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File: bef00d6db6ab653⋯.png (50.55 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

32e598 No.21580551 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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701 posts and 519 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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7b1b6e No.21581623


And I smoke weed

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d12274 No.21581624


>You're a Q because you put others before yourself no?

I have not ever claimed to be Q./


>So how are you showing it?

Why would I show that I am Q if I am not Q?/

Q is Military Intelligence, do you not recall?/


>You're just proving to everyone you're a fake.

How can I prove myself to be a fake, if you do not even know who I am or am trying to be?


>This is one of the most important topics.


It is one of the most…

You do not yet know how the Illuminati work in secret.//'//'///

If you knew who you were talking to … you would listen better./



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12b7e2 No.21581625

File: e249d1e3d0e8f4d⋯.jpg (65.35 KB,601x597,601:597,COOL_CAT_PARTY.jpg)

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ec1747 No.21581626

File: 5d0a00407e920d2⋯.jpg (42 KB,563x396,563:396,1677909684367630.jpg)

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7b1b6e No.21581627


Q++ is fake af lmao

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c42dc8 No.21581628

File: 84e48f94c4dbff7⋯.png (513.45 KB,1024x576,16:9,18807915421_d00c7b80a6_b.png)

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a1f018 No.21581629

File: e83f10918befb4f⋯.png (5.76 MB,2044x2048,511:512,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb1514 No.21581630


A trans dick is fake as fuck

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3399f7 No.21581631

This is a tiny bit of why they are scared shitless of Trump.

Stupud diddy spilled the beans and played big shot offering all sorts of delights.

Trump sat there sipping diet cokes while they exposed themselves.

SNL is a platform for farm graduates who have shown an aptitude for acting. Trump would have insider info on all their secrets. And networking

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bb1514 No.21581632

File: 3f0f0bad72ebba5⋯.mp4 (942.67 KB,698x360,349:180,VID_20240912_233649_355.mp4)

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ec1747 No.21581633

File: 14d114a93965f68⋯.jpg (57.63 KB,346x482,173:241,1629356416383.jpg)


Well, this is news to me.

Sucks that I've been totally and completely collecting his drops for the past hour..

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7b1b6e No.21581634


They weren’t talking to you

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d9659a No.21581635


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3b7cbb No.21581636


where do you buy gold?

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c7fdf2 No.21581637

File: 2e8d0a988eebf07⋯.jpg (48.27 KB,650x457,650:457,baphomet.jpg)


Eat your medicine.

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c34776 No.21581638

File: f766c4be834b6db⋯.png (418.55 KB,790x837,790:837,f766c4be834b6db6a27f27b3e9….png)


Laser eyes mean anything now?


Day shift will see the correction to the works.

And the disparaging lack of transparency.

[They] won't hijack my words to sink a ship.

I am paying attention :) and I screenshot.

Nice knowing [you] >Not<


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313508 No.21581639

notables FINAL

#26435 >>21580565

>>21580765, >>21580745 Trump Campaign and RNC sue Nevada over non-citizen voting

>>21581080 RNC sues North Carolina election officials for allowing digital student IDs to be used as voter ID

>>21580800 Voodoo: Why the animals are tortured before they are killed for consumption

>>21580845, >>21581287, >>21581229 Pro-Palestinian protester in Boston gets shot in stomach after bum rushing pro-Israel activists

>>21581008 Former CIA Officer Who Spied for China Receives 10-Year Prison Sentence

>>21581090 Albinos in Tanzania are hunted to be cannibalized for their 'magical properties'

>>21581220 3 Qposts containing 'overtime'

>>21581235 If you really loved the cats, you wouldn't let the migrants eat them

>>21581254 Nancy Pelosi’s Relative Snags Sweetheart Conflict Of Interest Waiver From Feds

>>21581277 A University of New Mexico course will have students learn about queerness and lesbian vampires

>>21581285 Michigan Secretary Of State Refuses To Tell Congress Whether Dead People Are On Voter Rolls

>>21581434 Phone Snatchers

>>21581469 Gold 1 Year $2,582.40 USD rn

>>21580609, >>21580633, >>21580927, >>21580932, >>21581058, >>21581298, >>21581315, >>21581325, >>21581402 Memes


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d12274 No.21581640


>They weren’t talking to you

Who are you referring to?/

If you don't know who I am, how can you know that?

Who am I?



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57e00a No.21581641



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530a12 No.21581642


Apnex.com has treated me well

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bb1514 No.21581643


Alot more then that

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7b1b6e No.21581645

File: b8aaf0cae20baad⋯.png (814.73 KB,828x1792,207:448,IMG_4500.png)

File: dde4bdfe4d5e5da⋯.jpeg (49.43 KB,594x162,11:3,IMG_4495.jpeg)


did we forget how to prove shit in here?

Where’s your (you) screenshots from the past

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a1f018 No.21581649

File: e9c18b44f4bf64d⋯.gif (1.57 MB,320x180,16:9,abstract_parallels.gif)


Pretty sure that's the same guy that used to post that "my girlfriend" stuff a few years back. The delivery is the same.

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cbc354 No.21581650


>Q++ is fake af

i prefer fortran

but then again

i use a computer to perform actual COMPUTATIONS

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7b1b6e No.21581653


frankly I don’t give a fuck about your bot Philosophy class

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d12274 No.21581654


>Eat your medicine.


Where is this//'// it's been fourty centuries before I have seen medicine.//'//'//'///



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c34776 No.21581655


0800 change animals to humans..

That is why they kill humans beings.

Not why they kill animals.

They kill animals because it is common place and they are savages..

How much more obvious do you need to make it that you consume human flesh?


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7b1b6e No.21581656


Turing said you failed.

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313508 No.21581658

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d12274 No.21581659


>frankly I don’t give a fuck about your bot Philosophy class

If you knew who you were talking to … you would care a lot./


There is nothing about me that is a bot./

If you wanted something other than PROOF…. what could that be./?



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7b1b6e No.21581660


Yet here you are still sucking dicks for Pennies

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09aa68 No.21581662

File: d7c662fc5b30ed7⋯.jpeg (1.65 MB,1024x1024,1:1,s_88784274_0f07_429f_a30e….jpeg)


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c34776 No.21581663


2022 has no relevance right now. And you can't prove those are even you :) man tomorrow is gonna suck for you guys

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5a815f No.21581664


>where do you buy gold?

Cash and carry at the coin store in the nearby town. Sacks of pre-'64 coins too.

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d12274 No.21581666

File: c98a227669f6045⋯.mp3 (44.25 KB,2024_09_13T04_43_57.mp3)


>Turing said you failed.

Do you know how old Turning was when I died.////


You'll never imagine how you have caused so much havok here just by being beligerant to your allies./


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7b1b6e No.21581668


I don’t really care. I gave everything I had to fix the world and Nothing has been done to improve my life despite the countless hours I put forth to do shit that nobody else is capable of doing.

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7b1b6e No.21581672


blah blah blah

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d12274 No.21581673



They're not ready…./

They must be psychologically prepped before the show beings./


Some are not going to see it through the same eyes, as it seems there are FLIES in the OINKMENT./



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9d573e No.21581675

File: 9b20b8adf3c863c⋯.png (12.47 MB,3347x5110,3347:5110,Band_of_AnonsAlt.png)

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c42dc8 No.21581676



You are decidedly schizo

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d12274 No.21581679


>I don’t really care. I gave everything I had to fix the world and Nothing has been done to improve my life despite the countless hours I put forth to do shit that nobody else is capable of doing.

Positivity improves your code./

Your code improves your life outcomes./


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d68f74 No.21581680


Wrong, https://qresear.ch/ is down, but when it comes back up if ever, do a search, I proved it hundreds of times. The php search doesn't go back that far.

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31099b No.21581684

File: dc4ae3862b2ad9e⋯.png (702.15 KB,724x720,181:180,dsfdehfuegeo.png)


>that would just be ridiculous.

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d12274 No.21581685


>How much more obvious do you need to make it that you consume human flesh?

Did you read this?


Keep your lines sharp.



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707402 No.21581696

File: ab8e7e59d706a09⋯.png (463.71 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


in your mind

anything is possible.

zuckerberg approves.

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c7fdf2 No.21581708

File: 68ccb4146da7406⋯.jpeg (17.54 KB,321x323,321:323,meme_magic.jpeg)

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bb1514 No.21581734


OINKMENT explain

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ebc3e5 No.21581766

Ok, not a fan of Kamala, but will giver her credit for creating bus drivers jobs.

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bb1514 No.21581793

This one always gets me —●

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c42dc8 No.21581837


Here, take a vacay to South Africa and see if any of the meds washing ashore can help you

South Africa Investigates Pharmaceutical Bottles Washing Ashore Amid Uptick in Cargo Losses

Mike Schuler September 12, 2024

The South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) is actively investigating the source of pharmaceutical bottles washing up along the country’s eastern coastline. The incident comes amid a surge in container losses from cargo vessels traversing the Indian Ocean around the Cape of Good Hope.

“We are aware of pharmaceutical bottles containing pills that have been washing ashore in the Port Alfred, Kenton, Cannon Rocks, and Boknes areas since Monday, September 9, 2024,” said a SAMSA spokesperson. The authority is working with an Incident Management Systems (IMS) committee, including various government departments, to identify, analyze, and safely dispose of the products.

The influx of medicinal products coincides with reports of several cargo vessels collectively losing nearly 200 containers in the past eight weeks amid a series winter storms. SAMSA confirmed that vessels involved include the MV Benjamin Franklin, MV CMA CGM Belem, MV Maersk Stepnica, MV Rio Grande Express, and MSC Antonia.

“These incidents highlight the risks posed by severe weather conditions and the challenges of responding to coastal shipping emergencies,” SAMSA explained. The authority is actively monitoring the coastline and collaborating with local authorities to track any further containers or goods that might wash ashore.

The incidents coincide with an increase in vessel traffic around the Cape of Good Hope, attributed to Houthi attacks in the Red Sea. SAMSA assured that vessel owners are cooperating fully and have committed to undertaking clean-up operations if necessary.

As investigations continue, coastal residents are advised to report any unusual findings to local authorities and refrain from handling unidentified substances.


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