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File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,04d99161d854161c86edffc2cc….jpg)

641642 No.18765712 [Last50 Posts]

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641642 No.18765713

International Q Research Threads

>>18670265 ——–——– Australia #29

>>18668978 ——–——– Canada #42

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>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6



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641642 No.18765714


#23026 >>18764111

>>18764126, >>18764135 Caitlyn Jenner warns transgender athletes could 'destroy women's sport' in Sky News Australia exclusive interview

>>18764140, >>18764153, >>18764187 Trans runner who beat 14,000 ‘actual females’ in London Marathon claims she didn’t cheat

>>18764156 US Expands Sanctions On Russia's FSB For "Holding Americans Hostage"

>>18764228 Blinken's late stepfather was Samuel Pisar, the longtime lawyer and confidant of Robert Maxwell

>>18764242 PNG climate change officials accused of skimming $2 million in public funds

>>18764400, >>18764438 Ballot harvesting laws by state

>>18764526, >>18764554, >>18764589 2 U.S. Army helicopters have crashed while returning from a training flight in Alaska

>>18764555 Trump signing hats and talking to customers at the Red Arrow diner

>>18764575 Robert F Kennedy's son is a MERCENARY in Ukraine

>>18764578 @geneho What you are witnessing in real time - is changing of the guards.

>>18764617, >>18764620 Trump retires 'Crooked Hillary' nickname, unveils 'Crooked Joe Biden'

>>18764697 Fox News has lost 2M viewers in the Tucker Carlson 8PM time slot.

>>18764734 John and his wonderful wife, Margo, just Endorsed me. Thank you both!

>>18764857 #23026

#23025 >>18763320

>>18763343, >>18763440, >>18763494, >>18763486, >>18763519, >>18763471, >>18763648, >>18763701, >>18763797 President Trump Q&A snips

>>18763344, >>18763516 Need moar info on this Pedo Bust

>>18763373 Convicted Child Rapist Sentenced for Naturalization Fraud and Judicially Denaturalized

>>18763392 US holding ‘more than 100’ Russian citizens in jail – ambassador

>>18763400 Judicial Watch: Biden National Archives’ Hides Over 85% of Trump Raid Records

>>18763427 Internal Revenue Service Hiring Armed Agents for All 50 States

>>18763472 PlaneFag CONUS Update-Blinken goes to Denver, NATO AC departed JBA back to Brussels, SPAR and Coast Guard activity

>>18763479 the Biden administration is spending $1 billion dollars to increase "equitable access to trees"

>>18763560 3 suspects in custody in connection with prom party shooting near Jasper TX that left 11 teens injured

>>18763581, >>18763614, >>18763623, >>18763642 Interview With Your Favorite President on the New Book "Letters To Trump" | TRIGGERED Ep. 28

>>18763646 Bank Bailout Facility Usage Soars For 2nd Straight Week, Money Market Inflows Resume

>>18763637 Nashville trans school shooter’s manifesto to be released by authorities - The Post Millennial

>>18763679 [The College Board] can’t be trusted

>>18763687 Hunter Biden Virtual Hearing on Monday for withholding evidence ignoring rulings for other courts throughout long-fought paternity dispute.

>>18763686 Operation handshake was a success! Happy birthday, Adam. 🥳

>>18763707 Greenpeace Co-Founder SLAMS Climate Con

>>18763726 KJP says questions are not screened in advance, claims the question on the card Biden was holding 'was not actually the question asked'

>>18763775, >>18763779, >>18763783, >>18763790, >>18763793 Donald Blinken, Antony's Father

>>18763813 Trump rolls out the red carpet for MAGA stars

>>18763843 President Donald J. Trump Announces New Hampshire Elected Leadership Team

>>18763914 First Republic Faces Potential Curb on Borrowing From Fed

>>18763933 Biden’s Office of Management and Budget proposal sets standards based on racial “identity”

>>18763938 semi lobotomized quasi retarded population for the keks

>>18763944, >>18763952 Message to the Congress on Executive Order on Authority to Order the Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty to Address International Drug Trafficking

>>18763320 PF 45 in N757AF 757 departed Manchester, N.H. just after sunset and rally

>>18764093 #23025

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641642 No.18765715

#23024-A >>18762507

>>18762637, >>18762960 LIVE LINKS: President Trump in Manchester, NH

>>18762507 President of the United States DONALD J. TRUMP Speaks in New Hampshire

>>18762898, >>18762901, >>18762912, >>18762914, >>18762915, >>18762916, >>18762919, >>18762921, >>18762924 Rally screen shots

>>18762944 Roll call of honor

>>18762954, >>18762955 Q Card

>>18762966, >>18762963, >>18762964, >>18762965, >>18762973, >>18762987, >>18763006 President Trump: I will be retiring the name 'crooked' from Hillary Clinton…so that we can use the name for Joe Biden. He will be known from now on as 'Crooked Joe Biden'.

>>18763049, >>18763072, >>18763080 Q4772 LOSBR President Trump

>>18762979 President Trump: The choice in this election is now between strength and weakness, between success or failure, between safety or anarchy, between peace or conflict and prosperity, or catastrophe. We are living in a catastrophe.

>>18762991 President Trump: MAGA is Make America Great Again. No threat there. It's Biden who poses the threat to democracy, because he is grossly incompetent, has no idea what he is doing, and basically, he doesn't have a clue. Our country is in a very dangerous position right now.

>>18763009 President Trump: With such a calamitous presidency, it's almost inconceivable that Biden would have even thought of running for reelection. He has destroyed our country, and yet he says in his recorded piece that he wants to finish the job. That's right, he wants to finish the job of destroying the country. But on that he is very close. On that, he is very close to finishing the job, unfortunately.

>>18763025 President Trump: I also opened up five thousand square miles of ocean that Barack Obama closed to New England fisherman…and now they want to close it up again.

>>18763043 President Trump: All-electric cars, oh that's wonderful. They don't have enough electric to turn on the lights, and now they're going to say let's do all-electric. I love electric cars. They go for about an hour and a half, then you're in the middle of nowhere, and you're saying, 'How do I get this thing charged up?'

>>18763071 President Trump: Since Joe Biden took office, the typical family has lost over seven thousand, four- hundred dollars in annual income…inflation is out of control, banks are collapsing..real wages are down twenty-four months in a row, the longest losing streak ever, ever in our country. The trade deficit has surged to a record one trillion dollars, household wealth has declined by four trillion dollars. These are numbers that nobody's seen before.

>>18763081 President Trump: Joe Biden cares only about enriching his own family, I care about enriching your family and you.

>>18763105 #23024-A

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641642 No.18765716

Previously Collected

>>18763107 #23024-B

>>18760932 #23021, >>18761715 #23022, >>18762492 #23023

>>18758600 #23018, >>18759356 #23019, >>18760543 #23020

>>18756279 #23015, >>18757046 #23016, >>18757863 #23017

>>18753955 #23012, >>18754721 #23013, >>18755491 #23014

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #17: Enjoy The P@in >>18405516

This is a useful tool for doing research. Thank you to the opensource developers that worked on it. Let's do some digging.

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641642 No.18765717

…Old dough. https://fullchan.net/?5ea7dd9a891de948#5ewNx7Ppf1Jpy8u5N7a9KCREgnedCGzrZDbm8r5nAdcA

Shit, anon tried.

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2dc590 No.18765718

File: 8a468b932352584⋯.jpg (51.39 KB,500x415,100:83,8a468b93235258462d46a357fe….jpg)



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1fe9b7 No.18765719


cool, thank you

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45429e No.18765720

File: 5bb542c45c40fee⋯.jpg (11.48 KB,255x255,1:1,Heart_Pepe.jpg)


TYVM ebakes!

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2dc590 No.18765721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1fe9b7 No.18765722

reposting re Lenine (Trump yesterday)

>>18764887 pb

>>18765547 pb

>>18765522 pb

Lenine, Crimea

…is an urban-type settlement in the east of Crimea.

The settlement has different names according to Russia's Republic of Crimea and Ukraine's Autonomous Republic of Crimea: the former uses Lenine while the latter has used Yedi Quyu since 2016. … The name "Yedi Quyu" in Crimean Tatar language, means "Seven Wells".


Lenine Raion(district)

there is also a:

Crimean Atomic Energy Station

Construction work on the plant started in 1976, and the nearby town of Shcholkine was constructed in 1978 to house workers working on the project. The station was inspected following the Chernobyl disaster of 1986, and was found to be located on a geologically volatile site. Construction of the facility was summarily abandoned in 1989.

Between 1993 and 1999 the plant was home to the electronic music festival KaZantip. The festival was referred to as the "Reaktor" for this reason.

From 1998 to 2004 the station was under jurisdiction of the Ministry of Fuel (Ukraine). In 2004 it was passed to the government of Crimea.In 2005 the Crimean representation of the State Property Fund sold the station to an undisclosed firm.


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641642 No.18765723

…Last bread collected notes.

Bread #23027

Notables not endorsed

>>18764989 Stone of Scone that will be crucial to the Coronation of King Charles III?

>>18765023 New York billionaire and Trump megadonor John Catsimatidis is ruling out supporting Ron DeSantis for president in the 2024 election

>>18765324 Larry Elder - Happy Birthday, #71

>>18765360 The man on the right I believe is carrying the "nuclear football." ☢️🏈

>>18765516 Dan just posted song from sum of all fears on TS

>>18765552 Kremlin reacts to ‘Putin drone assassination’ claim

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578ed5 No.18765724

File: a5346689aacb14c⋯.jpg (40.86 KB,636x382,318:191,35105826_0_image_a_32_1604….jpg)



Love you Baker, get some rack time.

Collecting lb's notables

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439869 No.18765727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I know the pieces fit…

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45429e No.18765728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Body Language: Jan. 6 Committee staffer on Ray Epps

April 26, 2023

Body Language Ghost

Justice is most certainly not blind. This guy needs a job delivering phonebooks.. dude is downright giddy about his fine job of jailing Granny.

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641642 No.18765729


global reported. Fry in Hell, asshole!

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641642 No.18765730

Updated dough


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41a1a2 No.18765731



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2213ab No.18765732

File: 7eadc850aa51f66⋯.jpg (339.85 KB,983x886,983:886,Mel_Gibson_Before_Night_Sh….jpg)


Thanks man.

It's nightshift. We take what we can get.

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5f6d1a No.18765733


Thank you very much bakes. You have done a service for us all.

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45429e No.18765734

File: 8baab3fa1f116cb⋯.mp4 (825.34 KB,638x360,319:180,12_31_2022_Remember_when_C….mp4)

File: b952883242ef0f2⋯.jpg (197.8 KB,967x1107,967:1107,12_31_2022_FedEpps_literal….jpg)

File: 03e918bdee96822⋯.jpg (184.33 KB,1093x840,1093:840,FedEPS.jpg)

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b57b7b No.18765735

"Aliens" are us after the pharmaceutical companies have their ways with us.

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41a1a2 No.18765736


It'll take a few years

But he Truth will come out eventually

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2213ab No.18765737

File: 208721e1afe752e⋯.png (93.63 KB,236x377,236:377,Joe_Biden_Sitting_Dog_Leas….png)

File: 6277c85f088fd18⋯.jpg (184.14 KB,680x673,680:673,Joe_Biden_Pedo_Pete_Sillou….jpg)

Think Cinderella's shoe.

Does it fit?

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41a1a2 No.18765738

NATO is an Enemy of God & Peace

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2213ab No.18765739






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ca6418 No.18765740

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2bd343 No.18765741

File: 09bcd95b9335541⋯.png (62.17 KB,400x305,80:61,90e68c311cdc2fe93dae4fd2dd….png)


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439869 No.18765742

Can I get a delta on these two posts?



Because Im wondering if they are related or just coincidence…

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5f6d1a No.18765743



Hide the women

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45429e No.18765744

File: 103f61058cfb634⋯.mp4 (2.51 MB,720x640,9:8,Midbread_dance_and_play.mp4)



not another all nighter… nooooooooooooo


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2213ab No.18765745

File: 36a946c5117b67a⋯.png (1.15 MB,1030x936,515:468,ClipboardImage.png)


Ease up on the goddam joy, will ya.

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14f527 No.18765746

File: efbd670c4d77f68⋯.png (831.79 KB,854x732,7:6,ClipboardImage.png)


How many times do I have to tell you that you are not welcome here until you retract your defence of the Satanic pedo Ricky Dearman.

You can try to change your identity as much as you want - nothing you can do will hide your incompetence.

You are a disgrace to people who has respect for the field of Body language reading.

Bad Bombard, BAD !

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2213ab No.18765747


1hr 11 min 9 sec

did it in muh head tho.

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45429e No.18765749

File: 8e708376281bbc2⋯.png (861.24 KB,800x629,800:629,COOKIE_MONSTER_SHOT_DEAD.png)



fake news

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2bd343 No.18765750

File: f623d10ce3a1127⋯.jpg (39.49 KB,750x562,375:281,1671457352120434.jpg)


It's morning time, anon! :D

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aa042d No.18765752

File: f020d17c3c77d9c⋯.jpg (198.92 KB,720x1024,45:64,20230428_033920.jpg)

File: 4d516c476d1fd95⋯.jpg (83.56 KB,634x423,634:423,70339629_12024333_image_a_….jpg)

File: 481ea3e2ff6fc59⋯.jpg (72.75 KB,634x422,317:211,70339627_12024333_image_a_….jpg)

File: 5e190abf7c83f9e⋯.jpg (52.75 KB,634x423,634:423,70339631_12024333_image_a_….jpg)

File: 1a931f6802612bf⋯.jpg (65.95 KB,634x423,634:423,70339661_12024333_image_a_….jpg)

Barack and The Boss! Ex President and wife Michelle are seen out about in Barcelona with Bruce Springsteen and Steven Spielberg ahead of singer's Olympic Stadium concert


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aa042d No.18765753

File: db8dbd36a07b6b0⋯.jpg (152.19 KB,634x740,317:370,70339659_12024333_image_m_….jpg)

File: ca005039d4b13a0⋯.jpg (115.07 KB,634x951,2:3,70340119_12024333_image_a_….jpg)

File: 90e0050fce56523⋯.jpg (120.16 KB,634x951,2:3,70339635_12024333_image_a_….jpg)

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45429e No.18765754

File: 43c017bf33182b2⋯.jpg (48.25 KB,595x600,119:120,Mad.jpg)


>It's morning time, anon!

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439869 No.18765755


I should have been more specific.

I dont see timestamps on the Twitter post or the TS post. I can see when they were posted here, but when were they posted on their respective social media sites…

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2213ab No.18765756

File: 15cdd1aadceeef9⋯.jpg (164.56 KB,650x430,65:43,Stacey_Abrams_Yoga_KFC.jpg)


Time for some yoga?

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45429e No.18765757

Sick fuck REPORTED


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641642 No.18765758


Another global report

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2213ab No.18765759

File: 8002302748a8a72⋯.png (47.45 KB,124x164,31:41,ClipboardImage.png)

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2bd343 No.18765760

File: 0167c370947f1cb⋯.png (68.69 KB,714x574,51:41,1577174020928.png)

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aa042d No.18765761

File: 5cac7ed63ca2f46⋯.png (107.52 KB,794x746,397:373,Fed_honey_pot.png)

File: 8b4b074138378f7⋯.png (132.61 KB,765x678,255:226,fed_honey_pot_2.png)

File: 0d75d00f8f93d8a⋯.jpg (31.26 KB,400x400,1:1,IoaH7Eja_400x400.jpg)

File: 174851e86b97a97⋯.png (401.82 KB,808x810,404:405,Fed_honey_pot_3.png)

File: 0d0267b309ae6c2⋯.png (1.37 MB,948x889,948:889,13833dfedef3ca719aa4b4df5c….png)

Found a Fed boy on twitter, KEK

A driver was stuck in a traffic jam on the highway outside Washington, DC.

Nothing was moving.

Suddenly, a man knocks on the window.

The driver rolls down the window and ask, "What's going on?"

"Terrorist have kidnapped the entire US Congress, and they are asking for a 100 million dollar ransom. Otherwise, they're going to douse them all in gasoline and set them on fire.

We are going from car to car asking for donations."

"How much is everyone giving on an average?" The driver asks.

The man replies, "Roughly a gallon."


He is trying to lure patriots into talking about setting congress on fire with a joke story.

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aa042d No.18765762

File: 7a67b0c922a7d42⋯.jpg (124.11 KB,720x808,90:101,20230428_034335.jpg)

File: 53e2983ad01fdcf⋯.jpg (138.24 KB,720x870,24:29,20230428_034404.jpg)



Pedophiles on the prowl

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2213ab No.18765763


Looks like same guy.

Fucking Notable

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1fe9b7 No.18765764



and his avatar name is Clinton

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641642 No.18765765

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2213ab No.18765766

File: 687d8c89978f19c⋯.png (407.75 KB,1600x1600,1:1,Pepe_Notable_Badge_17th_Di….png)


TY notetaker

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5f6d1a No.18765767


Interesting but (PB)

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2bd343 No.18765768

File: 039dd943a3a7edb⋯.png (108.94 KB,268x312,67:78,039dd943a3a7edb4c58997f57d….png)

When Trump calls his enemies beautiful and wishes them luck, that means they are fucked :D

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5f6d1a No.18765769



Great job

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439869 No.18765770


Well at least he admits it…I find myself scrutinizing the reflections in the rearview/side mirrors, and those sunglasses, who could resist…that follower list though, that's where my curiosity goes…

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439869 No.18765771


Fuk… you're right, saw them in the notable bun from lb, sorry. My only defense is more bong rips than cups of coffee so far…

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fa537a No.18765772

File: 9377176674ff978⋯.jpeg (84.35 KB,600x450,4:3,B4274540_49FF_427F_AA88_B….jpeg)

Morning, frenz

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41a1a2 No.18765773



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e73787 No.18765774

File: 2da85a4786783b5⋯.jpeg (578.49 KB,828x1498,414:749,DA12D48A_7921_41FE_981B_3….jpeg)


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5f6d1a No.18765775


no sweat, I think pretty much all of us have done it before.

Anything in the permanent notables is going to be a PB

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aa042d No.18765776

File: 9e4f581f5daebcf⋯.png (1.43 MB,1329x887,1329:887,1682676103173.png)



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8230fb No.18765777


G'Mornin' Sam… Another Day at the Office.

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b57b7b No.18765778

File: 26ec81632714320⋯.png (269.04 KB,858x514,429:257,ClipboardImage.png)

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f604be No.18765779


was checking his feed. looks like he's a pro-Trump by now

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6a2508 No.18765780

File: 86e124b2a823280⋯.png (729.78 KB,889x795,889:795,arrest.PNG)


Dylan Mulvaney Cost Bud Light, Now He

Wants Journalists Arrested

Red State, by Bonchie

Original Article

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 4/28/2023 3:11:49 AM

Dylan Mulvaney has already cost Bud Light what is assumed to be millions of dollars (17 percent drop in sales), but he’s not done causing chaos yet. The transgender “influencer” entered into the broader public eye after Joe Biden invited him to the White House back in 2022. Think about that. A president who hasn’t done a challenging interview since he took office found time to receive softballs from a grown man who pretends to be a prepubescent girl. But I digress. Mulvaney has been propped up by corporate America despite only claiming to be a “girl” for a little over a year.

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2bd343 No.18765781

File: 408ba67dfac33c5⋯.png (790.87 KB,1280x720,16:9,china_coast_guard_1.png)

File: efdec18ac815284⋯.png (1.1 MB,1920x1080,16:9,china_coast_guard.png)

China Coast Guard teeing off with Philippine Coast Guard.


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febadb No.18765782

File: 6cfd48208a96923⋯.png (621.3 KB,686x823,686:823,6cfd48208a96923f90df967ff7….png)

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88e085 No.18765783


guud job anon. you'd make a guud baker. stick with it

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41a1a2 No.18765784


He's a Mental case, mocking women

& sticks Tampons in his butt

That's the Truth of the situation

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5e5c1b No.18765785


That’s what I think too.

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bcf1bb No.18765786

Peak civilization was 90s whites-only society.

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641642 No.18765787


…Can't abandon the bread, now. Finally clicked with anon on what to do. Shit happens.

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439869 No.18765788

File: 4b5f32a9fdefc46⋯.png (34.75 KB,200x149,200:149,ClipboardImage.png)


Not just a girl…That Girl…

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febadb No.18765789

File: f6f3c25a0550d5c⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,1080x1056,45:44,165806474537989.jpg)

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10c4ff No.18765790

File: e76cd382453bcca⋯.png (169.74 KB,320x291,320:291,ClipboardImage.png)


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b57b7b No.18765791

File: 3363c65900a4b55⋯.png (211.76 KB,904x538,452:269,ClipboardImage.png)



Now I see it!

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fa537a No.18765792



Lucky digits

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b57b7b No.18765793



philippine coast guard

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bc467e No.18765794

File: f7b33a337cccb27⋯.jpeg (12.08 KB,255x144,85:48,IMG_3688.jpeg)


Big Mike was never what you would call a handsome guy.

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febadb No.18765795

File: 14ac39846ae4582⋯.png (1.46 MB,959x838,959:838,14ac39846ae458228d3ef97007….png)

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14f527 No.18765796


>fake news

Keep pretending Bombard… I've taken you down more than once already. You are a bullshit artist.

Don't think that because most anons don't know or remember you that you can fly under the radar.

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2bd343 No.18765797

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88e085 No.18765798

File: 9e378013980d551⋯.png (84.16 KB,414x324,23:18,9e378013980d551c0c66739194….png)


morn'n baker here but irl'n. you did great. i'll be back @300 post if you can hang in there that long. for yer next bake, just make sure in your bred post you include 'edition' at the end of yer title. rest luuks just fine.

kek you even used the same avatar as i do erryday.

dats like double plus bonus points

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b57b7b No.18765799

File: 6515e24cee2c451⋯.png (220.39 KB,856x488,107:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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641642 No.18765800


…No prob, can do.

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44274b No.18765801

File: c2923e259fc21dc⋯.png (433.11 KB,771x774,257:258,ClipboardImage.png)



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febadb No.18765802

File: c700ab5395b5809⋯.jpeg (136.92 KB,504x619,504:619,c700ab5395b580961e89416c2….jpeg)

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88e085 No.18765803

File: 252ff06535cb649⋯.png (973.8 KB,783x485,783:485,wnb.png)



updated your doh post to include edition. refresh n all guud. back inna bit. great job again.

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641642 No.18765804


thank you

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acc46d No.18765805

File: 8e2acd464617938⋯.png (91.22 KB,391x518,391:518,q_post_epstein_island_famo….PNG)

File: 871cf2357d92830⋯.png (21.38 KB,134x109,134:109,epstein_hussein.PNG)

File: b7867737b150404⋯.png (16.27 KB,146x75,146:75,epstein_steven_speilberg.PNG)

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6a2508 No.18765806

File: 2b034ddc1d42072⋯.png (345.17 KB,599x578,599:578,wish.PNG)



Washington Examiner


President Trump: "Free speech is under assault like never before.

The 25th Amendment is of zero risk to me, but will come back to haunt Joe Biden and the Biden Administration.

As the expression goes, be careful what you wish for."

9:19 AM · Jan 12, 2021

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e73787 No.18765807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Stupid fuckin bitches.

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acc46d No.18765808

File: 0c7c4c9c078e8d0⋯.png (118.84 KB,1189x606,1189:606,michelle_wu_wef.PNG)

File: 2f4a9c1c18a4b37⋯.png (791.24 KB,596x607,596:607,klaus_schwab_world_dictato….PNG)

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6a2508 No.18765809

File: 4b34da903e7f1cf⋯.png (885.43 KB,675x718,675:718,ate.PNG)


Report: 35K Migrants Wait in Juarez, Mexico,

to Rush Southern Border When Biden Ends

Title 42

Breitbart Politics, by John Binder

Posted By: Imright, 4/27/2023 10:24:56 PM

Seemingly tens of thousands of migrants are waiting for President Joe Biden’s administration to end the public health authority known as Title 42 at the United States-Mexico border, reports indicate. In 2020, in the midst of the Chinese coronavirus crisis, former President Donald Trump invoked Title 42 at the border to ensure that federal immigration officials could quickly return illegal aliens to Mexico for the sake of public health.On May 11, Biden will end Title 42 and is creating new Catch and Release pipelines to quickly get border crossers and illegal aliens into the U.S. interior. In particular, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will set up “processing centers”

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febadb No.18765810

File: 8266d593ea6971e⋯.gif (1.78 MB,388x342,194:171,1659001412669081.gif)

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e73787 No.18765811

File: fc8d18a8994542c⋯.jpeg (427.65 KB,618x819,206:273,64BEC2EC_B7D3_4C68_BF92_6….jpeg)

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d617da No.18765812

>>18764575 pb

massive trauma on this man; has to be stoic.

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6a2508 No.18765813

File: 624ac34b81510c1⋯.png (70.88 KB,659x477,659:477,k_pomp.PNG)


K-Pomp: South Korean President Yoon belts

out American Pie at lavish White House

state dinner as Biden admits he 'can barely

talk' in front of celebrities including

Angelina Jolie, son Maddox, and Chip and

Joanna Gaines

Daily Mail (UK), by Nikki Schwab & Emily Goodin

Posted By: Imright, 4/27/2023 8:36:48 PM

South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol closed out Wednesday's state dinner by belting out a verse of the classic song 'American Pie' as President Joe Biden admitted he can 'barely talk' - let alone sing. Biden invited Yoon to take the stage and sing the American classic, which is Yoon's favorite song. The American president even gave his South Korean counterpart a guitar signed by Don McLean, who wrote and originally performed the hit tune. After Yoon sang the first verse - to a thunderous standing ovation, Biden, who's famous for making verbal gaffes, joked: 'Don't expect me to sing it! I can barely talk.'

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e73787 No.18765814

File: c579697b5358616⋯.jpeg (302.58 KB,828x1028,207:257,4B98A1D1_C341_4E8A_AB05_9….jpeg)


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41a1a2 No.18765815


He's a Fed on a Fishing Expedition

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060068 No.18765816

File: 7bdbe7a843874e3⋯.png (1.01 MB,1200x867,400:289,MAGA_2.png)

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41a1a2 No.18765817

Bidan has 2 choices

Veto the Budget = Gov Shutdown (on him)

Sign the Budget = The Slush funds end (on him)

Let's see what happens

I'm going to say he will choose option 1

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65d511 No.18765818

Can I just say, I’ve never believed in “The Plan” more than I do now.

What convinced me more than anything that everything we are seeing today is being done in a strictly controlled manner is the recent revelations about the origins of the letter written by 51 Intel officials about Hunter Biden’s laptop. The timing, the way it propagated across all media, all of it, was done in such a manner so as to inflict the maximum amount of damage to the entire DC establishment. It is but one thread; one news story, but the way it was done was just too perfect to be coincidence. But that can be said about everything we’ve seen over the past 9 years, can’t it? The consequence of suppressing of Hunter Biden’s laptop actually gets more devastating by the day. The dribs and drabs are just killing them.

It really is death by a thousand cuts.

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6a2508 No.18765819

File: 78f5e2106374059⋯.png (1.07 MB,1050x770,15:11,joe.PNG)


Trump Gives Joe Biden a New Nickname and

It’s a Classic! (Video)

Gateway Pundit, by Christina Laila

Posted By: Imright, 4/27/2023 7:25:28 PM

President Trump on Thursday spoke at a rally in Manchester, New Hampshire. Supporters lined up several hours before Trump’s rally. Trump gave Joe Biden a new nickname on Thursday.President Trump announced he will be retiring “Crooked” as Hillary Clinton’s moniker and will be giving it to Joe Biden. “I will be retiring the name ‘Crooked’ from Hillary Clinton.. so we can use the name for Joe Biden — he’ll be known from now on as ‘Crooked Joe Biden’.. because there’s never been anyone in the history of American politics so crooked or dishonest,” Trump said to cheers. WATCH:

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060068 No.18765820

File: fe8ac9303fcb5d4⋯.png (144.39 KB,400x364,100:91,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 527d49b2d1ff270⋯.png (403.55 KB,700x471,700:471,Another_body_Count.png)

Whistleblower Who Was Reportedly About to Reveal “Explosive” Information On the Biden Crime Family’s Corruption Has Disappeared

The Gateway Pundit reported back in February that Dr. Gal Luft, the co-director of the Washington-based Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, reportedly was going reveal explosive information on the Biden Crime Family. Now he has gone missing under mysterious circumstances.

Luft was an adviser to CEFC China Energy (CEFC), a business conglomerate with extremely close ties to the Chinese Communist Party. He served alongside Hunter Biden.

CEFC Energy paid Hunter approximately $5 million in 2017 alone to secure energy deals in the United States according to the Washington Free Beacon.

Once Joe Biden assumed power, there was every reason to keep details on his and his family’s corruption hidden from the public. According to Luft, the Regime had him arrested on bogus weapon trafficking charges in January to try to silence him.


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e73787 No.18765821

File: 6a9e191437aa3e6⋯.jpeg (307.22 KB,828x690,6:5,E24536A6_473E_4C5C_B7FF_3….jpeg)

File: 8b3fb8942715e24⋯.jpeg (250.96 KB,557x422,557:422,1FA08C75_051E_4EEB_86B0_0….jpeg)

File: 5663b055adc02f3⋯.jpeg (508.69 KB,828x1013,828:1013,C6A3C5DD_36AC_4E46_A3DC_1….jpeg)

File: 39fed6b861e55fc⋯.jpeg (437.97 KB,828x834,138:139,08CCE0C9_7B30_4D23_A0A6_6….jpeg)

File: 319d20df436c21d⋯.jpeg (117.49 KB,459x483,153:161,FC8213D3_20AD_4D83_BB7D_F….jpeg)

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6a2508 No.18765822

File: 1edfc019ea63af3⋯.png (23.12 KB,600x334,300:167,slot.PNG)


Benny Johnson


Fox News has lost 2M viewers in the Tucker Carlson 8PM time slot.

3.3M was Tuckers average viewership.

Last night’s show was viewed by a messily 1.3M

Every show in Prime Time has lost 20% or more of their audience.

This is catastrophic.

Was Fox News one man?

3:16 PM · Apr 27, 2023




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febadb No.18765823

File: 404370e3bd22d89⋯.jpg (17.69 KB,350x350,1:1,kendall.jpg)

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6a2508 No.18765824

File: 3c95c704ae46712⋯.png (494.84 KB,594x668,297:334,oli.PNG)


Oli London


Meet the boyfriend of Montana Rep. Zoeey Zephyr:

Erin Reed, an infamous Trans activists on TikTok posts videos about:

• How children can get access to hormones

• Locations and details of Gender Clinics for children to contact

• Step-by-step Instructions on how kids can administer hormones.

• What states to move to to get access to Gender Affirming ‘Care’



11:18 PM · Apr 27, 2023




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6a2508 No.18765825

File: b90ad329aacfe2a⋯.png (34.75 KB,608x552,76:69,bb.PNG)


Insider Paper


BREAKING: BBC chairman resigns over loan to Boris Johnson


BBC chairman resigns over loan to Boris Johnson - Insider Paper

BBC chairman Richard Sharp on Friday announced his resignation after an inquiry found he had breached rules for failing to declare his

11:17 PM · Apr 27, 2023




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e73787 No.18765826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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febadb No.18765827

File: e1f8e65a955509c⋯.jpg (37.04 KB,850x400,17:8,e1f8e65a955509cf5c0c5eac0f….jpg)

File: 1ddab6f06dc86db⋯.png (881.05 KB,737x712,737:712,baf_vibe.png)

File: e366f18aba7ad9a⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,2442x3300,37:50,1665810750612307.jpg)

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41a1a2 No.18765828


Love how they Color them as Innocuous Hormones

Refuse to tell the children how in ten years their livers and Kidneys will fail

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4bb323 No.18765829

File: f1dfec625bc5cf9⋯.png (47.96 KB,346x188,173:94,Bakery.png)

>>18765717 Thank You E-Baker

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aa042d No.18765830

File: 45ec49012410232⋯.jpg (107.83 KB,720x715,144:143,20230428_045157.jpg)


One in four high school students identify as LGBTQ

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bafe1d No.18765831

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB,339x195,113:65,5kuz14.gif)

File: f94a4ffb33209d1⋯.png (289.87 KB,301x500,301:500,777.png)


>Morning, frenz



Good start to a Friday

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439869 No.18765832


Benny Johnson sounds like someone who should know how to spell the word measly…does anyone know if Grammar Kitty is on twitter???

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febadb No.18765833

File: 1d01bcf807b6243⋯.jpg (984.35 KB,1170x1551,390:517,1663562558236419.jpg)

File: 1c2ff9c801a8911⋯.jpg (827.38 KB,1170x1684,585:842,1663561997407660.jpg)

File: 161b31a614308e8⋯.jpg (493.19 KB,1170x1260,13:14,1663561899335937.jpg)

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41a1a2 No.18765834


>high school

The[y]'re after the children

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6a2508 No.18765835

File: 5fb8aa71dcd04e9⋯.png (229.75 KB,1037x815,1037:815,irst.PNG)

File: 6586bded6819490⋯.png (706.14 KB,432x919,432:919,cov.PNG)

File: 83aa10e05e98d14⋯.png (960.63 KB,735x468,245:156,race.PNG)

File: 9c09983e64341ea⋯.png (1.24 MB,867x488,867:488,ride.PNG)


STUNNING: Joe Biden’s Top Tweet after 4 Hrs has only 1,199 Retweets …President Trump’s First Truth.com Post After 1 Hr has over 42,000 Retweets

by Jim Hoft Apr. 28, 2022 10:28 pm


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41a1a2 No.18765836


Pic 3

So I you Lie about being a Woman

And I go along with it

I am also a Liar

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bc467e No.18765837

File: 135eaf324b2c71e⋯.png (1.19 MB,1070x628,535:314,sasquatch.png)


Sightings from time to time.

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439869 No.18765838


4% to 25%…

Well that escalated quickly…

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febadb No.18765839

File: 9668aadf9cbf253⋯.jpg (567.97 KB,1312x2410,656:1205,9668aadf9cbf25317e939cf32e….jpg)

File: d2c0923b66b5522⋯.png (497.69 KB,605x518,605:518,d2c0923b66b55228be598f1b33….png)

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6a2508 No.18765840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Covfefe - 2019 - The Longines Test Stakes

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641642 No.18765841

File: 0c13f95b305c261⋯.jpg (28.83 KB,550x378,275:189,mindlink_image.jpg)

#23028 Check 'em @ ~125

>>18765752 Barack and The Boss! Ex President and wife Michelle are seen out about in Barcelona with Bruce Springsteen and Steven Spielberg ahead of singer's Olympic Stadium concert

Notable>>18765761 Found a Fed boy on twitter, KEK

>>18765780 Dylan Mulvaney Cost Bud Light, Now He Wants Journalists Arrested

>>18765781 China Coast Guard teeing off with Philippine Coast Guard.

>>18765809 Report: 35K Migrants Wait in Juarez, Mexico, to Rush Southern Border When Biden Ends Title 42

>>18765813 K-Pomp: South Korean President Yoon belts out American Pie at lavish White House state dinner as Biden admits he 'can barely talk' in front of celebrities

>>18765819 Trump Gives Joe Biden a New Nickname and It’s a Classic! (‘Crooked Joe Biden’)

>>18765822 Benny Johnson - Fox News has lost 2M viewers in the Tucker Carlson 8PM time slot.

>>18765824 Erin Reed, an infamous Trans activists on TikTok posts videos about: • How children can get access to hormones

>>18765825 BBC chairman resigns over loan to Boris Johnson

>>18765830 One in four high school students identify as LGBTQ (?)

>>18765835 STUNNING: Joe Biden’s Top Tweet after 4 Hrs has only 1,199 Retweets …President Trump’s First Truth.com Post After 1 Hr has over 42,000 Retweets

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641642 No.18765842


#23028 Check 'em @ ~125

>>18765752 Barack and The Boss! Ex President and wife Michelle are seen out about in Barcelona with Bruce Springsteen and Steven Spielberg ahead of singer's Olympic Stadium concert

Notable>>18765761 Found a Fed boy on twitter, KEK

>>18765780 Dylan Mulvaney Cost Bud Light, Now He Wants Journalists Arrested

>>18765781 China Coast Guard teeing off with Philippine Coast Guard.

>>18765809 Report: 35K Migrants Wait in Juarez, Mexico, to Rush Southern Border When Biden Ends Title 42

>>18765813 K-Pomp: South Korean President Yoon belts out American Pie at lavish White House state dinner as Biden admits he 'can barely talk' in front of celebrities

>>18765819 Trump Gives Joe Biden a New Nickname and It’s a Classic! (‘Crooked Joe Biden’)

>>18765822 Benny Johnson - Fox News has lost 2M viewers in the Tucker Carlson 8PM time slot.

>>18765824 Erin Reed, an infamous Trans activists on TikTok posts videos about: • How children can get access to hormones

>>18765825 BBC chairman resigns over loan to Boris Johnson

>>18765830 One in four high school students identify as LGBTQ (?)

>>18765835 STUNNING: Joe Biden’s Top Tweet after 4 Hrs has only 1,199 Retweets …President Trump’s First Truth.com Post After 1 Hr has over 42,000 Retweets

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febadb No.18765843


Covfefe is a bay filly with a large white blaze who was bred in Kentucky by Alexander-Groves Thoroughbreds.[1] Her sire is Into Mischief, who won the Los Alamitos Futurity then developed into an outstanding sire, known primarily for his sprinters like Goldencents and Practical Joke.[2] Covfefe was Into Mischief's top earner in 2019 when he earned the title of leading sire in North America.[3] Covfefe is out of Antics by Unbridled. Antics is from a distinguished female family that traces to Courtly Dee, the 1983 Kentucky Broodmare of the Year. The family has produced multiple stakes winners including Arch, Althea, Acoma and Japanese champion Yamamin Paradise.[4][5]

Covfefe was sold as a yearling at the 2017 Keeneland September Sale for $250,000 to Alex Solis and Jason Litt acting as agents for LNJ Foxwoods. The stable is owned by Larry, Nanci and Jaime Roth, and is run by Jaime Roth. Covfefe was trained by Brad Cox, who also trained the champion three-year-old filly of 2018, Monomoy Girl.[1][6] In a play on the names of her sire and dam, Covfefe is named after a viral tweet from 2017 by former President of the United States Donald Trump.[7]

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6a2508 No.18765844

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Seabiscuit - Final Race….

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d617da No.18765845

File: 72cdd17bfe44957⋯.jpg (56.65 KB,274x597,274:597,redbullgivespointer.JPG)




cofveve time

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641642 No.18765846

…Failed twice. Great. Meant to add:

>>18765761 Found a Fed boy on twitter, KEK

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fa537a No.18765847


That’s my hometown track, cool place

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8230fb No.18765848


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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febadb No.18765849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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bcf1bb No.18765850

I hate how inconsistent halfchan jannies. I got banned for making a thread, but another thread with the exact same topic exists and didn't get pruned 'n banned. s'gay.

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6a2508 No.18765852

File: 5813e620ed3df5b⋯.png (1.37 MB,1141x780,1141:780,food.PNG)


Goya CEO Warns World On The Brink Of A Food Crisis

Photo of Carmine Sabia Carmine SabiaApril 28, 2022


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09dadc No.18765853

File: 02b5615e46d2a24⋯.png (49.53 KB,669x295,669:295,Screen_Shot_2023_04_28_at_….png)


Consider the author: Ilana Mercer. Mercer.

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febadb No.18765854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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4bb323 No.18765856

>>18765842 Hey New Baker - great job. Make sure to tag your dough post notable bun so home gamers see that there is still a baker on duty. Stepping up to bake is the hardest part!

>>18765717 dough

>>18765730 Updated dough

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bafe1d No.18765857

File: ddee3f3205bfca3⋯.gif (1.45 MB,360x270,4:3,ralph2.gif)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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6a2508 No.18765858

File: e0830e1271babbf⋯.png (372.09 KB,693x640,693:640,hamp.PNG)




Apr 26, 2021





Lin Wood tells State Chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party, Drew McKissick that #NothingCanStopWhatIsComing!

Wood tells Mckissick that he knows about the deal he made with Lindsay Graham. "The Truth is going to come out, and you need to accept that"



True Patriot


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52565a No.18765859

File: 41d6cc49fe39b24⋯.jpg (250.2 KB,744x744,1:1,41d6cc49fe39b24ebcd524a247….jpg)






you got wakes seal of approval for baking

imma jelly

style is all yours, sky the limit

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1bb533 No.18765860


IDK, I'm quessing fuckery here. Whether they want us to think this or the kids are playing them, whatever.

I'm always compelled to fuck with their statistics and fill shit in all wrong. I always use fake address and crazy answers on stupid questionaires, forms and polls.

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641642 No.18765861


…The bread was something that had to be done. Nothing more.

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da6d0e No.18765862

File: 8b0138a61cee1f0⋯.gif (4.65 MB,498x371,498:371,jerry_seinfeld_popcorn.gif)


If the goal is the complete and utter devastation of the reputation of controlled, corporate media then the emerging entity to fill that void of free discourse and information will have to appear organic as possible even if it's wisely directed and guard-railed.

In the end people will be begging to have a front row seat for the last big network name doing their last show in the prime time slot so as to be able to tell the story of the demise of legacy media once and for all.

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aa042d No.18765863

File: ef62051541d7daf⋯.jpg (57.6 KB,577x433,577:433,20230428_051314.jpg)

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d617da No.18765864

File: 57dca7eebfedbb4⋯.png (10.24 KB,255x245,51:49,thehermit.png)


maybe that clique of what looked like FEDeral agents were actually protesting the stollen election?


Or maybe he planted the pro-Trump pinned tweet on the Twit account to deflect any heat; in case he's recognized.


"former" ? they all say that.

does that even match with "you won't see it coming" tagline?

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6a2508 No.18765865

File: 0d12acdbe0d4a47⋯.png (316.41 KB,863x690,863:690,end.PNG)

File: 3aef572831bf302⋯.png (117.08 KB,554x225,554:225,wnd.PNG)


YouTube censors ER doctors urging end of lockdown

'This isn't about science, this is about control of the narrative'

Art Moore By Art Moore

Published April 28, 2020 at 2:55pm


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4bb323 No.18765866

CP spotted and swatted

Refresh at will

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bc467e No.18765867

File: 901cdeea37b044c⋯.png (206.34 KB,345x339,115:113,spank_videos.png)

>Downloading spank Material for later on in the hotel room

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2dc590 No.18765868

File: 569c435f6166130⋯.gif (188.97 KB,372x498,62:83,569c435f61661304168901718a….gif)

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98fa64 No.18765869

File: a60b5d285295bdf⋯.png (963.81 KB,743x488,743:488,MeseFlowers.png)


TY E-baker

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352af9 No.18765870

File: b36fb89b43a6bd3⋯.png (1.1 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

In 2005, Kennedy wrote a blockbuster Rolling Stone magazine article titled “Deadly Immunity,” which presented compelling evidence of an ongoing vaccine safety cover-up led by U.S. national health bureaucrats, including transcripts of a 2000 CDC conference in Norcross, Georgia, where researchers presented information linking the mercury compound thimerosol with neurological problems in children.


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52565a No.18765871


….and that is how it starts


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be1580 No.18765872

Good Morning!

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febadb No.18765873

File: 01dbe0638e7e525⋯.gif (5.36 MB,600x901,600:901,01dbe0638e7e525897d1233858….gif)

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158221 No.18765874

File: f3740ac08b441ee⋯.png (72.98 KB,568x514,284:257,ClipboardImage.png)


Why guess? If you read what you posted and checked the sauce, you'd know this@

The CDC surveyed 17,508 students in 152 schools across the country


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41a1a2 No.18765875


Did they have parents permission to do that?

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acc46d No.18765876

File: df937ebf5cef08f⋯.png (119 KB,497x273,71:39,ron_paul_its_happening.PNG)

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febadb No.18765877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

i'm EXPOSING the whole damn thing.

Elon Musk Zone

Tucker Carlson fights back!


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c7c923 No.18765878

File: 729894cf1a13999⋯.jpeg (309.17 KB,1241x1711,1241:1711,IMG_5555.jpeg)

Tucker Friday 7:15 am, 72,200,000


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d617da No.18765879

File: a37bc3511728108⋯.jpg (209.03 KB,961x831,961:831,mikeobamanotradame.jpg)


two years ago

how many people who are suffereing now can ill afford the real meds - remedies and proper food, etc,. to heal from these censoring murderers who stopped the flow of important info?

Thinking of AOC "deplatforming is necessary"

Cause she's too stupid to win an argument?

sick of these liars getting a free hand to do their carnage?

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6a2508 No.18765880

File: 2b90f9c78768ad7⋯.png (194.88 KB,1357x862,1357:862,else.PNG)

File: 39ac928778ea342⋯.png (813 KB,534x693,178:231,wood.PNG)

File: d0ff8f4d9d976bb⋯.png (300.47 KB,529x947,529:947,palp.PNG)

File: cb53382f13ba93d⋯.png (405.85 KB,928x549,928:549,chat.PNG)

File: 66ffc15d176f494⋯.png (439.15 KB,453x520,453:520,lank.PNG)



The terrorists in the TV series “Jack Ryan” communicated through the chat video games


gman -

September 2, 2018


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acc46d No.18765881

File: f15ac255b88118f⋯.png (437 KB,463x364,463:364,hussein_spielberg_medal.PNG)

File: 497a0226caeb903⋯.png (855.4 KB,628x652,157:163,hussein_springstein_medal.PNG)

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bc467e No.18765882

File: 7ee00d982724d8f⋯.png (60.02 KB,935x466,935:466,2023_04_28_06_37_58.png)


Chinese pushing sushi in every supermarket with live parasites.

LGBTQ+ and their backdoor intestinal parasites.

Whatever happened to 'Cleanliness is next to Godliness'?

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d617da No.18765883

File: e9594871ec50949⋯.mp4 (1.72 MB,320x240,4:3,Lord_Buckley_Club_7.mp4)

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2bd343 No.18765884

File: b33843dc9f23e52⋯.png (45.35 KB,720x644,180:161,1583719868247.png)

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a099a0 No.18765885

File: e27c2a5941afd7d⋯.jpg (90.73 KB,1280x720,16:9,night_shift.jpg)

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acc46d No.18765886

File: cadf56cd4aa1fa0⋯.png (366.85 KB,466x329,466:329,hussein_oprah_medal.PNG)

File: 8e2acd464617938⋯.png (91.22 KB,391x518,391:518,q_post_epstein_island_famo….PNG)

File: 1b1997eb907ddaf⋯.png (20.94 KB,203x93,203:93,epstein_oprah_naomi.PNG)

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acc46d No.18765887

File: f798ce36f0d5234⋯.png (401.76 KB,471x387,157:129,hussein_meryl_streep_medal.PNG)

File: 8e2acd464617938⋯.png (91.22 KB,391x518,391:518,q_post_epstein_island_famo….PNG)

File: 7d5db46f16cd0fb⋯.png (14.43 KB,146x71,146:71,epstein_meryl_streep.PNG)

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5c0b94 No.18765888

File: d4ec2c5e62e6884⋯.gif (2.2 MB,200x150,4:3,d4ec2c5e62e6884ffc0096f280….gif)

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acc46d No.18765889

File: 689a10e26c3033f⋯.png (1.18 MB,829x650,829:650,hussein_bill_clinton_medal.PNG)

File: 8e2acd464617938⋯.png (91.22 KB,391x518,391:518,q_post_epstein_island_famo….PNG)

File: a3744c55d620086⋯.png (10.25 KB,150x57,50:19,epstein_bill_clinton.PNG)

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6a2508 No.18765890

File: cc09b726027a6ef⋯.png (556.5 KB,776x685,776:685,rye.PNG)

File: 244427e008392db⋯.png (318.65 KB,595x573,595:573,batch.PNG)

File: 439d39af5cd03ca⋯.png (562.42 KB,592x434,296:217,docs.PNG)

File: e20efb91323134a⋯.png (905.59 KB,906x665,906:665,won.PNG)



Joe Biden used alias of KGB spy from Tom Clancy novels, emails from Hunter’s laptop show

By Joshua Rhett Miller

April 29, 2022 4:18pm


Ryan Saavedra


Peter Doocy on new batch of classified documents found in Biden's garage: "Classified material next to your Corvette! What were you thinking?"

Biden responds: "My Corvette is in a locked garage, OK? So it's not like they're sitting out on the street"

4:59 AM · Jan 12, 2023





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acc46d No.18765891

File: 4db80b6ddf3c515⋯.png (658.01 KB,767x651,767:651,hussein_tom_hanks_medal.PNG)

File: 8e2acd464617938⋯.png (91.22 KB,391x518,391:518,q_post_epstein_island_famo….PNG)

File: cdb78167b55140f⋯.png (22.19 KB,151x109,151:109,epstein_tom_hanks.PNG)

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d28a8b No.18765892

File: def73655b866c08⋯.png (1 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5f68b28918962ed⋯.png (36.37 KB,805x209,805:209,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d81533de0df15d⋯.png (35.95 KB,407x369,407:369,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ed062467836aec⋯.png (9.56 KB,333x155,333:155,ClipboardImage.png)

File: faeeebfebf39ced⋯.gif (1.44 MB,300x289,300:289,IOKL_4288655601.gif)

Planned Parenthood Says They Performed 374,155 Abortions Last Year



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71e8d7 No.18765893

File: 8180438069ec9c7⋯.png (71.31 KB,766x654,383:327,328_2_.png)


good morning Sam. bright sunshine blue sky

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1da0a0 No.18765894

File: a248218b61309be⋯.png (554.81 KB,960x948,80:79,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 269b379447324a5⋯.png (457.41 KB,960x948,80:79,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b83ffeb40443b5⋯.png (661.05 KB,1677x474,559:158,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 877b4f89d791a4e⋯.png (848.38 KB,1698x920,849:460,ClipboardImage.png)


Some other notable names

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febadb No.18765895

File: b28e6def75c7543⋯.png (661.9 KB,1500x1800,5:6,1640644282742.png)

File: e33b6e0e762d03a⋯.png (143.95 KB,1340x451,1340:451,1640646195345.png)

File: cfdb2c1c1a65a92⋯.jpg (94.06 KB,576x669,192:223,cfdb2c1c1a65a927e3ce86888a….jpg)

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8382b6 No.18765896

File: ec6bdda2daa84e4⋯.jpg (14.87 KB,229x255,229:255,550f04496cfa7a1f3705b51965….jpg)

Frogs on Wheels

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6a2508 No.18765897

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d617da No.18765898

File: 86bfed03aba2971⋯.mp4 (746.25 KB,640x360,16:9,bisankleptocracy1.mp4)



is there even a contest?

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f0e16e No.18765899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

April 28, 2023

7:45 AM EDT

LIVE Coverage of U.S. Spacewalk 86 at the International Space Station: Coverage of U.S. Spacewalk 86 at the International Space Station to prepare cables for future ISS rollout solar array installations and retrieve S-band communications equipment from the ISS truss. Spacewalk will last approx. 6 hours and 30 minutes





NASA Conducts Spacewalk at International Space Station

NASA astronauts conduct a spacewalk of the International Space Station to install hardware needed for future power system upgrades.


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6a2508 No.18765900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Enya - The River Sings

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febadb No.18765901

File: dda9891d5c357e7⋯.jpg (157.73 KB,1000x966,500:483,dda9891d5c357e786800ec9bff….jpg)

File: 64ab18e032b8d59⋯.jpeg (56.86 KB,580x382,290:191,64ab18e032b8d590d0b652fcb….jpeg)

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d617da No.18765902



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d617da No.18765903


the part about falsifying history is correct though.

It's coming out, now they have to have their excuse.

Yes, you were just trying to protect us.


they are stoooooopid

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febadb No.18765904

File: 49266c7b837cec0⋯.jpg (61.22 KB,427x577,427:577,1660148752190056.jpg)

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71e8d7 No.18765905

File: 24304dfb794d748⋯.png (161.98 KB,766x1476,383:738,143_2_.png)


kek,morning Ralph.

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41a1a2 No.18765906

Don't let them have your Children

Fight the Programming

Become Holy

Be the Light

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f0e16e No.18765907

File: 09f8a4eca8f3105⋯.jpg (266.95 KB,750x815,150:163,beavis_frustration.jpg)

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19d60d No.18765908

File: a30a3096af8026d⋯.png (31.31 KB,448x658,32:47,6444229faa909_image.png)

File: 460964d728eacbb⋯.png (147.18 KB,709x835,709:835,64441c0a27136_image.png)


National Covid Emergency Declaration Issued Very Quietly by HHS Secretary Two Days After Biden Ends the Emergency by Signing HJ Res 7 into Law. This Does Not Look Valid at all!

Big Picture & Opinion by Stevie Leff Apr 25, 2023 Updated Apr 25, 2023





Despite the fact that President Biden officially ended National Covid Emergency by signing H.J. Res. 7 on March 13. The Department of Health & Human Services felt it necessary to issue a new declaration that the National Covid Emergency has & will continue! Are they not bound by the law? Let's see:

On March 15th, just 2 days after the law ending the national emergency was signed by President Biden, The Department of Health & Human Services Secretary put out the new and amended COVID-19 Emergency Use Authorization Declaration and stated:

Covid Over

The law ending recovered state of emergency


"… On March 15, 2023, the Secretary amended the February 4, 2020 determination made pursuant to section 564 of the FD&C Act and determined pursuant to his authority under section 564(b)(1)(C) that there is a public health emergency, OR a significant potential for a public health emergency…"

Amended Determination of a Public Health Emergency or Significant Potential for a Public Health Emergency


The justification that the HHS Secretary uses to declare an Emergency Use Authorization Declaration is given in the second paragraph of the Notice that on March 20, 2023 The Department of Health & Human Services published in the Federal Register that cited the March 15, 2023 Declaration:


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6a2508 No.18765909

File: 1fb829d5ae84156⋯.png (17.28 KB,410x192,205:96,few.PNG)


A few years ago the left was complaining about women athletes not getting paid the same as men. Now they can't define what a woman is, and they’re perfectly accepting of female athletes getting dominated by men on the playing field.


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dc6b66 No.18765910


>It'll take a few years

>But he Truth will come out eventually

Will it?

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aa042d No.18765911

File: 9c57387f8884da9⋯.jpg (151.82 KB,720x1098,40:61,20230428_054618.jpg)

File: 7c83fc4803c8bde⋯.mp4 (3.84 MB,480x852,40:71,6gTtme9kDOhi2IF7.mp4)

Who's this clown?


Creepy clown was hired to perform at a exclusive "illuminati" party and explains what he saw.

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908ea7 No.18765912


>Lin Wood


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bc467e No.18765913

File: 30abf1167ee38bf⋯.png (239.38 KB,540x302,270:151,2023_04_28_07_47_07.png)

File: deb4ba800d8e7d7⋯.png (53.36 KB,240x550,24:55,2023_04_28_07_47_58.png)



Imagine the smell.

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19d60d No.18765914


Breaking down the Secretary's Justification:

1. The Covid Virus is "constantly evolving." As every single virus does, duh.

2. The Virus in the past has caused many deaths in the past. "6.8 million deaths worldwide"

3. The reason for the large amount of deaths in the past is "…due, in part, to variations in the virus that may allow it to spread more easily or make it resistant to treatments or decreased vaccine effectiveness." (Same argument as in #1 above)

4. There is also a risk that eventually a variant will emerge that will escape the protection provided by the current generation of vaccines against severe disease. (A restatement of 1, 2 & 3 above)

5. Evolution of the virus also raises similar concerns about the continued efficacy of certain categories of therapeutics, such as monoclonal antibodies. (A restatement of 1, 2, 3 & 4 above)

6. The large number of mutations in the Omicron variant sublineages and the ongoing evolution of the virus remain a concern for potential evasion of vaccine immunity. (A restatement of 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 above)

The Secretary of HHS then states: In light of this, I have now amended the February 4, 2020 determination to recognize the fact that there is “a public health emergency, or a significant potential for a public health emergency, that affects, or has a significant potential to affect, national security or the health and security of United States citizens living abroad” and that involves a biological agent…

To summarize the Secretary of HHS's justification for declaring an Emergency Declaration, he has stated that because in the past the Covid Virus has killed millions and because it has evolved, like all virus' do, and because in evolving, the virus' mutations "MAY" allow it to spread faster and that there is a "RISK that eventually a variant will emerge" in the future making the virus more resistant to the vaccines and treatments, that in conclusion, that potential "evolution of the virus raises CONCERNS" about the continued effectiveness of vaccines and treatments.


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41667f No.18765915

File: 2ebeb9ae7b3f19f⋯.png (693.66 KB,1220x1054,610:527,Screenshot_2023_04_28_at_0….png)


>One in four high school students identify as LGBTQ

think mirror

or maybe in this case it's moar like a mirror prism

How the Hitler Youth Turned a Generation of Kids Into Nazis

Hitler’s war against Boy Scouts fueled the Third Reich’s ideology—and its military might.

By: Erin Blakemore

Updated: August 29, 2018 | Original: December 11, 2017

The Boy Scouts’ motto was “Be Prepared.” But nothing could prepare Max Ebel, a German teenager, for what happened after Hitler banned the Boy Scouts. As other boys cheered, the 17-year-old was surrounded by a gang of Nazi Youth—one of whom had a knife. Ebel’s refusal to leave scouting behind had just turned into a fight for his life.

It was 1937, and the Boy Scouts were one of many youth organizations on the Nazis’ verboten list. Now, every non-Jewish boy in Germany was required to be part of the Hitler Youth, the Nazis’ youth arm, instead. Ebel, a pacifist who distrusted the Nazis, refused—and paid the price.

The Boy Scout was harassed and then attacked by a group of Nazi Youth. In an attempt to force him to join, one of the members stabbed him in the hand. Ebel fought back, grabbed the knife, and cut the other boy’s face. Later, realizing his life was in danger, he escaped Germany and eventually became a U.S. citizen.

Ebel was just one of millions of young Germans whose lives were changed by the Hitler Youth—a group designed to indoctrinate kids into Hitler’s ideology, then send them off to war.

A group of boys leaving camp for a hike at a Hitler Youth summer camp in Berlin, 1933. (Photo by ullstein bild/ullstein bild via Getty Images)

ullstein bild/ullstein bild via Getty Images

A group of boys leaving camp for a hike at a Hitler Youth summer camp in Berlin, 1933.&nbsp;

By the time Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, hundreds of thousands of kids were members of youth organizations like the Boy Scouts, which was invented in England in 1909 and quickly spread to Germany. But there was also another powerful youth movement afoot—one invented by the Nazis. Since 1922, the National Socialists had had a youth arm designed to train and recruit members for its paramilitary. As the Nazis became more powerful, their youth arm grew.

In January 1933, there were 50,000 members of the Hitler Youth. By the end of the year, there were more than 2 million. And as the 1930s progressed, the Nazis waged war on the groups so popular among German youth. First they banned children’s groups associated with political movements like Communism. And in 1936, they banned all youth groups—including the Boy Scouts—and forced members to become part of the Hitler Youth instead. Jewish children were banned from participation.

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41a1a2 No.18765916


The Truth has been revealed

The Veil is on fire


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908ea7 No.18765917


>Classified material next to your Corvette! What were you thinking?

>My Corvette is in a locked garage, OK? So it's not like they're sitting out on the street

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6a2508 No.18765918

File: e28a3c5d97f3c9e⋯.png (107.45 KB,412x595,412:595,sus.PNG)


Air Force Suspends 2 Commanders From Unit Where Pentagon Leak Suspect Worked

The commander of the 102nd Intelligence Support Squadron and a detachment commander were suspended, Air Force spokesperson Ann Stefanek said.

🔗 (https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/04/19/canada-military-trudeau-leaked-documents/)Full Article (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/air-force-suspends-commanders-unit-jack-teixeira-worked-rcna81697)



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19d60d No.18765919


National Covid Emergency Declaration Issued Very Quietly by HHS Secretary Two Days After Biden Ends the Emergency by Signing HJ Res 7 into Law. This Does Not Look Valid at all!

Big Picture & Opinion by Stevie Leff Apr 25, 2023 Updated Apr 25, 2023 0

1 of 2

Bearded man is looking with suspicion expression, tapping his fingers.



Depiction of a Sneaky Sneaky HHS Secretary





Despite the fact that President Biden officially ended National Covid Emergency by signing H.J. Res. 7 on March 13. The Department of Health & Human Services felt it necessary to issue a new declaration that the National Covid Emergency has & will continue! Are they not bound by the law? Let's see:

On March 15th, just 2 days after the law ending the national emergency was signed by President Biden, The Department of Health & Human Services Secretary put out the new and amended COVID-19 Emergency Use Authorization Declaration and stated:

Covid Over

The law ending recovered state of emergency


"… On March 15, 2023, the Secretary amended the February 4, 2020 determination made pursuant to section 564 of the FD&C Act and determined pursuant to his authority under section 564(b)(1)(C) that there is a public health emergency, OR a significant potential for a public health emergency…"

March 15 Amendment Declaring Covid-19 Emergency

Amended Determination of a Public Health Emergency or Significant Potential for a Public Health Emergency


The justification that the HHS Secretary uses to declare an Emergency Use Authorization Declaration is given in the second paragraph of the Notice that on March 20, 2023 The Department of Health & Human Services published in the Federal Register that cited the March 15, 2023 Declaration:

HHS March 20 Notice


Breaking down the Secretary's Justification:

1. The Covid Virus is "constantly evolving." As every single virus does, duh.

2. The Virus in the past has caused many deaths in the past. "6.8 million deaths worldwide"

3. The reason for the large amount of deaths in the past is "…due, in part, to variations in the virus that may allow it to spread more easily or make it resistant to treatments or decreased vaccine effectiveness." (Same argument as in #1 above)

4. There is also a risk that eventually a variant will emerge that will escape the protection provided by the current generation of vaccines against severe disease. (A restatement of 1, 2 & 3 above)

5. Evolution of the virus also raises similar concerns about the continued efficacy of certain categories of therapeutics, such as monoclonal antibodies. (A restatement of 1, 2, 3 & 4 above)

6. The large number of mutations in the Omicron variant sublineages and the ongoing evolution of the virus remain a concern for potential evasion of vaccine immunity. (A restatement of 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 above)

The Secretary of HHS then states: In light of this, I have now amended the February 4, 2020 determination to recognize the fact that there is “a public health emergency, or a significant potential for a public health emergency, that affects, or has a significant potential to affect, national security or the health and security of United States citizens living abroad” and that involves a biological agent…


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febadb No.18765920

File: 0731afb1492f2e3⋯.jpg (138.3 KB,800x800,1:1,illuminati_bilderberg_pyra….jpg)



Sam or Sem is the father or

"uncle" of the Semites, and one of the sons of Noah. Equally, the name

of Samuel is derived from Sam, considering the name's etymology. Further

on, Freemasons originate from Egypt, "Hiram" being just another Egyptian

name as were the "Templars".

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1da0a0 No.18765921

File: bbb9b31d886aa33⋯.png (3.89 MB,2667x1679,2667:1679,ClipboardImage.png)

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6a2508 No.18765922

File: 099786889fced9a⋯.png (254.69 KB,411x443,411:443,flip.PNG)


Anything you're not allowed to ask questions about is something you should be asking questions about

RE: Building 7 on 9/11

H/T @Sag027

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19d60d No.18765923

To summarize the Secretary of HHS's justification for declaring an Emergency Declaration, he has stated that because in the past the Covid Virus has killed millions and because it has evolved, like all virus' do, and because in evolving, the virus' mutations "MAY" allow it to spread faster and that there is a "RISK that eventually a variant will emerge" in the future making the virus more resistant to the vaccines and treatments, that in conclusion, that potential "evolution of the virus raises CONCERNS" about the continued effectiveness of vaccines and treatments.


Regulation cited by the Secretary of HHS as codified in Title 21 Section 360bbb-3 (b)(1)(c) & referred to as section 564 (C) States in relevant part:

564 (b) Declaration of emergency or threat justifying emergency authorized use; (1) In general the Secretary may make a declaration that the circumstances exist justifying the authorization under this subsection for a product on the basis of:

(C) a determination by the Secretary that there is a public health emergency OR a significant potential for a public health emergency, that affects, or has a significant potential to affect, national security or the health and security of United States citizens living abroad, AND that involves a biological, chemical, radiological, or nuclear agent or agents, or a disease or condition that may be attributable to such agent or agents; or (D) the identification of a material threat pursuant to section 319F–2 of the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 247d–6b] sufficient to affect national security or the health and security of United States citizens living abroad and that involves a biological, chemical, radiological, or nuclear agent or agents, or a disease or condition that may be attributable to such agent or agents.

Narrowing it down above, lets dissect the Regulations (requirements)and look at the necessary elements that are necessary assuming the most favorable argument and facts that the Secretary could assert:

(1) a SIGNIFICANT POTENTIAL for a public health emergency,

(2a) that affects or has a significant potential to affect national security or (2b) the health and security of United States citizens living abroad and

(3) that involves a biological, chemical, radiological, or nuclear agent or agents, or a disease or condition that may be attributable to such agent or agents.

Analyzing the statute, it seems clear the the Secretary of HHS could NOT rely on the fact that under subsection (c) that there is a public health emergency because two days earlier Biden officially ended National Covid Emergency by signing H.J. Res. 7 on March 13. So we are then left with one choice that even though it has not been specifically stated by the Secretary, we must assume that he is basing his emergency declaration on the fact that there exists, emphasis & numbers added for clarity, (1) a significant POTENTIAL for a public health emergency, that (2) affects, or has a significant potential to affect, national security or the health and security of United States citizens living abroad and (3) that involves a biological, chemical, radiological, or nuclear agent or agents, or a disease or condition that may be attributable to such agent or agents.


In order for the Secretary of HHS's declaration to be valid, it has to show, as required by law stated above, that there is ;

(1) a SIGNIFICANT POTENTIAL for a public health emergency,

(2a) that affects or has a significant potential to affect national security or the health and security of United States citizens living abroad and

(3) that involves a biological, chemical, radiological, or nuclear agent or agents, or a disease or condition that may be attributable to such agent or agents.

The Question then is, looking at the Secretary of HHS's declaration: does a virus that mutates (as all do) which mutations MAY allow it to spread faster, and that there is a RISK that a new more dangerous variant MAY emerge and that POTENTIAL evolution of the virus that raises CONCERNS, EQUAL a significant potential for a public health emergency that has a significant potential to affect national security as required by law. I just don't see it but let's just go with it.


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908ea7 No.18765924


>National Covid Emergency Declaration Issued by HHS Secretary Two Days After Biden Ends the Emergency

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a099a0 No.18765925

File: fa26191ba16f3b9⋯.png (4.08 MB,1920x9434,960:4717,2017_12_11_How_the_Hitler_….png)




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6a2508 No.18765926

File: 1eb1e236a5985e7⋯.png (254 KB,414x731,414:731,chi_tie.PNG)


"Charles Lieber, who formerly chaired Harvard’s department of chemistry and chemical biology, was found guilty in December 2021 of six felony counts, including making false statements, two counts of filing false tax returns, and two counts of failing to file reports for a foreign bank account in China.

He was sentenced to two days in jail, which he had served after his arrest, along with a $50,000 fine and $33,600 in restitution to the IRS, which Lieber paid before the sentencing.

He will also spend two years of supervised release, with the first six months in home confinement."


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19d60d No.18765927


Easiest first. Because the Declaration is called: COVID-19 Emergency Use Authorization Declaration, and mentions "novel (new) coronavirus (nCOV) first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China in 2019," # (3) above can be considered to be satisfied as Covid-19 is a biological agent, a virus, that can also be characterized as a disease. So # (3) is satisfied.

Looking at (1), there would need to exist now a known significant potential for a public health emergency. We have scoured the internet and news from all sources including government agencies and bodies and can find absolutely no evidence of any new Covid strain or potential Covid Strain that would be even remotely considered to have any potential, let alone significant potential for a public health emergency. The Secretary of HHS made no statements as to any facts or situations that could even remotely justify any reasonable conclusion that there is a public health emergency OR a significant potential for a public health emergency.

His statement was pure conjecture and nothing more. Given this objective search result and the fact that neither the CDC, NIH or any other federal agency or body has made any statements about any potential Covid dangers to cause any health emergency, we are at a complete loss as to how the Secretary could possibly justify the fact that there is any significant potential threat from Covid-19 that could create a public health emergency.

Even if we were to assume that the Secretary could justify #(1) above, he would then need to show that the potential for a public health emergency would have a significant potential to affect national security or the health and security of United States citizens living abroad. We cannot imagine how this leap of logic could possibly be made except in a clown world.

Given the fact once again that as of March 13, 2023 there is a law on the books that states that, "…the national emergency declared by the finding of the President on March 13, 2020, in Proclamation 9994 (85 Fed. Reg. 15337) is hereby terminated," and that the Secretary of HHS's Declaration was issued two days later on March 15, 2023, that the Secretary's statement was nothing more than pure conjecture. With absolutely no facts stated by HHS, we do not see how it would be at all possible to defend the Declaration as being anything other than a misuse of power and contrary to existing law.

Additionally, The Department of Health & Human Services Secretary should be legally estopped from claiming and issuing a Declaration of a Health Emergency since his boss and binding authority signed into law, 2 days before H.J. Res. 7 officially ending the national emergency.

We do know that the vaccines and their Emergency Use Authorization could not continue unless an Emergency was in effect. We believe that this was how they planned it as well as the fact that this only could have happened in a possible under the table deal where Republicans OK'd this abuse of power by HHS to keep the vaccines flowing while in public at least ending the national emergency.

More to follow on this and the vaccine replacements with new emergency use authorizations from the FDA.


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41667f No.18765928

File: 1793cd55f7443e0⋯.png (446.42 KB,596x641,596:641,Screenshot_2023_04_28_at_0….png)

File: 38910bf524c8503⋯.png (327.91 KB,692x782,346:391,935.png)

File: 15754916174a15a⋯.png (507.97 KB,692x3304,173:826,1688.png)



>think mirror

>or maybe in this case it's moar like a mirror prism

at least we aren't at 90% yet, I suppose

Banning scouting sent a message—obey, or be punished. It had a practical effect, too: Since other scouting organizations were banned, the only way for kids to get scouting experience was to join the Hitler Youth. As Germany hurtled toward war, children who refused to join were alienated, then punished. By 1939, over 90 percent of German children were part of the Hitler Youth organization.

For the Nazis, the group had other benefits. Not only did it allow the Third Reich to indoctrinate children at their most impressionable, but it let the Nazis remove them from the influence of their parents, some of whom opposed the regime. The Nazi Party knew that families—private, cohesive groups not usually under political sway—were an obstacle to their goals. The Hitler Youth was a way to get Hitler’s ideology into the family unit, and some members of the Hitler Youth even denounced their parents when they behaved in ways not approved of by the Reich.

Though the Boy Scouts were banned, the Nazis co-opted many of its activities and traditions. Hitler Youth took part in typical scouting type activities like camping trips, singing, crafts and hiking. They went to summer camps, wore uniforms, recited pledges and told stories over campfires.

But over time, the activities changed. Though girls’ groups focused on things like rhythmic gymnastics and winter coat drives, the boys’ groups became more like a mini military than a Boy Scout den. They imposed military-like order on members and trained young men in everything from weapons to survival. And all groups included hefty doses of propaganda that encouraged an almost religious devotion to the Führer.

Alfons Heck’s experience was typical. As he told the Boston Globe in the 1980s, he couldn’t wait to become a full-fledged Hitler Youth member and relished marching, singing and attending rallies. “I belonged to Adolf Hitler, body and soul,” he recalled. It took him years to step away from that indoctrination after the end of World War II.

Some boys refused to join the Hitler Youth and took their youth groups underground. One such group, the Edelweiss Pirates, even attacked Hitler Youth members and worked to sabotage their activities. About 5,000 Edelweiss Pirates are thought to have defied the Nazis, scribbled anti-war graffiti on walls, and participated in various types of violent and nonviolent resistance. In 1944, six were hanged in Cologne without a trial due to their suspected involvement in the black market. Scouts in occupied countries resisted, too: In France, for example, Boy Scouts rescued 40 Jewish children from deportation, and in Auschwitz, a group of Polish boy scouts resisted and even escaped the Nazis.

As the war ground on, it became clear that the Hitler Youth’s real goal was to create more soldiers for the Reich. Children who had been saturated in Nazi ideology for years made obedient, fanatical soldiers. Eventually, those soldiers became younger and younger. Starting in 1943, all boys 17 and older were forced to serve in the military.

In 1945, the desperate Nazi leadership began pulling younger boys out of school and sending them to the front. These inexperienced children were essentially conscripted for suicide missions—and if they balked, they were executed. Those who survived faced harsh treatment at the hands of the Allies who captured them.

After the war, the Hitler Youth was disbanded. Today, the group is considered one of the most chilling facets of the Nazi regime—proof that a totalitarian state can use children to feed its armies and further its hateful ideologies.


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e73787 No.18765929

File: ed25fb1345b9f9d⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB,828x992,207:248,4FBD4051_3E83_4348_B04B_6….jpeg)

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febadb No.18765930

File: 2a9d9afb1819725⋯.png (79.42 KB,804x916,201:229,only_way.png)

File: 5458560f8a9f392⋯.jpg (104.03 KB,430x387,10:9,FO.jpg)

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6a2508 No.18765931

File: a3bea3bc23d058a⋯.png (34.21 KB,819x473,819:473,pepe.PNG)


Bush, 9/11, the CIA, Secret Societies

Pepe Lives Matter

Apr 27, 2023

I will be compiling all the red pills I can for you to share with the normies.

Since Twitter deleted most of our threads I find it exceedingly useful to have everything in one place.

Thread Compiliation

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bc467e No.18765932

File: 6334bcd4bf4982c⋯.png (91.15 KB,585x409,585:409,2023_04_28_07_39_13.png)

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1da0a0 No.18765933


/me waiting for the trans women to start dominating in mens sports. Is there a single example?

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aa042d No.18765934

File: ea509573866e162⋯.jpg (590.21 KB,1600x842,800:421,ea509573866e16239d073c90f5….jpg)

CongressAnon from 2020 , the moles are set

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e73787 No.18765935

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41667f No.18765936

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6a2508 No.18765937

File: 7e662c1d50e23f4⋯.png (255.48 KB,413x359,413:359,song.PNG)


The song they picked 🥺❤️ Nothing compares to 45

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d617da No.18765938

File: 8bbb8a6368e7235⋯.png (510.16 KB,620x813,620:813,barryhehimt.png)

File: 377d344472649b8⋯.jpg (415.63 KB,1200x848,75:53,barryhispanicleader5.jpg)

File: c62d8b5cb68e21d⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,2362x1670,1181:835,barryjapenemperd.jpg)

File: 61b10fb2dcba756⋯.jpeg (128.08 KB,1067x1049,1067:1049,barrypromotingd.jpeg)

File: a3d93824de69f44⋯.jpg (89.41 KB,696x482,348:241,Obama_AlWaleed.jpg)


Barry and Hanx look close

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908ea7 No.18765939

File: f9fb231cfd3e780⋯.png (1.55 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>He is trying to lure patriots into talking about setting congress on fire with a joke story.

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d86f37 No.18765940



High Ram

Hire 'em

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5fda04 No.18765941

How can they be so evil?

Why do they hate us so much?

Those at the very top are not human

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febadb No.18765942

File: c00edd36c2101d6⋯.gif (3.74 MB,360x540,2:3,1680212410411976.gif)

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c8d3ad No.18765943

File: 3356f2b71aa84bb⋯.png (927.28 KB,941x1091,941:1091,ClipboardImage.png)

Is it just Anon or is the psychological projection from woke communism accelerating?

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6a2508 No.18765944

File: f4de98c5d762063⋯.png (205.8 KB,412x511,412:511,mist.PNG)


Don Jr. calls out the Democrats for supporting pedophiles.

“It’s just a conspiracy theory, right?”

Full episode was 🔥and he interviewed his dad:

Find it here: https://rumble.com/v2krbls-interview-with-your-favorite-president-on-the-new-book-letters-to-trump-tri.html

Twitter version (https://twitter.com/thestormredux/status/1651740783395975171?s=46&t=BJAVyL2D8H_p-90PloAsJw)

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febadb No.18765945

File: cb7b393bfff34d5⋯.png (355.25 KB,900x450,2:1,acf28eb5c7129abea01889db5c….png)

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2364cf No.18765946

File: 6aa75f1c3f1478f⋯.png (220.88 KB,902x1400,451:700,IMG_3951.png)

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d28a8b No.18765947

File: b82b31674b479b3⋯.mp4 (3.33 MB,480x848,30:53,video_2023_04_28_13_59_39.mp4)

Schwab's "hunger" agenda and the switch to eating crickets continues to be carried out around the world

More than 200 thousand chickens and about 500 thousand fresh eggs were destroyed in Argentina.

All because of an allegedly confirmed case of "bird flu". 🤦‍♂


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88e085 No.18765948


16 yr plan got shwack'd cuz 45 set [their] plan back 4 yrs. now they gotta put it in hi speed. ergo acceleration. gonna get real tarded soon.

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5fda04 No.18765949


Read The Secret Covenant from that perspective

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9944c1 No.18765950

File: b0490d3c56e82c9⋯.png (707.63 KB,660x580,33:29,IMG_9925.png)

File: 867806c8b1b37bc⋯.png (139.25 KB,415x125,83:25,IMG_9837.png)

File: 8eda819784fccbc⋯.png (394.31 KB,415x582,415:582,IMG_9838.png)


Some are missing the bigger picture to all of this!

As wifey says “they are trying to make the WOMAN obsolete and the MOTHER duties can be done by any swinging dick that pays the price to be a “woman”!

Wifey gets heated when the trans-agenda is publicized on social media!

“Don’t these fucking cunts understand that they are supporting the death of the family, WTF! “ … Wifey

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d28a8b No.18765951

File: 894e6cc0cf9ae81⋯.mp4 (1.91 MB,718x1278,359:639,video_2023_04_28_14_01_53.mp4)

File: 53deab423f4235c⋯.mp4 (3.23 MB,544x976,34:61,video_2023_04_28_14_01_58.mp4)

File: 835ff8fe0015071⋯.jpg (19.46 KB,250x233,250:233,BloodLibel3.jpg)

In China, donating 400 ml of blood, you can earn 10 social credit points. Many Chinese parents choose to donate blood so that their children can enroll in the best schools. 😐


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41667f No.18765952

File: 5f2601056dad3ae⋯.jpeg (550.74 KB,2388x768,199:64,barcelonascytl1.jpeg)

File: 1f106c3588084b8⋯.png (2.74 MB,1950x1346,975:673,barcelonaMcafeeScytl1.png)

File: c867fc2c98df4dc⋯.png (2.75 MB,1045x919,1045:919,mcaffee2.png)



A Steven Spielberg Bruce Barack Barcelona siting


aSCYTLing at the Scene of the crime

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febadb No.18765953

File: 2bb713af769de02⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB,1254x1254,1:1,2bb713af769de02170ea94354….jpeg)

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908ea7 No.18765954


>Barack Michelle Barcelona Bruce Springsteen Steven Spielberg

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6a2508 No.18765955

File: 1fccc1d6029efa2⋯.png (262.39 KB,407x504,407:504,sis.PNG)



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9591d1 No.18765956


> the emerging entity to fill that void of free discourse and information will have to appear organic as possible

qresearch borthah

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6a2508 No.18765957

File: ddddd00bea8aae3⋯.png (1.16 MB,1056x838,528:419,door.PNG)


DOJ Inspector General Horowitz Admits FBI Conducted 3.4 Million Warrantless “Backdoor Searches” Americans’ Communications — Reveals Over a Million Were in Error (VIDEO)

by Jim Hoft Apr. 27, 2023 11:00 am

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f2403a No.18765958

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Even back then - we thought this was cool.


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0a0f34 No.18765959


He's put on about 20 years since he was last in the spotlight.

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179044 No.18765960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For intentions of anons and their families

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8c631e No.18765961

It's no longer called "Elections", from this day forward the Democrats will be calling it "Selections".

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908ea7 No.18765962

File: 6ff31d53d0a9769⋯.png (430.23 KB,800x585,160:117,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a9bcdc09ac04c6⋯.png (348.97 KB,800x583,800:583,ClipboardImage.png)


>These inexperienced children were essentially conscripted for suicide missions—and if they balked, they were executed.


Battalion Parasol was a Scouting battalion of the Armia Krajowa (Home Army), the primary Polish resistance movement in World War II. It consisted primarily of members of the Gray Ranks.


codename for the underground paramilitary Polish Scouting Association (Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego) during World War II.

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da6d0e No.18765963


Catalyst v Long Term Outcome

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2cad76 No.18765964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Does lb need collection?

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febadb No.18765965

File: 4c5fba0ccc3d207⋯.png (440.42 KB,555x401,555:401,4b8aca7d9929d992ee66938675….png)

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41667f No.18765966

File: ce0e49933218c27⋯.png (10.66 KB,255x250,51:50,nasim_newfag_.png)


<>checked the sauce,

Reading the article isn't "checking the sauce", newfag

152 schools across the country couldbe:

50 Schools in Washington DC

50 Schools in Austin TX

52 Schools in Berkeley CA

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be1580 No.18765967

Gavin Newsom has swagger.

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352af9 No.18765968

File: d1e5e44f2d6c48e⋯.png (441.2 KB,500x667,500:667,ClipboardImage.png)


Once out of nature I shall never take

My bodily form from any natural thing,

But such a form as Grecian goldsmiths make

Of hammered gold and gold enamelling

To keep a drowsy Emperor awake;

Or set upon a golden bough to sing

To lords and ladies of Byzantium

Of what is past, or passing, or to come.

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d617da No.18765969

File: d9bdf4d7f3b0d8b⋯.jpg (41.83 KB,600x327,200:109,007syncing.jpg)


yes, it's a glowie, thinks it's smart. Stayed up late with a focus group thinking up this scheme/ trap?


Tired of being being laughed at, having it's reputation and "life's work" (FWIW) being scorned and just tired of being worthless? Has to lash out. Projects onto us.

Especially when people / the public know it and tag them slimey lying homosexual thieves and murderers?

maybe they are getting ready to burn something / someone and want to tag it on us?

"by the book"

plumber people

then bragg about it?

or just Brag for a yuk yuk Yoke/ joke?

Love playing 007?


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6a2508 No.18765970

File: d067a5efe055378⋯.png (227.99 KB,411x461,411:461,prank.PNG)


Watch: Fed Chair spills the beans about Biden's worsening economy to Russian pranksters posing as Zelensky.


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641642 No.18765971

File: a02491631155138⋯.png (449.21 KB,960x540,16:9,how_to_roll_a_joint.png)

#23028 Notes collected ~@250

>>18765752 Barack and The Boss! Ex President and wife Michelle are seen out about in Barcelona with Bruce Springsteen and Steven Spielberg ahead of singer's Olympic Stadium concert

>>18765761 Found a Fed boy on twitter, KEK

>>18765780 Dylan Mulvaney Cost Bud Light, Now He Wants Journalists Arrested

>>18765781 China Coast Guard teeing off with Philippine Coast Guard.

>>18765809 Report: 35K Migrants Wait in Juarez, Mexico, to Rush Southern Border When Biden Ends Title 42

>>18765813 K-Pomp: South Korean President Yoon belts out American Pie at lavish White House state dinner as Biden admits he 'can barely talk' in front of celebrities

>>18765819 Trump Gives Joe Biden a New Nickname and It’s a Classic! (‘Crooked Joe Biden’)

>>18765822 Benny Johnson - Fox News has lost 2M viewers in the Tucker Carlson 8PM time slot.

>>18765824 Erin Reed, an infamous Trans activists on TikTok posts videos about: • How children can get access to hormones

>>18765825 BBC chairman resigns over loan to Boris Johnson

>>18765830 One in four high school students identify as LGBTQ (?)

>>18765835 STUNNING: Joe Biden’s Top Tweet after 4 Hrs has only 1,199 Retweets …President Trump’s First Truth.com Post After 1 Hr has over 42,000 Retweets

>>18765852 Goya CEO Warns World On The Brink Of A Food Crisis

>>18765853 First, they came for Tucker – next is RFK Jr.

>>18765865 YouTube censors ER doctors urging end of lockdown 'This isn't about science, this is about control of the narrative'

>>18765878 Tucker Friday 7:15 am, 72,200,000 views

>>18765899 LIVE Coverage of U.S. Spacewalk 86 at the International Space Station

>>18765909 A few years ago the left was complaining about women athletes not getting paid the same as men. Now they can't define what a woman is, and they’re perfectly accepting of female athletes getting dominated by men on the playing field.

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f38e72 No.18765972

File: 5bdd80b11b826ac⋯.png (1.08 MB,3761x2024,3761:2024,8D249D18_19EE_4352_BC5F_8F….png)

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908ea7 No.18765973

File: b83fc962b7f1508⋯.mp4 (790.25 KB,530x790,53:79,ZZFyvTReLTjFEfac.mp4)


>Wants Journalists Arrested

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132883 No.18765974

File: 0d4390d7ff63862⋯.jpg (113.87 KB,1030x1016,515:508,Hhju.jpg)

File: 6153bdc05cc97d1⋯.jpg (59.9 KB,527x456,527:456,Vgb.jpg)

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2cad76 No.18765975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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88e085 No.18765976

File: 21e776bd4688195⋯.png (478.31 KB,700x523,700:523,21e776bd4688195f24a6001ad5….png)


>>18765723 lb bun

how you doing bakes? feel like taking this one to the top? luuk'n like a nice easy pace.

if you are ready for a break, just ask for a handoff and drop your most current notes.

i'll confirm it and you are free to relax.

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d28a8b No.18765977

File: 2677b86d018cf8b⋯.mp4 (978.68 KB,1280x720,16:9,video_2023_04_28_14_12_12.mp4)

File: 2072860e26233ce⋯.png (159.7 KB,833x823,833:823,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4be68ba8ce72c2b⋯.png (144.44 KB,743x623,743:623,inbredsraelchildrapists.png)

File: 7ec2d9da1159e26⋯.mp4 (957.7 KB,848x464,53:29,IMG_0251.MP4)

File: 0ff0daf3f72858c⋯.jpg (82.67 KB,933x445,933:445,bill_clinton_jeffrey_epste….jpg)

De Santis in Israel:

"The US must respect Israel's right to make its own decisions about its own governance. You're a smart country, you figure it out. It shouldn't be for us to butt in".

Does that same rule apply the other way round?


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908ea7 No.18765978

>my son went over to fight in Ukraine

RFK jr

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febadb No.18765979

File: a7eeeee3ddaf325⋯.png (638.27 KB,945x1082,945:1082,1662827809283254.png)

File: 6be154800d71e02⋯.jpg (35.41 KB,500x364,125:91,6be154800d71e02840327b7d80….jpg)



The Palatine Hill (/ˈpælətaɪn/; Classical Latin: Palatium;[1] New Latin: Collis/Mons Palatinus; Italian: Palatino [palaˈtiːno]), which relative to the seven hills of Rome is the centremost, is one of the most ancient parts of the city and has been called "the first nucleus of the Roman Empire."[2]

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f38e72 No.18765980

File: bd35791364f2a41⋯.png (455.91 KB,477x705,159:235,188C7087_2DBF_4B25_B9BA_47….png)

File: b1289279710ba81⋯.png (458.3 KB,735x715,147:143,1B8EA455_5FC8_4F6A_8A6F_58….png)

File: e855556853a17bb⋯.jpeg (150.05 KB,529x464,529:464,517D234B_A54A_4802_848C_E….jpeg)

File: 6324bfa23e6e66c⋯.jpeg (49 KB,474x370,237:185,63739951_09BE_45B6_A84E_5….jpeg)


She’s pretty

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71e8d7 No.18765981

File: 06ea09452b9d9cf⋯.mp4 (1.26 MB,888x494,444:247,06ea09452b9d9cf070224a32d2….mp4)

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132883 No.18765982

File: 0fae08bf352182b⋯.jpg (26.52 KB,696x480,29:20,downloadfile_2.jpg)



The Creepy Walking Dead.

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908ea7 No.18765983

File: 7e77999eedb20f2⋯.png (2.09 MB,1408x792,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


let's get squirrelly

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641642 No.18765984


…Got to get some rest. Accidentally pulled an all-nighter.Baker requests handoff

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febadb No.18765985

File: b9a4d2076f3028c⋯.png (444.18 KB,752x456,94:57,b9a4d2076f3028cff199357469….png)

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d617da No.18765986


20+ years old

forever after Bush was selected.

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132883 No.18765987

File: 8ecfbc828ba22e0⋯.jpg (88.76 KB,625x500,5:4,7f1gg5.jpg)

File: 10312206c593ec7⋯.jpg (37.02 KB,500x308,125:77,Fghu.jpg)

The American ShitShow circus continues.

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be1580 No.18765988

The rain is gone, and the SUN IS OUT!!! Enjoy your Friday, Anons!

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c8d3ad No.18765989

Trump was overthrown & censored on all social media

Lara Trump pushed out of Fox

James O’Keefe pushed out of Project Veritas

Dan Bongino pushed out of Fox

Tucker Carlson pushed out of Fox

Doesn’t take a genius to see what’s going on here

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71e8d7 No.18765990

File: dd9d26cb7f0b3b0⋯.png (17.19 KB,255x233,255:233,48fce96a579cc8c6e6e3cca94f….png)



last nights bread had a neat suburban. truck door left open for the world to see.


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f38e72 No.18765991

File: 81cfac4d9b0d9a1⋯.png (176.74 KB,815x544,815:544,F31AB531_FA40_4ED5_A4DD_CA….png)


Ty Midnight Rider

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febadb No.18765992

File: 40690ad6e8b9b21⋯.jpeg (181.1 KB,600x400,3:2,40690ad6e8b9b21c8214c5db0….jpeg)

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6a2508 No.18765993

File: 36e534a9ae5b6ac⋯.png (235.84 KB,415x343,415:343,mask.PNG)

File: b7b616a71c40ed3⋯.png (869.1 KB,699x584,699:584,irst.PNG)


ELEMENTARY STUDENT: "Do you think the President will ever make us wear masks again?"

KJP: "I hope not."

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352af9 No.18765994

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


crazy baldheads

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16c4a9 No.18765995


And The Pentagon is all for it.

“Military is the only way.”


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9944c1 No.18765996

File: b34236765a682f6⋯.jpeg (332.82 KB,1227x828,409:276,IMG_9949.jpeg)


They don’t look like they are struggling in any way!

Is it wrong to wish them away to the corn field?

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8c4bfe No.18765997

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Anon missed trumps speech last time.

first time anon thinks.

nearly always on the kun collecting notes and posting full speech.

for those who missed it, linked below.

Will catch up and post soon




Note Will make notes later if there is anything new, will highlight!!!


==President Trump in Manchester, NH

Streamed on: Apr 27, 4:19 pm EDT==



45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks on Making America Great Again in New Hampshire on April 27th, 2023 at 4:00PM ET

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6a6498 No.18765998



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f0e16e No.18765999

File: ad3206d1c4e0aef⋯.png (106.1 KB,525x437,525:437,donkeypox.png)

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88e085 No.18766000

File: a5dd6bb0dffa571⋯.png (735.03 KB,600x892,150:223,a5dd6bb0dffa571a2ab2eb736a….png)

File: 0d5aa63280ef41a⋯.jpg (160.3 KB,1600x1063,1600:1063,sharing_bread.jpg)


roger that fam. if you have any notes for this bred, drop em or i'll collect from the top. no biggie

Handoff Confirmed

go grab some rack time and a big ty for yer service. habby tgif

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febadb No.18766001

File: 57aed42d123eaeb⋯.jpg (102.11 KB,750x450,5:3,1659466594425679.jpg)

File: 5957c6973218eb2⋯.jpg (187.65 KB,828x1079,828:1079,1659467874434424.jpg)

File: 17382b4463d25be⋯.png (495.38 KB,660x350,66:35,17382b4463d25be3954f92cb52….png)

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16c4a9 No.18766002


“But Malachi will get them, Opie.”

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41667f No.18766003

File: 76ac8d5cff9d2f9⋯.png (329.18 KB,896x706,448:353,Screenshot_2023_04_28_at_0….png)

File: d91fc9bd40b2cb4⋯.png (295.28 KB,887x848,887:848,Screenshot_2023_04_28_at_0….png)

File: 6c5cbc23e11dbdd⋯.png (396.54 KB,871x828,871:828,Screenshot_2023_04_28_at_0….png)



>One in four

>I'm quessing fuckery here.


<>checked the sauce,

muh sauce


>Reading the article isn't "checking the sauce", newfag


>152 schools across the country couldbe:

>50 Schools in Washington DC

>50 Schools in Austin TX

>52 Schools in Berkeley CA


pretty good guess on my part.

substitute austin with houston

Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)


2021 YRBS Results Now Available

YRBS logo

The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) is a set of surveys that track behaviors that can lead to poor health in public school students grades 9 through 12. Learn more about YRBSS.


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6a2508 No.18766004

File: 5636963fbc44a67⋯.png (291.6 KB,408x512,51:64,aska.PNG)


BREAKING: U.S. Army Helicopters Crash In Alaska https://breaking911.com/breaking-u-s-army-helicopters-crash-in-alaska/

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c8d3ad No.18766005


While Q was posting that, there were resignations and 'forced' exits of many PENTAgon officials.

Your shilling isn't working.

Do better

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803cdd No.18766006

File: b90d5348f873e80⋯.mp4 (14.94 MB,640x360,16:9,U_S_Government_Stages_Fake….mp4)

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9944c1 No.18766007


Stop your faggotry!

I see winning only. Everything reverts back to Q drops, everything!

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641642 No.18766008


…Trip aughts check'd andConfirmed

Thank you, again.

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6a6498 No.18766009



This –→ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11534043/PICTURED-Trans-ice-hockey-player-formally-known-Kyle-left-female-male-rival-CONCUSSED.html

not >>18765998

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6a2508 No.18766010

File: 2b0f4d8956f46df⋯.png (453.38 KB,413x753,413:753,risk.PNG)


🆕 Red Line Crossed: DNA Contamination of mRNA "Vaccines" Poses Risk to Everyone on the Planet

Written by the WCH Health and Science Committee

➡️ https://worldcouncilforhealth.substack.com/p/red-line-crossed

Another red line has been crossed…

In a recent publication by a group of experienced geneticists, more contamination in mRNA “vaccines” (Pfizer and Moderna), excluding metal residues, which had been identified in the past, was found. Multiple methods highlighted high levels of DNA contamination.

Of special concern was that they found replicable DNA, so-called plasmids, in both the monovalent and bivalent vaccines, which should not be there at all. This time the researchers found DNA contamination that far exceeded the European Medicines Agency (EMA) requirement and the U.S. FDA’s dose requirements.

But why is this find so alarming? 

The potential of shedding to the unvaccinated poses a serious question for everyone on this planet. We can only speculate how it will end, but what needs to happen today after the publication of this paper is an immediate stop of the “Covid-19 vaccine” program.

Visit our Substack (https://worldcouncilforhealth.substack.com/p/red-line-crossed) to learn more.

🌐 SOURCE (https://source.worldcouncilforhealth.org/) | 🌳 LINKTREE

(https://linktr.ee/worldcouncilforhealth)Follow: ➡️@WCH_org

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1da0a0 No.18766011


No that's a guy pretending he's a girl to compete with the ladies. That article just continues to call him a her. I'm looking for a girl pretending to be a boy to compete in a mens league and dominating.

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acc46d No.18766012




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c8d3ad No.18766013


We are the news now anyway, so while those are losses, we're still winning.

Shill better.

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febadb No.18766014

File: 67acfeecdbdc142⋯.jpg (238.98 KB,753x1069,753:1069,67acfeecdbdc1429da527ad8a8….jpg)

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6a6498 No.18766015


Yes, it was an oops brain fart, posted a female to male hockey player

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9944c1 No.18766016

File: 2a99a21ba3ecc19⋯.png (2.08 MB,1792x828,448:207,IMG_9948.png)



Perspective my good Anon, perspective!

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16c4a9 No.18766017


Not shilling.

Not intentionally anyway.

I am pointing out inconsistencies.

If that be a shilling, then I’m sure as shit-stank a shilly cocksucker this fine fucking morn’.

Oh, and fuck you too.

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88e085 No.18766018


'acknowledged'. you'll get the hang of it.

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d86f37 No.18766019


You remeber that episode where Andy put that guy in jail until he let the nurse inject him with vaccines?

Such a good, wholesome American show.

Great values and norms.

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febadb No.18766020

File: 17eef0f0fc42ae1⋯.png (428.17 KB,628x440,157:110,17eef0f0fc42ae17878efe0e59….png)

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1da0a0 No.18766021


See now that whole situation just makes it even more confusing. She (tran) knocked out him (tran) in a hockey match. I have no idea WTF is happening right now.


Quilette journalist Jonathan Kay watched the tournament in person, and accused the NHL, Vice, and Hockey News magazine of covering up the accident, as well as what he claims was an obvious advantage enjoyed by the trans-woman dominated Team Pink.

The NHL posted a tweet hailing the groundbreaking tournament as a model of inclusivity - but made no mention of the outcome of the tournament.

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641642 No.18766022


…ah yeah. at the brian dead stage. o7

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72fba3 No.18766023

File: 5dd96e34877a302⋯.png (302.06 KB,423x847,423:847,ClipboardImage.png)


10:32 PM · Apr 27, 2023





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25f91a No.18766024

File: a91da0902097037⋯.mp4 (3.23 MB,320x568,40:71,a91da0902097037057d929b655….mp4)

Dont think anons caught the significance of this song

Bye-Bye American Pie

>bye bye american FBI

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acc46d No.18766025

File: e3e662baea0a305⋯.png (550.83 KB,498x613,498:613,scary_poppins.PNG)

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72fba3 No.18766027



I am central time fwiw

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908ea7 No.18766028

File: 49df76c14cd4cb6⋯.jpg (103.6 KB,1052x920,263:230,StopItWithTheNoteTaking.jpg)

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5bd9e0 No.18766029

File: a8b604c3c0c0ed6⋯.png (457.93 KB,792x601,792:601,Scvbhy.png)



Big Mike is a butthole fungus…..

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25f91a No.18766030


TRUMP SDSWIFT TRIALthen sd Quick Trial repeatedly

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16c4a9 No.18766031


They killed Otis? Those Bastards!

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c8d3ad No.18766032


>not intentionally anyway

Kek, many shills also don't want people to believe in their own free will.


Everyone is imperfect so yes, blame Q.

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908ea7 No.18766033



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d617da No.18766034




When you're hypnotized someone can influence you to believe ANYTHING no matter how illogical;;

anon saw once a hypnotist convince a subject that an onion was an apple - eat it with enjoyment, claim it taste like an apple

TRANS -stuff pretty much is proof a large segment of the society is under mass hypnosis.

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25f91a No.18766035



1% 1% 2% 3% 7%

1 [123] 7

*was this rally the countdown to the start of the precipice?

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6a2508 No.18766036

File: 2f73b38c753b0db⋯.png (527.03 KB,1052x671,1052:671,bath.PNG)


FOX NEWS BLOODBATH: 8 PM Viewership CUT IN HALF After Tucker Carlson Departure

by Jim Hoft Apr. 26, 2023 9:00 pm

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803cdd No.18766037

File: d74ae794e420957⋯.png (787.76 KB,1570x982,785:491,Screen_Shot_2023_04_28_at_….png)

P, Q



NOTE: Read For YourselfThe Full Unsealed Flight Logs Of Jeffrey Epstein's Airplane The "Lolita Express"…

Find Out Who Flew On This Known Pedophiles Airplane For Yourself! Don't Trust The Left-Wing Propaganda Media!


Epstein Flight Manifests

12:10 AM · Apr 24, 2023



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158221 No.18766038


>Reading the article isn't "checking the sauce", newfag

That's why anon typed

>If you read what you posted and checked the sauce.


Comprehension not your thing?

It doesn't matter where the schools are, that sample size will never represent the whole country, so saying "1 in 4 high school kids…" is fallatious.

It should say "1 in 4 highschool kids… out of 17,508 surveyed…"

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febadb No.18766039

File: 5b5573948d6b0d5⋯.jpg (362.92 KB,1200x799,1200:799,5b5573948d6b0d5f541c3bfa96….jpg)

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6a2508 No.18766040

File: 27ad2da41af5786⋯.png (403.44 KB,382x488,191:244,ring.PNG)

File: 398e542c74b4e09⋯.png (1.6 MB,799x802,799:802,night.PNG)

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1b76cf No.18766041


all collected

all guud

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f0e16e No.18766042

File: 2f0ed67b10c27fa⋯.png (194.77 KB,629x628,629:628,10000_million.png)

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e2166f No.18766043

Interkeking change in US debt clock discovered as anon looked us dollar to silver ratio.


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16c4a9 No.18766044


“Johnson” Tucker?


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d617da No.18766045

File: 499e5cc97a7fd68⋯.jpg (116.64 KB,1000x1000,1:1,unbearablefakenessboeing.jpg)

File: 66b6ebac3f7e9a9⋯.png (2.45 MB,1563x1209,521:403,psakiintern.png)


they could do it with 9/11 so I guess just about figured they could "get-away" with anything. And had the legal right to do so ; mis-named "Patriot Act"

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e2166f No.18766046

File: 5adcdb20d2af1d9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,60.15 KB,1440x1440,1:1,1000002935.jpg)


Resenting image

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25f91a No.18766048

File: 9d2e3bfd4c07a40⋯.png (626.56 KB,494x737,494:737,ClipboardImage.png)

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6a2508 No.18766050

File: 52f2793d8c17254⋯.png (1.74 MB,1268x856,317:214,will.PNG)


X22 Report


Streamed on: Apr 28, 7:51 am EDT

Kash Patel - Hunter Will Be Indicted, [DS] Advocated An Overthrow, Rule Of Law Must Be Followed

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febadb No.18766051

File: 6c7ec1b8b3b0c68⋯.mp4 (10.66 MB,320x240,4:3,6c7ec1b8b3b0c68c74d458ffc3….mp4)

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d617da No.18766052



any different than the one anons here have had all along?

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f0e16e No.18766053

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

April 28, 2023

9:00 AM EDT

U.S. House of Representatives: House Session

The House will consider a resolution repealing a Commerce Department rule waiving tariffs on solar parts assembled in 4 Southeast Asian countries: Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand or Vietnam, using parts from China.


April 28, 2023

9:00 AM EDT

Department of the Navy Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Request

House Armed Services Committee



The Honorable Carlos Del Toro

Secretary of the Navy

U.S. Department of the Navy


Admiral Michael M. Gilday

Chief of Naval Operations

U.S. Department of the Navy


General David H. Berger


U.S. Marine Corps






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1b76cf No.18766054

File: fa80242b21de476⋯.jpeg (25.85 KB,400x300,4:3,fa80242b21de4762c0b4bab47….jpeg)


trips dubs

dem diggie gawdz be trippn n sheitz

mornin wakes

I neber gotz seal of approval

why is dat?

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352af9 No.18766055

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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6a2508 No.18766056

File: fb450224ba58517⋯.png (412.32 KB,582x672,97:112,yan.PNG)


Michael Yon


Must See this Chinese advertisement detailing how to invade America. Like a vacation infomercial. This information is mostly very accurate. I am on these routes regularly. About as accurate as @lonelyplanet

— which I used a lot during my epic younger backpacking days six times around the world. But this information omitted a few baddies such as rampant dengue, malaria, dangerous water, rape, and a gun to your head. PLEASE SHARE!














0:19 / 2:01

5:54 AM · Apr 27, 2023




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f0e16e No.18766057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

April 28, 2023

9:00 AM EDT

The Reauthorization of the National Flood Insurance Program: FEMA’s Perspective

House Financial Services Committee



Mr. David Maurstad, Assistant Administrator, Federal Insurance Directorate, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)






FEMA Official Testifies on Reauthorizing Flood Insurance Program

David Maurstad, a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) official, testifies on reauthorizing the National Flood Insurance Program. The hearing takes place before the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance.


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82eddb No.18766058

File: e1be11d55d973ee⋯.png (1.63 MB,1080x1082,540:541,swordy.png)

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6a2508 No.18766059

File: 54545be0a2236b5⋯.png (214.57 KB,584x398,292:199,raise.PNG)



Lara Logan





Raise Your Voices In A Chorus Of Freedom!

The desperation of the consortium of political and corporate elites to silence truth and censor truth-tellers is crystal clear. This week Fox News pushed out its most influential voice and thereby sidelined…

America's Future

Apr 27, 2023, 1:20 PM

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f0e16e No.18766060

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

April 28, 2023

9:00 AM EDT

Antimicrobial Resistance: Examining an Emerging Public Health Threat

House Energy and Commerce Committee



Amanda Jezek, Senior Vice President, Public Policy and Government Relations, Infectious Diseases Society of America


Kevin Outterson, Professor of Law and Executive Director of CARB-X, Boston University


Mary Denigan-Macauley, Director, Health Care, U.S. Government Accountability Office


Amy J. Mathers, Associate Professor, Medicine: Infectious Diseases and International Health, University of Virginia School of Medicine






Hearing on Antimicrobial Resistance & Public Health

Witnesses from the Infectious Diseases Society of America, Government Accountability Office and others discuss the threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to public health before a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee.


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6a2508 No.18766062

File: dd20f3ae3488a7f⋯.png (167.68 KB,407x633,407:633,def.PNG)


Dr. McCullough: China’s Latest Bioweapon. How You Can Stay Safe

Many reports have surfaced recently of farmers in the USA and EU using mRNA-based vaccines on their livestock to “help protect against disease.”

Dr. McCullough of @TheWellnessCompany reveals the best-known defense against mRNA-carrying spike proteins.

Thankfully, you can protect yourself regardless of where the mRNA originates. According to Dr. McCullough, the best-known defense against mRNA-carrying spike proteins is a daily dose of over-the-counter nattokinase:

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88e085 No.18766064

File: d12cdbde04451c2⋯.png (321.7 KB,453x320,453:320,d12cdbde04451c2e171f17c193….png)


didn't exist in 2019 kek

u da most harden'd baker on planet erf yo

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febadb No.18766065

File: ef3bff088e5a2b0⋯.jpg (337.73 KB,1200x1684,300:421,1659457745816116.jpg)




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71e8d7 No.18766066

File: 418c767d2f7efc0⋯.jpg (47.15 KB,370x625,74:125,15modi2.jpg)

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bc467e No.18766067

File: 2a592e25b4de24a⋯.png (1.35 MB,924x1254,14:19,swordanon.png)


Mornin' Swordanon

God bless

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6a2508 No.18766068

File: 4812de8dc1f42d0⋯.png (251.01 KB,410x671,410:671,most.PNG)


America Had the Most COVID Deaths in the World: "It's Hard to Understand Why Anthony Fauci Is a Hero"

• The U.S. has 4.2% of the global population — and almost 16% of worldwide COVID deaths.

• America had a COVID death rate of about 3,000 per million; Nigeria had a death rate of 14 people per million.

• And Japan, with the oldest population in the world, had 1/10th the death rate of the United States.

• "85% of the people [in the US] who died should not have died — because they were denied early treatment," attests RFK Jr.

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dd33da No.18766069

File: d5d8df946cdcf71⋯.jpg (151.78 KB,512x512,1:1,mister_rogers_sword2.jpg)

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febadb No.18766070

File: f61d29ff66a7385⋯.jpg (71.36 KB,617x474,617:474,f61d29ff66a7385470166abb91….jpg)

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f13676 No.18766071

File: a991b02b22d710c⋯.jpg (77.97 KB,499x468,499:468,kri_SCHW_na.jpg)

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1b76cf No.18766072

File: 879b08fee0ef0fe⋯.png (99.62 KB,287x376,287:376,wakesbadass3683648cfaefb5e….png)



muh fee fees

you still da rock and da best


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6a2508 No.18766073

File: 6e0b2fe3f2e108b⋯.png (2.67 MB,1314x953,1314:953,16.PNG)

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71e8d7 No.18766074

File: c3f9107eb86ee8c⋯.jpeg (265.63 KB,1024x682,512:341,FurCITmWAAETS99.jpeg)

File: fb26bc7835f1632⋯.gif (559.69 KB,400x300,4:3,7296abf6_6720_48f6_bec0_14….gif)

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8c631e No.18766075

Why is it when these moranic imbeciles that are testifying in a Congressional hearings, they have forgotten two simple words…."YES" or "NO"….simple question….Are you human Yes or No!!!….ummm, Senator, I thank you for your question, The Supreme Court….bla, bla, bla….why isn't there a penalty to not answering the question….I would love to see someone get arrested for NOT ANSWERING A QUESTION….or what in the FUCKING HELL are they at the hearing…./frustrating as hell!!!

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72fba3 No.18766076

File: 90bc4b9e6bc0576⋯.gif (1.42 MB,426x568,3:4,Magic_Sword_Night_shift.gif)

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fe8a1e No.18766077


No it was Rafe Hollister

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9e896d No.18766078


RFKjr is both a playbook distraction & a Trojan horse.

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9cb167 No.18766079

File: b27ab1023eb53b4⋯.png (301.25 KB,1141x1189,1141:1189,ClipboardImage.png)


All your burner accout are belong to us

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6a2508 No.18766080

File: 15807da23f31b28⋯.png (380.53 KB,413x629,413:629,jerry.PNG)


Young Tucker with Jerry Garcia

Speak Truth to Power | @TheWashingtonPundit

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803cdd No.18766081

File: 9c8b2afeb5ba11e⋯.png (808.62 KB,970x1030,97:103,Screen_Shot_2023_04_28_at_….png)

File: 44538909fc9bf5c⋯.jpg (121.33 KB,976x699,976:699,_129534716_stoneone.jpg)

File: cdcc969edda127f⋯.jpg (114.69 KB,976x549,16:9,_129534720_stone2.jpg)

File: 453c68cd07afde6⋯.jpg (94.34 KB,976x549,16:9,_129534724_stone3.jpg)

File: 742e13a5b5696a6⋯.png (797.61 KB,1280x1396,320:349,_129438708_coronation_st_e….png)

Stone of Destiny heads south for coronation

The Stone of Destiny has left Edinburgh Castle for the first time in more than 25 years

The Stone of Destiny has left Edinburgh Castle for the first time in more than 25 years as it heads to London for the coronation of King Charles III.

The stone, an ancient symbol of Scotland's monarchy, was seized by King Edward I of England in the late 13th Century and taken to Westminster Abbey.

It remained in England for 700 years and formed part of the coronation chair on which kings and queens were crowned.

The stone was returned for permanent display in Scotland in 1996.

But it was was agreed it would return to Westminster Abbey for any future coronation ceremony.

There will be a free live screening of the coronation in Edinburgh's West Princes Street Gardens on 6 May.

The stone was moved from Edinburgh Castle on Thursday

The 150kg (336lb) red sandstone slab, also known as the Stone of Scone, is 66cm (26in) long, 42cm (17in) wide, and 27cm (10.5in) high.

It was used for the coronation of Scots kings for hundreds of years before being taken by Edward I of England in 1296, during the Wars of Independence.

He made the stone part of a carved oak coronation chair which has been used during the inauguration of 26 Kings and queens at Westminster Abbey since.

The stone stayed in England for hundreds of years, until Christmas Day in 1950 when four students from Glasgow broke into Westminster Abbey and took it back to Scotland.

They were led by Ian Hamilton, who wanted to make a statement about Scottish self-rule.

Mr Hamilton, who died last year, told the BBC in a rare interview: "The Stone of Destiny is Scotland's icon,.

"In one of the many invasions by the English into Scotland, they took away the symbol of our nation.

"To bring it back was a very symbolic gesture."

The students who stole the Stone of Destiny

The stone reappeared months later 500 miles away in Arbroath Abbey - a place that was important to Scotland's independence history.

On 11 April 1951, it was returned to Westminster Abbey and replaced in the coronation chair where two years later it had a greater prominence than ever as Queen Elizabeth's coronation was broadcast on television.

In July 1996, the Queen, along with Prime Minister John Major, agreed the stone should be returned to Scotland.

It now sits next to the crown jewels of Scotland in the Edinburgh Castle Crown Room.

In preparation for its temporary departure to London, a ceremonial procession took place from the castle's Great Hall, led by the Lord Lyon King of Arms - the monarch's representative in Scotland.

Scotland's First Minister Humza Yousaf was in attendance in his capacity as the Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland.

Graphic of the Coronation Chair highlighting the carved graffiti blamed on choirboys and some of the remaining gold-leaf decoration. It also shows where the Stone of Destiny will be placed under the seat.

Historic Environment Scotland (HES), who care for the stone, worked with Police Scotland to ensure it could be transported safely and securely.

It will be transported in a special carrier constructed largely from Scottish oak, which has been made by HES's in-house joinery team.

Kathy Richmond, head of collections and applied conservation, said it was a great responsibility to ensure the safe voyage and return of such an important national symbol.

Mr Yousaf said the stone had a rich and varied history and had been used for centuries in coronations.

The stone will return to Edinburgh Castle in the weeks following the coronation, before it makes its way to Perth in 2024 to be housed in the new Perth Museum.


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febadb No.18766082

File: e35d124c99b10f1⋯.gif (3.66 MB,498x311,498:311,e35d124c99b10f102acec18a62….gif)


Matthew 5:37

“But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.”

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bcf1bb No.18766083

I love being neet. I'm gonna finish my snack then go to bed. When I wake up I'm gonna order a pizza and fuck around on the internet. I love the modern world.

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b4abc2 No.18766084


the picture of the 5 guys has been reposted / memed a million times

i have never seen one person claim

"hey , that is me and i am not a fed"


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f38e72 No.18766085

File: ef22a43aead9f2d⋯.png (2.58 MB,1792x828,448:207,B7284959_19A8_43B3_8F91_34….png)

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72fba3 No.18766086

File: 382e28ad0bb1aeb⋯.mp4 (4.78 MB,720x720,1:1,Lightning_mississippi.mp4)

BREAKING: Lightning has struck the Columbia gulf gas pipeline causing a massive fiery explosion in Corinth, Mississippi.


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1b76cf No.18766088


but does he have dirty feet?

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febadb No.18766089

File: 94274c057e929c5⋯.jpg (150.14 KB,962x1177,962:1177,94274c057e929c5868db09a30b….jpg)

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72fba3 No.18766090

File: 8d07bfb59a6f911⋯.mp4 (6.95 MB,848x848,1:1,space_x_lightning.MP4)

SpaceX Scraps Tonight's Launch as lightning hits falcon heavy launch pad due to severe weather.


Lots of lightning stuff

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d617da No.18766091

File: 17582fe92e20a4b⋯.gif (6.43 MB,400x300,4:3,Loose_Dancing.gif)

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d617da No.18766092


cause of the recent solar winds?

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febadb No.18766093

File: dc80135c92b09e5⋯.jpg (73.49 KB,504x495,56:55,dc80135c92b09e5e3c4b08e3a7….jpg)

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41667f No.18766094

File: c50818be36655cc⋯.png (162.41 KB,334x371,334:371,newfag.png)


>That's why anon typed

<>If you read what you posted and checked the sauce.

ackshually, that's not what you typed.

you typed:

Why guess? If you read what you posted and checked the sauce, you'd know this@

The CDC surveyed 17,508 students in 152 schools across the country


nice try.

you even boldfaced what you thought was your sauce. which it isn't.

And this:

<It doesn't matter where the schools are

is just plain retarded.

Of course it matters where survey was taken.

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908ea7 No.18766095

File: bd870c1c0e904d3⋯.png (651.27 KB,1202x676,601:338,ClipboardImage.png)


>why isn't there a penalty to not answering the question

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054414 No.18766096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b75f67 No.18766097

File: b78d05a508cd5c9⋯.png (468.41 KB,978x608,489:304,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5c9ce9549c8638⋯.png (316.57 KB,915x420,61:28,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9acaef203ef3658⋯.png (385.59 KB,836x452,209:113,ClipboardImage.png)

PlaneFag: Africa/Europe/Med/Gulf activity-Turkish AF out of Port Sudan, Italians departed Rzsesow Airport Poland, German A400ms from Jordan, some Belgian VIPS from Norway back to Brussels plus some hardware south

Turkish AF 18-0093 A400m departed Port Sudan Int'l Airport Don't see much of anything come out of this area-usually the odd A400m or tanker heading south or north over Red Sea

It came in from a southern departure-prolly Djibouti (a lot of Int'l military bases there as it's the choke point for Red Sea shipping access)

Japan has one out-of-the-country military base and it's in Djibouti

62-4134 RC-135 Rivet Joint heading SW after a Doha, Qatar depart

German AF A400m party NW outta Jordan, Muwaffaq Salti Air Base with GFA701 A-321neo just departed from same andcontinues to be very active for them out of this AB as mentioned yesterday Dutch and French also active here..French use it as a stopping point for horn of Africa trips usually Djibouti..below those is a US Navy P-8 Poseidon taht was over eastern Romania last night and returned to Sigonella AB, Sicily

FORET10 Global Hawk RQ-4 drone setting up on the Romania, Moldova and S. Ukraine border @51k ft

Italian AF PERSE71 G550 CAEW (Conformal Airborne Early Warning)

Can read all about it here as this has been tracked since it was flown out of Rome and then stationed at Constanta


Czech AF CEF655 C-295 Persuader left Beirut after an overnight-departed Athens yesterday

Italian AF IAM1421 KC-46A departed Rzsesow Airport after a load out-inbound from Rome

Northern Yerp cap #2

Belgian AF BAF84 Falcon 7x departed Tromso, Norway as well as HKY740 C-130j Hercules south from Andoya Airport, Norway and another Belgian AF A400m south from Breksted AB, Norway

RAF RRR7228 RC-135 Rivet Joint was up north over Norway/Finland in the Barents Sea

Hungarian AF HUAF650 A319 arrived at Stockholm yesterday from Budapest-coupla weeks ago PM Viktor Orban stated "Sweden.Hungary relations at a low" and looks like Italian AF IAM3158 A319 is heading to Stockholm from Rome

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2cad76 No.18766098


Stop talking to yourself, chud

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bcf1bb No.18766099


thanks for the (you). I win.

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72fba3 No.18766100


CME's and whatnot usually cause an uptick in weather related happenings.

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803cdd No.18766101


Same list


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908ea7 No.18766102


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93afcf No.18766103

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 04/28/2023


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febadb No.18766104

File: 2bea4481662f562⋯.gif (8.46 MB,458x640,229:320,2bea4481662f562f672bd59485….gif)

File: 0384436257a715b⋯.jpeg (98.41 KB,499x624,499:624,0384436257a715bd36b228c28….jpeg)

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8f4a2f No.18766105


>spoken in clown costume

that's f&g anon

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d617da No.18766106


no one can force you to answer a question, it's a Right.

why would you want to force an answer?

Hostile question?

answer for yourself, that's what this site is about.

do your own work

oh your work is fighting with anons?

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9cb167 No.18766107

File: a5cdb224440586c⋯.png (844.76 KB,1110x1412,555:706,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18766079 (me)

"Not bad for a random guy and his printer. "


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36641b No.18766109

File: 02fad345fcabe87⋯.png (99.18 KB,899x809,899:809,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18764697 pb

Tucker, 8kun is calling on you to be a baker and/or shitposter.

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d10d23 No.18766110


I can't answer that, because that would be more solid proof that the FBI are more corrupt then Hillary's soiled knickers.

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2cad76 No.18766111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Aw sweet


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8f4a2f No.18766112



should not break a pipeline.

lightning rods are a thing

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6021cd No.18766113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8f4a2f No.18766114

File: 890fe8157ef904c⋯.png (822.89 KB,899x809,899:809,ClipboardImage.png)

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908ea7 No.18766115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Hostile question?

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02e057 No.18766116


By swagger do you mean rich, retarded asshole strut?

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88e085 No.18766117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

its fryday morn'n musak hour

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1b76cf No.18766118


and the destruction of America continues

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febadb No.18766119

File: 4f236b981a53ea7⋯.png (145.06 KB,1168x640,73:40,bc.png)

File: c34f569261afc2e⋯.pdf (244.47 KB,belligerent_claimant.pdf)



>no one can force you to answer a question, it's a Right.

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9cb167 No.18766120

File: 8c2ddcac7017a56⋯.png (9.57 MB,5402x3106,2701:1553,QClock_April_27_2023_D_Day….png)



>>18765098 (me) (pb)

>QClock April 27, 2023 - D Day Patriots We Will Have Our Country Back

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9a6f7a No.18766121

File: 979792e345a6217⋯.jpeg (8.75 KB,255x134,255:134,blue_line_nazi.jpeg)


America will never be free so long as the people lick the boots of those enforcing the tyranny.

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febadb No.18766123

File: 4cbe5a926a24fc3⋯.jpg (126.47 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1658591679827305.jpg)

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d617da No.18766124

File: b9efa04a3d1a9b2⋯.png (518.17 KB,750x407,750:407,pratfallofclowns.png)



yes, it had be goofing.

but you never know; they love to bragg.

A pratfall of clowns.

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0a0f34 No.18766125

File: 46a77798f581e6a⋯.jpg (22.57 KB,327x219,109:73,TuckerFeet.jpg)


If he does Bake make sure he posts a pic of his feet with a timestamp for verification.

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5e1e82 No.18766126


Edification is the salary.

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febadb No.18766127

File: 85ff59a691a02a7⋯.jpg (171.13 KB,1080x980,54:49,85ff59a691a02a78d9642a3563….jpg)

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bcf1bb No.18766128


niggers are the maggots

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1b76cf No.18766130

File: 8fb63becf70fcbc⋯.png (146.1 KB,318x421,318:421,2dcf80021f6c2d9092576d5bd4….png)


Losers lose

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88e085 No.18766131

File: 3612d6acf59c554⋯.png (269 KB,500x375,4:3,313edc94a4850e86cbb17bd068….png)

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6c0c5c No.18766132



>Max Ebil

OK, enough of the Jewish fables. I'm calling bullshit.

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bcf1bb No.18766133

File: 58f6affaccbd787⋯.png (499.12 KB,719x548,719:548,ClipboardImage.png)

"The white man is evil."

"Actually, it's the jews"

"That's racist."

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78408f No.18766134

File: e750b0d8b668a9c⋯.png (13.26 KB,255x239,255:239,kextra.png)


Or maybe SWIFT banking will have a trial all for themselves? And it will be a Quick Trial.

Everything has meaning….

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6a2508 No.18766136

File: c2f1fd6333fd0b0⋯.png (317.34 KB,783x726,261:242,stag.PNG)


Bidenomics: Recession, Return To ’70s-Style

Stagflation, Or Both?

Issues & Insights, by The Editorial Board

Posted By: RockyTCB, 4/28/2023 6:14:30 AM

Americans expecting a better economy to emerge three years after the COVID shutdowns will no doubt be disappointed by the first quarter’s GDP gain of just 1.1% with higher inflation. And it’s even worse than it looks. Of course, President Joe Biden denied the worsening news, saying, “Today, we learned that the American economy remains strong, as it transitions to steady and stable growth.” “Strong”? Really? No one believes that. As recently as late March, economists were looking for a first-quarter GDP growth number exceeding 3%. Instead, they got 1.1%, down from 2.6% in the fourth quarter and 3.2% in last year’s third quarter. See the trend?

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bcf1bb No.18766137


>have resulted from jews orchestrating wars for control and profit

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0edcb6 No.18766138

File: 7bdf302b858c112⋯.jpg (77.02 KB,750x500,3:2,GayshiftActivated.jpg)

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6021cd No.18766139


Who knows how much American military technology was sold off to our enemies? If we can do it, they may be also able to do it.


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02e057 No.18766140

File: 06a831956370e50⋯.jpeg (39.83 KB,736x414,16:9,7ADE8F44_B359_4642_BD1F_D….jpeg)


This brings back memories, anon. I was given this disc and a handful of others with my first cd player and stereo set up when cd’s first came out. Ah to be a care free kid again!!! But, no use cryin’ over spilled milkies, I suppose. Time to get my jaded ass up for more covfefe and another joyous day of living in this shit hole realm!!!

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c7c923 No.18766141

File: 8c017526536c2bf⋯.jpeg (137.07 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_5563.jpeg)

28 Apr, 2023 06:23

Pentagon probes how leaker passed security clearance

The recent disclosure of highly classified material blindsided the US intelligence community

US military officials are scrambling to determine how a National Guard airman who leaked a large trove of top secret documents online last month had security clearance, a Pentagon spokesman has confirmed.

During a Thursday press briefing, Pat Ryder was asked whether the military would seek to shore up its vetting for those granted clearance to access top secret information.

“Broadly speaking, the department is looking at our security process to include the process by which we vet and provide security clearances. So that is part of the ongoing review,” he said.

The inquiry comes after hundreds of pages of classified documents were posted online by Massachusetts National Guard soldier Jack Teixeira, whoaccessed the files after obtaining a high-level security clearance in 2021. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has said senior officials did not become aware of the breach until weeks after the fact, noting that he was not briefed on the issue until April 6, after media outlets began reporting on the contents of the documents.

Teixeira was arrested for the leaks earlier this month and charged for unauthorized disclosure of classified material.

Ryder said the military conducts a “continuous vetting process” for personnel with security clearances, including “automated record checks” which pull data from a number of sources related to an individual’s criminal and financial history, among other things.

He could not say how Teixeira was able to receive a clearancedespite a history of personal issues, stating “this is something that the investigation will tell us… I’m just not able to comment on his particular case.”

“It’s important not necessarily to take the actions of one individual andsomehow paint a picture that indicates a systemic breakdown,”he added. “Again, this is under investigation and the investigation will tell us a lot more about this particular individual and what he did and did not do.” (That’s exactly what is happening a systemic breakdown!)

According to court filings released this week, Teixeira wasdenied a gun permitby his local police department due to a prior incident in which he made threatening comments. He had also reportedly discussedfantasies about mass shootingson the same internet forums where he allegedly leaked the classified documents. (Here you go, another crazy right winger, because all mass shooters are right wing, even leftists trans shooters.)

A 2020 report by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence found thatup to 1.3 million peopleheld top secret clearances, including government officials and private sector employees. Since last month’s leaks, some lawmakers have called for the US classification system to be overhauled, urging to scale back the number of people authorized to access sensitive material.

The National Guard airman accused of one of the most significant intelligence breaches in years appeared in court on Thursday to request he be released from custody while he awaits trial; however, the judge in the case has yet to make a decision.


(The trans shooter’s manifesto will be manipulated to indicate a right-winger)

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6c0c5c No.18766142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If China is Bidens buddies, why are we on the brink of war with them?

US billionaire raises red flag we’re ‘on the brink of war’ with China


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68d5a9 No.18766143


Try sending your child to school after first feeding him/her a very good nutritious breakfast. Child will not want to eat the school breakfast. Teachers will question you. Why do you feed your child breakfast? Aren't you afraid you'll spoil the child? Weird.

Wonder what is in the school breakfasts?

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78408f No.18766144

File: ed04bdf9c1f888d⋯.png (108 KB,211x397,211:397,dollartosilverratio28april….png)



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1b76cf No.18766145


devious oligarchs for war pumpin dollars

mordor, are we there yet?

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bcf1bb No.18766146

File: caa140e16aa19d1⋯.png (852.53 KB,1079x938,1079:938,ClipboardImage.png)

Africans enriching Ireland.

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803cdd No.18766147

File: 6547d6cac356d0a⋯.mp4 (5.46 MB,480x360,4:3,Bz7J3lOvfdY1z4jH.mp4)

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46c096 No.18766148

File: 52ee8c7691f8cf3⋯.png (1.19 MB,1496x788,374:197,2941dc266f86a3d883f7ba7a9a….png)


mornin Swordy!

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25f91a No.18766150

Run that shit niggas

for i in *.webm; do ffmpeg -i "$i" "${i%.webm}.mp4"; done

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febadb No.18766151

File: c95cc8a7dddf5ad⋯.png (1.02 MB,690x684,115:114,c95cc8a7dddf5add6537d49a6c….png)

File: 05e6c5da30eab6d⋯.png (1.73 MB,1458x990,81:55,05e6c5da30eab6d5068fdfb15e….png)

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d617da No.18766152

File: 20c1341152e8d2b⋯.png (545.72 KB,789x689,789:689,fbifraudsff.png)


any law contrary to the U.S. Constitution is void

Know your Rights

Federal Court Judge can't void what framers of Constitution and what was ratified by the States


not sorry

Mr. howdy doody had to try to pass that by, himself, right before he was fired.

Think of this; why do the crooks need it, and why do the shill push it?

because it's needed to frame people

and that's all the FBI does

Their complete job.

They set-up two lying witnesses, through their harassment and coesrsion.

Then force you to answer.

Got you in perjury either way.

This routine was inherited from the Old World, the Inquisitors.

That's where they learned it.

That why the FRAMERS added that in as a RIGHT we are guaranteed.

Just like the right for Guns.

It's pisses off the would-be crooks, liars, dominators and criminal conspirators.



figures, two years later?


someone last night said electrical issues.




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be0e84 No.18766153


The comped shillnigger BVs are off the rails. Deleting perfectly valid and legal posts. A single post so it can't be called spam. Yet they protect the actual copy paste spam from namefaggots and famefaggots that gets posted here every single day. Way to prove everything I'm saying is true.

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744bfa No.18766154

File: 55541b80900162b⋯.jpeg (336.53 KB,1170x919,1170:919,IMG_5500.jpeg)

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78408f No.18766155

File: f8bbcce1c87f859⋯.jpg (15.78 KB,204x255,4:5,DUBIOUSsquirrel.jpg)


Expect another gas hike in 3…2…1…

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c7c923 No.18766156

File: 66f800d590461dc⋯.jpeg (82.09 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_5564.jpeg)

28 Apr, 2023 02:21

China cyber-hacker threat ‘unparalleled’ – FBI

Beijing’s digital army is bigger than all other countries combined, a senior official has insisted

FBI Director Christopher Wray has claimed that Chinese hackers outnumber US cybersecurity agents by at least “50 to 1." He alleged that the People’s Republic operates a larger cyber program than all other world powers combined.

Addressing lawmakers during a House Appropriations Committee hearing on Thursday, Wray outlined the bureau’s recent cybersecurity efforts and its funding needs, stating the hackers are capable of inflicting “greater damage than ever before,” while placing special emphasis on the “China threat.”

“The scale of the Chinese cyber threat is unparalleled. They’ve got a bigger hacking program than every other major nation combined, and have stolen more of our personal and corporate data than all other nations, big or small, combined,” he said, adding that Washington is struggling to keep up with Beijing in the cyber realm.

To give you a sense of what we’re up against, if each one of the FBI’s cyber agents and intel analysts focused exclusively on the China threat, on nothing but China, Chinese hackers would still outnumber FBI cyber personnel by at least 50 to 1.

The bureau head went on to warn of cyber attacks conducted by other foreign states, including Russia, Iran, and North Korea, but said China poses the greatest danger to US privacy and security, pointing to its alleged “multi-pronged strategy” to surpass the US as “the global superpower.”

In addition to “nation-state actors,” Wray also noted the FBI’s concerns about private cyber criminals, saying the agency is now investigating “over 100 different ransomware variants,” referring to a common form of malware which seeks to hold user data hostage in exchange for payment.

TheFBI has requested fundingto create around 200 additional cyber positions at the bureau to address the purported threat from China, seeking just over$63 million, in addition to the $10.8 billion budget already proposed for the 2023 fiscal year.

“There’s no country that presents a more significant threat to our innovation, our ideas, our economic security, our national security than the Chinese government,” Wray continued. “And that’s why we’ve grown the number of investigations into threats from China about 1,300%.”

Chinese officials have denied US allegations of hacking and data theft, and instead leveled similar charges at Washington. Earlier this month, the Chinese Foreign Ministry claimed the US is now the “biggest threat to global cybersecurity” and seeks to “maintain its hegemony in cyberspace,” urging the US to cease its “global hacking operations.”

(Wray makes up numbers for more money, Congress will need proof, FBI has an enormous budget to use on Christians)


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908ea7 No.18766157

File: 0f6e3714ea4dbe6⋯.mp4 (946.16 KB,640x360,16:9,wtc7.mp4)


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bc467e No.18766158

File: b4c59a319a7f6ee⋯.png (403.45 KB,784x611,784:611,clipboard_image.png)


>Wants Journalists Arrested

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be0e84 No.18766159

Since when did Q Research turn into thought police censorship group think Research?

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6021cd No.18766160


Much better!

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63e9cd No.18766161


OOOhhhh Oooohhhh, bitch about the QClock now

and how it should be called something else…..

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1b76cf No.18766162


oss traditions hangin on huh

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744bfa No.18766163

File: b6bd03b1c78b245⋯.png (168.47 KB,682x642,341:321,IMG_5501.png)

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908ea7 No.18766164

File: 7f2937a535e9287⋯.png (818.51 KB,584x680,73:85,ClipboardImage.png)

Lemon + Tucker

Trans City Express

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0a0f34 No.18766165


If OSS is still lurking here then ironically the ones that can't stop posting about him well over a year later him are just giving him an ego boost.

But, that's QR 2023 for ya.

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febadb No.18766166

File: 4f1afbf22bf3160⋯.jpg (195.3 KB,1200x1146,200:191,4f1afbf22bf316012338184a89….jpg)

File: b22cc10d57e705f⋯.jpg (22.72 KB,811x287,811:287,b22cc10d57e705f7bd2aeee585….jpg)

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2485f4 No.18766167


diversity is (((their))) strength

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6021cd No.18766168


Turn your back on God, and the demons pour in.

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b75f67 No.18766169

File: 9d5083446853883⋯.png (327.71 KB,564x360,47:30,ClipboardImage.png)


gas bill higher than elec. last 2 months-never before

CA where they want it all gone in all new construction

Plus they can ship it to the EU for higher prices

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f0e16e No.18766170

File: 2e6936388c902c8⋯.png (832.77 KB,951x691,951:691,snug_fren.png)

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6c0c5c No.18766171


And they wonder why Q hasn't posted. These fuckers at *kun are about as comped as they get.

MOSSAD runs this place now.

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72fba3 No.18766172


Sure did make nice graphics tho.

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0a0f34 No.18766173

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b75f67 No.18766174

File: ac5c9c0985e5fe3⋯.png (326.54 KB,456x549,152:183,ClipboardImage.png)


when your Op. failed breh

"add water it answers it's own question"

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6c0c5c No.18766175


I'm not sure why your post was removed It seems like an opinion to me.

Are opinions not allowed here anymore.

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d5b61d No.18766176

File: d9ee67eb17c0570⋯.jpg (26.21 KB,474x266,237:133,th_56393957.jpg)

File: 3404b4f0c079ead⋯.jpg (14.03 KB,474x304,237:152,th_1351138902.jpg)

Why does newsmax give one headaches?

(half of Newsmax interviews picrel)

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794368 No.18766177

>>18764697 lb

Wifeanon and I watch Jessie Watters but when 8:00 PM comes around we switch over to a channel called UPTV that runs "Last Man Standing" from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM so we catch the last 4 episodes of that and I have to say that it feels damn good to forget this absolute shitstainedshow with all of the filth, lies and corruption the American people are being exposed to and laugh and enjoy watching something as good as LMS.

Mike Baxter cracking on democrats/communist, [Hussein], [HRC], gubment in general. Tim Allen's best show!!!! The writing is brilliant and the characters are fantastic.

TC was must watch. He scorched these filth laden pieces of shit night after night after night and pulled in the viewers. FNC is little by little losing credibility with us and like many, it started with the 2020 election call that night. There have been other things as in the way Meghan Kelly went after my POTUS that night at the debate with such hate an venom that too this day she can go fuck herself. Then there was a shit comment by that Julian whateverthefuck her last name is about Trump as she was reporting out in front of the WH. I cussed her ass outloud when I heard what she said. That fucking kunt is also persona non grata in my book. Now FNC does this to Tucker and Dan. Big time fucking up as Murdoch's kids are going to run this channel into the fucking ground.

So in general, I still enjoy F&F's and F&Fs/Weekend. I like Laura but I'm usually going to bed when she comes on and I also enjoy watching Fox Business as I am doing right now. Wifeanon likes "The 5" and a couple of other shows. Just heard on GB that Tucker's video he did a few day ago has now reached 72 million views.

You are FUCKING UP FNC. Better straighten this shit out, bring TC back and quit FUCKING AROUND. You are finding out what happens when you do that.

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908ea7 No.18766178

File: a4225098c291325⋯.mp4 (2.74 MB,1282x720,641:360,building7.mp4)



[RG911Team] Tucker, if the only way you could speak out about the truth of WTC Building 7 and related 9/11 issues was to leave Fox News, then we look forward to your new future free from their control.

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6c0c5c No.18766179


No, You are the failure boy.

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9a6f7a No.18766180

File: 2d423b800b3849d⋯.png (203.23 KB,404x397,404:397,back_the_blue_meme.png)

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d617da No.18766181

File: 1a149ae35c79435⋯.jpg (68.29 KB,1024x682,512:341,Traitor_Schiff_37.jpg)


The fellow has been made famous by meme-eery? maybe that's why he had to come out a pro-trump; to make his like more comfortable?

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0a0f34 No.18766182


The right ones are.

Wrong ones not so much.

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744bfa No.18766183

File: a1a3add14f28ba1⋯.jpeg (158.41 KB,1087x1065,1087:1065,IMG_5499.jpeg)

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908ea7 No.18766184


>U.S. Army Helicopters Crash In Alaska

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6c0c5c No.18766185

File: 1cfb6e9134a843f⋯.png (64.68 KB,625x399,625:399,ADLTrainingIII.png)

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649fe6 No.18766186



I think those ladies are looking for a friendly frog to help them paddle to the shore rather than choklets and flowers.

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744bfa No.18766187

File: 440ec29bf59e568⋯.jpeg (115.64 KB,828x795,276:265,IMG_5498.jpeg)

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6c0c5c No.18766188


Who died and made you God, piece of shit.

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794368 No.18766189


kek………….Frank Zappa!!!! That is a pretty well defined, "international sign of goodwill toward all men" right there!!! I miss him.

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72fba3 No.18766190


>someone last night said electrical issues.

Yea that too lots of stuff is affected.

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908ea7 No.18766191


Army helicopter crash leaves 3 dead after Apaches collide over Alaska

Two U.S. Army helicopters collided and crashed Thursday in Alaska while returning from a training flight, killing three soldiers and injuring a fourth.

Two of the soldiers died at the scene of the crash near Healy, Alaska, and a third died on the way to a hospital in Fairbanks, the Army said in a statement. It said a fourth soldier was being treated at a hospital for injuries.

The names of those killed were being withheld until 24 hours after relatives could be notified, the Army said.

Each AH-64 Apache helicopter was carrying two people at the time of the crash, John Pennell, a spokesperson for the U.S. Army Alaska, said earlier Thursday. The helicopters were from the 1st Attack Battalion, 25th Aviation Regiment at Fort Wainwright, based near Fairbanks.

"This is an incredible loss for these soldiers' families, their fellow soldiers, and for the division," Maj. Gen. Brian Eifler, commanding general of the 11th Airborne Division, said in the Army statement. "Our hearts and prayers go out to their families, friends and loved ones, and we are making the full resources of the Army available to support them."

"The Fort Wainwright community is one of the tightest military communities I've seen in my 32 years of service," he continued. "I have no doubt they will pull together during this exceptional time of need and provide comfort to our families of our fallen."

The Army said the cause of the crash was under investigation and more details would be released when they become available.

The crash is the second involving military helicopters in Alaska this year. In February, two soldiers were injured when an Apache helicopter rolled after taking off from Talkeetna. The aircraft was one of four traveling to Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Anchorage from Fort Wainwright.

In March, nine soldiers were killed when two U.S. Army Black Hawk medical evacuation helicopters crashed during a routine nighttime training exercise about 30 miles northeast of Fort Campbell, Kentucky.

Healy is about 10 miles north of the Denali National Park and Preserve, some 250 miles north of Anchorage. It is a community of about 1,000 people on the Parks Highway in Alaska's interior region. It's a popular place for people to spend the night while visiting the nearby park, which is home to Denali, the continent's tallest mountain.

Healy is also famous for being the town closest to the former bus that had been abandoned in the backcountry and was popularized by the book "Into the Wild" and the movie of the same name. The bus was removed and taken to Fairbanks in 2020.

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794368 No.18766192

File: 9529a8a32812320⋯.png (646.91 KB,959x714,137:102,He_s_Right.png)

File: 497d2befe37a6ad⋯.jpg (13.12 KB,255x243,85:81,keks_in_Doggy.jpg)

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6c0c5c No.18766193

File: fef0abb4cafb846⋯.jpg (60.08 KB,581x430,581:430,48hrsIIIII.jpg)


I wonder where the Catholics got it from.

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0a0f34 No.18766194


>2020 election call that nigh

Bret Baer's Arizona call for Biden will live on in infamy.

Or whatever it was FDR exactly said about Pearl Harbor.

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63e9cd No.18766195

File: dc4c9ef0828faff⋯.jpg (537.4 KB,1300x1089,1300:1089,SchizoTards.jpg)

The Great ASS and the sockpuppet brigade….

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744bfa No.18766196

File: 8d6e2e930500214⋯.jpeg (23.27 KB,320x297,320:297,IMG_5502.jpeg)


Pepe has his paddle ready.

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908ea7 No.18766197

File: 1fd984432830c83⋯.png (160.71 KB,692x724,173:181,ClipboardImage.png)



Attention Fort Wainwright community: Two Apache helicopters crashed on a training flight earlier east of Healy. We will provide more details when they become available.

Families of unit members can call the Emergency Family Assistance Center (EFAC) at 907-353-4452 or go there in person. The address is 3401 Santiago Ave, the Welcome Center.

UPDATE: Please see our separate post for an update on this situation.

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1b76cf No.18766198


that crew gave up the board

new admins didn't ask for it

anons are glad they gone

their odor lingers

digital febreez spray at times is not a bad thing

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02e057 No.18766199



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908ea7 No.18766200

File: 805cccbc68d7f4a⋯.png (651.51 KB,1119x1451,1119:1451,ClipboardImage.png)

"This is an incredible loss for these soldiers' families, their fellow soldiers, and for the division," said Maj. Gen. Brian Eifler, commanding general of the 11th Airborne Division. "Our hearts and prayers go out to their families, friends and loved ones, and we are making the full resources of the Army available to support them. The Fort Wainwright community is one of the tightest military communities I've seen in my 32 years of service. I have no doubt they will pull together during this exceptional time of need and provide comfort to our families of our fallen.”

1/11 IBCT "Arctic Wolves" 25th Infantry Division U.S. Army Pacific I Corps

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b75f67 No.18766201

File: ad44d035a8aaf5d⋯.png (69.75 KB,379x296,379:296,ClipboardImage.png)


as usual "no you"


>inb4 another brianlet statement

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803cdd No.18766202

File: 1c36125509f64c7⋯.png (424.11 KB,471x629,471:629,oie_LZydEE6OKFJT.png)

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d5b61d No.18766203

File: f91f15ac424bc7b⋯.png (14.31 KB,255x243,85:81,226306ed6feacae8f588e509d1….png)

File: 3fe838a93f744eb⋯.jpg (27.5 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2442692538.jpg)

File: c7d7a364405cf82⋯.jpg (8.22 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2666503894.jpg)

File: cedb04779f482cd⋯.jpg (25.23 KB,474x311,474:311,th_3955690702.jpg)


Tuckher right in the…

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f2403a No.18766204

File: 15d00180f603fe2⋯.png (505.46 KB,1291x595,1291:595,ClipboardImage.png)

Newport Beach

A lot of shenanigans going on there.

Schiffty Schift

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7d26d6 No.18766206

>>18765704 (pb)

>>18765650 (pb)

>>18765640 (pb)

quidestones destroyed by 'paid scum' this anon says.

well we know his bias

>>18765704 (pb)

"one would think God wanted the guide stones to be there to expose the deeds of evil minds."

but you said it was 'paid scum' who destroyed them.

and you, pretending to speak for God! wow.

especially when you quote one of the ten commandments earlier.

maybe 'paid scum' is you projecting.

maybe the message of 'these stones are bad advice' is better shown by them being rubble.

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0a0f34 No.18766207


>anons are glad they gone

Many are.

But, there's still a decent number left that miss him so much they can't stop bringing him up.

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febadb No.18766209

File: ed74b4d2ac72cf8⋯.mp4 (3.3 MB,636x360,53:30,ed74b4d2ac72cf88ffe909bbfb….mp4)




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be0e84 No.18766210




The glowniggers who run the joint are comped. Just like everyone else who has been at the helm. 8bit was the least censoring of them all though, had a much better repoire back then for understanding free speech and what should and should not be deleted. OSS was a total faggot and antisemitic nazi, literally, glad that piece of shit is gone. The echo chamber niggers label you and project that you are OSS as soon as they face any resistance, easy way to dismiss it and make it look like it's only coming from one person. Sorry faggots not gonna work, I hated OSS Just as much as I'm beginning to hate you now. Do your fucking jobs and protect free speech, delete illegal shit, not a single harmless post that's nothing more than opinion.

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b75f67 No.18766211


5:5 anon

met him once but never got a chance to see a show, regret that.

Now before the usual rhetoric gets plastered on this about being comped etc I've separated the product (music) from the people (personalities) who produce it..many can't


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908ea7 No.18766212

Did we figure out what part of the guidestones was hit?

Should be easy enough to deduce which passage was struck.

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d617da No.18766213

File: 5fc454226a90039⋯.png (623.11 KB,878x543,878:543,fbiglowies.png)

File: 687990fd758b916⋯.png (462.5 KB,628x375,628:375,fbigangstalking.png)

File: b9d61ccc6658ba2⋯.png (369.48 KB,710x649,710:649,fbigay.png)


The fellow has been made famous by viral meme contagion? maybe that's why he came out pro-trump; to make his life more comfortable?

Less embarrassing to walk down n the street - if he ever does that.

Or tries to attend a party undercover?


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5bf37f No.18766214

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794368 No.18766215


Yea, that too. Makes zero sense as to why you would alienate your own viewers by doing shit like this. But it's the Murdoch children running FNC now and from what I hear, they are progressive fucktards.

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7d26d6 No.18766216


what happened to the midnight discord baker, the one who posts the cartoons and always has a storm of porn and gore along with cry-baby behavior?

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1b76cf No.18766217


no one misses his arbitrary banhammer

just sayin

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72fba3 No.18766218

File: 5c115b2333b7467⋯.jpg (93.69 KB,638x601,638:601,1682557268157885.jpg)

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f38e72 No.18766219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6c0c5c No.18766220

File: d04408ee852fd50⋯.png (45.47 KB,593x421,593:421,AII.png)

File: 594be9cb18d4078⋯.jpg (40.13 KB,638x391,638:391,AIII.jpg)

File: 0484c584a9e4f06⋯.png (42.11 KB,594x420,99:70,AIIII.png)

File: 0017c370964bbd0⋯.png (50.76 KB,677x369,677:369,AIIIII.png)

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0a0f34 No.18766221


>The echo chamber niggers label you and project that you are OSS as soon as they face any resistance, easy way to dismiss it and make it look like it's only coming from one person. Sorry faggots not gonna work


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908ea7 No.18766222

File: 47817069d1ef1c6⋯.png (1.62 MB,746x1097,746:1097,ClipboardImage.png)

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6c0c5c No.18766223


He was banning Jews, that's why they hated OSS.

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d3864e No.18766224

File: e658dadd3ebda9d⋯.png (32.21 KB,1280x674,640:337,f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

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b75f67 No.18766225


gargle, gargle..swallow

Muh grass was greener BS

suck moar of yer own shrimp dick

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9a6f7a No.18766226

File: c27bce2948aaa73⋯.jpg (127.69 KB,1200x675,16:9,a_knee.jpg)

File: 7539029fcfa2ec7⋯.jpg (26.94 KB,415x232,415:232,Kneeling_cops.jpg)

File: 2497cc39692131a⋯.webp (68.28 KB,425x425,1:1,military_knee.webp)


Police State.

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f2403a No.18766227

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is a video I caught around five years ago

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649fe6 No.18766228



>Yuu are one ugly fucker that can't spell.

Yuu must go to tard jail. kek

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63e9cd No.18766229


So many personas ASS, Vatican Shill - who still lingers and shits up the board, the multiple personalities of Cody, Farmer Faggot, Dirk "the hook nosed mongrel"…. so on so forth ALL part of the DOAR, and yes they are all still here, and if you pay close enough attention the odor of Fungus still lingers and see their posts.

All shills have tells once you figure them out, not too hard to see many personas operated by one individual - that is a play from the Fungus playbook.

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8c4bfe No.18766230

File: 6a978d6f5eda6a9⋯.png (513.16 KB,776x787,776:787,ClipboardImage.png)


Trump pointed at something at 1.35:14 timestamp and stated - thats good What did that guy have on the piece of paper

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6c0c5c No.18766231

>>18766225 ← THis is a Jew

Obsessed with dick size.

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0edcb6 No.18766232


Frank was with [them]. He was tasked with telling ]us[ what [they] were going to do before, during, and after [they] do it.

Frank hosted the first Saturday Night Live. (You) should watch, especially the part with the music video, and slime.

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0a0f34 No.18766233


As if the arbitrary deletehammer is any better.

I'll believe it's just spam mitigation when Vatican "Shill" gets deleted for doing the same thing Echo Chamber "Shill" does.

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d5b61d No.18766234

File: 6b7a6ad032b2dd5⋯.jpg (29.82 KB,474x315,158:105,th_3837487026.jpg)

File: 648d5f2ef24f7cf⋯.jpg (30.45 KB,474x355,474:355,th_1555604210.jpg)

File: 041cf7e41d45177⋯.jpg (24.34 KB,474x322,237:161,th_274547828.jpg)

File: 5504273c983fd40⋯.jpg (20.23 KB,290x388,145:194,th_1563646690.jpg)

File: 54a3123ecbcbdde⋯.jpg (31.57 KB,400x390,40:39,th_839208904.jpg)

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6c0c5c No.18766235

File: 28399dbc22be291⋯.png (75.88 KB,319x385,29:35,ClipboardImage.png)


I gave you something small to cleave on…

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febadb No.18766236

File: eee3594e76a4487⋯.jpg (56.98 KB,557x528,557:528,5d91a261f66e43f6dc72ee4125….jpg)

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7d26d6 No.18766237


just don't post about the . . . .

or about . . . . .

unless you are one of them and you'll be fine.

or talk to anyone who does

or try to talk them off of their precipice of hating everyone but their own.

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744bfa No.18766238

File: 4530b2220627671⋯.gif (3.9 MB,456x250,228:125,IMG_5503.gif)

Bank crash

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d28a8b No.18766239

File: 578c068236f2470⋯.png (1.09 MB,1528x1270,764:635,masonicpolice.png)


'liberty and justice'

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bc467e No.18766240

File: c5b74485a341e69⋯.png (847.92 KB,860x531,860:531,tyrone.png)


>Africans enriching Ireland.

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be0e84 No.18766242



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02e057 No.18766243


Never thought to go back and watch the first episode with new eyes. Guess my Friday night just got sorted. Thanks for suggestion, anon!

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88e085 No.18766244

notables bun @515

czech em

#23028 >>18765730

>>18766097 Planefag is our eyez on the skyz

>>18765752 Barack and The Boss! Ex President and wife Michelle are seen out about in Barcelona with Bruce Springsteen and Steven Spielberg ahead of singer's Olympic Stadium concert

>>18765761 Found a Fed boy on twitter, KEK

>>18765780 Dylan Mulvaney Cost Bud Light, Now He Wants Journalists Arrested

>>18765781 China Coast Guard teeing off with Philippine Coast Guard.

>>18765809 Report: 35K Migrants Wait in Juarez, Mexico, to Rush Southern Border When Biden Ends Title 42

>>18765813 K-Pomp: South Korean President Yoon belts out American Pie at lavish White House state dinner as Biden admits he 'can barely talk' in front of celebrities

>>18765819 Trump Gives Joe Biden a New Nickname and It’s a Classic! (‘Crooked Joe Biden’)

>>18765822 Benny Johnson - Fox News has lost 2M viewers in the Tucker Carlson 8PM time slot.

>>18765824 Erin Reed, an infamous Trans activists on TikTok posts videos about: • How children can get access to hormones

>>18765825 BBC chairman resigns over loan to Boris Johnson

>>18765830 One in four high school students identify as LGBTQ (?)

>>18765835 STUNNING: Joe Biden’s Top Tweet after 4 Hrs has only 1,199 Retweets …President Trump’s First Truth.com Post After 1 Hr has over 42,000 Retweets

>>18765852 Goya CEO Warns World On The Brink Of A Food Crisis

>>18765853 First, they came for Tucker – next is RFK Jr.

>>18765865 YouTube censors ER doctors urging end of lockdown 'This isn't about science, this is about control of the narrative'

>>18765878 Tucker Friday 7:15 am, 72,200,000 views

>>18765899 LIVE Coverage of U.S. Spacewalk 86 at the International Space Station

>>18765908 National Covid Emergency Declaration Issued Very Quietly by HHS Secretary Two Days After Biden Ends the Emergency by Signing HJ Res 7 into Law.

>>18765909 A few years ago the left was complaining about women athletes not getting paid the same as men. Now they can't define what a woman is, and they’re perfectly accepting of female athletes getting dominated by men on the

Baker Change

>>18766004 U.S. Army Helicopters Crash In Alaska

>>18766050 X22 Report with Kash Patel - Hunter Will Be Indicted, [DS] Advocated An Overthrow, Rule Of Law Must Be Followed

>>18766053, >>18766057, >>18766060 house and senate committee hearings for 4/28/2023

>>18766056 Michael Yon w/CAP: Must See this Chinese advertisement detailing how to invade America. Like a vacation infomercial. This information is mostly very accurate…

>>18766086 BREAKING: Lightning has struck the Columbia gulf gas pipeline causing a massive fiery explosion in Corinth, Mississippi.

>>18766103 Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 04/28/2023

>>18766156 China cyber-hacker threat ‘unparalleled’ – FBI. Beijing’s digital army is bigger than all other countries combined

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b75f67 No.18766245


<hosted 1st SNL

saw it live..was young but that what started muh love for the music (some of the later lyrics meh-Joe's garage example-still good) but the intricacy of the arrangements is what I like

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be0e84 No.18766246


Careful anon, even abstract speak can get your posts deleted and banned. That's probably enough free think and free speak out of you today if you know what's GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD for you.

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b75f67 No.18766248

File: c3381070759ba6a⋯.png (91.95 KB,300x300,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


as usual completely wrong and nuffin new from you

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d617da No.18766250

File: 97da0e2267c2555⋯.jpg (142.91 KB,854x854,1:1,comeycoverup.jpg)

File: 19e3f6d8a8f0710⋯.png (849.44 KB,760x638,380:319,comeyliar2.png)

File: 47aa8e405771aca⋯.jpg (24.34 KB,632x632,1:1,comeymcabe.jpg)

File: 6c4186ade6b0371⋯.jpg (173.69 KB,700x696,175:174,comeynytimes.jpg)

File: cb8a2737d471ba8⋯.png (75.24 KB,283x385,283:385,comeyrockefeller.png)


comes out as "Clinton" really

That who he works for?

come to think of it,

reading history of FBI ; was alleged they always worked for Standard Oil Rockefeller; and were originally Pinkerton, a private police, PI 's?


Clinton Rockefeller

Rockefeller Standard Oil

Rockerfeller 9/11 attack

British Intel Rockefeller Center; their own jurisdiction there.

Rockefeller Hanx

Must be just a coincidence.

Rockefeller Rothschild

Rockfeller offspring trans?

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7d26d6 No.18766251


what happened to the crybaby baker who posts kiddie stuff?

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8c4bfe No.18766252

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Note: Archiving, not seen it yet total run time 1.12:22. 1 hr and 12 minutes.


Interview With Your Favorite President on the New Book "Letters To Trump" | TRIGGERED Ep. 28

Streamed on: Apr 27, 6:00 pm


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6c0c5c No.18766253


We walk through the valley of evil, and laugh at their banhammer, as if they think that gives them any power and hides their ilk from God.

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0a0f34 No.18766254


>shrimp dick

Let the Official QR Record state that:

Tranime is the only anon that has confirmation sauce for having one.

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9a6f7a No.18766255

File: cc9f555e952caf7⋯.jpg (568.25 KB,800x1200,2:3,bald_eagle.jpg)


3 Question for all proud Americans:

How does God feel about the proud?

What is idolatry?

Who wins?

Sum Of All Fears. Olympus Has Fallen. The Albatross was sunk. The Great Satan has been mortally wounded. The angels on high rejoice while the children of darkness mourn and gnash their teeth and worship their idols.

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6c0c5c No.18766256


Buy muh book..

FFS. don't these people have enough money?

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f2403a No.18766257


That thing was huge. Many airplane pass through there - airport nearby. the Planes look like little specs compared to these things - whatever they are.

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be0e84 No.18766258


Instead of projection and ad hominem can you explain why, ebonic speaker?

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0edcb6 No.18766259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>but the intricacy of the arrangements is what I like

Anon was into Gentle Giant in the day. Frank was cool but there was something about him I could never put my finger on. FF to the 2010 and anon finally figured it out.

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6c0c5c No.18766260

File: a73c989bc285868⋯.jpg (101.82 KB,500x811,500:811,parabillsIIIIIIIIIIIII.jpg)


In the end, they won't be able to blame Satan.

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794368 No.18766261


Saw him twice in Atlanta back in the mid 70's. The Omni and the Fox Theater. I've read a lot about Frank and he was definately a libertarian, BoR's proponen, less gubment etc………..but it was his musical genius that appealed to me as a musician. Great composer, arranger, guitarist. He used a lot of jazz players simply because they were the only musicians who could cut playing his compositions. Will never be another on like him, that's for sure.

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82eddb No.18766262

is it ebonics or babyspeak?

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bc467e No.18766263

File: 45d8d61c3157a47⋯.png (219.67 KB,411x335,411:335,2023_04_28_09_44_09.png)


>Expect another gas hike in 3…2…1…

Just in time for summer.

Thanks, Joe.

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02e057 No.18766264

File: 0b3fba3720bd525⋯.jpeg (59.24 KB,750x471,250:157,568CEA58_109A_4908_9447_2….jpeg)


Kek! Needed that. Tanks anon! Hope your day is a goodun’!

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febadb No.18766265

File: 8c6afcf1c3cad24⋯.jpg (328.86 KB,1830x1274,915:637,2e219a239f937c88ae526a9962….jpg)

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b75f67 No.18766266

File: c4c6b1f8c9e71fb⋯.png (95.5 KB,274x289,274:289,ClipboardImage.png)


Do the 5 panel memes now

Those magnum PI ones especially as they are tardtastic!

Always ssdd

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be0e84 No.18766267


He drank a six pack and passed out while jerking off to nazi bear porn in his knee high socks. He will wake up after the dopamine wears off, then back for another day of antisemitic nazi posts and the BVs who protect her. Gonna be a GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD day.


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6c0c5c No.18766268


I only knew one person in my life who listened to Frank Zappa, and he was weird as shit.

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02e057 No.18766269


Why not both?

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0a0f34 No.18766270


Post a bj meme for old times sake.

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7d26d6 No.18766271


you have no idea what Ebonics actually is.

It's a valid dialect of spoken English that was cataloged and involves a way of speaking that is perfectly valid and understandable.

the type of speach you're objecting to would be more tech-nickelly called 'slang'.

it's not ebonics, anon. Can you stop saying tht it is.

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febadb No.18766272

File: 4d8f9b0ed91e465⋯.png (1.52 MB,894x737,894:737,comfy.png)




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d5b61d No.18766273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Luv me sum frank zatara

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6c0c5c No.18766274

File: 58dfa4c34ae0f67⋯.jpg (51.45 KB,757x330,757:330,OBNotJews.jpg)

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9a6f7a No.18766275

File: f4ca01533f7b3f8⋯.jpeg (89.28 KB,460x562,230:281,The_ride_never_ends_meme.jpeg)

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35d9d8 No.18766276

File: f50c1d11bebfb5f⋯.png (986.44 KB,1024x677,1024:677,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Apr 28 2023

Runaway Star Alpha Camelopardalis

Like a ship plowing through cosmic seas, runaway star Alpha Camelopardalis has produced this graceful arcing bow wave or bow shock. The massive supergiant star moves at over 60 kilometers per second through space, compressing the interstellar material in its path. At the center of this nearly 6 degree wide view, Alpha Cam is about 25-30 times as massive as the Sun, 5 times hotter (30,000 kelvins), and over 500,000 times brighter. About 4,000 light-years away in the long-necked constellation Camelopardalis, the star also produces a strong stellar wind. Alpha Cam's bow shock stands off about 10 light-years from the star itself. What set this star in motion? Astronomers have long thought that Alpha Cam was flung out of a nearby cluster of young hot stars due to gravitational interactions with other cluster members or perhaps by the supernova explosion of a massive companion star.


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0a0f34 No.18766277


>Can you stop saying tht it is.

What happens here when someone says "enough of the tits already!"?

The same fate awaits you now.

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6c0c5c No.18766278


Heaven is on Earth, some won't be here to enjoy it.

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908ea7 No.18766279

File: 4eb7aa187cf1ad9⋯.png (1.4 MB,1242x1000,621:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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7d26d6 No.18766280


you still have no idea what Ebonics is.

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5f6d1a No.18766281

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The castle story


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b75f67 No.18766282


>jazz players

totally agree

not a musician here-fiddle w/ a guitar sometimes but appreciate complicated music and the skill of playing it all.

Muh mom listened to it and went to several shows in the 60s and I did not find that out until later in life

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6021cd No.18766283

File: b493a1612624d11⋯.png (2.39 MB,1776x1184,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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02e057 No.18766284


Wasn’t there something about book deals in some past breads somewhere? Like that one time.

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9692f2 No.18766285

File: a135fa563af3ca9⋯.gif (1.3 MB,440x274,220:137,FalcorGoonie.gif)


Goooooo Dayshift!!!


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794368 No.18766286


Remember it well anon. Was it the first SNL? That I don't remember. Watching just now and Ruth had a very nice rack on her didn't she? kek

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8c4bfe No.18766287

File: 841b54b5f6411bf⋯.png (319.3 KB,615x500,123:100,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b271176e9492e2e⋯.png (284.04 KB,544x499,544:499,ClipboardImage.png)



gotta try to finance it somehow.

starts at 27 minutes onwards. just forward.

Anon is not bothered with trump trying to raise money by exposing what they were like before he ran. just listening now and he is talking about tucker, fox. looks interesting non the less.

It also give him great media exposure.

imagine if you wrote him a letter sucking up to him and than attacked him and trump discloses all your letters.

There are no letters, it is all fake, nothing to see here.


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803cdd No.18766288

File: 9c7aa585767d4f7⋯.jpeg (92.3 KB,630x754,315:377,5d5c68a43f00005c005b1927_….jpeg)

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be0e84 No.18766289



Niggerspeak dilutes the board IQ.

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0a0f34 No.18766290



The ones that get Raptured?

What a plot twist that would be.

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b75f67 No.18766291

File: 7b5b4511a333e73⋯.png (198.31 KB,382x596,191:298,ClipboardImage.png)




you two need a room

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7d26d6 No.18766292



I always said that Frank was much better if you didn't understand the words . . .

"shut up and play the guitar"

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255b2a No.18766293

File: bf5d3244bc9fc6c⋯.jpeg (182.23 KB,1079x1481,1079:1481,FlashFloyd.jpeg)

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dd30c1 No.18766294


It’s def a special strut. Not a lot of men can pull it off. Obama has it too.

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6c0c5c No.18766295


Yeah, but with all the (((Trump Worshipers))) here, you won't here a peep about that because it doesn't fit the agenda.

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c20406 No.18766296

File: 0c6661a526dfa22⋯.gif (425.94 KB,305x205,61:41,0c6661a526dfa22f5cbd4d9d73….gif)


>What happens here when someone says "enough of the tits already!"?


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aea5e8 No.18766297

My FB red pill attempt.

I really do not like getting into politics, but in the US, the highest authority is God who has delegated his authority to the people, not to kings and dictators. The Christian who does not participate to make government just, empowers those who would make it evil.

We have been in an information war since before the beginning of the information age.

Balaam told Balaak how to defeat Israel when God was always fighting for Israel. He proposed that Balaak send in the party girls. When they had chosen their flesh over God, God would no longer fight for them. Balaak controlled the entertainment industry, and Balaam controlled the education.

This tactic is repeated throughout history and it is easy to see it played out in the US.

Just in my lifetime many Christians were persuaded through their churches, by pastors trained in their seminaries, which were funded by their denominations, who had adopted the educational methods of Loyola which opposes God by elevating man's reason to deity under the guise of the priesthood of all believers. We were told that Christians can't bring their faith to politics because of the constitutional doctrine of "Separation of church and state".

We see how Blackrock-Vanguard now controls virtually all aspects of our public commerce, entertainment, education, and government (think rigged Dominion voting machines), yet we have been persuaded not to cry 'foul" because it is just a "conspiracy theory".

Our churches often mimic the entertainment industry (intentionally or not) with music which is more about producing a physical sensation which imitates a pagan trance state. Much of that music was produced by people who we know are pedophiles. Politics, commerce, religion, entertainment, secret societies; pedophilia is the one ring that controls them all. It has always has been. Last time I looked, 40,000 children disappear every year in the US. It is an industry.

Paul said that he would that all men would prophesy… that is, preach the Gospel from the Old Testament as he did. He did not have a New Testament.

We are winning the information war. Slowly the world is coming to see the truth of this world-wide control network. It can only operate in the shadows, and so it is losing.

What can we do in the battle? It is an information war. Get informed, and pass it on. Legal processes take a long time. Conspiracies are brought down by starting low and working to the top. Daily we see child trafficking rings being taken down. Daily we see new revelations into the intricate network of those who pull the strings. Did you know that Trump brought down the mob in Atlantic City with a massive sting operation? Probably not. He just gets mocked for a fail Casino there. He took that barb silently to win.

"They" thrive in chaos. Who made us fearful of not having toilet paper? It was an attempt to cause chaos. We are more resilient than that. It seems silly now.

Who makes us fearful of food supply line failures? It is an attempt to cause panic and chaos. Did we lose thousands of cows in a fire? Yes. Can you still eat? Yes. Did the bad guys do it to cause panic, or the good guys do it to save us from the genetically altered beef that was being produced there? I don't know. But I am not panicked. "They" win if we panic.

For 1000's of years people saved enough food to last until the next harvest. It is not unreasonable to prepare so that you need not panic when there are troubles, whether they be natural or man-made.

In the end, God is still the authority in the US, and we are his delegates to govern. Do your part in government by being informed when you vote, which means find out what the censors don't want you to know. Do your part in the information war by getting informed, and passing it on.

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82eddb No.18766298

File: 191853acf5a1d76⋯.png (291.62 KB,442x352,221:176,kek2.png)

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b75f67 No.18766299

File: ef32eb47d2b39e5⋯.png (1.15 MB,2002x1130,1001:565,ClipboardImage.png)


aye! that muh favorite

spouse hates it

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0a0f34 No.18766300


>blows perfect opportunity to bust out the lackey memes

Becoming a BV ruins everyone.

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9692f2 No.18766301

File: 92ef0111faaa2f9⋯.mp4 (4.25 MB,576x626,288:313,frogs.mp4)

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88e085 No.18766302

File: 0bfcc6e2355cd2e⋯.mp4 (837.18 KB,480x852,40:71,0bfcc6e2355cd2e1533aa3dde5….mp4)

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6c0c5c No.18766303

File: baabfaf05be8abf⋯.png (55.99 KB,657x380,657:380,JesusSays2.png)


Rapture is taking the chaff to the fire, so…yes.

And all the preachers preaching rapture will be caught up in it and taken to the fires.

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41667f No.18766304

File: 8fe71b2c4004489⋯.png (423.29 KB,692x3006,346:1503,3990.png)


>GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD morning namefaggot famefaggot identityfaggot avatarfaggot fedfaggot online 365 days a year every single morning all at the exact same time every morning exact same botlike copy pasta verbatim circle jerk echo chamber roll call clock in clown crew.



>Barack andThe Boss!

Barack and The Boss! Ex President and wife Michelle are seen out about in Barcelona with Bruce Springsteen and Steven Spielberg ahead of singer's Olympic Stadium concert

Michelle and Barack Obama are staying in Barcelona for the Springsteen show

Friday's concert is Springsteen's first in Spain since his 2016 show in Barcelona

By James Reynolds

Published: 04:29 EDT, 28 April 2023 | Updated: 07:20 EDT, 28 April 2023


Apr 28, 2020 7:14:45 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 878872 No. 8951718







[Ref: public optics: ‘retired’’left’ refers to ‘fired/forced’]


James Comey, Director – FIRED

Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director - FIRED

Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff and Senior Counselor – FIRED

James Baker, General Counsel – FIRED

Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence (Strzok’s boss) – FIRED

Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence – FIRED

Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel – FIRED

Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs – FIRED

Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey – FIRED

Michael Steinbach - Head of NAT SEC Div - FIRED

John Glacalone – (Predecessor to Steinbach) – Head of NAT SEC Div - FIRED

James Turgal – Assistant Director - FIRED

Greg Bower – Top Congressional Liaison - FIRED

Trisha Anderson – Principle Deputy General Counsel - FIRED

Randy Coleman - Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Div – REMOVED


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d5b61d No.18766305

File: 874ac889385ad64⋯.jpg (20.27 KB,474x358,237:179,th_1677928784.jpg)

https://www.cnn.com › 2023 › 04 › 24 › politics › susan-rice-domestic-policy-adviser › index.html

Susan Rice to step down from role as domestic policy adviser

4 days agoWashington (CNN) Susan Rice will step down from her role as domestic policy adviser to President Joe Biden, the White House announced on Monday. Her final day will be May 26, a White House…

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9a6f7a No.18766306

File: 968929e9ad4cc19⋯.jpg (191.6 KB,1080x1312,135:164,its_time_to_do_some_patrio….jpg)

File: 65f6abc60612c0a⋯.png (481.77 KB,695x500,139:100,laughing.png)

Q anon's response to Covid 19

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1b76cf No.18766307

File: eb9eb7778e2b23e⋯.png (470.38 KB,538x562,269:281,66169e9804777d8635c2159fd4….png)


speaking about it does too


shills gonna shill

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c7c923 No.18766309

File: a1bf81ca72ff541⋯.jpeg (95.71 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_5570.jpeg)

27 Apr, 2023 19:55

US opening new immirgant 'processing' centres in Latin America

The facilities in Colombia and Guatemala are meant to cut back on asylum claims

The US is setting up two new “processing centers” in Colombia and Guatemala as part of its efforts to manage the record-high number of immigrants entering the country, officials announced on Thursday.

The centers, operated by NGOs, will screen new arrivals for asylum eligibility before they reach the US border. Migrants can be granted passage into the US for family reunification, orunder labor or parole programs. Those not accepted could be redirected to third countries, including Canada and Spain, a senior administration official told reporters.

We expect to be able to pretty dramatically increase the number of refugees we admit from the Western Hemispherehere through the regional processing centers,” a US official said. TheUS is already working with other Latin American countries to open more processing centersand is said to be streamlining the admission of migrants’ families.

The policy shift coincides with the repeal of Title 42, a Covid-19-era emergency order left over from the administration of former President Donald Trump that allowed some migrants to be turned away at the border. When that measure expires on May 11, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) expects between 10,000 and 13,000 migrants to attempt the border crossing every day. Such a number would swamp not only the CBP but the Department of Homeland Security and every agency and NGO tasked with processing and sheltering the new arrivals.

The processing centers are an attempt to avoid such a scenario, officials claimed, and should not be mistaken for an embrace of illegal immigration. Migrants approaching the southern border without having sought asylum in a country they passed through on the way or not having signed up for one of the difficult-to-get appointments in the CBP’s smartphone app will be quickly removed, the administration has promised.

“Migrants who cross the US border without authorization and who fail to qualify for protection should expect to be swiftly returned with at least a five-year bar to returning,” the State Department said in a statement. The new plan is intended to help migrants “safely enter the United States lawfully rather than paying for dubious help from migrant smugglers and criminal organizations,” an official added.

Illegal border crossings surged to a record 2.76 million last year, and last month saw nearly 25% more migrants caught attempting the crossing than usual.


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5f6d1a No.18766310


Wonderful words of encouragement in bad times.

Nothing else to do… might as well just deal with it and get on.

Thank you

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bb99b6 No.18766311

File: 7531f097ac2c5f2⋯.jpg (61.02 KB,562x476,281:238,6kerlv.jpg)

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0edcb6 No.18766312

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9a6f7a No.18766313

File: 2d3025afe5d2ada⋯.png (148.47 KB,480x480,1:1,72fa5dd1e7c3eacf.png)

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6a540b No.18766314


It’s good.. maybe a little lengthy for those with short attention spans, but hopefully you know your audience?

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1b76cf No.18766315


kekkin hard

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6c0c5c No.18766316


What pastor do you know that teaches Jesus said he is theonly onethat's been to Heaven?

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d617da No.18766317

File: 343ceb92643f0a3⋯.png (320.42 KB,477x387,53:43,clintonrockefeller.png)

File: 9aad20a2385361c⋯.png (404.82 KB,759x500,759:500,Hillary_WTF.png)

File: a0b4b24e439a8a8⋯.png (1.34 MB,821x1500,821:1500,ldrhilldog2.png)

File: 7c6a6769ef41e38⋯.png (340.79 KB,628x419,628:419,ldrhilldog4.png)

File: 1e0188432351402⋯.png (297.8 KB,474x544,237:272,ldrhilldog32.png)

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82eddb No.18766318

File: 5fb9668077b4458⋯.webp (8.29 KB,128x116,32:29,huhwtf.webp)

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7d26d6 No.18766319


there is no such thing.

ridicule is what you do and that's why I asked you to not use that word because you are misusing.

there are manners of speach, dialect, that are cataloged by linquists and Ebonics is something from the study of linquistics, with studies going back to the 1920s used as a way to verify that, yes, people have their own dialect.

It's like criticising someone for speaking like a South Boston Townie, or for speaking like a southern Belle.

it has nothing to do with intelect or language skills, it is a distinct dialect.

unfortunately the haters and deviders say that modern slang and pop-vernacular are 'Ebonics' but they aren't.

as far as a 'board IQ' , no, anon, you don't get away with saying that here.

that's like saying there is a consensus of anon, it is not possible to measure it.

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febadb No.18766320

File: cdced69deabaec6⋯.jpg (80.75 KB,470x259,470:259,8ef963c4453bb9e39927f06f83….jpg)

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35d9d8 No.18766321

File: 80737671809befe⋯.png (1.09 MB,985x1478,985:1478,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c23e49cdc8e619⋯.png (90.03 KB,344x361,344:361,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d9be08b297206c⋯.png (50.73 KB,363x523,363:523,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4dd103f63daf4e3⋯.png (168.08 KB,349x305,349:305,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b7308eec229861⋯.png (337.49 KB,359x580,359:580,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA’s Quesst: Reassessing a 50-Year Supersonic Speed Limit

Apr 27 2023

Fifty years ago, the federal government banned all civilian supersonic flights over land.

The rule prohibits non-military aircraft from flying faster than sound so their resulting sonic booms won’t startle the public below or concern them about potential property damage.

Officially put into effect on April 27, 1973, the ban’s introduction was strongly influenced by public opinion surveys in cities where supersonic military jets were flown overhead, and many folks said they didn’t like what they heard or the way their windows rattled because of the sonic booms.

Although some research suggested ways to soften the impact of sonic booms, aeronautical technology during the 1960s and early 1970s wasn’t sophisticated enough to fully solve the problem in time to prevent the rule from being enacted.

But today, NASA is working on a solution.

“It’s a rule that many people today aren’t aware of, yet it’s at the heart of what our Quesst mission with its quiet supersonic X-59 airplane is all about,” said Peter Coen, NASA’s Quesst mission integration manager.

NASA’s X-59 is designed to fly faster than sound, but with drastically reduced noise – people below would hear sonic “thumps” rather than booms, if they hear anything at all. To test the public’s perception of this noise, part of the Quesst plan includes flying the X-59 over several communities to survey how people react.

NASA will deliver the results to U.S. and international regulators, who will consider new rules that would lift the ban that has been in place for so long. The goal is for a regulatory shift that focuses on the sound an aircraft creates, instead of a speed limit.

“We’re definitely ready to write a new chapter in the history of supersonic flight, making air travel over land twice as fast, but in a way that is safe, sustainable, and so much quieter than before,” Coen said.

Boom Boom

The origins of the federal ban on supersonic flight go back to 1947, the first time the rocket-powered XS-1 airplane broke the sound barrier and initiated the heroic era of faster-than-sound research.

At first, it was all about learning to fly X-planes faster and higher. No one gave the sonic booms a second thought, mostly because few people lived where the research was taking place.

Despite early interest in what was then a mysterious phenomenon created as an airplane flies faster than the speed of sound and generate atmospheric shock waves we hear as sonic booms, there were few tools and only limited data available to help understand what was happening.

But as the Air Force and Navy began to deploy large numbers of supersonic jets at bases around the nation, interest in sonic booms quickly grew as more of the public became exposed to the often-alarming noise.

Beginning in 1956 and continuing well into the 1960s, the Air Force, Navy, NASA, and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) employed resources to study how sonic booms formed under various conditions, what their effects might be on buildings, and how the public would react in different locations.

Through those years, using many types of supersonic jets, residents of Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Los Angeles, and Minneapolis, among others, all were exposed to sonic booms from military fighter jets and bombers flying overhead at high altitude.

Two concentrated studies – one over St. Louis in 1961 and the other over Oklahoma City in 1964 (dubbed Bongo and Bongo II, respectively) – left no doubt the public was not fully supportive of routine sonic booms coming down from above.

The tests generated national news and fueled strongly negative sentiment about supersonic flight.

The Supersonic Transport

As this work to better understand and predict sonic boom formation continued and gave rise to the first notions of how to minimize a sonic boom by changing an airplane’s shape, the U.S. government began to work with industry in an attempt to develop the Supersonic Transport, or SST.

The announcement of the SST by President John F. Kennedy in June 1963 raised interest in studying and mitigating sonic booms from a technical standpoint, turning the research into a top priority.


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35d9d8 No.18766322


The SST project aimed to produce the prototype for a new commercial supersonic airliner, capable of carrying as many as 300 passengers anywhere in the world at speeds as great as three times the speed of sound.

(Note that the speed of sound varies depending on things like temperature and altitude. At sea level and 68 degrees Fahrenheit it is 768 mph)

The aviation community was racing to develop its understanding of supersonic shockwaves to reduce the SST’s potential sonic boom noise levels. But those researchers couldn’t outpace the speed at which environmental concerns and policy discussions were cropping up, threatening to ground the aircraft before it was even built.

Three events during the summer of 1968 demonstrated this:

- On May 31, during a ceremony at the Air Force Academy in Colorado, an F-105 Thunderchief fighter jet broke the sound barrier flying 50 feet over the school grounds. The sonic boom blew out 200 windows on the side of the iconic Air Force Chapel and injured a dozen people.

A week later, on June 8, the New York Times published an editorial using the incident in Colorado to underscore the danger sonic booms presented to the nation’s peace and well-being, claiming many are “scared to death of it.”

- This was followed on July 21 with Congress directing the FAA to develop standards for the “Control and Abatement of Aircraft Noise and Sonic Boom.”

Within a couple of years, the FAA formally proposed a rule that would restrict operation of civil aircraft at speeds greater than Mach 1. Then in May of 1971 Congress cancelled the SST program and the rule banning civil supersonic flights over land went into effect two years later.

During this same time, Great Britain and France were developing and test flying the Concorde, which went on to provide commercial supersonic air travel between 1976 and 2003. There were many reasons for its demise, including a deadly crash in 2000, but economic and environmental issues top the list. Restrictions against flying faster than sound over land due to the ban in the U.S. and elsewhere greatly limited its revenue-generating options.

Speed vs. Sound

Moving ahead, to lift the ban and enable a viable market for supersonic air travel over land, the idea is that regulators would base new rules on a different standard than before.

The speed limit created in 1973 didn’t consider the possibility that an airplane could fly supersonic yet did not create sonic booms that could affect anyone below. It was a fair assessment at the time because the technology required to make that happen didn’t exist yet.

“And now it does,” Coen said. “So, instead of a rule based solely on speed, we are proposing the rule be based on sound. If the sound of a supersonic flight isn’t loud enough to bother anyone below, there’s no reason why the airplane can’t be flying supersonic.”

During the past half-century, NASA’s aeronautical innovators methodically worked through the challenge of quieting the boom. Quesst’s X-59 is on the path to proving that technology, with community overflights and the all-important public surveys to follow soon after.

Still, public acceptance of supersonic aircraft flying overhead today goes far beyond sonic boom noise. Airport noise, emissions, and climate impact are all factors that still need to be addressed.

With its government, industry, and academic partners, NASA is working to solve those challenges as well. But none of that will matter until the first step – lifting the half-century-old ban on supersonic flight over land – is accomplished.

“We are very excited to be making this big step forward, but we recognize that more needs to be done,” Coen said.

Much of this article is based on the work of Lawrence Benson, who wrote the official NASA history book “Quieting the Boom: The Shaped Sonic Boom Demonstrator and the Quest for Quiet Supersonic Flight.”




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3e425f No.18766323

The Biggest problem I have

With all of this …is

The Oil Barons and Pharma Barons

Have once again

Figured out a way to take poisonous

By products ..

package it as a cure

For their disease it creates

Read the small print

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6c0c5c No.18766324


3 Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. 2 He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.”

If the Jews know Jesus was from God, then why did they kill him?

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3e425f No.18766325

File: 40c25419bd3c4c9⋯.png (192.49 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_04_28_09_51_5….png)


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be0e84 No.18766326


Bigly TL;DR

Name a single moment in history when ebonics was used to better convey the intellect or point a person was trying to make?

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3b90f2 No.18766327

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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02e057 No.18766328




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d5b61d No.18766329

File: ae9e0a655582363⋯.jpg (13.81 KB,474x221,474:221,th_936670924.jpg)

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3b90f2 No.18766330

File: 7189a6d33819b15⋯.gif (439.01 KB,220x196,55:49,knock_knock.gif)

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be0e84 No.18766331

Ebonics is used by the infiltrated admin clowns to portray the entire board as massive faggot retards. Change my mind.

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febadb No.18766332

File: 581112fa8e1d7c8⋯.jpg (232.89 KB,1955x1222,1955:1222,581112fa8e1d7c8e2e1588c17f….jpg)

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6c0c5c No.18766333


Have you noticed how the shillsNever Mention The Rothschildseven though Q said they are the top of the pyramid of evil.

I guess maybe because the Rothschilds are Jews.

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0edcb6 No.18766334


HillDog actually looks apprehensive next to ldr.

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6a540b No.18766335


I’ve seen these posted a lot… vague techno music with a pretty chick as the placeholder. What’s the angle?

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aea5e8 No.18766336


>>>maybe a little lengthy for those with short attention span

Mostly boomers. They know how to read and have plenty of time.

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88e085 No.18766337


its used to keep you feds from record'n patriot comms. faggit

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7d26d6 No.18766338


nit picker

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cea418 No.18766339

File: eb1282a3b0df208⋯.png (137.23 KB,447x260,447:260,bgjw.PNG)

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906c5d No.18766340

File: b31f3e3f905e62c⋯.png (178.19 KB,474x380,237:190,ClipboardImage.png)


you are coming in 1:1.

broken and retarded.


broken and retarded.

i could of sworn you said

>enough of the tits already!

can you please re-transmit.


coming in 1:1

broken and retarded.


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6a2508 No.18766341

File: 368d89b3e6e58f8⋯.png (372.76 KB,414x529,18:23,trek.PNG)


Major military activity in the Pacific

What will China, Russia and North Korea do?

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6a540b No.18766342


👍👍Well done then!

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f2403a No.18766343

Anybody have the meme with the old fashioned wife putting on gloves to do here chores?

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63e9cd No.18766344


It's all organic, just go with the flow

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980d01 No.18766345


They get mentioned a bunch. Just have to look into the history of the family and the schiffs and all of that going back to 16th europe and even that still goes back further just gets harder to track them all through intermarriages and name changes.

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be0e84 No.18766346

Are the faggot comped BVs really that retarded that they think the NSA can't sift through and discern comms from their ebonics? Like Q said, these people are stupid.

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6a2508 No.18766347

File: 4f1ff2c6138562e⋯.png (136.71 KB,415x440,83:88,dan.PNG)


Meet Kamala Harris's 6-Year-Old Speechwriter 😂


HARRIS: "I think it's very important…for us, at every moment in time and certainly this one, to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present."




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35d9d8 No.18766348

File: d580d8fb7136e45⋯.png (861.91 KB,1024x935,1024:935,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1f2d362c9521f2⋯.png (110.54 KB,328x244,82:61,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83ae70b00d3a91b⋯.png (916.17 KB,875x631,875:631,ClipboardImage.png)

Around the World in 10 Days

Apr 28 2023

NASA’s football-stadium-sized scientific super pressure balloon crossed the 169.24 east longitude line at about 11:32 p.m. EDT, April 25, officially completing its first mid-latitude circumnavigation after launch April 15 (U.S. Eastern time) from Wānaka Airport, New Zealand.

NASA achieved the milestone just 10 days, 3 hours, and 50 minutes after launch. The balloon is maintaining a float altitude around 107,000 feet as it continues its globetrotting journey.

“The balloon is performing exactly the way it was engineered to do, maintaining its shape and flying at a stable altitude despite the heating and cooling of the day-night cycle,” said Debbie Fairbrother, NASA’s Scientific Balloon Program chief. “As we continue to test, validate, and qualify this technology for future flights we’re also performing some cutting-edge science.”

The balloon is flying the Super Pressure Balloon Imaging Telescope (SuperBIT) payload, which has already returned brilliant research images from this flight.

Weather permitting, the balloon can be seen from the ground, especially at sunrise and sunset, as it continues on its globetrotting journey. People can track the real-time location of NASA’s super pressure balloon at this website: https://www.csbf.nasa.gov/map/balloon10/flight728NT.htm.

Next up for NASA’s Scientific Balloon Program is another planned super pressure balloon launch from Wānaka to further test the technology while also flying the Extreme Universe Space Observatory 2 (EUSO-2) science mission. EUSO-2, from the University of Chicago, aims to build on data collected during a 2017 mission. EUSO-2 will detect ultra-high energy cosmic-ray particles from beyond our galaxy as they penetrate Earth’s atmosphere. The origins of these particles are not well known, so the data collected from EUSO-2 will help solve this science mystery. Planned launch attempts will be announced on this blog.



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1da0a0 No.18766349

File: f59e7324de419ac⋯.png (71.67 KB,1149x725,1149:725,ClipboardImage.png)





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3e425f No.18766350

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I speak jive

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794368 No.18766351


>but appreciate complicated music and the skill of playing it all.

I started studying jazz in the mid 70's and Frank had a lot to do with that. Dissonance vs. consonance, resolution and the like. His playing and recordings of the 70's where my favorites. Hot Rats up through One Size Fit's All etc………….Roxy & Elsewhere is one of my favorites as is Apostrophe and Overnite Sensation. But I go all the way back to Freak Out, Rubin & The Jets, Uncle Meat etc……..KMFAO that was not where the rock and roll world was at, at that time in music. Way, WAY ahead of his time.

Heard my first George Benson record in the mid 70's and that's where I went. Benson, Wes Montgonery, Pat Martino, Joe Pass and a slew of other great players. But George has always been my most favorite. No body since and even today is doing with the guitar what he does. I've always thought he ain't of this world!!!! Met him once. Talked with me for about 25 minutes after a show one night in Charlotte. He was so gracious in taking his time to speak with me. An absolute gentleman. Love you George!!! no homo

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0a0f34 No.18766352


It's use here is simply as a board subculture that exists within the broader board culture.

Here it's used primarily by a group of former Bakers that Jim transferred the Admin authority to back in Jan 2022.

It's a status/identification thing mostly.

But, it's been used so long that it has grandfather rights now.

You grow numb to it over time so no biggie imo.

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febadb No.18766353

File: 2d02b2cecbf0c59⋯.gif (937.67 KB,500x393,500:393,2d02b2cecbf0c5924ce631b4cf….gif)

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02e057 No.18766354


Have wondered myself

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b75f67 No.18766355


"everyone", "we", "I", "me" don't forget those!

Whatever you say, you and yer crew are the only ones who are mad…why are you so mad and frothy all the time?

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3b90f2 No.18766356

File: 04fda4f865398de⋯.gif (895.01 KB,400x225,16:9,magic_ball.gif)


subliminal message to make you feel good and forget for few '' that you live in a sheit corrupted world.

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6c0c5c No.18766357

File: e0b49fbd00fc62d⋯.jpg (11.27 KB,255x160,51:32,FordRoths.jpg)

File: eaebe634916a53f⋯.jpg (16.16 KB,255x238,15:14,FordRothsII.jpg)

File: 8700d90a418316e⋯.jpg (11.09 KB,255x222,85:74,FordRothsIII.jpg)

File: 89c5eca10dc66fb⋯.png (70.65 KB,589x553,589:553,FordRothsIV.png)

File: 566fa0752d46e2a⋯.jpg (131.6 KB,1087x778,1087:778,FordRothsNews.jpg)


Bullshit, The Shills never mention the Rothschilds. Why, well this was know 100 years ago.

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6a2508 No.18766358

Trump was overthrown & censored on all social media

Lara Trump pushed out of Fox

James O’Keefe pushed out of Project Veritas

Dan Bongino pushed out of Fox

Tucker Carlson pushed out of Fox

Doesn’t take a genius to see what’s going on here

They’re trying to suffocate MAGA


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79b788 No.18766360

File: 24713d32876734b⋯.gif (1019.8 KB,500x207,500:207,44.gif)

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f2403a No.18766361


Night Shift

Go to fukin sleep

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6c0c5c No.18766362


The Rothschilds own all of US media now.

Prove me wrong.

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41667f No.18766363

File: c63284b7e3027c1⋯.png (188.21 KB,1125x514,1125:514,Screenshot_2023_04_28_at_1….png)


I’m On Fire

Bruce Springsteen

Track 6 on

Born in the U.S.A.

“I’m On Fire” was the fourth of seven singles from Born In The USA that reached the top 10 in the US. Overseas it reached the top 20 in eight countries including a #5 peak… Read More

Produced by

Bruce Springsteen, Little Steven &

Release Date

June 4, 1984

View All Credits

3 viewers


I’m On Fire Lyrics

[Verse 1]

Hey, little girl, is your daddy home?

Did he go away and leave you all alone?

I got a bad desire

Oh, oh, oh, I'm on fire

[Verse 2]

Tell me now, baby, is he good to you?

And can he do to you the things that I do?

Oh no, I can take you higher

Oh, oh, oh, I'm on fire


Sometimes it's like someone took a knife, baby, edgy and dull

And cut a six-inch valley through the middle of my skull

[Verse 3]

At night, I wake up with the sheets soakin' wet

And a freight train runnin' through the middle of my head

Only you can cool my desire

Oh, oh, oh, I'm on fire

Oh, oh, oh, I'm on fire

Oh, oh, oh, I'm on fire


Ooh-ooh, ooh

Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh

Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh

Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh

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02e057 No.18766364


>You grow numb to it over time so no biggie imo

I’ve no dog in the baker Ebonics fight. But isn’t the above statement the exact recipe for the destruction of society that we are living through right now?

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6a2508 No.18766365

File: 2b743e5a3355aba⋯.png (105.75 KB,615x431,615:431,pow.PNG)


The Times Says Senility Is A-OK

Power Line, by John Hinderaker

Posted By: Hazymac, 4/28/2023 9:43:47 AM

Democrats have mostly given up on denying that Joe Biden is suffering from an advanced stage of dementia. Their strategy, as exemplified by their mouthpiece the New York Times, has shifted to a defense of senility. Do we need a mentally competent president? Nah. This morning’s Times email, which is curated by David Leonhardt, the Times’s “senior writer” who writes for “The Times’s flagship daily newsletter,” said this morning: "Strange as it may sound, the American government can function without a healthy president." Hey, Edith Wilson did a great job! The issue that makes many Democrats even more anxious than Biden’s second-term capabilities is whether his age will prevent him from winning a second

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980d01 No.18766366


I have been here plenty of times and people like you who push the memes of this are spreading information, now I can not say for certain although I have seen you post things saying it was taken down. If the people here are too stupid to dig into who and what is the problem in this world is that my problem?

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6c0c5c No.18766367

File: a28315bc2854a38⋯.jpg (118.73 KB,696x697,696:697,GeffenYacht.jpg)

File: 3dae3304ab01f1d⋯.jpg (93.49 KB,500x500,1:1,GeffenYachtII.jpg)

File: 88760524cd47cef⋯.png (91.1 KB,680x500,34:25,GeffenYachtIII.png)


They all belong to the same cult.

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8c4bfe No.18766368

File: 3b4921aeaa744f9⋯.png (229.46 KB,462x347,462:347,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80df20a1df93b03⋯.png (129.69 KB,902x628,451:314,ClipboardImage.png)



Who is they.?

Anons have always called out the Rothschilds

maybe you should read this tread below properly, he does not give a fuck about jews.

These are centuries old elite families

This thread is 18 months long in total.


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7d26d6 No.18766369


slang is slang

dialect is dialect

you don't know the difference

you use the word as a way to try and humiliate and shame people

there is nothing that can be said in one dialect that can't be said in a different dialect of the same language.

Ebonics is a dialect, it has very clear rules of how it shows up in usage and there were people out collecting recordings of pepole and how they spoke, they went around the country in the 1920s and had a text which they got people to read. From that they determined dialects.

and found that from town to town people speak slightly different.

and then in the 1970s people using that same material were able to also ascertain that some people spoke in a way that was determined by their being descendants of slaves.

It didn't matter what towns they were from.

and so it was said than that it was it's own dialect. It is. they called it Ebonics.

gettho slang is slang. Gangsta lyrics are pop music slang.

Ebonics is a dialect of English.

if you listen you can understand it without difficulty. If you care about pepole you don't correct them when they lose the last sylibent or contract a tense. No one who wants to understand will be confused, and if you don't understand you can ask and they will explain what they said.

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d7d980 No.18766370

File: 8e5a6b3e39e525d⋯.jpg (248.52 KB,720x922,360:461,Screenshot_20230428_085542….jpg)

How does this nation fix this level of stupid? Seriously asking.

How does a nation MAGA when it's full of absolute retards like this?

TEXAS - Zavalla couple accused of forcibly tattooing children, ages 5 and 9

…mother, Megan Mae Farr, 27, and the step-father, Gunner Farr, 23, tied the children down with rope, covered their mouths with tape, covered their eyes with rags, and then tattooed one child’s shoulder and the other child’s foot.

According to the report, the affidavit went on to say that the father and step-mother later noticed the tattoos and questioned Megan Farr about it, to which she laughed and drove away.

The father then reported the discovery to Child Protective Services, who in turn notified law enforcement.

The report went on to say that the mother and step-father then tried to hide the tattoos by cutting, scraping, and scrubbing the children’s skin, as well as rubbing lemon juice in an effort to remove the ink.


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35d9d8 No.18766371

File: cad1ab9a3bc4d6c⋯.png (624.08 KB,900x506,450:253,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f726d20d154291⋯.png (218.6 KB,348x467,348:467,ClipboardImage.png)

Partners Extend International Space Station for Benefit of Humanity

April 27, 2023

The International Space Station partners have committed to extending the operations of this unique platform in low Earth orbit where, for more than 22 years, humans have lived and worked for the benefit of humanity, conducting cutting-edge science and research in microgravity. The United States, Japan, Canada, and the participating countries of ESA (European Space Agency) have confirmed they will support continued space station operations through 2030 and Russia has confirmed it will support continued station operations through 2028. NASA will continue to work with its partner agencies to ensure an uninterrupted presence in low Earth orbit, as well as a safe and orderly transition from the space station to commercial platforms in the future.

“The International Space Station is an incredible partnership with a common goal to advance science and exploration,” said Robyn Gatens, director of the International Space Station Division at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “Extending our time aboard this amazing platform allows us to reap the benefits of more than two decades of experiments and technology demonstrations, as well as continue to materialize even greater discovery to come.”

Since its launch in 1998, the International Space Station has been visited by 266 individuals from 20 countries. The space station is a unique scientific platform where crew members conduct experiments across multiple disciplines of research, including Earth and space science, biology, human physiology, physical sciences and technology demonstrations that could not be done on Earth. The crew living aboard the station are the hands of thousands of researchers on the ground conducting more than 3,300 experiments in microgravity. Now, in its third decade of operations, the station is in the decade of results when the platform can maximize its scientific return. Results are compounding, new benefits are materializing, and innovative research and technology demonstrations are building on previous work.

The space station is one of the most complex international collaborations ever attempted. It was designed to be interdependent, relies on contributions from across the partnership to function, and no partner currently has the capability to operate the space station without the other.

With a continued foothold in low Earth orbit, NASA’s Artemis missions are underway, setting up a long-term presence at the Moon for science and exploration.



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d5b61d No.18766372

File: d31277e32f699b5⋯.jpg (12.45 KB,474x248,237:124,th_970712410.jpg)

File: 64f98b937c05746⋯.jpg (136.21 KB,797x900,797:900,FuUOY_vXoAEiyx3_1_.jpg)


https://benjamin-lee.github.io › deep-rules

Ten Quick Tips for Deep Learning in Biology - GitHub Pages

Nov 30, 2021In-Q-Tel Labs; School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University; Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School … These individuals collaboratively contributed to this manuscript's writing using the GitHub version control platform … 67. Dillen M, Groom Q, Agosti D, Nielsen L. Zenodo, an Archive and Publishing Repository: A …

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6a2508 No.18766373

File: a016cf072b8da2c⋯.png (96.49 KB,622x697,622:697,dubb.PNG)


Democrats choose doublespeak to confuse voters

American Thinker, by C.S. Boddie

Posted By: Hazymac, 4/28/2023 9:15:30 AM

In a video announcement that he is running for reelection President Biden is portrayed as a champion of freedom. In reality, no president has done more to impinge on the freedoms of Americans. First, Biden says he is standing up for fundamental freedoms and then he says he is about standing up for personal freedoms. This is doublespeak. Doublespeak is when words seem to be about something they are not. It is another way of lying. Conservatives need to call it out as that. In truth, Democrats are about control. The only way they are about freedom

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6c0c5c No.18766374


I keep getting banned, making my point.

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d28a8b No.18766375

File: 5ca6d1339f94e5e⋯.mp4 (498.56 KB,720x720,1:1,17ll.mp4)

India: Video terrifying moment a laborer was hit by lightning while working in a coal mine in Chandrapur district, Maharashtra!

He died.

Follow us -> LiveLeak (http://t.me/leaklive)


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cea418 No.18766376

Predominantly black and very inexperienced (young) US soldiers being staged to be deployed in Central Europe. no fucking legit sauce….. only juan o savin's last interview.



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6c0c5c No.18766377

>>18766368 ← Hello Shill

Mentions Rothschilds, says they aren't Jews.

What a fucking idiot.

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febadb No.18766378

File: bd0a10e0fee6616⋯.gif (11.97 MB,220x165,4:3,bd0a10e0fee661651d0facb9f5….gif)

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aea5e8 No.18766379


"eden" means "paradise" but it also means "filthy time". The garden was "east", or on the ancient side of filthy time; in eternity.

Time is an illusion and an artifact of the fall. The past is a memory, the future a hope or fear. There is only the now.

So although it appears that we die at different times, we arrive simultaneously in a timeless eternity.

When Stephen saw the heavens open and Jesus coming in a cloud, he saw you and me with Jesus coming for him.

We move from time to eternity. To be absent from the body is to be with the Lord.

That is the rapture… it is the quickening.

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3b90f2 No.18766380

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Want some moar?

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034990 No.18766381

File: 276d5e1dc6aaa9c⋯.png (226.5 KB,646x680,19:20,COBBEE_BEANS_.png)

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88e085 No.18766382

notables bun @650

baker needz to handoff @ the top. bu baker in the bullpen?

>>18766341 u just made nb title n doh meme

#23028 >>18765730

>>18766097 Planefag is our eyez on the skyz

>>18765752 Barack and The Boss! Ex President and wife Michelle are seen out about in Barcelona with Bruce Springsteen and Steven Spielberg ahead of singer's Olympic Stadium concert

>>18765761 Found a Fed boy on twitter, KEK

>>18765780 Dylan Mulvaney Cost Bud Light, Now He Wants Journalists Arrested

>>18765781 China Coast Guard teeing off with Philippine Coast Guard.

>>18765809 Report: 35K Migrants Wait in Juarez, Mexico, to Rush Southern Border When Biden Ends Title 42

>>18765813 K-Pomp: South Korean President Yoon belts out American Pie at lavish White House state dinner as Biden admits he 'can barely talk' in front of celebrities

>>18765819 Trump Gives Joe Biden a New Nickname and It’s a Classic! (‘Crooked Joe Biden’)

>>18765822 Benny Johnson - Fox News has lost 2M viewers in the Tucker Carlson 8PM time slot.

>>18765824 Erin Reed, an infamous Trans activists on TikTok posts videos about: • How children can get access to hormones

>>18765825 BBC chairman resigns over loan to Boris Johnson

>>18765830 One in four high school students identify as LGBTQ (?)

>>18765835 STUNNING: Joe Biden’s Top Tweet after 4 Hrs has only 1,199 Retweets …President Trump’s First Truth.com Post After 1 Hr has over 42,000 Retweets

>>18765852 Goya CEO Warns World On The Brink Of A Food Crisis

>>18765853 First, they came for Tucker – next is RFK Jr.

>>18765865 YouTube censors ER doctors urging end of lockdown 'This isn't about science, this is about control of the narrative'

>>18765878 Tucker Friday 7:15 am, 72,200,000 views

>>18765899 LIVE Coverage of U.S. Spacewalk 86 at the International Space Station

>>18765908 National Covid Emergency Declaration Issued Very Quietly by HHS Secretary Two Days After Biden Ends the Emergency by Signing HJ Res 7 into Law.

>>18765909 A few years ago the left was complaining about women athletes not getting paid the same as men. Now they can't define what a woman is, and they’re perfectly accepting of female athletes getting dominated by men on the

Baker Change

>>18766004 U.S. Army Helicopters Crash In Alaska

>>18766050 X22 Report with Kash Patel - Hunter Will Be Indicted, [DS] Advocated An Overthrow, Rule Of Law Must Be Followed

>>18766053, >>18766057, >>18766060 house and senate committee hearings for 4/28/2023

>>18766056 Michael Yon w/CAP: Must See this Chinese advertisement detailing how to invade America. Like a vacation infomercial. This information is mostly very accurate…

>>18766086 BREAKING: Lightning has struck the Columbia gulf gas pipeline causing a massive fiery explosion in Corinth, Mississippi.

>>18766103 Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 04/28/2023

>>18766156 China cyber-hacker threat ‘unparalleled’ – FBI. Beijing’s digital army is bigger than all other countries combined

>>18766276 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Runaway Star Alpha Camelopardalis

>>18766309 US opening new immirgant 'processing' centres in Latin America

>>18766341 Major military activity in the Pacific

>>18766371 Partners Extend International Space Station for Benefit of Humanity

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6c0c5c No.18766383


Another Jew talking like a child..Fucking pedos.

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7d26d6 No.18766384


a racist deployment?

did the military not end the segregation of soldiers in the late 1940s?

can their commanders be brought up on charges of racism for deploying 'predominantly black' battalions?

sounds like this story is made up, but maybe it isn't.

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02e057 No.18766385


Hard to believe we have to share DNA with retardation such as this. Fucking lemon juice?!

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f0e16e No.18766386

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

April 28, 2023

10:00 AM EDT

Oversight Hearing – Tribal Perspectives on Housing and Transportation

House Appropriations Committee



Special Assistant, Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs, Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community


Barbara Little Owl

Executive Director, Standing Rock Housing Authority


Tonya Plummer

Director of Native American Housing Programs, Enterprise


Leo Sisco

Chairman, Santa Rosa Indian Community of the Santa Rosa Rancheria Tachi-Yokut Tribe


Russell Sossamon

Executive Director, Comanche Nation Housing Authority


Alex Wesaw

Treasurer, Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians





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6a2508 No.18766387

File: 3beb53d65608d25⋯.png (140.53 KB,414x616,207:308,cord.PNG)


The coordinated MSM attacks on Tucker have begun, we knew it was coming.


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8c4bfe No.18766388

File: 929e1a5ffcc94b4⋯.png (369.96 KB,1226x689,1226:689,ClipboardImage.png)


ok you are a shill faggot.

did not read it.

just the usual burp, its the jews.

The jews are almost vaxxed to death.

go and boil your head

low level bickle.

32 posts of garbage

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980d01 No.18766389


The cult hides within judaism just as it hides in islam and catholocism and yes even the evengelical movement. They all practice the same thing just a matter of window dressing. Does the cult that proclaim they are jewish have some really dark esoteric shit in it yup, but that is why they tie back directly to Babylon and before with their pagan beliefs. Same goes for all the cults.

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4bb323 No.18766390

File: 79b1e4e69f9f1c5⋯.mp4 (2.47 MB,480x270,16:9,How_to_invade.mp4)



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6c0c5c No.18766391


Master Chief in the Navy was a Black Guy and a good friend.

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d617da No.18766392

File: 6d643afa645094a⋯.jpg (106.2 KB,640x480,4:3,rockefellercenterfacingfif….jpg)

File: 09d48207b1edf03⋯.jpg (52.35 KB,621x914,621:914,rockefellerdevilsign.jpg)

File: b28dd97a8686df7⋯.jpg (120.19 KB,640x1060,32:53,rockefellerbeast1.jpg)

File: d4c1a30e0191d6b⋯.png (238.21 KB,478x679,478:679,rockeftradetowers.png)

File: a21039425180685⋯.jpg (108.8 KB,640x635,128:127,davidrockefellerbanking.jpg)

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febadb No.18766393

File: c97fcc821b92c94⋯.png (936.63 KB,709x659,709:659,3e72421e341f64d093be0847cc….png)

File: 0fc663a12cc4a8d⋯.jpg (77.84 KB,960x953,960:953,0fc663a12cc4a8df6d5901d4c8….jpg)

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1da0a0 No.18766394


That other link is ded

>Ten Quick Tips for Deep Learning in Biology


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f0e16e No.18766395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

April 28, 2023

10:00 AM EDT

Full Committee Markup on Pending Legislation

House Veterans' Affairs Committee




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3b90f2 No.18766397

File: 8edfe2fabf23a70⋯.gif (1.23 MB,238x334,119:167,brian_dead.gif)

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8629a0 No.18766398

Anon lives near a large Vegetable canning factory. Last week one of the bosses told anon that they will no longer be canning corn. Today I hear on the radio that they are increasing the ethenol rate in gasoline over the 15% limit to reduce pollution ingreedience in gas. THEY ARE GOING TO STARVE US

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6c0c5c No.18766400


Soros the Jew replaced Rockefeller..

Don't you Q?

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febadb No.18766401

File: 33b532a2d2791a4⋯.jpg (216.16 KB,828x1152,23:32,1671676815372330.jpg)

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6c0c5c No.18766402

File: bc3a224345bc6f2⋯.png (328.22 KB,560x549,560:549,Cult.png)


This, is not hiding.

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6a540b No.18766403


Nice.. Q posted that iirc.

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3b90f2 No.18766404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f0e16e No.18766405

File: 0ae1d36236206fa⋯.jpg (31.46 KB,612x609,204:203,gettyimages_3165700_Nelson….jpg)

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dd33da No.18766406

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MASTERING Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Gathering and Analysis: Enter the OSINT Dragon!

The NDS Show Podcast

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aea5e8 No.18766407


I am so accustomed to sticking my foot in my mouth it is doubtful I will ever starve…;P

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8c4bfe No.18766408

File: 7ab3851c274d759⋯.gif (1.27 MB,460x184,5:2,keyboard.gif)


anon knows you are a faggot,

this will be the last you get.

anon dug out the rothschild thread which took time. thought you had a geninue question.

should have realized with the number of posts on your i.d that it was the latest paid fedboi.

very poor quality shills nowdays.


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7d26d6 No.18766409


GMO corn probably isn't that good for you anyway, anon.

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6a2508 No.18766410

File: 4d2f00253bc4448⋯.png (265.1 KB,411x622,411:622,lot.PNG)


While Tucker and Bongino have new found. FREEDOM of BROADCASTING SPEECH, Pilots and People worldwide are still DYING from the #poisondeathshots

We NEED Tucker and Bongino's voices now more than ever to WAKE PEOPLE UP!


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f0e16e No.18766411

File: c415ebf64226569⋯.png (2.05 MB,2048x1421,2048:1421,gettyimages_515293114_Rock….png)

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b57b7b No.18766412

File: 48eced2fcb2df95⋯.png (168.21 KB,709x429,709:429,SihkTooth.png)

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febadb No.18766413

File: e739ae2422fa63e⋯.jpg (153.26 KB,864x929,864:929,1671024624525972.jpg)

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41667f No.18766414

File: 17569cca33dd474⋯.png (696.65 KB,1281x519,427:173,Screenshot_from_2023_04_28….png)


>A Steven Spielberg Bruce Barack Barcelona siting


>aSCYTLing at the Scene of the crime


walking distance

arack and Michelle Obama landed in Barcelona yesterday, ahead of Bruce Springsteen's concert in the Catalan capital on Friday night.

The former president was seen with the singer and movie director Steven Spielberg out for dinnerat the Amar restaurant in the city centeron Thursday with their wives.

El Pais reported that the Obamas are staying in five-star Gran Hotel La Florida in the city, followed closely by a security detail.

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02e057 No.18766415


Modern day corn is not exactly your highest option of nutrient dense food, anon. Lots of better stuff out there to be consuming. Have you ever considered the amount of livestock feed that is corn based? Might be a reason for that. Just sayin’.

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6c0c5c No.18766416

File: c9ef92012dbf874⋯.png (85.27 KB,760x426,380:213,BlinkenWang.png)

File: 9ccae5160f2e37f⋯.png (67.32 KB,847x500,847:500,BlinkinWangPutin.png)

File: 8786f6549cfff60⋯.png (81.06 KB,724x422,362:211,BlinkinXiPutin.png)


It's why I think these memes are so Ironic.

Notice how Quickly China turned into the liberal's enemy.

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b75f67 No.18766417

File: 1ab8352f62b593d⋯.png (182.86 KB,529x301,529:301,ClipboardImage.png)

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980d01 No.18766418


Ok let me rephrase since you are obviously retarded. ALl of judaism is a cult you are right, they worship metatron they lie about what they actually believe and if you could explain how that is any different than any other cult islamic or christian love to hear. Because christianity has become a cult itself and the very thing Jesus warned about. All organized religions are the problem and because of the interconnectedness of all the cults they share common core values and practices.

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b1e085 No.18766420

File: 94e5035451fdbe7⋯.png (341.85 KB,534x467,534:467,Vaxx_damage.png)

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6a2508 No.18766421

File: d8f553fa1b0328d⋯.png (174.19 KB,1408x501,1408:501,dayz.PNG)


National Covid Emergency Declaration Issued Very Quietly by HHS Secretary Two Days After Biden Ends the Emergency by Signing HJ Res 7 into Law. This Does Not Look Valid at all!

Big Picture & Opinion by Stevie Leff Apr 25, 2023 Updated Apr 25, 2023

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6c0c5c No.18766422



If it isn't obvious by now….

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6a540b No.18766423


>they will no longer be canning corn.

Would be interesting to find out the reason.

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be0e84 No.18766424


Anyone got the meme of the boardwalk girl "you wrote so much text"?

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794368 No.18766425


Mend the family. Truly educate and instill in the very young a sense of right vs. wrong. Truth, honor repsect for yourself, respect others, care about others and never give in to defeat.

"The way you do something is the way you will do everything".

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6c0c5c No.18766426


True christianity simply cares about the truth in all matter, hence my place here, to remind those christians how to find the path.

Very few will make it.

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b1e085 No.18766427

File: 68b8c7a386f9c29⋯.png (610.9 KB,710x500,71:50,ClipboardImage.png)

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7d26d6 No.18766428


imagine that, someone who is able to type.

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f0e16e No.18766429

File: cb9bb95b8004cba⋯.png (222.03 KB,902x394,451:197,clinton_rockefeller.png)

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980d01 No.18766430

File: 469e670557e9c44⋯.gif (2.2 MB,250x262,125:131,AdeptReflectingCur_size_re….gif)

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6a2508 No.18766431

File: 2010cfe4631b5ea⋯.png (98.37 KB,411x707,411:707,clot.PNG)


'Cause Unknown': Deaths Among College Students - Dr. Peter McCullough

"The public at large should be questioning every death among young persons and reject “unknown” as the cause … "unknown" cause of death should be assumed vaccine-related until proven otherwise."

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34be1e No.18766432

File: 1beec9fec5ac39d⋯.jpg (171.91 KB,712x815,712:815,JeepWave.JPG)


May 1 (May Day) concludes the Satanic unholy time that began April 19.

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147e4d No.18766433


Such a polite smile from a man who's probably equally repulsed and terrified.

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0a0f34 No.18766434

File: 3780f5d04a5917f⋯.png (154.03 KB,332x263,332:263,YWSMT.png)


I see you already received the PG one.

Here's the R one.

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9e896d No.18766435


high etoh fuel will fuck up older cars. what a great way to force people into buying next generation of green-washing.

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d5519b No.18766436




going to take to dough

>notables bun @650


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88e085 No.18766437

final bun for #23028

hold those laties till the top

bu baker, heads up if yer lurkn

#23028 >>18765730

>>18766097 Planefag is our eyez on the skyz

>>18765752 Barack and The Boss! Ex President and wife Michelle are seen out about in Barcelona with Bruce Springsteen and Steven Spielberg ahead of singer's Olympic Stadium concert

>>18765761 Found a Fed boy on twitter, KEK

>>18765780 Dylan Mulvaney Cost Bud Light, Now He Wants Journalists Arrested

>>18765781 China Coast Guard teeing off with Philippine Coast Guard.

>>18765809 Report: 35K Migrants Wait in Juarez, Mexico, to Rush Southern Border When Biden Ends Title 42

>>18765813 K-Pomp: South Korean President Yoon belts out American Pie at lavish White House state dinner as Biden admits he 'can barely talk' in front of celebrities

>>18765819 Trump Gives Joe Biden a New Nickname and It’s a Classic! (‘Crooked Joe Biden’)

>>18765822 Benny Johnson - Fox News has lost 2M viewers in the Tucker Carlson 8PM time slot.

>>18765824 Erin Reed, an infamous Trans activists on TikTok posts videos about: • How children can get access to hormones

>>18765825 BBC chairman resigns over loan to Boris Johnson

>>18765830 One in four high school students identify as LGBTQ (?)

>>18765835 STUNNING: Joe Biden’s Top Tweet after 4 Hrs has only 1,199 Retweets …President Trump’s First Truth.com Post After 1 Hr has over 42,000 Retweets

>>18765852 Goya CEO Warns World On The Brink Of A Food Crisis

>>18765853 First, they came for Tucker – next is RFK Jr.

>>18765865 YouTube censors ER doctors urging end of lockdown 'This isn't about science, this is about control of the narrative'

>>18765878 Tucker Friday 7:15 am, 72,200,000 views

>>18765899 LIVE Coverage of U.S. Spacewalk 86 at the International Space Station

>>18765908 National Covid Emergency Declaration Issued Very Quietly by HHS Secretary Two Days After Biden Ends the Emergency by Signing HJ Res 7 into Law.

>>18765909 A few years ago the left was complaining about women athletes not getting paid the same as men. Now they can't define what a woman is…

Baker Change

>>18766004 U.S. Army Helicopters Crash In Alaska

>>18766050 X22 Report with Kash Patel - Hunter Will Be Indicted, [DS] Advocated An Overthrow, Rule Of Law Must Be Followed

>>18766053, >>18766057, >>18766060, >>18766386, >>18766395 house and senate committee hearings for 4/28/2023

>>18766056 Michael Yon w/CAP: Must See this Chinese advertisement detailing how to invade America. Like a vacation infomercial. This information is mostly very accurate…

>>18766086 BREAKING: Lightning has struck the Columbia gulf gas pipeline causing a massive fiery explosion in Corinth, Mississippi.

>>18766103 Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 04/28/2023

>>18766156 China cyber-hacker threat ‘unparalleled’ – FBI. Beijing’s digital army is bigger than all other countries combined

>>18766276 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Runaway Star Alpha Camelopardalis

>>18766309 US opening new immirgant 'processing' centres in Latin America

>>18766341 Major military activity in the Pacific

>>18766371 Partners Extend International Space Station for Benefit of Humanity

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02e057 No.18766438

File: 211d5d5a15de54e⋯.jpeg (504.31 KB,1080x1080,1:1,10A9A6D3_C932_4143_9D2B_B….jpeg)


We’ve a long road to hoe, anon. A VERY long and winding road. Educating the uneducated who don’t want to be educated because they think they already know it all is a thankless and exhausting task.

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d7a759 No.18766439

REMEMBER: Democrats demanded fines, imprisonment, quarantine camps, and taking children away from those who would not consent to the covid injections.

Never Forget.

There were evil people in society who demanded that intelligent people who refused to take the dangerous covid injections should be denied all medical care. There were patients needing transfusions, organ transplants, and other critical medical procedures for REAL problems that were denied medical care by evil doctors and hospital administrators. Democrats DEMANDED that those innocent people should be forced to suffer and die. Never ever forget who those evil people are. Blue voters did that.

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7d26d6 No.18766440

they complain about 'gettho slang, and then when someone who actually knows something discusses why what they are saying is just intimidation, and has to use words that are more than just gettho slang, they can't handle it.

which is it? do you want erudite discourse, or slanggy jingo?

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980d01 No.18766441


but the people you seek to inform will never realize until they look into their own cult and see problems there. They have to rationalize why Jesus called the reigning institution out and who his Father really is, it is not the god of the jews at least for certain the babylonian kind. Maybe moses but even that has questions that most people do not have the time or patience to try to understand. The jews are just the vector of the disease not the disease it self. Much like the problem with black culture it is a symptom of the disease not the disease itself. Rape in the catholic church is a symptom not the cause. Islam bombing shit is the symptom not the cause. THe cause is what ever has been hidden from society for generations now. Focusing on one and not all is an issue.

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bc467e No.18766442

File: 6141e73eb970205⋯.png (1.13 MB,905x903,905:903,bidan.png)

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16c4a9 No.18766443

File: 6c9da394b40fa92⋯.jpeg (44.53 KB,500x500,1:1,BB385D41_A143_4C97_9D11_8….jpeg)

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5871d0 No.18766444

File: 9ad892edfc63072⋯.jpg (718.75 KB,1440x1080,4:3,BorderTreason.JPG)

File: 3aca1be8ee0df47⋯.jpg (268.29 KB,986x815,986:815,MSMsilence.JPG)

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b1e085 No.18766445

File: 4d79eb20ec762da⋯.png (632.09 KB,732x500,183:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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d5519b No.18766446


>…Old dough.

>Shit, anon tried.


>Updated dough


>final bun for #23028

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7d26d6 No.18766447


some of them suggested prison for those of us who have a long term aversion to hospitals, doctors, and needles that are mandated.


and my stupid nephew said 'don't come to the wedding' and still hasn't apologized for it.

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034990 No.18766448

File: 7538380f10639bc⋯.jpg (75.22 KB,1060x969,1060:969,1.jpg)

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c7c923 No.18766449

File: 5f6636e638f0492⋯.jpeg (68.84 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_5576.jpeg)

27 Apr, 2023 22:05

US Fed chair predicts recession in call with fake 'Zelensky'

Jerome Powell, the head of the US central bank, was pranked by the notorious Russians, Vovan and Lexus

US Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell predicted a recession and acknowledged the central bank’s role in creating it in a candid conversation with celebrated Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus, whom he believed to be Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky. The tricksters – whose real names are Vladimir Kuznetsov and Alexei Stolyarov – shared several clips from their January chat with Powell on Thursday.

“A recession is almost as likely as very slow growth” in 2023, Powell predicted, acknowledging, “I think that’s partly because of us having raised rates quite a bit, but this is what it takes to get inflation down.”

“What we need is a period of slower growth so that the economy can cool off, so the labor market can cool off, so that wages can cool off. That’s how inflation comes down,” the central banker continued. “It can be painful, but we don't know of any painless way for inflation to come down.”

Powell revealed thattwo more rate hikes were already baked into the market, and that even more could follow, even while admitting the Fed had raised its rates “historically sharply last year to get to the place where we are now.”

Amid last year’s punishing rate hikes, however, Powell had seemed unconcerned with skeptics’ recession predictions, insisting the markets were “well-positioned to withstand tighter monetary policy.”

Aside from inflation, the main issues imperiling the US economy were the conflict in Ukraine, instability in China, and the debt ceiling, Powell told the pranksters.

He repeatedly apologized to the fake Zelensky for being unable to do more to support the Ukrainian war effort, explaining thathe had “limited ways” to shift economic policy in Kiev’s favorand that this was the Treasury’s job.

As faux-Zelensky wrapped up the call with a request for aprinting press, Powell joked that the Fed had one (but kept it in the basement)and the pair shared a chuckle over the possibility of building a Federal Reserve bank in Kiev.

A Fed spokesperson reassured the public that “no sensitive or confidential information was discussed” with the hoaxers. “The matter has been referred to appropriate law enforcement, and out of respect for their efforts, we won’t be commenting further,” they told Axios, without elaborating on what law the fake Zelensky – or the real Powell – were supposed to have broken.

Vovan and Lexus have pranked dozens of Western politicians and celebrities in recent years, impersonating a broad range of public figures from Russian President Vladimir Putin to environmental activist Greta Thunberg.

(Mnuchin pressured & referred Powell to Trump Navarro said)


We have the most incompetent and useless idiots in this government.

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4ee3f7 No.18766450

My neighbor works for a food distributor/broker. Reps the Ben E Keith account. A month or 2 ago BEK got hacked and was pretty much shut down for a week or so until it got straightened out.

Just told me another one got hacked - Americold (nationwide cold storage facility). Says they can't even use their phones.

It would seem to me that this is the spooks doing this shit

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b1e085 No.18766451

File: 7ae09a5cd2265ff⋯.jpeg (88.59 KB,680x670,68:67,Nuremberg_Code.jpeg)

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f0e16e No.18766452

File: b02b864c61647ce⋯.jpg (51.5 KB,1024x772,256:193,Rockefellerpodesta.jpg)

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6a540b No.18766453


>still hasn't apologized for it.

Have had that happen many times to us. We pray for their awakening.

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6c0c5c No.18766454


Why do you think evil people lie?

Because God is Truth.

It's that fucking simple.

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980d01 No.18766455


which god?

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d2628b No.18766456

File: b971421d634a429⋯.png (139.39 KB,300x359,300:359,99388DD2_7BF1_4C75_95C0_71….png)

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d617da No.18766457

File: 2a23d3c89c42c4f⋯.jpg (337.71 KB,1000x1584,125:198,fruitloops.jpg)

File: 6c8054318593002⋯.png (968.44 KB,1191x833,1191:833,georghapsberg.png)


soros is a royal; atheist or maybe occult religion, as with the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.

Maybe all one clique.

fruit loop shill fraud

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7d26d6 No.18766458


what does the size of a font have anything to do with it?

sometimes a big word is the right word.

know your audience.

do be affectated

use whatever words you use.

if you make a mistake or are misunderstood, correct yourself.

don't be a pompus jerk

treat you audience with respect.

don't hog the conversation

make funny memes (you got that one right).

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6a2508 No.18766459

File: 8e8552280202864⋯.png (166.04 KB,407x475,407:475,end.PNG)

File: 7696e25ad6bfd61⋯.png (113.7 KB,443x451,443:451,but.PNG)



So many people are waking up and walking away from the #WokeNews

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f0e16e No.18766460

File: 284a4941e729098⋯.png (6.98 KB,255x128,255:128,John_D_Rockefeller_Jr.png)

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febadb No.18766461

File: ad30e9b425fe29f⋯.png (401.86 KB,495x467,495:467,ad30e9b425fe29f3d783525bdc….png)


MFN 54 posts…slow ass bread…

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4ee3f7 No.18766462


interesting. see >>18766450

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d617da No.18766463


yes, but that's not the perps, either.

Go back to Langley

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6a540b No.18766464


I would imagine so. Very much coordinated but sneaky enough to think people won’t notice the randomness. Thankfully anons are at the forefront and report these occurrences.

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147e4d No.18766465

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



(The Korean video had the whole verse)

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908ea7 No.18766466

File: f52d6f70990cc07⋯.png (10.21 KB,383x112,383:112,ClipboardImage.png)




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f0e16e No.18766470

File: c5e5f3719db0e99⋯.jpg (26.78 KB,612x253,612:253,gettyimages_3093388_John_D….jpg)

File: 982dd55d58bbfa2⋯.jpg (19.84 KB,300x360,5:6,HFord.jpg)

File: ada129623c2a14e⋯.jpg (1.48 MB,2048x1152,16:9,Art_collector_Donald_Blink….jpg)

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35d9d8 No.18766471

File: 2e9e6e6ecf288b9⋯.png (1.81 KB,251x26,251:26,ClipboardImage.png)

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6c0c5c No.18766472


Soros is Jewish…

Rothschilds are Jewish

House of Saud is Jewish..


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16c4a9 No.18766475

File: b9b847727e6de4c⋯.jpeg (118.3 KB,1024x536,128:67,EF5F04DF_ADE2_4A86_B5EF_2….jpeg)


Trophy storage made easy..

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980d01 No.18766476


may not be perps but you gotta admit they are a fucking weird bunch of cultists.

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bbba2d No.18766477

File: ff88c98d9c46a09⋯.jpg (344.56 KB,1432x790,716:395,MadAve2.JPG)

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4ee3f7 No.18766478


>don't be a pompus jerk

Might wanna take your own advice there Skippy

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6a540b No.18766479


😊 t y

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f0e16e No.18766480

File: 55ebc2e80ad1961⋯.png (451.58 KB,768x729,256:243,emergency_lasts.png)

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0a0f34 No.18766482


>they can't handle it

Because they're scaredy cats.

Oh shit, cats are only scared because it's part of their genetic survival instinct thus they can't help it.

Everybody needs to stop using scaredy cats.

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794368 No.18766483


God bless this guy. Glad I took early retirement.

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67fa3d No.18766485

File: 9e1bc990d4f33a9⋯.gif (120.01 KB,220x124,55:31,9e1bc990d4f33a959d75ecdc3f….gif)

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d617da No.18766486


sort of explains his prominence and bravado, considering he has no talent.

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88e085 No.18766488

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

TGIF Bread Just Ahead





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908ea7 No.18766489

File: 15df298c544c796⋯.mp4 (940.7 KB,1080x618,180:103,Millstones.mp4)

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16c4a9 No.18766490

File: aee3c3f78e60e1e⋯.jpeg (374.72 KB,1463x1474,133:134,9DCADA09_0ACE_4721_AA86_5….jpeg)

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34be1e No.18766491

File: 86148ab1c7dbc4e⋯.jpg (256.8 KB,1280x1080,32:27,4thEstate5thCol.JPG)


Lies, damned lies, and statistics.

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b75f67 No.18766492

File: 4ec4cd7ffb99521⋯.png (416.76 KB,585x363,195:121,powell_0DTE_screen.PNG)


they only doing one moar

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a099a0 No.18766535


>Rothschilds are Jewish




Doesn't sound Jewish, but rather GERMAN.

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