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File: b13c011e1f25475⋯.png (234.19 KB,1057x608,1057:608,ClipboardImage.png)

06d226 No.22283292 [View All]

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701 posts and 473 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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7aa41e No.22284231

File: b0ab075bef332e0⋯.png (833.49 KB,744x798,124:133,Screenshot_2025_01_03_at_0….png)

File: c5b72aeb37ec326⋯.png (1.99 MB,2694x936,449:156,Screenshot_2025_01_03_at_0….png)

File: 75eef494c612afe⋯.png (2.99 MB,1526x1236,763:618,Screenshot_2025_01_03_at_0….png)

File: 4d0915addfdf1eb⋯.png (1.89 MB,2618x618,1309:309,Screenshot_2025_01_03_at_0….png)

File: a7e6f1aef9f949a⋯.png (1.53 MB,1658x1068,829:534,Screenshot_2025_01_03_at_0….png)

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f6b460 No.22284232

File: 3e2b045b2034019⋯.jpeg (48.99 KB,718x637,718:637,EY_dk6qVcAAVsn9.jpeg)

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716d29 No.22284233


No hardcore evidence that their relationship means Mcchrystal is not a patriot. Perhaps the ex Cia Director, Lord Fauci and Kamala Harris are patriots too.

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1d4e48 No.22284234

File: 4667dd036d5f940⋯.png (33.13 KB,335x161,335:161,ClipboardImage.png)

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f6b460 No.22284235

File: a003f7e6725b101⋯.png (160.39 KB,294x340,147:170,a003f7e6725b101bc7160da46f….png)

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e7efb1 No.22284236


>this faggot actually looks a lot like flynn too

>cloning is so widespread.

Except the corrupt Injustice Department, never went after Stanley


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8cf863 No.22284237

File: 3f7f4fb8e2fbc81⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,3040x1440,19:9,Screenshot_20250103_073733….jpg)

structure is yuuuge

pic taken off live cam

2 minutes ago

4 tier gallows

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1d4e48 No.22284238

File: 333370883296eb4⋯.png (17.1 KB,539x178,539:178,ClipboardImage.png)

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436c2e No.22284239


><less access

change laws

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1d4e48 No.22284240

The Radicalization Of US Service Members


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23abda No.22284241

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ee9663 No.22284242

File: 8b13d67d622d009⋯.jpg (232.17 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20250103_083902….jpg)

File: 52e7abbf3378d61⋯.png (84.91 KB,710x1026,355:513,1113_4.png)

File: 3e2a714c2f6fe47⋯.png (43.17 KB,710x540,71:54,2313_1.png)

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23abda No.22284243

File: 14e4de151c15d90⋯.png (56.87 KB,1242x762,207:127,t_17.png)

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1d4e48 No.22284244

File: 5cd578ce52e9121⋯.png (167.68 KB,568x642,284:321,ClipboardImage.png)

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f6b460 No.22284245

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)

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3afb11 No.22284246


they should

also know there's a lot of those jeets right here in america doing it too

they rent out storage units and have little pop-up scam centers running out of there

have seen't them do it in florida long time ago and imagine it's only ramped up since

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23abda No.22284247

File: df8fcee950adf2d⋯.jpg (278.41 KB,1920x1080,16:9,stronger.jpg)

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1f3cbb No.22284248


Trips chek't + savage meme.

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1d4e48 No.22284249

File: 66fbff9db8fd475⋯.png (27.88 KB,496x92,124:23,ClipboardImage.png)

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d1314e No.22284250

File: 47b0a6765427c9f⋯.png (491.05 KB,770x700,11:10,smile.png)


>3 days till Two Moar Weeks…

You know it.

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23abda No.22284251

File: 80c13e9eb98ca28⋯.jpg (67.96 KB,720x720,1:1,80c13e9eb98ca2868bae556f79….jpg)

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5cfe3e No.22284252

File: 6b874023597a2c9⋯.png (1.88 MB,1008x890,504:445,s.PNG)

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23abda No.22284253

File: 42a65fc2d3980d2⋯.jpg (824.73 KB,1920x1080,16:9,134486_vintage_american_fl….jpg)

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06d226 No.22284254

FINAL Notables @ 725

#27258 >>22283297

>>22283309, >>22283414 Someone using Elon's name and suspected alias shows up on 4chan, apparent X admin

>>22283451, >>22284158 CALLS TO DIG: Fort Bragg General Stanley McChrystal, & Panama Zone born Father Herbert J. McChrystal, & More Perfect Union leadership ties to McChrystal Group

>>22283380 El Salvador achieved record low murders compared to a decade ago

>>22283472 World Government Summit Panel Discusses the 'Shock' Needed for the World Order Transformation

>>22283580 New Orleans Police Chief Kirkpatrick – FBI Leadership Tranining instructor, and DEI teacher

>>22283656 Elon Musk has deployed a team from Tesla to attempt to recover in-cabin video footage from the Las Vegas Cybertruck

>>22283708 Biofilm cancer connection, and the Cure?

>>22283740 Elon X @ 6:13am EST – "The people of Britain do not want this government at all. New elections."

>>22283752 VIDEO: Hunter Biden shows up at WH on Marine One with family

>>22283794, >>22283816, >>22284178 @USMarshals: "Introducing the three newest USMS EK9's: Poppy, Flower, and Nelle!" (Dog comms?)

>>22283822 What We Know About Jimmy Carter’s State Funeral Next Week | FORBES

>>22283870, >>22284034 Outrage Ensues In UK After Labour Refuses To Investigate 'Rape Gangs'

>>22283873 Biden admin ‘rebranding’ State Dept’s controversial Global Engagement Center under new name | NYPOST

>>22284010 Threat of explosive device in SC halts Interstate traffic, no devices were found

>>22284028 Former FBI agent disappointed with the agency’s operational standards

>>22284044 Trump Creates Official White House Position for the Man Behind Some of His Campaign’s Most Viral Moments

>>22284156 VIDEO (17s): President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden celebrate Valentine's Day 2022.

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7aa41e No.22284255

File: 4e9866c9ecbc0cf⋯.png (311.27 KB,532x740,133:185,Screenshot_2025_01_03_at_0….png)

File: de18b261c765450⋯.png (1.72 MB,698x1464,349:732,Screenshot_2025_01_03_at_0….png)

File: 6585e85b761fc18⋯.png (706.43 KB,814x870,407:435,Screenshot_2025_01_03_at_0….png)

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ee9663 No.22284256

File: 0c47eb348052a89⋯.jpg (125.4 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20250102_230735….jpg)

File: 2af5a640bd26924⋯.jpg (174.93 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20250102_230824….jpg)

File: 0f1ee708fbc0621⋯.png (632.51 KB,710x2496,355:1248,663.png)


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23abda No.22284257

File: dbaab977a812457⋯.jpg (832.65 KB,1100x619,1100:619,IMG_1190.jpg)

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f6b460 No.22284258


That's her sister! kek!

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1d4e48 No.22284259

File: 4aebd52e74b3285⋯.png (239.15 KB,568x503,568:503,ClipboardImage.png)







NEW - The German Sauna Association recommends "visual inspections" in women's saunas to prevent transgenders from entering the recreational centers.


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93815a No.22284261


"Is not free".


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23abda No.22284262

File: fdddcf983cae36e⋯.png (511.75 KB,1242x1228,621:614,00blood5.png)

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1d4e48 No.22284264

File: 0c806ef50583a93⋯.png (264.05 KB,568x559,568:559,ClipboardImage.png)

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23abda No.22284265

File: 83346a8037ffba0⋯.gif (1.58 MB,360x341,360:341,01a.gif)

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5f89ae No.22284267

File: c046163f7cea91d⋯.png (200.37 KB,830x1158,415:579,5_8_.png)

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23abda No.22284268

File: 16f78c5fb6e3126⋯.png (194.52 KB,1268x1022,634:511,00blood6.png)

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5cfe3e No.22284269

File: b39dd06ebc1bde4⋯.png (76.98 KB,467x266,467:266,d2.PNG)

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06d226 No.22284270

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1f3cbb No.22284271

File: 74b225872c3580c⋯.png (1.77 MB,1300x880,65:44,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d192227921f9e3⋯.png (459.89 KB,410x659,410:659,ClipboardImage.png)

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23abda No.22284272

File: 4dded0dcc2405e9⋯.png (2.81 MB,1539x813,513:271,55.png)

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c02a89 No.22284273

File: 26a395b9113417d⋯.jpg (309.26 KB,980x653,980:653,2025_01_03_08_42_48_161.jpg)

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4e854b No.22284274

File: 3d6e2ee50704a33⋯.jpeg (206.79 KB,1224x919,1224:919,4A55AF13_0B97_4806_9CDE_C….jpeg)

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1d4e48 No.22284275

Nick Clegg’s departure comes shortly before President-elect Donald Trump returns to the White House.


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23abda No.22284276

File: 4542514f89b2c06⋯.webp (243.07 KB,1029x1600,1029:1600,1a69.webp)

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f6b460 No.22284277


Tater Army gave it to the illegal migrants and U-Kraine

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06d226 No.22284278

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23abda No.22284280

File: dbbcfa859480434⋯.gif (1.98 MB,498x280,249:140,5h4NdYv.gif)

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8eb250 No.22284284


Or worse

It was sanctioned for the collection of blackmail for the aithorities

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b10b64 No.22284288

File: 1787f7dab8fca5b⋯.jpg (213.99 KB,950x1334,475:667,20241228_045459.jpg)


>Confront the Climate Crisis


<W.E.F. talking points

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6db4bc No.22284291


Businesses are allowed to have dress codes.

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56f57d No.22284302

File: d92bcd97211e83d⋯.jpg (116.48 KB,1024x683,1024:683,52098592240_9279377439_b.jpg)


Jen Easterly serves on the Board of Jake Harriman's Nuru International, a U.S. 501(c)3 created to help marginalized communities in Africa.

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