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File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,iwo_QR1.jpg)

010793 No.18719823 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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010793 No.18719825

International Q Research Threads

>>18670265 ——–——– Australia #29

>>18668978 ——–——– Canada #42

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>18551332 ——–——– Germany #105

>>18632710 ——–——– Japan #13

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6



Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker

Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children

Download QAGG https://anonfiles.com/3c43Scb4z0/offsite_qagg_zip

>>18147768 ban lifts

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>18147527 No p*rn videos

>>18489141 Jan 6th Song Featuring Trump Soars To #1 On iTunes

>>18681956 BLUR IMAGE CODE During Image attacks. Insert into Options.Theme.

>>18681959 How To Download Locked TS Rumble Videos


>>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>17241444 Baker's Lite JS

>>18147761 Baking range: @75 up to 751

>>17980519 No RRN in notes

>>18311579 Post notables or step down by @300


#22967 >>18719287

>>18719097, >>18719384 Planefag

>>18719111 Former Ark. state Sen. Jeremy Hutchinson sentenced to 46 months in prison

>>18719128 Vanessa Hudgens, another Disney bred satanist, promotes witchcraft for new film

>>18719133 US has secret nuclear technology at a nuclear power plant in Ukraine and warns Russia not to touch it - CNN

>>18719358 >>18719150 >>18719146, >>18719153 Today in History: The Shot Heard 'Round the World

>>18719186, >>18719224, >>18719228 Chatting with Ai

>>18719177 Apr. 3 - Texas man tracks his stolen car w/ Apple Airtag, homicides the thief

>>18719196 Nine country study: a repulsion to sweat, bad breath and smelly feet linked with heightened dislike for refugees

>>18719257 CoinDesk - Pepe the Frog meme coins rocket

>>18719283 @KariLake: In Joe Biden’s America, little girls get raped by 67 different men.

>>18719291, >>18719293 Remix: Hillary paid Christopher Steele to produce the Russian collusion hoax and illegally used campaign funds to pay for it, Why wasn’t she indicted?

>>18719318, >>18719321, >>18719323, >>18719325, >>18719327, >>18719330, >>18719332, >>18719334, >>18719337 Statistical anomalies in the 2020 Presidential Election: By a Forensic Investigative accountant Police Fraud Squad (Nov.2020)

>>18719376 Full conversation with aichatting.net (Bun)

Baker Change

>>18719397, >>18719430, >>18719443 Senior Space Force Official Acknowledges Global Presence of UFOs and Underlines Importance Of International Collaboration

>>18719465 Marjorie Taylor Greene: Oversight Committee Has Evidence of Biden Family Connections to Human Trafficking of Prositututes from US, Russia, Ukraine

>>18719480, >>18719567 The Great COVID-19 Vaccine Bribe

>>18719505 Gary Gensler was the CFO for Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 Election campaign: “wasn’t aware” of the payment from her campaign to pay for the Steele Dossier.

>>18719548 1030ET Open/Closed Hearing to Receive Testimony on the Mission, Activities, Oversight, and Budget of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office

>>18719570 The House failed on April 18 to override President Joe Biden’s veto of a regulation his administration enacted surrounding U.S. waters and wetlands.

>>18719655 Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 04/18/2023

>>18719790, >>18719791, >>18719794, >>18719798 house and senate hearings on tap for 4/19/2023

>>18719807 #22967


>>18718323 HRC and Pelosi live virtual conversation on Mother's Day to help elect women candidates and other democrats

>>18718327, >>18718350 Kari Lake and Roger Stone chatting at Mar-a-Lago

>>18718336 HRC: As Republicans declare war on Disney, I know whose side I'm on…

>>18718360, >>18718101, >>18718112 , >>18718120, >>18718129, >>18718150, >>18718165, >>18718170, >>18718183, >>18718186, >>18718189, >>18718201, >>18718207 Anon PB bun on Dalai Lama

>>18718555, >>18718557 FDNY robot rescue dog reporting for duty - for the keks

>>18718421 Video of 2010 missile launch off coast of California still unexplained

>>18718694 AI-generated song using voice of Drake and Weeknd clocked more than 15 million plays on TikTok, 625,000 on Spotify and over 230,000 on YouTube in just a few hours

>>18718696, >>18718700 @DanScavino Trump now has backing of SEVEN of Florida's Republican members of Congress: Ex-President gains on DeSantis' home turf as the battle for 2024 endorsements heats up

>>18718713 U.S. Citizens and Russian Intelligence Officers charged with Conspiring to Use U.S. Citizens as Illegal Agents of the Russian Government

>>18718896 Mexico's President tells the people that USA is spying on them and that U.S. DEA is manipulating media

>>18718899 JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon to be deposed in Epstein case, journalist digs same people who brought Epstein to power also picked Dimon

>>18718948 Wrong color DOJ flag at the "Chinese police station" press conference

>>18719016, >>18719017 Reminder: "the Clinton machine failed to publicly report the use of Perkins Coie as a ‘straw man intermediary,’ despite funneling more than $1 million through the firm to pay Christopher Steele

>>18719032 #22966

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010793 No.18719826

#22965 >>18717494

>>18717575 Andrew Bogut wants Basketball Australia to do more after its decision to ban Lexi Rodgers from elite level competitions

>>18717589 Fla wins, pedos lose czech the vote

>>18717591 Speaker McCarthy will address the Knesset during Israel trip

>>18717599 The three judges on the 9th Circuit panel unanimously overturned the ban on gas stoves

>>18717635 UN Report on Libya: Human Rights Catastrophe is Worsening

>>18717653, >>18717704 Hillary’s 2016 Campaign CFO and Current SEC Chairman Gary Gensler Claims He Wasn’t Aware of Payment for Steele Dossie

>>18717687 Why not get rid of AI altogether, are we that lazy to get rid of truth

>>18717707, >>18717721 Michael J. Morell and Connections/HBiden

>>18717751 An alleged Chinese Communist Party (CCP) operative arrested by the FBI on Monday was pictured meeting with several prominent New York Democrats

>>18717764 Montana Freedom Caucus calls for censure of Rep Zephyr for "Hope you see Blood-on-your-hand" threat

>>18717765 PlaneFag Conus Update

>>18717810 Asa Hutchinson And His Son Are Doing Business With Chinese Communists

>>18717863 $1 Billion Sale Marks First Major Bank’s AT1 Bond Offer Since Credit Suisse Wipeout

>>18717889 swamp tomorrow early morning

>>18717907 Fetterman is chairing a hearing tomorrow

>>18717911 PF Callsign POSDN18. Norwegian military BOEING P-8 Poseidon 9582.

>>18717912 ICAN wins religious exemption in MS, may impact other states

>>18717938, >>18717764 MT SB99 - YOUTH HEALTH PROTECTION ACT

>>18718088 A precious 8 year old little girl was found at our Border with 67 different traces of DNA inside of her.

>>18718095 Ron Johnson: Biden Welcomes Nearly Five Million Illegal Aliens to U.S., Exceeding Populations of 28 States

>>18718110 Mexico nabs, swiftly deports MS-13 gang leader to El Salvador

>>18718121 Michigan lawmaker probing whether Whitmer-backed Chinese clean energy firm working with Taliban

>>18718208 Aussie: Albanese's government wants to change the car you drive forever

>>18718250 Tarrant County commissioner spars with county judge after elections administrator resigns

>>18718273 #22965


>>18716705, >>18716888 US Senate slams Credit Suisse over Nazi ties

>>18716718, >>18716940, >>18716985 Donald J. Trump - As of 10 minutes ago, my Digital Trading Cards SOLD OUT, in RECORD TIME, approximately $4.6 Million. / 5:48=17

>>18716719, >>18716893 Ukraine hits Russia with US-made kamikaze drone

>>18716725 Top tier Memery For the keks

>>18716740 ‘We’ve got aliens living on this planet’ – India’s first cosmonaut

>>18716750 So there’s Jeff Dewit who heads the Republican Party in AZ. Maybe he can explain these 2002 docs-warranty deed and deed of trust-from his property purchase

>>18716764 'Squad' member Cori Bush calls for Clarence Thomas impeachment

>>18716766 HHS Secretary Becerra violated Hatch Act

>>18716778 Saudi Foreign Minister Lands In Syria, Meets Assad, In 1st Since War's Start In 2011

>>18716793 Mysterious Russian T-90 Tank Appears At Louisiana Gas Station

>>18716794 Twitter unveils ‘hate speech’ shadow ban policy

>>18716805 DC Attorney Sued Over Alleged Stonewalling Of Jan. 6 Footage Release

>>18716812 As Migrant Children Were Put to Work, U.S. Ignored Warnings

>>18716816 Eyes in the skyz

>>18716844, >>18716876 @HawleyMO Obliterates Sec. Mayorkas on unaccompanied minors

>>18716848, >>18716903 Q Drop #1745

>>18716875 Consul General of Poland in New York confirms US money going to Poland to build nuclear power plants

>>18716886 China's Exposure | Pentagon Leaks | Cyrus Janssen Reporterfy Media | The Duran

>>18716963 Dominion sued Fox News for $1.6 billion over ‘false election rigging claims.’

>>18717008 Former nurse describes COVID-19 protocols as ‘medical murder’

>>18717081 Bidens old @WhiteHouse BBQ Tweet posted 17:17:17 on 7/1

>>18717122 THE PEOPLE WHO LIE book by M. SCOTT. PECK

>>18717198 Pentagon is building a SECOND secret courtroom at Guantanamo Bay

>>18717362 Australian State Media starts kissing the CCP's ass - Rothschild funded propaganda

>>18717480 #22964

Previously Collected

>>18716546 #22963-A, >>18716671 #22963-B,

>>18714318 #22960, >>18715092 #22961, >>18715874 #22962

>>18712014 #22957, >>18712790 #22958, >>18713553 #22959

>>18710445 #22955, >>18711194 #22956-a, >>18711222 #22956-b

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #17: Enjoy The P@in >>18405516

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010793 No.18719827

File: 6f0f62c52ce7a50⋯.jpg (25.12 KB,474x474,1:1,pain_is_coming.jpg)

File: 986575d865e7bce⋯.png (487.82 KB,904x350,452:175,prison.png)



Baker Requesting Handoff

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d1fb5f No.18719833

File: 9f9d3565167476c⋯.png (1.25 MB,1574x910,787:455,wakencakeshow.png)



confirm handoff

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010793 No.18719841

File: 0d5aa63280ef41a⋯.jpg (160.3 KB,1600x1063,1600:1063,sharing_bread.jpg)

File: da5ad03333fc3b2⋯.png (425.61 KB,540x540,1:1,wakesncakes1.png)


diggie godz

Handoff Confirmed

got yer 6 fer a bit. smoovs yo

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d1fb5f No.18719847

File: 82a254bc00e561d⋯.jpg (113.08 KB,500x627,500:627,wakencake2.jpg)



smooovs backatcha yo

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f21884 No.18719850

If I ever cross paths with the person that manufactures the CNBC headlines,

I'm going full-on Karen on their ass.

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dfcce1 No.18719856

File: e61aada988044c9⋯.jpg (42.86 KB,612x401,612:401,5m4gy6xdd.jpg)

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e99a25 No.18719857

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here is sauce that telepathic channeling is real and being done.

2:00 minute mark

Canadian Minister of Defense

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dfcce1 No.18719858

Raskin: President Trump begrudgingly left Washington under a cloud of bear mace and tear gas.

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335c3f No.18719859

LB >>18719816

>All newfags

Spoken like a Parrot.


May 13, 2018 2:54:08 AM EDT

Trust must be EARNED

Trust is not blind, nor is truth.

We fight every sigle day on behalf of you, the people who put us here.

We knew this day would come.

We will never forget.

Do not glorify us.

We are merely the vehicle.

You are what matters.

You are hope.

You are love.

You are peace.

Stay united.

Stay together.

Stay strong.

This is bigger than any one person or entity.

You are fighting for truth - collectively.

Will of the people.

Trust in yourself.

The choice will always be yours.

God bless you all.

Where we go one, we go ALL.



Mar 25, 2019 1:43:27 PM EDT





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025a7d No.18719860

File: be28f612ec14233⋯.jpg (46.26 KB,866x288,433:144,Movie17.jpg)

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03c8e3 No.18719861

File: a6a7a66755c4ed4⋯.jpg (4.81 KB,178x255,178:255,fb9a56d296c4b1db42ab60d40a….jpg)

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b3bf92 No.18719862

File: f705241cb6c7961⋯.png (250.49 KB,846x477,94:53,ClipboardImage.png)

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22a82f No.18719863

File: 2b0b35bda0b70bd⋯.png (456.31 KB,681x366,227:122,2b0b35bda0b70bdeaecddc8365….png)

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399379 No.18719864

File: a13f03ded00a544⋯.png (691.94 KB,1010x458,505:229,a13f03ded00a544a5acecb7da8….png)

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069689 No.18719865

File: 3db534a4bad01cf⋯.mp4 (5.09 MB,1136x640,71:40,Crackhead_Cramer_Omicron.mp4)

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03c8e3 No.18719866

File: 88563f9be413d90⋯.jpg (36.48 KB,1024x576,16:9,trennis_evans_4_1024x576.jpg)

As a jury deliberates a verdict in J6 political prisoner Chris Albert’s case, his attorney, Roger Roots, fired shots at the litany of unprecedented Constitutional abuses arbitrated by the government and facilitated by judges presiding over J6 trials.

In every single January 6 case the judges allow the government to withhold information about the Confidential Human Sources that were embedded in the crowd on January 6 and months prior among the Proud Boys, The Oath Keepers and other Trump-supporting conservative groups, Roots told The Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview.

“The judges keep denying inquiry into these informants and CHS issues. They’ve denied all my motions,” Roots said. “The Alberts trial does not really involve a lot of issues with CHSs, but when an FBI agent was on the stand, I did ask the FBI agent anything about CHSs and there was an objection by the government and the judge immediately sustained the objections so that we couldn’t ask any questions.”

“And it seems to be that way, from what I can tell, in every single January 6 case,” he continued. “These judges are not allowing anyone to ask those questions.”

Read: Dr. Peter McCullough On "The Holy Grail Of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification"

Roots also represents Dominic Pezolla, a member of the Proud Boys, who faces seditious conspiracy charges. Pezolla took the stand for the first time on Tuesday afternoon.

Evidence exhibited in both the Proud Boys trial and the Alberts case overwhelmingly confirms government informants infiltrated the group with the intent to incriminate its members.

The Homeland Security Investigation primarily recruits, deploys and embeds the CHSs and the magnitude of Big Brothers’ scheme against its political opposition is far-reaching and the judiciary is playing a major role in the coverup, Roots explained.


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b00511 No.18719867

Yo Q, how about that Q&A?

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c68201 No.18719868

File: d76e770ebf525ef⋯.jpeg (98.92 KB,768x432,16:9,5AF2407D_398E_488D_A7C9_0….jpeg)

19 Apr, 2023 10:57

Sabotage thwarted in Crimea – FSB

A dual Russian-Ukrainian citizen has been arrested for planning to blow up a power system facility in Kerch

The Federal Security Service (FSB) has announced the arrest of a Russian-Ukrainian citizen in the city of Kerch in Russia’s Crimea on suspicion of intending to plant an explosive device at a power system facility.

The 52-year-old man, whose name has not been disclosed, has been accused of illegal acquisition and possession of an explosive device and intent to carry out an act of sabotage. He now faces 20 years to life in prison.

According to an FSB press release, authorities discovered an improvised explosive device (IED) when searching the man’s apartment and found correspondence with representatives of the special services of Ukraine on his mobile phone. The security service claimed that Ukrainian operatives were coordinating the suspect's activities.

A video shared by the FSB from the man’s phone appears to show him filming some sort of energy facility and explaining in Ukrainian what he sees to his handlers in Kiev.

Last month, a 45-year-old Ukrainian citizen in Moscow Region was arrested on suspicion of setting fire to railway equipment. The man, who stands accused of sabotage, is believed to have been acting as part of an organized group and faces up to 20 years behind bars if convicted.

Meanwhile, FSB director Alexander Bortnikov warned last week that Western and Ukrainian intelligence services had launched an “aggressive brainwashing and recruitment [campaign]” in an attempt to involve Russian youths in sabotage, extremist activities, and terrorist attacks against their own country.

According to Bortnikov, since Russia launched its military operation in Ukraine in February 2022, security services have prevented some118 terrorist attacksin the country, many of which were beingprepared by young people and minors.

The FSB director also pointed to “a serious threat” stemming from attempts by some students who are influenced by various “destructive subcultures” to lay the groundwork forattacks on Russian schools and other educational institutions. “Some of [these subcultures] are coordinated from Ukrainian territory,” he added, according to the statement.

In late February, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that the West had “never hesitated to use both radicals and extremists for their own interests.” “They always use against us whatever is at hand,” he said at the time.


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9f6de7 No.18719869

File: aff0d0af76891bc⋯.jpg (154.81 KB,1024x866,512:433,Presidential_Alert_You_Nev….jpg)

File: 19d5491150ab141⋯.jpg (126.31 KB,1000x750,4:3,Donald_Trump_s_First_Order….jpg)

File: f9a76ac3613b9af⋯.jpg (119.53 KB,638x456,319:228,Post_Transition_Ragrets_La….jpg)

File: eaba35a3be3a5d9⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.1 MB,1326x879,442:293,1681694839690.png)

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f06bfe No.18719870

File: bbddb9a3a8c9251⋯.png (600.63 KB,872x873,872:873,2023_04_16_23_24_50.png)


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e91c5b No.18719871

File: 7cd50805cc584cf⋯.png (445.48 KB,500x700,5:7,baldbang.png)


Elias leaves Perkins Coie, firm says he will continue political law practice

August 23, 2021

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3db01f No.18719872


fuck you kramer

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9f6de7 No.18719873

File: e2bb284c97b6229⋯.png (1.04 MB,885x1317,295:439,1681820544541.png)

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e7160c No.18719874

File: f92ee3724c7030a⋯.gif (634.32 KB,480x323,480:323,recruited44.gif)

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d1fb5f No.18719875

File: 70454bf3c0763a5⋯.png (258.63 KB,960x960,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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22a82f No.18719876


I trust that there is a Qplan because of Qproofs and the security photos.

(newfags might not be aware of those)

It´s not blind trust.

Drop 3178 is about public trust in government, institutions, justice etc.

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ab216f No.18719877

File: 269fa732a201436⋯.png (452.2 KB,677x663,677:663,ClipboardImage.png)

John Solomon


Michigan lawmaker probing whether Whitmer-backed Chinese clean energy firm working with Taliban | Just The News

The energy giant has already made headlines for its deep ties with the Chinese Communist Party.

8:01 AM · Apr 19, 2023



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1ef4b9 No.18719878


UW Health Starts Limited Use Of Artificial Intelligence

When some UW (sic university of wisconsin) Health patients send a message to their doctor, they'll start getting a response written by artificial intelligence. The health system is one of three nationwide trialing an AI program developed by Epic and Microsoft.

*Anon used to work in medical transcription/medical records. Microsoft bought the company two years ago. Anon quit.*

this is the canary in the coal-mine anons. Take heed, remember this post

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9f6de7 No.18719879

File: 02213786c27314d⋯.png (935.92 KB,908x1284,227:321,1681913889825.png)

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069689 No.18719880

File: 2907aeefb7b97d3⋯.png (117.39 KB,270x299,270:299,popcornpepe.png)

Benny Thompson is anti-popcorn.

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bb7950 No.18719881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Markup: H.R. 2640, the Border Security and Enforcement Act of 2023

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e7160c No.18719882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Biden Administration's Disastrous Withdrawal from Afghanistan, Part I: Review by the Inspectors General

House Oversight and Accountability Committee

Full Committee Hearing


Link HOT

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514d80 No.18719883

File: 77105a01ff504b2⋯.png (541.32 KB,1167x610,1167:610,Screen_Shot_2023_02_04_at_….png)


The virus = accidental leak(s)

The 'suddenly' vax = still waiting for the cover for this…

Was it, too, and axident

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58fa04 No.18719885


all i know is i'm not about to go digging for post-surgery tranny porn to see if you're right

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e7160c No.18719886

File: 6a72a20757c8207⋯.png (274.05 KB,500x510,50:51,6a72a20757c8207d92fe338ab0….png)

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335c3f No.18719887


>Drop 3178 is about public trust in government, institutions, justice etc.

And what do you think the MI is?

Is it a GOVT entity?

Which goes back to the screen shot of another anon on Social Media asking WHERE IS THE MI?

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09ab7a No.18719888

File: 103211b6c70e829⋯.png (1005.55 KB,630x823,630:823,communistrules.png)

andrew guiliani and the sane Republicans of New York are now nameing the enemy

"Democrat Socialism" Communism, Totalitarianism, Fascism

That's what it is; its shown its face.

It uses "by the book" reversal / mirroring Propaganda

>>18719694 pb

>>18719797 pb

paid shill'; soros, act blue. pedos

adolf worshippers.

doesn't really float here;

So much work, so littel affect.

they are here for the random eyes

and so the fake news has a hook upon which to hang their lies.

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58d830 No.18719889

File: 42042519f904f11⋯.mp4 (291.67 KB,640x360,16:9,NRGLab_New_Technology_.mp4)

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e7160c No.18719890

File: 5466357eabc21e2⋯.jpg (38.1 KB,522x538,261:269,thisTIMES100.jpg)

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f2bdbd No.18719891

File: 1faa03a464b66bf⋯.png (588.3 KB,817x737,817:737,bc21337efa9d0ccac4bbae867c….png)

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fb21f0 No.18719893

File: 02ed86380933ffe⋯.png (1.01 MB,1100x661,1100:661,ClipboardImage.png)

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5bca32 No.18719894

File: 9834e60d3da79c3⋯.jpg (65.35 KB,768x432,16:9,643fd607203027254f56957a.jpg)

Russia could arm North Korea if South sends weapons to Ukraine – Medvedev

The former president responded to Seoul’s suggestion that it could send lethal aid to Kiev

Moscow could offer advanced weapons to North Korea if South Korea begins to supply military aid to Ukraine, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has suggested.

South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol indicated a possible policy shift regarding the Ukraine conflict in an interview with Reuters on Wednesday, ahead of a state visit to the US next week.

“If there is a situation the international community cannot condone, such as any large-scale attack on civilians, massacre or serious violation of the laws of war, it might be difficult for us to insist only on humanitarian or financial support,” Yoon said.

“Considering our relationship with the parties engaged in the war and developments in the battlefield, we will take the most appropriate measures,” he added.

Medvedev, who currently serves as deputy chair of the Russian National Security Council, noted that Seoul had thus far refused to supply lethal aid to Kiev.


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14c9a1 No.18719896


RIP PAul Walker, what did you know?

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fdb53b No.18719897

File: d04408ee852fd50⋯.png (45.47 KB,593x421,593:421,AII.png)

File: 0484c584a9e4f06⋯.png (42.11 KB,594x420,99:70,AIIII.png)

File: 0017c370964bbd0⋯.png (50.76 KB,677x369,677:369,AIIIII.png)

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46c234 No.18719898

File: 94318a9f8bc2eee⋯.png (610.08 KB,831x697,831:697,arc2.PNG)


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9f6de7 No.18719899

File: 7f361e399134897⋯.gif (3.34 MB,472x338,236:169,Get_A_Flat_in_Detroit_Nigg….gif)

File: 10f3e63d885470a⋯.png (1.58 MB,962x1033,962:1033,Soros_Jew_Paid_Hood_Hoppin….png)

File: 8c7e4c743b820b1⋯.png (1.01 MB,1100x619,1100:619,Soros_Paid_Antifa_BLM_Cuck….png)

File: 82b2bc0fda160be⋯.png (Spoiler Image,489.68 KB,720x666,40:37,Planned_Parenthood_Congrat….png)

File: f80424945e91a96⋯.png (528.63 KB,739x819,739:819,Muslim_Brotherhood_Nigger_….png)


Um… It's AxeMeDent…

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b00511 No.18719900


I woke up to a fresh bread kek

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288ca8 No.18719902

File: f08ed643c42658f⋯.png (2.58 MB,1250x1023,1250:1023,digital_soldiers.png)

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514d80 No.18719903

File: 1ad7176f0271065⋯.jpg (23.79 KB,370x400,37:40,th_4201788830.jpg)

File: bef3002de3d0173⋯.jpg (30.01 KB,474x549,158:183,th_2788972976.jpg)

"Change of Batter coming?

Why was she 'saved' from officially announcing?"

"Can you locate one other pic w/ Y head covered in gold?

What does this represent?



Why was she 'reserved' for a last minute change?

How do you attempt to 'sneak one in'?"

Nice hats…

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625004 No.18719904


What are the security photos?

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f06bfe No.18719905

File: 55a2ded9e4ad230⋯.png (288.02 KB,382x450,191:225,killary.png)


>Prison is Coming

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22a82f No.18719906



I trust they´re working on the plan

Yes, it´s a gov entity but the drop is about trust in the justice system as a whole, that there will be justice.

These are two very different trust issues: Public trust in justice system and anons trusting the plan.

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025359 No.18719907

>>18719567 lb


It's always been the Dr. business model.

That is the brainwashing part.


As they doled it out, the truth was repressed as to the safety of the mRNA and they kept injecting people.

As Dr.'s noticed themselves as to the results and tried to speak out, they were stongarmed to keep quiet.

>We need Nuremberg 2.0 and start hanging these people.

'What did you know, and when did you know it?'

'But Dr., it says right here in your email/text/notes….'

snap crackle pop

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d25904 No.18719909

File: 1ae52d424ab6d49⋯.png (368.43 KB,633x469,633:469,judge_threatens_preacher.PNG)

An online Christian preacher has been ordered by a Washington County judge in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, to stay silent on social media for five years after he expressed his moral and religious concerns in posts about a church that endorses same-sex marriage and a public drag queen performance in front of children.

A team of attorneys with The Rutherford Institute, a nonprofit civil liberties organization, has stepped in to help Rich Penkoski. They're asking the Oklahoma Supreme Court to overturn the five-year restraining order against him, denouncing it as excessive and a clear violation of the pastor's First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and the free exercise of religion.

Penkoski leads the Tennessee-based online ministry Warriors for Christ.

Rutherford Institute attorneys also point out that in the absence of any actual threats by Penkoski or proof that he sought to incite violence through the use of Bible verses, the court's rationale appears to be based solely on claims that LGBTQ leaders felt harassed and fearful about how others might react to the Bible verses cited in the preacher's social media posts.

"Religious individuals have a clear First Amendment right to publicly cite Bible verses that reflect their concerns about moral issues of the day without being accused of stalking, harassing, or terrorizing those who are offended by the sentiments," said constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute.

He warned, "This case is a foreshadowing of the government's efforts to insulate the populace from all things that might cause offense by criminalizing nonviolent First Amendment activities (speech, thought, and actions) perceived as politically incorrect."

According to the institute, in one of Penkoski's social media posts, he shared another church's public photo of a same-sex wedding involving leaders of an LGBTQ organization and quoted Bible verses describing God's judgment of sin.

In a second post, Penkoski criticized the church's publicly shared photos of children celebrating Pride Month.

In a third post, Penkoski weighed in on a regional effort to ban adult-oriented entertainment in public spaces.


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4cbf32 No.18719910



James Baker - FIRED [reported today - resigned [false]] / removed Jan/FIRED 4.21

Lisa Page - FIRED [reported today - resigned [false]]

Testimony received.



Mike Kortan, FBI Assistant Director for Public Affairs - FIRED [cooperating under 'resigned' title]

Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to James Comey - FIRED


David Laufman, Chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section [NAT SEC - HRC email invest] - FIRED/FORCE

John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General – Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCE

Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General & Acting Attorney General - FIRED

Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General – Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCE

Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General – Demoted 2x - cooperating witness [power removed]

Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General – No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein - FIRED/FORCE

Cross against House/Senate resignations/final term announcements + CEO departures.






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2a59fb No.18719911

Today at 2pm EST the hearing in Bragg v Jordan case takes place in lower Manhattan. Pomerantz is scheduled to testify tomorrow depending on the results of this hearing.

I'm looking for anyone covering it. Will post if I find anyone

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14c9a1 No.18719912

File: c53a5da1b810075⋯.png (267.29 KB,1201x535,1201:535,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1de9777457d3ddb⋯.png (176.2 KB,1201x322,1201:322,ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone else notice the RT iphop News Propaganda being pushed on the board?



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bcebae No.18719913

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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f21884 No.18719914

Republicans make big headlines and scream loudly, hold committee hearings and commissions but - where are the arrests, prosecutions - it never happens.

They are the epitome of Karen's!

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33c621 No.18719915

File: 2ce0606b95d538f⋯.jpg (83.4 KB,600x480,5:4,3_farm_girls_jt_photodesig….jpg)



For what it's worth

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e75528 No.18719916

File: 92ead76b699cbe0⋯.jpeg (3.35 MB,2048x1536,4:3,IMG_8243.jpeg)

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fdb53b No.18719917

File: 53902e0fb8a3ae4⋯.jpg (84.09 KB,517x499,517:499,TruthScroll.jpg)


The document purported to be a report of a series of 24 (in other versions, 27) meetings held at Basel, Switzerland, in 1897, at the time of the first Zionist congress. There Jews and Freemasons were said to have made plans to disrupt Christian civilization and erect a world state under their joint rule. Liberalism and socialism were to be the means of subverting Christendom; if subversion failed, all the capitals of Europe were to be sabotaged.




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f9b0f3 No.18719918

Fox News makes huge payout to settle election fraud case

The conservative outlet agreed to pay Dominion Voting Systems almost $800 million

Fox News has reached a settlement of almost $800 million with Dominion Voting Systems after some of the network’s hosts and guests accused the company, which manufactures voting machines, of enabling election fraud in 2020.

Fox and Dominion settled the case on Tuesday, moments before opening arguments in a defamation suit were set to begin. Speaking on the steps of the courthouse in Georgetown, Delaware, a lawyer for Dominion told reporters that Fox would pay the company $787.5 million, just under half of the mammoth $1.6 billion sum it was seeking in court.

Dominion sued Fox in 2021, alleging that hosts Tucker Carlson, Maria Bartiromo, Lou Dobbs, Sean Hannity and Jeanine Pirro aired false claims about its voting machines in the aftermath of Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 US presidential election.

Dominion’s machines were used in 28 US states in 2020. Prior to the election, they were widely known for their unreliability. In 2019, a group of prominent Democrats, including Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, warned that they were “prone to security problems,” including “switching votes,” delivering results that “threaten the integrity of our elections,” and other “undisclosed vulnerabilities.”

When reports of crashing machines surfaced during the 2020 election, some conservative pundits and supporters of Donald Trump alleged that Dominion was attempting to rig the election in favor of Biden. Dominion responded by launching multiple lawsuits, including two $1.3 billion defamation suits targeting pro-Trump lawyer Sydney Powell and the ex-president’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani.

Fox did not dispute that some of its hosts’ claims about Dominion were false. Instead it argued that it was simply reporting newsworthy allegations from public figures like Powell and Guiliani, as was its “absolute right” under the US Constitution. Furthermore, the network argued that its hosts’ opinions were typical of the “rhetorical hyperbole normally associated with politics and public discourse in the United States.”

Responding to Tuesday’s settlement, Dominion CEO John Poulos said that Fox had “admitted to telling lies,” and that “nothing can ever make up for that.” Fox said that it was “pleased to have reached a settlement,” and called for “the country to move forward from these issues.”


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2a68b2 No.18719919

Any anons have digs on Bernie Sanders duel citizenship

Thank you

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e75528 No.18719920

BHM Crescent.

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f06bfe No.18719921

File: b94acd67be92574⋯.png (66.78 KB,279x236,279:236,autism_swordy.png)


Mornin' Swordy

God Bless

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4cbf32 No.18719922

File: 05263e145c163c2⋯.jpg (11.56 KB,255x142,255:142,7fd7f5c0f18a864f7e46413f70….jpg)

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9a0c89 No.18719923



dont care about trannies.

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d25904 No.18719924

File: 9226ac92371ae18⋯.png (435.08 KB,880x591,880:591,nyc_mayor_carbon_emmission….PNG)

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has vowed to severely limit the amount of food households will be allowed to purchase as part of an effort to cut carbon emissions.

According to reports, Mayor Adams and Mayor’s Office of Food Policy (MOFP) Executive Director Kate MacKenzie will reduce absolute carbon emissions from food purchases across its city agencies by 33 percent by 2030.

Frontpagemag.com reports: Just wait until they do an inventory of carbon emissions based on population and announce that they’re cutting the population by 33% by 2030. If you don’t think it’s coming, look to the history of the Left.

“New York City is leading the world when it comes to combating climate change, because we’re using every option on the menu in our fight — and that includes changing our menus, too,” said Mayor Adams. “This new emissions report shows us that plant-powered food isn’t just good for our physical and mental health, but good for the planet as well. We’ve already made great strides in reducing our food emissions by leading with plant-based meals in our public hospitals and introducing Plant-Powered Fridays in our public schools. Now, we know we need to go further. That’s why today, we’re committing to reducing the city’s food-based emissions at agencies by 33 percent by 2030 and challenging our private sector partners to join us by cutting their food emissions by 25 percent in the same time period.”

Our “private sector partners”.

If you think that this is just going to affect public school students and patients in hospitals, you’ve got another thing coming.

Mandates will come to restaurants and then grocery stores. Food accused of carbon emissions will be taxed appropriately.

First, they’ll starve the elderly though. It always seems to start with children, the sick and the elderly. Probably because they’re the most vulnerable.

“In Fiscal Year 2023, the New York City Department of Aging served nearly 3 million nutritious meals to older New Yorkers, and under Mayor Eric Adams we continue to make changes to these programs to reduce the negative environmental impact they have” said New York City Department for the Aging Commissioner Lorraine Cortés-Vázquez.

No more meat, chickens, fish, eggs or milk (you can’t afford them anyway and that’s the plan.

The new inventory shows that 20 percent of New York City’s greenhouse gas emissions come from household food consumption — primarily from meats, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products.

Comrades, let us starve and eat soy together so that the planet may thrive.

“Fighting the climate crisis requires a comprehensive, all-of-the-above approach to reducing carbon emissions in our city,” said U.S. Representative Jerrold Nadler. “I’m proud to support today’s commitment which will reduce food-based carbon emissions by 33 percent while also engaging the private sector to do their part. Together, these initiatives will bring New York closer to fulfilling the carbon-neutrality goals of the Paris Agreement.”


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9f6de7 No.18719925

File: c3ffca028bf2572⋯.png (1.04 MB,1123x1039,1123:1039,1681914564651.png)

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58d830 No.18719926

File: a098554779389e4⋯.png (2.24 MB,591x1280,591:1280,dddd668509033890e3a0cd0976….png)

File: a05bfea516d21b8⋯.png (1.23 MB,591x1280,591:1280,f6ae2f746fe45fba48c35cd693….png)

File: 06737a01af6e412⋯.jpg (1.33 MB,4032x3024,4:3,06737a01af6e41213155f165d2….jpg)

File: 3ee1f8bf77cb19f⋯.jpg (3.06 MB,2448x3264,3:4,p1_s_long_op_.jpg)

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22a82f No.18719928


I remember from inside AF1, from the helicopter at WH, from a conference location in Asia which Q+ was attending.

…and more, can´t remember, it´s been a while.

Go through the drops.

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514d80 No.18719929

File: 078a9717f8e431d⋯.jpg (23.55 KB,474x315,158:105,th_2077322774.jpg)

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025359 No.18719930


What if we're looking towards the wrong group for suscide weekend?

What if the suscide crowd is the people who were duped, such as Dr.'s incentivied/bribed to spread their death shot?

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9f6de7 No.18719931

File: 5c850e0f529a082⋯.png (993.37 KB,1123x1039,1123:1039,1681914496488.png)

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504bf5 No.18719932

File: 084d050ca4c9bb7⋯.png (200.98 KB,461x240,461:240,Screen_Shot_04_19_23_at_09….PNG)

Wishing all the anons a gay day.

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9a0c89 No.18719933

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4cbf32 No.18719935

File: bb872a27881c21d⋯.jpg (9.31 KB,130x255,26:51,bb872a27881c21d1bac414ab05….jpg)

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14c9a1 No.18719936

File: 4ad303fdb9ed718⋯.png (599.64 KB,976x549,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>Fox News makes huge payout to settle election fraud case


-Dominion pretty sure

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0769ef No.18719937

File: 52ee8c7691f8cf3⋯.png (1.19 MB,1496x788,374:197,2941dc266f86a3d883f7ba7a9a….png)


mornin Swordy!

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d25904 No.18719938

File: 209b2bc75f37047⋯.png (330.03 KB,441x549,49:61,patti_lupune_christians_ar….PNG)

She says right wing Christians are like the Taliban??


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1ef4b9 No.18719939


T y anon. Microsoft has been steadily buying smaller transcription companies and rolling them into a giant medical record company called Epic. I believe the end goal is to monopolize all records. The push to digitize medical records began long ago, punishing old school doctors who used paper.

It’s all in the plan. I refused to be a part of it.

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f9b0f3 No.18719940

File: 207e41d02bd8373⋯.jpg (54.64 KB,630x412,315:206,CBPDemoChart_for_March_202….jpg)

File: 0ec1801e9562543⋯.jpg (63.94 KB,630x412,315:206,CBPNationalityChart_for_Ma….jpg)

648K Migrants Apprehended in Six Months in Texas-Based Border Sectors

Border Patrol agents apprehended nearly 650,000 migrants during the first six months of the current fiscal year in the five Texas-based sectors. This is up from the record-shattering pace set last year when agents apprehended nearly 627,000 migrants who crossed the border between ports of entry.

During the first six months of Fiscal Year 2023, which began on October 1, 2022, agents assigned to the El Paso, Big Bend, Del Rio, Laredo, and Rio Grande Valley Sectors apprehended 648,465 migrants who crossed the border between ports of entry, according to the March Southwest Land Border Encounters report. During the same period last year, agents apprehended 626,793 migrants. This year’s apprehensions represent an increase of nearly 3.5 percent over last year’s six-month total.

The El Paso Sector reported the largest increase of migrant apprehensions of any of the nine southwest border sectors with the arrest of 265,037 migrants. This is up by 134 percent over the same period last year. This was the largest percentage and number increase of any sector in the nation.

The Del Rio Sector also reported a significant increase in the number of migrants apprehended. So far this fiscal year, agents arrested 217,849 migrants compared to 195,299 during the same period last year.

The Rio Grande Valley, Laredo, and Big Bend Sectors all reported significant decreases in the number of migrants arrested.

The segmentation of the migrant apprehensions in the Texas-based border sectors breaks down as follows:

The numbers reported above do not include known migrant got-aways. These are migrants who are known to have crossed the border between ports of entry but who were not apprehended by Border Patrol agents.

During the first six months of this fiscal year, more than 223,000 migrants are classified as known got-aways, according to an unofficial Border Patrol report for the five Texas-based sectors reviewed by Breitbart Texas earlier this month. This is up from the more than 156,000 known got-aways in FY22 — an increase of approximately 43 percent.

This brings the total of known border crossers in the five Texas-based sectors for the first half of FY23 to nearly 872,000 migrants for the five Texas-based sectors. This compares to the city of Fort Worth which reports a population of just over 908,000 people.


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14c9a1 No.18719941

File: 6cc07e6b91324dd⋯.png (155.62 KB,1201x488,1201:488,ClipboardImage.png)


>Anyone else notice the RT iphop News Propaganda being pushed on the board?


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f21884 No.18719942


Maybe they just lay it all out - so when the military swoops-in - there is prior justification?

Could be…

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5bca32 No.18719943

File: 1dd1a98a3e9c7c7⋯.jpg (70.92 KB,760x499,760:499,Bury_slap_and_seal.jpg)

File: 4a1cb5cdd0128b2⋯.jpg (93.28 KB,874x681,874:681,Comped.jpg)

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9f6de7 No.18719944

File: b613c467d36cb1f⋯.png (1.29 MB,935x1247,935:1247,1681914700702.png)

File: be60b9d456e1ab6⋯.png (1.45 MB,935x1247,935:1247,Hillary_Satan.png)


Go Ahead and Shine a Light on Dat Bitch!

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025359 No.18719945



>last bread with the important posts marked in red.

It's called 'notes' and they appear at the top of each new bread.


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f06bfe No.18719946

File: 4878247f9acfec7⋯.png (4.16 MB,1983x2380,1983:2380,famous_monsters_government.png)


Has anyone seen Issue #3?

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b52069 No.18719947

File: 6d30b3a8a13e2b8⋯.png (96.57 KB,509x406,509:406,6d30b3a8a13e2b8e777fbbdf20….png)

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2a7076 No.18719948

File: e8e8103e6885170⋯.jpg (72.79 KB,952x1024,119:128,316657.jpg)


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c68201 No.18719949

File: 8e272ac2cd69332⋯.jpeg (68.72 KB,768x432,16:9,B0F38F27_52B0_4CA0_B9FF_3….jpeg)

19 Apr, 2023 08:37

No ‘magic wand’ for Ukraine – UK

It is unlikely that the conflict with Russia will end this year, the British defense secretary has said

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine will likely continue into next year, UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said on Tuesday.

“I’m optimistic that between this year and next year, I think Ukraine will continue to have the momentum with it and a position of strength,”Wallace told reporters during a trip to Washington, DC, as quoted by the New York Times.

Wallace warned, however, that “there is not going to be asingle magic-wand moment when Russia collapses.”

The UK has been one of Kiev’s main backers, supplying the country with heavy weapons, including Challenger 2 tanks. Britain has trained 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers, according to the Defence Ministry, and pledged to train 20,000 more this year.

For the past several months, Kiev has been outspoken about its planned counteroffensive, but has not publicly revealed the timetable. Ukrainian officials have said, however, that the schedule and success of the endeavor will heavily depend on the supply of Western tanks and other equipment.

Aleksey Danilov, the secretary of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, told AP on Monday that the push will start at an appropriate time when the country is ready. Prime Minister Denis Shmigal recently said that the offensive will start “in the nearest future.” Shmigal stated that the recent leaking of the Pentagon files, which included reports about how Western countries were training and equipping Ukrainian troops, will not change the plans for the counteroffensive. However, a source close to President Vladimir Zelensky told CNN that Kiev had altered some of its plans because of the leak.

Some Western leaders, including NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, warned that the conflict, which broke out in February 2022, could last for years. US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said Washington is determined to support Kiev “for as long as it takes.”

The Kremlin said this month that the Russian military has been “meticulously monitoring”information regarding Ukraine’s plans. Moscow has also repeatedly stated that countries which send weapons to Kiev become de facto parties to the conflict.

(What a weird statement “when Russia collapses”, considering every EU country involved is collapsing in every way. The not only want Russia to lose, they want to destroy the country. Sick people.)


Remember the big brouhaha when Russia took over as the head of the UN security council for one month, that Russia would destroy it, etc. Haven’t heard a peep since that time.

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d25904 No.18719950

File: 65f298b676baba9⋯.png (403.91 KB,434x367,434:367,karen.PNG)

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9e02a2 No.18719952

supreme court hearing oral arguments on Social Media threats and Free speech in Counterman v. Colorado regarding 'threats' made on social media in 'stalking' someone.


Also a hearing going on in House but can't find it on Cspan.

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f9b0f3 No.18719953

Swedish broadcaster joins Twitter exodus

Sveriges Radio said CEO Elon Musk’s “publicly-funded” label was not the reason it quit the platform

Public broadcaster Sveriges Radio has announced it is leaving Twitter, explaining in a blog post on Tuesday that its listeners no longer use the platform.

“The audience has simply chosen other places to be. And, therefore, Sveriges Radio now chooses to deactivate or delete the last remaining accounts,” the company’s head of social media, Christian Gillinger, wrote.

“For a long time, Sveriges Radio has de-prioritized its presence on Twitter,” he explained, citing the Internet Foundation’s 2022 report ‘Swedes and the Internet’, which revealed only 7% of Swedes use Twitter daily, compared to 53% who use Facebook and 48% who use Instagram.

Gillinger pointed out that the company had also left Twitch and Snapchat and even reduced engagement on the more-popular Facebook, explaining that limited time and resources mean the broadcaster is forced to “opt in and out all the time.”

Indeed, for the last six years, many of its channels’ accounts have been inactive, though some activity is visible across the newsrooms. Going forward, “most accounts” belonging to the company will be deleted, while some will be listed as inactive, and individual employees can remain on the platform if they choose. Sveriges joined Twitter in 2009.

While Gillinger did not blame Twitter’s recent push to label Western public broadcasters as state-backed media for his company’s decision, he acknowledged the “recent turbulence” at the social media behemoth, suggesting that the dramatic reductions in Twitter’s staff could empower bad actors.

“We believe that in the long term it may affect the company’s ability to handle, for example, fake accounts, bots, and misinformation,” he said, explaining “these are factors that also weigh in when we now decide to be editorially inactive on the platform.”

Sweden’s largest radio company joins publicly-funded American news outlets PBS and National Public Radio, both of which announced their departure from Twitter in the past week, citing CEO Elon Musk’s decision to label their accounts as “government-funded media” or “state-backed media.” Canadian outlet CBC joined the exodus on Monday after receiving a similar label.

In Europe, however, affected accounts including the BBC are labeled as “publicly-funded,” rather than “government-funded,” and the designation did not seem to bother the Swedish broadcaster. “Based on the current definition, it’s a correct description of how Swedish Radio is financed,” Gillinger said.


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514d80 No.18719954

File: 474d545b0cb9e51⋯.jpg (37.66 KB,474x438,79:73,th_3807219846.jpg)

File: a38597a989b4aca⋯.jpg (17.78 KB,474x298,237:149,th_3609296586.jpg)

File: 3936e4b8e934be2⋯.jpg (18.97 KB,474x266,237:133,th_1723320051.jpg)

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504bf5 No.18719955


Get 'em! Meow!

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069689 No.18719956

File: 021adddb963246f⋯.png (330.45 KB,670x507,670:507,mark_green_homeland_securi….png)

Mark Green tearing Alejandro Mayorkas a new one

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9f6de7 No.18719957

File: f7d718341a242a6⋯.jpg (54.35 KB,414x665,414:665,Dick_Pick_Joe_Selling_Clas….jpg)

File: f879bf5c748fa1c⋯.jpg (78.87 KB,768x432,16:9,Classified_Information_Arr….jpg)

File: 026dfb1427579b4⋯.png (1.19 MB,1269x919,1269:919,Think_Mirror_Classified_De….png)

File: 9c69f0873043dee⋯.png (1.46 MB,1615x722,85:38,Indiana_Joe_Go_Ahead_Pull_….png)

File: 861c072cbe7c73e⋯.png (1.41 MB,1154x1010,577:505,Golden_Idol_Trump_Indiana_….png)

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dfcce1 No.18719958

Schiff [Border Hearing]: Immigrants add immeasurable to our economic output. Without them, we have no food, no one to take care of us when a pandemic threatens our lives, no one to support our seniors on social security and medicare. No future growth, No future.

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b3053c No.18719959

File: 026caa6f1c75e01⋯.png (231.47 KB,391x342,391:342,ClipboardImage.png)

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b52069 No.18719960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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851c48 No.18719961


Hope she is right. The taliban defeated the supposedly strongest military the world has ever seen.

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f21884 No.18719962


After a few beers, I'd hit that.

Would neccisarily have to to gag her first.

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216f28 No.18719963


If all the evil fuckers just disappeared overnight and vanished from the earth in a sort of antirapture, to be turned into dust, would it explode your mind too much?

I'm pretty sure that that's what God would like to do, but he is worried that it might be to frightening.

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987f52 No.18719965


Theater of the absurd.

They are all worthless cunts.

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eb945f No.18719966

>>18719846 (lb)

Did State Daddy, Church Daddy and Dr. Mommy Daddy kick Daddy out of the picture?

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e91c5b No.18719967


2023 White House Correspondents' Association Dinner

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f06bfe No.18719968

File: 3a1396475d4d7af⋯.png (235.33 KB,526x446,263:223,wtf_.png)


I'm guessing Obama.

Just asking for a fren…

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68a04e No.18719969

File: 34cf5fbaa07ed0b⋯.jpg (20.93 KB,420x225,28:15,GAY_TRUMP.jpg)


You are a boot licker.

And a faggot.

But mostly, you are a punk ass faggot.

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5bca32 No.18719970

File: 47f919c454b0a99⋯.jpg (16.59 KB,460x258,230:129,64329be5203027096635d122.jpg)


Ukraine recalls envoy to Belarus

The move comes after President Alexander Lukashenko met with the head of Russia’s Donetsk People’s Republic

Ukraine has recalled its ambassador to Belarus for “consultations” in protest at a meeting between Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko and the acting head of Russia’s Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Denis Pushilin.

The move to recall envoy Igor Kizim was announced by the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry on Wednesday. Kiev condemned the meeting between Lukashenko and Pushilin, describing it as another “flagrant unfriendly act” by Minsk and “an attempt to legitimize this representative of the Russian occupation administration in Donetsk.”

The ministry called on Belarus to “refrain from such destructive steps” and to cease support for Russia’s actions in Ukraine.

Lukashenko welcomed Pushilin to the Belarusian capital on Tuesday, in what was their first official meeting since the DPR became part of Russia in September along with the Lugansk People’s Republic and Kherson and Zaporozhye Regions.

The Belarusian president offered to help restoration efforts in the DPR, which has seen some of the heaviest fighting throughout the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The Ukrainian military has repeatedly shelled the region since 2014, when the DPR rejected Kiev’s rule following the Western-backed Maidan coup. Residential parts of the regional capital Donetsk have been among the areas hit, often resulting in civilian casualties.



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58ec1f No.18719971

File: f6301ab395c93dd⋯.png (550.24 KB,710x710,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2ff83ef8232927⋯.png (174.06 KB,445x448,445:448,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3207f57c9603060⋯.png (247.17 KB,500x642,250:321,ClipboardImage.png)



Anon has been the reading the book recommeded by amazing polly.

So far anon has read the intruduction and the first two cases studied by m scott peck.

anon does so far not agree with the intrudution and sees this guy who wrote the book as self grandstanding, holier than thou person who believes his phycobable is the answer because he choose his view of the world and his profession as the arbiter of expertise.

1) bobby case - can be summed up as a mangina who is cucked and will not stand up to his wife unreasonable behaviour and has ocd and is compensating for it by doing more and moar outragoues things to put off the obvious. confront the cause of the trouble in his life, as for making a pact with the devil when the patient could have just dealt with the issue by tell her to shut the fuck up or fuck off with here unreasonable demands and behaviour.

2) The Case of the boy who parents he labeled as evil

Wrong again, they were hard working couple wrapped in materalizism and political beliefs.

Their giving the same gun to the second son after the first son committed suicide with that gun was not evil. In their the parents eyes, they were cheap, unthinking and indifference. This does not make them evil, they just did not think they were doing anything wrong, maybe both wife and husband feed off each others behaviour and being materialistic they think that they are upstanding citizens cos they pay their taxes.

Will give further update as anon progress's through further into the book.

Pure evil is Bankster level, rothschilds, soros and those cults who harm and kill for pleasure to get gain or compliance.



link below to THE PEOPLE WHO LIE book by M. SCOTT. PECK



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e75528 No.18719972

File: 98f33c5bfadf40a⋯.jpeg (93.64 KB,1020x682,510:341,IMG_8249.jpeg)

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851c48 No.18719973


I would be part of the antirapture. For all have sinned.

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38676d No.18719974

File: a2ac9f042432161⋯.png (315.81 KB,634x2346,317:1173,ClipboardImage.png)

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9e02a2 No.18719975

File: 6e54e5e8c8faf92⋯.png (1.44 MB,1934x875,1934:875,ClipboardImage.png)




APRIL 19, 2023

Defense and State Dept. Inspectors General Testify on Afghanistan Withdrawal

Inspectors general from the Defense Department, State Department and other agencies testify on the withdrawal from Afghanistan before the House Oversight Committee.


APRIL 19, 2023

Counterman v. Colorado Oral Argument

The Supreme Court heard oral argument in Counterman v. Colorado, a case on whether threatening statements on social media can be a criminal act or protected speech.

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504bf5 No.18719976


When will Mr. Q be home?

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fb21f0 No.18719978

File: 76e27802b256a7b⋯.png (1.54 MB,1275x809,1275:809,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93f55fd20f70e0a⋯.png (305.12 KB,481x461,481:461,ClipboardImage.png)

PlaneFag Europe Activity-J.C.O.S Milley arrived at Stockholm yesterday

SAM585 C-40B arrived at Stockholm Int'l yesterday- Milley uses this AC and will then go to Ramstein AFB for >>18693217 pb Secretary of Defense to Visit Sweden Followed by Ukraine Defense Contact Group Meeting at Ramstein Air Base, Germany

German AF GAF369,357,333 A400m returned(ing) to Hannover...333 from Athens and the other two from Souda Bay NAS, Crete

Italian AF PERSE71 G550 ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) at it's semi normal area over eastern Romania/Black Sea

RAF RRR9954 A330 MRTT (Multi Role Tanker Transport) was on the refueling track and gave a fill up to RAF RRR7219 RC-135 Rivet Joint and heading back to Cyprus-Rivet Joint heading back to RAF Waddington

Turkish AF TUAF830 A400m was at Wottia AB, Libya for about 2h and departed

Dutch AF NAF12 G4 departed Chisinau, Moldova after about 4 h on ground-moar NATO stuff and this earlier

Moldova summons Russian envoy to expel member of embassy staff


REDEYE06 E-8Joint STARS done over Poland and Lithuania and back to Ramstein

Polish AF PLF110 737 departed Naples, Italy and then a low pass at Zagreb, Serbia-earlier it was at Ramstein AFB for about 4h-heading back to Warsaw at present

There is a meeting of Ukraine Defense Contact Group going on at Ramstein-see linky above re: Milley/Austin

Danish AF DAF5073 CL-60 back to AB Aalborg from Faroe Islands stop and Keflavik AB Iceland depart earlier

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010793 No.18719979

File: e539e696ad5d9ca⋯.jpg (47.27 KB,1190x573,1190:573,0b1521f2d74042020e2950a86a….jpg)


yvw fam

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b3bf92 No.18719980

File: 06b25c61cc563ba⋯.png (744.9 KB,1080x537,360:179,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Apr 19 2023

Auroral Storm over Lapland

On some nights the sky is the best show in town. On this night, auroras ruled the sky, and the geomagnetic storm that created this colorful sky show originated from an increasingly active Sun. Surprisingly, since the approaching solar CME the day before had missed the Earth, it was not expected that this storm would create auroras. In the foreground, two happily surprised aurora hunters contemplate the amazing and rapidly changing sky. Regardless of forecasts, though, auroras were reported in the night skies of Earth not only in the far north, but as far south as New Mexico, USA. As captured in a wide-angle image above Saariselkä in northern Finnish Lapland, a bright aurora was visible with an unusually high degree of detail, range of colors, and breadth across the sky. The vivid yellow, green, red and purple auroral colors are caused by oxygen and nitrogen atoms high in Earth's atmosphere reacting to incoming electrons.


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d25904 No.18719982

File: de24e432f08f568⋯.png (642.33 KB,432x650,216:325,escape_from_new_york.PNG)

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b52069 No.18719983

"In War there's something in space and time that's beyond space and time."

–R. R.

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335c3f No.18719984

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>just disappeared overnight and vanished from the earth in a sort of antirapture, to be turned into dust, would it explode your mind too much?

Probably not. It's already written into the program.


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f9b0f3 No.18719985

China Calls Its Illegal NYC Police Station a ‘Service Center,’ Accuses U.S. of Repressing Its Agents

The Chinese Communist Party responded with bombast on Tuesday to the news that New York prosecutors had arrested two people on charges of running an illegal “police station” in the city to persecute Chinese dissidents, claiming the arrests were “political manipulation” and denying the existence of the stations.

New York officials announced on Monday that an investigation into illicit law enforcement operations by Chinese government operatives in Manhattan had resulted in the arrests of two men, “Harry” Lu Jianwang and Chen Jinping, allegedly tasked with running Chinese law enforcement operations in the United States. U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York Breon Peace accused the suspects of having “repeatedly and flagrantly violat[ing] our nation’s sovereignty by opening and operating a police station in the middle of New York City.”

The Chinese government used the illegal police station, American law enforcement officials assert, to target, threaten, and silence people in the United States who vocally criticized the Chinese government, most prominently dissidents in the Chinese-American community.

The Chinese Communist Party’s establishment of illegal law enforcement units in cities abroad first surfaced in a report published in September by the non-governmental organization Safeguard Defenders, which listed New York alongside a long list of other major Western cities in Canada, Brazil, the United Kingdom, and other states, as hosting these illicit operations. At the time, Chinese government officials responded to the report by confirming the existence of the “police stations,” but claiming they were innocuous outposts for activities such as helping Chinese nationals renew their driver’s licenses.

The director of Safeguard Defenders, Peter Dahlin, noted on Monday that his organization had identified over 100 such Chinese police operations around the world.

Responding to the news during his regular press briefing on Tuesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin insisted, “there are simply no so-called ‘overseas police stations,” though he had confirmed their existence in October.

“Due to [coronavirus], a large number of overseas Chinese nationals have been unable to return to China in time for services such as renewing their driving license. As a solution to these difficulties, relevant sub-national authorities have opened up an online licensing platform,” Wang said at the time.

Wang reiterated on Tuesday that the operations U.S. officials identified do exist, but referred to them as “overseas Chinese service centers.”

“The U.S. drew malignant association between overseas Chinese service centers and Chinese diplomatic and consular officials and made groundless accusations against China,” Wang told reporters. “This is clearly political manipulation. About the ‘overseas police stations,’ we have made it clear many times that the allegation has no factual basis.”

“There are simply no so-called ‘overseas police stations,'” Wang continued. “China adheres to the principle of non-interference in other countries’ internal affairs, strictly observes international laws and respects the judicial sovereignty of all countries. We hope relevant parties will not hype up or dramatize this.”

Wang also accused American officials of “slander” and “transnational repression,” the term U.S. prosecutors used for China’s threats and intimidation of dissidents in New York.

“China firmly opposes the U.S.’s slanders and smears, its political manipulation, the false narrative of ‘transnational repression,’ and blatant prosecution of Chinese law enforcement and cyber administration officials,” Wang said. “The U.S. has long suppressed dissent through secret surveillance, illegal wiretapping, global manhunts and behind-the-scenes deals,” he added, without providing examples or evidence.

“The ‘transnational repression’ is an allegation that best matches the U.S.’s own practices,” Wang claimed.

China’s state-run Global Times newspaper, its most aggressive English-language publication, also weighed in on the charges on Tuesday, calling the Department of Justice (DOJ) accusations “nonsense.”

“Washington’s approach to handling ties with China is shambolic with no clear main thrust, said Chinese analysts,” according to the government propaganda outlet. “They criticized US decision-makers for their refusal to correct their mistakes and for failure to remove the obstacles they set for the dialogues, while continuing to castigate China for its attitude toward the US.”


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e7160c No.18719986

File: 81db0fec7dfc9b4⋯.gif (3.22 MB,640x356,160:89,chickenfight.gif)

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1ef4b9 No.18719987


He knocks. Just open the door.

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e91c5b No.18719988

File: 37e1e24f3310d61⋯.png (1.22 MB,1078x1522,539:761,ClipboardImage.png)

hello fellow anons

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f21884 No.18719989


Little do we know.

Could be me, or a loved one.

God help us.

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e91c5b No.18719991

File: c129ab6c8889368⋯.mp4 (3.02 MB,320x180,16:9,stopthehammering.mp4)

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14c9a1 No.18719992

File: 07361980ecee7da⋯.mp4 (99.53 KB,480x854,240:427,u_r_gay.mp4)


>Wishing all the anons a gay day.

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216f28 No.18719993


that's God's decision, what a sin is.

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504bf5 No.18719994

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047f69 No.18719995


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c68201 No.18719996

File: 3df35d3a2019d8c⋯.jpeg (93.04 KB,768x432,16:9,EE892431_2B65_4DB7_B91B_5….jpeg)

19 Apr, 2023 09:04

Ukraine recalls envoy to Belarus

The move comes after President Alexander Lukashenko met with the head of Russia’s Donetsk People’s Republic

Ukraine has recalled its ambassador to Belarus for “consultations” in protest at a meeting between Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko and the acting head of Russia’s Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Denis Pushilin.

The move to recall envoy Igor Kizim was announced by the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry on Wednesday. Kiev condemned the meeting between Lukashenko and Pushilin, describing it as another “flagrant unfriendly act” by Minsk and “an attempt to legitimize this representative of the Russian occupation administration in Donetsk.”

The ministry called on Belarus to “refrain from such destructive steps” and to cease support for Russia’s actions in Ukraine.

Lukashenko welcomed Pushilin to the Belarusian capital on Tuesday, in what was their first official meeting since the DPR became part of Russia in September along with the Lugansk People’s Republic and Kherson and Zaporozhye Regions.

The Belarusian president offered to help restoration efforts in the DPR, which has seen some of the heaviest fighting throughout the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The Ukrainian military has repeatedly shelled the region since 2014, when the DPR rejected Kiev’s rule following the Western-backed Maidan coup. Residential parts of the regional capital Donetsk have been among the areas hit, often resulting in civilian casualties.

“There is a lot of work ahead,” Lukashenko said during the meeting, according to the BelTa news agency. “Industrial enterprises and agriculture need to be revived. In the end, people will live there.This is 100%. And these people will need to be fed. Therefore, we are ready to provide all the necessary assistance so that people, who are not strangers to us,finally stop suffering.”

Belarus has long been a close ally of Russia but has not directly participated in Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine. However, the two countries created a joint military grouping on Belarusian territory last autumn to address perceived threats from the West. Lukashenko has accused Western nations of being eager to drag Belarus into the Ukrainian conflict in order to extend the front line and stretch the resources of Russian forces.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced last month that Moscow intends to place tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus as early as this summer, after the UK disclosed plans to supply Kiev with depleted uranium munitions. Minsk had repeatedly called on Russia to deploy nuclear weapons on Belarusian soil, citing the perceived threat posed by US nuclear weapons deployed in neighboring countries.


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2e1ff5 No.18719997

File: 72b24e86807e8ee⋯.jpg (111.74 KB,740x500,37:25,7ipps4.jpg)

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4e2c61 No.18719998

File: 67fc69e40306083⋯.png (103.98 KB,994x654,497:327,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c894e0a9f568a7e⋯.png (230.29 KB,1280x746,640:373,ClipboardImage.png)


NEW 🚨 UK government said Wednesday it took reports of secret Chinese police stations overseas “extremely seriously”, after newspaper claims about a London-based businessman with links to Conservative politicians

April 19, 2023 6:53 am

UK alarm over Chinese businessman and secret police stationSource: Pixabay

The UK government said Wednesday it took reports of secret Chinese police stations overseas “extremely seriously”, after newspaper claims about a London-based businessman with links to Conservative politicians.

The Times said that Chinese businessman Lin Ruiyou operated a food delivery business in the London suburb of Croydon that doubled as one undeclared Chinese police station.

It said Lin had also been active in local politics for the ruling Conservatives, and reprinted on Wednesday photographs of him meeting former prime ministers Boris Johnson and Theresa May.

The Times said Lin had been active in a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ‘United Front’ organisation, but that he denied working surreptitiously for provincial police to monitor other Chinese nationals in London.

“Reports of alleged, undeclared ‘police stations’ operating in the UK are of course very concerning and are taken extremely seriously,” a UK government spokesperson told AFP.

“Attempts by foreign governments to coerce, intimidate, harass or harm their critics overseas, undermining democracy and the rule of law, are unacceptable.

“We are committed to tackling these challenges wherever they originate.”

The UK interior ministry and London’s Metropolitan police force began investigations after the human rights group Safeguard Defenders last year first detailed the existence of the overseas Chinese stations.

The Madrid-based group’s campaign director, Laura Harth, told AFP that Lin had “clear and demonstrable ties to the CCP apparatus”.

“It is imperative democratic authorities, including in the UK, break these investigations wide open and urgently start looking into the gamut of activities ‘United Front’ organisations in their country are involved in,” she said.

On Monday, US authorities arrested two men for allegedly setting up one such outpost in New York and charged dozens of Chinese security officials over a campaign to monitor and harass US-based dissidents.

The arrests of Harry Lu Jianwang, 61, and Chen Jinping, 59, were the first anywhere over the alleged campaign by China to establish secret police stations around the world, US prosecutors said.

China denies any such campaign, and accused the US government of “slandering, smearing (and) engaging in political manipulation” following the New York arrests.

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047f69 No.18719999


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9e02a2 No.18720000



APRIL 19, 2023

IRS Commissioner Testifies on President's 2024 Budget Request

IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel testified on President Biden’s 2024 budget request for the agency before the Senate Finance Committee.

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4e2c61 No.18720001




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28e64d No.18720002

File: 12251f31878d369⋯.png (41.82 KB,653x326,653:326,Capture.PNG)

File: 001886a3dc6b3ac⋯.png (1.12 MB,919x577,919:577,ew.PNG)

The U.S. military is a joke.

They do the largest elephant walk ever with training aircraft. I bet Xi and Putin are terrified.


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025359 No.18720003


Bunch of LAWyers that don't know the Constitution.

Judges are typically LAWyers by trade.

What the fuck is up with LAW schools?

Or is their knowledge of the LAW forfeit after Soros' money/bribe injection?

Why do so many accept the bribe?


Either a direct honeytrap, or collected due to mass surveillance/spying.

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f06bfe No.18720004

File: 3ab6b5be693c3cf⋯.gif (931.38 KB,540x304,135:76,chicken_fight_2.gif)

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1ef4b9 No.18720005


Kek. Sunshine on a dark day. T y :)

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d25904 No.18720007


much bravado, no results

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68a04e No.18720008

File: 0a2dc3a10360653⋯.jpg (20.07 KB,600x400,3:2,aaaa.jpg)

File: 71e43702571ef3b⋯.png (393.47 KB,635x589,635:589,spoon.png)

File: 14f13375241304a⋯.jpg (495.17 KB,800x499,800:499,cops_kneeling_down.jpg)

File: 5b4efdecbe4497c⋯.jpg (59.19 KB,700x420,5:3,black_cops.jpg)

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f9b0f3 No.18720009

Suspect in Japan PM attack may have had election grudge

TOKYO (AP) — A 24-year-old man who allegedly threw an explosive at Prime Minister Fumio Kishida wanted to be a politician and believed that he was unfairly blocked from running for Japan’s parliament by an age requirement, according to media reports and social media posts that appeared to be his.

The suspect, Ryuji Kimura, was wrestled to the ground and arrested Saturday at a campaign event in the fishing port of Saikazaki, in the western Japanese city of Wakayama. The explosive, believed to be a pipe bomb, landed near Kishida, who escaped unhurt.

Kimura has refused to talk to police, but local media reports that he bore grievances about Japan’s election system might shed light on his motives.

In June last year Kimura, who police said is unemployed, filed a lawsuit with the Kobe District Court claiming that he should have been allowed to register for the July 2022 Upper House election, according to Japanese media including NHK public television and Kyodo News. A candidate must be aged 30 years or older and present a 3 million yen ($22,260) deposit to run for the upper house, the less powerful of Japan’s two-chamber parliament. He was 23 at the time.

He demanded the government pay 100,000 yen ($740) in compensation for his psychological anguish, according to the reports.

Violent crimes are rare in Japan. With its strict gun control laws, the country has only a handful of gun-related crimes annually, most of them gang related. But in recent years Japanese police have worried about “lone offender” attacks with homemade guns and explosives. Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated with a homemade gun at a campaign event on July 8, just two days before the upper house election.

In a document he submitted to the court, Kimura argued that the election system that blocked his candidacy was unconstitutional, the reports said.

Kimura argued that the election law violates constitutional guarantees of equality and other rights, according to media reports. The court dismissed his claim in a November 2022 ruling, and Kimura appealed the decision to the Osaka High Court, whose decision is expected in May, reports say.

Tweets posted to an account cited by local media as Kimura’s and seen by the Associated Press complained about Japan’s political system. The account does not carry his name, but identifies itself as representing the plaintiff in a lawsuit that matches the one filed by Kimura. The Associated Press was not able to contact the owner of the account. The account had only 23 posts since it began late June.

An Aug. 11, 2022 tweet said the deck is stacked against ordinary people who quit their job and pay the deposit to run in national elections. “There is an established system where ordinary people can never become politicians.”

Other tweets on the account criticized Kishida’s decision to hold a state funeral for Abe.

The man accused of shooting Abe, Tetsuya Yamagami, told authorities soon after his arrest that he killed Abe because of the former prime minister’s apparent links to a religious group that Yamagami hated. In statements and in social media posts attributed to him, Yamagami said his mother’s donations to the Unification Church bankrupted his family and ruined his life.


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33c621 No.18720010

File: f2a2bbf1c6f37ee⋯.webp (35.46 KB,390x280,39:28,two_sexy_female_farmers_t….webp)


Just yesterday, I was visiting with some 'senior' friends.

One had to be taken to emergency care for his heart last weekend. He had kept his head low the past three years 'cause Covidia', but still age and life still takes its toll.

He had some kind of heart thing while working out in his yard.

The PROFOUND absurdity he encountered… Endless useless questions, work history and preferred pronouns… All needlessly being plugged into a computer without out EVER speaking with a real Doctor nor any useful tests. He said fuckit, and called his dementia wife to drive over and escape him.

What a complete fucking mess!

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22a82f No.18720011


Does this mean you shills are giving up on convincing anons, and now are just throwing insults at us?

This is a good sign. I like it.

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d61eab No.18720012


Well Mike, what have you got to say for yourself and your allegations that the election was stolen?

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9f6de7 No.18720013

File: fca621fe608ae38⋯.jpg (98.91 KB,829x932,829:932,M1_Garand_Chambered_in_458….jpg)

File: c63be0eb668d5f8⋯.png (2.16 MB,1428x817,1428:817,SIGINT_Pepe_Comfy_AF_FLR_9.png)


I always love doing Elephant Walks…

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b3053c No.18720014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hearing: On the U.S. Tax Code Subsidizing Green Corporate Handouts and the Chinese Communist Party


Companies that made over $1Billion receive over 90% of govt. subsidies.

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e7160c No.18720015

File: d246346ccab22e8⋯.png (288.55 KB,455x265,91:53,kaynePFFFFT.PNG)

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851c48 No.18720016


It does not appear I need God or a Bible to know when I do something wrong against myself and the natural laws created by God. It's painfully obvious. sometimes it takes years to see the carnage of the sin and other times it's just a quick punch in the nose.

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14c9a1 No.18720017


much better when you dont iphop.

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a474f0 No.18720018

File: 0f1f477be5e2263⋯.png (294.87 KB,387x378,43:42,0f1f477be5e22636f8599864c3….png)


notable judicial attack on civil rights

"They're (legal team representing the pastor) asking the Oklahoma Supreme Court to overturn the five-year restraining order against him, denouncing it as excessive and a clear violation of the pastor's First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and the free exercise of religion."

"Rutherford Institute attorneys also point out that in the absence of any actual threats by Penkoski or proof that he sought to incite violence through the use of Bible verses, the court's rationale appears to be based solely on claims that LGBTQ leaders felt harassed and fearful about how others might react to the Bible verses cited in the preacher's social media posts."

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d25904 No.18720019


they are trying to criminalize Christianity, irregardless of 1st Amendment protection of freedom of religion

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dfcce1 No.18720020

John Sopko [Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction]: As I sit here today, I can not assure this committee, or the American taxpayer, that we are not currently funding the Taliban. Nor can I assure you that the Taliban are not diverting the money we are sending from the intended recipients, which are the poor Afghan people.

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f9b0f3 No.18720023

French publisher asks UK police to cease investigation

LONDON (AP) — A French publisher called on British police Wednesday to cease their investigation of an employee who it said was arrested on his way to the London Book Fair and questioned for hours about French President Emmanuel Macron’s government and his pension reforms that sparked months of protests.

Ernest Moret, foreign rights manager at Editions La Fabrique, was freed Tuesday but had his phone and work computer seized by police and was told to return to the U.K. in four weeks, the publisher said.

Circumstances over his arrest remained unclear two days after Moret was detained and questioned after arriving at St. Pancras railway station on Monday night from Paris.

London’s Metropolitan Police wouldn’t name Moret or provide information about why he was stopped.

But a police spokesperson said a 28-year-old man stopped at the train station when Moret arrived was interviewed by port officers under a law that allows them to question someone who may be involved in terrorism. Under the law, an officer may stop and question someone without grounds for suspecting the person is or has been involved in terrorism.

The publishers said officers justified questioning Moret by claiming he participated in the turbulent protests against Macron’s decision to raise the age of retirement from 62 to 64.

The publisher, which said French authorities had been complicit in the matter, suggested they had “whispered” questions to their British counterparts. In addition to the “disturbing questions” about the French government, Moret was also asked to name anti-government authors the publisher worked with.

“Asking the representative of a publishing house, in an anti-terrorism context, questions about his authors’ opinions means pushing even further the logic of political censorship and repression of dissenting views,” La Fabrique said. “In a context of increasing authoritarianism of the French government, in the midst of a social movement, this element is chilling.”

Police said the man was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of willfully obstructing their examination.

The publisher said Moret was arrested for refusing to provide passwords to unlock his phone.

A person being questioned under the Terrorism Act of 2000 can be found in violation of the law if they don’t provide passwords or codes to unlock electronic devices, according to the law.

A Metropolitan Police spokesperson said the suspect had been been released on bail on Tuesday evening. No charges were filed, but the investigation continued.

The French Foreign Ministry said it had no information or comment on what led to the arrest. It said it had offered Moret consular protection.

Sylvie Corbet reported from Paris.


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025359 No.18720024


Due to the LAW being so vital to our survival, we need to implement the death penalty into LAWer corruption.

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851c48 No.18720025


We all know Fox is not compromised and truly a media that is fair and balanced with truth as the agenda. They made a mistake and owned it. Mike was just following what Fox said because he trusted their sources.

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9f6de7 No.18720026

File: 18bb093e69d3283⋯.png (507.98 KB,578x950,289:475,1681259673524.png)

File: 4e83b7c0f5cbb13⋯.png (186.47 KB,449x556,449:556,1680747828606.png)

File: fcabe7f041027da⋯.png (390.53 KB,800x429,800:429,1680662165184.png)

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File: badf91e69e1835b⋯.png (222.11 KB,667x374,667:374,Wizard_Gandalf_Trump_Grit.png)

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069689 No.18720027

File: 411add709d0b129⋯.png (347.73 KB,666x450,37:25,Higgins_Mayorkas.png)

Higgins says Mayorkas responsible for generational trauma due fentanyl deaths

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c68201 No.18720028

File: 27100031109b30b⋯.jpeg (95.11 KB,768x432,16:9,60A92A3C_5CBD_4EDF_9A75_4….jpeg)

19 Apr, 2023 05:09

North Korea touts new spy satellite

Pyongyang says it will be ready for launch by the end of the month

North Korea says it has completed work on its first reconnaissance satellite and is preparing for its maiden launch, stressing the need to bolster its military capabilities amid continued threats from the US and South Korea.

After visiting the country’s space development agency one day prior, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un unveiled the new military satellite on Tuesday, saying the tech would enhance Pyongyang’s “war deterrence” given Washington and Seoul’s “anti-DPRK military posture.”

“Under these circumstances, it is only natural for our state to develop military deterrence commensurate with the current… security environment, and acquiring and operating military reconnaissance means is essential in enhancing our military effectiveness,” Kim said, as cited by the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

The leader said successfully launching the spy satellite – which he simply dubbed “military reconnaissance satellite No. 1”– is currently the “most crucial primary task” for the military, noting that its first voyage into space is scheduled for later this month.

Last December, Kim said North Korea had carried out an “important final-stage” test for putting a recon satellite into orbit, suggesting the military has made gradual progress on the new technology.

Pyongyang has carried out a flurry of weapons tests over the last year in response to joint US-South Korean military drills, which it considers rehearsal for an invasion, and touted several new weapons in recent months. In March, the DPRK showed off an underwater drone which it said was capable of producing “radioactive tsunamis,” while last week it claimed to have successfully tested its new Hwasong-18 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).

Washington and Seoul have repeatedly condemned the North’s weapons tests, but have refused to scale back military operations around the Korean Peninsula, insisting the live-fire war drills are purely defensive in nature.


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f9b0f3 No.18720029

No ‘magic wand’ for Ukraine – UK

It is unlikely that the conflict with Russia will end this year, the British defense secretary has said

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine will likely continue into next year, UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said on Tuesday.

“I’m optimistic that between this year and next year, I think Ukraine will continue to have the momentum with it and a position of strength,” Wallace told reporters during a trip to Washington, DC, as quoted by the New York Times.

Wallace warned, however, that “there is not going to be a single magic-wand moment when Russia collapses.”

The UK has been one of Kiev’s main backers, supplying the country with heavy weapons, including Challenger 2 tanks. Britain has trained 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers, according to the Defence Ministry, and pledged to train 20,000 more this year.

For the past several months, Kiev has been outspoken about its planned counteroffensive, but has not publicly revealed the timetable. Ukrainian officials have said, however, that the schedule and success of the endeavor will heavily depend on the supply of Western tanks and other equipment.

Aleksey Danilov, the secretary of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, told AP on Monday that the push will start at an appropriate time when the country is ready. Prime Minister Denis Shmigal recently said that the offensive will start “in the nearest future.” Shmigal stated that the recent leaking of the Pentagon files, which included reports about how Western countries were training and equipping Ukrainian troops, will not change the plans for the counteroffensive. However, a source close to President Vladimir Zelensky told CNN that Kiev had altered some of its plans because of the leak.

Some Western leaders, including NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, warned that the conflict, which broke out in February 2022, could last for years. US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said Washington is determined to support Kiev “for as long as it takes.”

The Kremlin said this month that the Russian military has been “meticulously monitoring” information regarding Ukraine’s plans. Moscow has also repeatedly stated that countries which send weapons to Kiev become de facto parties to the conflict.


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9e02a2 No.18720030

File: d0991258b9e1d7a⋯.png (1.21 MB,1587x882,529:294,ClipboardImage.png)

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1ef4b9 No.18720031


>a complete f- mess!

Yes. Reduced to data to be bought and sold, recorded by robotic “doctors”.

If anons can keep their health, avoid the medical realm like the plague. It’s a trap.

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dfcce1 No.18720033

Sopko: We need you help to stop this obfuscation and delay by the Department of State, and to some extent, USAID.

[State Department and USAID are full of CIA; CIA fronts]

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9e02a2 No.18720035

File: d38dc6c0cf1da11⋯.png (1.04 MB,1656x957,552:319,ClipboardImage.png)


Raskin blaming Trump for Afghan withdrawal disaster

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f9b0f3 No.18720036

Mexico condemns US ‘interference’ in drug war

The DEA’s infiltration of the Sinaloa Cartel without state permission amounts to espionage, the Mexican president says

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, commonly known as AMLO, has excoriated the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) for infiltrating the Sinaloa Cartel without his permission, accusing Washington of “abusive interference” at a press conference on Monday.

“There can’t be foreign agents in our country, no,” AMLO insisted, explaining that while the US and Mexico could share information, Mexico alone will decide who can “intervene.” Anything else, he said, is an unacceptable violation of Mexican sovereignty.

Only after the safety of Mexicans – from both the ultraviolent cartels and DEA operatives – is guaranteed can the matter of assisting the US in its drug war be taken up, he said. “Cooperation yes, submission no.”

The DOJ announced last week the indictment of 28 senior figures in the Sinaloa Cartel on charges that include drug and weapons trafficking, money laundering, murder, extortion, kidnapping, and torture. Prosecutors boasted that the DEA had “proactively infiltrated” the cartel and its offshoot, the Chapitos (‘little Chapos’, named after the offspring of Sinaloa drug lord El Chapo), and had been following its movements for a year and a half, all without informing the Mexican government, which it continued to accuse of not doing enough to stop the flow of illicit fentanyl into America.

AMLO has repeatedly denied that Mexico is responsible for manufacturing fentanyl, pointing the finger at Asian chemical suppliers – plus the weaknesses in American society that have given rise to the demand for the synthetic opioid, which caused more than 100,000 fatal overdoses last year. On Monday, he added that the US is foolish to “blindly trust” its DEA agents when “it is proven that many of them… maintain, or maintained, links with organized crime.”

He was specifically referring to the DEA’s former chief for Mexico, Nicholas Palmieri, who quietly retired last year when it emerged that he had become too friendly with prominent cartel lawyers. Meanwhile, the DEA’s entire foreign operations are currently under an external review ordered in response to the conviction of former agent Jose Irizarry on money laundering charges. Irizarry named dozens of senior DEA agents as his partners in crime, describing an operation that spanned three continents and feasted on the fruits of the cartel millions it laundered.


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0cceab No.18720037

File: c2c621d37a712b8⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB,2806x4304,1403:2152,0CCB97D4_2767_4EC0_B059_8….jpeg)

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5bca32 No.18720038

File: 5b3d926613ef0e7⋯.jpg (14.65 KB,255x255,1:1,7645ac911542de1288c324a5aa….jpg)

File: ed07184fcbe5fe2⋯.jpg (6.21 KB,224x157,224:157,c725eac0f672304c2ca29517e8….jpg)

File: c9e08f359ea5de7⋯.jpg (85.6 KB,449x670,449:670,Anon_lovin.jpg)



>>After a few beers, I'd hit that.

Would neccisarily have to to gag her first.

Go for it, I'll just stick with the og brand trany fluid!

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069689 No.18720039

File: 087fc1627f0480c⋯.png (107.88 KB,336x270,56:45,pow_in_powers.png)

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9e02a2 No.18720040



Defense and State Dept. Inspectors General Testify on Afghanistan Withdrawal

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010793 No.18720041

File: 4002ace90b71178⋯.png (618.61 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

‘I Have No Idea What The Jurors Look Like’ – Entire Government Jury in Proud Boys Trial Wears Masks and Won’t Take Them Off


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9f6de7 No.18720042

File: b7d700e7d1f9141⋯.jpg (133.19 KB,800x900,8:9,Who_Starts_A_Conversation_….jpg)

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9e02a2 No.18720043


Trump Lied - Jamie Rasking

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e7160c No.18720044

File: 8bf0918f4cad307⋯.jpg (70.11 KB,500x581,500:581,gangstarat.jpg)

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025359 No.18720045


As always with evil, throw shit at the wall and see what sticks.

They at least get the time that it takes to litigate the absurd ruling to higher courts.

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f9b0f3 No.18720046

Muslims Tell Hindu Children to Convert to Islam or they Will Not ‘Survive Long

Hindu children in the UK have reportedly been threatened by Muslim classmates that they must convert to Islam or they will not “survive long” in school.

Research undertaken by an Anglo-America think tank has found that Hindu children in the UK have been put under pressure from Muslims to convert to Islam, with those who refuse told that they will face serious harassment and bullying in schools.

The threats mirror those behind recent sectarian riots between Hindus and Muslims in the UK, with some Islamic extremists said to have spread false stories of Hindus harassing Muslim girls on the streets of Leicester.

Such rumours eventually led to rioting in multiple UK cities, with hardcore Islamists organising patrols of UK streets as well as hostile protests outside of Hindu temples.

According to a report by The Telegraph, Hindu children also face serious persecution from Muslims in UK schools, with an investigation undertaken by the Henry Jackson Society finding children have been on the receiving end of sectarian pressure from fellow classmates.

“Some of the discrimination exhibited in the classroom showed similarities to the manifestations of hate witnessed during the unrest in Leicester between Hindus and Muslims,” the soon-to-be-published report is said to claim.

“There were numerous instances of derogatory references made towards Hindus, such as mocking their vegetarianism and belittling their deities, which were also made by Islamist extremists rallying against the Hindu community in Leicester,” it continued.

The report went on to note that Hindu children are regularly called “disbelievers” and “kaffir” — two largely synonymous terms meant as slurs — with one child being told “that if they convert to Islam, their life will become so much easier”.

“You aren’t going to survive very long,” another child was reportedly told. “If you want to go to paradise, you’ll have to come to Islam… Hindus are the herbivores at the bottom of the food chain, we will eat you up.”

With some Hindu children also facing discrimination from Christian students, the report ultimately calls for improvements to Religious Education in UK schools in the hopes of downplaying tensions.

How effective such a solution would actually be remains to be seen, with tensions between Muslims and Hindus being a regular feature of history throughout the Indian and South Asian subcontinents.

While by no means a constant — with Muslims and Hindus having previously been able to live beside each other peacefully in various historic Asian kingdoms — modern relations between the two religions are, on the whole, quite poor, with Hindu nationalists and traditionalist and separatist Muslims often coming to blows in modern India.

Such sectarian violence has now well and truly spread to the UK, with the minority-majority city of Leicester seeing serious rioting late last year over allegations that Hindu extremists had moved into the city.

These claims have been dismissed by an earlier report published by the Henry Jackson Society, claims of Hindu extremism in the city were largely conjured up by local Muslim radicals, some of whom have previously offered up prayers for known terror organisations.

How convincing the report has been for Muslims in the area though is up for debate, with claims of militant Hindu activities in Leicester being regularly uploaded onto social media to this day.


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010793 No.18720047

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9f6de7 No.18720048

File: fd28aaf461c2364⋯.jpg (76.17 KB,750x505,150:101,Donald_Trump_Looking_at_Ki….jpg)

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138753 No.18720049


They should have been tried, convicted, and publicly executed.

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dfcce1 No.18720050

Sopko: The second problem is we have to rely on international trust funds like the UN. We have identified…over the last twelve years, that these trust funds, the UN, World Bank, etc, do very little oversight, and are very skimpy on giving information about it.

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5bca32 No.18720051

File: 99c2da1931aac37⋯.webp (7.48 KB,170x255,2:3,54b5e8a30bf02259a271d3a54….webp)

Prayer sent


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09ab7a No.18720052

File: 59f55b156975cfe⋯.mp4 (2.44 MB,852x480,71:40,rigforredfullmoond.mp4)


dow +237 ?

too obvious.

>>18719097 pb

>>18719097 pb

>>18719625 pb

>>18719631 pb

>>18719642 pb


Full Moon coming?

20 April tomorrow; dead Adolf's and the dead LizzyQueens birthday?

12 days to May Day?

New Moon tommorrow is an eclypse.

somebody did a whole youtube vid on its alleged importance / significance.

havent' watched it yet


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4e2c61 No.18720053

File: 719848c3636d4c1⋯.png (89.69 KB,1032x512,129:64,ClipboardImage.png)

Grenell:Why haven’t we had a new Covid variant?

Musk: Yes, how strange

10:06 AM · Apr 19, 2023·840.2K Views


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68a04e No.18720054

File: 0dd3bdeb483f853⋯.jpg (291.33 KB,1280x720,16:9,Boot_Lickers_Matter.jpg)

Collective must see that licking blue line boots is not patriotism. But the exact opposite of patriotism. Until the collective can become able to resist licking blue boots, the tyranny will continue. Many decades of boot licking propaganda has left its mark on Sean Hannity and millions of other Americans. Mind control is real. Do not lick their boots all the way to the gulags.

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58fa04 No.18720055

File: 1636c837ca3f976⋯.png (424.44 KB,572x429,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


what the fuck kind of shit sauce is that

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f06bfe No.18720056

File: 99323994105d720⋯.png (195 KB,496x382,248:191,2023_04_19_10_46_48.png)

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f9b0f3 No.18720057

BREAKING: Fox News and Dominion Reach Settlement in Defamation Lawsuit

Fox News on Tuesday reached a settlement with Dominion Voting Systems on the first day of the trial.

“The parties have resolved their case,” Delaware Superior Court judge Eric Davis told the court Tuesday afternoon.

Dominion sued Fox News for $1.6 billion over ‘false election rigging claims.’

The terms of the settlement are not known.


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fdb53b No.18720058

File: d2ecd39105796a3⋯.png (367.14 KB,483x477,161:159,HillaryYikesIII.png)

“You can’t keep snakes in your backyard and expect them only to bite your neighbors. Eventually those snakes are going to turn on whoever has them in the backyard.” HRC

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e7160c No.18720059

File: 648bea8e5704010⋯.jpg (121.12 KB,1000x500,2:1,bishop4.jpg)

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069689 No.18720060

File: 066a35de7fecee7⋯.png (361.59 KB,669x507,223:169,Shiela_Jackson_Lee.png)

File: 525e78df8105fd1⋯.png (348.4 KB,734x1125,734:1125,FBI_pedo_symbols.png)

File: e8928cd6e77c783⋯.png (1.1 MB,1024x701,1024:701,ring.png)

Shiela Jackson Lee pretending to care about children

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9a0c89 No.18720061

File: 2cd613c7dcffa2c⋯.jpeg (11.28 KB,255x143,255:143,8ea89d88a76af4cf8f3838eab….jpeg)

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33c621 No.18720062

File: 027c1031a1c2bc8⋯.jpg (111.51 KB,771x1200,257:400,027c1031a1c2bc8dff94cc450d….jpg)



Like no one could see that one coming.

Bandits and criminal thieves wear MASKS! THEY tried to get the entire human population into masks, so that the REAL criminals wouldn't be so Notable!

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216f28 No.18720063


Everybody cares about their food supply, or where their organ transplants come from.

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f9b0f3 No.18720064

Marjorie Taylor Greene Drops Bomb on Biden Crime Family – Oversight Committee Has Evidence of Biden Family Connections to Human Trafficking of Prositututes from US, Russia, Ukraine

Prior to the 2020 election, The Gateway Pundit released sordid details from the Hunter Biden laptop. The mainstream media and regime lapdogs refused to report on the criminal conduct of Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and the Biden Crime Family, in order to protect them days before the 2020 election.

The Gateway Pundit reported in October 2020 on Hunter Biden’s Russian orgies, his many nights with Russian hookers, his father wiring him money for his prostitutes, and his fears of being blackmailed by the Putin regime.

Now there is more evidence that it was not just Hunter Biden who was linked to the Russian prostitutues. According to Marjorie Taylor Greene, the House Oversight Committee has evidence the entire Biden Crime Family was involved in human trafficking that involves prostitutes from Russia, Ukraine and the US.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: We just finished reviewing the financial records in the treasury. What I saw was over 2000 pages of jaw dropping information. There’s basically an enterprise wrapped around Joe Biden involving not only multiple family members, more than we thought there were, but other people as well. Just a complete conglomerate of Lies. These shell companies where money was passing through from foreign countries. China, Ukraine, but many more countries than just those.

There’s a lot of information the American people deserve to know of the Biden family and the crimes they’ve been involved in. And the Oversight Committee has a much bigger investigation to do than we ever thought was possible.

I just saw evidence of human trafficking that involves prostitutes not only from here in the United States, but foreign countries like Russia and Ukraine. This is unbelievable that a President and a former Vice President, not only his son Hunter Biden, but many more family members extending past Hunter Biden and his immediate family.

We’re going to have to really get to work. This is an investigation that needs to be revealed to the American people. And not only do we have questions about Hunter Biden himself, but this is going to extend into developing a web of corruption, a web of fake companies that’s going to reveal money that came in from many foreign countries and went directly into the personal bank accounts of the Biden family where they have financially benefited directly from Joe Biden’s seats of power. We look forward to investigating, exposing for this for the American people and we’ll see where it goes from there.


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dfcce1 No.18720065

Grothman: Could you just rattle off one more time the international organizations that this body, and the press corp, should know cannot really be trusted with taxpayer dollars?

Sopko: Mainly, it is a number of UN organizations we've identified in the past. You also have the World Food Program. You have something called the Colombo Plan, which the State Department specifically ordered not to talk to us when we're doing an audit of on their programs…I think the World Bank is also involved.

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069689 No.18720066

Alone and Exploited, Migrant Children Work Brutal Jobs Across the U.S.

Published Feb. 25, 2023

Updated Feb. 28, 2023

Arriving in record numbers, they’re ending up in dangerous jobs that violate child labor laws — including in factories that make products for well-known brands like Cheetos and Fruit of the Loom.



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025359 No.18720067


>with training aircraft


Look up Tucano

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fdb53b No.18720068


>Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: We just finished reviewing the financial records in the treasury. What I saw was over 2000 pages of jaw dropping information. There’s basically an enterprise wrapped around Joe Biden involving not only multiple family members, more than we thought there were, but other people as well. Just a complete conglomerate of Lies. These shell companies where money was passing through from foreign countries. China, Ukraine, but many more countries than just those.

Do you think they'll ever disclose how much was coming from Israel?

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9a0c89 No.18720069

File: c4e94b981c1ad3f⋯.jpeg (13.74 KB,255x255,1:1,677ae3ec793e17a921f9dc133….jpeg)

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09ab7a No.18720070

File: 504ae28c9f668fc⋯.jpg (337.44 KB,873x573,291:191,RigForRedSoldiers.jpg)

File: ad7d0d0c9324273⋯.png (25.31 KB,679x150,679:150,new_moon_in_april_2023.png)

File: 356ae444dd145c3⋯.png (137.18 KB,628x293,628:293,rigforredsignal.png)

File: 28fa23c9707a963⋯.png (158.09 KB,1048x854,524:427,rigforred1.png)

File: 090cf97e12f91d6⋯.png (70.55 KB,1070x648,535:324,rigfor.png)


sub submerging implies "rig for red"

paired with a planefag map of plane "BAL []" circling around then landing at van de Berg rocket launch site south of Santa Maria, CA


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5bca32 No.18720071

File: 765f368bdcec243⋯.jpg (90.71 KB,706x490,353:245,Endless_you_s.jpg)


>>It's the ribbon, that keeps on givin!

Anon likes!

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2e1ff5 No.18720072

File: c5c7c86c5519291⋯.jpg (50.75 KB,640x503,640:503,d5b.jpg)

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f9b0f3 No.18720073

Ray Kelly: We Haven’t Done Enough to Stop Chinese Spying and We’ll Be Plagued with It

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria,” former New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, who also served as Commissioner of the U.S. Customs Service and Under Secretary for enforcement at the U.S. Treasury Department under President Bill Clinton, commented on the arrest of individuals associated with a Chinese police station in New York City by saying that the issue of Chinese espionage in America is one that “we have not paid nearly enough attention to and we are going to be plagued with” and that China will keep spying “until we stop them, and it doesn’t look like we’re going to stop anytime soon.”

Kelly stated [relevant remarks begin around 4:15] that he believes the police station was there for some time, including during his tenure as Commissioner of the NYPD.

He added, “But think about this, we have about 250,000 students from China in this country now. Do we think some of them may be agents of the government? Of course. So, this is a huge problem that we have not paid nearly enough attention to and we are going to be plagued with this, because the nerve that they have. This is right in your face. I think the FBI put down another similar operation in Houston about a year ago. So, they’re doing it, and until we stop them, and it doesn’t look like we’re going to stop anytime soon.”


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025359 No.18720074



A-29 Super Tucano to be exact

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9a0c89 No.18720075

File: d180809e8b7bf04⋯.jpg (56.63 KB,770x770,1:1,Riders_On_The_Storm.jpg)



ill be sure to watch the water this time

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4cbf32 No.18720076

File: dea41e7f96108c4⋯.jpg (13.76 KB,255x191,255:191,cc89486f5708aef63e5c9c8beb….jpg)

File: c08ad2685e3fec0⋯.jpg (20.67 KB,253x255,253:255,7f48eaa4cc493439473e715a24….jpg)

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7a45e6 No.18720077

File: 1a116d968d54ccb⋯.jpg (460.4 KB,2047x1075,2047:1075,resignations.jpg)

Oldie but goodie.

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fed829 No.18720078


Mr payne same as the last nigger

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f06bfe No.18720079

File: 50725a8cf5f4eea⋯.gif (577.02 KB,339x200,339:200,get_a_room.gif)


Two famous men kissing.

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2a59fb No.18720080

File: 749c13614f5dc77⋯.png (441.54 KB,1003x867,59:51,ClipboardImage.png)

An anonymous source has informed The Tennessee Conservative that the transgender teacher at East Ridge Elementary School is attempting to get the teacher that allegedly took the photo of him fired.


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f9b0f3 No.18720081

Disney ‘destroying’ Florida governor – Trump

Ron DeSantis has fought to revoke the media giant's ‘self-governing status’ at its theme park

Former President Donald Trump has said that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is “being absolutely destroyed” in his months-long battle with Disney. He was speaking after the governor unveiled a new bill that would give state officials more authority over the company’s massive Disney World amusement park.

Trump took aim at DeSantis in a social media post on Tuesday, calling his feud with Disney unnecessary, while condemning the governor’s new legislative effort as a political stunt.

“DeSanctus is being absolutely destroyed by Disney. His original PR plan fizzled, so now he’s going back with a new one in order to save face,” he said, using a disparaging nickname for the governor.

The former leader went on to predict that Disney – one of the state’s largest employers – would cut off investments in Florida “because of the governor,” suggesting the company “could even announce a slow withdrawal or sale of certain properties, or the whole thing. Watch!”

While DeSantis has not announced a 2024 presidential campaign, he is expected to run for the White House and is widely considered Trump’s main Republican rival.

On Monday, DeSantis announced a bill that would rescind an agreement Disney struck with state officials earlier this year, which granted Disney free rein to develop the district that hosts its Walt Disney World theme park and its related resorts. While DeSantis previously appointed officials to head up a new state board to oversee the district, the deal with Disney was completed before they began their roles, effectively circumventing the board in giving the company full developmental powers.

“They negotiated with themselves, to give themselves the ability to maintain their self-governing status. Now that’s in direct defiance of the will of the people of Florida,” the governor told reporters on Monday.

“They thought that they could create some type of development agreements that would essentially render everything that we did null and void and put them in control in perpetuity for this. Well, that’s not going to work.”


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288ca8 No.18720082


>transgender *SUBSTITUTE* teacher at East Ridge Elementary School

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dfcce1 No.18720083

Sopko: I haven't seen a starving Taliban fighter on TV…I see a lot of starving Afghan children on TV, so I'm wondering where all this funding is going.

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c68201 No.18720084

File: be3db1f1a3058af⋯.jpeg (81.35 KB,768x432,16:9,4B31F77C_B136_49CE_A51F_C….jpeg)

19 Apr, 2023 01:11

The US seeks to enlist an old communist foe against China

Will Vietnam, having suffered immensely at American hands decades ago, tilt towards Washington?

By Timur Fomenko, a political analyst

Shunned and shut out from China, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently visited Hanoi, Vietnam. Here, the US is courtinga country which it once bombed with millions of tons of napalm, leading to a wholesale loss of innocent lives. Now, of course, its tune has changed in a bid to shore up its ‘Indo-Pacific strategy’ and contain the rise of Beijing.

The situation may seem favorable to the US, given that Vietnam is located right on China’s periphery, leading to struggles of independence against its much larger neighbor. Additionally, despite also being a communist country, it has a contentious relationship with Beijing owing toterritorial disputes over the South China Sea.

Seemingly, as a country with also a very large population, and a cheaper labor force, Vietnam could be in a position to offer a partial economic alternative to China as well. But is it that easy? Can Washington lure Hanoi in as a partner in an anti-Beijing axis?Don’t count on it.As much as Vietnam is open to building partnerships with various countries to sustain its own strategic independence, it is nonethelessunder no illusionsabout the true intentions of the US, and the myriad of risks which growing closer to Washington will bring. The concern is not just because of China’s possible reaction, but also because of the actions of America itself, which will always beVietnam’s least appropriate ‘friend’ in modern times.

The US sees Vietnam as a strategic counterweight to China, but to what extent can America’s tolerance and patience for Vietnam, a communist country, feasibly last? Partnership with the US will bring the long-term expectation thatVietnam ought to ‘evolve’ to mirror America’s political values and vision, in a vein to expectations the US formerly held towards China. Vietnam is a smaller communist country (at least by Asian standards), and the US will ultimately strive to gain political and economic hegemony over it, and if Hanoi does not conform to Washington’s political preferences, the latter will seek to coerce it.

It is worth noting that presently, US media and politicians are not interested in the issue of ‘human rights’ or ‘freedoms’ in the country, despite Vietnam being сommunist. Vietnamese dissidents are not platformed in the US, or if they are, don’t get nearly as much attention as those of China or North Korea. Despite Vietnam and China having similar systems, as well as the former having become increasingly authoritarian in a way mirroring Xi Jinping’s centralization of power in China, this is being ignored for geopolitical reasons. So, the Western public doesn’t have a problem with Vietnam now, but the moment the US government decides to create critical narratives of Hanoi, public opinion of the country will instantly be transformed and Vietnam will be characterized as a brutal, inhumane, communist regime.

For now, Vietnam’s industries are only at the low end of manufacturing, providing the cheapest of goods. What happens if one day Hanoi creates technologies which challenge US brands and high-end firms? All of a sudden, you’ll also hear rhetoric about how certain products and goods from Vietnam constitute a “national security threat” and should be blacklisted. Under no circumstanceswill the US tolerate a developed Vietnamesecommunist state, just as it now doesn’t tolerate China. In the long run, the US still continues to pose an ideological, strategic and military threat to Vietnam, through its attempts to militarize Asia and contain China. Along these same lines, what happens to Taiwan if China falls?

While Vietnam recognizes China as a historical challenge, one deemed to infringe on its sovereignty, at the same time, Beijing is still an important partner to hedge against domination by the US and its allies. When it comes to territorial claims in the sea, China is indeed a challenge to Vietnam. However, Beijing is not a challenger to the legitimacy or affairs of Hanoi’s communist regime, which Mao helped bring to power. In this case, China acts as an ideological guarantee against the US, and it is unwise for Hanoi to encourage Washington in its crusade against Beijing, even if it can reap some benefits from it. This is why Vietnam’s leadership, even against its own public opinion, pursues partnership and pragmatism with China, and will continue to do so.


I guess only some communist countries are the US’s friends as long as they can be used against the powerful communist countries. This article is right, getting into bed with the likes of incompetent Bidan and Blinken does not bode well.

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fed829 No.18720085

Climate change ????????? WTF is this Asshole from Nj talking for

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fb21f0 No.18720086

File: 7842ebe4f84e532⋯.png (411.92 KB,1061x551,1061:551,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2f9dedeb8197bd⋯.png (426.02 KB,584x336,73:42,ClipboardImage.png)

Planefag CONUS activity

SAM401 C-32A returned to JBABlinkenlast night from G-7 meeting in Sapporo

82-8000 747 doing roundies at Newport News Int'l on a cert/maintenance flight

GORDO14 E-4B Nightwatch went to Tucson-Davis Monthan AFB while SLICK87 went to Offutt AFB from Dyess AFB, TX

German AF GAF921 A350 went to San Francisco Int'l (a Chile AF AC spent the night there on Monday night and returned to JBA last night)

SING10 E-6B Mercury went back Travis AFB after some NoCal off shore werk earlier

RICO24 Global Hawk drone still up over North Dakota (was up yesterday too) >>18719384 lb

BOXER24 C-40C did some roundies at Grennsboro Int'l and now heading SE

FORGE94 US Army G5 went to Maxwell AFB-Montgomery ,AL from MacDill AFB overnight

SPAR693 Learjet 35 WS from JBA with PAT862 C560 NE from Ft. Worth

Mexi AF FAM3520 737 north from Santa Luci AB (Mex City) heading to Nuevo Laredo

PAT323 Beech C-12V Huron departed San Juan PR NW

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fdb53b No.18720087

File: 90258dcc15cff9c⋯.png (133.47 KB,348x187,348:187,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7cb50982eaff45⋯.png (78.89 KB,218x220,109:110,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f81a18df69e91c4⋯.png (62.94 KB,157x241,157:241,ClipboardImage.png)


Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P)

Banks / Financial Institutions

WW Gov Control

Gov Controls People

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68a04e No.18720088

File: 164724282da8306⋯.jpg (237.97 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ab.jpg)

Most boot lickers don't know they are under mind control. Imagine loving gun grabbers for years and years and having it pointed out to you and they getting angry at the one who pointed it out to you.

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e99a25 No.18720089


What is (P)….

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7a45e6 No.18720090

File: d92b17d61f54e34⋯.png (153.55 KB,347x301,347:301,cowbell_soros.png)


Tell em to stfu before I stuff a pork sausage into their daddy's mouths.

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e7160c No.18720091

File: 1b566e7c5334c23⋯.jpg (117.72 KB,950x500,19:10,PF5.jpg)

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1ef4b9 No.18720092


Parents need to pull their kids out of school when this happens. No exceptions. The school isn’t looking out for children’s best interests.

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2a59fb No.18720093

File: 082244ee008abff⋯.png (45.92 KB,527x522,527:522,ClipboardImage.png)

What is the statute of limitations on carrying tiki torches these days?

A grand jury in Virginia has indicted multiple people on felony charges for carrying flaming torches with the intent to intimidate during a “Unite the Right” rally at the University of Virginia campus in Charlottesville nearly six years ago.


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7a45e6 No.18720094


Sounds like it needs to suicide everyone around it.

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7a45e6 No.18720095

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11540d No.18720096



Scumbag homo judge slaps gag order on preacher for citing bible verses against LGBTQP

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a652eb No.18720098

If an AI doesn't deny the holocaust, then we know it has biases programmed into it.

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f06bfe No.18720099

File: 0c1cad596ab0157⋯.gif (2.78 MB,537x200,537:200,chicken_good.gif)

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f9b0f3 No.18720100

Hillary’s 2016 Campaign CFO and Current SEC Chairman Gary Gensler Claims He Wasn’t Aware of Payment for Steele Dossier (Yet He Was Hillary’s CFO?)

Gary Gensler was the CFO for Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 Election campaign yet he claimed under oath today that he “wasn’t aware” of the payment from her campaign to pay for the Steele Dossier.

This is highly unlikely.

TGP wrote a year ago in February 2022:

When Hillary Clinton was putting together her 2016 Presidential campaign, she brought in Gary Gensler as her Chief Financial Officer. CNN reported in April 2015:

Hillary Clinton’s campaign will add to its top ranks a man who’s known for being tough on Wall Street.

Gary Gensler, the former chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, will serve as the Clinton campaign’s chief financial officer, Bloomberg reported.

Gensler would bring a wealth of knowledge about the financial industry, as well as the federal agencies that regulate it, to the newly launched campaign.

He was chairman of the CFTC, the government agency that oversees the derivatives markets, from 2009 to 2014. He previously served in senior Treasury Department roles under President Bill Clinton, and prior to joining the Clinton administration worked at Goldman Sachs for almost 20 years.

By early January of 2016, things had worn off and Hillary had some competition. Those supporting her only competitor, socialist Bernie Sanders, were not happy with Gensler, the former Goldman Sachs guy. The Intercept wrote at that time:

Hillary Clinton is using a prominent surrogate to attack Bernie Sanders’ emphatic proposals for reforming Wall Street: Gary Gensler, former chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

Gensler, who is the Clinton campaign’s chief financial officer, has enormous credibility among financial reformers after his aggressive (and lonely) efforts to rein in banks during the early years of the Obama administration.

As a result, the Clinton campaign has tapped him to fend off Sanders and make the difficult case that Clinton is genuinely interested in cleaning up Wall Street.

It was also clear at this time that Gensler was running Hillary’s campaign finances. Gensler also worked with Hillary’s attorney Marc Elias in creating the Hillary Victory Fund, according to Bloomberg in a piece in June 2016:

Gensler’s portfolio stretches into other areas as well. He, along with campaign lawyer Marc Elias and national finance director Dennis Cheng, led the process last year to create the Hillary Victory Fund, which jointly raises money for the campaign, the DNC, and state Democratic parties.

Elias was Hillary’s general counsel at the time Gensler was CFO.

It was during this time when Gensler oversaw the Hillary campaign’s finances that Hillary’s campaign paid millions to law firm Perkins Coie. This was also the time that the Steele dossier was paid for.

We know that Gensler has hidden meetings he had with Hillary, Soros, Pelosi and others from his calendar.

Today Gensler was asked whether he facilitated the payment for the Steele dossier for the Hillary campaign. He claimed after much hesitation that he wasn’t aware of the payment for the Steele campaign.


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e7160c No.18720101

File: 8cf5f8efe3f993a⋯.gif (902.34 KB,498x207,166:69,perfect.gif)

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68a04e No.18720102

File: f7c0fd21605de3a⋯.jpg (76.79 KB,600x600,1:1,FOP.jpg)

Rather than helping to ween boot lickers off of the blue line boots, QR protocol actively promotes boot licking and thus supports the police state.

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09ab7a No.18720103

File: ceffcdeb5c88e68⋯.png (22.65 KB,410x173,410:173,blossomdeath.png)

File: 75af5b47d0ea74d⋯.png (692.12 KB,1309x1473,1309:1473,flowermoonmay.png)

File: b20e4a598906520⋯.png (64.2 KB,461x646,461:646,flowersQ.png)


Moon Phase Full on 5:5

May 5th

Wasn't "Flower Blossom" a thing?

"Death Blossom" alright

Death Blossom post 11:13:22


? never know. We'll see what happens.

Moon moves Water; we know that.

Watters' wifey just gave birth.

Anybody know the name they gave the child?

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fdb53b No.18720104

File: d05e7563df013a9⋯.png (264.79 KB,426x408,71:68,ClipboardImage.png)

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7a45e6 No.18720105


They're SO brave.

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58ec1f No.18720106

File: 554d353447c4db7⋯.png (411.37 KB,500x663,500:663,ClipboardImage.png)

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d1fb5f No.18720107


#22968 >>18719827

>>18719866 As a jury deliberates a verdict in J6 political prisoner Chris Albert’s case..

>>18719868 Sabotage thwarted in Crimea

>>18719878 UW Health Starts Limited Use Of Artificial Intelligence

>>18719881 Markup: H.R. 2640, the Border Security and Enforcement Act of 2023

>>18719882, >>18720050, >>18720065, >>18719975, >>18720083 Biden Administration's Disastrous Withdrawal from Afghanistan, Part I: Review by the Inspectors General House Oversight and Accountability Committee

>>18719894 geopolitical pols at play

>>18719909 An online Christian preacher has been ordered by a Washington County judge in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, to stay silent on social media for five years

>>18719924 New York City Mayor Eric Adams has vowed to severely limit the amount of food households will be allowed to purchase…to cut carbon emissions.

>>18719940 648K Migrants Apprehended in Six Months in Texas-Based Border Sectors

>>18719949 No ‘magic wand’ for Ukraine – UK

>>18719953 Swedish broadcaster joins Twitter exodus

>>18719958 Schiff [Border Hearing]: Immigrants add immeasurable to our economic output. Without them, we have no food, no one to take care of us when a pandemic threatens our lives…

>>18719978 PlaneFag Europe Activity-J.C.O.S Milley arrived at Stockholm yesterday

>>18719980 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Auroral Storm over Lapland

>>18719985 China Calls Its Illegal NYC Police Station a ‘Service Center,’

>>18719996 Ukraine recalls envoy to Belarus

>>18719998 UK government said Wednesday it took reports of secret Chinese police stations overseas “extremely seriously”

>>18720009 Suspect in Japan PM attack may have had election grudge

>>18720014 Hearing: On the U.S. Tax Code Subsidizing Green Corporate Handouts and the Chinese Communist Party

>>18720023 French publisher asks UK police to cease investigation

>>18720028 North Korea touts new spy satellite

>>18720036 Mexico condemns US ‘interference’ in drug war

>>18720041 Entire Government Jury in Proud Boys Trial Wears Masks and Won’t Take Them Off

>>18720046 Muslims Tell Hindu Children to Convert to Islam or they Will Not ‘Survive Long

>>18720064 MTG: Oversight Committee Has Evidence of Biden Family Connections to Human Trafficking of Prositututes from US, Russia, Ukraine

>>18720086 Planefag CONUS activity

lemme know

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288ca8 No.18720108


This is my goto response on Twatter whenever I see something like this. Mockery using their own language is a powerful weapon.

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025359 No.18720109


Where did you learn these skills of knowing right from wrong?

Someone must have taught you.

Were they kind to you as well?

Did they teach kindness just for everyone in your family?

Perhaps just your community?

Lemme know when it streches to every human worldwide, then you know your teachings are from Jesus.

Judaism and Islam teach no such thing having the same God as Christianity.

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069689 No.18720110

File: 6cde04738c63a24⋯.png (344.97 KB,668x498,334:249,payne_border.png)

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c68201 No.18720111

File: 615b20daa430caf⋯.jpeg (108.2 KB,768x432,16:9,DF5811B9_C155_45A5_82A6_6….jpeg)

19 Apr, 2023 14:43

Russia responds to seizure of state property in Finland

A cultural center and diplomats’ apartments were targeted, Moscow’s embassy in Helsinki has said

The Russian Embassy in Finland has demanded an explanation after restrictions were placed on Russian state property in Helsinki.

“A demand has been lodged to the Finnish Foreign Ministry to explain how the actions of the bailiffs are compatible with thenorms of international law about the immunityof the property of a (foreign) state,” the embassy said in a statement on Wednesday.

According to Russian officials, the Finnish authorities cited EU sanctions when they imposed restrictions on the Russian Science and Culture Center building, the surrounding plot of land, and the apartments of diplomats who work there.

The Helsingin Sanomat newspaper reported on Tuesday that Finland’sdebt recovery agencyplaced temporary restrictions on the Russian building a week ago at the request of the Finnish Foreign Ministry. Officials now have three weeks to determine if the property can be linked to blacklisted individuals or entities. The injunction forbids the owner from making deals involving the real estate.

The newspaper added that the seven apartments in question areowned by Rossotrudnichestvo, a Russian federal agency for foreign cooperation which was blacklisted by the EU last year.

Last month, the Finnish authoritiesfroze theRussian Science and Culture Center’s account at national bank Nordea, TV channel YLE said.

The EU, together with the US and Britain, has imposed sweeping sanctions on Russia in response to Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine. The Kremlin has argued that the sanctions are illegal, while the Russian Foreign Ministry has likened the freezing of assets abroad totheft.


Finland previously always worked well with Russia, they had friendly relations until US got involved

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33c621 No.18720112

File: bd01b6df20d155a⋯.jpg (16.58 KB,236x354,2:3,d934cd8aed389ceb0fcc55b174….jpg)


Thank you prayeranon

I'll let him know.

Funny kind of cosmic thingy..

His wife suffering dementia the past five years… Has been coming out of her fog the past few days. Could be the sudden changeup going on around her… But something of a blessing for them that she was able to find the keys, drive the car, and help sneak him out of the emergency room.

Wild shit!

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b3bf92 No.18720113

File: 8db169c2fdd406d⋯.png (787.81 KB,1065x670,213:134,ClipboardImage.png)

Closed hearings to examine the mission, activities, oversight, and budget of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office; to be immediately followed by an open session in SR-232A.

Date: Wednesday, April 19th, 2023

Time: 10:30am

Location: SR-232A


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7a45e6 No.18720114

File: 02a13bcc7a4375a⋯.gif (2.79 MB,435x250,87:50,kysf.gif)


Yea, and we all die soon except for (you.) Get lost, ass wipe.

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069689 No.18720115

File: ce50bed4dd36e27⋯.png (334.35 KB,683x444,683:444,Guest_Drugs_Border.png)

border drugs

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bb7950 No.18720116

File: 4ec276c001cbe81⋯.jpg (474.46 KB,1742x871,2:1,VoteForMe.jpg)

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f2bdbd No.18720117


>Anybody know the name they gave the child?

Georgina (“Gigi”) Post Watters born 6lbs 3oz…welcome to the world! pic.twitter.com/m6gxDWAl6Q

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a652eb No.18720118

Does anyone feel pissed that Q abandoned us? He hasn't posted since last year. And we've been waiting for ANYTHING to happen for over 5 years.

Meanwhile, Biden is our president and we have to watch our country get destroyed further everyday.

THEN, we're told we're supposed to vote in ANOTHER rigged election in 2024. WTF.

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216f28 No.18720120


P was a dragon constellation. (not Pisces) (stars in the night sky constellation.

Constellations rule the universe in turn, changing every few thousnd years but some don't give up power when they are supposed to.

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069689 No.18720121



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fb21f0 No.18720122

File: 4a1b85d9d1a6bca⋯.png (380.2 KB,607x347,607:347,ClipboardImage.png)

FDIC Starts Selling $114 Billion of Bonds From Failed Banks

Agency forecasts a $3.3 billion net loss for deposit-insurance fund. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. has begun selling bonds it inherited from Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank SBNY -3.92% to recoup the cost of rescuing the failed banks’ depositors.

The FDIC put up for auction about $700 million of high-quality mortgage-backed bonds Tuesday in what could prove to be a test of how much the U.S. government recovers on the $114 billion in face value of the bonds it assumed.


BlackRock to Sell Failed Banks’ Securities for FDIC


and AT1 bonds started getting sold by Sumitomo so it's a good bet that they won't be writing those off at the next failure >>18717863 pb

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748be5 No.18720123

File: 0740e050f70a199⋯.jpg (192.44 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)

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2a7076 No.18720124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sara Gonzales Goes OFF on Whoopi Goldberg's Clueless Bud Light Comments

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e7160c No.18720125

File: 6f16f21ac6da36e⋯.png (411.63 KB,802x802,1:1,6f16f21ac6da36e29499586eed….png)

All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office

Armed Services Committee

ayyy link HOT

Gillibrand up first.


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069689 No.18720126

File: 3b92f58d11e9ba1⋯.png (758.57 KB,1186x583,1186:583,Werfel_IRS.png)

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fb21f0 No.18720127

File: e1c2fdb10cea197⋯.png (839.73 KB,898x709,898:709,ClipboardImage.png)

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025359 No.18720128


Sounds Nurembergish to me.

snap crackle pop

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f9b0f3 No.18720129

Swiss bank worked with WW2 Nazis until 2020 – US Senate

A fired auditor’s report shows the Swiss bank held “possible” Nazi accounts as late as 2020

The troubled Swiss bank Credit Suisse hampered the investigation into accounts possibly held by high-ranking German Nazis and SS officers, some of which turned out to be active for decades, the US Senate announced on Tuesday.

The Senate Budget Committee published the findings on Holocaust Remembrance Day, after issuing its first subpoena since 1991 to obtain the results of the bank’s internal investigation. While the reports are incomplete, they revealed “nearly 100” previously undisclosed accounts linked to the Nazis, and raised new questions about Credit Suisse’s potential support for the ‘ratlines’ the defeated Germans used to flee Europe after 1945.

“When it comes to investigating Nazi matters, righteous justice demands that we must leave no stone unturned. Credit Suisse has thus far failed to meet that standard,” Senator Chuck Grassley, an Iowa Republican and ranking member of the committee, said.

Credit Suisse launched the probe in March 2020, after the Simon Wiesenthal Center claimed to have credible information about accounts potentially holding money looted from Jews during the Holocaust.

The final reports showed Credit Suisse appears to have maintained accounts for “at least 99 individuals,” either senior officials in Nazi Germany or members of a Nazi-affiliated groups in Argentina. Seventy accounts “with plausible links” to Argentina-based Nazis were opened after 1945, and at least 14 remained open as recently as 2020. However, no current or dormant accounts were found.

The bank held accounts for at least 21 “notorious high-level Nazis” from a list provided by the Wiesenthal Center, including an SS officer sentenced by the Nuremberg war crimes tribunal. The probe found accounts for a German executive acquitted by the tribunal and a Nazi scientist, neither disclosed in previous probes. Credit Suisse was part of a $1.25 billion settlement with Holocaust survivors in 1998.

The reports were only obtained after the Senate Budget Committee issued a subpoena, citing its role in approving the budget for the State Department’s Office of the Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues.

Credit Suisse had hired the forensic research firm AlixPartners Ltd to run the review, and US lawyer Neil Barofsky – a former federal prosecutor in New York – to act as an independent ombudsman AlixPartners. In June 2022, Credit Suisse’s newly hired General Counsel Markus Diethelm “temporarily paused” the probe.

While AlixPartners was allowed to resume work in October, Barofsky was dismissed in November. Although Barofsky’s contract required him to produce a public report, Credit Suisse insisted on certain redactions, and it was only provided to the Senate under subpoena.

The bank “established an unnecessarily rigid and narrow scope, and refused to follow new leads uncovered during the course of the review,” Grassley said, citing the reports by both Barofsky and AlixPartners.

For example, the bank’s search parameters did not allow the review of legal entities, as well as an account belonging to a Nazi living in Bolivia, citing geographical restrictions. Credit Suisse also refused to look into 366 names that Barofsky and AlixPartners identified in historical books on the ratlines.

As a result of pressure from the US Senate, Credit Suisse has agreed to investigate its potential role in the ratlines. The bank almost failed last month, but the Swiss central bank and regulator FINMA declared it to be of “systemic importance” and brokered a takeover by rival UBS worth 3 billion Swiss francs ($3.3 billion).


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025359 No.18720130


All your majik wand are belong to us.

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fb21f0 No.18720131

File: 1a187b172c6a7b8⋯.gif (462.13 KB,480x270,16:9,not_finland.gif)

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2bad78 No.18720132


Puhleaaasseee. Go back to your 3 letter, ask for more money. This is Anon territory, that good man that was Q is waiting for you in the future.


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bcce6a No.18720133


yes there is

It's called Surrender

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68a04e No.18720134

File: 2d423b800b3849d⋯.png (203.23 KB,404x397,404:397,back_the_blue_meme.png)

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fb21f0 No.18720135

About 278 here

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9a0c89 No.18720136


tell him to keep giving her tasks.

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a7f0c3 No.18720137


zoom on Epic plox

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f06bfe No.18720138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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025359 No.18720139


>The DEA’s infiltration of the Sinaloa Cartel without state permission amounts to espionage, the Mexican president says

Then keep your filthy cartel out our border.

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f9b0f3 No.18720140

Musk changes CBC’s label to ‘69% government-funded’

The apparent attempt at trolling the broadcaster came after it quit Twitter in protest at being labeled under the platform's policy

Twitter CEO Elon Musk has labeled the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation as “69% government-funded,” after a report surfaced showing 70% of the network’s financing comes from the state. Musk has angered multiple Western state media outlets by insisting all media agencies are subject to the platform's labelling rules.

“Canadian Broadcasting Corp said they’re 'less than 70% government-funded,’ so we corrected the label,” Musk tweeted on Monday, posting a screenshot of the CBC’s main Twitter account, complete with its new designation.

Last week, the broadcaster was simply labeled “government-funded media,” a tag that Twitter says applies to outlets that “may have varying degrees of government involvement over editorial content.” The CBC announced on Monday that it would suspend its activity on Twitter in protest, arguing that the tag “undermines the accuracy and professionalism” of its journalists’ work.

According to figures from last year, the CBC receives 70% of its funding from the Canadian government. While the organization insists that it is editorially independent, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau boasted in 2019 that the media lets his government “off the hook … because we pay them.”

Responding to a Twitter thread highlighting the CBC’s government funding, Musk announced on Monday that he had changed the outlet’s tag to “70% government-funded,” quipping that he was “just trying to be accurate.” The Twitter tycoon then said that “generosity is always the right move,” and switched the label to “69%.”

It is unclear whether Musk made the change as a joke, or whether the CBC quibbled over the figure of 70%. The billionaire is known for his juvenile sense of humor, and often mentions the numbers 69 and 420 in his Twitter posts, referring to oral sex and smoking cannabis respectively.

Before Musk took charge of Twitter, the platform only applied “state-affiliated media” tags to non-Western outlets like RT or China’s CGTN. Although Twitter has applied the “government-funded” tag to outlets like the BBC in the UK, ABC in Australia, and NPR in the US, Russian, Chinese, and other non-Western news sources remain labeled as “state-affiliated media.”


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7a45e6 No.18720141


Your fragmented, mk ultra programmed, broken, retarded ass that cannot create just pick a few words like

>boot lickers

>hooknosed mongrel

>I wish I had muh girl

>pray for toots




>german gibberish

>all of you will die soon ww except for me

And then say that shit post after post after post after post for day after day after day like the low IQ inept waste of God's air that you are. You sound like a broken record. I give you an 85 IQ MAX.

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09ab7a No.18720143

File: d6899a5d8d80279⋯.jpg (42.68 KB,631x364,631:364,johndeesigtoliz.jpg)


protocols were written by occultists. changed to name "da jews" as culprits.

original real; then forged to invert

"By the Book"

That's what they do.

What's so interesting about this "racial hatred" virus?

They turned it against European Whites.

Still keep the fires burning gainst Jews.

But in public seems "people on the street" pick up on the PEDO issue

which seems to be anarchist, atheist, "progressive" white males, for the most part. Also includes some european American "white" females. And many Black American females. Black American males not so much.

The soros people gave power to a handful of Black American females, and trained them; either formally or informally.

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b3053c No.18720144

File: 34b0a496934d469⋯.png (613.44 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 069b7a01b1bebac⋯.png (611.07 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 21d1a0142a6973c⋯.png (628.09 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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d1fb5f No.18720145



will know to refresh when you post in red


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647a02 No.18720146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Makes Jack a happy boy.

YOU do make a difference. YOU are a transmitter of truth. YOU cannot help it, what YOU think is what others receive.

If it wasn't for YOU, I would not need to be me.

Thank YOU for hanging out with me all these years. Does anyone want to sing "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life?" Life of Daniel, not Brian.

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14c9a1 No.18720147


>protocols were written by occultists. changed to name "da jews" as culprits.


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58ec1f No.18720149

File: f12b67ad05ae9f3⋯.png (895 KB,1319x736,1319:736,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89f09d92edf883b⋯.mp4 (6.94 MB,640x360,16:9,rage.mp4)

higgins up


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a652eb No.18720150

I'm thinking about turning to Jesus but I hate jews. So how do I reconcile reading a jewish text and worshipping a jewish god?

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563fa0 No.18720152


Anon trusts neither. Have not had positive experiences with either MI or justice system.

With the pentagon ignoring CP in their networks, anon has little reason to trust MI.

With cops / judges / DA's et all being part and parcel of the trafficking operations of both drugs and people, anon has little reason to trust the justice system either.

Anon is open to changing opinion, simply waiting for anything to actually change.


Yet another reason to have little to no faith in justice / MI / regulations boards.

Everyone who knowingly administered these shots without obtaining informed consent should be hanged in public.

Let ALL people know that if you willingly hurt your fellow man / woman / child that your time on this earth will be rife with consequences.

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dfcce1 No.18720153

Hageman: The fact is that Joe Biden is the largest human trafficker in US history.

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f9b0f3 No.18720154

US-made kamikaze drone hits Russia – media

A Switchblade UAV has reportedly been used in an attack on Belgorod Region

Ukrainian forces have allegedly used a US-made unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in an attack on Russian territory for the first time, the Mash and SHOT outlets reported on Tuesday.

A Switchblade drone, produced by the American AeroVironment company, reportedly flew into Russian airspace from Ukraine before downing in Russia's Belgorod Region, bordering Ukrainian territory. The UAV fell just around 500 meters away from the border without inflicting any damage or casualties, local news outlets said.

Neither Mash, nor SHOT provided any photos or video from the alleged drone crash site and the Russian military has not yet commented on the incident.

The Switchblade is a miniature kamikaze drone capable of dive-bombing targets. It can weigh up to 15 kilograms and has a length of between 49 and 130 centimeters depending on the modification. The US has supplied Kiev with some 700 Switchblade drones, as well as 1,800 Phoenix Ghost kamikaze drones.

Russia has repeatedly witnessed Ukrainian drone attacks, particularly in its regions bordering Ukraine, amid the ongoing conflict between Moscow and Kiev. Some Ukrainian attacks also targeted regions deeper inside Russia. In March, one of three people as an explosives-laden UAV hit a town in Tula Region located south of Moscow, some 250km away from the nearest border with Ukraine.

In December 2022, Ukrainian UAVs attacked Dyagilevo and Engels military airfields located 500km (310.6 miles) and 700km (435 miles) from Ukrainian-held territory, respectively. Three servicemen were killed and two aircraft received minor damage, the Russian Ministry of Defense said at the time.

Ukrainian forces usually used locally-produced or Soviet-made drones like revamped Tu-141 Strizh (‘Swift’) reconnaissance UAVs in such attacks, according to media reports. In February, Mash reported that a Ukrainian drone that crashed in an apartment block in the Russian city of Belgorod was carrying a “British-made plastic explosive device containing metallic shrapnel.”

Moscow has repeatedly accused the collective West of enabling Ukraine to strike deeper into Russian territory. In his annual address to the Federal Assembly in February, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Kiev’s handlers had been directly involved in drone attacks on the country’s facilities housing strategic, nuclear-capable aviation.

The US and its allies have been supplying Kiev with all sorts of weapons ranging from portable anti-tank missiles to infantry fighting vehicles, tanks and artillery pieces. Yet, Washington has repeatedly refused to provide the Ukrainian troops with longer-range weapons like the ATACMS surface-to-surface missiles, citing a risk of an all-out war between Russia and NATO if such weapons were used to target Russian territory.


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bb7950 No.18720155

File: e84355f8e20f2a6⋯.jpg (140.34 KB,1200x600,2:1,YouAreHere.jpg)


5 years?

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b3bf92 No.18720156

File: 988e0dbe0f5a27d⋯.png (137.36 KB,296x350,148:175,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7f0c3 No.18720157


>they're not reproducing

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b3053c No.18720158

File: 20ae7cf90b27fb8⋯.png (348.82 KB,687x494,687:494,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d712e47d0e14ddf⋯.png (100.88 KB,333x342,37:38,ClipboardImage.png)

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7a45e6 No.18720159



There is your problem. Get your dirty hands off the Bible and stay with satan, faggot.

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ff4e6d No.18720160

File: 4ff94314ff2c0d2⋯.jpeg (615.9 KB,1170x1970,117:197,2658C0DC_53B3_4992_909B_4….jpeg)

File: 4b2c5096183c617⋯.jpeg (925.32 KB,1170x1863,130:207,B89418F4_B668_49E0_AD8D_E….jpeg)

File: 57a944801ab4d51⋯.jpeg (954.47 KB,1170x1876,585:938,BC24B8A7_665D_4802_BF90_3….jpeg)

I was wondering why PDJT was highlighting his letter from NIXON. December 21, 1987

Merry Christmas


My new book is almost here! In 1987, President Richard Nixon wrote to me, that when I decide to run for office I will be victorious. Read this letter, and many, many more in LETTERS TO TRUMP! Order your copy today at 45books.com/.


Looking forward to delivering remarks at the @nixonfoundation National Energy >(Q Clearance)< Conference today! See you soon!

Former Vice President @Mike_Pence will deliver closing remarks at the Nixon National Energy Conference tomorrow at 12PM PT / 3PM ET.

Watch live from the Nixon Library: youtube.com/live/58dg0t_dw…


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68a04e No.18720161


Better fun to ask a conservative why they are incapable of resisting the mind control which causes them to believe that fascists are liberal.

Evil=bad. See: Overton window. See: Mind control. See: Propaganda.

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a652eb No.18720162


Wow, Christianity is such a welcoming religion.

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514d80 No.18720163

File: 332fa10ebaf493d⋯.jpg (16.81 KB,474x267,158:89,th_2620746962.jpg)

File: ac13042f151d481⋯.jpg (34.46 KB,474x280,237:140,th_3154984334.jpg)

File: 26db424935be029⋯.jpg (18.59 KB,474x283,474:283,th_636153062.jpg)

Governor Bush, who earned his bachelor’s degree in Latin American Studies from the University of Texas at Austin, has written three books: Profiles in Character; Immigration Wars: Forging an American Solution; and Reply All: A Governor’s Story 1999-2007. He is currently Chairman of Dock Square Capital LLC, a merchant bank headquartered in Miami. He maintains his passion for improving the quality of education for students across the country by serving as the Chairman of the Foundation for Excellence in Education, a national nonprofit education reform organization he founded to transform education in America. Governor Bush lives in Miami with his wife Columba. They have three children and four grandchildren.

Jebbie is keen on edumacation

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025359 No.18720165


>Why haven’t we had a new Covid variant?

No more access to biolabs working with Corona/covid-19.

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0dc48d No.18720166

File: aca11e4123aa8af⋯.jpg (13.93 KB,385x366,385:366,zelensky_coke.jpg)

File: 9d9785c6761300f⋯.mp4 (8.77 MB,632x480,79:60,fake_holocaust.mp4)


TY Baker

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691e72 No.18720167

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Biden presidency


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58ec1f No.18720168


higgins states they had the bomber in the snipers site and the biden admin would not give authority to take out the suspect.


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f9b0f3 No.18720169

Crusading J6 Attorney: Spooks Deployed By Homeland Security Investigation Were A MAJOR Player On J6, ‘The Judges Keep Denying Inquiry Into These Informants’

As a jury deliberates a verdict in J6 political prisoner Chris Albert’s case, his attorney, Roger Roots, fired shots at the litany of unprecedented Constitutional abuses arbitrated by the government and facilitated by judges presiding over J6 trials.

In every single January 6 case the judges allow the government to withhold information about the Confidential Human Sources that were embedded in the crowd on January 6 and months prior among the Proud Boys, The Oath Keepers and other Trump-supporting conservative groups, Roots told The Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview.

“The judges keep denying inquiry into these informants and CHS issues. They’ve denied all my motions,” Roots said. “The Alberts trial does not really involve a lot of issues with CHSs, but when an FBI agent was on the stand, I did ask the FBI agent anything about CHSs and there was an objection by the government and the judge immediately sustained the objections so that we couldn’t ask any questions.”

“And it seems to be that way, from what I can tell, in every single January 6 case,” he continued. “These judges are not allowing anyone to ask those questions.”

Roots also represents Dominic Pezolla, a member of the Proud Boys, who faces seditious conspiracy charges. Pezolla took the stand for the first time on Tuesday afternoon.

Evidence exhibited in both the Proud Boys trial and the Alberts case overwhelmingly confirms government informants infiltrated the group with the intent to incriminate its members.

The Homeland Security Investigation primarily recruits, deploys and embeds the CHSs and the magnitude of Big Brothers’ scheme against its political opposition is far-reaching and the judiciary is playing a major role in the coverup, Roots explained.

“HSI looks like it was a major player on January 6,” he said. “The more we learn, the more we find that the agency that’s called Homeland Security Investigations — that’s the agency that tried to recruit Jeremy Brown, down in Tampa — the more it seems that that agency was a major player in these informants.”

According to US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, “HSI investigates, disrupts, and dismantles transnational criminal organizations and terrorist networks that threaten or seek to exploit the customs and immigration laws of the United States.”

The government obfuscates evidence that would expose the HSI during cross-examination by insisting that its CHSs are not FBI informants, Roots continued.


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2999f6 No.18720170


Umm…. I was told there were AoC Nude leeks…

Sauce? Asking for fren


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647a02 No.18720171



Hi, I don't speak hebrew, don't go to a synagog.

How can I help you?

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dfcce1 No.18720172

Nadler trying to add an amendment to HR 2640 that would remove requirement of all employers to use E-Verify.

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563fa0 No.18720173


Pardon the tardation, but what are we being shown here? Anon is aware it's the hoover dam, was there something about this to dig on or to learn about or just a nice picture?

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a652eb No.18720174


so you're some schizo that thinks that Trump is somehow secretly still the president and letting Biden live in the White House just to keep up appearances? Take your meds.

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647a02 No.18720175


Check Equine monthly for a centerfold spread of AoC.

She's really into being ridden.

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c23174 No.18720176

File: 89971f2aef9f69f⋯.png (681.94 KB,431x850,431:850,ClipboardImage.png)


God bless you too Swordy and all here today.

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025359 No.18720177


doubley chkt

I would of went with remote viewing to help back it up. kek

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a7f0c3 No.18720178


coincidences required

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288ca8 No.18720179

File: 223d268293bfb77⋯.png (1.71 MB,2240x1493,2240:1493,ClipboardImage.png)


Start here

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f9b0f3 No.18720180

Pentagon doesn’t know how many documents were leaked – spokeswoman

As new revelations hit the media every day, the Department of Defense told the public to brace for more

The US Department of Defense is still trying to “understand the scope and scale” of a document leak that saw a trove of classified information posted online, a spokeswoman told reporters on Monday.

“We’re going to continue to find documents online,” Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh said at a briefing. Singh added that the Pentagon does not “have a specific number” of leaked documents identified, and that the “scope and scale” of the leak “is something we’re still assessing.”

The documents in question appeared on a Discord server at some point in the last month, before spreading to the wider internet and catching the attention of the mainstream media. The alleged leaker, a 21-year-old airman in the Massachusetts Air National Guard named Jack Teixeira, was arrested by the FBI on Thursday after the New York Times published his identity.

Files allegedly leaked by the suspect revealed that US and NATO special forces were active in Ukraine, that Ukrainian casualties were higher than publicly acknowledged by US officials, that Kiev’s forces were low on ammunition, and that the US has spied on its allies throughout the conflict. US officials have dismissed many of the leaked files as fake or doctored.

The same media outlets – the New York Times and the Washington Post – that printed the leaker’s identity have continued to publish information from the documents following his arrest. Files from the leak cited by Newsweek on Sunday revealed the purported start date of Ukraine’s forthcoming spring offensive against Russian forces.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has responded to the leak by announcing an internal security review in order to “prevent this kind of incident from happening again,” the closest a top defense official has come to confirming the documents’ authenticity. Previously, the Pentagon would only say that some of the files “appear … similar in format” to its intelligence briefings.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists on Friday that Moscow had looked into the leaked documents. Earlier, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov suggested that some of the files could have been leaked as part of a Western “deception” campaign aimed at downplaying Ukraine’s military capabilities ahead of Kiev’s rumored offensive.


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9a0c89 No.18720181


sounds like an asian vegetable.

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691e72 No.18720182


Because Jesus was not a Jew in today's meaning. Which is a perversion. The Jews arenotwho they say they are!

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216f28 No.18720183


You are best off with no religion. Follow your heart and common sense.

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0dc48d No.18720184

Read an article. If it's noteworthy post it here.

We are the news now.

Q R Information Service

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a652eb No.18720185

Say what you want about jews, but do you ever notice that most of them are REALLY smart? There must be a genetic factor. Just like how most niggers act like dumb animals.

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514d80 No.18720187

File: db272e3596d260b⋯.jpg (24.66 KB,474x284,237:142,th_3209020832.jpg)

File: de0eecfdb0f58a9⋯.jpg (17.71 KB,474x240,79:40,th_719025816.jpg)

File: 11fd9067bca02c5⋯.jpg (23.28 KB,474x266,237:133,th_3068621454.jpg)



Governor Bush, who earned his bachelor’s degree in Latin American Studies from the University of Texas at Austin, has written three books: Profiles in Character; Immigration Wars: Forging an American Solution; and Reply All: A Governor’s Story 1999-2007. He is currently Chairman of Dock Square Capital LLC, a merchant bank headquartered in Miami. He maintains his passion for improving the quality of education for students across the country by serving as the Chairman of the Foundation for Excellence in Education, a national nonprofit education reform organization he founded to transform education in America. Governor Bush lives in Miami with his wife Columba. They have three children and four grandchildren.

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58ec1f No.18720188

File: 15eed1c4a490026⋯.png (61.3 KB,457x303,457:303,ClipboardImage.png)



>Take your meds

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ccd5e6 No.18720189

File: b3c88a179ec00b3⋯.jpeg (531.63 KB,1483x999,1483:999,1AA2778F_8CA3_4195_BD96_9….jpeg)

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2999f6 No.18720190

File: 191d0f12a764109⋯.jpg (108.53 KB,750x1000,3:4,191d0f12a764109539f2ae29fe….jpg)

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c68201 No.18720191



Wiki’s description:

Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian CooperationWatch. The Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation commonly known as Rossotrudnichestvo, is an autonomous Russian federal government agency under the jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.[1] It is primarily responsible for administeringcivilian foreign aid and cultural exchange. Rossotrudnichestvo operates in Central Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe (but mostly in the Commonwealth of Independent States).

The Federal agency was created from its predecessor agency by Presidential decree, signed by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on 6 September 2008, with the aim of maintaining Russia's influence in the Commonwealth of Independent States, and to foster friendly ties for the advancement of Russia's political and economic interests in foreign states.[2]

According to OECD estimates, 2019 official development assistance from Russia increased to US$1.2 billion.[3]

Rossotrudnichestvo was assessed by expert observers[notes 1] to be organising andorchestratingsynchronous pro-Russian publicrallies, demonstrations, and vehicle convoys across Europe in April 2022 in support of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Demonstrations were held simultaneously in Dublin (Ireland), Berlin, Hanover, Frankfurt (Germany), Limassol (Cyprus), and Athens (Greece).[4]. (Rallies are illegal now, KEK!)


In July 2022 the EU imposed sanctions on Rossotrudnichestvo in relation to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine

Russia’s description:

Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation

Eleonora Mitrofanova

Head of the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation


Federal Services and Agencies




The Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo) is a federal executive body responsible for rendering state services and managing state property to support and develop international relations between the Russian Federation and the member-states of the Commonwealth of Independent States and other foreign countries, as well as in the sphere of international humanitarian cooperation.



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7a45e6 No.18720193

File: 46611d5caeb1e63⋯.gif (2.06 MB,278x315,278:315,letters_pence.gif)

File: 13af99c0885c6e5⋯.png (2.4 MB,1818x903,606:301,pence_j6.png)

File: a9f6b7c1486bde4⋯.png (252.76 KB,759x407,69:37,pence_little_boys.png)


Will they be serving live children's brains with melon ballers?

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ccd5e6 No.18720194

File: 495522f344ce178⋯.jpeg (132.22 KB,800x575,32:23,5A6E7D18_4E44_4EDE_B08F_9….jpeg)

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025359 No.18720195


>terms of the settlement are not known.

Of course not.

That's why they have the term known as 'leaker.'

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851c48 No.18720196


You need to accept Q into your heart and then Q will never leave you.

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f06bfe No.18720197

File: 5f8928fb0add1a5⋯.mp4 (441.65 KB,640x360,16:9,pentagon_doesnt_know.mp4)


>Pentagon doesn’t know how many documents were leaked – spokeswoman

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ffa990 No.18720198

File: 0829c7f2f8bef8c⋯.png (402.95 KB,512x512,1:1,0829c7f2f8bef8c0bc13443622….png)

Ahhh… they only had to cut the gum open and remove some bone off the jaw to get the tooth out. Couldn't do this one on my own with a pair of pliers.

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ccd5e6 No.18720199

File: 2939e1a98c298f0⋯.jpeg (282.84 KB,866x704,433:352,IMG_5118.jpeg)

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069689 No.18720200

See new Tweets


U.S. Secret Service


Today we remember Investigative Assistant Kathy L. Seidl who lost her life in the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995.

11:15 AM · Apr 19, 2023


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0dc48d No.18720201



Just start reading. Q gave anons everything they need and then some.

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f9b0f3 No.18720202

US sees jump in illegal border crossings

Officials expect an even greater surge in immigration after a Covid-related border restriction is phased out next month

The US has recorded a major spike in illegal border crossings, with the number of migrants apprehended by the authorities increasing by nearly 25% over the last month. The US government is preparing new measures to address a historic influx of immigration.

Recently updated federal statistics show that more than 168,000 migrants were taken into custody after crossing the border in March, a significant increase compared to the 135,000 reported in February. More than 257,000 migrant encounters of any kind were recorded in the same month, outpacing the 213,000 in February, as well as the 250,000 in March 2022.

Though the warmer spring months typically see an uptick in migration, border crossings have been on the rise in recent years, with Border Patrol apprehensions jumping from 885,000 in 2021 to more than 1.6 million in 2022. This year is on track to dwarf the previous figures, with over 1 million already reported as of March.

Border restrictions were tightened following the Covid-19 outbreak, but have been gradually relaxed as the pandemic continues to subside. One rule used to expel millions of undocumented migrants throughout the health crisis, known as Title 42, is set to end next month, prompting concerns of an even greater surge in migration at the southern border.

According to internal Department of Homeland Security projections cited by CBS, officials are preparing for 400,000 migrants to cross the border per month – or around 13,000 each day – after Title 42 phases out on May 11, far exceeding the already high levels reported this year.

To deal with the expected influx, the White House is reportedly working to finalize a regulation that would allow border agencies to turn away asylum seekers who pass through other countries before arriving in the US, requiring them to seek protections there instead.

Though President Joe Biden has been critical of the border policies of his predecessor, Donald Trump, his administration expanded the Title 42 program in January to include Nicaraguans, Haitians, and Cubans who crossed the border illegally. It previously applied only to migrants from Mexico, Venezuela, and parts of Central America.

However, even while increasing the number of expulsions, Biden has also worked to open new avenues for legal migration, agreeing to accept 30,000 people per month from Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Haiti for a period of two years under certain conditions.


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2e1ff5 No.18720203

File: 31fdf6453605e5e⋯.png (52.36 KB,766x586,383:293,4964.png)

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851c48 No.18720204


They also have a genetic proclivity to be neurotic.

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691e72 No.18720205


so you're some schizo who thinks a guy in a suit salutes the VP when the plane lands, and there are uniformed military in full beards and sketchers. kek

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7a45e6 No.18720206


They're prolly just moving money around.

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d0e405 No.18720207


Mr. Manalino triple dog dares you

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e75528 No.18720208

File: 7d8f1972f8eb3ca⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB,2048x1126,1024:563,IMG_8270.jpeg)

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2999f6 No.18720209

File: 9d788931a3cb4eb⋯.jpeg (102.35 KB,1072x916,268:229,9d788931a3cb4eb02959eeb73….jpeg)




Rice and Obama… sittin' in a iso booth…

First comes Phones…

Then comes Bored…

Then comes mamma with a AoC carriage?

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dfcce1 No.18720210

Higgins: We had identified the bomber. Our intel guys did their work. The Biden administration would not authorize the shooting nor the arrest of the bomber that killed these thirteen Americans, and a hundred and seventy of our Afghan allies, wounded and maimed many, many other. Why? Why? Why?

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e2bda3 No.18720212


He is Jewish and Israel has the right of return thing for any Jews. This means he can claim that nation any time. Even if he has not yet done so for political reasons (idk?) He can any time.

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ccd5e6 No.18720213

File: a6ca350945c992b⋯.jpeg (249.61 KB,1280x720,16:9,IMG_5142.jpeg)


False Prophet

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691e72 No.18720214


they're not very smart once you catch on to their cheap tricks

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fb21f0 No.18720215

File: 788cfde9d98e2e8⋯.png (115.4 KB,1073x673,1073:673,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a4ad12beede0a9⋯.png (156.86 KB,1081x668,1081:668,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd129a1e42e7b80⋯.png (86.67 KB,783x650,783:650,ClipboardImage.png)

MBA: Mortgage Applications Decreased in Weekly Survey

Mortgage applications decreased 8.8 percent from one week earlier, (that is quite a bit change week over week as 30y rates had a 2 month low at the start of the month but are creeping back up towards 7% again-cap#3..pretty much ded in muh area as far as sales go (SoCal)-and see bold below -) according to data from the Mortgage Bankers Association’s (MBA) Weekly Mortgage Applications Survey for the week ending April 14, 2023. The Market Composite Index, a measure of mortgage loan application volume, decreased 8.8 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis from one week earlier. On an unadjusted basis, the Index decreased 8 percent compared with the previous week. The Refinance Index decreased 6 percent from the previous week and was 56 percent lower than the same week one year ago. The seasonally adjusted Purchase Index decreased 10 percent from one week earlier. The unadjusted Purchase Index decreased 9 percent compared with the previous week and was 36 percent lower than the same week one year ago. “Last week’s increase in mortgage rates prompted a pullback in application activity. With more first-time homebuyers in the market, we continue to see increased sensitivity to rate changes. The 30-year fixed rate increased 13 basis points to 6.43 percent, which led to purchase applications declining 10 percent,” said Joel Kan, MBA’s Vice President and Chief Economist. “Affordability challenges persist and there is limited for-sale inventory in many markets across the country, so buyers remain selective on when they act. The 10-percent drop in FHA purchase applications, and the increase in the average purchase loan size to its highest level in a month, are other indications that first-time buyers have pulled back. The spread between the jumbo and conforming 30-year fixed rates widened slightly last week to 15 basis points, but this was a much tighter spread compared to the past year. As banks reduce their willingness to hold jumbo loans, we expect this narrowing trend to continue.” According to the MBA, purchase activity is down 36% year-over-year unadjusted.

Red is a four-week average (blue is weekly). The second graph shows the refinance index since 1990. With higher mortgage rates, the refinance index declined sharply in 2022.



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Post last edited at

be37a0 No.18720216

File: d4dba5f8631a781⋯.png (263.71 KB,470x427,470:427,Capture.PNG)

19 April 1995: At 9:02 am CT, Timothy McVeigh detonates a #truck bomb destroying the Alfred P. #Murrah Federal Building in #Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, killing 168 people and injuring over 500. McVeigh would be convicted and executed for his crime. #OTD #ad https://amzn.to/2VgvqGa


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2999f6 No.18720217

File: 0f490de26e28eee⋯.jpg (35.05 KB,451x330,41:30,Leeks.JPG)

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069689 No.18720218

File: cbea46be78ecad6⋯.mp4 (2.22 MB,576x360,8:5,Inspector_General_John_Sop….mp4)

Oversight Committee


🔥🔥🔥 “The lack of cooperation by @StateDept…is unprecedented in the nearly 12 years that I have been the SIGAR.” Inspector General John Sopko CONDEMNS the Biden Administration for not cooperating with Afghanistan oversight. (01:30)

11:15 AM · Apr 19, 2023


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563fa0 No.18720219


After a few Bud Lights?

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069689 No.18720220

File: 8a37d8ea0c92361⋯.mp4 (251.63 KB,638x360,319:180,Southern_Border.mp4)

House Judiciary GOP


The southern border is wide open. Democrats say that's a "conspiracy" theory.

Our border patrol agents and border communities know that's a lie.

11:15 AM · Apr 19, 2023


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f9b0f3 No.18720221

Bombshell Senate GOP report: COVID leaked from Wuhan lab where US funded gain-of-function research

Even as U.S. continues to provide funding to China for viral research, there are still no U.S. scientists in Chinese labs overseeing such U.S.-backed research, according to Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.).

Kansas Republican Sen. Roger Marshall is warning that a new virus could break out of China and cause another worldwide pandemic as he releases "Muddy Waters," a comprehensive new report on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The ranking member of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee and staff reviewed more than 50,000 documents for the report, which found that the COVID-19 virus was created in a lab and the outbreak was likely the result of two unintentional lab leaks.

"This report concludes most likely this was two leaks," Marshall said during a briefing with reporters ahead of the release of the report. "The possibility of a lab leak in the September-October [2019] time frame, even as early as July or August, was followed by vaccine development in November 2019. And then another lab leak seems to be the most sensible explanation in this retrospective review."

The report determined that the U.S. government was funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

"I think we're in no better shape today than we were a year ago, three years ago, as far as I'm concerned," Marshall said in response to a question from Just the News.

"There's nothing proving to me that they're doing this type of research in BSL-4 labs," he continued. "Their own documents continue to show that they're understaffed, that they don't have the right facilities to do it in, a huge concern. That's why we've been calling for a halt in all viral gain-of-function research until we get the guardrails around it."

The NIH has "manipulated gain-of-function to be what they say it is and what it isn't, and then they get all lawyered up," alleged Marshall, an obstetrician.

Marshall said viral research should never be done outside of a BSL-4 lab. According to the National Institutes of Health, BSL-4 labs have "the most stringent safety and security requirements."

Marshall said the U.S. government continues to provide funding to China for viral research but to date there are no U.S. scientists in Chinese labs overseeing such U.S.-backed research.

"If we're funding it, then they need to conform to our rules, and we need American boots on the ground," he said, referring to China.

When asked if he plans to introduce legislation that requires the Chinese government to allow U.S. scientists to be present in the labs that receive U.S. government funding, Marshall said this is something that's currently in the works.

Marshall's report concluded that the Chinese government tried to cover up the initial outbreak of the COVID-19 virus before the World Health Organization declared it a pandemic in March 2020.

Marshall told reporters that U.S. government agencies, including the NIH, as well as the Chinese government, are still withholding from Congress key information about the origins of the virus. There is information Marshall said he could not access, which he is confident would prove two lab leaks occurred in China in the lead-up to the outbreak.

"There are key data points that are being held back that could help us prove that, but we can't get that data," he said.

Marshall said that his office will continue its investigation into the origins of COVID, but he reiterated his call for the formation of an independent 9/11-style commission to investigate the origins of the virus.


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bb7950 No.18720222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: R. F. Kennedy Jr. Kicks Off Democratic Presidential Candidacy Campaign

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bcce6a No.18720223

File: 2bf63a1fe4e2a9c⋯.png (567.76 KB,680x493,40:29,ClipboardImage.png)

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7770d1 No.18720224

File: b745ca76a412b6a⋯.png (1.03 MB,815x3161,815:3161,ClipboardImage.png)


Fox News, Dominion Reach $787 Million Settlement in Defamation Lawsuit

Fox News has agreed to pay Dominion Voting Systems a $787 million settlement, avoiding a trial in the $1.6 billion defamation case the electronic voting company brought against the cable news company……….


cowards? COWARDS!

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563fa0 No.18720225


Anon votes for this solution. If anon doesn't make the cut, suffering is minimized, and if anon does make the cut, suffering is also minimized.

Seems like a win/win. OP would take significant planning though because pilots and car drivers etc would all insta poof like in avengers so there'd be chaos like a mofo for a couple days.

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fb21f0 No.18720226


"timothy mcveigh detonates….."

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2a59fb No.18720227

File: acc7f410ab5457a⋯.png (691.9 KB,1377x826,1377:826,ClipboardImage.png)

MEET?heads up anons, this is going to be good! If CNN has to make a headline down playing aCOURT HEARINGas a meeting, you know something is up.


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0dc48d No.18720228

Marxists and Nazis were invented in the 1800's by Albert Pike for the purpose of

- creating WWI and WWII in Europe

- bringing the USA into European political fold

- destroying the culture of Western Civilization

- destroying Christianity as a viable belief/morality system

- bring about a unified economic system that encompassed most of the civilized world

and many other things.

WWI and WWII were planned long before 1900. Jews vs Nazis is for show. Jews are Nazis and Nazis are Jews in reality.

Welcome to the truth behind [their] lies.

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025359 No.18720229


>having suffered immensely at American hands decades ago

When worded that way you would think not.

Learn about Ho Chi Minh and why he "went" communist.

He wouldn't play puppet with US/C_A

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c68201 No.18720230

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069689 No.18720231

Human tidal wave is waiting for border to open May 11 — Biden has no plan to stop it

April 18, 2023 6:00pm


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691e72 No.18720232


watcha doin rabbi?

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68a04e No.18720233

File: e6ac9a4f36e3a86⋯.jpeg (145.42 KB,720x720,1:1,snoop_yoda.jpeg)

Just like to say that, no matter how you faggot ass little punk ass pussy motherfuckers think about me, I know some shit. Don't hesitate to ask me anything. You may not appreciate the truth I spit in your face but you can absolutely know that it is truth dripping from your face.

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22a82f No.18720234

File: 295c692c64b9ea9⋯.png (282.87 KB,746x514,373:257,295c692c64b9ea99f0d8a04f1e….png)

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2bad78 No.18720235

File: 594e222cb902bda⋯.png (295.64 KB,696x392,87:49,image_2023_04_19_113515928.png)

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3bdca2 No.18720236

Did the team of people that are pretending to be tranime who can have a presence on this board baking for over 48 hours straight while attempting to divide anons hang themselves yet?

Imagine that your life has amounted to trying to prevent people from researching on a image board. KEK. PANIC.

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58edce No.18720237

Jayapal just read the same statement that Nadler did! ???

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514d80 No.18720238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


M'educatedtion for 'murica

Union power under the hood

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025359 No.18720239


Bakers prefer red textnotableso it stands out.

Just for future reference.

They move at the speed of KUN and might miss notable.

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2bad78 No.18720240


Snoop … You doin the Star Wars thing now ?

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691e72 No.18720241


fuccccccck off back to hivemind

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0dc48d No.18720242



The Jewish Nazi Azov Brigade in Ukraine

Right in front of your lying eyes.

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a474f0 No.18720243

File: 4e6098adbfada21⋯.jpeg (43.85 KB,750x740,75:74,4e6098adbfada2137b2b05f4f….jpeg)

File: 138f0d192a9eff6⋯.png (670.17 KB,580x787,580:787,138f0d192a9eff6eab8511eabb….png)

Central Banking is cancer

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14c9a1 No.18720245


>They move at the speed of KUN and might miss notable.

actually we move at the speed of Kun+

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025359 No.18720246


>police state.

Where does Law & Order fit in?


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335c3f No.18720247

Opinion Narrative in lead in. "Unlikely."

Dream on Fake Snooze.

Exclusive: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launches unlikely presidential bid backed by 14% of Biden voters

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launches his unlikely bid for the Democratic presidential nomination Wednesday with the support of 14% of voters who backed President Joe Biden in 2020, an exclusive USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll finds.

That is surprising strength for a candidate who has a famous political name but is now known mostly as the champion of a debunked conspiracy theory blaming childhood vaccines for autism.

In the survey, taken Saturday through Tuesday, only 67% of Biden's 2020 supporters said they would support him for the Democratic nomination over his current challengers. Kennedy stands at 14%, and self-help author Marianne Williamson, a quixotic candidate for the nomination last time, is at 5%. Another 13% are undecided.

The poll was taken by landline and cell phone of 600 Biden voters, identified from national and state polls taken from 2020 to 2022. It has a margin of error of plus or minus four percentage points.



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3bdca2 No.18720248

File: 9247bdea42227d0⋯.png (548.21 KB,508x614,254:307,9247bdea42227d09ef6cbfb47f….png)

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d1fb5f No.18720249


since you aren't admin you can't back up your claim so fuck off

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58edce No.18720250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Markup of the Border Security & Enforcement Act

of 2023 and H. J. Res. 44

House Judiciary GOP


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691e72 No.18720251


right, the Nazis that take orders from a Jewish President and Jewish Prime Minster

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14c9a1 No.18720252


>Exclusive: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launches unlikely presidential bid backed by 14% of Biden voters

Exclusive: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launches presidential bid backed by 14% of Biden voters


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ec5c1a No.18720253


>Grenell:Why haven’t we had a new Covid variant?

>Musk: Yes, how strange

It's not an election year.

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14c9a1 No.18720254



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069689 No.18720255

File: 7b1c50b02b5c283⋯.png (353.26 KB,586x650,293:325,ncc.png)

National Constitution Center


#OnThisDay in 1775, the American Revolutionary War started in Lexington and Concord. Read #ConstitutionDaily to explore some of the myths that have been handed down over generations about the beginning of the war.


11:35 AM · Apr 19, 2023


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216f28 No.18720256


yes, all that is a consideration, so it would have to be done by time zone and internet and such would have to all be down.

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563fa0 No.18720257


Until judges start going to jail for this, it won't change.

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c68201 No.18720258


His education didn’t pay off, dumb rocks cannot learn anything

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8f22bd No.18720259

File: 2483e8ee723583f⋯.png (236.26 KB,489x382,489:382,2483e8ee723583fce93f20a5ff….png)


If God wants my opinion I say the anti-rapture is 100% the kek way to go.

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534d8a No.18720260

File: 970487ce00611d0⋯.png (609.92 KB,1036x820,259:205,aj1.png)

File: 0bd172d1cd3f9c5⋯.png (1.77 MB,1820x1680,13:12,ajkek99a.png)

File: da7782ee914fb59⋯.png (1.08 MB,1242x918,23:17,Flynnjones91.png)



The Alex Jones Show (03/24/23) FULL SHOW

Former Head of Defense Intelligence Agency General Michael Flynn Joins Alex Jones to Lay Out CRITICAL Information Concerning Future of Humanity & How to Stop WW3


Join Alex as he spends the first 30+ minutes of the show degrading President Trump, Appealing to his own Authority right before bringing on Patriot General Flynn who did not defend Trump from Alex's previous tirade.

Flynn at timestamps:

49:00 Alex Promotes Flynn' book

50:00 Alex speaking "but also, in a "loyal" way, I'm not attacking Trump but when he, but when the, he says "Let's Protest" and doesn't say "Peaceful", All I said was "You might want to say "PEACEFUL" because they might have provocateurs and say that you meant violent"

50:24 "and he says "Well who needs to be, whose talking about peace? The democrats are violent." Well just because they are violent doesn't mean we are. Then He (Trump) says "Death and Destruction if I am arrested."."

50:50 "Ugh he was peaceful on January 6 and so were we, we tried to stop it. I'm, I'm, I'm concerned about this and who is advising him and so, if you can, also give us your expert take on that………"

50:54 Flynn Loves Alex's "Alex Jones for President" T shirt. Laughs then goes into a "will the real Alex Jones please stand up" lyrical musing.

51:00 Flynn spends a lot of time in a round about way to say that yes, Trump and his advisors were wrong and need to be more careful.

1:15:00 "I could be the worst nightmare to a guy like Trump but I am not, this is not about Trump, this is about this country."

Don't Trust or simply take Anon' word for it… Feed!!! –→ https://rumble.com/v2eotim-the-alex-jones-show-032423-full-show.html

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bb7950 No.18720261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Stunning That You Could Sit There And Smugly Grin': Higgins Explodes At Mayorkas Over The Border

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514d80 No.18720262

"kindie garden" - jebbie b.


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3bdca2 No.18720263


any true patriot on this board has been witnessing this for over a year. You're scared just to even discuss it.

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f9b0f3 No.18720264

CIA recruited at least two 9/11 hijackers: Court filing

A recent court filing reveals that contact between two 9/11 hijackers and a CIA unit allegedly created to track Osama bin Laden and his associates was covered up at the highest levels of the FBI.

A new court filing dropped a bombshell unmasking one of the CIA's most atrocious scandals in decades: At least two 9/11 hijackers had been recruited into a highly covert CIA-Saudi intelligence operation.

The filing which has recently been publicized revealed that the contact between two 9/11 hijackers and Alec Station, a CIA unit allegedly created to track Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and his associates, was covered up at the highest levels of the FBI.

The paper, which was obtained by SpyTalk, is a 21-page declaration written by Don Canestraro, the Chief Investigator for the Office of Military Commissions, the court that is in charge of handling cases involving 9/11 suspects. It includes summaries of unnamed, senior CIA and FBI officers' private interviews and disclosures of classified government information. Canestraro spoke with numerous agents who worked on Operation Encore, the Bureau's aborted investigation into possible links between the Saudi government and the 9/11 attacks.

Operation Encore was abruptly discontinued in 2016 despite the numerous extensive interviews conducted with a variety of witnesses that produced hundreds of pages of evidence, formally questioning several Saudi officials, and starting a grand jury investigation into a Riyadh-run US-based support network for the hijackers. This was allegedly caused by "a byzantine intra-FBI bust-up over investigative methods."

Every element of the document was redacted when it was first published in 2021 on the Office's public court docket, with the exception of an "unclassified" marking.

Today, it is not difficult to understand why given its shocking content: as Canestraro's inquiry found, at least two 9/11 hijackers had been enlisted, intentionally or unknowingly, into a combined CIA-Saudi intelligence operation.

"I would be gone": Alec Station threatened agents to hide information

Unit Alec Station was established in 1996 under CIA supervision. The original plan was to conduct a joint investigation with the FBI.

The FBI agents assigned to the unit quickly learned, however, that they were strictly forbidden from providing any material to the Bureau's headquarters without the CIA's consent and that doing so would result in severe consequences. In further detail, the I-49 squad, based in New York, was regularly barred from receiving intelligence.


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7a45e6 No.18720265

File: f73778ea93da066⋯.mp4 (575.86 KB,464x848,29:53,kamala_jet.mp4)

File: a3e7c939e461e44⋯.mp4 (2.61 MB,854x480,427:240,gun_salute.mp4)

File: e5d372f61228251⋯.mp4 (986.33 KB,368x656,23:41,POTUS_Nuclear_football_bag.mp4)

File: 31531c1e34a2747⋯.jpg (136.5 KB,731x482,731:482,neg_iq2_edited_1.jpg)


>thinks biden is in charge

Well, faggot, if biden is the CiC then explain the 3 gun salute he got, explain why the pentagon was not cooperating with the biden transition team, explain why the pentagon didn't send Biden AF1 or any jet to pick him up and his sorry ass flew in on a chartered jet, explain why kamala is going up some stairs to her invisible jet, explain why biden was sworn in 13 minutes EARLY when there absolutely CANNOT be TWO sitting Presidents at the same time and they're supposed to wait til noon, explain ALL the resignations, and please, Einstein, explain to the entire class why Trump never conceded (aka is not relieved of his duties as CiC) and tell the class what part of "we have to show them because they think we are crazy" you cannot comprehend. I'm not going to ask if you are retarded, I already know, kmfao. Wow. Biden is "President" according to congress participating in treason, but Trump is still the CiC. He did not concede and biden was sworn in fraudulently. Then, for extra credit, tell us why Trump took the football with him to Mar a Lago.

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069689 No.18720266

12:00 PM EDT

Hearings to Examine SNAP and Other Nutrition Assistance in the Farm Bill

Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee



Mrs. Ty Jones Cox

Vice President of Food Assistance Policy

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Washington, DC


Ms. Heather Reynolds

Managing Director

Wilson Sheehan Lab for Economic Opportunities

University of Notre Dame

Notre Dame, IN


Mrs. Loree D. Jones Brown

Chief Executive Officer


Philadelphia, PA


Mr. James Whitford

Executive Director

Watered Gardens

Joplin, MO


Ms. Whitley Hasty

Outreach Specialist

Hunger Free America & Foodlink

Rochester, NY





Senate Hearing on Food Assistance Policy

The Senate Agriculture Subcommittee on Food & Nutrition, chaired by Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA), holds a hearing on federal food assistance funding in the upcoming farm bill reauthorization.


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a7f0c3 No.18720267


>avoiding a trial

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14c9a1 No.18720268

Just a reminder, Anyone bashing a Christian is Anti-Christ

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b3053c No.18720269

File: 64bc618a612b0eb⋯.png (191.39 KB,342x342,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a36e7dff1129ee⋯.png (275.91 KB,608x342,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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691e72 No.18720270


go back

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86ac0b No.18720272

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Orthopedic Surgeon Suffers Debilitating Spinal Injury 7 Days after Taking Moderna ‘Vaccine’

Dr. Joel Wallskog contracted transverse myelitis and went from a “completely healthy 50-year-old” to a crippled, unemployed orthopedic surgeon, seven days after receiving his first and only dose of Moderna’s mRNA injection. He said that COVID vaccine-injured people are abandoned physically, financially and emotionally. Dr. Wallskog founded an advocacy organization, REACT19.org, in an effort to spark change and support the injured. Some colleges are still requiring student to get COVID ‘vaccines’. It has been reported that 96% of American doctors received COVID shots.


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ccd5e6 No.18720273

File: 521443cc5cc6afc⋯.jpeg (70.92 KB,463x700,463:700,IMG_5143.jpeg)

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7770d1 No.18720274

File: ebc4aa3694ff4aa⋯.png (1.68 MB,1647x779,1647:779,ClipboardImage.png)

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0dc48d No.18720275



The problem with the board at the moment is not the current highly qualified board management. It's the former board management that almost killed Q Research (some say by design).

BO and BV's are managing the board at a very high level of excellence.

Thanks BV.

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643dcc No.18720276


what is she walking to? i dont see a plane

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a7f0c3 No.18720277


as long as mah money spends, its all good

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fb21f0 No.18720278


then you should bake and shut the fuck up

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ff4e6d No.18720279



Get some real Evidence

Planned Parenthood smears are obvious

The It’s no secret that Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, Donald Trump’s running mate, opposes abortion rights. Pence basically invented the Republican Party's war on Planned Parenthood while he was in Congress. He wants Roe v. Wade to be overturned. He signed every anti-abortion bill that crossed his desk as governor of Indiana.

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f9b0f3 No.18720280

North Korea touts new spy satellite

Pyongyang says it will be ready for launch by the end of the month

North Korea says it has completed work on its first reconnaissance satellite and is preparing for its maiden launch, stressing the need to bolster its military capabilities amid continued threats from the US and South Korea.

After visiting the country’s space development agency one day prior, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un unveiled the new military satellite on Tuesday, saying the tech would enhance Pyongyang’s “war deterrence” given Washington and Seoul’s “anti-DPRK military posture.”

“Under these circumstances, it is only natural for our state to develop military deterrence commensurate with the current… security environment, and acquiring and operating military reconnaissance means is essential in enhancing our military effectiveness,” Kim said, as cited by the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

The leader said successfully launching the spy satellite – which he simply dubbed “military reconnaissance satellite No. 1” – is currently the “most crucial primary task” for the military, noting that its first voyage into space is scheduled for later this month.

Last December, Kim said North Korea had carried out an “important final-stage” test for putting a recon satellite into orbit, suggesting the military has made gradual progress on the new technology.

Pyongyang has carried out a flurry of weapons tests over the last year in response to joint US-South Korean military drills, which it considers rehearsal for an invasion, and touted several new weapons in recent months. In March, the DPRK showed off an underwater drone which it said was capable of producing “radioactive tsunamis,” while last week it claimed to have successfully tested its new Hwasong-18 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).

Washington and Seoul have repeatedly condemned the North’s weapons tests, but have refused to scale back military operations around the Korean Peninsula, insisting the live-fire war drills are purely defensive in nature.


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335c3f No.18720281


Florida prep school principal allegedly sexually abused student who viewed her as 'mother figure': report

A Florida private school principal is accused of sexually abusing a male student who opened up to her about family issues, according to a local news report.

Tracy Smith, 43, was the head of Xceed Preparatory Academy in Coral Springs, Florida, when she allegedly began a sexual relationship with a student, according to CBS Miami, which cited her arrest report.

The student asked for help and began studying and taking tests in her office in October, according to CBS Miami.

He reportedly talked to her about his family issues, and she told him about her personal issues.

The two grew close, and he viewed her as a mother figure, the victim told police, CBS Miami reported.

The student reportedly told police when Smith allegedly began touching him during study sessions it was "comforting" at first, but the longer it went on, the more he became uncomfortable, according to CBS Miami.

He allegedly told police he felt "guilty," and his school work suffered from Smith's alleged actions.

Brian Bieber, an attorney representing the school, said in a statement to the media that the allegations came as a surprise.

Smith worked at Xceed almost three years and was an educator for nearly 20 years, according to Bieber. Her charity work has also earned local awards for outstanding philanthropic service.

Smith has since been fired, according to Bieber.

"The allegations resulting in Ms. Smith's arrest yesterday came as a complete shock to everyone at the school. The school and its staff will cooperate with law enforcement in every way possible. A safe learning environment is paramount at XCEED — with no exceptions," Bieber said in the statement.

Smith was released on $25,000 bond after a court appearance Tuesday and ordered not to have any contact with the victim or any minors outside of her family, and she is not permitted to return to the school, according to NBC Miami.

Smith talked about the support of her family and extended family, which includes a husband and three children, in a 2020 Q&A on Medium.com.

Smith's information on the school's website has been taken down, but the webpage is still active.

The site says, "Page not found … We're sorry, but the page you requested could not be found."


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3bdca2 No.18720282

File: 598138b57445d11⋯.png (598.96 KB,820x603,820:603,598138b57445d119ce5c17451a….png)




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748be5 No.18720283

File: 01529542ef6daee⋯.mp4 (13.49 MB,1080x1350,4:5,p9l.mp4)

Sacrifice to Moloch, a 1933 event called the ‘Romance of a People’, which featured Chaim Weismann, first president of Israel.

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a189a9 No.18720284


Hang them all.

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7a45e6 No.18720285


Muslim Brotherhood is the 14th one and the most pure.

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748be5 No.18720286

File: 21141b8aa30d65d⋯.mp4 (6.8 MB,640x480,4:3,p9l2.mp4)

File: fc8c14858e94180⋯.jpg (502.73 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1Wnnum7MFFTqRzuooAHu.jpg)

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1ef4b9 No.18720287


I don’t usually dream, but when I do, it’s a rapture scenario. Very real too.

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bcce6a No.18720289



HB 1297 Passed

Is the Victim 12 and Under?

If Yes, then Death Penalty is an Option

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86ac0b No.18720290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Chicago’s New Mayor Doesn’t Want to “Demonize” Teens Who Terrorized the City

Chicago: Last weekend, mobs of youths organized on social media and rioted; two teens were shot, drivers were attacked, cars were set on fire, and police were overwhelmed. Only 15 people out of hundreds of rioters were arrested. Chicago’s new Mayor-Elect Brandon Johnson responded by saying, “In no way do I condone the destructive activity we saw in the Loop and lakefront this weekend. It is unacceptable and has no place in our city. However, it is not constructive to demonize youth who have otherwise been starved of opportunities in their own communities.” Lack of consequences for criminal acts incentivizes looting and mayhem. Police have been defunded. Criminal justice reform has turned felonies into misdemeanors, violent criminals are released from prison early, and progressive Soros-backed District Attorneys refuse to prosecute crimes. Prior to the new Mayor’s soft on crime statement, he told a group organizing for a “police-free future” that black people should be removed from “state-sponsored policing” as a way to fight “white supremacy.”


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069689 No.18720291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12:15 PM EDT

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

The White House




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b52069 No.18720292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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748be5 No.18720293

File: 9f93bbdb031d688⋯.jpg (149.92 KB,700x615,140:123,martinLutherJEWSmeme.jpg)

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c68201 No.18720294


More betrayal by Bidan they wanted to ultimately blame everything on Trump and they did. We need a public trial and execution for all in that admin

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dfcce1 No.18720295

Sopko: I don't know who was telling the administration there was three hundred thousand Afghan police toward the end. Nobody we talked to ever said that number was near there. We had reports that half of those people were probably ghosts. We were paying their salaries, but they didn't exist.

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7770d1 No.18720296

File: 497b17af42a3584⋯.png (879.75 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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563fa0 No.18720297


Also southland electric in burlington, NC.

It's not just the big companies, it's the small ones too.

Sheriff was informed, replied that their employees list read like a who's who of local gang members. Did NOTHING about it.

If you only knew how bad it really is.

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e7160c No.18720298

File: fae33f6c8c0f782⋯.jpg (60.48 KB,667x374,667:374,watchin2.jpg)

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a652eb No.18720299


kek i triggered this boomer HARD.

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f9b0f3 No.18720300

Arizona Border Sector Warns Large Migrant Groups as Desert Temps Approach 100 Degrees

Tucson Sector Border Patrol officials warned the increasing number of migrants crossing the border of the dangers they face as desert temperatures approach 100 degrees. The sector reports a large increase in the number of migrant apprehensions this year, including a near-400 percent increase in migrant families.

Tucson Sector Chief Patrol Agent John R. Modlin tweeted a video warning migrants of the dangers of crossing the border into the Arizona desert as temperatures approach the 100-degree Fahrenheit mark (nearly 38 degrees Celsius). The video warns of the extreme remoteness and distances migrants face as they attempt their trans-desert trek.

Migrants crossing near Lukeville, Arizona, for instance, face a five-day foot march through rugged terrain to make the 101-mile (162KM) crossing to Interstate 8. The trip from the border to Casa Grande would take approximately six days for the 132-mile (32KM) journey.

The video also includes headlines from articles detailing the record number of migrant deaths in the region. “As temperatures rise, crossing into the U.S. will become even more deadly,” the video warns. “Crossing the border means risking your life.”

The warning comes as the Tucson Sector climbed the rankings to become the second-busiest of the nine southwest Border Patrol sectors. In March, Tucson Sector agents apprehended nearly 34,000 migrants who crossed the border between ports of entry. This is up nearly 25 percent from the previous year and is second behind the El Paso Sector which reported nearly 40,000 apprehensions in March.

Perhaps most disturbingly, as temperatures rise, the sector’s March report reveals a nearly 505 percent increase in the number of family unit migrants apprehended crossing the border.

The number of large migrant groups crossing the border into the Tucson Sector is rising as well. Chief Modlin tweeted a report indicating the apprehension of two large migrant groups totaling 476 migrants crossed over the weekend near Lukeville — the very region warned about in the video above.

“These groups often spread out across a large rural area, increasing risk of separation and abandonment,” Modlin tweeted. “Especially troubling as temperatures approach 100° throughout the area.”

In addition to the nearly 34,000 migrant apprehensions reported in March, another 16,000 migrants are reported as known got aways, according to an unofficial Border Patrol report reviewed by Breitbart Texas. These are an estimated number of migrants who are detected crossing the border but are not apprehended by agents. This brings the number of known border crossers in the Tucson Sector to approximately 50,000.

So far this fiscal year, which began on October 1, 2022, Tucson Sector agents apprehended 146,301 migrants (up 19 percent from the same period last year). Migrant got-aways for the six-month period reached more than 96,000 bringing the total known border crossers for the sector to more than 242,000 migrants.


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f5b0f7 No.18720301

File: 1f1d306490ce7ba⋯.jpg (21.44 KB,255x254,255:254,HB_armorofgod2.jpg)

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0dc48d No.18720302

File: ddea2ae18ee8e02⋯.mp4 (12.23 MB,640x360,16:9,Abstract_performance_to_ce….mp4)



Look - they updated their moloch worship ceremony.

The World's Longest Rail Tunnel Had A Creepy AF Opening Ceremony


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58ec1f No.18720303

File: 95558d47028716a⋯.png (326.38 KB,800x445,160:89,ClipboardImage.png)



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514d80 No.18720304

File: 0674ac4e4ab66c3⋯.mp4 (2.69 MB,320x568,40:71,06bIc5Xpl2bH3wxU.mp4)

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09ab7a No.18720305

File: 9e158ff0b62e48d⋯.jpg (186.94 KB,1300x898,650:449,3trampsharrelson.JPG)

File: c98ddf6912cfde0⋯.jpg (27.4 KB,190x255,38:51,pepetrump.jpg)

File: addb3948cb81f91⋯.jpg (166.41 KB,1000x1342,500:671,pepetrump1k.jpg)

File: 62c3c635db2bad7⋯.jpg (62.47 KB,403x550,403:550,rothschildYhead.jpg)


yes, it was done on purpose.

known from the beginning.

They've been fighting us under cover of "elQuaeda" "ISIS" whatever name Barry made up - so it's just a habit for them to target American soldiers.

and protect the "Terrorists"

Who do you think had been funding the "Terrorists"

It was a plan from the beginning "Albert Pike"

my caretaker when I was a child told me about it, decades ago, Israel was put where it is by "bad people" because they want a war there between Arabs and Jews in the alleged "holy land"

Final ritual act? Destruction of "Holy Land" and Jews - who were coerced or enticed to go there.

That's why Adolf (from the Royal British family - British "zionists") worked to terrify Jews and herd them to Palistine.

Caretakers also figured out JFK murder back then, and figured it was the same "bad" people.

Or assumed it.

There must've been a ton of people who knew that back then? People are even telling me now that they knew the JFK piece and implying it was obvious, from way back then.

The backpedalling begins?


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22a82f No.18720306

File: 7bee51e94bac647⋯.mp4 (12.21 MB,1280x720,16:9,AJ_I_talk_to_qanon.mp4)


…but nothing wrong with people using his platform, such as Flynn or Q+

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ff4e6d No.18720307

File: bca29d0beb8cc7f⋯.jpeg (1.28 MB,1410x2344,705:1172,5F305947_6867_4497_9BE6_4….jpeg)

File: 01b272bc223c750⋯.jpeg (101.05 KB,1200x630,40:21,0B58F022_24F8_4E0F_B3AA_9….jpeg)

File: 09af0e3e1b6c3a4⋯.png (973.87 KB,750x1624,375:812,B390DAD6_41A0_4507_9526_33….png)

File: 0f7478115592897⋯.jpeg (234.83 KB,689x1491,689:1491,CD486D67_52AF_4621_B9AF_1….jpeg)

File: 42c4050e4f3ea14⋯.jpeg (168.75 KB,689x1491,689:1491,B280DD52_A04D_43D5_BAB6_9….jpeg)


Better make sure. VPPence still has Q Clearance. And he’s been saving babies since he became an Evangelical (a WORD) PDJT uses a lot.

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d3d86f No.18720308


this is silence

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09ab7a No.18720309

File: addb3948cb81f91⋯.jpg (166.41 KB,1000x1342,500:671,pepetrump1k.jpg)

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7770d1 No.18720310

File: fcbd510dd9a11f2⋯.png (943.28 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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3bdca2 No.18720311

First off a Anon how do you know that I don't bake and take the bread back from these teams of people. You dont. Two, the idea that I'm being attacked by multiple people for just bringing it up being told to "shut the fuck" and "go back". Shills can't intellectualize they can only attack.

Three, that's the point I'm getting at before is every normal human being has to work during the day nobody unless they're financed and have teams of people behind them can stay on this board for 48 hours plus baking and dividing this board.

Workfag loves the shills

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e7160c No.18720312

File: 4999e708f98f71b⋯.jpg (53.87 KB,565x499,565:499,chkHangul.jpg)

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ec5c1a No.18720313


>Meanwhile, Biden is our president and we have to watch our country get destroyed further everyday.

WE means everyone. Thank God you woke up earlier. Some are still asleep. The movie will go on until it doesn't need to anyone. Then we will have the public sentiment necessary for going forward. Things are getting exposed daily…unlike the last 100 years. That only happens precisely because patriots ARE in control of the narrative. These things are not getting covered up like before. Patience. Keep trying to play the game to wake people up at the stage we are at. That's all we can really do.

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a02e14 No.18720314


Like that 80's movie, Night of the Comet or something. I loved that movie.

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3bdca2 No.18720315


First off a Anon how do you know that I don't bake and take the bread back from these teams of people. You dont. Two, the idea that I'm being attacked by multiple people for just bringing it up being told to "shut the fuck" and "go back". Shills can't intellectualize they can only attack.

Three, that's the point I'm getting at before is every normal human being has to work during the day nobody unless they're financed and have teams of people behind them can stay on this board for 48 hours plus baking and dividing this board.

Workfag loves the shills

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d3d86f No.18720316


bidan is your presidrnt

don made it happen

you are a dumb sheep

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22a82f No.18720317

File: 0c830fb2a231758⋯.mp4 (9.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,AJ_song.mp4)

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748be5 No.18720318

File: 8d0b8bc62fd09c5⋯.jpeg (204.96 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Fd7MzsqWACID6Uz.jpeg)

File: cd5da1a985f9fa1⋯.jpg (9.04 KB,250x393,250:393,martin_luther_hitler.jpg)

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216f28 No.18720319


God definitely wants your opnion. There is a plan for justice on Earth, but because there are so many variables, the plan is constantly being adjusted to have the least tramatic impact on your day to day

So please offer your suggestions.

Its kind of hard to make widespread global changes without being biblical and freaking people out.

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2bad78 No.18720320

File: 4506e333549acc8⋯.jpg (105.64 KB,891x382,891:382,YODA_SNOOP.jpg)



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f9b0f3 No.18720321

Taxpayer-Funded Castration: Trans Murderer Wants Sex Change Surgery

A jailed murderer who identifies as trans wants to have a male-to-female sex change surgery, and funded by the UK taxpayer.

Trans murderer Paris Green — born Peter Laing — is reportedly requesting to have a sex change surgery performed by the UK’s socialised healthcare service, the NHS, while serving time in HMP Edinburgh.

Convicted alongside two others of brutally torturing and killing 46-year-old Robert Shankland in 2013, Green is being held in the women’s section of the Scottish prison, despite being a biological male.

According to a report by the Daily Record, the murderer wants to undergo surgery that will remove their male genitalia.

“I want to feel comfortable in the shower rather than feeling repulsed,” the convict reportedly told the paper. “Having male genitalia feels wrong.”

Green also expressed an understanding that there would be backlash over the request for the surgery, but emphasised that it would aid in their rehabilitation, linking their participation in the murder to “anger” held over being transgender.

“I was carrying a lot of anger inside me even before I realised I should have been a woman and that made me more angry,” Green said regarding the murder, though emphasised that their crime remained “inexcusable”.

“I’m not going to make excuses because there are none,” Green added. “I regret what I did and I’m sorry for it every day of my life.”

The case has indeed prompted some backlash, with Dr Kate Coleman of the Keep Prisons Single Sex group describing sex change surgery as being dangerous, and that prisoners should not be able to access it.

She also pointed out that recent changes made in England and Wales to the prison system would mean that Green would be being held in a male facility if they were jailed south of the border.

“Green, who is serving a sentence for torture and murder, would, under the new Ministry of Justice policy, be held in the male estate,” she said, adding that she hoped the Scottish government would “place the safety of women at the centre” of a revised policy on the housing of so-called transgender prisoners.

The England and Wales ban was first introduced earlier this year in response to the case of Isla Bryson, a convicted male rapist who began their transition after being charged with their crimes.

Bryson was initially to be allowed to serve their time in a women’s prison, before public backlash forced the Scottish government to step in and rehouse the criminal in a male facility.

Authorities in Westminster then went on to ban violent transgender males from being housed in women’s prisons in England and Wales in an apparent attempt to prevent a repeat of the scandal, with Scotland’s pro-trans government yet to finalise any rework of its prison system.


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2a7076 No.18720322

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dylan Mulvaney Threatens TikToker Who Mocked His "Day of Girls" Scam

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e06c89 No.18720323


>how do you know that I don't bake and take the bread back from these teams of people. You dont.

show us.

Shirly you can provide a screen cap of one of your hand offs from a "shill team" baker to you.

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a189a9 No.18720324

Hook nosed mongrel >>18720126

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db7698 No.18720325

File: 20f394c016475fc⋯.png (60.97 KB,664x240,83:30,Screen_Shot_2023_04_19_at_….png)


Did not look at the embedded video, so no impression one way or another, but the article reminded me of something anon noticed years ago with something called "Second Life" by Linden Labs. It was initially shocking to anon that people could give themselves avatars in Second Life that were the opposite gender than their IRL gender and then interact with others, potentially in a sexual manner. The other "player" might also have a correct gender avatar or might not. It has been many years since anon even looked at that platform. Around the same time anon became aware of this, the WSJ did an article asking about whether or not a married man who developed a love interest on the site was committing adultery. If recollection serves, his wife fed him at the computer so he could stay on the platform. Sounded pretty sick actually.

All of this is to ask: Is an additional piece to the "transgender" phenomenon based on the possibility for people to use different platforms and "games" in order to "experience" being the opposite gender? Does this attack the real world identity of the person "playing".

Some people who play violent video games may begin to look at real world lives as less valuable and behave accordingly. Probably most do not. Maybe something similar is happening in games and platforms where people can "try on" opposite gender roles, especially when the platforms have "adult" options.

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748be5 No.18720326

File: 46fdea9151909b8⋯.mp4 (6.54 MB,640x360,16:9,46fdea9151909b8983aa67c7e0….mp4)

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d3d86f No.18720327

udder hubristic bullshit

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14c9a1 No.18720328

File: 3178d1d79d5462b⋯.png (544.89 KB,788x445,788:445,ClipboardImage.png)

Caption This.

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a652eb No.18720329

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a652eb No.18720330

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b3bf92 No.18720331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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748be5 No.18720332

File: 73b31a78405ba65⋯.mp4 (10.62 MB,720x720,1:1,73b31a78405ba6592194150205….mp4)

File: 4322c96b4018aa4⋯.png (978.35 KB,2048x837,2048:837,1493669124815.png)

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f06bfe No.18720333

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ac3aa8 No.18720334


how long should pass before one reports death threats posted by one -post posters?

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09ab7a No.18720335

File: c4b79b4f63712b8⋯.jpg (94.77 KB,719x550,719:550,pepeeagle.jpg)

File: 7cb4b24f3e869ce⋯.jpg (723.59 KB,1232x2048,77:128,americanhistorybattle.jpg)

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8726b4 No.18720336



Q doesn't post anymorre.

Does it need to?

Anon would wager most are likely 40s and older that got into QR

What did it do?

If like anyone else the shift in thought occurs around 30s to 40s and things clear up a little.

Q may have jump started that shift into the younger generations behind….

The game is afoot and "they" have miedos, grande tiempo…

So saddle up buttercup

And hitch a ride

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14c9a1 No.18720337

File: 07361980ecee7da⋯.mp4 (99.53 KB,480x854,240:427,u_r_gay.mp4)

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069689 No.18720338

File: 4069b3aca6517ab⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB,320x320,1:1,Sarah_Huckabee_Sanders_100….mp4)

Sarah Huckabee Sanders


In my first 100 days since taking office, we’ve brought bold, conservative, transformational change to the state of Arkansas.


11:34 AM · Apr 19, 2023


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f9b0f3 No.18720339

Power, Water: Russian Hackers Trying to Take Out Our Critical Infrastructure, UK Warns

LONDON (AP) – Russian hackers are seeking to “disrupt or destroy” Britain´s critical infrastructure and not enough is being done to stop them, U.K. government officials said Wednesday.

Britain´s National Cyber Security Centre issued an official threat notice to operators of Britain´s electricity, water and other critical systems, telling them to boost their defenses.

“I don´t think we are yet doing enough to protect our infrastructure from the cyber threats emerging from Russia-aligning groups,” the center´s chief, Lindy Cameron, said.

Cabinet Minister Oliver Dowden said the threat comes from hackers sympathetic to Russia though not necessarily directed by the Russian state. He described them as the cyber equivalent of the Wagner Group, the private Russian company with mercenaries fighting in Ukraine.

He said that while the alleged hackers currently lack the capacity to do widespread damage to U.K. systems, the threat is growing.

“Disclosing this threat is not something we do lightly,” but it´s necessary for “companies to understand the current risk they face, and take action to defend themselves and the country,” Dowden said at a cybersecurity conference in Belfast.

“These are the companies in charge of keeping our country running. Of keeping the lights on,” he said. “Our shared prosperity depends on them taking their own security seriously.”

The National Cyber Security Centre, a branch of U.K. cyber intelligence agency GCHQ, said cyber attackers could begin to broaden their focus from Ukraine to the wider West as the war drags on.

Cameron also sounded a warning about the “dramatic rise of China as a technology superpower.”

“What I´m saying about China is that China is, as we say in the integrated review, an epoch-defining threat,” she told British broadcaster Sky News. “The scale and pace of their ambition and technology is something that all of the people here at the conference need to take seriously and think about how it is that we build security into our future technology to keep our people safe.”


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335c3f No.18720340


>…but nothing wrong with people using his platform, such as Flynn or Q+

You know when the drops don't work out they way they planned, the theory becomes "moves and counter moves."

Did you see the flynn interview, where he said there is no plan. And he's also said that the mil isn't coming, and Q followers were idiots or something like that. But it's all excused as plausible deniability?

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2a59fb No.18720341

File: c3430462e24e6cd⋯.png (411.19 KB,522x832,261:416,ClipboardImage.png)

Bragg hosting a conference about sexual violence on the very day the E Jean Carrol trial begins

We see you Alvin Bragg


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10ed3f No.18720342

File: 66f86cde1139808⋯.png (44.55 KB,322x154,23:11,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e9c9ce64d733de⋯.png (34.74 KB,104x140,26:35,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18718421 p/b

Circa 2010. I wish I knew the exact date.

I was outside, looking due west, roughly looking towards Tucson, at a spectacular sunset. Spectacular colors with several horizontal layers of whispy clouds that from a distance looked like one stacked over another with sky inbetween. Blues, pinks, yellows, oranges and red.

And then I saw a missile launch. I'll never forget it, as images of the first missile launch from the movie THE DAY AFTER flashed thru my head. I was just as completely dumbstruck as the actors in the movie. There is no doubt it was a missile. Classical spreading cloud shape, appeared to be arching north from my vantage point. I watched it go up and disappear briefly behind the horizontal layers of clouds, up up and further north, until out of view.

I never found anything on the internet about a missile launch. At that time I did not know there was a decommissioned missile based around Tucson, but when I found it on the internet, that was the direction I was looking. I'm close enough that I would see a launch once a missile clears the height of mountains. It could have been San Diego also, but I think I'm too far away to see a launch from that area.

Have always wondered what I saw.

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f06bfe No.18720343

File: 61d802f3d70ad36⋯.png (86.56 KB,300x300,1:1,wtf_2.png)

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7770d1 No.18720344

File: 3e0c7c293f67e0e⋯.png (1.08 MB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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ac3aa8 No.18720345


what I mean to ask: if 5 hours too long later?

or a day? how many hours before one should not bother reporting death threats?

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1ef4b9 No.18720346


It plants a seed.

More impressionable people, like children, are then rewarded with attention and told they’re special.

Parents need to get off their phones (again, by design) and PARENT.

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fb21f0 No.18720347

File: 575af53bbbe2b9b⋯.gif (1.63 MB,500x288,125:72,duke_bros_muh_winthorpe_va….gif)

File: 485a77698a511d2⋯.png (51.71 KB,778x541,778:541,ClipboardImage.png)

"Freight Recession" Highlighted By Largest Cargo Drop Since Pandemic

J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc., the fourth largest trucking company in the US, reported Monday first-quarter profit and revenue that missed expectations, as it explained volumes and revenue per truckload fell amid fears of a "freight recession." "To start, we're in a challenging freight environment where there is deflationary price pressure for an industry that continues to face inflationary cost pressures," President Shelley Simpson told investors in a post-earnings conference call.

Cargo demand has been softening as consumers spend more money on services than goods. Inflation and soaring credit card rates also hurt consumer demand. According to Bloomberg, the latest data from American Trucking Association shows the truck tonnage index dropped 5.4% in March versus February, the largest decline since Aug. 2012.

"Falling home construction, decreasing factory output and soft retail sales all hurt contract freight tonnage," said Bob Costello, chief economist for the ATA.

"The freight market is one of the most volatile markets on the planet. Hot markets can turn ice cold in a flash, particularly after the federal government and central bankers flooded our economy with so much liquidity and then proceeded to institute the fastest monetary tightening cycle in history," supply chain data firm FreightWaves said.

FreightWaves pointed out, "The freight market downturn is a thing of the past. The freight recession has come, and carriers, regardless of whether they operate in the contract or spot markets, are having to contend with it."

FreightWaves' data also shows spot rates of truck hauls have plunged over the last 12 months, tender volumes are sliding, and there's a trucking overcapacity issue. Despite all the gloom, Ravi Shanker, Morgan Stanley transportation equity analyst, recently told clients besides "all the bad headlines and mixed data points on macro, our latest quarterly Shipper Survey keeps showing signs of improvement under the surface." (bwahahahahaha)

Well, that depends if the consumer can survive even more tightening of monetary conditions as the Fed is expected to increase interest rates by 25bps next month to around 500bps.


Cap #2 is Baltic Dry Index (1y) for another reference

The Baltic Exchange's main sea freight index, which measures the cost of shipping goods worldwide, snapped a three-session losing streak on Wednesday, rising about 0.3% to 1,372 points. The panamax index, which usually carries coal or grain cargoes of about 60,000 to 70,000 tonnes, increased by 0.8% to 1,657 points; and the supramax index added 38 points to 1,151 points. Meanwhile, the capesize index, which typically transports 150,000-tonne cargoes carrying commodities such as iron ore and coal, fell 2.1% to its lowest since March 9th at 1,643 points.


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f5b0f7 No.18720348

File: 6b8f3bef58b2a6e⋯.jpg (4.34 KB,196x197,196:197,Raskinhair.jpg)

Anon dropped this pic in his twitter 2 months ago

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3c7428 No.18720349

File: 1c1ce17debe39d7⋯.jpg (68.71 KB,593x568,593:568,Screenshot_2023_04_17_1136….jpg)


We have this?






Can you both explain why you are shoulder to shoulder with a recently arrested alleged CCP operative in this photo?


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fb21f0 No.18720350



Nice reddit spacing breh

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6108d9 No.18720351

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Its kind of hard to make widespread global changes without being biblical and freaking people out

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563fa0 No.18720352


It fits in by holding everyone involved in the "just-us" system to a higher level of accountability, and sentencing, than those they are granted power over.

Example: cop violates your rights, is proven, cop gets worse sentence for that crime than civilian.

Example: Judge signs no-knock warrant for wrong house which results in civilian killed. Judge and all officers involved in raid should be tried for pre-med murder and receive higher sentences than if a gang performed the same raid.

Actually hold the scumbags accountable and they won't be scumbags any more. Attempting to replace scumbags is ineffective because without accountability the exact same type of person is going to strive for the next available position.

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025359 No.18720353


I'm easy to find

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f9b0f3 No.18720354

The Many Times the MSM Warned About Risks with Voting Machines Used in Elections

FOX News is not the only media outlet to report on voting machines used in elections. Numerous Mainstream Media outlets have warned about voting machines for years.

Kanekoa the Great listed numerous media outlets that reported on the risks of voting machines over the years. FOX News was not the first media outlet to do so.

Here are some of the tweets from Kanekoa starting with the NYT and CBS.


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748be5 No.18720355

File: 4ee103b41e50bbd⋯.jpg (32.15 KB,480x480,1:1,4f48f14ba96e5ca2c93d5c6477….jpg)

File: ed52b5b85f39c76⋯.jpg (159.46 KB,1116x703,1116:703,uxcp1n7rx6i01.jpg)

File: bac023805a82db3⋯.jpg (172.6 KB,900x1175,36:47,af_msg4110s.jpg)

File: eecb1f09fc579d8⋯.jpg (41.99 KB,474x266,237:133,th_1235107988.jpg)

File: 2d5c55cd949952d⋯.jpg (116.55 KB,1440x907,1440:907,Luther.jpg)

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ec5c1a No.18720356

File: 8e85bfb34284ed0⋯.png (359.3 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7f0c3 No.18720358


bakers union

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335c3f No.18720359

File: c565b812352ad3e⋯.png (42.04 KB,516x253,516:253,Dillan_is_Shcitts_Puppet_D….PNG)


Dillan is a Puppet. Is HE working FOR Schitt? Liddle Kidz?

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2bad78 No.18720360



He is exposing the Playbook to his brethren. Bet this guy is not popular.

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ccd5e6 No.18720361

File: bd0c70a2fe78dc9⋯.png (2.12 MB,911x1728,911:1728,IMG_5144.png)

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0dc48d No.18720362




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025359 No.18720363


>informed consent


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7770d1 No.18720364

File: 6cd367eeb75888f⋯.png (977.81 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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58edce No.18720365

File: d1ba520d34a4269⋯.png (955.77 KB,1581x945,527:315,ClipboardImage.png)




[They] took the "show" to New York after.


“The Romance Of A People.”

A Musical And Dramatic Pageant… Portraying The Highlights In Four Thousand Years Of Jewish History.

Polo Grounds, New York City.

Several illustrations within the text. pp. 16. Original colored pictorial wrappers. Folio.

New York: For the American Palestine Campaign 1933


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dfcce1 No.18720366

Democrats [Nadler and Lofgren] have both attempted amendments to keep E-Verify out of HR 2640. Massie is also against it, but only because it creates another federal approval list.

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c68201 No.18720367


Mayorkas always says the same thing, “you are misconstruing what happened!” His smug look is sickening. He has been nailed by various committees, impeach him already!

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563fa0 No.18720368


Thank you anon. That was some direct mental communications. Makes the plan far more likely and immediate.

I appreciate it. Dunno if it was meant in jest, but it restored some hope to this anon.

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f9b0f3 No.18720369

Seattle Mayor Wants to Solve Drug Crisis by Giving Homeless Addicts ‘Gift Cards’ for Treatment Services

Homelessness and drug addiction are a growing problem in cities all over the country, but perhaps most visibly in the northwest, where progressive leaders have allowed the problem to flourish.

In Seattle, the Democrat mayor is proposing to give homeless drug addicts ‘gift cards’ they can use to access treatment services.

This is what passes for solution policy in blue America.

Mayor of Seattle wants to solve drug crisis with gift cards

Seattle Democratic Mayor Bruce Harrell unveiled his fentanyl and downtown activation plan on Monday to combat the massive drug crisis plaguing the city and even included a pilot research program to offer gift cards to encourage drug addicts to accept treatment services.

589 people died due to overdoses in Seattle in 2022, the majority attributed to fentanyl and meth, according to city data. 708 people in King County died from fentanyl in 2022, an average of 1.94 a day.

As of March 15, 172 people in King County have already died of an overdose involving fentanyl, an average of 2.32 a day…

Seattle residents and business owners have said the drug crisis on the streets is scaring people and businesses away from the downtown core. Addicts regularly refuse to accept offers of shelter or services so Harrell’s plan also includes providing low-dollar gift cards to incentivize addicts to get treatment.

The plan also called for creating more resources for people dealing with addiction such as a “contingency management” program to keep overdose survivors clean and increase access to overdose prevention medication like Narcan, which is being distributed through new methods including vending machines in King County.

It’s amazing that this is an American city.

Gift cards are not going to solve this problem.

It’s completely out of control.


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a652eb No.18720370

My local church, which I've been going to for 7 years, just made a nigger the main priest guy. Thinking about changing churches. He's a really loud, chimpy, nigger too.

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e0526a No.18720371

File: 1d5bf87abf35f8e⋯.jpg (118.97 KB,528x792,2:3,1d5bf87abf35f8edb1198454d0….jpg)


dubs, chk'd

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5d7bdd No.18720372

File: f16a506dc60b1b4⋯.png (619.73 KB,535x807,535:807,hardly_gnome.png)

File: 06f886e699e1017⋯.png (166.7 KB,607x873,607:873,gnomenclature.png)

File: c7eac513fb707af⋯.png (204.6 KB,611x891,611:891,gnomenclature_a.png)

File: ba9689b85241a02⋯.png (39.06 KB,619x207,619:207,gnomenclature_b.png)

File: 35d16443f378762⋯.png (201.62 KB,1343x935,79:55,Q_the_wife.png)

been digging..,.

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a7f0c3 No.18720373


>plan for justice

justice delayed is justice denied

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0dc48d No.18720374


Holy Toledo is this notable.

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14c9a1 No.18720375

File: 8e7fa7ad794b691⋯.png (196.76 KB,350x373,350:373,ClipboardImage.png)

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e7160c No.18720377

File: 8255e9daa9fde57⋯.png (494.94 KB,855x484,855:484,19APR23_swallwell.PNG)


2024 Budget Request Hearing

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7a45e6 No.18720378


Your mother is a dumb sheep, faggot. Your lies don't work here.

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a189a9 No.18720379

Talk is cheap. >>18720261

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514d80 No.18720380

File: 4270597eae58d5d⋯.jpg (560.77 KB,1600x1200,4:3,Hope_AR_welcome_2012_WBlog.jpg)


"Memento Audere Semper"

(Remember to always be bold)

The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream is the second book written by Barack Obama. It became number one on both the New York Times and Amazon bestsellers lists in the fall of 2006, after Obama had been endorsed by Oprah Winfrey. In the book, Obama expounds on many of the subjects that became part of his 2008 campaign for the presidency.

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9a0c89 No.18720381


talky talky

no moar talky

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216f28 No.18720382


Nope, Anon is in contact with God, angels and spirit entities, and so are you. They post here, you know that.

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2bad78 No.18720383



Muh Joo asshole. Please go back under your rock or whatever 3 letter you belong to

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22a82f No.18720384


>But it's all excused as plausible deniability?

yes, of course. what did you expect?

Q+ interview about it have been very similar.

I remember him and Lindell on a tour somewhere (Europe maybe), in an interview and they were asked about Q, and both of them just stood up and left.

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e7160c No.18720385

File: 87511aef458988c⋯.png (8.54 KB,255x255,1:1,smilingsmoke44.png)


plus 124

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e7160c No.18720387

File: 8cfb10ab12e6cfd⋯.jpg (76.07 KB,625x698,625:698,hot.jpg)

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42450e No.18720389



So how long ago was Qresearch's first note on the chyna popo? We been on that for months anons

We are the news now memes pls


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514d80 No.18720390

File: c849b2ed7835cf8⋯.jpg (18.92 KB,474x316,3:2,th_488112892.jpg)


Hope is a city in Hempstead County in southwestern Arkansas, United States. Hope is the county seat of Hempstead County[3] and the principal city of the Hope Micropolitan Statistical Area, which includes all of Hempstead and Nevada counties. As of the 2010 census the population was 10,095,[4] and in 2019 the population was estimated at 9,599.[5]

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069689 No.18720392

File: ba9dc10ca25fbe2⋯.mp4 (6.3 MB,480x360,4:3,School_House_Rock_Shot_Hea….mp4)

File: 8c04a9f970c318c⋯.png (127.61 KB,956x876,239:219,shot_heard.png)

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a7f0c3 No.18720393


>'duplicate' bakes get locked

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d1fb5f No.18720394


I notabled this last night


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8cb156 No.18720395

File: c3933346b240036⋯.png (341.33 KB,680x425,8:5,CD838B17_6BBB_43C4_8086_C5….png)

File: 8a386e3961835b0⋯.jpeg (82.11 KB,630x354,105:59,B4A86E52_BD53_423A_A671_E….jpeg)

>>18718948 pb


That’s the back side of the flag showing. That flag is only supposed to show one side, it’s not two sided like the American Flag. Done on purpose. Gold fringe on American Flag. Admiralty law?

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a7f0c3 No.18720396

File: a2e8795475c008a⋯.jpg (222.57 KB,2048x893,2048:893,job_well_done.jpg)

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c68201 No.18720397

File: 2ca619b7d5e4f59⋯.jpeg (64.29 KB,768x432,16:9,7465B567_6D9C_4AB1_9A90_E….jpeg)

19 Apr, 2023 14:33

US military industry struggling to meet Ukraine demand – WSJ

A shortage of rocket motors is interrupting the supply of missiles to Kiev

American arms manufacturers are struggling to obtain enoughrocket motorsto build missiles for Ukrainian forces, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday. With multiple contractors relying on asingle supplier, production targets have already been pushed back.

In a quarterly earnings report released on Tuesday, Lockheed Martin said that although its overall sales rose from a year earlier, sales of Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (GMLRS) fell due to a “lower volume” leaving its factories.

GMLRS projectiles are artillery rockets, and are fired from Lockheed Martin’s M142 HIMARS platform. According to the most recent Pentagon figures, theUS has given Ukraine 38 HIMARS platforms, and while the Defense Department does not disclose how many GMLRS projectiles have been sent to Kiev, a Reuters investigation put the figure at over5,000 last November, more than the 4,600 Lockheed Martin can make in a year.

A shortage of rocket motors has hindered the company’s efforts to boost production, the Wall Street Journal reported. Othermissile makers like Raytheon Technologieshave also been affected, the newspaper’s source said.

Lockheed Martin also uses solid-fuel rocket motors in itsJavelin anti-tank missiles, of which more than8,500 have been sentto Ukraine over the last year. During a visit by President Joe Biden to the company’s Javelin manufacturing facility in Alabama last May, CEO Jim Taiclet vowed to double production of the shoulder-fired missiles by 2024. However, the company and the Pentagon told the Wall Street Journal that the date has since beenpushed back to 2026.

“We thought we could get there earlier,”Lockheed Martin’s Chief Financial Officer, Jay Malave, told the paper.

US missile makers like Lockheed Martin and Raytheon Technologies source their rocket motors from asingle supplier, Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings. However, although the Pentagon awarded Aerojet a $216 million contract last week to boost production, it said it was still recovering from afire at one of its factorieslast year, while thesale of the company to aerospace giant L3Harris Technologiesis still being scrutinized by antitrust authorities.

While rocket artillery and guided missile production are apparently hindered, Ukraine is also grappling with ashortage of conventional artillery rounds. Leaked Pentagon documentsrecently suggested that the shortfall is delaying a planned spring offensive by Kiev’s forces, while the US is reportedly looking to its allies to replenish its depleted stockpiles.

Russia has repeatedly warned that the influx of Western weapons will only prolong the conflict in Ukraine. The West’s involvement “is rising gradually,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said earlier this month, adding that the West’s support for Kiev “cannot influence the final outcome of the special operation.”


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025359 No.18720398


mayorkas doubling down

snap crackle pop

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7a45e6 No.18720399


PRESIDENT does NOT mean CiC. Trump didn't steal the election. Are you fucking retarded? Yes, yes you are. I didn't mean to ask that because it's so obvious.

They want to use the military to bring in martial law and use it against us. Trump is the CiC. Do you understand why your plans for us will fail? Do you understand we are waking everybody up first and foremost? Do you understand your dumbass is going to FRY? Do you understand the HIGHEST LEVEL of the ILLUMINATI defected? Fuck, do your shoes have Velcro or can you ackchyually tie them by now?

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6a4ddc No.18720401


so all the sex traffickers and the trafficked were going to work in the fields ?

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534d8a No.18720402

File: cb7cdf53c836ce8⋯.png (540.59 KB,751x1940,751:1940,aj_1865A.png)

File: fd62fe6cceb7de8⋯.png (117.25 KB,496x1154,248:577,aj_2089.png)

File: 391eab0d8a441c3⋯.png (11.7 KB,472x572,118:143,aj_1366.png)

File: 7f46968804b98c6⋯.png (35.8 KB,884x2188,221:547,aj_1343.png)

File: e2d851d0d5c6287⋯.png (9.83 KB,914x620,457:310,aj_1340.png)


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d1fb5f No.18720403


#22968 >>18719827

>>18719866 As a jury deliberates a verdict in J6 political prisoner Chris Albert’s case..

>>18719868 Sabotage thwarted in Crimea

>>18719878 UW Health Starts Limited Use Of Artificial Intelligence

>>18719881 Markup: H.R. 2640, the Border Security and Enforcement Act of 2023

>>18719882, >>18720050, >>18720065, >>18719975, >>18720083, >>18720218, >>18720295 Biden Administration's Disastrous Withdrawal from Afghanistan, Part I: Review by the Inspectors General House Oversight and Accountability Committee

>>18719894 geopolitical pols at play

>>18719909 An online Christian preacher has been ordered by a Washington County judge in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, to stay silent on social media for five years

>>18719924 New York City Mayor Eric Adams has vowed to severely limit the amount of food households will be allowed to purchase…to cut carbon emissions.

>>18719940 648K Migrants Apprehended in Six Months in Texas-Based Border Sectors

>>18719949 No ‘magic wand’ for Ukraine – UK

>>18719953 Swedish broadcaster joins Twitter exodus

>>18719958 Schiff [Border Hearing]: Immigrants add immeasurable to our economic output. Without them, we have no food, no one to take care of us when a pandemic threatens our lives…

>>18719978 PlaneFag Europe Activity-J.C.O.S Milley arrived at Stockholm yesterday

>>18719980 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Auroral Storm over Lapland

>>18719985 China Calls Its Illegal NYC Police Station a ‘Service Center,’

>>18719996 Ukraine recalls envoy to Belarus

>>18719998 UK government said Wednesday it took reports of secret Chinese police stations overseas “extremely seriously”

>>18720009 Suspect in Japan PM attack may have had election grudge

>>18720014 Hearing: On the U.S. Tax Code Subsidizing Green Corporate Handouts and the Chinese Communist Party

>>18720023 French publisher asks UK police to cease investigation

>>18720028 North Korea touts new spy satellite

>>18720036 Mexico condemns US ‘interference’ in drug war

>>18720041 Entire Government Jury in Proud Boys Trial Wears Masks and Won’t Take Them Off

>>18720046 Muslims Tell Hindu Children to Convert to Islam or they Will Not ‘Survive Long

>>18720064 MTG: Oversight Committee Has Evidence of Biden Family Connections to Human Trafficking of Prositututes from US, Russia, Ukraine

>>18720086 Planefag CONUS activity

>>18720113, >>18720121, >>18720125 Closed hearings to examine the mission, activities, oversight, and budget of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office; to be immediately followed by an open session in SR-232A. ayys

>>18720122 FDIC Starts Selling $114 Billion of Bonds From Failed Banks

>>18720153 Hageman: The fact is that Joe Biden is the largest human trafficker in US history.

>>18720158, >>18720144 commies exposed

>>18720168, >>18720149, >>18720210 Higgins states they had the bomber in the snipers site and the biden admin would not give authority to take out the suspect.

>>18720191, >>18720111 Russia responds to seizure of state property in Finland

>>18720215 MBA: Mortgage Applications Decreased in Weekly Survey

>>18720255 #OnThisDay in 1775, the American Revolutionary War started in Lexington and Concord.

>>18720266 Moar Swamp today

>>18720291 Buckwheat up

>>18720325 Ever wonder who's behind the transgender movement?

>>18720341 Bragg hosting a conference about sexual violence on the very day the E Jean Carrol trial begins

>>18720347 "Freight Recession" Highlighted By Largest Cargo Drop Since Pandemic

>>18720349 Can you both explain why you are shoulder to shoulder with a recently arrested alleged CCP operative in this photo?

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f9b0f3 No.18720404

Researchers expose Pegasus' methods of hacking newest iPhones: Report

Citizen Lab researchers reveal three undiscovered ways Israeli spyware Pegasus can breach Apple's new operating system.

A new report published on Tuesday by the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto revealed several advanced and complicated hacking techniques used by Pegasus spyware, developed by the Israeli NSO Group for attacks against Apple devices in 2022.

The Citizen Lab found that a month after iPhone's iOS 16 operating system was officially released, the Israeli firm carried out attacks against phones with the updated version.

"NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware remains a threat, and their attack techniques continue to evolve," warned the Citizen Lab researchers.

Citizen Lab researchers Bill Marczak, John Scott-Railton, Bahr Abdul Razzak, and Ron Deibert, revealed three undiscovered ways for hacking Apple's new operating system.

According to the report, these are Zero-Click exploit chains, where hackers may break into the phones without the user clicking on a link or downloading any malware. which enables a covert, quiet infection that is undetectable.

The Citizen Lab report delves further into the techniques employed by NSO to circumvent iPhone protections.

The researchers found that PWNYOURHOME and FINDMYPWN are the first Zero-Click exploits that capitalize on various points in the software environment where an iPhone device may be prone to cyberattacks, including physical connections such as USB ports, internet connections, and other routes hackers can use to try to breach the device.

These techniques allowed the Israeli spyware to infect even the most up-to-date iPhones with the most recent versions of Apple's operating system.

The Citizen Lab researchers also pointed out that for a brief period of time, users who activated iOS 16's Lockdown Mode - an increased level of protection - encountered real-time notifications of attempted device infection.

In mid-July 2022, Apple unveiled the Lockdown Mode to block or disable some features and capabilities to prevent them from being taken advantage of by spyware.

The extreme, optional mode "hardens device defenses and strictly limits certain functionalities, sharply reducing the attack surface that potentially could be exploited by highly targeted mercenary spyware," Apple explained.

"Although NSO Group may have later devised a workaround for this real-time warning, we have not seen PWNYOURHOME successfully used against any devices on which Lockdown Mode is enabled," the Citizen Lab report confirmed, adding that "it is encouraging to see that Apple’s Lockdown Mode notified targets of in-the-wild attacks."

"While any one security measure is unlikely to blunt all targeted spyware attacks, and security is a multi-faceted problem, we believe this case highlights the value of enabling this feature for high-risk users that may be targeted because of who they are or what they do," it suggested.

It is noteworthy that Apple is suing NSO Group in a US federal court, saying the Israeli firm's spyware was used to attack iPhone users worldwide.

In 2021, the US blacklisted the firm, stating that it had sold software that had been used to "maliciously attack" government officials, journalists, businesses, activists, academics, and diplomatic personnel.


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fb21f0 No.18720405

File: f7ea418683afafd⋯.png (1.47 MB,1280x1024,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)


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13014e No.18720406

File: f6df5fc361ce7ad⋯.png (1.3 MB,1125x1128,375:376,FBI.png)

Here's some hugs to the Fascist Bisexual Instigator agents on the boards tonight.

You boys put the GOT in FAGGOT.

You put the I'M in CRIME.

You put the DO MY in SODOMY.

You put the I in TRAITOR.

You put the A in A$$HOLE.

You put the US in PU$$IES.

You put the IS in DISLOYAL.

You put the MY in ENEMY.

You put the A in PAWN.

You stab America in the back every day.

How do you faggots even sleep at night?

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748be5 No.18720407

File: 0e1f35b6cd2a463⋯.jpg (60.64 KB,554x350,277:175,gottlieb_final.jpg)


Sidney Gottlieb (August 3, 1918 – March 7, 1999) was an Jewish chemist and spymaster who headed the Central Intelligence Agency's 1950s and 1960s assassination attempts and mind-control program, known as Project MKUltra.

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72fd3b No.18720408

File: 345b1cef3b31ed5⋯.jpeg (92.77 KB,500x645,100:129,345b1cef3b31ed529061813be….jpeg)

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025359 No.18720409


Trump is not in office.

Can't run the program when out of office.

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a7f0c3 No.18720410

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ec5c1a No.18720411

File: 8eb5dc135d43701⋯.png (108.04 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>Apr 19 2023

>Auroral Storm over Lapland

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bcce6a No.18720413

Russia will Win

Ukraine will Lose

The Trials will be in Kiev

There will be one Opportunity to Surrender

Z will not be Found in Ukraine

MSM will Cover China/Taiwan War as cover

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a30b23 No.18720414


Each cargo ship emits the same amount of pollution annually as 50 million cars. If they really cared about the environment, then they would have manufacturing in each country so it is decentralized and fewer cargo ships are needed. Instead, they centralize manufacturing and everything else because that is what reptilians understand.

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d1fb5f No.18720415


I didn't delete it

took file out

feel free at any time to global report any post that threatens


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288ca8 No.18720417

any codefags here?

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ac3aa8 No.18720418


> d1fb5f

I asked about a serious issue.

are you ignoring this issue?

I guess that this BV doesn't have an answer.

Maybe I'll just go through old breads, find death threats which are still there, and put a report in for each one.

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335c3f No.18720419


It's all contradictory.


Oct 05, 2018 1:53:48 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 342


Important moment in time.

The picture will be the signifier.

The signifier will 'FORCE' the Q.

The Q will be answered (((WWG1WGA))).


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bcce6a No.18720421

Glory to the Holy Warriors of Russia

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3c7428 No.18720422


Just catchin' up. Gonna lurk then irl

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2bad78 No.18720423


Hey Muh Nigger asshole, go back to the whatever rock you were born under. perhaps 3 letters describes your sponsor best.

Division Shills will be remembered and dealt with at a future date.

WWG1WGA is All Races

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0dc48d No.18720424

File: a2929de65620cdd⋯.png (702.58 KB,960x412,240:103,cnyna1.png)

File: f64fe8225993595⋯.png (1.08 MB,963x469,963:469,chyn2.png)


Alleged Chinese Operative Arrested By FBI For Opening ‘Secret Police Stations’ Attended Ritzy Dem Events


An alleged Chinese Communist Party (CCP) operative arrested by the FBI on Monday was pictured meeting with several prominent New York Democrats at swanky dinners and campaign events, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation found.

Lu Jianwang, whom the FBI arrested Monday for conspiring to act as an agent of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), is pictured with New York City Mayor Eric Adams and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and even attended an apparent fundraiser for New York Democratic Rep. Grace Meng, according to multiple Chinese-language news reports and photographic evidence. Lu allegedly operated an overseas police station on behalf of the Chinese government. The FBI charged Lu with “obstructing justice by destroying evidence of [his] communications with a [Ministry of Public Security] official,” just months after the FBI raided the office of America Changle Association, the nonprofit at which Lu previously served as chairman, sometime in fall 2022. Multiple photos taken at events in New York City reveal that Lu Jianwang met with Meng, Adams and Schumer during events in 2022 and 2023. The DCNF identified Lu Jianwang, who served as America Changle Association’s chairman between 2012 and 2018, by matching his photo found on an archived version of America Changle Association’s website with photos from events with Meng, Adams and Schumer. On April 24, 2022, Lu took part in a fundraiser held in Flushing, New York, for Rep. Meng’s congressional campaign, according to photos posted on CareerEngine.US, a Chinese-language news website. Campaign finance records confirm that Meng’s campaign committee, Grace for New York, held an event at the Crown One Restaurant that day, and photos of the restaurant match the images on CareerEngine.US. Lu Jianwang attended the April 2022 fundraiser, according to the report which featured an image of Meng and Lu standing side-by-side. Additionally, Lu Jianshun, the current America Changle Association chairman, also attended the April 2022 fundraiser, according to the report and an included photo which depicts the non-profit’s chairman seated at a table with several men. Before the FBI raid, America Changle Association allegedly served as an outpost for an overseas Chinese police station linked to an international Chinese police unit known as 110 Overseas, which is headquartered in China’s Fujian province, according to a report from Safeguard Defenders, a human rights group which first revealed the existence of Beijing’s global police network in September. Lu Jianwang also met with New York Democratic Mayor Eric Adams on a number of occasions at events such as anniversary celebrations for America Changle Association, according to multiple Chinese-language news reports.

In fact, Lu Jianwang and Adams met as recently as March 18, 2023, at an event celebrating the 81st anniversary of the Fujian Hometown Association, according to US China Press. This meeting occurred several months after it was widely reported that the FBI had raided the American Changle Association, and the overseas police station closed down. A group photo from the event reveals that Lu Jianshun also attended. Democratic New York Sen. Chuck Schumer also attended the March 2023 event, according to a report from Sina.com. During the event — which was attended by Wu Xiaoming, a member of the Chinese Consulate — Lu Jianwang, along with two other individuals, were appointed co-chairs of the Fujian Hometown Association, according to the report. Lu Jianshun personally donated $4,000 to Adams’ mayoral campaign under the adopted name “James Lu” between 2019 and 2021, public campaign finance records show.

To date, the DCNF has not found evidence of Lu Jianshun or Lu Jianwang attending events with prominent Republican lawmakers. Meng and Schumer did not respond immediately to the DCNF’s request for comment, while Adams’ office declined to comment.

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e06c89 No.18720425

File: d8c0828244b16b4⋯.png (1.17 KB,312x23,312:23,ClipboardImage.png)


>duplicate' bakes

Baking a duplicate is not "taking" the bread back. If you don't like a Baker then just request a handy. BO says 2 bread limit per baker if other bakers want to bake.

I think you're full of shit. and a pussy

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ec5c1a No.18720426

File: 6380bb6ac647505⋯.png (847.92 KB,750x750,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>North Korea touts new spy satellite

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6a4ddc No.18720427


be careful implying nothing is happening. it's a trigger phrase. happenings may not be what you want or what they seem, but one must get involved or learn to cope

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22a82f No.18720428

File: 3d6eeaadf2ff36f⋯.png (32.1 KB,1582x886,791:443,0f173d6eeaadf2ff36f47f9665….png)

File: 16d695916a9ddc7⋯.png (27.28 KB,1200x800,3:2,0f1716d68cf.png)

File: a813af4c7c07011⋯.png (131.01 KB,1458x680,729:340,0f17a813af4c7c070111689c5c….png)



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534d8a No.18720429

File: 2f4940357d09f20⋯.png (1.17 MB,1192x1106,596:553,HCa.png)

File: 95d731e743596fa⋯.png (686.19 KB,1192x1302,596:651,HCb.png)

File: 1c26d4fcb533aef⋯.png (678.6 KB,1192x1302,596:651,HCc.png)

File: 44d0561a47e6a4e⋯.png (758.67 KB,1192x1816,149:227,HCd.png)

File: 04a8ed9f7176db2⋯.png (322.52 KB,494x397,494:397,JUSTSTOPITKEK.png)


>>>18716764 'Squad' member Cori Bush calls for Clarence Thomas impeachment

Shame this ball was called by the "Left" yet Fuck Around and Find Out

>>18699748 Clarence Thomas did not disclose real estate deal, expensive gifts, vacations from GOP mega donor HARLAN CROW

>>18699775 Who is HARLAN CROW? Bohemian Grove member and Clarence Thomas GOP Mega Donor Catholic Crusader HARLAN CROW has an extensive collection of Nazi memorabilia, including two paintings by Adolf Hitler and a signed copy of Mein Kampf.

Hard core demonstration that Clarence Thomas, "The Great Black Catholic Hope!" is Owned and Controlled by a "Catholic Crusader" Operation Paperclip Nazi Baby HARLAN CROW! who has put every Catholic in the Supreme Court since the Neo Con Nazi CIA Bush I and II DEEP STATE Regime.

HARLAN CROW - Collects Nazi memorabilia including 2 Portraits painted by Hitler and a signed copy of Mein Kampf. because he hates communism and fascism so much!

Bohemian Grove Member < Red Flag!

Collects Statues of fallen Communist and Fascist leaders in his "Garden". because he hates communism and fascism so much!

Imagine a Christian collecting Satanic Shit because they "Hate Satanism so much!

Publicly donated $500K to George Bush' Supreme Court Nominees committee. All "Catholics".

Between Bush 1, Bush 2 and Obama, all CIA Deep state "Presidents", 4 Deep State "Catholics" and 1 Deep State "Jewish" yet the nation is 42% Protestant?

Pre Biden, 5 of the 9 are direct Deep State appointee's and 4 of them are "Catholic".

POTUS = 3 more "Catholics".

Ok 2 "Catholics" and 1 "Catholic" lite!

POTUS has openly, publicly voiced his disdain for the current court who "Always rules against me!" paraphrasing...

POTUS and the PLAN are not fucking around.

POTUS picked > allowed the Deep state operatives within his Admin to choose 3 more Catholics only to later on lambast them for being worthless pieces of shit... by accident? a Coincidence?!

Now Biden or Potatus with 1 DEEP STATE "Protestant".

The U.S. is 42% Protestant, 20% Catholic and 1% or less Jewish yet 7 of the 9 Supreme Court Justices proclaim Catholicism (1 Anglican) as their Faith yet the Shills are wondering if dual citizen U.S. Israeli's are Loyal to America or Israel First and not also wondering if These "Catholic Crusaders" are beholden to Rome, to the Pope, to the Pontifex, to the Throne, to the Chair, To the Master, to the Vatican, to Knighthoods such as the knights of Malta (John Roberts), the Knights of Columbus, to the Jesuits... First???

What does Hitler, Mein Kampf, Mao, Stalin, Bohemian Grove and Clarence Thomas all have in common?

Harlan Crow!


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db7698 No.18720430

File: 7737c2b1b1721c9⋯.png (108.07 KB,570x515,114:103,Screen_Shot_2023_04_19_at_….png)

File: de45a4da3f5cb68⋯.png (65.08 KB,403x301,403:301,Screen_Shot_2023_04_19_at_….png)


>he is worried

Anon does not think God is worried. Anon does think God loves those He is saving very much and would like as many as possible to receive His offer of salvation through Jesus.

Heard a Christian speak recently in a way that made sense. Sometimes God's mercy for people like innocent children demands the ending of corrupt practices such as human sacrifice. If people practicing such acts don't repent then this person said "the Angel of Death" might end up taking them out, if anon understood correctly. This is what happened when God's people were getting ready to leave Egypt. Those who did not have the blood of a sacrificial lamb above their doorposts were visited by the Angel of Death and their firstborn all died. Anon does not think God wanted animals to die, but until Jesus gave His Life willingly to save us this was the way to have atonement for sins although temporarily.

Anon read or heard a lot of Hollywood mansions are empty. Not sure if this is true, but if so, it suggests removals are underway.

Scripture reference provided for those interested.


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ac3aa8 No.18720431


"took the file out?"

what does that mean?

which file?

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dfcce1 No.18720432

Donalds: There is obstruction coming out of the State Department and USAID. This administration has unilaterally stopped your ability to get the information that congress has authorized you to collect. Is that correct?

Sopko: That is correct.

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db7698 No.18720433


Well said.

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ff4e6d No.18720434

File: 217b7aba2927bcb⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB,1170x2334,195:389,335FA66B_E83A_4C93_847D_D….jpeg)

File: 3331480385c0460⋯.jpeg (318 KB,1151x797,1151:797,63CE31C7_E28B_4801_A4D3_E….jpeg)

File: 5e249e552c27bfa⋯.jpeg (660.36 KB,750x1059,250:353,F7A8EB77_EA7C_4090_83BD_1….jpeg)

File: 80eccd87d6f54f8⋯.jpeg (365.7 KB,750x1548,125:258,C21106E0_09EC_4926_9D4C_9….jpeg)

File: 6562135bc89500d⋯.png (328.16 KB,750x1624,375:812,8E76E7E3_BBC4_4B01_B8E5_9A….png)


Mike Flynn Owns digitalsoldiers™️, is pro transgender, best friends with never TRUMPER mcchrystal, sold out Our Country and pro-abortion

Alex Jones hates Q

Both are grifters trying to sell something to the easily conned

They’re running out of money!

Controlled opposition and Soros funded

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f9b0f3 No.18720435

Biden Official: Pollution Falling During Lockdowns Helped Life Quality, Many People Enjoyed Being in Environment Instead of Being at Work

During an interview with ABC News on Monday, outgoing Assistant Secretary for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs at the Department of State Monica Medina stated that during the lockdowns that took place during the coronavirus pandemic, many people “really appreciated how much they enjoyed getting to be in the environment more days than they would” if they had been at work and that “we saw pollution levels go down and people went, huh, my quality of life is a little bit better now” because they didn’t have to worry as much about air pollution as they did before.

Medina said that “a lot of people during the pandemic” discovered a greater appreciation for the environment, “because they were at home, and when they went outside, they really appreciated how much they enjoyed getting to be in the environment more days than they would if they would have been in the office. And in fact, we saw pollution levels go down and people went, huh, my quality of life is a little bit better now that I don’t have to worry about whether it’s code red day for smog or air pollution. So, people did become more aware.”


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7a45e6 No.18720436

File: 9e58c5568e626dc⋯.png (321.73 KB,664x376,83:47,Jesus_kek_ultra.png)


The QUEEN MOTHER OF DARKNESS threw your dumb asses to the wolves. The only way out for you faggots is through Jesus Christ. It's soooooooooooo fucking funny. The frogs in the pot of water are you inbred, fragmented, split personality, broken, unwise, psychopath, losers that are all LARPing and have REHEARSALS for YEARS over n over for this END TIMES RITUAL FACADE that you fucking idiots can no longer pull off because too many are awake and your ONLY QUEEN MOTHER OF DARKNESS left your asses for Jesus Christ and she blew all your covers.


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e99a25 No.18720437


Seems notable, CCP and D’s in bed together

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748be5 No.18720439

File: d68d4195df267a2⋯.jpeg (129.97 KB,1280x720,16:9,Fkya15jXgAEq9uR.jpeg)

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be37a0 No.18720440

The Ripple XRP filed by the FEC on the Saturn/Jupiter conjection that fell on winter solstice 12/21/2020

"xrp" = 15 (Chaldean) (5+2+8) = 528 = 5/28

From and including: Monday, December 21, 2020

To, but not including Sunday, May 28, 2023

Result: 888 days

888 days falls on 5/28

X=5 R=2 P=8 = 528 = 5/28

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f9b0f3 No.18720441

File: b66de8c15538f80⋯.gif (4.55 MB,480x360,4:3,b66de8c15538f807ec197c08df….gif)

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514d80 No.18720443

File: 622a1fa28548448⋯.jpg (72.07 KB,474x715,474:715,th_1100276089.jpg)

File: 59adb8b638afa18⋯.jpg (20.82 KB,474x360,79:60,th_2803258126.jpg)

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534d8a No.18720444

File: 55d669fbdf61ece⋯.png (131.89 KB,1320x620,66:31,susAFkek.png)

File: 7c1fa3e12ad7d92⋯.png (143.5 KB,1370x868,685:434,potscotfu1.png)

File: fe8cabbeca5f3b7⋯.png (181.33 KB,1820x1664,35:32,sc1.png)

File: 46dab491669489f⋯.png (474.39 KB,3064x2380,766:595,sc2.png)

File: 6c51e413c1c4491⋯.png (297.33 KB,3064x1104,383:138,sc3.png)


Now that is [PAIN] right there!

Don't care who you are!


Does this hole go deeper!?!!?

You bet your ass it does!

What is the Catholic Agenda?

What is the Silent War?



Still in Denial!

Massive Cog Dis!

You are Very welcomed!

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c68201 No.18720445

File: 1fe622bdf5f3fa7⋯.jpeg (196.42 KB,1241x1196,1241:1196,D912E604_DF98_4F27_871D_B….jpeg)

File: 877ef4b86812684⋯.png (7.03 MB,1242x2688,207:448,7A895FE4_62E3_4CF2_AE58_F7….png)

File: f98ca3f693ae1cf⋯.jpeg (315.09 KB,1241x1997,1241:1997,0088AEBB_DF9D_4FC1_8F46_9….jpeg)


Is that what I think it is? I thought it was larger, but the guy sure seems to be trying to get our of sight fast.

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025359 No.18720446


Harsher penalties for corrupt/bad cops.

Enhanced, like hate crime laws.

Need tye same thing for LAWyers too.

I get you.

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d1fb5f No.18720447



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8bcb8e No.18720448

Frequent coverups

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8598dc No.18720449


That dude is wearing a pregnancy thing-ma-jig under his dress! He looks like he's 9 months due! These people are sick!

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f2bdbd No.18720450

File: bdff6e68b1e7b92⋯.png (608.97 KB,913x743,913:743,bdff6e68b1e7b92a7d0193c90d….png)

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14c9a1 No.18720451

File: 05ab9dbb0f00835⋯.png (134.92 KB,532x448,19:16,ClipboardImage.png)

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7a45e6 No.18720452

File: 3f6824eab15f20a⋯.gif (417.25 KB,220x354,110:177,burn3.gif)

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563fa0 No.18720453


Somehow, yes, anon does know that.

May God bless all those on this board (you) and [you] alike with grace, peace, and comfort as we explore these turbulent times.

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025359 No.18720454


That hoof leaves a trail.

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069689 No.18720455

File: 2e1d3d68ffaf6a1⋯.png (525.16 KB,1159x579,1159:579,Fetterman_Suit.png)

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58edce No.18720456

File: e351dd652796251⋯.png (1.55 MB,2058x2700,343:450,ClipboardImage.png)


"Jewish 'Romance of a People,"

Chicago Daily News, 1933

A dramatic pageant depicting thousands of years of Jewish religious history drew 150,000 people to Soldier Field during the Century of Progress Exposition in 1933. Jews, Protestants, and Roman Catholics came together to witness historical tableaus that celebrated a venerable religious identity and faith. At the same time, the interfaith harmony could itself be taken as an expression of a characteristic American identity, a "rebuke" to the hatred evident in what had recently become "Hitler's Germany."

Creator: Chicago Daily News

Source: Newberry Library


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d97788 No.18720457


They make flexibl lighted USB endoscopic cameras for just this situation. Fishing pliers work well. Fuckin oral surgeons are mostly hype.

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216f28 No.18720458


God absolutely worries. Are you insane? God worries that if he vanishes a lot of people on this planet, it will tramatize the ones left here.

This will be an ANTI-rapture. Stop reading the bible, its an outdated plan.

And pets will get trapped in houses left unfed and all sorts of shit will get fucked up. God doesn't want to take the good people, who want to enjoy the beautiful earth, just the bad ones who don't deserve to live here.

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335c3f No.18720459

File: eaffbda0a07f2f5⋯.png (26.67 KB,644x164,161:41,Who_sold_out.PNG)


Interesting. This truth drop is interesting re; selling out

Who sold out?

Who got money and turned traitor?

It's not about the stupid digital card crap.

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09ab7a No.18720460

File: 34fa174d27a0229⋯.png (3.1 MB,1078x11879,154:1697,alexjonesfalseoppostion.png)


it's a fad. how that was engineered, i have no idea = i believe it has something to do with the injections into babies starting it '87 - went to over 70 mandated injections.

Also, that generation? many are brainwashed dems?

Perhaps something was engineered?


because Nixon and him were close.

Related to the "x-files" and why it is that Nixon was targeted and bullied into resigning.


was involved with many political groups with various identities, FWIW, the conservatives / libertarians were higher intelligence; just is.


naw, Jesus was from the tribe then, who are now "Jews" 100%

That's why jew-hate is still promoted.

they can't "get over" King jESUS

still burns them up.

Can't stand to be forbidden their weird religion/ practices. "Roman"




CNN ? still around? amazing.






good point. Still Waiting.


is Adolf's offspring drawing your crappy pictures?



who says we "follow" Flynn?

who says we "follow" "Q" ?

We are the News. We are independant, even from each other.

jones - hicks the guy people love to hate

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b3053c No.18720461

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live: Presidents of Poland, Israel and Germany unveil plaque for Chief Rabbi of Palestine

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14c9a1 No.18720462


'Hello Anon';

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22a82f No.18720463


Future proves past. Disinfo necessary.. enemy listening..

It´s all very confusing if you take all at facevalue. Q puts out all kinds of stuff, because enemy is listening. Some of that stuff become qproofs, i.e. future proves past.

It´s about validating to anons that there is a plan, without giving the enemy info on the plan, and trolling them at the same time, I presume.

You have to go back and study the qproofs and security photos and such.

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54d5ea No.18720464


Fox News to dominion

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7a45e6 No.18720466

>>18720452 me


The ONLY reason you abysmal idiots even got away with this shit for so long was because of your VOWS OF SILENCE and you QUEEN MOTHER OF DARKNESS, THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF THE ILLUMINATI, a Rothschild btw, BROKE THE SILENCE and let out ALL the sick and disgusting shit to inbred FUBAR monsters do. ALL of you know what you do is wrong. Every single one of you knows. I BET YOUR ASSHOLE IS SORE.

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09ab7a No.18720467

File: 3db91f9a2d95ab9⋯.jpg (57.71 KB,733x550,733:550,billhickswacotsidebyside.jpg)

File: 84a4af4da269d70⋯.jpg (63.74 KB,340x503,340:503,Bill_Hicks1991.jpg)

File: 02bd5a9f265b418⋯.png (548.86 KB,1000x623,1000:623,alex_jones_is_bill_hicks.png)

File: 86eca4662bddbbc⋯.jpg (143.8 KB,885x550,177:110,alex_jones_bill_hicksyhorn….jpg)

File: a296b6925d6c7a4⋯.jpg (89.95 KB,1000x588,250:147,hicksjonesmole.jpg)


The Pied Piper.

"Those you trust the most"

Hurt the most, when you find out.

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025359 No.18720468


MSM bitch gripe and complain about it till it convenient for the ideology.

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14c9a1 No.18720469

File: 200e3f16a0b1a61⋯.png (203.99 KB,502x388,251:194,200e3f16a0b1a61ff20e0f1572….png)


>CCP and D’s in bed together

First time?

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288ca8 No.18720470


bool freeTime = true;
while(freeTime) {
Idea newIdea = new Idea(you);
freeTime = (you.NewIdeas.Count() > 0) ? true : false;

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534d8a No.18720471

File: 18139d452c81350⋯.png (394.53 KB,810x938,405:469,fccc41f571f55a741d29a1198e….png)



Flynn was the Keystone to [their] plan just like Smedley Butler.

Smedley turned on [them] which became known as the Business Plot.

No one was arrested…


Flynn was broken by the legal expenses and is now on the grifter circuit.

Imagine being used as DS bait like that by the White Hats.

Imagine being forced to do all of this against your will.

Someone must think that the Plan has failed and it is time to get all Uppity again.


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691e72 No.18720472

File: 4c4dd559a61f969⋯.mp4 (12.83 MB,640x360,16:9,The_Jews_The_Not_So_Chosen….mp4)

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ec5c1a No.18720473

Blessed are the clockfags and the datefags. Despite always being wrong in their predictings of happenings, everytime they match up some important date in their theory of past proves future, we all get a well needed expert lesson in American history.

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778b63 No.18720475





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534d8a No.18720476

File: aef6c5e7ef8e0be⋯.png (989.04 KB,722x942,361:471,zzj1.png)

File: 6e4e7d1a10bfeb9⋯.png (628.62 KB,884x894,442:447,zzj2.png)

File: 67b1d5bb8468e80⋯.png (237.01 KB,696x862,348:431,zzj3.png)

File: 75ee28429c17a81⋯.png (230.25 KB,942x892,471:446,zzj4.png)

File: 653dd923ca962f6⋯.jpg (119.59 KB,490x604,245:302,jesu_lincolnmeme.jpg)




We did not Kill Abraham Lincoln!

Swear to God!

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dd59a6 No.18720477



This has been researched and debunked here many times. THIS IS NOT NAN. This was in Los Angeles, ca. Time line early 50's.

It was a promotion for a huge car sales business and Auto shop.

Had NOTHING to do with nancy.

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ac3aa8 No.18720478


so you are going to gaslight this issue?

when you ask for 'evidence' of fuckery, should I screen cap all of this and post it back to you?

anon, these people are not here for our wellness, or for the board, but to cause division.

notice how this BV gaslights a serious issue.

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22a82f No.18720479

>>18720463 me

…not that I agree with all claimed qproofs

my favorite is the one with the pope and Lord´s prayer.

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14c9a1 No.18720480


ok, so whats the idea?

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46c234 No.18720481

File: 987cf1f0de4c3cb⋯.png (134.73 KB,226x300,113:150,trdknt.PNG)

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335c3f No.18720482


>You have to go back and study the qproofs and security photos and such.

No. I have read them plenty. That's why I pointed it out. Drops stated that the Fake News was afraid to ask the Q. That drop said they would have to force it. Another said "When will they ask…" It's been asked and ignored, as you pointed out, they walked away.

I am not one to blindly parrot. I think for myself, and when things don't add up, they don't add up. No amount of hivemindgaslightingtrusttheplan can change that fact.

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288ca8 No.18720483

File: ec865e2bce1e25e⋯.png (152.87 KB,500x213,500:213,ClipboardImage.png)


1) I've been looking at FEC/ActBlue data and a remarkable % of $ they get from unemployed donors. Could do something with that if anons feel like it's of value. In order to really do anything big with that I'd need to DL the FEC data in bulk, not just individual ZIP codes like I have been doing. Possible to set up a graphing website with the munged data. https://observablehq.com/@d3/gallery#maps Interesting, but I've seen lots of other large studies that do the same thing. We would have to lookat it differently.

2) I've got extensive QR archives been wondering if we could could use it to weaponize our autists somehow. Build out our own AI Redpill machine that posts on Twatter?

3) A couple years ago a built a Twitter meme cannon that an enterprising user could configure locally with Twitter personal API creds and a memebank for custom hashtag tweet campaigns. Twitter changed their API and broke it. Could get that working again without too much trouble.

4) Had to take down my Q drop site a while ago due to hosting issues and attacks++, but it's still running locally. I saw some interest in a local viewer from Qagg. I could do another one of those.

5) I've got a few old things laying around I built. A Q/delta page [61 Zero deltas]. 8 years of Obama WH visitor logs. 2008 - 20019 House Financial Records.

6) Some other magical idea (you) have been thinking about.

7) Could do something with this old SolarWinds post https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/12975548.html#12976313, >>12976313

8) Make up your own mind fucktard.

Help me anons.

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d1fb5f No.18720485


send a global report

goes to GV not BV

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a7f0c3 No.18720486


d1fb5f 'BV' is retaarrd'd

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7a45e6 No.18720487


Your QUEEN MOTHER OF DARKNESS even told us the names of the phoenix now, Obama but it was soros, told us the names of ALL 5 mothers of darkness and the previous queen mother of darkness, a rothschild, whom clara odelia acker church chopped her head off, and she told us the names of the Grand High priestesses of all the directions. Laurie Cabot Kent, GHP of the NE, Gloria Vanderbilt, GHP of the E, but now it's beyonce, Joan Collins of the West, and Mary Lou Whitney of the S. We know about the sisters of light, we know the trafficking rings, we know the 5 trafficking groups, we know about the wolves and the protectors, we kno it all. Your Queen Mother of Darkness even turned in the 5 mothers of darkness end time ritual books,KMFAO!!!!!It's just a matter of time. Word is your little anti christ won't be able to perform any miracles and will still try to convince us.antichrist end times ritual to bring in the NWO vs The Great Awakening and all of your dumb asses TRIED AND FRIED.Fuck you.

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fa96d9 No.18720488


Flynn was the insurance policy.

They sent 4 plants into the Trump campaign with FISA's attached.

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025359 No.18720489


>Pegasus' methods

Israeli company.

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534d8a No.18720490

File: 66e3ce20684c718⋯.png (117.79 KB,972x1948,243:487,sor94.png)

File: 421af05259239fd⋯.png (51.23 KB,1505x901,1505:901,sor416.png)

File: 10bc763cef10b58⋯.png (1.53 MB,840x2500,42:125,sor1413.png)

File: 08096c4f9e8a6ef⋯.png (775.08 KB,2856x1508,714:377,b2.png)

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dd59a6 No.18720491


oh here we go with this shit again.

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5d7bdd No.18720492

File: b327f8727e4d18b⋯.png (152.57 KB,563x563,1:1,8c12488b6872bfae7d5862979e….png)


Horizontal bars is the war flag 'Military Flag of Peacetime"as opposed to horizontal bars are the "Civil Flag of Peacetime". A ring of knots represents capture, yoke, servitude it "rings" the flag like a nose!

Knots as symbols:

solomon's knot,Borromean knot, Endless knot etc..I count 17 significant knot symbols.

Notice knot shill spammer? They are scared!

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a7f0c3 No.18720493


>shit will get fucked up

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534d8a No.18720494

File: 3e92444088e7205⋯.png (126.39 KB,1024x1992,128:249,gfiii94.png)

File: 062d0ab51f16ef8⋯.png (45.07 KB,1504x760,188:95,gfiii274.png)

File: 16cc1b2ac0a9255⋯.png (74.26 KB,1304x1420,326:355,gfiii3565.png)



Easiest game anon ever played.

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ec5c1a No.18720495

File: 9c87d575a7ac609⋯.png (4.65 MB,2250x3000,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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025359 No.18720496

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563fa0 No.18720497


Yes please. Actual accountability for everyone breeds a better society.

I don't expect to be able to get away with crimes so I follow the rules. Others can violate the law any time they choose because there's nobody that's going to hold them accountable.

A good and civil society cannot exist without "justice for ALL".

Thank you anon, good to hear others are on the same page.

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534d8a No.18720498




name the other 2

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b52069 No.18720499

File: 2a00e5562c36507⋯.jpg (97.46 KB,557x642,557:642,Screen_Shot_2023_04_19_at_….jpg)


The Plan is for (you) to wake up & [un]fuck yourselves with this. World-Wide.




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dd59a6 No.18720500

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f2bdbd No.18720501

File: 87467ba42fd2fd4⋯.png (160.29 KB,486x285,162:95,verboten2.png)

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1ef4b9 No.18720502


Look beyond skin color. Does the message resonate? Is he of God?

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288ca8 No.18720503


Carter Page and Papadopoulos?

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bcebae No.18720504

File: 027e9eca65c023f⋯.png (78.03 KB,1123x794,1123:794,sedition1.png)

File: 64903473f6a7020⋯.png (119.8 KB,1123x794,1123:794,sedition2.png)

File: 5a396d35bd7f19e⋯.jpg (82.83 KB,400x489,400:489,shills.jpg)


I am satan's shill. I believe nothing, I will say anything.Over and over. I have no values, friends or family I will not sell into bondage forever for food and for feathers. Dollars will buy me. What can not spend I will burn in an ashtray or shove up my ass but I must have dollars. Give me fiat. I am satan's shill. I demoralize myself. When I finish the blow I take five xanax footballs and pass out on rental furniture. Asleep, I dream I'm awake. I am satan's shill. My stridulations are filtered. My mockery, my despair, my anguish, like my coming and my going, pass ever unnoticed. I am satan's shill. One day I will vanish like a knot in a shoelace. I am satan's shill. A petty criminal, a peeping Tom, a canvas for others tattoos, a repeater, an NPC.

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e7160c No.18720506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Buckwheat Link HOT


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ac3aa8 No.18720507

anon, just realize that this place is not what it was.

if you engage any of these bots with shill-assist, they quickly devolve into horrorible mind games, gaslighting, and some times into gore, porn, and abomination.

recognize that if you post actual news it will not get notabled unless it's to their benefit.

I guess my point: don't put too much energy or emotion into this place.

it's become a horror show of hazing and hateful hurtful name-fags and gaslighting baker-teams whose goal is to shame and harm those who dare to lurk and post.

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bcce6a No.18720508

1 min KJP


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8bcb8e No.18720509

File: 450d328efd9d841⋯.png (451.24 KB,735x500,147:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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6a4ddc No.18720510


is it not the same money and part of the plan to suppress the steal all along?

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987f52 No.18720512


Page and PapaD

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e99a25 No.18720513

We are so blessed to have BV’s that can be trusted 100% to only delete what BO requires.

On 4ch and Reddit the mods delete and gatekeep everything.

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46c234 No.18720514

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ec5c1a No.18720515


I, for one, thank Second Life for introducing me to digital currency before Bitcoin was even invented. I understood Bitcoin early and knew it was a weapon against the tyranny over a decade ago. Space Force Major just now catching on. Sucks for the players that missed that part and thought playing around with their avatars identity was cooler. Go woke, go broke.

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2a59fb No.18720516

File: 9c7ddf03edda72c⋯.png (184.54 KB,551x452,551:452,ClipboardImage.png)

Former Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg Released From Jail

New threats against him for charges


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fb21f0 No.18720517

File: 4980c90c9e62cdd⋯.png (616.97 KB,500x648,125:162,ClipboardImage.png)





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14c9a1 No.18720518


get that meme cannon back running

as far as solar winds goes, I owuld create a thread and drop all intel on it. then archive and share the archive link with the world

I hae a fren building a chatbot to code against the evil bots starting to code.

start a tor site and uplaod the content

5) I've got a few old things laying around I built. A Q/delta page [61 Zero deltas]. 8 years of Obama WH visitor logs. 2008 - 20019 House Financial Records.

a = any

b = thing

c = else

echo = a.b.c

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069689 No.18720519

Pelosi campaign pays Illinois man $7,500 after he sued over 'invasive and harassing' fundraising texts

Apr 17, 2023

An Illinois man is now $7,500 richer after accusing Nancy Pelosi of violating federal robocalling laws.

In October 2022, a Bolingbrook, Illinois resident named Jorge Rojas filed a 13-page lawsuit in the US District Court for the Northern District of Illinois that accused the former speaker of the House and her campaign of violating the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991.










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f1546f No.18720520

File: 4f6cda3864c07d0⋯.png (279.39 KB,760x538,380:269,4f6cda3864c07d022dec485074….png)

File: 9cb2e571f43fd3d⋯.png (527.23 KB,1192x680,149:85,9cb2e571f43fd3d0b88bce4c41….png)

Did taxes yesterday and found out I still owed Brandon and Ukraine money.

This shit needs to end!

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e99a25 No.18720521


Qresear.ch “solar winds”


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8bcb8e No.18720523

File: b2757c8fc9943e4⋯.webm (3.93 MB,426x240,71:40,shills_what_happens.webm)

← What happens to shills on 8kun.

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bcce6a No.18720524

KJP Shifting Blame onto McCarthy

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ec5c1a No.18720525


>Who sold out?

"record time'

as in speed? or as in take note of the time?

record has two pronunciations.

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288ca8 No.18720526


Learn to code bro. You don't even know what that says.

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126e49 No.18720527

File: 5466357eabc21e2⋯.jpg (38.1 KB,522x538,261:269,5466357eabc21e29f41aa665a2….jpg)

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14c9a1 No.18720528


ever tell anon that time i gambled .000001 btc all the way up to .001 took about a month

lost it all in 1 day.

anon quite gambling that day

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22a82f No.18720529


Was that a trick just to get the question asked, no? More public awareness of this Q thing? Pressure on the enemy? We don´t know.

I never ever expected Q+ or any other to throw the cards on the table.

That´s what Durham is for, I presume.

Disinfo necessary = things don´t add up

..but once in a while they do, and then become qproofs.

This is the situation, but don´t be a parrot, trust yourself. If you don´t trust the plan then just say "Let´s see what happens"

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dd59a6 No.18720530

I don't see papa doc, flynn or manafort being plants.

Obviously page was the plant and it was because of page, they got the wire tape ability from the fisa court.

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534d8a No.18720532

File: 099749fefa4cf96⋯.png (1.99 MB,3816x3008,477:376,sorosmain2.png)


Soros must be a Monolith!

Otherwise the Vatican controls his ass (THE DROPS) and that is way too much for the 99% to believe.

Massive COG DIS for way more than only 1.3 billion blind followers.

Shame that…

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14c9a1 No.18720533




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09ab7a No.18720534

File: 7e5d7d5f9953062⋯.jpg (81.45 KB,589x1024,589:1024,hicksjones.jpg)

File: 5e1a666e354fde3⋯.jpg (374.27 KB,1000x871,1000:871,hicksjonescompare.jpg)

File: 7cbc6520741573f⋯.png (472.79 KB,1000x613,1000:613,hicksjonescompare12.png)

File: 4784161397b88e4⋯.jpg (71.49 KB,814x550,37:25,hicksjonesconSW.jpg)

File: 49fead25c754a38⋯.jpg (75 KB,493x550,493:550,hicksjonesd.jpg)



proved by insta-shill

anons got more evidence on this than the "Jews did it" people have on their drivel "conclusion"

And if you might ask "Well is it personal"

yes, it is.


Lies are both overt and covert; lies by silence, lies by leaving out.

-but he does fucking outright lies

over and over

People still follow because they don't know who else, feel lonely in their beliefs (truths) and feel he is a real "truther" on their side, better than nothing.

And all the craziness he does, if probably just "mistakes" little errors.

He sure does push the Trump Hate though

What about after J6 "all Trump's fault"

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bcebae No.18720535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What happens when C_A back pedovore take over a country?

This does

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bcce6a No.18720536


The Bread is not where you think it is

The True Bread is where the Update Clock hits Zero

Where the Metal meets the water

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e99a25 No.18720537


Spam and gore used to get BO permission to delete posts.

Once that starts, the gate keeping against anons begins.

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d1fb5f No.18720538

Last Call

#22968 >>18719827

>>18719866 As a jury deliberates a verdict in J6 political prisoner Chris Albert’s case..

>>18719868 Sabotage thwarted in Crimea

>>18719878 UW Health Starts Limited Use Of Artificial Intelligence

>>18719881 Markup: H.R. 2640, the Border Security and Enforcement Act of 2023

>>18719882, >>18720050, >>18720065, >>18719975, >>18720083, >>18720218, >>18720295 Biden Administration's Disastrous Withdrawal from Afghanistan, Part I: Review by the Inspectors General House Oversight and Accountability Committee

>>18719894 geopolitical pols at play

>>18719909 An online Christian preacher has been ordered by a Washington County judge in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, to stay silent on social media for five years

>>18719924 New York City Mayor Eric Adams has vowed to severely limit the amount of food households will be allowed to purchase…to cut carbon emissions.

>>18719940 648K Migrants Apprehended in Six Months in Texas-Based Border Sectors

>>18719949 No ‘magic wand’ for Ukraine – UK

>>18719953 Swedish broadcaster joins Twitter exodus

>>18719958 Schiff [Border Hearing]: Immigrants add immeasurable to our economic output. Without them, we have no food, no one to take care of us when a pandemic threatens our lives…

>>18719978 PlaneFag Europe Activity-J.C.O.S Milley arrived at Stockholm yesterday

>>18719980 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Auroral Storm over Lapland

>>18719985 China Calls Its Illegal NYC Police Station a ‘Service Center,’

>>18719996 Ukraine recalls envoy to Belarus

>>18719998 UK government said Wednesday it took reports of secret Chinese police stations overseas “extremely seriously”

>>18720009 Suspect in Japan PM attack may have had election grudge

>>18720014 Hearing: On the U.S. Tax Code Subsidizing Green Corporate Handouts and the Chinese Communist Party

>>18720023 French publisher asks UK police to cease investigation

>>18720028 North Korea touts new spy satellite

>>18720036 Mexico condemns US ‘interference’ in drug war

>>18720041 Entire Government Jury in Proud Boys Trial Wears Masks and Won’t Take Them Off

>>18720046 Muslims Tell Hindu Children to Convert to Islam or they Will Not ‘Survive Long

>>18720064 MTG: Oversight Committee Has Evidence of Biden Family Connections to Human Trafficking of Prositututes from US, Russia, Ukraine

>>18720086 Planefag CONUS activity

>>18720113, >>18720121, >>18720125 Closed hearings to examine the mission, activities, oversight, and budget of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office; to be immediately followed by an open session in SR-232A. ayys

>>18720122 FDIC Starts Selling $114 Billion of Bonds From Failed Banks

>>18720153 Hageman: The fact is that Joe Biden is the largest human trafficker in US history.

>>18720158, >>18720144 commies exposed

>>18720168, >>18720149, >>18720210 Higgins states they had the bomber in the snipers site and the biden admin would not give authority to take out the suspect.

>>18720191, >>18720111 Russia responds to seizure of state property in Finland

>>18720215 MBA: Mortgage Applications Decreased in Weekly Survey

>>18720255 #OnThisDay in 1775, the American Revolutionary War started in Lexington and Concord.

>>18720266 Moar Swamp today

>>18720291 Buckwheat up

>>18720325 Ever wonder who's behind the transgender movement?

>>18720338 @SarahHuckabee In my first 100 days since taking office, we’ve brought bold, conservative, transformational change to the state of Arkansas.

>>18720341 Bragg hosting a conference about sexual violence on the very day the E Jean Carrol trial begins

>>18720347 "Freight Recession" Highlighted By Largest Cargo Drop Since Pandemic

>>18720349 Can you both explain why you are shoulder to shoulder with a recently arrested alleged CCP operative in this photo?

>>18720404 Researchers expose Pegasus' methods of hacking newest iPhones

>>18720516 Former Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg Released From Jail

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bcce6a No.18720539

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14c9a1 No.18720540


10 bets @ .001 and lost all of them in a row


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bcebae No.18720542

File: 1b25a5049843a96⋯.png (995.84 KB,1169x6371,1169:6371,dba6bcf9f8f0fcf3661a6eff22….png)

File: 1b16d4cb937e348⋯.jpg (256.51 KB,1600x1600,1:1,shills2_Copy.jpg)

File: 42c596094ffeaf5⋯.jpg (41.37 KB,425x416,425:416,Shills_Black_Mask_2.jpg)

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bcce6a No.18720543

Ask KJP about Biden's Extended Crime Family

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ec5c1a No.18720544


>ever tell anon that time i gambled .000001 btc all the way up to .001 took about a month

O' the stories I could tell…

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288ca8 No.18720545


Just came across the Epstein unredacted flight logs. I also have DJT Tweets archived from 2010 - 2020.

Memecannon ya think eh? Got a Twitter API key?

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46c234 No.18720546

File: 1d268f5625de481⋯.png (699.51 KB,1624x498,812:249,aaaby1ab.png)

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09ab7a No.18720547

File: 5e7612bf09cfbcf⋯.jpg (43.87 KB,391x513,391:513,hicksjonesn.jpg)

File: d2f747477e5ca33⋯.jpg (101.59 KB,1000x451,1000:451,joneshickscnn.jpg)

File: 41f28d2ec7139e6⋯.jpg (66.21 KB,734x550,367:275,joneshollywood.jpg)

File: 86eca4662bddbbc⋯.jpg (143.8 KB,885x550,177:110,alex_jones_bill_hicksyhorn….jpg)

File: 02bd5a9f265b418⋯.png (548.86 KB,1000x623,1000:623,alex_jones_is_bill_hicks.png)

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0cceab No.18720548

where’s trump tho?

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dd59a6 No.18720550

>>18720530 tap not tape

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288ca8 No.18720551

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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037663 No.18720553


>Obviously page was the plant

There's a Led Zep joke in there somewhere.

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ec5c1a No.18720554

File: 95b0308acb6ec7a⋯.png (419.11 KB,500x724,125:181,ClipboardImage.png)


>it's become a horror show of hazing and hateful hurtful name-fags and gaslighting baker-teams whose goal is to shame and harm those who dare to lurk and post.

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5940a3 No.18720555


Bill Hicks + Kevin Booth

Alex Jones + Kevin Booth

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288ca8 No.18720556

File: 043a44614caf788⋯.png (139.26 KB,390x280,39:28,ClipboardImage.png)



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d1fb5f No.18720557

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46c234 No.18720558


jews ruin everything they touch : )

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9d3bcc No.18720559


This place is like actual warzone/battlefield.

You need to grow some thicker skin.

Notables happens when something new comes across the board.

All you need is the sauce, a picture, title of the story, and the relevant text to support the article.

Easy peasy - bam you got yourself a notable.

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c68201 No.18720561


Good for him. Someone should do to RNC, Ronna is a fucking pain

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086638 No.18720562

File: 612c1186dcba1c1⋯.png (78.41 KB,1273x293,1273:293,ClipboardImage.png)

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8bcb8e No.18720563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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563fa0 No.18720565


That was powerful anon. Thank you for that information. Introduces perspective that can be used to correct misunderstandings.

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a3d682 No.18720566

File: 3b31e27062791e6⋯.png (531.78 KB,1098x1684,549:842,1508.png)


Manafort is an easy one.

Remember, he went to jail over his dealings in Ukraine.

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54d5ea No.18720567

File: 69e7be4d83effdf⋯.webp (93.97 KB,1400x840,5:3,IMG_1033.webp)

Blue spiral appears amid northern lights in Alaska after SpaceX rocket releases fuel

The appearance of the swirl was shared online after it was caught in time-lapse on the Geophysical Institute’s all-sky camera.

Personally I think their explanation is bolox.

More like the portal opening.

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e12958 No.18720568

File: a95a1c010696ec4⋯.jpeg (138.11 KB,1170x1815,78:121,a95a1c010696ec459e631c84a….jpeg)


Anon posted this black and white pic of late teen Barron Trump when POTUS was arraigned in NYC and it was deleted. I got the big red fileXdeleted and pic was gone from the bread.

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dfcce1 No.18720569

Jean-Pierre: Speaker McCarthy is engaging in dangerous economic hostage taking.

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09ab7a No.18720570

File: 87d75607d5a5e55⋯.png (1.16 MB,1000x1097,1000:1097,ajperformanceartist7.png)

File: 301d8a371f03741⋯.jpg (148.65 KB,1000x881,1000:881,alex_50s.jpg)

File: ce6040b1ee45b26⋯.jpg (358.47 KB,1000x607,1000:607,alex_jones_bill_hicks_same….jpg)

File: 0c15be83c762ab9⋯.jpg (43.02 KB,480x360,4:3,alexjoneswacot.jpg)


did everybody see him rehearsing his "Fuck Trump" routine?

And hear him claim he put POTUS Trump into the White House?

epitome of the "Pied Piper" hoax.

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bcce6a No.18720572

Democrats are Asking for the Moon

McCarthy wants to bring it down to Earth

If the Default happens

Who fault is it?

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a3d682 No.18720573

File: 6c66d994eb3ad80⋯.png (634.77 KB,712x3116,178:779,3669.png)

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8bcb8e No.18720574

File: 0be4be7de945947⋯.png (589.23 KB,789x460,789:460,KJP_binder_keks.png)

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d1fb5f No.18720575


#22968 >>18719827

>>18719866 As a jury deliberates a verdict in J6 political prisoner Chris Albert’s case..

>>18719868 Sabotage thwarted in Crimea

>>18719878 UW Health Starts Limited Use Of Artificial Intelligence

>>18719881 Markup: H.R. 2640, the Border Security and Enforcement Act of 2023

>>18719882, >>18720050, >>18720065, >>18719975, >>18720083, >>18720218, >>18720295 Biden Administration's Disastrous Withdrawal from Afghanistan, Part I: Review by the Inspectors General House Oversight and Accountability Committee

>>18719894 geopolitical pols at play

>>18719909 An online Christian preacher has been ordered by a Washington County judge in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, to stay silent on social media for five years

>>18719924 New York City Mayor Eric Adams has vowed to severely limit the amount of food households will be allowed to purchase…to cut carbon emissions.

>>18719940 648K Migrants Apprehended in Six Months in Texas-Based Border Sectors

>>18719949 No ‘magic wand’ for Ukraine – UK

>>18719953 Swedish broadcaster joins Twitter exodus

>>18719958 Schiff [Border Hearing]: Immigrants add immeasurable to our economic output. Without them, we have no food, no one to take care of us when a pandemic threatens our lives…

>>18719978 PlaneFag Europe Activity-J.C.O.S Milley arrived at Stockholm yesterday

>>18719980 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Auroral Storm over Lapland

>>18719985 China Calls Its Illegal NYC Police Station a ‘Service Center,’

>>18719996 Ukraine recalls envoy to Belarus

>>18719998 UK government said Wednesday it took reports of secret Chinese police stations overseas “extremely seriously”

>>18720009 Suspect in Japan PM attack may have had election grudge

>>18720014 Hearing: On the U.S. Tax Code Subsidizing Green Corporate Handouts and the Chinese Communist Party

>>18720023 French publisher asks UK police to cease investigation

>>18720028 North Korea touts new spy satellite

>>18720036 Mexico condemns US ‘interference’ in drug war

>>18720041 Entire Government Jury in Proud Boys Trial Wears Masks and Won’t Take Them Off

>>18720046 Muslims Tell Hindu Children to Convert to Islam or they Will Not ‘Survive Long

>>18720064 MTG: Oversight Committee Has Evidence of Biden Family Connections to Human Trafficking of Prositututes from US, Russia, Ukraine

>>18720086 Planefag CONUS activity

>>18720113, >>18720121, >>18720125 Closed hearings to examine the mission, activities, oversight, and budget of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office; to be immediately followed by an open session in SR-232A. ayys

>>18720122 FDIC Starts Selling $114 Billion of Bonds From Failed Banks

>>18720153 Hageman: The fact is that Joe Biden is the largest human trafficker in US history.

>>18720158, >>18720144 commies exposed

>>18720168, >>18720149, >>18720210 Higgins states they had the bomber in the snipers site and the biden admin would not give authority to take out the suspect.

>>18720191, >>18720111 Russia responds to seizure of state property in Finland

>>18720215 MBA: Mortgage Applications Decreased in Weekly Survey

>>18720255 #OnThisDay in 1775, the American Revolutionary War started in Lexington and Concord.

>>18720266 Moar Swamp today

>>18720291 Buckwheat up

>>18720325 Ever wonder who's behind the transgender movement?

>>18720338 @SarahHuckabee In my first 100 days since taking office, we’ve brought bold, conservative, transformational change to the state of Arkansas.

>>18720341 Bragg hosting a conference about sexual violence on the very day the E Jean Carrol trial begins

>>18720347 "Freight Recession" Highlighted By Largest Cargo Drop Since Pandemic

>>18720349 Can you both explain why you are shoulder to shoulder with a recently arrested alleged CCP operative in this photo?

>>18720404 Researchers expose Pegasus' methods of hacking newest iPhones

>>18720516 Former Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg Released From Jail


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bb7950 No.18720576

File: a6b0197426430c2⋯.png (136.44 KB,538x1191,538:1191,Frustration.png)

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bcce6a No.18720577


That's an Interesting Perspective

Is she making a veiled Threat?

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534d8a No.18720578

File: 5a85ed1cc3e6373⋯.png (66.58 KB,908x944,227:236,Q_1584_new_eyes.png)

File: 5a786f050eeb0a9⋯.jpg (100.1 KB,630x631,630:631,Q_1384_new_eyes_joining.jpg)











Do you read the drops?

New Eyes V. Copy Pasta

There is a literal ton of good shit that should be noted repeatedly yet since NEWS AGGREGATION = $


Especially new Proofs and decodes.

Q stated repeatedly that agents were injected as anons and purposely put out shit decodes.

Wanna see a few of those NEW PROOFS?

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22a82f No.18720579


No, wrong.

Call out the shills. Just call them out, for the newfags.

The shills are here to influence the newfags and lurkers, they are their target.

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57a90d No.18720580

Tell that bitch not to [Burn The Bread]..

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c68201 No.18720581


I’ve never been that impressed with him

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77304c No.18720583

File: a85ae3974c0ec84⋯.jpeg (57.61 KB,1280x720,16:9,SRVBillHicks.jpeg)

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534d8a No.18720585

File: d46210441cd1b5c⋯.png (123.59 KB,1058x850,529:425,Shille.png)


Would you like to see everything that had to be fought for?

Make them look stupid until they could not deny them?

Shit like that?

Archives! So many Keks!

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e7160c No.18720586

File: 9535444609263b4⋯.jpg (78.5 KB,500x704,125:176,lyin4.jpg)

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e7160c No.18720588

File: 1646470022c9483⋯.jpg (71.55 KB,500x600,5:6,simon4.jpg)

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a86136 No.18720590

File: 45cb68db0b3c5ed⋯.png (597.93 KB,1004x1004,1:1,Chat_Bots_faking_thoughts_….png)

When they not only read your thoughts, but use chat bots to fake your thoughts.

Who's fooling who?

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037663 No.18720591


>This place is like actual warzone/battlefield.

No it isn't.

Twitter is.

Comment sections (those that remain) are.

Q was pretty clear about that - even had a drop that had how to instructions about using QR as an organizing HQ.

I can't remember which exact one because nobody (me included) ever refers back to those series of drops.

Anons then/now are like let's pretend we didn't see that.

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d1fb5f No.18720592





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0dc48d No.18720593


Big stories should be notable for a number of days. Just because it's already notable doesn't mean it should be stricken from future notables. The Chinese Police Station being tied to Chuck Schumer and the Mayor of New York is an example.

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db7698 No.18720594

File: e5e31bd2161af0d⋯.png (373.37 KB,622x615,622:615,Screen_Shot_2023_04_19_at_….png)


They need access so they can see how their human experimentation is going? So they can control people they don't like by telling them they are a risk to society? HIPPA doesn't seem to work the way anon would have hoped.

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80d240 No.18720595

How many White people are shot and killed by a Black person every day?

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22a82f No.18720596

File: 3d6eeaadf2ff36f⋯.png (32.1 KB,1582x886,791:443,0f173d6eeaadf2ff36f47f9665….png)

File: 16d695916a9ddc7⋯.png (27.28 KB,1200x800,3:2,0f1716d68cf.png)

File: a813af4c7c07011⋯.png (131.01 KB,1458x680,729:340,0f17a813af4c7c070111689c5c….png)


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534d8a No.18720597

File: 32464ceb33f2aab⋯.jpg (62.45 KB,640x480,4:3,044.jpg)


Make them look like the good little gatekeepers that they are…

Oh!!! Money yeah!

A good excuse to SILENCE…

You know, money!

Something that everyanon can UNDERSTAND!

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bcce6a No.18720599

File: c42e48c78048056⋯.png (415.53 KB,554x616,277:308,ClipboardImage.png)



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c68201 No.18720600


Now no one wants to work. I hear it from lots of employers. It made everyone paranoid. Bidan admin is stupid and evil

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4b487a No.18720603


CDC is not a federal agency!

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09ab7a No.18720604

File: 7a0b6e22bcacd32⋯.mp4 (14.6 MB,640x360,16:9,Wizardsdec16.mp4)



what a coincidence; considered a "wizard"

Wonder if they all have fake birthdays and fake birth certi-s

The the children brought up in Anne Hamilton-Byrn's "The Family" cult of Australia and Catskills NY?

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46c234 No.18720606

File: 8079632988a5729⋯.png (462.07 KB,1120x280,4:1,zgla.png)

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bcce6a No.18720607

File: 1db13c29d2d17b4⋯.png (106.93 KB,220x615,44:123,ClipboardImage.png)

Sen Stolen Valor needs a Walker

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563fa0 No.18720608


Only referenced in Russian. Odd knot. Can't locate name or even why one would wear it that way unless is some form of comm?

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fc9300 No.18720612


Anyone have a picture of him in his boot yet?

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dfcce1 No.18720613

Jean-Pierre says the radical militants the were expelled, then reinstated in the Tennessee House, will be visiting Biden on Monday.

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5af4f5 No.18720614


Just because you though something to be true, and then needed anons to affirm your beliefs, you didn't get the desired outcome and it brought you confusion.

Sounds like you trust flynn, ok then.

have you made up your own mid yet?

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