MC-130J Commando II - Multimission combat transport/special operations tanker, assigned to Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC).

1 - Boeing E-3B Sentry, Eye in the Sky; by West Plains, TENN

1 - Poseidon 8 with an interesting Call Sign - MADFX72, out of DEL headed South, coming up on Savannah, GA

47ecd4  No.2708352


Can't wait to see shitlibs openly condone murder on a larger scale!

a97250  No.2708353


Back atcha anon


; )

039546  No.2708354

File: cb6d1a4f3e24cf8⋯.jpg (69.71 KB, 1116x628, 279:157, hwnduaa.jpg)

Talk about being ahead of your time…

2c4cb7  No.2708355


let's see. The South for if the north goes down it's an important Escape route.

If people is devastated or the mini ice Age comes in 15 years. The South become the safe zone.

f5e6e1  No.2708356

File: d2dfdcaa4d4da0d⋯.jpg (459.34 KB, 1796x1200, 449:300, 19_mirror_of_31.jpg)


Here is the clock Anon.

ba60fb  No.2708357


why does it say HebeLove

5bfba8  No.2708358


How atypical is this?

701219  No.2708359


Been to South Africa on business. (Long time ago). Interesting country.

When Q used the abbrev SA, at first we all thought for sure it meant Saudi Arabia (and maybe it did, then).

Then I wondered if it could also mean South America.

Now the possibility of South Africa arises.

BTW, the people in South Africa abbreviate their country ZA using the Africaans word for south.

f6c335  No.2708360

File: 2ab9af44dda490c⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1817x910, 1817:910, xvhsfghfd88.PNG)


copy that, thank you planefag

a3b2dd  No.2708361

>>2708295, >>2708261

Ty bakers!!

Backup baker here too.

Also tired (up way too late last nite)

but can grab a few later tonight if needed.

Ty for the awesome breads baker.

>a few sloopy errors..

Don't even worry about it,

happens when you're tired

But I give myself a hard time

for making mistakes too

so I feel ya

bb8fa8  No.2708362

I wonder if we gave the Whites in South Africa guns and set them up on the boarder with Mexico they would watch our backs ?

c5ba7d  No.2708363


B-52 up. Tailgunners reactivated. Nukes secure.

ba60fb  No.2708364

File: 02fa38e75fcecfe⋯.png (1 MB, 876x1396, 219:349, bourdain.png)

701219  No.2708365


I have no idea. It's not my OC, it's from memearchives.

728a22  No.2708366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

just say no to russian crack bots

9afb20  No.2708367

File: e06c6455b056dd1⋯.png (66.87 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


I agree with Baron on this one.


South Africa is major world oil route to the west.

If they can't get it around the cape or through mid east quickly/safely then they go all the way around the Cape instead.

If the oil goes east.

China gets oil cheaper.

Cheaper oil = cheaper energy

Cheaper energy = higher GDP v. America

Logic seems to point to CHINA

Russia isn't our enemy #1

65b8f3  No.2708368

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1979. The Vela incident. Lots of info (or dis-info)

regarding the connection of Israel and South Africa nuclear power. Relevant?

29eac3  No.2708369



930407  No.2708370


from a quick search it looks like 'kid love' from the ages of 11-14, hebephilia

d2636e  No.2708371


I think we should have been uploading them to a Mega folder where they had no chance of falling off the catalog, and didn't require a pin to stay alive. I like to try to keep the pins minimal, but if anons want to keep the Q pictures thread pinned, we can do it. What say everyone else? Letter Q thread: Pin or no pin?

039546  No.2708372

File: 768be3aeb5291b0⋯.jpg (21.29 KB, 570x542, 285:271, il_570xN.838717793_4mr2.jpg)

The world is run by Lucifer…


49b478  No.2708373

File: 4e0baf20cfcf62e⋯.jpeg (302.4 KB, 750x741, 250:247, 14867B5E-561A-453A-89B9-5….jpeg)

Dig on Les Wexner, of Victoria’s Secret fame.

Highly responsible for the specialization of our culture in the last 25 years.

Can you be that without this?


Who is his wife?

Abigail S. Wexner, lawyer and community volunteer is involved in philanthropic work nationally and locally, with a particular focus on children’s issues.

She sits on the Board of Trustees of a charity against the abuse of children and women.


She sits on ohio State’s Board of Trustees, and was rumored to be primarily responsible for their head coach getting suspended.


Is this an example of projection?

b41923  No.2708374



China is trying to Colonize parts of Africa and one belt one road. Never thought of this angle. I thought the niggers just were ready for free shit.

3bc902  No.2708375

File: 575dcd8fc505ea3⋯.png (69.14 KB, 400x296, 50:37, Pastor prays against witch….png)

Witchcraft is trying to take this county over': Alabama pastor delivers bizarre sermon saying the Lord told him the 'deep state is about to manifest and overthrow Trump' as he asks the congregation to pay for the President

Pastor John A. Kilpatrick warned congregants on Tuesday that nefarious forces were working to harm the President and undermine the values of the US

'What's happening right now in America, is witchcraft's trying to take this country over,' he said

Kilpatrick, founder of the Church of His Presence in Daphne in 2006, is best known for being pastor of the Brownsville Assembly in Pensacola, Florida

During his sermon, the minister repeatedly quotes 2 Kings 9:22, which attributes witchcraft to the biblical figure Jezebel

An Alabama pastor broke out in tongues during a sermon this week after asking his congregation to pray against 'witchcraft' being used to attack Donald Trump.

Pastor John A. Kilpatrick warned congregants on Tuesday that nefarious forces were working to harm the President and undermine the values of the United States.

'What's happening right now in America, is witchcraft's trying to take this country over,' he said. 'It's witchcraft that's trying to take America back over.'


d2bc1b  No.2708376

File: 48d1e7043854775⋯.png (1.05 MB, 996x743, 996:743, ClipboardImage.png)

a12f31  No.2708377

File: 4b65c0d91dc14b8⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 91868964832648926489168941….png)



doesn't contain jews

85de8d  No.2708378

File: 6cccb892fcc1a1a⋯.jpg (111.33 KB, 1280x1654, 640:827, RANGA2.jpg)


Definitely pin em baker

d2636e  No.2708379


Ah ok thanks.

915af3  No.2708380

File: fd6732e2cd9e9a0⋯.png (347.82 KB, 449x449, 1:1, dig.png)


5bfba8  No.2708381


Do whatever you consider best, BO. Thanks!

85f647  No.2708382

So does SA=South Africa for any Q drops?

f70f41  No.2708383


He doesn't know how to follow the plan.

351210  No.2708384


If it’s worth mentioning it’s probably worth saving.

a97250  No.2708385


Vote to pin, especially with everyone looking for Q grafix for t-shirts etc…

f5e6e1  No.2708386

File: a108d9243046452⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, qclock_q_djt(4).png)


That date is a :15 delta from today.

46c072  No.2708387


Yeah, I don't follow that dumb cunt.

I just see his shit when people post it here.

That is more than enough for me

7b03ae  No.2708388


On the hunt?


>1 - Boeing E-3B Sentry, Eye in the Sky; by West Plains, TENN

039546  No.2708389


Patriots are those you would least expect….


728a22  No.2708390

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e3c8f5  No.2708391

File: 155930a8409c67b⋯.png (109.35 KB, 1580x374, 790:187, wdim.PNG)


interesting info from sacha faal on the cohen prosecutors

b913cb  No.2708392


How many fucking Bourdain posts do we need to see per bread? Keep up the good work fucker.

d6b36b  No.2708393


This faggot finished his gay little essay yet?

5dbada  No.2708394


I vote for a 3 day pin to allow someone to upload it to a Mega folder, then de-pin.

6356eb  No.2708395

File: e062af79e7ff044⋯.png (1.74 MB, 733x1600, 733:1600, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you Baker.

039546  No.2708396

File: fbb8f6d63cee317⋯.jpg (122.35 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

acf4ce  No.2708397


its coming to an end soon

5bfba8  No.2708398


I flushed him down the toilet a year ago and never looked back.

c364c1  No.2708399


I say unpin the letters of gratitude (or another one) before pinning another. LoG is just the one that came

to mind because I see it every time I search for the current QR bread.

652827  No.2708400


ok this is epic

d2bc1b  No.2708401

File: 2917ead82e2e357⋯.gif (3.62 MB, 480x427, 480:427, triggly.gif)


>How many fucking Bourdain posts do we need to see per bread? Keep up the good work fucker.

649ebc  No.2708402

File: 5f72640d7d9848c⋯.jpg (236.95 KB, 682x459, 682:459, Maritime Traffic.jpg)

Looks like Iran really needs that SA access to ship their shit.

What do you guys think?




Based on the map, it looks like Iran suffers the most from losing that. And it falls in line with 'Iran next'.

37bafb  No.2708403

File: ea38a31194bd41b⋯.png (263.7 KB, 701x788, 701:788, judiciallyauthorizedbywhom.png)

File: 6fa99d7500cdf06⋯.jpg (62.16 KB, 451x609, 451:609, 1287.jpg)

>>2707701 (lb)

judicially authorized? RR?

how do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?

039546  No.2708404


No it's not..

This could have gone one of two ways…

It's an awakening not an ending.

930407  No.2708405


china is gonna do their best to hollow the continent to the bone natural resource wise then sell the husk back to whoever is dumb enough to go for it

701219  No.2708406



One more thing about South Africa.

My English friend there, long time ZA resident but originally from England, passed along a rumor that was quite widely believed among some of the well educated South Africans, that their country did possess a covert atomic bomb capability.

I have no idea whatsoever if this rumor has any factual basis. The timeframe when I heard the rumor was around the mid 1990s.

a97250  No.2708407


Thanks BO

b8b692  No.2708408

File: 9a34fb992ea6fbe⋯.jpeg (26.38 KB, 200x255, 40:51, 93F7D261-E698-4512-AE79-7….jpeg)


So maybe we should threaten to blow up the hoover dam unless they give us the OIG report? Or set up some poor dude and pretend to break up an assasination attempt on Potus so we getz to hug the President. Or anything else dumbshit faggots have done to force Potus and team to disavow this board? Im personally gaining knowledge and being groomed for local/state politics and may very well one day really help MAGA.

This board is brilliant. I would hire half the anons on this board if I was in a political office and compensate them ridiculously well.

What is it you are doing anon.

Share with the class.


Is that legit a fakkin blow-up doll faggot?


ba60fb  No.2708409


take down the satanists

46c072  No.2708410


YES. I fucking hate that shit.

He only does it because "Re-tweet if you agree" is old & people hate that shit. And yet, a lot are falling for his faggot "raise your hand" bullshit

acf4ce  No.2708411


nice, a real bush

please ladies stop the bald bs

3bc902  No.2708412


Here is the pastors you tube page and church website.



3933b1  No.2708413


Thanks Red Pilling some Cali Pepes

d2bc1b  No.2708414

File: 1e0ca2b510f2fe9⋯.png (292.55 KB, 457x523, 457:523, jewshapiro.png)

39a725  No.2708415

File: 7ddaef0f856765d⋯.png (881.02 KB, 896x504, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


and thank you anons for posting the 10 minute deltas. I don't always pay close attention to Trump Tweets.

We have a very interesting poster in the last bread with exactly (10) posts at precisely :08, 10 minutes before POTUS 10 minute deltas.

Another Chan/Trump Proof.

What is a roll?

Here are all the posts by POTUS as anon (theoretically)

Interestingly- the :08 one specifically states that Cohen has a Clinton connection. This is typical for Trump tweets that point back to the Chan. The ONE that is pointed back to has some interesting tidbit.











4302ec  No.2708416

File: fc83bf121e97fca⋯.png (23.86 KB, 572x267, 572:267, Screenshot.png)


This post from the CDaN rumor mill always intrigued me regarding Bourdain.

592c2b  No.2708417


"… to pay for the President"??

5bfba8  No.2708418


Enough to make you blow a gasket.

37bafb  No.2708419

>>2708190 (lb)

anon... do it... then thank him... then share the knowledge.

da7cf6  No.2708420


Good probability. Chinese black hats and their globalist controller masters have been ravaging africa faster than even kikes could dream of doing.

Voracious appetite for african lands, resources, women. Check out all the pictures of chinese workers bringing home african 'toy wives' as they call em.

After using europe to stir up anti-white hatred, these fucking scum are now ready to eat the continent whole under aegis of china.

Get this: chinese hold black africans in LOW regard.

This shit is being planned though - this will become a route for infiltration of african population to china.

Of course, dumbass short sighted niggaz and their bought and paid for leaders will gladly work with these SAME fucking actors who ravaged their continent for over 2000 fucking years.

Sold out again.

Just like they were sold out by their leaders to jewish atlantic slave trade, 90% of whom went to south america.

When will they wake up?


f5e6e1  No.2708421

File: d164dd7c1b9b085⋯.jpg (145.54 KB, 500x809, 500:809, 2gdmxv.jpg)


Thanks Anon. Got excited and missed that. :10 has been exciting in the past.

The also added the fox news tag.

85f647  No.2708422

SA = South Africa?

6177fb  No.2708423

File: 4bc894461ca9f67⋯.jpg (350.31 KB, 600x833, 600:833, We-the-People-2.jpg)

File: 3477448b6ce43a1⋯.jpg (1.96 MB, 2083x2499, 2083:2499, Patriots-Fight-2.jpg)

File: 51dd8fcaff339bd⋯.jpg (146.25 KB, 480x357, 160:119, Dark-to-Light-2.jpg)

File: d1dc30d51efb4a2⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 1440x1915, 288:383, We-Are-Winning-2.jpg)

File: 733e2547d3526df⋯.jpg (2.64 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, WWG1WGA-Guardian-2.jpg)

We know what we're up against. The sickest, and the stupidest, who have ruled in secret for far too long.

It's time to take back our countries. Time to take back our world. Time to take back our minds, take back our communities, and take back our power. It's time to remember how to play the game.

Patriots, fight! Be loud, be heard. Fight with your voice, with your memes, and with your prayers. We are everywhere, and we are Winning! Where we go One, we go All!

b8b692  No.2708424


last bread faggots


e2a283  No.2708425

File: 0c645265f923a79⋯.png (267.61 KB, 1405x795, 281:159, 8-22.png)

POTUS tweet correction pointing us to a fan account

reminded me of December 26th with


instead of


same things, a parody account

they are 1 day off on the clock, but if we were on zulu time, we would be dead nuts on it

401986  No.2708426


…clears Hillary

She's gotten too big there is NO DAMN WAY she fits under a sink

ba60fb  No.2708427


this new one is striking -- asia and weinstein working together ?

>>2708189 lb

3bc902  No.2708428


they have typos occasionally. it ofcourse should be pray, kek

5a2b18  No.2708429

File: 86c800a1bbfa645⋯.png (820.35 KB, 1024x657, 1024:657, Trust.png)

2c4cb7  No.2708430


China has assets in Southamerica, Africa, middle east, and influence in Oceania

US should hurry.

47ecd4  No.2708431


As recently as a year ago I would've considered this guy a nut. Now, not so much.

332430  No.2708432

File: 0c0014e3dc2cc04⋯.jpg (46.83 KB, 604x448, 151:112, 1391982_10201793677436267_….jpg)

Does anyone remember the time when , they tried to move the bases, inland thats where they started, I remember tealing my dad, thats our first line of defence

39a725  No.2708433


And that is by design.

POTUS posts here as anon…. and he always posts the 10 min deltas so that we don't go back in the bread and chat with him.

I used to chat with him at one time before he started doing this so specifically.

0aa36c  No.2708434

Here is an older article about Dutroux and trafficking

It's vanished already in the web, there is just a copy in the webarchive.

>Belgian "Nebuleuse" tied to child abuse networks, Iran Contra and the >BCCI's "Black Network"

>An expansion on ISGP's 'Beyond Dutroux': The craziest story on the >internet just got a little crazier


or in Archiv.is:


6356eb  No.2708435


>a real bush

Flavor saver.

ba60fb  No.2708436


except when it's Saudi Arabia?

039546  No.2708437








P -> +++ ++ + -> Soros ->Clinton -> Bourdain -> Argento -> Weinstein -> #MeToo -> Cabal -> Lucifer

Asia Argento Statutory Rape Victim Jimmy Bennett Speaks Out

b913cb  No.2708438

File: 42356a22308404b⋯.jpg (34.65 KB, 540x577, 540:577, FB_IMG_1532205475821.jpg)


At least you didn't post Bourdain again. Thanks fucker anon.

f70f41  No.2708439


B-52s are stationed at Barksdale AFB in Bossier City, LA. Northwest Louisiana. They train crews to fly the B-52. Probably a training flight.

a97250  No.2708440

Early Notes

In case anything was missed in the handoff. Just got here. Let me know? Thanks…

>>2708351 Planefag posts: Big stuff up

>>2708253 POTUS South Africa tweet on 10 min delta

d078cf  No.2708441


do we just need to save all of them?

can we just have three or four anons go through and save so many and then combine all of them? could lock it until it's complete

dddd5d  No.2708442


damn straight! let's get this wall built

cd8de0  No.2708443

File: dcfd9217f7cca8b⋯.jpeg (321.13 KB, 1242x1040, 621:520, BD950617-86B8-49AF-B5EB-5….jpeg)

File: f52fee3bd3a7369⋯.jpeg (492.89 KB, 1242x1071, 138:119, BE0878C7-4972-492D-BBE8-D….jpeg)

File: 4a8e05fa476ab68⋯.jpeg (561.16 KB, 1242x1439, 1242:1439, C0FC99E9-85D2-4064-93D6-1….jpeg)

File: e6e87da3fbce283⋯.jpeg (379.6 KB, 1242x972, 23:18, 82BFAB78-330B-4F81-8901-2….jpeg)

File: 291e4d50992e551⋯.jpeg (291.23 KB, 1242x781, 1242:781, 3D0218F4-1B59-4CA6-ABED-B….jpeg)


This account has some gems. Talking about gitmo way early too. Nod to Q tie??

3fb074  No.2708444

6356eb  No.2708445

File: c0ebb1a352e7106⋯.png (810.27 KB, 641x882, 641:882, ClipboardImage.png)


46c072  No.2708446


There is usually more of each during the day lately.

There were 2 B-52's, 4 Sentry's, at least 3 Poseidons & a few doomsday up earlier today.

Saw AF1 on the radar for about 30 seconds too.

5bfba8  No.2708447


Easy way to floss your teeth.

649ebc  No.2708448


Stop saying Lucifer.

Lucifer isn't bad.

Satan/Devil is bad.

Lucifer isn't Satan/Devil.

bb8fa8  No.2708449


Jews bringing blacks to china to dumb them down and make them mongrel. It is what they do.

127198  No.2708450


Umm…. There are coincidences?

acf4ce  No.2708451


go to work and sing…

im caring your love with me…west Virginia down to tennisee

098d53  No.2708452


In the tweet the president capitalized 4 words that normally wouldn't be: PSHF. Could they mean "Peter Strzok has flipped?"

da7cf6  No.2708453


isn't china being groomed into becoming globalist pawn #1?

expect soon for china and east asia to come under 'we need more kids' angle and concerted multiple platform attacks from media encouraging interracial romance etc.

It has already started.

02d19b  No.2708454

>>2707804 (lb)

commencing heads will roll initiative

>>2708027 (lb)

AJ has been talking about it a lot

46c072  No.2708455


Meh. Not really that abnormal.

If you watch everyday, shit like that isn't strange or out of the ordinary.

592c2b  No.2708456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Shannon Bream's interview with Manafort Juror airing soon…

3bc902  No.2708457

File: a86297707d05849⋯.jpg (5.92 KB, 194x259, 194:259, images (68).jpg)

File: 41426482c4846fb⋯.jpg (131.92 KB, 850x563, 850:563, 41426482c4846fbf4c8ce2faf0….jpg)



sink trap, reminds me of the pedo pipe in the bathroom down in the basement near the vanderbilt pool.

4ed27b  No.2708458

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

The Notorious Banned FOX 9-11-2001 News Footage Israeli/Mossad Links

d078cf  No.2708459


what exactly is the difference, then?

ba60fb  No.2708460


digits confirm

5bfba8  No.2708461


Dumb them down?

Is that even possible?

7b03ae  No.2708462


Kek, those were the days.. tried to go way above 40k ft once, no bite… Time and place, i guess..

039546  No.2708463

File: 926fb1c0ad05e17⋯.jpg (343.01 KB, 900x419, 900:419, theyarecoming.jpg)



"They are coming… They are coming…"


a12f31  No.2708464

File: 3cc38e0fc671b18⋯.png (717.63 KB, 1508x670, 754:335, 21338793287404048487578892….png)

0717b3  No.2708465

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NEVER forget that name…

This man has killed 3 people…” in the line of duty”

He’s been promoted to captain for his “sacrifice”

He fired “justified” rounds into a moving vehicle.

He fired 2 rounds into the back of a man with his hands up.

He is the man that murdered Lavoy Finicum…

Casey Codding is officer 1.

Cop Named Who Shot LaVoy Finicum In The Back – Media Screams “Safety Concerns” For Officer


FBI Agent Accused Of Lying In Finicum Shooting Found Not Guilty


e08799  No.2708466


Only the Door Knob knows for sure.

6f1a33  No.2708467


I'm reading this map against the backdrop of the draining of the swamp in the USA and the unrest in south africa unfolding as:

The [satanic pedo cannibals] have been firmly set back to a defensive footing.

[hey] have lost whatever advantage [they] thought they had in the Northern Hemisphere; Now they are in retreat to the South, in a bid to have the next failsafe.

Pure speculation.

039546  No.2708468

File: 768be3aeb5291b0⋯.jpg (21.29 KB, 570x542, 285:271, il_570xN.838717793_4mr2.jpg)

File: 03e84ca7b6d1bf4⋯.jpg (44.01 KB, 539x960, 539:960, DfNt4MQVMAUQUUO.jpg)


Are you fucking kidding me?

You trying to spin this huh?

And JESUS was the bad guy ey?

We need Lucifer !



649ebc  No.2708469

File: 372840b47d9fc6a⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 1021x4446, 1021:4446, Lucifer.jpg)

69405b  No.2708470

White conservative people are the only thing standing between freedom and slavery.

da7cf6  No.2708471


yes, it is.

Also, remember this. any ethnically coherent and distinct/strong nation is a threat to globalist hegemony.

f3e740  No.2708472

File: 2e7a09dfe15ee83⋯.png (548.24 KB, 733x688, 733:688, witch.png)

39a725  No.2708473






2c4cb7  No.2708474


And still US isn't stable..


e2762e  No.2708475


None, Lucifer is Satan as the bible tells, if you wanna go into demonology they are not the same but they are NOT good. To be more exact they are two of four princes of hell.

6f7796  No.2708476

File: f0e2b268837dad1⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1342x1488, 671:744, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

File: b7a275c27ff8673⋯.png (260.27 KB, 1356x1002, 226:167, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)


WOW, Interdasting Skull and Bones.. What is it about the water ?

Also this reminded me that there is one for Blacks and it was brought up a few days ago...


and whatever anon posted the S&B's etc...Inside Info... What was the water about. they drink the water, minerals... why? Iron?FE you posted that?

bb8fa8  No.2708477



The Chinese silly. To dumb the Chinese down. They want us all mixed up and a kind of brown color.

a54638  No.2708478

rod wheeler

‏ @rodwheeler

Follow the arrest of Awan closely. Connect the dots to "other" cases. (hint, hint) Just the beginning. Stay tuned.

4:48 AM - 26 Jul 2017

3852d5  No.2708479

File: 9fcf849bf37a950⋯.jpg (276.02 KB, 1441x795, 1441:795, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg)

3bc902  No.2708480



Maybe someone should red pill him, and tell him about Q, and to read Q's posts, kek

27cd26  No.2708481

File: f71e975a3cec3c6⋯.png (150.02 KB, 670x440, 67:44, Tweet Cohen POTUS Yelp Rev….PNG)

File: 366059d03633854⋯.png (256.77 KB, 626x804, 313:402, Cohen POTUS Yelp Review.PNG)

"Someone put Donald Trump’s review on Yelp, and it legit made my day."

3fb074  No.2708482


They were fucking SA since Mandella. His wife was into whatevar you call it stuff

2abd56  No.2708483


no idea

my guess is if it has meaning its related to todays unsealed indictment by sessions on the same topic

china fentanyl

5bfba8  No.2708484


How you you make dumber'in shit dumber?

39a725  No.2708485


good info anon

cd8de0  No.2708486


Don’t let that anon fool you. Lucifer, Ba’al, Nimrod, Ra, Osiris, Satan, whatever fucking name they want to give their make believe demonic entities that they think excuses them from their attrocities.

No need to get caught up on details. Just know they don’t worship our God. The God of life. The God that wins.

d92720  No.2708487

File: 2c1133e1996041d⋯.jpg (69.99 KB, 805x903, 115:129, chicken6.jpg)


Thank (YOU) mah Brother…. I hate it when I run out a Data…

ca8349  No.2708489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



a12f31  No.2708490

File: 1599d322c2f814c⋯.png (633.91 KB, 1672x931, 88:49, 01222741077783763545712217….png)

48152d  No.2708491

here we go again anons. coast to coast liberals need to be taught a lesson on propagada

Activist erects anti-Trump billboard in Union Township


039546  No.2708492

File: 9eb967065ccf33a⋯.jpg (47.23 KB, 625x332, 625:332, crazy-borat-meme.jpg)

c364c1  No.2708493


Building the bomb is not hard. The hard part is getting enriched uranium or enriching uranium yourself.

Any kid in high school shop and decent at chemistry can do the rest. Even the trigger with

modern computers is not hard to do.

5bfba8  No.2708494


Thilly me!

6b3d16  No.2708495



context matters

could be wrong, not sure if Q ever said SA in the context of South Africa, but it is an initial for it

could be South America too, kek

9cd0e3  No.2708496


What CF happening?

332430  No.2708497

They Tried to move the base , Mother Fucker do not take our first line of deffence

d078cf  No.2708498

File: fda98d54f91cbef⋯.jpg (31.71 KB, 556x501, 556:501, fda98d54f91cbeff72bbededa9….jpg)


>tried to go way above 40k ft once, no bite

e2762e  No.2708499

>>2708475 (me, I know only shills do this)

To expand on that also it all points really back to nimrod worship. Satan is another name for saturn, satun is another name for Nimrod, Lucifer is another name for nimrod also. Osiris is another name for nimrod. Its all nimrod worshiping when you boil it down to the core.

592c2b  No.2708500


>Shannon Bream's interview with Manafort Juror airing soon…

Manafort Juror says there was ONE female hold out that had "reasonable doubt" about the ten counts that Manafort was NOT convicted on!

3fb074  No.2708501



f70f41  No.2708502


Also try this:

1 cup hot water <140 F though or else it may neutralize the good stuff below

1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar

1 Tbsp honey

42707e  No.2708503



39a725  No.2708504


trump twitter 10 mins apart

look back on board 10 mins before first tweet

look for anon posts with (10) posts

that should be POTUS.

Rule also applies with 5min tweets too.

6177fb  No.2708505

File: 9e2f701bb9c0231⋯.jpg (920.02 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Sweet-Dreams-Anons-2.jpg)

File: 8ea7124d181e8b7⋯.jpg (349.02 KB, 600x833, 600:833, The-Great-Awakening-1.jpg)

Sweet dreams, frenz. May angels guard us all. Love you.

61839c  No.2708506

File: f4379dd8d7fd85e⋯.jpeg (544.22 KB, 1242x1574, 621:787, B776D492-52C2-406E-906C-3….jpeg)

File: de79df4f4519be1⋯.jpeg (313.75 KB, 1242x853, 1242:853, 09F1FF92-9B4B-43E5-8C42-8….jpeg)

Someone put POTUS review of Cohen on Yelp. KEK KEK KEK KEK

9bb1a9  No.2708507



Some anon sez to me, you should not say Amen because, to someone, it is the name of some ancient deity.

So when you say Lucifer, to me it is the same as Satan.

Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

And BTW I will keep saying Amen, meaning "So be it."

Lucifer and Satan are synonyms to most people. You can't change that by declaring they mean something different in your mind.

26d82d  No.2708508


Yeah sure. That's why he was cast out of heaven. Those are all names of the same spirit.

You have been listening to the father of lies, the deceiver.

127198  No.2708509


It's not potus. It was me. Sorry.

3fb074  No.2708510


What are you smoking???

9cd0e3  No.2708511


That's what I'm hearing

6356eb  No.2708512

File: cd882ec958ebbe3⋯.jpg (190.79 KB, 1158x1148, 579:574, huh.jpg)

ba60fb  No.2708513


Treblinka not a very big area, in terms of acres, it seems

3bc902  No.2708514

File: 159b9533cf979d9⋯.jpg (109.33 KB, 500x1143, 500:1143, 2c04ga.jpg)

5bfba8  No.2708515


But Jubal could play a mean flute, eh?

f5e6e1  No.2708518

File: 792275fcb3dbb4c⋯.png (1002.48 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1528311365751.png)


I think that is a meme / joke Anon.

Remember a Stephen Hawkings one as well.

Like this deer with a What did this deer know about Hillary Clinton as the caption (couldn't find it).

89b161  No.2708519


Right, and the anon I replied to posted before the dough. What is your dog in the fight? >smegma face? Since the original OP I replied to hasn't responded, and you jumped on it quickly, I'm assuming you are OP and hopped. As the other anon said, settle down Jack. Twatter misses you.

7f9b93  No.2708520

Cohen will testify against the Trump Foundation.

Another one of the BOOM!!!!!s Q promised, no doubt.

d92720  No.2708521


9/11 and 9/23

76f37a  No.2708522


Sara Carter was hinting about CF news

278e89  No.2708523

File: 50bea13657f2b0d⋯.jpg (121.86 KB, 1100x733, 1100:733, Nelson Mandela Release Day.jpg)

I've been doing a personal dig on Nelson Mandela over the last few days. It's so obvious that he was a cabal puppet. It's all out there in open on his Wikipedia page.

>"Nelson Mandela" isn't his birth name.

>His first job is working for literal Jewish Communists.

>Arrested and thrown in jail after going overseas to learn guerrilla fighting tactics to help the Communists overthrow the South African government

>Massive push by Hollywood in the late '80s to "free Mandela."

>February 1990: Nelson Mandela is released. Pic related. Does that look like a man who did hard labor for decades?

>Nelson Mandela becomes President.

>Serves one term.

>Delegates most Presidential duties to his underling except "for intelligence and security matters."

>Retires to do HIV/AIDs philanthropy for his dozen "foundations."

Anons, look at the picture and ask yourself. What prisoner who did 20+ years hard labor still has straight, bright white shiny teeth?



9fe9ca  No.2708524

File: a000e316216de4e⋯.jpg (36.86 KB, 720x389, 720:389, FB_IMG_1534824493002.jpg)


We should remain patient as well.

I've stopped even listening to or giving a single fuck about what ANY democrat or critic says.

Literally, not a fucking thing they say matters whatsoever. They're squirming because they KNOW how much HRC really lost the election by, they KNOW our numbers are far greater than they, or even we, could have imagined. Therefore they KNOW they're fucked when it comes time for midterms.

And we all know what that means for them afterwards.

Everything else is completely irrelevant.

728a22  No.2708525

File: 7a7f41f1bf1917c⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1972x1324, 493:331, slickBilly.jpg)

i think george orwell isbill gates

0bda19  No.2708526



go fuck yourselves. Here I thought the teens and children were back in school and we wouldn't have to deal with all the whining and wanna-be mod-fag shilling any more.

039546  No.2708527

File: 8de09bda1b05056⋯.jpg (44.35 KB, 750x390, 25:13, 2frvqt.jpg)





17369f  No.2708528

File: b0b1f51ad675981⋯.png (158.82 KB, 354x313, 354:313, 1498044719826.png)

If Trump and Barron really are time travelers then all of it must be really true, best timelines working together to create an ultra timeline, +, and that won't even be its final form. What an amazing world, like a fractal of keks and butthurt lib tears extending in to 12 dimensions into the infnite, nourishing baby jesus

2f935d  No.2708529

File: 41816fcd11bd2c7⋯.png (255.63 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, witting8b_lattice_dd_2-3-6….png)

File: 6e06cfe9f8b4e31⋯.png (842.49 KB, 1168x960, 73:60, E8fourD structure..png)

File: 64cb52cfe75c1ea⋯.jpg (6.58 KB, 225x225, 1:1, lieanim4.jpg)

File: 457ace614ce4aaf⋯.jpg (8.47 KB, 259x194, 259:194, projective4.jpg)

File: c094239ce784f84⋯.png (20.66 KB, 800x800, 1:1, wavepatternsqrcirclerot45Z….png)

night have a great night bake.

7119c2  No.2708530

Do you really want to know what's going on right now?





a54638  No.2708531

Some megaanon posts regarding SR

1) Anonymous ID:NPh2JHei Fri 28 Jul 2017 16:59:45 No.135320393 ViewReport


Hi SysAnon!! "MegaAnon", here. This is false… Awan did not directly kill Seth. He is only responsible for outting Seth and tracing downloads to his workstation, internally.

2) 3 months ago I told you why Awan's were important and how they connect. I told you Seth downloaded then uploaded to Megaupload to park the data for Wikileaks. Then this week, I told you about Mueller/Manafort. Everything I've said is happening and this board used to refer to my posts as megaanon due to the megaupload connection/Kim.

3) Kim has hundreds of millions worth of servers. Kim is he parking lot for Wikileaks dumps. He creates high bandwidth, secure tunnels/VPN access so leakers can upload and park massive amounts of data for Wikileaks to sift through and verify. Our govt tried to shit down megaupload for manning's leak… but that didn't stop kim from working the backend with his other data centers/server farms.

Think of it like this, our Feds shit megaupload down on paper and took 1/3 of his total assets… but NOT EVERYTHING!!!

e959b9  No.2708532

File: 5a0f45935107dac⋯.jpeg (32.24 KB, 255x203, 255:203, 1256E2E2-AEFC-4765-A8A9-9….jpeg)


Thank You PlaneFags for your service


2c4cb7  No.2708533


I remember when Iran wanted to their fleets to Southamerica. Using Venezuela and maybe Argentina as port

84dd4c  No.2708534

File: b7c0feb46291bc0⋯.jpg (94.56 KB, 640x358, 320:179, rosie o dumbass.jpg)

fdd891  No.2708535

File: c550b88b3a438fa⋯.jpg (2.67 MB, 2423x2952, 2423:2952, IMG_20180823_083950_01.jpg)

.2 million children missing in India. South Asia is a hub of trafficking, specially child trafficking.

26d82d  No.2708536


She actually looks like a chunk of her dad's penis grew into a human.

6b3d16  No.2708537


>mod-fag shilling

your newfaggotry is faggot

61839c  No.2708538

728a22  No.2708539


is it a fart

039546  No.2708540

File: 926fb1c0ad05e17⋯.jpg (343.01 KB, 900x419, 900:419, theyarecoming.jpg)

File: e4b0689172d8309⋯.jpg (48.99 KB, 620x327, 620:327, composite_14805269879305-6….jpg)

9bb1a9  No.2708541

File: cf88a269efbc007⋯.png (255.66 KB, 838x646, 419:323, NightCrewHelo.png)

File: de062c8ab73fc25⋯.jpeg (12.4 KB, 225x225, 1:1, PepeLuv.jpeg)

File: e484f19be5cfc36⋯.gif (23.82 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Pepe Comfy 1.gif)

File: 0a159c9dd96360b⋯.gif (534.82 KB, 640x636, 160:159, PepeRadiateASCII.gif)

ae4412  No.2708542


A lot of school systems start the day after labor day, just FYI

39a725  No.2708543




y'all weren't around in the good times clearly. Remember this board was once a quiet backwater of the internet where awake people came to chat with POTUS.

John 10:34

b913cb  No.2708544



How much of the news do you believe?

How much of what Cohen says can anyone believe?

Go back to CNN where you belong.

6356eb  No.2708545

File: 592851f8da16130⋯.gif (3.02 MB, 400x600, 2:3, movethehair.gif)



Straight off the trains and into the ovens, was SOP at Treblinka.

No room to house them, so they went right to bidness.

48152d  No.2708546



An activist from the Bronx used his own money to buy an anti-President Donald Trump billboard to post in New Jersey.

Neil Harrison says that he paid about $1,000 to put an anti-Trump billboard up on Morris Avenue in Union Township. Harrison says that he is also producing a documentary. While the movie is mentioned on the billboard, he says that the sign is more about spreading his message against the president.

“Manafort was convicted. Cohen’s giving up everything he can, and we’re hoping that Trump is next,” Harrison says. “Basically that's what we are out here for. I’m an activist and that's what I do. And we're trying to drum up some real support here.”

Harrison says that he chose to put the billboard in New Jersey because New York City does not allow political messages on its billboards.

da7cf6  No.2708547


injecting a bunch of psyop'd niggaz to destroy the coherence of the civilization and people under massive media cuck psyop that's how.

all that asian porn is being circulated for a good reason.

east asia is more vulnerable then you think.

61839c  No.2708548

ba60fb  No.2708549


I think I've seen him here at least once or twice

ed780a  No.2708550

You guys are really missing out :(

One of the greatest days in American history, you can sleep through New Years, but sleeping through is…

c364c1  No.2708551


US gets very little oil from the Middle East. Most US oil comes from Mexico, Canada, and Venezuela (that's not produced by the US).

Middle East oil is mainly Europe and Asia. China can get Indonesia oil, Malaysian oil (gas, really), or their own.

I do not agree with your assessment.

acf4ce  No.2708552


she is one nasty fat ass loud mouthed heifer. how she got where she is at is beyond me. i would not let her/it suck my dick on a 3 pair beer goggle night.

039546  No.2708553

File: 71422a37a37b67d⋯.jpg (29.49 KB, 459x475, 459:475, ten-points-for-gryffindor-….jpg)

7f9b93  No.2708554

Trust the plan!

Dig dig dig!

All while Trump's inner circle spends some quality time with their new cellmates.

3fb074  No.2708555


I am well aware of that theory, which has no legs, imho.

I was there btw

094f61  No.2708556


I think the most important thing to take note of here is that Trump is clearly referred to as Individual-1 at the beginning. And then when referring to the payment they used Chairman-1. There is a difference.

70803a  No.2708558

File: 85643eead084f4b⋯.png (304.35 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Treason.png)

Anons, thoughts about Q and Comey's interdasting cat-and-mouse game…why the hell would Q let this play out right in the open unless it were staged? Staged for who though? Normies won't pick up on shit…and while it's cool for anons and all who know how to read coded twatter comms, Q obviously wanted the CABAL to see it more so than anyone. Otherwise, why not just pick up a burner phone and tell Jimmy Boy directly what's up? So whether you think JC flipped or what, if he's an actor, etc. – Q set it up this way to scare someone other than Comey.


Maybe it's true, like the actual witches are the ones doing the hunting. Bob Mueller-mort anyone? Kek!


Good to know about a potential backup, never looked before. If we can confirm it exists or make one now, then maybe we don't have to pin. Certainly easier to find if pinned though.

39a725  No.2708559


I've seen him here several times within the last couple months but I haven't found him too specifically though.

728a22  No.2708560

File: bf7da87a355d9d7⋯.jpg (3.05 MB, 1800x1322, 900:661, Jean-Léon_Gérôme_-_Diogene….jpg)

6f1a33  No.2708561

File: 98becad7aafe142⋯.jpg (53.42 KB, 800x566, 400:283, sorry-guys-was-5b7e26[1].jpg)

5bfba8  No.2708562


Boy, you really "simmered" on that one for awhile, didn't you.

You project a like a woman scorned.

Cut out the soy; it destroys testosterone, and you're running on empty.

6b3d16  No.2708563

File: 2ba170d258ace7c⋯.png (873.51 KB, 834x862, 417:431, brock3.png)

0f2584  No.2708564

File: ed45cf51af8d9e9⋯.jpg (39.04 KB, 500x281, 500:281, WaitForDough.jpg)

e08799  No.2708565


I think our Gov should bring them here and All their equipment and Fuck SA.

We all know in a yr or two they’ll be begging us for Food.

4a62cc  No.2708566

File: 0223b5d483daaa5⋯.jpg (2.68 MB, 833x6465, 833:6465, p1 Geula Amir Yigal GEORGE….jpg)

File: 9a3d596f65c21d3⋯.jpg (2.76 MB, 936x6369, 312:2123, p2 Geula Amir Yigal GEORGE….jpg)

File: dbe7db0cec60e35⋯.jpg (1.95 MB, 943x4368, 943:4368, p3 Geula Amir Yigal GEORGE….jpg)


039546  No.2708567

File: 614db3fc6dd60d9⋯.png (216.67 KB, 500x348, 125:87, this-always-bothered-me-ab….png)

d2bc1b  No.2708568







9cd0e3  No.2708569

84dd4c  No.2708570


Nighty night meme anon!

3bc902  No.2708571

File: 19c8403dd28137a⋯.png (444.79 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Deplorable Shadowbox Q.png)

File: 75a358afc3cc1ae⋯.png (435.42 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Oh Canada Q shadow box.png)

File: cf848d2f025964d⋯.png (445.35 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Patriotic shadow box Q 2.png)

File: b9fb02c81e83ccd⋯.png (447.15 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Pepe shadowbox Q.png)


I vote to pin it. I made some of the Q's on there, kek

We will also need a new letter Q thread

5bfba8  No.2708572


I dig what u be sayin'.

039546  No.2708573

File: 2f6775650d359d9⋯.jpg (7.79 KB, 251x201, 251:201, images.jpg)

acf4ce  No.2708574


shut the fuck up u masonic idiot!

go worship lucifer some where else

728a22  No.2708575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e08799  No.2708576



Top post meant for you

26d82d  No.2708577

File: 1bd4c7e1a65a9a5⋯.jpg (34.66 KB, 320x320, 1:1, Thauce.jpg)


Here's that thauce: https://www.yelp.com/biz/law-offices-of-michael-cohen-long-island-city

332430  No.2708578


f5e6e1  No.2708579


Come see us in Clockwork Qrange bread.

Is PDF of all trump tweets with time stamps.

800048  No.2708580

Anon's … is anyone having trouble signing into FB or getting a your session has expired after 30 seconds and asking you to log in again.

Or requesting you change your password?

5bfba8  No.2708581

File: e679caf61d756bd⋯.jpg (94.57 KB, 566x576, 283:288, thaytthauce.jpg)

1fa6d8  No.2708582

File: 35292866b446bfe⋯.jpg (117.46 KB, 582x500, 291:250, JohnCandy.jpg)

7f9b93  No.2708583

The greatest trick Lucifer ever pulled was convincing you "disinformation is necessary'

ba60fb  No.2708585


can i get the tldr ?

728a22  No.2708586

File: 264c2998a1b796a⋯.jpg (354.42 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, IMG_2457.JPG)

go double oval @homotus

76f37a  No.2708587


That's all I got….a few

boomers were excited about

it before bedtime

84dd4c  No.2708588

File: ae84972e6afdc12⋯.png (1.04 MB, 754x871, 58:67, cooking with the clinton f….png)

127198  No.2708589


Dude…. Delete that shit.

dddd5d  No.2708590

Send the money for the Wall! We're not doing GofundMe. Please, please trust me. Been here sice 10/17. Already told Mnuchin. Whatever you can afford to Pat Flaherty (Irish lass), 5405 Rocky Point Road, East Marion, NY 11939. POTUS would be so Proud.

92b581  No.2708591

File: 5516541ea2ebb0d⋯.jpg (212.54 KB, 1744x1154, 872:577, _20180820_225110.JPG)




POTUS does not make errors, he is directing this movie!

9fa79c  No.2708592

Still no Q since Trump got raped lmao.

ed780a  No.2708593


Where is BO or BV, bc (track my activity, if need be to wargames clock & TTGuide)What I'm going say is going to be challenged & rightly so, I'll need proof I'm not messing with you guys.

039546  No.2708594


Oh please.

Bourdain wouldn't have blew the whistle on them if he was their chef…..

He was compt I'm sure, but he was a good strong man, not the type they fuck around with.

They like nice pliable people, see


46c072  No.2708595

File: 489a7b3053b4f80⋯.gif (1.59 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 489a7b3053b4f801741e9e2a0a….gif)


FUCK that FAKE ass LARP!

You are a fucking pig shill for even dirtying up the board with that shit


a36b38  No.2708596


I love your copypasta talmud lies. Read and learn shill:

> There are those who infer from these passages that the Talmud considers gentiles to be sub-human. After all, if the Talmud says that gentiles are not called man they must be considered sub-human [for some reason the suggestion that they are super-human is never offered].

>Here are two other passages which seem to contradict the above passage. After quoting them we will reconcile all of the passages and show that the Talmud does not consider gentiles to be sub-human.

>A gentile has the ability to purchase land in Israel in order to dig holes and caves as it says (Psalms 115:16) "As for the heavens, the heavens are the Lord's; but the earth He has given to mankind (Bnei Adam=sons of Adam)." (gitin)

>Rabbi Meir would say: How do we know that even a gentile who engages in the study of Torah is like a Jewish high priest? We learn from the verse (Leviticus 18:5) "which man (HaAdam=the man) shall do [i.e. study] and by which he shall live [in the afterlife]." (avodah zarah)

>We see from Gittin that the Talmud considers the phrase Bnei Adam (sons of man) to refer also to gentiles. We see from Avodah Zarah that the Talmud considers the term HaAdam (the man) to refer also to gentiles. Clearly, gentiles are considered human. Why then does the Talmud in Bava Metzia understand that gentiles are not considered Adam (man)?

The explanation is that these are different terms and only a superficial reading would render the term Adam in Bava Metzia as man. Gentiles are absolutely considered human as biology clearly dictates; there are no physiological differences between Jews and gentiles. All people are ultimately descended from the same ancestors, Noah and Adam.

>with regard to ritual impurity and holy oil, which are uniquely Jewish concepts, the Talmud sees an exclusion to all those who are not part of the organic Jewish nation. With regard to practical matters such as the purchase of land or individual matters such as spiritual status, gentiles are included. An understanding of all of the relevant passages in the Talmud shows that Gentiles are considered human but not Jewish and the accusations against the Talmud are false.


P.S. i disagree with the talmudic jew vs goy narative in general, and i know that many jews dont like it and therefore disregard talmud entirely (e.g. secular jews, karaim etc). Still, the truth must be said. In general i believe that ancient religious text are meant for sheep.

2d29eb  No.2708597


Sounds like someone else is logging in

b913cb  No.2708598

File: 2e70a73e0fd149f⋯.jpg (44.45 KB, 480x586, 240:293, 181c10059e3c5c9774213f05f4….jpg)

File: 7727834c691759e⋯.jpeg (61.7 KB, 600x556, 150:139, 7727834c691759eade8753726….jpeg)

File: b9cf8f7399beabc⋯.jpg (38.27 KB, 480x663, 160:221, FB_IMG_1534903309727.jpg)

127198  No.2708599


Better idea: Send the money/checks to Trump @ the whitehouse!

8fbbf7  No.2708600


don't say Lucifer. The light is better suited.

Argento follows the light.

6f1a33  No.2708601

File: 0160574bab52fa0⋯.jpg (94.88 KB, 650x357, 650:357, kekandjesusdo.jpg)

76f37a  No.2708602


Isaac, go wash your face.

All that puss is disgusting

89b161  No.2708603


>I thought the teens and children were back in school

Me too


Hmm, never seen any here.

332430  No.2708604


its our first line of def, and they kept moving the base

7f9b93  No.2708605


Q always gives awful news a day or two to die down.

Then he'll be back with a meaningless goose chase to distract this simple-minded crowd.

d2636e  No.2708606


I do like this idea (saving to a Mega folder) because if we only have the Q pics saved in a thread, there will be a #2 thread which will fill up eventually and just take up more pins. Anyone feel like saving the pictures? Otherwise I can set up a Mega folder myself if no one wants to.

c364c1  No.2708607


Lakh is 100,000. That's 200,000 missing children

05dbb0  No.2708608

dutchsinse, bitches. big doings.


a97250  No.2708609


Help me out anon, I'm not seeing the connection between these.

039546  No.2708610

File: d3443c290d111bb⋯.jpg (55.94 KB, 743x419, 743:419, 1529208972_barrack-obama-s….jpg)

File: 8215437c523c4b6⋯.gif (5.91 MB, 407x200, 407:200, c75d121d85378cf29fc6117b3f….gif)



Did someone say THE LIGHT?!?!?!?!

a54638  No.2708611


You mad?

3bc902  No.2708612



Also BO, my IP changed the other day, when i started using my new, really good computer. I'm able to work much faster, on making memes, badges, checkers, graphics. I,m still getting used to the new system. But already great improvements in speed.

Needed it, so i can pump out some good memes for the midterms. :)

0f2584  No.2708613

File: 33f54b1c8939766⋯.png (480.49 KB, 770x472, 385:236, HowQuaint.png)

b8b692  No.2708614

File: 03ef913499fefb8⋯.jpeg (47.86 KB, 360x368, 45:46, 7E5ECEF1-6630-4C47-BB41-E….jpeg)

File: 204298c7e93da62⋯.jpeg (1.82 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 328C4EAC-D0AD-4999-B0AA-C….jpeg)

File: bc2e36ac5fdcac8⋯.jpeg (42.07 KB, 620x399, 620:399, 858BE018-F12D-486D-B167-2….jpeg)

File: 9aa2b73bbf66d35⋯.jpeg (77.98 KB, 800x574, 400:287, A70418BB-FA16-44C0-B5C5-D….jpeg)



I havent heard the Boss’s “ voice” in awhile though. Or others on the Team

GodSpeed Mr. President.

It is the honor of my somewhat unimportant life to be alive for your presidency.

Psalm 45

800048  No.2708615


Naw can't be someone else logging in I changed the password and it's not an easy one to break.

And no one has it but me.

9fa79c  No.2708617


Q will be back just in time to distract people from doing anything productive.

Q is destroying TRUMP.

You guys are useless fucking idiots.

48152d  No.2708618

File: a9ca431cb056c4c⋯.png (486.51 KB, 634x331, 634:331, yup.png)


story hits the hill. tomorrows tweets and news for sure.


f5e6e1  No.2708619

File: 8a840c08f8e7535⋯.jpg (46.44 KB, 375x500, 3:4, 2e0s6i.jpg)


Thanks Anon. Haven't even had time to view it. Just followed and and have it up as a window.

29eac3  No.2708620

File: b592efa799797b5⋯.jpg (49.02 KB, 634x461, 634:461, zerocarbqt.jpg)

Friendly reminder that a zero carb carnivore diet is the cure for mental illness, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and virtually any disease.


b5eeee  No.2708621

File: 8d974c7bb17f0f0⋯.jpeg (821.36 KB, 1242x1541, 54:67, 6F22A298-FCBC-4164-A291-1….jpeg)

Research giant Gartner has cut ties with Peter Sondergaard, its global head of research and advisory, due to behavior the company "determined to be inconsistent with its code of conduct and core values", according to a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing on Monday. No further details were disclosed.



e08799  No.2708622


That’s exactly what’s going on.

China needs an economic spanking

728a22  No.2708623

File: 6eeae6f4bd2fd2b⋯.png (317.1 KB, 500x727, 500:727, commiefag.png)

b913cb  No.2708624


Disinformation sure does work. Just ask the cabal sponsored mainstream media.

46c072  No.2708625


Someone should shoot it with paintball guns

f6c335  No.2708627

File: 2dde80e0942dd99⋯.png (272.71 KB, 638x693, 58:63, 1534614338201.png)


Drumph is finished this time for sure

5afb78  No.2708628



She has the information but hasn't written the story yet, so she teased it.

9bb1a9  No.2708629

File: f208ca377d7eaee⋯.jpg (54.8 KB, 699x575, 699:575, BourdainFingerCut.jpg)

File: 727a5315d8ced5e⋯.jpg (101.73 KB, 499x566, 499:566, BourdainWhatsIn.jpg)

File: 8a565ac40cf94d5⋯.jpg (79.55 KB, 381x631, 381:631, BourdainHumanPrey.jpg)

File: 554960f8d1a340a⋯.jpg (260.73 KB, 1464x708, 122:59, BourdainCookHumans.jpg)

File: aff7e84f87ff11f⋯.jpg (74.93 KB, 700x385, 20:11, BourdainObamaKetchupHotdog.jpg)


>Bourdain wouldn't have blew the whistle on them if he was their chef…..

Oh really?

He was in it up to his eyeballs if my speculation is correct.

039546  No.2708630

File: 3832a08e5795671⋯.jpg (50.74 KB, 306x423, 34:47, 2fxvk7.jpg)

9fa79c  No.2708631


Our guy just got a death punch and you still think it's part of the plan.

Q killed Trump.

26d82d  No.2708632

File: 98726eb63d97717⋯.jpg (72.34 KB, 600x540, 10:9, Knobs4Jobs.jpg)

401986  No.2708633


An Inconvenient truth:

The African slave trade was supplied by Africans

This won't be the first time they sold their countrymen out…

ba60fb  No.2708634

File: dd408c7047e300a⋯.jpeg (317.88 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, clowns_crumb.jpeg)

728a22  No.2708635

like young chickenhaks sprawling round in gross frolic of soros sphincter

039546  No.2708636


Ever think he might have been using the old Trojan horse tactic?

da7cf6  No.2708637


opening - conflict - resolution all within 30 minutes.

movies 90 minutes max now.

stimulation on demand, no more need to go to 'theatres'.

Even gold fish has higher life span attention. Their opening - conflict - resolution spam is at least a year.

Humans are being dumbed down to nothing.

Stimulation on demand.

Human brain does NOT have the capacity to distinguish between real and artificial stimulous of this kind.

We learn by hearing, seeing, tasting, feeling.

Control all through the mainstream media and social media, and inject 'offer you can't refuse' through controlling racial picture, sexual picture, etc.

You will be a better slave than any brainwashed commie fanatic.

Who cares what the color of the idea is.

You will be controlled either way. Complete.

Study of nature and human beings have perfected cabal designs of total control that is being implemented at a rapid pace.

92b581  No.2708638

0f2584  No.2708639

File: a091cc28b98b9fc⋯.png (271.91 KB, 782x750, 391:375, boris_and_natasha_voter_ID.png)

File: f0395c19f4f0dd9⋯.jpg (82.12 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, DemandVoterID#1.jpg)

File: 8ee602b4ae4e758⋯.jpg (73.16 KB, 960x640, 3:2, DemandVoterID#2.jpg)

File: 5a61701ae74cb4f⋯.jpg (114.12 KB, 1078x644, 77:46, DemandVoterID#3.jpg)

6f1a33  No.2708640

File: f9f336bd3d80c1b⋯.gif (649.36 KB, 245x200, 49:40, whining5.gif)

41ad19  No.2708641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

$21 Trillion dollars is missing from the US government. That is $65,000 for every person in America. That is more than our entire national debt!

What's going on? Where is the money? How could this happen? How much has really gone missing? What would happen if a corporation failed to pass an audit like this? Or a taxpayer?

This means the Fed and their member banks are transacting government money outside the law. So are the corporate contractors that run the payment systems. So are the Wall Street firms who are selling government securities without full disclosure. Would your banks continue to handle your bank account if you behaved like this? Would your investors continue to buy your securities if you behaved like this? Would your accountant be silent?

This is the reason that there is such a strong push to change or tear up the US Constitution. This is why members of the establishment say it is "old," "outdated!" This is why there is such a push for gun control. Don't buy it! We can use the Constitution to get our money and our government back. It is time to enforce the US Constitution.

The Solari Report has been covering the missing money since 2000 when Catherine Austin Fitts began to to warn Americans and global investors about mortgage fraud at the US Department of Housing and Development (HUD), the engineering of the housing bubble that lead to trillions more dollars in bailouts and funds missing from the US government starting in fiscal 1998.


cd8de0  No.2708642


Like anything else, it’s how one interprets. Problem is many rabbis interpret the Talmud in such a way that there’s a sense of superiority and smugness over gentiles that seethes into their myriad of tentacles that vastly control the “free” world.

The Talmud is Babylonian occult teachings. The same teachings used by the Pharisees and Pharaohs. It’s why we have a fucking Egyptian pyramid on the back of American currency.

Wake up much?

a36b38  No.2708643

File: f25a81a34abcc66⋯.jpeg (19.26 KB, 500x341, 500:341, 07090c8804e5b0c5bcc43e19e….jpeg)




Fuck off adolf. Here have some triggers:

Q post #939

>So Hitler was a puppet of the controlling >families of the NWO?

Q post #142

>What happened during WWII?

>Was Hitler a puppet?

>Who was his handler?

>What was the purpose?

>What was the real purpose of the war?

Q post #936

>The Nazi order.

>NWO [N does not refer to “New”].

Q post #938

>N does not refer to Nazi.

>The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.

>Events will clarify.

>Think subgroup

5bfba8  No.2708644

File: acbdd5f5c064e21⋯.jpg (85.63 KB, 600x656, 75:82, iTwATHmE.jpg)

76288a  No.2708645


Muh project

41ad19  No.2708646


movie #2 or #3?

39a725  No.2708647


>Also BO, my IP changed the other day, when i started using my new, really good computer. I'm able to work much faster, on making memes, badges, checkers, graphics. I,m still getting used to the new system. But already great improvements in speed.

what kind of computer and OS gave you the improvements?

728a22  No.2708648

the talmud said

"Tortuga gets whatever tacos he wants."

37bafb  No.2708649


China has already "organized" massive "positive" infrastructure and resources projects there… nevermind the agricultural systems of development… you got sun? we'll plant seeds… that lake that is dried out… we're going to re-aquify it… the one belt road is the kind of long range thinking that China (as a country) works towards.

now i'm going all larouche on anons… but check it out.



as opposed to all those oppressive countries that have been using warlords/armies to ensure drilling/mining goes on regardless of the communities in said regions?

call me crazy… Africa is going to be the breadbasket of life for the world moving forward. all this "dark continent/savages/dictator puppets directed by foreign industries" is over.

48152d  No.2708650

File: 0643114ecc050aa⋯.jpg (85.64 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, whatwillhappenwhenweraiseh….jpg)


We need to do like we did for the this bullshit. RAISE HELL!

4af72a  No.2708651

ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi Admits Losing to Trump in ‘Test from Allah’ as US Strikes Continue


d2bc1b  No.2708652

File: d32e0b4c40526ea⋯.jpg (565.67 KB, 1800x1192, 225:149, jewintdefforce.jpg)


NO (YOU) FOR (((YOU)))

>I'm able to work much faster, on making memes, badges, checkers, graphics. I,m still getting used to the new system. But already great improvements in speed.

>Needed it, so i can pump out some good memes for the midterms. :)

this (((faggot))) here is the HIGHEST RANKINGED MEMEANON.

f5e569  No.2708653

File: e84e09dca41c37a⋯.png (93 KB, 321x449, 321:449, screenshotAtUploadCC_15349….png)


This is the real account. The other is NOT pompeo.

ba60fb  No.2708654


Even if he were hunting how did he get blood all over his face

0f2584  No.2708655

File: 09466a81e457ef4⋯.png (236.76 KB, 540x581, 540:581, 09466a81e457ef49f4f244020c….png)

728a22  No.2708656

File: f26675efcc3b6dd⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 615.79 KB, 1400x933, 1400:933, pinkblossoms.jpg)

039546  No.2708657

File: 6698f509783cf0d⋯.jpg (19.98 KB, 250x250, 1:1, ffd1254ac42c30647f60922607….jpg)

4a62cc  No.2708658


background detailed 1st paragraph

it's what (((they))) do, playbook

read all thoroughly

JFK Jr GEORGE publish in March

Jr dead by July

what was Jr getting into..

ba60fb  No.2708659


Some say he's an Israeli actor

76288a  No.2708660


Noahide. Or nephlim. Babalonian world order

3502f9  No.2708661


26d82d  No.2708662

File: eaed8c8110fb54b⋯.jpg (63.52 KB, 600x433, 600:433, TipTopRamen.jpg)


Very stealthy. Nice work. Get that floating in the lib circles.

9c15b7  No.2708663


such a doofus

39a725  No.2708664


>call me crazy… Africa is going to be the breadbasket of life for the world moving forward. all this "dark continent/savages/dictator puppets directed by foreign industries" is over.

Nah. Permaculture is too hard for them to figure out.

37bafb  No.2708665


shut up Moish

cd8de0  No.2708666


The first one from DJT i accidentally posted. The other 4 are from the account DJT “accidentally” tweeted, when he tagged it instead of Pompei’s actual handle.

9fe9ca  No.2708667

After all the IRREFUTABLE PROOFS, anyone claiming Q is a LARP is only insulting themselves.

c5ba7d  No.2708668


6b3d16  No.2708669

File: 006e4a97a6540e6⋯.png (117.07 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, detectorBLAH.png)

a36b38  No.2708670


I agree that many rabbis interpret it in a twisted way. Thats the problem with blindly following 2000 year old texts like sheep…

5bfba8  No.2708671


Muh Ooga Booga.

b913cb  No.2708672


Then go neck yourself faggot. Why the fuck wait?

Jump off a bridge. Eat a bunch of sleeping pills.

Suck on the end of a revolver. Park in a garage with door closed and engine on. BTFO

39a725  No.2708673


BO should out this shill's IP hash


6356eb  No.2708674

File: 8ad7cc399b3c591⋯.jpg (31.01 KB, 569x448, 569:448, fakeandgay2.jpg)

9147d5  No.2708675

I am ready for more intel.

039546  No.2708676

File: 128a0476690074c⋯.jpg (36.8 KB, 600x463, 600:463, your-iq-test.jpg)

77db04  No.2708677





Comverse Infosys


Dig, you glorious faggots!

d2bc1b  No.2708678

File: fe217c7d750fff2⋯.jpg (26.28 KB, 400x279, 400:279, mattjones.jpg)




3bc902  No.2708679


looking at the catalog, there's a few questionable threads. with 0-3 posts.

Also it took months to fill up the letter Q thread. It's helpful to new meme makers. and there are a ton of old breads, and several questionable threads on the catalog. I think it deserves a spot on there. The next thread will take months to fill.

It shows the artistic side of us anons.

9fe9ca  No.2708680

File: b1f7f2d82ad2a67⋯.jpg (52.49 KB, 720x405, 16:9, FB_IMG_1534824107079.jpg)

89b161  No.2708681


I didn't simmer at all. I'm not sitting here waiting on a you from you. Spouseanon in bed, childanon in bed, covfefe for the morning ready. And who is projecting with the testosterone talk? FFS, you have more posts than ebot, no offense ebot.

39a725  No.2708682


After all the irrefutable proofs of Trump signalling to the anons on the chan with 10 min deltas from twitter anyone claiming otherwise is only insulting themselves.

92b581  No.2708683


Trump tweet and correction.

POTUS knows Pompeo's twat name yet puts @MikePompeo4USA which is an old account.

Who is directing in the movie? Who is the main character? Who are the other characters? How long has this movie been planned?


649ebc  No.2708684



c364c1  No.2708685


>Park in a garage with door closed and engine on.

I did. Fucking NIssan Leaf's battery just died, and I had to recharge it.

9147d5  No.2708686


6d8b89  No.2708687


I think its China, but NOT oil.

Rare earth minerals…Africa has a ton (no pun)

039546  No.2708688


5bfba8  No.2708689


If you look at Jack as a joke, you can actually derive much enjoyment out of the dumbfuck.

37bafb  No.2708690


i was laughing it off a SECPOMPEO_TEST… and giving the AI credit for timing with the POTUS tweet.

but yes… f&g

127198  No.2708691

IQ_TEST….. failed

a97250  No.2708692


Ah, gotcha. If you repost next bread with explanation included we can see. Cheers anon

cd8de0  No.2708693


The gospels are 2k years old… not the Babylonian Talmud, they’re much older. It’s the teachings of the people that God led Moses away from and the same people Jesus constantly called out when referencing the Pharisees and saducees.

f0a7c3  No.2708694

File: 0a77114346c29ae⋯.jpg (107.36 KB, 499x499, 1:1, 3c560dde-4fad-4c00-80ef-83….jpg)


oh. since I was replying to anon that was asking what original was precluded me from realizing that was not the real one.

6356eb  No.2708695

File: e8c7ff7cdc62cc5⋯.jpg (28.87 KB, 612x612, 1:1, bagofidiots.jpg)


Your source is an anonymous 8chan poster with ZERO results?

Ho, well then. That settles it.

40faf5  No.2708696

File: 5390d48e18d0ffe⋯.png (593.66 KB, 645x649, 645:649, 5390d48e18d0ffebc545e24cb5….png)



5bfba8  No.2708697


Why? Somehow unsettling to you?

a36b38  No.2708698


I think it is "natural" aa the cabal sees their bloodlines ruling over us as a manifestation of the natural law (they are divine and thus at the top of the foodchain, the gate keepers).

f5e6e1  No.2708699

File: 4249aba0c928cb9⋯.png (566.82 KB, 506x506, 1:1, melaniachristmas.PNG)


Your welcome.

Have a Christmas Present.

a1e0f2  No.2708700

I wonder if W has anything to do with the current leadership spill in Australia. Globalist loving, UN loving, China loving Prime Minister of Australia who was supposed to represent a centre-right party. He went so far left wing that there is now a leadership challenge within his party.

If Q isn’t involved, now would be a good time to be.

9147d5  No.2708701

Glad to see Posobiec decided to turn his guns to Lanny Davis rather than Trump supporting Q followers.

85f647  No.2708703


d13af9  No.2708704



Traitors, better repeal and I'm not joking.

dddd5d  No.2708706


I think though one fund for wall and only for the wall will make our MAN proud. He can say Qanon collected $ for wall. No more are we conspiracy theorists.

4af72a  No.2708707


Heard same, kind of believe it

d078cf  No.2708708


they've developed a need for a higher amount of iron in their blood by drinking the water that was rich in iron

they like to live under ground, I think is what the anon is saying

39a725  No.2708709


Just for lol's

Because it clearly isn't Q.

039546  No.2708710

File: f108997c2467b51⋯.jpg (6.62 KB, 248x203, 248:203, images.jpg)

47ecd4  No.2708711


"I was just pretending to be retarded"

92b581  No.2708712

ba60fb  No.2708713


Ah thank you, that is very interesting indeed, and the timing is striking.

Have also read that he obtained and was planning to publish documents relating to his father's death, called the Gemstone files.

728a22  No.2708714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

there must be zombies looking for some puberty to sniff

4ed27b  No.2708715


thanks babe

( • )( • )

a97250  No.2708716

>>2708434 Old, rare archived article on Dutroux and trafficking

Notables @ 500

Anything missing here?

>>2708373 Dig on Les Wexner, of Victoria’s Secret fame

>>2708351 Planefag posts: Big stuff up

>>2708347 Watch The Water: Aquatech dig

>>2708253 POTUS South Africa tweet on 10 min delta

5bfba8  No.2708717



d13af9  No.2708718



70803a  No.2708719

File: e1d79ba09b939be⋯.gif (747.82 KB, 400x274, 200:137, 252c7be44d3c07f7a5535be2da….gif)


You win.

038e38  No.2708720

File: 7692abd26b536a5⋯.gif (977.36 KB, 500x381, 500:381, noose.gif)


The Face Of A Traitor Awaiting His Hanging

ecbd4d  No.2708721

ed9d66  No.2708722

Always an Orwell vs Huxley, Gates plays both sides of control, evil either way


3502f9  No.2708723

SITREP: Gatekeeper: [3_dX)-1



HITL (3)


Full gamma focus/P51101 link con_

ACOM Sequence start/




All_Sys_Go: Kestrel_Eye


a36b38  No.2708724

039546  No.2708725


Asia Argento Alleged Statutory Rape Victim Jimmy Bennett Speaks Out

37bafb  No.2708726


or we need to compare the changed letters and see if there is something else… like,

Sec Mi Ke 4 USA

Secure Military Intelligence (is) Key for (the) USA

a97250  No.2708727


Correction -

>>2708434 Old, rare archived article on Dutroux and trafficking

>>2708373 Dig on Les Wexner, of Victoria’s Secret fame

>>2708351 Planefag posts: Big stuff up

>>2708347 Watch The Water: Aquatech dig

>>2708253 POTUS South Africa tweet on 10 min delta

76f37a  No.2708728


This pic was so hot it made ugly liberals heads explode

dddd5d  No.2708729


holy shit. lmao

41ad19  No.2708730


didn't know the video said info wars on it. it's actually c-span

5bfba8  No.2708731


If you must repent, does that mean you once pented?

6f1a33  No.2708732


We can repeal the traitors with an injection needle :D

ba60fb  No.2708733



ISIS leader admits defeat

039546  No.2708734

I saw INFOWARS tags all over NYC

556971  No.2708735

File: cddfed14765438a⋯.png (669.34 KB, 736x570, 368:285, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa7697edb82e7c0⋯.png (3.24 MB, 1760x1168, 110:73, ClipboardImage.png)

Tail of the X-15 Rocket Plane


401986  No.2708736


Truth make you mad brah?

37bafb  No.2708737


i'm a penter from way back

d078cf  No.2708738


what in the niggers


are you still around?

anything on this one?

6356eb  No.2708739

File: 30cb34cb8007197⋯.jpg (233.22 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, catonlap.jpg)


Then you are on the wrong board.

Not once piece of intel has ever been posted here.

4302ec  No.2708740

File: e06ad50fd653179⋯.jpg (24.23 KB, 679x365, 679:365, wonderful.jpg)

649ebc  No.2708741



26d82d  No.2708742


Sorry anon but you aren't just positive, you're HIV Positive.

b8b692  No.2708743

File: 2888df369a081be⋯.jpeg (226.42 KB, 2304x1296, 16:9, 17DF8AD0-82FF-42DA-8847-4….jpeg)

File: 5ba73b385fda560⋯.png (124.86 KB, 326x326, 1:1, 9B7C2B97-BE4A-4EC1-B3DB-E1….png)

No its not a death punch.

Conservatives I spoke to today are angry about him denying Stormy matter.

Reminds them of “I did not have sex with Monica or hide my cigar in her front hole”

Alas it happened long ago. They love Flotus and would like to see Potus apologize to her and ask for forgiveness.

Christians are a forgiving bunch but they believe owing to mistakes and forsaking them brings forgiveness. In fact when the Left goes apeshit when he does they will rally to his defense for coming clean.

He already soft admitted. Go all the way and weather the storm.


6b3d16  No.2708744


does it all the time

3b63eb  No.2708745


Yeah. dudes a tool. unfollowed.

35f71d  No.2708746



460d05  No.2708747


I member this Anon

9147d5  No.2708748

I just found out that my husband knows that farmer that employed the Illegal Immigrant that killed Molly Tibbits in Iowa.

Says the family has had death threats and threats to burn down his farm, kill his dogs, etc.

They had to take down their facebook page because of the threats. Turns out that the immigrant stole an identity and used it to pass the E-verify check.

d078cf  No.2708749


dude it's really not that often…

c13360  No.2708750

File: 529a09c4eabd8df⋯.jpg (810.26 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_421.jpg)

c5ba7d  No.2708751


f745e4  No.2708752

File: 71bf7d52712a418⋯.jpg (120.48 KB, 600x600, 1:1, c4fdb2119dffc3c114ba9e00e8….jpg)


This gets my vote too. Also a mega folder is much easier to download from, just get the entire archive. Instead of clicking 751 posts worth of pics. Kek, ThanQs to whoever does it

I'm out for now, Godspeed anons

039546  No.2708753

Any word for 100k ft ANON or whoever that guy is lately?

77db04  No.2708754


>>2708458, 2708677 Israeli/MOS links to 9-11 Dig on AMDOCS, Comverse Infosys and C.A.L.E.A.

6b3d16  No.2708755


I see it at least every 1 or 2 days

6356eb  No.2708756

File: 6acd3d529eeb362⋯.png (1.09 MB, 720x1078, 360:539, ClipboardImage.png)

d2bc1b  No.2708757

File: 37f9b78c9fc0a4a⋯.png (408.23 KB, 614x751, 614:751, ClipboardImage.png)

1fa6d8  No.2708758

File: f56c6ad040f5d00⋯.png (809.51 KB, 1020x508, 255:127, 1inCharge2.png)

File: 2adfd95ba5c7200⋯.png (164.44 KB, 498x338, 249:169, 1nCharge.png)

File: 0d2b68a6d293192⋯.png (53.55 KB, 1169x652, 1169:652, TruthMovementNutshellMore.png)

File: fa612801b5b028f⋯.png (734.87 KB, 825x426, 275:142, JewGangsters.png)

File: 252c725c6262723⋯.png (1004.07 KB, 1378x675, 1378:675, AntifaHorseshit3.png)


Is Q god?


You and Q are going to need to require some PROOF for your claims.

For multiple MONTHS now you have provided none.


8dd95d  No.2708759

File: 5571abbdfda595e⋯.png (743.89 KB, 1194x1612, 597:806, Shanghi_OP-1.png)

File: b65125b0b8e3e04⋯.png (586.04 KB, 1194x1612, 597:806, Shanghi_OP-2.png)

ok anons

memfag here not mapfag so this is my 'cherry'

might not even be able to read the fugging thing

The Sessions Fentanyl indictments. The OP's we watched go down live mos ago.

don't shoot the messenger..kek

f5e6e1  No.2708760


Enjoy the show.

d078cf  No.2708761


i'm here pretty often and i guarantee you're exaggerating.

e69c43  No.2708762

File: 8a1cefe03b9a1db⋯.jpg (14.88 KB, 255x169, 255:169, 0dbe1c00288b38b25b24d45584….jpg)


hers ya go anon

5bfba8  No.2708763

File: a565f5ab94ab2a9⋯.jpg (67.43 KB, 480x630, 16:21, sorosrope.jpg)


I think I need to redo this old meme of mine and replace with Brennan.

3fb074  No.2708764


SHIT_TEST passed

39a725  No.2708765

File: 18cf973d8505fce⋯.png (97.21 KB, 789x956, 789:956, ClipboardImage.png)

This is a sad obituary.


d2636e  No.2708766


Fresh IP just like every other time. Not Q.

ed780a  No.2708767

File: 844f888fdc468cf⋯.png (1.63 MB, 2500x2056, 625:514, HIS NAME WAS SETH RICH b.png)

File: 9b5544918c63ab6⋯.png (557.63 KB, 1056x2320, 66:145, CORRUPTION LEVEL ELEVATED ….png)

File: 8d84998caeb400e⋯.png (465.57 KB, 1044x1696, 261:424, GARDENING SERVICES.png)

File: 4ee4767622ef4e4⋯.png (179 KB, 924x1056, 7:8, SAME SIDE & MIRROR.png)

File: 1d18941e7c5aede⋯.png (158.14 KB, 924x1056, 7:8, MIRROR ONLY.png)



Q said wanted us to LEARN COMMS, bc w/o it we're missing it. POTUS has messages in tweets, HNWSRich graphic. Lots of building to todays message. There is only Q & JFK JR is Q todays message,



This is the intel revealed today, unless there is more coming before midnight. Remember POTUS tweet yesterday about, Fake News & Intelligence? SR graphic is the process & the other is from the 1st tweet of the day today from POTUS. 3rd graphic is more QClock connections (TY Q team for ALL your HELP!!!)

a97250  No.2708768

File: f2d01ae6254ae23⋯.jpg (144.6 KB, 600x600, 1:1, #4.jpg)


G'night Baker, rest well ; )

c5ba7d  No.2708769

File: 900ec3fd6ef786c⋯.jpg (45.78 KB, 534x306, 89:51, Webster-Hubbell-Chelsea-Cl….jpg)


a36b38  No.2708770


The talmud was written in babylon (iraq) after the roman exile of the jews from their land. Many jewd settled after the exile, in present day iraq.

>The Babylonian Talmud was compiled about the year 500


039546  No.2708771

File: 59da792d4e2a688⋯.jpg (167.63 KB, 1000x669, 1000:669, d87cdaeca1906575fe7826d651….jpg)

File: 691a8d3e971ef75⋯.jpg (16.48 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 691a8d3e971ef75e6992aeec76….jpg)

26d82d  No.2708772


Yeah but 7 1 so not what you are saying.

Seven won.

ff8f62  No.2708773

File: b5aa7ead833665d⋯.png (667.36 KB, 853x1648, 853:1648, Screenshot_2018-08-22 All ….png)

File: bcbb17ae0a50487⋯.png (700.25 KB, 1328x5623, 1328:5623, asScreenshot_2018-08-22 Al….png)


6b3d16  No.2708774


it used to do '[OMEGA]'

now does SitRep

I really do see it very often, but not trying to slide anymoar over this guy

9fa79c  No.2708775



You guys are fucking idiots for not fighting.



The deep state won

Mueller will end Trump


039546  No.2708776

File: 6c8d168ba9bc3ca⋯.jpg (19.72 KB, 255x200, 51:40, e5b707b8240dde4f7a7ad015a6….jpg)

9bb1a9  No.2708777


Even if he had blood all over his face, why did he want to have his picture taken with the blood and publish it on a twitter account?

These people are SICK!

049382  No.2708778

File: 8b8eefa422d7a64⋯.mp4 (50.6 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 79588F03-046A-4C8B-BEA2-0F….mp4)

When my coworkers tell me “Trump is finally done this time” and I flash them this look

85f647  No.2708779




1dd1ef  No.2708780

File: f45b7631cba37d5⋯.jpeg (137.28 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, X.jpeg)

3bc902  No.2708781


my old computer was 5 plus years old, and was slow at times.it would lag up, and when i was in the middle of meme making, it really slowed me down. Have a whole new system, new tower, that is much faster in all aspects( very nice computer) new keyboard, mouse, speakers, new eero router system, huge duel monitor, that i can have 2 screens up at the same time. paint and other features are upgraded, and i can do more.


8fab02  No.2708782

d0085c  No.2708783


hello Quinn

9bb1a9  No.2708784



☻ Intelligence matters. ☻

038e38  No.2708785

File: 2c42f3d05d2b404⋯.gif (755.95 KB, 500x281, 500:281, Triple Hanging Real Late 1….gif)


Do it, there's room for more. That fucker is EVIL…..

66c5c9  No.2708786

File: ec321867cde5637⋯.jpg (13.78 KB, 248x255, 248:255, YOU.jpg)

e2a283  No.2708787

File: 979f510c6e0e95a⋯.png (187.04 KB, 893x697, 893:697, spoof-account-posts.png)

this account POTUS pointed to, hadnt posted

since apr 12. then jan 30 before that

1c1c5f  No.2708788

File: 6dd10d095741081⋯.mp4 (1.89 MB, 480x480, 1:1, h2cQwNii9zfZC-CQ.mp4)

𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝒗𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒐.

𝑰𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒂𝒏 𝑨𝑳𝑨𝑹𝑴 𝑪𝑳𝑶𝑪𝑲 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒔𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆.

Watch it and share

e08799  No.2708789


Spit my beer

6f7796  No.2708790

File: afb64cb9d5985eb⋯.jpg (586.37 KB, 1388x1080, 347:270, pepe_matrix.jpg)


but muh chat logs

f87074  No.2708791

File: f2c1b276ae0a16e⋯.png (563.74 KB, 596x380, 149:95, ClipboardImage.png)

4f7746  No.2708792


Really? A schills schill?

a97250  No.2708793

Updated notes

And last call…

>>2708651 ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi Admits Losing to Trump

>>2708458 Israeli/MOS links to 9-11 Dig on AMDOCS, Comverse Infosys & C.A.L.E.A.

>>2708434 Old, rare archived article on Dutroux and trafficking

>>2708373 Dig on Les Wexner, of Victoria’s Secret fame

>>2708351 Planefag posts: Big stuff up

>>2708347 Watch The Water: Aquatech dig

>>2708253 POTUS South Africa tweet on 10 min delta

d078cf  No.2708794


yeah, the question is if it's clean, not if it's Q

i don't know if they've specified that when bothering you about it before

ed780a  No.2708795

ff8f62  No.2708796

File: 1ae1d24e42860df⋯.jpg (271.35 KB, 864x438, 144:73, 9240059_orig.jpg)

c364c1  No.2708797




This is ghey

FIFY, faggot

b0bdf7  No.2708798


wrong it's Africans selling out Africans

tough world down there

b508f6  No.2708799


Pin, please and thank you for asking.

9fa79c  No.2708800


Q is Codemonkey, Pam, farmer, and a somewhat large group of people.




4af72a  No.2708801

File: 35fa710364543c9⋯.png (2.65 MB, 1264x914, 632:457, ClipboardImage.png)

File: da7af94d6bdcb52⋯.png (2.67 MB, 1300x916, 325:229, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 745047498b93569⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1202x906, 601:453, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc5fb1c3f5c6749⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1206x920, 603:460, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c34710bbb819d5⋯.png (2.71 MB, 1197x878, 1197:878, ClipboardImage.png)

3852d5  No.2708802

File: aedcf3f27557a4c⋯.jpg (807.35 KB, 967x967, 1:1, Untitled.jpg)

9147d5  No.2708803





39a725  No.2708804


I've got an Latitude E6510 business class that's 10 years old. Does fine by me, but I've wondered how much faster I could work on a newer computer. Nice metal case computer and durable.

4af72a  No.2708805

f0a7c3  No.2708806

File: 3c15b85d549deb6⋯.png (52.65 KB, 544x363, 544:363, 180823-031808-GMT-twitter-….png)



MAJOR VICTORY: Texas wins Obamacare Tax lawsuit and recoups $839 million!

Obamacare is unconstitutional, plain and simple. We all know that the feds cannot tax the states, and we’re proud to return this illegally collected money to the people of Texas.

b92633  No.2708807


Here’s one of them thar Shilltards

6b3d16  No.2708808

File: 94b72f147ec9274⋯.jpg (717.39 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, pamQ.jpg)

File: bc5784142676917⋯.png (174.55 KB, 903x1080, 301:360, pamwife.png)


only (You) you'll get from me

5bfba8  No.2708809



>You guys are fucking idiots for not fighting.

And whatcha doing yerself about the terrible situation, hmm?

Sounds like whining.

930407  No.2708810


then go on and fight. we'll see you on down the road. byebye

c5ba7d  No.2708811



and sadly you think Hillary will become President. I'm glad they have wifi in your institution though.

17369f  No.2708812

guys check trumps last tweet

127198  No.2708813


Teflon Don… We laugh at you.

92b581  No.2708814


I am enjoying the wheat being separated from the chaff. Cheers

39a725  No.2708815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



See video.

89b161  No.2708816


>ok, you tell me when you hit new reply and then I'll hit new reply.


fce027  No.2708817

>>2708358 Not normal

77db04  No.2708818



Obvious shill is obvious.

5bfba8  No.2708819


I will. When I'm more sober.

f5e6e1  No.2708820

File: 8dfa8992bbed442⋯.png (1.65 MB, 790x548, 395:274, Heroes11.png)


Yes I remember it well. Check out here eye. That Q was from the original (she doesn't have a coloboma).

Some meme fag added the Q but that iris modification is on the original.

6276c8  No.2708821

File: cd9e1efa5e49010⋯.png (435.85 KB, 1021x561, 1021:561, micotruth.png)

File: 50a8a5659d0c03b⋯.png (948.28 KB, 987x555, 329:185, mrshmr.png)

Wonder if any more mockingbirds will let Lanny Davis plug the greatest site of them all, michaelcohentruth.com, again? kek

460d05  No.2708822


What in the actual fuck Anon !

Nigger we are all gonna vote and we all promote Trump. Now kindly fuck off

6b3d16  No.2708823


<Umm that's a lot of words in your namefield

728a22  No.2708824

maybe if you hover round lynn long nuff

you can kiss that thing too

a54638  No.2708825

File: 947ff0b264cef8c⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1024x888, 128:111, ClipboardImage.png)

26d82d  No.2708826

File: ab2c48a514fdfd5⋯.jpg (57.07 KB, 885x516, 295:172, ShitTalker2Brennan.jpg)



Now that's some smelly bait balls

c3d8b8  No.2708827


Lucifer hates all humans including you so stop defending the demon.

4f7746  No.2708828


Kek. Nice ebot

de8778  No.2708829

File: 37d7f6fd818058d⋯.jpg (255.09 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, gs.jpg)

bfb77e  No.2708830

File: 43e2a626c4b1e74⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1440x1079, 1440:1079, HaHa Pepe.png)


Anons keep falling for this shill, kek

c0fb08  No.2708831

c01811  No.2708832

>>2708806 MAJOR VICTORY: Texas wins Obamacare Tax lawsuit and recoups $839 million!


if not already there

9fa79c  No.2708833


You aren't doing enough.

b0bdf7  No.2708834


Aryans comfy here

3141dd  No.2708835

File: b5341fd30d8dc07⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1903x1397, 173:127, Screenshot_2018-08-22 New ….png)


This is the Company


b9e8a1  No.2708836

File: 5656d45b2d19ab7⋯.mp4 (8.66 MB, 176x144, 11:9, vl2sboXcK59Wmttf (1).mp4)


4 Q researchers bust their conspiracy load of proof

on their OWN faces MUST WATCH i warned all of you before this dropped should have pulled your ripcords while you had the chance

not looking pretty like a storms overhead


c0fb08  No.2708837

File: 3c5a8185e981fe7⋯.jpg (133.83 KB, 500x500, 1:1, sasgaytwfdcdiuvblaksugd.jpg)

37bafb  No.2708838


This is the reason that there is such a strong push to change or tear up the US Constitution.?

the corporation of the US is what needed to be put down… and has been.

welcome to a republic living under the law of the constitution.

02de9e  No.2708839

>>2707760 (lb)

Iron Eagle - Nazi symbolism, military symbolism…Thales Group?

Crystal knocked — Krystallnacht – night of broken glass

the waters — crystal infused water??? Glacce?

Red Cross

Blood money - PRISON blood? Clintons?

piggy bank – Tyson? Back to the water…contaminated water? By Tyson? Clinton profit?

CSPS — CSPS Hall? Iowa? Art gallery..?

Red Door — SO MANY RED DOORS — property management?

SaFE House – back to blood. Iron? FE — or Santa Fe?

S&B — related how?

Manafort - Podesta - Clintons - Turkey? U1? Need more

f6b608  No.2708840


looks interesting but it's meaningless to me

9bb1a9  No.2708841

File: 54083c1c82f9771⋯.png (290.45 KB, 451x400, 451:400, Astronaut1.png)

f5e6e1  No.2708842

File: 4b2e5f8c848ad9a⋯.jpg (123.88 KB, 790x970, 79:97, 0CD45905-4F13-40CF-9F4B-28….jpg)


Thanks Meme Fag.

I had made one with the other image but couldn't find it.

Here is a blank you can use in the future. Lots of potential in this one.

6b3d16  No.2708843

File: 8264921d2e5fd09⋯.jpg (42.66 KB, 500x596, 125:149, communistcentral.jpg)

f6c335  No.2708844

File: 1efa0b4bfb1cb70⋯.jpg (639.79 KB, 1387x1409, 1387:1409, hdjkshfkjshdkjflkashdkjfhl….jpg)

this is just another non stop rally for potus and america thats good enough for me

31415b  No.2708845


try they did fail they do

b8b692  No.2708846

File: 8335180c07366de⋯.jpg (134.3 KB, 1200x904, 150:113, Stay The Course.jpg)

This night is getting interesting….

d52486  No.2708847

File: 8ba3725fad3be7f⋯.jpg (28.89 KB, 500x611, 500:611, President Donald Trump ste….jpg)

728a22  No.2708848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>you keep sucking mr slurpo

556971  No.2708849


Satan built our rocket plane

1dd1ef  No.2708850

File: 5c79d83b889b86a⋯.jpeg (124.46 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ray.jpeg)


Aw, nuts!

a97250  No.2708851


>>2708806 MAJOR VICTORY: Texas wins Obamacare Tax lawsuit & recoups $839m

>>2708801 Ben Garrison on point as ever

>>2708651 ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi Admits Losing to Trump

>>2708458 Israeli/MOS links to 9-11 Dig on AMDOCS, Comverse Infosys & C.A.L.E.A.

>>2708434 Old, rare archived article on Dutroux and trafficking

>>2708373 Dig on Les Wexner, of Victoria’s Secret fame

>>2708351 Planefag posts: Big stuff up

>>2708347 Watch The Water: Aquatech dig

>>2708253 POTUS South Africa tweet on 10 min delta

d0085c  No.2708852

File: 6695748ed61baae⋯.png (274.67 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



3bc902  No.2708853


My computer was dying, i had no choice. Had the new computer since spring, was trying to use the old one as long as possible. But it got slower, more problems, ( blue screen shutdowns, etc ) it made lots of noise,, and when it did die a few times, only way to get it to turn back on was to smack it, kek ( the fonzi effect) yes i know he's a creep,

39a725  No.2708854


hey copperplate

9bb1a9  No.2708855

File: 00fbdaf24855f50⋯.png (566.28 KB, 415x496, 415:496, NightComfy.png)

We're as comfy as fuck here, anons.


6f7796  No.2708856

File: 06e02e3541d5ee4⋯.jpg (311.37 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Stares_in_Klingon.jpg)

9fa79c  No.2708858






Q has been fucking us over since the start!

We need to support 45!



d2bc1b  No.2708860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




460d05  No.2708861


Fuck off FBI nigger. Not like I'm gonna take to the streets. Go lay your bait somewhere else

d13af9  No.2708862


You forgot Bill, 'cos he didn't want to be the First Lady.

da7cf6  No.2708865


Awesome digz, anon. TRUTH will prevail.


b0bdf7  No.2708866


Well, he hated Trump

and loved Obama


37bafb  No.2708867


i admit i was reading that thinking 'what fucking asshole…. wrote…. this…. KEK!"

4302ec  No.2708868

File: afb4ce0f1a4f8a6⋯.jpg (4.65 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ha.jpg)

And, like clockwork, the night shift concernfags come out to play.

6f7796  No.2708869

File: e257fda7d6ad77f⋯.jpg (29.21 KB, 300x300, 1:1, concern-trolls.jpg)

de8778  No.2708870

File: 9a263eaa5f820ae⋯.jpeg (47.64 KB, 600x225, 8:3, dirty jobs.jpeg)

c5ba7d  No.2708871


Breaking: Trump has plans to rename the White House to Trump House, and paint it gold.

ba60fb  No.2708872

File: 749a3d0a32dc5f2⋯.png (489.72 KB, 530x530, 1:1, shillsgonna.png)

9bb1a9  No.2708873

File: 18b9613ccfff195⋯.jpg (138.67 KB, 750x954, 125:159, Mighty.jpg)

Begone, shills.

Nothing can bar our path.

f6b608  No.2708874

((([ 9fa79c ])))

39a725  No.2708875


Oh ok that makes sense. I used to have computers like that at one time.

The one MAJOR improvement I should make is installing LINUX instead of Win 10 but oh well. Dont' really want to mess with it.

The bad thing is that I'm debating taking A+ and Ethical Hacker kek… I like my hands on stuff too much

ff8f62  No.2708876

File: 3f620a734a4d505⋯.jpg (232.85 KB, 668x401, 668:401, featured_5_3.jpg)


are you going to come and arrest me babylon policeman?

f0a2c5  No.2708877

File: 0d14359f350cfe1⋯.jpg (33.16 KB, 385x456, 385:456, Screen Shot 2018-07-10 at ….jpg)

77db04  No.2708879

File: 0365349d41e2ce1⋯.png (59.83 KB, 700x467, 700:467, comfyaf2.png)

d2bc1b  No.2708880

File: 39a808604afb3e8⋯.jpg (22.04 KB, 197x255, 197:255, pepetime.jpg)

c3d8b8  No.2708881


you aren't fooling anyone with your anti-Q race baiting posts

92b581  No.2708882


Dumb phone sh!t. Ii'll get on my pc tomorrow. my apologies

ed780a  No.2708883


Do you know how to track time between POTUS tweets and that A=1, b=2 & what a mirror is? Yes! That is what it is. Remember when doing math on time between posts that it is a 60 min clock track it around the clock.

0326a7  No.2708885



Quds force.

They can't shut down Hormuz for fear of getting BTFO so they need to pull a horn push on SA.

a97250  No.2708886


02de9e  No.2708887


You say MOAB and BOOM BOOM…really?

I say DUD. Pfffft. Total stupid fizzle. From Jeffries? Seriously? Reminds me of how they go round up the dumbest people they can when a tornado hits a trailer park. No MOAB. DUD. Reconcile ;-)

a36b38  No.2708888


I replied about the talmud but forgot to ask you. Can you point good sources on the pharisees? Thanks

d2bc1b  No.2708889

File: b060ca8669f513f⋯.png (145.45 KB, 257x296, 257:296, quads.PNG)

9fa79c  No.2708890



Different government position



This is serious.

Q is putting this all at risk.

If we LOSE we will never get back in power.

Derranged LEFTIST ideology wins.


728a22  No.2708891

maybe it was the mcgowan proxy by muchauson transvetic fetishism vs a socialized republic franchise to a foreign crown for tax evasion

but the baby cannibalism is disgusting and tacky

95a0fc  No.2708892

File: 7383d70d42bcbc2⋯.jpeg (997.48 KB, 1125x1799, 1125:1799, 55FD8918-8096-4209-9E55-2….jpeg)

File: 48fc75d6fe31984⋯.jpeg (712.03 KB, 1125x1625, 9:13, C0F58B65-CA06-4A36-B877-B….jpeg)

File: 38e35f9b3817ea7⋯.jpeg (814.31 KB, 1125x1725, 15:23, EB77BAE6-250C-4488-9850-4….jpeg)

Asia Argento (#MeToo leading voice) admits to having sex with 17 year old when she was 37 after repeated denials.

Anthony Bourdain paid a $380k settlement to the boy. Maybe part of his suicide.


b9e8a1  No.2708893


fuck that crazy nutjob quinn hope he kicks the fucking bucket twice once bring him back just to let him die again

4f7746  No.2708894


They brought you out special huh? What bullshit think tank did you crawl out of?

b508f6  No.2708895



4af72a  No.2708896


Spose eating dick your whole life will do that to you!

5bfba8  No.2708897


>Q has been fucking us over since the start!

You must be an easy fuck.

Get swept off yer feet often ma'am?

9fa79c  No.2708898





b9e8a1  No.2708899


watch and see

37bafb  No.2708900


i was wondering what triggered the AI… now i understand why they've arrive.

b8b692  No.2708901

File: 252f9a22787e003⋯.jpg (16 KB, 255x191, 255:191, UMM next narrative pls.jpg)


728a22  No.2708902

File: f894844ff470781⋯.jpeg (194.42 KB, 1114x1594, 557:797, shittyjohncusackfilm.jpeg)

374c27  No.2708903


Note it also specifies "criminal offense . . . committed within the District of Columbia"; he may be on the hook for accessing computers from Pakistan . . . or anywhere outside of D.C.

c5ba7d  No.2708904


Turn in your Quad badge. You failed the team.

77db04  No.2708905

6f7796  No.2708906


or maybe it is code for baby meat…

think about it…

37bafb  No.2708907



3141dd  No.2708908

File: bbee44c73836add⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1903x1397, 173:127, Screenshot_2018-08-22 New ….png)

So they are going to have a billboard disrespecting our President?

I filled out the form, you should too.


d2636e  No.2708909


Gotcha. It's all good, no bother.


Yup, lots of newfags are coming in not knowing how to post properly. We bumplock the garbage threads as we see them.


Not sure what you're asking here. You asking to post your history or to keep a constant eye on you?

d6b36b  No.2708910

File: edda40ee1ae21e5⋯.png (847.46 KB, 700x727, 700:727, kys_clown_(you).png)

930407  No.2708911


maybe throw some red text and pics in there and someone will give a fuck about the shit you're spewing

4ed27b  No.2708912




look at 12 min in.. mueller knew about it and did nothing..

de8778  No.2708913

File: 1031d5d6f68f6cd⋯.jpg (500.06 KB, 2000x1512, 250:189, UD1.jpg)

b9e8a1  No.2708914

File: 3990637101c06cd⋯.png (160.57 KB, 375x293, 375:293, 7B7_Vx.png)

never forget to watch on fx

ecbd4d  No.2708915


nice, thanks

b0bdf7  No.2708917


thanks bud I appreciate it

not a Jew or kike like these

division fags infer

just know enough to know they

are twisting things to incite hatred

da7cf6  No.2708918

File: 7a4b230d24ae409⋯.jpg (17.53 KB, 248x189, 248:189, pepelaugh3.jpg)



This is kikery 101.

d0085c  No.2708919

File: f4d4fd9be3dc05e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 13.5 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


missed again

fce027  No.2708920


I had AF2 , special ops, Spanish fighter others posted earlier

d13af9  No.2708921

Mr. McKinnon, who breached the security defences of NASA and US military networks between February 2001 and March 2002, said that he found a document entitled “non-terrestrial officers”.

When he tried to search for the names of the ships – approximately eight to 10 in total – he was unable to come across anything that mentioned them (at least in public), reinforcing his assessment that these were part of a covert and non-terrestrial US initiative.

Read more at:


9fa79c  No.2708923


Impeachment is COMING



FUCK guys

This is not a fucking joke

728a22  No.2708924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

don;t touch the sword

it is sharp

3bc902  No.2708925


they have some pretty good computers for around 1200 hundred to 1500, especially if you find a good one on sale.

Maybe check out the specs and reviews of some of them, and compare to what you have. If you just use it to dig, and post and it works fast enough for you, and has no problems then keep using it. But if your making memes, or doing more advanced work, a new computer could be quite helpful.

31415b  No.2708926


momma momma we all crazy now

d2bc1b  No.2708927


eat shit, (((fagoot)))…at least I tried

all (((you))) do is complain


(((you))), too, faggot

26d82d  No.2708928


I cringe every time I see that. Even though I kill squirrels for messin with my garden, I would've had to save that one.

5bfba8  No.2708929


Weak mind expressing itself.

f5e6e1  No.2708930








Anons, these assholes get paid by the (You)'s .

Smarten the fuck up.


77db04  No.2708931

File: 8ba6fe8653309bd⋯.png (46.96 KB, 490x441, 10:9, yass.png)


I saw that too!

8b022e  No.2708932


No. Homo. I love you ebot lmao

728a22  No.2708933

File: c7686ed1610963c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 183.86 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, jace__the_mind_sculptor_by….png)

9fe9ca  No.2708934


Clearly you have no clue where the fuck you are right now. That CNN talking-point-type, baby shit is instantly void in here. Way to get your shit filtered.

Lurk MOAR, shill, and step your game up.

343895  No.2708935


Please permanently pin and save forever!

b92633  No.2708936


Actually, many never returned from the original deportations to/exile in Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar in the 580s and 590s BCE.

02de9e  No.2708937


Looks like you got duped all right. Hurry and get out of here!

c5ba7d  No.2708938


Sessions, I'm glad you woke up. We made a plan that you can read.

5bfba8  No.2708939


You clueless fuck…

:: facepalm ::

9fa79c  No.2708940


I'm not getting paid you fuck.

I'm a patriot from MA who works in government.



b9e8a1  No.2708941

File: 730567a5bc7a120⋯.png (477.92 KB, 962x633, 962:633, 1534996122004.png)

ed780a  No.2708942


KEK, just confirm I'm a real Anon for starters, no need to post my history. But, there is no need, too many voices and mine is not loud enough, but TY for the response, appreciate it.

6b3d16  No.2708943


you'll get those quads again, I've seen you get them (I think, if you're the same anon that tried with that meme)

f6c335  No.2708944

File: 30473e81072db60⋯.png (629.45 KB, 595x486, 595:486, hgfhdghdfghdfghdf222222.PNG)

we can't have censorship so we have to live with shills and fake news - potus

39a725  No.2708945


>If you just use it to dig, and post and it works fast enough for you, and has no problems then keep using it.

Pretty much all I do with it.

My biggest issue is the folders thing takes FOREVER to load pics and stuff- but then again I have mid size images turned on. I had to switch to a different photo viewer because the normal one that comes with Windows is literally junk.

77db04  No.2708946


Obvious divisionfag is also obvious.


460d05  No.2708947


I didn't literally mean FBI Anon.. Trump isn't gonna be impeached.. at least not over this.

And if you have some brilliant idea spit it out

- Q isn't a factor in Trump's image - anyone concern trolling about Q needs to head over to /pol/ and see what happens on that board. Fuck man - you can't be serious

c5ba7d  No.2708948


Trying is not winning, soldier.

d2bc1b  No.2708949


already hit three times. kek

d078cf  No.2708950



He wants you to back up whether or not the anon has had a history of sliding or other behavior that would be suspicious in such a way that would make us not be able to believe what he's showing us in the graphics he's posted.

Seems to be telling us something of at least minor importance. Sort of hard to follow, though.

0326a7  No.2708951


yeah we get it.

get out and vote.

we know.

1fa6d8  No.2708952

File: cb89af3a3e21fe2⋯.png (3.53 KB, 404x62, 202:31, JewCockjsuckerFakeAnon.png)

Stay on this bread. F3 what this jew cocksucker doesn't want you to see. He literally thinks that he knows our comms.


a97250  No.2708953

File: 30719a19c89645f⋯.png (1.38 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 30719a19c89645fed4370f2b02….png)

Fresh Bake



Fresh Bake

49b478  No.2708954


Correction: “Specialization” should read “sexualization.”

70803a  No.2708955


>Carl Cameron

Could his reporting of this be why he mysteriously resigned last year after the election?

4af72a  No.2708956


Carry on Soldier your work is greatly appreciated!



2af0fb  No.2708957

File: 0711688f5f18ff0⋯.jpg (111 KB, 680x979, 680:979, check ums infinatum.jpg)


quads of luck

has talmud in it


d2bc1b  No.2708958


>Trying is not winning, soldier.

Not that (((you))) would know either way. kek

02de9e  No.2708960


Oh noes

b9e8a1  No.2708961

File: 2c79398a300c2b9⋯.png (431.62 KB, 974x675, 974:675, 1534996211574.png)

asked and ye shall recieve

6f7796  No.2708962

File: 6d01c8ff0c49092⋯.jpg (64.49 KB, 1200x676, 300:169, Hillary_kkk.jpg)

95a0fc  No.2708963


Those two tweets don’t have the time stamps so can’t say 10 min delta

5bfba8  No.2708964


You remind me of my father-in-laws aunt who claimed the sounds she heard above were due to "niggers in the attic."

301662  No.2708965

hey anons

I saw a pic someone posted of q drops 1927 and 1928 (one being mirrored) then flipped to form an atomic cloud.

does anyone know the pic I am talking about? I don't see it in meme's.

I am thinking of using that to settle the doubters on twatter. I think something big will happen Sep 10th or 11th (20 days from 21st just gone)

934456  No.2708967


Lucifer is not Satan, but one could not exist without the other. Lucifer is the subjective experience of tripping on ambrosia harvested from other people, getting super smart because you've flooded your brain with neurotransmitters. Satan is the guys who harvest the drug, the guys who do the dirty work. A Luciferian is a guy in a suit at a university, a Satanist is the guy working across the street at a "pig farm". Different, but in business together.

e08799  No.2708968


Shareblue thinks they’re smart And this We Lost tactic will work and we will all give up and surrender to Hillary

c5ba7d  No.2708971


I saw you in the DMV. The pink hair was too much.

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