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File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,04d99.jpg)

f7c7c1 No.21104338 [View All]

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462 posts and 285 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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0369fc No.21105132


Well…he's a man, so…..


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ed51b9 No.21105133

File: dd12f20bb1f605f⋯.mp4 (2.52 MB,398x346,199:173,Biden_campaign.mp4)

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216578 No.21105134

File: aa8f80189c47418⋯.mp4 (3.16 MB,360x638,180:319,the_jiggler.mp4)

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e678ca No.21105135

File: fa02bd50e72fdce⋯.jpg (118.71 KB,720x821,720:821,20240628_122809.jpg)

File: 4277fcec6aef0e0⋯.mp4 (1.34 MB,1280x720,16:9,RNC_Research_20240628_4_ne….mp4)


Biden, reading from his giant teleprompter, starts randomly SCREAMING — as the botched drug cocktail finally wears off

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87ce93 No.21105136

Joe Biden received the most votes in election History

This is obvious from the debate last night.

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4e33c9 No.21105137

File: 8badb86b02e1fff⋯.png (32.68 KB,588x308,21:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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16e1cc No.21105138

File: 464ce9a9018474b⋯.png (246 KB,1110x710,111:71,543m6n634.PNG)

Internet Archive fights to preserve digital libraries in Second Circuit hearing

Friday's arguments stem from a 2020 copyright suit in which four major U.S. publishers claimed that Internet Archive was illegally lending digital copies of their books.

“In TVEyes … this court characterized converting something using digital technology in a different form, taking a broadcast and turning it into a digital transmission is a form of transformativeness,” Gratz said.

But U.S. Circuit Judge Beth Robinson, a Joe Biden appointee, wasn’t convinced. She raised concerns about Gratz comparing Internet Archive to brick-and-mortar libraries, and seemed skeptical that the service wasn’t infringing on the business of selling both ebooks and hard copies.

“There is, in the real world, a little more friction in the sort of market for passing a paper book from one person to another,” Robinson said. “And I’m imagining that that’s priced into the price of the paper book … We know that there’s a distinct market for those digital books, they’re priced separately. So you’re taking something from one market and you’re inserting it into another market without ever having paid the premium in that new market.”

Gratz countered that data shows digital lending by libraries has no effect on the market for print books and ebooks.


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87ce93 No.21105140


Is Joe bowing and taking a knee ?

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cf1b78 No.21105141

File: 4f8294d933a7669⋯.jpg (86.12 KB,720x406,360:203,qk1fum3q_720.jpg)

File: 5596038fa55dce6⋯.jpg (25.02 KB,288x216,4:3,20220205009em_90180456_w.jpg)

File: 032690d4588e5d0⋯.jpg (185.27 KB,1200x1200,1:1,7337_1_.jpg)

File: 203d9c995b86e19⋯.jpg (156.7 KB,1200x900,4:3,7337.jpg)


risin' up' video big 420.rocky

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776aa7 No.21105142


Christian cuckoldry is killing the republic.

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87ce93 No.21105143


BLM - Biden Lives MAtters

Take a knee

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b3fa4e No.21105144


Robert Maxwell was just an individual.

Robert Maxwell never used ethnic connections to undermine the USA.

Anyone claiming Robert Maxwell conspired with anyone else must be censored "MUHJOO."

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c5609e No.21105145


It's time for everyone to just come clean.

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9189a9 No.21105147


you can't even name individuals without the urge to muhjoo.

That's your mind virus.

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20ce48 No.21105148


Don’t see Whitmer or Newsome tbh. Looks like Kamala Hillary or Big Mike. In the end, it doesn’t matter. They openly acknowledge they lost already with their public meltdown.

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dbbb6c No.21105149

File: b6ecd33efa0ae4c⋯.jpg (205.11 KB,1404x789,468:263,ufos_are_real.jpg)


>After what we saw and already knew, It has to be asked… Who's really running the presidency?

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c5b75f No.21105150

File: cbae6149f014611⋯.jpeg (343.85 KB,828x1144,207:286,E425D295_5A7B_41A0_8E95_F….jpeg)

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216578 No.21105151

File: 4b20577b1a94322⋯.png (1.28 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)


Literally Biden kneeled to Israel.

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6674f7 No.21105152


How did we get the virus

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87ce93 No.21105153


Maddcow MSNBC says Biden won and got stronger a t the end of the debate

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753836 No.21105154

File: 1f9fc1abb7a6e53⋯.png (655.16 KB,960x598,480:299,1f9fc1abb7a6e534ab5e649806….png)

Please tell me someone has the pic of AOC being held up doing a fire fart???

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131005 No.21105155


you are jewish 9189a9

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fba175 No.21105156

what do you want


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139489 No.21105157

File: a48d09a0728b44a⋯.jpg (91.64 KB,737x560,737:560,ALLEY_CAT.jpg)

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d47c4e No.21105158

Who was the funniest last night…Joe or Trump? Be honest.

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20ce48 No.21105159

Guess who Joe heard in his earpiece last night! Keep fucking around!

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665ef6 No.21105160

File: 656812b42dd26fb⋯.jpg (72.31 KB,550x652,275:326,notaoc.jpg)

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cf1b78 No.21105161

File: 522b7d8cb458499⋯.jpeg (89.08 KB,640x960,2:3,4a14ebc6447449af5bf4d3624….jpeg)



the glass is empty

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87ce93 No.21105162


Gavin Newsome says Biden won the debate !!!

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8fcb93 No.21105163

File: 23b8c4a27b0ee4a⋯.png (1.95 MB,1877x986,1877:986,Screenshot_2024_06_28_1107….png)

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c43b41 No.21105164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: 6 days until the election, turns out, the guy is a actor, has done undercover work, has a rough voice, worked for channel 4 before, the company who sold the under cover work only do this for a business and so money has been exchanged between channel 4 and the company, right now no one knows who paid the under cover film crew but it is probably the company, whether andrew parker has been paid, probably and the fact he was a 1 volunteer amongst a hundred who had a film crew with them is moar than a coincidence, richard tice calls it right, this is election interference and ofcom at the moment are silent..

channel 4 and gb news hitjobs bun below.

>>21103653, >>21104017 UK: Was the 'Reform Racist' a Channel 4 Plant!?

>>21102647, >>21102659, >>21102665, >>21102681, >>21102687, >>21102770, >>21102796, ch 4 and gbnews hitjobs on reform u.k and nigel farage bun.



The mainstream media are trying to stitch us up.


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571d6f No.21105165

File: 7cc5b6d3f6705d3⋯.png (47.61 KB,840x498,140:83,ClipboardImage.png)


You must show them:

Edith Bolling Galt Wilson was second wife of the 28th President, Woodrow Wilson. She served as First Lady from 1915 to 1921. After the President suffered a severe stroke, she pre-screened all matters of state, functionally running the Executive branch of government for the remainder of Wilson’s second term.

“Secret President,” “first woman to run the government” — so legend has labeled a First Lady whose role gained unusual significance when her husband suffered prolonged and disabling illness.


Woodrow Wilson - Strokes and denial

In 1919, President Woodrow Wilson suffered a severe stroke that left him incapacitated until the end of his presidency in 1921, an event that became one of the great crises in presidential succession. However, historian Edwin A. Weinstein notes that Wilson had a history of cerebrovascular disorders going back to 1896, sixteen years before his was elected president.

When Dr. Grayson briefed the Cabinet, the question of succession came up but he refused to sign any official notice of disability. He also discouraged letting the public know the extent of the president's condition (Weinstein suggests this reflected Edith Wilson's opinion).

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fba175 No.21105166


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753836 No.21105167

File: ba09fce0d12f491⋯.webp (35.79 KB,1200x800,3:2,eGWaANt0gdbhVApUVdozD5rP3….webp)


Oh shit that's the one but had her face, so it wasn't her

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e61fde No.21105168


Try harder

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776aa7 No.21105169


Is this real?

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665ef6 No.21105170


For those that don't know CH4 is a state funded broadcaster, just like the BBC, except CH4 is allowed to run adverts.

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dbbb6c No.21105172


>Who was the funniest last night…Joe or Trump? Be honest.

Depends on how many aliens they have seen, each.

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20ce48 No.21105173


Trump meant business. Biden was funnier, and not intentionally.

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f7c7c1 No.21105174


#25869 >>21104353

>>21104514, >>21104664, >>21105029, >>21105091 GOLD Planefaggin 45 in N757AF 757 on descent for Norfolk Intl Airport

>>21104385 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24 3pm

>>21104382, >>21104390, >>21104410 Nolte: CNN Slit Its Own Throat During Trump/Biden Debate

>>21104391 @USCG #fotofriday U.S. Coast Guard Aviation Logistic Center has completed upgrades to the HC-144 Ocean Sentry fleet

>>21104392, >>21104411, >>21104425, >>21104437, >>21104456, >>21105006, >>21105058 Supreme Court Overturns DOJ's Use of Key J6 Felony Court

>>21104515 Potato has a rally today

>>21104524, >>21104477, >>21104742, >>21104764, >>21104776, >>21104787, >>21104808, >>21104818, >>21104829, >>21104845 Swamp Swampin

>>21104532 Zelensky says preparing ‘plan’ to end war with Russia

>>21104538 Bannon: Biden's Failing Faculties Will Lead To National Security Crisis , U.S. Imperial Praetorian Guard Previews Next Emperor

>>21104557, >>21104486, >>21104498, >>21104597, >>21104657 Rep Anna Paulina Luna Lowers The Boom on Merrick Garland

>>21104660 Dims goin for suicide

>>21104665 BlackRock Issues Economic Warning to G7 Alliance

>>21104688 MSNBC Admits Spiering's Reporting On Democrat Leaders Discussing Biden's Abilities To Run For 2024

>>21104699, >>21104709 Mike Johnson says Cabinet should consider removing Biden through 25th Amendment

>>21104747, >>21104824 Mike Davis: Chevron Overturning Greatly Hinders "The Dangers Of An All-Powerful Federal Government"/J6

>>21104813, >>21104850, >>21104879, >>21104889, >>21104895, >>21105022 Chevron is Gone — SCOTUS Rules Unelected Bureaucrats Do Not Have the Power to Create Laws

>>21104817 GDPNOW Latest estimate: 2.2 percent down from 2.7– June 28, 2024

>>21104976 The 25th Amendment: An Explainer

>>21105044 Paul Sperry Warns Of "Influence Operation By Clapper And The CIA" Ahead Of 2024 Election

>>21105052 Wikileaks just did a massive dump. 😳???

>>21105059 Warren Buffett donates record $5.3B Berkshire shares to these five charities

>>21105106, >>21105117 Chip Roy Files Resolution Calling on Kamala Harris to Invoke 25th Amendment

>>21103966 lb DOJ rebutts Mostly Butts

>>21105121 Madcow on debate

>>21105126 Rickards: Biden Would Have Family-Appointed "Guardian" If He Didn't Occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

>>21105135 Biden, reading from his giant teleprompter, starts randomly SCREAMING

>>21105138 Internet Archive fights to preserve digital libraries in Second Circuit hearing


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7067bf No.21105177

File: b996096a4d92d00⋯.png (1.02 MB,900x900,1:1,76n45b7547654765.png)

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665ef6 No.21105179


Apologies, not state funded (that's why the adverts) but is state owned

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20ce48 No.21105180

Trump’s not stupid.

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e0d537 No.21105181

File: 6d656fa3f8d2662⋯.png (812.71 KB,901x542,901:542,ClipboardImage.png)

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571d6f No.21105182

File: 15bb0ff5877e512⋯.png (95.21 KB,840x1170,28:39,ClipboardImage.png)


>Read it again.

Excellent suggestion, Anon.

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20ce48 No.21105185

Whoever has been zapping my ears and trying to give me a heart attack for the past 4 years and has been a peeping Tom for 7 I want to meet personally. Personal request Q, thanks

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c43b41 No.21105186



it was the 4th ever channel after the bbc, bb2 and itv so have the largest reach.


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f7c7c1 No.21105188

Fresh Rally Bread




Migrate, Lockin it up

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aadf65 No.21105189

cheaters are losers

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20ce48 No.21105190


He’s not alive. He was murdered by rogue agencies and Hillary Clinton. Yet again.

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