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File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,qrbannerflag.png)

f46ec1 No.22240929 [View All]

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5e4346 No.22241702



>>22241641 Israel does it

we should demand it in USA

>>22241696 deletions are starating guise


great post

save it and cary forward

>Anonymous  12/28/24 (Sat) 01:59:14a61d7d (41) No.22241641>>22241648


>White people should get preferencial treatment in their own homelands you piece of shit kike subversive. You want Whites to become a minority in their own homelands. You are a domestic enemies, and domestic enemies have to be removed by any means. People like you will die screaming if a Revolutionary War becomes necessary to guarantee that Americans do not become a minority in their own homeland, and you deserve to meet a fate like that for trying to bullshit people into allowing themselves to be robbed of their birthright by FOREIGNERS.

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cee081 No.22241703

File: 1fff42a4faf0279⋯.jpg (321.52 KB,1080x1432,135:179,Screenshot_20241228_011604….jpg)

What in the retardation is going on..

Nationalism isnt D.E.I.


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fc8489 No.22241704



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08013b No.22241705


You know Elon, I like you, but I gotta tell you, if you ever said something like that to my face, I would put your teeth into the back of your skull without hesitation. You are very insulting to suffering Americans who have been displaced by Indian HR scammers. I couldn't see my dying sister who served with me on 911 because these Indian recruiters and scammers would not let me make living at the behest of your friend Alaweed and his henchmen Wall street Mossad agents, who brought them in, and also did 911. We are not stupid.

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f46ec1 No.22241706

File: cea5b3cc4e38a1b⋯.png (230.33 KB,740x520,37:26,watchingthebongwater.png)

Last call

…Bakering ~@720 or whenever


#27210 >>22240939

>>22241095 The U.S. Air Force Keeps Pulling Old B-1B Lancer Bombers from the ‘Boneyard’

>>22241135, >>22241172, >>22241200 How are these people looking up jobs that are h1b visas? What's the website?

>>22241201 US may hit new debt limit by Jan. 14, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warns Congress

>>22241235 Ninth American telecoms firm hit by a massive espionage campaign that gave Chinese officials access to private texts, phone calls


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cee081 No.22241707





Does that

Even mean

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632a0a No.22241708


I see a man making the argument to cut regulations restricting US jobs.

While simultaneously exposing common employment expectations

resulting from gov legislation.

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778cc0 No.22241710

File: 2997acb16c9c3c6⋯.jpeg (20.11 KB,255x195,17:13,IMG_9146.jpeg)


> Rachel Maddow

Best liberal podcaster disguised as News ever.

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ffdb54 No.22241711


…this is going to escalate quickly

did Trump say anything yet?

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2c7cb6 No.22241712

File: d9cba01b35d69fb⋯.png (1.12 MB,1288x1250,644:625,Screenshot_2024_12_28_at_1….png)

File: e14ea4b1998103f⋯.png (1 MB,2410x1462,1205:731,Screenshot_2024_12_28_at_1….png)

File: 37ffb3b0b1724d0⋯.png (1.62 MB,1392x1376,87:86,Screenshot_2024_12_28_at_1….png)




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3949db No.22241713

File: 4f2045c2eea64aa⋯.png (157.12 KB,480x287,480:287,ClipboardImage.png)

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8c326e No.22241714

File: 7a8935e8b8aea56⋯.png (578.67 KB,980x548,245:137,ChinaAsshole.png)

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ef8782 No.22241715

The level of discourse degenerates, because of degenerates. The reason to prefer local is security. The only reason to ignore skill is trust.

Argue better

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2ea538 No.22241716


White-Shirt with Black-Text or some other color to get white text on a shirt… you one of elon's-IT peeps or something?

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5e4346 No.22241717


they do not want America First. period

so they spin the dei shit

like retards

hoping people will not speak up for America First, because Americans are startingto believe America FIRST NOW

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fc8489 No.22241718

Hang Zionist scum.

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8c326e No.22241719

File: 70ac4d665d77f84⋯.png (136.69 KB,300x250,6:5,8KunCockring.png)

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fc8489 No.22241720

NO izreal in 2026!

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8c326e No.22241721

File: 343423107da90e1⋯.png (160.54 KB,721x257,721:257,AnimePussies.png)

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ef8782 No.22241722


America first is not white first.

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f46ec1 No.22241723

File: 192fcde9b0ae2d5⋯.jpg (283.59 KB,859x1390,859:1390,albertus_magnus_1193_1280_….jpg)


…Bakering another, ugh.


#27210 >>22240939

>>22241095 The U.S. Air Force Keeps Pulling Old B-1B Lancer Bombers from the ‘Boneyard’

>>22241135, >>22241172, >>22241200 How are these people looking up jobs that are h1b visas? What's the website?

>>22241201 US may hit new debt limit by Jan. 14, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warns Congress

>>22241235 Ninth American telecoms firm hit by a massive espionage campaign that gave Chinese officials access to private texts, phone calls


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666d4d No.22241724


When are they going to start threatening scorched earth if they dont get to stay in the country "they" made?

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2ea538 No.22241725



it's simple… get a white shirt, print the outline of the text in a different color… problem solved.

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3949db No.22241726

File: 6747c3403b24037⋯.png (358.73 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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5e4346 No.22241729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8c326e No.22241730

File: 64f903eefe22202⋯.png (203.37 KB,498x366,83:61,CIA_PizzaOnB.png)

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5e4346 No.22241731

>>22241713 fix it

should be popping up under the J key

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666d4d No.22241733


I have no idea how what the poster said equates to your "White first" statement.

You ok?

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2c7cb6 No.22241734


red herring/canard.

David Reaboi never said that.

Patrick David created this false-equivalence DEI argument and "put words in his mouth".

Reaboi's point: If two equally skilled candidates, one from U.S. and the other foreign; why hire the foreign one over the American?

A simple question really.

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ef8782 No.22241736

Our country needs to

This or that race needs to

My people




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ffdb54 No.22241737


it's Americans first

which part of Americans do you not understand?

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8c326e No.22241738

File: c6fc28fbcbb6c18⋯.png (463.03 KB,607x382,607:382,FatAnon.png)

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5e4346 No.22241739

you may want to do some research on founders of America and what they wanted for this country

all are welcome legally, but adopt what founders intended


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8c326e No.22241741

File: fcd2b5bafdec76c⋯.png (668.17 KB,743x645,743:645,Quarantined_Copy.png)

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f46ec1 No.22241742

File: 80857f8df6a858d⋯.png (156.76 KB,278x291,278:291,stormpepe.png)

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e8ce45 No.22241743


>save the world

"The American patriot is the most dangerous weapon in the world"

I wonder if there was ever a world when patriots were not needed.

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8c326e No.22241744

File: 0aad7ea92bf63bc⋯.png (523.91 KB,491x905,491:905,BeetleJuiceHead2.png)

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2c7cb6 No.22241745


correct. it is legal citizens FIRST.

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8c326e No.22241747

File: 0bf058c55a6686a⋯.png (292.22 KB,404x367,404:367,BoltonStacheOnNose.png)

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8c326e No.22241748

File: db635fdafc7dfe0⋯.png (136.44 KB,598x815,598:815,DonutPointCopPoint.png)

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8c326e No.22241749

File: 4692616cc3d9774⋯.png (325.35 KB,768x716,192:179,JEANPEEHAIRTENTOWSENDMILLI….png)

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fc8489 No.22241751

Do you have to be a commie to be a Zionist? Asking for a friend.

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8c326e No.22241752

File: f9b5a77da3dfb71⋯.jpg (439.95 KB,2047x2015,2047:2015,NikkiHaleyHAHAHAHA.jpg)

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8c326e No.22241753

File: d28b4e5b1c17346⋯.png (689.52 KB,1657x706,1657:706,4chnUKRNmouthteef.png)

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2ea538 No.22241754


>outline of the text in a different color

cept not brown or yellow

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8c326e No.22241755

File: 12c03f10da9527d⋯.png (155.68 KB,587x656,587:656,PepeApuCanadian.png)

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8c326e No.22241757

File: b7ed3f1b1620ad6⋯.png (886.25 KB,1466x832,733:416,LibtardShoeFaceNOOOOOO.png)

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8c326e No.22241759

File: c0ec186f9e4aae3⋯.png (208.13 KB,423x652,423:652,TuckrFromAtlantis.png)

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8c326e No.22241760

File: aec947df99c71a8⋯.png (539.22 KB,715x481,55:37,TrumpvsNikki.png)

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c1eec1 No.22241788

File: 0d62a7589433cb8⋯.png (728.09 KB,798x653,798:653,2024_12_27_2_51_25.png)

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