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File: c6f171fb6064da0⋯.jpg (701 KB,1384x778,692:389,000ddd.jpg)

6d46f1 No.21512821 [View All]

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572 posts and 459 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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0e656c No.21513601



I just don't see how spamming it over and over helps the cause...///

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35134e No.21513602


B of A is gone.

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2c1619 No.21513604

File: 7aaef8fac01539a⋯.png (20.27 KB,591x322,591:322,true.PNG)


Elon Musk




Michael Shellenberger




Dear Brazilian friends,

Please stay on X.

If you leave X for other platforms, the totalitarians will win.

You are safe using VPNs. Everyone knows that there is simply no way for Moraes to inforce his insane decree.

All the proof you need is that the Brazilian government and x.com/shellenberger/…

Show more

8:17 AM · Aug 31, 2024




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2ef992 No.21513606

File: 51e494ce3d588f0⋯.png (575.55 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA185.png)

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9d97a5 No.21513609



i can only speak for me, faggot!

i want everybody to sleep in peace, to eat good stuff, to laugh and smile, to breath fresh air and be able to drink from a river and be happy!

then i will be the happiest person in the world

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35134e No.21513610

File: b01cd4229a5eb53⋯.jpeg (171.75 KB,512x480,16:15,A9A05FEF_518E_4AFB_96DC_2….jpeg)

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0e656c No.21513613



Tell me….//

I want to see.

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c50d5a No.21513615

File: 3d81f96588100c7⋯.mp4 (3.93 MB,640x348,160:87,211.mp4)


>so simple a Qatard™ can understand the comms

Is that you Anderson?

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d635fa No.21513616


>Canadian Women

Canadian Men with Mental Issues


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ba8ed7 No.21513618

File: f2885b54b3ac9fb⋯.jpeg (11.59 KB,183x275,183:275,download_42_.jpeg)

File: 9d730bd58224c12⋯.jpeg (8.6 KB,270x186,45:31,download_41_.jpeg)

File: f9e0a0fa485dbfd⋯.png (847.35 KB,766x2072,383:1036,109.png)

File: afa2656ec69a326⋯.png (982.14 KB,705x872,705:872,afa2656ec69a3268326c4ddda3….png)

File: 66c715125506a61⋯.jpg (26.64 KB,255x246,85:82,f8d4a8f78bc940ba12af2dd056….jpg)

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9d97a5 No.21513620


1. lb

2. fuck you

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2c1619 No.21513622

File: 2c1f11d24b9f9d9⋯.png (786.63 KB,457x822,457:822,q.PNG)

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dd5020 No.21513623

File: 779c4a57e2e47de⋯.jpeg (58.17 KB,522x499,522:499,download_2_.jpeg)

File: b43345bdcd1187c⋯.jpeg (85.38 KB,1052x615,1052:615,IMG_9350.jpeg)

File: f97bf6ebbec6370⋯.jpeg (843.4 KB,1116x2355,372:785,IMG_1666.jpeg)

In attempts to trump Trump, Kamala explains Qdrop133 using her favorite tool theVenn Diagram:

“They’re saving Israel for last!”, Kamala begins to explain further… …”for a very specific reason”.

Qdrop916 with another Venn Diagram in the works.

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9f221c No.21513624

seems notable >>21513570

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ee5608 No.21513625

File: b07d2a3cf6c1662⋯.png (1.83 MB,1000x665,200:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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40993d No.21513627

File: a1f85103dc3b75c⋯.jpg (3.2 MB,5599x6000,5599:6000,Godfather_III.jpg)

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0e656c No.21513628







I feel good, I have no panic or fear and little pain.

What is it then …?

What do you want me to know…///

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62db7e No.21513629



Pope = Chair…

But the Chair serves the Master.

Who is the Master?

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343218 No.21513630

File: a6c8dbb5eacbb3a⋯.png (218.46 KB,584x652,146:163,Screen_Shot_2024_08_31_at_….png)

comms or comms?

Hillary Clinton Drops Out of Kamala Harris Fundraiser in the Hamptons After Getting Covid From DNC Convention Superspreader in Chicago

Hillary Clinton skipped a $100,000 per ticket Kamala Harris event in the Hamptons earlier this week after she fell ill with Covid.

According to Page Six, Hillary Clinton sent her husband Bill Clinton to the fundraiser instead.

Clinton was one of the many DNC Convention attendees to get Covid after attending the superspreader in Chicago last week.

Hillary spoke at the convention last week.


not sure what this tweet has to do with the article but it was there…


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ba8ed7 No.21513632

File: a65414ffca49338⋯.png (1.39 MB,882x882,1:1,GWRyjSnXMAAh2UR.png)

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40993d No.21513633

File: 3ef56e7bc23e96f⋯.jpg (2.8 MB,4400x2820,220:141,Swamp_infographic_10.jpg)

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0e656c No.21513634



I'm talking to you right now…///

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40993d No.21513635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Feel So Good (Live at Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco, CA September 1972)

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c50d5a No.21513636


BTW. On this vid stop it at 2:11 and have a look at the fake Trump with the big nose.

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0100f1 No.21513637


Holiday Weekend, no baker on duty

WILL E-BAKE, gotta be NOW

collector needed for this bread & the next

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7966e3 No.21513638

Anybody have the TDS commercial video? Want to show it to a family member that has TDS.

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dae2b6 No.21513640

File: 41b94a420224ca1⋯.jpg (272.39 KB,1083x609,361:203,no_remorse.jpg)



>seems notable


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d635fa No.21513641


Anderson understands that we want their heads on a pike after conviction.

Cooper, your support is dwindling.

Keep the tears flowing.

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40993d No.21513643

File: 6c9c0bb98f11622⋯.png (258.88 KB,2538x1404,47:26,SchmidtFoundationWeb.png)

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40993d No.21513644

File: a4d9af900f94ec2⋯.png (238.7 KB,2536x1396,634:349,McKinsey_spider_web.png)

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e18a32 No.21513646


> The person that posts it revealed his intent that he's responsible for the other "trademark" acronym faggotry and what exactly he thinks of the Anons that posts here.

That's projection. You have absolutelynoproof that this person is also your alleged trademark™ Anon.

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40993d No.21513647

File: e5f97b1abce4089⋯.png (237.98 KB,2601x1482,867:494,Gannett_Co_web.png)

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40993d No.21513648

File: a81edf5e62df901⋯.jpg (141.31 KB,1286x725,1286:725,Uranium_1_connections.jpg)

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c50d5a No.21513649

File: 6e7781d00895dc4⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB,1280x720,16:9,you_kno_the_thing.mp4)


You know. The Thing.

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0e656c No.21513650



There was a satan but maybe not anymore though, right?


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40993d No.21513651

File: 0c08bb3a1dc44bc⋯.jpg (136.98 KB,983x774,983:774,Nestle.jpg)

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40993d No.21513653

File: d6d361084c12a2f⋯.png (135.85 KB,662x591,662:591,McKinsey_Co_web_connection….png)

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2c1619 No.21513654

File: bf64dd2a1ff95e5⋯.png (149.56 KB,389x711,389:711,5.PNG)


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a42989 No.21513655




when you gonna STOP making memes that attack democrats while ignoring corrupt RINOS?

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40993d No.21513657

File: 652e0abc5ab5f12⋯.jpg (132.49 KB,700x525,4:3,Muslim_Brotherhood_in_Nort….jpg)

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0e656c No.21513658



What is it that the people called satan then…?

Just an entity in a system… ///

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40993d No.21513660

File: e3d71ee4fe12ec0⋯.png (119.36 KB,973x700,139:100,Kissinger.png)

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40993d No.21513662

File: 4290e361578fc53⋯.png (116.8 KB,949x689,73:53,TidesFoundationWeb.png)

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2c1619 No.21513663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


not even close

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40993d No.21513664

File: 0a8a8298331ddf9⋯.jpg (114.55 KB,600x600,1:1,VernonJordanWeb.jpg)

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40993d No.21513665

File: 1200f8eda568e85⋯.png (100.96 KB,954x696,159:116,Rothschild_Munk_DeripaskaW….png)

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40993d No.21513667

File: 93b73ece92c0d30⋯.png (83.48 KB,955x685,191:137,Emmet_J_Rice_web.png)

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40993d No.21513668

File: 168ac1f993a5f8c⋯.jpg (82.39 KB,930x1060,93:106,War_info_war_cyber_war.jpg)

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c50d5a No.21513669


>attending the superspreader

😂. The Party of Disease.

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0100f1 No.21513671

fresh bread, go for it shitposters!!









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