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File: c87438dafbc595c⋯.jpg (700.89 KB,1924x1081,1924:1081,bannder.jpg)

642a6a No.21543184 [View All]

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701 posts and 500 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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18b764 No.21544156

File: b28d42ca51bd2c3⋯.jpeg (44.39 KB,400x306,200:153,kek32.jpeg)

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66a3e7 No.21544157



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f5f803 No.21544158

File: 123c7968a84290c⋯.jpg (43.3 KB,600x610,60:61,veil_copy.jpg)

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a1a47e No.21544159



leftists heads exploding everywhere if this gets out

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18b764 No.21544160

File: b535741ef78be2f⋯.png (211.02 KB,511x344,511:344,kek35.png)

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4e875d No.21544161

File: b3d6ff5d761393e⋯.png (657.79 KB,680x589,680:589,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03468c8953d9c6b⋯.png (472.09 KB,597x556,597:556,ClipboardImage.png)

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af78f5 No.21544163

File: 73ab6d5eaa42ba8⋯.png (434.13 KB,597x712,597:712,jr.PNG)


John Rich🇺🇸


I've gotten to know Reverend Amanchukwu over the past year or so, and I believe him to be one of the most courageous Christians out there. Watch the trailer to his new documentary, you won't be disappointed! @REVWUTRUTH



John K. Amanchukwu Sr.




The Liberal media thought that labeling me as the "Book Banning Pastor" was going to deter me! It didn't! I embraced it! I wear it with a badge of honor!

My new documentary, in partnership with @tpusafaith "22 Words - Exposing the Loss of Decency in American Education", takes

Show more

9:29 AM · Sep 6, 2024




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6742a1 No.21544164

File: 1fc20c278eca7a5⋯.png (656.29 KB,800x612,200:153,B7402242_6036_4085_80D2_5E….PNG)


Laughs with a echo between the legs

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ab1de9 No.21544166


>Omg someone's gonna do it :3

>Do it Q :3

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8fd31c No.21544168

File: 33c22107e7a3925⋯.jpg (76.91 KB,620x387,620:387,141230074355_putin_vodka_6….jpg)

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2f8dbf No.21544169

File: e709bec24cad219⋯.png (9.88 KB,444x121,444:121,ClipboardImage.png)

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0bc213 No.21544170

You know I love you, right? -Q+

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e2781f No.21544171


Neither, just a team of impotent fools playing their "we are operators, we are less than ten, we're going to get board admin…"

They want to "onboard" anons through their "CLAS test" program

They come at night, usually just before Midnight in DC, and run through Graveyard with their religious baiting

They like to talk about BO going to prison. Months of this crap with no results

They are minions and failures

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429c59 No.21544172

File: 6c280a2bd0a2afe⋯.png (386.24 KB,500x523,500:523,93j6y.png)

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f5f803 No.21544173

File: 4d68b8c5c6c1ad6⋯.png (390.5 KB,777x433,777:433,love_it.png)

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af78f5 No.21544174

File: 3deea6ac68b3617⋯.png (334.99 KB,616x592,77:74,ds.PNG)


johnny maga


Biden nearly slips & says that his son Beau died in war, suggests he would've assaulted Trump if he was in France with him when the suckers and losers hoax (never) happened

"I'm just glad I wasn't there because I think I would've done something"


Trump War Room

9:29 AM · Sep 6, 2024




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7aa391 No.21544176

File: 8d2184066c0b45a⋯.jpg (17.15 KB,400x400,1:1,potusplayscatch3a95825024_….jpg)

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fc25b8 No.21544177


You have more than 23 in a single bread? Sheesh.

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cd151a No.21544178


Besides, the rules here are relevant to the current BO.

If you have any complaints or problems, feel free to speak in META or post on your own board.

If your post is good, someone will see it.

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ab1de9 No.21544179

File: fadc6d8d1f262d0⋯.jpg (31.99 KB,280x280,1:1,atom_bomb_lol_cat_sq_70454….jpg)


>Hai :3

I can haz job interview?

>More 2 come

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642a6a No.21544180

please hold notes til top of next bread anons



#26392 >>21543189


>>21543239, >>21543293 LIVE: Trump Addresses the National Board of the Fraternal Order of Police in Charlotte, NC - 9/6/24 2pm

>>21544125 POTUS UP LIVE

>>21544127, >>21544138, TRUMP Live FOP Quotables

- - - - - - - - -


>>21543201, >>21543225 Judge Delays Trump’s Sentencing Until Nov. 26, After Election Day

>>21543214, >>21543236, >>21543662 Another school shooting. Harford County, Maryland

>>21543215 Walz's Attempt to Troll J.D. Vance in Front of Bakery Backfires

>>21543217, >>21543415 Georgia mass shooting over grievances about the lack of trans acceptance

>>21543252 WH ponders if @JoeBiden should be removed for incompetence via the 25th Amendment

>>21543287 The Atlantic Presents: One on One With Liz Cheney

>>21543309, >>21543313 Telegram

>>21543317, >>21543469, >>21543627 National Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) announces TRUMP ENDORSEMENT

>>21543323 ICE confirms Aurora, Colorado gang members are in the United States illegally

>>21543333 Biden Administration Announces Additional Security Assistance for Ukraine

>>21543340, >>21543397 Alina Habba today at Trump Presser

>>21543401 Newsom just vetoed AB 1840. Just a Presidential Election political calculation.

>>21543464, >>21543474, >>21543481 Biden Admits “Inflation Reduction Act” was actually the “Green New Deal”

>>21543472, >>21543504 Thank You Jim, and @CodeMonkeyZ for staying with us during the darnkess and bringing 8kun online!

>>21543476 @EliseStefanik files ethic complaint w/NY state commission over Harris' recent FEC filing

>>21543514 CBS Reporter Calls Out Kamala Harris for Bussing People to and From Rally

>>21543522 MSNBC Host Faces Big Trouble after Making Verifiably False Claims

>>21543532 @USArmy and @ejercito_Chile 💥

>>21543534, >>21543574, >>21543769 Walz = Chyna = Wuhan = Funding = Covid = Tyranny

>>21543546, >>21543580 Had to Say It kek

>>21543549, >>21543632, >>21543773 TRUMP TRUTH The Manhattan D.A. Witch Hunt

>>21543565 Is this the Law & Order episode that inspired E Jean Carroll's rape fantasy?

>>21543618 DONATE Lurkers and freeloading anons, please help Jim keep the site online by donating

>>21543675, >>21543978, >>21544032 1.3 Million Native-Born Americans Just Lost Their Jobs, Replaced By 635,000 Immigrants

>>21543698 Pennsylvania's Radical Leftist Court Delivers Another Win To Election-Meddling Democrats

>>21543703, >>21543916, , >>21543932, >>21543953, >>21543990, >>21543990, >>21544012, >>21544039 President Biden Delivers Remarks on the Economy

>>21543712, >>21543831 Dick Cheney will be voting for Kamala KEK

>>21543741 White House responds to Putin’s support for Harris

>>21543760, >>21543777 Children as young as 15 should take statins (NO)

>>21543819 American-Turkish activist 26, has been shot dead by the Israeli military in the occupied West Bank

>>21543842 Never thought I'd see Russell Brand close a Tucker Carlson event, praying to Jesus Christ on his knees

>>21543862 There are over 300 MILLION weapons and 12 TRILLION rounds of ammo. Guns are not the problem.

>>21543868 JUST IN - RFK Jr. dropped from ballots in North Carolina & Michigan

>>21543900, >>21543911 Welcome Aboard: College Professors Backing Trump (Add your name Professors)

>>21543914, >>21543925 Justice Department Indictment Bun

>>21543972 RFK JR: The Founding Fathers Fought a Revolution to OVERTHROW What We Are Facing Right Now

>>21544006 US resumes mandatory reporting of "COVID hospitalizations" from November 1st

>>21544018 U.S. Army Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) documents on Tren de Aragua Gang

>>21544054 Women are now being threatened for refusing to pretend sport with the mentally ill men

>>21544066, >>21544078 BREAKING: Alan Dershowitz Announces His Departure From The Democrat Party

>>21544085 @RobertKennedyJr Get your #MAHA hats before they’re sold out 💚🇺🇸

>>21544086 @DouglasEmhoff - McDonald’s Employee of the Month

>>21544108, >>21544157 Anons need this shirt here Again! Again!

>>21544115 @Cancelcloco This is my note taking app - Try it out. It’s free.

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9bd140 No.21544181

File: e309d08ab223f03⋯.png (541.58 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA194.png)

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9bd140 No.21544182

File: a8ec72626cc63d1⋯.png (875.25 KB,1024x768,4:3,WALZ8.png)

File: 4b2ae9e44ba59f8⋯.png (529.68 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA193.png)

File: dd93d9124ab6eec⋯.png (969.64 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA192.png)

File: 4f70423ec27a6d5⋯.png (1.11 MB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA191.png)

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9bd140 No.21544184

File: eaae7f73d86494d⋯.png (815.29 KB,1024x768,4:3,WALZ7.png)

File: e6816c872eb7893⋯.png (406.19 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN616.png)

File: 6e16c71d605b582⋯.png (553.68 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA190.png)

File: 15fafc25b6786a0⋯.png (912.78 KB,1024x768,4:3,SCAMALA1.png)

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6742a1 No.21544186

File: 7e79894fc34ad04⋯.jpg (234.81 KB,754x1000,377:500,22f0fe93e7ec7854ab97a8210c….jpg)

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7aa391 No.21544187


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6742a1 No.21544189

File: 7a3b6c3d1c32805⋯.gif (2.4 MB,360x359,360:359,IMG_8711.GIF)

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642a6a No.21544190

File: 5804213eb44bc5b⋯.png (41.82 KB,275x183,275:183,roll_2020_07_22_02_12_08_U….png)

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235d77 No.21544191


This century?

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6742a1 No.21544193

File: 4dead962886e7d8⋯.gif (4.89 MB,579x434,579:434,IMG_8583.GIF)

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642a6a No.21544195

File: ac3b1780621115b⋯.png (1.06 MB,890x872,445:436,ac3b1780621115bfd5083225f9….png)

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cd151a No.21544197


Thank you.

I see that you mentioned META.

I just thought it was currently important for me to leave a dissenting opinion.

I know there is an inherent theory of not filtering or talking to weirdos, but I personally think that leaving a dissenting opinion might be an improvement.

I think that a post that leads to a CRITICAL HIT by Anons might clarify things more.

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6742a1 No.21544198

File: 3a853c75bd89f85⋯.jpg (76.12 KB,500x512,125:128,IMG_3079.jpg)

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2f8dbf No.21544202


Maybe it was 10. For me it always has been 9.


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642a6a No.21544204

File: 0b7a9af127e7bb2⋯.gif (6.56 MB,360x480,3:4,0b7a9af127e7bb28c61e0fcfc1….gif)

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cd151a No.21544206

>>21544197 edit

>I see that mentioned META.

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96f812 No.21544216

File: a3111030317ba89⋯.png (422.2 KB,749x580,749:580,a3111030317ba8997c488851c8….png)

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e2781f No.21544220


>I see that you mentioned META

I didn't mention it at all

Did you tag the wrong post to reply to?

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96f812 No.21544221

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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906086 No.21544222

File: bc667dcf3901d06⋯.png (924.35 KB,936x713,936:713,colin_powell_sources_iraq_….png)


>US intelligence officials have assessed

muh WMD

literally kek

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642a6a No.21544225

File: 533a1aa5fc6e92c⋯.png (330.54 KB,604x738,302:369,533a1aa5fc6e92c01a0d557258….png)

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e2781f No.21544229


Sauce is jpost, aka Jerusalem Post

Sorta like rrn but tries to look credible

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cd151a No.21544240


From your post it does not appear that you are trying to make things obvious.

If you are not going to answer a question, don't you also need to clarify why you are not answering the question?

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642a6a No.21544242

File: d26fab211743e82⋯.jpeg (882.73 KB,1155x1098,385:366,d26fab211743e82aa640e9454….jpeg)

File: dbfe392968f8bbd⋯.png (75.79 KB,245x248,245:248,dbfe392968f8bbd349b13a6166….png)

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664ec1 No.21544244


Gee, I wonder who could be behind that?

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642a6a No.21544245

File: 0a3479ea5da2c33⋯.jpg (96.95 KB,500x715,100:143,0a3479ea5da2c33a9d4e29c4ee….jpg)

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642a6a No.21544249

File: 487cebda53b405f⋯.jpeg (82.99 KB,637x509,637:509,487cebda53b405f5cfffda8a5….jpeg)

File: 611d390d327492f⋯.png (249.55 KB,585x625,117:125,611d390d327492f387a3393fd2….png)

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cd151a No.21544252


Mr. Jim.

I'll face it with all my heart.


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642a6a No.21544254

File: 709d498c4a58bc7⋯.jpg (200.04 KB,1000x930,100:93,709d498c4a58bc7678dd9cd8ce….jpg)

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642a6a No.21544258

File: 2a03ff1c797c360⋯.mp4 (5.35 MB,720x1280,9:16,2a03ff1c797c360bf4afadc4a0….mp4)

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