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File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,qrbannerflag.png)

42d48a No.22300513 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.'


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701 posts and 452 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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69df3e No.22301353

File: 5ec73097c71ecd5⋯.jpg (74.76 KB,657x614,657:614,queequeg_canibal_harpoonee….jpg)

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d51bb7 No.22301354


>Dan is official?

Dan is supportive and trolls quite a bit.

Elon is trollmaster who can't be banned.

There's a need for both.

Good cop, bad cop.

Imagine being a bored billionaire/trillionaire who just wants to make the world great, with GEOTUS's okay to shitpoast to your heart's content.

Trump suddenly seems sane, while Elon becomes the lightning rod.

It's good theater.

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ec4671 No.22301356

the best joke ever

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d51bb7 No.22301357

File: 1afbc25d0300382⋯.png (5.85 KB,236x48,59:12,report.png)


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69df3e No.22301358

File: 7becdeca719827e⋯.jpg (258.97 KB,1994x1333,1994:1333,1000004858.jpg)

File: 5d07ef666ed6f3e⋯.jpg (77.1 KB,564x812,141:203,1000004857.jpg)


5 to 8 inches of snow?

Oh no whatever shall they do?

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d51bb7 No.22301359

File: ed5695795a68b04⋯.png (124.23 KB,438x330,73:55,Screen_Shot_2025_01_06_at_….png)

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048e58 No.22301360

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69df3e No.22301361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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aa04f6 No.22301362


[And where is RJG in all this?]

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d66b75 No.22301363


she is jim watkins pillyoeeno lovechild

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d66b75 No.22301364


he takes out ads on 8kun now

have you not noticed?

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585337 No.22301365


That whole dress is falling apart at the seams, she'll be neked in a couple more hours.

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6f8dc9 No.22301366

all for a larp

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d66b75 No.22301367



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d66b75 No.22301368


ugly hoes

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eb7912 No.22301369

File: dc7b8102c809bf3⋯.png (452.47 KB,641x615,641:615,Screenshot_2025_01_06_0341….png)



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d51bb7 No.22301370

File: b1e09e2d3f3fb31⋯.png (344.5 KB,669x546,223:182,269c953bb792473ac343ad795a….png)



>5 to 8 inches of snow?

>Oh no whatever shall they do?

Anon members going going through Missouri in an old square body chevy and running into a foot of fresh snow.

Had to stop and get the tires siped, then went on muh way.

Didn't have none of that fancy radar shit to say it was snowmageddon.

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06f664 No.22301371

File: 03ac5c047cbf59d⋯.png (107.61 KB,444x418,222:209,ac.PNG)


Candace Owens claims that pedophiles are intentionally placed in positions of power because their psychopathic tendencies make them easier to control and manipulate.

She further suggests it’s no coincidence that Justin Trudeau, Barack Obama, Volodymyr Zelensky, and Emmanuel Macron are all gay, alleging that Macron is married to a transgender man who molested him when he was a child.

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8541f9 No.22301372

File: c4f0e0c38e7f400⋯.mp4 (622.14 KB,360x640,9:16,anonymous_hacker_short_ano….mp4)

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a36c43 No.22301373

File: 856775819b650dc⋯.png (224.76 KB,1055x596,1055:596,Demokratie.png)


I´m tired of all the bullshit! Military tribunals anyone?

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42d48a No.22301374

File: 091e45a2804bba8⋯.jpg (175.38 KB,1024x762,512:381,741a3b117664397df85821350e….jpg)


…Baking now


#27277 >>22300519

>>22300653 @elonmusk - You have finger guns, we have real guns (RE: London's police chief 'threats' to arrest Americans over online memes.)

>>22300701 Last month outside the Routh residence in Hawaii … #NeverForget the dangers of virulent leftism & the mental illness it has wrought. There are many people just like him who still want @realDonaldTrump dead.

>>22300722 Nikki Glaser makes ruthless Diddy jab at Golden Globes 2025: ‘Afterparty isn’t going to be as good this year’

>>22300749 @elonmusk - It’s now or never

>>22300759 Lord Ahmed of Rotherham was convicted of "buggery of a boy under 11" in 2022. (A judge decided his brother was too old to stand trial, but a "trial of the facts" determined he was also a paedophile.) Only Parliament can remove his title—but they won't make time to do it. Why?

>>22300821 The court of Liege will hold a session to consider whether Ursula von der Leyen has legal immunity against charges on corruption when procuring COVID-19 vaccines to the amount over €35 bln, Frederic Baldan, the plaintiff, told TASS

>>22300873 @MCB_Quantico - For tomorrow, Monday, January 6, Marine Corps Base Quantico’s Operating Status is Code Red.

>>22300934 @elonmusk - … (@real_shirelass - In July 2023 it was reported in the Daily Mail that Jimmy Savile victims turned their anger on Sir Keir Starmer over CPS failure to prosecute the serial paedophile. In 2009, child rapist, Jimmy Savile was interviewed under caution by police in Surrey and Sussex. Subsequently, the police referred 4 cases to the CPS alleging that Savile had raped at least three learning disabled girls under the age of 16.)

>>22301116 @elonmusk - America should liberate the people of Britain from their tyrannical government (poll)

>>22301294, >>22301302 Jack Smith’s Top Hatchet Man in Trump Classified Documents Case Abruptly Resigns From Justice Department

>>22301300 @elonmusk - Am starting to wonder how anyone made it through childhood in Britain without severe trauma (@MarioNawfal - 🇬🇧 ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY QUITS, LEAVING THE CHURCH IN A MESS. Justin Welby steps down Monday, taking the fall for ignoring abuse by John Smyth, a predator at 1970s Christian summer camps.)


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ba0cbd No.22301377


Quick pretend your not antifa… antman…

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b02dda No.22301378

File: 96491f11c59c691⋯.png (365.66 KB,526x526,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3282355d9e5120⋯.png (195.97 KB,1327x745,1327:745,ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Northern Command has ordered heightened security at all gates with 100% ID checks and random inspections. The Trusted Traveler Program is suspended. Expect delays. For MCB Quantico access details, visit: https://quantico.marines.mil/Info/Base-Access/.


8:00 AM · Jan 5, 2024

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d66b75 No.22301380


>ID checks and random inspections.

checking for smuggled trannies in the trunk

quantico faggots gonna faggot

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f622f7 No.22301381


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585337 No.22301383


Because of your filter list

Because of your ad blocker

Because your phone is all out of memory

Because you are phone fagging

Because you have too many other windows open

Because your cookie cache is full

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aa04f6 No.22301384


[Not funny]

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42d48a No.22301385

File: 34d21eb5b537890⋯.png (319.46 KB,729x342,81:38,Painepointer.png)

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f622f7 No.22301386

File: 0d2f5a4a1f5b4bb⋯.png (1.35 MB,1200x843,400:281,ClipboardImage.png)

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d66b75 No.22301388


its try bro, don't you lurk ffs?

rjg paid ads at bottom of breads

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f622f7 No.22301393


where is Kash?

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b02dda No.22301395


>8:00 AM · Jan 5, 2024typo

8:00 AM · Jan 5, 2025 corrected


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995dda No.22301396

File: f352f4f211a1a7e⋯.jpeg (172.1 KB,1855x1121,1855:1121,IMG_2745.jpeg)

File: 7fd10ddcb7f28c0⋯.jpeg (738.05 KB,1284x670,642:335,IMG_2744.jpeg)

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87ece0 No.22301397

File: 99ea81df7126dc1⋯.png (503.76 KB,940x1157,940:1157,this_autistic_pepe_code_ca….png)

File: 9e7505c79829807⋯.jpg (134.57 KB,529x523,529:523,pepe_smoking2.jpg)

File: 651c2220fdcc7b2⋯.png (154.09 KB,250x250,1:1,pepe_smoking.png)





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f994d9 No.22301401

File: f352f4f211a1a7e⋯.jpeg (172.1 KB,1855x1121,1855:1121,IMG_2745.jpeg)


This is the prescription right… sorry you did not get the memo? Did you…

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aa04f6 No.22301404


No retard

I asked jim

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69df3e No.22301415

File: 5fcc5df9578346a⋯.jpg (131.89 KB,1200x803,1200:803,1000004863.jpg)

File: 91724ffad7ba763⋯.jpg (339.43 KB,1636x1296,409:324,1000004864.jpg)


Fill your tank, diesel? Get a bottle of anti gel, don't be afraid to plug the block heater.

Shut off windshield wipers then lift them off the glass.

Plenty of cold weather windshield juice, if your battery is old and weak, get a new new cheap prick.

Dig out the tailpipe, then turn on the car, blast the heat and remove ice snow, if stuck and can't get out, rockin to and fro usually works, then a fuckin board under the drive tire, is stuck go back inside and throw it in the ole lady

Got the sack to hit the road make

Blankets, water, hand warmers, energy bars, and ENOUGH GANJA

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000000 No.22301416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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585337 No.22301421


They thought Kamala would win and she sure as shit would have sent you and me over in a heartbeat…

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4d6061 No.22301426

File: c61306c143e5f37⋯.png (123.17 KB,294x393,98:131,jig.png)

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4d6061 No.22301427

File: 58c57505084e42c⋯.jpg (25.73 KB,246x300,41:50,LILY_POND.JPG)

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4d6061 No.22301428

File: ec46fc4387393ad⋯.png (103.42 KB,413x450,413:450,graveyard_almost_dawn.png)

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4d6061 No.22301429

File: 298a80a1f6d31ce⋯.jpg (39.57 KB,750x750,1:1,Q_fireworks_airplane.jpg)

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4d6061 No.22301430

File: 970aaa749bde15c⋯.png (101.45 KB,663x387,221:129,graveyard_skeletons.png)

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4d6061 No.22301431

File: c88c75669cf3d71⋯.jpg (4.35 KB,275x183,275:183,comet.jpg)

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4d6061 No.22301434

File: 32f948957d595de⋯.png (802.18 KB,956x864,239:216,midnight_rider_3.png)

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4d6061 No.22301435

File: e32c867d31533cf⋯.jpg (36.09 KB,762x350,381:175,night_shift_foggy.jpg)

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4d6061 No.22301436

File: d73bc19798ab44f⋯.jpg (7.87 KB,300x168,25:14,night_london.jpg)

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4d6061 No.22301437

File: 0d9316b0a759ccd⋯.jpg (6.12 KB,195x259,195:259,night_artistic.jpg)

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4d6061 No.22301438

File: f9e8dc18db173f6⋯.jpg (5.68 KB,300x168,25:14,redhead.jpg)

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