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File: 8d9bf9d95246038⋯.png (445.31 KB,500x403,500:403,8d9bf9d95246038a10c71819e8….png)

File: e1426ba3a3dfead⋯.png (113.36 KB,585x390,3:2,e1426ba3a3dfead5ab1cf001b0….png)

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ba55e6 No.21670412 [View All]

Highest Classification: Welcome to Q Research Fringe

The deepest digs on Earth tying it all together.

Q's answer to the "Are we alone?" question, is confirmation of the existence of programs outside of the public domain, releases of legitimate videos of unexplained physics-breaking aerial craft or "biblical" aerial phenomena prove we're in for an out-of-this-world treat when the time is right.

Proving UFOs, extraterrestrials and (unacknowledged) Special Access Projects are real is similar to proving the deep state is real. The buildup of many coincidences and softer proofs like notable high ranking officials saying weird or cryptic things (POTUS, Juncker, Medvedev, etc), having documents revealed or seeing (and feeling!) unexplained lights or orbs is the proof generally accessible today. For us, cryptic Q crumbs help. This prevents mental conflict among people that are not ready for this truth but provides those that are awakened with confirmation, similar to how Q operates.

We have had hearings, whistleblowers, events, anomalies, leadership changes, developments, new information released through FOIA requests and old information re-examined, and are seeing more and more disclosures in the media and all over. The Pentagon is considering a further declassification of its uSAP's and the Senate is demanding more files on UFOs and more hearings. By comparing official documents and ways government organizations react to UFO/ET question and various "insider" information, you can paint a clearer picture.

Seek and you shall find. In time, any confusion should clear up as more facts get out.

Always use your own discernment - trust yourself. If you have something to contribute, try not to spam your info, make sure it's at least logically sound, reasonable and backed with the facts/coincidences.

All rules of physics and logic should apply even if they're not understandable from our current perspective. Check with the previous threads, there is atreasure troveof valuable info posted already.

Respect your fellow anons. Do not fight, search for Truth. See how small pieces fit in the big puzzle. Present and let the Truth fight for itself. And remember, our Universe is infinite and inhabited.

Thread #1 Link: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/256741.html

Thread #2 Link: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/2518070.html

Thread #3 Link: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/3166229.html

Thread #4 Link: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/3599217.html

Thread #5 Link: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/4320475.html

Thread #6 Link: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/4886696.html

Thread #7 Link: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/5499240.html

Thread #8 Link: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/6050258.html

Thread #9 Link: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/6470608.html

Thread #10 link: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/7071248.html

Thread #11 link: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/7814826.html

Thread #12 link: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/8292070.html

Thread #13 link: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/9260794.html

Thread #14 link: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/9867560.html

Thread #15 link: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/10392346.html

Thread #16 link: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/11254855.html

Thread #17 link: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/14680766.html

Thread #18 link: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/16706630.html

Thread #19 link: https://web.archive.org/web/20230928230203/https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/16948800.html

Thread #20 link: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/19635326.html

Please note: This is a serious research thread and as suchis under regular attackby those that work to prevent any further disclosures and waste anons' time and energy through constant redirections or inflammatory posts - do not reply to these posts and keep your eyes on actual info, legitimate (productive) discussion and digs.

>>2322789, >>2323031 - guidelines on how to deal with shills (tl;dr - do not reply to shills!)

Search function: qresear.ch

67 posts and 61 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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2b5335 No.21762711

File: a6432427d645d70⋯.webp (33.52 KB,818x788,409:394,Pig_trans.webp)


Mr Pig

Even though he worked with villains, Pig appears to have a nice

personality. He was probably forced to do what he did, as he said,

"they're making me do this."


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2b5335 No.21762878

File: 77e7bf2d7a0f6a3⋯.png (103.22 KB,1010x921,1010:921,Screen_Shot_2024_10_14_at_….png)

Ok, this clearly has linear structure…


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2b5335 No.21763294

File: 9ab7c46b2589465⋯.jpg (96.33 KB,900x600,3:2,X_37B.jpg)


Looks like you can get an exploratory remote controlled lunar rover into that thing…

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2b5335 No.21763322


Moon pit diver: This tiny rover could explore the lunar underworld


New technologies are being harnessed that could allow exploration of skylights, lava tubes and caverns on the moon — underground environments that human explorers may be able to exploit in the not-too-distant future.

"Caves, if accessible, could be havens from radiation, temperature extremes and micrometeorite hazards of the moon's surface," said William "Red" Whittaker, a research professor at the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.

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2b5335 No.21764498

File: 4bfa833efa9514b⋯.png (2.18 MB,2560x1440,16:9,Screen_Shot_2024_10_14_at_….png)

What is wrong with me?

Why do I LOVE seeing bad guys get their faces shoved into wet concrete until they suffocate?

Why do I derive such personal pleasure in blatant macabre vigilante justice?

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2b5335 No.21764907

File: 33b211f63cf8100⋯.webp (462.36 KB,2560x1271,2560:1271,ir_butter.webp)

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2b5335 No.21764949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2b5335 No.21764993

File: 0c9077aec6647e0⋯.jpg (181.22 KB,1182x1200,197:200,Lou_Reed_y_Laurie_Anderson.jpg)

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2b5335 No.21765007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2b5335 No.21770595

File: bbe8ebf191d9ef7⋯.png (1004.83 KB,1136x946,568:473,Screen_Shot_2024_10_15_at_….png)


So this all looks like a chess game played between two hidden players who like to show off their tech and communicate through movies and TV shows.

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2b5335 No.21782518

File: bfc222b0995bd42⋯.webp (42.61 KB,1200x600,2:1,trump_ear.webp)


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0da1b1 No.21783182

File: 240795a9e8bbdfe⋯.png (148.15 KB,612x404,153:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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0da1b1 No.21783191

File: 9dc2834262ad0d6⋯.png (58.64 KB,665x416,665:416,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b5335 No.21783438

Proticity, is the protonic analogue of electricity which produce

flows of positive current. If Peter Mitchell can build a protic

motor in 1978 I wonder where we are today. I also wonder if this

type of energy flux is incorporated in the anomalous object

demonstrations we are seeing in our sky.


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2b5335 No.21783508

File: d9ada73c09614b9⋯.webp (65.91 KB,1694x1034,77:47,ecarover.webp)



Lunar Landings are real.

Logistically you need to carefully map out, identify shelter (caves) and prepositions assets to help ensure the success of a manned landing.

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2b5335 No.21783570

File: 8cfaf237105a351⋯.png (668.5 KB,884x1178,442:589,Screen_Shot_2024_10_17_at_….png)

File: ba692b8fad849bd⋯.jpg (77.25 KB,648x364,162:91,golden_gavel.jpg)


Has anyone picked up on this yet?

Election Certification

Federal law requires states to deliver certified Electoral College results to the vice president, serving as president of the Senate, and other parties by the fourth Wednesday in December; in the year 2024 that date falls on Dec. 25.

Merry Christmas

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2b5335 No.21783964

File: cadf6ca1566b8af⋯.jpg (808.28 KB,1920x1250,192:125,Above_Gotham.jpg)

Earth has a rounded shape, through hydrostatic equilibrium, with an average diameter of approximately 8,000 miles.

Manhattan Island is approximately 13.4 miles long and about 2.3 miles wide at its widest point.

Think about that and the possibility of cities or civilizations existing right under our feet.

The Nazis did…

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cd87fc No.21784531


a Buddha i talked to predicted a mini ice age coming up next for humanity as gaia/terra nova need to renurture the soil

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2b5335 No.21789727

File: 8bca8ec4e853b3a⋯.png (186.87 KB,400x400,1:1,glider_ufo.png)

Caught this object on October 4th 2011 when I was video recording an AFA glider. Only noticed the object after reviewing the video footage.


This was on the old 100-400mm lens AND it's 1080p video, so not much clarity.

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2b5335 No.21790188

File: 83915a25da5ad0b⋯.jpg (715.23 KB,1980x1080,11:6,mars_attack.jpg)

Pentagon - No evidence aliens have visited Earth


There has been no evidence of an extraterrestrial presence on Earth, Pentagon spokesperson Major General Patrick Ryder has said.

All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) said it had found no evidence of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) – the military’s term for UFOs.

Covering the period from 1945 to October 2023, it was the most comprehensive report the Pentagon had ever released on the subject, and yet another instance in which it denied claims relating to extraterrestrial spacecraft.

The investigators found no proof that any US government probe or “academic-sponsored research, or official review panel has confirmed that any sighting of a UAP represented extraterrestrial technology.”

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2b5335 No.21790268

File: 52b8fc39cc262d6⋯.webp (46.58 KB,1024x768,4:3,throne.webp)

The Throne of Power Rests on Four Legs.

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2b5335 No.21794720

File: 234696f50ddbcc8⋯.webp (146.48 KB,600x654,100:109,prometheus_engineer_large.webp)

File: 2198246c4f4317a⋯.webp (48.57 KB,600x480,5:4,angry_engineer.webp)

File: cf07993535df578⋯.webp (79.61 KB,600x513,200:171,passion_cross_stand_down.webp)

Let's wait two thousand years so their spiritual nature can evolve.

That will be PLENTY of time…

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2b5335 No.21799515

File: 0c54aeb89347ba9⋯.jpg (211 KB,740x400,37:20,Jesus_Shroud_Turin.jpg)

File: 0ec53bb4aa4ffa0⋯.png (85.35 KB,848x573,848:573,Screen_Shot_2024_10_20_at_….png)


Scientists make startling discovery after analysing cloth 'Jesus was buried in'

…Italian researchers who used a new technique involving x-rays to date the material have confirmed it was manufactured around the time of Jesus about 2,000 years ago.

…experts from the Institute of Crystallography announced in 2017 that they had found evidence that the shroud featured the blood of a torture victim.

They claimed to have identified substances like creatinine and ferritin that are usually found in patients who suffer forceful traumas.

The Search for DNA

I think the Vatican has obtained the DNA of Yehoshua from the Turin Shroud and has been scouring the planet for DNA matches of those living today. They know that an heir can claim lawful inheritance of earth through the bloodline that traces back to Yehoshua and from there all the way back to Adam who was given lawful domain and stewardship of earth. This is a problem for the current bloodlines who run the planet now and have turned human society into a total clusterfuck. So in an act of total desperation they want to sample every human on the planet, identify any progeny of this blood lineage, and eliminate them before the clock has run out and folks from the Kingdom of Heaven literally return in the sky. These fuckers have all the occult knowledge. They know exactly whats going on. If there are no blood heirs left living today who

can lay claim to the inheritance of the Kingdom of Earth they think they can retain their Lawful rule. I really think this is what the DNA thing is all about.

Kill off any heirs of the bloodline of Yehoshua.

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2b5335 No.21800264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2b5335 No.21801144

File: fa3577aa2f5e4db⋯.jpg (2.19 MB,1602x2800,801:1400,Hesiod_and_the_Muse.jpg)

I was guided. I always had the muses with me. Some people call it different things. You know…"The universe". Their "guides". I don't know if you're religious - you might call them "angels". I don't know but for me they were muses.


Some might call it inspiration via a relationship with an unknown fountain of creativity that is transmitted via imagination which is rewarded through commitment and trusting an unknown ephemeral giver and receiver. A true metaphysical relationship. Plucking on musical notes sounded in "heaven". This relationship is there for anyone pure of heart. As to the source of these transmissions is anyone's guess.

It is like we are allowed a very brief glimpse of heaven - ONLY if we are worthy…

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2b5335 No.21801208


Black-dove, black-dove

You’re not a helicopter

You’re not a cop-out either

Black-dove, black-dove

You don’t need a spaceship

They don’t know you’ve already lived

On the other side of the galaxy

The other side of the galaxy

The other side of the galaxy

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2b5335 No.21801221

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2b5335 No.21801558




Freedom is the most important thing…

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2b5335 No.21802122

File: 20a990875416bf7⋯.jpeg (56.36 KB,800x450,16:9,mdff.jpeg)

No, this is NOT a political stunt.

This is an elder among us deliberately taking himself out of his comfort zone in order to earn the honor of serving as our next president.


Don you're A-OK in my book…

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2b5335 No.21806031

Potential Origins of a UFO

1. Terrestrial

2. Innerterrestrial

3. Extraterrestrial

That's it…

I don't by into the "extradimensional" horseshit. There is ONE existence and everything exists within it.

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2b5335 No.21827779

File: b069ea22ee5ef65⋯.png (365.26 KB,1088x726,544:363,Screen_Shot_2024_10_25_at_….png)


‘We don’t know where the tipping point is’: climate expert on potential collapse of Atlantic circulation


Amoc, or the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, is a system of ocean currents that brings heat into the northern Atlantic. Warm surface water from the tropics flows north and releases its heat in the subpolar Atlantic, south of Greenland and west of Britain and Ireland. Then it cools and sinks to a depth of between 2,000m to 3,000 metres before returning south as a cold current. Amoc is one of our planet’s largest heat transport systems, moving the equivalent of 50 times the human energy use, and it has a particularly strong impact on the climate in Europe, affects the ocean’s CO2 uptake and oxygen supply, as well as rainfall patterns in the tropics.

…salinity is at its lowest level since measurements began 120 years ago. This is probably linked to Amoc slowing down and bringing less salty water and heat from the subtropics.

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2b5335 No.21827834


Breakthrough coming? Iceland could get solar power from space in 2030


British startup plans to supply solar power from space to Icelanders by 2030…

…intends to launch a demonstrator satellite by 2030, which will beam to Earth 30 megawatts of clean energy — enough to power about 3,000 homes.

The power-beaming satellite will weigh 70.5 tons (64 metric tons), be about 1,312 feet (400 meters) wide (including its solar arrays) and circle the planet in medium Earth orbit, a near-space region at altitudes between 1,241 miles and 22,000 miles (2,000 and 36,000 kilometers).

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2b5335 No.21827881

File: 7046f3c8addf995⋯.png (219.69 KB,544x501,544:501,Screen_Shot_2024_10_25_at_….png)

Why haven't we found intelligent alien civilizations?


If our solar system is young compared with the rest of the universe and humans could be capable of interstellar travel someday, shouldn't we have seen signs that other intelligent entities have spread throughout the cosmos by now? Basically, where are the aliens?

Beats the heck out of me…


What would our society do without all these scientific "thought leaders". We would be utterly LOST…

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2b5335 No.21828641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There will be a harvest of the righteous.

Earth will be purified.

A New Kingdom of peace will emerge.

Grace and favour has been exhausted.

Indolence to change necessary for evolutionary growth has forced external intervention.

The cycle of life will be severed.


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c2f689 No.21829196

Another UAP hearing scheduled for 11/13; Corbell says it will yield many new things. We'll see.


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2b5335 No.21829361

File: fac180f3f618271⋯.jpg (46.69 KB,300x571,300:571,upon_awkening_by_Elspeth_Y….jpg)


They chose not to see that which was plainly laid before them. Instead, choosing the comfort of their blindness and willful ignorance.

They chose a LIE while condemning Truth.

This is THEIR Way.

This is of THEIR own Choosing…

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2b5335 No.21829390

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


My Kingdom is not of this world…

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2b5335 No.21830265

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You know "God", aka the "Big Guy" upstairs is busy taking care of an entire universe. He doesn't have time to micro manage the human species, so he delegated it out to proxies. He told them to "deal with it". So, these proxies have come to a decision with respect to the human species.

It's TIME.

Get your shit together. No more hand holding.

Time to grow up boys and girls.

Whether you are READY or NOT.

DO or DIE.

Enough of this SHIT…

Buckle up Buttercup

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2b5335 No.21830511

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d4bbfe No.21830512

File: d0ff9b492d353ed⋯.pdf (892.55 KB,RGSA_247_Ing.pdf)

File: 4a37c52c08f4b01⋯.jpg (662.9 KB,896x1601,896:1601,Screenshot_20241025_183544….jpg)

File: 9c431a410e24e86⋯.jpg (325.2 KB,793x718,793:718,Screenshot_20241025_184724….jpg)

>>So ya, actual evidence of the elongated skull aliens.

The University of Ica's faculty has released their second peer-reviewed paper on the non-human specimen known as Maria.


Published paper:






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d4bbfe No.21830541


I know this is a containment bread, this is still pretty monumental. I'm considering posting it on the main Q boards, for now I'll wait to see if it gets any interest here first or get burried under hundreds of pladian slides.

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2b5335 No.21834839

File: 2a5c2170ac7b907⋯.png (1.12 MB,1503x782,1503:782,Screen_Shot_2024_10_26_at_….png)

"There's a lot of interest in the people coming form space"


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2b5335 No.21834900

File: 54799ce97055137⋯.webp (271.63 KB,708x1001,708:1001,conehead.webp)


>I know this is a containment bread, this is still pretty monumental.

It is and the historical record clearly supports this evidence.

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2b5335 No.21835621

File: a6d9c83c6e7bb18⋯.png (464.32 KB,778x447,778:447,Screen_Shot_2024_10_26_at_….png)

File: 67973cbc0b34ad7⋯.jpg (635.03 KB,1920x1316,480:329,Diatomite_Sisquoc_Formatio….jpg)


>Published paper:


This is an analysis of the skull ONLY.

Are there any papers analyzing the hands and feet? Looks like three fingers there. Are there opposable thumbs? Can't tell from the ref pic.

The body is caked in diatomite sedimentary rock.


Was this used to preserve the body?

Also can DNA be retrieved? I didn't see any mention of that…

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2b5335 No.21835808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>or get burried under hundreds of pladian slides

That night, Descartes in the barracks had a dream and an Angel appeared to him.

And the Angel said:

"The conquest of nature is to be achieved through number and measurement".

And he was Thunderstruck. He took that Angelic revelation and turned it into modern science.

Modern science was founded BY AN ANGEL.

They don't tell you this at MIT.

Those DAMN FUCKING "Pleiadian slides" they keep interfering with the human left brain conquest of the nature of reality via the filter of language with stupid esoteric nonsense diminishing critical scientific language phrases like "morphometric imaging", "cephalic segment", and of course "cephalometric analysis" and let's not forget " Bjorl-Jarabak analysi" and hypodivergent growth (brachyfacial)…

VERY IMPORTANT language for serious terrestrial homo sapiens who study the evidence existing in reality. Anything absent of this important language defined by "modern science" should be dismissed.

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2b5335 No.21839944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jesse Michels

Graham Hancock: UFOs, Pyramids, Cataclysms

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2b5335 No.21840616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2b5335 No.21841269

File: 71f99a8994b3b16⋯.jpg (169.28 KB,1280x1056,40:33,king_charles.jpg)

Queen Camilla’s Son Says King Charles’ ‘Terrifying’ Cancer Is ‘Very Worrying’


Eyes on. I think he's already dead.

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2b5335 No.21842144

File: 769596c5c0c7539⋯.png (1.2 MB,1353x664,1353:664,Screen_Shot_2024_10_27_at_….png)

File: 583463c5a28765a⋯.png (3.16 MB,1997x1087,1997:1087,Screen_Shot_2024_10_27_at_….png)

Not for nothing…BUT…"Notables" is WAY behind this thread.

THIS thread IS the TIP of the SPEAR.

What is discussed HERE is paramount. All else simply FOLLOWS.

Is there anything more important than the human interaction w/ a superior, exterior, intelligence?

Everything else is child's play.

This thread is interfacing with a reality has been largely ignored by the dumb human species for millennia.

There is a presence that has been desperately trying to connect w/ the atomic matter based humans. Who have proven to be dense, slow, and utterly STUPID. Sadly, this is THE story of human history.

A small group of freethinkers who tried to understand the greater reality that has surrounded them, and then tried to convey that reality to their peers, who then fucking EXECUTED them. This is a VERY SAD story…

This is what we are dealing with folks. A cadre of Monkey bravado and sub-intelligence that dominates human society via control off false constructs.

Monkey Rule…

Asshole Rule…

King Rule…

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2b5335 No.21842200

File: 995c67bbe347341⋯.jpg (116.88 KB,1024x768,4:3,Closer_nine_inch_nails.jpg)

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