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File: dc25943a1b27067⋯.png (375.72 KB,875x466,875:466,dc25943a1b27067e9d3c32c0a0….png)

f0646d No.21709158 [View All]

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3a0a80 No.21709961

File: 5670ba9a3c212ec⋯.png (991.65 KB,1463x773,1463:773,ClipboardImage.png)


Trump has a sleeping problem!

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0233e0 No.21709962


lol. She's about to turn 70, but you can imagine her any old way you please anon

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bc0923 No.21709963

President Trump: Hit the nuclear first [in Iran], and worry about the rest later.

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f0646d No.21709964



needz moar banners anon

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bb9b02 No.21709965

File: 0e97579fac808d3⋯.png (116.84 KB,271x271,1:1,FD44EB7E_1501_4107_A503_CC….png)

File: a8bf9d6fe8cf438⋯.jpeg (38.75 KB,236x255,236:255,6D62B7F8_29B5_49D4_B8EC_6….jpeg)

File: 19cfba56979859f⋯.png (556.87 KB,617x501,617:501,EAB92D0C_448D_44D0_B443_FA….png)

those who sleep can’t know. those who know cannot sleep.

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000000 No.21709966


>President Trump: Hit the nuclear first [in Iran], and worry about the rest later.


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0233e0 No.21709968


I'm not sure exactly what that means anon, but I know anons and I'm sure it's reasonable

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3c001a No.21709969

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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3a0a80 No.21709970




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e18067 No.21709971


cherish the time with your mom

my mom died last year and i miss her greatly

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1bed68 No.21709972



Few places swung harder away from the former president than the Grand Rapids metro area.

Across a revitalizing downtown and in the surrounding neighborhoods nestled against apple orchards and farm fields, swing voters are plentiful. So are moderate Republicans – a vestige of the region’s early Dutch settlers and the lasting influence of its most famous son, former President Gerald Ford, who once represented this western expanse Michigan in Congress. They showed up in force in the GOP presidential primary – one-third of Republicans in surrounding Kent County cast ballots for former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley over Trump.

But rather than courting those voters, Trump’s campaign is in search of new ones.

Hudson, who is challenging freshman Rep. Hillary Scholten, the first Democrat to represent Grand Rapids in three decades, acknowledged Trump’s singularity could provide him a different path to winning his district. Still, he made clear his focus is on winning the middle.

“That strategy would be crazy for anyone else,” Hudson said. “They’re low propensity votes for a reason. But I get the sense they’re committed to it.”

‘How do we make sure this all works together’

For much of the year, the Trump campaign has relied on untested outside groups to carry out more traditional groundwork, like registering voters and teaching people how to vote.

Assisting the campaign are Turning Point Action, a conservative group focused on younger voters led by Trump’s close ally Charlie Kirk, and America PAC, an organization affiliated with Musk, which has plowed nearly $46 million into canvassing work alone to benefit Trump, according to filings with the Federal Election Commission.

The unproven approach, made possible by a decision this year by the FEC granting campaigns the ability to coordinate with outside political action committees on paid canvassing effort, has freed up the campaign’s money to underwrite advertising and the political rallies that Trump headlines.

Musk has provided a critical lift to the Trump campaign, which has struggled to keep pace with the Harris campaign’s fundraising and its spending on staff and field operations. His America PAC has also spent nearly $12 million on printing and postage for the presidential race, running direct mail campaigns aimed at voters outside of traditional media channels, and more than $9 million on digital advertising, as well as $1.4 million on texting campaigns and phone banking.

But Musk has little experience running a political operation and it’s unclear what his eight-figure investment has yielded in new support for Trump. Musk, who said on X that he will attend Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, did not respond to inquiries from CNN.

Meanwhile, Turning Point Action has yet to demonstrate it knows how to turn Kirk’s large online following into a successful political operation. Its previous efforts mostly came during the 2022 midterms in Arizona, where the group worked aggressively – and unsuccessfully – to elect Republicans Kari Lake as governor and Blake Masters to the US Senate.

For this election, the group has hired full-time staff trained to form relationships in the communities where they are being deployed. Each has a list of 400 to 600 names they’re responsible for getting to cast ballots. Like the Trump campaign, they are targeting right-leaning low-propensity voters, a term for people who are the least likely to show up in November.

After announcing ambitious goals to grow Trump’s base of support in Arizona, Wisconsin and Michigan, the group scaled back its efforts to one district in the Wolverine State while maintaining its presence in the other two battleground states.

Turning Point is now merging efforts with Musk’s group in Wisconsin as Republicans became increasingly concerned about Trump’s chances there against Harris. The joint operation is expected to be spearheaded by America PAC, who will pay for the staff and use its resources to continue hiring through Turning Point.

Meanwhile, Trump continues to push supporters at rallies to sign up for Trump Force 47, an “army” of volunteers committed to turning out the vote on Election Day. It’s the general election version of a strategy first deployed during the former president’s successful performance in the Iowa caucuses earlier this year. There, the campaign recruited and trained around 2,000 volunteer caucus captains across the state and each agreed to get commitments from 10 first-time voters in the Iowa caucuses from a list of 25 prospective supporters the campaign had identified in their neighborhoods.


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0e6b31 No.21709973


who's the chick with all the hair?

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601d6c No.21709974

File: e0ca9ab77f28b02⋯.png (409.88 KB,400x488,50:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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6336b5 No.21709975

File: c255768aad0805b⋯.jpeg (418.79 KB,915x526,915:526,IMG_1536.jpeg)

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d872ed No.21709976

File: 4f7465e3d7bde16⋯.jpg (58.96 KB,300x300,1:1,4f7465e3d7bde161a74cbd1283….jpg)

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bb9b02 No.21709977


10 cents amen

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634a62 No.21709978

notables FINAL

#26584 >>21709170

>>21709222, >>21709398 Live: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall in Fayetteville, NC - 10/4/24

>>21709809, >>21709931 Donald Trump takes the stage

>>21709849 Silk from Diamond and Silk

>>21709880, >>21709882, >>21709883 #s

>>21709902, >>21709894 The Chart

>>21709555 Scavino: Happening now—President @realDonaldTrump departing Georgia! Next stop, North Carolina…

>>21709198, >>21709309, >>21709339, >>21709727, >>21709969 Elon Musk is actively exposing Biden/Harris and FEMA right now

>>21709771, >>21709774 “My Blood is Boiling”: Furious Elon Musk Goes Off on FEMA for Blocking SpaceX Engineers from Assisting

>>21709216 Scavino: Trump as a private citizen has done more for NC and Georgia than Biden-Harris combined

>>21709228 Bongino: Biden was sunning his balls on the beach while people were drowning in this catastrophic storm

>>21709236, >>21709303, >>21709581 Terrence K. Williams: We are all disappointed in Kamala Harris and FEMA

>>21709249 Biden's version of "What Storm Mr. President?"

>>21709280, >>21709442, >>21709490 Flood Inundation Mapping & Alert Network / NOAA Satellites

>>21709289 FEMA arrived a week late to Asheville and also hiding away from any attention

>>21709302, >>21709314 FAA: Operating Near Hurricane Helene Recovery Efforts

>>21709319 North Carolina’s Democrat Governor Roy Cooper Still Hasn’t Deployed 1,000 Troops Approved to Assist in Hurricane Helene Recovery

>>21709323 Pastor in the midst of the flooding in TN/NC verified a few things about the situation

>>21709349 O'Keefe: Let’s get FEMA whistleblowers to record their colleagues

>>21709355, >>21709391, >>21709499, >>21709469 PF / BF

>>21709371 Loomer: They won’t even allow MEDVAC helicopters to be deployed to rescue elderly people trapped in a flooded nursing home

>>21709375, >>21709567, >>21709602 FEMA Leadership

>>21709413 FEMA whistleblowers have revealed a treasonous misuse of taxpayer funds

>>21709530 Joe Biden's stolen valor on deploying Starlink to Canton

>>21709596, >>21709609 East TN: Your supply donations are coming on pallets now

>>21709619 FEMA launched a MASSIVE PR campaign trying to desperately save it's piss poor reputation, but the people aren't buying it

>>21709653, >>21709689 Trending on X

>>21709660, >>21709272, >>21709756, >>21709811 Mayorkas used FEMA funds intended for Americans on illegals

>>21709773 There is a complete failure of leadership in North Carolina and from the federal government

>>21709799 Gen. Flynn confirms over a thousand dead with the toll expected to double

>>21709878 Dolly Parton announces she is donating $1 million to Hurricane Helene victims, calls on people to step up and help out

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21709197 High-profile NY attorney has been hired by family of Tupac Shakur to investigate Sean “Diddy” Combs

>>21709290 Liz Cheney and Kamala's speeches yesterday

>>21709291 Almost 70% of New Yorkers want Adams to resign after charges, poll finds

>>21709329, >>21709921, >>21709647 Kamala holding an event in Flint, MI

>>21709343 Nearly 20K Migrants Enter One U.S.-Canada Border Sector in FY24, More than Last 17 Years Combined

>>21709577 Shocking Stories the Media Buried Today

>>21709618, >>21709650 DJT: We've been run by stupid people that allowed us to get into this situation

>>21709947 PF: Air China (Govt. VIP Plane)

>>21709601, >>21709686, >>21709868 Memes


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5044a4 No.21709979


wow. He's been working "12 hours per day"

What an American Hero

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bc0923 No.21709980

President Trump: We have a military that's not woke. You may have a few people on the top that are woke, and we're gonna get rid of them so damn fast, your head's gonna spin.

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3a0a80 No.21709981

File: 85c8222779a6269⋯.png (1.01 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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8cf5fd No.21709982


Hairina Cutclova.

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4edd03 No.21709983



The escalating and overlapping efforts of groups, though, has at times caused confusion on the ground.

At a gathering hosted this summer in Detroit by Turning Point Action, attendees at a Trump Force 47 information session were told in detail about the operation to target low-propensity voters.

One woman flummoxed by the presentation asked if she was allowed to volunteer for Turning Point and the campaign. A man who came from Ohio noted all the organizing groups and apps.

He then probed the organizers: “How do we make sure this all works together?”

Low-propensity voters

Trump’s battleground strategy is one his Florida operatives first piloted four years ago en route to a 3.4-point victory in their state.

His team on the ground there carved up the Sunshine State into dozens of subgroups and picked out the communities where they believed targeted messaging could drive irregular voters and some traditional Democrats to their side. Not all of them – not even most of them – but enough to cobble together a statewide win.

They launched an outreach program for African-American men in the majority Black city of Miami Gardens, put fliers featuring outspoken Democratic opponents of Israel on the doorstep of every Jewish household in south Florida, advertised extensively on Spanish-language radio and bombarded Cuban and Venezuelan voters with messages tying then-Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden to the socialism found in their native countries.

The results were undeniable. Trump won nearly 4 in 10 Jewish votes, the best performance by a Republican in two decades, and he fared better in counties with large Puerto Rican populations. Cubans, meanwhile, helped fuel Trump’s 23-point improvement in voter rich Miami-Dade County.

The architect of his Florida win, Susie Wiles, is now co-piloting his entire operation while one of her top lieutenants in the Sunshine State, Blair, is helping deploy their successful strategy across the electoral map.

“A lot of campaigns on both sides of the aisle historically spent extraordinary time and money doubling and tripling down on the part of the cake that is already baked and immovable,” Blair told CNN. “And all the time, money and manpower spent there are resources not spent on using a scalpel at the edges to nip-tuck the electorate in your favor – which is really what an election at this level is.”

He added: “We look at every state like a jigsaw puzzle. It’s a state-by-state, area-by-area, demographic-by-demographic math problem to figure out where you can maximize marginal gains from a raw vote perspective to achieve the number of votes you need to win under any turnout scenario.”

Some of those efforts are targeting people Trump has lamented don’t show up to vote in greater numbers, like gun owners and Evangelicals. Others were born out of a longstanding desire by Trump to drive a wedge between Democrats and union households as well as Black and Hispanic men. His campaign has also reached out to Libertarians and Bitcoin enthusiasts, believing Trump’s promises to upend traditional institutions is appealing in those communities.

Trump’s campaign has also tried to seize on discord within the Democratic coalition. The campaign didn’t plan to target Arab American citizens in Michigan or Catholic voters in Pennsylvania, two historically Democratic leaning groups. But his campaign targeted Michigan’s Arab communities not long after war broke out between Israel and Hamas last year. And in the months after Democrats replaced Biden, a Catholic, with Harris, a Baptist with a Jewish husband, Trump has posted on social media about the Virgin Mary and the archangel Michael, two figures central to the Catholic faith.

One person with knowledge of Trump’s strategy put it this way: “You figure out how to inject adrenaline into a situation that benefits you, and then you push gravity in that direction.”

Many Republican operatives remain skeptical. A GOP strategist in Arizona said Trump’s allies are focusing their efforts on turning out diehard voters in the state and are making no real effort to be “competitive in swing areas.”

He thinks that’s a mistake.

“It didn’t work in 2020. It didn’t work in 2022,” he said, referring to losses by Trump-aligned Republicans in the midterms in Arizona. “Why do we think it will suddenly work in 2024?


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397348 No.21709985

File: 750c13935f41639⋯.png (327.42 KB,579x501,193:167,1.png)

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48bb70 No.21709987


Anna Paulina Luna

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3a0a80 No.21709988

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e89f3c No.21709989



“The challenge in trying to run up the score in the margins is that there’s not a lot of juice left in that orange,” he said.

Lennox, the Michigan operative, said he doesn’t see the signs of a healthy campaign. No one in his family that is registered to vote absentee received outreach from Trump’s team or the state party when ballots went out, and he doesn’t see organizers in each county.

But he has been asked to be a poll watcher in Cheboygan County, Michigan, where elections are run by a Republican and Trump won in 2020 by a 2-to-1 margin.

“The idea that you’re going to have a Republican in a Republican County with a Republican clerk serve as a poll watcher instead of knock on doors or passing out yard signs is why you’re not going to run up the score where you need to,” Lennox said.

Working the refs

In its messaging around November’s election, the Republican National Committee has emphasized its “election integrity” work – highlighting litigation and efforts to recruit poll workers, lawyers and partisan poll watchers willing to monitor voting and ballot counting.

RNC co-chairs Michael Whatley and Lara Trump, the former president’s daughter-in-law, recently announced that the party has recruited 200,000 volunteers, double their original goal.

In North Carolina, the RNC and the state Republican Party last month successfully blocked students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from using their digital school ID when voting. In Georgia, another key presidential battleground, Trump allies have taken over the majority of seats on the state elections board and recently approved controversial rules that critics say could inject delays and chaos into certifying the presidential election in a state Trump lost by fewer than 12,000 votes in 2020. The election rules are being challenged in court.

In other battlegrounds – including Nevada and Michigan – the RNC has filed lawsuits alleging that election officials have failed to remove ineligible voters from the rolls.

In some key places, working the referees has replaced a traditional campaign altogether. In Nebraska, where the state awards electoral votes based on congressional district, Trump’s campaign hardly has a presence in the Omaha district President Joe Biden won in 2020, nor has it reserved any airtime for the final month of the race. Democrats, meanwhile, have spent $7 million on commercials there with another $5 million planned for the closing weeks.

Instead, Trump and his allies spent months pressuring the state’s Republican Gov. Jim Pillen to change the law in a special session and potentially block Harris from what could be a critical electoral college vote. Even if Harris won the “blue wall” states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania and carried no other key battlegrounds, she would still need the electoral vote from Nebraska’s 2nd District to secure the 270 electoral votes needed to win the White House.

The push stalled – at least for now – when a Democrat-turned-Republican state senator from Omaha said he wouldn’t go along with Trump’s demands to change the rules this late in an election cycle.

Democrats view these efforts – coupled with Trump’s unusual approach to deploying a ground game – as evidence that he isn’t campaigning as hard to win as he is to challenge the outcome if he loses.

“Republicans are saying, ‘If we can’t get above 50% of the vote, let’s figure out how to disrupt the system,’” Danielle Butterfield, the executive director of Democratic-aligned Priorities USA, said of the Republicans’ focus on litigation that challenges election procedures. “Democrats are saying, ‘If it looks like we aren’t getting above 50%, let’s convince more voters to be part of our team.’”

Priorities USA operates both a super PAC that is spending heavily on digital advertising to drive turnout for Harris and other Democrats and a nonprofit arm that has a $20 million budget in this election cycle for litigation and voter-protection work.


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0233e0 No.21709991


I get that, but I don't really have a relationship with my mom anymore. Sad but true anon. And I'm truly deeply sorry for your loss anon

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bb9b02 No.21709995


great whitfe

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af34d9 No.21709996

File: 8b23733d3535ef8⋯.jpg (91.49 KB,1170x876,195:146,photo_2024_10_04_12_08_42.jpg)


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634a62 No.21709999

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e18067 No.21710000

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131bde No.21710001

Big quad nines coming up next thread

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b3c843 No.21710002


thats 20hrs in ot a week!

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601d6c No.21710004

File: 180437bd59079cd⋯.png (1.21 MB,1916x1078,958:539,ClipboardImage.png)

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594598 No.21710005

File: e1df65383e2a132⋯.jpg (55.4 KB,474x355,474:355,e1df65383e2a13298ea5fb4855….jpg)


You sound a bit choleric

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2e69ef No.21710010



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594598 No.21710014


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d60037 No.21710018

File: 46607d38cadde61⋯.mp4 (2.8 MB,360x640,9:16,FDownloader_Net_461780325_….mp4)

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397348 No.21710019

File: 34c1b67d8e08ec8⋯.png (1.18 MB,1292x1375,1292:1375,3df0cb61f516d429287de7b61e….png)

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98eb78 No.21710021

File: dc95d6f095fa50e⋯.mp4 (1010.77 KB,720x1280,9:16,trumpmichigan.mp4)


Tell us what you think of Trump's Michigan crowd yesterday?

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413b60 No.21710024

File: 6a55e34c167f538⋯.jpg (54.86 KB,597x629,597:629,ajhurricanes.jpg)


He's also dead wrong.


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3a0a80 No.21710026

File: 83fb19d98a687ef⋯.png (1.16 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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6f2f95 No.21710028


The secret service is under cut so they can only allow so many people. Now. Go outside and look nigger.

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2e69ef No.21710031

Dwight gave President Trump his Purple Heart

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98eb78 No.21710036


Whatever makes you cope yo. I can't.

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499b88 No.21710039

File: 62e23138fda0b43⋯.jpg (124 KB,1139x699,1139:699,picklefactory.jpg)

File: 56b850268f29807⋯.png (1.24 MB,1200x946,600:473,picklesownsit.png)


Heinz also produces pickles?

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000000 No.21710043





Imagine The sun and the moon in control.


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c47a29 No.21710075

File: 445253efae59f70⋯.png (216.74 KB,486x354,81:59,_Anonymous_You_11_minutes_….png)

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c47a29 No.21710077

File: 7b3392a24f68a19⋯.jpg (253.9 KB,482x662,241:331,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….jpg)

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c47a29 No.21710078

File: bed6a9beecedbbd⋯.png (52.88 KB,1106x717,1106:717,4_5NOV2017.png)

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