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File: 05e049e957a2932⋯.png (2.2 MB,3381x1798,3381:1798,8ea1cfbc542fba1e4bde094094….png)

3e21e4 No.22286105 [View All]

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132f70 No.22286860

File: 12a07feaf34f28e⋯.png (160.92 KB,258x310,129:155,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b883f No.22286861



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7242f6 No.22286862

File: d2efa30b1fe64ac⋯.png (277.38 KB,755x674,755:674,ClipboardImage.png)

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1ef839 No.22286863

File: 88c1282a620c98f⋯.png (286.97 KB,600x520,15:13,ClipboardImage.png)


>Hi Elon, can you post something about Thundercats?


>For the keks.


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bef50a No.22286864


I can't tell you how angry this article made me, this is far much lower than any places in hell, to try to remake his image.

Bet he got some Hollywood Producers and Writers to help him develop his strategy on how to survive in Senate, and bullshit more people in CA.

Is he really trying to set himself up to run for President in 2028? I bet he is.

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315f32 No.22286865

File: e695a87fbef774d⋯.png (364.22 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

The fbi are looking for tips and for anyone to contact them.

yup, no problem fed boy.

cos anon be right with you.

Keep lurking, you may learn something


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347a82 No.22286866

File: 99bb7b4ffb0ceb2⋯.png (77.07 KB,282x316,141:158,ClipboardImage.png)

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000000 No.22286867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There's the Adam Schiff / Igor Pasternak / PENTAGON AerosCraft Balloon

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2044fd No.22286868


been here since Saturday Jan. 13th 2018

and you???

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bf68ad No.22286869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e3f822 No.22286870



Permanent “foreign accent” after cyclosporine encephalopathy in a liver transplant patient

In 2003, a 59-year-old right-handed Italian man developed cyclosporine-induced mutism 1 week after OLT.

. In particular, his prosody was characterized by a foreign accent with German intonation, despite the fact that Italian was his native language (see the video at http://cp.neurology.org/lookup/doi/10.1212/CPJ.0000000000000145). He seemed aware of but surprised by his “new” accent. The patient is able to speak English but not German and he does not have any particular connection with German people or culture.


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f2551b No.22286871

File: 90d003cddf00504⋯.gif (1.56 MB,320x218,160:109,IMG_7606.gif)

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bf68ad No.22286872

File: 2d405a55bad1b74⋯.png (88.7 KB,761x787,761:787,000crymoar4.png)

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899525 No.22286873

File: 0f685e1ada6eb73⋯.png (232.48 KB,870x324,145:54,ClipboardImage.png)


Oh shit.

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df4124 No.22286874

File: 3e1d3ef1c13ef4a⋯.png (254.94 KB,520x433,520:433,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc5deb63d4e1487⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB,640x360,16:9,uhhuh.mp4)


Mike Johnson: We are going to drastically cut back the scale and scope of the government, and give power back to the people.


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340a17 No.22286875

File: 29a93ddb060304b⋯.png (22.67 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)


EV car sales are tanking, including Teslas.

This is good publicity for Elyon Musk.

The price of the 2024 Tesla Cybertruck starts at $81,985 and goes up to $121,985 depending on the trim and options.

Beast $101,985

Beast Foundation Series $121,985

How does an Army guy afford a Tesla Cybertruck?

Notice that Musk names two of the models "Beast".

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7242f6 No.22286876

File: 43a5f69abb7994e⋯.png (325.18 KB,744x749,744:749,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bfad6b4afe000f0⋯.png (401.3 KB,680x639,680:639,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b50cb2f5e03120⋯.png (393.74 KB,440x640,11:16,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 78f9431119cbab2⋯.png (52.54 KB,360x345,24:23,ClipboardImage.png)


Shawn Ryan Show




In reference to the emergency drop with


currently live on audio platforms, YouTube, and X,

here are some of the attachments mentioned in the interview:

Picture #1: Email manifesto from Matt Livelsberger

Picture #2: Grid coordinates and location referenced in the email

Picture #3: The DEA agent who attempted to contact me via LinkedIn

More to follow.

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bf68ad No.22286877

File: 57f7bb728f6dfa8⋯.png (423.67 KB,1024x768,4:3,1ca.png)

File: 2b3f5bc3ad65270⋯.png (28.33 KB,1027x731,1027:731,2b3f5bc3ad65270f242c443e31….png)

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000000 No.22286878


FBI are terrorists and not in the US constitution.

The oath they swear is DOGSHIT.


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0ee376 No.22286879

POTUS: "youll find out, but its going to quickly"

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592996 No.22286880


So obvious and so tiring. Be prepared for the worst, stand your ground when need be, never give up your freedom.

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fe51ed No.22286881


trump knows to make an omelette eggs must be broken

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0ee376 No.22286882

DJT: "You'll find out, but it's going to go quickly

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bf68ad No.22286883

File: f8f0f58602bc197⋯.png (18.53 KB,761x652,761:652,Q_22.png)

File: fecefe5cf062050⋯.png (9.25 KB,758x421,758:421,Q_26.png)

File: b64eb1fb68e3b9e⋯.png (11.33 KB,758x474,379:237,Q_32.png)

File: 9d7d89ed25f583d⋯.png (18.51 KB,748x612,11:9,Q_43.png)

File: 15079fffac219fa⋯.png (483.54 KB,970x774,485:387,1t.png)

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3e21e4 No.22286884

Handoff Top Of Next

Step Up Bakers



#27261 >>22286125

>>22286159, >>22286188, >>22286607, >>22286874 Muh Johnson is the speaker with 17 days to go

>>22286180 Today in Q Post History we have ZERO Deltas


>>22286233, >>22286257 Swamp Stuffs

>>22286253 America's Voice Live With Steve Gruber - Real America's Voice

>>22286281 Stephen Miller’s legal group tells 249 elected officials they could end up in prison over sanctuary policies

>>22286282 Viral News From China

>>22286314, >>22286399 NOLA terrorist's home has been toured and now a bomb squad is otw to investigate an already contaminated crime scene

>>22286372 TRUMP TRUTH Congratulations to Speaker Mike Johnson for receiving an unprecedented Vote of Confidence in Congress

>>22286391, >>22286501, >>22286870 Organ transplant patients are inheriting donors' MEMORIES and personalities WATCH THE WATER

>>22286438 WATCH LIVE: Reform UK’s East Midlands Conference

>>22286474 Shawn Ryan Show - Cyber Truck Bomber Matt Livelsberger’s Email Reveals NEW Evidence

>>22286483, >>22286490 Jan6 prisoner exposes rapes in Dublin, Ca prison she was sent to. Gov't to pay $116M to 100 women

>>22286499 Royal family live updates: King Charles, Prince William won’t attend Jimmy Carter’s funeral

>>22286531, >>22286547, >>22286563 KEK Russian Cat knocks down a Ukrainian drone with its bare paws

>>22286532 Steve Bannon Previews Speaker Race: “What Is The Task And The Purpose Of The House.”

>>22286572 Grassley is Now Third in Line for Presidency

>>22286624, >>22286642 Elon’s ‘Trump Tower explosion’ updates shine new light on terror attack…

>>22286663 Washington state Democrats accidentally email their radical tax plan to entire Senate

>>22286674 A former Labour minister backed lowering the age of consent to as low as 10! @elonmusk !!

>>22286728, >>22286736 Trump to be sentenced on January 10th in New York hush money case. Ten days before inauguration.

>>22286752 Was Nancy Pelosi just falling asleep during the Speaker vote???

>>22286757 Virginia Foxx 81 has just fallen on one of the grand staircases on the GOP side of the chamber

>>22286817 Judge Merchan states he is inclined "to not impose any sentence of incarceration" sentencing Trump

>>22286840 Adam Schiff is on his knees, groveling because Trump

>>22286187, >>22286201, >>22286291, >>22286329, >>22286376, >>22286413, >>22286444, >>22286449, >>22286475 MEMES

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bf68ad No.22286885

File: 6b16454d8ddd5e5⋯.png (101.14 KB,398x265,398:265,0000000000000000a41.png)

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2044fd No.22286888


that's what i thought

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e3f822 No.22286889

File: 940cc3cd5e51457⋯.jpeg (29.07 KB,600x322,300:161,IMG_0107.jpeg)

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bf68ad No.22286890

File: 705f4ffb67325d0⋯.png (488.16 KB,1024x683,1024:683,00000000000a.png)

File: 3fcfcdfb1af4cf4⋯.gif (958.96 KB,440x294,220:147,nightshiftsmooththough1.gif)

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df4124 No.22286891

File: 54e587dcb58e06c⋯.png (760.24 KB,680x454,340:227,ClipboardImage.png)

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592996 No.22286892


Possibly. Anything goes with unpunished criminals. Question is what will ever be done about it? So tiresome and all so obvious.

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609cb2 No.22286893


lambs don't have horns…

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cbc91f No.22286894

File: 705f4ffb67325d0⋯.png (488.16 KB,1024x683,1024:683,00000000000a.png)

File: 3fcfcdfb1af4cf4⋯.gif (958.96 KB,440x294,220:147,nightshiftsmooththough1.gif)

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c8707a No.22286895

File: 762c33fb714e48f⋯.jpg (377.66 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,762c33fb714e48fb5609afd7c2….jpg)

File: 3daef87d634dd0f⋯.jpeg (15.83 KB,255x205,51:41,f5608ed10051bcc86a36198b4….jpeg)

File: f9807b2358e2808⋯.jpg (102.49 KB,1000x563,1000:563,010_2024_tesla_cybertruck_….jpg)




metals are imoortant. tire companies should improvise..

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7242f6 No.22286896

File: 5a7eff5a60117b5⋯.png (170.11 KB,742x537,742:537,ClipboardImage.png)


Shawn Ryan


I urge everyone to dedicate at least 45 minutes to fully grasp the details that have unfolded over the past few days. This episode takes a deep dive into the manifesto—an email sent to


by Matt Livelsberger himself. Within this chilling document, Livelsberger boldly declares, “What I’m going to send you is going to change the course of humanity.”

Matt Livelsberger, a former Green Beret, is at the center of this story. Just days before he drove a Tesla Cybertruck loaded with explosives to Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas. The Cybertruck incident, has raised serious questions about Livelsberger’s motivations, his credibility, and the information he shared.

In this episode, we unpack the manifesto’s contents, which include allegations of advanced drone technology, U.S. war crimes in Afghanistan, and the use of gravity propulsion systems by China.

What's chilling is the same individual who emailed


also emailed the Shawn Ryan Show and we corroborate this during the interview. I will be linked all emails/attachments below.



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df4124 No.22286897

File: c636ef2eaf3281e⋯.png (586.47 KB,549x680,549:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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000000 No.22286898


I blame the SHERIFF. 100%

(will filter Freemason posts for free)

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97993d No.22286899

File: 1e689a118e25430⋯.png (75.46 KB,226x216,113:108,2023_07_05_09_20_46.png)


>Is he really trying to set himself up to run for President in 2028? I bet he is.

2028 Schiff or Kamala

Let Kamala take Schiff behind the barn and do what she does best then see who comes out on top.

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7242f6 No.22286901

File: e7536043507eb62⋯.png (266.27 KB,512x680,64:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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83aff2 No.22286902


Coordinates are right next to LasVegas

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592996 No.22286903


Needs to happen, but I'll believe that when I see it.

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609cb2 No.22286904



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df4124 No.22286905

File: 8e17525fdafdb61⋯.mp4 (381.1 KB,864x720,6:5,kekkity.mp4)

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3e21e4 No.22286906

File: 7f6f5082c727419⋯.png (4.85 MB,2560x2560,1:1,7f6f5082c727419239d8868d17….png)

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0ee376 No.22286908

DJT: "Getting along is a good thing"

He's right you know.

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3e21e4 No.22286909

File: e7564a56c30281a⋯.png (443.55 KB,608x611,608:611,e7564a56c30281af7dacb93b1c….png)

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7242f6 No.22286910

File: 3ca89b535209abd⋯.png (244.2 KB,752x714,376:357,ClipboardImage.png)



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340a17 No.22286911


Looks like a Jewish man

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5200c5 No.22286912


Sounds about right the guy knew too much and the clowns set him up for a ride to the train station

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000000 No.22286913


If they have a GRAVITY SHIELD then they have propulsion. I am not convinced, but I seen some evidence of FAST moving shit.

yt-dlp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xglaXVtQcis

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