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File: 20c68f1b8e6ecf8⋯.png (67.35 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

59a702 No.21554749 [View All]

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580 posts and 407 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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edb7df No.21555585

File: ff5ff25760da03e⋯.png (2.44 MB,1284x1275,428:425,ClipboardImage.png)


Total chattel property slavery. You will own nothing and you won't like it.

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eb9e9a No.21555586

File: 5a11c15c3151918⋯.png (432.72 KB,1249x958,1249:958,ClipboardImage.png)


Baby pigeons spend a relatively long time in the nest, as much as four to five weeks. When they’re finally ready to fledge, they look just like adult pigeons. That’s why it’s rare to see a baby pigeon in the wild—by the time they leave the nest, they’re indistinguishable from their parents.


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c83735 No.21555588

File: df9a0ad7c69ce4d⋯.jpg (16.42 KB,454x196,227:98,Jan11Qanon.JPG)

File: 30057b4ff445313⋯.png (1.55 MB,1112x576,139:72,30057b4ff445313ddc0d9a4a23….png)

File: a44ec0003e0d52a⋯.png (151.95 KB,793x419,793:419,Screenshot_2024_06_28_1836….png)

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eb9e9a No.21555591


those are not tits anon

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89794b No.21555592

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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128474 No.21555596

notables @ 615

#26406 >>21554760

>>21554818, >>21554866, >>21554903, >>21555001 Alignenings

>>21554836, >>21554883, >>21554893, >>21554929, >>21554947 Fox Point

>>21554837 Trump Takes The Lead in the Top-Rated Pollster's Poll

>>21554923 Glenn and Tucker on the #AssassinationAttempt of President @realDonaldTrump

>>21554926 O'Keefe: It gives me faith in humanity how many hundreds of election workers, supervisors, and poll workers are asking for cameras

>>21554952 Out of the 1,326 days Biden has been in office, 532 were vacation days

>>21554957, >>21554975 CYM Corporation

>>21554984 Presler: I infiltrated the Bucks County Democrats on Facebook & they are freaking out about our voter registration efforts

>>21554987 Grassley corn comms

>>21555020 Never give up

>>21555024 Kash Patel believes that Kamala Harris may be installed as President before the 2024 election

>>21555072 Line Fire holds steady at 17K acres, but fire officials warn of worsening conditions ahead

>>21555125 Flashback to the fairest and most based take on Q to ever hit cable television airwaves

>>21555133 Kamala has a policy page up now

>>21555181 Bill Gates says he wants to work another 20 to 30 years: ‘Warren Buffett still comes into the office six days a week’

>>21555193 Dak Prescott, Cowboys agree to record $240M deal over 4 years

>>21555201 Ronald Reagan film has biggest gap on Rotten Tomatoes in Hollywood film history

>>21555212 Top 10 people most likely to reach trillionaire status

>>21555223 Former President George W. Bush has no plans to endorse in the election

>>21555233 2 Nigerian men sentenced in sextortion scheme leading to Marquette teen’s death

>>21555247 Watching a football game in Shared Reality sports venues

>>21555282 State of Things: The Internet

>>21555342, >>21555380, >>21555397, >>21555430, >>21555438, >>21555459 PF

>>21555378 DJT: I believe it is time to end needless arrests and incarcerations of adults for small amounts of marijuana for personal use

>>21555443, >>21555488, >>21555518, >>21554971 Cats for Trump

>>21555570 RFK Jr.: The vaccines were not developed by Moderna-Pfizer… but by NIH

>>21555575 DJT: Happy Birthday Mary!

>>21554940, >>21554991, >>21554995, >>21555070, >>21555203, >>21555278, >>21555420 Memes


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f6ff26 No.21555599

File: 9b612cca1dbe33f⋯.jpeg (15.41 KB,255x158,255:158,IMG_0647.jpeg)


Oldfag detected

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d5a7f9 No.21555600


I’m a cat lover

I’m a bigger bird lover

Fuck your cats

Feral cats take a heavy toll on the world’s wildlife, especially Down Under. The solution? Smarter traps, sharpshooters, survival camp for prey species, and the “Felixer.”


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c83735 No.21555607


pretty damn close

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eb9e9a No.21555608

File: 405dba62a67ebc2⋯.png (1.44 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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1eef66 No.21555609


>Fuck your cats

>Feral cats

Not the same thing

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a6a7ba No.21555612

File: b76b4cd7826026c⋯.gif (961.71 KB,500x281,500:281,01l.gif)


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1bde45 No.21555613


WHAT CITY, STATE, OR EVEN COUNTRY DID THIS VIDEO TAKE PLACE IN? Hate these twatter vids that do not even state what country the indidents they post are taking place in.

It's been known forever that the savages, which the Communists are streamlining here, do shit like this to animals, children, anything breathing.

Posting VID not even stating the city (or country) is par for the course with these twatter vids.

Hope these people never stumble into Chinese restaurants in this country…

They're on virtually every other block now.

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beb5d4 No.21555614

File: 10481e7b4488e17⋯.gif (981.16 KB,500x269,500:269,01k.gif)


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0bcf9a No.21555615

File: bdf9d61df608ce2⋯.gif (2.63 MB,900x524,225:131,01b.gif)


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e55a1e No.21555616


Look at the situation with Lauren Chen/Tenet.. paid by Russia.. promotes influancers like Nick Fuentes who attack Trump.

Any different from the situation with Israel and Free Speech Systems LLC and Corsi?


When money is never involved you can't be paid off or comprised.


When you areanonmyous nobody can find you in the 1st place.


All that matters is the mission.

Focus on the mission.

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a2d516 No.21555617

File: ebec02cba8a1f88⋯.gif (855.7 KB,480x204,40:17,1a51.gif)


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65e913 No.21555619



[King needs permission/acceptance from church for many things.. who rules who?]

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c38790 No.21555620


pray to whatever demon you worship that i never see you kill a cat

i promise you will beg to die

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2de9f8 No.21555623


Grant came after Lincoln

The Original 13th Amendment is found in many books but the only Constitution it was in was the Confederate Constitution

>Lincoln was a terrorist and we as Americans are living the results of his Tyranny that he created

Nope on both counts

Ever heard of a General named Sherman?

The tyranny we have now started after Lincoln

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edb7df No.21555624

File: 983291c7ce57eba⋯.png (64.24 KB,281x233,281:233,ClipboardImage.png)


It's a selection year and the globohomos didn't have time - or brains - to stage a better FF.

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1bde45 No.21555627



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c83735 No.21555629

File: 0be0dfa5f20026d⋯.png (58.35 KB,765x567,85:63,ClipboardImage.png)

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89794b No.21555630

File: decade6b71a98e2⋯.mp4 (3.94 MB,848x476,212:119,VID_20240902_073449_686.mp4)

That Vence crazy cat lady shit now all this cat eating Haitians. It's like we're watching a movie huh Anons.

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451af1 No.21555632


When the cat ladies unite with MAGA, it's game over.

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f6ff26 No.21555634

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edb7df No.21555636

File: 0e2fc0b0386e36d⋯.png (63.16 KB,460x403,460:403,ClipboardImage.png)


The Tories never left. This occupation started when CONgress was on recess, December 1913. Every Federal administration since is Treason

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c83735 No.21555638

File: fb9feb6680f2928⋯.png (297.23 KB,669x744,223:248,ClipboardImage.png)


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d5a7f9 No.21555639


They’re exactly the same thing to a bird

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c9a6aa No.21555642

File: b364bb23e9382b5⋯.gif (9.99 MB,540x570,18:19,gif.gif)

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65e913 No.21555643






<IMF loan says Chief

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e55a1e No.21555644


Well Trump called him sloppy Steve.

Steve is a brilliant political strategist that has a lot of baggage. Trump had to pardon him and he is still in jail.

But he did a lot for Trump.

The pluses and minus of Steve would have to be a very involved discussion.

His time in the Whitehouse was very short for a reason.

There is nothing I have to reconcile.

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81ca0e No.21555645

File: a13d15d842d37b4⋯.png (297.83 KB,776x378,388:189,ClipboardImage.png)

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f6ff26 No.21555646

File: d6a5a0a13a6d7b6⋯.jpeg (242.25 KB,680x734,340:367,IMG_1964.jpeg)


Time to kysf

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7744b8 No.21555648


Israel pays a shitton of influencers and probably everyone who pushes the russia hoax

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ded2af No.21555649

File: af8e193d189b370⋯.mp4 (2.82 MB,256x144,16:9,The_Truman_Show_in_4K_Ultr….mp4)

File: 5949d990dbc0e41⋯.mp4 (2.99 MB,256x144,16:9,Inception_2010_You_re_in_a….mp4)

File: 34ce90d25fc1eaa⋯.mp4 (1.21 MB,256x128,2:1,Matrix_woman_in_red_dress_….mp4)

File: b5557e5cfd9a276⋯.jpeg (143.31 KB,850x478,425:239,IMG_0588.jpeg)

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edb7df No.21555650

File: 03d2866b3ea2099⋯.png (562.84 KB,856x748,214:187,ClipboardImage.png)


Guelphs changing names again

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ead635 No.21555652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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451af1 No.21555653

notables @ 620

#26406 >>21554760

>>21554818, >>21554866, >>21554903, >>21555001 Alignenings

>>21554836, >>21554883, >>21554893, >>21554929, >>21554947 Fox Point

>>21554837 Trump Takes The Lead in the Top-Rated Pollster's Poll

>>21554923 Glenn and Tucker on the #AssassinationAttempt of President @realDonaldTrump

>>21554926 O'Keefe: It gives me faith in humanity how many hundreds of election workers, supervisors, and poll workers are asking for cameras

>>21554952 Out of the 1,326 days Biden has been in office, 532 were vacation days

>>21554957, >>21554975 CYM Corporation

>>21554984 Presler: I infiltrated the Bucks County Democrats on Facebook & they are freaking out about our voter registration efforts

>>21554987 Grassley corn comms

>>21555020 Never give up

>>21555024 Kash Patel believes that Kamala Harris may be installed as President before the 2024 election

>>21555072 Line Fire holds steady at 17K acres, but fire officials warn of worsening conditions ahead

>>21555125 Flashback to the fairest and most based take on Q to ever hit cable television airwaves

>>21555133 Kamala has a policy page up now

>>21555181 Bill Gates says he wants to work another 20 to 30 years: ‘Warren Buffett still comes into the office six days a week’

>>21555193 Dak Prescott, Cowboys agree to record $240M deal over 4 years

>>21555201 Ronald Reagan film has biggest gap on Rotten Tomatoes in Hollywood film history

>>21555212 Top 10 people most likely to reach trillionaire status

>>21555223 Former President George W. Bush has no plans to endorse in the election

>>21555233 2 Nigerian men sentenced in sextortion scheme leading to Marquette teen’s death

>>21555247 Watching a football game in Shared Reality sports venues

>>21555282 State of Things: The Internet

>>21555342, >>21555380, >>21555397, >>21555430, >>21555438, >>21555459 PF

>>21555378 DJT: I believe it is time to end needless arrests and incarcerations of adults for small amounts of marijuana for personal use

>>21555443, >>21555488, >>21555518, >>21554971 Cats for Trump

>>21555570 RFK Jr.: The vaccines were not developed by Moderna-Pfizer… but by NIH

>>21555575 DJT: Happy Birthday Mary!

>>21554940, >>21554991, >>21554995, >>21555070, >>21555203, >>21555420 Memes


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

451af1 No.21555656

notables FINAL

#26406 >>21554760

>>21554818, >>21554866, >>21554903, >>21555001 Alignenings

>>21554836, >>21554883, >>21554893, >>21554929, >>21554947 Fox Point

>>21554837 Trump Takes The Lead in the Top-Rated Pollster's Poll

>>21554923 Glenn and Tucker on the #AssassinationAttempt of President @realDonaldTrump

>>21554926 O'Keefe: It gives me faith in humanity how many hundreds of election workers, supervisors, and poll workers are asking for cameras

>>21554952 Out of the 1,326 days Biden has been in office, 532 were vacation days

>>21554957, >>21554975 CYM Corporation

>>21554984 Presler: I infiltrated the Bucks County Democrats on Facebook & they are freaking out about our voter registration efforts

>>21554987 Grassley corn comms

>>21555020 Never give up

>>21555024 Kash Patel believes that Kamala Harris may be installed as President before the 2024 election

>>21555072 Line Fire holds steady at 17K acres, but fire officials warn of worsening conditions ahead

>>21555125 Flashback to the fairest and most based take on Q to ever hit cable television airwaves

>>21555133 Kamala has a policy page up now

>>21555181 Bill Gates says he wants to work another 20 to 30 years: ‘Warren Buffett still comes into the office six days a week’

>>21555193 Dak Prescott, Cowboys agree to record $240M deal over 4 years

>>21555201 Ronald Reagan film has biggest gap on Rotten Tomatoes in Hollywood film history

>>21555212 Top 10 people most likely to reach trillionaire status

>>21555223 Former President George W. Bush has no plans to endorse in the election

>>21555233 2 Nigerian men sentenced in sextortion scheme leading to Marquette teen’s death

>>21555247 Watching a football game in Shared Reality sports venues

>>21555282 State of Things: The Internet

>>21555342, >>21555380, >>21555397, >>21555430, >>21555438, >>21555459 PF

>>21555378 DJT: I believe it is time to end needless arrests and incarcerations of adults for small amounts of marijuana for personal use

>>21555443, >>21555488, >>21555518, >>21554971 Cats for Trump

>>21555570 RFK Jr.: The vaccines were not developed by Moderna-Pfizer… but by NIH

>>21555575 DJT: Happy Birthday Mary!

>>21554940, >>21554991, >>21554995, >>21555070, >>21555420 Memes


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6dca63 No.21555657

File: 527fa5e80585de4⋯.jpg (17.2 KB,480x320,3:2,media_GXAIFIUWcAAzYxi.jpg)

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89794b No.21555661

File: 341e135070862d5⋯.jpg (198.58 KB,1280x1280,1:1,IMG_20240818_052715_396.jpg)



>When the cat ladies unite with MAGA, it's game over.

It's happening. Kek

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431be7 No.21555665

File: 758b913d5853655⋯.jpg (129.4 KB,1000x1151,1000:1151,vermacropped.jpg)

File: 8c81fa33b798e65⋯.jpg (172.21 KB,759x1140,253:380,verma2.jpg)

File: ed78002c7c9fb2f⋯.jpg (254.8 KB,1500x837,500:279,vermasidebysidewithsofaboy.jpg)

>>21554796 lb

>>21555522 lb


Richard Verma was a channel for Soros to HRC

He was my candidate for Barry's Sofa boi

Nobody saw it cause he had a chin job?! He's the only one who fit the criteria and who had the bedroom eyes Barry would go for.

Supposedly Barry was very attached (infatuated, they say) with sofa boi; none of the other candidates fit the other criteria presented, nor do they have the proper looks.

This one could be reminiscent of Omar Sharif; IMO.

He had surgery on his chin for the fake ID (who was he originally? Good question) and pretended to be Hindu when he actually probably Arab.

The village he supposedly grew up in, in North West India…? (near border of Pakistan?) nobody knew him from there when he toured through.

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edb7df No.21555666

File: c15af2b52162faf⋯.png (1.77 MB,907x1115,907:1115,ClipboardImage.png)


Royal houses make us pay for all that and a whole lot more. It will be their undoing.

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01ae37 No.21555671

File: 649cb365282def1⋯.gif (293.73 KB,184x226,92:113,spockbrow.gif)

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eb9e9a No.21555673

File: 9007a025b89163c⋯.png (657.51 KB,923x615,923:615,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3896607f046fa44⋯.png (1016.56 KB,540x788,135:197,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5d2ae0d67ede52⋯.png (470.09 KB,512x640,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1974b9c8071ff93⋯.png (356.75 KB,500x535,100:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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c38790 No.21555674


>The tyranny we have now started after Lincoln

the creation of the FED 1915

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451af1 No.21555676

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e55a1e No.21555680


Correct, and I'm not justifying that… but ive seen people Defend Lauren Chen/Tenet saying but ppl take money from Israel.

But the fact of the matter is DOJ cares cause There is sanctions against Russia.

- Cause Russia is the current Boogeyman - sure but that's a bigger topic

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60e08a No.21555684





bread locked please migrate==

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