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File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB, 255x143, 255:143, af4716b34464fb65200311d59b….png)

b738d9  No.2655073

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of force only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Integrity, for in Truth lies Victory.

Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 08.16.18

>>2636358 rt >>2635778 ——————- Timelines change. Watch the budget

>>2634959 rt >>2634937 ——————- UK has problems

>>2634937 rt >>2634794 ——————- Badge of honor - military grade

>>2634368 ————————————– Ref to McCann was not intended

>>2634253 rt >>2634140 ——————- Why did the Podesta Group close?

>>2633895 rt >>2633829, >>2633830 -- Within a week of the last "BOOM" set?

>>2633717 rt >>2633643 ——————- Remember, 'conspiracy' friends, LARPS have access to a full stock of 'original' surveillance photos.

>>2633643 rt >>2633258 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2632125 ————————————– What are shovels used for?

>>2631586 ————————————– PEOPLE must unite to clean out these old institutions.

>>>/patriotsfight/166 ------------------------- Another wave of attacks? (cap: >>2631072 )

>>2630332 rt >>2630212 ——————- Caps of PF #164, #165

>>>/patriotsfight/165 ------------------------- What a coincidence! (Caps: >>2630191 )

>>>/patriotsfight/164 ------------------------- Patriots in control. (Cap: >>2629907 )

>>2628837 rt >>2628758 & >>2628768 Hooah! ; ES = @Snowden (re: >>2628352 )

>>>/patriotsfight/163 ------------------------- What happens if FISA fails or “signers” cannot be trusted? (Cap: >>2628741 )

>>2628569 rt >>2627887 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2628352 ————————————– Ask yourself simple questions.

>>2628219 rt >>2628080 ——————- Drops equate to reaction/action?

>>2628048 rt >>2627990 ——————- For anyone questioning if [XBOX] happened or not.

>>2627887 ————————————– Anyone has problems w/ their “XBOX Live” accounts…?

Wednesday 08.15.18

>>2618718 rt >>2618489 ——————- The Charm

>>2618033 rt >>2617982 ——————- This one?

>>2617872 rt >>2617755 ——————- Charms are very important

>>2617755 rt >>2617744 ——————- What do you notice?

>>2617750 rt >>2617739 ——————- 1 of 2

>>2617727 rt >>2617682 ——————- Cross against Podesta

>>2617727 rt >>2617709 ——————- Cross against Podesta

>>2617682 rt >>2617647 ——————- Painting of kids in pool (red shoes)

>>2617606 rt >>2617554 ——————- They never thought they'd be hunted.

>>2617554 rt >>2617535 ——————- below hand

>>2617484 rt >>2617413 ——————- Focus on her necklace.

>>2617271 rt >>2617206 ——————- Normal?

>>2617206 rt >>2616942 ——————- Jeff Zucker. Heart Surgery? In the Line of FIRE.

>>>/patriotsfight/162 ------------------------- TRAITORS ALL (Cap: >>2616883)

>>>/patriotsfight/161 ------------------------- Texts, emails, drafts, HAM comms, PS/Xbox chat logs (Cap: >>2615728)

>>>/patriotsfight/160 rt #159 --------------- Logical thinking (Cap: >>2616954)

>>>/patriotsfight/159 ------------------------- Firewall ( Cap : >>2615481 )

>>2614164 rt >>2613853 ——————- You ALL get to go to JAIL.

>>2613737 rt >>2613023 ——————- Has intel been shared with our enemies?

>>>/patriotsfight/158 ——————-—— Corinthians 13:4-13; Ephesians 6:10-18 (Cap: >>2613031 )

>>>/patriotsfight/157 ——————-—— Security clearances revoked. (Cap: >>2612773 )

>>>/patriotsfight/156 ——————-—— SA [ACCESS] CLOSED. (Cap: >>2612757 )

>>>/patriotsfight/155 ——————-—— WE STAND TOGETHER ( Caps: >>2607476 )

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

b738d9  No.2655079


are not endorsements


>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)


>>2654254 The Map is the list of CIA operations Q is dismantling? Qdrop refresh

>>2654324, >>2654332, >>2654457, >>2654645, >>2654666, >>2654476, >>2654306 Vanderbilt /Symbolism

>>2654326 Digs on HRC land

>>2654617 Anon requests digs on Hong Kong Trade Development Council

>>2654613 Organ Trade

>>2654595, >>2654596, >>2654605, >>2654622, >>2654640, >>2654651, >>2654656 HAARP is a mass-murder weapon – that has already been used often

>>2654659, >>2654705, >>2654501, >>2654746 Moar Anartica banter

>>2654711 Senator Warren has proposed a new Bill called the "Accountable Capitalism Act"

>>2654698, >>2654713 Russell is a very old/powerful cabal family

>>2654726 Robert Mueller recommended in a court filing on Friday that a judge sentence former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos

>>2654730 GermanArchiveAnon Update

>>2654683 , >>2654552 Greatest American Hero sauce of "wizards and warlocks"

>>2654792 Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan dead at age 80

>>2654552 Wizards & Warlocks

>>2654813 May have found another DeepState casualty.

>>2654824 Authorities this week took computer equipment from the office of a lawyer Milwaukee County Children's Court.

>>2654834 Universities the Breeding Grounds Of Politicians and Secret Societes.

>>2654847, >>2654863 Mayo clinic has an history with illegal Haitian organ harvesting ratlines

>>2654862, >>2654887 Cabal Women info

>>2654889 San Diego judge freezes deportation of separated migrant families


>>2655011 The founder of the Sam Adams brewing company publicly thanked Trump for the tax break.

>>2655064 Here is a treasure trove. Protecting Clinton’s.

>>2654206 #3351 NEW BAKER


>>2654135 Latest CF crumbs

>>2653952 Anon decodes 'emergency landing' QPost

>>2653891 HRC and RICO charges: HuffPo article from 2016 explains

>>2653907 Richard B. Russell is an airport in none other than ROME GA

>>2653818 Bill Clinton Pres. Library 2004 in Little Rock. 12 yrs FOIA up 2018. DOJ 747?

>>2653762 Eric Prince, Betsy DeVos (sister?) and Vlad's daughter

>>2653732 , >>2653749 Skull & Bones Notables

>>2653703 Digs on the name Richard B. Russell and now the GA connection

>>2653692 Whidbey missile launch was a 'helicopter searchlight'

>>2653687 Red Shoe Movement ties to Destiny Rescue (Rescuing Children)

>>2653627 UKAnon weighs in on the @british-fight releases

>>2653617 Further dig into Biljana Đurđević

>>2653580 , >>2653589, >>2653626 'Archer' series clip, ref >>2652741 (pb) in #3349's notes

>>2653567 Former head of London’s human trafficking unit pleads guilty to discreditable conduct

>>2653535 2 JBLM Soldiers found dead, 10 miles from Ketron Island

>>2653532 , >>2653570 QTask: Find a pool or a person in Rome wearing a similar pagan charm necklace?

>>2653522 NBA Player Says He Might Have Witnessed Human Trafficking

>>2653520 "Watch the Budget". Senate hopes to end years of spending gridlock

>>2653518 , >>2653524 Update on the Red Shoes pic & moar digging needed

>>2654201 #3349


>>2653368 Biljana Đurđević dig

>>2653251 George Papadopolus' mother tweets 'looks like a trial is coming'

>>2653283 Biltmore Estate listed as 'haunted', the pool described as 'very unnerving'

>>2653230 More Vanderbilt pool photos and memories of tour >>2653332

>>2653160 100 women freed from sex traffickers by Mexican Police

>>2653068 Digging into Skull & Bones and notable members

>>2653032 Amendment to ‘block’ Trump from ‘arbitrarily revoking security clearances’

>>2653003 , >>2653029, >>2653054 Photos of the Vanderbilt pool shows there are drains

>>2652810 'Unfinished' pool found in a Masonic Temple in Detroit

>>2653380 CF Crumbs Update, Warren Stephens: Dig

>>2652741 , >>2652757, >>2653341 Cartoon of the Vanderbilt pool found in the 'Archer' series: Dig

>>2653386 #3349

Previously Collected Notables

>>2651044 #3346, >>2651837 #3347, >>2652626 #3348

>>2648675 #3343, >>2649525 #3344, >>2650306 #3345

>>2646374 #3340, >>2647245 #3341, >>2648015 #3342

>>2644034 #3337, >>2644798 #3338, >>2645582 #3339

>>2641947 #3334, >>2642538 #3335, >>2643244 #3336

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

b738d9  No.2655080

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2556574

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

>>870846 --- The Letter Q - Printable Q Graphics

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>2178691 -- A Project to Create Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 -- Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2529066 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#38 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>2650537

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

( more at >>>/comms/283 )

b738d9  No.2655081

QPosts Archive Sites

* Q Clearance Archive:


QMap Mirrors

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* How to archive a website offline >>974637

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>2516402

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>870846 The Letter Q

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

27 >>2466904 26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ---------- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.NewsAnon --------------------- https://qanon.news/Archive

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Q NEEDS YOU! NEW BAKERS REQUIRED! Read this: >>2438883

b738d9  No.2655088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NEW DOUGH Enjoy Anon's:


87205f  No.2655091

File: 6fc4f1c4b102666⋯.png (2.32 MB, 2537x2074, 2537:2074, BF_v2.png)

2cb521  No.2655113

File: 211099f8a5164af⋯.png (121.79 KB, 799x809, 799:809, Screenshot (1058).png)

04d612  No.2655117

Britishanon, if you are for real post screenshots without CP to prove

067e56  No.2655119

File: 5450a7d4dbc7206⋯.jpeg (272.36 KB, 750x745, 150:149, 457F0BB3-89A0-4EA8-9DB6-B….jpeg)

File: 8f27aa9d923ae68⋯.jpeg (259.62 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 614151E1-976F-469A-A92F-2….jpeg)

DJT tweets thus far this morning. Expecting more

342a90  No.2655121

File: 604de71bc09f271⋯.png (377.45 KB, 447x497, 447:497, pepe.PNG)

I love my POTUS!

791baf  No.2655122

>>2655108 (lb)


Meme perfection. Truth Bomb!

7acac1  No.2655123

File: f4b3899780efa85⋯.jpg (207.41 KB, 944x670, 472:335, UK July 13 2018 POTUS leaf….JPG)


Corbyn is the Labor party leader…the ones who organized against POTUS coming to the UK recently.

Along with Khan.

Those who are the loudest

a1a98d  No.2655124

File: 44cb010a8bd68f7⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1839x1714, 1839:1714, MISSION FROM GOD.png)

d23f50  No.2655125


>SICK behaviour

d8ef43  No.2655126

File: 60dad5c43e5b25e⋯.jpg (11.79 KB, 255x205, 51:41, Satmorningpepe.jpg)

Good morning anons. POTUS coming out of the gate swinging I see.

791baf  No.2655128

File: 8ecc25bc7a4c1e3⋯.jpg (116.47 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, churchillSK.jpg)

File: f3550f03ad6eeb9⋯.jpg (167.06 KB, 1024x769, 1024:769, moggSK.jpg)

File: 8a4681a9bad931d⋯.jpg (177.52 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, MaySK.jpg)

File: 33994c14c6586c7⋯.jpg (147.84 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, BorisSK.jpg)

067e56  No.2655129

File: 27bfe0093ace480⋯.jpeg (28.9 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 83DD5BC1-0958-4682-8DAC-B….jpeg)



208ad6  No.2655130


Goodnight. I have been up 19 hours.

Carry on and keep after the bastards.

791baf  No.2655131

File: 350a03b067dfb54⋯.jpg (102.6 KB, 1028x675, 1028:675, FLOTUS.jpg)

File: b46a9f9ef983e02⋯.jpeg (163.42 KB, 900x506, 450:253, BillboardQ.jpeg)

d23f50  No.2655132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7acac1  No.2655133


,,, yet I do not ask that their sick behavior be removed.

IOW - don't censor either side.

POTUS pointing out the corrupt communist-esque behavior

067e56  No.2655134

File: 070cd7c4726991d⋯.jpeg (275.03 KB, 750x735, 50:49, AF7DEBAF-5681-4A5C-9E6F-4….jpeg)

d8ef43  No.2655135

File: 6feac05c01fc668⋯.jpg (28.85 KB, 585x146, 585:146, djt34.JPG)

791baf  No.2655136

File: 8582c255240e027⋯.jpg (111.82 KB, 750x563, 750:563, FredDoItQ.jpg)

2cb521  No.2655137

File: 2ba7483a3a3c474⋯.jpg (67.07 KB, 720x529, 720:529, Trump&PutinSAVE.jpg)


POTUS drinks a quart of pickle juice before bedtime.

Wakes up full of piss and vinegar. ;-)

477b85  No.2655138

File: 9dac0e11bcef6e3⋯.jpg (618.54 KB, 1890x827, 1890:827, 0264.jpg)

What movie is Kaufman talking about here?

Finding Neverland?

87205f  No.2655139

File: c24f174fef44777⋯.png (2.41 MB, 992x997, 992:997, Vander_Obama.png)

Legs covered must be some kind symbology?

c0a690  No.2655140

>>2655100 (lb)

1:55:00pm MONDAY

KEK! look at your digits [mirror]

BTW many think Q level Security Clearance is a joke, that it does not exist. Many had no idea the NSA existed at all for many decades of its existence. Called it No Such Agency, laughed it off, just like they laugh about Q research and Q being a LARP. It's beautiful. Its what truly holds OATH TAKERS accountable. They are the real TORCH BEARERS who can activate the BEACON of LIGHT.

7121d1  No.2655141


If mr president would send us a signal .

Ask him to tweet at 18:18

As it's 18/08/18

Digits can confirm.

791baf  No.2655143

File: 279e52872e9c4dd⋯.jpg (169.42 KB, 1024x771, 1024:771, HRA.jpg)

d6c600  No.2655144

File: b1ebb81412897ab⋯.jpg (297.85 KB, 800x600, 4:3, howard djs like a mad cunt.jpg)


…. This seems like [fishing] to me…

Waiting for the drop!

e4c3f0  No.2655145

File: ffb18189b80771b⋯.png (134.27 KB, 1166x956, 583:478, clowncheatsheet.png)

Holy shit, last few breads have been shill fucking city. Niggers echoing and glowing all over the place.

d31b53  No.2655146

BTW The people we identified in the Podesta photo last night did start to scrub their social media. Erin Billings took down her photo from LinkedIn. I'm going to see if we can't find a couple more.

b738d9  No.2655147

File: 158678642e3fb59⋯.jpg (535.92 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 158678642e3fb5975b5b5ca33e….jpg)


DOITQ Unleashed !

d23f50  No.2655148


This is the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you.

For many years you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your planet Earth. We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disaster which threatens your world, and the beings on our worlds around you.

This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments. Be still now and listen, for your chance may not come again.

All your weapons of evil must be removed. The time for conflict is now past and the race of which you are a part may proceed to the higher stages of its evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this. You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill. Small groups all over the planet are learning this, and exist to pass on the light of the dawning New Age to you all. You are free to accept or reject their teachings, but only those who learn to live in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution.

Hear now the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. Be aware also that there are many false prophets and guides at present operating on your world. They will suck your energy from you – the energy you call money and will put it to evil ends and give you worthless dross in return. Your inner divine self will protect you from this. You must learn to be sensitive to the voice within that can tell you what is truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the voice of truth which is within you and you will lead yourselves onto the path of evolution.

This is our message to our dear friends. We have watched you growing for many years as you too have watched our lights in your skies. You know now that we are here, and that there are more beings on and around your Earth than your scientists admit. We are deeply concerned about you and your path towards the light and will do all we can to help you. Have no fear, seek only to know yourselves, and live in harmony with the ways of your planet Earth. We of the Ashtar Galactic Command thank you for your attention. We are now leaving the planes of your existence. May you be blessed by the supreme love and truth of the cosmos.

791baf  No.2655149

File: 540aa108ae8e72b⋯.jpeg (115.4 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, DoItQ.jpeg)

6d6fd9  No.2655150

File: e123c9538f4b22b⋯.gif (1.78 MB, 300x242, 150:121, CFEF1743-5FB8-424E-8B21-1B….gif)


Checked again! Not my OC but I agree

786e7c  No.2655151

File: 1c9f20b5d2568ac⋯.jpeg (983.35 KB, 3124x1810, 1562:905, 09E97684-6E1D-44BB-AD44-0….jpeg)

Sharing is caring!

This Burger in China has a message for all on my workspace wall.

067e56  No.2655152

File: fce1040190e85eb⋯.jpeg (201.68 KB, 750x594, 125:99, AEE98B65-6B07-47CD-A9AC-E….jpeg)

342a90  No.2655153

File: 0fe6d2bd5146dab⋯.jpg (82.06 KB, 897x499, 897:499, 2g3u5z.jpg)

c74eac  No.2655154

File: 1169bcd5f381768⋯.png (585.4 KB, 577x577, 1:1, 2018-08-18_07-32-51.png)

File: 0b24a0d64b3af70⋯.png (911.25 KB, 939x698, 939:698, 2018-08-18_07-39-19.png)



e4fe7d  No.2655155

>>2654254 (lb notable)

it could also be a chrisopher steel reference

it just hit me anon. Could it be that by linking to a "steel plant in russia" q was talking about Christopher Steel as a plant in Russia, to compile the dossier to prevent a red october trump victory in mid term election (by compiling the "insurance policy - dossier).

>Learn double meanings.

>News unlocks MAP.

>Why is STEEL so important?

>Expand your thinking.

>https:// www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP80-00810A004000690005-7.pdf

No wonder q was talking double meanings.


As for the 2 classified uncovered ops, if q meant uncovered on this board, then he probably means the oss nazi connection at the end of the war like you wrote, and the second one could be MKULTRA that he exposed when he linked to a lengthy declassified clown doc on this.


>Read very carefully.

>Unreleased [CLAS-HIGHEST]:

>Ability to use frequencies [incoming sig]/modify/code/program over 'x' period [designate] mobile phone to 'control' target subject.

3bf2a2  No.2655156

File: 3577859fb94dc11⋯.png (142.42 KB, 255x238, 15:14, ClipboardImage.png)

d31b53  No.2655157


Yeah in fact, it looks like a good portion of the employees at Podesta's firm have deleted their LinkedIn profiles. KEK


d8ef43  No.2655158

File: 1753d99983c3a81⋯.jpg (43.09 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, sumo pepe.jpg)

File: 165481d527a72ba⋯.jpg (105.92 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, Rooftop korean pepe.jpg)

Two new pepes for all.

357b4e  No.2655159

File: 6c26035d80b5477⋯.png (36.78 KB, 1160x290, 4:1, 2018-08-17-200901_1160x290….png)

File: 2f216fe562b18b8⋯.png (40.46 KB, 1131x217, 1131:217, 2018-08-17-200846_1131x217….png)

File: f1dfb461fd1e643⋯.png (302.64 KB, 931x765, 931:765, 2018-08-18-074741_931x765_….png)


I was fucking with some shills last night for some good fun.

d31b53  No.2655160



b738d9  No.2655161

File: d52fc4820674d8a⋯.png (12.58 KB, 183x255, 61:85, b4af008637cba1ea567163cd40….png)

File: b9f2a32c6833f91⋯.jpg (72.09 KB, 529x500, 529:500, b9f2a32c6833f9168460f94cb8….jpg)

File: 7d1fccec4103f6f⋯.jpg (10.54 KB, 255x156, 85:52, d375e3be45d3409946e92e4368….jpg)

File: 7829185ea1f01e4⋯.jpg (11.31 KB, 185x255, 37:51, dcf1b7323384b358fd2b836496….jpg)

52c2ee  No.2655162

File: af47dbf2f7ac41a⋯.jpg (147.27 KB, 589x704, 589:704, DJT180818_1st.jpg)

First ones of today.

29a659  No.2655163

File: 1e49497375d2569⋯.jpeg (405.24 KB, 1046x675, 1046:675, 98275E68-E97A-4C99-98CE-7….jpeg)


I was reading NeonRevolts post about the bloodlines. I’m the SpiritFag that saw the spiritual storm coming before the earthy storm.

Lately, I’ve been seeing ((these)) guys as like a Tom and Jerry character. A different cat is about to eat Jerry, then not only does Tom come up behind him(much bigger than the other cat), but there are also, many Toms. They are silently standing over this other cat, and they’re getting ready to take out that cat.

We all know how ((they)) work. Take charity for example. What starts as a love movement, gets infiltrated and ruined by (them). This happens Biblically as well. Satan gets his silent venom in, and destroys beauty, starting from within.

I wouldn’t be surprised if many of us have some of this “tainted blood.”

Maybe we’re the “least”. Maybe we’re the dogs that simply ate the crumbs….

But the least are the first……

Imagine a linear timeline. I think we’re at the point where it reverses - on the line. We’re coming up behind them. They have been infiltrated by us, whereas up to this point, they were the ones infiltrating….

This plan is doing exactly what Satan has done to humanity. But, It is infiltrating the darkness, instead of the darkness infiltrating the light.

JFK and Lincoln seemed to be earthy “frontrunners”. They turned on their own kind. We’re turning on our own in defense of humanity.

Maybe we’re the Benjamins…. His mom named him with a name meaning “Son of my sorrow.” His dad said, “Nope. He’ll be the “son of the right hand”, his names also happens to mean, “Ravenous wolf.”

It takes a wolf to bring down a wolf. You never know.

Link to article https://www.neonrevolt.com/2018/08/16/p-the-unseen-masters-of-all-qanon-greatawakening-whoisp-illuminati-13bloodlines-payseur-springmeier/#comment-7897

d31b53  No.2655165


The cabal is losing power and their grip Worldwide is starting to slip. They're trying to convince World leaders that this spells trouble for them.

Trump is basically saying "yes we're defeating the old guard and things are going to change but its going to be OK and we will all get along." Basically trying to counter the panicked Deep State from coercing people to go against the Trump agenda.

2cb521  No.2655166


TY memeanon. Diggin' the sumo pepe!


d31b53  No.2655167


That rooftop korean pepe is perfection.

fb2640  No.2655168

File: b7f47d37c9886d6⋯.jpeg (756.21 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 008A044B-71AB-46E2-9DF7-C….jpeg)

a0d22a  No.2655169


Notable - baker

A follow up on the map being clown ops dismantled and on the meaning of Red October "STEEL" plant crumb.

5e70ee  No.2655170


The pool area has the most haunted worse experiences of feeling frightened. I believe it is exactly the pool showing those kids in Podesta's art.


The tour led along a narrow passage to the side of the pool, which though empty, was incredibly deep. As we passed by, I saw the black figure of a woman glide under the water and rise from the pool, on the side where we stood. There wasn’t a ladder there, though she ascended the side of the pool as if there was. Around her was a shadowy grey blur, and she was very upset, crying, and trembling. I felt that she died there, and she stopped at the end of the line of guests, and spoke to me. Her mouth moved, though I couldn’t hear her. Keep in mind, I was fifteen years old. I was so frightened that I closed my eyes until the group moved on.

Others have noted similar experiences in the pool, including feeling overwhelmed by the spirit of someone who drowned there, hearing voices, and empathic past life recall.

791baf  No.2655171

File: 5eacd789288f62a⋯.webm (662.03 KB, 426x236, 213:118, SHOTS FIRED 8chan's Hotwh….webm)


8chan is not all about (you)

b48c42  No.2655172

RE: Necklaces.

What about looking into the women of these families?

10 most powerful famlies in America

Bush (lauren and Sharon like to wear them)





Kennedy (maybe not this one)






Americas first aristocrats

Astor family

The Du Ponts

The Rockefeller family

The Rothschild

791baf  No.2655173



d23001  No.2655174


I wonder if Alex Soros is a clone of George. You know these fucking Cabalist have access to the technology decades before they let the little people hear about it.

Dude is a ugly fuck. I think eating kids makes you get ugly fast.

b738d9  No.2655175


I been trying to tell Anons to dig on the Du Pont mansion in Chadd's Ford PA. Near Arden DW Satanic Super Center. Very strange shit going on there.

c74eac  No.2655176

File: b0e068fc6b8f9be⋯.png (444 KB, 748x430, 374:215, 2018-08-18_07-51-53.png)


FLOTUS riding shotgun?



269503  No.2655177

File: 2f9ac36a5549298⋯.png (165.81 KB, 650x395, 130:79, ClipboardImage.png)


6d6fd9  No.2655178


The jet of America had lost all 4 engines and the pilot was unconscious with food poisoning, but DJT is the guy in row 43 that has some experience in cessnas and is now at the helm, landing the plane trying to keep everyone alive. So far so good. Touchdown is going to be the big reveal of the cabal, (with whatever textual, audio, or video proof DJT clearly has up his sleeve) and he knows he’s got to hold it in ground effect as long as possible to ensure a nice gentle transition from crash-landing to safe and sound

4a8801  No.2655180


Vrillon! Man, haven’t heard from you or the Galactic Command since 2002. Your message hasn’t changed. At least you’re consistent.

d31b53  No.2655181

So not only did Erin Billings delete her photo from LinkedIn but she deleted all of her tweets from 2012 to present. Wayback machine didn't crawl her twitter so not sure if she didn't tweet or she deleted them.

5e70ee  No.2655182


One other thing regarding the Biltmore pool. Read the comments on the page. People who have said they took the tour and couldn't finish it as they began to feel sick in the pool area and had to leave immediately.

The pool area seems to be the biggest hot spot of hauntings where people get overwhelmed and ill when there.

342a90  No.2655183

File: 99eedfcd349171a⋯.jpg (17.37 KB, 274x184, 137:92, 2g3ujd.jpg)

f93a42  No.2655184


Don't leave V!

Is it because Sirius is setting?

We need all the help we can get!

d31b53  No.2655185


KEK. I imagine liberals at the back of the plane are running around screaming that we're going to crash. Conservative and moderates are mid plane with an iron grip on their seats. Then there's anon at the front of the plane, barely able to hold their oxygen mask over their laughter.

067e56  No.2655186

File: 0b36ff4630d10e6⋯.jpeg (311.42 KB, 750x1012, 375:506, 5A2B2D2A-4662-4CF7-A9F5-F….jpeg)

Marines 0800 tweet


c0a690  No.2655187


top fukken kek!

>anon at the front of the plane, barely able to hold their oxygen mask over their laughter

this shit needs a meme. Possibly form Airplane, idk, Im not a memer, though I can be at times I'm on 2g tether to phone with no DATA, so good luck, make it happen

f93a42  No.2655188


Philppine Rothschild has the necklace.

Cindy NoName, can't find anything

Jolie wore one to St Paul's Cathedral but doesn't otherwise wear jewelry. (just the medallion as a pendant.)

Michael Obama has one.

3bb8b5  No.2655189

Manafort judge threatened….

Manafort jury threatened…..

"Paul Manafort's trial will stretch into a fourth week, as jurors headed home Friday without reaching a verdict for the second straight day and the judge overseeing the case alluded to "threats" the jury may be receiving.

“I had no idea this case would incite this emotion,” U.S. District Court Judge T.S. Ellis III said in an open court hearing, responding to a motion from seven news organizations, including POLITICO, seeking access to sealed materials related to the trial that would have publicly identified the jurors. "


31ba74  No.2655190


Thanks for starting my weekend out with a great visual! KEK!!!

6d6fd9  No.2655191

File: 8a7a691c7c73021⋯.jpeg (51.36 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 0F0D194F-2948-4699-970E-1….jpeg)


We first class now, bros

b738d9  No.2655192

File: fd62a4eed52e744⋯.jpg (141.6 KB, 960x939, 320:313, Dfc5EJ-UwAAdagj.jpg)


TQ US Marines, past and present. /ourguys. I got you're back. Thanks for protecting our amazing POTUS !

2c271b  No.2655193

File: 1810520d98f6630⋯.jpg (454.09 KB, 2166x1416, 361:236, Q questions.jpg)

d8ef43  No.2655194

File: dd7ec71e6b0bfe2⋯.jpg (36.57 KB, 632x256, 79:32, JG.JPG)


Saw it yesterday. I can't believe the gall of these people thinking threatening Ellis. He seems the type that will just dig in harder under pressure.

f5cdab  No.2655195


I love the smell of principle in the morning.

Smells like… America.

One day, this war's gonna end.

d31b53  No.2655196


I think I could whip something up. Thanks for the meme idea anon.

d31b53  No.2655197


Kek, gold star researcher class. Definitely stealing that pepe

067e56  No.2655198


Day made! ThanQ anon! Top kek

842327  No.2655199

File: 479550d1f999ea5⋯.jpeg (151.87 KB, 750x1117, 750:1117, osmond humphry LSD psychi….jpeg)

File: 05f64fd1e33e714⋯.png (43.39 KB, 375x283, 375:283, OSMOND2 HUMPHRY FORTESCUE ….PNG)

File: d5cfbeaa8a94d8c⋯.png (37.86 KB, 479x465, 479:465, osmond humphry obit uk 200….PNG)

File: 55fc68dd62a70ba⋯.png (146.39 KB, 373x282, 373:282, OSMOND1 GEORGE VIRL 1917 2….PNG)


Anon in the Kauder search tied Kauder to UK's OTTO KAUDER, who worked with (pic) HUMPHRY OSMOND, the man who coined the term 'psychedelic' and is famous for liting up ALDOUS HUXLEY on LSD ('Brave New World.')

I have been looking to see if HUMPHRY OSMOND is related to the OSMOND FAMILY here. Interesting coinkydinks keep popping up but no hard proof yet. Still digging.

Humphry Osmond was born in England but died in the US.


Osmond was born in Surrey, England and educated at Haileybury.[1] As a young man, he worked for an architect and attended Guy's Hospital Medical School at King's College London. While active as a surgeon-lieutenant in the Navy during World War II, Osmond trained to become a psychiatrist.

Work with psychedelics

After the war, Osmond joined the psychiatric unit at St George's Hospital, London where he rose to become senior registrar. His time at the hospital was to prove pivotal in three respects, firstly it was where he met his wife Amy "Jane" Roffey who was working there as a nurse, secondly he met Dr John Smythies who was to become one of his major collaborators, and thirdly he first encountered the drugs that would become associated with his name (and his with theirs): LSD and mescaline. While researching the drugs at St George's, Osmond noticed that they produced similar effects to schizophrenia and he became convinced that the disease was caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. These ideas were not well received amongst the psychiatric community in London at the time.[2][3][4] In 1951, Osmond and Smythies moved to Saskatchewan, Canada to join the staff of the Weyburn Mental Hospital in the southeastern city of Weyburn, Saskatchewan.




Osmond's interest in psychedelics was not confined to the treatment of schizophrenia; under his supervision, architects took LSD and spent time on hospital wards in an attempt to understand what would be the most appropriate environment for a mental patient. Having noted that some alcoholics gave up drink after they suffered from delirium tremens, he gave almost 1,000 alcoholics a high-dose LSD treatment and achieved a 50 per cent recovery rate - far higher than other forms of therapy.

He was also involved in a number of LSD experiments with high profile subjects, such as "authors, artists, a junior cabinet minister, scientists, a hero, philosophers and businessmen". Most of them, he said, "find the experience valuable, some find it frightening, and many say that it is uniquely lovely".

After leaving Saskatchewan, he became director of the Bureau of Research in Neurology and Psychiatry at Princeton, going on to join the University of Alabama Medical School.




This article describes the life and work of the psychiatrist Humphry Osmond who pursued a radical path as a psychiatrist while he remained within the establishment. To the public mind however, he is best known as the man who introduced Aldous Huxley to mescaline and coined the iconic word psychedelic. From an early stage of his career, Henry Osmond embraced new ideas to break the nexus in psychiatry at a time when neither biological nor psychoanalytic treatments were shown to have much benefit. To do this, he joined the radical social experiment in health in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan where he initiated a range of innovations that attracted international attention, as well as controversy over his espousal of the use of hallucinogens better to understand the experiences of psychotic patients.




July 1 1917 - Feb 6, 2004

Born in Surrey, UK

Died Appleton Wisconsin

Humphry Osmond, who died on February 6, is survived by his wife, two daughters and a son.




PIC George Virl Osmond donny's dad for comparison

d31b53  No.2655200

File: b08510db615c280⋯.jpg (16.67 KB, 480x414, 80:69, pepebubbly.jpg)

791baf  No.2655201

File: fe3828734331eee⋯.jpg (294.29 KB, 1125x681, 375:227, alexaVJ.jpg)

3bb8b5  No.2655202


They're very desperate at this point. Hopefully no one hurts any of the jury members or Judge Ellis, although he is probably quite safe.

8e7426  No.2655203



What, How, Who Why… Nothing else!

791baf  No.2655204

File: f6d587a4b372973⋯.jpg (201.19 KB, 1024x765, 1024:765, DeadpoolManafort.jpg)

55a1bd  No.2655205


Could you teleport ALL of the cabal, the Global Totalitarians and ALL of the minions and followers to Hoth?

That would be great! Thanx in advance.

959a7d  No.2655206

File: 92ff8be4770268e⋯.png (262.44 KB, 340x803, 340:803, 911.png)

3bb8b5  No.2655207


Trial of the centry

….according to the MSM

4a8801  No.2655208


It was the professor, in the library, with the candlestick. 11 p.m.

2c271b  No.2655209

File: 0215bcf5a47b2ea⋯.jpg (83.87 KB, 600x336, 25:14, Satanists are fucked NOW..jpg)

d8ef43  No.2655210


They're desperate because they know if Manafort walks it will set a precedence for other people on trial in relation to POTUS.

7acac1  No.2655211

File: f931a9ef6c29eba⋯.jpg (119.07 KB, 850x639, 850:639, Guiliani investigate inves….JPG)

Investigate the Investigators


c74eac  No.2655212

File: db432851ede7b7e⋯.png (700.3 KB, 748x480, 187:120, 2018-08-18_07-56-58.png)



Yeah, I could see that!


71b800  No.2655213

File: ea7785cb91590ce⋯.jpg (149.44 KB, 1280x486, 640:243, bakermiracles.jpg)

Please open our eyes to see the Truth, Lord. We ask Your mighty blessing on today's bread, the Bakers, the Crumb Gatherers, and the Autists. Guard POTUS/Q with your Holy Angels, Have mercy on the Noobs/Blue Pilled, miraculously open their eyes to not only see, but their hearts to trust You oh God, and Your Plan! Let grace and boldness flow through each of us. WWG1WGA! In your Mighty Name Lord. Amen,

f5cdab  No.2655214


MSM isn't ready for Red October.

The charges are in place - no more hunt.

Blue wave is waving good-bye.

958dcb  No.2655216

File: 69ecebc80e414ee⋯.gif (2.98 MB, 480x270, 16:9, dont call me shirley.gif)


Hmm, pretty sure I've seen this movie before.

9a9d11  No.2655217


what principle is that then? lies have no consequences? say whatever you like about anything at all. anything goes in jew dominated America.

791baf  No.2655218

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Guise, all these scummy FBI agents and deep state muppets that have Gofundme funds pouring in disgusts me. If anyone deserved a little help, it would be /ourFred/.

Take the time to watch if you don't know his story.

4a8801  No.2655219


Shirley, you jest

94255b  No.2655220


Ho-hum I wonder why CNN wants the names of the jurors /s

f93a42  No.2655221


I keep thinking that the GoFundMe's are just going to be diverted in to the Treasury.

All these evil fuks that are collecting Liberal cash- don't they all have their accounts frozen and that's why they need funding?

It's all coming back! Out of enemy's pockets!

6d0de9  No.2655222


Maybe its just the cabal paying for silence and not the public funding these gfm pages.

7121d1  No.2655223

File: 40685988b5b073b⋯.png (513.97 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_2257.PNG)


ab7a5f  No.2655224

File: b63dd0f0fbb2482⋯.png (816.06 KB, 850x550, 17:11, ClipboardImage.png)

Didn't see this in notables so I'm posting here…


Satanic worshippers have celebrated the unveiling of a demonic statue of a goat-headed creature with wings outside a government building in the US.

Members of the Satanic Temple brought the eight-and-a-half ft tall carving of Baphomet, an occult goat-man hybrid, to the grounds of the Arkansas State Capitol building in Little Rock yesterday.

The winged monster sits on a throne emblazoned with a pentagram.

Alongside a child gazes adoringly up at the man with the goat head.

The striking statue was part of a rally outside the state's seat of government in protest at a Ten Commandments monument already installed in the grounds.

The Santanic Temple bill themselves as a 'religion-type group' who are also political activists and advocates working to promote egalitarianism, social justice, and separation of church and state.

The group say they don't believe in Satan but use the term to represent an "eternal rebel" who is outside authority and social rules and stands for rationality.

The group have chapters all over the world - the largest of which is on Detroit, Michigan.

In May 2014 a black mass was held by a chapter at Harvard University although it had to be relocated off campus due to Catholic opposition.

The group have campaigned against abortion restrictions, welcomed refugees and even run a after school Satan programme in schools.

Who are the Satanic Temple?

The Santanic Temple bill themselves as a 'religion-type group' who are also political activists and advocates working to promote egalitarianism, social justice, and separation of church and state.

The group say they don't believe in Satan but use the term to represent an "eternal rebel" who is outside authority and social rules and stands for rationality.

The group have chapters all over the world - the largest of which is on Detroit, Michigan.

In May 2014 a black mass was held by a chapter at Harvard University although it had to be relocated off campus due to Catholic opposition.

The group have campaigned against abortion restrictions, welcomed refugees and even run a after school Satan programme in schools.

It has now been taken away but the Satanic Temple have filed a lawsuit to have its reinstated in the name of religious pluralism and the First Amendment, KATV news reports.

The display prompted counter-protests from Christian activists.

The Satanic Church, who have chapters across the globe that campaign for religious freedom, claim they wrote to state legislators in to ask the Baphomet statue be allowed.

Speaking at the rally Lucien Greaves, spokesman and co-founder of the Satanic Temple said: “The event is intended to be an inclusive gathering where The Satanic Temple will be celebrating pluralism along with Christian and secular speakers.

"People of many faiths will come together at the Capitol to reject the Arkansas State Legislature's efforts to privilege one religion over others."

The rally comes after the Arkansas legislature approved the placement of a Ten Commandments monument on the Capitol grounds

The Ten Commandments monument was first put up last year after a bill sponsored by Republican Senator Jason Rapert was passed, according to the Independent.

Mr Rapert issued a statement on Facebook saying: "No matter what these extremists may claim, it will be a very cold day in hell before an offensive statue will be forced upon us to be permanently erected on the grounds of the Arkansas State Capitol.

"Our rights to build a monument were exercised through the electoral and legislative processes and have been upheld by the judicial system.

"They are no less sacred than the freedoms of a shrill few, for whom legal and political rights are merely methods to fleece the gullible and entertain the cynical.

"Due process was followed to the letter of the law when the Secretary of State and the Capitol Arts and Grounds Commission held a series of open and public meetings to gather input on the placing of the Ten Commandments monument."

013aaf  No.2655225

File: 755bf88a5b8842c⋯.jpeg (215.74 KB, 1131x1600, 1131:1600, 7A9892AE-FC75-404C-B301-E….jpeg)

Could the DOJ planes from last week in Arkansas be related to the statue

6bee26  No.2655226

Hey Q

Put the fucking wildfires out ya fucking government sponge.

Fucking city boys fucked up the forests so EVERYONE suffers….make the fancy pants faggots in DC come out West and fight the fires….grow a pair government queers

c0a690  No.2655227

File: 31929e6a2ad4428⋯.jpg (698.94 KB, 849x565, 849:565, digmemepray.jpg)


I see lots of memes and plenty do DIG but how many PRAY?


c92f11  No.2655228

Fuck that's a lot of interference. Is there any particular reason why I can hear it? It's bordering on pain.

38295b  No.2655229

The cunt(s) filling breads with 70+ posts of useless Valerie Jarret image macros need a smack upside the head. I filtered 5 different IDs all with 10-25 posts of just images with no relevance.

Seems the current shill slide tactic is making useless 'memes'. Wouldn't be surprised if it's to curb public attention away from some actual happenings elsewhere.

4a8801  No.2655230


This is three days ago. Go back. We’ve moved on.

791baf  No.2655231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Seems like legit thinking guise.

c0a690  No.2655232


The 55,000s have arrived this is an anointed bread, make it count.

Praise Jesus

55a1bd  No.2655233


He's being protect by US Marshalls - NOT comp'd FBI. Smart.

791baf  No.2655234


I pray all day every day for us all. My meme btw kek!

ab7a5f  No.2655235


My bad. Said the article posted 2 hrs ago and I've been away from the board.

d8ef43  No.2655236

File: 04e448dbf2eddac⋯.jpg (32.24 KB, 667x152, 667:152, KE.JPG)

Keith Ellison asked accuser to stop ratting on him.


6d0de9  No.2655237


Bet the churches are behind this "see folks give us money to fight it" they are the ones putting it up. No good christian would allow this monstrosity to go up just to keep the commandments up. Take them both down.

f93a42  No.2655238



Separation of Church and State

So they park this monstocity in fromt of the State House?

You can't make this shit up!

0edb26  No.2655240

f5cdab  No.2655241

File: 5a748fb2226b641⋯.jpeg (75.42 KB, 616x462, 4:3, ohits4yew.jpeg)

<ID 9a9d11

Not surprising <yew> struggle with the idea of freedom.

Media outlets are free to say what they like.

People are free to listen or, if standing on principle, turn them off when they tell damaging lies.

Ignore the liars -> shut down the business.

Simple in practice, but difficult to get through to everyone.

Lying and drama are profitable.

The same applies on this board.

Which is why <yew> won't get a direct response from me.

Earn the $14.50 later, idiot.

7acac1  No.2655242

File: c30904fe9e40141⋯.jpg (39.79 KB, 553x292, 553:292, POTUS in the end.JPG)

…in the end…


ad1ffb  No.2655243

Post update only takes if its refreshed.

They are up bright and early on a saturday morn.

0edb26  No.2655245


hmmmm…nice catch…usually I have a speculative comment…no even beginning frame of reference here…no clue…

c0a690  No.2655246


lenses need fixing(arms showing) add reflections of pepe. Otherwise its great!

a7dd19  No.2655247

Another suicide

Korn singer Jonathan Davis’ wife Deven dies at 39

Another tragic story to report, as Korn singer Jonathan Davis‘ estranged wife Deven died today (August 17th) at the age of 39. According to TMZ, Deven’s death comes on the same day Jonathan had filed a restraining order against her.

In a statement that was provided by his publicist minutes ago, Jonathan and his family said, “The Davis family is brokenhearted over the devastating loss of Deven Davis. We ask that you respect their privacy — and the privacy of those close to the family — and allow them the space to mourn in private. We thank you for your love, understanding and prayers of support during this difficult time.”

While they were technically still married, Jonathan had filed for divorce back in October of 2016. But they seemed to be together in a Facebook Live video from December 2017. However, TMZ reported that earlier today, Jonathan filed a domestic violence restraining order against Deven. The Korn singer alleged that Deven was a heavy drug user, and a judge issued an temporary order to stop Deven from visiting their children.

TMZ further reports that Deven was recently living in a sober house but recently went missing. In his court documents, Jonathan claimed that Deven was “constantly under the influence of the nitrous oxide, cocaine and Norco.” He also alleged that he found Deven passed out on the floor with a heroin pipe and cocaine floating in a toilet bowl.

Deven, a former porn star, married Jonathan in 2004. They had two children together. Our thoughts with the Davis family at this time.


d8ef43  No.2655248

File: 96d9fd9e088557b⋯.jpg (30.86 KB, 643x246, 643:246, Anti antifa.JPG)

I know anons are typically smarter than this, but warn your loved ones as well.

Antifa Doxxing people with fake website.


791baf  No.2655249


Is POTUS asking us to direct our digs towards China?/ Did we ever find Building 8 in Beijing? The Facebook one?

0edb26  No.2655250


VERY nice…why was Erin Billings left out of the most widely circulated photo? I find that interesting as well. We should probably get all Cogent execs FB/Insta/Twat…sure there are anons on it…not my area of autism…

a7dd19  No.2655251

And another

Bobbi Kristina Brown's roommate, Max Lomas, who found her unresponsive in the bathtub, has reportedly died of an overdose


9b34a8  No.2655252

File: 65b3ccf574cb98e⋯.jpeg (989.63 KB, 1242x1224, 69:68, 2052ED9D-ACEC-4E8C-897E-9….jpeg)

File: 28d9a44c5c8b066⋯.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1579x981, 1579:981, CCD86B4D-0587-4B73-AF31-D….jpeg)


This is eye opening.

Hear maps of CT and Aids.

80baa8  No.2655253


censorship happens when the powerful are scared

0edb26  No.2655254


>We are now leaving the planes of your existence

No THEY aren't…

MANY here "for the show"…

MANY helping…

MORE activity here than anywhere else in this galaxy…

fb2640  No.2655255

File: cdee4d61b6b94df⋯.jpeg (516.89 KB, 1350x1800, 3:4, 55320692-2A71-4000-9EAB-2….jpeg)

7acac1  No.2655256


appears so…

at least the FOOLS should be looking in that direction !


0edb26  No.2655258


Mr T speak! "I pity the fool…."

013aaf  No.2655259

File: fd4de851d6ab4f0⋯.jpeg (102.07 KB, 499x497, 499:497, E27361C8-45B7-4B79-AC2D-1….jpeg)


It is common knowledge JD was diddled.

6bee26  No.2655260

File: e8a4e1fb6625829⋯.jpeg (1.8 MB, 3000x1998, 500:333, 4934AB04-1082-472F-BE6D-0….jpeg)

d8ef43  No.2655261

File: 49b542c134f3f4a⋯.jpg (66.8 KB, 660x521, 660:521, tariffs.JPG)


65108d  No.2655262


you built your houses on dried out hills with no water sources nearby. get fkt

0edb26  No.2655263


This has been in the NOTABLEs and was yesterday…>>2654254

It is a DAMN FINE idea and we need to track the clown ops as they go down…and I believe the anon that proposed the idea is ALL OVER IT!

5eec1d  No.2655264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Space is a war fighting domain.

b738d9  No.2655265

File: 21b2f0e205611a1⋯.png (16.76 KB, 255x220, 51:44, 5e540a70bd1448e41050d2b350….png)

File: 61ca1075eeb4d28⋯.png (413.44 KB, 473x541, 473:541, 61ca1075eeb4d28abe2e8b2f83….png)

d31b53  No.2655266

File: 1a142bb3ba33c6d⋯.jpg (23.85 KB, 400x400, 1:1, pepestoned.jpg)


Stay with us V, we need all of the based life forms we can get.

a1a98d  No.2655267

File: 40bd53487973498⋯.png (204.2 KB, 730x1080, 73:108, THANKQ.png)

6bee26  No.2655268


No nigger…..city boys fucked up the forests with gay policies….80 million acres of dead trees is DC’s fault, and every fucker in a suit needs to be dragged out here to fight these fires like real men….KYS

efe1fb  No.2655269


Do any of the 5 Eyes have a similar deal with China? China certainly led the way in Internet warfare if I remember correctly. I wonder how connected the entire spy chain is?

791baf  No.2655270

File: b8e2165d7a7c067⋯.jpg (417.92 KB, 1839x1714, 1839:1714, fixed.jpg)

65108d  No.2655272


you have the ocean nearby and your complaing about water?

0edb26  No.2655273


What about nonames daughter? NM..will dig..

71b800  No.2655274




Then lets all three pray against this monster:


Lord, rebuke the Devourer of our Children, rebuke the Arrogant Elite who wish to lay us on our faces, and walk all over us as if we were mere pavement. Woe unto those hands who hauled this foul child destroying Idol out to the Arkansas state capital. Please Lord rise up the mighty Christian Men and Women of this nation to be BOLD. Help us to be FEARLESS in tearing down Idols such as these. Please Lord NO LONGER ALLOW these Satanists to be anonymous in their Communities. Let them feel what the Cabal will feel SOON! The OVERBEARING SHAME of showing this lifestyle, and this belief to the public! For our Children's sake, Have mercy on us Oh Lord, lest they consume us fully! Still we trust you and rest in the protections afforded to us by this Great Nation and it Constitution. Revive this land! Make the Good Book more popular than ever! Let children, even kindergartners, know the greatness of America! We pray all this ain Your Mighty Name Lord! Amennd more

55a1bd  No.2655275


To the fools in CA - get rid of the radicals and their agendas. All problem solved.

You want Fed money? Get rid of Sanctuary Status and stop suing over everything POTUS does.

The rest of the Country is totally sick of your shit.

c80f07  No.2655276

File: 686ba3e509c8ef5⋯.png (970.32 KB, 722x742, 361:371, Capture.PNG)

Pic related:

(4) Frank Snelling (husband) to Mary Loretta Landrieu was an American politician, entrepreneur, and former U.S. Senator from the state of Louisiana.

About Frank Snellings (Birth Name was Ernest Dukelow)

Mother - Sara Kukelow

Brother - Percy Dukelow (Worked for Joe Costello who was a Labor Party Sen)

Irish child who was adopted by Marie Louise Wilcox Snellings and George Marion Snellings Jr, attorney in Monroe, in 1954.

https:// www.irishtimes.com/life-and-style/abroad/generation-emigration/a-tale-of-two-brothers-separated-for-44-years-1.2044118

https:// franksnellings.com/aboutme.html

Potential sauce on a Mr. Shilling (George or Frank?) as a patient in a investigative report (1980).

https:// louisianastatehospitals.com/N1I19.pdf

Frank's adopted Father, George Marion Snellings Jr.

-Elected as a Trustee of The University of the South Sewanee in 1956

-Served as chairman for church support

-Served as chairman for the Million Dollar Program

-Served on the Board of Regents

-Was member of the Vice-Chancellor's and Trustees Society since group formed in 1966

-Director of Delta Airlines

-Director of the Central Savings Bank of Monroe

-Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers

https://www. google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=25&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiPu5qBx_bcAhVnpVkKHeUTBR84FBAWMAR6BAgEEAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdspace.sewanee.edu%2Fbitstream%2Fhandle%2F11005%2F2599%2Fsewaneenewsv481982.pdf%3Fsequence%3D1%26isAllowed%3Dy&usg=AOvVaw1C2QVdT5D5BmC6KmjHSWbe

6bee26  No.2655278


Hey dumbass….the ENTIRE WEST is burning…STFU

9c2e89  No.2655279


So maybe the first public reveal, the first incriminating drop, will come from Mueller.

That would explain why nothing has come out yet. It may be a strategic decision made long ago.

If waiting on Mueller, and he is acting independently, then Q team's hand would be tied.

d8ef43  No.2655280


That's crazy. It's been raining for a week here. south central US.

55a1bd  No.2655281


Wake the fuck up. They CANNOT be cleared bc of CA's ridiculous environmental regulations. Dumb ass.

d31b53  No.2655282


3 is Erin Billings, not sure where you got this photo from.

efe1fb  No.2655283

File: 6281246b3a52acc⋯.png (1.19 MB, 2286x1428, 381:238, Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at ….png)

File: 5dc0742a4760edc⋯.png (714.35 KB, 2184x1044, 182:87, Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at ….png)


Maybe this….



c3da43  No.2655284


I’ve read their creed. It’s scary close to what Jesus said. What they don’t realize is that it opens a door to stuff I know, they do not want having access to them. It creates an entrance for all sorts of haunting things.

It is way safer to be a regular atheist, than to join with them. I would recant if you’ve signed on with them.

6bee26  No.2655285


Nobody GAF about Cali and their faggot environmental polices….This was a planned by idiots with zero knowledge of nature…..every forest will be clear cut now, nice work niggers

e4fe7d  No.2655286


I made a follow up to his post. See that i linked this exact noatable at the top of my post.

3d0776  No.2655287

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>2651843 #3347





If you actually watch his final video and carefully listen/read the lyrics without any preconceived judgements, you'll actually find the answers to at least one, if not many more, crumbs.

186f4c  No.2655288

>> 2655148

Newbs, this is copypasta.

Learn to recognize it.

71b800  No.2655289


>>Let children, even kindergartners, know the greatness of America! We pray all this and more in Your Mighty Name Lord! Amen.<<

c0a690  No.2655290

File: bbc1d9718ea5cc4⋯.png (222.32 KB, 540x389, 540:389, cceb1b50c7d846f99a13729baa….png)

God bless you Patriot



too bad you cant collect rainwater and have public access to water. Complain to your leaders and about the eco-terrorists who set the fukken fires faggot

efe1fb  No.2655291

File: 17cc146476744e9⋯.png (126.77 KB, 1378x636, 13:6, Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at ….png)


"Industrial espionage - the theft of trade secrets - is among new criminal offences, while people who leak classified information will face tougher penalties.

The government also plans to ban foreign political donations through a separate bill later this year."

d31b53  No.2655292



Yeah I just looked up Kaite Wocjik and she doesn't look anything like that woman.

Erin Billings worked for Podesta group, looks exactly like that woman, and after being identified last night she deleted her linkedin photo.

I think we might have a shill making changes to this photo to mislead anons.

f93a42  No.2655293

File: dbf944111022fd7⋯.jpg (169.09 KB, 925x594, 925:594, Ali-monk.jpg)


Wow. Heavy. Wish we knew what these evil fuks are doing in the constellation of LEO. Not good.

a0d22a  No.2655294


He replied to this notable that you wrote about. See my notable nomination:


89f3ca  No.2655295

Many, many, many breads back, around the beginning of the Manafort trial, I left a post here where I awarded Judge Ellis the Medal of Valor. I think it was after he told the Mueller team they using this trial as a pretext to pressure President Trump.

Judge is 78 years old. A hero to me. Without a strong checks and balances against government overreach, you're left with tyranny. Unlike the FISC judges, corrupt partisans at doj, Hillary's comped team at foggy bottom or 7th floor at hoover, he didn't roll over and enable the abuse nor, in my opinion, has he trampled on the Constitutional safeguards bestowed on Manafort. Though Manafort was eventual held without bond, serious allegations were made regarding witness tampering. We'll learn soon enough if those charges had merit. I would be shocked if, regardless of the jury's decision, Manafort or anyone on his team had anything but praise for Ellis' conduct throughout the trial.

That said, it is my hope the jury has the testicular fortitude to return a not-guilty verdict for every charge. I hope the spirit of the jury in the Bundy-clan's trial carries over. At a minimum, declaring a mistrial.

Should there be a verdict of guilty, which would allow a lengthy punitive prison sentence be imposed, it is my hope the President offers a pardon. I care not whether the allegations are true. When Hillary, with her countless acts of felonious behavior, is exonerated but Manafort is held to account, then we are no longer a nation of laws…we are a nation of man. When that occurs you have lost the Constitutional Republic, the system of governance this country was founded upon.

791baf  No.2655296


Kids should know the greatness of God! You sound like the fake pope!

d6c600  No.2655297


>The government also plans to ban foreign political donations through a separate bill later this year."

They got buthurt from giving to the CF and got nothing for it KEK

d31b53  No.2655299


On top of all of this she was omitted from the original red shoe photo. Giving how defensive the shills are regarding Erin I think she might be more important than initially thought.

f93a42  No.2655300

>>2651927 (pb)

Look at all their symbols. EVERYTHING they do is about symbols.

It's idolatry on steroids.

791baf  No.2655301


>Industrial espionage - the theft of trade secrets - is among new criminal offences.

This is what will kill Facebook. Recording all our phones, recovering State and Corporate Secrets.

437f5f  No.2655302

File: c4194b55a7fd10e⋯.webm (193.35 KB, 512x288, 16:9, qtv.webm)

4142fd  No.2655303


Ashtar is a pirate, beware.

0edb26  No.2655304

File: 28b4a102226da1a⋯.png (221.94 KB, 460x288, 115:72, NoNameCharm1.png)

File: d537725195b5965⋯.png (84.76 KB, 240x183, 80:61, NoNameSymbol2.png)

File: 341eadf157946ae⋯.png (6.76 MB, 2000x1335, 400:267, NoNameSymbols3.png)


Brief dig on NoName and symbols…assuming females…wife, daughter, and mother…some but not much…

Very "wicca" looking wedding ornaments…

ab7a5f  No.2655305


no arguments here, Anon!

6bee26  No.2655306

File: e383fd06bcdaf2f⋯.jpeg (2.08 MB, 2048x1450, 1024:725, CD5385DC-BB6A-40F6-BCEA-9….jpeg)

Put DC suits in firefighter gear

They need help out West

b738d9  No.2655307


I like this !!! Really nice job !

notes as of this far in the bread


>>2655119, >>2655134, >>2655152 President Trump Tweets and Decodes

>>2655169 A follow up on the map being clown ops dismantled and on the meaning of Red October "STEEL" plant crumb.

>>2655199, Osmond's dig

>>2655211, >>2655279 Investigate the Investigators

>>2655248 Antifa Doxxing people with fake website.

>>2655146 The people we identified in the Podesta photo last night did start to scrub their social media

>>2655261 20x as many jobs created than lost under Trump tariffs

>>2655253, >>2655295 High IQ posts , various subjects

>>2655073 #3351

2842af  No.2655308

File: a9463523aad96ef⋯.jpg (17.98 KB, 539x385, 7:5, DkppAKMWsAA6Xqd[1].jpg)

Foreign interests have spent over $530 million influencing US policy, public opinion since 2017

Interesting fact that Russia is not in the Top 10.

d6c352  No.2655309

Fires, mudslides and Earthquakes.

Location, location, location.

791baf  No.2655310

File: 7da27960107a926⋯.jpg (201.04 KB, 1024x771, 1024:771, DeadpoolWakeUp.jpg)

842327  No.2655311

File: 55fc68dd62a70ba⋯.png (146.39 KB, 373x282, 373:282, OSMOND1 GEORGE VIRL 1917 2….PNG)

File: 6732d5d93c012ec⋯.png (128.65 KB, 260x359, 260:359, osmond rulon george osmond….PNG)

File: 9e0511ff1f7f3e1⋯.png (23.35 KB, 1154x334, 577:167, osmond rulon family tree a….PNG)

File: 0fd3d32987132f1⋯.png (290.51 KB, 381x292, 381:292, osmonds on oprah.PNG)




GEORGE VIRL OSMOND Osmond Family Patriarch

October 13, 1917 – November 6, 2007

Born in Wyoming

Died/Buried Utah

now this got my almonds in an uproar KEK:

George's FATHER was in the UK before HUMPHRY was born …

Osmond was born in Etna, Wyoming, the son of Agnes LaVerna (née Van Noy) and Rulon Osmond. Rulon died at age 24 on November 24, 1917, shortly after George was born. A devout Mormon, Osmond served two missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, one in Hawaii and the other in the United Kingdom.




Rulon George Osmond (1893-1917)


In his youth, Osmond held a ham radio license, KA7EVD.[2]

Donny Osmond has traced some of his family ancestry back to Wales.



Osmond Family Non Profit that works with CHILDREN

North American non-profit organization that raises funds for children's hospitals, medical research, and community awareness of children's health issues. The organization, founded in 1983 by the Osmond family, John Schneider, Mick Shannon, and Joe Lake, is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah. The current President and CEO of Children's Miracle Network Hospitals is John Lauck. To date, Children's Miracle Network Hospitals claims to have raised more than $4.7 billion USD which is distributed directly to a network of 170 hospitals.


Main Website





Since 1983, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals has helped fill those funding gaps by raising more than $5 billion,







Children’s Healthcare Advocate * Student of Generosity* Metrics-driven* Teacher * Culture Leader * Weaver of Stories: I find that hospitality opens many doors. I am a culture geek. I love the process of informing and shifting culture. Until proven wrong, I prefer to trust in the basic goodness of people.



.."truly meaningful, effective interactions."




Teri Nestel is the Chief Administration Officer for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. She leads Information Services, Finance & Accounting, Human Resources, and Legal & Compliance.




meanwhile … pic 100 osmonds with OPRAH…


US OSMONDS AND their own little army KEK …


Along with the nine children, he was survived by 55 grandchildren and 48 great-grandchildren.


pic still looking at this


rulon is george osmond (donny's dad's) father's name … pic


0edb26  No.2655312


No drain in that "pool"…no water jets, no filtering…

NOT a pool

2e6d58  No.2655313

File: 2807bac50bb864d⋯.png (114.54 KB, 482x313, 482:313, trump-2020-kag-a1.png)

c0a690  No.2655314


That, and the fact they had blackmail material on everyone and they were using it like real fukken puppet masters too!

They were controlling everyone with F9 and built in back-doors, the same ones Q team use to pull images off of cameras with…BRILLIANT

21a2a8  No.2655316

File: a70bbd2d1958bd6⋯.jpg (91.06 KB, 1219x799, 1219:799, becck.JPG)

File: 0bb336ea60d2132⋯.jpg (59.89 KB, 550x452, 275:226, beck.JPG)


dug this earlier this is what i found

efe1fb  No.2655317

File: c39160800cdae95⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1418x1326, 709:663, Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at ….png)


I can see their faces when they realized the Clintons had lost power. They probably called POTUS the next day.


2d7d3e  No.2655318

File: ad2a150265c554e⋯.png (780.81 KB, 1584x937, 1584:937, capture_20180818135125.png)


a87887  No.2655319

File: e893d42874ba2e0⋯.jpg (49.47 KB, 775x837, 25:27, e893d42874ba2e01847d200de4….jpg)

7acac1  No.2655320

File: 6ea0a983c393ce0⋯.jpg (158.01 KB, 855x633, 285:211, China trade 2009 wikileaks.JPG)

2009 email to H from Sid…(((THEY))) knew what China was doing.

Quid pro quo?


cf31ae  No.2655321


yes it has drains and yes it is/was a pool.

a468eb  No.2655322

File: 7a6634dd9fff578⋯.png (4.64 KB, 589x86, 589:86, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b29fc45498521c9⋯.png (25.38 KB, 405x673, 405:673, ClipboardImage.png)

Dig worthy

56c602  No.2655323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's just a low-level part of the Cabal that serves as a liaison with the general public. From there, as with other organizations, they can monitor applicants and members to identify those who display suitably psychopathic qualities that merit advancement and placement inside infiltrated institutions. Many organizations function in this way. If you want to know more, I recommend the presentation by Mark Passio, a former priest of the Church of Satan. Well worth a listen.

2e6d58  No.2655324

File: 82166d866bbe6bf⋯.png (384.34 KB, 687x521, 687:521, potus-laws-stats.png)

7acac1  No.2655325

File: dd3621e31e4b37b⋯.jpg (156.91 KB, 857x639, 857:639, China trade 2009 wikileaks.JPG)


typo corrected

d31b53  No.2655326


Shit, you're right. Leggins and all. Good find anon. Both women look similar.

f93a42  No.2655327


In 1872, a Payseur company, the Charleston, Cincinnati and Chicago Railroad, established a telegraph company called Western Union. It formed a subsidiary called AT and T in 1875 and today it is one of America’s biggest telephone and communication companies. The Charleston, Cincinnati and Chicago Railroad company is the parent company for the Federal Reserve, the privately owned ‘central bank’ of the United States.

4142fd  No.2655328


You have no authority here, Ashtar pirate and associates. You have played gods in the past. You have been part of holding us back. Ashtar was a member of the Giza Intelligence, which gave Hitler technology it shouldn't have.

The Andromedan Council is onto you. The Pleiadians too. You have no power here, and you will not take advantage of us ever again when this is finished. Be gone.

3d0776  No.2655329

File: f174ca90b526dfa⋯.jpg (52.57 KB, 750x963, 250:321, comey24n-3-web.jpg)

>>2651849 #3347

Concur with the theory.

Those multiple trips to Iowa and all those missing children may just have a link.

4142fd  No.2655330


We are Terrans and we are sovereign, we need none of your bullshit.

a0d22a  No.2655331

File: 37595f7675fd61d⋯.jpg (28.42 KB, 400x400, 1:1, thinking_pepe__by_patricio….jpg)


Vrillon or…. Shiilon?

c0a690  No.2655332

File: ff3740725b54161⋯.png (43.58 KB, 150x150, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

0edb26  No.2655333


doubtful…related to Rose law firm, Clinton fuckery, tons of "history" in Little Rock…wonder if Ken Starr told them where to look?

ca75dc  No.2655334


Retarded clown shill.

c0a690  No.2655335

File: 0b6632079cef251⋯.png (255.35 KB, 675x711, 75:79, ClipboardImage.png)

2e6d58  No.2655336

File: 5f442ad04f7ee23⋯.png (655.74 KB, 775x698, 775:698, potus-1-year-a1.png)

56c602  No.2655337


Uh-oh. LARP wars. Kek.

d31b53  No.2655338

More red shoe shenanigans.


94d085  No.2655339

File: 59287a63e78d1f4⋯.jpg (446.17 KB, 1761x759, 587:253, 2TRAV 18 Aug 18 1045.jpg)

File: b1dc2bcb88e6d7f⋯.jpg (268.41 KB, 1779x591, 593:197, 2ZERO 18 Aug 18 1045.jpg)

File: ea758aed3a3c44e⋯.jpg (366.36 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, MC-12W Montreal 18 Aug 18 ….jpg)

File: c2406c1036d309d⋯.jpg (315.99 KB, 1911x588, 13:4, C208 Anderson 18 Aug 18 13….jpg)

Hi Anons, here are few caps that I've taken today. Two stand out for me - an MC-12W Liberty surveillance plane out of Montreal and a w#eird plane over Anderson - are they trying to tell us something about 'Anderson'?

791baf  No.2655340



Would you wankers grow the fuck up?

65290d  No.2655342

good mornin' crew. Interesting coup[le days. probably should read more. and relax/ love you guys

448d84  No.2655343


Very high quality pepes anon, very cool! Thanl you!

013aaf  No.2655344

File: 6cf79ef6f5eb26d⋯.png (360.6 KB, 858x725, 858:725, 9DE75180-373A-490A-B7E8-A4….png)



a87887  No.2655345

File: 4b284bba0b32d86⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1500x1079, 1500:1079, 4b284bba0b32d8671fe80be1c9….png)


He said "wankers". KEK!!

de307f  No.2655346

File: fe8715618c7b27f⋯.jpg (114.96 KB, 919x690, 919:690, moebius012.JPG)


Vrillon scmrillon


013aaf  No.2655347


Will be hung proudly, thank you artnon

4142fd  No.2655348



You think are clever yet you are not ready to expand your thinking. This is bigger than anyone can imagine.

56c602  No.2655349


Greetings. I am LARP from the Twisted Sister Constellation, known to you as the Limp Action Role Pleiades…. We are with you at this time. KEK!

ca75dc  No.2655350


It sure is, but the retarded shyt has nothing to do with it.

Fuck off back to reddit.

bc5eab  No.2655351



d8ef43  No.2655352



Honestly, a friend makes them, I just give him some of my ideas.

9e73bd  No.2655353


I just tried to click on a fakebook link concerning the tuesday trump rally and as soon as i did… boom its gone…

this has happened repeatedly over the last few months yet it is getting worse…

a7dd19  No.2655354

File: a8c38c941df4386⋯.png (132.72 KB, 559x651, 559:651, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d0c40a1f0ec33d9⋯.png (75.36 KB, 560x584, 70:73, ClipboardImage.png)


791baf  No.2655355

File: db6f02ddc94f337⋯.jpg (90.1 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, SumoPepeCuomo.jpg)

0edb26  No.2655356

File: 4af7c17e6ccd61e⋯.png (2.99 MB, 1672x1060, 418:265, Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at ….png)

File: d6cb553431902be⋯.png (436.39 KB, 1400x1010, 140:101, Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at ….png)


Check the cupcakes!


a87887  No.2655357

File: 244d96c2b88d916⋯.png (917.69 KB, 1332x1186, 666:593, brennan.png)


c0a690  No.2655358


Asheville Greenville Anderson Athens Atlanta Rome

Corridor of the Cabal?

a0d22a  No.2655359


Baker you accidentally added the notable nomination:


Instead of the notable post:


Thanks baker, appreciate your hard work.

c0a690  No.2655360


How far to the Guidestones?

067e56  No.2655361

File: 8bf03ec7e607e75⋯.jpeg (268.49 KB, 750x712, 375:356, 3AC48FE5-FBD7-425C-8880-4….jpeg)


a468eb  No.2655362


If this gets any traction at all in the legal action sytsem, we'll need to burn that system down and start over.

d31b53  No.2655363

File: 04aca6cfe6696d5⋯.jpg (422.03 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, pepemayan.jpg)

I see the larps are fighting for cosmic dominance today.

4142fd  No.2655364


Bigger. Than. Anyone. Can. Imagine.

Reflect on that more. Also, expand your thinking while you're at it.

2c271b  No.2655365

File: bfac46255414e99⋯.jpg (78.32 KB, 549x433, 549:433, Rainman says No.jpg)

File: cf43dc372fdc238⋯.jpg (439.5 KB, 1204x972, 301:243, not what truth looks like.jpg)

d8ef43  No.2655366

File: c9f7e3c4263e77f⋯.jpg (54.5 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, Wojackpepe.jpg)

File: d203f17a2f0c847⋯.jpg (84.61 KB, 800x641, 800:641, handgunpepev1.2.jpg)

A few more Pepes

cc227d  No.2655367

File: 9eb9655d61729fa⋯.png (429.87 KB, 438x406, 219:203, block.PNG)

40824c  No.2655368

School starts soon!

067e56  No.2655369


“It’s all happening for us”

“Long enough”

e4fe7d  No.2655370


loving the shill rotations. Antisemitic shills morphed to muh aliens shills. Top kek

a87887  No.2655371

File: 5fd31ca892d1e99⋯.png (1.08 MB, 2036x794, 1018:397, rome.png)

d2208e  No.2655372

File: 52cfa60eb078cdc⋯.png (136.75 KB, 1252x892, 313:223, route1.png)

File: d57ff24bf4088ec⋯.png (215.21 KB, 466x384, 233:192, cabin1.png)

File: cbaaaa560eaade5⋯.png (126.11 KB, 406x364, 29:26, statue.png)

File: af7fdaa82d824de⋯.png (26.96 KB, 486x190, 243:95, Hi-Da-Way.png)

File: 54afe1a876bfc0f⋯.png (329.8 KB, 458x656, 229:328, speaker:anti-air.png)

OK Anons so we found out that Deer Island is Skull and Bones HRC BUSH connect whatever.

So being Canadian and noticing it was 1000 islands - I thought shit.. Maybe I could get close it is only give or take 8 hours from me.

So I looked around, on google maps you can see the route to get to the island - seems they step off on the American side (makes sense)

So the Route from even on the Canada side, going through the border, coming up by the route into the island.


The Cottages there are called:





Reviews show as been scrubbed or no-negative comments made..

I would assume with a boat it would take no more then 10-15 cross Canada and into the island, vise versa from America.

Now I used to travel a lot back and forth for work - now I used to drive along the long highway there right beside the island on the Canadian border.

It would be IDEAL for them to traffick there, when I would be coming back it would always be late at night as I wanted to stay with family as long as possible so I would drive through the night.

What I am leading up to is that there was plenty of 18 wheeler traffic. When I got tired I would just focus on the red lights behind the wheelers - like I said always a few around.

Plenty of them taking rests, also, in Quebec they have Rest Areas where you can drop off and sleep, wash room and whatever else.

But even still, without even having to use the rest stops, but stopping off at key points on the highway - for example there are places on that highway that have a really long and wide shoulder - what I assumed to be for 18 wheelers.

Also I should note I drove that route over 50 times and never seen a cop.

Take the kids, drive the straight highway - find the shoulder ( I am sure they have them marked )

Crew waiting at shore line and woods near highway, 18 wheeler waits for nobody to be coming (Possible crew using drones to give go-ahead on EVAC)

The kids run to the water - the boats pick them up, 5-9 minutes later on the wooded Island.

Also in the picture attached I noticed something like a PA system, but after I thought about the wealth and control these people have, are these islands loaded with anti-air and are these places booby-trapped?

I can't help but think about in True Detective when they were going to cabin in the wooded area they had to go through all the booby-traps

There was a "street view" in the water adjacent to the island that gave view to a cabin and a structure int he woods and the PA system near by, just a chance? I wonder.. Thats how you can see the shit in photos.

155654  No.2655373

File: f663e426e417ea5⋯.jpg (169.42 KB, 902x820, 11:10, 18-Aug-2018-0853-Zero-Hedg….jpg)

Okay, great news that Trump is sending tweets slamming social media about their censorship of conservative voice. I'm hoping he acts quickly. The longer this drags on the greater risks the dems will take the House. Any clue what his strategy might be to make this happen?

b4a886  No.2655374


perhaps this is what will lead to information being released. if he doesn't pursue "legal action", you damn sure will know there's some pretty good info on him being threatened

0d1ce8  No.2655375

>>2654390 (lb)


have you got a bigger version I can fukn save?

a7dd19  No.2655376

File: c0a39e20725646b⋯.png (361.88 KB, 517x636, 517:636, ClipboardImage.png)


791baf  No.2655377

File: 10c0985a1905dd4⋯.jpg (372.22 KB, 1500x1079, 1500:1079, VJwhoMe.jpg)

4a8801  No.2655378


Unusual departure flight track for a beechcraft out of that Montreal one. Is the pilot drunk? :)

14adc4  No.2655380

Women have 3 pairs of lips.

1 to speak and 2 more to make up for that

989d3a  No.2655381


Ya see this is a slide, but related.

This was broadcast on BBC tv and hundreds of thousands or more did hear this. Its what ya call Undeniable Truth!

9035b7  No.2655382


We need to dig further into Mayo Clinic

I am halfway through a dig here, but basically go to Mayo clinic board of directors research each one,(esp non Dr's) most have ties to ex presidents / democrats / senators, Barbra bush etc they must have their hands in the pie for the life extension / transfusions / harvesting.

cd8c10  No.2655383


Go suck a dong a come back when you are done playing games.

4b2811  No.2655384


Your overlooking one small fact.

It's early 19th century tech.

Show me a private swimming pool from that era that has jets and filters.

c0a690  No.2655385


"We're doing great, other countries are not doing well at all.

I wish other countries well, but they've taken advantage of us long enough" (paraphrased)

56c602  No.2655386


Tune in to my purple-coloured YouTube channel. We are with you at this time. Focus your mind and raise your vibrations from this false matrix. Do not let your beautiful mind be polluted by the illusions of the evil Archons from whom we will soon rescue you. They do not have power over you. Those who cling to negative vibrations will cease to exist as we Ascend into 5D. Do not involve yourselves in material things. It is all illusion. Look away. Look away. Be at peace. Trust our plan. The world of this material plane will soon pass away. Do not be dragged down by looking into it, or you too will miss out on this last chance at eternal happiness. You are here to be happy, not to focus on the ugliness of this illusory matrix. Do not dig into darkness. It is not real. It is just illusion to trap your souls. Look away. Look away. Look away.

I am LARP, from the Twisted Sister constellation, known to you as the Limp Action Role Pleiades. We are with you at this time. Stay tuned to my purple-coloured trance-inducing YouTube video for more channelled information from pretty girls. I am LARP. And we are with you at this time.

1fcbe4  No.2655387

067e56  No.2655388

File: fb39efad814517b⋯.jpeg (262.28 KB, 750x732, 125:122, 920F9612-2C93-45F3-A9C4-4….jpeg)

9e73bd  No.2655389


remove the ten commandments and remove the statue of satan as NO RELIGION rules us and NO RELIGION means ALL!

ef66eb  No.2655390


You the sf dude?

ba8561  No.2655391

File: f6280a47719a9de⋯.png (438.1 KB, 688x446, 344:223, mccabe.PNG)


Comey Tweeting something useful is an oxy(moron) (pun intended).

Faggot Clown is hiding amongst the flyover states he Shat Upon

013aaf  No.2655392

File: 33e48f5c5e51891⋯.png (153.31 KB, 579x523, 579:523, F00B24E8-B590-4208-94CF-2C….png)

What if when Q said timeline changes, he meant TIMELINE changes

1fcbe4  No.2655393

File: e26d5459e242f99⋯.png (30.38 KB, 657x651, 219:217, pepe.png)


This, much yez

f67b1d  No.2655394

Compelling info on The Clinton's, Branson and the 10 + Islands.

A monopoly on drug and sex trafficking routes???


bee1e1  No.2655395




The Department of State (Department) spends substantial resources on contracts; in FY 2017

alone, the Department’s obligations included $15.5 billion for contractual services and



To use taxpayer resources prudently, the Department must ensure that contractors

are appropriately selected, work is properly conducted and monitored, contract objectives are

achieved, and costs are effectively contained. Despite its importance, contract oversight

continues to be a significant management challenge for the Department.

OIG sought to

determine what underlying factors might have contributed to, or caused, deficiencies in the

performance of COR duties and whether actionable recommendations can be made to

address those underlying factors.


OIG reviewed inspection reports published from January 2016 through

December 2017 and found that 36 percent (15 out of 42) contained findings related to CORs.

These included CORs who did not monitor contractors’ technical progress, did not properly

review contractors’ invoices before approving them for payment, and did not maintain

complete COR files.

In Embassy Accra,10 for example, only one of the six CORs properly

monitored contractors’ progress and maintained complete COR files.

In Embassy Beijing,11 some

designated CORs neither monitored contractors’ progress nor maintained related monitoring

documentation in the COR files.

Of the 26 COR files OIG reviewed in Turkey,12 only 11 were


OIG also found that the staff overseeing contractors at several overseas missions

lacked the formal designation and training to do so.13

==Mandating Use of the Department’s Electronic Filing System Would Mitigate

Some of the Obstacles Posed By Dispersal of Contracting Officer

Representatives ==



52c2ee  No.2655396

"I was an MI6 spy inside Al-Qaeda"


efe1fb  No.2655398


DO IT! The discovery phase will be a treasure trove of treasonous acts the defense would dig up.

You can't touch POTUS in the Courts

You can't touch POTUS in the Media

You can't touch POTUS in the House or Senate

b3c0e7  No.2655399



e99644  No.2655400


That was my exact thought!

83ee48  No.2655401

File: da91c4a8985a3f4⋯.png (177.57 KB, 1905x974, 1905:974, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6594d4f7529095f⋯.png (145.25 KB, 1915x730, 383:146, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec5c36c76191aa3⋯.png (259.24 KB, 1872x884, 36:17, ClipboardImage.png)

Looking around for Podesta/Kauders info. Came across an LD-1 lobbying form that indicated Kauders was lobbying for the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine via the Podesta Group. Came across another one (minus Kauders) that indicated Podesta Group lobbying on behalf of Sberbank CIB USA, Inc. (NY) which is "multinational investment banking and asset management firm headquartered in Moscow, Russia".

One thing led to another as it often does, et voila! A search tool for lobbying groups' filings!


cd8c10  No.2655402


If only this was 1988 instead. The kids are gone. They will choose Bernie over the Constitution every time.

81c2a1  No.2655403


“As you have done to the least of these, you have done to me.”

He sees us all. The great America that people are talking about is the faces of those who overcome dire circumstances. It’s in the not giving up. The helping one another. The communities, the love, the care.

The standing up to giants, while helping the little ones.

Christ IN you. The Christ that is willing to lay his life down for another. The one that sees beauty where no one else does.

There is a lot of Christ in what people view as America being great.

Don’t get so tripped up on words.

4a8801  No.2655404

File: a9807f9050367a0⋯.jpeg (63.03 KB, 450x450, 1:1, 009C7472-76EB-4BAC-8AB7-A….jpeg)

eb67a6  No.2655405

I think Twatter has been suppressing how many people are liking his tweets. Normally POTUS has well over 100k likes per tweet. Within the last week or so they are barely breaking 50k. Might be worth keeping an eye on anons. It would coincide with his latest censorship tweets… I think POTUS twitter is being tampered with once again.

6107d5  No.2655406

Not a "newfag" and wondering if there has been a dig of any sort into

Hunter Biden

Chris Heinz

Devon Archer, etc?


Rosemont Seneca

Thornton Group

Billy Bulger

James Bulger

Just thought I'd ask - am reading "Secret Societies" (Schweizer, P.), so I may be overly "OMG YOU GUISE". It happens.

57b5cf  No.2655407


Biltmore built 1880-1896. Filter systems for pools not invented until early 20th century. Prior to then only way to clean pools was pump out water and replace.

b8009f  No.2655408


She was on the board of directors for wall mart

In arkansaw

when bill became president wall mart cornered the market…. coincidece?

d23001  No.2655409


Possibly the leaf stuff is an old fashioned meaning for a pedophile.

Nabakov author of Lolita was raped by his uncle and tells about the meaning of the leaf.


44f856  No.2655410

File: 0e181488bfba962⋯.jpg (4.66 KB, 323x156, 323:156, Bruce Ohr.jpg)

Spitballing this one. Is the Trump admin leaving Ohr and others in place so that they can more closely monitor and map out their conspiratorial network? I just have trouble justifying why they should be working when they should be in Gitmo.

b8d6ca  No.2655411

File: 6855550a9f74611⋯.png (413.13 KB, 692x327, 692:327, GH - Copy.PNG)

f93a42  No.2655412

File: ed1c7f71e0c7c75⋯.jpg (69.61 KB, 720x480, 3:2, Carnegie.jpg)

The red shoe photo

This pic is of a surviving member of the Andrew Carnegie Family. Cannot find her name.

She looks like the one at Tony Pedo-desta's birthday party.

f67b1d  No.2655413

File: 8bf354c4e81687c⋯.png (321.02 KB, 720x1199, 720:1199, Capture _2018-08-18-09-18-….png)

File: 660fe455085c387⋯.png (202.63 KB, 720x1199, 720:1199, Capture _2018-08-18-09-19-….png)


2a1d21  No.2655414

File: 05a479ebeae22d0⋯.png (588.73 KB, 780x553, 780:553, ClipboardImage.png)

Kofi Annan, UN chief who won Nobel Peace Prize, dies at 80


Mr Kofi Annan, the soft-spoken Ghanaian diplomat who served as the first United Nations secretary-general from sub-Saharan Africa, has died. Mr Annan died on Saturday (Aug 18) after an unspecified short illness, according to a statement from his family and the Kofi Annan Foundation. He was 80.

Peacekeeping Push

“A lot of his time as secretary-general was devoted to redeeming both the UN’s battered reputation and his own,” said Mr Richard Gowan, a fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations. “Annan and his advisers managed to nurse UN operations back to life, and launch new blue missions in trouble spots like Congo and Liberia.

Syrian Uprising

In his 2012 memoir, Interventions: A Life In War And Peace, Mr Annan wrote that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s response to the popular uprising “confirmed my more troubling suspicion that he was a man beholden to a small group of Alawite security officers and willing to employ any means to retain power”.

Joins UN

After graduation in 1962, Mr Annan joined the World Health Organisation, a UN agency, as a budget officer before leaving to earn a master’s degree in management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1971.

Accepts Responsibility

In his memoir, Mr Annan accepts responsibility, and writes that the UN “had no genuine, deep expertise on the country”. Months after the Rwandan massacre, UN troops stood by as more than 8,000 Muslim men and boys were killed by Serbian paramilitary units in the town of Srebrenica. Mr Annan later apologised.

Volcker’s Inquiry

An inquiry led by former US Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker found in September 2005 that Mr Annan knew about Saddam Hussein’s corruption of the almost US$70 billion (S$96 billion) programme and did little to stop the illegal activity. Mr Annan “maintained a passive attitude and made no serious effort to curtail the surcharge scheme”, His response to the smuggling “reveals a pattern of inaction and inadequate disclosure”. He finished his term at the end of 2006. After the UN, Mr Annan, set up the Kofi Annan Foundation, which works to promote good global governance and peace.


I wonder how many foundations we can find from individuals in these world organizations, interesting.

42ce6c  No.2655415

Watch the movie "The Good Shepherd"

3d0776  No.2655416

File: f24fc00ea797c3f⋯.jpg (13.99 KB, 219x220, 219:220, Black_Mountain_College_sea….jpg)


Whether or not it's the one in the paintings, there is something about that pool. Creepy place.

>>2653283 pb

Black Mountain (Billy Graham) & Montreat also a rich location to look if you're digging around Asheville.

18cf3d  No.2655417


i believe they are letting these people hang themselves. By not revoking yet, they bad guys are going to foreign countries to access the data (Neverlands) and using it AGAINST our POTUS. This evidence will just add to the cases against them…They cannont claim obomo made them do it, if they do it AFTER they left.

81c2a1  No.2655418


I disagree. Trump supporters may be quiet in public, but not at home. This generations’s kids are going into these universities armed with a lot more information than prior generations. My 13 year old daughter can even smell the media BS.

I didn’t even know this kind of manipulation existed when I was her age.

d23001  No.2655419


The leaf also might be a ancient Sumerian tale of one of the gods who jerked off on a leaf and tricked another male to eat it. Some people in Iraq wont eat lettuce today because of the story of semen hidden in leafs.

f93a42  No.2655420


Sorry mate. I stole it.

It's a keeper!

ec0ad2  No.2655421

File: 59218b9a45f78bc⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1663x1189, 1663:1189, sheparsisted.png)

File: a1fafe1c64b46f8⋯.png (2.65 MB, 1845x4414, 1845:4414, comptbord.png)

File: 585d3893f6a18d1⋯.jpg (930.04 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot_20180816-155042….jpg)

b3c0e7  No.2655423

Oprah just bought an $8.3 million mansion on an island near Seattle

Jimmy Im

19 hrs ago

Oprah Winfrey, who's currently worth $2.9 billion, according to Forbes, just dropped $8.275 million on a secluded 43-acre compound on Washington state's Orcas Island, one of the largest islands in the San Juan Islands archipelago between Seattle and Vancouver.

The 8,000-square-foot, four-bedroom, bedroom-bathroom estate, nicknamed Madroneagle, has two adjoining parcels that Winfrey reportedly bought separately.

The estate has breathtaking waterfront views on nearly 3,000 feet of west-facing shoreline, open terraces for "al fresco" dining, a wine cellar, fitness center, game room and music studio.

The home also features custom touches like a wood-fired pizza oven, radiant floor heating and reclaimed wood and ironwork throughout.

The three-story main residence has a copper and slate roof and cabin-like interior finishes including rare reclaimed woods, hand-forged iron work and "wood floorboards reclaimed from the old Sears' building in Chicago," according to Variety. It also has a dining room, kitchen with skylights, office and a library.

Outside, the grounds includes an Asian garden, water wheel sauna and a private beach


05ef64  No.2655424

File: 78a0a8da405f646⋯.png (365.47 KB, 571x910, 571:910, 2495e7a2a32017e3a74121b69e….png)


this guy is really good…imo

efe1fb  No.2655425

File: 391e6f94b7ee396⋯.png (87.28 KB, 1298x320, 649:160, Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at ….png)

File: eea71320646d617⋯.jpg (82.97 KB, 1000x630, 100:63, 1525755931.jpg)


Hey Schumer.

Come at me bro!


b8d6ca  No.2655426

File: d81e7a5807270d9⋯.png (931.16 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 2390fb3aa835428e8ba3a877ce….png)

b985a4  No.2655427

File: ea11bd8a395ce70⋯.png (11.28 KB, 367x259, 367:259, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)

c92f11  No.2655428


You know that one had to have actually happened.

d31b53  No.2655429


She does look similiar but I think we identified her as Katie Wocjik. An anon found a photo from Tony's birthday party with her name and she's wearing the same stockings, etc.

7acac1  No.2655430


the love of money…

no coincidences

9ef0b5  No.2655432


kekkle…I hope NASA put a few million bags of popcorn kernels on that sun probe…

0df6c6  No.2655433

File: 6f0f075e2f479a7⋯.jpg (656.42 KB, 2000x1325, 80:53, Flan.jpg)

05ef64  No.2655434

File: 3c0d82406761388⋯.jpg (20.03 KB, 400x353, 400:353, 3c0d82406761388a8810d9d951….jpg)


mendola effect

f0ef62  No.2655435


Would love to see the axe fall on this grubby, corrupt piece of shit!

Children overboard?

Filthy, dirty, lying cunt!

481428  No.2655436

File: ed7510d605c95e4⋯.png (343.98 KB, 1145x943, 1145:943, southwest.png)

Did we see this - the WEIGHTS of the planes are inaccurate?

Southwest Airlines suddenly grounds scores of planes due to aircraft weight issues


Southwest Airlines abruptly grounded 66 Boeing 737 aircraft in its fleet last Wednesday after issues with the carrier’s aircraft weight records were discovered. In an internal memo to employees on the matter that was obtained by the Chicago Business Journal, Southwest said: “Today (Wednesday) we discovered the weights being sent to our Dispatch Operation did not match our other weight records for a number of aircraft in the fleet. As a result, and out of an abundance of caution, we have stopped flying those aircraft to recalculate the weights of the aircraft in question and reset the program.”

Aircraft weight is important because dispatch personnel and pilots need the correct information to determine the amount of fuel to load and other data needed to safely operate a flight.

The memo on the sudden airplane groundings also informed Southwest employees what to tell customers should they ask what was going on or what might have caused flight delays or cancellations.

The internal memo told employees to respond to customers thusly: “This aircraft is temporarily out of service while we work on its paperwork. The system that calculates and reports the aircraft’s weight is not working properly.”



bee1e1  No.2655437

File: 7ba7a8b314f0377⋯.png (147.8 KB, 652x573, 652:573, ClipboardImage.png)


The VA Office of Inspector General (OIG) audited the Veteran Health Administration’s (VHA’s) Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers from June 2017 through June 2018 to determine if VHA effectively provided program services to qualified veterans and their caregivers. The Family Caregiver Program pays a monthly stipend to caregivers of eligible veterans.


The OIG found that veterans and their caregivers did not receive consistent access to the program.

The OIG found that caregiver support coordinators (CSCs) did not determine eligibility within the required 45 days for about 65 percent of the 1,822 veterans approved for the program from January through September 2017.

The OIG also found that VHA did not correctly apply eligibility criteria when enrolling veterans. Four percent of the 1,604 veterans discharged from the program from January through September 2017 were never eligible.

As a result, VHA made about $4.8 million in improper payments to their caregivers.

VHA also did not consistently monitor and document the health statuses of an estimated 50 percent of the veterans discharged during the same period. The OIG found clinicians and CSCs either did not adequately document the extent that veterans’ health conditions changed or they failed to routinely monitor veterans and their caregivers before the reassessment leading to their program discharge.

VHA failed to manage the Family Caregiver Program effectively because it did not establish governance that promoted accountability for program management.

Also, VHA did not establish a staffing model to ensure medical facilities were well equipped to manage the program’s workload.


The OIG recommended designating additional program oversight, applying program criteria to ensure eligibility determinations are accurate, ensuring veteran applications are processed within the 45-day standard, consistently monitoring and documenting veterans’ health statuses, and establishing guidelines for when a veteran’s need for care changes.



Audit Report:


20156d  No.2655438

File: 983ea560f44e6ff⋯.png (308.33 KB, 575x433, 575:433, islaaams.png)

c92f11  No.2655439


Probably just fucking with some anon who is working on their budget.

56c602  No.2655440


Mostly, yeah. But it seems that the JQ is off limits for Passio, which causes me to pause a little bit in my enthusiasm for his work. Generally, though, there is a lot to be said for what he has been doing for the last few years. But the veil he draws over the JQ is at the very least curious.

5e9fe2  No.2655441

File: 984e3ad958c4e62⋯.gif (100.44 KB, 640x384, 5:3, Covfefe - really.gif)

f93a42  No.2655442


Was digging as I saw there was some dispute about it being Wocjik.

4142fd  No.2655443

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




"Thank you very much Mr. Chair, and thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak, and thank you Steve (Steven Basset) for inviting me to speak.

My name, as said, is Paul Hellyer, I am a former Minister of Defense for Canada. I served in three governments, during a total of 23.5 years of Parliament. Although as Minister of National Defense, I had sighting reports of U.F.O.'s, I was too busy to be concerned about them because I was trying to unify the Army, Navy, and Air Force into a single Canadian Defense Force, and that itself was a kind-of battle to the finish. So, this was not high on my agenda, but about 10 years ago I started getting interested due to a young man from Ottawa sending me material on the subject. I told him I was too busy to read it, but he had confidence that someday I would. He sent me a copy of Colonel Corso's book, The Day After Roswell. It took me awhile to get around to reading it, but I took it for my summer reading in 2005, and was really impressed with what was contained in it. What I thought to myself was, 'there are huge issues here, HUGE issues, and the American People and the People of the World have a right to know what's going on because they're part of it, it's not just an isolated thing.'

So after confirming the contents of the book, the Retired United States General, I accepted the invitation of Victor Viggiani and his co-hort Mike Byrd, to speak at a symposium at the University of Toronto and I said; "UFO's are as real as the airplanes flying overhead." That gave me the dubious distinction of being the first cabinet member of government rank in the G8 group of countries to say so unequivocally."


Edgar Mitchell, Apollo veteran:

"You don't know the area like I do," he said in an interview with Mirror Online.

"White Sands was a testing ground for atomic weapons - and that's what the extraterrestrials were interested in.

"They wanted to know about our military capabilities.

"My own experience talking to people has made it clear the ETs had been attempting to keep us from going to war and help create peace on Earth."


Expand your thinking.

b8d6ca  No.2655444


88 MPH!

f0dd67  No.2655445


Please do, discovery phase would be awesome.

9a3ca3  No.2655446

Good morning, Anons.

CASSE back for the coffee and bread.

What is it called?

When you hit the nail on the head and don't realize it?

Bread before last.

Arkansas misspelling on purpose or misspelling subconscious?

Who wins the most from the Farm Bill?

Who loses?

Who else has art?

Who else is Alice?

There are more than one.

cd8c10  No.2655447


I would rather you be right than me, but Im sure your child is just an outlier. There is no way this ends well.

05ef64  No.2655448

File: 7b11efb5ca3ad61⋯.png (168.41 KB, 665x707, 95:101, slimey checkum.png)

0df6c6  No.2655449

File: 931d307e6402549⋯.jpg (107.44 KB, 739x819, 739:819, Normandy.jpg)

Here is the tank column going after Brennan after they finished off the Nazi scum in Normandy.

Rolling Dunder!

1b3e83  No.2655450

File: 81dd7bc78053eb2⋯.png (6.43 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, 81dd7bc78053eb27bccaf41610….png)

2cd307  No.2655451


You got the vector, Victor?

5e9fe2  No.2655452


> custom touches like a wood-fired pizza oven

wood-fired pizza oven

almonds activating?

c92f11  No.2655453


I'm not drunk enough to fuck with you, yet.

374425  No.2655454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>2652316 pb

...because the Devil goes down to Georgia.

d23001  No.2655455


This is likely the Jews panicking and using this crap to attempt to cuck us into not punishing them properly for genociding as many races as they can.

eb67a6  No.2655456


Shirley you can’t be serious

bee1e1  No.2655457

File: e5ccfd31d628c36⋯.png (120.12 KB, 805x557, 805:557, ClipboardImage.png)


Without E-Invoicing and Stronger Payment Process Controls, EPA Is Placing $1.2 Billion at Risk Annually






8a03f8  No.2655458

Brennan will be upset because once you lose an SC you can NEVER hold office again with one that needs one.

3b49c0  No.2655459

Can somebody please refresh my memory, what were those Q drops about bicycles and "wonderful days" all about? I'm just wondering if those, don't represent Q predicting the bike-by assassinations of senior Bush's and queen Liz's doctors or whatever?

fce2e8  No.2655460

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wow! Came across this YT about a bible that’s leaking healing oil , by the gallons….

They even offer to send the oil free


dbcbdc  No.2655461

File: 79c71e5240c2099⋯.gif (1.22 MB, 500x408, 125:102, tumblr_nbv67k13BE1s2wio8o1….gif)


big clap

28136d  No.2655462

File: 85d56b4460713c3⋯.png (56.25 KB, 866x94, 433:47, 55.PNG)


==5:5== frens

2cd307  No.2655463


>I'm not drunk enough to fuck you, yet.

I bet you say that to all the boys..

6dd021  No.2655464



We've got clearance, Clarence… and don't call me Shirley.

4a8801  No.2655465


Roger, Roger

f93a42  No.2655466

File: 32e1e4549b2e442⋯.jpg (14.16 KB, 244x255, 244:255, pepe drum.jpg)

31ba74  No.2655467


My kids are red pilled too and very traditional, as are their friends. You have no idea…don’t underestimate. They see more than you realize!

9266bc  No.2655468


Soros Fund Management invested heavily in different social medias recently. Music streaming too, Spotify and Pandora.

1ed1c1  No.2655469


wait until you see it backwards.

23971f  No.2655470

File: 4a893fd29a000fd⋯.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1242x2152, 621:1076, E5776D66-0F0D-46E2-A7AE-5….jpeg)

File: f0b3af157d9a09f⋯.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1242x1533, 414:511, 8C11179B-FC51-4604-8284-B….jpeg)

File: 707a45b6e5770e6⋯.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1242x1221, 414:407, 3E08D85A-9BB5-492A-A116-3….jpeg)

File: 60b6f9c0d5dd566⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1242x1405, 1242:1405, 500C1958-C9F8-43E3-9767-D….jpeg)

File: 5f07f770f994870⋯.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1223x1374, 1223:1374, 5DD7460C-5270-4ABE-BA6A-4….jpeg)

Good morning Anons. I want to bring your attention to the “Free Fun” modeling event in Denver where they are asking for child models to show up between ages 6-17.

It’s being hosted at a warehouse used by a media group called “Lumenati”

Here’s their URL for their Instagram Acct : https://www.instagram.com/lumenati.co

Here’s the ad about modeling : https://www.denverfashionweek.com/participate/

Pictures definitely related. Continued in next post

d2208e  No.2655471

File: 15b8b1ab79c1b39⋯.png (56.41 KB, 1224x128, 153:16, q112233.png)

File: 7270deefa957d48⋯.png (53.12 KB, 1220x132, 305:33, q123.png)

Whats the code-word to rip the band-aid off?

I better not be in some farm house in Virginia on LSD compliments of the CIA and MK Ultra..

186f4c  No.2655472


AT&T today has only vestigial connections to the original corporation. They are actually the remnants of Southwestern Bell Corporation, funded by the Israeli corporation Amdocs, and they don't have even one-tenth of the intelligence of the original AT&T.

23971f  No.2655473

File: 274af24bbe0220e⋯.jpeg (592.8 KB, 1242x971, 1242:971, 4791B5C0-7040-45A2-A00E-C….jpeg)

File: 72ddc73ff43ada8⋯.jpeg (802.27 KB, 1242x890, 621:445, 4EE4DA34-9831-4C91-8407-B….jpeg)

File: 82896e75b9578c4⋯.jpeg (973.36 KB, 1242x1405, 1242:1405, C4BC11B8-2C5A-417E-81F0-C….jpeg)

File: f8c4b8c8135929d⋯.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1242x1699, 1242:1699, 736CC6E2-6FA9-405B-9336-1….jpeg)


Should I attend the event ? Wear my MAGA hat??? Lolol. These people are stupid

6d0de9  No.2655474


Thats kind of like an Alcoholic having a Pure Walnut Fully Stocked bar in his house. Opera should maybe have a TCBY installed and not a pizza over. Not all pizza is bad unless you are Oprah.

b3c0e7  No.2655475


That pepe does not look excited.

04d612  No.2655477

Fake Q posts all over twat with rusdian names as distributors

56c602  No.2655478


In the end, I think all the New Age stuff functions in that way. So much of it is about looking away from political issues, confronting darkness. Instead we are to focus on seeking to manifest our desires in our own limited space. There's a lot of narcissism involved, and in the end there is no corroborating evidence for any of this channelled stuff. People believe it because it gives them an excuse to abdicate their responsibility for actually dealing with the dark stuff that is going on down here. They get to tell themselves that they are superior because they see through the illusion, but there's no evidence for any of that. They just get to believe what they want to believe. Psy-op with a long history.

c0a690  No.2655479


>Devon Archer


Three Convicted In Manhattan Federal Court For The Fraudulent Issuance And Sale Of More Than $60 Million Of Tribal Bonds

ROBERT KHUZAMI, Attorney for the United States, Acting Under Authority Conferred by 28 U.S.C. § 515, announced that JOHN GALANIS, a/k/a “Yanni,” DEVON ARCHER, and BEVAN COONEY were each convicted today of conspiracy to commit securities fraud and securities fraud, following a five and half week trial before U.S. District Judge Ronnie Abrams.


What Hunter Biden, the son of America’s vice president, and Christopher Heinz, the stepson of the chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (later to be secretary of state), were creating was an international private equity firm. It was anchored by the Heinz family alternative investment fund, Rosemont Capital. The new firm would be populated by political loyalists and positioned to strike profitable deals overseas with foreign governments and officials with whom the US government was negotiating.


DECEMBER 18, 2017

Christopher Heinz, Senior Vice President at PNC Bank, Joins CNAS Board of Advisors

The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) announced today that Christopher Heinz, a Senior Vice President at PNC Bank and the leader of its external Fintech investment program and strategy development, will join the CNAS Board of Advisors. As a member of the Board of Advisors, he will actively contribute to the development and execution of the organization’s intellectual agenda. The Board of Advisors is comprised of prominent leaders from the private sector, academia, the military, and government who help inform the Center’s research and expand its community of interest.

49855e  No.2655480


That's what they get when they install antigravity shielding from Team Q.

c92f11  No.2655481

Now I want pizza for breakfast but I don't have any. Fuck you guys.

9266bc  No.2655482


Funny, Soros invested heavily in AT&T recently too.

1ed1c1  No.2655483


You can buy judges all the way to the SCOTUS, but no further.

Expensive PR campaign. Is it worth it?

b738d9  No.2655484

File: 7b22689ed182a75⋯.jpg (4.34 MB, 5312x2988, 16:9, RabbitTruckDiesel.jpg)


I like that Jetta , here is my VDubb!

9a3ca3  No.2655485


Switch to coffee.

Try Haiti Coffee Academy

Not what it appears.

Clintons connected

2e6d58  No.2655486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Does Jack Posobiec Have an Agenda? Why spread Lies?

5e9fe2  No.2655487


Earlier on, we dug on someone who had a wood-fired pizza oven in their back yard. It was big enough to roast a very large object. Big enough even to dispose of a small corpse? Memory bank does not disgorge the identity at this moment.

d16a43  No.2655488


It is weird that BO messed up oath of office both times he took it especially in light of his oratory prowess.

55ec93  No.2655489

File: f14ef6730df4b42⋯.jpg (7.72 KB, 226x223, 226:223, 1501403521178.jpg)



81c2a1  No.2655490


Something just came to mind that I have noticed the past couple days. I’m white and from the south. Unlike the rest of the country, our white/black ratios are much higher. We have grown up with each other and many consider each other family. The last few years have taken a toll, and the blacks look defeated because they are tired of being represented as lazy haters, and they are tired of being told to to be lazy and to hate.

The last few days I have had at least four young black girls (around my daughters age) give me the biggest smiles. Huge smiles. They’re standing up. They are standing up against who people have told them they are supposed to be, and being who they are. I’ve noticed a change in the adults too. They’re going out of their way to make eye contact, and be friendlier than they normally are (not the fake kind).

Something big and beautiful is brewing.

d23001  No.2655491

File: 4472ad368dfc330⋯.jpg (92.94 KB, 536x499, 536:499, 2fy9pm.jpg)

5e9fe2  No.2655492


On purpose

990b99  No.2655493


Nope, not an outlier.

The new norm. Our kids know the truth. Truth is contagious. Nobody likes to be seen as wrong.

2b6f1e  No.2655494

File: 5ff71e13f8c07ac⋯.png (449.31 KB, 633x353, 633:353, ClipboardImage.png)

WOODWARD COUNTY, Oklahoma - 8/17/2018

Emergency crews responded after a military aircraft crashed near Mutual, Oklahoma. An instructor pilot ejected just in time and is okay, but investigators are still working to determine what caused the plane to crash.The instructor pilot said he and another pilot were returning from a training exercise, when the engine in his T-38 went out. He decided to eject when he couldn't restart the engine.

http: //www.news9.com/story/38908552/pilot-ejects-from-military-aircraft-before-crash-near-mutual

c92f11  No.2655495


I'm connected to them lol.

1ed1c1  No.2655497

Thoughts on The Movie:

When she lost, a lot of donors were wondering about the, shall we say, "health" of their "investments."

HRC had to assure the sponsors that they would "fix" the problem. "We have an insurance policy."

Mean time, they had to hunker down and protect their asses and hope it all blows over, that the sponsors would write off their losses.

And there we are.

5b4c2e  No.2655498

File: e24d08048bba498⋯.jpeg (41.47 KB, 449x270, 449:270, queue.jpeg)


SWEET! Who has a THING?

31ba74  No.2655500


Mine too. Kids look to them for the truth. They all laugh at the fake news.

374425  No.2655501



5e9fe2  No.2655502

File: 4892df64c3bd64c⋯.jpg (85.9 KB, 777x596, 777:596, WeaponizedPepe2.jpg)

481428  No.2655503

File: b82d157f45dcdf3⋯.png (60.49 KB, 510x332, 255:166, pepelooking.png)

e16325  No.2655504

File: d780e4778b2b5d9⋯.jpg (403.86 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180818-093725….jpg)

Gloria is asking us to dig.

43e682  No.2655505


I’ve spoken to Steve Bassett. Interesting but have a feeling he’s just a gatekeeper. I’m on the fence.

ec0ad2  No.2655506


The "JQ" isn't real.


Try to make your fake posts less laughable. Don't try to make ironic memes into fake ideological tropes.

Look at the historical context in which phrase "the Jewish question" emerged. Compare to today. Why do you desperately cling to pure stupidity? Can you control discourse, and prevent the truth of corruption from emerging by desperate, clinging to your own stupidity? Have you made any effort to develop less absurd tactics? Where are they? Why aren't you using them? What is wrong with you?


It's not real, as common sense dictates. Now ask yourselves–WHY?

Why are intelligence agencies working to produce fake anti semitism? Is that the narrative you've been fed? What is going on?

Look around this board. There is a HUGE amount of fake content, bot generated. Ask yourself why.

4b2811  No.2655507

File: db5077b3d332625⋯.png (755.92 KB, 928x523, 928:523, ClipboardImage.png)

186f4c  No.2655508


I believe he's providing @Jack fair warning to relent, or be slammed.

d34d59  No.2655510


According to Buddha the sign of a true leader, he can tell the difference between True & false… Such wise leader brings great benefit to the populace…

1ed1c1  No.2655511


Point being that we are indeed seeing theater, HRC's "we'll fix this" production. They can't fix this. It's over. But they would never accept responsibility for losing, or admit that they hoodwinked *everyone,* that it was all a scam by two-bit trailer-trash charlatans. Grifters.

e16325  No.2655512

File: 25607209cf89fa7⋯.jpg (734.73 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180818-093944….jpg)

One belt one road….

9f6ed1  No.2655513

>>2655079, >>2655307

Small fix for you baker:

The last post on notables is supposed to link to the notables bun for that bread, not to the OP as seen here:

>>2655073 (OP) #3351

Correct should be:

>>2655051 #3351

ThanQs for your service, and carry on ;)

3d0776  No.2655514

File: f791fab1cedb260⋯.jpg (130.43 KB, 666x971, 666:971, JOB-POS.jpg)


Or how about this one? The kicker : it was disguised as a "memorial service".

>>2648067 #3343 John Brennan made Benghazi survivors sign additional NDA's




Concur. Strip away the legalese, seems clear as day.

>>2651724 #3347 BenGhazi, Extortion17 and #ObamaGate



Humble request to POTUS from a few anons : Can we skip the "mistakes" and go right to the treason & conspiracy to commit murder?

186f4c  No.2655516



The connection is children abducted and transported to the Mayo Clinic locations. Prime young organs for the cabal elite to extend their lives. Ghouls, all of them.

5ff992  No.2655517

>>2654698 lb

>>2654713 lb

More on the RUSSELL family:


see page 164-181

2a1d21  No.2655518

File: 96aaa00f4909ca9⋯.png (665.2 KB, 769x480, 769:480, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf3476417cfe503⋯.png (102.31 KB, 796x889, 796:889, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 924287f3219c3fb⋯.png (92.04 KB, 798x1072, 399:536, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 402d24b6841951f⋯.png (156.15 KB, 801x1852, 801:1852, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c40438f5222e18⋯.png (96.13 KB, 806x1143, 806:1143, ClipboardImage.png)


Okay so the Sierra Club is pushing for this to pass, not so surprising.

d2208e  No.2655519


also thoughts on the movie..

how deep does it fucking go?

we are seeing the Q reference in old tv shows, old media stuff

we are seeing NSA had time warp tech like 50 years ago

we are seeing the nsa has every text - video etc

who else has the time machine?

MIT secured it with FBI but did FBI leak the tech

who controls the time machine mechanics?!

56c602  No.2655520

File: 3ce5b82711d5467⋯.jpg (3.67 MB, 4500x4602, 750:767, Updated Jewish MSM pic.jpg)


Nothing to see here. Move along please. Please don't think too much about who owns the #fakenews. It's all just a cohencidence, remember that, because…



94d085  No.2655521

File: 25e2393efa9a6b5⋯.png (329.14 KB, 718x331, 718:331, ClipboardImage.png)

According to a US Morse-S list, ICAO AE0440 (the C208? plane noted earlier) is a DHC6-UV18.

The UV-18A 'Twin Otter' is the military version of the DeHavilland DHC-6 with optional float and ski fittings. The aircraft have crew and passenger oxygen systems and a navigation/communication package which gives it an all-weather capability. It has a cruise speed of 150 knots, a service ceiling of 25,000 feet and a range of 700 miles. Designed to replace DHC-3, DHC-6 made its first flight on May 20, 1965. This general-purposed civil and military transport, used by regional airlines in Alaska and other areas with short or rough runways, entered production early in 1966. By September 1982, over 800 DHC-6 were built, and by the end of production in 1988 a total of 844 aircraft were built for various military and commercial customers.

Airlift support for the US Air Force Academy cadet parachuting program is provided by three UV-18B aircraft which carry a pilot, copilot and up to 17 jumpers. These Twin Otters are the only three owned by the Air Force. In the MSAG Antenna Test and Evaluation conducted 25-31 August 1998 in Marina CA, the NPS/CIRPAS UV-18A Twin Otter provided the surrogate UAV function during a test and evaluation of the MSAG ITT Antenna under development by the Joint Projects Office. Imagery from the Twin Otter was received by the multi- source capable antenna based at the CIRPAS facility in Marina.

81c2a1  No.2655522



So much fun dealing with these people.

b738d9  No.2655523

File: d4a9957bbb5d03f⋯.jpg (384.28 KB, 1200x878, 600:439, d4a9957bbb5d03f3aa0211dfa2….jpg)


ThanQ so much Il member to do that from now on .

481428  No.2655524


One Belt, One Road

The New Silk Road

China is building the world’s greatest economic development and construction project ever undertaken: The New Silk Road. The project aims at no less than a revolutionary change in the economic map of the world. It is also seen by many as the first shot in a battle between east and west for dominance in Eurasia.

The ambitious vision is to resurrect the ancient Silk Road as a modern transit, trade, and economic corridor that runs from Shanghai to Berlin. The ‘Road’ will traverse China, Mongolia, Russia, Belarus, Poland, and Germany, extending more than 8,000 miles, creating an economic zone that extends over one third the circumference of the earth.

The plan envisions building high-speed railroads, roads and highways, energy transmission and distributions networks, and fiber optic networks. Cities and ports along the route will be targeted for economic development.

An equally essential part of the plan is a sea-based “Maritime Silk Road” (MSR) component, as ambitious as its land-based project, linking China with the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea through Central Asia and the Indian Ocean.

When completed, like the ancient Silk Road, it will connect three continents: Asia, Europe, and Africa. The chain of infrastructure projects will create the world’s largest economic corridor, covering a population of 4.4 billion and an economic output of $21 trillion.


ae828b  No.2655525

File: 33fe51cdfe11909⋯.jpg (183.96 KB, 1024x760, 128:95, redcardVJ.jpg)


>Don’t get so tripped up on words.

3b49c0  No.2655527


What are you talking about dude? Get on YT. The JQ is very much a part of the modern lexicon. If you have a point, and it's really as good as your level of criticism implies, why don't/can't you just make it - without all the ridicule?

b738d9  No.2655528

File: 3144918730a9652⋯.jpg (91.38 KB, 500x432, 125:108, 7aa5e2cc9362f25fa656cf19e9….jpg)

a87887  No.2655529


To make this graphic really legit, you must include the how many Christians work for the different news agencies as well in contrast.

4c37c9  No.2655530


A few more details of the visit trickled out over the following months.


The 1981 visit took place after Obama left Occidental College in Los Angeles to transfer to Columbia University in New York that same year.


Obama stayed in Karachi with the family of a college friend, Muhammed Hasan Chandoo. Now a financial consultant in Armonk, N.Y., and an Obama fundraiser, Chandoo on Sunday declined to comment. He confirmed he was Obama’s “friend” and former “roommate,” but said, “I decided at the beginning of the campaign that I’d stay out of this whole game.”


According to published reports in Pakistan, Obama in 1981 also stayed at the home of a prominent politician, Ahmad Mian Soomro, in an upscale Karachi suburb, and went on a traditional partridge hunting trip north of Karachi. Soomro’s son, Muhammad Mian Soomro, is a senior politician who served as acting president before the appointment of President Asif Ali Zardari last September.


Ahmad Mian Soomro died in 1999, and attempts to reach his son for comment were unsuccessful.


An Associated Press story in May mentioned several of Obama’s Pakistani college friends, as well as an Indian friend, Vinai Thummalapally from Hyderabad, India.


The following month the Times of India, citing Thummalapally, said Obama’s staff got it wrong – Obama had not visited Hyderabad in India but Hyderabad in Pakistan.

e16325  No.2655531


thankQ anon. Phonefagging here on vacation. Blessings in this adventure in truth!

4b2811  No.2655532


Christians? Why?

5e9fe2  No.2655533

File: afb65118385517a⋯.jpg (252.35 KB, 890x982, 445:491, 2018-08-18 13:45:33Z.jpg)


Speaking of Mongolia …

Recall what South Korean president Moon said recently:

"…“When peace is established on the Korean peninsula along with complete denuclearisation, economic cooperation can be carried out in earnest,” Moon said.

Plans to build a railway across the peninsula will kick off this year, he added, proposing an East Asian railroad community that groups China, Japan, Mongolia, Russia and the United States…."

Full article here→


44f856  No.2655535

File: f12408ac3995a25⋯.jpg (165.12 KB, 1237x1000, 1237:1000, Flight of Phoenix.jpg)


>Vrillon scmrillon

Cool artwork. ET's "Flight of the Phoenix".

4142fd  No.2655537


You would call me "New Age". I'm not superior to anyone. All of us have our own beliefs, truth is truth, though. Evil is evil. We need Q to release everything so we can have truth once and for all, and finally discard all the lies that have held us back for millennia. The cabal needs to hang, we need public executions to serve as a warning for future generations so this never happens again. We the People have to take the power back, stop being apathetic, and take responsibility for creating the country and the world we want to see, where evil is allowed no quarter. They must be killed, quartered, destroyed. Enough is enough.

e4fe7d  No.2655538


To show the relative percentage of jews there. Statistics 101…

56c602  No.2655539


Because the theme for today is PROJECTION.

Red Bold 'Anon' calling out legit anons for mentioning the very central issue of Jewish power and Jewish ideology is what he is accusing others of being. We see that a lot. He gets paid to try to stop people figuring out the truth. Not doing a very good job these days though. Eyes opening all around the globe.

We see you glow, 'anon'! KEK!!!

bee1e1  No.2655540

NEW US TREASURY DESIGNATIONS: Build on International Efforts to Hold Accountable Persons Responsible for Serious Human Rights Abuses in Burma

WASHINGTON - Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned four Burmese military and Border Guard Police (BGP) commanders and two Burmese military units for their involvement in ethnic cleansing in Burma’s Rakhine State and other widespread human rights abuses in Burma’s Kachin and Shan States. Burmese military commanders Aung Kyaw Zaw, Khin Maung Soe, Khin Hlaing, and BGP commander Thura San Lwin, along with the 33rd Light Infantry Division (LID) and the 99th LID, were designated pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13818, which builds upon the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act of 2016 to target perpetrators of serious human rights abuse and corruption.

“Burmese security forces have engaged in violent campaigns against ethnic minority communities across Burma, including ethnic cleansing, massacres, sexual assault, extrajudicial killings, and other serious human rights abuses. Treasury is sanctioning units and leaders overseeing this horrific behavior as part of a broader U.S. government strategy to hold accountable those responsible for such wide scale human suffering,” said Sigal Mandelker, Treasury Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence. “There must be justice for the victims and those who work to uncover these atrocities, with those responsible held to account for these abhorrent crimes. The U.S. government is committed to ensuring that Burmese military units and leaders reckon with and put a stop to these brutal acts. We will continue to systematically expose and bring accountability to human rights abusers in this region and many others and greatly appreciate the efforts of civil society who are doing the same.”


6dd021  No.2655541

File: 0c302fa240846f8⋯.jpg (81.79 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, good-guys.jpg)

d3f03d  No.2655542


I can't touch this or Pepe will put me in time out.

I memeber how this goes.


fucking bears -grumbles-

3d0776  No.2655543


"Trust the plan", she said repeatedly ;p

49855e  No.2655544


Patriots in Russia got the right idea


4142fd  No.2655545


I'm certain there are many gatekeepers. It's why I hope Q releases everything so we can know who is on the side of good and who is on the side of evil, who is cabal and who isn't.

9a3ca3  No.2655546



What do they gain?

Consider crop tariffs.

Consider food systems.

Who feeds everyone?

Organic vs. GMO

BigAG vs. BigGOV

Who wins?

$12bil farm aid. Do we bring back the concerts?

Replace the beans.

Ask Mitch how.

23971f  No.2655548



71b800  No.2655549


The LAST thing Pope

Francis is Nationalism or Patriotism!


"…Who are YOU to judge someone else's servant? To their own master, servants stand or fall. And I will stand, for the Lord is able to make me stand." ROMANS 14:4

4142fd  No.2655550

File: 46ec83bda65c0e2⋯.jpeg (25.97 KB, 562x328, 281:164, onesize.jpeg)

File: 08e7ff4a930bea7⋯.jpg (83.07 KB, 600x601, 600:601, seal-team-6-punisher.jpg)

3b49c0  No.2655551

Anyone else feel like Q team is or maybe has been for a few weeks or so, waiting for something to happen? Some important milestone to come to pass, the wheels of DC to slowly turn, so they can continue to the next step? I think that might be why the drops have been milk toast lately.

23971f  No.2655552


Is this some kind of rip off from the Illuminati ? Lumenati isn’t exactly the same spelling but their symbolism is the exact same. Look at that dude with the pizza tattoo and socks. Wtf

e4fe7d  No.2655553





To quote a wise anon from the night shift:

We need to unite against the global cabal. By throwing fire at the normie jews you are SHIELDING THE REAL ENEMY. And you are doing this ON PURPOSE.

Q #1822

>They want you DIVIDED.









143b56  No.2655554

File: 9eea98111d0932f⋯.pdf (5.32 MB, newp_ochre-point-avenue_th….pdf)

Found this about the vanderbilt house, The Breakers. An Anon said (s)he had played music there and there was an underground (basement) pool.

This document acknowledges there is a basement, but shy's away from description (it describes the other four floors) or plans. Why?

d2208e  No.2655555

File: 8aa3a05a3f91648⋯.jpg (1003.61 KB, 867x6091, 867:6091, trumptesla.jpg)

Trump and Q Are Time Travelers.

Please Confirm If Digits

c92f11  No.2655556

File: 0208df23092b903⋯.jpeg (28.36 KB, 474x312, 79:52, art_of_the_deal.jpeg)

He negotiates for us.

dbcbdc  No.2655557

File: d94c942b82b4c40⋯.png (201.67 KB, 295x407, 295:407, 6df50a62-3779-faee-b28c-09….png)

white squall has arrived (in fortnite)

a87887  No.2655558


They are just waiting for October.

18ae47  No.2655559

File: 8692ad4422c86cc⋯.jpg (121.13 KB, 1000x689, 1000:689, Conscious_Reminder.jpg)


Lay off the weed for awhile.

9266bc  No.2655560


Whoa there, anon.

5e9fe2  No.2655561


I don't know. But Q is deliberately repeating material for the benefit of the 5000 new per day pairs of eyes getting exposed to the crumbs for the first time.

That's one aspect of what you are pointing out.

481428  No.2655562

File: 7959bc8e21238d3⋯.png (231.69 KB, 935x914, 935:914, aerion-CEOretire2.png)

File: acbfceca7d3d9ec⋯.png (365.81 KB, 1807x942, 1807:942, aerion.png)

File: f400aad4b60519a⋯.png (114.42 KB, 790x862, 395:431, aerion-CEOretire.png)

Former Learjet boss Brian Barents retiring as CEO from Aerion

Aerion Corp. this week announced that executive chairman and CEO Brian Barents is retiring.

The supersonic business jet company said that Barents will be succeeded immediately by Tom Vice, former president of Northrop Grumman’s Aerospace Systems sector, who was appointed president and COO of the company in March.

Barents will remain a member of Aerion’s board of directors.

He is a former CEO of Learjet in Wichita, as well as a former senior executive with Cessna Aircraft Co. and the head of Galaxy Aerospace.

Aerion’s chairman Robert Bass said in a press release that Barents had been instrumental in the company’s efforts to make supersonic business jet travel a reality since the business’ inception in 2003, including recruiting talent and industry partners that have proved vital to the program.

The Nevada-based company continues to work to bring its AS2 jet to the market.

The $120 million, 11-passenger aircraft, which has a maximum operating speed of Mach 1.4, is expected to fly for the first time in 2023 and enter service in 2025.

Aerial is now working with GE Aviation on the engines for the aircraft and Lockheed Martin for engineering and production.



990b99  No.2655563


I think it's a form of shopping for them.

b738d9  No.2655564

File: 0769628e8d39a53⋯.jpg (13.3 KB, 255x235, 51:47, e3af7109da90e207a3ff12c471….jpg)

659cc6  No.2655565


>remnants of Southwestern Bell Corporation, funded by the Israeli corporation Amdocs

In typical (((youknowwho))) style they moved the execs to sparkling clean offices in San Antonio.

Meanwhile the main ops stayed behind in the big tower in St Louis.

Where they're swapping out Americans for street shitters group by group.

And take out the trash and put tp in the bathrooms only on Sunday nights.

Never visit there late in the week if you can help it.

It's West Calcutta after a downpour and the sun comes back out.

My nose still hasn't forgiven me.

6dd021  No.2655566

File: d854655f9bdc507⋯.jpg (127.89 KB, 500x287, 500:287, Quints.jpg)


Quints chekt.

de307f  No.2655568

File: 3e4b2c7063e7618⋯.jpg (58.06 KB, 489x606, 163:202, 000000.JPG)

2cd307  No.2655569



Tactical. It's been noted several times that some things must stay variable, because Art of War and stuff. Predictability is bad.

You can go off and be heady if you like; that's on you. Until i see sauce for another reading of the word "timeline" than the war tactics one, I'll keep regarding it as a slide ;)

a493f6  No.2655570

File: 891c04fb1bde416⋯.jpg (107.97 KB, 441x570, 147:190, pepe mcthistle.jpg)


Love our POTUS…

Good Morning Anons!!


bf7035  No.2655571

>>2650726 pb 3346

Was wondering when old Dieter's name would surface.

What is REALLY in red bull?

Never had one in my life. Smells like what I leave in the toilet.

Probably why everyone drinks it with alcohol. Don't do that either.

013aaf  No.2655572

File: f065905ecc49e7f⋯.jpeg (53.08 KB, 500x527, 500:527, 1E7C85C7-F303-47F3-BFA8-D….jpeg)

3b6b83  No.2655573


Nice hard hitting twat.

On board with your closing statement!

155654  No.2655574


Yes, I agree. But slammed how? I'm not privy to the plans of POTUS, but I'm guessing he has a plan. My question for the Anons here is: What's the plan for taking down the CIA controlled social media censorship?

Here's my 2¢:

1. POTUS might sign an executive order establishing guidelines for the DOJ to enforce existing court rulings and impose fines or other punitive measures against social media censorship.

2. Based upon existing court rulings, POTUS could sign an executive order allowing private citizens to sue the social media giants for losses or harm exacted upon those private citizens associated with the social media giant's taking away their freedom of speech or expression.


a0d22a  No.2655575


On the last night shift tjis shit really became unhinged. Every second post was this constant spamming.

P.S. lol at the this one telling you to go to youtube for reference:


Wow such a great "verifiable source", almost like the authorless "book" - when victims rule that looks more like a clown op.

d23001  No.2655576


Nice try Simon Shekelburg. Why does your tribe run all the worlds banks? Run all the worlds media houses?

What if Eskimos ran all the banks? Would we be allowed to say anything?

Would the World have an Eskimo problem?

Glow less

b48c42  No.2655577

File: 554f993d8c1b152⋯.png (180.81 KB, 600x315, 40:21, Screenshot_2018-08-18 glor….png)

File: 0f718e7b3b9cc01⋯.png (49.99 KB, 198x296, 99:148, Screenshot_2018-08-18 glor….png)


I know…lots of similar images, but no chachal/chanchal milagros.

I can't find any charm pics before she married wyatt cooper.

481428  No.2655578

File: 4bc5c911538bcae⋯.jpg (284.04 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1531438244-1.jpg)

143b56  No.2655579


You must be a McAnon. :-)

bee1e1  No.2655580

File: 17915365441e55d⋯.png (26.59 KB, 401x426, 401:426, ClipboardImage.png)


>Anyone else feel like Q team is or maybe has been for a few weeks or so, waiting for something to happen?

No don't feel that way at all. I actually feel like things are happening now.


We just aren't able to see the clear connections yet. I.E. Elon Musk/Tesla ….8/9 Q says SHOWTIME and 8/9 SEC Complaint filed from Tesla Internal Investigator turned whistleblower re: drug trafficking out of Tesla Factory and spying on employees with same routers found in DC….CONNECTED?

186f4c  No.2655581


@Jack is discounting likes and retweets from anyone blocked by Twatter's "quality" filter. It's a shadowban by a lame pseudonym.

56c602  No.2655582


You don't sound very New ©Age to me, anon. Don't get me wrong. I'm very open to the spiritual aspect in all of this, and I have spent many years studying a range of esoteric and spiritual traditions. I don't think you can understand the bigger picture without seeking to understand that level. What I am saying, however, is that there are many traps there. Personally, without writing a thesis on the subject, I would say that part of the lessons humanity needs to face is that of our responsibility to confront darkness. And I see that many of the psy-op versions of the New ©Age movement seek to encourage people to do precisely the opposite. That's my main issue with them. But the spiritual element is a big part of all this. I just get fed up seeing people use that as a way to stop taking responsibility for what I believe we are here to do, with is to identify darkness and bring it to the light so that we no longer permit it to rule our world in the way that it has done for so long. We would seem to be very much in agreement on that.

As for your solution, well… we may go that way in the end. I personally would prefer putting all these people on a vast unpopulated island from which they could never escape, and leave them to do to each other what they have done to the rest of us for so long. But when humanity discovers what they have done, I don't expect that it will be very reasonable on these matters. Time will tell.

21a2a8  No.2655583

File: bcc6c435903de4c⋯.jpg (23.95 KB, 652x300, 163:75, checkrm.jpg)

dbcbdc  No.2655584

File: ea3608629a9777b⋯.gif (444.23 KB, 500x464, 125:116, tumblr_lbn0kxtNRa1qzr8nao1….gif)

b815a5  No.2655585

File: 23ba3320971188c⋯.png (66.23 KB, 554x400, 277:200, 1473433322140.png)

5e9fe2  No.2655586

File: e59f5d782431c0b⋯.jpg (35.25 KB, 696x928, 3:4, Covfefe.jpg)


GM Anon!

a493f6  No.2655587


Workfag Anon… Mid-day / Night crew Anon.. Weekender.

Doing what I can. 24/7/365

2b6f1e  No.2655589


So we have another military aircraft down, engine failed, Air Force Flight Instructor!! ejected, and then Red Cross shows up..

http: //www.news9.com/story/38910686/recover-efforts-continue-after-military-aircraft-crash-in-woodward-co

3b49c0  No.2655590


Um. What?

71fb0f  No.2655591


Just a thought, have we looked into Winterthur? DuPont estate? This seems like their mirror pool.

a493f6  No.2655592

File: b050f0edaae687c⋯.jpg (282.11 KB, 1800x1197, 200:133, Covfefe 2.jpg)


On my 4th cup.. Mmmmmm Covfefe

d23001  No.2655594


Not quite. Qś job is to keep us united.

Our job is to tell the truth. The truth is the Jews are the number one weapon in the arsenal of the NWO. The NWO would not exist without the Jew faithfully running all the Banks, all the media, all the movies. Jews are dual citizens in congress over 40 jews in congress are citizens of israel.

The NWO would collapse if Jews were controlled and isolated.

Your glowing.

c0a690  No.2655596



caution DenverAnons, this is not an invitation to go and mess with the event.

Go gather intel if you can but keep a low profile and don't draw attention to yourself. This looks like a TRAP! Be Careful

5e9fe2  No.2655597


IMO no exec order is needed for (2).

Not a lawfag tho.

b738d9  No.2655598


DELAWARE !!!! I would for sure dig all over that 100 square mile area .

143b56  No.2655599


Thanks and good luck,

a87887  No.2655600

File: 3cef480e86378bd⋯.png (199.53 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 3cef480e86378bd910dae1256a….png)

71fb0f  No.2655601


Granted the Biltmore Estate has pools outside too…

3b49c0  No.2655602


>previews are over

Kek. <3

>a call back to 'coming soon to a theater near you'

04d612  No.2655603

Reposting, did anyone try to dig what happened to children adopted by podestas mother. She adopted them in droves and was also known for good cooking, no sarc implied

8d3650  No.2655604


My kids are very red pilled….and not from me. They already had it in them. Their friends, too. These kids coming up are becoming more conservative and skeptical of the media

a0d22a  No.2655605


The "tribe" that killed millions of their normies to push their plans in ww2?

Or maybe you talk about the orthodox jews:

>The statistics are impressive. President Trump got 28% of the Jewish Vote. Of this total over 80% were Orthodox Jews.


Or maybe you talk about the "tribe" that ivanka joined when she converted?

Jews are not all the same. And the roths are "jews" just like hussein is "christian".

Read this:


56c602  No.2655606


Shut up, shill. If you can identify more than a handful of Jews who have come forward to talk about the racism and discrimination inherent in Jewish ideology, I'd love to see it. It's a tribal cult. They have been covering up for their own for way too long. And that is a HUGE problem. And you know it!

c92f11  No.2655607


Your boyfriend's calling.

da082c  No.2655609


One of them.

659cc6  No.2655610


Always thought the part about being "a Pence" is too spoopy to not be true.

5e9fe2  No.2655611

File: 952e701d1ac37c0⋯.jpg (747.16 KB, 2560x1600, 8:5, Covfefe2.jpg)


(my own meme … kek! feels good … it's a treat when they come back months later)

22977e  No.2655612


reconfirmation with double doubles

c92f11  No.2655613


I nailed those digits.

242b0f  No.2655614

File: cb095d0f9190e5d⋯.jpg (35.37 KB, 625x652, 625:652, boniface viii.jpg)

File: 4856de089aad0f6⋯.jpg (50.54 KB, 350x257, 350:257, angani curse.jpg)

he entered like a fox

he ruled like a lion

he died like a dog

481428  No.2655615

File: a18bfebe492769b⋯.jpg (75.79 KB, 800x449, 800:449, 1534512294.jpg)


>Who else has art?

842327  No.2655616

File: acc8a5feddc15e7⋯.jpg (30.82 KB, 328x499, 328:499, osmond future of time book….jpg)

File: d1ec22265b9cad7⋯.png (77.7 KB, 590x275, 118:55, osmond frances cheek behav….PNG)

File: 0cc5c7e75c88dc0⋯.png (129.44 KB, 609x472, 609:472, osmond dr frances cheek sc….PNG)

File: 6a6cb328f5a1c5e⋯.png (87.74 KB, 388x604, 97:151, osmond donny related to ci….PNG)

File: 25e1ed6028bb1f0⋯.png (34.5 KB, 756x291, 252:97, osmond humphry smythie.PNG)




interesting info

wrote a book called

THE FUTURE OF TIME: Man's Temporal Environment (1971) pic



("The term temporal environment refers to the timing, sequence, and length of routines and activities that take place throughout the school day.")

The future of time; man's temporal environment. Edited by Henri Yaker, Humphry Osmond, and Frances Cheek.


Time perception [Browse]

Schizophrenia [Browse]

Hallucinations and illusions [Browse]


no luck finding reviews or quotes yet on the book; did get 4 of 5 stars on one review.


Stress Management for Correctional Officers and Their Families (out of stock)


Dr Cheek also does studies on sex roles and schizophrenia: (pic)

Finding little to no info on Dr Cheeks.

Interesting that the work Humphry Osmond focuses on is schizophrenia, which can easily be extrapolated to 'alters' in the MK community.

Humphry does have connections to the CIA:

Humphry Osmond was at the cutting edge of psychiatric research in the 1950s. He believed that hallucinogenic drugs might be useful in treating mental illness and he studied the effects of LSD on people with alcohol dependency. His investigations led to his association with the novelist Aldous Huxley and to involvement with the CIA and MI6, which were interested in LSD as a possible “truth drug” to make enemy agents reveal secrets.

During the 1940s and 1950s both scientists and government intelligence agencies were interested in using hallucinogenic drugs such as mescaline and LSD as a “truth drug”.


A further search reveals some interesting 'relatives' of DONNY OSMOND, including but not limited to ALLEN DULLES…

Allen Dulles

5th Director of the C.I.A.

9th cousin 1 time removed via Thomas Harris


Nelson Rockefeller

41st U.S. Vice-President

9th cousin 2 times removed via Robert White



And it is also interesting to note that one of Humphry Osmond's friends / coworkers /co-authurs, John Smythies, expanded the time/space/perception even further:

A second book "The Walls of Plato’s Cave" followed in 1994 (17) on the same topic. This book was reviewed by Robert Almader (29) who said: "This is certainly one of the four or five most arresting and compelling books written on the nature of consciousness, the mind-brain problem, and human personality." The theory extends our concepts of consciousness and analyses possible geometrical and topological relations between phenomenal space and physical space linked to brane* theory in physics.


*In string theory and related theories such as supergravity theories, a brane is a physical object that generalizes the notion of a point particle to higher dimensions. Branes are dynamical objects which can propagate through spacetime according to the rules of quantum mechanics.


SMYTHIES AND HUMPHRY OSMOND COAUTHORED THIS: pic "yet we are still entirely ignorant of the cause of this disease."


3b49c0  No.2655617

File: d06d37bb0dc287d⋯.gif (1.94 MB, 450x259, 450:259, serveimage.gif)

56c602  No.2655618


Well said, anon.

Most of us here are united in our understanding of the key role of the JQ and Jewish power in all of this. This faggot's job is to make it seem otherwise. Muh Joos wants to make us look divided. And, yes, Muh Joos is glowing hard.

79002a  No.2655620

File: 869fa0c90da76df⋯.jpg (53.16 KB, 1147x1079, 1147:1079, 1504311275400.jpg)

File: edd5bf85d0b56eb⋯.png (104.39 KB, 700x953, 700:953, 1474148639332.png)

File: 3f370e930ad9afb⋯.png (239.24 KB, 428x500, 107:125, 1459951567960.png)


dubble dubs

infinite 5:5

checkzin out your musack baker senpai

im am up and ready to go now


a493f6  No.2655621


I have many of your memes I would suspect … and use them a great deal. worthy content Anon. thank you for your service!!! (it is not my strength and I appreciate yours).

186f4c  No.2655622


Those fcuking poo-in-loo dot-heads are dumber than a box of rocks, and like their masters, they despise the customers who pay their pitiful wages.

3e9069  No.2655623

Midterms our ours…although DS/DEMS are planning. It will fail. From Kat Kerr…

Hello family of God, I hope your expectation for celebration is very high right now because if it isn't, it will be because God is about to do another incredible "suddenly" that will impact our lives here in America and get the attention of the world.

You Will Never Have a Boring Day in Your Country

God is going to, once again, validate his choice of Donald Trump being our president. As God said, "Once he takes office you will never have a boring day in your country."

You may not even like Donald Trump, but remember you were not perfect at one time and there is hope for everyone in these days of Heaven on Earth. In case you don't know God's plans for right NOW, this is not the day of His wrath but it is the day of His power and He asks us to be willing to operate with Him to demonstrate and manifest His power and glory so that the world might know Him.

God has assured me that He will continue to support and encourage Trump and his plans to make America great again. God chose him because he was a good businessman, not a pastor. You vote where life is honored and protected and where evil is exposed. God did not tolerate darkness or wickedness in Heaven and neither should we.

God Trusts Him

Recently, the Father was talking to me about more validation for President Trump and evidence against those who have bashed him and lied against him. (Even now there has been more evidence against him that God will expose as false and/embellished.) Individuals are setting up a plan that will seemingly keep him from getting the seats he needs in the mid-election. God has assured me, like you saw during the 2016 election time when he won the presidency, that the masses will vote for life and not darkness. We will all see an amazing, incredible "suddenly" on behalf of Trump and Pence.

Even though the liberal media, the fake news (some will quit and some will be removed), continues to lie about Trump and his efforts to make America great again, God is in charge of His time on Earth and He will have His way. We still must pray and be in agreement, regardless of what is being said against Trump or his administration. Trump was chosen before he was born and cannot escape being great and will continue to recognize God as the creator of all things. God trusts him and we must trust him also. Get ready for many exciting days in America and on this earth.

Bringing Hope Instead of Destruction

We are entering into the days of greater glory and the manifested sons and daughters of God who will shock and stun this world, doing greater works like raising the dead who were cremated or raising the dead en masse—even at the scene of accidents that would've brought great trauma to many people but instead they will rejoice at the power of our God. God is shifting governments around this world and shaping nations to bring hope instead of destruction.

The more you believe it is real the more real it will become. Don't be afraid to run into this new time! Get your crown on and be just like "Them"—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—because we are made in Their image and after Their likeness. With Christ in us and operating in full the dominion He gave us, there's no demon on this earth or under this earth strong enough to keep us from our destiny. It is time to rule and reign with Jesus Christ as joint heirs and crush the plans of the enemy. Go host of Heaven! Pull down the strongholds and bash the enemy as you shred the platforms the hierarchy of Hell have been ruling from. We, as Believers and followers of Christ, will no longer tolerate nor participate with the plans of the enemy. (copied from The Elijah List)

132e54  No.2655624



But apparently that isn't news and (((someone))) doesn't think it deserves anything more than ridicule and dismissal, I wonder why?

40824c  No.2655625


Do (((they))) think God will not be Offended?

That God will not punish?

So glad I’m not with them!

d23001  No.2655626


I love this Ivanka stuff.

You know as well as I do that Ivanka is never going to be a Jew in the eyes of the Jews that matter. By Jew law to be a Jew your mom has to be a Jew.

Did you hear the horn this year? Make it to Kol Nidre? Your lies are your religion. Your not allowed to tell us the truth about what you say.

No Jew can be trusted.

a0d22a  No.2655627



By attacking the jews as a whole, you are deflecting fire from the real enemy, and you know it. The cabal always deflected fire to normie jews or others, it is their tactic to remain safe in the shadows.

You are working to protect the enemy.

8a9f3a  No.2655629

File: 2caae8fec693a21⋯.jpg (33.06 KB, 544x397, 544:397, 7993a4d25f2f923ec55ca260d8….jpg)


morn'n faggots!

23971f  No.2655630


They must be running dry on babies and kids

Wtf how can they be so intentional with their symbols. Don’t they know we are watching??? The whole world is watching

2cd307  No.2655631

File: 8fe1ff199acc5c6⋯.png (410.49 KB, 485x578, 485:578, 8fe1ff199acc5c659aa4e10753….png)


>Qś job is to keep us united.

Q's job is codified into their oaths they took to the Constitution before God, specificaly.

>Our job is to tell the truth.

Our job is to to comfort our peers with sourced facts in times of deceit. Our job is to truly Be "The People" (not the slaves).. Our job is to unite, not divide with fake labels.

Because the Fake News failed,

Satan is real,


You're glowing too!

71b800  No.2655632


Not to mention Fake NoName Tumor Cover Stories! digdug-digdug!!

242b0f  No.2655633

File: 43aa3f4a7ae3403⋯.jpg (31.54 KB, 474x316, 3:2, IOR vatican.jpg)

File: 53ef3b6e63de738⋯.jpg (232.25 KB, 1940x1530, 194:153, OG.jpg)

vatican bank




a1536c  No.2655635

File: 3005e703aad36af⋯.png (64.06 KB, 611x351, 47:27, ClipboardImage.png)


8b4d55  No.2655636

goddamn I was mad about being g kept awake all night but now I don't care after what a lame fucking dream that was. I'm more insulted you thought it was gonna be good lmao

57d8a8  No.2655637



This explains all of the POTUS tariffs even more so. Hes a businessman and knows the ramifications of this when it comes to the US economy.

242b0f  No.2655639

File: ab276bd42f3553c⋯.jpg (89.08 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, mifsud human traffic.jpg)

mare nostrum?


human traffic


wut up wit dat

mifsud the multi-tasking maltese falcon

79002a  No.2655640

File: 6dbe310a1cce1b9⋯.png (408.7 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



97db13  No.2655641


Mystery babylon's time is almost up.

e4fe7d  No.2655642




You are protecting the enemy by bashing an entire sector of people. "Shhh no cabal here, just jews". The cabal did this for decades classic social engineering.

>the ivanka argument

Read about "giyur" so your low iq wont glow as much.

>Nowadays, with the notable exception of some Syrian Jewish communities, (primarily the Brooklyn, NY and Deal, NJ communities),[12] all mainstream forms of Judaism today are open to sincere converts,[13] with all denominations accepting converts converted by their denominations. The rules vary between denominations, as does acceptance of some denomations' converts by other denominations.


bf7035  No.2655643


I remember when the movie 'Monuments Men' came out. The descriptions were such a laugh.

Told spouse that it should be the shortest movie in the world.

"Camera pans from sky to a city. City becomes more in focus. Camera stops and pinpoints the Vatican….end roll credits"

Shortest movie ever…should have been

e4fe7d  No.2655644


Well said anon!

04d612  No.2655645


56c602  No.2655646


If 'normie Jews' want to start telling the truth about how they think about and talk about us goyim in their communities, they're welcome to come forward. The problem of Jewish racism and discrimination towards non-Jews is core to Jewish identity, as well you must know. You're glowing.

Here, go study what a prominent Jewish scholar wrote on the subject. The more people who get to discover this stuff, the better. Keep shilling. You only help to wake the sleepers up.

https:// www.bintjbeil.com/E/occupation/shahak.html

481428  No.2655647


It was news about 10 years ago.

4142fd  No.2655648


I like your idea of the island anon. I would be glad if members of the cabal were made examples of for all to see, though. I'd say I'm spiritual, in the sense I believe we are spirits incarnated here over multiple lifetimes, and that there are higher planes of existence, higher dimensions or densities - this being 3rd density, and that benevolent extraterrestrials from 4th and 5th density are here to help us deal with regressive or negative ETs who are a stain on our world, and others. I believe energy cannot be destroyed, we are infinite and immortal, and that God, the creator of the universe is much more of an enigma than we've been led to believe.

I would not consider myself very evolved for wishing upon our enemies the same things they have done to us. My 'compassionate' side would say, 'forgive them'. My warrior side says and this where I stand, 'I'll forgive one I've put a bullet through their skull, their soul can deal with the consequences of what they've done.' Because how long have the cabal, all of them had since the benevolents came to this solar system and told the regressive ETs to leave? Plenty of time. The earth cabal, the humans, they've had plenty of time since POTUS got elected to repent and surrender as well. None of them ever will, as a collective imho. So they have to be taken down.

I absolutely agree that there must be gatekeepers in New Age telling us to just forgive them and all that. What has happened here is a total violation of our individual free will. Fuck the cabal, fuck the dark side. They must be eliminated. If that's not very evolved of me, so be it. I can 'evolve' once they are gone and we are truly free. We have given them every chance to stop, they have shown time and again that they won't. We will give them the death that they wish.

c0a690  No.2655649

>>2655630 underpriviledged children in single parent homes will be eager to seek opportunities. These people are sick. Doctors treating!

Awareness is a motherfuhka

d23001  No.2655650


Bullshit. The Jew infiltrated the old European Families. They are the European Families.

The English Crown is Jewish. The Saudi Royal Family is Jewish. The King of Jordan is Jewish.

Attaturk was Jewish. The Dohmeh are Jewish.

90% of ¨Jews¨ are Khazars that have no blood ties to Palestine at all. They are living a lie.

Jews are required by religion to lie to the Goy. They are required not to turn over Jews to courts of the Host nation.

79002a  No.2655651

File: 9ad36ed22be2f8a⋯.png (153 KB, 333x254, 333:254, 1449107935230.png)


^^^ ^^

full house


praise KeK

7949a2  No.2655652

File: 20398c2b3cb51c5⋯.jpg (126.93 KB, 736x920, 4:5, 1518015615672.jpg)





Hi guys. Glad to see this is still going! I was working on the actual list as well:

1. Mockingbird - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/146981635/#147023341 - Compiled by the CIA in 1973, it refers to a Project Mockingbird and describes a wiretap of journalists.

2. Uranium 1 - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147075091/#147104628 - RR and BM are bad apples

3. US Politicians Infiltrated/Corrupted/Blackmailed - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147146601/#147166292

4. Huma Abedin and Muslim Brotherhood infiltration - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147647514/#147661217

This has more info here: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147647514/#147661243. REMEMBER: Stephen Miller was working for Bachman when this happened. Stephen is /ourguy/ all the way, anons.

5. CIA Infiltration of the ABC agencies - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147146601/#147169329

6. Dem/CIA subjugation of the black population of the USA - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147146601/#147170576

7. CIA controls the MSM and 4am talking points. As per recent drops, CIA = Mossad. (mind = blown)

8. US Gov't officials, at many levels, complicit in Human Trafficking - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147146601/#147173287

9. Election Rigging - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147433975/#147433975

10. Antifa - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147433975/#147451052

11. CIA engages in information warfare by taunting "IT Mercenaries" (disinfo specialists) in exchange for dollars - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147433975/#147440171

12. Democrats are the party of the CIA. Their methods of engagement are based on Trotskyism - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147433975/#147443190

13. CIA/Democrat party control Dept. of Education (Long March Through the Institutions) and re-write history - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147433975/#147443190 / https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/150683692/#150686780

14. CIA attempted to spy on/assassinate Trump - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147433975/#147444335 /

15. CIA and Human Trafficking (Stopped by POTUS) - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147433975/#147445681

16. CIA engaged in warfare against US over seas - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147433975/#147446992

17. CIA owns/owned foreign heads of state - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147433975/#147450817

18. CIA infiltrated the USSS (safe now) - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147433975/#147453147

19. CIA organizes protests - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147547939/#147567888

20. Iran deal/Money Transfer Scheme/Iran is CIA ran - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147547939/#q147588085

21. HRC Established as President

22. SC Appointement promise for LL

23. Slush funds to pay for it all - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147547939/#147581302

24. CIA controlled NK, China, Russia - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147547939/#147586045

25. CIA setup NK as rogue nuclear state - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147547939/#147588085

26. CIA are behind virtually ALL False Flags

27. CIA created ISIS - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147591553/#147636035

28. CIA bankrolled war through Iran drop - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147591553/#147642680

29. Institutes and Non-Profits are money laundering Schemes - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147591553/#147645024 / https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147970787/#147979863

30. CIA infiltrated the IRS - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147591553/#147646189

31. CIA had SA under a stranglehold until Trump was elected - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147647514/#147664082

32. CIA has infiltrated all 'public' platforms - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147675249/#147680054

33. CIA knew about child traffcking from Hong Kong? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147675249/#147680749 / https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2633946.html#2634253

34. CIA actively engages in warfare against people online - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147675249/#147689362

35. CIA controls the TSA and Homeland Security

36. CIA coordinated 9/11 - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147812859/#147816901


37. CIA uses foreign gov'ts as human trafficking logistics zones - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147970787/#147975558

38. Catholic Church is directly involved with it all - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/148016618/#148016618 - Nov 4th, 2017

39. CIA runs the Drug Cartels - https://irc.qclearancearchive.net/10.%20Tools/qarchives_03.15.18/images/8cbts/146454.PNG (Bottom pic)

7949a2  No.2655653

File: 331a695abadee05⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 3168x4752, 2:3, 1443729068514-3.jpg)


40. CIA conducts the school shootings - https://8ch.net//qresearch/res/401969.html#402380

41. CIA runs Snow White - https://8ch.net/cbts/res/10820.html#10925 / https://articles.chicagotribune.com/2000-01-13/features/0001130129_1_central-intelligence-agency-headquarters-cia-super-secret

42. CIA runs Talent/Keyhole; Google Earth - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/150678769/#150682686

43. CIA Project Lifelog is Facebook - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/150565407/#150567199

44. CIA used Elon Musk to distribute rocket technology to bad actors - https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/150561225/#150563756 150564270 and 150565108

45. CIA is behind Red Cross and Pandemics/Diseases being spread - https://8ch.net/cbts/res/33992.html#34250

46. CIA worships Satan

f0a561  No.2655654

File: 16cc1094dab0911⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-08-18-10-0….png)

Try it for yourself if you don't believe it. I called in some Pennzoil Platinum oil yesterday to a vendor and also told my customer of the oil type. Suddenly ads from HOME DEPOT? of all places for pennz plat…. gtfoh.


Wake up, America.


4b2811  No.2655655

File: 1ecf25ae37f746e⋯.png (790.05 KB, 1024x427, 1024:427, ClipboardImage.png)

Here we go with this shit again.


Dem candidates embrace gun control en masse in campaign for House takeover


56c602  No.2655656


The CIA is Wall Street. And Wall Street is … (((insert obvious answer here)))

408d39  No.2655657


My neighbor had a pool put in last year. Could he be cabal? He works at a bank, very suspicious. Also I am pretty sure his wife has a pair of red shoes. Should I dig on these mofos or perhaps put my house up for sale and move as far away as possible. Any advice would be appreciated.

e4fe7d  No.2655658

File: 8d234ccb373c3a2⋯.jpg (73.15 KB, 549x458, 549:458, low-iq-maxine.jpg)


How does it feel living with an iq this low?

f0a561  No.2655659


forgot to add: I called vendor from work land line.

481428  No.2655660


I've been pondering this since he said it

6107d5  No.2655661


Sounds legit.

I have now become an anti-semite.

You can collect your check and leave!

Hooray for you

4142fd  No.2655662


And the fact that it still dismissed, ignored, ridiculed, and suppressed makes it relevant to this day. The truth of what those men and others who know things have said is not cancelled.

22cac8  No.2655663


dig and post. then lurk moar

65bbd5  No.2655664

File: cf66355127a9858⋯.jpg (849.54 KB, 1319x618, 1319:618, ACTBLUEHarris1.jpg)

File: 8cbeb0f9d067ac9⋯.jpg (817.88 KB, 1034x622, 517:311, ACTBLUE Warren1.jpg)

File: 16e0840244226f7⋯.jpg (799.83 KB, 1348x612, 337:153, ActBlueTester2.jpg)


Digging on ActBlue, interesting nonprofit for Democrats.


Used by every Dem campaign, per preliminary FEC search.

7949a2  No.2655665



Keep in mind that I asked Q if the map was still classified; never got a response.

I suppose we may be able to get most of the map figured out, but there are some things that will stay classified until the end:


Some things must remain classified to the very end. NK is not being run by Kim, he’s an actor in the play. Who is the director? The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc.

The pedo networks are being dismantled.

The child abductions for satanic rituals (ie Haiti and other 3rd world countries) are paused (not terminated until players in custody).

We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction as we are truly up against pure evil.

d2208e  No.2655666

File: 8b1af814bf328c7⋯.png (1.45 MB, 734x912, 367:456, teslaaaaaa.png)


Confirming Digits

Dark to light remove the evil sigils from those in these digits

186f4c  No.2655667





It's all about the message, anons, and

NOT about the messenger, Q included.

c9aa06  No.2655668

File: fde977462e02c9a⋯.png (98.48 KB, 235x254, 235:254, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a28260bd563656b⋯.png (58.95 KB, 159x209, 159:209, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a88379f5f4a64b⋯.png (113.82 KB, 344x198, 172:99, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a88379f5f4a64b⋯.png (113.82 KB, 344x198, 172:99, ClipboardImage.png)

40824c  No.2655669

File: 2be33a72d640b5e⋯.jpeg (276.71 KB, 862x747, 862:747, 80B9E215-5116-4CFC-9A2B-4….jpeg)

59e242  No.2655670

File: 0b7a4f62aeb3020⋯.png (5.99 KB, 265x100, 53:20, C2CE5A02-2495-4348-8065-DE….png)


Explains why he made sure to put trump tower where it is, to bust up their pentagram. Let’s look at Waldorf compared to TT for structural similarities

79002a  No.2655672

File: 9b6ba2561810304⋯.jpg (17.67 KB, 238x240, 119:120, kgrhqiokj_e25kk6dglbnltnnw….jpg)

File: 708c4a252fed17d⋯.png (182.05 KB, 300x294, 50:49, s-l300.png)

File: 2f2b9415a12a650⋯.png (37 KB, 260x291, 260:291, 1510518666789.png)

File: 4fc0919a226702b⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1074x1052, 537:526, 1509871218042.png)

File: a6c25ba04a3832b⋯.jpg (9.9 KB, 239x211, 239:211, warlocks vxs1.jpg)

452306  No.2655673

File: 135133721d4710b⋯.png (98.53 KB, 856x654, 428:327, sc kickback medicare.png)

File: d183067362f0bce⋯.png (83.92 KB, 681x722, 681:722, SC 17 CO PAY Federal Indic….png)

File: 4051aeadc09f06e⋯.png (74.65 KB, 680x627, 680:627, Cali 17 Co pay 1.png)

The $17 co pay

14 correction officers getting popped


fake blood tests ordered by Health Diagnostics Laboratory, Inc. (“HDL”) of Richmond, Virginia, and laboratory Singulex, Inc. of Alameda, California at $17 each


U.S. Obtains $114 Million Judgment Against Three Individuals For Paying Kickbacks for Laboratory Referrals and Causing Claims for Medically Unnecessary Tests at $17 each


66f2dd  No.2655674


>The 80-year-old "passed away peacefully on Saturday after a short illness"

"short illness" - I'm sure we all know what that really means.

344f52  No.2655675


Messages come in many forms.

eb798f  No.2655676


yes. confirmed

d23001  No.2655677


Keep in mind the Talmud required Jews to lie to the Goy. Requires.

Under that situation a Jew can NOT be taken at their word on anything. You have to verify everything they say YOURSELF.

c37f58  No.2655678

File: e6d5697ccf80455⋯.png (824.4 KB, 1367x897, 1367:897, Sweden vs Switzerland - kn….png)

handshakes on BBC

18ae47  No.2655679


New fags discovering shit. I would like to personally thank Red Arrow for the Rome, GA slide.

4142fd  No.2655680


Please. We need justice. There can be no peace without real justice.

9a3ca3  No.2655681


Where is it kept in American?

Who runs the museums?

CF connected.

242b0f  No.2655682

File: eb6de91b680b8f5⋯.jpg (24.37 KB, 204x300, 17:25, icu.jpg)

File: df617de328a4cff⋯.jpg (878.36 KB, 860x1024, 215:256, h see.jpg)

File: d3cb1a12474b3fd⋯.jpg (18.76 KB, 474x242, 237:121, bojo jojo.jpg)

56c602  No.2655683


>You are working to protect the enemy.

Classic projection. Kek!!!

ffe256  No.2655684

File: 16bc81028bd3567⋯.jpg (16.04 KB, 226x255, 226:255, G VANDERBILT PORTRAIT.jpg)

File: 0f5bb4e4c381f40⋯.jpg (12.43 KB, 255x198, 85:66, OBAMA PORTRAIT.jpg)

Apologies if this has been posted. Still catching up from last night…

659cc6  No.2655685


My fav part is when you call cust svc and some gal who you know is named Priya goes

Please to help you my name is Mary.

09d560  No.2655686


I saw this a few minutes ago. This asshole on the right was deliberately and conveniently misunderstanding the point being made.

What a tool.

e4fe7d  No.2655687


Read this because it looks like you dont know what "giyur" is:


Some communities are closed and more suspicious of "strangers", just like all closed communities in the world

3b49c0  No.2655688


Projection. Don't be an ass. If you're not here to discuss and explain ideas, including your own, why are you here?

eb798f  No.2655689


ty for posting. missed that

5c45f4  No.2655690

File: 989048e7a6a4d87⋯.webm (1.74 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 1530282517922.webm)

9a9d11  No.2655691


funny guy. taking a breather from kid fucking?

d23001  No.2655692

Funny the JIDF shill Jew defenders left for a while. I guess their shilling was not working the way they hoped. I think their computer modeling showed an uptick in Jew awareness.

But now they are back because the shit is about to hit the fan.

57d8a8  No.2655693

Riddle me this

If the nwo, which is full of pedos and satanists, how would China fit in? Why wasn't China part of the narrative and regarded as a major enemy of the US? It was always Russia Russia Russia.

The nwo encompassed mostly euro/american, not so much Russia China.

What was the Russia/China role in the nwo?

a493f6  No.2655694


oh yeah. asked HuzAnon.. what kind of pizza did he wanted to order the other night. What was the first thing that popped up on my phone?

Domino's pizza - can't even shut it off

dca3f2  No.2655695

File: f8cb06a95ad6c8b⋯.jpg (118.51 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, images.duckduckgo.com.jpg)

Public Service Announcement

Do you find yourself getting inexplicably angry at a poster in the thread? As if they pushed your buttons?

They did!

But you can Immunize yourself against it–

Learn all about shills, bots and clowns, their tactics and known research intel and observations. Cointelpro, psyops, emotional manipulation tactics, division tactics, consensus cracking. Learn to separate emotional arguments and logical fallacies from facts and reasoning. Even find out where they come from and who pays them.

Become familiar with all their B.S. and how to deal with them, or even earn your expert shill spotting badge! In a war of words, arm yourself.


e4fe7d  No.2655696



when low iq is low…



242b0f  No.2655697

File: aea1dee83125e2f⋯.png (593.78 KB, 800x445, 160:89, mudd wolf haaretz.png)

File: 40645a6d0497fbb⋯.jpg (10.99 KB, 474x248, 237:124, nooooo.jpg)


be nice to haaretz wolfie's BFF

he is a gentle flower

d2208e  No.2655698

File: f1e2bd23b60fd7f⋯.jpg (118.72 KB, 600x600, 1:1, itstttime.jpg)

49855e  No.2655699


The extra long neck we see on GV is similar to what we see on Akhenaten and other presumably off-planet rulers of the past.

6d0de9  No.2655700


I work tech support and a woman from an Agricultural Organization called in for a password change. Her name was Margret OConner, but she did not speak any english, only spanish.

59e242  No.2655701


Trump posted this, used the time machine till he hit 5:5. You’re good, real good. Thanks for all the freeing us from slavery and the like <3

c9aa06  No.2655702



52c2ee  No.2655703


So sick and tired of the swedish government. But the people have started to wake up. FINALLY.

2e6d58  No.2655704


Why you protect foreign agents in the Podesta group with low iq trolling? You know this is an MI honeypot, right?

2b6f1e  No.2655705



Another military aircraft crash, AF pilot who trains front line bombing missions has to eject

a0d22a  No.2655706


He said "umm what" on a very clear post. Low iq indeed.

You on the other hand are projectingand doing everything in your toolbox to shield the cabal and deflect fire to an entire sector of people.

bf7035  No.2655707


This!! It happens all the time. Put your phone in the microwave and leave it. Learn to not use them at all. I did…

d6c352  No.2655708

Silence is golden

6ac542  No.2655709


Dunning Kruger effect

>too dumb to know they're dumb

452306  No.2655710

File: 0e6e0d9b66fb547⋯.png (98.68 KB, 748x753, 748:753, California Iraqi National ….png)

File: 7fb2c4126b5b14d⋯.png (85.32 KB, 926x688, 463:344, VA human rights violator.png)

File: 81987e723d7cd9b⋯.png (42.95 KB, 928x555, 928:555, va human rights violators.png)

File: 49e5ee8c9118614⋯.jpg (22.5 KB, 306x410, 153:205, jany from haiti.jpg)


2de1df  No.2655711

File: 6edc1c7a80ad66f⋯.jpg (31.78 KB, 500x415, 100:83, 5a1abfa0e3430e2a9b0bfb2116….jpg)

are we buying the "able danger" branded content?

Seems weirdly obsessive and kind o' paytriot games-y


344f52  No.2655712


There are more like that.

bee1e1  No.2655713

File: aac530c5765ff1a⋯.png (63.68 KB, 399x616, 57:88, ClipboardImage.png)


>If the nwo, which is full of pedos and satanists, how would China fit in?

Not sure but Q did say this, "What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?"

f7225d  No.2655714

File: fbca7fdd147ac31⋯.png (97.32 KB, 816x269, 816:269, Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at ….png)

File: dfab173b05937b9⋯.jpg (73.23 KB, 728x603, 728:603, LAngley.jpg)

344f52  No.2655715


Knights of Malta keyhole.

481428  No.2655716

File: e1c6c48494199b1⋯.png (374.3 KB, 1464x889, 1464:889, haiti-coffee-acad.png)


Haiti Coffee Academy


242b0f  No.2655717

File: 73cd37bf74f7aa0⋯.jpg (50.31 KB, 514x371, 514:371, KoM.jpg)

4142fd  No.2655718

Tesla knew his stuff.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

“My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.”

― Nikola Tesla

3d0776  No.2655719

File: 9caab4612dcfd19⋯.jpg (201.23 KB, 1063x577, 1063:577, RussellTrustAssoc.jpg)


There's that Russell name again.

4c37c9  No.2655720


Nice trips.

Pakistan in 1979 was not a nice spot and these events occurring near November 22.




If the reported timelone is off by a couple years and Barrys time in school is similar to what Bills was at Oxford, ie, reportedly non existent, then it isn't a stretch to fudge a couple of years to cover tracks. Highly speculative, but combing over any video footage would be interesting.

56c602  No.2655721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jewish "morality" can be boiled down to one simple guideline: Is it good for the Jews? Worth bearing in mind.

It's not really morality, though, because most ethical philosophers follow Kant's guidelines about acting only on that premise that you would at the same time wish to be a universal law, and Jewish "morality" most definitely does not meet that criterion, It is one rule for them and another for the rest of us. This is why leading rabbinical scholars have stated that 'discrimination' is central to the law. The discrimination being between the more worthy Jews, on the one hand, and the much inferior goyim, on the other.

Our 'anon' clearly identifies as Jewish. Did you take your Kol Nidre this year, 'anon'.

Putting on sunglasses. Glow factor is high with this one.

1b3e83  No.2655722

File: 85b65688fc6f8ba⋯.jpg (105.78 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, rabbit-hole.jpg)

9210f9  No.2655724

File: 862a63ac6655981⋯.jpg (45.1 KB, 717x398, 717:398, 862a63ac66559818c1ade9878a….jpg)

5b330a  No.2655725

>>2654685 pb

https://www. limetorrents.info/search/all/archer-s06e07/

Read notables

d2208e  No.2655726


"Ask and ye shall receive"

Thought of Manifestation is what I think we are headed to

3bf2a2  No.2655727


Mandela affect.

Time lines split, but they also converge. What time line are you on?

Everybody get what they want.

What do you want?

641bc6  No.2655728


Anon go to a wood fired pizza restaurant. The ovens are very very large. Must have room to burn wood..

a0d22a  No.2655729


You mean lies like what you wrote?

>You know as well as I do that Ivanka is never going to be a Jew in the eyes of the Jews that matter. By Jew law to be a Jew your mom has to be a Jew.

Because a short search found this:

>Nowadays, with the notable exception of some Syrian Jewish communities, (primarily the Brooklyn, NY and Deal, NJ communities),[12] all mainstream forms of Judaism today are open to sincere converts,[13] with all denominations accepting converts converted by their denominations. The rules vary between denominations, as does acceptance of some denomations' converts by other denominations.


57d8a8  No.2655730


Its obvious potus, putin, xi are all working together now. POTUS was in the forbidden city after all. That never happens. The 3 major super powers have waged war against the nwo.

The ? Is why was China playing along with the nwo for so long?

1bd57d  No.2655731


yes, it has happened to me as well. Just talking about a couple of products. The next day I get ads pop up for the very products that were discussed. Listening to every word..Grrrrrr

f0dd67  No.2655732

Creepy castle in North Carolina -

The eerie past of Gimghoul Castle’s secret society


The Legend of Gimghoul Castle


3bf2a2  No.2655733


Transmitter as well, how do you think they know how to control you?

659cc6  No.2655734


Well, considering the Irish rep she probably was a legit O'Something.

4b2811  No.2655735


Because of it's global impact on markets.

To just outright drop it all at one time would certainly alert the cabal.

6dd021  No.2655736

File: 9d8ab5073bb1f9e⋯.jpg (495.66 KB, 1756x1350, 878:675, 14 mirror of 36.jpg)

File: 5f7c7de6cf1ad28⋯.jpg (361.98 KB, 1349x1111, 1349:1111, 36 mirror of 14.jpg)

File: 81e146a6c7a200f⋯.png (48.65 KB, 930x230, 93:23, Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at ….png)

Today's Q Clock

Pic 1

Track CEO resignations.

We are crushing these sick people.

Soros takes orders from P.

TRUMP card coming.

Mack is naming names.

Free Iran!!!

Exchange shelters VERY senior member.

Today's Q Clock Mirror

Pic 2

Big week ahead!

Dark to LIGHT.


Organized/planned by BC/HRC.

Why are people panicking about Iran deal pullout?

What CEOs have resigned post POTUS election?

Cross check against Co's in Iran post deal.

Did you see Bill Maher defending Alex Jones? Look at the mirror clock. Alex Jones is in there. See Pic 3 for a closeup.

d23001  No.2655737


I want to know the truth. About everything.

I want to not do evil knowingly or unknowingly.

I want no human to be a slave to another.

I want freedom of thought and action.

I want some groups to stop sucking our energy so they dont have to sweat or work or contribute anything than moving numbers in a computer and kvetching about shit.

4dd029  No.2655738

File: 999996d36436d96⋯.jpeg (575.71 KB, 1532x1951, 1532:1951, 56F5D1CA-8B89-4DEF-BBD8-9….jpeg)

File: d86c132e694fb99⋯.png (401.6 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 009AC02F-991E-4537-AA05-C7….png)

Here is something that should put fear in all those who think they can get out of the Storm because their communications using cryptic messages or hidden messages.

17 arrested in CA. Their criminal activity included using Code messages.

75b433  No.2655739

File: 1be649a134ff174⋯.png (83.94 KB, 957x622, 957:622, c58e9518-ce4a-4429-afd8-38….png)

c940f0  No.2655740

Isis is a drug cult. It is a cult of high priests and secret rituals. These secret rituals

have been kept inside the British Royal Family and their ruling class friends, for centuries.

The cult was practiced in Egypt during the Third Dynasty of the Old Kingdom circa 2780

BC. Isis worship is essentially pagan, primitive mother worship. The Isis priesthood is a

closed circle and its nobility, practiced social control, total subjugation of man’s free will,

exploitation and subjugation of people.

a1536c  No.2655741

File: 7e724fcb013d7b1⋯.png (202.46 KB, 708x1232, 177:308, ClipboardImage.png)

Bruce Ohr May Have Broken More Than The Law By Pushing His Wife’s Opposition Research To The FBI thefederalist.com/2018/08/16/bruce-ohr-may-broken-law-pushing-wifes-opposition-research-fbi/

d2208e  No.2655742


They live.

All of it clues - have you had any luck tuning the frequency?

3b49c0  No.2655743


Explain how that post was clear then? I'll explain why I, with my supposedly low IQ, think otherwise.


>We need to unite against the global cabal.

What does he mean by 'global' cabal? I know of 'the cabal' as Q calls it. Does he mean globalists in general or what? There is a damn difference.

>By throwing fire at the normie jews you are SHIELDING THE REAL ENEMY.

What does he mean by you - who? Me? /qresearchers/? Everyone who questions Jews? Which Jews, by the way, are those people not supposed to question according to him? Any, all? Or only the so-called "normie" ones, whoever they are. Is anyone even really doing that, anyway, other than shills? No one who's seriously redpilled and opposed to international Jewry asserts that all Jews are bad, only the worst of them. This is a straw-man argument.

>And you are doing this ON PURPOSE.

Who is? Doing WHAT? The post goes on the preach the virtues of unity but overall, the same post particularly with this last line of original text serves only to divide /qresearch/.



Kindly eat shit.

fb8c63  No.2655744

Oh hey Frenz, another day the left destroys itself. Maybe I will go watch them burn some books today.

3bf2a2  No.2655745


You can only have what is yours, they must have what they want.

6ac542  No.2655746

File: 0f25e647788b04d⋯.png (832.86 KB, 1155x603, 385:201, 5thColumns.png)

2e6d58  No.2655747

File: 6ed4aeb7e20ad03⋯.png (158.4 KB, 870x343, 870:343, colums-mason-a1.png)

a0d22a  No.2655748



This post:


was directes to:




40824c  No.2655749


Even the Autists can’t imagine how deep this goes….

cdb7a2  No.2655750

File: 26bb363aaa8fe21⋯.png (21.84 KB, 587x442, 587:442, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dfc6e0ff36ac985⋯.png (28.46 KB, 604x516, 151:129, ClipboardImage.png)


Rome GA wasnt a slide. plane fag spotted a blocked flight outa rome ga yesterday from richard b russel airport.

>travel to rome

i dont think anything will come of it i spent a few hours digging it yesterday and nothing caught my eye. but it wasnt a slide. it was a valid dig.

fb8c63  No.2655751


3 Popes

Group of Nine

13 Illiminati bloodlines

4142fd  No.2655752


I should add that my anger stems from not only from the injustices all of us put up with every day, the fact we're not really free, but especially from what they do to our children, how they are raped, beaten, and serve as food for those monsters. That is what I think the world will have much trouble facing, but the fact the cabal doesn't back down makes me persist in my thinking that their annihilation is what they deserve for what they have done.

8b4d55  No.2655753

mk ultra is inception and mind control through sleep. that's why Kanye gets hospitalized for sleep deprivation when he "acts up"

57d8a8  No.2655754



Why was China working with the nwo for so long?

China knows pedos and satanists were in power and have worked with them for years.

344f52  No.2655756


I'll never understand this shit. They look fucking ridiculous. Bunch of grown men walking around on robes. And people just standing there watching them.

Not sure who is more fucked up. Them or the people watching them.

3d0776  No.2655757


Indeed they do.

fbc94e  No.2655758

File: 4f457bafadf8f4a⋯.jpg (54.7 KB, 960x529, 960:529, 483402_423378451080290_113….jpg)

File: daf1108f96244a9⋯.png (30.81 KB, 400x680, 10:17, overton_window_diagram-svg.png)

File: 39ddaa8c8f17bcb⋯.jpg (60.3 KB, 806x450, 403:225, original_overton-4.jpg)

Overton Window research

Understanding extremes of views to move the range of what is acceptable in political discourse

Nice article by a successful big data guy:



242b0f  No.2655759

File: d4b3487ec5e9893⋯.jpeg (17.58 KB, 312x162, 52:27, r. calvi blackfriars Br..jpeg)

roberto calvi

among the pantheon of mysteriously dead or disappeared bankers

courtesy of P2

89bff7  No.2655760


Yeah a symbol that indicates whoever is pictured is a total homo faggot satanic cabal member.

eb81e1  No.2655761


Same. It's *very* claustrophobic down there. Long narrow halls, and little to no ventilation. The extremely odd thing about the basement is the first room you enter is a Halloween Room with strange paintings on the wall. Then the dressing room, exercise room, and pool area in the middle, followed by the laundry and kitchen. As if the purpose of the rooms are all connected.

The other thing I recall which is freaky…I commented about the dining room looking like a place for vampires.

4b2811  No.2655762

File: 48274f6ecea9b11⋯.png (30.14 KB, 156x88, 39:22, ClipboardImage.png)

Time to clean up the educational system.


Colorado University professor assigns anti-Trump material as required class reading


3bf2a2  No.2655763


they must converge as well, it's a time, not a place:


2d7d3e  No.2655764


Suicide week and doorknob challenge seem to be in fashion this year

3e7d45  No.2655765

File: b74327b4ffd2c38⋯.jpeg (70.23 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 1523581051.jpeg)

4142fd  No.2655766


>I want to know the truth. About everything.

>I want to not do evil knowingly or unknowingly.

>I want no human to be a slave to another.

>I want freedom of thought and action.

>I want some groups to stop sucking our energy so they dont have to sweat or work or contribute anything than moving numbers in a computer and kvetching about shit.


9210f9  No.2655767

File: 730dc40efae72e4⋯.jpg (11.79 KB, 255x191, 255:191, betuyhkj3k9793afaff6161309….jpg)

242b0f  No.2655768

File: dd3095b31b960ce⋯.png (80.01 KB, 223x226, 223:226, deak ISM.png)

File: 6beb13ef937f0dd⋯.jpg (61.87 KB, 306x431, 306:431, deak schumer.jpg)

File: e4a27d8f8904f7d⋯.jpg (173.29 KB, 483x673, 483:673, nik deak.jpg)

nikolas deak

murdered by "crazy tranny"

cryin' chuck schumer arrives at crime scene before nypd

132e54  No.2655769



600ef9  No.2655770

File: 4cf76f8ed4b15d4⋯.jpeg (2.19 MB, 1265x1788, 1265:1788, 4E512E2F-7591-473E-A759-6….jpeg)

So when does Brennan announce hes running for president?

bf7035  No.2655771


Hussein has three days of 'whereabouts unknown' during his official trip to Argentina in 2016.


3bf2a2  No.2655772


He has not mastered controlling the tape.

Everyone is running a tape, just a matter of who knows it and who just let the tape run.

344f52  No.2655773


4 brothers

3 moons

Council of 5 used to be nine.

13 is when memories return.

fb8c63  No.2655774



professor Katherine Mack

A professor at a university in Colorado has assigned books that criticize President Trump as required reading material for her class.

Campus Reform received the syllabus for the course, "Topics in Public Rhetorics," from a student who wished to remain anonymous.

The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs course is taught by professor Katherine Mack, who is also the chair of the university's English department.

The required reading material reportedly claims that people should challenge the “Trump effect" and also label the president's supporters as prejudiced against minority groups.

c0a690  No.2655775



242b0f  No.2655776

File: 36a7191fb40a36d⋯.jpg (36.08 KB, 640x480, 4:3, AWAN PAK BCCI.jpg)

amjad AWAN is awol

but some of his relations are crawling about


the easy dayz…

641bc6  No.2655777


Lurking for months and months and I know things are happening and already happened. In my mind I am living in the new timeline. But sometimes I feel like I am living in one parallel but my head is peaking out at a new paridgon Anyone else?

a0d22a  No.2655778


It refers to the shills who bash an entire population to redirect the fire feom the global satanic cabal.

Since you got triggered by it, it exposes you as one of those shills.

Have a nice day… In hell

ec0ad2  No.2655779



This board is saturated daily with anti-Semitism like this. It's not subtle, as you can see. And rest assured– it's fake.

Where is it all coming from? Who is really using bots on the internet, and why?

4142fd  No.2655780



65290d  No.2655781


they listen to your THOUGHTS. how is that legal?

3e7d45  No.2655782


You got trip 7s so heck I have to agree

cdb7a2  No.2655783


in and out of the matrix. thats how it feels for me.

3bf2a2  No.2655784


convergence signals, just the tell tell signs from the timeline.

0d0451  No.2655785

File: 86374138da19db8⋯.jpg (69.48 KB, 476x230, 238:115, Q.jpg)


This concept ties in with what I have been saying. A battle of Q machines.

Quantum computers. Used to manipulate timelines

I would like to read more on how the shifting of one body or conscious between timelines is created.

Some anon posted a link to a patent that was for training how to create a rhythm in the souls energy forces that are channeled in the body so that one could walk through doors.

18ae47  No.2655786


Rome GA is a total slide. But please show me a connection between Podesta and Rome, GA. Red Arrow is a psy op.

7de919  No.2655787




2 timelines….not entirely out of the question

65290d  No.2655788


some changes are planned in the future so we get past

36a690  No.2655789


Don't understand why some people are triggered by this. There's nothing wrong with this message. There's nothing in this message that implies that the evil shouldn't be punished. Peace is a part of what we are trying to accomplish but it does not mean we will easily allow the criminals to be let go.

Isn't world peace what POTUS is aiming to accomplish too? Isn't the Great Awakening a major theme of this movement? Isn't finding truth an important part of the Great Awakening?

Trust yourself and listen to your inner truth. Use logic and see for yourself if this is a psy-op or not.

3b49c0  No.2655790


And by watch you must mean, literally not watch. Because Yt has terminated the "books'" accounts for violating it's community guidelines.

242b0f  No.2655791

File: 47420252ce040fd⋯.jpg (79.23 KB, 711x433, 711:433, safra boris.jpg)

File: e4c533102edc286⋯.jpg (133.97 KB, 652x710, 326:355, safra boi.jpg)

File: ca2a6481360a5d4⋯.jpg (84.77 KB, 634x423, 634:423, SAFRA HSBC.jpg)

File: c191f8d89afb893⋯.jpg (76.02 KB, 454x348, 227:174, 12.3.99 safra death.jpg)





marc rich

died 12399


even HSBC cannot save you

ca7d43  No.2655792

File: 0454daa81db8b24⋯.png (172.61 KB, 469x506, 469:506, jidf.png)


attention newcomers

there is a group of people trying to subvert attention away from (((them)))

like this poster here.

research this group to learn why

f916c2  No.2655793

File: 225206f0a609fd4⋯.jpg (84.33 KB, 810x1080, 3:4, 76d1e969ea40d5bcee745cb1a9….jpg)

9a3ca3  No.2655794


3Letter agenceis come to discredit Anons.

To make US look crazy.

To make US look racist.

To make US look hateful.

They are too late.

We are awake.

We know their methods.

2cd307  No.2655795

File: 2fb24c2162726d4⋯.jpg (70.2 KB, 634x568, 317:284, popeonarope2.jpg)

222f80  No.2655796

Did you know that Nancy Pelosi is a Republican?

600ef9  No.2655797

File: f253d3a1cc1116c⋯.png (284.99 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, B3B7AA32-4B47-46D2-A442-92….png)

242b0f  No.2655798

File: 0cdf14b87c1ad46⋯.jpg (163.45 KB, 610x856, 305:428, digger.jpg)

3b59a1  No.2655799


It's a back and forth. Some days I'm stuck in the old, heavy, hateful timeline. Other days I'm in this brighter, lighter, happier place…. You're not alone brother.

The difference is very noticeable

9a9d11  No.2655800


why have these companies changed nothing?

You wondering about this? I am. Lots of talk but what do we see? Any adjustments? Nope. Not a thing. In fact if you watch ESPN for a taste you will see them tinting everything a blue / purple and lo! now we have Voodoo Donut in your face sponsoring the Portland Open.

fb8c63  No.2655801

File: c985fcc7d13fefd⋯.png (69.86 KB, 150x200, 3:4, untitled.png)



Katherine Mack

Assistant Professor

English Department


Katherine Mack is an assistant professor of rhetoric and writing in the Department of English. She offers courses on classical and contemporary rhetorical theory, practice, and criticism. Her primary research interests lie in the cultural rhetorics of contemporary South Africa; the intersections of rhetorical theory, public sphere theory, and memory studies; and, the situation of writing pedagogy and programs in the university today.


e54d32  No.2655802

File: 8f638ad7331096a⋯.jpg (75.6 KB, 661x350, 661:350, pimp.jpg)

pimping patriots for profit.

40824c  No.2655803


Someone unplug this thing

481428  No.2655804

File: a38f6619916dc08⋯.png (250.88 KB, 1273x758, 1273:758, smithsonian.png)


and the hair, representing horns

cdb7a2  No.2655805

File: 253bfff49b26e60⋯.png (563.76 KB, 683x682, 683:682, 85cde2a39a617500c874c5d818….png)


i didnt claim it had anything to do with podesta. i said it was a valid dig that went nowhere. how is that a slide faggot? feel free to contribute instead of just shitpost little girl.

05ef64  No.2655806

File: d1a0d32bbb12787⋯.jpg (58.31 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ac23f51cd7eb91d593762c8f93….jpg)

3e7d45  No.2655807

File: 08ab008d6fa1c43⋯.jpeg (16.19 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 7e9f8db48ac01835edbaeed02….jpeg)

481428  No.2655808


sorry wrong photo meant for another crumb

ec0ad2  No.2655809


Аге уоս нսмап?

9a9d11  No.2655810


fuck off kike

tell us all how many Christians you fuckers killed in the 20th century. go ahead. we'll wait.

2b3c13  No.2655811


Same behavior as people trying to doxx Q followers. Why doxx the followers if Q is supposedly the fake? It's all just classic leftist bullying and intimidation bc they cannot win in a dialogue of ideas.

242b0f  No.2655812

File: 606f4ee6cb210a4⋯.jpg (49.74 KB, 700x431, 700:431, CHILE BARROS.jpg)


choking on false DIGNIDAD (colonia)

b14d4c  No.2655813


But of course anons were smart and archived her feed before tipping her off, as we are constantly reminding each other to do, right? Oh the newfags.

295e12  No.2655814


#140 Q Message and did say as it is stated.

4b2811  No.2655815


Seems like all they teach any more is theoretical shit these days.

What ever happened to teaching hard facts and growing upon those facts?

Instead they come up with bullshit theories to teach.

3b49c0  No.2655816


Lol. How Did I get triggered by it? I said, "Um. What?" Okay? Your perceptiveness is about as sharp dull as your reasoning ability, it seems.

f7225d  No.2655817



rods and scpetres within the bible.

222f80  No.2655818


1fdc4a  No.2655819


I've been exploring the angle of the Guatemalan Embassy in Rome or vice versa. Travel to Rome. Or maybe the charms represent a sacrifice. 1 charm = 1 sacrifice.

2cd307  No.2655820

File: 746e71b8ad3a729⋯.jpg (47.73 KB, 303x246, 101:82, popeonarope.jpg)

This pope is always pre-postured to meet God… Whether he wants to or not… Or is even aware of it for that matter…

ec0ad2  No.2655821

File: 00aaf7d3ed4f784⋯.png (2.14 MB, 896x5920, 28:185, WeAreQueueanon.png)



The fake nazi bots CAN'T break character. It's actually hilarious when you understand what's going on.

659cc6  No.2655822


>So when does Brennan announce hes running for president?

Probably as soon as the registration period begins in Egypt.

57d8a8  No.2655823

Why was China working with the nwo for so long?

China knows pedos and satanists were in power and have worked with them for years yet did nothing about it

The media spin was mostly Russia Russia Russia and very little focus on China.


Was China being held hostage or promised plunder?

9a9d11  No.2655824


you have to dig

confirmed something going on in north Georgia. calls the initial investigation slide. makes no connection to the number of indictments in north Georgia.

3e7d45  No.2655825

File: fd98df8b79f08e5⋯.jpeg (183.87 KB, 1440x1857, 480:619, 1533298321.jpeg)

9a9d11  No.2655826


China is run by Jews. shock horror yes even they.

36a690  No.2655827


Congratulations. This is the 666th post of the thread. What does 666 mean?

9a9d11  No.2655829


answer the question.

how many Chsritians did Jews murder in the 20th century. Go ahead. take your time.

bf7035  No.2655830


Look who her father is.


b738d9  No.2655831


>>2655119, >>2655134, >>2655152, >>2655635 President Trump Tweets and Decodes

>>2655336 President Trump 1 year Achievements graphic (Tweet it)

>>2655339, >>2655371 Planefag Reports

>>2655736 Clockfag Reports

>>2655423 Livin it up ! Oprah just bought an $8.3 million mansion on an island near Seattle

>>2655155, A follow up on the map being clown ops dismantled and on the meaning of Red October "STEEL" plant crumb.

>>2655199, >>2655311, >>2655616 Osmond's dig

>>2655211, >>2655279 Investigate the Investigators

>>2655248 Antifa Doxxing people with fake website.

>>2655146 The people we identified in the Podesta photo last night did start to scrub their social media

>>2655261 20x as many jobs created than lost under Trump tariffs

>>2655322, >>2655664 What is ActBlue

>>2655325 2009 email to H from Sid…(((THEY))) knew what China was doing.

>>2655372, >>2655719 Deer Island is Skull and Bones HRC BUSH connect


>>2655401 Looking around for Podesta/Kauders info


>>2655470 “Lumenati” “Free Fun” modeling event in Denver where they are asking for child models to show up between ages 6-17.

>>2655518 Sierra Club is pushing for this to pass.

>>2655530 A few more details of the visit trickled out over the following months about [BHO] 3 weeks in Paki

>>2655327, >>2655472, >>2655565, PAYSEUR evolution

>>2655633 vatican bank, CAYMAN ISLANDS,AZERBAIJAN,KAZAKHSTAN connects

>>2655652, >>2655653, >>2655665 BigRedAnon Clown diggs and info

>>2655684 Moar Vbilt digs info

>>2655494 Another military aircraft crash, AF pilot who trains front line bombing missions has to eject

>>2655741 Bruce Ohr May Have Broken More Than The Law By Pushing His Wife’s Opposition Research To The FBI

>>2655774, >>2655801 Katherine Mack Colorado University professor assigns anti-Trump material as required class reading

>>2655732 The Legend of Gimghoul Castle

>>2655693, >>2655713, >>2655730, Riddle me this

>>2655253, >>2655295, >>2655537, >>2655623, >>2655718 High IQ posts , various subjects

5b330a  No.2655832

File: 9b807e5f20f929c⋯.png (118.03 KB, 585x452, 585:452, 1497203562051.png)

048444  No.2655833




2232b1  No.2655834

>>2655092 >>2655093 >>2655094 >>2655095 >>2655096

>>2655097 >>2655097 >>2655098 >>2655099 >>2655100

>>2655101 >>2655102 >>2655103 >>2655104 >>2655105

>>2655106 >>2655107 >>2655108 >>2655109 >>2655110

>>2655111 >>2655112

28136d  No.2655835

File: 05a8b36ac2616f9⋯.gif (359.3 KB, 500x375, 4:3, powie.gif)

222f80  No.2655836


china is the planned home of the jews after they get done destroying the usa…. why do you think they built massive ghost cities??

600ef9  No.2655837



>shifting of one body or conscious between timelines

There is no such thing as individual consciousness.

ec0ad2  No.2655838


What is that global source of power that ALL elites can tap into? What unifies the so-called "cabal". Again, as we've been told, it's NOT a group of people. Not flesh and blood… What is it? A source of power…

4c37c9  No.2655839


Here's another Russell


The Russell Investments Center in downtown Seattle has been sold to CalPERS, the California Public Employees’ Retirement System, for $480 million — more than four times the amount its current owners paid after the demise of Washington Mutual bank left the building mostly empty. Rumors of the coming deal were reported two weeks ago.


3b49c0  No.2655841


Christ. What a dirty trick by a despicable bunch of weak and cowardly bullies. Antifa ran a literal conspiracy to pull this off too, you know. Unbelievable.

d98e54  No.2655842

>>2654596 lb

>Neurological Weapons to cause the most horrendous psychological tortures.

This I know to be fact.

5b330a  No.2655843



curiously mentions the great awakening

warns of what we've been witnessing unfold

kinda spoopy

9210f9  No.2655844

File: 1e90ed73559c3f1⋯.jpg (73.64 KB, 466x464, 233:232, joo2d86bk.jpg)

cdb7a2  No.2655847


i think the

>travel to rome

is just a reference to the big roman bathhouse scene back in ye olden days. revisionist history tells us it was for men to get together and bath, and fuck. but what if it was actually moar than that. ancient rome may be where blatant child sacrifice really took hold in a civilized nation. hence all the creepy pools.

18ae47  No.2655848


Of course you did. You try to use drops to justify a pointless sperg on Rome, GA. Of course it was a dig that went nowhere. And naturally an insult is your go to. Now, maybe you should use your time actually doing something constructive little boy.

79002a  No.2655849

File: 37a07d21efe7ea7⋯.jpg (11.26 KB, 223x226, 223:226, download.jpg)

File: f3d7c8b0ce123b3⋯.jpg (280.62 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1509998760299.jpg)

File: 52e038a9298e1f2⋯.jpg (35.47 KB, 408x464, 51:58, 1509744883875.jpg)

222f80  No.2655850


prince of the power of the air


242b0f  No.2655852

File: a0c463fb1b774d5⋯.jpg (31.54 KB, 448x331, 448:331, nugan hand bank.jpg)

nugan hand bank

that did not last long

flew to close to the stars

one dead

one selling weapons

57d8a8  No.2655853


The entire financial and government structure were run by jews?

Do explain further

344f52  No.2655854

File: 732628b2d74c9f6⋯.jpg (194.33 KB, 900x506, 450:253, 5b782940fc7e93f32f8b45dd.jpg)

I am completely enamoured with Putin. The man is just amazing! May I cut in! Lol.

Her necklace is interesting.

fb8c63  No.2655855

File: ae1a3f1ab923047⋯.png (638.71 KB, 639x767, 639:767, k08JiDQeqJVWajuz_xuQwmUDYl….png)

Plaster Skippy all over the place. We should put up posters of his bullshit

ec0ad2  No.2655856



Observe how bots operate. They can be very aggressive. They can intimidate humans on forums, which naturally drives them into silence. This is how the takeover of fakeness happens.

2232b1  No.2655857


Why these Posts Not in thread?

b8d6ca  No.2655858

File: 8c5cbaa395c2e25⋯.png (1.37 MB, 963x571, 963:571, ClipboardImage.png)

cdb7a2  No.2655859


you must be dense. just go back anon. just go back before your butthurt consumes you. although the fact that your fighting it so hard makes me want to look again. ill let you know what i find faggot.

09d560  No.2655860


Right. The ancient civilization known as China is run by Jews.

You got any sauce for that? Facts, not some bullshit a racist wi t h a YT account came up with.

fbc94e  No.2655861


Brennan always struck me as a dumb enforcer type stooge.

Definitely not the brains of any operation.

How he rose to the top of the CIA is a mystery. Somebody had to put him in those positions. Some fellow traveler who knew he would be an obedient soldier.

His career predated Obama.

ec0ad2  No.2655862


But in what form? Via what channel?

f0dd67  No.2655863


Her family is mobbed up in Baltimore.

d1d1bd  No.2655864


isn't there any wealthy white hats that can buy a news channel and have totally real news 24/7?

thats what we need, and the more the better.

then maybe normies will believe because its coming out of the idiot box.

ffd053  No.2655865



It was broadcasted in 1977. 40 years ago!

de924d  No.2655866



"Can you serve from jail?" - Q

fb8c63  No.2655867



186f4c  No.2655868


Dubs, checked. Dubble dubs, at that.

They cannot win, they never win, they hate it.

9210f9  No.2655869

File: 6e2246eb3fddc62⋯.jpg (9.3 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Qpointing.jpg)

222f80  No.2655870



4a8801  No.2655871

File: eaf3117fa337ea3⋯.jpeg (39.5 KB, 682x423, 682:423, A87A2BB6-A0B8-4C57-B2E8-4….jpeg)

ec0ad2  No.2655872



The "people"' arguing with nazi bots are also bots themselves. Dialogue is simulated from both sides. Propaganda control.

0d0451  No.2655873


According to the patent we are an organized form of energy.

The word soul was used.

Human - The organization of these energies, a soul,

in the form of a biological body.

Perhaps in different timelines the organizations or controlled systems of these energy patterns are known

by a different name.

242b0f  No.2655874

File: d0fe5ef3a9d70a1⋯.png (97.76 KB, 919x483, 919:483, vatican haiti.png)

cayman islands

that's the same hood as necker, lil st. james, and klinton private isle, Haiti

18ae47  No.2655875


Delicious word salad, shill or stupid?

56c602  No.2655876

File: 704448971b309ae⋯.jpg (46.33 KB, 502x604, 251:302, Strings of the Hand.jpg)

File: 15e1c41608b0ffd⋯.jpg (145.95 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, jidf sliders.jpg)

File: 2ad9be14a289adf⋯.jpg (3.42 MB, 3884x7735, 3884:7735, jewish influence map.jpg)

File: 3ce5b82711d5467⋯.jpg (3.67 MB, 4500x4602, 750:767, Updated Jewish MSM pic.jpg)


You're an idot and/or a shill.

You are using the typical Hasbara playbook strategy of trying to make criticism of Jewish power and Jewish supremacism look like ignorant racism, which it is not.

Let me help you a little. You know, when the USA was carrying out illegal wars around the globe on behalf of its Jewish neocon puppetmasters, we talked about American power, American exceptionalism, even about America's illegal invasion of Iraq. Now, get this… no one imagined that when we spoke of "American power" we were talking about all Americans. Sure, the administration was culpable of illegal war and more. Sure, many people supported the war because they didn't really know how the USA had been cucked by the Mossad-led 9/11 operation. And sure there were many US citizens who were opposed to the whole thing. But we could talk about America's illegal war despite that, and it was illegal. And talking about American power did not mean that all Americans were equally culpable in war crimes. And yet it was an example of American power., and we could rightfully discuss it as such, without anyone foolishly thinking that we thought all Americans were equally involved.

You know as well as I do that we cannot solve a problem that we cannot name. Jewish power and Jewish supremacism are real phenomena; and represent a clear and present danger to the rest of humanity. It's not all Jews. It's not only Jews. But Jewish power and Jewish supremacist ideology are key parts of the puzzle about why our world is in such a mess. Huge pieces in that puzzle. And you are trying to stop people from getting informed about that. Shill much, JIDF?

Do that math. We don't have a word for the global Jewish collective. It's not Israel. So we have to call it 'the Jews'. Just like Jesus did.

Now go glow somewhere else. Haven't you got a gay disco in Tel Aviv to go to where you can smear on the glo-paint with your pals?

ec0ad2  No.2655877


Not even close to being that whole story.

fb8c63  No.2655879

File: 474aa771fafed73⋯.mp4 (9.66 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, OzCFh8L80Q95t5jl.mp4)

Watch out for the resistance

3e7d45  No.2655880

File: 2d51cfb0b2e52d7⋯.jpeg (100.44 KB, 1440x577, 1440:577, 1534506762.jpeg)

344f52  No.2655881

I don't think the Angels had to fall. Earth women run to them. All they have to do is show up and dance with us. Lol.

d98e54  No.2655882


There's plenty of real racism here.

That doesn't mean the "Jews" are innocent. Nobody is.

Patriots have no skin color.

This is not about religious or party affiliation, this is good vs evil.

9a9d11  No.2655883


Go and look.

3b49c0  No.2655884

File: 37d99932850bbb4⋯.jpg (27.48 KB, 600x428, 150:107, 1490853653882.jpg)

File: a5df549b9d82367⋯.jpg (15.02 KB, 300x300, 1:1, redpill.jpg)


>WW Link represents Satan

40824c  No.2655885

File: 7972991ce7944b1⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1242x1717, 1242:1717, 7DEF5D6D-6845-421A-A873-A….jpeg)


She “knows”

2d7d3e  No.2655886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

57d8a8  No.2655887



Just looking for that crumb

4142fd  No.2655888

Tripartite Interaction: US, USSR and Britain

The United States was the first to open its doors to the alien race known as the Greys. I have been told of a contact in 1934, wherein the Greys made their presence known to the United States government in Wxashington State. It wasn't until 1947 that actual contact occurred with the aliens and United States officials, due to the shooting down of an alien craft in Roswell, New Mexico.

This pressed the Greys into contact earlier than they had anticipated. After this crash at Roswell in 1947 the United States, the Soviet Union and the British, at the very highest levels of government, became "blood-brothers". Now, these governments did not know what Germany was really up to at that time in history. The Germans were very very secretive about their contact with Gizeh intelligences. What was going on in Germany and what was going on between these other countries were two separate issues. The Roswell incident created more of an urgency to develop a true space program in order to defend the Earth. Again, the United States government and the Soviets thought that there was a threat due to the technologically advanced state of the aliens they had encountered. The true space program was an "underground" development that we are just now beginning to hear about. It was originally financed by members of the Club of Rome.

Now, you will need to do some homework to find out who those members are, and don't be surprised at who you see. We'll talk more about that when we discuss the moon. The Greys assisted the "black government" with the building of some of the first facilities on the moon and Mars. Prior to all of this, between 1850 and 1950, there were instances of the mutilation of both cattle and humans. The NSA, which was created in the 1950's, knew that aliens were responsible. How they knew this, though, I have not been told. I will try and get more clarification on that.

In 1952, the government prepared itself for the realization of ongoing alien contact. When our military radar systems started to bring down craft, the Greys realized that in order to perform their genetic experiments on such a large scale, in an attempt to genetically save their race, they would need the cooperation of a political body of a high caliber. In other words, they had to come to terms.

A select body in the United States was designed to be the liaison between the Greys and earth humans. The military was very enthusiastic, in the hope of exchanging raw materials for alien technology. This liaison group, the political structure, was the National Security Agency. This is what its original purpose was.

— Alex Collier, 1995.




166733  No.2655889



>I can see their faces when they realized the Clintons had lost power. They probably called POTUS the next day.


Interdasting – I'm getting a "403 Forbidden" error trying to access that website.

222f80  No.2655890


can you tell me?

f67b1d  No.2655891




This… Clinton's and the 10 islands project.. Monopoly on drug and sex trafficking.. Lots of info in article

ec0ad2  No.2655892


The time travel shit is fake.

c74eac  No.2655893



The gray pieces add intrigue to the game!


7acac1  No.2655894

File: 2631ea44546956a⋯.jpg (87.99 KB, 743x594, 743:594, brennan saudi 2008.JPG)

048444  No.2655895


she is not from another planet

she is just a plain old evil bit*h

09d560  No.2655896


Hey, asshole. I'm not a fucking bot.

I'm thinking it is you who is shill.

Or, if not a shill, one who has not yet lesfned to play the game.

ffd053  No.2655897


you are fake

344f52  No.2655898


I love Alex Collier. He always lifts me up. What a good person he is. You can feel it from him.

ec0ad2  No.2655899


I think AI functions as a vector for pure evil.

186f4c  No.2655900


OANN - One American News Network

408d39  No.2655901

File: ed2fac4ec107763⋯.png (30.2 KB, 444x395, 444:395, Screenshot_2018-08-18 Q.png)


Q mentioned Podesta

Travel to Rome

Didn't say which country 2015/2016

b738d9  No.2655902

>>2655865 I added it because an Anon asked me too I do know its very old recording .

>>2655885 Luv her , yes homo !!

>>2655891 Post next bredd pls . I ma have missed somethings .






New Baker needed next bread pls.

1fdc4a  No.2655903


that's an interesting take.

be1e21  No.2655904



222f80  No.2655905


In this day and age, yes….. historically, I thought it was symbology.

a87887  No.2655906

God Wins.

242b0f  No.2655907

File: 3d029bf2bd655f2⋯.jpg (131.31 KB, 400x291, 400:291, red banker granny.jpg)

File: d09850ba6a62212⋯.jpg (399.85 KB, 1500x841, 1500:841, obongo HI.jpg)

File: 07eef805ac8e66f⋯.jpg (26.45 KB, 512x487, 512:487, BoHI CYA.jpg)

obongos granny was big with bank of HI

interesting financial institution

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