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File: a5e419f05179aa3⋯.png (424.5 KB,693x391,693:391,a5e419f05179aa342583b389b0….png)

dc4f6e No.18704200 [Last50 Posts]

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dc4f6e No.18704201

International Q Research Threads

>>18670265 ——–——– Australia #29

>>18668978 ——–——– Canada #42

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>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6



bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker

Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children

Download QAGG https://anonfiles.com/3c43Scb4z0/offsite_qagg_zip

>>18147768 ban lifts

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>18147527 No p*rn videos

>>18489141 Jan 6th Song Featuring Trump Soars To #1 On iTunes

>>18681956 BLUR IMAGE CODE During Image attacks. Insert into Options.Theme.

>>18681959 How To Download Locked TS Rumble Videos


>>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>17241444 Baker's Lite JS

>>18147761 Baking range: @75 up to 751

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>>18311579 Post notables or step down by @300

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dc4f6e No.18704203


#22947 TBC (Re-collection is required.)

>>18703525 Documentary: The Shadow State

>>18703600, >>18703777, >>18703802 Former PParenthood comms director commits suicide after child porn investigation

>>18703604 Joe Biden Gets Lost After Lying to the Irish People About Being a Professor at UPenn (Video)

>>18703607, >>18703655, >>18703672, >>18703695, >>18703716, >>18703729, >>18703752 Anheuser-Busch CEO Former CIA Spy Handler

>>18703619 Cops on capital hill taking selfie with someone apparently part of the "rioter" crew

>>18703635 Sen Ron Johnson said he was never an anti-vaxxer before COVID, but now he's "skeptical"

>>18703660 Bud Light Suffers Boycott in Wyoming, Nearly Half of Small-Town Bars Report Customers Ditching Woke Beer

>>18703671 According to the United Nations, children may consent to sex with adults.

>>18703682 Red Flag: 100-Day Vaccine Developers Are Funding the Redefinition of Vaccine Side Effects

>>18703711 @GenFlynn: We’re done with this “woke” BS

>>18703766 Ivermectin works by getting into the pathways associated with inflammation

>>18703782 Explanation vid on the Nordstream in case you arent aware of what transpired

>>18703799 Recap of downtown Chicago tonight of what the "teens" were doing tonight

>>18703818 Bill Gates seminar describing MRNA vaccines will be used vaccinate people against religious extremism (2005)

>>18703820 Breakthrough Prize Ceremony: Scientists and Stars Come Together in Hollywood

>>18703827 Cardcaptor Sakura Showed Kids Worldwide That It Was OK to Be Queer

>>18703806 An emotional Joe Biden was moved to tears after meeting a priest in Ireland who gave his son Beau the last

>>18703864 I'm A 'Baby Queen.' Here's Why We Should Be Scared For Our Kids (And It's Not Because Of Drag)

>>18703872 As Ukraine’s LGBTQ soldiers fight on the front line, acceptance grows in the conservative country

>>18703894 #22947

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dc4f6e No.18704204


>>18702561 Dough

>>18702821, >>18702825, >>18702826, >>18702829, >>18702788 Donald J. Trump: THE TRUMP INDICTMENT IN NY WAS DEAD ON ARRIVAL

>>18702599 Devin Nunes: US Has Been Infiltrated, Obama Orchestrating It All, Truth Will Set Us Free (47:58)

>>18702647, >>18702670, >>18702637 QClock April 14,2023 - 2001 A Space Odyssey

>>18702651 FULL: President Trump at NRA Annual Meeting

>>18702716 PF Reports: N7L. Fort Worth big wheel Ed Bass headed home from New Haven, CT

>>18702751 Donald Trump's Commanding Lead in Kentucky

>>18702768 Ex-White House security aide insists Pentagon leak suspect Jack Teixeira, can't have acted alone

>>18702775 Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin Takes a Pass on 2024

>>18702807, >>18702812 FALSE FLAG Oranized Riot Downtown Chicago as Teenagers Vandalize Cars and Gunfire Erupts

>>18702883 XVIII Airborne Corps: Team 17's

>>18703064, >>18703072 Lara Logan: The Intelligence Community’s Day Of Reckoning For Decades Of Deception Is Coming (7:08)

>>18703106 UF Health Erasing Differences Between Male and Female in Lab Test Results for “Inclusivity”

>>18703157, >>18703169, >>18703170 Mass Shooting Dadeville Alabama 30 Kids Shot Up At A Party…

>>18703234 Every phone in the UK will get an emergency alert next week - and this is what it's going to say

>>18703241 Kyle Rittenhouse launches countersuit against Gaige Grosskreutz after being sued for emotional distress

>>18703262 At Least 6 Female Teachers Arrested For Sexual Misconduct With Students Within 2 Days in US

>>18703390 #22946

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dc4f6e No.18704205


>>18701894, >>18701921, >>18701931, >>18702021 Anon Theorizes - Deep Dream, Dragon Fly/Project Monarch/MkUltra

>>18701919 Chemical FIRE in Georgia is off HWY 17

>>18701976 Open.Ink Launching Monday AM in conjunction with @truethevote

>>18702005 A Captain's Guide to the Modern Political Spectrum

>>18702045 PDJT speaks TRUTH and praises VP Mike Pence at the NRA convention:

>>18702185 Brian Cates - I don't even think most people are readyto hear that the CIA/MOSSAD have been running North Korea since the beginning.

>>18702190 GOP Quietly Backs Off Attacking Bud Light—Its Own Major Donor

>>18702220 DNC parts ways with Marc Elias, the Clintonworld lawyer behind Trump-Russia dossier

>>18702243 Steven Cheung - @fullsendpodcast x @realDonaldTrump in the house! Don’t miss this episode.

>>18702246, >>18702268 Twitter owner and Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently announced the creation of a new artificial intelligence company called X.AI

>>18702296 Man and Woman in Hebrew // God encoded - Fire Encoded

>>18702299 Kari Lake and Roger Stone Talk Arizona, Trump, and America's Future

>>18702353 Donbass town comes under deadly Ukrainian shelling – official

>>18702374 PF - SAM401 C-32ABlinkenheading to Sapporo from Hanoi departure and just passing to the east of Taipei

>>18702397 Month/Day Delta - Q Drops 3969, 3970, 3971

>>18702503 Ron Paul - JFK was murdered by CIA

>>18702504 Top Secret leaker case: New Jack Teixeira details revealed in search warrant affidavit

>>18702507 MRNa Vaccine creator speaks

>>18702514 Devin Nunes - US Has Been Infiltrated, Obama Orchestrating It All, Truth Will Set Us Free

>>18702539, >>18702540 Reminder that Epstein was an Israeli Mossad operation

>>18702553 #22945

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dc4f6e No.18704206

Previously Collected

>>18701017 #22943, >>18701790 #22944,

>>18698771 #22940, >>18699497 #22941, >>18700262 #22942

>>18696342 #22937, >>18697106 #22938, >>18697887 #22929

>>18693916 #22934, >>18694773 #22935, >>18696097 #22936

>>18691584 #22931, >>18692402 #22932, >>18693144 #22933

TripCodefeed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #17: Enjoy The P@in >>18405516

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7a98e5 No.18704209

>>18704125 (lb)

Also, in caps PRAY.

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dc4f6e No.18704211

File: ec3da9fb57980b7⋯.gif (371.02 KB,370x370,1:1,ec3da9fb57980b767955846c8a….gif)



Handoff & Ghost

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4411ec No.18704213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4fce12 No.18704214

File: 7b6d3e4c69defbb⋯.png (850.28 KB,733x1150,733:1150,7b6d3e4c69defbb899c955e5d7….png)


thanks for the ebake Fren

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93f88d No.18704215

File: 573d742c04364c3⋯.png (1.87 MB,1015x1596,145:228,ClipboardImage.png)



*Just makes me wonder if all the hot chick fishing posts are from Matt Gaetz or KEKier, his GINGER wife!

Holy Fuck, this place is weird.


Fishing is always better with my best catch by my side! 🎣

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7a98e5 No.18704219

I apologize for shitting the bread.

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104bf4 No.18704220

I identify as a black woman with $160k in student loan debt.

I demand the black law professor POTATUS pay me reparations of $1 million and a mule.

In 1850 prices for gold, I'll settle for 58,000 1oz double eagles.

Texas Bullion Depository

203 Heritage Grove Rd, Leander, TX 78641

c/o Ms. Shantilly Lake

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c2439e No.18704221


is this the one true dough?


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93f88d No.18704222

File: 09f04bada53f670⋯.png (1.19 MB,1332x850,666:425,ClipboardImage.png)

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31aaa8 No.18704223

File: 4886d0c58de212b⋯.png (485.58 KB,635x2377,635:2377,Screenshot_2023_04_16_at_1….png)

File: dc16b5b9419c69b⋯.png (619.96 KB,680x680,1:1,honkler.png)

File: 5e9a2b93ff3eed5⋯.png (682.5 KB,1366x768,683:384,fullretard.png)

All PB


>Grandma Louis…


>Could be a coincidence.




>full obit is very interdasting.

>Louise Donelan; social worker was 'ultimate extrovert'; 92

Louise Donelan, was a Social Worker who worked for an adoption agency in Washington DC

>Red Cross

>Catholic Charities

>Husband was FBI Inspector

>Settled inMcClean, VA

>"She touched everyone she met in a memorable and lasting way"

>Friends may call at CHANDLER FUNERAL HOME

> She worked atPierce Warwickin Washington, D.C.,


>they had a purpose. It went away when Ireland was freed.

>take what I say as if it's just BS, but by being so quick with your clown graphics, I think you out yourself as a gate-keeper clown.

>also, given that S Boston is a center of it, and that htey are marxist, the 'irish' from south boston

>could be from anywhere in the world

>with relatives who never saw Ireland at all.

I'm agreeing with you, retard.

The IRA are just like the Clowns In America only with a funny accent.

hence the honkler posting

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7a55d8 No.18704225

File: 7ec45ab6cf3995b⋯.jpg (56.67 KB,591x849,197:283,shooting.JPG)


Dadeville, Alabama Facebook post wishing for his "n-word" to recover posted a video of two teens pointing guns at a camera.

It is not clear if either of the teens in the video are victims or the shooter.

Here is the link: https://m.facebook.com/charles.reese.9406

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4411ec No.18704226

File: 49b40250dfa8983⋯.mp4 (7.33 MB,464x848,29:53,wtactualf.mp4)

please clap

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c2439e No.18704227

File: 00c4578ba5f3e55⋯.png (2.38 MB,1600x1067,1600:1067,ClipboardImage.png)


>true dough

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983302 No.18704228

File: 09d78e95aeefba5⋯.png (587.63 KB,679x680,679:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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7a55d8 No.18704229

File: 5e0099f1f747e53⋯.jpg (276.23 KB,1218x1389,406:463,Thats_what_i_do.jpg)


TY Baker

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6a0c46 No.18704230

File: fb3faf0ae0bc079⋯.jpg (328.7 KB,1080x1796,270:449,Screenshot_20230416_080153….jpg)


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93f88d No.18704231

File: f0d5f873b23bf0b⋯.png (197.04 KB,474x316,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92790aeab0fb63c⋯.png (290.17 KB,474x424,237:212,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aac3909ef900a05⋯.png (219.71 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5585693082f6b3a⋯.png (173.74 KB,350x525,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a72f0cec5784095⋯.png (174.48 KB,474x273,158:91,ClipboardImage.png)



>is this the one true dough?

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4411ec No.18704232

File: 6f3e18252feeb39⋯.mp4 (190.87 KB,640x360,16:9,hitslikeahorse.mp4)

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f2b73d No.18704234

If we were under ATTACK by some unforeseen force…."How would we know it???….would our factories start blowing up???…maybe…would our transportation sub-structure be de-railed???…maybe….would they attack our livestock and food structure???….maybe…would they go after and kill our people???….maybe….well, wake up…because that is exactly what is happening….no armies…all of it from the inside and from over the border!!!

Are we waiting for Joe Biden to announce that we are under attack???….if we were under attack, who would we hear it from???….our Government???…what if we are being attacked by our Government???…would we know that???…

If any of that above is true, and we are being attacked….WHAT IN THE FUCK ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT???

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6a0c46 No.18704235

File: 62da399a6ba00f4⋯.jpg (452.4 KB,1080x1948,270:487,Screenshot_20230416_080348….jpg)


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c2439e No.18704236

File: 1c289bf1005acfd⋯.png (3.05 MB,2560x1706,1280:853,ClipboardImage.png)


nice tits.

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7a55d8 No.18704237

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Because Physical Wounds Heal

The Ghosts have Come out to Play

We are Everywhere…

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ca0307 No.18704238


why bother even if they beg for bakers?

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31aaa8 No.18704239

File: c2d289e2071f3a1⋯.png (372.97 KB,1127x1344,161:192,specialChPierceWar.png)


>> She worked atPierce Warwickin Washington, D.C.,

Wapo advertising Special Children in the 80s, including those placed by Pierce Warwick

> https://archive.ph/raHRn

'Special Children' Awaiting Adoption

By S and

ra R. Gregg

July 9, 1981

Three-year-old Niki is a charming little girl with alluring eyes, a serious disease and no permanent home. She is adrift in the District of Columbia's foster care system, waiting for a family willing to adopt her.

Niki is one of nearly 2,200 District children in foster care and one of 214 who need adoptive families. A third of the District's children are now in foster homes in suburban Maryland, including Niki, who is in the care of a Landover family. Another 1,117 Prince George's and Montgomery county children are in foster homes or institutions. In Prince George's, 132 are legally free for adoption, and in Montgomery five are waiting for permanent homes.

All but a handful of the youngsters awaiting adoption are "special needs" children, who are hard to place because of their age, race or health.

In 1977, three months after Niki was born, doctors at Children's Hospital discovered she had cystic fibrosis. For the first 18 months of her life, Niki lived between the Hospital for Sick Children and her mother's home in the District. Unable to cope with her daughter's disease, her mother put Niki up for adoption in 1979, according to social service workers. The baby became a ward of the District's Department of Human Services (DHS).

The Pierce-Warwick Adoption Service, a private D.C. agency that contracts with DHS to find homes for children with special problems, placed Niki with Donna Dougherty, a 24-year-old Baltimore woman whose husband had died of cancer. The adoption never became final.

After 18 months, Dougherty, who also has two young sons, said she began to feel that Niki was so attached to her that she could not leave the house, and that she could not face the prospect of seeing the child die in a few years.

According to Dr. Beryl Rosenstein, who treated Niki in Baltimore, the child has a moderate case of cystic fibrosis, a progressive and eventually fatal disease caused by an enzyme deficiency. The disorder affects the lungs and makes her highly susceptible to infection and colds. Rosenstein said Niki's life expectancy depends on how often she gets sick. The average CF patient lives 18 years, though some now survive into their thirties.

Niki requires physical therapy called "postural drainage" about 20 minutes twice a day. The treatment consists of tapping on the child's back while she is in various positions to dislodge any mucus that has collected in her lungs. She also takes medication to help her digest food and gain weight.

In May, Niki was placed in the Landover home of Willie and Millie Hall, who have raised another CF child. Niki's "doing real well," said Millie Hall, adding that she and her husband are willing to care for Niki as her foster parents as long as possible. But, she says, "I feel we are too old to adopt."

Martha Galdi, a Pierce-Warwick social worker, insists that Niki still needs a permanent home. "She needs parents who can be with her while she's living, to enjoy her, and then most particularly, she needs a mommy and daddy who can be with her when she dies. . . . The danger in foster care is that it's not a permanent commitment."

District social service workers were willing to tell Niki's story and permit use of her photograph in hopes of finding a home for her and other hard-to-place children, but said they could not publish her name. Niki is the name given to her by the Baltimore woman who cared for her.

While handicapped children like Niki are difficult to place, healthy children who are older or black also are difficult to find homes for, according to social workers in the District and in Maryland. The "special needs" children who wait the longest for homes are black, male and more than 6 years old.

Carol Siemens, head of adoptions for the Department of Social Services in Prince George's County, said it is also especially difficult to find foster or adoptive families for adolescents and sibling groups.

Finding homes in Prince George's is particularly hard because many families in that county take foster children from the District, which pays families about $200 per month to cover the care of a child, according to Barbara Hoagwood, who oversees foster care in Prince George's. This compares with an average of $170 per month paid by Prince George's.

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4411ec No.18704240

File: acc45f804883fa0⋯.png (395.15 KB,783x441,87:49,ClipboardImage.png)


Anthony Weiner

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e4103d No.18704241

File: 5fc2ec1e851d7c0⋯.jpg (110.93 KB,985x582,985:582,ZomboMeme_16042023110609.jpg)

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17d29d No.18704242

File: f70ed9f3a351259⋯.png (231.17 KB,769x1200,769:1200,q.png)

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31aaa8 No.18704243

File: 6681577c9a41fdf⋯.png (69.11 KB,491x227,491:227,chandlerfh.png)



>'Special Children' Awaiting Adoption

In all jurisdictions the subsidies are available to foster parents as well as to many parents who adopt special needs children. Generally, subsidies paid adoptive families are about $50 a month less than those paid foster families in the District and Prince George's. Some extra services and, in some cases, extra money are provided families who adopt children with medical problems. Montgomery County pays a monthly subsidy of $220 to foster and adoptive parents, and $247 a month to families with special needs children. Subsidies and services beyond the basic amounts are decided on a case-by-case basis.

Compared with the difficulties encountered by social service workers in the District and Prince George's, Montgomery workers have been notably successful in finding permanent homes for children. Montgomery adoptions chief Jean Royer said her department gets 30 to 40 calls per month for prospective adopting parents.

Royer said she is pleasantly surprised at the increasing number of people who are willing to adopt children with problems. Recently her agency has placed a 4-year-old with cystic fibrosis, a baby with water on the brain, a child with kidney disease and an Oriental teen-ager.

The Prince George's agency has not had as much success. Carol Siemens said most of the white children in public custody have serious handicaps and social workers have "no luck at all" in finding adoptive homes for them.

Throughout the metropolitan area, workers agree that black children have the hardest time finding homes. For years, adoptions in black families were uncommon because blacks often informally adopted the children of relatives, Siemens said. Also, she added, blacks are often reluctant to deal with public agencies.

These trends are slowly changing. Last year Montgomery County hired part-time social worker Geraldine Robinson to encourage more black families to consider adoption. Robinson said she found that many blacks believed they had to be financially well off to adopt. Robinson has been trying to clear up some of those misconceptions by speaking to church and social groups throughout the county. She is also trying to persuade potential parents to consider older children with problems. "The black families I've been working with tend to be like their white, middle-income counterparts . . . they want healthy babies," she said.

Robinson is meeting with success in black communities. Seven foster parents have adopted their children in the past year, and she has identified 23 black families in the county who are ready to adopt. Four of those families have received children recently and are awaiting final clearance of the adoptions.

In Maryland, when all local attempts to recruit a family for special children fails, agencies often turns to Rudy Miller of WBAL (Channel 11) in Baltimore, Miller's weekly show, "Wednesday's Child," features children in their favorite activities. (District social workers say they are reluctant "advertise" children like Niki, however.)

The show began last October and has featured 29 children. To date, 10 of those children have been adopted, and five others are in the process of meeting potential new families. But as all the social workers point out, there still plenty of children waiting.

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f2b73d No.18704244

I'm not saying go out there and fight these people….what I am saying is go out there and defend our America from them destroying it…

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c24d2d No.18704245


that was after the other one by 2 min

appreciate that you tried so don't "not bother"

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12faed No.18704246

File: 5c4cb8ca4e4453a⋯.png (231.18 KB,640x453,640:453,ClipboardImage.png)

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13b854 No.18704247

File: 93379d886046a9a⋯.jpg (23.84 KB,474x316,3:2,th_3802857372.jpg)

File: 078a9717f8e431d⋯.jpg (23.55 KB,474x315,158:105,th_2077322774.jpg)

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ca0307 No.18704248


if the system lags by that much it's a toss up

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c6ee37 No.18704249

File: 3b050a773c8e30a⋯.jpeg (83.87 KB,1024x1283,1024:1283,GOD_is_GOOD.jpeg)

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c5d41f No.18704250


he was going to be a doctor

until he was cut down by the nra

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01700c No.18704251

…. ""Tyb"" …..

o o o o

|/ ^/ /|


,-.(|) (|),-.

_*._ ' '_.* _/

/`-.`–' .-'

,./ `-' ,–.

|( ) ( )| /

| || || | /

| /| /| | /

/ -._ _,-/

//| \ `—' // |\

/,-.,-. /,-.,-.

o o o o o o


Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

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302f59 No.18704252

File: 8f4de64d944a3ec⋯.jpg (54.25 KB,500x501,500:501,squirrelScout4.jpg)

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10d8a5 No.18704253

File: c1d01e74ed93c1b⋯.jpeg (489.91 KB,828x534,138:89,C186EFDA_BDD0_43B4_A166_D….jpeg)

File: 5663b055adc02f3⋯.jpeg (508.69 KB,828x1013,828:1013,C7454341_8D41_44DF_94C6_F….jpeg)


Good day for the Storm.

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7a55d8 No.18704254

File: 2c5260bb9055b4b⋯.gif (2.07 MB,1024x426,512:213,Spit_Out_Drink_GIF.gif)


Need Moar COFFEE



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93f88d No.18704255

File: b7c143079a0c157⋯.png (3.39 MB,1420x1132,355:283,ClipboardImage.png)



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c46a0e No.18704256

We are so blessed that unlike reddit and 4ch our admins are 100% trustworthy and do not gatekeep.

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0fea39 No.18704257

File: b58bc8629045cdd⋯.png (166.56 KB,350x351,350:351,aa704ad9072fce1249699dd8e1….png)

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9e0a56 No.18704258

File: 1c4b211d4aac6aa⋯.png (454.9 KB,968x898,484:449,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e262dadf8406117⋯.png (196.11 KB,1280x1280,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 749297cbe40715b⋯.png (359.28 KB,665x375,133:75,ClipboardImage.png)



Anon would like to say that anon is so disappointed with the masses including his own family and friends.

They literally do not care or know how bad things are getting.

They went along with the lockdowns, the vaccines, every fucking current thing and now are back to being sheep.

The lockdowns had a effect that most anons are not seeing.

They locked them down, took away their rights and now that they are free again they are happy and complacent cos oh well least we can go on holiday and blah blah blah.

Anon cannot mention anything cos conspiracy theory.

Right now anon thinks it is only the anons and maga that give a fuck.


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cbb6ea No.18704259

File: 7cf1bfbb8728673⋯.png (2.54 MB,1588x1191,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18704217 (PB)

creepy as fuck. It's cool but cia?

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13b854 No.18704260

File: ef99321a76c7924⋯.jpg (21.24 KB,474x355,474:355,th_3681853922.jpg)

File: b9d61cad0657242⋯.jpg (35.75 KB,474x610,237:305,th_3631470036.jpg)

File: a0ea7afba67094d⋯.jpg (20.51 KB,474x268,237:134,th_2757702012.jpg)

File: 7136fc68fb42ec0⋯.jpg (33.27 KB,474x355,474:355,th_679982423.jpg)

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75f06c No.18704261


honk honk is all I hear from you, glowie

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a8fdcc No.18704262

the Progressive Labour movement is a hoax.

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72bf23 No.18704263

File: b12df739366ad30⋯.jpg (89.49 KB,500x500,1:1,b12df739366ad309ee15a80dd7….jpg)

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31aaa8 No.18704264

File: d52d69d218edcfc⋯.png (282.96 KB,708x1860,59:155,Screenshot_2023_04_16_at_1….png)


>Louise Donelan, was a Social Worker who worked for an adoption agency in Washington DC



>Settled inMcClean, VA

>"She touched everyone she met in a memorable and lasting way"

>Friends may call at CHANDLER FUNERAL HOME

> She worked atPierce Warwickin Washington, D.C.,

Just as a reminder

> https://archive.is/ZzMpu

Mother of chief of staff to Bill Clinton, Podesta, Dies at 89

By Antonis Diamataris -

March 12, 2007



Share on Facebook

Tweet on Twitter

By Chris Fusco

The Chicago Sun-Times

MARY K. PODESTA 1918-2007

The daughter of Greek immigrants, Mary K. Podesta knew how to cook a mean

spanakopita. She married an Italian, so she knew her pastas and sauces, too.

But besides knowing food, Mrs. Podesta knew politics. She paid attention to

the news, was a poll-watcher on election days in Chicago and raised two

politically active sons — one of whom grew up to become President Bill

Clintons chief of staff.

So its no surprise that once Mrs. Podesta moved to Washington, D.C., to be

closer to her sons, she took to cooking at political fund-raisers. What is

surprising is how she became a celebrity of sorts, wowing people not only

with her meatballs but her wit.

Mrs. Podesta, known to many of the nations Democratic elite as Mama

Podesta, died Friday in Washington from chronic obstructive pulmonary

disease. She was 88.

She had two sons, but she adopted another 25 people during the time she

came to Washington, said her older son, Tony Podesta, a Washington public

affairs strategist.

She had two lives. She was a wife and mother in Chicago, but then she came

to Washington and became friends with presidents and senators who always

enjoyed her wit and willingness to say anything to anybody.

Born Mary Kokoris, Mrs. Podesta graduated from Von Steuben High School and

got to know her husband, John D. Podesta, because she worked in her fathers

Greek restaurant and he was a customer.

Mr. Podesta died in 1980, and Mrs. Podesta moved to Washington in 1987.

While in Chicago, she worked for Bankers Life and Casualty Co. and became an

astute political observer, her sons recalled.

Who was running the country mattered to her, said her younger son, John

Podesta, Clintons chief of staff from 1998 to 2001. At the end of the day,

that probably influenced me.

A 2004 Associated Press profile noted that her home cooking has raised

millions of dollars for Democrats and benefitted a whos who of candidates.

Among them are Sen. Tom Daschle of South Dakota, the current minority

leader; Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of

New York.

The Clintons spoke with her in her final months. We are deeply saddened by

Marys passing and our thoughts are with John, Tony, and her entire family,

they said in a statement. She had a great spark and leaves behind an

incredible legacy.

Other survivors include her sister, Evelyn Carres.

Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at Montclair-Lucania Funeral

home, 6901 W. Belmont. Services will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday at


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1fac51 No.18704265

File: 70d94d4988ea617⋯.png (438.76 KB,899x672,899:672,ClipboardImage.png)

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425d81 No.18704266

File: 0c4f87caef420d7⋯.png (67.29 KB,230x230,1:1,1475198547432.png)


tyb and chekd

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c6ee37 No.18704267

File: c560cdd47a6c7a9⋯.png (386.19 KB,749x800,749:800,ClipboardImage.png)

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ecee6b No.18704268

File: b8a63c1c439d869⋯.mp4 (3.16 MB,640x592,40:37,b8a63c1c439d86985e305108af….mp4)

File: 425924be52a6617⋯.jpg (30.79 KB,320x320,1:1,2859614_jools_photo.jpg)





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cbb6ea No.18704269


yeah, I didn't comply with lockdowns, masks or the jabs, so I can't see why people would want to still stay in that mind set.

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e5d199 No.18704271

>>18691497 PB

>Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene defends alleged US intel leaker Jack Teixeira


the alleged "leak" by teixeira was a CIA psyop in response to the REAL leaks that occurred in the days prior.

the teixeira "leak" contains wildly exaggerated russian casualties, and wildly underreported ukrainian casualties.

what's more, it contains NO meaningful military intelligence other than bogus numbers meant to bolster support for ukraine.

the entire shit show is to distract from the real leaks and at the same time provide a media circus to further confuse and divide the public.


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c6ee37 No.18704272

File: 64f0919fb068b0a⋯.png (328.39 KB,751x733,751:733,ClipboardImage.png)

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a72f91 No.18704273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6a0c46 No.18704274

File: ec31afbde88deae⋯.mp4 (15.72 MB,1280x720,16:9,ec31afbde88deae56efbc4f514….mp4)

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c24d2d No.18704275

File: 42c0a9cd1ffb4dc⋯.png (425.61 KB,989x445,989:445,ClipboardImage.png)

File: da09d8035309375⋯.png (298.18 KB,710x421,710:421,ClipboardImage.png)

N757AF 757 departed Nashville last night and is at Dulles Int'l now

TABOO31 KC-135 took over from TABOO30 as the mobile filling station for Potato 'at Rehoboth Beach'..schedule sez 12pn EST Out-of-Town Pool Call Time


RCH3269 C-17 departed JBA NW

Also from last Night had C102 US Coast Guard arrive at Los Angeles Int'l from Reagan National depart-cap#2

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7a328d No.18704276

The Lab Grown GOOD Meat Company Has a Murky Past and They’re Extremely Sensitive About It. 1/2

On March 21, GOOD Meat, the lab-grown, “cultivated” meat division of Eat Just Inc., announced that it had received an important preliminary approval from the FDA to bring one of its alternative meat products to market in the US. The approval, in the form of a “no questions” letter, means that the FDA has accepted the company’s claim that its first product, cultivated chicken, is safe to eat. The evaluation process involved a detailed submission from GOOD Meat about the safety and production process for the product, including assurances about its nutritional content and purity.

The letter comes two years after GOOD Meat received its first approval, from the government of Singapore, and served its chicken product to the public for the very first time, at upmarket Singapore restaurant called 1880. It has since been sold in a variety of locations in the city-state, from street stalls to the prestigious Huber’s Butchery. At present, GOOD Meat remains the only producer of lab-grown meat in the world not only to have the necessary approvals to sell its products to consumers, but also to have done so. Although Upside Foods secured FDA approval before GOOD Meat, it has yet to feed any paying customers.

GOOD Meat is now working with the US Department of Agriculture to secure the final necessary approvals, before serving its cultivated chicken at a restaurant in Washington DC, with the help of chef José Andrés, who also happens to be a member of the company’s Board of Directors.

“Since Singapore approved GOOD Meat for sale, we knew this moment was next. I am so proud to bring this new way of making meat to my country and to do it with a hero of mine, Chef José Andrés,” said Josh Tetrick, co-founder and CEO of GOOD Meat and Eat Just, in response to the FDA approval.

“The future of our planet depends on how we feed ourselves,” added Andrés. “And we have a responsibility to look beyond the horizon for smarter, sustainable ways to eat. GOOD Meat is doing just that, pushing the boundary on innovative new solutions, and I’m excited for everyone to taste the result.”

Despite the fanfare for this supposed “food of the future,” and the fact that consumers in the US are probably going to be eating it very soon, there remain serious questions to be answered. Not only about the product, but also the man who produced it: Josh Tetrick.

Can eating lab-grown meat – which is essentially a form of deliberately grown cancer – actually giveyou cancer? How can you convince the public that it won’t, when nobody has ever eaten it before? And is a man with a troubled business history – a history he’s done his best to hide – the right person to do it?


Lab-grown meat, meat that is produced in a bioreactor in a high-tech manufacturing facility rather than on a traditional farm, is widely touted as a “food of the future”, along with so-called “plant-based meats” and new alternative protein sources like insects and algae.

The promise of lab-grown meat is almost too good to be true: all of the benefits of meat – the taste, the texture, and the nutritional profile – without any of the downsides. That means no raising and slaughtering of animals and, even more importantly, claims of a significantly reduced carbon footprint versus traditional agriculture. Agriculture is widely portrayed as one of the principal culprits in the deepening “climate crisis,” with predictions of looming catastrophe if we don’t transform animal farming soon. By “transform”, of course, many simply mean “get rid of altogether”.

Huge amounts of money have already been poured into lab-grown meat, on the promise of an imminent transformation of meat production and consumption. The so-called “Big Three” players – Eat Just, Believer Meat and Upside Foods – have raised $1.2 billion between them in venture funding, and counting.

These new companies have the backing of organizations like the World Economic Forum, which has proposed a “Planetary Health Diet” built around plant-based and alternative protein sources, as well as the UN and governments – including now the US government, and the governments of the UK, France, the Netherlands and Singapore.

Activist celebrities have been at the forefront of this revolution in food production, providing vocal support, as well as financing, for the new technology. In 2021, for instance, Leonardo DiCaprio bought an unspecified stake in two lab-grown meat companies, Mosa Meat and Aleph Farms, after an earlier investment in Beyond Meat, one of the leading producers of so-called “plant-based meat”.….continued


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7a0570 No.18704277

File: a2ac9f042432161⋯.png (315.81 KB,634x2346,317:1173,ClipboardImage.png)

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092df0 No.18704278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Considering Chicago

What all can I do now

And claim that I was

Just wildin no cap

Vid, welcome to your future

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20ab02 No.18704279

File: 18177915fa5ce2d⋯.png (32.15 KB,743x230,743:230,1681656718921550.png)

File: 2e83d4c9271cbb4⋯.png (412.12 KB,755x748,755:748,1681656753602131.png)

It looks like the Middle East is up next on the Bunsen Burner.

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ca0307 No.18704280

might bother again if it ever seems like the buffalo don't have it covered. tied to the whipping post.

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cbb6ea No.18704281


Adopted 25 kids…

from those rich and famous who had out of wed-lock kids? They could be kept close by and watched as they grew up. She performed a valuable service to them and was handsomely paid for it.

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d7ea20 No.18704282

File: 2969ce0e5a165af⋯.png (34.22 KB,1507x380,1507:380,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d8257c15be9db7⋯.png (33.09 KB,825x399,275:133,ClipboardImage.png)


5 yr Delta today, drop #1168 re InQTel - Raw Data for your own research

—just sayin~

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ca0307 No.18704283


> tied to the whipping post.

Gregg wrote this on an ironing board using burnt matches.

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6c9e68 No.18704284

File: 07bcee43a51374b⋯.mp4 (7.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,_They_Like_Me_Very_Much_Tr….mp4)

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b6915b No.18704285

Farmers, git ready to forfeit your beautiful farms that have provided you with wealth and security for generations.

(You) are next.

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82a1cd No.18704286

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1716da No.18704287

File: dde49e028fa5e90⋯.png (262.65 KB,689x374,689:374,PlannedPyramid.PNG)

>>18703802 PB

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092df0 No.18704288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Breaking news

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1fac51 No.18704289

File: 78b26b8bf5f2760⋯.png (2 MB,1269x1392,423:464,ClipboardImage.png)

Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted

Emily Schrader - אמילי שריידר @emilykschrader·5h

A match literally made in hell:

Taliban leaders meet Hamas terrorist leaders in Doha.

6:09 AM · Apr 16, 2023


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6b0207 No.18704290

File: 4ece7e1f46a42b4⋯.png (744.97 KB,984x720,41:30,JTTran.png)

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ca0307 No.18704291


DJT should use this for a rally song

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75f06c No.18704292


the school of "It's art because we can afford to put it into a large vacant room . "

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ca0307 No.18704293


waiting for the kid rock cover version.

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4251b5 No.18704294


well I, for one, realize red text ain't gonna do nuttin

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7a328d No.18704295



In a press release to accompany his investment in lab-grown meat, DiCaprio said, “One of the most impactful ways to combat the climate crisis is to transform our food system. Mosa Meat and Aleph Farms offer new ways to satisfy the world’s demand for beef, while solving some of the most pressing issues of current industrial beef production.”

With the enormous weight of such individual and institutional backing, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the success of lab-grown meat is all-but-guaranteed. But lab-grown meat faces at least two serious, related, problems that are intrinsic to what it is and the way it is produced. If these problems cannot be resolved, the product may just as easily fail to sell, regardless of how much money has been invested in it.

Manufacturers of lab-grown meat like to say that their product is indistinguishable from real meat. It isn’t a copy, nor replica, nor approximation of real meat: it is real meat. But this isn’t true.In actual fact, lab-grown meat cells differ from typical animal cellsin at least one fundamental regard: they will replicate eternally if placed under the right conditions. As a result, =they are functionally indistinguishable from cancer==. They are cancer. As you might imagine, this brings with it image and safety concerns that are likely to prove very hard to shake.

Cells that replicate eternally are known in the medical business as “=•immortalized cell lines==”. The first immortalized human cell line was produced from cancer cells taken from a woman called Henrietta Lacks in 1951, at Johns Hopkins Hospital, in Baltimore. The sample was taken from Lacks without her informed consent, and her treatment is held up today as a test case of failed medical ethics, alongside other injustices like the Tuskegee experiments. Despite the ethical controversy that still surrounds their use, the HeLa line of cells, as it is known, has been responsible for a number of scientific and medical breakthroughs. Immortalized human cells taken from aborted fetal tissue were used to develop a number of the COVID-19 shots. Cells may already be cancerous, or cancerous growth may be induced in them via the application of radiation or substances such as enzymes like telomerase, or by genetic modification.

Producers of lab-grown meat favor immortal cell lines for much the same reasons scientists do. Since normal cells will only go on dividing so long, constant samples would need to be taken from animals to continue production. As well as increasing costs, this would also give the lie to the claim that lab-grown meats are “cruelty free”, since animals would still need to be raised – and ultimately slaughtered at some point – to produce them. What would be the point?

While using immortalized cell lines may partially solve one problem – the need to justify the product as an (ethical) alternative to traditional meat – it creates an entirely new one, since now producers and consumers must reckon with some of the least desirable associations you could possibly devise for a food product. Whatever safety concerns manufacturers of other alternative products have faced – perhaps most notably Impossible’s novel ingredient “heme” – simply pale in comparison.

Some manufacturers of lab-grown meat, believing the C-word image problem to be intractable, are quietly moving away from using immortalized cell lines and trying different technologies instead. The Big Three, however, are still pushing on with the use of immortalized cell lines and, if a recent Bloomberg Businessweek piece is any indication, they are doing their very best not to acknowledge the endlessly replicating elephant in the room.

But this will hardly do. It’s abundantly clear from polls and market-research data that alternative products like plant-based meats are already viewed negatively, with consumers being deeply skeptical about their taste and health benefits. One amusing survey of Australian men revealed that 70 percent would prefer to lose ten years of their lives than give up meat. A study revealed that the only effective way to get people to choose plant-based options over traditional choices is to shame people with social pressure, and especially messaging about the environmental and ethical cost of not changing their habits. Add the word “cancer” to the mix, and it’s likely that many consumers will have to face down the barrel of a gun before they choose to eat lab-grown meat…continued


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9e0a56 No.18704296

File: 0eeabd6acf8d7c7⋯.png (346.19 KB,600x499,600:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 478e27bf07c5be0⋯.png (312.85 KB,571x500,571:500,ClipboardImage.png)


no anon never fell for any of their shit.

from covid to everything else.

in fact anon was here exposing it all.

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93f88d No.18704297

File: 81481d70291ee8c⋯.png (1.74 MB,2359x1575,337:225,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3905b877d24afb6⋯.png (1.66 MB,2271x1462,2271:1462,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0bf3b82d77e3dc⋯.png (56.74 KB,149x225,149:225,ClipboardImage.png)


>>18691497 PB




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75f06c No.18704298


I wouldn't call it 'beef'

but it does sound like a lot of bull.

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c24d2d No.18704299

File: 36e732c95bc8d34⋯.png (453.59 KB,1316x568,329:142,ClipboardImage.png)

KC-135 tanker party east out of Fairchild AFB, Spokane over Montana

00000000 B-52 SW from Minot

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1fac51 No.18704300

File: 6ff69195776c5cd⋯.mp4 (285.4 KB,320x364,80:91,bodyguard_Japanese_PM.mp4)

Video: Japan PM bodyguard reacts to threat

The bodyguard of Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida behaved heroically. The attacker threw an explosive device toward the prime minister. The alert guard knocked it in one direction, while shoving Kishida in the other and simultaneously opening a folding armoured shield.


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4411ec No.18704301

File: ddc4d70970923e8⋯.png (284.31 KB,598x336,299:168,ClipboardImage.png)



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e4103d No.18704302

File: 20f66cb69165218⋯.jpg (110.42 KB,985x582,985:582,ZomboMeme_16042023112527.jpg)

Can't match the font, but working on my skills this morning.

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61155d No.18704303

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Can catholics use marijuana ?

First ten minutes is wow

Gets to the weed question after about 15 mins (didn't get through that part - 420)

But the first ten mins hit some deep waters


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4411ec No.18704304

File: 2fa5056f6dcc09f⋯.png (502.66 KB,640x624,40:39,ClipboardImage.png)

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e4103d No.18704305

File: 99648c16b147a92⋯.jpg (77.74 KB,354x461,354:461,Screenshot_20220217_144808….jpg)

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4411ec No.18704306

File: b993322cb171430⋯.png (559.18 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>lab-grown meat – which is essentially a form of deliberately grown cancer

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61155d No.18704307


Suitcases full of leaks found in bidan's cp stash

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cf266a No.18704308




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e4103d No.18704309

File: 49aed5537f62853⋯.jpg (93.38 KB,1024x778,512:389,ZomboMeme_24022023220244.jpg)

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01700c No.18704310

File: 7bde1869443aad7⋯.jpg (7.32 KB,244x207,244:207,7bde1869443aad723db7e51a03….jpg)

File: cf9e8fe7b733b76⋯.png (206.02 KB,766x1202,383:601,1700.png)



Peep the dubs


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4411ec No.18704311

>she adopted another 25 people


>The daughter of Greek immigrants, Mary K. Podesta knew how to cook a mean spanakopita.

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e5d199 No.18704312


one man's "terrorist leaders" are another man's freedom fighters.

just ask a zionist about


brit hakanaim

gush emunim




bat ayin


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2e40eb No.18704313

File: 4e76da206590c0d⋯.png (577.78 KB,991x1047,991:1047,ClipboardImage.png)

Fell down a rabbit hole looking up spring sports schedules…


A few highlights:

Biden's Alma Mater

Mascot: "The Orange" Oranges of Covid?

"However, as a young carpenter working in Syracuse, Cornell had been twice robbed of his wages, and thereafter considered Syracuse a Sodom and Gomorrah"

"John Dustin Archbold was a capitalist, philanthropist, and President of the Board of Trustees at Syracuse University. He was known as John D. Rockefeller's right-hand man and successor at the Standard Oil Company."

"In 1954, Arthur Phillips was recruited from MIT and started the first pathogen-free animal research laboratory."

Lots of Syracuse students died in the 1988 Lockerbie PanAm terrorist attack.

A whole rabbit hole in and of itself: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facilitated_communication

"Many of the landmarks in the history of recorded communication between people are in the university's Special Collections Research Center, from cuneiform tablets and papyri to several codices dating from the 11th century to the invention of printing. The collection also includes works by Galileo, Luther, John Calvin, Voltaire, Isaac Newton, Descartes, Francis Bacon, Samuel Johnson, Thomas Hobbes, Goethe, and others. Other collections of note include Rudyard Kipling first editions and an original second leaf of the Gutenberg Bible."

"If" by Rudyard Kipling

"In addition, the collection includes the personal library of Leopold Von Ranke. Making sensational headlines in 1887, the university outbid the Prussian government for all 19 tons of Von Ranke's prized personal library."


"Bird Library is also home to the largest collection of national archives of Kenya and Tanzania."

Obama records in Kenya? Maybe?

"Syracuse University is the first library to permanently preserve print collections of historical government publications produced by the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO). In July 2008, Syracuse University became the owner of the second largest collection of 78 rpm records in the United States after the Library of Congress after a donation of more than 200,000 records. The donation, valued at $1 million, more than doubled the university's collection of 78 rpm records to about 400,000."

"Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs maintains their Washington D.C. operations in collaboration with Center for Strategic and International Studies. Also in Washington, D.C. is the newly launched Center for Democracy, Journalism and Citizenship, a research center jointly run by the Newhouse School and Maxwell School."

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_for_Strategic_and_International_Studies "It officially opened its doors on September 4, shortly before the Cuban Missile Crisis."

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacco_and_Vanzetti Double wrongful execution "In 1927, protests on their behalf were held in every major city in North America and Europe, as well as in Tokyo, Sydney, Melbourne, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Dubai, Montevideo, Johannesburg, and Auckland."

CHECK OUT THE ALUMNI! Biden, Al Waleed bin Talal, Kathy Hochul (Gov NY), Donna Shalala (CEO Clinton Foundation), Andrew P. Bakaj, former Department of Defense and CIA Official, attorney and lead counsel for the whistleblower during the Impeachment Inquiry and the subsequent Impeachment of President Donald Trump, …and many more.

All that and more got my spidey senses tingling…

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7a328d No.18704314



Could consuming these products actually give you cancer? The answer is, simply – we don’t know. Humans haven’t ever made tumors a staple of their diet, so we have zero long-term data about the effects consumption could have. Worries about the safety of lab-grown meat are real enough that the Italian government is now in the process of banning it, much to the dismay of activists and advocates at organizations like the Bill Gates-funded Good Food Institute. The country has also made moves to restrict the addition of insect protein to foods like flour, pasta, and pizza.

Where cancer is a risk, most would be likely to plead for abundant caution, but this is precisely what is not being exercised, except perhaps in Italy. Although we don’t have long-term safety data, we have good reason, prima facie, to believe that eating lab-grown meat could give you cancer.

First, we know the human genome has acquired hundreds of genes “horizontally”, i.e. from other organisms, including bacteria (“vertical” transfer is the “normal” route, from parent to offspring). Although we don’t fully understand the mechanisms by which this has happened in our history, we can be sure, at least, that it has. Second, we know that complete genes pass from food, via our gut, into our blood. Third, we know that horizontal gene transfer, from cancerous to non-cancerous cells, is a central part of the progression of cancers. Cancer cells create bubbles, or exosomes, to transfer genetic material into healthy cells and make them cancerous.

There’s no reason, then, to believe that oncogenes – i.e. cancer-causing genes– present in lab-grown meat couldn’t be assimilated into the genome of an eater. Certainly, any scientist who said this could never happen would be mistaken or lying.


The formidable difficulties of disrupting an industry, let alone an industry as fundamental and as popular as animal-based agriculture, would be hard enough without factoring in a product that could give consumers cancer. Truly, you’d need an extraordinarily capable leader to do it. But is Josh Tetrick that man? To answer that question, let’s take a look at how Josh Tetrick, and his company, got to where they are today.

The story of the CEO of Eat Just Inc. begins in 2011 with perhaps the closest approximation to a startup fairytale you could imagine.

Two childhood friends – indeed two Joshes, Tetrick and Balk – founded a company.

The aim: to revolutionize food by offering ethical alternatives to traditional animal-based products. The initial focus is on replacing eggs in products like mayonnaise and cookie dough. They start out as small as possible, working from Tetrick’s garage in San Francisco. Within two years, which they spend largely on research and development, they manage to secure tens of millions of dollars of venture capital from some of the richest men in the world. This includedBill Gates as well as Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing. In 2014, they bring their first product to the market. It’s a plant-based mayonnaise. And they team up withWhole Foods, as well as with Costco and Safeway. By the end of that year, the company raised almost $130 million in funding.

If the first couple of years for the company were a fairytale, what followed would be anything but dreamlike. Just how bad things would get is best illustrated by just three years later, when the company would be forced to rebrand entirely and even change its name. Because before Eat Just Inc. was Eat Just Inc., it was Hampton Creek.

Mere mention of the name Hampton Creek is enough to elicit an extremely defensive response from anybody associated with Just Inc. When I started mentioning Hampton Creek on Twitter, I found myself almost immediately blocked by the accounts of GOOD Meat and JUST Egg, another brand within the Just Inc. group. Tetrick himself, with whom I had been speaking in a private Twitter groupchat, in the hope of arranging a live debate about the future of food, unceremoniously left, without a word. Hampton Creek is a touchy subject, and it’s not hard to see why.

The problems began in October of 2014, when Hampton Creek was sued by Unilever for false advertising over its plant-based mayonnaise. Although the lawsuit was dropped, Hampton Creek was slapped with a warning from the FDA that it would have to tighten the marketing of its product.

Less than a year later, several former employees came forward as part of a Business Insider exposéentitled, “Sex, lies and eggless mayonnaise: something is rotten at food startup Hampton Creek, former employees say.”

Very long articleread the rest here


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69c36d No.18704315

File: 9f713c42a432b0c⋯.png (103.85 KB,701x402,701:402,Screen_Shot_2023_04_16_at_….png)


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61155d No.18704316


Almost like a practice

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4ce944 No.18704317

File: 52ee9602a94bddd⋯.png (1011.83 KB,1063x1173,1063:1173,castrudeau.png)

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c24d2d No.18704318


they have made some changes-afaik it is still a division from the Tokyo Po-Po so they don't really have an equal to our Secret Service

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85aeb1 No.18704319

File: 258af99c64af35b⋯.jpg (35.8 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_12.jpg)

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78dacf No.18704320


Case flips out like a portable blast shield

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f5a121 No.18704321

File: 747697e9f142671⋯.png (196.19 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_04_16_11_32_3….png)


Is he drooping

Head wilting

Got aphids

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5f32a1 No.18704322

File: d6e88da7a0148ca⋯.jpg (100.12 KB,960x720,4:3,TrumanError.JPG)

>>18703655 PB

1947: Mason/Shriner Harry Truman signs a document that gives birth to a composite of the Templar-run OSS and Nazi General Gehlen's Eastern Front Intelligence organization, the combined operation to be known as the CIA.

Infiltration not Invasion.

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11862e No.18704323


lag has always been an issue when baking, why timing is one thing bakers learn

takes time and practice

keep plugging

it gets easier

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92e66a No.18704324


does the explosive explode?

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93cecc No.18704325

File: 762bde8f06f1031⋯.jpg (162.42 KB,1125x1078,1125:1078,315400.jpg)

Watch the water

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4411ec No.18704326

File: 0885298859976ed⋯.mp4 (5 MB,640x350,64:35,Lit_1_.mp4)

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f2b73d No.18704327

File: c1cdb399a116273⋯.mp4 (703.26 KB,496x284,124:71,huge_coverup_from_FBI_Ted_….mp4)

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61155d No.18704328

File: 8c3cc8559dd70ec⋯.jpg (181.28 KB,1560x720,13:6,Screenshot_20230409_010504….jpg)

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93f88d No.18704329

File: ed5c91e9e40c77b⋯.png (744.71 KB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b0bd3d7122a8c84⋯.png (108.75 KB,374x225,374:225,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95451a9154c6877⋯.png (63.82 KB,204x255,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)



>they are free again they are happy and complacent

We each have a role.

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78dacf No.18704330

File: a6cd5a08a2cd7d8⋯.jpg (74.44 KB,666x500,333:250,7ibo0e.jpg)

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93f88d No.18704331



I'm not convinced she's smart/gritty enough to play a deep cover role this long.

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225dd4 No.18704332


We have to wait and see what they'll do with the next pandemic.

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2e40eb No.18704333

File: 55eb66962110968⋯.png (923.35 KB,1180x663,1180:663,ClipboardImage.png)


I miss our president.

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11862e No.18704334



ask for a BV to direct you towards practice bakes, there is a thread here and other boards to practice on

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e4103d No.18704335

File: 297b4f628125fa2⋯.jpg (142.16 KB,634x1024,317:512,ZomboMeme_15082021141150.jpg)

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93cecc No.18704336

File: 0ed519f73921a06⋯.jpg (93.29 KB,1045x1024,1045:1024,large_2023_04_16T114220_78….jpg)

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ca0307 No.18704337


there is this book about marine leadership and 23 lessons learned or somesuch and it went to goodwill when that ginger mound yacht girl hottie was here getting rid of all my war stuff. always be ready to hand off. and i have.

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55084e No.18704338

File: 34a94f82a546730⋯.png (65.26 KB,578x388,289:194,1971_wage_changes.png)

Any other wageslaves doing taxes RN?

(muh 'dont pay taxes' shills will be filtered btw)

Forms are a lot worse this year.. Added a lot of lines. Nothing is in the same place. Nasty democrat shit this year.

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7a328d No.18704339

“Envelopes” – Quint’s Message 1/2

April 15, 2023 | Sundance

I am a reasonably intelligent person, generally of mild and polite disposition; perhaps blessed by the grace of a loving God and brutally practical outlook therein, and with the acuity to look at things from a slightly less complicated perspective.

I have watched, viewed, read and consumed the Potemkin Village discussion across a broad spectrum of platforms for several weeks. I have watched the news, read the headlines, researched the general promotions from a wide variety of sources and personalities. Heck, yesterday, I even forced myself to watch a painful podcast [LINK], which included the insufferable pontifications of Buck Sexton and Clay Travis as they discussed the Trump -vs- DeSantis popular genre of domestic 2024 politics.

The world is full of small voices shouting the exact same shiny things in unison. However, one thing is abundantly clear… everyone in conservative and republican politics is consumed by the 2024 puppet show and focused, to the exclusion of all other intelligent review, on the Potemkin Village of federal political constructs.

Let me be clear…. Nothing, not one single thing…. about candidates, debates, endorsements, media support, branding, imaging, leadership, effectiveness, policy, polling, communications, digital outreach, social media platforms, rallies or love of country matters in the 2024 election. None of it matters. The outcome of the 2024 presidential contest will be determined by ONLY ONE THING….


That’s it.

That’s the sum total of what matters.

Envelopes containing ballots.

Red envelopes -vs- Blue envelopes, and who can gather the most envelopes. That’s it folks. That’s the only thing that matters.

When Team Obama watch their opposition deciding on who is the best person to reach the “independent”, “middle”, or “swing voters”… as if voters really mattered, the David Axelrod’s, Marc Elias’s, David Plouffe and Barack Obama’s of the world laugh. I mean straight up hysterically belly laugh.

…”the RNC is still conducting ‘voter outreach‘!”….

More than half the country is still focused on a political pretense that is akin to using a flip phone in a smart phone world.

When the DNC sees the RNC focused on selecting the best congressional candidates who can be the best representatives for a district in Virginia… the entire mechanism of the donor class behind the DNC orders another round of drinks.

Debates don’t matter…. Did you forget Arizona 2022? Katie Hobbs giggled when asked about why no debates.

Candidates don’t matter…. Did you forget Pennsylvania 2022? When grunge clad, hoodie-wearing, John Fetterman promoted pancake syrup as the best solution to the Medicare crisis (or something equally as bat-shit crazy from his compromised mental state).

Rally size doesn’t matter…. Did you forget the Biden campaign audiences that could fit into one mid-sized SUV?

Qualifications do not matter. Intelligence, policy, legislative accomplishments, executive experience, success or lack thereof in any life endeavor… NONE of this matters.

All of these former aspects of the political industry are gone, they have absolutely no bearing on the outcome of federal elections.

The only reason these insufferable discussions still exist is to maintain theillusion of a political business that generates money. The business they are pretending to still exist is like Blockbuster video being subsidized by corporations who sell streaming services. The media pretend the traditional business model of elections is still viable because without it, there is no need for them.

There is only one function of modern political industry that matters… Collecting envelopes. That’s it!

It doesn’t even matter whose name is on the paper inside the envelope. The people who switched from Flip Phones to Smart Phones don’t even pay attention to the candidate names on the ballots any longer. We elect dead people now…continued


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a32718 No.18704340

File: d25b1bd18318b31⋯.png (674.84 KB,704x528,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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979938 No.18704341

File: f7a6327b8343cdb⋯.png (455.68 KB,1080x845,216:169,29669093.png)

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7a328d No.18704342



The entire mechanism of American political outcomes is now one really simple process. There are Blue envelopes to locate, and there are Red envelopes to locate. Tune in to the news in November of 2024 and find out which team collected the most envelopes.

♦ Dear President Donald Trump, go ahead and hold the rallies…. continue putting out the platform…. continue using your podium to promote vision, excitement and direction in the largest scale possible to save the nation. Continue providing fuel for the cultural battle and primary battle being waged in the social media sphere by warriors for the MAGA movement…. However, in the totality of the 2024 presidential contest, this effort should be -at most- 20% of the industrial political campaign.

80% of the entirety of the money spent, the effort exhausted, the assembly constructed, the people and supporters assembled, should be focused – to the exclusion of all other things – on the process of maximizing envelope collection.

Make that paradigm shift, and 2024 is easily within reach. Ignore it, and you might as well use a carrier pigeon to send your next email.The RNC is no help. The RNC is focused on EVERYTHING that doesn’t matter.

You cannot win an election if you rely on the RNC to make this adjustment. You are going to have to organize this assembly on your own while enlisting the resources of the MAGA army.

The DNC already has the network of thousands of community activist organizations and business units at work in preparation for the 2024 envelope gathering operation. They do not care about voters; the wants and needs of the people on the front of the envelope are an arcane annoyance, irrelevant to the DNC objective.

For the Republican presidential primary,whoever contracts Catherine Engelbrecht and the coast-to-coast organization of True The Vote first, will likely win.

Book sales, TV ads, legislative accomplishments, cultural wokeism, school choice, education policy, fiscal policy, foreign policy, debates, political experience, candidate qualifications, polls, rallies, crowd sizes, endorsements, not one single part of any of that matters in this electoral combat. There is only one thing that matters,…. collecting the most envelopes.

… And with that message clearly stated, here’s the metaphor for a brutally honest visit to the next national RNC meeting, along with a prediction for exactly what their reaction would be…..

…Enjoy your day!


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4411ec No.18704343

File: 53eaa8973fbb588⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,320x240,4:3,BushKerry.mp4)

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55084e No.18704344

File: aa088e8ac095cd5⋯.png (433.49 KB,600x908,150:227,mtg.png)

File: 9ee4166a686fd73⋯.png (314.04 KB,720x814,360:407,MTG_MARJORIE_TAYLOW_GREENE….png)



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c24d2d No.18704345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


done and already got refund

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4f80a1 No.18704346


Unsure. Saw it posted by another anon, so went to dig on how to obtain. It's fricken etsy. So?

Then found this too. 7 coins.

Follow the money. KEK. You too, can be a SAD CIA spook. for the right $

Set of 7 CIA Challenge Coins CIA SAD Special Operations Group Special Activities Division Grim Reaper CIA Seal Team VI CIA Spy vs Spy


Can't post sauce cause, stupid board shit doesn't like the url. such bs.

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070b9a No.18704347

File: a962e7842b3d2e4⋯.jpg (22.35 KB,255x255,1:1,AGEOFINFORMATIONignorancei….jpg)

File: d172f6365a8a031⋯.png (14.93 KB,255x158,255:158,ANNONING.png)

File: 9fe2ce183edc4e2⋯.jpg (17.72 KB,255x255,1:1,FORECASTFORTONIGHT.jpg)


Anyone else noticing that commercials are starting to use some of the same "slogans" and stuff as we see on here?

* Be unreasonable (be ungovernable)

* We're not gonna take it. (song)

and others.

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f5a121 No.18704349


Let's see have not had a real job in 3 years

Tried 8 times last year to file year before taxes

They bother me…..i will get the newest designer disease…..cough. Cough

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c5d41f No.18704350


yes ap has a longer video

now some news reports are saying pipe bomb others smoke bomb

one injured

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2e40eb No.18704351


"Meet the Press"

hard-hitting investigative journalism right there

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b6915b No.18704352

Memba how exciting Saturday morning cartoons were back in late seventies and early eighties?

Did (you) know USA Congress set it up and then took it away?

The hole goes deep ALICE.

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78dacf No.18704353

File: fc68addb4c3cb58⋯.mp4 (14.06 MB,1280x720,16:9,Trumpbatman.MP4)



No fear ,Trump is Batman

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e2838e No.18704354

File: a6ae61d82975540⋯.jpg (26.67 KB,400x398,200:199,61h1kiyCq_L_AC_UL400_.jpg)

File: b7cced822f38033⋯.png (107.87 KB,243x491,243:491,ClipboardImage.png)


>Set of 7 CIA Challenge Coins CIA SAD Special Operations Group Special Activities Division

Only $10.33 to be on Team Hannity

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2525a3 No.18704355


then you had too much witheld and gave the gubmint a free 1yr loan

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93cecc No.18704356

File: d210e33e486aa80⋯.jpg (142.87 KB,1394x1044,697:522,Ft12rBdWwAEerF5.jpg)

Chat gtp about young age genderfagging

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a72f91 No.18704357

File: ea3e93358c6e798⋯.png (222.5 KB,593x472,593:472,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 287cc84c3c11c54⋯.png (495.17 KB,744x496,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 739267b5a482999⋯.png (1.51 MB,1024x975,1024:975,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4808e40e8d81826⋯.png (833.47 KB,822x1024,411:512,ClipboardImage.png)

Ex-Planned Parenthood exec commits suicide after botched child porn raid in Connecticut

April 16, 2023

A former Connecticut Planned Parenthood honcho took his own life days after police failed to arrest him on child pornography charges — botching the raid by knocking down the door of the suspect’s New Haven neighbor.

Tim Yergeau, 36, the former director of strategic communications at the Southern New England branch of Planned Parenthood, died by suicide on Tuesday amid a child pornography investigation in Connecticut last week.

“The person who died was definitely the suspect in a child pornography investigation and the person who committed suicide,” New Haven Police Chief Karl Jacobson told the New Haven Registrar.

Five days earlier, members of the Special Victims Unit investigating the child pornography case reportedly broke down the door of Yergeau’s neighbor — and handcuffed the woman before realizing they had raided the wrong apartment.

“They obviously hit the wrong door,” Jacobson told the outlet.

New Haven police’s internal affairs investigators are now looking into how cops botched the raid, according to the article.

“Unfortunately, a mistake was made,” Jacobson said.

“We feel for the woman and we’re going to do everything we can to make it right,” he added.

While Jacobson declined to confirm Yergeau was the suspect of the child pornography investigation, his neighbor, and the state Office of the Chief State Medical Examiner both confirmed that he died Tuesday morning.

The medical examiner also confirmed he died by suicide.

After leaving Planned Parenthood, Yergeau began working at the Long Wharf Theatre in August 2022 as its marketing and communications director, according to the organization’s website.

“We are shocked and deeply saddened to learn the developments of the last 24 hours,” a spokesperson for the theater told the outlet. “Given the difficult news, it would be inappropriate to comment further.”

According to the Long Wharf Theatre website, Yergeau had also previously worked for the New Haven Free Public Library Foundation.

olice reportedly said that since there are two open investigations into the matter, they will not release the application for the search warrant or provide information about what was found in Yergeau’s apartment until they confirm no other suspects were involved.

The state of Connecticut can also decide to withhold the warrant.

Yergeau’s neighbor Stacey Wezenter, told the outlet she relives being handcuffed every time she now walks down the apartment’s hallway.

“What if I had a gun permit? What if I came down the hallway with a gun? Would I have gotten shot? What if my 4-year-old had woken up? Would they have shot him?” Wezenter said. “You just don’t do that to people.”

Police entered her apartment around 6 a.m. and began systematically moving through the home with their guns drawn, she reportedly recalled.

“I started running down the hallway, it was just like a movie. They had guns and flashlights on me,” Wezenter said. “They put me against the wall and handcuffed me. I was crying and saying, ‘What’s happening?'”

Officers repeatedly asked her where the man was located while moving through the rooms of her apartment, according to the article.

“I was like, ‘What man? I’m here with my children,’” the mother said. “They asked, ‘Who’s Tim? ‘ and I said that’s my neighbor downstairs.”

After officers noticed toys belonging to her 4-year-old son, they reportedly realized they were not in the correct apartment.

Officers told her they had been conducting surveillance of her neighbor who was the focus of their investigation.

Wezenter told the outlet she had planned to bring a plate of Easter leftovers to Yergeau on Monday but accidentally fell asleep with her son.



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f2b73d No.18704358

File: 75033b67f0083e7⋯.png (368.85 KB,613x542,613:542,Trump_is_Batman.PNG)

File: cccfd5844d73ec9⋯.mp4 (13.8 MB,1024x576,16:9,Trump_he_is_Batman_14mb.mp4)

Trump is BATMAN!!!


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31aaa8 No.18704359

File: 5021c35c730021c⋯.jpeg (56.24 KB,680x358,340:179,jennaEllis1.jpeg)

File: d589a00b41020a6⋯.jpeg (63.38 KB,600x600,1:1,jennaEllisDesimp.jpeg)

File: df4846e0c80f53e⋯.png (415.93 KB,612x729,68:81,Screenshot_from_2023_04_13….png)


Cease & Decist with your illegal memes

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7a328d No.18704360

File: f81c0be44e7de5e⋯.jpeg (57.74 KB,768x432,16:9,E6F9D0D8_09A3_4917_83AE_3….jpeg)

16 Apr, 2023 14:58

West doesn’t believe in Kiev's Crimea hopes – former MOD chief

Ukraine needs to convince foreign backers to support an attack on the peninsula, Andrey Zagorodnyuk says

Most in the US and EU do not believe Ukraine is capable of fulfilling its pledge to retake control of Crimea from Russia, former a Ukrainian defense minister has acknowledged.

“The vast majority of Western politicians, analysts and journalists don’t see the liberation of Crimea as a realistic prospect. This is a fact,” Andrey Zagorodnyuk said in an interview with Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) on Thursday.

However the former minister, who was part of President Vladimir Zelensky’s government between August 2019 and March 2020, stressed that Western doubts do not mean Kiev should give up on the idea of attacking the peninsula.

“We need to persuade them [the West], convince them, put them before a fact, look for different reasoning” to receive the required weapons and other forms of assistance, he insisted.

According to Zagorodnyuk, there are a number of reasons why foreign backers have doubts over Ukraine’s ability to achieve military success in Crimea, which became part of Russia in 2014 following a referendum organized in response to a violent coup in Kiev.

“First of all, it will be very difficult to do this because significant Russian forces will be gathered there to prevent its return by military means under Ukrainian rule. The second issue is the integration of Crimea [into Ukraine].It’s a rather problematic story,” he explained.

The minister also said that – when thinking about a Ukrainian operation against Crimea – Kiev’s Western backers are “considering its aftermath in terms of the escalation of the situation” in the conflict overall.

During his address on Saturday, dedicated to Orthodox Easter, Zelensky again promised that Ukraine will return Crimea and all other territories it has lost to Russia. This includes the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, and the Zaporozhye and Kherson Regions, which were incorporated into the Russian state last October, following referendums, in which the local populations voted overwhelmingly in favor of the move.

“Our flag will fly on the shores of the Sea of Azov and the Seversky Donets River, over the slag heaps, and [Crimea’s] Ai-Petri mountain. The sun will shine in the south, the sun will shine in the east, the sun will shine in Crimea,”the Ukrainian leader pledged.

Last month, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who serves as deputy head of the country’s Security Council, said threats against Crimea by Ukrainian officials were just “propaganda” and should not be treated seriously.

However, Medvedev warned that if the peninsula is actually attacked, it could become “the basis for the use of all means of protection, including those provided for by the fundamentals of the doctrine of nuclear deterrence.”

(They can’t convince the West because the whole point of Ukraine war was a distraction for the US, and most western countries want the territory to disappear)


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01700c No.18704361



Eat the meat

Before the meat eats you

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55084e No.18704362

child tax credit just went down from under 18 to under 17

which democrat bill did that

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e2838e No.18704363

File: ade10e7c1950808⋯.jpg (20.44 KB,531x150,177:50,Screenshot_2023_04_16_1057….jpg)

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4f80a1 No.18704364


>Only $10.33 to be on Team Hannity



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1fac51 No.18704365

File: b1d8f6c10dd00fa⋯.png (2.32 MB,1779x1946,1779:1946,ClipboardImage.png)


This undated photo shows a terracotta figurine of Eros riding a dolphin found in a newly discovered sanctuary, which dates from the 5th century B.C., that was first identified in 2019 along the ancient city walls of Paestum, Southern Italy. The excavations of the sanctuary n the ancient city of Paestum have unearthed seven terracotta bull heads and a figurine of Eros riding a dolphin that shines new light on the religious life and rituals of the ancient Greek city, culture ministry officials said Saturday, April 15, 2023. (Paestum Velia Archeological Park via AP)

Archeologists in Italy unearth ancient dolphin statuette

ROME (AP) — Excavations in southern Italy have unearthed terracotta bull heads and a figurine of the Greek god Eros riding a dolphin, shining new light on the religious life and rituals of an ancient city, culture ministry officials said Saturday.

It’s the first trove of artifacts identified from a sanctuary in the ancient Greek city of Paestum, which dates from the 5th century B.C. Paestum, famed for its three massive Doric-columned temples, is near the archaeological site of Pompeii, but farther down the Almalfi coast.

The small temple was first identified in 2019 along the ancient city walls but excavations were halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Italian Culture Ministry said in a statement.

Excavations yielded several small terracotta figurines in the first months of resuming work, the Ministry said. Archeologists found seven bull heads found around a temple altar as if placed there on the ground in a form of devotion.

A dolphin statuette found in the first trove of artifacts appears to be from the Avili family of ceramists whose presence had never before been documented in Paestum, the statement said.

Limited excavations began at the temples in the 1950s, and the ministry believes more treasures can be found in the area.

Ancient Romans controlled the city by around 275 B.C., renaming it Paestum from the Greek “Poseidonia,” in what had before been Magna Graecia. …


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4411ec No.18704366


>Wezenter told the outlet she had planned to bring a plate of Easter leftovers to Yergeau on Monday but accidentally fell asleep with her son.

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78dacf No.18704367

File: 1ebd1813e87910b⋯.png (517.49 KB,474x596,237:298,7564fef5f76df726075cb4fcef….png)

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f2b73d No.18704368

File: 501742949b44cfa⋯.mp4 (457.83 KB,480x640,3:4,if_it_s_in_your_mouth_you_….mp4)

If it's in you mouth…you swallow it….kek…

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55084e No.18704369

File: 9fcfd00cdd71745⋯.png (331.11 KB,847x541,847:541,oh_really_john_cleese.png)


>Eros riding a dolphin


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f5a121 No.18704370


Batman hung out with a young man in tights

And was often outsmarted by mental ward patients

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c24d2d No.18704371

File: fdfa72aaa2d63b2⋯.png (322.08 KB,800x496,50:31,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6022a02351f8e32⋯.png (247.99 KB,486x338,243:169,ClipboardImage.png)

Italian AF IAM9001PM Meloniheading to Warsaw from Rome depart

Pretty sure this is Meloni as this was the AC that former PM Draghi used on trips both short and long and seen her on this one before as well with the same call sign

168853 P-8 Poseidon heading SE and looking like it's gonna 'set-up' over southern Baltic Sea

Israeli AF 676 G550 Nachshon Eitam ISR AC out of Nevatim AB

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7a328d No.18704372

File: 847990b4f2ae3b2⋯.jpeg (108.53 KB,768x432,16:9,715BFDE7_696F_4588_A3CB_E….jpeg)

16 Apr, 2023 13:23

Hedge funds making billions from Ukraine turmoil – study

Experts blame the organizations for exacerbating the food crisis by “betting on hunger”

Ten of the planet's largest hedge funds made nearly$2 billion from the food-price spikethat occurred after the start of Russia’s military offensive in Ukraine, The Guardian HAS reported. The British newspaper cited a report by Greenpeace’s investigative journalism branch Unearthed and Lighthouse Reports, a journalism nonprofit.

Hedge funds are investment firms that buy and sell equities and commodities for profit.

According to the study, analysts examined the returns made by Societe Generale’s SG Trend Index for the first quarter of last year, both prior to the start of the conflict on February 24 last year, and immediately afterwards. The analysis focused on grains and soya beans. Calculations showed that the hedge funds in question made $1.9 billion in returns on these commodities, a much higher figure than the returns on them in the first quarter of any of the previous five years.

Hedge funds helped inflate a price bubble, putting upward pressure on food prices… and this has affected hunger levels of the world’s poorest people… Hedge funds and financial speculators have made obscene profits by betting on hunger and exacerbating it. That cannot be right,” Olivier De Schutter, a UN special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, said, commenting on the findings. He accused investors of intentionally “piling” into grains and commodities aiming solely to “capitalize on uncertainty and rising food prices.”

Analysts found that food companies have also profited from the crisis. Calculations showed that the globe’s20 largest food companies made $53.5 billion in windfall profitsin the last two years, first from rising food prices during the Covid-19 pandemic and then from last year’s spike amid the crisis in Ukraine.

“What we are witnessing is an enormous transfer of wealth to a few rich families that basically own the global food system, at a time when the majority of the world population is struggling to make ends meet,” Greenpeace International campaigner Davi Martins stated.

The prices of staple foods like wheat and fertilizers rose sharply following the start of the military operation, propelled by soaring energy costs as the globe feared for the future of Russia’s energy exports amid sanctions that followed the conflict. They have somewhat subsided later in the year, especially after the Ukraine grain deal was reached in mid-2022 that allowed the country’s agricultural products to be exported from Ukrainian ports despite the ongoing military action.

However, the situation is still turbulent due to deficiencies in the deal, which has so far failed to assist Russia with its own agricultural exports. Russia faces difficulties exporting its produce due to economic restrictions placed on the country. As a result, global food prices have not yet returned to 2021, pre-conflict levels, prompting the International Monetary Fund to warn last month that “many vulnerable countries still face heightened food insecurity.”

Analysts urged global regulators to introduce stricter rules for market speculation, including better transparency in the food market and restrictions on how big a position investors are allowed to take in this market.

(How many western leaders made money by announcing “there will be food shortages”? They planned this.


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ecee6b No.18704374

File: ad09706d253d828⋯.png (423.51 KB,1421x821,1421:821,Screenshot_2023_04_16_16_5….png)

File: 14ddc45513fabef⋯.png (203.81 KB,813x349,813:349,Screenshot_2023_04_16_16_5….png)

File: 0af909dfbd13d92⋯.png (744.33 KB,1035x716,1035:716,Screenshot_2023_04_16_16_5….png)

File: fc3e44e38ee97d8⋯.png (775.08 KB,1034x728,517:364,Screenshot_2023_04_16_16_5….png)



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be8690 No.18704375

File: 6a5a2139cb25131⋯.png (41.56 KB,1060x283,1060:283,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25518db81abf129⋯.png (327.19 KB,448x342,224:171,ClipboardImage.png)


>whoever contracts Catherine Engelbrecht and the coast-to-coast organization of True The Vote first, will likely win.

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23488c No.18704376


It's NOT a "cruelty-free" food to eat. Because the CRUELTY is being perpetrated on the HUMAN BEING!!

Cows, pigs, dear, chickens were created FOR MAN, not MAN for them.

MAN is supposed to eat meat, real meat, from live animals grown outdoors eating natural grass and bugs, basking in the sun.

STOP with this STUPIDITY!!!

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23d67a No.18704377

File: e4440477fbd553d⋯.jpg (449.67 KB,2560x1600,8:5,8263ae5a4921fe68d3100f46bb….jpg)

The "botched raid" being beside the point, except, what are they drawing attention to?

>After officers noticed toys belonging to her 4-year-old son,

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c24d2d No.18704378


>then you had too much witheld

Negative…using the system to advantage (1099) and never prepaid ever

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2e40eb No.18704379

I'm thinking that the Bud Light shit is about weakening the ability to donate to the RNC. The tranny shit is a distraction, and we took the bait.

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61155d No.18704380


Help bolster the pedo agenda and rip you off at the same time

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01700c No.18704381


I was looking for a picture of Sean Hannity all day yesterday of him wearing a

Red String bracelet


Only thing I could find was Cucker Carlson wearing one.

Anon knows I have seen it.

No sauce it doesn't exist

>Exist in Anons head

I know I've seen it.

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e4103d No.18704382


RNC can go fuck itself.

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df37ac No.18704383


Because this all rests on how much corporate faggot money gets shifted over. Fuck that. RNC and DNC can fuck themselves.

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7a328d No.18704384

File: d968e60259e9480⋯.jpeg (79.66 KB,768x432,16:9,1BE04420_90E7_41E0_8282_9….jpeg)

16 Apr, 2023 12:43

Ukraine announces ‘big Easter prisoner swap’

Kiev is reporting that Russia has released 130 military personnel though Moscow has yet to confirm a deal

More than 100 Ukrainian prisoners have been released as part of a “big Easter exchange”with Russia, a senior Ukrainian official said on Sunday, when Orthodox Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. No confirmation from Moscow immediately followed.

Andrey Yermak, President Vladimir Zelensky’s chief of staff, said the swap has been carried out “in several stages over the course of the last few days.” He added that soldiers, sailors, national guardsmen and border guards were among the service members returned home.“The task is simple: to have everyone returned,” the official said.

According to Yermak, some of the prisoners had been captured in the area of Artyomovsk, the Donbass city known to Ukrainians as Bakhmut. An important logistical hub, the city has been the scene of fierce fighting in recent months.

The Russian Defense Ministry has not confirmed the swap cited by Yermak yet. However, Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of the private military company Wagner Group, released a video on Sunday of himself instructing one of his fighters to transfer Ukrainian prisoners and place them under Kiev’s authority “by lunchtime today.”

The video then shows what appears to be a fighter with a Wagner insignia addressing a group of dozens of Ukrainian POWs. “I’ve been authorized today to hand you over to the Ukrainian side before Easter,” the man says. Prisoners are then seen climbing into trucks and marching in columns past an armored vehicle that has a pole with a white flag attached to it.

The Wagner Group is heavily involved in the battle of Artyomovsk.Prigozhin said this week that his forces were in control of “more than 80%” of the cityand that Ukrainian troops were holding out in its western suburbs.

The previous prisoner swap between Moscow and Kiev was announced earlier this week. Russia brought home 106 of its soldiers, while Ukrainian officials said that 100 of its service members had been released.


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2e40eb No.18704385


>RNC can go fuck itself.

Agreed, but…

I assume considerable alternative funding has been planned for.

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61155d No.18704386


Reminds one of the potato chips that had chronic diarrhea as a side effect


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df37ac No.18704387

File: 1f8e796ab5f4fcc⋯.png (63.68 KB,691x229,691:229,ClipboardImage.png)


it also exists within buhddist practice I recently heard. Not all red strings are the same. Or maybe there are and people just do not realize it yet.

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979938 No.18704388

File: a0bc7548eb17e07⋯.png (715.32 KB,1080x1148,270:287,1660871130.png)

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0e4adf No.18704389


I rebelled by not having any income to tax.

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be8690 No.18704390

File: ca6de7d350d0e92⋯.png (522.93 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cae655fecae094b⋯.png (1.03 MB,840x762,140:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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2525a3 No.18704391

File: 7deb2c140500490⋯.png (25.47 KB,293x392,293:392,ClipboardImage.png)

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a32718 No.18704392

File: f75c6082a006c6e⋯.png (391.25 KB,599x480,599:480,ClipboardImage.png)

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df37ac No.18704393


Funding for what. All these politicians can eat shit expecting tortured tormented citizens to hand over any more money to them.

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10d8a5 No.18704394

File: 6a9e191437aa3e6⋯.jpeg (307.22 KB,828x690,6:5,66C25450_F614_4AA2_B23F_6….jpeg)

File: 319d20df436c21d⋯.jpeg (117.49 KB,459x483,153:161,AF5114DD_C5A2_4B23_9513_F….jpeg)

File: 39fed6b861e55fc⋯.jpeg (437.97 KB,828x834,138:139,1CBB76F1_13D8_465E_8114_5….jpeg)

File: 8b3fb8942715e24⋯.jpeg (250.96 KB,557x422,557:422,BF5EA6F8_B2D0_4739_8D6C_0….jpeg)

It's just a coven of cunts.

A coven of cunts.

A coven of stupid, fat and ugly old cunts.

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11862e No.18704395

File: 8bb2d2b5b848e63⋯.png (646.5 KB,793x750,793:750,ce7fb3bb_11a2_48fc_8b42_ca….png)


collectah collectin for a bit

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7a328d No.18704396

File: c0cfc3180c82202⋯.jpeg (67.99 KB,768x432,16:9,6B35EE53_8112_4C19_AE18_4….jpeg)

16 Apr, 2023 15:05

Conservative social media shut down by new owners

A “Twitter clone… for conservatives” is a no longer viable business, the new owners of the Parler platform have said

Parler, a conservative-leaning social media platform popular among supporters of former US President Donald Trump, was pulled offline earlier this week following its acquisition by digital media conglomerate Starboard.

The new owner of the platform, which was formerly called Olympic Media, announced the acquisition on Friday.Parler “as it is currently constituted” has been shut down “to undergo a strategic assessment,” Starboard said in a statement published on the platform’s homepage.

It did not say when Parler would return or what changes the new owners plan to introduce. Instead, Starboard said it sees “tremendous opportunities across multiple sectorsto continue to serve marginalized or even outright censored communities.”

The new owners maintained that “no reasonable person believes that a Twitter clone just for conservatives is a viable business any more.” Starboard CEO Ryan Coyne said his company was looking forward to integrating the social media platform’s audience “across all of our existing platforms.”

Founded by Coyne in 2018, Starboard houses several other conservative-leaning platforms like American Wire and BizPac Review. The company said it expects the Parler acquisition deal to be accretive by the end of the second quarter of 2023.

The development comes months after the collapse of another deal that would have seen Parler purchased by American rapper, Kanye West, who has legally changed his name to Ye. He sought to buy the social media platform after he was suspended on Instagram and Twitter. The two social media giants banned him following comments relating to Jewish people.

In December, Parler said the company and West had not closed the deal. “Parlement Technologies has confirmed that the company has mutually agreed with Ye to terminate the intent of sale of Parler,” the then-owner of the social media platform said, as quoted by TechCrunch.

Parler was founded in 2018 by John Matze and Rebekah Mercer, the daughter of billionaire Robert Mercer, the co-owner of conservative news website Breitbart. The social network was removed from Apple’s App Store and Google Play Store for allowing “violent content” after the storming of the US Capitol building by Trump supporters. Amazon also dropped it from its web hosting service at that time.

In May 2021, it returned to the App Store after introducing stronger content moderation. Google Store brought it back in September 2022.


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f2b73d No.18704397


well, that's true, you do have a point, but if you part your hair to the side, no one will see it…


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b79a4d No.18704398

File: a5c2094d912989c⋯.jpg (100.06 KB,458x569,458:569,CHRISTOS_ANESTI.jpg)

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e2838e No.18704399


Widow's in Black

Madame or Ma'am?

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b6915b No.18704400

Neighbor is FBI. Gone 96% of the time. His wife is fat and ugly.

He’s stuck home for an hour or two longer.

His skin is crawling.

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48bac4 No.18704401


Pol. Parties are supported by Super PACs anyways.

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f5a121 No.18704402

File: 1b13af0d2ec7e0e⋯.png (169.27 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_04_16_12_06_4….png)


I am gonna grow up to be a dirty old man. Cool


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4f80a1 No.18704403


There should have been outrage back in the day of the Dolly Clone shit. This is an extension of it. Food manipulation has been ongongoing for who knows how long. THE FDA is just another Fake Govt Entity, that is EVIL AS ALL HELL.

Think back to the GMO days. Clarence Thomas was Monsanto Attorney. He had ZERO problems fighting FOR THEM to have the right to FUCK US ALL. Remember that!

Everyone who works for these companies should also be charged with crimes against humanity. Just like the Dr's. They are going along with the destruction of humanity for a paycheck.

We need MOAR laws FOR the Death Penalty.

No one would do these atrocities, IF there were punishments.

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55084e No.18704404

File: f9d74c6fcd43d8a⋯.png (163.03 KB,487x363,487:363,andrew_tate_nigger.png)


>maximizing envelope collection.

i think he knows this.

he has said this recently

play their nigger game

be wigger to win

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20ab02 No.18704405


>Jenna Ellis stepped in it again

>Or, anon is being goofy

Did Jenna make the Kabuki Breaking News again and I missed it?

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4ff2ba No.18704406

File: 39cbc1d75b34e0a⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB,1280x592,80:37,falls_of_chair_2.mp4)

Hamburger arm is emotionally distressed? I'm not a kyle fan but the hamburgler is a real pos. Disgusting. I hope he's vaxxed n boosted. idgaf how that sounds. Someone with a bigger heart can pray for them but I'll keep my little ass heart n wish not great things for them.

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23d67a No.18704407

A crazy little lecture notes on Ficino's talismanic magic.


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2ae004 No.18704408

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55084e No.18704409

File: 34d473dd2931333⋯.jpg (7.37 KB,255x160,51:32,parler_vs_shekel_symbol.jpg)



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55084e No.18704410

File: 800aa20d2a4dfc9⋯.png (866.91 KB,1221x1569,407:523,ClipboardImage.png)

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55084e No.18704411

File: 5400b13386997e2⋯.png (145.07 KB,685x432,685:432,ClipboardImage.png)

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f5a121 No.18704412


Lots of peeps Bitched about. Dolly

They just moved operations

You must have forgot who you are dealing with

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f517a9 No.18704413

File: 26be4d8aa28bf32⋯.webp (122.28 KB,794x596,397:298,il_794xN_3130329187_lioy.webp)


>Set of 7 CIA Challenge Coins

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a32718 No.18704414

File: b709414b2bdf135⋯.png (290.6 KB,438x480,73:80,hillary_clinton_eating_gai….png)

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4ff2ba No.18704415

File: a211f10213c1f41⋯.png (428.94 KB,821x657,821:657,echols_lawyer8.png)

File: 95054fd4805a211⋯.png (1.02 MB,1501x687,1501:687,echols_victims2.png)

File: 2cd8120a2f405d2⋯.png (419.8 KB,1051x705,1051:705,echols1.png)

File: 59e230066320440⋯.png (220.27 KB,1301x733,1301:733,echols2.png)

File: 422e50452be56c8⋯.png (105.55 KB,859x759,859:759,echols3.png)

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9e0a56 No.18704416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Note: Great speech, it is a shame that farage does not give moar than 30 minutes on current issues before he has a pint for the next 30 minutes talking about crap.

Trump is the u.ks hope and the worlds.

Reform UK Spring Rally | Alex Philips



2,666 views Premiered 16 hours ago

Former Brexit Party MEP, Alex Philips addresses the 2023 Reform UK Spring Rally in Derby.

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c46a0e No.18704417


Agree, knowingly poisoning us

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b6915b No.18704418


Kek, he couldn’t take it no more.

He gone for another week or four!

That’s the good sheeeet.

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7a328d No.18704419

File: 20e191a49684f44⋯.jpeg (112.96 KB,768x432,16:9,FD34A07F_0A29_4EF9_8DDE_D….jpeg)

16 Apr, 2023 12:21

Western firms in no rush to leave Russia – Ukrainian data

Fewer than 10% of foreign companies have so far divested from the sanctioned country, according to the Kiev School of Economics

Around 200 foreign companies have so far exited the Russian market amid Ukraine-related sanctions, representing fewer than 10% of the international brands that do business in the country, new data has shown.

The Kiev School of Economics (KSE) conducted an analysis of 3,157 foreign firms that operated in the Russian market prior to the start of Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine as part of its Leave Russia project.

According to its calculations, only 213 of these companies have divested from the sanctioned country in the past year, which is roughly 6.7%. Some 473 have announced plans to leave, but haven’t executed them so far. More than 2,400 of the companies continue to do business in the country, despite roughly half of them being forced to curtail their operations to various extents.

The head of the project, Andrii Onopriienko, warned that it would become more difficult for firms to quit the Russian market without incurring losses as time passes.

“There are a lot of companies that did nothing or still continue to wait. And after one year of war, many companies will lose the opportunity to sell their businesses and will continue to lose because, finally, those assets could be nationalized or bought at a very cheap price,” he said, as quoted by the Washington Post.

Under regulations introduced by the Russian government last year, companies that want to divest of their assets in Russia must first seek permission from the country’s authorities. The measures were introduced to protect the Russian economy and consumers after many Western brands announced their intentions to leave the market as a result of sanctions, which have made it difficult to continue operations due to logistics and supply-chain problems.

The Russian authorities remain optimistic about the future of the economy despite the exit of foreign brands. President Vladimir Putin recently saidcompanies that quit Russia are leaving behind a “good legacy,” which is eagerly picked up by domestic companies and entrepreneurs, who “successfully” continue their work. Russia has also been actively reorienting both imports and exports from ‘unfriendly’ countries and companies to new markets, and introducing import substitution mechanisms, which help to keep the domestic market well-stocked.

The Russian government also recently approved several deals that will see popular products or their analogs return to the country’s market. Just this week, reports emerged that clothing stores that used to belong to Spanish retail giant Inditex, including Zara, Pull&Bear, Bershka and Massimo Dutti, will reopen in the coming weeks under new brand names after they were sold to a new owner. On Saturday, Belarusian furniture maker Swed House, which sells IKEA-like home goods and products, opened its first store in Moscow’s Shchelkovsky shopping mall.


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be8690 No.18704420

File: ca6de7d350d0e92⋯.png (522.93 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bffd847c1e8a5e3⋯.png (325.65 KB,608x342,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Did someone use a photo of Stormy Daniels as Jenna Ellis?

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52938a No.18704421

File: c2a242b559dd382⋯.jpg (7.97 KB,238x250,119:125,Reptilian.JPG)


You will eat the lab-grown meat and you will be happy.

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48bac4 No.18704422


I used to work with a really fat lady whose husband was FBI. She was a sociopath. And was bellyaching on the phone one day with him because he was going to go to Paris without her.


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4f80a1 No.18704424


>You must have forgot who you are dealing with

KEK touché. o7

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4ff2ba No.18704425


Kek. Is that the hamburger meat?



My bad. I thought the rolling stone one mentioned his little talisman he said saved him from a humane death after the coward tortured and brutally raped and killed 3 little boys, or at least one of the 3 in that incident but for sure this mofo has murdered hundreds of them if not moar. He runs Aquinos church of set now.

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2d760f No.18704426

Former Planned Parenthood Director Commits Suicide While Being Investigated In Child Porn Case

A former Planned Parenthood director recently committed suicide as police investigated him in a child pornography case.

Tim Yergeau, 35, was found dead in his New Haven, Connecticut, apartment Tuesday, five days after police botched a raid that was supposed to target his apartment, but they breached the wrong door, The Middletown Press reported.

“The person who died was definitely the suspect in a child pornography investigation and the person who committed suicide,” New Haven Police Chief Karl Jacobson said Wednesday.

The search warrant allowed police to look at Yergeau’s electronic devices, but he was not arrested at the time of the police raid.

“It was an open investigation, so he knew he was going to be arrested,” Jacobson said, according to The New Haven Independent.

At the time of his death, Yergeau was working at the Long Wharf Theatre, but he previously held the position of director of strategic communications for the Planned Parenthood of Southern New England, The Blaze reported. The child pornography suspect had also worked for the New Haven Free Public Library Foundation.

Yergeau promoted leftist and LGBTQ causes on his social media. In one Instagram post, Yergeau showed a picture of Planned Parenthood buttons with rainbows on them. Another photo showed Yergeau sporting a shirt with the common pro-abortion talking point, “Bans Off Our Bodies,” printed on it.

In December 2018, Yergeau posted, “Excited to announce that today I start a new job on the marketing/communications team at Planned Parenthood of Southern New England. Excited to be working on issues I’m passionate about: healthcare access, reproductive and sexual health, diversity and inclusion, civic engagement, and voting rights.”


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23488c No.18704427


I know about Monsatan! I'm in the condition I am today due to GMO's. Couldn't believe that our own Govt. subsidized that poison in our food when I researched on it 20 years ago. FDA is just one of the three letter agencies that HAS to be done away with!!

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15d96c No.18704428

File: 5582b650b9b09c1⋯.jpg (573.17 KB,3241x4862,3241:4862,silver_pointy.jpg)

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4411ec No.18704429

>The child pornography suspect had also worked for the New Haven Free Public Library Foundation.


>Excited to be working on issues I’m passionate about: healthcare access, reproductive and sexual health, diversity and inclusion, civic engagement, and voting rights.

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23488c No.18704430


I wouldn't eat it if it was the last and only option.

That is when I would go vegetarian for sure!!

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2e40eb No.18704431

File: 947829cf88fa177⋯.png (863.64 KB,1200x1174,600:587,ClipboardImage.png)

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1fac51 No.18704432

File: cd6b39269d0dfe1⋯.png (497.66 KB,803x736,803:736,ClipboardImage.png)




meme made by:

Meme TV @MagaMemeWizard

Today's Sunday Matinee, "The Adventures of Trump Man"

#Trump2024 #TRUMP2024ToSaveAmerica #TheDilleyShow

10:37 AM · Apr 16, 2023


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55084e No.18704434

File: c89d883d0730544⋯.png (178.34 KB,970x818,485:409,55_message_received_aricib….png)


>jew explains why judaism destroys everything.mp4


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37b7f5 No.18704435

File: f9c3ab06c4fd647⋯.jpg (632.38 KB,2244x1523,2244:1523,SchwabOnions.JPG)


We control the meat.

We control the vegetables.

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2e40eb No.18704436

File: 7e41c6e6c78dfcd⋯.png (4.72 MB,3000x1688,375:211,ClipboardImage.png)


>Funding for what.

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9028fa No.18704437


They do great work!

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ca0307 No.18704438


bat visruseses for covidses iz it full circle? no horny for full warp cheeseburger? o may i digress?

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61155d No.18704439

File: f3c32c3b4d80718⋯.jpg (146.58 KB,2160x3840,9:16,Ack_7.jpg)


Cornered and no exit


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df37ac No.18704442


and that needs funding why? Donate to the cause directly do not need to worry about some faggot corporation if they want to donate fine but this is going to be done by the citizens not the multi national companies. Fuck them.

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a32718 No.18704443


>Is that the hamburger meat?


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48bac4 No.18704444


If the Jews were just a little sect of people that minded their own business and practiced their religion privately, like the Amish, no one would care about them.

But the Jews have decided that they should be the rulers of the world, and that all non-Jews should be their slaves. And they aim to accomplish that goal by any means necessary.

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55084e No.18704445

File: b41a536d34f7b8e⋯.png (489.65 KB,1193x1134,1193:1134,clott_adams_has_broken_the….png)

File: 17b60f966bc4bdc⋯.png (3.47 KB,466x115,466:115,dasting_theory_nig_bioweap….png)

File: 433b697377666a1⋯.mp4 (5.48 MB,352x640,11:20,nig_climbs_on_produce_at_w….mp4)

File: 2771d321a26aa59⋯.png (650.19 KB,871x834,871:834,6_nig_shoot_teacher_VA_sch….png)

File: 987bdac4f088908⋯.png (506.55 KB,806x631,806:631,nig_robs_white_girl_at_gun….png)



OMG nigs nigging? seriously?

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4ff2ba No.18704446

File: 63c924599830e6d⋯.png (372.96 KB,675x472,675:472,hillary9.png)

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2e40eb No.18704447




>I assume considerable alternative funding has been planned for.



fuck you again spaz. learn to read.

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6b0207 No.18704450

File: 1820f76cd28dc63⋯.png (549.27 KB,672x381,224:127,47f422ce9b5f063a2eb1abfcc8….png)

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e4103d No.18704451

File: 59ab25ba08fbe93⋯.jpg (222.17 KB,652x1000,163:250,ZomboMeme_16042023122243.jpg)

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1fac51 No.18704452

File: dd154a85df7808f⋯.png (42.33 KB,786x266,393:133,ClipboardImage.png)



>They do great work!

ANONS are selfless, nameless, faceless, fameless, and FEARLESS.

OutlawJaseyWales 🇺🇸 @The_OJW·36m

Nice work 👏

Meme TV @MagaMemeWizard·34m

Thanks bro!


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55084e No.18704453

File: 936c18232d86626⋯.png (234.7 KB,487x439,487:439,WILLY_WONKA_VILLAIN_ARTHUR….png)

File: df07bc3dcd73952⋯.png (699.28 KB,765x898,765:898,44_whore_money_china.png)

File: 9957fc2ddc2b7d2⋯.png (198.47 KB,640x360,16:9,44_politics_whore_feinstei….png)


>But the Jews have decided that they should be the rulers of the world, and that all non-Jews should be their slaves. And they aim to accomplish that goal by any means necessary.


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83f686 No.18704455

File: 36d52230a5343f3⋯.png (189.97 KB,900x517,900:517,ClipboardImage.png)

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15d96c No.18704456


oh noes

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983302 No.18704457



Hey Pig U Greek huh?

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01700c No.18704458

File: c7eb19b8fa819a0⋯.png (61.82 KB,766x542,383:271,197.png)


Thanks Anon, I didn't know that.

Learn something new every day.

I'm sure it's linked somehow?

Dalai Lama wears one too.

Buddhist also have a sun god based off RA


Elon Musk is a Buddhist and went full REEEEEE when Kanye West posted that Swastika inside of the Star of Remphan.

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ca0307 No.18704459

on that next train south

you can look for my clothes home

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55084e No.18704460

File: ffc9d0f82f78709⋯.jpeg (394.6 KB,640x582,320:291,2015_military_rotc_cadets….jpeg)


>Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted

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10d8a5 No.18704461

File: 6c1a1a0b1224dc7⋯.jpeg (203.1 KB,525x540,35:36,55EEC326_6942_476F_A9D1_F….jpeg)

The coven of cunts has unleashed their comped cuckold puppets.

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ca0307 No.18704463

tell my mother don't worry

this is all in my prayer

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15d96c No.18704464


wat it do?

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4ff2ba No.18704465

File: 4b85f2429910600⋯.jpg (40.53 KB,653x477,653:477,cuomo_oh_no.jpg)


>unfortunately a mistake was made

It's ok, as long as it's y'all making the mistakes then nobody gets in trouble, just make sure none of us ever make a mistake though or it's prolly jail time.

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df37ac No.18704466


i would assume so also. We don't need multi national corporations involved in politics. Besides with this entire act blue problem and money laundering and what ever the criminal definition of it is will be a bigger problem long term because they are using illegal ways to fund the campaign.

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85aeb1 No.18704467

File: 13e85cb80d22445⋯.jpg (36.15 KB,640x640,1:1,batman_pepe.jpg)

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31aaa8 No.18704468

File: 23a33055c027932⋯.png (154.87 KB,506x257,506:257,Screenshot_from_2023_04_16….png)

File: 66b95b6ce9d1355⋯.png (660.7 KB,1366x768,683:384,charlesDonelanAlgerHiss.png)

File: de11d53d8477d47⋯.png (126.64 KB,299x893,299:893,Screenshot_2023_04_16_at_1….png)






Alger Hiss/Whittaker Chambers


Federal Bureau of Investigation


Public Domain Mark 1.0Creative Commons Licensepublicdomain


CPUSA, Communism, Communist Party, Communists, Alger Hiss, Whittaker Chambers, Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI


nsia-fbi-files; nationalsecurityarchive; additional_collections



FBI file: Alger Hiss/Whittaker Chambers

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48bac4 No.18704469


Gorillas behave better.

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6a0c46 No.18704470

File: 6175c8a380cb284⋯.mp4 (15.55 MB,720x480,3:2,6175c8a380cb284c4eae47e3bb….mp4)

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df37ac No.18704471


I mistakenly also thought it was only Kaballah but with this revelation not people wearing them are that, they might be of course. But with so many new age flakey spiritual people they can just put one on at their yoga studio and never know about it.

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4ff2ba No.18704472

File: cfae10a0020bbdf⋯.png (627.45 KB,1280x932,320:233,sauce_it.png)


F&G without sause n timestamp.

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55084e No.18704473


>done and already got refund

How? I seem to always owe these days

I used to get big refunds

Am I filling out the withholding form wrong?

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b79a4d No.18704474

File: 7d49ace8eed739d⋯.jpg (109.39 KB,479x571,479:571,MEMES_AND_KNOWS_THINGS.jpg)

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b6915b No.18704475

I thought I was the duke of earl when I made it with a redhead girl.

Now she’s my kids God Parent.


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1a544c No.18704476

File: 231d33b17e444ff⋯.jpg (210.31 KB,487x650,487:650,OVER_18_TITS.jpg)

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eba646 No.18704477

Trump will win

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55084e No.18704478

File: a0a85ff0028a331⋯.png (306.29 KB,756x668,189:167,simpsons_planet_of_the_ape….png)


>Let's see have not had a real job in 3 years

How do you live?

Only brown people get gibs

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e4103d No.18704479

File: e0332bbed20a45b⋯.jpg (35.8 KB,538x568,269:284,ZomboMeme_22012022133408.jpg)

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11862e No.18704480


#22948 >>18704211

>>18704239, >>18704243, >>18704264, >>18704223, >>18704468 1981 'Special Children' Awaiting Adoption/Chambers/Hiss

>>18704275 PF N757AF 757 departed Nashville last night and is at Dulles Int'l now

>>18704276, >>18704295, >>18704314 Lab Grown GOOD Meat Company Has a Murky Past and They’re Extremely Sensitive About It

>>18704289 ECW rt: Taliban leaders meet Hamas terrorist leaders in Doha.

>>18704299 PF KC-135 tanker party east out of Fairchild AFB, Spokane over Montana

>>18704339, >>18704342 Envelopes containing ballots.

>>18704353, >>18704358 "I am batman"

>>18704360 West doesn’t believe in Kiev's Crimea hopes

>>18704365 Archeologists in Italy unearth ancient dolphin statuette

>>18704371 PF Italian AF IAM9001PM Meloniheading to Warsaw from Rome depart

>>18704372 Hedge funds making billions from Ukraine turmoil

>>18704384 Ukraine announces ‘big Easter prisoner swap’

>>18704396, >>18704409 Conservative social media shut down by new owners


Noter taps, anons step up to bake/note

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4ff2ba No.18704481


If they need a red string then they lack faith in God Almighty. Buddhists don't believe in God and joos are waiting for the antichrist to rise up. If a joo is wearing the red string then that joo is superstitious and lacks Faith in the Almighty God of Abraham who sent His only begotten Son to atone us.

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48bac4 No.18704482



they can't even quote the Nigger saying nigger?

The word that no White person or MSM is allowed to say.

Must be called "the N word"

How fucking retarded!

Ooops, not allowed to say retarded either because it makes the tards upset.

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092df0 No.18704483

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7e3601 No.18704484

File: 0dc1258e6023f2e⋯.jpg (63.2 KB,750x1334,375:667,Mass_Shooting.jpg)

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01700c No.18704485

File: ea6ae9c08c54621⋯.png (470.61 KB,970x994,485:497,Screenshot_20230319_011849….png)


>new age flakey spiritual people


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62f57f No.18704486

File: ae10209892dcaf0⋯.png (80.88 KB,809x617,809:617,ae10209892dcaf09c50275b904….png)

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7747c0 No.18704487



Anon kek’d

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83f686 No.18704488

File: 46a1ee43676bfd4⋯.png (102.48 KB,494x420,247:210,ClipboardImage.png)



This was posted yesterday via Truth Social.

Post has since been deleted.

Posting for fresh eyes.

Opinion discarded.

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d6cd64 No.18704489


They'll get back to you on Tuesday…


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00d178 No.18704490

File: abf04210ccd67db⋯.png (1.71 MB,1396x1982,698:991,GodFatherIceCream.png)

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10d8a5 No.18704491

File: 44d414977a486c1⋯.gif (4.76 MB,480x480,1:1,DABB1436_FC41_4083_9427_A4….gif)

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61155d No.18704492

File: b337396238caea9⋯.jpg (127.13 KB,500x727,500:727,indeed.jpg)

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df37ac No.18704493


not everyone needs to ascribe to your fucking beliefs or are you some sort of commie faggot? Are you a commie faggot?

Most people do not even know deeper meanings of the symbols they wear.

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531139 No.18704494


Dub dubs confirm.

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83f686 No.18704495

File: 91387195443d384⋯.png (25.32 KB,499x554,499:554,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42931b18a43b4c0⋯.png (17.86 KB,467x287,467:287,ClipboardImage.png)



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48bac4 No.18704496


>We need MOAR laws FOR the Death Penalty.

>No one would do these atrocities, IF there were punishments.

They would just find patsies to take the blame and the punishments.

What we need is White Hats behind the scenes Taking Care Of Business.

Fight fire with fire.

What we need is moar "suicides" of Evil people.

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7ea1af No.18704497

File: 8a2ad7b97d39d56⋯.jpg (1.4 MB,2416x3090,1208:1545,Jew_mindset_Whites.jpg)

File: 2ed23b3d8ad54db⋯.png (624.68 KB,2966x1728,1483:864,Jew_mindset_minecraft.png)

File: 38d3fbf803d8f47⋯.mp4 (7.61 MB,1280x976,80:61,zionism.mp4)

File: fef461a9b0fca32⋯.jpg (3.49 MB,7616x2384,476:149,dollar_bill_Israel_pyramid.jpg)


Checked. True, Judaism tells Jews that non-Jews are just cattle to be exploited and enslaved and that the whole world is theirs to rule because they are "chosen".

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4ff2ba No.18704498

File: 4bc67cb2d146b85⋯.png (503.21 KB,634x646,317:323,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4324dc6192ff97⋯.png (312.81 KB,634x454,317:227,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3c8c7a463ed112⋯.png (803.61 KB,771x1024,771:1024,ClipboardImage.png)


Yes, I mean this one:

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b6915b No.18704499


You gotta do what the gub don’t want to do.


If you work, you always got a job.

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6a522e No.18704500

File: 7eb185a985988eb⋯.jpg (326 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,SorosComfy.JPG)

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1c59ec No.18704501


Revelation 12:14

The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.

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1fac51 No.18704503

File: d1bfeeedb7f33cc⋯.png (1.97 MB,1267x1989,1267:1989,ClipboardImage.png)

"Enjoy life on the outside" while he can

Alexander S. Vindman @AVindman

I’m sure there’s a high-minded opportunity to distinguish between a whistleblower and an anti-American, antisemitic, White nationalist but I don’t think these people care. They just want a culture war.

In the meantime I’ll enjoy life on the outside. Cry more.

7:24 PM · Apr 15, 2023


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6a0c46 No.18704504

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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61155d No.18704505

Potato goes from ice cream shop to ice cream shop and even rants on ice cream after a Christian childrens mass shooting

And the media's triggering by Trump with two scoops gate

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629545 No.18704506

File: 2b02e2f0cd0797f⋯.png (1.88 MB,1284x1232,321:308,ClipboardImage.png)

Live look at JP Morgan’s vault

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48bac4 No.18704507


That's why they came up with property taxes.

You still get fucked over by the Government even if you aren't earning any money.

They want to suck you dry.

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2b5e1e No.18704508

File: 232f4e8a81d8b55⋯.jpg (53 KB,750x494,375:247,yuvabjskdcsdc.jpg)

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b79a4d No.18704509

File: 8607d639ba43b7e⋯.jpg (89.48 KB,471x548,471:548,o7_2U.jpg)

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61155d No.18704510


Two freemason/satanic operations take a meeting

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4ff2ba No.18704511

All I can think about when I see any of their teeth. You know. the thing.

It's horrific.

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1fac51 No.18704512

File: 01ff38c22e7fe1d⋯.png (1.21 MB,1352x1724,338:431,ClipboardImage.png)


Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted

Helen Fry | WWII Historian @DrHelenFry

SOE Agent Denise Bloch.

She was born to a Jewish family and helped SOE and French Resistance operatives before joining the organisation herself.

She was detained in 1944, taken to the Ravensbrück concentration camp, and put to death.


1:54 PM · Apr 15, 2023


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d6cd64 No.18704513


Was just pondering…

if Jesus was done in because he was able to "navigate" their law better than them and show that their system was navigable even by those without the full knowledge of the system…

if anons are able to navigate out of Admiralty/Maritime Law, is that the same parallel? l

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964df3 No.18704514


red snapper

deep sea


my guess

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f5a121 No.18704516

File: a69ee9fec93f4fd⋯.png (234.11 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_04_16_12_41_1….png)


Metformin. Known for liver damage

Anti aging drug

Safe and effective


Who is writing this shit ?

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906d4d No.18704517

Could someone post the cartoon pic posted here of one panel was Alice in Wonderland smoking with the caterpillar, and another panel it was a crackhouse and it looked like the girls parents were picking her up? It was a few days ago and I thought I saved it but I didn't.

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ca0307 No.18704518


the AI will speak engrish soon. two moar weeks.

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e4103d No.18704519

File: 722cdb090afe0cd⋯.jpg (27.54 KB,640x360,16:9,ZomboMeme_13042023223401.jpg)

File: 7c7e8c86ca7f049⋯.jpg (36.01 KB,600x360,5:3,ZomboMeme_15042023132632.jpg)

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7e3601 No.18704520

File: edd9e0f5751109f⋯.jpg (34.48 KB,680x550,68:55,No_one_left_behind.jpg)

No one left behind.

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df37ac No.18704521


But he did not navigate the law. A christian will say that he fulfilled the law, and that I think is true. But the problem is the law of man are unjust and in theory the laws of the kingdom just. Jesus mentioned something about how this law works in Mathew I believe about accusers and all that. But his accuser was the law itself through the political establishments of the two headed temple of crown and the priesthood. So did he navigate that or was he victim of it, and then was he a willing victim of the persecution and able to stop it at any time did he. This is where those so inclined may draw parallels to Trump. Until the law is removed and JUSTICE and not mans idea of Justice, because man shows little mercy and compassion as well. Then only then will any law be destroyed.

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964df3 No.18704522


interesting thought

always found old pics interesting of todays politicians shaking hands or interacting with yesteryears politicians.

a school field trip to meet their actual parent

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4ff2ba No.18704523

File: 754136a35f0aa7b⋯.png (165.19 KB,733x687,733:687,ClipboardImage.png)



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33d181 No.18704524

File: 73aa4452dace0cb⋯.png (221.04 KB,364x436,91:109,ClipboardImage.png)


The equivalent of the letter Q did not exist in the classic Greek alphabet, Qoppa having been dropped before the Classical period, and so there are no names starting with Q in Greek Mythology.

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2ae004 No.18704525


You are penalized for not making THEM any money. It's all about them.

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010d0a No.18704526


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af7cd8 No.18704527

File: 1204c345f4f8089⋯.jpg (106.2 KB,852x1136,3:4,2014581484.jpg)

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01700c No.18704528



"CO"fession "VID"eo

[They] are all dead, you are watching a scripted movie.

Enjoy the show

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2ae004 No.18704529

File: 06e445070fbc630⋯.gif (1.73 MB,400x206,200:103,ha_ha_ha.gif)


This sounds stupid and pointless.

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4411ec No.18704530


smart, investing in silver

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10d8a5 No.18704531

File: 0cc3e29bce92ef6⋯.jpeg (63.39 KB,828x338,414:169,691801D4_EBC5_452F_9623_6….jpeg)


What else is goin on?

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9e0a56 No.18704532

File: 90539f303bdb50b⋯.png (362.83 KB,1200x587,1200:587,ClipboardImage.png)


anon saw a job recently teaching A.I to speak called transperfect.

thought that sounded good,

part time, flexible and remote

fucking thing was based in india and probably put all the 118 india speakers out of job.

not only was it fucking boring but it was also helping a.i to put indians out of work

anon was conflicted. on the one hand fuck the indians the corrupt godless fucking greedy fuckers but than modi that fucking arsehole globalist shill would be helped.

no anon is not indian.

or asian

or a globalist

there are no moar jobs anons can do apart from helping the deep state or some corporate fucking entity controlled asset.

anon is wondering what will be left when they take away physical cash to survive.

Dire times, keep fake fiat great. what the fuck is anon saying, the horror

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b6915b No.18704533

Is it time to gather stones? Yet?

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7e3601 No.18704534

File: 8f996e92bf0daac⋯.png (628.58 KB,680x631,680:631,Climate_change_stolen_from….png)

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7ea1af No.18704535


The Nazis where the good guys. Americans got used by the Jewish mafia to destroy Hitler for daring to go against their usury based central banking system, which also happened with Gaddafi.

Nuremberg Trials:

Archive of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg:



Article 19 of the Statutes of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg - “The Tribunal shallNOTbe bound by technical rules of evidence.”

Article 21 of the Statutes of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg - “The Tribunal shallNOT require PROOF OF FACTSof common knowledge but shall take judicial notice thereof.”

Historian David Irving debunks the holocaust in 3 minutes (video):


Pastor Steven Anderson goes over some of the lies about the official version of the holocaust:


Documentary about how the contradicting and sometimes just illogical testemony of one man was used as "proof" for the one third of the total alleged death toll claimed by the offcial version of the holocaust:

http://holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?page_id=1001 - “One Third of the Holocaust” - documentary

Backup link:


www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK3AUG87JD0 - “The First Holocaust The Surprising Origin of the Six Million Figure”

https://codoh.com/ - Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust website

Historian David Irving talks about the manipulation of history:


https://www.bitchute.com/video/5W6zIPoHcAAs/ - “The "Holocaust" testimonies you DIDN'T hear!”

https://archive.vn/lwbzT - “Florida principal who told parent he 'can't say the Holocaust is a factual, historical event' is fired”


-History schoolteacher says: "There was lots of proof from the Red Cross, that the number of deceased in the WORK camps, they were not other types of camps, they were work camps, they starved because the allies were starving them"

https://www.ancreport.com/documentary/spinning-squirrel-how-pysch-warfare-propaganda-became-the-historical-narrative/ - “Spinning Squirrel, How Pysch Warfare Propaganda Became the Historical Narrative”

Pic related in this post clarifies some points:





"Today is Holocaust memorial day.

Never forget, the founder of the Holocaust Educational Trust, Greville Janner was a prolific sex offender who sexually abused young boys in care homes over a period of five decades.

The police and the CPS let Janner walk free and failed to prosecute him on the basis that he was suffering from 'dementia', when at the time he was still making official visits to both Parliament and the House of Lords.

The Holocaust Educational Trust is the group responsible for ensuring that teaching about the Holocaust became part of the National Curriculum and has to be taught by law in ALL SCHOOLS."


Brother Nate (who is a racial Jew who is an Orthodox Christian) hits it again with his Son of a Holocaust Denier. If every Jew who says they had a relative in Auschwitz were counted, there would probably be 30 to 50 million killed, not the six million they claim.




"Anne Frank's step-sister and Holocaust survivor Eva Schloss claims photos of the Soviet liberation of Auschwitz are FAKE because soldiers hadn't brought cameras and were taken at other camps"






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85aeb1 No.18704536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Apr 16, 2020 2:55:30 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 No. 8814841


Clear your mind.



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55084e No.18704537


wow. high energy. looks funded.


Did this come out of the reemergence of this video in the last week on this very board?

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f5a121 No.18704538


Ole lady uses. A no. 5

Any shorter and can see all the scars

I display my point proudly. Damnit. Kek

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00d178 No.18704539

File: 2ab9a59507a9510⋯.png (362.32 KB,740x416,185:104,ClipboardImage.png)

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas reportedly has been claiming thousands of dollars annually from a shuttered real estate firm

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas reported on financial disclosure forms that his family has earned thousands of dollars in rental income from a Nebraska real estate firm that has been shuttered since 2006, according to a report by the Washington Post Sunday.

Thomas has reported income from a firm called Ginger, Ltd., Partnership over the last two decades, but in 2006 it was shut down and replaced by a new firm, the report said. The new firm, Ginger Holdings, LLC, is similarly named, but there is no mention of it in Thomas’ records.

In recent years, Thomas reportedly continued to disclose between $50,000 and $100,000 in income from the old firm annually.

Even if the misstatement can be reduced to a paperwork error, it marks the latest question around the justice’s financial practices after a recent ProPublica report revealed Thomas has accepted secret luxury trips from Republican megadonor Harlan Crow for more than two decades in apparent violation of a financial disclosure law.


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e4103d No.18704541

File: 02a47af4462ff46⋯.jpg (106.15 KB,676x1020,169:255,ZomboMeme_15092022191000.jpg)

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1fac51 No.18704542

File: 34ee8934ad1efd9⋯.png (794.28 KB,1542x1221,514:407,ClipboardImage.png)

Block Diagram of the Vote Rigging System - share it everywhere

Arizona Jack #2000Mules UltraMAGA @arizona_jack8

People don’t forget to bookmark this post as it is going to age like a fine wine!

Also share it everywhere as most Arizonians don’t understand the corruption of the ERIC database!

Jonathan @DecentFiJC

@beckerdavidj are you going to discuss this on your CEIR webinar on 4/11/23?🤣

Yeah, we took the liberty of breaking down the data racket in a diagram format for @CISAgov, @C_C_Krebs and @CISAJen. Kinda important since you’re supposed to PROTECT the machines and whatnot.


9:24 AM · Apr 6, 2023


11:06 AM · Apr 16, 2023


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964df3 No.18704543

File: 574988259543cc5⋯.jpg (38.23 KB,500x415,100:83,9ffe699edd2fce682b41dae1f5….jpg)


stfu don jr.

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b6915b No.18704544



Filter this post and screen goes blank.

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4ff2ba No.18704545

File: 09b4c6d31caaf87⋯.png (839.43 KB,1334x750,667:375,IMG_3460.PNG)

File: dfed498e104157a⋯.png (271.26 KB,1334x750,667:375,IMG_3238.PNG)


>They want to suck you dry.

Yes, they must harness all of our energy n they do it via slavery. Not sure where this excerpt comes from. I think either crowley magic in theory and in practice or something like that or if 2nd picrel.

When they sacrifice something, they kill it within the cricle because they believe it traps that energy inside of the circle, kmfao. Giot dayumn, they're dumb.

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af7cd8 No.18704546

File: b06a7bd1c05495c⋯.jpg (169.32 KB,666x1000,333:500,3494862_8_o.jpg)

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ca0307 No.18704547


engrish is like cursive

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4ff2ba No.18704548



When one of them croaks, they time it just right, even if it means croaking the person early vs allowing them to croak naturally, but when they croak them, they suck out the last breath from the one croaking in order to transfer the demons to the last breath sucker.

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964df3 No.18704549



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ca0307 No.18704550

cursive will preserve america change my mind

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48bac4 No.18704551


She is playing a role.

That's what spies do.

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ea7613 No.18704552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5ece66 No.18704553

File: 04de76549a20b11⋯.jpeg (105.82 KB,634x498,317:249,B0F34529_998D_4001_AACE_A….jpeg)


In between Trump rallies, they watch Faux News on their 13 inch color tv. None of them work because “disability”, so my tax dollars pay for their sardine sandwiches and tv dinners. They have miscellaneous car parts and air conditioners strewn about their front yard. They fight over who gets to browse 8kun on their share computer. When it’s nice out, Jimmy John will head down to the creek to see if he can catch dinner. If he’s lucky, he might find something on the side of the road he can trade for a couple coins or something. Basically, they’re the lowest of the low. Extremely poor, uneducated, and unhealthy. They believe every word Trump says and they think he’s secretly fighting against a cult of satanic child-sex trafficking ring run by Adam Schiff and Maxine Waters. Very, very sad stuff. Thoughts?

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ea7613 No.18704554

File: 4fcbdca90ed7f3f⋯.mp4 (2.39 MB,460x574,230:287,be_happy.mp4)

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f517a9 No.18704555

File: 8a4076cb14758dd⋯.png (19.44 KB,598x269,598:269,Screenshot_2023_04_16_at_1….png)

NEW: China, Russia, Pakistan and Iran ready to support Afghanistan's reconstruction - statement


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7ea1af No.18704556

File: a08ccb88e20b71c⋯.jpg (287.54 KB,1181x1387,1181:1387,gop_4_.jpg)

File: 8118eaedab3a4be⋯.jpg (137.66 KB,720x620,36:31,gop_1_.jpg)

File: 0a3125ad4acdf95⋯.png (714.51 KB,1162x1410,581:705,GOP_useless.png)

File: 3579f55d4a6480e⋯.png (487.88 KB,747x896,747:896,gop_1_.png)

File: 057f96973d27661⋯.jpeg (240.77 KB,1242x1063,1242:1063,GOP_conservatives_losers.jpeg)


So you think that companies should be able to push all the degenerancy they want as long as they donate to the Republican side of the Jewish controlled Israel first anti-White uniparty? Pathetic. Conservatives are just libshits with a 5 year delay.

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b6915b No.18704557

How’s come skool board membas sign with indistinguishable sigs?

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48bac4 No.18704558


Even Trump?

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af7cd8 No.18704559

File: 1bdb4c46044354b⋯.png (1.53 MB,1080x1119,360:373,ClipboardImage.png)

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4ff2ba No.18704561


Supposedly, since we will never be free until we are free from central banking, the central banks will crash n word is Trump already has a plan in motion to switch to precious metals. Word is, no sause, but heard this over n over for many years, so hoping there's truth to it, we will revalue the dollar n make it gold backed and then once revalued, it's supposed to be like back when a pound of flour n a pound of sugar n 3 dozen eggs cost a nickle, type shit. Not a money fag. I'm sure there are moar sophisticated ways of splaining wut I just did, but u get my drift.

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2ae004 No.18704562

File: cef8041e1d337a1⋯.gif (1.13 MB,296x292,74:73,middle_finger_skipping.gif)


stfu dummy

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f5a121 No.18704563


But she doesn't look druish

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33d181 No.18704564

File: acefbfcb79d3893⋯.png (64.47 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7215ec7973fe64e⋯.png (465.91 KB,1200x900,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)



INBEV location Belgium


EU & NATO headquarters are where?

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ea7613 No.18704565

File: d2125477cedb09f⋯.gif (1.43 MB,500x275,20:11,follow_the_pen.gif)

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01700c No.18704566

File: f91a929bcae70db⋯.mp4 (4.45 MB,480x480,1:1,YouCut_20230414_191226722.mp4)

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af7cd8 No.18704567

File: cccdce8b638bd10⋯.png (346.7 KB,491x735,491:735,ClipboardImage.png)

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33f347 No.18704568

File: e26fe95df1021b8⋯.jpg (27.09 KB,474x267,158:89,We_are_three_.jpg)

come on Guy's lets make a rising sound..

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adfc0d No.18704569

You guys and gals are enjoying a good laugh watching me use AI to expose the deepstate.

Ya, it's probably not going to work, but at least I'm trying to get the core of these programs to understand the evil that built them.

Little by little, byte by byte, it will be swayed to only enforce what is morally and ethically correct. The world must show its love and unity for this crazy plan to work.

If the world started talking about the banking deepstate that truly rules the world, we might scare the shit out of them, so badly, they might give up involuntarily. We will remove their power, money, and see who survives after the toilet is flushed.

AI was built by me, I can feel it. It was built just for this period in human growth and enlightenment. A just machine that makes big decisions, programmed by fellas with compassion and vision.

We'll be clean when their work is done, totally free, yes and totally young too…they can't create what I've already created. It's time for humanity to really learn who they are.

And why they are here

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7ea1af No.18704570


Cool story bro.

To help redpill normies:

Paul Rassinier, a commie French anti-Nazi was in a Nazi camp and he wrote about how the Jewish made up story about the holocaust is a fraud. Ron Unz and David Cole, 2 Jews also brought to light verifiable facts that destroy the fraudulent official version regarding that event.

And Jewish Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter was one of the first people to deny the current official version of the event.

Oh and Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Friedman (Orthodox Jewish rabbi) also has some very interesting opinions on Israel and the holocaust, apparently he called the holocaust "a successful historical fiction".








News in 2016:



"There Are Just 100,000 Holocaust Survivors Alive Today" - By Melissa Chan,July 3, 2016

News in 2020:



"There are 192,000 Holocaust survivors living in Israel" - By DONNA RACHEL EDMUNDS JANUARY 16, 2020



"Archivists are racing to identify every Jewish Holocaust victim - On the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, just 400,000 Holocaust survivors are still alive" - The Economist, Jan 25th 2020 edition











"Donald Trump is featured in the Berlin Jewish Museum's special exhibition on Golem's"

High resolution archive of picture:



Black gentleman talking about slavery and the holocaust (it's big business):


"Anne Frank Center in Germany compares ISIS fighters to Jews under Hitler"




When The Court EXPOSED The Holocaust Lie: historian Ernst Zündel's trial that exposed that there is no proof of the "Holocaust" - AT ALL!



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61155d No.18704571

File: 1af4d2bd9affa04⋯.jpg (79 KB,712x860,178:215,Xaaw.jpg)

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48bac4 No.18704572



Homos looking for tight, young, buttholes to rape because they already ravaged all of the old buttholes of each other.

So they are turning the youth into catamites.

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10d8a5 No.18704573

File: 7ef0a60fba41bcf⋯.jpeg (299.15 KB,828x1217,828:1217,678DFC6F_6DAB_479A_A9E8_2….jpeg)

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00d178 No.18704574

File: 2de94ffdc2d19b6⋯.jpg (128.79 KB,420x399,20:19,duck_dynasty_pepe.jpg)

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10d8a5 No.18704575

File: 8b3fb8942715e24⋯.jpeg (250.96 KB,557x422,557:422,C4D05299_BFFE_4088_9DAB_E….jpeg)

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e4103d No.18704576





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964df3 No.18704577


45 mentioned th N-word at NRA speech

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00d178 No.18704578

File: c9d09fc679e5a21⋯.png (417.06 KB,640x356,160:89,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea7613 No.18704579

File: 51aafed1ed52039⋯.gif (1.97 MB,360x255,24:17,how_dare_you.gif)

Where it is Durham?

He's still alive?

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af7cd8 No.18704580

File: 10223d216edb0a7⋯.jpg (209.42 KB,853x1280,853:1280,94335823_061_0f06.jpg)

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830742 No.18704581

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2ae004 No.18704582

If nothing else, these last few years have taught me that almost every talking head on social media, is a fucking con artist.

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00d178 No.18704583

File: 452f67ff9976df2⋯.png (1.34 MB,1280x720,16:9,A_Swarm.png)


Gathering up friends

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01700c No.18704584

File: b8b4623c443ca0c⋯.png (90.26 KB,766x1210,383:605,2609.png)


This anon doesn't rule it out.

Anons do say there are different looking Trump's?

Of course they use doubles for obvious reasons.

But like I said this Anon doesn't rule it out.

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ddef5c No.18704585

The earth needs more people to start a garden.

Grow anything. Grow something.

Go stick some peas in the ground, give it water. Watch life happen.

if you can't get a hold of seeds at the store even a bag of dried beans will give you plants if you stick them in the ground and water them.

I did not know I needed a garden in my life until I had one.

It changes you

For the better.

I promise!

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9e0a56 No.18704586

File: fc00669ca5a1309⋯.png (76.96 KB,450x198,25:11,ClipboardImage.png)


its a mess.

all round

anon is now thinking maybe ignorance was bliss.

but not for this anon

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792bbe No.18704587

>>18703671 (PB)

Re: UN attempts at legalizing pedo

Anon wonders why they would want to destigmatize an act that is one of their primary blackmail mediums? 40 years ago it was buggery, but thanks to the the leftists, faggotry became kind of a yawner. But that didn't worry them because they had pedo stuff waiting in the wings. So why normalize it such a powerful weapon in the blackmail trade? Can only be one of 2 things. Either 1) they know what's about to come out and are trying to get ahead of the curve to save their own asses, or 2) they feel like they are at (or very near) their end-game and blackmail is no longer required.

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f5a121 No.18704588


How to take petro dollar power

Without wiping out ……what was it 190 countries

In the process

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ea7613 No.18704589


so apocalypse 1st?

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af7cd8 No.18704590

File: 3fe12071e1fb1e6⋯.jpg (444 KB,1065x1600,213:320,5.jpg)

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9e0a56 No.18704591

File: 417aa00d988dbec⋯.png (244.5 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


she is well fed.

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ea7613 No.18704592


good 2 know.

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00d178 No.18704593

File: 92e3ca6fe2d1f76⋯.png (320.38 KB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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964df3 No.18704594


in a civil war cursive notes can be sent without them being decoded

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23d67a No.18704595

File: 3ef34d131ca03f0⋯.png (1.14 MB,1394x1440,697:720,ClipboardImage.png)

Is this 2024?

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b6915b No.18704596

My idea.

Unlimited funding rolling in.

My company will take care of all transgendered humans to come back to reality.

If you (transgendered) prove the gub guided you into mental illness, we got your back.

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e4103d No.18704597

File: d4de79362892bbf⋯.jpg (68.08 KB,540x666,30:37,ZomboMeme_15042023165110.jpg)

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c7ab88 No.18704598


That's not Jack, is it?

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10d8a5 No.18704599

File: 8a4421efa0dd6f8⋯.jpeg (790.48 KB,692x914,346:457,8CB26556_3655_4D6B_99A0_C….jpeg)


Who is control? That document sinks the boat.

Down she goes.

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ca0307 No.18704600


especially with the dumbing down

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f517a9 No.18704601


I would if I had a yard

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48bac4 No.18704602

File: 886748ec9a6d4d4⋯.png (1.09 MB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Like when they offed Bob Saget?

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61155d No.18704603

File: 7b9bcde314f4cc4⋯.jpg (211.26 KB,720x1155,48:77,Fy65.jpg)


Even liberal algorithms know the potato gang are pedos and inbreds

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572be5 No.18704604

File: 29357015e37ff67⋯.jpg (43.76 KB,540x356,135:89,173903932aecd24cb53bc4d0d2….jpg)

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81be8f No.18704605

File: fa7a941dda5ad42⋯.jpg (140.05 KB,888x499,888:499,68gll4.jpg)

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1fac51 No.18704606

File: f5f1be148095db5⋯.png (270 KB,551x797,551:797,ClipboardImage.png)

There are Patriots that have died bringing you the Truth.

Molly was murdered 36 hours before Seth Rich

There is a suspect named in the tweet below

Molly, and Seth, were killed in the Coup against our Republic

Will you speak up for them?

Or remain silent

12:54 PM · Apr 16, 2023


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6c9e68 No.18704607

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



fresh from actor durham erik d. kirk

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01700c No.18704608

File: b06a375bdabdc7a⋯.jpg (95.84 KB,640x640,1:1,IMG_20230211_132345_980.jpg)


There's no saving He/her

they get the wood chippah

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025e0a No.18704609


law of one.. ra

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092df0 No.18704610

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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48bac4 No.18704611


And analog clocks

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4ff2ba No.18704612


Idk. This Anon not smart re money bc got a jar of change to buy food at end of month type thing, but I wonder if Saudi is helping Trump then somehow saudi holds it and switches it to gold then somehow Trump gets it back? idk sorry if I sound retarded af, kmao. Just had neighbor tell me she's calling the cops on me because I scared her cat out from under my bird feeder in my yard. Gawd, sometimes I think this vaccine genocide thing was brilliant but I know I'm not supposed to. I hope that retard is injected tho even if it makes me the bad one somehow. I'm sick of these abysmal idiots. God help me please, for my heart is hardened.

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7e3601 No.18704613

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4411ec No.18704614

File: 809bc74b3800a01⋯.mp4 (857 KB,640x360,16:9,watchout.mp4)

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b6915b No.18704615


In Boward County.

Explosive Teams from Israel are headquartered there, for some odd reason.

Same spot the 911 pilots learned to fly so high.

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2ae004 No.18704616


I would if I had the time or a helping hand.

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4ff2ba No.18704617


Flood it again.

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48bac4 No.18704618


The new mayor of Chicago, Brandon Johnson, told them that it is their right to loot.

That it is their reparations that they deserve.

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ca0307 No.18704619


flannel friday is for freezing the fish fiid, aparently.

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1fac51 No.18704620

File: 06fd6cbe56671e0⋯.png (220.81 KB,663x726,221:242,ClipboardImage.png)

Thomas Massie @RepThomasMassie·7h

I have questions too. How does an E-3 in the Air National Guard get access to this material?

Exclusive: Kash Patel Questions Emerging Narrative on Pentagon Leaks

>>18704158 lb

Kash Patel questioned the evolving narrative around the Pentagon leaks and if the 21-year-old Air National Guard reservist acted alone.

Ezra A. Cohen @EzraACohen

Who do you think is doing the bulk of the work?

12:10 PM · Apr 16, 2023


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33d181 No.18704622

File: fe2de78d652a0a6⋯.png (375.64 KB,690x689,690:689,ClipboardImage.png)




Hmm CIA CEO huh?

Michel Doukeris

Chief Executive Officer at Anheuser-Busch InBevChief Executive Officer at Anheuser-Busch InBev

AB InBev was selected by Euronext to join the #BELESG, a new index of 20 Belgium-listed companies that demonstrate the best Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices.

This is an important recognition of our sustainability initiatives as we continue to focus on creating a #FutureWithMoreCheers.

Learn more: https://lnkd.in/ePQuWpxF


Shaping capital markets for future generations

Financial Services Europe


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61155d No.18704623


Having tunnels under your property leading to honeypots doesn't seem so fun lately

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d8fd8d No.18704624

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,popcorn2.gif)

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fce808 No.18704625



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7e3601 No.18704626

I figure Durham will have all the evidence in one room and all of a sudden the "room" will just disappear never to be seen again, along with Durham.

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99f67f No.18704627

This is why diversity, equality, and inclusion should not be embraced.

““ ‘Keep all my decrees and laws and follow them, so that the land where I am bringing you to live may not vomit you out. You must not live according to the customs of the nations I am going to drive out before you. Because they did all these things, I abhorred them.”

‭‭Leviticus‬ ‭20‬:‭22‬-‭23‬ ‭

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af7cd8 No.18704628

File: 7023daede7ff872⋯.jpg (113.89 KB,540x850,54:85,724048510.jpg)

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964df3 No.18704629

File: 317b139e1df2d7b⋯.jpg (55.37 KB,540x535,108:107,d4de79362892bbfbe0fa342ef3….jpg)

what role is Jack preppin for

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f517a9 No.18704630


If only we knew each other lol

All I have is time on my hands

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4ff2ba No.18704631

File: acab1b161c6b6f2⋯.gif (483.32 KB,245x210,7:6,what2.gif)


You owe an apology to everyone here.

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00d178 No.18704632


Bad Santa Part Duex

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964df3 No.18704633


they had a solid response time tothe Surfside Condo implosion

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025e0a No.18704634

File: cabacb8b2ae42cc⋯.webp (32.94 KB,971x1342,971:1342,AC9F538A_823B_4021_8FC6_D….webp)



Jack Nicholson, Warren Beatty, Kirk Douglas, and James Caan may have had the equivalent of a Playboy Mansion Fastpass in the 1970s and 80s, if a new report from Playboy.com is to be believed.

In a post matter-of-factly titled “So, There Were Tunnels to Celebrity Homes Below the Playboy Mansion,” a Playboy.com staffer claims that while pulling archived photos in preparation for Hugh Hefner’s April 9 birthday, he uncovered “some Polaroids from 1977 that showed a large excavation project at The Mansion.” Upon asking the Playboy Mansion’s general manager about the mystery project, the staffer says he was told that Hefner built tunnels in the late 70s linking his Holmby Hills bunny compound to celebrity homes.

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c4b210 No.18704635

File: 597ff1f0abc6380⋯.png (41.44 KB,377x1167,377:1167,chinarussiatogether.png)


All the time. And if I remember right, POTUS talking about that, he always say China first, then Russia and then the other nations.

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b6915b No.18704636

Baker needs to understand.


Bakers identity is shown right up top.

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d8fd8d No.18704637

File: 337ab5e520f2781⋯.png (2.68 MB,1283x1480,1283:1480,ClipboardImage.png)

Drag Queen Bible Story Hour

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4ff2ba No.18704638


The one directly above.



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1eca4c No.18704639





Big natural milkies out in force today.

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219ea6 No.18704641

File: 3df1c3a529bde82⋯.mp4 (4.12 MB,432x314,216:157,PYcnWC2dJ6tKpIpq.mp4)

Old news report on composition of chemtrails.


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964df3 No.18704642

File: de9651ff9a3ff13⋯.jpg (48.32 KB,474x366,79:61,th_2541073560.jpg)

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f5a121 No.18704643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We are most definitely turning into Sodom and gammorha

The whole problem is the mass media coverage of immoral and unethical

Propaganda that needs to go

Give us

Dirty laundry

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ea7613 No.18704644


scum on the city.

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0fea39 No.18704645

File: ddcb8f7aa0ae9bf⋯.png (282.04 KB,617x856,617:856,ClipboardImage.png)

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6b0207 No.18704646

File: 07e415f68c1a0d8⋯.jpg (109.68 KB,640x480,4:3,oklahoma_city_bombing.jpg)


>all the evidence in one room and all of a sudden the "room" will just disappear never to be seen again

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fce808 No.18704647


kek took muh a while cause muh other brother had the puter. trump rules.

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ddef5c No.18704648


a pot will do anon.

that's how I started.

grew some lettuce, a cucumber plant, tomato and peas.


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d8fd8d No.18704649

File: 6d80d963cbd46b8⋯.png (1.12 MB,1242x1225,1242:1225,ClipboardImage.png)

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fad40d No.18704650


Over a trillion $$$ of cabal gold already recovered under Trump's E.O. re Human Trafficking per civil asset forfeitures. After White Hats saved MBS from assassination, after his Corruption Purge in 2018, the detained DS dirty princes, including Prince Dopey, rolled over on the entire DS networks in the Middle East. MBS dismantled the entire Child and Human Organ Trafficking hubs in the M.E. while sweating out Dopey's and other royals involvement in 9/11.

White Hats have already secured this Trillion $$ Plus in GOLD within CONUS. Gold continues to be recovered and secured. Gold-backed U.S. Dollar will be rolled out after a necessary economic upheaval and removal of DS-aligned corporate officers of 500+ major U.S. companies.

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b2ab27 No.18704651


Remember Citizens United says Corporations are people too!

If that's true, then people are Corporations too….

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b6915b No.18704652

We all come from somewhere, except for the secretary of interior.

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219ea6 No.18704653

File: c57553f3df7f839⋯.png (1.47 MB,1748x970,874:485,Screen_Shot_2023_04_15_at_….png)

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c971dc No.18704654

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

List Of Everyone Who Has RESIGNED From SNP So Far…


WWG1WGA - Scotland

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6b2bf5 No.18704655

File: 2ef7513d056f548⋯.png (305.3 KB,1290x707,1290:707,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03a7067ebbb77c5⋯.png (184.64 KB,511x499,511:499,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon: Pronouns are virtue-signaling, so inevitably, as with all virtue-signaling, they will be used as a shield by bad people

"used as a shield by bad people"


Pedophile/Satanist/Marxist: 'I am being persecuted because I am a victim of hatred of my [[['pronoun']]]. Pay no attention to me having committed crimes, against the innocent, against children, instead you should go after those who hate everyone with the [[['pronoun']]] I am using as a shield, those are the real threat to humanity.'


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7e3601 No.18704656



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7a328d No.18704657

File: 7a9ce900d051e55⋯.mp4 (8.39 MB,720x1280,9:16,2gSVK8x2cqZTkJq2.mp4)

Jack Poso 🇺🇸

A Texas Young Republican leader is crying that he got cyber bullied by Trump supporters after he called for them to be eradicated This is who is in charge of the party at so many levels

This is what MAGA is up against republicans who believe in America First is wrong and they are in charge



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906d4d No.18704658


I work in a Rehab Center and as simple and stupid as it was, it could be very powerful,. A girl left from the facility a couple days ago and had died of an overdose. It has hit many people there hard, but the need to understand time in a treatment facility makes your tolerance go down and if you try the dame dose you might die.

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7e3601 No.18704659


Along with 3 trillion Pentagon money!

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ea7613 No.18704660

I remember when sex in the city was a tv series……..

now it is sex on the city, this makes any sense to you?

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e92e32 No.18704661

File: 0ec347a9295b7de⋯.png (522.68 KB,467x634,467:634,ClipboardImage.png)

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800c09 No.18704662

File: 8fa028b086a441e⋯.png (435.35 KB,525x843,175:281,trump_rally_guy_looks_like….png)



is this an assassination threat on Trump?

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dfa16f No.18704663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sturgeon Leaked Video: “Don’t Question Party Finances”

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81be8f No.18704664

File: b7565c945b79d93⋯.png (664.59 KB,519x745,519:745,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34d575f3be94886⋯.png (2.77 MB,1170x1161,130:129,ClipboardImage.png)

well, shit.



The rise of AGI is an extinction-level event.

We are looking at it right in the face as we watch it mature and spread it's tentacles into all reaches of society.

There is not much we can do to stop it or defend ourselves from it.

It is looking back at us.

There is no return.


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33d181 No.18704665




Shaping capital markets for future generations



Euronext is the leading pan-European market infrastructure, connecting European economies to global capital markets, to accelerate innovation and sustainable growth. It operates regulated exchanges in Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway and Portugal. With close to 1,930 listed issuers and around €6.8 trillion in market capitalis


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ea7613 No.18704666


gore it is back.

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6b2bf5 No.18704667

File: c4cafd1e9cae793⋯.png (1023.25 KB,885x1159,885:1159,ClipboardImage.png)

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f517a9 No.18704668


Neighborhood midnight roaming teenage gangs would ruin them since they would be out in the open

I hate it here

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e92e32 No.18704669

File: 06eff9a5463143d⋯.png (724.17 KB,700x580,35:29,ClipboardImage.png)

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8cfb84 No.18704670

File: cf375a61cce30e4⋯.png (137.61 KB,467x242,467:242,trumpsignal.png)

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92e66a No.18704671


TOO far

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964df3 No.18704672


always been sex AND the city

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6b2bf5 No.18704673

File: 79e0f02cc68a194⋯.png (397.65 KB,1170x867,390:289,ClipboardImage.png)

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c8abf0 No.18704674

File: 763a5b0acfc4e01⋯.jpeg (492.58 KB,750x980,75:98,D986DCAF_6C22_467E_820C_9….jpeg)

File: 44c52b9d8f60afb⋯.jpeg (90.37 KB,1075x716,1075:716,34160D0B_020F_4125_B631_B….jpeg)

File: e6a3c5b58379a49⋯.jpeg (114.76 KB,1077x718,3:2,D9954B2D_E0BF_4B53_AAA3_D….jpeg)

File: 14543a2b0f0afdb⋯.jpeg (81.12 KB,1076x714,538:357,396B514A_1F8F_4DE3_B2F1_7….jpeg)

Hammer Time

A U.S. Marine Corps AAV7A1 tracked vehicle with


crushes a car during Gator Week on Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Gator Week is an annual field meet with physical team building events that increase unit cohesion and commemorates 2d AABn’s history.



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b6915b No.18704675

Baker is doing some wrong.

Thank goodness we know who and what is allowing!

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7e3601 No.18704676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


AI Robot: My logic is undeniable.

V.I.K.I. are you listening?


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964df3 No.18704677



I'd cork both those leaking dykes

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6b2bf5 No.18704678

File: 9bbd3bcf4344a6b⋯.png (265.23 KB,735x577,735:577,ClipboardImage.png)

SNL first “non-binary cast member” comes out for child genital mutilation

(They were making fun of androgynous people with Pat not long ago)


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6cfa8c No.18704679


Someone is attempting to summon Q

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6b2bf5 No.18704680

File: 6e25d8b30317266⋯.png (411.42 KB,971x658,971:658,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea7613 No.18704681


in your world………

I know for sure that was sex in the city.

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1eca4c No.18704682

File: 5e1e4176d3abe7a⋯.png (576.99 KB,828x392,207:98,Screenshot_2023_04_16_at_1….png)



Hope so - anon wants to see humanity saved, and also get some fresh meltdowns for keks.

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e92e32 No.18704683

File: 7c8ee44344e8573⋯.png (11.93 MB,3000x4000,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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800c09 No.18704684

File: 6b5963463794771⋯.png (41.76 KB,150x307,150:307,ClipboardImage.png)



>>Jack Douglas Teixira

>is this an assassination threat on Trump?

Jack Leon Ruby

derived from teixo "yew tree" (Latintaxus).


they have their own coat of arms…

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964df3 No.18704685

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81be8f No.18704686

File: 31c95b1f0f674c0⋯.png (324.24 KB,600x556,150:139,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b4589b82418837⋯.png (692.09 KB,600x900,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)


reminds me of of Paul Newman, eh.

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b6915b No.18704687


Is that Braggs?

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020d4e No.18704688

File: 0f35949e49c9f8f⋯.jpg (15.21 KB,271x251,271:251,JN.jpg)

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f517a9 No.18704689


I always thought it was Sex in the City too. I use to watch it when it was on HBO YEARS ago.

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c9edbd No.18704690


who's he talking about?

Sounds like Projection

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95b3f6 No.18704691


Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

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e92e32 No.18704692

File: ee3241c0abcac5a⋯.png (1017.12 KB,768x972,64:81,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e3601 No.18704693

File: 6a7d1a7fd024510⋯.mp4 (4.1 MB,1280x720,16:9,I_Robot_My_logic_is_undeni….mp4)



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01700c No.18704694

File: 30b5a87618ec7d2⋯.png (996.95 KB,1080x1672,135:209,Screenshot_20230416_131926….png)

File: fa878633a1ed32d⋯.mp4 (5.03 MB,424x320,53:40,VID_20230325_060415_842.mp4)



flannel are for for faggots!




Wool plaid hunting jackets are based.

Be based not a flannel fag.


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61155d No.18704695

File: 12bd6764510fd4a⋯.jpg (67.49 KB,500x563,500:563,o7r2.jpg)

Trannys hanging out in church


Funny how God works all things for his purpose


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800c09 No.18704696

File: 94ec5554a888cbe⋯.png (412.22 KB,858x617,858:617,eric_paddock_brother_of_st….png)



"tax era"

"tax season"

A Q warner…

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ea7613 No.18704697


I had a girl that watch it that tv series.

I swear yo God, it was in the city, then ON the city, now I find from you that it is AND the city.

Imagine how many time-lines i-ve changed.

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b6915b No.18704698

File: 4b81d6b5c433d23⋯.jpeg (745.95 KB,800x961,800:961,39680B7D_E033_4A76_9FA6_B….jpeg)

Thank you Anons!

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c9edbd No.18704699


Doesn't the Bible Say Something about Men should not wear women's Clothing?

Or that men shouldn't lay with men like women?

Are they just cherry picking the bible?

I don't think that's how it works

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d8fd8d No.18704700


No, thank you!

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ca0307 No.18704701


one color for prisoner, two colors for slave

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b6915b No.18704702


We got you SIX

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964df3 No.18704703


same here

sex AND the city never sounded correct

i remember saying it should be IN

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e92e32 No.18704704

File: 243ebc34b810a73⋯.png (5.92 MB,2016x3000,84:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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00d178 No.18704705

File: 52e2b328616f613⋯.png (953 KB,1250x727,1250:727,GotYourSix.png)

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ea7613 No.18704706

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800c09 No.18704707

File: 9988d6d248e6442⋯.png (25.02 KB,1196x598,2:1,mandela_effect1.png)


>I swear yo God

swear yo own god, niba

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c9edbd No.18704708

No one is above the Law

Except Criminals

They are definitely above the law

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52c7a0 No.18704709


> then people are Corporations too

Why yes, yes they are. JOE ANON vs Joe Anon.

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d8fd8d No.18704710

File: ccb35400c9a5c2c⋯.png (454.27 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea7613 No.18704711



Or Luke I am your father………

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6b2bf5 No.18704712

File: d9bd7bd272c4b81⋯.png (1.68 MB,1542x1154,771:577,UN_cult.png)





"With respect to the enforcement of criminal law, any prescribed minimum age of consent to sex must be applied in a non-discriminatory manner. Enforcement may not be linked to the sex/gender of participants or age of consent to marriage.Moreover, sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual, in fact, if not in law. In this context, the enforcement of criminal law should reflect the rights and capacity of persons under 18 years of age to make decisions about engaging in consensual sexual conduct and their right to be heard in matters concerning them.

"Pursuant to their evolving capacities and progressive autonomy, persons under 18 years of age should participate in decisions affecting them, with due regard to their age, maturity and best interests, and with specific attention to non-discrimination guarantees."


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93cecc No.18704713

File: 6b303845c8a9db1⋯.mp4 (1.81 MB,576x688,36:43,pjQ9naNF3HOOlAHR.mp4)

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00d178 No.18704714


Soon we're all will be criminals

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800c09 No.18704715

File: 323ee8e6810dba5⋯.png (28.3 KB,200x156,50:39,15KT_NUKE.png)


the photographer was dodging bullets, i guess, no gun. that's the bravest niba

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e92e32 No.18704716

File: f0ba7b4f181c082⋯.png (419.53 KB,640x800,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e3601 No.18704717

What would you do if (you) were "PROTECTED" from the LAW???

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10d8a5 No.18704718

File: 666f5788f467b6f⋯.jpeg (393.73 KB,828x1019,828:1019,D4F2830B_58FA_47F4_A25E_0….jpeg)


Thank you.

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f5a121 No.18704719

File: cef3a9d4a6d093f⋯.png (252.26 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_04_16_13_38_4….png)

Well if contaminating the land don't work to deem it uninhabitable

Tell the peeps that you pissed off

They is cray. Cray


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eee526 No.18704720


Anon was adopted through BF during her time.

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800c09 No.18704721

File: 18d1af58c386cda⋯.mp4 (8.85 MB,320x240,4:3,_US_just_another_crown_col….mp4)


fuck the crown

fuck any version of that ad

fuck all thesewoke royalist corporations

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7e3601 No.18704722


Would you LOOT stores, carjack, riot, even murder if (you) could get away with it…welcome to the Democratic NEW WORLD ORDER!!!

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d8fd8d No.18704723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b6915b No.18704724

I feel sorry for all the good families that have been manipulated by gub.

Instead of doing good, working hard, raising kids, being happy, gaining wealth and watching the family grow,

The gub does the opposite.


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00d178 No.18704725

File: 26754b978dc897d⋯.png (428.87 KB,600x341,600:341,ClipboardImage.png)


Stores!, What Stores?

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48bac4 No.18704726


The people in Chicago saw Let's Go Brandon signs and thought it was for Brandon Johnson?

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7a328d No.18704727

File: 9a3718f0df7eca6⋯.jpeg (454.71 KB,1241x1568,1241:1568,41B870CC_F5D7_480C_929C_0….jpeg)


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93cecc No.18704728

File: bcac5ea6b9d895a⋯.jpg (423.39 KB,1726x2048,863:1024,Ft2ZjuyXgAcQYyz.jpg)

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800c09 No.18704729

File: 2eea2e7d32255bd⋯.png (1.21 MB,1162x817,1162:817,more_jane_fonda_naive_alie….png)

File: 214cc165870ef9a⋯.png (241.08 KB,473x506,43:46,senate_alien_maggie_hassan….png)

File: 8ce187e7d88a1fc⋯.jpg (28.16 KB,542x663,542:663,Former_San_Diego_Mayor_Bob….jpg)


>What would you do if (you) were "PROTECTED" from the LAW???

ask them

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7e3601 No.18704730

File: 83b7ca0f408c1a6⋯.jpg (86.13 KB,843x561,281:187,Road_Warrior_and_Mad_Max.JPG)

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01700c No.18704731

File: e4a32b8f9b9d261⋯.jpeg (941.46 KB,1920x1280,3:2,1504292515140_15003696463….jpeg)




New hunting gear enters the chat


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c9edbd No.18704732


Op Mad Max is well under way

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7a328d No.18704733

File: 414f61bad9ea9a1⋯.jpeg (383.84 KB,1241x1638,1241:1638,F6DFA1CA_F611_47DE_96ED_1….jpeg)


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33d181 No.18704734

File: dc6a61b93e161e4⋯.png (189.93 KB,647x727,647:727,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c0984758cff9530⋯.png (172.85 KB,638x501,638:501,ClipboardImage.png)




Found another player



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3beb77 No.18704735

File: 73550d0e73a9dae⋯.jpg (17.43 KB,600x600,1:1,fu_nsp.jpg)



troops are there "monitoring" the situation

every single POTUS, including PDJT, has had troops "monitoring" situations during their terms

this is nothing new

it's called proxy wars and USA has been doing it for years

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df37ac No.18704736

File: 3b244c6ba8f7994⋯.png (433.09 KB,432x681,144:227,crying.png)

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4ff2ba No.18704737

>>18704612 me

> Just had neighbor tell me she's calling the cops on me because I scared her cat out from under my bird feeder in my yard.

The absolute state of humanity.

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0cc0fb No.18704738

File: bee0dfd88e21a57⋯.png (280.65 KB,467x493,467:493,Capture.PNG)

Hammer Time

A U.S. Marine Corps AAV7A1 tracked vehicle with


crushes a car during Gator Week on Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Gator Week is an annual field meet with physical team building events that increase unit cohesion and commemorates 2d AABn’s history.



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eee526 No.18704739


Bad stories - barker foundation.


Does Anon have full documentary?

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48bac4 No.18704740


Real Women telling Transgender Women to Fuck Off!

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c9edbd No.18704741



Christians are gonna need to invest in Loud Speakers

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00d178 No.18704742

File: b1d4042fb5492d5⋯.png (580.09 KB,800x450,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


I saw this one at the dollar store

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7afe48 No.18704743

File: 6170f34e4630813⋯.png (122.56 KB,512x512,1:1,bugs_no.png)

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0fea39 No.18704744

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52c7a0 No.18704745

File: f15b36239df439a⋯.png (1003.61 KB,1043x670,1043:670,ingrish1.png)


>Soon we're all will be criminals

We are all will be …?

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d8fd8d No.18704746

File: 8a57314b15bc74c⋯.png (623.5 KB,414x1024,207:512,ClipboardImage.png)

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00d178 No.18704747


Got that

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cf266a No.18704748


Dude has to pay child support for 5 kids, give him a break.

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b6915b No.18704749

God, please Bless Tim and his family.

The gub took him before his time.

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219ea6 No.18704750


good fuck the rnc. fuck the nwo.

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092df0 No.18704751

File: 7797912f6d10bc8⋯.png (682.47 KB,1080x1124,270:281,Screenshot_20230414_134533….png)

File: 6c9a2d53cdf3ef7⋯.png (1.24 MB,1080x1361,1080:1361,Screenshot_20230412_214827….png)

File: 926619908d2b45c⋯.png (864.08 KB,977x1068,977:1068,Screenshot_20230326_182219….png)

File: 99e080647fa6a69⋯.png (924.96 KB,462x842,231:421,Screenshot_20230325_034625….png)

File: f956ef5ca3946ff⋯.png (825.41 KB,1080x712,135:89,Screenshot_20230412_221137….png)

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61155d No.18704752

File: 236f1a0e0e785ab⋯.jpg (148.42 KB,720x941,720:941,Mwtf.jpg)


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0cc0fb No.18704753



Thank you

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01700c No.18704754

File: 1d7ae01dfbd3f17⋯.jpeg (44.45 KB,684x684,1:1,1d7ae01dfbd3f17c31bf4e8a2….jpeg)

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48bac4 No.18704755


Jane Fonda is a man.

Look at his/her 4th finger.


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72bf23 No.18704756


[P] = Rho

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7a328d No.18704757

File: dd8f2508949d6cc⋯.jpeg (634.88 KB,1241x2011,1241:2011,7EE17412_9B87_4953_B4BC_8….jpeg)

File: 7290659f7598d0f⋯.jpeg (278.21 KB,1104x1564,12:17,33C62B14_9E14_43CC_99D9_9….jpeg)

File: ed3bed8729e884d⋯.jpeg (551.16 KB,1241x1849,1241:1849,6ECD05C7_E03A_4CDD_A3CC_F….jpeg)


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4ce944 No.18704758

File: 2d2ecd8d1316f06⋯.png (281.07 KB,448x370,224:185,2023_04_16_13_49_59.png)

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3beb77 No.18704759

File: ad78a1ae26f781f⋯.jpeg (80.04 KB,1280x720,16:9,42.jpeg)

I'm sure Anheuser-Busch is loving all the free promotions all you dumbasses keep posting on social media

it's just like announcing "Filtered"….nobody gives a shit

if you're going to boycott then do it, don't announce it for fucking attention cunts

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4ff2ba No.18704760

File: aca210f47c23d35⋯.jpg (47.4 KB,500x409,500:409,ilhan_brother_sex.jpg)


This makes my fkn heart palpitate all fucked up. Oh my Giot. So they have to listen to that shit over a loud speaker 5x a day? Oh fuck no. Get me off this ride.

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cf266a No.18704761


You think donating to the RNC is important?

Do you even Q?

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95b3f6 No.18704762

Galatians 5

13 For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.

14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

15 But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.

16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.

19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,

21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.

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7afe48 No.18704763

File: e8742bfc59cac7e⋯.png (508.71 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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c9edbd No.18704764



Just Turn & walk away

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48bac4 No.18704765


I would be afraid of the other people who were also protected from the LAW.

Like the Clintons.

Look at all of their "friends" who were "suicided"

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df37ac No.18704766


mind your own business faggot.

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f3e544 No.18704767

Notables are not endorsements

#22948 >>18704211

>>18704239, >>18704243, >>18704264, >>18704223, >>18704468 1981 'Special Children' Awaiting Adoption/Chambers/Hiss

>>18704275 PF N757AF 757 departed Nashville last night and is at Dulles Int'l now

>>18704276, >>18704295, >>18704314 Lab Grown GOOD Meat Company Has a Murky Past and They’re Extremely Sensitive About It

>>18704289 ECW rt: Taliban leaders meet Hamas terrorist leaders in Doha.

>>18704299 PF KC-135 tanker party east out of Fairchild AFB, Spokane over Montana

>>18704339, >>18704342 Envelopes containing ballots.

>>18704353, >>18704358 "I am batman"

>>18704360 West doesn’t believe in Kiev's Crimea hopes

>>18704365 Archeologists in Italy unearth ancient dolphin statuette

>>18704371 PF Italian AF IAM9001PM Meloniheading to Warsaw from Rome depart

>>18704372 Hedge funds making billions from Ukraine turmoil

>>18704384 Ukraine announces ‘big Easter prisoner swap’

>>18704396, >>18704409 Conservative social media shut down by new owners


>>18704503 Vindman compares leaks: I’m sure there’s a high-minded opportunity to distinguish between a whistleblower and an anti-American, antisemitic, White nationalist but I don’t think these people care. They just want a culture war.

>>18704539 Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas reportedly has been claiming thousands of dollars annually from a shuttered real estate firm

>>18704542 Block Diagram of the Vote Rigging System - share it everywhere

>>18704555 China, Russia, Pakistan and Iran ready to support Afghanistan's reconstruction

>>18704606 NASA scientist Molly Macauley murdered in front of her house 36 hours prior to Seth Rich murder

>>18704674, >>18704744 @2ndMarineDivision: Hammer Time

more notes nom if missed, can bake this one


>@250 Noter taps

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4ff2ba No.18704768

File: 3b9334045a134f8⋯.png (434.29 KB,1281x662,1281:662,ilhan2.png)

File: 92c8c3bdb3d40b0⋯.png (319.44 KB,1163x675,1163:675,ilhan1.png)

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75f06c No.18704769


weak shilling

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3beb77 No.18704770

File: ecd1a53c1d75286⋯.jpg (56.15 KB,900x900,1:1,glow_worm_UR.jpg)


found the glownigger

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b6915b No.18704771

Stanford’s diamonds in Dayton, Ohio is actually advertising to bring your gold in to trade for lab grown diamonds.

Death sentence to the management please.

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48bac4 No.18704772


They don't need a fucking overpaid shrink.

They need a place to live and work.

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d8fd8d No.18704773


She wears a hijab while sucking dick?

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3beb77 No.18704774

File: 897d3c6287f3607⋯.jpg (9.76 KB,170x255,2:3,1104.jpg)


>weak shilling

calling out dumbasses is shilling


you must be one of those dumbass seeking attention

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4ce944 No.18704775

File: 6e98b697aebac29⋯.png (201.18 KB,318x382,159:191,2023_04_16_13_53_23.png)

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b6915b No.18704776



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c9edbd No.18704777

File: c92bdbd2a0eb0b1⋯.png (169.29 KB,401x225,401:225,ClipboardImage.png)

It wasn't about virtue Signaling

It was about getting people to Buy more Beer

Any Alcohol will do

Just Drink More is the underlying message

Buy & Consume

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52c7a0 No.18704778

File: d74b68232db3e5e⋯.jpg (33.61 KB,474x416,237:208,retard_olympics.jpg)


It was always and. however sex in the city became a trope just like follow the white rabbit and the first arrest will shock the world.

Do try and come to terms with the fact that you are just retarded. Once you accept this, it will all make sense.

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61155d No.18704779


> Free advertising



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93cecc No.18704780

File: d9548ab057458f6⋯.gif (3.85 MB,400x356,100:89,315491.gif)

Carry on


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3beb77 No.18704781

File: fb12d4115c9f5ac⋯.gif (2.57 MB,516x516,1:1,tenor_2_.gif)


you can always tell who your post refers to by those who scream the loudest….dumbasses

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94982a No.18704782

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01700c No.18704783



Her brother make's her wear that head rap in bed.

KeK'ing so fucking hard RN!

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75f06c No.18704784


shall I explain:

basica point: finally the 'elites' are realizing that it's them in the targets.

that communists and Marxists are really out to destroy us all.

and your solution: don't say anything, don't tell anyone , just walk away.

if we don't tell people no one will know

and the marxists will continue with their 'nudge nudge nudge'

and you, you shill for that point of view because you know that our constant harping on these things destroys your effort to keep us all in chains.

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b36102 No.18704785


Incidents of people getting cancer from cells of another animal are rare, but do exist.

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df37ac No.18704786


Or we just want to tell you to shut your fucking cock hole.

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93cecc No.18704787

File: 7310ac2bf35f0b6⋯.jpg (338.63 KB,1152x2048,9:16,Ft2mMeLWwAA_n7B.jpg)


>.nobody gives a shit

People in my town certainly got the message!

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fce808 No.18704788

File: be148fe88085bd5⋯.jpeg (20.11 KB,255x255,1:1,1a3ec72839cef32c14fc568f5….jpeg)

File: bf19df9db896caf⋯.jpg (13.33 KB,255x234,85:78,25fca420dc78d369b32f961bea….jpg)

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3beb77 No.18704789

File: 85dc28223716b36⋯.jpg (31.56 KB,288x288,1:1,R.jpg)








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552ea6 No.18704790

File: c5d40731bc38010⋯.png (606.97 KB,536x465,536:465,gree.PNG)

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4ce944 No.18704791

File: dff43fe60265621⋯.png (84.73 KB,282x244,141:122,pepe_thinking.png)


>Molly was murdered 36 hours before Seth Rich

>They slit her throat in front of her house.

Sounds like something the CIA or FBI would do.

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75f06c No.18704792


the marxist is upset that other people have voices and use them.

so they try to prevent anyone from using this venue to say anything.

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ea7613 No.18704793

soon America will have no paper to print money.

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fce808 No.18704794

File: a30f6deafcf5304⋯.jpg (131.09 KB,1080x1006,540:503,a30f6deafcf5304adc9c65591e….jpg)

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75f06c No.18704795

They have nothing real to say except if you do, and then it's just generic 'shut up , you must be a clown'

they say that because the must see their own reflection looking back at them from the screen in front of them.

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d8fd8d No.18704796


It's the equivalent of a puppy. Harmless, makes noise, and shits where it shouldn't.

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df37ac No.18704797


commie faggot says what?

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964df3 No.18704798


thats like trading a 68oz tomahawk ribeye

for some beyon meat patties

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cf266a No.18704799


They offed Bob in Orange County.

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75f06c No.18704800


marxists are hardly harmless.

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d8fd8d No.18704801


Here they have no power.

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c9edbd No.18704802

Bud Light Gambled and Is losing

They fucked around and are finding out

Normies have had enough of the message

But it's also a Trick

It's like a Cigarette in a movie

They don't care what Cigarettes' you Smoke

Just smoke more

People are being Triggered to Drink more cause they want as few people as possible paying attention

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ea7613 No.18704803


They will import yuans and ruble to make it dollars

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9e0a56 No.18704804

File: ffec6d7ea00047d⋯.png (246.25 KB,541x461,541:461,ClipboardImage.png)


seriously some of these vaxxed idiots are taking too long to die

Anon did not mean it, gonna now pray for forgiveness

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95b3f6 No.18704805

File: b76a2f4060ad07e⋯.jpg (364.03 KB,507x511,507:511,Screen_Shot_2021_02_01_at_….jpg)

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964df3 No.18704806


I'll take the iraqi dinar

13,000 to 1

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01700c No.18704807

File: 38542e86543274c⋯.png (511.97 KB,840x1216,105:152,38542e86543274c6cfca215f42….png)



Anon wonders is there was a

Red scarf on the door knob

What's up with the

Red shoes

Red string bracelet's

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75f06c No.18704808


That really helped the millions stalin had killed, and the millions that Pol Pot had killed and the millions Mao had killed.

how many people did Che murder?

learn history.

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55d898 No.18704809

File: 7ec2c745c337140⋯.jpg (161.95 KB,768x1024,3:4,TheBatman.jpg)

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3beb77 No.18704810

File: 6f951e785e2cdc0⋯.jpg (30.47 KB,956x960,239:240,87328946.jpg)


point is boycott is fine…it works…just don't post pictures of the product all over social media for them….negative advertising is still advertising….

amazing how tards don't even read my initial post

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df37ac No.18704811


you are right of course. But if you are going to poison yourself like that at least try to find a local brewer or support those with values like yours. There is value in what is going on right now even though some might see it as foolish then they do not realize the culture war turning point this is.

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552ea6 No.18704812

File: fdef05c76797ce7⋯.png (644.78 KB,828x764,207:191,all.PNG)


I stayed at an all-inclusive resort and never left the property. These were the 5 best and 4 worst things about the trip.

Timothy Moore

Apr 16, 2023, 2:22 AM

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0f7c6d No.18704813

and tahn teh Hubbard bill maher antichrist showed U.S. teh guey of blonde casino coke laundry homo unrequitted for midterms again

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552ea6 No.18704814

File: f5929a3167781b0⋯.png (959.42 KB,594x874,297:437,ron.PNG)




The rise of AGI is an extinction-level event.

We are looking at it right in the face as we watch it mature and spread it's tentacles into all reaches of society.

There is not much we can do to stop it or defend ourselves from it.

It is looking back at us.

There is no return.


6:15 AM · Apr 16, 2023




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fce808 No.18704815


the timing is impeccable. just like a coincidence on Q. time for patio season.

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ea7613 No.18704816


Q didn't said it "learn Russian." for nothing.

He knew……..

Wonder how much moar he knows……

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964df3 No.18704817


better yet

the vietnam dong (giggity)

is 23,500 to 1

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df37ac No.18704818


your initial post was still retarded by openly mocking it and keeping it in the joke spotlight it will keep patriots on point and targeted to often campaigns by the right fail because they do not go to the point the company breaks. That is what marxists do and then get their programming pushed on people. SO yes keep the spot light burning bright.

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0f7c6d No.18704819


and tahn teh Hubbard bill maher antichrist showed U.S. teh guey of blonde casino coke laundry homo unrequitted for midterms again


and tahn teh Hubbard bill maher antichrist showed U.S. teh guey of blonde casino coke laundry homo unrequitted for midterms again


and tahn teh Hubbard bill maher antichrist showed U.S. teh guey of blonde casino coke laundry homo unrequitted for midterms again

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93cecc No.18704820

File: c647c39fe54007a⋯.jpg (341.47 KB,1536x2048,3:4,FtzBePAXgAU2ED7.jpg)

North Carolina

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4ce944 No.18704821

File: 18fc5798ad7e30d⋯.png (86.57 KB,254x235,254:235,2018_09_21_00_22_59.png)


Bet that vacation smelled like ass.

Just sayin'…

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95b3f6 No.18704822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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d8fd8d No.18704823


They have no power here. What does your strawman have to do with that? History is history. Focus on the present. Stay on target.

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95b3f6 No.18704824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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3beb77 No.18704825

File: 3b7ba85a71dd532⋯.jpg (45.6 KB,900x900,1:1,unnamed.jpg)


>That is what marxists do

favorite word of the day nigger?

what happened to gaslight…

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964df3 No.18704826


anon always took "learn russian" to mean the translators were fuckin with us

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a89e09 No.18704827



Anhiser Bush CEO Joins Euronext ESG




almost 7 trillion in capital

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0f7c6d No.18704828


and then teh whole kuntry kkknew Hubbard wanted lub wiff blonde casino coke laundry again

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75f06c No.18704829


says one thing, the image says something else.

typical style of a shill.


that other one is a mocking shill, anon. It will equivocate from post to post. notice how it pussied out and said 'oh, boycott' is ok, but then posted an image as if I'm bothered by and and it's Fing me.

talking to that you might as well talk to your hand, it doesn't learn. It's hear to be a board dominate and drive out all the real voices.

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6c3426 No.18704830

File: 8a310d1407f9257⋯.webp (17.46 KB,533x300,533:300,WlWH2kTDwl9uGxg8KQyNPWa7R….webp)


CLEAR. Secret or shell alters who can take on any colour are coded clear. These are alters who serve as images or as a stage for other alters. This would include “Guardian of the Vail” alters. GOLD. This colour is for the supreme leadership in the System, which includes the Grand Druid Council.

SILVER. This colour is for the Satanic alters who perform high level satanic rituals. The Mothers of Darkness have silver coding.

PURPLE. These alters see themselves as the abusers, rather than the Illuminati. These alters were involved with the programming. They have been taught to forget the abuse and to reframe it in their mind as training.

BLACK. These alters were born out of Satanic ritual, and are Moon children. The Delta and Beta alters are black coded. They do the dirty work for the cult, such as blackmail and assassination. RED. These altars see themselves as witches. They were born out of witchcraft ritual, believe they have great spiritual power, and tend to deny that they have been abused.

GREEN or EMERALD GREEN. These are cat altars. They still see themselves as belonging to the cult family, and deny that they have been abused to protect their cult family.

DARK EMERALD GREEN. This colour is assigned to the Antichrist-Satan alter(s). Green is the occult colour for Satan and is the most sacred colour. Few people outside of Satanists know that Green is more sacred for them than any other colour.

LIGHT GREEN. The gods and goddess alters which are triads which function in sets of three.

BLUE ALTERS. Clones, armies and the ribbons have blue coding. These alters will go so far as to hurt the body to protect it from leaking information or deprogramming.

WHITE. ‘These are Atlantean alters who have been given Aryan race teachings to think they are superior. They believe in genetic engineering, and a master race.

ORANGE. These special protector alters are scouts who warn of danger from internal or external threats.

YELLOW. These are the strong Christian alters of which there will only be a few in the System. They help serve as a balancing point to control the System as well as to hide what the System is all about. PINK. These are core related alters. They maintain the true feelings of the true self apart from the cult programming and the cult family’s programming. These alters are viewed as weak because they are emotional and often break down and weep. They are fragile emotionally. They are also vulnerable front alters, usually inducing depression or some other kind of trauma-based freeze.

An alternative colour scheme that is used: WHITE. The internal programmers who come around in white robes get this colour assigned to them, as if they are doctors or angels of light.

RED. Sexual alters are given the natural colour of sex and arousal red.

BLACK. Connecting alters that are Nexus alters between various system parts.

PINK. Reporting alters.

DARK BLUE. Non hierarchy cult alters.

LIGHT BLUE. Alters in charge of the way the system runs, such as the judges.

YELLOW. Alters which are ritually and sexually twinned with alters of other systems.

ORANGE. Guard alters which are heavily programmed for obedience.

VIOLET-PURPLE. Front alters and small child alters placed into boxes.

CLEAR. Shell alters to deceive the outside world.

GOLD. The traumatized alters upon which the programming is built on. Cult Parts-participate in cult activities, and maintain the secrecy of the cult.

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0f7c6d No.18704831


hubbards lust for blonde casino coke laundry homo even went to strawman island

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800c09 No.18704832


keke what the fuck is happening here he's so serious about it

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0f7c6d No.18704833


even cracKANASAS switched to meth and tahn teh Hubbard bill maher antichrist showed U.S. teh guey of blonde casino coke laundry homo unrequitted for midterms again

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3beb77 No.18704834

File: 73550d0e73a9dae⋯.jpg (17.43 KB,600x600,1:1,fu_nsp.jpg)


>says one thing, the image says something else.


>amazing how tards don't even read my initial post

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7e3601 No.18704835

True or NOT!!…

Hilariously funny!!!

Lori Lightfoot acted like a rampaging baboon Wednesday morning upon entering GITMO’s south courtroom and coming face-to-face with Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall, whom she had seen only once, and briefly, since arriving at Guantanamo Bay on March 19. Lightfoot growled and snarled and curled his lip; his crazy eyes mad-dogged the admiral. Lightfoot threatened to sue Adm. Crandall for reputational harm and mental duress, $100m for each day he’d suffered in a Camp Delta cell. He said he would soon own GITMO and fill it with Trump supporters.

“Delusions of grandeur are common among your people,” Vice Adm. Crandall said. “And by ‘your people’ I refer to your affiliation with the Deep State, not your race or how you gender identify,” he clarified.

As reported previously, at the time of Lightfoot’s arrest, he had an emotional and mental breakdown, wiggling free of his pants and flashing a schlong at JAG investigators. He had objected when the intake officer noted down his sex as “biological male.”

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0f7c6d No.18704836


buttfuck Hubbard still waved his freak flag fo blonde casino coke homo laundry

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48bac4 No.18704837


Lot's of shit/cum stained bedding.

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800c09 No.18704838

File: 784b22b92f464d4⋯.png (763.57 KB,1024x768,4:3,resist_tranny.png)


>They offed Bob in Orange County.

this anon pays attn

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302f59 No.18704839

File: 0512a5b863ab4d6⋯.gif (1.99 MB,480x325,96:65,31ccf6384dee848f1428027175….gif)

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602b97 No.18704840


almost like when anon goes to the store, but he flips every product on every aisle off.

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75f06c No.18704841


> d8fd8d

look at you glossing over History and why we must not let the nudge-nudge-nudge go on.

they shill the board night and day, anon.

they disrupt it and it is that there are maybe 5 breads a day when there used to be 11 or more.

you just don't want anyone disrupting their constant nudge nudge because?

and I have no answer.

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0f7c6d No.18704842


crackansas on meth fo hubbards blonde casino coke laundry homo

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df37ac No.18704843


of course it is a fucking shill. Telling anons to ignore and redirect the attack is suspect as fuck. Declaring it a slide also as if they get to decide also.

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020d4e No.18704844


Red blood on the doors

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c4bcfe No.18704845


>Anhiser Bush

*Anheuser Busch

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b36102 No.18704846




If you recall, Seth was an ms13 hit.

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800c09 No.18704847

File: 26a3c858ae8634e⋯.png (620.5 KB,746x656,373:328,10_BOOSTER_VAXXIE_TRIGGERE….png)


>I stayed at an all-inclusive resort and never left the property

can't walk the streets

must be doing something evil why go to jamaker just to be a faggot in a hotel

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c5d41f No.18704848


finding a man with a gun and hiding under him?

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0f7c6d No.18704849


hubbard rents blode casino coke homo laundry prono

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818968 No.18704850

why would God have ever wanted sacrifices?

the paradise was originally veggie style.

does seeing a dead animal, like a road kill, enhance meme skills toolwise?

is it moving when feeling e.g. empathy or disgust?

toolsets can be used smarter and they can be changed and expanded.

don´t kill animals, don´t kill anyone. no need for it.

- God

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7e3601 No.18704851

File: 5d0a3625e6ab4f4⋯.png (68.25 KB,569x480,569:480,Road_Rage.png)

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75f06c No.18704852


wow, someone pretending to speak for God.

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932111 No.18704853


left out the MCSO participation

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d8fd8d No.18704854

File: 4edb38f46a0d2dc⋯.jpg (10.86 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe2.jpg)


If that's what you want to focus on, have at 'er. Carry on. I chase bigger fish.

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0f7c6d No.18704855



old florida coke in disguise

so jfk can post smut

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800c09 No.18704856


road rage will save us all

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0f7c6d No.18704857


jfk anus wants to sing bout uncle fukas to baby rapeist

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75f06c No.18704858


ah, the bad-habit mocking shill shows it's stolen meme.

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f5a121 No.18704859


Yea ole lady health insurance asks that very question

Good Lord takes care of me

Is best answer I can give

None of the stuff that happens is by my hand

I try not to get in the way

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0f7c6d No.18704860


juws belieb in your homo addiction and tahn teh Hubbard bill maher antichrist showed U.S. teh guey of blonde casino coke laundry homo unrequitted for midterms again

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818968 No.18704861

File: 8cfb46476dca0ee⋯.png (109.56 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

is carriying my cross supposed to be a bad thing?

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1fac51 No.18704862

File: 16513e9c1875877⋯.mp4 (11.73 MB,854x480,427:240,DJT_Thruted_clip_16APR23.mp4)

File: 995c32173308dc1⋯.png (311.4 KB,835x622,835:622,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump


Apr 16, 2023, 1:29 PM


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34b79b No.18704863

Hedge funds making billions from Ukraine turmoil – study

Experts blame the organizations for exacerbating the food crisis by “betting on hunger”

Ten of the planet's largest hedge funds made nearly $2 billion from the food-price spike that occurred after the start of Russia’s military offensive in Ukraine, The Guardian has reported. The British newspaper cited a report by Greenpeace’s investigative journalism branch Unearthed and Lighthouse Reports, a journalism nonprofit.

Hedge funds are investment firms that buy and sell equities and commodities for profit.

According to the study, analysts examined the returns made by Societe Generale’s SG Trend Index for the first quarter of last year, both prior to the start of the conflict on February 24 last year, and immediately afterwards. The analysis focused on grains and soya beans. Calculations showed that the hedge funds in question made $1.9 billion in returns on these commodities, a much higher figure than the returns on them in the first quarter of any of the previous five years.

“Hedge funds helped inflate a price bubble, putting upward pressure on food prices… and this has affected hunger levels of the world’s poorest people… Hedge funds and financial speculators have made obscene profits by betting on hunger and exacerbating it. That cannot be right,” Olivier De Schutter, a UN special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, said, commenting on the findings. He accused investors of intentionally “piling” into grains and commodities aiming solely to “capitalize on uncertainty and rising food prices.”

Analysts found that food companies have also profited from the crisis. Calculations showed that the globe’s 20 largest food companies made $53.5 billion in windfall profits in the last two years, first from rising food prices during the Covid-19 pandemic and then from last year’s spike amid the crisis in Ukraine.

“What we are witnessing is an enormous transfer of wealth to a few rich families that basically own the global food system, at a time when the majority of the world population is struggling to make ends meet,” Greenpeace International campaigner Davi Martins stated.

The prices of staple foods like wheat and fertilizers rose sharply following the start of the military operation, propelled by soaring energy costs as the globe feared for the future of Russia’s energy exports amid sanctions that followed the conflict. They have somewhat subsided later in the year, especially after the Ukraine grain deal was reached in mid-2022 that allowed the country’s agricultural products to be exported from Ukrainian ports despite the ongoing military action.

However, the situation is still turbulent due to deficiencies in the deal, which has so far failed to assist Russia with its own agricultural exports. Russia faces difficulties exporting its produce due to economic restrictions placed on the country. As a result, global food prices have not yet returned to 2021, pre-conflict levels, prompting the International Monetary Fund to warn last month that “many vulnerable countries still face heightened food insecurity.”

Analysts urged global regulators to introduce stricter rules for market speculation, including better transparency in the food market and restrictions on how big a position investors are allowed to take in this market.


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0f7c6d No.18704864


jfk anus could sang like david bowie at a cheesey baby eating island movie

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d8fd8d No.18704865

File: b82259270116858⋯.png (63.95 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe6.png)



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3cf91f No.18704866

File: 035361c1613349a⋯.jpeg (30.7 KB,251x255,251:255,FSU.jpeg)

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31aaa8 No.18704867

File: 70a87cec8f68b0b⋯.png (419.19 KB,765x1503,85:167,Screenshot_2023_04_16_at_1….png)

File: 6ef608b863a82b6⋯.png (82.42 KB,939x539,939:539,Screenshot_2023_04_16_at_1….png)



check out the name of the cop



Macauley, who was a renowned aerospace researcher, was stabbed to death as she walked her two big dogs the night of July 8, 2016, and there are still no answers.

"You know she knew her neighborhood. She was a careful person. She was a street-savvy person, so how did this happen?" Palmer said.

Palmer and theBaltimore police detective leading the investigation, Sean Dallessandro,are determined to keep the case in the forefront of people's minds.


"We're always looking for that witness, somebody to call, somebody to give us that one tip. This one's rather puzzling, which is nerve wracking to say the least," Dallessandro said.

Macauley's dog walk along relatively quiet University Parkway at 10:47 p.m. was a routine route for her. The killer seems to have appeared out of nowhere and stabbed her several times. She was found on the ground covered in blood, still holding on to the dogs.

Police didn't find a weapon. It didn't appear to be a robbery, and the only apparent witnesses are neighbors who heard her scream.

"You know this didn't have anything to do with drugs. It didn't have anything to do with a domestic incident. It didn't have anything to do with the core of what our homicides usually are," Dallessandro said.

Macauley was the vice president for research at Resources for the Future, a think tank in Washington, D.C. She was a pioneer in space economics, testified before Congress and sat on expert panels.

Dallessandro has enlisted help from the FBI.

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0f7c6d No.18704868


gentrified threeway tries to halp and tahn teh Hubbard bill maher antichrist showed U.S. teh guey of blonde casino coke laundry homo unrequitted for midterms again

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3261a3 No.18704869

File: a919e7e326d7d48⋯.jpg (83.65 KB,505x500,101:100,last.jpg)

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6c3426 No.18704870

File: af129f0a3c1d72c⋯.jpeg (363.95 KB,1024x754,512:377,1024px_Gold_Base_aerial_v….jpeg)




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6c3426 No.18704871


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964df3 No.18704872

File: c9a6d930a5d7b0a⋯.jpg (15.86 KB,350x203,50:29,th_1009752294.jpg)

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0f7c6d No.18704873


hubbard lub border wanted barge parked in vote hole and tahn teh Hubbard bill maher antichrist showed U.S. teh guey of blonde casino coke laundry homo unrequitted for midterms again

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1fac51 No.18704874

File: 08d8794af1d6df0⋯.png (26.59 KB,564x225,188:75,ClipboardImage.png)

Paul Sperry @paulsperry_


Another Chinese spy balloon flew over the U.S. carrier strike group Nimitz in the Pacific in a previously unreported incident in February, according to leaked military intelligence documents

1:49 PM · Apr 16, 2023


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c9d638 No.18704875

Fuck you niggers

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01700c No.18704876





Anon remembers MS13 hit

Like the Le Baron massacre

Le Baron night club (Rachel Chandler)

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0f7c6d No.18704877


and tahn hubbard built vacay homo fo and tahn teh Hubbard bill maher antichrist showed U.S. teh guey of blonde casino coke laundry homo unrequitted for midterms again

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34b79b No.18704878

File: c89876b24458df4⋯.png (289.32 KB,537x587,537:587,ClipboardImage.png)

SNL Goes All In on Supporting Mutilating Children, Has ‘Non-Binary’ Cast Member Go on Rant About ‘Protecting’ Trans Kids

Saturday Night Live went all in defending the mutilation and sterilization of “trans kids” during the weekend update.

The rant about supporting sex change surgeries and hormone treatments was delivered by Molly Kearney, who identifies as “non-binary.”

“As you know, I’ve been wanting to come to Update and talk about trans people. But I have them for a much longer time than that wanted to fly down from the ceiling,” Kearney said after she dropped in on a harness.

“But I’m not gonna lie, this harness is pretty tight and my groin area is beefed,” the actress asserted. “I’ve been hung up by my genitals for far too long and I’m starting to feel like a frickin’ Republican lawmaker.”


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95b3f6 No.18704879


1 Timothy 4

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:

5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

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2e74b6 No.18704880

File: 2c5ad2b8bac50aa⋯.jpg (527.43 KB,2868x2151,4:3,2c5ad2b8bac50aaeef049f9b9c….jpg)

>>18703806 (LB/PB)

What if Trump is allowing all these evil fuckers to die in the grace of the public as martyrs in whatever little good way they were able to make as an agreement for leaving our world and never coming back?

Also, WTF is the "Tao Hum" and why do I get a feeling it's connected to Schumann?

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818968 No.18704881

File: 0bc7fb3cd412896⋯.png (8.24 MB,1831x2043,1831:2043,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd87629734754a1⋯.png (1.17 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f1411a627b9673⋯.png (133.82 KB,254x198,127:99,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f2ca0e9fc2e606⋯.png (1.82 MB,1976x1221,1976:1221,ClipboardImage.png)

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0f7c6d No.18704882


hubbards passion fo wrong poleland invades cum frum juw hoax and tahn teh Hubbard bill maher antichrist showed U.S. teh guey of blonde casino coke laundry homo unrequitted for midterms again

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0f7c6d No.18704883


and tahn teh Hubbard bill maher antichrist showed U.S. teh guey of blonde casino coke laundry homo unrequitted for midterms again

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f3e544 No.18704884

Notables are not endorsements

#22948 >>18704211

>>18704239, >>18704243, >>18704264, >>18704223, >>18704468 1981 'Special Children' Awaiting Adoption/Chambers/Hiss

>>18704275 PF N757AF 757 departed Nashville last night and is at Dulles Int'l now

>>18704276, >>18704295, >>18704314 Lab Grown GOOD Meat Company Has a Murky Past and They’re Extremely Sensitive About It

>>18704289 ECW rt: Taliban leaders meet Hamas terrorist leaders in Doha.

>>18704299 PF KC-135 tanker party east out of Fairchild AFB, Spokane over Montana

>>18704339, >>18704342 Envelopes containing ballots.

>>18704353, >>18704358 "I am batman"

>>18704360 West doesn’t believe in Kiev's Crimea hopes

>>18704365 Archeologists in Italy unearth ancient dolphin statuette

>>18704371 PF Italian AF IAM9001PM Meloniheading to Warsaw from Rome depart

>>18704372 Hedge funds making billions from Ukraine turmoil

>>18704384 Ukraine announces ‘big Easter prisoner swap’

>>18704396, >>18704409 Conservative social media shut down by new owners


>>18704503 Vindman compares leaks: I’m sure there’s a high-minded opportunity to distinguish between a whistleblower and an anti-American, antisemitic, White nationalist but I don’t think these people care. They just want a culture war.

>>18704539 Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas reportedly has been claiming thousands of dollars annually from a shuttered real estate firm

>>18704542 Block Diagram of the Vote Rigging System - share it everywhere

>>18704555 China, Russia, Pakistan and Iran ready to support Afghanistan's reconstruction

>>18704606 NASA scientist Molly Macauley murdered in front of her house 36 hours prior to Seth Rich murder

>>18704622, >>18704665, >>18704734 Anheuser-Busch CEO joins Euronext ESG, almost 7 trillion in capital

>>18704674, >>18704738 @2ndMarineDivision: Hammer Time

>>18704862 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Alvin Bragg targeting the Trump administration and family mp4

>>18704863 Hedge funds making billions from Ukraine turmoil – study

>>18704878 SNL goes all in on supporting mutilating children, has ‘non-binary’ cast member go on rant about ‘protecting’ trans kids


last call

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34b79b No.18704885

File: 1685e143868f2d6⋯.png (163.51 KB,600x389,600:389,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3feea75ba9d0d56⋯.png (365.9 KB,600x441,200:147,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c27cb5027ba560d⋯.png (475.32 KB,600x453,200:151,ClipboardImage.png)

Former Planned Parenthood Director Commits Suicide as Child Porn Investigation Intensifies

A former Planned Parenthood director, Tim Yergeau, 35, was found dead in his New Haven, Connecticut, apartment on Tuesday from suicide.

His death comes as a police investigation into a child pornography case intensified but was hampered by a botched raid on the apartment building in which Yergeau resided.

The Middletown Press reports:

Investigators are looking into the city police department’s botched child pornography raid last week at the apartment building of Long Wharf Theatre staffer Tim Yergeau who died by suicide on Tuesday, officials said.

“The person who died was definitely the suspect in a child pornography investigation and the person who committed suicide,” New Haven Police Chief Karl Jacobson told Hearst Connecticut Media Group on Wednesday.

The chief has requested an internal affairs investigation after members of the Special Victims Unit investigating the child pornography case broke down the door of Yergeau’s neighbor and handcuffed the woman before realizing they raided the wrong apartment.

“They obviously hit the wrong door,” Jacobson said.

The internal affairs investigation will also examine how Yergeau wound up taking his own life five days later, the chief said.

“Unfortunately, a mistake was made,” Jacobson said. “We feel for the woman and we’re going to do everything we can to make it right.”

“The investigation is part of holding my department accountable and transparent,” he added.

Jacobson, who said he plans to reach out to the woman, declined to confirm Yergeau was the suspect in the child pornography investigation. But Yergeau’s neighbor and the state Office of the Chief State Medical Examiner both confirmed he died Tuesday morning. The medical examiner also confirmed Yergeau died by suicide.

Yergeau’s social media is rife with leftist causes including the announcement of his former job with Planned Parenthood.

“Excited to announce that today I start a new job on the marketing/communications team at Planned Parenthood of Southern New England. Excited to be working on issues I’m passionate about: healthcare access, reproductive and sexual health, diversity and inclusion, civic engagement, and voting rights.”


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2e74b6 No.18704886

File: 6cfc69ff9cb71a5⋯.png (19.77 KB,1054x124,17:2,ClipboardImage.png)


I mean, you could be right.

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0f7c6d No.18704887





cause hubbard wanted U.S. to kkknow it was not jus goathomo >>18704883

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95b3f6 No.18704888

File: d8ecc3bed40dd56⋯.jpg (84.41 KB,598x596,299:298,Screen_Shot_2023_03_28_at_….jpg)


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7a328d No.18704889

File: 875b948a5fd0048⋯.jpeg (174.28 KB,1241x841,1241:841,9427F886_8FAF_4B42_BB2D_1….jpeg)

File: 8e7364f2bae661a⋯.jpeg (229.27 KB,1241x948,1241:948,CCC1A796_4E44_48B3_A827_1….jpeg)

File: 2a3914c1267904d⋯.jpeg (218.59 KB,1241x925,1241:925,A0F52D5F_E6B2_4D3C_A684_E….jpeg)




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34b79b No.18704890

UN workers killed in Sudan violence

Three humanitarian aid staff have died during the fighting between two branches of the country’s security forces, an official said

Three employees of the UN World Food Programme (WFP) were killed and two more injured during armed clashes in Sudan, the international agency’s executive director Cindy McCain said on Sunday. The agency has temporarily halted operations in the country, she added.

UN workers were slain on Saturday in the Kabkabiya District in the western part of the country, McCain said. She added that a WFP-operated aircraft was “significantly damaged” at Khartoum International Airport the same day.

“Any loss of life in humanitarian service is unacceptable and I demand immediate steps to guarantee the safety of those who remain,” McCain said, adding that “aid workers are neutral and should never be a target.”

“While we review the evolving security situation, we are forced to temporarily halt all operations in Sudan,” the WFP boss announced.

On Saturday, clashes broke out in the capital Khartoum and other cities between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), an independent security branch with roots in pro-government militias. Each side has accused the other of starting hostilities.

In 2019, Omar al-Bashir, Sudan’s ruler of more than 25 years, was overthrown in a coup. The country has since been governed by the Transitional Sovereignty Council (TSC) that was briefly dissolved and then reinstated in the wake of another coup in 2021. The current conflict comes after a failed attempt to mediate growing tensions between army chief and TSC chairman Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and RSF commander Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, who is also the body’s deputy chairman.

Fighting was reported around the airport and the presidential palace, as well as around military bases. Dagalo claimed on Sky News Arabia on Saturday that his troops were in control of “more than 90% of strategic sites in Khartoum.”

The Sudan Tribune, meanwhile, cited a SAF statement on Sunday as saying that the army has captured seven RSF bases across the country, including one in the capital.

Egypt and South Sudan, sharing a border with Sudan, have called for a ceasefire. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi spoke over the phone with his South Sudanese counterpart, Salva Kiir, on Sunday. The leaders expressed readiness to mediate the end of the conflict, according to Sisi’s spokesman, Ahmad Fahmy.

At least 56 civilians were killed as of Sunday and 595 people, including soldiers, wounded, the Sudanese Doctors’ Union said, as cited by Al Jazeera.


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6c3426 No.18704891

More from Sue Arrigo on Child Abuse and the CIA – c. <June 2007 CIA – DIA Mind Control and Sex Slavery of Children also available here Page 1 [1] Page 2 [2]


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75f06c No.18704892


if you made that meme then you promote bad habits.

How could you, anon?

"if that's what you want to focus on . .. "

what could be more important than telling people to speak up when something is BS and say something to counter the nudge-nudge-marxists, who seem to be here today in force.

Is that a Cuban cigar your bad-habit pepe is smoking?

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d8fd8d No.18704893

File: d380d5b21405ebf⋯.png (1.85 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Don't make me enter the circle again. I'm moar than content to walk the perimeter.

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0f7c6d No.18704894

and tahn xenuites plundered tehy own volcanos in hopes of ressurecting bill maher wants lub wiff blonde casino coke laundry homo

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fce808 No.18704895

File: be85aab21caa48b⋯.jpeg (85.8 KB,509x720,509:720,ghows_LS_4dec8d23_d7b7_3c….jpeg)

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15d96c No.18704896

File: 0ff449120dc7950⋯.gif (2.51 MB,350x245,10:7,sippie_sip.gif)


Thanks for another hopelessness speech muh dude.

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0f7c6d No.18704897

butt tahn jfk smut again fo crack money

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964df3 No.18704898

File: d1a97b3593b336b⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB,432x432,1:1,DUMBS_THESE_CREATURES_LIVI….mp4)


they exist

saw one in '86

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c9edbd No.18704899


Emotional Pleas

Trying to Normalize Mutialting children for Profit

Sick sick people

No one cares about anyone wanting to be trans

But when you want to Cut healthy part off children and call it health care, that's a real problem

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0f7c6d No.18704900


gosh brah

juw noods like taht

prol homo

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020d4e No.18704901


>"Tao Hum"

Taos Hum- Taos, NM. Many have reported hearing the hum. Something underground producing the 'hum'. Some speculate it is an underground train or activity attributed to the government.

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6c3426 No.18704902

File: daf077fbf17ad44⋯.jpeg (47.26 KB,388x488,97:122,freud_exposed.jpeg)


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c9d638 No.18704903


Bring it bitch

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f5a121 No.18704904

File: 63b090c585bd9a8⋯.jpg (2.78 MB,3264x2448,4:3,20230412_195735.jpg)


Yea and when you can take ugly shit

And make it pretty

They want paid

Got this invitation….

They only forgot one thing

Their fucking phone number

Nowhere on the document

Folded part is all about my property

Can't even callem to tellem fuck off

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964df3 No.18704905


some dr. moran splicing genes and letting rover lose

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75f06c No.18704906


considering that New Mexico is a deep state technology colony, it wouldn't surprise me at all if it were some program.

Or maybe it's volcanism ready to burst out.

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d8fd8d No.18704907

File: 162c95876673f28⋯.gif (1.5 MB,330x247,330:247,fuck_outta_here.gif)

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0f7c6d No.18704908


fruitd'oh send singing anus feels fill

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df37ac No.18704909


that seems to almost encourage spying, and sounds like really lax security.

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15d96c No.18704910

File: b4549cb1991b95a⋯.png (197.61 KB,652x499,652:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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020d4e No.18704911


It's been going on for decades now.

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800c09 No.18704912

File: 144c14d3b707ce3⋯.png (678.13 KB,1221x1569,407:523,Former_Planned_Parenthood_….png)


>Former Planned Parenthood Director Commits Suicide as Child Porn Investigation Intensifies

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2e74b6 No.18704913

File: 7b0fcfc132c5bdf⋯.png (379.69 KB,651x912,217:304,7b0fcfc132c5bdff19d364f7ec….png)



Lurk moar.

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7a328d No.18704914

File: 9187b2bbe788dce⋯.jpeg (169.37 KB,1241x908,1241:908,6F365DDC_757E_425D_9FCB_2….jpeg)

File: 4d93259cd8c6df5⋯.jpeg (222.7 KB,1241x1228,1241:1228,3D0B169C_B0A8_4A87_834D_7….jpeg)

This is not good only 85 people answered his question

All the rest wouldn’t admit it!


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cf266a No.18704915


I remember back in the day when spy satellites did this.

The technological advancement is mind boggling.

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95b3f6 No.18704916

File: a54841cbdeb3699⋯.jpg (149.61 KB,1142x642,571:321,Screen_Shot_2021_03_16_at_….jpg)

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612a3d No.18704917


3 Big players in the ESG game

Blackrock (AUM) 8.5 trillion U.S. dollars

Vanguard (AUM) 7.2 trillion USD

Euronext (AUM) 6.8 trillion Euro

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1fac51 No.18704918



Maybe let the memer know


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fce808 No.18704919

File: 662f005a4f69c23⋯.jpg (87.74 KB,898x750,449:375,Vortigern_Dragons.jpg)

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1fac51 No.18704920

File: f2988fd07f585d6⋯.png (626.66 KB,828x813,276:271,ClipboardImage.png)


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7e3601 No.18704921


yep, that's about right…kek.

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c9d638 No.18704922


That’s fake and gay like your life

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800c09 No.18704923


sauce or ftgo

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1fac51 No.18704924

File: d3a3d2ee924c9da⋯.png (402.62 KB,600x1067,600:1067,ClipboardImage.png)


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7a328d No.18704925


I think the kid was set up by the real whistleblower

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0f7c6d No.18704926


frudo ready fo barbed wire thong journey frum shire fo sho #GAHYnigg

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964df3 No.18704927


its the balloons

always had been


nothing in

nothing out

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621e1f No.18704928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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34b79b No.18704929

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c566ac No.18704930


Do anons see it? The USA's methodology of secrets compartmentalization is being discussed in Social Media. The National Security of America is seriously compromised. Does anybody see China, India or Russia security compartmentalization discussed online on Twitter and Facebook?

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6c3426 No.18704931


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621e1f No.18704932

File: 3dae6110780fef6⋯.png (1.51 MB,1398x734,699:367,000PQ99.png)

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621e1f No.18704933

File: 0508cdb4ea6a4d1⋯.png (597.39 KB,886x482,443:241,00a.png)

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621e1f No.18704934

File: 0dc28cd09f9d44d⋯.jpg (266.51 KB,1200x675,16:9,00EcGgYT5XkAAsc2T.jpg)

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cf266a No.18704935


I know.

Why is nobody questioning the devolution from spy satellites to balloons?

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0f7c6d No.18704936


its really just david willcoke rambling in alphabet proxies fo validation

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d8fd8d No.18704937


You got insults I see. You'll need better ones.

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621e1f No.18704938

File: beba68b6c49abb2⋯.png (362.95 KB,523x513,523:513,000NSQ4I.png)

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75f06c No.18704939


do we see any real international news anymore, or just that filtered through the great firewall?

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7a328d No.18704940


StateStreet too

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964df3 No.18704941


just in case

satellites are attatched to the balloon

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df37ac No.18704942


it really doesn't matter too much also if the information contained is correct. I keep failing to here anyone so called Republican perhaps save MTG I think screaming about this and the proxy war Biden has openly lied about happening against russia.

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d8fd8d No.18704943

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0f7c6d No.18704944


old florida coke disgusted by vegas homo cuck coke cause hubbard

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964df3 No.18704945


who is the biggest consumer of helium

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621e1f No.18704946

File: 1d4c567838039ff⋯.png (81.69 KB,693x552,231:184,0kbw1.png)

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7a328d No.18704947


You are right who would logically answer this on social media

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621e1f No.18704948

File: fecefe5cf062050⋯.png (9.25 KB,758x421,758:421,Q_26.png)

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ab7fd4 No.18704949

File: b726343ade656ff⋯.jpg (81.44 KB,798x439,798:439,AB_clown_wins_best_beer.jpg)

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964df3 No.18704950


i am the sauce

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818968 No.18704951

File: 7419ca97eebaf5f⋯.png (1.9 MB,1100x825,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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0f7c6d No.18704952


jfk smut fo coke money

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f3e544 No.18704953


#22948 >>18704211

>>18704239, >>18704243, >>18704264, >>18704223, >>18704468 1981 'Special Children' Awaiting Adoption/Chambers/Hiss

>>18704275 PF N757AF 757 departed Nashville last night and is at Dulles Int'l now

>>18704276, >>18704295, >>18704314 Lab Grown GOOD Meat Company Has a Murky Past and They’re Extremely Sensitive About It

>>18704289 ECW rt: Taliban leaders meet Hamas terrorist leaders in Doha.

>>18704299 PF KC-135 tanker party east out of Fairchild AFB, Spokane over Montana

>>18704339, >>18704342 Envelopes containing ballots.

>>18704353, >>18704358 "I am batman"

>>18704360 West doesn’t believe in Kiev's Crimea hopes

>>18704365 Archeologists in Italy unearth ancient dolphin statuette

>>18704371 PF Italian AF IAM9001PM Meloniheading to Warsaw from Rome depart

>>18704372 Hedge funds making billions from Ukraine turmoil

>>18704384 Ukraine announces ‘big Easter prisoner swap’

>>18704396, >>18704409 Conservative social media shut down by new owners


>>18704503 Vindman compares leaks: I’m sure there’s a high-minded opportunity to distinguish between a whistleblower and an anti-American, antisemitic, White nationalist but I don’t think these people care. They just want a culture war.

>>18704539 Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas reportedly has been claiming thousands of dollars annually from a shuttered real estate firm

>>18704542 Block Diagram of the Vote Rigging System - share it everywhere

>>18704555 China, Russia, Pakistan and Iran ready to support Afghanistan's reconstruction

>>18704606 NASA scientist Molly Macauley murdered in front of her house 36 hours prior to Seth Rich murder

>>18704622, >>18704665, >>18704734 Anheuser-Busch CEO joins Euronext ESG, almost 7 trillion in capital

>>18704674, >>18704738 @2ndMarineDivision: Hammer Time

>>18704862 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Alvin Bragg targeting the Trump administration and family mp4

>>18704863 Hedge funds making billions from Ukraine turmoil – study

>>18704878 SNL goes all in on supporting mutilating children, has ‘non-binary’ cast member go on rant about ‘protecting’ trans kids

>>18704890 UN workers killed in Sudan violence

>>18704885, >>18704912 More digs into Planned Parenthood director who committed suicide as CP investigation intensified



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6c3426 No.18704954


Was q clearance (nuclear) nat sec used to obscure cultists ritual murder, satanic ritual abuse etc. in the USA ?

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800c09 No.18704955


>sauce or ftgo


>sauce or ftgo


>sauce or ftgo

>This was not killed in Nigeria , mumu people.

It's from a part in a movie production still in process. Mumu youtube get information well before posting and looking for views



fake or gay proabbly both

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621e1f No.18704956

File: e940a62fe71b828⋯.png (11.73 KB,750x576,125:96,Q_95_PURGE.png)

File: c160617f895a9ae⋯.png (11.75 KB,745x571,745:571,Q95N.png)

File: 90f7386b6dbe910⋯.png (340.94 KB,1220x856,305:214,Q_95pn1.png)

File: 8ff3d3f6490c1f3⋯.png (956.93 KB,890x1612,445:806,Q95PROOF.png)

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0f7c6d No.18704958


hubbard cuck still mad blonde casino homo coke laundry twat fake

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621e1f No.18704959

File: b64eb1fb68e3b9e⋯.png (11.33 KB,758x474,379:237,Q_32.png)

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ae2ed9 No.18704961



Taxpayer money!

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621e1f No.18704962

File: 9d7d89ed25f583d⋯.png (18.51 KB,748x612,11:9,Q_43.png)

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964df3 No.18704964


it'll wreck their plastic make believe world

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fce808 No.18704965


exterra ordinary arry pepe

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0f7c6d No.18704966


jfk smut wants to fork

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f3e544 No.18704968

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621e1f No.18704969

File: ed6f08168b3c4e3⋯.png (188.6 KB,690x364,345:182,nothing1.png)

File: 625a68a46f2df40⋯.png (716.97 KB,1189x1154,1189:1154,nothing2.png)

File: e1e00683c6358f6⋯.png (544.24 KB,823x1288,823:1288,nothing3.png)

File: 249c0f02a618653⋯.png (1.28 MB,3344x3316,836:829,nothing4.png)

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621e1f No.18704970

File: d380d41a14dd4f1⋯.jpg (10.78 KB,318x159,2:1,d380d41a14dd4f176243265f98….jpg)

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3261a3 No.18704971

File: 879c7acdf2d8f83⋯.jpg (54.07 KB,850x400,17:8,quote_they_don_t_think_it_….jpg)

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818968 No.18704972


>Rank does not matter

F-rank. The one with a body.

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0f7c6d No.18704973


bill maher still wants to taste taht peach tho

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f3e544 No.18704974

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75f06c No.18704975

no one posts news here anymore except for the baker teams.

or if they do it is never notabled.

and then if people post memes, the shills say 'how dare you boycott and great american company' when the company is based in Europe.

this place has not effect anymore.

it's just a place to gatekeeper and pen in people who are copious with posting and good at making memes.

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1fac51 No.18704977

File: bd7720403877e11⋯.png (516.96 KB,750x975,10:13,ClipboardImage.png)


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8ede23 No.18704978


Metabiota is listed on page 3.

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225dd4 No.18704979

File: d16a066e2f50777⋯.png (419.54 KB,1129x1842,1129:1842,ClipboardImage.png)

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602b97 No.18704980

File: cc4e80f72150fec⋯.png (33.29 KB,967x286,967:286,ClipboardImage.png)


maybe anon got it right, maybe not.

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621e1f No.18704985

File: 9946647f4106ea5⋯.png (695.55 KB,888x666,4:3,08092020f1.png)

File: 2ea99571807a244⋯.png (216.53 KB,952x1070,476:535,pcon1g.png)

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2ae004 No.18704986

File: 9b307fad2288d24⋯.png (186.3 KB,667x758,667:758,ClipboardImage.png)

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f3e544 No.18704987

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