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File: 41c985a0a89201a⋯.jpg (31.49 KB,409x301,409:301,41c985a0a89201ad7ed633aff0….jpg)

ce6c90 No.22238461 [View All]

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701 posts and 512 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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e185b2 No.22239376

people are just now finding out that billionaire foreigners don't really give a shit about rural america…the real silent majority while advocating for more foreign cheap labor

they have never been on the right and never will be the right

they are simply yesterday's left in perpetuity

they will now replace you with cheap labor and robots

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3672c8 No.22239377

File: 1d22252df74a6aa⋯.png (854.55 KB,1596x894,266:149,0001.png)

File: 903af44de71aecf⋯.png (575.73 KB,1596x894,266:149,0001a.png)

File: 4d12d917de764e2⋯.png (331.35 KB,1596x894,266:149,0001b.png)

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27f040 No.22239378


>never talk about operation pooperclip

thought it was pooperscoop

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963fdd No.22239379

File: 86069c7aad13804⋯.png (104.28 KB,616x700,22:25,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dabe3dee0b2e88e⋯.png (2.19 MB,1200x1513,1200:1513,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19da5cdd470dfe3⋯.png (594.15 KB,1125x591,375:197,ClipboardImage.png)

Known on QR as Doge the baker

Judge in Montana orders arrest of neo-Nazi website founder

MISSOULA, Mont. (AP) — A federal judge on Wednesday ordered the arrest of a neo-Nazi website publisher accused of ignoring a $14 million judgment against him for orchestrating an anti-Semitic harassment campaign against a Montana woman’s family.

U.S. District Judge Dana Christensen issued a bench warrant for the arrest of Andrew Anglin, founder and operator of The Daily Stormer website.

Attorneys for Montana real estate agent Tanya Gersh have said Anglin did not pay any portion of the August 2019 judgment and has ignored their requests for information about his whereabouts, his operation of the website and other assets.

Gersh says anonymous internet trolls bombarded her family with hateful and threatening messages after Anglin published their personal information, including a photo of her young son. In a string of posts, Anglin accused Gersh and other Jewish residents of Whitefish, Montana, of engaging in an “extortion racket” against the mother of white nationalist Richard Spencer.


>>21450645 PB

>>21450410 PB

>>21450432 PB

>>21450447 PB

>>21450468 PB

Adrew Anglin Warrant



Gotta drop the Judge a note

Hon. Dana L. Christensen Chambers

The Honorable Dana L. Christensen

Russell Smith Courthouse

201 E. Broadway

Suite 410

Missoula, MT 59802

Chambers: (406) 829-7140

Proposed Orders: dlc_propord@mtd.uscourts.gov


Andrew Anglin is Doge

>>20481954 PB

>>20481996 PB

>>20481961 PB

>>20482021 PB

And brags about it.

>>20482051 PB



Anglin runs The Daily Stormer (Neo-Nazi) Website



deletions of above Archived

>>20510592 PB

>>20510626 PB



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6cbe8e No.22239380

File: b47d5ba41a16e8d⋯.jpg (1.96 MB,2848x4288,89:134,2461.jpg)

Last call

…Bakering ~@720


#27207 >>22238484

>>22238501, >>22238506 Baker change

>>22238500 Jewish Florida State Rep. Hilary Cassel says she’s switching to the Republican Party

>>22238510 Judge Rules Fani Willis Can Be Forced to Testify Under Oath About Crimes She Committed During RICO Lawfare Case Against Trump

>>22238514 January 6 Political Prisoners Launch Historic $50 Billion Class Action Lawsuit Against DOJ

>>22238518 US to send $1.25 billion in weapons to Ukraine, pushing to get aid out before Biden leaves office

>>22238523 Pelosi's 'House Ethics Committee' Caught in Multiple Staggering Lies in Gaetz Report

>>22238614, >>22238657 @elonmusk - How the U.S. Government Spent your Tax Dollars in 2024

>>22238655 Homelessness in the U.S. Hits Highest Level on Record as Billions of Dollars Are Sent to Foreign Nations

>>22238691 Musk accused of muzzling critics of his migration agenda (RT)

>>22238722 Attempted home invasion in Bradenton FL. — homeowner starts shooting, killing one of the intruders. Both of the suspects are Chilean nationals.

>>22238821, >>22238831 Inside how the Capitol Police has changed since Jan. 6, 2021

>>22238856 Tucker interviews everyone on election night at Mar Lago

>>22238885 Hospitals brace for federal cuts in 2025

>>22238907 "l didn't want to hire any boring 50 year old white guys to design the submersible. They're not inspirational and bring nothing new to the table" CEO Stockton Rush

>>22238928 👀 Tucker is Horrified to Learn How Aborted Fetal Tissue is Used in the Development of Some Vaccines, Reveals His Child is Vaccine Injured


>>22239000 @elonmusk - The H1-B program should be reserved for people who would address an important shortfall of domestic expertise. There is some degree of fraud and considerable incompetence in every government program and H1-B is no exception. That fraud and incompetence need to be fixed throughout the government.

>>22239189 Here We Go Again! The Latest Attack on Democracy and Our Right to Vote


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bdd472 No.22239381


Make viral


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722f34 No.22239382

File: 17c198e2274b915⋯.png (248.29 KB,845x400,169:80,IMG_0501.png)


Musk shall do as he told. How excited did he get by Lara’s hooters

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cab1e9 No.22239384


always good to know what has already been said.

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fa7a51 No.22239385

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d8e51f No.22239386

File: 652b6fc821ccab5⋯.jpeg (135.7 KB,326x344,163:172,IMG_5060.jpeg)

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70a874 No.22239387

File: 801e6815ffad550⋯.webp (59.72 KB,1079x1062,1079:1062,byam1rfrx8z71.webp)

File: 35fec7c46c78a53⋯.webp (50.23 KB,803x515,803:515,ir00gbkrx8z71.webp)

File: 1ff0b609e23d313⋯.webp (36.35 KB,804x515,804:515,81r8q0mrx8z71.webp)

File: 1ec982ab6cb127e⋯.webp (57.55 KB,802x500,401:250,mvj378prx8z71.webp)

Michael Rockefeller




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131901 No.22239389


Noone cares that you filtered me

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af091f No.22239390



Deals were done.

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3672c8 No.22239391

File: 8fe6a594beb9fa4⋯.jpg (69.09 KB,600x600,1:1,00000THETRUTHISBUTALIE.jpg)

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3672c8 No.22239392

File: d6f370510f58839⋯.jpg (81.4 KB,565x700,113:140,02c.jpg)

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78a41a No.22239393


Anon want's to know if Vance infiltrated and used them, now they are being discarded or if Vance is truly aligned with them. Time will tell.

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ab15dd No.22239394

File: 50f5c9154cb7f6f⋯.jpg (277.42 KB,720x1014,120:169,Screenshot_20241227_192722….jpg)


While you spend your concerns on the star of David you didn't notice the fucking pedophile symbol? kek

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131901 No.22239395


Noone cares when you bake

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bdd472 No.22239396

Saving Israel for last?


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6e5795 No.22239397

File: d9f1a56c6dfcb3d⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB,540x960,9:16,christmas_2023_part_2.mp4)


well it to shut down this fake shit spamming

djt is a man of his word and if he has stated something he sticks to it.

you cunts need to fuck off to X or Gab and post that shit there.

shills get called out here

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bfb8a4 No.22239399


When you see it, you can never Unsee it.

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6cbe8e No.22239400

File: 4589824978223ed⋯.jpg (403.13 KB,1600x1311,1600:1311,1224014_3069266743.jpg)




#27207 >>22238484

>>22238501, >>22238506 Baker change

>>22238500 Jewish Florida State Rep. Hilary Cassel says she’s switching to the Republican Party

>>22238510 Judge Rules Fani Willis Can Be Forced to Testify Under Oath About Crimes She Committed During RICO Lawfare Case Against Trump

>>22238514 January 6 Political Prisoners Launch Historic $50 Billion Class Action Lawsuit Against DOJ

>>22238518 US to send $1.25 billion in weapons to Ukraine, pushing to get aid out before Biden leaves office

>>22238523 Pelosi's 'House Ethics Committee' Caught in Multiple Staggering Lies in Gaetz Report

>>22238614, >>22238657 @elonmusk - How the U.S. Government Spent your Tax Dollars in 2024

>>22238655 Homelessness in the U.S. Hits Highest Level on Record as Billions of Dollars Are Sent to Foreign Nations

>>22238691 Musk accused of muzzling critics of his migration agenda (RT)

>>22238722 Attempted home invasion in Bradenton FL. — homeowner starts shooting, killing one of the intruders. Both of the suspects are Chilean nationals.

>>22238821, >>22238831 Inside how the Capitol Police has changed since Jan. 6, 2021

>>22238856 Tucker interviews everyone on election night at Mar Lago

>>22238885 Hospitals brace for federal cuts in 2025

>>22238907 "l didn't want to hire any boring 50 year old white guys to design the submersible. They're not inspirational and bring nothing new to the table" CEO Stockton Rush

>>22238928 👀 Tucker is Horrified to Learn How Aborted Fetal Tissue is Used in the Development of Some Vaccines, Reveals His Child is Vaccine Injured


>>22239000 @elonmusk - The H1-B program should be reserved for people who would address an important shortfall of domestic expertise. There is some degree of fraud and considerable incompetence in every government program and H1-B is no exception. That fraud and incompetence need to be fixed throughout the government.

>>22239189 Here We Go Again! The Latest Attack on Democracy and Our Right to Vote


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d696f6 No.22239401


>What was that about?

To get him on board. Looks like Modi is unhappy the Magic Carpet is being pulled from under the leeching Indian Economy's ass. These other countries don't like America First. Too fucking bad.

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722f34 No.22239402

File: 6f2cdf396a40902⋯.jpeg (198.33 KB,1280x1265,256:253,IMG_0502.jpeg)

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9cbf5b No.22239403


Nobody stop hiring them last time you were President and the fraud continues till this day. Americans were replaced years ago. Even DOL Secretary Scalise went on TV and said Americans do not have the skill set. How could he say this if he doesn't program? He had no metrics just a narrative as a treasonous traitor. Americans built over 90% of all the technology to begin with. The Jews had other plans. Bezos was given the Cloud by Wall street and insider trading back when Netscape vs Microsoft was vying for the internet languages JScript vs JavaScript is why JS was only developed for 10 days and didn't have an update for 20 years. Th more that you know.

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a638b4 No.22239405

File: b0bf881b29299a7⋯.png (1.41 MB,888x1142,444:571,Screenshot_2024_12_27_at_1….png)

File: 2adc04ac4136c60⋯.png (2.35 MB,1550x1244,775:622,Screenshot_2024_12_27_at_1….png)

File: 2d243c9e395c8fd⋯.png (1.88 MB,1608x1038,268:173,Screenshot_2024_12_27_at_1….png)

File: 221e946b7a6bf3d⋯.png (1.07 MB,1098x952,549:476,Screenshot_2024_12_27_at_1….png)



Mezvinsky serves on the board[20] of the Pembroke College Foundation and the Ann Romney Center for Neurologic Diseases, an organization dedicated to transforming the future of medicine through collaboration and patient-centered research.[21] He also served on the board of Madison Square Park Conservancy.[22]


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97fc18 No.22239407

File: c55344e19b3cf08⋯.png (947.56 KB,2430x3174,405:529,ClipboardImage.png)

Nick Fuentes acolytes

Neo Nazi Groypers

Key Figures

Nick Fuentes


A holocaust denier and former YouTuber, Nick Fuentes is the host of the ‘America First’ podcast and considered to be the leader of the

Groypers. Fuentes first rose to prominence when he left Boston University after he reported receiving threats in response to his attendance

at the 2017 Charlottesville Unite the Right Rally. He went on to establish the America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC), a rival

to the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

Patrick Casey


Patrick Casey is the former leader of the American Identity Movement (formerly Identity Evropa), a white supremacist organization disbanded

in November 2020. In February 2021 Casey split from the Groyper movement over the fear of federal informant infiltration.

Michelle Malkin


Michelle Malkin is a conservative political commentator and self-described “mommy” of the Groypers. The former Fox contributor, who joined

Newsmax TV in May 2021, has spoken at America First events.

Jacob Lloyd


Jacob Lloyd is a former YouTuber and Infowars contributor. He spoke at the Groyper Leadership Summit in 2019 and claims to have had a

leading role in formulating the questions asked by Groypers at conservative events.

Baked Alaska



Real name Anthime Gionet, Baked Alaska is a neo-Nazi live streamer and Groyper follower who was arrested for his role in storming the US

Capitol building on January 6 2021. During the riot, he wore Pit Viper sunglasses, which have since been adopted as a symbol by the


Jaden McNeil



Jaden McNeil is the former President of the Kansas State University chapter of Turning Point USA (TPUSA). McNeil left TPUSA because of

their “culture of censorship” and founded Groyper rival organization America First Students.

Vincent James



Vincent James is a former YouTuber with the second-highest following of the Groypers on Telegram after Fuentes, with over 41,400 users

following his channel. He has also spoken at AFPAC events.

Identifiable symbols


Pit Viper sunglasses


''Pit Viper sunglasses were first associated with the Groypers on 6 January 2021, when Baked Alaska (see Key Figures) wore them during the

US Capitol riot, which he livestreamed on Twitch. In July 2021, Nick Fuentes and others wore Pit Viper shades when they crashed a CPAC

event in Dallas.

Groyper meme


''Groypers derive their name from the ‘Groyper’ toad image, which became popular in 2017 as an explicitly racist-coded variation of the

Pepe the Frog meme often affiliated with the alt-right.

America First logo

''‘America First’ is the name of Nick Fuentes’ pod-cast. In 2020, Fuentes founded the America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC).

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45081c No.22239408

File: 65fefbb66247b20⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB,320x360,8:9,65fefbb66247b2089a130ccc74….mp4)

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cab1e9 No.22239409

File: accc3ba4047545e⋯.jpg (73.88 KB,601x808,601:808,beaver_baker.jpg)

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2b4a5b No.22239410

File: 5d7502e03c5e388⋯.jpg (159.35 KB,753x562,753:562,Legit.JPG)


Thulsa Doom

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e185b2 No.22239411


they can't sit here and tell me some indian engineer is better than some dutch, swedish, german, or even asian engineer

simply not going to happen

the thing is those countries don't want to give up their engineers and american companies don't want to pay them better to get them here

at the end of the day - they just want more consumers to feed their companies and the GDP

that's all it is ever about to these faggots

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bfb8a4 No.22239412


Most Anons can only think about one thing at a time. The star was the intro. Good on you for pointing it out though.

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1b760e No.22239413


Don't Mexico have a cartel run central bank that can print money to put all the returned invaders into hotels and load them up with food debit cards?

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d8d048 No.22239414

File: f1f85d972dc2cc0⋯.png (181.26 KB,480x345,32:23,ClipboardImage.png)


Know your enemies.

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58c3d2 No.22239416


The anon knows.

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033a49 No.22239417

File: 857825aee72dec9⋯.jpg (206.06 KB,2016x1157,2016:1157,_20241227_202634.JPG)


Dear Elon,

You were not elected, you were nominated.

So quit acting like you're boss and policy maker.

Second, even shills eventually see they have beaten

and STFU. Stay in your lane when speaking about Americans.

Third, you speak about problems with H1B visas, yet you and Vivek

literally run the Department of Government Efficiently, so focus on fixing it.

That is all.

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6cbe8e No.22239418

File: f7a34d3b15b83b9⋯.png (42.39 KB,400x306,200:153,e7a295b36c4ee98945add710aa….png)

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d8d048 No.22239419


Biden administration covered that with FEMA money. Fuck You Taxpayers.

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d696f6 No.22239421


>an organization dedicated to transforming the future of medicine through collaboration and patient-centered research

Dedicated to preventing cures becoming public for the Pharma Industry.

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ab15dd No.22239423


Oh hell yeah beat that faggots ass! bravo!!

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1b760e No.22239424

File: 92c6aa33dd5860a⋯.jpg (269.38 KB,946x1043,946:1043,SmartSelect_20241227_19362….jpg)

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af091f No.22239426

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Birx is on her soap box again talking about asymptomatic H5N1, and pushing testing.

Talking up a coming pandemic, throwing back to 2020, claiming there was no flu.

They really are going to try this shite again.

Shadow of Ezra


Dr. Deborah Birx, former White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, warns that the U.S. may be on the brink of another pandemic as bird flu and seasonal flu raise serious concerns.

Comparing the current situation to January 2020, Birx criticizes the CDC for repeating past mistakes and highlights the danger of H5N1 bird flu and human flu co-infections, which could lead to dangerous mutations.

Her solution? Ramp up testing nationwide.

Birx stresses the importance of diagnosing illnesses in children to protect vulnerable groups like grandparents and prevent a potential crisis.


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d696f6 No.22239427


>Don't Mexico have a cartel run central bank that can print money to put all the returned invaders into hotels and load them up with food debit cards?

That's not the mission ; or the issue.

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722f34 No.22239428



Grass Roots glowfaggots

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722f34 No.22239431


I do. One right for each of them. Sleep tight.

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6e5795 No.22239432

File: 1ac00c569a6c7fd⋯.mp4 (12.81 MB,854x480,427:240,w_e_f_klaus_nightmare_vid.mp4)


there is a much bigger battle going on fuckwit.

it was meant to be a depopulation event with the vaccines. they failed so they started to flood the countries with dangerous immigrants who do not give a shit about getting a job when they can rob, kill and rape their way to anything they want.

the election was won, elon and vivek helped, the final decision on anything that effects trade and america first is down to the boss.

billions of people were vaccinated

neon revolt is a deranged fuckwit failed hollywood writerr who has a a group on gab which anon belonged to way back in 2016 and anon fell out with him cos that cunt was telling everyone to get the vacccine and behaving like a fucking deranged wanker

try to keep up.

america will be safe all that needs now is to wait for 24 days.

you still have your 2nd and the world is a safer place.

until the central banksters are bought down all anyone will be doing is feeding the beast system.

the hardest battle has been won,

as for this anon fuck them, never paying taxes again.

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b81225 No.22239435


H1b's are just another tool to swindle the US Economy of our highest paying jobs in order for the Wall street Jews to funnel money towards BRICS and destroy the American dollar. I said this since 911. Indians do almost 100% of the phone scams is your proof. Their goal is to destroy America and rob the elderly, take American jobs, give us the run around, while their big IT companies fill in big IT contract because they threw your resume in the garbage after they got a right to represent. The Dirty filthy Wall street Jews and Indians owe the USA $100 trillion dollars for this 20 year scam.

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1b760e No.22239437

File: ae872558529caa0⋯.mp4 (7.02 MB,352x288,11:9,ae872558529caa08a00220575f….mp4)


Troll master Trump playing Elon like an accordion

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6e5795 No.22239446


> Bezos was given the Cloud by Wall street a

no he was given the contract by the c.i.a

you are clueless and need to lurk moar

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1b760e No.22239449


Operation Brownout

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