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File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,qrbannerflag.png)

8a8737 No.22245690 [View All]

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691 posts and 399 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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2dcbde No.22246515


where there is smoke there is fire

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1555c4 No.22246516


True. I’m unvaxxed, never got tested, and will never do either one. Unlike the normie retards, anons think for themselves, even if it goes against what Trump says. Trump doesn’t underestimate us, he knows there will be a hot war if this immigration bullshit continues on. It’s why he was elected. We know he wants to keep his legacy of no “war” under his leadership. Anons can and will force his hand to do the right thing. he knows we aren’t drones going down without a fight. We’re not bending. We are going to WIN.

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daaadf No.22246517

File: eae1a77567559c1⋯.jpg (45.71 KB,500x500,1:1,Bellylaugh.jpg)


You got to be kidding

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0525c1 No.22246519

File: 8ea52af43ba59af⋯.png (641.85 KB,850x850,1:1,8ea52af43ba59afbf5e8326f8f….png)

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5138d3 No.22246520

File: 4f1bf5eec201ff3⋯.jpg (152.45 KB,1206x1382,603:691,bidenchinadammingg.jpg)


Three vids go along with this.

it'll be a while to prepare.

maybe see it on the next bread.


It's starting to break

Fam members who watch the regular news told me so.

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df8b6e No.22246521

File: f6e1d8dad802eac⋯.jpeg (99.36 KB,451x465,451:465,047B25B9_41E1_4725_8720_6….jpeg)

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2dcbde No.22246523


good, those are poison.

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95dd82 No.22246524

File: a400d79f8048a37⋯.jpg (100.95 KB,720x652,180:163,Destiny.jpg)

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df8b6e No.22246526

File: bbb34a1a52f8c0d⋯.mp4 (5.15 MB,720x1280,9:16,5361280114415574100.mp4)

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1555c4 No.22246527


The photo proof is nice….. I guess,

but does it change anything at all?

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e7b776 No.22246529



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95dd82 No.22246530

File: b24144f27a93055⋯.jpg (86.16 KB,930x698,465:349,GoldenRatioGood.jpg)

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8a8737 No.22246532

File: 3686b91b5670f3a⋯.png (519.19 KB,498x501,166:167,3686b91b5670f3a1949c015049….png)

Last call

…Baking shortly


27216 >>22245695

>>22245738 PF Report: I have not seen them do this before .shark 45 Shark 47

>>22245805 The biggest political scandal, FISA COVERUP and technological heist of IP in Human History is taking place right under our noses…

>>22245837 @GenFlynn - The techniques the CIA developed and perfected overseas — including toppling governments — are usually described as “Operations” or “Projects.”

>>22245867 Joe Biden reportedly regrets withdrawing from the 2024 presidential race and believes he could have defeated Trump.

>>22245888 Shocking report in the UK finds 95% of COVID-19 deaths were among the vaccinated

>>22246000 @RNCResearch - Biden, on vacation in the Virgin Islands, addresses the Azerbaijan plane crash as crackhead Hunter beckons him to the car

>>22246091 Biden White House to send $1.25 billion in weapon aid to Ukraine before Trump transition: report

>>22246272 NASA’s Parker Solar Probe survives historic closest-ever flyby to sun

>>22246504, >>22246520 IRS Whistleblowers Involved in Hunter Biden Tax Case CONFIRMS BEYOND THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT


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3e2adc No.22246534


Phenergan with codeine syrup neutralizes the food dye toxicity of skittles.

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35b9ed No.22246536

File: 905d71415573b45⋯.png (764.59 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f8ee7 No.22246537

File: 85d7cd5aee2f6b3⋯.png (1.13 MB,778x800,389:400,9.png)


It was Biden that mandated it though and Trump is not a pharmacist/physician. He let Fauci which was in charge of that do Fauci's job and Fauci is a son of a bitch.

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2f0f94 No.22246538

why isnt papi trumpo and il donaldo fake State Funded accounts making a big deal about the annexing of Greenland, Mexico and Canada? creating tons of new citizens,…


the target is Elon, then Trump, then Bobby Jr, then Tulsi, Then Baron

if we reject the Dream Team, then you automatically embrace their opposition

Our Lady warned there will be hell to pay if the godless communism is embraced globally


dont mock the Father Eternal with filthy godless ppowers and principalities like the tower of babel

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065726 No.22246539

File: 792bea77e2b35e3⋯.jpg (139.3 KB,824x942,412:471,IMG_20241128_113200_006.jpg)

Elon 1.0 & Elon 2.0 ?

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a2b814 No.22246540


will clean out VD after you baker


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43c4c5 No.22246542

It does not matter if I am faggot, gay trans, lesbian or anything else. The fact stands as I stated.

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df8b6e No.22246543

File: c26f4f5ae218b37⋯.gif (1.69 MB,320x240,4:3,IMG_0600.GIF)

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7329cb No.22246544

File: aeaafdda53aaae7⋯.webp (14.28 KB,860x484,215:121,IMG_7022.webp)


Finally….Gina surfaces again

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cb2c63 No.22246546


deport now

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30a92d No.22246547


>Woe to you, oh Earth and Sea, for the Davilingus send's the Beast with https://www.grindr.com/ chitty juwwhiiine , because he knows the time is short…

>Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the Beast, for it is a Human Number. It's Number is Six Hundred and Sixty Six…

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9b8f51 No.22246548

File: 5c0e570863d978d⋯.jpeg (16.57 KB,255x152,255:152,IMG_9732.jpeg)


Kids like pretty colors.

Damn them to hell.

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0525c1 No.22246550

File: ec88e1d3e367b00⋯.jpeg (199.33 KB,810x963,90:107,ec88e1d3e367b00276cdcacce….jpeg)


interdasting.. still comfy.

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95dd82 No.22246551

File: 647920ceaee4119⋯.jpg (67.57 KB,757x650,757:650,ThisBigisThisBigBecauseIts….jpg)

New template, you're welcome.

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8a8737 No.22246553

File: 3dccca28f135bb4⋯.png (699.23 KB,960x633,320:211,3dccca28f135bb42997c847660….png)


…Baking now now


27216 >>22245695

>>22245738 PF Report: I have not seen them do this before .shark 45 Shark 47

>>22245805 The biggest political scandal, FISA COVERUP and technological heist of IP in Human History is taking place right under our noses…

>>22245837 @GenFlynn - The techniques the CIA developed and perfected overseas — including toppling governments — are usually described as “Operations” or “Projects.”

>>22245867 Joe Biden reportedly regrets withdrawing from the 2024 presidential race and believes he could have defeated Trump.

>>22245888 Shocking report in the UK finds 95% of COVID-19 deaths were among the vaccinated

>>22246000 @RNCResearch - Biden, on vacation in the Virgin Islands, addresses the Azerbaijan plane crash as crackhead Hunter beckons him to the car

>>22246091 Biden White House to send $1.25 billion in weapon aid to Ukraine before Trump transition: report

>>22246272 NASA’s Parker Solar Probe survives historic closest-ever flyby to sun

>>22246504, >>22246520 IRS Whistleblowers Involved in Hunter Biden Tax Case CONFIRMS BEYOND THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT


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cb2c63 No.22246554


who needs Elon when America can have Indians doing his job for less money

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d2167e No.22246557


Nobody normal wants to be a politician

This is a lesson I learned a long time ago from a 75+ old friend over beers

Only the weak, the bad and the ugly seek this position in society…

A Sociopath

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2f0f94 No.22246559

mock Trump and his cabinet and you choose the opposing team and Laura loomer and papi trumpo and il donaldo whatever the name is, all of these accounts UNFOLLOW

theyre showing you what they are?

you cannot be gray, you are either on the good and if youre not, your not good

we are learning what good and not good is all about, we asked for that knowledge, and we are being taught to decide for ourselves

at the fork in the road

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452593 No.22246560

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1538ba No.22246562


you're so in Love with him

You can't stop talking about him

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cb2c63 No.22246563


what about obama ?

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7c8d7f No.22246564


Unless you're a biden.

Then it's pronounced "incestor"

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7329cb No.22246565

File: 0de4a5f215f983a⋯.webp (6.49 KB,199x250,199:250,IMG_7023.webp)


Keep forgetting about the damn clones

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0782c7 No.22246568

File: 9529a8a32812320⋯.png (646.91 KB,959x714,137:102,9529a8a328123202806e510c4a….png)

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8a8737 No.22246570

File: afdd6c0f66630d7⋯.jpeg (177.49 KB,960x1201,960:1201,5694346b1f00002300215ab4.jpeg)

Fresh fucks




For your face

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5f8ee7 No.22246572

File: 3d6874223dab52e⋯.jpg (164.89 KB,556x918,278:459,Joe_Bribem.jpg)

File: 574ead81dd5e039⋯.jpg (105.8 KB,578x480,289:240,22850.jpg)

File: d316050afd65997⋯.jpg (78.06 KB,851x914,851:914,1603224574999.jpg)

File: e2bdff264fcf65e⋯.mp4 (1.39 MB,426x240,71:40,Joe_Biden_says_he_spent_mo….mp4)

File: bfc2aa298c5d21f⋯.mp4 (551.17 KB,640x360,16:9,Spent_more_time_with_Xi.mp4)


Yes we've known all along since about 8 years ago. It's nothing new at all. We all know they are working together. Just more pictures that prove many were right before the laptop bullshit.

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7329cb No.22246573


I bet I can find a Mexican to do it cheaper

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2f0f94 No.22246579

Elons pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci

why is he a target now?


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452593 No.22246581


> But will someone give them the time to grok it?

Funny enough I used grok to solve a sql problem that an h1 b / non-compete contract guy (and he is REALLY FCKING GOOD) told my boss was impossible to solve.

Got to keep my job for another week (I'm still there a few months later).

Felt really good to use grok for that.. .upped my skills….it's all about knowing how to phrase and rephrase the question.

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30a92d No.22246583


>Elon 1.0 & Elon 2.0 ?


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346616 No.22246584

File: 621662bd621fc66⋯.jpg (17.87 KB,209x255,209:255,clones.jpg)

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2f0f94 No.22246588

laura loomer asking for donations and crap, how can anyone fall for this clown ?? why cant she go get a job at mcdonalds?

oh she might bust a fake nail or two

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30a92d No.22246589


>Elons pronouns are https://www.grindr.com//Fauci

>why is he a target now?


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5d7b60 No.22246597

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ae200c No.22246603

File: 85ef2061079c809⋯.mp4 (2.81 MB,640x352,20:11,_RealRobert_And_here_it_is….mp4)

File: c744dc7afca2e13⋯.mp4 (2.48 MB,886x500,443:250,_RealRobert_And_here_it_is….mp4)


can't get the larger one atm

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5138d3 No.22246604

File: 51a8f7ceb658f05⋯.mp4 (9.48 MB,480x270,16:9,deepstatetreasonbiden.mp4)


It's called information and yes it changes things.

that's what we do here.

You must be new?


One of the signators to the letter claiming "has all earmarks of Russian Disinformation campaign" defending his ass.

I'll hve to shrink that one.

Here's for now

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a2b814 No.22246607

migrate, lockin it up

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