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File: d353f3beb054b07⋯.png (73.41 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

29ead8 No.22266509 [View All]

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701 posts and 365 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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9ea9b7 No.22267324


But did he burn his arm on a hot fry basket or on the heat lamp?

Haven't truly had the experience of working at a McDonalds unless several burns have been endured.

Oh wait, he's wearing long sleeves. When I worked at a McDonalds the uniforms had short sleeves.

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699a88 No.22267325

File: 5355e9fa50d31a1⋯.jpg (1.83 MB,3832x5056,479:632,01.jpg)

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b29404 No.22267326


child exploitation


should not be posted here


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ed2e21 No.22267327

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f4fa46 No.22267328

File: 044fce6578c8ccd⋯.png (8.15 MB,2539x1926,2539:1926,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9af82c93bf93d89⋯.png (543.92 KB,468x521,468:521,ClipboardImage.png)



'sir-cainian-riddle', why does prince Andrew look like Charles brother while being his son?

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2875f6 No.22267329

File: 845082b3a946ada⋯.png (4.26 MB,2778x1284,463:214,IMG_1757.png)

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1d147e No.22267330

File: cfcbcfac4de06ee⋯.png (209.79 KB,2280x1282,1140:641,Screenshot_2024_12_31_at_1….png)

File: 714835d06e60186⋯.png (85.67 KB,364x500,91:125,Screenshot_2024_12_30_at_2….png)

File: 8206f1e81c9c42f⋯.png (1.5 MB,1650x976,825:488,Screenshot_2024_12_30_at_2….png)

File: 1df30faad3068f8⋯.png (1.3 MB,1076x1106,538:553,Screenshot_2024_12_30_at_2….png)


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699a88 No.22267331




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fc5016 No.22267332

File: 0da42a7b527f7b3⋯.png (742.92 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Happy New Year to all the anti Elon shills.

Congratulations, as there is no more powerful way you can

demonstrate that Elon is over the target.

Thanks for all the flack.

Badge of honor.

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8304d6 No.22267333


Double bacon cheeseburger.

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346aba No.22267334

File: 03067e13211fa12⋯.jpg (207.53 KB,2473x1212,2473:1212,03067e13211fa12b87a98c4b7c….jpg)


notable post @701


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f4fa46 No.22267335



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e09426 No.22267336

File: b7870eb8d7d7bee⋯.png (1.6 MB,1500x1500,1:1,filtered.png)


stupid namefag

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7684c5 No.22267337

File: 4d64193d07d01a3⋯.jpeg (180.15 KB,664x496,83:62,IMG_2517.jpeg)

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699a88 No.22267338


good shit

MW X Lab

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d4c779 No.22267339


then die already.

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38b76a No.22267340


Freemason symbol on his chest

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cea1ec No.22267341

File: 36bbf1c9ea7e056⋯.mp4 (5.78 MB,640x360,16:9,Mar_a_Lago_HAPPY_NEW_YEAR_.mp4)




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699a88 No.22267342



fuck i dont know why brits still think they are relevant

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346aba No.22267343

File: 36de06ca3aba989⋯.png (512.54 KB,674x904,337:452,36de06ca3aba9893118de7da53….png)

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ed2e21 No.22267345


>Trump wants to give immunity to law enforcement

i thought they already had it except in civil rights matters

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b29404 No.22267346


you are a pedo

likes photos of little children on 8kun

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7684c5 No.22267347

File: 8e302b64e9269f5⋯.png (5.5 MB,2778x1284,463:214,IMG_0033.png)

File: b34853e3e8bc8d0⋯.jpeg (269.14 KB,1418x1284,709:642,IMG_0824.jpeg)

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21f4d5 No.22267349

File: 7d3b015f5b76115⋯.jpg (138.57 KB,700x570,70:57,brit_frontline_trench.jpg)


…Bakering your New Year bread now


#27239 >>22266518

>>22266683, >>22266690 Baker change

>>22266546 President @realDonaldTrump and @MELANIAJTRUMP walk the red carpet at Mar-a-Lago for NYE celebrations 🇺🇸

>>22266588 Donald Trump hosts Mar-a-Lago New Year's Eve gala

>>22266612, >>22266622 Trump confirms he will attend Carter's funeral

>>22266799 @RT_com - An omen for 2025: Lightning appears to strike the US Capitol building in Washington DC

>>22267118 WATCH: President Trump Takes Questions at New Year’s Eve Party at Mar-a-Lago - 12/31/24

>>22267201 PF Report: Anon has been watching this Kazakhstan A320. Went to Iceland, took shortest path through US airspace with a stop at Orlando International, and now looks to be headed for Peurto Rico or Brazil.

>>22267283 @DanScavino - 12/31/2024 | Mar-a-Lago HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!🇺🇸🦅


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b29404 No.22267350


fuck off loretta anime baker

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699a88 No.22267351


this applies to anyone of you civilian turdfaces

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b263fb No.22267354

File: feb9eb32de7e604⋯.png (1.22 MB,1264x869,16:11,ClipboardImage.png)


>All kidding aside, why is Elon Musk always at Mar a Lago?

Expand your thinking anon. Boca Chica is national security airspace with it's own security NOTAM. So is Mar-a-Lago. We can't assume that we are fully read in on all known threats to Musk or Trump. Perhaps by being inside Trump's Secret Service bubble hr is even more safe than relying on his own private security alone.

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699a88 No.22267355

File: 90952eaec8e7f10⋯.png (677.62 KB,1000x982,500:491,EMPREPORT1.png)




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2741d8 No.22267356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

guests arriving at maralogo

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699a88 No.22267357

File: 90952eaec8e7f10⋯.png (677.62 KB,1000x982,500:491,EMPREPORT1.png)

File: fb541458f6f29c2⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB,1125x1430,225:286,fb541458f6f29c243ab37bef9….jpeg)


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699a88 No.22267358

File: 90952eaec8e7f10⋯.png (677.62 KB,1000x982,500:491,EMPREPORT1.png)

File: b1dd7142398fbe1⋯.png (164.38 KB,645x783,215:261,Q_442_ALIEN_DISTRACTION.png)


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b29404 No.22267359



your reverse psychology will not work here


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699a88 No.22267361

File: 90952eaec8e7f10⋯.png (677.62 KB,1000x982,500:491,EMPREPORT1.png)

File: 3cbb5123dd14baa⋯.jpg (145.71 KB,1486x991,1486:991,ca_times_brightspotcdn.jpg)


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d4c779 No.22267364


a Good Plan.

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e09426 No.22267365


my god you losers are so stupid…. or paid… or both…. watch and see little ones

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699a88 No.22267366

File: 90952eaec8e7f10⋯.png (677.62 KB,1000x982,500:491,EMPREPORT1.png)

File: 9e17f2cd3db6889⋯.webp (516.74 KB,5728x3222,16:9,2176994185.webp)


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b263fb No.22267368


>relying on his own private security alone.

Perhaps Musk is even giving them a holiday vacation by being there.

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346aba No.22267370

File: 2a326c947411176⋯.jpeg (112.13 KB,828x511,828:511,2a326c947411176dac3a6bb99….jpeg)

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ef19e5 No.22267371

File: 8e62c5c52e9a4da⋯.mp4 (2.14 MB,478x360,239:180,wwshit.mp4)

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a97c31 No.22267372

File: 21491009b7f3294⋯.png (1.88 MB,898x3198,449:1599,2515_2.png)


All for a LARP, right?

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b29404 No.22267373


are you a ww1 fetishist?

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fc5016 No.22267375

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78a30e No.22267377

File: e2b32aa5aff4730⋯.jpg (13.15 KB,291x175,291:175,Screen_Shot_2024_12_31_at_….jpg)

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eb3883 No.22267379



You're a bit confused.

maybe sign yourself in somewhere?

I think NPR is going out of business.

Maybe learn to code?

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21f4d5 No.22267380

File: 7d369065c4ecbf5⋯.jpg (98.05 KB,600x400,3:2,5805416_orig.jpg)

Fresh bread




New Year 2025

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1ec327 No.22267383

File: b15c7c82cc08d3e⋯.png (7.22 KB,309x152,309:152,gameover.png)

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b0c4f6 No.22267387

File: 4e5a0500c7ce4da⋯.png (307.05 KB,453x523,453:523,Screenshot_2024_12_31_2055….png)


Capitol People

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4441a6 No.22267388


I get it.

But I think some here may have missed the reference.

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f9e169 No.22267390

File: e5a56b209cf1a11⋯.gif (334.77 KB,220x220,1:1,IMG_4508.gif)

File: 8b0f7dc0dbb4534⋯.jpeg (329.1 KB,522x1064,261:532,IMG_7408.jpeg)

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eb3883 No.22267391

File: ddd128d2927a4a1⋯.jpg (147.76 KB,1024x512,2:1,1Kamala_2020.jpg)


Trump wants to get rid of corruption; including police corruption.

Leftist talking points are massiveFAIL

That's why you guys lost.

YOUr party is finished for a loooong loooong time.

Go ahead, blame Kamala on Trump.

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