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File: 692e479d76fee19⋯.png (728.54 KB,1049x716,1049:716,692e479d76fee19422d745eead….png)

45a9db No.21605102 [View All]

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cf150e No.21606024

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You Must Walk Through the Darkness Before You Reach the Light

. We always hear it repeated. It's one of our mantras. Well the times we live in now, this is the darkness. Imagine if Harris-Walz wins and another four years of darkness, only much worse than now. Liberal Democrats are realizing they are much more conservative than they ever imagined when it comes to "intolerable" crime.

. The same scenario has happened before with Rudy Giuliani and the city of New York. Giuliani lost in 1989, but not by much (rigged?,) before he won (too big to rig?) four years later in 1993. Take a listen how Dan Bongino explains.


Tucker and Dan Bongino React to the Trump v. Harris Debate

1M views · 4 days ago The Tucker Carlson Show

Tucker Carlson 3.07M subs


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7dae81 No.21606025


Would honey work on boil/abcesses/carbuncles or whatever those skin pimple things are called.

The big ones that keep recurring on thighs?

A relative has those keep coming back. I think they are probably from taking the covid vax, because I know another person who gets them too.

They can be dangerous if left untreated

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a3dfbc No.21606026

File: e7eebef4c8028de⋯.png (443.74 KB,596x858,298:429,00000000000000000000000000….png)

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32d1a1 No.21606027


If you want to be the best sometimes you have to hang with the worst. Lost on most.

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a3dfbc No.21606030

File: 0a3c6a5cc939763⋯.png (776.2 KB,794x524,397:262,000shillsbb.png)


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918c7e No.21606033

File: ea72d5091d00deb⋯.png (458.86 KB,501x600,167:200,Day_of_the_Rope.png)


Yes yes the worm is turning. Their day will come.

What day is that you ask?

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a3dfbc No.21606034

File: 3042a858a5c33ba⋯.png (607.97 KB,750x592,375:296,00000ns1Z.png)

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ef2036 No.21606035

File: 9596bdf6fa72f74⋯.png (338.04 KB,528x659,528:659,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ef36cf9b7bcfd5⋯.mp4 (6.13 MB,640x360,16:9,_BREAKING_Sean_Diddy_Combs….mp4)

🚨 BREAKING: Sean “Diddy” Combs has been ARRESTED by the FBI, NBC is reporting. WOW. Diddy’s home was raided a couple months ago by Homeland Security after human trafficking allegations. Many people have been comparing his allegedly heinous acts to those of Jeffrey Epstein.

Nick Sortor


🚨 #BREAKING: Sean “Diddy” Combs has been ARRESTED by the FBI, NBC is reporting


Diddy’s home was raided a couple months ago by Homeland Security after human traff*cking allegations

Many people have been comparing his allegedly heinous acts to those of Jeffrey Epstein.

Either A LOT of elites might be on the verge of being exposed, or Diddy will end up being silenced and Epsteined.

0:03 / 1:45

6:57 PM · Sep 16, 2024


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c2eb92 No.21606038


raw honey, applied topically

supplemented internally

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45a9db No.21606041

Fresh Bread







Q Research General #26464: THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED THAT DAY… AND I ALWAYS WILL!!!🇺🇸 Edition

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96c6b4 No.21606042

File: 88d4efb4723f4e0⋯.png (8.44 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


(,,>.<) <(This is for you!)

/ >❤️

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c45e59 No.21606043

Flynn very auto tuned so funny


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411c9f No.21606044


cellphone pings

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a3dfbc No.21606045

File: 03884cebeb09760⋯.jpg (41.22 KB,686x386,343:193,hq720.jpg)

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918c7e No.21606046



I thought that was a decimal point there….

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32d1a1 No.21606047


Trump warp speeded Biden. That's why you've had this geriatric fill in mumbling thing for 4 years.

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6c0d7d No.21606049


brown sugar works well too

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96c6b4 No.21606050

File: 41d6ff197cb7025⋯.png (11.1 KB,225x225,1:1,41d6ff197cb7025d96ad28726c….png)

cruel son indeed

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45a9db No.21606052




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6a3f5e No.21606053


The one with all the tats. He posted pics of his tats and his cut fingers..angry little schitt he was.

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45a9db No.21606054


laying the foundations


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a3dfbc No.21606056

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f51e3d No.21606057

File: 0f68ab468f18860⋯.mp4 (11.1 MB,854x480,427:240,leod.mp4)


>Either A LOT of elites might be on the verge of being exposed, or Diddy will end up being silenced and Epsteined.

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45a9db No.21606058

File: a77201e9030c5be⋯.png (9.18 KB,255x171,85:57,3872c59024d9aabe6896d3624c….png)



dumb memers

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4898d9 No.21606060


There might be some crazy experiences that lead us to believe something is being done to us without our knowledge. God please heal everyone who needs healing and protect increase healing in the infected.

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918c7e No.21606062


>Like he just figured this out. Where was he when his people needed him.


They'll cry out that the advice they got was faulty and deny all responsibility. We know the playbook.

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bb272a No.21606063

File: 5a9e3024fe12be8⋯.png (1.23 MB,1392x910,696:455,b65v346c5346534.png)

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69fcdb No.21606064

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96c6b4 No.21606065

File: 41d75660ac0b38c⋯.png (6.93 KB,225x225,1:1,41d75660ac0b38c9b2ad85bc94….png)

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c45e59 No.21606066

Not morgellons lesions

Doesnt work


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dd8fb8 No.21606069


Sounds like Staph. Is Staph a virus? not sure but take about 2000 mg's of lysine every day if it is. and honey can't hurt.

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96c6b4 No.21606070

File: ac896a8b0ea68e6⋯.png (17.24 KB,596x303,596:303,ac896a8b0ea68e67a6a0e07315….png)

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7dae81 No.21606074


Staph is a bacteria

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918c7e No.21606075


oh yeah.. total fag. I had forgotten.

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32d1a1 No.21606079


What's your point. JP Morgan financed Tesla. Then destroyed him. George Bush was Ronald Reagans VP pick. Then he tried to kill him. On and on. You don't know anything about money and power.

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4898d9 No.21606080

File: 681c574883e0347⋯.gif (2.04 MB,320x180,16:9,20240916_220736.gif)

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45a9db No.21606082

Fresh Bread







Q Research General #26464: THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED THAT DAY… AND I ALWAYS WILL!!!🇺🇸 Edition

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75ca4e No.21606087

File: 59a98c9ab28ec24⋯.jpg (17.62 KB,274x307,274:307,7m5n45h4654.JPG)

File: ec0bd97c56f3a87⋯.jpg (161.93 KB,1117x937,1117:937,rbqvrweqrewqv.JPG)

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918c7e No.21606089

File: 07da2bcac124c95⋯.gif (778.67 KB,456x207,152:69,Bumpy_Road_Bewbs.gif)

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45a9db No.21606091


elon musk tetragondili post

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96c6b4 No.21606093

File: 166dff290760cb6⋯.png (113.65 KB,736x920,4:5,166dff290760cb61be4c2b8044….png)

File: df103bd0ef89cc5⋯.png (126.52 KB,900x631,900:631,frenchlegaltermfaggot.png)

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f74f60 No.21606095

File: 5483bd1f889df21⋯.jpeg (115.28 KB,500x892,125:223,IMG_6351.jpeg)

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9fd58b No.21606096


She is trying to keep herself sane in this crazy, fucked up world.

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c2eb92 No.21606098


yes, staph is a bacteria

responds to high-dose vitamin C

liposomal C is best

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8dee1b No.21606099



its something like ~200 vaxies getting cancer per week now and the number is going up steadily.

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45a9db No.21606103


Fresh Bread







Q Research General #26464: THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED THAT DAY… AND I ALWAYS WILL!!!🇺🇸 Edition

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420d0f No.21606106


uh huh, all that fake news didn't see a thing either, from same vantage spots. one haphazard witness


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c2eb92 No.21606107


you got him

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45a9db No.21606112

Fresh Bread







Q Research General #26464: THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED THAT DAY… AND I ALWAYS WILL!!!🇺🇸 Edition

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8496f7 No.21606815


Not fbi

Safe bet they are blackrock cia lying about being fbi.

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