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File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,qrbannerflag.png)

e4c2cf No.22241727 [View All]

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38c65a No.22242626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


there's a touch of Linkin Park in there

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742969 No.22242628

I think Trump really wanted to see Beyonce perform.

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158564 No.22242629

Didn’t elons girlfriend have scars all over her body?

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742969 No.22242631


More than the Democrats.

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bbe24e No.22242633

File: 403620b61592ce1⋯.png (255.76 KB,1080x1151,1080:1151,403620b61592ce12c8dc0a2028….png)

File: 30a0918fcf5c401⋯.jpeg (784.48 KB,934x1480,467:740,30a0918fcf5c401320924bba2….jpeg)



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80baa0 No.22242634


Yeah, they brought over entire villages under “chain migration”

The city I bought my first home in NJ was nice working class neighborhoods full of Italians and Irish

Now there is an Aldi where the A&P use to be and it’s curry Indians as far as the eye can see.

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bbe24e No.22242635

File: bf1e8b502a4d447⋯.jpg (294.95 KB,718x759,718:759,00000000000000000000000000….jpg)

wtf is goin on here guise!!!


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38c65a No.22242636

File: 71bc52df7857d0b⋯.png (384.05 KB,640x426,320:213,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 789f583bd356d62⋯.png (777.94 KB,960x640,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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8392ef No.22242637

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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bbe24e No.22242638

File: 3cbb5123dd14baa⋯.jpg (145.71 KB,1486x991,1486:991,ca_times_brightspotcdn.jpg)

hep us lord!!!

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bbe24e No.22242639

File: 9db4184c065d312⋯.gif (439.63 KB,500x300,5:3,blg2.gif)

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bbe24e No.22242640

File: 6b3be61b7571ff9⋯.webp (47.31 KB,700x368,175:92,bl5.webp)

you never had a chance, punk

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1a154d No.22242641

File: 4ab7cadac03cd05⋯.png (16.89 KB,213x255,71:85,grammarkitty.png)


>The evil thing about this is.

Not a sentence.

The evil thing about this is,without the Russians we wouldn't have won WWII against the Nazis, and the sacrificed at least 25 million of their citizens to win the war.


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a004a4 No.22242642


#27211 >>22241735

>>22241927 Michael Goodwin: All of Team Joe aidedin the Big Lie — now the world knows the truth of the Biden crime family

>>22241946 ICYMI: @DanScavino Credit Score Judgement


>>22241972, >>22242001, >>22242006, >>22242013 YOU HAVE 2 AGENDAS ATM hint not Visas

>>22242141 Morgan McSweeney is an Irish political aide who has served as the Downing Street Chief of Staff

>>22242168 They want to 14th Amendment Trump before the inauguration

>>22242173, >>22242234 Refresher: THE B.I.S, W.E.F AGENDA 21 AND THE RACE TO 2030

>>22242189, >>22242246 Krebs on Security aka CISA (not in the constitution) and DHS (not in the constitution) are gaslighting America

>>22242221 Pork producers in America have been administering mRNA-based gene therapy to pigs secretly???

>>22242290 The Reckoning in Higher Education: Why Linda McMahon As Secretary of Education Has Academia Shaking

>>22242296 Hertz’s EV debacle exposes the green tyranny scam

>>22242313, >>22242327 Drone sightings a DISTRACTION from the Deep State’s plan to use suitcase nukes???

>>22242356 Kamala Harris to Certify Trump’s Winon January 6 After The Hill Sets Internet Ablaze with Insurrection Plan

>>22242360 Hapag-Lloyd US Port Strike Surcharges To Go Into Effect Same Day As Trump Inauguration

>>22242378 Dayle Haddon dies in suspected carbon monoxide leak at Hallmark star's Pennsylvania home

>>22242436 US and UK planning terrorist attacks on Russian bases in Syria

>>22242535 TS highjacked accounts

>>22242602 O’Leary: Canada and U.S.Together ‘Would Be the Most Powerful Country on Earth’


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bbe24e No.22242643

File: b762d5244fe54d7⋯.gif (1016.95 KB,254x200,127:100,bruce2.gif)

tried to warn ya but no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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bbe24e No.22242644

File: 0dc3510f1131a83⋯.gif (495.76 KB,500x257,500:257,bruce1.gif)

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bbe24e No.22242646

File: 4ab1d8220fa401f⋯.gif (181.49 KB,220x173,220:173,bru32.gif)

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c18b20 No.22242648

File: 1c670a272bd2e2e⋯.png (127.11 KB,204x350,102:175,1c670a272bd2e2e735150eced4….png)

File: 1c670a272bd2e2e⋯.png (127.11 KB,204x350,102:175,1c670a272bd2e2e735150eced4….png)

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742969 No.22242649

Can anyone interview these indentured servants to get their take on the matter?

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c18b20 No.22242650

File: 1ef1e3b6afa248a⋯.jpg (100.32 KB,784x295,784:295,1ef1e3b6afa248ab1540bc16fb….jpg)

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80baa0 No.22242651


How does a sketchy immigrate get a Super Duper security clearance when most citizens don’t qualify for one?

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c18b20 No.22242652

File: d2b47476b03f718⋯.jpg (281.4 KB,1024x910,512:455,pr55.jpg)

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c18b20 No.22242653

File: 1dd213d7a1a6230⋯.png (771.95 KB,860x950,86:95,08142020ti1.png)

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742969 No.22242654


We need to know if they are being abused or not. For humanity.

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c18b20 No.22242655

File: d4f749103dad18e⋯.png (1.61 MB,1868x1502,934:751,cathmas7.png)

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8392ef No.22242656

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c18b20 No.22242657

File: 5f0bf32319ea712⋯.png (158.63 KB,1862x982,931:491,pbfm1.png)

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c18b20 No.22242658

File: af4979a3e836324⋯.png (723.41 KB,600x900,2:3,144a028e16dcbfa364f2721234….png)

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413382 No.22242659



All roads lead to obummer

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c18b20 No.22242660

File: 4f8d14ef8d5f31a⋯.png (44.13 KB,1166x346,583:173,ms34.png)

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8392ef No.22242661




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c18b20 No.22242662

File: e4e17d60a27d4a9⋯.png (439.59 KB,1558x670,779:335,reveresrfm1.png)

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2d8a1e No.22242663


Canada wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for the US.

They are just a stocking cap on the head of the US.

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c18b20 No.22242664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c18b20 No.22242665

File: d05b7cf2c6d4b34⋯.jpg (68.28 KB,670x886,335:443,g_washington_mason_l.jpg)

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c26e58 No.22242667



classic self justification

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8fdc58 No.22242668

File: e4a75e67dac0192⋯.png (126.5 KB,830x1114,415:557,438_1_.png)

File: acbdf1c2ba0efb3⋯.png (784.23 KB,830x2484,415:1242,437_1_.png)

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c91759 No.22242669


some kinda secret handshake action

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c18b20 No.22242670

File: 4a246401e3b63e8⋯.png (1.17 MB,706x704,353:352,TGWR4.png)

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a004a4 No.22242673

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c26e58 No.22242674

File: e46b546870b8bb0⋯.png (1.47 MB,905x1223,905:1223,ximaralago.png)

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0fe8eb No.22242675

File: 36b7599ef6e0731⋯.jpg (7.61 KB,204x240,17:20,1000003572.jpg)

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c91759 No.22242677


ut oh not the wormhole banner!

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eed649 No.22242678

the real division shills happen to be billionaire tech faggots who want more foreigners for american jobs

but you niggers love inverting reality and all

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1a154d No.22242680


Wondering if Panama has some unpaid loans to the USA……?

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8392ef No.22242682


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8392ef No.22242685


get your comms and get the fo

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8372de No.22242686

File: 2bd5dc89186c4b4⋯.png (638.72 KB,714x878,357:439,2bd5dc89186c4b492adfbda33f….png)


She will be in her cups that day!

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eed649 No.22242689

i remember you begging for the white male vote in the run up just days before the election

now you call us racists and retards

kill yourself and take your billions with you

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a004a4 No.22242690


or someone elses


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