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File: adb3a744e04da90⋯.png (53.76 KB,255x145,51:29,ClipboardImage.png)

e751b0 No.21503793 [View All]

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685 posts and 707 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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826876 No.21504542

File: ae77fe695726875⋯.png (41.2 KB,500x500,1:1,weseeyou.png)

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d57ed8 No.21504543

5D chess

META founder Mark Zuckerberg may have struck a deal with President Trump to avoid a prison sentence or the noose for conspiring with the Biden regime at the height of the Plandemic to censor and demote content–even parody and satire–that contradicted the administration’s messaging.

As the world learned yesterday, Zuckerberg admitted in a letter to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and the House Judiciary Committee that META and Facebook curated COVID-19 posts and stories based on guidelines issued by senior Biden administration officials, who reportedly “pressured” META’s staff to comply. Zuckerberg, however, admitted the decision to selectively censor content was, in the end, his—”Ultimately, it was our decision whether or not to take content down, and we own our decisions”—and said new internal policies would prevent a repeat performance. Without directly apologizing for infringing upon the First Amendment and proliferating disinformation, Zuckerberg seemed to regret leashing himself to the Deep State.

“I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it. I also think we made some choices that, with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn’t make today. Like I said to our teams at the time, I feel strongly that we should not compromise our content standards due to pressure from any Administration in either direction – and we’re ready to push back if something like this happens again,” Zuckerberg wrote.

In short, Zuckerberg confirmed what awake—as opposed to “woke”—Americans had suspected: Zuckerberg, Meta, and Facebook were deeply enmeshed with Biden and the alphabet agencies, another conspiracy proven true.

The letter caused much pandemonium on conservative social media, with many former critics of Zuckerberg now espousing words of forgiveness, believing, apparently, that he abandoned the Deep State and made amends with President Trump.

While some people forgive and forget, White Hats are not often among them, a source in Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall’s office told Real Raw News Tuesday afternoon.

“The admiral read Zuck’s letter and wanted him charged with ‘willful dissemination of enemy propaganda,’ ‘conspiracy to defraud the US,’ and ‘treason,’ but tried getting in touch with President Trump in case a backroom deal was made without him knowing,” our source said.

Adm. Crandall, he added, was unable to reach Trump but contacted a campaign aide who would neither confirm nor deny a Trump-Zuckerberg deal, but said Zuckerberg shouldn’t be touched at this time. While the source wouldn’t name the aide, we believe it’s Susie Wiles, for the admiral has communicated with her in the past.

“It’s best you speak to him personally about such matters,” the aide told Adm. Crandall. “I wouldn’t touch him until you do.”

As of this writing, he still hadn’t heard from the president.

“Trump’s a busy man now and we get that, but a heads up is always a good thing. Deals are done all the time, and look, that letter is a smoking gun that’ll damage Harris’ campaign. If Trump did a deal to expose Harris for the fraud she is, who can blame him?”

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c1e044 No.21504544

File: 71f68431f87d425⋯.jpg (77.87 KB,750x500,3:2,4gms0a.jpg)

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826876 No.21504545

File: 134d611dc8575c5⋯.jpg (56.39 KB,252x255,84:85,PatchAnons.jpg)

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7e74a6 No.21504546

Mil tweets & decodes:

>>21504069 @DeptofDefense: Advances in cutting-edge capabilities

>>21504080 @INDOPACOM: .@PACAF and @AusAirForce conduct ocean survival equipment drops

>>21504095 @thejointstaff: Gen. CQ Brown, Jr., met with Dutch Chief of Defense Gen. @onnoeichelsheim today at the Pentagon

>>21504113 @RoyalCanNavy: The future #HMCSFrederickRolette was delivered today by @IrvingShipbuild

>>21504282 @USNavy: Photos of the day

>>21504306 @DeptofDefense: DoD Will Provide Homeland With Support During Presidential Campaigns

>>21504326 @marforres: #OTD in 1916

>>21504341 @USPacificFleet: #PacificVanguard

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826876 No.21504547

File: 55e2e8449d23099⋯.png (381.11 KB,413x387,413:387,Pepe_Boston_Meme_Party.png)

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aba0fc No.21504548

Israel Agrees To Phased Pauses In Gaza Fighting To Allow Polio Vaccination

It appears Israel has given into US and international pressure, including from global health organizations, to allow for a phased 'pause' it its military campaign in Gaza, in order to allow health workers to begin efforts to vaccinate over 600,000 of the Gaza Strip's children.

Israel's IDF military said it will start with a three-day pause in fighting only in central Gaza "as part of the routine humanitarian pauses that will allow the population to reach the medical centers where the vaccinations will be administered."

But then the pause will move to southern Gaza, and after that the north, according to published statements. Depending on its initial success it will move from zone to zone, but practical implementation in an intense war zone remains to be seen.


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826876 No.21504549

File: 88185b629f296e1⋯.jpg (115.83 KB,759x475,759:475,074d558dca2e2f95ec6f0ae677….jpg)

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17ac5d No.21504550

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






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826876 No.21504551

File: c0b4b95bb09fa9f⋯.jpg (137.56 KB,811x463,811:463,wwg1wwga.jpg)

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826876 No.21504552

File: 924fbe561c808dc⋯.jpg (157.28 KB,1280x720,16:9,nsft.jpg)

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89f40b No.21504553


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a1a51e No.21504554

File: 924b09ecf5743ec⋯.jpeg (89.8 KB,390x389,390:389,DE476E6C_9259_4F74_90B2_1….jpeg)

File: 8acbe1861cef0f6⋯.jpeg (22.25 KB,210x233,210:233,971B5C30_9902_401C_9EF5_8….jpeg)

File: ce3c826190ed4c8⋯.jpeg (369.66 KB,651x1916,651:1916,9E1E7C08_3674_4D81_A140_4….jpeg)

File: 17f95736f278ad1⋯.jpeg (77.66 KB,828x624,69:52,AFDB42DB_FE24_4ED6_9549_3….jpeg)

File: 93c81c012c14cbb⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB,828x1167,276:389,8D260447_7A8F_4C5D_B1A2_D….jpeg)



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3b18df No.21504555


>Predatory Billionaires

20 years ago it was Predatory Millionaires. Truth is these people are just the low level puppets.

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826876 No.21504556

File: 6eb7d5816879443⋯.jpg (182.68 KB,491x595,491:595,YellowBakery.jpg)

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492423 No.21504557


>and we own our decisions

"We" not "I"

We = the Company.

OK OK we'll pay a fine and it all goes away….

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826876 No.21504558

File: 688cc04d188e296⋯.jpg (176.07 KB,660x371,660:371,Cookie_Monster_Pepe_Night_….jpg)

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826876 No.21504559

File: 9dc8acb89cb2c4c⋯.jpg (185.16 KB,1275x958,1275:958,AlienNightShift.jpg)

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7e74a6 No.21504560

notables FINAL

#26347 >>21503803

>>21503845, >>21504495, >>21504485, >>21504515, >>21504539 LIVE: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall in La Crosse, WI - 8/29/24

>>21504467 Q Patriot in La Crosse, Wisconsin holds up a "17" Q hat

>>21503855, >>21503860 Archive: DJT in Michigan

>>21503892, >>21504031, >>21504003 Q+ gives the air Q @ Michigan rally

>>21504062 Trump: My vision is for a middle class that is one again the envy of the entire world

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21503828 O'Keefe: If you know their names, please DM us

>>21503880 Feds filed only 35 criminal cases against illegal alien voters in the past 20 years

>>21503898 Peak Joe Biden Performance

>>21503910 The #FBI has seen a major increase in scams like #sextortion targeting kids and teens

>>21503913 Thai court sentences Spanish YouTube chef to life in jail for murder

>>21503914 Kamawat?

>>21503920 Louisiana can end state Supreme Court consent decree, US appeals court rules

>>21503937 Trudeau's mother dastingly intimate with Fidel Castro

>>21503958, >>21503979 The Rothschild Family is drastically pulling back in North America, with plans to close its Chicago office

>>21504047 Call to vote: Luzerne County, Pennsylvania

>>21504074 Kamala Stumbles in CNN Interview — Bumblehead Blurts Out Word Salad Nonsense in Safe Zone Interview

>>21504078 Two-Thirds Of Americans Now Believe That The American Dream Is Unattainable

>>21504083, >>21504146, >>21504161, >>21504258, >>21504423 Aurora, Colorado: Venezuelan illegal alien gang are taking over block by block

>>21504086 College athlete reveals she was offered thousands to endorse Montana's Democratic Senator Jon Tester

>>21504089 Elon Musk, Tesla win dismissal of lawsuit claiming they rigged dogecoin

>>21504114 Predatory Billionaires Are Corrupting Free Enterprise

>>21504118 Nicole Shanahan just dropped a public service announcement on TDS

>>21504121 NYS Appeals has upheld the ruling keeping @RobertKennedyJr from the ballot in New York State

>>21504125 Kamala Harris’s Hires Anti-Israel ‘Faith Outreach’ Director, Jen Butler

>>21504130 Harris / Walz administration imploding

>>21504154 The United Nations is ‘terrified’ of Trump, official admits in undercover video

>>21504181 Gavin Newsom considers plan to force public colleges to hire illegal immigrants

>>21504206 PF: Don't ever really see USAF F-16s on the ADS-B Network Exchange

>>21504227 El Paso on high alert as dangerous Venezuelan gang described as 'MS-13 on steroids' surges into US - Fox News

>>21504239 PF: Mexican Air Force C-130 3616 makes two stops in Louisiana

>>21504259 PF: Daily Global X Airlines, aka Illegal Migrant Air, report

>>21504278 FOIA Blows Michigan voter fraud from 2020 wide open

>>21504293 Harris would turn nation into Kamalafornia, where illegal immigrants get free money

>>21504303 Wells Fargo employee found dead in her cubicle 4 days after last clocking in

>>21504316 Taiwan delivers protective equipment to Haiti security forces

>>21504353 Peloton's former billionaire CEO says he’s lost all his money

>>21504366 Kamala Harris bussing in people to fill the venue for her "rally" in Savannah, Georgia

>>21504382 Any Jew Who Votes for Kamala Harris and Democrats is like a Chicken Voting for KFC

>>21504396 Trump supporters in Georgia filled the streets to let Kamala Harris know how they feel about her coming to their state

>>21504405 The adults have a hard time hearing it, but it is ok to feed it to middle school students

>>21504433 Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden, Ebba Busch: "Islam needs to adapt to Swedish values"

>>21504483 Latitia James: My Godmother (Poolosi)

>>21504546 Mil tweets & decodes

>>21503832, >>21503867, >>21503836, >>21503866, >>21503871, >>21503881, >>21504216, >>21504230, >>21504234, >>21504284, >>21504333, >>21504383 Memes


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a42ee6 No.21504561

File: 3f28793452970f3⋯.jpg (255.98 KB,475x667,475:667,LOCOWINNING.jpg)




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95b809 No.21504562

File: ef78091cf89d0e9⋯.jpeg (10.83 KB,200x255,40:51,30fad737048523d41307a55a2….jpeg)

This town hall is to address the ladies

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000000 No.21504563


buffet has been selling stocks rapid fire

he has $278 billion in cash and 4% of all treasjries issued by USA

he'll be fine and buy the dip as usual

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826876 No.21504564

File: e8f3ebacdb0d706⋯.jpg (199.7 KB,1252x1252,1:1,bb6279e930064a32b973c4afe5….jpg)

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d25202 No.21504565

File: 31ed383e8bad1e9⋯.png (39.37 KB,246x154,123:77,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb955b7c841db53⋯.png (112.76 KB,211x311,211:311,ClipboardImage.png)

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dae101 No.21504566


The TV generals are not the Army

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826876 No.21504567

File: 3efb75e7ef77e5c⋯.jpg (200.63 KB,1024x1118,512:559,PepeDigDayNight.jpg)

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a1a51e No.21504568

File: 76c573111c2b030⋯.jpeg (114.31 KB,811x905,811:905,F6CC4DCD_8A9B_4C4F_BA80_6….jpeg)

File: 44e2d17e2751fa7⋯.jpeg (217.83 KB,811x905,811:905,4059C352_A4EF_4492_BAB6_C….jpeg)

File: 20fa6c254e45eb9⋯.jpeg (267.35 KB,828x848,207:212,2E6127D0_E838_4D18_81A8_9….jpeg)

File: a7ff2daa57dd3a3⋯.jpeg (331.19 KB,828x715,828:715,1F8EEC72_1037_4935_9FAF_C….jpeg)

File: 6555bcf9a2a4068⋯.jpeg (76.98 KB,828x678,138:113,33342B50_0F49_4CFF_8017_1….jpeg)



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551311 No.21504569

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Among other things.

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57faa8 No.21504570

File: 301c28f7acc6bd4⋯.png (646.02 KB,837x562,837:562,zina2.png)

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826876 No.21504572

File: 6bbaf26ac218946⋯.jpg (201.58 KB,1023x723,341:241,welcome_tothe_night_shift.jpg)

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53c5e4 No.21504573

File: d460f674ba1b82a⋯.png (283.55 KB,550x392,275:196,military_saluting_protocol….png)

File: ee4402474cfa954⋯.jpg (100.71 KB,500x534,250:267,cccfaba8e8af53b987f6169ad9….jpg)


Trump says, "mind if I turn around?

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91a33b No.21504575

djt: i didn't even know what this was for, i thought it was a speech, i asked who it was with, they said tusli gabbard, i have been a big fan of tulsi, i am going to announce a new policy for you people here. lots of fake news here and everywhere.

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826876 No.21504576

File: 5aa24e999f55960⋯.jpg (202.75 KB,648x1041,216:347,Addams_Family_addams_famil….jpg)

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826876 No.21504580

File: c45f8d28ada6034⋯.png (275.08 KB,496x489,496:489,LV_10_01_10_01.png)

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bb5026 No.21504581

File: 9bb4cb9dc91c0b3⋯.png (117.3 KB,283x178,283:178,ClipboardImage.png)


>fancier pizza toppings frum FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You) 


>>>21504400 (You)

>>and bofo itunes FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You)

>>>21504400 (You)

>>>>21504377 (You)

>>>lawyur screamin 'cat i farted' dressed as 'pederasts' admit fault FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You)

>>>>21504377 (You)


>>>>tropical whaluurgaaay eskimo injuns catch tehm wiff thongs FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You) 


>>>>>>21504266 (You)

>>>>>rollin heads were greek nood juwin FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You) 

>>>>>>21504266 (You)

>>>>>>>moar schiessekapf drumpf larpi head rollurs taht were FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You) 

>>>>>>>>21504153 (You)


>>>>>>>>>>rolling heads were mostly===>>>FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You)

>>>>>>>>>>>21503321 (You)

>>>>>>>>>>>>sum heads puuupuy lost meme war>FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You)  =

>>>>>>>>>>>>>21503290 (You)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>heads were too puuupy=>FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin=(You) 



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>butt watchFRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You)


>>>>>>>>>>>=>=>>>=>>>>>>>>FRENCHnaziPEDOVORES&alec badlwin (You) ==

>>>>>>>>>>>meme war an lost puupur heads

>>>>>>>>>>chitty puupur heads lost meme war

>>>>>>>>>chitty puupur heads rollin down chitty puupur head chuutur towards gahybarr gloryhol effluenza greecey latrine

>>>>>>>>chitty puupur heads were so chitty puupur headed all tehy could MUSTard was chitty puupur head four part novel peter pan creamy spread across zelda not in buuk destroy JEWelry infaux war drumpf larp and rolled down chitty puupur head chuuut an greece

>>>>>>>>21504163 (You)


>>>>>>peter pan creamy keepin it isREAL dumb drumpf larpin addcits psychophantically juwspalining effluenza

>>>>>so much juuuupoo frum drumpf larpins it might fight durh urinal mint on teh GUEY out

>>>>whalurgaaay thongs capture holohoax juwbotnet

>>see colon run leeky leeky gerbil lemminwinks window lickur fehgelruthm DeNile

>durh subjugation and peonage wuz woth bofo , need thauce ,

tahm buffalo ain;t got no wangs

how tehm buffalo loosur so many wangs in taht lil oven trope

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842a19 No.21504582


caught in a landslide

no escape from reality

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826876 No.21504584

File: 440fccdf1584119⋯.jpg (278.46 KB,625x480,125:96,conspiracy.jpg)

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a1a51e No.21504585


He will sell it ALL.

B of A.


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17ac5d No.21504586

File: d2b02231fd981b0⋯.jpg (56.76 KB,820x566,410:283,general_mildred.jpg)

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826876 No.21504587

File: 8d2e4e6b8094ea4⋯.jpg (289.73 KB,814x900,407:450,wtg54g5w5gw5yy.jpg)

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0aef5c No.21504589


I wonder if she was on the Swedish Bikini Team

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7e74a6 No.21504590

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cd518c No.21504591




TRUMP 2024

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826876 No.21504592

File: 7204739e5b8c6b8⋯.jpg (298.44 KB,2048x1147,2048:1147,Patriots_Goodnight.jpg)

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826876 No.21504594

File: 8bca0ae3000bdb5⋯.jpg (301.62 KB,800x546,400:273,Q_gift_wwg1wgaa.jpg)

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bbd15c No.21504595

File: 48bcd714351f8bf⋯.jpg (143.25 KB,500x1289,500:1289,34lrm3.jpg)

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dae101 No.21504596

File: 97326bfc73a643c⋯.png (422.07 KB,596x288,149:72,ClipboardImage.png)


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17ac5d No.21504597

File: 9e90a1d3a45b3ed⋯.png (1.53 MB,745x685,149:137,In_a_Dream_Meet_General_Wa….PNG)

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826876 No.21504599

File: 09704f16283d214⋯.jpg (323.89 KB,937x846,937:846,67b57aa9ec626199e605ca018c….jpg)

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f142eb No.21505232

>>21504417 pb

B.S. They say elohim is 'powerful ones'. It isn't; it is 'God אל separated from man (creation י finished by the son ם) by ignorance ה.

Then they say Michael wrestled with the 'powerful one of Persia; but it is a different word, not elohim. It is 'sar' שר. This is captain.. or umbilical cord to the king.

This is just more Jesuit influenced nonsense.

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