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File: aae55e0d32e4954⋯.png (1.02 MB,1035x580,207:116,000ddd.png)

d770a0 No.20429765 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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d770a0 No.20429766

International Q Research Threads

>>20092798 ——–——– Australia #34

>>20362754 ——–——– Canada #53

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>19988670 ——–——– Germany #106

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>>19804572 ——–——– UK #51


Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html

>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>20186509 How to filter namefags


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>20186534 No "Muh Joos" in notes. Discrimination based on race or religion will be removed

Plz sign out clearly when e-baking or ghosting, use RED TEXT


#25061 >>20428165

>>20428190, >>20428811, >>20428919 PF reporting for duty

>>20428193 Report: U.S. Carried Out Covert Cyberattack on Iranian Spy Ship

>>20428215 Iranian Naval Commander announces planned military base in Antarctica

>>20428219 Russian Space Nukes and Navalny’s Death… U.S. Psyops Go Ballistic

>>20428222, >>20428288, >>20428315 Eric Trump. The Storm has arrived

>>20428257 Six time gold medalist Sir Chris Hoy reveals cancer diagnosis

>>20428271 Silk Breaks Down Letitia James Law Fare To "GET TRUMP"

>>20428321, >>20428325 Dan the Man Scavino

>>20428350 Judge Jeanine Pirro going off: unhinged judge and power tripping AG trying to take down former President

>>20428372 Kenyan official, Walter Nyamato, found dead in Washington

>>20428385, >>20428404, >>20428506, >>20428530, >>20428597, >>20428611, >>20428611, >>20428829 @MattWaller: This looks like way more than just a house explosion

>>20428438 @WallStreetApes: Black Americans calling out illegal immigrants (vid)

>>20428457 Cross Dressing Teacher place on leave after pink dress incident

>>20428491 Nebraska senator introduced a bill that could make Nebraska the first to forbid out-of-state entities from buying single-family properties.

>>20428496 Sony Buys Michael Jackson’s Music Catalog for $600 Million

>>20428499 Governor Abbot Announces the Construction of a Texas Military Department Basecamp in Eagles Pass

>>20428500, >>20428791 18,000 students in Canada are facing suspension if they don't update vaccine records.

>>20428511 Chinese Communist Party-linked green energy firm receiving $200M in taxpayer funding begins razing trees in Michigan

>>20428620 Wake up Babe. A new Hellfood just dropped

>>20428652, >>20428658, >>20428857 Anon Digs Gina Haspel


>>20428767, >>20428770 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz: "We signed a security agreement with Zelenskyy. The threat from Russia is real..."

>>20428772 Vacant luxury apartment building in Harlem will be used as shelter for long-term New York City families, mayor says

>>20428780 @EndWokeness…this is an odd thing to say about a new death penalty law for child rapísts

>>20428785 @ScottAdamsSays This is the most extraordinary thing I have ever seen

>>20428810 US to Build 5 New Military Bases for Somali Army

>>20428731, >>20428828 Knees and Zelensky link HOT, in Munich

>>20428861 An Update — President Trump Was A Victim Of Espionage, Both Foreign And Domestic

>>20428897 Irish PM Leo Varadkar complains that Irish institutions are too white

>>20428937 #25061

#25060 >>20427283

>>20427302 DignifAI is hitting the normie channels.

>>20427375, >>20427399 1 firefighter killed, 9 firefighters rushed to hospital after house explosion in Sterling,Va


>>20427594 How Israel mantains control on the USA

>>20427634 RFK Jr. - Statements on Ukraine

>>20427655 Former Mossad official: Children in Gaza over the age of 4 deserve to be starved

>>20427763 Houthis Resume Attacks on International Shipping in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden

>>20427794 Trump Says He Won't Have Time For Retribution If Elected - HuffPost - Jan 11, 2024

>>20427814 Woman claims she had sex with Matt Gaetz at a 'drug-fueled' orgy she was paid to attend

>>20427818 Fani Willis' star witness admits he was accused of sexually assaulting law firm colleague

>>20428065, >>20428082 Everything You Need to Know about the Government’s Mass Censorship Campaign


>>20428114 NY governor sorry for saying ‘there would be no Canada’ if it attacked Buffalo, in Oct. 7 analogy

>>20428153 #25060

#25059 >>20426459

>>20426510 FULL SPEECH: Trump Speaks For the First Time After NY Civil Case Ruling - 2/16/24

>>20426668 Kremlin comments on Navalny’s death

>>20426669 ICYMI: Kansas City shooting survivor reveals moment woman apparently begged shooter ‘don’t do it’

>>20426692 Roger Stone Warns About Democrats’ Plan To Steal 2024 Election---The StoneZONE w/ Roger Stone and Mike Adams of Natural News

>>20426736 A congressional advisory committee just voted in favor of granting Nikki Haley Secret Service protection

>>20426773 Night Owl News Archives 'Fun Friday Free For All'

>>20426788 The Lincoln project is now using AI to depict Trump’s deceased father disowning him

>>20426954, >>20427019, >>20427029, >>20427135 Covid was first seen in 2019

>>20426961, >>20426977, >>20426987, >>20427043, >>20427059, >>20427061, >>20427067, >>20427124, >>20427181 MASSIVE house explosion just outside of DC in Sterling, Virginia/Kelly is a Senior All Source Intel Analyst at Booz Allen Hamilton/Snowden gets his old job back??? kek

>>20427054, >>20427008 P. Diddy hires Ghislaine Maxwell lawyer to defend against child rape charges

>>20427262 #25059

#25058 >>20425760

>>20425789, >>20425797 DJT Truths regarding Crooked Judge Engoron's $355 Million Dollar fine

>>20425794 Q Posts vs. Trump Tweets - timestamps and deltas

>>20425795 Tomorrow's Qdelta: To be blunt.... GAME OVER

>>20425799, >>20425943 President Trump Gives Remarks at Mar-a-Lago - 2/16/24 (starts @ 1:34:00 of vid)

>>20425802 What Mohammed bin Salman told Johnny Depp about the murder of Jamal Khashoggi

>>20425807 Tiger Woods suddenly withdraws from the Genesis Invitational with an apparent illness after only playing 6 holes today

>>20425824 Babylon Bee: Judge Orders Trump To Pay Whatever Amount It Takes To Bankrupt Campaign

>>20425828 What is hidden in Antarctica? 🧐

>>20425829 Lawfare Timeline: How we got to Trump's $355 million fine

>>20425858 Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner arrives in court as his unrelated sex assault trial finally begins in Germany

>>20425876, >>20425893, >>20425976, >>20426309, >>20426375, >>20426398 Mil tweets

>>20425949 Eric Trump: Judge Engoron is truly a cruel man ...

>>20425963 Australian federal MPs, including PM Albanese, back vote calling on UK, US to free Julian Assange

>>20425964 Former Illinois State Senator Sam McCann Pleads Guilty to Fraudulent Use of Campaign Funds, Money Laundering, Tax Evasion

>>20425984 Peekaboo James statement following Engoron judgement against Donald Trump (starts @ 10:35 of vid)

>>20425986 Charles F. McGonigal Admitted to Receiving $225,000 Cash Payment was sentenced today to 28 months in prison

>>20425998 The former Chief Rabbi of Moscow Pinchas Goldschmidt mourned the reported death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny

>>20426020 New Tucker: Everything You Need to Know about the Government’s Mass Censorship Campaign

>>20426030 Harvard issued subpoena by House committee investigating antisemitism on campus

>>20426053, >>20426314 Ben Bergquam Interviews The Residents Of East Palestine, Ohio

>>20426068, >>20426111 Paul Sperry reporting on Wade / Willis trial compilation

>>20426133 Boris Epshteyn: "This Was A Complete Railroading From The Very Beginning" - Today in NY, Engoron trying to destroy Trump

>>20426144 Understanding how blackmail is used in the music / film industry

>>20426161 DJT: This is Russia, this is China, it all comes out of the DOJ, it all comes out of Biden - it's a witch hunt

>>20426191 The person in that MI6 / Navalny video is actually Vladimir Ashurkov (Russia doing damage control)

>>20426166 King Charles sleeps in an Oxygen Tent to combat sinus issues and struggles with short-term memory, royal biographer claims

>>20426213 Pesticide linked to reproductive issues found in Cheerios, Quaker Oats

>>20426423 Delta: [C] before [D] on the daily

>>20426443 Royce White is running against Amy Globuchar

>>20426444 #25058

Previously Collected

>>20425736 #25057,

>>20423211 #25054, >>20424033 #25055, >>20424934 #25056

>>20420744 #25051, >>20421514 #25052, >>20422607 #25053

>>20418426 #25048, >>20419221 #25049, >>20419965 #25050

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #21: Purpose >>19961525

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d770a0 No.20429767

File: 1fb3abc70b2faa5⋯.jpg (13.45 KB,229x255,229:255,1fb3abc70b2faa5eb2c8d0d0e2….jpg)



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4dc412 No.20429768

File: abc208a0702179c⋯.png (74.26 KB,168x300,14:25,ClipboardImage.png)


Tyb Miss this nigga like you wouldnt believe…

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795853 No.20429769

File: 87cba7472e8d441⋯.png (3.05 MB,1500x1875,4:5,hanksign.png)


Greece legalises same-sex marriage

Greece has become the first Christian Orthodox-majority country to legalise same-sex marriage.

Same-sex couples will now also be legally allowed to adopt children after Thursday's 176-76 vote in parliament.

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said the new law would "boldly abolish a serious inequality".

But it has divided the country, with fierce resistance led by the powerful Orthodox Church. Its supporters held a protest rally in Athens.

Many displayed banners, held crosses, read prayers and sang passages from the Bible in the capital's Syntagma Square.

The head of the Orthodox Church, Archbishop Ieronymos, said the measure would "corrupt the homeland's social cohesion".

The bill needed a simple majority to pass through the 300-member parliament.

Mr Mitsotakis had championed the bill but required the support of opposition parties to get it over the line, with dozens of MPs from his centre-right governing party opposed.

"People who have been invisible will finally be made visible around us, and with them, many children will finally find their rightful place," the prime minister told parliament during a debate ahead of the vote.

"The reform makes the lives of several of our fellow citizens better, without taking away anything from the lives of the many."

The vote has been welcomed by LGBTQ organisations in Greece.

"This is a historic moment," Stella Belia, the head of same-sex parents' group Rainbow Families, told Reuters news agency. "This is a day of joy."

Fifteen of the European Union's 27 members have already legalised same-sex marriage. It is permitted in 35 countries worldwide.

Greece has until now lagged behind some of its European neighbours, largely because of opposition from the Church.

It is the first country in south-eastern Europe to have marriage equality.

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795853 No.20429770

File: 1ccb5dfc1cdf5bc⋯.png (85.18 KB,393x386,393:386,ready.png)

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6a6363 No.20429771

File: 63fb6c1dfb5febe⋯.png (4.35 MB,1334x750,667:375,IMG_0445.png)

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7a5304 No.20429772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c86dc8 No.20429773

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Have a

Sunny afteroon

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0c7898 No.20429774

Thank you Bake Bake!

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06b5eb No.20429775

File: f368e96bf9d3945⋯.png (1.25 MB,1080x1080,1:1,tyb5.png)

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d149d4 No.20429776

File: fe72e1468154b77⋯.png (553.69 KB,522x631,522:631,Comfy_Cats_02.PNG)

TYB o7

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0db1dd No.20429777

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,HRN.jpg)

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d149d4 No.20429778

File: 5b39a91491fd5db⋯.jpeg (109.43 KB,658x900,329:450,IMG_4703.jpeg)

File: 390276d8ea73d14⋯.jpeg (130.31 KB,1076x1280,269:320,IMG_4707.jpeg)

File: dc54b386466e2c6⋯.jpeg (89.93 KB,996x1280,249:320,IMG_4706.jpeg)

File: 9689382c45d0af9⋯.jpeg (118.03 KB,1280x800,8:5,IMG_4705.jpeg)

File: 2ff37a34823170b⋯.jpeg (128.52 KB,971x1280,971:1280,IMG_4704.jpeg)


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a68b50 No.20429779

File: 8d97d699d533d82⋯.png (481.92 KB,1373x886,1373:886,ClipboardImage.png)

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0c7898 No.20429780

File: ee2a2cd2d367ebf⋯.png (13.35 KB,564x192,47:16,Screen_Shot_02_17_24_at_12….PNG)

17 words.

Nikki Haley


Simple question: is Putin responsible for Navalny’s death? I say yes. What do you say, Donald Trump?

12:29 PM · Feb 17, 2024


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1cf720 No.20429781

File: cf0aa7bfff793cc⋯.jpg (63.5 KB,225x225,1:1,DA_MAN.jpg)

File: c651d53bdc2e667⋯.jpg (19.51 KB,191x255,191:255,SHINE.jpg)

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5170d6 No.20429782

File: 786409251e8f6ca⋯.gif (5.52 MB,480x270,16:9,xx2.gif)

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d602ed No.20429783

File: a2ac9f042432161⋯.png (315.81 KB,634x2346,317:1173,ClipboardImage.png)

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6f7bf8 No.20429784

File: d78e810aac1146a⋯.png (184.32 KB,528x302,264:151,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_0….png)

File: 1f776ab37728a3e⋯.png (526.09 KB,1454x1056,727:528,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_0….png)

File: 3381eb12c10de28⋯.png (2.46 MB,1430x872,715:436,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_0….png)

File: 2977ab0dcb0d624⋯.png (127.29 KB,600x774,100:129,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_0….png)

File: e5bbc7319456c7a⋯.gif (816.82 KB,498x366,83:61,ticker_tape.gif)

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caf2aa No.20429785

File: 4e7cdc46eaff9ae⋯.png (546.24 KB,1001x647,1001:647,Screen_Shot_2024_02_17_at_….png)

File: cfe1c60b1f7110f⋯.png (17.11 KB,525x108,175:36,Screen_Shot_2024_02_17_at_….png)

https://neuralink (.) com/

2nd image.


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5aa429 No.20429786

Lots of stuff and things going on these days.

Bird brains are turning out to be top thinkers.

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a68b50 No.20429787


Speculating Bird Brained Bimbo

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ef54f9 No.20429788

File: f3dfef4503fad8e⋯.jpg (572.84 KB,1536x768,2:1,NewWorld.jpg)

File: 98e8a9ca681d719⋯.png (255.14 KB,620x349,620:349,Solar_Wind.png)

File: b65db405b2a73dd⋯.jpg (51.57 KB,666x499,666:499,Not_how_it_works.jpg)


12K year cycles for the last several thousand years that suddenly stop repeating? Not a cycle then is it?

How do you think we get to the next golden age?


High IQ post.

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03e37d No.20429789

File: de37564f9196d2b⋯.jpg (143.18 KB,888x499,888:499,4z501k.jpg)


TY, baker.

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6a6363 No.20429790

File: acbc45b580fa940⋯.jpeg (276.4 KB,1620x1918,810:959,IMG_5204.jpeg)

File: be41ad68e253266⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,265.15 KB,1620x1572,135:131,IMG_5205.jpeg)

File: 5035e59fb45929c⋯.jpeg (1.54 MB,2160x1415,432:283,IMG_5207.jpeg)

File: b088b6bdd9c131a⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,386.84 KB,1620x2034,90:113,IMG_5206.jpeg)

File: e83bb3f569e6448⋯.png (2.19 MB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_5208.png)

Backwards dress slide

Dress is not on backwards. Notice the extra fabric sewn into the bewb area, this is to allow for saggin bewbs and rocking racks and is not found on the back of dresses unless one is made custom for back fat rolls. Slits can be on front/back or why not both. Dress makers have put zippers on the front for awhile now, aids in getting garments on and breast feeding.

Comms? The front zipper could be comms see pic related of big Mike from 2016 in his front zipper dress.

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06b5eb No.20429791

File: 24648c9bbc65856⋯.jpg (32.97 KB,500x500,1:1,wtf_u_shittin_me.jpg)


She still doesn't get it. She's over, and she won't face that simple fact.

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795853 No.20429792




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7a5304 No.20429793

File: bf10d394bdebafc⋯.png (427.47 KB,500x500,1:1,all_their_vpns.png)

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caf2aa No.20429794

anyone still backing DARPA should be shot by firing squad.

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d770a0 No.20429795

File: 2b1e7afad2d7b71⋯.png (1.15 MB,876x437,876:437,2b1e7afad2d7b7143c234e9b3b….png)


collectin lb notes, will update dough

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6f7bf8 No.20429796

File: 75ec015d73389ca⋯.png (1.13 MB,1196x694,598:347,Screenshot_2024_02_16_at_2….png)

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ef54f9 No.20429797

File: e0b0cb5f9f09b81⋯.png (18.91 KB,1020x652,255:163,Pepe_Tard.png)


Both (PB).


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d149d4 No.20429798

File: 9d74fb540f2aade⋯.jpeg (707.64 KB,1335x919,1335:919,IMG_4719.jpeg)

File: 1ed39d1bf01b2b9⋯.mp4 (4.44 MB,1280x720,16:9,_6193731341125271418.mp4)


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3fd7e4 No.20429799


I got that one before. no idea what link it meant to remove.

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caf2aa No.20429800

I won't feel bad for you.

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0c7898 No.20429801

File: 61838c0fe29b4f1⋯.png (407.49 KB,564x745,564:745,Screen_Shot_02_17_24_at_12….PNG)

File: 0e7c2a028d1e692⋯.mp4 (2.61 MB,720x1280,9:16,nikkihaley1.mp4)

Dylan Wells


Haley takes the stage for a hometown rally on Kiawah Island:

12:47 PM · Feb 17, 2024


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d149d4 No.20429802

File: 3135456cd048b3b⋯.jpeg (64.65 KB,933x513,311:171,IMG_4718.jpeg)

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4dc412 No.20429803


>12K year cycles for the last several thousand years that suddenly stop repeating? Not a cycle then is it?

The phoenix Reset?

>How do you think we get to the next golden age?

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03e37d No.20429804


why would he respond.

she is irrelevant.

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87ab70 No.20429805

File: dd6891b1e89f76a⋯.gif (52.33 KB,220x232,55:58,comfydance.gif)

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7a5304 No.20429806

File: 92df011031e5c3e⋯.gif (1.84 MB,640x304,40:19,grogu.gif)

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d602ed No.20429807

File: 69bcf85af1452ac⋯.png (196.9 KB,474x351,158:117,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4eefafe6c9c1796⋯.png (309.57 KB,570x428,285:214,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20429599 LB

'Member when the Freemasons went all DEI ?

(they didn't always allow NIGGERS !)

Order of the Eastern Star


OLD Order off the Eastern Star

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5aa429 No.20429808

Hotwheels is back.

20 finger or 20 toes?

Strange Daze.

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caf2aa No.20429809


WHY is 8Kun censoring


fuck musk fuck the USMIL

I hope they rot in hell.

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0144b6 No.20429810


The 'breath of Brahma' is a known, quantifiable cycle to many.

Greece and Babylon use the sidereal calendar in the sky. The Mayans counted moons. All to track position in the cycle.

While Rome uses the Gregorian calendar. The gregori are the WATCHers.

Watches tell time- positions in a cycle. We exist under Rome- UCC, martime law, Cest Vui bulls, etc. The City of London is the modern name for roman Londinium.

Bunkers, tunneling, resource contraction, nations hoarding energy and food stocks, compass and geomagnetic anomalies, the MSM even reporting on the AMOC shutdown and the solar cycle AND geomagnetic/solaer effects on humans and the biome… Right on schedule.


We are watching the distraction, until the tipping point when too many know, and they shut it off, or the sun does first with one of the precursors to the micronova.

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795853 No.20429811

File: 802fe97e7c81974⋯.png (561.46 KB,1920x1676,480:419,ClipboardImage.png)

The emblem of the Archdiocese of Athens.

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d149d4 No.20429812

File: 5e44b595a6ec0b8⋯.mp4 (1.26 MB,720x900,4:5,4090178463862603429.mp4)

UFO fly-by o7

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ef54f9 No.20429814

File: c98da60068dbfc7⋯.png (428.18 KB,500x753,500:753,Flannel_TY_Baker.png)


TY Baker!

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e40eb8 No.20429815

File: d51d8b60c842982⋯.jpg (140.94 KB,650x1250,13:25,1700099028645141.jpg)

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0144b6 No.20429816

File: be2e89f6a0e40aa⋯.jpg (62.93 KB,670x510,67:51,eyes.jpg)

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5aa429 No.20429817


Does anyone know the 10 Commandments anymore?

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5464bb No.20429818

File: f06516a6317081d⋯.png (1.48 MB,1440x960,3:2,WeAreQ.png)


TQB. It's Q-Day.

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7a5304 No.20429819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6f7bf8 No.20429820

File: eecfd42466c6ce4⋯.png (217.88 KB,414x432,23:24,Screenshot_2023_12_11_at_0….png)

File: ee4d4400bd7ed51⋯.png (184.13 KB,474x424,237:212,Screenshot_2023_12_11_at_0….png)

File: 0e02cc236738885⋯.png (1.64 MB,2000x420,100:21,Screenshot_2023_12_11_at_0….png)

File: 32656a194ab01fa⋯.png (2.56 MB,2044x814,1022:407,Screenshot_2023_12_11_at_0….png)

File: 16ab1fd2ed6d7c9⋯.png (1.77 MB,854x1108,427:554,Screenshot_2023_12_11_at_0….png)

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8d6677 No.20429821

Trump Says as President He’d Settle Ukraine War Within 24 Hours.

He said nothing about helping Zelensky.

Zelensky is a dead man walking.

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5170d6 No.20429822

File: 8a2f54df0623c39⋯.png (134.49 KB,255x245,51:49,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 55f8974f0afa18d⋯.png (88.77 KB,190x265,38:53,ClipboardImage.png)

File: af1933fb12628fc⋯.png (418.78 KB,619x965,619:965,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d7592c63287212⋯.png (304.03 KB,1192x963,1192:963,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f4f220a8b53260f⋯.png (20.14 KB,270x360,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

UK rag reaches out to retarded pol sci prof at Canadian school for opinion on US candidates. Quirk had to move to Canada to continue to teach.

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f39197 No.20429824

File: eedc50b0b1ae2ca⋯.jpg (70.13 KB,875x493,875:493,csdcsdeyo.jpg)

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795853 No.20429825


recite the ten commandments in a freestyle rap

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d149d4 No.20429826

File: 47eb30989bb395f⋯.jpeg (192.24 KB,1176x880,147:110,2F795B27_FA3A_4EAE_84D4_1….jpeg)


It’s not just the hands. WTF going on with the extra legs.

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6d78c6 No.20429827

File: c06f0379da60da2⋯.jpg (49.15 KB,800x445,160:89,potussmile_800x445.jpg)

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d602ed No.20429828

File: 1a7ef299f3d3b26⋯.png (401.05 KB,568x510,284:255,ClipboardImage.png)

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5aa429 No.20429829

10 Commandments

7 Deadly Sins

5 ways to get ahead

3 Spears

1 God

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3fd7e4 No.20429830


I clicked that shit. freaked me out. maybe 8k is protecting us.

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090528 No.20429831


Trump should assign special prosecutor to look into how she become rich of Govt positions. What do you say Nikki?

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d149d4 No.20429832

File: 594e287b091fcaa⋯.jpeg (28.97 KB,115x263,115:263,IMG_4700.jpeg)

File: 0f9a7f087460d59⋯.png (33.32 KB,114x262,57:131,736E81AE_1454_4757_A8E5_A0….png)

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6f1d26 No.20429833


Simple question, is Zelensky responsible for American Gonzalo Liras death ? I say yes. What do you say, Nikki Haley ?

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93718f No.20429834

File: f7c33dc68f432da⋯.png (325.46 KB,888x285,296:95,ClipboardImage.png)

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288b5f No.20429835


>She's over

WRONG! There are still lots of states to go. On top of that, there's a good possibility that the DNC may opt not to elect Trump, due to all of his criminal and civil legal problems.

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5170d6 No.20429836

File: 5750d4eab8dbf1b⋯.png (38.93 KB,154x125,154:125,ClipboardImage.png)


More chin than a Chinese phone book too!

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d602ed No.20429837

File: d60ac0ea5c47450⋯.png (85.02 KB,568x339,568:339,ClipboardImage.png)

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d149d4 No.20429838

File: c031142977e4d18⋯.gif (2.91 MB,320x240,4:3,IMG_4623.gif)

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5aa429 No.20429839

What you spose camel toe and pedo Joe is up to today?

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3fd7e4 No.20429840


love that gravity defying nipple.

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06b5eb No.20429841

File: c6f58e4798c152d⋯.jpg (255.75 KB,695x500,139:100,hahahaha_.jpg)


>possibility that the DNC may opt not to elect Trump

Of course the DNC wouldn't elect Trump. He's running as a republican.

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d602ed No.20429842

File: b8e2701cb632a51⋯.png (112.75 KB,378x235,378:235,ClipboardImage.png)

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288b5f No.20429843

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f0e07f No.20429844

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tucker Carlson: Everything You Need to Know About the Government's Mass Censorship Campaign

Ep. 75 The national security state is the main driver of censorship and election interference in the United States. "What I’m describing is military rule," says Mike Benz. "It’s the inversion of democracy."



This is the single most important video I have seen in re: politics. I recommend we add it to the global notables for a time.

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5170d6 No.20429845

File: f9e817ebf99ba5a⋯.png (902.91 KB,983x871,983:871,ClipboardImage.png)

Don't see a problem here. They're basically helmets anyway.

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d602ed No.20429846

File: e249b69396f81f5⋯.png (99.73 KB,568x315,568:315,ClipboardImage.png)

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d149d4 No.20429847

File: b216fff97c9c5d1⋯.jpeg (40.83 KB,460x288,115:72,IMG_4721.jpeg)

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ef54f9 No.20429848

File: b9e6633770203c0⋯.jpg (74.57 KB,680x615,136:123,This_is_what_were_doing.jpg)

File: 4fab81d536981ba⋯.png (394.1 KB,500x498,250:249,What.png)


Well, couple years ago, holding stacks of research in my hands, anon was told he wasn't a doctor. All those same people are now detectives?


Navalny was an avowed nazi who tried to overthrow the Russian government, and was caught on camera requesting millions from a British MI6 agent to orchestrate a color revolution in Russia.

His death is not one people should weep for.

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0c7898 No.20429849

File: 33d6fc3dc4504f3⋯.png (640.48 KB,615x725,123:145,Screen_Shot_02_17_24_at_12….PNG)




📍Kiawah Island, SC

Haley on Trump:

“You can't win an election, if you're spending more time in court than you are on the campaign trail. You just can't do it.”

12:54 PM · Feb 17, 2024


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288b5f No.20429850

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133ef8 No.20429851

File: 1a6b64d70d70ee0⋯.png (625.73 KB,960x816,20:17,8e71345911cc7932aa7aca0f7b….png)

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d602ed No.20429852

File: 4042f90480da755⋯.png (229.58 KB,568x654,284:327,ClipboardImage.png)

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090528 No.20429853


Female form gets to your soul.

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d602ed No.20429854

File: eec92b3c3aec7e5⋯.png (131.7 KB,296x290,148:145,ClipboardImage.png)

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5170d6 No.20429855


>“You can't win an election, if you're spending more time in court than you are on the campaign trail. You just can't do it.”

Trump curse. Divorce papers incoming.

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7a5304 No.20429856

File: 94964bb6399d012⋯.jpg (131.73 KB,790x773,790:773,seal_oliver.jpg)


>fuck the USMIL

You seem to have forgotten to go and fuck yourself. Your intent is clear when you whine rather than ask rationally. Filtered.

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1f412d No.20429857

File: a5aab89086a1ee6⋯.jpg (8.63 KB,160x314,80:157,Obama_Maggie_Nixon_Vineyar….jpg)

Chris Fischer Digz

Amy Schumer's husband Chris Fischer was the executive chef at Sarah Nixon's restaurant called Beach Plum Inn. He also wrote articles for the Vineyard Gazette, I wonder if he took this picture?



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d0b07b No.20429858


the irony of her being concerned about tyranny in a foreign nation that she has merely heard about, and has no way to prove, and address a person who is facing tyranny in our own country, which she is banking on to take him out of the race so that what happens to Novalny would happen to Donald Trump, and then she thinks she would be the nominee.

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d75f20 No.20429859

I'm sick to death of being stuck in what I'm running from.

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4dc412 No.20429860


Tunnels or what?

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133ef8 No.20429861

File: d6d17f8658b421a⋯.png (443.99 KB,582x582,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ca995b No.20429862

>>20429767 TyB

>>20429166 pb

>Trump, Q, Sessions, and all the other named and unnamed patriots in the intelligence communities and the boots on the ground have put their lives on the line to restore America to her rightful beauty in the world.

God Bless all those that stand in harms way for the sake of our country and humanity. We will never forget your sacrifices and will always have your backs.

At all costs…

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d2ac05 No.20429863


>recite the ten commandments in a freestyle rap

Verse 1: Yo, listen up, it's time to spit the truth The 10 Commandments, a must for the youth No other rules can compare to this Gotta follow these laws, no need to resist Chorus: Thou shalt have no other gods before me Thou shalt not make any graven images Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain Thou shalt not kill, it's a deadly game Verse 2: Honor thy mother and thy father Keep the Sabbath day holy, no need to bother Thou shalt not steal, don't be a thief Gotta respect others and their property, believe Chorus: Thou shalt not bear false witness Thou shalt not covet, it's a sin Follow these commandments, and you'll win Outro: So remember these rules, and you'll be straight Follow the 10 Commandments, and you won't be late

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5aa429 No.20429864


Nikki is a Jew

We all know that

Why go further?

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3fd7e4 No.20429865


the constant publicity is worth way more for Trump than it's costing him in time and money.

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288b5f No.20429866

File: 92fa7945d4a8be8⋯.png (289.08 KB,577x433,577:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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f31b05 No.20429867

File: 249681ff57bb611⋯.mp4 (4.78 MB,320x568,40:71,Truckers_for_Trump.mp4)



We are going to Bud Light NY


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d602ed No.20429868

File: 5b1b6ae7227c0a8⋯.png (712.68 KB,568x614,284:307,ClipboardImage.png)

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3fd7e4 No.20429869


a Jewish Hindu?

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4dc412 No.20429870


Thou shall not eat other humans.

Thou shall not abuse children.

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4fac31 No.20429871

File: 447a4d197ffdfd2⋯.gif (4.87 MB,585x780,3:4,20240217_125440.gif)


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caf2aa No.20429872


cool story bro, I'm not asking.

call to dig

System and Method for Testing for COVID-19

by Richard A. ROTHSCHILD



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a5cebd No.20429873

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f31b05 No.20429874

File: 77f2eb19ef04b5d⋯.png (293.6 KB,1013x1013,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc102c No.20429875


Agreed, and inappropriate to wear to any kind of professional engagement.

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090528 No.20429876


How is she able to fool these people? They must be thick as bird shit.

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3fd7e4 No.20429877


why were the firemen in the basement?

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d0b07b No.20429878



she's of whateer clan it is that thinks that they are the royal rulers of everyone else, what do you want to call them?

see how she looks like a sister to John Kerry?

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133ef8 No.20429879

File: 1a26a5c6101f6c4⋯.png (900.98 KB,750x700,15:14,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc102c No.20429880

Baker, ty for the bread. Do we have notables from last bread? Need help?

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8d6677 No.20429881

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The worst.

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d602ed No.20429882

File: 0518c133435d662⋯.png (389.06 KB,526x523,526:523,ClipboardImage.png)

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28bb3a No.20429883


Don’t kid yourself, a collapse of “the system” was always the plan. It’s the only way to consolidate both power and people.

The next step - a well defined ruling class and serf class, along with a dystopian surveillance and police state that exceeds people’s worst nightmares.


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a06d4b No.20429884

File: 605fbbaba5a65ad⋯.png (484.96 KB,766x3270,383:1635,1229.png)

File: 652e295cc784ddb⋯.png (63 KB,603x429,201:143,9ecb0303e72c99d8767a65c6d1….png)

File: 652e295cc784ddb⋯.png (63 KB,603x429,201:143,9ecb0303e72c99d8767a65c6d1….png)

File: 38f9ece20a7510b⋯.png (50.54 KB,640x274,320:137,38f9ece20a7510b564a1010e8c….png)

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f31b05 No.20429885

File: 7c38005d2c09d4d⋯.png (260.57 KB,558x504,31:28,ClipboardImage.png)

Crowds lining up at Sneaker Con in Philadelphia. Will be fun!

12:54 ET


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ce1dc3 No.20429886

File: cfcbff89184ff82⋯.jpg (87.6 KB,776x470,388:235,Pedo_Maso_Incest_Babies_Sh….jpg)

File: e4691317d6f8fdc⋯.jpg (79.72 KB,842x712,421:356,Send_Cash_Fani_Willis_1_.jpg)

File: 073d91e014695a5⋯.jpg (66.69 KB,683x384,683:384,Send_Cash_Fani_Willis.jpg)

>>20429262 (LB)

Whatever You Do….


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caf2aa No.20429887

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a68b50 No.20429888

File: 48878e89f20b4d6⋯.png (330.18 KB,602x739,602:739,ClipboardImage.png)




Police were fired upon when responding to a domestic dispute shortly after 9 am.

The suspect was killed, and three Suffolk County Police officers were hospitalized.

The extent of their injuries is not known yet.

Source: ABC News

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5aa429 No.20429889


WhT is up with the tyb?

Is there a prize?

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6f7bf8 No.20429890

File: 3f441b7d2158327⋯.png (1.28 MB,1490x784,745:392,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_0….png)

File: 65daa9ac7561745⋯.png (1.48 MB,1228x860,307:215,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_0….png)

File: 32cf01413421186⋯.png (2.14 MB,1642x1018,821:509,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: 0bba4388ea10eea⋯.png (1.38 MB,1212x680,303:170,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: 0fe575b04e7252b⋯.png (1.55 MB,882x1168,441:584,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)




>You just can't do it.”

negative nikki be like," just don't do it! "

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cc102c No.20429891


Phoenician and Etruscan would be accurate enough.

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06b5eb No.20429892

File: 72d6eff6476a9f7⋯.png (447.56 KB,658x379,658:379,Biden_guns2.png)

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f31b05 No.20429893

File: 8d0b12c83db98a1⋯.png (317.34 KB,1257x768,419:256,ClipboardImage.png)

kek, he's not wrong.

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5170d6 No.20429894

File: dfcd7c2d2ba5181⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB,468x352,117:88,lurkfirst.mp4)

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4fac31 No.20429895


That's a start

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133ef8 No.20429896

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01496b No.20429897

Inflation is a scame to get your Gentile daughter to do an ONLY FAN

100% of Gentile Daughters are on Only Fans and Growing!

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0c7898 No.20429898


She's a terrific candidate! I can't wait to vote for her tomorrow by absentee ballot and send it off on Monday!

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a06d4b No.20429899

File: 2b43c4b15b176d2⋯.png (97.9 KB,766x848,383:424,1238.png)

File: 7cc9e2901b849dd⋯.png (441.27 KB,766x2920,383:1460,58_1_.png)

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d602ed No.20429900

File: 823876a66bb3bdf⋯.png (291.19 KB,568x966,284:483,ClipboardImage.png)

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01496b No.20429901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7a5304 No.20429902

File: 1664b58fc9fef93⋯.jpg (52.8 KB,500x543,500:543,1664b58fc9fef936620173a1d5….jpg)


Customary to thank the baker, even when it's a confirmed clown baking.

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4fac31 No.20429903

File: 646038848f64e42⋯.jpg (73.38 KB,682x909,682:909,Screenshot_20240217_125810….jpg)

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d602ed No.20429904

File: 65682711dfd5985⋯.png (451.36 KB,568x556,142:139,ClipboardImage.png)

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d75f20 No.20429905


it's their cultish way of determining how many are here

this place is run by military psyoppers… keep that at the forefront of your mind when lurking here

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ca3443 No.20429906

File: 16ae5fd697019f8⋯.png (416.25 KB,474x759,158:253,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d6677 No.20429907


I would often refuse to deal with liberal states regarding business issues.

Always overly complicated and too taxing.

It wasn't worth the time, effort, money to conduct business with blue states.

Did well focusing on states that didn't have their heads up their asses.

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5aa429 No.20429908


R u kitten?

Only fan is jew, top, bottom, in side out.

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d0b07b No.20429909


what did they say? a dollar of plastic for each one would have saved hundreds of lives?

"Cost–benefit analysis, the Pinto Memo

In 1973, Ford's Environmental and Safety Engineering division developed a cost–benefit analysis entitled Fatalities Associated with Crash Induced Fuel Leakage and Fires for submission to the NHTSA in support of Ford's objection to proposed stronger fuel system regulation.[81] The document has become known as the Grush/Saunby Report, named for its authors,[62] and as the "Pinto Memo".[82] Cost-benefit analysis was one tool used in the evaluation of safety design decisions accepted by the industry and the NHTSA.[83] The analysis compared the cost of repairs to the societal costs for injuries and deaths related to fires in cases of vehicle rollovers for all cars sold in the US by all manufacturers. The values assigned to serious burn injuries and loss of life were based on values calculated by NHTSA in 1972.[84] In the memo Ford estimated the cost of fuel system modifications to reduce fire risks in rollover events to be $11 per car across 12.5 million cars and light trucks (all manufacturers), for a total of $137 million. The design changes were estimated to save 180 burn deaths and 180 serious injuries per year, a benefit to society of $49.5 million.

In August 1977, having been provided with a copy of the memo by Grimshaw v. Ford Motor Co. plaintiffs before trial,[85][86] Mark Dowie's investigative article "Pinto Madness", published in Mother Jones magazine, emphasized the emotional aspects of the Grush/Saunby Report and implied Ford was callously trading lives for profits.[87] The Mother Jones article also erroneously claimed that somewhere between 500 and 900 persons had been killed in fires attributed to the Pinto's unique design features.[88]

The public understanding of the cost-benefit analysis has contributed to the mythology of the Ford Pinto case. Time magazine said the memo was one of the automotive industry's "most notorious paper trails".[52] A common misconception is that the document considered Ford's tort liability costs rather than the generalized cost to society and applied to the annual sales of all passenger cars, not just Ford vehicles. The general misunderstanding of the document, as presented by Mother Jones, gave it an operational significance it never had.[89][90]




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33200c No.20429910




> >>20428457 (pb) Cross Dressing Teacher place on leave after pink dress incident

Note that this was not the teacher post; it was "Benjamin Netanyahu’s son is hiding with his rumored partner in a luxury $5,000 a month Miami apartment." Which also might be notable. This one, though, should read:

>>20428461 (pb) Cross Dressing Teacher place on leave after pink dress incident

BO/BV/Admin/Jim, can someone update the Notables/dough?


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d602ed No.20429911

File: c42e267f8e038c9⋯.png (75.25 KB,568x344,71:43,ClipboardImage.png)

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496a5d No.20429912

File: 64472a2963c12b6⋯.gif (5.35 MB,260x260,1:1,IMG_6961.gif)

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090528 No.20429913


No problem at all - after many Sikhs fought alongside UK troops against Hitler in past world wars. The UK said no problem to turbans on motorbikes. They actually earned the right from a position of respect.

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caf2aa No.20429914


yeah it's scary fren but in the end we win

Also censorship is not protecting

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d602ed No.20429915

File: 03314b097dff801⋯.png (161.36 KB,568x357,568:357,ClipboardImage.png)

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01496b No.20429916

File: e1591c56445e731⋯.png (74.95 KB,1708x150,854:75,stoke1.png)

File: 3e745c43443de0a⋯.png (201.33 KB,1742x474,871:237,radvi.png)

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5aa429 No.20429917


Tyb I want a prize to say tyb.






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d602ed No.20429918

File: 0b750828d835c36⋯.png (268.84 KB,568x319,568:319,ClipboardImage.png)

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090528 No.20429919


You can't win an election when no one votes for you either… what a stupid women.

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ab3a3f No.20429920

>>20425622 (pb)

Rebrand it as a universal philosophy. No need to bring the "light bringer" into the picture because you'll scare off the eschatological-minded, and you might need some of those traditionalists more than you think as Aquarius takes the stage.

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06b5eb No.20429921

File: 2585f83623a4b74⋯.png (57.76 KB,1099x1600,1099:1600,ClipboardImage.png)


The DOJ won't touch her. She's one of [theirs].

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d0b07b No.20429922


if your country and afford to give away . . .

and the son of the leader is living in a 5000 dollar a month condo in your country

dodging his countries draft . . .

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a68b50 No.20429923

File: f8f32e5ea68ccf5⋯.png (337.83 KB,904x731,904:731,ClipboardImage.png)



Domestic Violence

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f31b05 No.20429924


Yah & like he stated I've driven a van in NYC & that was hell, I can only imagine driving a big rig, forget about it!

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e40eb8 No.20429925

File: a20f48fa9327515⋯.png (76.74 KB,255x244,255:244,f7afaad459875d2eefa261d201….png)

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01496b No.20429926


a Daughters Only Fan cam could be funding the Ukraine war! much like the US government funds it

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d602ed No.20429927

File: 616b96033d038fa⋯.png (109.21 KB,568x277,568:277,ClipboardImage.png)

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3fd7e4 No.20429928


I know jack about computers and viruses but I have a strong intuition and I got an immediate feeling of danger on that site.

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d602ed No.20429929

File: de2a6cbdfe363dc⋯.png (245.21 KB,568x408,71:51,ClipboardImage.png)

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5170d6 No.20429930

File: 7d6036967615434⋯.png (387.55 KB,669x873,223:291,ClipboardImage.png)

Website won't load for anon. Getting clock error.

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4ffa71 No.20429931


Roll call

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4fac31 No.20429932

That congested cokehead thinks she stepping into a moment in herstory.

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01496b No.20429933

was pre-Elon Twitter so full of Only Fans girls, or did Only Fans take off more after Elon's Twitter?

Elon's Twitter is full of antisemites and Only Fans girls

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d75f20 No.20429934


instead you can just wait for a shill post, announce that you've global reported it, and a board operator will thank (You)

will that suit your narcissistic needs?

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a06d4b No.20429935

File: 2eb9f29e4c34da7⋯.png (318.15 KB,588x477,196:159,2eb9f29e4c34da7bee0c44a69d….png)

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fbd5c9 No.20429936


Why would she say that? I know that she does not know that and she quickly has no problem being an imprudent slave of the messengers. I hate this fucking bitch so much and Trump has been soft on her. He was non-stop against Desantis for 3 fucking years. Stupid fucking idiot.

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cc102c No.20429937


It's for clowns to keep track of each other, and of their own alternate personas, for each bread.

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52a61f No.20429938








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090528 No.20429939


It's free country you can support corruption if it helps you get more dick.

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d2ac05 No.20429940


>I can only imagine driving a big rig

I have a route that takes me through downtown Chicago. First time I went, I had to use a telephone pole as a fulcrum to pull my 48' flatbed around a turn because I didn't know the "secret route" to take. I had people cheering for me and others terrified I was going to take them out.

I've never went to NY, but from what I hear, it's no better than downtown Chicago. If you don't know your exact route, don't go.

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d602ed No.20429941

File: caec775d4542ab9⋯.png (430.2 KB,500x522,250:261,ClipboardImage.png)

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4803c9 No.20429942

File: 0ae6b456570381e⋯.png (1.2 MB,2876x1574,1438:787,WITCH_HUNT_Q_Proof_2_000_d….png)

2,000 day WITCH HUNT Q Proof!


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01496b No.20429943


to be fair they were in debt in the Usurious Middle Ages!

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090528 No.20429944


After being part of the most corrupt election in history… Jump off a cliff bitch.

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d149d4 No.20429945

File: 82e09788561a6bf⋯.jpeg (56.89 KB,506x314,253:157,A69C154E_7BBD_452A_83C7_0….jpeg)

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5aa429 No.20429946



None of that I am what u said.

Pinging the post to see what said

Shark bump

Nudge it to see

Tyb indeed

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f4351b No.20429947



will collect notes for current bread til baker gets back

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d2b924 No.20429948


Where are notables from last bread #?

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d75f20 No.20429949


last night Tranime again stated that "they needed to revive the persona"

for what? more rainbow banners? to attract grooming anime pedos?

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f4351b No.20429950


baker is collecting them now.

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8d6677 No.20429951

File: a7ae185e6c48da1⋯.png (420.89 KB,651x445,651:445,Capture.PNG)

Hope New Yorkers like the taste of rat.

Because their grocery stores are going bare.

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cefc3d No.20429952

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

UN land grab. You will own nothing! Happening in British Columbia right now.

This needs to be exposed.

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090528 No.20429953


Just turn the car around.

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6f7bf8 No.20429954

File: 279a2132f8debb7⋯.png (1.68 MB,2026x990,1013:495,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: 2e27aae4dd2c729⋯.png (1.69 MB,1970x1094,985:547,Screenshot_2024_02_16_at_1….png)

File: 901360c8cd5486e⋯.png (2.47 MB,2022x1104,337:184,Screenshot_2023_12_10_at_2….png)

File: 287cf62c3d9f4f8⋯.png (2.41 MB,2036x1026,1018:513,Screenshot_2024_02_16_at_1….png)


keep hope alive

meet the Fan() Browns

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d7b239 No.20429955

File: 13748402de4b579⋯.jpg (810.8 KB,1920x1080,16:9,13748402de4b579114c8ea4afa….jpg)

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db79e3 No.20429956

File: 38788566434e499⋯.png (560.96 KB,1361x846,1361:846,gel.PNG)


Hydrogels in COVID Vaccine as Programmable Human Interface



Feb 15, 2024

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d602ed No.20429957

File: b1cdcd4196dec1a⋯.png (60.39 KB,568x193,568:193,ClipboardImage.png)

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d2b924 No.20429958

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d602ed No.20429960

File: 0fc37033db8af32⋯.png (277.06 KB,568x747,568:747,ClipboardImage.png)

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01496b No.20429961

Inflation is to leverage your daughter into stripping for Rent on OF which is owned by a backer of the Ukraine war

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e56676 No.20429962

>>20429552 LB

the 3GPP is in charge of handling the standards. It was formed during 3rd Generation cellular days hence the name. They are currently working on 6th Generation cellular. the number in the name is the generation number of the technology and refers to the MODULATION METHOD used, not the frequency it is applied to. For instance, the speed achieved in 5G is not solely derived from the higher frequencise that the 3GPP advises but, rather the fact that it is the first MMIMO (Massive Multi Input Multi Output) technology. It works just fine on whatever band it's applied to. 6G, however, is MMIMO but more biased to the mm wave length and THz frequencies. The problem with that is the urban clutter absorption which dictates that the sites need to be about 200m apart to function at the Terrabit rates they're claiming. Very few cities in the world have achieved the 5oom spacing of the 5G recommendation so I feel 6G is largely dead-in-the-water for nearly every operator. Very few subscribers have a need nor want higher speeds that are available on 4G/5G which is up to 100Mbps in most practical applications. MIT might have had some say in the 5G spec. but I seriously doubt that they alone created the spec.

Oh; to clarify the "radar" functionality. 2G was able to provide that functionality and your WiFi also will do the same thing, with the right signal processing.

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d602ed No.20429963

File: 7f1a07552df1d63⋯.png (433.49 KB,568x450,284:225,ClipboardImage.png)

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06b5eb No.20429964

File: 427ba4c6a17d1c5⋯.png (440.1 KB,735x500,147:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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5aa429 No.20429965

Thank you baker.

Thank you baker.



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a06d4b No.20429966

File: e25ad3edded1e29⋯.png (388.1 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240218_131522.png)

File: 1e8142c26920474⋯.png (34.88 KB,766x496,383:248,110_5_.png)

File: ff0027486f2e692⋯.png (1.29 MB,766x3380,383:1690,1310.png)

File: 77b3ca7d90f8f58⋯.jpeg (109.78 KB,846x900,47:50,GGjtkn3WUAAGQu_.jpeg)

last updated 17 hours ago. kek

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c65e56 No.20429967


How about that American journalist who was killed in Ukraine?

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d602ed No.20429968

File: 0ae4e2c959c9611⋯.png (159.95 KB,300x443,300:443,ClipboardImage.png)

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d2b924 No.20429969

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3fd7e4 No.20429970


so less than half of Canadians.

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caf2aa No.20429971

To RCMP and Victim Families and those who may be concerned

Research indicates a Biden-sponsored stunt in August 1999 ‘captured’ a Starnet UBC-5G AR dashboard in Vancouver for the BC Family Maintenance Enforcement Program and deployed Trudeau-mentored ChildBase actors in a Delaware 9/11™ 'Game of Bots’.

The Biden White House Military Office allegedly uses the Delaware Court of Chancery as a Carbon (Tesla)—Covid (Twitter)’ bot master where intra-family pedophiles can hide off-campus sexual traps, blackmail, frauds, contract hits and predicate offences by domestic criminal groups.

“Hunter Biden could have produced 'blackmail opportunities' for China: Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, questioned whether Hunter Biden's alleged ties to China could have set up blackmail opportunities against the United States Monday as he joined "America's Newsroom" to discuss the Department of Justice's investigation into the president's son. HUNTER BIDEN: MSNBC, ABC, CBS SIDESTEP AUTHENTICATED LAPTOP THEY DISMISSED IN 2020 WHILE ADDRESSING DOJ PROBE”

“Internet gambling firm charged $100,000 JANE ARMSTRONG VANCOUVER AUGUST 18, 2001 .. A Delaware-based company that provides subscribers with pornography and gambling services over the Internet has been fined $100,000 and ordered to hand over $6-million to the province of British Columbia. Two representatives of Starnet Communications International Inc. pleaded guilty yesterday to one count of keeping a device for gambling or betting.”

“Sex, Bets And Bikers BY MARK HOSENBALL Newsweek 10/17/99 The raid was swift, and thorough. As dawn broke over one of Vancouver's seedier business districts last Aug. 20, a heavily armed team of law-enforcement agents smashed into the offices of Starnet Communications International, a four-year-old company that runs gambling and pornography sites on the Internet. Over the next three days authorities sifted through the company's files, hauling away boxes of papers and cartloads of computer equipment. The raid was the culmination of an 18-month probe of Starnet's operation, which authorities have described as "substantially and fundamentally an illegal enterprise." According to documents filed in Canadian courts in connection with the search warrant, Vancouver law-enforcement agencies claimed that the company routinely engaged in illegal gambling, distribution of hardcore pornography and money laundering, all using the Internet. …. The company boasts it has porn customers in more than 60 countries. By 1997 the company had branched out to another lucrative online enterprise: gambling. Online customers could enter the cybercasino and play blackjack or craps or put down wagers on college and professional sports…. Starnet's troubles may be just beginning. NEWSWEEK has learned that the U.S. Customs Service and the Internal Revenue Service are now also investigating Starnet. The Monday after the raid, Starnet officials tried to empty the company's Vancouver bank accounts. But suspicious bank employees stalled the transaction until the police could freeze the accounts. Meanwhile Starnet has withdrawn its application to Nasdaq, and the company's president, Paul Giles, has moved the company's headquarters to the Caribbean haven of Antigua, outside the reach of Canadian and American regulators. That may give Starnet a brief respite from the prying eyes of the law, but the stakes for the mushrooming Internet gambling industry just got a lot higher.”

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caf2aa No.20429972

“Delaware Court of Chancery .. Equitable jurisdiction .. Title 10, Section 341 of the Delaware Code states that the Court "shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine all matters and causes in equity." Subsequent decisions have held that the Court's equitable jurisdiction is the same as that held by the English High Court of Chancery at the time of American independence in 1776.”

“Judge orders October trial for lawsuit between Elon Musk and Twitter By Clare Duffy, CNN Business Updated 5:00 AM ET, Wed July 20, 2022 New York (CNN Business) In an early victory for Twitter, a judge on Tuesday ruled that the company's lawsuit against Elon Musk over their $44 billion acquisition agreement should go to a five-day trial in October. The decision came at the end of the first hearing in the case over whether to expedite the proceedings. When it filed the suit last week, days after Musk moved to terminate the deal, Twitter (TWTR) filed a motion to expedite the proceedings and requested a four-day trial in September. Musk's legal team opposed the motion. Tuesday's hearing featured sharply worded arguments from both sides — including Twitter's lawyer at one point referring to Musk as a "committed enemy" — setting the stage for what is almost certain to be a contentious legal battle.”

“Elon, warns world to be vigilant for AI 'bot swarms' that attempt to manipulate social media because it could be first sign of robot take over Musk has shared two tweets about the dangers of 'advanced AI' He claimed the technology could soon take over social media The Tesla CEO suggested we watch swarm bots to see if they start evolving By STACY LIBERATORE FOR DAILYMAIL.COM PUBLISHED: 14:59 EDT, 26 September 2019”

“Family Maintenance Enforcement [Trudeau Program Est. 1988] Corruption In Canada - Maximus & Themis Exposed… Maximus and Themis are part of one of the greatest schemes of human rights violations in Canadian history. Themis, under the leadership of Maximus, has destroyed and impoverished [and weaponized] families throughout Canada. … Friday, February 11, 2011 Did Themis/Maximus Attempt To Murder Child Abuse Investigator, Rob Nicholson? When child abuse investigator, Rob Nicholson, failed to make a few payments of child support because he ran out of money trying to save his children from abuse and exploitation, Themis/Maximus employee, Joanne Platt, (referred to in a previous post) was caught making a recommendation that he should go to jail for seven years when the maximum penalty was only 90 days and no one is supposed to go to jail if they are unable to pay due to a lack of funds. Rob Nicholson escaped that attempt but a few years later Themis/Maximus tried again to put Rob Nicholson in jail, and, based on the available evidence, someone tried to murder him.”

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6f7bf8 No.20429973

File: 1cdb160a9774fc2⋯.png (1.27 MB,1552x884,388:221,Screenshot_2024_02_16_at_1….png)

File: 36673a05ccc70bc⋯.png (1.12 MB,900x986,450:493,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: a688c5dee0c1623⋯.png (1.32 MB,982x1004,491:502,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: 47c8a3eeb8c66c9⋯.png (1.05 MB,1274x746,637:373,Screenshot_2024_02_16_at_1….png)

File: 7da6ce952d30f67⋯.png (1.66 MB,1508x950,754:475,Screenshot_2024_02_16_at_1….png)

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8d6677 No.20429974

File: 6abce7811248108⋯.png (399.38 KB,533x529,533:529,Capture.PNG)

The outcome of the war in Ukraine will have impacts far beyond Europe.

It's a fight in a global battle for democracy, against autocracy.

I was glad to attend a


event to discuss what Ukraine needs now and how freedom-loving nations can support our allies.


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090528 No.20429975


7,830,000,000 (8 BILLION assuming 90K annual salary)

They have to extract 8 BILLION from middle class to break even.

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db79e3 No.20429976

File: 1070d480e7ec0e7⋯.png (1.01 MB,987x801,329:267,bc.PNG)


Dr Martin on 5G

channel image


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7a5304 No.20429977

File: 3ab41ce62c54c9f⋯.jpeg (31.75 KB,635x397,635:397,pepe_truck.jpeg)


It's not as difficult as you'd think, you just have to be aware of the the size. The hardest part is knowing the sound of the engine and feel of the vibration of the engine when it's time to shift. Had an instructor that would lose his shit if anyone went over 1500rpm before shifting, or use the clutch except for starting from a stopped position or coming to a stop from being in motion.

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d602ed No.20429978

File: 41e3f10584daa1e⋯.png (545.71 KB,568x757,568:757,ClipboardImage.png)


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06b5eb No.20429979

File: 4abdb8cc091c092⋯.png (666.33 KB,1000x500,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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d2b924 No.20429980


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0c7898 No.20429981


Yeah 70 % is not wanting a Trump Bien rematch and we are ready to get back to normal and back to a sane President. She will be fantastic!

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d75f20 No.20429982

File: 7138381380242ba⋯.jpg (12.25 KB,255x193,255:193,Barr_bleating_bagpipes.jpg)

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ab3a3f No.20429983


What about double-clutching through pesky gears?

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d602ed No.20429984

File: 7a7f363b57d5f45⋯.png (255.15 KB,568x685,568:685,ClipboardImage.png)

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63629f No.20429985

File: a1a5f37532839b9⋯.png (532.32 KB,714x500,357:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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090528 No.20429986


DOJ is complicit in all her ghetto crimes.

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d2b924 No.20429987


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a06d4b No.20429988

File: 8fa658b71ad5311⋯.png (473.87 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240218_131714.png)

File: 642437a3a71626a⋯.png (101.38 KB,766x1158,383:579,1135_4_.png)

File: 89cb6a3039d59f2⋯.png (271.03 KB,766x1998,383:999,600_3_.png)

File: 9bac1c2042957fd⋯.png (783.6 KB,1125x2436,375:812,4941f16fc9d343311d7837e869….png)

File: 8cdb69d4d7c2e91⋯.png (33.79 KB,766x496,383:248,333_5_.png)


cost crime & corruption. ccc

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caf2aa No.20429989


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85187d No.20429990

File: a20a97891820a81⋯.jpeg (115.55 KB,1536x732,128:61,IMG_0853.jpeg)

Mike Benz Gives Background Context on Internet Censorship Programs 1/4

February 16, 2024 | Sundance |

The national security state is the main driver of censorship and election interference in the United States. “What I’m describing is military rule,” says Mike Benz. “It’s the inversion of democracy.”

CTH readers have discussed this issue for several years. What Benz describes in the video below is thereality of what systems and tech architecture are in place right now. The big picture of who wants control over the domestic internet apparatus and how. WATCH:


It is important to begin with the end in mind. Perhaps some people are unaware that internet services, meaning the actual experience of using theinternet for communication and commerce, are not the same in every nation. In fact, it is quite a different experience depending on where on the globe you are located. The differences are driven by internal controls, the intranet of the regional internet per se.

The internet in China is not the same as the internet in Europe, which is not the same as the internet in Australia, which is not the same as the internet in North America, which is not the same -at all- as the internet that now exists within Russia. Even in some continents, theinternet traffic flows are controlled at different levels within each nation. The “world wide web” is a format, but when you get down to the national level, things change.

This baseline helps to understand thatinternet freedom is defined by access to information and commerce.

To the extent the information or commerce is defined as against the interests of the authority structure, or potentially athreat to the national securityinterest of the government therein, the internetcontent is filtered, modified, censored, removed or just simply blocked from view. This isone layerin the information control system.

Another layer is the flow of commerce that floats atop the flow of information. This is where advertising, product sales, purchasing and general e-commerce takes place. This layer represents another option for control; therefore, this e-commerce layer should be considered running in parallel to the information, albeit perhaps indirectly attached.

(Pic map of the world split up)

When western government applied economic sanctions against Russia via financial restrictions writ large, the layer of internetcommerce control merged with the information and national security controlsystems of the internet.

Russian citizens were blocked from e-commerce access, specifically from western nations in alignment with the sanctions, and the mechanisms of online purchasing were restricted. However, the entire world did not participate in the sanctions, and there is a massive amount of e-commerce that takes place, even with the systems of western control financial blocks in place.

Additionally, there is alarge black-market systemfor commerce and financial transactions that started organically in the aftermath of the Russian sanctions. Crypto currency, as a financial transaction mechanism, was predictable; however, over time people became even more strategic and alternate transfer systems were created. You can purchaseadvertising in Russia, but are you really purchasing advertising– or are the purchasers really just transferring funds? Think about it.

I share that Russia example, because I do not want people to get too disheartened inwhat is going to happen here in the United States. There will always be a market for information, regardless of the control systems that are created to stop it. Additionally, there will always be smart rebellious people who think of ways to subvert the intents of the control mechanisms.Freedom may be diminishedfrom a raging fire to a small burning flame,but it will never be fully extinguished. WE just need to learn to adapt.


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d2b924 No.20429991


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01496b No.20429992


looks like the owner of Only Fans is a jewish guy who went to Northwestern!!

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8d6677 No.20429993

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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d2b924 No.20429994


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01496b No.20429995


who was born in Ukraine!!

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85187d No.20429996



It took me over two years to assemble The Benghazi Brief, because the background story was so large and complex that it took time, research and retrospection to appropriately contextualize the truth of the issue. {GO DEEP} The Benghazi attack was a small, albeit deadly outcome, of a much larger story. The brief walks through everything in context.

In a similar construct, theShadow banning of The United States internetis a big and complex story, and I am only about halfway through the assembly of all the data to put context to it. However, as time becomes critical, it is important for me to push the information forward – because many of the timelines in the construct are likely to surface before I am complete with the fully assembled story.

I am going todrop some linksthat will help serve as a flashlight into the rabbit hole. Each story may seem initially disparate or disconnected. However, I would encourage you to think big picture with each of the puzzle pieces that are presented. This is likely to become a series, and I will create a new “Internet” category on the side bar where I will tag any future elements.

Please keep in mind, theissues of e-commerce: ie. information monetization, advertising, deplatforming and debanking,are not disconnected from the issues of information control. The same larger national security system that has mandated (and will mandate), information blocks, content censorship, content restrictions, content removal and various platform control elements, is all part of one interconnected compliance system. Electronic Commerce and Electronic Information are all subject to the online control process.This is a public-private partnership on the internet.

The origin of the public-private partnership goes all the way back to the origin of the tech system in relationship to theDARPA programsand government sponsored research labs. The outcome of themodern partnership is evident in the Dept of Homeland Security (DHS)collaboration with the various communication platforms or pipes of information.Systems likethe Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism’s (GIFCT) database, are simply outcomes of the partnership. There are hundreds more.

There is a rush now to provide context because Artificial Intelligence (AI), or smart data systems, are launching into the United States internet control mechanisms almost daily. We are close to the time whenAI will be triggered to help control the content of the internet under the guise of national security.

Thetimeline for full deploymentof the modern United States internet control system, is likely aroundlate fall and early winter this year, in advance of the 2024 U.S. election cycle.

Everything will change. Every route of online traffic including Internet Service Providers (ISP’s) to filters and rerouting on Domain Name Systems (DNS), to the Internet Protocol (IP) itself will be subject to change in theform of background shadow banning. If the DHS partnership is successful, you will not initially notice – much like a shadow banned platform user doesn’t notice their new defined status. The shift will become more obvious over time.

One odd outcome will be a regional targeting system. Depending on where you are in the USA, your online experience will be different. There will also be enhancements to your internet travelbased on your profile. Good thinking users will have benefits that enhance the experience of the user and supports the interests of the national security guardians.

Deployment of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is irrelevant in this construct. A VPN is like you renting a car without a license plate. You travel past all the Automatic License Plate Readers, arrive at your destination, leave the keys in the ignition and just abandon the car. Your personal travel was essentially invisible to the APLR system. However, when the internet roads are controlled by the national security state, and there is no longer an offramp to the destination,your VPN use is irrelevant – you cannot reach your destination. That’s part of the shift.


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e40eb8 No.20429997

File: fb4493f5f6c68a8⋯.jpeg (195.71 KB,867x1000,867:1000,fb4493f5f6c68a862973f9876….jpeg)

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090528 No.20429998


I don't understand why Trump did not pardon him. He even looks like his uncle.

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85187d No.20429999

File: ddac4c7fa2595d8⋯.png (788.05 KB,852x460,213:115,IMG_0968.png)

File: 23e3a00aac8d1ee⋯.jpeg (524.61 KB,1451x582,1451:582,IMG_0969.jpeg)



You will notice I use theterm “definition” quite often. That is because the root of every control mechanism is grounded upon defining things. When you accept the terms ‘disinformation’, ‘misinformation’, and/or ‘malinformation’, you are buying into the process that permits definitions to determine your travel.Those who define both you and your destination, ultimately control your online experience.

Now, before getting to a recent example of this construct as it is being built, it isimportant to return to the e-commerce aspectand overlay the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) index into the world of online commerce.

♦ Right now, you can physically boycott Bud Light by choosing another brand. However, for total goods and services the amount of online purchasing is now exceeding the amount of purchasing in real life (brick and mortar shopping).Overlay the economic control system(think Russian sanctions approach) with the national security requirements for DEI, amid all online commerce, and apply that layer of analysis. In the e-commerce world, choosing not to buy Bud Light will become a little more difficult; and those who do support the boycott become subject to the previously mentioned “definitions”.

I’m jumping ahead, becausetoday there was a big development. As you read this, do not think small as presented –think bigger. Think beyond the use of AI moderation on a platform, andthink of AI moderation on the U.S. Internet System. Online moderation conducted by AI.

OPEN AI – […] GPT-4 is also able to interpret rules and nuances in long content policy documentation and adapt instantly to policy updates, resulting in more consistent labeling. We believe this offers a more positive vision of the future of digital platforms, whereAI can help moderate online traffic.

[…] Content moderation demands meticulous effort, sensitivity, a profound understanding of context, as well as quick adaptation to new use cases, making it both time consuming and challenging. Traditionally, the burden of this task has fallen on human moderators sifting through large amounts of content to filter out toxic and harmful material, supported by smaller vertical-specific machine learning models. The process is inherently slow and can lead to mental stress on human moderators.

We’re exploring the use of LLMs to address these challenges. Our large language models like GPT-4 can understand and generate natural language, making them applicable to content moderation. The models can make moderation judgments based on policy guidelines provided to them. (read more)

Do you remember me telling you aboutwhat I noticed in the most recent Google spider crawls?

“The Alpha/Google spiders are not crawling around with their enhanced AI looking for words, phrases or content issues.Enhanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) has given the spiders the ability to look for context. The new Alpha/Goog AI spiders are crawling the internet looking for information provided with a detrimental and accurate context.Those who are applying truthful context are the subversive voices that must be targeted. Keep this in mind.”

I can get in big trouble for sharing this next graphic, but f**kit… I’m all in.

(Report on CTH limited)

(Pic spiders on the internet)


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0c7898 No.20430000

If you think about it, Trump only had like 3 great years. The last year was Covid.

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37492c No.20430001


When Firefighters call a "Mayday", in this case multiple firefighter's trapped / injured etc, and it gets broadcast over a main channel, it's a "Ya'll Come" call. Multiple Fire / EMS back ups get called in LE show up in hopes of being able to help etc. Personal opinion, is there is nothing more there than that. Retired Firefighter Anon.

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85187d No.20430002



As we have shared, •=the crawl is not headlines, the crawl is in content. Yes, even content in the comment section== is now flagging to the control systems. Why? Because we operate a proprietary constructed private commenting system that doesn’t have a backdoor and protects you, the user.

The Google Spiders are newly enhanced withAI instructions, dispatched looking for content and ‘context’ that is against the interests of the Vanguard, Blackrock, Larry Page (Alpha/Goog owners), and the public-private partnership.

Look at the one I have highlighted above titled “Have you ever noticed this.” Do you remember it? [Reminder Here]This content is considered “dangerous or derogatory”. Think about that for a moment. Discussing the humor of Donald Trump, and the fellowship it creates, isconsidered “dangerous” to the interests of Google.

Do not get alarmed, get informed.

I share this information with youso that you understand what is being constructedand what is about =to be deployed on a large scale throughout the U.S. internet operating system. The U.S. internet will be different. The social media restrictions became more prevalent and noticeable in the past several years; now it is time for DHS to expand that process to the entire U.S. internet==.

When I wrote about Jack’s Magic Coffee shop, people initially thought I was crazy – but the guys inside the coffee shop didn’t. Eventually DHS control over Twitter was revealed in the Twitter files. The same background is true here.The entire American online apparatus is going to change.

More will follow….


Using AI for Content Moderation

Facebook / META / Tech joining with DHS

Zoom with allow Content Scraping by AI

AI going into The Cloud

U.S. Govt Going into The Cloud With AI

Pentagon activates 175 Million IP’s


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01496b No.20430003

America is so shilled out it lets people come in from Ukraine then make porno sites for American girls to shill themselves on

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4252ee No.20430004

File: 0ef81df64ebe366⋯.jpeg (304.26 KB,828x989,36:43,9AF278C0_8D1D_4CEF_9858_E….jpeg)

Doxx and digg DumbCunts.

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d602ed No.20430005

File: 6227035344f8c4a⋯.png (175.18 KB,568x288,71:36,ClipboardImage.png)

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d149d4 No.20430006

File: 9689382c45d0af9⋯.jpeg (118.03 KB,1280x800,8:5,IMG_4705.jpeg)

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caf2aa No.20430007


lot of blue chip $$$

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7a5304 No.20430008


Was taught it, but told to avoid it. Wears down the plates too fast. Only had to double-clutch a 5 ton before upgrading the license and getting into something with moar than 2 axles.

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5bfcbc No.20430010

File: 0ebd88331c3f163⋯.jpg (249.1 KB,900x900,1:1,INQUISITIVE_PEPE.jpg)

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5170d6 No.20430011

File: 270c08aa7a781a6⋯.mp4 (10.67 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_02_16_21_53_46.mp4)



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d602ed No.20430012

File: 74be4f11c936d29⋯.png (368.99 KB,568x590,284:295,ClipboardImage.png)

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60f77f No.20430013


Notable notes missing

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4252ee No.20430014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The entire coven network of Satanic Dark Mother DumbCunts can eat shit and bark at the moon.

Stupid fuckin bitch.

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a06d4b No.20430015

File: 7ef27ed68ed32a3⋯.png (78.4 KB,766x760,383:380,141_3_.png)

File: 2cc0afd329a144c⋯.png (221.81 KB,766x1954,383:977,777_1_.png)

File: 73c9676e0c3c211⋯.png (138.54 KB,766x1690,383:845,719_1_.png)


gas gas gas 777 g7s19

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06b5eb No.20430016

File: 9f74d4db6bc10c7⋯.png (189.57 KB,398x442,199:221,pepe_5.png)


>Trump only had like 3 great years. The last year was Covid.

[They] needed a way to bring him down, to make the election rigging less obvious to the sheep.

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eb56bb No.20430017

>>20429289 pb

Calls it freedom of conscience for a reason

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ca3443 No.20430018

File: 05efcb8cf0b1f38⋯.png (401.04 KB,474x688,237:344,ClipboardImage.png)

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6f7bf8 No.20430019

File: 920387476876051⋯.gif (1.08 MB,480x388,120:97,nikki_fishing.gif)

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8d6677 No.20430020



A feel good story.

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caf2aa No.20430021



“The Alpha/Google spiders are not crawling around with their enhanced AI looking for words, phrases or content issues.Enhanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) has given the spiders the ability to look for context. The new Alpha/Goog AI spiders are crawling the internet looking for information provided with a detrimental and accurate context.Those who are applying truthful context are the subversive voices that must be targeted. Keep this in mind.”

whoever KNOWINGLY started these programs should die a very painful death, ASAP

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d602ed No.20430022

File: b8e83d3cc0be32c⋯.png (358.48 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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c442c6 No.20430023

I need to dispose of my statue of Satan the right way. Any ideas?

When I was getting high, it fit. Now that I'm sober, I don't need it anymore.

I'm not a satanist; I may be satan itself.

Thank you.

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090528 No.20430024


Very accurate - women have terrible judgement, are gullible AF, and lack logic in any decision making…

They are attracted to bad men because of their built in stupidity.

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63d121 No.20430025

File: a28464f3afbe418⋯.jpg (11.73 KB,215x255,43:51,winning.jpg)

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d602ed No.20430026

File: d589180313b0f75⋯.png (288.93 KB,568x661,568:661,ClipboardImage.png)

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ca3443 No.20430027

File: d722f449344763f⋯.png (543.24 KB,474x711,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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60f77f No.20430028


Check pronouns of all parties involved otherwise is blatant antisememtism against men who say they’re women

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f4351b No.20430029

notetaker notes @250

#25063 >>20429767

>>20429769 Greece legalises same-sex marriage

>>20429780 Haley: is Putin responsible for Navalny’s death? I say yes….

>>20429801 Haley takes the stage for a hometown rally on Kiawah Island:

>>20429844 ucker Carlson: Everything You Need to Know About the Government's Mass Censorship Campaign

>>20429872 DIG CALL: System and Method for Testing for COVID-19 by Richard A. ROTHSCHILD

>>20429885 PDJT: Crowds lining up at Sneaker Con in Philadelphia. Will be fun!

>>20429887 This is SkyNet - video


>>20429956 Hydrogels in COVID Vaccine as Programmable Human Interface

>>20429974 HRC on Ukraine: " It's a fight in a global battle for democracy, against autocracy."

>>20429990, >>20429996, >>20429999, >>20430002 Mike Benz Gives Background Context on Internet Censorship Programs

Check em, plz.

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1202b9 No.20430030



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7a1790 No.20430031

File: 3cb3cc8caf41182⋯.png (202.33 KB,600x338,300:169,ClipboardImage.png)



Why take down Deep State Operations when you can Take Them Over and use them for the good of humanity?

Q) The Storm Rider / Official Page Telegram



>PUTIN told CARLSON and the world that the deep state U.S. government should make peace with Elon Musk ( USSF + CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN+ TRUMP+ ALLIANCE)

_PUTIN stated the importance and genius of Elon Musk for the future

//// >> The reason why Putin said Elon Musk is important is because Putin knows Elon Musk is working with the military USSF ( I have told you this many times he was placed by Trump and funded by kash Patel >ezra Trump’s DOD for many reasons)… PUTIN also knows the worlds most powerful A.I system has already been created by USSF. CHEYENNE+ MUSK SPACE X MILITARY HIDDEN OPERATIONS


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af1a5b No.20430032

File: a669d3438561911⋯.jpg (139.92 KB,300x500,3:5,Injecting_MEMES_3.jpg)


taxpayers got played

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4252ee No.20430033

File: d59adeabebfec44⋯.png (4.89 MB,828x1792,207:448,9B31303A_818D_497F_A9C1_CB….png)

File: 7be325e3de5b630⋯.jpeg (46.51 KB,230x258,115:129,85091846_DC63_48E6_AD51_8….jpeg)

File: f2f1f0302d1786a⋯.jpeg (61.18 KB,222x342,37:57,C92B3CBA_38B2_4306_B57A_2….jpeg)

File: 23b8b91ab7d6c44⋯.jpeg (65.36 KB,242x362,121:181,A8D1CD4C_C152_43E8_A385_0….jpeg)

File: 65b609872d62979⋯.jpeg (87.77 KB,296x389,296:389,9054F924_F3A5_48E2_9B29_6….jpeg)

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d75f20 No.20430034


ty for your input

that just looks like a clusterfuck

creating a more serious problem with all the vehicles

and assuming there are LE in them, what would their assignment be?

and doesn't this response leave a void in responding to other emergencies?

it just doesn't compute, even with the context you provided

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f4351b No.20430035

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a06d4b No.20430036

File: 825e7cac2684bc0⋯.png (275.13 KB,766x1992,383:996,2043_1_.png)


congratulations on slick digits

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d770a0 No.20430037


#25062 >>20428981

>>20429001 I watch a lot of liberal media but this might be the most disingenuous take I've ever heard

>>20429015 CNBC caught on Hot Mic while interviewing META’s President of Global Affairs after he spouts off some wild numbers on META’s trust & safety team & their budget to essentially censor people.

>>20429054, >>20429110, >>20429448 Navalny's wife just so happened to be in Munich at the tine of his death? At the same time Camel Toes is?

>>20429079 Musk: The public still doesn’t understand even a tiny fraction of the power of the censorship government-industrial complex.

>>20429091, >>20429108 The real Navalny

>>20429136 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Meteor over the Bay of Naples

>>20429190 PF updates

>>20429192 NASA has more than twice the asteroid Bennu samples it could have hoped for from OSIRIS-REx probe

>>20429230 ‘Clinton & Clinton’ Tort Reform

>>20429242 Weeks After US Journalist Dies In Ukrainian Custody, Biden Uses Navalny's Death To Push For More Russian War Funding

>>20429244, >>20429308, >>20429378 Today marks the 3 year anniversary since Rush passed away. I sure do miss him.

>>20429247, >>20429326 Construction along Egypt-Gaza border appears to show Cairo building wall ahead of Israeli offensive

>>20429253 Dan the Man - 8 second clip

>>20429261 Martians Wanted: NASA Opens Call for Simulated Yearlong Mars Mission

>>20429281, >>20429349 Kek! "Golden Eye"?

>>20429289, >>20429301, >>20429325, >>20429337, >>20429347, >>20429348, >>20429354 @TuckerCarlson Ep. 75 The national security state is the main driver of censorship and election interference in the United States.

>>20429295 Watters Primetime 2/16/24 FULL HDBREAKING FOX NEWS February 16, 2024. Engoron, Fanni, Mike Turner worked with WH to release Russia space nukes, etc

>>20429345 This is Judge Scott McAfee in high school.

>>20429381 NASA Experiment With Fire in Space Ends When Entire Spacecraft Burns Up


>>20429388 Athenian democracy

>>20429408 #Photo : of 45-year-old firefighter Trevor Brown who was killed in Sterling, VA house explosion on Friday.

>>20429425 Japan's new H3 rocket reaches orbit for 1st time

>>20429477 India launches INSAT-3DS meteorological satellite with GSLV rocket

>>20429484 1,800-Year-Old Ancient Roman Soldiers' Camp Discovered at 'Armageddon'

>>20429491 Fani Willis' father was himself a high-ranking Black Panther and a live-in lover of Angela Davis

>>20429540 Body Language: DA Fani Willis Hearing

>>20429566, >>20429625 Truckers are now refusing to deliver goods to New York, after the court ruled Trump had to pay over $350 million in fraud.

>>20429573 Viasat completes first broadband upgrade on military sealift fleet

>>20429579 POTUS. Video at link.

>>20429620, >>20429630 @realDonaldTrump “Kevin O’Leary minced no words, denouncing the ruling as ‘unjust,’ ‘appalling’ and ultimately ‘un-American.’

>>20429632 Lockheed Martin ramping up small satellite production

>>20429716 Post-SCIF Burlison says Intel Chair overreacting but agrees on declassification


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6f7bf8 No.20430038

File: 88b3d6fca6f14fd⋯.png (115.5 KB,388x266,194:133,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)



what she said…

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7a5304 No.20430039

File: 60ee0eacc25e540⋯.jpg (64.68 KB,612x391,36:23,60ee0eacc25e540b520ed51a2a….jpg)

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ca3443 No.20430040

File: 6173dcff53af595⋯.png (542.84 KB,474x566,237:283,ClipboardImage.png)

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4cc180 No.20430042


[Two weeks]

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eb144c No.20430043


And that beast is proud of her caboose. Revolting.

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3fd7e4 No.20430044


Din't Space X start under O'bunger?

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eb56bb No.20430045

File: b28e9e5b5dc8313⋯.mp4 (9.98 MB,740x480,37:24,Nwo_.mp4)

There is no govt outside of our elected officials no matter wtf kind of chaos is unfolding around us. Keep it county by county, precinct by precinct, hood by hood.

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090528 No.20430046


Imagine these dumb fucks put that much effort into making the country great - they would actually be even richer and more powerful.

Democrats are like criminals that would steal a $100 instead of getting a $100K with a job.

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85187d No.20430047

POTUS said last year, "Quantum Leap Forward" is what we would be doing this year. Now it's this year, on Q day of a Leap year month.

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85187d No.20430049

Anon, got that jump-suit ready?

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d770a0 No.20430050


bless you noter

you want to continue or no?

your call


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8d6677 No.20430051


WWIII = Quantum Leap

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f31b05 No.20430052

File: 3c9f6d022ea621c⋯.png (172.49 KB,417x545,417:545,notables.png)

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4252ee No.20430053

File: 15df9164fe7d7e2⋯.jpeg (600.1 KB,828x599,828:599,6712C1EB_442B_4CDD_81BC_6….jpeg)

File: f332dd9c005531e⋯.jpeg (246.29 KB,828x724,207:181,B60C4B2C_FBE7_49CE_9E73_F….jpeg)

File: c15c4733b057f73⋯.jpeg (563.7 KB,828x864,23:24,79E195AE_EDA2_4EF7_BC39_0….jpeg)

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60f77f No.20430054


Wannabe birdbrain prez doesn’t even know shit for brains is responsible

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85187d No.20430055


Why did you cherry-pick?

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caf2aa No.20430056

File: f9121b46073b820⋯.png (476.83 KB,1348x705,1348:705,Screen_Shot_2024_02_15_at_….png)

File: fb49dbb62d2c744⋯.png (523.26 KB,1440x900,8:5,Screen_Shot_2024_02_15_at_….png)

File: c3d2274d0c847d4⋯.png (342.24 KB,1440x900,8:5,Screen_Shot_2024_02_15_at_….png)



VIDIMETRICS AI Rothschild Link

waterloo rd Ireland

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eb56bb No.20430057


Rooftop by rooftop

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7a5304 No.20430058

File: 0deab5fdb296cda⋯.png (2.7 MB,1024x1024,1:1,0deab5fdb296cdad9ac45f2b6a….png)

Three scenarios thought out from that moment. Picked the one least liked. Seeing hovering blinkies in the sky not once but TWICE last night made me reconsider and remember the oath.

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b6f980 No.20430059

File: 05b4be9a7e0b453⋯.jpg (166.49 KB,1200x868,300:217,98840ef43ba5ba61437d6161b5….jpg)


They've all been good. We didn't end up in a nuclear war during that time (which is always nice). I miss the Rona press conferences tbh.

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b84e83 No.20430060


it's from 2019

but a nice one

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ca3443 No.20430061

File: 88e3053d7100fae⋯.png (644.15 KB,500x682,250:341,ClipboardImage.png)

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06b5eb No.20430062

File: 1a7d451b26da00a⋯.png (276.93 KB,710x473,710:473,shits_about_to_get_real_zi….png)

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5c2a82 No.20430063

File: e63eeb82d9c2419⋯.png (68.61 KB,640x633,640:633,no.png)

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f4351b No.20430064


Tx bakes, see >>20430029 for notes for current bread.

- notetaker OUT.

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6f7bf8 No.20430065

File: 09ac6aa8f7d6970⋯.png (1.47 MB,1040x1080,26:27,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: 54785d288a4cf78⋯.png (997.1 KB,1724x686,862:343,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

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496a5d No.20430066

File: 5d2d6a7c51d37cd⋯.jpeg (188.79 KB,750x1000,3:4,IMG_6975.jpeg)

>>20429236 (lb)

>NCSWIC was for us not them, rubicon crossed, how do we get back

Did David have any logical path to victory?

"The wisdom of God vs the wisdom of the world"

Anons, patriots, We The People


6,000 yr old death cult, now with AI!


Dig Meme n Pray, you know?

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85187d No.20430067


Not a physical WW3, POTUS confirmed this week.

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a06d4b No.20430068

File: 77776c7b7eeec39⋯.png (138.85 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240218_133404.png)

File: 2fa3588380afe48⋯.png (264.31 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240218_133416.png)


create leapfrog




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1df75c No.20430069


>She's a terrific candidate! I can't wait to vote for her tomorrow by absentee ballot and send it off on Monday!

How many boosters have you had? Your sounding heavily vaccinated. Even treasonous

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0c7898 No.20430070


Whatever yo

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b84e83 No.20430071


12 days to go

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af1a5b No.20430072

File: 49a215654a133ea⋯.jpg (31.2 KB,318x159,2:1,ddn.jpg)

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37492c No.20430073


Clusterfuck's are what we are used to. When shit goes south, embrace the suck and deal with it.

On an incident where "an explosion has occurred and FF's trapped", dependent upon the locality and protocols, mutlitple mutual aid units would be dispatched, including LE, worst case would be toss an injured FF in a cruiser and run. To rescue one firefighter from say a floor collapse into a basement, could take up to ten rescuers to pull that one FF out, now multiply that by 9 or 10.

As for other emergencies where I'm at, other localities in the county "Move up" into Fire / EMS stations for coverage. We have county sheriff's and local PD's can do the same - cover other districts.

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85187d No.20430074


Do you think God isn't capable of equipping us? God will raise up stones as children to Abraham this moment if He so desires. God isn't a vending machine, He is the Almighty.

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caf2aa No.20430075



those niggers forgot about God.

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0c7898 No.20430076


I had one J&J shot that I did not want to get but white hats made it where my employer required it to keep my job

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eb144c No.20430077


And here we are on qresearch looking at deep state celeb photos trying to deciphering "comms" that go absolutely nowhere. Brilliant. We are truly fkd.

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6f7bf8 No.20430078

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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85187d No.20430079


You can leave now then.

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3fd7e4 No.20430080


do most anons believe in looking glass tech? because the evidence seems clear were in a time war. this could be comms-

"Quantum Leap is an American science fiction television series, created by Donald P. Bellisario, that premiered on NBC and aired for five seasons, from March 26, 1989, to May 5, 1993. The series stars Scott Bakula as Dr. Sam Beckett, a physicist who involuntarily leaps through spacetime during experiments in time travel, by temporarily taking the place of other people to correct what he consistently discovers were historical mistakes."

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85187d No.20430081


>believe in

>most anons

Weird word choices. Have you heard of PALANTIR? Anons have.

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b84e83 No.20430082


Quantum Leaps … Quantum Leaps everywhere

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670584 No.20430083

File: 295ef87c1202775⋯.png (494.26 KB,1084x1600,271:400,ClipboardImage.png)

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06b5eb No.20430084

File: 40189c67e011ba3⋯.png (350.71 KB,577x433,577:433,keks_2.png)


>70 % is not wanting a Trump Bien rematch

Funny the election results aren't reflecting this.

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e40eb8 No.20430085

File: bbef528d883f556⋯.png (555.5 KB,774x1045,774:1045,77f881ea628c9d9e50438b5958….png)

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866f9d No.20430086

File: f6cc8d7d52f1009⋯.jpg (444.32 KB,1649x921,1649:921,zerodelta3Today.jpg)


>TQB. It's Q-Day.

Triple Q/Potus Zero Delta day

What are the odds?

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cefc3d No.20430087


Do you want a President who jumps to conclusions before waiting for facts, cause it fits their narrative? That sounds like a dangerous person.

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8d6677 No.20430088


That is correct.

Anytime Trump says WWIII, it means Quantum Leap.

A leap in humanities future I hope.

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85187d No.20430089


Yes, but it's reality and we have to face it.

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60f77f No.20430090

Conspiracy Experiences

Baby steps - did you take em, like physically, literally, like a new born human baby from the womb of a woman sprung from a man.

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f4351b No.20430091



you didn't know what they were trying to do already?

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b84e83 No.20430092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d770a0 No.20430093

Baker haz IRL, Taps

Updated Dough with Updated Notables


#25063 >>20429767

>>20429769 Greece legalises same-sex marriage

>>20429780 Haley: is Putin responsible for Navalny’s death? I say yes….

>>20429801 Haley takes the stage for a hometown rally on Kiawah Island:

>>20429844 ucker Carlson: Everything You Need to Know About the Government's Mass Censorship Campaign

>>20429872 DIG CALL: System and Method for Testing for COVID-19 by Richard A. ROTHSCHILD

>>20429885 PDJT: Crowds lining up at Sneaker Con in Philadelphia. Will be fun!

>>20429887 This is SkyNet - video


>>20429942 2,000 day WITCH HUNT Q Proof!

>>20429956 Hydrogels in COVID Vaccine as Programmable Human Interface

>>20429974 HRC on Ukraine: " It's a fight in a global battle for democracy, against autocracy."

>>20429990, >>20429996, >>20429999, >>20430002 Mike Benz Gives Background Context on Internet Censorship Programs

>>20430056, >>20429887, >>20429872 VIDIMETRICS AI Rothschild Link

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0c7898 No.20430094


I'm sorry you hate her. I suggest you may wanna work on that.

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6d78c6 No.20430095

File: 40c184e612b50ee⋯.png (59.97 KB,386x588,193:294,ClipboardImage.png)

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b84e83 No.20430096


define reality

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8b35eb No.20430097

File: 6e79efd33fa898a⋯.png (798.55 KB,1080x1674,20:31,Screenshot_20240217_134058.png)



Feb 17, 2024, 1:31 PM

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85187d No.20430098


His name is President Trump.

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7a5304 No.20430099


Last one has a 1 minute delta. 6:45 vs 6:44. Close enough, but not a triple zero delta.

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85187d No.20430100


God defines reality, not humans.

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0c7898 No.20430101


I don't remember him being non stop on desantis for 3 years either.

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b84e83 No.20430102


good one

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0c7898 No.20430103


Desantis didn't enter the presidential race until May 2023.

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0b10d1 No.20430104

File: fea6aa32fe10149⋯.png (31.36 KB,829x524,829:524,Feb_17_treason.png)

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e40eb8 No.20430105

File: 4dc967842172beb⋯.jpg (149.84 KB,1000x750,4:3,reality_definition_pronunc….jpg)

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0cc5e3 No.20430106

File: 1ed66d68802fefb⋯.png (611.52 KB,500x1191,500:1191,ClipboardImage.png)

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85187d No.20430107




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ca3443 No.20430108

File: d5262ec6151b80e⋯.png (471.13 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities


!TIA > 911 > USAPatriot Trojan End Run

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85187d No.20430109

Anons aren't stupid. If you want to blend you're going to have to do it the old-fashioned way. So do it.

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caf2aa No.20430110

File: 0a66bd380c965af⋯.jpeg (48.94 KB,389x407,389:407,2021_6_6_pt_3.jpeg)

File: e33cc3742ffd8fc⋯.jpeg (23.29 KB,377x511,377:511,John_Hanly_young.jpeg)

File: 0403ebd957b710d⋯.jpeg (10.35 KB,300x270,10:9,erickson_crimes_against_h….jpeg)

File: 3c73a78f87cfe37⋯.jpeg (114.86 KB,563x715,563:715,adrian_john_wells_redacte….jpeg)




Expanded journalistic investigations, not connected to the Minnesota court file, detail heinous crimes against humanity by the CIA and U.S. Military against child victim John Hilary Hanly, California. Evidence of unspeakable atrocities committed upon John Hanly by Nazi doctor Louis Jolyon West, and by U.S. Special Forces at Coranado military base, were turned over to U.S. Secret Service Agent David Lester Straight who said he was serving on three Presidential Commissions under Trump including Human Trafficking, Judicial Corruption, Space Force, and reporting to Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC).

John Hilary Hanly

Straight said he viewed videos of former Vice President Michael Pence raping a little boy.

Evidence eventually emerged that indicated Straight is a human trafficker, foreign agent, and a spy.


Evidence shows there may be a conspiracy at the highest levels of the federal government to conspire with foreign powers to suppress the evidence and assassinate all the witnesses. The conspiracy, some of which is detailed in federal RICO claim Holmseth v. Page et al 3:22-cv-00912 – Tennessee shows the operations may involve retired General Michael Flynn and others

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0c7898 No.20430111


Haha. Ummm not many votes have been cast.

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5d3cc2 No.20430112


>to attract grooming anime pedos?

How else do you capture a dangerous animal?

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d75f20 No.20430113


all pb....




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f4351b No.20430114


>you didn't know what they were trying to do already?

sorry, can't - IRL.


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85187d No.20430115

And they were called out in red text, we all saw. Don't come back with any bullshit about being God over notables, either.

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85187d No.20430117


Edie is one our missions this weekend, btw.

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6f7bf8 No.20430118

File: 555f3285587ea7d⋯.png (329.31 KB,730x726,365:363,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: 7da2fd0e3a9cd40⋯.png (727.86 KB,1896x1012,474:253,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: e1e19bbda2f24ee⋯.png (480.64 KB,1220x666,610:333,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: 8abf596c750ff66⋯.png (975.37 KB,758x1018,379:509,Screenshot_2024_02_08_at_1….png)


business requires busy

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4252ee No.20430119

File: df9ae8dcb81a246⋯.jpeg (142.74 KB,476x407,476:407,83101B36_5AFF_4E2F_ACF4_5….jpeg)

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326ad4 No.20430120

File: 62c391265cf53a2⋯.jpg (144.64 KB,942x585,314:195,343987574845714764987.jpg)


Turn around and look it in the face. Name it and fight it.

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f4351b No.20430121


>check em

We say "check 'em" so anons can add specific feedback.

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85187d No.20430122


Get your team in order on the blend or there will be Hell to pay for you and them.

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2fcb85 No.20430123


There are front zip dresses.

There are back zip dresses.

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1f412d No.20430124

File: 2b169a4091a092e⋯.png (165.8 KB,457x682,457:682,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8bf0722230c31be⋯.png (85.03 KB,1114x527,1114:527,ClipboardImage.png)


Chris is one of the Obama's favorite Chef's. Hrmmm.

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f4351b No.20430125


If you can't give specifics, just FO.

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3fd7e4 No.20430126

File: b9cf369ec38b88c⋯.png (478.61 KB,900x615,60:41,image.png)


Does Obama Deserve Credit for Elon Musk’s SpaceX Triumph? Yes and No

In 2010 President Obama embraced a surprisingly laissez-faire approach to space flight. By bucking his central planning instincts, he ushered in a new dawn in American space flight.


Just pointing out it was under O'Bunghole that the funding stream seemed to really kick in for Space X. Might have been some unintended consequences and shiite.

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85187d No.20430127


WHO IS "WE" ???????????????????????

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e40eb8 No.20430128

File: da2745e90c8929c⋯.jpeg (23.38 KB,474x474,1:1,da2745e90c8929ca71cda889c….jpeg)

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85187d No.20430129


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a0b1c3 No.20430130


I am the We

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0b10d1 No.20430131


Ford Pinto. Had one. Didn't get struck from behind so it didn't burn.

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d75f20 No.20430132

File: 34ec81fc3cbfd12⋯.png (1.2 MB,1340x1246,670:623,Elon_digital_freedom_.png)


it's called 'soulless contempt for humanity'

now what?

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cfddda No.20430133


>PUTIN also knows the worlds most powerful A.I system has already been created by USSF. CHEYENNE+ MUSK SPACE X MILITARY HIDDEN OPERATIONS

Tracks, logically.

Space Shuttle "Columbia"

Columbia White Powder Trafficking

Columbia, a Catholic State until 1991

The Colombian Constitution of 1991 disestablished the Catholic Church, hitherto the state religion, and includes two articles providing for freedom of worship:

Article 13 states that "all people are legally born free and equal" and are not to be subjected to discrimination because of their "sex, race, national or familial origin, language, religion, political or philosophical opinion";

Article 19 expressly guarantees freedom of religion: "Freedom of religion is guaranteed. Every person has the right to freely profess his religion and to disseminate it individually or collectively. All religious confessions and churches are equally free before the law."


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f31b05 No.20430134

File: 7707eede6681c3b⋯.png (128.13 KB,515x247,515:247,ClipboardImage.png)


Tune in to RSBN for special coverage of President Trump's remarks in Pennsylvania on Saturday, Feb. 17, 2024. The broadcast begins at 2:00 p.m. ET.


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d149d4 No.20430135

File: fb2e5f37f567ce3⋯.jpeg (903.27 KB,1404x1079,108:83,IMG_4729.jpeg)

File: 141bcd7c2ffeff5⋯.mp4 (4.43 MB,464x848,29:53,8171035740523062469.mp4)

File: 23c0df481601b34⋯.png (1.2 MB,908x1087,908:1087,IMG_4818.PNG)

Western MSM Misinformation and Propaganda 247


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85187d No.20430136


Read the Bible. God Wins. He will cause you to win, too. He loves you even if you don't love Him back (yet).

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0c7898 No.20430137

Trump votes so far

59,984 Nevada

176,392 New Hampshire

56,243 Iowa

187 Virgin Islands

Total 292,806 votes for Trump in primary across 3 states and the VI

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d75f20 No.20430138


with fucking larps that destroy a board dedicated to other things

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caf2aa No.20430139

File: 29b80d3709dc154⋯.webp (138.68 KB,500x490,50:49,fg15.webp)

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7a5304 No.20430140


Had one as well. Same yellow as the ass end on that pic. Called it the canary boat.

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85187d No.20430141


OK me too, but the baker person isn't.

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f4351b No.20430142

>>20430092 Video that purports to present empirical evidence that Time Travel is being used in Q's Plan to Save the World.


from a series of videos originally made in 2018-2019.


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1f412d No.20430143


I had the station wagon, I kind of like it.

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0b10d1 No.20430144

File: 9b7aef4051b181c⋯.png (998.75 KB,941x632,941:632,Feb_16_Hang.png)

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49cdf6 No.20430145

File: 472bbe8bd30a001⋯.jpeg (98.31 KB,1242x665,1242:665,6e76fa333df7ca3320b41a21b….jpeg)


Bad man say "no."

Drumpff man bad man

Drumph man say "no".

Quod Est Demonstrandum

Don't know why thou must enquire.

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291293 No.20430147

File: c75af756ed72bf7⋯.png (397.71 KB,716x632,179:158,1707560474.png)

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85187d No.20430148

Everyone was on the MIL comms, they got notabled…. Baker says the royal we must disagree. This is evil.

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85187d No.20430149

It's time for evil to GTFO THIS BOARD.

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6d78c6 No.20430150


God, Truth, and Reality

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85187d No.20430151

File: 6f48dfbf3f336eb⋯.jpeg (63.72 KB,920x420,46:21,IMG_7375.jpeg)

File: a20a97891820a81⋯.jpeg (115.55 KB,1536x732,128:61,IMG_0853.jpeg)

==Tucker Carlson Visits a Grocery Store in Russia and Get’s Red Pilled – “Radicalized Against Western Leaders”…


February 16, 2024 | Sundance1/2

As Tucker Carlson talks about feeling “radicalized against western leadership,” I find myself rolling my eyes and saying, “welcome to the party pal.” But seriously, it’s good to see him awakening more people.

When I began talking about the western created propaganda in 2023 people had a difficult time understanding it. {GO DEEP} As I began researching and explaining the futility and fraud of the Western sanctions against Russia, the confusion expanded. {GO DEEP}

Nothing makes sense until you realize we are being lied to by every element of Western review, government, media, corporations, academia, financial punditry, the works… all of their claims are based on lies and false information.

Tucker Carlson visits a grocery store in Russia {Direct Rumble Link} and immediately starts to get red-pilled on the truth. WATCH:


Keep in mind that Carlson is only looking at the ‘goods’ side of the ledger.On the ‘service’ side, the disparity in pricing is beyond jaw-dropping. {Example: A 30-mile cab ride for $5}.==

From a production side perspective,Russia actually has a larger economy now than Germany, the largest EU nation. The cause for this is “autarchy” or self-sufficiency. Indeed, as the timeline of the sanctions completes the second full year, the Russian production economy is even stronger than when the sanctions began.Quite simply, they are making even more of their own goods now.

The sanctions typically fall into the service side of the economy, as well as financial and economic roadblocks. However, that aspect of the Russian economy was much smaller than most suspected and there were sanctions going back to 2014 which made the outcome of the 2022 western imposed restrictions far less impactful.

I’m very serious when I share with people thatalmost everythingwe understand about the geopolitical purposes andimpacts of sanctions against Russian economic interests is entirely fabricated. However, because the scale of the propaganda against us is so effective, breaking the mental/cognitive barrier is almost impossible.

It’s not that situations are ‘shaped’ or information is ‘manipulated,’ as in the definition of the term “disinformation.” Butrather the entire construct of reality regarding the economic issues-as presented- is fabricated, created by massive financial interests, andflat-out lies; I mean, total unadulterated nonsense. Complete fiction.

This article from Reuters, and the accompanying graphic from ZeroHedge, only scratches the surface.

We are through the looking glass folks. Literally captive to the narrative as sold by our Western government officials, and there’s a huge one-way mirror; beyond which, massive segments of the grey zonearelooking at us as if we are pathetic victims of professional propaganda.

The worst part of this dynamic is how the USA looks insufferably weak, because we are playing this massive game of pretending that only the Yellow Zone is participating in.

MOSCOW, Dec 27 (Reuters) – Almost all of Russia’s oil exports this year have been shipped to China and India, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said on Wednesday, after Moscow responded to Western economic sanctions by quickly rerouting supplies away from Europe.

Russia has successfully circumvented sanctions on its oil and diverted flows from Europe to China and India, which together accounted for around 90% of its crude exports, Novak, who is in charge of the country’s energy sector, told Rossiya-24 state TV.

He said that Russia had already started to forge ties with Asia-Pacific countries before the West introduced sanctions against Moscow following the start of the conflict in Ukraine in February 2022.

“As for those restrictions and embargoes on supplies to Europe and the U.S. that were introduced… this only accelerated the process of reorienting our energy flows,” Novak said.

He said thatEurope’s share of Russia’s crude exports has fallen to only about 4-5% from about 40-45%. (read more)…


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3b4028 No.20430152

File: 4475b4aae81efb0⋯.png (66.77 KB,1023x252,341:84,you_are_the_news_now.png)

File: 1f2e3493bcce9fa⋯.png (81.03 KB,400x478,200:239,Q2760.png)


61 total zero deltas to date.


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85187d No.20430153

Our missions have been essentially training prep missions NOTHING MAJOR thus far.

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b84e83 No.20430154

so where is Navalny's "dead" body?

and why is his wife at the Munich Security Conference?

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5d3cc2 No.20430155

File: dcc8c417681d26c⋯.png (79.52 KB,1776x524,444:131,ClipboardImage.png)


>with fucking larps

All for a larp

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85187d No.20430156

That ends at the end of Q1. And it will NOT bode will with you clowns here. PROMISE. God is my witness.

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7d196a No.20430157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Freedom Convoy 2nd Anniversary Rally Ottawa February 17, 2024

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6f7bf8 No.20430158

File: 6f7238d35d4d5e5⋯.png (806.61 KB,814x828,407:414,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: a5a2f1a5590e7f8⋯.png (850.33 KB,1060x1048,265:262,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: 4f6199e2e10935f⋯.png (722.71 KB,1298x590,11:5,Screenshot_2024_02_16_at_2….png)

File: 9d3bc7173ea7f5b⋯.png (1.13 MB,1134x1092,27:26,Screenshot_2024_02_16_at_1….png)

File: 33f2862ccf6d134⋯.png (842.74 KB,854x814,427:407,Screenshot_2024_02_16_at_1….png)

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d2ac05 No.20430159


Imagine two people witnessing a car accident. One might see it as a tragic event, with the potential for loss of life or severe injury. They might feel empathy for the people involved and a desire to help.

On the other hand, another person might see the accident as an opportunity. They might view it as a way to profit from the misfortune of others, perhaps by exploiting the situation for financial gain or personal advancement.

1 event, 2 realities.

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caf2aa No.20430160


Linn Wood sure didn't want to talk about the anti-masonic party

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49cdf6 No.20430161

File: acee3238bf12a3f⋯.jpg (92.22 KB,634x465,634:465,2C28118100000578_3229357_i….jpg)

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4252ee No.20430162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



So much unnecessary pain for so many beautiful young woman, it is unforgivable what happened to so many, they have so many stories to tell.


Unforgivable and unspeakable horrors at the behest of a deranged, depraved and despicable elite with a network of comped "authorities" for protection, procurement and murder.

All of these foul are known, truth will be told, justice will be served.

Nothing Can Stop It.

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d75f20 No.20430163

File: f6d554c259903ef⋯.jpg (169.61 KB,1200x627,400:209,titus_2_13_14.jpg)


anon knows Him well and, more importantly, is known by Him

praying that this is 'GAME OVER' day

too many years of seeing and knowing and suffering

now with no way forward

anon is done

>He will cause you to win, too.

the end will not be for everyone

that is the only win anon is playing for

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866f9d No.20430164

File: 2912c7e293044ec⋯.png (86.2 KB,548x466,274:233,35seconds.png)

File: 4a34cb19bb5f552⋯.png (1.12 MB,845x2417,845:2417,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: 6296684c4fc7aec⋯.png (20.34 KB,422x221,422:221,q2774_tripleZeroDeltaWhatA….png)


>Triple Q/Potus Zero Delta day

>What are the odds?


>Last one has a 1 minute delta. 6:45 vs 6:44. Close enough, but not a triple zero delta.


35 second delta is a Zero delta according to Q. Even if it crosses a minute barrier

Triple Zero


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI02/17/201918:51:27 ID: 6ab280

8chan/qresearch: 5230818

Graphic request.




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85187d No.20430165

The board team were chosen for a very specific reason. They're familiar with the subjects on a personal level, but more importantly they like the subject. BIG FANS.

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6f7bf8 No.20430166

File: 9eda97420839abd⋯.png (2.27 MB,1714x974,857:487,Screenshot_2024_02_16_at_1….png)

File: 14d1761e4ed6b2b⋯.png (565.3 KB,910x764,455:382,Screenshot_2024_02_16_at_1….png)

File: 595bb6011c19e54⋯.png (1.81 MB,1708x1100,427:275,Screenshot_2024_02_16_at_1….png)

File: 6793685459953b4⋯.png (561.47 KB,1574x610,787:305,Screenshot_2024_02_16_at_1….png)

File: d5f71ea6f44dd37⋯.png (563.8 KB,468x656,117:164,Screenshot_2024_02_16_at_1….png)

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670584 No.20430167

File: df3ae93e4b65b8a⋯.png (621.37 KB,900x615,60:41,ClipboardImage.png)

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caf2aa No.20430168

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d75f20 No.20430169


in Georgia and South Carolina, speaking against the masons is a way to get ded

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85187d No.20430170

File: a20a97891820a81⋯.jpeg (115.55 KB,1536x732,128:61,IMG_0853.jpeg)

File: 7c5753a0667a982⋯.jpeg (94.55 KB,953x695,953:695,IMG_3901.jpeg)



What Alexander Novak shares is stunningly accurate, only theramifications are far more serious. This is why I am spending so much time trying to break the issue down into digestible portions.

Russia and Iran are now trading oil (and other things) in their own national currencies, not the petrodollar. This is the epicenter of a process initially triggered by the BRICS economic alliance and is now taking place in real time while the proverbial WEST pretends it is not happening. Now, it might sound esoteric, as if it is a disconnected or academic issue that doesn’t have real substantive ramifications, but that’s not true.

I can literally see how global trade is now cost-shifting as the dollar starts to weaken(become less used) as a trade currency. Again, like our domestic social issues, this de-dollarization process is “slowly at first,” but eventuallythis is going to come all at once.

As USA consumers we cannot see it yet, because we are inside an economic system that is entirely dependent on dollars. However, as the devaluation of the dollar continues slowly to happen, outside our dollar-based economy, the cost of goods, products and stuff in the ordinary life of people within the GREY ZONE is now stunningly less. It’s not showing up in currency markets (dollar -vs- fill_in_blank), because the currency trades are not part of the trade/cost dynamic outside the YELLOW ZONE.

Go into the grey zone and compare the price of “product X” to what you would pay in the United States for “product X”, and you will see the difference in the end consumer price is starting to widen faster.Identical goods in the USA cost much more than goods outside the “west.”

As thede-dollarization continues(mostly driven by the lessening of oil sold using the petrodollar), the disparity in price will get even more stark. As a result of this dynamic, wages in the USA (or the “west”) must necessarily rise faster; however, that’s only part of the issue.

If I took $200 into a Russian supermarket, buying only consumable food products,I would end up with about 3 shopping carts full of food. Take that same $200 into the average USA supermarket and you get one shopping cart or less. This is the scale of what is likely to happen in durable goods. The “cleaving” is underway.

Let me say that again, the “cleaving” of dollar-based price/value is underway.

Starbucks pulled out of Russia. The building still exists, the furniture still there, the equipment still there, just a different name, “Star Coffee” lolol.Starbucks is roughly $6 for whatever, the StarCoffee is $1. Same stuff. A cab/uber ride in USA might be $25, or in EU might be €30, but outside the yellow zone around $6 to $10/max.It’s getting crazy how big the difference is.

Now, the price disparity is not in everything, only in the products that do not originate from inside the yellow zone. The increased price of the yellow zone goods transfers into the grey zone when the product is moved. However,if the yellow zone and grey zone both produce an identical product (or service), that’s when you see the massive difference in price. [And no, this is not a lower cost labor issue]

Conversely, prices of goods originating from the grey zone shipped to the yellow zone will be far less than the comparable product created from within the yellow zone.

What is going to happen?

I suspect we are going to import even more products from the grey zone at a greater rate, because there’s a lower origination price and greater opportunity for profit. Wait and see.

China needs energy, Russia needs computer chips and tech. They are trading thusly. Now watch…if the sanctions are ever lifted, we will start importing Russian made electronic goods, because less expensive. It’s nuts.

Remember, our ‘western’ government is doing this to us on purpose.


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795853 No.20430171


Does that glow?

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326ad4 No.20430172

File: cfc4ed6f1a49bf9⋯.jpg (34.44 KB,500x579,500:579,8g65nx.jpg)

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0c7898 No.20430173

File: 5f57f2dfde19aa6⋯.png (526.47 KB,615x533,15:13,Screen_Shot_02_17_24_at_01….PNG)

File: 422d9441a9a9d3f⋯.png (2.8 MB,2048x592,128:37,ClipboardImage.png)

Gavin Jackson


Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley kicks off a hometown rally here on Kiawah Island with a week until the First in the South Primary. #SC2024

1:38 PM · Feb 17, 2024


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caf2aa No.20430174


fucking cowards everywhere

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682760 No.20430175

File: 1a8ab16d34ea7c6⋯.png (1.07 MB,920x518,460:259,ClipboardImage.png)

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85187d No.20430176

You really messed up today you know. It's a beautiful Q-Day. POTUS action left and right. COMMS overflowing from MILs. You should have been smart but we see that's impossible for you at this present time. Hope you enjoyed digging your proverbial graves here. Select operators will be deployed. Special just for you. Promise.

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2f263e No.20430177

File: 50ca58c05c371ab⋯.png (54.85 KB,565x196,565:196,ClipboardImage.png)

NGO flooding the US


Founded to help Jews fleeing pogroms in Europe, today HIAS stands for a world in which refugees of all faiths find welcome, safety, and opportunity.

What We Do

HIAS provides vital services to refugees and asylum seekers around the world and advocates for their fundamental rights so they can rebuild their lives.


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6f7bf8 No.20430178

File: 47d1166cfa85e5b⋯.png (739.2 KB,1262x952,631:476,Screenshot_2024_01_02_at_0….png)

File: 600aaa749bfa6a3⋯.png (879.25 KB,908x1098,454:549,600aaa749bfa6a34e1febf9908….png)

File: 3b55557543ed53f⋯.png (2.2 MB,1986x1002,331:167,Screenshot_2023_12_09_at_1….png)

File: 9c768689bf087fc⋯.png (1 MB,1208x860,302:215,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: 0bcf77067cc7c4e⋯.png (1.23 MB,1228x690,614:345,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

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3ed8f9 No.20430179

File: 70974869c1a2aa6⋯.png (12.43 KB,367x228,367:228,ClipboardImage.png)

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e40eb8 No.20430180

File: e81453d46a90d19⋯.png (82.46 KB,512x512,1:1,e81453d46a90d191732b1ea051….png)

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d75f20 No.20430181


>the board team

chosen as professional LIARS


to run psyops and mindfucks on honest people who actually care about human beings.

fuck all false light Luciferian fucks


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3b4028 No.20430182

File: 3b703342946cf25⋯.png (44.72 KB,1074x198,179:33,ClipboardImage.png)


#2772 is a good one too 00:35 with good context between the posts

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9a0809 No.20430183


Need one of her backside she was wearing a diaper and it looked like it was full.

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49cdf6 No.20430184

File: cc5642b58846d9b⋯.jpg (47.09 KB,599x866,599:866,47d96a9a62ca7fbe8ab689d0fc….jpg)

File: fcb717591198156⋯.jpg (283.42 KB,1382x1600,691:800,252f91760b8efda5415e2a5fe0….jpg)

File: 9059422b79d2aef⋯.jpg (59.88 KB,1034x650,517:325,d4428811b0f642726f1c8ca3de….jpg)

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85187d No.20430185



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795853 No.20430186

File: 22fc58bfde2e40d⋯.png (2.22 MB,1920x1440,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Karen voice on the megaphone

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6f7bf8 No.20430187

File: d9e6f33edfc9e8e⋯.png (560.64 KB,482x630,241:315,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)


you say boom boom

she said giant boom

what is with this place?

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2f263e No.20430188

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Child trafficking - detailed evidence - networks


Clinton Rothschild etc all linked

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7d196a No.20430189

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8d6677 No.20430190

I wonder how many people SpaceX could get off the planet at one time?

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7a5304 No.20430191

File: 0b951e930507014⋯.jpg (99.06 KB,978x727,978:727,0b951e9305070146eaf78ffb54….jpg)


They can only fuck with your mind if you let them. Armor up. Letting them know they have no effect on you while watching the effects you've had on them is quite the spectacle to witness.

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d75f20 No.20430192


"Q has established our credibility"

this may be the hardest laugh anon has enjoyed in weeks

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85187d No.20430193


Do you understand?

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36527d No.20430194



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b84e83 No.20430195


they don't get people off the planet

only rats and mice

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0c7898 No.20430196

File: 564af83ddfc125a⋯.png (393.36 KB,615x476,615:476,Screen_Shot_02_17_24_at_02….PNG)

File: 7cc24a4f72b1c87⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB,960x540,16:9,nikkihaley2.mp4)





@NikkiHaley in Johns Island, SC this afternoon!🌴

1:03 PM · Feb 17, 2024


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85187d No.20430197

They like darkness, the clowns. But they don't know what darkness is. They think they do, but they will find out for certain now.

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2fcb85 No.20430198


>for American girls to shill themselves on to perpetuate human trafficking.

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85187d No.20430199

Each time you run a train of bullshit across a bread, it will get worse. Now you let that sink ALL the way in.

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d2ac05 No.20430200


>I wonder how many people SpaceX could get off the planet at one time?

with Mars symbolizing the planet associated with war, aggression, and passion, "Going to Mars" might symbolize a journey into one's own inner turmoil, seeking to understand and harness these energies. Elon stating he is going to take us to Mars, may not be what many believe it to be.

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4252ee No.20430201

File: e9abd0e7eeb834d⋯.jpeg (127.01 KB,719x510,719:510,8E58F77E_5668_414B_9F64_E….jpeg)

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8d6677 No.20430202

File: 1db1dd23bd8f949⋯.png (34.74 KB,974x260,487:130,image_2024_02_17_140545131.png)

File: bbc93f061184f41⋯.jpeg (17.49 KB,255x191,255:191,a0d5e5905a454ca14c883c7b5….jpeg)

5 asteroids to flyby Earth soon, says NASA; Check distance, size, and more


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4cc180 No.20430203


[No presidents]


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5d3cc2 No.20430204

File: b7e2f023d413a41⋯.png (639.96 KB,890x774,445:387,ClipboardImage.png)

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52a61f No.20430205






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8d6677 No.20430206


I like it

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2f263e No.20430207

File: 0400cbab7886afd⋯.png (466.76 KB,554x660,277:330,ClipboardImage.png)

San Francisco Appoints First Non-Citizen to Sit on the City’s Elections Commission – And She’s Only Been in the US Since 2019

This is how a nation ends.

First, they open the borders to millions of illegal invaders. Then, they put non-citizens in charge of elections.

Kelly Wong from Hong Kong was recently appointed to serve on the San Francisco Department of Elections.

Kelly is not a citizen and came to the US in 2019, around five years ago.

Wong, a non-citizen, says she will champion immigrant rights… Like voting?

Wong is also a champion of “equity and inclusion.”

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to approve Wong for the role.

KQED reported:

The newest member of the San Francisco Elections Commission, a seven-member civilian body that oversees and creates policy for the city’s Department of Elections, isn’t legally allowed to vote.

Kelly Wong, an immigrant rights advocate, is believed to be the first noncitizen appointed to the commission. At a swearing-in ceremony administered by Board of Supervisors President Aaron Peskin on Wednesday at San Francisco City Hall, dozens of people gathered to commemorate the occasion.

Wong said she hopes her appointment is a beacon of hope for other immigrants living in the city.


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2fcb85 No.20430208


See? Anons do post more than conspiracy theories.

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4252ee No.20430209

File: b9a60cb1237eb6a⋯.jpeg (73.9 KB,828x526,414:263,FD7C9FB2_DA7F_427E_B506_A….jpeg)


ALL the clowns are already fuckin dead.

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866f9d No.20430210

File: 9268f26f9a1c1e9⋯.png (79.69 KB,430x641,430:641,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: cef90c0618a159b⋯.png (219.64 KB,859x414,859:414,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: ecf34839fe92ba2⋯.jpg (69.68 KB,1013x1013,1:1,82e8d239f7556361.jpg)





>#2772 is a good one too 00:35 with good context between the posts


and chek Potus truth today


[Profile picture from source site (Twitter/Gettr/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump02/17/202411:55:28

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 111947869647137423

Image Name: 82e8d239f7556361.jpg

Filename: 82e8d239f7556361.jpg



[Profile picture from source site (Twitter/Gettr/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump02/17/201918:45:13

ID: Twitter for iPhone

Twitter: 1097280840156020736

The Mueller investigation is totally conflicted, illegal and rigged! Should never have been allowed to begin, except for the Collusion and many crimes committed by the Democrats.Witch Hunt!

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36527d No.20430211

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795853 No.20430212

File: 8b8fdf6af9212cd⋯.mp4 (601.41 KB,1280x720,16:9,civkillian.mp4)

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85187d No.20430213

Q1 > 43 DAYS LEFT.

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bb2012 No.20430214

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No.17728969 📁

Nov 7 2022 19:20:19 (EST)

Why do some elections take more than a day to count?

Can cheating be done after the polls are closed?

Who controls the pollbooks?

Who controls the databases?

Who controls the elections?

Why are extra ballots printed?

If someone doesn't vote, can bad actors hijack their vote?


Why did the National Guard activate cybersecurity teams?

Who gave the order to 'activate' the cybersecurity teams?


To protect the elections?

To claim the midterms are 'safe'?

Safe from what?

Setting the stage?

Watch carefully.

White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain.

You have all the tools you need.



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6f7bf8 No.20430215

File: 50131f7bdc7aff3⋯.png (3.09 MB,1956x1106,978:553,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: a5018a2a9ddbd22⋯.png (1.18 MB,1256x1084,314:271,Screenshot_2024_02_16_at_1….png)

File: a28926787a51def⋯.png (404 KB,1222x898,611:449,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: 484afd72007d162⋯.png (4.25 MB,2044x1056,511:264,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: b6fe222f843392e⋯.png (1.14 MB,860x1096,215:274,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)


house of…


J. Craig Venter Institute

Non-profit genomics research institute

The J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI) is a non-profit genomics research institute founded by J. Craig Venter, Ph.D. in October 2006. The institute was the result of consolidating four organizations: the Center for the Advancement of Genomics, The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR), the Institute for Biological Energy Alternatives, and the J. Craig Venter Science Foundation Joint Technology Center. It has facilities in Rockville, Maryland and San Diego, California.

The institute studies the societal implications of genomics in addition to genomics itself. The institute's research involves genomic medicine; environmental genomic analysis; clean energy; synthetic biology; and ethics, law, and economics. The institute employs over 200 people, including Nobel laureate Hamilton Smith. It was sold to the University of California, San Diego, in 2022.

Black's Beach

Nude beach near San Diego, California, United States

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5d3cc2 No.20430216

File: d1de9e54b63e7d2⋯.jpeg (266.17 KB,1450x901,1450:901,crossing_the_rubicon_flag.jpeg)

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2fcb85 No.20430217

File: b887d07991d73f7⋯.jpg (11.78 KB,255x204,5:4,Anonning.jpg)


Notice the "no sauce" thing is prevalent also.


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d75f20 No.20430218


been splashing in this sewer for six years, anon

anon is armored with discernment and insight from God

there is no concern for anon's mind being fucked with

but anon sees how many less well-armored anons are fucked with on the daily and it causes great anguish because anon is EMPATHIC not just autistic

the spectacle has passed played-out

the board persona circle-jerk is not interesting, amusing nor edifying

and it is antithetical to truth

anon isn't here to be entertained but to seek and disseminate truth

and to be an encouragement and source of clarification to anons who need both

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f27863 No.20430219

File: a6f8fc82d841e0f⋯.png (211.05 KB,526x380,263:190,ef434394d1308aecd88e21e204….png)


The picture painted of Westerners being lied to from every direction was the perception of Russia that we were sold on in the 80's. We'd see pictures of scarcity and oppression and think "how can those people be ok with this?"

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85187d No.20430220


YOU WOULD KNOW. However, being dead inside isn't the type of poetic grave cited.

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ab3a3f No.20430221



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85187d No.20430222


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7a5304 No.20430223


Remember reading something about NASA patents in relation to that. Need to find that article again.

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306631 No.20430224

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795853 No.20430225

File: 79441be36f1a5e1⋯.mp4 (1.39 MB,1280x720,16:9,sauce.mp4)


>no sauce

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b84e83 No.20430226


but sauce is real


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bb2012 No.20430227

File: 762f60f0a10aa1c⋯.png (41.06 KB,932x765,932:765,game_once_more_06242022.png)

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866f9d No.20430228

File: fa530a7473923e2⋯.png (271.38 KB,429x627,13:19,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)


Should keep a close eye on Dan today too.

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0db88b No.20430229

File: d5b43de90e0dad2⋯.jpeg (1.73 MB,3264x2448,4:3,IMG_0181.jpeg)

File: facca369d405a7e⋯.jpeg (21.57 KB,176x287,176:287,IMG_1903.jpeg)

87. New landlords are in route. Count NFTs on your own time after relocation if you weren’t just trying to annoy everyone anyway. Who’s pubes, our these!

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4252ee No.20430230

File: cb7325457574d0a⋯.jpeg (423.27 KB,724x454,362:227,0CCB8678_671E_4A07_AB21_D….jpeg)

File: 932f23cdf3d02f5⋯.jpeg (244.09 KB,573x615,191:205,5F334790_987A_4852_A285_E….jpeg)



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ab3a3f No.20430231


If you think about it, everything that was anticipated for happened, and the collective navigation through that porthole is still happening.

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4d53ac No.20430232

File: 7534988c2fe8b61⋯.png (34.21 KB,664x437,664:437,ClipboardImage.png)

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d2ac05 No.20430233

File: 74f05b0e54f94c8⋯.png (3.3 MB,2400x2400,1:1,dog_comms.png)


>I like it


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4252ee No.20430234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let's go.


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7a5304 No.20430235

Rebekah Koffler is a deep state creature. Why did that bitch pop into my head?

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2f263e No.20430236

File: 6facdde7f421e47⋯.png (382.69 KB,554x544,277:272,ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Will Build Five New Military Bases for Somali National Army, Costing Over $100 Million

The U.S. Embassy in Somalia has announced that the United States will build five new military bases for the Somalia National Army Danab Brigade.

In a statement, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Molly Phee stated the Somalia National Army is “a centerpiece of our ongoing security cooperation with Somalia.”

Phee continued that the new bases “reflects our recognition of the success of our joint efforts to build a capable, professional, and accountable force.”

In total, the new bases will cost over $100 million.

Per ABC News:

The U.S. will build up to five military bases for the Somali army in a project that seeks to bolster the Somalian national army’s capabilities amid ongoing threats from an extremist group.

Somalia’s defense minister and the U.S. charge d’affaires signed a memorandum of understanding Thursday in Mogadishu, the Somali capital.

The agreement comes at a time when the African Union peacekeeping mission in Somalia, known as ATMIS, is scaling back its presence in Somalia.

The new bases will be associated with the Somali military’s Danab Brigade, established in 2017 following an agreement between the U.S. and Somalia to recruit, train, equip and mentor 3,000 men and women from across Somalia to build a strong infantry capability within the Somali army. The brigade has been pivotal as a quick-reaction force in efforts to repel the extremist group al-Shabab.

The move by the United States comes around the same time many Army barracks across the United States are causing American soldiers to be sick due to black mold.

In an exclusive report, Military.com interviewed several soldiers living in barracks with black mold.

One of the soldiers interviewed stated he had to be removed from his living quarters at the barracks after he started to cough up blood and could barely breathe.


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85187d No.20430237

File: d9508e73bce6365⋯.jpeg (169.3 KB,1053x687,351:229,IMG_0791.jpeg)

File: 27d59033c8a5ad1⋯.jpeg (157.87 KB,1059x677,1059:677,IMG_0790.jpeg)


(the 2023 article Sundance:)

Western Sanctions Not Impacting Russian Economy as Much as Expected

August 9, 2023 | Sundance |

I have been researching the MACRO economic dynamic in Russia quite deeply for the past six months. Essentially looking to discover not only what impact the western imposed sanctions might be having, but more broadly looking to see what happens to self-sustainability when essentially locked out from the world of commercial imports.

The research is fascinating, not simply because it is a unique opportunity, but also because national economic issues play a big role in the overall social dynamic. That said,I can say the social aspect is stunningly more interesting than the data driven outcomes. When you really dig deep into actual life of the ordinary people in Russia, far away from the geopolitical contexts, you get an entirely different perspective.My worldview of the average Russian person/family has completely changed.

There is a really good thread on how the western sanctions against Russia are having a much lesser impact than initially thought [SEE HERE]. On the economic side, one thing I would point to is how the economy is essentially an outcome of two facets: (1) the internal production strength, and (2) the service side of the ledger.

[READ HERE: extensive and detailed]


The author makes the accurate point that from a production side perspective, Russia actually has a larger economy now than Germany, the largest EU nation. The cause for this is “autarchy” or self-sufficiency. Indeed, as thetimeline of the sanctions closes in on the second year completing, the Russian production economy is even strongerthan when the sanctions began. Quite simply, they are making even more of their own goods now.

The sanctions hit what would typically fall into the service side of the economy, as well as financial and economic roadblocks. However, that aspect of the Russian economy was much smaller than most suspected and there were sanctions going back to 2014 which made the outcome of the 2022 western imposed restrictions less impactful.

I will be finishing my review of the economic data once Q3 is over, that will give me an entire year of data to share.However, the social stuff is even more fascinating.

I have a new understanding of why former NSA contractor Edward Snowden was so comfortable using Russia as the place to hide after his release of classified intelligence showing how the U.S. government was spying on Americans via social media and metadata collection.

I have mostly been looking at three areas in Western Russia. Kazan, Moscow and St Petersburg(formerly Leningrad). Of the three generally large metropolitan areas, St Petersburg is by far the most interesting. It’s beautiful there and the city is alive and vibrant.

In many ways you might compare Russia in 2023 to the USA in/around 1988. Life is just not complicated and far more socially engaged.

I’ll have more on this later, but if you are ever bored check out the Russian YouTubers who livestream broadcast “a day-in-the-life” type of activity. The infrastructure is in generally good repair, the people seem warm and friendly and there is a strong social value placed on family and kids.

There are certainly negatives and the cultural dynamic of the former USSR is still evident. Technologically they are somewhat behind in some details,but the overall cohesion of their value system is something I did not fully appreciateuntil I started down this road of research.

I can see why the average Russian could be wide-eyed during a visit to the USA and fascinated with the overall quality of life that might be considered indulgent. However, I can also see how reciprocally the average American could be wide-eyed and smiling at the overall sense of the Russian people.

Strip out the politics, and we are all much more similar than we are different.


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0db88b No.20430238


I think they were counting the dirty McDonald’s apple slices wrapper. Y’all brown nose way too much.

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795853 No.20430239




The suspect had tried to kill himself after being abused by the priest, according to the suspect's father Stephane, who has also claimed that his father killed himself when he learnt how his son had been abused by the priest.

The attacker, whose full name has not been published, was arrested and charged with torture, murder and resisting arrest.

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6f7bf8 No.20430240

File: 7e631b60686d477⋯.png (291.06 KB,494x384,247:192,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: b375b3e779ac8fa⋯.png (1.52 MB,2044x670,1022:335,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: ab24c08ab3c1d6c⋯.png (1.08 MB,1868x664,467:166,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: c913a50da41e407⋯.png (234.53 KB,1218x690,203:115,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: d2c637ff2a4d5f1⋯.png (396.37 KB,588x970,294:485,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)





[Will the rich & powerful influence the court to prevent the UNSEALING?]

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d75f20 No.20430241

File: 50e32261608bf67⋯.png (757.7 KB,1088x642,544:321,cull.png)


"Covid" was the reason for Warp Seed

and Warp Seed was the reason for Trump

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1cc710 No.20430242

File: f45258447ec63fe⋯.mp4 (117.72 KB,492x270,82:45,Cash.mp4)

I have watched some of the clips POTUS shared on Truth. Not one mentioned this shit! Not one! Why? Never happened?

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795853 No.20430243


kept some of the cash from that

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a30a8b No.20430244

File: 613a35b69528521⋯.png (65.38 KB,840x674,420:337,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3d5a0f1e377933⋯.png (35.9 KB,840x410,84:41,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f269bcc398ab5e7⋯.png (104.34 KB,840x938,60:67,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9859f1307911a4b⋯.png (48.41 KB,840x498,140:83,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ae35d8a7e4c7095⋯.jpg (164.43 KB,771x768,257:256,Brothers.jpg)


>to run psyops and mindfucks on honest people


28 post(s) found containing "think for yourself".


24 post(s) found containing "trust yourself".


51 post(s) found containing "humanity".

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ab3a3f No.20430245


It happens. Anon had to clean up diet and bad habits to get out of that slump. Old programming hard to break, and anon knows (intimately) why it's impossible for some to conceptualize it. Have probably angered some along the way in trying to reach back and pull others along while hanging on to the train. Was never intending to do so. Anyway, "survivor's guilt" is real, but anon's "over the hump" so to speak. Trying to see what I can do to help, now.

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caf2aa No.20430246

File: 63a4589218df6e5⋯.png (564.15 KB,1110x292,555:146,Screen_Shot_2024_02_17_at_….png)

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365429 No.20430247

File: b9f4dab1569832f⋯.mp4 (14.69 MB,1080x720,3:2,warp_speed_2.mp4)


warp speed

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51804e No.20430248

File: 0553b45b0a8801f⋯.jpg (108.25 KB,500x575,20:23,Limit.jpg)


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6f7bf8 No.20430249

File: 337b54ad4def6fe⋯.png (2.36 MB,1732x1070,866:535,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)


had to be miltards

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3ed8f9 No.20430250



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73c01c No.20430251

File: 45f8c8b3aefefb2⋯.mp4 (14.99 MB,512x288,16:9,Benz_from_Tucker_interview….mp4)

And NATO at that point declared something that they first called the Gerasimov doctrine, which is named after this Russian military, a general who they claimed made a speech that the fundamental nature of war has changed. You don't need to win military skirmishes to take over central and eastern Europe. All you need to do is control the media and the social media ecosystem because that's what controls elections. And if you simply get the right administration into power, they control the military.

So it's infinitely cheaper than conducting a military war to simply conduct an organized political influence operation over social media and legacy media. An industry had been created that spanned the Pentagon, the British Ministry of Defense in Brussels into a organized political warfare outfit, essentially infrastructure that was created initially stationed in Germany and in central and eastern Europe to create psychological buffer zones.

Basically to create the ability to have the military work with the social media companies to censor Russian propaganda or to censor domestic right wing populist groups in Europe who were rising in political power at the time because of the migrant crisis.

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795853 No.20430252

File: 3f3922749f611a2⋯.png (917.84 KB,900x634,450:317,ClipboardImage.png)



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6d78c6 No.20430253

File: c8e5e8c4aff0fd4⋯.jpg (19.16 KB,190x273,190:273,Ezra_Pound_1945_May_26_mug….jpg)

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ca3443 No.20430254

File: f32a61669f6d7f5⋯.png (2.23 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


"Cyanide Karl" Rove must be on her team

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3ecfd2 No.20430255



>(they didn't always allow NIGGERS !)

They had their own Separate but Equal lodge

Prince Hall Freemasonry is a branch of North American Freemasonry for African Americans founded by Prince Hall on September 29, 1784. There are two main branches of Prince Hall Freemasonry: the independent State Prince Hall Grand Lodges, most of which are recognized by State grand lodges, and those under the jurisdiction of the National Grand Lodge. Prince Hall Freemasonry is the oldest and largest (300,000+ initiated members) predominantly African-American fraternity in the United States.[1]





>The worst.

How Many 6 6 6 's in their logo?

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795853 No.20430256


>she will champion immigrant rights

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7a5304 No.20430257

File: 5e28795db91d7fb⋯.jpeg (70 KB,941x1024,941:1024,7J63sZgyXls2.jpeg)

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267f7d No.20430258

File: 7cb8452f8463d24⋯.jpg (25.14 KB,480x439,480:439,luv_u.jpg)


Also seek the Lord and He will help you learn to control your own mind.

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6d78c6 No.20430259


i've been stuck…gotta get it figured out.

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4d53ac No.20430260

File: 48afa5a63e47b1b⋯.png (30.95 KB,489x653,489:653,ClipboardImage.png)


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caf2aa No.20430261


yeah more like Haitian special forces

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e71fa4 No.20430262


IQ test failed or just negative?

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1529ba No.20430263



WTF do people keep posting that stupid site?

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8b35eb No.20430264

File: ff9d1db34734529⋯.png (854.37 KB,1079x1611,1079:1611,Screenshot_20240217_142251.png)



Feb 17, 2024, 2:09 PM

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73c01c No.20430265


Benz: All of these things were created initially as DARPA projects or as joint CIA NSA projects to be able to help intelligence backed groups to overthrow governments that were causing a problem to the Clinton administration or the Bush administration, the Obama administration. And this plan worked magically from about 1991 until about 2014 when there began to be an about face on internet freedom and its utility.

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0c7898 No.20430266


Covid was the reason for Warp speed and Warp speed was the reason folks ended up being vaccinated that did not want to be

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542814 No.20430267

Jer 6:17 - Also I set watchmen over (you), saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But [they] said, We will not hearken.

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caf2aa No.20430268

File: 57e176338ea142c⋯.jpeg (111.44 KB,1280x800,8:5,d7d6627195717267e1b1f6e67….jpeg)



boring narrative, next.

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ca3443 No.20430269

File: 33f1060c6fe2033⋯.png (405.79 KB,474x341,474:341,ClipboardImage.png)

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b4fda2 No.20430270

File: 4ed196c8aef3645⋯.png (85.14 KB,884x900,221:225,4ed196c8aef36458ce847c9db1….png)

File: 9c43eb4bd38d31a⋯.png (132.96 KB,1693x960,1693:960,9c43eb4bd38d31adb8fb9a9d5f….png)

File: 41d302e1467c273⋯.png (9.01 KB,299x168,299:168,100_page_confession_to_ora….png)

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f27863 No.20430271

File: d8f7b75b7719752⋯.png (388.25 KB,380x380,1:1,hollowed_out_steve_gass.png)

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5d3cc2 No.20430272


kek them giraffes tho.

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caf2aa No.20430273


so we're just gonna kill em

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b84e83 No.20430274


they put him in the hospital for "significant mental problems", his father was also abused btw.. what a horror story

don't know what happened to the boy later

but: "The priest was the subject of a church investigation shortly before his death. The inquiry was dropped after he died, with no report ever being sent to Rome, according to Franceinfo."


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984dde No.20430275

File: b120b8689fa95c3⋯.png (25.23 KB,1900x630,190:63,ClipboardImage.png)

Rumble is down.

Web and App for me.

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2f263e No.20430276

File: 600657f6bd0b774⋯.png (264.07 KB,500x280,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9cd9a37aa81cab6⋯.png (282.4 KB,511x551,511:551,ClipboardImage.png)

Texas To Build Military "Base Camp" On Mexico Border To House 1,800 Soldiers

In the latest signal of his resolve to stem the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States, Texas Governor Greg Abbott on Friday announced that the Lone Star State will build a military base along the Rio Grand at the border city of Eagle Pass.

Spanning 80-acres, "Forward Operating Base Eagle" will house upwards of 1,800 Texas National Guard soldiers supporting Operation Lone Star, and will be expandable to house 2,300. Texas Maj. Gen. Thomas Suelzer said the camp will have 300 beds by mid-April, and will add another 300 beds every month after that.

“Before this effort here, they had been living in conditions that were atypical for military operations,” Abbott said at a press conference in Eagle Pass. “Because of the magnitude of what we're doing, because of the need to sustain and actually expand our efforts of what we're doing, it's essential that we build this base camp for the soldiers.” As it is, soldiers are housed all over the area, varyingly living in hotels, tents and even some private houses. Some bear long commutes.

"Illegal crossings are down and, coincidentally, razor-wire barrier is up," said Abbott. "We will continue to muster the efforts are needed to make sure that Texas does the job that the United States Congress has mandated. The United States Congress has mandated for barriers to be built on the border. Biden is not building those barriers."

Eagle Pass has been in the national spotlight in recent months, a flashpoint in the ongoing battle between Texas and the federal government over border security, including state authority to enforce immigration laws. Earlier this year, Texas seized control of a 47-acre park in the city, a park that has been a major avenue of illegal immigration. The Texans also began barring US Border Patrol agents and watercraft from the property, which they've used as a staging area for processing migrants.

The new base, located about 6 miles south of the park, will include a 700-seat dining facility, workout equipment, a recreation center and laundries, vehicle maintenance bays, weapons storage rooms and a helipad. Soldiers will have individual rooms.

In January, the US Supreme Court ruled that the federal government could proceed with removing razor wire installed by Texas at the Eagle Pass border. However, a defiant Gov. Abbott not only slammed the order and barred federal agents from accessing the razor wire, he also added even more.


It was Abbott and Desantis who flooded the US with illegals - they should have deported them

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5170d6 No.20430277

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Final Flight of the Blue Angels' F-4 Phantoms: A Comprehensive Account with John Fogg

Blue Angel Phantoms

82.2K subscribers


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7a5304 No.20430278


Maybe Warp Speed had another meaning. Like, the acceleration of the deep state's 8 year plan that was supposed to happen under Hillary to 4 years under Biden? Less of a gradual increase to increase suspicion?

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f27863 No.20430279


>Dedicated Mitch

I believe that's true. He just doesn't serve we the people.

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496a5d No.20430280

File: 291856a11f10133⋯.jpeg (32.83 KB,651x120,217:40,IMG_6989.jpeg)


I see it all the time now. On this board, on other more populated boards, people on the same side of the fight slowly growing into this concept. A few years ago they'd believe a thing in lockstep. Saw it with decodes, news happenings, what news comms are being sent, whether someone is a shill or not, on and on. Especially on Twitter. I see more debate and critical thinking now, patriots are growing, and new ones are being born day by day.

The plan is a slow creep, until it's not.

One or two yuge events could catalyze it all into We The People of old.

School board meetings, city councils, street interviews, normie podcasts, etc. the same phenomenon is occuring aswell.

Next 2 years, Next 6 years, told what would happen.

Almost there now, hang on and keep going! Keep the pressure on, public mandate is important. Covid taught us this well.

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542814 No.20430281


Jer 51:12 - Set up the standard upon the walls of Babylon, make the watch strong, set up the watchmen, prepare the ambushes: for the LORD hath both devised and done that which he spake against the inhabitants of Babylon.

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caf2aa No.20430283


good stop wasting gas , niggers

USAF you're fired

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ca3443 No.20430284

File: 6400988089d2ccc⋯.png (779.02 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


I got fired from one job for supporting Trump.

I got fired from the next one for refusing to take the jab.

I got fired from the next one for asking why DEI didn't include me.

I don't like working for sheep, against my self-interest. I have no problem finding work. They need me more than I need them.

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b84e83 No.20430285

File: 5d17f3d3235f896⋯.png (97.5 KB,2176x1112,272:139,Bildschirm_foto_2024_02_17….png)


can confirm

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a2cc0f No.20430286

File: 711596168a58a98⋯.png (332.5 KB,437x434,437:434,ClipboardImage.png)

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5170d6 No.20430287


>USAF you're fired

It's Navy dumbass


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d75f20 No.20430288

File: b210f43e92c341a⋯.png (3.51 MB,1940x1320,97:66,father_of_the_vaccine.png)


he doesn't like it when he doesn't get full credit

make sure you give him full credit every time

he told everyone at CPAC to always remember that it was Trump and his administration that is responsible


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b4fda2 No.20430289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c65e56 No.20430290


She was drunk as a skunk.

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82a368 No.20430291

File: f229735eb5300e8⋯.png (289.8 KB,485x539,485:539,bidanlikeskids5.png)

>>20429222 pb


snot private coms. it'sgoldbugpurposely ridiculous.

That's all there is to understand.

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4cc180 No.20430292



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866f9d No.20430293

File: dccd2061dff14dd⋯.png (31.68 KB,425x330,85:66,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: 4c5614a1c0b6d68⋯.png (95.21 KB,706x623,706:623,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: 24a93a9643e3a97⋯.png (1.47 MB,714x1186,357:593,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: 49f0b4065cd86d9⋯.jpg (40.63 KB,306x425,18:25,81389963_13095035_image_a_….jpg)

File: 45efc145e8c40c4⋯.jpg (64.75 KB,306x482,153:241,tt_trumpcard.jpg)


>and chek Potus truth today

17th hole

almost had a hole in one.

also known as anAce

Trump Card


[Profile picture from source site (Twitter/Gettr/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 02/17/2024 14:09:22

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 111948396164061833

Thank you Caleb - You have a great future in Golf - Big Talent!



>TQB. It's Q-Day.






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2fcb85 No.20430294


I believe Trump speaks at 7pm

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8b35eb No.20430295

File: 741ee5847ccd2c4⋯.jpg (27.97 KB,400x400,1:1,d283d86fcfa8ae95f5aa083703….jpg)

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2f263e No.20430296

Israel behind attacks on Iranian gas pipelines – NYT

The covert operation required deep knowledge of the country’s infrastructure, a source has said

Israel conducted clandestine strikes against two key natural gas pipelines in Iran this week, marking an escalation in the years-long standoff between the two states, the New York Times has reported.

“Israel has long targeted military and nuclear sites inside Iran,” but this week’s attacks on the energy infrastructure “marked an escalation in the covert war and appeared to open a new frontier,” the NYT wrote, citing Western officials.

The newspaper’s anonymous sources also attributed a separate incident to Israeli sabotage – an explosion that rocked a chemical factory on the outskirts of Tehran on Thursday, which local officials ruled an accident.

The two gas pipelines run for more than 1,000 kilometers and carry around 2 billion cubic feet (57 million cubic meters). The blasts temporarily took out around a sixth of Iran’s daily natural gas production, causing local outages.

While Iran has said the damage was minor and the repairs were finished by Wednesday evening, the strikes were a “stark warning” of the kind of damage Israel could inflict, one of the NYT’s sources said. Given the vast distances and varied terrain the pipelines run, and the regular Iranian patrols, inside knowledge of the system would have been needed to carry out the sabotage, an Iranian official told the paper.

Recent strikes by Israel and the US have killed Iranian commanders in Syria and hit ‘Axis of Resistance’ targets in Iraq and Syria. The Axis of Resistance – composed of Hezbollah, Hamas, and Yemen’s Houthis – is an unofficial coalition that opposes US and Israeli influence in the Middle East.

While Iran supports the Axis of Resistance, they have categorically denied any involvement with the events of October 7 – when Hamas attacked Israel, killing 1,200 people and taking another 240 hostage.


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b84e83 No.20430297

File: ba26e46a10b53a3⋯.png (59.88 KB,1528x674,764:337,Bildschirm_foto_2024_02_17….png)




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542814 No.20430298

Mic 7:4 - The best of [them] is as a brier: the most upright is sharper than a thorn hedge: the day of thy watchmen and thy visitation cometh; now shall be their perplexity.

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ca3443 No.20430299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No its not. At least try TORProject.com and always type in the https prefix


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067b0e No.20430300

Have Anons noticed an increase in talk and podcasts on aliens,ufo,hidden knowledge, remote viewing, conscious etc.

I have

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51db30 No.20430301

File: 875fa4dba5100b0⋯.jpg (44.93 KB,707x667,707:667,Screen_Shot_2024_02_17_at_….jpg)

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a30a8b No.20430302

File: 92b2edb461e2639⋯.png (273.28 KB,570x350,57:35,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f24b928faac5d4⋯.png (781.05 KB,852x1116,71:93,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 546446f4ce98fbb⋯.png (131.62 KB,840x1114,420:557,ClipboardImage.png)




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b84e83 No.20430303

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tune in to RSBN for special coverage of President Trump's remarks in Pennsylvania on Saturday, Feb. 17, 2024. The broadcast begins at 2:00 p.m. ET.


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866f9d No.20430304

File: 5e524b8cf52a657⋯.png (672.81 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_02_17….png)

File: 4b90edfa03f35ba⋯.png (639.35 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_02_17….png)

File: c46587ef1727471⋯.png (346.44 KB,657x476,657:476,trumpcardaceofspades.png)

File: 5e524b8cf52a657⋯.png (672.81 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_02_17….png)


>17th hole

>almost had a hole in one.

>also known as anAce

>Trump Card


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0c7898 No.20430305

File: 747a3481fde011b⋯.png (16.04 KB,615x179,615:179,Screen_Shot_02_17_24_at_02….PNG)

File: 8b0ee48cb1aacd1⋯.png (12.39 KB,488x156,122:39,Screen_Shot_02_17_24_at_02….PNG)

These two tweets nail it….

Cubanito for Haley 🏳️‍🌈


After being in a Nikki Haley rally for the first time, I can confirm. Haley supporters are the finest people out there 🔥🔥🔥

11:29 PM · Feb 15, 2024


Beau Leyvand


Because it starts at the top. Leaders model good behavior

1:32 AM · Feb 16, 2024


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2f263e No.20430306

US planning to send more bombs to Israel – WSJ

Reported deliberations over shipments come as West Jerusalem says it is preparing a new offensive in Gaza

The administration of US President Joe Biden is preparing to transfer a batch of bombs and other military equipment worth tens of millions of dollars to Israel amid its conflict with Hamas, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday, citing sources.

According to current and former US officials interviewed by the paper, the potential delivery could include around 1,000 500-pound MK-82 bombs, precision guidance kits for the bombs, as well as fuses. The shipment is reportedly still under review by officials, and the terms could change. The transfer would also have to be approved by Congress.

An assessment drafted by the US Embassy in Israel reportedly said that West Jerusalem had asked for the rapid transfer to defend against “continued and emerging regional threats.”

While Israel’s onslaught on Gaza in recent months has brought unprecedented destruction to the Palestinian enclave, the document said, as quoted by the WSJ, that “Israel takes effective action to prevent gross violations of human rights,” adding that the country has always been “a transparent partner in US investigations into allegations of defense article misuse.”

The US scrambled to supply Israel with military equipment after Hamas launched a surprise attack on the country on October 7. At one point in December, the Biden administration bypassed Congress to approve an emergency sale of around 14,000 tank ammunition shells to Israel. There have also been media reports that some of the US military supplies received by Israel were originally destined for Kiev, which is now complaining about ammunition shortages.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on Friday that the country is planning a military offensive in Rafah in the southern part of the enclave. Biden, however, cautioned Israel against launching an operation without a “credible and executable plan” to protect the hundreds of thousands of civilians in the area.

Hostilities between Hamas and Israel have so far claimed the lives of around 1,200 Israelis and nearly 29,000 Palestinians. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has insisted that peace in the region can only be achieved after the armed group is destroyed and Palestinian society is “deradicalized.” He has also pushed back against a potential peace deal that would involve the “unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state.”


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caf2aa No.20430307


ok navy how bout that niggers wet start

lets just keep it all secret for opsec

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a86bcd No.20430308

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5d3cc2 No.20430309



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f39197 No.20430310


Warp Speed is why we are no longer locked down, and is the reason that the economy did not totally collapse.

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0c7898 No.20430311


Oh I give him credit for it, and one of several reasons why he won't get my vote ever again

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b4fda2 No.20430312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

juw crack dealur mad lou;s palenstien crack not blackrock hoapium yet

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2f263e No.20430313

Israel making aid deliveries to Gaza unsafe – US envoy

West Jerusalem has allegedly jeopardized humanitarian cargoes and failed to provide evidence of Hamas diverting them

US President Joe Biden’s administration has offered a rare criticism of Israel’s handling of aid shipments to Gaza, saying that killings of local police in the besieged Palestinian enclave have made it “virtually impossible” to safely deliver humanitarian supplies.

The recent deaths of police in Israeli airstrikes have resulted in the halting of security escorts for aid trucks in Gaza, leading to targeting of the cargoes by criminal gangs, said David Satterfield, Biden’s special Middle East envoy for humanitarian issues. Israeli protests near border crossings into Gaza have created another impediment, disrupting some of the shipments.

“We are working with the Israeli government, [and] with [the] Israeli military in seeing what solutions can be found here because everyone wants to see the assistance continue,” Satterfield said on Friday in an interview with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a foreign policy think tank in Washington.

The UN and other distributors of humanitarian aid have been unable to safely move their shipments in Gaza following Israel’s recent attacks on police, including a commander whose units provided security for the trucks, Satterfield said. Some of those officers had links to Hamas, which Israel has vowed to destroy, but the resumption of security escorts will be needed to make safe deliveries possible, he explained.

Nearly 29,000 people have been killed in Gaza since the Israel-Hamas war began in October. The UN has reported that 85% of Gazans have been displaced by the fighting, and 570,000 people are starving.

Israeli officials have repeatedly claimed that Hamas is intercepting aid shipments for its own use, including food and fuel, but Satterfield said West Jerusalem had not provided “specific evidence of diversion or theft.” UN agencies have denied the Israeli allegations of aid diversions by Hamas.

Desperate Gazans, including children, often try to stop the aid trucks to grab supplies. Satterfield said the recent disruptions to aid deliveries have made the supplies more valuable on the black market, creating greater incentive for criminal gangs to steal them.

An estimated 1.4 million Gazans displaced by Israeli bombardments have been crammed into Rafah, a city on the enclave’s southern border that normally has a population of around 280,000. Living conditions are deteriorating because most of the refugees lack adequate shelter, sanitation and potable water, Satterfield said. “How do you fix this? You decompress this enormous, imposed dislocation and you allow folks to go to suitable shelter, with humanitarian access and support, back to the places they came from or to safer areas.”


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49cdf6 No.20430314

File: fb325c19ee4a2ab⋯.jpg (40.35 KB,443x594,443:594,60719ff27adc54bd7ec38a6026….jpg)

If cultist journo clowns could stop writing NPC boilerplate "impacted," "literally," "iconic" the would be cult journos anymore.

"Who hasn't been literally impacted by iconic cult mind control jargon?"

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caf2aa No.20430315


they [G] wan't you distracted with stupid shit

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4cc180 No.20430316


<Consolidation of 4 organizations

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542814 No.20430317


Gen 40:22 - But he hanged the chief baker:

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496a5d No.20430318


>alien psyop

Superbowl had lots of aliens seeding

And rich people who could pay $10,000 for a ticket. I heard from someone who went that said the entire thing was saturated with ads. They were pelting the irl audience there with ads. Never been myself so idk if normal or not.

Target audience?

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795853 No.20430319

File: 2c60eaf2c6e36ff⋯.png (170.33 KB,852x1001,852:1001,ClipboardImage.png)


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8b35eb No.20430320

File: 3795fc25abd6a73⋯.mp4 (286.06 KB,784x848,49:53,3795fc25abd6a737ff028f3c92….mp4)

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8d6677 No.20430321

What's the best homeopathy for diabetes?

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ca3443 No.20430322

File: 95d5b59051227ba⋯.gif (7.58 KB,220x220,1:1,pop.gif)

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d2ac05 No.20430323

File: c3ba81acc307d64⋯.png (160.19 KB,831x795,277:265,hydrogen_cyanide_uranium.png)

File: 39200f1e057204a⋯.png (19.39 KB,835x117,835:117,FemaCyanide.png)



If only people really knew how bad it was supposed to be…

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b4fda2 No.20430324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

hostein;s 5yo addiction gets blown out of kuntroll

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b4fda2 No.20430325


whole milk and oatmeal

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7afc18 No.20430326

File: d4afcb8520f576b⋯.jpeg (98.83 KB,658x900,329:450,IMG_9726.jpeg)


Love how quickly these get around the planet now.

Team Galaxy

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cfddda No.20430327


Carnivore diet.

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ddb7fc No.20430328


What if they found parallel universes?

What if they could find themselves?

What if they could place themselves in their best timeline?

What if they could shift others into bad timelines?

Is the Mandela effect real?

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d75f20 No.20430329

File: 0d59063cc064ca3⋯.png (1.81 MB,988x1070,494:535,Trump_maga_sheep.png)

File: 072913687e5fe3e⋯.png (1.39 MB,1164x780,97:65,Trump_find_out.png)

File: 9282b623dc4a964⋯.png (1.57 MB,884x1284,221:321,believe_Flynn.png)

File: 91c35b5fd65a605⋯.png (1.49 MB,1506x1090,753:545,choose.png)

File: 23136c9c7f241f5⋯.png (2.26 MB,1962x1144,981:572,choose_your_antichrist.png)


the sad thing is, it was all a test

and like many millions, you chose wrongly


means per prophecy in scripture

because the timeline dictating all others is God's

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3fd7e4 No.20430330


She had previously mentioned how much it cost of her own money to run. She says "took out", she meant from her bank account. If she was an R she'd be investigated for the next 8 years for saying this tho.

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eb56bb No.20430331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They tell us what their plans.

(1:28 mark is prolly the immigrants but story starts at the beninging of vid.)

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2f263e No.20430332

File: e7b5f686f596ddf⋯.png (19.51 KB,720x174,120:29,ClipboardImage.png)

EU "Suicide Pact" Threatens To Flood Continent With 75 Million More Migrants

The EU has passed a migration pact dubbed “the suicide of Europe” which could lead to the continent being flooded with as many as 75 million new migrants.

The European Parliament’s LIBE committee passed the act on Wednesday, which formalizes the distribution of migrants to member states and punishes those that refuse to take them.

Because cultural enrichment and diversity is “our greatest strength,” countries that try to maintain their national identity without being subsumed by migrants will be hit with severe financial penalties.

Marine Le Pen, the leader of National Rally’s parliamentary wing, previously said the pact would lead to “the suicide of Europe,” adding that it was a deal with the devil and represents an “organized plan of submersion of Europe and the nations which compose it.”

Member states will be forced to accept migrants or pay a massive financial penalty of €25,000 per migrant.

This makes little sense given that we’re constantly reminded of how mass migration is such an economic boon and is both inevitable and vital to maintaining GDP levels.

However, it makes total sense when you understand that such claims are completely fraudulent.

“The next question is how many they will force on us. Now they are deciding that. So they are creating rules that give Brussels the right to say how many migrants they will distribute,” said Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán last year.

“So, several countries have indicated that they do not agree. We do not want to implement it. In the end, we are facing a very unpleasant turn of events here.”

Orbán questioned why, if accepting migrants was so financially profitable, are western European nations trying to offload them onto Hungary.

Róbert Gönczi, an analyst at Hungary’s Migration Research Institute, pointed out that migrants distributed to Hungary normally end up leaving for Sweden or Germany, where they receive far bigger welfare payments.

“The redistribution system could also create intra-EU flows from the countries where these migrants have been relocated to the countries where they actually want to leave, as typically the destination countries have not changed,” said Gönczi.

“However, it would now be necessary for other EU countries to welcome these migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, he added. The real problem is that the reinforcement of the EU’s external borders would be less or not at all, which is what is really needed.”


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795853 No.20430333


>We didn't end up in a nuclear war during that time (which is always nice).

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caf2aa No.20430334

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

speaking of navy

U.S. Military trafficked/tortured little kids – Hillary’s bodyguard Navy SEAL Craig (Sawman) Sawyer took four year old rape victim into Area 51

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7a5304 No.20430335

File: 5d7ac8e4b016757⋯.png (962.23 KB,1171x1080,1171:1080,surfer_silver_pepe3.png)


Patriots are in control. The closest one seen was moving fast enough that you didn't hear it until it passed, and it was a high-pitched, pulsing jet-like sound with an electric edge to it, for lack of a better way of describing it and something I've ever heard before both IRL or from a video. Go for a walk at night and look up in the sky sometime, Anon, you might be surprised.

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3ed8f9 No.20430336

File: ba4044e83fbd0fe⋯.png (99.85 KB,541x700,541:700,ClipboardImage.png)


The alien stuff is to distract from drops.

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6f7bf8 No.20430337

File: 955c26d7d400d41⋯.png (1.32 MB,1580x1102,790:551,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: 2c2a32501e2390b⋯.png (1.15 MB,1004x1114,502:557,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: 6dcabd77fa01b07⋯.png (1.62 MB,1958x738,979:369,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: 3c592075a4dd4c9⋯.png (2.75 MB,1672x998,836:499,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: 0d58ffc231d7cb7⋯.png (1.33 MB,1606x924,73:42,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)



keep hope alive




Hourglass Field

Landing field of the United States Navy

Hourglass Field was the popular name for an auxiliary landing field operated by the United States Navy before and during World War II in the northern part of San Diego, California. It is remembered as a racetrack in the regional road racing circuit and because a crackdown on unauthorized drag racing there triggered the El Cajon Boulevard Riot. A community college now occupies the site. Its athletics complex and a community park adjacent to the college are named after the airfield.-


The hourglass figure is one of four traditional female body shapes described by the fashion industry. The other shapes are the rectangular, inverted triangle, and spoon/pear. The hourglass shape is defined by a woman's body measurements- the circumference of the bust, waist and hips. Hourglass body shapes have a wide bust, a narrow waist, and wide hips with a similar measurement to that of the bust. This body shape is named for its resemblance to that of an hourglass where the upper and lower half are wide and roughly equal while the middle is narrow in circumference, making the overall shape wide-narrow-wide. Women who exhibit the hourglass figure have been shown to be more admired, which can put pressure on women whose body shapes are noticeably different to strive to achieve the hourglass figure. This can lead to body dissatisfaction which can cause eating disorders in young women from all over the globe.-

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795853 No.20430338


>Israel making aid deliveries to Gaza unsafe


>US planning to send more bombs to Israel

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caf2aa No.20430339

also speaking of navy

In 1997 Turner Construction also constructed the new headquarters for the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA). The Indian Head Naval Surface Warfare Center, a laboratory managed by NAVSEA was described during the 1990s as the "National Center for Energetics", the "Pentagon's jargon to broadly describe explosive materials, propellants and pyrotechnics" and as the "only reliable source of aluminum nanopowders in the United States".

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0d080c No.20430340

If you have problems with rumble, clear the cookies and site data then refresh.

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caf2aa No.20430341

once again usmil go kys

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496a5d No.20430342


Someone namefagged it kek

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a06d4b No.20430343

File: 9427f9b0b52c1bc⋯.png (387.59 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240218_101232.png)


overhead cnn talking about direct energy weapons and Center Command this morning

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d2ac05 No.20430344



ref: The compound forms a moisture sensitive turquoise microcrystalline powder that is relatively stable at room temperature

ie: air-borne cyanide (aka: corona-virus) >>> at least what it was supposed to be

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f4351b No.20430345

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2fcb85 No.20430346

File: 9f2fb8edabb30d9⋯.jpg (791.08 KB,1045x1438,1045:1438,bowmanpullsalarm.jpg)


What could go wrong?

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e8aca3 No.20430347


That meme is funny.

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7afc18 No.20430348


You know too much.

Shift occurring


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5d3cc2 No.20430349

File: 488ab4cef70f3ff⋯.png (287.29 KB,1048x906,524:453,ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone dig on any of this was posted late last night.


"@TrumpPhillyGM: One week from today, we open our amazing pool #trumpnationalphiladelphia! Thank you



5:47 pm · 17 May 2014





: Wishing our father tremendous luck in Michigan, Mississippi, Idaho & Hawaii today! Amazing father! https://t.co/cYpx4eC9W



3:26 pm · 8 Mar 2016




For an Incorruptible Future

Joined April 2010


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ab3a3f No.20430350


grift game

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caf2aa No.20430351


I wonder if that connects to U1

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a68b50 No.20430352

File: 09e41a52efffe1f⋯.png (374.96 KB,537x563,537:563,ClipboardImage.png)

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3fd7e4 No.20430353


It's delicate. I think it's more about knowing in advance, not going back to change shit.

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a06d4b No.20430354

File: e03952a5c7d124a⋯.png (81.3 KB,750x780,25:26,e03952a5c7d124a646b5bb7c3a….png)

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6f7bf8 No.20430355

File: 08bdd00553f1fae⋯.png (1.44 MB,1624x852,406:213,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)


seppu soldiers

here to make sure they doo-doo the dew Tea


where the white women at?

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b84e83 No.20430356


Fasting Mimicking Diet

• https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37630716/

• https://chriskresser.com/could-type-1-diabetes-be-reversible-after-all/

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eb56bb No.20430357

File: 07df103bc821b3d⋯.jpeg (27.85 KB,203x249,203:249,IMG_1052.jpeg)



That meme is fuct up but it’s irl.

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b4fda2 No.20430358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d546c8 No.20430359

MIL Comm posts were excluded from notables because the confirmations struck deep chord of fear within the compromised board leadership team.

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2f263e No.20430360

File: a50656d4a444b9d⋯.png (94.26 KB,459x470,459:470,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Admin Removes Acting Deputy Chief Of The U.S. Border Patrol For ‘Misconduct’

The Biden administration removed its second-in-command of the U.S. Border Patrol this week for an alleged misconduct violation.

The administration confirmed the removal of Acting Deputy Chief of the U.S. Border Patrol Joel Martinez, a 31-year Border Patrol veteran, in a statement late on Thursday.

“We do not tolerate misconduct within our ranks,” the statement said. “When we discover any alleged or potential misconduct, we immediately refer it for investigation and cooperate fully with any criminal or administrative investigations. This is the case whether the alleged misconduct occurs on or off duty. Federal privacy laws prohibit discussion of individual cases.”

The Washington Post reported that Martinez, who has held multiple leadership positions within the U.S. Border Patrol, was not under arrest.

Martinez’s removal comes just days after U.S. Border Patrol Academy Chief Ryan Landrum was also relieved of his command and placed on administrative leave.

The Border Patrol gave an identical statement on Landrum.

The removal of the two Border Patrol officials comes as the Biden administration’s policies at the border have triggered what many have referred to as an “invasion” — millions of illegal aliens flooding into the U.S., overwhelming border states and cities across the country.

A new poll released by Pew Research Center this week found that only 18% of Americans believe that the federal government is doing a good job handling the border, a disastrous number for President Joe Biden heading into the November elections, while 80% of Americans believe that the government is doing a bad job.

U.S. Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens said in an interview earlier this month that the agency was stretched so thin due to the scale of the crisis that he has serious concerns about the types of illegal aliens that are able to evade capture and sneak into the U.S.

“And those are the numbers [hundreds of thousands of known gotaways] that really, for us, keeps us up at night because if you know that all you need to do is turn yourself in to the Border Patrol and go through the process, what possible reason would you have for wanting to evade capture and put yourself in danger to cross through the desert or be in a stash house or lock yourself in the back of a tractor trailer?” he said. “Could it be that those are the folks that probably have criminal intent, that have bad intent, that represent a possible threat to the people of this country? That’s the kind of thing that keeps us up at night.”


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d546c8 No.20430361

If you hate on US MIL, US MIL might hate on you.

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51db30 No.20430362

File: 3e894ea25d46a72⋯.jpg (107.67 KB,1192x692,298:173,Screen_Shot_2024_02_17_at_….jpg)

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d2ac05 No.20430363

File: f653205d8d31e55⋯.png (67.02 KB,1209x642,403:214,uraniumOne.png)


>I wonder if that connects to U1

Call it a hunch…

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b4fda2 No.20430364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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eb56bb No.20430365

File: 14e700a0eccd5bc⋯.jpeg (45.78 KB,749x681,749:681,IMG_0941.jpeg)

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4cc180 No.20430366


> Alien


<Extra, inner -terrestrial?

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3ed8f9 No.20430367

Notes @590

#25063 >>20429767

>>20429769 Greece legalises same-sex marriage

>>20429780 Haley: is Putin responsible for Navalny’s death? I say yes….

>>20429801 Haley takes the stage for a hometown rally on Kiawah Island:

>>20429844 Tucker Carlson: Everything You Need to Know About the Government's Mass Censorship Campaign

>>20429857, >>20430124 Chris Fischer

>>20429872 DIG CALL: System and Method for Testing for COVID-19 by Richard A. ROTHSCHILD

>>20429885 PDJT: Crowds lining up at Sneaker Con in Philadelphia. Will be fun!

>>20429887 This is SkyNet - video

>>20429888, >>20429923 SHOOTING IN BAY SHORE, NEW YORK - 1 DEAD, 3 INJURED

>>20429942 2,000 day WITCH HUNT Q Proof!

>>20429956 Hydrogels in COVID Vaccine as Programmable Human Interface

>>20429966, >>20430250 Nearly half of Canadians support banning surgery and hormones for trans kids

>>20429974 HRC on Ukraine: " It's a fight in a global battle for democracy, against autocracy."

>>20429990, >>20429996, >>20429999, >>20430002 Mike Benz Gives Background Context on Internet Censorship Programs

>>20429993 @VCorps: Soldiers with 3rd Division Sustainment Brigade's Task Force Provider train to maintain their combat creditable crews

>>20430056, >>20429887, >>20429872 VIDIMETRICS AI Rothschild Link

>>20430086, >>20430152, >>20430182, >>20430210, >>20430293, >>20430304 Triple Q / Potus Zero Delta Day

>>20430097 >>20430097 Eric Trump: My father never gives up - he's the toughest guy I've ever met in my entire life and he's hell-bent on winning

>>20430177 HIAS flooding the US and Europe with refugees

>>20430202 5 asteroids to flyby Earth soon, says NASA

>>20430207 San Francisco Appoints First Chinese Non-Citizen to Sit on the City’s Elections Commission – And She’s Only Been in the US Since 2019

>>20430236 U.S. Will Build Five New Military Bases for Somali National Army, Costing Over $100 Million

>>20430242 Fani: I took out a large amount of money on my first campaign, I kept 'some' of the cash of that

>>20430276 Texas To Build Military "Base Camp" On Mexico Border To House 1,800 Soldiers

>>20430296 Israel behind attacks on Iranian gas pipelines

>>20430300, >>20430336 Ayylmaos are to detract from intel drops

>>20430303 President Trump to give remarks in Pennsylvania around 3 PM EST, Saturday, Feb. 17, 2024

>>20430332 EU "Suicide Pact" Threatens To Flood Continent With 75 Million More Migrants


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496a5d No.20430368


Oh stop it, the antichrist is in Rome and always has been. People think every popular politician is the antichrist at some point.

Nobody's worshipping Trump, we know he's God's chosen vessel for the task he's completing. And anybody else fighting for truth and justice, whatever their particular role is, are God's chosen vessels for that.

And if someone IS worshipping Trump, they are confused / ignorant of how God operates on the earth.

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d546c8 No.20430369


It has a twist ending they don't expect.

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6f7bf8 No.20430370

File: 3fb6c30528a6cf3⋯.png (1.26 MB,2028x988,39:19,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

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4cc180 No.20430371


>Airborne poison, very Georgia guidestones

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a30a8b No.20430372

File: 10b431b69690756⋯.png (40.73 KB,184x274,92:137,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6eda28a07630a1e⋯.png (56.25 KB,840x586,420:293,ClipboardImage.png)


No Name's crimes are no secret. There are many others.

McCain and the POW Cover-up

The "war hero" candidate buried information about POWs left behind in Vietnam

Throughout his Senate career, McCain has quietly sponsored and pushed into federal law a set of prohibitions that keep the most revealing information about these men buried as classified documents. Thus the war hero who people would logically imagine as a determined crusader for the interests of POWs and their families became instead the strange champion of hiding the evidence and closing the books.


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5d3cc2 No.20430373

File: d9391b23119ae2e⋯.png (259.53 KB,1048x906,524:453,Capture.PNG)


This needs some digging.


"@TrumpPhillyGM: One week from today, we open our amazing pool #trumpnationalphiladelphia! Thank you



5:47 pm · 17 May 2014





: Wishing our father tremendous luck in Michigan, Mississippi, Idaho & Hawaii today! Amazing father! https://t.co/cYpx4eC9W



3:26 pm · 8 Mar 2016




For an Incorruptible Future

Joined April 2010


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795853 No.20430374

File: f0fb48310e16db6⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB,640x360,16:9,dcboom.mp4)

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a68b50 No.20430375


clock set?

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51db30 No.20430376

File: 400154d6e5b804c⋯.jpg (97.55 KB,1045x443,1045:443,Screen_Shot_2023_03_04_at_….jpg)

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d75f20 No.20430377

File: 595b7bff9bca1be⋯.png (522.74 KB,938x1232,67:88,rapture_not_alien_abductio….png)

File: cc0bec17b35ff5a⋯.png (1.75 MB,1492x1204,373:301,because_aliens.png)

File: f10b4714ef40e40⋯.jpg (38.93 KB,574x636,287:318,alien_invasion_pyramid_pok….jpg)

File: f73fdc49346a5dc⋯.jpg (130.57 KB,960x655,192:131,rapture_change.jpg)




the 'alien stuff' is to provide cover for the impending exodus

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2f263e No.20430378

Biden Admin Failed To Vet Adults Housing Migrant Children, Federal Watchdog Says

The Biden administration failed to properly vet and monitor adults in homes where they placed migrant children in 2021, a federal watchdog has found.

Basic required checks like criminal background checks were not performed on some adults who ended up housing children, according to a report released Thursday by the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) inspector general’s office.

In just March and April of 2021, HHS placed 16,790 children with adults.

The federal watchdog looked at the case files of 342 of those migrant children, just a small subset of the many thousands of children who showed up at the border in the previous months. In 16% of the cases the watchdog looked at, HHS failed to prove it had performed any basic safety checks like background or address checks. Also, in more than a third of the cases reviewed by the inspector general, HHS could not produce legible documentation for the adults. This means their IDs had issues like missing holograms or blurry images, raising concerns about them being forged.

“We found that children’s case files and sponsor records were not always updated with important documentation and information,” said Haley Lubeck, an analyst for the inspector general’s office.

In about a fifth of the cases reviewed, HHS did not check on the children it had placed in a timely manner, sometimes for months. The HHS responded to the report by saying most of the issues it cited are things the department is already addressing.

“The overwhelming majority of findings and recommendations address records management and documentation issues that (the agency) has already improved through training, monitoring, technology, and evaluation,” HHS spokesman Jeff Nesbit said.

Last year, HHS was criticized for releasing migrant children too quickly, resulting in some of them being exploited for child labor. Dozens of migrant children, some as young as 12, said they were working overnight or at dangerous jobs for companies in the U.S., an investigation from The New York Times reported in February 2023.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration is dealing with an ongoing crisis at the southern border, with hundreds of thousands of migrants illegally crossing into the country every month. In December, authorities encountered 302,000 migrants at the border, the highest monthly total on record and the first time the total has ever topped 300,000. Overall last year, 2.5 million migrants were apprehended crossing or trying to cross the southern border, according to the CBP. However, that does not include the more than 96,000 “known gotaways,” migrants who were detected but not caught, or the unknown gotaways.

President Biden’s approval rating on immigration hit an all-time low of 32% last month, and his overall approval rating remains low as well.


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cfddda No.20430379


antichrists, plural.

1 John 2:18

Warnings Against Denying the Son

Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour.


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4cc180 No.20430380


<Less algorithmic suppression?

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8d6677 No.20430381

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a06d4b No.20430382

File: 73812fc10731ded⋯.jpg (194.84 KB,1280x916,320:229,GettyImages_1128606816_1.jpg)

File: 9832231af396040⋯.jpeg (4.58 KB,180x280,9:14,images_52_.jpeg)

File: b4bf0547a51bdbe⋯.jpg (133.71 KB,1300x956,325:239,us_first_lady_melania_trum….jpg)

File: 240accb5b81dd93⋯.jpg (62.23 KB,1024x683,1024:683,CSXNKR5XOJHKJAB3UUHO3FWTLI.jpg)

File: 9f448cfeb5337a6⋯.jpg (13.66 KB,247x255,247:255,518e530e66f0fd4a08d18b1287….jpg)

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b84e83 No.20430383

>>20430303 me

rumble is back up

Trump Live


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6d78c6 No.20430384

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7a5304 No.20430385


I don't think it's aliens, Anon, I think it's classified technology.

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4cc180 No.20430386


<Background check at illegal migrant facility?


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6fe6a5 No.20430387

>>20430300 one ass after

>>20430377 faggot psyop another

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a30a8b No.20430388


>What's the best homeopathy for diabetes?

Weight loss and exercise.

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6f7bf8 No.20430389

File: d01256c27de5b46⋯.png (1.46 MB,1488x590,744:295,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: 7ad89f727120ba2⋯.png (2.33 MB,2038x1098,1019:549,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)



third eye blind

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2fcb85 No.20430390

File: cbcc7ce0a5eca90⋯.jpg (23.41 KB,222x255,74:85,55.jpg)


The post was sauceless.

Im not saying there was no sauce, I'm saying the orignal post had no sauce with it. There's a diff. But thanks for supplying sauce post-post.

That's why posts should have sauce when originally posted: to verify their authenticity. IF one wants their post taken seriously, they will post sauce. Lots of newfags dont get/understand this concept, which weakens the work done here, and wastes a lot of time.

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d546c8 No.20430391

Alien stuff suddenly in the scope again is because Pedo Podesta is the new climate/ufo guy. And he's going under a deep-dive investigation by Republicans. Life is good.

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ca3443 No.20430392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tucker Carlson on US-Russia After Putin Interview | Ukraine War | World Government Summit


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5bfcbc No.20430393

File: 17e8350f3802076⋯.png (774.46 KB,527x813,527:813,circle_bewb.png)

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0d080c No.20430394

File: 0df5cb5c91518ac⋯.png (737.94 KB,547x663,547:663,ClipboardImage.png)

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3fd7e4 No.20430395


Big Dog Eat Child at the end. fuuuck.

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d546c8 No.20430396

Other reasons for it? Sure, lots. But as for why it's 'now', that would at least seem to coincide with Podesta's timing and troubles of the moment. He's got quite a lot of troubles at the moment, too.

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73c01c No.20430397

File: bcd10040ccca65c⋯.png (155.11 KB,444x521,444:521,Trump_1445.png)

File: e15a79aff8902e3⋯.mp4 (2.14 MB,270x480,9:16,Trump_1445.mp4)

Donald J. Trump



Feb 17, 2024, 2:45 PM


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a30a8b No.20430398

File: 086aab40b104920⋯.png (1.87 MB,1200x640,15:8,ClipboardImage.png)


>Is the Mandela effect real?


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b84e83 No.20430399


agree, no sauce is fucking annoying

especially the mil tweet faggot that posts all relevant mil tweets without ever copypastaing the motherfucking sauce

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a12613 No.20430400

File: e1ac8cc190a4430⋯.jpg (83.54 KB,902x893,902:893,Bran.JPG)

Let them fly!

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2f263e No.20430401

File: 8d8b917e179dd14⋯.png (51.03 KB,670x351,670:351,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb25666e19baea5⋯.png (48.25 KB,655x324,655:324,ClipboardImage.png)

‘Suspicious Reversal:’ DOJ Backs Down from Massive Fraud Case Against Dem Megadonor Dish CEO, BlackRock

FCC insiders are raising concerns over the Justice Department’s sudden push to settle a multi-billion dollar fraud lawsuit against Democratic megadonor Charlie Ergen’s Dish Network and BlackRock, just before they were set to be deposed.

Last year, Elon Musk tweeted that Dish Network CEO and major political donor Charlie Ergen “is trying steal” wireless internet through his lobbying. He previously accused Ergen of engaging in “sneaky moves” at the FCC. Musk was criticizing Ergen’s failed lobbying and lawfare efforts to have the government punish SpaceX who was competing for spectrum.

A Senior FCC official told Breitbart News he is raising alarm bells over what he calls “a suspicious reversal by the Justice Department” to protect Ergen, as well as executives at Blackrock, to prevent them from testifying about allegedly fraudulent conduct in a wireless auction.

Under FCC regulations, the agency grants discounted “bidding credits” to small businesses called “designated entities” in wireless spectrum auctions. In 2015, Dish Networks — hardly a small business with a valuation over $25 billion at the time — with backing from BlackRock-financed Northstar Wireless and SNR Wireless who went on to win the auctions, describing themselves as “”very small businesses”. These credits were worth $3.3 billion dollars and pushed out legitimate smaller businesses out of the auction.

Northstar and SNR disclosed they received financing from Dish but claimed to act independently. After the FCC further reviewed the arrangements, then Chairman Ajit Pai determined Dish and its “shell bidders want this spectrum at a taxpayer-funded discount” and Dish had “de facto control” over the companies and denied the credits.

The FCC and Justice Department also endorsed a False Claims Act qui tam which VermonTel, a smaller company pushed out by Dish, filed in 2015. The suit has alleged the entire bidding process was fraudulent. Qui tam actions allow certain private parties to litigate fraud cases on behalf of the U.S. government.


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6f7bf8 No.20430402

File: fff4b92f462eb71⋯.png (1.18 MB,894x940,447:470,Screenshot_2024_02_16_at_1….png)

File: d1dfd3e02f26891⋯.png (1.79 MB,952x1098,476:549,Screenshot_2024_02_16_at_0….png)

File: 0992fdcc56e34cd⋯.png (853.67 KB,1026x770,513:385,Screenshot_2024_02_16_at_0….png)

File: 9d30c0213bd3a3b⋯.png (625.14 KB,732x880,183:220,Screenshot_2024_02_16_at_0….png)

File: 88994cd30211fc0⋯.png (150.82 KB,510x686,255:343,Screenshot_2024_02_16_at_0….png)


Laughing Stock

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6fe6a5 No.20430403


>classified tech

that's exactly what it is

ayylmao's are not escorted by 2 stealth helicopters(the same kind that raided bin laden's compound in pakistan) flying over the deck at an altitude of roughly 150ft-200ft at midnight

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9bc18b No.20430404

File: 543fe693ecebebc⋯.png (70.65 KB,1188x350,594:175,wilson.png)

File: 2239e72b98d98b6⋯.jpg (96.57 KB,400x519,400:519,wilson.jpg)

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866f9d No.20430405

File: 775ad0b4e8d63dd⋯.png (30.3 KB,521x291,521:291,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: 49f915d26e02cd1⋯.png (544 KB,1018x425,1018:425,informationWaterfall17.png)

File: 8d4a9e4a21b86c6⋯.mp4 (1.08 MB,640x360,16:9,Trump_Westpalm_Hole_17wate….mp4)

File: 179096dab5fe9c2⋯.jpg (96.67 KB,1020x680,3:2,nocoincidences.jpg)





Information Waterfall


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI02/17/201900:39:30 ID: 62a42e

8chan/qresearch: 5217608


Information waterfall.

Buckle up!



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682760 No.20430406

God Bless the Police & Military members

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f4351b No.20430407

File: 38fdabdd14b3d12⋯.png (106.66 KB,298x336,149:168,2024_01_20_16_56_25.png)


Got the dough update from >>20430093?


contains a needed correction.

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b4fda2 No.20430408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


they still teach bout that flashlight

still got it too

batteries wurk too

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d2ac05 No.20430409


>>Airborne poison, very Georgia guidestones

We all remember the videos coming out of China of people falling over dead in the street.

That is exactly what would have been habbening if 'she' had won.

I think Trump rushing Warp Speed the way he did was his only move to fuckaroo their planz. They didn't have enough time to put all the pieces in place, but ran with it because he was up for reelection and they had to do something. Since they had most of the CV-19 pieces in place, they ran with it and figured they would introduce a 2nd pandemic once they got [their] candidate in office.

that seemingly didn't work out either.

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d75f20 No.20430410

File: 658d630ba57fc1c⋯.png (756.55 KB,722x706,361:353,Screen_Shot_2024_02_17_at_….png)


your lack of discernment shows

indicating your lack of qualification in claiming to know how God operates on the earth

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5d3cc2 No.20430411

File: 662874e0de77a13⋯.mp4 (1.23 MB,1080x596,270:149,omni_time.mp4)


What I have seen them both…

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2f263e No.20430412

File: b71716c0df62dc0⋯.png (26.29 KB,551x158,551:158,ClipboardImage.png)

Barbra Streisand Defends Fani Willis: ‘A Woman Is Allowed to Have a Private Life’

Hollywood star Barbra Streisand has found her next big role: defense attorney for Fulton County district attorney Fanni Willis.

Barbra Streisand has argued her case for the embattled Fani Willis, who is on trial in Georgia for her alleged ethical violations in

Willis has admitted to engaging in a love affair with her special prosecutor, Nathan Wade, who happens to be leading the Trump case. But Streisand doesn’t see that as an ethical problem.

” A woman is allowed to have a private life and still be in public service,” Streisand argued in an X post on Friday.


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3fd7e4 No.20430413


kickbacks in whatever sauce is preferred no doubt.

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cd661b No.20430414


nothing to see here.

only normal behavior.

everything looks ok


nothing to see here.

only normal behavior.

everything looks ok


nothing to see here.

only normal behavior.

everything looks ok


nothing to see here.

only normal behavior.

everything looks ok


nothing to see here.

only normal behavior.

everything looks ok

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ca3443 No.20430415

File: 199a8173e3fc0be⋯.png (705.68 KB,688x500,172:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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5bfcbc No.20430416

File: 60e556884182573⋯.jpg (14.99 KB,247x255,247:255,A_BABY_WITH_JESUS.jpg)

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6f7bf8 No.20430417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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cfddda No.20430418

File: 491f4767a5549c7⋯.png (277.32 KB,492x497,492:497,USDA_FOOD_PYRAMID.png)


>Weight loss and exercise.

They've been saying that for 50 years now.

They just pointed at the Food Pyramid and built whole chains of Gyms and Orthopedic Surgery Clinics to chase the craze.



Which anon said, "Eat 6-11 servings a day of bread," to resolve diabetes?

(None of them)

But the fine Food Scientists at the USG declare it's a healthy diet.

Those food scientists also say broccoli isn't poisonous, but anon isn't gonna chance it.

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8b35eb No.20430419

File: 0be67177ed24b26⋯.jpg (29.33 KB,657x527,657:527,ebf27ab4b55f6ac7ef796fe3b0….jpg)

POTUS just dropped 3 new truths, can't clip, heeeelp. kek


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d75f20 No.20430420

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365429 No.20430421

File: a2a6bccde136554⋯.png (243.75 KB,855x885,57:59,ClipboardImage.png)


oi, better get on your knees

or else.

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f70b58 No.20430422


there is no antichrist.

its dead.

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3ed8f9 No.20430423

File: f711c897966cf54⋯.png (520.19 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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73c01c No.20430424

File: 6b1ef901bc99cb1⋯.png (135.94 KB,442x501,442:501,Trump_1444.png)

File: a58c3ed3e4d906f⋯.mp4 (10.76 MB,270x480,9:16,Trump_1444.mp4)

Donald J. Trump


Feb 17, 2024, 2:44 PM


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682760 No.20430425

God Bless the Jewish People

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2f263e No.20430426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Assistant Principal Says 8-Year-Olds Should Access Books ‘Referencing Pornography And Dirty Magazines’

An assistant principal said Tuesday that 8-year-olds should be able to access books “referencing pornography and dirty magazines” during a hearing before a school board in Florida.

Terwilliger Elementary School Assistant Principal Garrett Jones was grilled on whether sexual literature should be allowed in schools after the book “Melissa,” featuring a transgender fourth grader, sparked backlash among Alachua County Public Schools, according to a petition about the hearing.

“So you think an eight-year-old would be an appropriate age to be reading about pornography and dirty magazines from school?” one woman asked Jones.


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3fd7e4 No.20430427


the plan was to get white people to accept an MrNA injection. everything else was a psyop.

The target is America, everyone else is collateral damage.

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d75f20 No.20430428

File: a8754d6a215811b⋯.png (1.07 MB,974x826,487:413,Screen_Shot_2024_02_01_at_….png)

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6f7bf8 No.20430429

File: d9e6f33edfc9e8e⋯.png (560.64 KB,482x630,241:315,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)



add a t

at a t?

adopt a d

a d?

what is a d?





no d5?

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6d78c6 No.20430430

File: bf96b01af11bc07⋯.jpg (31.69 KB,992x558,16:9,streisand_16x9_992.jpg)


more, barbara.

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866f9d No.20430431

File: 87a9aa4b3772d90⋯.png (430.39 KB,1062x499,1062:499,Screenshot_from_2024_02_17….png)

File: 23d149dbe169b8d⋯.png (634.28 KB,1175x565,235:113,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: c7c8c0be0c70139⋯.png (1.02 MB,1027x2675,1027:2675,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)



>Buckle up!

Waterford Michigan


2/17/19 was a double Q+ drop day

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9986cd No.20430432

File: d2b791a7cc6f4f4⋯.png (821.2 KB,686x651,98:93,76b54764b57b657546.PNG)

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4cc180 No.20430433


[Makes sense, hastened plans=fuckaroo'd]

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7afc18 No.20430434


C-19 was planned to be a lot worse. Was sabotaged in the labs by white hats pre-release…

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85187d No.20430435

File: 4383a84786b6222⋯.mp4 (519.66 KB,480x590,48:59,ssstwitter_com_17081992293….mp4)

File: b41eaea2c3e6ba1⋯.mp4 (3.8 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17081992831….mp4)

Major Victory For Russian Army As Ukraine Forces Flee Eastern City


SATURDAY, FEB 17, 2024 -

Following a year that saw little change in control of territory, theRussian army has secured a major victory in its war in Ukraine as Ukrainian forces have retreated from the eastern city of Avdiivka.

Shortly after midnight Saturday in Ukraine, the country's newly-installed top commander, General Oleksandr Syrsky, announced that he had ordered troops to evacuate the city.Surrounded in three directions by the Russian army, Ukrainian soldiers in the city found themselves in a rapidly-tightening noose.

“Based on the operational situation around Avdiivka, in order to avoid encirclement and preserve the lives and health of servicemen, I decided to withdraw our units from the city and move to defense on more favorable lines," said Syrsky in a Facebook post.

A year of defense of #Avdiivka in 80 seconds.

Thank you brothers and sisters for your courage and strength! pic.twitter.com/EBWqffckIe

— Lew Anno Suport #Ukraine 24/2-22 (@anno1540) February 16, 2024

While its authenticity can't be confirmed, video circulating on social media purportedly shows Ukrainian armored vehicles executing a fiery but mostly orderlyretreat:

C Schmitz


Retreating Armored Vehicles from #ukraine near #Avdiivka . As you can see, while some are retreating while parts are on fire, it also needs to be noticed that the retreat seems to be orderly, with no incoming fire.


The capture of the city is the most significant triumph for Russia since it took Bakhmut last May. Situated nine miles northwest of the Russian-held city of Donetsk, Avdiivka was was briefly controlled by pro-Russia separatists in 2014 before Ukraine retook the city, which had a pre-war population of 32,000.



Avdiivka city park now under Russian control. Given the territory inside the city that has been captured within 24 hours, it is high likely that Ukraine has completely left the center and east of Avdiivka.


Russia's victory is a new step toward a principal objective announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin when he ordered the "special military operation" – taking control of the Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts. Together,the two territories comprise the heavily industrialized, coal-rich Donbas region, which has a majority Russian-speaking population. Russia has since expanded its territorial goals, and has taken huge swaths of the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson Oblasts, thus forming a land bridge to Crimea, which Russia annexed in 2014.

Ukraine deployed one of its two specialized assault brigades the 3rd Assault Brigade to help cover the retreat. Oleksandr Tarnavskyi, who leads Ukrainian forces operating in southeastern Ukraine, described the dismal scenario faced by his troops in Avdiivka, which he characterized as the "hottest" zone along the entire 600-mile-long battlefront:

"In a difficult battlefield situation, when only ruins and a pile of broken bricks remain from the fortification, our priority is to save the soldiers' lives…The enemy launches massive bomb attacks day and night, and does not stop attacking simultaneously from several directions." He described Russia as "practically wiping the city from the face of the earth."

The fall of Avdiivka came a day after President Biden tried using the death of Russian dissident Alexei Navalnyto pressure Congress into throwing billions more dollars into the war in Ukraine. "History is watching the House of Representatives," said Biden. "The failure to support Ukraine at this moment will never be forgotten…The clock is ticking, and this has to happen, we have to help now."

Then again, maybe it's time to stop promoting the fiction that Ukraine has any hope of ejecting Russia from the approximately 20% of the country it has captured – and time to start earnestly pursuing a settlement that restores peace and ends a proxy war that has cost countless lives while only benefitting the military-industrial complex.


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5d3cc2 No.20430436


> temporarily taking the place of other people to correct what he consistently discovers were historical mistakes."

Like Great actors and sheiittt

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6f7bf8 No.20430437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ALL your Johnny

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420c4e No.20430438


Intel drop accomplish what exactly? They could drop all the rock-solid Intel proving the 2020 election was stolen. Naming all the people behind it. All of them. What would happen? Nothing. Why? They are STILL in control. They control judges, prosecutors, juries hand-picked, House, Senate, DC bureaucracy, DHS standing army, FBI, ATF, CBP. They control election machinery and state oversight in enough states to steal with the millions of illegal immigrants voting. So all of this control is destroyed by all of us voting? I don’t see it. Sorry, I’ve tried. I see nothing coming out of the next election except another steal and Trump bankrupted by bogus civil trials, maybe even in prison. I’d like to think it’s going to be different, but I have to prepare for them to take over and get totalitarian after they steal. IRS auditing everyone in red states. Another pandemic. Open border twice as bad as now, maybe worse than that. All those saboteur units of China and Islamic terrorists ramping up and going in for the kill. Maybe Texas National Guard goes hot against CBP to kick off the civil war. Because that is what will happen if they steal again.

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496a5d No.20430439


I'm willing to race you to the edge and see who was right fren, very exciting times indeed.

I'm not about to get into a long drawn-out back n forth with you about it and waste bread, but Godbless and let's both keep seeking the Lord's help navigating the times we're in.i

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8b35eb No.20430440

File: 8b43f91f41cdba9⋯.jpg (53.28 KB,828x826,414:413,F2NsR7BWEAAmt7R.jpg)

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f1f238 No.20430441

File: 8d212df5393ef22⋯.png (1.33 MB,1297x4879,1297:4879,Opera_Snapshot_2024_02_17_….png)



>Greece legalises same-sex marriage

>Greece has become the first Christian Orthodox-majority country to legalise same-sex marriage.

>Same-sex couples will now also be legally allowed to adopt children after Thursday's 176-76 vote in parliament.

>Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said the new law would "boldly abolish a serious inequality".

June 10, 2020

Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Prime Minister of Greece, first stepped onto the AJC Global Forum stage in 2018. At that time, in Jerusalem, he pledged to strengthen Greece’s relations with Israel and combat antisemitism. After being elected as prime minister in 2019, he delivered on that promise.

Now Prime Minister Mitsotakis makes a return appearance for the premier global Jewish advocacy conference of the year, AJC Virtual Global Forum 2020.

Here are four things Jews should know about Greece’s leader ahead of his upcoming appearance.


Every F Time

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85187d No.20430442

File: 9ebaa388bd160a7⋯.jpeg (335.88 KB,1149x1961,1149:1961,IMG_7380.jpeg)

File: b69ce8d6bfbfe53⋯.jpeg (478.37 KB,1142x1834,571:917,IMG_7381.jpeg)

File: 5e39d8dc83dc129⋯.jpeg (32.23 KB,500x335,100:67,IMG_7382.jpeg)


The map and tweets

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dc4703 No.20430443

New Study DESTROYS SSRI Antidepressant Scam

sauce: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2024-02-16/new-study-destroys-ssri-antidepressant-scam

>First, in 2022, landmark research shot a God-sized hole in the “low serotonin causes depression” biochemical voodoo narrative, previously accepted uncritically as Gospel and which has sustained the multi-billion-dollar SSRI racket for decades.

>“Our comprehensive review of the major strands of research on serotonin shows there is no convincing evidence that depression is associated with, or caused by, lower serotonin concentrations or activity. Most studies found no evidence of reduced serotonin activity in people with depression compared to people without, and methods to reduce serotonin availability using tryptophan depletion do not consistently lower mood in volunteers. High quality, well-powered genetic studies effectively exclude an association between genotypes related to the serotonin system and depression,"

Don't see a direct link to the actual study.

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b84e83 No.20430444


>sabotaged in the labs by white hats

also member all the chemical plant explosions worldwide in those "pandemic" years? around 20 or sth…

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ab3a3f No.20430445


Wow; LOL. Nice.

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d2ac05 No.20430446


>the plan was to get white people to accept an MrNA injection

I hold a speculative view on the topic.

My sister is very nordic, we share the same scandanavian mom but her father was nordic while mine is not.

She was sold on the 'vaccines'. took at least 3. She was also recovering from cancer at the time.

If anyone would have been at risk, it would have been her. She's doing absolutely fine today. No issues.

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d75f20 No.20430447

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



it was planned to be exactly what it was: the reason for the Warp Seed vaccine

administered to 100% of US military members

it was not sabotaged by white hats

the only white hats are Freemasons

they gave their full go-ahead for "Covid"

and for "the real virus" they're waiting to deploy

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a68b50 No.20430448

File: 511a493c89f5156⋯.png (7.68 KB,524x176,131:44,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3979950d82b1b8a⋯.png (181.29 KB,613x717,613:717,ClipboardImage.png)


Q !UW.yye1fxo No.107 📁

Feb 18 2018 21:11:55 (EST)


Tomorrow is the 6 year delta for this Q drop?



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7afc18 No.20430450


So many dots to connect. It helps having frens.

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030420 No.20430451


>They could drop all the rock-solid Intel

Ok but what if it's about 9/11?

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3ed8f9 No.20430452


Justice system is corrupt so you need the intel drops to solidify the irrefutable narrative to awaken the public into overwhelmingly craving Justice via military tribunals and such.

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133ef8 No.20430453

File: b29582dee38be3b⋯.jpg (117.26 KB,1000x796,250:199,GEQAAAElck.jpg)

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4cc180 No.20430454



<First wave= possibly with uranium & cyanide, fast kill

[Warp speed affected this]

<2nd wave =vax, slow kill

[Vax production speed and lack of regulation, showed their hand]

[Vax.. Mr NA to worry about, dancing doctors is totally normal]

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d75f20 No.20430455


how many lives destroyed by SSRI antidepressants

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73c01c No.20430456

File: cdb63b33a0cb654⋯.png (171.72 KB,440x541,440:541,Trump_1412.png)

File: 078aceb55b7d64a⋯.mp4 (5.1 MB,480x854,240:427,Trump_1412.mp4)

Donald J. Trump


Winning a Tournament in Florida!

Feb 17, 2024, 2:12 PM



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d06658 No.20430457

>>20426788 (PB)

This is the best they could do to discredit our President Trump?


They are indeed stupid Q. You were right on.

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3fd7e4 No.20430458


glad to hear.

they couldn't kill everyone in the first vax pandemic, that would be sus.

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866f9d No.20430459


>2,000 day WITCH HUNT Q Proof!





>(3) Q/POTUS [0] DELTA

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b4fda2 No.20430460


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49a95c No.20430461

Thank you.

Mission forward.

Are you ready to serve again?

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d2ac05 No.20430462


>Major Victory For Russian Army As Ukraine Forces Flee Eastern City

Congrats SlavAnons.

Hope this bullshit ends soon.

Be kind to those you can.

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8d6677 No.20430463


I like it.

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ca3443 No.20430464

1 Arrest and detain judges, governors, and all other public and "foundation" employees using the UN Constitution to legislate and dictate policies

2 Get the USA out of the UN

3 Lay off the DS

4 Close the C_A, FBI, IRS

5 Secure all Federal Reserve reservations. Ship the occupants to Gitmo

6 Restore the system of protective tariffs to pay for our government and to protect our jobs

7 Round up and return all illegal aliens, no exceptions

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030420 No.20430465


It's getting rowdy up in here today

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b4fda2 No.20430466

File: 14a463affe872d1⋯.png (51.08 KB,900x644,225:161,14a463affe872d191fda82b357….png)

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4cc180 No.20430467


[P ills do not replace behavior/lifestyle changes long-term]

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a68b50 No.20430468


not trying to date fag or anything.

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51db30 No.20430469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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133ef8 No.20430470


>2 Get the USA out of the UN

>2 Get the UN out of the USA

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2f263e No.20430471

File: ccf6e41fc97f372⋯.png (334.92 KB,879x481,879:481,ClipboardImage.png)

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cfddda No.20430472


Now connect the lack of B vitamins in people daily consumptions, due to religious restrictions, to the MTHFR gene scam about not efficiently processing "folate" and needing a special folate supplement for $180/mo.

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496a5d No.20430473

File: 943b1f3f1fa4b79⋯.jpeg (503.11 KB,1223x793,1223:793,IMG_6099.jpeg)

File: 47ecd3d3be5de9a⋯.gif (4.04 MB,450x450,1:1,IMG_5938.gif)

File: a1a5f37532839b9⋯.png (532.32 KB,714x500,357:250,IMG_5012.png)

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3ed8f9 No.20430474

Notes @700

#25063 >>20429767

>>20429769 Greece legalises same-sex marriage

>>20429780 Haley: is Putin responsible for Navalny’s death? I say yes….

>>20429844 Tucker Carlson: Everything You Need to Know About the Government's Mass Censorship Campaign

>>20429857, >>20430124 Chris Fischer

>>20429872 Dig Call: System and Method for Testing for COVID-19 by Richard A. Rothschild

>>20429885 DJT: Crowds lining up at Sneaker Con in Philadelphia - Will be fun!

>>20429888, >>20429923 Shooting in Bay Shore, New York - 1 dead, 3 injured

>>20429942, >>20430448 2,000 day Witch Hunt Q Proof

>>20429956 Hydrogels in COVID Vaccine as Programmable Human Interface

>>20429966, >>20430250 Nearly half of Canadians support banning surgery and hormones for trans kids

>>20429974 HRC on Ukraine: "It's a fight in a global battle for democracy, against autocracy"

>>20429990, >>20429996, >>20429999, >>20430002 Mike Benz Gives Background Context on Internet Censorship Programs

>>20429993 @VCorps: Soldiers with 3rd Division Sustainment Brigade's Task Force Provider train to maintain their combat creditable crews

>>20430056, >>20429887, >>20429872 Vidimetrics AI Rothschild Link

>>20430086, >>20430152, >>20430182, >>20430210, >>20430293, >>20430304, >>20430405, >>20430431 Triple Q / Potus Zero Delta Day

>>20430097 Eric Trump: My father never gives up - he's the toughest guy I've ever met in my entire life and he's hell-bent on winning

>>20430177 HIAS flooding the US and Europe with refugees

>>20430202 5 asteroids to flyby Earth soon, says NASA

>>20430207 San Francisco Appoints First Chinese Non-Citizen to Sit on the City’s Elections Commission – And She’s Only Been in the US Since 2019

>>20430236 U.S. Will Build Five New Military Bases for Somali National Army, Costing Over $100 Million

>>20430242 Fani Willis: I took out a large amount of money on my first campaign, I kept 'some' of the cash of that

>>20430276 Texas To Build Military "Base Camp" On Mexico Border To House 1,800 Soldiers

>>20430296 Israel behind attacks on Iranian gas pipelines

>>20430300, >>20430336 Ayylmaos are to detract from intel drops

>>20430303 President Trump to give remarks in Pennsylvania around 3 PM EST - 2/17/24

>>20430332 EU "Suicide Pact" Threatens To Flood Continent With 75 Million More Migrants

>>20430360 Biden Admin Removes Acting Deputy Chief Of The U.S. Border Patrol For ‘Misconduct’

>>20430378 Biden Admin Failed To Vet Adults Housing Migrant Children, Federal Watchdog Says

>>20430397, >>20430424, >>20430456 DJT Golf Truths

>>20430401 ‘Suspicious Reversal:’ DoJ Backs Down from Massive Fraud Case Against Dem Megadonor Dish CEO, BlackRock

>>20430412 Barbra Streisand Defends Fani Willis: ‘A Woman Is Allowed to Have a Private Life’

>>20430426 Assistant Principal Says 8-Year-Olds Should Access Books ‘Referencing Pornography And Dirty Magazines’


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b84e83 No.20430475


TC, tits or GTFO

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a68b50 No.20430476

File: 5ac08e476b13d07⋯.png (10.11 KB,492x204,41:17,ClipboardImage.png)




Apr 8 2018 13:15:14 (EST)



Plane crash 1999.

HRC Senate 2000.

The “Start.”

Enjoy the show.


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365429 No.20430477

File: 18a67543c4b3f9e⋯.png (394.63 KB,577x433,577:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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b4fda2 No.20430478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this gunner hates flashlight safety seance

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4cc180 No.20430479



<My brain reads mutherfucker

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f4351b No.20430480


May have gotten saline or lower doses.

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a2cc0f No.20430481

File: f2c3166bbd741de⋯.png (123.58 KB,655x338,655:338,ClipboardImage.png)

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c86dc8 No.20430482


Got my first rolling bomb

When I was 19…..girlie was seeing needed

The pile

Was taking me to werk…knight shift …

Had to traverse a steep hill ….about 100 feet from top….jumped out and out ran it to top an got back in. Ken

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3b8a6a No.20430483


It would have to have been declassified by Trump FORMALLY with all the bureaucratic forms and POTUS signature for that to be in anyone’s possession to be released. He didn’t bother with procedures. If not, fake news calls it fake, Russian disinformation, etc. and only Trump can broadcast it and speak to it personally in a coherent manner.

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6f7bf8 No.20430484

File: 428c8c5ae7a7ff0⋯.png (290.44 KB,416x678,208:339,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

File: 4c6b775bc11aaa3⋯.png (557.45 KB,832x468,16:9,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

Bunker APPLE


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8b35eb No.20430485

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866f9d No.20430486

File: 18f6f2521ffa3de⋯.png (19.94 KB,532x228,7:3,Screenshot_2024_02_17_at_1….png)

It's like a comms waterfall today


>Information Waterfall

>Winning a Tournament in Florida!




Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 02/17/2020 21:29:50 ID: 73bdd5

8kun/qresearch: 8168745

To be blunt….



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bfd3c2 No.20430487



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3ed8f9 No.20430488


#25063 >>20429767

>>20429769 Greece legalises same-sex marriage

>>20429780 Haley: is Putin responsible for Navalny’s death? I say yes….

>>20429844 Tucker Carlson: Everything You Need to Know About the Government's Mass Censorship Campaign

>>20429857, >>20430124 Chris Fischer

>>20429872 Dig Call: System and Method for Testing for COVID-19 by Richard A. Rothschild

>>20429885 DJT: Crowds lining up at Sneaker Con in Philadelphia - Will be fun!

>>20429888, >>20429923 Shooting in Bay Shore, New York - 1 dead, 3 injured

>>20429942, >>20430448, >>20430476 2,000 day Witch Hunt Q Proof

>>20429956 Hydrogels in COVID Vaccine as Programmable Human Interface

>>20429966, >>20430250 Nearly half of Canadians support banning surgery and hormones for trans kids

>>20429974 HRC on Ukraine: "It's a fight in a global battle for democracy, against autocracy"

>>20429990, >>20429996, >>20429999, >>20430002 Mike Benz Gives Background Context on Internet Censorship Programs

>>20429993 @VCorps: Soldiers with 3rd Division Sustainment Brigade's Task Force Provider train to maintain their combat creditable crews

>>20430056, >>20429887, >>20429872 Vidimetrics AI Rothschild Link

>>20430086, >>20430152, >>20430182, >>20430210, >>20430293, >>20430304, >>20430405, >>20430431 Triple Q / Potus Zero Delta Day

>>20430097 Eric Trump: My father never gives up - he's the toughest guy I've ever met in my entire life and he's hell-bent on winning

>>20430177 HIAS flooding the US and Europe with refugees

>>20430202 5 asteroids to flyby Earth soon, says NASA

>>20430207 San Francisco Appoints First Chinese Non-Citizen to Sit on the City’s Elections Commission – And She’s Only Been in the US Since 2019

>>20430236 U.S. Will Build Five New Military Bases for Somali National Army, Costing Over $100 Million

>>20430242 Fani Willis: I took out a large amount of money on my first campaign, I kept 'some' of the cash of that

>>20430276 Texas To Build Military "Base Camp" On Mexico Border To House 1,800 Soldiers

>>20430296 Israel behind attacks on Iranian gas pipelines

>>20430300, >>20430336 Ayylmaos are to detract from intel drops

>>20430303 President Trump to give remarks in Pennsylvania around 3 PM EST - 2/17/24

>>20430332 EU "Suicide Pact" Threatens To Flood Continent With 75 Million More Migrants

>>20430360 Biden Admin Removes Acting Deputy Chief Of The U.S. Border Patrol For ‘Misconduct’

>>20430378 Biden Admin Failed To Vet Adults Housing Migrant Children, Federal Watchdog Says

>>20430397, >>20430424, >>20430456 DJT Golf Truths

>>20430401 ‘Suspicious Reversal:’ DoJ Backs Down from Massive Fraud Case Against Dem Megadonor Dish CEO, BlackRock

>>20430412 Barbra Streisand Defends Fani Willis: ‘A Woman Is Allowed to Have a Private Life’

>>20430426 Assistant Principal Says 8-Year-Olds Should Access Books ‘Referencing Pornography And Dirty Magazines’


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3fd7e4 No.20430489



Fuckmasons are like everything else, there's good and bad but the good ones mostly have no clue about the bad ones.

The plandemic was supposed to be worse in the length of the lockdown, we're still be in it if the vax wasn't brought out. I'm going with it's not the same vax Trump thought it would be.

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cfddda No.20430490



<Mine too. No coincidences.

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2f263e No.20430493

File: 80303231bd2c77b⋯.png (451.47 KB,629x437,629:437,ClipboardImage.png)

Hundreds rally for Navalny in Tel Aviv, Haifa as Israeli officials stay silent on death

Kremlin critic’s death, widely blamed on Putin, sparks protests among Russian diaspora; rallies also held in Jerusalem, Netanya, Karmiel; rights group says 100 detained in Russia

Hundreds rallied outside Russian diplomatic institutions in Tel Aviv and Haifa on Friday in vigils for top Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, whose death in an arctic penal colony was announced earlier in the day by Russia’s Federal Penitentiary Service.

Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation shared on X a photo from a vigil in Jerusalem.

Spontaneous rallies were also held in Netanya and Karmiel, Israeli-Russian news site Detaly reported.

In Tel Aviv, the crowd gathered outside the Russian embassy and chanted “Russia without Putin!” and “Russia will be free!”

Navalny, a longtime critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, was serving a decades-long sentence for “extremism” in a Siberian prison camp known as “Polar Wolf,” which is situated above the Arctic Circle.


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e40eb8 No.20430497

File: 251c7db52871a83⋯.jpeg (21.24 KB,297x222,99:74,251c7db52871a8323c1505c20….jpeg)

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5d3cc2 No.20430498


And in my opinion many of those tribunals will have already happened so when the public asks they will be shown or something along those lines.

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7112b1 No.20430499

There really is no way to fix this. One can only hope to not have any interactions with the right or left and anyone involved in the gov. The Amish will survive.

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b6fd73 No.20430500

File: ee73ffd99e01031⋯.jpg (31.16 KB,460x337,460:337,aVxVyBn_460s.jpg)

God bless.

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51db30 No.20430502

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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33200c No.20430503

File: 98fc3e96ea66007⋯.png (2.51 MB,1080x1440,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b442291315c181⋯.png (584.31 KB,920x428,230:107,ClipboardImage.png)



> >>20429990, >>20429996, >>20429999, >>20430002 Mike Benz Gives Background Context on Internet Censorship Programs

"Shadow" banning?



Love it.

The term is a negative one, which [they] use to keep us silent. Bury us, but we were seeds, kek.

Ban the shadows, and what's left?


Winning with wordplay, another www.

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3ed8f9 No.20430504

File: d6de19f634327ba⋯.webm (2.77 MB,428x240,107:60,1621607145238.webm)








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365429 No.20430505


>The Amish will survive.

the amish are no threat and can be taken out anytime.

think south aftrica and the farms there.

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682760 No.20430506

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939817 No.20430507

File: 2e75ed8a8480982⋯.jpg (21.48 KB,400x400,1:1,22140970_1336867649775833_….jpg)

Can't Trump sue the NY AG and the judge for defamation?

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bfd3c2 No.20430508

Suggestion for next bread title something about QDay and Quantum Leap Forward year.

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b4fda2 No.20430511

File: 0e2778e718f5b2b⋯.png (45.17 KB,1024x617,1024:617,ClipboardImage.png)


> gunner hates flashlight safety seance

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cfddda No.20430512


>The Amish will survive.

The Internet will break the Anabaptist's sex cults.

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bfd3c2 No.20430513


n/m already went by

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8b35eb No.20430514

File: d589ba8e1834323⋯.png (165.68 KB,564x452,141:113,91b.png)


That'd be great.

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b4fda2 No.20430517

File: 9808474a579e493⋯.png (5.52 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)


>hates flashlight safety seance

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b4fda2 No.20430520


>>hates flashlight safety seance


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eb56bb No.20430521

File: 07c70bf04174e49⋯.jpeg (11.66 KB,240x255,16:17,IMG_1195.jpeg)

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4fac31 No.20430522


What a fraud

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85187d No.20430524


I bet the Ukraine soldiers wish it was over. The most devastating actions of Kiev will not be forgotten by the people and families who have lost the sons, husbands and even daughters, for something that could have been 100% resolved in Feb 2022; when Bidan and Johnson forced them into a war they could never win. Russians feel the same way, they have lost many of their soldiers, sons and daughters. But they didn’t want this fight. They had to stop the killing of Russian speaking Ukrainians, 14,000 at that time. And the west intended to kill all in those areas. Russia has said these people are our brothers and sisters, it was never a desire to kill them but to live peacefully with them. The West wanted this, the people that live there didn’t. Whatever will happen to Zelensky, will be pretty ugly.

My heart goes out to the innocent on all sides.When Joe and others said “they will fight till the last Ukrainians, it was a commitment to Satanic Sacrifice, of people that never wanted this.

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984dde No.20430525

File: 6a8c5ee543cae55⋯.png (1.83 MB,1085x1445,217:289,ClipboardImage.png)


I wonder how much she pays James to stick around?

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b4fda2 No.20430526

File: 5c62e014109f613⋯.png (8.57 KB,241x209,241:209,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>hates flashlight safety seance

bone fide flashlight safety seance hater

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4252ee No.20430528

File: 1b92105c5045b0c⋯.jpeg (1002.38 KB,713x973,713:973,28D7D97F_AF78_4375_B54A_C….jpeg)

File: 4396c6aebc5f9c6⋯.jpeg (529.74 KB,828x914,414:457,1A607F8B_192D_4156_98D8_5….jpeg)

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2fcb85 No.20430529


A lot of media has been laid off.

Could we see a big change coming in the media world? Opening up new pool positions?

(or maybe WH pool positions!?!?! Wishful thinking on my part, I know!)



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4252ee No.20430531

File: 02db2344b85cea1⋯.jpeg (134.3 KB,828x459,92:51,0C038FE1_65B3_4A14_A083_2….jpeg)

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b4fda2 No.20430534

File: a303a39fb3155cf⋯.png (64.38 KB,1024x701,1024:701,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>hates flashlight safety seance

>bone fide flashlight safety seance hater

talkin bout flashlight safety makes him spit

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eb56bb No.20430538

File: f24d4db991f07fc⋯.mp4 (723.04 KB,RPReplay_Final1706496545.mp4)

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496a5d No.20430539

File: 6be9e39c1fb884e⋯.gif (84.8 KB,220x165,4:3,IMG_7012.gif)

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b4fda2 No.20430540

File: be65488d8d8705b⋯.png (6.57 KB,269x188,269:188,ClipboardImage.png)


if he found out paperclip is hiding in nasa an has a safe drop mobile home bi duh lake

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13046f No.20430542

File: 9a217da2f95b93b⋯.png (121.43 KB,336x440,42:55,9a217da2f95b93b897779a18ff….png)

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ab3a3f No.20430544

File: 65a0772e760213d⋯.png (57.77 KB,797x443,797:443,ClipboardImage.png)


>We all remember the videos coming out of China of people falling over dead in the street.

That was propaganda. Didn't seem like it at the time, did it? Now think back, really hard, at the social media personalities that were pushing it, giving it a platform, and constantly telling everyone that COVID was "the biggest thing ever". Now think back, really hard, about those same people that pulled a 180 "after the fact" and poked fun at everyone that got the vaccine. Do you remember who they were? Why or why not? Look at who profited off the division that was caused, and who's still profiting off of it. "Be careful who you follow" wasn't just good advice, it was a hint/clue on how to refocus on the battle that's happening "on all fronts" (of your perception).

People are still fighting over this and still missing what really happened, and as long as you're fighting with your neighbor over that, you're not coordinated in your efforts to hold some accountable that should be held accountable. How many, today, are trying to help you understand what really happened vs what they want you to believe they say about what happened? Think about it like a pyramid, because everything that's happening in all levels works exactly the same - like a pyramid. Forget about the "bell curve". Every subject has those that know (at the top), and those that are experiencing various levels of perception that feel like knowing.

At the top of the COVID pyramid was everyone that knew it was a psyop because they were either standing right next to the people running it, or were running it themselves (it comes from Chyna, 'member?).

At the bottom of the pyramid was everyone that took every evolving and changing suggestion from the CDC (masks, shots, distancing) as the gospel, and used "science" to explain why it had to be that way.

Everything in between represents various levels of waking up to something that's still some perspective of Plato's cave, without ever actually exiting the cave, itself. Think about the wall. Same thing. "The wall means more than you know". Oh, look! There's even a wall in the cave (attached).

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f31b05 No.20430547

File: e7b505662d9a599⋯.png (499.41 KB,1134x259,162:37,ClipboardImage.png)


Quick pan of 360 degrees all about same size crowd throughout.

I'd say 300 sheeple at best.

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b4fda2 No.20430549

File: 547e5459bdb5b8e⋯.png (8.2 KB,276x183,92:61,ClipboardImage.png)


it might halp alec baldwins big butt church gets siezed

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4252ee No.20430550

File: 42e3a2c3c0534e2⋯.jpeg (287.58 KB,722x492,361:246,1A767801_CC93_47DC_9B15_4….jpeg)

File: a269484f76c8d50⋯.jpeg (97.78 KB,309x314,309:314,59BC4ED4_5E20_4862_86EB_8….jpeg)

File: e8c959966d8abca⋯.jpeg (23.03 KB,175x120,35:24,835B19C2_52E7_4FD3_AA87_E….jpeg)

It is time.

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6fe6a5 No.20430552

it's all just people

doing whatever they can to fill their pockets and empty yours

the good ones will help you fill yours too

the bad ones won't

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