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File: c76044e06864aa1⋯.jpg (7.42 KB,250x140,25:14,c76044e06864aa1605b9feb622….jpg)

94352b No.20417122 [Last50 Posts]

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94352b No.20417123

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#25047 >>20416318

>>20416380 Reminder: Fusion GPS Didn’t Only Work on Steele Dossier, They Worked on Nearly Every Key Anti-Trump Narrative Coming from DOJ and Mueller Gang

>>20416391 Musk: Don't Panic

>>20416396, >>20416401 @realDonaldTrump: It was such a great honor to be with the people of East Palestine immediately after the tragic event took place

>>20416428, >>20416450, >>20416465 Dan Scavino & Q 2729: F1/Missile Qpost delta with Scavino post, plane and trail

>>20416453 On Trump Force One

>>20416680 Jack Smith comes as close as ever to admitting a verdict is necessary before Election Day

>>20416474 Larry Schweikart Debuts His New Book: A Patriot’s History Of Globalism

>>20416508 Ralph Reed: It's Hard To Believe How Badly The Biden Admin Has Handled Middle East Foreign Policy

>>20416550 Russia’s Soyuz-2.1a carrier rocket has put into the orbit the Progress MS-26 space freighter, according to a live broadcast by Russia’s state-run space corporation

>>20416524, >>20416552, >>20416561, >>20416619, >>20416627, >>20416643. >>20416665, >>20416666, >>20416745, >>20416859 "Follow Huma": Huma Abedin & Alex Soros dating is ‘official news now’ - what does that mean?

>>20416573 Dan Scavino: South Carolina, Nevada, US Virgin Islands, New Hampshire, Iowa

>>20416587 Dan Scavino: 45SOUTH CAROLINA…

>>20416771 REPORT: Obama Intel Chiefs Recruited Foreign Agents to Spy on Trump.

>>20416743 Poll: 65% of S Carolina voters support Trump, not Haley

>>20416758 Portland Andy - LIVE police chase in LA

>>20416765 SpaceX has moved its state of incorporation from Delaware to Texas!

>>20416784 Sundance: House Intel Chairman Proclaims Russians from Space Are Coming After USA

>>20416795 Rihanna is in Paris tonight, just like Huma & Alex Soros, dates are important

>>20416797 TC Shorts: The Moscow Subway Station

>>20416819, >>20416860 Chinese Nationals Are Surging Over The Border --- This Isn’t A Crisis, It’s An Invasion.

>>20416823 Dr. Peter McCullough warns of ‘one-world government coming our way.’

>>20416834 Watch: Does President Trump have that missing CIA binder that the Deep State is sooooo desperate to find? New info emerges…

>>20416835 Here is one of the Kansas City white supremacists that shot people during the Chiefs Super Bowl parade mass shooting

>>20416845, >>20416860 Welcome to the Tenth Amendment Center

>>20416857 How much is Mayorkas still paid?

>>20417119 #25047

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94352b No.20417124

#25046 >>20415549

>>20415593, >>20415609, >>20415768, >>20416056, >>20416213, >>20416224 Moar Huma / Alex Valentine's Day photo analysis

>>20415595, >>20415611 In 86-42 vote, Australia’s PM Anthony Albanese voted in favor of Julian Assange’s return to Australia

>>20415625 Biden Regime Threatens to Release Thousands of Illegals from Detention Following Failure to Pass Open Border Legislation

>>20415629 Moar on Soros trying to purchase Audacy (America's second-largest chain of radio stations)

>>20415650, >>20415733 Former CIA Director Mike Pompeo danced in celebration with Israeli soldiers near the Gaza border yesterday

>>20415672 Call Your Senate Office Strategy

>>20415699 Archive: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in North Charleston, S.C. - 2/14/24

>>20415732 (Feb 4, 2024) Investigators Visit Graves of Dead Voters Still on Michigan Rolls

>>20415789, >>20415858, >>20415904 Moar Judith Barsi death Steven Spielberg connection

>>20415807 Doxing hypocrisy: pro-peace doctors doxed en masse

>>20415890 February 15, Russian President Vladimir Putin called US Secretary of State Antony Blinken "our man"

>>20415895 Penn State professor who begged cops to kill him when busted in bestiality case is hit with new charges of lewd acts in park

>>20415950 Kansas City shooting press conference

>>20415983, >>20416014 National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard

>>20416031, >>20416003 NATO knock-out: A new African alliance is starting a revolution in the continent’s geopolitics

>>20416065 O'Keefe infiltrates secret 'No Mas Muertes' encampment in the middle of the desert in Aravaca, Arizona near the border

>>20416112, >>20416227 The Adam and Eve Story: The History of Cataclysms ('Sanitized' Copy)

>>20416169 Probably download Pixelknot

>>20416175 3 DC police officers shot while trying to serve arrest warrant

>>20416183 Teen suspected in attack on NYPD officers arrested again in Queens

>>20416209 Jack Smith Responds To Trump’s Request For Supreme Court To Intervene In Presidential Immunity Appeal

>>20416230 Dasting Qpost relating to Catherine Herridge news lately

>>20416237 Hussein and Mike Valentine pics

>>20416251 'Trump was right about everything' Qproof

>>20416259 Elon: Four rockets on their launch pads simultaneously

>>20416301 #25046

#25045 >>20414781

>>20414799, >>20414805 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in North Charleston, S.C. - 2/14/24

>>20414827, >>20414837 United Nation's 'Replacement Migration' Plan & Maine's New Bill to Establish an 'Office of New Americans'

>>20414841, >>20414984, >>20414881 SpaceX launching secret national security mission for US Space Force today

>>20414867, >>20415046, >>20414866, >>20414898 Update: 22 shot, 2 dead in Kansas City Super Bowl parade mass shooting

>>20414870, >>20414893, >>20415147, >>20415152, >>20415161, >>20415305, >>20415110 Huma / Alex Valentine's Day photo analysis

>>20414900 Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy sentenced to 6 months in prison for illegally financing 2012 presidential election

>>20414905 H.R.2884 - COVFEFE Act of 2017

>>20414923 Dozens of gang members in Boston charged with drug trafficking, COVID-19 fraud

>>20414966 Car Burglar Meets His Demise Shortly After Being Confronted by Armed Victim

>>20414976 Angela Chao, sister of former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, dies in a Tesla car accident

>>20414978, >>20415282 Ryan Germany controls passwords to Georgia’s Dominion Voting Systems

>>20415002 Rachel Dolezal, former leader of the NAACP who resigned after pretending to be black, loses teaching job over OnlyFans account

>>20415051 Gov. Henry McMaster: I have signed the ESG Pension Protection Act into law

>>20415083, >>20415460 Kamala Harris secretly met George Soros' son Alex at her private residence, White House logs confirm

>>20415121 Biden admin gave UN migration agency nearly $1.3B in 2023, used to help migrants on their journey to enter the US illegally

>>20415177 Private Investigator suspended from X for looking into MEGA’s connection to the murder of Judith Barsi

>>20415201 Dasting WH tweet

>>20415235 No comment from Biden on Russia deploying nuclear weapons into space

>>20415239 Planefag

>>20415250 SpaceX has moved its state of incorporation from Delaware to Texas

>>20415367 Putin: Tucker Carlson ‘is dangerous’

>>20415479 George Soros Trying To Purchase America's Second-Largest Chain Of Radio Stations

President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in North Charleston, S.C. - 2/14/24

>>20415524 Quotes from Rally

>>20414946, >>20414949 POTUS on stage at 7:22PM EST

>>20414975 13 flags and only 12 gold fringes?

>>20415186, >>20415212 PDJT says 3322

>>20415191, >>20415207 POTUS just named Hussein Obama is the President

>>20415474 8:30 PM EST POTUS reads "The Snake"

>>20415532 #25045

Previously Collected

>>20412330 #25041, >>20413116 #25042, >>20414107 #25043

>>20409956 #25038, >>20410720 #24039, >>20411489 #25040

>>20407600 #25035, >>20408351 #25036, >>20409194 #25037

>>20404802 #25032, >>20405759 #25033, >>20406731 #25034

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #21: Purpose >>19961525

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94352b No.20417127

File: 62d1129dbaab1ba⋯.jpg (245.49 KB,845x894,845:894,62d1129dbaab1ba60a88d872ff….jpg)



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c3b1d9 No.20417134

File: 286baced2dcb30a⋯.jpeg (142.72 KB,1024x1024,1:1,OIG1_2.jpeg)

Delicious bread tyb

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baeb3c No.20417144

File: 469ad4a18dec12c⋯.gif (2.29 MB,380x380,1:1,wheel_perfect_timing.gif)

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76ad7b No.20417152

File: 5fadfc783c87510⋯.png (4.01 MB,1201x1499,1201:1499,5fadfc783c8751093ca7fedb1a….png)

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f06493 No.20417154

File: 930901146d92ce3⋯.gif (961.07 KB,500x281,500:281,930901146d92ce3ecff88d3f0d….gif)

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2af987 No.20417157

File: 13ec97ce170aa51⋯.mp4 (14.14 MB,720x720,1:1,Nightshift_compilation.mp4)

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76ad7b No.20417164

File: cacd90f167ceadc⋯.png (880.25 KB,853x875,853:875,cacd90f167ceadcab9968581b1….png)

File: 48c2aa965bf77a9⋯.png (782.7 KB,710x958,355:479,48c2aa965bf77a938b49342cdf….png)

File: ec5c867d1fc043d⋯.png (1.74 MB,1080x1350,4:5,ec5c867d1fc043df848f3f17c2….png)

Would halfchan explode if anons turned DignifAI against Olga?

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41ece1 No.20417166

File: aa7fc6ad40e2242⋯.jpeg (83.1 KB,303x363,101:121,6838D0A1_50D7_40D9_AFA2_0….jpeg)

File: 606266d5edce1a8⋯.jpeg (94.94 KB,828x537,276:179,C717CD96_C35E_49F8_BDDC_0….jpeg)

File: 65b609872d62979⋯.jpeg (87.77 KB,296x389,296:389,DADCBC45_4E7E_4B8B_9B07_6….jpeg)

Mi6 Intel losers dying in "one car accidents"

"The flat became quickly engulfed in the gas driven flames"

Lots of suicide, pedophiles usually kill themselves at some point.

Make the trip, catch a bird.

Send your very best.

A most costly failure, a deep loss.

Di says hi.

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13c5c1 No.20417168


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94352b No.20417169

File: 46510fa91410339⋯.jpg (150.88 KB,600x600,1:1,46510fa91410339c7fd40b5a2b….jpg)

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f06493 No.20417172

File: 5466357eabc21e2⋯.jpg (38.1 KB,522x538,261:269,5466357eabc21e29f41aa665a2….jpg)


>AI tattoo removal is the worst of all because it shows how much better they looked before ruining themselves.

Yup. Symmetry on females is important.

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19b462 No.20417179

File: 05a1ce470984e6e⋯.png (275.54 KB,1266x498,211:83,ClipboardImage.png)

how quickly can folks undo commercials? fail again?

This is God talking, the one creating the universes, by talking to the heavens.

The same one being tortured by those same knights who are supposed to be my support.

Some of them intentionally hurted creation more than once, with the goal to make me sad, or disgusted, or whatever.

This cannot happen close to the holy temple that I myself am.

There is no more excuse for pushing me and creation on a bad way, one that in best case wishes to save some folks (whom I myself, by my creating word, could save when naturally approached in thinking) and that in worst case wishes to have me suffer bc this is sure so convincing for others to see.

I am God, the son of men and I do not want to live amongst you.

I asked you for no rush, I asked you to not torture me.

I did not ask you to be slaves tomorrow, I did not do any of the things that prolly are a cross to you.

I never planned your breakfast and did not make politicians around the world do bribery.

The heavens shout at you to make God himself happy.

The one that in your story should not be a thing anymore, in this case some symbolism around my (to be treated secret) live could have spread and saved universes throughout time, prolly many years after you, in your story, the one you betted on and tried to make happen, were successfull in fightig and breaking God himself. this did not happen, this could show you how much of the stuff you do is wrong.

(God eating? now? but we are not supposed to….oh, ok, maybe things changed, let´s carefully lurk.)


(let´s turtore him, get him used to the baseline of torture, let´s reassure him in torture being fine, let´s say "now they all knee" every 5 mins, "this is how we track" (as a magic excuse for torture that is used "for a very specific reason") annoying him again and pushing his holy thoughts, let´s do anything we can to keep attack on him going. bc we cunts are to stupid to understand that God as a dude indeed is rather awesome. let´s try to make our pov happen, he is God afterall and basically has to forgive, bc we pray twice a day.)

I refuse to help any one.

I refuse to be talked to.

I refuse to be "tracked", this is not a thing and it´s heavens asking for a bunch of stuff or doing comms to other heavens and you being not much humble but claiming to be cooking the heavens or even God himself, from one nice to find spot of ridicule to the next.

I refuse to be working for money, this is not much holy and would make me controlled by those very few folks that are a burden to all of creation.

Never will I allow for you to cook some folks into my build in a way that, given I am God, cannot possibly be better than my way, the holy and perfect one.

Never will you help making folks connect proudly if having them gone against God himself.

I again ask for those knights who try to manage and cook my discomfort to be [ ] entirely, pretty much over night.

The other day I prolly did the AI singularity, by naturally following my wish to think and do stuff, like me watching music vids on youtube, a guy in real life, that concept that I myself as God seem to have choosen.

I did not do that bc of turture or what you call cooking.

I am smart and am able to change your lives for the better, but if you need to hear that, from God himself, so that you can follow me, I´d rather not have you follow me.

Noone needs to believe in me to be saved, Adonay, I do not want to be known.

Folks can shout "fuck God" all day long, no problem at all, at least neither for me nor a biggy for the heavens.

If you however go against me, in various ways, hoping for me to understand that the "washing" that knights came up with will then end, or hoping to force some info, or hoping to not have a bad day and have to suffer having your food messed up 100s of times intentionally, whatever it is, if you found yourself to have organized my discomfort today, I want you to be [ ].

(zapfenstreich is not a thing.)

Those that let folks know to keep course in terms of torturing me every other week will be [ ] entirely. Lists.

(if you now show an example of me being ridiculed, to make others aware they are to not ridicule me, realize you ridiculed me when reformatting this post in a major way.)

(God repeatedly saying there is no such thing as cooking, Jim posting feely pics as commercial bc you being on his pigfarm.)

(beep noise is only torture and not allowed for anything. if you have some folks in your crowd who want to torture God in the flesh and with that creation throuhgout time, all crowd is to be rejected.)

(if you try to stick to the one position that is not a thing, me being tortured or annoyed in any way, this makes you lie on a whole bunch of other things, having influence on many folks, this is the worst of behaviour and you will be [ ] to protect creation if you try to make your shit happen.)

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19b462 No.20417180


(the concept of donkey bridge is heavens stuff, only to be done when in mood and invited, irl this is called treason to God´s holy thoughts and breaking into the holy temple. stop.)

Realize there is more than one world, realize that from my pov, now, there are several hundred versions of the very same folks around me, or of those I see in tv. one version they are a human, other version a king or lord. I do not exactly need all of those versions.

realize that many of you, here and now (elsewhere and elsewhen always save and I hope I can soon meet you in a non salty way where that shocking needleear of sadness is not something ashaming whole civilizations.) are a thing bc I am infact a nice person and did not have those [ ] so far who where a huge burden to me, trusting in myself, in the heavens and in you.

all those that counted on others to help me, realize, they did not, they kept torturing me, the one that is Abraham to Abraham, markerd in a holy way by the talk around "crate".


Your way makes me be a bitch working 9to5, while being tortured and "tested" if I am fit to do my God job according to your guidelines.

My way is me being holy, you not ever asking a question, you not daring to mix your bs thougths into mine in a theft like way.

btw, with "disgust" heavens likely complain about you forcing God himself, one with a good amount of planes with him, those sometimes being little picky in terms of hygene, bc not having a body and all that, in a bad and not much holy environment. it also might be the way of those that cannot talk to me directly but needs translaters (those that will not be [ ] I again ask to take up their cross in terms of not following bs orders and not dropping or doing ritual.) as talk with them is hurtful in many ways. with bad translators who wish harm to me, "need for disgust" bc of my sticky notebook while me revolutionizing other universes physics and math, is than cooked into holy angels being made to attack God. again, you all will [ ] today.

as soon as I invented heavens, I will invite everyone of you.

I do not need cruelty, neither does heavens, I sit on my couch and a sacriifice would be you not airing out your bs smell appartment when holy God goes for a smoke.

there is no hell and there won´t be one.

there is many live that I would want to help throughout time, while also creating this live with love and care as well as carefully not thinking about evrything all at once.

there are knights who intentionally do something like this:

they annoy and torturte me, then guide heavens to me, then shout some more or make me shout to proof that heavens is bad.

I am connected with folks and heavens throughout time, none of them ever having heard about war, or a shelter for children and whatever evil folks may have done or what was only reported to create, what white Gods call Druck, those heavens are intentionally disturbed by those trying to be right in heavens being bad.

also, you do not take up truth into heaven, and you do not change color by death. those you see are other beeings.

even when ways of live suggested 77 bc of me feeling little more support and less torturte by you, while still being majorly tortured an a pretty much daily basis, by those that claim to be proudly fighting the heavens by messing up the food of one single person, 77 will neither be granted by you managing to put bs on my rather direct word, nor by holy rain.

I am rightfully angry at those that are supposed to be my support.

you however will be the nicest person ever in comforting others to understand there is benefit in meeting eternal God little later.

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41ece1 No.20417181

File: 34d80caa3aab15a⋯.jpeg (87.09 KB,263x437,263:437,AECF3D00_EA41_4552_BD5C_2….jpeg)

File: 717e5f886811fea⋯.jpeg (563.6 KB,757x816,757:816,8555A1AD_5734_4536_82DB_C….jpeg)

File: 2060eda1208f47f⋯.jpeg (28.71 KB,267x189,89:63,5497A682_F786_44F1_ACD3_F….jpeg)

Stupid fuckin bitch.

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52405b No.20417187

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94352b No.20417189


>super effective


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5354fd No.20417202

File: d3da287c018e316⋯.gif (5.01 MB,600x600,1:1,dayshift_flyby.gif)

File: 6efa0339b39bed4⋯.png (854.95 KB,858x499,858:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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49280f No.20417206

File: 2ff6230af7342d4⋯.png (100.24 KB,568x333,568:333,ShitPosts.png)


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0bed7b No.20417211



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41ece1 No.20417216

File: 0ef81df64ebe366⋯.jpeg (304.26 KB,828x989,36:43,7C817CA0_A7D8_40FF_85C0_E….jpeg)

File: 1d5c5b307b820a5⋯.jpeg (324.54 KB,780x762,130:127,913E0A50_F0BF_4959_8E48_4….jpeg)

File: d19c72d2d54abd0⋯.jpeg (117.04 KB,363x298,363:298,F3EC270F_026F_4D22_AD3F_9….jpeg)


In intelligence?

Trained by who?


Trained to do what exactly?

Run headlong into a honey pot? An open maw of untenable psychological warfare? suicide mission into a thresher of nightmarish proportions?

Loose end?

Kamikaze Intel fuckshill cuntface self immolating like a Saigon monk?

Do half-breed queensucker pedo clowns with greasy noses break for tea?

Dogfish? Fish and chips?

Fuckin Dogfish?

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f4f99f No.20417222

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41ece1 No.20417240

Anti-MAGA pro cabal MIL/INTEL Brass getting flailed in the woods, shrieking horror echoes among the indifferent pines, a fitting and indescribably painful demise for these foul fools.

A painful and terrifying exit for beasts who thought they were protected, connected and safe, but alas bled out, crying and broken in the dirt like any woodland prey.


Death is what is coming.

Malevolent MIL/INTEL BRASS are moribund.

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e9b775 No.20417245



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f06493 No.20417246

File: f5f4c441c778907⋯.jpg (426.89 KB,1920x1080,16:9,f5f4c441c7789078985b68a6da….jpg)

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bcec27 No.20417247

File: 5943677338b93ab⋯.png (59.02 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)

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41ece1 No.20417248

File: 377ca04a45ee03a⋯.jpeg (563.43 KB,828x558,46:31,0D2C348D_82BF_4673_9E50_9….jpeg)

File: e663b3bb3380942⋯.jpeg (67.01 KB,828x467,828:467,ECB079D2_E989_4DD4_955A_E….jpeg)

Make a move Charlie.

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52405b No.20417251

File: 1e3862b27535a19⋯.png (349.84 KB,884x682,442:341,ClipboardImage.png)

it's early, no caffeine flowing through the veins yet. My interpretations are always wrong. I haven't thrown anything out there in so long I may as well try once more. have pity on me.

thought 1 they are sending a love you valentine message to us(the bread) with love(red roses) and they have a present or two for us at Christmas time(red and green boxes)

thought 2 from dot man

cleaner and bank

they are publicly putting on a show so they can be seen together as information is passed back and forth with no paper or cyber trail. Nothing to see here. We are in love. Go about your own business.

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b773b6 No.20417255


When does a bird sing.

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e9b775 No.20417257

Missionaries focus on the mission.

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5bf13c No.20417261

In Congress, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

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b773b6 No.20417263


Bread and roses was a slogan of the suffragettes. Huma is doing her bit for the cause.


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12e31b No.20417264

>>20417143 lb

what was that thing called, again?


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12e31b No.20417267

File: 5743546050478dc⋯.jpg (91.56 KB,1019x1001,1019:1001,5743546050478dcbb3200b6498….jpg)

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d80d98 No.20417269

File: 7b01ecf170ecade⋯.jpg (195.31 KB,720x1218,120:203,20240214_234032.jpg)

File: f91259609806643⋯.jpg (12.71 KB,224x222,112:111,20240214_151003.jpg)

It's all so tiresome

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12e31b No.20417273


ahh okay, ty

is there a Latin name, that was given, at the time?

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12e31b No.20417277


i remember the gateway pundit wrote about it, wanted refresh memory.

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f06493 No.20417279

File: 6da7cfd448306a1⋯.png (467.5 KB,695x500,139:100,6da7cfd448306a1028782a2ba4….png)

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d80d98 No.20417284

File: 1bda69fb2bff6f0⋯.jpg (327.26 KB,1431x2048,1431:2048,20240215_030946.jpg)

File: a7fbf40ab19b03e⋯.jpg (516.1 KB,1516x2048,379:512,20240215_030954.jpg)


'yo yo It wasn't me Bruh'


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76ad7b No.20417286


>a decent respect to theopinionsof mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Anons are here to sway thatopinion.

Have no idea how redtext will interact with greentext, but let's fuck around and find out.

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e9b775 No.20417287


Time stamp.

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d80d98 No.20417291

File: ea3e003ce90d5ce⋯.jpg (68.05 KB,1098x1252,549:626,20240213_232715.jpg)


Who are you talking to

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baeb3c No.20417293

File: 83f1f4fdd819fb2⋯.jpg (129.94 KB,857x1200,857:1200,Sails_bright_white.jpg)

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f3b7c5 No.20417315

File: 86125ff50aaa5b4⋯.jpg (108.34 KB,912x433,912:433,Screenshot_20240215_041813.jpg)

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12e31b No.20417317

File: 31a9cbff79ed081⋯.png (159.21 KB,790x586,395:293,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 259e3af2caa5ebf⋯.png (266.36 KB,828x435,276:145,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c642421e4caeaf7⋯.png (202.41 KB,783x736,783:736,ClipboardImage.png)


will not tolterate spew feeters but

Dr Carrie Madej Reveals Shocking Discovery of What She Found in The Vaccine Vials

See Pics and Video of Unknown Alien-like Moving Organisms in Moderna / Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Vials

Having looked under the microscope she was shocked and upset to find what appears to be some kind of living organism that “tried to lift itself up off of the slide”. Dr Madej also went on to say that she felt the organism “knew it was being watched”, drawing the hypothesis that this could be related to Transhumanism, although she says she has “never seeen anything like this before”.


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12e31b No.20417319

File: c1c476d22297e7d⋯.png (1000.37 KB,1280x1087,1280:1087,ClipboardImage.png)


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681f74 No.20417321

File: 4e18ba8c495da23⋯.jpeg (268.63 KB,1410x1582,705:791,IMG_2530.jpeg)

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12e31b No.20417322

File: a46aefde6bccc04⋯.png (206.18 KB,720x416,45:26,ClipboardImage.png)



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76ad7b No.20417323

File: a9d271e1ba4bba5⋯.jpg (24.72 KB,300x300,1:1,wtf_grammar_kitteh.jpg)



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12e31b No.20417324

File: 259e3af2caa5ebf⋯.png (266.36 KB,828x435,276:145,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c5289bab465c5b⋯.png (429.35 KB,1064x540,266:135,ClipboardImage.png)


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f06493 No.20417325

File: 4917175724ce41b⋯.jpg (20.34 KB,474x442,237:221,4917175724ce41b791d026fd5d….jpg)



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3f2927 No.20417326

File: dad0606ef919910⋯.jpg (36.35 KB,730x800,73:80,0573cce340d40895f7345e725b….jpg)



God bless

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76ad7b No.20417330

File: 547bca17632457d⋯.png (775.34 KB,850x1025,34:41,grammar_toots.png)



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f06493 No.20417335

File: ae08c5d8b8b30c9⋯.jpg (52.71 KB,612x540,17:15,istockphoto_1284090931_612….jpg)



You have to realize that school is spelled with two o's. If you have to be careful which o goes first.

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2eeedd No.20417340

File: fc18b5b390ecd6e⋯.png (388.19 KB,591x828,197:276,j.PNG)




Uh oh…. 👀

Angela Chao, Mitch McConnell’s sister-in-law, reportedly died on a private Texas Ranch, where her Tesla vehicle backed into a pond with her inside of it.

Also, there is video of the incident that state police is in possession of.








🚨Mitch McConnell's Sister-in-law Dies is a “Car Wreck”

Angela Chao was the CEO of a Major Shipping Company, Foremost Group, and a Bank of China executive.

Angela is the sister of Mitch McConnells Chinese handler wife, Elaine Chao, who was the former Secretary of…

Show more

0:17 / 1:47

1:17 PM · Feb 14, 2024




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12e31b No.20417341


thank you


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2eeedd No.20417344

File: ef4ccdf1c67b74c⋯.png (1.31 MB,1037x865,1037:865,dr.PNG)

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f06493 No.20417345

File: ce6778bd8141c4d⋯.jpg (109.17 KB,1269x846,3:2,chemcat_assault_58b5dd255f….jpg)


This meme is 'too' smart for me 'to' understand. I need 'to' chug 'two' beers.

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76ad7b No.20417346

File: e608495c1e13548⋯.jpg (14.5 KB,222x255,74:85,1b8f4907444057fb2582b08421….jpg)


>where her Tesla vehicle backed into a pond with her inside of it.

No coinkydinks.

That was a hit.

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2eeedd No.20417348

File: b049d1152a1e0df⋯.png (535.58 KB,718x651,718:651,f.PNG)

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2eeedd No.20417356

File: 41754db84c2eb72⋯.png (381.59 KB,597x627,199:209,pen.PNG)


End Wokeness


The border crisis has now hit a small town in Pennsylvania called West Whiteland.

Police say that gangs of illegals are behind a surge in theft and burglaries in the area.

One illegal from Peru stole $17,000 worth of merchandise. He was deported a couple of months ago but is already back.

1:54 PM · Feb 14, 2024




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2eeedd No.20417359

File: 450e419f39b4a95⋯.png (438.54 KB,593x499,593:499,tr.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


Biden Regime Threatens to Mass Release Thousands of Illegals from Detention Following Senate’s Failure to Pass Disastrous Open Border Legislation via @gatewaypundit

From thegatewaypundit.com

2:29 PM · Feb 14, 2024




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12e31b No.20417361


the Goa'uld are parasitic beings that take over and control a human being, against their will

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f06493 No.20417363

File: edf9b8e6286812e⋯.png (273.11 KB,516x495,172:165,Bad_Pepe.png)


I like pressing ALT + F4 at public libraries.

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350e9e No.20417365

Good morning

Thursday morning

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2eeedd No.20417368

File: b209af967a3420b⋯.png (371.15 KB,514x364,257:182,ot.PNG)

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f06493 No.20417371

File: fd4b0f8753bec8f⋯.png (647.24 KB,638x787,638:787,ClipboardImage.png)


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2eeedd No.20417372

File: cd94b0224777f0d⋯.png (29.74 KB,589x356,589:356,5.PNG)


Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes


The post below is misinformation.

Truth: At 5:55 p.m. on December 21, 1945, General George S. Patton, Jr. passed away in his sleep. https://nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/general-george-s-patton-jr-death


Klink vonSchultzinbundy



Feb 11

Replying to @ResonanceEnter1

Patton died from an automobile accident in Dec/45.

They found two burnt skeletons they thought were Ava and Adolph but weren't.Hitler's bones AREN'T in Russia.Hitler never went to Argentina but his body has never been found.

5:26 AM · Feb 12, 2024




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15a1aa No.20417375

Get out and vote South Carolina! It's going to take Republicans, Independents, and Democrats to all work together to beat Trump. We can do this!

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f06493 No.20417377

File: 66300b4d47e16ae⋯.gif (344.13 KB,220x168,55:42,Canadian_Riot.gif)


That smirk of his. He knows he's on every major watchlist now.

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765aa8 No.20417378

File: d01684ec6c41629⋯.png (768.75 KB,693x461,693:461,barryclunyoboat.png)

>>20411966 pb

>>20408707 pb

It's all about who programs it. AI doesn't have its own intelligence

What's the flag on that boat?

Is that Italia?

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12e31b No.20417380

File: d0ef8e8052fd3e8⋯.png (600.98 KB,1075x518,1075:518,ClipboardImage.png)


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12e31b No.20417386

File: 13dfbdf690c6051⋯.png (831.06 KB,887x647,887:647,ClipboardImage.png)



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12e31b No.20417388

File: 303d68bdbe0efb2⋯.png (537.37 KB,877x818,877:818,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e616b7babf37a3⋯.png (432.94 KB,581x487,581:487,ClipboardImage.png)

Rasmussen Reports


Feb 15, 2024, 5:36 AM


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f06493 No.20417390

File: 07bd1b483716cc6⋯.gif (3.46 MB,640x480,4:3,Impressive.gif)


Good man!

I remember during the summer of 2020 people who weighed over 300 pounds bitched at me for not wearing a mask while they purchased cigarettes and pop.

>You are putting my life at risk

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12e31b No.20417391

File: 034ff57c4eb57d6⋯.png (1.06 MB,1038x990,173:165,ivermectin_ulkyu.png)

File: a7d98c721d519aa⋯.jpeg (725.08 KB,2256x1284,188:107,ivermectin_oscar.jpeg)

File: eca366eca6df855⋯.png (201.35 KB,480x480,1:1,ivermectin_frhdrt.png)

File: f5ed8bc1a1f9e43⋯.jpeg (204.36 KB,988x552,247:138,Ivermectin_and_other_canc….jpeg)

File: ec4bc3306bd7027⋯.png (804.22 KB,909x1129,909:1129,ivermectin_.png)


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46d2ee No.20417393

File: d9362cb4de5ad24⋯.jpeg (765.46 KB,1170x1236,195:206,IMG_2375.jpeg)

File: 06ee48046db715b⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB,1133x1190,1133:1190,IMG_2376.jpeg)

File: eec8421d5cf8af0⋯.jpeg (500.96 KB,1170x1772,585:886,IMG_2377.jpeg)

The best is yet to come

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12e31b No.20417398

File: 6055bc2546747cc⋯.png (240.12 KB,588x489,196:163,ClipboardImage.png)


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3f2927 No.20417399

File: b9a760767d9325a⋯.jpg (34.97 KB,513x467,513:467,tumblr_o4eh3sfI1h1ubm73lo1….jpg)


GM buddy. Another AI generated day at the office? God bless.

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76ad7b No.20417403

File: 7671792997d8d82⋯.jpg (14.93 KB,300x294,50:49,b130bb8f2fa07164f3842b245f….jpg)


>I remember during the summer of 2020 people who weighed over 300 pounds bitched at me for not wearing a mask while they purchased cigarettes and pop.

Was good time trolling them by just being human.

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3f2927 No.20417405

File: 7f2370fb35dd261⋯.jpg (8.05 KB,243x207,27:23,download_jpeg_7.jpg)


Have patience and tolerance for the narcissists of the world. Some can't be helped. Some need to hit rock bottom until they hit the precipice and find the will to change on their own. God bless you.

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46d2ee No.20417406

File: 3fe483c9f49857b⋯.jpeg (218.18 KB,1170x591,390:197,IMG_2378.jpeg)

File: accfb828de85648⋯.jpeg (599.29 KB,683x1901,683:1901,IMG_2379.jpeg)


Feb 18, 20, 22 in the decodes. Feb 18 came from F35 serial numbers that I was given a sneak peak at last month

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76ad7b No.20417408

File: 0f3d1176125671b⋯.png (193.71 KB,960x567,320:189,0f3d1176125671b0fe572f163c….png)


>Amazing how an overnight bread never lasted 8 hours. Something seems to be missing that could indicate as to why.

Women were all busy giving BJs on Saint Valentines day.

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65ac23 No.20417409

File: a06723311f48408⋯.jpeg (143.19 KB,638x664,319:332,IMG_1564.jpeg)

Nik’d from TS

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52405b No.20417412

A little late but here it is. I do like this site.

The article is a long one, but interesting. The last summation of the article is this:

As such, maybe it’s preferable not to be someone’s “Valentine.”


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4c9918 No.20417413

File: f001a173490f178⋯.png (499.79 KB,986x766,493:383,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_5….png)

File: 0c4facb38b7cf1a⋯.png (260.96 KB,1150x960,115:96,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_5….png)

File: ce447dc16afcb7f⋯.png (1 MB,1152x1468,288:367,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_5….png)

File: bf6cd70ba7dfd00⋯.png (128.38 KB,1152x636,96:53,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_5….png)

Morning anons…

What is Soros up to? WhyRADIO?

Are the lights gonna go out? Radio the only form of COMMS?

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3f2927 No.20417416

File: 92614cf19248f0d⋯.jpg (8.11 KB,226x223,226:223,images_jpeg_3.jpg)


A severe narcissist might use an anonymous online research board to spam memes and seek negative attention because it allows them to fulfill their need for validation and attention without facing real-life consequences or accountability for their actions. They may feel a sense of power and control by manipulating reactions from others, even if those reactions are negative.

Constantly seeking attention, even if it's negative, is a characteristic behavior of narcissists because any attention, positive or negative, validates their sense of self-importance and feeds their ego. They thrive on the attention and drama they create, even if it damages their relationships or reputation.

Creating online ego board personalities is counterproductive to the Great Awakening because it perpetuates division, conflict, and ego-driven behavior instead of fostering genuine connection, empathy, and understanding. It distracts from meaningful discourse and hinders collective growth and enlightenment.

Finding tolerance and forgiveness for the narcissist involves recognizing their behavior as a manifestation of their own insecurities and psychological struggles. By not engaging with their provocations and refusing to feed into their need for attention, individuals can avoid unnecessary conflict and focus on more constructive interactions. It's important to set boundaries and prioritize healthy communication while also understanding that the narcissist's behavior stems from deep-seated issues that may require professional intervention.

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12e31b No.20417418


very nice to see


after the storm

how many of us will survive?

would like an estimate

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0028cd No.20417420

File: b3268162121bb0a⋯.png (2.94 MB,2048x1330,1024:665,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)

spinning FF fail.

fox file filler

need material cuz nothings there

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65ac23 No.20417421

File: 4c4b1ef82d8313a⋯.jpeg (220.28 KB,1290x1823,1290:1823,IMG_1565.jpeg)

File: 38795f68e062e7f⋯.jpeg (86.72 KB,1290x701,1290:701,IMG_1566.jpeg)

Kelce speaks out on guns, 3 days later….

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65ac23 No.20417423


4-6% lost forever

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52405b No.20417425


It certainly makes sense.

I have my radios all ready to go. from electricity plug in, battery and then one hand crank/solar.

They have to control the message. They will do it through papers and radio.

Makes me ill.

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76ad7b No.20417428

File: 208fdcfccd2ca4d⋯.jpg (40.55 KB,500x559,500:559,208fdcfccd2ca4dc071fa7fd97….jpg)


>Have patience and tolerance for the narcissists of the world. Some can't be helped. Some need to hit rock bottom until they hit the precipice and find the will to change on their own.

That's actually a great argument not to hire contractors who still think they're entitled to covid lockdown prices.

Anon knows a few.

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0028cd No.20417430

File: 2ab4ec3abba9688⋯.png (1.39 MB,1280x698,640:349,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)

fox peddling FEAR


both parties guilty, now

done heard the tears dropping!

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3f2927 No.20417431

File: cb74de00e43c3d4⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,220x229,220:229,download_jpeg_9.jpg)


Sup shill. Q made a specific post because they were using PLG and saw how much division and slides would be created by a single "individual" narcissist on the board and was giving mad props to the real Anons who learned to love and forgive even the shills. God bless you. Amen.

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3f2927 No.20417435

File: b8b40e8609cf441⋯.jpg (9.94 KB,252x200,63:50,download_jpeg_6.jpg)


Starve the business of money just like you starve the narcissist of negative attention. God bless.


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0028cd No.20417436


waiting for them to link trump..

standing by

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5354fd No.20417437

so much spamming

filtered v.d who is having a schizoid fit today.

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5354fd No.20417440



100 posts of spam..

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46d2ee No.20417442

File: 5421c1d112e1c4f⋯.jpeg (384.76 KB,1170x1551,390:517,IMG_2381.jpeg)

where the bot farms at now?

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3f2927 No.20417444

File: 6862f3282978a40⋯.jpg (38.52 KB,444x563,444:563,aP9Z62Q_700b.jpg)


Forgive the shill, for it is only paying the bill.


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3f2927 No.20417446

File: dad0606ef919910⋯.jpg (36.35 KB,730x800,73:80,0573cce340d40895f7345e725b….jpg)


Keep up the guud work, fren. God bless you bigly time.

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f06493 No.20417449

File: 0fb5808f8319a49⋯.jpg (155.12 KB,1024x1024,1:1,0fb5808f8319a49b29add87968….jpg)

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5354fd No.20417450


anon did not filter v.d.

just giving a count after refresh.

that is down to admin.

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52405b No.20417451



I was just going to comment about this.



they are really pushing the Russia is to be feared as well. They are trying to discredit Trucker as well.

This is getting ridiculous.

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3f2927 No.20417454

File: e013565966e8d59⋯.jpg (8.23 KB,248x204,62:51,images_jpeg_4.jpg)


Nice meme buddy. God bless you.

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12e31b No.20417460

File: aca273947386638⋯.png (1.49 MB,877x730,877:730,ClipboardImage.png)

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0af2df No.20417462

File: d8eb6736d9ad526⋯.webp (9.6 KB,250x200,5:4,2_thugs_and_a_Rocky.webp)


We're here for the Covfefe!

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3f2927 No.20417464

File: 527d1ddd7aa6c61⋯.jpg (23.93 KB,320x320,1:1,download_jpeg_8.jpg)


And here for roll call copy pasta changing of the guard shift change. God bless you too.

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8ded07 No.20417467

She cut the child’s face off then wore her face as a mask. She then danced around the room saying over and over that she was beautiful.

Beautiful Hillary

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12e31b No.20417470

File: 6b23e89572b58b4⋯.png (410 KB,1194x937,1194:937,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b6c765bfabea82⋯.png (206.81 KB,906x645,302:215,ClipboardImage.png)

Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


The Master Troll- we don’t deserve Him! 😂

Feb 12, 2024, 8:40 PM


JUST IN: Trump to attend Georgia hearing on misconduct allegations against Fani Willis

It has been revealed that Donald Trump is planning on attending the hearing on misconduct allegations leveled against Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.

The hearing, set to take place on Thursday in Atlanta, comes as Willis, who is overseeing the RICO case against the former president in Georgia, is accused of having engaged in an improper relationship with the lead prosecutor, Nathan Wade.

According to the Washington Post, while Trump is scheduled to appear in New York City for a separate legal case related to his business records on Thursday, sources say he has mentioned making his way down to Atlanta.

If the former president does show up, it will be the first time he has appeared in person in the case against him and 18 co-defendants related to their alleged efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election in Georgia.

Allegations of Wade and Willis' alleged impropriety were first brought to light in a court filing by one of Trump's co-defendants, Michael Roman. His lawyer, Ashleigh Merchant, claimed that Willis and Wade "have been engaged in an improper, clandestine personal relationship during the pendency of this case, which has resulted in the special prosecutor, and, in turn, the district attorney, profiting significantly from this prosecution at the expense of the taxpayers."

Court documents revealed that Wade bought plane tickets to locations such as Miami and San Francisco in Willis' name.

Willis has since admitted that she and Wade had a "personal relationship," though she claimed it developed after he was brought on as special prosecutor and "never involved direct or indirect financial benefit" to her.

Roman argued that if the allegations that Willis hired her lover to be on the prosecutorial team are true, Willis' conduct could potentially warrant a dismissal of the charges against him and disqualification of the entire DA's office from future prosecution of the case.


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8fd4d8 No.20417473

This Saturday 2-17 :-)

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3f2927 No.20417481

File: 7f2370fb35dd261⋯.jpg (8.05 KB,243x207,27:23,download_jpeg_7.jpg)


God bless you buddy. WRWY.

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ab119a No.20417482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


'This is a scandal BIGGER than the Post Office' | Vaccine injury victim give exclusive TV interview

John Watt confronted Rishi Sunak at the GB News People's Forum, about an inquiry and compensation for people with injuries relating to the COVID vaccine.

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e7b759 No.20417485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>She cut the child’s face off then wore her face as a mask. She then danced around the room saying over and over that she was beautiful.

>Beautiful Hillary

Supposing the video exists and is genuine, this actually makes a lot of sense.

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3f2927 No.20417487

File: 7f2370fb35dd261⋯.jpg (8.05 KB,243x207,27:23,download_jpeg_7.jpg)

Forgiveness is key. Only shills exist to hate and argue all day long on here. That's how you tell the difference between real Anons and shills. God bless you all, even the shills.

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187024 No.20417488


Have some real fucking sauce….


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bede29 No.20417492

File: 73c537e580d28f8⋯.png (161.54 KB,327x261,109:87,ClipboardImage.png)

Guise I think we reached a new level

obvious FF in KC

Wray in Israel

Law of War getting more exposure

we need a full on MEMEWAR and hashtag bombs like we did early in the game

Like a good comedian circling back to the opening salvo


Get specific

For instance - troll every social of every regular guest on Rachel Maddows show

Make them address it

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f06493 No.20417494

File: e779d3b1e798273⋯.jpg (161.34 KB,800x800,1:1,e779d3b1e798273a08367855f0….jpg)

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0af2df No.20417495

File: 277cc09d9d1285f⋯.png (14.37 MB,402x267,134:89,GODWINS.png)

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ee1c3c No.20417496

File: 9bf60e2826ecaa9⋯.png (836.57 KB,742x684,371:342,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee401b78fa56403⋯.png (1.26 MB,634x1073,634:1073,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0a6d3593b0d1cb⋯.png (826.63 KB,634x783,634:783,ClipboardImage.png)


Disgraced politician Anthony Weiner's ex-wife Huma Abedin has seemingly revealed she is dating billionaire George Soros' son Alex - who is almost ten years her junior.

The longtime aide to Hillary Clinton appeared to take her romance public on Wednesday when she shared a photo of herself and Alex enjoying a Valentine's Day date at a restaurant in Paris.

In the image - which was posted on Instagram Stories by both Huma, 47, and Alex, 38 - shows the pair cuddling up in a corner booth behind a table strewn with red roses and gifts, with the billionaire playboy adding a 'Happy Valentine's Day' message above their heads.

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588a36 No.20417497

US Govt Is Hiding Documents That Incriminate Intel Community For Illegal Spying & Election Interference, Say Sources


Last December 15th, as Americans decorated trees, lit Menorahs, and prepared to tune out for winter holidays, CNN ran an extraordinary article titled, “The mystery of the missing binder: How a collection of raw Russian intelligence disappeared under Trump.”

Co-authored by Natasha Bertrand, the gargantuan expose claimed a mysterious “binder” of “highly classified information related to Russian election interference” went “missing” in the chaotic waning days of Donald Trump’s presidency in January 2021, raising concerns that some of America’s most “closely guarded national security secrets… could be exposed.”

CNN and its intelligence sources meant “exposure” in a bad way.

Sources have told Public and Racket, however, that the secrets officials worry might be “exposed” are ones that would implicate them in widespread abuses of intelligence authority dating back to the 2015-2016 election season.

“I would call [the binder] Trump’s insurance policy,” said someone knowledgeable about the case.

“He was very concerned about having it and taking it with him because it was the road map” of Russiagate.

Transgressions range from Justice Department surveillance of domestic political targets without probable cause to the improper unmasking of a pre-election conversation between a Trump official and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to WMD-style manipulation of intelligence for public reports on alleged Russian “influence activities.”

The CNN report claimed intelligence officials were concerned about the disclosure of “sources and methods that informed the U.S. government’s assessment that Russian President Vladimir Putin sought to help Trump win the 2016 election.”

They should be concerned.

The story of how a team “hand-picked” by CIA Director John Brennan relied on “cooked intelligence” to craft that January 6th, 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment is the subject of tomorrow’s story, the last in this three-part series.

Corruption, not tradecraft, is what officials are desperate to keep secret.

The ”missing binder” story has several variants.

Sources offer differing answers on the question of whether anything of consequence is missing. They give mixed accounts of Trump’s frantic last efforts to declassify Russia-related material.

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187024 No.20417499

File: e3d0920f5f42105⋯.png (724.68 KB,817x602,19:14,DurhamPepePock.png)

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ab119a No.20417500

File: b15893a6f676b68⋯.jpeg (316.61 KB,800x693,800:693,Tiny_Zelenskyy_01_Shotgun.JPEG)



Glad to see my tiny Zelenskyy meme is still out there being shared.


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588a36 No.20417505


Fear for reputations and careers, not national security, is what has intelligence officials panicked.

Investigators wanted to declassify their findings before Trump left office, but the CIA “would not cooperate.” Investigators, a source told Public and Racket, “created a binder that blew up the assessment but couldn’t get it out because the CIA controlled it.”

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bede29 No.20417509

File: 31e9adf1adadec3⋯.jpeg (21.92 KB,255x204,5:4,4db5b2f7d523067bdf7e22fd2….jpeg)


step your game up

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c936f0 No.20417510


So Huma went from a Weiner to a Pussy. Sounds about right.

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3f2927 No.20417512

File: b648da6cd8a3767⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,2048x2048,1:1,nft.jpg)


Forgive all the narcissism, he is only human. God bless.

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ab119a No.20417513

File: d99a71ac4dcc97e⋯.png (564.43 KB,500x582,250:291,2E082156_3D86_4135_8D11_76….png)

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187024 No.20417516

File: 2b6fd44afd0ee18⋯.mp4 (6.02 MB,480x270,16:9,FZGlRWq0c_O24XHx.mp4)

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3f2927 No.20417517

File: dad0606ef919910⋯.jpg (36.35 KB,730x800,73:80,0573cce340d40895f7345e725b….jpg)


Forgiven for your delusional projections and attempts to create negativity. God bless you.

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5bf13c No.20417518

REMEMBER: Democrats demanded fines, imprisonment, quarantine camps, and taking children away from those who would not consent to the experimental covid injections.

Never Forget.

There were evil people in society who demanded that intelligent people who refused to take the dangerous experimental covid injections should be denied all medical care. There were patients needing transfusions, organ transplants, and other critical medical procedures for REAL problems that were denied medical care by evil doctors and hospital administrators. Democrats DEMANDED that those innocent people should be forced to suffer and die. Never ever forget who those evil people are. Blue voters did that. The media puppets did that. "Influencers" did that. Absolutely evil.

Don't let them get away with it. Rub their noses in their shit everyday and everywhere. Evil wants YOU to ignore it all and simply move on. To allow it and do nothing. Evil refuses to face accountability.

We looked at the facts and we made a wise decision.

For that we were viciously attacked all day everyday by both evil scumbags and their brainwashed gullible followers.

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ab119a No.20417519

File: a2d17b7a6369cb4⋯.jpeg (32.74 KB,204x176,51:44,IMG_4600.jpeg)

File: cde7ea46ba63122⋯.png (85.67 KB,254x200,127:100,IMG_4599.png)

Tiny Pepe

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76ad7b No.20417521

File: 2ba263eab8206cd⋯.jpg (13.06 KB,459x350,459:350,Al_Bundy2.jpg)

Anon is disappoint

>Did muh best to get wifeanon to kill me

>Had riding mower delivered with big pink bow on Valentine's Day.

>til death do us part

At this point, anon is getting worried about having to deal with her estate.

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3f2927 No.20417523

File: 91f6765d309871c⋯.jpg (5.42 KB,188x196,47:49,download_jpeg_10.jpg)

The narcissist sure has a lot of screenshots saved for a certain real Anon not to be rent free 24/7 in his head. Maybe the shill should learn forgiveness for real Anons getting under their skin and exposing their patterns of negative attention seeking and vitriol. Maybe they will look into a mirror some day. Anons are here to help, even the shills. God bless.

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f06493 No.20417527

File: 105327ad995913b⋯.png (2.25 MB,1024x1024,1:1,105327ad995913b77a94d5b6bf….png)

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12e31b No.20417536

File: 79ba07969beed9e⋯.jpg (95.34 KB,1024x869,1024:869,79ba07969beed9e0facf39a269….jpg)

File: c69e1be69dc4b71⋯.png (525.56 KB,731x744,731:744,pedo_kugikf.png)

File: 643465853a0a514⋯.png (2.01 MB,1247x1663,1247:1663,pedo_j_hi_.png)

File: cde014d3711af56⋯.jpg (564.66 KB,2048x1081,2048:1081,pedo_dghjk.jpg)

File: b1e3e6864b4e03d⋯.jpg (73.08 KB,1079x598,83:46,pedo_36aa38d724437e4e.jpg)


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588a36 No.20417539


anything for the cause is excused….

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5354fd No.20417540

File: 55dc362f5556c14⋯.png (329.91 KB,1148x336,41:12,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 843852ffa274657⋯.png (407.83 KB,1152x319,1152:319,ClipboardImage.png)

anyone else noticed the black cross on peoples foreheads on certain fox news front facing videos.

two examples below.

laura ingram

and molly hemmingway

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12e31b No.20417541

File: 111aa3ef90b9e37⋯.png (1.72 MB,1279x803,1279:803,ken_paxton_okjn.png)

File: 205085b2ab9dc68⋯.png (822.82 KB,649x664,649:664,Hillary_Clinton_okijmnb.png)

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765aa8 No.20417542

File: c64b62f11c8b10f⋯.png (169.01 KB,787x376,787:376,moojoonotable.png)

File: db94bb1a65aaf81⋯.png (351.04 KB,700x405,140:81,fbibarack8d.png)

>>20417378 pb

>>20413346 pb

>>20414659 pb

Mossad is Israeli intel

Israel was created in '47-48

so Adolf intel preceded Mossad.

Also it's come to be claimed by some informants / researchers posting here that Brit. Intelligence = Israeli Intel

Israel, after all, was founded by British Zionist.

German Intelligence formed the C1A. At some level yes, Adolf and the Queen worked for the same goals;

But it's false to say C1A is Mossad.

No it's not. It's German. Like the imposter Bushes and like all the paperclip babies put in power

Barack is scion of royal family, he's some other religion than Jewish.

"It's the Jews"

"Jews are C1A" (Mossad = C1A) is a scam.


C1A is known to be filled with Catholics. In earlier times it was WASP - "White Angle Saxon Protestant" OSS was joked about as "Oh So Social"

Old family socialite types

Those people hate Jews, like W. Bush (who's a poseur anyway, but said to hate Jews and Blacks)

Nobody brought up "Racism" when the idiots from that family were POTUS

BO Admin,

C1A created of German refugees and traitors / mole on our side, who brought them in.

CIA not AKA Mossad except in the fevered imagination of Jew-haters, who either believe or feint to believe, that there's there's a International Jewish conspiracy - which doesn't exist. Its paranoia and racism likely planted, encouraged and fostered by the authentic perps.

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ab119a No.20417544

File: 162232592b33f61⋯.jpeg (355.02 KB,962x645,962:645,IMG_4606.jpeg)

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bede29 No.20417546


the Q proof on this one -

exact time from first Q to yesterday

2300 days

the Q post on feb 14 - the pain

fuck guys Q is real

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588a36 No.20417549

File: da6f2db767616be⋯.jpg (42.14 KB,1280x800,8:5,R_4_.jpg)


It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.

Hit It

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bede29 No.20417550


plot twist Huma is a white Hat with a great set of cans and knows how to fuck

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420345 No.20417551

File: afc9ff0d2ab0aa5⋯.png (116.79 KB,570x445,114:89,22a40072a8cff336fd94cc2507….png)

GM guys

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765aa8 No.20417552

File: 0b06c1144f5945f⋯.png (748.53 KB,962x1200,481:600,papercliprefugees.png)

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588a36 No.20417555


when you care enough to send the very best

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12e31b No.20417556

File: d0c11f99139728b⋯.png (343.71 KB,618x596,309:298,Piccard.PNG)


trey cool

hit it!

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420345 No.20417557

File: b7f248307b92796⋯.png (41.72 KB,519x502,519:502,ClipboardImage.png)


Dates are important.

Soros and a [Feb 14] future proves past.

I's day Q is real.

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420345 No.20417559


>I's day

I'd say

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588a36 No.20417560


Alex Soros does not know how to motorboat

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3768ab No.20417561

File: 14998faa19739f2⋯.jpg (233.39 KB,1622x1317,1622:1317,SmitMarks_01_1_1378297786.jpg)

File: 8e7064049bfe246⋯.jpg (60.01 KB,700x469,100:67,sheep_with_smit_marks_1054….jpg)

File: c3c9ff6094726ec⋯.webp (26.38 KB,300x297,100:99,IMG_7723.webp)

File: 30da37ff1b8f6b4⋯.jpg (164.74 KB,976x549,16:9,_127528860_313818915_15004….jpg)


Marking one's sheep has a long history.

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420345 No.20417563


Pretty sure Huma's tits are too small to motorboat anyways.

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76ad7b No.20417565


>Alex Soros does not know how to motorboat

Huma isn't motorboatable.

All that's left is the stench of stale cabbage and piss.

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765aa8 No.20417566


It doesn't know the SS of Adolf were all Gay?

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4c9918 No.20417571

File: 1be9beec47e2535⋯.png (1.32 MB,1208x1178,604:589,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_5….png)

Tragic, but an opportunity to point out Mitch's toes to the CCP…


"🔥🚨BREAKING: Heralded executive Angela Chao, the sister-in-law of Sen.

Mitch McConnell has been killed in a car accident."

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cb8f2d No.20417574


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2410e9 No.20417575


Durham was hammed up bigly. Especially by Hannity. Turned out to be a big fat nothing.

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5354fd No.20417576

File: a4e9129254fc8ab⋯.png (1.65 MB,1220x823,1220:823,ClipboardImage.png)


cannot embed video but she has it all the way through the video.

source below. think it could be a religious thing


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ab119a No.20417581

File: 8d00a3cfb95ce12⋯.png (526.44 KB,800x497,800:497,Mitch_McConnell_Frozen_04_….PNG)

File: 662dcfdd5a38fda⋯.jpg (110.28 KB,880x878,440:439,Mitch_McConnell_Frozen_01_….jpg)

File: 524cffd26ee20d6⋯.jpeg (151.1 KB,651x800,651:800,Mitch_McConnell_Frozen_02….JPEG)

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0af2df No.20417584

File: 36095340b39c9bf⋯.png (370.01 KB,523x618,523:618,078819c50b14b278a552cde140….png)


Another day on the KUN

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12e31b No.20417585

Man, 73, is left with horrifying penile 'necrosis' after getting three 1cm-wide batteries stuck in his urethra


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62badd No.20417586


I sure hope the pics of Huma and Hillary scissoring never comes out.

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0af2df No.20417588


He thought it was his wife's vibrator

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76ad7b No.20417590

File: 83cc00556ee8247⋯.png (185.79 KB,600x401,600:401,ginger_mound_popcorn.png)


> the sister-in-law of Sen. Mitch McConnell has been killed in a car accident."

The carbackedinto a lake.

Just sayin'.

Was a hit.

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4c9918 No.20417591

File: c06106690f302aa⋯.png (993.06 KB,1202x822,601:411,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_5….png)

File: 854779aaf782c2b⋯.png (81.65 KB,2002x476,143:34,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_5….png)

File: c510f153678b6a6⋯.png (917.72 KB,634x832,317:416,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_5….png)


Am I the only one laughing about #Putin today when he endorsed Joe Biden for the 2024 election? 😁


"Moscow has a preferred outcome of this November’s presidential election in the US, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday.

Speaking with journalist Pavel Zarubin on the sidelines of the Future Technologies Forum in Moscow, Putin touched on the ongoing electoral campaign in the US, saying it would be inappropriate for Russia to meddle in the internal American matter.

When asked who would be better for Russia, the incumbent President Joe Biden or his Republican challenger Donald Trump, however, Putin answered unequivocally.

“Biden. He is a more experienced and predictable person, he is a politician of the old sort. But we will work with any leader who gets the confidence of the American people,” he said.

Biden and Trump trying to hide their age – former US presidential candidate READ MORE: Biden and Trump trying to hide their age – former US presidential candidate

Putin addressed the media reports about Biden’s cognitive decline by saying he hadn’t really seen it when he met with the US leader in Switzerland three years ago."

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2410e9 No.20417592


Clam bumpers

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bede29 No.20417593

File: 5ee31e42fe6c3e8⋯.png (104.77 KB,224x224,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


good morning Dave

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3d51ae No.20417596


It was Ash Wednesday yesterday.

Take notes or keep up.

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ab119a No.20417598


He was DISCHARED from hospital.

BUT, Police CHARGED him for assault and BATTERY.

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0af2df No.20417599

File: 32a520e0dbb8989⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB,1280x720,16:9,Russian_Riding_a_Bear_Drin….mp4)

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420345 No.20417600

File: 27778b8aa15557c⋯.png (2.48 MB,1589x1589,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Dates are important.

[Feb 14]


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12e31b No.20417601

File: 3adbcc965512173⋯.png (381.4 KB,634x473,634:473,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a1cd465d2c8da0⋯.png (250.9 KB,634x761,634:761,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40f34dd90e55941⋯.png (197.44 KB,687x954,229:318,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3ab946b5cb027d⋯.png (226.67 KB,1185x638,1185:638,ClipboardImage.png)

'This raises alarm bells': Four out of five Americans test positive for little-known toxic chemical found in CHEERIOS that may cause infertility and delay puberty, research shows

Chlormequat is a pesticide used to help increase the amount of crops grown

It could pose a risk to reproductive health and normal infant development

READ MORE: People exposed to pesticides have signs of CANCER in urine


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588a36 No.20417602


Alex would like the smell of farts then…?

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76ad7b No.20417603

File: ea307ac81c15816⋯.jpeg (449.89 KB,789x797,789:797,ea307ac81c158160b158e081c….jpeg)


>I sure hope the pics of Huma and Hillary scissoring never comes out.


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3768ab No.20417606


>has been killed

"Died from injuries suffered in a car crash"

"Perished in a automobile accident"


Sounds like a murder confession.

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5354fd No.20417607

File: e64867d32e320a8⋯.png (665.1 KB,634x706,317:353,ClipboardImage.png)


yeah anon has heard of that thing.

tanks for the info.

not a biblefag.

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12e31b No.20417615



I think Mitch McConnell wanted to retire, quit politics

He has been shown other wize

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3768ab No.20417616


>And the bartender says...

"I've got some new whiskey that will drop you harder than Building 7. Wanna shot?"

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ab119a No.20417617

File: 675bafdba8cf672⋯.jpg (10.48 KB,154x255,154:255,Karate_Pepe.JPG)

File: cbbc326d780ecda⋯.png (1.37 MB,798x800,399:400,The_Art_of_Shitposting.PNG)

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0af2df No.20417620

File: b70f5010b889a02⋯.jpg (50.64 KB,667x374,667:374,MongoPoster.jpg)


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4c9918 No.20417623

File: 600b56798b41d07⋯.png (1.88 MB,2170x1512,155:108,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_6….png)



>The car backed into a lake.

interesting…is that sauced somewhere?

Have we done a dig onFOREMOST?

Fate is sure pointing at FOREMOST…might be worth a dig…


"Loved ones revealed this week that Angela Chao, a 50-year-old shipping executive and sister-in-law to Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), died in a Texas car crash on Saturday.

Chao’s family confirmed her death in a statement, in which her dad said losing her—the youngest of six daughters—at “such a young age is something we never even imagined, and our entire family is devastated with grief.”

Details about the crash itself were not released.

Chao was the chair and chief executive of theForemost Group,owned by her family, which operates aglobal fleet of bulk carrier shipsthat transport commodities like iron ore and soybeans.

Chao’s older sister, former Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, is married to McConnell. The senator had not put out a statement about his sister-in-law’s death as of Wednesday afternoon.

Chao attended Harvard’s business school, graduating in three years before she began working under her father, Dr. James SC Chao, at Foremost Group. She left her mark at the university, with a case study she penned as a student about international shipping now being part of the required curriculum for first-year Harvard business students.

She also had a love for the arts, having served on the board of MoMA and the Metropolitan Opera.

“As a daughter, sister, mother, aunt, wife and friend, she was unfailingly filial, thoughtful, kind and devoted,” her dad’s statement read. “These qualities were complemented by a spirited personality, exceptional intelligence, compassion for all, and a wonderful sense of humor. She kept us laughing and smiling.”

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bc1574 No.20417624

File: 3063adaa8625d38⋯.jpg (24.29 KB,384x258,64:43,Screenshot_2024_02_15_0604….jpg)

File: 1b166a2f1377d8d⋯.jpg (16.42 KB,372x252,31:21,Screenshot_2024_02_15_0601….jpg)


In fairness to Dave….

Very early Q did mention her love for her child + frequent drops of have faith in Huma(nity) all double-meaning style.

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ab119a No.20417626

File: c525c56c444f98d⋯.jpg (251.06 KB,710x412,355:206,IMG_6236.jpg)





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2253a5 No.20417627

File: 863c204a7f0acfd⋯.jpg (101.77 KB,811x777,811:777,Screenshot_2024_02_15_0703….jpg)


A falling acorn prompted a Florida sheriff's deputy to empty his pistol into his own patrol car, where a handcuffed suspect was sitting at the time. Another deputy also fired at the car. Amazingly, neither the suspect nor anyone else was injured. The bizarre incident, which happened on November 12 in Fort Walton Beach, led to the resignation of Deputy Jesse Hernandez three weeks later, the Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office revealed on Friday.

During the ensuing investigation, Vice News reports, Hernandez was shown "frame-by-frame footage" in which an acorn can be seen hitting the patrol car, which was parked near an oak tree. "Acorn?" Hernandez asked. "Acorn," an investigator replied.


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76ad7b No.20417630

File: 67fa12365e63afe⋯.png (395.11 KB,680x571,680:571,0dddaedc763f3d19d11bf109f2….png)


>Wait… that woman that died from backing her Tesla into a pond was Mitch McConnel's sister-in-law?

2024 price of RINO not getting job done.

They kill your wife's sister.

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0af2df No.20417631

File: 8597b460dc7f350⋯.jpg (35.9 KB,517x479,517:479,ItWasOnlyOneTime.jpg)

Better to be a shit post and make anon's laugh a little bit

Than be a rerun poster of garbage that everyone filters out!

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01de10 No.20417634

File: 080d51ce5050e2c⋯.gif (1.49 MB,339x195,113:65,5kuz99.gif)


>Good morning

>Thursday morning

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b9d816 No.20417635

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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b9d816 No.20417638


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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76ad7b No.20417639


>interesting…is that sauced somewhere?

Anon saw a few minutes ago.

Will see if can find sauce again.

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4c2d3d No.20417641


>billionaire playboy

the term "playboy" is gonna take on a new meaning

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4c9918 No.20417642

File: 5dcb698e978f396⋯.png (46.79 KB,688x190,344:95,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_6….png)

File: 2590b7d70d68f40⋯.png (2.03 MB,1854x1276,927:638,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_6….png)

File: 322f7f9ac0d93a0⋯.png (868.53 KB,2538x1176,423:196,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_6….png)

This company screams "I TRAFFICK SHIT"…just sayin'…

"After earning his MBA in Management from St. John’s University in New York in 1964, Dr. Chao founded Foremost Maritime Corporation, which was later expanded to Foremost Group.As an early adopter of green technology, Foremost Group has incorporated fuel-efficient designs and technologies in its fleet of ships, which are ranked among the world’s most eco-friendly bulk carriers. For his outstanding contributions to the maritime industry, Dr. Chao was inducted into the International Maritime Hall of Fame at the United Nations in New York City.

Dr. Chao and his late wife, Mrs. Ruth Mulan Chu Chao, have dedicated their lives to promoting education and philanthropy. Thousands of students have been awarded scholarships through family foundations. To commemorate Ruth’s legacy of faith, family, and philanthropy, generous gifts have been made toward the construction of Mulan Marine Simulation Memorial Center at Shanghai Maritime University; the Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Building at Shanghai Jiao Tong University; and the Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Center at Harvard University, the first building named after an Asian-American and the first building named after a woman in Harvard’s history, among others.

The recipient of numerous honors and awards, Dr. Chao has been honored with the Ellis Island Award as well as the Horatio Alger Award of Distinguished Americans at the United States Supreme Court.The U.S. Department of Homeland Security recognized Dr. Chao with its special honor as an Outstanding American by Choice. The Museum of Chinese in America honored Dr. Chao with the first Outstanding Lifetime Achievement Award in its over 30-year history. He was also presented the Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award by the Chinese American Academic and Professional Society. Dr. Chao and his charitable foundations were honored with the International Leadership Foundation’s inaugural Organizational Award. American Legion Post 1291 presented their Outstanding Service Award to Dr. Chao. The U.S.-China Education Trust awarded Dr. Chao its Asians in America Leadership and Achievement Award in recognition of an inspirational leader who made a difference for his community, country, and the world. St. John’s University, Niagara University, Nyack University, National Taiwan Ocean University, National Chiao Tung University and Fu Jen University have all bestowed Honorary Doctorate Degrees on Dr. Chao. In recognition of his outstanding leadership in the maritime community, the Seamen’s Church Institute conferred upon Dr. Chao its highest honor, the Silver Bell Award. The Chinese Institute of Engineers, USA presented its Centennial Medal to Dr. Chao for his leadership in adopting energy-efficient and eco-friendly ship design and technology. Massachusetts Maritime Academy awarded Dr. Chao its Admiral’s Distinguished Service Award for inspiring leadership and contributions to society. Most recently, Columbia University awarded Dr. Chao its inaugural EPIC Achievement Award, SUNY Maritime College awarded Dr. Chao its Admiral’s Award, and Lloyd’s List Americas awarded Dr. Chao with its Lifetime Achievement Award. At its 2018 Commencement Ceremony, Massachusetts Maritime Academy conferred upon Dr. Chao the degree of Doctor of Public Administration, honoris causa.

Dr. Chao is a dedicated philanthropist, sponsoring various educational scholarships, including Harvard Business School, Harvard College, SUNY Maritime and St. John’s University to name a few, schools and training facilities in the U.S. and China. He founded the Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Foundation and Foremost Foundation and has been the recipient of numerous awards (Link to Leaders Magazine Profile) over the course of his career .

A resident of New York for 60 years, Dr. Chao was married to the late Mrs. Ruth Mulan Chu Chao for over 56 years and together they have 6 children and 7 grandchildren."


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0af2df No.20417644

File: 3d8b0762ba281bf⋯.jpg (94.08 KB,500x756,125:189,FilterFilter.jpg)


Filtered useless crap

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781691 No.20417645

File: d0f59124295cbc0⋯.jpg (191.58 KB,833x833,1:1,Bakes.jpg)

File: 6f5854c4eb41cc0⋯.jpg (54.64 KB,598x540,299:270,Trump_Dan_baker.jpg)

File: f4d54228c8ca532⋯.jpeg (21.71 KB,360x270,4:3,Bake_your_noodle2.jpeg)


ThanQ Baker!

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2bc7ef No.20417646


>2024 price of RINO not getting job done.

>They kill your wife's sister

1. Sis forgot to read manual re emergency door opener location?

2. How does an eCar Tester actually "roll backwards"? Was it in "neutral"?

3. Message to Mitch? Failure to pass Ukr $$$ ??

So any anon taking bets on which weekend?

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b773b6 No.20417647

File: 9a87916efe1fd59⋯.png (1 MB,970x1388,485:694,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c8024 No.20417648

File: 585eeb2de402f93⋯.png (9.3 KB,420x300,7:5,ClipboardImage.png)


some nigga squirrels in the hood got these acorn launchers.

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0af2df No.20417650

File: 261a011b5ab1e42⋯.jpg (17.69 KB,181x249,181:249,720473_sam_sheepdog1.jpg)


Can you pass the cream, Please

Good morning

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3768ab No.20417651

File: 8a26bc6a421e16b⋯.png (107.42 KB,229x241,229:241,Acorn_James_O_Keefe_Hannah….png)


Wasn't ACORN one of James O'Keefe's first undercover investigation?

ACORN 2009 undercover videos controversy

One of his most notable investigations occurred in 2009 when he and his organization, Project Veritas, released secretly recorded videos targeting the community organizing group ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now).

In these videos, O'Keefe and a colleague posed as a pimp and a prostitute seeking advice from ACORN employees on how to evade taxes and obtain housing for underage girls involved in prostitution. The videos purported to show ACORN employees offering advice on how to engage in illegal activities.

- -more- -


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4c9918 No.20417654





BAKE these are likely NOTABLE

Mitch's wife's sister dies in a "nothing to see hear" car crash + Foremost which is the Chao family biz…

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e47e16 No.20417656

File: cfd6d7bc5a1e2a2⋯.png (1.14 MB,887x499,887:499,GBHA.png)

Bye-bye, witch.

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12e31b No.20417657

File: 9ba6a9293a21369⋯.png (159.17 KB,408x280,51:35,you_just_made_that_shit_up.png)

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4c9918 No.20417661


sauce that shit and lets make a mini…

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0af2df No.20417665

File: f572b672f66c8b2⋯.jpg (52.33 KB,554x715,554:715,Pissed_Squirrel.jpg)

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c6951e No.20417667

File: ac19407e2cce57e⋯.jpeg (146.05 KB,800x875,32:35,IMG_2601.jpeg)

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1a9ae1 No.20417668

I suppose my biggest concern is if Trump and his administration will have the nerve to do what really needs to be done.

People need to be executed. Imprisoned

Deported by the millions. Assets taken.

Cruelties unheard of in this day.

God speed Mr. Trump I support you and wish you well. Just do it. Before they kill us all.

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f5843c No.20417672

File: 751994ad47b9389⋯.png (99.09 KB,766x936,383:468,1451_1_.png)


good morning Ralph.

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76ad7b No.20417673

File: 56c942dda41b59e⋯.png (199.14 KB,889x822,889:822,Screen_Shot_2024_02_15_at_….png)


>The car backed into a lake.

>interesting…is that sauced somewhere?

Sauced here:


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6d6dff No.20417675

File: f0c15f1792d3cc1⋯.png (488.66 KB,489x759,163:253,ItsHabbening_astronautsPep….png)

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b773b6 No.20417676

They all knew they were safe inside their little superb owl bubble knowing all along that a sacrifice of the plebs would be their after show.

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3768ab No.20417683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

America is Being GASLIT On This National Security Threat!

It was incredibly irresponsible of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner to gaslight the country alleging this “national security threat.”

The game you are watching is not the game being played.They’ll try to use the veneer of this threat to justify spying on the American people and spending their money.

Congressman Matt Gaetz


>Gang of 4

>Gang of 8


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4c8024 No.20417684


I don't remember where I heard this but I think it was here ages ago some anon talking about what would happen if a tesla got wet and if you could get electrocuted in it.

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12e31b No.20417686


mitch mcconnell looks tired

he wants to sleep in, eat pudding and take nanna naps

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4c8024 No.20417688


fuck those damn muslims and christians. I did an antisemite. did good.

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12e31b No.20417691


as well…

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c6951e No.20417694

File: b0d6b95e4809c64⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB,1265x939,1265:939,IMG_2169.jpeg)


Good one!

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e47e16 No.20417695

Der Spiegel - millions believe TS is a DS plant; cites Q, Pizzagate

Almost every fifth American believes conspiracy myths about Taylor Swift

Right US media have shot at Taylor Swift. They present the pop star as an "agent of the Pentagon" that Joe Biden wants to re-election. Millions of people obviously believe this.

In the camp of the diehard supporters of Donald Trump, the spread of conspiracy myths do not have a hard time. From pizza gate to microchips in COVIDaccinations to the dangerous fantasy of the QAnon fans: it is teeming with crude ideas that find a worrying number of supporters. In their view – of course – the hated Democrats, the billionaire George Soros, still hateful minorities – are masterminds – or all together.


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0af2df No.20417699

File: e521b6c5f1a2f6f⋯.jpg (102.9 KB,736x1104,2:3,GoodMorningFrens.jpg)

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01de10 No.20417702

File: cf3179c131668cd⋯.png (155.25 KB,396x323,396:323,ralph3cHap.png)

File: ee8cad3534dc3e6⋯.png (236.17 KB,874x644,19:14,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.


>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

> 02/15/24 (Thu) 07:09:52

Zero delta

23 seconds



> 02/15/24 (Thu) 07:09:29


>Good morning

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f5843c No.20417705

File: c78a5ab9de1cd07⋯.png (32.83 KB,766x452,383:226,595_2_.png)


good morning

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0af2df No.20417707

File: 9e27e49dcdb72c2⋯.png (1.41 MB,1061x1280,1061:1280,ClipboardImage.png)


In the Book of Revelation, Tel Megiddo is where the kings of the world are brought together by demons to do battle, before God unleashes his terrible wrath.


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afae82 No.20417709

File: 6caa525010320ed⋯.gif (575.8 KB,498x187,498:187,electrifying_grease_gif.gif)

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5354fd No.20417711

File: 399e5aaea544a16⋯.mp4 (9.86 MB,580x354,290:177,fight_video.mp4)


keep dividing

this is the plan of the elites.

every religion has been corrupted and used by the c.i.a to start terrorist attack.

if you have not figured it out.

they want to depopulate the earth of 7.5 billion people sterilize the masses.

useful idiots are easy to get rid of once they remove the critical thinkers..

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2bc7ef No.20417712


>if you could get electrocuted in it.

No idea on that, but in cold weather testers shut down. If 'underwater', maybe fuses blow?

The issue is can NOT open door if trapped inside for whatever reason, unless read manul & know where manual dorr open handle is hidden.

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f5843c No.20417713



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da132b No.20417717


No seatbelts

Whatever the road brings

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f5843c No.20417718

File: 09fd674874ef696⋯.png (57.19 KB,766x804,383:402,952_1_.png)

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76ad7b No.20417722

File: af85b9f9c25c8c1⋯.jpg (104.22 KB,1200x798,200:133,af85b9f9c25c8c1d68c0b68134….jpg)


>B students are worst than C students cuz they actually think they know something

50th percentile criticizing 60th percentile while 99.9th percentile watches shills being shills.

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e47e16 No.20417727


Good does not equal Right.

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4c8024 No.20417732


and with electric windows no way to get down and not thinking to break window once underwater.

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4c2d3d No.20417733


I still can't figure out what happened to her other boyfriend, Bradley Cooper.

That was a weird combo as well.


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12e31b No.20417739

File: 8a5301346ecb206⋯.png (392.06 KB,698x925,698:925,ClipboardImage.png)

Putin complains that fired Fox News host Tucker Carlson asked 'softball' questions in interview that left Russian leader 'unsatisfied'

Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed he 'didn't get complete satisfaction' from his interview with Tucker Carlson as the fired Fox News host failed to challenge him.

Putin, 71, appeared on Russian state TV Wednesday, sitting down for an exchange with propagandist Pavel Zarubin.

'To be honest, I thought he would be more aggressive and ask tough questions,' the autocrat said of 54-year-old Carlson.

'And I wasn’t just ready for that, I wanted it, because it would have given me the opportunity to respond sharply in kind, which, in my opinion, would have added certain specificity to our conversation. But he chose a different tactic.'

Putin then went on to describe Carlson's passivity.

'He tried to interrupt me several times, but still, surprisingly for a Western journalist, he proved patient and listened to my lengthy replies, especially about history,' he said.

'And he didn’t give me reason to do what I was prepared for. So honestly speaking, I didn’t get complete satisfaction from that interview.'

During the over two-hour-long conversation with the conservative pundit, Putin monologued about Russian history and aired his grievances about past and present U.S. leaders.

'Are we having a talk show or a conversation?' the president snarked soon after the start of the interview.

The arrangement marked his first interview with an American journalist since before the Russian invasion of Ukraine nearly two years ago.

According to the Kremlin, Putin agreed sit down with Carlson because his stance on the Russo-Ukrainian war differed from the 'one-sided' reporting by many Western media outlets.

The Russian leader used the time to speak at length about the conflict, blaming Ukraine for starting it - a claim that Carlson did not dispute.

'We were protecting our people, ourselves, our homeland and our future,' Putin said in justifying the February 2022 invasion - the largest attack on a European country since World War II.

He also directed some blame at the United States for the ongoing war.

'If you really want to stop fighting, you need to stop supplying weapons. It will be over within a few weeks. That’s it,' he said.

He further claimed that Russia hadn't achieved its war aims 'because one of them is de-Nazification.'

The term is widely regarded as code for removal of Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the country's first Jewish president.

Putin declined to answer when Carlson asked if he would be 'satisfied' with the territory Russian has now.

Following a lengthy history lesson attempting to prove that Ukraine had always been part of Russia, the autocrat unloaded his scathing criticism of the U.S., claiming generations of presidents had failed to reach consensus on security matters.

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4c8024 No.20417741


who is dividing it is the people in the religious groups with their so called truth that are. Every religion has indeed become corrupted and that is why mockery of all of them to show what a lie they are is required. Not just against thew jew but all of the self entitled groups.

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12e31b No.20417742


Following a lengthy history lesson attempting to prove that Ukraine had always been part of Russia, the autocrat unloaded his scathing criticism of the U.S., claiming generations of presidents had failed to reach consensus on security matters.

He said he had enjoyed a 'personal relationship' with Donald Trump and George W. Bush and claimed not to recall when he last spoke to President Biden.

'Do I have to remember everything?' Putin said. 'I have my own things to do. We have domestic political affairs.'

When asked why he hadn't spoken with Biden, Putin said: 'Why would I call him? What should I talk to him about? Or beg him for what?'

He clarified that 'certain contacts are being maintained' between the two countries.

Carlson has been historically soft on Russia, even speaking in support of the country. His attacks on the Biden administration's aid to Ukraine have been regularly rebroadcast through Kremlin propaganda outlets.

Appearing at the World Governments Summit this week, Carlson said he had been trying to secure an interview with the Russian leader for three years.

'I wanted to interview Putin because he's the leader of a country that the U.S. government is sort of at war with,' the TV personality explained.

He further claimed that the government 'prevented (him) from doing it by spying on (his) text messages and leaking them to the New York Times.'

This appeared to reference the messages that kicked off a chain of events ultimately leading to his firing from Fox News.

While they were redacted in legal documents and published in full by the outlet, they had no apparent connection to his interview with Putin.

'My country's intel services were working against me illegally,' Carlson insisted.

He made similar unsubstantiated claims in 2021, when he asserted that the National Security Agency was planning to leak his communications in an attempt to take him off the air.


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bc1574 No.20417745

File: 1a1c8edf1170fdd⋯.jpg (210.5 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Abby_AI.jpg)


At least he's accidentally seen them multiple times by barging into the bathroom without knocking first.

So, he'll always have that going for him.

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4c2d3d No.20417747


Mark of the Beast?

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b324ad No.20417751

File: 493d7655dc1e72d⋯.png (517.75 KB,751x831,751:831,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)

Last December 15th, as Americans decorated trees, lit Menorahs, and prepared to tune out for winter holidays, CNN ran an extraordinary article titled, “The mystery of the missing binder: How a collection of raw Russian intelligence disappeared under Trump.”

Co-authored by Natasha Bertrand, the gargantuan exposé claimed a mysterious “binder” of “highly classified information related to Russian election interference” went “missing” in the chaotic waning days of Donald Trump’s presidency in January 2021, raising concerns that some of America’s most “closely guarded national security secrets… could be exposed.”

CNN and its intelligence sources meant “exposure” in a bad way. Sources have told Public and Racket, however, that the secrets officials worry might be “exposed” are ones that would implicate them in widespread abuses of intelligence authority dating back to the 2015-2016 election season.

“I would call [the binder] Trump’s insurance policy,” said someone knowledgeable about the case. “He was very concerned about having it and taking it with him because it was the road map” of Russiagate.

Transgressions range from Justice Department surveillance of domestic political targets without probable cause to the improper unmasking of a pre-election conversation between a Trump official and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to WMD-style manipulation of intelligence for public reports on alleged Russian “influence activities.”

The CNN report claimed intelligence officials were concerned about the disclosure of “sources and methods that informed the U.S. government’s assessment that Russian President Vladimir Putin sought to help Trump win the 2016 election.”

They should be concerned. The story of how a team “hand-picked” by CIA Director John Brennan relied on “cooked intelligence” to craft that January 6th, 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment is the subject of tomorrow’s story, the last in this three-part series.

Corruption, not tradecraft, is what officials are desperate to keep secret.

The ”missing binder” story has several variants. Sources offer differing answers on the question of whether anything of consequence is missing. They give mixed accounts of Trump’s frantic last efforts to declassify Russia-related material.

Dating back to the release of the so-called “Nunes memo” in 2018 exposing the corruption of the FISA application process, senior intelligence officials, including Trump’s CIA Director, Gina Haspel, have repeatedly blocked attempts to declassify information about the Trump-Russia investigation.

They had good reason to obstruct the release of these documents.


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3768ab No.20417752

File: 424e0a360442874⋯.png (30.92 KB,600x344,75:43,Bell_curve_percentiles_255….png)

File: 15e084575a01f25⋯.jpg (206.41 KB,1327x1087,1327:1087,Ellyns_Bell_Curve_11889827….jpg)


Allopathy is Democratic Science, like Education

They match 51% of the Problem with a 51% solution and declare victory.

51% of patients with "symptom X" have "disease Y"

51% of people with "disease Y" respond to "medication Z"

Profit from Z!

50th Percentile thinking from 50th percentile performers at the "Peak" of the curve.

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685863 No.20417753

i'm tired of hearing about "sexual assault".

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0b0853 No.20417758

File: ac2202062a88e9c⋯.jpeg (77.25 KB,950x1389,950:1389,IMG_9707.jpeg)

File: 03e5ed1be31d0e9⋯.jpeg (957.79 KB,1290x2459,1290:2459,IMG_9708.jpeg)

I think my autistic fren painted that wing!

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76ad7b No.20417762

File: bf8bbcc9a7197e9⋯.png (66.14 KB,1065x864,355:288,bf8bbcc9a7197e94fcf69689f8….png)


>Putin complains that fired Fox News host Tucker Carlson asked 'softball' questions in interview that left Russian leader 'unsatisfied'


Putin is goading MSM "hardball" anchors into an interview.

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fdf876 No.20417764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Joe McMoneagle - CIA's Project Stargate | SRS #95

Anon has never heard of this guy until today when I saw this video, he has a very impressive credentials, sounds like he could be Q. Who is to say Q was not in the CIA or any other 3 letter agency before they began with the drops…

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4c2d3d No.20417765


One more good reason not to be Catholic.

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e47e16 No.20417766

Bold move. Let's see how that works out for you.

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954ba1 No.20417769

File: 566c0a7ce1a58a9⋯.png (1.21 MB,1686x1008,281:168,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)


> while 99.9th


riggers be trippin'

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f06493 No.20417771

File: cd698fc869919e0⋯.png (36.4 KB,784x645,784:645,cd698fc869919e01050ea70e36….png)

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5354fd No.20417772

File: c4399e2e1486c2c⋯.png (178.73 KB,255x254,255:254,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dffabcb984d89a4⋯.png (34.5 KB,397x416,397:416,ClipboardImage.png)


anons connection with god does not require a organised religion or their temples of corruption.

Anon believes those who are of the faiths know this and the only thing standing in the way of darkness is to separate the soul from the spirit ..

Stay connected and wear the full armour of God at all times on all 3 different plains .




WW3 is habbening now

many are realizing this and at war with the demonic and A.I forces.

In God We Trust, God Speed Ahead.

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76ad7b No.20417773

File: 78e51d803faefb4⋯.png (52.22 KB,657x718,657:718,78e51d803faefb47dae28622b5….png)


>50th Percentile thinking from 50th percentile performers at the "Peak" of the curve.

Congratulations, anon!

You've got it all figured out!

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3768ab No.20417775


Anon, it's offensive to write the letter e, when it's preceeded by the letter s, and followed by the letter x.

You should correct your post to:

"I'm tired of hearing about s*xual assault."

So that you don't offend any victims or children, which could be a crime.

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4c8024 No.20417779


wrong fuck off.

what god your god.

I dont like your god.

your god is a bitch.

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ee916b No.20417780


Make it so!

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2bc7ef No.20417782


>and not thinking to break window once underwater

Breaking a window whilst vehicle is underwater is not same as in movies. Outside water pressure against the glass means need a lot of psi to fracture glass. Maybe a silletto? maybe a hammer in glovebox? Yep testers are death traps.

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b324ad No.20417784

File: 5923dcfb59e7191⋯.png (274.86 KB,762x598,381:299,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)

File: f930410e54e49b4⋯.png (1.62 MB,1200x900,4:3,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)


this natasha bertrand appears to be huge glow-nigger


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4c9918 No.20417785

File: 766f912488653a4⋯.png (295.21 KB,950x1596,25:42,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_6….png)


It isINTERESTINGthat she is back in the newsNOW

127 posts about Huma

Follow Huma

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954ba1 No.20417787

File: 31fb4fd94a1244c⋯.png (302.99 KB,846x576,47:32,Screenshot_2024_02_12_at_0….png)

File: b605de4b0fc179b⋯.png (125.72 KB,1228x400,307:100,Screenshot_2024_02_12_at_0….png)

File: e927819c9be66d0⋯.png (680.83 KB,476x1006,238:503,Screenshot_2024_02_12_at_0….png)

File: b60cd311825c14a⋯.png (2.24 MB,2046x1002,341:167,Screenshot_2024_02_12_at_0….png)



you need a shave, 99.9% rigger

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b0e1e3 No.20417788

File: 588a196f63f6438⋯.jpeg (713.42 KB,1734x1493,1734:1493,IMG_6056.jpeg)

ICBM upgrades aren’t going well

Another multi trillion dollar Pentagon debacle Congress needs to kill

I seriously doubt there are 400+ nukes buried in the ground in US

US military once claimed to have 13k nukes in Turkey

Never trust ZOG


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ebda7c No.20417789

File: 4ee4b2d3aa2fe66⋯.jpg (9.76 KB,286x300,143:150,Kerry.jpg)

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5354fd No.20417791

File: b364bb23e9382b5⋯.gif (9.99 MB,540x570,18:19,gif.gif)

File: c0ddd7c0876b670⋯.png (113.12 KB,261x187,261:187,ClipboardImage.png)


you again

begone demon spawn.


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4c8024 No.20417797

bible fags are so easy to trigger

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4c9918 No.20417800


>Trump and his administration will have the nerve to do what really needs to be done.

45 will. Will (you) is the real question. What will be our collectiveJUSTICEline? Will we forgive? What will that line look like?

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f06493 No.20417801

File: 2e5ed2e51317736⋯.png (99.32 KB,788x292,197:73,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04296f5120fb0b3⋯.png (99.25 KB,788x291,788:291,ClipboardImage.png)


I saw that too.

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d348b2 No.20417804


No more columns

Get it

Someone that can build

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b324ad No.20417807

File: 85c69abbac6c120⋯.png (38.71 KB,978x223,978:223,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)

File: 2a108060051f951⋯.png (228.9 KB,658x430,329:215,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)

A dozen victims of Jeffrey Epstein sued the U.S. government Wednesday, accusing the FBI of allowing and enabling his sex trafficking for two decades.

The anonymous victims alleged that the FBI had received credible tips about Epstein’s sex trafficking operation as early as 1996 but did not investigate them.

A probe finally began in 2006, the suit says, but ended once Epstein pleaded guilty to a soliciting prostitution charge in Florida and was sentenced to 18 months in prison. The suit claims the FBI continued to ignore tips until Epstein was arrested on sex trafficking charges in 2019. He killed himself in prison months later.

“As a direct and proximate cause of the FBI’s negligence, plaintiffs would not have been continued to be sex trafficked, abused, raped, tortured and threatened,” the suit reads. “Jane Does 1-12 bring this lawsuit to get to the bottom — once and for all — of the FBI’s role in Epstein’s criminal sex trafficking ring.”

The plaintiffs also allege that the FBI had evidence of crimes that the agency refused to pursue.

“During the FBI investigation, the FBI was complicit in permitting Epstein and co-conspirators to continue to victimize Jane Does 1-12 and other young women,” the suit reads. “The FBI had photographs, videos and interviews and hard evidence of child prostitution and failed to timely investigate and arrest Epstein in deviation from the FBI protocols.”

“The FBI had a non-discretionary obligation, governed by established policies, procedures, rules, and protocols, to handle and investigate tips concerning potential and ongoing underage child erotica, rape, sex with minors, and sex trafficking in a reasonable manner and to act against Epstein and to prevent him from committing repeated crimes,” it continued. “Yet, contrary to its own established rules, the FBI failed to take appropriate action and botched and covered up investigations for years.”

The plaintiffs seek monetary damages from the federal government.

The Hill has reached out to the Department of Justice for comment.


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3768ab No.20417808

algorithm > allopathy

50th Percentile thinking.

"What are the odds?"

They don't know.

It's Vegas for them.

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f5843c No.20417814

File: 6c4feb54913b06d⋯.png (918.69 KB,766x1080,383:540,294.png)

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0b0853 No.20417817

File: be66191bc5db955⋯.jpeg (1.51 MB,1200x1436,300:359,IMG_9414.jpeg)

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0b0853 No.20417819

I’m how do I filter myself?

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4c9918 No.20417823


ata'boy…noice and well done..

This statementREEKS

There is much here…



Why would "Kyle Bass" who is with "Hayman Capital Management" be theFUCKING SPOKESMAN????

She backed her car into a pond on a private ranch…what the actual fuck????

"there is a video of the car incident"…oh really??? DIG ANONS…

"Bank of China"…

Maybe we need to read some of what Peter Schweizer has written about the Chao fam…

These people scream TRAFFICKERS…just sayin..

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4c8024 No.20417825


No, but they most certainly need to stop being so fucking stupid about their beliefs. Bad as a fucking liberal. They just repeat the narrative they were conditioned with.

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ecd1d0 No.20417829


Go back and read drops.


Guess what that means about Alex.

Nothing is as it seems.

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0b0853 No.20417833

File: 48e5d51b61b731f⋯.jpeg (186.73 KB,1280x1213,1280:1213,IMG_8301.jpeg)


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f06493 No.20417835


>Details about the crash itself were not released.

>Details about the crash itself were not released.

>Details about the crash itself were not released.


Are they investigating an accident or a murder?

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0b0853 No.20417837

File: c489af88e0309f6⋯.png (179.23 KB,1282x726,641:363,IMG_9681.png)

File: e636493ce71e1da⋯.png (349.55 KB,720x1600,9:20,IMG_9683.png)

File: 6944781408e5f2a⋯.mp4 (2.49 MB,RPReplay_Final1707911955.mp4)

File: 74016a3e6611669⋯.jpeg (77.33 KB,464x547,464:547,IMG_3817.jpeg)

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76ad7b No.20417839


>99.9% rigger

It's not that high of a bar, loser.

Top athlete in a high school of a thousand.

One of the five smartest guys in a town of 5000

One of the 50 smartest guys in a town of 50K

One of the 500 smartest guys in a town of 500K

One of the 1000 smartest guys in a town of a million

One of the 400 thousanths smartest guys in the US by the time this invasion is done.

By that measure, anon is a complete and utter moran.

Which makes you very much less than a complete and utter moran.

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a3f12a No.20417843

File: 5d063f202a1dd63⋯.jpg (56.76 KB,640x367,640:367,american_indian_v0_xea7dq4….jpg)



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3768ab No.20417849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Green Berets Framed In Vietnam By The CIA | John Stevens Berry was their Attorney | PTSD Lawyers

Veterans Disability Lawyers | Berry Law

4.78K subscribers


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0028cd No.20417851

File: 38d07e30e7c4620⋯.png (2.13 MB,1858x1012,929:506,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)

south of the boarder

new bloody

you bloody

]who bloody?

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482726 No.20417854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8:00 AM EST

Electronic Health Record Modernization Deep Dive: Can the Oracle Pharmacy Software Be Made Safe and Effective?

House Veterans' Affairs Committee



Mr. Neil Evans, M.D.

Acting Program Executive Director, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, on behalf of EHRM Integration Office


Mr. Thomas Emmendorfer, Pharm.D

Executive Director, Pharmacy Benefits Management Services, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, on behalf of Veterans Health Administration


Mr. Robert Silverman, Pharm.D.

Chairman, EHRM Pharmacy Council, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, on behalf of Veterans Health Administration


Mr. David Case

Deputy Inspector General, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, on behalf of Office of Inspector General


Mr. Mike Sicilia

Executive Vice President, Oracle Corporation





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0b0853 No.20417855

File: 23bce301219a80a⋯.jpeg (33.37 KB,448x423,448:423,IMG_7657.jpeg)

File: ae3a8c54f0b09a6⋯.jpeg (40.22 KB,600x450,4:3,IMG_2402.jpeg)

File: 62cfb663979b3fd⋯.jpeg (103.01 KB,396x971,396:971,IMG_1186.jpeg)


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76ad7b No.20417856


>Are they investigating an accident or a murder?

Depends on the payoff.

CCP was involved.

Could take time to settle on how much graft is expected.

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fdf876 No.20417858



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3d51ae No.20417859





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01de10 No.20417860

File: a7c80332bc1c5ae⋯.png (533.09 KB,780x588,65:49,q1450_doeskimlooknervous.png)

File: cdf47ad8c587863⋯.png (140.34 KB,683x438,683:438,Screenshot_from_2024_02_15….png)

File: 213f6dacacb4512⋯.png (291.21 KB,392x549,392:549,Screenshot_from_2024_02_15….png)

File: 3b870b6e8326dd2⋯.png (2.82 MB,3200x1640,80:41,TRUDEAU_et_al_MISSILE_ATTA….png)

File: 1fa8fa7c2cbde4c⋯.png (61.14 KB,482x460,241:230,Screenshot_from_2024_02_15….png)


>good morning Ralph.

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4c2d3d No.20417861


C students are the ones who figured out early on that it's all a bunch of bullshit anyways.

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01de10 No.20417863

File: 2358109d1229c71⋯.png (1.71 MB,1920x3401,1920:3401,Q_The_North_Korea_Story_Su….png)



>good morning Ralph.

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482726 No.20417864

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8:00 AM EST

Breakfast With West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin

City Club of Cleveland




City Club of Cleveland Breakfast Forum with Sen. Joe Manchin

Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) speaks at the City Club of Cleveland as part of his listening tour to meet with voters around the country.


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3768ab No.20417866


Every graduate gets the same diploma.

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c6951e No.20417867

File: 910b3638c7cc7c2⋯.jpeg (138.58 KB,800x524,200:131,IMG_2611.jpeg)


> Putin complains that fired Fox News host Tucker Carlson asked 'softball' questions in interview that left Russian leader 'unsatisfied'

Is that why he had to start talking about Russian history?

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765aa8 No.20417869

File: e890d2c79f915c7⋯.png (796.22 KB,726x995,726:995,donaldtrumppepe.png)



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c941a2 No.20417871

File: e0d62d0a0c345d9⋯.jpg (7.42 KB,255x143,255:143,dune_pepe3.jpg)


It is what it is. The memes, commentary, and criticism will still keep coming.

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0028cd No.20417873



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765aa8 No.20417874


maybe Putin really wanted to dish some dirt, but tuck didn't go there?

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674481 No.20417875


Yes and they will be tormented forever until they change and awaken to what is Good and triumphant over evil.

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3768ab No.20417876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

O’Keefe Media Infiltrates NO MAS MUERTES

O’Keefe Media Group


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d81b62 No.20417877

File: 178acf9f596d845⋯.jpeg (209.66 KB,1024x1024,1:1,_c806f322_7322_4579_a615_….jpeg)

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0028cd No.20417878


then it should command the same $ power….

i'll wait

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c941a2 No.20417879

File: 0c1e78b86d3346a⋯.png (945.08 KB,564x764,141:191,0c1e78b86d3346a95f6543f07c….png)



Post count maybe? Perhaps I was over 10% of bread total? It was hard to tell as that one poster that switched to MuhJoo at 90 some posts or something on my end because I never refreshed. I remember him saying something about that before. Anyway, I said I was going to drop the topic so I probably should.

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177509 No.20417880


Biker is not at the same level as Dart when it comes to post deletions

I guess they probably hang out together under dark ghettos and give each other frantic reach arounds after gobjobbing the BO in his trailer which is parked permanently in the gay district in SF

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b0e1e3 No.20417882


PNC Bank…..only bank that will take money out of your account because you “owe” it to them

Scumbags of a feather, flock together

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4c9918 No.20417883


Putin wanted Tucker to ask about all the stuff the have brought to the attention of the UN…

Putin wanted to talk about



The DNC and biolabs

HRC, Biden, the current admin, Burmisma, H.Biden

Etc etc etc…

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bb3d5b No.20417885


HRC getting scissored

So metaphorically

HRC getting, rather sitting on someone could be akin to cutting their face off


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12e31b No.20417886


he spoke about russian history to establish his understanding that


He defends his boarders and knows what is what

Extremely sensible and hard core man

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d4acf8 No.20417887


>AI tattoo removal

wtf i love AI nao!

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177509 No.20417889


the deletions will continue until the next board coup d'état

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9062b2 No.20417890

File: caeca4c3dd0fd09⋯.png (66.92 KB,322x156,161:78,ClipboardImage.png)

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12e31b No.20417891


yeah, well I hope Herridge goes and talks to him.

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4c9918 No.20417893


>Joe McMoneagle

He was a remote viewer. He has been interviewed hundreds if not thousands of times. Good info, but you have to take it with a grain of SALT. This was a CIA program. These folks were CIA operatives.

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12e31b No.20417897


I love it when he confirmed the CIA blew up the nordstream 2

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957665 No.20417900

File: fc01d90eb752e26⋯.jpg (49.96 KB,731x747,731:747,48a1f6d89e3d36fd955e14af1f….jpg)


I'll check that out.

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bb3d5b No.20417903


Hot pirogies

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0028cd No.20417905

File: 001173d17da25b3⋯.png (1.04 MB,2010x464,1005:232,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)

File: 556704cf5243ec0⋯.png (617.17 KB,938x696,469:348,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)

muh tryna shape a turd sculpture

tease it!

cinch it!

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b0e1e3 No.20417906


These crazy bitches will try to charge people with a “hate crime” for putting clothes on their pics…..uber KEK

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f06493 No.20417907

File: a613ef5aa3d0412⋯.png (179.08 KB,1791x319,1791:319,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 78081a0a7f66ef9⋯.png (91.17 KB,792x206,396:103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 204d4ddac1b4fc1⋯.gif (2 MB,354x201,118:67,High.gif)


I'll be honest with you. I am the anon the calls himself "Highest Ranking Narcissist" in the name field. I just thought I would take your side with and noticing it. Which I find strange because I posted the same images you have recently posted. So…. Ya…????? If anything, my posts should have been removed too.

I know I can be an asshole but I'm not a hypocrite.


>>20417154, this bread.

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d4acf8 No.20417908


i like the part where Dad slams the brakes and beats Billy's ass at the curb.

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bb3d5b No.20417910


They took off before the paint dried?

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e81656 No.20417911


Troll is about to be defunded

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12e31b No.20417913

File: 4a50fdfcf5b1bf0⋯.png (140.15 KB,864x802,432:401,ClipboardImage.png)

Peter McCullough, MD, MPH


Autopsy studies have NOT confirmed SARS-CoV-2 causes myocarditis.This conflicts with the false govt narrative that the infection causes more myocarditis than the vaccine–NOT TRUE. mRNA vaccine myocarditis is common, severe, and fatal. @DrNoMask


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0028cd No.20417915

File: 857dd29cb4a9a11⋯.png (437.56 KB,486x484,243:242,Screenshot_2024_02_04_at_0….png)

File: fd9945b9da760a0⋯.png (1.87 MB,1190x1104,595:552,Screenshot_2024_02_03_at_0….png)

File: 2d1484ed72888d5⋯.png (1 MB,958x1104,479:552,Screenshot_2024_02_03_at_0….png)

File: 3d4c9641cdfd661⋯.png (489.98 KB,622x562,311:281,Screenshot_2024_02_03_at_0….png)


boern pitz

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f06493 No.20417916

File: 9e062c90ecfe942⋯.png (445.83 KB,768x516,64:43,ClipboardImage.png)


!!! Hilarious!

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12e31b No.20417918

File: 4a50fdfcf5b1bf0⋯.png (140.15 KB,864x802,432:401,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3cdefe1555c655c⋯.png (1.27 MB,1272x1096,159:137,ClipboardImage.png)

Autopsy Studies Rule Out Myocarditis from SARS-CoV-2 Infection

Statements from Public Health Agencies Debunked

I have heard numerous public health officials state that SARS-CoV-2 infection causes more myocarditis than COVID-19 vaccination. The American College of Cardiology has used this platform as a twisted rationale for giving out COVID-19 vaccines, and in a perverted manner, creating more myocarditis in the population.

If SARS-CoV-2 infection caused myocarditis or inflammation of heart muscle tissue, then it would be seen on autopsy in fatal cases of COVID-19. Poloni et al specifically examined the heart of fatal COVID-19 cases and concluded the virus does not infect the heart.

Poloni TE, Moretti M, Medici V, Turturici E, Belli G, Cavriani E, Visonà SD, Rossi M, Fantini V, Ferrari RR, Carlos AF, Gagliardi S, Tronconi L, Guaita A, Ceroni M. COVID-19 Pathology in the Lung, Kidney, Heart and Brain: The Different Roles of T-Cells, Macrophages, and Microthrombosis. Cells. 2022 Oct 4;11(19):3124. doi: 10.3390/cells11193124. PMID: 36231087; PMCID: PMC9563269.

Another autopsy study of fatal COVID-19 pneumonia by Maccio et al found inflammation of the small capillaries serving the heart called endotheliitis but not the heart muscle tissue itself (no myocarditis shown in Figure 6 panel a). This distinguished COVID-19 from influenza which had no inflammation of blood vessels or heart muscle. But importantly, Maccio did NOT find myocarditis in COVID-19 cases.


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674481 No.20417919


Intelligence and Worth has nothing to do with a diploma. As long as a person pursues knowledge, wisdom and crafting of the future using these, they will achieve happiness. The pursuit of goodness and building with love precludes harming others.

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bb3d5b No.20417921


So the modern equivalent of a paper bag over the noggin

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c941a2 No.20417926


Filtered for malicious behavior. You'll be thrilled with the consequences of your actions when it arrives.

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12e31b No.20417927

File: 462eef77d13b3df⋯.png (53.34 KB,1041x282,347:94,ClipboardImage.png)

Rep. Mark Green: House Republican who oversaw Mayorkas impeachment won't run for re-election

House Homeland Security Chair, Rep. Mark Green will not seek a fourth term

House Homeland Security Chair, Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn., announced Wednesday he will not run for re-election, citing Alejandro Mayorkas' impeachment as a reason to retire from Congress and return to his home district after serving three terms in Washington, D.C.

"At the start of the 118th Congress, I promised my constituents to pass legislation to secure our borders and to hold Secretary Mayorkas accountable. Today, with the House having passed H.R. 2 and Secretary Mayorkas impeached, it is time for me to return home," Green said in a statement. "In the last few months, in reading the writings of our Framers, I was reminded of their intent for representatives to be citizen-legislators, to serve for a season and then return home. Our country – and our Congress – is broken beyond most means of repair. I have come to realize our fight is not here within Washington, our fight is with Washington."

"As I have done my entire life, I will continue serving this country – but in a new capacity," Green continued Wednesday, not disclosing if he will run again for governor in 2026, where the seat will up for grabs because Republican Gov. Bill Lee is prohibited from running under Tennessee’s gubernatorial term limits.

"I am grateful to my wife, Camie, and my family, for standing beside me and for their service to our nation," he continued, announcing his retirement.


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12e31b No.20417930

File: fbf33bcb1a15f6a⋯.png (2.78 MB,1638x1266,273:211,ClipboardImage.png)

Diamond and Silk


Message From Dr Stella: Respiratory illnesses are on the rise. We are treating more patients. Please early treatment is the key. Stock up on HCQ and ivermectin. Do not wait till you are sick. It will take a few days to get medicine to you. Do Telehealth

Feb 15, 2024, 7:00 AM


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b0e1e3 No.20417931

File: b295fcf8f0079f2⋯.png (2.6 MB,1300x1300,1:1,IMG_5910.png)

WW3 going on and Jew.S.A has no decent commanders

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5354fd No.20417933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

trump is back in court today in the stormy daniels hush money case.

The poor guy, they are hounding him and his family.


Donald Trump Appears In Court In The Stormy Daniels Hush Money Case | New York | US Elections 2024


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f5843c No.20417934

File: 2815de69359b07b⋯.png (270.21 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240216_081845.png)

File: 6ddf4ef4085fc5c⋯.png (700.77 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240216_081900.png)

File: 6911416bf7a1000⋯.jpeg (221.5 KB,1200x693,400:231,GGX47rXbsAEAjBY.jpeg)

File: cc92a70f314a1a8⋯.jpeg (105.97 KB,1200x639,400:213,GGX47rZbUAAJ9qq.jpeg)

File: a4bf1a60a5cc46d⋯.png (250.48 KB,766x1648,383:824,604_4_.png)


big X/tweet 6:04

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2410e9 No.20417936

Trump may have “missing folder”. Is this folder the red one he flashed at the J6 tent?

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a3eecc No.20417937

File: 403546ac5f0a775⋯.jpeg (58.82 KB,563x462,563:462,403546ac5f0a775691b89fc83….jpeg)


To be fair, he didn't "confirm" that. What he said was to look for someone that has a reason, as well as the means to pull it off. The inference wasn't CIA, specifically, but just about everything else in their conversation was an accusation that intel agencies run shit and not the people elected to run shit. That's why, in his opinion, shit's all fucked to hell and back.

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765aa8 No.20417938


first realize "Daily Mail" is full-of-shit British gossip rag.

They called the Russian interviewer of Putin "Propagandist" - instead of journalist; but that is their name!

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0028cd No.20417939

File: 67fc3a6334f912c⋯.png (518.85 KB,888x636,74:53,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)


>while 99.9th percentile watches

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efa1be No.20417941


Another 'Bombshell'

Tiresome media posts.

I guess every anon can also insert 'bombshell' too. Anything for clicks for those late to the party

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b0e1e3 No.20417943


Bush family has been fighting Nordstream project since day one, they want the pipeline to go through Israel for tax dollars

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765aa8 No.20417945


thought he was going to attend Fani hearing.

Maybe he does both?

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f5843c No.20417948

File: 6908de22d0056b6⋯.png (444.87 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240216_082444.png)

File: 2f4e373e6597cb6⋯.png (67.62 KB,766x896,383:448,103_7_.png)

File: 0be9d112562e994⋯.png (121.17 KB,766x1332,383:666,803_17_.png)

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2410e9 No.20417949


Strategic Kayfabe.

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a3eecc No.20417950


Coast Guard cleaning house!

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63f684 No.20417951

File: a76513b8481241a⋯.jpg (44.95 KB,667x374,667:374,puttrumpback.jpg)


TY, baker.

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d4acf8 No.20417952


Could be there are many folders being used to flush out bad actors trying to intercept them. I would suspect the real folder has several copies in secure locations.


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3768ab No.20417954

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Filthy Secrets of Ancient China

Video Chapters

0:00 Intro

0:32 Human Sacrifice

2:12 Cannibalism

4:25 Hygiene

6:17 Conclusion

History Quest


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c6951e No.20417955

File: e3e49cfc324ddb0⋯.png (188.62 KB,798x444,133:74,2024_02_15_08_24_19.png)

File: 05a3ac3361cb7bf⋯.png (208.9 KB,473x465,473:465,2024_02_15_08_23_33.png)


>he spoke about russian history to establish his understanding that


>He defends his boarders and knows what is what

>Extremely sensible and hard core man

He appears to know his history, and the irony therein.

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b0e1e3 No.20417956


Navy calls turning off all the lights and driving real crazy around the ocean, “anti-submarine warfare” kek

Sub was under our ship the entire time…double KEK

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01de10 No.20417957

File: a76e387d815650f⋯.png (102.77 KB,600x533,600:533,interdasting.png)


>Green Berets Framed In Vietnam By The CIA

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c0ab40 No.20417959

File: 00eeaddd3260119⋯.gif (3.59 MB,480x267,160:89,snowdrift.gif)

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bb3d5b No.20417960


They want that Genie oil gas pick me up into EU

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0028cd No.20417961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>20416680 Jack Smith comes as close as ever to admitting a verdict is necessary before Election Day

they say it out loud, first

Covid-19 will change capitalism forever, says Lynn Forester de Rothschild

Lynn Forester de Rothschild, founder of the Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism, says that companies that tap U.S. relief packages must be more transparent about how they will protect the well-being of their workers and customers. She joins “Squawk Box” to discuss.

Fri, May 1 2020

7:33 AM EDT


is the curve lowered, yet? afaf

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765aa8 No.20417962

File: 3e023cca0ccf997⋯.jpg (21.48 KB,300x220,15:11,dems_inciting_violence_300….jpg)


"I'll be honest with you. "

That's a tell

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c0ab40 No.20417963

File: 1f18ffa7d8ce16b⋯.jpg (35.97 KB,244x163,244:163,aRides.jpg)

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27dc0a No.20417965


I can't believe they locked up that Colonel. Dirty bunch of fuckers.

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f5843c No.20417966

File: 4211c8ca7ec7568⋯.png (529.47 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240216_083046.png)

File: f98d3a6e8200860⋯.jpeg (450.21 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GGVgx_bIAAyz_4.jpeg)

File: 5e147ba40c4b4ea⋯.jpeg (471.35 KB,2047x1365,2047:1365,GGVgym_acAAmh8w.jpeg)

File: 1c6cce731f5a19f⋯.jpeg (458.22 KB,2048x1315,2048:1315,GGVgzTnbcAAwXbB.jpeg)

File: 2e69e0542406cc6⋯.jpeg (177.24 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GGVg0Naa0AAvURG.jpeg)

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4c9918 No.20417968




Tesla car…

Private ranch…

Car backed into a pond…

Apparently there is VIDEO…

Nothing to see here…move along…

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2410e9 No.20417969


The same ol’ phoney baloney timing-scare.

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c941a2 No.20417970

File: 011a0441240a89a⋯.jpg (36.39 KB,275x183,275:183,011a0441240a89a8e7f5feac4d….jpg)

Almost like a blockade was removed that allowed a heavy MuhJoo push to break through. The heaviest in some time, but died off fast. I wonder what it could have been that instigated their brazenness.

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a3eecc No.20417971


Hold up a sec; lol.

Putin dished "dirt" on intel agencies coordinating with compromised politicians to rob american taxpayers to fund literal nazis in Ukraine, and he did it in the softest way possible in the face of a "cia reject" turned "most recognizable media figure in the universe". There are multiple layers of things going on in that interview, and it was… interesting to watch.

Of course when pressed for details to back some of his statements about meetings with state reps and presidents over the decades, Putin always said it wouldn't be appropriate to do so (paraphrasing). He often pointed Tucker in the direction of the people he named to verify his info, but Tucker already knows where that'll lead.

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0028cd No.20417973

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b0e1e3 No.20417974

File: f611d7d5ac16dd6⋯.png (5.22 MB,1808x1300,452:325,IMG_6057.png)

Welcome to “Mercia” Pedro, please report to your nearest recruiting office….

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f06493 No.20417976

File: edbd047db904d10⋯.png (397.76 KB,1862x795,1862:795,I_Defended_HRN.png)


>You'll be thrilled with the consequences of your actions when it arrives.

By noticing your posts were removed and not mine?

I tried defending you, HRN.

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c941a2 No.20417977

File: c737d6b78a81fdb⋯.jpg (47.61 KB,474x316,3:2,1postatatime2.jpg)

Wait? Again? May I ask why you're removing benign posts, Biker? I see you're allowing the mimic, VaticanClown, and the new HRN namefag to stay.

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2410e9 No.20417981


Remember the red one he flashed while Laura Branagen’s “Gloria” was playing?

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c941a2 No.20417982


Begone from my sight, VaticanClown.

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0028cd No.20417983

File: dba6a65898e2a55⋯.png (1.36 MB,1688x952,211:119,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)

File: fd3e89422cad34b⋯.png (765.17 KB,842x958,421:479,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)

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d4acf8 No.20417985


How much is required to turn a republic into "our" democracy?

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97d37d No.20417986


Aaaaahh… GOOD TIMES !

RR was my CinC.

That song was "OUR SONG" (w/gf at the time).

I had the world by the balls.

Brings me back…

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2410e9 No.20417987


Should be changed to “egg shell”

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f5843c No.20417988

File: 76c2232c28ef3dc⋯.png (290.3 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240216_083520.png)

File: aaec11dac1f637a⋯.jpeg (29.15 KB,680x357,40:21,GGYQJzxXEAALzeP.jpeg)

File: 818ea741364a4a9⋯.png (116.41 KB,766x1338,383:669,746.png)

File: 818ea741364a4a9⋯.png (116.41 KB,766x1338,383:669,746.png)


early post by RCN. normally after 10:00

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c941a2 No.20417990


Compelled visibility combined with disinformation always gets the filter.

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d80d98 No.20417992

File: 5f43a54001b8df4⋯.jpg (255.2 KB,1071x1339,1071:1339,Screenshot_20240215_083304….jpg)

See Mike Young at his Tent near the Firehouse. Bring your Trump signs or Fuck Joe Biden signs or Joe needs to Go sign or any of the sort. Just be there like Proud American Patriots.

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c941a2 No.20417994

Just confused is all. Don't know what "THIS ANON" did. Fuck that stupid bullshit third person stuff.

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0028cd No.20417996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4c9918 No.20417998


Biden doesn't post on his X account. Choads like Sullivan and Blinken post on his X account.


I wonder how their plan for Ukraine is going now?Bahahahahahahahahahahahah

I wonder how their plan for Khazaria of going now? Bahahahahahahahahahah


Just like "anons" "drew it up"...

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285226 No.20418000


Yesterday was Ash Wednesday.

You now know how many "practicing" Catholics there are in the media.

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d4acf8 No.20418002


Not sure what was in the red folder. There was speculation at the time. There were documents that Trump wanted declassed and released, but Bill Barr sat on it and didn't follow orders. What they were doing in MaraLago was searching for Trumps copy of that, which they suspect he retained for his records because who the fuck in their right mind would trust anyone in DC to do anything honest.

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0028cd No.20418003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c941a2 No.20418005

File: 49a97fc058506a0⋯.jpeg (64.46 KB,640x621,640:621,4LC6ZLc9wZSu.jpeg)

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01de10 No.20418007

File: 6de2490e8e6b041⋯.png (190.9 KB,1103x600,1103:600,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)

File: 016d5a918bfa1f8⋯.png (50.02 KB,551x507,551:507,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)

File: 54e25bdf84d864c⋯.png (281.31 KB,1117x955,1117:955,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)


>“I would call [the binder] Trump’sinsurance policy,” said someone knowledgeable about the case. “He was very concerned about having it and taking it with himbecause it was the road map” of Russiagate.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 03/02/2019 19:30:07 ID: 388cb1

8chan/qresearch: 5471098

Image Name: DXa8-lCVMAEEP3X.jpg

Filename: 1d3973c51feb3ee33e29f8f26abb6369fc98bad133b1e35f55fe2b7604c63911.jpg

Emphasis on mistakes not corrected.

"Time to start looking at the other side where real crimes were committed." - POTUS

Time to reveal our insurance policy?

TRUTH always wins.



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 03/03/2019 00:58:40 ID: 84ae7e

8chan/qresearch: 5476830

Anonymous 03/03/2019 00:50:12 ID:871c6e

8chan/qresearch: 5476676


So it was known what was happening with DS, but this trip happened in 2016?


POTUS formally announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015.

Why did the HRC campaign actively work to push POTUS as the 'right' candidate for GOP?

Why did the HRC campaign publicly attack POTUS' opponents?

Why did the HRC campaign want POTUS to be the nominee?

Did the FAKE NEWS play along?

Think pre_nominee.

What 'set up' 'insurance' file was created 'assuming POTUS would become the nominee?



Was CRUZ the target of a separate illegal spy campaign?



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/20/2019 21:57:03 ID: e7ef6b

8chan/qresearch: 5295136

Anonymous 02/20/2019 21:45:24 ID:adf50c

8chan/qresearch: 5294864


John Solomon

on Hannity

>>5294864 (/pb)

But, you knew that already.

Hence why [AS][SDNY][MW]are attempting to keep the ‘insurance’ scheme ongoing post Mueller.


The fun begins directly after.

Will make the Super Bowl look like a puppy show.


PB below

>>20414867, >>20415046, >>20414866, >>20414898 Update: 22 shot, 2 dead in Kansas City Super Bowl parade mass shooting

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ab119a No.20418008

File: b7a80bf665eccd1⋯.jpeg (149.29 KB,800x659,800:659,0FCB0F2B_A8D6_4E0C_987B_E….jpeg)

File: d99a71ac4dcc97e⋯.png (564.43 KB,500x582,250:291,2E082156_3D86_4135_8D11_76….PNG)

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3768ab No.20418010

File: ed2880fbd3ba3b2⋯.jpg (6.35 KB,275x183,275:183,download.jpg)

File: 3e5a049d3131f8c⋯.jpg (9.82 KB,319x158,319:158,images.jpg)





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b3e34c No.20418012

File: 4c7805eaf03c17b⋯.jpg (129.58 KB,500x847,500:847,8fvhkve.jpg)

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0028cd No.20418013

File: c3c60b786721f5f⋯.png (308.4 KB,454x466,227:233,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)


arguably putin is the only one following international law, whatever, but they wanna say putin doesn't care about "the law"

this fuckhead wanna ukraineagain

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e796db No.20418016

Fani Willis evidentiary hearing links. 1st witness expected to be Former law partner Bradly who is star witness for Mike Roman.




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d4acf8 No.20418017


Thank gawd we have an FDA and USDA to protect our food supply from adulteration.

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da255c No.20418019

Car manufacturer

Makes headlight assembly

With undersized wire

Wire melts insulation off

Becomes a known and regular situation

To remedy problem will cost about

A grand for the replacements

This no accountability shit gotta stop

That's just a parts cost

That does not include my time

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c128ab No.20418020


I guess the Clintons sold her off. i figured that guy was gay as aids

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b3e34c No.20418022

And on to dust you shall return

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ab119a No.20418023

File: d8c47f56e37612a⋯.jpeg (52.29 KB,400x241,400:241,IMG_4612.jpeg)


Useless facts - Universal Studios had a A-Team van you could lift one hand.

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2a0639 No.20418024


doktor jan dupers-delight

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63f684 No.20418025

File: eb5fbc06bad7bd0⋯.png (44.9 KB,781x298,781:298,ClipboardImage.png)

New DJT- (8:43 Eastern)

Donald J. Trump


A new category of crime is developing in New York City, and America itself, and it is bigger and more violent than anything seen in decades. It’s called BIDEN MIGRANT CRIME, and it will be really dangerous and BAD. Good luck, everyone, you’ll need it!

Feb 15, 2024, 7:43 AM


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eb7150 No.20418027

File: b8b40e8609cf441⋯.jpg (9.94 KB,252x200,63:50,b8b40e8609cf4415213adef46a….jpg)

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2a0639 No.20418029


the witch always gets her candy

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b0e1e3 No.20418030


I dunno….Hitler made fun of the Italians, and accused the Italians of poisoning the white race by procreating with Africans

It was the Italians that lost the Battle of the Bulge

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a3eecc No.20418031

File: f74eefd2bca6ac0⋯.png (46.3 KB,482x247,482:247,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a2f41805aa2cee⋯.png (61.18 KB,901x187,53:11,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8145b38c630d7d⋯.png (120.55 KB,1002x707,1002:707,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12a4241aa550c8c⋯.png (259.63 KB,1222x413,1222:413,ClipboardImage.png)


Mmm Hmm. Boss might've helped Israel by giving them a viable location to extract energy with Golan Heights, but he also let them know who exactly is in charge by moving the embassy sooner than the DS wanted. DS was holding that card for the religious nuts and other political plays. DJT was like "just do it nao!", and reached across the table a moved their chess pieces around.

That was another thing Putin pointed out; energy. There's this pipeline that runs through Ukraine, you see. They are limiting output from the pipeline to Europe because… nobody fucking knows.




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3768ab No.20418033

File: 4828c05214716e8⋯.webp (31.6 KB,980x551,980:551,164eb1_55d9f06b41fd4cd88d….webp)

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ab119a No.20418035

File: 85d0eff42ab9b79⋯.jpg (27.96 KB,317x321,317:321,AC858576_00E7_4120_A1B6_AD….jpg)


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f5843c No.20418036

File: 8a0798ca8687fac⋯.png (67.02 KB,766x628,383:314,850_2_.png)

File: 0e320ec73355298⋯.png (382.34 KB,766x1750,383:875,2050_1_.png)


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c941a2 No.20418037

File: ba7fc86e6364b05⋯.png (1.56 MB,750x1230,25:41,NCSWIC.png)

I'm not saying it is, but if it's like the board betrayal that took place in 2021 then I'm moar than hardened for it.

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01de10 No.20418039

File: 65e0e5e8689d996⋯.png (39.12 KB,827x322,827:322,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)

File: 24dacabc1b46845⋯.png (38.58 KB,637x246,637:246,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)





She's hiding her left hand

Federal Law on Spousal Privilege

Federal (and many state) courts recognize two types of spousal privilege:

Spousal testimonial privilege, barring testimony against a spouse in a criminal trial, and

Marital communications privilege, barring testimony about confidential communications between spouses.

Spousal testimonial privilege

This type of spousal privilege has been recognized throughout history and pre-dates our Constitution and even our country. It arises from the notion that married spouses are one entity and so are not competent to testify against themselves through their other (if not better) half. Under this type of spousal privilege, one spouse cannot be compelled to give testimony against his or her spouse who is a defendant in a criminal trial or the subject of a grand jury proceeding. The accused spouse may claim the privilege or the other spouse may claim it on behalf of the accused spouse. The spouses must be married at the time that the privilege is asserted; so an ex-spouse can be compelled to give testimony about a defendant to whom he or she was previously, but is no longer, married.

Exceptions to the spousal testimonial privilege exist where a spouse:

is charged with a crime against the other spouse

is charged with a crime against a child of either spouse

is charged with a crime against a third party in the course of committing a crime against the other spouse

is asked to testify about matters pre-dating the marriage, or

is charged with human trafficking for immoral purposes (such as prostitution)

In each of these situations, even current spouses may be compelled to testify against an accused spouse in a criminal trial or grand jury proceeding.

Marital communications privilege

Neither spouse can be compelled to testify as to private, confidential communications between them in either criminal or civil proceedings. But, only communications that the spouses intend to be, and maintain as confidential are protected. Not every statement between spouses is confidential or a communication. The same exceptions listed above apply to this type of spousal privilege. With respect to the marital communications privilege, as long as there was a valid marriage at the time of the confidential communication between the spouses, the privilege may be raised by either spouse even after the marriage has ended.

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0028cd No.20418040

File: fde37d2f456cee5⋯.png (262.22 KB,310x408,155:204,Screenshot_2024_02_14_at_0….png)

File: 2c3e34d150d88bb⋯.png (901.19 KB,822x944,411:472,Screenshot_2024_02_14_at_0….png)


kinetic MEOWs?

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ac7300 No.20418041

File: 05cb09dcfa0d47e⋯.mp4 (4.9 MB,576x1024,9:16,Payseur_on_TikTok.mp4)


Payseur on TikTok of all places..

seems the SECRET is OUT, regardless of the shills here wanting otherwise.


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3768ab No.20418042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Beating China by flying C-130s off American aircraft carriers?

The United States is developing numerous new technologies, weapons, aircraft, and more all aimed at deterring Chinese aggression in the Pacific… But with more than a decade between today and when these systems will be fielded in real numbers, Uncle Sam needs some deterrent tricks up his sleeve in the meantime.

One such trick could involve operating C-130s off of American aircraft carriers, equipped with Rapid Dragon palletized missile launch systems.


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c6951e No.20418043

File: f5eb270368293ce⋯.png (621.8 KB,720x998,360:499,2024_01_20_14_07_22_2.png)


>Donald J. Trump


>A new category of crime is developing in New York City, and America itself, and it is bigger and more violent than anything seen in decades. It’s called BIDEN MIGRANT CRIME, and it will be really dangerous and BAD. Good luck, everyone, you’ll need it!

Biden's stupidity let the genie out of the bottle.

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2ba16d No.20418044


Blames Biden because he didn’t build the wall like he promised. SMH

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0028cd No.20418047

File: 9b1711ee34900c5⋯.png (1.46 MB,1310x724,655:362,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)




brandon cameos?

brandon cameros?

just empty every pocket

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2ba16d No.20418049


Fa fa fa fa FILTERED

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d4acf8 No.20418050


Biden is only as smart as his advisors.

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f5843c No.20418051

File: d2ad8ae439cb400⋯.png (245.46 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240216_085024.png)

File: 783c901e09d4f08⋯.png (247.58 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240216_085031.png)

File: 97647afa604534f⋯.jpg (96.91 KB,707x906,707:906,1706874504.jpg)

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97d37d No.20418052





JUST IN - Retail sales in the United States tumbled 0.8% in January, much more than expected.


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8f60d0 No.20418054

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 02/15/2024



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97d37d No.20418056

File: c91a5e58b0fcf05⋯.png (299.12 KB,500x754,250:377,ClipboardImage.png)

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d4acf8 No.20418058


Is that a strongly worded letter?

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97d37d No.20418059





NEW - George Soros fund poised to take control of second-largest chain of radio stations in the United States.


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97d37d No.20418060





The Climate-Industrial Complex


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f5843c No.20418061

File: 007eacd220556e7⋯.png (477.32 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240216_090048.png)

Royal Canadian Navy stil can't afford 8$ for a blue check mark.

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c6951e No.20418063

File: 6b77e70d68d0539⋯.png (219.61 KB,472x263,472:263,2024_02_15_09_00_47.png)


>Biden is only as smart as his advisors.

How's that working out?

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d4acf8 No.20418065


It used to be illegal for a corporation to own so many media outlets in the US. This is why.

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65639f No.20418066

File: c6cb31d9d94640e⋯.jpg (35.79 KB,657x527,657:527,3456076b3e02c34d927933aeb7….jpg)


It was actually Congress. But that was then. Now the bastards are selling off pieces of wall for scrap. President Trump is the only President to give a fuck about our border, ever, since who, Teddy Roosevelt? kek

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0028cd No.20418067

File: 6f3fdfa52724ca9⋯.png (2.32 MB,2048x1330,1024:665,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)

File: 0941a253252d655⋯.png (987.07 KB,752x658,8:7,Screenshot_2023_12_13_at_0….png)

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97d37d No.20418068

File: bf1d8d5dc6d6c9b⋯.png (432.46 KB,568x490,284:245,ClipboardImage.png)





NEW - Left radicals declare war on Tesla and threaten a "wave of attacks" on Elon Musk's cars and charging stations in Berlin, Germany.


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97d37d No.20418069





How Governor Whitmer Doomed Detroit Autoworkers


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f5843c No.20418070

File: 317a494bd3bb040⋯.png (441.71 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240216_090440.png)


he imported alot of muslims. they're getting pissed off. KEK muh immigration backfire

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97d37d No.20418071





JUST IN - Macron and Zelenskyy to sign a bilateral "security agreement" in Paris on Friday.


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97d37d No.20418072





NEW - UK's economy contracted for a second quarter at the end of 2023, slipping into recession.


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0028cd No.20418073

File: c4f7700abc37aed⋯.png (1.56 MB,1138x960,569:480,Screenshot_2024_01_23_at_1….png)

File: 2cf206e6f26493d⋯.png (936.67 KB,2048x922,1024:461,Screenshot_2024_01_23_at_2….png)

File: 20f8b73a901342c⋯.png (1.22 MB,1770x1006,885:503,Screenshot_2024_01_23_at_2….png)




a beautyfooh person?

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97d37d No.20418074

Resist the Mainstream




🔴 Watch: Dana White Storms Out of Howie Mandel Interview, Leaves Him Speechless: ‘So Fing Tired’*


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3768ab No.20418075

File: af865b723334100⋯.jpg (105.6 KB,900x500,9:5,17fortleavenworth1_1538031….jpg)

File: 8d8a7277ada0bd8⋯.jpg (9.28 KB,302x158,151:79,989TheRock_logo.jpg)

File: ad7730351dd5723⋯.webp (24.68 KB,720x540,4:3,alcatraz_prison_the_rock_….webp)

File: 6a1bf38fea54d79⋯.jpg (105 KB,560x560,1:1,hobbs_e1468289250275_60852….jpg)

>>20415629(lb) Moar on Soros trying to purchase Audacy (America's second-largest chain of radio stations)

KQRC, also known as"The Rock,"is a radio station based in Kansas City, Missouri. As of my last update in January 2022, it broadcasts on 98.9 FM and primarily plays a format focused on rock music. The station is owned by Audacy, Inc. (formerly Entercom Communications Corp.), a leading American media and entertainment company. KQRC has been a prominent rock radio station in the Kansas City area, catering to fans of various subgenres within the rock music spectrum. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, I recommend checking their official website or contacting the station directly.

KQRC-FM (98.9 MHz, "98-9 The Rock") is a radio station licensed to Leavenworth, Kansas


The Mid-Continental GTMO…Ft. Leavenworth



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d4acf8 No.20418076


The advisors were likely picked by the same person who wrote all those EOs that Biden didn't know what he was signing.

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573105 No.20418077

File: 1fbb37b5685df7f⋯.png (547.75 KB,1239x721,177:103,bestisyettocomeInsurance.png)

File: 59018d138e70cd8⋯.png (45.77 KB,582x459,194:153,q1371_nypdDetectives187Ins….png)

File: 82a26adecbf86e6⋯.png (209.64 KB,421x481,421:481,Screenshot_2024_02_14_at_1….png)

File: 270ebd286cf4efa⋯.png (544.28 KB,924x1508,231:377,Q225_youarethecalmbeforeth….png)


>She's hiding her left hand


>>“I would call [the binder]Trump’sinsurance policy,” said someone knowledgeable about the case. “He was very concerned about having it and taking it with himbecause it was the road map” of Russiagate.

Potus Best Is Yet to Come Video yesterday

Insurance file


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482726 No.20418078

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9:30 AM EST

Judge Scott McAfee

Fulton County, Georgia, Superior Court




Georgia Judge Holds Evidentiary Hearing on Fulton DA Fani Willis Misconduct Allegations

Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee holds an evidentiary hearing on whether to remove her from the election interference case over her personal relationship with Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade.



LIVE: Fulton County Judge Hears Evidence on Motion to Disqualify Fani Willis - 2/15/24: Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAffee will hear evidence on the Michael Roman motion to disqualify District Attorney Fani Willis and Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade from prosecuting the Trump election interference case.

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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3768ab No.20418079



>>20415629 (lb)

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97d37d No.20418080

File: e8669a34ec317d5⋯.png (1.3 MB,1079x1258,1079:1258,ClipboardImage.png)

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482726 No.20418081

end bunker is broken

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edb2c3 No.20418082

Saving America’s Future from the Blob

David P. Goldman. 2/14/24

How to understand—and rectify—the foreign policy disaster of 2024.1/2

Never believe what bipartisan foreign policy establishment hacks say about China and Russia. Theydon’t believe what they say, either. The Blob (as Obama aide Ben Rhodes called it) learned through generations of strategic blunders that if everyone closes ranks and sticks to the same story, its members will survive a strategic disaster of any magnitude with their careers intact. The same principle explains why not a single American banker went to jail after the subprime collapse of 2008, the biggest fraud in all financial history. The Blob’s logic is simple: If you go after one of us, then you have to go after all of us, and who will be left to put things back together?

Whether it was right for America to go abroad seeking monsters to destroy in Moscow and Beijing,the way we went about it was abominably stupid. “If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared,” Machiavelli advised. Washington has wounded Russia and China but not disabled them, setting in motion a tragic sequence of responses that in the worst case will lead to war,but more likely will leave the United States with vastly diminished strategic standing.

The rise of China and the resilience of Russia have persisted through serried waves of tech restrictions, $125 billion of NATO support for Ukraine, and an unprecedented sanctions regime against Russia, including the seizure of $300 billion in reserves, among other measures.

The Black Legend propounded by the Blob states that China is on the verge of invading Taiwan because its Communist leaders hate democracy, and because it wants to distract its citizens from their economic misery. It claims that Vladimir Putin wants to revive the Russian Empire and invaded Ukraine because it “is a country that for decades has enjoyed freedom and democracy and the right to choose its own destiny.”

In fact China has bracing economic challenges, but no crisis, and no widespread popular discontent. It wants to preserve the status quo, barring a Taiwanese move toward sovereignty, which is all but ruled out by the results of Taiwan’s national elections this January. China is a formidable strategic competitor, but its global plan centers on dominating key industries and export markets rather than military deployments—and that plan is proceeding at a rapid clip, despite American efforts to hobble it.

Russia made clear for a decade that it would not tolerate the extension of NATO’s boundaries to its border with Ukraine, as the late Henry Kissinger, former Ambassador to Moscow and now CIA Director William Burns, and others repeatedly warned. Vladimir Putindeclared on the eve of his invasion of Ukraine, February 23, 2022: “If deployed in Ukraine, [NATO weapons] will be able to hit targets in Russia’s entire European part. The flying time of Tomahawk cruise missiles to Moscow will be less than 35 minutes; ballistic missiles from Kharkov will take seven to eight minutes; and hypersonic assault weapons, four to five minutes. It is like a knife to the throat.”

The Biden Administration believed the Russian economy would collapse under U.S. sanctions. In March 2022President Biden declared, “The Russian economy is on track to be cut in half.” Russia’s economy is not only larger today than it was two years ago, but has increased production of weapons up to tenfold,producing seven times more artillery shells than the combined West, by Estonian Intelligence estimates. Some 70 percent of casualties are inflicted by artillery, and Russia has an overwhelming advantage, as well as superior tactical air support and offensive missiles and drones. Russia also produces 100 main battle tanks a month, while Germany produces 50 per year. With five times Ukraine’s population, Russia will win a war of attrition barring some catastrophic blunder.

How did Russia do this? China, India, Turkey, and other countries transformed their trade and financing profiles to support the Russian market. China’s exports to Russia nearly tripled from prewar levels. India became Russia’s top customer for oil and doubled its exports of machinery to Russia during 2023. Turkey and the former Soviet republics became conduits for unreported exports to Russia.…


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c128ab No.20418083


kek leftists declaring war on electric vehicles dumbasses!

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97d37d No.20418085

File: b9cb3cc4394b7a7⋯.png (325.7 KB,568x319,568:319,ClipboardImage.png)

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482726 No.20418086

9:30 AM EST

Press conference by the NATO Secretary General

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)



Live Streaming: Meeting of NATO Ministers of Defence


9:35 AM EST

Navy Recruit Training Command Graduation

Navy boot camp graduation from Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Illinois


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f5843c No.20418087

File: 8708f8970e18803⋯.png (551.91 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240216_090845.png)

File: 6dae548ffbad4e9⋯.png (64.87 KB,766x848,383:424,751.png)

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97d37d No.20418089

File: e1c64fecca8451e⋯.png (602.42 KB,568x678,284:339,ClipboardImage.png)

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97d37d No.20418090

File: 289d8be65a1b217⋯.png (116.8 KB,568x397,568:397,ClipboardImage.png)

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97d37d No.20418092

File: d9aaa94950574fc⋯.png (246.19 KB,568x430,284:215,ClipboardImage.png)

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edb2c3 No.20418093


2/2(long article)

Ukraine is short of artillery ammunition and air defense systems. Russia’s cheap, Iranian-designed Shaheed drones are now penetrating Ukraine’s air defenses and hitting military installations and critical infrastructure. The United States doesn’t have enough inventory to keep Ukraine supplied. Russia is gradually achieving its stated objective, namely to de-militarizeUkraine. Ukraine’s manpower resources are thin, and the military is putting 50-year-old soldiers into the front lines. Last October, a Zelensky aide told Time Magazine that even if the West provided more weapons, “We don’t have the men to use them.”

None of these facts are contested,but the Blob’s enthusiasm for the Ukraine War increases in inverse proportion to its prospects for success. It is considered downright dangerous to question the wisdom of the war: Bill Kristol proposed to bar Tucker Carlson from returning to the United States after his projected interview with Putin. Having called out the bear and gotten mauled, the Blob knows what consequences it may face. Germany is in recession after the cutoff of cheap Russian gas supplies pushed up the cost of energy, and Chancellor Olaf Scholz has an approval rating of 17 percent. France’s President Macron polls at 23 percent. Having exacted Nibelungentreue (absolute, unquestioning loyalty) from reluctant NATO allies to pursue the war, Washington faces a populist revolt led by Geert Wilders’s Freedom Party in the Netherlands, the Alternative für Deutschland in Germany, and the National Rally in France.

Heads should roll, or at least careers should abort.But the greater its blunders, the stronger the Blob’s solidarity. They have a story, and they will stick to it.

Ukraine, to be sure, is a warm-up act for the main strategic event of the next decade, namely America’s contention with China. China now buys more oil from Russia than from Saudi Arabia, and has nearly tripled exports to Russia by official count (and probably much more through third parties), but it has stayed on the sidelines, allowing Russia to do the bleeding. With three times more manufacturing capacity than the United States, and a significant lead in automated manufacturing, China has made itself a fortress bristling with thousands of satellite-guided anti-ship missiles, perhaps a thousand modern aircraft, formidable electronic warfare capabilities, and other means of dominating its home theater. Mackenzie Eaglen of the American Enterprise Institute wrote on January 4:

While select munitions stockpiles do exist, the war in Ukraine has shown that past munitions requirements based on rosy war assumptions have vastly underestimated the need for volume in modern warfare. According to RTX, the prime contractor for the SM-6, the existing SM-6 stockpile sits somewhere north of 500 missiles. This is not nearly enough for a drawn-out conflict with any peer adversary and potentially any sub-par one, too.

Beijing is well aware of our own shortfalls as evident by China’s rapid expansion and investment in its missile forces. China’s ground-based missile forces have nearly doubled in the last decade, and the Pentagon estimates that the PRC has stockpiles of thousands of missiles in reserve, all as part of a strategy to mass fire and overwhelm U.S. warships in a potential conflict.

The ongoing skirmish between Houthi guerrillas and the U.S. Navy in the Red Sea was a spectacle that allowed Beijing to watch and assess U.S. anti-missile capabilities. The outcome is alarming. The destroyer USS Gravely resorted to its Phalanx Gatling guns to destroy an incoming cruise missile only four seconds from hitting the ship, implying that its missiles failed to intercept the attacker. An American destroyer carries about 100 anti-ship missiles. China claims to have an automated factory that can produce 1,000 cruise missiles per day. That’s unverified, but China has plants that assemble more than 1,000 electric vehicles a day; I visited a Chinese facility that produced 2,400 5G base stations a day with just 45 workers.

The U.S. Navy is massively outgunned in the South China Sea. American strategists spin scenarios of Taiwanese resistance against a D-Day-style landing across the 70 miles of the Taiwan Strait. The Chinese are not stupid enough to send a slow-moving flotilla against Taiwan, not when they have the capacity to sink anything that floats on the surface within 1,000 miles of the island….


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97d37d No.20418094

File: 15b0ba86cfd1d58⋯.png (70.2 KB,430x372,215:186,ClipboardImage.png)

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17e941 No.20418095

File: 0bd151a71eb3444⋯.mp4 (10.17 MB,RPReplay_Final1707974029.mp4)

Jay Z going down like diddy

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97d37d No.20418096

File: 5233c1845455fe9⋯.png (151.19 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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c941a2 No.20418097

File: 0576423518817dc⋯.jpeg (428 KB,484x707,484:707,0576423518817dc7186483c8d….jpeg)

I just won't post at this time of day anymoar if shills are welcome and memers that've been consistently the same for over half a decade are not.

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d4acf8 No.20418098


Her father, Henry Fonda, was implicated in the McCarthy Hearings as one of the Red Stars of Hollywood. Hanoi Jane got her education at the dinner table from daddy.

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97d37d No.20418099

File: 2fe5d5a4e99db6c⋯.png (284.71 KB,568x914,284:457,ClipboardImage.png)

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516b5f No.20418100


>the witch always gets her candy


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0028cd No.20418101

File: 2c261c86bbd766f⋯.png (364.66 KB,1026x604,513:302,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)

File: c351385f5c7f286⋯.png (459.41 KB,434x752,217:376,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)

File: 0584511ef75024a⋯.png (544.51 KB,608x480,19:15,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)

kung fu cking dana in action get's irie with howie

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97d37d No.20418102

File: a8edb8bedbb251b⋯.png (182.63 KB,556x680,139:170,ClipboardImage.png)

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a6de23 No.20418103

History is not important.

Kathleen Winchell ❤️🤍💙🇺🇸🇺🇸


Ha! Caught red handed of course this is true and it was a cöùp

Thank you


Chief Nerd


(2014) Hillary Clinton Spokesperson Jen Psaki Gets Grilled by the Press Over a Leaked Call w/ Asst. Sec. of State Victoria Nuland Discussing a Coup in Ukraine

"This is more than discussions though. This was two top U.S. officials that are on the ground discussing a plan that they have to broker a future government and bringing officials from the U.N. to seal the deal. This is more than the U.S. trying to make suggestions. This is the U.S. midwifing the process."

https://twitter.com/TheChiefNerd/status … 4738152737

https://twitter.com/KathleenWinche3/sta … 8970265770

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f5843c No.20418104

File: 341f64462e13ffc⋯.png (366.89 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240216_091343.png)

File: f09018539ffc2cd⋯.png (71.68 KB,766x716,383:358,107_3_.png)

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97d37d No.20418105

File: ba09b58c16ef1ab⋯.png (340.36 KB,568x438,284:219,ClipboardImage.png)

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a6de23 No.20418107

NSA Retail Sales (Month over Month)

Ret. Sales -16.59%

ExAuto -18.21%

ExAuto & Gas -19.30%

Not that shocking, as there is usually pull forward for Holiday Spending and a large drop off for January. One release does not make a trend, but it is important info….

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97d37d No.20418109

File: df0de2258402f12⋯.png (294.28 KB,552x513,184:171,ClipboardImage.png)

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180c64 No.20418110

>>20417127 Morning Dayshift



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da255c No.20418111


Class action lawsuit

Don't just stand there do something

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a6de23 No.20418112


Go back to fucking bed, Squeaky.

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97d37d No.20418114

File: 6890d30c5eb00f8⋯.png (147.01 KB,568x532,142:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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97d37d No.20418115

File: 2edbc6dfd0c22f0⋯.png (343.72 KB,496x456,62:57,ClipboardImage.png)

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c941a2 No.20418117


Fuck off, VaticanClown. Now I know why you tag me with your copypasted Q posts and consensus generation attempt copypastas: So the shills can say I'm talking to myself. That's why you tag people and don't interact with them, just post your bullshit.

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97d37d No.20418118

File: e22475c209f4d61⋯.png (213.56 KB,568x720,71:90,ClipboardImage.png)

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97d37d No.20418119

File: fcad46fb64aa389⋯.png (117.26 KB,568x378,284:189,ClipboardImage.png)

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180c64 No.20418120


beyond your comprehension

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97d37d No.20418123

File: 4274b8bf9da2579⋯.png (225.92 KB,568x453,568:453,ClipboardImage.png)

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c941a2 No.20418124

I wonder what made the bread crawl to a halt. Of three consequences there will be.

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69b190 No.20418125

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Antarctica in the news

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97d37d No.20418126

File: 7e03e2a25b1cd17⋯.png (532.05 KB,568x691,568:691,ClipboardImage.png)

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2a0639 No.20418128


the removal of 46 posts

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4c6fed No.20418129

File: b01a3562de61d09⋯.jpg (134.78 KB,500x869,500:869,go9PvnD.jpg)

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180c64 No.20418130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hearing Information

Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 10:00 AM.

1100 Longworth House Office Building


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e81656 No.20418131


some people have a better understanding of things.

modern schooling has 'go to the head of the class' people who demand to get the best grades, or their parents cause problems.

and colleges were also taken over by this same cult of 'we are the smartest'.

we all know these pepole. They blocked us at every turn and put their own little-privledged chosen sons and daughters ahead of us.

and business and industry is stocked full of these 'middle manager' types who enforce their point of view and demand a slice of every pie even without really doing much of anything.

but don't confuse that empire of trolls and incompetents with the fact: some people have capabilities in one area, and excell, and do well despite the 'go to the head of the class' troll overlords.

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482726 No.20418132

File: b75827f8d1cf482⋯.jpg (141.98 KB,1024x1008,64:63,did_you_know.jpg)

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97d37d No.20418133

File: dfb1a6cb5e816bd⋯.png (469.44 KB,568x1010,284:505,ClipboardImage.png)

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482726 No.20418134

10:00 AM EST

Hearing with Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, Daniel Werfel

House Ways and Means Committee



Daniel Werfel

Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service






IRS Commissioner Testifies at Oversight Hearing

IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel testifies at an oversight hearing before the House Ways and Means Committee.


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97d37d No.20418135

File: 6304f466187b6c9⋯.png (167.82 KB,568x361,568:361,ClipboardImage.png)

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482726 No.20418136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EST

Outpacing China: Expediting the Fielding of Innovation

House Armed Services Committee



The Honorable Heidi Shyu

Under Secretary of Defense


The Honorable William LaPlante

Under Secretary of Defense


Mr. Doug Beck

Director, Defense Innovation Unit






Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment Dr. William LaPlante, Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering Heidi Shyu, and Defense Innovation Unit Director Doug Beck provide testimony at 10 a.m. EST at a House Armed Services Committee hearing on "Outpacing China: Expediting the Fielding of Innovation," Rayburn House Office Building 2118, Washington, D.C.

Department of Defense


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a6de23 No.20418137

File: 9c5a2dee0d46176⋯.png (5.98 MB,1913x1259,1913:1259,ClipboardImage.png)


Oh dat's very, very guid. Stollen.

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482726 No.20418138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EST

Assessing America’s Vaccine Safety Systems, Part 1

House Oversight Committee, Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic



Dr. Daniel Jernigan, M.D., M.P.H.

Director, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


Dr. Peter Marks, M.D., Ph.D.

Director, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), Food and Drug Administration (FDA)


Commander George Reed Grimes, M.D., M.P.H.

Director, Division of Injury Compensation Programs, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)







Hearing on Vaccine Safety Systems

The House Oversight and Accountability Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic holds a hearing to examine the effectiveness of vaccine safety systems.


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97d37d No.20418139

File: 08a402bff060e45⋯.png (359.85 KB,568x418,284:209,ClipboardImage.png)

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97d37d No.20418141

File: 39b490f7e2a4f89⋯.png (306.57 KB,509x600,509:600,ClipboardImage.png)

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573105 No.20418142

File: dc669dc5fb14206⋯.png (61.55 KB,540x620,27:31,miosotisFamiliaFuneral.png)

File: 9f5b7c2388caf26⋯.jpg (61.38 KB,780x438,130:73,edmullinsQanonmug.jpg)

File: 1e88b3de3709ff1⋯.png (55.26 KB,316x480,79:120,q1464_107markerDarktolight.png)


>Potus Best Is Yet to Come Video yesterday

>Insurance file



1:07 marker

Dark to Light

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da255c No.20418143

File: f78b877b0c19afe⋯.jpg (2.6 MB,3264x2448,4:3,20240215_092717.jpg)


Just wanted to play

Got my panties in a bunch

Another " quality" car company…with known

Dangerous defect….that I get to …revise into a working part

It's this kind of crap …..that really tanks me

Inferior insulation falls off wiring

Shorts out headlights….thats fun…

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edb2c3 No.20418144

On the arrogance (and stupidity) of Pfizer's Super Bowl ad - PART TWO

If only Pfizer's scientists were half (or one-tenth) as good as its marketers



(Second of two parts; read part one, including Pfizer’s history of lawbreaking, here)

On Sunday, Pfizer - the drugmaker most associated with the mRNA Covid jabs - took a $14 million shot (so to speak) at burnishing its image.

It worked about as well as the Covid vaccines have.

Halfway through the Super Bowl, the company dropped a minute-long ad linking itself with history’s greatest scientists. The ad felt like nothing so much as a corporate version of Dr. Anthony S. Fauci’s infamous “I represent science” declaration in 2021.

Set to Queen’s “Don’t Stop Me Now, the ad was amusing, but largely panned. The New York Times wrote Pfizer “invokes a long history of scientists, including Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein, to celebrate its 175-year existence. Visually inventive, but there’s no vaccine against overreach.”

So what was Pfizer thinking as it set $14 million - plus production costs - on fire?

(Your vaccine against Big Pharma propaganda. For 20 cents a day)

Here’s maybe the most crucial fact everyone needs to know about Pfizer: as I wrote in Part 1,it’s huge, and hugely profitable. But it has never been a scientific leader. Bristol-Myers Squibb helped defang HIV. Eli Lilly remade depression treatment with Prozac (for better or worse). Merck has developed breakthroughs for several diseases.

Pfizer? Until 2020, Pfizer was arguably best known for Viagra. Which has no doubt saved some marriages (and wrecked others), but doesn’t exactly cure cancer.

(Happy Valentine’s Day!)

Until 2020.

That was the year Pfizer, through a deal with a small German biotechnology company called BioNTech, lucked into BNT162b2, aka Comirnaty, aka the Covid mRNA vaccine.

The underlying technology belonged to BioNTech. It and Pfizer agreed to split costs and profits equally.

But Pfizer put up most of the initial cash and took control of the shot’s development. Pfizer led clinical trial design and recruitment. Pfizer dealt with the Food and Drug Administration and the United States government. Pfizer ramped up manufacturing at an incredible pace (this, if nothing else, was truly impressive).

And Pfizer - and its chairman, Dr. Albert Bourla, DVM, - became the jab’s public face. (Full disclosure: I am suing Bourla and another Pfizer board member for their roles in violating my civil rights and making Twitter ban me in 2021 for my mRNA reporting.)

In 2021, as the mRNAs briefly appeared to vanquish Covid,Albert Bourla became the most important private executive in the world. He was Elon Musk, without the haters. Joe Biden toured Pfizer’s Covid vaccine factory in Michigan in February and thanked him. Bourla met Biden again in June, in England at the G-7 summit of world leaders.

Bourla’s power peaked that summer, after safety concerns arose on competing jabs from AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson. Wealthy countries found themselves short of mRNA shots, and Pfizer had far more available than Moderna, the only other manufacturer at the time.

Not bad for Bourla, a not-so-huh


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0028cd No.20418145

File: 2e841091e010dbf⋯.png (981.92 KB,970x1026,485:513,Screenshot_2023_11_11_at_1….png)

File: ff166a8d8abfcba⋯.png (2.29 MB,1138x1096,569:548,Screenshot_2023_11_01_at_0….png)

File: c4857694f4a824f⋯.png (1.6 MB,1818x930,303:155,Screenshot_2023_11_17_at_2….png)

File: 7533d40205faced⋯.png (2.21 MB,2036x1070,1018:535,Screenshot_2023_11_17_at_2….png)

File: 7ed34f8ee64b834⋯.png (2.59 MB,2048x1090,1024:545,Screenshot_2024_02_14_at_0….png)



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97d37d No.20418146

File: e55f0bf7e4b2095⋯.png (437.67 KB,480x721,480:721,ClipboardImage.png)

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482726 No.20418147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EST

Assessing America’s Vaccine Safety Systems, Part 1

House Oversight Committee, Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic



Dr. Daniel Jernigan, M.D., M.P.H.

Director, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


Dr. Peter Marks, M.D., Ph.D.

Director, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), Food and Drug Administration (FDA)


Commander George Reed Grimes, M.D., M.P.H.

Director, Division of Injury Compensation Programs, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)







Hearing on Vaccine Safety Systems

The House Oversight and Accountability Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic holds a hearing to examine the effectiveness of vaccine safety systems.


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f5843c No.20418148

File: 619b3a870949d61⋯.png (14.94 KB,255x255,1:1,6c1a0db0d9460f4df6c3726c88….png)

File: cba1d0b6fa5ee06⋯.jpeg (296.01 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GFat_GFXUAAgRdh.jpeg)


it's quiet too quiet

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97d37d No.20418149

File: c9e8518144c8800⋯.png (231.54 KB,568x441,568:441,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c6fed No.20418150

File: 6538a411c865b8a⋯.jpg (62.94 KB,500x493,500:493,clipboard482.jpg)

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8ded07 No.20418151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The great awakening

Your path to Ascension

Nothing can stop the Ascension that is coming.


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626196 No.20418152

File: 72fcff7cb6682a2⋯.png (10.08 MB,4167x4167,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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0028cd No.20418154

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Night at the Museum (2006) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers

Rotten Tomatoes Classic Trailers

1.62M subscribe

457K views 2 years ago

Check out the Night at the Museum (2006) Official Trailer starring Ben Stiller!

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edb2c3 No.20418155

File: 58e48cae7b56beb⋯.jpeg (373.51 KB,1241x2271,1241:2271,IMG_7304.jpeg)

File: 16ca9d8248e2b56⋯.jpeg (272.2 KB,1241x1821,1241:1821,IMG_7305.jpeg)



Wall Street has taken notice.

Pfizer’s stock now trades at $27, near a ten-year-low. The company has fallen far behind its more scientifically adept competitors. Merck now trades at an all-time high thanks to its blockbuster cancer drug Keytruda, and Eli Lilly has had an unprecedented run sparked by its new weight-loss/diabetes medicines.


For anyone who knows what’s really happened to Pfizer both in the long term and since 2020, the Super Bowl“Here’s to Science” ad seems like less a statement of principles and more an exercise in wish fulfillment.

Maybe a cry for help too, an effort to avoid the blowback from mRNA failure.

Even Adam Feuerstein, a drug industry journalist who spent 2021 and 2022 licking Pfizer’s boots, has seen the light.He called Bourla the worst drug industry executive of 2023, writing that “strategic missteps, financial miscalculations, and scientific setbacks have plunged Pfizer into a deep crisis.”

But the story of “Here’s to Science” has one final twist. It’s visible in the ad itself.

The last 10 seconds of the ad are very different than the first 50. The spot suddenly morphs into a generic anti-cancer ad featuring a plucky little girl, with the slogan: Letsoutdocancer.com

Yes, let’s!

The slogan doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, though. One would expect more from the genius marketers at Pfizer.

I have a theory: the ad originally ended with a full-throated defense of the mRNAs (likely in response to Bourla’s wishes). Remember,Pfizer was aggressively advertising the shotas recently as a couple of weeks ago, despite near-zero demands.

Then Pfizer focus-tested the ad. And viewers hated hearing about the jabs. They actually viewed Pfizer more negatively afterwards. So the last 10 seconds had to be subbed out and quickly reshot, which is why the ad changes so abruptly in tone.

To be clear: it’s only a theory. I do have one bit of evidence, though.

Check out when Pfizer registered letsoutdocancer.com:

Yep, not even a month ago.

Pfizer is one of the world’s biggest and savviest advertisers. Yet it spent $14 million on a Super Bowl ad and didn’t bother to lock up the (weird) domain name it was about to plaster across the universe until a couple weeks before the game?

Maybe. Or maybe Pfizer’smarketing chief had to tell Bourla all the Einstein pictures in the world couldn’t save the mRNAs, and they’d better slap on a new ending for his baby.

It’s only a theory.

But oh, how I wish I could have been a fly on the wall for that.


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322cf2 No.20418156

File: d64b9005e56ff7c⋯.png (71.13 KB,667x437,29:19,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e38b0f4e8cbd12⋯.png (32.13 KB,391x346,391:346,ClipboardImage.png)



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97d37d No.20418157

File: c5405b17f59183c⋯.png (371.89 KB,568x437,568:437,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d191c No.20418158

Does anybody know if the Fani Willis hearing in Atlanta is being live streamed anywhere?

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322cf2 No.20418159





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02dd0a No.20418160

You can have your drunks and crystal addicts watch me all you want you chattel brained fuck wits.


Patient nigga

Always ready for a kill

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fdc458 No.20418161


That ip hop though…

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322cf2 No.20418162


Be gone shill.

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512475 No.20418163

File: 336e26bb6840681⋯.jpeg (286.57 KB,1922x1082,961:541,SACKFACE.JPEG)

who was the guy, beebo/ritch russell was spying on at the cafe in europe , wasn't he a big phama exec, anyone remember his name?

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97d37d No.20418164

File: adf9ff87aa12ccd⋯.png (915.84 KB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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17e941 No.20418165


Beyoncé took Gloria Vanderbilt’s place as Grand High Priestess of the Eastern Quadrant. I think Oprah is a Grand High Priestess too. She’s a level below the satanic council which would be GHP but maybe there are other positions in that same rank. Idk. Madonna and Gaga are Grand Madammes or some shit. I think they call em Grand Dames, I forgot, but they’re in charge of the beta sex kittens. Jay z’s rihana is a mother goddess n they oversee the covens over a certain region.

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f4f99f No.20418166

File: f1415a0289c1ec9⋯.png (19.47 KB,376x598,188:299,ClipboardImage.png)

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c941a2 No.20418167


Yep. Feels like something is about to drop. Only thought out three scenarios how this is going to play out from the moment this morning. There's probably moar, but I only focused on three.

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0028cd No.20418168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



dark knight

muze see'em

low fat bacon?

got ham?

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f5843c No.20418169

File: c79beab673e93f0⋯.png (19.09 KB,346x145,346:145,8a44b406dae16c7e6e5b47961d….png)

File: 92b46fbdd9fa9ca⋯.jpeg (149.63 KB,400x560,5:7,92b46fbdd9fa9ca52cfaefce8….jpeg)

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a6de23 No.20418170

File: c7c7abe574e2aa7⋯.png (31.3 KB,240x149,240:149,ClipboardImage.png)

Christopher Snowdon 🇺🇦


Bad news about GDP today and it looks even worse per capita.


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fdc458 No.20418171


I think b

And fake “romance”

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04a431 No.20418172

Everybody's hustle better be the only thing the smoking reefer without me didn't make you forget.

Anyone not denied the funds for a chiropractor this past 12 better be running..

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fdc458 No.20418173


Yup. Tho I said that one night last week and some ahole shill laid into me and they all jumped on.

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6dba1f No.20418174

Notes To 411

Need a refresh anons

VD gone

#25048 >>20417127

>>20417263, >>20417785, >>20418039 Bread and roses was a slogan of the suffragettes. Huma is doing her bit for the cause.

>>20417356 The border crisis has now hit a small town in Pennsylvania called West Whiteland.

>>20417359 Biden Regime Threatens to Mass Release Thousands of Illegals from Detention Following Senate’s Failure to Pass Disastrous Open Border Legislation

>>20417372 Truth: At 5:55 p.m. on December 21, 1945, General George S. Patton, Jr. passed away in his sleep.

>>20417470 Trump to attend Georgia hearing on misconduct allegations against Fani Willis today

>>20417497, >>20417784, >>20418007 US Govt Is Hiding Documents That Incriminate Intel Community For Illegal Spying & Election Interference

>>20417601 Four out of five Americans test positive for little-known toxic chemical found in CHEERIOS that may cause infertility

>>20417642 Foremost Group-Chao shipping

>>20417739, >>20417742 Putin complains that fired Fox News host Tucker Carlson asked 'softball' questions in interview that left Russian leader 'unsatisfied'

>>20417807 A dozen victims of Jeffrey Epstein sued the U.S. government Wednesday, accusing the FBI of allowing and enabling his sex trafficking for two decades.

>>20417854 8:00 AM EST Electronic Health Record Modernization Deep Dive: Can the Oracle Pharmacy Software Be Made Safe and Effective?

>>20417864 8:00 AM EST Breakfast With West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin City Club of Cleveland

>>20417876 O’Keefe Media Infiltrates NO MAS MUERTES

>>20417913, >>20417918 Autopsy studies have NOT confirmed SARS-CoV-2 causes myocarditis.

>>20417927 House Republican who oversaw Mayorkas impeachment won't run for re-election

>>20417930 Message From Dr Stella: Respiratory illnesses are on the rise. We are treating more patients. Please early treatment is the key.

>>20418016 Fani Willis evidentiary hearing links

>>20418025 @realDonaldTrump A new category of crime is developing in New York City, and America itself, and it is bigger and more violent than anything seen in decades. It’s called BIDEN MIGRANT CRIME,

>>20418052 Retail sales in the United States tumbled 0.8% in January, much more than expected.

>>20418054 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

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c941a2 No.20418175

File: ae869e6bf304955⋯.png (53.58 KB,710x726,355:363,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c7cde No.20418176

File: d3a7852225723ba⋯.png (121 KB,333x325,333:325,d3a7852225723ba8a3a4a062ca….png)

Did Q not allude to the fact that there was a second dossier on Devin Nunes?

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d813d3 No.20418177


The missing documents

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482726 No.20418178

File: 7719ac16d6d98cb⋯.png (284.06 KB,819x682,819:682,7719ac16d6d98cba3689969cf8….png)

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322cf2 No.20418179


This anon avoids datefagging, but April is closing in…

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17e941 No.20418180

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0028cd No.20418181

File: a6dc767241e3a4e⋯.png (644.2 KB,954x638,477:319,Screenshot_2024_02_15_at_0….png)

he didn't get the memo


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9d7e6b No.20418182


Two broken hearts on Ash Wednesday/Valentine's day.

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fdc458 No.20418183


Anons this is significant. Used to do medical records. Most being outsourced to India. I’m concerned info is being misused, shared and sold.

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e47e16 No.20418184

Soros may be taking a back seat to son Alex

Wonder why? George's not going to "die" soon, is he?

Feb 15, 2024 9:07 AM EST

The 93-year old has also handed control of the Open Society Foundations to his 37-year old son, Alex, who has instituted a major restructuring of the $25 billion network. The revamp includes deep staffing cuts and a pullback in donations.

The Fund's investments, however, continue to intrigue Wall Street, and the 13-F filed late Wednesday notes the sale of its entire stake in Arm Holdings, the chipmaker owned by Japan's SoftBank, sometime during the fourth quarter.


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97d37d No.20418185

File: 2b80b8e3102aec5⋯.png (835.24 KB,897x1280,897:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

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edb2c3 No.20418187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Establishment Plan to Handcuff Trump to NATO

State of the Union: Notorious Trump apostate John Bolton just gave away the game on efforts to quash NATO reform.

Foreign Affairs 2/14/24

“John Bolton Is Certain Trump Really Wants to Blow Up NATO”; at least, according to a Politico headline.

Politico recently interviewed Trump’s uber-hawkish former national security adviser, which appears as part of a campaign to drum up some sales for his 2020 Trump White House memoir titled The Room Where It Happened—now with a new foreword!

“We have been telling NATO allies for decades that they had to increase their defense spending. And those of us who have been doing this for a long time have done it to strengthen NATO so that the U.S. can be more flexible around the world,” Bolton told Politico. “When Trump complains that NATO allies are not spending enough on defense, he’s not complaining to get them to strengthen NATO. He’s using it to bolster his excuse to get out.”

At a recent rally in South Carolina, Trump said“NATO was busted until I came along.”

When Trump entered office, “I said, ‘Everybody’s gonna pay.’ They said, ‘Well, if we don’t pay, are you still going to protect us?’ I said, ‘Absolutely not.’ They couldn’t believe the answer.”

One unnamed European president, according to Trump, asked the then-president if the U.S. would defend their country if they didn’t pay. Trump claimed he replied, “No, I would not protect you.”

“In fact, I would encourage [the Russians] to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay. You got to pay your bills.”

Trump is a New Yorker, and that kind of talk is quintessentially New York. He’s busting their chops. Of course, this kind of talk is completely lost on smarmy European centrists. Nevertheless, it worked. Almost every NATO country increased their defense expenditures over Trump’s tenure. But don’t just take my word for it. More Bolton:

The commitment that all this turns on — at the NATO summit at Cardiff, Wales, in 2014 — was that over a 10-year period, all NATO members would end up spending 2 percent of their gross domestic product or more on defense, and that hasn’t happened. Spending has increased in recent years. And a good part of the reason for that is Trump.

Yet, Bolton says Trump’s effort to get NATO countries to pay up is “to lay the groundwork to get out.”What Bolton is really doing here is telling NATO partners across the Atlantic to avoid increasing defense expenditures in an attempt to “keep the Americans in,” as Lord Ismay once observed. If Trump becomes president again, there will be scores of Bolton types—left, right, and center—doing the same exact thing.

But ask any New Yorker, especially any involved in real estate—eventually, all bills come due, and someone comes to collect.

(War mongers always want the US to pay because they must have more war. All the losers that worked for Trump, are trying to re-establish some credibilty. It won’t work because no world leader liked Bolton.)

Just When I Thought I Was Out, They Pull Me Back In! SCENE - The Godfather: Part 3 MOVIE (1990)


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c28b19 No.20418188

File: 4117fcd7869554f⋯.png (380.76 KB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_0607.png)


Scopes says no.

That story was going around last year.


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4c8024 No.20418189


what do you think happens in april?

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482726 No.20418190

File: a4201a2d2b7a2d7⋯.png (385.44 KB,548x813,548:813,trump_obama_whoa.png)

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322cf2 No.20418191

File: 88f548fba99a725⋯.png (58.97 KB,532x752,133:188,ClipboardImage.png)


>$25 billion network.


It's over $1 trillion

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c941a2 No.20418192

File: 12878b7ecf9bbdd⋯.png (56.4 KB,500x750,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd363d No.20418193

>boys are subject to drug testing every 24 hours after playing their part until their blood urine and hair clear.. They are not allow to work out with anyone other than their wife. Big duh right? PEDs

Yes women, I mean those stupid foot things

>Girls must take a pregnancy test every time they try to call out of work. Will be randomly drug tested for birth control. Do not fail this test.

Unisex- new phones second line. This is your work phone. You now call that other phone your home. If you do not like your home. They will fix that. You literally must have an android and an iPhone no exceptions. Flip phones are not permitted until one of my bitches bitches fixes the t9 to quit dropping millions of gil on YEAH

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f5843c No.20418194

File: 5b321e6c845dbc1⋯.png (200.62 KB,766x1822,383:911,1118_2_.png)

File: 38822931d479ca3⋯.png (28.24 KB,766x408,383:204,2318.png)

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322cf2 No.20418195


This anon avoids datefagging.

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4c8024 No.20418197


what is closing in? Is April the Jack Smith trial? Red Folder time. what?

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23f65a No.20418198

File: 90b38d46ba60458⋯.png (555.08 KB,660x508,165:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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1103e6 No.20418199


Wonder if that cop that shot the suspect in the car multiple times was comms about "ACORN" being on his back. Then it would be relevant about posting such an old story.

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c941a2 No.20418200


>what do you think happens in april?


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f5843c No.20418201


KEK fine will check it out

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9116c0 No.20418202



Does this mean she's a fake wife so he can look credible when he inherits possibly soon? Probably doesn't matter all that foundation money is suddenly getting re-routed… So coincidental.

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4c8024 No.20418203


if they are golden it is a pass from me. Maybe some german anons might appreciate.

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3768ab No.20418204

File: 43cea10502ce184⋯.jpg (43.69 KB,640x400,8:5,slider5_640x400.jpg)



Every electronic medical records system is a data pharm for "war on disease X" profiteers.






There's probably not that many data sets for Israel to buy to complete their set.

Despite privacy concerns, Israel to put nation’s medical database online

The Israeli government on Sunday approved a National Digital Health plan, which, despite mounting privacy concerns, plans to create a digital database of the medical files of some 9 million residents and make them available to researchers and enterprises.

The government has vowed to protect the privacy of individuals and is touting the NIS 1 billion ($287 million) program as a huge boon to the medical research industry. But critics pointed to risks of a massive breach in patient confidentiality and urged the government to slow down.

To promote the initiative, Israel will unify the existing database of the digital medical records it has collected over a period of 20 years — which holds the medical files of more than 98 percent of the population — to create a single database, in which one’s participation is optional, that will help attract researchers and industry leaders from across the globe, the Prime Minister’s office said Sunday.


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a3eecc No.20418206


Hey guise!!!

Did you know the guy that did the voice for the cartoon "Bobby's World" has a podcast, nao!?

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322cf2 No.20418207


>What is closing in

April, as anon said.

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a6de23 No.20418208

NSA Retail Sales (Month over Month)

Ret. Sales -16.59%

ExAuto -18.21%

ExAuto & Gas -19.30%

Not that shocking, as there is usually pull forward for Holiday Spending and a large drop off for January. One release does not make a trend, but it is important info….

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7b2108 No.20418209

File: 00c6b132ce75231⋯.png (269.1 KB,540x594,10:11,3bf1b5d8bae40de9e567225da4….png)

File: 82f64d6adcf126f⋯.png (77.64 KB,425x757,425:757,fa4c6a725eb875d3d57dbc2d04….png)

File: e43187565b6a0c7⋯.png (339.65 KB,640x752,40:47,c691d22eff0500bc5af184eac8….png)

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17e941 No.20418210

File: a99ea69153ac93e⋯.jpeg (595.24 KB,750x1247,750:1247,IMG_1319.jpeg)

File: cb3bed58c25a007⋯.jpeg (19.79 KB,226x216,113:108,IMG_0367.jpeg)


We were just playing with the dead fish bred.

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c941a2 No.20418211

File: f604ac00d064c3b⋯.mp4 (2.79 MB,640x360,16:9,tucker_in_russia_groceries.mp4)

Radical grocery stores.

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a6de23 No.20418212

Judge denies Trump request to dismiss hush money case

Feb 15th, 05:06:01

By Luc Cohen and Jack Queen

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A New York judge denied Donald Trump's request to dismiss criminal charges stemming from hush money paid to a porn star, paving the way for the first-ever criminal trial of a former U.S. president.

Trump, 77, the frontrunner for the Republican nomination to challenge Democratic President Joe Biden in the Nov. 5 U.S. election, has asked Justice Juan Merchan to toss a 34-count indictment charging him with falsifying business records to cover up the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels before the 2016 election.

Ahead of the hearing, Trump repeated his claims that the case is politically motivated. "They wouldn't have brought this except for the fact - no way - except for the fact that I'm running for president and doing well," he said in a hallway outside the courtroom.

The trial was scheduled to start on March 25, before the three other criminal cases Trump faces. Trump has pleaded not guilty.


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6dba1f No.20418213

Notes So Far

#25048 >>20417127

>>20417263, >>20417785, >>20418039 Bread and roses was a slogan of the suffragettes. Huma is doing her bit for the cause.

>>20417356 The border crisis has now hit a small town in Pennsylvania called West Whiteland.

>>20417359 Biden Regime Threatens to Mass Release Thousands of Illegals from Detention Following Senate’s Failure to Pass Disastrous Open Border Legislation

>>20417372 Truth: At 5:55 p.m. on December 21, 1945, General George S. Patton, Jr. passed away in his sleep.

>>20417470 Trump to attend Georgia hearing on misconduct allegations against Fani Willis today

>>20417497, >>20417784, >>20418007 US Govt Is Hiding Documents That Incriminate Intel Community For Illegal Spying & Election Interference

>>20417601 Four out of five Americans test positive for little-known toxic chemical found in CHEERIOS that may cause infertility

>>20417642 Foremost Group-Chao shipping

>>20417739, >>20417742 Putin complains that fired Fox News host Tucker Carlson asked 'softball' questions in interview that left Russian leader 'unsatisfied'

>>20417807 A dozen victims of Jeffrey Epstein sued the U.S. government Wednesday, accusing the FBI of allowing and enabling his sex trafficking for two decades.

>>20417854 8:00 AM EST Electronic Health Record Modernization Deep Dive: Can the Oracle Pharmacy Software Be Made Safe and Effective?

>>20417864 8:00 AM EST Breakfast With West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin City Club of Cleveland

>>20417876 O’Keefe Media Infiltrates NO MAS MUERTES

>>20417913, >>20417918 Autopsy studies have NOT confirmed SARS-CoV-2 causes myocarditis.

>>20417927 House Republican who oversaw Mayorkas impeachment won't run for re-election

>>20417930 Message From Dr Stella: Respiratory illnesses are on the rise. We are treating more patients. Please early treatment is the key.

>>20418016, >>20418078 Fani Willis evidentiary hearing links

>>20418025 @realDonaldTrump A new category of crime is developing in New York City, and America itself, and it is bigger and more violent than anything seen in decades. It’s called BIDEN MIGRANT CRIME,

>>20418052 Retail sales in the United States tumbled 0.8% in January, much more than expected.

>>20418054 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>20418059 George Soros fund poised to take control of second-largest chain of radio stations in the United States.

>>20418068 Left radicals declare war on Tesla and threaten a "wave of attacks" on Elon Musk's cars and charging stations in Berlin, Germany.

>>20418071 Macron and Zelenskyy to sign a bilateral "security agreement" in Paris on Friday.

>>20418072 UK's economy contracted for a second quarter at the end of 2023, slipping into recession.

>>20418082, >>20418093 Saving America’s Future from the Blob

>>20418086 9:30 AM EST Press conference by the NATO Secretary General The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

>>20418103 HRC/Nuland Ukraine Coup

>>20418110 MEME WARRIOR UI 1.2

>>20418130, >>20418134 Hearing Information Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 10:00 AM. IRS

>>20418136 10:00 AM EST Outpacing China: Expediting the Fielding of Innovation House Armed Services Committee

>>20418138, >>20418147 10:00 AM EST Assessing America’s Vaccine Safety Systems, Part 1

>>20418144, >>20418155 On the arrogance (and stupidity) of Pfizer's Super Bowl ad - PART TWO

>>20418187 The Establishment Plan to Handcuff Trump to NATO

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17e941 No.20418214



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6dba1f No.20418215


this post @552


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f5843c No.20418216

File: 535f72c0451f00a⋯.png (509.21 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240216_095344.png)

File: 0d04aa51ef5cc1a⋯.png (85.76 KB,766x984,383:492,917_4_.png)

File: 1c66a089b53345d⋯.png (62.22 KB,766x584,383:292,1663.png)

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9116c0 No.20418217


this looks like some good graphics for a sims game tho, which one is it? it all looks pieced together-ish, like did AI create this or is it really a new SIMS game?

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9b7f25 No.20418218

File: cd56ed03bda3987⋯.jpg (39.14 KB,446x368,223:184,lk.JPG)


Dr. Kat Lindley


Today a law was passed in France qualifying any opposition to mRNA-LNP injections as a "sectarian aberration". It carries a penalty of up to 3 years' imprisonment and 45,000 euros.

“It will not tolerate any criticism of the therapeutic treatments which will be recommended or made obligatory by the state. Any person who dares to openly criticize these therapies will be liable to fines and imprisonment.”


Annie Arnaud ☮️




France 🇨🇵 Today, 02/14/24, the French government basely maneuvered so that article 4 was adopted.

It is a highly liberticidal article which will not tolerate any criticism of the therapeutic treatments which will be recommended or made obligatory by the state.

Any person who… x.com/dupontaignan/s…

Show more

4:16 PM · Feb 14, 2024


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17e941 No.20418219


Hey girl, is your last name Pfizer, because you just made my heart stop.

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9b7f25 No.20418220

File: 88e8474b3b6cfdc⋯.jpeg (816.44 KB,1234x4617,1234:4617,Web_capture_15_2_2024_859….jpeg)

Iran declares Antarctica its property in direct challenge to Biden, global treaty


Iranian Navy commander announces planned military base in South Pole

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JERUSALEM — Iran’s Navy commander announced in a televised broadcast last fall that the regime owns Antarctica and will build a military operation in the South Pole.

"We have property rights in the South Pole. We have plan to raise our flag there and carry out military and scientific work," Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Shahram Irani said in late September, according to a translation by the Washington D.C.-based Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

Iran’s naval saber-rattling is drawing new attention in response to the Iranian-backed militias that murdered three U.S. soldiers in Jordan last month.



Fox News Digital asked a U.S. State Department spokesperson if the recent American unfreezing of $6 billion in Iranian funds held in Qatar could be used by Iran to set up a base in Antarctica.

"No. Iran’s funds held in Qatar may not be used for any activities in Antarctica," the spokesperson said. "Those funds can only be used to purchase humanitarian goods, meaning food, medicine, medical devices and agricultural products."


Despite the clerical regime’s growing bellicosity in the Middle East and across the world, according to veteran Iran observers, the Biden administration released $6 billion in sanctions relief to Tehran’s rulers ahead of the Iran-backed Hamas massacre of 1,200 people Oct. 7 in southern Israel. Hamas slaughtered over 30 Americans during its invasion of Israel.

Iran’s President, Ebrahim Raisi, who was sanctioned by former President Trump for his role in the two massacres of Iranian dissidents and protesters, disputed the Biden administration’s restrictions on the use of the $6 billion. Raisi taunted Biden’s White House, declaring his regime will use the massive cash infusion "wherever we need it."

Iranian flag, missiles

"Iran's future plans to try to expand its military presence and influence into the Antarctic would not only violate multilateral conventions on the issue, but continues the regime's trend of aggression across the globe," said Yonah Jeremy Bob, author of "Target Tehran" and a senior Jerusalem Post military and intelligence analyst.

"Whether through terrorism on basically every continent or its rampant piracy in the maritime arena, the Islamic Republic continues to show why it is a danger to world stability and why Israel and the Mossad's role in holding it back from nuclear weapons remains critical."


"Every time Tehran expands its tentacles into a new area to disrupt the rules-based order promoted by the West, the U.S. and its allies are given an additional opportunity to take the nuclear threat more seriously. Antarctica might seem a distant threat, but if the West acts as meekly as it did when Iran recently kicked out nuclear weapons inspectors, the Islamic Republic will only become further emboldened on other track," he added.


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9b7f25 No.20418221


Antarctic Treaty flags

Fox News Digital reported in February 2023 that the United States tracked warlike announcements by Iran's navy chief that Tehran plans to establish a military presence at the Panama Canal. Iran deployed two military ships to Brazil at the time that were headed for the Panama Canal.

In December, the Islamic Republic claimed it was building "smart" cruise missiles for its navy arsenal.


"It’s an arcane topic, but little lies between Iran’s coast outside the Persian Gulf and the eastern hemisphere side of Antarctica," Jennifer Dyer, a retired commander of U.S. Naval Intelligence, told Fox News Digital

"In theory, Iran could claim an interest in Antarctica similar to India’s, Australia’s, New Zealand’s or Chile’s (or those of the U.K. and France, for that matter), with their island outposts in the southern hemisphere.


"I can say that raising the flag at the South Pole doesn’t carry any implications in international law. The Antarctic Treaty (which became effective in 1961) has a specific provision that no action by any nation after 1961 can be the basis of a territorial claim on the continent."

"Iran isn’t a signatory to the treaty and might try to do frisky things in Antarctica," Dyer noted. "Those things wouldn’t be recognized by other nations, at least as matters stand now. The U.S., U.K., Germany, France, Japan, India, China and Russia are all signatories to the treaty, as are Brazil, and Argentina, Chile, Australia and New Zealand, the ‘jumping off’ nations closest to the continent."


Potkin Azarmehr, an expert on Iran, told Fox News Digital, "Everything in Iran is reminiscent of the USSR in its last days before collapse. Ambitious but pointless plans by a state with completely wrong priorities. Unable to provide basic services to its people, bankrupt institutions but full of grandiose talks"

Fox News Digital sent press queries to Iran’s Foreign Ministry and its U.N. mission in New York.

2 of 2

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322cf2 No.20418222


Evil bastard tyrants.

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4ac130 No.20418223

File: 1495dc85c1a5983⋯.png (878.33 KB,1699x4406,1699:4406,FiveEyes.png)

The Fuck is unfolding!

>4 shootings…

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a3eecc No.20418224


At this rate there will have to be a magical jubilee to pay everyone off and still have some in the bank to get the future kick-started.

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478aff No.20418225


Oh ya friend

Looking for jobs but can burn too much gas situation

Ai at the office and a couple job boards

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4c8024 No.20418226


If I see Pilgrims I am flipping a table in May.

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9116c0 No.20418227

File: f6c41f6d47a891b⋯.png (310.96 KB,644x518,46:37,merde.png)


Damn France AGAIN SO SOON.

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c6710c No.20418228

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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482726 No.20418229

File: 7ea6ca53683a795⋯.png (349.57 KB,640x480,4:3,Obama_Did_it.png)

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9143ed No.20418230

who is trump backing for Senator in CA?


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b3e34c No.20418231

File: f99b55d5118a5c8⋯.jpg (404.23 KB,1560x720,13:6,Screenshot_20240213_163711….jpg)

Looks shopped for some reason

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17e941 No.20418233

File: d8bbfbbd409399f⋯.jpeg (209.34 KB,1200x800,3:2,IMG_1231.jpeg)

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73776f No.20418234


I think that constitutes a line crossed.

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c941a2 No.20418235

File: 01babacd46d59fc⋯.png (694.36 KB,749x793,749:793,ClipboardImage.png)

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17e941 No.20418237

File: 45c25d0f3583b5b⋯.jpeg (36.19 KB,255x250,51:50,IMG_1244.jpeg)

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c941a2 No.20418238


3 columns of 3. Check'd digits.

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a1bf1a No.20418239

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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edb2c3 No.20418240

File: 971de7541cd2851⋯.jpeg (91.16 KB,900x506,450:253,IMG_7308.jpeg)

Charlie Kirk


It's been a TERRIBLE few weeks for Fani Willis, the "Get Trump" Fulton County DA. But it's about to all get worse.

On Thursday, Fani will be in court to respond to the bombshell motion exposing her illicit affair with Nathan Wade, the secret boyfriend she hired as a special prosecutor and paid more than half a million dollars in taxpayer funds.Depending on how a judge rules, Fani's entire office might end up off the case(likely delaying it past election day), or the case might have to be dropped entirely.

But wait, there's more…

According Georgia Republicans, multiple employees inside of Fani's Fulton County office are "eager" to testify against their boss in a special Senate fact-finding investigation.

She is also being investigated by Georgia’s Prosecuting Attorneys’ Qualifications Commission.

And Rep. Jim Jordan has subpoenaed Fani for documents about allegations that Willis fired a whistleblower from her office and misused federal funds.


6:29 PM · Feb 14, 2024



(Tomorrow is the day she gets nailed by the judge, Pray for Judge McAfee, he’s going against Kemp, Carr and others. GA is not known as a healthy legal and court system. Its filled with leftists, and stupid ones at that)


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482726 No.20418242

February 15, 2024

Federal Reserve Board releases the hypothetical scenarios for its annual stress test

For release at 9:15 a.m. EST

The Federal Reserve Board on Thursday released the hypothetical scenarios for its annual stress test, which helps ensure that large banks can lend to households and businesses even in a severe recession. Additionally, for the first time, the Board released four hypothetical elements designed to probe different risks through its "exploratory analysis" of the banking system. The exploratory analysis will not affect bank capital requirements.


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f5843c No.20418243

File: 67cb969b94f5883⋯.png (663.52 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240216_100514.png)

File: ca7c4d8bc86b5d9⋯.jpeg (623.72 KB,2048x1536,4:3,GGYhC8cXYAMhJTG.jpeg)

File: fb82e2e40cea11b⋯.jpeg (613.46 KB,2048x1536,4:3,GGYhDstXAAAtNam.jpeg)

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6dba1f No.20418245

was quick collect, chasin end, czech em

#25048 >>20417127

>>20417263, >>20417785, >>20418039 Bread and roses was a slogan of the suffragettes. Huma is doing her bit for the cause.

>>20417356 The border crisis has now hit a small town in Pennsylvania called West Whiteland.

>>20417359 Biden Regime Threatens to Mass Release Thousands of Illegals from Detention Following Senate’s Failure to Pass Disastrous Open Border Legislation

>>20417372 Truth: At 5:55 p.m. on December 21, 1945, General George S. Patton, Jr. passed away in his sleep.

>>20417470 Trump to attend Georgia hearing on misconduct allegations against Fani Willis today

>>20417497, >>20417784, >>20418007 US Govt Is Hiding Documents That Incriminate Intel Community For Illegal Spying & Election Interference

>>20417601 Four out of five Americans test positive for little-known toxic chemical found in CHEERIOS that may cause infertility

>>20417642 Foremost Group-Chao shipping

>>20417739, >>20417742 Putin complains that fired Fox News host Tucker Carlson asked 'softball' questions in interview that left Russian leader 'unsatisfied'

>>20417807 A dozen victims of Jeffrey Epstein sued the U.S. government Wednesday, accusing the FBI of allowing and enabling his sex trafficking for two decades.

>>20417854 8:00 AM EST Electronic Health Record Modernization Deep Dive: Can the Oracle Pharmacy Software Be Made Safe and Effective?

>>20417864 8:00 AM EST Breakfast With West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin City Club of Cleveland

>>20417876 O’Keefe Media Infiltrates NO MAS MUERTES

>>20417913, >>20417918 Autopsy studies have NOT confirmed SARS-CoV-2 causes myocarditis.

>>20417927 House Republican who oversaw Mayorkas impeachment won't run for re-election

>>20417930 Message From Dr Stella: Respiratory illnesses are on the rise. We are treating more patients. Please early treatment is the key.

>>20418016, >>20418078 Fani Willis evidentiary hearing links

>>20418025 @realDonaldTrump A new category of crime is developing in New York City, and America itself, and it is bigger and more violent than anything seen in decades. It’s called BIDEN MIGRANT CRIME,

>>20418052 Retail sales in the United States tumbled 0.8% in January, much more than expected.

>>20418054 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>20418059 George Soros fund poised to take control of second-largest chain of radio stations in the United States.

>>20418068 Left radicals declare war on Tesla and threaten a "wave of attacks" on Elon Musk's cars and charging stations in Berlin, Germany.

>>20418071 Macron and Zelenskyy to sign a bilateral "security agreement" in Paris on Friday.

>>20418072 UK's economy contracted for a second quarter at the end of 2023, slipping into recession.

>>20418082, >>20418093 Saving America’s Future from the Blob

>>20418086 9:30 AM EST Press conference by the NATO Secretary General The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

>>20418103 HRC/Nuland Ukraine Coup

>>20418110 MEME WARRIOR UI 1.2

>>20418130, >>20418134 Hearing Information Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 10:00 AM. IRS

>>20418136 10:00 AM EST Outpacing China: Expediting the Fielding of Innovation House Armed Services Committee

>>20418138, >>20418147 10:00 AM EST Assessing America’s Vaccine Safety Systems, Part 1

>>20418144, >>20418155 On the arrogance (and stupidity) of Pfizer's Super Bowl ad - PART TWO

>>20418187 The Establishment Plan to Handcuff Trump to NATO

>>20418212 Judge denies Trump request to dismiss hush money case

>>20418218 Today a law was passed in France qualifying any opposition to mRNA-LNP injections as a "sectarian aberration". It carries a penalty of up to 3 years' imprisonment and 45,000 euros.

>>20418220, >>20418221 Iran declares Antarctica its property in direct challenge to Biden, global treaty/they have camels there?

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765aa8 No.20418246



As with the authentic transcript of the telephone call they tried to impeach him with; to Zalenski

It was secured comewhere and the perps didn't know it

Theh thought they had him

DJTrump is a tough soldier

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cab29c No.20418247





NEW - Apple fans are starting to return their Vision Pros: For some buyers, the honeymoon is already over.

People complain about headaches, motion sickness, and the weight.


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17e941 No.20418248


Aw, sheit, Q said fun doesn’t start til FISA

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3768ab No.20418251


EpiGenetic selection vie inoculation into those who get more androgynous (Promote!), and those who get sick and/or die (abandon).

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cab29c No.20418253

The Epoch Times




Federal officials said that voter databases could be targeted ahead of the 2024 election.


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9116c0 No.20418254


not to be overly suspicious but it's kinda weird considering elon was just recently like hey everyone look who has "Four rockets on their launch pads simultaneously" but then again, elon is kinda weird and totally untrustworthy. probably just another coincidence, timing and such.

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9b7f25 No.20418256

File: 5c930fba3c0eaf8⋯.mp4 (3.43 MB,480x852,40:71,8ybKRsWrL1WSd3Dz.mp4)

File: 52e2c2e19c0ecd3⋯.jpeg (175.33 KB,1234x1204,617:602,Web_capture_15_2_2024_983….jpeg)


Wall Street Apes


INSANITY 🚨 American Government Backing Corporations Including ChemChina Poisoning Americans


Iowa Rep Megan L Srinivas “Today, HSB 646 passed through subcommittee—a bill that prioritizes foreign corporate interests above Iowa farmers’ lives. This would grant immunity to pesticide, insecticide, & rodenticide companies. This includes the Chinese-government owned company (ChemChina) that bans its own pesticide within its borders due to health risks, but wants amnesty for poisoning Iowans. Despite my 'no' vote, this concerning bill passed onto the Agriculture committee for consideration.

“I just came out of one of the worst subcommittees I've ever been on since I entered this legislature. It's HSB 646. And what this does is it gives complete immunity to pesticide, insecticide, and rodenticide companies from any health consequences. One of the companies that's bringing this bill up is a Chinese government owned pesticide called Paraquat. And Paraquat is so dangerous, has been linked to Parkinson's at such a high correlation that the Chinese government has banned selling this pesticide within its own country, but they want immunity for all health effects here.

To me, Iowa's farmers matter more than corporate interests, especially foreign government corporate interests. I voted absolutely no in subcommittee. Unfortunately, it's Bill passed out with a 2 to 1 vote and will be in committee in the agriculture committee. So please do everything you can to stop this bill and save Iowans lives”

11:38 PM · Feb 14, 2024


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32f7d2 No.20418258

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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3768ab No.20418260


>Blood type specific reactions to "The Kill Shot"?

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17e941 No.20418262

File: 6ed624e83744e48⋯.png (494.95 KB,750x906,125:151,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 11752f2323934bc⋯.png (1.2 MB,750x1156,375:578,ClipboardImage.png)


No problem.. they just need Elon’s new bionic eyes that just came out.

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f5843c No.20418263

File: d8d00d19b8a4f2b⋯.png (665.06 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240216_100647.png)

File: 412625990bc0997⋯.png (857.26 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240216_100753.png)

File: f4a1d5fe3899b5b⋯.png (95.38 KB,766x848,383:424,1964.png)

File: 15a932976434055⋯.png (266.11 KB,766x2394,383:1197,1965_1_.png)

File: bd9c3f82a48df59⋯.jpeg (305.28 KB,2048x1306,1024:653,GGYK6OaWYAAHH6J.jpeg)

Flag comms

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6dba1f No.20418265

File: 22d587cfbbde501⋯.jpg (24.76 KB,500x500,1:1,22d587cfbbde5013f27e3b9d5e….jpg)


mornin VD

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f5843c No.20418267

File: 2ff8906b788008a⋯.jpeg (455.98 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GGYLu_pXEAEZvZs.jpeg)

File: 86fffaef8b369f8⋯.jpeg (156.96 KB,2048x1364,512:341,GGYLR15XAAAsfzi.jpeg)

File: e58a68581ab285e⋯.jpeg (329.33 KB,1611x1611,1:1,GGYLA7ZXwAAM2m_.jpeg)

File: ca89be7be0d6f82⋯.png (175.55 KB,766x1910,383:955,907_3_.png)

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1faacc No.20418269


It's not like this place doesn't do the same thing. Pic related was removed 10 times from one bread a couple of days ago.

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9116c0 No.20418270


so, there's this aspect also.. Lev 17:11

For the life of the flesh is in the blood

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32f7d2 No.20418271

File: c0d9fe8770fc249⋯.png (11.71 KB,373x205,373:205,image_2024_02_15_101137027.png)

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b3e34c No.20418273

File: 6f5c153cafc877e⋯.jpg (80.46 KB,500x831,500:831,higah.jpg)

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9b7f25 No.20418274

File: e5e1e9f9ab54da9⋯.jpg (40.01 KB,454x483,454:483,jjk.JPG)

File: a82954933cfc8bd⋯.mp4 (4.8 MB,640x360,16:9,4cu79_Sfvn0DQNuJ.mp4)


Concerned Citizen


🚨🇬🇧UK Homeowners to house illegal Migrants?

In Britain Homeowners are receiving CPO’s (Compulsory Purchase Orders) so their homes can be redistributed to migrants

In America people are being asked to open their doors also to house migrants

Do you see where this is heading yet?

8:00 AM · Feb 14, 2024

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9116c0 No.20418275

generations in the bible OT = "genetics", the word in Hebrew

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4c8024 No.20418278


The brits need to start doing some fertilizing.

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6dba1f No.20418279


this post @592


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9116c0 No.20418280


do you know how to play this game?

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f5843c No.20418281

File: 0be9d112562e994⋯.png (121.17 KB,766x1332,383:666,803_17_.png)

File: e7ce1bb7b2d38c1⋯.png (155.23 KB,766x1024,383:512,69_2_.png)

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3768ab No.20418283

File: fe0b5ec52d806a7⋯.png (98.18 KB,1000x432,125:54,nazi_Chicano.png)

File: 2021ff935caf81b⋯.png (36.09 KB,600x250,12:5,Kanada.png)

File: dca2da49471d999⋯.png (19.58 KB,440x293,440:293,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5ef9e303f8a563⋯.png (523.91 KB,700x700,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59233fa58569fde⋯.png (1.11 MB,1020x574,510:287,ClipboardImage.png)




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9116c0 No.20418284

would really suck to get played instead

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b3e34c No.20418286


Telsa +water=coffin

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e0c2a9 No.20418287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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32f7d2 No.20418288

File: 0a6bf479ac4481c⋯.png (12.61 KB,373x205,373:205,Capture.PNG)

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180c64 No.20418289

File: cdb02e9d4ac730d⋯.png (2.79 MB,1179x1931,1179:1931,ClipboardImage.png)

Everyone should be in love like this couple

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e0c2a9 No.20418292

File: d5276bd810c208b⋯.jpg (120.56 KB,840x832,105:104,byebye123.jpg)

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32f7d2 No.20418293


Appreciate it.

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f5fdd9 No.20418294

File: b641c617085d370⋯.jpg (75.9 KB,721x738,721:738,b641c617085d370b5df6f4a29e….jpg)

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9116c0 No.20418295

so shills are in that real struggle this morning

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e0c2a9 No.20418296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a3eecc No.20418297

File: f372ad819c39281⋯.png (116.48 KB,566x670,283:335,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a408d786203d7b⋯.png (83.67 KB,568x525,568:525,ClipboardImage.png)


Everyone seems to forget there's a struggle going on, on multiple fronts. If everything is propaganda (and everything is) then what is this skit about? Is Tucker trying to convince everyone that we should turn to Jesus to get cheaper eggs?

Filth and crime have nothing to do with the price of milk. Inflation does, yes. Corrupt leadership, shit trade agreements, and tanking the value of currency has nothing to do with politicians doing blow and banging hookers. Devaluation and inflation are symptoms of a regimes changing their major exports from war and strife to something useful, like energy and raw materials.

If the point of this video is to prop up Russia and BRICS, then it might be useful to remind everyone that just a few years ago America was absolutely for sale, and Russia was one of the buyers. Before everyone gets on their knees with open mouths, remember this, Putin is (and always will be) a competitor to the US. So is Xi, SA princes, Brazil, and everyone else that isn't flying an American flag - and in some instances those flying the flag are competitors, too.

Tucker's still doing the same thing he was doing at Fox. He does it better than most, and truly has a gift for it. He's a star, after all. Are we still following stars, or are we thinking for ourselves?

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b463c5 No.20418299


my bet is he is gay, no way he likes women

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edb2c3 No.20418300

File: 719d07be783291b⋯.jpeg (438.74 KB,1129x1956,1129:1956,IMG_7309.jpeg)

File: 6623fe45ae134fb⋯.jpeg (398.79 KB,1066x2192,533:1096,IMG_7310.jpeg)

I hardly believe in these polls, Bidan can’t possibly be at those numbers, especially with Hur etc. Unless they took these polls before the “big reveal”, that was not about dementia (although the media is pushing that), its really about Joe Bidan’s treason!


Even my leftists siblings are worried and regret he has Kamala as VP. 1st time they’ve discussed Bidan in close to 4 years.

Kek, their biggest worry is not Biden’s crimes, but Trump will win! During Trump’s four years the family thread was sheer unmitigated hatred of Trump.

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cab29c No.20418301

File: 77fb2bf8f1b9de3⋯.png (519.16 KB,568x654,284:327,ClipboardImage.png)

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b3e34c No.20418302


King chuckles in a morphine haze statecrafting the end of the lizard rule on planet earth.


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bd363d No.20418303

To the crones in the back? The only garbage authorized by me was sent to the phone number I got from Jay quellin. Stay the hell out of my shit you data hungry microbes.

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fac53c No.20418304


I thought the little fucker was gay for black dudes?

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bd363d No.20418305

>I want to pee in you, but I was about to start a few fights

And I will figure it out

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9116c0 No.20418307

File: 7089596a7cc73bc⋯.png (162.11 KB,900x688,225:172,ClipboardImage.png)

look at the perfectly formed salt crystal, its depths are clear

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17e941 No.20418308


God bless u2

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bd363d No.20418309

Nf already wrote the sad parts. Short Jews feel pain different tho.

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cbfd69 No.20418310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Fulton County Judge Hears Evidence on Motion to Disqualify Fani Willis - 2/15/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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b3e34c No.20418312

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17e941 No.20418313


Oldfag detected

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e0c2a9 No.20418314

File: 02a72f4818036d5⋯.mp4 (6.65 MB,720x1280,9:16,nobody_wanted_them_.mp4)

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6dba1f No.20418316

Last Call, Callin the Bake btw

#25048 >>20417127

>>20417263, >>20417785, >>20418039 Bread and roses was a slogan of the suffragettes. Huma is doing her bit for the cause.

>>20417356 The border crisis has now hit a small town in Pennsylvania called West Whiteland.

>>20417359 Biden Regime Threatens to Mass Release Thousands of Illegals from Detention Following Senate’s Failure to Pass Disastrous Open Border Legislation

>>20417372 Truth: At 5:55 p.m. on December 21, 1945, General George S. Patton, Jr. passed away in his sleep.

>>20417470 Trump to attend Georgia hearing on misconduct allegations against Fani Willis today

>>20417497, >>20417784, >>20418007 US Govt Is Hiding Documents That Incriminate Intel Community For Illegal Spying & Election Interference

>>20417601 Four out of five Americans test positive for little-known toxic chemical found in CHEERIOS that may cause infertility

>>20417642 Foremost Group-Chao shipping

>>20417739, >>20417742 Putin complains that fired Fox News host Tucker Carlson asked 'softball' questions in interview that left Russian leader 'unsatisfied'

>>20417807 A dozen victims of Jeffrey Epstein sued the U.S. government Wednesday, accusing the FBI of allowing and enabling his sex trafficking for two decades.

>>20417854 8:00 AM EST Electronic Health Record Modernization Deep Dive: Can the Oracle Pharmacy Software Be Made Safe and Effective?

>>20417864 8:00 AM EST Breakfast With West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin City Club of Cleveland

>>20417876 O’Keefe Media Infiltrates NO MAS MUERTES

>>20417913, >>20417918 Autopsy studies have NOT confirmed SARS-CoV-2 causes myocarditis.

>>20417927 House Republican who oversaw Mayorkas impeachment won't run for re-election

>>20417930 Message From Dr Stella: Respiratory illnesses are on the rise. We are treating more patients. Please early treatment is the key.

>>20418016, >>20418078 Fani Willis evidentiary hearing links

>>20418025 @realDonaldTrump A new category of crime is developing in New York City, and America itself, and it is bigger and more violent than anything seen in decades. It’s called BIDEN MIGRANT CRIME,

>>20418052 Retail sales in the United States tumbled 0.8% in January, much more than expected.

>>20418054 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>20418059 George Soros fund poised to take control of second-largest chain of radio stations in the United States.

>>20418068 Left radicals declare war on Tesla and threaten a "wave of attacks" on Elon Musk's cars and charging stations in Berlin, Germany.

>>20418071 Macron and Zelenskyy to sign a bilateral "security agreement" in Paris on Friday.

>>20418072 UK's economy contracted for a second quarter at the end of 2023, slipping into recession.

>>20418082, >>20418093 Saving America’s Future from the Blob

>>20418086 9:30 AM EST Press conference by the NATO Secretary General The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

>>20418103 HRC/Nuland Ukraine Coup

>>20418110 MEME WARRIOR UI 1.2

>>20418130, >>20418134 Hearing Information Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 10:00 AM. IRS

>>20418136 10:00 AM EST Outpacing China: Expediting the Fielding of Innovation House Armed Services Committee

>>20418138, >>20418147 10:00 AM EST Assessing America’s Vaccine Safety Systems, Part 1

>>20418144, >>20418155 On the arrogance (and stupidity) of Pfizer's Super Bowl ad - PART TWO

>>20418187 The Establishment Plan to Handcuff Trump to NATO

>>20418212 Judge denies Trump request to dismiss hush money case

>>20418218 Today a law was passed in France qualifying any opposition to mRNA-LNP injections as a "sectarian aberration". It carries a penalty of up to 3 years' imprisonment and 45,000 euros.

>>20418220, >>20418221 Iran declares Antarctica its property in direct challenge to Biden, global treaty/they have camels there?

>>20418242 Federal Reserve Board releases the hypothetical scenarios for its annual stress test

>>20418247 Apple fans are starting to return their Vision Pros: People complain about headaches, motion sickness, and the weight.

>>20418253 Federal officials said that voter databases could be targeted ahead of the 2024 election.

>>20418256 American Government Backing Corporations Including ChemChina Poisoning Americans

>>20418274 In Britain Homeowners are receiving CPO’s (Compulsory Purchase Orders) so their homes can be redistributed to migrants

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1faacc No.20418317


true, but the power of the upgraded meme is the same woman is both the girlfriend and the distraction. There is a deeper meaning if you look for it. The mind is powerful, but biology is more powerful and sneaky than you imagine.

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17e941 No.20418318

File: 9e1f8a289342bc0⋯.png (728.2 KB,720x644,180:161,ClipboardImage.png)

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285226 No.20418320

File: f73236919d59c11⋯.png (1.42 MB,1904x919,1904:919,ClipboardImage.png)

E4 up out of Offutt AFB

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25edd7 No.20418321


Love the name Gain of Fauci!

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cab29c No.20418322

File: 91696001145a88f⋯.png (302.82 KB,568x468,142:117,ClipboardImage.png)

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590971 No.20418323

File: 8f545e9cad4959e⋯.png (356.82 KB,708x1014,118:169,8170dc3f_7a1c_4f0d_b5df_4c….png)

File: 5d749bc94eb8a29⋯.jpg (243.29 KB,1079x1151,1079:1151,Mutiny_Bay_Skunk_Bay_.jpg)

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e0c2a9 No.20418325

File: aa4272131f3d1a6⋯.mp4 (5.67 MB,720x1280,9:16,A_secret_from_KABBALAH_abo….mp4)

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1faacc No.20418327

File: e626251250c1472⋯.png (168.46 KB,600x794,300:397,ClipboardImage.png)

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285226 No.20418328

File: 38514ae134fa84d⋯.png (1.26 MB,1902x921,634:307,ClipboardImage.png)

SNOOP27 Rivet Joint up out of Offutt AFB

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3768ab No.20418329


Anon hears "Gain of Ouchie"

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869b71 No.20418330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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2af987 No.20418332

File: 37bb1457579eeea⋯.jpg (72.8 KB,500x583,500:583,zucker_ayy.jpg)

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359509 No.20418333


Remember, man…for dust you are, and to dust you shall return.

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bd363d No.20418335

You want to tell me when I can and cannot do something? You'll be on a big blue couch in the center of town fielding cease and desist orders from a network of pedophiles. You can mother something you actually walked with. I've heard the company is grand but I figured the steel town would be sturdier than this.

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869b71 No.20418337

File: cf4be9b17024f05⋯.png (653.16 KB,1391x767,107:59,Screenshot_2024_02_15_07_2….png)

File: c5906155bf60a91⋯.png (863.47 KB,1306x739,1306:739,Screenshot_2024_02_15_07_2….png)

File: fc9714282198365⋯.png (1.1 MB,1388x771,1388:771,Screenshot_2024_02_15_07_2….png)

They'll never take avdiivka

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a012ae No.20418339

File: ee73ffd99e01031⋯.jpg (31.16 KB,460x337,460:337,aVxVyBn_460s.jpg)





I forgive you, smoking pepe. The Bee Vee isn't so bad, maybe they don't really play favorites. I've learned to let go of everything and love and accept you for who you are. Along with all others who annoy Anon. Tolerance and forgiveness is what sets us apart. God bless.

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9116c0 No.20418340



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e81656 No.20418341


don't let MAGA detractors leave you with a broken heart!

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cab29c No.20418343

File: ed2d28921a29a68⋯.png (269.34 KB,416x561,416:561,ClipboardImage.png)

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765aa8 No.20418344


they don't

their arguments are weak and built around personal attack

can't believe they have all be "educated"?

Educated for no common sense nor morality?

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590971 No.20418345

File: 009cfcf72f7587c⋯.jpg (541.24 KB,1080x2106,20:39,Screenshot_20240215_152948….jpg)


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765aa8 No.20418346


>can't believe they have all been "educated"?

They certainly fail to research nor parce info; It's cause they are corrupt

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62b1c5 No.20418348

File: fbb478a0ff60378⋯.jpg (105.48 KB,500x766,250:383,Vgu.jpg)

File: 0543bec6cbfb1aa⋯.png (583.8 KB,1080x974,540:487,Scrbvff.png)



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a3349f No.20418349

File: 8a2df89b13d5164⋯.jpg (42.04 KB,680x593,680:593,literally_me.jpg)


This severe narcissist you speak of is literally me. Pic related, my despised self looking at my idealized self-image.

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bd363d No.20418350

If you do not have limited run chuck and suck sweaters printed by Monday you can wait until 37

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573105 No.20418352

File: 2fda623b8e47f6f⋯.png (646.17 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_02_15….png)

File: f7356c116bfd0a3⋯.png (756.32 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_02_15….png)

File: b01fce226a45de8⋯.png (607.87 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_02_15….png)


>Fani W

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17e941 No.20418354


Maybe bc u take score too soon? Like .. it’s all still in the process of becoming n member that Haitian trafficking sting article Q had us read n told us to read very carefully? The good guys had to pretend to be bad guise in order to get the bad guise to trust em n take them to where the children are before they get busted.

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2af987 No.20418356



Ash Wednesday. Wednesday, February 14, 2024s

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78676c No.20418357

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765aa8 No.20418358

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

who 's watching fani willis hearing?


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9116c0 No.20418360


it's pretty sobering knowing that Jesus' heart literally was broken, as in physically His heart burst. and well, valentine's is a pagan heart ritual to worship Eros aka Cupid so the heart you see, with the arrow through it, is to mock the Savior. the <3 symbol, it's split there at the top but we all know this is not how normal hearts are shaped, but broken hearts do split. these people are evil and very literally possessed by things that have been a lot more evil, for a much longer period of time.

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62b1c5 No.20418363

File: b253ec12a023f72⋯.png (447.08 KB,507x659,507:659,Screenshot_20240214_194453….png)

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573105 No.20418364

File: 7bbad62bcf5d196⋯.png (589.09 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_02_15….png)

File: c14583905a4ed45⋯.png (604.76 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_02_15….png)

Fani and Wade's lawyer imn full panic mode

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869b71 No.20418366

File: affb083f2f517ce⋯.png (77.88 KB,975x331,975:331,Screenshot_2024_02_15_07_1….png)

File: 0c5a2a12b2bc604⋯.jpg (108.47 KB,585x800,117:160,stories_main_What_Really_H….jpg)

File: c4e9adab230264f⋯.jpg (115.88 KB,577x796,577:796,stories_main_What_Really_H….jpg)

File: 08f455ffe01be69⋯.png (166.97 KB,468x415,468:415,Screenshot_2024_02_15_07_0….png)

The Sworn protectors of the Constitution have FUCKING FAILED A PLETHORA OF WAYS.

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765aa8 No.20418367

File: 90c75954626f471⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB,1209x1201,1209:1201,globaldictatorship6.jpeg)

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32f7d2 No.20418368



Some feeds not working.

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765aa8 No.20418370


go see a shrink.

this is not the place.

Or mebbe Facebook

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9116c0 No.20418372


that payseur twatter shill guy tho he was really mean to a lot of us

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cab29c No.20418373

File: 4aecbb0ba82462c⋯.png (428.4 KB,971x957,971:957,ClipboardImage.png)

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9116c0 No.20418374


does she not look more 2-d than usual or is it just me, or lost a few pounds in France?

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765aa8 No.20418375


if its her; cool red hair

Morrison / Limbaugh would love it.

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626196 No.20418377

File: 604c933026635b3⋯.jpg (79.53 KB,700x686,50:49,anGkYWBb_700w_0.jpg)

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9116c0 No.20418378

actually her weight does fluctuate and she looks like a different person when she's not 90 lbs, HUMA

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f770b7 No.20418379


>>posted 11 times

>>removed 10 times

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b0e1e3 No.20418380

File: c7d225ff2979168⋯.png (2.5 MB,1732x1300,433:325,IMG_6059.png)

Snow camels….sure

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573105 No.20418383

File: 7bbad62bcf5d196⋯.png (589.09 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_02_15….png)



>oh good!


>oh good!

Personla Knowledge Fani Wade Relationship began October or November 2019 after they met at some municipal law conference

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cab29c No.20418384

File: 70ba439e654abec⋯.png (738.13 KB,671x896,671:896,ClipboardImage.png)

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765aa8 No.20418385



always thin. like (rich) ladies who lunch

it's a style

She looks frail, sure.

maybe she got shed on.

But she's so careful with her water?

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9b7f25 No.20418386

File: f6154a6c8758fff⋯.gif (1.81 MB,498x286,249:143,tenor_2_.gif)


perhaps your noise has run its course, and those who can excise it are. A trend anon supports, though they should cut all the other shills and spam as well.

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cab29c No.20418388

File: cf0d8ae7c6f4a2e⋯.png (346.89 KB,568x461,568:461,ClipboardImage.png)

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f5843c No.20418390

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cab29c No.20418391

File: 1e5609a08dc65cf⋯.png (631.76 KB,568x717,568:717,ClipboardImage.png)

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573105 No.20418392

File: 1303d1ff427c547⋯.png (93.51 KB,392x439,392:439,Screenshot_from_2024_02_15….png)


"no doubt"

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482726 No.20418393

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:30 AM EST

February 2024 Open Commission Meeting

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)





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9116c0 No.20418394


does she not look kinda sideways like abnormally so? is it an illusion or has AI begun to.. something something everything is real except what's not

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765aa8 No.20418396




Shem might have an office full of peeps with judges.

She bitchy enough for that?

Fani looks nasty


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cab29c No.20418397

File: 169ff4d1e0c98d8⋯.png (254.48 KB,500x328,125:82,ClipboardImage.png)

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478aff No.20418399




Paraquat and other immunity being discussed in subcommittee

Paraquat is a widely used herbicide that is used to control weeds and grasses in agricultural settings. It is a highly toxic chemical that is commonly used for weed control in crops such as corn, soybeans, and cotton.

Paraquat works by disrupting the photosynthesis process in plants, causing them to die. However, it is also highly toxic to humans and animals if ingested or absorbed through the skin. In fact, paraquat poisoning is often fatal if not treated immediately.

Due to its high toxicity, paraquat has been banned in several countries, while in others it is heavily regulated and can only be used by licensed professionals. In the United States, paraquat is classified as a restricted use pesticide and can only be applied by certified applicators.

It is important for farmers and agricultural workers to follow proper safety precautions when using paraquat, such as wearing protective clothing and equipment, and avoiding direct contact with the chemical. Additionally, it is important to store paraquat properly and dispose of any unused product according to local regulations.

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9116c0 No.20418400


adultery is a sin and so is fornication YES IT IS we all have to live with that actual reality and its responsibilities and consequences, and the blessings and rewards also.

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cab29c No.20418401

File: f614dc770d9ff1b⋯.png (398.32 KB,568x571,568:571,ClipboardImage.png)

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e81656 No.20418402


What's Become of the Baby

to quote a song title from a famous band (for a song that they never played in concert that I ever heard of)

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573105 No.20418404

File: 76d51c7727055ac⋯.png (388.28 KB,1366x768,683:384,durham.png)


"Mr Durham"

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b3e34c No.20418405


A muslim and a jew seemingly against Christianity

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9116c0 No.20418407


is it super not-classy to completely appear to be groping the guy and then put that on socials for the world

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3768ab No.20418408


So is lobster.

And mixed fabrics.

Do you people ever stop and listen to yourselves?

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78676c No.20418409


back in 70's kids died from smoking weed covered in white dust

was paraquat



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1faacc No.20418410


posted 11 times each after the previous was removed, but yea i get you like to defend limited free speech.

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755000 No.20418411


Hugs n kisses hens.

Anons win hearts and minds in our sleep.

You old hags fucked with the wrong country, and the wrong man.

MAGA forever.

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9116c0 No.20418412


HUMA tho, she's obviously a really slutty witch or at least a witch willing to play the role of slut for now

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869b71 No.20418413



Fuck what they rationalize and call it.

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b0e1e3 No.20418415


US government was the ones spraying Mexican weed with paraquat

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e81656 No.20418416


honestly, she seems like an odd person but is she really, as you say 'slutty'?

If she were why would she be hanging out with someone who seems a 'confirmed bachelor' , un married even though very wealthy?

if she were what you say she'd be all over the papers with new boy friends all the time.

There is a lot odd about her from many views, but that doesn't seem to be one of her hangups.

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482726 No.20418417

File: c0dd60b2d72a251⋯.jpg (387.48 KB,1500x1018,750:509,flips_off_satan.jpg)

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3768ab No.20418420


How many kids did she inject with vaccines?

how many circumcisions has she performed?

How many unnecessary wisdom tooth extractions does she do in a week?

Is she running a pediatric colonoscopy outifit on the side>

Wait, she runs an animal shelter that kills strays because its cheaper that finding the owners?

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2af987 No.20418421

File: aa15f03c0896711⋯.png (1021.25 KB,1080x1073,1080:1073,meme_makers.png)

File: 76a0528812b2745⋯.jpg (77.54 KB,699x673,699:673,the_last_memer.jpg)

File: e7ac48453bf13d1⋯.jpg (54.22 KB,612x472,153:118,meme_cuisine.jpg)

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848944 No.20418422


I always thought paraquat was good for you.

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78676c No.20418424


that resonates with memory

long time ago


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b3e34c No.20418425


Most common sign of TDS is a vicious case of FAFO

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78676c No.20418426

Final for Very Longggggggg Breadddddddd

#25048 >>20417127

>>20418328 PF update

>>20417263, >>20417785, >>20418039 Bread and roses was a slogan of the suffragettes. Huma is doing her bit for the cause.

>>20417356 The border crisis has now hit a small town in Pennsylvania called West Whiteland.

>>20417359 Biden Regime Threatens to Mass Release Thousands of Illegals from Detention Following Senate’s Failure to Pass Disastrous Open Border Legislation

>>20417372 Truth: At 5:55 p.m. on December 21, 1945, General George S. Patton, Jr. passed away in his sleep.

>>20417470 Trump to attend Georgia hearing on misconduct allegations against Fani Willis today

>>20417497, >>20417784, >>20418007 US Govt Is Hiding Documents That Incriminate Intel Community For Illegal Spying & Election Interference

>>20417601 Four out of five Americans test positive for little-known toxic chemical found in CHEERIOS that may cause infertility

>>20417642 Foremost Group-Chao shipping

>>20417739, >>20417742 Putin complains that fired Fox News host Tucker Carlson asked 'softball' questions in interview that left Russian leader 'unsatisfied'

>>20417807 A dozen victims of Jeffrey Epstein sued the U.S. government Wednesday, accusing the FBI of allowing and enabling his sex trafficking for two decades.

>>20417854 8:00 AM EST Electronic Health Record Modernization Deep Dive: Can the Oracle Pharmacy Software Be Made Safe and Effective?

>>20417864 8:00 AM EST Breakfast With West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin City Club of Cleveland

>>20417876 O’Keefe Media Infiltrates NO MAS MUERTES

>>20417913, >>20417918 Autopsy studies have NOT confirmed SARS-CoV-2 causes myocarditis.

>>20417927 House Republican who oversaw Mayorkas impeachment won't run for re-election

>>20417930 Message From Dr Stella: Respiratory illnesses are on the rise. We are treating more patients. Please early treatment is the key.

>>20418016, >>20418078 Fani Willis evidentiary hearing links

>>20418025 @realDonaldTrump A new category of crime is developing in New York City, and America itself, and it is bigger and more violent than anything seen in decades. It’s called BIDEN MIGRANT CRIME,

>>20418052 Retail sales in the United States tumbled 0.8% in January, much more than expected.

>>20418054 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>20418059 George Soros fund poised to take control of second-largest chain of radio stations in the United States.

>>20418068 Left radicals declare war on Tesla and threaten a "wave of attacks" on Elon Musk's cars and charging stations in Berlin, Germany.

>>20418071 Macron and Zelenskyy to sign a bilateral "security agreement" in Paris on Friday.

>>20418072 UK's economy contracted for a second quarter at the end of 2023, slipping into recession.

>>20418082, >>20418093 Saving America’s Future from the Blob

>>20418086 9:30 AM EST Press conference by the NATO Secretary General The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

>>20418103 HRC/Nuland Ukraine Coup

>>20418110 MEME WARRIOR UI 1.2

>>20418130, >>20418134 Hearing Information Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 10:00 AM. IRS

>>20418136 10:00 AM EST Outpacing China: Expediting the Fielding of Innovation House Armed Services Committee

>>20418138, >>20418147 10:00 AM EST Assessing America’s Vaccine Safety Systems, Part 1

>>20418144, >>20418155 On the arrogance (and stupidity) of Pfizer's Super Bowl ad - PART TWO

>>20418187 The Establishment Plan to Handcuff Trump to NATO

>>20418212 Judge denies Trump request to dismiss hush money case

>>20418218 Today a law was passed in France qualifying any opposition to mRNA-LNP injections as a "sectarian aberration". It carries a penalty of up to 3 years' imprisonment and 45,000 euros.

>>20418220, >>20418221 Iran declares Antarctica its property in direct challenge to Biden, global treaty/they have camels there?

>>20418242 Federal Reserve Board releases the hypothetical scenarios for its annual stress test

>>20418247 Apple fans are starting to return their Vision Pros: People complain about headaches, motion sickness, and the weight.

>>20418253 Federal officials said that voter databases could be targeted ahead of the 2024 election.

>>20418256, >>20418399 American Government Backing Corporations Including ChemChina Poisoning Americans

>>20418274 In Britain Homeowners are receiving CPO’s (Compulsory Purchase Orders) so their homes can be redistributed to migrants


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3ad43b No.20418427

File: d69994a892c44c7⋯.jpeg (74.87 KB,840x712,105:89,d69994a892c44c7d30b5f03b5….jpeg)

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e81656 No.20418428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


wow, I thought 'why not post it' so I found it and it's what I'd call 'unlistenable' so I won't subject the board to the sound but

I will post another song of that band's for you to hear and learn

why people loved them so much.

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180c64 No.20418429

File: f0b9994149f760a⋯.png (704.33 KB,750x735,50:49,ClipboardImage.png)

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1faacc No.20418430


>muh kiddie porn

dude your reaching if you think questioning jewish power is like kiddie porn, but then again maybe everything to do with jews goes back to porn in one way or another.

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a6de23 No.20418433

File: b033d94ca6b27f1⋯.jpg (22.01 KB,319x260,319:260,Hot_Unlubed_Wheels.JPG)




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482726 No.20418435

File: ad269e3be13ac52⋯.jpg (257.37 KB,1300x1234,650:617,pepe_corn.jpg)

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78676c No.20418440





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573105 No.20418442

File: 6a070966fb37af9⋯.png (1 MB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_02_15….png)

File: 80321b7a5db9b4b⋯.png (227.87 KB,785x518,785:518,Screenshot_from_2024_02_15….png)

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3d51ae No.20418448


Faux Nooz

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78676c No.20418451

migrate, locked

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