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File: 222645f44ac861d⋯.png (1.27 MB,1538x844,769:422,In_God_We_Trust_Edition.png)

c4cb51 No.21731054 [View All]

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68295e No.21731713

File: 888f1e0e4a4b457⋯.jpg (194.71 KB,573x1024,573:1024,hex_visconti_sforza_pierpo….jpg)

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34162b No.21731714

What do I think? Well, if Harris and that Tim guy win and you still can call it a fair election, then you deserve everything that's coming to you.

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4d6144 No.21731715


but only one of them is responsible for 20% of all posts.

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a00acd No.21731716


no shit then?


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e27a33 No.21731717


“HAARP in Alaska is one example many people are familiar with,” he said. “That’s an ionosphere heater. That’s a weapon of mass destruction, period. It can cause an electrical chain reaction in the ionosphere, which heats it to extraordinarily high temperatures, which causes the atmosphere to bulge up and down. The downward push creates a high-pressure dome that can steer the jet stream, and the same type of manipulation can create low-pressure zones.”

“When they have this type of power over the climate system, they can make or break these storms anytime they want. And again, what we see now is storms kept weaker as they’re over the ocean because they’re harder to steer until they reach the land-based network of transmitters, and then we have rapid intensification.”

Wigginton then explained how Hurricane Helene was “directed” to the Southeastern states using this advanced technology.

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5f4e09 No.21731718


Even tho it's prolly the same fag all TOR niggers share the aughts ID.

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15dc2e No.21731719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the culture war continues: Can I prove that games went woke? Yes.


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499251 No.21731720

File: 5cc0d81bb057ddc⋯.png (1.29 MB,1024x1024,1:1,5cc0d81bb057ddc19f6d092e76….png)

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89a948 No.21731721

File: 658a9da0de603c7⋯.png (543.43 KB,941x525,941:525,ClipboardImage.png)



Literally, boats right up in the hurricane.

>>21731705 Popped up overnight? Whutchoo talkin' bout, Willis? It's been on FL RADAR for over a week(I live in FL). It only intensified to Cat 5 in the past 24-48 hours.

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0ed94b No.21731722

File: aebdec7fc7d49da⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Squeaky_Talkin_To_Hisself.gif)


Can anyone play Squeaky's games? Is it still not worth it?

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c49da1 No.21731723


Hmm, only took 28 years.


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b070d9 No.21731724

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e27a33 No.21731725



“The bottom line is it was directed there as the transmission recordings clearly show.

They kept the moisture corralled there to deluge in the same location.

So again, these are patented technologies,

and the fact that we have the entire so-called meteorological community denying that this is going on

to protect their paychecks and pensions

is absolutely criminal at this point,” he said.


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e10742 No.21731726

How long until the normies wake up?

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0ed94b No.21731727


Gas even got delibbered late yesterday to Tampa before dey shut da port.

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c49da1 No.21731728



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18b1e7 No.21731729

Hurricane headed to Mar-a-Lago.

Message sent

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89a948 No.21731730


I sure hope so!

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000000 No.21731731

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tor Users are Spam Waaa Waaa says the woke faggot.

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e96727 No.21731732

Milton looks like it wants to go visit Cuba and miss Florida entirely.

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4d6144 No.21731733


What if a ship must face a hurricane at sea? "You would try to steer for the area of the ocean that is going to see the shallowest waves and the lowest winds," Hardberger says. The "low side" or "clean side" of the storm is usually the side counterclockwise from its leading edge.

In the teeth of the storm, a ship's survival depends on two things: sea room and steering-way. Sea room means that the ship is a safe distance from anything it might crash into, like a coastline. Cargo ships try to stay well offshore if they must face a major storm at sea. If a ship is on a "lee shore," with land close by downwind, the storm can drive the ship onto the land and wreck it.

Steering-way means that the ship is moving forward with enough power to steer rather than just getting pushed around by waves and wind. The ship must keep its bow (the front end) pointing into the waves to plow through them safely, since a massive wave striking the ship's side could roll the vessel over and sink it. Wind and waves will try to turn the vessel, and pushing against them requires forward momentum.

Winning a fight against the sea depends on having a well-maintained ship, a trained and experienced crew, and a healthy dose of good luck.


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4d6144 No.21731734


2 weeks.

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15dc2e No.21731735


Approximately two weeks

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8a6144 No.21731736


good video on woke gaming!

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e27a33 No.21731737

File: 03e1ef8fd2aca25⋯.jpg (51.12 KB,488x680,61:85,GZX5KcLXcAAaIVh.jpg)

File: 30bf49769c4d14d⋯.jpg (33.51 KB,680x518,340:259,GZX5KcKWoAA6GJ0.jpg)




BillGates patent holder???


Oct 8, 2024

Champagne Joshi


🚨A patent I found with Bill Gates listed as an inventor titled WATER ALTERATION STRUCTURE APPLICATIONS AND METHODS, outlines technology focused on altering environmental conditions, particularly the temperature and composition of surface water and subsurface water in oceans.🤔

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eda162 No.21731738


Majority end of this Year

Totality 12-15 years from now

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915b06 No.21731739

File: 1f35565f109e44a⋯.jpg (127.86 KB,644x481,644:481,1f35565f109e44a0317f112345….jpg)

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5e3fa9 No.21731740


no in fact radar say mabbe a bit north of trajecotry now and speed should pick up in gulf

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b372a6 No.21731741

File: 87e48936043d784⋯.webp (216.04 KB,2694x3368,1347:1684,editorial_use_no_use_unau….webp)

I quit… but I want benefits

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5f4e09 No.21731742

File: 449010d2622d707⋯.jpg (79.31 KB,485x594,485:594,GE_Tranimette.jpg)


It just doesn't resonate the way GM does.

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c4cb51 No.21731743


hold em til next

Baker seeks handoff at Top


#26611 >>21731058

>>21731134, >>21731336 Senator JD Vance Campaigns in Detroit, Michigan

>>21731099, >>21731106, >>21731138, >>21731246, >>21731333, >>21731472 Swamp Events

>>21731123 UPCOMING EVENTS: President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks

>>21731135, >>21731145 Teamsters President Sean O'Brien FULL 2 hour interview

>>21731138, >>21731364, >>21731365, >>21731372, >>21731378 Biden delivers remarks discussing replacing the racist lead pipes

>>21731157 Why Trump Is Coming to Southern California - Control of Congress at Stake

>>21731189 Diddy. Yungers. Probably. Clearly visible in the footage.

>>21731203 TRUMP TRUTH - Very proud of Melania! Her book is out Nationally, and for sale EVERYWHERE.

>>21731209 Papi kek - AND THERE IT IS!!!

>>21731215, >>21731227, >>21731228, >>21731232, >>21731248, >>21731283, >>21731290, >>21731310 - Dig Con't - WARGAME A real-life political thriller War Game imagines a nation-wide insurrection on Jan 6 2025…

>>21731217 DeSantis confirms Kamala has never provided leadership, for Helene or any other storm he has dealt with as Gov.

>>21731276 COG NORTHCOM Commander General Guillot comes out of the bunker and shows up in North Carolina…

>>21731277 Tom Fitton discusses the latest court filings by special counsel Jack Smith

>>21731306 Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Hold Briefing on Hurricane Milton 3:00 PM EDT

>>21731314, >>21731326 Major Hurricane Milton PRE Coverage - Live Weather Radar

>>21731329 Bumpy ride into Hurricane #Milton on @NOAA WP-3D Orion #NOAA43 "Miss Piggy"

>>21731337 Even Racism Activist Dr. Umar Johnson is now saying that Trump is the true front-runner

>>21731346 TRUMP TRUTH @realDonaldTrump The problem with FoxNews

>>21731353, >>21731359 IDF's Daniel Hagari Speaks As Netanyahu Warns Lebanon Of 'Gaza-Like Destruction'

>>21731361 Geoengineering may be how they Hurricanes and Weather warfare

>>21731379 Justice Alito Wrecks ATF’s ‘Ghost Gun’ Argument

>>21731396, >>21731482 as FEMA fails, locals build a bridge out of destroyed trailers to rescue 16 trapped families

>>21731400 Sheriff Carmine Marceno: Lee County has received a "Sherp" vehicle to assist in high-water rescues after #Milton

>>21731409 Flashback -Tampa will look nothing like the Tampa of today, it will be a model city of the future.

>>21731462, >>21731466 Big bun of DEBATES scheduled for tonight

>>21731470 RSBN is excited to announce the launch of our national prayer show Tuesdays at 9pm ET until election

>>21731493, >>21731501 Floride in the water now bad after decades of the NIH saying it good

>>21731495 Americans Prefer Trump Over Harris On Every Major Economic Issue

>>21731507, >>21731521, >>21731535, >>21731665 Melania Trump appears on 'The Five'

>>21731526 Black Mountain, NC Hurricane Helene Update From The City Emergency Management Meeting


>>21731609 Wilhelm Reich’s Cloud Buster and Climate Control ORGONE

>>21731611 Lyndon Johnson: "He Who Controls The Weather Will Control The World"

>>21731638 FEMA has a major bureaucracy problem: Tulsi Gabbard

>>21731645, >>21731649 Charlie Kirk @ Nevada University registering young voters

>>21731667 What is the Pentagon’s alleged ‘Immaculate Constellation’ program?

>>21731699 President Trump on 'The Ingraham Angle.'

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499251 No.21731745



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4d6144 No.21731747

>>21730327 p n


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b372a6 No.21731748


Everyone is awake, we're all just waiting on the announcements…

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0ed94b No.21731749

File: 21a51987ddde5f5⋯.gif (863.63 KB,355x200,71:40,hat_changing.gif)



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b070d9 No.21731750

File: 8f6e14ea673a2ed⋯.png (11.94 KB,271x186,271:186,ClipboardImage.png)

ג'ירפות מוסלמיות טסות שכר כדי לעזור לגזי חממה

וjfk אוהב דברים ישבן

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e10742 No.21731751


How’s cum peeple are dum?

The vaxxes?

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b372a6 No.21731752


Everyone is awake, Everyone

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42898e No.21731753


ask yourself that.

what is your reason for it?

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a00acd No.21731754

File: 49ffd74066f4186⋯.gif (289.31 KB,400x300,4:3,49ffd74066f4186433e683e450….gif)


Given Berlin's TeleTower in the pic, anon probably referred to Berlin/GErmany rather

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0ed94b No.21731756

File: f1c0b48f77a2969⋯.png (180.55 KB,778x865,778:865,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b9f7c2eb05ef05⋯.png (60.01 KB,163x308,163:308,ClipboardImage.png)

Bill Melugin


BREAKING: The FBI has arrested an Afghan national who they say was plotting an ISIS inspired terror attack on Election Day to target large crowds. According to the FBI, he entered the US on 9/9/21 on a special immigrant visa, days after the disastrous US Afghan withdrawal, and currently has parole status. The FBI has a has a photo allegedly from his iPhone they say depicts him describing to his daughter and another child "the rewards a martyr receives in the afterlife."


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4d6144 No.21731757

File: d7faa666b62a9e0⋯.png (183.23 KB,582x232,291:116,mr_pig_quad.png)

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8a6144 No.21731758


will lock it, tx baker

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5f4e09 No.21731759


Aaron Rodgers gets what Aaron Rodgers wants.

And he wanted Salah gonzo.

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e10742 No.21731760


Too comfortable.

Nature has to work to live.

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23615b No.21731761


She's been crying?

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c4cb51 No.21731762

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915b06 No.21731763


Never underestimate the power of denial

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b372a6 No.21731764

File: c1c13d971214f19⋯.mp4 (425.08 KB,480x270,16:9,c1c13d971214f19e243072ea23….mp4)

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8a6144 No.21731767

File: 26935a58ee79ac6⋯.png (115.09 KB,238x248,119:124,lock_2.png)


bread locked, please migrate

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