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File: 39ffcc5138922d8⋯.jpg (4.3 KB,255x108,85:36,Oh_say_can_you_see_by_the_….jpg)

4eac23 No.21567963 [View All]

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0b974c No.21568753

File: 97d158e6d4a98a5⋯.jpg (149.52 KB,631x575,631:575,97d158e6d4a98a52cec008efca….jpg)





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a30867 No.21568754

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23fe9f No.21568755

File: 9170d612c39f0cc⋯.png (23.13 KB,652x296,163:74,ClipboardImage.png)


Who won tonight's Debate?





7:47 PM • Sep 10, 2024


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165d87 No.21568756


Not this year.

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5bdbc6 No.21568757

File: 59d3c48a4e01f9f⋯.png (372.88 KB,594x420,99:70,ClipboardImage.png)


keep your pets indoors.

oh and do not let the children out either.


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4500ce No.21568758

File: ca760d8bd518e75⋯.png (51.13 KB,230x255,46:51,Donald_Trump_Has_a_Posse.png)

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05d01d No.21568759

File: 7b192567a8745f5⋯.png (346.79 KB,691x455,691:455,1k.png)


Sep 11, 2018 3:04:04 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 214


We Will Never FORGET!

We Will Never FORGIVE!




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56ad36 No.21568760


I agree. Something else is scripted.

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23fe9f No.21568761

File: 0e901a4d80e7c22⋯.png (1.77 MB,1013x656,1013:656,ClipboardImage.png)


>a normal election

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0b974c No.21568762


Good eye, anon./

Wait until you see how advanced those contacts are…//'//'//'//'///

They took three thousands years to make./




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b3a0c0 No.21568763


yea but that was due to diggers and insiders

i should have also mentioned while big pharma is taking that 10-20 years to develop a "new vax" guess what else they're getting in the meantime? taxpayer dollars through grants to do so

that's really why they're pissed

the cash cow didn't flow as long as they wanted it to

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05d01d No.21568764

File: 76bae29806a078e⋯.png (1.62 MB,2360x1840,59:46,12.png)


Sep 11, 2018 7:33:17 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 225

Rats running.

Timing is everything.

Enjoy the show.


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d7c97c No.21568765


Russian bots must be awake

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05d01d No.21568766

File: 7e263ab9bdc3cab⋯.jpg (106.12 KB,750x499,750:499,000ohiddefinately.jpg)

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a30867 No.21568767

Harris wants a second debate.

The trap has been set.

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4e53f3 No.21568768

File: 1adf5634c031849⋯.jpg (69.46 KB,950x534,475:267,Love_or_Hate.jpg)

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23fe9f No.21568769

File: af836f6e3b67f4e⋯.png (600.64 KB,657x658,657:658,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 767a3c2d15788f0⋯.mp4 (471.13 KB,640x360,16:9,Here_s_the_former_Governor….mp4)

Kenny Webster


Here’s the former Governor of Virginia talking about post birth abortions.

Not a single Democrat party leader has disavowed this statement.

ABC News moderators are misleading their viewers

6:39 PM • Sep 10, 2024


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3d33da No.21568770

File: 2ed284caaefac71⋯.png (626.52 KB,1157x863,1157:863,ClipboardImage.png)

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474d80 No.21568771

File: b6e9ac38010b91f⋯.png (427.99 KB,515x481,515:481,ClipboardImage.png)

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a864be No.21568772

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4e53f3 No.21568773

File: 787b4d39fc797f1⋯.jpeg (347.43 KB,902x1200,451:600,Love_try_it.jpeg)

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05d01d No.21568774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b3a0c0 No.21568775

not to mention all the snake oil charlatans who would have leeched that long too

so there's your alt pharma shill angle

>why wait for a vax? take this dnaforce!

or some shit

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4e53f3 No.21568776

File: 8bb3d278c30abd6⋯.jpg (95.57 KB,500x670,50:67,Love_Your_Children.jpg)

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70c48b No.21568777

File: f3c325a271aaf5d⋯.gif (2.42 MB,1024x605,1024:605,torus5.gif)

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d28e4a No.21568778


peanuts compared to all the money that pours into the scam every year

the scam is over, just let it wind down now

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05d01d No.21568779

File: 51e994fb4be932f⋯.png (1 MB,934x437,934:437,1BC.png)

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4e53f3 No.21568780

File: e52e5febc6ed194⋯.png (1.24 MB,833x1110,833:1110,Love_earth.png)

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7c8c28 No.21568781


>>>Colon probablemente no querrá jugar con nadie después de que termine de auditar la iglesia del volcán de Alec Baldwin.>>21568157

>>>COCO transexual va a estar celoso >>21568368

>>>Colon va a auditar la cabra de Alec Baldwin con mucho esfuerzo.

>>>Colon más rápido, Hilaria acaba de recibir su exorcismo.

>>>butt watch colon run background probe alec baldwin goatse .xml

>>>see colon run alec baldwin goatse .xml

>>>run colon run

>>>run colon run

>>>run colon run

>>>run colon run

>>>see colon run audit alec baldwins buttstuff

>>>>>Qué gran economía de colon en verdad!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>pinche hilaria exorcismo para liveleeky LEEKY para BO is a cum chuggin whor


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tension joto maricons GUEYS pinche hilaria exorcism LEEKY liveleek

>>>>>>>>>>>>>y para BO in durh closet


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>esta hilaria exorcism not televised (live leek LEEKY) para re$hitpo$tid cuz BO in durh closet


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>hilaria exorcism not televised (butt LEEKY on liveleeks )

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>mucho macho LEEKY hilaria exorcism para joto GUEYS

>>>>>>>>>>>>esta hilaria exorcismo LEEEKY liveleek para BO faggo jealous an mad

>>>>>>>>>>>El exorcismo de Hilaria no será televisado LEEKY en liveleeks

>>>>>>>>>>El Estado no reconoce los exorcismos sin licencia, especialmente después de los sobornos fallidos por armas de utilería.

>>>>>>>>Los sobornos fallidos de armas de utilería lideraban la carrera después de que Methed 8 temporadas pasaran 11 temporadas Laudurin Walkin Dead según Alexa Investments en Harributtplug

>>>>>>>No hay un tapón anal triple lo suficientemente fuerte como para evitar que Kathleen Kennedy destruya el castillo de LemmiWinks

>>>>>>Este momento de malevolencia y negación del schadenfreude fascista nos lo trae Alec Bladwin, el culto Xinu que hace trenes con niños y kilos, barcazas y pequeñas islas.

>>>>Ojalá la travesti COCO pudiera extraer todo ese oro de la bóveda de Butthol de Alec Bladwin

>>>Las auditorías en expansión confirmaron que el lavado de dinero de Alec Baldwin se debía a trenes con niños, kilos, barcazas y pequeñas islas.

>>La iglesia del volcán de Alec Baldwin va a tener una FUGA después de todo el sondeo de fondo con colon

>Bill Gates lucha con este colon todo el tiempo

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269746 No.21568782


>they had planned to finish off america

Americas been gone since 1871 and then was gutted in 1915.

You can keep your ripped up constitution, licenses, debt, inflation, being the immigrant shit pot for the world, the global police keepers, and enjoy your communist controlled elections.

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23fe9f No.21568783

File: 1fc3cd40766af68⋯.png (254.68 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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865e50 No.21568784

File: 999e1ce924fd2f6⋯.jpeg (141.06 KB,606x676,303:338,told_my_cat_to_get_out_of….jpeg)

My favorite meme of the week…

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4e53f3 No.21568785

File: 8bb3d278c30abd6⋯.jpg (95.57 KB,500x670,50:67,Love_Your_Children.jpg)

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23fe9f No.21568786

File: 00b9249ba6f8f24⋯.png (884.73 KB,1200x598,600:299,ClipboardImage.png)

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05d01d No.21568787

File: bb6c9fafc3b31bd⋯.jpg (14.42 KB,255x198,85:66,okek77.jpg)

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97af12 No.21568788

File: 2e117e3ffe21a33⋯.png (477.82 KB,628x758,314:379,1_1.png)

File: d669e2348bf5465⋯.png (172.24 KB,326x407,326:407,1_2.png)

File: f241c319cf362a8⋯.png (580.05 KB,604x844,151:211,1_3.png)

File: 21eb746103e76f0⋯.png (433.83 KB,637x1177,637:1177,1_4.png)

File: 5c1add3f17f78e8⋯.png (157.88 KB,393x344,393:344,1_5.png)

Kamala Harris, Linsay Davis and Alpha Kappa Alpha

In the debate, President Trump talked about Kamala Harris being at a sorority party during Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to the Senate. Here's what Anon found about that. Can you say sorority sisters? Can you say Alpha Kappa Alpha? Can you say Divine Nine?

Forward.com - Kamala Harris will miss Netanyahu’s address to Congress. Here’s why.

July 22, 2024

"Harris, who as vice president is also president of the Senate, plans to address a historically Black sorority’s national convention in Indianapolis that day, according to the Indianapolis Star. Sen. Ben Cardin will preside over the speech in Harris’ stead."

Alpha Kappa Alpha


CNN - A look at Alpha Kappa Alpha, the legendary sorority repped by Kamala Harris

July 25, 2024


Her Agenda - A Peek Inside Her Agenda: Linsey Davis

ABC News Correspondent and Author

Feb. 8 2021

Alpha Kappa Alpha


University of Virginia - UVA Today - Preparation and Prayer: This Hoo Is Ready for the Presidential Debate

September 9, 2024

Alpha Kappa Alpha


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4e53f3 No.21568789

File: 4afc674e3fb8aee⋯.jpg (62.41 KB,1600x1080,40:27,LOVE.jpg)

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05d01d No.21568790

File: 2e248082f4f5712⋯.png (1.94 MB,1909x966,83:42,1b.png)

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23fe9f No.21568791

File: 35c472de142fdb2⋯.png (1.76 MB,1032x1118,12:13,ClipboardImage.png)

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165d87 No.21568792

File: 8d47599abb054fc⋯.mp4 (1.86 MB,854x480,427:240,trump_elected_kek.mp4)

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4e53f3 No.21568793

File: fde0de8f93f8e8f⋯.jpg (53.53 KB,620x465,4:3,LoveEndless.jpg)

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ec9a3a No.21568794


Somehow they kept her sober. kek

Not even one good cackle.

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4e53f3 No.21568795

File: 3e3c0bac1a2ddea⋯.jpg (78.1 KB,538x401,538:401,LurkMasterGeneral.jpg)

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05d01d No.21568796

File: 021f44358cecbbe⋯.gif (9.65 MB,680x289,40:17,1a5.gif)

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d28e4a No.21568797


the program is over

coordinated takedown

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b3a0c0 No.21568798


still better than anywhere else for the time being and worth fighting for

fair weather bitches like you can kick rocks though

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8901fd No.21568799

File: 9260e101e712797⋯.png (415.86 KB,643x360,643:360,ClipboardImage.png)

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4e53f3 No.21568800

File: f612141efbfad13⋯.jpeg (223.66 KB,1474x1208,737:604,LyingLips.jpeg)

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23fe9f No.21568801

File: 4888f4f5c8749f7⋯.png (1.46 MB,1198x1200,599:600,ClipboardImage.png)

" Equity. "

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cc95c0 No.21568802


The problem is that liberal NPC's respond to that.

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