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File: c6f171fb6064da0⋯.jpg (701 KB,1384x778,692:389,000ddd.jpg)

99d377 No.21517407 [View All]

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445 posts and 377 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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73e004 No.21517981



>night shit?

>you there good buddy?

Dude… do you realize Night Shift is not a single person, right…?

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043322 No.21517982

If something brings you down from time to time just think about that you survived almost 4 years of a Biden/Harris puppet show! That alone is an achievement per excellence!

In 2020 POTUS always said "We have only just begun" (to fight).

Now he is saying "This will be our last battle"!

Hold the line! Getting close!

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ed9321 No.21517983

File: e72741511bc8504⋯.jpg (23.32 KB,474x266,237:133,super_pepe2.jpg)


Yep. If giving up everything that makes me unique is required for that winning, that's something I'm willing to do without hesitation. I was a nobody walking into this and plan on walking away as a nobody, just with moar confidence in myself than I walked in with.

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aa3764 No.21517984

File: 14485917f8f1729⋯.jpg (608.68 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240821_092721….jpg)

File: 49aa27af3e8029b⋯.jpg (820.78 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240821_092958….jpg)

File: 8b07478b848d527⋯.jpg (132.22 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Fr6bB1DXwAEheDc_1712099307.jpg)

File: 5a9e303a09af5ae⋯.png (952.07 KB,1200x1501,1200:1501,f4c4ac471a45b18040de26c7d0….png)

File: 6e27031892a7c67⋯.jpg (21.44 KB,474x474,1:1,th_974961570.jpg)




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b03634 No.21517985


they on 24/7

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770286 No.21517986

File: b402d395ce2a66f⋯.mp4 (5.38 MB,960x540,16:9,trump_jr_rally_south_korea.mp4)

File: 5b328a73c6864eb⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB,640x360,16:9,nancy_pelosi_We_re_very_di….mp4)

File: d00a0b73e4b1f57⋯.mp4 (2.5 MB,480x852,40:71,singapore_pm_on_wokeness_w….mp4)

File: dfdb5b6f17c661d⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,360x640,9:16,truck_tires_on_fag_road_si….mp4)


> partial immunity for actions taken in office in an official capacity

Interesting how MSM ignores that part and only the "conspiracy right wing" websites point that out

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770286 No.21517987

File: 4195c686e280e56⋯.gif (279.11 KB,500x270,50:27,red_flashing_light_police_….gif)


don't click it. It's not a joke.

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f13d65 No.21517989

pretty funny

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ffb2ff No.21517990

File: f3fdb50e6480fca⋯.png (338.22 KB,700x674,350:337,smoking_pepe21.png)

God bless the Jews.

Facts matter, narcissist destroyed.

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bce149 No.21517991


If its from Ukraine its always a lie

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b03634 No.21517992


^^^^^^^^^^^(You) left the battlefield or asking your supervisor for help?

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a522ef No.21517993

File: b23764af1b325f2⋯.png (1.18 MB,1009x474,1009:474,ClipboardImage.png)

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770286 No.21517994

File: 40c29b496ecc87b⋯.png (146.14 KB,499x491,499:491,around_neocons_never_relax….png)

>>21517444, >>21517676 pb

>NH Supremes rule schools can keep parents in the dark about gender transitions

NH is a cabal state.

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f7c722 No.21517995

File: a1d3568fe8d2ec5⋯.gif (1.34 MB,498x211,498:211,IMG_8376.gif)

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b03634 No.21517996


God bless the 3% Hebrew Jews

Buh-bye to the 97% Zionist Jews

that what you meant to say?

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aa3764 No.21517997

File: 7a538b6ed91080d⋯.jpg (10.79 KB,474x267,158:89,th_2000340012.jpg)

File: a6f640dcb806d29⋯.jpg (31.53 KB,474x316,3:2,th_1104053294.jpg)

[P]0 Kerr

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867d62 No.21517998

Anon feelz that the broadcast of the illegals taking an apt bldg hostage was a ploy to draw out actual patriots who want to remove this cancer from the USA. Sadly anon also thinks the fedbois are behind it and waiting in the shadows to disappear any patriot that comes to their aid.

Can't wait to see what happens when the bikers get there.

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770286 No.21518000

File: 6c6a2a976a439a7⋯.png (303.8 KB,832x700,208:175,cnn_chutzpah_don_lemon_whi….png)


>Hersh was among the innocents brutally attacked while attending a music festival for peace in Israel on October 7

It's been proven that israel killed most (if not all) that day.

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d33bfc No.21518001

File: 9629d72f7ffa714⋯.png (1.11 MB,1280x1280,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc374563f063cbb⋯.png (436.09 KB,490x419,490:419,ClipboardImage.png)


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867d62 No.21518002


Tripz confirmed!

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867d62 No.21518003



dual trips!


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7f5378 No.21518004

File: dde49e028fa5e90⋯.png (262.65 KB,689x374,689:374,PlannedPyramid.PNG)

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24e0a2 No.21518005

File: fb4bc5008d1f2f3⋯.jpeg (79.62 KB,768x685,768:685,24712AD2_13B7_4F94_A853_6….jpeg)

File: fab259ada960306⋯.jpeg (3.85 MB,4032x3024,4:3,E906F0B5_7CF9_486A_B12F_4….jpeg)

Hello CIA.

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3cf287 No.21518006

File: 8d4470f78d1e9bf⋯.jpg (289.83 KB,1441x1080,1441:1080,LaptopsFromHell.JPG)

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00218c No.21518007

14,400 minutes

240 hours

10 days

Till the 23rd Anniversary of 911. Contemplate the digits.

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85be52 No.21518008


>it has been proven…


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85be52 No.21518010


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1a217f No.21518011

File: ba90c96d74e3cc9⋯.png (376.35 KB,506x500,253:250,Morons.PNG)

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85be52 No.21518013

you niggers are fucking stupid.

no one should come here just

to be misled.

(you) should all an hero…

like a proper cult.

shut it down jim,

it is doing moar harm than good.

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f7c722 No.21518014

File: b1c0ed8c653cca1⋯.gif (3.36 MB,480x480,1:1,Demon_Possessed_Meme.GIF)


Just a Karen who saw a MAGA hat

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b03634 No.21518015


not much truth of the other if you lie about one

(You ) become 100% untrustworthy

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aa3764 No.21518017

File: 965a601a6484e33⋯.jpg (33.99 KB,299x500,299:500,51KciXW_JrL_3957812949.jpg)

File: fd98fec32eb00a7⋯.jpg (23.13 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2795305882.jpg)

File: 297e7977a745747⋯.jpg (6.87 KB,474x213,158:71,th_3537611996.jpg)

File: 2a6f7feeeee4df6⋯.jpg (16.34 KB,474x229,474:229,th_765416624.jpg)

File: 7f26227e8140718⋯.jpg (125.93 KB,1980x898,990:449,Crew_Dragon_Spacecraft_Inf….jpg)

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fff6cc No.21518018

File: 3787a33bdf74749⋯.jpg (153.87 KB,612x601,612:601,BasedPatriot.JPG)

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ed9321 No.21518020


The only thing pathetic is your IP hopping, multiple personas, and impotent attempts to despairfag. You're an NPC now, running through your script exactly the same way for years. Now IP hop, because you require forced visibility and the browbeating of compelled listening for your lies to take hold.

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242cff No.21518022


lol nobody is forcing anybody to do anything. it's up to the individual to decide.

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cf6e8d No.21518023

File: 196826bc164c8ee⋯.jpg (99.87 KB,568x379,568:379,BigTechNazis.JPG)

File: 308b5d59f679fff⋯.jpg (108.08 KB,720x886,360:443,BigTechBurn.JPG)

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72d9d8 No.21518024

File: 254a7f221bb6483⋯.gif (6.24 MB,480x270,16:9,254a7f221bb64839c7f8b72103….gif)

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b03634 No.21518025


100% untrustworthy

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867d62 No.21518028


say you're a fed without saying you're a fed

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94b940 No.21518030


>(you) should all an hero…

Shut up stupid

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242cff No.21518031


Please lock bread

See y'all on the other side

#26362 >>21517410

>>21517445 POINTS for callin Palindrome Bread Digits Bravo Zulu

>>21517424 Kamala Trashes 13 Gold Star Families

>>21517427, >>21517429 Health experts fear RFK Jr.’s ‘dangerous’ influence on Trump

>>21517431 Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich column published Friday that Elon Musk was "out of control," and argued he needed to be reined in

>>21517433, >>21517548, >>21517624 Boeing's Starliner crew are reporting hearing strange "sonar like noises" emanating from the spacecraft

>>21517440, >>21517443 When I criticize international central banksters and their corporate flunkies and political/academic/media prostitutes, I'm careful not to conflate them with all Jews.

>>21517444, >>21517676 NH Supremes rule schools can keep parents in the dark about gender transitions

>>21517459 Robert F. Kennedy Jr & John Stossel Debate the Science & Propaganda Behind Childhood Vaccines

>>21517495 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Live at Limitless Expo

>>21517537 Uk: Children found dead all aged under four - police

>>21517581 SF-Usha Chilukuri Vance, the wife of Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, has left her job as a corporate litigator at Munger, Tolles & Olson

>>21517610 1992 a real Communist Party USA Meeting was held in California at the University of Berkeley, Obama Administration

>>21517617 50 Cent says celebs are 'silent' on Diddy because 'they've been to his parties.’ Do you think he is right?

>>21517618 PDJT: Comrade Kamala

>>21517634 State-funded media trying to convince people that having kids is a public health concern?!? They’re literally on a crusade to destroy families and depopulate the world.

>>21517636 The exact moment Bobby became the enemy of the deep state.

>>21517641 "Tirelessly."

>>21517659 NBC's @kwelkernbc tried to excuse the fact that Kamala has never reached out to the Gold Star families of the 13 fallen service members from Abbey Gate by saying she and Biden "met with them during the dignified transfer."

>>21517700 Ukraine's Representative to UN hints Lavrov may have already passed away

>>21517701 Tim Walz’s brother hints at getting on stage with Trump to endorse him


>>21517793 Kamala Harris pledged free healthcare for illegals. They're coming to collect.

>>21517813 Jack Smith Surrenders: Special Counsel Will Not Seek Expedited Hearings in Donald Trump Case

>>21517847 They started it. They'll finish it.


>>21517888, >>21517891 On October 7, Hersh Goldberg-Polin — an American citizen — was taken hostage by Hamas terrorists. He was just 23 years old, attending a music festival with friends. We now know he was murdered by Hamas.

>>21517787, >>21517769, >>21517655, >>21517662, >>21517645, >>21517682 The memes we all need


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a9b475 No.21518032

File: 916791656bc1598⋯.jpg (389.17 KB,1769x1080,1769:1080,BorderSerious.JPG)

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bb6f67 No.21518033


Did I self nom? No. Do I care about my posts getting into notables? No. What I care about is this board and your behavior locking the bread so early. It is sketch. Distract, divert. What post(s) are you hoping no one else will see?

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f7c722 No.21518034

File: d73f6288fecf80a⋯.png (967.41 KB,800x604,200:151,318643B7_28CC_4EAE_807B_F3….PNG)

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b03634 No.21518037


have fun with your spam

truth breaks your soul

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f7c722 No.21518039

File: 19f24f1668f4abf⋯.gif (282.96 KB,320x240,4:3,Pope_John_Paul_Approves.GIF)

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51e36e No.21518040


ok, will do.

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a522ef No.21518041


>It's been proven that israel killed most (if not all) that day

The people on the hang gliders also spoke german.

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b03634 No.21518043



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242cff No.21518044


Fresh dough

Fresh dough

Fresh dough

Fresh dough

Fresh dough

Fresh dough

Fresh dough

Fresh dough

Fresh dough

Fresh dough

Fresh dough

Fresh dough

Fresh dough

Fresh dough

Fresh dough

Fresh dough

Fresh dough

Fresh dough

Fresh dough













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