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File: 1ad8c6d2a4d0400⋯.png (279.28 KB,600x335,120:67,ClipboardImage.png)

ec6af9 No.21666850 [View All]

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f08cd2 No.21667741

File: 4e29a22256190d4⋯.png (412.79 KB,1215x693,135:77,00000000000000000000000000….png)

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dd2018 No.21667742

File: be15da010993e16⋯.jpeg (49.68 KB,432x464,27:29,Booing.jpeg)

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907796 No.21667743

File: 08a649712dc8c8b⋯.jpg (158.81 KB,1280x863,1280:863,kamalawithallegedfam.jpg)


She might be


I heard she grew-up in San Bernadino (informant)

Ten to one she's a "cut-out" and that fam is not even hers.

Looks nothing like the alleged parents.

Like what Barry did, with Mike and his "children"

It's called CooCoo, like the bird that puts it egg in another bird's nest.

(That's where Cuckold comes from, Just saying.)

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92d378 No.21667744

File: c705af82ef5ff82⋯.png (984.54 KB,770x637,110:91,ClipboardImage.png)

/pb >>21665401 Tobacco nicotine in DISTILLED WATER destroys nanobots in shots - Dr David Martin

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f08cd2 No.21667745

File: 1446c0c99a92a45⋯.png (541.24 KB,1858x1432,929:716,000miss_ron23.png)

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5ff89d No.21667746

File: 9e65b87fc334e7b⋯.png (861.29 KB,1024x1024,1:1,9e65b87fc334e7b350a4d2a488….png)



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1b1ecc No.21667747



There are no coincidences.

Who was on the /ng/ talking about baking us with the sun?

The south pole array.

Let's light a road less traveled, knowing meteorological control has been established,

Who would create this event in retaliation?

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6f299a No.21667748

#26533 >>21666870

>>21667016, >>21667032, >>21667044, >>21667264 Dame Maggie remembered

>>21666877 NYC Mayor Eric Adams’s indictment comes after years of connections to Turkey

>>21666900 Multiple Iranians Indicted in Hack of Trump Campaign

>>21666911 Don Lemon new book: on Being S*ly Abused at 6 by Older Boy Until He Threatened to "Bite It Off" PT 1

>>21666946 Grief & God," How Nicole Shanahan Broke Free From the Left's Mental Programming

>>21666952, >>21666961, >>21666966 DC swamp follies

>>21666959, >>21666974 Hurricane News

>>21666966 War Room Morning Edition

>>21666950 Liz Crokin on Roseanne: "You know they eat babies. That is not bullshit…."

>>21666981 CRAZY Doug Emhoff Says Trump ‘Definitely’ Anti-Semitic, Claims He Will Target Jewish Americans

>>21666988, >>21667027, >>21667087, >>21667114, >>21667202, >>21667287, >>21667373 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day/Space/Science

>>21666996 Garnett implied that Trudeau and Consul General of Canada Tom Clark "engaged each other in the bathtub" vid

>>21667053 Russians warned to back up Google data

>>21667060 Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu threatens Iran in fiery UN speech: ‘If you strike us, we will strike you’

>>21667104, >>21667210 Ukrainian army plagued by desertion and draft-dodging

>>21667110, >>21667147, >>21667288, >>21667291, >>21667303, >>21667320, >>21667346 Trump and Zelenskyy meet at Trump Tower bullet pic

>>21667154 UN General Assembly 2024 LIVE: Day 4 of speeches by world leaders

>>21667176 11:00 AM EDT North Carolina Governor Cooper Briefing on Hurricane Helene

>>21667223 PF update

>>21667272, >>21667235, >>21667273 BREAKING: Fani Willis’ Lover Served By Federal Marshals After Manhunt, served subpoena

>>21667335, >>21667352, >>21667354 Biden said Thursday while hosting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the White House that he’s ordering the Pentagon tospend “all” congressionally approved aid to Ukraine before he leaves office

>>21667433 FBI Whistleblower Urges Prayer

>>21667434 Heartfelt thanks to all anons who added their prayers for my friends and family in central Georgia

>>21667440 The fine print on Kamala’s $25,000 for first time homebuyers. Basically excludes all Americans. Illegals only.

>>21667454 Flash flood EMERGENCY continues for Hendersonville, North Carolina

>>21667462 FANI’S FOLLIES: Update – Manhunt Ends! – Lover Boy Nathan Wade Is Served by US Marshals After Evading Authorities for a Week

>>21667468 Part I of II: The true enemy of the U.S., their plan, their tactics, and the tools they have at their disposal. General Michael T. Flynn


>>21667483 LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks in Walker, Michigan - 9/27/24 Right Side Broadcasting Network

>>21667486 The 🇳🇱 Royal Netherlands Navy submarine went on a successful mission through the Norwegian and North Seas

>>21667506 About 10 Strong Explosions Heard in Beirut

>>21667524 Rep. Gosar Introduces Groundbreaking Bill to End Big Pharma’s Liability Shield for Vaccine Injuries

>>21667531 Unconfirmed report that 9 surface to air missiles have entered the U.S. through a New Mexico border?

>>21667575 Trump: I have a very good relationship with President Putin

>>21667604 Individuals who have received four doses of Covid-19 mRNA vaccines are dying in unprecedented numbers

>>21667609 Delta 8 enhances situational awareness through Space Cockpit COP powered by JCO commercial data

>>21667675 The Minneapolis Police Department just added the first "non-citizen" officer to their police force

>>21667701 Hunter Biden to Undergo 7hr Psych Exam to Prove He Was ‘Emotionally Damaged’ by Corruption Allegations in Patrick Byrne Defamation Trial?

>>21667721 Anon's Ascension test

>>21667735 TS @realdonaldtrump - President Donald J. Trump Speaks with Zylensky


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dd2018 No.21667749

File: 7e2c31175fe9360⋯.png (431.87 KB,562x380,281:190,Pepe_Trump.png)

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f08cd2 No.21667750

File: 98d30fbc7238c82⋯.png (204.22 KB,844x334,422:167,xxxxxxzzzzzzz.png)

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b5197d No.21667751


Will the D's try to charge him with violation of the Logan act?

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f08cd2 No.21667752

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dd2018 No.21667753

File: 4e2c92b6c01f20c⋯.png (692.26 KB,720x537,240:179,POTUS_CBTS1.png)

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dd2018 No.21667754

File: b774e96c4112f38⋯.jpg (46.31 KB,640x494,320:247,POTUSMarines.jpg)

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f08cd2 No.21667755

File: e26e6a51b3222ec⋯.jpg (11.43 KB,255x199,255:199,2_PEPE_TRUMP3.jpg)

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dd2018 No.21667756

File: a477f3074be3a59⋯.jpg (32.96 KB,600x425,24:17,Putin_wink_MAGA.jpg)

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3b5334 No.21667758

File: f93e9f543158e5e⋯.png (1007.41 KB,1077x752,1077:752,bill.PNG)


Exclusive: New Bill Would Prevent Trump From Quashing His Criminal Cases

By Nik PopliSeptember 27, 2024 7:00 AM EDT

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dd2018 No.21667759

File: 8e0e737e15bfa70⋯.jpg (68.36 KB,680x447,680:447,Q_on_AF1.jpg)

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907796 No.21667760


none of their skin colors match either.

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dd2018 No.21667763

File: e25d845e602214c⋯.jpeg (533.23 KB,1800x1010,180:101,Q_Special_places.jpeg)

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206baf No.21667764


what do you think.

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c3e735 No.21667766


It's no coincidence™ that two storms devastated the two largest Republican strongholds. Centerpoint massively fucked up the repairs and Texans discovered they've been grifting millions not only off of us, but the Fed for projects they never started on. So, where's the money?

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dd2018 No.21667768

File: 3cebea11f5f030f⋯.png (665.76 KB,719x1002,719:1002,Trump_Christ_in_oval_offic….png)

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f08cd2 No.21667769

File: 15117b0bff8ee17⋯.png (230.61 KB,400x502,200:251,JAPAN2.png)

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dd2018 No.21667771

File: 2127585e7c15a9a⋯.jpg (67.17 KB,750x499,750:499,Trump_God_bless_patriots.jpg)

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f08cd2 No.21667773

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dd2018 No.21667775

File: ebb871a73ab9338⋯.jpg (36.83 KB,680x357,40:21,Trump_Rand_Paul.jpg)

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d1326c No.21667776


I see Bret Bair.

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f08cd2 No.21667777

File: 3344fcbf09fa8b1⋯.png (266.89 KB,287x400,287:400,j23.png)

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1ce5a1 No.21667779

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

When the US Government tried to control Hurricanes: Project Storm Fury

The History Guy with a potted history of US weather modification.


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898f28 No.21667780

File: 15fb7d234e5a8ae⋯.jpeg (15.66 KB,255x255,1:1,a75b6c0f6146dbaf6e315a4ab….jpeg)

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dd2018 No.21667781

File: 58deef4da3658ec⋯.png (1.9 MB,1496x1012,34:23,Trump_Soros_special_place.png)

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3b5334 No.21667782

File: c3c806bc3511026⋯.png (236.22 KB,436x535,436:535,mg.PNG)


Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani says the Mayor Adams indictment was politically motivated:

“His criticizing Biden and then getting two more mayors to come with him was very dangerous politically to them. Their response to political danger is to corrupt the criminal justice system.”

Giuliani also points out that de Blasio was doing far worse and never got indicted.


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dd2018 No.21667783

File: 2599fb687fae5c0⋯.jpg (26.05 KB,480x360,4:3,Trump_3D_chess_2_.jpg)

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f08cd2 No.21667784

File: e86406b4369cbcc⋯.jpg (104.63 KB,640x626,320:313,JAPAN5.jpg)

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dd2018 No.21667785

File: bd5c59a5646f449⋯.jpg (68.45 KB,591x555,197:185,Trump_3d_chess.jpg)

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dd2018 No.21667787

File: fca98ee2b36dac4⋯.jpg (47.11 KB,510x680,3:4,Trump_and_friends.jpg)

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6f299a No.21667788

#26533 >>21666870


Q Research General #26534: Trump Support #Zylenski Edition





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1b1ecc No.21667789


I've just noticed a previously undiscussed importance with this picture.

The in the Q

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dd2018 No.21667790

File: 314942616a6c661⋯.jpg (380.96 KB,1280x853,1280:853,Trump_and_Reagan.jpg)

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ea8527 No.21667791

File: 7d3a727f78d759a⋯.png (1.36 MB,1225x701,1225:701,7d3a727f78d759a6cad706a46d….png)

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d46c2d No.21667792


the conflict is between Ukraine and Russia.

The US is not in conflict with either.

for one who pretends to quote law you seem a bit off in interpretation of those laws.

why wouldn't an envoy be allowed to negotiate between two disputing parties?

troll fail

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23f0b3 No.21667793

File: b20c0a0d9403623⋯.jpg (129.04 KB,666x709,666:709,1000001699.jpg)

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f08cd2 No.21667794

File: d705e14fd941830⋯.png (199.25 KB,600x600,1:1,2_PEPE_TRUMP.png)

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dd2018 No.21667795

File: d5cd24be49d39e5⋯.jpg (232.43 KB,640x444,160:111,Trump_as_Thor.jpg)

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dd2018 No.21667796

File: 03a6a6be1b3f79f⋯.jpg (45.39 KB,369x369,1:1,Trump_astronaut.jpg)

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907796 No.21667797

File: 0bfccdb489b6e72⋯.jpg (94.47 KB,885x516,295:172,adam_schiff_scared_schiffl….jpg)


Legislature is prohibited from passing laws contrary to Constitution.

Soorry. Not sorry.

So hard to make "Schiff" funny.

Nothing about him is truly funny. He's too sick.

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dd2018 No.21667799

File: b4ebcba6f30f770⋯.jpeg (127.12 KB,602x749,86:107,Trump_blunt_and_direct_th….jpeg)

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f08cd2 No.21667800

File: 7360ca71cbfcfef⋯.jpg (74.34 KB,720x511,720:511,JESUS4.jpg)

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ea8527 No.21667801

File: 0b2920fe612f79f⋯.jpg (157.45 KB,1680x1505,48:43,0b2920fe612f79fdeeec2d3c68….jpg)


not just phil

patented phil

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