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File: 4ac0b2102155841⋯.png (1.17 MB,1280x720,16:9,c92f7b6fb88df02ce10c4198dc….png)

7d405d No.22316101 [View All]

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701 posts and 565 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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e05aec No.22317041

Don't worry, the temple had double indemnity fire insurance. Kek.

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21724b No.22317042


Works fantastic

Get some if you 🥫

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f020a3 No.22317044

File: e768bb9e78a01d9⋯.png (1.04 MB,2536x846,1268:423,Screenshot_2025_01_08_at_1….png)

File: 7a62c9669ea54ef⋯.png (1.35 MB,1064x1360,133:170,Screenshot_2025_01_08_at_1….png)



James Arthur Watkins (born November 1963)[1] is an American businessman, QAnon conspiracy theorist, and the operator of the imageboard website 8chan/8kun and textboard website 5channel. Watkins founded the company N.T. Technology in the 1990s to support a Japanese pornography website he created while he was enlisted in the United States Army


JAmes ARthur WATkins

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ec57c1 No.22317045


Notable, kmao

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000000 No.22317046


Leaf of paper blowing in the wind?

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703499 No.22317047

Clowns obsessing about SP so much they abandoned their merchant memes and copypastas on the battlefield to chase the most insignificant and irrelevant example of humanity on the face of this Earth. That's why I find it so funny.

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cd84e2 No.22317048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Horses being escorted out of massive fire in LA County

I swear to God, Newscum needs to be prosecuted for all the death and destruction, including all the animals, not only this fire, but all fires and destruction he's caused to the entire state since he got in.

I hope everyone remembers that Newscum and the government stole all the un-employment money during Covid sent by Trump, hardly anyone that needed it got it. Newscum said some people in eurasia stole it.

God Bless and protect all the animals in CA now, and get them out safe, don't bother saving Newscum, I know you will be sending him to his earned place and it should be fiery.



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3b9a20 No.22317050

File: 6c3cbdfe292fd72⋯.png (299.44 KB,1866x911,1866:911,millenialwake.png)

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19af7b No.22317051

Let's wait until the Mexicans rebuild LA(cheap labor, good landscapers)…then kick them out!!!

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d1b2e1 No.22317052


what does Jim feed to his pigs?

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ec57c1 No.22317053


IP roll.

Can he hop? Sorta?

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1ef560 No.22317054

File: 92c723c61ce9460⋯.png (467.85 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20250108_145342.png)

Vlad is my second choice

Red green is my hero

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795ab5 No.22317055

File: cb1e1464d17a65b⋯.png (71.02 KB,917x391,917:391,Screenshot_2025_01_08_at_1….png)

File: 37d318f28629fff⋯.png (85.54 KB,1171x623,1171:623,Screenshot_2025_01_08_at_1….png)

File: 7e6331aaff0ab0b⋯.png (70.41 KB,1155x335,231:67,Screenshot_2025_01_08_at_1….png)

File: 771c52e8f4d4963⋯.png (170.29 KB,1092x773,1092:773,Screenshot_2025_01_08_at_1….png)


>Delta Smelt



Qresearch has exactly zero breads prior to 1-8-2018



January 1-10


Image Library

[0] Marker

Q research general #1: SETTING THE BALANCE BACK TO 0 EDITION!!!

Q Research - #2

>>130Summary of LOOP CAPITAL to date: Sauce on /thestorm/1) Set up to groom…

The Great Awakening: Church History

Q Research General #3: The Great Q Migration Edition 2nd

Twitter Posters please read

Stringer General #1


[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 01/08/2019 08:01:15

ID: Twitter for iPhone

Twitter: 1082623264877432837

Economic numbers looking REALLY good. Can you imagine if I had long termZEROinterest rates to play with like the past administration, rather than the rapidly raised normalized rates we have today. That would have been SO EASY! Still, markets up BIG since 2016 Election!

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67c190 No.22317056

File: f00d752e28721ff⋯.jpg (200.1 KB,800x1651,800:1651,horse.jpg)

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d1b2e1 No.22317057


>God Bless and protect all the animals in CA now, and get them out safe

>don't bother saving Newscum


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2d5d08 No.22317058

So happy to see all the celebs faces, as their homes burn. They will all just buy another mansion somewhere else. fuck em

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e05aec No.22317059


Anything that rolls in on a set of Hot Wheels.

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703499 No.22317060


Whatever. Pedantic splitting of hairs.

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795ab5 No.22317061



> January

> January 1-10



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000000 No.22317062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bf468c No.22317063

File: bf05981603e4555⋯.png (220.98 KB,490x208,245:104,bf05981603e455542865ce8a35….png)

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703499 No.22317064

Whoa… haven't run a post count this high in a long time. Good thing the bread's almost over.

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ec57c1 No.22317065


Poo in it

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fdb711 No.22317066

File: 88fb6824bd513f4⋯.jpg (75.33 KB,1024x768,4:3,image_7.jpg)

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c824a1 No.22317067


I’ve got a birth mark on my dickhead. Does that count? Oh wait. I’m Gen X. Fucking Millennials! Faggot pussies!

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05f136 No.22317068

File: 3ffb79b9c2fd8bb⋯.jpg (470.31 KB,1106x1061,1106:1061,flight_restrictions.jpg)

File: 891f297f1a23392⋯.jpg (222.57 KB,1900x1252,475:313,phos_check.jpg)

Plannefags confirm…

no planes delivering phos-check from Apollo Field in Lancaster, California due to Biden presence on the ground

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d1b2e1 No.22317069


pray for Fred

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7458f4 No.22317070

File: cc1dc4c8922995e⋯.png (1.11 MB,800x571,800:571,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f4f4864145d2b7⋯.png (663.72 KB,601x427,601:427,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac9801a2a9e2ea7⋯.png (2.82 MB,1280x829,1280:829,ClipboardImage.png)


>However, in 1854, Japan was forcefully opened by the United States

On July 8, 1853, American Commodore Matthew Perry led his four ships into the harbor at Tokyo Bay, seeking to re-establish for the first time in over 200 years regular trade and discourse between Japan and the western world. https://history.state.gov/milestones/1830-1860/opening-to-japan

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ec57c1 No.22317071


Lil fag was in the club

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7d405d No.22317072

Hand Off Top Of Next




#27295 >>22316116

>>22316134 TRUMP TRUTH - No water for fire hydrants, not firefighting planes. A true disaster!

>>22316156, >>22316325 Billionaire Leon Black in talks to lead acquisition of the Telegraph

>>22316164, >>22316207, >>22316370, >>22316442, >>22316454, >>22316550, >>22316583, >>22316589, >>22317048 CALI FIRES!!

>>22316183, >>22316263, >>22316279, >>22316686 @Papi - GAVIN NEWSCUM SUCKS!!! CALI STAY STRONG!!!

>>22316186 @DanScavino - 12 DAYS⏳LFG!!!!!

>>22316261 MPD Assistant Chief Katie Blackwell perjured herself when testifying against officer Derek Chauvin

>>22316283 CDC Director Dr. Mandy Cohen Discusses Outlook for CDC

>>22316333 Russia Map Shows Oil Hubs Hit in Dozens of Ukraine Drone Raids

>>22316407 Naomi Wolf: Pfizer swapped out the original formula of the Covid shots for a more carcinogenic formula

>>22316432 What Happens when CA is in serious debt and lost priority aid from the FE gov due to sanctuary status (illegal)? 9/9/2020

>>22316469, >>22316471, >>22316599, >>22316630, >>22316738, >>22316740, >>22316763, >>22316798, >>22316816, >>22316848 Drones Bun

>>22316484 EMERGENCY DOCKET - Trump asks Supreme Court to intervene in hush money sentencing

>>22316487 Sunny Hostin of The View's Husband Accused Of 'Kickback' Insurance Fraud Scheme

>>22316504 US Government Sues Warren Buffett's Berkshire-Owned Lending Company For Predatory Mortgages

>>22316505 Bioterror Roundup: Biden’s $300 Million Bird Flu Bonanza and SV40 News

>>22316531 The International Fact-Checking Union (Yes That’s Real) Convenes An Emergency Meeting

>>22316564, >>22316569 Zelensky does not like competition, accuses US firms of corruption

>>22316573 CA, Struggling With Massive Wildfires, Sent ‘Surplus’ Firefighting Equipment to Ukraine

>>22316593 Israeli Spyware Firm NSO Group Found Liable For Hacks Of WhatsApp Users

>>22316614 Biden Confirms He Is Considering Preemptively Pardoning Anthony Fauci

>>22316772 Louisiana Democrat Mayor 25-year-old Tyrin Truong, Arrested in Shocking Drug and Prostitution Scandal

>>22316781, >>22316786 Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh briefs the media in the Pentagon Briefing Room

>>22316813 Activists in Mexico City smash wax statue of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu with hammers

>>22316860 This is good - Think Tank Funding Tracker Website

>>22316882, >>22316924 Fox News shows Cause of Palisades Fire as 'HUMAN' capped firmed seent muhself

>>22316916 Southern District of Georgia U.S. Attorney Jill Steinberg announces resignation

>>22316967 Chef Andrew Gruel invites those affected by Cali fires to camp on his property and be fed

>>22316996 Strange Projectiles IN & OUT of Cali Fires LIVE ON TV. Missile? Firework? UFO? Arson?

Great work anons


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67c190 No.22317073

End Wokeness


Biden cuts off the fire briefing: "The good news is that I became a great grandpa"

Press is kicked out. 0 questions.

2:25 PM · Jan 8, 2025


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87f568 No.22317074

File: 8b54dd598d2a968⋯.png (584.77 KB,500x625,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

Trudeau didn't say he'd step down once a new PM was chosen but when a new "leader" was chosen.

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000000 No.22317076


yes especially the ones that are proven successful in a market of their peers

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ec57c1 No.22317078


He can hop his wheelchair down the stairs

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f020a3 No.22317079

File: 82311bdcd0693ab⋯.png (288.25 KB,1090x1132,545:566,Screenshot_2025_01_07_at_2….png)

File: 66e3a2db2813c27⋯.png (2.11 MB,1184x876,296:219,Screenshot_2025_01_07_at_1….png)

File: 3f00416725a55ad⋯.png (2.68 MB,1514x1136,757:568,Screenshot_2025_01_07_at_1….png)

File: d6a78ce31d74754⋯.png (1.28 MB,1146x584,573:292,Screenshot_2025_01_07_at_1….png)

File: ed2a002de4ac9ce⋯.png (4.41 MB,1966x1276,983:638,Screenshot_2025_01_07_at_1….png)


Bohemian Grove and the Korean DMZ are on the same lattitude

38 N

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b84c9b No.22317080


They will do anything to try to make Trump look bad.

That's one of the reasons they did Covid while Trump was still POTUS in 2020.

They were trying to trap him.

But he trapped them instead.

Every time they set a trap for him, it boomerangs back onto themselves.

They haven't learned this yet?

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3b9a20 No.22317081


Jealous much?

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1ae87f No.22317082

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000000 No.22317084

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7d405d No.22317085

File: 5afacd356b5e2c5⋯.png (568.12 KB,998x925,998:925,5afacd356b5e2c54e747c35370….png)

File: 6c3b4a0d9093ed8⋯.png (2.07 MB,1024x1024,1:1,6c3b4a0d9093ed8beacd5f5382….png)

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9e6bbe No.22317086


hard to believe that reporter's not in imminent danger

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ec57c1 No.22317087


But can u fuck em?

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b6700b No.22317088

File: 9e26b26a9c52476⋯.mp4 (12.68 MB,372x480,31:40,sachs_1_.mp4)


Here's the video.

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4f3625 No.22317089



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7d405d No.22317090

File: dbfe392968f8bbd⋯.png (75.79 KB,245x248,245:248,dbfe392968f8bbd349b13a6166….png)

File: dd7e24e5b777ae8⋯.png (289.68 KB,503x541,503:541,dd7e24e5b777ae8b0900839f5a….png)

File: e65523c256f4174⋯.jpg (16.19 KB,306x135,34:15,e65523c256f4174ce1c526ef35….jpg)

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d9c8ee No.22317092

JUST IN - British MPs have just voted against a national inquiry into the horrific grooming gangs.


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d9c8ee No.22317095

Former SAS Ant Middleton Confirms He May Run For Mayor Of London


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7d405d No.22317096

File: 38f058af4a60dca⋯.png (124.65 KB,500x500,1:1,994d35c803567f3de367568e89….png)

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d1b2e1 No.22317097


>it boomerangs back onto themselves

your butthurt is going to be extra bad

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ec57c1 No.22317098


Hi brain chip guy

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