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File: c6f171fb6064da0⋯.jpg (701 KB,1384x778,692:389,c6f171fb6064da0766d7779e57….jpg)

cc57fc No.21553199 [View All]

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701 posts and 580 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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3040fc No.21553972


You mean over on Telegram?

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8fafd2 No.21553973

File: 823f8c21ad7a03f⋯.mp4 (2.7 MB,424x270,212:135,weinst.mp4)

tune in

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773791 No.21553974

File: 96f5f5dbe097d1e⋯.png (24.89 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage3257.png)

File: fddf258af5b56eb⋯.png (46.24 KB,473x273,473:273,qaggdropimage4276.png)

File: f3241b7ec869d04⋯.png (131.18 KB,473x685,473:685,qaggdropimage2758.png)

File: 950148376f679c0⋯.png (334.63 KB,473x2567,473:2567,qaggdropimage316_1.png)

File: a1db53071806504⋯.png (28.91 KB,473x231,43:21,qaggdropimage1305.png)


We love our armed service members,

past and present,

Serving in any capacity.

The true hero's of the American People.

Thank you

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05bfd3 No.21553975


Feed the We are the World, let them know it's Christmas time.

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d39c3d No.21553976

File: 3e9e3c9920d0f1b⋯.jpg (10.68 KB,255x207,85:69,ApuCookie.jpg)

sounds like it >>21553902

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7507a3 No.21553977









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481faf No.21553978



East Coast mute point - policy

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7010dd No.21553979


You know the saying about flak and over the target and shit? They imitate in an attempt to destroy now, or so they've claimed, but ultimately have failed to do. There's always a sockpuppet that comes out when I get a little close to home it seems to try and create the consensus that no one cares. I care to point out the evil. All it takes is just one.

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89f9a2 No.21553980

File: 1d20273738376fc⋯.png (765.15 KB,974x850,487:425,920c6ef60f91e1fc84a40a27a5….png)



STOP validating their narrative by calling them "immigrants"


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e88507 No.21553981

File: a1f85103dc3b75c⋯.jpg (3.2 MB,5599x6000,5599:6000,Godfather_III.jpg)

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de75a2 No.21553982


Chunk is a grifter and always has been. Started out in the 90s as a Republican™, then in the early 2000s went the cool route and became an Independent with Libertarian™ leanings. When Renegade became POTUS, Chunk Yogurt got his marching orders to go Liberal. He does whatever his shekel masters want, or he doesn't get paid.

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719ce8 No.21553983


This is why wiki is an unreliable source.

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0a01b1 No.21553984

File: f8388bfea4941da⋯.mp4 (5.2 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17258325531….mp4)

Ichigo Niggasake




It has to be done, you ain't finna mess with my child


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652752 No.21553985

notables FINAL

#26404 >>21553205

>>21553225 Tucker Carlson Responds to the Cheney Clan Endorsing Kamala Harris

>>21553238 CIA and MI6 chiefs warn of threats to ‘world order’

>>21553239, >>21553302 8KUN Video Archive Updated: 200 New MP4's

>>21553244 China bans foreigners from adopting its children

>>21553273 Country Star Jason Aldean Talks About 2017 Las Vegas Shooting With Tucker Carlson

>>21553276 North Korea's Kim Jong Un says Russia will win the holy war for peace and justice

>>21553292 As Durov Blasts French Authorities, Telegram Quietly Revamps Moderation Rules

>>21553300 ‘Too Sensitive’ UK Govt Refuses to Release Cost of Furnishing Asylum Seeker Flats

>>21553312 Summer Davos 2024 & What It Means For You!

>>21553314 Elon: America would pay for the healthcare of Earth

>>21553316 Here’s What Your Government Has Done To You

>>21553331 27th of August, 2024: Report on Government Requests for User Data

>>21553338, >>21553362, >>21553366 CDC Pushes for Babies to Get 3 Unlicensed Covid mRNA Shots by 9 Months

>>21553348 Pacific is a ‘Dumping Ground’ for Priests Accused or Convicted of Abuse

>>21553361, >>21553602 CCP tried to steal NY assembly seat

>>21553374 Mass arrests: 116 people arrests at protests for a hostage release deal

>>21553390 There’s a massive free speech protest in Brazil today… the media isn't covering it

>>21553392 In late 2020, @RepThomasMassie secretly recorded top CDC officials in what could be their first big Covid vaccine lie

>>21553399 PDJT: Are 20% of the mail in PA ballots fraudulent?

>>21553406 Most people now know elections are being rigged

>>21553714, >>21553714 Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes: You must watch this video!

>>21553379, >>21553417 "Fire Away": Florida State Rep. Randy Fine Celebrates Israel Killing an American Citizen

>>21553437 Joe Rogan Slams NYT For Saying Constitution Is Dangerous

>>21553446 Fluorescent nanoparticles present in Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola

>>21553472 NY Post: Animal sacrifices on the rise in Queens with chickens, pigs being tortured in ‘twisted’ rituals

>>21553484 Warnock says K should implement mandatory gun confiscation

>>21553498 Junior Harris spokesperson admits Americans are looking for a new way forward after 3.5 years of Kamala

>>21553512 New Bill Gates series on Netflix

>>21553513 Nina Jankowics is in AUS spewing her censorship hate at Australians

>>21553515 Ninth Circuit upholds block on Montana double-voting bill

>>21553518 Two border patrol agents working with cartels to smuggle fentanyl, drugs

>>21553523 Dems aren't creating disorder, they're preserving it (Chicago)

>>21553533 When The Kamala Harris Admin Shows You Who They Are, Believe Them

>>21553549, >>21553558 WOW: Massive showing at the New York Boat Parade for President Trump today!

>>21553589, >>21553625 Group of Haitians were dropped off in Sylacauga Alabama seemingly overnight

>>21553594 Support systems build for growing Haitian population in Springfield

>>21553609 Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Slams Democrats’ Violent Rhetoric Against Trump

>>21553612 Liberal pollster predicts blowout victory for presidential candidate ahead of ABC debate

>>21553833 DHS has confirmed that Venzuela has emptied their prisons and mental institutions and sent them to the US

>>21553840, >>21553855, >>21553867, >>21553884, >>21553896, >>21553909, >>21553923 Executive Orders: President Trump v President Biden

>>21553850 Many don’t realize the depth of Bill Clinton’s blackmail by Israel

>>21553856, >>21553860 BBC accused of breaching its editorial guidelines 1,553 times in Israel-Hamas coverage

>>21553928 The Obscure State Department Bureau That Fosters Global Illegal Migration

>>21553932 Former Staffers for RFK Jr. Go All-In Announcing Start-Up of Swing-State SuperPAC for Trump

>>21553460, >>21553844, >>21553852, >>21553916 Memes


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e88507 No.21553986

File: 3ef56e7bc23e96f⋯.jpg (2.8 MB,4400x2820,220:141,Swamp_infographic_10.jpg)

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773791 No.21553987



uwu, also stylized UwU, is an emoticon representing a cute face.

uwu is the same as saying you.

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703f7c No.21553988

Did Rfk jr do Covid

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481faf No.21553989

emotions do not communicate at all – to the American people

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e88507 No.21553990

File: 15a480671917dda⋯.jpg (880.45 KB,2672x1600,167:100,Jeffesron_on_misinformatio….jpg)

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1b1792 No.21553991

File: df4bf6d08416b4f⋯.png (116.58 KB,798x459,266:153,ClipboardImage.png)

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7507a3 No.21553992

File: cd89ea5f7bd0751⋯.mp4 (90.03 KB,620x244,155:61,Do_you_understand_the_word….mp4)



See → >>21553967

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811b7f No.21553994

File: 10b963e35a6ccb2⋯.jpeg (205.67 KB,800x665,160:133,17_03_SeanPenn.JPEG)

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e88507 No.21553997

File: e02c755afe15d36⋯.png (1.45 MB,5191x3799,179:131,USGovPersonnelConvictedWeb.png)

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49ca90 No.21553998

File: 4256c8a4391d4c3⋯.png (108.37 KB,776x381,776:381,FAILED.png)


This was the night the Bad People Watching This Board lost it all.

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05bfd3 No.21554000


He did say he was Popei correct?

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b6a6a3 No.21554002


so your saying call them 'unrepelled invaders' is better than 'unvetted slave clients of non-profit grifters'

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811b7f No.21554004

File: 7ee1485763b3253⋯.jpg (44.03 KB,255x382,255:382,IMG_9827.JPG)

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652752 No.21554005

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e88507 No.21554006

File: cdd5f7975c042f1⋯.png (2.8 MB,5393x7897,5393:7897,Laura_Silsby_web_of_connec….png)

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e88507 No.21554007

File: 6bb856c8241d1cd⋯.jpg (579.76 KB,2195x1445,439:289,Conspiracy_Rule_World.jpg)

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6780bc No.21554008

File: 348977e8a739d29⋯.mp4 (4.49 MB,964x720,241:180,The_Rock_just_CONDEMNED_De….mp4)

File: b3a0400bd43393c⋯.png (630.33 KB,964x720,241:180,ClipboardImage.png)



I guess I = They (picrel)

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c87b6e No.21554009


I mean, won't the election need over-the-top fraud for the rest of the salvageable normies to see and demand change? Even just the typical ones who do see the bullshit, but are still adverse to or afraid of "conspiracy theory talk?" If Trump wins this time without terrible DS contention, kinda hard to justify the major and wide-scale actions still necessary in probably all states, not just the swings.

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b0e308 No.21554010

File: 93b65a882bbc0e7⋯.jpg (133.97 KB,900x563,900:563,pepespaceforcea9428f567a7b….jpg)

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e88507 No.21554011

File: 5d1173063a0042a⋯.jpg (348.03 KB,3646x2745,3646:2745,ToddandClare_dot_com_conne….jpg)

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e88507 No.21554013

File: 6c9c0bb98f11622⋯.png (258.88 KB,2538x1404,47:26,SchmidtFoundationWeb.png)

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464e34 No.21554014

File: b46357d05b2ea22⋯.png (245.71 KB,400x400,1:1,pumped.png)

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e88507 No.21554015

File: a4d9af900f94ec2⋯.png (238.7 KB,2536x1396,634:349,McKinsey_spider_web.png)

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464e34 No.21554016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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811b7f No.21554017

File: edb68ec59ec8144⋯.jpeg (57.51 KB,328x420,82:105,Time_Gentlemen_Please_01.JPEG)

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49ca90 No.21554018

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e88507 No.21554019

File: e5f97b1abce4089⋯.png (237.98 KB,2601x1482,867:494,Gannett_Co_web.png)

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e88507 No.21554020

File: a81edf5e62df901⋯.jpg (141.31 KB,1286x725,1286:725,Uranium_1_connections.jpg)

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e88507 No.21554021

File: 0c08bb3a1dc44bc⋯.jpg (136.98 KB,983x774,983:774,Nestle.jpg)

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0a01b1 No.21554022

File: 9ab76e330b60dea⋯.mp4 (1.6 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17257886089….mp4)


She was gollum all along




Always take your date swimming so you know what your dealing with: 💯


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464e34 No.21554023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e88507 No.21554024

File: 652e0abc5ab5f12⋯.jpg (132.49 KB,700x525,4:3,Muslim_Brotherhood_in_Nort….jpg)

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d6eb47 No.21554025


But you’re not embarrassed to elect a senile dementia patient and his Diversity, Inclusion, and equality hyena VP? STFU

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e88507 No.21554026

File: 0a8a8298331ddf9⋯.jpg (114.55 KB,600x600,1:1,VernonJordanWeb.jpg)

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49ca90 No.21554027

They really are The Titanic.. dancing to the band while the waters swallow them alive. Really Stupid.

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0a01b1 No.21554028

File: 4515071cea3b80f⋯.mp4 (1.58 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17257639438….mp4)


wrong vid

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