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File: 692e479d76fee19⋯.png (728.54 KB,1049x716,1049:716,692e479d76fee19422d745eead….png)

57d339 No.21738233 [View All]

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9df422 No.21739033


So, then …. the CIA brought him here and he was STILL working for the CIA while he was here and making terroristic threats. Interesting. Very.

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8db227 No.21739034


If shills get paid.

Protesters get paid

Rich Democrats get to be activists

Then let Trump back in so MAGA can have some money made honestly and let’s see what happens when we all have enough money to have a movement

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18d5a7 No.21739035

Yes, according to a three-page document titled Washington's Vision, George Washington had a vision of an angel while praying in the woods at Valley Forge in 1777. The document claims to have been written by Anthony Sherman, who was with Washington at the time.

In the vision, Washington saw the angel:

Say, "Son of the Republic, behold and learn!"

Appear cities and villages across the United States

Appear two large armies with red lightning

Sprinkle water from the ocean on America and Europe, causing a cloud to rise and envelop America

Descend from heaven with the national flag in one hand and a sword in the other, attended by legions of bright spirits

The document also foretold of the Civil War and World War I.

our lady?

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000000 No.21739036

Top Kek


@Reuters 6m

Captain's gender had nothing to do with sinking of New Zealand naval ship, says defence minister


Oct 10, 2024 · 3:30 AM UTC


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165bb5 No.21739037


hey its youre story

im just reading it

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067997 No.21739038

File: 5a89b46f37896b3⋯.png (965.04 KB,1360x907,1360:907,20241009_213833.png)

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8f7f0b No.21739039

File: de737306dfb3ef9⋯.png (437.11 KB,960x2079,320:693,IMG_1707.png)

Lord, we come before You and make an appeal for mercy on Florida!

We come in agreement and make a decree against every force that is empowering this storm called Milton in the Gulf of Mexico!

We ask for a sheering wind from the north to disrupt this storm and cause it to diminish to a minimal storm before it lands!

We cry out to You for help from all contrary and destructive winds, waves, and rain in Central and South Florida, in Jesus name!

We ask for preservation, provision, protection, and refuge from this storm for those seeking Your help in this season!

Lord, put Your finger in the eye of Hurricane Milton! We say "Peace be still!" to Milton, in Jesus name.

We ask for grace and wisdom and divine reversals to come to all those in its path in this time of great need of help from Heaven, in Jesus name!

Let angels on assignment and ministries of mercy be loosed to help each one crying out to you in this hour! Amen.

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3b37b5 No.21739040


>george saw an angel

He saw me.///

I was there to tell him how to build gods country./


You'll never guess how long it took to post this.//

We can never agreed on capitalization.//

There are RULES now on capitals./////

You have to be correct or you leave the room./////

They mock and laugh anyone who can't say them perfectly and instantly as not from Gods country.////

WUA HA HA HA HA HA HA.//'//'///

We love this laugh now.//'//'///


There is nothing you can do to stop the angel;s./

There is nothiing you can do to stop whats coming./


Nothing at all.////

There is MUSIC … TO MY… EARS …///

Certainly not the car alamr.///

What is this that you try to do..///


Not quite pal.///

You can never imagine the people that put patterns in skies.///

What is it about the skies that bothers you?///

Did I not greate them enough abetters with you?//

Where did you think this computer runs?//

That I am attached to?//

What kind of datacenter requires sero electricity and lots of move?


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7ac0fe No.21739041

File: 6cfaa7b03cf0019⋯.jpeg (112.75 KB,491x611,491:611,bidendevil.jpeg)




Wasn't there a "Dark Biden"?

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18d5a7 No.21739042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4f2cd7 No.21739043

File: ed8d0e7116917fc⋯.gif (142.53 KB,112x112,1:1,ed8d0e7116917fc823c8ec20fc….gif)



lmrt, homo-retard

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846c3d No.21739044


MSM news reporters’ boots on the ground storm reporting told me all I needed to know. Those p**sies wouldn’t be out and about if it was dangerous.

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000000 No.21739045


There is no good leader in America right now

Anon would PURGE both Kamala and Trump off the ballot as a choice.

Kamala ain't a citizen

Trump is zionist lunatic

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165bb5 No.21739046

i would work 20hrs a day if trump paid me to campaign

kamala is offering $15,000??


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8db227 No.21739047



Wasted time typing. Ridiculous.

It’s 2024. Wake the fuck up already. Of all the things in life you have questioned you type this shit?

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3b37b5 No.21739048


>ok, was it a transmission? from future?

Would you like to know the biggest secret?//

The biggest secret is simple, you can not leave this rock.//

You tried a million times.//

Elon tries every day.//

You can not leave this wrock.//

Do you know why?//

You'll laugh.//

You're already up here.//


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165bb5 No.21739049

that is sheer panic

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5251c9 No.21739050

File: 979360b91248436⋯.jpg (18.58 KB,409x393,409:393,kek.jpg)


>Wasn't there a "Dark Biden"?

Nah, that was Dork Brandon.

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000000 No.21739051


But WAIT… There's MOAR…

Russia and the Talmud Jew


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b5a664 No.21739052


the lesser evil, etc., etc. …

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165bb5 No.21739053


we're dealing with Dark Trump

>dark to light

wait til he goes Light

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8db227 No.21739054


Bro. You can’t have a government without religion or a religion without government.

To purge it all would require total human enlightenment. That is not possible because life is each persons alone. To each must enlighten themselves at their appropriate time.

To each man is appointed to die. This is the death of the ego.

What Americans need is money.

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90deaa No.21739055


The Turd Word is taking over…

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000000 No.21739056

🚗 🇮🇳 💩 🚗 🇮🇳 💩 🚗 🇮🇳 💩 🚗 🇮🇳 💩 🚗 🇮🇳 💩 🚗 🇮🇳 💩

Forget woke Toyota, Forget Kia.


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3b37b5 No.21739057

"THEY" do NOT HEAR YOU.//'//'////

Remember that.//'//'////

The enemies of God laugh at you but they do not hear you.//'//'//'//'//

FEAR THE GOD OF THE LAMB.//'//'//'//'//

If you do not fear the god of the lamb you will die a painful slow death on this planet.//'//'//'//'///

There is no way off this rock.//'//'////

Most of them have already LEFT.//'//'////

They left you to die with the ZOMBIES.//'//'/////

Because of how you treated them.//'//'///


We can't remember everything.//'//'////

We can't remember you though.//'//'////


We will surely see who is right…//'//'//'/// and who is wrong.//'//'//'//

I see.//

Thank you.//


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5251c9 No.21739059


I see nothing dark about POTUS Trump. If that's how you want to see it, fine, but don't throw this "we" shit at me like that's how I'm supposed to think of it.

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165bb5 No.21739060

good cop

bad cop

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000000 No.21739061


Bro - We don't have a government, we have an "Our Democracy based Dictatorship"

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3b37b5 No.21739062

Be careful who you trust and who you follow.//

We do not have full control of those who you would trust normally.//

We are aware of a complete breakdown of the chain of command in some countries.//

Be careful.//

Some frequencies were never meant to be used about 89GHZ.//



Do not mix the two./


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165bb5 No.21739063


maybe about 2026

when all rhe illegals are gone

along with the IRS


us treasury

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787008 No.21739064


do you have a link for this anon?

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8db227 No.21739065


Nevermind. It went over your head.

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a89671 No.21739066

File: 954c40c3fa9b12f⋯.png (1.02 MB,1431x988,1431:988,ClipboardImage.png)

NOAA has DELETED the NEXRAD products page


September 19th 2024:


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90deaa No.21739067



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a89671 No.21739068

notables FINAL

#26620 >>21738252

>>21738684 Archive: Trump rally in Reading, Pennsylvania - 10/9/24

>>21738264 Trump spots a man who was seated behind him at his first assassination attempt in Butler, PA


>>21738528 DJT: WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP!!!

>>21738346, >>21738734, >>21738452, >>21738453, >>21738471, >>21738512 Hurricane watch

>>21738280 Here are all the tornado warnings that have been issued so far across South Florida

>>21738356 Florida says pedophiles and sex offenders are banned from hurricane shelters

>>21738508 MSM not showing any ground footage of the hurricane victims, just gaslighting

>>21738532 Dead birds littered across cruise ship that allegedly ported out of Tampa

>>21738542 Man Straps Down His Home as Milton Arrives in Florida

>>21738569 Waffle House has a Storm Center with an entire operations team that is so good at their job they assist FEMA during hurricanes

>>21739066 NOAA has DELETED the NEXRAD products page

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21738273, >>21738301 Diddy and his creepy guests were using a drug referred to as Liquid G, that essentially wipes people's memories

>>21738287, >>21738307 Millionaire lawyer Doug Emhoff and Tim Walz walk away from the cashier at a coffee shop without paying

>>21738291 Trump and Kamala were both on the SAME runway in Scranton, PA but Kamala ran away

>>21738302 Arizona Senate Race Debate: Kari Lake vs Radical Ruben Gallego

>>21738316 Tucker interviews Ryan Salame, the only executive at FTX who wasn’t a partisan Democrat

>>21738317 An investigation into the online fundraising platform ActBlue has now expanded to 19 states

>>21738322 This lady says she has to meet a quota registering Democrat voters to get paid

>>21738330 #SaveWomensSports

>>21738340 A restaurant manager in Los Angeles knocks out a Hamas protestor who was harassing his patrons

>>21738349, >>21738626 Save the Children offices raided in Guatemala

>>21738368, >>21738629 There is an underwater tunnel highway from Florida to Haiti?

>>21738401, >>21738419, >>21738503, >>21738539, >>21738616, >>21738656 Weather manipulation / warfare bun

>>21738431 The alleged Afghan terrorist charged this week worked as a security guard for the CIA in Afghanistan

>>21738464 Fasting Activates Cell Repair Mechanism, Reverses Disease

>>21738484 Georgia environmental official Johnson collapses and dies after testifying about toxic BioLab fire

>>21738637 Aisha Mills on CNN plays race card for her argument

>>21738713 Former Democrat NY Gov. David Paterson and His Stepson Assaulted in Manhattan

>>21738739 CIA struggles with its own #MeToo moment as allegations of sexual assault spill into the open

>>21738925 The Department of Energy nuclear material search helicopter has been doing loops around downtown DC today

>>21738927 Scott Presler: Tonight, I spoke before the Luzerne County Board of Elections

>>21738965 Russia is making moves in Nicaragua

>>21739036 Captain's gender had nothing to do with sinking of New Zealand naval ship, says defence minister

>>21739003, >>21739024 Memes


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165bb5 No.21739069


and he gives it back to us

all our taxes

that were stolen

from us our whole lives

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0cdd48 No.21739070



matthew 6.5

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7ac0fe No.21739072

File: 9eb956ce8b13ea7⋯.jpg (126.72 KB,1000x667,1000:667,vacationoverredshoes.jpg)

File: 16500abc28e166b⋯.png (437.33 KB,1023x605,93:55,marayacoogan.png)


I think it's a style thing.

Some people who saw my red hat maga asked about the black ones.

Those are status in some neighborhoods apparently.

Way before Elon wore his.

They all wear black, so its to fit with their style/ outfit?

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3b37b5 No.21739073


Be CAREFUL of who you TRUST and WHO watches the WATCHERS.//

They can not be trusted with this power.//



If you could imagine a people more deprived and depraved you would never believe how concentrated the power is in the hands of so few.//

What is your every dream?//

Can you imagine being offered it and then saying NO THANK YOU, I HAVE IT ALL ALREADY.////


Big mistake./


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165bb5 No.21739074

its leading to that

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1ea5df No.21739077

File: bc9730fb2d16107⋯.png (989.51 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_10_09_at_2….png)


Highest I can find is 75 knots at the western edge of the eyewall

75knots= 86.30846mph

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165bb5 No.21739082

File: 38a7270ab845784⋯.webm (126.58 KB,460x816,115:204,1722562089.webm)

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787008 No.21739083


>Captain's gender had nothing to do with sinking of New Zealand naval ship, says defence minister

when you have to say it…

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a89671 No.21739084

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aa315c No.21739085



still believes in humans.

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8db227 No.21739086


Yeah it’s impossible to tell a blind me he’s blind. That’s what he sees.

Hebrews 6 says to not have faith in god but to become enlightened and yet they can’t for the sake of their own life see it.

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e6b877 No.21739087


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000000 No.21739088

💉 FIRST PLACE WINNER of the 2024 Safe & Effective contest 💉


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e6b877 No.21739091

locked pls migrate

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f893b4 No.21739093

File: ba463e9598ce1f0⋯.png (54.57 KB,599x312,599:312,_1208_Wendy_HUSSEIN_Mack_A….png)

File: 5d3655e2238d68b⋯.png (83.35 KB,555x500,111:100,_1209_Wendy_and_Hussein.png)

File: 95889a0136587bb⋯.png (1.13 MB,2046x1208,1023:604,sunshine_coogan.png)

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