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30043e No.20990128 [Last50 Posts]

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30043e No.20990130

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30043e No.20990132


#25742-B >>20989354

>>20989676, >>20989729, >>20989733, >>20989759, >>20989799 @DJTrump Truths - #337 & #1537

>>20989686 Bottled Fiji water sold specifically on Amazon RECALLED for contamination with metals, bacteria

>>20989689 How The MAGA Populist Can Takedown The Left’s Dark Money

>>20989718 Over half of Aramco share sale allocated to foreign investors

>>20989722 Rep. Thomas Massie Tells Tucker Carlson Every GOP Member of Congress Has an ‘AIPAC Babysitter’

>>20989731 Cuba Confirms The Arrival Of Three Russian Ships And A Nuclear Submarine

>>20989735, >>20989764, >>20989767, >>20989789, >>20989854, >>20989908, >>20989982, >>20990013 President @realDonaldTrump en route to Newport Beach, CA!

>>20989749 “The Army Of The Awakened Is Being Raised Right Now”: Steve Bannon On MAGA’s Volunteer Army

>>20989750 US involved in Israeli operation in Nuseirat that killed over 200 Palestinians


>>20989791 Dear public we will now make up numbers out of thin air even more

>>20989793 Steve Bannon Calls Out Zelensky “Obscenity” At D-Day’s 80th Anniversaryit really is, since Russia took 35 million casualties in WWiI fighting the Nazis. Zelensky being held up as some kind if hero is disgusting

>>20989796 Antifa.com goes to whitehouse.gov and Antifa Are TRANSNATIONAL TERRORISTS

>>20989798 CLUB 22 E4B Nightwatch heading into Offutt AFB from Andrews

>>20989801 Steve Bannon: “Judgement Day Is 5 November Of This Year” Join “Trump Force 47”

>>20989805, >>20989805 Planefaggin Twat

>>20989809 Fight over secret N.J. ‘baby blood stockpile’ may be headed to court after talks stall

>>20989824 Researchers Drop Bombshell: Covid Shots Killed 35 Million

>>20989845 Gantz scraps anticipated resignation announcement following news of hostages’ rescue

>>20989857 The History Of Biden’s Billionaire Dark Money, Bill McGinley Revealscontinued

>>20989866 Planefaggin

>>20989877 Kek

>>20989914 Psychiatrist of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Commits Suicide

>>20989940 'Catastrophic' failure on Teton Pass; WYDOT to rebuild section; no timeline available

>>20989963 130,000 sealed indictments

>>20989964 Judicial Watch: Records Show FBI Provided Democrats with Information on Whistleblowers Who Testified at May 2023 Weaponization Hearing

>>20989990 CPT Bannon On How Democrats Failed The Iraq Drawdown Just Like Afghanistan

>>20989996 ‘First Human Bird Flu Death’ Exposed as Hoax: Patient Died from Kidney Failure

>>20990006 Unemployment rises to 4.0% in May as Americans lose jobs to illegal migrants

>>20990012 Attorney General Merrick Garland has announced he will defy GOP congressional subpoenas seeking access to recordings from the investigation into President Biden’s handling of classified materials, citing concerns over future law enforcement cooperation

>>20990027 PF: RCAF CFC1 Challenger 600 Trudope departed Calgary Intl back to Ottawa

>>20990039 Adobe new terms of service require you to give access to your projects so they can moderate your content


>>20989457, >>20989688, >>20989917, >>20989955, >>20990082 Misc.

>>20990121 #25742-B

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30043e No.20990134

#25742-A >>20989354

>>20989381 How Rep. James Clyburn Protected His District at a Cost to Black Democrats

>>20989401 Canada puts India on its list of foreign threats along with China and Russia

>>20989412 @marcopolo - Yale Architect on Drury Client List. Peter de Bretteville: John #6 of 121

>>20989473 Low INSULIN PRICING was gotten for millions of Americans by me, and the Trump Administration, not by Crooked Joe Biden. He had NOTHING to do with it.

>>20989480 @Musk Revenue growth in the past decade.Tesla +3,333% - Nvidia +2,628% - Meta +1,357% - Amazon +626% - Microsoft +203%

>>20989484 Does Joe Biden have to bed led everywhere? video@17secs

>>20989381 How Rep. James Clyburn Protected His District at a Cost to Black Democrats

>>20989387 China's Hidden Misery

>>20989401 Canada puts India on its list of foreign threats along with China and Russia

>>20989412 @marcopolo - Yale Architect on Drury Client List. Peter de Bretteville: John #6 of 121

>>20989456 Meet the uber-wealthy families who control much of the food system in the US and Australia

>>20989473 Low INSULIN PRICING was gotten for millions of Americans by me, and the Trump Administration, not by Crooked Joe Biden. He had NOTHING to do with it.

>>20989480 @Musk Revenue growth in the past decade.Tesla +3,333% - Nvidia +2,628% - Meta +1,357% - Amazon +626% - Microsoft +203%

>>20989484 Does Joe Biden have to bed led everywhere? video@17secs

>>20989492, >>20989714 REMINDER: Biden is an inflation denier

>>20989520 Notetaker Chimin in

>>20989511 McGinley Reveals How The Biden Campaign Is Outsourcing Its Dirty Work To DNC And Dark Money Groups

>>20989516 Biden's DOJ indicts Texas doctor who spoke out against child sex changes

>>20989519 Did you know….. A large group of Black Swans is called a “BANK”

>>20989527 After editor’s departure, Washington Post’s publisher faces questions about phone hacking stories

>>20989531 Mexico says bird flu patient died of chronic disease, not virus. The man had chronic kidney disease, diabetes and arterial hypertension over the past 14 years

>>20989533 Elon Musk - (pic of fauci) You're all beagles to me anyway.

>>20989542 Bannon in rare form today, at 1:30 mark.

>>20989550, >>20989698, #HAPPENINGNOW The White House is now COMPLETELY SURROUNDED by red banner as Palestine Protesters declare their "red line." This is the moment the two ends of the red line met on the south west corner of the White House complex.

>>20989559 (Planefaggin) John Sherman to Step Down as DOD Chief Information Officer; Lloyd Austin Quoted

>>20989562 @CitizenFreePres - She's speaking truth this morning at TP USA event for women. Riley Gaines can run for Congress in 2026.

>>20989564 German politician flees to Russia

>>20989570 It Called Itself a Yoga School. Prosecutors Say It Was a Sex Cult.

>>20989570, >>20989746 It Called Itself a Yoga School. Prosecutors Say It Was a Sex Cult.

>>20989579 Dire Warning From Economist Jim Rickards: ‘Are They Trying to Start a Nuclear War?’

>>20989580 Patrick Bet-David Deconstructs BlackRock's Influence and ESG Ratings

>>20989586 Trump to be sentenced to 4 years of community service at the White House.

>>20989589 Trump 2024 powerboat readied for Saturday's Ocean Cup race to Bahamas and back

>>20989592 St. Louis Couple Who Displayed Guns at BLM Protesters To Protect Themselves Have Their Records Expunged

>>20989609 Businessman Tells Jury He Bribed Senator Menendez With a Mercedes-Benz

>>20989612 Connecticut residents form armed group to defend against violent crime

>>20989622 Listen carefully to Biden & the bipartisan warmonger caucus on Ukraine. It’s no longer just about “defending” Ukraine. These lunatics are starting to sound like they want full-on offense on Russia. It’s lunacy.

>>20989626 How Many Data Centers Do Major Big Tech Companies Have?

>>20989639 Western hegemony is over – Moscow

>>20989648, >>20989778 Now gathering at Andrews airbase near Washington DC: War court prosecutors, Arabic linguists, stenographers and other contract support staff for the sentencing trial at Guantánamo Bay in the Hadi al-Iraqi case. It starts Monday and could last three weeks.

>>20989664 As Homeless Crisis Worsens Multiple States Move To Criminalize Homelessness

>>20989665 United Nations officially adds Israel to its blacklist of countries that kill children, joining groups such as ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram and others

>>20989671 Massie Intros Bill Banning Biden AI Censorship R&D Funding

>>20989675 @dom_lucre - This makes me hate my life

>>20990115 #25742-A

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30043e No.20990136

#25741 >>20988405

>>20988457 Biden mocks his one supporter "lying dog faced pony soldier"

>>20988466, >>20988486, >>20989039 Call For Dank MEMES anons - "Political Persecution"

>>20988481 Garrett Ziegler Discusses How He Is Mapping Out The Deep State In The Government

>>20988499 Illegal immigrants are offered an array of taxpayer funded benefits, enticing more to come

>>20988599 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Pandora's Cluster of Galaxies

>>20988697 Hunter’s trial transcript, paid version only, is there an anon that can download it? @marcopolo

>>20988820, >>20989065 Caitlin Clark expected to be left off Olympics women’s basketball roster

>>20988915 Researchers discover Earth and space share the same turbulence

>>20988953, >>20989212 SpaceX wants to build 1 Starship megarocket a day with new Starfactory

>>20989001, >>20989168, >>20989185, >>20989276 Nice MEME!

>>20989058, >>20989066, >>20989086 Kek Kontrol: Adobe wants to outlaw making memes with their products?

>>20989083 PlaneFaggin’: Med/Yerp-Belgians ES from Brussels, tanker in Med. for a BUFF?

>>20989119 PF: SAM683 G5 E from a Los Angeles Intl overnight and arrived from a Paris-Degaulle Intl and Bangor, Maine fuel stop w/45’s N757AF 757 still sitting at LAX from it’s early morning SFO arrival yesterday

>>20989143, >>20989147 💫 Everybody Wants To Join BRICS - Here’s Why

>>20989137, >>20989150 SpaceForce - Preserving Nature Empowering Launch

>>20989164 PF: 09-0018 and SAM97 C32As (tail #09-0017) back to JBA from Paris (potato), RCH3268 C17 Globey, SAM750 C40B JCOS

>>20989202, >>20989206 PF'n - SAM361 G5 inbound from Rouen,France This was with Sec. Def. Austin in Singapore

>>20989205 ⚖️Freedom Counsel Conference 2024 on C19 shot mandates remaining at 28 American colleges (down from hundreds!)

>>20989236 @MrAndyNgo A crowd has gathered in response to calls for a far-left and Palestinian nationalist direct action to “surround the White House.”

>>20989248 Clyburn to Cavuto: Black Support For Trump Won't Last, You Deal In Misrepresentations On This Network

>>20989270 Scaramucci - Trump will use FBi like the gestapo in second term

>>20989284 Air Force Missileers Get New Workplace Inspections, Health Tracking Amid Ongoing Cancer Cluster Study

>>20989299 Three Americans Implicated in a Coup Attempt in Congo Go on Trial Before a Military Court

>>20989316 @registration - Looking to Register

>>20989337 #25741

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30043e No.20990138

#25740 >>20987517

>>20987517, >>20987533, >>20988131 Merchan Jurors Planned 'Guilty Verdict' PDF

>>20987537 Trump gains 6 MILLION TikTok followers in 1 week—Biden campaign hovers around 366,000 for past 4 months

>>20987595 00000000 B52 Stratofortress heading back to RAF Fairfield from a run through the Baltic Sea to the NE

>>20987882, >>20988247 BILL AND HILLARY COMMS

>>20987616 French AF CTM1069 A330 heading to Rzeszow Airport for a stop and drop

>>20987626 Merchan warns parties of incriminating Facebook comment the day before the verdict

>>20987637 COMMS Were the crew of the Challenger ALIVE for the two-and-a-half minutes

>>20987663 Donald Trump in Arizona: Biden’s Mass Migration Is Skyrocketing Rents, Housing Costs for Americans

>>20987666, >>20987667 Out of 680 hotels in New York, 135 have been converted into fully occupied immigration shelters.

>>20987667, >>20987710 David J Harris bought a first class ticket on this airline so he could sit in the front seat and have every passenger walk by and see his shirt!! ❌ JOE BIDEN ✅ CONVICTED FELON

>>20987870, >>20987886, >>20988139 House votes 419-0 on a bill that requires the Director of National Intelligence to declassify all information on the origins of COVID.

>>20987975 Indictment Of Texas Doctor Who Exposed Kids’ Transing Proves No One Is Safe From Biden’s Weaponized DOJ

>>20987998 Paul Sperry: Prosecution: "In Chapter 11 of [Hunter's] book, the defendant admitted that he was actively addicted to crack cocaine between 2015 and 2019," which is "a fact of consequence relevant to all three charges in the indictment."

>>20988127 It Can Not Be Overstated How Hard The Donald Trump Political Persecution Has Backfired

>>20988175 Sunset Park RALLY: The Feds use craiglist to embarrass themselves and FAKE trouble 'eyes on'

>>20988185 Based AF Amber Rose: We do our own research, We Are not brainwashed anymore 1.00

>>20987639, >>20987642, >>20987684 Army Officer Experiences ‘Inexplicable’ Symptoms After Being Forced to Take the COVID-19 Shot, While the Department of Defense Continues to Evade Accountability

>>20988382 #25740

Previously Collected

>>20985902 #25737, >>20986742 #25738, >>20987505 #25739

>>20984725 #25735, >>20985126 #25736A, >>20985136 #25736B

>>20981786 #25732, >>20983045 #25733, >>20983532 #25734

>>20979317 #25729, >>20980068 #25730, >>20981732 #25731,

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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30043e No.20990142

File: 794932895c651cb⋯.png (879.33 KB,2355x1352,2355:1352,ClipboardImage.png)



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8be4a7 No.20990153

File: f500501a73d0754⋯.png (2.29 MB,999x1554,9:14,f500501a73d075406b33e7a342….png)

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044473 No.20990154

File: 3d001c9f93ff042⋯.jpg (18.48 KB,260x266,130:133,silhouette_icon_two_crosse….jpg)


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28eea1 No.20990156

File: de182db24c88505⋯.mp4 (8.01 MB,854x480,427:240,TheEnd.mp4)

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044537 No.20990159

File: b06e1b68059c283⋯.webp (681.16 KB,724x913,724:913,359279.webp)

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476b6e No.20990160

File: 1c0b52b252756c1⋯.png (539.7 KB,645x362,645:362,ClipboardImage.png)



Idiot, idiots everywhere…

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b7a1c1 No.20990161

File: 249a21619221f2b⋯.jpg (117.34 KB,593x607,593:607,65cfedee92dd74a415fded4384….jpg)

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28eea1 No.20990162

File: ce3c36d73661d22⋯.jpg (300.75 KB,1753x584,1753:584,Trump_Rally.jpg)


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f1e0d2 No.20990163

File: 083faaa0dbc97e4⋯.png (1.09 MB,900x503,900:503,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Wire Employee Fired for Sending Supportive Message to Candace Owens From His Personal Email Account

The Daily Wire has terminated an employee for sending Candace Owens a message of support from his personal email account.

The former employee, Sawyer Brandt, says that he had left his personal email account logged in on his work computer, and the company went through it to look for communication with Owens.

Owens was fired from the Daily Wire in March, allegedly for declaring that “Christ is King,” which the company deemed “anti-semitic.”

The breakup was far from clean, with the Daily Wire being accused of planting negative stories about Owens in the media — including sending one to the Daily Mail that alleged she was abusive towards junior employees.

Owens addressed the controversy in a live stream on X late last month despite being placed under a gag order by the “pro-free speech” outlet.


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aa3ce1 No.20990164

File: 95be02c16316bc4⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,320x320,1:1,DOCUMENTED_EVIDENCE_During….mp4)

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7fd93b No.20990165

File: 980b00ae681e6b2⋯.jpg (53.78 KB,745x700,149:140,media_GPjYubxbEAA6vAJ.jpg)

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b5af51 No.20990166

File: fbcc38267eea04e⋯.jpg (110.29 KB,764x640,191:160,fbcc38267eea04e2bd82560e76….jpg)

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e5c5ef No.20990167

File: 475b795c29e04a8⋯.png (7.18 KB,220x229,220:229,ClipboardImage.png)

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f91871 No.20990168

>>20989939 (LB)


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b7a1c1 No.20990169

File: ff779328ef69067⋯.png (552.53 KB,1121x867,1121:867,ff779328ef69067801b4ae9e27….png)

File: f9edd0326b2efb5⋯.png (392.21 KB,1146x733,1146:733,indictment.png)

File: 0609d2ae1994236⋯.png (61.39 KB,840x674,420:337,1440.png)

>>20989716 [LB]

>>20989894 [LB]

Help anons,

just need to know if i got this right

(to wake up an old fren)

Is this drop 2 deltas

4Month & 6Year


Jun 03, 2018 3:58:29 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs No. 1620282









Hunter didn't accuire gun

until October 11 2018

4 Month = 4 Booms

Text Arranged into Gun shape

Jury Selection in Hunter Biden’s Gun Case Begins

Jun 03, 2024

The president’s son is on trial in Wilmington, Del., on three charges that he lied about his drug use on a federal firearms application in 2018.

Published June 3, 2024


6 Year Delta

Hunter Biden trial highlights: FBI agent testifies about Hunter Biden's drug use and large cash withdrawals

The agent, a witness for the prosecution, testified about the authenticity of Hunter Biden's laptop, which has been the subject of rumors and speculation for years.






ty anons


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63c551 No.20990170

File: ccbd05c82477564⋯.jpeg (133.7 KB,1050x750,7:5,IMG_0237.jpeg)

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e5c5ef No.20990171

File: 93b9fb6a0c32704⋯.png (813.57 KB,500x710,50:71,ShitShitShit.png)


"We the Beagles"

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014113 No.20990172

File: b6ca1382fc0eb97⋯.png (1.22 MB,753x1112,753:1112,Nightmare_on_Main_Street.png)

The American Nightmare on Main Street: 2020-2024

The nightmare ends in just a few months.

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c19773 No.20990173

File: 91713c1b07bd7b6⋯.gif (3.9 MB,638x470,319:235,91713c1b07bd7b6edad87f8373….gif)




Let's Fucking Go!

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392183 No.20990174

File: 7c736bc482c12c5⋯.png (33.53 KB,718x404,359:202,ClipboardImage.png)

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014113 No.20990175

I leave the country before the blackout and come back after it, just before "sentencing".


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5a165f No.20990176

File: 2411263914ce0f7⋯.jpg (170.61 KB,1172x810,586:405,Fed_up.jpg)

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ec7633 No.20990177

File: 1f4f511db99192d⋯.jpg (8.85 KB,201x251,201:251,images_276_.jpg)

The Wedding Job

In theaters soon

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3db5c0 No.20990178

>>20989914 LB

>“Robbery is redemption, apartheid is freedom, peace activists are terrorists, murder is self-defense, piracy is legality, Palestinians are Jordanians, annexation is liberation, there’s no end to his contradictions. Freud promised rationality would reign in the instinctual passions, but he never met Bibi Netanyahu. This guy would say Gandhi invented brass knuckles.”

Classic Sabbatian Frankis Redemption through Sin

>>20989975 LB

>If that guy was in a maga hat

Make Afghanistan Great Again

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609e1a No.20990179

File: 10065c97abe93ee⋯.png (474.25 KB,710x399,710:399,ClipboardImage.png)

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013f3a No.20990180

File: 58f5ab7b0d006e6⋯.gif (941.97 KB,350x337,350:337,BEE83D8A_7A70_483F_8C6A_DB….gif)

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a513e2 No.20990181

File: 0f91d617b8b132e⋯.gif (2.9 MB,350x370,35:37,IMG_1715.gif)

File: a044a45292cfe11⋯.gif (3.06 MB,234x250,117:125,IMG_1714.gif)

File: faf55bf991bc731⋯.gif (915.19 KB,500x351,500:351,IMG_1713.gif)

File: 904509644644bf3⋯.gif (1.06 MB,280x210,4:3,IMG_1712.gif)

File: ab9cd7045e6c0d3⋯.gif (3.62 MB,350x289,350:289,IMG_1711.gif)

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b432cb No.20990182

File: 6ae798405b65c1d⋯.jpg (37.87 KB,900x484,225:121,Clarice_1.jpg)

(pb) >>20989914 Psychiatrist of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Commits Suicide

Like going too deep into the mind of Hannibal Lecter.

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13a578 No.20990183

File: da0edbbca5c06e0⋯.jpg (42.96 KB,407x612,407:612,raychanaman.jpg)

Addicted to their drug; nothing else matters; worse than a Drunk with his bottle.

>>20990038 lb

>>20990094 lb

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eeedee No.20990184

>>20989675 @dom_lucre - This makes me hate my lifePN

Why are Bidan supporters so ugly, gay and weird looking? Did you see one attractive or intelligent person you might want to converse with. Is this MKUltra on steroids?

These people are not normal at all!

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8a6e78 No.20990185

File: f8f6751a70eeae4⋯.gif (12.95 MB,593x593,1:1,biden_guilty_smile_.gif)

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014113 No.20990186

Always Fuck.


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a513e2 No.20990187

File: f8399d049bc2a73⋯.gif (964.43 KB,464x261,16:9,Big_Mike_Pose_01.GIF)

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f1e0d2 No.20990188

File: c0b7c5a499d79c4⋯.png (409.23 KB,518x611,518:611,ClipboardImage.png)

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7fd93b No.20990189

File: aab37c90f3a5e11⋯.png (69.05 KB,235x292,235:292,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c87a36a70c182f⋯.png (51 KB,221x315,221:315,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 90a7c6a754f194d⋯.png (54.26 KB,185x237,185:237,ClipboardImage.png)

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e5c5ef No.20990191

File: 9a18a98dd2e8a13⋯.png (39.39 KB,735x458,735:458,ClipboardImage.png)


Another usage Violation

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b432cb No.20990192

File: 828b41e47504476⋯.jpg (381.33 KB,1200x627,400:209,Cuba_socialgraph.jpg)

(pb) >>20989731 Cuba Confirms The Arrival Of Three Russian Ships And A Nuclear Submarine

Past becomes prologue when history is treated as just words in a book.

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609e1a No.20990193

File: cbed435c93272c5⋯.png (462.66 KB,826x771,826:771,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa3ce1 No.20990194

File: 9d8cd13be959f88⋯.png (279.54 KB,652x767,652:767,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33d0b7672e9d97b⋯.mp4 (202.04 KB,486x270,9:5,New_York_Democrat_Congress….mp4)

File: b62463baa829940⋯.png (72.58 KB,241x255,241:255,407a0fc8c3e9da7dd294affe66….png)

We Need More Eyes On This 🚨🚨 If you’re a voter in America, you NEED to see how extreme Democrats are becoming

New York Democrat Congress Candidate openly talking about putting MAGA supporters in reeducation camps

“Even if we were to have a resounding blue wave come through, as many of us would like, putting it all back together again after we've gone through this, MAGA nightmare and and reeducating, basically, reeducation camp. I don't think we really wanna call it that. I'm sure we can find another way to phrase it”


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3db5c0 No.20990195

File: 1c8026963a40279⋯.jpg (67.34 KB,680x383,680:383,Hollywwodtoohigh.jpg)

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014113 No.20990196

>>20987663Donald Trump in Arizona: Biden’s Mass Migration Is Skyrocketing Rents, Housing Costs for Americans

Not only this but HUD housing offers 1700 a month to any landlord housing migrants and poorer people.

So landlords raise their rent to match.

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9fac5d No.20990197

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02bbc2 No.20990198

File: 7d5abcd9149cbc4⋯.jpg (86 KB,934x915,934:915,left_vs_right.jpg)


>Owens was fired from the Daily Wire in March, allegedly for declaring that “Christ is King,” which the company deemed “anti-semitic.”

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a513e2 No.20990199

File: 230da3528fbf0ff⋯.gif (2.79 MB,360x290,36:29,Hulk_Smash_Big_Mike.GIF)

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609e1a No.20990200

File: d0728ceae97d313⋯.png (180.43 KB,400x306,200:153,ClipboardImage.png)

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a9d1e4 No.20990201

File: fc60f862914cd6d⋯.jpg (199.29 KB,811x1155,811:1155,20240605_170624.jpg)

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845782 No.20990202

"It just destroys the man she loves, and then she clings to the one who runs the system. It works every time, so I'm told."

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13a578 No.20990203

File: 1499be67ac369be⋯.jpg (69.44 KB,500x612,125:153,circleback7.jpg)

File: a9707f517aa86a2⋯.jpg (571.72 KB,1190x1048,595:524,jenpisakicharlehapburg.JPG)


all the good-looking people left.

not many to start from.

Biden/Bidan himself got way worse looking

What happened to his eyes at the speech from Normandy?

puffed shut like a serious drunk/

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b7a1c1 No.20990204

File: a5e336f6b2c86a2⋯.gif (562.88 KB,316x128,79:32,a5e336f6b2c86a286ddfa6b4b1….gif)

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8a6e78 No.20990205

File: 8221fc4e120d297⋯.png (460.63 KB,578x431,578:431,ClipboardImage.png)

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b432cb No.20990206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That's about as good as it gets.

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ed34ad No.20990207

Oct 28, 2017 6:15:48 PM EDTDrop #2

Anonymous ID: BQ7V3bcW No. 147023341


HRC detained, not arrested (yet).

Where is Huma? Follow Huma.

This has nothing to do w/ Russia (yet).

Why does Potus surround himself w/ generals?

What is military intelligence?

Why go around the 3 letter agencies?

What Supreme Court case allows for the use of MI v Congressional assembled and approved agencies?

Who has ultimate authority over our branches of military wo approval conditions unless 90+ in wartime conditions?

What is the military code?

Where is AW being held? Why?

POTUS will not go on tv to address nation.

POTUS must isolate himself to prevent negative optics.

POTUS knew removing criminal rogue elements as a first step was essential to free and pass legislation.

Who has access to everything classified?

Do you believe HRC, Soros, Obama etc have more power than Trump? Fantasy.

Whoever controls the office of the Presidecy controls this great land.

They never believed for a moment they (Democrats and Republicans) would lose control.

This is not a R v D battle.

Why did Soros donate all his money recently?

Why would he place all his funds in a RC?

Mockingbird 10.30.17

God bless fellow Patriots.

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02bbc2 No.20990208

File: 1168a3a2554ab0e⋯.jpg (72.71 KB,1280x800,8:5,randy_quaid_independence_d….jpg)



They're trying to keep us down, but the fact is that the 6 year deltas have been real.

The 2, 3 year deltas seemed like bullshit. There were no 5s

Maybe a couple 4s

But the 6s have been real.

No one knows this but us

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609e1a No.20990209

File: 3b73d3a4ec150d7⋯.png (328.01 KB,480x563,480:563,ClipboardImage.png)

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ddefda No.20990210

File: 596513e4b61c7c2⋯.mp4 (12.02 MB,854x480,427:240,J_Epstein_Mossad_Paedophil….mp4)


Epstein, Ghislane Maxwell, pedofilia, child trafficking, Mossad operation of; ex CIA/jew exposes

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f91871 No.20990211

File: 1c5e7535d1b6e71⋯.webp (708.12 KB,2560x3598,1280:1799,GettyImages_950513498.webp)

>Pulp Fiction was a film about how black members of organized crime have higher morals than white people. One black man runs underground crime and is against gay rapists. So while he is dangerous, it's only people that wrong him that should fear him.

>Another black man works for this boss until quitting to become a shepherd, helping convince white people to stop their petty theft schemes. He's religious.

>The one moral white character has his convictions rooted in loyalty to family which I undermined by it being based on a watch that was ferried through a POW camp up multiple men's asses. hehe

>And of course, jews are not involved in anything, especially underground crime which everybody knows would be a conspiracy theory.

>Did I mention it's only white people that do drugs because they're pathetic? LOL

>Or that blacks are the ones with moral standards against sexual promiscuity? HEH

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e5c5ef No.20990212


Where is the Monroe Doctrine?

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5fae1d No.20990213

File: 0bbc6fbb3e4c763⋯.jpg (530.76 KB,1823x1080,1823:1080,FauciRoyalty.jpg)

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6faa2b No.20990214


Who is the dude on the right?

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a513e2 No.20990215

File: e0f6f05ce8181a4⋯.jpg (607.98 KB,959x829,959:829,IMG_6696.jpg)

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1221a0 No.20990216

File: b5a7ac17cf5896d⋯.png (11.65 KB,286x60,143:30,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 757c6a0d3878b07⋯.png (1.07 MB,1320x1056,5:4,BOGAY1713d28ae52a064f.png)

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609e1a No.20990217

File: 4425be3e1571095⋯.png (1.25 MB,1280x1440,8:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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7fd93b No.20990218

File: 6da5a1b7c9e7520⋯.png (652.44 KB,680x676,170:169,media_GPjKbGnWoAAWEwI.png)

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02bbc2 No.20990219

File: 26b51dc2a466f9d⋯.jpg (51.86 KB,592x367,592:367,11_Dec_2017_military_drill….jpg)


>POTUS will not go on tv to address nation.

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6faa2b No.20990220


Ask Israel.

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f1e0d2 No.20990221

The July Crisis: 30 dramatic days that led to the outbreak of World War One


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2418c5 No.20990223

File: e665585e7d6bdfd⋯.jpg (11.74 KB,230x255,46:51,34a0ee49e3e61de88474c49712….jpg)

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55c8e2 No.20990224

File: 596513e4b61c7c2⋯.mp4 (12.02 MB,854x480,427:240,J_Epstein_Mossad_Paedophil….mp4)


Epstein, Ghislane Maxwell, pedofilia, child trafficking, Mossad operation of;

ex CIA/jew exposes

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82c995 No.20990225

File: 77f6cff8e144a7f⋯.jpeg (272.61 KB,2048x1152,16:9,GPi9SePXwAA6HX_.jpeg)

File: a639bcb60eb53ce⋯.png (64.37 KB,640x564,160:141,26_14_.png)

File: dce31246dedc8fa⋯.mp4 (508.84 KB,320x568,40:71,dce31246dedc8faf208edb249f….mp4)



F sea can


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609e1a No.20990226

File: e412a8510a54cf4⋯.png (783.19 KB,822x1024,411:512,ClipboardImage.png)

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392183 No.20990227

his motorcade was on the 405 fwy, didnt someone say always drop the zeros? so 45 now

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3db5c0 No.20990228


>Who is the dude on the right?

Carter Cooper




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014113 No.20990229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Amala Ekpunobi: Based Quaid, Dobbie No Dinero, and the Smooth Criminal Donald J. Trump

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e5c5ef No.20990230

File: d18a6d2549f6bb0⋯.png (51.49 KB,1080x810,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Neither do we!

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7fd93b No.20990231

File: e17dc7e4be221ff⋯.png (176.73 KB,500x500,1:1,e17dc7e4be221ff9b3d35d1b21….png)

File: 1b3198b20df28e5⋯.png (207.46 KB,551x571,551:571,ClipboardImage.png)


Margo Martin



Boat show for TRUMP!! 🇺🇸

Jun 8, 2024 · 8:33 PM UTC


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609e1a No.20990232

File: 110ce16df14cdc0⋯.png (219.6 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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53fba6 No.20990233

File: c26d653bacc1eb3⋯.jpg (17.8 KB,592x310,296:155,1704999002589633.jpg)

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014113 No.20990234

File: 4396de98fc3017e⋯.png (8.16 MB,2215x1566,2215:1566,Key_to_Where_s_Hunter_Smal….png)

File: 2e1d2b3bddec293⋯.jpg (1.92 MB,2953x2088,2953:2088,Where_s_Hunter.jpg)

Where is everyone?

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b432cb No.20990235

File: d6d7d11861f3888⋯.mp4 (582.91 KB,360x640,9:16,jb.mp4)


He looked like he's on street tranq.

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609e1a No.20990236

File: 44931763251f81b⋯.png (644.17 KB,630x960,21:32,ClipboardImage.png)

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044473 No.20990237


carrot top

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3db5c0 No.20990238


A Dolphin Helicopter? What a stupid name for something that Flies.

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392183 No.20990239


elon said tesla was ">half a decade ahead"

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b7a1c1 No.20990240

File: 6afb46ff0a72e89⋯.jpg (12.68 KB,251x255,251:255,6afb46ff0a72e8904f3fef55dd….jpg)

File: 4176116e6bddc03⋯.mp4 (924.1 KB,1280x720,16:9,4176116e6bddc0396d84d8590c….mp4)


ty Anon

Anon will concentrate on the fact that the Gun Trial turned over(upside down gun)

truth about Hunters Laptop.



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013f3a No.20990241

File: dca15eb7d1046a5⋯.jpeg (315.62 KB,1062x615,354:205,54FEA60C_4F91_4A23_827E_D….jpeg)


Conveniently around the same time Potato comes in from Paris

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609e1a No.20990242

File: a7c62160521ef74⋯.png (33.46 KB,490x228,245:114,ClipboardImage.png)

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6faa2b No.20990243


No. The other dude on the right.

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392183 No.20990244


Q is nikola tesla?

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e215d4 No.20990245


Kinda like the F-22 Raptor?

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e5c5ef No.20990246

File: 0d214b1f31a4bf1⋯.png (1.31 MB,1280x945,256:189,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ed164bf2acf4e8⋯.png (742.19 KB,1280x985,256:197,ClipboardImage.png)

❗️🇦🇹🇷🇺 "THIS IS THE RED LINE" - Claudia Tanner (pictured top), Austrian Defense Minister, warns about West's permission to attack targets on Russian territory.

The U.S, Germany, France and a number of other states (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/37936) have allowed Ukraine to use Western-supplied weapons inside mainland Russia.

Earlier, President Putin alluded to a symmetric response, such as arming states that are not friendly to Western states…

😐 Did they expect total impunity, like Israel? Boost us here (http://t.me/IntelRepublic?boost) @IntelRepublic

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13a578 No.20990247

File: 94a0e4b2d69fb8a⋯.mp4 (4.2 MB,320x568,40:71,toldyouso3.mp4)


Told ya so.

'I am a free person'

These power freaks only want to grant you freedom if you're a "good little boy or girl" i.e. obedient to their insanity.

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aef212 No.20990248


is she one of those you know, dual citizens

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044473 No.20990249


dolphins are rapey

and say nu uh nuh nuh nuh

so it kinda works

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eeedee No.20990250

File: 722c39469d824f8⋯.jpeg (369.3 KB,2104x1049,2104:1049,IMG_3004.jpeg)

File: 4c710d147fee0cd⋯.jpeg (356.07 KB,1885x1242,1885:1242,IMG_3005.jpeg)

File: 2311ddd6e1c2612⋯.jpeg (304.76 KB,1170x2116,585:1058,IMG_3006.jpeg)

U.S., UK Taxpayer-Funded Ukraine Group Publishes ‘Enemy’

List Including Trump, Members of Congress, and Conservative Journalists. A US, UK, and European government-backed Ukrainian publication called “Data Journalism Agency” (TEXTY) has released a new report labeling hundreds of Americans as adversaries due to their refusals to endorse more war and more funding for the Ukrainian government.Titled “Roller Coaster: From Trumpists to Communists,” the report identifies top U.S. politicians, journalists, and social media influencers, claiming all the individuals and organizations in question are Russian propaganda tools.The list includes former President Donald J. Trump, the Real America’s Voice network, Laura Loomer, Jack Posobiec, Ben Shapiro, Ron DeSantis, Matt Gaetz, RFK Jr, Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy, Tucker Carlson, J.D. Vance, Ron Paul, Alex Jones, Gavin Wax, and dozens more.

One of thefounders of TEXTY, Anatoly Bondarenko, is involved in the U.S. State Department’s “TechCamp” project. The National Pulse has also archived evidence that the group isdeeply involved with USAID, UKaid, the Eurasia Foundation, the European Union, and more:TEXTY is an “Implementing Partner” of the USAID’s Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services (TAPAS) Project.Ukrainians have been known to compile lists of their so-called enemies, with theinfamous “kill list” by the MirotvoretsCenter in Kiev leading to some even being targeted and murdered, including journalist Daria Dugina. The revelation thattax dollarsmay help fund such efforts to create “hate lists” and “kill lists” of American citizens raises significant concerns about US support for Ukraine.

(Our Own Country, with USAID with others are funding this) Don’t be surprised they backed punishing Christians in Ukraine and shutting down their Monastaries. Not a peep from the DOS about crimes against humanity and Christianity. Obama never left.


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013f3a No.20990251

File: 4cff34a9fe6a9bb⋯.jpeg (260.71 KB,786x893,786:893,4F073238_8D3F_4D62_B58A_B….jpeg)

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02bbc2 No.20990252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Amala Ekpunobi: Based Quaid, Dobbie No Dinero, and the Smooth Criminal Donald J. Trump


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e5c5ef No.20990253

File: 35606dd4db87327⋯.jpg (80.14 KB,576x433,576:433,TwilightShift.jpg)

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28eea1 No.20990254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Are you ready to take back your country?

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24b5bf No.20990255

File: d5ea94ddf129054⋯.jpg (73.71 KB,500x524,125:131,8t6psb.jpg)

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13a578 No.20990256

File: a83b6f286a15b0b⋯.jpg (1.76 MB,867x6091,867:6091,trumptimetravel.jpg)


is Musk sure its not more like "a century," or more, ahead?

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02bbc2 No.20990257

File: d231a799f40ad50⋯.png (255.43 KB,502x495,502:495,this_clos_to_exposing_the_….png)


>U.S., UK Taxpayer-Funded Ukraine Group Publishes ‘Enemy’


>List Including Trump, Members of Congress, and Conservative Journalists

All I'm saying is civil war is not a hard game to play

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82c995 No.20990258

File: 3458ff99f1e06d9⋯.jpg (157.36 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_08_17_3….jpg)

File: a7c80332bc1c5ae⋯.png (533.09 KB,780x588,65:49,f61c2b94cccc5528cbe9e80498….png)

File: 3f9d2dab8e69e52⋯.jpg (312.13 KB,900x1200,3:4,898a01d347352cc572e06f8a6d….jpg)

File: 50d5ab5fe2ca020⋯.jpg (77.5 KB,960x718,480:359,50d5ab5fe2ca0208bb717a4d0f….jpg)

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013f3a No.20990259

File: b6692623c965058⋯.jpeg (328.09 KB,828x761,828:761,0AFB0A20_C134_40E9_AF3D_D….jpeg)

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b432cb No.20990260

(pb) >>20989845 Gantz scraps anticipated resignation announcement following news of hostages’ rescue

Not interested at all. However hostage rescue real or fake. Saw one picture and the hostage looked well preserved for someone held hostage for 6+ months in a dilapidated environment.

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01038e No.20990261


Q & A soon?

Anons, what questions will you ask this time?

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e215d4 No.20990262

File: 06c55ea491b53ba⋯.png (451.77 KB,1040x693,1040:693,AngolaFlag.png)


Dear President Putin,

Angola could use some new aircraft and a few anti-ship missiles would really make the West crap their pants

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02bbc2 No.20990263

File: b24188d2ffddb8d⋯.jpg (9.97 KB,200x250,4:5,Starbucks.jpg)



you have to see the date

Dec 2017

It was in the good old days

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f1e0d2 No.20990264

File: b830c5c01e42ae0⋯.png (322.47 KB,845x605,169:121,ClipboardImage.png)

Full Circle of the AJ psyop

Psych warfare used to discourage others from speaking out.

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609e1a No.20990265

File: f7b758a4871209e⋯.png (397.39 KB,618x1035,206:345,ClipboardImage.png)

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3a3b0c No.20990266

File: b2a8a144cd012b6⋯.png (842.85 KB,2340x1068,195:89,ClipboardImage.png)


you have my Over Cooked Tendies B

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e5c5ef No.20990267


They're taking down their own……

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b432cb No.20990268

File: df44576aac698a2⋯.jpg (251.95 KB,1536x864,16:9,16x9_M_5_1536x864.jpg)


The Zombie Drug.

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1697b9 No.20990269


You are worthless

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609e1a No.20990270

File: a19476a34b8c8ba⋯.png (647.66 KB,750x483,250:161,ClipboardImage.png)

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c7b2c2 No.20990271

File: 5908f71ea044691⋯.jpg (115.13 KB,1000x714,500:357,F22AB.JPG)

File: b60008912d7cb0b⋯.jpg (439.37 KB,2582x1080,1291:540,Fly.JPG)


Check your 666

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ea6d70 No.20990272

File: ee7f7a2b78b1a97⋯.png (416.2 KB,730x898,365:449,Screenshot_2024_06_06_7_43….png)

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02bbc2 No.20990273

File: 28093f3f3230c4b⋯.png (9.4 KB,234x143,18:11,q_means_the_people.png)

File: dc9fcd21f9ca7cb⋯.mp4 (1.47 MB,480x360,4:3,_20m_air_Q_Donald_Trump_Sp….mp4)


Q is We The People, I think

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1697b9 No.20990274


What the fuck are you even saying

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392183 No.20990275

File: f49843d9af841cc⋯.png (843.9 KB,638x680,319:340,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk


Ship it

12:35 PM · Jun 8, 2024




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82c995 No.20990276


the timelines merge at what date Q tard cause cognitive Brian's want to know

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f74b8c No.20990277


>Like going too deep into the mind of Hannibal Lecter.

No. Like knowing too much.

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55c8e2 No.20990278

File: 0961e84c9b756de⋯.png (89.23 KB,2379x1118,183:86,S_666_.png)

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c7cd39 No.20990279


Damn she has a perfect set!

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02bbc2 No.20990280

File: 9ed5fda76de80a1⋯.png (1.2 MB,1152x1086,192:181,PROVE_ME_WRONG_faggot_puss….png)


>Psych warfare used to discourage others from speaking out.

Yes exactly this

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392183 No.20990281


Holy Spirit then

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e5c5ef No.20990282


And with a burned up Flipper!

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e376d0 No.20990283

File: dc40a1166177db9⋯.jpg (101.31 KB,300x452,75:113,Meme_Fap_Button_Side_By_Si….jpg)


What to do what to do…

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b432cb No.20990284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He's a good example of what can happen when the wrong person is picked for a job. This fool enabled millions to be killed.

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02bbc2 No.20990285

File: 3052055810e064c⋯.png (817.7 KB,720x540,4:3,christ_trump_2.png)


How about time traveling sentient AI programmed to represent we the people

Imagine the movie

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fc76c1 No.20990286

File: e73c148b5d547aa⋯.png (909 B,90x33,30:11,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e73c148b5d547aa⋯.png (909 B,90x33,30:11,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e73c148b5d547aa⋯.png (909 B,90x33,30:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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b432cb No.20990287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Waiting for the next false flag event.

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0e6d2a No.20990288


Its just weird, and there are no coincidences

Alex Jones interviews Bill cooper and then bill coopers killed.

Was that Alex Jones introduction to mossad.

US Clowns used mossad to wack bill cooper to threaten and own alex jones.

This is how they work.

sorting my papers

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609e1a No.20990289

File: a15a7eeea80a4dc⋯.png (532.08 KB,711x692,711:692,ClipboardImage.png)

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e376d0 No.20990290


The FBI like what they found.

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82c995 No.20990291

File: 9258b92875b014f⋯.jpg (191.16 KB,1024x683,1024:683,46250360222_aaa6be5859_b.jpg)

File: 9258b92875b014f⋯.jpg (191.16 KB,1024x683,1024:683,46250360222_aaa6be5859_b.jpg)

File: c25b9e6fa4cc108⋯.png (577.73 KB,640x4704,20:147,229_10_.png)

File: 20f4223a733e1d0⋯.jpeg (277.48 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GPgz547WAAA_GSz.jpeg)

File: 62f8e834268b122⋯.png (37.63 KB,640x496,40:31,102_13_.png)


dunno just stroking numbers and watching the shitshow

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b7a1c1 No.20990292

File: ded2d20f9fa9ff2⋯.jpg (17.16 KB,255x255,1:1,ded2d20f9fa9ff2a04ade0fb03….jpg)


Will I be able learn everything about the architecture of the plan,

until can fully comprehend its complexity,

until my autist brain is satisfied.


How do you make your tripcode do the flashy thing.

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13a578 No.20990293

File: 8ea26717b31ad0c⋯.jpg (97.79 KB,600x600,1:1,dcoccultmap.jpg)

File: 839d2238155115c⋯.jpg (376.05 KB,800x616,100:77,dcoccultmap2.jpg)

File: 05eaadced9796ff⋯.jpg (40.61 KB,333x499,333:499,dcsacredgeometry.jpg)

File: 06d1b7384459385⋯.png (2.82 MB,1403x1403,1:1,dcsaturnsigelmap.png)


Trump explained it in one of his speeches. He's clairvoyant.

The effect people witness are not Time Travel; but synchronicity.

Radical Muslim terror was trained, funded and maybe even invented back in the day (Middle Ages) to create religious wars.

Muslim terror = NWO / occultists.

Nice fairy tale there, though.

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c5d598 No.20990294

File: 2cf80dcaa727bcf⋯.jpg (70.25 KB,898x628,449:314,TheShadowKnows.JPG)

File: 5729e8367964ff6⋯.jpeg (60.59 KB,326x492,163:246,IMG_7678.jpeg)

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55b4cb No.20990295

File: 5257c9a59f0f158⋯.jpg (647.97 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Super_Elite_Alt.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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609e1a No.20990296

File: d60557163ef66c7⋯.png (473.04 KB,633x647,633:647,ClipboardImage.png)

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392183 No.20990297


well, ok maybe not

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02bbc2 No.20990298


>Alex Jones interviews Bill cooper and then bill coopers killed.

Personally I think "Cooper" was reassigned. That particular format was no longer appropriate

Listen to his last show. He nearly cries

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609e1a No.20990299

File: 65157933cf33fb2⋯.png (428.07 KB,750x654,125:109,ClipboardImage.png)

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7fd93b No.20990300

File: 3aeca429afa785a⋯.png (425.11 KB,989x595,989:595,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e753183cd264f0⋯.png (24.25 KB,684x156,57:13,ClipboardImage.png)


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013f3a No.20990301

File: d9c6bf11865c749⋯.jpeg (381.06 KB,1293x619,1293:619,7EFDE570_7674_48C2_AF1F_5….jpeg)

>>20989083 pb

Belgium AF BAF83 Falcon 7x went to Manama, Bahrain

And the Brussels mafia goes there the next day after this came out

Bahrain sent message through Russia to normalise ties with Iran: Official


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94c07b No.20990302


6 hierarchies, leading in a circle. Round and round.

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609e1a No.20990303

File: c3a6c95d96c85e3⋯.png (442.03 KB,503x648,503:648,ClipboardImage.png)

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02bbc2 No.20990304

File: 8cf03647a06dc55⋯.png (72.76 KB,237x180,79:60,ClipboardImage.png)


>programmed to

Or maybe that should be "with a mission to"

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1697b9 No.20990305


Fuck your fake news. Bitch ass nigga

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0a35de No.20990306

File: 6e3e0d26d0b7570⋯.gif (507.39 KB,500x500,1:1,ev60b3bx1c5d1.gif)

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1221a0 No.20990307

File: fe6825564add0ff⋯.jpg (408 KB,610x813,610:813,file_610x813_000072.jpg)

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e5c5ef No.20990308

File: d308a95b1c64787⋯.png (549.46 KB,629x517,629:517,ClipboardImage.png)


Remote Amazon tribe finally connects to internet — only to wind up hooked on porn, social media

A reclusive tribe in the Amazon finally got hooked up to the internet, thanks to Elon Musk — only to be torn apart by social media and pornography addiction, elders complain.

Brazil’s 2,000-member Marubo tribe has been left bitterly divided by the arrival of the Tesla founder’s Starlink service nine months ago, which connected the remote rainforest community along the Ituí River to the web for the first time.

“When it arrived, everyone was happy,” Tsainama Marubo, 73, told The New York Times.

“But now, things have gotten worse. Young people have gotten lazy because of the internet, they’re learning the ways of the white people.”

The Marubo are a chaste tribe, who even frown upon kissing in public — but Alfredo Marubo (all Marubo use the same last name) said he is anxious that the arrival of the service, which delivers super-fast internet to far-flung corners of the planet and has been billed as a game-changer by Musk, could upend standards of decorum.

Alfredo said many young Marubo men have been sharing porn videos in group chats and he has already observed more “aggressive sexual behavior” in some of them.

“We’re worried young people are going to want to try it,” he said of the kinky sex acts they’ve suddenly been exposed to on screen.

“Everyone is so connected that sometimes they don’t even talk to their own family.”


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392183 No.20990309


i would ask: Who is Q? Hoo? Hoo?

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fa233f No.20990310

File: 1349553219ed79f⋯.png (860.18 KB,865x2373,865:2373,ClipboardImage.png)

More than 50,000 underage migrants disappeared in Europe in three years

Tuesday 30 April

In the past three years, 51,433 children within Europe have disappeared from asylum seekers’ centres. This is evident from research by the journalist collective Lost in Europe in collaboration with the Belgian media VRT, Knack and De Standaard. These minors are unknown where they left off.

These are children who have travelled unaccompanied to Europe and have reported to a centre of asylum seekers in a Member State. They were registered as missing after their disappearance. Usually it concerns children between 12 and 18 years, but also very young children 'doing 'twig'.

The number of more than 50,000 is more than a doubling compared to the three years before. In the period from 2018 to 2020, 18,292 missing persons were recorded. The researchers have seen a significant increase in children coming from Afghanistan in recent years, where the Taliban have been in power since 2021. In addition, Austria now has more insight into the figures, and the numbers are also substantial.

“But the actual numbers are much higher,” says Geesje van Haren of journalist collective Lost in Europe. Of the 31 European countries where data were accessed about these missing persons, 16 countries provided it. Greece, Spain and France could not or did not want to provide any data. “And those are large countries with huge migration flows,” Van Haren emphasizes.

Cocktail for exploitation

At the top of the list is Italy, with nearly 23,000 missing minors. That country is often the first country in Europe and the young migrants usually have a different destination country in mind, for example because they have family there.

It also happens that migrants deliberately dive under the radar, because they would rather live in illegality than have to return to their country of origin. They also regularly fall into the hands of human traffickers, after which they are exploited and have to work in hemp cultivation or prostitution.

“These young people are extremely vulnerable to this, also in the Netherlands,” says Van Haren. In the past three years, 15,404 of the child-year-old asylum seekers have been registered. Of those, 850 have disappeared.

"In the Netherlands, unaccompanied minor asylum seekers are taken care of in hotels. They receive too little education, there is too little guidance and hardly any daytime activities. They have no money and they have debt. It is the cocktail for exploitation.”

Fingerprints of files

There are advanced plans to register this group centrally within Europe. The idea is to keep fingerprints of young people. "A very good development", says Van Haren, but she also makes comments. “For example, we know stories of young people who have to file their fingerprints under pressure from criminal organizations.”

The solution is not for grabs. “We are very much against human trafficking on the outskirts of Europe. But doing something about human trafficking, we are not so good at it.”


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eeedee No.20990311

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Harnwell: Zelensky shamelessly inserts himself into the WW2 Allies’ D-Day commemorations in France


“President” Zelensky — whose elected term in office has since sadly expired — has now undoubtedly established himself as the “Harry and Meghan” of international diplomacy.

There ain’t no story — no matter how solemn or venerated — that he won’t shamelessly insert himself into, and turn it into all about him.Latest example — D-Day 80th Anniversary in France. Honoured war dead — make way for the STAR.

All the more inappropriate given that inWWII the Allies were fighting against a Nazi dictator — while “our boy” is now an actual literal dictator fighting alongside actual literal Nazis.

The EU and Europe have embraced Nazism to the point they invite this perverse Oligarch creep, to an event that should honor the men that sacrificed.Reminder Russia sacrifice 35 million soldiers to fight and defeat the Nazis. Meanwhile Boris Johnson praises Nazis in London and high society.

(PS any fake support Johnson gives to Trump is fake and a trap)


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013f3a No.20990312

File: 6c45bed4b810dcb⋯.jpeg (418.51 KB,777x510,259:170,9D92FEE6_EB84_4984_87FD_6….jpeg)

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3db5c0 No.20990313


>F-22 Raptor

Yes, but what else could they call it? The Tetradactyl?

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e376d0 No.20990314

File: 2fab4553adcb733⋯.png (804.24 KB,992x1181,992:1181,ClipboardImage.png)


Do they have a net to catch the Khinzhals?

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82c995 No.20990315

File: 17119ecaa2796d1⋯.jpeg (443.63 KB,1639x2048,1639:2048,GPhug2LWEAAeEJJ.jpeg)

File: 546c0cf2888a51f⋯.gif (480.47 KB,320x240,4:3,546c0cf2888a51fbde52e8daad….gif)

File: 26b9d9a6493916b⋯.jpeg (159.39 KB,2048x2048,1:1,GPhujlzWAAA69F4.jpeg)

File: 17119ecaa2796d1⋯.jpeg (443.63 KB,1639x2048,1639:2048,GPhug2LWEAAeEJJ.jpeg)


the viber 1701-AG. makes her get weird and grounded..women love allpiances

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02bbc2 No.20990316

File: c26a640687958d8⋯.jpg (148.03 KB,1080x1100,54:55,the_good_guys_always_win_h….jpg)


>WW2 Allies

I'm so over that shit.

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e376d0 No.20990317

File: 90344651126f0a5⋯.jpg (1.34 MB,3834x2075,3834:2075,Joe_Biden_Jill_I_Pooped_No….jpg)


2017 was glorious.

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392183 No.20990318


the Y heads

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392183 No.20990319


tht b cool

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70d037 No.20990320

File: 671a13c4f06f181⋯.jpeg (20.6 KB,422x425,422:425,ohnothatsucks.jpeg)


Holy shit, that's fuckin' hilarious!

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085282 No.20990321

>>20990261: Closure or disclosure?

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e376d0 No.20990322

File: 40ef72aa66afeae⋯.jpg (27.69 KB,353x352,353:352,Pepe_Apu_Newfag_Anons_Fork….jpg)


Put a fork in the socket and find out.

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f1e0d2 No.20990323

File: a298b7359daa5f3⋯.png (417.89 KB,640x455,128:91,ClipboardImage.png)

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02bbc2 No.20990324

File: 1151d37f2848ca7⋯.png (350.25 KB,530x530,1:1,freedom_democracy.png)


>Anons, what questions will you ask this time?

how much of my life has been based on propaganda, were we ever truly free and if so when

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e376d0 No.20990325


Q1 Justify your absence.

Fuck sakes.

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e215d4 No.20990326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e5c5ef No.20990327

File: 0739d0992fb4622⋯.png (1.42 MB,1065x1081,1065:1081,ClipboardImage.png)

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013f3a No.20990328

File: c4b414e5b7cdbba⋯.jpeg (141.14 KB,1024x1024,1:1,8F71BEBB_D81F_4270_9421_B….jpeg)


‘‘Twas fun and nervous at same time

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abbffd No.20990329

i came to get my 1% on

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e376d0 No.20990330


Those Sandy Hook parents sure have made a lot of money out of all of this.

Everyone else can lie all day long, except Alex, right?





+Those other faggots.

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ca10f4 No.20990331

File: 767e78dbdf49f6c⋯.jpg (1.66 MB,3292x2188,823:547,Treason.jpg)

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94c07b No.20990332


She's not lying, she's just not talking about the Israel on the map. That's the image made in their honor.

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d719c5 No.20990333

File: fc9f24ab27d007e⋯.png (655.36 KB,1129x884,1129:884,ClipboardImage.png)

A local race in Nevada’s primary could have implications for national elections in a key swing state

RENO, Nev. (AP) — The commission that oversees Nevada’s second most populous county approved its new elections director earlier this year by a familiar split vote.

The three votes in favor came from two Democrats and a moderate Republican, Clara Andriola. The votes against came from two Republican commissioners who have raised doubts about elections or voted against certifying results and who are supported by a wider movement within the county that promotes election conspiracy theories.

Now that movement is hoping to unseat Andriola from the Washoe County Board of Commissioners in Tuesday’s Republican primary and create a majority on the board. That could have national implications because the commission has some important oversight of the elections office for a swing county in one of the nation’s most important presidential and U.S. Senate battleground states.

Andriola, whose bipartisan votes on the commission earned her a censure from the county GOP, said she is disheartened by the attacks from within her own party.

“I think elections should not be a partisan issue,” she said. “Unfortunately, it has turned into a very partisan issue.”


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b5af51 No.20990334

File: 45d4b6b01e2318f⋯.png (297 KB,803x500,803:500,45d4b6b01e2318ffc49d8975ff….png)

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609e1a No.20990335

File: 31723bdf9e6c04b⋯.png (224.22 KB,717x658,717:658,ClipboardImage.png)

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e376d0 No.20990336


it'll put you in hospital.

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82c995 No.20990337

File: f3ea3191dc36d7c⋯.png (463.16 KB,556x480,139:120,f3ea3191dc36d7c85aa115b345….png)

File: f500501a73d0754⋯.png (2.29 MB,999x1554,9:14,f500501a73d075406b33e7a342….png)

File: 17119ecaa2796d1⋯.jpeg (443.63 KB,1639x2048,1639:2048,GPhug2LWEAAeEJJ.jpeg)


she said that loudly

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c19773 No.20990338


what if the "My fellow americans" thing comes over during a live video on Twat?

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abbffd No.20990339

you guise ever read the drops?

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abbffd No.20990340


i heard that anons were the 1%?

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609e1a No.20990341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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02bbc2 No.20990342

File: 0756e7e05e425e3⋯.jpeg (553.7 KB,996x995,996:995,waking_the_dead.jpeg)


>how much of my life has been based on propaganda, were we ever truly free and if so when

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6b28e4 No.20990343

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e5c5ef No.20990344

File: 53de0d6a45bd02e⋯.png (276.36 KB,460x591,460:591,ClipboardImage.png)

Jimmy Carter’s grandson gives health update on ex-president as he enters 16th month of hospice care

Former President Jimmy Carter has experienced “no change” to his health condition since entering hospice care nearly 16 months ago in Georgia, his grandson said.

Jason Carter, the oldest of Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter’s 22 grandchildren recently told Southern Living magazine the frail 99-year-old ex-commander-in-chief is “experiencing the world as best he can as he continues through this process.”

“God had other plans,” the younger Carter said about his grandfather unexpectedly remaining alive so long after beginning hospice care in his hometown of Plains, Georgia.


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82c995 No.20990345


only the stringers

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ed9737 No.20990346



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b432cb No.20990347

File: 291935ede919ebe⋯.jpg (77.01 KB,500x500,1:1,7ske42.jpg)

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abbffd No.20990348


yeah an online persona was talking smack and they call each post a drop

its weird

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e376d0 No.20990349

File: b290c045c05cba1⋯.png (1.37 MB,1417x1016,1417:1016,ClipboardImage.png)

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abbffd No.20990350


wont load

prolly a porn site

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0a35de No.20990351

File: 7b0cf99e2cecb1e⋯.jpg (159.5 KB,1024x1024,1:1,gojira_pepe3.jpg)

Amateur hour from the shills.

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9f8cb8 No.20990352

File: 763401dfd391aba⋯.png (1.06 MB,1700x962,850:481,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e4b269628cef1c⋯.png (61.23 KB,328x153,328:153,ClipboardImage.png)


WW1 happened because the vipers set up the 3rd Bank of the United States aka the it's not Federal Rand it has no Reserves tax slave plantation and [they] funded both sides Ctrl+P

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abbffd No.20990353


like fishing?

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01038e No.20990354


I would ask:

Do we reincarnate?

Are you allowed to violate our free will by giving direct answers?

Is earth currently Ascending with us on it?

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a2b5a0 No.20990355

File: bdd0df83e353da1⋯.jpg (297.22 KB,1604x958,802:479,RINOsolution.jpg)

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82c995 No.20990356


plywood boat

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02bbc2 No.20990357

File: 55c2c349f5b87f9⋯.jpg (38.5 KB,800x699,800:699,trump_cloud_with_added_len….jpg)


> elections director

is this the lynchpin?

in every state?

Or just in NV

I remember 20 years ago they were saying that soros was pushing SOS elections hard

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e376d0 No.20990358

File: 31c2460a3ae28e8⋯.jpg (96.41 KB,416x416,1:1,80_s_Nerd_Comfy_Covfefe_Co….jpg)


keks n covfefe.

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609e1a No.20990359

File: ccc54a6a2c22440⋯.png (290.7 KB,710x710,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e376d0 No.20990360


Imagine that!

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abbffd No.20990361


like out the toilet?

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01038e No.20990362

File: 030055fd8810982⋯.png (220.57 KB,1566x986,27:17,1143_2_.png)


Are positive ET's currently helping us?

Are we the reincarnated ET's?

Did we help with the plan prior to incarnating?

Did we volunteer for this?

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55c8e2 No.20990363

File: 07dde983cea7dea⋯.png (710.73 KB,856x483,856:483,J_Slave_Trade.png)



we live on the plantation

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014113 No.20990364

File: 9becf4753eddfde⋯.png (3.04 MB,2000x2321,2000:2321,no_dinero_dobbie.png)


Dobbie No Dinero

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02bbc2 No.20990365


that first one needs to be on a log plot

It's also fake, based on their inflation numbers

The reality is worse

Plot on log.

Plot the market on log. The market up is mostly just the dollar down. Plus maybe 2% annual growth.

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70d037 No.20990366

File: 4a6b7d5291c3053⋯.png (1.13 MB,1024x640,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63fa0a3ed4a16e0⋯.png (612.75 KB,800x534,400:267,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 695f9e1fb41c744⋯.png (641.26 KB,945x496,945:496,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c52ddef85465a9f⋯.png (570.39 KB,675x450,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ebaa1ec9dbb54a⋯.png (504.63 KB,720x477,80:53,ClipboardImage.png)

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63c319 No.20990367


George Conway wants to deprogram Trump Supporters

GeorgeConway calls for a national conversation about Trump's mental condition and warns that "we are going to have to deprogram his supporters at some point


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ef2b52 No.20990368


16 month story. This is the Q plan. Slow AF.

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eeedee No.20990369

File: a048970f77d8b4d⋯.jpeg (86.72 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_3007.jpeg)

8 Jun, 2024 15:30

West wants escalation with Moscow – Slovak PM

The decision to allow Kiev to strike deep into Russia will lead to further tensions, Robert Fico has said

The recent decision by Washington and its allies in Europe to allow Kiev to use Western-supplied weapons for long-range strikes deep into Russian territory shows that Ukraine’s backers “do not want peace,” Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico said on Saturday.

His was referring to a recent series of statements from the US, UK, Germany, and other Western nations, in which their leaders said that Kiev can now use weapons supplied by them in strikes targeting internationally recognized Russian territory.

Earlier this week, German Chancellor OlafScholz called the move a way to ensure peace,, claiming thatRussia’s potential success on the battlefield is the biggest threat to peace on the continent.

The Kremlin responded to the Western statements by accusing NATO of provoking a new “round of tensions.” In May, Russian President VladimirPutin warned that using long-range weapons against Russia would have “serious consequences” for the West.

These types of actions by the US and its allies are bound to lead to a further escalation of tensions between Moscow and the West, Fico warned, adding that he does not want his nation to take part in such “military adventures.”

“The Western [nations] do not want peace, but an escalation of tensions with the Russian Federation, which will surely happen,” the Slovak prime minister said in a Facebook post.

Fico called on his fellow countrymen to vote in the European Parliament election and back candidates that “support peace initiatives and not the continuation of war.”

The remarks come just days after another statement in which he said the EU and NATO have “sanctified the concept of the single correct opinion – namely that the war in Ukraine must continue at any cost in order to weaken the Russian Federation.” Anyone who does not agree is automatically branded a “Russian agent,” he added.

On Saturday, another European leader – Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban – warned thatthe West is “within centimeters of a direct conflict” with Russia, adding that both the EU and US desperately need pro-peace forces to come to power in order to avoid further escalation. He went on to claim that theWest could reach a ceasefire in the Ukraine conflict “within 24 hours” if only it has the will to do so.

(The only reason they are pushing for more war, is that they are embarrassed to have followed Bidan in this Bullshit Scheme they could takeover Russian land and assets. These people need to be kicked out of politics forever.)


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82c995 No.20990370


demon crates

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3db5c0 No.20990371


>tht b cool

You could make it look like one actually small arched wing loaded with armaments maybe?

A ast stealth helicoper called a Hummingbird? more like a drone nowadays. Fuck it just numbers and letters . The H32Cb1

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e5c5ef No.20990372


Should be painting StarShip like Nemo now

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a7dcf5 No.20990373

File: 1d4c567838039ff⋯.png (81.69 KB,693x552,231:184,0kbw1.png)

File: f08892827aeae18⋯.png (251.99 KB,556x562,278:281,0kbw3.png)

File: 0bce09af53d0945⋯.png (539.86 KB,741x1204,741:1204,Q_4331.png)

File: 5ff22bd0e2e03f6⋯.png (169.98 KB,428x1466,214:733,kbw6.png)

"Thank you to all of my great Keyboard Warriors. You are better, and far more brilliant, than anyone on Madison Avenue (Ad Agencies). There is nobody like you!"


Dec 19, 2018 6:14:15 PM EST 2627

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0365ff No. 4381184

Dec 19, 2018 6:11:25 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0365ff No. 4381127


The clock is ticking.

When will the 1st alarm ring?

If the Senate was the primary target (majority control)….

53-47 active when?

EO (designated_target(s)) active when?

Ongoing investigations…..

"There are a lot of sealed indictments" - SC

"It's all going to come out, U1, Dossier, CF, etc…." - SH

"I have pretty good sources…" - SH

There is a reason why SH, SC, and JS are on stage.



Why does the FAKE NEWS media continually attack a (as they say) so-called 'only a conspiracy' 'nothing to see here' 'lonely guy behind a keyboard' movement?

The largest media co's in the world giving so much attention….

WASH POST leading the attack?

Logical thinking always wins.


May 27, 2020 12:44:24 PM EDT 4331

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 631942 No. 9332398



Intelligence was manipulated by [Brennan].

Watch the news.


May 27, 2020 12:48:43 PM EDT 4332

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 631942 No. 9332481

May 27, 2020 12:46:48 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 348492 No. 9332438

May 27, 2020 12:44:24 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 631942 No. 9332398



Intelligence was manipulated by [Brennan].

Watch the news.



We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men (& women) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men (& Women), deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. —

Member this Q?


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609e1a No.20990374

File: c2108cb1a8518af⋯.png (335.64 KB,800x540,40:27,ClipboardImage.png)

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e376d0 No.20990375


I wait for Freddy to summarize the habbenings, mostly.

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0a35de No.20990376

File: 2e277f73fdb1cac⋯.jpeg (137.76 KB,874x1024,437:512,3bukdfQg0pT5.jpeg)


Everyone was told it'll seem like people are gathering around them. I haven't had privacy for quite some time, years, even when I sleep. It's like someone always has to be in the same room, at all times. Fuckin' weird shit, but I got used to it.

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fc76c1 No.20990377


media assets will be removed.

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4f0ff1 No.20990378


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89eaa1 No.20990379


if that school had really been operational, it would have been easiest thing to produce weekly, monthly or annual receipts for trash bags, floor wax and cafeteria napkins used by hundreds of students every damn day!

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02bbc2 No.20990380

File: 6c71f34ef0e8d22⋯.png (891.33 KB,854x970,427:485,trump_be_back.png)


>This is the Q plan. Slow AF.

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014113 No.20990381

I think they're twins separated at birth and gender reversed. >>20990214

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b432cb No.20990382

File: 76d1da122bd9303⋯.webp (13.28 KB,548x318,274:159,download.webp)


I recall O'Brennan gloating about this on twitter like it was a done deal. Surprise! I also remember the Whidbey Island Navy commander scum involved getting wrung up.

'If you come for the king, you best not miss"

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a7dcf5 No.20990383

File: 9d2401abde1841a⋯.jpeg (13.01 KB,300x168,25:14,ds2.jpeg)

File: a9e5e70ca0897b3⋯.jpg (49.78 KB,800x600,4:3,EPfcsh1X4AY_6PP.jpg)

File: 5d62b69bba37728⋯.jpeg (638.47 KB,1620x1916,405:479,ds1.jpeg)

File: c7fa609e98a4773⋯.png (829.39 KB,1620x2160,3:4,ds1a.png)


that is 'ODD'

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e376d0 No.20990384

File: 3349d36b1f73173⋯.png (355.53 KB,442x600,221:300,Robert_DeNiro_Head_Crying_….png)


>No Dinero

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ef2b52 No.20990385

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Are positive ET's currently helping us?

>Are we the reincarnated ET's?

>Did we help with the plan prior to incarnating?

>Did we volunteer for this?

Yes? Here we are.

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89eaa1 No.20990386


"what is the gop doing?"

Sedition and Treason

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f1e0d2 No.20990387

File: d17105a21aff15e⋯.png (1.35 MB,1172x619,1172:619,ClipboardImage.png)

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b7a1c1 No.20990388

File: 06547cb39990e04⋯.jpg (49.58 KB,656x500,164:125,06547cb39990e04d1fd415b25e….jpg)


Consider the magnitude of what is being revealed to the world.

Consider the impact that will have on the whole world as we currently know it.

Who Q is may never truly be known.

Trump Knows tho.


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2dee87 No.20990389


Gonna throw this out there being human and all.

Not to put men down, but..if they lasted longer ladys wouldn't need them.

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3ead07 No.20990390

notes @235

#25743 >>20990142

>>20990163 Daily Wire Employee Fired for Sending Supportive Message to Candace Owens From His Personal Email Account

>>20990164 Hunter brought members of the Mexican Cartels to meet with "The Big Guy"

>>20990169, >>20990240 Hunter Biden Gun Trial started on June 3rd which is Qpost 1440 upsidedown gun delta

>>20990194 New York Democrat Congress Candidate openly talking about putting MAGA supporters in reeducation camps

>>20990188, >>20990210 Epstein

>>20990250 U.S., UK Taxpayer-Funded Ukraine Group Publishes Enemy List

>>20990236, >>20990296 Misc.


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3a3b0c No.20990391

File: d8005a6b2a3c7c1⋯.png (912.24 KB,2355x1352,2355:1352,ClipboardImage.png)

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ef2b52 No.20990392


Don’t hold your breath.

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e5c5ef No.20990393

File: 2ff52366baf4e5c⋯.png (70.59 KB,294x248,147:124,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7dcf5 No.20990394





Nothing to see here…

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e376d0 No.20990395

File: 8eb81d08f3fa369⋯.webm (2.15 MB,320x564,80:141,New_York_Jew_Escaping_Und….webm)


Does not bode well.

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82c995 No.20990396

File: ab212921887104b⋯.jpeg (510.45 KB,2048x1401,2048:1401,GPfTGsqXMAAL7_S.jpeg)

File: b84af909f4587d9⋯.jpeg (468.16 KB,2048x1527,2048:1527,GPfTGspXIAA63ef.jpeg)

File: a88991667f6815e⋯.png (1.07 MB,1080x978,180:163,Screenshot_20240608_063419.png)

File: 1fb9ac27f7f5f24⋯.gif (632.66 KB,220x142,110:71,tonya_harding_figure_skati….gif)

File: b5b96902e08b7c6⋯.png (1.11 MB,687x877,687:877,b5b96902e08b7c6a314dd4ca75….png)


dunno sure ain't fuck in the Navy. just fucking around.

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b432cb No.20990397


Thanks for the tautology.

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70d037 No.20990398



Totally not the jews tho.

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c19773 No.20990399


what do you call this effect? I just want to stare at it and smoke weed for the rest of the day.

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a7dcf5 No.20990400


Who is Freddy?

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e67c96 No.20990401

File: 6a4ece4ffe42082⋯.jpg (9.76 KB,250x255,50:51,d8a139c0b368550d7ba09f3a62….jpg)


The GOP is doing exactly what is needed. Exposing themselves as as the democrats they truly are. Showing the American public there is no two party system. Showing the people that they have been played for decades. This is how we take back our country.

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 7e5786 No.9600835 📁

Jun 13 2020 15:32:49 (EST)


When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.


Dec 7 2019


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 No.97 📁

Dec 7 2019 11:57:38 (EST)


What happens when people don't conform to their rule?

What happens when people cannot defend themselves?

Why do [D]'s want to abolish the 2nd amendment?

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

What did the Framers of the Constitution fear the most?


"–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–"

We, the People.


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609e1a No.20990402

File: aaaf698efdd3de3⋯.png (243.35 KB,845x605,169:121,ClipboardImage.png)

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e376d0 No.20990403

File: e0d5a10bd24e49a⋯.png (87.52 KB,271x165,271:165,ClipboardImage.png)


What was written on the piece of paper he was holding up. Been cropped out in all images I've seen of it today.

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ef2b52 No.20990404


He is gonna die waiting for the plan.

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9c204c No.20990405


Steve Martin in "The Jerk"

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a7dcf5 No.20990406


well maybe you will find out?

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fc76c1 No.20990407


Travis needs red text.

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e5c5ef No.20990408

File: 5ba04a80ac89b8d⋯.png (35.95 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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609e1a No.20990409

File: 2041e0616d6747b⋯.png (373.05 KB,501x659,501:659,ClipboardImage.png)

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7fd93b No.20990410

File: 553fed64183376f⋯.jpg (253.34 KB,1199x864,1199:864,DznBVtMWwAAjMfQ.jpg)

File: 87fd7b7b025c010⋯.png (207.58 KB,1020x600,17:10,Cicada_3301_1020x600_22991….png)


>16 month story. This is the Q plan. Slow AF.

16 years.

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fab7ba No.20990411

File: 5c1e0525850c83c⋯.jpeg (287.04 KB,765x647,765:647,IMG_0035.jpeg)

Have always thought it was weird that this drop doesn’t say Commander-in-Chief. Thought it seemed related to how POTUS can remain CiC, while Potato is Resident. POTUS couldn’t legally seek another term without some sort of legal distinction. Dunno, the line between autism and retardism is fine sometimes.

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9f8cb8 No.20990412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Cooper knew [they] were coming for him.

5 November 2001 Cua Viet - Bill's Last Show


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a7dcf5 No.20990413


I wonder who else will expose themselves like this?

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b432cb No.20990414

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e376d0 No.20990415

File: 27072a535d0ea0c⋯.png (97.71 KB,329x256,329:256,Newfag.png)


You should chan moar.

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a7dcf5 No.20990416




should be interesting

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254fe2 No.20990417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c19773 No.20990418


I'm just here for the shitposting.

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a7dcf5 No.20990419


Oh yeah! well maybe you should be nice more!

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89eaa1 No.20990420


only read the Constitution to figure out how to circumvent and destroy it

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a396f3 No.20990421

File: 395b1a9eed97ca3⋯.png (131.34 KB,362x355,362:355,wray.png)

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eeedee No.20990422


Everyone ignored the Founding Fathers, The Monroe Doctrine and our Military leaders from WWi, WWII and Vietnam to stay out of Foreign Wars, especially in Europe. They said European Leaders were insane, and will start a war for wars sake!No One Listened!

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014113 No.20990423

File: 655d543f7beb966⋯.png (3.04 MB,2000x2321,2000:2321,no_dinero_dobbie2_.png)

Perfect! I was looking for something like that. >>20990384

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9c204c No.20990424


If Trump gets elected, I'm moving out of this country = I'm a pedo

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24b5bf No.20990425

Those who demand fifty Palestinian terrorists in exchange for one Israeli hostage can’t complain that 200 Palestinian terrorists are killed when 4 Israeli hostages are rescued. That’s life!



So that's why shills were going bonkers this morning

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e376d0 No.20990426


Is that the Alien at the UN image?

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02bbc2 No.20990427


>if that school had really been operational

And you would think that congress could get that information

Every indication is the place didn't even exist

And there ius NO ONE willing to stand up and fight for that?

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5b992f No.20990428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live in 17 hours

June 9 at 7:30 AM

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 6/9/24


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13a578 No.20990429

File: dc3d81e52a95de0⋯.jpg (122.79 KB,1200x660,20:11,GhislaineMaxwellBlankEpste….jpg)

File: 8fd8e4269cd59d0⋯.jpg (307.89 KB,1200x915,80:61,venitianmaskscarnival1.jpg)

File: 901ce122869ebc5⋯.jpg (1.31 MB,1456x2324,52:83,phonecianmolckowl.jpg)


anybody remember the place in Italy(?) associated with a family of the Black Nobility, who have maps and models supposedly proving they designed D.C.?

It'll surface again, But I'd like to remember it now,


They traded all throughout the Mediterranean - but home was up/down the Adriatic Sea

From which point they could control Europe


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fc76c1 No.20990430


animatronic asphyxiation

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a7dcf5 No.20990431

i am just a normie seeking the help of anons

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82c995 No.20990432

File: b815c141b569772⋯.gif (3.29 MB,480x480,1:1,living_the_life_alan_jacks….gif)

File: ab212921887104b⋯.jpeg (510.45 KB,2048x1401,2048:1401,ab212921887104b88bc802437….jpeg)

File: 5a177dbbf738303⋯.png (65.71 KB,640x660,32:33,362.png)


read the signal bunch of fucktardia

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fa233f No.20990433

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

West really wants everyone to believe Russia planning nuclear attack, but why?



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094b7c No.20990434


regrets, not ragrets

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9c204c No.20990435

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0a35de No.20990436

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)


>what do you call this effect?

To be honest, I'm not sure. Some sort of light refraction maybe? It's almost kaleidoscopic but there's no mirroring to it. Probably has an official name to the effect, but it's not one that I'm familiar with.

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014113 No.20990437

File: b6ca1382fc0eb97⋯.png (1.22 MB,753x1112,753:1112,Nightmare_on_Main_Street.png)

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ef2b52 No.20990438


I read about Cicada. Those type of people are next level smart.

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e376d0 No.20990439

File: e5375f91a9f7c0c⋯.png (1002.7 KB,917x499,917:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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89eaa1 No.20990440


it existed, but had been unused for many years

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a7dcf5 No.20990441


maybe you should post them for me because i am lazy and will vote for Biden otherwise?!

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014113 No.20990442


4+5 = 9 - 4+7 = 11 for the deep state

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b432cb No.20990443

File: bdfae565ccda8c9⋯.jpg (76.11 KB,852x922,426:461,323e776f43d047f5.jpg)

They're all uniparty DC sewer trash and share the same resume.

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a7dcf5 No.20990444



anons are assholes

i am outta here!

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eeedee No.20990445


That was kek, sounds like me when I got here 8 years ago. I actually admitted I was a very newfag. I think anons appreciated it

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37438c No.20990446

is this where the anons snort the Q crumb dust?

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e376d0 No.20990447

File: 5b6f7c98dacdd5c⋯.png (1.74 MB,1544x1842,772:921,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b6f7c98dacdd5c⋯.png (1.74 MB,1544x1842,772:921,ClipboardImage.png)

Those poor Jews huh.

Israeli forces killed hundreds in hostage rescue operation – Gaza authorities

Mahmoud Abbas has slammed the IDF operation as a “bloody massacre”


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02bbc2 No.20990448


>Cooper knew [they] were coming for him.

Nah. excuses. Listen. It's different.

It's a goodbye

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82c995 No.20990449

File: 36fd8ead75dee88⋯.jpg (279.79 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_08_18_1….jpg)

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9c204c No.20990450

File: e4c711edff7c3c0⋯.jpg (11.11 KB,255x152,255:152,Potusthor.jpg)

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044473 No.20990451

File: b9dada7ff3de378⋯.jpg (25.87 KB,474x474,1:1,th_3965644483.jpg)

rainbows take shape of the firmament (dome)

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e215d4 No.20990452

File: e009b40e10b0030⋯.png (920.91 KB,1600x712,200:89,74cedf40dcc026379286f45580….png)

File: 71e188baebd1d32⋯.png (2.16 MB,1300x943,1300:943,PT658.png)


PT boats were made of plywood

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55c8e2 No.20990453

File: 303c6cd46bfd8ee⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB,852x480,71:40,J_Soros_AI_truth_vid.mp4)

Soros- unfortunately an AI job

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e376d0 No.20990454


Nice trips, stick around we're your friends.

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24b5bf No.20990455

File: eec801cd3ed24af⋯.jpg (54.09 KB,500x490,50:49,8t94sx.jpg)

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e376d0 No.20990456


Please ascend at the earliest convenience.

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c0c37e No.20990457

File: 379107b6341f451⋯.png (173.2 KB,400x516,100:129,ClipboardImage.png)

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609e1a No.20990458

File: b98a9be24f3f21a⋯.png (55.78 KB,491x225,491:225,ClipboardImage.png)

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b0254b No.20990459

File: d3f4f0d42a1522f⋯.png (520.05 KB,611x475,611:475,ClipboardImage.png)

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044473 No.20990460

File: 457336fe993d0b7⋯.jpg (133.21 KB,1500x844,375:211,skittles_flavors_180125_te….jpg)


of course the queers

hijacked the rainbow

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9005b4 No.20990461

File: 61d8aaadc27ac8e⋯.png (1.63 MB,973x850,973:850,61d8aaadc27ac8e6f37de94bc0….png)


>The GOP is doing exactly what is needed. Exposing themselves as as the democrats they truly are. Showing the American public there is no two party system. Showing the people that they have been played for decades. This is how we take back our country.

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02bbc2 No.20990462

File: 068293205dd5c90⋯.jpg (1.58 MB,1600x1200,4:3,michael_jackson_neverland_….jpg)


>it existed, but had been unused for many years

Right. And it opens the most dangerous part of the enemy's plan - the towns. Controlled towns just like the old cult leaders would try to take over towns. They've done it. They can falsify every document, they can fake people, deaths, murder with impunity and control the autopsy, everything.

Sometimes I wonder if centralized ID might be a good thing for that reason.

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63c319 No.20990463

File: 5e58cbaeb668d6b⋯.png (287.5 KB,608x693,608:693,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2a49d3aeac6940⋯.mp4 (8.94 MB,1280x720,16:9,deprogram.mp4)


>New York Democrat Congress Candidate openly talking about putting MAGA supporters in reeducation camps

GeorgeConway warns that "we are going to have to deprogram his supporters at some point

George Conway (


) calls for a national conversation about Trump's mental condition and warns that "we are going to have to deprogram his supporters at some point."


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84f439 No.20990464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e376d0 No.20990465

File: dbb629c0086768a⋯.png (473.6 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


C'mon man

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094b7c No.20990466



shills claiming the israeli hostages are fake and sandy hook is fake and tryin' to defend crazy loud mouth aj

strange board

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9f8cb8 No.20990467

File: 3e17f62b216ccb3⋯.png (522.87 KB,720x693,80:77,ClipboardImage.png)

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02bbc2 No.20990468


>rainbows take shape of the firmament (dome)

bullshit. you can make them yourself with a fucking hose

I would fight flat earthers barefist. fucking shill faggots

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cdd49b No.20990469

File: f9123cbb5c200bf⋯.png (287.7 KB,735x642,245:214,7m5en6464.PNG)



we in this thing together.

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37438c No.20990470



is this where the anons inject the Q liquids?

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a396f3 No.20990471

File: a333caac6ef4856⋯.png (312.01 KB,705x513,235:171,rallies.png)


>Live in 17 hours

>June 9 at 7:30 AM

>LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 6/9/24

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e5c5ef No.20990472

File: 2de94ffdc2d19b6⋯.jpg (128.79 KB,420x399,20:19,duck_dynasty_pepe.jpg)

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55c8e2 No.20990473

File: 9bf44845599482e⋯.mp4 (5.92 MB,418x480,209:240,J_Massie_reveals_Congressi….mp4)

Massie reveals Congressional AIPAC (Israel) minders

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7d8c90 No.20990474


17 hours you say?

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e376d0 No.20990475


Skittles are poison, so let them have 'em.

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82c995 No.20990476

File: 1338169e2db913c⋯.jpeg (15.45 KB,500x313,500:313,a2e3d1f2974ffd753ede1a4ee….jpeg)

File: 36fd8ead75dee88⋯.jpg (279.79 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_08_18_1….jpg)

File: 27ee99d95834456⋯.png (272.87 KB,640x1450,64:145,569.png)

File: 063020b8caf5ac2⋯.png (700.5 KB,640x3790,64:379,2367.png)

File: e05b5ab766f3080⋯.jpg (139.57 KB,681x947,681:947,e05b5ab766f308088eaf1e3ceb….jpg)


got electric choke

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ffd824 No.20990477

Time is up, BO.

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02bbc2 No.20990478

File: f007984212cf3cd⋯.png (791.69 KB,1218x968,609:484,sandy_hook_sh_newtown_with….png)

File: 1f96f2925994851⋯.jpg (54.21 KB,621x456,207:152,sandy_hook_girl_with_obama.jpg)

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e376d0 No.20990479

File: 5ed433b7b5eb273⋯.jpg (65.58 KB,268x200,67:50,He_s_Right_You_Know_No_Cap….jpg)

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7d8c90 No.20990480

File: f7aa405b2e3ab74⋯.png (20.07 KB,220x257,220:257,United_States_Space_Force_….png)

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37438c No.20990481


so having multiple or even higher loyalties can be a real issue huh?

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55c8e2 No.20990482

File: 6822938778cc108⋯.jpg (257.49 KB,500x600,5:6,Taste_the_Rainbow_Take_tha….jpg)

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8216d1 No.20990483


Is that Blyatina serious? Literally Putin was saying how he was willing to bomb the West the day before that fleet started heading over…

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e376d0 No.20990484

File: 6006e5f11e05aca⋯.jpg (923.92 KB,2000x1334,1000:667,Buttigieg_Prefers_Deep_Dig….jpg)


Head over to Deep Digs for that black magic.

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aa3ce1 No.20990485

File: 5d635809dd099e7⋯.jpg (11.95 KB,159x250,159:250,9f367d5e69517dbf9114b8052f….jpg)

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37438c No.20990486

lotta people appear to be Patriots yet actually work for [INSERT DEEP STATE HERE] so that should be interesting and not what most wish to 'see'

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eeedee No.20990487


You probably shouldn’t have said that. Just saying

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82c995 No.20990488

File: 56a36f5910d4668⋯.png (136.28 KB,640x1548,160:387,369.png)

File: f3ea3191dc36d7c⋯.png (463.16 KB,556x480,139:120,f3ea3191dc36d7c85aa115b345….png)

correction on previous post

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044473 No.20990489



no matter where you stand

the rainbow is always in front of you

the eathv s domed

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9f8cb8 No.20990490


She's on the beach in Israel.

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86a6ab No.20990491

so anons are sorta like Wizards?

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609e1a No.20990492

File: 881a9d1adca2240⋯.png (594.09 KB,494x677,494:677,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dbb130ca7f65159⋯.png (114.15 KB,491x486,491:486,ClipboardImage.png)

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014113 No.20990493


Brazil from November to February.

I then went to Argentina in January

Back to Brazil this month.

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044537 No.20990494

File: 41b98f4a193e2fb⋯.jpg (56.38 KB,1110x555,2:1,large_1_.jpg)


Time is continues and never up

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ed657f No.20990495

Q Team:

Just got a summons from none other than Letia James, which was printed on the "17th". Seems she is suing me on behalf of NYS for failure to payback monies owed to the state and for one of their attorney's fees who lied and set me up. After my father was murdered at the VA, the state kept putting money into his account, when I was notified about it a year or so later I paid back all I could without hesitation, $23k, and told them that I was a blacklisted ground zero worker, when I am allowed to work in this country again and get paid, they will get paid. I tried to setup a payment plan with the attorney, but he told me to hold off and call back on the first of the month. I tried calling him 10 days prior for hours each day and they wouldn't pick up the phone nor reply to any messages. After a week or so after the deadline they hit me with a 20% fine. I told him about my situation again and it was left at that, you can't draw blood from a stone. I have a feeling that this and gas shut off incident are both related after I posted this >>20972847 pb, there are no coincidences. They even marked up my curb and dug up my lawn because they plan on shutting us down next month. They know we are on Soc Services and know that they are not covering our electric at all for the Rothschilds and aren't covering our gas now. I have been blacklisted since 911 for the most part except where someone wanted to steal my IP with the old undeliverable stock options ploy. I sent out over 1 million resumes and walked my town several times since 911, so it isn't me, they won't let me do even meanly jobs. You'd think the authorities would be more interested in my father's murder but not one was interested, VA and local police, so I posted about it on this board, just search "scissor clamp". You know what DOL director Scalise did to me on the day I warned about the upcoming chaos; all I asked for was for a simple job, because I was being blacklisted because I was not only a ground zero worker and but a 911 truther. I put my life down several times for this country, we shouldn't be going through this, and anyone who has seen my applications for education, site building, or election/recall systems should know that I have a strong skill set. When does this nightmare end for us, it is close to 23 years now?

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e5c5ef No.20990496

File: 5272884714b9f38⋯.png (161.37 KB,430x240,43:24,I_ll_be_back.png)

Shall we have a go, one more time for old times sake.

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b432cb No.20990497

File: b83ed08c5879ff5⋯.mp4 (2.6 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Mexico_election.mp4)


>i heard that anons were the 1%?

Or the Mexican election?

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02bbc2 No.20990498


>the rainbow is always in front of you

are you from another planet?

that's not even how rainbow's work


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86a6ab No.20990499

lets do it…

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044473 No.20990500


post a pic of a rainbow side eyeing you

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ef2b52 No.20990501


>anons are sorta like Wizards

Everyone except for Kash. He’s a fame fag.

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609e1a No.20990503

File: 00d31a2d6580a99⋯.png (1.16 MB,1018x1275,1018:1275,ClipboardImage.png)

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392183 No.20990504

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ef2b52 No.20990505


>that's not even how rainbow's work

Spray a hose on a sunny day and see the rainbow in front of you.

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e376d0 No.20990506

File: 741c96683d91204⋯.png (804.75 KB,500x624,125:156,Kash_Activated_Checkem.png)

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5c3f87 No.20990507

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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044473 No.20990508


circle rainbow pics within a helicopter dont count

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aa3ce1 No.20990509

File: fcea7b327cc8542⋯.png (240.58 KB,568x482,284:241,fcea7b327cc8542322ba385c97….png)

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b7a1c1 No.20990510

File: 45c9199427c25c8⋯.png (369.9 KB,500x496,125:124,45c9199427c25c80fe650dec0f….png)

File: 7c9f23e0434a808⋯.jpeg (95.96 KB,1124x1036,281:259,7c9f23e0434a808bc5c0cdbd2….jpeg)

File: 4f5b5bd80140be0⋯.jpg (133.92 KB,930x817,930:817,4f5b5bd80140be0044d44bbe6f….jpg)


Digital Keyboard, Warrior Soldiers

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a9d1e4 No.20990511

File: 0663f3f493974f6⋯.jpg (116.98 KB,720x847,720:847,20240608_161850.jpg)

File: cc6bde73f22d314⋯.mp4 (1.78 MB,824x640,103:80,Corey_A_DeAngelis_school_c….mp4)

Texas Democrat Convention speaker promotes drag queen story hour for kids.


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55c8e2 No.20990513


>so having multiple or even higher loyalties can be a real issue huh?

Yes, in Congress it can.

AIPAC just won all the primaries they wanted for Israel, apart from Massie's.

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e215d4 No.20990514


No, this is where anons laugh hysterically at lame, out of ammo shills like yourself try to start arguments to waste bread

Media Matters Lays Off A Dozen Staffers Following Federal Probe, Lawsuit By Elon Musk

Nicole Silverio May 23, 2024

Media Matters followed suit with several liberal outlets by laying off at least a dozen staffers following a federal probe and lawsuit by “X” chief executive officer Elon Musk.

Staffers, some of whom have been with Media Matters for years, took to social media announcing their sudden departure from the outlet. The layoffs followed federal probes filed by Republican Attorneys General Ken Paxton of Texas and Andrew Bailey of Missouri into the outlet for possible fraudulent activity by allegedly manipulating data on “X,” formerly known as Twitter.

Musk filed a defamation lawsuit against Media Matters in federal court in November, as the site has accused the outlet of “knowingly” manufacturing images showing advertisements from major corporations alongside posts made by white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

Bad News: I’ve been laid off from @mmfa, along with a dozen colleagues.

There’s a reason far-right billionaires attack Media Matters with armies of lawyers: They know how effective our work is, and it terrifies them (him).

— Kat Abu (@abughazalehkat) May 23, 2024

“After nearly four years of working at media matters, I got laid off,” another staffer named Beatrice said. “So if anyone is looking for researchers with video experience, drop a line.”

After nearly four years of working at media matters, I got laid off. So if anyone is looking for researchers with video experience, drop a line.

— Bee (@mount_bees) May 23, 2024

“Got laid off, lmk who wants research done,” researcher Brendan Karet said. “On the plus side, no more listening to the dumbest dogshit on earth everyday.”

Media Matters’ staffing purge is the latest in the liberal media bloodbath that has become prominent in recent years. NowThis laid off half of its editorial team in February as part of a “broader initiative to realign our resources and structure to ensure a long-term sustainable business in the evolving media landscape.” The Intercept laid off 15 staffers including its Editor-in-Chief Roger Hodge, on the same day.



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013f3a No.20990516

File: a1a8860677a75ae⋯.jpeg (334.65 KB,773x573,773:573,5AA74A68_C4F4_43D3_BFAB_E….jpeg)

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eeedee No.20990517


I don’t know, my eyesight ain’t great

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f74b8c No.20990518


Maybe you misinterpreted my response.

I'm suggesting the psychologist was suicide.

I did not get that from your post.

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82c995 No.20990519

File: 5941ef5af0d09e6⋯.jpg (190.03 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_08_12_4….jpg)

File: 0403e513550848a⋯.jpeg (145.58 KB,960x780,16:13,GPfTGsrXoAAIyEF.jpeg)

File: b84af909f4587d9⋯.jpeg (468.16 KB,2048x1527,2048:1527,GPfTGspXIAA63ef.jpeg)

File: d5c833f8f1f41ff⋯.jpeg (383.18 KB,2048x1404,512:351,GPfTGsyW4AAlhVo.jpeg)


this post

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014113 No.20990520

File: 94a50366780e70c⋯.png (3.7 MB,2517x1259,2517:1259,Friday_the_13th_Trump.png)

Friday, September 13, 2024

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ef2b52 No.20990521


What if I told you I knew that meme was coming?

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5c3f87 No.20990522

File: 7dcbbde425463c7⋯.webp (26.08 KB,600x455,120:91,IMG_1550.webp)

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e376d0 No.20990523


Turn around and face the sun while you do it faggit. Where's your rainbow now? Behind you.

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3ead07 No.20990524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Full Episode: Rep. Thomas Massie: Israel Lobbyists, the Cowards in Congress, and Living off the Grid


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3db5c0 No.20990525


Those are some Dumbo ass ears. A chink does the Dairee Show now?

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e215d4 No.20990526


>Gaza authorities

All I needed to see

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a9d1e4 No.20990528

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Steers and queers

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b432cb No.20990529


This isn't something new. This is someone waking up for the first time..

Vaccine History: Developments by Year


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02bbc2 No.20990530

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ef2b52 No.20990532


>Behind you.

That’s what I meant.

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3325b2 No.20990534

File: 1a1a8b91ac86bb6⋯.jpg (84.34 KB,411x1230,137:410,SpcFrcPontiac1.jpg)

File: f6eb1d9976bf4b7⋯.jpg (459.85 KB,2714x1764,1357:882,1967_Pontiac_GTO.jpg)

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e376d0 No.20990535

File: d4d3e721b4924c6⋯.png (1.97 MB,1400x700,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


If you hadn't known would it still have been posted?

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392183 No.20990536

ATL as in atlantis, quezecatl, atlantic ocean, etc etc etc

bigger than you can imagine


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82c995 No.20990537

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b432cb No.20990538


>I'm suggesting the psychologist was suicide

I did not get that from your post.

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28eea1 No.20990539

File: 320061faddc604c⋯.mp4 (13.64 MB,1280x720,16:9,POTUS47_2024.mp4)



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e376d0 No.20990540


nice one eh. Clean conscience there Rabbi?

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014113 No.20990541







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23c867 No.20990542


they F-d around and they found out.

if this story is even true.

they shouldn't have kept those people as hostages.

they should keep the other citizens of Gaza

as hostages.

boo hoo hoo, Israel behaves like Israel behaves.

it's not like there aren't plenty of examples over the centuries of similar behavior to protect or gather back their own.

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a9d1e4 No.20990543

File: 6a8f6fb923f25d9⋯.png (242.74 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1717648511595.png)

File: 767f7a012460f9a⋯.png (220.67 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1717648629200.png)

File: 23da6b747354c2e⋯.png (188.07 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1717649167602.png)



Keyboard armor

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013f3a No.20990545

File: 2c12907dd11a36d⋯.jpeg (676.76 KB,1287x621,143:69,8B69F7C1_3216_42C6_A70D_4….jpeg)

File: da8824452a2f771⋯.jpeg (404.04 KB,1138x593,1138:593,3111E5D3_9C52_44BC_A095_C….jpeg)

>>20989866 lb

Italians left Rzeszow after a load out

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094b7c No.20990547

File: 52e466ce4c13ef1⋯.png (52.07 KB,1296x196,324:49,Screenshot_2024_06_08_at_1….png)

File: bc0919cca45c762⋯.png (480.69 KB,856x500,214:125,Screenshot_2024_06_08_at_1….png)

Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) explains why he invited the corrupt Manhattan judge who oversaw former President Donald Trump’s criminal trial which ended in 12 jurors finding him guilty go 34 counts of felony charges which should have otherwise been misdemeanors.

The Republican is so confident that Trump will beat President Joe Biden in November and continue his legacy in the White House that he invited Judge Juan Merchan to take a front row seat at the historical event.

“My view of inviting him to the inauguration is to show my recognition that what Merchan is doing unintentionally is re-electing… Donald Trump," Wilson told Fox News Digital.

Democrats thought their political persecution against Trump would result in his supporters abandoning him, but they were wrong.

Instead, polls indicate that the former president is even more liked and respected— even by those who didn’t intend to vote for him.

A recent poll conducted by the Daily Mail and J.L. Partners found that 22 percent of voters now view Trump more favorably, while only 16 percent view him more negatively.


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609e1a No.20990548

File: d3b1d8365d28868⋯.png (554.16 KB,639x632,639:632,ClipboardImage.png)

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e5c5ef No.20990550

File: 50968d1601f5c9e⋯.webp (1.01 MB,1200x900,4:3,fallout_76_brotherhood_of….webp)

Anons are AMERICAN!

And we say damnedest things!

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ef2b52 No.20990551


>If you hadn't known would it still have been posted?

Shrodinger says it would have been both posted and not posted.

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82c995 No.20990552

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392183 No.20990553



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fa233f No.20990554


They all have AIPAC babysitters!

They offer AIPAC trips to Israel!

The end of the clip is Muhjoo-ish!

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55c8e2 No.20990555


what about Epstein video >>20990210

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9f8cb8 No.20990556

File: 40267cf7353a555⋯.png (417.03 KB,475x666,475:666,ClipboardImage.png)


not able

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24b5bf No.20990557

File: 19ffffc47ab16f1⋯.jpg (143.24 KB,500x590,50:59,8t95vp.jpg)

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b432cb No.20990559

File: ca0f2ea0acbe1ae⋯.jpg (56.82 KB,796x544,199:136,HourlyShiftCoordinator_2x.jpg)


The FBI is one executive order away from the hospitality industry.

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3ead07 No.20990561

notes @410

#25743 >>20990142

>>20990163 Daily Wire Employee Fired for Sending Supportive Message to Candace Owens From His Personal Email Account

>>20990164 Hunter brought members of the Mexican Cartels to meet with "The Big Guy"

>>20990169, >>20990240 Hunter Biden Gun Trial started on June 3rd which is Qpost 1440 upsidedown gun delta

>>20990194,>>20990463, >>20990485 New York Democrat Congress Candidate & George Conway openly talk about 're-educating' MAGA supporters

>>20990188, >>20990210 Epstein

>>20990221 The July Crisis: 30 dramatic days that led to the outbreak of World War One

>>20990300 PF: LITCH47

>>20990301 PF: Belgium AF BAF83 Falcon 7x went to Manama, Bahrain

>>20990310 More than 50,000 underage migrants have disappeared in Europe in three years

>>20990333 A local race in Nevada’s primary could have implications for national elections in a key swing state

>>20990344 Jimmy Carter’s grandson gives health update on ex-president as he enters 16th month of hospice care

>>20990473, >>20990524 Rep. Thomas Massie reveals that members of Congress are babysat by AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee)

>>20990511 Texas Democrat Convention speaker promotes drag queen story hour for kids

>>20990545 PF: Italians left Rzeszow after a load out

>>20990236, >>20990296, >>20990299, >>20990335, >>20990347, >>20990374 Misc.


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7d8c90 No.20990563


centripetal and centrifugal

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014113 No.20990566

Came out right before Covid was officially released, why do you suppose that?


Surveillance authority on the surveillors.

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55c8e2 No.20990567

File: 9408c301c01c6a4⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB,384x480,4:5,IRS_Tax_Return.mp4)

IRS tax return problems

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fa233f No.20990568

File: 24e37445b52d7ec⋯.mp4 (15.36 MB,1280x720,16:9,RT_Hundreds_take_part_in_A….mp4)

Hundreds take part in AfD party rally to demand stricter migration measures in Germany



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044473 No.20990569



when your surrounded by mist

it is still in front of you

turn to your side

same thing

we're immovable




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eeedee No.20990570

File: 6c7d21f13924533⋯.mp4 (3.39 MB,854x480,427:240,6664056720302766303a0c60.mp4)

8 Jun, 2024 07:26

WATCH Russian forces destroy Ukrainian US-supplied armor

An M1 Abrams tank and Bradley IFV were hit by a guided artillery shell and kamikaze drone respectively, the Defense Ministry says

Russian forces have destroyed another Ukrainian US-made M1 Abrams tank and an M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle in Donbass, the Defense Ministry has said, as quoted by TASS.

In a statement to the agency on Saturday, the ministry said that both vehicles had been taken out in the Avdeevka sector of the front. The strategic city was liberated by Russia in February.

Officials told TASS that the Abrams was hit by a high-precision guided Krasnopol artillery shell fired by troops from the ‘Center’ group of forces, adding that the Bradley was destroyed by a kamikaze drone.

The Krasnopol shell was launched from an Msta-S self-propelled howitzer, with the projectile guided by a reconnaissance drone, according to the statement.

A video shared by several media outlets shows the Russian Msta-S firing from a well-covered position in the woods, with part of the clip filmed from a drone showing an explosion near a barely visible armored vehicle, apparently the Abrams. A close-up from the drone shows the tank being hit on the side, with a plume of smoke rising around the impact area.

Another video published by the media shows a Russian soldier operating a drone, which crashes head-on into a US-made Bradley on a country road.

The US agreed to send a total of 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine in January 2023, with the batch arriving that autumn. The Russian Defense Ministry reported the destruction of several of the vehicles, one of which was displayed in Moscow last month as part of a trophy show.

In late April this year, Ukraine reportedly pulled back its Abrams tanks from the front because Russian drone strikes were making their battlefield operations much more difficult. At the time, AP estimated that Kiev had lost a total of five Abrams.

Ukraine also received around 200 Bradleys, around a third of which had been destroyed, abandoned, damaged, or captured by March, according to data from open-source military intelligence site

(I do find these videos pretty interesting. Russians like video proof)


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c640e3 No.20990572

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SS and U.S. Park Police retreat from Lafayette Square in front of the White House as protesters take over ''


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590ed6 No.20990573

File: 1816e0e96ea7693⋯.png (126.84 KB,323x323,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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c640e3 No.20990575

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SS and U.S. Park Police retreat from Lafayette Square in front of the White House as protesters take over


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fc76c1 No.20990576


there is only centripetal. centrifugal is an illusion.

or so they taught us.

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e376d0 No.20990577

File: 7ce523db83d1e1a⋯.png (1.26 MB,1191x669,397:223,ClipboardImage.png)


Look at this loser. Biden owns this chump. How weak do you have to be? Germany is US occupied territory. Without gas pipes.

What a fucking faggot. look at it.

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c640e3 No.20990578

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If you are a Democrat, you are allowed to assault federal park rangers near the White House, without consequence or arrest


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eeedee No.20990580


Look at how little that drone was that blew up the tank! Golllly!

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b0254b No.20990581

File: 84361857222d8bd⋯.png (491.37 KB,612x466,306:233,ClipboardImage.png)

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013f3a No.20990582

File: f58c3569b09eded⋯.jpeg (215.8 KB,781x560,781:560,1D809F10_3DEE_4980_862D_3….jpeg)


Ded already

Trotted out a day or two before the first scheduled debate that Potato was never going to do itfp.

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b432cb No.20990583

File: deecb3b4373bd2a⋯.mp4 (8.39 MB,406x720,203:360,Ancient_jewish_scrolls_sea….mp4)


Dancing with the Devil.

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24b5bf No.20990584

Demanding locks on barn doors long after the horses are gone.


Smart like a merkle

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e376d0 No.20990586


nice. Is it super dangerous to launch it above your head like that, with that shell attached?

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d4f533 No.20990587




I Be Fucked

They truly are

Not too late to give up

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c640e3 No.20990588

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thousands of democrat terrorists surround the White House


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3db5c0 No.20990589


He is right, their Parents are probably cheering them on at the Story Time, the kids are alone at the school. They Tell you in advance.

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044473 No.20990590

00 buck


00 buck


00 buck


00 buck


00 buck

there is no other

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fdbf16 No.20990591

File: 3f61faf7b08e5c1⋯.png (658.31 KB,892x825,892:825,7mteryneryrt.PNG)

Fiegen wins Republican PUC nomination at state convention

Public Utilities Commissioner Kristie Fiegen participates in a hearing July 25, 2023, in Fort Pierre on a permit application for the proposed Heartland Greenway carbon dioxide pipeline. (Joshua Haiar/South Dakota Searchlight)

Challenges mounted by a faction of the state Republican Party largely fizzled Saturday in Pierre as delegates to the state convention picked a nominee for the Public Utilities Commission and several party officers.

Kristie Fiegen, an incumbent member of the PUC, won the party’s nomination for the office and will seek reelection in November. Republicans chose Fiegen over challenger Amber Christenson.


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a2e168 No.20990592

Our Israeli-controlled government uses the 'Rainbow' colors to mark conquered territory.

Remember that every time you see it.

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55c8e2 No.20990593


with the Talmud, they literally worship Satan

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c640e3 No.20990595

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nice turnout for impromptu Trump rally in San Francisco


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88220b No.20990596


raptor /răp′tər/noun

1. A bird of prey.

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4ca9bd No.20990597


I remember Pence using that same wording in a twat…..


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53fba6 No.20990598

File: 90fbac725393ac0⋯.png (10.38 MB,2048x2048,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Flattard confirmamented

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13a578 No.20990599

File: f47495539d799a2⋯.jpg (255.05 KB,1200x627,400:209,checkerboardyheadledger.jpg)

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82c995 No.20990600

File: e3a9a8df6b0d033⋯.png (319.14 KB,446x484,223:242,e3a9a8df6b0d03386ce76f352c….png)

File: 8be1874b36613d7⋯.jpeg (594.15 KB,1593x2048,1593:2048,GPFHE6VXMAAOVcr.jpeg)

File: c36a00a42d2f9d1⋯.png (542.8 KB,640x1216,10:19,1123_4_.png)

File: 8724d3d925831e0⋯.png (1.43 MB,884x1319,884:1319,8724d3d925831e08151163830d….png)

File: af9f78cba835293⋯.jpg (18.3 KB,220x221,220:221,NARA_111_CCV_529_CC38112_R….jpg)


moran roman


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013f3a No.20990602

File: 1f31b8602068769⋯.png (3.92 KB,400x400,1:1,61A5723E_84C7_4438_97B7_77….png)


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ba1a8a No.20990603

File: 604a23a89274494⋯.png (528.01 KB,516x383,516:383,m8eyetyer.PNG)

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5c3f87 No.20990604

File: fc9551ac6c0621a⋯.jpeg (174.46 KB,2560x1064,320:133,IMG_1551.jpeg)

Emergency press briefing

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5c3f87 No.20990606

Q helped me find Jesus and whipped my ass into shape. Thank you

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0842d9 No.20990607

File: 38fffd8ee1ffaf0⋯.jpg (360.96 KB,1495x790,299:158,Deprogram.jpg)

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a2e3fe No.20990608

POTUS TRUTH after testimony?

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044473 No.20990609


what happens when you take your last breath when you die

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a2e3fe No.20990610

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7fd93b No.20990611

File: 3eef7dcd3923d72⋯.png (214.69 KB,600x236,150:59,media_GPfSOStXMAAxuca.png)

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c19773 No.20990612


What's this, a Sound Garden album cover?

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c640e3 No.20990613

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pressure is growing on Judge Merchan to declare mistrial, after jury controversy


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3325b2 No.20990614

File: 2f67e6c0a4df1b9⋯.png (159.05 KB,959x671,959:671,2f67e6c0a4df1b9e5ad0ee13e5….png)

File: 2858a8b8b98ffc9⋯.jpg (135.22 KB,700x880,35:44,YouFE.jpg)


>rainbows take shape of the firmament (dome)


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8a6e78 No.20990615

File: 29d9528d8da3385⋯.mp4 (14.02 MB,1066x600,533:300,8kun.mp4)

alright faggots.

anon is here to start trouble.

fucking crap being posted over and over again.

what the fuck is this


have you forgotten where you are?

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23c867 No.20990616


should read:

"they should NOT keep the other citizens of Gaza as hostages"

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013f3a No.20990617

File: b6ff20331308a0d⋯.jpeg (434.47 KB,828x722,414:361,096E4E54_8851_4800_8A15_A….jpeg)


Marina district and not far from Pelosi’s house

>This how you know it’s over

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5c3f87 No.20990618

File: 425d94f70e44735⋯.jpeg (68.67 KB,325x260,5:4,IMG_1552.jpeg)

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fc76c1 No.20990619

File: 5c40215f30dd5ce⋯.png (28.88 KB,470x176,235:88,ClipboardImage.png)

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c640e3 No.20990620

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs is officially under criminal investigation for alleged "Pay-to-Play" scheme


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e376d0 No.20990621


Do it then tell us about it.

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609e1a No.20990622

File: 413d70597b9c963⋯.png (97.02 KB,255x252,85:84,ClipboardImage.png)

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a396f3 No.20990623

File: e9988b87fcf8907⋯.png (2.34 MB,2048x1388,512:347,2024_04_08_17_33_14.png)


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ed657f No.20990624


Time, you, and everything that you perceive collapses into a singularity as if being sucked into a black hole.

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013f3a No.20990625

File: 69f840b9b33bf00⋯.gif (2.3 MB,300x169,300:169,7359D1CB_D5B1_40F9_A12E_15….gif)


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eeedee No.20990626


I just noticed for the first time yesterday that RT said negative things about Trump in an opinion article. I haven’t seen that since early 2022.

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c640e3 No.20990627

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here’s the surveillance footage showing Hallie Biden ditching Hunter Biden’s gun in grocery store parking lot


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e376d0 No.20990628


They'll double down on their crimes and escalate. It's what criminals in the spotlight do.

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d4f533 No.20990629



>what happens when you take your last breath when you die


nature abhors a vacuum so you exhale.

before that though you have a wonderful experience tailored specifically to you.

most of the time we're "not there" at the moment of death, having been freed from the body prior.

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555e93 No.20990630

File: d170ec26a8edaab⋯.jpeg (131.02 KB,1200x1200,1:1,51d459a00168a6cc292e0ceee….jpeg)

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c972eb No.20990631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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53fba6 No.20990632

File: e82111aaa4c6d4c⋯.jpg (1.61 MB,2048x2048,1:1,UniversalUpscaler_ffebcaa3….jpg)


I probably shid pants

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609e1a No.20990633

File: 6c517a67e0627dc⋯.png (105.39 KB,592x324,148:81,ClipboardImage.png)

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e376d0 No.20990634

File: e6af24ef2be83fc⋯.jpg (160.15 KB,502x623,502:623,AYYY_We_Come_In_Peace_Can_….jpg)



bout fucking time too.

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8a6e78 No.20990635

File: 7f08eba8cdf644f⋯.gif (1.22 MB,404x305,404:305,gabby.gif)


you have 26 posts too many.

now get back to your deep fryer and make them fries for the niggas or they will tear the place apart.


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24b5bf No.20990636

File: 9639d23222a7a7a⋯.jpg (54.96 KB,500x475,20:19,8t8nog.jpg)

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a2e168 No.20990638

File: 232a280850b277a⋯.jpg (6.11 KB,250x246,125:123,texas_speed_limit.jpg)

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e215d4 No.20990640

File: e7affd1d11a0395⋯.jpg (176.86 KB,800x614,400:307,flechette.jpg)


You People of the Past, your ways are so quaint

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c640e3 No.20990641

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Former astronaut William Anders who took iconic Earthrise photo has died in Washington plane crash


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fc76c1 No.20990642

File: 4811142906ea727⋯.png (77.53 KB,470x531,470:531,ClipboardImage.png)

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a2e3fe No.20990644

Drop after testimony?


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e376d0 No.20990645


Is that Pelosi's double?

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609e1a No.20990646

File: 798f6656aa18684⋯.png (173.1 KB,584x535,584:535,ClipboardImage.png)

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044473 No.20990647


I'm asking you

you have the answers

to everthing

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c640e3 No.20990648

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here is the list of Republicans who voted to hold Steve in contempt, which led to his prison sentence today:

Adam Kinzinger

Anthony Gonzalez

John Katko

Nancy Mace

Jaime Herrera Beutler

Brian Fitzpatrick

Fred Upton

Peter Meijer

Liz Cheney


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13a578 No.20990649


announcer sounds Gay.


announcer has to assert Lloyd is "Honorable"

doesn't Austin have a military title? When did he get released from hospital?

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c972eb No.20990650


True. It happens.

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eeedee No.20990651


Did he know that or was that for advertisement purposes?

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044473 No.20990653


not even

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e376d0 No.20990654


Filtered for faggotry. Everytime nigger.

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c19773 No.20990655


I thought they took away all speed limits.

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53fba6 No.20990656


Is this real?

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609e1a No.20990657

File: aadbdfcb4d48b94⋯.png (1.29 MB,919x1117,919:1117,ClipboardImage.png)


your tears are delicious

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2dee87 No.20990658


maybe by voting instead of people being appointed?

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8a6e78 No.20990659

File: da2c3a1816bb0aa⋯.png (236.44 KB,660x371,660:371,ClipboardImage.png)


you mean eat it.

chinks are the worst

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0e9fd0 No.20990660

File: f9fb231cfd3e780⋯.png (1.55 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>You ain't nothin', but a hound dog, just crockin' all the time

>Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit, and you ain't no friend of mine

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044473 No.20990661

atheist anons

are the worst


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5b1043 No.20990662

Have any dig-anons had any luck tracking down this Michael Anderson guy who posted about his juror-cousin in the Trump trial?

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609e1a No.20990664

File: bc033fa788f7cd0⋯.png (251.71 KB,452x416,113:104,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a35de No.20990665

KEK. They're scared. They cope with their fear with spam. It's a good measurement.

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daceb4 No.20990666


how many times has nancy been on war room?

a lot

i am sick of popcorn

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fa233f No.20990667




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e376d0 No.20990668


How's your Jesus returning in 2000 working out?

Did you not pray enough?

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fc76c1 No.20990669

File: d6371e8f414b87d⋯.png (29.87 KB,470x176,235:88,ClipboardImage.png)

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044473 No.20990671

boy are you in for a surprise




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53fba6 No.20990672

File: a9868eac9ebbaed⋯.png (879.29 KB,946x910,473:455,ClipboardImage.png)


I'm anti-theist.

Believing in things only leads to trouble.

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3325b2 No.20990673

File: f7087ec7c93ecff⋯.jpg (122.42 KB,1280x1017,1280:1017,Guill1.jpg)


need a larger deterrent than just jail.

<televise them.

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013f3a No.20990674

File: 977a9a6657d3906⋯.jpeg (591.96 KB,828x642,138:107,A8B8BACA_8BC4_49A1_88F9_4….jpeg)


Are you serious Nigga?

Welcome NewFag

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e5c5ef No.20990675

File: 2c17922937662e7⋯.png (83.1 KB,600x638,300:319,ClipboardImage.png)


Active Violation!

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044473 No.20990677


remember this post as you stand before his throne and explain your thoughts, words, and actions

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5b1043 No.20990678

File: dd8b33a4e031cd3⋯.png (112.44 KB,824x628,206:157,ClipboardImage.png)


Also, don't be an asshole

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609e1a No.20990681

File: 989076fc3a5f099⋯.png (273.96 KB,508x370,254:185,ClipboardImage.png)

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a2e3fe No.20990682


POTUS TRUTH time stamp after testimony? Drop 623.

“NEW” puppet master.

[BO]. You were warned.

Do you see? Soldiers & Patriots.

Do you see? Flags out.

Our monsters are headed your way, BO.

We like to call them The Encouragers.

You were warned.

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fa233f No.20990683


At least I made the list.

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e376d0 No.20990684


Dead is dead.

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044473 No.20990686

fag atheist anons are triggered

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5b1043 No.20990687


>boy are you in for a surprise

Surprise, surprise, you're an asshole (not surprised)

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23c867 No.20990688


who warned him?

I thought they were overseas and out of reach?

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0e9fd0 No.20990689

File: fc02b580198e6e6⋯.png (461.39 KB,750x530,75:53,ClipboardImage.png)

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e376d0 No.20990690


Is this a livestream??

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4613d1 No.20990691

File: e2d5124c92eaa34⋯.png (319.48 KB,875x802,875:802,ClipboardImage.png)

Yes, I'm voting Trump 202. No need to keep selling me on it.

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609e1a No.20990692

File: 10645669a535e0e⋯.png (3.57 MB,2000x2195,400:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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8a6e78 No.20990693

File: 3baee088973f14d⋯.gif (3.06 MB,600x251,600:251,a_nightshift_new_version.gif)


36 posts.


29 posts

fucking redditers and spammers.

worthless fuckers.

what have you done lately apart from shit the bread.


yes clear and present danger whilst these faggots have turned into their own fucking chatroom.

there needs to be a balls kicking operation.

what is happening on the ground in new york?

why has bannon not released the epstein 15 video he is holding.

the notables are a fucking eye sore.

before you know it, it will be A - B and fucking C section for cunts.

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044473 No.20990694

Q prayed many times in the Lords name

fag ass atheist anons trying to take over

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d6208c No.20990696

Jun 08, 2024, 6:23 PM


Donald J. Trump





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555e93 No.20990698

File: 2d87cf50152efe9⋯.jpg (250.39 KB,1013x1013,1:1,2d87cf50152efe96974c42a291….jpg)

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e5c5ef No.20990699

File: 1f20af024adafaf⋯.jpg (47.49 KB,612x408,3:2,Good_Answer.jpg)

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609e1a No.20990700

File: 5ba16619dfd01a1⋯.png (820.87 KB,912x960,19:20,ClipboardImage.png)

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e376d0 No.20990701


muh post counter is needing his safe space. Soi latte ordered?

Expects anons to come to an image board and lurk only.

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3971f9 No.20990702

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS might like this if he hasn't already seen it. o7

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044473 No.20990703




all queer homoseshual fags

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0842d9 No.20990704

File: 1e8a5a563428ad3⋯.jpeg (63.32 KB,512x384,4:3,IMG_6947.jpeg)


Only one R in Barack

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609e1a No.20990705

File: 09bd43145df58fe⋯.png (397.21 KB,396x632,99:158,ClipboardImage.png)

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4073c0 No.20990706


Pretty sure that's Rip Taylor.

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d35833 No.20990708

File: a847e7f996dad78⋯.jpg (61.91 KB,960x962,480:481,20240608_091211.jpg)

File: 849f637f9fb0249⋯.jpg (146.65 KB,1125x1120,225:224,20240608_070623.jpg)

File: 5645cdeaac1c14a⋯.png (13.56 KB,207x255,69:85,3abc163e4add4289de0553762f….png)

File: 3ef02243a15b6bc⋯.jpg (184.32 KB,945x1121,945:1121,20240607_005536_2.jpg)

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d76c22 No.20990709


seriously you haven't been paying attention the past few years. rt (russian state media aka propaganda) acts like your fren, then kicks you in the balls when you start to trust them. it's like an abusive relationship mkultra where they be nice then treat you like shit.

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609e1a No.20990711

File: 91cf7d17ba52eaa⋯.png (685.27 KB,875x767,875:767,ClipboardImage.png)

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e5c5ef No.20990712


And NO balls

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13a578 No.20990714

File: 5284c131032f731⋯.jpg (145.07 KB,770x1200,77:120,golowwithjoe.jpg)




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eeedee No.20990715

File: 9162b98178a8231⋯.jpeg (442.74 KB,1078x1987,1078:1987,IMG_3012.jpeg)

8 Jun, 2024 13:42

Israeli troops free four hostages from Gaza

A Russian citizen was among those liberated during a daylight raid in the heart of the enclave

Israeli special forces rescued four hostages in a daylight raid on Nuseirat in central Gaza on Saturday, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has announced. Andrey Kozlov, a Russian citizen, was among those taken back to Israel under intense gunfire, the IDF said.

Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan,Andrey Kozlov,and Shlomi Ziv are currently undergoing medical examinations and will soon be reunited with their families, the IDF said in a statement, noting that all four are “in good medical condition.”

Israeli commandos rescued the four men from two separate buildings in Nuseirat, a sprawling refugee camp in central Gaza where Israeli forces have not conducted ground operations to date. The mission took place at 11am local time, after theIDF announced that it was targeting “terror infrastructure” in the area.

“This was a high-risk complex mission, based on precise intelligence, conducted in daylight, in two separate buildings deep inside Gaza,”IDF spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari told reporters on Saturday.

“While under fire inside the buildings, under fire on the way out from Gaza, our forces rescued our hostages,” Hagari continued. “Israeli forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks. They underwent intensive training, and risked their lives to save the lives of our hostages.”

The four hostages were kidnapped when Hamas militants attacked the Nova music festival near the Israel-Gaza border on October 7. Kozlov, a Russian-Israeli dual citizen, was working at the festival as a security guard.

Back in January, the Russian Foreign Ministry called for the “immediate release” of Kozlov and two other Russian hostages, Alexander Lobanov and Alexander Trufanov.While Hamas released two Russian nationals last year, Lobanov and Trufanov remain held in Gaza.

Hamas captured around 250 hostages on October 7. Around half of this number were traded for Palestinian prisoners during a week-long ceasefire in November, and seven have been rescued by Israeli forces. Some 120 hostages are still being held by Hamas, Hagari said on Saturday.

Hagari did not specify whether all 120 are still alive.The Israeli authorities previously said that as many as 40 may be dead.

Eight months into the Israel-Hamas war, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has come under intense criticism for his failure to return the remaining hostages. Families of the captives have staged protests demanding that Netanyahu strike a deal with the militants to secure the release of their loved ones.

In a statement on Saturday, a group representing these families described the rescue mission as “a miraculous triumph,” and thanked the IDF for the “heroic operation.”

(I hope Russia thanks them, they have been very critical of Israel)


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b5af51 No.20990716

File: 03376bf80a2cc16⋯.png (583.8 KB,714x500,357:250,03376bf80a2cc16d22d1a77f80….png)

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5c3f87 No.20990718


Exactly. It’s like the C_A but KGB

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55c8e2 No.20990719

File: bdf53b9dd2c74dc⋯.jpg (74.4 KB,500x703,500:703,Loomer_.jpg)


board goes too slowly without any shitposting (not spam)

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5b1043 No.20990720



Spamshill and faggot filturd

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0e9fd0 No.20990721

you can't stop


can't stop barack

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43b958 No.20990722

Someone should write a scathing letter to those voting machines. >>20990265

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4f0ff1 No.20990723


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044537 No.20990724

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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2ccdb4 No.20990725



noticers notice

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044473 No.20990726


christye, a gal in my science class, kicked me in the balls and spit in my mouth.

stupid bitch

we've been married 43 years now

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3dde36 No.20990727


dude thats a man

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f74b8c No.20990728


Meant *suicided

>I did not get that from your post.

Then I failed…

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609e1a No.20990729

File: ebfddeff6fb5fc9⋯.png (633.55 KB,733x697,733:697,ClipboardImage.png)

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67e882 No.20990730

File: f38775d81c1d3a7⋯.png (48.53 KB,472x296,59:37,f38775d81c1d3a7c7542a9fe15….png)

File: e5631e0af27abcf⋯.jpg (195.88 KB,700x1113,100:159,e5631e0af27abcfef168c4c01b….jpg)

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB,490x842,245:421,58064786245ff0897cda02e929….png)

Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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8a6e78 No.20990731

File: 8ca9ad84bffc672⋯.png (61.58 KB,250x208,125:104,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20990701 e376d0 40 of crap

what have you got to say for yourself faggot.

too much but nothing of value.

females and faggots never shut up and have nothing to say.

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5c3f87 No.20990732


It’s evil what [they] are doing and [they] won’t stop. Is that a tranny I hear

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ca10f4 No.20990733

File: e72e3182e8b0316⋯.jpg (415.2 KB,1654x845,1654:845,CovidCure.JPG)

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2ccdb4 No.20990734

File: 6687ddcca2b20f3⋯.png (102.83 KB,6016x2104,752:263,0d0ga.png)

File: ed4d60105376d11⋯.png (551.76 KB,1232x1094,616:547,pray1.png)

File: 00035f2fb93ea78⋯.png (552.58 KB,1232x1074,616:537,pray2.png)

File: 2fa366f8304385c⋯.png (554.84 KB,1232x1042,616:521,pray3.png)

File: fce4350012c710e⋯.png (551.41 KB,1228x1034,614:517,pray12.png)





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53fba6 No.20990735

File: 45ccb43dd76bf6c⋯.jpg (1.65 MB,2048x2048,1:1,UniversalUpscaler_9c200343….jpg)


Just ask Crooked Joe.

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02bbc2 No.20990737

File: fb05e33117b9276⋯.jpg (17.38 KB,480x360,4:3,barbara_bush_tranny.jpg)


>Trump explained it in one of his speeches. He's clairvoyant.




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013f3a No.20990738

File: ce3ecee853917f8⋯.png (1.7 MB,1024x1024,1:1,AC2AFB13_F920_4AC8_80BF_79….png)

Japan to enroll all foreign residents in national pension system

Japan plans to register all foreigners that have newly moved to the country in the public pension program by October, aiming to strengthen requirements and shore up a foundation for long-term social stability.

There are over 3 million foreign nationals living in Japan, a number that is expected to keep rising. Enrollment in the pension program will create an economic foundation for foreign nationals to continue living in Japan in old age.

Currently, people between the ages of 20 and 59 who reside in Japan are required to enroll in the national pension system regardless of nationality. People who move to Japan from abroad receive an explanation of the enrollment procedures when they register their address at a local government office, but some fail to enroll despite the requirement.

According to a 2019 survey, the proportion of foreigners living in Japan who are not enrolled was 4.4%, far higher than the 0.1% of Japanese people in the same age group.

That 4.4% is thought to include international students and self-employed people, as well as technical intern trainees whose places of work do not enroll them in the employee's pension system – a factor that affects their enrollment in the national system and how much they contribute to it.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare will revise the Japan Pension Service's systems and obtain data from a nationwide resident register to access information on new immigrants to Japan. Those whose pension eligibility cannot be confirmed will be asked to enroll in the system.

If there is no response, the Pension Service will enroll them automatically.


From May 30th

Japan to shift $640bn in public pension money into active investing

(Just what any pensioner wants to see-the manager of your retirement going headlong into Stonks and Bonds during the largest asset bubble in human history as the BoJ needs help in both arenas as they own about 80% of Japanese equities and around 60% of the entire JGB market)

Japan is moving to steer nearly 100 trillion yen ($638 billion) more public money into active investing, taking a cue from the Government Pension Investment Fund's embrace of riskier assets, Nikkei has learned. The GPIF, dubbed the "whale" for its outsize market presence, manages roughly 200 trillion yen in assets, government data from March shows. But it is not the only keeper of public money in Japan. The newly mobilized money, which includes civil servants' retirement savings, will unleash another heavyweight on stock and bond markets. The move represents another step toward Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's goal of building up Japan's asset management sector.

Kishida told a May 22 global investors conference organized by Morgan Stanley that initiatives soon would be announced on improving asset management at nine public asset owners overseeing roughly 300 trillion yen, including the GPIF and mutual aid associations.

Ruling Liberal Democratic Party lawmakers have recommended expanding public asset owners' staffs of investment professionals and diversifying their asset allocations. A government fiscal and economic policy blueprint due out in June is expected to call for such steps as hiring more investment professionals to manage public money. This is expected to affect the Federation of National Public Service Personnel Mutual Aid Associations, known by the Japanese acronym KKR; the Pension Fund Association for Local Government Officials; and the Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan, among other funds. KKR has around 10 trillion yen in assets under management, while the latter two oversee roughly 30 trillion yen and 5 trillion yen, respectively, according to government data.

Their managers follow a basic asset allocation plan of 25% each for Japanese equities, foreign equities, domestic bonds and foreign bonds(read that as US Treasury Bonds). Periodic rebalancing ensures these weightings are maintained.

The GPIF has hired a chief investment officer from the private sector and is increasing its staff. It selects active funds based on data analysis and checks its portfolio weekly.

Other public pension funds bring in personnel on loan from other government agencies and from outside government, but critics say there is a lack of clear leadership for investment operations. “In risk management, a professional in a position of responsibility must make responsible decisions when the time comes, including cutting losses," said a senior economic official.(Bwahahaha like they give a shit!!)


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b432cb No.20990739

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I now call them "The Terminators".

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044473 No.20990740


same meme

fuckin useeless queer

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89eaa1 No.20990741


there is no one or group that i can trust anymore to be an Issuing Agency for "identification".

People may have to learn again to deal with individuals and strangers as just that… "Anon".

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8a6e78 No.20990742

File: fa006c555232a08⋯.gif (1.47 MB,400x300,4:3,catshift.gif)


pathetic meme

must be a lefty.

keep trying

you will eventually fit in..


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609e1a No.20990743

File: c937047b25c0630⋯.png (505.03 KB,762x839,762:839,ClipboardImage.png)

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3ead07 No.20990744

notes @560

#25743 >>20990142

>>20990163 Daily Wire Employee Fired for Sending Supportive Message to Candace Owens From His Personal Email Account

>>20990164 Hunter brought members of the Mexican Cartels to meet with "The Big Guy"

>>20990169, >>20990240 Hunter Biden Gun Trial started on June 3rd which is Qpost 1440 upsidedown gun delta

>>20990194, >>20990463, >>20990485 New York Democrat Congress Candidate & George Conway openly talk about 're-educating' MAGA supporters

>>20990188, >>20990210 Epstein

>>20990221 The July Crisis: 30 dramatic days that led to the outbreak of World War One

>>20990231, >>20990595 Impromptu Trump rallies

>>20990300 PF: LITCH47

>>20990301 PF: Belgium AF BAF83 Falcon 7x went to Manama, Bahrain

>>20990310 More than 50,000 underage migrants have disappeared in Europe in three years

>>20990333 A local race in Nevada’s primary could have implications for national elections in a key swing state

>>20990344 Jimmy Carter’s grandson gives health update on ex-president as he enters 16th month of hospice care

>>20990473, >>20990524 Rep. Thomas Massie reveals that members of Congress are babysat by AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee)

>>20990511 Texas Democrat Convention speaker promotes drag queen story hour for kids

>>20990545 PF: Italians left Rzeszow after a load out

>>20990575, >>20990578, >>20990588 Shitshow Circus has arrived @ the White House

>>20990591 Fiegen wins Republican PUC nomination at state convention

>>20990613 Pressure is growing on Judge Merchan to declare mistrial, after jury controversy (video)

>>20990620 Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs is officially under criminal investigation for alleged "Pay-to-Play" scheme

>>20990627 Surveillance footage showing Hallie Biden ditching Hunter Biden’s gun in grocery store parking lot

>>20990641 Former astronaut William Anders who took iconic Earthrise photo has died in Washington plane crash

>>20990648 Here is the list of Republicans who voted to hold Steve in contempt, which led to his prison sentence today

>>20990236, >>20990296, >>20990299, >>20990335, >>20990347, >>20990374 Misc.


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24b5bf No.20990745

Have you lost someone to the jab?

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a0be8b No.20990746

File: 7c8d586dcadcc16⋯.png (243.49 KB,636x552,53:46,ClipboardImage.png)

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609e1a No.20990747

File: 66abc779b495127⋯.png (212.86 KB,552x502,276:251,ClipboardImage.png)

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2f32ec No.20990748





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b5af51 No.20990749

File: 61b2aa50d71014a⋯.png (13.83 KB,283x178,283:178,ClipboardImage.png)

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13a578 No.20990750

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Light to Dark

Dark to Light

There and back again.


"When the Music's Over"


"send my credentials to the house of detention.

I 've got some friends inside"

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4f0ff1 No.20990751


It‘s not a tranny - it‘s Marla

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02bbc2 No.20990752

File: 6f8dfea27d170c8⋯.png (27.43 KB,227x126,227:126,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 081f65160ccf8a5⋯.jpg (58.14 KB,500x500,1:1,failed_male_tranny.jpg)


NO NO 1000X NO


It's the easiest tell. Man shoulders slope up

Women shoulders flat.

MM there actually dip inward

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044473 No.20990753


not even

pompous prick

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0e9fd0 No.20990754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


nice shirt

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609e1a No.20990755

File: 7821d156dad769c⋯.png (562.07 KB,915x641,915:641,ClipboardImage.png)

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82c995 No.20990756

File: 0b8e2ec2a8ef3a8⋯.png (197.04 KB,640x1462,320:731,1_2_.png)



kek in new shillz.filter

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02bbc2 No.20990757


>there is no one or group that i can trust anymore

for sure.

we don't trust shit anyway.

I'm not saying I would trust it.

But what I said here >>20990462 is important though

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53fba6 No.20990758

File: 6ff4e3d3a3415c3⋯.png (2.26 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


You seem upset.

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044473 No.20990759


not a bit

you lack wit

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2f32ec No.20990760



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b432cb No.20990761

File: 46d34a26cabe27a⋯.jpg (460.89 KB,2000x2000,1:1,il_fullxfull_3605243103_lj….jpg)


>Prayer Time Soon

Every Goddamn day.

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81f806 No.20990762


Can you drop a link please

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53fba6 No.20990763

File: 1eb24ca652a602b⋯.png (1.94 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Only to the chYnese ventilator.

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609e1a No.20990764

File: e5b6a3aded47e33⋯.png (792.03 KB,876x610,438:305,ClipboardImage.png)

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3ead07 No.20990765


I guess that explains all the bewb posts. 4x Boom upside down is Boowboowboowboow.

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eeedee No.20990766

File: 7828deb7910b0f8⋯.jpeg (46.15 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_3013.jpeg)

8 Jun, 2024 14:20

SPIEF 2024: Rosneft chief reveals cost EU paid for rejecting Russian gas

Members of thebloc have shelled out $630 billion to replace Moscow’s resources, Igor Sechin has

EU nations spent more than $630 billion on non-Russian gas imports in the three years through 2023, the head of Russian oil major Rosneft, Igor Sechin, told an energy panel at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) on Friday.

The figure is close to investments made in the bloc into so-called green energy over the same period of time, Sechin said, describing it as quadruple the aggregated gross domestic product of the Baltic states and equal to the total volume of the Swedish and Polish economies.

“The sum also equals the EU’s total gas spending over the previous eight years,” the Rosneft chief highlighted.

Higher energy costs are “eating up” the margins of energy-intensive sectors such as production of steel, fertilizers, chemicals, ceramics, and glass, Sechin claimed, adding that production activity in the euro area has been declining since the middle of 2022.

He stressed that 32% of German enterprises are already planning to transfer their production facilities abroad due to increased energy costs that inevitably deprive them of competitive advantage.

Russian gas exports to the EU have dwindled due to sanctions related to the Ukraine conflict, as well as to the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, which were previously Russia’s major gas route to the region. Last year, Russia’s share of pipeline gas imports to the bloc dropped to about 8% from 41% in 2021, according to European Council estimates. Meanwhile, Moscow still accounted for around 15% of total EU gas imports, including pipeline gas and liquified natural gas (LNG) combined.

Norway has overtaken Russia to become the region’s top pipeline gas supplier,while the EU is increasing imports of expensive LNG from the US and other countries.

Politico reported in May, citing draft documentation, that the EU was mulling the idea of sanctioning Russia’s LNG sector. The measure is not expected to directly bar the bloc’s imports of the super-chilled fuel, but would reportedly prevent member states from re-exporting it.

In October 2022, Rosneft CEO Sechin warned that the bloc’s ambitious plan to ditch Russian energy would cost its economy up to 11.5% in GDP. He also said that the potential slump in the chemical industry could reach 20-45%, while metallurgy output could plummet by 30-60%, as these are among the top energy-intensive sectors.

Earlier this year, German Vice-Chancellor and Economy Minister Robert Habeck said that his country had lost its competitive advantage after abandoning Russian gas supplies. He admitted that the EU’s economic locomotive had been in “a particularly difficult situation,” as gas imports from Russia had been “very profitable.”

Last year, the ministerwarned that Germany would have to wind down or even switch off its massive industrial capacity if Ukraine’s gas transit agreement with Russia is not extended after it expires at the end 2024.

(The most obvious thing is the West is punishing themselves, the people and their economies, but they are still doubling down. Their arrogance is putrefying the continent)


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e5c5ef No.20990767

File: 48b2ee777c2c469⋯.png (354.31 KB,610x747,610:747,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: Thousands of pro-Palestine protesters and activists are lighting off smoke bombs and flares as they plan to Surround the White House

📌#Washington | #DC

Currently, DC metro police are on high alert as hundreds of thousands of pro-Palestine protesters and activists have gathered outside the White House in Washington, DC. As They light up smoke bombs and flares as they protest for Palestine, planning to surround the White House. Police have deployed mace into the surrounding crowds, and crews have erected a large anti-scale fence around the White House in anticipation of this weekend's Gaza protest.


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02bbc2 No.20990768

File: fb172a4fa6ddfb3⋯.png (1.45 MB,1140x1110,38:37,plane_pielits.png)


as soon as a symbol is released, both sides try to take ownership of it

Determining the truth of it is on the individual,. as always

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c7cd39 No.20990769

File: 72e5f569c39bd6c⋯.jpeg (100.13 KB,1600x1064,200:133,72e5f569c39bd6c5cb023433c….jpeg)


God, we pray for single fathers, they are raising their children alone and are doing the best they can with the time they have. We pray for strength, protection, wisdom, and discernment to help them through whatever trials they may be facing.


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82c995 No.20990770


fuckin' Mary

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590ed6 No.20990771

File: 097579e50e3a258⋯.png (460.4 KB,854x630,61:45,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a575ce027db251⋯.png (135 KB,323x323,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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609e1a No.20990772

File: 4c50a97a6c1fdbc⋯.png (256.68 KB,550x313,550:313,ClipboardImage.png)

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2dee87 No.20990773


congrats :)

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23c867 No.20990774


is this is real Mexican poncho or just a Sear poncho?

Is this a real insurrection or just a Jan6 insurrection?

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013f3a No.20990775

File: b0cb4be18de2b5b⋯.jpeg (648.51 KB,828x828,1:1,EABAEBDA_BAB4_4CAF_8B23_B….jpeg)

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e215d4 No.20990776

File: 84e48f94c4dbff7⋯.png (513.45 KB,1024x576,16:9,padded.png)

Dang vatican dude

You mighta had some noms for you AJ post as reminder notable, but then the schizo in you took over and you had to go with your spamming ways

Shame that

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02bbc2 No.20990777

File: 7fb4df5a79bb726⋯.png (771.02 KB,885x884,885:884,nigger_cake.png)


ok with that recommendation i'll watch

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82c995 No.20990778


opera arepo

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c19773 No.20990779


ok with those trips i'll watch.

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383e4c No.20990780


They're going to do an insurrection but this time it'll be way more violent, and the offenders will be let off

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8a6e78 No.20990781

>>20990164, >>20990169, >>20990240, >>20990627 hunter biden case bun

>>20990236, >>20990296, >>20990299, >>20990335, >>20990347, >>20990374 crap, not a decent meme in there.

>>20990641 Former astronaut William Anders who took iconic Earthrise photo has died in Washington plane crash - who cares

serious, most of these notables are shit.

twat noise, mp4 vid without sources.

worst note taking..even worse than bloatables.

need on link for planefags. reduces down

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55c8e2 No.20990782

slow bread


you could be right

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2f32ec No.20990783


Are these J8 insurrectionists?

CNN is not showing them

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609e1a No.20990784

File: 89a27cd5694dc24⋯.png (541.54 KB,693x575,693:575,ClipboardImage.png)

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23c867 No.20990785

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the actual quote, according to here:


"is that a real poncho…i mean

Is that a mexican poncho

Or is that a Sears poncho?"

from the Frank Zappa song "Camarillo Brillo"

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82c995 No.20990786


ripp off election moar than do 17 comms to pacify the voters.

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2f32ec No.20990787


Did you watch it?

And….who you calling pompous?

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d4f533 No.20990788


yeah and we need to sterilize these tweezers for the operation, someone got a lighter?

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31e2f0 No.20990789

Does anyone have that retro 50's looking meme template with the parent explaining something to a child? The one where the parent looks to be chuckling as if the thing being explained is silly?

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589a40 No.20990790

File: 95460abf45cc371⋯.png (88.23 KB,857x500,857:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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3db5c0 No.20990791


MAGA will have to denounce these people and get Israels dick a little further down the throat.

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02bbc2 No.20990792

File: 95e73cdf2b7d247⋯.jpg (103.08 KB,768x768,1:1,trump_point.jpg)

lowering unemployment

raising employment

these things worked

right on brother, right on

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e376d0 No.20990793


I've been with RT for about 10 years. Overall their analysis and news are factual and accurate especially when looking back. Future proves past etc.

A magnitude more reliable than Western Media Corps.

or maybe Russia generally tells the truth and RT reports it.

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383e4c No.20990794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WATCH: Argentina’s Javier Milei Vows To Replace Statism With Capitalism: ‘I Love Being the Mole Within the State. I Am the One Who Destroys the State From Within’


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7e8f35 No.20990795


Q Team:

As of recent also, every time I try to post an important message, either my laptop reboots with a crash, or I get banned for cp. Seems I am being isolated and censored. When I went to change my fonts in notepad, windows put up a message about "dreaming about living among the waves". Sabotages, mockeries, ostracizing, blacklisting, censorship, harassments, unfair treatment, gang stalking, poisoning, lethal injections, break ins, the list goes on and on. I am not afraid of dying nor going alone and have proved it before.

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013f3a No.20990796

File: 4fba34a060858d0⋯.jpeg (538.19 KB,909x582,303:194,F8978E94_EBE1_4C21_8CDA_D….jpeg)


It’s whatever they want it to be

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82c995 No.20990797

every election the Military pacified the informed. then installs communists.

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e376d0 No.20990798


kek when you take so long you forget what you're replying to.

And the bread ends.

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9f8cb8 No.20990799

File: ae65f29511ed941⋯.png (239.76 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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02bbc2 No.20990800

File: f62e133a628e44c⋯.jpg (64.79 KB,391x766,391:766,TRUMP_BBC.jpg)

oh shit muh id is bbc

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8a6e78 No.20990801


no source, no context no summary.

why who the fuck is he and why would djt care.


>>20990767 housands of pro-Palestine protesters and activists are lighting off smoke bombs and flares as they plan to Surround the White House

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b5af51 No.20990802

File: c907a2e0cdf6a60⋯.png (74.54 KB,1191x346,1191:346,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 208d07f3db71b06⋯.png (147.87 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)


4 year and 1 week delta

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2f32ec No.20990803


Can we get the FBI to authenticate Ashley Biden’s diary?

Can we then ask Joe why he showered with his daughter?

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013f3a No.20990804

File: 00670cfa01f87c3⋯.jpeg (239.55 KB,642x495,214:165,220828BF_F94F_42D7_85DB_3….jpeg)

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3db5c0 No.20990805


They like tochant "WHOS STREETS? OUR STREETS!" If they start saying "WHOS HOUSE< TRUMPS HOUSE" You know its another Fedsurrection

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05c2cf No.20990806

File: 14dfd299fa594f8⋯.png (159.17 KB,720x636,60:53,nyrwetbetrewbtew.PNG)


…I wear my sunglasses at night

(whistle sounds)

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e376d0 No.20990807

File: a86dd841b3cac10⋯.png (212.54 KB,512x512,1:1,Biden_Sniffing_Laura_Loome….png)

File: ab6f4fd79965b2e⋯.png (520.38 KB,1058x730,529:365,Laura_Loomer_Tweeting_Geno….png)


Golly, she sure is pretty in the face.

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0a35de No.20990808

File: 7297cebc2021504⋯.png (416.76 KB,667x374,667:374,7297cebc2021504febca68f0bc….png)

As you can see, Le Chiffre…

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795bc8 No.20990809

File: 7a4d628a26d4365⋯.png (86.25 KB,181x217,181:217,ClipboardImage.png)


Even the bailiff looks frightened of Trump!

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2f32ec No.20990810


You need to work on your shitposting

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8a6e78 No.20990811


boo hoo

howa about you go and fuck you sister again


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383e4c No.20990812

File: ddc7a23bdfe8189⋯.png (26.08 KB,543x167,543:167,ClipboardImage.png)



, why don’t we rescind the Congressional subpoena for Steve Bannon and officially repudiate the J6 committee by a vote of Congress?


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55c8e2 No.20990813



imho, RT is more reliable than Western media, whether it's US or European based

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02bbc2 No.20990814

File: 55df9c60856537d⋯.jpg (94.57 KB,655x873,655:873,wake_up_our_son_about_the_….jpg)


>parent explaining something to a child


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2f32ec No.20990815


There is no such thing as Palestine.

but the only reason Israel exists is because it was created out of think air.

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e376d0 No.20990816

File: 1d2ecd21d0052b8⋯.mp4 (2.22 MB,320x380,16:19,Grounds_For_Divorce.mp4)

File: 74682b82e82ae4a⋯.jpg (551.3 KB,992x1387,992:1387,Granny_Pepe_Sagging_Bewbs.jpg)

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8a6e78 No.20990817

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pro-Palestine Protesters Slam Biden Outside White House | Subscribe to Firstpost


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2f32ec No.20990818



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0a35de No.20990819

File: 7f9277be7d43b6a⋯.jpeg (207.13 KB,766x755,766:755,7f9277be7d43b6aeff8ff3ea7….jpeg)

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02bbc2 No.20990820


>, why don’t we rescind the Congressional subpoena for Steve Bannon and officially repudiate the J6 committee by a vote of Congress?

Because the enemy has at least 50 votes in the Reps and all they need is 10? of them to fuck that up

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e376d0 No.20990821


You're awesome. Never forget.

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609e1a No.20990822

File: 4bb6e859ebc6746⋯.png (1.1 MB,925x692,925:692,ClipboardImage.png)

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eeedee No.20990823

File: ad94319ade3d8ed⋯.mp4 (2.71 MB,848x480,53:30,6664dc0420302744151950c6.MP4)

8 Jun, 2024 22:35

Rescued Russian hostage hugs Israel’s Netanyahu (VIDEO)

The dual Russian-Israeli citizen was held in captivity since the deadly Hamas attack last year

Russian citizen Andrey Kozlov has thanked the Israel Defense Forces and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his rescue from Hamas captivity,where he spent seven months, following the surprise attack on October 7that left some 1,200 people dead and over 250 taken hostage.

Kozlov, 27, who also holds Israeli citizenship, moved to Israel in 2022 and was kidnapped during the Hamas raid on Nova music festival, where he worked as a security guard.On Saturday morning, IDF launched a “high-risk, complex mission” at Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza,eventually rescuing four hostages from two separate buildings.

In video footage circulated online later in the day, the young man is seen embracing the Israeli PM and thanking him for securing his release.

“Wow. Thank you, thank you!” he told Netanyahu in Russian.“What is happening,”he added in disbelief.

Kozlov has now been transferred to the ‘Sheba’ Tel-HaShomer Medical Center for a health examination. He is accompanied by his younger brother Andrey, whilehis father is en route to Israel from Russia, according to Telegram channel Shot.

Kozlov told reporters that he was doing fine. The IDF confirmed that three other released hostages – Noa Argamani (25), Almog Meir Jan (21), and Shlomi Ziv (40) – are also in “good medical condition.”

The hostage rescue operation on Saturday was conducted “under heavy fire” from Hamas militants, as the IDF claimed that they were targeting only “terror infrastructure” in the area. One Isreali special forces officer was wounded during the operation and later died in hospital.

The Gaza Government Media Office claimed that 210 Palestinians had been killed in the IDF assault on Nuseirat and the surrounding area.It is unclear how civilians were among the casualties, as the militant group– which governs Gaza – does not list its own casualties separately. Videos shared on social media showed dead bodies, including children, strewn along the streets of Nuseirat, many of them missing limbs.


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d76c22 No.20990824

File: 1dbe0d9ac9f4b9f⋯.png (618.97 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

California must pay feds $53M over 'improperly' claimed reimbursements for noncitizens

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (TND) — California owes the federal government $52.7 million after it “improperly” requested reimbursements for services provided to noncitizens, according to a recent inspector general report.

The Golden State claimed Medicaid reimbursements for services it provided to “noncitizens with unsatisfactory immigration status,” the report reads. The category does not include those seeking asylum or refugees. States are prohibited from claiming such federal reimbursements except in medical emergency situations, which did not apply here, according to the report.

An audit by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services inspector general’s office found California had been using an outdated calculation method to determine how much federal reimbursements to claim between Oct. 2018 and June 2019. This calculation did not account for the services given to noncitizens, which must be funded by the state, according to the report.

“We recommend that California: (1) refund to the Federal Government the improperly claimed Federal reimbursement of $52.7 million for capitation payments made on behalf of noncitizens with UIS and (2) work with CMS to determine the amount of any improperly claimed Federal reimbursement for capitation payments made on behalf of noncitizens with UIS for an agreed-upon period not covered by our audit,” auditors wrote.

A spokesperson for the California Department of Health Care Services told The National Desk (TND) the state "does not contest the findings" and will repay the federal government in full by June 30.

Additionally, DHCS has worked with the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to develop and implement a more refined service identification methodology with updated payment and claiming processes," the spokesperson said.

The news comes as California leaders face a $27.6 billion deficit to the state’s budget, prompting Gov. Gavin Newsom to eye aggressive budget cuts. California is one of several states currently facing deficits, as Maryland, Minnesota and Massachusetts are also experiencing sizable budget shortfalls of their own.


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b432cb No.20990825


You know how it goes with these demons.

Heart doctor for former President George H.W. Bush killed in bicycle drive-by shooting

Sat July 21, 2018


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8a6e78 No.20990826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




live feed

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2f32ec No.20990827



But most of the people who voted for it are gone.

I srsly doubt Nancy Mace would vote for it again.

We need to hear from her.

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13a578 No.20990828

File: 61dc9d675e48fe4⋯.jpg (146.82 KB,768x576,4:3,gillischumerorder.jpg)


never said it was new

chose it for the

"we told you so"

anons are some years ahead.

much of the old material is still new.

GroundHog's day for decades.

Regular News failed, long ago.

There's massive back-log

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609e1a No.20990829

File: 0454f3173ca7e1d⋯.png (53.2 KB,247x255,247:255,ClipboardImage.png)


I'm here for you

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31e2f0 No.20990830


Not quite. Kek

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9f8cb8 No.20990831


So people should fly out windows and others should end up in shitty prisons, because the Consitution hasn't been enforced and upheld for 110 years. I really hate yuppies and shysters.

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82c995 No.20990832

File: bbcbf5d01a2661e⋯.png (58.14 KB,720x720,1:1,IMG_20231209_194105.png)

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53fba6 No.20990833

File: 6adbb975dc68432⋯.png (515.13 KB,512x407,512:407,ClipboardImage.png)

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e376d0 No.20990834


>It's the easiest tell.

The cock n balls are a big clue too.

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d76c22 No.20990835

File: a0a639f26ac9650⋯.png (671.14 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Mexican food chain closing 48 Calif. locations due to 'rising cost' of business in state

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (TND) — Mexican food chain Rubio’s Coastal Grill is closing 48 locations throughout California, a spokesperson told The National Desk (TND) Tuesday.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2023 signed a law raising the state minimum wage of fast food workers to $20 per hour. The law went into effect in Jan. Owners of fast casual chain Chipotle previously warned the measure would lead to a “substantial increase” in food prices for California customers.

A Rubio’s spokesperson did not mention the law directly, but attributed the decision to the “rising cost of doing business” in the state.

“Rubio’s Coastal Grill, Home of the Original Fish Taco, after a thorough review of its operations and the current business climate, has decided to close 48 underperforming locations in California as of May 31, while keeping open 86 stores in California, Arizona, and Nevada,” the spokesperson said. “The closings were brought about by the rising cost of doing business in California. While painful, the store closures are a necessary step in our strategic long-term plan to position Rubio’s for success for years to come.”

Not all businesses have felt the impact of the new law equally. An exemption in the law allows a business to avoid paying employees according to the wage hike as long as it “operates a bakery that produces for sale on the establishment’s premises bread” as a stand-alone item.


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a2e168 No.20990836

File: 0d702a64a29db18⋯.jpg (66.09 KB,710x710,1:1,Laura_loomer_is_a_man_call….jpg)

File: 5f6bf2c515262fa⋯.jpg (210.39 KB,1284x917,1284:917,Jews_are_not_hebrews_part_….jpg)

File: 61ac3bef4af6264⋯.jpg (65.15 KB,539x747,539:747,Jews_are_not_hebrews_orig.JPG)

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89eaa1 No.20990837


no argument from thisanon

even the centralized "ID" 'format'…

But by what Authority? "Government" has shot itself in the dick. and We are going to be out here on the countryside having to "identify" Friend from For all on our own.

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013f3a No.20990838

File: 7252b316b61de09⋯.jpeg (398.95 KB,828x947,828:947,D0D43ABC_2441_4047_8372_1….jpeg)



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8a6e78 No.20990839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




live feed another angle

Pro-Palestinian Protest LIVE | Pro-Gaza Protest Outside White House | Rafah Attack | USA LIVE | N18L


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eeedee No.20990840


That video almost made me get an allergy with tears

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89eaa1 No.20990841


Fren from Foe

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02bbc2 No.20990842

File: 40456580f1d3fe7⋯.png (278.1 KB,1038x564,173:94,you_are_not_the_president_….png)


>California must pay feds $53M over 'improperly' claimed reimbursements for noncitizens

See now this would never have happened under obummer

things are not what they were

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e376d0 No.20990843



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0a35de No.20990844

File: 12c7c55279d4275⋯.png (507.08 KB,612x617,612:617,112c7c55279d4275515728a14b….png)

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b432cb No.20990845

File: 0187dbdf5f6ff7a⋯.mp4 (9.47 MB,576x1024,9:16,macron_and_zelensky.mp4)


>announcer sounds Gay.

Aren't they all.

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e376d0 No.20990846


Time to De-Zionify the White House.

Time to De-Zionify the World.

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3325b2 No.20990847

File: 72913b99fdcd941⋯.jpg (71.96 KB,525x512,525:512,hahadumbingdown.jpg)

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82c995 No.20990848

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55c8e2 No.20990849


this one gets it

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b432cb No.20990850


I was just adding on to your post. I'm not the enemy.

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609e1a No.20990851

File: f88af98b930bdd5⋯.png (484.58 KB,496x690,248:345,ClipboardImage.png)

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53fba6 No.20990852

File: 47326098a69ebfd⋯.jpg (158.92 KB,1024x1024,1:1,OIG4_RzJgmKaev9qlzQqP.jpg)


I denounce the talmud.

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e376d0 No.20990853

File: 5b85bd9db4821b2⋯.jpg (614.15 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Thomas_I_Clicked_That_Shit….jpg)

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7bf064 No.20990854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>no source, no context no summary.

During an Interview From the Young Turks, A Black Pastor Gave An History Lesson Explaining Why The New MAGA Republican Party Is Right For America


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aa3ce1 No.20990855

File: 8424cce89b0b527⋯.jpeg (82.31 KB,748x746,374:373,c.jpeg)

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31e2f0 No.20990856

ffs anons posting everything BUT.

the absolute state

Side note I did attempt to locate the template on several meme sites and it seems to be disappeared. Probably too right-wing, nuclear family, white, Americana

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013f3a No.20990857

File: 0fd01520cb8510d⋯.jpeg (431.79 KB,772x1037,772:1037,E0A919D8_E2FB_4F7A_BB62_B….jpeg)


Not condoning this but that ain’t no loss with the amount of good real taquerias available.

Many people won’t go to the real Mexi places because they are afraid so it’s laces like these exist.

It’s McMexucan food like Chipotle’s

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383e4c No.20990858

File: fb9a39a5b864195⋯.png (454.97 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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55c8e2 No.20990859


yup, jewish Talmud is satanic

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6f56c7 No.20990860


Shopping malls are cool. Helps people stay social, somewhat.

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02bbc2 No.20990861

File: 765413054cc1211⋯.png (520.39 KB,565x790,113:158,suspicious_suspect_dont_tr….png)


>We are going to be out here on the countryside having to "identify" Friend from For all on our own.

No question. As it ever was.

I guess what I'm dancing around saying, but not quite saying it, is that the good guys might have a reason to want a more robust ID system than we have

Which in a way is a tragic thing to say, because what it's impolying is that the diversified system of local governments has become more of a liability than a benefot of freedom

I'm not an expert maybe I'm wrong but I think the l;ocal jurisdictions might be more of a fucking problem now than a help

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609e1a No.20990862

File: d8f7ba4c2585b1b⋯.png (315.34 KB,500x513,500:513,ClipboardImage.png)

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a763b3 No.20990863


48 posts this bread pretty much makes him a monkey on a typewriter though

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82c995 No.20990864


hooked nose_line_sinker

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e5c5ef No.20990865

File: 927539d9d514358⋯.mp4 (2.54 MB,720x1280,9:16,video_2024_06_08_19_17_26_….mp4)


It Can Not Be Overstated How Hard The Donald Trump Political Persecution Has Backfired On Democrats 🇺🇸

“Do you know what Donald Trump, Rosa Parks, and Martin Luther King Jr all have in common? They were all targeted and arrested by Democrats.”

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e5c5ef No.20990866

File: b70f5010b889a02⋯.jpg (50.64 KB,667x374,667:374,MongoPoster.jpg)

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31e2f0 No.20990867

File: cb2b3816ed0c737⋯.jpeg (118.47 KB,1024x1024,1:1,IMG_4198.jpeg)


That'll do! Tyvm

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609e1a No.20990868

File: 08ab490cd66e5ae⋯.png (30.41 KB,255x251,255:251,ClipboardImage.png)

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3ead07 No.20990869

notes @685

#25743 >>20990142

>>20990163 Daily Wire Employee Fired for Sending Supportive Message to Candace Owens From His Personal Email Account

>>20990164 Hunter brought members of the Mexican Cartels to meet with "The Big Guy"

>>20990169, >>20990240 Hunter Biden Gun Trial started on June 3rd which is the Qpost 1440 upside down gun delta

>>20990194, >>20990463, >>20990485 New York Democrat Congress Candidate & George Conway openly talk about 're-educating' MAGA supporters

>>20990188, >>20990210 Epstein

>>20990221 The July Crisis: 30 dramatic days that led to the outbreak of World War One

>>20990231, >>20990595 Impromptu Trump rallies

>>20990300 PF: LITCH47

>>20990301 PF: Belgium AF BAF83 Falcon 7x went to Manama, Bahrain

>>20990310 More than 50,000 underage migrants have disappeared in Europe in three years

>>20990333 A local race in Nevada’s primary could have implications for national elections in a key swing state

>>20990344 Jimmy Carter’s grandson gives health update on ex-president as he enters 16th month of hospice care

>>20990473, >>20990524 Rep. Thomas Massie reveals that members of Congress are babysat by AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee)

>>20990511 Texas Democrat Convention speaker promotes drag queen story hour for kids

>>20990545 PF: Italians left Rzeszow after a load out

>>20990575, >>20990578, >>20990588, >>20990767, >>20990817, >>20990826, >>20990839 The Shitshow Circus arrives @ the White House

>>20990591 Fiegen wins Republican PUC nomination at state convention

>>20990613 Pressure is growing on Judge Merchan to declare mistrial, after jury controversy

>>20990620 Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs is officially under criminal investigation for alleged "Pay-to-Play" scheme

>>20990627 Surveillance footage showing Hallie Biden ditching Hunter Biden’s gun in grocery store parking lot

>>20990641 Former astronaut William Anders who took iconic Earthrise photo has died in Washington plane crash

>>20990648 Here is the list of Republicans who voted to hold Steve Bannon in contempt, which led to his prison sentence

>>20990702 Black Pastor Flawlessly Explains Why Americans Should Support Donald Trump And MAGA Republicans

>>20990812 @SpeakerJohnson: why don’t we rescind the Congressional subpoena for Steve Bannon and officially repudiate the J6 committee by a vote of Congress?

>>20990824 California must pay feds $53M over 'improperly' claimed reimbursements for noncitizens

>>20990835 Mexican food chain closing 48 locations in California due to 'rising cost' of business in state

>>20990236, >>20990296, >>20990299, >>20990335, >>20990347, >>20990374, >>20990822 Misc.


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e376d0 No.20990870

File: f7bccb4f8c84dcd⋯.png (3.95 MB,3689x717,3689:717,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 958feebb195d3cb⋯.png (1.09 MB,743x900,743:900,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4230db5dd12e2c4⋯.png (1.23 MB,683x860,683:860,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89e84cdfb7cde57⋯.png (953.68 KB,945x1147,945:1147,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04c1dc5acc2bad8⋯.png (553.79 KB,625x633,625:633,ClipboardImage.png)


Search it up yo.

1950's style

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383e4c No.20990871

Tokyo Government Dating App Helps Residents Get Laid To Avoid Population Collapse

Officials in Tokyo, Japan are launching a new dating app to help promote marriage and boost the collapsing national birth rate.

The fee-based app from the Tokyo Metropolitan government will ask people to prove that they are legally single, and sign a letter confirming their willingness to get married. It will also require that people submit a tax certificate slip that proves their annual income, along with roughly 15 other items of personally identifying information - including height, weight, educational background and occupation following a mandatory interview with the app's operator.

So - Match.com, only you give all of your data to the government instead of a private company.

According to the Independent, Tokyo officials allocated US$1.2 million towards the development of dating apps in 2023, and US$1.9 million for fiscal 2024 for the purpose of promoting marriage through said apps.

"If there are many individuals interested in marriage but unable to find a partner, we want to provide support," a Tokyo official told The Asahi Shimbun.

"We hope that this app, with its association with the government, will provide a sense of security and encourage those who have been hesitant to use traditional apps to take the first step in their search for a partner."

According to AFP, the app is intended to give a "gentle push" to the nearly "70 per cent of people who want to get married" but weren't "actively joining events or apps to look for a partner."

Falling Birth Rates

In February, we noted that in 2023 Japan's birth rate fell 5.1% from a year earlier to 758,631, while the number of marriages slid 5.9% to 489,281, the first time in 90 years the number fell below 500,000. The last time the number was this low the US had just dropped the atom bomb over Hiroshima and Nagasaki - signaling even greater declines in the population as out-of-wedlock births are rare in Japan.


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609e1a No.20990872

File: 0d0b6a660c5e77e⋯.png (155 KB,400x320,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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23c867 No.20990873


how long before the media and Biden blame Trump for this?

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24b5bf No.20990874

What does r-e-s-p-e-c-t mean?

.serious question

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e5c5ef No.20990875

File: c7edf94f027177c⋯.png (381.45 KB,679x970,7:10,ClipboardImage.png)

Is this article Russian disinformation?

Waiting on a hysterical letter from the IC/swamp crowd.

Joe Biden insists he's not involved in his family's business dealings. His aides are a different story.

Many of Biden's closest staffers and advisers have doubled as his relatives’ business associates — both during and after their time working for him. READ (https://t.co/23XCgkb3yZ)

- Ezra Cohen (https://x.com/ezraacohen/status/1799582419260977220?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)

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8a6e78 No.20990876

File: 2171e72b8b91fae⋯.png (660.29 KB,790x444,395:222,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 095ab5098a09ae3⋯.png (349.61 KB,597x500,597:500,ClipboardImage.png)


it is interesting but not sure djt would be interested about that fat fuck getting schooled,

he has been wrong about everything

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3db5c0 No.20990877

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eeedee No.20990878


The liar lies again and again. I think he is considering suiciding himself for his betrayal of an honest man. They should put this guy in a South American insane asylum to protect him, since its been emptied out sending them to the US. That would be a caring and loving thing to do for him.

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d0def1 No.20990879

File: 691c04bbaf1a962⋯.jpg (312.96 KB,1080x917,1080:917,Screenshot_20240609_001202….jpg)


Made this for you all. not been here much for a long while but I reckon you'll see how much you all mean to me when you check out that Telegram Channel

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609e1a No.20990880

File: a5cd43ca741aabd⋯.png (318.46 KB,480x403,480:403,ClipboardImage.png)

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e5c5ef No.20990881

8Kun Radio

Better than shortwave

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fc76c1 No.20990882

File: 2115795a9411390⋯.png (43.72 KB,870x412,435:206,4450.png)

File: ee4ef8bd6aaccea⋯.png (1.03 MB,870x1780,87:178,4446.png)

File: 2cf0cf41bf5d63c⋯.png (59.09 KB,870x500,87:50,4445.png)

File: 2a76f09e08de1f1⋯.png (148.58 KB,870x1644,145:274,1443.png)

File: 0c759f42cd42671⋯.png (2.55 MB,870x4936,435:2468,1441.png)


Monday Deltas

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e41872 No.20990883

File: 13e123eacf1b04d⋯.png (148.99 KB,946x766,473:383,pepe_cheri_jacobs.png)

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23c867 No.20990884

is there a live feed of the 'peaceful' protest at the White House?

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8a6e78 No.20990885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

nothing much happening on the white house live cam

WHITE HOUSE LIVE CAM - Washington D.C. | USA | earthTV®


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55c8e2 No.20990886


JKR Jr might have a chance if he wasn't so far up Israel's ass

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24b5bf No.20990887


Zelensky the dancing boy

No fake there.

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a763b3 No.20990888

File: 46875b3c0086d0f⋯.png (20.21 KB,1295x100,259:20,ClipboardImage.png)


different one replies, kek

anon figures it never occurred to it that it was already filtered due to it's shit squirt posting habit

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82c995 No.20990889


wash your poon stank good looking

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704062 No.20990890


Notice how when President Trump has unfair legal issues with the Courts or Letitia James how you all say: "I am with you sir, we are rooting for you sir, good good, bad bad" yet when I go through worse how you mock me and treat me? Yet I am the one who did the work and got his business license back by quoting the 6th amendment, got his gag order removed even temporarily by quoting previous lawsuits for the first amendment, warned him about "No standing" is not claiming damages as I have done work and not just cheap praise.

Even the poor despises the poor and you are all poor because only the poor have nothing to give.

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647f4d No.20990891

Less than 10 “Q is in the CLOUD”

00:17 mark in 00:24 POTUS vid shows what? 17 CLOUD.

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e41872 No.20990892

File: 9932b85c548a7c2⋯.png (259.64 KB,400x398,200:199,FrenzSuspect_.png)

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89eaa1 No.20990893


yuge numbers of small and big towns will go under financially. The local residents will have no choice but to hash it out. Some places will be death and fraud traps… others will develop/reinvent 'committees of safety'.

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372aae No.20990894


That road is part of a toll road loop around Austin and only a couple sections are 85 MPH. The rest is 80 MPH.

A section of I-10 in west Texas is 85 MPH as well.

Most state roads and highways are between 65 and 75 MPH, depending on local traffic conditions.

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e41872 No.20990895

File: 561fd5db7921f21⋯.png (387.88 KB,565x536,565:536,_11.png)

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8a6e78 No.20990896


only fans and cans.

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13a578 No.20990897

File: f21a5c7094fcf8b⋯.jpg (2.03 MB,3090x1844,1545:922,epstein_web_infograph_CDAN….jpg)

File: ec42ff1d052c844⋯.jpg (230.85 KB,2048x1536,4:3,EpsteinWebMindmap.jpg)


Believe it or not.

It's up to you.

Your choice to know or not.

He did say that about himself.

People who are like that, know it.

Others may believe it doesn't exist;

? That's the way it is.

Big deal?

You have to find out for yourself; obviously.

Still, it's a data point

Better than "Time Travel" which is obvious psy-op - (so the perps can have an excuse when the time comes to "face the music" - but that was another time-line - yeah right /s/

Time goes in one direction only.

Otherwise, there could be no Creation. It's an arrow with a direction. Like a vector?)


oh good.

That's for clarifying

Sorry if I mis-read.


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ef2b52 No.20990898


Wait until he finds out that’s jizz.

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e41872 No.20990899

File: f4f3f87ef975058⋯.png (390.45 KB,800x500,8:5,RESPECT_THE_BAKERS.png)

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0e9fd0 No.20990900

File: 3a4cbf5b75e1361⋯.png (266.73 KB,474x249,158:83,dude.png)

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609e1a No.20990901

File: a7f8af2ed97c8d4⋯.png (257.31 KB,1067x600,1067:600,ClipboardImage.png)

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392183 No.20990902

File: 4cce1f28a184738⋯.png (2.59 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

ephesians 6-12

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

i wonder if something happens on june 12th?

june 12th? day of reckoning for the banksters???

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fc76c1 No.20990903

File: c61ad18810ce2e6⋯.png (929.27 KB,800x1186,400:593,ClipboardImage.png)

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e41872 No.20990904

File: 906a2870e38e8fd⋯.png (500.38 KB,496x750,248:375,SimpleFarmer.png)

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b432cb No.20990905

File: 69c625defb18952⋯.jpg (66.71 KB,450x675,2:3,tumblr_o2vby6dj9O1ui7t2jo1….jpg)


I have my secretary working on it as we speak.

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3ead07 No.20990906

notes Final

#25743 >>20990142

>>20990163 Daily Wire Employee Fired for Sending Supportive Message to Candace Owens From His Personal Email Account

>>20990164 Hunter brought members of the Mexican Cartels to meet with "The Big Guy"

>>20990169, >>20990240 Hunter Biden Gun Trial started on June 3rd which is the Qpost 1440 upside down gun delta

>>20990194, >>20990463, >>20990485 New York Democrat Congress Candidate & George Conway openly talk about 're-educating' MAGA supporters

>>20990188, >>20990210 Epstein

>>20990221 The July Crisis: 30 dramatic days that led to the outbreak of World War One

>>20990231, >>20990595 Impromptu Trump rallies

>>20990300 PF: LITCH47

>>20990301 PF: Belgium AF BAF83 Falcon 7x went to Manama, Bahrain

>>20990310 More than 50,000 underage migrants have disappeared in Europe in three years

>>20990333 A local race in Nevada’s primary could have implications for national elections in a key swing state

>>20990344 Jimmy Carter’s grandson gives health update on ex-president as he enters 16th month of hospice care

>>20990473, >>20990524 Rep. Thomas Massie reveals that members of Congress are babysat by AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee)

>>20990511 Texas Democrat Convention speaker promotes drag queen story hour for kids

>>20990545 PF: Italians left Rzeszow after a load out

>>20990575, >>20990578, >>20990588, >>20990767, >>20990817, >>20990826, >>20990839 The Shitshow Circus arrives @ the White House

>>20990591 Fiegen wins Republican PUC nomination at state convention

>>20990613 Pressure is growing on Judge Merchan to declare mistrial, after jury controversy

>>20990620 Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs is officially under criminal investigation for alleged "Pay-to-Play" scheme

>>20990627 Surveillance footage showing Hallie Biden ditching Hunter Biden’s gun in grocery store parking lot

>>20990641 Former astronaut William Anders who took iconic Earthrise photo has died in Washington plane crash

>>20990648 Here is the list of Republicans who voted to hold Steve Bannon in contempt, which led to his prison sentence

>>20990702 Black Pastor Flawlessly Explains Why Americans Should Support Donald Trump And MAGA Republicans

>>20990812 @SpeakerJohnson: Why don’t we rescind the Congressional subpoena for Steve Bannon and officially repudiate the J6 committee by a vote of Congress?

>>20990824 California must pay feds $53M over 'improperly' claimed reimbursements for noncitizens

>>20990835 Mexican food chain closing 48 locations in California due to 'rising cost' of business in state

>>20990236, >>20990296, >>20990299, >>20990335, >>20990347, >>20990374, >>20990822 Misc.


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4f0ff1 No.20990907

20k+ ft view - weed -> legalized

40k+ ft view - shrooms / acid -> slow drip

80k+ ft view - DMT -> TS SCI

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0e9fd0 No.20990908

File: ef215767f4ec21e⋯.jpg (91.97 KB,680x680,1:1,Loren_Merchan_2.jpg)

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e41872 No.20990909

File: 1d587840cd1cc79⋯.png (359.89 KB,1000x517,1000:517,2b1c5623934276aca22b1263ee….png)

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e41872 No.20990911

File: f5ca37cfa985d46⋯.png (65.83 KB,489x487,489:487,proud_cultfag.png)

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609e1a No.20990914

File: 6a38aaca8bf842a⋯.png (188.53 KB,474x316,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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23c867 No.20990916

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ef2b52 No.20990918


>june 12th? day of reckoning for the banksters???

Don’t hold your breath. They need muh Trump back in orifice.

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e41872 No.20990920

File: ada5aea69be4571⋯.png (631.06 KB,720x554,360:277,NightShiftFerris.PNG)

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a763b3 No.20990922


There are many sections of two lane highway around the state where it is 75. That means a closing speed of 150 mph if neither car is speeding. Best pay attention to what the fuck is going on under these conditions. Put the phone down and live.

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f74b8c No.20990923


>You know how it goes with these demons.

Yes. Yes I do…

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53fba6 No.20990924

File: d2c021daaa39c3a⋯.png (76.78 KB,1194x787,1194:787,ClipboardImage.png)

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e41872 No.20990926

File: 171f8c142543c02⋯.png (349.93 KB,800x500,8:5,pepe_ireland_baker_badge.png)

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ba1281 No.20990927

File: e0ad75e7d9f3c25⋯.png (1.07 MB,960x856,120:107,C4C85AFB_077E_4579_8B96_7D….png)


Would not.

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3ead07 No.20990928









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e376d0 No.20990929


Is it mostly peaceful yet?

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b432cb No.20990930


They'll migrate to the great state of Texas.

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e41872 No.20990931

File: 14d1dbec072de40⋯.png (1.46 MB,1016x1015,1016:1015,Screen_Shot_2018_10_28_at_….png)

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d4f533 No.20990932


>how long before the media and Biden blame Trump for this?

sometin like "J6 showed it was safe to do J8"?

wonder how many die this time?

more than one? if she even did, lots of analysis of fake blood etc

don't go to DC

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13a578 No.20990933

File: 1da1f5a4ab28d2f⋯.mp4 (2.12 MB,320x240,4:3,itsuptoyouthepotuslies.mp4)


Believe it or not.

It's up to you.

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fc76c1 No.20990934


Not sure I want to know who you are.

Crazy Ivan has a good ring.


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0e9fd0 No.20990936

File: eb626280cf95655⋯.png (231.53 KB,494x247,2:1,GhislaineAmanpour.png)

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e41872 No.20990940

File: ac707c3e297b794⋯.png (563.23 KB,720x720,1:1,meme_a_new_reality.png)

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647f4d No.20990941

Less than 10 “Impossible to locate? Ghost-con active.”

What do you see? Visual disturbance?

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2dee87 No.20990942



However, shortwave remains important in war zones, such as in the Russo-Ukrainian war, and shortwave broadcasts can be transmitted over thousands of miles from a single transmitter, making it difficult for government authorities to censor them. Shortwave radio is also often used by aircraft.

wat frequency does 8kun use?

we know mkultra/weather manip/ppl manip

hows it any better?

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e41872 No.20990944

File: 6890bb02dcce43f⋯.jpg (52.87 KB,490x604,245:302,spacepepe.jpg)

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02bbc2 No.20990946

File: eae56ee87bced7a⋯.png (48.65 KB,640x599,640:599,I_trust_the_science.png)


>Time goes in one direction only.

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3db5c0 No.20990947


IDK if it had been mentioned

Former astronaut William Anders, who took iconic Earthrise photo, killed in Washington plane crash

SEATTLE (AP) — William Anders, the former Apollo 8 astronaut who took the iconic “Earthrise” photo showing the planet as a shadowed blue marble from space in 1968, waskilled Friday when the plane he was piloting alone plummeted into the waters off the San Juan Islands in Washington state. He was 90.

His son, retired Air Force Lt. Col. Greg Anders, confirmed the death to The Associated Press.

“The family is devastated,” he said. “He was a great pilot and we will miss him terribly.”

William Anders, a retired major general, has said the photo was his most significant contribution to the space program along with making sure the Apollo 8 command module and service module worked.

The photograph, the first color image of Earth from space, is one of the most important photos in modern history for the way it changed how humans viewed the planet. The photo is credited with sparking the global environmental movement for showing how delicate and isolated Earth appeared from space.

NASA Administrator and former Sen. Bill Nelson said Anders embodied the lessons and the purpose of exploration.

“He traveled to the threshold of the Moon and helped all of us see something else: ourselves,” Nelson wrote on the social platform X.


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e41872 No.20990948

File: d904b446b17b52d⋯.jpg (589.69 KB,1323x888,441:296,DigDayNight9.jpg)

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13a578 No.20990950

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879b7a No.20990952

File: e3c1bcc2c900785⋯.png (364.61 KB,750x500,3:2,f2c2deb883630c974fcfec69f6….png)

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a763b3 No.20990954


your misc sucks ass and is full of posters with more than 4 dozen posts this bread who contribute nothing other than to feed their own sense of self importance

so you encourage that shit

bad baker

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13a578 No.20990957


yes, once they cut off their dick there's no going back.

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e41872 No.20990958

File: 3d1109a9c422581⋯.jpg (351.78 KB,753x861,251:287,11931cb050b14b63412bf0c9d8….jpg)

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e41872 No.20990960

File: 330728c7e3f3dbe⋯.png (161.42 KB,542x532,271:266,ABadge1.png)

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