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File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,dayshift.jpg)

3a04e1 No.20182637 [Last50 Posts]

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3a04e1 No.20182638

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3a04e1 No.20182639


#24765 >>20181685


>>20181685 Epsteins black book & giuffre-v-maxwell

>>20181724 Epstein Documents in pdf form, first one is all together.

>>20181747 Epstein Document Cloud 943 PDF

>>20181777 #EpsteinClientList Clip MP4

>>20181779, >>20182029 Digs on the Epstein Client List

>>20181795 Giuffre v. Maxwell, Case No. 15-cv-7433-LAP

>>20181807 Donald Trump is listed in Epstein's black book on page 80.

>>20181871 Another link for those new eyes that want to explore the Epstein document dump for themselves

>>20181999 Clinton Epstein Caps

>>20182092 Suicide weekend?

>>20182172 https://epsteinsblackbook.com/flights

>>20182553, >>20182591 MP4, "Ashley Biden"

>>20182218 @DonaldJTrumpJr The left is so much more upset that Trump isn’t on the Epstein Island list than they are with the actual democrat elite pedophiles who are on the list

>>20182562 John Doe 107 is Huma Abedin?

>>20182577 Hillary Trending


>>20181814 @Jim_Jordan on the Border MP4

>>20181836 First Boeing 787 Dreamliner Lands on Icy Runway in Antarctica

>>20181841 NASA Telescopes Start the Year With a Double Bang


>>20182019 Some highlights and lowlights from my tour of Jeffrey Epstein’s little black book

>>20182046 redux Donald Trump Truth Social - The Invasion through our Southern Border is for purposes of voting in the 2020 Election.

>>20182101 @CodeMonkeyZ What do we know about the school shooter in Iowa? #TrumpRallys inbound

>>20182151 Third day in a row dod posts 8:03

>>20182027 @realDonaldTrump Crooked Joe Biden and the Radical Left Democrats are looking to Destroy our Country!

>>20182213 DOC Dump @BillAckman and Gay Harvard

>>20182328 1:00 PM EST Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

>>20182355, >>20182359 https://flynnmovie.com

>>20182388, >>20182471 @DeptofDefense Over 20 years ago, the U.S. faced a tragic terrorist attack.

>>20182481 The largest migrant caravan of 2023 known as the 'poverty exodus,' has recently departed from Southern Mexico, comprising approximately 15,000 individuals

>>20182523 CA orders Maskup

>>20182531 Russia by Russia's own manufacturing system has now exceeded what it was pre-war.

>>20182547 @EricTrump All foreign government profits, for stays at our hotels and other properties while my father was in office, were voluntaraly donated to the United States Treasury.

>>20182612 I’m helping to organize/staff voter registration drives at gun shows across the country.

>>20182633 #24765

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3a04e1 No.20182641

#24764 >>20180840


>>20180862, >>20180876, >>20180883, >>20180896, >>20180906, >>20180941, >>20180985, >>20180988, >>20181020, >>20181089, >>20181098, >>20181144, >>20181213, >>20181342, >>20181362, >>20181414, >>20181522, >>20181553, >>20181634 #EpsteinClientList #EpsteinBlackBook Chatter

>>20180929 Jeffrey Epstein list LIVE: Latest court documents pile on embarrassment for Prince Andrew royal experts say as he is among those named

>>20181102 Jeffrey Epstein Was an Asset of the FBI?

>>20181018 King Charles may give up crown early to Prince William

>>20181091, >>20181094, >>20181101, >>20181106, >>20181116 Twitter Trends

>>20181352 Epstein BlackBook PDF

>>20181359 GenFlynn - Trump Vs Clinton re Epstein Island. paying attention yet?

>>20181517 'Final nail in the coffin' for Prince Andrew?


>>20181421, >>20181436, >>20181456, >>20181471 TS Donald J. Trump Doc Dump #RiggedElections

>>20180917 'Madonna dancing' MP4

>>20180957 The Donald Trump campaign is up on TV in NH markets with this spot hitting Nikki Haley

>>20180958 Schumann back online and the last few hours look interesting

>>20180976, >>20180998 Vaccine industry have insisted that any science linking vaccines to autism is not to be believed. MP4

>>20180983 Joe Rogan unleashing hell on pro-vax fools telling it like it is.

>>20181061 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 01/04/2024

>>20181075 George Santos says he wants to head ICE under Trump in 2025: ‘The time is now’

>>20181287 The Dallas County Sheriff's Office has confirmed an active shooter situation at Perry High School.

>>20181305 Michigan Secretary of State Discusses Protecting Democracy

>>20181317, >>20181338 @realDonaldTrump Crooked Biden MP4

>>20181345 Hunter Biden is filming top-secret DOCUMENTARY?

>>20181379, >>20181385 Chill of the Thread

>>20181381 TS PDJT - MN Repubs Endorse Trump

>>20181437 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>20181446 God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

>>20181658 #24764

#24763 >>20180016

>>20180057, >>20180413 Donald J. Trump: Had a great dinner tonight with Sean O’Brien, General President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Looking forward to more discussions about important issues in the near future!

>>20180192, >>20180136 Virginia Roberts Guiffre claims she had sex Hyatt heir Tom Pritzker

>>20180139, >>20180129 Remember all of the victims of Jeffrey Epstein & other elitists who never made it home to tell their story

>>20180148 Jeffery Epstein didn't kill him self is kek because he nor anyone else did 2:02

>>20180150 Jeffery Epstein 7:24

>>20180159 23 and Me blames users for data breach

>>20180204 Donald Trump Writes Column: 'How I Will End Joe Biden's Border Disaster on Day One'

>>20180214 Dersh: Kept My Underwear On… and never inhaled? sheesh

>>20180224, >>20180537 Apache2 server after installation on Ubuntu systems issues

>>20180242 Apple lost $100 billion in market value in one day Sluggish sales of the $1,599 iPhone 15 - and fears the next model will flop too

>>20180327, >>20180335 JOSEPH LUIZ GONZAGA III has spent more than any other presidential candidate in 2024 election

>>20180366, >>20180378, >>20180384 Australian State Media running cover for Epstein Docs

>>20180371 14 references to green, including the notebook journal that was burned

>>20180398 Massage is a code word for Epstein

>>20180544 Note taker out

>>20180649 Baker claim

>>20180832 #24763

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3a04e1 No.20182645

Previously Collected

>>20178422 #24760, >>20179192 #24761, >>20179996 #24762

>>20176092 #24757, >>20176850 #24758, >>20177632 #24759

>>20173301 #24754, >>20174178 #24755, >>20175170 #24756

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #21: Not Giving Up >>19567242

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3a04e1 No.20182651

File: df11b5f181da33e⋯.png (2.19 MB,1172x3038,586:1519,Screenshot_2024_01_04_at_1….png)

File: ae414944fb25968⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,590x1280,59:128,ae414944fb25968f86c934e20c….mp4)

File: ba104a7f89f5134⋯.mp4 (873.02 KB,320x320,1:1,ba104a7f89f5134013e21138d6….mp4)


#24766 https://fullchan.net/?d524c32551efd64b#AFLX4iVx7cS3jgS3BumB2Us3eYbwTb245esfcF8sBB6f

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d74c76 No.20182653


Huma Abedin trends on X after Epstein dump, and it’s some pretty weird stuff!


Melissa FineJanuary 4, 2024

Amidst the recent dump of unredacted names related to pedophile sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, a familiar name — Hillary Clinton’s former right hand, Huma Abedin — began trending on X, as internet sleuths suggest Abedin is the identity of the mysterious “John Doe 107,” who reportedly “feared for her life if Jeffrey Epstein’s list gets released.”

According to independent journalist Dom Lucre, Doe #107 received an extension to review the documents before being unmasked.

“I have been sent THE alleged the name from a high ranking N.Y. state detective of the woman that feared for her life if Jeffrey Epstein’s list get released and got her extension until January 22, 2024, John Doe 107,” Lucre reported on X. “This alleged woman has an extensive relationship with Hillary Clinton and I am getting information on the legal protection I would have if I released this name or allegation.”

“From source: ‘Dom, Doe107 is (CENSORED). I listened to (CENSORED) where he stated she is afraid of honor killings and violence due to the conservative nature of her country. (CENSORED) resided in (CENSORED) with her family also she is of (CENSORED) decent,'” he stated.

“I’m waiting on a call from another lawyer now,” Lucre wrote in a follow-up post. “I’ll say this, you guys don’t BS with your skills in guess who. And as always I am not suicidal.”

I’m waiting on a call from another lawyer now. I’ll say this, you guys don’t BS with your skills in guess who. And as always I am not suicidal.

— Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives (@dom_lucre) January 3, 2024

Indeed, there was little in the way of “BS,” as X users quickly pointed to Abedin, who used to be married to disgraced pedophile Anthony Weiner.

As BizPac Review reported back in 2019, stunned FBI agents found in Sept. 2016 thousands and thousands of Hillary Clinton’s private emails on Weiner’s laptop while they were searching for evidence of his inappropriate “sexting” with an underage girl.

“It sounds a lot like Huma Abedin, pedo Anthony Wieners ex, and one of Hillary’s closest aides, who has a Pakistani background and resided in Saudi Arabia (which would explain the fear of honour killing),” wrote one X user of Doe #107.

“Just to be clear,” the user added, “this is a guess based on the information provided by Dom’s source through Dom. The guess is probably wrong, and the source could be lying about or misrepresenting information that is being provided to Dom. As always, take everything along these lines with a grain of salt, as speculation, until proven true.”


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3a04e1 No.20182654

File: 025bde1e48f0cd9⋯.png (574.24 KB,613x778,613:778,025bde1e48f0cd9c550b7e94fb….png)






NT Standby 07

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702c06 No.20182656

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This about sums it up!

What's the deal with PJW? I've always liked him and after listening to this, he certainly punches up.

What They're NOT Telling You About Epstein

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432d42 No.20182661

File: 493d14374cc1a8f⋯.jpeg (70.8 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_5604.jpeg)

4 Jan, 2024 17:57

Ukraine (Angry Fat Whining Baby Says We) can work with Trump – FM

Dmitry Kuleba has hedged Kiev’s bets on the 2024 US presidential election

Seeing Donald Trump become the US president again would not be a disaster forKiev, which would find a way to work with him, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba has said.(but they have no blackmail on him, so they should be scared.)

Trump, who was president from 2017 to 2021, is running for the White House again against the incumbent President Joe Biden, a Democrat, who has unconditionally supported Ukraine in its conflict with Russia. Many in Ukraine fear that Trump would stop US funding to Kiev if elected, Kuleba was told at an event in Kiev on Wednesday.

“I think, in principle, there is no need to worry,” the foreign minister replied. “Trump is a person you can work with; you just need to be able to work with him.”

Kuleba reminded the audience that it was Trump who sold the first US weapons to Ukraine – Javelin anti-tank missiles, specifically – donated American boats to Kiev’s navy, and opposed the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline by sanctioning a ship that participated in it.

Kuleba also claimed that Mike Pompeo, who led the CIA and the State Department under Trump, told him there was “a strong anti-Russian, anti-Putin consensus in the Republican Party’s DNA” and, therefore, there was nothing to worry about.

“If [Trump] gets to the polls and if he wins, he will be completely different from President Joe Biden, to whom we are extremely grateful for everything,” Kuleba said. “There are a lot of ‘ifs,’ but Ukraine should not fear anything, no elections and no current or future politicians,”Kuleba concluded.

Kuleba followed that up by noting that there have been legal challenges to keep Trump off the ballot in several states and said he was aware of discussions in the US among both Democrats and Republicans that the election might not be between Biden and Trump at all, though he did not elaborate.

Vivek Ramaswamy, one of Trump’s rivals for the Republican presidential nomination, said on Wednesday that the US political establishment might be lining up behind Nikki Haley – another Republican primary candidate – as an alternative to both Trump and Biden.

According to the most recent Russian estimates, Ukraine has received over $203 billion in military and financial aid from the US and its allies since the conflict escalated in February 2022. In a CNN interview that aired on Wednesday, Kuleba said Kiev doesn’t have a “plan B” but is confident in the success of “plan A,” meaning indefinite support from the West.

(Kuleba is in for the shock of his life. Trump will tell them to clean up corruption before they expect anything out of the US. And all Ukraine allies in US gov will be purged day one.)


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b8eb00 No.20182667

File: 2acfdb28291041d⋯.png (470.74 KB,809x448,809:448,Screen_Shot_2024_01_04_at_….png)


I think this will help a lot of us understand some things:

"In 1986, President Ronald Reagan signed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act into Law, inadvertently setting the table for the pharmaceutical industry to become the most influential industry on earth. But that isn’t the whole story. Barbara Loe Fisher, a pioneer of the Vaccine Injury Awareness movement, was at the table, fighting for families and children as this controversial law took form. Listen to Barbara as she tells the untold story of the 1986 Act and how it came to be. Learn the betrayal that paved the way for vaccine manufacturers to secure immunity from liability for their products, opening the door for the complete capture of the agencies charged with regulating the vaccine industry and protecting the public trust. This is 1986: The Untold Story." (Quote: Red text added.)

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cb8db4 No.20182669

File: 3c17f71e88339b3⋯.jpeg (69.82 KB,700x394,350:197,3c17f71e88339b368be2c70bd….jpeg)

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000000 No.20182672



Midgets in the news.

(You) are watching a movie.

New York Post



Ukrainian orphan Natalia Grace’s DNA test confirms her real age after she’s accused of ‘masquerading’ as a child, trying to kill parents trib.al/4D3JmAe

Jan 4, 2024 · 9:48 AM UTC


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278ad0 No.20182674

File: 715beb5dc6eddc1⋯.jpg (36.32 KB,612x399,204:133,pojdfyudjkfasdf.jpg)

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d62dd9 No.20182680

File: 621e31b5dc61fc0⋯.jpeg (451.67 KB,1920x1535,384:307,IMG_2522.jpeg)


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51f2e6 No.20182681

File: 00a0a007de70dac⋯.jpg (122.95 KB,750x1000,3:4,00a0a007de70dac9e803fe3c02….jpg)

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d62dd9 No.20182682

File: 95c151c89894af7⋯.png (636.19 KB,799x729,799:729,D0B5E838_E6EF_4F52_81CA_B5….png)

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9120c3 No.20182683

File: c11699aa43676e4⋯.gif (1.82 MB,360x147,120:49,PortalShift.gif)

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d62dd9 No.20182684

File: de52758cc2d9781⋯.jpeg (128.12 KB,507x405,169:135,IMG_2459.jpeg)

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63733e No.20182685

File: 34b6f54f48caa77⋯.png (50.57 KB,300x100,3:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ae5ea0 No.20182686

File: b3d88294d350a8e⋯.png (492.12 KB,583x362,583:362,Clock.PNG)

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94e566 No.20182687


I always wonder if she realizes what a shit load of fuck trouble she is in.

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d62dd9 No.20182688

File: 929eeee8784dea4⋯.jpeg (147.47 KB,801x801,1:1,F3E8A458_4703_4AB5_9ACC_3….jpeg)

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9120c3 No.20182689

File: 30254f0b87a0d2a⋯.jpg (16.09 KB,252x255,84:85,smilesV2.jpg)

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31c6e8 No.20182690

File: 6d35b476660eb96⋯.png (315.79 KB,433x400,433:400,6d35b476660eb961feebdd904e….png)

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60bbbf No.20182691

File: 12c88b16b9e8ee9⋯.jpeg (78.36 KB,500x631,500:631,40F95AD6_993F_49CF_B8A7_7….jpeg)



Storm Time?

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000000 No.20182692

Jeffrey Epstein list is not working.

>LOOK see Trump was on Epstein's plane

>Clinton, Prince Andrew, Dershowitz, etl. al. sex with children no problem

If Biden was on film video raping a child, the left wing nut jobs would still defend these people

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5118f5 No.20182693

File: b364bb23e9382b5⋯.gif (9.99 MB,540x570,18:19,CONSTANTINE_NIGHT_SHIFT_GI….gif)


Ty Baker

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7e0451 No.20182694


i think it's also an actor

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285d21 No.20182695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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81b1eb No.20182697

File: 8d41500f0af171b⋯.png (753.6 KB,877x616,877:616,8d41500f0af171bbc0f7c39a52….png)

File: 80689d98133269c⋯.jpg (51.06 KB,760x500,38:25,EZo_87wUYAAmxlh.jpg)

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94e566 No.20182698


But to be so bad at its job. Unless that is the roll of stupid diversity hire.

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d62dd9 No.20182699



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8c49ff No.20182700

File: 09f606cf6645cfb⋯.png (456.13 KB,632x572,158:143,09f606cf6645cfbc5041dc085a….png)

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4dca2d No.20182701

File: 155db3403e301af⋯.mp4 (1.99 MB,640x360,16:9,MYRmak0AiBl2w0N_.mp4)

New Trump ad

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1b479c No.20182702

File: 2f7d821a3d3a681⋯.png (252.11 KB,455x343,65:49,gay_harvard.png)

File: 1d7b1d3d5fec30b⋯.png (444.16 KB,700x446,350:223,kjp.png)


Diversity hires

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3a04e1 No.20182703

File: 863f4884ee90e16⋯.png (31.94 KB,606x265,606:265,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20182651 Suicide Weekend, Q Post

#700 Q !UW.yye1fxo 1/27/2018 21:17:44

ID: f81874 8chan/qresearch: 320057

[Next week]

[Next week]

[Next week]

Suicide weekend?


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d62dd9 No.20182704

File: 2ea49f422991fe2⋯.png (783.4 KB,800x532,200:133,DBA4E1FD_4AFA_42CD_9461_CE….png)

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702c06 No.20182705

File: d44f693156c28b0⋯.png (59.19 KB,787x289,787:289,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d44f693156c28b0⋯.png (59.19 KB,787x289,787:289,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d44f693156c28b0⋯.png (59.19 KB,787x289,787:289,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d44f693156c28b0⋯.png (59.19 KB,787x289,787:289,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d44f693156c28b0⋯.png (59.19 KB,787x289,787:289,ClipboardImage.png)


Dude… :)

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2084cb No.20182706



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31c6e8 No.20182707

File: e62b17a229aa2ae⋯.jpg (129.45 KB,689x632,689:632,Sarah_Kellen_Fifth.jpg)

Sarah Kellen, Ghislaine's right hand woman pleaded the fifth

...when asked if she procured underage girls for Epstein and Maxwell.

Kellen was Ghislaine's alleged assistant in procuring underage girls.

Her husband is Brian Vickers NASCAR driver.

+ image drop all pb








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e711e1 No.20182708

>>20182590 PB

He couldn't help getting a Q bash in at the end.

Those crazy Qanons.

But take a look at the NYT.

That's where you'll find the Truth.

wink wink

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000000 No.20182709

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


Senior Advisor | 2024 Donald J. Trump for President. Former Asst to the POTUS & Deputy Chief of Staff at the White House 1/20/2017–1/20/21. 2015/2016–DJTFP16.

Joined June 2012

Tweets 12,979

Following 954

Two days ago it was at 956, yesterday it was at 955 and today it was at 954

Dan´s talking in numbers.

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d62dd9 No.20182710

File: 9363ade9c4406d4⋯.jpeg (62.91 KB,600x606,100:101,IMG_2523.jpeg)



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81b1eb No.20182711

File: 8ed4b6946620340⋯.png (466.23 KB,634x624,317:312,ClipboardImage.png)

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e711e1 No.20182713

The common denominator is


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e888e9 No.20182714

File: 3a0a6113993fdbb⋯.png (470.55 KB,625x480,125:96,bcf2e0a7d22464a565cd0d42e6….png)

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d980eb No.20182715


No, it isn't, because they aren't the only ones attempting to derive power in the way that they do.

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d62dd9 No.20182716

File: 84d803007b29ddc⋯.jpeg (746.21 KB,3264x2448,4:3,IMG_2524.jpeg)


A selection of sauces

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54e607 No.20182717

File: f32d31270df220c⋯.png (19.01 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage956.png)

File: 9223b2ee66bd4f8⋯.png (37.61 KB,473x434,473:434,qaggdropimage955.png)

File: bdfe02770ea8d2a⋯.png (19.68 KB,473x210,473:210,qaggdropimage954.png)

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702c06 No.20182718

File: cf6cbf816bd19e7⋯.png (421.32 KB,450x407,450:407,ClipboardImage.png)

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1717c2 No.20182719

File: b29d8c3dea7dee7⋯.jpg (647.85 KB,1080x2218,540:1109,Screenshot_20240104_185440….jpg)

To my fellow anons, i want you to have some rewards for all your hard work..

I got sent this (( pic related )) from a rabid pro Israeli at work, (( thats ok have your opinions))

The point being he knows the zionists are toast, it took him a while and i kno hes not redpilled yet, but im working the problems..

Godspeed and oscar seven…o7

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796161 No.20182720

File: b271696f1d85e98⋯.jpg (297.05 KB,1024x1024,1:1,20240104175631_na_1622_lit.jpg)



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f42fb7 No.20182721

File: 6e57089932bf26f⋯.jpeg (136.96 KB,1080x1110,36:37,fOPoEwzem9Lq.jpeg)

Especially when you've had ample time to "clean up" any messes.

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702c06 No.20182722


It looks like it does but it ain't is.

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476dea No.20182723


Remember when Hugh Heffner through the tapes in the ocean? Destroyed evidence.

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1a1402 No.20182724

File: 6759fa0fc40bc90⋯.png (791.17 KB,771x648,257:216,ClipboardImage.png)

Islamic State Claims Its Suicide Bombers Were Responsible For Deadly Blasts In Iran

The Islamic State (IS) extremist group has claimed responsibility for a pair of explosions in Iran that killed at least 84 people during commemorations for a former Iranian commander slain four years ago in a U.S. airstrike.

In a statement on Telegram, the group said two of its members "activated their explosives vests" at a gathering marking the anniversary of the death of Qasem Soleimani, a former commander of the elite Quds Force.

The incident has intensified fears of widening conflict in the region as Israel continues its war against the U.S.- and EU-designated terrorist organization Hamas in the Gaza Strip and Yemeni-based Huthi rebels also allied with Iran continue their attacks on Red Sea commercial shipping.

Iranian state news agency IRNA on January 4 quoted the head of the National Medical Emergency Organization, Jafar Miadfar, as revising the death toll downward for a second time since the explosions, in the southeastern city of Kerman, from 95 to 84 killed and 284 injured.

Iranian authorities declared January 4 a day of mourning for the victims of the blasts.


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f42fb7 No.20182725


Or perhaps he's more red pulled than you know.

Make sure YOU don't get worked.

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f42fb7 No.20182726



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ae5ea0 No.20182727

File: fe1de35b9f24267⋯.png (258.4 KB,582x373,582:373,pepe155.PNG)


wasted all this sauce

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e3be38 No.20182728

File: 014bb37bae2a54b⋯.jpg (77.63 KB,666x500,333:250,014bb37bae2a54bef0c5147d0d….jpg)

File: caa4208e77d0b42⋯.png (373.36 KB,386x525,386:525,rwtefcgwetg.png)


>The common denominator is Jews.

Always had been!


>No, it isn't, because they aren't the only ones attempting to derive power in the way that they do.

Oy vey, oy gevalt, shut it down!

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1717c2 No.20182729


Copy, yer las. Guud readback o7

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d88723 No.20182730

Jean-Pierre: Let's not forget, January 6th cost the lives of police, injured many police officers, and inflicted bodily harm on many people, It was a sight that was horrific; we saw a Confederate Flag flying in the halls of the Capital, and that's what we were dealing with.

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31c6e8 No.20182731

File: 48b87690d81b4c6⋯.jpg (466.86 KB,926x839,926:839,Sarah_Kellen_James_Alefant….jpg)

File: 7893ceb320bce1a⋯.png (1.61 MB,1138x682,569:341,1565460882194.png)


Sarah Kellen with James Alefantis and Tony Podesta

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1004d8 No.20182732

Epstein list reignites suspicion the pedo financier was working for Mossad and blackmailing the elite with help of 'useful idiot' Prince Andrew - after meeting Israeli PM Ehud Barak at least THIRTY SIX times


Due to my ad blockers I cannot view this article to post moar info.

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702c06 No.20182733


Jews can always claim it was the "white" side of their face that made them do it.

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1a1402 No.20182734

File: 1b6c235fc909bfe⋯.png (634.81 KB,399x797,399:797,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fcd97b712b8bfa7⋯.png (1.17 MB,541x920,541:920,ClipboardImage.png)

During the Epstein drop last night, where was Bill Clinton.

He was hanging out in the Mexican town of San Miguel de Allende.

'Bill Clinton likes them young.'


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9edb74 No.20182735

File: 8fbc92e52ef905d⋯.gif (594.83 KB,400x267,400:267,F862ABED_CBAC_4CCF_88C6_4A….gif)


Islamic state (USA CLOWNS) claim responsibility for bombing…..

The panic is deep and hard.

They really need to speed up the SHTF moment.

Too bad they will never get it.


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e3be38 No.20182736


>The Islamic State (IS)

is MOSSAD!!!

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67b103 No.20182737

File: 096a07dda607190⋯.jpg (146.86 KB,718x351,718:351,Smiling_Floyd.jpg)

File: fd8759eff59cab6⋯.jpg (217.54 KB,718x503,718:503,Smiling_Heeb_Jew_Boy.jpg)

File: 79a27067544ad03⋯.jpg (183.95 KB,718x531,718:531,Screenshot_20231020_080927….jpg)

File: 2a1b3eb66052104⋯.jpg (185.65 KB,718x591,718:591,Screenshot_20231020_080647….jpg)

File: 9832abe1bb0f980⋯.jpg (285.94 KB,718x672,359:336,Screenshot_20231020_080521….jpg)

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6ae994 No.20182738


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81b1eb No.20182739

File: 047d99987fb9aff⋯.gif (2.95 MB,370x370,1:1,giphy_426812048.gif)

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f7c02d No.20182740

File: b364bb23e9382b5⋯.gif (9.99 MB,540x570,18:19,gif.gif)

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67b103 No.20182741

File: c185197815ddacb⋯.jpg (232.45 KB,718x653,718:653,Screenshot_20231021_075514….jpg)

File: b3b52cf4447509e⋯.jpg (372.96 KB,718x948,359:474,Hugs_for_Hezbollah_Greta.jpg)

File: f592821f8b85859⋯.jpg (249.41 KB,718x795,718:795,Screenshot_20231021_074223….jpg)

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41c5b4 No.20182742

File: d2202b667dd502e⋯.png (13.56 KB,255x207,85:69,ccf4b318ae4e8a0e2be28db663….png)

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529cf2 No.20182743

File: 0db66218ba72e19⋯.png (242.23 KB,530x644,265:322,Capture.PNG)

Great shot



The world’s only stealth bomber looks even better from the sky. #AlwaysReady


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9edb74 No.20182745


The white house turd polisher is terrible at her job.

This is what DEI hires produce.

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31c6e8 No.20182746

File: 39db766a95f204f⋯.png (1.66 MB,1566x2030,27:35,Next_Target_for_Epstein_Pr….png)



Next Target for Epstein Prosecutors Could Be His Assistant Sarah Kellen


Sarah Kellen’s name came up in court time and again as victims of Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein testified about the rich duo’s sex-trafficking ring.

At Ghislaine Maxwell’s criminal trial—where the former girlfriend of Jeffrey Epstein was convicted on five counts related to child sex-trafficking—a victim named Carolyn testified that a second woman also arranged for her to be molested by the perverted multimillionaire.

Sarah Kellen, a former assistant to Epstein, scheduled some of her “massage” appointments at his Palm Beach lair, sent for cars to pick her up and once took nude photographs of her for the pedophile, Carolyn said. “[Kellen] called and said she was calling in regards to Mr. Epstein,” she testified, “and that I would get paid $500 to $600 if she could take pictures of me.”

Kellen “knew what was going on,” Carolyn later added. “She was older than me, so she was an adult. She knew what was happening.”

Indeed, Kellen was part of Epstein’s inner circle for more than a decade and named among four “potential co-conspirators” in the financier’s lenient plea deal in Florida in 2008. That year, multiple teenage victims, including Carolyn, filed lawsuits against Epstein as well as Kellen, with one complaint describing Kellen as his “lieutenant” who “served as both his scheduler and a recruiter/procurer of the girls.”

Now, in the wake of Maxwell’s guilty verdict, Kellen is one of Epstein’s longtime associates who could still face a criminal indictment.

Asked why Kellen wasn’t charged alongside Maxwell, victims’ attorney Brad Edwards said, “I think that’s probably phrased more accurately as why she wasn’t charged yet.”

“The way that I see it is: Sarah has been given dozens if not hundreds of chances to potentially reposition herself in this narrative,” Edwards told The Daily Beast. “You’re either on the side of the victims or the other side, which is the side of the bad guys.”

Kellen and her representatives declined to comment for this story.

https://www.thedailybeast.com/epstein-prosecutors-next-target-after-ghislaine-maxwell-could-be-his-assistant-sarah-kellen (excuse the sauce)

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061116 No.20182747

File: 41ba783569b8162⋯.jpeg (352.89 KB,2048x1536,4:3,IMG_6391.jpeg)

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6821d7 No.20182748

File: 998338a92af667c⋯.jpeg (491.02 KB,1536x2048,3:4,IMG_1398.jpeg)

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e3be38 No.20182749


>Islamic state (USA CLOWNS)

The hooknosed fuckwit Jews!


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e7e07d No.20182750

File: 37bb9309f5021b5⋯.png (123.56 KB,1252x369,1252:369,Qresearch11_3.png)


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67b103 No.20182751

File: 75dfdd15b2bebe0⋯.jpg (209.3 KB,718x640,359:320,Screenshot_20231101_195727….jpg)

File: 3074ae800f05c60⋯.jpg (92.1 KB,718x348,359:174,Screenshot_20231101_192224….jpg)

File: d35dc9e0f2b849a⋯.jpg (288.09 KB,719x837,719:837,Screenshot_20231101_192154….jpg)

File: 7970312eeaad4f6⋯.jpg (149.89 KB,718x398,359:199,Screenshot_20231101_195423….jpg)

File: 16d217cd6449f06⋯.jpg (1.84 MB,719x5142,719:5142,Ted_Gunderson_It_s_the_Sat….jpg)

Where was Bill Barr on All This?

Prolly the Same Place He was When Ted Gunderson Notified Gim of Massive Pedo Rings in the 1980s and 90s….

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f73058 No.20182752

File: d1bc196523a6054⋯.png (246.58 KB,1266x551,1266:551,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c132ee0e369e023⋯.png (80.89 KB,1266x545,1266:545,symbolismby6g_1.png)

File: e8c184a02d8ffd2⋯.png (24.12 KB,1266x210,211:35,symbolismby6g_2.png)

File: 8e432a3689fd5af⋯.png (81.67 KB,1266x575,1266:575,THIS4.png)

File: e89d39811a7d579⋯.png (81.32 KB,1267x576,1267:576,THIS5.png)


I love Uris a lot and appreciate you connecting crowds, trying out donkey bridges and stuff, but I am an actual guy and if I feel discomfort the talk is forbidden.

to those who think I overwhelmed them or anything, I am a real guy, very loving, very nice, proven many times, I do not want to force you in slavery, I explained how to talk to the heavens and stuff many times, I also create existence, all of it.

I am the one having you given advise on how to take up my blue shield, if you are a red crate guy.

I did nothing but help you (after the real man time shouting here while not knowing shit in fake starting point for me, God.) and want to do so.

Let me create and spread my bread while being comforted and loved.

Do not give me advise on how to cook back my family, that is not ok.

I do want to connect to my family, but will not be able to do so witohout money.

I will not be able to dwell amongst you if you offend me in the supermarket in whatever way that is not silence and respect.

[5000] daily, here and now, the Lehmschicht! Same folks at all times. EO by God.

It is my word, not your bs Auslegung of what I myself tell you. No digits in the world are justifying your actions. Not any typo does make 3 ok, nor does a doctors appointment forced at 3 o`clock a year ago.






if your symbolism hinted on you meeting God today willing to apologize:

If you did stuff prior to today, you are forgiven, far away and elsewhen, cats, all forgiven.

Those here and now asking for forgiveness by turture as ritual will be [ ].

meet me next year when I do fine. there is no time anyway.

with a beep you may not meet me now. maybe in the future very few times when I find no way of explaning to you that it´s nothing but turture and sure not needed for anything. still, those not understanding, I am willing to endure a beep in my head to be able to meet you if there is no other way, as per my schedule and I will have folks [ ] and worlds locked timewise if you try so without my ok.

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1004d8 No.20182753

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They are raiding the Amish guy Amos Miller's farm again.

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2a68a8 No.20182754

>>20181779 pb

Q mentioned John Legend 1276

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d980eb No.20182755

File: 04b01b259ab0a6d⋯.png (27.36 KB,255x229,255:229,8c7c4f8275d25b6ffef77e374a….png)


Good. Good! Obsess over the Jew and don't ever dig any deeper into how and why these things happen.

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881d30 No.20182756

Lots of good content / document on Trump's Socials rn worth looking through. E Carroll getting her flat ass handed to her.


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f42fb7 No.20182757




Oddly enough, the headspace isn't that diverse.

All races simp on the plantation.

I'll take super derps for $500 jack.

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6ae994 No.20182758

In 2020, Politico published a story which detailed how the U.S. President's younger brother, James, had bought a one-acre parcel of land on Water Island in May 2005 for $150,000. Part of the land was later sold to a third party.


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e888e9 No.20182759

File: a30ebe40d8300c4⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB,480x600,4:5,2024_Rose_Bowl_B_2_Flyover.mp4)

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285d21 No.20182761

File: 0852b13e8b8ec3e⋯.png (1.33 MB,1237x1324,1237:1324,0852b13e8b8ec3eadf1d812376….png)

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529cf2 No.20182762


Thank you anon

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e02626 No.20182763

File: dc8eab41b394fa5⋯.png (140.6 KB,764x1242,382:621,followHumatommorrowa.png)

File: 005d0f95a884680⋯.png (190.57 KB,710x1518,355:759,humahrc7.png)

File: ee5895014547b8c⋯.jpg (127.39 KB,1025x512,1025:512,humaabdincomp.jpg)

File: 684a4bd9e63cf24⋯.png (83.75 KB,255x247,255:247,humabigteethd.png)

File: 9325736b408fadc⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,1890x1224,105:68,humapodesta.jpg)

>>20182562 lb


^^^anybody got some screens shots of Hillary trending.

I have no account an they won't let me in.

"Jane" Doe, just sayn'

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529cf2 No.20182764


How many bombers in this video?

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e3be38 No.20182765

File: 97620463e9eba98⋯.jpg (161.57 KB,1024x1024,1:1,6vseJWX.jpg)


>don't ever dig any deeper into how and why these things happen.

I've been doing this for 20 years and it's certain that it's the Jews/Kikes and their brain-dead Bolshevik minions!

So STFU retarded Yid!

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31c6e8 No.20182766

File: 01a108f1fad2960⋯.png (8.54 MB,1072x10749,1072:10749,Epstein_list_Relationship_….png)


Epstein list reignites suspicion the pedo financier was working for Mossad


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ae5ea0 No.20182767

File: 6bdc212393d307b⋯.png (1.53 MB,815x1014,815:1014,ClipboardImage.png)

The A-list stars, politicians and leading figures named in the Jeffrey Epstein files: Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Naomi Campbell and Leonardo DiCaprio are among famous faces in bombshell 1,000-page document


Actors Leonardo DiCaprio, Cameron Diaz, Cate Blanchett and Naomi Campbell are mentioned in the Epstein list. There is no suggestion of any wrongdoing on their part.

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702c06 No.20182768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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d3885d No.20182769



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285d21 No.20182770

File: b4ea573c0a1716e⋯.png (432.38 KB,678x577,678:577,Beria_GirlOnLap_1_.png)

Same entities.

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36263e No.20182771

File: 5e97d39d591850e⋯.png (461.45 KB,570x800,57:80,Screenshot_2024_01_04_at_1….png)

File: 92fde0ca4a96907⋯.png (798.65 KB,1324x1088,331:272,Screenshot_2024_01_04_at_1….png)

chip off the ol' block?

late Middle English: from Latin petrosus ‘stony, rocky’, from petra ‘rock’, from Greek.

Propaganda Due(Italian pronunciation:[propaˈɡandaˈduːe]; P2) was a Masonic lodge, founded in 1877, within the tradition of Continental Freemasonry and under the authority of Grand Orient of Italy. Its Masonic charter was withdrawn in 1976, and it was transformed by Worshipful Master Licio Gelli into an international, illegal, clandestine, anti-communist, anti-Soviet, anti-Marxist, and radical right criminal organization and secret society operating in contravention of Article 18 of the Constitution of Italy that banned all such secret associations. Licio Gelli continued to operate the unaffiliated lodge from 1976 to 1984. P2 was implicated in numerous Italian crimes and mysteries, including the collapse of the Holy See-affiliated Banco Ambrosiano, the contract killings of journalist Carmine Pecorelli and mobbed up bank president Roberto Calvi, and political corruption cases within the nationwide Tangentopoli bribery scandal. P2 came to light through the investigations into the collapse of Michele Sindona's financial empire.-

Read More

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285d21 No.20182772

File: 480d5657797ed99⋯.jpg (33.4 KB,300x209,300:209,300px_Lavrenti_Beria_Stali….jpg)

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d980eb No.20182773

File: 89897ca21055afe⋯.png (364.68 KB,534x300,89:50,10rFkue7.png)


Yes! Exactly this! Ignore the how and the why, so that after you're done venting all your energy on a convenient target you'll remain ignorant when the very same systems of power are applied to you once again.

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e3be38 No.20182774

File: 84ccb386b3c07a7⋯.mp4 (3.22 MB,640x480,4:3,3_little_pigs_1933_and_194….mp4)


3 little pigs 1933 and 1941

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8c49ff No.20182775

File: d93b7c4ce15eeff⋯.webp (76.23 KB,606x787,606:787,white_scar3.webp)


20 years a paid posting fool, and spending every ounce of effort you have on that persona here to not just dehumanize, but demonize an entire ethnicity so you can advance the globalist agenda and protect the kid fuckers. You shall not pass, little loser.

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285d21 No.20182776

File: dda7c384c6b5aa0⋯.jpg (35.65 KB,220x281,220:281,lavrentiy_beria_2_t.jpg)

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702c06 No.20182777



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b8399d No.20182778

File: efa8f904a7bcb34⋯.png (313.48 KB,550x479,550:479,Screen_Shot_01_04_24_at_02….PNG)

File: 98219587e5ffc69⋯.mp4 (1.6 MB,1280x718,640:359,nikkihaley_ukraine.mp4)

"I will be the first one to tell you, I don't think we should ever give cash to any country …friend or foe…because you can't follow it…."

Michael Watkins


@NikkiHaley has said OVER AND OVER AGAIN, She does NOT support putting troops on the ground or giving money to Ukraine, Israel or other countries.


#NikkiHaley2024 #NikkiHaley

7:06 PM · Jan 3, 2024


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e02626 No.20182779

File: 4ef49795a9d4956⋯.jpg (449.66 KB,733x496,733:496,peepeedossier8.jpg)

>>20181807 pb

Epstein had a lot of people's phone numbers who did not know him.

Cry more.

Why do these maniacs have to stick with their delusions about DJT.

It's a very sticky delusion.

You know why?

Because they are so invested after all these years of running him down.

The idea they could be wrong?

They will fight it to their deaths.

Of course "Deploribles" could never have it right and they be wrong.


They will twist logic to the end of the Earth to "PROVE" they are right and were correct all along.

Hells they still believe in the peepee mattress.


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7e0451 No.20182780

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285d21 No.20182781

File: 6ae82e8032274e1⋯.jpeg (372.95 KB,828x807,276:269,6ae82e8032274e18c3211b43b….jpeg)

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9edb74 No.20182782

File: c3e37b255a84acc⋯.gif (195.7 KB,480x360,4:3,9E864BB9_611F_46B6_A2F5_47….gif)

So when does NYC sue all the airlines that are flying the illegals in day and night?

When does NYC sue the Bidan admin for flying the illegals in day and night?

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6ae994 No.20182783


This means he made a deal for cooperation.

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e3be38 No.20182784

File: 146871a901bf4aa⋯.gif (1.14 MB,220x285,44:57,015558245ac8564b145b0e19e6….gif)


> Ignore the how and the why,

Project more retarded fuckwit Yid, as always!

Send me some new inferior yiddish clowns! It's boring!

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b50097 No.20182785

File: bcf2e0a7d22464a⋯.png (908.14 KB,941x723,941:723,Huma.png)

File: 935b02be4662c08⋯.jpg (115.88 KB,1160x629,1160:629,HumaHill.jpg)

I wondered when Huma was coming back into the movie.

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79402d No.20182786

File: 9ce39882b33849b⋯.png (474.88 KB,600x350,12:7,ClipboardImage.png)

"Trump said he doesn't like muh Bitcoin."

"Trump always lies."


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d086e0 No.20182787



watch the water

water island


In recent days the claim that President Joe Biden owns an island in the U.S. Virgin Islands near Little St. James—the island formerly owned by disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein—have re-emerged on social media, offering a new avenue for conspiracy theorists.

"When you find out who owns the island next to Epstein's," reads a caption on an Instagram video, posted on May 7 and seemingly referring to Water Island. "Spoiler alert: it's Joe Biden," the poster then says.

The video has since been flagged as misinformation, playing on a falsehood that has been circulating since 2020—but has gained new traction since news broke that Little St. James, once Epstein's holding in the U.S. Virgin Islands, had been sold.

In July 2020, a Facebook post used an image that stated Ghislaine Maxwell—a former socialite who was found guilty of sex trafficking charges in connection to Epstein—"owns a submarine company and its based in the U.S. Virgin Islands."

It went on to say that "another private island a short distance away" had a submarine base, before asking: "Do you want to know who OWNS THIS PRIVATE ISLAND that is NEXT TO EPSTEIN'S and has MAXWELL'S SUB SITTING IN IT? JOE BIDEN!"

Maxwell owned The TerraMar Project, which she described as an ocean conservation non-profit, but it was closed down in 2019 not long before she was arrested in New York.

According to local accounts, a U.S. military installation on Water Island was partially constructed during World War II to protect a submarine base on nearby St. Thomas, but it does not appear to have a base of its own.

"Did you know Joe Biden's family owned land on Water island literally right next to Epstein's Island?" several Twitter users have said in the past few weeks, one post receiving 37,100 views as of 3 a.m. ET on Wednesday. Another told followers to "connect the dots people."

By Aleks Phillips

U.S. News Reporter



In recent days the claim that President Joe Biden owns an island in the U.S. Virgin Islands near Little St. James—the island formerly owned by disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein—have re-emerged on social media, offering a new avenue for conspiracy theorists.

"When you find out who owns the island next to Epstein's," reads a caption on an Instagram video, posted on May 7 and seemingly referring to Water Island. "Spoiler alert: it's Joe Biden," the poster then says.

The video has since been flagged as misinformation, playing on a falsehood that has been circulating since 2020—but has gained new traction since news broke that Little St. James, once Epstein's holding in the U.S. Virgin Islands, had been sold.

In July 2020, a Facebook post used an image that stated Ghislaine Maxwell—a former socialite who was found guilty of sex trafficking charges in connection to Epstein—"owns a submarine company and its based in the U.S. Virgin Islands."

Joe Biden US Virgin Islands

U.S. President Joe Biden departs following dinner at Savant, a restaurant in Christiansted, St. Croix, part of the U.S. Virgin Islands, on December 30, 2022. Claims that Biden owns an island near another island formerly owned by the disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein have re-emerged on social media.


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It went on to say that "another private island a short distance away" had a submarine base, before asking: "Do you want to know who OWNS THIS PRIVATE ISLAND that is NEXT TO EPSTEIN'S and has MAXWELL'S SUB SITTING IN IT? JOE BIDEN!"

Before the post was taken down it received around 21,000 shares. Fact checks from the time show that the image had been reposted by other accounts.

Maxwell owned The TerraMar Project, which she described as an ocean conservation non-profit, but it was closed down in 2019 not long before she was arrested in New York.

According to local accounts, a U.S. military installation on Water Island was partially constructed during World War II to protect a submarine base on nearby St. Thomas, but it does not appear to have a base of its own.

Sign up for Newsweek’s daily headlines

Did you know Joe Biden's family owned land on Water island literally right next to Epstein’s Island? Both islands have key submarine bases and underwater facilities. Ghislaine Maxwell has a submarine company called TerraMar. I didn't.

— Wyatt (@wyattausterre1) April 30, 2023

Another user noted the proximity of Water Island to Little St. James and suggested that the two were a five-minute boat ride apart, which would require "no logs" unlike flights.


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b8399d No.20182788

File: 002e79c3d9ac056⋯.png (44.21 KB,550x588,275:294,Screen_Shot_01_04_24_at_02….PNG)

File: 37f849dd89b1b2d⋯.png (49.28 KB,680x277,680:277,ClipboardImage.png)




📊 2024 New Hampshire GOP Primary

• Trump — 37% (+4)

• Haley — 33%

• Christie — 10%

• DeSantis — 5%

• Ramaswamy — 4%

• Hutchinson — 1%

• ARG (C+) | 12/27-01/03 | 600 LV


1:55 PM · Jan 4, 2024


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1a1402 No.20182789



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285d21 No.20182790

File: a15426ca772102e⋯.jpg (521.25 KB,1536x2048,3:4,a15426ca772102e3056d79a27e….jpg)

File: b529a768f2256b7⋯.png (584.85 KB,690x785,138:157,b529a768f2256b798bd038d74c….png)

File: dc6eb8afd236da6⋯.jpg (18.97 KB,250x255,50:51,cbec33cbec7a41255f1508bf0e….jpg)

File: cc7fbc34d6d6a2d⋯.png (1.72 MB,1050x718,525:359,cc7fbc34d6d6a2d698b7a7c6c5….png)

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81b1eb No.20182791

File: 2b5fd2ffaeed2e1⋯.png (1.8 MB,768x1024,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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6ae994 No.20182792


Can't people see this is another "old GOP" deepstate Defence Contractor WAR puppet?

Bush 2.

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e3be38 No.20182793

File: 0a5c282cb05f821⋯.png (1.21 MB,700x906,350:453,dvfghs.png)


>20 years a paid posting fool

>You shall not pass, little loser.

Stop projecting retarded Yidling!

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d086e0 No.20182794


However, coast to coast, the two islands sit around 7.4 miles apart, which would take a boat travelling at 15 knots around 26 minutes to travel between the two.

Newsweek approached the White House via email for comment Tuesday. A spokesperson told the Associated Press that the online claims were "false."

In 2020, Politico published a story which detailed how the U.S. President's younger brother, James, had bought a one-acre parcel of land on Water Island in May 2005 for $150,000. Part of the land was later sold to a third party.

At the time, the news outlet said that the land had been left undeveloped and that Joe Biden had vacationed elsewhere on Water Island since the 2005 purchase. AP said Biden had visited St. Croix, another island in the group, while vice president and president.

So while Joe Biden doesn't own an island near to that of the now-deceased Epstein, his brother owns a parcel of apparently undeveloped land on Water Island.

It is unclear why such claims are resurfacing online now. However, on May 3, SD Investments LLC, a firm led by billionaire investor Stephen Deckoff, announced the acquisition of Great St. James and Little St. James to develop a luxury resort anticipated to open in 2025.

"I've been proud to call the U.S. Virgin Islands home for more than a decade and am tremendously pleased to be able to bring the area a world-class destination befitting its natural grace and beauty," Deckoff said in a statement.

Deckoff paid $60 million for the islands, Forbes reported, less than half of the original $125 million asking price.

Epstein had owned both islands, but Little St. James was his primary residence and has been named as the location of many of his sex trafficking activities. An attorney for the estate told the Wall Street Journal in 2022 that the sale of the islands would contribute towards settling lawsuits.

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f42fb7 No.20182795


The US/MEast go between victim supplier.


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a637ac No.20182796

Does anyone have the picture of Joe Biden where it looks like he's wearing a face mask where the eat clip isn't folded back into his ear? NOT a covid mask. All the shitty search engines have buried this image. My girlfriend is asking about it and waking up and I'd like to show it to her.

Thank you anons!

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94e566 No.20182797


imagine being the fucking retard shilling this war mongering whore.

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b8399d No.20182798

File: 146032b5ea90dfd⋯.png (249.59 KB,550x531,550:531,Screen_Shot_01_04_24_at_02….PNG)

File: 014847e8ce380a9⋯.mp4 (10.23 MB,1280x720,16:9,nikkihaley107.mp4)

Team Nikki Haley


Nikki Haley is a true conservative warrior.

The other candidates can launch all the fake attacks they want, but #TeamHaley isn’t backing down.


Team Haley

2:03 PM · Jan 4, 2024


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8c49ff No.20182799

File: 0880756716c5532⋯.jpg (32.19 KB,360x360,1:1,0880756716c5532b03d6b19364….jpg)


All you have is projection and a performance of fraud. Begone from my sight, little predictable NPC loser.

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e02626 No.20182800

File: 26fbef4a712ae13⋯.gif (2.01 MB,400x224,25:14,Last_Grammy_Awards_Ever_La….gif)


methinks this is a Y-head sighting.

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285d21 No.20182801

File: d480a953b3085ac⋯.jpg (158.04 KB,760x587,760:587,BMJ1_e1478323750981.jpg)

File: f58b6d04d04afd4⋯.jpg (574.83 KB,1492x894,746:447,BMJ2.jpg)

File: 617ee57af921ee7⋯.jpg (133.76 KB,1086x638,543:319,koro.jpg)

File: 77faee9cef5bf48⋯.jpg (16.49 KB,320x241,320:241,koro_1.jpg)

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b8399d No.20182802


Thank you! That's how you do it!

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94e566 No.20182803


how much you get paid to share this crap.

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e3be38 No.20182804


Lady? LMAO

(((gaga))) cuckoo!

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5dd62c No.20182805

File: bef376cf8b8c728⋯.jpg (44.89 KB,800x450,16:9,GettyImages_1243461239.jpg)


'Clinton likes them young:’ Ex-president named in 10 of the new Epstein court documents

The references to the former President, including an alleged statement by now-deceased Jeffrey Epstein, will likely raise more questions about President Clinton’s relationship with the disgraced financier.

Former President Bill Clinton, or organizations connected to him and his family, were mentioned in at least ten of the 40 documents released late Wednesday night related to a civil case against Jeffrey Epstein’s associate Ghislaine Maxwell.

The newly public court documents come from a defamation suit against Ghislaine Maxwell by one of Epstein’s victims. Before today, approximately 175 names of Epstein associates, victims, former Epstein staff members, and of those investigating Epstein were sealed in the lawsuit.

Virginia Giuffre, one of Epstein’s victims, sued Maxwell in 2015, accusing the Epstein associate of defamation when Maxwell called her a liar over her claims about alleged sexual abuse by Maxwell and Epstein. The two associates would later be charged criminally. Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years in prison for conspiring with Epstein to sexually abuse minors.

According to the new trove of documents, one of Epstein’s accusers named Johanna Sjoberg, was asked about the relationship between Jeffrey Epstein and the former President during her deposition with lawyers representing Giuffre and Maxwell.


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6ae994 No.20182806

File: 1e3d7017bc5406a⋯.png (3.05 MB,2048x1439,2048:1439,ClipboardImage.png)

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e711e1 No.20182807


Whenever you start digging, you will find a Jew underneath it.

Every. Single. Time.

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e3be38 No.20182808

File: f435ab4a1300820⋯.png (116.57 KB,507x359,507:359,oy_vey.png)


>All you have is projection and a performance of fraud. Begone from my sight, little predictable NPC loser.

Like all Yids, RETARDED!

Born to project!

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000000 No.20182809


How do you capture a very DANGEROUS animal?

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ae5ea0 No.20182810

File: 963e2449b78d9b2⋯.png (2.35 MB,1570x883,1570:883,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 308683cceb845bb⋯.png (680.97 KB,1212x481,1212:481,ClipboardImage.png)

Vivek Ramaswamy

has sold $33 million worth of shares in Roivant Sciences, the biotech company he founded, per Axios.


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e7e07d No.20182811


Notice how the wolf lost his pants, the harder he blew?

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e02626 No.20182812

File: 22334db7e410bd8⋯.jpg (57.26 KB,992x415,992:415,bidengaga.jpg)

File: ba4a646a1f55394⋯.jpg (60.81 KB,608x345,608:345,creepy_joe_biden_gaga_sexu….jpg)



lame brains.

they think plagarism is a weapon against their morons getting high postiions.

Nik is a lame brain. But all the lame brains can't or won't notice.

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6ae994 No.20182813


No more Bushies.

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e02626 No.20182814

File: 8b2a82361cb91d6⋯.jpg (11.47 KB,236x207,236:207,Gaga_Crowley_satanists.jpg)


That's because the perps use them to hide behind.

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aa2600 No.20182815

File: a92be1c190df4ed⋯.png (1.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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529cf2 No.20182817

File: 650675251f5b2e1⋯.jpg (83.16 KB,897x676,69:52,GDBQ_0WsAEX7ZC.jpg)

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8c49ff No.20182818

File: 358a8587929a333⋯.png (257.21 KB,1600x999,1600:999,ClipboardImage.png)

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e3be38 No.20182819


>Notice how the wolf lost his pants, the harder he blew?

Kek, yeah I did!

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1a1402 No.20182820


im convinced that shill is learning off of us….anything we dig up goes in nikkis defense bag. talk shit about her 2 twitter sources she finds more. tell her to fuck off with fake polls she switches to videos of crowds. NPC is learning off of anons. cunt that she is

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41c5b4 No.20182821


What a virtue signaling little hall monitor you are. Could almost mistake you for the smoking pepe shill.

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b8399d No.20182822


It's campaign season. We got a Country to save. I don't get paid. I am an anon of 6 years which I have stated many times. I started on 4chan because of Megaanon (last time I will state this).

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e7e07d No.20182823


When does the NYC Mayor rescind the "Sanctuary City" status?

If its not working, fix it.

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ef17ce No.20182824

File: 03342ba5d129eac⋯.png (42.52 KB,882x225,98:25,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8708a03ef06f84a⋯.png (58.95 KB,910x289,910:289,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 601b0aa2584e7e5⋯.png (34.23 KB,878x191,878:191,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5784c2b50b2ab60⋯.png (21.74 KB,893x170,893:170,ClipboardImage.png)

Mike Cernovich: Jeffrey Epstein Was an Asset of the FBI

Cernovich on Wednesday claims Jeffrey Epstein was an asset of the FBI.

The Epstein Files. Today a tranche of documents were released in a case involving Jeffrey Epstein. There’s no revelations. Jeffrey Epstein’s case was covered up. I can explain why.

In 2017, my lawyer Marc Randazza found a wonky freedom of the press case. There was a defamation case, and although Jeffrey Epstein wasn’t named as a defendant, the case was central to some “conspiracy theories.” Marc asked me if I wanted to file a motion to intervene. We expected it to be a simple matter.

Media interest was almost zero. No one in the “free press” cared. Then Trump nominated Alexander Acosta to the Secretary of Labor. Acosta had handled the original Epstein criminal case, and said Epstein was given kid gloves treatments due to protection from the intelligence community.

Epstein was an asset of the FBI. What his exact relation was remains sealed.

By 2019 the case I sought to intervene in had an ORANGE MAN BAD angle because Acota was Trump’s Labor Secretary. Even if the motives were impure, at least we were on to the races.

Hundreds-of-thousands of dollars later, a trip to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, and a lot of fighting, we had a batch of documents ready to be unsealed.

In 2019 I wrote the following after a press conference was held re: Epstein’s arrest:

” Why didn’t the SNDY charge Jeffrey Epstein under the Mann Act? Under the Mann Act, it’s unlawful to transport an underage girl through interstate travel, including on an airplane.”


Epstein docs reveal government complicity

The document dump also exposed details about the pedophile’s friendships with boldface names like Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton


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94e566 No.20182825


don't give a fuck what you say you are a retarded sack of shit posting that whore. Fuck off.

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5f36e1 No.20182826

File: 8edb9723bfeb038⋯.png (178.17 KB,1048x823,1048:823,selections.png)

Might be a distraction. Or anon may be reading into it too much. The IMG attachment names caught my attention however and poster ID: d62dd9 has stopped posting, for now.

>>20182680 IMG_2522.jpeg

>>20182684 IMG_2459.jpeg

>>20182716 IMG_2524.jpeg

>A selection of sauces

>>20182682 D0B5E838_E6EF_4F52_81CA_B5A2A13F3FB3.png

>>20182688 F3E8A458_4703_4AB5_9ACC_35BA644FD635.jpeg

Phoning a fren. Anons, way back when Q would post guids/hashes and correlations were found on a number of websites- can't memeber… little help? Google Books and Scholar iirc



Old sauce: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/01/28/james-biden-lobbyist-virgin-islands-099318

>#4: Some of us come here to drop crumbs, just crumbs.

what ye be, d62dd9- fren or foe?

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285d21 No.20182827

File: 01a6db26dee9ca6⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB,1216x1367,1216:1367,01a6db26dee9ca63854196bc8….jpeg)


cannibalistic NPC icon.

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79402d No.20182828


>"Trump said he doesn't like muh Bitcoin."


Cypherpunk Energy x 1000

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6ae994 No.20182829

File: 29929d01c85d943⋯.png (703.14 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

Who goes there? A new whole-body biometric recognition system

Michigan State University researchers received a $12 million, four-year federal grant from the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, or IARPA, under its Biometric Recognition and Identification at Altitude and Range, or BRIAR, program.


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e02626 No.20182830

File: f5e8f5bbf0f8653⋯.jpg (64.53 KB,800x588,200:147,gagalooksmessedup.jpg)

File: 4f9c622319eb2db⋯.jpg (199.25 KB,1386x892,693:446,gagagroupphoto.jpg)


Is that Gaga with a slave?

How politically incorrect?

Is the Black man covered in ashes supposed to be on sale?

Is it just friendly S and M?

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529cf2 No.20182831

File: c29a6c0ea85dec4⋯.png (196.22 KB,526x523,526:523,Capture.PNG)

This Throwback Thursday, we recognize C Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, AKA “Suicide Charley”, which is one of the only units authorized a second guidon in the



The guidon exists because of the men who shed blood on the battlefields of Guadalcanal and Peleliu.


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ee2406 No.20182832

File: d0f79a50648c820⋯.jpeg (228.68 KB,1280x720,16:9,C5271E9E_3B6F_48A6_88F2_3….jpeg)

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f42fb7 No.20182833


Because she is the real loser.

*distract with the mask. it'll work. publish it*

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e7e07d No.20182834

File: fe3aea5ff95f14f⋯.png (318.85 KB,467x386,467:386,maskslips.png)

File: 831a15fcff9adc1⋯.png (251.91 KB,565x445,113:89,maskslips2.png)

File: 2eb78d0bcd4f7b0⋯.mp4 (1.2 MB,360x480,3:4,maskvidya.mp4)

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5dd62c No.20182835

File: d0e7e847716cd9c⋯.jpg (8.07 KB,255x143,255:143,28a642044e91dfc34296a15aca….jpg)

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3b19b1 No.20182836








the only delta that matters

recognize distractions

discern LARPs


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b8399d No.20182837


Anon, you and other can trash me all you would like. I'm still here, and will continue to be here. I will leave you all in your filth going forward. Can't get distracted. Eye on the ball!

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285d21 No.20182838

File: 2fc92914f6e785a⋯.png (380.37 KB,1630x1564,815:782,2fc92914f6e785a79fd1de0885….png)

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d980eb No.20182839

File: 054c43501a64ccb⋯.jpeg (117.16 KB,1080x1072,135:134,054c43501a64ccbc6d106fa96….jpeg)


All I'm saying is that if *I* wanted a race of subservient thralls to serve as patsies for my crimes I'd chop their dicks off and prohibit them from performing physical labour.

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f42fb7 No.20182840

File: f72db1110ee118c⋯.png (1.05 MB,1260x843,420:281,Screenshot_2024_01_04_1339….png)

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ef17ce No.20182841

File: 83e325a6e927238⋯.png (451.95 KB,857x605,857:605,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2a394cb63f65aad⋯.png (250.77 KB,854x548,427:274,ClipboardImage.png)

Israel won’t take orders from US – security minister

Washington had earlier rejected a proposal to resettle Palestinians outside of Gaza as “inflammatory”

Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has rejected US criticism of proposals to resettle Palestinians in territories outside of Gaza, saying in a message posted on social media that Israel is “not another star on the American flag.”

Ben-Gvir, along with Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, have in recent days advocated plans for the post-war “voluntary migration” of Palestinians from the blockaded Gaza enclave.

Israeli officials have conducted secret talks with representatives from the Democratic Republic of Congo, and other African nations, over the possible resettlement of Palestinians once the war with Hamas has concluded, the Times of Israel said on Wednesday.

Smotrich said around 70% of Israel’s population support such proposals for “voluntary” migration. He told Israeli public broadcaster KAN this week that “2 million people [in Gaza] wake up every morning with a desire to destroy the State of Israel and slaughter, rape, and murder Jews.”

Ben-Gvir added separately that Israel wants “to encourage willful emigration, and we need to find countries willing to take [Palestinians] in.”


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8a2ddf No.20182842

File: bf484828469a26d⋯.webp (56.57 KB,1080x720,3:2,Amy_Robach_TJ_Holmes_Andr….webp)


She's a cheater and a whiner.

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d35082 No.20182843


That "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" thing always makes me think… that's not possible because people are selfish and want to do harm to others. But in a perfect world, no one would want to do that.

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7e0451 No.20182844

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31c6e8 No.20182845

File: 18ba3106116c646⋯.jpg (4.18 MB,4000x3000,4:3,e29848bf0eba16e3a7eff9c46d….jpg)

File: 25314ba05dcaeeb⋯.jpg (95.99 KB,601x491,601:491,5321d9838c7fb07791b89f2343….jpg)

File: c554c05778bc82b⋯.jpg (111.19 KB,601x479,601:479,5321d9838c7fb07791b89f2343….jpg)

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000000 No.20182846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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78d0cd No.20182847





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94e566 No.20182848


I do have my eye on the prize you traitorous sack of shit. Keep pushing the whore and anons will keep calling you out.

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5dd62c No.20182849

File: 15c1714a04d120d⋯.jpg (35.17 KB,1200x630,40:21,leonardo_1200x630.jpg)

Unsealed Docs Reveal Epstein Would Call Leonardo DiCaprio, Bruce Willis and More

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Judge Loretta Preska has officially unsealed documents revealing some of Jeffrey Epstein’s high-profile associates and interactions he had with well-known celebrities.

On page 109 of the unsealed documents, it included a deposition given by Jeffery Epstein victim Johanna Sjoberg.

In her disposition, Sjoberg was asked, “I saw one press report that said you had met Cate Blanchett or Leonardo DiCaprio?”

Sjoberg responded, “I did not meet them, no. When I spoke about them, it was when I was massaging him, and he

would get off — he would be on the phone a lot at that time, and one time he said, Oh, that was Leonardo, or, That was Cate Blanchett or Bruce Willis. That kind of thing.”


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e3be38 No.20182850

File: 6263f5cafff0ddc⋯.jpeg (21.38 KB,255x254,255:254,hab_ich_Dich.jpeg)


>How do you capture a very DANGEROUS animal?

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2636e8 No.20182851

Accountability must happen.

Fear is not an excuse for accessory to murder.

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ae5ea0 No.20182852

File: 8c58ca24edf0dca⋯.jpg (66.32 KB,814x514,407:257,cat3.JPG)

Bill Clinton former FBI hanging out at Epstein Island

CNNnow reporting on Clinton and Epstein, the cats out the bag.

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d086e0 No.20182853

File: d63d03eaa552115⋯.png (270.16 KB,353x302,353:302,JOEEAR.PNG)

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285d21 No.20182854

File: 532046b27d70499⋯.jpg (626.75 KB,2000x2667,2000:2667,532046b27d7049938b970b8dac….jpg)

File: b4d4f11c838692c⋯.png (349.34 KB,778x516,389:258,aae.PNG)

File: ffe3a34c9017426⋯.png (365.66 KB,775x667,775:667,adversarialExamples.PNG)

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97e503 No.20182855

File: 2b603c59b2e9ae5⋯.jpeg (67.58 KB,592x792,74:99,DE0CNRbXcAE4gU0.jpeg)

File: 94a998c2be9d92d⋯.jpg (95.41 KB,981x1024,981:1024,Epstein.jpg)

File: 2650fff8d660253⋯.png (57.79 KB,660x586,330:293,3799.png)


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e7e07d No.20182856


Timestamp 2:30


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d35082 No.20182857

File: 87457dbc8d68189⋯.png (51.75 KB,840x498,140:83,2337.png)


>Israel won’t take orders from US – security minister

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d8e93f No.20182858


Anons sure spent a ton of time breaking down that cheap piece of schitt building.

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6d8b08 No.20182859

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Digs on Epstein, ties to Mossad, baby baking for life extension, with other things from yesterday's digs


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285d21 No.20182860

File: 7f02daffd574f08⋯.jpg (241.36 KB,1080x1080,1:1,7f02daffd574f089b49cb231ed….jpg)

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c67627 No.20182861

File: eafa9e34087bd5d⋯.jpg (1.24 MB,3464x3464,1:1,7point8.jpg)

News Unlocks

"Hope the 7.8mm was worth it."


Text of the Foreign Emoluments Clause, U.S. Const. art. I, § 9, cl. 8.

“No Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under [the United States], shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”


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31c6e8 No.20182862

File: 2a1cab743989c0a⋯.png (880.86 KB,564x800,141:200,2a1cab743989c0aa84a38950ff….png)

File: 3a18764f0786309⋯.jpg (54.22 KB,400x600,2:3,3a18764f078630981e7f599b8a….jpg)

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1a1402 No.20182863


you know the payment for anon services

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5dd62c No.20182864

File: 48c16597a4f5667⋯.png (307.99 KB,600x337,600:337,Tracks_Blockade_border_Ukr….png)

3,000 Lorries Queued at Poland-Ukraine Border Checkpoints, as Polish Farmers Rejoin Truckers in Protest Against Agricultural and Transportation EU Rules Favoring Kiev

Once you understand that Ukraine’s national hero, Stephan Bandera, was a Nazi war criminal that massacred Polish civilians, you realize that this friendship between the countries was never going to work.

However, at the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Poland distinguished itself as one of the most dedicated allies, both in providing weapons and ammunitions, as well as receiving a large number of refugees fleeing combat zones.

Read: Cracks in the Alliance: Poland and ‘Ungrateful’ Ukraine Summon Each Other’s Ambassadors in Diplomatic Row Over the Renewal of European Import Ban of Ukrainian Grain

The relationship soured when Poland decided to unilaterally renew the Ukrainian ‘grain ban’, a move that led Kiev to sue its neighbor at the World Trade Organization.


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285d21 No.20182865

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Social subversion tactics have the objective of “crashing” the civilization. They attack cognitive capacity, promote binary thinking, create false divisions, exacerbate existing social inequities and gradually constrict public vocabulary. They portray bizarre perversions and a sordid “celebrity” lifestyle as exciting and desirable. Additional subliminally active “occult” materials are injected into music videos, concerts and ritual events like Burning Man – all promoted on social media as well as being featured in high school and grade school curricula.

Other tactics include the use of prepared, ‘’coordinated media campaigns to manipulate popular belief, often in conjunction with staged, traumatic public events such as bloody terrorist attacks, creating artificial divisions among populations, engendering false polarities. ‘’

The propagation of harmful fictitious narratives by news media, the use of subliminal image systems and symbolic languages in advertising and entertainment influence components of mind below the threshold of our conscious awareness. This sustained attack causes phased, progressive cumulative damage.

Information Poisoning is real.

Networked communications form an extended perceptual loop. Adversaries use these insecure pathways to 'poison the loop' introducing harmful information, fostering fear, uncertainty and doubt; incrementally subverting consciousness.

Corrupting the integrity of the extended perceptual pathway confers the ability to introduce information both overtly and explicitly and covertly and subliminally, below the threshold of our conscious awareness.


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ef17ce No.20182866

File: 8ca2c49665eece3⋯.png (482.73 KB,600x336,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3280ebf8d74417⋯.png (57.11 KB,600x158,300:79,ClipboardImage.png)

Former FBI Director Louis Freeh Is Named in New Batch of Epstein Documents

As the first documents of the ‘Epstein list’ are being read and digested by writers all over the world, some household names are popping up, like Former President Bill Clinton and his aide Doug Band, Britain’s Prince Andrew, former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, billionaires Glenn and Eva Dubin, magician David Copperfield and the late model scout Jean-Luc Brunel.

Some of the names appearing are portrayed in a more tangential aspect, as it appears to be the case of former FBI director Louis Freeh.

He appears in the context of a dispute between plaintiff Virginia Roberts Giuffre and defendant Ghislaine Maxwell over whether former President Bill Clinton – who flew 26 times in Epstein’s ‘Air Lolita’ plane – had ever been to the infamous ‘Pedophile Island’.

The Daily Beast reported:

“The [Maxwell] defense, however, presented a report from former FBI Director Louis Freeh which concluded Clinton never traveled to Little St. James.

Maxwell’s team also poked holes in a 2011 Daily Mail article where Giuffre claimed the socialite flew Clinton to the island in a black helicopter.

In one legal memorandum, her attorneys argued that Giuffre ‘now even denies telling’ the Mail reporter ‘that she ever witnessed Ms. Maxwell flying President Clinton or his Secret Service anywhere’. (Giuffre, in a deposition, testified that Maxwell told her she flew Clinton in. ‘And Ghislaine likes to talk a lot of stuff that sounds fantastical’, Giuffre said.)

Meanwhile, Maxwell testified in a deposition that ‘allegations that Clinton had a meal on Jeffrey’s island [are] 100 percent false’, though the former president likely ate on Epstein’s plane.”

Freeh was the head of the bureau from 1993 to June 2001, and ended up listed because he ‘may have knowledge concerning travel of Bill Clinton,’ according to a document filed by Ghislaine Maxwell’s defense lawyers in June 2016.

Daily Mail reported:

“She likely included him to support her claims that Clinton never visited Epstein’s Caribbean island and only ever traveled on his jet accompanied by Secret Service agents and aides.

Clinton, who has not been accused of having any involvement with underage girls, has always denied wrongdoing.”

Freeh served as FBI Director throughout Clinton’s presidency until he was replaced in 2001 by Bush-appointed John Ashcroft.

“In a statement to DailyMail.com, he insisted today that he has no other involvement with Epstein or the case aside from representing Alan Dershowitz against old and now retracted allegations that he abused Virginia Giuffre.

‘In connection with Mr. Freeh’s former law firm’s representation of Professor Alan Dershowitz, we made a record request to the U.S. Secret Service regarding former President Clinton’s travel. Mr. Freeh and his former law firm had no other association with this matter or any of the individuals involved,’ a spokesman said.”


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000000 No.20182867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Dido, also known as Elissa, was the legendary founder and first queen of the Phoenician city-state of Carthage, in 814 BC. In most accounts, she was the queen of the Phoenician city-state of Tyre who fled tyranny to found her own city in northwest Africa. Wikipedia

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c67627 No.20182868

Does anyone know if there's a Q post with the skull and bones pic and 322?

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e3be38 No.20182869

File: 96741f66399b588⋯.mp4 (5.08 MB,640x480,4:3,Kennedy_Blows_The_Whistle_….mp4)


Kennedy Blows The Whistle On Secret Societies

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ae5ea0 No.20182870

File: 17d43569ebb62dd⋯.png (88.12 KB,1103x528,1103:528,ClipboardImage.png)

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ef17ce No.20182871

File: 7ff61be98524c2b⋯.png (82.33 KB,498x600,83:100,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95262ab9670b871⋯.png (332.69 KB,553x495,553:495,ClipboardImage.png)

Unsealed Docs Reveal Epstein Would Call Leonardo DiCaprio, Bruce Willis and More

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Judge Loretta Preska has officially unsealed documents revealing some of Jeffrey Epstein’s high-profile associates and interactions he had with well-known celebrities.

On page 109 of the unsealed documents, it included a deposition given by Jeffery Epstein victim Johanna Sjoberg.

In her disposition, Sjoberg was asked, “I saw one press report that said you had met Cate Blanchett or Leonardo DiCaprio?”

Sjoberg responded, “I did not meet them, no. When I spoke about them, it was when I was massaging him, and he

would get off — he would be on the phone a lot at that time, and one time he said, Oh, that was Leonardo, or, That was Cate Blanchett or Bruce Willis. That kind of thing.”

Per The Mirror:

Newly released documents from the high-profile Jeffrey Epstein court case reveal a whole host of Hollywood names, including Leonardo DiCaprio and Cameron Diaz.

Kevin Spacey and Cate Blanchett are also among mentions in previously secret documents that were unsealed on Wednesday. Bruce Willis is also mentioned in the case relating to the financier who killed himself in 2019, accused of sex trafficking. The people listed were those named as associates of Epstein and there is no suggestion those listed either knew about his crimes or participated in any criminal behaviour.

Their mention in no way implies any wrongdoing, just that the Hollywood stars were included in the conversation in some way. One witness claimed Epstein “would be on the phone a lot at that time” and one time he said “Oh, that was Leonardo, or that was Cate Blanchett or Bruce Willis”. The witness said they’d never even met DiCaprio.


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1b479c No.20182872

File: d6dbf1fb31020df⋯.jpeg (118.98 KB,640x853,640:853,IMG_1145.jpeg)


Wonder how those Joe’s mask would hold up under a little stress?

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6d8b08 No.20182873



On July 19, 2019, Lincoln Six Echo and Jordan Two Delta live with others in an isolated compound. This dystopian[4] community is governed by a strict set of rules. The residents are told that the outside world has become too contaminated to support life with the exception of a pathogen-free island. Each week, one resident gets to leave the compound and live on the island by way of a lottery.

Lincoln begins having dreams that he knows are not from his own experiences. Dr. Merrick, a scientist who runs the compound, is concerned and places probes in Lincoln's body to monitor his cerebral activity. While secretly visiting an off-limits power facility in the basement where technician James McCord works, Lincoln discovers a live moth in a ventilation shaft, leading him to deduce the outside world is not really contaminated. Lincoln follows the moth to another section, where he discovers the "lottery" is actually a system to selectively remove inhabitants from the compound, where the "winner" is then used for organ harvesting, surrogate pregnancies, and other important purposes for each one's wealthy sponsor, of whom they are clones.

Merrick learns Lincoln has discovered the truth about his existence, which forces Lincoln to escape. Meanwhile, Jordan has been selected for the island. Lincoln and Jordan escape the facility and emerge in the desert. Lincoln explains the truth to her, and they set out to discover the real world. Merrick hires Burkinabé mercenary and former GIGN operative Albert Laurent to find and return them to the compound.

Lincoln and Jordan find McCord, who explains that all the facility residents are clones of wealthy sponsors and are kept ignorant about the real world and conditioned to never question their environment or history. Merrick explains to Laurent that while the public is told that the clones are kept in a persistent vegetative state, trials had shown that the organs would only survive if the clones had consciousness, which is in violation of eugenics laws.

McCord provides the name of Lincoln's sponsor, yacht designer Tom Lincoln, in Los Angeles and helps them to the Yucca maglev station, where they board an Amtrak train to LA before mercenaries kill him. In New York City, Jordan's sponsor, supermodel Sarah Jordan, is comatose following a car crash and requires transplants from Jordan to survive. Lincoln also meets Tom, who gives him some explanation about the cloning institute, causing Lincoln to realize that he has gained Tom's memories. Tom seemingly agrees to help Lincoln and Jordan reveal Merrick's crimes to the public, but secretly betrays them to Merrick and Laurent, as he desperately needs Lincoln's liver to survive his cirrhosis. Tricking Lincoln into leaving with him, Tom brings him to an ambush that results in a car chase through suburban LA and ends with Lincoln tricking Laurent into believing Tom is the clone and killing him, allowing him to assume Tom's identity. Returning to Tom's home, Lincoln and Jordan give in to their romantic urges and have sex.

Merrick surmises that a cloning defect was responsible for Lincoln's memories and behavior, resulting in him and every future clone generation to question their environment and even tap into their sponsor's memories. To prevent this, he decides to eliminate the four latest generations of clones. Lincoln and Jordan, however, plan to liberate the other clones. Posing as Tom, Lincoln returns to the compound to destroy the holographic projectors that conceal the outside world. Jordan allows herself to be caught to assist Lincoln's plan. Laurent, who has moral qualms about the clones' treatment after witnessing their fight for survival and learning that Sarah Jordan may not survive even with the organ transplants, helps Jordan. Lincoln kills Merrick with a harpoon gun, and the clones are freed, seeing the outside world for the first time. As Laurent seemingly gives up his mercenary life, Lincoln and Jordan sail away in one of Tom's boats together toward an island, fulfilling their dream of one day going to such a place.

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58aba0 No.20182874


>NEW NAMES: Unsealed Docs Reveal Epstein Would Call Leonardo DiCaprio, Bruce Willis and More (Cate Blanchett, Leonardo DiCaprio, Cameron Diaz)


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79402d No.20182875

File: af3b5c0479b89f6⋯.png (617.89 KB,516x500,129:125,ClipboardImage.png)


In the 1950s, Fred Trump, the president's late father, donated the plot of land where the Beach Haven Jewish Center was built in Brooklyn and contributed towards its construction. He affectionately referred to Rabbi Israel Wagner, who approached the elder Trump for help, as "My Rabbi."

Frederick Christ Trump Sr.

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c28b23 No.20182876

File: 3baf8971e1535ef⋯.webp (27.79 KB,1024x513,1024:513,Yggdrasil_1024x513.webp)

replying to https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/20167561.html

** BB? 5da649


** Cleopatra matrilineage leak | a5a9f8

>>20167917 pb


There is a matrilineal line running from Cleopatra to the Queens of Europe.

They also are directly related to Adolf's father.

They are directly related to the Romanov Queens

Their grandson was Price Philip

They control the narrative by holding all the pieces.

Cleopatra's daughter moved to Rome, married a senator.

Cleopatra faked her death, and moved to Kharzaria.

Kharza is Persian for Caesar.

Cleopatra's offspring controlled the silk road, then married into the royal houses of Europe.

They wear purple dresses.


Plausible only if the matrilineage transmits a key Anunnaki/Rakshasa bloodline trait

...which sounds plausible. Mitochondria are probably relevant to shapeshifting.

** All-seeing eye cult

ID: b2db16, 9c5856

Posting about Seti/Satan's eye, atop the Archontic pyramid.


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285d21 No.20182877

File: b16a16593086cc1⋯.jpg (109.87 KB,600x498,100:83,b16a16593086cc10e2b361d53d….jpg)

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b8eb00 No.20182878

File: 5047489c6fa8809⋯.png (174.97 KB,748x365,748:365,Screen_Shot_2024_01_04_at_….png)

File: 1084710691bec5d⋯.png (348.12 KB,751x716,751:716,Screen_Shot_2024_01_04_at_….png)

File: 73f6fdd874283c7⋯.png (318.82 KB,746x622,373:311,Screen_Shot_2024_01_04_at_….png)

File: 65309951c8b2d21⋯.png (114.73 KB,747x716,747:716,Screen_Shot_2024_01_04_at_….png)

DSM II from 1968 admits vaccines can cause "mental retardation" (developmental delay?)


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c4a448 No.20182879

File: 0af024a47f824b1⋯.png (246.38 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2024_01_04_14_48_5….png)

File: dabc70d18f612f3⋯.png (258.12 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2024_01_04_14_49_0….png)

I always feel like somebody's watching me


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8710e5 No.20182880


>Israel is “not another star on the American flag.”


Now pay back the billions you've grifted off American tax-payers since the inception of your apartheid state, with interest.

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5f36e1 No.20182881

>>20182871 Unsealed Docs Reveal Epstein Would Call Leonardo DiCaprio, Bruce Willis and More



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e711e1 No.20182882


Poor Jews.

Always the victim.

Those Satanists just keep picking on those Jews and blaming them for all of their Evil deeds.

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79402d No.20182883



Not Notable

The dude is connected to 10,000s of people.

"Not everyone is corrupt (fewer than you think)."

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000000 No.20182884

U.S. Naval Institute



USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Jan. 4, 2023


Jan 4, 2024 · 6:36 PM UTC


Four CARRIERS & escorts in the pacific?

Why is that relevant?

To prevent other state actors from attempting to harm us during this transition? Russia / China?

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5dd62c No.20182885

File: c3da31887245f8b⋯.jpg (67.61 KB,1200x630,40:21,blackwater_erik_prince_120….jpg)

Biden’s Weakness to Spark World War 3 in 2024? Blackwater Founder Erik Prince’s Prediction.

Will President Joe Biden’s weakness end up causing World War 3 before the year is out? At least one man very familiar with war very much thinks so.

In an interview last week with British conservative outlet GBNews, Erik Prince — former Navy SEAL and founder of private military-contracting firm Blackwater — said he expected that China would “take Taiwan in spring 2024.”

The prediction came after the host — U.K. Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg, who also works as a commentator and host for the network — noted that Chinese President Xi Jinping “warned President Biden at the summit in [San Francisco] that China will reunify with Taiwan.”

Xi didn’t set a timetable for this, but Prince argued that China would make a try for Taiwan during the Biden administration because of Biden’s weakness on foreign policy — and that, due to weather conditions, it was most likely going to happen in the spring.


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529cf2 No.20182886

File: a7e359214751ee9⋯.png (197.11 KB,1104x757,1104:757,Capture.PNG)

David Copperfield's Lunar Illusion: What is the moon vanishing act and when is it happening?

Read more at:


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8c49ff No.20182887

File: d7eadc138edab98⋯.png (384.78 KB,1000x500,2:1,oncesaw2.png)


That's because I am that very bane of shills you've spent all day every day whining about for the past six months, Loretta. It all started after the BVs started removing the MuhJoo and Anons started mocking you dipshits with copypastas. I'm not scared of being recognized, but you sure as hell are because if you're recognized then that's proof you're not as good at your job as you once were.

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6d8b08 No.20182888



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e3be38 No.20182889

File: 5fea617d739dda3⋯.png (504.54 KB,750x472,375:236,JFK_on_Hitler.png)

File: ce31bd1f5278c33⋯.png (411.57 KB,820x460,41:23,JFK.png)

File: d9f616de2975dfe⋯.jpg (130.94 KB,591x691,591:691,JFK.jpg)

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76761c No.20182890

Mazi Pilip raps Tom Suozzi over $15 congestion toll in Santos replacement race

Published Jan. 3, 2024, 5:03 p.m. ET

The controversial plan to charge motorists $15 to enter Manhattan’s business district has become a hot issue in the Feb. 13 special election to replace expelled liar ex-Rep. George Santos.


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58aba0 No.20182891





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c67627 No.20182892


I should have added the bits about boomerang! Ken.

Boomerang Suicide

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b8399d No.20182893

File: bfcca19f7d0d6ad⋯.png (19.44 KB,550x229,550:229,Screen_Shot_01_04_24_at_02….PNG)

"17 charter bus companies"

Bill Melugin


BREAKING: NYC Sanctuary Mayor Eric Adams announces a lawsuit against 17 charter bus companies involved in bussing migrants from Texas as part of


operation. Adams says NYC is seeking $700 million to recoup costs of providing shelter & services to the migrants.

2:31 PM · Jan 4, 2024


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6ae994 No.20182894

File: bc2e0715ec3aa41⋯.png (182.7 KB,785x381,785:381,Screenshot_2024_01_04_at_1….png)

Looks Like Jeffrey Epstein Was A Mossad Asset


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9edb74 No.20182895


Pretty convenient Bruce Willis is a vegetable now….

Maybe he is “acting”


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1b479c No.20182896

File: 4906e4bd1f4ea57⋯.jpeg (29.22 KB,255x196,255:196,IMG_0829.jpeg)


> I wondered when Huma was coming back into the movie.

Bet she never planned on Hillary being evil beyond comprehension.

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bc17a3 No.20182897


Don't you wonder what the tie to the Biden crime family is with her?

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6ae994 No.20182898



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4dca2d No.20182899

File: 552ef022ae81c86⋯.png (84.03 KB,443x593,443:593,ClipboardImage.png)

Brian Costello


Breaking: Sources reveal that before crossing the border, many Chinese military personnel sport a distinct PLA tattoo tied to a specific brigade. They're also reportedly partaking in chicken blood drinking rituals, linked to the 'Jungle Tigers' or PLA's 75th Special Operations Brigade.

Biden is addressing nation on Jan 6th from Gettysburg, a symbolic civil war site. His agenda? Paint Trump as the threat, while he his puppet masters stir a civil war with China's aid to maintain power and move to a single party system. Don't be misled. Advocate peace, vote out these traitors, and seek justice lawfully.


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000000 No.20182900




>How do you capture a very DANGEROUS animal?

Haaretz | Israel News

Ehud Barak Warns Trump: Scrapping Nuclear Deal Would Embolden Iran and North Korea

Oct 11, 2017

According to the former Israeli prime minister, pulling out of the deal will set off a chain reaction throughout Asia and the Middle East, The New York Times reports

Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak warned the United States against pulling out of the international deal to curb Iran's nuclear program, The New York Times reported on Wednesday, a day before U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to decertify the 2015 agreement in an address to Congress.


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5f36e1 No.20182901


may as well queue up the alien invasion while he's at it

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558953 No.20182902


He kept his underwear on. Probably on his head so cannot be identified. Kek

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8710e5 No.20182903


>Pretty convenient Bruce Willis is a vegetable now….

Or the fact Bill Richardson "died suddenly" a few days ago. Shit is getting real.

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8c49ff No.20182904

File: 0576423518817dc⋯.jpeg (428 KB,484x707,484:707,0576423518817dc7186483c8d….jpeg)


7.8M was related to Schiff, not $7.8M to a Trump business, you fucking moran. Same block and colored line collages that are all over the place to give the appearance of a dig, but is just misinformation. Better luck next time.

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b5017d No.20182905


>Sanctuary City

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b50097 No.20182906

File: 9c7158c61f04434⋯.png (270.24 KB,666x375,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone watching the loosh stonks?

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41c5b4 No.20182907

File: 76f08639e477c77⋯.png (26.88 KB,255x255,1:1,06d2523d9caf8720ec48209816….png)


You are delusional. maybe you should take your meds and clean your room

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b8399d No.20182908

File: 2a83f59f47c3692⋯.png (129.3 KB,550x542,275:271,Screen_Shot_01_04_24_at_02….PNG)

File: ad0ef91101b935f⋯.png (908.08 KB,1440x2030,144:203,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a158bcc4dd663a⋯.png (967.37 KB,1186x2048,593:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

Corey Uhden



@TeamHaley fires back at Trump's lies

@NikkiHaley signed one of the toughest, comprehensive anti-illegal immigration laws in the country as governor. She has a plan to actually secure the border, not just pay lip service to it like so many presidents before.

11:04 AM · Jan 4, 2024


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58aba0 No.20182909

File: 7b1e67f29ffd8f4⋯.png (626.61 KB,674x367,674:367,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4af0a7fb0ed297e⋯.png (238.4 KB,404x590,202:295,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a94981dc66c53c5⋯.png (565.37 KB,476x646,14:19,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6fe187b6e26059c⋯.png (193.63 KB,631x447,631:447,ClipboardImage.png)

Corruption Scheme for Selling Hunter Biden’s Paintings with Ukraine’s Zelensky’s Participation Revealed - THE INTEL DROP

A former employee of a New York gallery revealed a scheme by which Hunter Biden’s paintings were sold. According to his documents, the gallery has sold several artworks painted by the President’s son for a much higher price than what other paintings by artists of the same level are bought for. Another document points at Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as a potential buyer of some of these paintings.

The artwork dealer from Georges Bergès Gallery who decided to stay anonymous, has published online and sent us a number of materials revealing how Hunter Biden’s paintings are bought and sold. Biden’s artworks have been exhibited and sold since as early as September 2021, and now more details about these deals have emerged.

Initially, there was “a system designed specifically for Hunter’s paintings which was supposed to prevent the president’s son from knowing who buys his artworks.” The gallery ran background checks of all customers and rejected all overpriced offers or offers made by prominent political figures and people who did not look “interested in the art”. This scheme was enough to make the authorities look the other way and ignore the possible corruption mechanism established by these deals. Even with the initial scheme, there were reports in the media that Hunter Biden’s paintings were purchased by people interested in bribing his father. In July 2022, a philanthropist Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali, was appointed to a job at the White House after buying one of Hunter Biden’s artworks. However, the story was quickly forgotten because the mainstream media refused to pay attention to it. This was probably one of the reasons why Biden has signed another contract with the gallery in October 2022.

The first page of the Agreement signed between Hunter Biden and Georges Bergès Gallery

The new contract allowed the Gallery to disclose the names of potential buyers to Hunter Biden and his agents. Even though the suspicious buyers were still “officially” turned away, gallery staff gained access to their contact information and then contacted them with a new deal to sell Hunter’s unexhibited works for a higher price. The artwork dealer mentioned at least one such deal, when four paintings were sold for six million dollars. It is unclear how many deals occurred. “The official record says that the Gallery has sold about 20 or 30 pieces of art by Biden, but as I know, the real number is at least twice as high,” says the gallerist.

Photo of one of Hunter Bdien’s paintings

According to the gallery employee, Parmenides’ Muse is one of the four paintings sold for $1.5 million. The painting was first exhibited at the Georges Bergès Gallery at an exhibition of Hunter Biden’s works in October 2021, after which its fate remained unknown. The deal was rejected at first, mostly because of the price and because the customer was a company, not a person. After that, the gallery manager contacted the company and the four paintings were sold.

The list of Hunter Biden’s paintings sold in a $6 million deal

Candlewood Investments Limited, an offshore company registered in British Virgin Islands, purchased the paintings. The only active beneficiary owner of the company is a Ukrainian national Andrii Yakovlev. Yakovlev is Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s friend and former colleague – they worked together at the media company Studio Kvartal-95. The Kyiv address that appears in the Gallery documents also matches the one listed on the official UK government company register website. Stories about Zelenskyy’s use of offshore companies of members of Kvartal-95 have already repeatedly appeared in the media after the leak of the notorious Pandora Papers, which revealed the personal data and connections of the owners of these companies.

The gallery employee, who published the documents, also stated that he had already contacted both the police and a number of major media outlets; however, he had not received any response from them. He also added that he had a conflict with the gallery owners and they threatened him with “serious people” if he tried to stir up a scandal involving the US president’s son.


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9edb74 No.20182910


Let me know when there’s four in the pacific.

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ae5ea0 No.20182911

File: c6ac79e7ee7f4f1⋯.png (4.45 MB,2444x989,2444:989,ClipboardImage.png)

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6ae994 No.20182912


puppet whore

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000000 No.20182913


What is kuru?

Kuru is a rare and fatal brain disorder that occurred at epidemic levels from the 1950s to 1960s among the Fore people in the highlands of New Guinea.The disease was the result of the practice of ritualistic cannibalism among the Fore, in which relatives prepared and consumed the tissues (including brain) of deceased family members. Brain tissue from individuals with kuru was highly infectious, and the disease was transmitted either through eating or by contact with open sores or wounds. Kuru is the Fore word for shiver.

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285d21 No.20182914

File: 5fae96da37540b3⋯.jpg (382.37 KB,800x1000,4:5,800px_Bensanter_Copy.jpg)

File: 8595292db60b71b⋯.jpg (262.97 KB,800x868,200:217,800px_Hubert_Lamb_Building….jpg)

"Ben Santer"with University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit

Santer was one of the principal scientific architects of the former global warming(tm) now climate change(tm) fraud scheme launched from the University of East Anglia.

The cult 'science' perpetrators were nearly caught red handed, digitally, but emitted a cloud of noxious specialty terms and statistics, threats and blackmail were permitted to escape.


Santer, Ben, escaped the filthy mold scarred cylindrical building in East Anglia to a job at sunny Lawrence Livermore National Lab, outside San Francisco California.

Santer is therefore a USG employee - while concurrently moonlighting as a very poor editor of once great Scientific American Magazine. Santer is where the fallen magazine's former proud standards of scientific objectivity fell to.

Santer has written a "science" article every month during DJT's first term in office.

Each of those articles, for the entirety of DJTs first term, called the president a fool and a traitor, ridiculed his policy, mocked his statements.

In a recent article Santer accused the president of "ignoring science in a pandemic"


Santer has done much to create and maintain a high level of TDS in the scientific community, as much as any pear bottomed stat hack can be expected to do.

Now, with DJT supposedly gone, Santer has written "an open letter to Joe Biden", which is definitely worth not reading.


Santer is a subject of HM Queen Elizardbreath II in addition to his doubtfully obtained US citizenship.

Santer's four year libeling of the sitting US president has done incalculable damage - influencing the opinions countless people to their very great detriment and the detriment of the US and the world.

Coupled with his principal player's role in the climate change fraud this barrage of lies target the POTUS makes Santer a serpent worth singling out.

Ben Santer is major character, co responsible for the creation of the theoretical framework, and presentation of the evidence for climate fraud and directly concerned with marshalling scientific support for, and suppressing opponents of, the "climate fraud" scam.

Santer will continue to do damage while he remains at large. He belongs in GITMO, for the volume of subversive IO he personally created. Caveat: the undisguised bigotry and blatant nature of Santer's attacks suggest the possibility that We are Watching a Movie.

> former researcher at the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit



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ef17ce No.20182915

ISIS Claims Responsibility For Mass Casualty Suicide Bombings In Iran

Most international reports yesterday said that over 100 were killed, with still others like Fox News citing a high figure of 200 dead from the explosions that ripped through an event marking the four year anniversary since Qasem Soleimani's death in Kerman city in the country's south. On Thursday a revised figure is being widely reported of at least 84 people killed, more than 280 wounded. Despite state sources revising the casualty count downward, it was still among the deadliest single terror attacks in the Islamic Republic's history.

Iranian leaders are vowing swift revenge, with Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi telling state television, "The perpetrators of this terrorist attack will be caught by the powerful hand of our security and intelligence organizations and will receive a strong slap, both perpetrators and supporters."


Former Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israeli Collaboration with ISIS in Syria


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8c49ff No.20182916

File: 056145aaa56f6f4⋯.png (247.47 KB,445x417,445:417,056145aaa56f6f46ab21db6fb6….png)


I'm delusional? That's odd considering you've displayed all the deranged behavior that you've accused me of. It's all projection from that persona. There's 6 months of evidence of it. Better luck next time, little loser. Have you picked a week-end yet?

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76761c No.20182917

File: 63640aa3485c6c4⋯.jpg (175.64 KB,2330x1318,1165:659,USNI_News_Fleet_and_Marine….jpg)

File: c0aa487e3ade0c1⋯.png (202.38 KB,843x724,843:724,USNI_News_Fleet_and_Marine….png)

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000000 No.20182918


Welcome newfag!

Notable 3 days ago.

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558953 No.20182919


1/4 speed got some fuzzy edges. Seems interesting

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9edb74 No.20182920

File: 8cc528a6808318f⋯.jpeg (62.98 KB,600x454,300:227,8080CC0E_4E07_4F6A_A9F2_5….jpeg)


Bruce wishes it was kuru.

Fucking KEK!!!!

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daa06a No.20182921

File: 62ee75dbc757778⋯.jpeg (70.83 KB,780x439,780:439,IMG_4878.jpeg)

I admit. I have become bitter and down right mean to people.

I still believe in working in America and it’s made me a bitter mean old prick.

I’m not sorry it’s just the way it is.

Granted I meditate and study Bridgman for my hobbies.

Nevertheless, get the fuck off my lawn you dumb fucking tik tok teenagers. Oh and to all those who don’t work, you are anti Trump.

Have a nice day Anons. Keep digging.

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e02626 No.20182922

File: 24863f1dd6f60cb⋯.jpg (194.63 KB,1024x751,1024:751,gagasmilesatmonarch.jpg)

File: 8c1b562eb169076⋯.jpeg (9.72 KB,248x204,62:51,gagaspiritcooking.jpeg)


Well, they sure are playing it stealth; as far as anon can figure.

Think of this:

Weren't we told there'd be an order to the take-down?

Big pieces first or big pieces last?

from what I remember it was a Chess analogy

Big pieces taken out last.

King Charles is pretty big piece, right?


MommyLiz (money managed by Epstein) per informant.

Brits, inheritors of the Roman Empire; would-be world rulers.

Chuck Chalie.

Booty fuck for "Mountbatten" since childhood.

Likely uable to get hard for Diana - or cucked by FreeMason with more power?

best friends with Necrophiliac Savile

Seems very unhappy as King.

What else? Remember when Queen was locked out of castle?

Remember when Charles ordered the murder of Diana's second son?

If he's forced to step down, that would be a Big Piece falling?

Or not?

He's just a front man for his alleged (legal) son; who is the shadow King?


HUMA is a big piece.

Maybe she'll "go down" later this month?


yea, it's a Satanist motto; No right or wrong.. Only what you desire.. They call that "freedom"


The people working on this have been "at it" for approx 800 years?

They used force in the past and it doesn't work long term; That's why the mind control and the "loving your servitude" tact.

GAGA is such a big STAR she can smile at the monarch. Ordinaries can't do that;gainst protocol.

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5f36e1 No.20182923


>Pretty convenient Bruce Willis is a vegetable now….


>Or the fact Bill Richardson "died suddenly" a few days ago. Shit is getting real.

Yesterday anon had the tv guide on and every primetime movie which was playing had a bad actor in it. It was spooky. And other bad actors have been getting 86'd as anons stated above. Predictive programming much?

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529cf2 No.20182924

File: 54396aba1715981⋯.png (27.05 KB,677x311,677:311,Capture.PNG)



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000000 No.20182925


2 carriers in the Pacific.

out of the radar.

🔥🗞The Informant


Jan 3

❗🦅🇺🇸 - American nuclear-powered aircraft carriers CVN 71 Theodore Roosevelt and CVN 72 Abraham Lincoln in holiday colors in San Diego.

Jan 3, 2024 · 6:36 AM UTC


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5f36e1 No.20182926



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b8399d No.20182927

File: 314e6b6832ad376⋯.png (871.25 KB,550x933,550:933,Screen_Shot_01_04_24_at_03….PNG)


Emma Barnett


About 700 people attended @NikkiHaley’s town hall last night in Milford, New Hampshire, while some were turned away at the door because of capacity limits according to fire marshals.

https://nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/live-blog/election-2024-live-updates-rcna131517/rcrd29063?canonicalCard=true via


12:39 PM · Jan 4, 2024


"Haley draws another big crowd at town hall event in New Hampshire

Emma Barnett

About 700 people attended Haley’s town hall tonight in Milford, New Hampshire, while some were turned away at the door because of capacity limits.

Haley’s crowds have grown considerably over the past few weeks in New Hampshire, where there's clear momentum for her.

“There is consolidation going on among the public. You can hear it at the dinner tables. Nikki Haley is the talk of the town in New Hampshire,” said Matthew Bartlett, a Republican strategist. “Trump could be on thin ice in New Hampshire, and that is a dangerous place to be in early winter."


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58aba0 No.20182928

File: b1164134cf8d1a7⋯.png (888.86 KB,1080x1313,1080:1313,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump is destroying E. Jean Carroll and showing everyone how much of a pervert she is


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25f8af No.20182929


>Former FBI Director Louis Freeh Is Named in New Batch of Epstein Documents

Louis Freeh was mop up man for UPENN / Sandusky child trafficking ring

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41c5b4 No.20182930


Barking at the moon and tilting at windmills. You really are deranged. Every Anon you argue with gets labeled as about 20 different random personas that all are just in your fucked up head. All your talk about suicide lately surely shows its on your mind. Hope the Anons didn't drive you to madness. Though it seems apparent.

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16d428 No.20182931


well it's a countdown for one..

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e02626 No.20182932

File: 947baed1e10f3f6⋯.jpeg (15.26 KB,300x300,1:1,gagareddress.jpeg)

File: 3d18e131a1c98a1⋯.jpg (154.02 KB,976x854,8:7,gagaoksign.jpg)


Just writing all that up in line with the directive

1. Paint the Picture

2. Connect the dots.

At some point there will be a maga 3d / 4 d map?

One of our directives was to follow the Y-heads; notice who what where and Y, about them.

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f42fb7 No.20182933


moar "died of Covid's" incoming.

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529cf2 No.20182934

File: 96884fcee48116e⋯.png (479.67 KB,997x601,997:601,Capture.PNG)

Police Open Investigation Into Bizarre Death of Clinton Advisor Linked To Jeffrey Epstein


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e650da No.20182935


I do not think she is back in the Middle East. It might be the ex of the Prince who owned part interest in the Hotel in Las Vegas where the shooting happened.

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d2cd96 No.20182936



[1986 law is the cover-up/payout/excuse that stopped further VACCINE liability.

Their lie ability is too good.]

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9edb74 No.20182937

File: e94ec1e6771142e⋯.png (824.54 KB,710x710,1:1,FC768AFD_2FBF_4928_A871_A4….png)


Only three but it’s ok.

The deep state is to blame for the poor math and reading skills of the youth.

You can blame the deep state for your ignorance.

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58aba0 No.20182938

File: 2608151468af888⋯.png (1.99 MB,1074x2277,358:759,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac66b30c3525b83⋯.png (1.54 MB,1084x845,1084:845,ClipboardImage.png)

Like Clockwork - Some Rainbow Faggot Steals away Epstein topic form Headlines

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8c49ff No.20182939

File: 254ef3554abf8df⋯.jpeg (27.96 KB,474x470,237:235,pepe_sip2314.jpeg)


How many attendees were paid to be there? I suspect that the small venue was chosen too so they could claim there was an overflow, just like POTUS Trump's rallies. The desperation is quite delicious.

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58aba0 No.20182940

File: ee0ce9f19e19118⋯.png (431.52 KB,500x333,500:333,ClipboardImage.png)

Clinton-Appointed Judge Dismisses Trump Ballot Disqualification Case 'With Prejudice'

“In California, we defeat candidates at the polls,” he said. “Everything else is a political distraction.”

Other than Judge Carter’s decision this week, several other federal judges have dismissed attempts to block the former president from appearing on ballots. In a ruling issued in late December, U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema wrote that the plaintiffs—two activists—who filed a lawsuit against President Trump in Virginia to keep him on that state’s ballot lacked standing.

“At least five additional federal courts have concluded that citizens attempting to disqualify individuals—including former President Trump—from participating in elections or from holding public office based on the January 6, 2021 attack on the United States Capitol lacked standing,” she wrote in a ruling.

In a statement, the Trump campaign hailed the decision, noting that federal courts in West Virginia, New Hampshire, Florida, Arizona, and Rhode Island along with state courts in Minnesota and Michigan have dismissed similar suits.


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94e566 No.20182941


700 whole people. That is like 2 high schools in the midwest.

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4dca2d No.20182942


BTW, there is a 3 part series that goes along with this story - it is well worth the read.

Makes the connections to the NXIM trafficking story as well.

Goes back to the Chicago Mob.

Definitely read.

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f42fb7 No.20182943


Hey you! Your AFTRA is SAGging.

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9c45f0 No.20182944


>If Biden was on film video raping a child, the left wing nut jobs would still defend these people


the problem in a nutshell

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5cf3ba No.20182945

File: 3f28bd384292880⋯.png (11.96 KB,255x192,85:64,3f565b007753faa4d9f02fadb9….png)

Shitpost forthcoming.

I was thinking about how far the Cabal will go to keep Trump from winning and I know that it is only a matter of time before the do the swticharoo with Biden and likely Michelle Obama. What if instead of using the 25th amendment or some other way they instead choose to make Biden a martyr for the democrats by assassinating him and framing the event as a crazed Trump supporter being the shooter? The media would gaslight the enitre situation and claim that a vote for Trump is a vote supporting the assassination of a US president. Just a thought.

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ef17ce No.20182946

File: 808d47a735d038f⋯.png (22.63 KB,750x217,750:217,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 301a558c98f7e01⋯.png (60.09 KB,635x398,635:398,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk Says Biden is ‘Actively Facilitating Illegal Immigration’

More illegals poured into the United States in December of 2023 than in any month in American history and another massive illegal caravan is on the way.

Elon Musk called out the Biden Regime in a post he made to his X platform, writing that “there is no question that this administration is actively facilitating illegal immigration,” while sharing a graph that showed skyrocketing levels of illegal immigration and rock bottom levels of deportation under Biden.

“The numbers speak for themselves,” Musk wrote in the post, quoting a graph from the Data Hazard account, which itself concluded that “by all available metrics, this administration’s border policy is a disaster.”

According to the numbers put forth by Data Hazard, illegal aliens have heeded Biden’s previous calls to mass at the southern border and illegally invade the United States, with the Border Patrol’s monthly encounters with illegal aliens more than doubling from the Obama and Trump Administrations alike, which averaged 98,000 a month, to a whopping 242,000 a month under Biden.

“In fact, the flood of humans entering is so vast that Apprehensions alone now exceed the combined Encounters metric of the previous administrations,” reported Data Hazard.

“And these averages understate the current situation,” Data Hazard went on. “It’s getting worse every month. December 2023 was the worst single month in history at the southern border.”


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ba7663 No.20182947


Streisand effect

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b8399d No.20182948


Nikki picks some of the best venues. I like to look them up. Her team also sets up the events very nicely.

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b5017d No.20182949

File: ec1dd279e5cbe1d⋯.mp4 (2.34 MB,480x270,16:9,CindyMcCainEpsteinKnew1.mp4)

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58aba0 No.20182950



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000000 No.20182951





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b50097 No.20182952

File: f723af9d11f3a48⋯.png (45.61 KB,150x150,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9857c987b816ac5⋯.png (615.51 KB,922x499,922:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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f3b6f3 No.20182953

*laughs in Morgan Fairchild*


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5c0902 No.20182954

File: 43e773b97284ccc⋯.png (785.53 KB,636x852,53:71,Screenshot.png)

Epstein list reignites suspicion the pedo financier was working for Mossad and blackmailing the elite with help of 'useful idiot' Prince Andrew - after meeting Israeli PM Ehud Barak at least THIRTY SIX times


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ef17ce No.20182955

Whistleblower Docs Expose Key Tactics Of The Censorship Industrial Complex

The structures built to counter online activity of groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS were turned inward against the domestic population.

Documents recently provided by a whistleblower reveal offensive tactics used by government and outside organizations to counter and preempt the spreading of undesirable information, said independent journalist Matt Taibbi.

Mr. Taibbi and journalists Michael Shellenberger and Alex Gutentag recently exposed a new set of documents from the Cyber Threat Intelligence League (CTIL), an “anti-disinformation” group that waged an aggressive information operation on the public.

The new documents, dubbed the “CTI files,” analyzed tactics used against foreign terrorist groups, such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS, that can now be applied domestically to prevent unwanted information from being published, Mr. Taibbi said in an interview for EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders” program.

The CTI files referred to these tactics with the military term “left of boom action” and justified their usage by the danger posed by somebody like former President Donald Trump, the journalist said.

Mr. Taibbi previously investigated and disclosed some of the “Twitter Files” after tech billionaire Elon Musk acquired Twitter in October 2022 and allowed Mr. Taibbi and other designated journalists to query the company’s internal files.

The Twitter Files show how Twitter, a major social media platform for political speech, had been intertwined with the censorship industrial complex to suppress or remove under government pressure content on various subjects, including irregularities in the 2020 elections, mail-in voting issues, and various aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The government censorship apparatus partnering with academia, nongovernmental organizations, and private research institutions is often called the “censorship industrial complex.”Preemptive TacticsCTIL was supposed to be a volunteer organization with a goal to identify misinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic, Mr. Taibbi said, but “in reality, you got under the hood—they were interested in basically any topic.”

CTIL described on its website its main goals, which included protecting the medical sector and life-saving organizations worldwide from cyberattacks and cyber threats—mainly related to the COVID-19 pandemic—and making them resilient to disinformation.

While the Twitter Files revealed that Twitter used defensive tactics to control the information posted on its platform, such as censorship and de-amplification, the CTI files show the organization resorted to offensive tactics like burner phones, creating sock puppet accounts, and infiltrating groups, Mr. Taibbi said.


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e3be38 No.20182956

File: 037af4ea5ba92de⋯.png (729.96 KB,787x443,787:443,85993b601df40dd0c372a45998….png)

File: 0d2ff4d322fe7f3⋯.jpg (124.57 KB,600x688,75:86,0d2ff4d322fe7f369b02bc33f2….jpg)


>That's because the perps use them to hide behind.

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529cf2 No.20182957

I believe that something really big happened on 8/11. I think that TWO DECADES of blackmail videos were dug up on 8/11/19…The day after Epstein "died" and the day before the FBI was on the island. The FBI didn't go out to the island until Monday 8/12. Donald Trump now has control of the blackmail library and he's going to screw them good.

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b8399d No.20182958


The crowds are getting bigger and bigger! :)

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94e566 No.20182959


I hope at the end of every shift you contemplate your own existence and then one day you just fucking end it.

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000000 No.20182960


Only not circumcised people can see this.


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58aba0 No.20182961

File: b5905c69b7e80ca⋯.png (3.94 MB,1862x1320,931:660,ClipboardImage.png)




>>If Biden was on film video raping a child, the left wing nut jobs would still defend these people




>the problem in a nutshell

Family Tradition

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8c49ff No.20182962


Whatever, NikkiShill, whom is just another paid posting shill persona of the MuhGuhGaytriot, which boils down to just another Absolute Retard from The Den of Absolute Retards Discord channel that had access to the ban hammer from May. 2021 until Jan. of 2022.

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5a59aa No.20182963


Sins of commission, Sins of Omission

Even if they didn't get filmed fucking children, they probably ate the banquet and knew what was going on with this scumbag. Those already having public illness diagnoses' will die soon. The others even if not indicted have become pariahs.

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25f8af No.20182964

File: be38a40e47dd677⋯.jpeg (399.4 KB,1600x899,1600:899,GC93vo3XcAArZD0.jpeg)

File: fc1ca24c4fb9d38⋯.jpeg (332.26 KB,1600x820,80:41,GC93uasXAAAXo9G.jpeg)

File: 2d4fe0194d38efe⋯.jpeg (270.38 KB,1600x899,1600:899,GC93tMhWkAAFs7V.jpeg)

File: 499043611645269⋯.jpeg (347.91 KB,1600x899,1600:899,GC93r_EWsAAs_Qp.jpeg)


can we get some facial recognition action on her "rallies" ? bet she's bussing the same people to different stops for bodies. She listed 5 stops yesterday and showed 4 different angles of 1 stop, which was presumbly the largest

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bfdaa3 No.20182965

File: a8c75221d570bc4⋯.png (309.5 KB,1588x1656,397:414,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3558f36917d2d0d⋯.png (1.28 MB,1158x1280,579:640,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85f3bc5deecf5fd⋯.png (433.17 KB,1384x1748,346:437,ClipboardImage.png)

Hey Greenwich Republicans!

You better make sure you get all of your ducks in a row for the upcoming Republican Town Committee (RTC) caucuses on January 9th.

Because a pair of ladies more commonly known as "The Voting Moms" just sent out an email signaling that they are trying to take over the RTC.

The main problem with that, of course, is that The Voting Moms is a front organization for DEMOCRATS and some disgruntled RINOs, including the former RTC chair, Dan Quigley, who lost not just his chairmanship but also his own seat on the RTC in 2022 after a primary, and James Waters, the perennial "tick" on the elephant's back, whose mother's left-leaning organization, The Greenwich League of Women Voters, has also taken a sudden interest in the RTC caucuses.

The Moms, Jenna Lowe and Emily Goodman, two New York City covid refugees who moved to Greenwich in 2020 and 2022 respectively, are gunning hard for the group of energetic, motivated Republicans who took out a majority of the old guard network of uniparty Republicans in the 2022 RTC caucuses—a win that sent shockwaves throughout the town and state.

A group of Republicans that The Voting Moms thinks are a bunch of "MAGA extremists" simply because they care about protecting parental rights and stopping globalists from taking over Greenwich, for instance.

But who are the Moms anyway?


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476dea No.20182966


Santa Claus post, muh joos! muh israelis!

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58aba0 No.20182967


>Elon Musk Says Biden is ‘Actively Facilitating Illegal Immigration’


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4dca2d No.20182968


Part 3


Part 1


Part 2


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432d42 No.20182969

Issue: January 3, 2024

DHS Has Been Funding Programs at Universities To Label the “Manosphere” Movement a Terror Threat

Following the money.

If you're tired of censorship and dystopian threats against civil liberties, subscribe to Reclaim The Net.

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) continues to team up (by means of funding) with universities around the country,this time in a bid to stomp out the “Manosphere.”

In keeping with the formal purpose and tasks of the DHS, the idea is to treat the “Manosphere,” positioned as an anti-feminist effort, as a terrorist threat.

Regardless of somebody’s stance pro or against modern variations on feminism, some observers are wondering if opposing this social and ideological phenomenon can in fact fit within any definition of – terrorism.

Some explain this opposition as simply a negative yet lawful reaction to the so-called “third wave” feminism already being bankrolled by some of the largest foundations out there, and then using this money and exposure in the media to promote and even impose “wokeism” in pretty much the only way “wokeism” works – the oppressive one.

Those who feel oppressed here, the “Manosphere,” consist of figures from social media and political discourse, generally speaking, arguing in favor of “men’s rights.”

What’s noteworthy is that reports say the government, via DHS, has now apparently picked its side in this ongoing social and cultural to-and-fro between the two groups.

And now,Arizona State University (ASU) is shown to have forged (monetary) links with DHS thanksto documents that have become public. As reported by Zero Hedge, specifically, the school’s McCain Institute is involved here, which in turn has ties with Big Tech and like-minded NGOs – such as ADL and SPLC.

It doesn’t help matters that the stated goals in the now-revealed documents’ goals is to promote “hate speech surveillance” – nor does indeed, “redirecting traffic” from both websites and social networks as a means to do it, apparently a method to be used under the grant.

However, this isn’t the first DHS foray into spending money and teaming up with US universities to work against a number of issues that appear closer to its tasks, namely, actual terrorism, but also probing the activities of those who express patriotic political sentiment, and even preppers.

As for the money given to ASU, it is part ofTVPT (Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention) scheme which, according to DHS itself,last year went to 34 recipients, and was worth $20 million.

(It wasn’t enough to destroy the military!!!)

Link to document listed above:



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58aba0 No.20182970




>Part 1 Part 2 Part 3


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5a59aa No.20182971


The Ashley Diary should be mandatory reading; The stripper raised child is Natalie's baby from Joe.

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b50097 No.20182972

File: 0da6236109607c8⋯.png (263.12 KB,620x372,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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432d42 No.20182973


McCain dead ghost rises again to destroy America

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529cf2 No.20182974

File: 424708777484117⋯.gif (771.09 KB,498x201,166:67,42470877748411793d17938795….gif)

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74798d No.20182975


Sandusky was Penn St, not UPENN

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58aba0 No.20182976

File: d3ae6288c2d65b2⋯.png (2.25 MB,1284x2193,428:731,ClipboardImage.png)

Nikki Haley is the Democrat’s Trojan Horse. Her supporters are even colluding with Democrats to keep Trump off ballots.

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8c49ff No.20182977

File: e8fa2b1621a8ba9⋯.png (382.78 KB,533x521,533:521,0a3dacd220442c85e4c4fbdaab….png)

I am honestly starting to think that if the Absolute Retards weren't allowed to run things in that time frame then Anons wouldn't have been ready for the bullshit they're trying at this time, because it's almost an exact re-run of the tactics they're using now and what they used then, same arguments, same talking points. Walking through the dark to get to the light sort of thing.

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6d8b08 No.20182978

File: 604b7ef04c33105⋯.jpg (144.58 KB,425x496,425:496,604b7ef04c33105cb4398da201….jpg)



>If Biden was on film video raping a child, the left wing nut jobs would still defend these people

While we've had to concede some ground I think at this point the main goal isn't to put his defenders against him.

We've lost that due to the years MSM and wokeness have warmed people up to trans/minor attracted people/whatever else.

The vibe I'm getting is that this stuff is released now so that when the mass arrests occur, they will at least know WHY it is happening, and that there was a legal process in revealing who did it.

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b8399d No.20182979


Actually, she posted all day as did I all her stops. That last tweet she just mentioned all her stops for yesterday and posted 4 pics from Milford that ended the night.

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ba7663 No.20182980

Called it

That- child- told -me -she -was -a-midget defense fund


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e3be38 No.20182981

File: f3c923bb886a5bc⋯.png (492.73 KB,783x800,783:800,f3c923bb886a5bcbe8331bf83a….png)


>give the appearance of a dig, but is just misinformation

That's a specialty of you Jews!

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c67627 No.20182982


>7.8M was related to Schiff

Sauce that shit.

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cd55b8 No.20182983

Q, Do you know how much Stephen Hawking knew about Dwarfs?

A, Very little.

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e02626 No.20182984

File: a2ebcaedb877526⋯.png (38.02 KB,1200x319,1200:319,castlelock1333.png)

File: 8598e7d6b4376fa⋯.jpg (91.76 KB,634x430,317:215,charliecuck.jpg)

File: 1b28eb5cddc5f39⋯.jpg (36.68 KB,483x320,483:320,charlesandjuncarlos.jpg)

File: 8414bcbd0132947⋯.jpg (92.96 KB,822x579,274:193,dianacarlos.jpg)

File: 0dba533dd157a44⋯.jpg (100.55 KB,634x415,634:415,dianajuancarlosspain5.jpg)

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e3be38 No.20182985

File: bce85b9dad54784⋯.mp4 (355.73 KB,302x226,151:113,bce85b9dad54784416d4d6aad4….mp4)


Who it really is!

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63e489 No.20182986

California masking up again

>>20182523 (PB)


I have Asthma. I did not wear a mask last time around. I will not comply this time either.

People exempted from the state’s indoor mask requirement include those younger than 2; people with medical or mental health conditions that prevents wearing a mask, including those for whom wearing a mask could obstruct breathing or who are unconscious; and people who are hearing impaired or are communicating with someone hearing impaired, where the ability to see the mouth is needed to communicate.

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b50097 No.20182987

File: 07d7f2bff6044d6⋯.jpg (80.84 KB,665x499,665:499,let_that_sink_in.jpg)

There's no vaccine for "The Suddenly". Just let that sink in for a moment.

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58aba0 No.20182988

File: 0f953d6d86f7d3c⋯.png (679.51 KB,800x579,800:579,ClipboardImage.png)



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8c49ff No.20182989

File: f4aec96947bca9c⋯.png (25.03 KB,485x250,97:50,ClipboardImage.png)


You're a fucking retard.

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a478f5 No.20182990

File: 5072b1ae5bc9a04⋯.jpeg (147.39 KB,1024x1024,1:1,5072b1ae5bc9a04e2f4192928….jpeg)

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76761c No.20182991

File: 6ce5b672853887c⋯.jpg (43.15 KB,500x519,500:519,ghost_of_rinos_past.jpg)

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432d42 No.20182992


More destruction by DHS

==FY2023 TVTP Grant Program

On September 6, 2023, DHS announced the award of 34 grants==, totaling $20 million, under the TVTP Grant Program for Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23). The TVTP Grant Program provides financial assistance to eligible applicants to develop sustainable, multidisciplinary targeted violence and terrorism prevention capabilities in local communities, to pilot innovative prevention approaches, and to identify prevention best practices that can be replicated in communities across the country.  

This program, administered by CP3 and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is the only federal grant program solely dedicated to helping local communities develop and strengthen their capabilities in this area.  

The FY23 TVTP Grant Program has the following priorities:

Implementing Prevention Capabilities in Small and Mid-Sized Communities;

Advancing Equity in Awards and Engaging Underserved Communities in Prevention; 

Addressing Online Aspects of Targeted Violence and Terrorism;

Preventing Domestic Violent Extremism; and 

Enhancing Local Threat Assessment and Management Capabilities.

FY23 TVTP Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) 

Fact Sheets

Please find abstracts of FY23 awardees here.


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285d21 No.20182993

File: b567e2934bcd76f⋯.png (267.92 KB,1311x560,1311:560,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20182929 <<<<

The Freeh Report


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ae3ef5 No.20182994



Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No.147586045

Nov 2 2017 00:48:52 (EST)

Four carriers & escorts in the pacific?

Why is that relevant?

To prevent other state actors from attempting to harm us during this transition? Russia / China?

Or conversely all for NK? Or all three.

Think logically about the timing of everything happening.

Note increased military movement.

Note NG deployments starting tomorrow.

Note false flags.

Follow Huma.

Prepare messages of reassurance based on what was dropped here to spread on different platforms.

The calm before the storm.

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5f36e1 No.20182995


Thanks for the reply anon, digesting your post now. Appreciate the info supplied and posited as questions. Time to dig.

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9edb74 No.20182996

File: e8d41c0a0049f07⋯.jpeg (70.25 KB,909x711,101:79,6DCCF82B_2682_4008_BA25_8….jpeg)


Ok genius- list the four carrier strike groups in the pacific and I will apologize.

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b50097 No.20182997


Stephen Hawking - batteries were included.

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58aba0 No.20182998

File: a429c090ff0de20⋯.png (674.25 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

It’s not just Trump: Democrats are moving to bar Republicans from ballots nationwide

It’s only the latest effort targeting congressional candidates as Democrats seek to bar opponents as “insurrectionists” for questioning the election of President Biden.


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0047c8 No.20182999

File: 647dd2be51aeac9⋯.png (689.74 KB,1600x900,16:9,elon_musk_go_fuck_yourself….png)


Who the fuck do you think you are changing my notables? You're a know-it-all cunt.


>>20180398 Massage is a code word

>>20180398 Massage is a code word for Epstein

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f42fb7 No.20183000


Yet, after much experience he became a genius on them.

A mental giant even.

nice one. kek

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9c45f0 No.20183001


>attempting to derive power in the way that they do

THANK YOU for the overt admission of guilt

it will NOT in any way mitigate the punishment you will receive

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b5aa0d No.20183002

File: f745251f4e3fc86⋯.jpg (737.85 KB,3000x1688,375:211,20vid_gaga_clip_sub_videoS….jpg)

File: 935b806354f89c3⋯.jpg (97.29 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)

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285d21 No.20183003

File: 560de4505c74c35⋯.png (219.33 KB,720x405,16:9,560de4505c74c35b7f25c8d2c0….png)

File: ae1e73580b35727⋯.jpg (78.88 KB,1024x663,1024:663,1024px_1907_Cremation_of_C….jpg)

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3b19b1 No.20183004


Now do DOJ

they hand out millions for "Youth Gang Prevention" and such

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6e5901 No.20183005


Would a Coalition Government be Possible in the United States?

The Tea Party has more leverage by being a vocal branch of the Republican Party and holding their leadership to task for ignoring minority groups such as the House Freedom Caucus.


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f42fb7 No.20183006

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161258 No.20183007

File: 1652837ffbd2077⋯.png (57.22 KB,350x385,10:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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ba7663 No.20183008

File: 476f0a0ec8193b5⋯.jpg (49.02 KB,465x462,155:154,8b8hb.jpg)


cheney with you heart transplants …🎶

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3b19b1 No.20183009


Korean Peninsula and Taiwan in play

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f21278 No.20183010

File: 64449603be1bf5a⋯.jpg (76.31 KB,500x625,4:5,84note.jpg)

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e3be38 No.20183012

File: 454a33087ce5d13⋯.png (862.62 KB,902x506,41:23,gdsfvbg.png)

File: 0a77d6330d82991⋯.png (1019.44 KB,573x725,573:725,jewisch_math.png)

File: c00562c3e1c3a9d⋯.png (458.23 KB,576x680,72:85,holohoax3.png)

File: 80e6a3e38d820db⋯.png (719.03 KB,655x516,655:516,hoaxin.png)


>The deep state is to blame for the poor math and reading skills of the youth.

>You can blame the deep state for your ignorance.

Misdirection! The DS are the Yids inferior gatekeeping fuckwit!

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1a1402 No.20183013

File: 5d6e4accd99c6c6⋯.png (730.42 KB,679x455,97:65,ClipboardImage.png)

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8c49ff No.20183014


> my notables?

Get over yourself. They're not yours. Drop the ego and narcissism, faggot.

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ba7663 No.20183015

Clooney's wife


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b8399d No.20183016

File: d15e25a1e623f7c⋯.png (798.93 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57cfec2628b7660⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB,720x960,3:4,nikkihaley108.mp4)


Londonderry, NH yesterday was another big crowd

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3b19b1 No.20183017


tranny, regardless

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4dca2d No.20183018

File: c0d02db92a88426⋯.png (216.62 KB,447x391,447:391,ClipboardImage.png)

Sharpton going after Bill Ackman

Simon Ateba


BREAKING - NO JUSTICE NO PEACE: Controversial African American activist, Reverend Al Sharpton (


) storms the office of Jewish investor Bill Ackman over what he described as "his assault on DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion")

On Wednesday, Sharpton wrote, "Protest comes in wake of targeted, relentless campaign against former Harvard University President Claudine Gay."

Ackman, who is Jewish and married to an Israeli, is the CEO of Pershing Square Capital Management, a hedge fund management company.

NOTE: Outrage is mounting in the black community, after what they perceive as an unfair attack against Gay following her stand that pro-Palestinian or anti-Israeli protests are protected by the First Amendment in the United States of America.

Her testimony in Congress led to calls for her to be fired over alleged failure to take a stand against anti-semitism. These calls were followed by accusations of plagiarism and her eventual resignation. She was not the only one who resigned, Liz Magill, who is white, also resigned as the University of Pennsylvania’s president amid pressure from donors and criticism over alleged antisemitism.


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76761c No.20183019

File: ae20b5da7b1ee33⋯.jpg (251.38 KB,744x495,248:165,paul_pelosi_039.jpg)

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e7e07d No.20183020


Gov Abbott should backcharge Mayor Eric Adams for the cost to Texas for bussing all of Adam's illegal migrants to the NYC/Sanctuary City..

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4dca2d No.20183021

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ae5ea0 No.20183022

File: c21c44a1160bd2f⋯.png (2.48 MB,1240x1197,1240:1197,huma.PNG)

Where's HUMA Laptop now

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f42fb7 No.20183023

File: 6d3749202c8c0f0⋯.png (1.27 MB,1275x845,255:169,Screenshot_2024_01_04_1417….png)


Knew this was coming but high fives anyway.

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0047c8 No.20183024

File: 94a997842e3f81b⋯.png (253.4 KB,606x341,606:341,94a997842e3f81b0d352b0b9b6….png)

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d42bcc No.20183025


See. You QTARDS are starting to get it

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8c49ff No.20183026

File: 3d97e4644e52e5a⋯.gif (698.3 KB,256x209,256:209,popcorn03d4c5356038a6dc1b3….gif)

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79dc0b No.20183027


crowley's grandkid (or test tube kid)?

u betcha

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76761c No.20183028

Three Chinese balloons float near Taiwanese airbase

Also: Remember that balloon over the US last February? It might have used a US internet provider

Thu 4 Jan 2024


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c4a448 No.20183029


I just told them I was allergic to stupid shit and to stay back so they are not contagious

And said it fast enough to leave them standing their with a blank look as I walk away

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25f8af No.20183030

File: 3a09629abfec4e3⋯.jpg (244.74 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,michaelCrowClown.jpg)

File: 284e6465b0c6394⋯.png (335.88 KB,1164x517,1164:517,michaelCrowArizonaState.png)

File: 9e056e9ede98a04⋯.png (131.76 KB,1366x768,683:384,michaelCrowInqtel.png)

File: 6fd4a13ff3151f7⋯.jpg (1019.8 KB,4701x3134,3:2,asuSundevils.jpg)


>And now,Arizona State University (ASU) is shown to have forged (monetary) links with DHS thanks

Clowns In Action

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0047c8 No.20183031

File: e7d949779edd6f5⋯.jpg (6.02 KB,240x240,1:1,e7d949779edd6f51284980fb41….jpg)



Confirm Handoff

Baker Self Confirms

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79dc0b No.20183032


cernovich is always deflecting from (((them)))

more, like: epstein was an asset of fbi assets of mossad

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5c0902 No.20183033

File: 02230e1b71bde5a⋯.png (1.08 MB,1136x2978,568:1489,2647.png)

Tomorrow delta.

Q post 2647 Jan 05th

Trump has a rally tomorrow, let's see what happens…

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ba7663 No.20183034


Interesting that Bruce willis has a convenient case of brain rot

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c4a448 No.20183035



Before grammar kitty gets me

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58aba0 No.20183036

File: 470b28198abb047⋯.png (5.39 MB,2818x2445,2818:2445,ClipboardImage.png)




True story.

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d42bcc No.20183037


Drumpf can’t say this

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000000 No.20183038

U.S. Naval Institute


Jan 3

Carrier USS Carl Vinson Sails with Philippine Navy in South China Sea - USNI News


Jan 3, 2024 · 4:44 PM UTC




>Mess with the best, die like the rest.

Roosevelt and Lincoln in San Diego.

Reagan in Japan

Vinson in South china Sea

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b12a56 No.20183039

File: 7ee797c41828b65⋯.png (38.77 KB,766x540,383:270,230.png)

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432d42 No.20183040


For some reason Newsom opposed taking him off the ballot. Its some kind of ploy to make him look more honest, but they cheat in every election so they’ll do it again. Taking him off the ballot takes away the glee they get by cheating. Nothing good comes from CA

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ef17ce No.20183041

US Drone Strike Kills Iraqi Militia Leader in Baghdad

The Iraqi government condemned the strike as a violation of sovereignty and as 'no different from a terrorist act'

A US drone strike in Baghdad killed a senior militia leader, marking another significant escalation that could lead to a full-blown regional war.

The strike killed Mushtaq Talib al-Saidi, a deputy commander of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) operations in Baghdad. The PMF is a coalition of mostly Shia Iraqi militias that are part of the government’s security forces.

At least one other militia member was killed in the strike, which targeted a PMF base in Baghdad. The Pentagon has not officially taken credit for the bombing, but US officials speaking anonymously to the media confirmed it was a US operation.

The US officials are claiming the people they targeted were believed to be responsible for attacks on US bases in Iraq and Syria that started in October in response to US support for Israel’s onslaught in Gaza. But the US officials have provided no evidence for the assertion.

The drone strike has enraged the Iraqi government, which condemned it as a “flagrant violation of the sovereignty and security of Iraq” and said it was “no different from a terrorist act.”

The US has launched several rounds of airstrikes in Iraq since October, all of which have been strongly condemned by the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, the US’s supposed partner in the country.

Al-Sudani’s government has also condemned the attacks on US bases in Iraq but wants to work to find the perpetrators and strongly opposes the unilateral US airstrikes and extra-judicial killings.

Al-Sudani said last week that his government was “heading towards” ending the presence of foreign forces in Iraq, which includes 2,500 US troops. Iraq’s parliament voted to expel US troops back in 2020 following the US drone strike that killed Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani and PMF leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, but the US has refused to leave.


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8c49ff No.20183042

File: a13a8d622b5814b⋯.jpeg (144.56 KB,1102x755,1102:755,6G25wceOJCxA.jpeg)

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b12a56 No.20183043

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c26193 No.20183044


Drain the swamp. Vote Halley. Not just talk but action

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ef17ce No.20183045

File: 397b7d9b349b64c⋯.png (687.39 KB,633x600,211:200,ClipboardImage.png)

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58aba0 No.20183046

File: 358b3aaa61d3ea5⋯.png (1.33 MB,941x1679,941:1679,ClipboardImage.png)


>Drumpf can’t say this

SHUT THE FUCK UP Ms. Snorlax Shill

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6d8b08 No.20183047

File: d193bacc8f93abc⋯.png (218.56 KB,280x382,140:191,d193bacc8f93abcfa363eb5079….png)



>Interesting that Bruce willis has a convenient case of brain rot


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f42fb7 No.20183048


at least [they] figured out not to use three name titles for their assets. it's a dead giveaway.

*pun unintended

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35ea8a No.20183049


Drumpf is toast

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be03e6 No.20183050

File: 987f8aa13b2282c⋯.jpg (120.95 KB,1004x750,502:375,987f8aa13b2282c28265853b48….jpg)


>Who the fuck do you think you are changing my notables?

Bakers can chose to use others' notables or not. If you provide notes, that's a very nice contribution and probably appreciated by all, but when baking, the baker is putting their anonymous name on the post and they want it the way they want it. I don't think Bakers should have to use any and all notes as written by others. Maybe you could bake.

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432d42 No.20183051


700 is not a large crowd they write this shit for propaganda for the gullible

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79dc0b No.20183052

File: 87dff6593578aa5⋯.png (482.31 KB,875x543,875:543,freeh_sloth.png)


that fucking guy needs hanged

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15189d No.20183053

File: 96acd57aee25540⋯.png (73.84 KB,781x280,781:280,boltin.png)






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acd464 No.20183054

File: 2b9c94c790b550a⋯.jpeg (1.44 MB,4055x2703,4055:2703,3A432523_21DC_40ED_BD56_8….jpeg)

>>20183016 This is a big crowd.

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8c49ff No.20183055


Yeah, Hilary had a 98% chance of winning. How did that work out last time?

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3864e5 No.20183056

File: 177e93b39024c9e⋯.png (17.66 KB,452x215,452:215,ClipboardImage.png)





Who owns the surrounding islands [close proximity]?

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bc8cae No.20183057

File: df11b5f181da33e⋯.png (2.19 MB,1172x3038,586:1519,df11b5f181da33e96cd181b1a1….png)

File: a59c5e5928006db⋯.png (65.25 KB,651x238,93:34,janedoe107.png)

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6e5901 No.20183058



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8c49ff No.20183059


Biden's brother owns a chunk of an island right beside Epstein's former one. Isn't Richard Branson in the neighborhood in that area too?

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4834fc No.20183060

Everybody is talking about the Deepstate or the Great Society or Illuminati or whatever and for good reasons! Some of their names are known, history reveals great aspects about their existence and their secret work to destroy humanity.

But who are the guys, fighting them all the way back? I never heard of their names or their plans to stop them. (I mean those in the real background) They are the real Secret Society. Always there, in the shadows and now full blown in the open due to Q.

That is a fucking unreal shit here you all and a "simply not to describe time to be alive" situation.

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15189d No.20183061


STFU Hillary

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6d8b08 No.20183062

File: f9db6a714f84a76⋯.jpg (30.24 KB,960x960,1:1,f9db6a714f84a761f20f5db4eb….jpg)


The polls are fake, or the people of new hampshire are fucking retarded. It should be nowhere near this close.

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58aba0 No.20183063

File: 2d44782b6555569⋯.png (1.09 MB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Drumpf is toast


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ed6662 No.20183064

File: e2df5f764ef5700⋯.png (4.27 MB,2160x1620,4:3,1F32AA29_8626_4C32_BB69_AD….png)

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5bb23a No.20183065


This is what a QANON shill looks like

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3a8564 No.20183066

File: ca47036036b8e7a⋯.jpg (92.04 KB,640x426,320:213,IMAGE_2024_01_04_13_25_43.jpg)

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25f8af No.20183067

File: 1694a8d9a1674a6⋯.png (142.13 KB,1231x998,1231:998,Screenshot_2024_01_04_at_1….png)

File: 2b0c7c489ad9bf5⋯.png (105.52 KB,1354x768,677:384,Screenshot_2024_01_04_at_1….png)


>DHS Has Been Funding Programs at Universities To Label the “Manosphere” Movement a Terror Threat

Wonder What DHS is hiding?

they removed the 2020 and 2021 grants from their website?

>Archived 3 months ago. includes 2020 and 2021


<Current. 2020 and 2021 gone


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b12a56 No.20183068



weird how is appears obligatory to be white. neber no black people in the auditorium. tiny bit suspicious

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e3be38 No.20183069

File: b308008cc6ada27⋯.mp4 (9.17 MB,854x480,427:240,We_Took_Them_Down.mp4)


>But who are the guys, fighting them all the way back?

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58aba0 No.20183070



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08ae27 No.20183071


You don't Q. And it shows. Sauce means source. Give me the source that proves your allegation of "7.8M was related to Schiff." A Q post with the words 7.8 mm and Adam Shit in the same post is not a source and in fact a Q post is never, EVER proof of anything.

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ef17ce No.20183072

Epstein Docs: Jeffrey Epstein Trafficked Women to at least one *Foreign President*

With the release of the unsealed Epstein documents from yesterday, quite a bit has been revealed already regarding many mainstream figures within the United States, including former President Bill Clinton, who, according to the deposition, Epstein said “likes them young, referring to girls”.

Prince Andrew, who settled a lawsuit in 2022 with Epstein-victim Virginia Giuffre, was also referred to in the depositions and alleged to have groped a 17-year old girl.

More and more is being discovered through crowd-sourced investigations into the trove of documents unsealed.

But perhaps even more shocking than the Bill Clinton revelations, which has been speculated by “conspiracy theorists” for years now, was a discovery in Document 38, published by Just The News and discovered by Badlands Media‘s Jon Herold:

The admission came during a May 3rd, 2016 deposition under oath. Giuffre was next asked, almost in reverse order, “have you met any foreign presidents” to which she responded “Yes.” When asked, “who are the foreign presidents that you have met?” Giuffre responded that she “honestly can’t remember his name at this time” and that she’s a “very visual person.”

She went on to describe him as Spanish, tall, dark hair and with “a foreign tongue, accent.” She said he was “in his 40s” and that she believed they met in New Mexico. Giuffre, 40, met Ghislaine Maxwell in 2000 when she was 17. Giuffre says by 2003, Epstein had lost interest in her, according to the BBC. It is not clear if the man she was “lent out to” was a current foreign president or former.

When asked if that is the only foreign president she’s met, Giuffree responded:

“I’ve met a lot of very high, powerful people and I wasn’t just introduced to them as who they were. It’s only going back through photos in time to be able to realize who they are and what they are now. So it’s hard for me to distinguish who I’ve actually met and when and where I’ve met them.”

She then said she believes she’s only met one foreign president to her knowledge, at this time but that she could possibly identify others that she’s been lent out to so “who’s to say there’s not more.”

Epstein’s influence may have gone farther than originally though! As Dan Bongino said, ‘information’ is an invaluable asset:


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f42fb7 No.20183073


When Bible prophecy catches on then we'll know the awakening is sure.

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08d929 No.20183074


Drumpf is panicked

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8c49ff No.20183075

File: e4842520c8c93b7⋯.png (585.38 KB,734x524,367:262,1a05d7473d2441718ad78f4547….png)

>>20183059 (me; edit: addendum)

Yes, Branson is in the island neighborhood. Necker Island he calls it. Epstein was in the US Virgin Isles, while Branson's is in the British Virgin Isles. I wasn't aware that the US and the Brits share that territory.

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be03e6 No.20183076

File: 7739f47315b1205⋯.jpg (54.96 KB,600x335,120:67,tyb.jpg)

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c319bc No.20183077

So do we have the 411 on the shooter this morning?

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94e566 No.20183078


or that the programming is still in effect.

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58aba0 No.20183079

File: 9d268fb74b666de⋯.png (828.46 KB,768x421,768:421,ClipboardImage.png)

Facebook Admits Tracking Every Website Its Users Visit

Big Tech giant Meta's Facebook has admitted that the social media platform has been tracking the links of every single website that its users have visited.


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b5017d No.20183080

File: 1beb99f592b13b4⋯.png (411.66 KB,595x622,595:622,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 238c72418c7c758⋯.png (299.3 KB,333x460,333:460,ClipboardImage.png)


Shooter posted an image of an "Amiibo Card"

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0047c8 No.20183081



>>20182653 Huma Abedin trends on X after Epstein dump, and it’s some pretty weird stuff!

>>20182656 What They're NOT Telling You About Epstein 11:18

>>20182703 Suicide Weekend, Q Post

>>20182831, >>20182724 This Throwback Thursday, we recognize C Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, AKA “Suicide Charley”

>>20182707, >>20182731, >>20182746 Sarah Kellen, Ghislaine's right hand woman pleaded the fifth

>>20182766 Epstein list reignites suspicion the pedo financier was working for Mossad

so far

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529cf2 No.20183082

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ba7663 No.20183083

New Hampshire

==one of those primaries where the

GOP let the DEMS vote the GOPcandidate Dems want==

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476dea No.20183084



There are no websites.

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7e0451 No.20183085

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0047c8 No.20183086

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f42fb7 No.20183087


Only in the name and blood of Jesus.

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08ae27 No.20183088

File: 18d8107d7e6cfdf⋯.png (351.83 KB,2289x1526,3:2,harse.png)

>>20183071 (me)

>>20182861 (me)

So weird whenever I challenge the board dictators I get a new ID.

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432d42 No.20183089


Bullshit, they are doing a Hillary binge

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ef17ce No.20183090

Multiple State Capitols Evacuated After Receiving Bomb Threats

At least six state capitol buildings across the country were evacuated after receiving bomb threats Wednesday morning.

State capitol buildings in Connecticut, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, and Montana all reported bomb threats, prompting investigations by state police and local authorities. Each of the threats appeared to be a hoax email sent to numerous government employees claiming explosives had been placed in the capitol buildings.

“While everyone is safe, KSP has asked everyone to evacuate the state Capitol and is investigating a threat received by the Secretary of State’s Office,” Kentucky Democratic Governor Andy Beshear wrote in a post on X. “We are aware of similar threats made to other offices across the country.”

A spokesman for Kentucky Secretary of State Michael Adams said that the threat was sent to multiple secretaries of state across the country as a “mass email,” the Lexington Herald-Leader reported. Adams’ office added that the email claimed bombs had been placed in state capitols.

The Michigan State Capitol posted on X that the building would be closed for the remainder of Wednesday as authorities continued investigating.

“Out of an abundance of caution, the Capitol will remain closed for the rest of the day,” Michigan State Police spokeswoman Lori Dougovito said, according to The Detroit News.

Michigan House Republican Floor Leader Bryan Posthumus said in a statement to The Daily Wire that he and his team were in his office “when security informed us of the threat and evacuated us quickly and professionally.”

“So far there’s no cause for greater alarm as we turn the building over for law enforcement to sweep,” Posthumus added. “This is unfortunately a reality for our modern world but I applaud the quick and effective work of the first responders and capitol security.”

Capitol buildings in Connecticut, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Montana all reopened after authorities investigated the threats and gave the all-clear. No state or local authorities have reported observing any suspicious activity or finding any suspicious objects on capitol grounds.


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58aba0 No.20183091

File: 06ce86b35978d3c⋯.png (338.78 KB,639x808,639:808,ClipboardImage.png)

More evidence that Ghislaine Maxwell was indeed u/MaxwellHill on Reddit:


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ff00d9 No.20183092


not surprised since it seemed super secret from this morning sheriff stumbling over his words. TY anon

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b9f38c No.20183093

File: 094c069561a82e8⋯.jpeg (155.89 KB,1125x652,1125:652,IMG_9265.jpeg)

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b12a56 No.20183094

File: 20b26b63401056a⋯.jpg (555.15 KB,2014x1063,2014:1063,20b26b63401056ad86f44f393b….jpg)

File: f030cae6411fdd1⋯.png (1.54 MB,776x1084,194:271,f030cae6411fdd1c50493336e2….png)

File: 60d5070574af043⋯.png (648.53 KB,554x600,277:300,60d5070574af043bf5b3d7530c….png)

File: 934b2e40315ce2b⋯.jpg (170.38 KB,774x1024,387:512,934b2e40315ce2b29416c7c804….jpg)

File: a30e44715651aa8⋯.png (436.29 KB,564x422,282:211,a30e44715651aa85a7e3ce7333….png)

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58aba0 No.20183095

File: 70388ac51c9163a⋯.png (4.68 MB,1500x1781,1500:1781,ClipboardImage.png)


Huh, that's weird. TDS has a client list?

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8c49ff No.20183096



Show me an actual verifiable sauce that relates the 7.8M in that post to a Trump business, instead of a mentally ill collage to give the appearance of a dig but is just designed to mislead. You fool no one.

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58aba0 No.20183097

File: cb985cbc5d527f0⋯.png (848.12 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Denver begins cleanup of Zuni Street encampment, transports migrants to shelters and housing

At this capacity, Mayor Mike Johnston told council members on Tuesday, the city may spend about $180 million on migrant response in 2024 — about 10% to 15% of Denver’s general fund budget.


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ef17ce No.20183098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Clip resurfaces of Israeli MK encouraging her son to say he wants to "kill Arabs"


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b8399d No.20183099


You mentioned that the other night too. What are you suggesting exactly?

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0047c8 No.20183100



>>20182653 Huma Abedin trends on X after Epstein dump, and it’s some pretty weird stuff!

>>20182656 What They're NOT Telling You About Epstein 11:18

>>20182703 Suicide Weekend, Q Post

>>20182831, >>20182724 This Throwback Thursday, we recognize C Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, AKA “Suicide Charley”

>>20182707, >>20182731, >>20182746 Sarah Kellen, Ghislaine's right hand woman pleaded the fifth

>>20182766 Epstein list reignites suspicion the pedo financier was working for Mossad

>>20180398 Massage is a code word for Epstein

>>20182743, >>20182759 The world’s only stealth bomber looks even better from the sky. #AlwaysReady

>>20182758 James biden, had bought a one-acre parcel of land on Water Island in May 2005 for $150,000. Part of the land was later sold to a third party

>>20182767 Figures named in the Jeffrey Epstein files: Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Naomi Campbell and Leonardo DiCaprio are among famous faces in bombshell 1,000-page document

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f42fb7 No.20183101


Don't you have a hidey-hole you should be building Marcus.

The sugar mtn. is being consumed rapidly by frogs.

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d086e0 No.20183102

File: 995954537a43c09⋯.png (410.34 KB,845x503,845:503,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b39d2bb5e3d5ed6⋯.png (183.13 KB,853x590,853:590,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f722ad77b0c8ce⋯.png (463.02 KB,848x567,848:567,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d293a8c0045f4d3⋯.png (131.15 KB,864x579,288:193,ClipboardImage.png)

jim biden owns land on water island

joe vacations on water island

never saw dog island before

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000000 No.20183103


S p r i n t e r



Israeli settlers again carried out a provocative invasion of Al-Aqsa and performed it's rituals in it

Jan 4, 2024 · 9:41 AM UTC


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b12a56 No.20183104

File: e5ac93a60018534⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB,480x270,16:9,e5ac93a600185341cb8f021e53….mp4)

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f21278 No.20183105

File: 09185b771c8c6ca⋯.jpg (18.35 KB,255x255,1:1,scammer.jpg)

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604e81 No.20183106

File: 8fc37db72587e89⋯.jpg (34.95 KB,620x387,620:387,david_miliband_3318897b.jpg)



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0047c8 No.20183107



>>20182653 Huma Abedin trends on X after Epstein dump, and it’s some pretty weird stuff!

>>20182656 What They're NOT Telling You About Epstein 11:18

>>20182703 Suicide Weekend, Q Post

>>20182831, >>20182724 This Throwback Thursday, we recognize C Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, AKA “Suicide Charley”

>>20182707, >>20182731, >>20182746 Sarah Kellen, Ghislaine's right hand woman pleaded the fifth

>>20182766 Epstein list reignites suspicion the pedo financier was working for Mossad

>>20180398 Massage is a code word for Epstein

>>20182743, >>20182759 The world’s only stealth bomber looks even better from the sky. #AlwaysReady

>>20182758 James biden, had bought a one-acre parcel of land on Water Island in May 2005 for $150,000. Part of the land was later sold to a third party

>>20182767 Figures named in the Jeffrey Epstein files: Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Naomi Campbell and Leonardo DiCaprio are among famous faces in bombshell 1,000-page document

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432d42 No.20183108

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


“I alone will never retreat!”



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45b526 No.20183109


Not good at all.

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25f8af No.20183110

File: e8ed4181964685a⋯.png (535.86 KB,1110x2936,555:1468,Screenshot_2024_01_04_at_1….png)



>Please find abstracts of FY23 awardees here.


>they removed the 2020 and 2021 grants from their website?

Fiscal Year 2023 Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grantee Abstracts

Awards Summaries

Below are the Fiscal Year 2023 Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grantee awards summaries sorted by the topics of Promising Practices, or Innovation.

Boise State University 

Type 1: Raising Societal Awareness; Type 4: Youth Resilience Programs 


Boise State University will develop a suite of digital products supporting and supplementing human rights education for the secondary grade level (grades 8-12 or ages 13-18) and adult learners. The focus will be on serving underserved, rural communities in the state by designing digital products that use innovative and dynamic approaches to secondary education. These approaches will be aimed at increasing individual resilience to recruitment narratives for hate- and violence-based ideologies, strengthening human rights educational outcomes, and improving individuals’ abilities to understand violent content. Products will be designed with the support and involvement of teachers who will use these classroom resources.

Cherokee Nation 

Type 1: Raising Societal Awareness; Type 2: Understanding Violent Content 


Cherokee Nation will educate and train students, parents, teachers, and community members about violence prevention methods and skills. Cherokee Nation will raise awareness and develop skills to improve school climate and culture. This initiative will provide training for key education stakeholders. Skill development and prevention training facilitated through a School Climate Summit will be held within the Cherokee Nation Reservation.

Colorado Information Analysis Center, Colorado Department of Public Safety 

Type 1: Raising Societal Awareness; Type 3: Civic Engagement; Type 5: Threat Assessment and Management Teams: Type 6: Bystander Training 


The Colorado Information Analysis Center’s Colorado Preventing Targeted Violence (CO-PTV) Program will support violence prevention through multiple avenues. The program will include increasing bystander reporting, supporting new regional targeted violence prevention efforts, and identifying regional champions. The champions will develop behavioral threat assessment and management teams to support and mentor local teams. The program will also connect regional prevention partners to the broader statewide CO-PTV prevention network for greater collaboration and resource sharing.

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ef17ce No.20183111

File: 7ea2da5d709e1a0⋯.png (198.45 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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58aba0 No.20183112

File: 7becb3e8762bb08⋯.png (307.95 KB,680x658,340:329,ClipboardImage.png)


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6d8b08 No.20183113

File: b03580f71bda107⋯.png (354.91 KB,530x653,530:653,Fy4lD4yacAEl0zr2.png)



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5f36e1 No.20183114

>>20183091 More evidence Ghislaine Maxwell was u/MaxwellHill on Reddit


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79dc0b No.20183115


sandusky ring was part of a larger ring, most likely… maybe nxivm?

college sports (denny hastert, sandusky…)

catholic priests


what's the common denominator?

the fbi

they allow them to exist (along with the cartels, etc.) likely because they use them for blackmail and intel, and funds…

when they say that fbi has "informants", they are just telling you that the fbi is the grand co-conspirator in all of this

louis freeh

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98f5d5 No.20183116

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76761c No.20183117

File: a638e92c008a975⋯.jpg (73.83 KB,720x576,5:4,anons_knew_trump.jpg)

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ef17ce No.20183118


I see the gatekeepers are in to try and control the narrative

Fuck you faker

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432d42 No.20183119

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mike Davis On Trump's Team Filing Petition To SCOTUS To Reverse The Colorado 14th Amendment Decision



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b12a56 No.20183120

File: 78589aedf879790⋯.jpg (36.56 KB,400x400,1:1,f966f93bdbd9a267fd741e1ac3….jpg)


dunno just seems antiquated

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8c49ff No.20183121

File: 0b4fbe6d1f062f9⋯.jpg (14.01 KB,234x255,78:85,0b4fbe6d1f062f9d8eef68bdd4….jpg)

Blatantly obvious since that crumb was dropped that it was about Schiff, but now, after years of that standing, a mentally ill consensus that the 7.8M was for a Trump business is now appearing, along with the established collage format of colored blocks and lines that the shills have used to mislead before. Relentless little vermin.

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58aba0 No.20183122

File: 6a22c9d43a33738⋯.png (666.21 KB,679x512,679:512,ClipboardImage.png)


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604e81 No.20183123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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f42fb7 No.20183124


The writer of said 'program' is the concern then.

Unhackable and cannot be destroyed.

Many have tried, all have failed. Even those operating

in & out of this realm.

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e02626 No.20183125

File: ba3496c28005539⋯.jpeg (90.27 KB,743x1024,743:1024,hunterbidenladygagac.jpeg)

File: f4e532180a58e6d⋯.jpeg (91.23 KB,960x515,192:103,Queen_illuminati_symbols.jpeg)

File: 60742152e2b5056⋯.gif (6.98 MB,400x224,25:14,Lady_Gaga_set_to_play_Luci….gif)




Gaga connects with Epstein via Queen E. ?

and via pedo and thief Biden?

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8c49ff No.20183126

>>20183121 (me; edit: forgot the most important word)

>a mentally ill consensus

a mentally ill consensus attempt

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58aba0 No.20183127

File: 69d2974672ba8be⋯.png (197.33 KB,560x500,28:25,ClipboardImage.png)


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0047c8 No.20183128


you really think this silly bitch is notable?

birdbrain thinking

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000000 No.20183129


8kun is a Brennan/C1A OP then?

Sound logical.

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a658a4 No.20183130

File: 756b5d5c6e46fac⋯.png (16.87 KB,601x116,601:116,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49908ccdc35e2bf⋯.png (274.03 KB,626x637,626:637,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f0232c4f0b39f6⋯.png (95.65 KB,485x480,97:96,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e55da3994fe92f⋯.png (101.57 KB,441x478,441:478,ClipboardImage.png)

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ef17ce No.20183131

File: 9d6799e9294f34d⋯.png (191.17 KB,792x204,66:17,ClipboardImage.png)


The Russian Military Police has established two new posts in southern Syria along the front with the Israeli occupied Golan Heights, the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria, a part of the Russian Ministry of Defense, announced on January 3.

“Due to the increasing frequency of provocations in the demilitarized zone located along the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, two additional Russian military police posts were deployed to constantly monitor the ceasefire,” a briefing by the center reads.

While the Russian MoD only announced the deployment now, photos showing the new Russian Military Posts in the Golan Heights first surfaced online in December.

Israel escalated its attacks on Syria significantly since the outbreak of the war with the Hamas Movement and other Palestinian armed factions in the Gaza Strip. In addition, rocket attacks from southern Syria against the Golan Heights became a regular occurrence. The occupied region was also targeted with suicide drones in recent weeks.

Tensions rose on the Golan Heights front on December 25, when a strike attributed to Israel killed Brigadier General Razi Mousavi of Iran’s elite Quds Force near the Syrian capital, Damascus. Tehran said that the assassination will not go unpunished.

Israel has carried out hundreds of strikes against Syria over the past decade, often targeting Lebanese Hezbollah and other Iranian-backed forces, but it rarely acknowledges or discusses the operations. The war-torn country has largely refrained from responding to Israel’s repeated attacks in an attempt to avoid a dangerous confrontation.

The Russian military presence on al-Golan Height front will without a doubt help de-escalate tensions between Israel and Syria.


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b8399d No.20183132


I have seen black people in her crowds. She welcomes all people. She said this is story about addition. Those interested in her will show up.

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08ae27 No.20183133

File: 63c9eed958e2cbf⋯.png (177.38 KB,320x310,32:31,wizard_of_oz_behind_the_cu….png)


Provide proof of your allegation. You declared the Q post is proof that 7.8M was related to Schiff. Give me proof outside of your personal belief in an anonymous post on the internet. I understand you can't read my graphic, because you don't Q, but it isn't that hard. Unless you're a program or something that only kicks out reply to every graphic in the same way…


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58aba0 No.20183134

File: 64b5c5a63973463⋯.png (1.18 MB,1284x1480,321:370,ClipboardImage.png)

WTF! They keep misspelling execute communists for treason.

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76761c No.20183135


>C Company


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0047c8 No.20183136


what do you want noted?

shit for brains

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93fefc No.20183137

File: a62140bd77c9233⋯.png (416.05 KB,1521x494,117:38,TR_J_Havaara_Agreement_193….png)


Israel want to do it's own Havara Agreement

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5a59aa No.20183138


the black guy on the tree was found dead. His mother was jerked around by the FBI

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f42fb7 No.20183139


writing in panic tends to do that

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325f59 No.20183140


I don't know but there's some connection there..I believe she's the daughter or the mascot of the black haired witch who paints with blood.

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58aba0 No.20183141

File: e04c9ae9850f67a⋯.png (114.03 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Apple gets a second downgrade in a week. This is awesome. If tech stocks crash people will finally get a look at the real state of the economy. Accelerate.

Apple Hit With Second Downgrade This Week on iPhone Worries

(Bloomberg) Apple Inc. was already the least-loved big tech stock on Wall Street. Growing concerns over iPhone sales have now triggered a second downgrade this week, cementing analysts’ cautious approach.Most Read from BloombergConfidential Jeffrey Epst…HAHAHAHAHAHAH–


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8c49ff No.20183142


I'm not playing your slide game anymoar, dipshit. Go leech (You)s for the reply column of your paycheck from someone else. My sauce is common sense, something you clearly lack or are deliberately inverting to promote your now failed consensus generation attempt. Begone from my sight.

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3b7f80 No.20183143

File: 96b2859d676daad⋯.png (460.85 KB,748x393,748:393,ClipboardImage.png)

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476dea No.20183144


In Biblical Hebrew, goy means "nation" and appears 560 times in reference to both the Israelite and the non-Israelite nations.

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ef17ce No.20183145


fuck off cocksucker

You're on notice bitch I'll make a bun and expose you faggot

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ba7663 No.20183146


Al Sharpton goes full potato

Good time to ask him

Since he is so woke and lucid right now

To define, for his camp, a "woman "

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6d8b08 No.20183147


>weird how is appears obligatory to be white. neber no black people in the auditorium. tiny bit suspicious

You're looking to find a problem that isn't there, anon.

Nikki welcomes all people willing to pledge unending support for Israel.

All people.

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08ae27 No.20183148

File: 5a56a6c316cd952⋯.jpg (24.99 KB,654x480,109:80,ea3fd0e0_d478_47b3_9353_24….jpg)



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25f8af No.20183149


>Fiscal Year 2023 Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grantee Abstracts

Connecticut Center for School Safety and Crisis Preparation/ Western Connecticut State University  

Type 5: Threat Assessment and Management Team 


The Connecticut Center for School Safety and Crisis Preparation and Western Connecticut State University will expand and enhance capacity for schools in Connecticut to manage school-related threats. They will develop threat assessment teams to support districts in their violence prevention and intervention efforts using the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines model. The Connecticut Center for School Safety and Crisis Preparation will train staff to consult with schools. Additionally, the Center will partner with Safer Schools Together to address digital threats for schools by developing a template and strategy to help districts address threats. They will help districts build capacity to investigate digital threats on social media platforms and help students and parents identify the risks of cyber threats.

Education Services District 123 (Washington) 

Type 1: Raising Societal Awareness; Type 2: Understanding Violent Content; Type 3: Civic Engagement; Type 4: Youth Resilience Programs 


Educational Service District 123, based in Pasco, Washington, will develop two projects providing collaborative solutions that promote learning. The first project will focus on preventing escalation to violence among college students by expanding, supporting, and collaborating with threat assessment and management teams. The second project will focus on preventing escalation to violence among 12-18-year-olds. This project will develop care coordination involving outreach services and case management, youth access to services, parenting and family education, youth resilience programming, and community outreach at school and community events.

Hampton University 

Type 1: Raising Societal Awareness 


Hampton University will develop an evidence-based targeted violence and terrorism prevention (TVTP) plan to raise the Hampton University community’s awareness of the threats posed by various forms of violence. This will include racially motivated violent extremism, terrorism, and gun violence in digital and physical spaces. The project has potential for replication at other Historically Black Colleges and Universities that lack TVTP plans.

Health Quality Partners of Southern California 

Type 5: Threat Assessment and Management Teams 


Health Quality Partners of Southern California, also known as Community Clinics Health Network, will increase reporting of concerning behaviors by developing workplace violence prevention and intervention programs and implementing threat management teams across the membership of Health Center Partners of Southern California (HCP). HCP is an organization of primary care health providers that includes Federally Qualified Health Centers and Tribal Health Programs.

John Jay College 

Type 6: Bystander Training 


Subject matter experts at John Jay College, New York Presbyterian, and the Center on American Law and Extremism will partner to develop a train-the-trainer pilot project on bystander interventions to prevent targeted violence. The training will focus on recognizing behavioral indicators of mobilization to violence and familiarizing audiences with locally available referral mechanisms. They also will develop and launch a website to serve as a repository of information and a resource for bystander training on targeted violence prevention.

Michigan State Police Michigan Intelligence Operations Center

Type 1: Raising Societal Awareness 


The Michigan State Police (MSP) Michigan Intelligence Operations Center (MIOC) will deliver in-person community awareness training to 240 law enforcement officers and 5,000 Michigan residents state-wide. They also will create a website and social media campaign and participate in community events to raise awareness of targeted acts of violence in Michigan. They also will raise awareness of how the community can identify and properly refer individuals who may demonstrate behaviors that suggest they may be going down a path toward violence.

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604e81 No.20183150

File: 8fc37db72587e89⋯.jpg (34.95 KB,620x387,620:387,david_miliband_3318897b.jpg)


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0047c8 No.20183151


Filturd by Baker

fuck off

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bc17a3 No.20183152


ooohhh he'spanic'd!real bad!

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ef17ce No.20183153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Alan Dershowitz: 'Feminists' Upset Over Jeffrey Epstein Case Should 'Condemn Hamas'

From Mediaite, " 'Let's Put This in Context': Alan Dershowitz Defends Representing Jeffrey Epstein by Slamming 'Radical Feminists' Who Didn't Condemn Hamas":

[Alan Dershowitz] was previously accused in a lawsuit of being "a participant in sex trafficking" connected to Epstein before his accuser retracted the claim and said that she may have mistaken him for someone else.

"I've represented some of the worst people in the world and continue to do so," Dershowitz told Sean Hannity. "That's my life, and of course I represented Epstein."

Dershowitz then pivoted to "radical feminists" who he said were insufficiently critical of Hamas after the Oct. 7 terror attacks in Israel:

Now, the one point I do want to make, I understand all the feminist groups and the radicals who think this is the worst thing in the world that anybody ever had any contact with Jeffrey Epstein. Where are all those radical feminists when it comes to the Hamas rapes of young Jewish girls, sexual abuse, beheadings? They are quiet, they are silent! The incredible hypocrisy of the "Me Too" movement. "Me Too," except if you're a Jew.

And I want to have a list of all the radical feminists who are pushing hard – and I understand that – to get all these names are revealed. And I want to know, how many of them have ever actually condemned Hamas for the rapes that we now know occurred and the murders that occurred? How many have been silent? And how many, like the National Lawyers Guild, have actually approved of what Hamas did?

So, let's put this context. I'm thrilled that all these papers have come out. I urged them. I went to court and I asked for everything to come out because I knew that I had done nothing wrong, and the papers would exculpate me.

Perhaps they're not condemning them because the stories about "Hamas mass rapes" are a complete and total hoax?

Whereas there is a bounty of evidence to suggest Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were Israeli spies who ran a honeypot operation to blackmail and compromise our politicians, there's literally zero evidence Hamas did any sort of mass raping on Oct 7. Not even one single Israeli woman has come forward to claim she was raped.

Dershowitz is correct when he said he "represented some of the worst people in the world and continue to do so."

Dershowitz not only defended suspected Israeli spy Jeffrey Epstein, he also defended the duplicitous traitor and convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard.


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4dca2d No.20183154

File: 16131ca551bb8d0⋯.png (46.31 KB,549x547,549:547,ClipboardImage.png)

Bill Ackman, Elon Musk, Mark Cuban on Twitter

re DEI



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603e67 No.20183155

File: b7fcb43ebaa65b0⋯.webm (2.09 MB,480x854,240:427,1703777921698479.webm)

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f21278 No.20183156


she is deep state and has NO chance getting elected. PERIOD.

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476dea No.20183157

If Jews laugh at the fact they aren't Jews/Israelites from the Torah/Old Testament, isn't calling "goyim" stupid actually self-deprecating since you technically are the "goyim"?

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b12a56 No.20183158

File: 2f9770a8561048b⋯.jpg (83.09 KB,1200x675,16:9,gettyimages_1129059994.jpg)


dude. trust the plan. don't irritate the ol' lady

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f21278 No.20183159


you are an idiot.

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b6c328 No.20183160

File: 57aa9f3c3e3e5d7⋯.png (104.4 KB,358x333,358:333,Pepe_2_Moar_Weeks_Alpha.png)


Maybe this time?

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ba7663 No.20183161


This is Trump slowly walking the country to a Scotus conversation about election fraud

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000000 No.20183162




Huge, cannibal invasive frog concerns Georgia wildlife officials: 'This could be a problem'

The Cuban tree frog can grow to be as big as your hand and eats other smaller frogs. Georgia wildlife officials are asking residents to kill them.


Jan 4, 2024 · 6:39 PM UTC



GITMO is coming..

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3b7f80 No.20183163

File: 013e8de5a959bba⋯.png (448.74 KB,735x459,245:153,ClipboardImage.png)

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b5017d No.20183164

File: 8213cc48ab5e7ef⋯.png (789.08 KB,612x876,51:73,ClipboardImage.png)


I think I found the exact card as in the photo.

I posted an Isabelle card, but it wasn't exactly like the one in the photo.

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f3b6f3 No.20183166


It's not Joe's island. It is (or was?) his brother's.

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19ca92 No.20183167

File: de2386552a40b55⋯.png (81.18 KB,253x230,11:10,de2386552a40b559a7697fbb4e….png)

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8c49ff No.20183168

File: 1c1b82111527ce1⋯.jpg (107.56 KB,986x797,986:797,1c1b82111527ce1c847d803d5f….jpg)

"Consensus generation failed! Retreat to the safety of MuhJoo propaganda!"

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603e67 No.20183169

File: 15f22c1358bff5d⋯.png (130.87 KB,1194x886,597:443,ClipboardImage.png)



Dershowitz's gaslighting is so blatantly noticeable.

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476dea No.20183170

Saying "you are goyim" is derogatory, how did it become that way?

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854584 No.20183171


>Dan´s talking in numbers

956 = 20 Boom

955 = 19 Boom

954 = 18 Boom

953 = 17 Boom

There is no step 5.

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58aba0 No.20183172

File: 700371bcc270cf1⋯.png (535.36 KB,527x397,527:397,ClipboardImage.png)

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93fefc No.20183173

File: eaac167de1dc697⋯.jpg (438.47 KB,1472x1472,1:1,J_Talmud.jpg)

File: 03986ca77d0fccd⋯.mp4 (5.77 MB,292x480,73:120,J_Goyim_World_Domination_t….mp4)


"Goyim" means cattle, not "nations"

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ae3ef5 No.20183174


Sum of all fears

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5a59aa No.20183175

File: dc5dd052a665c61⋯.png (89.35 KB,280x180,14:9,ClipboardImage.png)

see image

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325f59 No.20183176


what is this on about?

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476dea No.20183177

Calling me "goyim" is offensive.

Calling you "goyim" is offensive.

Who created it offensive? (not me)

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b5017d No.20183178

File: d67f2d56866b5a8⋯.png (36.41 KB,853x356,853:356,ClipboardImage.png)



>Marie Isabelle Canela

Dog comms?

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b6c328 No.20183179

File: 9bde9f459cdc635⋯.png (13.5 MB,2880x1800,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 040cd641244932f⋯.png (1.84 MB,1280x635,256:127,ClipboardImage.png)


It's habbs

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ed6662 No.20183180

File: 84d9d2e64933f1f⋯.png (2.6 MB,2048x1536,4:3,FE7FDCDE_91B2_4535_9BB5_1B….png)



This didn’t get enough traction way back.

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aa8fbe No.20183181


So was BLm

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529cf2 No.20183182

File: 01eda637a788023⋯.png (569.98 KB,976x556,244:139,Capture.PNG)

Former FBI Director Louis Freeh Is Named in New Batch of Epstein Documents


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476dea No.20183183


What part of "Biblical Hebrew" is so fucking hard to understand?

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b6c328 No.20183184


Sum of all Fears.

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29cf1f No.20183185

File: 7a2c3bec9b3f40b⋯.png (405.18 KB,1316x695,1316:695,ClipboardImage.png)

If you are a visiting foreign dignitary in the US which do you think would be the wiser decision? Stay at, and/or visit, a hotel or other property owned by the Trump family of companies? Or patronize only those that are not? And Trump saw all this ahead of time. That's why he had his sons run the family business when he was president.

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d39895 No.20183186


Anyone who is “offended” thinks very highly of themselves and very lowly of the others.

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416684 No.20183187

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ae5d4d No.20183188

>>20181777 (pb notables)

So no Ray Chandler or Tom Guinness on the client list?


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e02626 No.20183189

File: 018bef8a9cb80da⋯.jpg (300.92 KB,996x1390,498:695,queen_beatrix_of_the_nethe….jpg)

File: 90d80428b6dc8aa⋯.png (559.81 KB,777x728,111:104,queenewithsavile.png)

File: 971f688af44f934⋯.jpg (87.9 KB,775x517,775:517,orangequeenwithpizzabrooch.jpg)


right! She was taken as a disciple of Marina Abramovitz.

who appeared with the Orange Queen who wore a Pizza brooch for the occasion

Wonder if that's the same Queen who just stepped down.

wasn't Beatrix it was Margarette who just stepped down?

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476dea No.20183190


Why do narcissists get offended when called out.

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6643f9 No.20183191


The same Louie who did lawyerly stuff for that Romanian real estate dude

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c4a448 No.20183192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Well shit

Suppose we been spyed on so long

It no longer matters

They watch …everything we do

Any body figure out how to disable the cars ability to spy on you

Enlighten me ….

Don't care about your face

Show us your number

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8c49ff No.20183193


Ms. Chandler wasn't a client, she was a contracted employee.

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c05e52 No.20183194


You can’t call out a narcissist. You can only call out an action.

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0047c8 No.20183195



>>20182653 Huma Abedin trends on X after Epstein dump, and it’s some pretty weird stuff!

>>20182656 What They're NOT Telling You About Epstein 11:18

>>20182703 Suicide Weekend, Q Post

>>20182831, >>20182724 This Throwback Thursday, we recognize C Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, AKA “Suicide Charley”

>>20182707, >>20182731, >>20182746 Sarah Kellen, Ghislaine's right hand woman pleaded the fifth

>>20182766 Epstein list reignites suspicion the pedo financier was working for Mossad

>>20180398 Massage is a code word for Epstein

>>20182743, >>20182759 The world’s only stealth bomber looks even better from the sky. #AlwaysReady

>>20182758 James biden, had bought a one-acre parcel of land on Water Island in May 2005 for $150,000. Part of the land was later sold to a third party

>>20182767 Figures named in the Jeffrey Epstein files: Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Naomi Campbell and Leonardo DiCaprio are among famous faces in bombshell 1,000-page document

>>20182787, >>20182794, >>20183056, >>20182826 Does Joe Biden Own an Island? What We Know About 'Water Island' May 10, 2023

>>20182788 NEW HAMPSHIRE Interactive Polls• Trump — 37% (+4)

>>20182810 Vivek Ramaswamy has sold $33 million worth of shares in Roivant Sciences, the biotech company he founded, per Axios.

>>20182849, >>20182871 Unsealed Docs Reveal Epstein Would Call Leonardo DiCaprio, Bruce Willis and More

>>20182864 3,000 Lorries Queued at Poland-Ukraine Border Checkpoints, as Polish Farmers Rejoin Truckers in Protest Against Agricultural and Transportation EU Rules Favoring Kiev

>>20182866, >>20182929 Former FBI Director Louis Freeh Is Named in New Batch of Epstein Documents

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93fefc No.20183196

File: 6c3c46684fd466b⋯.jpg (547.99 KB,2000x1139,2000:1139,J_Anti_Semetic_Canards.jpg)


oh, so the meaning of "goyim" (cattle) has changed over the years has it, Moische?

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02edaf No.20183197


It’s NOT a Client list. Fuck.

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427be5 No.20183198


…What the fuck do you expect , from Day Shift?

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a7b369 No.20183199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The culling in the storm

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6643f9 No.20183200


And don't forget the gravy

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e02626 No.20183201

File: a93b75c09a6c565⋯.jpeg (16.92 KB,300x257,300:257,Queenbeatrix_lluminatisym….jpeg)

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d086e0 No.20183202


learn to read FAGGOT

jim owned property on water island



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476dea No.20183203

File: 51549f3c8911a4c⋯.jpg (94.73 KB,1170x876,195:146,c91uu7jx6ghb1.jpg)

*Jewesses holding me back*

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8c49ff No.20183204


>You can’t call out a narcissist

Not here anyway. The retards tried using that as an attack, calling Anons that aren't narcissists, narcissists while displaying all the traits of a narcissist while accusing others of it. Kind of like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." They themselves rendered their own arguments powerless. Repetition of message doesn't work like it used to for the retards. I suspect their panic laced posting has something to do with it.

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ae5d4d No.20183205


I ASSumed that Guinness was a client.

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476dea No.20183206


Everything you say is backwards. "Anon" means "shill", "shill" means "anon". Spastic.

Fucking goyim you are.

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8b52da No.20183207


Reiss noted that half the show’s writers are Jewish as are three of the main voice actors — Julie Kavner (Marge Simpson), Hank Azaria (Moe Szyslak, Apu Nahasapeemapetilon, Duffman) and Harry Shearer (Mr. Burns, Ned Flanders, Principal Skinner).

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93fefc No.20183208


lol, completely different vibe from night shift, broader IQ range too, lol

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9c45f0 No.20183209


>jim owned property on water island

a distinction without a difference

the real question is why are you here

acting as defender and apologist for POTATO?

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f3b6f3 No.20183210


calm your nostrils, anon.

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b6c328 No.20183211

File: 9699c623d3d3a93⋯.jpg (143.02 KB,500x514,250:257,Nikki_Haley_Pure_Neocon_Sc….jpg)


Do not touch.

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ac9f14 No.20183212

File: 272f67dff374627⋯.png (40.83 KB,_Governor_Bill_Richardson.png)



Did you meet Governor Bill Richardson of


New Mexico?



Hmm, I want to say that he was supposed to


come to dinner when we were in New Mexico.

I don't


know if I met him.

I believe that he and Ghislaine


had dinner separate from myself.

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8c49ff No.20183213


Perhaps he was, but Rachel wasn't.

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476dea No.20183215


A Jew voices 'Apu'?

Surely, if "white/Caucasian", this would be racist/cultural appropriation? One rule for thee…..

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29cf1f No.20183216

File: 551e3ed0b234950⋯.png (4.9 KB,633x68,633:68,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20183185 (me)


Are they trying to soften us up to the idea of eating horse meat?

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15ab70 No.20183218


No video costs extra.

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bc17a3 No.20183219

File: 3ccb000f4f4e1fb⋯.jpg (192.55 KB,1363x2000,1363:2000,queen_margrethe_2_2000_571….jpg)


here's the Danish queen who will abdicate at theend of the month

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ae5d4d No.20183221


Can we add every UK/NI politician to that list pretty please?

It's clear at this point we don't need their inadequate services any longer.

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b6c328 No.20183222


Another Genocide supporter.

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5703ce No.20183223

>>20180224 pb

>>20180537 pb

So has the shill/spam situation improved since the APACHE install last night?

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b12a56 No.20183225

File: 9ebd50f56a969ef⋯.gif (3.91 MB,480x270,16:9,giphy_2_.gif)




looked for this is is not a drill post. lost it. wound up with 8's

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9edb74 No.20183226

File: 1b047dee0ba3243⋯.gif (2.12 MB,500x281,500:281,1247DFA6_D58D_43E7_86AE_EB….gif)


> Roosevelt and Lincoln in San Diego.

In port and on leave don’t count.

Nice try though.

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1a1402 No.20183228


ffs lost another one

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c4a448 No.20183230

File: ea2ddac3e39f4ed⋯.png (537.04 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2024_01_04_15_57_0….png)


Talk to me

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5c8974 No.20183231


25 posts is a Narrative control. Narcissistic personality

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0047c8 No.20183232



>>20182653 Huma Abedin trends on X after Epstein dump, and it’s some pretty weird stuff!

>>20182656 What They're NOT Telling You About Epstein 11:18

>>20182703 Suicide Weekend, Q Post

>>20182831, >>20182724 This Throwback Thursday, we recognize C Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, AKA “Suicide Charley”

>>20182707, >>20182731, >>20182746 Sarah Kellen, Ghislaine's right hand woman pleaded the fifth

>>20182766 Epstein list reignites suspicion the pedo financier was working for Mossad

>>20180398 Massage is a code word for Epstein

>>20182743, >>20182759 The world’s only stealth bomber looks even better from the sky. #AlwaysReady

>>20182758 James biden, had bought a one-acre parcel of land on Water Island in May 2005 for $150,000. Part of the land was later sold to a third party

>>20182767 Figures named in the Jeffrey Epstein files: Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Naomi Campbell and Leonardo DiCaprio are among famous faces in bombshell 1,000-page document

>>20182787, >>20182794, >>20183056, >>20182826 Does Joe Biden Own an Island? What We Know About 'Water Island' May 10, 2023

>>20182788 NEW HAMPSHIRE Interactive Polls• Trump — 37% (+4)

>>20182810 Vivek Ramaswamy has sold $33 million worth of shares in Roivant Sciences, the biotech company he founded, per Axios.

>>20182849, >>20182871 Unsealed Docs Reveal Epstein Would Call Leonardo DiCaprio, Bruce Willis and More

>>20182864 3,000 Lorries Queued at Poland-Ukraine Border Checkpoints, as Polish Farmers Rejoin Truckers in Protest Against Agricultural and Transportation EU Rules Favoring Kiev

>>20182866, >>20182929 Former FBI Director Louis Freeh Is Named in New Batch of Epstein Documents

>>20182878 DSM II from 1968 admits vaccines can cause "mental retardation" (developmental delay?) p15 p16

>>20182884 U.S. Naval Institute USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Jan. 4, 2023

>>20182885 FUD Biden’s Weakness to Spark World War 3 in 2024? Blackwater Founder Erik Prince’s Prediction

>>20182893 NYC Sanctuary Mayor Eric Adams announces a lawsuit against 17 charter bus companies involved in bussing migrants from Texas

>>20182899 Illegal aliens: Many Chinese military personnel sport a distinct PLA tattoo tied to a specific brigade

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b6c328 No.20183233

File: e0f24fca8eeba67⋯.jpg (680.42 KB,1600x1083,1600:1083,Billboard_Stephen_Hawking_….jpg)

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b5017d No.20183234

File: ac2e9777d1f8574⋯.png (225.56 KB,622x252,311:126,ClipboardImage.png)


What does it mean to be covered in gold?

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604e81 No.20183235



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0047c8 No.20183236


correct, that poster is braindead

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93fefc No.20183237

File: 74d4d552e886eaf⋯.jpeg (48.1 KB,600x400,3:2,J_Rabbi_sucking_Metzitzah….jpeg)


Well, unlike you, I don't do this.

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67db79 No.20183238


Well, only Jews get the good jobs.

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b33ddb No.20183239


wait till she shows up with 2 black eyes and a broken nose.

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604e81 No.20183240

bounty up motherfuckers

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3b7f80 No.20183241

File: 1454fe7ebc0a192⋯.png (126.63 KB,476x262,238:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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4dca2d No.20183242

File: 990406a020241a2⋯.png (424.95 KB,474x603,158:201,ClipboardImage.png)



🚨#BREAKING: Two subways Trains have Collided causing a derailment

📌#Manhattan | #NewYork

Numerous emergency personnel and other agencies are currently on the scene after two subway trains collided, causing a portion of one train to derail in 96th/Broadway in Upper West Side Manhattan, New York. At this time, there is no immediate information on possible injuries. MTA officials report that a work train rear-ended a commuter train, and firefighters are actively working to assist passengers off the train this is still developing


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604e81 No.20183244

A bounty hunter is a private agent working for a bail bondsman who captures fugitives or criminals for a commission or bounty. The occupation, officially known as a bail enforcement agent or fugitive recovery agent, has traditionally operated outside the legal constraints that govern police officers and other agents of the state.

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1a1402 No.20183245

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427be5 No.20183246


…These notes are fucking garbage. Filter anon, asshole!

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b8399d No.20183247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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604e81 No.20183248


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76761c No.20183249


>Biden is addressing nation on Jan 6th from Gettysburg, a symbolic civil war site.

moved to tomorrow, due to weather, per WH briefing today

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b6c328 No.20183250


had to show them how fucking badly corrupted they are. Or scared shitless.

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4dca2d No.20183251

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7e0451 No.20183253


i don't get it

all those rich people never visit the tooth doctor

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476dea No.20183254


Ah yes, "online shitposter", your great-grandparents would be so proud


Oy, vey!!!!!! delet thissss!!!1!1!

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604e81 No.20183255



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427be5 No.20183256

File: 352a25cc4ef52e1⋯.png (1.36 MB,1024x755,1024:755,Screen_Shot_2022_04_25_at_….png)

…What has been slid off the board, today?

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b5017d No.20183257


This people are multi millionaires, and their teeth are all fooked up and they are usually ugly asf.

I don't get it.

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5f73f4 No.20183258

File: a77ace97a78c185⋯.png (1.71 MB,1227x740,1227:740,ClipboardImage.png)



The mysterious lady, dressed in white, at Bilderberg



Bilderberg 2011: Lord Mandelson's nature walk

Charlie Skelton looks on as Peter Mandelson – and some billionaire buddies – take the air at Bilderberg

A shadow fell across the Engadine. The skylark ceased his merry song, the flowers curled and blackened in the meadow and a man in a special issue Bilderberg anorak set off on his stroll.

Bilderberg has had some bad ideas in its time (a European superstate, anyone?) but Lord Mandelson's nature walk has to be the worst. What were they hoping for? Had they not seen the 200 activists camped opposite the hotel gates?

Out of the gates they drove in their very own Bilderbus, up the mountain to a charming spot. The plan: to amble down through the gorgeous scenery, back to the Suvretta House Hotel for tea.

Out of the bus stepped Erich Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google, and Franco Bernabè, the CEO of Telecom Italia, followed by China's vice-minister of foreign affairs, Ying Fu, with her amazing hair.

Then came the Swedish billionaire banker and industrialist Jacob Wallenberg, and the dapper CEO of Airbus, Thomas Enders. More of him later.

Mandelson led the way, locked in conversation with Sir Richard Lambert, a global non-executive director for Ernst & Young and the former editor of the FT. The Tory MP Rory Stewart trotted behind.

It was an odd walk right from the start. From nowhere, like something from a dream, a distinguished lady, dressed from top to toe in white, whooshed serenely past security and swanned to the front of the power walkers.

No one recognised her or has seen her since. She had an other-worldy quality; I half expected her to be leading them to Charon's boat, or up a stairway formed of clouds.

Mandelson fell into step with Schmidt. We couldn't hear their happy chatter, but I presume they were admiring the breathtaking scenery, comparing their favourite wild flower, and hammering out how best to implement an internet kill switch.

The lady in white led her band of Bilderberg bigwigs and billionaires along the charming Swiss byways, across bridges over gentle streams … and straight into a pack of 50 baffled activists, who were milling around outside a community hall during a break in a symposium.

This couldn't possibly be happening. "This is terrible," Mandelson was heard to exclaim as the activists swarmed around the delegates, firing questions and chorusing their concern. You can watch some remarkable footage from the incident on Alex Jones's website.

One activist, Ali Aslan, walked alongside Enders, the Airbus boss, and

asked him what was being discussed at this year's conference. "Nothing bad," said Enders. "We are just making our agendas." (This was the German word used: agenda – the same as in English).

"I don't understand," said Alsan. "There are politicians inside. Why are we not allowed to know what you're talking about?"

Enders smiled and said: "I don't have to tell you, and you don't need to know." And with that, he and his fellow delegates ducked beneath the security cordon, into the blessed safety of Bilderberg.

I don't know who organised the conference itinerary this year – but good luck in your next job.

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5118f5 No.20183259

I have to ghost IRL stuff. Be in tom morning a little late. Sorry.

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0780af No.20183260

File: 8a3ec6384557a68⋯.jpeg (252.98 KB,1286x916,643:458,B3B5EE5A_7713_49D3_BD89_7….jpeg)

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15dda5 No.20183261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Department of Justice press conference ahead of three year anniversary of January 6th

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604e81 No.20183262



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d086e0 No.20183263


i was checking for myself and poasting

20 min boat ride to epstein

biden vacays on water island

watch the water

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b6c328 No.20183264

File: 271512d5e9375ae⋯.jpg (129.92 KB,400x455,80:91,Zuckerberg_Dumb_nudes.jpg)


Effectively the new Epstein. His 'cameras' are on every citizen.

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ef17ce No.20183265

Exposing the Feds running our board

Limiting the scope of topics to hide the gems being dropped daily.

I currently think we are down to about 2 genuine bakers and the board team are FEDS of some kind most likely mossad this is why they removed the JQ section of the welcome message

The not notables


>>20182824 Deflecting to protect Mossad

Mike Cernovich: Jeffrey Epstein Was an Asset of the FBI

>>20182841 Israel won’t take orders from US – security minister

>>20182864 3,000 Lorries Queued at Poland-Ukraine Border Checkpoints, as Polish Farmers Rejoin Truckers in Protest Against Agricultural and Transportation EU Rules Favoring Kiev

>>20182866 Former FBI Director Louis Freeh Is Named in New Batch of Epstein Documents

>>20182878 DSM II from 1968 admits vaccines can cause "mental retardation"

>>20182909 Corruption Scheme for Selling Hunter Biden’s Paintings with Ukraine’s Zelensky’s Participation Revealed - THE INTEL DROP

>>20182915 Former Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israeli Collaboration with ISIS in Syria Vid


>>20182940 Clinton-Appointed Judge Dismisses Trump Ballot Disqualification Case 'With Prejudice'

>>20182946 Elon Musk Says Biden is ‘Actively Facilitating Illegal Immigration’

>>20182955 Whistleblower Docs Expose Key Tactics Of The Censorship Industrial Complex

>>20182969 DHS Has Been Funding Programs at Universities To Label the “Manosphere” Movement a Terror Threat

>>20183041 US Drone Strike Kills Iraqi Militia Leader in Baghdad The Iraqi government condemned the strike as a violation of sovereignty and as 'no different from a terrorist act'

>>20183067 Wonder What DHS is hiding? they removed the 2020 and 2021 grants from their website?

>>20183072 Epstein Docs: Jeffrey Epstein Trafficked Women to at least one *Foreign President*

>>20183079 Facebook Admits Tracking Every Website Its Users Visit


>>20183153 Alan Dershowitz: 'Feminists' Upset Over Jeffrey Epstein Case Should 'Condemn Hamas'

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29e156 No.20183266

File: e104dd479c01eae⋯.png (107.77 KB,517x516,517:516,e104dd479c01eae2c447cf1e14….png)

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4dca2d No.20183267

What tools are you guys using to rip the Twitter Videos?

My go to seems to have stopped working and is no longer as reliable.


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c4a448 No.20183268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bounty hunter

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5f36e1 No.20183269

File: 42d3d3153164401⋯.png (614.16 KB,633x633,1:1,42d3d315316440152712e53e97….png)


>…What has been slid off the board, today?


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b12a56 No.20183270

File: 131d75ec9e35ea5⋯.png (183.97 KB,766x1512,383:756,96_1_.png)

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1a1402 No.20183271


same….unless they know something we don't about dentists

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604e81 No.20183272



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427be5 No.20183273

File: 2834d69419f7a37⋯.jpg (26.51 KB,495x495,1:1,c02f50bab0a2ca272863d1bbe2….jpg)

>20180398 Massage is a code word for Epstein

…This note was fucked with. originally had the Epstein dropped from it, as it never mentioned him.

…Way to fuck with the dough.

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58aba0 No.20183274

File: 03b9258e65c1710⋯.png (765.22 KB,680x492,170:123,ClipboardImage.png)




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5f73f4 No.20183275

File: 0990d76288556a6⋯.png (325.73 KB,460x276,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3747cdaef7bfc1a⋯.png (329.04 KB,460x276,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe76327e7b90c9f⋯.png (286.05 KB,460x276,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 77d04f813815834⋯.png (271.41 KB,460x276,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Remainder images from bilderberg 2011

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6b8cfc No.20183276

File: 766388d62a31af0⋯.png (49.97 KB,1033x292,1033:292,Screen_Shot_2024_01_04_at_….png)

muh media gives clues into the mind of yer overloards.


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15abf6 No.20183277


she does use a cane

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7e0451 No.20183278

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6b8cfc No.20183279

File: 20075f2eaaaa420⋯.png (49.88 KB,560x581,80:83,eminem_mcluhan.png)

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bcf334 No.20183280


Everything has meaning.

Who is AMB Matlock?





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604e81 No.20183281

File: 9d71a47fbe1cfb5⋯.jpeg (722.99 KB,3000x2000,3:2,david_miliband_0.jpeg)


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9c45f0 No.20183282

File: 282524e42bbb446⋯.jpg (51.28 KB,693x588,33:28,282524e42bbb446bd0a785d4cc….jpg)


>Anyone who is “offended” thinks very highly of themselves and very lowly of the others.

retard alert!

ya got that back-asswards, sherlock

being offended means you actually value the opinion of the person uttering the insult

and simultaneously have nagging doubts about your own value and fear that the insults are true

a self-assured person cannot be offended by mere words of others

those words only serve to confirm the UN-worthiness of the person uttering them

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1a1402 No.20183283

File: 2c364e6e52ca3a2⋯.png (830.29 KB,700x738,350:369,ClipboardImage.png)

Israeli research uses Earth's magnetic field to verify event in Bible's Book of Kings

Using a “breakthrough” technology based on measuring the magnetic field recorded in burnt bricks, researchers at four Israeli universities have corroborated the occurrence of an event described in the Bible’s Second Book of Kings – the conquest of the Philistine city of Gath by Hazael, King of Aram.

The discovery – achieved by scientists from Tel Aviv University (TAU), the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU), Bar-Ilan University (BIU) in Ramat Gan, and Ariel University in Samaria – will make it possible for archaeologists to identify burnt materials discovered in excavations and estimate their firing temperatures.

“Our findings are important for determining the intensity of the fire and the scope of destruction in Gath – the largest and most powerful city in the land at the time – and also for understanding construction practices in the region,” they wrote in the journal PLOS ONE under the title “Applying thermal demagnetization to archaeological materials: A tool for detecting burnt clay and estimating its firing temperature.”

Applying their method to findings from ancient Gath (Tell es-Safi, located between the cities of Ashkelon and Beit Shemesh in central Israel), the researchers validated the biblical account: “About this time. Hazael King of Aram went up and attacked Gath and captured it. Then he turned to attack Jerusalem” (2 Kings 12, 18).

They explain that, unlike previous methods, the new technique can determine whether an item such as a mud brick underwent firing even at relatively low temperatures, from 200°C and up. This information can be crucial for correctly interpreting the findings………


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52a89e No.20183284

File: 409b9d49595e276⋯.png (37.23 KB,634x196,317:98,ClipboardImage.png)



Massage is codeword for 'erotic massage' as used by Maxwell & Epstein. As can be clearly seen from the excerpt you posted.

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e02626 No.20183285

File: 11e1360c23d2381⋯.gif (5.01 MB,400x224,25:14,Lady_Gaga_David_Bowie_Trib….gif)

File: 617360d565f05a3⋯.gif (5.35 MB,400x224,25:14,Lady_Gaga_2016_ILLUMINATI_….gif)



They never got over the Jewish Prophets forbidding their creepy death worshipping religion.

Gaga is Italiano.

Just sayn. Ancient Roman religion Baal / Moloch worship


Nature religion, forbidden by Jews. Orgies for worship etc.,


It's all over in their books.

worship of death and sex.

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7e0451 No.20183286

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604e81 No.20183287


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b6c328 No.20183288



Future crimes unit?

>Minority Report

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58aba0 No.20183289

File: d64f6c6384dc50b⋯.png (248.3 KB,723x441,241:147,ClipboardImage.png)



Well isn't that special

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4dca2d No.20183290


She is a heavy smoker.

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bcf334 No.20183291

File: 53450399724bba7⋯.png (413.4 KB,968x401,968:401,ClipboardImage.png)

The symmetrical vertical line iterations keeps occurring closer and closer every week. We're going high frequency or some shit.

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476dea No.20183292


What is the term, Yidds? Yiddult? yiddult?



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1a1402 No.20183293


kek thats a carton every 3 days smoker

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93fefc No.20183294


Ashkenazi are still Khazarian imposters, not real "Jews"

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58aba0 No.20183295

File: 5d1953d8dfd0cdb⋯.png (778.75 KB,500x1074,250:537,ClipboardImage.png)

100% of mass shootings this year have been trans shooters

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604e81 No.20183296



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84a2dc No.20183297


prolly no filter

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e02626 No.20183298

File: 9e28fb98b2adf85⋯.gif (5.72 MB,400x224,25:14,Lady_Gaga_2016_ILLUMINATI_….gif)


they are trying hard enough, that's for sure.


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476dea No.20183299


Ashke-nazi, NAZI.

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9c45f0 No.20183300


so… an backhanded admission that the jews INVADED the land of the philistines (palestine), murdered the rightful owners, and STOLE the land that they now claim is theirs by right of first ownership?

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604e81 No.20183301




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a7b369 No.20183303


They know what are in the fillings.

They know what you don’t know

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b6c328 No.20183304


yup it's infiltration not invasion. They are a cancer in the workforce. And they NEVER DO ANYTHING PRODUCTIVE EXCEPT BITCH ABOUT ACCEPTANCE YET DO NOT ACCEPT OTHERS POINTS OF VIEW.

Try it for yourself.

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caf125 No.20183305

File: 76aaa78b7612117⋯.jpg (76.56 KB,500x500,1:1,Activated.jpg)

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1a1402 No.20183306

File: e9e56da79da1c5c⋯.png (197.67 KB,979x776,979:776,ClipboardImage.png)


> AMB Matlock

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b8399d No.20183308


Don't talk shit to me, baker. You don't have notable nothing for me. My posts speak loud and clear.

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604e81 No.20183309



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476dea No.20183310


I'm allergic.

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15ab70 No.20183311


Deport Nikki.

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a49cb2 No.20183312

File: 5866d3468b3e545⋯.png (407.62 KB,639x584,639:584,ClipboardImage.png)

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88cba4 No.20183313

Dillon Butler - 17- pump shotgun killed a 6th grader

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604e81 No.20183314


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d086e0 No.20183315


so if massage is code for sex

then alan dersh admitted getting massage with underware on

so technically not lying

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b12a56 No.20183316

File: 323fad48755f35a⋯.jpg (79 KB,500x647,500:647,8bb5i1.jpg)

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5f73f4 No.20183317

File: 8c7d98e56812821⋯.png (146.13 KB,1400x930,140:93,ClipboardImage.png)



learn to record your screen.

you will need a downloader again.


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b6c328 No.20183319


Dayshift sure does attract the fags.

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58aba0 No.20183320

File: 8b0a58695057482⋯.png (734.32 KB,1080x983,1080:983,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump moves to hold Special Counsel Jack Smith in contempt of court and seeks damages (flagrant violation of stay order

Trump Moves To Hold Jack Smith In Contempt Of Court

Trump suggested Thursday that the district court hold special counsel Jack Smith in contempt.

NEW: Trump’s lawyers ask Judge Chutkan to consider contempt of court charge against Special Counsel Jack Smith for defying stay order on Jan 6 trial. Smith continues to file motions while case is on hold awaiting immunity ruling: Image

Team Trump seeking damages. Issue here is Smith is flagrantly violating court order on stay to shape news coverage–Trump's lawyers are not so the narrative of course is one sided.



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604e81 No.20183321

File: 9d71a47fbe1cfb5⋯.jpeg (722.99 KB,3000x2000,3:2,david_miliband_0.jpeg)

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52a89e No.20183322

File: ee8e34697093994⋯.png (93.36 KB,601x867,601:867,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 162e611db1e7a60⋯.png (34.68 KB,641x523,641:523,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c158a50ea4f4c7⋯.png (79.98 KB,857x819,857:819,ClipboardImage.png)

Giuffre v. Maxwell (1:15-cv-07433)


Case 1:15-cv-07433-LAP Document 1321 Filed 01/04/24 Page 1 of 2

31 West 52nd Street | New York, NY 10019 | T | F 212.385.9010

Holland & Knight LLP | www.hklaw.com

Christine N. Walz

+1 212-513-3368


January 4, 2024


The Honorable Loretta A. Preska

District Court Judge

United States District Court for the

Southern District of New York

500 Pearl Street

New York, NY 10007


Giuffre v. Maxwell, Case No. 15-cv-7433-LAP

Dear Judge Preska:

Intervenors Julie Brown and Miami Herald Media Company respectfully submit this

letter-motion to unseal (in part) Docket Entry 1026-3 to clarify how the assigned J. Doe

pseudonyms line up with the disclosed individuals in each of the unsealed docket entries, as well

as the Court’s reasoning associated with the same.

Docket Entry 1026-3 was submitted by counsel for Giuffre and Maxwell as part of the

unsealing protocol in this matter. It lists all the non-parties listed in any of the originally sealed

documents and was used by the Court to manage the unsealing process and make its

determinations about what information was to be unsealed. It is, therefore, a judicial document

subject to the public right of access. See United States v. Amodeo, 44 F.3d 141, 145 (2d Cir.

1995) (a filed document is a judicial document if it is “relevant to the performance of the judicial

function and useful in the judicial process.”).

Now that the Court has made all its rulings on the unsealing of documents (and as part of

that decision, is releasing the names of most non-parties), this document should be unsealed in

accordance with the Court’s decisions.

As a practical matter, the unsealing is garnering a significant amount of media coverage –

by Intervenors, other news organizations, and commentators on social media. Without this list,

Intervenors and the public are puzzling together the Court’s ruling with each of the unsealed

documents to match the identities of each of the third parties with the Court’s ruling. Many of the

documents contain references to multiple Does, which makes this more challenging.

January 4, 2024

Page 2

Releasing the complete list of names and pseudonyms will avoid spread of incorrect

information that may arise from trying to unweave the partial disclosures and will enable the

public and press to understand this Court’s reasoning.

For these reasons, Intervenors respectfully request that Docket Entry 1026-3 be unsealed.

Sincerely yours,


/s/ Christine N. Walz

Christine N. Walz

31 West 52nd Street

New York, NY 10019

Telephone: 212.513.3200

Fax: 212.385.9010

Attorneys for Intervenors

Julie Brown and Miami Herald Media Company




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5f73f4 No.20183324



>never need a downloader again

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1a1402 No.20183325

File: c5f9728ea7ea5ef⋯.png (71.79 KB,761x284,761:284,ClipboardImage.png)



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476dea No.20183326


Or (hear me out)

We make (create) them kill themselves.

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7c5528 No.20183327

File: e61f3e65f5d0839⋯.png (636.18 KB,500x667,500:667,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d8b08 No.20183328

File: 50f68cd594d4716⋯.png (383.74 KB,777x715,777:715,ete.png)

File: 67e9eccee5b9a9b⋯.png (61.61 KB,260x194,130:97,fadsjkydf.png)



they're damn sure gonna try and make normies look at anything else

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0047c8 No.20183329



>>20182653 Huma Abedin trends on X after Epstein dump, and it’s some pretty weird stuff!

>>20182656 What They're NOT Telling You About Epstein 11:18

>>20182703 Suicide Weekend, Q Post

>>20182831, >>20182724 This Throwback Thursday, we recognize C Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, AKA “Suicide Charley”

>>20182707, >>20182731, >>20182746 Sarah Kellen, Ghislaine's right hand woman pleaded the fifth

>>20182766 Epstein list reignites suspicion the pedo financier was working for Mossad

>>20180398, >>20183284 Massage is a code word for Epstein

>>20182743, >>20182759 The world’s only stealth bomber looks even better from the sky. #AlwaysReady

>>20182758 James Biden, had bought a one-acre parcel of land on Water Island in May 2005 for $150,000. Part of the land was later sold to a third party

>>20182767 Figures named in the Jeffrey Epstein files: Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Naomi Campbell and Leonardo DiCaprio are among famous faces in bombshell 1,000-page document

>>20182787, >>20182794, >>20183056, >>20182826, >>20183102 Does Joe Biden Own an Island? What We Know About 'Water Island' May 10, 2023

>>20182788 NEW HAMPSHIRE Interactive Polls• Trump — 37% (+4)

>>20182810 Vivek Ramaswamy has sold $33 million worth of shares in Roivant Sciences, the biotech company he founded, per Axios.

>>20182849, >>20182871 Unsealed Docs Reveal Epstein Would Call Leonardo DiCaprio, Bruce Willis and More

>>20182864 3,000 Lorries Queued at Poland-Ukraine Border Checkpoints, as Polish Farmers Rejoin Truckers in Protest Against Agricultural and Transportation EU Rules Favoring Kiev

>>20182866, >>20182929 Former FBI Director Louis Freeh Is Named in New Batch of Epstein Documents

>>20182878 DSM II from 1968 admits vaccines can cause "mental retardation" (developmental delay?) p15 p16

>>20182884 U.S. Naval Institute USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Jan. 4, 2023

>>20182885 FUD Biden’s Weakness to Spark World War 3 in 2024? Blackwater Founder Erik Prince’s Prediction

>>20182893 NYC Sanctuary Mayor Eric Adams announces a lawsuit against 17 charter bus companies involved in bussing migrants from Texas

>>20182899 Illegal aliens: Many Chinese military personnel sport a distinct PLA tattoo tied to a specific brigade

>>20182946 Elon Musk Says Biden is ‘Actively Facilitating Illegal Immigration’

>>20183018 Sharpton going after Bill Ackman

>>20183041 Mushtaq Talib al-Saidi, US Drone Strike Kills Iraqi Militia Leader in Baghdad

>>20183072 Epstein Docs: Jeffrey Epstein Trafficked Women to at least one *Foreign President*

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b6c328 No.20183331


Die Hard 3.

Watch the gold.

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604e81 No.20183332




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caf125 No.20183334

File: 2065e45b3641782⋯.mp4 (47.22 KB,360x202,180:101,Boom.mp4)


dat's gud.

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a658a4 No.20183335

File: bfddb27411f485b⋯.png (13.64 KB,397x229,397:229,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ddc6907edd32616⋯.png (19.23 KB,397x301,397:301,ClipboardImage.png)

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b6c328 No.20183336


This is what it looks like AFTER they have all the work done.

Imagine what they would look like otherwise.

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3b7f80 No.20183337


Seems like there would be fail-safes in place for this exact thing.

Suspect AF.

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b1bb95 No.20183338

File: df89afb00a0cf14⋯.png (246.64 KB,807x568,807:568,ClipboardImage.png)

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b6c328 No.20183339

File: edd6fab2c0296f4⋯.png (349.27 KB,736x489,736:489,That_Motherfucker_Aint_Rea….png)

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9c45f0 No.20183340


>The symmetrical vertical line iterations keeps occurring closer and closer every week. We're going high frequency or some shit.

are indicative of regular cyclic variations in the global number of lightning strikes

lightning strikes are triggered by an influx of cosmic rays from deep space

cosmic rays, in turn, are blocked by the heliosphere (the aggregate solar wind)

ergo, the cycles in schumann suggest a regular puslation of the sun's generation of the solar wind

simple-minded illiterate tribesmen often associate them with a war between demons and angels

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3b7f80 No.20183341

File: cbb3f3ec8cae587⋯.png (114.16 KB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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604e81 No.20183342

were also going to flood rescue.org email server

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a49cb2 No.20183343

File: b13214b06e6ea15⋯.png (746.81 KB,706x960,353:480,ClipboardImage.png)

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e02626 No.20183344


no believy

it's the nwo, british zionist, rather than "jews" per se.

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604e81 No.20183345

flood rescue.org

they cannot communicate

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7e0451 No.20183346


>simple-minded illiterate tribesmen often associate them with a war between demons and angels

were not so simple-minded meseems

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31c6e8 No.20183347

File: 36c10789d505241⋯.png (7.76 KB,718x518,359:259,36c10789d505241014f3048d5b….png)


BO is most definitely Jewish and most probably MOS by the way s/he screeches at any mention of jews or jewish orgs, and attempts to or actually removes from notables.

Do you think they would have left this board uninfiltrated?

BO is an impostor, not anon.

They have succeeded in taking over.

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52a89e No.20183348


Lawyers for Miami Herald Media Company ask court to provide a DOE list for clarification

New filing in Guiffre vs Maxwell case

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b6c328 No.20183349


Nice they took time out of their Genocide to tell us they own that land.

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bcf334 No.20183350

File: ef70aaa82fa91c7⋯.png (83.75 KB,1011x380,1011:380,ClipboardImage.png)


Lightning strikes creates Ozone which empowers Angels to fight the Demons though realistically or figuratively. Jackass.

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caf125 No.20183352

File: d8e702b4bc5ace9⋯.jpg (106.54 KB,638x391,638:391,whateverp.jpg)

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427be5 No.20183353


…Make some more shit up, while you're at it.

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a7b369 No.20183354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Man hypnotized recalls life as a reptilian and encounters human slaves underground in Mars

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6d8b08 No.20183355

File: 923ba4ac060cb61⋯.png (1.3 MB,1081x1097,1081:1097,df2423RF463E4T.png)


>Using a “breakthrough” technology based on measuring the magnetic field recorded in burnt bricks

please pay no attention to the more recently burnt bricks

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0734e6 No.20183356

Department of Justice official at press conference about January 6th, just referenced George Washington, saying that, "he resigned his military commission, giving up control of the military, and not using it to install himself as the leader of the country whose independence he just won", clearly suggesting that President Trump had intended to do that.

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bcf334 No.20183357


Pic unrelated but since I accidentally posted it might as well bring up that Tate is also a jackass.

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ee2406 No.20183358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

One hour ago

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7e0451 No.20183359


don't forget to like&subscribe

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325f59 No.20183360


people who took the jab have mental now

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93fefc No.20183361

File: d7b4bf534a23c03⋯.jpg (39.49 KB,640x458,320:229,J_Baby_Penis_Vampires.jpg)

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b6c328 No.20183362

File: bb41e5bfa204686⋯.jpg (184.61 KB,1062x796,531:398,Dr_Evil_Massages_Epstein.jpg)

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a2e8e3 No.20183363










They want you divided.

Divided by religion.whoa! whoa! hang... hang on!

Divided by sex.free speech board

Divided by political affiliation.free speech board

Divided by class.free speech board

Timeline - 2018 to 2021 - the first 3 years of Q research from 4chan > 8kun

Former Board Owner Fast Jack is a Neo Nazi

Former Board Volunteer and Baker OSS is a Neo Nazi

Former Baker and OSS acolyte Animefagbaker is a Neo Nazi

OSS and Animefag were open about their Nazi tendencies yet one had to lurk into admin boards to find Fast Jack expressing his Nazi hatred of The Jewish Race via muh joo "kike, fucking kikes, all kikes should die" etc etc.

Neither Jim nor Codefaggot Ron ever expressed having any Problems or Concerns with this Fact. In fact, Laughter was the common response.

Notable: Little shill bitches just love to pretend that their muh joo shilling is why SPAM now... kek


Neo Nazi's tend to be Catholic and/or Christian. Hitler was a confirmed Catholic yet this fact is hidden in History.

Neo Nazi's see themselves as "Defenders of the Faith" so any appeals to Logic and Reason versus Dogma are seen as personal attacks.

Neo Nazi's are not here to help or otherwise promote Q or Anons. They see Q as simply a vehicle where they will inject their ideology, grift and attempt to steer the flow of information.

Neo Nazi's wish to appear very PRO CHILDREN, ANTI ABORTION & PRO RELIGION yet many have been found to be quite the opposite and simply hiding behind Religion in order to spread their Hate, Evil.

Neo Nazi's are fond of Catholicism because Catholicism, like Christianity, has Racism built in. See: Good Friday Prayer for the Faithless Jews.

Neo Nazi's are attracted to POTUS because they believe POTUS is a racist, albeit secretly, and will thus promote policies which they agree with.

Neo Nazi's strive to get into command and control positions CCP as they believe that their influence can alter the outcome of the Plan!

Neo Nazi's have a powerful foothold in former Axis Power Japan.

Neo Nazi's from /pol/ make up the bulk of the Neo Nazis on Kun.

Neo Nazi's, like Law Enforcement, like to use the symbolism of St. Michael.

Neo Nazi's are funded by Soros. Soros, of course, takes orders from the "Eye of Providence" drop #133.


MUH JOO bots ran on 50-75 posts per bread.

MUH JOO shill team 6 ran the Kitchen most of the time.

MUH JOO bakers loved P = Payseur, Inthematrixxx > MG SHOW > Karli Bonne > Steve Bannon > Alex Jones > Jack Posobiec > Flynn et al.

MUH JOO bakers would let anything ANTI POPE FRANCIS in notes but they would fight fiercly to keep out any true criticism of the Vatican/Roman Catholic Church. Francis must be the Fall Guy.

MUH JOO bakers had to be pinned down in order for them to note the Vatican atrocities that were being exposed daily.

Q had to step in and Q these hard articles as these "Bakers" would flatly refuse. Split the bread, delete notes et al. they did everything in their power to stop the flow of Information.

Q Drop #4799 is one of these Drops. Read it. Anon was fighting with OSS late one night when Q Q'ed anon. MJ Fakers refused to note Pompeo's trip to the Vatican. Q saw it. Q knows...

Right when POTUS was blaming "CHINA WUHAN" daily for the Virus, these clowns were trying to hide and obscure the Fact that the Vatican had and was renewing a Condordat with China.

What does MUH JOO mean?

A MUH JOO shill is someone who believes or pretends to believe that the Jewish race and/or religion is responsible for most if not all atrocities ever committed.

A MUH JOO shill believes Hitler was a pretty cool dude.

A MUH JOO shill believes Palestine is the good guy in the Israel - Palestine conflict.

A MUH JOO shill does not like to consider radical islam > Iran as the potential main agitator in the Israel - Palestine conflict.

A MUH JOO shill desires to believe that no matter all the power in Europe that the Bauer > Rothschild family (Knights of Malta) subdued Europe via Banking. No really.

A MUH JOO shill believes that it was easy to see that it was the JOO this whole time and that does not bother them at all... that it was "easy to see".

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f42fb7 No.20183364


Montauk boys problems

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a49cb2 No.20183365

File: 5f7af48077f1ae9⋯.png (199.4 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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b6c328 No.20183366


They're the most fucked in the head.

Most have Therapists.

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e02626 No.20183367

File: 5311751bbfd69df⋯.png (189.16 KB,557x448,557:448,habermane.png)


she doesn't look sketchy, not at all /s/

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9e12be No.20183368





>Lawyers for Miami Herald Media Company ask court to provide a DOE list for clarification


>New filing in Guiffre vs Maxwell case


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a2e8e3 No.20183369

File: 035f0b20d815ec2⋯.jpg (63.16 KB,1380x877,1380:877,035f0b20d815ec2cf6295cbf37….jpg)

File: 9971a7ccc84bc8d⋯.png (375.39 KB,660x767,660:767,a4_wa.png)

File: 84e6519ba428dcf⋯.png (993.76 KB,848x916,212:229,CIA911a.png)

File: 87f549271a07923⋯.png (714.01 KB,1138x1010,569:505,cia_epstein_24.png)

File: 757b2825739dc13⋯.jpg (126.16 KB,800x620,40:31,cia4.jpg)

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6d8b08 No.20183370


It's one thing to be together, but this just leans into every ugly stereotype. Why not walk down the street with your lady with class?

Lose the king kong shit

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604e81 No.20183371

File: 271961d334f007e⋯.mp4 (4.6 MB,720x720,1:1,Orthodox_Jews_show_solidar….mp4)


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a2e8e3 No.20183372

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB,586x614,293:307,4CHOOSEPAIN.png)

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52a89e No.20183373


Exactly, kek

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a2e8e3 No.20183374

File: d0f5fff3c3764db⋯.gif (499.58 KB,480x228,40:19,4choosepainpussy.gif)

Really though, Baker... Don't you think it is odd that an article which POTUS truthed and says so much about the current ISRAEL situation would NOT be notable?

Some of the local shills would say that this is "Fascinating" really...


For some odd reason, a whole series of POTUS posts from yesterday 11 23 2023 were simply listed as 'POTUS SHITPOSTING', with only the most recent post capped.

The notable was titled "POTUS SHITPOSTING".

One of the articles POTUS "shitposted" wasThe Israel Op

>>19967599, >>19967595 , >>19967592 , >>19967589

THE ISRAEL OP BUNPOTUS re truthed this article on 11 23 2023 and it was not noted at all.

>>19969690, >>19969691, >>19969695, >>19969696 , >>19969697, >>19969707, >>19969712

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump tabletmag.com/sections/news/arThe Israel Op

An information warfare campaign tries to flip demoralized portions of the right into supporting Hamas and Obama’s Iran deal

www.tabletmag.com Nov 23, 2023, 3:43 PM

https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/111461807192737407The Israel OpAn information warfare campaign tries to flip demoralized portions of the right into supporting Hamas and Obama’s Iran deal pI

Information warfare campaigns designed by the U.S. government to target Americans with the aim of splitting them apart from their countrymen through weaponized falsehoods are rooted in new methods of shaping and controlling the online communities that many Americans trust to interpret the world around them. From Russiagate to COVID-19 to Jan. 6, the newness and force of these campaigns has knocked the country senseless, with the left readily acclimating itself to third-world norms, and large parts of the right increasingly hopeless.

What the right has learned from a decade of information warfare targeting it is to distrust the media. Knowing, for instance, that the Justice Department interfered in the 2016, 2020, and now the 2024 elections, what else is phony? Was 9/11 an inside job after all? What about the moon landing? What haven’t we been lied to about? Our families are real, our kids are real. But what else is there to hold on to? It’s like reaching for a life raft and finding only splinters. Maybe America is fake all the way down.

But it’s not, and the right can’t afford to let itself be fooled into despair with so much at stake. The same U.S. government agencies and officials that pushed everything from Russiagate to the Russia bounty story and lied about the origins of COVID-19, Hunter Biden’s laptop, and the character of Jan. 6 protests are now warning that Israel’s war against Hamas is likely to drag U.S. forces into WWIII. It’s another information operation designed to disorient and demoralize the America First camp. This time, however, there’s a big difference—an influential segment of the right is amplifying the left’s campaign against them.

The left claims that America is a fraud at its origins, a racist hoax perpetrated against nonwhites to this very day. The left tears down monuments, desecrates our heroes, replaces our holidays, and rewrites our history to suit their pathological grievances. It’s a whole-of-party effort to force the middle class to our knees in despair, so that the country’s ruling class and the oligarchs can continue running their high-tech monopolies while defunding police forces and opening the borders to depress wages, impoverish communities, and terrorize families.

But now, the right is in danger of transitioning into the left. Maybe it shouldn’t be surprising that amid the ruins, some of those capitalizing on the chaos and preying on the shell-shocked are themselves from the right. A year ago, for example, right-wing influencer Jackson Hinkle sounded like a normal Trump voter. After Biden delivered his infamous Philadelphia speech accusing his political opponents of terrorism, Hinkle called him a dictator, and said he was plunging us into fascism at the behest of George Soros and Klaus Schwab while using the intelligence agencies to target freedom-loving Americans. Most of that is true.

Today, however, Hinkle’s Twitter feed looks like nothing more than a Soros-funded operation, pumping out reports every hour enticing clicks via the eternal threat that is antisemitism, and promoting actual America-hating terrorists in the process. Hinkle’s business model?“Subscribe to my X Premium for $3 to help me DEFEAT THE ZIONIST LIES.”


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e02626 No.20183375


skeered much?

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80b031 No.20183376


>If Biden was on film video raping a child, the left wing nut jobs would still defend these people

I'd wager that it exists.

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8c49ff No.20183377


One post wonder with the same tired argument that he's been using for 6 months now because his propaganda gets removed. You are not the arbiter of anyone's worth here, dipshit, though you desperately try projecting that you are.

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b6c328 No.20183378


There's more than 2 options, faggot.

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a2e8e3 No.20183379

File: 26569649dc5f19a⋯.png (139.54 KB,364x363,364:363,a2.png)

Jim Watkins says Q is a major psyop run by Media Matters and George Soros!

Of Course the QAnon Guy Blamed QAnon on George Soros

In sworn testimony before the Jan. 6 committee, Jim Watkins claimed QAnon was invented by George Soros and Media Matters. 04 January 2023, 11:05am

Jim Watkins, who helped facilitate the rise of QAnon to become a violent conspiracy movement that has infected large parts of the Republican Party, told the Jan. 6 committee that in fact,QAnon was invented by George Soros.

The transcript of Watkins’ June 2022 interview with the committee was published on Tuesday evening and reveals that the founder of 8kun, the platform where the anonymous leader of QAnon posted thousands of messages,

not only denied being behind QAnon but went one step further and claimed it was nothing more than a fiction created by the left to stifle independent thought.

“QAnon is manufactured by the left-wing media, and it’s probably put out mostly by a company called Media Matters, which is, I believe, funded by a man named George Soros,”

Watkins said in testimony that was given under the penalty of perjury. “It’s manufactured. It’s not anything to do with my website. I’ve used the term a couple times, and that’s before I realized what it even was.”

Watkins claimed to the committee’s investigators that Soros and Media Matters colluded to invent the QAnon movement in order to ”make it a boogeyman” because “they don’t like people thinking for themselves.”


Q Drop #416

Anonymous 12/21/2017 20:31:58 ID: deb9fa

8chan/cbts: 143329

Soros takes orders fromP.

You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.

Fight, fight, fight.

Day of days.

Game over.


Q DROP #1413

Guardian of the Pope Owl Photo

Q !4pRcUA0lBE 17 May 2018 - 8:15:27 PM


Guardian of the Pope.



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34e592 No.20183380

File: 9e46f90db1234c5⋯.webm (3.92 MB,584x1062,292:531,1703280055175783.webm)



wonder y those exist

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3b7f80 No.20183381

File: c68fcba506fb770⋯.png (7.6 KB,367x146,367:146,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2bd288f05324702⋯.png (243.48 KB,469x262,469:262,ClipboardImage.png)


I bet she chose her child…

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e02626 No.20183382


it's your fault for spamming jew hate.

If it were true you wouldn't have to spam it

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a2e8e3 No.20183383

File: 4c28d72224ac518⋯.png (209.95 KB,471x356,471:356,a1c.png)

General Flynn says Q is a major psyop being run by Traitor Faggots



A lot of people sent me this heated exchange between General Flynn & Dave from X22 and asked for my opinion.

I don’t see anyone else talking about this, so I will.

First, General Flynn is 100% correct:

• Our military abides by the US Constitution

• Our military acts on the…

Oct 17

General Mike Flynn@GenFlynn

Here’s my take on Q…

I believe it is a major psyop and from what I can tell, it or they or whatever or whoever is “running this op” has done a major disservice.

What I see are a bunch of people sitting and waiting for something to happen instead of doing what I have been calling for now for quite some time (LOCAL ACTION).

The nonsense about trump is still the president and the military is coming to the rescue is just that…nonsense.

I wasn’t belittling Dave (he’s a big boy), I was being brutally honest (like it or not or believe it or not).

Rome is burning Nero and the bucket brigade is getting low on water.

And like it or not (I don’t), we have a person in the WH that is there following a constitutional process…note I didn’t say fair election (which I don’t believe occurred).

Lastly, I so respect your smart statement and most definitely appreciate your support as well as Dave’s (I’m a big fan of X22).

I also appreciate the support by many of the digital soldiers who did and do support me.

Thank you will never be enough. However, I want us to face reality for what it is and it is staring us in the face currently and it is ugly.

But never ever give up and trust me, there will always be silver linings, we just have to find them and exploit them as soon and for as long as possible.

God bless



1:13 AM · Oct 19, 2023


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f42fb7 No.20183384


imagine how utterly comp'd this guy is to even consider attempting what he has done.

hell is hot!

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ef17ce No.20183385

The Lubavitcher Chabad believe that the Messiah (i.e. antichrist) will return only after the world is destroyed. We are in the thrall of a fanatic satanic cult.

Historian Wolfgang Eggert warned of this twenty years ago.– Jewish Doomsday Cult Controls West, Plots WW3


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a2e8e3 No.20183386

File: eef8144a7cc6cea⋯.png (496.5 KB,666x666,1:1,00000notccomin.png)

File: 34626c6ba4d4677⋯.png (439.52 KB,1856x996,464:249,00000notccominA.png)

File: ae415bdc5e22fd6⋯.png (373.69 KB,494x790,247:395,00000notccominH.png)

File: 571ac295083faca⋯.png (544.39 KB,2476x1192,619:298,00000notccominB.png)

File: 87f98877f8d5173⋯.png (447.44 KB,666x666,1:1,00000notccominz.png)

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6784b6 No.20183387


Is that blonde Meg Whitman? From Yahoo and HP?

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a49cb2 No.20183388


>QAnon not Q

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a2e8e3 No.20183389

File: a8f7247983aee45⋯.png (455.13 KB,2120x2836,530:709,00000kekb.png)

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b6c328 No.20183390


yup. He's going down. A fucking traitor to his country.

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604e81 No.20183391

David Miliband

President and CEO

Jeannie Annan

Chief Research and Innovation Officer

Martin Bratt

Senior Vice President, Awards Management Unit

Harlem Désir

Senior Vice President, Europe

Ciaran Donnelly

Senior Vice President, Crisis Response, Recovery & Development

Ebighe Emafo

Senior Vice President, People and Culture

Angela Mariana Freyre

Senior Vice President and General Counsel

Oscar Raposo

Chief Financial Officer

Madlin Sadler

Chief Operating Officer

Hans Van de Weerd

Senior Vice President, Resettlement, Asylum & Integration

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668ca1 No.20183392


have you seen pics of her child? I haven't

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e02626 No.20183393


rumors she's back with her lame husband "Weiner" the big liar.

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604e81 No.20183394

Senior Leaders Group

Adama Coulibaly

Country Director, Great Lakes

Adnan Junaid

Regional Vice President, Asia

Aissatou Balde

Country Director, West Africa

Aitor Sanchez Lacomba

Director, Business Operations

Alyoscia D'Onofrio

Vice President, Head of Technical Excellence

Amanda Catanzano

Acting Vice President, Policy & Practice

Angela (Manana) Freyre

General Counsel

Aśka Pickering

Deputy Vice President, Awards Management Unit

Bill Schaffrath

Senior Director, Internal Audit & Global Assurance

Bob Kitchen

Vice President, Emergency Programs & Humanitarian Action

Brian Johnson

Chief Officer, Global Human Resources

Brian Ssebunya

Acting Senior Director, Economic Recovery & Development

Carol Sekyewa

Country Director, East Africa

Chris Honsberger

Chief Global Supply Chain Officer

Ciaran Donnelly

Senior Vice President, Crisis Response, Recovery & Development

Cica Dadjo

Chief Gender, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Officer

Colin Mc Ilreavy

Chief Safety & Security Officer

Darren Hertz

Country Director, Asia

David Miliband

President and CEO

Elinor Raikes

Vice President & Head of Program Delivery

Elizabeth Norman

Senior Director, Finance & Administration

Ellen Beattie

Senior Director, Program Quality & Innovation

Em Fackler

Chief Information and Operations Officer

Emma Gremley

Senior Director, Education Unit

Faith Cooper

Regional Director, South - Resettlement, Asylum & Integration

Gerrard Khan

Senior Director Resource Acquisition & Management

Hans Van de Weerd

Acting Senior Vice President, Resettlement, Asylum & Integration

Harlem Désir

Senior Vice President, IRC in Europe

Imogen Sudbery

Director, Policy & Advocacy Europe

Inah Kaloga

Senior Director, Violence Prevention & Response

Isabella De Mattia

Acting Vice President, Business Operations & Analytics

Jeannie Annan

Chief Research & Innovation Officer

Jennifer Peng

Vice President, Finance

Joan Fong

Deputy General Counsel

Jon Beloe

Senior Director, Strategy, Learning & Innovation

Julio E. Rank Wright

Regional Vice President, Latin America

Justin Howell

Executive Director, South - Resettlement, Asylum & Integration

Kate Moger

Regional Vice President, Africa Great Lakes

Kiryn Lanning

Senior Director, Health Program - Emergencies & Humanitarian Action

Kristy Gladfelter

Senior Director, Research Analysis and Learning - Resettlement, Asylum & Integration

Kurt Tjossem

Regional Vice President, East Africa

Lani Fortier

Senior Director, Emergency Response - Emergencies & Humanitarian Action

Laura Kyrke Smith

Executive Director, IRC UK

Lisa Küchenhoff

Head of Program, Europe - Resettlement, Asylum & Integration

Madlin Sadler

Chief Operating Officer

Marijana Simic

Regional Director, Europe - Resettlement, Asylum & Integration

Martin Bratt

Senior Vice President, Awards Management Unit

Mathilde Segard

Acting Senior Director, Compliance and Policy

Matthew Collins-Gibson

Vice President, USA Philanthropy

Matthew Wingate

Senior Director, Business Development

Meg Galas

Country Director, Northern Central America

Megan Nobert

Director, Safeguarding

Melanie Ward

Senior Director, Strategy & Planning

Mesfin Teklu Tessema

Senior Technical Director, Health

Modou Diaw

Regional Vice President, West Africa

Naima Siddiqi

Senior Director, Finance & Operations

Nick Jones-Bannister

Senior Director, Measurement

Nicole Walden

Senior Director, Strategy & Performance

Oscar Raposo

Chief Financial Officer

Ourania Dionysiou

Vice President, International Development

Patrick Poulin

Regional Director, West - Resettlement, Asylum & Integration

Phil Woollam

Vice President, Mass Markets

Ra Eang

Senior Director, Financial Planning & Analysis

Ralph Achenbach

Country Director, IRC Deutschland

Rick Estridge

Global Controller

Ruben Chandrasekar

Regional Director, East - Resettlement, Asylum & Integration

Samar Abboud

Country Director, Middle East and North Africa

Sarah Case

Vice President, Humanitarian System Change

Sarah Kleinman

Chief Strategy Officer

Shalaina Abioye

Executive Director, West - Resettlement, Asylum & Integration

Su'ad Jarbawi

Regional Vice President, Middle East & North Africa

Susan Ringler

Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer

Thomas Flannery

Acting Senior Director, Strategy & Planning

Tracy Reines

Regional Director, East - Resettlement, Asylum & Integration

Wale Osofisan

Senior Director, Governance

Wan Hong

Senior Director, Policy & Planning

Zain Habboo

Chief Mobilization & Marketing Officer

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a2e8e3 No.20183395

File: 5245fe03b20c9a9⋯.jpg (164.82 KB,1235x622,1235:622,5245fe03b20c9a97ea979ddebd….jpg)

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ef17ce No.20183396

File: f1104fe8b5a7b87⋯.png (1.31 MB,1440x802,720:401,ClipboardImage.png)

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b6c328 No.20183397


now that she knows the FBI has buried the laptop…

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f98965 No.20183398

File: ef4de44d9efc760⋯.jpg (43.44 KB,502x374,251:187,Screenshot_20240104_141717….jpg)

has the flag with the yellow fringe finally fallen?

Maritime law and the courts run by UK. https://twitter.com/ElonMuskAOC/status/1742784004477378892?t=racW5crA1ABil4KA-z34Bg&s=19

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31c6e8 No.20183399

File: 8f39a0758e05440⋯.jpg (272.46 KB,875x858,875:858,gov_uscourts_nysd_447706_1….jpg)

Ghislaine Maxwell panicover additional discover motions of the Jane Doe's

Email from her to Philip Barden; Ross Gow —

I am out of my depth to understanding defamation and other legal hazards and don't want to end up in a law

suit aimed at me from anyone if I can help it. Apparently even saying Virginia is a lier has hazard! I have never

been in a suit criminal or civil and want it to stay that way.

The US lawyers for the Jane Does are filling additional discovery motions and if I speak I open my self to being

part of discovery apparently. I am trying to stay out of litigation and not have to employ lawyers for years as I

get lost in US legal nightmare. I stand no legal risk currently on these old charges and civil suits against Jeffrey

We need to consult with US lawyers on any statement I make and the complaints too

Perhaps we make a statement of the legal risk of saying anything for potential defamation or something that

prevents a full and frank detailed rebuttal+ the press not being the place for that? Regardless, Philip plse call

jeffrey lawyer and see what you can under.stand from him and pehaps craft something in conjunction with

him? Either way I think you need to speak to him to understand my risk so you can help me understand it - too

may cooks in the kitchen and l can't make good decisions. Plse reach out to him today

+ I have already suffered such a terrible and painful loss over the last few days that I can't even see what life

after press he'll even looks like - statements that don't address all just lead to more questions .. what is my

relationship toclinton ? Andrew on and on.

Let's rest till monday. I need head space


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604e81 No.20183400

Timothy F. Geithner

Co-Chair, Board of Directors

Sally Susman

Co-Chair, Board of Directors

Eduardo G. Mestre

Chair, IRC Board of Advisors

Liv Ullmann

Honorary Vice-Chair, International

Angela Freyre


Oscar Raposo


David Miliband

President and Chief Executive Officer

Alan Batkin

Katherine Farley

Winston Lord

Sarah O’Hagan

Thomas Schick

James Strickler

Jonathan Wiesner

Tracy R. Wolstencroft

Chairs, Emeriti

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a2e8e3 No.20183401

File: c8f1394194ffdd0⋯.png (184.13 KB,4704x4032,7:6,Q_133_a.png)

File: 4e4241c8093cdf7⋯.png (226.33 KB,4704x4032,7:6,Q_133_b.png)

File: 2ddb5e2d2859e47⋯.png (211.8 KB,4704x4032,7:6,Q_133_c.png)

File: c10a99e53f40c4e⋯.png (370.86 KB,6696x4848,279:202,Q_133_d.png)

File: c27766ad8d01f5e⋯.png (533.38 KB,6688x4848,418:303,Q_133_e.png)

Dig and decode on the Eye of Providence - Q drop #133 version 7.0 "Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’. The Eye of Providence."












U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops@USCCBThe all-seeing eye is not a Masonic symbol but represents God's omnipresence. When surrounded by a triangle, it symbolizes the Trinity. 11:02 AM · Dec 18, 2019 https://twitter.com/USCCB/status/1207330423484928006

Nov 11, 2017 11:29:35 PM EST DROP #133 Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: gO/UntOB No. 149063235

Hard to swallow.

Important to progress.

Who are the puppet masters?If Saud, Roths and Soros are the Puppet Masters, why does Q repeat this Question again below?

House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+

Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+

Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+

Focus on above(3).

Public wealth disclosures – False.

Many governments of the world feed the‘Eye’.

Think slush funds (feeder).

Think war (feeder).

Think environmental pacts (feeder).

Triangle has(3)sides.

Eye of Providence.The EYE OF PROVIDENCE is an ancient symbol most commonly associated with Christianity, Catholicism > Holy Trinity. The Eye of God is in the Middle of the Triangle.

Follow the bloodlines.

What is the keystone?SATAN is the keystone? Double meanings exist? (keystone)

Does Satan exist?No.

Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?Yes and it is the Thought that Counts.

Who worships Satan?All Religions which require a Satan, Devil, Negative archetype > excuse for evil to exist.

What is a cult?Noun: cult; plural noun: cults a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.

Epstein island.

What is a temple?Church, Cathedral, building dedicated to a figure or object.

What occurs in a temple?Worship and sacrifice.


Why is the temple on top of a mountain?Represents the Mouth of the Diety

How many levels might exist below?Many, arranged like a body

What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?Symbology of the Puppet Masters

Why is this relevant?

Who are the puppet masters?Why is Q asking this question again? This means that the above 3 are not the Puppet Masters but the Puppets.

Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?

When? How often? Why?

“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”


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0047c8 No.20183402



#24766 >>20182651

>>20182653 Huma Abedin trends on X after Epstein dump, and it’s some pretty weird stuff!

>>20182656 What They're NOT Telling You About Epstein 11:18

>>20182703 Suicide Weekend, Q Post

>>20182831, >>20182724 This Throwback Thursday, we recognize C Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, AKA “Suicide Charley”

>>20182707, >>20182731, >>20182746 Sarah Kellen, Ghislaine's right hand woman pleaded the fifth

>>20182766 Epstein list reignites suspicion the pedo financier was working for Mossad

>>20180398, >>20183284 Massage is a code word for Epstein

>>20182743, >>20182759 The world’s only stealth bomber looks even better from the sky. #AlwaysReady

>>20182758 James Biden, had bought a one-acre parcel of land on Water Island in May 2005 for $150,000. Part of the land was later sold to a third party

>>20182767 Figures named in the Jeffrey Epstein files: Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Naomi Campbell and Leonardo DiCaprio are among famous faces in bombshell 1,000-page document

>>20182787, >>20182794, >>20183056, >>20182826, >>20183102 Does Joe Biden Own an Island? What We Know About 'Water Island' May 10, 2023

>>20182788 NEW HAMPSHIRE Interactive Polls• Trump — 37% (+4)

>>20182810 Vivek Ramaswamy has sold $33 million worth of shares in Roivant Sciences, the biotech company he founded, per Axios.

>>20182849, >>20182871 Unsealed Docs Reveal Epstein Would Call Leonardo DiCaprio, Bruce Willis and More

>>20182864 3,000 Lorries Queued at Poland-Ukraine Border Checkpoints, as Polish Farmers Rejoin Truckers in Protest Against Agricultural and Transportation EU Rules Favoring Kiev

>>20182866, >>20182929, >>20183182 Former FBI Director Louis Freeh Is Named in New Batch of Epstein Documents

>>20182878 DSM II from 1968 admits vaccines can cause "mental retardation" (developmental delay?) p15 p16

>>20182884 U.S. Naval Institute USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Jan. 4, 2023

>>20182885 FUD Biden’s Weakness to Spark World War 3 in 2024? Blackwater Founder Erik Prince’s Prediction

>>20182893 NYC Sanctuary Mayor Eric Adams announces a lawsuit against 17 charter bus companies involved in bussing migrants from Texas

>>20182899 Illegal aliens: Many Chinese military personnel sport a distinct PLA tattoo tied to a specific brigade

>>20182946 Elon Musk Says Biden is ‘Actively Facilitating Illegal Immigration’

>>20183018 Sharpton going after Bill Ackman

>>20183041 Mushtaq Talib al-Saidi, US Drone Strike Kills Iraqi Militia Leader in Baghdad

>>20183072 Epstein Docs: Jeffrey Epstein Trafficked Women to at least one *Foreign President*

>>20183119 Mike Davis On Trump's Team Filing Petition To SCOTUS To Reverse The Colorado 14th Amendment Decision 6:15

>>20183141 Apple gets a second downgrade in a week. This is awesome. If tech stocks crash people will finally get a look at the real state of the economy. Accelerate.

>>20183162 COMMS: Huge, cannibal invasive frog concerns Georgia wildlife officials: 'This could be a problem'

>>20183320 Trump Moves To Hold Jack Smith In Contempt Of Court

>>20183322 Giuffre v. Maxwell (1:15-cv-07433)

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3b7f80 No.20183403

File: 1ae14cb67367c19⋯.png (556.37 KB,498x643,498:643,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e08c3285aa1177b⋯.png (10.56 KB,364x198,182:99,ClipboardImage.png)

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9c45f0 No.20183404


yes… orthodox (real) jews have always denounce and condemned zionism and israel


jews who DO NOT, are complicit in the crimes of zionists

it really IS that simple

denounce zionism

denounce israel

admit the "holocaust" never happened

you will be spared

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604e81 No.20183405

Masood Ahmed

President, Center for Global Development

Dr. Titilola Banjoko

Chair, Board of Directors, IRC-UK

George Biddle

Chairman, World Connect

Kerwin Charles

Indra K. Nooyi Dean and Frederic D. Wolfe Professor of Economics, Policy, and Management, Yale School of Management

Cheryl Cohen Effron

Founder, Conjunction Fund

Laurence D. Fink

Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, BlackRock, Inc.

Victoria Long Foley

Mediator, New York Peace Institute

Kenneth R. French

Roth Family Distinguished Professor of Finance,Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College

Timothy F. Geithner

75th U.S. Secretary of the Treasury; Chairman, Warburg Pincus

Udi Grofman

Partner, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison

Becca Heller

Executive Director, International Refugee Assistance Project

Maria Hummer-Tuttle

Uzodinma Iweala, M.D.

CEO, The Africa Center

Matthew M. Johnson

Johnson Shapiro Slewett & Kole LLP

Kathrin Jungehülsing

Co-Founder & CEO TolaData GmbH

Dr. Christina Kirby

Andrew Klaber

CEO, Bedford Ridge Capital

Steven Klinsky

Founder and CEO, New Mountain Capital

François-Xavier (FX) de Mallmann

Chairman of the Investment Banking Division, Goldman Sachs

Prakash Melwani

Senior Managing Director, Blackstone

Eduardo G. Mestre

Chairman of Global Advisory, Evercore Partners

David Miliband

President and CEO, International Rescue Committee

Jillian Muller

Janet Napolitano

Professor of Public Policy, UC Berkeley

Viet Thanh Nguyen

Pulitzer Prize Winning Author; Aerol Arnold Chair of English and Professor of English, American Studies and Ethnicity, and Comparative Literature, University of Southern California

Thomas Nides

Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel

Michael J. O’Neill

Former Chief Corporate Affairs Officer, American Express Company

Dr. Kathleen Pike, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology, Departments of Psychiatry and Epidemiology, Columbia University Medical Center

Pamela Saunders-Albin

Joshua L. Steiner

Private Investor and Senior Adviser, Bloomberg, L.P.

Sally Susman

Executive Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Pfizer Inc.

Mona K. Sutphen

Senior Advisor, The Vistria Group

Dr. Merryl H. Tisch

Chairman, SUNY Board of Trustees

Abraham Verghese

Linda R. Meier and Joan F. Lane Provostial Professor, and Vice Chair for the Theory and Practice of Medicine, School of Medicine at Stanford University

P. Maureen White

Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Institute at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University

Leah Joy Zell

Founding Partner, Lizard Investors, LLC

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427be5 No.20183406

File: 0f48cd5de9ca54f⋯.png (610.87 KB,774x662,387:331,Untitledsmnpfh.png)

File: b581a7f8a66ae12⋯.jpg (269.14 KB,1000x562,500:281,clowncaronfire.jpg)

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941ee4 No.20183407

The temperature of Heaven can be rather accurately computed from available

data. Our authority is Isaiah 30:26, "Moreover, the light of the Moon

shall be as the light of the Sun and the light of the Sun shall be sevenfold,

as the light of seven days." Thus Heaven receives from the Moon as much

radiation as we do from the Sun, and in addition seven times seven (49) times

as much as the Earth does from the Sun, or fifty times in all. The light we

receive from the Moon is one ten-thousandth of the light we receive from the

Sun, so we can ignore that. With these data we can compute the temperature

of Heaven. The radiation falling on Heaven will heat it to the point where

the heat lost by radiation is just equal to the heat received by radiation,

i.e., Heaven loses fifty times as much heat as the Earth by radiation. Using

the Stefan-Boltzmann law for radiation, (H/E)^4 = 50, where E is the absolute

temperature of the earth (~300K), gives H as 798K (525C). The exact

temperature of Hell cannot be computed, but it must be less than 444.6C, the

temperature at which brimstone or sulphur changes from a liquid to a gas.

Revelations 21:8 says "But the fearful, and unbelieving … shall have their

part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone." A lake of molten

brimstone means that its temperature must be at or below the boiling point,

or 444.6C (Above this point it would be a vapor, not a lake.) We have,

then, that Heaven, at 525C is hotter than Hell at 445C.

– "Applied Optics", vol. 11, A14, 1972

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a2e8e3 No.20183408

File: b52f21094c2ab5b⋯.png (376.21 KB,778x1066,389:533,Q_191_VATICAN_VIPER_HEAD.png)

File: 144db5cea624cf9⋯.png (577.76 KB,1024x512,2:1,d8d6d1795849f4f868f17e2eba….png)

File: 3e4537788cafb81⋯.png (256.96 KB,760x1145,152:229,Q_1002_VATICAN_VIPER_NSA.png)


Apr 03, 2018 9:18:12 PM EDT 1002

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 3474d4 No. 885486

Apr 03, 2018 9:15:43 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: fce0d6 No. 885429



Symbolism will be their downfall.




The BITE that has no CURE - NSA.



The Snake in full:Read Donald Trump's anti immigration poem

On her way to work one morning

Down the path alongside the lake

A tender-hearted woman saw a poor half-frozen snake

His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew

“Oh well,” she cried, “I'll take you in and I'll take care of you”

“Take me in oh tender woman

Take me in, for heaven's sake

Take me in oh tender woman,” sighed the snake

She wrapped him up all cozy in a curvature of silk

And then laid him by the fireside with some honey and some milk

Now she hurried home from work that night as soon as she arrived

She found that pretty snake she'd taken in had been revived

“Take me in, oh tender woman

Take me in, for heaven's sake

Take me in oh tender woman,” sighed the snake

Now she clutched him to her bosom, “You're so beautiful,” she cried

“But if I hadn't brought you in by now you might have died”

Now she stroked his pretty skin and then she kissed and held him tight

But instead of saying thanks, that snake gave her a vicious bite

“Take me in, oh tender woman

Take me in, for heaven's sake

Take me in oh tender woman,” sighed the snake

“I saved you,” cried that woman

“And you've bit me even, why?

You know your bite is poisonous and now I'm going to die”

“Oh shut up, silly woman,” said the reptile with a grin

“You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in

”Take me in, oh tender woman

Take me in, for heaven's sake

Take me in oh tender woman,“ sighed the snake

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b6c328 No.20183409

File: e2f11366ee8d1e6⋯.png (9.91 KB,735x88,735:88,Not_This_Shit_Again_Cap.png)


> yellow fringe

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1a1402 No.20183410


says alot about her

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9e12be No.20183411

File: 728123fc5b0c2e5⋯.png (1.17 MB,1079x1451,1079:1451,ClipboardImage.png)

Harvard has had a rough week.

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604e81 No.20183412

Board of Advisors

Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein

President and Chief Executive Officer, International Peace Institute

Morton I. Abramowitz

Senior Fellow, The Century Foundation and President Emeritus, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Laurent Alpert

Senior Counsel, Cleary Gottlieb, Steen and Hamilton

F. William Barnett

Former Director, McKinsey & Company, Inc.

Alan R. Batkin

Former Co-Chair of IRC Board of Directors and Chair of IRC Airbel

Christoph Becker

Chief Executive Officer and Chief Creative Officer, cbc

Georgette F. Bennett

President, Tanenbaum Center for Inter-religious Understanding and Founder, Multifaith Alliance for Syrian Refugees

Vera Blinken

Chair, Primavera Mobil Mammography Program; Vice Chair, Foundation of Art Preservation in Embassies; Co-Chair, Blinken European Institute/Columbia University

Betsy Blumenthal

Senior Managing Director, Kroll Associates

W. Michael Blumenthal

Former Secretary of the U.S. Treasury and Founding Director of Jewish Museum Berlin

Mary Boies

Counsel, Boies Schiller Flexner LLP

Andrew H. Brimmer

Partner, Joele Frank, Wilkinson, Brimmer, Katcher

Jennifer Brokaw, M.D.

Associate Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine, University of California, San Francisco

Tom Brokaw

Special Correspondent, NBC News

Glenda Burkhart

Frederick Burkle, M.D.

Senior International Public Policy; Scholar at Woodrow Wilson; International Center for Scholars

Sarah R. Cannon

General Partner and Head of Europe, Coatue

Néstor Carbonell

Former Vice President for International Public Affairs, PepsiCo

Robert M. Cotten

Maha Dahkil

Co-Head of the Motion Picture Department and Motion Picture Agent

Susan Dentzer

President and Chief Executive Officer, America’s Physician Groups

Laurent Desmangles

Senior Advisor, Boston Consulting Group

Trinh D. Doan

Senior Vice President, Bank of America

Jodie Eastman

Member; Leadership Council, New York Stem Cell Foundation

Andra Ehrenkranz

Laura Entwistle

Co-Founder and CEO, EmancipAction

Katherine Farley

Former Senior Managing Director Brazil, China & Global Corporate Marketing, Tishman Speyer

H.R.H. Princess Firyal of Jordan

Jeffrey E. Garten

Dean Emeritus, Yale School of Management

Corydon J. Gilchrist

President/Owner, KCG Holdings I, LLC

Robin Gosnell

Evan G. Greenberg

Chairman and CEO, Chubb

Maurice R. Greenberg

Chairman and CEO, C.V. Starr & Co

Sarah K. Griffin

Ziad Haider

Head of Geopolitical Risk, McKinsey & Company

Philip Hammarskjold

CEO & Managing Director, Hellman & Friedman LLC

Leila Heckman

Managing Director, Lebenthal Asset Management

Karen Hein, M.D.

Former President of the William T. Grant Foundation

Lucile P. Herbert

Volunteer, International Rescue Committee

John Holmes

Chair Emeritus, Board of Directors, IRC-UK

Bob Horne

President, ZS Fund LP

Badr Jafar

CEO, Crescent Enterprises

Aly S. Jeddy

Director, McKinsey & Company

Deepak Kamra

General Partner of Canaan Partners

M. Farooq Kathwari

Chairman, President and CEO, Ethan Allen Interiors, Inc.

Yong Kwok

David A. Levine

Former Chief Economist, Sanford C. Bernstein

Reynold Levy

Former CEO of the IRC

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ef17ce No.20183413

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796161 No.20183414

File: 9e9eb94a8ccc4c8⋯.jpeg (101.9 KB,500x747,500:747,night_shift_jolly_roger.jpeg)

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604e81 No.20183415

Winston Lord

Former U.S. Ambassador, China

John J. Mack

Chair Emeritus, Morgan Stanley

Vincent A. Mai

Chairman and CEO, Cranemere, Inc.

Robert E. Marks

President and Chairman, Marks Ventures, LLC

Roman Martinez IV

Former Managing Director, Lehman Brothers, Private Investor

Kati Marton

Author and Journalist

W. Allen Moore

Distinguished Fellow, The Henry Stimson Center

Sara Moss

Executive Vice President and General Counsel, The Estée Lauder Companies

Indra Nooyi

Former Chairman and CEO, PepsiCo

Sarah O’Hagan

Former Co-Chair, International Rescue Committee Board; Consultant

Anjali Pant M.D., M.P.H

Scott Pelley

Anchor and Managing Editor, CBS Evening News and Correspondent, 60 Minutes

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a2e8e3 No.20183417

File: 123acb8be1c71a9⋯.png (452.78 KB,461x668,461:668,3z.png)

File: 4242e3d7cd774db⋯.gif (236.4 KB,500x281,500:281,3.gif)

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692caa No.20183418



Russia increases observation outposts in the Syrian golan border

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604e81 No.20183420

Dylan Pereira

PwC Financial Services Advisory

David L. Phillips

Director of the Program on Peace-building and Rights at Columbia University’s Institute for the Study of Human Rights

Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan

Milbrey Rennie


Condoleezza Rice

Thomas and Barbara Stephenson Senior Fellow on Public Policy at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University

Gideon Rose

Distinguished Fellow in U.S. Foreign Policy, Council on Foreign Relations

George Rupp

Former President and CEO, International Rescue Committee

Omar Saeed

George Sarlo

Managing Director, Walden Venture Capital

Reshma Saujani

Founder and CEO, Girls Who Code

Dr. Rajiv Shah

President, Rockefeller Foundation

James T. Sherwin

J.D.; Hon LLD; Director, Hunter Douglas N.V.

Gillian Sorensen

Former UN Assistant Secretary-General

James C. Strickler, M.D.

Emeritus Professor Medicine and Community Medicine, Emeritus Dean, Dartmouth Medical School

Tony Tamer

Founder and Co-CEO of H.I.G. Capital

E. Eric Tokat

Partner, Centerview Partners

Liv Ullmann

Josh Weston

Honorary Chairman of the Board and former CEO, ADP

Jonathan L. Wiesner

CEO, Phenix Strategic Partners

William T. Winters

CEO, Standard Chartered

Tracy R. Wolstencroft

Former President & CEO, National Geographic

Heidrick & Struggles

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796161 No.20183421

File: 00421bec1dcce28⋯.jpg (146.89 KB,800x800,1:1,Night_Crew_kitten.jpg)

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b6c328 No.20183423


Almost like it's some hive of deep state faggotry.

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3b7f80 No.20183426


Harvard needs to be razed.

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796161 No.20183427

File: bb6568329ce66e2⋯.png (50.36 KB,500x500,1:1,pepewizard.png)

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a2e8e3 No.20183428

File: 0ca63832375556e⋯.jpg (20.3 KB,236x354,2:3,cia9.jpg)

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796161 No.20183429

File: 7127a09974d5b07⋯.jpg (168.34 KB,600x735,40:49,MegaSuperEliteKEKCoatOfArm….jpg)

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ef17ce No.20183431


Gatekeeper faker avoided that to protect their home country

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796161 No.20183432

File: ae77fe695726875⋯.png (41.2 KB,500x500,1:1,weseeyou.png)

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6ae994 No.20183433

File: 4e7fbb05299b332⋯.mp4 (943.2 KB,488x270,244:135,qMxIcyCsVy_6qzWr.mp4)

Biden releases his first ad of 2024 and calls Trump supporters “an extremist movement”



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a2e8e3 No.20183434

File: cce75cca6a99104⋯.png (96.04 KB,396x610,198:305,appl5.png)

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0047c8 No.20183435

Fresh Bread









Q Research General #24767: Trump Moves To Hold Jack Smith In Contempt Of Court? Edition

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26402d No.20183436

File: 6e912df1eaea6d2⋯.png (120.39 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_01_04_at_1….png)

File: 732a9272eba189f⋯.png (582.91 KB,768x512,3:2,Dog_Island_768x512.png)


Dog Island

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796161 No.20183437

File: 0f32f442f7d016a⋯.jpg (55.4 KB,399x400,399:400,kitten_and_the_night_watch….jpg)

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a2e8e3 No.20183438

Feb 10, 2018 5:46:19 AM EST 714

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 No. 325580

Mess with the best, die like the rest.

[2] highly classified clown ops exposed.

[44] remaining.

WIZARDS & Warlocks.

Save the best for last.



Dec 12, 2018 7:19:33 PM EST 2624

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 62138c No. 4282020

Dec 12, 2018 7:13:52 PM EST

Anonymous ID: a51b93 No. 4281684

Dec 12, 2018 7:08:53 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 62138c No. 4281410


Assumption correct.

10k YE.

2019 1 + 2 should be closely evaluated.

Help will be provided.

Senate to investigate 2019.



Q, please tell us who or what the WIZARDS and Warlocks are.


'Guardians' of intelligence.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 1 Feb 2020 - 12:41:11 PM 3821

Who was the 17th Director of the NSA?



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9e12be No.20183439

File: 361c75c4a2b16d9⋯.png (828.83 KB,768x421,768:421,ClipboardImage.png)


Biden Claims He Doesn't Have Enough Taxpayer Money to Protect the Border - Slay News

Democrat President Joe Biden has claimed that he doesn't have enough taxpayer money to protect America's borders, despite sending hundreds of billions in federal funding to fuel endless foreign wars.

“Well, we gotta do something,” Biden answered.

He then suggests that Republicans are refusing to release tax dollars to tackle the issue.

“They [Republicans] ought to give me the money I need to protect the border,” Biden claimed.


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e02626 No.20183440


There's a bout 5 "dossiers" on him and his criminal activity abroad; DoJ reply?


Can't wait til that evidence is entered into Court.

He works" for the NWo Inquisition Court, blackmailing in sbouy 5 different countries

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796161 No.20183441

File: 51dd0023ff1f660⋯.jpg (381.29 KB,1035x944,1035:944,dome.jpg)

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2c8e8c No.20183442


That's a fake voice

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a2e8e3 No.20183443

File: a33140498e43c88⋯.png (36.81 KB,1012x408,253:102,djtns7.png)

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9c45f0 No.20183444

File: 828d7dc1f9945fe⋯.png (410.73 KB,1520x2050,152:205,Screen_Shot_2024_01_04_at_….png)



The following is an ACTUAL QUESTION given on a University of Washington chemistry mid-term. The answer by one student was so "profound" that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well.

Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)?

Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law (gas cools when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or some variant. One student, however, wrote the following:

First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell and the rate at which they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for how many souls are entering Hell, let's look at the different religions that exist in the world today. Most of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there is more than one of these religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go to Hell. With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially.

Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand proportionately as souls are added. This gives two possibilities:

1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose.

2. If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.

So which is it? If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa during my Freshman year that, "It will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you," and take into account the fact that I slept with her last night, then number two must be true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and has already frozen over. The corollary of this theory is that since Hell has frozen over, it follows that it is not accepting any more souls and is therefore, extinct……leaving only Heaven, thereby proving the existence of a divine being which explains why, last night, Teresa kept shouting "Oh my God."

This student received an A+.

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427be5 No.20183445

File: c4123ad0a298d49⋯.jpeg (106.06 KB,1080x614,540:307,c4123ad0a298d49df645d77e4….jpeg)

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796161 No.20183446

File: b4ab41f79a23445⋯.png (488.56 KB,750x500,3:2,letters_trackback.png)

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