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File: 0ac887a92a0f2a9⋯.png (759.68 KB,1378x769,1378:769,_COVFEFE_.png)

a46f05 No.19526019 [Last50 Posts]

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a46f05 No.19526023

International Q Research Threads

>>19188850 ——–——– Australia #31

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#23980 >>19525280

>>19525905 What's up with these children that are Allegedly missing in Hawaii? Where's the sauce?

>>19525698 @realDonaldTrump I hereby challenge Rupert Murdoch & Sons, Biden, WSJ heads, to acuity tests!

>>19525533 Proud Boys Leader Enrique Tarrio Drops Bombshell – Names Top Biden DOJ Attorneys Who Told Him to Lie on Trump and Sign False Statements - GWP

>>19525358 Afghanistan allegedly expanding meth trafficking, UN says as Taliban pledges to eradicate drugs - justthenews

>>19525397 LOL..They cant even give away DeSantis prizes

>>19525314 Seven-Year-Old Girl Finds 2.95-Carat Diamond at State Park in Arkansas on Her Birthday

>>19525331, >>19525349 The NLRP3 inflammasome in traumatic brain injury: potential as a biomarker and therapeutic target

>>19525473 Biden Makes 'John Wayne' Dog-Faced, Pony Soldier Reference Again

>>19525516 President Trump Shows Rare Moment of Emotion During Speech About How Our Great Nation Is Being Destroyed

>>19525520 Is the National Guard currently deployed in Albuquerque, New Mexico?

>>19525536 Minnesota announces 81,000 illegal migrant driver's license lottery for upcoming election fraud season

>>19525554 @GenFlynn Sign the Judicial Watch petition to help them secure our elections.

>>19525574 More And More Middle Class Hispanics Are Moving To The Right Because Democrats Have Wrecked The Economy

>>19525582, >>19525604 Chinese researchers claim to have created a new gene-editing tool that is "more effective" than US-patented CRISPR technology.

>>19525612 2020 Election, COVID-19, Jan 6 hereistheevidence.com

>>19525684 Globalist's language weaponization to implement a New World Order

>>19525722 Chief Russian Igor Kirillov claims America has prepared drones of mosquitoes with all kinds of infectious diseases to kill soldiers.

>>19525726, >>19525973 Clownworld Exclusive: The human feed bag experiment

>>19525766 "Who Is Biden Working For?" Admin Under Fire For 'Illegal, Reckless' Cancellation Of Alaska Oil Leases

>>19525775 Ex-FBI director James Comey complains about Trump to @BBCSounds #Americast

>>19525801 $20,000 reward in Pennsylvania for Prisoner Escapee during a Recession

>>19525833 The Architecture of Terror - Mapping the Israeli Network Behind 9-11 - Solving 9-11

>>19525837 Broken by Bidenomics, California Voters Deliver Resounding 'No' to Cash Reparations for Slavery

>>19525868 The FBI massively erred about civilians stopping active shooters - American Thinker

>>19525925 Precisely two years ago (and one day), Joe Biden officially declared you (the unvaccinated) an enemy of the state.

>>19525970 Virginia Mom Sues Pro-Transgender Teachers for Pushing Her Child into Prostitution

>>19526000 California County’s Residents Are Furious At Their Soros-Backed DA — And Want Her Gone

>>19525280 #23980

#23979 >>19524480

>>19525121 2,000 Kids Are Still Missing Following Historic Fire – But Joe Biden Focusing On “Making Sure We Build a Railroad All the Way Across Africa” - GWP

>>19525141 Texas foster kids trafficked for sex as rings target those lacking placement, judges say

>>19525167 Brownsville, TX: Illegal Alien child camp.

>>19525185 Five men face charges after a human trafficking operation by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation in Chattanooga.

>>19524519, >>19524538, >>19524557, >>19524561 #SubmarineSunday

>>19524635 Anon notes on Ep. 305: Behind the Testimony of ‘America’s #1 Domestic Extremist’ w/ Patrick Byrne

>>19524639, >>19524658 Media Mind KONTROL: mk ultra NEVER WATCH TV: A Documentary

>>19524653 DEMOCRAT Pedophiles hate president Trump because Trump would like to put all Pedophiles to death.

>>19524716 British mercenary found tied up and killed in Ukraine

>>19524754 #LosAngeles airport Ron Perlman gets heckeled by camera karen

>>19524801 Climate change models do not include CLOUDS which makes them invalid.


>>19524964 BlackRock Closes China Equity Fund After Congressional Probe

>>19525008 San Francisco hires tourism boss to battle ‘ongoing narrative’ about surging crime, rampant drug use

>>19525029 Native American group that wanted 'Redskins' removal is funded by Soros foundation, other leftist orgs

>>19525040 ‘Future Is Digial’ — EU Chief Calls for Global Digital IDs and New U.N. Body to Govern Artificial Intelligence

>>19525076 Moscow provides details of missile strikes on Ukraine

>>19525147 Chris Christie Announces He Will Start Stalking Trump

>>19525237 Take 5 non-approved FDA shot to get the "FDA Approved" 6th shot

>>19525264 #23979

#23978 >>19523727

>>19523797 A Gun Grab to Test the Waters

>>19523911 Anon followup on DJT's comments on American Police State

>>19523753, >>19523851, >>19523878, >>19524046, >>19523929, >>19524185, >>19524196 Biden presser, "Good evening, Vietnam!" and "I'm just followin' my orders here" & MORE

>>19523926 Large M6.9 earthquake in Morocco N. Africa

>>19523939, >>19524301 Anon on covid vaccine contracts with countries: Who signs these contracts in the US? DIG CALL

>>19523947, >>19524051, >>19524165, >>19524314 NM Gov Grisham Dig: salaries for public officials in NM, Signal messaging app, MORE

>>19524091, >>19524147 White House flak John Kirby says America absolutely did not leave behind any military equipment in Afghanistan

>>19524173 Schiff trying to ramp up "gun violence" fears

>>19524205 Phoenix police: No 'signs of foul play' in death of James Hallinan

>>19524187, >>19524209 from Aug 7: New Global Internet Censorship began today

>>19524219 Gov. Gavin Newsom has called for a U.S. Constitutional amendment to lock in gun restrictions nationwide based on California rules

>>19524268 Kamala on "Face the Nation" (no hot pink pants today)

>>19524273, >>19524292 Chairmen Green, Garbarino, Rep. Nunn Blast New SEC Cyber Rules

>>19524276, >>19524308 Chairman Green Announces Full Committee Hearing on Human Cost of Biden-Mayorkas Border Crisis

>>19524337 Kerry: NEXT is a one-stop shop to support small modular nuclear reactor deployment in partner countries

>>19524362 Gov. Youngkin pardons Loudoun County dad Scott Smith after arrest at school board meeting

>>19524401, >>19524437 LIVE flag wave for FREEDOM OF SPEECH: J6 supporter threatened by city for months for flying American flag

>>19524394 Kushner/Moore THORN BUN (Previously DNA) - Child Trafficking

>>19524433 Hawaii Governor Josh Green Slips and [almost] Says, "Smart Cit….umm" - OOPS

>>19524465 #23978

Previously Collected

>>19523716 #23977

>>19522381 #23974, >>19522384 #23975, >>19522898 #23976

>>19518849 #23971, >>19519639 #23972, >>19522353 #23973

>>19516423 #23968, >>19517500 #23969, >>19518123 #23970

>>19513820 #23965, >>19514642 #23966, >>19515478 #23967

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Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop >>19192963

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a46f05 No.19526031

File: fd57b266a8ff9ec⋯.jpg (43.32 KB,539x700,77:100,fd57b266a8ff9ecf176dcd016d….jpg)



>baker has gone rogue

<bread is ghost

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cacfa1 No.19526032

File: c4e1cae50ea960a⋯.jpeg (50.41 KB,1170x762,195:127,boobs4baker.jpeg)

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380272 No.19526040

File: f4b968986f5fa17⋯.mp4 (893.23 KB,854x480,427:240,WiggedWeirdo.mp4)

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56051e No.19526054

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d053df No.19526055

File: a60fb33d75fa212⋯.jpg (48.35 KB,582x428,291:214,7yem1m.jpg)

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a254fd No.19526056

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56051e No.19526057

File: 3bc21be0fc1d1e0⋯.png (650.92 KB,807x482,807:482,ClipboardImage.png)

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daf224 No.19526058

File: a6dfd726c184931⋯.jpg (35.66 KB,364x364,1:1,7d30079a1964e1df8f8a3dbd63….jpg)

do you really trust Ka$h?

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52abf3 No.19526059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>19525473 lb

You do know that it wasn't a quote from a "John Wayne" movie, right?


Comes from a movie called "Pony Soldier".

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a6902b No.19526060

>>19526021 (pb)

Regarding the Epoch Times being owned by the Chinese.

Yes and that bothers me a little. However, I think those that founded it were Falun Gong practitioners who are persecuted very badly by CCP, reportedly.

I have been very pleasantly surprised for the most part by how honest their work seems. A lot of it presents information I had pretty much figured out on my own but perhaps in greater detail. I really liked their reporting on civil asset forfeiture recently.

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56051e No.19526061

File: 6eb6abb14db24e0⋯.png (413.36 KB,650x511,650:511,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8fa62 No.19526062

>>19526049 lb


11. 12. 13. 14.



Luke & 15.

613, on the clock.

So pure.


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cacfa1 No.19526063

File: 9047981c8cc3d88⋯.png (216.42 KB,1834x1026,917:513,ClipboardImage.png)


Change my mind

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289110 No.19526064

File: 423ce7ae34573c0⋯.jpg (207.66 KB,929x901,929:901,423ce7ae34573c02f650bd3ee4….jpg)

File: 837783ae23d364b⋯.jpg (67.01 KB,738x355,738:355,837783ae23d364bd07d292110d….jpg)

>>19525318 lb

>>19526049 lb


One : Won

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000ce4 No.19526065

File: 6273a1dd3c86891⋯.webm (2.98 MB,576x1024,9:16,6273a1dd3c868913bb694d43b….webm)

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56051e No.19526066

File: cafb485f58ae7df⋯.png (711.66 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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cbd1a7 No.19526067


"America was…"

[cue dramatic music]

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d757e1 No.19526068

File: 80d7a2828bf542a⋯.png (44.55 KB,460x276,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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56051e No.19526069

File: 92312f4139645a8⋯.png (125.23 KB,394x406,197:203,ClipboardImage.png)

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86d992 No.19526070

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4c7ad0 No.19526071

File: 7103ede3a991e36⋯.png (892.23 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1694383694924.png)

File: 99659c83e004f46⋯.jpg (51.3 KB,841x347,841:347,Where_Are_the_Kids_Joe_Tru….jpg)

File: 86720c752121aef⋯.jpg (121.03 KB,733x733,1:1,God_Wins_Trump.jpg)

File: 62583d270531bda⋯.mp4 (5.57 MB,640x360,16:9,Gasoline_Dreams_If_Trump_W….mp4)






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9820bf No.19526072

File: 13cacd8ba813e63⋯.jpg (91.19 KB,751x500,751:500,7yok7a.jpg)

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a81f96 No.19526073

File: 2cf2b604b25a838⋯.jpg (108.78 KB,500x572,125:143,EIS.jpg)

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a254fd No.19526074


Change your own goddamn mind. Why should I be responsible for your opinion?

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daf224 No.19526075


mouth shut

ears open

anon lets fools identify themselves

thats why

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af40c2 No.19526076

File: 0b391b815bbbab8⋯.jpg (130.66 KB,1440x1254,240:209,0b391b815bbbab86f410f0780c….jpg)

File: 3cb0805c89bacfa⋯.png (5.53 MB,1650x2000,33:40,3cb0805c89bacfaaf8af603fb9….png)

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cacfa1 No.19526077

File: 8fb3b55856e314f⋯.png (4.96 MB,1600x1066,800:533,ClipboardImage.png)

All American Trump

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825ad2 No.19526078

>>19525967 PB

The Vatican removed 14 Books from the Bible in 1684


I don’t know accurate this is, but I know a multitude of books were removef

Typically when the Bible is brought up in conversation, what comes to mind is a source of truth that has not been tampered with. The Books of Enoch and Solomon are the best known today.

However, when this book was originally published it contained 80 books and current editions only have 66, and we have to wonder what exact purpose the removal of 14 books would serve?

The Vatican Church or Roman catholic church has been associated with deception for ages. Their atrocities have ranged from genocide many centuries ago against the Cathars to child molestation is more recent years.

The Bible was originally translated from Latin into English in 1611. This “original” Bible contained 80 books, including the Apocrypha, which means hidden.

TheseApocrypha booksmade up the end of the Old Testament. Later in 1684, all of these books were removed from the Bible and all of its various versions. The only one left intact was the 1611 edition.

In this first edition, Bible Jesus’ name was spelled Iesus, pronounced Yahushua. You have to wonder why it was changed to Jesus, contrary to the original pronunciation and spelling?

One of the most interesting books of the removed was the “Wisdom of Solomon”. Solomon is one of the most legendary biblical figures from the Bible, as he was the son of David and the wisest man that ever lived.

Typically, he is portrayed as a benevolent figure, however, this book will change everything that you ever learned about him.

It seems that Solomon was speaking of Jesus. But Jesus was born roughly 900 years after his death. Could he have prophesied Jesus’ coming? Let’s consider why this could be, who Solomon was talking about?

In contradiction to everything most of us know and believe about Solomon, in these verses he sounds completely evil. According to most Biblical teachings in modern times, we are told to believe that he is the wisest man in the history of the world.

It should be noted that Solomon was largely involved in the Occult. Much of the knowledge and teachings that Aleister Crowley preached about were based on the Lesser Keys of Solomon.

Solomon worshiped multiple gods and had a weakness for women.

It is also worth mentioning that the Temple of Solomon is considered the spiritual birthplace of Freemasonry, which is a secret society of sorts that has been responsible for much of the corruption taking place in our world today.

It has never been stated for sure as to why these books were removed from the Bible, although various speculations have been made. We have to wonder if something darker isn’t behind their removal, and what exactly they are hiding away with these books.

Typically, when something is removed from our direct site by those in power, they don’t expect for us to look any deeper than the surface, but when we do, there is almost always more to uncover than we would have ever imagined.


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a46f05 No.19526079

File: 3e3d1698d103397⋯.png (638.99 KB,1112x1392,139:174,colonhyphencancer.png)


For the colon!

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52b91b No.19526080

File: 5f32febd9f5bc62⋯.jpeg (255.98 KB,1255x1306,1255:1306,We_ll_be_back_Kash_Patel.jpeg)

File: 0021de49fb7522c⋯.jpg (59.05 KB,802x506,401:253,Kash_is_Q.jpg)

>>19525964 (pb)

Suck it up cupcake.

Anon is homeless since following Q 5 yrs ago.

Stop being a little bitch. This is all something higher than you.


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380272 No.19526081

Take a teaspoon of cement and harden the fuck up.

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289110 No.19526082

File: 07b4eeebca916f8⋯.jpg (19.9 KB,295x398,295:398,Screen_Shot_2023_06_22_at_….jpg)


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330d39 No.19526083

File: 71fb4f8511138a8⋯.mp4 (2.13 MB,274x486,137:243,golden_ticket.mp4)

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a6902b No.19526084


What's bothersome to me isn't their ownership, but the simple fact that there are no "real" Americans moving into that space: Newspapers. The ownership of local papers is controlled so badly. I live in a liberal "news desert" imo.

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daf224 No.19526085


show where it says, "star of david"

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dbe818 No.19526086

File: 4a1c8bcb0841a62⋯.jpg (31.42 KB,533x440,533:440,4a1c8bcb0841a625736f56d43d….jpg)

File: 00ae2dc010bb2e2⋯.png (538.04 KB,472x627,472:627,00ae2dc010bb2e2b7d666de970….png)

File: 5eed9a936850e4c⋯.jpg (18.03 KB,254x255,254:255,0b0f47a667903058dfb5a9628f….jpg)

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0e9705 No.19526087

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f8fa62 No.19526088




>C vs K?


How about a nice game of chess?

>IG Horowitz (“Justice” Dept) speech – ‘whistleblowers’

>simultaneously served

Think yesterday.

What was learned?

How about a nice game of chess?


>Nothing to See Here.

Do you believe in coincidences?





Think visionary sub committees?

1 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.

7 Therefore do not become partners with them;

8 for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.

NSA Puzzle?

What are psalms?

What is a build?

What are Architects?

Think miss ile?

Think Do?


Right in front of your eyes.


Good point?



Crossing the street?


Where is the gun pointed at?



ex pose?


>For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret.


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000ce4 No.19526089

File: 67c5e34c32526a2⋯.png (308.3 KB,618x2436,103:406,1881.png)

File: 19641e77ca0d54b⋯.mp4 (9.61 MB,1280x720,16:9,19641e77ca0d54b31187ed6bde….mp4)

File: 5aa650c0122e66d⋯.gif (2.15 MB,360x270,4:3,v1VYLx.gif)

File: 57eca3cc5a6842a⋯.gif (510.48 KB,320x240,4:3,tumblr_mmtiqdc8Eu1roorhto7….gif)

File: 3f4504c81a31973⋯.jpeg (29.63 KB,249x337,249:337,3f4504c81a31973c85eabe659….jpeg)

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daf224 No.19526090


why are you homeless?

i have all bread for you, sir.

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7a5bd0 No.19526091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 2aab9d No.10591663 📁

Sep 10 2020 14:59:17 (EST)

What happens if 44 is actively running a shadow command and control [shadow presidency] operation against the current duly elected POTUS?

What former mid-senior admin officials would need to be involved?

What current mid-senior admin officials would need to be involved?

What key positions of power would be critical to the operation?

How do you finance the operation?




FBI mid-senior officials terminated to-date?

DOJ mid-senior officials terminated to-date?

Pentagon mid-senior officials terminated to-date?

NATSEC mid-senior officials terminated to-date?

State dept mid-senior officials terminated to-date?

Exec office of the President?

Office of the Vice President?

Dir of Nat Intel?

Sec of Defense?

Sec of State?

Dept of Homeland Sec?

Dept of Treasury?

US Attorney D of Columbia?

Assistant US Attorney D of Columbia?

US Attorney SDNY?

Inspector gen intel comm?

State dept inspector gen?

Special rep for Ukraine negotiations?

AMB to Ukraine?

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention?

CLAS 1-99 Defense

CLAS 1-99 Intel

Importance of controlled MSM [propaganda][what you see is not true _ what we say is true not what you see]?

Importance of controlling the narrative?

All assets deployed.

Nothing to lose.




Information warfare.

Irregular warfare.


Infiltration not invasion.

Clear and present danger to the United States of America.










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52abf3 No.19526093

If {they} want WW3 to happen, why don't {they} just blow up a nuclear weapon?

Seems pretty simple?

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52b91b No.19526094

File: 1f04c1e25a0e586⋯.jpg (198.55 KB,1680x1080,14:9,Bakers.jpg)

File: 992619fb3965526⋯.jpg (287.7 KB,800x1200,2:3,Bakers_important.jpg)

File: c57abe5a028ed42⋯.jpg (185.2 KB,1440x1080,4:3,TY_Baker2.jpg)



You are appreciated!

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4c7ad0 No.19526095

File: 5d857de40350726⋯.mp4 (14.61 MB,320x180,16:9,HF_ENERGY_TRUMP_GET_IN_THE….mp4)

File: 21cf58bf5ab206d⋯.jpg (97.33 KB,628x653,628:653,Where_Are_The_Kids_Joe_Tru….jpg)

File: 22c4ca3a9250569⋯.jpg (122.71 KB,960x960,1:1,Hott_MAGA_Bubbles.jpg)

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5e780b No.19526096

File: d0d1b4c18eb799f⋯.png (201.23 KB,500x278,250:139,Maui_Firesdiggz.png)

i am not in that threesome

cuz theyJUst blow bubbles up ass

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a254fd No.19526097

I was waiting for that. Success!

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dbe818 No.19526098

File: 1163e51b3f3ff60⋯.png (16.98 KB,186x255,62:85,02fadd1434162c89c8f4bd9bae….png)

File: 83d0700b28bdf88⋯.jpeg (19.6 KB,255x191,255:191,ac8255d20f3c9ae1fd2d16743….jpeg)

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8c5588 No.19526099

File: 618ca373af9e783⋯.png (180.14 KB,490x325,98:65,ClipboardImage.png)

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678fad No.19526100

File: c905ec0f0f59435⋯.png (710.86 KB,872x906,436:453,wash.PNG)

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56051e No.19526101

File: 7067bd0cee54314⋯.png (924.06 KB,1000x893,1000:893,ClipboardImage.png)

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380272 No.19526102


you will learn how the Kornet ATGM differs from the Fagot ATGM


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f8fa62 No.19526103


>try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord.

Lord of Lords?

King of Kings?




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0e9705 No.19526104

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86d992 No.19526105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


to the sky

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52b91b No.19526106

File: 1e4118e2a56d41d⋯.png (1009.85 KB,580x664,145:166,Omni_shift3.png)


Dang, man you here 24/7?

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addb64 No.19526107


I wonder what its like being vaxxed and knowing you killed yourself at the request or direction of someone else.

Must be a terrible feeling.

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f43f76 No.19526108

Fauci Says Mask ‘Recommendations’ Could Return if There is a ‘Significant Uptick’ in COVID-19 Cases This Fall and Winter

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former White House chief medical advisor, has said that mask “recommendations” could return if there is a “significant uptick” in COVID-19 cases this fall and winter.

The former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases head appeared on ABC’s “This Week” to discuss the recent rise in COVID cases.

While Fauci said he does not predict a federal mandate, he thinks there may be “recommendations.”

“You’ve also said we’re not going to go back to the time of the federal mask mandates. That’s the thing of the past,” host Jonathan Karl noted.

“I can see that if we get a significant uptick in cases that you may see the recommendation that masks be used under certain circumstances in indoor crowded settings,” Fauci said.

“I would be extremely surprised if we would see that,” he said of mask mandates. “There may be local organizations that may require masks, but I think what we’re going to see mostly are, if the cases go up, that there might be recommendations, not mandates. There’s a big difference there.”

Fauci said that he expects to see a rise in cases during the colder months.

“I think none of us in the public health field are predicting that this is going to be a tsunami of hospitalizations and deaths the way we saw a year or more ago,” Fauci said.

Fauci added that a new booster is expected for September.


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d757e1 No.19526109

File: 54a94e0ad684320⋯.png (437.33 KB,666x532,333:266,ClipboardImage.png)

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a254fd No.19526110


Why would you wonder about the death of other people?

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56051e No.19526111

File: b83bf8e051c3a82⋯.png (425.12 KB,815x636,815:636,ClipboardImage.png)

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cacfa1 No.19526112

File: bc1474e75471a13⋯.png (311.24 KB,640x335,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)

EU Pushing For Global IDs 🖕🏻

EU Chief Calls for Global Digital IDs and New U.N. Body to Govern AI

The world needs global digital IDs and Artificial Intelligence should be regulated by the United Nations, the EU's Ursula von der Leyen said.



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b8a35e No.9000629 📁

May 2 2020 13:13:13 (EST)


What National/Global impact immediately occurs re: [intel assessment] the virus was [intentionally] released [in coordination w/ [CLAS 1-99]?

How do you prevent a war?


Think timing.

Who benefits the most?

Common denominator:

Do you believe Biden would admit to sexual assault simply by asking him?


So why do it [ask]?

Do you believe intel community would admit [DECLAS] foreign adversary intentionally released COVID-19?


So why do it [ask]?

[Jan 15] [D] Impeachment Articles transfer to Senate?


[Jan 15] First COVID-19 U.S. case?



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d053df No.19526113

File: 57620cacd78c16d⋯.jpg (47.71 KB,582x428,291:214,7xw5t1.jpg)

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a254fd No.19526114

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289110 No.19526115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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addb64 No.19526116



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6c1797 No.19526117

File: 028a9f95571823c⋯.jpg (36.63 KB,750x489,250:163,hjvachsjdcasd.jpg)

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852ff4 No.19526118

File: 3717bdb946b08d9⋯.gif (3.77 MB,539x537,539:537,Night_Shift_Phantom_Zone.gif)

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f8fa62 No.19526119



When [GS] calls, D's always answer.

Nothing can stop what is coming.





Why did [Hussein] shadow POTUS re: [F] trips?


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a254fd No.19526120


And what does that get you?

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daf224 No.19526121


post another pub crawl pic


give anons a shout out

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52b91b No.19526122

File: c60effe6fb22dfb⋯.jpg (116.2 KB,862x485,862:485,Xi_prison_camp_Putin_Trump….jpg)

File: 895c62ffe6ea23e⋯.jpg (15.35 KB,255x255,1:1,Trump_MbS_Putin_Xi.jpg)


Lemme solve both issues…

Flip the script, anons.

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4c7ad0 No.19526123

File: d60e4ef8bcb3116⋯.jpg (65.11 KB,655x500,131:100,Where_Are_the_Kids_Joe_McA….jpg)

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289110 No.19526124

File: d8ecc3bed40dd56⋯.jpg (84.41 KB,598x596,299:298,Screen_Shot_2023_03_28_at_….jpg)

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addb64 No.19526125


Are you serious?

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cacfa1 No.19526126


gay faggot dat u r

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a254fd No.19526127


Yes, you personally. What does the empathy from wondering about the deaths of complete strangers get you?

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dbe818 No.19526128


Who are these glasses?

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d757e1 No.19526129

File: 0f4a193e9237aae⋯.png (364.25 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c7ad0 No.19526130

File: 32463b0fb382993⋯.png (124.23 KB,250x391,250:391,ei_1692979212661_removebg_….png)

File: e496171546e03ba⋯.png (130.57 KB,474x451,474:451,ei_1692979317200_removebg_….png)

File: e44173894f54dd9⋯.png (230.6 KB,474x379,474:379,ei_1692978882584_removebg_….png)

File: 68333bb31cd715e⋯.png (174.21 KB,510x490,51:49,ei_1692841360333_removebg_….png)

File: b1a7c48faf6b0dc⋯.png (287.47 KB,430x415,86:83,GHOST.png)


That's Classified Top Kek….

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5818d4 No.19526131

File: e40ba408c7e6066⋯.jpg (61.5 KB,588x715,588:715,how_bad_things_are.jpg)


FOR SAIL: box canyon, w/ rattlesnake

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daf224 No.19526132


so invalid autist introvert hermits feel speshull two

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a46f05 No.19526133

File: 4ca7dbfc0360f8a⋯.jpg (123.68 KB,595x516,595:516,0dbcb635b3d8778395721199b5….jpg)

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cacfa1 No.19526134

File: ab634a6c13bd978⋯.png (281.4 KB,600x516,50:43,ClipboardImage.png)

SPICY Emerald!

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52abf3 No.19526135

File: a6e55e416fe15a8⋯.png (642.57 KB,504x777,24:37,ClipboardImage.png)


Are those real bewbs?

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d757e1 No.19526136


who did this dude turn out to be?

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02ed87 No.19526137

File: 8f72cac05c311cc⋯.jpeg (398.85 KB,1125x916,1125:916,IMG_7040.jpeg)

File: 72d8c605c559b8f⋯.jpeg (364.24 KB,1079x1040,83:80,IMG_7039.jpeg)

File: 5abe4ee11ab5398⋯.jpeg (207.52 KB,1125x1211,1125:1211,IMG_7038.jpeg)


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0e9705 No.19526138

File: ba738519c1c6fa4⋯.png (77.22 KB,459x276,153:92,caz2z.png)

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678fad No.19526139

File: 8f49aea5db2104f⋯.png (373.3 KB,584x572,146:143,x.PNG)



X22 Report



Ep. 3159b - The “Police State” Is Being Exposed,Posse Comitatus Act, What Is The Keystone? It’s Time


Sep 10, 2023, 10:46 AM

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4c7ad0 No.19526140

File: da3336572aca44d⋯.png (1.14 MB,882x851,882:851,Andrew_Breitbart_Mossad_Is….png)

File: 05e910667352b41⋯.jpg (24.37 KB,400x262,200:131,Merkel_Hitler_Netanyahu.jpg)

File: 273221cd8135ea7⋯.jpg (52.76 KB,620x472,155:118,Disturbing_Porn_Collection….jpg)

File: 50c2072db75078d⋯.jpg (112.13 KB,718x997,718:997,Pedo_Joe_Biden_Disturbing_….jpg)

File: 6fda81fa955ca1b⋯.jpg (173.36 KB,900x901,900:901,Filenames_Matters_CIA_Porn….jpg)



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02ed87 No.19526141

File: a3fd2685cccad11⋯.jpeg (787.66 KB,1125x1571,1125:1571,IMG_7041.jpeg)


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f8fa62 No.19526142



Bread above.



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addb64 No.19526144


I worry about people that are not smart enough to make a correct decision every day.

I see people making the wrong decision every day.

I try to show them it’s the wrong decision but they do it anyway, every day.

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cbd1a7 No.19526145


Lucky Larry Silverstein is lucky because he is ABOVE THE LAW.

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6052d9 No.19526146


We don't need this ancient wisdom and knowledge anymore. We have Q and Trump.

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34ee10 No.19526147


I wonder similar.

But i also think if [they] did light up a nuke, [they] also know that the current level of mild compliance would also be completely broken… everywhere.

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daf224 No.19526148

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cacfa1 No.19526149

File: 2238889db132d0c⋯.png (928.33 KB,778x823,778:823,ClipboardImage.png)



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4c7ad0 No.19526150

File: 5a39d0e5a5196f5⋯.mp4 (11.39 MB,640x360,16:9,99_Problems_Points_of_Auth….mp4)


Oops… Forgot Vid…

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380272 No.19526152

File: 516886564edd5b5⋯.mp4 (2.22 MB,720x858,120:143,VivianBercovici.mp4)

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6052d9 No.19526153

File: bc2d4589c1b790b⋯.png (1.78 MB,1568x815,1568:815,bonsia.PNG)


You know the answer.

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0b7116 No.19526154

File: 58891ae74a92f88⋯.jpg (19.88 KB,375x250,3:2,ehudnoname.jpg)

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7a5bd0 No.19526155

File: fede1190b7c0742⋯.jpg (13.96 KB,255x185,51:37,IMG_20230910_152444.jpg)

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86d992 No.19526156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


this poast was a day late ;p

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f14dc6 No.19526157

File: 2e2e030cfaee4e7⋯.jpeg (727.96 KB,1125x1648,1125:1648,IMG_7042.jpeg)

File: 9f4d09a6219ea9b⋯.jpeg (821.7 KB,1125x990,25:22,IMG_7043.jpeg)



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d757e1 No.19526158

File: 63a91e08a4ab14d⋯.png (66.17 KB,125x200,5:8,ClipboardImage.png)


>aaron vaughn

Navy chief

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ca21a5 No.19526159

File: 6653cd7e31ca210⋯.png (1.3 MB,708x741,236:247,ClipboardImage.png)



that's exactly what it sounds like

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330d39 No.19526160

File: 1c1a68d353a2889⋯.png (203.52 KB,336x496,21:31,ClipboardImage.png)



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daf224 No.19526161


curly cue

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077c40 No.19526162



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380272 No.19526163

File: 95b4c35ea8e3e12⋯.mp4 (4.69 MB,720x1280,9:16,adl.mp4)

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78ab3c No.19526164

File: 85fd2a03f642cc9⋯.mp4 (312.86 KB,886x720,443:360,1511070607604240075.mp4)


Oveyyy shut it down

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f8fa62 No.19526165


Fury, the wonder horse.

5:5, Toni?

CODE > command.

Command AT: LIVE.


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a254fd No.19526166


>I worry about people that are not smart enough to make a correct decision every day.

>I see people making the wrong decision every day.

>I try to show them it’s the wrong decision but they do it anyway, every day.

Ah, so your judgement is what matters over anyone else's and you get rebuffed by those that are intellectually inferior to you so that makes you feel empathy for the deaths of many. Did I get that right?

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0b7116 No.19526167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e7fd55 No.19526168


Elevate= ascension

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cacfa1 No.19526169

File: 95e67c3f6754384⋯.png (603.14 KB,720x535,144:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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966f27 No.19526170

File: 0b16b0bb165f799⋯.png (1.96 MB,1200x700,12:7,ClipboardImage.png)

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5e780b No.19526171

File: 7f72cc56c7c0121⋯.png (527.3 KB,630x775,126:155,7f72cc56c7c012160af85aabfe….png)


a walrus


a carpenter

surrounded by sinners

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cacfa1 No.19526172

File: 52082435a871936⋯.png (1.87 MB,1082x837,1082:837,ClipboardImage.png)


>Elevate= ascension

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daf224 No.19526173

so homeless cuck didnt want to talk about his situation, with the possibility of aforementioned cuck, coming out of it

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5e780b No.19526174

File: 1f972c32b267c75⋯.png (271.78 KB,500x500,1:1,1f972c32b267c75562b3f96b75….png)

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08671c No.19526175

File: f132f9d3990f27f⋯.png (1.24 MB,938x706,469:353,2023_09_10_18_29_27.png)


Navy Seal

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daf224 No.19526176


grifting ass niggers

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a76017 No.19526177


Its curly Q sunny boy

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3605f7 No.19526178

File: 5fd89128bbdafea⋯.png (106.13 KB,189x255,63:85,ClipboardImage.png)


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cacfa1 No.19526179

File: 8d4ff518981f621⋯.png (9.38 MB,1284x10004,321:2501,ClipboardImage.png)

What Four Shots (Death Jabs) does to a person….

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ddab8d No.19526180

File: b693585e79fce66⋯.webm (1.81 MB,480x1038,80:173,1694381223933952.webm)

2 nigs beating up 2 white girls in Seattle.

Arsenic is the king of poisons - just sayin'.

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7c21ad No.19526181

File: 22e80575e3e8074⋯.png (388.21 KB,540x436,135:109,ClipboardImage.png)


How dare the Vietnamese.

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9b6b25 No.19526182

File: a20a7ac62af8b63⋯.gif (1.96 MB,400x434,200:217,a20a7ac62af8b630b19b27734e….gif)


I'm not sure but I don't mind figuring that out for ya!

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1a8ec1 No.19526183

File: e2b584db102fef5⋯.png (149.65 KB,500x441,500:441,bb9.png)


Don't you do that all the time here? Love you buddy

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4c7ad0 No.19526184

File: b0276fd629ae9f9⋯.jpg (117.36 KB,600x600,1:1,Satanists_We_Put_the_Trann….jpg)

File: 7c75644317ea13b⋯.jpg (135.19 KB,1020x984,85:82,_You_Have_Chosen_Poorly_Ni….jpg)

File: 99aa84622a2977a⋯.jpg (81.29 KB,720x454,360:227,There_is_No_Escaping_God_T….jpg)

File: c7bee31cc7c603e⋯.mp4 (3.22 MB,480x264,20:11,OUR_BIBLICAL_STORM_Best.mp4)


Thats5 someSMOOTH FLAVOR™5 BY 5…



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52abf3 No.19526185



msp again.

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cacfa1 No.19526186

File: e5d1ecdd65b8840⋯.png (583.04 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

"Mostly Peaceful Protests"? NO. This was the real Insurrection in America - and it was from the left. 2020 was the real insurrection. When Antifa & BLM burned down cities, took over police stations, locked cops in PD's, lit 'em on fire, stormed state-fed bldgs & lead to widespread riots & anarchy…

“Mostly peaceful protests”? No. This was the real insurrection in America - and it was from the left.

Do these look to you like “peaceful protests”?


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7c21ad No.19526187

File: afd2f10fbc304f6⋯.gif (2.44 MB,680x331,680:331,Pepe_Dancing.gif)

3 Dancing Apu's are better.

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addb64 No.19526188


Can you repost with a simplified sentence or two? Previous was a weird pic and colored text mess that I lost track of.

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9b6b25 No.19526189

File: d7c7889e880e865⋯.gif (2.7 MB,640x480,4:3,gallow.gif)

File: 127e90478aa0ed7⋯.gif (525.01 KB,320x180,16:9,GallowFeet.gif)

File: bba2e9b23f17764⋯.gif (28.2 KB,220x167,220:167,GallowNoose.gif)

File: 0a3cc5b8940c7e3⋯.gif (116.44 KB,200x240,5:6,GallowRobbinHood.gif)

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0155ea No.19526190

File: 8b94b9626b2f40f⋯.jpg (103.72 KB,634x431,634:431,8b94b9626b2f40f95615c31417….jpg)

Forget it Jake, it's pedowood.

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daf224 No.19526191


no steps in

this cunt tree

produces nothing but




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cacfa1 No.19526192

File: 0adc04682c487d7⋯.png (520.95 KB,768x644,192:161,ClipboardImage.png)

WTF?! Joe Biden on the World Stage in Vietnam: "I don't know about you, but I'm gonna go to bed."


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1b88a8 No.19526193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE. Danelo Cavalcante. SEARCH Channels - WE are the media now!

Embedded - Agregator - T-REV 757 - 6,571 watching - https://youtu.be/qYU8bDGZvhE

JLR© INVESTIGATES! - 11,977 watching - https://youtu.be/AhkyC1vpzic

Agenda-Free TV - 5,488 watching - https://youtu.be/zkfDVJmwwzg

Nik Hatziefstathiou - 2,441 watching - https://youtu.be/RXM-eo-th84

Portland Andy - 226 watching - https://youtu.be/dBTkUQutcqg

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7703e1 No.19526194

File: c63af092f44a965⋯.png (915.27 KB,596x523,596:523,_Scalped_28_.png)

> >>19508255 old bread

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7c21ad No.19526195

File: bb7a551533104e6⋯.jpg (246.48 KB,992x659,992:659,Joe_Biden_Going_Down.jpg)

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6052d9 No.19526196


It's quite obvious who won the war.

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dbe818 No.19526197


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d64f14 No.19526198


Trump mentioned “tier” and now also joe

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df4f61 No.19526199

File: 649015a21195f41⋯.png (1.27 MB,1280x721,1280:721,ClipboardImage.png)

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ebaf8c No.19526200

File: a58da487f2e65d4⋯.jpg (23.06 KB,360x360,1:1,hmmmm.jpg)


"now ratings"


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cacfa1 No.19526201

File: 125696eaf1b93df⋯.png (3.02 MB,1349x1145,1349:1145,ClipboardImage.png)

CO2 generator, it doubles plant growth in a greenhouse. CO2 does the same in the atmosphere. That's what it does. It does not cause hot summers or climate change. Only deluded politicians say that nonsense.

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a254fd No.19526202


No you don't and no I don't, you dumb bastard. Who's my favorite dumb bastard? You'll never guess which dumb bastard out of all the dumb bastards is my favorite.

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cacfa1 No.19526203

File: b3e6ac233a11faa⋯.png (371.38 KB,545x297,545:297,ClipboardImage.png)

President Trump Goes Off on “Slime Balls” Weissmann and Eisen


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3b32ef No.19526204

File: a304ad178687cb0⋯.jpeg (603.73 KB,1125x1013,1125:1013,IMG_7044.jpeg)

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1a8ec1 No.19526205

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bc4682d00ed2fcf2959c6e5f39….png)

Dear lord I pray for no anger or seething tonight from our guud fren. Forgive him for his sinful words and anger as he lashes out. He's an Anon and I forgive him.

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0155ea No.19526206

File: e897aa2ca390cf2⋯.jpg (508.82 KB,1600x900,16:9,e897aa2ca390cf29f79b10a344….jpg)

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0b7116 No.19526208

File: c46ed77eacf6884⋯.png (1.05 MB,763x800,763:800,ClipboardImage.png)

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289110 No.19526209

File: d03089f71d0f98c⋯.png (382.01 KB,591x356,591:356,Screen_Shot_2020_12_24_at_….png)


>discern what is pleasing to the Lord.


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7c21ad No.19526210

File: dbbc9b8faba01c3⋯.jpg (126 KB,1440x812,360:203,thats_true.jpg)

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a81f96 No.19526211

Release the Kraken

Some have said in this Timeline of Revelations, Release the kraken. Yes? And for many Truth Seekers, this has meant on one level or another, Release the Truth! Release the Illumination of Truth and simultaneously clear out the Dark Forces on your planet that have played out the biblical serpent's agendas to enslave an entire planet, and a Human Collective, that is rich in Divine Life Force. Well . . . we wish to also say in the month of August and as time itself rolls into the Energies of September . . . Release the Lion Harbinger! Release the Lion Energy in each and all of you. Its time for the Power to Return to the People. Not just for People to Rise Up and Beyond the Tyranny of Serpentine Rulers and Snakes in positions of power. But mostly, at least for our messages to you in these times, for people to rise up and claim their gifts, their talents, and their creative life works, for the second half of your gorgeous incarnations on this planet in these times. There is so much Goodness, Wholeness, Wholesomeness, Inspiration, Brilliance, and Love to seed into this new world. God/Source is counting on the Awakening of many Light Warriors, Light Creatives, and Light Players to step up their Quantum Creations, at a whole new level this month and beyond. Are you among them? Are you among that stellar group of incredible souls who knows yourself to be here for this Now moment? That when the Trumpet sounds, and the Cosmic Bell rings, sounding the Light of Freedom Ringing worldwide, . . . through a series of events and unfoldments on your world still to come . . . can you feel your vision for your new life? Can you feel your soul expressing, untethered by the former serpentine vines of endless education, certifications, legal paperwork, student debt, mortgage debt, and a 3D assundry of never ending debt, and free to be YOU and to express what you uniquely came to bring to this world? We want you to celebrate that. We want you to pre-celebrate that now. So that that kind of celebration simply becomes your Now, and the "pre" part drops away, as celebration becomes your all time frequency.

Releasing the kraken has been unfolding for some time on your world. Many tapped into their multidimensionality already know this. Release the kraken is not a future proclamation. It is a multidimensional proclamation that all in the Cosmos heard deep and clear, all the way to the depths of Heart of Creation. It was a Cosmic Command, emanating from the Heart of Creation. The kraken is a mystical being that has multiple legs or arms that can move independently of the others, to execute swift cosmic justice for the injustices allowed to play out in the Serpent's Den for thousands and thousands of years. And that kraken, that Multidimensional kraken, is still rounding up and cleaning out dark forces and factions of this serpent infected planet, to make way for the Divine Clearings and Liberations that are surfacing more and more to those with greater soul sight. The kraken is God's Creation's Tool, one of many, that is helping to rid the world of evil and evil doings.

A Much Bigger Dream and A Much Bigger Victory is emerging through the Heart of Creation with the steady work of the Cosmic kraken, with the steady boldness and strength of the Cosmic Christed Lion Harbinger, and with the steady soul sight and soul steps of amazing Light Warriors, Lion Warriors, and Ascended Masters like you. As darkness gets exposed, allow the exposure to carry its own weight in the darkness of the dark Truth. Don't take on the burden of inhabiting that darkness with your 3D wounded frequencies that resonate with 3D suffering. Take a deep divine breath of neutrality. And witness the darkness exposures. And then take a deep divine breath for Quantum Creation in that same experience and window of time.


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a254fd No.19526212


Your prayer is false. You do not pray to God, or the Lord.

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cacfa1 No.19526213

File: 4c1846e82cd5347⋯.png (622.15 KB,650x433,650:433,ClipboardImage.png)


Insiders: Biden's Loyalty to Embattled Son Hunter Has 'Created Unexpected Political Peril' for President__'''==


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1a8ec1 No.19526214

File: 15845bf2c1e63e2⋯.png (340.4 KB,582x547,582:547,15845bf2c1e63e2bb9bf4cb4b3….png)


Nah that's where you're wrong. I may have taken you to task but I've grown to love your crazy bastard ways. Place just wouldn't be the same without ya. Same as tranimae.


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addb64 No.19526215


Just you wait.

Trump is going to have Biden visit the shredder.

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0c62b8 No.19526216

File: ebc16aca3aa6d27⋯.png (733.61 KB,1119x917,1119:917,ClipboardImage.png)

@DJTgraphic added for keks

Another “Milktoast” lightweight commentator put on by now ratings challenged FoxNews & the Globalist dummies at The Wall Street Journal, Maura Gillespie, just said that I wasn’t working as hard on the Republican campaign trail as some of my competitors. I just returned from 2 days of massive crowds in Iowa and South Dakota. Others drew “flies.” Also, tell lightweight “Maura,” that I am leading all of these so-called “hard workers,” by more than 50 Points, and Crooked Joe by a lot - NO ENERGY!

5:45pm ET


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0e9705 No.19526217

File: 7d73609ff453502⋯.png (1.17 MB,1038x631,1038:631,jet.PNG)

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df4f61 No.19526218

File: 1ba6dd908c5af83⋯.mp4 (1.14 MB,1280x720,16:9,Biden_I_don_t_know_about_y….mp4)



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7c21ad No.19526219

File: acfcabd9f85234e⋯.png (31.64 KB,621x402,207:134,Walk_Away_Joe_Biden_Alpha.png)


Mic drop

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1a8ec1 No.19526220

File: dfb61fb6119f68e⋯.png (12.89 KB,255x237,85:79,smokingleo2.png)


How can you speak for me or who I pray to? Sounds both presumptuous and pretentious.

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380272 No.19526221

File: 9842220a02d4112⋯.png (121.82 KB,242x309,242:309,ClipboardImage.png)

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1097e6 No.19526222

File: deea2ee97a72385⋯.png (321.65 KB,1280x1280,1:1,Seal_of_the_United_States_….png)

Knowlton's Rangers are considered the United States of America's first organized intelligence service organization, as well as the first American Ranger unit formed after America declared its independence from the United Kingdom.[9] The date "1776" on the modern U.S. Army's intelligence service seal refers to the formation of Knowlton's Rangers.

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0155ea No.19526223

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Oakland County child murders

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Cemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

>Hampstead, UK, cover up

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cacfa1 No.19526224

File: cfe71a236e0d56f⋯.png (456.34 KB,768x402,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)

David Kramer, executive director of the George W. Bush Institute, who organized a letter from presidential libraries calling for national unity, previously leaked the now-debunked Steele dossier to Buzzfeed

Mixed message? Bush foundation chief who organized unity letter previously leaked Steele dossier

The letter champions American unity in supporting democracy while the Steele dossier was used to undermine the 2016 presidential election.


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a254fd No.19526225

Yes, I get the pattern. They think they can get me worked up, then they play the reasonable innocent while thinking I'm agitated when calling out their obvious shillery. That's okay. Moar important people than them know.

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6052d9 No.19526226


two maor weeks times infinity and the kraken will be released.

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ed07a9 No.19526227

5 truths today mentioning WSJ

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52abf3 No.19526228

File: 0d76a27067f999a⋯.png (342.43 KB,726x487,726:487,ClipboardImage.png)





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0155ea No.19526229

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5818d4 No.19526230

File: dc8c2d639dc8f81⋯.png (297.6 KB,601x421,601:421,Pamela_Price_DA_of_ALameda.png)


>your judgement is what matters


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cacfa1 No.19526231

File: 4c1846e82cd5347⋯.png (622.15 KB,650x433,650:433,ClipboardImage.png)

Insiders: Biden's Loyalty to Embattled Son Hunter Has 'Created Unexpected Political Peril' for President


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515a2d No.19526232


Did you minus the

Complicit royal conspiracy gee twat twenty

Add one sleep over

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ed07a9 No.19526233


He called Kayleigh “milk toast” in the past

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6052d9 No.19526234


Maybe it's God posting. Everyone is anon here.

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330d39 No.19526235

File: 513b97397c06780⋯.png (6.1 KB,219x231,73:77,ClipboardImage.png)

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9820bf No.19526236

File: a9a6adabda2084f⋯.jpg (16.81 KB,474x248,237:124,roger44.jpg)

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ed07a9 No.19526237

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a07616 No.19526238


nothing can ruin that movie. not even horse face. one of the best movies ever made.

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0155ea No.19526239

File: c985c13cc60f612⋯.png (660.2 KB,747x885,249:295,bluechickencult.png)

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7c21ad No.19526240

File: 740f125546d64f3⋯.gif (2.18 MB,400x300,4:3,Seinfeld_Lawyer_Jackie_Chi….gif)


Just butting into your argument for some keks

>presumptuous and pretentious.

Don't mind me.

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1a8ec1 No.19526241

File: 3d1b36d6a56048d⋯.jpg (39.42 KB,510x489,170:163,3d1b36d6a56048d21a2adbdf18….jpg)


While you constantly label me as every shill this board has ever seen it is all demonstrably false. However I forgive you for the projections. My posting history is clearly visible for the right people to see. All I've ever done was hunt down and destroy famefaggot board personalities. That's it. That's all. You can believe whatever you want but it is delusional. Either way love you buddy, I told you I wouldn't give you anymore shit and Im not.

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678fad No.19526242

File: f94203afb74c53b⋯.png (909.42 KB,942x525,314:175,imp.PNG)

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df4f61 No.19526243

File: a366f02d0a3c2a3⋯.png (15.69 KB,591x161,591:161,ClipboardImage.png)


1439 hours go go go!

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7703e1 No.19526244

File: 58275d82211a54c⋯.jpg (102.41 KB,712x539,712:539,983592645d6fcaec960fe59cb1….jpg)


Thank you baker.

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a254fd No.19526245


Why? I broke down your argument into one sentence. The only thing I would change is add "you deem" after the first that.

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825ad2 No.19526246


This is an interesting link, if Origen believed in Reincarnation. Links to many links of lost books or original source

Is there any substance to the claim that Origen supported reincarnation?

Similar arguments are made in De Principiis III.v.4:

I am, indeed, of opinion that, as the end and consummation of the saints will be in those (ages) which are not seen, and are eternal, we must conclude (as frequently pointed out in the preceding pages), from a contemplation of that very end, that rational creatures had also a similar beginning. And if they had a beginning such as the end for which they hope, they existed undoubtedly from the very beginning in those (ages) which are not seen, and are eternal. And if this is so, then there has been a descent from a higher to a lower condition, on the part not only of those souls who have deserved the change by the variety of their movements, but also on that of those who, in order to serve the whole world, were brought down from those higher and invisible spheres to these lower and visible ones.

These quotes (also available in Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume IV), however, only support the pre-existence of souls–not necessarily reincarnation.

For reincarnation itself, proponents refer to other sources. They cite Jerome's letter to Avitus, section 7 (also in Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers), in which Jerome quotes the (now lost) Greek text of De Principiis:

And again: "but perhaps this coarse and earthly body ought to be described as mist and darkness; for at the end of this world and when it becomes necessary to pass into another, the like darkness will lead to the like physical birth." In speaking thus he clearly pleads for the transmigration of souls as taught by Pythagoras and Plato.

Similarly, section 15 of the same letter of Jerome, again quoting Origen:

The following passage is a convincing proof that he holds the transmigration of souls and annihilation of bodies. "If it can be shown that an incorporeal and reasonable being has life in itself independently of the body and that it is worse off in the body than out of it; then beyond a doubt bodies are only of secondary importance and arise from time to time to meet the varying conditions of reasonable creatures. Those who require bodies are clothed with them, and contrariwise, when fallen souls have lifted themselves up to better things, their bodies are once more annihilated. They are thus ever vanishing and ever reappearing."


Origen Of Alexandria, Egypt

Origen of Alexandria[a] (c. 185 – c. 253),[9] also known as Origen Adamantius,[b] was an early Christian scholar,[12] ascetic,[13] and theologian who was born and spent the first half of his career in Alexandria. He was a prolific writer who wrote roughly 2,000 treatises in multiple branches of theology, including textual criticism, biblical exegesis and hermeneutics, homiletics, and spirituality. He was one of the most influential and controversial figures in early Christian theology, apologetics, and asceticism.[13][14] He has been described as "the greatest genius the early church ever produced".[15]


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cacfa1 No.19526247

File: 82a36278ca3dcc9⋯.png (1.07 MB,960x764,240:191,ClipboardImage.png)

Welcome to 2024 anons!

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1097e6 No.19526248

File: e39c51e50ae03b0⋯.png (60.93 KB,1280x527,1280:527,Ranger_Tab_svg.png)

The father of American ranging is Colonel Benjamin Church (c. 1639–1718).[6] He was the captain of the first Ranger force in America (1676).[6]: 33  Church was commissioned by the Governor of the Plymouth Colony Josiah Winslow to form the first ranger company for King Philip's War. He later employed the company to raid Acadia during King William's War and Queen Anne's War.

Benjamin Church designed his force primarily to emulate Native American patterns of war. Toward this end, Church endeavored to learn to fight like Native Americans from Native Americans.[6]: 35  Americans became rangers exclusively under the tutelage of the Native American allies. (Until the end of the colonial period, rangers depended on Native Americans as both allies and teachers.)[6]: 34–35 

Church developed a special full-time unit mixing white colonists selected for frontier skills with friendly Native Americans to carry out offensive strikes against hostile Native Americans in terrain where normal militia units were ineffective. His memoirs Entertaining Passages relating to Philip's War is considered the first American military manual, which was published in 1716.

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6052d9 No.19526249


What's the peril? He is an old political hack that made a career out of it and became president. I say he achieved ultimate success. Anything that happens to him from here is irrelevant.

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a81f96 No.19526250


>this serpent infected planet

PDJT's Serpent poem.. what's he really saying?

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ed07a9 No.19526251

He chatted a lot. We need all hands on deck looking for comms…

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a07616 No.19526252


>5:45pm ET



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7c21ad No.19526253


Sounds notable. Is it notable?

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5818d4 No.19526254

File: 4000104ac0e8c6b⋯.png (835.47 KB,1004x805,1004:805,ClipboardImage.png)

Smoking Pepe is "milk toast"

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0c62b8 No.19526255


He's getting roasted in his comments.

Kek there was a time anons fought for Trump under his Twitter posts.

Those days are gone, Truth Soc just doesn't engage shills for the cause.

Sad to scroll DJT's comments now.

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08671c No.19526256

File: 4d8d57ab06d1668⋯.png (99.09 KB,363x303,121:101,2023_09_10_18_38_57.png)

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47d614 No.19526258

File: 0c2dc024f459968⋯.mp4 (11.17 MB,848x464,53:29,4917757240113304161.mp4)

This will definitely be used against use before the next elections.

Learn to use camouflage…

Pepe The Frog Meme Sold For Use In Russian Elections

The creator of the famous meme, Matt Fury, sold the rights to use the image before it was used a projection to call for people to vote in elections in Serpukhov.

It is the first time an Internet meme has been officially used in an election campaign.

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8c5588 No.19526259

File: 9d432053debc145⋯.png (163.39 KB,372x262,186:131,ClipboardImage.png)


Puerto Rican UFOs

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1a8ec1 No.19526260

File: 91020ff9cbf5223⋯.png (16.39 KB,255x247,255:247,smokingpepe8.png)


Is smoking pepe God?

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bf2306 No.19526261

File: c22ca4671d27bb4⋯.jpg (421.64 KB,1066x938,533:469,milquetoast.jpg)


Misspellings matter?




of a person : timid, meek, or unassertive

Do we really want a someone who is a milquetoast halfhearted candidate or someone who will defend the Constitution with every fiber of her being?—

Dana B. Orr


: lacking in character or vigor : wishy-washy

… after declining multiple opportunities to comment during the reporting of the story, he finally produced a most milquetoast statement Friday.—

Jerry Brewer

Did you know?

Why is it milquetoast, and not milk toast?

Caspar Milquetoast is a comic strip character created in 1924 by cartoonist Harold T. Webster. Beginning a few years after the character's debut, the term milquetoast came to describe a timid or meek person. Caspar's last name is fitting because milk toast is a weak, bland concoction of buttered toast served in a dish of warm milk.

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a254fd No.19526262


You act like there's not a documented track record of your behavior for everyone else to go through. Like they wouldn't be able to tell because you're magically anonymous. No one can tell, right? Doesn't matter, just like you. Stop replying to me.

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ed07a9 No.19526263

File: 71fc764afbdd474⋯.jpeg (590.5 KB,1125x959,1125:959,IMG_7046.jpeg)

File: 3572dbcc34d1d2b⋯.jpeg (587.8 KB,1125x969,375:323,IMG_7047.jpeg)

File: 8f72cac05c311cc⋯.jpeg (398.85 KB,1125x916,1125:916,IMG_7040.jpeg)

File: a3fd2685cccad11⋯.jpeg (787.66 KB,1125x1571,1125:1571,IMG_7041.jpeg)

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7c21ad No.19526264


I thought motorbike girl had a yuge dildo for a sec there.

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5e780b No.19526265

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

sharks ate ju trannys proof

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5818d4 No.19526266


actually I saw the most viscous attacks on Twitter at Trump. Threats and shit.

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5e780b No.19526267


research susana martinez

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7c21ad No.19526268






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daf224 No.19526269


they wreck everything

at one time BL was #1

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1a8ec1 No.19526270

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bc4682d00ed2fcf2959c6e5f39….png)


Can you show the evidence you're speaking of? I'd like to see it. Because it doesn't exist.

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56051e No.19526271

File: 33a93949ab218b1⋯.png (135.63 KB,274x271,274:271,ClipboardImage.png)

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7acf80 No.19526272

File: 8638ea702a7b7a5⋯.png (353.25 KB,613x449,613:449,ClipboardImage.png)

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cacfa1 No.19526273

File: bdf57a97b5937b5⋯.png (324.25 KB,656x654,328:327,ClipboardImage.png)



>actually I saw the most viscous attacks on Twitter at Trump. Threats and shit.

Remember the left can't talk back to a MEME.

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06b3b0 No.19526274

File: 949ae50bb9f61c6⋯.gif (234.31 KB,470x251,470:251,1_209_600_seconds.gif)

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ed07a9 No.19526275




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daf224 No.19526276


your poast says it all

fuckin heathen

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56051e No.19526277

File: 3f13819a200fdab⋯.png (300.8 KB,406x393,406:393,ClipboardImage.png)

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08671c No.19526278

File: 83b6a3ce7e3a99c⋯.png (504.94 KB,610x876,305:438,2023_09_09_16_21_47.png)


Normies wouldn't catch that.

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289110 No.19526279

File: 4ef898fd8873f03⋯.jpg (400.08 KB,801x805,801:805,Screen_Shot_2021_07_12_at_….jpg)

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a254fd No.19526280


>Ah hyuk hyuk.

You really want to play, asshole? Okay. Make your move. Dazzle me, you evil bastard. Go on.

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330d39 No.19526281

File: 8b2bc8493ba7d34⋯.png (772.8 KB,990x562,495:281,ClipboardImage.png)


Learn Russian.

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ed07a9 No.19526282


Hurricane Lee

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52abf3 No.19526283

File: b29c690c8fafa00⋯.png (13.19 KB,447x377,447:377,ClipboardImage.png)




timestamp is at 17:45

Q+ territory?

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1a8ec1 No.19526284

File: 00319803da36a21⋯.jpg (7.22 KB,268x188,67:47,images_jpeg.jpg)


Are you calling my fren smoking pepe a milktoast anon?

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34ee10 No.19526285



Thanks, anon.

I still have no idea what’s going on, but is did wonder why all the weird about “” for the wrong spelling. But people mix metaphors and scramble words all the time these days.

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0c62b8 No.19526286

File: e969af07d2edc11⋯.jpg (230.68 KB,1080x1619,1080:1619,Screenshot_20230910_174444….jpg)


Yeah he did, this is the second "Milktoast"

But isn't it milquetoast?

Makes sense to anon. No more Q

But not to everyone busting his nuts.

Spelling matters, right kek milquetoast

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7c21ad No.19526287


Normies don't catch shit. Otherwise they'd be anons.

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000ce4 No.19526288

File: 43d700fa4982562⋯.mp4 (5.34 MB,480x360,4:3,43d700fa49825625c78388461d….mp4)

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5818d4 No.19526289


I couldn't tell what happend on Truth, since it's passive view is AFU. So I can NOT JUDGE that part of the statement

But I can judge that twitter shit. it was way over the top, Obama would have jailed everyone.

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1a8ec1 No.19526290


Dude you're fighting shadows in the wind. You want conflict and nothing more. I've observed that for years. You play the victim then lash out. You really do have a lot of anger, otherwise you're feeding off it. Is there any way to save your soul before it's too late?

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daf224 No.19526291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


its lyrics to a song you stupid fucker


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678fad No.19526292

File: 15bf486ee6fb878⋯.png (420.19 KB,592x538,296:269,fu.PNG)


Simon Ateba


EXPLOSIVE: Did he just tell him f..ck you Jake? And CNN cut transmission? EXPLOSIVE. Manipulated video though. Real interview was with Blinken. WATCH

0:07 / 0:35


Damon Imani

Last edited

11:39 AM · Sep 10, 2023




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8c5588 No.19526293

File: 3b237421122503c⋯.png (183.62 KB,660x400,33:20,ClipboardImage.png)



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ca21a5 No.19526294


can't find tier in Q drops

only Gutierrez

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a81f96 No.19526295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Sound Of Silence | Reaction

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678fad No.19526296

File: b2e79322f13ca51⋯.png (160.25 KB,307x264,307:264,do_it_faggot.PNG)

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cacfa1 No.19526297

File: 270fb739f0aed97⋯.png (355.84 KB,506x680,253:340,ClipboardImage.png)


>Obama would have jailed everyone.

He did! Alot of them….

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5818d4 No.19526298

Smokin pepe is MILK TOAST

fwabby flappy drippy gloggy

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c307c3 No.19526299


gee i wonder what flawed tests will be employed to "boost" the numbers for the narrative?

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4c7ad0 No.19526300

File: eccd38da3c8943b⋯.mp4 (14.61 MB,320x180,16:9,Gallows_Pole_Trump_compres….mp4)


I made diss wun special 4 Yoo….

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56051e No.19526301

File: 145de0c8d72bf93⋯.png (108.5 KB,419x381,419:381,ClipboardImage.png)

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52abf3 No.19526302


Maybe its a nod to Kayleigh?

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f1ae52 No.19526304

File: ee214b43bc384a4⋯.png (61.71 KB,351x303,117:101,ee214b43bc384a42d56ce16bae….png)

Sept 10, 2023 Biden says I'm going to sleep.

on Sept 11, 2001

sleeper cells activated for attack

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f43f76 No.19526305

Biden admin pledges $520 million to make Ukraine's energy infrastructure 'cleaner, more resilient'

The secretary also said the U.S. is investing $665.5 million in security assistance and $206 million in humanitarian assistance.

"At the Ukraine Recovery Conference held in London a few months ago, I pledged that the United States would invest more than $520 million in making Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, more than half of which has been destroyed by Russia, cleaner, more resilient, and more integrated with Europe," Secretary of State Antony Blinken said last week during a visit to Kyiv.

Blinken said the U.S. is upholding that promise.

Additionally, the secretary said the U.S. is investing $665.5 million for Ukraine's military and civilian security assistance and $206 million in humanitarian assistance, mostly for refugees who have been displaced by the war.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, Blinken said the U.S. has committed more than $43 billion in security assistance to Kyiv.


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f26556 No.19526306


I’m not sure what you talking about so no

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daf224 No.19526307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




this one

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daf224 No.19526308


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bf2306 No.19526309

File: a835e88605d3caa⋯.jpg (213.25 KB,1074x784,537:392,milk_toast.jpg)



milk toast


: hot usually buttered toast served in hot milk and sweetened with sugar or seasoned with salt and pepper



: lacking in boldness or vigor : mild, inoffensive

milk-toast policy of dealing with criminals



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2896c0 No.19526310

File: beb5e92fd5168e4⋯.png (6.23 KB,191x255,191:255,beb5e92fd5168e41bf1b62ab2e….png)

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1b88a8 No.19526311

File: 7684a2b224f0c08⋯.png (808.66 KB,629x695,629:695,0alarry.png)


Lucky Larry Silverstein Wants MORE - $4.55 Billion Not Enough!

In case you don't remember, he's the big time New York PRIVATE "developer" who got the $2 billion dollar settlement from insurance claims arising from the destruction of the World Trade Center. The largest settlement in US regulatory history, bringing his total take from the insurance claims to $4.55 billion. He got that money in May of 2007.


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1a8ec1 No.19526312

You got sauce on smoking pepe being milktoast? Or am I gonna have to fuck your shit up?

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4c7ad0 No.19526313

File: a83cd1a5c2637ea⋯.mp4 (6.12 MB,640x360,16:9,Epic_Kek_compressed.mp4)

File: ed694c16d53b9e0⋯.png (1.27 MB,1001x1165,1001:1165,1694366498198.png)

File: 742af730c1de112⋯.png (551.75 KB,796x1464,199:366,1694370144318.png)

File: a36f38bb16d3b66⋯.png (926.59 KB,892x1307,892:1307,1694370781458.png)

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bf2306 No.19526314

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7c21ad No.19526315


The question now is;

Which Biden fall is this silhouette from. Maybe worthy of another meme?

The bike

The stairs

the sandbag(?)

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4e1226 No.19526316

File: 68789ef69ca5816⋯.gif (8.39 MB,600x480,5:4,68789ef69ca5816241ba1b688b….gif)

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cacfa1 No.19526317

File: 4ca6eb33f49390e⋯.png (1.27 MB,1302x1308,217:218,ClipboardImage.png)


>doubt it

This anon….

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a254fd No.19526318


>You want conflict

You don't get to tell me what I want. I can tell you for a fact that's not what I want when I come here.

>Dude you're fighting shadows in the wind.

So which shadow agency are we talking about?

>You play the victim then lash out.

Wait… what? Now that's hilarious.

> You really do have a lot of anger,

I casually curse, like when I call you a dumb bastard. Imagine it in a nice, even tone. Any inflections of emotion are your own that you're putting onto my words when you read them.

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5818d4 No.19526319

File: c6987c01d4d17f6⋯.png (45.47 KB,777x172,777:172,Screenshot_2023_07_20_19_2….png)


Anon believes you.

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7c21ad No.19526320


Cheaper than removing the asbestos manually.

Pull it bitches.

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56051e No.19526321

File: c47b743e74dad1d⋯.png (168.51 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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56051e No.19526322

File: 0a2b9169727777d⋯.png (292.75 KB,409x391,409:391,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c7ad0 No.19526323

File: 4d20e68958b2137⋯.png (1.35 MB,1247x935,1247:935,HI_IQ_Burn_in_Hell_Deepsta….png)

File: 7103ede3a991e36⋯.png (892.23 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1694383694924.png)

File: f1b7923ac58dd87⋯.png (867.24 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1694383197906.png)

File: d5b97c45ccb0c74⋯.png (890.05 KB,1152x1012,288:253,1694371099553.png)

File: ac05e0b41fdefab⋯.png (959.71 KB,1118x1043,1118:1043,1694297792496.png)


Fuck Him Up Cooter Brown…

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1a8ec1 No.19526324


Can you make one, just one post without projecting? That's probably a big reason why I had to whip your ass for all to see. Not to mention showing you IP hopping. That wasn't pretty. Either way love you buddy. I'll stick up for you from now on.

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5a5d05 No.19526325


That is super KEK if true.

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b9f57d No.19526326


I am a staffer for one of President Trump’s closest advisors (yes, it’s true), and I was JUST informed that they are currently negotiating a plea deal with Jack Smith that will PROHIBIT him from ever running for elected office again. I shit you not. His legal team is literally working out the details as I write this. I am so, so sorry MAGA family. This is a terrible day for our country.

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cacfa1 No.19526327

File: c5acc5cf5b1b328⋯.png (458.66 KB,455x748,455:748,ClipboardImage.png)


Send him to the hoespice

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000ce4 No.19526328

File: 7abbb80edeb60ed⋯.png (149.37 KB,618x1692,103:282,2226_1_.png)


device ok so far.

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7c21ad No.19526329

File: 6fac7535fac0b37⋯.png (182.84 KB,334x313,334:313,You_And_Your_Bud_Light_Riv….png)


Thanks Agent faggot for the update

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f43f76 No.19526330

File: 90f2358e0c7ac85⋯.png (84.29 KB,790x591,790:591,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 199ac4e67fcf669⋯.png (337.18 KB,779x620,779:620,ClipboardImage.png)

"Who Is Biden Working For?" Admin Under Fire For 'Illegal, Reckless' Cancellation Of Alaska Oil Leases

Did someone pay Bidens to weaken the United States?

After canceling the Keystone XL pipeline project, draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to dangerously low levels (some of which was sold to a Hunter Biden-linked Chinese energy giant), and vowing "no more oil drilling" on US soil while America's geopolitical adversaries - two of whom paid his family handsomely - beef up their own energy independence, the Biden administration has done it again.


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1097e6 No.19526331

File: 31986e206f09098⋯.jpg (336.55 KB,1080x960,9:8,Screenshot_20230910_185412….jpg)

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cacfa1 No.19526332

File: c81a8d66e4cb3ae⋯.png (91.2 KB,439x257,439:257,ClipboardImage.png)



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dbe818 No.19526333


Pull it

Pull it off?

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5818d4 No.19526334

File: df34166b2c9fce4⋯.jpg (30.55 KB,474x316,3:2,drunk_mayorkas_clown.jpg)

File: 17c8578564cbe7e⋯.jpeg (82.42 KB,960x960,1:1,Fu6MArNacAEaIjI.jpeg)


pull my finger smoking pepe

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daf224 No.19526335


eat your dads dick again

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678fad No.19526336

File: 4ac032b4aee4489⋯.png (621.77 KB,437x662,437:662,jun.PNG)

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13a06b No.19526337

Anons are hype with their thinking caps on…I like it.

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a81f96 No.19526338

File: 55762424d1e5469⋯.jpg (131.08 KB,1100x618,550:309,vatican_pop_franci.jpg)

File: f84dc4255d67097⋯.png (890.51 KB,900x513,100:57,VATICAN_REPTILIAN.png)


I have a feeling Trumps snake poem means much more than innately thought.

Are Serpents are the top of all this?

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330d39 No.19526339


It was a very profitable time, for some. Stock trades in American Airlines, insurance for the towers, Trillions unaccounted for at the Pentagon, Patriot Act…

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4c7ad0 No.19526340

File: 41a1167fda14b66⋯.jpg (57.25 KB,288x732,24:61,Hillary_High_Stakes.jpg)


Excellent 👌 Stœllen!

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a254fd No.19526341


Where did I project? Are we talking like the projecting you've been doing lately that strangely resembles a nervous breakdown? That kind of projecting? I don't project. I find it distasteful. Evil uses and abuses projection so I will never touch it.

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08972b No.19526342

File: f3fdbea001b853c⋯.png (353.73 KB,602x575,602:575,ClipboardImage.png)

VIDEO THREAD: Gun owners - many visibly armed - rallied in old Town Albuquerque today to openly defy the New Mexico Governor's Executive Order banning the open and concealed carry of firearms there as a one-month "emergency."

Police did not intervene or enforce the order.


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adcbce No.19526344

File: e4784aecb36d885⋯.mp4 (1.84 MB,1280x544,40:17,yt5s_com_Take_Shelter_Mich….mp4)

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ca21a5 No.19526345

File: bc5ad9820d54bea⋯.png (219.09 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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2896c0 No.19526346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the source of the fall

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cacfa1 No.19526347

File: b4933635d88cec0⋯.png (519.71 KB,585x479,585:479,ClipboardImage.png)



>Pull it bitches.

Pull my hoof

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8c5588 No.19526348

File: 935145257d0a33a⋯.png (317.11 KB,600x560,15:14,Screenshot_2023_09_10_at_1….png)

File: be7514d45d1fbca⋯.png (61.73 KB,429x417,143:139,ClipboardImage.png)


Some kind of code pink?


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5a5d05 No.19526349


I see a problem with the Big Mike theory here… daughter on left looks very much like Big Mike? Test tube baby with surrogate?

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289110 No.19526350

File: 8f02a9207bb348d⋯.jpg (39.61 KB,640x428,160:107,2023_06_15_21_49_31.jpg)

File: 26c82f19d76a574⋯.jpg (98.95 KB,1242x732,207:122,2023_07_20_10_51_38.jpg)

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daf224 No.19526351


not his fucking poem

its a song by al wilson ffs

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13a06b No.19526352

File: 23e23f606bf3ad1⋯.jpeg (440.11 KB,1125x1307,1125:1307,IMG_7048.jpeg)

He said boneheaded


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52abf3 No.19526353

File: f5822ab371a92a6⋯.png (953.09 KB,517x776,517:776,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a8ec1 No.19526354

Don't reply to the red text bait troll nigger. He will come back later and brag about hoe many you he got. Don't be one of those (you), you dumb faggots.

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a81f96 No.19526355


deeper meaning shill

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f1ae52 No.19526356


>PROHIBIT him from ever running for elected office again

If it is shown he won in 2020 then he won't have to run again, will he?

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0c62b8 No.19526357

File: 24991f8d578712b⋯.png (888.8 KB,859x770,859:770,24991f8d578712bbc1607dfe55….png)


>Obama would have jailed everyone

Probably. Truth is just as bad, there is either still real hatred for DJT or the shills got a pay increase. The difference is (from anons observation) is Twitter he had massive anon/patriot support fighting back in the comments. On Truth hardly any pushback on the nasty comments/memes, seems anons/patriots just drop their comment and ignore the negative. I only bring it up because some part of me thought DJT got the word or saw for himself the fight, now if he were to scan looks bad, like th enemy is winning even on his own platform. Just muh 2 cents ;)

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7c21ad No.19526358

File: fe830ba4bfeca89⋯.jpg (90.03 KB,600x600,1:1,Joe_Biden_Dark_Brandon.jpg)

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5a9637 No.19526359

File: 1a8b7ea7e6f6b90⋯.jpg (65.41 KB,480x693,160:231,1a8b7ea7e6f6b900b5984795e8….jpg)

File: 9e2a71ce67cd016⋯.jpg (458.38 KB,1824x1212,152:101,9e2a71ce67cd016d9112f7be82….jpg)

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB,490x842,245:421,58064786245ff0897cda02e929….png)

Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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b7a6aa No.19526360

Gfy alllll the way

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135f71 No.19526361

File: fcd09b2eee5f2f6⋯.png (86.15 KB,714x574,51:41,b24b1b8e5ab438998b113627d3….png)

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5818d4 No.19526362

File: eab6370a62068d2⋯.jpeg (80.05 KB,828x868,207:217,FrS9xrfagAYHjKM.jpeg)


Emergency Emergency

Smoking Pepe Milk toast is on FIRE!!

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000ce4 No.19526363

File: cc59ef025e0686a⋯.jpg (197.98 KB,858x1390,429:695,street_portrait_of_young_r….jpg)

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7703e1 No.19526364

File: d63c50b4fa9bb53⋯.png (5.94 MB,1920x1080,16:9,capture_3485_07092021_1343….png)

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a6c145 No.19526365


Show feet or calve

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77bff8 No.19526366

File: fb8f8ceea51dd44⋯.jpeg (26.14 KB,255x254,255:254,building_7_wide.jpeg)


T - 5 hours till the 22nd Anniversary of 911.

This is 100% true. They said on Israeli TV that they were on assignment from the Israeli Mossad. Why would the Mossad want it filmed? Because it was their dirty work as E-Team.

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daf224 No.19526367


if stating facts makes me a shill

fuck you

fuckin sissy

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5a9637 No.19526368

File: 25b2e349c48ebe3⋯.png (341.24 KB,580x580,1:1,1693124609053637.png)

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1097e6 No.19526369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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13a06b No.19526370

File: d2d70a4769d0651⋯.jpeg (306.51 KB,1125x874,1125:874,IMG_7049.jpeg)




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2896c0 No.19526371


Halliburton via Dresser Rand avoided a gran chingon with that one

likely more than a two for

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cacfa1 No.19526372

File: 2b532ade1534685⋯.png (532.35 KB,840x1034,420:517,ClipboardImage.png)


<you must be gay lol


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7c21ad No.19526373


Force the issue, Unconstitutional vs Constitution.

What will law enforcement do?

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56051e No.19526374

File: 58ec6679994f2be⋯.png (424.36 KB,435x525,29:35,ClipboardImage.png)

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5818d4 No.19526375


T = Time

TZ = Timezone

5 hours is meaningless with no timezone

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678fad No.19526376

File: 1d8c001cdb49cb7⋯.png (300.45 KB,410x405,82:81,bad.PNG)


Happy Sunday night to everyone except Democrat governors! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸

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4c7ad0 No.19526377

File: 6cb8df1e5ace235⋯.jpg (154.35 KB,756x1008,3:4,Where_Are_the_Kids_Joe_Axl….jpg)

File: 0911622da1ec543⋯.mp4 (15.59 MB,400x300,4:3,Paradise_City_Guns_Roses_c….mp4)



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017e30 No.19526378



Suicide weekend

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1a8ec1 No.19526379

File: ee214b43bc384a4⋯.png (61.71 KB,351x303,117:101,ee214b43bc384a42d56ce16bae….png)


Pray for Smoking pepe and his family. Poor bastard needs it more than anyone. Q can you send some funds to help? Can we start a gofundme here for our fren?

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a81f96 No.19526380

File: f915729d6b74af3⋯.gif (3.55 MB,220x390,22:39,1685657923070729.gif)

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8c5588 No.19526381

File: 191215008c4f7be⋯.png (202.82 KB,600x498,100:83,Screenshot_2023_09_10_at_1….png)




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000ce4 No.19526382

File: e89ae57d536f4a8⋯.png (336.18 KB,618x2608,309:1304,354_1_.png)

File: fd0fbb3c3c93609⋯.jpeg (540.41 KB,2048x1367,2048:1367,F5cSGJNXsAAFLJT.jpeg)

File: b36bac6d53f0e39⋯.jpg (32.97 KB,300x402,50:67,Larry.jpg)

File: 1e06d294cde3276⋯.jpg (10.5 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_14_.jpg)

File: 06fa21020c6a2fb⋯.png (274.12 KB,358x604,179:302,E5xhVboXIAcpBp_.png)

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289110 No.19526383

File: 24a42e3a97cf1c6⋯.jpg (49.35 KB,689x390,53:30,Screen_Shot_2023_08_25_at_….jpg)

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0b7116 No.19526384


>yes, it’s true


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966f27 No.19526385

File: 7a69e995d6a5cbf⋯.png (178.46 KB,707x617,707:617,ClipboardImage.png)


>f..ck you Jake



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7a5bd0 No.19526386

File: 2f0964b32ab1494⋯.png (182.53 KB,1080x707,1080:707,Screenshot_20230910_160002….png)


Do caps with the date and anons won't call you a faggot

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8369a7 No.19526387


The fuck outa here.

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a76017 No.19526389

File: b13d27ef3b2865b⋯.jpg (85.33 KB,474x345,158:115,download_94_.jpg)

hurry up those twitter faggots are on our asses

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7c21ad No.19526390


It's cringey that they do this hiphop thing with Kamala being the token black when she is actually Indian or Jamaican or something.

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515a2d No.19526391


Do it like - a bird singing to a new day - dawning

Meme the century the Awakening 2020’s

#moarscarier sleepy muhhalloween 🎃 one moar sleep

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6b908a No.19526392


best set on the net

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daf224 No.19526393

File: 26b13b25bc7f667⋯.jpg (20.85 KB,474x477,158:159,th_2411782542.jpg)


fuck that

ridney called

they put him on hold

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2896c0 No.19526394


an Indian-born mother and Jamaican-born father

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678fad No.19526395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


When my Son asks if he can watch LOTR movies.

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4e1226 No.19526396

Fake Freddy, smoking Pepe faggot.

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b3c48c No.19526397

File: 56c727955a9db98⋯.jpeg (251.64 KB,1125x578,1125:578,IMG_7050.jpeg)


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daf224 No.19526398


she vehemently denied being black


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6b908a No.19526400


Epoch Times is an enemy of the CCP

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b3c48c No.19526402

File: 4db0e544cfac941⋯.jpeg (579.76 KB,1125x1333,1125:1333,IMG_7051.jpeg)

File: 21308c9c45016dd⋯.jpeg (816.51 KB,1125x1550,45:62,IMG_7052.jpeg)


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daf224 No.19526403


anon agrees

the graffiti really makes them pop

to low iq audiences

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8a392a No.19526404

File: efbbaf19d705353⋯.mp4 (12.86 MB,1280x704,20:11,7027241183856748143.mp4)


Ohh it’s true watched it in real time.

Mossad Completely btfo

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5818d4 No.19526405

File: 9372a94af702b4c⋯.jpg (399.19 KB,1200x1011,400:337,kamala_harris_a_time_to_he….jpg)

File: 327492771e84a84⋯.jpg (32.28 KB,450x257,450:257,harris_cookies_face_REPAIR….jpg)


All that is fine and dandy.

BUT Is she a citizen?

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7c21ad No.19526406

File: fe2dab3d91a8854⋯.png (61.42 KB,408x611,408:611,Greta_Datefag_Sign_Alpha.png)

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b7a6aa No.19526407

Fuck you Q, and your riddles too

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a254fd No.19526408


I need nothing from anything evil in nature. Take your fake prayers, along with the pathetic mimicry and projection you've displayed over the past 3 weeks and get your AI to write one of those shitty poems. Why haven't you posted any lately? "Dreary doggerel" is what I seem to remember one Anon, not I, that called it that. Why don't you post those heads of shit on the regular memes/images that got posted? Why did that defacement stop? Cat got your tongue?

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f43f76 No.19526409

File: bcce3ca280bd7f7⋯.png (435.08 KB,636x382,318:191,ClipboardImage.png)

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3e3873 No.19526410

File: 8cf9131419c1a38⋯.png (1.7 MB,918x714,9:7,8cf9131419c1a3888b5111f57d….png)

File: bd265a6ab91eca6⋯.jpg (405.06 KB,954x639,106:71,da_fuck_gr4t_FX2b.jpg)

File: 6c343914817ae6d⋯.jpeg (430.76 KB,1366x583,1366:583,0120091873.jpeg)

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537c43 No.19526411


fuck you for being a whiny little faggot.

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8c5588 No.19526412

File: c75185370a9a02f⋯.png (265.63 KB,600x532,150:133,Screenshot_2023_09_10_at_2….png)

The Times of Israel



Mossad chief warns Russia could send Iran arms ‘that will endanger our existence’


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1097e6 No.19526413

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b7a6aa No.19526414


Fuck you back for whining about me rent free bitches

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000ce4 No.19526415

File: 416d28b38313ad8⋯.png (57.35 KB,618x584,309:292,641_2_.png)

File: d39143c09c45b44⋯.png (716.16 KB,618x2356,309:1178,1841_2_.png)

File: 6e12ff54b74b4d7⋯.png (460 KB,573x734,573:734,103d3f248d7d2aa99413d8d0f7….png)

File: 3e27c0b1466a5d8⋯.png (124.56 KB,618x1428,103:238,800_2_.png)

File: 7584197ae04f65d⋯.jpg (476.52 KB,1223x793,1223:793,7584197ae04f65de4c634a56d9….jpg)

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966f27 No.19526416

File: a9d7b1cfe08b826⋯.jpg (83.14 KB,673x528,673:528,Thinking_Monke.jpg)


>If it is shown he won in 2020 then he won't have to run again, will he?

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86625e No.19526417


It was a mistake, anon. I'm usually on it.

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a46f05 No.19526418

File: 24fc1172145def3⋯.png (100.2 KB,491x395,491:395,24fc1172145def3ecf9f9337e1….png)


b9f57d just flew over my house!

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cacfa1 No.19526419


>EXPLOSIVE: Did he just tell him f..ck you Jake? And CNN cut transmission? EXPLOSIVE. Manipulated video though. Real interview was with Blinken. WATCH

NOTABLE - funny as fuck - TOP KEK!!!!

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537c43 No.19526420


who was whining? I was just telling you to fuck off and what you were, sorry you took that so personally you whiny little faggot.

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4c7ad0 No.19526421

File: 20ee258654d4a64⋯.mp4 (5.18 MB,722x720,361:360,The_Man_Comes_Around_Johnn….mp4)

File: f6fd839a8da51cd⋯.jpg (53.6 KB,720x454,360:227,Where_Are_the_Kids_Joe_Tru….jpg)

File: a440370c1e4378b⋯.jpg (83.13 KB,640x360,16:9,No_Deals_For_Faggots_Trump.jpg)

File: b6f18ddb5194c6e⋯.jpg (61.38 KB,720x454,360:227,Pedo_Cannibals_Trump.jpg)

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0b7116 No.19526422

File: 28aaeac0392c130⋯.jpg (57.78 KB,983x655,983:655,BlackCubeMossad_FreudsMafi….jpg)

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08671c No.19526423


Ease up on the Mogen David, rabbi.

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3e3873 No.19526424

File: 21c7c2740494216⋯.mp4 (535.66 KB,1280x714,640:357,a1ead945a3c89ae29a42f15c5b….mp4)

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5e780b No.19526425


free haircuts 212.490.0666

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daf224 No.19526426


fake vids are now notable???

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096961 No.19526427

File: 076506e4949abb5⋯.png (341.33 KB,478x487,478:487,whyx.PNG)

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0c62b8 No.19526429

File: 8204403a89c46c4⋯.jpg (261.93 KB,1934x1735,1934:1735,IMG_20190801_200641.jpg)


Good Lord there's a thousand anons on Truth that posted that article & he quote truths POSO. Be careful who you follow, why does Trump follow Jack? 🤔

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1a8ec1 No.19526430

File: ee8d96239977a9e⋯.png (1.44 MB,1237x904,1237:904,ee8d96239977a9ea4abc0f4215….png)


Because going off the level of seethe in this post alone shows you've totally cracked and there was no reason to press anymore? And yes you did call it that, when you were IP hopping of course. Either way love you buddy! Ill continue to spread love and joy and you can continue being negative. God bless.

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05184b No.19526432

File: 6a8e13cb205747c⋯.png (253.17 KB,502x298,251:149,DEMOLITIONSQUID.png)

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addb64 No.19526433


Let’s hope and pray Mossad and Israel gets glassed by Russia.

Dear Mr. Putin, nuke that shit. It’s time.

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000ce4 No.19526434

File: 9a3469ad4426d03⋯.png (144.6 KB,618x1648,3:8,1256_1_.png)

File: 6178284048a43fc⋯.png (299.84 KB,618x2036,309:1018,56_2_.png)

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5e780b No.19526435



joe haz to bang taht dude

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966f27 No.19526436

File: 687dc35fdfcd16c⋯.jpg (37.95 KB,554x350,277:175,Kamala_Fake_Actual_Parents….jpg)


>an Indian-born mother and Jamaican-born father

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7c21ad No.19526437


Don't fuck around, then you won't need to find out. 9/11 anyone?

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a254fd No.19526438


Thanks, Special Agent Retard. KEK

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daf224 No.19526439


if it wasnt for covid

more jews would have been at work that day

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178c3e No.19526440

File: d66f65dc004a5b9⋯.webm (1.24 MB,506x900,253:450,1694387174544634.webm)

These are not the kind of people you simply tell to leave your country. So what can you realistically do about it besides genocide?

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678fad No.19526441

File: 844f2a01357618c⋯.png (230.53 KB,589x678,589:678,sld.PNG)



Donald J. Trump


We can’t let this spoiled little degenerate win. His daddy controls the D.A.’s and A.G.’s in America. They are destroying our Country. Mitch McConnell is helping them do it by doing NOTHING! An EMBARRASSMENT to the Republican Party. GET TOUGH REPUBLICANS!!!


Jack Poso 🇺🇸



Sep 2

George Soros’ son announces he is shifting resources to focus on defeating Trump in 2024


George Soros’ son shifts priorities, resources to focus on defeating MAGA in 2024

“I believe a MAGA-style Republican victory in next year’s U.S. presidential election could, in the end, be worse for the EU than for the U.S.”


Sep 10, 2023, 11:58 AM

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380272 No.19526442

File: 0f6e3714ea4dbe6⋯.mp4 (946.16 KB,640x360,16:9,wtc7.mp4)

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5818d4 No.19526443

File: 265f2bd89adcfcb⋯.png (268.76 KB,554x570,277:285,Screenshot_2023_05_12_10_3….png)


> Big Injun chief warns Russia

You smokem windber peace pipe first?

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3e3873 No.19526444

File: e8bcee8380938a2⋯.png (617.19 KB,764x853,764:853,65e2c1da627152f2b1defea4bf….png)

File: 4ff8234cd3b65ac⋯.png (660.07 KB,752x752,1:1,4ff8234cd3b65acf24c01c699c….png)

File: affb9eb5a563ca2⋯.jpg (174.37 KB,1290x1467,430:489,affb9eb5a563ca2d833dbd8574….jpg)

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daf224 No.19526445



stupid fucker

lurk moar

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86625e No.19526446

File: 2a4eac8e3ad0b18⋯.png (17.79 KB,540x205,108:41,Screen_Shot_09_10_23_at_07….PNG)


and a little tip for you as well…when doing acorrection to sm1 on a timestamp make sure you use eastern timestamp screenshot. Thank you!

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32ef4c No.19526447

File: 2002111a98130b7⋯.jpg (85.44 KB,668x374,334:187,kamala3.jpg)

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77bff8 No.19526450


He should be the first arrest.

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1097e6 No.19526451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6b908a No.19526452


"Biden's Loyalty to Bagman/Coke Dealer Has 'Created Unexpected Political Peril' for President"

fixed it fer ya

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678fad No.19526453

File: 3494d60ae139bbf⋯.png (38.24 KB,874x359,874:359,test.PNG)


Are Emergency Powers A Test To See What Americans Will Put Up With?

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Sunday, Sep 10, 2023 - 11:00 AM

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825ad2 No.19526454

Link to all 45 books removed from the Bible by the church

The Lost Books of the Bible

edited by Rutherford H. Platt, Jr.


This is a collection of New Testament Apocrypha, including many works which were admired and read by the early Christians, but which were later excluded from the canonical Bible. It includes accounts of the young Jesus, particularly the Gospel of Mary and the Protevangelion, which provides additional folklore about the birth and youthful adventures of Jesus. Of note are the letters of Paul and Seneca, and the letters of Herod and Pilate, which are most likely a forgery, but add more depth to the question of the historicity of Jesus. There are also a number of non-canonical epistles, such as Laodiceans. Also worth a close read are the three books of the Shepherd of Hermas, which uses apocalyptic and symbolic imagery. This collection is an invaluable selection of portions of the New Testament which illustrates the fluid nature of the early Biblical canon, and provides access to all of the 'spare parts.'–J.B. Hare, August 12, 2009.

Although not attributed, the initials of the editor, Rutherford H. Platt, Jr., appear on the Preface. He also edited the companion volume The Forgotten Books of Eden, a collection of Old Testament apocrypha.

tthe fluid nature of the early Biblical canon, and provides access to all of the 'spare parts.'–J.B. Hare, August 12, 2009.

Although not attributed, the initials of the editor, Rutherford H. Platt, Jr., appear on the Preface. He also edited the companion volume The Forgotten Books of Eden, a collection of Old Testament apocrypha.

The Order of All the Books


The Gospel of the Birth of Mary

The Protevangelion

The First Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus Christ

Thomas's Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus Christ

The Epistles of Jesus Christ and Abgarus King of Edessa

The Gospel of Nicodemus, Formerly Called the Acts of Pontius Pilate

The Apostles’ Creed

The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Laodiceans

The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Seneca, with Seneca's to Paul

The Acts of Paul and Thecla

The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians

The Second Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians

The General Epistle of Barnabas

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesians

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrnæans

The Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp

The Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians

The Shepherd of Hermas

The Second Book of Hermas, Called His Commands

The Third Book of Hermas, Which Is Called His Similitudes

Letters of Herod and Pilate

The Lost Gospel According to Peter

Table I.


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000ce4 No.19526455

File: 97ecea994c3329e⋯.jpg (95.61 KB,992x558,16:9,sarah_rudder_prince_harry_….jpg)

File: 1b3dba1705334f6⋯.jpg (1 MB,4548x3408,379:284,775244227_JM_0056_2C65B02A….jpg)

File: 88fab3f4e4641b9⋯.jpg (727.18 KB,3000x3034,1500:1517,230209032735_05_nigeria_in….jpg)

File: 88e0f44e1fb113e⋯.png (183.99 KB,1294x1866,647:933,1058.png)

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3e3873 No.19526456

File: bef0b59b8d57ad9⋯.jpg (101.03 KB,386x951,386:951,bef0b59b8d57ad91fc99861a97….jpg)

File: 01511c6be6216ce⋯.jpg (101.3 KB,673x725,673:725,01511c6be6216ce005f520bf60….jpg)

File: 7f36ce8032570e5⋯.png (4.25 MB,1822x1138,911:569,7f36ce8032570e5a6843b37264….png)

File: 236dcb6701d150f⋯.png (495.17 KB,511x640,511:640,236dcb6701d150fc6a8c9a0b0f….png)

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0b7116 No.19526457


We can’t let this spoiled little degenerate win. His daddy controls the D.A.’s and A.G.’s in America. They are destroying our Country.

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cacfa1 No.19526458

File: 337844c1230e918⋯.png (3.9 MB,1033x1674,1033:1674,ClipboardImage.png)

WARNING! THE TRUMP STALKER. He better get on the treadmill if he plans to keep up with THE TRUMPSTER. Big weirdo.

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a254fd No.19526459


What seethe? You want pressure? At the start of your crusade months ago you were crowing something about how SP was responsible for "taking down" a certain someone. Who are you? Who has the motive? It's supper time. Burgers with coleslaw and potato salad.

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4c7ad0 No.19526460

File: 785cf971d741af6⋯.jpg (40.65 KB,720x720,1:1,Eating_Bugs_Stop_the_Weath….jpg)

File: 86ae20f6bd1d775⋯.jpg (87.4 KB,800x600,4:3,Greta_WTF_Nikola_Tesla_TS_….jpg)

File: a5fb807342b1b42⋯.jpg (56.2 KB,565x517,565:517,Retarded_Taxes.jpg)

File: 47e97a928d6af6a⋯.gif (5.56 MB,720x540,4:3,Greta_Delete_Climate_Chang….gif)

File: 2febc6e54e51240⋯.png (813.91 KB,500x746,250:373,Well_That_Didn_t_Work_An_A….png)

Good Job Retards…

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5a5d05 No.19526461


Seems like all the US tax is heading to UKRAINE so dirty US politicians can make a run for it after Trump wins.

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daf224 No.19526462


pfff larry who

*back to your regular scheduled programming "

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8c5588 No.19526463

File: 63b276074efaccc⋯.png (141.69 KB,600x532,150:133,Screenshot_2023_09_10_at_2….png)

Top Kek


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f43f76 No.19526464

Teachers Who Refused COVID Shots Must Be Reinstated with Back Pay, Rules State Supreme Court Judge

Ten New York City teachers who were fired for refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine must be reinstated with back pay, a New York state judge ruled last week.

State Supreme Court Judge Ralph J. Porzio held that the city’s denials of religious accommodation to certain employees were unlawful, arbitrary and capricious, according to Fox News.

The case of DiCapua v. City of New York concerned a variety of educators who sued after their requests for a religious exemption were denied.

“This Court sees no rational basis for not allowing unvaccinated classroom teachers in amongst an admitted population of primarily unvaccinated students,” Porzio wrote in his ruling.

“As such, the decision to summarily deny the classroom teachers amongst the Panel Petitioners based on an undue hardship, without any further evidence of individualized analysis, is arbitrary, capricious, and unreasonable,” he wrote.

Following that logic, Porzio ruled, “As such, each classroom teacher amongst the Panel Petitioners is entitled to a religious exemption from the Vaccine Mandate.”

Last year, Porzio ruled that 16 Sanitation Department workers fired by the city should get their jobs back because the vaccine mandate was put in place illegally, according to the New York Post.

Sujata Gibson, who represented the teachers, said the ruling was a major step forward.

“We’ve been fighting for this since August of 2021 for these 10 people specifically. And we won and we won big for them. They were reinstated with back pay, with no break in service, and attorneys’ fees. That’s huge,” she said in a statement to Children’s Health Defense, a not-for-profit group founded by Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“The judge’s ruling yesterday, while not everything we wanted, is a precedent-setting victory, and a watershed moment in the teachers’ fight,” Gibson said.

“The Court’s decision not only grants relief to these ten teachers, but it also sets important precedent for all other teachers denied religious accommodation,” Gibson said, according to Fox News.

The victory had its boundaries.

Individuals who did not seek a religious accommodation from the city’s vaccine mandate were not awarded their jobs back. A request to file a class action lawsuit was denied.

Gibson said that using speed bumps in the decision were not the end of the fight.

“The court’s ruling in the class certification still leaves the door open to future relief for thousands of teachers negatively affected by the vaccine requirement. We intend to file a motion of reconsideration on a narrower basis,” she said.

Michael Kane, a teacher who lost his job for refusing the vaccine, called the ruling “bittersweet.”


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86625e No.19526465


>why does Trump follow Jack?

Why not follow Jack?

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cdc949 No.19526466

File: ae2179afd5921fc⋯.jpg (204.43 KB,1000x1333,1000:1333,Cognitive1.jpg)

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86625e No.19526467


Is 4chan down?

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7c21ad No.19526468

File: 59aa58b191f50c7⋯.png (4.26 KB,487x45,487:45,ClipboardImage.png)


…Then they came for your memes.

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f43f76 No.19526469


pretty much

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a81f96 No.19526470


Remember Hussein traveled after POTUS telling world leaders etc. not to listen to President Trump etc. Is obese boy doing this role now?

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3e3873 No.19526471

File: 65e2c1da6271849⋯.png (498.01 KB,833x744,833:744,65e2c1da62718490661664a6a3….png)

File: 2426d574adf7a04⋯.png (766.26 KB,848x476,212:119,2426d574adf7a04f713f7932bc….png)

File: 8e87135aa407760⋯.png (553.66 KB,800x452,200:113,8e87135aa407760f187e308cab….png)

File: 450fba517bbca46⋯.png (2.34 MB,1698x800,849:400,450fba517bbca4668e17643528….png)

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678fad No.19526472

File: 73af1a1f2dce577⋯.png (415.16 KB,379x476,379:476,tests.PNG)

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4c7ad0 No.19526473

File: 91a943c01cdec0f⋯.png (991.74 KB,965x1209,965:1209,1694373446739.png)

File: 9783772f143cea2⋯.mp4 (8.27 MB,240x134,120:67,5_FREEDOM_FREEDOM_Small.mp4)

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daf224 No.19526474


after or before

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5a5d05 No.19526475


Somebody needs to Greta climate hoax is over - the climate change models forgot to include CLOUDS - the most dominate of all factors when it come to temperature.

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1a8ec1 No.19526476


Whoa reel it back in there buddy you're getting too positive for the board again!

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dbb206 No.19526477


Not for me, but non-Jews should apply to be a Janny on /pol/.


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daf224 No.19526479


anon needs to drop some pop quizzes

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4c7ad0 No.19526480

File: 01280876e3e2ae8⋯.mp4 (378.84 KB,1024x722,512:361,Crisis_Actor_Kid_Tony_32_Y….mp4)

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cacfa1 No.19526482

File: 96eabd2a0210fd9⋯.png (30.94 KB,526x405,526:405,ClipboardImage.png)

Long story short…what a raging TREASONIST cunt …

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86625e No.19526483


Do you have the post where it says "not to listen to Trump"

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7703e1 No.19526484

File: 50366c015d7bb96⋯.png (52.34 KB,980x730,98:73,ChildrensInvestmentFundWeb.png)

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56051e No.19526485

File: aa397aab1b99a19⋯.png (556.85 KB,960x561,320:187,ClipboardImage.png)

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7c21ad No.19526486


Fools never back down otherwise they think they will be seen as the fools they already are.

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1a8ec1 No.19526487

File: 15845bf2c1e63e2⋯.png (340.4 KB,582x547,582:547,15845bf2c1e63e2bb9bf4cb4b3….png)


Can't follow that stream of consciousness. Did you remember to take your meds?

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5a5d05 No.19526488


Did Joe sell Hunter to other politicians as a kid? A fuck her and fuck there maybe to climb the political ladder.

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8ba44e No.19526489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d80a64 No.19526490


Definitely 6’3” 215 lbs

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b942f4 No.19526491


Legit fucken weirdos.

Send more money.

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7703e1 No.19526492

File: 3240b412ad80c36⋯.png (109.42 KB,952x655,952:655,SchmidtFamilyWeb.png)

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f9f9e8 No.19526493

File: cfddfa6f0c6b10f⋯.jpg (37.68 KB,474x777,158:259,sdfsf1sdf.jpg)

This is it niggaz, I said wait for my signal and this is it.

White Nations need to rise up literally right now, collectively, or you're toast.

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380272 No.19526494

File: dc1ab14907d194b⋯.mp4 (6.09 MB,1280x720,16:9,Treasonous_NM_gov.mp4)

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1a8ec1 No.19526495


You had to IP hop to drop a space marine video?

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daf224 No.19526496


why #41

4 donuts

1 small coffee

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cacfa1 No.19526497

File: 6841e50f9e02bf7⋯.png (50.14 KB,996x294,166:49,ClipboardImage.png)

Plan Exposed – It Was Intentional: CBS LIES After Getting Caught…

Before the clip cut off, Brennan host pointed out that Democrats also worry about Biden's age


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a254fd No.19526498


I'm not required to take medication. I am not surprised you admit are unable to follow it, as you claim, but I think I struck a nerve. Actually, I'm damn sure of it. So what did the consensus on your list on the Necrontyr page end up being?

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0155ea No.19526499

File: 1d7008b48731edc⋯.png (714.21 KB,600x794,300:397,1a11.png)


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3e3873 No.19526501

File: 15cb8180b85dc9e⋯.jpg (613.82 KB,740x1171,740:1171,15cb8180b85dc9e3c336a8ba53….jpg)

File: 458e65f97f68632⋯.png (537.86 KB,639x638,639:638,1578979865965.png)

File: a0f105bc8359f01⋯.png (1.57 MB,1324x480,331:120,a0f105bc8359f01f1f0c557399….png)

File: c7d1a9a68e58723⋯.png (206 KB,872x709,872:709,c7d1a9a68e5872353fc9d61c16….png)

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000ce4 No.19526502

File: 971a38f42e67be7⋯.jpg (150.83 KB,750x1125,2:3,MV5BMzI0MzUwYzktNjk0Yi00NG….jpg)

File: 014671c9ecb9d62⋯.jpg (194.72 KB,2701x4059,2701:4059,Chris_Burke.jpg)

File: c0459447706a487⋯.jpg (371.1 KB,630x1063,630:1063,MV5BY2Q0MWIwYTItNjAxZS00YW….jpg)

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7703e1 No.19526503

File: 6c9c0bb98f11622⋯.png (258.88 KB,2538x1404,47:26,SchmidtFoundationWeb.png)

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a81f96 No.19526504






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8ba44e No.19526505


Maybe you're referring to another ;)

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0b7116 No.19526506

File: 9b768b03b00d02d⋯.png (409.02 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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7c21ad No.19526507

File: f4dd7c3f1529193⋯.png (821.87 KB,750x750,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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515a2d No.19526508


Enemy cloathed in authority, full trust. gov over the peeps. Join Orr Die , stolen valor to adobe

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fdc426 No.19526509

File: 3559321a0100f28⋯.png (467.95 KB,610x697,610:697,ClipboardImage.png)

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3e3873 No.19526510

File: d10711e4f1ab2f2⋯.jpg (79.41 KB,749x789,749:789,971cbb866f0a94870ebc9d1a11….jpg)

File: 075782f35cf086a⋯.png (887.7 KB,1200x928,75:58,075782f35cf086a00d42b374a7….png)

File: b58ed46a513d687⋯.gif (3.82 MB,420x286,210:143,1611075438401.gif)

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4c7ad0 No.19526511

File: df80771bde6bfe0⋯.mp4 (123.15 KB,640x360,16:9,5db19333cff47e00090a9d51_1….mp4)

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7703e1 No.19526512

File: 071f6c1de2432d4⋯.jpg (48.23 KB,630x449,630:449,SpiritCookingPeopleWeb.jpg)

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1a8ec1 No.19526513


Did I break this chatbot?

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86625e No.19526514


Thank you. Do you see any post with that extra that you mentioned?

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5be1e5 No.19526515

File: 846cdfa18043846⋯.mp4 (8.03 MB,854x480,427:240,Flight_of_the_Navigator_I_….mp4)

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a254fd No.19526516


No, but I'm breaking you, you dumb bastard. How does it feel?

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4c7ad0 No.19526517

File: 71fb4f8511138a8⋯.mp4 (2.13 MB,274x486,137:243,Golden_Tickets_Lined_With_….mp4)

File: 86b6aa822b2af2e⋯.jpeg (94.08 KB,627x900,209:300,DJT_JFK_Jr_.jpeg)

File: 82ffc7ffe0335df⋯.jpg (171.5 KB,784x954,392:477,JFK_XBox_Learn_to_Play_the….jpg)

File: 657717c4c5432ae⋯.gif (122 KB,1480x832,185:104,JFK_Junior_Q_TS_KEK_.gif)

File: ac13f350477ae82⋯.jpg (194 KB,948x648,79:54,JFK_Jr_Do_You_Have_a_Momen….jpg)

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7703e1 No.19526518

File: 1cb4927047c77fd⋯.png (54.48 KB,650x600,13:12,DavidHarrisonGilmourWeb.png)

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0b7116 No.19526519


an immoral or corrupt person:

"get out of my house, you degenerate!"

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efd9ee No.19526520

File: 4b1d859d9f7e9f1⋯.png (226.65 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_09_10_19_19_1….png)

File: 15c7fedd04f1146⋯.png (83.03 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_09_10_19_18_3….png)


Telling. Me that the heroin trade is in trouble

So the military complex has and issue with product development and They have adapt and overcome

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1a8ec1 No.19526521


Finally a sentence that makes sense. Ok he's gonna be alright then. Honestly man, you do have issues. I hope you get help. Love you dearly. Prayers for your family as well. God bless.

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fdc426 No.19526522

File: f10b6429db9a588⋯.png (276.8 KB,707x832,707:832,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 29079af1fa18c69⋯.png (33.48 KB,558x412,279:206,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 274907805218b45⋯.png (37.15 KB,565x423,565:423,ClipboardImage.png)



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1097e6 No.19526523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a81f96 No.19526524


use logic….

I don't think he is traveling before and after potus buying crack…

I suspect he is reassuring leaders for the cabal to stay in line, he will be gone soon etc etc.

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fdc426 No.19526525


A shill or dumb fuck nwo fed:

"Anyone who calls Alex Soros a degenerate is an immoral or corrupt person."

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a254fd No.19526526


Your prayers are as fake as the intent you project.

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cacfa1 No.19526527

File: 372c94616f3f248⋯.png (537.71 KB,749x789,749:789,ClipboardImage.png)

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1de7ca No.19526528


Claiming dough

Notes @500ish

#23982 >>19526031

>>19526141, >>19526204,