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File: 692e479d76fee19⋯.png (728.54 KB,1049x716,1049:716,692e479d76fee19422d745eead….png)

d6e577 No.21715523 [View All]

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701 posts and 373 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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f2ce05 No.21716369

File: f4c9b05fc5bd801⋯.png (617.79 KB,500x779,500:779,trump_mem_bttf_back_to_the….png)


>the ending

may not be for everyone

But we will love it.

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5aed08 No.21716370

I stand in front of the Lord and Son with nothing but a Hallelujah.. this feels like victory is here

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5367af No.21716371


Clearly, u don’t know God.

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f1b8fc No.21716372

File: 9332d9aa9501904⋯.jpeg (850.41 KB,2043x1285,2043:1285,2E52D1B4_AE74_4635_B9C4_B….jpeg)

File: d22fae4f67fbfd3⋯.png (447.79 KB,553x679,79:97,B618FE18_C38D_4863_8B0E_D3….png)

File: d1a3f90708c5ad2⋯.jpeg (21.73 KB,255x255,1:1,27F94B56_ABE0_4E8B_98F1_6….jpeg)

File: b8aa9e07442656d⋯.jpeg (65.27 KB,564x960,47:80,5E162834_E4A4_49D9_8505_5….jpeg)

File: 1c5f3751783dd80⋯.jpeg (18.01 KB,255x184,255:184,07B0CF58_3E5A_4D75_890B_6….jpeg)

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62a1f8 No.21716373

Bro is hallelujahing his ass off

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5aed08 No.21716374

pawn go to the other side of the board …

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f44448 No.21716375

File: d70ac8ffb4af002⋯.png (93.21 KB,878x718,439:359,20.png)


Numero Veinte

about all anon could find

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f2ce05 No.21716376


>wonder how many realize this time will never come again

>history will speak of these times

Exactly this

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3fcd49 No.21716377



there is no 47th

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088410 No.21716378

File: b60deb80429d4b3⋯.png (1.89 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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c68577 No.21716379

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)



So tru tru

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5aed08 No.21716380


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d6e577 No.21716381



#26592-B >>21715557

>>21716250 2nd AIR Q - PDJT

>>21716261 3rd AIR Q

>>21715666, >>21715723 not now Elon, sheesh

>>21716289 Elon Musk JUMPS on stage to join Trump as he re-enacts ex-president's 'fight, fight, fight' moment in front of 'Super Bowl-sized' crowd

>>21715737, >>21715815, >>21715801, >>21715747, >>21715748, ELON: ' As you can see Im not just maga, im dark maga

>>21715768 Musk: The other side wants to take away your freedom of speech. They want to take away your right to bear arms. They want to take away your right to vote, effectively. There are fourteen states now that don't require voter ID.

>>21715786 Musk: President Trump must win to preserve the Constitution,. He must win to preserve democracy in America…this is a must-win situation.

>>21715794 The 2nd Amendment is there to ensure we have the first. -Musk

>>21715820 ELON: You want to be. a pest? be a pest to everyone you know, everywhere, vote vote, vote, fight fight fight, vote vote vote,,, thank you!

>>21715644, >>21715660, >>21715701, >>21715727, >>21715752, >>21715763, >>21715776, >>21715789, >>21715792, >>21715797, >>21715810, >>21715868, >>21715876, >>21716072, >>21716100 POTUS: Play by Play

>>21715938, >>21715956 POTUS: ' The sixth of November '

>>21715967 POTUS: ' Tele prompters are very dangerous, they can go off.. if you have to be able to move '

>>21716002 POTUS: ' If you want a President who will save you when the floodwaters are rising… vote Trump '

>>21715858, >>21716303, >>21716341, >>21716342 Rally pics

>>21715986 Trump Force One and E-4B Nightwatch.

>>21716032 VOTE NOW AND SECURE YORE VOTE USING https://swampthevoteusa.com/

>>21716272, >>21716332 Nessun Dorma finale

>>21716312 Eric Rennert a 3-Time Convicted Violent Criminal Repeatedly Threatened to Kidnap and Kill Judge Cannon and Her Family – But Biden-Harris DOJ Waited FOUR MONTHS to Arrest Him

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aca300 No.21716382

File: baadabba9601366⋯.png (113.39 KB,1065x870,71:58,ravenswillstarve.png)


Nov 3rd @Home Vs Broncos


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5aed08 No.21716383

third song? America the Beautiful!!

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c4958b No.21716384

File: 3a4fb8188c7b468⋯.jpg (155.72 KB,627x613,627:613,PIGS_LAB_NOW.jpg)

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66af94 No.21716385

File: f3b0fd844f9ffde⋯.png (780.17 KB,740x728,185:182,f3b0fd844f9ffde388ff7661f1….png)

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906106 No.21716386

File: 4ad6c874ccff8a6⋯.png (1.17 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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5367af No.21716387


There’s Trump as king under martial law

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543bfe No.21716388


>Why is Mr. Pig

Mr. Pig is loved by all who love America./


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62a1f8 No.21716389


So true kek

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03b1a9 No.21716390

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Does Trump Force One have a Flux Capacitor or cloaking Capabilities?


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1a71c6 No.21716391

File: 7a6f4b57f038305⋯.mp4 (732.93 KB,640x800,4:5,donotcome.mp4)

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c53260 No.21716392

File: dbaa60d7fc266a1⋯.png (651.73 KB,501x750,167:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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0bebdb No.21716393

This music is making me moist.

Seriously, got tears the whole time.

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d6e577 No.21716394


#26592-A >>21715557


>>21715610, >>21715588, >>21715603, >>21715623, >>21715664, >>21715716 Crowd sings National Anthem while doctors tend to patient in the crowd

>>21715586 lb President Trump: With victory on November fifth, we are going to redeem America's promise, and unlock the extraordinary future that is just within our reach. It is now within our reach. Think of it. One month from today. One month. We got to get there. We got to get there. They'll drop all sorts of bombs, they'll be hitting you, J.D., they'll be hitting me; these people, they'll hit and hit, but I think we've almost become immune to it.

>>21715634 President Trump: I don't usually use her last name, because nobody knows who I'm talking about. I go, 'Harris. Harris'. They say, 'Who's Harris?' It's happening all the time 'Who's Harris'. And we can't find out who she is, because if we do, our country is going to be in big trouble.

>>21715699 President Trump: Twelve weeks ago we all took a bullet for America, and all we all asking is that everyone goes out and votes. We gotta win. We can't let this happen to our country.y. We can't take another four years like this. We won't have a country left. We're not going to have a country left. And all of this will be for nothing if you don't get out and vote.It will all be for nothing. We will have talked about it; and if we do it, it'll be the greatest achievement, I think in the history of politics, for all of us, for this age.

>>21715835 President Trump: You got to get out and vote. You got to get your friends and vote, because you know, they play a lot of tricks, this particular other side.

>>21715985 President Trump: This has been the worst hurricane response by a president and vice president since Katrina, and this is simply not acceptable.

>>21716022 President Trump: The federal government is doing a very bad job. They are not doing the job, we have death and destruction that we haven't seen, maybe ever. It's a real bad one. And they have to get people there. 'Cause they don't have people there. They don't have the people. Kamala wine and dined in San Francisco, and all of the people in North Carolina; no helicopters, no rescue. It's just; what's happened there is very bad, They're offering seven hundred and fifty dollars to people who's homes are washed away, and yet we send tens of billions of dollars to counties most people have never heard of.

>>21716083 President Trump: Together we will rebuild Western North Carolina, rural Georgia, and every other state that's been so badly affected. That includes Alabama. Virginia was very hit hard. South Carolina was hit very hard. Florida. So many states. Tennessee was hit really hard, They were all hit. And we're gonna work with them, you know, the next president's going to be the one that really; they gotta get this done, but once that happens, the next president's gonna be the one that has to really help them. And J.D will be there to help them, I know that.

>>21716140 President Trump: Twenty million Americans are behind on their electric bills right now…they're struggling to pay their monthly bills at a record rate. There's never been anything like it, and it's all because of their anti-US energy regime, which has caused Pennsylvania electricity prices to raise almost fifty percent. We will cut energy and electricity prices in half within twelve months.

>>21716178 President Trump: He told me [Musk] that we're gonna win, and he's gonna reach Mars by the end of our term, which is a big thing. Before China, before anybody, right? My money's on that guy right there.

>>21716229 President Trump: We will defend the Second Amendment, protect religious liberty, restore free speech, and we will secure our elections. Everyone will prosper, every family will thrive, and every day will be fulled with opportunity and hope, We need hope. We need the American Dream back, don't we? We're gonna have the American Dream.

>>21716219 PRESIDENT TRUMP: In addition, this evening, we have to send our prayers and support to all the families affected by Hurricane Helene. This has been the worst Hurricane Response by a president and vice president since Katrina—and this is simply unacceptable… Kamala wined and dined in San Francisco, and all the people in North Carolina—no helicopters, no rescue. They’re offering $750 to people whose homes have been washed away—meanwhile, they send our money to other countries by the billions.

>>21716222 PRESIDENT TRUMP: For the sake of our families, for the sake of our children, we will keep on going—and… we will FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT for America. Together, we will SAVE THIS COUNTRY, we will restore the Republic, and America’s future will be BIGGER, BETTER, BOLDER, BRIGHTER, HAPPIER, STRONGER, FREER, GREATER, and MORE UNITED than EVER BEFORE!

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0f362b No.21716395

File: b1d7f5ee8e50806⋯.jpg (25.19 KB,254x235,254:235,b1d7f5ee8e50806670cfafa70e….jpg)


Here we go again with Pig's penis length obsession. This place has really gone downhill. And Pig bears a lot of the responsibility for that.

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bf904f No.21716396


you could at least put some Pepe's playing in your garden, worlds most narcissistic persona.

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66af94 No.21716397

File: 5097e45db935d06⋯.png (323.27 KB,1912x1298,956:649,5097e45db935d0670ce7b0bb5f….png)

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3fcd49 No.21716398



bring it

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c4958b No.21716399

File: f22e65c29820566⋯.jpg (76.58 KB,571x569,571:569,GOOD_AMERICAN_TRIBUTE.jpg)

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489d86 No.21716400

File: a6da7de056a4654⋯.jpg (37.03 KB,800x533,800:533,jbdfcgjdssfv.jpg)

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5367af No.21716401


Gawd I hate this fake ass pos

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c68577 No.21716402

File: eb6f4d84635e3ff⋯.png (285.98 KB,1080x867,360:289,eb6f4d84635e3ff10f337931eb….png)

The famefag narcissist shills are absolutely losing their minds replying to my every single post because I'm rent free. They can't get a single (You) from me. How absolutely winning.

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11725d No.21716403

File: fe8ccd6ef121b8d⋯.png (1.15 MB,990x405,22:9,capture_082_03122018_18203….png)


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c4958b No.21716404

File: 59cf904767e237e⋯.jpg (138.36 KB,695x691,695:691,DONT_FORGET_2_VOTE.jpg)

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f2ce05 No.21716405

File: b8b65173ad68843⋯.png (401.56 KB,373x481,373:481,psycho_killer_homeless_whi….png)


why you f*s always have to give me something new to worry about

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94b741 No.21716406


From America the Beautiful

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c4958b No.21716407

File: 37990ee0b485dd4⋯.jpg (135.06 KB,811x481,811:481,2024_PIGFOOT.jpg)

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e0f728 No.21716408

Always about the Neo, never about the Archaio-Nazis.

It really is ageism and frankly, I’m offended.

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1d4849 No.21716409

Thats a pretty amazing voice, whoA

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03b1a9 No.21716411

How Great Thou Art

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87c2eb No.21716412

File: 102a8da95209727⋯.jpg (173.38 KB,750x500,3:2,ThisWay.jpg)

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065a56 No.21716413

I love this song, how great thou art.

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c68577 No.21716415


He's Chinese

He got small penis on the Brian 24/7

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906106 No.21716417

File: c2ad87f0f0b7dfd⋯.png (1.73 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f31981d6ef7939⋯.png (1.77 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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088410 No.21716420

File: 3efb7bd8e1ae864⋯.png (1.94 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


How's the isolate and polarizing going? Was that Alinsky or COINTELPRO again, I always mix those two up.

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5aed08 No.21716421

pawn has reached the other side of the board …

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bf904f No.21716423

File: 34e10dcd3948014⋯.jpg (111.4 KB,1297x977,1297:977,Santa_Lucia_conducting_Car….jpg)

it would be wonderful if he sang Santa Lucia!!

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c4958b No.21716424

File: 92b8399aa1da497⋯.jpg (91.38 KB,585x595,117:119,HEAD_SHOT.jpg)

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