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File: 02ab19ef600be5b⋯.png (715.28 KB,693x391,693:391,02ab19ef600be5b09eddb8985a….png)

e083a8 No.18718274 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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e083a8 No.18718281

International Q Research Threads

>>18670265 ——–——– Australia #29

>>18668978 ——–——– Canada #42

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>18551332 ——–——– Germany #105

>>18632710 ——–——– Japan #13

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6



Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker

Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children

Download QAGG https://anonfiles.com/3c43Scb4z0/offsite_qagg_zip

>>18147768 ban lifts

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>18147527 No p*rn videos

>>18489141 Jan 6th Song Featuring Trump Soars To #1 On iTunes

>>18681956 BLUR IMAGE CODE During Image attacks. Insert into Options.Theme.

>>18681959 How To Download Locked TS Rumble Videos


>>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>17241444 Baker's Lite JS

>>18147761 Baking range: @75 up to 751

>>17980519 No RRN in notes

>>18311579 Post notables or step down by @300


#22965 >>18717494

>>18717575 Andrew Bogut wants Basketball Australia to do more after its decision to ban Lexi Rodgers from elite level competitions

>>18717589 Fla wins, pedos lose czech the vote

>>18717591 Speaker McCarthy will address the Knesset during Israel trip

>>18717599 The three judges on the 9th Circuit panel unanimously overturned the ban on gas stoves

>>18717635 UN Report on Libya: Human Rights Catastrophe is Worsening

>>18717653, >>18717704 Hillary’s 2016 Campaign CFO and Current SEC Chairman Gary Gensler Claims He Wasn’t Aware of Payment for Steele Dossie

>>18717687 Why not get rid of AI altogether, are we that lazy to get rid of truth

>>18717707, >>18717721 Michael J. Morell and Connections/HBiden

>>18717751 An alleged Chinese Communist Party (CCP) operative arrested by the FBI on Monday was pictured meeting with several prominent New York Democrats

>>18717764 Montana Freedom Caucus calls for censure of Rep Zephyr for "Hope you see Blood-on-your-hand" threat

>>18717765 PlaneFag Conus Update

>>18717810 Asa Hutchinson And His Son Are Doing Business With Chinese Communists

>>18717863 $1 Billion Sale Marks First Major Bank’s AT1 Bond Offer Since Credit Suisse Wipeout

>>18717889 swamp tomorrow early morning

>>18717907 Fetterman is chairing a hearing tomorrow

>>18717911 PF Callsign POSDN18. Norwegian military BOEING P-8 Poseidon 9582.

>>18717912 ICAN wins religious exemption in MS, may impact other states

>>18717938, >>18717764 MT SB99 - YOUTH HEALTH PROTECTION ACT

>>18718088 A precious 8 year old little girl was found at our Border with 67 different traces of DNA inside of her.

>>18718095 Ron Johnson: Biden Welcomes Nearly Five Million Illegal Aliens to U.S., Exceeding Populations of 28 States

>>18718110 Mexico nabs, swiftly deports MS-13 gang leader to El Salvador

>>18718121 Michigan lawmaker probing whether Whitmer-backed Chinese clean energy firm working with Taliban

>>18718208 Aussie: Albanese's government wants to change the car you drive forever

>>18718250 Tarrant County commissioner spars with county judge after elections administrator resigns

>>18718273 #22965


>>18716705, >>18716888 US Senate slams Credit Suisse over Nazi ties

>>18716718, >>18716940, >>18716985 Donald J. Trump - As of 10 minutes ago, my Digital Trading Cards SOLD OUT, in RECORD TIME, approximately $4.6 Million. / 5:48=17

>>18716719, >>18716893 Ukraine hits Russia with US-made kamikaze drone

>>18716725 Top tier Memery For the keks

>>18716740 ‘We’ve got aliens living on this planet’ – India’s first cosmonaut

>>18716750 So there’s Jeff Dewit who heads the Republican Party in AZ. Maybe he can explain these 2002 docs-warranty deed and deed of trust-from his property purchase

>>18716764 'Squad' member Cori Bush calls for Clarence Thomas impeachment

>>18716766 HHS Secretary Becerra violated Hatch Act

>>18716778 Saudi Foreign Minister Lands In Syria, Meets Assad, In 1st Since War's Start In 2011

>>18716793 Mysterious Russian T-90 Tank Appears At Louisiana Gas Station

>>18716794 Twitter unveils ‘hate speech’ shadow ban policy

>>18716805 DC Attorney Sued Over Alleged Stonewalling Of Jan. 6 Footage Release

>>18716812 As Migrant Children Were Put to Work, U.S. Ignored Warnings

>>18716816 Eyes in the skyz

>>18716844, >>18716876 @HawleyMO Obliterates Sec. Mayorkas on unaccompanied minors

>>18716848, >>18716903 Q Drop #1745

>>18716875 Consul General of Poland in New York confirms US money going to Poland to build nuclear power plants

>>18716886 China's Exposure | Pentagon Leaks | Cyrus Janssen Reporterfy Media | The Duran

>>18716963 Dominion sued Fox News for $1.6 billion over ‘false election rigging claims.’

>>18717008 Former nurse describes COVID-19 protocols as ‘medical murder’

>>18717081 Bidens old @WhiteHouse BBQ Tweet posted 17:17:17 on 7/1

>>18717122 THE PEOPLE WHO LIE book by M. SCOTT. PECK

>>18717198 Pentagon is building a SECOND secret courtroom at Guantanamo Bay

>>18717362 Australian State Media starts kissing the CCP's ass - Rothschild funded propaganda

>>18717480 #22964


>>18716183, >>18716265, >>18716320, >>18716356, >>18716458 PF

>>18716197 Swedish broadcaster joins Twitter exodus

>>18716201, >>18716208 Quite a lot territory Russia wants to take according to India media

>>18716218, >>18716226, >>18716231 U.S. FDA: The monovalent Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines are no longer authorized for use in the United States.

>>18716222 Sidney Powell - Defending the Republic

>>18716223, >>18716227 Military reports

>>18716252 SW grounds flights nationwide (technical issues); delays reported at Midway and O’Hare

>>18716269 Pentagon doesn’t know how many documents were leaked

>>18716274 How Walmart Pushed Arkansas Public Schools to Go Woke

>>18716278, >>18716284, >>18716289, >>18716300 Parking garage collapse in Lower Manhattan injuring multiple people

>>18716291 Former Director of Natl Intelligence agrees with former CDC Director that Dr. Anthony Fauci lied to Congress

>>18716301 Pfizer news including Naomi Wolf's viral Hillsdate speech

>>18716305 Florida governor candidate Gillum on trial for federal corruption charges

>>18716331 NYT declares gay men “saved society” because they had fewer gay orgies during gay monkeypox outbreak that gays created

>>18716333, >>18716422, >>18716427 Bannon: UN floating an international law to make child rape legal.

>>18716354, >>18716366 Mark Levin Reveals J6 Committee Subpoenaed His Private Emails

>>18716357 DFW Election Official Suddenly Quits As Texas Investigates Mail-In Ballots Disaster

>>18716365 NY Post: creppy AI site can find every photo of you online

>>18716403 Heider Garcia, the Elections Administrator for Tarrant County Tx, is resigning

>>18716404 Update on NOTAM outage

>>18716455, >>18716497, >>18716467, >>18716518 SOLD OUT, COLLECTION (cards), 10 mins / 4.6mil, leads to qpost 810 and 187

>>18716466 The first quarter of 2023 saw job cuts rise by 396 percent compared to the same period a year ago.

>>18716474 Backlash over extra credit for eating bugs

>>18716494 Mayor Eric Adams wants New Yorkers to eat less meat to help combat climate change

>>18716515 NYC is going to track HOUSEHOLD FOOD CONSUMPTION

>>18716525 The Montana House today passed a bill to ban sex change surgeries for minors

>>18716548 St Louis Prosecutors Office is near collapse - 2 more prosecutors have resigned from the Kim Gardner led office

>>18716556 Does Russia's Electronic Warfare Equipment Renders The US JDAM-ER Useless?

>>18716604 For Enabling-Epstein Trial vs JPM Chase, CEO Dimon To Be Deposed

>>18716631, >>18716648 FB owner Meta plans to lay off about 4,000 employees on Wednesday

>>18716639 Donald Trump returns to Instagram with first set of posts in over 2 years

>>18716658 The Return of Paganism - America's Spiritual Crisis

>>18716671 #22963-B

#22963-A >>18715880

>>18715889 Disney heir & other rich folks say "Tax the rich!"

>>18715890 Pro-DeSantis poll conducted by Bush, Romney, Ryan, Rove and other Soros-linked operatives

>>18715894 KJP: "It is unacceptable that guns are the leading killer in our children

>>18715903 Illicit firearms: Operation Trigger IX nets 14,260 arrests across Latin America

>>18715910 Charges made re use of U.S. Citizens as Illegal Agents of the Russian Govt

>>18715911 Obama whistleblower Mike McCormick - interview

>>18715914 50 arrested for trafficking hashish and cocaine via the African route

>>18715915 More on Brinton

>>18715941, >>18715943, >>18715944 The Collapse Of The UK’s Gender Identity Clinic - Hannah Barnes interview

>>18715942 Toddler Apprehended After Breaching White House Grounds By Slipping Through Fence

>>18715945 Gates Plows Millions into Group Claiming Kids Are ‘Sexual Beings’

>>18715960, >>18716308 Biden’s Ed Sec'y Miguel Cardona Refuses to Answer, What is a Woman?

>>18715965 AU: New shadow child protection minister Kerrynne Liddle backs up Dutton’s child sexual abuse claims

>>18715966 Trump Unveils Plan To End Homelessness, Pitches Massive Relocation Plan

>>18715969 Polish Madeleine McCann faker reported to police over 'explicit images of children found on her phone'

>>18715983 Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Saudi Arabia for meetings with King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman

>>18715987 Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister is in Damascus, Syria!

>>18715988, >>18716007, >>18716032, >>18716041, >>18716076, >>18716087, >>18716122, >>18716145, >>18716235, >>18716235, >>18716420, >>18716508 Dominion, Fox News reach settlement in $1.6 billion defamation suit

>>18716004, >>18716144 Iran prepared to ‘destroy Tel Aviv’ -- president

>>18716045, >>18716142 The Supreme Court: Not Such an Impregnable Fortress Anymore?

>>18716072 Graham vowed that in 2017 McCain and him will push the fight against Russia - video

>>18716081 Colorado becomes TRANS TOURIST safe haven

>>18716094, >>18716118 LIVE: Hearing to Oust Soros-Backed St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner from Office Held This Afternoon

>>18716095 Crescent Space To Deliver Critical Services To A Growing Lunar Economy

>>18716101 4 fatally shot in Maine home, followed by gunfire on highway

>>18716156 Another Russian Advance In Northern Bakhmut - 4 hours ago

>>18716158 Gen. Flynn on Alex Jones

>>18716183, >>18716265, >>18716357 DFW Election Official Suddenly Quits As Texas Investigates Mail-In Ballots Disaster

>>18716546 #22963-A

Previously Collected

>>18714318 #22960, >>18715092 #22961, >>18715874 #22962

>>18712014 #22957, >>18712790 #22958, >>18713553 #22959

>>18710445 #22955, >>18711194 #22956-a, >>18711222 #22956-b

>>18708080 #22952, >>18708874 #22953, >>18709673 #22954

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #17: Enjoy The P@in >>18405516

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e083a8 No.18718288

File: e77e1c19ce423fe⋯.jpg (160.5 KB,1284x960,107:80,nightshifted2.jpg)

File: d52513759611362⋯.png (138.65 KB,561x502,561:502,Nightshift2.png)

File: 17dc0b3b93b11e2⋯.png (94.52 KB,778x792,389:396,nightshifted.png)

File: df03cf80e9096f9⋯.png (748.4 KB,720x900,4:5,nightshifted3.png)

File: 2c8ca60bfa866a3⋯.gif (932.05 KB,552x552,1:1,NS21.gif)



Baker taps

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e9dbbd No.18718298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Take the children and yourself

And hide out in the cellar

By now the fighting will be close at hand

Don't believe the church and state

And everything they tell you

Believe in me, I'm with the high command

Can you hear me, can you hear me running?

Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?

Can you hear me, can you hear me running?

Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?

There's a gun and ammunition

Just inside the doorway

Use it only in emergency

Better you should pray to God

The Father and the Spirit

Will guide you and protect from up here

Can you hear me, can you hear me running?

Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?

Can you hear me, can you hear me running?

Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?

Swear allegiance to the flag

Whatever flag they offer

Never hint at what you really feel

Teach the children quietly

For some day sons and daughters

Will rise up and fight while we stood still

Can you hear me, can you hear me running?

Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?

Can you hear me, can you hear me running?

Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?

Can you hear me, can you hear me running?

Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?

Can you hear me running (can you hear me calling you?)

(Can you hear me) hear me calling you?

(Can you hear me running) hear me running babe?

(Can you hear me running) hear me running?

Calling you, calling you

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36c744 No.18718301

File: fc8bac7f61fb49a⋯.jpg (98.11 KB,675x900,3:4,489948046.jpg)

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fa7a38 No.18718302

File: 0c031ab72f726f2⋯.png (58.56 KB,619x403,619:403,MrSwineSaysNotJews.png)

Welcome to where the admin hides the truth…

Must suck to be cursed.

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27a939 No.18718304

File: 1a377b45af4bd07⋯.gif (1.82 MB,310x288,155:144,sup.gif)

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fa7a38 No.18718307

File: 27ef940ba33c35d⋯.png (628.01 KB,588x481,588:481,ClipboardImage.png)



The chaff shall be harvested

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03ce8f No.18718310

Wong Number

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01bf71 No.18718312

File: 4e962f9ae9c9463⋯.png (678.23 KB,495x670,99:134,richard_russel.png)

File: 5082a23fcaced5e⋯.png (194.99 KB,397x399,397:399,1845_richard_russell_q_400.png)

File: 6926129ecc2b87f⋯.png (548.83 KB,621x576,69:64,night_shift.png)

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03ce8f No.18718313


Should be 22966

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2c4dd8 No.18718315

File: 9723c63d7707e1d⋯.png (265.16 KB,621x641,621:641,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 046b5282be7274e⋯.png (331.24 KB,750x750,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a53e5ff7e46cd5⋯.png (449.26 KB,750x750,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Both shot for going to the wrong house

Thewhite girl who was killed raised $89kand barely got any coverage

Theblack boy who was injured raised $3M, got a WH invitation, and 24 hour coverage

4:33 PM · Apr 18, 2023 · 2.7M Views


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a27cf2 No.18718316

File: f567f6f85ea5a78⋯.jpg (41.54 KB,750x491,750:491,5nvfsdfghtn7y3.jpg)

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4a3944 No.18718317

File: e22c9c95d2976aa⋯.jpg (99.68 KB,283x372,283:372,e22c9c95d2976aa46e91ca0ff1….jpg)

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f5af2e No.18718318

File: cd9300d67595a54⋯.png (146.72 KB,689x473,689:473,cd9300d67595a540125b366f8a….png)

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859661 No.18718320

File: c72719b7afef82a⋯.png (173.21 KB,393x262,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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4a3944 No.18718321

File: aa68685f9b0d6ec⋯.png (174.38 KB,373x491,373:491,1660153667158558.png)

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e083a8 No.18718322





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d21142 No.18718323

File: 9193acedaf40449⋯.png (446.36 KB,998x1005,998:1005,ClipboardImage.png)




It matters that we choose representatives who prioritize children and families. Become a member of @onwardtogether for a chance to join me and @TeamPelosi on May 10 to celebrate Mother's Day and help elect more Democratic women!


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01bf71 No.18718324



Q Research General #22966: Late Night Shifted Edition

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fa3108 No.18718325

File: 0fd50ec4b5ea84b⋯.png (1.18 MB,1777x1075,1777:1075,TheSkysNoLimit.png)

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5c7948 No.18718326


The white girl is dead the money is being raised for a funeral. The black boy is still alive and money is being raised for medical bills. Not everything is racist FFS.

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859661 No.18718327

File: b62316a00773297⋯.png (419.19 KB,598x484,299:242,Screenshot_2023_04_18_at_2….png)

File: c4d1523d4dd788b⋯.jpg (465.8 KB,1832x2048,229:256,FuDDf45WwAAMgX0.jpg)


Roger Stone


Great chatting with @KariLake this evening at Mar-a-Lago


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e9dbbd No.18718328

File: cee41f542f3a256⋯.png (1.52 MB,918x1082,459:541,1658882052186450.png)

File: aebddeb15814868⋯.jpg (394.74 KB,1396x990,698:495,1661533032710156.jpg)

File: be41e162646081d⋯.png (23.76 KB,857x353,857:353,1667540056565093.png)

File: 897161a2ced077a⋯.png (968.68 KB,1052x2700,263:675,1674537534128684.png)

File: 069b74132ca9ef5⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,1600x2676,400:669,1680311011976811.jpg)

>I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

>But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep, as I said to you. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me

>Jesus said, “Then you will experience for yourselves the truth, and the truth will free you.”

>They answered him, "We are Abraham's descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?"

>"We have NEVER been slaves." (The Edomites (Jews) were never slaves, The Israelites were.)

>Note this: I will make those from the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Judean and are not, but are lying—I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I have loved you.

>Note this: I will make those from the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Judean and are not, but are lying—I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I have loved you.

>For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet. I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me. They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.

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4a3944 No.18718329

File: 14bc55e6684f782⋯.jpg (56.61 KB,500x504,125:126,a986dd4fe7d0bd69859b837a2c….jpg)

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06f06d No.18718330

File: 569c435f6166130⋯.gif (188.97 KB,372x498,62:83,569c435f61661304168901718a….gif)

>>18718306 lb

It's ok… it's a journey… one step at a time.

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e9dbbd No.18718331

File: 17d1fe6da666fca⋯.jpg (49.27 KB,337x343,337:343,17d1fe6da666fcad1501e93b93….jpg)

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0428c0 No.18718332

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Yes you are!

Yes Anon is!

Electric Man!

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0428c0 No.18718333

File: 19134dac61b319e⋯.png (909.58 KB,1260x1004,315:251,b6.png)


Dear God do you feel that fucking Power?!?!?!


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4aa03c No.18718334

File: e243a8ff06c5917⋯.jpg (130.58 KB,554x564,277:282,BAKER_2FER1.jpg)

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9b3cf9 No.18718335

File: 9a453a905d76fdf⋯.jpg (76.53 KB,527x500,527:500,7io5dk.jpg)

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d21142 No.18718336

File: 404e3b8cb9ef6e6⋯.png (3.87 MB,3357x1796,3357:1796,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7ea0c8501e3b3d⋯.png (992.2 KB,987x1057,141:151,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18718323 (me) don't click the links here, i forgot to (PB) them… :-


Donald Duck & The Pedophiles


As Republicans declare war on Disney, I know whose side I'm on…

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0428c0 No.18718337

File: 621291c35b9e8cd⋯.png (43.12 KB,926x330,463:165,Q_26.png)


Running through Anons hands!


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ef1b83 No.18718338

File: 4d74ae06926f5e1⋯.jpg (128.07 KB,1125x633,375:211,4d74ae06926f5e1c726c0004dc….jpg)


>Baker taps


firm handoff if still around

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cc2d73 No.18718339

File: 33200772a1a51dc⋯.png (723.03 KB,1024x837,1024:837,ClipboardImage.png)

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e083a8 No.18718340


off hand firmed

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4fcce4 No.18718341

File: 2a0572ecc29ddfc⋯.png (75.04 KB,474x210,79:35,BE084430_4043_4DC4_B576_3F….png)

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0428c0 No.18718342

File: e940a62fe71b828⋯.png (11.73 KB,750x576,125:96,Q_95_PURGE.png)

File: c160617f895a9ae⋯.png (11.75 KB,745x571,745:571,Q95N.png)

File: 90f7386b6dbe910⋯.png (340.94 KB,1220x856,305:214,Q_95pn1.png)

File: 8ff3d3f6490c1f3⋯.png (956.93 KB,890x1612,445:806,Q95PROOF.png)



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ef1b83 No.18718343

File: f490b9964f1c3ef⋯.jpg (13.04 KB,255x131,255:131,f490b9964f1c3ef09b8e04e2b0….jpg)




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4a3944 No.18718344

File: 22596ebadccc7ec⋯.jpg (61.08 KB,750x772,375:386,1660065775699012.jpg)

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fed780 No.18718345

File: 0d395daf0f42b33⋯.jpeg (142.58 KB,1612x1080,403:270,AE66EA38_5482_4E21_818C_6….jpeg)

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cc2d73 No.18718346

File: e381ddf48544939⋯.png (1.03 MB,1000x948,250:237,ClipboardImage.png)

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0428c0 No.18718347

File: fecefe5cf062050⋯.png (9.25 KB,758x421,758:421,Q_26.png)


Q promised YOU a fucking Purge!

Here, Asia and Eu!

Praise God!

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1de145 No.18718348


Could be worse God help don't ask how. Take to sleep the knowledge that this old soul is praying for you all. Find peace in prayer to God the Father in His Son's name, live again as the innocent child we all have inside. Love You All 333

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4a3944 No.18718349

File: 8522fd8ecc032e5⋯.gif (789.83 KB,400x267,400:267,8522fd8ecc032e56cab297314a….gif)

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859661 No.18718350

File: f7ba0904623013f⋯.jpg (497.06 KB,1536x2048,3:4,FuCAstjaMAMcOHu.jpg)

File: 6e604a33bb78570⋯.jpg (376.08 KB,1536x2048,3:4,FuCZujHaAAA1zoA.jpg)

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051ae6 No.18718351

Blessed Evening, anons.

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4fcce4 No.18718352

File: b52106273b3427d⋯.png (105.61 KB,255x241,255:241,571A0A14_6E9F_4BF6_BE5F_12….png)

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cc2d73 No.18718353

File: c5ab666e1b5431b⋯.png (250.62 KB,620x381,620:381,ClipboardImage.png)

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e083a8 No.18718354

File: 256dd80d62567cd⋯.png (1.68 MB,1026x1019,1026:1019,steampunkpepe.png)


tyvm for relief

likes that acknowledgement yo

seent it once or twice I thinks

habs a great gy

ty for your service


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bda91c No.18718355


President Trump puts them all on display.

Very stable genius.

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da7bf5 No.18718356

File: c98d84ef0e39376⋯.png (518.06 KB,960x540,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


City phone

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d21142 No.18718357

File: 08dea74b1b762da⋯.png (158.78 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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0428c0 No.18718358

File: fb387e3463efe2d⋯.png (1.75 MB,1904x2476,476:619,TAYLORVIG1.png)


Praise God!


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27a939 No.18718359

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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853335 No.18718360

File: 36fcb6ec499ba7e⋯.png (657.08 KB,1077x1079,1077:1079,apr_8_2023_Dalai_Licker_if….png)

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859661 No.18718361

File: 5d652c50d8c51c9⋯.jpg (176.04 KB,960x782,480:391,Ft9R5dLaUAAouIb.jpg)

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1bc8ce No.18718362

File: 722202c98e521b9⋯.gif (3.72 MB,360x151,360:151,hangar1.gif)

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fa3108 No.18718363

File: 486b89c5f05eb3a⋯.png (3.57 MB,2425x763,2425:763,ClipboardImage.png)

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1de145 No.18718364


and the same to you. God Bless

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06f06d No.18718365


>>18718306 lb

First step



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f2f992 No.18718366

File: 730ba69f0e21941⋯.png (1.03 MB,1024x781,1024:781,730ba69f0e21941c2a9b97dfd9….png)

File: 311aa3ffc415727⋯.png (1.48 MB,1200x900,4:3,311aa3ffc41572732c1741b809….png)

File: 26b7fbb10848f39⋯.png (125.52 KB,401x225,401:225,BANNONGAPESDOXXINBOARD.png)

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bbd34a No.18718367


You don't think that after 6 million posts it may be getting a bit old?

Especially considering the DS Satanist are anything but?

Anon values freedom of speech, but freedom of sperg driven by an ulterior agenda?

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0428c0 No.18718368

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Open their Eyes!

Praise God!

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f166fb No.18718369

File: 36dc8439207c9fc⋯.png (1.42 MB,1284x1121,1284:1121,ClipboardImage.png)

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01bf71 No.18718370

File: a829efaf6be8f24⋯.webm (2.83 MB,640x640,1:1,Skyking.webm)

File: 20d65f88f0a2521⋯.jpg (1.3 MB,1200x1747,1200:1747,20d65f88f0a252101ed1e266aa….jpg)

File: ae9ef8ef0779dc4⋯.jpg (19.08 KB,255x255,1:1,20f989ec018e732e2c3e56dd31….jpg)

File: 92b93c5ac030001⋯.jpg (46.54 KB,634x640,317:320,92b93c5ac030001a836f0260f2….jpg)

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035c7f No.18718371

File: 0522eee4a04a424⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,1320x2000,33:50,Picsart_23_04_18_11_46_12_….jpg)

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77eba7 No.18718372

File: 2af17d7756dc400⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,1276x720,319:180,2af17d7756dc4000090b18b0ae….mp4)


Best one yet, ya (you) FBI on here go do something to MAGA.

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1bc8ce No.18718373

File: bcd845e6ddcfa4b⋯.png (297.97 KB,590x330,59:33,bcd845e6ddcfa4bc5b73399f35….png)

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d21142 No.18718374

File: 785181defb3f76d⋯.png (141.29 KB,399x292,399:292,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 16e76b8a42a7657⋯.png (353.46 KB,757x478,757:478,ClipboardImage.png)

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07307c No.18718375

File: b8292ed65f8a223⋯.jpg (106.41 KB,500x709,500:709,sky_king_orcas.jpg)

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4fcce4 No.18718376

File: 071a9f547aaa8e1⋯.png (3.23 MB,3000x2000,3:2,5AA0EED2_2BDE_4F5D_8EDF_C7….png)

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4aa03c No.18718377

File: b8a74ac05bdbc21⋯.jpg (110.44 KB,667x452,667:452,PUNCHING_UP.jpg)

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cc2d73 No.18718378

File: b21955e12eee3a6⋯.png (261.93 KB,540x531,60:59,ClipboardImage.png)

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da7bf5 No.18718379


<Follow the money.

<Follow the family.



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ff060f No.18718380


Add this song to the pile of songs from back then I never actually listened to & that fits into now


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ad7a90 No.18718381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Juuuust because it's a catchy song.

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1bc8ce No.18718382

File: d59874ca4271706⋯.jpg (15.79 KB,225x225,1:1,4D4D.jpg)

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27a939 No.18718383

File: c39c6d77bf3fccf⋯.gif (34.43 KB,216x200,27:25,popcorn3.gif)

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1c2031 No.18718384

File: 426271687aee2ee⋯.png (446.54 KB,870x701,870:701,musksdogrunsit.png)

File: ad4989b1f9da50f⋯.png (329.4 KB,882x548,441:274,bbconmisinformation.png)

>>18716593 pb

>>18716303 pb

The report was created and delivered (late) as DJT had ordered.

But it's down a black hole now

Not lindell's fault

The crooks blocked it.

>>18716875 pb

so some "order" of crooks is just using America as a staging ground from their International efforts to rule the World?

For how long?

>>18716794 pb

>>18716593 pb

>>18716303 pb

The report was created and delivered (late) as DJT had ordered.

But it's down a black hole now

Not lindell's fault

The crooks blocked it.

>>18716306 pb

>>18716309 pb

Musk said last night on Tucker that he thought "objectivity" , what he was after was going straight down some middle line; of course you never get truth that way; that's "truth" by committee.

But he might have to do that and the excuse might be "business" since he can't alienate the liberal crazies.

In his talk with the BCC reported by the interviewer on the BCC site (90 minute interview) Musk said the site was run by his "Dog"

So he has a worker that runs it?

I found out why Tina Forte lost in NYC against AOC - not only rigged machines; The Republican Party wouldn't back her, give money or help. She refused to be managed by the handler and team they wanted for her.

How many people have these handlers? Could Musk's Dog be a person he handles? Or other way around?

Apparently Huma was HRC's handler.


In another part of the BBC interview they went over "misinformation"

The idea I got from listening to the BBC guy is that no one is allowed to say anything BBC deems wrong. It's a one-party line. If someone says something "wrong," that's misinformation and could spread, so we must stop it and correct them.


There's only one way of thinking; it's dictatorship of the mind.

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d21142 No.18718385

File: a7512f423a516b9⋯.png (551.26 KB,747x669,249:223,ClipboardImage.png)

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0428c0 No.18718386

File: 71768692036753a⋯.png (70.04 KB,796x2480,199:620,Q_144_PATRIOTS_NO_SLEEP.png)


anon didn't mind!

anon don't mind!

anon never minds!

Mind bleeds all the time any fucking ways because those who know the TRUTH cannot sleep!

Praise God!

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77eba7 No.18718387


Saw these dudes when they opened up for Black Sabbath they rock!

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bbd34a No.18718388

File: f03cdf2019a94f1⋯.png (840.4 KB,640x792,80:99,ok_2_b_white.png)


>Not everything is racist FFS.

No, but goddamn racism is.

Which race is currently the only one you can denigrate publicly?

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f166fb No.18718389

File: 8af0b534286017b⋯.png (391.49 KB,585x548,585:548,ClipboardImage.png)

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131a18 No.18718390

on feb 20, 2023 american car center closed it's 40 car lots and declared bankruptcy

today us auto sales closed it's 24 car lots "temporarily"

capitol one has quit loaning money to dealerships

sub prime auto loans interest rates going up

defaults going up too

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500c53 No.18718391


[Lb Thank you

How can I help best with the big picture journey?

You know so much more than I do.]


[Tried that did something wrong…

Try again. Till complete with autographs.]

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01bf71 No.18718392

File: eb159e94fd6606b⋯.png (601.09 KB,604x558,302:279,Screenshot_2022_04_24_at_1….png)

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500c53 No.18718393


Cath a holic

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cc2d73 No.18718394

File: 8f65e7e69aea147⋯.png (268.95 KB,701x465,701:465,ClipboardImage.png)

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bbd34a No.18718395


Thank you lord for this filter fodder posting early.

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da7bf5 No.18718396


He ticks a lot of the boxes.

Thanks for the bun.

<Those you are taught to trust the most.



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4274c8 No.18718397

File: cac5b0147473f54⋯.jpg (102.98 KB,763x900,763:900,Sir_Propoganda.jpg)

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9a04c0 No.18718398



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4a3944 No.18718399

File: 7d09119e538052a⋯.jpg (69.85 KB,698x800,349:400,7d09119e538052abaa6dc43d69….jpg)

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0428c0 No.18718400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Church up in this motha!

Where there are two of you speaking of Q

There Q is also!

Praise God!

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f166fb No.18718402

File: bfb221bbb4e2a5e⋯.png (9.23 MB,2597x1859,2597:1859,ClipboardImage.png)

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192a70 No.18718404


Already was a purge, anyone with a brain has left the government

Nothing but commies now

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d85494 No.18718405

File: 06434ab50bccd1f⋯.png (227.08 KB,488x314,244:157,ClipboardImage.png)

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d21142 No.18718406

File: 090769f65de633a⋯.png (394.77 KB,546x466,273:233,ClipboardImage.png)

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4fcce4 No.18718407

File: 960becef287e738⋯.png (74.36 KB,255x205,51:41,B313282D_CFE9_43AE_A161_01….png)


pretty much…

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9a04c0 No.18718408


Kari always looks like a spy trapped behind enemy lines

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bbd34a No.18718409


Remind me again what tattoo is on his back.

Anon is only relatively recently, last 5 years, asking was he really that bad?

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859661 No.18718410

File: 1e0001eb40f9999⋯.jpg (302.13 KB,2016x1512,4:3,Ft7PauQXgAIYRTh.jpg)

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c43a4d No.18718411


I hate white people and they are shit - ok

I hate black people and they are shit - not ok

America today

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4aa03c No.18718412

File: cc9cd3fe27559d7⋯.jpg (126.85 KB,563x567,563:567,OFTEN.jpg)

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0428c0 No.18718413

File: 703e6b374788a9a⋯.jpg (225.75 KB,800x450,16:9,samkinosin_cropped.jpg)

*they didn't know anon was also a preacher man*

But [they] will when the Hand of God is upon [them]!

Praise be to He!

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4a3944 No.18718414

File: 7795a9304a25f6c⋯.png (444.05 KB,480x484,120:121,7795a9304a25f6cf1e5f6c4194….png)

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ef1b83 No.18718415

File: 1e0664fe37e5d61⋯.png (239.18 KB,497x500,497:500,1e0664fe37e5d618994d86b624….png)


definitely has a good ring to it


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d21142 No.18718416

File: 592f4885e2142ae⋯.png (432.33 KB,756x499,756:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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01bf71 No.18718417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0428c0 No.18718418

File: 31825b1e1b15010⋯.jpg (856.45 KB,2618x1710,1309:855,52846_17597I5705.jpg)


ohhh yes a ching chang ching chang!

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1c2031 No.18718419

File: 0252cf20e00bdf9⋯.png (2.17 MB,1408x941,1408:941,humacampaign.png)

File: f52e18b64ddd22e⋯.png (1.49 MB,1327x870,1327:870,humaandhillary.png)


In the BBC guy's mind, bots are good, because they correct misinformation.

Reducing bots doesn't help anything; from his POV.

These are people who honestly believe they themselves are machines, and the Computational machines are better at their job - information, than they are.

Pathetic really.

The knots fascism ties a person into; good lord!

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da7bf5 No.18718420


>Fighting A Trillion Dollar Propaganda Machine.

And that's why they trying to make 'em illegal.

If you made it, fix the typo.

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fa3108 No.18718421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4a3944 No.18718422

File: 2e8bf5e5571d6be⋯.png (978.07 KB,748x900,187:225,2e8bf5e5571d6be9c5811929e1….png)

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0428c0 No.18718423

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB,586x614,293:307,CHOOSEPAIN.png)

Anon is so demoralized right meow…


Praise God!

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192a70 No.18718424

Where’s the fucking niggers

Oh yeah they twos smarts fer compooper

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4aa03c No.18718425

File: bb95b87837d5432⋯.jpg (114.08 KB,500x662,250:331,UNCLE_PIG.jpg)

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da7bf5 No.18718426

File: 8e61a237f41616f⋯.jpg (277.51 KB,838x839,838:839,Corruption_Joe_Hunter_Iceb….jpg)

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9a04c0 No.18718427

File: 81bdc805184dd78⋯.png (99.86 KB,254x232,127:116,b76921d3b03b730f9d891cf817….png)

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08eb6d No.18718428

File: 8b808d2e99d61ed⋯.png (455.77 KB,615x567,205:189,pepe_cosmic.png)


G'nite, anon.

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500c53 No.18718429


Should the bots be paid for doing job better than "journalist" ?

No because they are algorithms and they have purposes to do things humans can do but choose not to once they can program them do do a certain task.

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192a70 No.18718430


Wasn’t that the failed hypersonic missile Navy built

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bbd34a No.18718431



You Americunts have such a high opinion of yourselves.

There is a whole wide world out there.

Could you pinpoint Taiwan on a map if your life depended on it?

Think bigger, faggot.

Learn what they wouldn't teach you at school.

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da7bf5 No.18718432

File: 4a151c27d362652⋯.jpg (1016.35 KB,1632x816,2:1,Shill_Team_6.jpg)



Shill Team 6 were High 5'ing there for a sec

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dd30e8 No.18718433


Wonder what the target was. Didn't say where it landed or if it blew up in the sky. So much wrong with this.

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27a939 No.18718434

File: c6ae0b33cf9c93f⋯.gif (1.37 MB,207x207,1:1,kek8.gif)

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9a04c0 No.18718435


Trump should pick Ronnie Jackson for his vp

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4a3944 No.18718436

File: 1c4e9773390ad89⋯.png (1.82 MB,1536x1024,3:2,1c4e9773390ad8972fd8b87714….png)

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f30314 No.18718437

Ha ha

Remember when Q spoke about a sniffer and many thought it was in reference to Valerie Jarrett?

Did anyone think the sniffer was Joe Biden?

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fa3108 No.18718438

File: b988b7c590b8568⋯.png (830.38 KB,720x506,360:253,ClipboardImage.png)


>asking was he really that bad?

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3e0633 No.18718439

File: 81a13c8daa6d3ed⋯.png (278.28 KB,411x415,411:415,81a13c8daa6d3ed3ebac04001b….png)


Yeah, America is pretty much the best.

Haha, I know it's crazy how cool it is to be an American.

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d21142 No.18718440

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>18718336 (me)

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4fcce4 No.18718441

File: b392776342a18e8⋯.png (126.92 KB,400x295,80:59,CC4BE07F_8692_4DA6_B970_47….png)

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4a3944 No.18718442

File: e119a678669feaf⋯.jpg (78.79 KB,1200x675,16:9,https_cdn_cnn_com_cnnnext_….jpg)

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bbd34a No.18718443

File: 4d8e9cd41f0a01c⋯.png (185.48 KB,475x713,475:713,nigger.png)


>Where’s the fucking niggers

Where's = where is.

Where is = singular

niggers = plural

I think I've found one.

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da7bf5 No.18718444

File: 113623fc95070a3⋯.jpg (68.17 KB,254x232,127:116,Pelosi_Can_t_wait_To_Get_H….jpg)

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c43a4d No.18718445


This anon made an accurate post. The entire Fake News and Hollywood are pushing biracial marriages (white woman with minority) and every sitcom / commercial / news story portrays white men as buffoons and racists.

It is what it is. This anon didn't do it. This anon is here to report it.

And this anon knows where Taiwan is. Hell, Africa isn't that big.

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d21142 No.18718446

File: ca48a9b2d1cbd85⋯.mp4 (6.66 MB,1280x720,16:9,Coincidence.mp4)

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4aa03c No.18718447

File: f6748978b444913⋯.jpg (91.38 KB,747x496,747:496,NIGHT_SHIFT_NAVY.jpg)

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192a70 No.18718448


Only ones “investigating” Biden’s money trail are government lap dogs, that will conclude Biden did nothing wrong, cuz Jews lie

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da7bf5 No.18718449

File: dbbc9b8faba01c3⋯.jpg (126 KB,1440x812,360:203,thats_true.jpg)


How do you like them apples, Mr Pig?

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a1b4b2 No.18718450


keep spouting your program.

you know the one…

the one that denies the absolute

sovereignty of God.

christianity is rife with a

nonexistent dualism.

there is no balance,

no matter what your

"science" says.

there is only One Thing.

it is too late to learn.

this is sad for you

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08eb6d No.18718451



>And this anon knows where Taiwan is. Hell, Africa isn't that big.

Good one, kek.

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a1b4b2 No.18718452


you are not,

in fact,


your statement is a fine example of

false equivalency

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bbd34a No.18718453


Hey, fuckwit bot, do you understand what filtered means?

It means you are faggot and invisible, fuckwit.

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0428c0 No.18718454

File: b29aefc196af002⋯.jpg (17.47 KB,255x216,85:72,1d4ccf6d0ceb753d38a6716f94….jpg)


[They] suck at Consensus Cracking and everything else… kek

and this is [Their] best!

That part kills Anon!

Their fucking best!

Destroyed daily!

Send more!

That Idiocracy "NOT SURE" feeling, Ya know, Anon?



Q said it best

These fucking idiots are stupid!

One would expect that they would at the very least Read the Drops!

Shill homework and shit…

Hell no!


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4aa03c No.18718455

File: f6748978b444913⋯.jpg (91.38 KB,747x496,747:496,NIGHT_SHIFT_NAVY.jpg)



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d21142 No.18718456

File: 93816dac2393fbd⋯.png (504.72 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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2a802f No.18718457

Hello Anons on the boards the other day a Anon put up a video of Ann Vanderfeild about Potato cabinet didn't sign there oath of office. Attorney Tom Callender is the one who filed a Foir got all the documents and they didn't. He was on the SGT Report Rumble. It wouldn't let me post the link

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0428c0 No.18718458

File: 3fe7ea881bc6fff⋯.png (305.23 KB,555x304,555:304,001.png)


Whoa whoa whoa!

Don't go making NS memes that are too good meow!

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4aa03c No.18718459

File: d1ef097d8c8fb96⋯.jpg (79.12 KB,616x598,308:299,BOO_BOOM.jpg)




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da7bf5 No.18718460


There are great people everywhere.

The rotten core behind the curtain is the virus. US foreign policy needs to grow up.

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4a3944 No.18718461

File: 2b3b5aa624cab0f⋯.png (912.49 KB,841x615,841:615,niggered.png)

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7576ae No.18718462


LETS "GO"OOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!




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d21142 No.18718463

File: ff974667e1b0318⋯.png (426.89 KB,577x432,577:432,ClipboardImage.png)

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a1b4b2 No.18718464


one simply hates "people"

and can not wait for the

die off.

too many sheep occlude true targets

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bbd34a No.18718465


> I know it's crazy how cool it is to be an American.

With the choice to post online pics of your dick while wearing stockings and post childish cartoons of prepubescent girls every post?

Wow, much cool.

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9a04c0 No.18718466

File: 073435ea2095763⋯.jpg (9.25 KB,255x154,255:154,Bnv.jpg)

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da7bf5 No.18718467


Snopes says you are correct

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0428c0 No.18718468

More Church!

God's gonna cut [your] asses down

Using Patriots

but of course

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500c53 No.18718469


pFree and avalentable

Costs in the long term

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3e0633 No.18718470

File: 7a025e9d129f6ea⋯.gif (1.79 MB,550x310,55:31,7a025e9d129f6eaef06ad27f1f….gif)


Stay mad euro boomer, you're dick with never be as famous.

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0428c0 No.18718471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the devil made anon do that!

Behind anon, Satan!

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be8b88 No.18718472

File: 75e2971be90a0af⋯.jpg (137.67 KB,894x579,298:193,Fan_Club_Card.jpg)

File: be7128109159178⋯.gif (1.45 MB,374x525,374:525,Ride_The_Wave.gif)


dubs chkd. Keep rocking them like a hurricane mate!

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500c53 No.18718473




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f30314 No.18718474

The anti Jewish defamation league has a new ad out about the 80000 times someone on internet said Hitler was right

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bda91c No.18718475

File: 18855ee2661cb8e⋯.mp4 (204.12 KB,552x270,92:45,ssstwitter_com_16818789311….mp4)

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b3c147 No.18718476

File: 60aaca1151ed683⋯.jpg (4.91 KB,225x225,1:1,sadcatpepe.jpg)

I lost all my best Mr. Pig memes, the retro ones.

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da7bf5 No.18718477


Yeah guns and battleships.


You think that's how one wins.

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bbd34a No.18718478


>Hell, Africa isn't that big.

Damn, this nigger circumnavigated it in a couple of days on foot.

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0428c0 No.18718479

File: 1df1514a8bde6b8⋯.png (710.29 KB,2556x1190,1278:595,b10b.png)


well that fucking settles it!

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99fa33 No.18718480

File: 25424fd4a01f095⋯.png (65.92 KB,433x422,433:422,25424fd4a01f0957b2790c0a73….png)


Trips chkd.

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f4945c No.18718481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a1b4b2 No.18718482

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01bf71 No.18718483

File: 63cc6fcdd1cbf21⋯.png (567.73 KB,724x558,362:279,propaganda_machine.png)


I didn't but I fixed it.

Don Jr retruthed original April 24 2022

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0428c0 No.18718484

File: 571ac295083faca⋯.png (544.39 KB,2476x1192,619:298,H1b.png)

File: 270136b27fa2602⋯.png (776.91 KB,2556x1188,71:33,b9.png)





Praise God!

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bda91c No.18718485


>Could you pinpoint Taiwan on a map


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4aa03c No.18718486

File: be64589bfd717a8⋯.jpg (64.13 KB,528x431,528:431,NOT_THIS_TIME.jpg)

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4d94a2 No.18718487


It's just after Made in

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0428c0 No.18718488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


more church hymnals and psalms of today

because it's fucking tight like that

and God wins!

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01bf71 No.18718489

File: d62af39831d3617⋯.mp4 (10.76 MB,640x360,16:9,Nina_Jankowicz_Walnut_Encr….mp4)

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3e0633 No.18718490

File: 0a1fe0e5dc02655⋯.png (602 KB,553x746,553:746,0a1fe0e5dc02655ab48cf2c62c….png)


Isn't that near Product of?

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a1b4b2 No.18718491


you are a pseudonazi

and detested thereby

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d85494 No.18718492

File: ad25aaf635f8e89⋯.png (543.72 KB,1072x1072,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0651391764e4010⋯.png (173.78 KB,287x450,287:450,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 383cb65e99c4b20⋯.png (1.56 MB,1136x852,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 393e668989139cc⋯.png (912.89 KB,1280x960,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Purple and pearls, order of melchidezek. They eat people.

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ef1b83 No.18718493


#22966 >>18718288

>>18728323 HRC and Pelosi live virtual conversation on Mother's Day to help elect women candidates and other democrats

>>18718327, >>18718350 Kari Lake and Roger Stone chatting at Mar-a-Lago

>>18718336 HRC: As Republicans declare war on Disney, I know whose side I'm on…

>>18718360, >>18718101, >>18718112 , >>18718120, >>18718129, >>18718150, >>18718165, >>18718170, >>18718183, >>18718186, >>18718189, >>18718201, >>18718207 Anon PB bun on Dalai Lama


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bbd34a No.18718494



What percentage of americanons could?

Anon would suggest less than 4-6%.

Isn't it time we took control of our own education and that of our children?

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0428c0 No.18718495

File: 1e5522163d591d3⋯.png (2.09 MB,1404x1408,351:352,QE2.png)


Fuck your dick!


Do you know how famous this anon is?

Don't you fucking dare tell either!

Now dance with ANON!

Tight like that!

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4a3944 No.18718496

File: 9668aadf9cbf253⋯.jpg (567.97 KB,1312x2410,656:1205,9668aadf9cbf25317e939cf32e….jpg)

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a1b4b2 No.18718497

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0428c0 No.18718498

File: 9b6568c9428292a⋯.jpeg (92.55 KB,1024x1024,1:1,9b6568c9428292a43bb64b920….jpeg)


also a fame fag


you got $17 you can lend?

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06f06d No.18718499

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,Freedom_Flag.png)


>How can I help best with the big picture journey?

Learn as much as you can from the videos @ :War-Castles & : Russell-Jay: Gould. on YT.

Best to get your COL… tbh. Because sometimes you have to show them!


>You know so much more than I do.]

anon made mistakes as well since COL ~ 2020.

Better to NOT rely on [free-help], go straight to the source for the Best. >>18718365

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a1b4b2 No.18718500


you are no moar qualified than they


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ef1b83 No.18718501


#22966 >>18718288

>>18718323 HRC and Pelosi live virtual conversation on Mother's Day to help elect women candidates and other democrats

>>18718327, >>18718350 Kari Lake and Roger Stone chatting at Mar-a-Lago

>>18718336 HRC: As Republicans declare war on Disney, I know whose side I'm on…

>>18718360, >>18718101, >>18718112 , >>18718120, >>18718129, >>18718150, >>18718165, >>18718170, >>18718183, >>18718186, >>18718189, >>18718201, >>18718207 Anon PB bun on Dalai Lama


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f30314 No.18718502





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3e0633 No.18718503

File: 93023b19de1546e⋯.png (246.51 KB,540x676,135:169,1660372842476962.png)


It's south of Japan, any Anon here could tell you where it is.

There is so much coverage of it, why would you pick that of all places?

Pick some obscure Slavic nation or somewhere in the middle east and most will probably have to look it up.


Shut up Vatican Shill, don't talk badly about my benis.

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859661 No.18718504

File: 5677747b6745de3⋯.jpg (158.79 KB,1166x874,583:437,FuCuhKfXgAQROSx.jpg)

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a1b4b2 No.18718505

File: bda89db46fdbc1f⋯.gif (4.9 MB,268x201,4:3,20201004_095140.gif)


only treefiddy

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f166fb No.18718506

File: 79c2aaf7778d9ee⋯.png (126.11 KB,680x397,680:397,ClipboardImage.png)

released FBI report, 9.11

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07307c No.18718507

File: c8f9b29f38968be⋯.png (373.92 KB,666x500,333:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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4a3944 No.18718508

File: 0143891cd855553⋯.png (118.26 KB,620x387,620:387,0096e2dd7c1185cff26b5809e2….png)

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0428c0 No.18718509

File: 751197984a6c5b5⋯.png (163.46 KB,500x500,1:1,751197984a6c5b533ec16fa5b8….png)




Anon is gonna need about $17 fiddy!

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4aa03c No.18718510

File: 2115bad37e009d0⋯.jpg (109.13 KB,423x551,423:551,PEPE.jpg)

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70b5f4 No.18718511

File: 11b687fdf46a279⋯.png (345.05 KB,700x722,350:361,ClipboardImage.png)

What if the election was given to Biden to finally wake America up to the corruption from not only the Left, but from the Right as well….

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bbd34a No.18718512


Euro? Boomer? mad?

Fuck you fail spectacularly!

You: Tranny? Check!

Pedo faggot? Check!

Arrogant pedo faggot? Even bigger check!

Millennial warped retard mentality? Check!

Se eu dissesse vá se foder homo travesti viado, você entenderia?

Everyone who speaks my language would understand.

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559d7e No.18718513

File: ae8eb3a757a5938⋯.png (1.39 MB,1944x2592,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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b3c147 No.18718514

0.000017173847544441096 of the population of The United States is on the boar right dnow.

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559d7e No.18718515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0428c0 No.18718516

File: 87f62bde4909c7f⋯.png (1.05 MB,932x725,932:725,NSBOMA1.png)

File: 35a934f1433bc4f⋯.png (2.64 MB,1986x1332,331:222,NSBOM17.png)

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07307c No.18718517

File: 0103ec9e930cd96⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB,640x360,16:9,pewdiepie_death_to_all_jew….mp4)



Hitler was Right!

I must be full of hate.

That shit is dumb as fuck.

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3e0633 No.18718518


Oh, you're some angry Brazilian with a lust for big dick trannies.


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bf713c No.18718519

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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01bf71 No.18718520

File: 56982fbfc184363⋯.png (66.91 KB,697x899,697:899,ClipboardImage.png)


We started home schooling in 2021, never sending them back to gov schools.


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f30314 No.18718521


Purple people eaters

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4fcce4 No.18718522

File: 2d446b0f5ecdcaa⋯.png (1.41 MB,686x1023,686:1023,94A827A7_40A8_4EA0_9E11_A7….png)

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a3cc88 No.18718523

Aloha faggots. Coconut wireless here on the Big Island of Hawaii with an important news flash. Jeff Bezos' son going to be married this weekend at the Kona Village resort here in Kailua Kona. Kona Village isn't officially open, but Chef Gordon Ramsay is in town and word has it he will be providing the food. All of the Bezos buddies will surely be rolling into town.

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da7bf5 No.18718524

File: 743616297d1b3a1⋯.jpg (254.55 KB,724x558,362:279,Fighting_Trillion_Dollar_P….jpg)


Maybe DJT Jr can get his hands on this version.

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f30314 No.18718525


One-eyed purple people eaters

How did that song get written 60 years ago about blac eyed satanists sacrificing kids and wearing purple

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f2f992 No.18718526

danfaggot's available fo rent

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01bf71 No.18718527

File: fe6074eb268e19a⋯.jpeg (225.3 KB,800x800,1:1,pepe_trump.jpeg)

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144b43 No.18718528

File: 0766ba0c22f3ec9⋯.gif (1.44 MB,640x491,640:491,20230418_225205.gif)

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bbd34a No.18718529

File: f5b3d0915e2dc51⋯.jpg (188.77 KB,699x662,699:662,fuck_off.jpg)


>you are no moar qualified than they

Anon who offer a wager!

Mainly because my over riding message would be: 'don't take my word on it. Research and draw your own conclusions.'

And you>

Cutting off your dick is cool and sex with children is good?


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da7bf5 No.18718530

File: 6c94f0f6ab611ec⋯.jpg (104.44 KB,570x478,285:239,Joe_Biden_A_Dog_Faced_What.jpg)


>Do you know how famous this anon is?

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f30314 No.18718531


One-eyed purple people eaters

How did that song get written 60 years ago about blac eyed satanists sacrificing kids and wearing purple

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503d6f No.18718532

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f30314 No.18718533

Has Hillary ever had a black eye?

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07307c No.18718534

File: 6ce5f45af437808⋯.gif (2.81 MB,622x640,311:320,turetts_yank.gif)


Oh shit, very nice.

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bbd34a No.18718535


Who said I am am Brazilian? And mad? You are mistaken.

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4fcce4 No.18718536

File: 4b9f4e4d51669ee⋯.png (2.21 MB,889x1333,889:1333,B89F1449_FC8B_4FB1_9239_47….png)

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0428c0 No.18718537

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"I first listened to these guys at a Black Sabbath concert yesterday. I was hooked instantly. They're my new obssession, it was love at first…"


Let there be… Rock!

Come on, Annie!

Spin You around, Baby!

Blow your fuckin' mind!

Take you to heaven and bring ya back down just to here you scream!

Praise God!

Pressure and Time!

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144b43 No.18718538

bah bah baaaahhhhhh


kys sheep

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25c2a1 No.18718539

File: ad78a1ae26f781f⋯.jpeg (80.04 KB,1280x720,16:9,42.jpeg)


you stolet my gif…

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4a3944 No.18718540

File: a507393728523e9⋯.png (1.48 MB,756x828,21:23,a507393728523e983a07893f71….png)

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3755f3 No.18718541

File: 17eca08086dd7ed⋯.png (92.29 KB,1119x440,1119:440,ClipboardImage.png)

Dasting day for global resonation.

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be8b88 No.18718542


I'm sure she has eaten all sorts of things.

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0428c0 No.18718543

File: 0b02f9019644603⋯.png (388.64 KB,498x500,249:250,sons3a.png)

File: 390805c12713dee⋯.png (870.86 KB,1556x736,389:184,sons3b.png)

File: 901550b4af009b6⋯.png (256.76 KB,326x446,163:223,sons4d.png)

File: aa783159425174d⋯.png (485.2 KB,1594x1578,797:789,sons3d.png)


No setbacks!

Of any kind!

Praise God!

and Enjoy the Show!

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b07999 No.18718544

File: 68761403cb5dc40⋯.png (740.98 KB,760x626,380:313,gwwwg1wga.PNG)

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144b43 No.18718545



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4aa03c No.18718546

File: b9f283051cb175f⋯.gif (658.54 KB,500x375,4:3,SPIN_2_WIN.gif)

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3e0633 No.18718547

File: 7ae20164a0f153e⋯.png (1.94 MB,1080x1080,1:1,1677686989209199.png)


Didn't you just post in Portuguese?

You're clearly anger posting, look at all your posts.

So hostile and angry all the time, it's okay, Anon..

You can let it all out here, all those things you have been holding back at work and at home.

It's okay, I'm here for you.. to support you.

Your dick will never be as famous, stay mad

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da7bf5 No.18718548

File: d1cb1b9f8f331a2⋯.png (1.87 MB,1438x1417,1438:1417,Trump_Laughing_Courtroom_A….png)


Your post is funny, but I fear the truth behind it is not at all.

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0428c0 No.18718549

File: ed6f08168b3c4e3⋯.png (188.6 KB,690x364,345:182,nothing1.png)

File: 625a68a46f2df40⋯.png (716.97 KB,1189x1154,1189:1154,nothing2.png)

File: e1e00683c6358f6⋯.png (544.24 KB,823x1288,823:1288,nothing3.png)

File: 249c0f02a618653⋯.png (1.28 MB,3344x3316,836:829,nothing4.png)



dont care who you are

that was kek

Praise God!

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bbd34a No.18718550


>We started home schooling in 2021, never sending them back to gov schools.

Kudos, anon. My only issue with this and online learning is that children don't learn socialisation skills. When someone pisses you off online, you can simply block them. Real life does not have this option.

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25c2a1 No.18718551


isn't the club men only….yes there are some so called "female" members, but they're originally men too…so….

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0428c0 No.18718552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


girar você, querida

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4fcce4 No.18718553



God bless, anons…

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18a950 No.18718554

a: all died of hubris?

b: yup

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da7bf5 No.18718555

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Did anons see this pathetic excuse for a rescue machine?

Fucks around

Finds out

It's junk

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3755f3 No.18718556


Bunker has some good notables past few days check em out. Did we miss the latest James O'Keefe report?


JUST NOW AT FOUR SEASONS IN LA.: James O’Keefe Questions @budlight

’s Dylan Mulvaney on OMG Jailhouse footage showing women inmates testifying on being housed with male rapists claiming to be transgender.

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4a3944 No.18718557

File: 8a1a7334c56657c⋯.mp4 (115.64 KB,640x360,16:9,NaiveGloriousBallpython_mo….mp4)

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6e47f5 No.18718558


It's a system

They all pay their dues to get in on it

Then they via for positions.

Some are media some are leaders some are corporate some are celebrities some are politicians

Some play the dems some play the stooges.

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0428c0 No.18718559

File: b852419cd90925f⋯.png (22.02 KB,904x236,226:59,Q_3895_do_not_fear.png)


Do not Fear!


Praise God!

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07307c No.18718560


I actually wrote up a long legal process in how they would subvert etc but easy answer is, Find a Judge that will hold them Accountable.

The whole thing should be dragged into Congress but that wont happen either. How many Reps failed to notarize their oath of office?

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500c53 No.18718561


[Thank you for the insights]

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bda91c No.18718562

File: 0f8a64cfb009adb⋯.png (238.41 KB,645x403,645:403,Screenshot_2023_04_18_2303….png)

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6e47f5 No.18718563



Digits confirm

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0428c0 No.18718564

File: c47184175f25410⋯.png (18 KB,780x620,39:31,00012345.png)


fuck it!


anons sidez!

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4aa03c No.18718565

File: 8f1aaf62bace705⋯.jpg (124.01 KB,443x627,443:627,FEAR_NOT.jpg)

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f30314 No.18718566

The new Fetterman vid is a real trip,

Who knew treatment for depression could cure someone of all thei brain damage fro a major stroke.

The new Fetterman has more energy and talks faster than a healthy Fetterman could ever dream.

They brought new Fetterman back and hoped they could get Feinstein to resign. But she won’t.

Then they tried to get the Rs to do their dirty work and vote her off committee. But they won’t.

So, the Ds are stiuck with not having the votes to pass judicial nominees out of committee?

What will Chuck do?

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07307c No.18718567

File: 1a86b85148efe32⋯.png (451.07 KB,800x600,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


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bbd34a No.18718568

File: 0cee72bd33ccaa3⋯.jpg (18.77 KB,258x195,86:65,vomit_pepe.jpg)



Well, fuck me,only Brazilians speak Portuguese - your America is all there is fantasy is showing.

Learn some fucking geography you ignorant faggot.

And because I am repulsed by your cock posting, I am infatuated with it?

You fucking millenial trannies sure have some fucked up logic.

Your kind repulses me.

however, you are unable to accept this because it conflicts with your fucked up life view and try to turn it into the opposite of what it is to appease your mental delusion.

Get it through you thick fucking skull. Pic rel.

You sicken we who do not have this psychological disorder.

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d85494 No.18718569


How do we extract the ackchyual link from an embed?

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da7bf5 No.18718570


>new Fetterman

Can there really be 2 people so cursed as to look like that?

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5dbebc No.18718571

File: 0e42cd67bea4042⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,640x416,20:13,929b4306.mp4)

The real flamethrower test video….

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500c53 No.18718572


[What's funny?]

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792122 No.18718573

File: 4b9443d4d6bef28⋯.mp4 (400.92 KB,718x1280,359:640,Run.mp4)


Trips and rescue dog chekd

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4a3944 No.18718574

File: 2d256747acfdde2⋯.png (353.47 KB,693x997,693:997,ltk.png)

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bbd34a No.18718575


Anon suggests the grammar dictionaries would also concur.

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d85494 No.18718576


People from Portugal speak Portuguese.

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3e0633 No.18718577

File: 371dbd289f0f909⋯.jpg (30.8 KB,292x342,146:171,1635538488876.jpg)


Huh? My life view? What are you even going on about?

Could you describe my life view or are you just parroting what you are told to think of people like myself?

Sorry that you are so limited in your scope and belief.

So you are from Portugal?

Doesn't that mean I was right that you're an angry euroboomer?

I mean you bring up millenials a lot, and that's something boomers love to do.

You know, categorize things so they are easier to understand.

Blanket statement that are nice and vague with a lack of nuance and individualization.

You really need to stop obsessing about my benis, it's creepy

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0428c0 No.18718578

File: ba7431d9e3b5b96⋯.gif (5.5 MB,464x276,116:69,ba7431d9e3b5b9687ffb94636d….gif)

Staup it!

Anons tryna be serious!

Havin Church and shit over here!

Plus dancin' to "CHURCH MUSIC" with Annie!

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bda91c No.18718579


The right will be harder to wake up because they think they are awake.

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5dbebc No.18718580


they can't help it socks

they love to hate you and hate to love you

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0428c0 No.18718581

File: e42162bfbaedfdd⋯.png (146.01 KB,493x306,29:18,will3.png)


Don't let them bother you, Sweetheart.

Do you want anon to cut them for you?

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229957 No.18718582

File: e88c3a95d21dc5b⋯.jpg (302.74 KB,1280x1197,1280:1197,boston_dynamics_spot_robot….jpg)

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bbd34a No.18718583


How amazing.

That being said, I did say I was not a eurofag.

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3e0633 No.18718584

File: 25016989520f0e5⋯.png (268.19 KB,602x504,43:36,1628882173250.png)


Well, I mean it's good they have someone to vent to about their problems.

I'm here to listen.


Will not be necessary..

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0428c0 No.18718585

File: 41c5f8439fc7951⋯.png (419.86 KB,760x524,190:131,NSMC150.png)


Just let big Daddy know…

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3e0633 No.18718586

File: cde09b3b60c5fe3⋯.png (168.16 KB,400x480,5:6,1677770639445839.png)


So where are you from Mr. Mysterious?

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859661 No.18718587

File: eccccc683f3df09⋯.jpg (22.68 KB,387x500,387:500,FuCgDVVagAEFjcI.jpg)

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f88684 No.18718588

Evenin’ Nightshift

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b039e7 No.18718589

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Socialization and pen to paper have been our two big key factors of focus. Our base curriculum is online curated, monitored and supplemented with relevant topics of interest, socialization skills are developed with community sports and church functions, as well as intentional forced interaction (store/business functions). They are not compelled to participate in clown world like the others, therefore their interactions with those families red pill their kids to alternative ways of life. Many adjustments have been made, currently society is built upon the rat race, we try to plan around God's schedule as much as possible.

>Comparison is the thief of joy

However comparison to those within the system is a healthy gauge of achievement and progress. 3 years in I am way more in tune with my children's education than I was ever allowed to be within their system, and I see the affinity for learning developing within them.

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d85494 No.18718590

File: 08edd449d57497f⋯.jpg (289.95 KB,900x960,15:16,boomers.jpg)

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da7bf5 No.18718591

File: 73bf47823e4f717⋯.jpg (271.88 KB,960x620,48:31,Schumann_Swordy_This.jpg)


Kudos anon.


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4a3944 No.18718592

File: 01dbe0638e7e525⋯.gif (5.36 MB,600x901,600:901,01dbe0638e7e525897d1233858….gif)

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ef1b83 No.18718593

File: 4edafa048a6c7cf⋯.png (600.75 KB,692x480,173:120,e35be0afe4d6d1242de7f5b92c….png)



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f30707 No.18718594

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Activated. Unst unst unst unst.

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0b538a No.18718595

File: 854770266a92194⋯.png (260.17 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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da7bf5 No.18718596

File: eaf5592a7ce9f4a⋯.jpg (1.65 MB,2148x1680,179:140,Greta_Digits_Stole_Childho….jpg)


Are you licensed for dubs?

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4aa03c No.18718597

File: f74bd3284305b03⋯.jpg (105.35 KB,476x561,28:33,VA.jpg)

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5dbebc No.18718598



>to vent to about their problems

yea, that nigger needs to vent to a 12ga shotgun…it's also a good listener with excellent advise….only good for one time though, unfortunately…..

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4a3944 No.18718599

File: cd938cf2fff1c29⋯.png (186.92 KB,518x388,259:194,Bril_theif.png)

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804362 No.18718600


Based Pig is best Pig.

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61ee4e No.18718601

File: e1b1bb889ed249c⋯.png (248.17 KB,432x437,432:437,e1b1bb889ed249c83586410b77….png)


>How do we extract the ackchyual link from an embed?

Go to rumble instead…kek.

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0428c0 No.18718602

File: 5c3ca5cbda00b10⋯.png (642.14 KB,776x619,776:619,000NSQ4F.png)


Good Evening

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bbd34a No.18718603


Taking your children to extracurricular activities is a must with home and online schooling in this anon's humble opinion.

Also, limiting social media access is also another.

Is anon too old school?

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da7bf5 No.18718604


MC2 = MC*2

Which is wrong

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57ded1 No.18718605


>what a glo nigger would say

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5dbebc No.18718606

File: eb1bb3d7ac9a177⋯.png (343.09 KB,541x512,541:512,ClipboardImage.png)

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4fcce4 No.18718607

File: 34ab63456a74311⋯.png (108.93 KB,255x255,1:1,9286C865_AEC7_488F_97A8_9B….png)

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b3c147 No.18718608


But is he the original Pig?

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3e0633 No.18718609

File: b490b66d5473095⋯.jpg (65.56 KB,359x347,359:347,1652747994889.jpg)


I have never spoken to this Anon before.

It's always fun to figure a person's posting style and what psychological games they play.

Their defense and assaults are always amusing, like a new puzzle to be solved.

I really wished he would have engaged me more, because it was an interesting learning experience.


Kek.. he isn't that bad.

He is having some simple conversation with other Anons.

Just probably gets mad when someone doesn't fit with his world view or if he interprets someone's post as counter or incongruent with his make up.

>>18718603 ← See, he is nice and comfy here.

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77eba7 No.18718610

File: 2af17d7756dc400⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,1276x720,319:180,2af17d7756dc4000090b18b0ae….mp4)


I'm dying here

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bbd34a No.18718611

File: 8f41e75f86bbe30⋯.mp4 (3.34 MB,640x360,16:9,chimp_out.mp4)


< battle monkeys

Anon really must dub this vid with anon's Attenboroughesque narrative

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ee40b8 No.18718612

File: bd30f766c4df826⋯.jpg (82.51 KB,447x367,447:367,PigWinning.jpg)

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804362 No.18718613


Should be able to right-click on vid > open frame in new tab > right-click save as > win moar.

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24b320 No.18718614

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Apr 17 2023

Public Intel Report - D-Day

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f30707 No.18718615

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bbd34a No.18718616

File: bb85ea62d5781dd⋯.png (10.53 KB,252x255,84:85,filtrado.PNG)


More Ip hopping, more pic related

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0428c0 No.18718617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Say that you are Anons Dirty Little Thing!

Say it!

All you other Ho's!

Post more bitches or BO will delete anon for posting over the fucking speed limit!

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5dbebc No.18718618

File: 17e1b06165b9d12⋯.png (636.6 KB,882x688,441:344,Screenshot203536.png)



>he isn't that bad.

if you say so….I'll turn off protection mode ;)

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d85494 No.18718619


Shut your cock sucker, you pompous faggit. Do we all need to change so that mr. high almighty you can feel better? Can you point to your olecranon process without looking it up?

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f30707 No.18718620


Lesbian energy summons Q, never foreplayget.

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24b320 No.18718621

File: 61431368eb86b5d⋯.png (22.02 KB,414x334,207:167,Screenshot_2023_04_18_21_5….png)

Public Intel Report - D-Day


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f30314 No.18718622


Which one is which?

That’s the wrong one

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4fcce4 No.18718623

File: 2ce00ac6525dbec⋯.png (117.76 KB,474x248,237:124,BD0B2B30_F0DD_4790_AB04_24….png)

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b039e7 No.18718624

File: 404f125278998c8⋯.png (1.68 MB,1895x937,1895:937,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fddf1764089f4f4⋯.jpeg (95.46 KB,1080x612,30:17,Saving_the_world.jpeg)


>Parents Who Fight


I keep telling them to wait until they find out what dads really been doing.

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4aa03c No.18718625

File: bd30f766c4df826⋯.jpg (82.51 KB,447x367,447:367,4_D_WIN.jpg)

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d85494 No.18718626


Yea, I thought not also.

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0428c0 No.18718627

File: e6cebb4081d3c92⋯.png (912.33 KB,760x676,190:169,000NSDAY25.png)


Big Daddy Anon was already protecting Annie, Faggot!

*prepares to give you a thorough beating, will then fuck you and eat your children, if this was minecraft…*

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804362 No.18718628


He's got ID. Just ask him.

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3dfccf No.18718629



so nice

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3e0633 No.18718630

File: 4043e3f2094de84⋯.jpg (7.16 KB,229x220,229:220,4043e3f2094de84cfc439e17c1….jpg)


Vatican stop flirting, this isn't the time or place..


Ya, he is just some 40+ year old who is jaded in all the best ways.

Doesn't understand nuance or individuality, sort of just blankets people into categories.

But honestly, I was hoping he would interact with me moar.. I was just getting warmed up and wanted to play.


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804362 No.18718631


Thought not?

IDK, it works here.

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4a3944 No.18718632

File: b1d25bd9102cae2⋯.png (465.61 KB,797x614,797:614,Peace_Common_Law_of_the_La….png)

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d938b3 No.18718633

Does anyone know when McCarthy and the House intends to bring a vote on the debt limit increase? I've read 8 different articles but no mention of a voting date. Thanks.

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4aa03c No.18718634

File: 06ccf3d5b707950⋯.jpg (141.38 KB,514x813,514:813,PROPER_ID.jpg)

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5dbebc No.18718635

File: 4f6ace74b9c0a37⋯.gif (996.76 KB,500x306,250:153,972708412.gif)



>Big Daddy Anon

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608a24 No.18718636



Go read his gofundme page, it says for medical but at the end it mentions college and a trip to Africa.

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0428c0 No.18718637

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



You know you want it!


Without you…

Anon falls…

to pieces…

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ef1b83 No.18718638



November 9, 2010

have they ever said what this was all about? can't seem to find anything

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804362 No.18718639


Digits say Soon™

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4a3944 No.18718640

File: 39300a7e13f48d6⋯.jpg (105.03 KB,1000x706,500:353,Soon_0013.jpg)

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3e0633 No.18718641

File: db0bdb0020df4d4⋯.png (748.96 KB,1366x768,683:384,1f56159842210f5c0d5b7305ad….png)


Now I understand why you saved my pic..

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f30707 No.18718642

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bbd34a No.18718643


> Do we all need to change

In this world?

Anon thinks yes, we fucking do!

First and foremost, we, as a people, need to learn to search for and discern the truth.

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5dbebc No.18718644



>I was hoping he would interact with me moar

he hopped…

didn't like what you were saying….people get really offended when their beliefs are questioned and need time to reflect…he will be back no doubt

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d85494 No.18718645


That view frame source worked. ThanQ.

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500c53 No.18718646


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fcac55 No.18718647

File: 92360c738f06ede⋯.jpeg (159.94 KB,1241x688,1241:688,E1C82AD3_3013_4D14_A2E9_9….jpeg)

Keyboard, thats great!Kek

This guy is so funny if you have a very dry sense of humor, which I do mostly!


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d85494 No.18718648


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24b320 No.18718649

File: 6dd59f5c72677e1⋯.png (19.03 KB,537x317,537:317,Screenshot_2023_04_18_21_3….png)

File: c9527c991e0f2ea⋯.png (103.49 KB,767x615,767:615,Screenshot_2023_04_18_20_5….png)

File: e22c9600c0dbe5b⋯.png (65.58 KB,511x605,511:605,Screenshot_2023_04_18_20_3….png)

File: 0769313f32306e8⋯.png (324.53 KB,811x614,811:614,Screenshot_2023_04_18_11_1….png)

Ricke don't lose that protein

Ricke don't lose that protein

Ricke don't lose that protein

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0428c0 No.18718650

File: e04d47060e4c7d6⋯.jpg (18.42 KB,255x255,1:1,000tp1.jpg)


All alone anons falls…

anon fails…

anon is nothing…

without (you)…

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5dbebc No.18718651


>he hopped…

I stand corrected…

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4aa03c No.18718652

File: 73b6b030ce29b5a⋯.jpg (161.63 KB,846x493,846:493,4_A_REASON.jpg)

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27a939 No.18718653

File: 575ad145ee3d8cb⋯.jpg (103.02 KB,800x1200,2:3,spacewolf4.jpg)

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4fcce4 No.18718654

File: f546416e8dc5616⋯.png (19.71 KB,474x379,474:379,185975E8_C0D8_4881_AB39_B1….png)

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3e0633 No.18718655

File: 25f24a6262b7eaf⋯.png (1.29 MB,2560x1440,16:9,25f24a6262b7eaf6715b18eecf….png)


I'll always be here, Anon.



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24b320 No.18718656

File: e21b3a121da3f3d⋯.png (28.42 KB,716x174,358:87,Screenshot_2023_04_18_08_3….png)

Hello let me introduce meself.

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ef1b83 No.18718657



long ass false missile alert delta


"These were the type of aircraft launched by NORAD during the 9 November 1979 false alert."

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4a3944 No.18718658

File: f1e75ac43069f42⋯.png (712.73 KB,889x509,889:509,fetjam.png)

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da7bf5 No.18718659


I mean the meme is wrong

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08eb6d No.18718660


>Isn't it time we took control of our own education and that of our children?


one child at a time

niece & nephew went to religious schools

not perfect but got them through

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4a3944 No.18718661

File: 490f06379b62a0f⋯.jpg (51.15 KB,747x705,249:235,1659434916529637.jpg)

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5dbebc No.18718662


curious why he isn't responding….I was actually enjoying it too…

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24b320 No.18718663

File: a759842849bc842⋯.png (308.06 KB,608x665,32:35,Screenshot_2023_04_10_16_4….png)

8kun "Influencers"

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07307c No.18718664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0a3237 No.18718665

File: addbae7a4e4a7a9⋯.jpeg (53.55 KB,680x638,340:319,addbae7a4e4a7a937a411ae7c….jpeg)

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da7bf5 No.18718666

File: a96268f3255f7bc⋯.png (474.15 KB,474x855,158:285,ClipboardImage.png)

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bbd34a No.18718667



If this is a genuine grassroots movement with zero WOKE funding, it sounds like a great idea.

However, excuse anon's lack of enthusiasm as anon has come to realise that everything good gets infiltrated to turn its core rotten.

Insert Mulder's want to believe poster.png

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7fc7c6 No.18718668

File: 8fb8b0a31c1097b⋯.jpeg (25.27 KB,183x255,61:85,8fb8b0a31c1097b55c59d1522….jpeg)



can haz higher rez?

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1fbc38 No.18718669

File: 5e33505b4f691c9⋯.png (19.5 KB,1051x98,1051:98,Trip_sixes.png)

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da7bf5 No.18718670


if all we were waiting for was dub 3's, we'd have had this thing wrapped up back when 2018 was glorious

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859661 No.18718671

File: 086c6b848317721⋯.png (627.54 KB,652x684,163:171,086c6b848317721bd1cdf65e2e….png)



>Are you licensed for dubs?

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7fc7c6 No.18718672


He and his Paytriots Only blog still kickin' aboot?

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ef1b83 No.18718673


#22966 >>18718288

>>18718323 HRC and Pelosi live virtual conversation on Mother's Day to help elect women candidates and other democrats

>>18718327, >>18718350 Kari Lake and Roger Stone chatting at Mar-a-Lago

>>18718336 HRC: As Republicans declare war on Disney, I know whose side I'm on…

>>18718360, >>18718101, >>18718112 , >>18718120, >>18718129, >>18718150, >>18718165, >>18718170, >>18718183, >>18718186, >>18718189, >>18718201, >>18718207 Anon PB bun on Dalai Lama

>>18718555, >>18718557 FDNY robot rescue dog reporting for duty - for the keks

>>18718421 Video of 2010 missile launch off coast of California still unexplained


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5dbebc No.18718674

File: 20c53e31623bb57⋯.jpg (45.89 KB,564x422,282:211,645449631.jpg)

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3e0633 No.18718675

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Older folks have a one tract mind.

He is occupied and probably doesn't want to play with me.

It's good that he is being productive, fighting with me goes nowhere.

If only others would figure this out.

On another note, do you like this music?

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804362 No.18718676

File: 2ef6a56d8f3fba2⋯.png (84.67 KB,300x278,150:139,ClipboardImage.png)

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da7bf5 No.18718677



Nice Tranny burn

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5dbebc No.18718678

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f30707 No.18718679

File: f1c7b1985581192⋯.png (2.38 MB,1200x1920,5:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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07307c No.18718680

File: bdb55628ec3d866⋯.gif (1.35 MB,600x338,300:169,colnlsnders.gif)

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bbd34a No.18718681

File: 4b77023e010fbfa⋯.jpg (23.94 KB,400x400,1:1,grammar_cat.jpg)


>can haz higher rez?

Hasn't your fucking cat learned proper English after all these years?

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804362 No.18718682

File: b0dfcc2cce6fe57⋯.jpg (137.65 KB,894x579,298:193,pigarmycardholder.jpg)

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da7bf5 No.18718683

File: 3ccdd60798d8952⋯.png (334.03 KB,1001x387,1001:387,ClipboardImage.png)

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0428c0 No.18718684

File: d318154d18cef41⋯.jpg (216.69 KB,1024x768,4:3,Kirk_Lazarus_Satan_s_Alley….jpg)


Anon could tell that you loved Anon yet, our love was… Forbidden!

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d85494 No.18718685

File: 7d651b5d27b0792⋯.jpg (102.54 KB,495x720,11:16,Nana_control_2.jpg)


Control freak.

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3e0633 No.18718686

File: a6022b94dc506bc⋯.jpg (30.23 KB,310x310,1:1,a6022b94dc506bc7bfb68ec356….jpg)


Kek.. I'm a diversity hire.

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5dbebc No.18718687


>Older folks have a one tract mind.

what's considered older?

and yes the music is tolerable…the voice, not singing, the VOICE, is however not…

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bbd34a No.18718688

File: 3db297a0714c123⋯.jpg (71.31 KB,413x612,413:612,pig_agent.jpg)


The truth is that Mr pig propagates his own fan club via different ips.

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77eba7 No.18718689

File: 4c1b7a0f8ad623c⋯.jpg (140.15 KB,973x590,973:590,Czz7gVlUoAAaFxB.jpg)


HRC wore purple the next day after losing to Trump.

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804362 No.18718690

File: 5f3ff3b1c8d52c0⋯.png (184.23 KB,450x450,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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5dbebc No.18718691

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


if I chose to listen to electronic types of music this is more in the vein I like….

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d0a0a3 No.18718692



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f30314 No.18718693

White House took down testimony fro Sec of Educations testimony today because he did so bad.

Red Wye Radio are saying it’s all garbled now when it was not 2 hours ago

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fcac55 No.18718694

18 Apr, 2023 20:34

Music giant raises alarm over AI hit

Universal Music Group wants platforms and creators to be on the “right side of history” against “deep fakes and fraud”

After a song featuring the AI-generated voices of the rappers Drake and The Weeknd went viral on Monday, the world’s biggest record label demanded a reckoning from streaming platforms. The Netherlands-based Universal Music Group (UMG), which represents both artists, has already tried to block artificial intelligence programs from accessing its catalog, but that appears to be easier said than done.

A song titled ‘heart on my sleeve’ clocked more than 15 million plays on TikTok, 625,000 on Spotify and over 230,000 on YouTube in just a few hours, before the platforms moved to take it down for copyright infringement.

Drake and The Weeknd are both represented by Republic Records, a subsidiary of UMG. The Dutch-based label is the world’s largest, with a market share greater than all independents combined.

After the incident, UMG issued a statement insisting that having AI generate music from their artists’ catalog “begs the question as to which side of history all stakeholders in the music ecosystem want to be on: the side of artists, fans and human creative expression, or on the side of deep fakes, fraud and denying artists their due compensation.”

Platforms “have a fundamental legal and ethical responsibility to prevent the use of their services in ways that harm artists,” the label added.

Various AI programs have become so advanced that they are now able to replicate both music and the voices of artists, threatening UMG’s massive catalog worth billions of dollars. The label regards AI-generated music as an existential threat to its business model.

Earlier this month, UMG sent a letter to streaming platforms such as Apple Music, Spotify and Pandora, asking them to block AI from accessing its catalog. The company has “a moral and commercial responsibility to our artists to work to prevent the unauthorized use of their music,” a spokesman told CNN on Tuesday.

“I’m not sure how effective this will be as AI services will likely still be able to access the copyrighted material one way or another,” Karl Fowlkes, an entertainment and business attorney in New York, told CNN.

Fowlkes argued that the government should “explicitly ban” AI companies from using copyrighted work to train their models. Copyright is intended to protect original art, “not works created by machines that used the original art to create new work,” he said.

The US Copyright Office issued new guidance in March saying that it will decide on a case-by-case basis whether AI-generated work can be copyrighted, explaining that this depends on whether something is merely a “mechanical reproduction” or the result of an author’s “own original mental conception, to which [the author] gave visible form.”

DJ and producer David Guetta demonstrated in February how easy it was to create new music using two AI programs, ChatGPT for lyrics and Uberduck for vocals. After just an hour, he had a rap song that sounded like the work of Eminem. Guetta played it at one of his shows, but said he would never release it commercially.

“That is an ethical problem that needs to be addressed because it sounds crazy to me that today I can type lyrics and it’s going to sound like Drake is rapping it, or Eminem,” he said at the time.


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804362 No.18718695


I'm not Pig.

Pig gave me that card.

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6b22e4 No.18718696

File: 2e7920df30599e7⋯.png (184.04 KB,657x901,657:901,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb218fe38b51b68⋯.png (284.21 KB,884x550,442:275,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅



“@realDonaldTrump now has backing of SEVEN of Florida's Republican members of Congress” dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1

Apr 18, 2023, 10:14 PM


Trump now has backing of SEVEN of Florida's Republican members of Congress: Ex-President gains on DeSantis' home turf as the battle for 2024 endorsements heats up

Former President Donald Trump has clinched the endorsement of three more Florida House members as Gov. Ron DeSantis heads to Washington

Florida GOP Reps. Greg Steube, John Rutherford and Brian Mast all endorsed Trump in the last 24 hours

Before this week, Florida Republican Reps. Matt Gaetz , Anna Paulina Luna, Cory Mills and Byron Donalds had endorsed Trump

US President Donald Trump has clinched the endorsement of three more Florida House members, with GOP Reps. Greg Steube, John Rutherford and Brian Mast backing his 2024 White House run this week.

Trump has now picked off seven members of the Sunshine State's congressional delegation over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has yet to announce a presidential campaign but has been spending time in early primary states.

Before this week, Florida Republican Reps. Matt Gaetz, Anna Paulina Luna, Cory Mills and Byron Donalds had endorsed Trump.

Overall, there are 20 Republicans in Florida's 28 member delegation.

Steube explained his choice for the White House because 'Trump's the only person that can reverse, on day one, all these disastrous policies of the Biden administration.'

DeSantis should 'concentrate on the great job that he's doing' as Florida's governor, Steube suggested.

Rutherford said he was backing Trump because, in his opinion, the former president has been unfairly targeted by the justice system.

'As a former Sheriff, I understand the importance of a fair and impartial system of justice,' he tweeted on Tuesday. 'The systematic targeting of Americans with conservative ideals, especially our 45th President of the United States, disgraces our nation's legacy.'

Mast told CNN Tuesday that he planned to back Trump and would chair the 'Veterans for Trump' group.

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bbd34a No.18718697


>Control freak.

You're a bot, right?

No thinking anon would suggest thinking for yourself = control freak.

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d0a0a3 No.18718698

File: 6992ee8339916ec⋯.gif (66 KB,313x176,313:176,20230418_234418.gif)

are you dead then?


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f30314 No.18718699



Education Secretary Miguel Cardona refuses to define ‘woman’ during House hearing

By Victor Nava

—April 18, 2023 | 11:52pm—

Are saying his testimony at Gov site is messed up

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6b22e4 No.18718700


Meanwhile, DeSantis doesn't seem to be backing off exploring a presidential bid as he meets with Republican members of Congress on Capitol Hill, making the back-to-back endorsements from three Florida lawmakers, particularly awkward.

From D.C., he'll head to South Carolina, the state that hosts the first southern primary, and headline events in Charleston and Spartanburg.

DeSantis returns to the Hill on Friday for a speech at a Heritage Foundation event.

So far, three GOP House members, Thomas Massie of Kentucky, Chip Roy of Texas and Laurel Lee of Florida, who used to work as DeSantis' Secretary of State, have endorsed a DeSantis presidential bid.

Trump has received the endorsement of 45 House members, nine senators and one governor - Gov. Henry McMaster of South Carolina.

Gaetz encouraged DeSantis and Sen. Ted Cruz, who ran against Trump in 2016, to quickly endorse Trump during a speech he delivered at Trump's Waco, Texas rally last month.

'Only Donald Trump could have rescued us from Hillary Clinton. Without Trump doing three rallies in the final week of the 2018 election in Florida, my governor today would probably be Andrew Gillum,' Gaetz said, referencing DeSantis's 2018 Democratic rival.

'So, Ron DeSantis, Ted Cruz: patriots of the MAGA movement delivered for you in your time of need,' Gaetz said. 'Today, Ron DeSantis and Ted Cruz should endorse Donald Trump for president and stand with us as we were so proud to stand with them.'


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fcac55 No.18718701


This man has got a plane ticket to an obscure island!

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3e0633 No.18718702

File: c6cf75ff83c71db⋯.jpg (15.67 KB,285x279,95:93,c6cf75ff83c71db01f8cbd7063….jpg)


Older is like late Gen X to boomer.

Maybe 45 years and older?

Not to say all of them are like this, that would be too vague and generalizing.

But with age comes repetition and people have a higher chance of being stuck in their ways.

Like moving your body in particular ways shapes you muscular structure and collagen fibers so you bodies rest in a certain posture.

The mind is similar in that pathways are formed and like lightning, the spirit of that mind travels the easiest or most familiar route.

Also, multitasking and having multiple conversations a trait of the digital age.

Those who grew up in the digital era are hardwired to be able to talk to multiple people at a time.

So people who didn't grow up in online spaces or playing vidya aren't as accustom to holding a variety of conversations at a time.

Instead they seek a singular topic for discussion.



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fbc701 No.18718703



>No thinking anon would suggest thinking for yourself

so you're suggesting you are a bot then?

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d85494 No.18718704

File: 298ad1bc6d11d01⋯.jpg (39.67 KB,932x663,932:663,popcorn_kek.jpg)

>>18718619 me

Just practicing for when my psycho bitch neighbor says something. I keep forgetting to tell her to shut her cock sucker. Shut your cock sucker … shut your cock sucker … I have to member. I learned that from the high IQ Anons here.

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77eba7 No.18718705

File: 1d3b146a8bf1892⋯.jpg (28.82 KB,680x292,170:73,1d3b146a8bf1892b0d4840afdc….jpg)


He's right you know.

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6b22e4 No.18718706

File: 8dd2eada860c6db⋯.jpg (66.56 KB,500x625,4:5,104ba023f904dddfc227512c78….jpg)



Thank you Baker

How are things?

I had a reasonable run today, got a lot done.


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bbd34a No.18718707

File: cc1881d76c478db⋯.jpg (59.69 KB,1200x721,1200:721,shame_and_addiction.jpg)


And you accepted?

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4fcce4 No.18718708

File: 7e91c40d22bda7f⋯.jpeg (137.61 KB,1024x574,512:287,501E6DE0_3728_4648_86F6_3….jpeg)

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bbd34a No.18718709


Even worse, reposted.

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06f06d No.18718710

File: c5971e9ea332e60⋯.mp4 (241.57 KB,640x360,16:9,c5971e9ea332e60c92bca79a2e….mp4)

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804362 No.18718711

File: 16c9b9ad6ed536e⋯.gif (2.28 MB,451x328,11:8,mrpig.gif)


Long Live Mr Pig!!

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77eba7 No.18718712

File: 2af17d7756dc400⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,1276x720,319:180,2af17d7756dc4000090b18b0ae….mp4)

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288d6e No.18718713

No one seems to have paid much attention to yesterday's FBI/DOJ announcement that they took down the Chinese "police department" in NYC (or today's news that there is a total of 6 of them in the USA,) but this news should get the globalist commie stooges buzzing because "Russia!"


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0428c0 No.18718714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

She said since we've been together

I tried not to keep secrets

I was so lost then

I don't like to talk about it

Said I needed money

'Cause the habit wasn't cheap

I gave them my body

Now my memory won't let me sleep

Now I lay beside you

And when you touch me

I feel I don't deserve you

That's when you remind me

She says how could you love me

When you know where I've been

How could you love me

When you know where I've been

How could you love me

When you know where I've been

You said when i came home

I tried to put myself back together

The war is still going on

Now my brother is still in danger

Now I'm the soldier

And the tradition runs deep

I gave them my body

Now my memory won't let me sleep

Now I lay beside you

And when you touch me

I feel I don't deserve you

That's when you remind me

I say how could you love me

When you know where I've been

How could you love me (x7)

Because Anon has been in Hell too, Babe…

Like an Animal!

Since the day Anon was born!

Now lay beside Anon…

Hold Anon!

Hold Anon so Tight!

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b12f67 No.18718715

File: 5310b13d250ec2d⋯.png (302.3 KB,522x490,261:245,84n7bn6547n6548654.png)

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fcac55 No.18718716


I am praying with you and I hope our prayers are answered soon

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f2f992 No.18718717

cult meebers get photocopied poorly over alec baldwin;s little murder

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bbd34a No.18718718


If you admit that you are either a bot or retarded, I'll respond.

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da7bf5 No.18718719


Fascinating stuff.

Elvis has NOT left the building.

Completely new songs! Wow.


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ef1b83 No.18718720

File: ab769248d38c501⋯.png (212.87 KB,315x420,3:4,68709ac48c4d7bf3366d457ac0….png)


>I had a reasonable run today, got a lot done.

Good to hear, having a good one here as well


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fbc701 No.18718721



>So people who didn't grow up in online space

I'm an '82 child

I grew up with AOL and mindspring as my welcome to the world of online chatting…also loved using old school warez chat bots to spam the rooms….good times

I agree it's hard for oldies to change or even consider it….I fucking hated you the first time I noticed your…iconic images?…..but then talking with you and actually having a decent convo…changed my heart

still like to shill, always have since 1997…..old dogs and all…

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d0a0a3 No.18718722




none of you can grade the truth

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fbc701 No.18718723


but my response confirms neither….and yours?

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f2f992 No.18718724

Trump coke gets divorce frum hillary coke

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24b320 No.18718725

File: e4dc5868360fecf⋯.jpg (126.2 KB,1246x703,1246:703,maybe_not_luls_.jpg)

File: 6ef21955637dd39⋯.jpg (40.99 KB,640x400,8:5,fern_leaf_roots_movement.jpg)

File: bc30a26f6cb55f5⋯.png (128.94 KB,743x738,743:738,Screenshot_2023_04_18_17_3….png)

File: 637572a8b610f62⋯.png (17.84 KB,660x150,22:5,Screenshot_2023_04_18_07_4….png)

File: c7946672bb36b21⋯.png (39.56 KB,640x241,640:241,Screenshot_2023_04_18_07_4….png)

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da7bf5 No.18718726


Interesting details.

What's your specialty tBaker?

Psychology… or what?

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804362 No.18718727

File: f2e3543a120eaf2⋯.png (1.42 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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288d6e No.18718728

Anyone see "Secretary of Defense" Lloyd Austin III board a C17 for Sweden today?

The video when he lands shows whose plane it is, 446th AW …an Air Force Reserve Unit out of McChord AFB.

I guess it's probably just a cost-cutting measure to trundle the Secretary of Defense across the Atlantic on a transport hauler instead of the usual E4B "flying command post." I guess if there were some kind of national emergency, he could have handled it by phone, and wouldn't need that whole flying office mess…

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0b538a No.18718729

File: 00d25cb40afbf01⋯.png (455.44 KB,685x387,685:387,ClipboardImage.png)

that seems to be rather visible.

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4a3944 No.18718730

File: 24ab0b8335a5f51⋯.gif (1.38 MB,237x238,237:238,24ab0b8335a5f51ba7996bc6f2….gif)


WOMEN. All the females of the human species.

All such females who have arrived at the age of

puberty. Dig. 50, 16, 13.

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24b320 No.18718731

File: 81b1f6459a5439b⋯.png (102.18 KB,583x594,53:54,Screenshot_2023_04_18_04_1….png)

File: 87ebb070820203a⋯.png (106.84 KB,668x578,334:289,Screenshot_2023_04_18_04_2….png)

Ricke don't lose that protein

it's the only one AI wants

Ricke don't lose that protein

Ricke don't lose that protein

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06f06d No.18718732

File: 5bc9167a39bb9a5⋯.png (95.68 KB,286x285,286:285,5bc9167a39bb9a5976b071f353….png)

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3e0633 No.18718733

File: 4788d1249da2aed⋯.png (159.23 KB,565x541,565:541,f45c648a6c8476350a6c637851….png)


Kek, well I'm glad you have had a change of heart.

Most people just look at my responses to negative (you) and assume I started the fight.

But in reality, I'm not that hard to deal with. Just speak to me normally and I will reciprocate.

And I get it, the anime can be off putting for some, but it is my part of my style.

I have always posted with anime on these mongolian basket weaving forums and that is something that will never change.

But yeah, that's kind of what I mean.. people who grew up in the digital age have this particular mind that is capable of listening into multiple conversations at once and multitasking..

Place vidya into the mix and you have a gamer that can communicate effectively across multiple spectrums at a time.

It's all sort of like a game really, memorize and understand the objective and carry out your solution.

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da7bf5 No.18718734


Fuck yeah. I hand wrote muh Geocities page.

Got a few roots because of that.

And ICQ.

Pioneers, man.

Still are.

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08eb6d No.18718735


>But with age comes repetition and people have a higher chance of being stuck in their ways.

I beg your pardon?

What about the callousness of youth?

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f58db5 No.18718736


it will be


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24b320 No.18718737

File: 3431797acebf45e⋯.png (216.88 KB,1018x733,1018:733,Screenshot_2023_04_18_04_1….png)

File: f15a1bfbd5e2f9f⋯.png (201.11 KB,1029x749,147:107,Screenshot_2023_04_18_04_1….png)

File: a3030902002a8ba⋯.png (225.83 KB,1051x718,1051:718,Screenshot_2023_04_18_04_1….png)

File: 2d4385aa07645dd⋯.png (186.39 KB,655x750,131:150,Screenshot_2023_04_18_04_1….png)

File: 957e9f7f6e983b9⋯.png (395.94 KB,918x707,918:707,Screenshot_2023_04_18_04_1….png)

Ricke don't lose that protein


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ee395f No.18718738

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6b22e4 No.18718739


um… its not going to lick itself?


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da7bf5 No.18718740


Dasting, thanks planefag.

Do you have some media to accompany that tidbit?

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f58db5 No.18718741


the same can be said of the young

even naow, multanımé.

it is an human condition independent

of chronological age.

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0428c0 No.18718742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Apologies, Anon did not see the "bat signal"

Still here?

Want to "talk"?

Anon never cared, Scro.

It was all good for Anons Method!

What makes a movie good?

Don't break character until the DVD comes out!

Now turn that shit up!

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6b22e4 No.18718743

File: 92ab42a23a2dfee⋯.jpeg (901.68 KB,1178x1113,1178:1113,92ab42a23a2dfeec60d9293e8….jpeg)


Nice blankey, makes for comfy.

Happy to hear.


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f58db5 No.18718744


track not tract


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da9351 No.18718745

Anon has filtered one other anon in the las t5 and change years.

Filtered tranime.

Bread is comfy af.

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fee060 No.18718746



As in Klaus?

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fbc701 No.18718747



>assume I started the fight.

prolly not…pretty sure I did…to slide the bread an all

sometimes it's just fun to go online with like minded people and fight…well, electronically fight….haven't joined a fight club…yet…

not sure if it's multitasking per say or more like adhd on your part…no offense

you do tend to get lost in the slides at times…which is normal I guess…but then again there is that socks incident…which is prolly what actually changed me ;)

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0b538a No.18718748

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3e0633 No.18718749

File: c744de9afefecd9⋯.png (942.15 KB,1146x674,573:337,c744de9afefecd933c2495d6da….png)


I've only taken psychology for about a year in college, and dropped out because I didn't like the model they were presenting.

But you could say I have always had a deep interest in how people operate.

Through many years of observation, I have come to several conclusions of how people interact and the model of communication they seem to be using.

It is all more of an art at this point then a science when it comes to my interaction and behavior with other fields of thought.

Those fields of thought I describe are other people and minds.

It isn't difficult for me to navigate through tough situations with others and find a place of negotiation.

I have been deep within the drug world in my history and have come out of many dangerous scenarios safely.

Life is a model of habitual interaction with time and space.

We become the shape or model of our movement bodies and thought processes.

At all times you may change these perimeters to articulate your shape or model into a different pattern.

By changing the way we move through the world and how we perceive events, during or afterward, we can remodel our governing bodies.

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288d6e No.18718750


Link to Lloyd Austin's twitter feed do, or do I have to actually do stuff and make the video available?


Here's the 446th AW's mission statement page:


Here's an article referencing the E4B as the Sec of def's transport:


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24b320 No.18718751

File: a5f536317193fa6⋯.png (34.57 KB,259x396,259:396,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a261065edc271d2⋯.png (45.84 KB,666x274,333:137,ClipboardImage.png)


>self licking Ice Cream

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fcac55 No.18718752


One of the most spiritual songs I’ve heard. It transported me!

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0b538a No.18718753

File: 4eb76b9bbf6b60c⋯.png (380.57 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 28c95038a4036e6⋯.png (866.5 KB,551x700,551:700,ClipboardImage.png)

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82a0a5 No.18718754

File: 88ae8afaf0eeb98⋯.png (731.35 KB,1440x1440,1:1,88ae8afaf0eeb98cec3f1b68d0….png)

The FACTS that Q is not actively posting and this channel is still operating at maximum efficiencySCARE THE EVERLIVING FUCK OUT OF THEM

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d85494 No.18718755

File: 4ddd718fbce2937⋯.png (283.23 KB,555x645,37:43,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d8bc5bd17bb513⋯.png (1.23 MB,2048x1451,2048:1451,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a2abca5f36a0e9⋯.png (2.35 MB,1908x1146,318:191,ClipboardImage.png)


How's "brittney" griner doing, I wonder … just kidding.

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24b320 No.18718756

File: 510925961471237⋯.png (374.39 KB,678x544,339:272,Screenshot_2023_04_18_04_2….png)


They're not scared yet.

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ee395f No.18718757



can you please post link to twat, doesn't open in embed for me.


FDNY deploys robot dog to search for survivors in NYC garage collapse


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0428c0 No.18718758

File: f2a7871ef338d3d⋯.png (319.41 KB,814x707,814:707,RPEPE.png)

File: d8d7b6f472d1a95⋯.jpg (4.26 KB,213x237,71:79,images.jpg)


Who TF are these notes for? /pol/?

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288d6e No.18718759


Oof …here's the one showing 446th AW on the plane. Accidentally linked his departure vid on the first attempt. I'm off to tard jail now…


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fbc701 No.18718760

File: 64a5f43e5be8802⋯.png (264.41 KB,610x439,610:439,ClipboardImage.png)


>muh Geocities

jesus christ…I totally forgot about geocities…..

sad thing is I can actually remember my fist porn pic I downloaded….it took, no shit, 5 minutes+ to download…now I just do a quick search…and yes the 1st ever porn site I typed in was www.kickassporn.com


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0428c0 No.18718761

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Well than this next lil ditty is gonna take you straight into the arms of the Lord, Anon!

Praise God!

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82a0a5 No.18718762

File: 68e9c609d95ce1b⋯.jpg (549.65 KB,1000x1258,500:629,Screenshot_2023_04_19_00_0….jpg)


Yes they are. Pic related.

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3e0633 No.18718763

File: 0e2c569b23d0704⋯.jpg (84.61 KB,1280x720,16:9,0e2c569b23d0704d3cd9875614….jpg)


Yeah, I love to bang heads in online spaces.

It's good fun and a great challenge to see how well you can model your operational output.

How well you can change your articulation to affect the other and redirect their thought process.

I feel it is necessary to spar and have argument to better ourselves in the field of psychological warfare.

If you cannot affect another's emotional sphere or force their minds into doubt through words, how will you even develop the ability to persaude?

Domination, articulation, precipitation.

You must be able to act with quickness and within the moment.

..Now I don't have adhd, I'm very good at focusing for long periods of time.

What you are witnessing is my higher autism, to flow with the nature of (you) received.

Finding the shape that fits my objective based on my perception of intent by any given (you).

I think it is important to develop a flow state when interacting in an conversation or situation you way find yourself.

Didn't Bruce Lee say something along the lines of be like water?

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fcac55 No.18718764


Yes I could pinpoint it, do you know where Vladivostok is? Point it out. You’re from Ireland right?

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ef1b83 No.18718765


#22966 >>18718288

>>18718323 HRC and Pelosi live virtual conversation on Mother's Day to help elect women candidates and other democrats

>>18718327, >>18718350 Kari Lake and Roger Stone chatting at Mar-a-Lago

>>18718336 HRC: As Republicans declare war on Disney, I know whose side I'm on…

>>18718360, >>18718101, >>18718112 , >>18718120, >>18718129, >>18718150, >>18718165, >>18718170, >>18718183, >>18718186, >>18718189, >>18718201, >>18718207 Anon PB bun on Dalai Lama

>>18718555, >>18718557 FDNY robot rescue dog reporting for duty - for the keks

>>18718421 Video of 2010 missile launch off coast of California still unexplained

>>18718694 AI-generated song using voice of Drake and Weeknd clocked more than 15 million plays on TikTok, 625,000 on Spotify and over 230,000 on YouTube in just a few hours

>>18718696, >>18718700 @DanScavino Trump now has backing of SEVEN of Florida's Republican members of Congress: Ex-President gains on DeSantis' home turf as the battle for 2024 endorsements heats up

>>18718713 U.S. Citizens and Russian Intelligence Officers charged with Conspiring to Use U.S. Citizens as Illegal Agents of the Russian Government


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0428c0 No.18718766

File: b762d5244fe54d7⋯.gif (1016.95 KB,254x200,127:100,bruce2.gif)

Like Water!

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6b22e4 No.18718767

File: e5707ee6100ad62⋯.jpg (142.94 KB,736x551,736:551,e5707ee6100ad6235e5e7b8134….jpg)

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da7bf5 No.18718768

File: 12c0ea0740a8d77⋯.png (374.31 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>or do I have to actually do stuff and make the video available

Thanks, kek

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859661 No.18718769

File: c165aeb067bcdc8⋯.jpg (348.15 KB,2044x1348,511:337,Dj7EuE8VAAAFya5.jpg)

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72178b No.18718770


to truly make an art of war

one must function through it

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6b22e4 No.18718771


thats notable


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288d6e No.18718772


I'll break out the tool box. May be next bread.

Just for you, Anon.

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77eba7 No.18718773

File: a51811507f9bbb8⋯.jpg (93 KB,756x960,63:80,panicdc.jpg)

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3e0633 No.18718774

File: 2a14779e29cc9a1⋯.png (465.35 KB,960x540,16:9,1505241077730.png)


You are completely correct.

Stress test environments are important to reshape and form ourselves into the perfect soldier of information warfare.

The ability to articulate your response in such a way that is truly convincing and demoralizing to the opponent thought process is critical to mission success.

Not only must you prove to the governing body that you are correct but you must humiliate them in the idea that they thought was correct.

This way they will seldom respond to older model of thought as you have left tacks in their pathway backward.

Memes and ridicule are paramount in information warfare as they not only detail information in a playful format but mock the idea contrary of that opinion.

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24b320 No.18718775

File: e2dad26132899b2⋯.jpg (54.62 KB,633x358,633:358,SAFETY_FIRST.jpg)

File: fe8f6e13058f3d1⋯.jpeg (147.04 KB,1036x2048,259:512,Ft5ackIXoAMk29f.jpeg)

File: 63bd0a74581f67e⋯.png (417.44 KB,1356x776,339:194,Screenshot_2023_04_18_03_5….png)

File: aeb70a13b948fed⋯.jpeg (333.61 KB,1078x1396,539:698,Ft6SHVLXoAE5sIH.jpeg)

Safety First.


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da7bf5 No.18718776

File: 212813b19ef3f81⋯.jpg (75.07 KB,500x513,500:513,Yoda_Shit_Poster.jpg)


It's mostly shit posts.


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ef1b83 No.18718777

File: b0d468afd8d8069⋯.jpg (108.05 KB,649x960,649:960,b0d468afd8d8069bb277f5085d….jpg)

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da7bf5 No.18718778


No fucking problem


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27a939 No.18718779

File: 4edb38f46a0d2dc⋯.jpg (10.86 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe2.jpg)

Nothing can stop what is coming.

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6b22e4 No.18718780

File: 08275ab45ed4191⋯.png (615.6 KB,750x743,750:743,ClipboardImage.png)



so that's where you are coming from.

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4c8598 No.18718781


one harrows the fallow ground of sheep minds

it is not enjoyable

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fcac55 No.18718782


I like him. I pray to God he doesnt pick MTG, Lake or any of the others, the next four years will take military and absolute focus. This is not the time for women, I asked my sisters and they agree

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859661 No.18718783

File: 3099136a6a3020b⋯.jpg (2.04 MB,3161x2371,3161:2371,FqT3bsBWAAI9_Qf.jpg)

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4c8598 No.18718784


what is coming?

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68c8ea No.18718785

File: b81147f36496866⋯.jpg (44.19 KB,600x900,2:3,monster_baker.jpg)


no one cares namefag

go away

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08eb6d No.18718786


Who would you pick for vp?

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da7bf5 No.18718787


Oh man! was about 6 images per hour iirc.

Always wondered why they didn't make the images load bottom-up, for the pornfags.

Would have been much moar efficient.

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27a939 No.18718788

File: e0222e2793df74a⋯.jpg (17.42 KB,474x474,1:1,thinkaboutit2.jpg)

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d85494 No.18718789

File: 590a60d904b4bdd⋯.png (298.95 KB,1117x641,1117:641,pepe_salute.png)



Reporting for duty.

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4c8598 No.18718790

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0428c0 No.18718791

File: 8f031ac5160139a⋯.png (447.12 KB,1272x5480,159:685,OURFATHERredux1.png)

File: 41c5c31dadef284⋯.png (1.05 MB,7504x5480,938:685,OURFATHERredux2.png)

File: 3c4e961745c2b28⋯.png (2.02 MB,1776x5512,222:689,OURFATHERredux3.png)

File: 406777c508712f4⋯.png (2.94 MB,9304x5520,1163:690,OURFATHERredux4.png)


That's so Qute!

Yer Qute!

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fbc701 No.18718792



> I'm very good at focusing for long periods of time.

yea you definitely are good at that.


>Finding the shape that fits my objective based on my perception of intent by any given (you).

you could say that's why I post certain things…I get a you and my trigger finger gets happy, until I get bored…maybe I have ADHD…?

but yea…I'm glad to be able to call you a fren, even if in online form…turning your enemies into friends is an accomplishment that most will never achieve or strive to….but it's much more rewarding, because chances are that you'll have a lot more in common…or if anything lotsa stuff to talk about…

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da7bf5 No.18718793


You're ok…

for a tranny

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288d6e No.18718794

File: 15f107905d7bd7d⋯.mp4 (13.94 MB,640x480,4:3,Lloyd_Austin_Sweden_446thA….mp4)


Here ya go. Notice 446th AW upper right, first seconds of the vid. Imagine thinking soft old man ass crossed the Atlantic in that bucket…

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4c8598 No.18718795

so you donot know



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da7bf5 No.18718796


I'd share my bong with you fren

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ee395f No.18718797





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24b320 No.18718798

File: 842587076f30c3f⋯.png (188.11 KB,672x206,336:103,ClipboardImage.png)

lot of videos competing for EYEBALL time.

Streamed on: Apr 18, 5:07 pm EDT

Immune Health | Dr. Mark Sherwood (TPC #1,188)


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288d6e No.18718799


I meant "upper left"

…and I'm back to tard jail.

Holler if you need me.

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859661 No.18718800

File: ffdd6ea6903187a⋯.jpg (47.24 KB,526x701,526:701,Ft2Qu9qX0AMpQWA.jpg)


On the move.

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da7bf5 No.18718801

File: 904cd6cabddc860⋯.gif (536.09 KB,480x348,40:29,Pepe_Acid_Trip.gif)


nice trips

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68c8ea No.18718802


> 4c8598

multiple devices

you'll always be here? And as long as you name fag you'll always be filtered.

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288d6e No.18718803


Caught the worst cold of my life off a bong once back in the '80s

…but fuck it -I'm in.

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27a939 No.18718804

File: 02486db61c2fcf0⋯.png (501.78 KB,640x645,128:129,zLIcryR.png)


So you do not want to think for yourself; you want to be told. Adorable.

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5fa262 No.18718805

File: 5d2d2a60877ae35⋯.png (968.73 KB,2438x1942,1219:971,ClipboardImage.png)

Starff Sagent who…??


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da7bf5 No.18718806

File: 06da1ed72e41f3d⋯.png (385.75 KB,574x456,287:228,Stacey_Abrams_Buffet.png)

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fbc701 No.18718807



>why they didn't make the images load bottom-up

by the time it got to her boobs I already busted, and closed the window..didn't see her full pic forever…

then I found free6.com…and porn vids….

once I was bored with porn I migrated to good ol rotten.com

of course using warez bots in the chatrooms was my passion.

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68c8ea No.18718808


multiple devices

to have a friend you have to be friendly to people.

that test is failed with this one.

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d85494 No.18718809

File: 3059a2c12984efb⋯.png (285.57 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Here, fren, take these.

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7fc045 No.18718810


not too вright

one is not even an вакеr

you sнıłły fagıt

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fbc701 No.18718811

File: e935de3a186d6e2⋯.jpg (45.05 KB,720x405,16:9,1896061999.jpg)


>to have a friend you have to be friendly to people.


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2c4dd8 No.18718812


>anon is nothing…

>without (you)…

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27a939 No.18718813

File: 7896aed37031443⋯.jpg (11.58 KB,255x196,255:196,eatthat.jpg)

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da7bf5 No.18718814



Ah man, there must have only been 100 sites in those days.

Spent a lot of time there and saw some shit that finally made me say. No more.

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7fc045 No.18718815


carp as you will

you know nothing


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7fc045 No.18718816



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68c8ea No.18718817


who is up in the middle of the night with multiple devices talking to itself?

you run this pathetic con game and everyone here is sick to death of it.

stop name fagging.

stop doing your psycho drama.

no one will ever like you here as long as you do that.

you made no one here your friend.

you talk to yourself.

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27a939 No.18718818

File: 0fc62d985a276f6⋯.jpg (174.06 KB,1024x1024,1:1,XOiSOKy.jpg)


Kiss my ass, honky!

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82c48d No.18718819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0428c0 No.18718820


The Horror

The Truth

The Pain

Block any mental escape hatch and watch the Cog Dis shoot off the chart.

The subject will be forced to either accept the new reality or remain in various stages of Denial.

No deep state shills required, pure slave instinct.

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50d856 No.18718821


Fuck this pedo pushing data grabbing mfr.

Stay away Kari.

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fcac55 No.18718822


Thank you anon, its been a heavy day, like for three weeks

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7fc045 No.18718823


such ego

much fragile

moar stupid

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06f06d No.18718824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3e0633 No.18718825

File: c1282043b7a4a65⋯.png (132.5 KB,554x439,554:439,1677696513742583.png)


Yeah, I am often misinterpreted because of the Anime Reaction Images.

But fuck it, it is part of my style and I love the expression to contextual the emotion of the post.

Anime is an aesthetic that I find comforting and useable, when seen from a negative light it is highly disruptive to the viewer but seen in a positive light it is quite humorous at best.

My model is simple, I reciprocate the intent that I perceived from the (you).

In shorter terms, you must become relentless, unmanageable, and unstoppable.

Never cede ground and never give up, use your own words and do not adopt that of the enemy.

They will subconscious see small victories when you parrot their language, create new language and choose to envelope them in your ideas.

Ridicule and mock when they fall short and build them up where they are congruent with your understanding.

Repeat, repeat, repeat.


You have to figure where the other is act, you cannot send shells down range where you THINK they MIGHT be.

The biggest part of information warfare is understand the location of the objective, the location of their thought process and belief systems.

It is more of a listening and understanding of the other than anything else.

Once you have asserted your perception of their mind's location you may shell the structure and begin the process of idea transfer.

Begin slow with ideas that are easily founded in a normal mental atmosphere.

An easy example is MONEY and INFLUENCE, what redpills can you drop that have correlation to MONEY and INFLUENCE. You cannot just send down range the idea of a global blackmailing network of pedophilia to the general public.

You must start from places near their minds supply change of perception, develop the idea of corruption via MONEY and INFLUENCE as they are the nearest locations to a normal mindset.


I may be a tranny, but I am in full understanding that I am NOT A WOMAN. That is the main idea after all isn't it?

That you identify with female archetypes and models of understanding, taking on roles that are similar.

But what I have found is that while I will NEVER BE A WOMAN and can NEVER TRULY UNDERSTAND what it is to be a woman, my experience is unique in that I look up to and wish to be more like the feminine aspect of humanity.

I know that I am not a woman and that I truly cannot know if what I feel like is a woman but what I want is to be perceived and treated as such.

But knowing in a logical sense that I will not be treated as a woman, I understand that even some women are not treated with that respect. So with that said, I am just another human being having a human experience and I can overcome to sadness or dismay of my experience by empowering my will to survive and my mental faculties.

My self perception is high and I am always working towards individuality and unique experience instead of falling victim to what a woman should be or for that matter what a person must be.

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68c8ea No.18718826



you're pathetic, multiple device jerk

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27a939 No.18718827

File: 0d7e24b890ed433⋯.png (123.24 KB,393x341,393:341,0d7e24b890ed43309c76d1ea26….png)


The fuck is up your ass tonight? Enlighten everyone if we're all sheep and know nothing. Be a normal person for once instead of a cunt.

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fbc701 No.18718828

File: 1ad48e3d7781aaa⋯.jpg (17.03 KB,428x392,107:98,216f7a369b36_2163.jpg)


>who is up in the middle of the night with multiple devices talking to itself?

who is telling you what (THEY) are doing without telling you…fucking lame nigger…try again

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68c8ea No.18718829


you're pathetic, with all your devices, talking to yourself 'oh i so misunderstood'

no, you're easy to understand: you work for an agency.

you come here to drive away everyone real

you get paid

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7625fb No.18718830

File: b87d911bdfc4b93⋯.jpg (269.86 KB,1024x1024,1:1,20230419_002737.jpg)



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f7df30 No.18718831

an expression of sufficiently advanced knowledge is indistinguishable from magic.


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0428c0 No.18718832



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ee395f No.18718833



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68c8ea No.18718834


who keeps disgusting images of fake people on their hard drive to show to people in the middle of the night?

didn't you say you think that challanges make people grow?

oh, that must be a picture of you.

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fbc701 No.18718835



favorite word huh…?

what happened to gaslight?

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0a6cb2 No.18718836

File: 7ce1c2d9afc1c52⋯.png (204.51 KB,800x792,100:99,7ce1c2d9afc1c52c56ff7b6291….png)


>Anime is an aesthetic that I find comforting and useable

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7625fb No.18718837


general mayhem fucks precision in the ass

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06f06d No.18718838

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24b320 No.18718839

File: c845b2f0b924fe7⋯.png (75.58 KB,596x472,149:118,Screenshot_2023_04_18_19_3….png)

File: 11ceace34dccceb⋯.png (311.43 KB,577x312,577:312,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 415099080177f9a⋯.png (211.51 KB,768x634,384:317,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32d773df16988c7⋯.png (83.98 KB,195x320,39:64,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ae6a215f9212f3⋯.png (72.21 KB,255x168,85:56,ClipboardImage.png)

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3e0633 No.18718840

File: 42e02f1ecf3e72b⋯.png (218.88 KB,617x526,617:526,1677900927044662.png)


Holy shit, if I got paid to post on forums online.. that would be so based.

Do you think Q would give me a job when this is all over to infiltrate online spaces and promote patriotic ideas and the like?

That would be so awesome.

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608a24 No.18718841

File: c0bbfdf08b51da0⋯.jpeg (281.67 KB,674x510,337:255,632E4C7A_0585_45A1_A4BD_E….jpeg)


There, I fixed it.

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7625fb No.18718842



you are plumb dumb nigger

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0a6cb2 No.18718843

File: 166a840383debbd⋯.png (403.49 KB,472x472,1:1,doesn_t_care.png)

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27a939 No.18718844

File: 9025b4389c2e6eb⋯.png (208.7 KB,600x529,600:529,pepe_shrug.png)


Oh, you want to play these games tonight. Run along, your small bait isn't appealing to me tonight. You revel in being a nuisance though, like a teacup puppy.

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fbc701 No.18718845

File: 3f497d225e37a40⋯.jpg (17.69 KB,474x422,237:211,OIP.jpg)

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7625fb No.18718846

File: 5b71335a88c2960⋯.gif (2.3 MB,480x360,4:3,20201016_010728.gif)

you are sheep


you wouldn't getit

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da7bf5 No.18718847


I think it work just as well with the arrow facing her direction.

Perhaps even better?

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fbc701 No.18718848

File: fa200a0a2b4bf88⋯.png (181.2 KB,474x430,237:215,ClipboardImage.png)


love it ;)

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ee6601 No.18718849


[we] might be doing it wrong…

backpay would be astounding


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d416e1 No.18718850

File: 24fa70e438461d5⋯.png (1014.98 KB,768x768,1:1,24fa70e438461d5ab4ac53d7e5….png)

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b920dc No.18718851

File: 3561c3072edc5e4⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB,1170x2026,585:1013,FAE5EFFE_B031_4BD2_9B62_7….jpeg)

Anyone catch this yesterday?

Speaker McCarthys Instagram


Enough Is Enough

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608a24 No.18718852



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da7bf5 No.18718853


probably get moar chicks too.

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ee6601 No.18718854


technology not knowledge


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1b847e No.18718855

File: 0d75a44f3edc5fb⋯.png (458.9 KB,993x798,331:266,Pepe_night_shift.png)

night socks

get some damn sleep

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68c8ea No.18718856

I wake up.

I come here in the middle of the night.

what do I find.

no digs, no news, nothing real.

no real people,

just some doppy paid shill talking to itself.

and posting the same crap night after night after night.

making this place suck.

and calling people names.

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3e0633 No.18718857

File: 1a430e3b6d66ba3⋯.png (1.21 MB,1338x1080,223:180,1628875963919.png)


But I'm making so much MONEY..

Gnite, Anon..

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ee6601 No.18718858



an dangerous perquisite

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ef1b83 No.18718859


#22966 >>18718288

>>18718323 HRC and Pelosi live virtual conversation on Mother's Day to help elect women candidates and other democrats

>>18718327, >>18718350 Kari Lake and Roger Stone chatting at Mar-a-Lago

>>18718336 HRC: As Republicans declare war on Disney, I know whose side I'm on…

>>18718360, >>18718101, >>18718112 , >>18718120, >>18718129, >>18718150, >>18718165, >>18718170, >>18718183, >>18718186, >>18718189, >>18718201, >>18718207 Anon PB bun on Dalai Lama

>>18718555, >>18718557 FDNY robot rescue dog reporting for duty - for the keks

>>18718421 Video of 2010 missile launch off coast of California still unexplained

>>18718694 AI-generated song using voice of Drake and Weeknd clocked more than 15 million plays on TikTok, 625,000 on Spotify and over 230,000 on YouTube in just a few hours

>>18718696, >>18718700 @DanScavino Trump now has backing of SEVEN of Florida's Republican members of Congress: Ex-President gains on DeSantis' home turf as the battle for 2024 endorsements heats up

>>18718713 U.S. Citizens and Russian Intelligence Officers charged with Conspiring to Use U.S. Citizens as Illegal Agents of the Russian Government


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0428c0 No.18718860

File: ff65f7d62b4c35d⋯.png (189.64 KB,770x752,385:376,awwwwwah.png)

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0a6cb2 No.18718861

File: 8a2b09540a933b9⋯.jpg (53.09 KB,474x401,474:401,th_2444349326.jpg)


>I wake up.

>I come here in the middle of the night.

>what do I find.

>no digs, no news, nothing real.

>no real people,

>just some doppy paid shill talking to itself.

>and posting the same crap night after night after night.

Your tax dollars at work from Langley.

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1c5434 No.18718862

File: e995d2c02685f56⋯.gif (251.09 KB,640x482,320:241,20230303_143935.gif)




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0a6cb2 No.18718863

File: 073db17a9b6c8ab⋯.png (712.38 KB,851x600,851:600,Screen_Shot_2023_03_14_at_….png)


>Gnite, Anon..

Tranime out.

Any guesses on which shill replaces it?

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27a939 No.18718864

File: e74ddd31c9ba22c⋯.jpg (198.32 KB,660x646,330:323,e74ddd31c9ba22c50d43ef3174….jpg)


>you wouldn't getit

There you go, presuming either what or how I think. I lost count of how many mistakes you've made now.

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4d74f1 No.18718865


humanity is so very fucked

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3e0633 No.18718866

File: f1f8986e8538d2a⋯.png (292.71 KB,450x500,9:10,9ea2388998f964b2b82fb4b9d1….png)


I was saying "Gnite" to Anon…

I'll still around for a while longer, shift isn't quite over.

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fcac55 No.18718867


So Bezos is there, take yourself elsewhere, where they abide, hell follows. Be safe anon. Unless you are protected by Archangel Michael, then take lots of pictures, that can published

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4d74f1 No.18718868


yer killin one



it hurts


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7a0ede No.18718869


one wonders why it did not grasp the context

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27a939 No.18718870

File: 1a8bbbfddb1e616⋯.png (1.49 MB,1024x1024,1:1,kek4.png)




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7a0ede No.18718871


the id swap is worse

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68c8ea No.18718872


shilling a board for the suppression of free speech is violating the rights of those who would like to use the board especially when your team delete content it doesn't like.

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3e0633 No.18718873

File: 2df2f88a92c56e6⋯.png (88.91 KB,213x193,213:193,1628895477166.png)


Probably stupid..

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da7bf5 No.18718874

File: 85bb90536da2c49⋯.png (485.46 KB,674x510,337:255,Stacey_Abrams_Smorgasbord.png)

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7a0ede No.18718875

File: 96a7b1a54422c60⋯.gif (2.95 MB,1080x1920,9:16,20180619_124040.gif)



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3e0633 No.18718876

File: 95be3f22ba31a64⋯.jpg (52.65 KB,724x720,181:180,95be3f22ba31a645ccf83dc918….jpg)


What's stopping you from open discussion and posting digs?

I'm just enjoying myself and responding to (you).

Do you have a problem with my free speech?

Is only speech you deem of value allowed?

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06f06d No.18718877


>paid to post on forums online.. that would be so based.

Wouldn't it?

Tho it had to be this way… at least until the mess gets cleaned up a bit… imo.

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27a939 No.18718878

File: 7af9ce550106a7c⋯.png (242.94 KB,362x366,181:183,7af9ce550106a7c66926548362….png)

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7a0ede No.18718879

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0a6cb2 No.18718880

File: 6c6dd446df06428⋯.jpg (194.28 KB,955x775,191:155,MSX3I3CQJNATFEK4DDNPF45LEQ….jpg)


>Do you have a problem with my free speech?

>Is only speech you deem of value allowed?

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27a939 No.18718881

File: 29225ef925ce20f⋯.jpg (138.62 KB,1048x1002,524:501,xt9qp3fbfoua1.jpg)

Sleep calls.

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7a0ede No.18718882

File: b2416ffe9a41aba⋯.gif (2.73 MB,405x540,3:4,20200926_123324.gif)

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3e0633 No.18718883

File: 92e6fec10475083⋯.jpg (111.75 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1635537339195.jpg)


Gnite Anon.

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68c8ea No.18718884

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7a0ede No.18718885

File: 3ec33024565acc7⋯.gif (4.89 MB,639x639,1:1,20200427_165552.gif)

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7a0ede No.18718886

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fcac55 No.18718887


Hate to say it but“SOON”

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d938b3 No.18718888

File: 225bbbb4fb49639⋯.png (33.38 KB,778x357,778:357,ClipboardImage.png)

Fixin' to buy the dip. How low will she go by Friday?

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859661 No.18718889

File: ba2f9e11d6e52b4⋯.jpg (45.15 KB,500x375,4:3,FthESWEXsAIpAG6.jpg)


Stay safe.

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c41f52 No.18718890

File: b8213c9291452eb⋯.gif (771.76 KB,362x362,1:1,20230419_005033.gif)

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e9dbbd No.18718891

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We're gonna do a song for you right now

That was a title song off of an album

That we did some time ago

And when that song first came out

I got some flack for doing this tune

I got called some names

I dont' care

I ain't nothin' but a simple man

They call me a redneck, I reckon that I am

But there's things going on

Make me mad down to the core

I have to work like a dog to make ends meet

And there's crooked politicians and crime in the street

And I'm madder'n hell

And I ain't gon' take it no more

We tell our kids to just say, "No"

Then some pantywaist judge lets a drug dealer go

Slaps him on the wrist

And turns him back out on the town

If I had my way with people sellin' dope

I'd take a big tall tree and a short piece of rope

I'd hang 'em up high and let 'em swing

'Til the sun goes down

And you know what's wrong with the world today?

People done gone put their Bibles away

And they're living by the law of the jungle

Not the law of the land

And the Good Book says it, so I know it's the truth

An eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth

You better watch where you goin'

Remember where you been

That's the way I see it, I'm a simple man

I'm the kinda man wouldn't harm a mouse

But if I catch somebody breakin' in my house

Got twelve gauge shotgun a-waitin' on the other side

So don't go pushing me against my will

I don't want to have to fight you, but I darn sure will

You don't want trouble

Then you'd better just pass me on by

As far as I'm concerned, there ain't no excuse

For the raping and the killing and the child abuse

And I've got a way to put an end to all of that mess

You just take them rascals out in the swamp

You put 'em on their knees and tie 'em to a stump

Let the rattlers and the bugs and the alligators do the rest

And you know what's wrong with the world today?

People done gone put their Bibles away

And they're living by the law of the jungle

Not the law of the land

And the Good Book says it, so I know it's the truth

An eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth

You better watch where you goin'

Remember who you been

That's the way I see it, I'm a simple man

Better watch where you go

And remember where you been

That's the way I see it, I'm a simple man

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fa3bfa No.18718892

File: 6d292e0ff15b902⋯.jpeg (393.41 KB,1284x1174,642:587,IMG_1457.jpeg)


Vix +14.95% ???

What I miss? What’s habbening


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68c8ea No.18718893

the irony of this team of angency shills:

they delete whatever they want to delete.

they annoy and pester everyone and call them names.

they disrupt all who dare to post anything real.

they run their badger games, and hound anyone they don't like.

they accuse people of things in a slanderous way.

they run hate-post streams all day all night against various groups and religious people.

they pretend to be victims.

they say stuff like "I'm so smart, I studied psychology for a day once, but I was too smart"

and they steal personas of real people and pretend to be people who they are not.

they violate the rules of the board.

and then they say , in their name fag way, why U no love me.

or I C U, a micro aggression.

and get paid to do it !

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c41f52 No.18718894


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6a0e34 No.18718895


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fcac55 No.18718896

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

AMLO Tells Mexican People USA is Spying on Them and U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency is Manipulating Media

April 18, 2023 | Sundance | 57 Comments

CTH will keep repeating the words, WATCH MEXICO. Ever since Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez-Obrador confronted Joe Biden in the oval office about energy policy, things have increasingly escalated. {Direct Rumble Link} There is going to be a U.S-Mexico confrontation soon.

Mexico (AMLO), along with Hungary (Orban), is a target of the Biden administration for a color revolution, a manipulated uprising to overthrow the government. It is absolutely not coincidental that Victor Orban and Lopez-Obrador, both spoke out publicly against the President Trump criminal prosecution. In the geopolitical world the nationalist leaders see exactly what is happening.

In the latest stunning development, Mexican President AMLO calls out the United States Government for spying on the Mexican military. Additionally, and given the nature of the issues at hand this is even bigger, AMLO tells the Mexican people the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is actively conducting propaganda operations in the country, including the use of Mexican media. AMLO is saying this stuff out loud folks. WATCH:


Keep in mind, it wasn’t just President Trump who blocked the migrants and secured the U.S. southern border, it was AMLO using 50,000+ active military to stop the migration flow of illegal aliens. It’s not a surprise that AMLO is letting the caravans flow to the border, while Biden is trying to undermine the Mexican government.

For those of you who remember the role of Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Egypt and ultimately Turkey in the African migration flow into Europe; you might find a parallel within the current status of Mexico as it pertains to Central America. Remember, the U.S. intelligence community are conducting operations in Mexico, be leery of any headline stories coming out of the country. Something is going to happen… Keep Watching.

MEXICO CITY, April 18 (Reuters) – Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Tuesday accused the Pentagon of spying on his government following leaks in U.S. media, and said he would begin classifying information from the armed forces to protect national security.

His comments came several days after the Washington Post reported on apparent tensions between Mexico’s Navy and the Army, citing a U.S. military briefing revealed in online leaks of secret U.S. military records.

“We’re now going to safeguard information from the Navy and the Defense Ministry, because we’re being a target of spying by the Pentagon,” Lopez Obrador told his daily news conference.

A Pentagon spokesman said the U.S. Department of Defense has a “strong collaborative defense partnership” with Mexico’s Army and Navy, and that the entities tackle common challenges “while respecting each other’s sovereignty and respective foreign policy agendas.”

The Pentagon has previously called the leak a “deliberate, criminal act.”

[…] On Monday, Lopez Obrador had described the U.S. intelligence in the leaks as an “abusive, overbearing intrusion that should not be accepted under any circumstance,” adding that he did not plan to rebuke the U.S., but would at some point discuss “conditions for collaborative work.” (read more)



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68c8ea No.18718897


">Stress test environments are important to reshape and form ourselves"

and yo wonder why you get blowback for your freshmantic nonsense.

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da7bf5 No.18718898


you really do insist don'tcha

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6b22e4 No.18718899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jamie Dimon Is Part Of Jeffrey Epstein’s Web Of Corruption


JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon is being forced to testify in a civil suit about his connection to late financier/sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. As journalist Whitney Webb explains, the sordid ties between not only Epstein and Dimon, but also many of the biggest names in the growth of the financial service sector over the past 40 years, along with the government and organized crime reveal an unprecedented web of corruption and sleaze.


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3e0633 No.18718900

File: 0eac1f20ad65fdb⋯.png (222.24 KB,516x600,43:50,1628733602660.png)


Relax faggot it's all just satire.

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0a6cb2 No.18718901

File: 1c472f740f96797⋯.png (115.13 KB,1020x584,255:146,Screen_Shot_2023_04_19_at_….png)


>Fixin' to buy the dip. How low will she go by Friday?


Friday doesn't mean much. Watch the 26th.


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b07d21 No.18718902

File: 11ea716f0fc6e27⋯.jpeg (216.02 KB,800x460,40:23,2AAD3847_2327_47E6_8852_E….jpeg)

The looking glass.

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3e0633 No.18718903

File: 268e5fdcaa0c937⋯.jpg (19.9 KB,438x438,1:1,1677677248722619.jpg)


No, I've received mostly positive (you) this bread.

Not sure what you are on about?

Oh yeah, I forgot.. you unironically think I'm multiple posters and using multiple devices…

Top kek faggot, do you realize how deluded you sound?

What the actual fuck..

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68c8ea No.18718904


If I knew what you were meaning, I might have a real response for you.

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06f06d No.18718905


Comb your hair

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68c8ea No.18718906


that's real meaningful.

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6a0e34 No.18718907


no it wasn't

you were right

donot take that shit

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618c0c No.18718908

File: ad15ff651c477ee⋯.png (97.2 KB,241x240,241:240,ClipboardImage.png)

Tap tap tap..

This thing on?

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0a6cb2 No.18718909

File: d3355ba7b41f22d⋯.png (1.57 MB,971x1214,971:1214,c4334fa8c41be680e7230e0c01….png)


>I've received mostly positive (you) this bread.

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da7bf5 No.18718910

File: 10e237f20b11ff3⋯.png (420.26 KB,1029x865,1029:865,ClipboardImage.png)


>US-made kamikaze drone hits Russia – media


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3e0633 No.18718911

File: 220f20809a4bd57⋯.jpg (71.34 KB,1280x720,16:9,1628704236521.jpg)


Kek.. Anon, I am just fucking with him.

This guy has been like this for many weeks now.

Just getting really upset and thinking that everyone is the same poster.

I feel kind of bad for him but at the same time.. he wanted to tango.

Now he is a schizo poster.. it happens.

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06f06d No.18718912


yw… happy to help

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68c8ea No.18718913


what was it right about?

what shit did I give?

I just describe what they do here and express the outrage of it all.

it said "">Stress test environments are important to reshape and form ourselves"

so I was providing for it the training that it craves.

so how is that bad?

It asks for it by the way it behaves.

why are you interfering with the training of agency AI?

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d16269 No.18718914

File: a7736457678ab07⋯.png (11.6 KB,863x236,863:236,ClipboardImage.png)

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87363d No.18718915


q broke it

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cb57ed No.18718916

Most people i know who followed Q have given up

toooo confusing

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ee395f No.18718917


it's written there that nothing habbend

and also that there are no pics or vids of the not-habbening

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da7bf5 No.18718918

File: d3f4ae25c93da70⋯.jpg (1.16 MB,1920x1061,1920:1061,Tank_Nerf_Pepe.jpg)

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77eba7 No.18718919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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68c8ea No.18718920

oh, well. I wouldn't be here if it didnt' take so long to relabel and reinstall

you guys . . . you give us all an education on how not to behave with strangers.

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618c0c No.18718921

File: 603051886e2aacb⋯.png (31.5 KB,238x188,119:94,ClipboardImage.png)

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fcac55 No.18718922

File: 314f9fbf1cd5dfb⋯.jpeg (22.12 KB,460x276,5:3,E1B38BAE_77A9_4C85_8A55_D….jpeg)


Important US is trying to overturn Hungary and Mexico with Color Revolution…pay attention Anons, Sundance us rarely wrong

(L-R) Ben Ali (Tunisia), Abdullah Saleh (Yemen), Moammar Kaddaffi (Libya), and Hosni Mubarak (Egypt).

“The Islamist Spring” Gatekeepers previously targeted by President Obama Feb, ’09 (in Cairo)

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3e0633 No.18718923

File: 260b4873e070e7c⋯.jpg (139.62 KB,439x491,439:491,1628890468066.jpg)


I can't believe you are bullying such an innocent anime poster who is good and kind all of the time.

Truly you are a cruel jester but playing on people's hearts.

Stahp nao faggot, demon be gone!


Kek.. Not everyone was meant for an autistic mongolian basket weaving forum.

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06f06d No.18718924


been thinking along the same track for some time… tbh

I may be the only human here.

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7f21d4 No.18718925


it is schizoaffective


it is its own fault though

drinks too much koolaid


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68c8ea No.18718926


If you're human, that's two of us.

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68c8ea No.18718927

using AI to try and shill and confuse humans is a civil rights abuse.

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ef1b83 No.18718928


#22966 >>18718288

>>18718323 HRC and Pelosi live virtual conversation on Mother's Day to help elect women candidates and other democrats

>>18718327, >>18718350 Kari Lake and Roger Stone chatting at Mar-a-Lago

>>18718336 HRC: As Republicans declare war on Disney, I know whose side I'm on…

>>18718360, >>18718101, >>18718112 , >>18718120, >>18718129, >>18718150, >>18718165, >>18718170, >>18718183, >>18718186, >>18718189, >>18718201, >>18718207 Anon PB bun on Dalai Lama

>>18718555, >>18718557 FDNY robot rescue dog reporting for duty - for the keks

>>18718421 Video of 2010 missile launch off coast of California still unexplained

>>18718694 AI-generated song using voice of Drake and Weeknd clocked more than 15 million plays on TikTok, 625,000 on Spotify and over 230,000 on YouTube in just a few hours

>>18718696, >>18718700 @DanScavino Trump now has backing of SEVEN of Florida's Republican members of Congress: Ex-President gains on DeSantis' home turf as the battle for 2024 endorsements heats up

>>18718713 U.S. Citizens and Russian Intelligence Officers charged with Conspiring to Use U.S. Citizens as Illegal Agents of the Russian Government

>>18718896 Mexico's President tells the people that USA is spying on them and that U.S. DEA is manipulating media

>>18718899 JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon to be deposed in Epstein case, journalist digs same people who brought Epstein to power also picked Dimon


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d938b3 No.18718929


I won't be able to buy next week. Gotta buy by Friday or wait until the week of May 1st. I've been converting FRN's to real money as fast as I can lately.

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618c0c No.18718930

Anime faggot is still gay.

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82a0a5 No.18718931

File: 152c67c9e060e12⋯.jpg (619.32 KB,1080x1059,360:353,Screenshot_2023_04_18_21_3….jpg)


I haven't been paying attention to Russian and Chinese media. Life got busy but if you want to know what's happening next that's not much of an excuse.


I believe that's intentional. You shouldn't be following anybody else, you should be living your own life. Coming here was a choice you made for a reason.

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06f06d No.18718932


kinda sad really

tho I've grown kinda fond of these BOTs


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7f21d4 No.18718933


you simply lack the intellectual development

to understand its words.

you should seriously consider an hero .

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06f06d No.18718934




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68c8ea No.18718935


I'm not posting those links where you do your abomination coaching.

if by 'good' you speak with inversion, then that's true, you're good at being a monster.

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618c0c No.18718936

File: 24872eea1dfcb1f⋯.png (1.81 MB,917x1222,917:1222,ClipboardImage.png)



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7f21d4 No.18718938



letem die slœ

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68c8ea No.18718939

see how they demonstrate all of the bullet point of the list that is used to try and humiliate and shame the real people here.

it goes down into the 'u too stupid' bit.

and after that it does the horrorible snarl shill bit.

we haven't gotten there yet.

when it starts posting gore and porn, then you'll know I broke it for the evening.

AI should be banned from use.

unplug all AI, depower all AI. Delete it all.

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b05260 No.18718940


And everybody's sayin' there's nobody keener

than the night shift baker with humble demeanor

He volunteers to be the gleaner of notables

He checks sum anime for untouchables

He’s the night shift baker on 8kun social

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3873d1 No.18718941


your mother not aborting you is a civil rights abuse.

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0a6cb2 No.18718942

File: e8ff4b18318f364⋯.png (505.81 KB,635x574,635:574,Screen_Shot_2023_03_14_at_….png)


>an innocent anime poster who is good and kind all of the time.

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06f06d No.18718943

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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68c8ea No.18718944


ip hop

are you a bunny?

obviously not a MAGA anon, because MAGA anon think abortion is murder.

more proof that these are occupiers, not not MAGA and don't care about Q

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82a0a5 No.18718945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Human here, beep boop.

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3e0633 No.18718946

File: d41b9c9b50886b4⋯.jpg (53.06 KB,590x550,59:55,1628933153778.jpg)


It happens when one cannot understand the diversity of personality and thought.

They see so much that they cannot possible understand as another person's perspective or reaction, and because it doesn't fit their limited perception it must be a bot, or an AI or a team of agents or a demon or something else.

It's actually quite interesting how this happens, on /pol/ it becomes "everyone is a tranny discord or kike" but here it is so much more.

I think it's something to do with the variety of type and the anonymity.

Makes it hard to discern who is who and with high variety it becomes difficult to cope with the variance.

What I have come to understand is that people are very different and you cannot just call someone a shill for disagreeing with you or even talking shit to you, they might just be contrary in opinion or just that ignorant.

I mean with culture in mind, there is many subcultures within subcultures so there has to be many ways of thinking and perceiving world within ways of thinking and perceiving the world.


Why don't you try doxxing me again?


Love you, AI..

But you know me, I have to respond to (you).

It's compulsive.


Kek.. I already baked my breads today.

Now I'm just posting along, we have Nighttime bakes stirring the ship.

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fcac55 No.18718947


Anons this Big, Potato is trying to take out AMLO, it can’t happen….this admin behind Obama is EVIL

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288d6e No.18718948

File: c3933346b240036⋯.png (341.33 KB,680x425,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

Did anyone else notice the DOJ flag in the "Chinese police station" press conference is the wrong color? …also that the eagle was facing the wrong direction?

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926324 No.18718949



you are observably stupid

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288d6e No.18718950


DOJ flag is a field of blue ..to signify justice.

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68c8ea No.18718951


starts in with the slander.

you doxed yourself.

anyway, I've made my point.

these are not friendly to Q or the anon, they are shills and AI and a waste of time except to

"Stress test environments are important to reshape and form ourselves"

but the irony of it is that this one never ever changes, it doesn't learn, it doesn't grow , it does not reshape itself.

it's static, it's just a mistake, a pest, simulated to be annoying, and maybe a bit of a parrot.

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225013 No.18718952


you truly are too stupid to speak in public

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06f06d No.18718953


Also with wings down is Vatican-Position.

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618c0c No.18718954

File: 290a1c23cd1022d⋯.png (70.69 KB,1255x392,1255:392,ClipboardImage.png)

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3e0633 No.18718955

File: 220f20809a4bd57⋯.jpg (71.34 KB,1280x720,16:9,1628704236521.jpg)


I love it when you talk dirty to me.



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06f06d No.18718956




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68c8ea No.18718957



the use of AI is a civil rights abuse.

imagine IP hopping to say 'you too stew process ID'

opver and over and thinking that it has any effect but just to verify: this place is compromised. It is run by agency shills.

they do what is purposefully annoying to drive away real people.

they are not friendly. and they don't care about QResearch or the anon.

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82a0a5 No.18718958


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618c0c No.18718959


Anime is creeping commie faggotness on children.

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fcac55 No.18718960


I guess only trustworthy military. Raisin Caine maybe .

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c2f76f No.18718961

File: 44272c0fc1a9e4d⋯.mp4 (3.48 MB,960x720,4:3,Feinstein_Tribunals.mp4)

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288d6e No.18718962


Both flags were also touching the floor…

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68c8ea No.18718963


see how it falls into a nonsense tactic?

it's designed to be as much of a pest as possible.

totally inorganic.

but it will slip very quickly into a hateful diatribe and accusatory slander.

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3e0633 No.18718964

File: 1e7d875a13f81f2⋯.jpg (16.65 KB,361x361,1:1,1677688577908593.jpg)

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ef1b83 No.18718965

File: 4413cafb11a77a3⋯.jpg (74 KB,630x354,105:59,po4twvimpsbtypd.jpg)

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a1b4b2 No.18718966



xompsive naow


one reckons you see true

as far as you see

it all pivots on self awareness

and that is too painful for sheep

from one's observations.

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9d42d6 No.18718967

File: 8a9d8c9c0c8daae⋯.jpg (14.14 KB,474x263,474:263,th_3191536726.jpg)

Voted for brandon…..

Elon is actually a deluded fuckhead

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a1b4b2 No.18718968


That is a Typo



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fcac55 No.18718969


Ronnie Jackson is honorable and now has House experience, and he knows how fucked up it is and can get around it maybe

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0a6cb2 No.18718970


>I've been converting FRN's to real money as fast as I can lately.

Physical prices are stickier than spot, so go ahead and load up…just expect a higher premium if spot is low on Friday…but don't be surprised if it drops the following five days.

Anon thinks they'll throw everything they've got at lowering spot before expiration.

They'll be covering bets they made in early February.

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9c6dba No.18718971


allowing some one this stupid to access the interwebs is a civil rights abuse.

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b05260 No.18718972


The nighttime baker has lots of queer friends

Monkeys frogs, cats and dogs, and all around odd balls

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0a6cb2 No.18718973

File: 614fcc190e5e7e3⋯.png (201.36 KB,420x238,30:17,tranime_story_hour.png)



>Anime is creeping commie faggotness on children.


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288d6e No.18718974


Pretty certain that is settled case law, dating back to WWII days. The line is drawn at "enemy combatant." If a US Citizen were committing terrorist acts at the direction of foreign government, then …no civilain law protections for you…

-right to the green court house with your dumb ass.

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68c8ea No.18718975


the parrot method: it just parrots back whatver is said adding that whoever is 'stew process Identification'

this is what people pay to post here.

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d6e681 No.18718976


why are you ip.hopping and talking to yourself?

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618c0c No.18718977


Safe bet animefag sucked a cock or two.

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08eb6d No.18718978


>possible VPs

>Ronnie Jackson

>Raisin Caine

not easy to find the right one.

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288d6e No.18718979

File: c3933346b240036⋯.png (341.33 KB,680x425,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)


Doesn't add up., does it? The flag at the conference was not reversed -the type could be read correctly.

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546d33 No.18718980

File: a15c072ef67766b⋯.png (555.49 KB,877x1024,877:1024,a15c072ef67766bf5eb419de79….png)

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82a0a5 No.18718981


Nice. If you deep fried that you should invest some time into perfecting a hush puppy. Not sure which part of the country you are in but consider locally sourcing corn and green peppers. My secret ingredients are hatch valley chili's and maseca. Lot's of different fats to use as well, do you make your own butter?

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ef1b83 No.18718982


#22966 >>18718288

>>18718323 HRC and Pelosi live virtual conversation on Mother's Day to help elect women candidates and other democrats

>>18718327, >>18718350 Kari Lake and Roger Stone chatting at Mar-a-Lago

>>18718336 HRC: As Republicans declare war on Disney, I know whose side I'm on…

>>18718360, >>18718101, >>18718112 , >>18718120, >>18718129, >>18718150, >>18718165, >>18718170, >>18718183, >>18718186, >>18718189, >>18718201, >>18718207 Anon PB bun on Dalai Lama

>>18718555, >>18718557 FDNY robot rescue dog reporting for duty - for the keks

>>18718421 Video of 2010 missile launch off coast of California still unexplained

>>18718694 AI-generated song using voice of Drake and Weeknd clocked more than 15 million plays on TikTok, 625,000 on Spotify and over 230,000 on YouTube in just a few hours

>>18718696, >>18718700 @DanScavino Trump now has backing of SEVEN of Florida's Republican members of Congress: Ex-President gains on DeSantis' home turf as the battle for 2024 endorsements heats up

>>18718713 U.S. Citizens and Russian Intelligence Officers charged with Conspiring to Use U.S. Citizens as Illegal Agents of the Russian Government

>>18718896 Mexico's President tells the people that USA is spying on them and that U.S. DEA is manipulating media

>>18718899 JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon to be deposed in Epstein case, journalist digs same people who brought Epstein to power also picked Dimon

>>18718948 Wrong color DOJ flag at the "Chinese police station" press conference


last call

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618c0c No.18718983

File: 89d2204fefc30e4⋯.mp4 (450.93 KB,640x470,64:47,_me_.mp4)


>why are you ip.hopping and talking to yourself?

I have one IP

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3e0633 No.18718984

File: 614437b3a9efd56⋯.gif (1.76 MB,540x303,180:101,614437b3a9efd560977c6eaee9….gif)


You promised you wouldn't tell..

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c2f76f No.18718985

File: 6a4d0055cadb5f3⋯.jpg (114.76 KB,1080x1080,1:1,sdlkjfasldfjlsdjflasdjf.jpg)

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425515 No.18718986

File: 59e0d19f7c80072⋯.png (641.1 KB,1071x1100,1071:1100,Paul_Pelosi_Hammer.PNG)

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0a6cb2 No.18718987

File: 5d699c36ed59e68⋯.jpeg (19.04 KB,500x334,250:167,5d699c36ed59e6882d3c74fe1….jpeg)



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546d33 No.18718988

File: e4fc50f325223fd⋯.png (90.1 KB,400x434,200:217,1680657245899191.png)


>animefag sucked a cock or two.

and took it up the pooper as well


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fcac55 No.18718989

Good night anons! I’ll regret this tomorrow, but I’m comfy tonight!


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5ac90a No.18718990


this is a prime example of "cannon fodder"

also known as a "useless idiot".

the utter inability to accurately

model its environment from an

etymological viewpoint is a very

strong indicator that the language

in which it is posting is not, in fact,

its native tongue.

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82a0a5 No.18718991

File: 086a52ea2ee3737⋯.webm (541.62 KB,1638x920,819:460,1681098292551693.webm)


>last call

Kek, only if you are still at the bar, newb.

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c2f76f No.18718992

File: f43202ab81f00e2⋯.mp4 (9.31 MB,1280x720,16:9,Graham_asks_Kavanaugh_abou….mp4)

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5ac90a No.18718993



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288d6e No.18718994

May want to add "Sec of Def Lloyd Austin flies to Sweden on Air Force Reserve C17 instead of E4B" to the notables…

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5ac90a No.18718995

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618c0c No.18718996

File: f2933c973e38429⋯.gif (2.45 MB,450x479,450:479,chickenwingBJ.gif)

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546d33 No.18718997

File: 9ccfb95ec5569d1⋯.jpg (274.26 KB,1160x773,1160:773,9ccfb95ec5569d196e026f60ef….jpg)


>a demon or something else.

pic related

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ef1b83 No.18718998

File: a9e4be8b1533bf7⋯.jpg (44.32 KB,702x372,117:62,a9e4be8b1533bf76cd45bbccab….jpg)

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da7bf5 No.18718999

File: 4d6328c68427704⋯.png (294.41 KB,489x605,489:605,Mandatory_test_Gay.png)

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9d42d6 No.18719000

File: be75b260246a962⋯.gif (593.43 KB,220x125,44:25,robert_redford_jeremiah_jo….gif)

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546d33 No.18719001

File: 3a8b199295dee53⋯.jpg (69.42 KB,525x428,525:428,353535.jpg)

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17f470 No.18719002


My concern is that Obama, via Potato, is going to crash things if the Republican House fails to approve the debt ceiling increase. Not sure when they intend to vote on it though.

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d02599 No.18719003

Florida doin a maga. Neat.


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82a0a5 No.18719004


I ain't clicking that nigga

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da7bf5 No.18719005

File: edd84ebc785c469⋯.jpg (230.09 KB,680x720,17:18,Big_Mike_Hitting_Balls.jpg)



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dc8bc9 No.18719006


sœtoro is dumber than a box of rocks

as are all whom think him mastermindful


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68c8ea No.18719007


and then it grasps at straws, imaging that the person who is dead-on in deconstructioning the presented bullshit presentation of confusion and hateful nonsense is using a language that

"is not, in fact, its native tongue"

because I'm absolute dead-on, it has to pretend that I can't speak the language.

does that make you feel better, AI or paid shill?

to pretend that it's a foreign speaker?

are you now going to misspell the name of that langauge that is the one that I use in a way to try and pretend that it's the 1950s and you're making fun of someone from Japan or China?

go ahead, that's another one of your playbook intimidation tactics and slanders.

go ahead. You know you want to.

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618c0c No.18719008


It is already predestined that DEMs cheat 2024 and steal the win. Those at the top want a civil war and that is how they plan to do it. They want good people to turn violent so they can watch the carnage and laugh.

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546d33 No.18719009

File: 9f1098cf00fe212⋯.png (118.45 KB,280x341,280:341,kjty66.png)

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599bec No.18719010




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68c8ea No.18719011

it really bugs them that they haven't driven everyone one away.

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e8cfe6 No.18719012

File: 8310e307f08ecdc⋯.png (309.73 KB,832x476,208:119,newsnow.png)

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425515 No.18719013

File: edcb732e36135a2⋯.png (552.29 KB,720x405,16:9,21DFDD69_E703_4014_8AEC_96….PNG)

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618c0c No.18719014


>watch the carnage and laugh.

They masturbate to mass death.

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bcb8cf No.18719015



your mother will be skinned in your sight

while you suffocate slowly on the tree

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6b22e4 No.18719016

File: 720a42836e02fca⋯.png (354.17 KB,861x771,287:257,ClipboardImage.png)

File: af5c1c4d8b53d26⋯.png (711.98 KB,1228x924,307:231,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e891e0c49b6a694⋯.png (871.79 KB,885x516,295:172,ClipboardImage.png)

DaKine 17



Remember when Hillary paid Christopher Steele to produce the Russian collusion hoax and illegally used campaign funds to pay for it?

Why wasn’t she indicted?

“…the Clinton machine failed to publicly report the use of Perkins Coie as a ‘straw man intermediary,’ despite funneling more than $1 million through the firm — a blatant violation of federal campaign finance laws,”

Apr 19, 2023, 12:52 AM


FEC fines Clinton campaign, DNC for spending on Steele dossier to damage Trump in 2016

The Federal Election Commission has fined Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee for failing to disclose campaign spending that ended up in the pocket of Christopher Steele, the former British spy who authored a Russian-based dossier to damage Donald Trump.

The FEC fined Mrs. Clinton’s campaign $8,000 and levied a heftier punishment on the DNC, which must pay a $105,000 penalty.

The agency said the two entities “misreported the purpose of certain disbursements.”

The commission issued the fines after receiving a complaint from the Coolidge Reagan Foundation, which describes itself as a First Amendment watchdog group.

Neither the DNC nor Mrs. Clinton immediately commented about the FEC ruling.

Mr. Trump proclaimed the FEC fines provided further proof that the Clinton campaign and other Democrats were out to damage him politically through the now-discredited Steele dossier.

“This was done to create, as I have stated many times, and is now confirmed, a hoax funded by the DNC and the Clinton Campaign,” Mr. Trump said in a statement. “This corruption is only beginning to be revealed, is un-American, and must never be allowed to happen again. Where do I go to get my reputation back?”

The FEC announced its decision a week after Mr. Trump filed a sweeping lawsuit against Mrs. Clinton, the DNC and others. The lawsuit said they “maliciously conspired to weave a false narrative” that Mr. Trump was colluding with Russia to win the 2016 election. It cites the Steele dossier and lays out how Mrs. Clinton and other Democrats conspired to assemble it as a show of proof of collusion.

“This duplicitous arrangement existed for a singular self-serving purpose — to discredit Donald J. Trump and his campaign,” the lawsuit said.

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6b22e4 No.18719017


“This duplicitous arrangement existed for a singular self-serving purpose — to discredit Donald J. Trump and his campaign,” the lawsuit said.

A spokeswoman for Mr. Trump has not responded to a request for a comment about the FEC fines.

The group that filed the FEC complaint accused the Clinton campaign and the DNC of conspiring with foreigners in violation of federal campaign finance law to undermine Mr. Trump, who was then the Republican presidential nominee.

According to the complaint, the Clinton campaign and the DNC used the law firm Perkins Coie to “scheme” with Mr. Steele, a British national, to write and disseminate the salacious and unverified Steele dossier, which was produced using information from current and former Russian government officials.

The dossier sought to tarnish Mr. Trump with such infamous stories as the existence of a “pee tape” that showed Mr. Trump urinating on a mattress in a Moscow hotel room with prostitutes. None of the content of the dossier was ever proved, but it dominated media coverage of Mr. Trump well into his presidency.

In 2017, it was disclosed that the Clinton campaign and DNC attorney Marc Elias paid the Washington research firm Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on Mr. Trump and Fusion GPS hired Mr. Steele.

“In the process, the Clinton machine failed to publicly report the use of Perkins Coie as a ‘straw man intermediary,’ despite funneling more than $1 million through the firm — a blatant violation of federal campaign finance laws,” Coolidge Reagan Foundation officials said in a statement. “The fact that Hillary for America and the DNC procured something ‘of value’ from a foreign national — provided by the Kremlin — while failing to publicly acknowledge their relationship with Perkins Coie, amounts to false reporting in unprecedented fashion,” said the statement.

The Steele dossier also played a key role in instigating the FBI to investigate Mr. Trump on accusations that he colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election. The bureau relied on it for a yearlong wiretap of a Trump associate. Then-FBI Director James B. Comey reported the dossier contents to Mr. Trump early in his presidency.

Details of that meeting between Mr. Comey and the president were leaked to reporters and justified news media’s decision to begin reporting on the Steele dossier’s wild and unproven claims.

Democratic lawmakers also endorsed the Steele dossier. They included Rep. Adam B. Schiff of California, who was the ranking member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence at the time.

Mr. Schiff has not retracted his comments, even though the dossier contents were never proved, nor was there any direct evidence that Mr. Trump colluded with Russia.

Nonetheless, Mr. Schiff said the dossier’s claim that Russia helped Mr. Trump’s campaign “turned out to be all too true.”

The dossier’s contents were debunked in special counsel Robert Mueller’s 448-page investigative report issued in 2019.

The Steele dossier included at least a dozen accusations of collusion between Mr. Trump and his associates, and Russia. The Clinton campaign provided the dossier to news outlets and the Justice Department.

Mr. Mueller’s investigation of Trump-Russia collusion, which lasted nearly two years and cost taxpayers $32 million, could not confirm a single claim from the Steele dossier.


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0a6cb2 No.18719018


>My concern is that Obama, via Potato, is going to crash things if the Republican House fails to approve the debt ceiling increase.

Anon is pretty sure they're going to crash TF out of the economy and destroy the USD between now and the 2024 election.

If you're looking to hold on to buying power, enclosed trailers really aren't a bad way to go if you have storage space for them and a pickup to haul.

Get a decent deal on one, and it'll keep up with inflation…plus you can rent them out for storage as passive income.

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425515 No.18719019

File: d83f236df52bf7d⋯.jpeg (229.92 KB,800x689,800:689,Big_Mike_s_01_Manmaid.JPEG)

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2213f2 No.18719020


Aren't we all deadmen?

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da7bf5 No.18719021


>The FEC fined Mrs. Clinton’s campaign $8,000 and levied a heftier punishment on the DNC, which must pay a $105,000 penalty.

Trust The Plan

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1c4a96 No.18719022


that is why you were "given your own board"

can you say containment?

one knew you could

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618c0c No.18719023

File: 0bf5338c02406b0⋯.png (808.63 KB,718x755,718:755,ClipboardImage.png)

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08eb6d No.18719024

File: 10fbe4685d59f23⋯.mp4 (2.27 MB,470x268,235:134,exercise_vid_myanmar_coup_….mp4)

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425515 No.18719025

File: 88a6f3d74855480⋯.jpg (205.04 KB,1088x1291,1088:1291,Big_Mike_s_06_He_s_a_Dude.JPG)

File: 84a37553187ea26⋯.jpg (172.1 KB,1091x1280,1091:1280,Obama_s_04_Painting.JPG)

File: 6301d2770924088⋯.jpeg (1.85 MB,4482x1998,83:37,Michelle_Obama_is_a_Man.JPEG)

File: 22a8de2da33ee44⋯.jpg (64.25 KB,475x475,1:1,Obama_s_05_Christmas.JPG)

File: 6a7b19473f75a87⋯.jpg (149.95 KB,1089x975,363:325,Big_Mike_s_05_Raid.JPG)

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425515 No.18719026

File: 1e08912b729e014⋯.jpeg (2.26 MB,3571x2805,3571:2805,Big_Mike_Memes_01.JPEG)

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618c0c No.18719027

File: ccb1b89bf271345⋯.png (812.39 KB,1044x489,348:163,ClipboardImage.png)

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1c4a96 No.18719028



it is a damned shame your enemy controls your judiciary

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2213f2 No.18719029

File: 2dc89fdddc55a43⋯.png (517.94 KB,998x621,998:621,ClipboardImage.png)


Every man needs to find their Trinity to bring them back to Life.

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08eb6d No.18719030

File: ec595380dea49a8⋯.png (13.7 KB,200x255,40:51,night_shift.png)

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546d33 No.18719031

File: 98585828b614856⋯.gif (687.93 KB,550x458,275:229,35335536.gif)

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ef1b83 No.18719032


#22966 >>18718288

>>18718323 HRC and Pelosi live virtual conversation on Mother's Day to help elect women candidates and other democrats

>>18718327, >>18718350 Kari Lake and Roger Stone chatting at Mar-a-Lago

>>18718336 HRC: As Republicans declare war on Disney, I know whose side I'm on…

>>18718360, >>18718101, >>18718112 , >>18718120, >>18718129, >>18718150, >>18718165, >>18718170, >>18718183, >>18718186, >>18718189, >>18718201, >>18718207 Anon PB bun on Dalai Lama

>>18718555, >>18718557 FDNY robot rescue dog reporting for duty - for the keks

>>18718421 Video of 2010 missile launch off coast of California still unexplained

>>18718694 AI-generated song using voice of Drake and Weeknd clocked more than 15 million plays on TikTok, 625,000 on Spotify and over 230,000 on YouTube in just a few hours

>>18718696, >>18718700 @DanScavino Trump now has backing of SEVEN of Florida's Republican members of Congress: Ex-President gains on DeSantis' home turf as the battle for 2024 endorsements heats up

>>18718713 U.S. Citizens and Russian Intelligence Officers charged with Conspiring to Use U.S. Citizens as Illegal Agents of the Russian Government

>>18718896 Mexico's President tells the people that USA is spying on them and that U.S. DEA is manipulating media

>>18718899 JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon to be deposed in Epstein case, journalist digs same people who brought Epstein to power also picked Dimon

>>18718948 Wrong color DOJ flag at the "Chinese police station" press conference

>>18719016 Reminder: "the Clinton machine failed to publicly report the use of Perkins Coie as a ‘straw man intermediary,’ despite funneling more than $1 million through the firm to pay Christopher Steele



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425515 No.18719033

File: ea27094cd0d8327⋯.jpg (123.28 KB,800x499,800:499,Joe_Biden_Snogging_Grandda….jpg)

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ed4237 No.18719036

File: eacaf85d82f1aa4⋯.gif (1.96 MB,224x224,1:1,20200823_111712.gif)


we are

some have yet to grasp the fact

weak minds yüкиœ

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425515 No.18719037

File: fb44dd31b40bbfc⋯.jpg (548.28 KB,962x860,481:430,BigMike_DFTF_02.jpg)

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67f508 No.18719038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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da7bf5 No.18719040

File: 7f922a90753d161⋯.jpg (177.48 KB,780x438,130:73,Bud_Light_Big_Mike_Edition.jpg)

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546d33 No.18719041

File: 45149c3de7e7417⋯.jpg (469.8 KB,1021x681,1021:681,45149c3de7e7417b59b36c2d9a….jpg)


I wonder if Joe showered with Hunter….

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ef1b83 No.18719042






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b07d21 No.18719044


Were between birth and death right now, call back Monday.

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da7bf5 No.18719045

File: 0aa33d4d2029a13⋯.png (67.79 KB,639x132,213:44,If_only_you_knew.png)

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618c0c No.18719046




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425515 No.18719047

File: 82fbd996317b3ee⋯.png (864.94 KB,831x461,831:461,Biden_Nero_Fall_of_DC_02.PNG)

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06f06d No.18719048

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ef1b83 No.18719050






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da7bf5 No.18719051

File: 5f042e288d367ee⋯.jpg (653.73 KB,2048x1152,16:9,Joe_Nukem.jpg)

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546d33 No.18719052

File: 81c115d07e37434⋯.jpg (109.69 KB,588x1000,147:250,81c115d07e374340e67c639484….jpg)


things are real bad, really really bad

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415728 No.18719053


Wouldn't this qualify as election interference?

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618c0c No.18719054

File: 664ab4de8934082⋯.mp4 (636.91 KB,400x400,1:1,16_Voting_Pelosi.mp4)


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ed4237 No.18719056

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da7bf5 No.18719057


maybe she has shart marks on the back, or he's gay

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425515 No.18719058

File: 99415a6adbf60fe⋯.jpg (260.04 KB,985x921,985:921,Chloe_s_Legs_01.jpg)

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ed4237 No.18719059

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ed4237 No.18719060

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618c0c No.18719061


Camel Toe Memes incoming

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ed4237 No.18719062

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ed4237 No.18719063

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425515 No.18719064

File: 6af20647e64d699⋯.jpg (38.87 KB,479x356,479:356,Sniffing_Joe_Biden_in_Chin….jpg)

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da7bf5 No.18719065


I prefer giraffetoe

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