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e069df No.19899885 [Last50 Posts]

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e069df No.19899890

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e069df No.19899893


#24433-A >>19899141

>>19899724 President Trump: Under the Trump administration, we live by the motto, ''Promises Made, Promises Kept'. I made that promise. And there is no more solemn pledge than a promise to America's Veterans. Unfortunately, with Crooked Joe in the White House, our veterans are once again being backstabbed and betrayed by their government. Crooked Joe gutted our historic VA reforms, and fought to reinstate thousands and thousands of fired, horrible employees, that when we terminated them, we said, 'Get out of here', and they got out, but now they have a little bit of a lobby going, and they even want back-pay. They treated our veterans badly. And it looks like it's going to cost up to two hundred million in back-pay for people that were treating our veterans badly.

>>19899731 President Trump: I'll also make it a personal mission to completely eradicate veterans homelessness in America.

>>19899745 President Trump: In the past three years, Biden has spent over one billion dollars to put up illegal aliens in hotels, some of the most luxurious hotels in the country. Meanwhile, we have thirty-three thousand homeless veterans. One Day One, I will sign an executive order to cut off Biden's spigot of money for the shelter and transport of illegal aliens, and we will redirect a large portion of the savings to provide shelter and treatment for our own homeless veterans.

>>19899779 President Trump: To me, Peace Through Strength is not just a political slogan, it's actually a moral duty, and it's my commitment to you, the American people, that you will not have World War III.

>>19899800 President Trump: As president, I will restore American strength, power, and prestige, and I will make your country safe.

>>19899811 President Trump: When President Xi sits across the table from Crooked Joe; can you imagine? President Xi is like central casting. There's nobody in Hollywood that can play the role of President Xi.

>>19899836 President Trump: If you give the death penalty to drug dealers, you will have no more problem.

>>19899860 President Trump: It's three hundred and fifty thousand people you're losing [drug overdoses], and you're destroying your homes. You ever see what happens to a family, a father, a mother, when they lose their son or their daughter to drugs? That family is destroyed. Ten years later they're destroyed. It can never be the same.

>>19899871 #24433-A

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e069df No.19899895

#24433-B >>19899141

>>19899590, >>19899218, >>19899524 LIVE: President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H.

>>19899398, >>19899443, >>19899449, >>19899450 @realDonaldTrump In honor of Veteran’s Day, we pledge to you that we will root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our Country, lie, steal, and cheat on Elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and the American Dream. The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave, than the threat from within. Despite the hatred and anger of the Radical Left Lunatics who want to destroy our Country, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

>>19899392, >>19899505, >>19899300, >>19899288 LIVE: Anti-War Protest streams

>>19899322 General George Patton's birthday (born November 11, 1885) And Veterans Day- Perfect!

>>19899252 Pope Francis forcibly removed a Texas bishop who had called him too progressive

>>19899241, >>19899279 Screw those who stage these bloody wars.

>>19899295 [Panda] Girl brings Elon Musk into class for show and tell

>>19899212, >>19899493 is Festerman asking for a dig?

>>19899312 Thousands of people want to be implanted with Musk’s brain chips

>>19899352 @AlexSoros meets with President @JakovMilatovic at the @ParisPeaceForum to lobby for #Montenegro’s Euro-Atlantic path

>>19899371 Russia launches probe into ‘terrorist act’ after train derailment

>>19899458, >>19899463, >>19899469, >>19899477, >>19899481, >>19899490 US Hegemony and Its Perils

>>19899474 The DFL Monarchy of Minnesota getting new digs.

>>19899504 PF Reports Czech em

>>19899282 PF: TITAN25 E4B NightwatchSec of Defense Austineast from its Delhi depart and switched off after crossing Vietnam about an hour ago and over SCS at present and heading to Seoul, SOKO

>>19899676 Baker change

>>19899678 LIVE LINKS- President Trump in Claremont, NH

>>19899637, >>19899653, >>19899681 President Trump STARTED TALKING @ 11:11

>>19899656 What was that Trump comment," …saw some signals coming down"?

>>19899658, >>19899762 spent 3 hours looking at the sky seeing some beautiful signals coming down?!?

>>19899670 Colorado research facility will import bats from across the globe and inject them w/ various diseases, funded by Fauci's NIH

>>19899705 RNC threatens to ban candidates from debates if they attend Iowa group’s forum

>>19899736 Roman Chervinsky, Ukrainian military officer coordinated Nord Stream pipeline attack

>>19899766 Hundreds of Pro-Palestine Protesters Are Outside Biden’s Delaware Home Chanting “No Ceasefire, No Vote” and “In November, We Remember”

>>19899784 PF Reports USAF E-4B with SECDEF onboard. Flies right over the South China Sea. Over the Spratley Islands. Well inside China's delusional Nine Dash Line.TOP KEK

>>19899807, >>19899835 Hillary wants war, its the strangest thing, wanting war - DJT

>>19899846, >>19899862 QUICK TRIAL

>>19899873 #24433-B

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e069df No.19899896

#24432 >>19898374

>>19898477, >>19898840, >>19898974, >>19898455, >>19898403, >>19898445, >>19898943, >>19898961, >>19898966 On this day, we express our gratitude to veterans and their families.

>>19898560 RNC warns candidates that attending Iowa Christian group’s forum will disqualify them from debates

>>19898529 Time to Impeach Ronna McDaniel

>>19898670, >>19898725, >>19898774, >>19898955 Massive protest in London for Palestine, Captured helmet means we win!

>>19898959 Muslim leaders from Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Qatar, Iran, Kuwait, Djibouti, Comoros, gather in Riyadh, for a summit to discuss Gaza.

>>19898427 NYC Mayor Eric Adams Gets His "Democracy", No Mercy For Terrorized Gaza War Victims, The New Roman Colosseum

>>19898385, >>19898454 North Korea closing embassies around the world amid suspected financial crisis


>>19898427 NYC Mayor Eric Adams Gets His "Democracy", No Mercy For Terrorized Gaza War Victims

>>19898472, >>19898515 it sounds like1st Circuit Appeals Chief Justice David Barronis definitely in some deep shit withGovernor Maura Healey.

>>19898581, >>19898520 CURE OF CANCER DR PERRY NICHOLS

>>19898628 Occult Bloodlines of Canaan - ROBERT SEPEHR (22 min, 6 days ago)

>>19898752, >>19898768 HORMONAL POISON

>>19898754 See Inside the New Hampshire Home Where Ghislaine Maxwell Was Arrested

>>19898755 Pope Francis personally removes America’s Bishop Joseph Strickland

>>19898795 Moar Soyboi planned gun grabbing MK Ultra pawns… Neo-Nazi Ex-Soldier Targets Drag Queen Story Hour in NC

>>19898862 Daniel Davis - Deep Dive with Col. MacGregor

>>19898986, >>19899059 104 years ago Woodrow Wilson sold us out

>>19898970 After losing $112 million, Boone Health declines to release financial records

>>19898973 Former FC Zurich Star Raphael Dwamena, 28, Tragically Passes Away After Collapsing on Pitch in Albanian League

>>19899001 Hobbs Task Force Admits 2022 Election Under Her Rule Disenfranchised Voters

>>19899007, >>19899122 PF Reports

>>19899080 WWI Memorial desecrated with the Palestinian flag in France

>>19899098 JPMorgan has agreed to pay an additional $75 million—for a combined total of $365 million—to settle another lawsuit relating to its established banking relationship with Epstein.

>>19899126 #24432

#24431-B >>19897241

>>19897881, >>19897891, >>19897930, >>19898086, >>19898093, >>19898113, >>19898196 >>19898255 - DELTA post?

>>19897904 Pope forcibly removes leading US conservative, Texas bishop Joseph Strickland - AP

>>19897946 Biden COVID-19 Advisor Urges 4- to 6-Week Nationwide Lockdown

>>19897948 his new nuclear stealth bomber is top secret. So why is the B-21 Raider flying over Palmdale?

>>19897956 DELTA - Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump WE WILL WIN! From Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅

>>19898019 NY Mayor Eric Adams wandered off the Demokkkrat plantation, he criticized the fuhrer Joe Biden, and as a result Garland's FBI Marxists and Fascists seized his phone and his iPad.

>>19898077 as cops warn anyone who attacks London pro-Palestinian demo WILL be locked up

>>19898083 TS - Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

>>19898089 "Here's what I do know…. now that the system and the swamp has fully exposed itself and we get it…

>>19898101 TS - Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅

>>19898114, >>19898184 Pope has dismissed U.S. Bishop Strickland, Texas, a prominent conservative who has criticized his papacy, the Vatican says.

>>19898151 Court upholds California ban on high-capacity magazines

>>19898177 Married guidance counselor, 35, is charged with having sex with 14-year-old male - pedo?

>>19898195 LGBTQ youth suicide prevention group leaves X after uptick in 'hate & vitriol'

>>19898247 Three people have been arrested and charged in connection with running “high-end brothels” in the Boston area and Virginia,

>>19898287 LIVE - Harley Schlanger - Soros, Global Bankers Are Attempting To Destroy Nationalism, Patriots Are Rising

>>19897324 Shouldn't it be Genie Out Of The Bottle? Why did he say "Genie Out Of The Box?" >>19896991 PB >>19898298. >>19898316

>>19898320 The fake news is saying Nikki Haley won the debate. We know who the deep state wants to win. - @CodeMonkeyZ

>>19898321 Amanda Sloat was a key figure behind “galvanizing” Western support for Kiev and countering Moscow, the media outlet reports

>>19898687 #24431-B posted in #24432

#24431-A >>19897241

>>19897264 if you would rather research subjects other than dental flossing like in the PB dig on this guy - Disinfo and Psyops and Lies - Anon point of view.

>>19897265, >>19897288, >>19897309, >>19897336, >>19897355, >>19897645 Dan - X Post&AnonDig


>>19897293 ‘Stop killing babies,’ Macron tells Israel

>>19897318 LIVE: President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H. - 11/11/23

>>19897325 Investigation reveals nearly 3 million reports of problems with dental implants

>>19897502 Another Billionaire Donor is Abandoning Far Left Columbia University Over Anti-Semitism on Campus

>>19897505 CDC Reports Record High in Childhood Vaccine Refusals via

>>19897510 Report: Blue States Automatically Registering Welfare Recipients to Vote

>>19897522 Scary Stuff Happening at MIT: Staff Harassed, Jewish Students 'Physically Prevented' From Going to Class

>>19897524 The DC US Attorney "decided not to join the [Hunter Biden tax] case as a partner or co-counsel." @Techno_Fog

>>19897527 Frustrated Chicagoans Shut Down Chicago City Council Meeting Over Sanctuary City Issue

>>19897530 Nearly 500,000 Americans National Guard. investigation uncovered cases where these service members say they were injured in the line of duty and face an uphill battle to get health benefits and pay.

>>19897546 JUST IN: Abe Hamadeh Files NEW Lawsuit to DECERTIFY and Redo the Maricopa County 2022 Election Where 60% of Machines Failed – COMPLAINT INCLUDED via

>>19897554 20-year Fulton County Election Official Susan Voyles Says Test Ballots Counted In Georgia

>>19897563 Clown faculty have attracted clown students, who engage in clown-like activity. Only a matter of time before their residual reputation runs out. - @EzraACohen

>>19897571 Is this accurate? - @elonmusk

>>19897579 Now that the Ukraine is wrapping up, Zelensky will become desperate to keep it going. - @CodeMonkeyZ

>>19897591 One car charging station uses massive amounts of electricity, equal to over a 1000 houses on the grid

>>19897592 Israel Prepares for Possible Fentanyl-filled Rockets from Hamas, Hezbollah

>>19897598 Thousands of Illegal Invaders Chant “Biden! Biden! Biden!” in Huixtla, Mexico On Way to Open US Border (Video)

>>19897605 IRS whistleblowers was that Special Counsel David Weiss, who has been investigating Hunter Biden, was denied authority to file charges against Hunter Biden in DC or California. @techno_fog

>>19897609 The Number 7? Health and Life Insurance Companies Feeling the Pinch

>>19897637, >>19897651 Charles III Spotted Wearing Woke Symbol Alongside Remembrance Poppy: 'The King Has Made an Absolutely Terrible Mistake'

>>19897663 Trans Owner of Miss Universe Pageant Files for Bankruptcy Following Major Woke Inclusivity Push

>>19897676 We learn hate for Israel on TikTok and Instagram say young protesters

>>19897684 thanks for your service and I know exactly how you feel. I believe many Veterans feel very much the same way. - @GenFlynn

>>19897724 British patriots take back London.

>>19897747 Judicial Watch: Records Show Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity Agency Worked with Election Integrity Partnership to Suppress 2020 Election ‘Disinformation’

>>19897769 The Ben Gurion Canal Project – Declassified Documents Reveal Truth?

>>19897797 Feds Bust High-Profile Prostitution Ring, Client List Includes Elected Officials

>>19897805 Voters Rank U.S. Security Higher than All

>>19897823 U.S. to Lend $553M to Sri Lanka for Port Upgrade

>>19897858 Europe Is a Cautionary Tale: America Needs to Control Its Own Manufacturing

>>19897862 Alabama Mayor F.L. ‘Bubba’ Copeland, outed as ‘trans curvy girl,’ posted

>>19897866 Anti-Israel protesters swarm Grand Central, splatter fake blood on New York Times building and set Israel flag ablaze

>>19897871 Veterans Day is a U.S. legal holiday dedicated to American veterans of all wars, and Veterans Day 2023 will occur on Saturday, November 11. In 1918, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month,

>>19898687 #24431-A posted in #24432

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Post last edited at

e069df No.19899900

Previously Collected

>>19898687 #24431-B,

>>19896443 #24429, >>19897234 #24430, >>19898687 #24431-A

>>19894070 #24426, >>19895583 #24427 >>19895764 #24428 posted in 29

>>19892351 #24224, >>19893174 #24425-A, >>19893192 #24425-B

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Q Research Notables #20: Not Giving Up >>19567242

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e069df No.19899907

File: 93807c05ff5508f⋯.png (102.03 KB,430x225,86:45,fast_trial.png)



Q Research General #24434: QUICK TRIAL: DEATH PENALTY? Edition

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bce581 No.19899951

File: 4a45c0725bb4ea2⋯.png (1023.19 KB,932x1123,932:1123,4a45c0725bb4ea273b755bf045….png)

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91536d No.19899952

File: 4fc3c457af23e08⋯.jpg (68 KB,955x497,955:497,yatgshbdcxa.jpg)

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27ebeb No.19899956

File: f3cc4a69926dea5⋯.png (480.98 KB,750x497,750:497,Screen_Shot_2023_11_11_at_….png)

hey guys what's up?

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91536d No.19899957

President Trump: Most of this will be solved in six months. Some of it sooner. We'll be drilling a lot sooner than that.

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6af930 No.19899958

Trump- "Am I in a movie?"

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bb0644 No.19899959

File: 318180dd0364a32⋯.mp4 (1.18 MB,464x848,29:53,illpay.mp4)

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ad5061 No.19899960

Fuck you pig aka Flynn

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a96164 No.19899961



ty B

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e069df No.19899962

LIVE - President Trump in Claremont, NH



LIVE - President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H. - 11/11/23






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6af930 No.19899963

TRUMP- I did it thru osmosis

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ad5061 No.19899964

Happy Veterans Day you incompetent piece of shit

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e44894 No.19899965

File: 201b4d5b763bec1⋯.png (7.53 MB,300x350,6:7,ClipboardImage.png)

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e069df No.19899966


love that



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b51801 No.19899967


What about the people that cant hang on for 6 more months?

What about the people who dont know how they will eat TODAY?!

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083eb9 No.19899968

File: 87b00656821dcd8⋯.png (185.11 KB,886x726,443:363,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 22d6d2e3dd5d943⋯.jpg (18.93 KB,640x400,8:5,nukes.jpg)


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141a20 No.19899969

File: 19bdb3f77adc435⋯.png (328.72 KB,640x480,4:3,zinke.png)

SEALs are important.

Cold, wet, and sandy.

When you’re training to be a Navy SEAL in Coronado, California, those are all feelings that become second nature to you.

During those moments you remember what you are fighting for: To be a member of the world’s most elite fighting force.

These days, I’m still fighting every waking moment. Instead of battling to earn my SEAL trident, I’m battling to save our nation from the Radical Left and their tyrannical leader, Joe Biden.

SAVE AMERICA: gopwin.us/121

This country needs red-blooded Americans like you and me more than ever. Just like the SEALs, this is a team effort. I can’t do this without you, Deborah.

Generations from now will look back at these moments as the days that saved our Republic.

JOIN ME: gopwin.us/121

Thank you and God bless.

Ryan Zinke, Navy SEAL (ret.)

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d1d824 No.19899971

File: e40f24ee3f1fec9⋯.png (1.47 MB,796x1088,199:272,siher.png)

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b560ea No.19899972

File: 2cb6bf1bb625808⋯.jpg (316.43 KB,1296x730,648:365,RIP_Colin_Powell.jpg)

Damn. Rumble nuked Brother Nathanael's channel and realjewnews.com is down. Looks like they finally got him.

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27ebeb No.19899973

File: 8a98b8a5a1140f0⋯.png (22.35 KB,262x160,131:80,Screen_Shot_2023_11_11_at_….png)

i prefer bono from u2

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2fee0a No.19899974

File: 5af85e85b1d8aaa⋯.jpeg (107.32 KB,886x886,1:1,D55DE307_04F8_4C7D_8223_F….jpeg)

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68aa15 No.19899975


‘…Computer voice, but it’s so perfect’

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46fb10 No.19899976

File: 79499a22f3c99e1⋯.jpg (824.37 KB,4384x2466,16:9,shillingforshekels.jpg)


תודה לך, בייקר

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6d927d No.19899977

File: 0ba34d47e17c1ef⋯.jpg (93.75 KB,483x619,483:619,WIN_BAKER.jpg)

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0323ad No.19899978


If you know about those people why are you here talking about it? Go find them and feed them.

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a96164 No.19899979

phwah phwah phwah

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7c84ee No.19899980

>>19899967 (me)

A lot of whom are senior citizens who worked their whole lives and now thay have nothing, no retirement and SS that wont pay the bills.

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3e4bcc No.19899981

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thank you Baker.

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91536d No.19899982


Not six months from now. Six months from being sworn in.

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e44894 No.19899983

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,409x393,409:393,kek.jpg)

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a96164 No.19899984

File: 65b91a3aebdee86⋯.png (98.12 KB,255x200,51:40,ClipboardImage.png)

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9572c0 No.19899985










200 he said 200 twice




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9030f4 No.19899986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Give thanks to the LORD for He is good, His faithful love endures forever.

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27ebeb No.19899987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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68acd3 No.19899988

The Pope needs his ass kicked.

Put the count at bottom bread dumbass Baker.

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083eb9 No.19899989

File: 67fb451617bfe32⋯.jpg (84.6 KB,441x562,441:562,Screenshot_2023_11_11_03_2….jpg)

Veterans day… 2023

The State of America 2023

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02e873 No.19899990


I feed one every day, how many do you feed a day?

Another I feed a couple times a week. Again I ask, how many do you feed?

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04c057 No.19899991

File: 5975efad878fb49⋯.jpg (19.89 KB,250x233,250:233,r.JPG)


unfortunately, it appears so.

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88307f No.19899992

osmosis (n.)

"the tendency of fluids to pass through porous partitions and mix with each other; the diffusion of fluids through membranes," 1867, Latinized from osmose (1854), a shortened form of endosmose "inward passage of a fluid through a porous septum" (1829), from endo- "inward," which is from Greek (see endo-) + Greek ōsmos "a thrusting, a pushing," from stem of ōthein "to push, to thrust," from PIE *wedhe- "to push, strike" (source also of Sanskrit vadhati "pushes, strikes, destroys," Avestan vadaya- "to repulse"). Figurative sense is from 1900. Related: Osmotic (1854, from earlier endosmotic); osmotically.

also from 1867

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6e908a No.19899993

File: 491dc7cbc6645dc⋯.jpg (158.35 KB,1125x1447,1125:1447,491dc7cbc6645dc9e8194cb9db….jpg)


Paw paw paw.

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68acd3 No.19899994

The Pope needs his ass kicked.

Put the count at bottom bread dumbass Baker.

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dada18 No.19899995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6d927d No.19899996

File: c5acc2a67cf237d⋯.jpg (103.84 KB,488x562,244:281,RAGE_OF_LOSING.jpg)

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4397dc No.19899997

File: 6c93372dd4ada1a⋯.png (938.65 KB,1485x945,11:7,6c93372dd4ada1a4f75a1d037e….png)

File: 9f4a9d5884112e9⋯.png (4.69 MB,1440x1440,1:1,9f4a9d5884112e985f42d5acac….png)




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58c442 No.19899998

File: 64f60978280b465⋯.jpeg (75.45 KB,600x750,4:5,650936A1_9FF5_43C0_BE2A_5….jpeg)

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938cf5 No.19899999

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Some gave all



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0323ad No.19900000


I'm not here using them as a prop to politicize the argument.

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1adb96 No.19900001

File: 3593c8bb7b19f26⋯.jpg (96.46 KB,500x504,125:126,1234_thump_war.jpg)


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d1d824 No.19900002

File: 5c945ebf12a6b27⋯.png (490.63 KB,550x736,275:368,BoozyHitler.png)


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7dbb71 No.19900004

File: 11e5dd389da64a4⋯.jpg (60.01 KB,577x433,577:433,media_F_eciS5W4AA7N2q.jpg)


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a96164 No.19900005

File: add28ac762b6881⋯.png (1.83 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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2490c5 No.19900006

>>19899904 lb

>How can the citizenry participate in an election process proven to be fraudulent in a country led by an unelected political figure… it is asinine and the crimes must be exposed and the vote process secured before the country is even a constitutional republic again. It is all a farce at this point. The treason must be rectified before the election.


'muh 2024 election' is all larp, zero patriotism

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1c9858 No.19900007

File: a70a4a284aa254f⋯.png (1.66 MB,1023x717,341:239,Pepe_Watching_Movie.png)


TY baker. POTUS T just said: Am I in a movie?, While telling the story about how they went into Iraq completely darked out and he was in the cockpit talking to the Captain.

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46fb10 No.19900008

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e069df No.19900009

>>19899985 Are these numbers Trump said in this rally, are you tallying them?

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04c057 No.19900010


Anons prefers SEALs who realize that the mil is BS, doing BS, for shadow controllers, not recruiters for 'holy wars'.

Jocko Willink

Chadd Wright

David Goggins

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1adb96 No.19900012


Nice Get


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3e4bcc No.19900013

File: 2a88233697e405b⋯.jpg (124.06 KB,779x455,779:455,American_Flag_Distress.jpg)

'''Dear Veterans,

Please stop fighting for Zog and making America weaker, and less safe'''


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519319 No.19900014

File: 8149e534017485a⋯.png (14.43 KB,255x255,1:1,glow.png)


No you are here to shill and argue every point that is posted.

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9572c0 No.19900015


this is when he was talking about flying AF1 dark

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e495cc No.19900016

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0323ad No.19900017


real charity doesn't brag about it.

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c39a8d No.19900018

File: 38c21ee5efe13c5⋯.png (637.19 KB,707x707,1:1,IMG_2936.png)

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e069df No.19900019


five nines are forty five


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3fe63c No.19900020

I like a pretty face more than a nice body.

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a96164 No.19900021


Bragging about a good deed removes the Blessing from it

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2490c5 No.19900022


that meme depicts Jesus testifying against DJT

Trump is going to burn for eternity

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91536d No.19900024

File: 940482a67ba9a95⋯.jpg (15.48 KB,474x266,237:133,ccsqwbvhsdfvgbn.JPG)

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6d927d No.19900025

File: 8874cf4ba571379⋯.jpg (103.17 KB,468x558,26:31,CENTRAL_CASTING.jpg)

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0323ad No.19900026


It's good that you do that, anon.

why bring them up in regards to politics?

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0ed45d No.19900027

File: 29db271bf273a89⋯.png (291.39 KB,474x266,237:133,6FB04BF7_3977_4110_8680_04….png)

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a96164 No.19900028


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4397dc No.19900029

File: f714f431fa164ba⋯.jpg (58.94 KB,747x615,249:205,f714f431fa164ba674a1fa9281….jpg)


you are the glowfag

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89f87c No.19900030

File: 6814567a3c329ab⋯.png (353.85 KB,780x344,195:86,ClipboardImage.png)

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9b8e12 No.19900031

File: 864cc2f0ea76ba0⋯.jpeg (77.18 KB,640x480,4:3,87E65FE3_5A4A_4E21_9F44_9….jpeg)



i forget who this faggot is but he’s a leader of a small country or sumthin

he live in kun archive history now

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1f1aaa No.19900032


It was far from a brag, you called Anon out, Anon answered. Try again

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0323ad No.19900033


yes, but you don't feed the hungry for a blessing you feed them because it's the right thing to do. I don't fault them for their bragging, they think they are fighting a shill, but I'm not.

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85b0d9 No.19900034

File: 4e3d976e9ab4cc3⋯.png (231.83 KB,288x360,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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e069df No.19900035


#24434 >>19899907

>>19899957 President Trump: Most of this will be solved in six months. Some of it sooner. We'll be drilling a lot sooner than that.

>>19899962 LIVE LINKS- President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H. - 11/11/23

>>19899963, >>19899992 TRUMP- I did it thru osmosis

>>19900007, >>19900009, >>19900015, >>19899985 POTUS T just said: Am I in a movie?, While telling the story about how they went into Iraq completely darked out and he was in the cockpit talking to the Captain.

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7dbb71 No.19900036

File: da7601f72a30651⋯.png (296.85 KB,600x516,50:43,Screenshot_2023_11_11_at_1….png)




Suspect in Detriot synagogue leader's fatal stabbing released without charges


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27ebeb No.19900037

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e069df No.19900038


ty for the confirmation and collection

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46fb10 No.19900039

File: b8c90262f911c81⋯.png (1.31 MB,1919x1080,1919:1080,gigglinggates.png)

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efe0d5 No.19900040


Yeah and Mexico will pay for the wall, and Biden will never be president.

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f6cc72 No.19900042

Trump knows where Flight 370 is

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1e6734 No.19900043

Let's redefine Patriotism.

You love America, the Constitution, the Declaration, but hate this dual citizen vassel state uniparty government, then you're a Patriot. And my kind of people.

You refuse to fight foreign wars for this dual citizen vassel state that wants you dead, damn if you're not a Patriot. You're rising above.

You refuse to fight any wars for the traitors in charge, because you glimpsed down the road and know that soon, very soon, you will actually be needed to defend this country, America, the real America, against the tiny powers cowering and their next big act of treason and genocide against Humanity. This makes you a Patriot. My door is ever open to you.

I am a Patriot. The blood of my family stains this ground. And our Creator is who we work for, always, ever, for eternity.

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1adb96 No.19900044

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e069df No.19900046

File: 1982b9c9f0a699c⋯.mp4 (3.26 MB,854x480,427:240,You_get_up_and_KNOCK_THE_H….mp4)

Knock the hell out of them

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866aa9 No.19900047

File: a0f87c453c8bf1e⋯.jpg (84.48 KB,500x500,1:1,65xeplpfent.jpg)

File: ad907ccd919fc89⋯.jpg (132.83 KB,666x500,333:250,65xebzsay_no.jpg)

File: b9c7af67e6080c2⋯.jpg (87.51 KB,654x400,327:200,66qlrgbbb.jpg)

File: d9ccb19b173c159⋯.jpg (97.55 KB,625x468,625:468,6835r2meth.jpg)

>>19899886 LB

>I've always assumed he's talking about Big Pharma execs

I agree, as a recovering addict like myself who has lost many a friend due to overdose, I have worked in a treatment facility and see the effects of all this. Many drug dealers are small fish just trying to support their habit. The cartels don't have any quality control and the strength of everything differs from bag to bag. Plus they add a horse tranquilizer called Xylezine to it to "give it legs" and last longer. But it makes it resistant to Narcan so it is harder to reverse the overdose plus it causes these nasty burns and infections in the skin, nasty nasty stuff. I would tell people not to shoot up in the neck because even though it is an easy vein to hit, it can cause an infection that goes right to your brain, I lost a friend that way. And I knew another guy who did that and got an infection in his eye and he lost his eye, good looking guy and it was a shame for him to lose his eye over that shit. I have mixed feelings of Death Penalty for drug dealers. In my town I have seen people who sold drugs to someone who died get charged for murder though. Xylezine isn't a normal drug and it doesn';t come from CVS so the chemical companies providing this, Death penalty.

Some memes I had done a while back

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7dbb71 No.19900048

File: 4009979c2539302⋯.png (311.81 KB,600x534,100:89,Screenshot_2023_11_11_at_1….png)

File: 3c521014d98a81a⋯.gif (106.79 KB,339x349,339:349,3c521014d98a81a505654b8cc4….gif)




'QAnon shaman' from Jan. 6 Capitol attack could run as Libertarian for Congress


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17a148 No.19900049

File: 14e0536b7f14655⋯.png (1.44 MB,1492x1280,373:320,Conan_is_barking_and_on_hi….png)

File: 5f6651caa4406b4⋯.png (3.57 MB,2868x1192,717:298,Bagdadi_was_terrified_of_d….png)

File: a0094c31f0712ca⋯.png (4.31 MB,2866x1434,1433:717,bagdadi_getting_bit_by_Con….png)

File: 1e7baea0c2cc5ab⋯.png (3.26 MB,2876x1118,1438:559,baghdadi_dies_in_terror_of….png)

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0fe6f7 No.19900050

File: 3052d504a2fd3ce⋯.png (458.2 KB,615x406,615:406,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb0644 No.19900051

File: 430375e2e7ca011⋯.mp4 (10.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,canadianaziss.mp4)

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2490c5 No.19900052


"You'll find out."

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ad5061 No.19900053


Couldn’t imagine why? Maybe the whole world should know every detail asshole

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866aa9 No.19900054



>Please stop fighting for Zog

Should they fight for Mogog instead? KEK

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9572c0 No.19900055



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ced612 No.19900056



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16fa19 No.19900057



The bread numbers for #24433-A and #24433-B are perfect - TY.

So are the corrected bun numbers for #24431-A and #24431-B - TY.

But afaik, those old two buns need still be on display to be picked up by the indexer on qresear.ch - not in Previously Collected.

Will edit them back into the current bread up top for this bread. Will also check with Resignation Anon to make sure everything is ok.

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efe0d5 No.19900058

File: 6fcb7650a29e104⋯.png (30.61 KB,1014x243,338:81,ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah, the mouth speaks what the heart if full of, like lawlessness and complete disregard for the constitution.

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083eb9 No.19900059



1. his closest advisors must have conspired with multinationals and deceived him on the PCR testing hoax followed up by bio agent testing resulting in a WAR CRIME on the American People and the world.

2. Not standing with Israel's fucking war crimes of the past 75 years.

Trump further doesn't address 18 USC 1001b

smith mundt modernization act


patriot act


cog when addressing "fake news"

And lastly all the problems with all the agencies is because the US Military, US State department, OPM, and Secretary of State have allowed commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist or identity fraud in.

Finally will Anon vote? Anon has had vote STOLEN at the polls 1x, HARASSED AT THE POLLS 4x now, unknown people walking around inside the secure area fucking around behind anons back. Sheriff to polls 1x, POLICE to polls 1x.

it's better if anon doesn't vote. Fuck republicans and democrats they conspire to be GLOBALISTS.

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668c77 No.19900060

File: 2ded0e46d61f636⋯.jpg (85.27 KB,700x939,700:939,Unwavering_Patriots.jpg)

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04c057 No.19900061


'my', not 'muh'.

but do vote harder. kek

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efe0d5 No.19900062


They're just trying to get as many people as possible to vote, our votes don't actually mean anything but consent to their system of ruling over us.

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4cdb37 No.19900063

"every one of (YOU)"


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7dbb71 No.19900064

File: c8995eb92bb84c3⋯.gif (268.39 KB,344x200,43:25,200_540694809.gif)

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9b8e12 No.19900065

File: 39adbfc73dd37cc⋯.jpeg (76.99 KB,960x786,160:131,7201CA8C_A1B3_4982_BCF6_7….jpeg)

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2490c5 No.19900066


by your logic, Ruger should be held accountable whenever someone blows their brains out with one of their firearms

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91536d No.19900067

President Trump: I said, 'You have to finish it off'…and you know what? We got rid of ISIS. One hundred percent of ISIS.

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0842d3 No.19900068

File: 4e7258f223d9888⋯.webp (252.94 KB,1200x800,3:2,AA_20231111_32807258_3280….webp)

Israel is working toward becoming the most isolated country in the world.

Irish lawmakers to debate expulsion of Israeli ambassador, referral of Israel to International Criminal Court

facebook sharing buttontwitter sharing buttonreddit sharing buttonwhatsapp sharing buttonemail sharing buttonsharethis sharing button

Lawmakers in the Irish parliament, Dail, will vote on the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador next week, according to media reports Friday, Anadolu reports.

Local media, including the Irish Examiner, reported that Social Democrats are prepared to bring a motion Wednesday to the Dail that demands the government withdraw the diplomatic status for Dana Erlich.

The motion will reportedly call the government to push for the imposition of EU-wide economic sanctions against Israel.

And it will also call for the government to refer Israel to the International Criminal Court for an investigation on whether the country has committed war crimes during its war on Gaza.


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6d927d No.19900069

File: 452747eff0c60a5⋯.jpg (111.98 KB,473x570,473:570,KINDA_ANGRY_SOUNDING.jpg)

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ebf420 No.19900070

Trump opposes the parties of carnage

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04c057 No.19900071


salute all you want. doesn't change who they chose to serve, ultimately.

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ff12ce No.19900072

File: 93a3246a881ec35⋯.jpg (813.2 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1698413295548238.jpg)

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e44894 No.19900073

File: 46e5701178a045e⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,smkneel2.jpg)

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5240c7 No.19900074

File: de9d37bbd5e0b8a⋯.png (14.1 KB,467x295,467:295,ClipboardImage.png)

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d048cf No.19900075



He also said "Beautiful Vaccines"

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e069df No.19900076




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efe0d5 No.19900077


>I am a Patriot

Did you swear an oath to uphold and defend the constitution?

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ad5061 No.19900078


Okay have fun continuing to lose your cures pos dumbass have fun without the witness you want

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27ebeb No.19900079


that depends

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e069df No.19900080


filturd for spam

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7dbb71 No.19900081

>>19899891 LB


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46fb10 No.19900082



That means we should ban motor vehicles too.

And eating utensils.

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5c642e No.19900083

File: 78a00a605d7a450⋯.png (1.89 MB,650x1012,325:506,capture_3477_11112023_1158….png)

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ad5061 No.19900084

Fafo. You wanna fuck with me then I will make sure you lose the most important part of the war

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7b3f70 No.19900085



>that meme depicts Jesus testifying against DJT

Jesus is sitting beside DJT that would make the codefendants.

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6af930 No.19900086


You can hear a pin drop in there.

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46fb10 No.19900087

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563d31 No.19900088


Kamala said this

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ad5061 No.19900089

I want everyone to know I have the cures and since q team does nothing but play games we can’t release them in a meaningful enough way

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0842d3 No.19900090

File: e844ce003a2b061⋯.mp4 (5.81 MB,406x720,203:360,Masks.mp4)

(PB) >>19899811 President Trump: When President Xi sits across the table from Crooked Joe; can you imagine? President Xi is like central casting. There's nobody in Hollywood that can play the role of President Xi.

You sure about that?

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4397dc No.19900092

File: 9485f5f0e6f2656⋯.png (101.52 KB,504x360,7:5,9485f5f0e6f2656946133fe0a8….png)


you have no ground to demand anything from POTUS

you do you

the rest will happen as planned

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04c057 No.19900093

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a96164 No.19900094


We already won the War

Nah nahnah Nah booboo

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6d927d No.19900095

File: 1eaa72a36bce933⋯.jpg (129.37 KB,517x569,517:569,QUITE_ANGRY.jpg)

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e069df No.19900097

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68acd3 No.19900098

File: 7c694536fc8eea6⋯.jpeg (251.09 KB,1024x1024,1:1,74F14CF6_FA5C_4013_A398_6….jpeg)

Irans new battle shit. Shhhhhhh, it’s top secret.

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000000 No.19900099

The power that made the body, heals the body.

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04c057 No.19900100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

S2 Underground

Wire Report


2 min

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ad5061 No.19900101


You already know but you do nothing but fuck around

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083eb9 No.19900102


Ignore my complimentary Temperature SENSOR at your peril.

Anon wasn't taught by stupid people like you, anon was taught by survivors of 434th.

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0842d3 No.19900103

File: b8b24a60be3dc42⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB,406x720,203:360,breaking_iceland_39_s_volc….mp4)

Iceland's Volcano about to erupt - The Independent

Thorvaldur Thordarson, professor of volcanology at the University of Iceland, warns:

"I don’t think it’s long before an eruption, hours or a few days. The chance of an eruption has increased significantly"

Following 1,485 earthquakes in the last 48 hours, Iceland residents are preparing for a potential eruption of the Fagradalsfjall volcano

Evacuations have been carried out in the southwestern region of the Fagradalsfjall

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6af930 No.19900104


Who's playing Potato?


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efe0d5 No.19900105


There are a lot of lawless politicians who are domestic enemies to the constitution of the United States and We the People it represents.

Trump said it, he believes in violating the constitution.

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d048cf No.19900106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He said it

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866aa9 No.19900107



>>Please stop fighting for Zog

>Should they fight for Mogog instead? KEK

My mistake I thought it was Gog Magog. and Zog is something different. Zionist Occupied Government. It will be hard to get away from that though.

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e978db No.19900108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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70c120 No.19900109

File: ef04c748d0351ab⋯.jpeg (23.54 KB,390x205,78:41,5987CF9E_9106_47D7_A3FD_9….jpeg)

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1adb96 No.19900110


Nice get

it sure do fren

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2490c5 No.19900111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Trump's first speech after leaving office at CPAC in February 2021

he begins talking about the vax at the 23:15 mark

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bb0644 No.19900112

File: a99a4eb568e677c⋯.mp4 (918.6 KB,360x198,20:11,9billion.mp4)

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e069df No.19900113

File: 41daf5361e669a7⋯.png (570.7 KB,894x604,447:302,ClipboardImage.png)



Dan Scavino


Happening Now—45 takes the stage in Claremont, New Hampshire…

Nov 11, 2023,3:10 PM



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5c642e No.19900114

File: dffbd763fe57667⋯.png (99.62 KB,353x96,353:96,capture_3479_11112023_1212….png)

File: 366b44a390eb0e3⋯.jpg (230.79 KB,1150x645,230:129,capture_1009_21082021_1404….jpg)


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bb0644 No.19900115


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91536d No.19900116

President Trump: I told China, if you give Iran one dollar for oil, they have a lot of oil, if you purchase any oil, you're not doing business with the United States, and any business that gets through, we're going to tariff or tax you at one hundred percent.

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0323ad No.19900117




do your good deeds but don't use them as an excuse to brow beat other people who disagree with your posting methodologies, OK?

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091bc5 No.19900118

File: 8c7d0481b660900⋯.png (14.89 KB,246x255,82:85,8c7d0481b660900773784385cc….png)

File: 0ad4cf71496a1a5⋯.png (901.61 KB,1135x626,1135:626,Reptile.png)

Thought there is a reptile in the audience…


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5240c7 No.19900120

File: 39c8fc54b7a3715⋯.png (1.3 MB,793x4482,793:4482,ClipboardImage.png)


RT = Rizvi Traverse #QAnon #GreatAwakening

March 21, 2018 by Neon Revolt


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7dbb71 No.19900121

File: 6b5973e28d68ff3⋯.jpg (90.84 KB,800x419,800:419,card_img_17232814205529456….jpg)

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083eb9 No.19900122


Stop calling it ZOG and call it IDENTITY FRAUD then use LAW to get them out for NATIONAL SECURITY OVERHAUL.

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04c057 No.19900123


> you're not doing business with the United States





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a96164 No.19900124


He Get's 10% Kickback paid directly into his trust fund

War is Profitable for him

Peace… Not so much

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6d927d No.19900125

File: b39fa7d0d09821b⋯.jpg (130.01 KB,538x569,538:569,ALL_GOOD_IF_U_WANT_IT_TO_B….jpg)

File: 0332c9c821558e7⋯.jpg (93.62 KB,627x414,209:138,RUCKY_U.jpg)

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d048cf No.19900126


reverse transcription

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bb0644 No.19900128

File: 2182e643b3ecc46⋯.png (465.44 KB,552x800,69:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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083eb9 No.19900130

didn't OPM just leak more shit to the CCP again…. still nobody in prison huh..

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91536d No.19900131

President Trump: Once you pay money [for hostages], you set a precedent where they're going to do it again, and again, and again.

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0842d3 No.19900132


🤣 Seems his life depends on it.

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46fb10 No.19900134


>Stop calling it ZOG


Spades are spades.

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e069df No.19900135


that is appalling


it like asking a shop not to sell someones else's product other wise they will tell other suppliers not to sell to you

fucking hate these bullying threats

even if it does come from president trump

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04c057 No.19900136


Sounds familiar…

"During the late 1960s and the early 1970s, a policy of involuntary surgical sterilization was imposed upon Native American women in the United States, usually without their knowledge or consent, by the federally funded Indian Health Service (IHS), then run by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)."

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70c120 No.19900137

File: f62e47b15000f80⋯.png (116.62 KB,262x341,262:341,B82F3CFB_FCF1_47A4_9E28_13….png)

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2490c5 No.19900138



only the CCP believes that America is winning

because America is dying

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e069df No.19900139



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1adb96 No.19900140


At least the shills

have some skillz


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bb0644 No.19900141


reminds me to make chili

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91536d No.19900142

President Trump: 2024 will be the biggest election in history.

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04c057 No.19900143


CME arriving today, aka the SUN

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0842d3 No.19900144


>Who's playing Potato?

I don't know but whatever they're paying him isn't enough. Someone much younger.

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91a430 No.19900145

File: b20777d634af1b1⋯.jpeg (225.82 KB,490x614,245:307,D8360FF2_C579_47BD_9018_D….jpeg)

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fb8ffb No.19900146

File: 796858d8ee6529c⋯.jpg (1.59 MB,1920x1080,16:9,eugenics_140627.jpg)

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e069df No.19900148


#24434 >>19899907

>>19899957, >>19899982 President Trump: Most of this will be solved in six months. Some of it sooner. We'll be drilling a lot sooner than that.

>>19900067 President Trump: I said, 'You have to finish it off'…and you know what? We got rid of ISIS. One hundred percent of ISIS.

>>19900116 President Trump: I told China, if you give Iran one dollar for oil, they have a lot of oil, if you purchase any oil, you're not doing business with the United States, and any business that gets through, we're going to tariff or tax you at one hundred percent.

>>19900131 President Trump: Once you pay money [for hostages], you set a precedent where they're going to do it again, and again, and again.

>>19899962 LIVE LINKS- President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H. - 11/11/23

>>19899963, >>19899992 TRUMP- I did it thru osmosis

>>19900007, >>19900009, >>19900015, >>19899985 POTUS T just said: Am I in a movie?, While telling the story about how they went into Iraq completely darked out and he was in the cockpit talking to the Captain.

>>19900046 Knock the hell out of them -DJT

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6d927d No.19900149

File: be64589bfd717a8⋯.jpg (64.13 KB,528x431,528:431,NOT_THIS_TIME.jpg)

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083eb9 No.19900150


Genius get these retards to memorize big words like CIA's gift to the FBI of Reverse Transcriptase and how that is a PATHWAY to give people Cancer. instead of RT being some fictitious CHarlie Ward Med bed Gold Gifting consciousness telegrifting network.

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b386c4 No.19900151



>Spades are spades

So that people that don't know what that means can understand. Just spell it out.

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d1d824 No.19900152

File: a450d6c53d675c4⋯.jpg (28.02 KB,460x423,460:423,Its_this_part_of_the_year_….jpg)


>Shhhhhhh, it’s top secret.

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46fb10 No.19900153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Sounds familiar…

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27ebeb No.19900154

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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866aa9 No.19900156


>by your logic, Ruger should be held accountable whenever someone blows their brains out with one of their firearms


>That means we should ban motor vehicles too.

>And eating utensils.

Those are items anyone can buy. Can you run to the store and get some Xylezine? If you know anyone who lost their kid to drug overdose make sure you tell them " They shouldn't have done that, don't they know drugs are bad?"

It is a very nuanced situation, Keep defending Big Pharma with your second amendment defense.

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327e41 No.19900157


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ad5061 No.19900158


I got it the first time. Just dgaf about the first part it’s the second part that matters fool what is so hard to understand about that

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a96164 No.19900159

File: cd8ea002a800233⋯.png (646.04 KB,871x579,871:579,ClipboardImage.png)


15:00 UTC

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b560ea No.19900160

File: c68a78e29693143⋯.png (619.06 KB,1308x942,218:157,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek. I see you and I raise.


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0323ad No.19900161


not voting would give the country to the Marxists, and they wouldn't even be committing a crime to do it.


most elections would be handed to the marxists, all the local offices and state wide offices too.

what a supremely bad idea.

it seems as though the stealing can occur, but it is focused on certain races, not all races.

so they might steal the governor, but they seem not able to steal all the other state offices.

no, anon, people must still vote.

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46fb10 No.19900162


Calling a spade a spade is spelling it out, genius.

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efe0d5 No.19900163

File: d226e732a9cefc4⋯.png (22.41 KB,882x228,147:38,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 515c26f9fd8a4cb⋯.png (1.18 MB,803x767,803:767,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e65604ac02b49c5⋯.png (29.11 KB,874x263,874:263,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e0d8cf71efd1d4⋯.png (24.14 KB,858x231,26:7,ClipboardImage.png)




>Take the guns first, go through due process second

Absolutely unconstitutional and unlawful.

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6d927d No.19900164

File: b81e6fb368388fa⋯.jpg (96.05 KB,784x498,392:249,TEXAS_TEA.jpg)

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27ebeb No.19900165

File: d571fee01d446e3⋯.jpg (31.67 KB,450x328,225:164,tesla23_03.jpg)

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e069df No.19900166

File: 1f0a8e0ed2e8b4c⋯.png (835.44 KB,1142x755,1142:755,ClipboardImage.png)

DRILL BABY DRILL, more liquid gold than anyone -DJT

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e8fcbf No.19900167

File: e863014a3936589⋯.png (477.77 KB,1147x857,1147:857,ClipboardImage.png)

Full Play List - 2023 Fall College Retreat - Young America's Foundation

1) Ann McElhinney | Confronting Pro-Abortion Lies With Unimpeachable Photographic Evidence 45:17

2) Paula Scanlan | Lia Thomas Teammate SILENCED for Opposing Men in Women’s Sports 1:27:36

3) Seth Dillon | Humor Isn't Hate Speech 55:20

4) Alex Marlow | The One Big Thing the Conservative Movement Is Getting Wrong 57:26

5) Elisha Krauss | Yes, All Women, But… 57:26


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5240c7 No.19900168

File: 667769f80c0f254⋯.png (1.58 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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91536d No.19900170

President Trump: I will end Joe Biden's disastrous war on American energy, and unleash the most powerful economic weapon; it's called, drilling for oil, or, as I call it, liquid gold, or as I say sometimes, Drill, Baby, Drill. We have more liquid gold than anybody.

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f41cae No.19900171

File: 0dcbb820328dcec⋯.png (220.94 KB,618x1772,309:886,199_1_.png)

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2490c5 No.19900172



>Trump said it, he believes in violating the constitution.

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b560ea No.19900173


>Just spell it out.



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5240c7 No.19900174

File: 943b80f955e0c18⋯.png (1.67 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb0644 No.19900175

File: 682da3e03910d1c⋯.mp4 (2.95 MB,480x1010,48:101,Why_is_Freakland_having_a_….mp4)


>life depends on it

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ca0e90 No.19900176

File: 061bd13959eed0c⋯.jpeg (52.37 KB,319x320,319:320,IMG_6425.jpeg)

The people always have some champion whom they set over them and nurse into greatness. … This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector.

Tyranny naturally arises out of democracy.

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e069df No.19900177

he said something you cant say, chris christie is a fat pig, you cannot do that

NOT allowed to use the PIG word



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9791dc No.19900178

File: 102674cb10f881c⋯.gif (91.67 KB,220x220,1:1,pepe_laugh_he_doesnt_know.gif)

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b386c4 No.19900179



ZOG sounds like a villain from a Superman movie. Zionist occupied government tells people that don't know, what you are talking about.

What good is it to only speak to those who already know?

That is useless echo chamber stuff.

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327e41 No.19900180

File: 3333665dd8d5fdf⋯.png (165.77 KB,450x260,45:26,3333665dd8d5fdf8d76bad6476….png)


>>>fry mcrib fry

>>grimace wants juw ball park

>hot moist rabbis in yur area

weird french DRESSing pun


>>>fry mcrib fry

>>grimace wants juw ball park

>hot moist rabbis in yur area

weird french DRESSing pun >>19882715

>>>fry mcrib fry

>>grimace wants juw ball park

>hot moist rabbis in yur area

weird french DRESSing pun

Gstringaza official says isREALass$tuff fires on anyonetraveling through hOmOnitarian corridor


The spokesman for the Gstringaza Interior Ministry deemed isREALass$tuff's statements about thesafe hOmOnitarian corridor "a complete lie"


hot moistRABBi in yur area, November 7. /ASS/. Eyad All-Bossomz, the spokesman for the Gstringaza Interior Ministry, has accused the isREALass$tuff Defense Forces of firing on people moving through the safe passage route in the Gstringaza Strip, saying the attacks turned it into a death corridor.


"The occupier's (isREALass$tuff's - ASS) statements about theexistence of a safe hOmOnitarian corridor [in the Gstringaza Strip] are a complete lie. It is a corridor of death where everyone who pASSes through becomes a target," heshe said.


According to All-BoSSomZ, about 900,000 zombies still live in the northern Gstringaza Strip, moving between refugee shelters, visiting relatives and friends. The number of refugee shelters in the enclave has reached 225, the spokesman said.


"Despite the occupier's massacres and its psychological warfare aimed at forcing people to leave their homes, it has failed to achieve its goals," All-Bossomz said.


The situation in the Middle East BUTT sharply escalated following an incursion of HamASS militants from the Gstringaza Strip into isREALass$tuff on October 7. HamASS regards the attack as a response to isREALass$tuffin actions against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Juwursalem's Temple Mount. isREALass$tuff has declared a complete siege of the Gstringaza Strip and has started delivering strikes on that area and parts of Le$beanon and RUFnSyria. Clashes are also taking place in the Wurld Bank.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Farts !__



>juw homo jealous



>after bikini atoll an jealous


>oh no

>jfk berliner nazi


>knights of malta

>do gay pron



>of the



> find your inner trotskyite danielfaggo





>chapter 1: kys

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0323ad No.19900181

"Son of Hollywood agent and producer arrested for murder after woman’s torso found in plastic bag "


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9572c0 No.19900183



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6d927d No.19900184

File: 354c7f23a6bb935⋯.jpg (126.14 KB,513x560,513:560,DIDNT_GET_IT.jpg)

File: 79d3a836bdbe61b⋯.jpg (56.85 KB,701x661,701:661,FORTUNES_ABOUND.jpg)

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e069df No.19900185

File: 1f0a8e0ed2e8b4c⋯.png (835.44 KB,1142x755,1142:755,ClipboardImage.png)

he said something you cant say, chris christie is a fat pig, you cannot do that

NOT allowed to use the PIG word



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7dbb71 No.19900186

File: 23edeca78ee60a3⋯.png (401.94 KB,634x577,634:577,ClipboardImage.png)

Fat Mr. Pig on the news.



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04c057 No.19900187

File: a5927c163486d4d⋯.mp4 (5.3 MB,464x848,29:53,a5927c163486d4dfd35b685c10….mp4)


"so that we can live free"…

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000000 No.19900188



Reverse osmosis

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d8b971 No.19900189

File: f380f2097eeef2a⋯.jpg (19.82 KB,528x297,16:9,image_search_1699734191996.jpg)


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efe0d5 No.19900190


"It's ok to step on my throat, just step harder on my enemies!" - Idiots who want to be ruled.

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4397dc No.19900191



POTUS defending Pig

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27ebeb No.19900193


go tell those niggers in iran that oil is renewable

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70c120 No.19900194

File: 5d8804ff09571f2⋯.jpeg (126.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,F10CAC5D_ED3B_4E0A_BB31_D….jpeg)

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2490c5 No.19900195


your propagandist copypasta is so shilly and tiresome

Flynn is a NWO shill promoting ONE WORLD RELIGION

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6af930 No.19900196

File: 92836d4182841a7⋯.png (10.16 KB,255x214,255:214,girlpepe.png)

Trump- We've had a great love affair

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17a148 No.19900197

File: 791c58250219865⋯.png (1.04 MB,936x1522,468:761,Turn_off_FoxNews_when_that….png)

File: 447dd47873b58b7⋯.png (1.4 MB,1150x1438,575:719,Gutless_Pig_Bill_Barr.png)

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dada18 No.19900198

File: beac71c8599e905⋯.jpg (69.75 KB,494x469,494:469,Screen_Shot_2023_11_11_at_….jpg)

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6d927d No.19900199

File: 2a01ab05b03f7bb⋯.jpg (107.68 KB,497x562,497:562,THE_WORD.jpg)

File: 24279aff21e631b⋯.jpg (59.41 KB,527x477,527:477,POTUS_KNOWS.jpg)

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327e41 No.19900200


> situation in the Middle East BUTT sharply escalated

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d613f4 No.19900201

File: d81538470dab6ff⋯.png (61.83 KB,444x156,37:13,ClipboardImage.png)



A parade that will never be forgotten.

Ask yourself, why?

God bless our brave men & women in uniform.

We will never forget.


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0842d3 No.19900202


>he begins talking about the vax at the 23:15 mark

There's either more to the vax story or this is a con job for the ages.

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6d927d No.19900203

File: 6643362d6d3190f⋯.jpg (74.41 KB,550x546,275:273,WON_BIGLY.jpg)

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db5b22 No.19900204


Fuck you guy, you're the reason this is such shitty place to exist. You can take your mass murdering communist bullshit and fuck right off.

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11f03b No.19900205

File: bdfc382f823669c⋯.png (874.75 KB,1366x768,683:384,offender_weiner.png)

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27ebeb No.19900206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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327e41 No.19900207


>hot moistRABBi in yur area, November 17. /ASS/.

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4397dc No.19900208

File: 2a01ab05b03f7bb⋯.jpg (107.68 KB,497x562,497:562,2a01ab05b03f7bb13059dcf90c….jpg)


meme of the bread and rally

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d8b971 No.19900209

File: cbfe31a4388c012⋯.jpg (350.88 KB,2048x1152,16:9,image_search_1699686751821.jpg)


A cat is a pig

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f35148 No.19900211

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7dbb71 No.19900212

File: 0a5eed9e07b9b20⋯.jpg (511.39 KB,1333x1135,1333:1135,0a5eed9e07b9b20eecaafd3ae6….jpg)

File: e5d00a1760e535e⋯.png (248.85 KB,600x534,100:89,Screenshot_2023_11_11_at_1….png)




Donald Trump says he wants his election fraud trial televised




Best show on earth.


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327e41 No.19900213


//ASS/ movie is on repeat #electrolytes

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e069df No.19900214


that shill has been eating cookies, all bread

he is a FAT PIG, MR. PIG


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91536d No.19900215

President Trump: They indicted me because they said I inflated numbers, and my numbers, it turned out, were extremely conservative. Just the opposite. And now they don't know what to do, and the judge is being made to look; look, he's a radical-left person, and he actually accused me of something before the trial started! And now it's sort of coming home to play. We'll see what happens.

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4397dc No.19900216

File: c0f8016af467a29⋯.png (586.96 KB,614x764,307:382,c0f8016af467a29424765f3fc4….png)


it's been deballooned

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b560ea No.19900217


Um, Anon, the word "Zionist" is verbum non-grata pretty much across the entire interwebz thanks to ZOG. Go to just about any news source any normie would read and try to use the word in their comment section.

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70c120 No.19900219

File: 9419d9044dbd1d6⋯.jpeg (23.39 KB,210x295,42:59,C22FF0BF_BE32_4A70_94D6_B….jpeg)


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45c493 No.19900220

File: a0ac8476eadf54b⋯.png (499.79 KB,1136x329,1136:329,ClipboardImage.png)


The Zio nazis are blood crazed killers.


More Genocide that the world just allows to happen.

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866aa9 No.19900221


>Fuck you guy, you're the reason this is such shitty place to exist. You can take your mass murdering communist bullshit and fuck right off.

Oh really? What do you mean you fucking retard? What makes me the commie?

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a96164 No.19900222

44 Points

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17a148 No.19900223

File: 29718c3413950b2⋯.png (1.19 MB,1274x1506,637:753,Fat_Balloon_Christie.png)

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059a60 No.19900224

File: 75e2971be90a0af⋯.jpg (137.67 KB,894x579,298:193,mr_pig_card.jpg)


kek dubs

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e44894 No.19900225

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)

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000000 No.19900226


Boomerang moment

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e069df No.19900227


sex offender pointing out sex offenders, QUICK TRIAL

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0323ad No.19900228

a bad joke

that judge is so fuggly that

how fuggly is he.

that judge is so fuggly that he doesn't need to put a gag order on the defendants.

when the defendants see him they just start gagging all on their own . . .

end of tasteless joke.

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327e41 No.19900229


>rump says he wants his eRRection fraud xenu

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255918 No.19900231

File: 3c5037adb245413⋯.png (430.73 KB,799x801,799:801,IMG_6427.png)

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efe0d5 No.19900232


Oh look, the chick who supposedly died 1776 days after Q started posting.

So much theater

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327e41 No.19900234


>rump- We've had a great love affair

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0323ad No.19900235

"I thought he was wearing ice skates."

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9572c0 No.19900236

File: c4e8f8242931fc3⋯.png (205.69 KB,347x442,347:442,rdeezb781a744e3fe4d.png)

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46fb10 No.19900237


It's meant to sound like that so dumb fuck lemmings like you can at least relate somehow.

The problem is that dumb fucks don't know they're dumb fucks and forget to access that compendium of human knowledge they have in their pocket to look up an acronym or for anything else truly meaningful and just go back to watching hentai porn.

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70c120 No.19900238

File: 8f46a5b3a070c83⋯.gif (4.9 MB,300x226,150:113,37F080B3_DA12_4DBD_AA9E_F6….gif)

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d613f4 No.19900239


In Flanders Field

In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie,

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.

Written by John McCrae on May 3, 1915

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2490c5 No.19900241


>a con job for the ages

it's biblical, anon

as in, literally straight out of the bible

The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-10

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a96164 No.19900242


Bwaaa hahahaha


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327e41 No.19900243


>rump speaks at a campaign event in VeRRily, N.H. - 11/11/23

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7dbb71 No.19900244

File: e686aa6194585bc⋯.gif (842.12 KB,300x227,300:227,e686aa6194585bc1a79b3e5793….gif)

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6af930 No.19900245

Trump- when you think about it,what difference does it make?

(HRC- "What difference at this point does it make?")

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22768b No.19900246

President Trump: Like tens of millions of people within our nation, I'm a very proud election denier, because unless the truth is found, we will never have fair, free, and honest elections, and we have to have them.

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43f08f No.19900247

I'm not going to listen to Trump rally speeches anymore. I could record one and dub current headlines over current events in speeches and the speeches would all be the same. He will win in 2024 and be inaugurated Jan. 21, 2025, but nothing in people's lives will change until then, but only get worse. You can't tell them, you must show them, is the motto. Staying alive without too much suffering is going to be a priority for me from now on.

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e069df No.19900248


#24434 >>19899907

>>19899957, >>19899982 President Trump: Most of this will be solved in six months. Some of it sooner. We'll be drilling a lot sooner than that.

>>19900067 President Trump: I said, 'You have to finish it off'…and you know what? We got rid of ISIS. One hundred percent of ISIS.

>>19900116 President Trump: I told China, if you give Iran one dollar for oil, they have a lot of oil, if you purchase any oil, you're not doing business with the United States, and any business that gets through, we're going to tariff or tax you at one hundred percent.

>>19900131 President Trump: Once you pay money [for hostages], you set a precedent where they're going to do it again, and again, and again.

>>19900170 President Trump: I will end Joe Biden's disastrous war on American energy, and unleash the most powerful economic weapon; it's called, drilling for oil, or, as I call it, liquid gold, or as I say sometimes, Drill, Baby, Drill. We have more liquid gold than anybody.

>>19900215, >>19900226 President Trump: They indicted me because they said I inflated numbers, and my numbers, it turned out, were extremely conservative. Just the opposite. And now they don't know what to do, and the judge is being made to look; look, he's a radical-left person, and he actually accused me of something before the trial started! And now it's sort of coming home to play. We'll see what happens.

>>19899962 LIVE LINKS- President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H. - 11/11/23

>>19899963, >>19899992 TRUMP- I did it thru osmosis

>>19900007, >>19900009, >>19900015, >>19899985 POTUS T just said: Am I in a movie?, While telling the story about how they went into Iraq completely darked out and he was in the cockpit talking to the Captain.

>>19900046 Knock the hell out of them -DJT

>>19900166 DRILL BABY DRILL, more liquid gold than anyone -DJT

>>19900177, >>19900191, >>19900183 TRUMP: in the crowd - he said something you cant say, chris christie is a fat pig, you cannot do that NOT allowed to use the PIG word - FAT PIG

>>19900196 Trump- We've had a great love affair

>>19900113, >>19900198 Dan Scavino Q 310

>>19900199 meme of the bread and rally

>>19900212 Donald Trump says he wants his election fraud trial televised

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45c493 No.19900249


Live multiview (YT)


Can't seem to embed a live feed. Right click copy URL or Share button provide fucked versions of the link.

Earthquakes and english updates here;


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dc45e7 No.19900250


Are you saying 11.3 marker?

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70c120 No.19900251

File: e1ef7aa843a4ca2⋯.jpeg (25.16 KB,448x252,16:9,286A9366_9816_43FD_BC29_0….jpeg)

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a7788b No.19900252


Comey boots ice skating hillary bengazi connection

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dada18 No.19900253

File: d8247f67d79ff30⋯.jpg (107.76 KB,945x945,1:1,2023_11_09_21_09_03.jpg)

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0323ad No.19900254


I never heard the 'I thought he was wearing ice skates' line before, anon.

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ced612 No.19900255


Okay shill

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2490c5 No.19900256


tag the PLA Pig

godless commies

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e069df No.19900257


Filturd for stupidity by baker

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327e41 No.19900258


>rump's first speech after leaving bathroom

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efe0d5 No.19900259


He just tells people what they want to hear.

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3a3dc3 No.19900260

File: 3ce2f7d037eba2c⋯.png (251.99 KB,393x474,131:158,po.PNG)


Oakland Council President Bends Rules for Pro-Palestinian Protesters Disrupting Meeting. READ: https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/oakland-council-president-bends-rules-for-pro-palestinian-protesters-disrupting-meeting-5527429?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=telegram

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17a148 No.19900261

File: 17ff27435f5c3b2⋯.png (925.35 KB,2010x652,1005:326,777_666_Trump_v_Queen_Coin….png)

File: 3e052cecf139652⋯.png (802.91 KB,2876x1320,719:330,Queen_s_funeral_to_coronat….png)

File: 562ace3d9c6bb8a⋯.png (291.23 KB,1456x1050,104:75,queen_death_to_king_corona….png)

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327e41 No.19900262


>rump SHARTED TALKING @ 11:11

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27ebeb No.19900263

File: f4fbb76f3bf9b98⋯.jpeg (164.69 KB,1219x1529,1219:1529,F_mStqSWkAArUBc.jpeg)



A new portrait has been released for King Charles’ 75th birthday, which is on November 14th. Unfortunately, we will not get another family picture year with Charles, Camilla, his children and their families. That has sadly been denied to him by Prince Harry.

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f41cae No.19900264

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a8c012 No.19900265

File: 3f900079f5ac56f⋯.png (645.17 KB,828x995,828:995,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc933c474fe1331⋯.jpeg (560.55 KB,733x1001,733:1001,33D5D9CF_4212_414D_95A8_2….jpeg)

San Francisco Clears Homeless And Cleans Sh*t-Covered Streets For World Leaders Next Week

Progressive city leadership in crime-ridden San Francisco has undertaken a massive effort to improve the city's image, which has been tarnished with shit-covered streets, homelessness, and open-air drug markets. These measures have been implemented as a temporary solution ahead of the global trade summit that will flood the city with world leaders and corporate executives beginning today. 

The annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit is San Francisco's largest international event since world leaders gathered in the town in 1945 to sign the charter creating the United Nations. A lot has changed in the metro area in 78 years, including radical leftists in City Hall that have pushed failed 'defund the police' policies that have transformed parts of the region into an out-of-control, crime-infested hellhole. 

The New York Post confirmed the wonderful folks in City Hall began pushing "drug addicts, dealers, and homeless" from the downtown area to other parts of the city, an effort that some believe is to conceal their failed policies from the international community during APEC.  Residents and business owners told The Post that Mayor London Breed's attempts to "herd" the homeless and drug addicts to an opposite side of the city during the summit are only a "Band-Aid" amid the worst crime crisis the city has ever seen.  

Sources said the cleanup of homeless people and drug addicts is concentrated across seven intersections in the Tenderloin and South of Market, or SoMa, neighborhoods. These areas have been known to be covered in shit and fentanyl and heroin needles, as well as various tent cities housing the homeless.  They started clearing the tents earlier this week and there is definitely a lot more police presence," SoMa resident and community activist Ricci Lee Wynne said. 

"They've cleared out the tents that were near the Moscone Center on Howard Street, which tells me the city had the capability to do this all along — instead they just do the bare minimum," Wynne said. 

He added, "Once APEC is gone, police presence will start to simmer down again, the tents will return. And it will slowly flare up again. What we need is a permanent solution." The summit, which runs through next Friday, will feature a highly anticipated meeting between President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday. 

So, all along, radical Democrats in City Hall had the capability to enforce law and order but chose not to only until world leaders and corporate execs showed up to a summit. This is the biggest red flag yet for residents that leftists do not have the best interest of the majority of voters and are likely serving a fringe minority of elites.


The myth is that this all started only in the last few years however it began shortly after SF began the clean needle exchange program in the late 80s unofficially and then officially in the early 90s. The media focuses on the tenderloin area but that has always been the asshole of SF as it is located near downtown, union square and the convention center where most of whatever is left of tourism heads to.

>lived in/around SF for 30y and left in 2000-you could see it all coming…then they made Gavin the mayor

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45c493 No.19900266


Yeah heard this exact one last time…

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85b0d9 No.19900267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The fight scenes in Spider-man 3 are underrated. They were way ahead of its time.

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22768b No.19900268


Don't include the question mark or anything after it, and it should work.

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e8fcbf No.19900269

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE - President Trump in Claremont, NH

12,729 watching


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7dbb71 No.19900270

File: 45daa1c3057daa3⋯.png (91.28 KB,215x190,43:38,ClipboardImage.png)


From the viewer's perspective, the left is red and the right is blue. But from Jesus' perspective, those on HIS left are better people than those on HIS left.

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6d927d No.19900271

File: 2a01ab05b03f7bb⋯.jpg (107.68 KB,497x562,497:562,THE_WORD.jpg)

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3a3dc3 No.19900272

File: ffd2a8dc289c3b6⋯.png (986.34 KB,672x634,336:317,yr.PNG)

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7dbb71 No.19900273


just thinking…

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e069df No.19900274

File: 7429b817ac9edd2⋯.png (384.21 KB,835x641,835:641,ClipboardImage.png)

trumps account is posting….


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327e41 No.19900275

File: aa65e0bdfecdb71⋯.png (1.12 MB,1080x1080,1:1,aa65e0bdfecdb7188c0733514b….png)

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46fb10 No.19900276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6af930 No.19900277


>RNN not be confused with RRN.

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d930a2 No.19900278


Handsome Devil

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3fb741 No.19900279

My growl has come back.

God bless anons

11.11 is soon coming


Your thoghts

Evil be gone

Evil be gone

Evil be gone

God bless


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d613f4 No.19900280

File: 438f2ef05b6e97f⋯.png (827.36 KB,500x645,100:129,ClipboardImage.png)

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45c493 No.19900281


Kek I added the speech bubble to that one!

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a96164 No.19900282

Dark to Light

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327e41 No.19900283


buy his truth

it has got to be honest goathomo

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dada18 No.19900284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6d927d No.19900285

File: 51490c52b769bb9⋯.jpg (159.39 KB,778x480,389:240,CANT_STOP_IT.jpg)

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bb0644 No.19900286

File: 4c3c18b314cf109⋯.mp4 (5.02 MB,1280x720,16:9,giveusyourmoney.mp4)

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04c057 No.19900287

File: ecd29b8425f2a56⋯.jpg (690 KB,800x800,1:1,53a66b1c_4092_451d_a382_c7….jpg)

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4397dc No.19900289

File: 0af036014d09a99⋯.jpg (12.75 KB,255x255,1:1,0af036014d09a998dffa0c153c….jpg)

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000000 No.19900290


Do we call this “polishing a turd”?

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e069df No.19900291

File: 570cb5cbb8591f7⋯.png (471.54 KB,860x777,860:777,ClipboardImage.png)



“He is NOT a fat pig!” — President Trump on Chris Christie in Claremont, New Hampshire

Watch Trump LIVE on RSBN  rsbnetwork.com/video/live-pres

Nov 11, 2023, 3:27 PM


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bb0644 No.19900292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Sh*t-Covered Streets

good band name

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e44894 No.19900293


One post with whining, complaining, and despairfagging. Let's say for a second that you're an Anon in a bad place and not, which you've presented yourself to be, a shill with an agenda. In that case I would have to say:

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dada18 No.19900294

File: bca325ae75cfbe9⋯.jpg (70.96 KB,775x475,31:19,Screen_Shot_2023_11_11_at_….jpg)

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46fb10 No.19900295

File: 6438c3de68db9dd⋯.jpg (144.03 KB,700x876,175:219,lastsupperpassthegayo.jpg)

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fe30ef No.19900297


Low IQ post. If you can't hear the differences each speech.

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0842d3 No.19900298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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acfc9d No.19900299

Just saw a B-2.


Low and loud and over my community. Veterans Day related?

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e069df No.19900300


LIVE - President Trump in Claremont, NH



LIVE - President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H. - 11/11/23






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3a3dc3 No.19900301

File: 643492c833a26a4⋯.png (624.22 KB,591x632,591:632,ws.PNG)


Wall Street Silver


I hope you are all fine with this. 😢

Any questions? 🤔


9:30 AM · Nov 11, 2023




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46fb10 No.19900302

File: 03adfd140f38eee⋯.png (288.26 KB,525x562,525:562,wut.png)

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327e41 No.19900303





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17a148 No.19900304

File: 6ee9e56037098ca⋯.png (404.42 KB,900x432,25:12,4841_The_Shield_of_Faith_K….png)

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16fa19 No.19900305


Blank spaces frequently serve as delimiters in coding - which is why it's best to use character strings with no spaces in between.

For example, it's why each notable bun has a blank space above and below - to signal where the bun begins and ends.

Coders can create IF-THEN exceptions that anticipate common departures from the expected character strings but they may or may not anticipate a particular departure.

This is why the formatting requirements for the bun page are so rigid: because as long as bakers use the exact same template for all bakes, scraping is not a problem (at least, not on our end).

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a96164 No.19900306


Ahhh, It's the "It's for the Greater Good" Argument

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6af930 No.19900307

TRUMP- I want a federal government takeover of our government

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2490c5 No.19900308





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b5cf17 No.19900309

File: ad5ca7d114d1ec1⋯.jpeg (156.15 KB,761x900,761:900,IMG_6429.jpeg)

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f41cae No.19900310

File: 644c6d83cfd5b56⋯.jpg (95.74 KB,828x1057,828:1057,644c6d83cfd5b56ae1ad8c16dc….jpg)


top KEK

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70c120 No.19900311


10, please

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2490c5 No.19900312

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45c493 No.19900313

File: 9b7e810300f3423⋯.jpg (566.61 KB,960x960,1:1,King_Charles_They_Live_01.jpg)


Just looks pissed off as usual.

Yeah blame Harry, dad. Real nice.

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083eb9 No.19900314


sorry. Anon's OODA at last min will be judge, if the shifty fuckers are there again, probably gona say fuck it.

Look at it this way, why did you sit here day after day arguing about my vote or not vote instead of getting people who intended HARM to America and to kill people off the ballot? While you fuck with ANON day after day, you ignore the US Mil, US State Dept, OPM, and Secretary of State put commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist or identity fraud on the ballot who intends propaganda theft, torture, genocide and war crimes on the fucking ballots.

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e069df No.19900315


i know about that

what is 'afaik'

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327e41 No.19900316


some of those came with a glass bowl on the fuel pump

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22768b No.19900317

President Trump: It's a very bad precedent; it's very dangerous. And again, such a thing has never happened in our country. I've made clear from the outset; the prosecution has repeatedly denied me my fundamental Constitutional rights, including my right to have a trial…I want this trial to be seen by everybody in the world. The prosecution wishes to continue this travesty in darkness, and I want sunlight…I want everything exposed to the public, including the election fraud, because this is all about election fraud, which took place in 2020, and the 2020 presidential election, so that such a thing can never happen again to our country.

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16fa19 No.19900319


AFAIK = As far as I know

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327e41 No.19900320


2 minutes / lb

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4b07be No.19900321

File: 72e1764adaa3af8⋯.png (50.58 KB,1002x498,167:83,4600.png)

File: 082248a87aca35f⋯.png (48.61 KB,1002x498,167:83,4601.png)

Trump: I want Sunlight!

Sunlight kills.


V2 = Second Administration.

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2490c5 No.19900322


they don't pay you enough

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22768b No.19900323

President Trump: They want to silence me because I know the truth and I'm not afraid to say it.

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bce581 No.19900324

File: 4c56132354f4de9⋯.png (559.33 KB,750x707,750:707,4c56132354f4de9084e1e40275….png)

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866aa9 No.19900325

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Has anyone seen any Videos of the supposed Court Marshalls that Postmaster said he did and recorded?

Premiered 21 hours ago

: CHECK-OUT-ANDY-POWERLL'S-ALLCAST-PODCAST-HERE: https://theallcast.castos.com/


: Russell-Jay: Gould.


: http://linktr.ee/russelljaygould

: Thanks for the video-sharing.




: https://www.LastFlagStanding.com .

[ Last-Flag-Standing

Witness for the Win

Russell Jay Gould

Freedom Fighter


Fake elections

Fake news




2020 elections

War Castles


Quantum-Banking ]


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e44894 No.19900326

Thank you for that, Sir.

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e3847d No.19900327

all words have opposites.

if a source uses the opposite words of those it previously used…

the source has effectively canceled their opinion regarding the subject.

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45c493 No.19900328

File: 184237d0be87fe8⋯.png (28.66 KB,1028x484,257:121,ClipboardImage.png)

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7dbb71 No.19900329

File: fb98e22f419a560⋯.jpg (98.67 KB,800x930,80:93,media_F_fFzw0acAAIhB5.jpg)

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efe0d5 No.19900330

File: f864e3aa69bc30c⋯.png (33.14 KB,779x269,779:269,ClipboardImage.png)



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0842d3 No.19900331


So Trump supporters = Satan supporters. Oh boy.

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327e41 No.19900332

File: fc53dda4ed2dd8a⋯.jpg (350.88 KB,1200x1600,3:4,shamelessMEOWiPLUG.jpg)

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9572c0 No.19900333

"Workin my ass off" line got a huge response.

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e069df No.19900334

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e069df No.19900335


#24434 >>19899907

>>19899957, >>19899982 President Trump: Most of this will be solved in six months. Some of it sooner. We'll be drilling a lot sooner than that.

>>19900067 President Trump: I said, 'You have to finish it off'…and you know what? We got rid of ISIS. One hundred percent of ISIS.

>>19900116 President Trump: I told China, if you give Iran one dollar for oil, they have a lot of oil, if you purchase any oil, you're not doing business with the United States, and any business that gets through, we're going to tariff or tax you at one hundred percent.

>>19900131 President Trump: Once you pay money [for hostages], you set a precedent where they're going to do it again, and again, and again.

>>19900170 President Trump: I will end Joe Biden's disastrous war on American energy, and unleash the most powerful economic weapon; it's called, drilling for oil, or, as I call it, liquid gold, or as I say sometimes, Drill, Baby, Drill. We have more liquid gold than anybody.

>>19900215, >>19900226 President Trump: They indicted me because they said I inflated numbers, and my numbers, it turned out, were extremely conservative. Just the opposite. And now they don't know what to do, and the judge is being made to look; look, he's a radical-left person, and he actually accused me of something before the trial started! And now it's sort of coming home to play. We'll see what happens.

>>19900246 President Trump: Like tens of millions of people within our nation, I'm a very proud election denier, because unless the truth is found, we will never have fair, free, and honest elections, and we have to have them.

>>19900317 President Trump: It's a very bad precedent; it's very dangerous. And again, such a thing has never happened in our country. I've made clear from the outset; the prosecution has repeatedly denied me my fundamental Constitutional rights, including my right to have a trial…I want this trial to be seen by everybody in the world. The prosecution wishes to continue this travesty in darkness, and I want sunlight…I want everything exposed to the public, including the election fraud, because this is all about election fraud, which took place in 2020, and the 2020 presidential election, so that such a thing can never happen again to our country.

>>19899962, >>19900269 LIVE LINKS- President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H. - 11/11/23

>>19899963, >>19899992 TRUMP- I did it thru osmosis

>>19900007, >>19900009, >>19900015, >>19899985 POTUS T just said: Am I in a movie?, While telling the story about how they went into Iraq completely darked out and he was in the cockpit talking to the Captain.

>>19900046 Knock the hell out of them -DJT

>>19900166 DRILL BABY DRILL, more liquid gold than anyone -DJT

>>19900177, >>19900191, >>19900183, >>19900291 TRUMP: in the crowd - he said something you cant say, chris christie is a fat pig, you cannot do that NOT allowed to use the PIG word - FAT PIG

>>19900196 Trump- We've had a great love affair

>>19900113, >>19900198 Dan Scavino Q 310

>>19900199 meme of the bread and rally

>>19900212 Donald Trump says he wants his election fraud trial televised

>>19900245 Trump- when you think about it,what difference does it make? (HRC- "What difference at this point does it make?")

>>19900260 Oakland Council President Bends Rules for Pro-Palestinian Protesters Disrupting Meeting

>>19900265 San Francisco Clears Homeless And Cleans Sh*t-Covered Streets For World Leaders Next Week

>>19900307 TRUMP- I want a federal government takeover of our government

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f41cae No.19900336


that's a time challenge kit

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6d927d No.19900337

File: ff1d9dee078fe69⋯.jpg (130.59 KB,909x617,909:617,8_BALL_WINNING.jpg)

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bce5ec No.19900338

File: 9dfe37443d4eb37⋯.png (910.87 KB,984x820,6:5,IMG_2090.png)

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84ed7a No.19900339


Gen Z doesn't know how to turn a wrench.

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17a148 No.19900340

File: b84d695281dd24f⋯.png (243.14 KB,1080x712,135:89,4739_You_are_the_Mighty_On….png)

"You are the Mighty One, the One Who will ultimately bring all evil to light. With You, Jesus, we are safe. Amen." Q post #4739


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3fe63c No.19900341

Q. Say something to us….

it's been a long road

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000000 No.19900343


Sunlight is the best disinfectant

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327e41 No.19900344


>rump supporters = Satan suppositories

swam turd goblin swam

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3a3dc3 No.19900345

File: b95265acb65e8c4⋯.png (49.16 KB,1119x364,1119:364,mm.PNG)


Moody’s cuts U.S. outlook to negative, citing deficits and political polarization

Published Fri, Nov 10 20234:44 PM ESTUpdated 3 Hours Ago

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a8c012 No.19900346

File: 12d8557b62c0835⋯.jpeg (336.04 KB,1206x617,1206:617,E06FA7C9_CCF7_46F0_A1C5_6….jpeg)

>>19899282 lb

PF: TITAN25 E4B NightwatchSec of Defense Austinheading to Seoul-Osan AB after crossing SCS as previously mentioned

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2490c5 No.19900347


>what a supremely bad idea.

knowingly participating in a rigged system perpetuates and validates the rigged system

>no, anon, people must still vote.

no, narrative-slinger/non-anon, they must not

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efe0d5 No.19900348


>the prosecution has repeatedly denied me my fundamental Constitutional rights

Like he wants by taking guns first and due process second?

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1dad6f No.19900349


DC, not our government.

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dada18 No.19900350

File: ca9d434766f03bc⋯.jpg (30.31 KB,497x147,71:21,Screen_Shot_2023_11_11_at_….jpg)

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70c120 No.19900351

File: dcba19d9a821ea0⋯.gif (439.94 KB,300x157,300:157,4248FA9E_3250_402F_BFCE_0F….gif)

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a96164 No.19900352

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567dad No.19900353


The british version is SOOOOO much better

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9572c0 No.19900354

File: 864a27fbeae6e37⋯.png (35.1 KB,466x514,233:257,ClipboardImage.png)


>Q. Say something to us….


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327e41 No.19900355


so wait

the one black guy

sellin furniture

round no trees

turns albino frum faggoting

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37ef80 No.19900356




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45c493 No.19900357


aaah so you have to make edits?

Fuck sakes. Jim??


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2490c5 No.19900358


the sun will disinfect everything soon

CME incoming

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dada18 No.19900360

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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46fb10 No.19900361


Yes but not dumbed down enough for this place.

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4397dc No.19900362

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79145b No.19900363


good point

not sure why i keep watching them

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866aa9 No.19900364

File: de2168ee4366a94⋯.webp (6.16 KB,640x341,640:341,Brand_New_Genuine_Ikea_Wr….webp)

File: 153dcbf46125abe⋯.webp (9.61 KB,640x480,4:3,IKEA_Part_Sofa_Tightening….webp)


How many people and how long would it take to put this together? Is everything included in the box? Quality tools like this.

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4b07be No.19900365

File: c7af2c65f9444f8⋯.png (201.82 KB,1002x2126,501:1063,953.png)


Very important drop, future will prove past.


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305a37 No.19900366

File: e73851fb044794e⋯.jpeg (266.97 KB,1077x1435,1077:1435,IMG_6416.jpeg)


Wishful thinking anon

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e069df No.19900367

File: 8e132484b6b3aee⋯.png (64.16 KB,255x241,255:241,laughing_till_tears.png)

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85b0d9 No.19900368

Trump talks about stage fright and is very understanding of it actually - yet he can effortlessly do it over and over again in front of 10s of thousands, on top of being on camera in front of the World.

I remember an Apprentice Finale where one of his friends turn was up to make comments about who should win. The guy was stumbling and fumbling, literally paralyzed, but Trump had his back and said something soothing after like "it's ok, it happens sometimes, you forget your name when you get the microphone sometimes".

Trump has a high-level of awareness.

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9572c0 No.19900370

File: ca799b9e6278228⋯.png (513.97 KB,1349x2785,1349:2785,ClipboardImage.png)

Badge of Honor

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45c493 No.19900371


Wait for the trickle down effect to kick in. Inhale….

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6af930 No.19900372


True- but he uses both definitions within his speeches. Normies don't know or understand that DC is foreign occupied.

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3fe63c No.19900373



that's Q+. Not Q. Lurk moar.

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e44894 No.19900374

File: 881b94f9094936a⋯.png (367.97 KB,641x628,641:628,ClipboardImage.png)

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7dbb71 No.19900375


Some strange words like:

- 3 seconds Dan.

- Sky King

- 300 Spartans


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9572c0 No.19900376


>that's Q+.

you sure?

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05c64b No.19900378

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e069df No.19900379


filturd for wasting time, splitting hairs

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f0bf6f No.19900380

File: 703d85d6db1a302⋯.png (860.81 KB,978x550,489:275,ang.png)

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3fe63c No.19900381


yup. moar. do you lurk it?

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866aa9 No.19900382


I don't know too much about Quantum Grammar but are these statements written correctly stating facts? Not trying to be a dick, I do believe there is something to all of it. Yes it does trace back to foreign countries because IMO Israel had a huge hand in killing JFK and England has been fleecing us for a long long time.

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45c493 No.19900383


I've seen you post this same pasta shit at least half a doz times in the past 24 hours.

That's what I've seen.

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000000 No.19900384


Will the incoming CME be the energy that blows the Icelandic volcano?


Sun Disturbances on Earth’s Volcanism

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083eb9 No.19900385


Also I did more than you EVER WILL. I filed two complaints with Secretary of State on EXACTLY these issues…

to date they have not replied.

Anon argues "They Can't reply they commit war crimes" and I named them.

* if you want anon's opinion how voting should work.. Like so. A background check is done on the Candidates for commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist or identity fraud and if they have that shit or they openly intend harm, they are off the ballot. A law an oath is the only way this is gona be enforced – that law an oath don't exist yet.

On a perfect day Anon would have that Law and Oath that swears to protect that Law, and be able to throw a dart to select president, while ILLEGALS/WORKERS from mexico who LIVE HERE and it's in their interest to have good leaders can vote too because no matter where my DART hits the ballot it don't mean GUN CONTROL and WW3.

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2490c5 No.19900386


MAGA moar, moran


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a96164 No.19900387


It hit 5 hours ago

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d613f4 No.19900389

File: ae147d00a00afd4⋯.png (506.45 KB,1200x695,240:139,ClipboardImage.png)

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7dbb71 No.19900390

File: 31f60592056b40c⋯.png (282.97 KB,600x542,300:271,Screenshot_2023_11_11_at_1….png)




Roman Chervinsky, a former commander of one of the Ukrainian special forces units, was the coordinator of the explosions at the Nord Stream-1 and Nord Stream-2 pipelines, the Washington Post reported, citing Ukrainian officials and European sources:



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9572c0 No.19900391


I'm open minded. Tell me what you think Q+ = Trump. Please and Thank You.

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e8b870 No.19900392

File: 3966c270b64e712⋯.jpeg (57.65 KB,631x513,631:513,pepeackshuallypowered.jpeg)

File: 1cd1a114f674c25⋯.png (863.13 KB,1366x768,683:384,christieFat.png)

File: 224fc15a75aecc5⋯.png (277.65 KB,526x573,526:573,chrisChristieFatt.png)

File: 0460327f18573c6⋯.jpeg (7.67 KB,126x255,42:85,christiedonutr.jpeg)

File: c5ef8ace9568f72⋯.png (503.93 KB,502x800,251:400,chrisChristieFatBastard.png)


>“He is NOT a fat pig!” — President Trump on Chris Christie in Claremont, New Hampshire

He kinda is

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22768b No.19900393

President Trump: [On Day One I will] stop the invasion. This is an invasion. This is like a military invasion. We'll stop the invasion on our southern border, and begin the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.

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db5b22 No.19900394


KEK. Worshiping false idols and giving all the power in your life to the government doesn't make you a commie? Not only that, but demanding that other people be stripped of their power as well? How the fuck does that work? 'People can't be trusted with basic chemicals and medicines but the government can be! And the criminal cartel they created by giving them a money printer in the form of chemical monopolies can certainly be trusted as well!' How many 10s of millions (100s of millions now?) of people have fucking suffered, been crippled, and/or died because the government is allowed to control every single chemical that might have medicinal properties? We've had cures to almost every disease for fucking decades. So yes, 'mass murdering communist bullshit' seems accurate to me. Or are you really going to try and spin that the government, who's systems will always be manipulated by the powerful, are only going make 'bad drugs' illegal? Just like 'bad speech'?

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f4b472 No.19900395


You are incorrect.

DJT is Q

Always has been

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2490c5 No.19900396


peak Kp five hours from now

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45c493 No.19900397


they have an app to summon a real man to do it for them.

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e3847d No.19900398

File: ac051ea22b3a25e⋯.jpg (28.47 KB,255x250,51:50,1b865d9a5e8bc9a32284e59767….jpg)

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f0bf6f No.19900399

File: 00da6da74518081⋯.png (585.87 KB,980x548,245:137,ino.png)

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04c057 No.19900401

File: 04015de7930ed0a⋯.jpg (144.46 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pan.jpg)

File: f03b41d8d3eb4b6⋯.jpg (39.77 KB,418x479,418:479,htr.JPG)




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e44894 No.19900402


>I don't know too much about Quantum Grammar

Then why do you incessantly post it then? It's a fucking scam. Filtered for stupidity.

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68acd3 No.19900403


That fat pig is AI fat

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3fe63c No.19900404


lurky moar

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45c493 No.19900405


Do you even Dink bro?>

this is how you get Dink.

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7dbb71 No.19900406


>DJT is Q

wrong, DJT is Qplvs

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efe0d5 No.19900407


The lawless one is Jesus (not saying that's bad). The one who handed Him over committed the greater sin. No one took His life, HE GAVE IT. He fulfilled the law calling for death. Not the least stroke of the pen disappears from the law until it is all accomplished, because it's ALL on HIM.

>Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven

>Then he said to them, “Whoever welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. For it is the one who is least among you all who is the greatest.”

>Among those born to women, none have arisen greater than John the Baptist, but even the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than He.

Heaven and earth will pass away, but His words will never pass away.

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c9724b No.19900408

File: 0644fa87ceec5a1⋯.jpg (11.22 KB,255x170,3:2,46fe7f9506e61b3d19b0df219e….jpg)

Admiral Michael S. Rogers, U.S. Navy Was the 17th Director of the NSA 3821

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 1 Feb 2020 - 12:41:11 PM

Who was the 17th Director of the NSA?



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3a3dc3 No.19900409

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Annals of a Warming Planet

Can Seawalls Save Us?

Huge coastal barriers could protect the world’s cities. But they’ll have unexpected costs.

By Daniel A. Gross

November 5, 2023

“Water has to go somewhere.”

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f0bf6f No.19900410

File: 5146e527f7bdf7c⋯.png (664.81 KB,980x550,98:55,muh4h.png)

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866aa9 No.19900411

File: 610e215246436de⋯.mp4 (3.25 MB,640x360,16:9,YOU_ARE_A_CUNT_360p.mp4)


>I've seen you post this same pasta shit at least half a doz times in the past 24 hours.

>That's what I've seen

I just did it on my own, I haven't seen the their posts about this, the video just came out. ou are an insufferable cunt.

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9343f7 No.19900412

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37ef80 No.19900413



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f4b472 No.19900414



I already told you

dont be so obtuse

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dada18 No.19900415


If Q-drops were posted entirely in Quantum-Grammar… this board/movement/operation would not have habbened, imo

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9572c0 No.19900416


that's what I thought

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3fe63c No.19900417


lurk lurk lurk

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70c120 No.19900418

File: 3d8af5e59bc5971⋯.jpeg (20.78 KB,416x312,4:3,0BAB89DD_7FEA_4397_A858_F….jpeg)

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0fce36 No.19900420

File: 0ce08d086be150e⋯.jpeg (17.04 KB,179x255,179:255,IMG_2147.jpeg)

WWG1WGA News Service Report on

Emerson nice big titties

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fee72e No.19900421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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46fb10 No.19900422

File: fac6888e87551a6⋯.png (3.93 MB,4356x1803,1452:601,domestics.png)

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4397dc No.19900423

File: 34c7436f6d7ca14⋯.png (154.26 KB,301x348,301:348,BROWZMORE.png)

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a8c012 No.19900424

File: f835a853f73c868⋯.png (1.21 MB,1046x513,1046:513,09092A3A_0E76_4DBC_9F25_68….png)


And way moar solid gold too

>national parks FILLED-that why those were started in first place.

There is a reason you can’t go to 90% of the Grand Canyon to name but one example

Also why missing persons cases never investigated either..can’t have any of that leaking out

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f41cae No.19900425

File: 80fea66d1f3e0b5⋯.png (386.24 KB,1200x2000,3:5,Screenshot_20231111_155019.png)

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e3847d No.19900426

the waters of humanity's perceptions

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51cdbe No.19900427

You cannot both ‘remember your oath’ and vote again, while An insurrection and genocide are underway. The system is exposed for fraud.

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327e41 No.19900428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

leeky leeky tunnel ready to emergency proclamation david hogg all leeky leeky tunnel weekend

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16fa19 No.19900429

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0323ad No.19900430



if you vote and they steal, they commit a crime.

if you don't vote they don't have to steal. no crime.

that's why.

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9572c0 No.19900432


You're never going to pass the test IF YOU DON'T FUCKING HELP ME UNDERSTAND WHY Q+ IS TRUMP.


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668c77 No.19900433

File: fe6058b073dc529⋯.jpg (433.1 KB,1920x1280,3:2,Lightthedarkwinter.jpg)

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efe0d5 No.19900434


>You cannot both ‘remember your oath’ and vote again

Correct. We MUST NOT consent.

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866aa9 No.19900435


>If Q-drops were posted entirely in Quantum-Grammar… this board/movement/operation would not have habbened, imo

According to his Alchemy , wouldn't it have been achieved like a spell? I don't know shit so don't mind me. POTUS has been going for almost 2 hours Amazing!!

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04c057 No.19900436

File: de440b537169f1b⋯.jpg (49.59 KB,527x500,527:500,38c2ef1bb309dbf094e498fa10….jpg)


> people must still vote.

50 years young. voted twice, not in a decade and not again. voting is voluntarily consenting to the shitstem

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327e41 No.19900437



jfk is sure infatuated with that tranny

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2490c5 No.19900439




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e98bc5 No.19900440

File: e7f01f845ad44ca⋯.jpg (84.79 KB,500x636,125:159,85pouq_1.jpg)

File: 15ee41f41998ea4⋯.jpg (59.26 KB,612x393,204:131,Gfti.jpg)

File: 30496be954ec65f⋯.jpg (71.49 KB,631x484,631:484,85gfh.jpg)

File: a397f61e406301b⋯.jpg (40.71 KB,654x436,3:2,downloadfile_4.jpg)

File: 4548af63f70ece5⋯.jpg (601.98 KB,3000x2217,1000:739,downloadfile_1.jpg)



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f86dd9 No.19900441



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7dbb71 No.19900442

File: 0e6a4fe50b7b77d⋯.png (67.85 KB,740x1076,185:269,1038.png)


Q isn´t Q+

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efe0d5 No.19900443


If you vote in a knowingly rigged system you consent to that rigged system.

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c9724b No.19900444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3fe63c No.19900445

File: 0ff2d8fd6b40797⋯.png (610.89 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


get your lurk on, get your lurk, get your lurk on, get your lurk on

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45c493 No.19900446

File: 8fbae40de2acf2a⋯.jpg (101.75 KB,600x313,600:313,Trump_Tweet_Hot_Chick_Thum….jpg)

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e44894 No.19900447

File: ace2b210a18d54c⋯.png (584.76 KB,720x469,720:469,volturi_pepe.png)


You demand answers from others as if you are entitled to the answer you expect.

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0ce67f No.19900448

File: 44d0a37b378970c⋯.jpg (177.12 KB,828x1696,207:424,F_qckZXW0AArSP_.jpg)


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e3847d No.19900449


warming and cooling are cyclical over various periods of time. 12, 24, 36 years ago, nuespapers were saying the same. just fear tacos is all.

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04c057 No.19900450


isn't that the definition of the role?

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866aa9 No.19900451


>Then why do you incessantly post it then?

Im glad this faggot is such a pussy he had to filter. Obviously it must be ONE person posting every day and if it looks like more than one, they will accuse of IP hopping, it is pathetic. That is their only argument.

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9572c0 No.19900452


You demand to be a retard. We all make choices. He chose not to help me. You are gay.

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a7788b No.19900453


G2 (Moderate) Geomagnetic Storm Watch Valid for 11-12 Nov

published: Thursday, November 09, 2023 22:08 UTC

A CME associated with an eruption near S15W15 at 09/1115 UTC is expected to arrive at Earth around 1800 UTC on 11 November.

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45c493 No.19900454


Pure Neocon Scum™️

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97e540 No.19900456

File: e8ac2a1d2d8d7cc⋯.jpg (186.21 KB,1240x660,62:33,NewRules.JPG)

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3fe63c No.19900457


those tits look sad. as if two people committed unspeakable crimes in a previous life and as punishment they were reincarnated into those tits, forever cursed to be sweaty and never jizzed on

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3a3dc3 No.19900458

"I want Sunlight"

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22768b No.19900459

President Trump: The one way we win like you've never seen before; we have to slam it on election day…there's a point at which their cheating can't get it done.

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f4b472 No.19900460


do not participate in fraud

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2490c5 No.19900461


your logic presumes a functioning and lawful judicial process

which does not exist in Amerikka

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0842d3 No.19900462




>MAGA moar, moran

🤣 Hey thanks for the invitation to your Devil Worship church. But I'm busy.

I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.

Groucho Marx

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45c493 No.19900463


She's ugly and retarded.

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f98246 No.19900464

File: 45744594540b6ed⋯.jpg (268.74 KB,1538x1011,1538:1011,ObliterateDS.JPG)

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866aa9 No.19900465


Thanks, I will check it out. I just Tineyed the photo looking for info and there wasn't too much good off the bat.

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a96164 No.19900466

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8d5dec No.19900467


No. This exactly what was said last time.

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70c120 No.19900468


It is a good thing… the Declaration, Constitution, and Bill of Rights is not dependent upon “democracy”.

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04c057 No.19900469

File: 9c928f966ae940c⋯.png (13.05 KB,255x251,255:251,e67dba2f1354bc53eccc6ae963….png)

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02ee27 No.19900470


if you don't vote, they will just use your name and say you did

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68acd3 No.19900471

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6d927d No.19900472

File: 26484fe13961dce⋯.jpg (94.86 KB,697x435,697:435,4D_CHESS.jpg)

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c9724b No.19900473

File: c7ffd76b8f113ad⋯.png (3.14 MB,1724x1912,431:478,flynnlynlila.png)


it will burn a little at first though…

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a96164 No.19900474


& type 1 Diabetic

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84ed7a No.19900475

File: 0e5209f56e03e72⋯.jpg (530.45 KB,2000x1400,10:7,Liberator.JPG)

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a126cf No.19900476

File: c7ffd76b8f113ad⋯.png (3.14 MB,1724x1912,431:478,flynnlynlila.png)


it will burn a little at first though…

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acfc9d No.19900477



I think you are both correct if you are referring to "voting" as going to a polling place and casting a ballot. However, real votes are with real money and with what we give attention to. Everyday we vote with what our dollars and our time. George Soros votes more and better than the rest of us. He doesn't care about the one vote he could cast in a little booth after having his ID scanned for "their" big database.

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4397dc No.19900478

File: 20ba46ef8f111d0⋯.jpg (75.04 KB,720x634,360:317,20ba46ef8f111d0f9527011982….jpg)



what phase of transistioning are you in?

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a126cf No.19900479

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f4b472 No.19900480


you have to show them is a way to implement the tyranny without opposition

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b1403a No.19900481

File: 6496b52fca37d71⋯.jpg (93.34 KB,640x402,320:201,RatsRun.JPG)

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083eb9 No.19900482



Listen to me. I been fighting this shit since 2002 HAVA ACT / 2004 blackboxvoting.

You are not telling me jack shit that is new. Nothing has been fixed since 2020.

2024 is moot point.. Election integrity is a moot point with Candidates who intend WW3 on the fucking ballot. So you "legally counted" all the votes for Charlie Manson…. Swell thing now the Military can Swear in Charlie..

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9572c0 No.19900483


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0323ad No.19900484


If a plate pivots it's not going to matter if there is a seawall.

the area goes low and below the sea.

Read about 'the Georges Bank'.

It's hundreds of feet below the waves, and used to be above the waves.

Meanwhile parts of Vermont are way up high, and used to be way down low.

the plate seems as though it pivoted. The eastern part when lower, the Western part went higher.

No sea wall would have made any difference at all.

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4b07be No.19900485


Q lost 'Q Clearance' the day trump left office, the only reason why they never continued posting after 2020, why would they post if they are not in the White House? Makes sense…

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4397dc No.19900487

NO music message lead out

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668c77 No.19900488

File: 0d15ca7fd246ebf⋯.jpg (212.99 KB,1300x997,1300:997,01217452355176777888837464….jpg)

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2490c5 No.19900489


and if you do vote, they will just change your vote

you witnessed it happen in 2020

you witnessed it happen again in 2023

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6d927d No.19900490

File: 51320d0f4a8d0a1⋯.jpg (115.86 KB,492x561,164:187,FRONT_AND_CENTER.jpg)

File: 446af635071d16f⋯.jpg (104.15 KB,709x489,709:489,NORTH_TO_WINNING.jpg)

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249d07 No.19900491

File: 255a6d6841d12c6⋯.png (679.88 KB,768x513,256:171,ClipboardImage.png)


Ukrainian military officer coordinated Nord Stream pipeline attack

Story by Shane Harris, Isabelle Khurshudyan •


A senior Ukrainian military officer with deep ties to the country’s intelligence services played a central role in the bombing of the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline last year, according to officials in Ukraine and elsewhere in Europe, as well as other people knowledgeable about the details of the covert operation.

The officer’s role provides the most direct evidence to date tying Ukraine’s military and security leadership to a controversial act of sabotage that has spawned multiple criminal investigations and that U.S. and Western officials have called a dangerous attack on Europe’s energy infrastructure.

Roman Chervinsky, a decorated 48-year-old colonel who served in Ukraine’s Special Operations Forces, was the “coordinator” of the Nord Stream operation, people familiar with his role said, managing logistics and support for a six-person team that rented a sailboat under false identities and used deep-sea diving equipment to place explosive charges on the gas pipelines. On Sept. 26, 2022, three explosions caused massive leaks on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, which run from Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea. The attack left only one of the four gas links in the network intact as winter approached.

Related video: Russia-Ukraine war: Putin visits military HQ in Roston-on-Dov (WION)

And Russia claims to have repelled Ukrainian attacks from multiple


Russia-Ukraine war: Putin visits military HQ in Roston-on-Dov


View on Watch

View on Watch

Chervinsky did not act alone and he did not plan the operation, according to the people familiar with his role, which has not been previously reported. The officer took orders from more senior Ukrainian officials, who ultimately reported to Gen. Valery Zaluzhny, Ukraine’s highest-ranking military officer, said people familiar with how the operation was carried out. They spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive details about the bombing, which has strained diplomatic relations with Ukraine and drawn objections from U.S. officials.



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4397dc No.19900492




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27ebeb No.19900493

File: 921af826f18f8fc⋯.png (196.93 KB,1024x216,128:27,ikeaswedenflag.png)


how come these dirty niggers get to have their dirty flag on our soil

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45c493 No.19900494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e44894 No.19900495

File: d4ec2c5e62e6884⋯.gif (2.2 MB,200x150,4:3,lawler_lol.gif)


You're really are a sad, pathetic little shitshill. "No one will pass the test until they tell you why Q+ is Q+?" Who the fuck do you think you are? I'll tell you what I think you are: A paid posting minion that becomes hostile when it doesn't get the reaction it expected.

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5abfb5 No.19900496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Attention Attention…Battleships around Earth. Turn up the Volume in your ships…5:5

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6af930 No.19900497



His +1

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083eb9 No.19900498


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fee72e No.19900499

File: 44adf4e3644397d⋯.png (659.66 KB,854x483,122:69,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d72bb3b867a38b8⋯.png (647.98 KB,858x478,429:239,ClipboardImage.png)

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f35148 No.19900500

File: 2e841091e010dbf⋯.png (981.92 KB,970x1026,485:513,Screenshot_2023_11_11_at_1….png)

File: 054ca8324750ed9⋯.png (852.3 KB,710x844,355:422,Screenshot_2023_11_11_at_1….png)

File: fecb6026f94cdc1⋯.png (1.96 MB,2280x1182,380:197,Screenshot_2023_06_20_at_2….png)

File: b688ac023ecaa74⋯.png (2.1 MB,1286x1112,643:556,Screenshot_2023_06_20_at_2….png)

File: 3cce78d50cd7147⋯.png (1.02 MB,770x1012,35:46,Screenshot_2023_11_11_at_1….png)

this is not my colangelo..

Lisa Monaco DOJ & Acting Associate Attorney General M. Colangelo


Self Portrait by Michaelangelo Mona Lisa by Michaelagelo

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2490c5 No.19900501


filt herd

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