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File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,qrbannerflag.png)

5daf8a No.22280792 [View All]

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13b65e No.22281639

File: 7c6f4d713a4e792⋯.jpeg (133.51 KB,588x800,147:200,91E6AC3A_7876_4EDC_B29A_F….jpeg)

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d96710 No.22281640

File: 8a3afd54648e415⋯.png (1.28 MB,1766x895,1766:895,ClipboardImage.png)


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1f55c8 No.22281641


KEK. Looks like he's finally paying Jim to be able to advertise his snake oil.

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397ed6 No.22281642



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13b65e No.22281643

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42268b No.22281644

File: 3518412add751e5⋯.jpg (64.97 KB,591x422,591:422,9fibfd.jpg)

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62df54 No.22281645

File: b0c43c7d5e188c2⋯.jpeg (154.34 KB,703x582,703:582,IMG_4786.jpeg)


>What aliens?

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6c17c8 No.22281646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


see your patsy and double your Virginia

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5daf8a No.22281647

File: 11df051665671e7⋯.jpg (254.98 KB,575x450,23:18,fluid_extract.jpg)

Last call

…Baking ~@720


#27255 >>22280799, >>22281440

>>22280834, >>22280854, >>22280919, >>22280933, >>22281075 Small plane crashes into building in Fullerton

>>22280891 Tom Homan: The threats aren't over

>>22280901 Nancy Pelosi emerges from hiding with video after falling and breaking her hip

>>22281037 Eleven injured after small plane crashes into Southern California warehouse

>>22281070 New Orleans ISIS terrorist Shamsud-Din Jabbar had bomb-making station and Quran open to chilling passage in his home, new photos reveal

>>22281125 China Sanctions Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and 26 other firms (RT)

>>22281164 Has Assad Been Poisoned in Russia? What We Know (Newsweek)

>>22281207 South Korea investigators seeking to arrest president Yoon blocked by military unit: Yonhap

>>22281381 Federal appeals court strikes down Biden net neutrality rules

>>22281468 @GenFlynn - Badge of Honor 💩🤣

>>22281551 Chelsea Clinton is on the board of directors for Turo’s parent company, the car sharing app that both the New Orleans terrorist truck and the Tesla Truck were rented through.


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ed5d57 No.22281648


Looking forward that that fren.

Anybody mention that the cyber truck blew up 17 seconds after arriving at Trumps hotel?

Or made any connection with Elon posting the Pepe to any of this.

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47a753 No.22281649


the female Joe Biden of Police Jeffas

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e77342 No.22281650


She looks trashy. I like trashy women

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9a2d9d No.22281651

File: 3d9d311e3011879⋯.jpg (341.97 KB,1176x1484,42:53,macabejill.jpg)






They might have fled already and left behind a double.

No way to know.

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000000 No.22281652

Archeologists and historians have determined that the so-called “wailing wall” that we’ve been told was part of the Jewish temple destroyed in 70 AD actually belongs to a Roman castra built for the Roman garrison of Jerusalem.


Nothing about the zionist jew is real

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20d55f No.22281653

Why isn't anyone talking about this?


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5927a1 No.22281654

File: a9bc96540e99209⋯.jpg (524.04 KB,1334x750,667:375,Pew_Pew_Pew.jpg)

A Louisiana mall is the site of an ongoing “active incident” Thursday evening.

A Lafayette Police spokesman told the New Orleans Advocate that they were responding to “an active incident.”

According to the Advocate, several Facebook users had posted that anactive shooter was inside Acadiana Mall in Lafayette.

Updated: 7:49 p.m. on Thursday, January 2, 2025


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d682e3 No.22281655


yeah hell yeah

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e04760 No.22281656

File: 8d4558ddf8c86d1⋯.png (23.29 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a6700 No.22281657


Wood tongue punch her fart box

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d4000a No.22281658

File: e042bc91ccc708a⋯.png (321.6 KB,620x483,620:483,ClipboardImage.png)

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ff6955 No.22281659


what a strange admission of guilt in support of the smart dust shill

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e04760 No.22281660


drumpf larpin tranny failuur

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f50e9c No.22281661


It wouldn’t be the first time a good guy was disgraced and used by the bad guys.

It’s turning a liability into an asset.

They get to kill someone and bonus: frame him for another crime. I am sure those in the know can find out if he drove there or if autopilot drove him there. My money is on the autopilot.

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14df0a No.22281662

File: 2a12649999c6af5⋯.png (39.64 KB,1055x262,1055:262,Screenshot_20250102_103420.png)

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155972 No.22281663

File: f4927cf1abe83fb⋯.png (295.13 KB,526x687,526:687,f4927cf1abe83fb0950a97f92a….png)

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c3ea16 No.22281664


There's a reason for this.

Not so long ago, all their street vendor food

and other food products came wrapped in

banana leaf or some other natural plant product.

Which they used to dispose of where they stood,

and the "sacred cows" would eat that.

Now mostly comes in plastic but the general

public haven't been educated how to dispose of it.

Mostly it comes down to government, who don't supply

any waste disposal options. There are not even

public trash bins on the streets.

The one disposal supplied is picking dead bodies

of the poor off the streets, early each morning.

Those bodies are mainly disposed of in huge piles

where vultures and rodents by the thousands get their fill of

rotting carcasses.

I seent it with my own eyes.

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d96710 No.22281665

File: 1175fbe7ca91db0⋯.png (587.74 KB,607x748,607:748,armpitsgirlghislaineMcCann….png)

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e77342 No.22281666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5daf8a No.22281667

File: 4550529cba1b31f⋯.png (789.41 KB,793x595,793:595,lurkehhay.png)


…Baking now


#27255 >>22280799, >>22281440

>>22280834, >>22280854, >>22280919, >>22280933, >>22281075 Small plane crashes into building in Fullerton

>>22280891 Tom Homan: The threats aren't over

>>22280901 Nancy Pelosi emerges from hiding with video after falling and breaking her hip

>>22281037 Eleven injured after small plane crashes into Southern California warehouse

>>22281070 New Orleans ISIS terrorist Shamsud-Din Jabbar had bomb-making station and Quran open to chilling passage in his home, new photos reveal

>>22281125 China Sanctions Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and 26 other firms (RT)

>>22281164 Has Assad Been Poisoned in Russia? What We Know (Newsweek)

>>22281207 South Korea investigators seeking to arrest president Yoon blocked by military unit: Yonhap

>>22281381 Federal appeals court strikes down Biden net neutrality rules

>>22281468 @GenFlynn - Badge of Honor 💩🤣

>>22281551 Chelsea Clinton is on the board of directors for Turo’s parent company, the car sharing app that both the New Orleans terrorist truck and the Tesla Truck were rented through.


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1f55c8 No.22281668

File: 6a771cdda4bcb89⋯.png (305 KB,638x391,638:391,shills2.png)

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9a2d9d No.22281669

File: 0d5f782cd36cd30⋯.mp4 (5.86 MB,720x856,90:107,hunterbiden0.mp4)

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b89462 No.22281670

File: 31ce01bc0c05e90⋯.webp (81.45 KB,685x513,685:513,IMG_0146.webp)


Shhhhhh. There are so many academics parroting their textbook theories, you cannot get questions put out there.

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e77342 No.22281671


Looks like a face in all the Podesta paintings

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14df0a No.22281673

File: f21905b234ecc79⋯.jpg (40.45 KB,405x350,81:70,f21905b234ecc792a4625e7c27….jpg)

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f6a01b No.22281675

Reading Weinstein's work on how the usual suspects create "shotages" of workers:


Led to some digging on the NSF people behind that. Two principles seem to be Peter House and Eloch Bloch. House I haven't found much on except that House was director of the Policy Research and Analysis division. It occurs to me that it's purpose may be to find the analysis to fit the desired outcome.

Eloch Bloch was NSF and allegedly wanted to increase science education budget. Voila, a shortfall of scientists is projected for the future based on data that led to a congressional probe of the NSF prediction of Scientist shortage:


House was proud of himself:

"The shortfall argument helped to justify President Reagan's proposal to double the NSF budget over five years," they write, referring to a 1987 pledge that President Bush has also endorsed. "The education and human resources component of NSF's budget was increased to support new math and science curricula, and the basic research budget was increased to accelerate the production of natural science and engineering Ph.D.'s."

"The two authors also engage in a certain amount of self-congratulation. "The `675,000' number became famous," they write, "and was used in countless speeches and magazine articles."

Who was the beneficiary of the alleged shortfall?

Eloch Bloch is or was IBM at the time. Worked on some stuff. When did IBM begin hiring foreign workers? All of this began around 1985 I beleive. The NSF published a book in 1990.

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097706 No.22281676


I believe, that this was done in order to give him an extra 4 years when all is revealed, and is the only logical thing that makes sense. That would make all the pain, understandable.

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c6884e No.22281677


damn that was 2 charges going off

someone covering their tracks

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d4000a No.22281678


If they could convince you they are natural formations they probably would.

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9a2d9d No.22281679

File: 642a4b49f4116f4⋯.png (1.85 MB,1920x1400,48:35,alexjonesrexb.png)


goldbug agains

whaddy gonna do "Alex"

Once free speech hits the fan?

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47a753 No.22281680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3d7428 No.22281682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here we all are reflected inside the plasma reflection of Jupiter.

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097706 No.22281683


There will be no place to hide when this goes down. I have seen how good our Military is and they can do things that you would not believe.

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1f55c8 No.22281684

File: 073fd43a6833b3e⋯.png (635.28 KB,474x632,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


If you can't be entertained, then you might as well be entertaining.

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397ed6 No.22281685

File: ce6e6024a9ff01e⋯.jpg (51.3 KB,716x399,716:399,AJ6.jpg)

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5daf8a No.22281686

File: b9877effeedf056⋯.jpg (90.2 KB,499x478,499:478,potdrag.jpg)

Fresh bread




Over here

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9a2d9d No.22281687

File: 11060b1631163f7⋯.gif (76.39 KB,742x286,371:143,alex_jones_gets_bill_hicks….gif)


"alex" money and collusion; where will it be traced to?

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655465 No.22281688


"When we say Gloo Gateway is a “next-generation” gateway, we mean that it was purpose-built for a highly dynamic, ephemeral environment like Kubernetes (or other workload orchestration platforms) and is built with the assumption of decentralized ownership. Gloo Gateway can provide powerful API Gateway functionality for both existing, on-premises investments (like VM deployments or physical hardware), as well as Kubernetes, and even including forward-leaning compute options like Function as a Service. Legacy API Management vendors would have to completely re-write their solutions to play nicely in this new cloud-native world."

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ff6955 No.22281689



are they catching it meow?

such a strange revelation

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397ed6 No.22281690

File: 468abf3017826ce⋯.gif (1.15 MB,220x169,220:169,elon_weed.gif)

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5daf8a No.22281691


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