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File: 62371bc6f24b6db⋯.jpeg (115.81 KB,600x335,120:67,AGM.jpeg)

522f85 No.21050126 [View All]

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ed9504 No.21051033

File: 9190c5f06f022f4⋯.jpg (200.4 KB,736x839,736:839,532d7f91c5c49dd9ef9ac581c0….jpg)


>The White House and Secretary of State Antony Blinken denied that the Biden administration was holding up arms shipments to Israel. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said, “We genuinely don’t know what he is talking about.”

Don't even know where to start with this shit.

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c84d1c No.21051034

File: ea734705b4e613b⋯.png (216.89 KB,256x397,256:397,ClipboardImage.png)

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47dc5e No.21051035


Give us weapons for free

Or you're not a nice country anymore

We need your free weapons for our gen..war

Don't you want our allyship it's the greatest

Let us rub your back while you stroke our..

Good America

NOT genocidal occupying israel

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330aa0 No.21051036

File: 948c47e595ac036⋯.png (1.56 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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be8536 No.21051037

File: 3d2440cd56e931a⋯.jpg (313.32 KB,1100x1470,110:147,_Awakening24.jpg)

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2a1374 No.21051038

File: 699bf284bb4dfbc⋯.png (525.1 KB,814x603,814:603,ClipboardImage.png)



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47dc5e No.21051039


>antarctic treaty

(Don't ask Don't tell)

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be8536 No.21051040

File: c0ddaaa932d5f96⋯.jpg (360.26 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening25.jpg)

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740815 No.21051041

File: 7b0c7ed375203ec⋯.png (233.55 KB,619x706,619:706,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7cd0e99d212710f⋯.png (337.99 KB,587x712,587:712,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4bac72debf1f70c⋯.png (49.24 KB,573x646,573:646,ClipboardImage.png)

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b571ec No.21051042

#25810 >>21050134

>>21050429, >>21050535 Planefaggin Sky Eyez

>>21050150, >>21050169, >>21050182, >>21050200 Have some deltas

>>21050176 @realDonaldTrump No TAX ON TIPS

>>21050181 US soldier sentenced to nearly 4 years in Russian penal colony for theft

>>21050186, >>21050380 Dem-majority FCC helping George Soros fast-track takeover of nationwide radio network

>>21050221 Can Russia's Su-30SM2 Outgun the Ukraine F-16 with the R-37M Missile?

>>21050247, >>21050251, >>21050254, >>21050260, >>21050265, >>21050270, >>21050277, >>21050282, >>21050292, >>21050299, >>21050303, >>21050310, >>21050316, >>21050324, >>21050333 @realDonaldTrump Truths Rollin

>>21050285, >>21050305 Predictive programming: Shocking claim Deep State is plotting ‘false flag’ terrorist attacks just in time for the election…

>>21050344 MSNBC Anchor Alarmed by ‘Chilling’ List of People Ex-Trump Adviser Wants Prosecuted in a Second Term

>>21050358 Royce White Rocks “Free Trump” Cut During Big3 Basketball Announcement

>>21050375 New York Copper Market Tightens Again, Piling Pressure on Shorts

>>21050385 Moar '''NASA"

>>21050442 Q3521 > 5:5 ??

>>21050479 Bogus Russian dossier peddler and Democrat Party problem fixer Marc Elias has again injected himself into a key election integrity case

>>21050489 The Woke Movement Is Actually Corporate Enslavement – The Culture War Is A Fight To Stop It

>>21050504 Air Force Civilian Employees at Cyber Command Transfer to the U.S. Army

>>21050507 US Army Mulls Brain Endurance Training for Soldiers

>>21050519 The Strawberry Full Moon of 2024 rises near the June solstice with an Antares encounter

>>21050520, >>21050638 FBI knew since 2016 Hunter Biden’s team nearly scored $120 million Ukrainian deal while Joe was VP

>>21050528 czech it

>>21050582 @NavalInstitute China Coast Guard Impounds Philippine Navy Boats, Seizes Firearms in Latest Second Thomas Shoal Incident

>>21050609 Space industry group warns of escalating cyber threats, outmatched defenses

>>21050644 Ramaphosa sworn in for a second term as South Africa’s president

>>21050646 Biden Campaign Creates Special Task Force to Mitigate ‘Cheap Fake’ Videos/fact checkers for the keks!

>>21050662 POLITICO ran a story that breaks down Biden‘s presidential campaign committee’s messaging, data, and advertising pitches regarding the Trump verdict, point-by-point.

>>21050696 Make Europe Great Again! – Orban’s Hungary Deploys ‘MEGA’ Slogan for EU Presidency.

>>21050697 Nato’s $1bn fund backs British start-up to build space factories

>>21050698 @DeptofDefense Mountaineering

>>21050700, >>21050702, >>21050706 Seven Deadly Sins of Bad Open Source Research

>>21050704 If you have a security clearance, make sure to self-report incidents and life events

>>21050711 Ethics Committee investigating Gaetz over alleged drug use, sexual misconduct and more

>>21050728 EO 13526 mandates that information should not be classified to conceal violations of law,

>>21050740 @carolrosenberg Good morning from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay.

>>21050746 PDJT T21:53 > Q2153 Mapped (FBI) #FISAGATE ( >>21050442 Q3521 rel )

>>21050799 Louisiana becomes the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in public school classrooms. #Amen

>>21050802 @HillaryClinton Happy Juneteenth. Freedom, equality, and a more perfect union are well worth fighting for.

>>21050824 Newly obtained emails reveal that the FBI knew in 2016 of Hunter Biden’s $120 million investment deal with Burisma

>>21050831 German doctor sentenced to over 2 years in jail for issuing mask and COVID shot exemptions

>>21050845 We found that the DoD overvalued defense articles provided to #Ukraine through Presidential Drawdown Authority by $1.9 billion

>>21050868 lb SAMFOX G5 landed at Brussels Intl from JBA depart earlier

>>21050905 Federal Judge Rejects the Lame Excuses of Texas Cops Who Kidnapped a Supposedly 'Abandoned' Teenager

>>21050916 Ecuador Suspends China Visa Deal Amid Flood Of US-Bound Migrants

>>21050926 Cali resident breaks it down MP4 (Illegal Aliens) #BlackMaga

>>21050994 Biden On June 19, 1865, freedom came for the 250,000 enslaved people of Texas.

>>21050997 20,000 unsubstantiated ballots in GA’s 2020 original results from tabulators that do not exist

>>21051024 Tucker Carlson interviews Glenn Greenwald


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773cd5 No.21051043



Deep lakes

Finger lakes like

Glad some actors have a home there

They can go now

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be8536 No.21051044

File: 4ccaf3ecad883dc⋯.jpg (378.94 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening26.jpg)

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6bbcce No.21051045

File: 874968b9f0101c2⋯.png (108.96 KB,552x469,552:469,ClipboardImage.png)


Georgia breaks out of Western control and follows the path of Russia: public propaganda of LGBT people will be banned in the country, and sex change operations will become a criminal offense.

▪ 武Such norms will begin to apply after the entry into force of the law « On the protection of family values and minors », local media transmit.

▪ 武Amendments will be made to the Criminal Code and the Constitution of the country.

▪ 武Surgical operations or medical manipulations for sex change are punishable up to imprisonment for a term of one to four years.

▪ 武Earlier in the country, the law "On the transparency of foreign influence" was adopted, which provoked harsh statements by the European Union and the United States, and the pro-Western opposition called the law "pro-Russian".

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be8536 No.21051047

File: b090384c0eb1d09⋯.jpg (665.61 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening27.jpg)

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789293 No.21051048

File: 1a2d738eb12f25b⋯.png (1.88 MB,1883x978,1883:978,ClipboardImage.png)

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1bf536 No.21051049


>(Don't ask Don't tell)

Yeah that was the weirdest command regarding illegal behavior…

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6e3ee4 No.21051050



and yet…

Israeli arms sales break record for 3rd year in row, reaching $13 billion in 2023

Defense Ministry says massive exports come as industries remain committed to Israeli war effort; air defense systems account for more than a third of sales.

June 17, 2024

Annual Israeli arms sales reached a new record in 2023, for the third consecutive year, amounting to nearly double the value of exports compared to five years ago, according to Defense Ministry figures released Monday.

The ministry’s International Defense Cooperation Directorate, known as SIBAT, said defense exports totaled $13 billion last year, up from $12.5 billion in 2022 — the previous record high. Between 2018 and 2020, that number hovered between $7.5 billion and $8.5 billion.

With the outbreak of the war on October 7, the Defense Ministry said it began operating in an “emergency mode,” with defense contractors being drafted to the war effort by manufacturing weaponry and equipment for the Israel Defense Forces around the clock, alongside previous orders for foreign clients.

“Despite the war, 2023 amounted to a new record and was characterized by significant export deals,” the ministry said.

Air defense systems made up the largest chunk of exports at 36% — up from 19% in 2022. This was largely due to Israel’s €4 billion sale of the Arrow 3 anti-ballistic missile system to Germany.

Exports of radar and electronic warfare systems amounted to 11% of arms sales, and weapons launchers made up another 11%.

While Israel is known for cyber-intelligence systems, these only amounted to 4% of all sales in 2023. Officials did not specify which countries they were sold to. Israeli sales of such technologies have come under increasing scrutiny in recent years due to allegations they were used by some countries to spy on political dissidents and journalists.

Unmanned aerial vehicles and drones, manned aircraft, avionics, observation systems, communication systems, vehicles, maritime systems, ammunition, and services accounted for much of the rest.

The Asia-Pacific region was the largest purchaser of Israeli defense goods, buying 48% of total exports, followed by Europe at 35%.

North America accounted for 9%, Latin America for 3%, and Africa for 1%.

The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Morocco, which normalized relations with Israel in 2020 agreements known as the Abraham Accords, accounted for just 3% of the arms purchases — down from 24% in 2022.

“Even in a year in which the State of Israel is fighting against seven different arenas, the defense exports of the State of Israel succeed in continuing to break records. This fact is a certificate of honor, first and foremost, for our defense industries and the creative and talented minds that work in them and drive them to the heights of breakthrough innovation,” said Defense Minister Yoav Gallant in remarks provided by the ministry.

“This year’s figures show that even though our defense industries are committed… to the war effort, they continue to sign more and more significant export deals, thus enabling the realization of the effort led by the Defense Ministry to increase defense exports while opening them to new markets,” he added.


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5c7a73 No.21051051

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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be8536 No.21051052

File: 24322d2f43ad4bb⋯.jpg (584.09 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening28.jpg)

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789293 No.21051054

File: f9eb2086203b836⋯.png (4.94 MB,1385x2141,1385:2141,ClipboardImage.png)

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7ce3d6 No.21051056


It works if their candidate has their skivvies off and their foot up on the porcelain throne

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be8536 No.21051059

File: edccee3aaa72cee⋯.jpg (618.59 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening29.jpg)

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72e436 No.21051060

>>21049627 Senate Democrats Pull Vote on Trial Court Nominee Kasubhai GOP dissention/Mustafa KasubhaiPN

06.17.24 Mitch McConnell published this:

Biden Admin. Judicial Nominee Puts Radical Ideology Over Rule Of Law

“The latest example is a judge nominated to the federal district court in Oregon named Mustafa Kasubhai…The nominee has bragged about his lack of commitment to standard jurisprudential practices. During his time as a magistrate judge, he said,‘We have to set aside conventional ideas of proof when we are dealing with the interpersonal work of equity, diversity and inclusion.’”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding judicial nominations: “Unfortunately, the Democratic Leader has decided that instead of taking up the critical annual defense authorization, the Senate will dedicate floor time this week to the latest in the Biden Administration’s parade of unfit nominations to the federal bench.

“The latest example is a judge nominated to the federal district court in Oregon named Mustafa Kasubhai. Judge Kasubhai’s record and judicial philosophy put him well outside the mainstream. “The nominee has bragged about his lack of commitment to standard jurisprudential practices. During his time as a magistrate judge, he said, ‘We have to set aside conventional ideas of proof when we are dealing with the interpersonal work of equity, diversity and inclusion.’

“Now, if by ‘conventional ideas of proof’ he is referring to things like clear evidence or sworn witnesses and their testimony, then I think I tend to prefer conventional ideas.

“Unfortunately, this only scratches the surface. Judge Kasubhai also sounds like a committed Marxist.He’s authored an article promoting the integration of Marxist theory into property law, and claimed that the notion of scarcity of natural resources was a myth promoted by a privileged elite.

“He’s heaped high praise on the disgraced racist prophet known for insisting that, ‘the only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination.The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.’

“As many of our colleagues know I was fortunate to be here in Washington when Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous ‘I Have a Dream’ speech. And I don’t recall Dr. King calling for retribution. In fact, his name has become nearly synonymous with the exact opposite. “But apparently, this is just one more subject on which Judge Kasubhai would prefer to leave ‘conventional ideas’ behind.

“Well, when it comes to judicial nominations,I subscribe to conventional wisdom: A judge’s job is to follow the law, not the passing fads of woke politics.“So I’ll urge our colleagues to join me in rejecting this nomination.”


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789293 No.21051061

File: 97659d91955f8c1⋯.png (1.65 MB,2000x1048,250:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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ed9504 No.21051062

File: 235e998fa5c17b0⋯.png (59.74 KB,362x294,181:147,235e998fa5c17b0ef29f499deb….png)


Fuck that, yes I do. None of these wars would even be happening right now.

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be8536 No.21051064

File: 0d05820f8ed1599⋯.jpg (739.96 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening30.jpg)


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6e3ee4 No.21051065


>Right Wing Revolution

Zionists will save you for special form of death.

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2a1374 No.21051066

File: b4fbc59598ce1f6⋯.png (120.49 KB,1331x636,1331:636,ClipboardImage.png)



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b571ec No.21051067

#25810 >>21050134


Q Research General #25811: #FISAGATE 5:5 Edition Anonymous




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7ce3d6 No.21051068


The peter strzok survival kit

One of one

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be8536 No.21051069

File: 43970a26862f794⋯.jpg (428.5 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening31.jpg)

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6bbcce No.21051070

File: 9b3832ae9678610⋯.png (21 KB,114x100,57:50,ClipboardImage.png)

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be8536 No.21051071

File: 7c46994191a9624⋯.jpg (354.01 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening32.jpg)

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c84d1c No.21051073

File: f0fc7804707ae69⋯.png (123.92 KB,606x420,101:70,ClipboardImage.png)


So you're telling us that KJU is going to allow freedom to his people?

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789293 No.21051074

File: ee6329e8d7afeb7⋯.png (521.82 KB,912x762,152:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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be8536 No.21051077

File: 8435fb5688c176c⋯.jpg (608.3 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening33.jpg)

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6e3ee4 No.21051078


she knew a faggot or two

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789293 No.21051080

File: aad913512c3c08c⋯.png (1.43 MB,2000x1125,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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be8536 No.21051081

File: 0ef0b40162b5b00⋯.jpg (578.8 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening34.jpg)

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1bf536 No.21051082

File: 53f5d36b1259952⋯.png (14.71 KB,107x89,107:89,Screenshot_from_2024_06_19….png)



also, Mimi looks unhappy…


What is coming…

So to speak…

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ec5c71 No.21051083

File: 5bb8ff0e353400e⋯.png (328.57 KB,850x400,17:8,ClipboardImage.png)


Whichever candidate TKOs the moderator wins the circus.

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9cfcfc No.21051084

File: 4add1da65cc6fc0⋯.jpg (688.07 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening35.jpg)

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47dc5e No.21051086



>defense contractors

[Providing munitions for war to fund their genocidal budget]

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9cfcfc No.21051087

File: 7b0814df8f575ef⋯.jpg (673.3 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening36.jpg)

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0fc495 No.21051088

hollow ear-th is but a shadow

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9cfcfc No.21051090

File: 78bc61a8761fcd3⋯.jpg (577.8 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening37.jpg)

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47dc5e No.21051092


[Like plead the 5th]

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9cfcfc No.21051095

File: a357bbd63cc5068⋯.jpg (755.6 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening38.jpg)

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6bbcce No.21051096

File: 4c6ba08d1ca69b9⋯.png (218.82 KB,465x262,465:262,ClipboardImage.png)

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9cfcfc No.21051098

File: b28a314fc2dee5c⋯.jpg (965.01 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening39.jpg)

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