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File: 02ab19ef600be5b⋯.png (715.28 KB,693x391,693:391,02ab19ef600be5b09eddb8985a….png)

8bde36 No.19309139 [Last50 Posts]


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681cb4 No.19309142

International Q Research Threads

>>19188850 ——–——– Australia #31

>>19181822 ——–——– Canada #45

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>>19259750 I have had contact with the FBI many times. Whenever I report crimes. I report them to the FBI./J6 NEW


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>>19103408 No muh joos in notes, will be removed


#23714 TBC

#23713 TBC

#23712 >>19306708

>>19306738 President Trump: They want to defund the police, and they also want to take away your guns. No, you can't do that. Especially where we are right now as a nation. You can't do that.

>>19306742 President Trump: Two thousand, twenty-four, is our final, biggest, and most important battle.

>>19306744 President Trump: The Catholic Church is under siege by these crooked prosecutors.

>>19306079 lb McMaster: We must realize that we are in a war for the future of our country. And we must win it. We need warriors, and we have warriors. It wont be easy. As you know, our opponents have realized that they are in grave danger, and that is why they have been, and will be fighting so hard, and so unscrupulously in the traditional political arenas, as well as a new arena for them, the legal ones.

>>19306812, >>19306817 Full Notes Collected From South Carolina Trump Rally

>>19306721, >>19306723 PDJT said in regards to mutilation These people are sick

>>19306722 Navy and Marine Corps Announce Large Scale Exercise 2023

>>19306726 The Last Indictment will be Magical

>>19306746, >>19306991 Ammunition spent

>>19306831 Patrick Wojahn, the erstwhile Democratic mayor of College Park, Maryland acing Decades in Prison After Pleading Guilty to 140 Counts Of Child Porn

>>19306840 For keks Caturd: Obama fantasy drowing bingo card 17 million, Roseanne Barr: I did.

>>19306789, >>19306850 Elaine Chow, Mitch Mcconnells wife fuckery

>>19306907, >>19306977, >>19307147 Elaine Lan Chao: I aint saying watch the water, but watch the water

>>19307007 Mitch McConnell’s Freighted Ties to a Shadowy Shipping Company

>>19306851 Charlotte Pride gives Harvey milk award to registered child sex offender Chad Turner has used other aliases such as Chad Sevealance, Chad Sevearance, and Eugene Severance

>>19306931 FAKE NEWS Prosecutors ask judge to issue protective order after Trump post appearing to promise revenge

>>19306941, >>19306984 FEMA and the FCC have announced on Wed October 4th 2023 they will test Wireless Emergency Alerts and the Emergency Alerts Systems… (Cap 4:02)

>>19306957 CNN: Biden Admin Desperate to Sell Bidenomics So the Regime is Putting Up Signs with Biden’s Name on Them at Construction Sites

>>19306989 Good question why isn’t Jenna Ellis named as a co-conspirator? Is it because she’s too busy working for Ron DeSantis right now?

>>19307018 U.S. Capitol Police Officer, Tarik Johnson, is Blowing The Whistle as loud as he can. “Every demonstrator and every police officer there on J6 was set-up.”

>>19306879, >>19306896, >>19306913, >>19306918, >>19306953, The 2024 Senate elections — which will run concurrent with the presidential race 2024 contenders.- business insider bun.

>>19307186, >>19307196 A Requiem for Dominance: New US Strategies to Deter Aggression

>>19307107 Chuck Schumer Speech On The 4th Jan To Federalize The Elections

>>19307255, >>19307345, >>19307348, >>19307335, >>19307259, >>19307260, >>19307263, >>19307268, >>19307279 Elon Musk: If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill. No limit. Please let us know.

>>19307372 R. Hunter Biden 先生 Biden先生现任RSP的管理合伙人以及Boies Schiller Flexner LPP律师事务所顾问。

>>19307384 Looks like a Trans: Jasmine Crockett Dem Claims Republicans Defending Trump Are 'Dangerously Close...to Criminal Culpability'

>>19307431 #23712

#23711-A >>19305886

>>19306050 Governor McMaster [GOP Dinner]: The policies, practices and initiatives of the administration of President Donald Trump, opened doors, sparked opportunities, and unleashed American Power the whole way. He was with us the whole way. All of this, despite the rumblings of secret deep state opposition, and the barrage of unfounded criticism, and even unjustified impeachments.

>>19306079 McMaster: We must realize that we are in a war for the future of our country. And we must win it. We need warriors, and we have warriors. It wont be easy. As you know, our opponents have realized that they are in grave danger, and that is why they have been, and will be fighting so hard, and so unscrupulously in the traditional political arenas, as well as a new arena for them, the legal ones.

>>19306098 McMaster: Our leader is here, he is behind the curtain, and he is ready.

>>19306181 President Trump: One of the most important issues of the campaign will be, who can rescue our country from the burning wreckage of 'Bidenomics'. You know what that stands for, right? Henceforth, it will be defined as inflation, taxation, submission, and failure.

>>19306206 President Trump: Under Biden, real incomes have gone down by seven thousand, four-hundred dollars per family. And under President Trump, yearly income went up, on average, six thousand dollars. Nobody's ever come close to that number.

>>19306224 President Trump: Inflation has reached the highest level in half-century, and mortgage rates are now pushing a brutal seven percent, and they are going much higher. Americans now have to pay three hundred and sixty-six thousand dollars more in interest payments just to purchase a house.

>>19306262 President Trump: We have more oil, I call it liquid gold, oil and gas, under our feet, than any other nation in the world…these guys get in, because the election was rigged, they get into office, and what do they do? Let's stop drilling. Oil prices at the highest prices ever, and they say, 'let's stop drilling'. When oil prices are high, that's when you should say, 'let's drill and make a fortune, and let's pay off debt, and let's lower people's taxes.' But they didn't do that.

>>19306284 President Trump: In virtually ever poll, we are kicking Biden's ass…and if I wasn't, we wouldn't be under investigation by Deranged Jack Smith. He's a deranged human being. You take a look at that face you say, 'that guy is a sick man. There's something wrong with him.'…This guy's a maniac.

>>19306295 President Trump: I'm telling you, Lindsay, they have something on Mitch McConnell…They've got something on Mitch McConnell

>>19306334 President Trump: As soon as we get back in the White House, I will end the disaster known as 'Bidenomics, and we will once again implement the proven economic formula that puts America First. We're going to put America First. They don't put America First. And very quickly, our economy will be great again, and our country will be absolutely, like I say, fairly quickly, like never before, we'll get it to a level that we had it up to, and we'll do things that nobody will believe.

>>19306348 President Trump: To terminate this crippling electrical vehicle mandate; we're going to do it, we're going to do it fast, and we will stop having all of these cars being built in China. We're building our cars back here.

>>19306374 President Trump: To bring tens of thousands more manufacturing jobs back to South Carolina, I will impose a border tariff on all foreign-made goods. So if they want to sell into our country, and if they want to take our jobs by doing that, we're going to have a tax. That's going to be a Privilege Tax.

>>19306408 President Trump: These border taxes, we're going to have to do it. Our country can become immediately rich, so rich, like never before. Look back into 1890s, look back; we were taking in money, and it's not so different. It's a long time ago, but that's when we ran our country smart.

>>19306452 President Trump: What this man [Biden] is doing to the country; he's either the dumbest human being alive, and I think, honestly, I do believe it's run not by him. All of this stuff. How can you cheat on an election so well and be dumb? How can you do that? But he's surrounded by marxists, communists, and they're smart. But either they're evil, or they dont know; I really believe they hate our country, because nobody can allow this to happen.

>>19306470 President Trump: If we simply returned to the amount of government spending that we had under my leadership in 2018, we would, right now, have a balanced budget.

>>19306639 #23711-A

#23711-B >>19305886

>>19306544 President Trump: We did such a great job [border] that it no longer became a subject. It was never a debate subject. Nobody ever mentioned the border. And these clowns got in, and right from the beginning, they opened up the country. They welcomed everybody, and as soon as they welcomed, everybody came in. Now they want to give them free education, free hospital; in the mean time, we don't take care of our veterans. Our veterans are laying out all over the streets. It's a horrible thing they've done to our country.

>>19306558 President Trump: There's a lot to criticize [2020 election], which you'll find out over the coming weeks.

>>19306582 President Trump: They don't go after the people that rigged the election, they go after the people that want to find out what the hell happened. It's a disgrace. They should be going after the people that rigged it.

>>19305917, >>19306092, >>19305900 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Speaks at South Carolina GOP Dinner - 8/5/2023

>>19306101, >>19306102, >>19306110, >>19306114, >>19306120, >>19306142, >>19306130 Screen shots of President Trump

>>19306221, >>19306217, >>19306248, >>19306234, >>19306251 Drip drip drip, You buy a sink and no water comes out

>>19306232 WHIRLPOOL

>>19306535 "I'm telling you Lindsey they have something on Mitch McConnell!" President Donald J. Trump Speaks at South Carolina GOP Dinner (Cap 0:28)

>>19306260 Calm down, Im coming back. You back now. Brandon fuck up everything

>>19306274, >>19306282, >>19306280, >>19306281 Kicking Biden'S Ass

>>19306292, >>19306288, >>19306290, >>19306311 They Got Something On Mitch Mcconnell!

>>19306315 Lindsay worried that a nuclear bomb would come not by a warhead but through the port of Charleston

>>19306327, >>19306344 "Im Under The Presidential Records Act, He’S Under Nothing" Trump On Biden

>>19306369 Trump- He's either the dumbest son of a bitch I've ever seen, or somethings going on. Something's going on.

>>19306389 HOLY COW. He's talking about ending the FED and income taxes.

>>19306522 Boss talking water a ton tonight

>>19306539 I'm being indicted for you - PDJT


>>19306532 Bill Barr and Jack Smith in CAHOOTs? (Cap 0:17)

>>19305923 “Trusting in God and helping each other, we can and will preserve the dream of America, the last best hope of man on Earth.” #RonaldReagan #InGodWeTrust #America

>>19306013 Ukraine shells Donetsk with cluster munitions

>>19305958, >>19305977, >>19305987, >>19305993, >>19306037 Trump "likes" a lot of people. keke DJT is a generous soul

>>19306066 Lara Logan A “15-minute city” is a self-sustaining concentration camp

>>19306363 FAKE NEWS: Texas Power Prices to Surge 800% on Sunday Amid Searing Heat

>>19306466 CNN: Biden Admin Desperate to Sell Bidenomics So the Regime is Putting Up Signs with Biden’s Name on Them at Construction Sites

>>19306573 Stephen Miller Retweeted: the Mexican cartels have hacked the CBP One app and found a way to request immigration appointments for anyone in the world.

>>19306645 #23711-B

#23710 >>19305012

>>19305044, >>19305045, >>19305228, >>19305616, >>19305820 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump at South Carolina GOP Dinner! EXPECTED TO SPEAK AT 8:30

>>19305638 On Sunday, August 6, 2023, John Lauro, attorney for President Donald J. Trump, will make appearances on the following television programs:

>>19305041 PF dig on Hillwood with Ross Perot Jr

>>19305123 Unmanned A.I Jet Flight Completed by US Air Force has Gained Sentience

>>19305182 A Global Web of Chinese Propaganda Leads to a U.S. Tech Mogul

>>19305124, >>19305124 Two Articles on Mike Pence: "The Danger of President Trump" and "86 Things You Need to Know about Mike Pence"

>>19305331, >>19305209, >>19305207, >>19305254, >>19305238, >>19305080, >>19305228 Liddle Pence Digs

>>19305281, >>19305387, >>19305497, >>19305539 PF: Tracking Trump Force One

>>19305457 Special Event Speaker Ron Desanctimonius has drawn a crowd of 10 viewers. WOW!

>>19305623 Serco, 77th Brigade, Five Eyes "Emergency Planning College" in Yorkshire Digg

>>19305712 Schiff Dog Comms + Obama Watch

>>19305820 Donald J. Trump: Will be arriving in South Carolina shortly. Big Crowd! Speech will be televised on @RSBN, @realamericasvoice, @OAN and @rumble…

>>19305837 Kash Patel @Kash #45… ya feel

>>19305876 #23710

Previously Collected

>>19306645 #23711-B, >>19306639 #23711-A

>>19304201 #23708, >>19304994 #23609, >>19305876 #23710

>>19301838 #23705, >>19302988 #23706, >>19303257 #23707

>>19299325 #23702, >>19300138 #23703, >>19300976 #23704

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Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop >>19192963

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681cb4 No.19309143

File: fe5a3b708756c88⋯.jpg (25.79 KB,225x225,1:1,5cbac1e7d63ac7bf06cdd8d037….jpg)



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40f7b4 No.19309146

is this the right bread

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7feba1 No.19309147

File: be4974565907a8d⋯.png (362.21 KB,572x708,143:177,POGo_Pepe_Nolikey.PNG)

TY Dough Boy.

lb (broken bread) >>19309138

> completely missing the points


You just summed up the majority of ANY ANON attempting to figure out the Q drops and yammering on to their followers as to "What's going on."

NO ONE KNOWS! It's ALL conjecture, with a MAP we know will EVENTUALLY end us up at a BRAVE NEW WORLD.


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f80715 No.19309148

File: a4ec78dc172c4f2⋯.webp (154.21 KB,1920x1080,16:9,4A46D1CD_2E41_4E44_B977_3….webp)

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681cb4 No.19309149


this it

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371767 No.19309150


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30b2e2 No.19309151

File: d5fbdc86abef9ce⋯.png (158.67 KB,334x313,334:313,image_2023_08_06_105031703.png)

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b9d64d No.19309152

File: d3bced97e8fd47a⋯.png (672.86 KB,640x358,320:179,back_water.PNG)

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dff540 No.19309153

File: 32ba2db83a4c92b⋯.jpeg (132.47 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_0624.jpeg)

6 Aug, 2023 14:35

Ukraine strikes bridges in Crimea with Storm Shadow missiles

Two bridges connecting the peninsula to Russia’s mainland were damaged in the attack, according to local authorities

Ukraine has launched a massive barrage of British-supplied Storm Shadow missiles at two bridges connecting the Crimean Peninsula to Russia’s Kherson Region, according to its acting governor, Vladimir Saldo.

Some 12 missiles were fired during Saturday's attack, with at least three making it through Russian anti-aircraft defenses, Saldo told Rossiya 24 TV channel. The strike damaged two bridges across the Strait of Chongar and the Tonkiy Strait, the official stated.

The Chongar bridge sustained at least one hit, according to the acting governor, who shared imagery of the aftermath of the attack on his Telegram channel. The missile left a large hole in the bridge deck paving, images show.



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7f3d8c No.19309154


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14b041 No.19309155

File: 91fd2e84de32410⋯.jpeg (460.47 KB,1503x2107,1503:2107,IMG_1271.jpeg)

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39aa11 No.19309157

File: 0ab76655d6e9ecb⋯.mp4 (482.68 KB,640x360,16:9,ciaNiggers.mp4)

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681cb4 No.19309158


proto is off

server was wacky for a min

neither bread was complete so bakered a new one

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25f029 No.19309159

File: 9c29d5717d92019⋯.png (54.16 KB,790x527,790:527,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f3d8c No.19309160



migrate to the other bread

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ab8abc No.19309161

File: 3b23fc891154b09⋯.jpg (165.97 KB,634x639,634:639,3b23fc891154b0908ce9d61825….jpg)

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6cb4ca No.19309162

File: 2022db9d4d576ea⋯.png (508.24 KB,1202x662,601:331,ascension.PNG)

Ready for the grand solar flash?


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6eaded No.19309163

File: c04b900e28d0763⋯.png (8.63 KB,255x222,85:74,e5b9f83343ee64548e4cf6af3d….png)


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fc2f8c No.19309165

File: c94415b5fe3f944⋯.jpeg (61.41 KB,735x912,245:304,asexy_boob_ghost.jpeg)

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7f3d8c No.19309166

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b9d64d No.19309167

File: 36fee6aa20e46c4⋯.png (1.21 MB,1094x733,1094:733,st.PNG)


Saint Louis Rioters are the Latest to

Win a Huge Payout – Leftists Rewarded

$4.9 Million following their Violent Protests

in 2017 that Terrorized the City

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 8/6/2023 10:27:51 AM

St. Louis is the latest Democrat-run city to offer massive payouts to leftist protesters and rioters who caused havoc in their communities and are now winning big payouts from local courts. This time the money goes to radical leftists arrested following the acquittal of a police officer who fatally shot heroin dealer Anthony Lamar Smith. Anthony Lamar Smith, a 24-year-old African American resident of St. Louis, Missouri, lost his life in December 2011 after being pursued in a car chase and subsequently shot by Jason Stockley, who was serving as a St. Louis Police officer at that time.

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681cb4 No.19309169

File: 6384c4e792fbc08⋯.png (201.28 KB,453x541,453:541,ClipboardImage.png)

Putin Bans 5G across Russia, Destroys All Towers. This is a massive step. What has #Russia uncovered that would make them take such drastic action and should we consider doing the same? I wonder if the #ULEZ #BladeRunners are taking note! #ULEZ #UK


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df4baa No.19309170


She threw the game.

Demotion of US primacy. She's in the cluuuuurb.

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371767 No.19309171


anons demand that all references to the "putin bans 5G" story be immediately removed from notables and deleted from breads.

the same story was on RRN yesterday, and all highest ranking anons know that everything on RRN is false.

either that, or remove the ban on RRN in notables, and remove the block on posts with a link to the RRN site…. HYPOCRITES.

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6cb4ca No.19309172


Huge notable if true

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7f3d8c No.19309173

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681cb4 No.19309174

File: c0fa81c9c9750ca⋯.png (264.35 KB,500x340,25:17,ClipboardImage.png)

From Covert To Overt: UK Govt & Businesses Unleash Facial Recognition Technologies Across Urban Landscape

The Home Office is encouraging police forces across the country to make use of live facial recognition technologies for routine law enforcement. Retailers are also embracing the technology to monitor their customers.

It increasingly seems that the UK decoupled from the European Union, its rules and regulations, only for its government to take the country in a progressively more authoritarian direction. This is, of course, a generalised trend among ostensibly “liberal democracies” just about everywhere, including EU Member States, as they increasingly adopt the trappings and tactics of more authoritarian regimes, such as restricting free speech, cancelling people and weakening the rule of law. But the UK is most definitely at the leading edge of this trend. A case in point is the Home Office’s naked enthusiasm for biometric surveillance and control technologies.

This week, for example, The Guardian revealed that the Minister for Policing Chris Philip and other senior figures of the Home Office had held a closed-door meeting with Simon Gordon, the founder of Facewatch, a leading facial recognition retail security company, in March. The main outcome of the meeting was that the government would lobby the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) on the benefits of using live facial recognition (LFR) technologies in retail settings. LFR involves hooking up facial recognition cameras to databases containing photos of people. Images from the cameras can then be screened against those photos to see if they match.


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fc2f8c No.19309175

File: 6968a46fc746dc0⋯.png (970.04 KB,712x1174,356:587,6968a46fc746dc00ed3c111419….png)

File: 208fcbb91a4b853⋯.png (146.38 KB,862x1604,431:802,208fcbb91a4b8538361a73b68f….png)

File: 49cc7b88afacddc⋯.jpeg (79.87 KB,1080x1350,4:5,F2x7FwUbkAAc_82.jpeg)

dog comms. pound full.

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83764e No.19309176

NIH selects Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

August 2, 2023

Lawrence A. Tabak, D.D.S., Ph.D., acting director for the National Institutes of Health, has named Jeanne M. Marrazzo, M.D., as director of NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). Dr. Marrazzo is currently the director of the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. She is expected to begin her role as NIAID Director in the fall. NIAID conducts and supports basic and applied research to better understand, treat and ultimately prevent infectious, immunologic and allergic diseases.


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371767 No.19309178



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6d290f No.19309180


I'm pretty sure the Law of War manual points out that PSYOPs are used to divide your enemy, these domestic PSYOPs imply the enemy is domestic. I doubt many blackrock board members frequent Qresearch. So are we the enemy?

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df4baa No.19309181


Why dontcha….

….quit whining like a little bitch.

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17e634 No.19309182

File: 0bd3606febb35cc⋯.jpg (81.17 KB,651x868,3:4,Dwa.jpg)


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39aa11 No.19309183

File: 164a3042688959f⋯.png (2.21 MB,1400x1050,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>anons demand

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371767 No.19309185


why don'tcha KYS, glownigger?

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6cb4ca No.19309186


another HUGE NOTABLE if true

RRN proven to be a new credible news source?

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0c095b No.19309187

File: da1b1601d81df04⋯.jpg (1.48 MB,2466x2448,137:136,20230416_165841_2.jpg)


How the grass over there

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01695e No.19309188

File: ff48564114d3924⋯.jpg (14.33 KB,235x255,47:51,ff48564114d392423f7b3c2510….jpg)


Thank you baker!

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9eed18 No.19309189


Faik and ghey - from RRN (satire site)

Do better

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b9d64d No.19309190

File: d8fd4cb7ce26318⋯.png (554.47 KB,900x897,300:299,est.PNG)

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b9d64d No.19309191

File: 06f4cb1dfa80f04⋯.png (2.02 MB,899x901,899:901,rum.PNG)

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5a77cd No.19309192

File: 4ae3d1fac1ae437⋯.jpeg (83.45 KB,500x500,1:1,B05F547D_6E24_4A37_A350_D….jpeg)



Who tf is Jim Ferguson?

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e51223 No.19309193


nothing will happen

ascension my asshole

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6d290f No.19309194

File: 524024a5dbd9d65⋯.gif (1.89 MB,640x360,16:9,pelosi_good.gif)


Wonder what was deleted…

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17e634 No.19309195


You gonna eat dat?

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14b041 No.19309196

File: 8c96359be7af97b⋯.jpeg (28.74 KB,256x262,128:131,IMG_1399.jpeg)

File: e7e519c7d9d350f⋯.jpeg (148.36 KB,587x720,587:720,IMG_1396.jpeg)

File: 978b7fb547a2015⋯.jpeg (35.07 KB,336x417,112:139,IMG_1401.jpeg)

File: 331f754505c8178⋯.jpeg (31.53 KB,288x328,36:41,IMG_1300.jpeg)

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cb5dce No.19309197

Maybe 4 Chan and End Chan are down because we are supposed to be UNITED. WWG1WGA etc

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df4baa No.19309198


Get woke, penalty choke.

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7feba1 No.19309199




Found old NYT "factcheck" type bs, so perhaps it's real.

Your 5G Phone Won’t Hurt You. But Russia Wants You to Think Otherwise.

RT America, a network known for sowing disinformation, has a new alarm: the coming ‘5G Apocalypse.’

The cellphones known as 5G, or fifth generation, represent the vanguard of a wireless era rich in interconnected cars, factories and cities. Whichever nation dominates the new technology will gain a competitive edge for much of this century, according to many analysts. But a television network a few blocks from the White House has been stirring concerns about a hidden flaw.

“Just a small one,” a TV reporter told her viewers recently. “It might kill you.”

The Russian network RT America aired the segment, titled “A Dangerous ‘Experiment on Humanity,’” in covering what its guest experts call 5G’s dire health threats. U.S. intelligence agencies identified the network as a principal meddler in the 2016 presidential election. Now, it is linking 5G signals to brain cancer, infertility, autism, heart tumors and Alzheimer’s disease — claims that lack scientific support.

Yet even as RT America, the cat’s paw of Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, has been doing its best to stoke the fears of American viewers, Mr. Putin, on Feb. 20, ordered the launch of Russian 5G networks in a tone evoking optimism rather than doom.

“We need to look forward,” he said, according to Tass, the Russian news agency. “The challenge for the upcoming years is to organize universal access to high-speed internet, to start operation of the fifth-generation communication systems.”

Analysts see RT’s attack on 5G as geopolitically bold: It targets a new world of interconnected, futuristic technologies that would reach into consumers’ homes, aid national security and spark innovative industries. Already, medical firms are linking up devices wirelessly to create new kinds of health treatments.

“It’s economic warfare,” Ryan Fox, chief operating officer of New Knowledge, a technology firm that tracks disinformation, said in an interview. “Russia doesn’t have a good 5G play, so it tries to undermine and discredit ours.”

5G is also a growing point of friction between Washington and Beijing, with each side lining up allies in what has become a major technology race. Moscow and Beijing are seen as possibly forming a 5G political bloc.

The Kremlin “would really enjoy getting democratic governments tied up in fights over 5G’s environmental and health hazards,” said Molly McKew, head of Fianna Strategies, a consulting firm in Washington, D.C., that seeks to counter Russian disinformation.

RT’s assaults on 5G technology are rising in number and stridency as the American wireless industry begins to erect 5G systems. In March, Verizon said its service will soon reach 30 cities.

Full article from 2019 below.


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6cb4ca No.19309202


you can choose stay here, no problem.

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df4baa No.19309203


Muhjoo shit

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2c564f No.19309204

File: dbc9bf111f6e2cc⋯.png (292.79 KB,720x1197,80:133,Screenshot_20230806_095520….png)

One of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R) most prominent donors told reporters on Friday that he would cut off funds to his 2024 campaign if he didn’t adopt a more “moderate approach.”

Robert Bigelow, the founder of Budget Suites of America and Bigelow Aerospace, told Reuters in an interview that he explained to DeSantis’s campaign that the governor needs to shift his agenda to target moderates or he risks losing his support.

“He’ll lose if he doesn’t,” he said, referring to DeSantis’s chances against former President Trump. “Extremism isn’t going to get you elected.”

He added that his funding wouldn’t resume “until I see that he’s able to generate more on his own.”

“I’m already too big a percentage,” Bigelow claimed. “A lot of his donors are still on the fence.”

The Hill Elections 2024 coverage

When asked what led him to the decision to curb funding, the entrepreneur pointed to what he called the governor’s “extreme positions” on policy, including the six-week abortion ban DeSantis signed into law in April.

He claimed six weeks is too short, as many women don’t know they are pregnant at that stage, according to Reuters.

Still, Bigelow said in the interview that he remains behind DeSantis and believes he is “the best guy for the country.”

The billionaire has already given $20 million to the “Never Back Down” pro-DeSantis super PAC. He is also considered the Florida governor’s largest individual donor.

The news comes as DeSantis’s campaign has struggled to meet financial expectations and amid a reset cut of a total of 38 staffers over the last several weeks. The shake-up is an effort to “streamline operations and put Ron DeSantis in the strongest position to win this primary,” according to his team.

Despite the governor’s efforts on the campaign trail visiting early primary states, Trump is still leading DeSantis by double digits, according to polling averages. A new poll out of Iowa this week shows the former president ahead of DeSantis by 24 points.


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83fdbc No.19309205

File: d2af13e6360e3b4⋯.png (278.06 KB,512x512,1:1,IMG_5656.png)

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371767 No.19309206



>Have you been removing posts from the archives too?

i'll take "whadda YOU think," for $1000, alex.

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e51223 No.19309208


the admin flunkies always go to old breads and delete stuff

especially Notables!

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6cb4ca No.19309209


don't want you finding posts using qresear.ch

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edc737 No.19309210


If you look at the last bread there was a great many of the troll's posts where he impersonates the morning time "Sam" dog removed

But you whine and bitch

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14b041 No.19309212

File: ea915fce976a7ae⋯.jpeg (132.64 KB,587x720,587:720,IMG_1396.jpeg)

File: 4b5a153acd3fbae⋯.jpeg (404.53 KB,1123x886,1123:886,IMG_1397.jpeg)

File: e7e519c7d9d350f⋯.jpeg (148.36 KB,587x720,587:720,IMG_1396.jpeg)

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753d1c No.19309213

File: c24771cfd95576f⋯.png (412.18 KB,625x338,625:338,ClipboardImage.png)

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323dcd No.19309214

File: a797d2cad6f838f⋯.gif (1.75 MB,499x212,499:212,greetings44.gif)

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83764e No.19309215

File: b2f930bb3623ce2⋯.png (365.77 KB,715x518,715:518,dog_comms.png)



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17e634 No.19309216

File: b726d579d2ba7c5⋯.jpg (154.8 KB,720x997,720:997,Mnkb.jpg)

Tis funny wat gets removed and wat doesn't get removed

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7c6d21 No.19309217

File: cfb8542360671df⋯.png (1.28 MB,1034x1160,517:580,ClipboardImage.png)


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7feba1 No.19309218


Wasn't Q always called the BIGGEST PSYOP of all time? Basically for it's entire existence?

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371767 No.19309220


>But you whine and bitch


says the person whining and bitching

irony much?

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c93860 No.19309221

File: a2ac9f042432161⋯.png (315.81 KB,634x2346,317:1173,ClipboardImage.png)

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b9d64d No.19309222

File: 548367f941a4be7⋯.png (20.9 KB,596x313,596:313,bill.PNG)


Donald Trump Jr.


I’ve got a big one for ya. Where do I send the bill?

Quote Tweet

Elon Musk




If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill.

No limit.

Please let us know.

3:34 AM · Aug 6, 2023




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cebd47 No.19309223

File: 9a5c318ebb8b69b⋯.png (494.36 KB,556x741,556:741,2023_08_06_10_56_11.png)

>>19309111 lb

>>19309103 lb

> megan rapinoe shanks missed penalty.

> Chatter that Rapinoe "threw it".

Did someone say shank?


Gotta love this movie.

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14b041 No.19309224

File: 0c1b966cb0b58b3⋯.jpeg (580.19 KB,2084x1478,1042:739,IMG_1269.jpeg)

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df4baa No.19309226


I support it's deletion.

It is utter crap. It has been for the last 5 years.

Basic division shilling in its most cynical form.

Blame an undefinable ethnic group for all the worlds ills, instead of naming criminals and their crimes, Houses of Saud, Rothschild, Windsor, Soros, Schwab, Gates, Obama……

Yeah delete that shit because it adds NOTHING to the conversation.

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25f029 No.19309227


He was in dry clothes… by then.

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bc481e No.19309228

File: d8f57450b3fa73b⋯.jpg (278.69 KB,700x530,70:53,1668285911749296.jpg)

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6d67bf No.19309231

File: fa644ceeda019e9⋯.png (232.97 KB,541x370,541:370,ClipboardImage.png)

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30b2e2 No.19309232

File: f7d15f090ccb17a⋯.jpg (20.79 KB,201x255,67:85,d6d0ded83d45518fb08ccefaea….jpg)


FEC over here like

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788331 No.19309233

RF fag here. Best way to disable cellular that I saw in my career is a bullet through the transmission line halfway up the tower. They have to re-run the entire line, can't just splice it without unacceptable power losses.

Easily 6 or more transmission lines on a tower, so you'll want a nice quiet camoflauged nest to shoot from, and a silencer would be real handy.

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5a77cd No.19309234


Fake photo.

Dog would be biting Schiff if real, unless dog somehow lobotomized or brain-chip compromised.

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579d9e No.19309235

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371767 No.19309236

maybe BO/BV/baker faggotry is intended to drive anons away from 8kun, and straight to RRN, sorcha faal, and eyethespy.

'cuz i gots news for ya, faggots, that's 'zackly whatchyer doin'

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379d1a No.19309237


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6cb4ca No.19309239


Think like them for a minute.

You are in a satanic cult and you call yourselves Jews so that you are untouchable by being hidden among the biggest victim class on the planet.

You would want everyone that sees you and your evil deeds to blame all the Jews instead of just your satanic cult that secretly rules them.

When they do blame the Jews you can cancel them like Kanye West.

You would have shill teams on all "conspiracy" truth platforms blaming the Jews so that they are fooled and never see you hiding among them.

A satanic parasite that self identifies as a Jew to receive protection that the persecuted Jew has to offer them.

When you start to see them, you blame the Jews and fall into their trap and they cancel you and laugh their asses off.

They think they are so clever.

Mossad pronounced Muhsad

Muh sad sends shills here to blame Muh Jews

Muh sad wants (You) blaming Muh Jews so they can cancel you, "shut it down" for being antisemitic.

The parasitic Satanists hide among the Jews and have taken all positions of power and influence among them and here as well.

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417097 No.19309241

File: 2f8fc4757c8745c⋯.png (380.58 KB,785x932,785:932,typos1.png)

File: 3af0a9a8a523e6b⋯.png (334.7 KB,937x941,937:941,typos2.png)

POTUS' Truth typos: https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump

pelosi's husbands, plural 8:37 am

never neen worse n instead of b 9:06 am

Bidin i instead of e 9:16 am

out IF DC i instead of o 9:26 am

Put "husbands" in a search with "BEO"; got a South Korean rapper, and tons of media results for "celebrity" Air Force Pilot:

Air Force Pilot Major Kristin ‘Beo’ Wolfe is on Cloud 9 in Anticipation of Super Bowl

Feb. 11, 2022 Source The Orange County Register (TNS)


Meet the Air Force's first female F-35A demo team commander Monday, September 20, 2021 https://abc7ny.com/f35a-major-kristin-beo-wolfe-pilot-female/11028380/

Then tried "husbands" and NII:

Dr. Nii Saban Quao, M.D., a mental health Dr. in La Vergne, TN https://www.actonaddiction.org/facility/26420_dr-nii-saban-quao-md ;

Dr. Arikana Chihombori Quao, an African doctor with a husband who has the same name as the above (? "search" engines are putrid!):

After completing her studies, her plan was to return home and make Africa a better place. However, while still in America, she met the love of her life, Physician Dr. Nii Saban Quao, a Ghanaian, and they got married. Subsequently, they had five children together. Dr. Arikana’s desire to see a better Africa started materializing in 2010 after she became the International Chair of the African Union-Diaspora African Forum Americas (AU-DAF). However, her political activism came into full play in 2017. This was after she was appointed as the permanent representative of the African Union Mission to the United States. https://africanvibes.com/diaspora-spotlight-dr-arikana-chihombori-quao-blows-hot-on-african-liberation/

Other hits were for “Boy-Wives and Female Husbands”

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49719a No.19309242

I'm in favor of spamming Sam and Ralph out of existence every morning. I know this will be my new coffee activity from now on. That was fucking epic satisfaction. Let's do it EVERY FUCKING DAY! Down with the avatar fame fag bot team!

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7feba1 No.19309243

File: db23db80e743cad⋯.png (264.47 KB,416x429,32:33,Not_amuzed.PNG)

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58f54f No.19309244

File: 19a4a5adc643050⋯.mp4 (2.92 MB,400x368,25:23,LIFE_IS_LIKE_A_DUMP_TRUCK.mp4)

>>19307047 /lb


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2c564f No.19309245

File: 7c23731f9558fe7⋯.png (84.95 KB,720x694,360:347,Screenshot_20230806_100134….png)

Smart wearable technology in healthcare, like Fitbits and smartwatches like Apple Watch, are designed to collect a user’s data to track their health. If you really notice, you will see every third person walking down the street wearing some form of a smart wearable device.

While human biological systems are analog, in the sense that they are programmed by genetics and updated slowly by evolution, electronic systems are digital, in that they can be updated and controlled by electricity.

Bridging this 'lack of a functional communication interface,' scientists from ETH Zurich have devised such an interface through which our DNA can be controlled via electricity.


This article along with the Putin/5g article

Anon opines

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fc2f8c No.19309246

File: 4e1f1330ab45189⋯.png (399.22 KB,618x1434,103:239,334.png)

File: 1ed61509f32b5b7⋯.png (758.64 KB,359x640,359:640,80138eb15a2f3a57ee1997264f….png)

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3226c9 No.19309247

brand new bread and the admins/mods are deleting posts already

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379d1a No.19309248

File: 095e2d79014da30⋯.png (19.62 KB,466x317,466:317,Screen_Shot_08_06_23_at_11….PNG)

10:34 = 17

Donald Trump Jr.


I’ve got a big one for ya. Where do I send the bill?

Quote Tweet

Elon Musk




If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill.

No limit.

Please let us know.

10:34 AM · Aug 6, 2023


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6d67bf No.19309249

File: 22e3af17f2f248b⋯.jpg (3.51 KB,168x80,21:10,0dc3c97db6a7ba7316c62058c7….jpg)

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df4baa No.19309250


Why don't you start your own board. Then noone would be able to delete your shit.

But of course you realize that if you do that there would be NOONE visiting it, so you just smear your shit up the walls of a popular board with eyeballs on it, like a fucking parasite.

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0f961f No.19309251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fc2f8c No.19309252

File: 76682b594b782a9⋯.jpeg (104.62 KB,2048x1056,64:33,F2pwKa6WsAAzQ0A.jpeg)

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4fc0d8 No.19309253

>>19308983 lb

let's go with that premise

So a question would be were there other aspects to the Balfour Declaration from 1917, that aren't necessarily known? Is "Israel" also a "holding company" with corporate structure under which other nations fall?

Who gets to vote on such board meetings if there are any?

Is this a preferred stock only type thing? No common stock for the common man?

Who negotiated this deal?

Fuckin' Woodrow Wilson and that Colonel "Not Colonel" House got us roped into that after the whole of the left overs from the Revolutionary War…

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3226c9 No.19309254

Anons, keep an eye on the logs to see who they delete


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0f961f No.19309255

File: f19a5a31581faf1⋯.gif (1.53 MB,220x123,220:123,shake_your_azz.gif)

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58f54f No.19309256

File: d37f84c67127b1c⋯.mp4 (10.17 MB,854x480,427:240,WHO_S_THE_REAL_PRESIDENT_.mp4)

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de8e0d No.19309257

File: 892223a128b44be⋯.png (183.16 KB,632x586,316:293,ClipboardImage.png)

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83fdbc No.19309258

File: 3f52f02d56d60b2⋯.png (161.89 KB,1170x1110,39:37,ClipboardImage.png)

I’ve got a big one for ya. Where do I send the bill?


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b9d64d No.19309260

File: a9696326ab76d52⋯.png (384.62 KB,597x624,199:208,red.PNG)

File: 673dd28af80a579⋯.png (365.46 KB,513x373,513:373,them.PNG)


Kari Lake


Every aspect of American life has gotten worse under @JoeBiden


We need to spend the next year waking

people up to that fact.

Sometimes you can’t just tell people how bad the system is, you have to show them.

Biden's incompetence is going to be the ultimate red pill.


4:52 PM · Aug 5, 2023




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c78bf0 No.19309261

File: 71d2d6e5881dcfa⋯.png (385.9 KB,742x546,53:39,ClipboardImage.png)

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379d1a No.19309262

File: 47e8e2ab0869d19⋯.png (15.04 KB,466x234,233:117,Screen_Shot_08_06_23_at_11….PNG)

Psalm 19:7 = 17

Mike Pompeo


The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple.

Psalm 19:7

#SundayScripture ✝️

10:58 AM · Aug 6, 2023


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df4baa No.19309263


Bull Dyke for sure, but I go by chromosomes. No grey areas there. XX.

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6cb4ca No.19309264


no, the BV's are 100% trustworthy.

Do not need to monitor.

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371767 No.19309265


or just hijack the nearest cat D10 and bring the whole fucking tower down

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a7f63a No.19309266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c78bf0 No.19309267



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b444db No.19309268


If Jr is involved with the Q operation in anyway it will be one of life's greatest disappointments.

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1ca333 No.19309269

File: 436d09ba941602b⋯.jpg (9.85 KB,250x180,25:18,th.jpg)

File: 2440da7aa054f04⋯.jpg (16.26 KB,270x180,3:2,th.jpg)

File: eedee52e0c6ccc5⋯.jpg (9.96 KB,240x180,4:3,th.jpg)

File: 4a97d21a4d80a73⋯.jpg (5.13 KB,180x180,1:1,th.jpg)

File: 4a92eb7ad0daffd⋯.jpg (5.35 KB,135x180,3:4,th.jpg)

Revelation 8:11-13

11 the name of the star is Wormwood.[a] A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.


Toxoplasmosis Gondii

"Mind Control Virus"

Alzheimer's Disease


Gastrointestinal Disease

GERD, Ulcers, Canker Sores

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0c095b No.19309271

File: bf1fb2498789804⋯.png (739.06 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_08_06_11_07_1….png)

File: 39c339cb39ca7be⋯.png (843.23 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_08_06_11_06_5….png)

File: 8b49a27b3da285a⋯.png (514.27 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_08_06_11_05_5….png)

Few interesting things

Like this

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58f54f No.19309272

File: e5ba16ca0b57d9c⋯.mp4 (4.52 MB,256x480,8:15,Parrot_funny_joke.mp4)

File: ca0db439e1347d2⋯.mp4 (1.51 MB,640x458,320:229,funny_blonde_laugh.mp4)

File: a15cd4380ac3d72⋯.mp4 (908.71 KB,224x400,14:25,FUNNY_Choke_Hold_Break_Out.mp4)

File: 1067517bfb4703b⋯.mp4 (557.87 KB,320x400,4:5,pig_bike_motocycle_funny_j….mp4)


>Are we having fun yet?

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83fdbc No.19309273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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f821a0 No.19309274

File: 9016ea2234f2cc5⋯.jpeg (152.52 KB,1284x733,1284:733,IMG_5404.jpeg)

File: 2c42b07a1d0d0f2⋯.jpeg (154.96 KB,1284x427,1284:427,IMG_5407.jpeg)

File: 7fc7d6576c10059⋯.png (5.85 MB,1284x2778,214:463,IMG_5403.png)

And all the Patriots will go after whomever goes after Trump.



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788331 No.19309275

Make special paintballs with metalized paint.

Shoot them at cellular antenna faces, coating them. The reflected RF energy travels back to the equipment, overheating and frying it.

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3226c9 No.19309277


Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread:

<IP hidden

jannies fear scrutiny

delete delete delete is their motto

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5a77cd No.19309278

File: 117bbb6b4c256e4⋯.png (1.46 MB,1024x768,4:3,333C2138_F001_4C2C_9EBC_32….png)

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83764e No.19309279

File: a4e58e6620c4859⋯.png (43.79 KB,400x314,200:157,pointplane.png)

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b9d64d No.19309280

File: 77f4851c676aa23⋯.png (372.5 KB,524x594,262:297,yes.PNG)

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371767 No.19309281


>so you just smear your shit up the walls of a popular board with eyeballs on it, like a fucking parasite.

objects in mirror are closer than you think

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df4baa No.19309282

File: 356b770267eac45⋯.gif (2.76 MB,498x278,249:139,idiot_stupid.gif)


Ahah, it's the old - The BO/BVs are all out to get you! shill ruse….

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3226c9 No.19309283

File: 4809aa41b90d981⋯.jpeg (39.05 KB,409x393,409:393,IMG_2650.jpeg)


top kek

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4fc0d8 No.19309284



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15b76a No.19309285




Explain this:


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9d1f33 No.19309286


where is your Bingo meme?

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4fc0d8 No.19309288



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83fdbc No.19309289

File: f74a92d96b14da5⋯.png (322.88 KB,720x700,36:35,IMG_5615.png)



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0c095b No.19309290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Motown blues?


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788331 No.19309291


More effective, but not so stealthy.

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edc737 No.19309292


Not going to work anymore. The cycles are becoming clearer. Gore and cp to test the defenses, then cycle through tons of muh joo, then racist/white supremacy, then some slide like "RRN is legit" and then when the garbage gets tossed, scream "muh censorship"

Bitch about BO and BVs and the truly retarded among you bitch about bakers deleting stuff all you want, not going to work, not going to change anything.

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9d1f33 No.19309293


am glad I aint in it

imagine being in a club of loser faggots

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7e8cb1 No.19309294

File: 41a56de485967bf⋯.png (53.5 KB,654x207,218:69,Screen_Shot_2023_08_06_at_….png)

File: 9b2339cd6b6d8f1⋯.png (91.02 KB,643x318,643:318,Screen_Shot_2023_08_06_at_….png)


This is really important. One of the anecdotes involved a police officer asking parents of "SIDS" cases, when the child was last vaccinated. Years ago, Del Bigtree had Nico LaHood (former Bexar County, TX Criminal District Attorney) on his show. Anon sincerely believes that the case can be made for CRIMINAL charges against physicians and nurses injecting babies with vaccines. Ignorance doesn't erase culpability. As a friendly reminder Nico LaHood was instrumental in getting "murder by injection" (my term) nurse Janene Jones to remain in prison.

In my locality a non-state licensed day care operator is being charged due to the death of an infant in her care. Why aren't doctors and nurses charged when infants they care for die suddenly within days of getting injected?

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14b041 No.19309295

File: 0bf9cd0f9279be2⋯.webp (29.12 KB,700x700,1:1,IMG_1395.webp)

File: 6fa9dd1c247f3f5⋯.jpeg (76.68 KB,550x550,1:1,IMG_1398.jpeg)

File: 3b8f1f3f5e75622⋯.jpeg (101.39 KB,700x700,1:1,IMG_1395.jpeg)

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df4baa No.19309296


Well then, why are you so proud of standing there with your intellectual cock hanging out….?

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9d1f33 No.19309297


Is that you, Dart, or is it Ramprat?

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7e8cb1 No.19309298


Sorry, meant to include the headline.

Two verifiable anecdotes are the mathematical proof that vaccines cause SIDS and autism

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0f2410 No.19309299


>Not going to work anymore.

this itself is becoming spam

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7f4e52 No.19309300

File: 84b931cd6e724da⋯.jpg (33.04 KB,400x400,1:1,84b931cd6e724da656591df12f….jpg)

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58f54f No.19309301


Beast Mode


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02354a No.19309302



>If Jr is involved with the Q operation in anyway it will be one of life's greatest disappointments.

Agreed. And his goofy ass wife…what a hose hound.

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b9d64d No.19309303

File: 66d5dece9a9d8f9⋯.png (17.53 KB,834x195,278:65,smear.PNG)


Entertainment Commentary

Media Rolls Out New Way to Smear “Sound of Freedom”

By Will TannerAugust 6, 2023Updated:August 6, 2023

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0c095b No.19309304


Polio wasn't a thing till they had a cure

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fc2f8c No.19309305

File: 7bf242085e2f659⋯.jpeg (17.21 KB,400x400,1:1,F2eVRGUaAAAiDVs.jpeg)

File: 02ff66c5d740d6a⋯.jpeg (440.02 KB,1200x1694,600:847,EtQ_DlvXEAIS_QP.jpeg)

File: 6a943cd82f1b6c6⋯.jpeg (48.37 KB,600x300,2:1,EtQ_CvbXIAMBHZN.jpeg)

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15b76a No.19309306


they delete shills and spammers, which is fine by me.

>le wealthiest

>actually tons are under poverty line

this means they are slaves just like everyone else.

And this means bullshit claims like the shill here to be bullshit to divide aka going against Q.

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df4baa No.19309307


"We" Do you have lice?

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9d1f33 No.19309308


I reckon if Q posted in here again, the BV sweeties would delete and ban the posts

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01695e No.19309309

File: 045bb6d72d66f00⋯.png (9.41 KB,153x85,9:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6fe46bb78997606⋯.png (4.07 MB,1837x5421,1837:5421,ClipboardImage.png)

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01695e No.19309311




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58f54f No.19309312

File: 558eff0b5b13d26⋯.mp4 (13.07 MB,640x360,16:9,fighting_for_social_justic….mp4)

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6cb4ca No.19309313


>which is fine by me.

because you are a lazy nigger faggot that wont use the filter

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b9d64d No.19309314

File: 06f4cb1dfa80f04⋯.png (2.02 MB,899x901,899:901,rum.PNG)

US Women Suffer Earliest World Cup Elimination Ever as Rapinoe Misses Penalty Kick

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0f961f No.19309315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I like Kylie.

Was in love w/ her as a young tard.

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7cbcae No.19309316



You both blow it.

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6d290f No.19309317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>with corporate structure under which other nations fall?

It worked fairly well with the US. Wouldn't shock me one bit.

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4fc0d8 No.19309319

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Penalty Box?

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9d1f33 No.19309320


>which is fine by me.

sure, just go along to get along..

I know your type

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564b1a No.19309321

File: 7682d7bc0ff335c⋯.png (974.34 KB,1280x1280,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1664f8da62f163e⋯.png (3.05 MB,2351x1390,2351:1390,inbredroths.png)

🌍 🇷🇺 Map of African countries that have signed military agreements with Russia

📎 The Cradle (https://twitter.com/TheCradleMedia/status/1687103033522716673)


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df4baa No.19309322


Better idea.

Stand up your own board and fuck off with your muhjoo shit there instead.

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05fcab No.19309323

Serious question. Is mossad ever spelled moussad? If so, who or what groups/entities would use that spelling? And if an older form of the word, when did that spelling fall out of use? I’ve found no information on basic web search but that doesn’t mean much these days.

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3edc1b No.19309325



I think they did at one stage

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98d415 No.19309326

File: b8b7368929a5b95⋯.png (1.24 MB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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25f029 No.19309327

File: f1937760159dccd⋯.png (92.34 KB,1199x800,1199:800,ClipboardImage.png)


Chris Crispy!

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15b76a No.19309328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




DDT used to combat infantile paralysis (polio) 1946 San Antonio Texas

even used to "fight the polio virus"

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17e634 No.19309332

File: 30365bd9077bfaf⋯.jpg (77.85 KB,500x678,250:339,rfyu7.jpg)

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681cb4 No.19309333


highese level of useful idiots


anons see what they are about

for the keks!

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c78bf0 No.19309334

File: da105cac0cdc135⋯.png (542.31 KB,970x638,485:319,ClipboardImage.png)

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371767 No.19309336


>when the garbage gets tossed, scream "muh censorship"

well… that would be because IT IS censorship.

what part of that are you unable to wrap your maggot infested faggot pedo brain around?

not YOU or anyone else gets to decide what is or isn't "garbage," except for flagrantly illegal shit like CP.

reread as many times as it takes to SINK IN, rabbi.

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1d72d6 No.19309337

File: 70b4a3caa428722⋯.jpeg (129.58 KB,899x1200,899:1200,IMG_1981.jpeg)

This is Trump’s fault

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3edc1b No.19309338


Tell that to the Vatican anon….he/she started their own breads and they all got deleted pretty damn quick

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0e0bba No.19309339

File: e8c77d7e46ae6b8⋯.jpg (99.83 KB,500x700,5:7,why.jpg)

>>19309026 (lb)

Sound of Freedom distributors and rights holders should offer to stream it ad-free and for free on X/Twitter, youtube, Netflix, Apple, etc and then make public any correspondence or lack thereof of the offers

Why not?

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cebd47 No.19309341

File: a058e6938cf820a⋯.png (242.16 KB,595x366,595:366,2023_08_06_11_15_54.png)


Rappinoe must have shit a brick when she saw Trump shank his golf shot a short while ago.

How many copies of Looking Glass are there?


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15b76a No.19309342


If you are fine with division shills (which these satanists are), you don't belong here either. Simple as that.

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2c564f No.19309343

File: c1c51e0331c81cf⋯.jpg (108.34 KB,750x792,125:132,20210412_142150_1_.jpg)

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7feba1 No.19309345

File: e2143c037ca2239⋯.png (534.55 KB,625x714,625:714,Ugly_Lies_Anti_Trump_2.PNG)

File: 98c728245ce9aca⋯.png (721.38 KB,736x637,736:637,Ugly_Lies_Anti_TRUMP.PNG)


Why come here at all? Q said Trump is leading the Revolution, yet, the Leader of MooJoo on Gab is ANTI TRUMP.

Your ilk have NO STANDING here.

That's the SPAM. Your Jew hate is ANIT TRUMP as well. So toddle back to Gab and act like you're useful to the other idiots there.

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b25751 No.19309346

File: 2a35957d635d672⋯.jpg (24 KB,600x440,15:11,andrew_anglin_600x440.jpg)

File: c8d7bd4e5d29fc6⋯.png (325.27 KB,630x473,630:473,Andrew_Anglin6.png)

File: dc8ccbc019fda5a⋯.png (145.05 KB,474x302,237:151,Andrew_Anglin4.png)

File: 19da5cdd470dfe3⋯.png (594.15 KB,1125x591,375:197,Andrew_Anglin3.png)

File: c707a6ea283f3e1⋯.png (383.82 KB,786x652,393:326,andrew_anglin.png)



Andrew Barret Anglin (born July 27, 1984) is an American neo-Nazi and conspiracy theorist, and editor of the website The Daily Stormer.

Andrew B Anglin

Age: 38

7407 Brandshire Ln Apt B, Dublin, OH 43017-3400

(614) 889-XXXX



Andrew Anglin , Age 65

Lives at 7407 Brandshire Ln, APT B, Dublin, OH 43017-3400

Prior addresses:

918 Colony Way, Columbus, OH 43235-1720

Relatives: Chelsey Anglin, Greg Anglin, Kathryn Anglin, Robert Anglin, Todd Anglin, Abigail Cook, Alexander Anglin, Angelo Spagnol, Anglin Brein


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15b76a No.19309349




here you go

maybe call it /Qmuhjoo/

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58f54f No.19309350

File: 9548a2d1c7c586d⋯.png (56.11 KB,236x220,59:55,ClipboardImage.png)


I come here and make DANK POSTS non-stop until I get a reply for my efforts.

That is what completes my morning. A response from an Autist fills me with joy.

Then I move along with my day…

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25f029 No.19309351

File: fb090e45a13bbc4⋯.png (51.81 KB,480x480,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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df4baa No.19309352


Sure asshole, because WE all know that your garbage cannot stand on its own.

You gotta inject it where it gets most eyeballs, and it would get zero on its own.

Feel free to prove me wrong you scum-sucking, parasitic, psyop-wannabe, cunt.

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e8096e No.19309353

File: 3e407bc9a41a017⋯.jpg (20.14 KB,662x303,662:303,2023_06_24_22_48_49.jpg)

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3edc1b No.19309354


is the BV on duty right now

deleting all posts in threads…busy lil bee

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1fb5ab No.19309355

File: 111c80594bb37b0⋯.jpg (79.84 KB,500x454,250:227,111c80594bb37b09cf131e09db….jpg)

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01695e No.19309356

File: ed2731ac85dd489⋯.png (1.06 MB,1664x5254,832:2627,ClipboardImage.png)

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df4baa No.19309357


I was always a fan of calling it JewResearch

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323dcd No.19309358

File: 755eae3f10dc0f4⋯.png (184.58 KB,976x523,976:523,TURTLE_1506.PNG)

File: 9ee54630af0ed94⋯.gif (720.7 KB,500x375,4:3,turtle.gif)



Currently headin' back West, out of Charleston AFB


Squawking 1506

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dff540 No.19309359

File: b071ee36ee9fa50⋯.jpeg (370.41 KB,1205x577,1205:577,IMG_0626.jpeg)



6 Aug, 2023 14:35

Ukraine strikes bridges in Crimea with British-made missiles

Two bridges connecting the peninsula to Russia’s mainland were damaged in the attack, according to local authorities

Ukraine has launched a barrage of British-supplied Storm Shadow missiles at two bridges connecting the Crimean Peninsula to Russia’s Kherson Region, according to its acting governor, Vladimir Saldo.

Some 12 missiles were fired during Saturday's attack, with at least three making it through Russian anti-aircraft defenses, Saldo told Rossiya 24 TV channel. The strike damaged two bridges across the Strait of Chongar and the Tonkiy Strait, the official stated.

The Chongar bridge sustained at least one hit, according to the acting governor, who shared imagery of the aftermath of the attack on his Telegram channel. The missile left a large hole in the bridge deck paving, images show.

The attack damaged a rural school and ruptured a local gas pipeline, leaving the nearby town of Genichesk without supply, according to Saldo. Both bridges have hardly been used for military needs and are purely civilian infrastructure installations, he stressed.

While Saldo did not elaborate on the damage sustained by the second bridge, unverified footage circulating online suggests one of its sections has partially collapsed. The images show a gas pipeline running alongside the bridge, ruptured and aflame.


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371767 No.19309360


>WE all know

andTHEREit is….

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58f54f No.19309362


Visualizing a steel toed boot whopping her upside the head in that image,.

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21ab63 No.19309363

Board Logs

monitor the fuckery as it happens


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17e634 No.19309364

No ones getting my puny


>>19309182 me

Watched him last night but still miss him too


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58f54f No.19309365



"Beautiful Hillary…"

I cannot see it

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5a77cd No.19309367

File: ba9b22c18ced4b7⋯.jpeg (53.84 KB,600x681,200:227,0542D591_7965_42F5_9AAF_7….jpeg)


I dislike strongly those presuming authority of controlling what I may say or whom I may criticize.

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b9d64d No.19309369

File: de5ff6392978dc5⋯.png (210.02 KB,583x579,583:579,lost.PNG)



X22 Report



Ep 3132b - Clowns Lost Control, Trial Of The Century, Wartime Powers Implemented, EO 13848


Aug 04, 2023, 12:42 PM

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a6537f No.19309370


You are the stubborn jew troll that makes the site about you. You take over the site and keep spamming and ip hopping for years non-stop. You are the reason for proto and no one can do anything about it.

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df4baa No.19309371


Dude, it doesnt matter what shit you post, VAtican, Mason, MuhJoo, MuhNigger….this board is filled with minds that just don't buy your shit anymore. Do us a favor and move onto the aliens, because your spam shit is old and stale. Not one new thought introduced since 2018… (1930 actually) just Muhjoo Muhjoo Muhjoo.

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2c564f No.19309372

File: 9608c9f8c5de7d2⋯.png (6.69 KB,255x128,255:128,b75aa67b3c7927a2a56219c1e6….png)

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83fdbc No.19309374

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


From 10/18/20

“Bins full of ballots in a dumpster”

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58f54f No.19309375



I just ate an entire bowl of chilled Garden Maters not a minute ago. Little salt and pepper.. YUM YUM!

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21ab63 No.19309376

File: 8209b3eaf851cf2⋯.jpeg (256.71 KB,1601x635,1601:635,IMG_2669.jpeg)

Flunky Admins going back to previous breads and "sanitizing" them for their Masters

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de8e0d No.19309377

File: 90ec3aa90f5dec7⋯.png (495.84 KB,629x904,629:904,TRUMP_Patriot_Revolutionar….png)

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0c095b No.19309378


The incest in the ultra rich families

Has always been rampant

Produces fucked up kids

Normalize by creating " new " reason why

And scare the public into the scam

And sell a cure that creates more than it cures

Never ending profit from people to lazy to learn …

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17e634 No.19309379

Hire a jew as the front man so you can claim antisemitism later when you're caught undermining society

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df4baa No.19309380

File: d4c784835bd0d2d⋯.png (413.55 KB,780x438,130:73,Big2.png)


The muhjoo shills think they're acting big and clever.

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4b14ab No.19309383

File: ff7a4b2797b712e⋯.png (149.08 KB,474x334,237:167,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>19307606 (You)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>19307601 (You)

>>>>>>>>>>>> >>19307471 (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>dumpf whisteler venture capitalism larps over here >>19307464 (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>whinestein is pullin micheal moore buttbeads this way


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>before rump idcitminyt

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>whinestein cooter full of drumpf

>>>>>>>>>>>>>infidel poo scurry frum vatican crime scene ju$

>>>>>>>>>>>>talmud tabernacle escape options

>>>>>>>>>>>Tu$hner$ wikipedia creepypasta mnuchin island coverup and casino haz buffet

>>>>>>>>>>Tucker philipin ladyboy sallon clickbait cofirmed Tu$hner$ creepypasta coverup mnuchin island over there

>>>>>>>>>fayk ju shiva gefelta fish noises an nu JUrueSALEM flase gifts

>>>>>>>>deep $hart whorizon fayked GAHY cruz

>>>>>>>drumpf was fermented and in a baggie cuz jfk

>>>>>>thats not corn

>>>>>bidet fights illegal TP rules

>>>>too many fed bois shared bruce$ probe to tweet

>>>buffalo stripper still mad bout insurrection homoo

>>sparrow prince still lost

>ju $eek catatafish

an tahn drumpf filler feels halped duke harry gasket edipus trannysition to bitch wife rental

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83fdbc No.19309384

File: 789e9a847bebc99⋯.png (1.37 MB,1170x2085,78:139,ClipboardImage.png)

Base Spike Detox (BSD)

3-12 months of:

Nattokinase 2000 FU (100 mg) twice daily

Bromelain 500 mg once daily

Curcumin (nano,liposomal, piperine) 500 mg twice daily

Take action into your own hands if having long C19 or #COVIDVACCINE syndrome. #CourageousDiscourse


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806260 No.19309385

File: 74f9b311e7e3eb2⋯.png (67.5 KB,885x620,177:124,stehe.PNG)

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17e634 No.19309387


Explains the Golden Child hunter parades around with.

Full potato clan inbred

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df4baa No.19309388


Ripping out your antisemitic narrative is all Mssrs Rothschild and Kaplan.

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df4baa No.19309390

File: 7e3f9d69b09db30⋯.png (117.28 KB,220x293,220:293,Big_Clever.png)


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4b14ab No.19309391


really big nose sniffin out drumpf

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15b76a No.19309392


it's not research though, it's bullshit.

fiction of retarded clowns:

>totally wealthy all of them


>they aren't, most make average at best, tons at poverty

that's why the bullcrap gets removed. it's division fagging as well as non research and easily disproven bullshit.

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6cb4ca No.19309394


This is concerning, any way to see exactly what was deleted?

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df4baa No.19309395



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1ca333 No.19309396

File: 22129401c636f5f⋯.webp (3.97 KB,277x360,277:360,360_F_41148303_oLEXobjqII….webp)

File: 140ee957c55505b⋯.webp (21.71 KB,245x360,49:72,360_F_162339628_u936MMb2l….webp)

File: e45fd7cd4a1b388⋯.webp (16.17 KB,500x333,500:333,absinthe_spirits_for_sale.webp)

File: 831fd8acccf8df1⋯.webp (39.89 KB,437x612,437:612,absinthe_nola_collection.webp)

File: 713f084e68b024d⋯.webp (10.22 KB,500x333,500:333,360_F_224026077_l3NVQRVhu….webp)

>Mind Control Virus

>toxoplasmosis Gondii



The use of non-pharmaceutical forms of Artemisia


Today, the most widely used antimalarial treatments, artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs), are produced using the pure artemisinin compound extracted from the plant Artemisia annua. Currently, all malaria strains globally can be treated with at least one of the ACTs recommended by WHO.


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edc737 No.19309398


Not happenin for ya shill, the trash will be removed.

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d2bd6f No.19309399

File: bb0ae74052cff88⋯.png (225.77 KB,386x304,193:152,Screenshot_2023_08_06_at_0….png)

File: a21e79aadedfcf1⋯.png (650.53 KB,812x830,406:415,Screenshot_2023_08_06_at_0….png)

File: b08132b6edd159d⋯.png (917.12 KB,1402x548,701:274,Screenshot_2023_08_06_at_0….png)

papism is

the agony of d'feet

syncretize | ˈsiNGkrəˌtīz | (British also syncretise)

verb [with object]

attempt to amalgamate or reconcile (differing things, especially religious beliefs, cultural elements, or schools of thought): the Amish communities of today have syncretized many traditional elements of their material culture with elements in the New World.


syncretization | ˌsiNGkritəˈzāSHən | (British also syncretisation) noun

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58f54f No.19309400

File: d4e9ac45990551a⋯.png (277.17 KB,488x290,244:145,ClipboardImage.png)


>monitor the fuckery as it happens

meh.. 8Kun has a Dot Head Lackey that takes care of all that.

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4fc0d8 No.19309401




Plenipotentiaries? So are those still around or named by succession for the purpose of this "treaty"?


Fraud vitiates everything…

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83fdbc No.19309402

File: 95d32cf3f81e96a⋯.jpeg (892.65 KB,1170x1503,130:167,IMG_5620.jpeg)

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df4baa No.19309403


No it isn't concerning you fed faggot.

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681cb4 No.19309404

So Far

#23715 >>19309143

>>19309153, >>19309359 Ukraine strikes bridges in Crimea with Storm Shadow missiles, UK missiles

>>19309167 Saint Louis Rioters are the Latest to Win a Huge Payout

>>19309174 From Covert To Overt: UK Govt & Businesses Unleash Facial Recognition Technologies Across Urban Landscape

>>19309199 Pot calling the kettle black NYT vs RT

>>19309204 DeSantis: Robert Bigelow, the founder of Budget Suites of America and Bigelow Aerospace told reporters on Friday that he would cut off funds to his 2024 campaign if he didn’t adopt a more “moderate approach.”

>>19309245 Smart wearable technology in healthcare, like Fitbits and smartwatches like Apple Watch, are designed to collect a user’s data to track their health.

>>19309248 @DonaldJTrumpJr I’ve got a big one for ya. Where do I send the bill?

>>19309262 @mikepompeo The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple.

>>19309358 PF TURTLE4 Currently headin' back West, out of Charleston AFB

>>19309369 @X22Report Ep 3132b - Clowns Lost Control, Trial Of The Century, Wartime Powers Implemented, EO 13848

>>19309384 Base Spike Detox (BSD)

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17e634 No.19309405


There's is winning under Trmp

There's is losing under potato

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6b6b5e No.19309407

File: c29afe69870c755⋯.jpg (85.23 KB,1074x1003,1074:1003,tomfoolery.jpg)

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6cb4ca No.19309409


anons have filters, don't need you deleting / gatekeeping for the cabal.

How much do they pay you?

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df4baa No.19309414


Did you wonder maybe why I capitalized WE?

Or are you renouncing all your "We" from earlier. I will happily accept your retraction with an apology.

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a41e4f No.19309416

File: 0d0798d83f34233⋯.png (1001.95 KB,707x901,707:901,0d0798d83f342332d2f6349b77….png)


are our biological faculties being utilized without our knowledge? Antennas of spiritual warfare?

>you have

>more than you know

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371767 No.19309417


>Polio wasn't a thing till they had a cure

yer a moran.

there IS NO cure.

there was a vax that was marginally effective, but it was unneeded by the time of it's introduction, bcs better sanitation had eliminated polio.

READ A FUCKING BOOK, or shill somewhere that your idiot drivel won't get called out in a NY second.

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b9d64d No.19309418

File: 6ced411687746bc⋯.png (1.68 MB,989x743,989:743,ink.PNG)


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d09ed6 No.19309419


John Muir pushing it also

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1fb5ab No.19309420

File: 65fbee916936852⋯.jpeg (38.33 KB,736x1053,736:1053,65fbee916936852513ef887c3….jpeg)

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4b14ab No.19309421

File: ff7a4b2797b712e⋯.png (149.08 KB,474x334,237:167,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>19307606 (You)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>19307601 (You)

>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>19307471 (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dumpf whisteler venture capitalism larps over here >>19307464 (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>whinestein is pullin micheal moore buttbeads this way


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>before rump idcitminyt

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>whinestein cooter full of drumpf

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>infidel poo scurry frum vatican crime scene ju$

>>>>>>>>>>>>>talmud tabernacle escape options

>>>>>>>>>>>>Tu$hner$ wikipedia creepypasta mnuchin island coverup and casino haz buffet

>>>>>>>>>>>Tucker philipin ladyboy sallon clickbait cofirmed Tu$hner$ creepypasta coverup mnuchin island over there

>>>>>>>>>>fayk ju shiva gefelta fish noises an nu JUrueSALEM flase gifts

>>>>>>>>>deep $hart whorizon fayked GAHY cruz

>>>>>>>>drumpf was fermented and in a baggie cuz jfk

>>>>>>>thats not corn

>>>>>>bidet fights illegal TP rules

>>>>>too many fed bois shared bruce$ probe to tweet

>>>>buffalo stripper still mad bout insurrection homoo

>>>sparrow prince still lost

>>ju $eek catatafish

>an tahn drumpf filler feels halped duke harry gasket edipus trannysition to bitch wife rental

GAHYjaPOO drumpf whisteler wanderin desert fo forty years of 6k years of histroical fraud greece prices cowboyGAHY

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df4baa No.19309422


Please just fuck off and repeat your lame assed self somewhere else please.

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e61da8 No.19309423

File: 99a826b1de3af46⋯.jpeg (106.68 KB,1200x1800,2:3,IMG_5724.jpeg)



Here’s some Shake-n-Bake Chicken for you!

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5a77cd No.19309424

File: 84dbe3e37c54047⋯.jpeg (318.31 KB,610x407,610:407,C238BD2E_1CC0_492E_97E9_9….jpeg)

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58f54f No.19309427

File: d7778a110f61dbe⋯.png (824.29 KB,885x581,885:581,ClipboardImage.png)


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cebd47 No.19309428

File: 8bea50cfa00fd8a⋯.png (359.58 KB,524x356,131:89,2023_08_06_11_24_56.png)


> Rapinoe misses

No sympathy for those who hate their country.

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17e634 No.19309429


See second pic


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579d9e No.19309430


But how can we know for sure?

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df4baa No.19309431


Yep it effectively ridicules the bullshit post it responds too.

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371767 No.19309433


"WE" will happily accept your resignation.

no disingenuous apology needed.

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4b14ab No.19309434

File: 925d004d9bebd55⋯.png (78.33 KB,258x196,129:98,925d004d9bebd55541dc64fc24….png)

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58f54f No.19309435

File: 734726345fee515⋯.gif (3.16 MB,448x252,16:9,sgfjh34j455.gif)

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7136d2 No.19309436

File: 8f296e12881c440⋯.jpg (64.92 KB,1079x1017,1079:1017,298612718_1021952180793659….jpg)


>#23713 TBC

>#23714 TBC

I just wanna wake up/come home to concurrent breads.

WHY is that so hard?

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81018b No.19309437


mega panic by the usual suspects!

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681cb4 No.19309438


did you halp?


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81018b No.19309439


Get back in the kitchen, Doge

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fc2f8c No.19309440

File: de205db8c27f9f6⋯.mp4 (5.89 MB,480x480,1:1,de205db8c27f9f69869b1c634e….mp4)

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df4baa No.19309441


Try to be less of a bigot cunt.

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17e634 No.19309442


Horry shitballs

Get an eye full of #8 and #22

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8ac244 No.19309443

testing the bread

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5a77cd No.19309444

File: 81c2fd47fc421ec⋯.jpeg (183.17 KB,720x1280,9:16,9673B7A4_DC1A_49E6_8D72_8….jpeg)

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8ac244 No.19309446


finally fixed, what set off the over lords?

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0c095b No.19309447



Homes for unwed mothers

Hattie Larlahm foundation

NEW YORK…..plum island

Please shit your get together

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a41e4f No.19309448

File: e9652af3b3b7f77⋯.jpg (423.86 KB,1021x681,1021:681,e9652af3b3b7f7795b66dbc095….jpg)


"keep it in the family"

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58f54f No.19309449

File: ecfcbd9f11cfd1f⋯.png (427.69 KB,403x375,403:375,ClipboardImage.png)


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81018b No.19309450


That was funny!

The BV's just spat out some foreskins, it was so funky

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0a8fbe No.19309451

how bout dah

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cebd47 No.19309453


Khazarian nose?

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15b76a No.19309454

File: b051d8032e63875⋯.jpg (32.81 KB,1614x146,807:73,DDT.jpg)

File: ccff4a942bff1e3⋯.jpg (159.22 KB,952x436,238:109,no_paralysis.jpg)

File: 0a500b2cee17c35⋯.jpg (191.52 KB,949x479,949:479,disappearing_polio.jpg)


stopping spraying DDT everywhere including farmland "eliminated polio"

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b07ff6 No.19309455

So Putin is destroying all 5G towers they say. Could that be a russian psyop to push the American's to destroy their 5G towers while Russia keeps theirs?

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371767 No.19309456


>your doctor was bribed to push the clotshot


try BLACKMAILED, with threats of loss of hospital privileges, loss medical license, loss of life.

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681cb4 No.19309458

File: 256dd80d62567cd⋯.png (1.68 MB,1026x1019,1026:1019,steampunkpepe.png)


shills shill

no one bakes any moar


I just clean up and go

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10988b No.19309459


All their evil plans went to shit and there is nothing they can do but throw temper tantrums…kek

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b9d64d No.19309460

File: 252a17b1a899da4⋯.png (2.43 MB,1194x895,1194:895,kn.PNG)

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0f961f No.19309461

File: 008b50d6584fd5f⋯.gif (3.63 MB,400x300,4:3,Trump_did_this.gif)


this too

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fc2f8c No.19309462

File: 6fee327526b75f2⋯.jpg (319.05 KB,1200x2000,3:5,Screenshot_20230806_095349.jpg)

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81018b No.19309463


cool hand ate how many….50, 70 ?

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64d71e No.19309464


Enjoying Bud Light Participhant award

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58f54f No.19309465

File: c79069aeedce439⋯.png (497.32 KB,537x371,537:371,ClipboardImage.png)

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b285c5 No.19309466

File: 5a7648e69516646⋯.png (771.22 KB,739x552,739:552,ClipboardImage.png)




like the meme



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b07ff6 No.19309467

File: 7fdd56cdf9794a9⋯.png (525.6 KB,1061x698,1061:698,ClipboardImage.png)

Korea is getting attacked.

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5a77cd No.19309469

File: c8679498be96139⋯.jpeg (74.81 KB,434x385,62:55,8A1CEEAB_E82D_474F_BD5C_9….jpeg)


I’m watching the logs, Sir.

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b25751 No.19309470

File: 3a48d5085873c17⋯.png (989.04 KB,942x1064,471:532,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31d9407f9c8d0d8⋯.gif (2.12 MB,498x275,498:275,fags_spicoli.gif)




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a41e4f No.19309471


they cured it by changing it's name to meningitis

they don't cure anything

they weaponize and s p r e a d d d d

common cold becomes covid

syphilis becomes lyme

cancer becomes money

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0a8fbe No.19309472

File: dd5decfb16ba6af⋯.png (1.05 MB,1440x3040,9:19,ClipboardImage.png)

Putin Bans 5G across Russia, Destroys All Towers

By Michael Baxter -August 5, 202371215504

Russian President Vladimir Putin has banned 5G towers in the Russian Federation amid concerns the technology is medically unsafe and has caused the deaths of school children near St. Petersburg.

Discussions over the adverse effects of 5G are not new. For over a decade, alternative media have linked technology to myriad health issues, including immunosuppressive diseases and virus replication, the specifics of which are beyond the scope of this website and the author’s knowledge. However, Putin’s pledge to dismantle existing 5G super towers shows the hazards of electromagnetic radiation are rooted more in fact than conspiracy.

Unlike the U.S. and the West, Russia did not start erecting towers overnight when the technology, developed by Qualcomm and the mobile ecosystem, became available in 2015. Since then, the telecom companies in the U.S. have built 150,000 towers; by comparison, Russia had only 22, primarily in Moscow.

During the Plandemic, with schools shuttered, mobile providers in the U.S. accelerated construction of towers within a stone’s throw of elementary schools nationwide. When schools reopened, students suddenly saw sprawling 5G dishes on the horizon and atop school roofs.

Among the four major mobile operators in Russia—MTS, Megafon, Rostelcom, and Vimpel-Communications Public Joint Stock—only MTS started limited deployment of 5G in 2021, placing towers in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Novosibirsk, Russia’s most populous cities, with a single tower 15 meters from an elementary school playground in the outskirts of St. Petersburg.

In April 2023, 16 students experienced severe side effects of what Vladimir Putin has called electromagnetic poisoning. Early symptoms included spontaneous vomiting, dizziness, tinnitus, intolerable headaches, and abdominal inflammation. Later symptoms were gastrointestinal bleeding, cerebral hemorrhaging, and blindness due to the decay of ocular nerves. The affected children were ages 8-12 and had attended school the same semester. Moreover, the sick kids were unvaccinated, so health officials at Russia’s Ministry of Health ruled out Covid-19 vaccine side effects. Comprehensive bloodwork and radiological imaging tests ruled out preexisting maladies, foodborne ailments, medications, and biological and chemical agents. By June 6, 2023, 11 of the 16 students had died.

Health Minister Mikhail Murashko, with the aid of the Ministry of Defense, ordered an inspection team to evaluate transmission frequencies emanating from the cell tower, which, they deduced, pulsed electromagnetic waves in the 24-50 gigahertz range near the bottom of the millimeter wave scale. Regulatory bodies and telecommunication firms worldwide have declared that range safe to humans, with former president Obama’s FCC Director Tom Wheeler having said in 2016, “5G poses no threat whatsoever to people, wildlife, or pets. Anyone questioning its safety is promoting baseless conspiracies.”

However, Putin attributed the 2023 fatalities to a common denominator—the encroachment of 5G on Russian soil.

In mid-July, the Russian president met with many telecom executives and health experts to discuss the dangers inherent in the proliferation of 5G tech. He showed them images of dead children; one’s brain had liquified. He informed them he intended to enforce a moratorium on 5G research and demolish all towers in the Russian Federation.

His mandate wasn’t well-received by the Telecom executives. MTS Vice President of 5G Infrastructure Borya Vlasov said the absence of 5G would put Russia at a technological disadvantage, adding that Russia needed 5G to strengthen a once-thriving economy now faltering thanks to Putin’s actions in Ukraine. Putin spread images of the dead and sick children on a conference table, reportedly saying, “What about them? What has your 5G done to them?”

“We can’t blame 5G for this. Our comrades in the West agree that 5G is safe,” Vlasov said.

Putin ordered the security agent beside him to shoot Vlasov squarely between the eyes. Without hesitation, the agent drew his Makarov pistol and put a bullet in Vlasov’s forehead in full view of 15 people.

A week later, the Engineer Troops of the Russian Federation, a military administrative corps of the Ground Forces of the Russian Federation designed to perform military engineering operations, began decommissioning 5G cellular towers in Moscow. Pedestrians cheered as the monolithic towers came crashing down.

As of this writing, Russia has eliminated all its 5G towers.

The information in this article comes thanks to FSB Agent Andrei Zakharov, who in 2022 supplied Real Raw News with the real reasons behind Vladimir Putin’s Special Operation in Ukraine—to rid Eastern Europe of foreign Biolabs, pedophile rings, and Adrenochrome laboratories. Those battles are still being fought.


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58f54f No.19309474

File: 2770b7e3c87a01d⋯.mp4 (3.24 MB,320x240,4:3,Reeee_Reee_Anon_Battle_Tre….mp4)


>Korea is getting attacked.

Intensity Intensifies

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4889f4 No.19309475


>testing the bread

needs moar salt

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17e634 No.19309476


Hunter trying to figure out how to get a threesome to happen

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7136d2 No.19309477

File: d0a236ad4eed98c⋯.jpg (6.13 KB,320x180,16:9,FB_IMG_1670408429296.jpg)


I don't WANNA go in the kitchen

I wanna play Hunt: Showdown the competitive first-person PvP bounty hunting game with heavy PvE elements, from the makers of Crysis. Set in the darkest corners of the world, it packs the thrill of survival games into match-based format.

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df4baa No.19309478


Every unsupported post attempting to demonize jews, blacks, masons etc. while offering no sauce, no specific crimes, no named criminals but simply appealing to base emotion should be removed.

Quit crying, post something new, meaningful or relevant, even about Jews and you may find it doesn't get deleted.

Crying to get your way is pretty fucking pathetic BTW.

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2c564f No.19309479

File: 4f21a3ea702c3e6⋯.jpg (224.47 KB,720x1266,120:211,Screenshot_20210904_211214….jpg)


>What's not to believe?

* Never said I didn't or that division wouldn't occur.

Anons are not divided

shills divide

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4fc0d8 No.19309480


>> 19308372 lb


>>19307557, >>19307602, >>19307723, >>19307723, >>19307742 President Trump: This horrible killing dust, it came out of Wuhan: Listen from 3:17:20 onward (Cap 0:14)

>>19307654 Julian Assange's last word's Intelligent Evil Dust, it's everywhere in everything 22:06

>>19307653 Hiroshima marks 78th anniversary of atomic bombing

>>19307572, >>19302945 pb, >>19302949 pb, >>19302953 pb 2021 Ray Epps backwards sounds like "spyer" and the Catholic Church was called out in Speyer

>>19307616, >>19307764 Dog comms: Hunter Biden sold himself as powerbroker when he was actually an easily manipulated low-life: ex-stripper Kennedy

>>19307694 COMMS: Joe Biden, 80, walks through CEMETERY before Delaware mass as questions over his health continue to swirl

>>19307713, >>19307715, >>19307716, >>19307752, >>19307853 Tom Fitton: "'I think there’s an argument that what the Justice Department’s doing to @realDonaldTrump now is criminal,' Fitton tells Rolling Stone, suggesting --- of course — that a future administration should launch an investigation into Special Counsel Smith’s work."

>>19307779 Donald J. Trump ReTruthed: Hillary was questioning the election results- but they indict Trump for exercising his first amendment right.

>>19307779 You see what this is all about! It’s not about the case, it’s only to stop President Trump

>>19307815, >>19307846 Kash Patel ReTruthed: A grand total of 12 people showed up to hear Rob DeSantis in Iowa today! Absolutely pathetic!!

>>19307823 Michael Salla | Week in Review: 08/05/23: David Grusch, Global Elite, Geoengineering, Supersoldiers, Artemis Accords

>>19307790 LIVE: Border Patrol assisting illegals at the Southern Border

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5a77cd No.19309481

File: 84040653ffb3249⋯.jpeg (72.63 KB,630x485,126:97,7906428B_1752_456F_A187_5….jpeg)

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224816 No.19309482

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371767 No.19309485


>stopping spraying DDT everywhere including farmland "eliminated polio"

polio is a VIRUS, you fuckwit. and polio cases bottomed out in 1940 after a century of steady decline, while DDT was sprayed ALL THRU THAT PERIOD.


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58f54f No.19309486

File: 59cdb4795e658c8⋯.mp4 (1008.01 KB,640x268,160:67,Have_Faith_Frens.mp4)



Hummina Hummina Hummina

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b285c5 No.19309487

File: 28b492af35e7613⋯.png (560.89 KB,968x898,484:449,ClipboardImage.png)


not kidding.

last 3 years anon has been held hostage on this fucking prison island by the deepest state with the lunatics.

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17e634 No.19309488


Looks like he is a pawn standing next to a knight

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4fc0d8 No.19309489


My man said he could eat 50 eggs

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379d1a No.19309491

Does that penalty kick miss look planned?

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a41e4f No.19309492

File: 0df3e6239733176⋯.jpg (33.3 KB,510x680,3:4,0df3e62397331760f54df7fc8f….jpg)

looking forward to everyone finally realizing just WHO the people shooting their children really are

could help wipe away the trauma in an instant

truth does great things to the mind

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df4baa No.19309493


Are you psychic or delusional?

(Rhetorical Question)

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756111 No.19309494

File: 8ce706f03deb321⋯.png (354.9 KB,920x613,920:613,Biden_rapinoe.png)


c'mon folks, let's lose

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7136d2 No.19309495

File: 02d1281a9b2c2a6⋯.gif (2.85 MB,200x234,100:117,1690840433700374.gif)


>what we are posting is removed spam

So you admit you're part of a spam team!

Thanks for finally coming clean

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177a3d No.19309496

File: 4c3b633257ebcbd⋯.jpeg (208.86 KB,755x776,755:776,64D3E7BA_6A4F_4505_A157_7….jpeg)

It has begun, button has been pushed.

It cannot be undone, behold theIr undoing.

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cebd47 No.19309497


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0a8fbe No.19309498


or did ferguson



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6b6b5e No.19309499

File: b822d6903c7e1bb⋯.jpg (616.04 KB,2048x1646,1024:823,Ruby_Shoots_O.jpg)


Use to be a Peaceful and Patriotic board

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58f54f No.19309500


^^^ Gave me goose bumps.

Hairs stood up!


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c78bf0 No.19309501

File: e9e8da9fb95e6f6⋯.png (2.1 MB,1290x2022,215:337,ClipboardImage.png)

Meme it anons!

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4889f4 No.19309502

File: cee955957bee8fd⋯.jpeg (79.47 KB,720x394,360:197,IMG_2670.jpeg)


Doge, you at least have a sense of humor


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fc2f8c No.19309503

File: b818359039b0faf⋯.gif (1.61 MB,320x240,4:3,YAigAN.gif)

File: fd57b8c3ed79905⋯.gif (4.4 MB,498x373,498:373,log_driver_log_drivers_wal….gif)

File: 03d7ad83f8f29e6⋯.jpg (54.38 KB,296x146,148:73,03d7ad83f8f29e6b90c91bd144….jpg)

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0f961f No.19309504

File: 703530badc3bd54⋯.mp4 (496.43 KB,720x1280,9:16,make_me_go_crazy.mp4)

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371767 No.19309505


>Try to be less of a bigot cunt.

it's only bigotry if it's false

try to be less of glownigger clownboi

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64d71e No.19309506


So they danced in fear, berated divisive narrative that siniging and praying bad but monkey pox sex good, then yes the dances are aptly anti semetic named black mail

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df4baa No.19309507

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Buh Bye

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0c095b No.19309508


Now take all those ailments

Break down to lowest common cause

You will find

Parasitic or fungal infections. Are the cause

We have cures

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b9d64d No.19309509

File: 989431fe3b12fe3⋯.png (1020.27 KB,820x484,205:121,lie.PNG)


Barack Obama Is 'The Big Lie'

Townhall, by Derek Hunter

Posted By: Imright, 8/6/2023 11:05:06 AM

One of the luckiest things in my life has been my good fortune to meet and become friendly or even real friends with some of the most interesting people in politics. Growing up in Detroit, I never would have guessed I’d get to know Tucker Carlson, Christopher Hitchens, David Limbaugh, etc. – so many people, I could write a column just name-dropping. It’s weird to me still, having politically grown up watching these people on television and learning from them. To become friends with Andrew Breitbart before he was famous, and experiencing the circus the media created around him, of which he was the master,

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564b1a No.19309510

File: 59ad5f83a1b8beb⋯.mp4 (6.47 MB,720x1280,9:16,video_2023_08_06_13_39_46.mp4)

File: b1075c28ec6aa6e⋯.png (77.72 KB,578x337,578:337,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4ddfc60f9d59f0⋯.png (2.86 MB,2128x1629,2128:1629,rawmilk.png)

File: 1fba1fc7e7e1ae4⋯.png (56.57 KB,688x471,688:471,dtp.PNG)

File: faeeebfebf39ced⋯.gif (1.44 MB,300x289,300:289,IOKL_4288655601.gif)

((('profitable'))) i.e. 'cohencidentally' toxic

Leggings contains forever chemicals (PFAs)

Forever chemicals are toxic chemicals that stay forever and are extremely hard to get rid of in the environment or inside your body.


Channel: @Flatearthandmore


Website: www.Trutharian.shop


2013 Paper: Bottled Water is a Potent Hormone Disruptor

"… we detected antiestrogens and antiandrogens in the majority of analyzed bottled water products. Moreover, the antagonist activity was very potent. An equivalent of 3.75 mL bottled water inhibited estrogen and androgen receptor by up to 60 and 90%, respectively."

(Tweet (https://twitter.com/AlpacaAurelius/status/1683828723957604352)) (Study (https://t.me/LeakyVax/2964))

See also:

🧪Sperm Count Down: Urine Samples Show 'Alarming' Levels of Chemicals

(https://t.me/LeakyVax/1184)♻️ Most Plastic Products Release Estrogenic Chemicals | Environmental Health Perspectives (2011) (https://t.me/LeakyVax/1079)


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493101 No.19309512


they killed Jesus

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681cb4 No.19309513


tyvm collecter

in da dough


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58f54f No.19309514


Shall I clip it out and post it?

I WILL! kek

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ef70a5 No.19309515

File: 59a5f3e56e0a9e0⋯.jpg (85.41 KB,500x500,1:1,Untitled_jpg243567.jpg)

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371767 No.19309516


idiotic overgeneralization.

they made a hard choice to tiptoe a tightwire so they could keep their job, where they MIGHT be able to do the most good.

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df4baa No.19309517


Who told you that?

And it is false. Because an entire ethnic group cannot be pigeonholed into one micro-intellect's two sentence generalization of it.

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903f10 No.19309518


Can you imagine the WW celebration if the Jews were exterminated?

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15b76a No.19309520

File: 0f8abad1fbbe51f⋯.jpg (123.08 KB,816x1034,408:517,0f8abad1fbbe51ffb62bd9ebd8….jpg)

File: 4d3358f417d1182⋯.mp4 (12.55 MB,1280x720,16:9,Sad_Little_Man_by_Five_Tim….mp4)


Leukocytopenia (according to medical establishment caused by toxins) becomes "AIDS"

HIV (asymptomatic infection) treated with highly toxic garbage called AZT

Thanks Fauci

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b9d64d No.19309521

File: 448b7e9b2e47c86⋯.png (590.87 KB,785x830,157:166,vast.PNG)


Dem Donor Behind Vast Pro-China Propaganda

Network: REPORT

Daily Callwr, by Nick Pope

Posted By: aftershock83, 8/6/2023 10:58:28 AM

Neville Singham, a tech millionaire and Democratic donor, reportedly provides significant funding to an expansive pro-Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda network, The New York Times reported Saturday.

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64d71e No.19309522


I”m going to Disneyland

Then, Free dime bags

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f821a0 No.19309523

File: fb9ebc22bfa9120⋯.png (61.35 KB,796x630,398:315,IMG_5408.png)


> Use to be a Peaceful and Patriotic board


Death blossom incoming.


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cebd47 No.19309524

File: 14e0ff69b99abdf⋯.png (472.6 KB,532x467,532:467,2023_08_06_11_40_57.png)


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417097 No.19309526



and this is why we're here. Anon(s) continue to amaze. (Would take me half a day to compile those, kek.)

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58f54f No.19309527


I crack myself up!

Sad day on the board when you are only laughing at your own memes.

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2c564f No.19309528

File: adc7cffe5cafb25⋯.jpg (35.3 KB,618x338,309:169,20210415_081837.jpg)

File: 6385951b38a4a2e⋯.png (93.19 KB,251x252,251:252,PicPlus_1626576321271.png)

File: 4b68c6009be0ac5⋯.jpg (107.98 KB,606x941,606:941,Screenshot_20210831_073536….jpg)


Well let's test that theory, kek!

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0f961f No.19309529

File: e3d92daa5ee3a38⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB,406x720,203:360,lets_go_to_diet.mp4)

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b25751 No.19309530

File: 10bb2b3f82abf37⋯.png (813.42 KB,1010x1010,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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b07ff6 No.19309531


And yet he still died. I think we all know what he died from.

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15b76a No.19309532


Shut your stinking mouth.

They "isolated" polio by literally injecting it into the brains of animals.

and even that did not work, except for newborn mice, but tons of these even died immediately, which isn't surprising because they injected feces into the brains of animals. Your virus is fake, just like covid.

and about DDT being totally safe+effective:


Human health effects from DDT at low environmental doses are unknown. Following exposure to high doses, human symptoms can include vomiting, tremors or shakiness, and seizures. Laboratory animal studies showed effects on the liver and reproduction. DDT is considered a possible human carcinogen.


Consequences of DDT Exposure Could Last Generations

Scientists found health effects in grandchildren of women exposed to the pesticide

Hailed as a miracle in the 1950s, the potent bug killer DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane) promised freedom from malaria, typhus and other insect-borne diseases. Manufacturers promoted it as a “benefactor of all humanity” in advertisements that declared, “DDT Is Good for Me!” Americans sprayed more than 1.35 billion tons of the insecticide—nearly 7.5 pounds per person—on crops, lawns and pets and in their homes before biologist Rachel Carson and others sounded the alarm about its impacts on humans and wildlife. The fledgling U.S. Environmental Protection Agency banned DDT in 1972.

Friends and family often ask Barbara Cohn, an epidemiologist at Oakland's Public Health Institute, why she studies the effects of the long-banned pesticide. Her answer: DDT continues to haunt human bodies. In earlier studies, she found that the daughters of mothers exposed to the highest DDT levels while pregnant had elevated rates of breast cancer, hypertension and obesity.

Cohn's newest study, on the exposed women's grandchildren, documents the first evidence that DDT's health effects can persist for at least three generations. The study linked grandmothers' higher DDT exposure rates to granddaughters' higher body mass index (BMI) and earlier first menstruation, both of which can signal future health issues.

“This study changes everything,” says Emory University reproductive epidemiologist Michele Marcus, who was not involved in the new research. “We don't know if [other human-made, long-lasting] chemicals like PFAS will have multigenerational impacts—but this study makes it imperative that we look.” Only these long-term studies, Marcus says, can illuminate the full consequences of DDT and other biologically disruptive chemicals to help guide regulations.

Go fuck yourself with your lies.

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f53feb No.19309533

File: 6bc55dfd1fd1776⋯.jpg (363.81 KB,1080x1153,1080:1153,5102017.jpg)

T- 56

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a41e4f No.19309534

File: e65093272d7973e⋯.png (428.93 KB,668x375,668:375,e65093272d7973e0cd02df08d3….png)

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de8e0d No.19309535

>>19307557, >>19307602, >>19307723, >>19307723, >>19307742



It's NanoSmartDust that can me moved via 5G like a huge microscopic fleet of drones.

Drone Dust!



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de8e0d No.19309536

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903f10 No.19309537


We could call it the jewbilee

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0f961f No.19309539



noice brians.

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1ca333 No.19309541

File: 6bf2fb60c2e9311⋯.webp (19.71 KB,500x387,500:387,radioturtlecat_300x232.webp)

Do cats give kids parasites that make them brain-dead, ghey, rule followers?

Do people that follow the rules generally harvest enough energy to provide excess energy to support a freeloading cat?

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493101 No.19309542


more than 100 posts deleted from the previous Bread

make of that what you will

they think Anons do not notice……

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b285c5 No.19309543

File: 5fc969d59fd6814⋯.png (696.18 KB,830x415,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)



Sunday, August 6, 2023


Chris Christie Went to Ukraine But No One Cares.

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie made an unannounced visit to Ukraine this week, where he met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. While touring the region around the capitol city Kiev, Christie told the Ukrainian president, “There are hundreds of millions of people in our country who support you.” At home in the United States, public opinion appears to be turning against the Biden regime and continued financial and material support for Ukraine. Recent polling suggests over 55 percent of Americans now oppose sending more aid to the Ukrainians – hardly hundreds-of-millions. The continued stalemate in Ukraine has seen even its Western European allies become increasingly frustrated with the lack an effective counter-offensive against Russian defensive positions. To compound matters for the Ukrainians, President Zelensky’s habit of making aggressive demands for financial and military support has rankled even Poland. Continued support for Ukraine is one area where presidential hopeful Chris Christie hopes to be able to draw a contrast with the dominant GOP front-runner, former President Donald Trump. Christie has thrown his full weight behind continued U.S. funding and support for the Ukrainian military, while Trump has called for Ukraine and Russia to come to the negotiating table to bring about a swift end to the bloodshed and loss of innocent civilian lives. With polling showing upwards of 70 percent of GOP voters want the U.S. to focus less on overseas conflicts and the former New Jersey governor consistently hovering in the single digits in the GOP primary one must ask: does anyone actually care that Chris Christie went to Ukraine?

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371767 No.19309544


>Not happenin for ya shill, the trash will be removed.

TRANSLATION: we jews are the master race and only we will decide what you you filthy goy are allowed to know or discuss.

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681cb4 No.19309546


go ahead and vidya

I'll baker for a bit

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36cbec No.19309547

File: 4c3a25cf1b2f53a⋯.jpg (152.03 KB,783x510,261:170,50_PIG_EGGS.jpg)

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e71260 No.19309548

File: 5cbc9ec7b0df6e3⋯.png (2.88 KB,512x512,1:1,X_logo.png)

File: 7c8ee47376a2834⋯.jpg (61.97 KB,701x766,701:766,big_Q.JPG)

File: 30d99373d26a1de⋯.jpg (104.53 KB,614x759,614:759,blue_fire_Q.JPG)

File: bb724dd5e9535ea⋯.jpg (191.53 KB,1920x1200,8:5,Q.jpg)

File: d5f28172150d835⋯.mp4 (5.95 MB,640x360,16:9,Kingsman_Exploding_Heads_S….mp4)

Who is good at making videos???

AddElon'sface to Merlin's and add some chat about not using "X" but changing Twitter to"Q"

Watch as heads explode!!!

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c98ad4 No.19309549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


thanks bakerer

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a41e4f No.19309550

File: 6571f33bf7a1684⋯.jpg (77.53 KB,400x600,2:3,6ebca35c41df1e866d1ba06a8f….jpg)

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0f961f No.19309551



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1b49fa No.19309552


Praise Jesus

make it so

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b07ff6 No.19309553


I hate the romans more than anything.

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c78bf0 No.19309554

File: dcc0ec65ac4356e⋯.png (1.42 MB,972x1510,486:755,ClipboardImage.png)

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ef70a5 No.19309555

File: f166052f36c1ae3⋯.png (980.2 KB,1051x829,1051:829,1691310296356908.png)

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fc2f8c No.19309556

File: 61f2d899aa6112f⋯.png (277.75 KB,618x2476,309:1238,1008_1_.png)

File: 76682b594b782a9⋯.jpeg (104.62 KB,2048x1056,64:33,F2pwKa6WsAAzQ0A.jpeg)

File: 830614405037636⋯.jpg (553.55 KB,1200x2000,3:5,Screenshot_20230806_114517.jpg)

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58f54f No.19309557

File: 6be74b5a0c40a96⋯.mp4 (2.11 MB,960x720,4:3,1987_Kumite_Champion_right….mp4)


>Use to be a Peaceful and Patriotic board

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64d71e No.19309558


Following orders lockstep

Huh, Ralph

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edc737 No.19309560


Previous Bread Notables #23713

#23713 >>19307449

>>19307557, >>19307602, >>19307723, >>19307723, >>19307742 President Trump: This horrible killing dust, it came out of Wuhan: Listen from 3:17:20 onward (Cap 0:14)

>>19307654 Julian Assange's last word's Intelligent Evil Dust, it's everywhere in everything 22:06

>>19307653 Hiroshima marks 78th anniversary of atomic bombing

>>19307572, >>19302945 pb, >>19302949 pb, >>19302953 pb 2021 Ray Epps backwards sounds like "spyer" and the Catholic Church was called out in Speyer

>>19307616, >>19307764 Dog comms: Hunter Biden sold himself as powerbroker when he was actually an easily manipulated low-life: ex-stripper Kennedy

>>19307694 COMMS: Joe Biden, 80, walks through CEMETERY before Delaware mass as questions over his health continue to swirl

>>19307713, >>19307715, >>19307716, >>19307752, >>19307853 Tom Fitton: "'I think there’s an argument that what the Justice Department’s doing to @realDonaldTrump now is criminal,' Fitton tells Rolling Stone, suggesting --- of course — that a future administration should launch an investigation into Special Counsel Smith’s work."

>>19307779 Donald J. Trump ReTruthed: Hillary was questioning the election results- but they indict Trump for exercising his first amendment right.

>>19307779 You see what this is all about! It’s not about the case, it’s only to stop President Trump

>>19307815, >>19307846 Kash Patel ReTruthed: A grand total of 12 people showed up to hear Rob DeSantis in Iowa today! Absolutely pathetic!!

>>19307823 Michael Salla | Week in Review: 08/05/23: David Grusch, Global Elite, Geoengineering, Supersoldiers, Artemis Accords

>>19307790 LIVE: Border Patrol assisting illegals at the Southern Border

>>19308105 Matt Gaetz Threatens Jack Smith with Subpoena to Force Him Before House Judiciary Committee

>>19308119 Mike Pence Tries Bold New Strategy Of Alienating The 80 Million People Who Voted For Trump

>>19308122 Trump Jokes That He Needs ‘One More Indictment’ To Win The Election In 2024

>>19038127 Drone attack on Moscow thwarted -- mayor

>>19308131 The Full Transcript from Devon Archer’s ‘Bombshell’ Interview Has Been Released

>>19308133 Judge Rules That Donald Trump Has ‘Presidential Immunity’ on False Election Claims

>>19308206 American Thinker: The Machinery of Government is Coated with Gunk

>>19308213 Blinken Roasted Over Statement Condemning Russia Convicting Opposition Leader Navalny on “Politically Motivated Charges” While Biden Admin Persecutes Trump

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58f54f No.19309561



My sarcasm is as if we have already won and are just here as observers.

Spoiler Alert

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df4baa No.19309562


Some heavy shit is coming.

Haven't seen the shills this active since 2020.

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1b49fa No.19309563

File: 99681b8fa302a9a⋯.jpeg (52.28 KB,441x506,441:506,IMG_2658.jpeg)


You owe much of your culture to them, idiot

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b07ff6 No.19309564


I wonder what year those shorts got stuck on him?

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c4ac57 No.19309565

File: f0dc59d1271db6c⋯.png (213.16 KB,471x530,471:530,7ux92h_removebg_preview.png)



Jew's are muh nigga.

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371767 No.19309566



the triggered irrational anger is a dead give-away for your cognitive dissonance.

your tinfoil hat must be on so tight it cut off all oxygen to your brain.

most likely explanation for your flaming stupidity.

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323dcd No.19309568

File: 2e1976231bc8a86⋯.jpg (14.67 KB,255x248,255:248,bruhcat44.jpg)

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b285c5 No.19309569

File: f2f716f0df30d6e⋯.png (603.6 KB,830x415,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Perry Johnson, Whoever That Is, Qualifies for RNC Debate Ahead of Pence.


Someone called Perry Johnson has announced his qualification for the first Republican presidential primary debate later this month after reaching the necessary 40,000 donor threshold ahead of candidates such as Miami Mayor Francis Suarez and even former Vice-President Mike Pence. Johnson, who is actually a businessman who recruited the majority of his donors by selling “I stand with Tucker” t-shirts for $1, took to X (formerly Twitter) to announce his qualification, posting: “We reached a critical campaign milestone. Today, in New Hampshire, I announced we reached the 40,000 donors needed to make the RNC debate stage.” Johnson has so far raised around $67,000 and has contributed over $328,000 of his own money towards his presidential campaign. Yet, he has not been able to make an impact in the polls, consistently bringing in less than one percent of the vote. He previously tried to run in the 2022 Michigan gubernatorial race, but fell short after he failed to meet the necessary 15,000 signatory threshold to appear on the ballot. Officials at the Michigan elections bureau discarded a whopping 6,983 of Johnson’s signatures after it was suspected that they were “fraudulent” – an action that Johnson claims violated his rights. He was one of five GOP candidates removed from the race that year. Johnson is one of eight candidates to qualify for the RNC debate, including former President Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, Chris Christie, and Doug Burgum. Mike Pence, however, is struggling to reach the threshold, admitting in a recent CNN interview, “We’re not there yet.” He claims to have amassed over 30,000 so far.

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e435d9 No.19309570


I guess their point is that it's pathetic that you have the right to delete their posts.

I agree with them.

why do you get to decide what is 'new, meaningful, or relevant'?

you know they are right about this even if they do spam horrible stuff.

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58f54f No.19309571



"Those guys are Fags!"

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cebd47 No.19309572

File: 63d96152c9f75a9⋯.png (1.07 MB,1133x718,1133:718,2023_08_06_11_44_00_copy.png)


>Meme it anons!

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15b76a No.19309573


>irrational anger

nice try, fagget

this was you right before that.

>polio is a VIRUS, you fuckwit.

>if you don't believe in my imaginary virus, you are a fuckwit!!!! and it IS a virus!!!1

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58f54f No.19309574



Board is a fuckin riot today!


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ef70a5 No.19309575

File: a5e638fa46360fd⋯.jpg (56.09 KB,634x393,634:393,7qmduw.jpg)

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51212f No.19309576

File: 8dfc68b325f9d66⋯.png (1.05 MB,881x795,881:795,The_EYES_have_it_E_Jean_Ca….png)

File: 5f105fa5365a1a5⋯.png (923.31 KB,1080x694,540:347,Social_Distancing_Come_to_….png)

File: 1674b7b9473f8b4⋯.png (1.51 MB,1438x799,1438:799,_NANCY_POLOSI_GITMO.png)

File: d634d8169cf46da⋯.png (279.45 KB,1474x872,737:436,Nancy_Pelosi_is_a_Wicked_W….png)

Regarding Nancy Pelosi, Trump just Truthed "She is a Wicked Witch whose husbands journey from hell starts and finishes with her. She is a sick & demented psycho who will someday live in HELL!" - President Donald J. Trump, 8-6-23


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df4baa No.19309577

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7136d2 No.19309578

File: 52e8d7c25e4c317⋯.jpg (94.24 KB,1084x755,1084:755,362910940_660850055922830_….jpg)


Was jk but thanks hoss.

It's 20 minute rounds so I can usually do both.

Let me know when you wanna tap

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2c8173 No.19309579

File: cdabae346165999⋯.jpeg (433.31 KB,1018x742,509:371,IMG_3444.jpeg)




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58f54f No.19309581

File: 6015d594e548318⋯.png (929.21 KB,884x638,442:319,ClipboardImage.png)

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b285c5 No.19309582

File: d790a2dda2f89f7⋯.png (383.1 KB,472x354,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)



Ukraine Commander Sending Husbands of Female Soldiers Who Won’t Have Sex with Him to Die.


The Ukrainian military is riven with misogyny, according to whistleblowers, with one commander threatening to send the husbands of female soldiers “to their deaths” if they refuse to have sex with him. Platoon sergeant Nadiya Haran, one of roughly 60,000 women serving in the Ukrainian armed forces, told The Guardian that female soldiers “have to fight two enemies at once” – the Russians and their own sexist comrades. Haran described how one woman “was put in a psychiatric facility without consent by her commander, just because she applied for transfer to a combat unit,” while another was threatened with similar incarceration “just for reporting that she was being sexually harassed.” Most concerningly, Haran related that she had to leave left her own brigade because an officer “high up the food chain who would harass women,” including subordinates of hers. “[He] basically told them if they refuse to have sex with him, he’s sending their husbands who were also in the brigade to their deaths,” she said. “I was told to shut up because he did not harass me personally.” Female soldiers in Ukraine have previously reported how shodddy equipment and a lack of supplies necessary for personal hygiene, such as diapers and urination devices, have left them vulnerable in the field and suffering from “a bouquet of health issues,” particularly “cystitis [and] inflammation of the ovaries and back pain.”

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51410b No.19309583


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681cb4 No.19309584


father grew tomatoes in Japan after WWII

they kept DDT locked up

flies were a problem then

worker broke in, stole DDT from shed, spread it over his kids to keep off the flies, they died

father was nearly court martial'd for that

worker fessed up to stealing

not safe

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0c095b No.19309585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kitty Kats

Give you toxoplasmosis or some shit

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b9d64d No.19309586

File: 068d0cc4075749c⋯.png (900.95 KB,884x441,884:441,et.PNG)

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de8e0d No.19309588

File: 6d18a278706a76f⋯.png (627.75 KB,564x568,141:142,TrumpAndFlower2.png)

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e65f1c No.19309589

Is a shutdown really necessary if the site effectively shuts itself down?

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df4baa No.19309591


I'm not deleting anything Mr 1 post (new IP) poaster boi.

I am simply approving of the removal of the shit.

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ca7a9d No.19309592

File: f02f766c5ce26ff⋯.png (13.36 KB,935x453,935:453,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13ade48d9044513⋯.png (265.95 KB,544x680,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c2f0b41126a6dd⋯.png (204.77 KB,585x490,117:98,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72431bb2dc600f4⋯.png (380.84 KB,600x866,300:433,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b042be4f62d1497⋯.png (235.18 KB,811x367,811:367,ClipboardImage.png)


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ab8abc No.19309593

File: 0f999804ec68e35⋯.png (624.42 KB,2355x1352,2355:1352,0f999804ec68e35b2a97e5f366….png)

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fc2f8c No.19309594

File: 62c1d18d29e71fb⋯.jpg (613.89 KB,1200x2000,3:5,Screenshot_20230806_115025.jpg)

File: 7138eaaa8e468a9⋯.jpeg (446.02 KB,2047x1365,2047:1365,F22z75fWYAETB4o.jpeg)

File: d7942a1f2fdaf3f⋯.png (131.99 KB,618x944,309:472,1993_1_.png)

File: ca41264353b63cb⋯.png (116.02 KB,918x552,153:92,1b27fc4e658492dc12332e862c….png)

File: 10617487ecafe28⋯.png (143.06 KB,618x1604,309:802,1984_1_.png)

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58f54f No.19309596

File: 4c85d268dda8e58⋯.png (953.93 KB,975x803,975:803,ClipboardImage.png)

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371767 No.19309597


>this was you right before that.

LOL…. now yer trying to put a one word putdown on equal ground with a 500 word flaming REEEEEEE.

your desperation is getting desperate, and as it does, it fails more biglyer each time.


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7136d2 No.19309598

File: 0ce077b0c1141b4⋯.jpg (43.72 KB,1200x630,40:21,1_Eric_Torrell.jpg)


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c3c3fd No.19309599

Welcome to "Q's Line Is It Anyway"… where the riddles don't matter and nothing ever happens.

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c4ac57 No.19309601

File: 2a21f776303d404⋯.png (651.82 KB,1600x900,16:9,downloadfile.png)

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177a3d No.19309602

Military action against the Deepstate and cabal ensues.

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4fc0d8 No.19309604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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756111 No.19309605

File: e9cf4a8df07280d⋯.png (1006.64 KB,1601x946,1601:946,hammer_pelosi_bono.png)

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15b76a No.19309607



you are out of any logical arguments, shill.

In fact you never had any.

>you must believe in my virus

I'm not mentally ill. I hope you got 2 shots + boosters to be safe from the most dangerous virus ever.

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df4baa No.19309608
























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b07ff6 No.19309609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I have reported this song to youtube for racism. Hope you all do the same.

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c4ac57 No.19309612

File: 5995a57f67c180d⋯.png (254.75 KB,484x515,484:515,Scrx_removebg_preview.png)





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a41e4f No.19309615

File: c9881d55ebf41d1⋯.jpg (48.28 KB,600x400,3:2,thuglife.jpg)

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cebd47 No.19309617

File: 1980dd3367a37f5⋯.png (638.66 KB,965x355,193:71,2023_08_06_11_54_05.png)

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681cb4 No.19309619

File: 28f0cf891c5bb67⋯.gif (7.06 MB,540x540,1:1,42.gif)


all guud


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fc2f8c No.19309620

File: 5fd44bc96e8d79f⋯.jpeg (496.23 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,F22YeF6WQAARHOE.jpeg)

File: 8b0ec96a6fba824⋯.jpeg (546.06 KB,2047x1365,2047:1365,F22Yes_WsAApaRy.jpeg)

File: 965e46f218726a0⋯.jpeg (546.24 KB,2047x1365,2047:1365,F22YfRjXYAA3eW5.jpeg)

File: 9c425c596fc1fbd⋯.jpg (635.51 KB,1200x2000,3:5,Screenshot_20230806_115257.jpg)


ramen clam.sunday is always retarded round here. new eyes watching.hence the panic.God bless America.

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58f54f No.19309621

File: b12a1e754fb7206⋯.png (165.75 KB,627x638,57:58,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 013f547821e528e⋯.mp4 (9.74 MB,426x240,71:40,W_BUSH_Kite_Plane_Hit_Stee….mp4)

File: 0c64f7fcd9dbbe1⋯.mp4 (2.54 MB,320x240,4:3,On_9_11_Bush_watched_the_f….mp4)


Raking in the CASH!

Pilfer and Plunder.. That is what every POTUS has done.

Every position of the government has a value to sell. "THEY ALL DO IT!" Always have.. Always will.. SELL OUT AMERICA.. They are heartless soulless WORMS.

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7136d2 No.19309622

File: 6323e920b567477⋯.gif (367.86 KB,500x375,4:3,975296286415370649.gif)

It's all so comical.

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e435d9 No.19309624


OK, heat is fine, right?

being challanged is fine, right?

isn't that why we are all here, to share and to critique?

boasting about the censorship seems foolish, anon.

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36cbec No.19309626

File: f35a55833c02c53⋯.jpg (122.66 KB,693x506,63:46,EVERYTHING.jpg)


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9a6abd No.19309627

File: c5651ca3bc88cc1⋯.jpg (87.51 KB,800x534,400:267,KFCAsshead.jpg)

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564b1a No.19309628

File: dff3b92c14becf6⋯.png (461.86 KB,634x355,634:355,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10d8791f38ee6f6⋯.mp4 (4.95 MB,320x448,5:7,IMG_2827.MP4)

File: eb15d3c856ac16c⋯.png (1.99 MB,1119x625,1119:625,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4db706437f79d39⋯.png (618.55 KB,634x886,317:443,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd064206ef222a9⋯.mp4 (3.71 MB,360x640,9:16,video_2023_08_06_17_53_12.mp4)

'Pumpkin Patch Pale' PPP / 666

'Poisoned Eve' / 'evergreen eyes' = reptile from (((inbreeding))) = soulless / electrically driven = always as evil as possible as how electricity can kill you

Taylor Swift surprises Seattle food bank with 'incredible' donation that will help 'thousands of families' while in the city for her Eras Tour


Taylor Swift claims there are “harmful pieces of legislation that have put the LGBTQ and the Queer community at-risk”.

No, that legislation is aimed at protecting women and children, but we know she’s just a useful idiot for the Democrat Party.

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b9d64d No.19309629

File: 5a44f855a1ca1c8⋯.png (855.23 KB,892x916,223:229,w.PNG)

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ca7a9d No.19309630

File: 626c75f322d0fb0⋯.png (371.23 KB,517x574,517:574,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 945eaf77683d3e8⋯.png (155.21 KB,483x307,483:307,ClipboardImage.png)


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b3538f No.19309632

File: 1940836f569e66f⋯.jpg (46.68 KB,528x500,132:125,DuKatBenDisgusted.jpg)

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f821a0 No.19309634

File: 2830f5ba72b0089⋯.jpeg (454.52 KB,1254x1236,209:206,IMG_5409.jpeg)

What happens if VP Pence was derelict in his official duties?

Trump attorney says he ‘cannot wait’ to cross examine Pence in Jan. 6 trial


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c4ac57 No.19309635

File: 4cd63cc09acf84f⋯.jpg (70.44 KB,500x562,250:281,7ux92h.jpg)




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7136d2 No.19309636

File: cb288f8468f2bcc⋯.png (887.94 KB,602x802,301:401,ClipboardImage.png)



Such wow

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0c095b No.19309638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I got the funks

And it seems to be spreading

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a41e4f No.19309639

File: 538d8855698488e⋯.png (10.18 KB,74x65,74:65,ClipboardImage.png)


note the epstein patterns on the chairs

other patterns no coincidence

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371767 No.19309640


>I'm not mentally ill. I hope you got 2 shots + boosters to be safe from the most dangerous virus ever.

yer really grasping at straws now…

the predictable strawman argument…. i said polio virus is real. i did NOT say the clotshot was safe or effective.

btw, coronavirus is ALSO a real virus. it's the common cold. or are you going to try to tell us colds were just our imagination?

maybe they were caused by sodium benzoate in our grape jelly, or some retarded SLT?

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01695e No.19309642

File: 2877207e7e87a98⋯.png (2.85 MB,1664x12559,1664:12559,ClipboardImage.png)



How about a nice game of chess?

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f441cf No.19309643

I feel like everyone in DC, is trapped in DC.

No getting out.

All they can do is try to mitigate their fate by ruling from their lofty positions.

Except… their power over us is weak.

Nobody gives a shit what they say anymore, the gig is up.

Quick removal = power back to The People.

Nobody (of value) will shed tears for them.

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e65f1c No.19309644

Most criticism is healthy.

Some criticism is forbidden.

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756111 No.19309647

File: 4d1d0af46d062de⋯.jpg (40.02 KB,700x700,1:1,cat_knock.jpg)

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d71f6d No.19309648


#8 looks like the bass player for Steel Panther

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39aa11 No.19309649

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB,253x204,253:204,dafuqPepe.JPG)

Looks like someone found shit in their cereal this AM…

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b81fc7 No.19309650

File: ce47a8b975d7af5⋯.png (631.63 KB,1672x718,836:359,ClipboardImage.png)


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7136d2 No.19309651

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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b9d64d No.19309652

File: 1399891c935a6c9⋯.png (275.1 KB,589x619,589:619,omg.PNG)


Libs of TikTok




12:14 PM · Mar 7, 2023




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323dcd No.19309653

File: d8ae6072d1cc506⋯.jpg (98.04 KB,800x534,400:267,d8ae6072d1cc50642daa53b894….jpg)

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903f10 No.19309655


Mamba, lots of dc power players have dual citizenship

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e435d9 No.19309656

"Mr. Pence, tells us about that gold colored coin you got on Jan 6? what was that all about?

did you get it valued? was it actually made of gold? is it worth more than 25 dollars?"

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fc2f8c No.19309657

File: f9d1cd7e09f15b6⋯.jpeg (37.53 KB,600x767,600:767,64501e7bda6d7b0019bdd826.jpeg)

File: 767e912735482ea⋯.jpg (263.6 KB,1083x882,361:294,32_CB_80_G_7716.jpg)

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756111 No.19309658

File: d031e50e542e17e⋯.png (451.18 KB,500x561,500:561,build_back_better_cereal.png)

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30b2e2 No.19309659

File: d6694e46a46985c⋯.png (8.04 KB,255x150,17:10,bc4682d00ed2fcf2959c6e5f39….png)

Morning, frenz

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a41e4f No.19309660

File: e8a645e623aeb05⋯.png (665.09 KB,800x733,800:733,panicat.png)


Happy Sunday Pig

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240980 No.19309661

File: 1d008d59b79fa79⋯.mp4 (61.64 KB,350x270,35:27,1d008d59b79fa797b41d51bce8….mp4)



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371767 No.19309662


>Welcome to "Q's Line Is It Anyway"… where the riddles don't matter and nothing ever happens.


gonna meme the shit outta that!

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7136d2 No.19309664

File: 2d9d104f4d0f457⋯.jpg (31.88 KB,834x668,417:334,heressomeattentionforyou.jpg)


You look bored.

Write me a Haiku on Deep State Desperation.

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7feba1 No.19309666


Didn't he just also give away several large BONUS' to the Truck drivers?

Is he being Forced to liquidate his funds? All wealth of these sick fucks WIL BE seized, so to preserve their appearance/status for their egos, they get to keep the "Star" status, and die hero's?

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b81fc7 No.19309667

File: 4ee393c53134dcb⋯.jpg (218.47 KB,1280x868,320:217,story_pepe.jpg)

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58f54f No.19309668


^^ Now that is a great meme!


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323dcd No.19309669

File: 167ef0f2ea87292⋯.png (245.2 KB,1280x694,640:347,shooter.png)

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dff540 No.19309671

File: 7b8fae72dcbbc38⋯.jpeg (56.56 KB,860x475,172:95,IMG_0628.jpeg)

Ex-Stripper Says Hunter Biden Is an Easily Manipulated 'Puppy'


An ex-stripper from Hunter Biden’s past has come out and revealed that Hunter — as we all know — is simply a patsy who can be easily manipulated.

Like father like son, right?

Hunter was an easily manipulated “puppy” according to the ex-stripper, who goes by the name Kennedy.

Kennedy admitted that she was able to manipulate Hunter into giving her $2,000 during her relationship with him, which lasted from 2018-2019, according to the New York Post.

This was around the same time Hunter had falsely portrayed himself as an intelligent and honest international powerbroker who raked in millions of dollars for his corrupt family.

“He was like a dog that I dragged and led on,” Kennedy told investigative organization Marco Polo. “I just led him on and played with him like a walking ATM.”

“I had a few guys like Hunter who I would lead on and take tips and shopping from and leave them ‘hanging.’ It’s part of the stripper gig. Get all you can out of these idiots and move on,” Kennedy added. “I was able to finesse Hunter without sex because I’m beautiful and smart. I saw a whale and took advantage, It was that easy.”

Kennedy told Marco Polo that her relationship with Hunter began “through the strip club,” and admitted they were once intimate with one another.

“He’s a piece of s—t but most addicts are,” Kennedy noted. “He was a f—king crackhead. Hunter became useless when I couldn’t extort him any longer.”

During her one-year relationship with Hunter, Kennedy said she garnered nearly $20,000.

However, Kennedy was recently interviewed by the New York Post and tried to walk back her comments concerning Hunter.

She said that she didn’t actually meet Hunter at a strip club, but rather at a tanning salon she owned. Kennedy also insisted she never slept with Hunter in exchange for money.

“The girls I knew would meet Hunter when he would frequent the club. He asked one of the girls, ‘Do you know where I could get a good spray tan?’ and they gave him my card,” Kennedy said. “He came to my one-room salon that I rented and got a spray tan. He tipped me $500 and I was like ‘WTF? Who is this guy?’ And one of the girls texted me that we gave Joe Biden’s son your card.”

Kennedy said that around the time revelations of Hunter’s abandoned laptop surfaced, Hunter approached her and told her not to believe any of the things being said about him in the news.

“I was at a beauty convention in Philadelphia and he said to me, ‘I need to talk to you, let’s meet for dinner.’ He said, ‘There are things about me that are coming out. I want you to not believe them. None of them are true,’” she said. “The last time I saw Hunter he said to me, ‘Promise me that you will just be my friend.”


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36cbec No.19309672

File: a2c5fa4f3817fa9⋯.gif (1.18 MB,431x241,431:241,WINNING_COMFY.gif)

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240980 No.19309674

File: f0dc59d1271db6c⋯.png (213.16 KB,471x530,471:530,7ux92h_removebg_preview.png)

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7136d2 No.19309676


It's all yours, my friend.

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6d290f No.19309677


At least all the posts telling everyone good morning is still up.

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371767 No.19309678


>Yes, Pelosi is Jewish

ya sure? ya know she's a mafioso princess, right

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17e634 No.19309679

File: 7e1d5eb48123666⋯.jpg (100.64 KB,500x759,500:759,hhuh.jpg)

IOU 1 (you)

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58f54f No.19309681

File: 4a48a92c5402cbc⋯.gif (881.31 KB,200x232,25:29,tard_snl.gif)


"Saving for last"

Cannot wait to see what that means..

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177a3d No.19309682

The cabAl will eradicate their Deepstate comped minions, loose ends will be culled by the puppet masters.

Prepare dumbcunts.

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a41e4f No.19309684

someone wishes they had a friend

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ef70a5 No.19309685

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371767 No.19309686


>Yes, Pelosi is Jewish

and Jewosi is Polish?

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323dcd No.19309687

File: 2bfd3b353a7da3f⋯.jpg (55.22 KB,560x315,16:9,2bfd3b353a7da3f9184f571e20….jpg)

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756111 No.19309688

File: 2d3a0363806fd28⋯.jpg (110.36 KB,694x900,347:450,crunchwrap_lawsuit.jpg)

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b81fc7 No.19309689

File: 20b8a4544a1665a⋯.gif (7.11 MB,544x306,16:9,chickenboy_gif.gif)

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30b2e2 No.19309690

File: 7797320972e3b0c⋯.png (63.06 KB,166x229,166:229,Opera_Snapshot_2023_07_20_….png)

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579d9e No.19309691


Then why aren't the "good" Jews calling them out?

Your logic sucks.

Mossad is the Jews.

MooJoos are Jews.

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788d63 No.19309692

Can you at least open the bunker?

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58f54f No.19309693

File: ec9b544412e13a7⋯.jpg (10.73 KB,186x271,186:271,images_023.jpg)

File: 4a582e0bb683e3b⋯.jpg (14.56 KB,225x225,1:1,images_005.jpg)

File: 28e65b347db1e3b⋯.jpg (10.82 KB,266x190,7:5,images_004.jpg)

File: 249688f396b3703⋯.jpg (9.15 KB,190x266,5:7,images_003.jpg)

File: 089477d114202df⋯.jpg (5.1 KB,194x259,194:259,imagbcves.jpg)


At this rate.. I hope I live long enough to see it.

Before I die I hope to see an actual UFO up close. Maybe one of those Sporty Models? Take a trip around the Sun and back, eh…

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e71260 No.19309694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAKING: Woke US Women’s Soccer Humiliation

La hoo za herss

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4b14ab No.19309696

File: ff7a4b2797b712e⋯.png (149.08 KB,474x334,237:167,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>19307606 (You)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>19307601 (You)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>19307471 (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dumpf whisteler venture capitalism larps over here >>19307464 (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>whinestein is pullin micheal moore buttbeads this way


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>before rump idcitminyt

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>whinestein cooter full of drumpf

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>infidel poo scurry frum vatican crime scene ju$

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>talmud tabernacle escape options

>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tu$hner$ wikipedia creepypasta mnuchin island coverup and casino haz buffet

>>>>>>>>>>>>Tucker philipin ladyboy sallon clickbait cofirmed Tu$hner$ creepypasta coverup mnuchin island over there

>>>>>>>>>>>fayk ju shiva gefelta fish noises an nu JUrueSALEM flase gifts

>>>>>>>>>>deep $hart whorizon fayked GAHY cruz

>>>>>>>>>drumpf was fermented and in a baggie cuz jfk

>>>>>>>>thats not corn

>>>>>>>bidet fights illegal TP rules

>>>>>>too many fed bois shared bruce$ probe to tweet

>>>>>buffalo stripper still mad bout insurrection homoo

>>>>sparrow prince still lost

>>>ju $eek catatafish

>>an tahn drumpf filler feels halped duke harry gasket edipus trannysition to bitch wife rental

>GAHYjaPOO drumpf whisteler wanderin desert fo forty years of 6k years of histroical fraud greece prices cowboyGAHY

anime pussy frum japan saved world >this way>>>

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ef70a5 No.19309697

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1367ae No.19309699


>Putin Bans 5G across Russia, Destroys All Towers

"sauce/source" = REAL RAW NEWS

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9a6abd No.19309700

File: 5a19e6037ec1320⋯.png (312.18 KB,510x791,510:791,Dinerout.png)

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58f54f No.19309701

File: f2493bdc78081f8⋯.jpg (45.74 KB,448x274,224:137,pi389.jpg)

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7136d2 No.19309702

File: 2ae72efb84917f6⋯.jpg (9.89 KB,162x255,54:85,2ae72efb84917f6ae4ed55ba85….jpg)


You can try X

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e8096e No.19309704

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,Freedom_Flag.png)

File: 8cab262d5fe1bab⋯.jpg (50.43 KB,1125x1058,1125:1058,2023_07_03_06_47_12.jpg)

o7 anons

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0a8fbe No.19309705

File: e05229dc72b300e⋯.jpg (24.62 KB,474x285,158:95,th_1373462150.jpg)



kept alive thru clones



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4fc0d8 No.19309708



It is good for the glaucoma too

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51410b No.19309709

Someone has their panties in bunch

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a41e4f No.19309711

File: 3644848a6d611bb⋯.jpeg (387.47 KB,1620x1080,3:2,3644848a6d611bbc3ebf94467….jpeg)


when do we get our saucers?

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e71260 No.19309712

File: b8846e9fbe03200⋯.mp4 (259.4 KB,450x360,5:4,Ace_Ventura_Losers.mp4)



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cebd47 No.19309713

File: 35d0133a2d97a45⋯.png (277.68 KB,595x396,595:396,2023_08_06_12_02_17.png)


>Looks like someone found shit in their cereal this AM…


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