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cee24a No.19222695

Q Research General #23609EMERGENCY BREAD EDITION

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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0e2405 No.19222698

File: 6674c4c44b4e177⋯.gif (194.34 KB,247x319,247:319,1683294923511469.gif)

where tubb

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a9fcf9 No.19222702


#23607 >>19221073

>>19221825 Georgia state judge has ruled that all Fulton County judges in Georgia must be recused from overseeing the case involving Trump's attempt to quash the 2020 election probe grand jury: Fani Willis is fucked 2:40

>>19221081, >>19221101 This is the tip of the iceberg. Just wait. In 5-10 years there will be thousands of these, tranny surgery gone wrong

>>19221107 You only come out at nightshift vid

>>19221158 SV 40 Plasmid is not an accident

>>19221241, >>19221240, >>19221252, >>19221257 Biden/Water Island, adjacent to Epstein Isle

>>19221274 US Justice Department threatens to sue Texas over floating border wall

>>19221233, >>19221362 Trump 2024 FAFO

>>19221256 Looks like they disable the NASA fire map because we kept using it lol. Fags.

>>19221263, >>19221313, >>19221332, >>19221353, >>19221384, >>19221455 DJT: Fillum

>>19221385 PF Report: SAM flight coming in from Columbia

>>19221505 Thousands of penguins washed ashore in Uruguay

>>19221541 Jim started a substack:

>>19221569 Former ABC Investigative Journalist James Gordon Meek Pleads Guilty to Child Pornography Charges

>>19221586 Sound of Freedom thunders past $100M at the box office and edges out Tom Cruise's Mission:despite being dismissed as QAnon conspiracy fodder

>>19221618, >>19221766, >>19221815 CIA chief gets promotion: William Burns joining the vice president and top officials from 15 executive departments

>>19221660 Donald J. Trump: TDS 2:28

>>19221669 Dan Scavino: Sign the petition — to tell Congress NO, the ability to send, receive, and save money are key freedoms that should operate on YOUR terms, not on the whims of Wall Street

>>19221674 Kari Lake: The Department Of Injustice Will Stop At Nothing To Illegally & Falsely Frame Trump Despite Knowing He Is 100% Innocent. They Know That When We/He Wins Their Reign Will Be Over

>>19221666 FBI Improperly Searched U.S. Senator’s Name in Foreign-Spying Database

>>19221691, >>19221692 Obama-Appointed Judge U.S. District Court Judge John Tuchi, Awards $122,200 in Sanctions Against Kari Lake’s Attorneys

>>19221716 Kari Lake: We The People will always have the President’s back 7:24

>>19221718, >>19221723 Jim Caviezel: JC+++

>>19221730 Kamala Harris's Population Bomb

>>19221745, >>19221747 The Blended Retirement System Explained, The military just changed their retirement plan

>>19221751, >>19221765 Brazil's leftist President Lula da Silva signed a decree to limit civilian access to firearms

>>19221769 Tropical Storm Don?

>>19221807 Democrats Cornered On Trying To Censor RFK Jr 0:59

>>19221827 America’s Child Sex Trafficking Problem 104 men were arrested IN ONE DAY

>>19221848 Corporate America Starting to Ditch Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officers

>>19221882 #23607

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a9fcf9 No.19222706

File: 3b4e1c00535b57b⋯.png (970.67 KB,1080x1102,540:551,2.png)


Previously Collected

>>19217163 #23601, >>19217929 #23602, >>19218765 #23603

>>19214740 #23598, >>19215532 #23599, >>19216305 #23600

>>19213119 #23595, >>19213566 #23596, >>19213971 #23597

>>19209618 #23592, >>19210531 #23593, >>19211425 #23594

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop >>19192963



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a9fcf9 No.19222709

File: 72ecf0818e4e45e⋯.png (887.41 KB,766x406,383:203,72ecf0818e4e45e1e43d46f8d4….png)


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9a667c No.19222713


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a9fcf9 No.19222716

you want lied to or stay here and learn something?

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216067 No.19222722


another bread is further along.

please migrate




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7b3fcc No.19222724

I need to shit.

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