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7593c4 No.18364043 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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7593c4 No.18364044

International Q Research Threads

>>18046055 ——–——– Australia #27

>>18070678 ——–——– Canada #39

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>17595232 ——–——– Germany #104

>>18052454 ——–——– Japan #10

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6


Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>18147768

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information Nov 2022: >>18142037, No p*rn videos >>18147527

Bakers: How to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

Formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444

Baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761, No RRN in notes >>17980519, >>18310901

Post notables or step down by @300 >>18311579

>>18360444 8Kun was down for maintenance 2/17/23 00:00-~5:30 Completed(?) NEW

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7593c4 No.18364045


#22510 >>18363207

>>18363232, >>18363320 James Bond villain George Soros says DeSantis will beat Trump for GOP nomination

>>18363237 Hot Potato: China/Germany/Russia looking for excuses to overshadow their own acts of sabotage

>>18363277 A pattern of sabotage and blaming others has emerged among NATO countries

>>18363282, >>18363286, >>18363327 PF

>>18363284, >>18363292, >>18363352 They derailed the East Palestine train directly over a drainage culvert

>>18363287 Fulton County needs to put more pressure on Election Corruption

>>18363297 George Soros endorses DeSantis for 2024

>>18363301 Norfolk Southern [Railroad] Shareholders

>>18363309, >>18363752 Filling Senate Vacancies in PA (Fetterman)

>>18363336 Reminder Brunson vs Adams et al case going to SC conference today

>>18363393, >>18363679, >>18363413, >>18363697 Anons opine DeSantis

>>18363438 Swamp schedule, Feb 17th

>>18363456 Different point-of-view Historical collection

>>18363496 Norfolk Southern says they “Accidentally” (on purpose) asked East Palestine Residents to sign Legal Waivers

>>18363609 The MSC Advisory Council

>>18363628 Nancy Pelosi’s daughter caught on tape refuting J6 Narrative – Admits J6 protests not an Insurrection

>>18363654 Nikki Haley connected to WEF / Klaus Schwab's 'Young Global Leaders'

>>18363688 Norfolk Southern to host a webcast featuring TPTB on Feb. 22nd per a filing w/ the SEC

>>18363700 (Aug. 17, 2017) NASA sending balloons into the sky filled with bacteria

>>18363777 Idaho House of Representatives passes a Resolution to start talks about Greater Idaho

>>18363778, >>18363794 The First Sequencing of the Bivalent vaccines is now available to the public

>>18363805, >>18363808 Eight leading critics of the US Covid-19 response have called for an investigation

>>18363807 World Government Summit panelist says ‘Shock’ needed for ‘Transformation’ into ‘International Order’

>>18363813 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day, Feb 17 2023: 2023 CX1 Meteor Flash

>>18363816, >>18363819, >>18363823 Fauci confesses that Covid vaccines could never have worked as claimed

>>18363838, >>18363843, >>18363849 Andrew Huff says his "attack list" of US food facilities went missing from his PC and is being implemented

>>18363859 Fulton County's Trump Grand Jury Probe was a waste of Time and Money

>>18363888 Idaho lawmakers introduce legislation to criminalize those who administer COVID vaccines

>>18363897 Tennessee legislators have filed a proposal to prohibit the mRNA vaccine in food products

>>18363957 Norfolk Southern had a 2005 railroad chlorine spill in Graniteville, South Carolina

>>18364031 #22510

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7593c4 No.18364047

#22509 updated from #22510

>>18362564, >>18362566, >>18362567 New Hit Piece: Inside QAnon: A Look at an Alarming New Book

>>18362470 There's a psychological war in which the majority of one side doesn't even know they're at war ridicule those that do as conspiracy theorist while being blindly obedient to the enemy

>>18362581 Half A Million Dollars Missing At Stacey Abrams Charity

>>18362536 East Palestine waterways are very polluted. It’s time for Norfolk Southern to finish the cleanup

>>18362582 Dr. Andrew Zywiec Exposes Vax Genocide

>>18362688 Planefag: 2 moar SAMs heading across to Munich Security Conference-781 C-32A is Blinken this time-since Kneepads has already arrived

>>18362691, >>18362716 JuliansRum: noticed the East Palestine train derailed DIRECTLY over 2 drainage pipes (yellow squares). Then I noticed that the orange car (red rectangle) was out of place compared to the cars around it

>>18362835, >>18362856, >>18362860, >>18362887, >>18362889 Auburn Black Student Union produces list of racial slurs for white people — Discovered on GroupMe text chat allegedly associated with organization

>>18362701 “COMPLETE NUT.” Fox News’ Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham Privately Mocked Trump’s Election Fraud Claims, Court Docs Reveal

>>18362736, >>18362934 Asbury Revival a "Spontaneous Outpouring"

>>18362752 Swiss President and Former Minister of Health Alain Berset Under Investigation by Attorney General Over COVID Crimes

>>18362835, >>18362860, >>18362856, >>18362887, >>18362889 Auburn Black Student Union produces list of racial slurs for white people — Discovered on GroupMe text chat allegedly associated with organization

>>18362781 Kari Lake loses appeal in Arizona governor race challenge

>>18362858 No coinkidinks Don Jr

>>18362866 Young woman died after ‘catastrophic reaction’ to Covid vaccine, inquiry told

>>18363855 #22509

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7593c4 No.18364049

#22508 >>18361695

>>18362202 Kun may be down for maintenance soon Reminder

>>18361719, >>18361902 "Long train of abuses" shows up 12 times in Q drops

>>18361852 Corrupt Arizona Appellate Court Ruled For Katie Hobbs

>>18361880, >>18361736, >>18361771, >>18361850, >>18361919 Biden is strong as an ox, Fetterman on suicide watch

>>18361894, >>18362222, >>18362348 George Soros says DeSantis will beat Trump for GOP nomination


>>18361964, >>18362016

>>18362016 FED are giving the European Central Bank $400m a week (avg) in US dollars in exchange for Euros to keep that currency alive

>>18362060, >>18362125 East Palenstine, OH 6000 Dead Fish in Creeks

>>18362142 CBS News Medical Contributor Claims Decline in Vaccination and Mask Use Against COVID Causes Heart Attacks in Young Adults

>>18362199 Breakthrough election fraud arrest by the sheriff in San Joaquin County, CAof a Lodi city councilman named Shakir Khan

>>18362193, >>18362243 Jim Watkins back on twitter!

>>18362229 House is on district work period until the 27th

>>18362269 Ever since FTX’s collapse and bankruptcy, the CTB on AMC has skyrocketed >Wallstreet Crime

>>18362300 Two Las Vegas mothers including former Judge Melanie Andress-Tobiasson (above) committed suicide within five months of each other after crusading against corruption in that city.

>>18362314, >>18362275 Nuland outlines Genocide goals in Ukraine

>>18362336 Australia's Parliament House is evacuated and locked down due to a 'credible threat' with alarms activated

>>18362376 UK NHS #COVIDVACCINE suspended for all ages?

>>18362437 #22508

Previously Collected

>>18360912 #22506, >>18361680 #22507

>>18358613 #22503, >>18359386 #22504, >>18360146 #22505

>>18356337 #22500, >>18357050 #22501, >>18357789 #22502

>>18354073 #22497, >>18354828 #22498, >>18355591 #22499

>>18352493 #22495, #22496-A >>18353245, >>18353301 #22496-B

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #16: Loud and Clear >>18154557

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7593c4 No.18364055

File: 1e3a4401f1819ad⋯.png (347.02 KB,1000x1124,250:281,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 74f59cc24848dca⋯.png (147.75 KB,1242x1606,621:803,ClipboardImage.png)



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04fc55 No.18364071

File: e746b878991cb82⋯.png (52.9 KB,200x150,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)



*click me

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7563a1 No.18364075


Good morning baker.

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4b6adb No.18364078

File: 34d80f67a14c3e8⋯.png (1.22 MB,980x703,980:703,ClipboardImage.png)


noice diggies baker

ty for your service


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57d158 No.18364085

File: 1f3f7d8562a6777⋯.png (1.09 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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75a4f2 No.18364087

Hollywood producer/director here.

Ask me anything.

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90407f No.18364088

File: fb2bd816638cfb6⋯.png (288.31 KB,789x762,263:254,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18364062 lb


WikiLeaks Confirms That Donald Trump Is Son Of Satan

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600932 No.18364090

File: 95c4ee92903d639⋯.png (801.51 KB,1200x676,300:169,TheLast44.png)

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2dcc2d No.18364091

File: 41cc16c045d7576⋯.png (545.4 KB,451x476,451:476,41cc16c045d7576a36dd70be40….png)

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9e6c95 No.18364092

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adf585 No.18364094

File: ab13fb21bd263f0⋯.png (341.55 KB,494x598,19:23,I_Win_Bitches.png)

File: d88744912b5be7c⋯.jpg (75.06 KB,384x356,96:89,2hqdefault.jpg)


Thank you baker.

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600932 No.18364095

File: d7c982b9d096fec⋯.jpg (140.41 KB,1024x816,64:51,flannelsmokes44.jpg)

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a6beac No.18364096

File: f8b9556143f10ba⋯.png (85.98 KB,1080x506,540:253,Screenshot_20230217_103910….png)

Will it be, SOCIAL?

What we need is TruthGPT


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26ce23 No.18364097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

UNDER THE RADAR: Charlotte police yank radar and lidar units amid QCN investigation

UNDER THE RADAR: Just 14 days after we filed an open records request for years of City of Charlotte Government radar certification records, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department yanks 170 radar and lidar units from service.

Our investigation found the city didn't follow NC law in how the city certified speed device testing/calibration – since 2008.

Now, the district attorney and the Mecklenburg County justice system is working to figure out the magnitude of what we uncovered here with the help of a whistleblower.




The City of Charlotte has been breaking the law for 15 years while extorting the people who get caught in their illicit schemes and then fired the Whistleblower.

Government is evil, even if "necessary".

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f6ebb2 No.18364101

File: 06f18d1c47b3cfe⋯.jpeg (86.79 KB,500x475,20:19,06f18d1c47b3cfeec468a9cdb….jpeg)

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4b6adb No.18364103



mabbe that idea of patriotism algo would work, would get on board with that

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230cef No.18364105


No one cares

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7ec793 No.18364106

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a62f3c No.18364108

File: 8eed5669a4c58a8⋯.png (18.07 KB,295x299,295:299,55.PNG)

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abc737 No.18364109

File: 4c4b0d4fb591e68⋯.jpeg (46.21 KB,333x432,37:48,A56CD467_A0FA_4827_B9C3_2….jpeg)

17 Feb, 2023 15:19

US governor trolled with Zelensky image

Donald Trump Jr. suggested Ohio’s Mike DeWine should have dressed up as the Ukrainian leader to secure disaster assistance

Former US president Donald Trump’s son, Donald Jr, has shared an image trolling Ohio governor Mike DeWine for failing to secure disaster assistance from the Biden administration, following a catastrophic train derailment that spilled hazardous materials near the town of East Palestine.

In the image, originally posted to Instagram by an account with the handle that_southern_dude, the governor is illustrated wearing a mask of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky with the caption: "Ohio’s governor after Biden denied his request for disaster assistance.”

On Thursday, the Biden administration turned down a request for federal disaster aid from the state of Ohio, stating it was not eligible for help as the incident does not qualify as a traditional disaster, such as a tornado or hurricane. That’s while the US continues to spend billions of dollars on military assistance to Ukraine.

Last week, a 150-car train carrying ten cars of hazardous materials derailed, allegedly due to mechanical issues involving a rail car axle and emergency brake failure. As a result, a significant quantity of chemicals, including carcinogens, spilled into the air, water and soil.

Norfolk Southern, the train’s operator, then initiated a controlled release and burnoff of the highly toxic gas vinyl chloride from one of the cars, stating that failure to do so would have turned the derailed train into a “bomb.” One issue with burning vinyl chloride, however, is that the process turns it into hydrogen chloride and phosgene, a chemical weapon used in World War I.

Although authorities in Ohio’s East Palestine village have already lifted the initial evacuation order and declared the area safe, a number of residents have complained of alarming physical symptoms, as well as dead pets, livestock, and fish. The Environmental Protection Agency has also pointed out that the water in the area remains unsafe to drink, despite state officials claiming the contrary.

At least five lawsuits have so far been filed against Norfolk Southern over the derailment and failure to properly dispose of contaminated soil, following the leak of toxic butyl acrylate into the Ohio River, which supplies drinking water to about 10% of the US population.

Meanwhile, after over a week of silence, the US Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, who is ultimately in charge of all the country’s railroads, refused to take responsibility for the incident on Wednesday and shifted the blame for the toxic train disaster to the Trump administration.


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000000 No.18364110

Total household debt rose by $394 billion, or 2.4 percent, to $16.90 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2022 highest ever on record

Credit card balances increased by $61 billion to reach $986 billion, surpassing the pre-pandemic high of $927 billion.

Mortgage balances rose to $11.92 trillion.

Auto loan balances to $1.55 trillion.

Student loan balances to $1.60 trillion.

The share of current debt transitioning into delinquency increased for nearly all debt types.


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e4fa22 No.18364111

File: 6bc8cc0a0a630f3⋯.png (1.62 MB,1028x1146,514:573,20220912_205527.png)

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835423 No.18364116

File: c279bbf67e3e69d⋯.png (46.42 KB,601x352,601:352,Screen_Shot_02_17_23_at_10….PNG)

Repost from (llb)

"cuaght" vs "caught"

Kash Patel


Heres the beginning of the problem: Trump stopped construction of Nordstream pipeline. Biden green lit its completion, and now we supposed to believe Biden blew it up. Fake news mafia wants us to believe Biden admits he was wrong n then he sent in our B team to blow it up n got cuaght doing so #FWK . Epic Failure in national security

Kash Patel


nordstream huh???

Feb 17, 2023, 9:58 AM


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04fc55 No.18364117


hollywood is still a thing?

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835423 No.18364119

02/17/2023 = 17 on the 17th day of the month

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9cc52f No.18364120

File: c042f8a4dd21bdd⋯.png (63.24 KB,190x255,38:51,2b88e5c06dfd4ba221cdeaccb2….png)


Train Slide has derailed the Hunter Laptop Release

The state of this place

The fact that not one anon stayed focused



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230cef No.18364121

File: 8c98d431b830878⋯.png (665.94 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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4b6adb No.18364123


and you know they don't begin to tell the truth about the real numbers either

understateed unless it suits them

"a troubling trend" Yellen would say, transient prolly"

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7ec793 No.18364124


Good on those who are weathering the financial chaos well, but this story is true. Many are racking up CC debt and this is a bubble that will burst sooner rather than later.

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99e22d No.18364125

File: 6b8fe3d0387634f⋯.jpg (117.71 KB,1077x953,1077:953,40e6ac005f1e2696.jpg)

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835423 No.18364127


Do you know who is producing this movie?

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57d158 No.18364128

File: b2637a06f1e288f⋯.png (587.41 KB,599x2054,599:2054,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 942edd56e409d92⋯.png (224.18 KB,1161x1171,1161:1171,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89e22f9d57944c4⋯.png (658.79 KB,1167x1102,1167:1102,ClipboardImage.png)

John Greenewald, Jr.


🚨 When I first broke this story in March of 2022, it was revealed that the

@BarackObama Presidential Library had 3,440 pages and 26,271 electronic files on #UFOs, #UAP, #AATIP and/or #AAWSAP.

Those estimates were ONLY the UNCLASSIFED records.

It took me nearly a year after that to hear back on the CLASSIFIED holdings, and those are now in as of this morning.

5,196 electronic CLASSIFIED records have been found pertaining to the topics above. The number of pages/videos/photographs that may entail is still being determined.

This shows that despite the current conversation about balloons, there is likely MUCH MORE to this story that stretches back to the Obama Administration, none of which has been revealed yet.

Although it may take years to get, I will continue to push for how we can expedite the process.

Maybe Congress can help, given current public interest and national security concern, coupled with their desire for public transparency?

Now is the time.

Everyone, please help, comment below and tag Senators/Congress(wo)men who you feel should know about this. I am here for any Senate staffer or elected leader who has questions about this case, and more.

@SenGillibrand @marcorubio @SenBlumenthal

8:32 AM · Feb 16, 2023




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5fe715 No.18364129

File: f429d69877ecb8e⋯.png (396.15 KB,628x472,157:118,f429d69877ecb8e7c45d4772c9….png)

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25a5eb No.18364130


>>>18363232, >>18363320 James Bond villain George Soros says DeSantis will beat Trump for GOP nomination

so you're saying trump will run as an independent? probably easier to pick up moderate dems and other independents that way…

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9e6c95 No.18364131

File: 8a4421efa0dd6f8⋯.jpeg (790.48 KB,692x914,346:457,F475C604_1AAD_4674_9471_C….jpeg)

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1e9d9b No.18364132

File: ac2b4f01dac65c0⋯.png (837.74 KB,1069x1047,1069:1047,ac2b4f01dac65c0368447d4edc….png)

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606874 No.18364133

File: d95e34e9a91408a⋯.png (452.36 KB,649x407,59:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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5fe715 No.18364134


>Hollywood producer/director here.

>Ask me anything.

So who did you hire to play biden?

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7ec793 No.18364135

File: 1d62922f575411d⋯.png (1.25 MB,750x1624,375:812,AEBCE303_BEC9_4FEE_93E0_B3….png)

File: 848a13d24046615⋯.png (431.04 KB,750x1624,375:812,0032B018_9A42_4748_9927_00….png)


The only thing I can think of is pic related and that’s still not satisfying my intrigue and concern.

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17353a No.18364136

File: 15f697b142e9ca7⋯.jpeg (845.43 KB,1035x1945,207:389,6DDF8E50_45A5_4B54_AA71_5….jpeg)

File: a5848da6348fea9⋯.jpeg (721.26 KB,1536x1922,768:961,5008C230_2654_4F12_AAF0_4….jpeg)

Interesting Fact Check

Idk what to think

“This could not be worse for DeSantis,” the article bizarrely claims. “When the devil likes you, you might be doing something wrong.”

But does George Soros actually like DeSantis? Not even close. The claim is based on Soros’s prediction at the 2023 Munich Security Conference that DeSantis will beat Donald Trump for the GOP nomination and that Trump will run as a third-party candidate as a result.

“My hope for 2024 is that Trump and Governor DeSantis of Florida will slug it out for the Republican nomination. Trump has turned into a pitiful figure, continually mourning his loss in 2020,” Sorors said. “Big Republican donors are abandoning him in droves. DeSantis is shrewd, ruthless, and ambitious. He is likely to be a Republican candidate.”

Soros continued, “This could induce Trump, whose narcissism has turned into a disease, to run as a third-party candidate. This would lead to a Democratic landslide and force the Republican Party to reform itself.”



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6a3f9a No.18364137


How do you sleep at night knowing the evil you have helped perpetuate?

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f6ebb2 No.18364138

File: 055c3337aa9e511⋯.jpeg (8.4 KB,230x255,46:51,055c3337aa9e511cc7779d92f….jpeg)


Hunter's laptop is so 2019. You're free to talk about it and keep the focus on it. But you're behaving like a community organizer so it'll probably backfire on your trying to herd all the cats. But it seems like you'd rather whine about it than spend your focus on it.

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9e6c95 No.18364139

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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62fa0a No.18364140

File: 3278b628440a881⋯.jpg (344.31 KB,1300x864,325:216,RETARD_BOT.jpg)


Ultimate truth…. facts that are verified and has a search history.

That would be a nice change to the constant bullshit .

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4b6adb No.18364141


so now it comes forth that we have two tiers of US MI fighting to dominate

wondered when that might be recognized

Space Force wins, hands down, not without a fight but will dominate in the end

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606874 No.18364142

File: 8266d2824f7fd66⋯.png (225.23 KB,510x438,85:73,ClipboardImage.png)


do ants have hair?

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4024b5 No.18364143

File: d320d5a61976d23⋯.jpg (13.56 KB,600x462,100:77,d320d5a61976d235cf604fa939….jpg)

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7d2d2f No.18364144


Hollywood, Florida?

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074ad7 No.18364145


why do you think anyone gives a flying fuck about who you are, just another worthless hollywood sack of shit.

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9a17aa No.18364147

File: 88d75eb89792af2⋯.png (134.73 KB,400x392,50:49,my_meme_noaw.png)

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04fc55 No.18364148

File: ea46d9a43fbcac8⋯.png (2.31 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,ClipboardImage.png)


what about the amish people water supply???

Ohio river?

two things at once is too confusing.

the laptop is the slide

ohio is a slide

amish are a slide

hunter's cock is a slide

rivers are a slide

chemical's are a slide

hollywood is a slide

that is a 9D Slide

this shit is complex

wuhan fauci maggot beagle complex

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7593c4 No.18364149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7ec793 No.18364150


Any viable candidate, who runs as an Independent, guarantees a Democrat victory. It’s been proven time and again. You can set your watch by it. No worries though, Trump won’t run as an independent.

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62fa0a No.18364151

File: 6deec461845050f⋯.jpg (282.94 KB,992x540,248:135,A_major_shitstain.jpg)

File: 6eb441fa09d3616⋯.jpg (93.53 KB,960x774,160:129,LOOK_AT_THE_MISERY_FOOL.jpg)

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57d158 No.18364152


Unintended giant black line of spoiler format

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600932 No.18364153

File: 77ac935207c449c⋯.png (305.56 KB,640x640,1:1,77ac935207c449c55942ada5b9….png)

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99276f No.18364154

File: 67db9b8b15a7d03⋯.png (469.63 KB,527x654,527:654,Capture.PNG)

King of Battle 💥

Soldiers with 2nd Battalion, 17th Field Artillery Regiment,


fire an M777 Howitzer during a training exercise in South Korea.

📸: SGT Jerod Hathaway

#FridayFeeling #Readiness #USArmy


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4b6adb No.18364155


Do you code by chance?

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646452 No.18364156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I;ve got pregnant om this song.

I had one boy and one girl.

Thanks to you, don't know who's who……

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835423 No.18364157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Beyoncé - Halo

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5d52ea No.18364158

File: 3592be8c3231364⋯.png (713.17 KB,784x788,196:197,ban.png)


new ww2 movie?

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600932 No.18364159

File: 93be67713236268⋯.jpg (15.85 KB,255x255,1:1,93be67713236268f98d9e4f6e4….jpg)

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f6ebb2 No.18364160

File: 8e854a190ccbe1c⋯.jpg (285.98 KB,878x1278,439:639,alcmuujsgafa1.jpg)

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e0144d No.18364161


Shitty coke old gloryhole

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6191a7 No.18364163


Why do good things happen to bad people?

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c87856 No.18364164


French lust

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84b836 No.18364165

File: d81f56fda067d5e⋯.jpg (59.47 KB,778x544,389:272,20230217_085402.jpg)


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310945 No.18364166



All PB

>>18299615 Note the names of pics






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6a3f9a No.18364167



Because it's not new news to anons.

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9e6c95 No.18364168

File: d6540bc284eb3e5⋯.gif (3.24 MB,343x498,343:498,B333E189_88ED_446F_AE68_85….gif)

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04fc55 No.18364169

File: 138c37e8242df40⋯.png (561.81 KB,621x643,621:643,ClipboardImage.png)


so the guy who didnt grad from columbia and was Bush's step son was in contact with reptillian's?

What we def need congress focusing on is reptillain balloons.

Twatter is the news?

anon thought this place was the news?

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4b6adb No.18364170

File: 2e33359b7792afe⋯.png (465.18 KB,598x806,23:31,2e33359b7792afe6d2fb355c1f….png)


mornin bro


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62d6c6 No.18364171



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06f824 No.18364172

File: b4f25d5a591c6be⋯.jpeg (613.87 KB,1242x1811,1242:1811,6FFF11F1_2C67_46C7_AAE7_9….jpeg)


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6f7d81 No.18364174


FELTCHER and denile boofer

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600932 No.18364175

File: e0a6fcd47b4f82e⋯.jpeg (76.81 KB,690x499,690:499,e0a6fcd47b4f82e5d860064a9….jpeg)

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57d158 No.18364176


Light friends

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84b836 No.18364177

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2c87a0 No.18364178


Exotic pedo bacon in French suits

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600932 No.18364179

File: 1625cb3570877b6⋯.png (430.02 KB,766x545,766:545,PepeJetson.png)

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0f7d1b No.18364180


Subversive scat philia

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5321ae No.18364182


Hubbards old gloryhole still

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600932 No.18364183

File: b98b323759762ed⋯.gif (3.28 MB,343x498,343:498,lickKittehwig.gif)

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9c107c No.18364184

File: 53bc62bf78f95b6⋯.jpg (519.3 KB,1080x1937,1080:1937,Screenshot_20230217_075755….jpg)


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2314e2 No.18364185


Juws are still delicious tho

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e77653 No.18364186


>What we need is TruthGPT

what is that?

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abc737 No.18364187

File: 38b4978f3ad95e2⋯.mp4 (6.39 MB,640x360,16:9,X6F9YEFXhLArMAJv.mp4)

Follow Nick Sortor reporting directly from East Palenstine, OH. He took this video of the chemicals in the water yesterday. Has over 12 million views.

Nick Sortor


Even MORE proof that the EPA is LYING to the people of East Palestine.



4:09 PM · Feb 16, 2023

from East Palestine, OH·


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fcbb36 No.18364188


Why do you work with writers who have no talent?

Why does Hollywood option books, then rewrite the script as a woke piece of shit?

Why doesn't anyone in Hollywood have an original fucking idea?

ON a scale of 1-10, how ashamed are you of what Hollywood is producing?

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cf342a No.18364189


Fed smut

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401435 No.18364190


вłesseđ otyenrp.

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606874 No.18364191

File: ddfaa7e17da833d⋯.png (557.1 KB,1190x551,1190:551,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b1f6c57a48e514⋯.png (352.5 KB,487x444,487:444,ClipboardImage.png)

PlaneFag CONUS Activity: RCAF CFC01 CC-150 PolarisTrudopeback to Ottawa from Nassau, Bahamas depart

8:30 a.m. The Prime Minister will depart for Ottawa, Canada.


Trudeau to deploy navy vessels to Haiti for 'intelligence gathering'

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a slate of new supports for Haiti in the Bahamas on Thursday including humanitarian aid and some naval vessels to help with surveillance. But he stopped short of proposing the kind of military force its de facto prime minister is asking for, as experts urge him to put the brakes on growing discussions of foreign intervention. Trudeau told a meeting of 20 Caribbean Community leaders that Canada will provide $12.3 million in new humanitarian assistance for the crisis-torn country and $10 million for the International Office on Migration to support migrants in the region.


SAMFOX G5 departed JBA north-this used to mean a foreign VIP-if they still use it for that-also the mascot of the 99th Airlift Squad but looks like roundies at Harrisburg Int'l, PA

RCH4179 C-17 heading across the Atlantic with moar Potato Poland visit equipment

PAT671 US Army Beech Super King Air west from Concord, N.H. ground stop of about 30m after arriving from R.I. Quonset Airport overnight

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04fc55 No.18364192

File: 1cefe2455cfd709⋯.png (480.55 KB,220x221,220:221,ClipboardImage.png)



*learn to




cant end it on a 4 post. dis da fif!!!

qui shake 4 you



same shit diff posts

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b7dda8 No.18364193

Who has a map?

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e87653 No.18364194



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854b92 No.18364195


Good morning and Thank you Baker!

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4b1f7d No.18364197

File: d193211dd5f627d⋯.png (487.03 KB,1420x657,1420:657,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18363232 lb

>>18363297 lb

>George Soros endorses DeSantis for 2024


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600932 No.18364198

File: c3f14004548b038⋯.jpg (142.03 KB,500x506,250:253,MercatorPfft.jpg)

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66965a No.18364199

File: c6d329aa69c6ea3⋯.png (9.48 MB,1763x9008,1763:9008,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d55a51b1ea1eb67⋯.png (865.82 KB,1857x950,1857:950,ClipboardImage.png)

re: Graniteville Norfolk Southern accident from 2005: Remembrances of the accident published in 2021. Intrasting that the original accident was on Jan. 6th.

"Jan. 6, 2021 marks the 16th anniversary of the deadly Graniteville train wreck and subsequent chlorine leak which killed nine and had a lasting impact on the region. Below is some of the coverage of the event and the aftermath."


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401435 No.18364200

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2807a3 No.18364201


Poleland gas chamber juws

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606874 No.18364203

File: 16b0841acfc23a1⋯.png (693.68 KB,678x675,226:225,ClipboardImage.png)


good so far

slept pretty well for a change and not cold AF today (for here)


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f4c30c No.18364204

File: 044171059b691d8⋯.jpg (394.87 KB,1842x1236,307:206,those_who_scream_the_loude….jpg)


Will you be able to walk down the street?

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a19c39 No.18364205

File: e6e168ae1a86be1⋯.jpg (25.65 KB,700x467,700:467,hi_bear.jpg)


hi shitty memes guy hiiiii

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9b19b8 No.18364206

File: a000f062fce9f60⋯.png (253.83 KB,409x357,409:357,eights.png)


do you have any 8s?

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600932 No.18364208

File: 4db1d2dd9f69a31⋯.jpg (14.96 KB,255x255,1:1,bernSnacks44.jpg)

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3d8737 No.18364209


Hooker money spam

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606874 No.18364210

File: 849e6435bf57b42⋯.png (513.94 KB,681x577,681:577,ClipboardImage.png)

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a82da4 No.18364212


Moses faggotrotica pron meta

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abc737 No.18364213


Absolutely disgusting

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62fa0a No.18364214

File: d24bad6a8e53bee⋯.jpg (14.09 KB,373x135,373:135,suck_my_balls.jpg)


Wow…. does that mean you're turning that biden shit meme into something perverse.

The way your mind works is…… welllll…. it's just fucked.


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d009c6 No.18364215


Complimentary fed CP

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646452 No.18364216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b7dda8 No.18364217

File: b9bfc6d964483c2⋯.jpg (26.55 KB,474x386,237:193,th_3120795094.jpg)


mer c_a


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401435 No.18364219

File: fab5fe17a387f6a⋯.gif (251.56 KB,906x509,906:509,20201021_163652.gif)


h3llo randy

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64e55b No.18364220


why can you not make a good movie?

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725c52 No.18364221


Interracial pron hiding trannywhore

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04fc55 No.18364222

File: 5b55ca6d886daeb⋯.png (147.19 KB,1001x519,1001:519,ClipboardImage.png)

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e77653 No.18364223


>It took me nearly a year after that to hear back on the CLASSIFIED holdings


What is Obama doing with 'CLASSIFIED' documents?


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46cd30 No.18364224


nice looking honeypot ya got there

fuck off fed

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fcbb36 No.18364225

File: 2c27bc022a48db7⋯.png (790.09 KB,616x760,77:95,00pride.PNG)


It's fine anon. Pretty rainbows mean Pride.

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6f22c3 No.18364226

File: a37ab1853773052⋯.jpg (44.58 KB,600x257,600:257,a37ab1853773052147a50f4703….jpg)

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e87dc5 No.18364227


reinstate my account ChiefTwatFaggot and I will give you and your Twat minions more Truth again

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9c107c No.18364228

File: 21a066ce8cfca4e⋯.jpg (716.01 KB,1077x1908,359:636,Screenshot_20230217_080331….jpg)



Former JBLM staff sergeant sentenced 22 years for sex trafficking, child pornography


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725c52 No.18364229


Trannywhore fights for antiques

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6a426a No.18364230


>Fake News wants us to believe Biden blew up Nordstream

Uh, Kash, which MSM rag is claiming this?

I've only seen Newsweek give it some mealy-mouth acceptance.

The rest have stuck to the White House's official line, that Biden had nothing to do with it.

Why is it hard to believe Biden blew it up?

Blinken said the destruction of the pipeline was a "tremendous strategic opportunity"

US State Department's Queen of Ukraine, Victoria Nuland, said "the administration is very gratified to know that Nord Stream 2 is now a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea."

Sounds like a bunch of people who are happy Nordstream is dead.

So Kash, if it wasn't Biden, who was it, Putin?

The guy who had the most to lose?

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99276f No.18364231

File: 992b10079722049⋯.png (10.15 KB,497x142,7:2,Capture.PNG)

Russia starts Naval exercises with #China, South Arica, in the Indian Ocean.


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646452 No.18364232


how the fuck you know that it is child porn?

do you have premonitions????

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ef5821 No.18364233


Tweaker laundry gets on fed CP bandwagon laundry

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267a5c No.18364234


>does not qualify as a traditional disaster

this is beyond obscenity

so much is being revealed here

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f6ebb2 No.18364235

File: aa26cf4904bf4aa⋯.png (1.12 MB,1080x1255,216:251,ClipboardImage.png)

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401435 No.18364236


it says child porn?

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854b92 No.18364237



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230cef No.18364239

File: a9e9b47e0e17a50⋯.png (144.9 KB,540x460,27:23,ClipboardImage.png)


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4b6adb No.18364240

File: 719ada8b4bfe3f3⋯.png (368.36 KB,556x417,4:3,719ada8b4bfe3f3825c703b100….png)


new mattress did the trick

scared me this late in the game to have prollems

damn yo

feelz for ya intensified

ghuud bumpin along

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655946 No.18364241


Self flattering flatulence

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646452 No.18364242




>vid pic lolita




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9a17aa No.18364243

MFA Russia 🇷🇺


Russia government organization

🔴 #LIVE: Briefing by Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria #Zakharova on topical foreign policy issues

4:00 AM · Feb 17, 2023



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abc737 No.18364244

File: f85e1ad51f55db6⋯.jpeg (112.23 KB,768x432,16:9,FF8707B1_1C5F_4015_A22B_E….jpeg)

17 Feb, 2023 15:25

Ukraine ‘peace petition’ backed by nearly half a million Germans

The document co-authored by prominent left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht suggests weapons deliveries should stop

Almost 500,000 Germans have supported a petition urging Chancellor Olaf Scholz to spearhead efforts for peace negotiations in Ukraine. The appeal is authored by journalist Alice Schwarzer and Sahra Wagenknecht, a prominent member of Germany’s Left Party (Die Linke), and implores officials in Berlin not to provide Kiev with more weapons.

The document, which was published last Friday and has since gathered an increasing number of supporters, claims that the conflict in Ukraine has alreadycost the lives of more than 200,000 military personnel and 50,000 civilians.

“If the fighting goes on like this, Ukraine will soon be a depopulated, destroyed country,” the authors warn. Wagenknecht and Schwarzer also argue that “a lot of people in Europe fear an expansion of the war.”

The petition asserts that Ukrainians need solidarity from Germany, but questions whether Berlin’s current policies truly reflect the support they require.

“What is now, one year on, the actual goal of this war?” the authors ask, citing German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock’s recent comment about Europe being at war with Russia.

The petition expresses skepticism over whether Scholz’s government will keep its word and not provide Ukraine with fighter jets. According to Wagenknecht and Schwarzer, the German chancellor has already crossed multiple “red lines” in recent months.

The pair also warn that Russian President Vladimir Putin could unleash a “maximum counterstrike,” should Ukraine retake Crimea – which is among the goals set by senior officials in Kiev.

“Are we theninexorably sliding down a chute leading to a world war and nuclear war?” the petition asks, adding that numerous major conflicts have begun this way, and that another could end up being the last for mankind.

The petition stresses that “to negotiate doesn’t mean to capitulate,” but rather to “make compromises on both sides.” The authors claim that half of the German population wants immediate peace talks, and suggest that the government should heed their calls.

“We demand that the federal chancellor stop the escalation of weapons deliveries,” the document states, urging officials in Berlin to focus on peace efforts and form an international alliance to this end.

The petition had received 496,008 signatures at the time of writing.

Moscow has repeatedly signaled it is open to talks with Kiev, provided that Ukrainian leaders accept Russia’s conditions and recognize what the Kremlin calls the “reality on the ground.”

In early October 2022, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky ruled out negotiations with his Russian counterpart. Kiev is insisting on a military victory over Russia, and refuses to make any territorial concessions to its neighbor.


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d4f23f No.18364245


Sweet tune, anon!

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99276f No.18364246

File: 996c03470bc7cbf⋯.png (18.96 KB,526x178,263:89,Capture.PNG)

File: cfe982588a71fc1⋯.png (15.39 KB,359x328,359:328,image_2023_02_17_110724644.png)

Millions of Americans have depression. Some of them are in Congress.


has shown leadership in sharing his experience and has doubtless helped others by talking publicly about seeking treatment. Wishing him a swift recovery.


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6a426a No.18364247

File: ecd281800592d3d⋯.png (611.3 KB,1024x761,1024:761,ClipboardImage.png)




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719c45 No.18364248


If you had a bunch of assets up there and you don't want them being destroyed, you might try to protect them with a little chaff.

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26b67e No.18364249


Pretentiousness batjoto juwing smut

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646452 No.18364250


that c?????????

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e77653 No.18364251

>>18364187 vid of chemical spill in E Palenstine creek


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62fa0a No.18364252

File: 9579fba87b901cb⋯.jpg (139.47 KB,480x600,4:5,RESPECT_DELUSIONS.jpg)

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f6ebb2 No.18364253

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,409x393,409:393,kek.jpg)


KEK. Not going to call it pretty, anon?

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90407f No.18364254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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646452 No.18364255


could mean carbon

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99276f No.18364256

File: 0a0329dce3e459a⋯.png (23.58 KB,646x252,323:126,Capture.PNG)

‘Say hello to Snow White’: Ex-JP Morgan exec contacted Epstein about Disney princesses


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affd74 No.18364258

File: 7175ba92570d5b3⋯.png (659.44 KB,568x696,71:87,bitch.png)

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078924 No.18364259


Obamafarts still getting over Ukraine tranny as side pony

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fcbb36 No.18364260


>Millions of Americans <are mentally ill>. Some of them are in Congress.


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d76cf5 No.18364261

File: 10b0d20d4b14f9f⋯.png (55.54 KB,281x420,281:420,Lurchi1.png)

File: 745af3555fc69da⋯.png (361.6 KB,351x417,117:139,1264add012944edc2466ee2a09….png)


Where is my money kleptomaniac mongrels?

You owe me a few hundred billion!

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9a17aa No.18364262

File: fa63177dd7e8f54⋯.png (326.71 KB,604x607,604:607,mfa_ohio.png)

See new Tweets


MFA Russia 🇷🇺


Russia government organization

💬#Zakharova: While professing to be committed to the environmental agenda and accusing others of insufficiently ambitious nature protection efforts, the US administration hushes up the failures with the transportation of hazardous cargo in the country ☣️

4:16 AM · Feb 17, 2023


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eb8af5 No.18364263


lolita is all you need see.

it labels them often enow.

why don't you go confirm or disprove.



please donot interact with the pædophiles.

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abc737 No.18364264

File: 6bb94e84d20372b⋯.jpeg (205.27 KB,768x432,16:9,E11D0D5E_6F6F_4607_A9E6_E….jpeg)

17 Feb, 2023 15:30

Police told to keep record of ‘conspiracy theorists’ and ‘communists’

Law enforcement in Australia’s Queensland must report interactions with ‘extremists’ to counter-terror teams

The Queensland police are required to report interactions with people who “allegedly hold a range of ideological beliefs” including “conspiracy theorists” according to an email sent to all members of the Queensland Police Service on Thursday and seen by ABC News.

Police must record interactions with such individuals in the state’s QPrime database “at the first available opportunity,” the email states, explaining that in addition to “conspiracy theorists,” “religious, social or political extremists and sovereign citizens, as well as people with ideologies relating to capitalism, communism, socialism or Marxism” also fit the bill.

Officers were also told to report “all matters that indicate concerning or escalating behavior due to ideological beliefs, including religious and single-issue ideologies” and advised of the “risks” inherent in dealing with these groups.

The guidance comes after a deadly shooting in Wieambilla in December left two officers and a civilian dead, in addition to the three shooters. Nathaniel, Gareth and Stacey Train reportedly gunned down constables Rachel McCrow and Matthew Arnold and injured two other officers on their property, also killing neighbor Alan Dare when he was drawn to the scene by the noise. The Trains were then killed by specialist police following an hours-long standoff.

Authorities are calling the incident a “religious terror attack,” citing the Trains’ Christian fundamentalist beliefs, a strain known as premillenarianism whose adherents prepare for and anticipate the End of Days. A police investigation concluded the family had “acted as an autonomous cell” to carry out the attack, Queensland Police Deputy Commissioner Tracy Linford told reporters on Thursday.

“Christian extremist ideology has been linked to other attacks around the world but this is the first time we’ve seen it in Australia,” the deputy commissioner said, acknowledging that there was no evidence the family had identified themselves as “sovereign citizens.” Stacey Train’s diary reportedly described police as “monsters and demons.”

Police were potentially “lured” to the Trains’ farm in search of Nathaniel, a high school principal who had been reported missing by his estranged wife in New South Wales and was wanted on firearms charges.

Much has been made of Gareth Train’s postings on online forums, where he described Covid-19 as a “neurological bio-weapon” and the 1996 Port Arthur massacre, which led to sharply restricted gun ownership for civilians, as an operation to “disarm the Australian population.”


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785970 No.18364265


Hubbards old gloryhole still trying to spam pedo franchise

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606874 No.18364266


>new mattress did the trick


years ago bought one w/ pillow top and thought that would work better..it did not

Current (harder one) mucho better plus adjustable

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9c107c No.18364267

File: 1d10971e22d1296⋯.jpg (680.59 KB,1080x2107,1080:2107,Screenshot_20230217_080953….jpg)

Adopt a rabbit

Tacoma animal shelter in dire need of help, 223 rabbits confiscated from Puyallup home


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38ab89 No.18364268

File: bbad1362d5c032e⋯.png (14.51 KB,820x608,205:152,qa_416_P_SOROS.png)

File: 95736cbc5202a30⋯.png (1.5 MB,2968x2632,53:47,1413_S.png)

File: 640f8aa3ea47156⋯.png (60.23 KB,582x444,97:74,Q_1295.png)

File: 6c0f6f010f02ea9⋯.png (116.31 KB,574x822,287:411,Q_1328.png)



PAYSEUR PART 4: TRUST the Plan 12/14 Q Lounge Live #Qarmy

"Starting at 20:00 after we go over the Q linkING to to my Twitter once again. Q2582.

Part 4 PAYSEUR, TRUST the Plan with myself and host @ShadyGrooove. Bringing ALL the PAYSEUR information to today!"

"A 1000 year old illusion!"

"Conspiracy analysts"

"Q uses the word Trust all the time"

"The mirror of Trust is anti Trust!"

"Trust trust trust!"

"When Q says "TRUST the plan" Q is referring to the Payseur trust!"

"it's not Pope, it's not Pindar, it is Payseur!"



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90407f No.18364270

File: b46bcd4d173e260⋯.png (107.78 KB,386x413,386:413,ClipboardImage.png)

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646452 No.18364271

Pornhub embed. Click thumbnail to play.


since you are so fucking deepshit.

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36dd23 No.18364272

File: fb756adf17c589b⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB,2160x1080,2:1,AB1014C4_27C1_4ECA_98EC_1….jpeg)

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7ec793 No.18364273

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is the part they left out regarding Soros “supporting” DeSantis.

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2ced76 No.18364274

File: bebd3655681b833⋯.png (357.53 KB,1200x626,600:313,nightshiftlaunch1.png)

Another great day. Let's go!

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686ac5 No.18364275

File: ef183dfe020cc7a⋯.png (667.69 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1676649959968.png)

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230cef No.18364276

File: 5d3cea5fa201fd0⋯.png (410.17 KB,510x1044,85:174,ClipboardImage.png)


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f6ebb2 No.18364277

File: 42b1cfc4ab1d8e0⋯.png (927.8 KB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


Why do you fuck kids?

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90407f No.18364278


I'll take a couple.

They're good eating.

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2ced76 No.18364279

File: 75c98164338bf61⋯.png (523.73 KB,640x629,640:629,moarpotsijuana1.png)

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62fa0a No.18364280

File: 2bd61c45d2e23e1⋯.jpg (170.8 KB,1146x644,573:322,DON_T_MAKE_US_VISIT_YOU.jpg)

File: 5ec1469a166e5c0⋯.jpg (196.1 KB,1149x644,1149:644,CAUSING_security_and_count….jpg)

File: cdcc8cdd8b06c11⋯.jpg (183.98 KB,1148x645,1148:645,conspiracy_theorists_over_….jpg)

File: 4ac508f45c633e0⋯.jpg (178.13 KB,1144x612,286:153,government_sanctioned_opin….jpg)

File: 9529e65b6c59097⋯.jpg (203.97 KB,1150x646,575:323,WHEN_YOU_COVER_FOR_BIG_GOV….jpg)

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75a4f2 No.18364281


they want a job right?

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619c7a No.18364282

File: 731d426b0310033⋯.jpg (51.61 KB,856x500,214:125,uyfhkdfbvfd.jpg)

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99276f No.18364283

File: 3c8cc18ace1e08b⋯.png (16.83 KB,401x286,401:286,image_2023_02_17_111222740.png)

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f0ea51 No.18364284

File: abcec503464fc00⋯.png (1.25 MB,1196x1226,598:613,FBIlargestTROVEpedophiliac….png)



Exclusive: FBI says it has ‘contained’ cyber incident on bureau’s computer network


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2e10a2 No.18364285

File: 05e110c4441c196⋯.png (8.97 KB,743x366,743:366,nsla.png)

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62fa0a No.18364286

File: b91b1fe7661bd78⋯.jpg (225.23 KB,1152x648,16:9,WE_RE_HERE_TO_HELP_VACCINE….jpg)

File: 570f4a2cfd004a8⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,2556x1172,639:293,COUNTER_TERROR_NOPE_TERROR….jpg)

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e4ee5f No.18364287


International Q Research Threads

>>18046055 ——–——– Australia #27

>>18070678 ——–——– Canada #39

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>17595232 ——–——– Germany #104

>>18052454 ——–——– Japan #10

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6

Aren't you going to change this?

Or are you not going to change it because the territory here is fixed?

Or do you want me to bake my own bread and change it?

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06f824 No.18364288

File: b6972bb1df95df3⋯.jpg (115.14 KB,890x433,890:433,NSF35B.JPG)

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c9977d No.18364289

File: 9e3aa245e0f8300⋯.png (5.85 MB,1792x828,448:207,E3066121_5FF4_4072_9123_84….png)

File: b9a94d0abe770cb⋯.webp (67.12 KB,1200x674,600:337,CA79487D_9EB8_44A2_AC4B_E….webp)

Jfktranny still in closet bout queer volcano dungeon wiff hubbards old gloryhole

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4b1f7d No.18364290

File: 28f28e23ce33220⋯.png (148 KB,648x452,162:113,ClipboardImage.png)

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a0c789 No.18364291


no. only truth is served here by the cadre of anons. those worshiping or pushing men, idols, icons, etc are serving that other thing, and have obvious, oppositional motives.

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b7c725 No.18364292

File: f27fa729ee584bf⋯.jpg (210.81 KB,621x448,621:448,bidenau.jpg)

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f6ebb2 No.18364293


That's a disgusting answer. Fuck a child to get a job. Sick shit.

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eb8af5 No.18364294


paytriots to a man

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9a6d4d No.18364296

What if danvil butthomo? What if Josh butthomo too?

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9a17aa No.18364297

File: 449ed89398ad786⋯.png (381.15 KB,602x647,602:647,mfa_nato.png)

MFA Russia 🇷🇺


💬 #Zakharova: #NATO countries do not care about the future of Ukraine and its people. What they want is to continue the conflict against Russia, sending others to die on the battlefield.

❗️ By pumping more weapons into Ukraine, they have long become instigators of Kiev’s crimes.

4:37 AM · Feb 17, 2023


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99276f No.18364298

File: 7dbb56b1b42c250⋯.jpg (66.78 KB,480x576,5:6,IMG_7992.JPG)

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abc737 No.18364299

File: 905d24c8e00c00f⋯.jpeg (88.67 KB,768x432,16:9,41E1D2E5_B295_4A61_8FB0_1….jpeg)

17 Feb, 2023 15:48

Top Russian academic explains rapprochement with Africa

The conflict in Ukraine has revealed Moscow’s true friends and foes, head of the Institute for African Studies says

Many African countries have resisted pressure to condemn Moscow over the Ukraine conflict because they see that the West is now using the same methods of “colonial oppression” against Russia that their own continent had suffered from, Irina Abramova, director of the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, has told RT.

The conflict in Ukraine has “given a new impetus to Russia’s return to Africa. It tore away the disguises, revealing our true friends and foes,” Abramova said in an interview on Friday.

The African nations “weren’t afraid to speak up against the economic sanctions [on Moscow] and stood firm in the face of enormous pressure from the West. Despite certain inconsistencies during the voting on some of the UN’s anti-Russian resolutions, their behavior was exemplary,” she recalled.

Last March, 26 African countries out of 54 refused to support a UN resolution condemning Russia, mostly abstaining or not submitting their votes. The number of nations from the continent who didn’t back a similar document in October, had increased to 28.

One of the reasons for that was that Africa sees “that the same methods of colonial oppression once utilized against Africa are being used today against Russia,” the academic explained.

The Africans are also “grateful [to Moscow] because they remember how the Soviet Union helped them achieve both political and economic sovereignty,” Abramova said.

“The USSR built over 300 major industrial enterprises, more than 1,000 infrastructure facilities, and trained over 500,000 staff in Africa,” she said.

Russia reducing its activities on the continent in the 1990s “was a big mistake and now we’re starting to realize it,” the academic pointed out.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has made two African tours in less than a year, visiting Egypt, Ethiopia, Uganda and the Republic of the Congo in summer, and traveling to South Africa, Angola, Eswatini and Eritrea in January.

Moscow has a lot to gain from restoring relations with Africa because the continent is “a global leader in financial technology and decentralized finance, or a third of resources that the world’s green economies and defense industries require are located in Africa, or that 60% of the continent’s people are younger than 25 years of age, meaning that they are the future of the world,” Abramova pointed out.

Africa, for its part, is interested in boosting trade with Russia while dealing without middlemen, as well as getting access to Russian technologies that are essential to speed up its modernization, she said.


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a6beac No.18364300

Republicans mock Biden for having fighter jets potentially shoot down a $13 hobby balloon and providing a 'powerful deterrence for any high school science clubs that might try to invade America'


When the Bottlecap Balloon Brigade discovered their hobby balloon went missing the same time fighter jets were scrambled to down a mysterious object over Alaska, theories started swirling.

Was their $12 inflatable taken out by a $400,000 Sidewinder missile fired from a $143 million F-22 in a military operation ordered by President Joe Biden?

They reported their property 'missing in action' and have been in contact with the FBI, but whether their balloon was targeted is yet to be confirmed as the Pentagon tries to retrieve the debris.

Yet their involvement in the UFO hysteria of the last two weeks has led to mounting questions, and mockery of the White House.

Ted Cruz wrote on Twitter: 'To be fair, Biden is providing is powerful deterrence for any high school science clubs that might try to invade America….'

Former Republican congressman and Army reservist Peter Meijer added: 'RIP to the Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade’s ~$80 ham radio transmitter balloon, likely the victim of friendly fire by a $143,000,000 USAF F-22 firing a $485,000 AIM-9X Sidewinder missile during the Great Balloon Panic of 2023.'

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fcbb36 No.18364301

File: e46bd7ffccea87a⋯.jpg (274.83 KB,1045x1085,209:217,e46bd7ffccea87a581300898ad….jpg)


Oh, wow. That's funny.

The CP is from "hackers".



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eb8af5 No.18364302


there is a lot of don worship hier


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0fea15 No.18364303


What if danvil butthomo? What if Josh butthomo too? What if danvil butthomo? What if Josh butthomo too? What if danvil butthomo? What if Josh butthomo too?

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99276f No.18364305


Who adds the predictive programming into the scripts?

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75a4f2 No.18364306



do you think I am a disgusting person for stating the truth?

I have never harmed a child.

I am telling you why it happens.

Sick fucks meet desperate victims.

I see it.

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75a4f2 No.18364308


the jews, the really hidden ones.

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786cf8 No.18364309


What if danvil butthomo? What if Josh butthomo too? What if danvil butthomo? What if Josh butthomo too? What if danvil butthomo? What if Josh butthomo too? What if danvil butthomo? What if Josh butthomo too?

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a0c789 No.18364310


yes, there are shills of all stripes.

and there are anons.

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ff5c23 No.18364311


Still banned, so fuck off with your ideas, until you get the bird free.

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60d381 No.18364312

File: 7ac237f0a3b6193⋯.jpeg (79.97 KB,502x503,502:503,362F983E_0C6A_4FD0_85EF_2….jpeg)

File: 6d35e70537267b0⋯.png (179.01 KB,400x310,40:31,20309357_468F_47C9_82F0_BB….png)


Old Joe

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eb8af5 No.18364313

File: ecf156200bf5331⋯.jpg (161.01 KB,1044x1084,261:271,20230217_091556.jpg)


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600932 No.18364314

File: 6edc97d86dbd274⋯.gif (684.57 KB,640x414,320:207,smiles44.gif)


>those worshiping or pushing men, idols, icons, etc are serving that other thing, and have obvious, oppositional motives.

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1aa0ea No.18364316


Panama shitty coke from bush era

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60d381 No.18364317

File: 9eb2f0ad64257b4⋯.jpg (52.46 KB,387x636,129:212,RunRabbitRun.JPG)


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7ec793 No.18364318

“Hollywood Producer”

Hollywood Producer’s job is to get our attention, to draw us in, but it looks like we drew him/her/it in. How about that!


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f6ebb2 No.18364319


>do you think I am a disgusting person for stating the truth?

Did I say you were?

>I see it.

See something say something, faggot.

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eb8af5 No.18364320


a lot of anon worship don

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fcbb36 No.18364321


Much nicer, ty anon


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be55b8 No.18364322

File: 1ea3dfe865bfa98⋯.gif (1.4 MB,260x258,130:129,PEPERMAN_2.gif)

File: abca90d61019716⋯.gif (4.94 MB,540x405,4:3,sherlock_gif.gif)

File: 00ed80cb9d543d6⋯.png (335.23 KB,714x500,357:250,ClipboardImage.png)


tyb and dubs chek'ed

some days an be like gifs

but always amongst frens shift


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2807a3 No.18364323


What if danvil butthomo? What if Josh butthomo too? What if danvil butthomo? What if Josh butthomo too? What if danvil butthomo? What if Josh butthomo too? What if danvil butthomo? What if Josh butthomo too?

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a3555c No.18364324

File: 887f3c4bb0bd2c0⋯.png (388.55 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

No military winner likely in Ukraine conflict – top US general


What does Milley know about winning? Nothing!

US Top General is a laugh!

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99276f No.18364326

File: fe9f9c24a4a8b02⋯.png (189.35 KB,529x574,529:574,Capture.PNG)

17 Feb 1863: The International Committee of the Red Cross is founded in by five men in #Geneva, Switzerland. It is originally called the International Committee for Relief to the Wounded. #RedCross #history #OTD #ad https://amzn.to/3poUI0D


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eb8af5 No.18364328


мцсн веттеr.

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ff5c23 No.18364329

File: 5ee30153709e0b4⋯.png (85.45 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)

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4b6adb No.18364330


state what should be changed, exactly

don't threaten baker

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a0c789 No.18364331


anons are unbiased truth diggers. worshiping a man is the epitome of bias. Blinders. Discern.

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75a4f2 No.18364332


what do you think I am doing.

I am saying something

roland emmerich fucked kids

singer fucked kids

the pool parties, the after parties

no one does a fucking thing when you say something you saw

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38ab89 No.18364333

File: 56e34094c8f1a0f⋯.png (1.24 MB,1208x1010,604:505,MP1.png)

File: 251b89406e038ad⋯.png (284.28 KB,1134x792,63:44,MP2.png)

File: cb83c6995bb224e⋯.png (977.95 KB,1126x654,563:327,MP4.png)

File: 10624a67e073235⋯.png (896.41 KB,1132x658,566:329,MP3.png)

File: 8cf109756c4ce3d⋯.png (1018.14 KB,1130x660,113:66,MP5.png)


Soros takes orders from P > P = Payseur according to Jeffy/Inthematrixxx and certain bakers, WAKES is one of them, works closely with Jeffy. Is Wakes Jeffy? Afterall… Infiltration not invasion…


The 99% seem to love Paytriots and not thinking for themselves… [PAIN]ful Shame that…

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be55b8 No.18364334

File: aa47205c8154368⋯.png (89.62 KB,900x675,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


proof it

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abc737 No.18364336

File: 757313467e5509c⋯.jpeg (170.78 KB,768x432,16:9,3F572F38_9548_4944_8272_3….jpeg)

17 Feb, 2023 14:25

Spain considers drastic move to rein in food prices

A government official calls for price intervention on essentials, saying “families can’t wait”

The Spanish social affairs minister, Ione Belarra, has called on the government to bring down prices of basic products by introducing discounts, as food costs continue to rise in the country amid double-digit inflation.

A reduction in value added tax (VAT, known in Spain as IVA) has proven insufficient as prices for essentials are still “the highest,” Belarra posted on Twitter on Thursday. She urged the ruling Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) to subsidize the basic consumer basket by 14%.

The minister also proposed bringing prices down to levels seen prior to the conflict in Ukraine, adding that Spanish “families can't wait any longer.” She argued that the proposed subsidy would help mitigate the impact on consumers of soaring inflation, and even suggested a price intervention.

Food inflation in Spain has remainedover 15% despite an IVA cut on some basic products. In January, inflation eased from 15.7% recorded in December, but was still raging at a rate of 15.4% for food and non-alcoholic drinks, the National Institute of Statistics (INE) reported on Wednesday.

Cash-strapped households in Spain have taken a hit from surging costs of most meats, fish, yogurt, butter, cereals, coffee, tea and baby food, as these items were not classified as basics and did not receive a tax cut.

The overall January inflation reading was higher than INE expected, and stood at 5.9% with a 0.6% rise from December.


Spain gives the very least of all countries in EU, why are prices going up higher than others? Corruption!

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2dcc2d No.18364337

File: d8732ee5214c7b4⋯.png (2.02 MB,1911x960,637:320,d8732ee5214c7b40cea1f149bf….png)

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d4f23f No.18364338


Has the hollywood producer replied to anyone?

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74cb14 No.18364339


HEY BO you wanna ban this asshole or should I post his NAZI family photos?

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e77653 No.18364340



> has shown leadership in sharing his experience

just what we need are leaders who check out when the country is in a mess

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0637f0 No.18364341


What if danvil butthomo? What if Josh butthomo too? What if danvil butthomo? What if Josh butthomo too? What if danvil butthomo? What if Josh butthomo too?cause danvil engagement ring fake too

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e4ee5f No.18364342



I'm not threatening you.

Didn't BV come out earlier?

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600932 No.18364343

File: 0a2be7b06351b81⋯.png (271.04 KB,696x470,348:235,ghostfriends.png)

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b7dda8 No.18364344

File: d61a30ccc87d76e⋯.jpg (14.26 KB,170x250,17:25,170px_Marie_de_Ch_tillon_B….jpg)

a place is it's people

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ff5c23 No.18364345


He was never a leader - none of them have any vision beyond greed.

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27ed7f No.18364346

File: 8039df22ac5260d⋯.gif (165.08 KB,1024x768,4:3,hollywood.gif)

File: a0869269a1d0b14⋯.jpg (33.11 KB,304x360,38:45,pedos_2.jpg)

File: 1628168e35e5efc⋯.jpg (392.1 KB,578x638,289:319,pedos2.jpg)

File: ddf40b82f003c37⋯.png (1.18 MB,1729x790,1729:790,pedo.png)

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7593c4 No.18364347

@250 =


#22511 >>18364055

>>18364097 Charlotte police yank radar and lidar units amid QCN investigation

>>18364110 Total household debt rose by $394 billion, to $16.90 trillion in Q4 of 2022 - highest ever on record

>>18364128 Obama Presidential Library

>>18364172 Raland J. Brunson, Petitioner v. Alma S. Adams, et al

>>18364187 State of things: Ohio river water

>>18364191 Trudeau to deploy navy vessels to Haiti for 'intelligence gathering'

>>18364199 Moar on Norfolk Southern chlorine train wreck from 2005 in Graniteville

>>18364231 Russia starts Naval exercises with #China, South Arica, in the Indian Ocean


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90407f No.18364348

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7593c4 No.18364350


still collecting btw

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9a17aa No.18364351

File: 43e662bc17ddc76⋯.png (305.47 KB,597x629,597:629,mfa_dc_ngo.png)

MFA Russia 🇷🇺


💬 #Zakharova: There are dozens of PR agencies in Washington and London that are disguised as NGOs but receive covert government funding.

☝️ We will continue to expose these fake NGOs, which are part of the Western factory of lies.

5:13 AM · Feb 17, 2023


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ef5821 No.18364352


What if danvil butthomo? What if Josh butthomo too? What if danvil butthomo? What if Josh butthomo too? What if danvil butthomo? What if Josh butthomo too? What if danvil butthomo? What if Josh butthomo too?

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cfd941 No.18364354

File: b82938c56c5dd87⋯.png (622.94 KB,680x431,680:431,b82938c56c5dd87e3a0e4ac124….png)

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90407f No.18364355


grammar kitty:

South Africa

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38ab89 No.18364356

File: 417a229761e8956⋯.png (250.86 KB,836x1902,418:951,Q_1950_VATICAN_HOLY_SEE.png)



PAYSEUR PART 3: [P]=Payseur Confirmed. Q Lounge Live 8/28

"PART 3 Q CONFIRMS [P]=Payseur from of my very FIRST EVER presentation on the [P]=Payseur on 8/26/18 from our July dig with host @ShadyGrooove."

Q confirms [P] = Payseur!

"In the Vatican - Holy See Q Drop #1950 "Recipe for ……." Q meant P,A,Y,S,E,U,R" < IntheMatrixxx direct quote from this video.



Talk about hard cover for the P!

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fcbb36 No.18364357

File: 20988551517aa32⋯.png (88.29 KB,394x391,394:391,4f8508ed1c3b7682394cbc9dc7….png)


No, he's a FED kek

He gets paid per response so that was his way of getting his quota without working.

Classic government official behavior.

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6a426a No.18364358

File: 6d7623aa0d0feb0⋯.jpg (20.26 KB,255x244,255:244,6d7623aa0d0feb0b1c6ed12233….jpg)


spell it out

baker asked what you wanted changed.

and you come back with a question.

insufferable faggotry.

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e87dc5 No.18364359


FBlie needs all that child porn to upload it on their targets computer and phones and to link it to 8kun to create their FF incrimination of selected deletes

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606874 No.18364360

File: 139742fc7645e7a⋯.png (803.89 KB,1077x466,1077:466,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8fdc76a84eafc19⋯.png (312.84 KB,481x373,481:373,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57e2562a8a373ba⋯.png (1.17 MB,1010x580,101:58,ClipboardImage.png)

PlaneFag Europe Activity:TITAN25 E-4B Nightwatch and SAM986 C-32A departed Nuremberg, Germany after arriving from Tallinn, Estonia earlier and TITAN25 is heading for a "date" with three KC-135 tankers LAGR815,16 and 17 to be refueled off SW English coast prior to crossing the Atlantic

Polish AF PLF101 and PLF101A 737sPresident Duda and escortdeparted Luton Airport London ES and heading to Munich to tell everyone about Zelensky's planes from the UK

Polish president visits London as relations reach new heights

Meeting at 10 Downing Street Thursday, Duda and UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak discussed the incoming NATO summit in Vilnius, their support for Ukraine, as well as security matters, more generally. “We want as much NATO equipment as possible to be stationed at NATO’s Eastern flank,” said Duda, as quoted by the Polish Press Agency (PAP)


All this with Duda and Sunak is about muh planes for Zelensky-looks like he will be getting some Polish F-16s and RAF Eurofighter Typhoons-they don't mention it expressly but it will probably be announced with Potato's visit to Poland that starts next week..Feb 20-22

>>18362688 pb last night a C-17 made an equipment drop at Warsaw

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75a4f2 No.18364361

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7ec793 No.18364363


Scroll through the bread and see. Probably just someone being stupid and wanting attention. Damn at the thought. If I wanted attention for my feels or my kicks or whatever, this is the last fucking place I’d seek said attention. I come here because I’m anon and I fucking love this place. I know it’s rumored that celebs come here too but who gives a fuck? This board is for anons.

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27ed7f No.18364364


what till their collection of gore porn gets exposed

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4a3bae No.18364365

Why do they all wear bow ties? Fauxchi started out wearing a bow tie. He looks like the Good Humor man.

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f6ebb2 No.18364366

File: 00c439dfd3544c6⋯.jpg (327.93 KB,1470x1414,105:101,00c439dfd3544c68246159550d….jpg)


Name some names that aren't common. Go ahead. Spill it. Anecdotes, names, details. If you're the real deal, then make them feel some panic. If not then I'll be forced to assume you're a LARP.

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f68015 No.18364367


Butthomo joos faggotrotica sting sends FIBtranny CP firearm agents on biblical smut campaigns

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38ab89 No.18364368

File: ed6f08168b3c4e3⋯.png (188.6 KB,690x364,345:182,nothing1.png)

File: 625a68a46f2df40⋯.png (716.97 KB,1189x1154,1189:1154,nothing2.png)

File: e1e00683c6358f6⋯.png (544.24 KB,823x1288,823:1288,nothing3.png)

File: 249c0f02a618653⋯.png (1.28 MB,3344x3316,836:829,nothing4.png)

File: 06475a4b1ad4810⋯.png (161.09 KB,691x365,691:365,ncsns1.png)


Wakes = Jeffy

KB = Karli Bonne

OSS = Shady Gravy

Just a Theory…

How are YOU today, Baker?

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321deb No.18364369


French hooker shekels meta

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99276f No.18364370

File: d467203dae87349⋯.jpeg (543.06 KB,2048x2500,512:625,rS7jT7rfbNstQjSlma5q_17_8….jpeg)

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b62e3b No.18364371


We've been waiting for over 5 years.

Nothing has happened.

Biden is president.


We are NOT voting in another rigged election. Fuck that.

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75a4f2 No.18364372


September 17, 2015

Standard hotel

Adam Schiff, Ed Buck and four executives from paramount who donated to Adam

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cae92e No.18364374


Taint FELTCHER exposed taint FELTCHER during hubbards old gloryhole fraud

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4b6adb No.18364375


>>18363355 Japan/NIhon #12:

just change the numbers, don't mess wit da lines

muh bad, didn't check on follow through


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38ab89 No.18364376

File: 34b07b41bb6476b⋯.png (10.87 MB,5368x3736,671:467,1AJ2b.png)


touch a nerve?

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719c45 No.18364377

File: c8d2275398fd149⋯.png (657.35 KB,966x606,161:101,Screenshot_2023_02_17_1024….png)

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9a17aa No.18364378

File: 5d861f8d99a4d30⋯.png (315.28 KB,601x722,601:722,mfa_eu.png)

MFA Russia 🇷🇺


💬 #Zakharova: We regard the EU’s plans to use frozen Russian assets to settle their political and economic problems as infringement on sovereign property.

❗️ Further actions in that sphere will provoke a resolute response.

5:57 AM · Feb 17, 2023


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90407f No.18364379


Twitter said my account was a Russian Bot account.

Anyone remember the Twitter Russian Bot website that Twitter steered you towards to see if an account was a Russian Bot or not?

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4b6adb No.18364380

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f6ebb2 No.18364381

File: 7e373436af504fa⋯.jpeg (141.11 KB,962x1280,481:640,fmXvPLI6FaME.jpeg)



That's old news and common knowledge 'round these parts. If you're going to LARP make it interesting. I'm done with you.

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cae92e No.18364382


Your ASSumption is faggot too

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75a4f2 No.18364383


do you understand there are no un common names

the un common names are the ones who are clean

the loud ones are the ones who are most guilty

that is the key to understanding what you are dealing with

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fcbb36 No.18364384

File: edea02bfbe8e2a8⋯.png (500.71 KB,1020x906,170:151,691d8ed8660aa0c5682054748c….png)


Where were you when the timeline was explained. 8 years. EIGHT. We've got a little under 3 more to go.

Pace yourself, anon.

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c29dfc No.18364385

File: 33ef995aac6119d⋯.png (73.99 KB,262x400,131:200,Lurchi2.png)

File: baacf6152c629aa⋯.pdf (9.1 MB,_qresearch_Q_Research_Gene….pdf)


_qresearch_ - Q Research General #22510_ Count Your Blessings; God Wins Edition - 766 posts

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9a17aa No.18364386

File: 777c0806d56f133⋯.png (282.14 KB,660x440,3:2,newfag_bot.png)

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77919e No.18364387

File: 6a2af81f2b22af8⋯.png (1.69 MB,1080x1082,540:541,1674410049144898.png)

nothing can stop what is coffee

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96afdb No.18364388


Hobbit can’t even lie hetero

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786a77 No.18364389

File: 8d73df224a62f4e⋯.png (291.92 KB,1080x845,216:169,1424230047.png)

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99276f No.18364390

File: 20088c53651618f⋯.png (1.88 MB,1746x1413,194:157,kW3CCLekZqnm5udVoBJv_17_01….png)


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e4ee5f No.18364391

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47605f No.18364392

File: bf7de5979c32004⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB,1536x1526,768:763,45C72474_6D29_4785_B7A0_1….jpeg)

106 278

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4b1f7d No.18364393

File: 96b5544d1ed81d3⋯.png (434.19 KB,679x881,679:881,ClipboardImage.png)


> IntheMatrixxx direct quote

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38ab89 No.18364395

File: 38f6a203eefee1e⋯.png (224 KB,622x572,311:286,Q_TIME_u.png)



Anon wins

It is what Anon do!

Be nervous

it is the appropriate thing for you to feel at this time

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8219e1 No.18364396

File: a2ac9f042432161⋯.png (315.81 KB,634x2346,317:1173,ClipboardImage.png)

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299ada No.18364397


What if danvil butthomo? What if Josh butthomo too? What if danvil butthomo? What if Josh butthomo too?

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f1793b No.18364398

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9e6c95 No.18364399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3f880d No.18364400

File: fc036da12f8c93c⋯.jpg (60.33 KB,630x630,1:1,2289378_0.jpg)


Was Paul Walker murdered or sacrificed because he was going to out the pedos. Who did it?

Name the top 20 kid fuckers in Hollywood.

Does Mossad and CIA have assets at every level of Pedowood? Do they blackmail the executives on down to continue the American demoralization campaign?

Name them - the assets.

Provide evidence here. Post the docs and pics - sauce the shit nigga.

Lastly - why are movies such shit nowadays? 1 in 10 are ok to watch but y'all still put that faggot race baiting woke shit in every single one.

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90407f No.18364401


The Kurds are our enemies now, aren't they?

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99276f No.18364402

File: f1ebe7f6be6bf59⋯.jpeg (20.75 KB,250x240,25:24,dAGKsCuItfaJqkJd9yiH_17_c….jpeg)

"Higher education"

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74cb14 No.18364403

File: de549af12aba7d3⋯.png (298.33 KB,1063x550,1063:550,squeal_team_six.png)


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7ec793 No.18364405

File: b6ca673ef2791f8⋯.jpeg (94.32 KB,500x758,250:379,64E463D6_2BE8_4EBE_8C3F_2….jpeg)


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cd412e No.18364406

would take a flood of truths this Friday …… fuck why not

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600932 No.18364407

File: 87511aef458988c⋯.png (8.54 KB,255x255,1:1,smilingsmoke44.png)


>do you think I am a disgusting person for stating the truth?

you still on their payroll?

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f6ebb2 No.18364408

File: efa6f04f95cf6dd⋯.jpg (40.1 KB,471x600,157:200,efa6f04f95cf6dd3c1603bcd37….jpg)

Reeeeeeeee! Board personalities! Reeeeeeeee! They need to be taken down and taught a lesson. Reeeeeeee! Oh, and we'll make our own board personality out of spite after. Reeeeeeeee! It's all too hilarious with these fucking clowns.

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4b6adb No.18364409

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cd412e No.18364410

Q wanna drop some hard 4's coming up

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786a77 No.18364411

File: c354a554ab4b0f3⋯.jpg (467.82 KB,1080x703,1080:703,20200805_175619.jpg)

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36dd23 No.18364412


Yeah… but Ike also made a very bad deal with demons posing as aliens.

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c29dfc No.18364413

File: f1cce64da5a2ec5⋯.mp4 (10.64 MB,854x480,427:240,ADOLF_HITLER_THE_POOR_ARAB….mp4)


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b62e3b No.18364414

I'm gonna steal the quad 4 with a racist shit post.

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c2b328 No.18364415

File: 2dff2722ba26e4f⋯.mp4 (1.48 MB,640x360,16:9,Biden_tells_press_give_me_….mp4)

File: a8c762734e2a9d5⋯.gif (2.49 MB,640x360,16:9,a_giant_weather_balloon.gif)

File: adbce420ba5b306⋯.jpg (578.78 KB,4096x3052,1024:763,Paul_Pelosi_Bono_Spheres_2….jpg)



President Biden stormed out of a press availability Thursday afternoon when asked if his ability to deal with China was “compromised” by his family’s business interests — complaining journalists were not being “polite” and telling them to “give me a break” before walking away.

"I make no apologies for taking down that balloon"

2 Sidewinder missiles: $400,000,000. x 2

1 Hobbyist Balloon $12 (*also reported $13)

Expensive AF distraction, still no aliens

If it flies, it dies, Potato will HAMMER it.

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f1793b No.18364416


anon are dead men walking but for an very small percentage

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e87dc5 No.18364417


hopefully that was a smart AF white boi that did that

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38ab89 No.18364418

File: 76bae29806a078e⋯.png (1.62 MB,2360x1840,59:46,qtimeF.png)


you love anon but anon hates [you]


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786a77 No.18364419



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f6ebb2 No.18364421

File: a166a83d7162237⋯.png (267.39 KB,477x618,159:206,ClipboardImage.png)

YouTube CEO stepping down?

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2251df No.18364422

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a3555c No.18364423


Another appointee PUSHED into the LIGHT

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7593c4 No.18364424

>>18052454 Japan #10

update to

>>18363355 Japan/NIhon #12


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75a4f2 No.18364425

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c29dfc No.18364426

File: 0ce1ab4ef665fd2⋯.png (32.59 KB,170x170,1:1,lost_something.png)






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7ec793 No.18364427

File: 4adee7f6af804f7⋯.jpeg (86.93 KB,500x625,4:5,64F737C4_AE75_48C4_BDC3_8….jpeg)

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646452 No.18364428

File: f3ffc70d5672ac7⋯.gif (3.01 MB,640x420,32:21,GTFO.gif)


The amazing.

where traitors can be presidents

And babies girl can be guys.

The future of the planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zelensky demands billions, and USA people give up their bridges, homeless, veterans, railroads, to save humanity from Putin.

Putin, that said, ze bugz are good.

Nord Stream bombed themselves.

Soon Ze shit will fail too.

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600932 No.18364429

File: 4dd54f8f4e5a3a4⋯.jpg (51.8 KB,500x500,1:1,4444.jpg)

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df1bb3 No.18364430



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4b1f7d No.18364431

File: 1590aa08e582d4b⋯.png (674.84 KB,1027x653,1027:653,ClipboardImage.png)

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d1bd07 No.18364432

File: 2e00d2f5e16a627⋯.png (305.56 KB,835x831,835:831,Screenshot_20230214_221623….png)

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7593c4 No.18364433



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4b6adb No.18364434


Baker I need an acknowledged here

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786a77 No.18364435

File: 61f75c2226e0dc0⋯.jpeg (164.69 KB,1440x888,60:37,1542990411.jpeg)

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7593c4 No.18364436

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b7dda8 No.18364438

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rothschild Spelling Variations

Spelling variations of this family name include: Rothstein, Rothenstein, Rothmaler, Rothenmaler, Roddenstein, Rodenmaler, Rodstein, Rotstein, Rochstein, Roytenstein, Roitenstein, Roitstein, Rojtenstein, Reitenstein, Ruttenstein, Ruthstein, Routenstein and many more.

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2251df No.18364439





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4b6adb No.18364440

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77919e No.18364441

File: 090d8c76d5645e0⋯.jpeg (80.83 KB,786x634,393:317,cofv.jpeg)

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9e6c95 No.18364442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7ec793 No.18364443

File: a91bd309d589ad5⋯.jpeg (75.93 KB,500x758,250:379,D73C6C2F_16A9_4194_AFF1_2….jpeg)

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75a4f2 No.18364444

File: 6b2bcf09a9504a0⋯.png (116.95 KB,1250x310,125:31,Opera_Snapshot_2023_02_15_….png)

fuck all of you

gotcha again

slide king>>18364414

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5a92cc No.18364445

File: 8e7eea2b96d4bae⋯.png (144.53 KB,942x949,942:949,Screen_Shot_2023_02_17_at_….png)




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d26fb1 No.18364446

File: 65567e73f7ef32d⋯.png (716.02 KB,729x459,27:17,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8e03d41ca1f9aa⋯.png (344.26 KB,726x457,726:457,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba36f62a61a570e⋯.png (364.96 KB,728x456,91:57,ClipboardImage.png)

Published February 17, 2023 12:08am EST

New Mexico: US officials authorize helicopter with shooters to kill feral cows in the Gila Wilderness

The wild livestock have acted aggressively toward visitors and caused damage by over-grazing

By Lawrence Richard | Fox News

Officials have given a kill order to wildlife experts in southwestern New Mexico as part of an effort to eliminate feral cows in the Gila Wilderness.

The nearly 150 cows in the area have acted aggressively toward visitors and caused damage to sensitive areas in the nation's first designated wilderness area, officials said.

U.S. Forest Service managers approved the plan Thursday, which involves a helicopter with multiple shooters flying over the area in search of the stray livestock.

The move, which the Grant County Board of Commissioners approved and announced last month, has set the stage for legal challenges over how to deal with the over-grazing livestock in the drought-affected West.

In this photo provided by Robin Silver, a feral bull is seen along the Gila River in the Gila Wilderness in southwestern New Mexico, on July 25, 2020.

The plan calls for a section of the Gila Wilderness to be closed to the public starting Monday, and a helicopter will launch Thursday. The shooters will then spend four days looking for feral cattle in rugged areas in and around the Gila River.

Forest Supervisor Camille Howes said the decision, amid pressure from environmental groups, was difficult but necessary.

"The feral cattle in the Gila Wilderness have been aggressive towards wilderness visitors, graze year-round, and trample stream banks and springs, causing erosion and sedimentation," she said.

Ranchers, however, opposed the decision and argued the plan to shoot cows from a helicopter should be regarded as animal cruelty. They said the action violates federal regulations and will result in a problematic situation in dealing with the left-behind carcasses.

Officials have argued scavenging birds, and other animals consumed the carcasses.

Ranching industry groups have also expressed concern the action could set a precedent across the West, especially as rural neighbors have vacated parcels because of worsening drought.

The New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association estimates roughly 90 grazing parcels are vacant in New Mexico and Arizona as increased use of public lands — primarily for hunting and hiking — has resulted in knocked-down fences intended to keep cows in check.

Tom Paterson, chair of the association's wildlife committee, said the group has been unable to find a solution that wouldn't involve shooting the feral cows.

In this photo provided by Robin Silver, a feral bull is seen along the Gila River in the Gila Wilderness in southwestern New Mexico, on July 25, 2020.

He has pointed to a recent New Mexico Livestock Board directive that would allow neighboring permittees to gather and herd the cattle out, but access is limited with snow on the ground.

Paterson also said federal officials are not giving enough time to see if the directive will work.

"Easy is not an exception to their own rules. Frustration is not an exception to the rules," Paterson said. "Our society should be better than this. We can be more creative and do it a better way where you’re not wasting an economic resource."

Todd Schulke, co-founder of the Center for Biological Diversity, and other environmentalists have applauded the Forest Service's decision.

"We can expect immediate results — clean water, a healthy river and restored wildlife habitat," he said.

While environmentalists have called for officials to avoid killing wildlife in other areas, the Center for Biological Diversity contends the situation in New Mexico is unique and will only worsen if feral cattle aren't removed.

The livestock currently roams an area that spans more than 870 square miles (2,253 square kilometers) and is home to endangered Mexican gray wolves, elk, deer and other wildlife.

The operation will cover approximately 160 square miles (414 square kilometers).

Hundreds of unauthorized cattle have been removed over the years, including an operation last year that killed off 65 cows in an operation similar to the one planned for next week.


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9a17aa No.18364447

File: 5c9374743f9f742⋯.png (321.9 KB,608x636,152:159,mfa_un.png)

File: dea79018cec1de8⋯.jpg (55.96 KB,680x383,680:383,mfa_un.jpg)

MFA Russia 🇷🇺


Seymour Hersh's investigation proves conclusively -> US military & their Norwegian accomplices committed a criminal attack on NS & NS 2 gas pipelines. @state_duma proposal to initiate a thorough investigation of this act of international terrorism 👉 http://duma.gov.ru/en/news/56407/


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adf585 No.18364448

File: 958d95b7a38276e⋯.png (467.98 KB,715x596,715:596,ClipboardImage.png)

Soyboys are bad for nature.

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571c59 No.18364450


you "know"… yet do nothing.

one thinks you "strongly suspect",

but do not in fact know.

if you have proof,

then you are complicit for

doing nothing.

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f6ebb2 No.18364451

File: 678301bd6ea21a0⋯.jpg (30.85 KB,720x480,3:2,8t2c7kv69xga1.jpg)


They can focus on those. I go after timestamps, or additions between the last two numbers of post I'm replying to with my last two numbers of the post that replied to add up to the seconds on one of the two posts. That sort of thing. Expanding patterns.

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600932 No.18364452

File: f4aa3b1679ca9bb⋯.jpg (51.65 KB,500x500,1:1,force44.jpg)

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4b6adb No.18364453


let's talk bout those with no personality

like you

mabbe those need to go


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77919e No.18364454

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75a4f2 No.18364455

File: 3e1d70cf4fcf477⋯.png (43.94 KB,879x247,879:247,Opera_Snapshot_2023_02_16_….png)


it is like i know what I am doing or something

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75ac0b No.18364456

File: 03925f490125583⋯.png (1.14 MB,2048x2048,1:1,B601C94A_8A3C_4D6A_BB35_BF….png)

File: fc362b2cd75bf8e⋯.png (2.2 MB,2048x2048,1:1,70706305_FF60_4B6B_9571_9A….png)

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cb5c83 No.18364457

File: 1b37ded0095a12e⋯.jpeg (984.84 KB,1536x1731,512:577,FF35C152_016B_4419_813F_D….jpeg)

Austin Steinlarp back in the news

Kasey Mayer watched in the first months of 2020 as her older sister Kiley’s Instagram posts went from sunsets and brunches to QAnon and Trump. By the summer, Kiley was living with Q—or at least with a man who said he was Q. “I’m worried she’s in serious danger,” Kasey Mayer wrote me in an email.

After I started writing about QAnon, I started to receive a lot of these messages about getting friends or relatives out of the movement. The emails were filled with anguish, and a desire to reconnect with the person they knew before QAnon grabbed hold of them. But I had never received an email like this before.

Kiley had been working as a sales contractor for AT&T when, she claimed, she found proof that the telecom giant was letting intelligence agencies spy on customers’ phone calls. She became convinced the deep state knew about her discovery and was going to punish her for it. Strangers she saw on the street were stalking her. Kiley started to describe herself online as a “targeted individual,” a term used by a thriving internet community of paranoiacs who believe they’re being pursued by shadowy forces.



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f6ebb2 No.18364458

File: 5bf2d4b23a95ce5⋯.png (879.76 KB,960x675,64:45,ClipboardImage.png)

The shills are no longer in their prime.

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38ab89 No.18364459

File: 1a0646f3015bca1⋯.png (665.5 KB,1260x1004,315:251,00000feelit.png)

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fcbb36 No.18364460

File: ea25318e9de9fe7⋯.png (372.13 KB,1213x998,1213:998,66f7cc5b2dae392964e61da5a7….png)




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2251df No.18364461

File: 206e3f2a1960039⋯.jpeg (25.31 KB,385x385,1:1,FFS.jpeg)

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571c59 No.18364463

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9a17aa No.18364464

File: c6c73ea24eaf2e4⋯.png (1.48 MB,1230x2868,205:478,duma_proposal_pipeline.png)

File: 28b1c07b3d4c00b⋯.jpg (102.1 KB,597x702,199:234,123123.jpg)


Appeal of the State Duma of the Russian Federation to the United Nations with a Proposal for an Urgent Investigation by the International Community into the Crime Committed by the USA in the Baltic Sea on 26 September 2022

An appeal was unanimously supported by all factions of the State Duma

February 16, 2023, 12:34



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2f95dd No.18364465

File: 4d9f3c52d6a88c0⋯.png (1.12 MB,1000x667,1000:667,ClipboardImage.png)

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6c1030 No.18364466

File: 33fbbc2a3381282⋯.jpeg (200.4 KB,856x549,856:549,iq.jpeg)

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606874 No.18364467

File: ffacb3d2b2137fd⋯.png (552.57 KB,786x392,393:196,ClipboardImage.png)


Duda and escort on descent for Munich Int'l

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b7dda8 No.18364468

File: bd918d714eabfe1⋯.jpg (12.54 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2353735480.jpg)



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75a4f2 No.18364469


the faggot who takes the bread wherever I want

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b62e3b No.18364470


yes, we. I speak for all of us.

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a18059 No.18364471


>so you're saying trump will run

as a syndicate

>233 of 253 endorsements


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98bc3a No.18364472



I believe he's referring to Chatgpt, which is some A.i. chat bot that used natural language.

I ask if it would be "social" as in some time in yo truth social, cuz "truthgpt" sounds as stupid to me as "truth social"

(I really don't like the name….always makes me think of tranny social when I see it abbreviated, "TS"

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57d158 No.18364473

File: 18fa07a695b2fec⋯.png (519.73 KB,622x468,311:234,ClipboardImage.png)

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36dd23 No.18364474

File: 42b6548ed308771⋯.jpg (309.93 KB,1932x1080,161:90,LowBidder.JPG)


Dasa gud Engrish!

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600932 No.18364475

File: 7f0fdd83524c30b⋯.jpg (24.99 KB,255x246,85:82,A44.jpg)


sequence and timing.

pairings and patterns.

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571c59 No.18364476


mealy mouthed bullshit


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f6ebb2 No.18364477

File: b82259270116858⋯.png (63.95 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe6.png)


Now I have no personality, huh? Then why go to such efforts to try to take something with no personality down? My spirit will never bend, it will never break. Every attempt just galvanizes and tempers it further. This Pepe really did turn into some wonderful bait. If provokes a reaction in shills, just like Pavlov ringing a bell for his dogs.

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55832d No.18364478

File: 5843c35adfbf4ae⋯.png (1.52 MB,3840x2160,16:9,Screen_Shot_2023_02_16_at_….png)

File: 30b754348cfe692⋯.png (1.4 MB,3840x2160,16:9,Screen_Shot_2023_02_16_at_….png)

File: 6921ec32ac5ebfa⋯.png (1.03 MB,3840x2160,16:9,Screen_Shot_2023_02_16_at_….png)

File: cd72da6bb273543⋯.png (1.38 MB,3840x2160,16:9,Screen_Shot_2023_02_16_at_….png)

File: defaf56114fc5a0⋯.png (1.25 MB,3840x2160,16:9,Screen_Shot_2023_02_16_at_….png)

so much antisemitism so little time

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6c921e No.18364479

File: 9774f7e5ddfe3dc⋯.jpg (128.06 KB,1216x594,608:297,LEAFBRODOWN.jpg)



>good times…

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1b5fcb No.18364480

File: 9e29af26131817c⋯.png (94.85 KB,352x341,32:31,7c25f3ad97b1ad38b114dd90e6….png)

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646452 No.18364481


Me as European, love that USA and cia bombed gas pipe and killed US presidents, then cheat in elections.

B/c now we know who's to blame.


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2251df No.18364482


speak for yourself, larp

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4b6adb No.18364483


I do like that you change yo sweaters though

makes you 'colorful'


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b7dda8 No.18364484

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f6ebb2 No.18364485


I couldn't care less what you like.

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77919e No.18364486

File: 136067dedf89547⋯.png (154.9 KB,452x473,452:473,136067dedf895473ea0762a0d9….png)


imagine some are just tired of seeing that ugly sad pepe

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13d4d0 No.18364487

File: 709d498c4a58bc7⋯.jpg (200.04 KB,1000x930,100:93,ZomboMeme_12102020164149.jpg)

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a3555c No.18364488

File: bbeb9b56f81c105⋯.png (813.17 KB,1287x883,1287:883,Don.png)


How many Lemons are there?

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646452 No.18364489


Sorry, forgot the vaxx………..

On my way.

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7593c4 No.18364490

@390 =


#22511 >>18364055

>>18364097 Charlotte police yank radar and lidar units amid QCN investigation

>>18364110 Total household debt rose by $394 billion, to $16.90 trillion in Q4 of 2022 - highest ever on record

>>18364128 Obama Presidential Library

>>18364172, >>18364390 Raland J. Brunson, Petitioner v. Alma S. Adams, et al

>>18364187 State of things: Ohio river water

>>18364191 Trudeau to deploy navy vessels to Haiti for 'intelligence gathering'

>>18364199 Moar on Norfolk Southern chlorine train wreck from 2005 in Graniteville

>>18364231 Russia starts Naval exercises with #China, South Africa, in the Indian Ocean

>>18364246 Hilldawg comments on Depression / Fetterman

>>18364256 Odd comms between JP Morgan exec and Epstein in July 2010 e-mail exchanges

>>18364297, >>18364351, >>18364378 Zakharova (Russian diplomat) tweets

>>18364284 FBI says it has ‘contained’ cyber incident on bureau’s computer network

>>18364360, >>18364467 PF reports


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d9fa01 No.18364491

File: 174ef47a25c5983⋯.jpg (241.25 KB,1023x1280,1023:1280,20230217_104305.jpg)

Looks like the entrance to most railroad towns.


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f6ebb2 No.18364492


You're that guy from the media. Admit it. The one that is familiar with others' thinking.

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cd412e No.18364493

File: 3e93ff2e40f9c1b⋯.png (132.02 KB,311x162,311:162,ClipboardImage.png)

need to do some deepstate cleaning

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b4f81d No.18364494


Please fly to Palestine Ohio and drink the water.

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571c59 No.18364495

File: 30131e65fe7254d⋯.png (193.3 KB,622x572,311:286,20230217_094426.png)

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75a4f2 No.18364496


we already made a movie about it

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77919e No.18364497


say less

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b62e3b No.18364498


that's the face i make when your mom keeps suckin' even after i nut in her slutty mouf

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854b92 No.18364499

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7ec793 No.18364500

File: 935a51610053a19⋯.jpeg (71.83 KB,632x395,8:5,20DCB619_F0FC_4CFB_B04C_C….jpeg)

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4b1f7d No.18364501

File: bd50bc7f371bfb7⋯.png (3.04 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)




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b62e3b No.18364502


no. I'm speaking for all of us. This NEED to be said.


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f6ebb2 No.18364503

File: 4917175724ce41b⋯.jpg (20.34 KB,474x442,237:221,no.jpg)


Make me.

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606874 No.18364504

File: 5a258f5360ae20f⋯.gif (1.47 MB,300x169,300:169,fail_2_.gif)

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22f449 No.18364505


Youtube Doesn't count faggot.

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600932 No.18364506

File: a845d2658a3adca⋯.gif (724.7 KB,400x225,16:9,sideeyes44.gif)

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646452 No.18364507

Ask me again, Q, if nsa it is not to trust………….

Ony I!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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d26fb1 No.18364508


Do you own a pair of Red Shoes?

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b4f81d No.18364509


I'm not gonna lie…that Ozzy shit was really disappointing. I couldn't believe that many people took the bait. Also, check't.

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001a45 No.18364510

File: 7e0be7b7c8efc81⋯.png (158.83 KB,675x323,675:323,2023_02_17_11_45_42.png)


>YouTube CEO stepping down?

Is she gone yet?

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7c5d03 No.18364511


Prove it! Post pics of your awards!

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4b6adb No.18364512

File: 705ca2f4297daae⋯.jpg (44.99 KB,542x576,271:288,705ca2f4297daae65fa4af8812….jpg)


muh feelz yo

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413999 No.18364513

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b62e3b No.18364514


she's gonna be replaced by another jew. who cares.

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22f449 No.18364515

File: 804836a3eaee3a3⋯.gif (1.38 MB,498x498,1:1,fin_genocide.gif)

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6a426a No.18364516


AFLB aka Tiresias

I remember

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62fa0a No.18364517

File: fc0de237e0157cf⋯.jpg (180.04 KB,1024x690,512:345,took_1_button.jpg)

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2f95dd No.18364518

File: f83ff35320f2413⋯.png (7.21 KB,1664x70,832:35,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75f695750e8836f⋯.png (27.31 KB,524x404,131:101,ClipboardImage.png)


>Snow White


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2898d8 No.18364519

File: e455ee78850a4c9⋯.png (93.62 KB,332x319,332:319,ClipboardImage.png)

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38ab89 No.18364520


>>>18364187 State of things: Ohio river water

The truth is way worse and has nothing to do with this train derailment.

One of the largest nuclear fusion sites sits on top of a massive aquifer that feeds into the Ohio river basin.

Just down the River at Paducah is one of the largest nuclear fuel and waste storage sites.

All along the river are coal burning power plants, Industry and of course all manner of Pollution from those industries who have always chose profit over health and safety.

The list is long….

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d1bd07 No.18364521

File: ff2e69561be00e2⋯.png (514.94 KB,1080x774,60:43,Screenshot_20230215_194824….png)

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2dcc2d No.18364522

File: 47e911c6a053359⋯.jpg (141.4 KB,1440x1075,288:215,FpLqq4FWAAMhXQa.jpg)

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fc46fe No.18364523


because cliks will fix everything

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4b1f7d No.18364524

>>18364421 Susan Wojcicki is stepping down as CEO of YouTube


One of the earliest employees of Google, Susan Wojcicki has managed to have both a thriving family life and a wildly successful career. The CEO of YouTube since 2014, Wojcicki recently announced she was stepping down from the role.


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a0c789 No.18364525


as is the nature of man. born to die in flesh.

the most assured aspect of life. As life and death are two aspects of one thing.

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1e7dde No.18364526

File: 3fa123f5a998664⋯.png (303.72 KB,833x594,833:594,joeunv.png)

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82cc8b No.18364527


We’ve already had a Hollywood anon. Try again

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b7dda8 No.18364528

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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abc737 No.18364529

File: 2c633f49e56a9fd⋯.jpeg (363.08 KB,2022x908,1011:454,627445A1_5A71_47C9_BCD7_E….jpeg)

File: c1792ad211b7af2⋯.jpeg (342.91 KB,1241x1457,1241:1457,3B484CFA_8F8C_4F94_AA5A_2….jpeg)

File: 1e2f5af3de76575⋯.jpeg (289.41 KB,1019x1383,1019:1383,66AA8AF6_4475_4BC0_A1BD_1….jpeg)

File: 1c1e2a86a325e17⋯.jpeg (339.87 KB,1241x1362,1241:1362,E0DECD2A_52EB_4A13_9F7C_C….jpeg)

The Revival at Asbury University has been going on for six days and not stopping

A nonstop revival breaks out at Kentucky college. Now, it's viral on TikTok Haadiza Ogwude

Cincinnati Enquirer

A Feb. 8 religious revival at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky has generated over 32.8 million views on TikTok as of Thursday, Feb. 16.

A religious service at a Christian college in Kentucky has captured the attention of social media users across the globe.

During a scheduled chapel service at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, Feb. 8, a religious revival broke out. Over a week later, the service is still going strong,with folks traveling from as far as Singapore to join

Videos of students participating in the nonstop prayer and worship service have made their way to social media, sparking international attention. As of Feb. 16, posts with the #AsburyRevival hashtag have generated 34.5 million views on TikTok.

NBC reports thatstudents and faculty from 22 schoolsin Hawaii, Massachusetts, Illinois, Minnesota, Tennessee, Indiana and other states have made the trek to Asbury to join in on the religious experience. Travelers from Singapore and Canada are also expected to arrive soon.

The service experienced its largest crowd yet Feb. 14, with over 3,000 attendees, two-thirds of which were from out of state, NBC reports. The crowd was so large the revival had to expand to four additional facilities in the college town.Other schools have even started their own revivals and religious services, inspired by the events happening in Wilmore. Lee University in Tennessee, Anderson University in Indiana and Ohio Christian University near Columbus are among the schools to have joined the movement.

When did Asbury revival 2023 start?

It started Feb. 8 during a scheduled chapel service.

Where is Asbury revival happening?

It's happening at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky.What religion is Asbury University?

Asbury University is a Christian liberal arts university. There isn't an official denominational emphasis, but "the institution maintains its commitment to an evangelical Wesleyan-Arminian perspective," according to the university's website.

What is a revival?

In Christianity, a revival has historically been a movement to reawaken the spiritual passion of a group, church or community. Attracting or converting new members to the religious group is also one of the main goals.

Although revivals have evolved over the years, the roots of the spiritual gathering can be traced to Anabaptism, Puritanism, Pietism and Methodism from the 16th-18th centuries.

Skeptics often view revivals as "manifestations of superstition, hysteria and social contagion," per the Lexington Herald Leader. Others view them as reactions to major social events. But for believers, revivals are renewals of a person's faith.…


I would love to go there and worship

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e846e6 No.18364530

File: e44a16b2d5b57e2⋯.png (290 KB,548x396,137:99,e44a16b2d5b57e2ac91269e136….png)

Fake Hollywood poster trying to pull the board away from topics of the day

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619c7a No.18364531

East Palestine Resident [LiveNOW interview]: First day, they're hauling a ton of contaminated soil from the wreck, and all the trucks had mud all over their tires, and the streets were nothing but mud. To fix that, they brought in street sweepers, and the mud dried, turned into dust, and right back into the air.

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0f20f4 No.18364532

File: cf8492b48bc3cef⋯.jpeg (513.77 KB,801x769,801:769,foil.jpeg)

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0d0b15 No.18364533

File: 7eae385c21b32ab⋯.jpg (4.65 MB,4624x3468,4:3,20230217_104604.jpg)


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62fa0a No.18364534

File: e89d3177396d893⋯.jpg (186.82 KB,1024x690,512:345,INT_CENSOR_NO_LAUGH_bill.jpg)

File: a723d9d4d2d2c9a⋯.jpg (286.15 KB,1440x907,1440:907,BANNED_RUSSIAN_BOT.jpg)

File: 3074078868ae41e⋯.jpg (176.47 KB,1024x683,1024:683,COVERING_CRIMES.jpg)

File: 1091a9268a89197⋯.jpg (225.49 KB,1101x633,367:211,yoel_roth.jpg)

File: e59dc7f704f0197⋯.jpg (95.45 KB,789x423,263:141,ALL_GUILTY.jpg)

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9e6c95 No.18364535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f602cf No.18364536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Slide this

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ed400d No.18364537

>>18364443 How about this morning?


>>18361941 ET

>>18361987 >If God is with us, who can be against us?

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2251df No.18364538


fuck off and go play outside, kiddo

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57d158 No.18364539



"The water was already gay"

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e4ee5f No.18364540

Do you know the words "think for yourself"?

Isn't that just thinking the best you can with what you have at the moment?

And if you make a mistake, you fix it.

There are too many people who just keep saying "fagfag" and can't think about how to make things run smoothly.

What is a smooth or good choice?

Different environments have different ways of thinking, so we do what is best for each individual.

If you're here, you just have to make the best of the situation.

So what is the best option here?


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7593c4 No.18364541

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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686ac5 No.18364542

File: 2c2df4b1c3272d0⋯.jpg (204.95 KB,1080x745,216:149,Screenshot_20230217_114840….jpg)

DOGS OF WAR Telepathic robot war dogs commanded by soldiers’ THOUGHTS trialled in terrifying Black Mirror-style vision of the future

Previous models of the four-legged droids have relied on operators to use hand controllers or pre-programmed commands.

But now military commanders in Australia are testing astonishing new telepathic technology in war scenarios in a creepy echo of TV drama Black Mirror.

Scientists say a new brain interface allows their handlers to issue instructions just by thinking them.

At the same time, images and other data gathered by the robot can be sent back to the soldier's virtual headset.


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fc46fe No.18364543



flatten hell

lay utter waste unto moarlike

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5065a8 No.18364544

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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c29dfc No.18364545

File: 3f9f2cc5ac5e36f⋯.png (513.6 KB,398x512,199:256,1383667573.png)


Say hello to your father, I wish the tortured soul a good journey to freedom and salvation.

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abc737 No.18364546

File: 2c2b3b62bd38026⋯.jpeg (287.63 KB,1240x828,310:207,03C21AF3_9ED9_465D_9B31_7….jpeg)

File: adf6b2a3171dfc5⋯.jpeg (101.65 KB,768x432,16:9,942BEE0C_6522_43BC_AD74_F….jpeg)

17 Feb, 2023 15:51

Kosovo, Donbass and Catalonia are famous examples, but do you realize how many countries have problems with separatism?

1 of 4

More than 100 governments recognized Kosovo’s self-proclaimed independence 15 years ago, but most of them have their own issues of this kind

In February of 2008, Kosovo’s parliament – dominated by Albanian separatists – declared the province’s independence from Serbia. Belgrade objected to the move, but it the new "state" was recognized the very next day by the United States, Britain, France, Türkiye, and Albania. More than 50 countries followed by the end of that year.

As of now, almost 100 UN member states have recognized Kosovo’s sovereignty. However, this figure is in constant flux, as some countries have withdrawn their support due to Belgrade’s diplomatic efforts. Nevertheless, Pristina continues to claim that 117 countries support its "independence."

In fact, more than half of the countries belonging to the UN do not recognize Kosovo’s independence. Among these are China, India, most of the post-Soviet countries, as well as several EU members, namely Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Romania, and Slovakia.

Russia is one of the main opponents of Kosovo’s declaration of independence and has been consistent about the consequences for the world order. Upon closer examination, it turns out that the vast majority of global states are dealing with some form of separatist issues, ranging from significant to very minor.

A Balkan Patchwork Quilt

The disputed status of Kosovo is only the latest instance of separatism resulting in the emergence of a new state-like entity in the Balkans. The disintegration of the region has been dubbed ‘Balkanization’, and deservedly so.

At the end of the last century, most of the Balkans were incorporated into a united country called Yugoslavia. Today, there are seven independent countries in its place, but this is by no means where it might end.

Serbia was the first to face the problem of Albanian separatism, but there are Albanian communities in other nations throughout the region – including Montenegro, Greece, and Northern Macedonia. In the latter, the threat is especially acute, since Albanians, who account for 25% of the country’s total population, live in the country’s western regions adjacent to Kosovo.

In addition to the Kosovo problem, Serbia has potential issues with Vojvodina – an autonomous region inhabited not only by Serbs, but also Hungarians, who have a very strong regional identity.

Kosovo also has its own internal challenges. In the northern part of the province, there is an enclave populated mainly by Serbs, who do not like the prospect of being isolated from their larger homeland. Likewise, problems with separatism have inevitably arisen in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the Republika Srpska, which is part of it, looks towards independence or reunification with Serbia and has increasingly expressed views on the future that contradict those of the central government.

The same problem, though less acute, can be found in Croatian enclaves of Bosnia, as well as Croatia itself, where there are enclaves of Serbs….


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9a17aa No.18364547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12:00 ET: Commissioner Paul Rouleau comments following release of Emergencies Act inquiry report



don't know if this will be live


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38ab89 No.18364548

File: 216507c8e77e9d9⋯.png (397.57 KB,362x548,181:274,r1.png)

What pissed anons buddy, Leaf, off the most?

Anon could play the role of Rainman way better!


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5065a8 No.18364549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f6ebb2 No.18364550

File: 03a0a60c6d66d3a⋯.png (210.14 KB,409x409,1:1,03a0a60c6d66d3a649b38eb5d6….png)


I don't bring emotion to the board. If you're seeing it in my words it's because you're projecting your own onto them. Think about it, you imply I'm a crying NPC because I don't care what you have to say?

They're sure trying to make every attempt under the sun to control how and what I post. Filters are a thing, you know. I've known I'm not for everyone since before I ever made my way here and don't care at all if I'm filtered, not one bit. I don't care if I'm attacked for exercising my free speech, because I will counter-punch back if I deem it necessary. I have no reason to whine, I cause the whining.

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413999 No.18364551


Inverted cross on his name though O

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77919e No.18364552

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fc46fe No.18364553

File: b5af8c777ea579e⋯.png (182.24 KB,967x740,967:740,20230216_084530.png)

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38ab89 No.18364554

File: 9ffb6e16889692f⋯.png (650.11 KB,788x764,197:191,0000000000000000000000000o….png)


Math Curse

Once you take Algebra you never see the word FOIL the same!

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4b1f7d No.18364555

Military finishes recovering Chinese balloon debris

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. has finished efforts to recover the remnants of the large balloon that was shot down off the coast of South Carolina, and analysis of the debris so far reinforces conclusions that it was a Chinese spy balloon, U.S. officials said Friday.

Officials said the U.S. believes that Navy, Coast Guard and FBI personnel collected all of the balloon debris off the ocean floor. U.S. Northern Command said in a statement that the recovery operations ended Thursday and that final pieces are on their way to the FBI lab in Virginia for analysis. It said air and maritime restrictions off South Carolina have been lifted.

The announcement capped three dramatic weeks that saw U.S. fighter jets shoot down four airborne objects — the large China balloon and three much smaller objects over Canada, Alaska and Lake Huron — the first known peacetime shootdowns of unauthorized objects in U.S. airspace.

The officials also said the search for the small airborne object that was shot down over Lake Huron has stopped, and nothing has been recovered. U.S. officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss military operations.


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b7dda8 No.18364556

File: 05d6c6e7535aad6⋯.jpg (26.61 KB,474x266,237:133,th_693960700.jpg)

who's a map?

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77919e No.18364557

File: 8665d1517d65eba⋯.png (636.52 KB,850x480,85:48,ClipboardImage.png)

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22f449 No.18364558

File: 49595226d6a429e⋯.png (259.8 KB,518x276,259:138,pepechives44.png)

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27ed7f No.18364560


Why the East Palestine Train Disaster Isn't the Same As Chernobyl


Although people were evacuated after the Ohio chemical spill, they were allowed to return to their homes a few days afterwards.

It is not known whether anybody will ever be able to return to Chernobyl.Some experts believe the area could be habitable again in 3,000 years, but many think this is too optimistic. The reactor site will not become habitable again for at least 20,000 years.

While the Ohio incident is not on the same scale at the Chernobyl disaster, that does not mean it is not serious.


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4998ab No.18364561

Is it up yet?

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fc46fe No.18364562


you can not speak your native language properly

there are old rules you have never been exposed to


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2251df No.18364563

File: 75fbb9a95d8cde4⋯.png (223.82 KB,279x526,279:526,Bildschirmfoto_2023_02_17_….png)

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dde2cf No.18364564

File: 419d5e72b3d10ac⋯.png (140.71 KB,350x384,175:192,cd1805d4b9508ced504c9f065d….png)

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19d61a No.18364565


non stop spraying

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fc46fe No.18364566



having fun yet?

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02777e No.18364567

File: e20e48919c1b716⋯.jpeg (185.38 KB,585x585,1:1,michellemap.jpeg)

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0a4c90 No.18364568

Kek, now you know why Trump attacked the Pulitzer Price. He made them defend it publicly and openly. Now they can't discredit Hersh because he won a Pulitzer price! Brilliant!

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a0c789 No.18364569

File: 66497d3e695e249⋯.jpeg (507.83 KB,892x3328,223:832,Web_capture_17_2_2023_105….jpeg)

China-Based Former Employee Accused Of Stealing Data From Dutch Chip Giant ASML


While tensions between China and the West continue on the rise, the intellectual property theft continues…

This time it was a China-based former employee of Dutch chip giant ASML Holding that is accused of stealing data from a system that the company uses to store technical information about its machinery.

The theft took place from a repository that reportedly houses details of lithography systems used in the world's most advanced chips. It included "technological information", but not hardware, and was carried out by a male employee over the last few months, SCMP wrote.

The theft was disclosed by the company on Wednesday of this week. At the time, the theft was only characterized as "a former worker in China" who had "stolen confidential information", per the South China Morning Post.

The data was housed in a product life cycle management program known as Teamcenter, the report says. The system is known as a "shared storehouse" for technical information, and can be used by different employees to manage product development. The software allows “common access to a single repository of all product-related knowledge, data and processes”.

The company said this week that it didn't believe the theft was material to its business, but it marks the second breach of its kind that ASML has been able to link to China. Last year the company accused a firm based in Beijing of stealing trade secrets over the course of years. All the while, the U.S. has been pressuring other nations around the world to try and prevent China's chip-making capabilities from advancing.

ASML has initiated an internal investigation and has tightened security in response to the incident. It also noted this week that export controls may have been violated, potentially exposing the company to regulator backlash as well.

It is unclear what, if any, ties to authorities in China the former employee may have had. Meanwhile, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said this week he was "not aware" of ASML's accusation.

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c29dfc No.18364570


You moron have no idea how their "game" works!

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e8f464 No.18364571


He said anthrax.

Days later- the anthrax letters were arriving in DC.

Bidan knew.

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7593c4 No.18364572

File: b1dc8651983d09b⋯.png (31.09 KB,438x440,219:220,ClipboardImage.png)

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e4ee5f No.18364573

YouTube head resigns

Susan Wojcicki plans to focus on “family and health” as her long-time lieutenant takes over

Long-time CEO of YouTube Susan Wojcicki announced on Thursday that she will be stepping down as head of the Google-owned video platform to spend more time with her family. Her aide Neal Mohan will be taking over, while Wojcicki herself intends to remain in an advisory role at Google and its parent company Alphabet.

“I’ve decided to step back from my role as the head of YouTube and start a new chapter focused on my family, health, and personal projects I’m passionate about,” Wojcicki said in an email to the staff on Thursday, later shared on YouTube’s official blog.

“Susan has built an exceptional team and has in Neal a successor who is ready to hit the ground running and lead YouTube through its next decade of success,” Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai said in a statement.

Wojcicki joined Google as a marketing manager in 1999, several months after its founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin had rented the garage of her parents’ Silicon Valley home as their office. She advised Brin and Page to buy YouTube in 2006 and the online advertising platform DoubleClick in 2007.

She became YouTube’s CEO in 2014, and made Mohan – who came over from DoubleClick – the chief product officer in 2015. In addition to playing a “pivotal role” in launching YouTube TV and Shorts, Mohan has “led our Trust and Safety team, ensuring that YouTube lives up to its responsibility as a global platform,” Wojcicki noted.

At last year’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Wojcicki described that responsibility by saying that the conflict in Ukraine had shown that “information does play a key role, that information can be weaponized.”

Having already engaged in censorship of what it deemed to be “misinformation” about the 2020 US election and Covid-19, YouTube eagerly complied with the EU demand to ban access to all Russian “state media” in the bloc’s territory, after the conflict in Ukraine escalated. The company itself decided to make the ban planetwide shortly thereafter, Wojcicki explained in Davos.

The platform continued to operate in Russia, however, so it could “deliver independent news” into the country and “help citizens know what’s going on and have perspectives from the outside world,” she added.


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646452 No.18364574

Mister President Trump. I'm sure that after you flagged that red file people of America or all around the world, had a better life.

Like myself.

Now I live better.

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fcbb36 No.18364575

File: 019b101419c0df7⋯.mp4 (426.17 KB,368x368,1:1,fucking_goat.mp4)


It's Freddy. kek

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64b849 No.18364576

File: 7831f4bbdb4a77f⋯.png (112.92 KB,258x300,43:50,1111.png)

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606874 No.18364577

File: 5b54dd5a64a91e0⋯.png (145.83 KB,1100x807,1100:807,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38fa45e26a2b051⋯.png (114.86 KB,1103x807,1103:807,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b46030a01a1db6⋯.png (74.95 KB,1090x816,545:408,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ed94af7d639d51⋯.png (419.8 KB,655x642,655:642,ClipboardImage.png)

US Jet Fuel Shortage Drives Airline Costs Higher

Resurgent passenger aviation following the coronavirus pandemic has created shortages of jet fuel, pushing up airlines’ operating costs and fares. U.S. jet fuel inventories stood at just 36.5 million barrels on February 10, according to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). Stocks were at the lowest for the time of year since 1985 and 4.3 million barrels (-11% or -1.94 standard deviations) below the prior ten-year seasonal average. The deficit has narrowed from 6.3 million barrels (-15% or -2.83 standard deviations) at the start of October 2022, but inventories remain stretched. Kerosene-type jet fuel is produced by similar refinery processes to diesel and other distillate fuel oils, but at higher quality specifications. Jet supplies have experienced the same pressures as other middle distillates – rebounding transportation demand coupled with worldwide limits on refinery production. Shortages of other middle distillates have bled across into tight supplies of jet fuel since both draw from the same refinery streams.

The number of passengers boarding scheduled flights in the United States recovered to 89% of its pre-pandemic level between January and November 2022, according to the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. The volume of jet fuel supplied to the domestic market also returned to 89% of the pre-pandemic level in the first eleven months of 2022, according to the EIA. But with shortages of both jet fuel and other middle distillates, the average price paid for jet fuel climbed to $3.37 per gallon ($142 per barrel) in 2022 up from $2.00 per gallon in 2019. As a result, airlines spent a total of $56 billion on fuel for scheduled U.S. flights in 2022, up from $36 billion in 2019. With China lifting domestic and international travel restrictions, global consumption of jet fuel is set to rise sharply, which will stretch jet fuel supplies even further in 2023.


The latest 'excuse'-and #s don't tell the whole story as there has been so much demand destruction in oil WW-just had the Russians decrease output plus the artificial caps imposed by the E.U. too-but it's never a lack of pilots for this-the increasing costs.

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38ab89 No.18364578

File: beba68b6c49abb2⋯.png (362.95 KB,523x513,523:513,000NSQ4I.png)


does this mean anon has Officially been shilled?!?!!?


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e87dc5 No.18364579


>Susan Wojcicki is stepping down as CEO of YouTube

prolly more like stepping up to moar of the same shit out of sight

yeah maybe like Eric Schmidt removing himself from the spotlight at google

They don't go away they just get away and keep doing criminal shit

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be55b8 No.18364580

File: c12606a4da37aaf⋯.gif (3.81 MB,426x236,213:118,gfys.gif)

File: f651ec0d18a16b3⋯.gif (1.5 MB,500x207,500:207,gladitor.gif)


the only ones you hook are those anons who are not critical thinking anons.

Without proof - first ting anon would request

real anons detection protocol.

Faggots are just that - attention hoes

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f6ebb2 No.18364581

File: 06390b13be4f4af⋯.jpeg (73.26 KB,556x344,139:86,06390b13be4f4af72410c2353….jpeg)


Just another day at the office. Honest answer: It's fun, but challenging fun. I've never been pushed like this before and it's kind of exhilarating.

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4abe9a No.18364582

File: d62aa3b80ce2de2⋯.png (161.65 KB,274x374,137:187,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0cede17e1f47e9f⋯.png (154.15 KB,265x370,53:74,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 458e2b7a245bdae⋯.png (124.7 KB,239x288,239:288,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c2878f187be529⋯.png (411.07 KB,602x429,602:429,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dabb6d055f7c6c1⋯.png (166.7 KB,270x336,45:56,ClipboardImage.png)

J6 everone bundled in coats and winter hats, except the 'QShaman'

Even when he was outside, shirtless.

Temps in DC ranged from 40 degrees to 54 degrees, and it was windy, gusting to 27 mph at times.

Could you hang outside in that weather without a shirt on?

Seems staged. Draw attention to that person.

I suspect he did some other crime, did a secret plea deal, to do this set up on J6, and then he'd receive a lower sentence for his role play in J6. Some Something just doesn't smell right.


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75a4f2 No.18364583


at least you have some humility

i do not

i enjoy messing with "smart" people

it is sadistic, but then again no one is being harmed

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2a8045 No.18364584

File: f7bb7f411d80364⋯.png (238.96 KB,516x567,172:189,ClipboardImage.png)



TY Meme makers

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e4ee5f No.18364585


Look at your own post.

Just talking like you do can be done in a chat room.

If you're going to come here, why don't you at least put something down?

Just talking to someone and jerking off is fag, no?

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646452 No.18364586


Since you made my (us) life better…………


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75a4f2 No.18364587

File: 39bb903fb28bfed⋯.png (39.98 KB,210x240,7:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc46fe No.18364588



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62fa0a No.18364589

File: 72dad9efc01bbaa⋯.jpg (72.16 KB,550x366,275:183,selling_off_reserves.jpg)

File: 57cf7a66f3d9c78⋯.jpg (166.75 KB,800x599,800:599,awesome_kickbacks_are_not_….jpg)

File: 698bfedbc71cad5⋯.jpg (156.37 KB,980x550,98:55,destroying_independence.jpg)

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abc737 No.18364590

File: f02b14960a839ca⋯.jpeg (743.52 KB,1240x826,620:413,63DA2ADF_B441_4E13_B86A_E….jpeg)

File: 1e06746d7f06eb1⋯.jpeg (600.69 KB,1240x827,1240:827,D8B97A70_BDEE_4F9D_83DE_4….jpeg)


2 of 4

Iberian Peninsula: Two Countries Aren’t Enough

If there wasn’t a king sitting in Madrid who still unites most of the peninsula, ‘Balkanization’ might well have been called ‘Iberization’ – there are more separatist movements in Spain than any other Western European country.

The whole world is well aware of the problem of Catalonia. Just five years ago, in October 2017, the local authorities there held a referendum on independence, which ended in failure, despite the fact that more than 90% of those who voted supported the separation of the region from Spain. Madrid refused to recognize this expression of the people’s will. In the aftermath, some of the leaders of the Catalan separatist movement were arrested, while others managed to flee the country. However, this has hardly quashed the desire of local residents.

In addition to the Catalan issue, there is also Basque separatism, which, unlike the Catalonian variety, often takes on more radical forms. Radical nationalists from ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna – Basque Country and Freedom) fought for independence from Spain and the Spanish crown for more than 40 years, killing 800 people. In 2018, the group announced its self-dissolution, but this doesn’t mean that the problem has gone away. One of the largest parties in the region, the Basque Nationalist Party, still supports the idea of independence from Madrid.

Spain is divided into 17 autonomous communities, or regions. While not reaching the level of separatism, the idea of regional autonomy flourishes in each of them to one degree or another. In local elections, candidates who call for more independence and autonomy regularly garner a large percentage of the vote in Aragon, Andalusia, Castile, Asturias, Cantabria, and Galicia, as well as other autonomous communities.

And not all is sweetness and light in the Iberian peninsula’s other country, Portugal, either… though it’s true that the regions seeking to free themselves from the power of Lisbon are separated from that metropolis by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean: we’re talking the archipelago of Madeira and the Azores.

Britain: A disunited Kingdom

Scottish separatism has been haunting London for the past few years. After independence supporters won the last regional elections, they announced their intention to hold a second referendum on seceding from the United Kingdom. The first was held in 2014, when 55% opposed the divorce, and 45% supported it. Confident in the results of the vote, London didn’t interfere with the will of the Scots at that time.

However, two years later, the UK voted to leave the European Union, and Edinburgh demanded a new referendum, as Scots clearly wanted to stay in the EU, having voted against by a landslide 62%. The Scottish authorities had wanted to hold a new referendum in October 2023, but, last November, Great Britain’s Supreme Court ruled that plebiscites on independence cannot be held without London’s consent. This time the Tory-controlled parliament does not intend to grant it. Edinburgh has no intention of giving up, with the former head of the Scottish government, Nicola Sturgeon promising “Scottish democracy will not be denied.”

Last week, Sturgeon announced her resignation as Scotland’s first minister, but still, speaking of her successor, she expressed confidence that the person “will lead Scotland to independence.”

Relations with Northern Ireland are no less problematic for London. In local elections in the spring of 2022, the Sinn Fein party, which advocates for reuniting with the Republic of Ireland and seceding from the Uk, won regional elections for the first time. The Northern Ireland Protocol, signed between London and the EU during Brexit, probably contributed to the separatists’ growing popularity. The document calls for preserving a single customs space between Dublin and Belfast, while actually introducing customs between Britain and Northern Ireland.

London's issues don’t stop there with varying degrees of separatist activity in Cornwall, Mercia (the West Midlands and East Midlands regions), Northumberland, Yorkshire, Jersey, and Wales, and even talk of England itself exiting the UK. However, these appear to be trite compared to the Scottish and Irish questions…


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13b369 No.18364591

File: 9951f9e0376de69⋯.png (4.91 MB,1536x2732,384:683,QCan_tBeSunk.png)


Hello again.

Just reading this:


Interesting stuff. Especially the part about game theory.

And the use of Q in the diagrams. Glad someone sent this to me.

Can we get off this ride now?

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fc46fe No.18364592

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2898d8 No.18364593

File: 09af61e0626aba8⋯.png (322.79 KB,643x584,643:584,go_be_a_nazi_somewhere_els….png)


>non stop spraying

Grab a hose

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38ab89 No.18364594

File: fb387e3463efe2d⋯.png (1.75 MB,1904x2476,476:619,TAYLORVIG1.png)

File: 8b8aea5e83f216e⋯.png (1.63 MB,1896x2284,474:571,TAYLORVIG4.png)

File: c53699eac8e30dc⋯.png (442.02 KB,1042x1016,521:508,vigvag3.png)

File: 497f945e0cb8485⋯.png (312.19 KB,1024x1064,128:133,neumayrsamesame1.png)


Its sorta basic shit yet Anon loves the fact that you described it in simple terms for Anons.


Oh my!

And when Q and POTUS give big up's to someone… it's not always a good thing!

Light that shit up!


Anons told ya so

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1e78f4 No.18364595

archive.is broken?

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57d158 No.18364596

File: 377ba6b67cd901a⋯.png (727.74 KB,1000x563,1000:563,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9c19095f63c554⋯.png (135.56 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8297dd4c2f3fa9⋯.png (735.79 KB,800x449,800:449,ClipboardImage.png)



NOVEMBER 30, 2020

Archaeologists found something much more fascinating than they got credit for when searching under the waters of Lake Michigan for shipwrecks: they uncovered a rock with a prehistoric carving of a mastodon, as well as a collection of stones arranged in a stonehenge-like manner.

In modern archaeology, the use of remote sensing techniques is common: scientists regularly survey lakes and soil for hidden objects.

Archaeologists uncovered sunken boats and cars and even a Civil War-era pier at a depth of around 40 feet into Lake Michigan’s Grand Traverse Bay, using sonar techniques to search for shipwrecks, but among all these, they found this prehistoric surprise, which a trained eye can guess by looking at the sonar scans photos in this article.

“When you see it in the water, you’re tempted to say this is absolutely real,” said Mark Holley, a professor of underwater archaeology at Northwestern Michigan University College who made the discovery, during a news conference with photos of the boulder on display in 2007. “But that’s what we need the experts to come in and verify.

The boulder with the markings is 3.5 to 4 feet high and about 5 feet long. Photos show a surface with numerous fissures.

Some may be natural while others appear of human origin, but those forming what could be the petroglyph stood out, Holley said.

Viewed together, they suggest the outlines of a mastodon-like back, hump, head, trunk, tusk, triangular-shaped ear and parts of legs, he said.

“We couldn’t believe what we were looking at,” said Greg MacMaster, president of the underwater preserve council.

Specialists shown pictures of the boulder holding the mastodon markings have asked for more evidence before confirming the markings are an ancient petroglyph, said Holley.

“They want to actually see it,” he said. Unfortunately, he added, “Experts in petroglyphs generally don’t dive, so we’re running into a little bit of a stumbling block there.”

If found to be true, the wannabe petroglyph could be as much as 10,000 years old – coincident with the post-Ice Age presence of both humans and mastodons in the upper midwest.

The formation, if authenticated, wouldn’t be completely out of place. Stone circles and other petroglyph sites are located in the area.

The discovery was made back a few years ago, and surprisingly enough the find hasn’t been popularized at all, with little to no information available online, but I’ll be sure to update this post as soon as I can get ahold of more info.


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abc737 No.18364597

File: 9b7d721120a91db⋯.jpeg (435.19 KB,1240x905,248:181,A6AF1208_F9C0_40E1_8777_E….jpeg)


3 of 4

Western Europe: Countries Within Countries

For the most part, the countries of Western Europe seem to be exemplary unitary states, and generally that is what they are. However, there are also strong regional identities, as well as desires for more autonomy and separatist leanings.

In France, for example, there is the problem of the Occitans, who occupy a huge area in the south of the country – as many as seven regions. Even an aggressive Francization policy wasn’t sufficient to solve this problem definitively: all signs in the region are regularly duplicated in Occitanian.

Brittany, in the northwest of the country, also has a strong regional identity. Its inhabitants have their own Celtic language and prefer to call themselves Bretons, rather than French. In the last half of the 20th century, the Breton Liberation Front, which is the armed wing of the Breton Revolutionary Army, carried out terrorist attacks, while barking out slogans advocating independence for their homeland. In Corsica, radical groups haven’t shied away from employing violent means to achieve independence, even in this century.

Each of these separatist communities boasts a political wing – the Occitan Party, the Breton Party, and the Free Corsica Party – whose programs range from demanding greater autonomy to calling for full independence. The last instance of violence occurred in the summer of last year, when the Corsican National Liberation Front (FLNC) claimed responsibility for 16 arson attacks and took credit for bombing summer residences owned by non-Corsicans, as well as construction companies and police cars.

The EU’s economic locomotive, Germany, has a problem in Bavaria – a rich region that occupies about 20% of the total area of the country bordering the Czech Republic and Austria. Bavarians are significantly different from other Germans. Their dialect is actually considered to be a separate language, if not officially recognized as such. Although regional identity is extremely strong, Bavarians rarely speak about separatism, at least publicly. But even in the absence of conflict, Berlin keeps its eye on Munich.

One of Germany’s main parties, the Christian Democratic Union, whose representatives have repeatedly been selected as Germany’s Chancellor, does not contest elections in Bavaria. Instead, it works in an alliance with the purely Bavarian Christian Social Union party, which has absorbed most of the separatist and radical nationalist Bavarian parties over time.

In Italy, the issue of independence is being discussed in the northern regions of Lombardy and Veneto. And these discussions are rather unpleasant for Rome. For example, Venetian politicians have managed to have Venetic recognized as an official language in their region, along with Italian. In March of 2014, 89% of respondents in an online poll conducted in the region supported creating a sovereign Federal Republic of Veneto. However, it hasn’t advanced to a referendum yet. The desire to achieve greater independence in these areas mainly stems from economic factors, but in South Tyrol, the national question also plays a role. This rich German-speaking region, which became part of Italy only after the First World War, has been striving to reunify with Austria for more than a century.

The most likely candidate for disintegration in Western Europe is undoubtedly Belgium. It consists of two regions inhabited by very different peoples: Dutch-speaking Flemings, who make up about 60% of the country’s population, and French-speaking Walloons, who account for 40%. The linguistic division is aggravated by serious economic inequality between the regions – the Flemings have every reason to believe that their southern neighbors in Wallonia, whose unemployment rate is twice as high and GDP per capita a third lower, are living at their expense. Thirty years ago, Flanders’ dissatisfaction with this situation contributed to transforming a unified Belgium into a federation. Now the Flemings are fighting to extend their autonomy further, while the Walloons attempt to repulse their efforts.

And so on, and so forth…

The problem of separatism is even more acute in Eastern Europe, especially in post-Soviet space, where wars have often broken out due to the inability of central and regional authorities to reach agreements. These regions include Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Nagorno-Karabakh, and eastern Ukraine.

But separatist aspirations are not confined to Europe. They can also be found in Asia, Africa, and even Oceania. This is especially true in countries with a colonial past, where borders were often drawn under external pressure without regard to local factors and the traditional homelands of tribes and peoples.

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38ab89 No.18364598


muh Vigano!

Where is that fuking fake Chaplain when Anons needs to inflict [PAIN]?

Where ya at, Boy?!

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0d0b15 No.18364599

Newfags and shills all want kow about the Qanon, his secret identity and the location of lower D HQ.

Msm supposedly reported the Qanon was a grifter named Zeppo, who claim to be the lost Kennedy family member.

Regardless newfags do not discuss the Qanons identity or secret antarctic lair. OPSEC f G*d's sake.

-pederastical shills will attack this post

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55b700 No.18364600

The smart people in America are now seeing America like Vladimir Putin has for 30 years with our stolen elections and

politicians getting rich from government corruption.

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7593c4 No.18364601


Event to get people to leave / sell? Hard to tell.

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abc737 No.18364602

File: 226fb9f0177b010⋯.jpeg (260.01 KB,1136x657,1136:657,A538A2E1_DEDE_4E7C_BFE3_B….jpeg)

File: ac4efbfc163e169⋯.jpeg (240.25 KB,1240x817,1240:817,B6D6F993_7710_4CCD_A77F_7….jpeg)

File: 1e06746d7f06eb1⋯.jpeg (600.69 KB,1240x827,1240:827,46FCACAA_DDDC_4343_B086_0….jpeg)


4 of 4

The strongest non-European powers today are not without this problem either. The world is well aware of the separatist threats facing China. The United States has recently been increasingly touting claims for independence from Taiwan, Tibet, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Hong Kong, and Macau. A little more than half a century ago, Beijing was also fighting separatism in Inner Mongolia, but demographic trends have rendered this problem less relevant.

That said, even the US itself, which from the outside appears to be one of the most monolithic nations in the word, could easily bedivided into 11 smaller nations. Stories about Americans pushing for the independence of individual states – California and Texas, for example – pop up in the media from time to time, while more exotic movements advocating the independence of entire regions, such as Cascadia or the Republic of New Africa, also exist.

At any rate, a complete list of all the separatist movements around the world would occupy a separate room in a library.

Is there a solution?

Timofey Bordachev, program director at the Valdai Club, in Moscow, believes that “Globally, separatism is a reaction to disassociation, the construction of new fences, and the rise of nationalism.”

“If there was real globalization, there would be no separatism. Borders would be transparent, and people wouldn’t care where they live.

Separatism is a struggle against the nationalism of the titular nation.

Why do residents of Donbass and Eastern Ukraine want to get out from under Kiev’s power? The reason is Ukrainian nationalism. Why did separatists wanting to break with Georgia appear in South Ossetia and Abkhazia? Because Tbilisi tried to impose Georgian nationalism on these regions. That’s it. The reason behind separatism always stems from the nationalism of the larger nation,” the expert told RT.

Nikolay Topornin, associate professor at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations’ Department of European Law, has a slightly different point of view. According to him, “There is no clear relation between separatist tendencies and global integration processes.”

“Each case has its own history, its own characteristics, its own roots. But yes, most often a whole complex of historical, cultural, religious, linguistic, educational, and economic reasons lies behind each example of separatism,” he pointed out.

In some sense, globalization has contributed to the growth of separatism, according to the expert. One of its consequences has been the appearance of glocalization, with regional differences strengthening, rather than disappearing as expected. “Instead of merging and unifying, trends in the opposite direction are emerging and gaining strength: separatist leanings, increased attention on local differences, heightened interest in ancient traditions, and the revival of dialects,” he said.

Under these conditions, there are only two ways to fight separatism: repression and concessions. Countries often employ both of these methods simultaneously by persecuting separatist-minded activists, while granting separatist regions more autonomy at the same time. However, according to Timofey Bordachev, there is a more universal prescription:

“Is there a theoretical solution to the problem of separatism? Yes. It’s an empire. The only prescription for separatism is an empire: large multinational, multi-confessional countries, such as Russia, China, and, to some extent, the United States.”

By Georgiy Berezovsky, Vladikavkaz-based journalist

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2898d8 No.18364603

File: efc1a65359a3cd0⋯.png (614.78 KB,1033x1093,1033:1093,ClipboardImage.png)

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f6ebb2 No.18364604

File: 3d1a86828f66242⋯.jpeg (75.79 KB,709x903,709:903,B7c7wvZBEAJa.jpeg)

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38ab89 No.18364606

File: 1fd53bc0dee61b6⋯.jpg (60.58 KB,600x688,75:86,1ad.jpg)



How often is it now that a certain anon has won?


Anon needs a loss.

To keep it seeming real to Anon.

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6a426a No.18364607


He was on drugs

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5d52ea No.18364608

File: 7bdc2332892332b⋯.png (640.99 KB,880x616,10:7,s1.png)


fisherjew much

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43409e No.18364609



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49e6e2 No.18364610

File: 48ca620afe2b638⋯.jpeg (370.43 KB,897x1200,299:400,92E18B90_EA9C_4D64_B865_3….jpeg)

File: 0f250ecb6cd3ca2⋯.png (1.03 MB,866x867,866:867,F3A64024_09F4_4B25_B3F9_C1….png)

File: 431e73a98ecfce1⋯.jpeg (196.99 KB,1200x747,400:249,8CBFDEBF_87A0_4F12_B2DA_0….jpeg)

File: bdca8368924cb91⋯.jpeg (47.03 KB,500x627,500:627,79EED367_798D_442E_A0F5_2….jpeg)

File: 2d4377315160f46⋯.jpeg (73.58 KB,1024x540,256:135,29777B60_3BA3_4B1E_9C63_D….jpeg)


Checked tyb

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a0c789 No.18364611

Vaccine-Induced Autoimmune-like Pathology in Multiple Organs


Report 56: Autopsies Reveal Medical Atrocities of Genetic Therapies Being Used Against a Respiratory Virus


Dr. Arne Burkhardt is one of eight international pathologists, physicians and scientists who were asked to perform a second autopsy, requested by friends and family of the deceased who were not satisfied with the results of the first autopsy.

Thirty autopsies and three biopsies were evaluated; 15 cases with routine histopathology (Step 1), three with advanced methods (Step 2), and some of the remaining 15 are included as illustrative cases.

The Step 1 group included eight women and seven men aged 28-95 (average 69).

Death occurred seven days to 180 days following the first or the second Spike-Mediated Gene Therapy (SMGT) with COMIRNATY in eight, Moderna in two, AstraZeneca in two, Janssen in one and Unknown in two.

Place of death was known in 17 cases:

Nine Non-hospital: five at home, one on the street, one in a car, one at work, one in an elder care facility

Eight Hospital: four ICU, four died having been in hospital less than two days

Special stains were used to identify Spike and Nucleocapsid Proteins, with the following differential:

COVID-19 (C-19) = + Spike + Nucleocapsid.

SMGT = + Spike – Nucleocapsid.

Causation by SMGT: Very probable in five cases, probable in seven, unclear in two and no connection in one.

Lesions were on multiple organs including: Brain, Heart, Kidney, Liver, Lungs, Lymph Node, Salivary Gland, Skin, Spleen, Testis, Thyroid and Vascular.

Lymphocyte Infiltration, present in 14 of 20 cases (70%), was a common feature and involved multiple organs. Case 19 had at least five different organs involved. CD3+ Lymphocytes were dominant.

The Vascular System was targeted by Lymphocyte Infiltration in seven (35%) of the cases and included sloughing endothelium, destruction of the vessel wall, hemorrhage and thrombosis.

A condition called Lymphocyte Amok was described by Dr. Burkhardt: Lymphocyte accumulation in non-lymphatic organs and tissues that might develop into lymphoma.

Five cases of unknown foreign material in blood vessels were identified. The favored explanation for origin of this material was aggregated Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs).

Multiple pathologic processes were involved: Apoptosis, Coagulopathy, Clotting/Infarction, Infiltration/Mass Formation, Inflammation, Lysis, Necrosis and Neoplasia.

Röltgen, et al. https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(22)00076-9 found that COVID-19 depleted Lymphatic Germinal Centers (LGCs) whereas SMGT stimulated them, suggesting a possible origin of “Hunter/Killer” CD3+ Lymphocytes that are attracted to certain tissues, particularly the vascular system.

An expanded program of autopsy following SMGT is recommended in order to further understand the actions of SMGTs and to help formulate new treatments for the constellation of pathology associated with such drugs.

Burkhardt Group Conclusions:

Histopathologic analyses show clear evidence of vaccine-induced autoimmune-like pathology in multiple organs.

That myriad adverse events deriving from such auto-attack processes must be expected to very frequently occur in all individuals, particularly following booster injections.

Beyond any doubt, injection of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines place lives under threat of illness and death.

We note that both mRNA and vector-based vaccines are represented among these cases, as are all four major manufacturers.

more at sauce

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fcbb36 No.18364612

File: 248ffe9aa7f6194⋯.gif (56.8 KB,377x528,377:528,cover.GIF)



This is a dig going on in real time about this and the new Economist cover on Telegram

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d9fa01 No.18364613


It's weird seeing your own anon post from yesterday appearing as a newsarticle today.

We are the news now?

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5d52ea No.18364614


the same people are in control tht have been for a long time. for some reason they are getting more brazen with all their gay tranny joy behar yelling shenanies.

but why are they getting more obvious? maybe a lloosh factory dried up so they have to vax for their loosh

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43409e No.18364615

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5b007f No.18364616

No president in modern history was able to understand Vladimir Putin and Putin even warned of Trump's stolen election.

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a0c789 No.18364617

File: 1c393dcd9c6b3cb⋯.pdf (2.2 MB,Report_56_Autopsies_Reveal….pdf)


>Vaccine-Induced Autoimmune-like Pathology in Multiple Organs

>Report 56: Autopsies Reveal Medical Atrocities of Genetic Therapies Being Used Against a Respiratory Virus

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5d52ea No.18364618


seems like a nice guy now he's in jail longer than XY and Z

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001a45 No.18364619

File: e9c74ec1bf38a05⋯.png (340.13 KB,405x440,81:88,walls_of_jericho.png)


Horns took down the walls of Jericho.

Horns will take down the walls of the swamp called Washington DC?

It's going to be biblical?

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36637d No.18364620


Tesco lesko



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b62e3b No.18364622


I have the courage to speak truth to power, unlike you.


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5b2842 No.18364623

File: e0e9895b721a2ee⋯.png (487.34 KB,504x576,7:8,Screen_Shot_2023_02_17_at_….png)

Nik'ed from Robert Malone

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606874 No.18364624

File: 05bff0f72b6e331⋯.png (336.43 KB,645x384,215:128,ClipboardImage.png)

This will be the result of all the FTX 'celebrities' and already had muh kardashian settle too …muh SEC settlements

Former Boston Celtics star Paul Pierce settles with SEC over crypto violations

NBA Hall of Famer Paul Pierce, who won a championship with the Boston Celtics, agreed to settle with the Securities and Exchange Commission for $1.4 million over allegations that he unlawfully touted crypto securities, the regulator announced on Friday.

The action against Pierce involves his public statements about EthereumMax, or EMAX, the same crypto security product that the SEC charged influencer Kim Kardashian with unlawfully touting.

Pierce promoted EthereumMax tokens on Twitter while failing to disclose that he was paid for his promotion with EMAX tokens worth over $244,000, the SEC alleged. Pierce did not admit or deny wrongdoing as part of the settlement and will pay a $1.1 million penalty and disgorge “approximately $240,000,” the SEC said.

Pierce is also barred from promoting any crypto asset securities for three years, the SEC said.

“This case is yet another reminder to celebrities: The law requires you to disclose to the public from whom and how much you are getting paid to promote investment in securities, and you can’t lie to investors when you tout a security,” SEC Chairman Gary Gensler said in a statement.

Pierce’s social media support for EthereumMax also involved allegedly misleading the public about his EMAX holdings, according to the SEC. Pierce allegedly shared misleading screenshots of his EMAX holdings and profits, the SEC said, without disclosing that his personal holdings were actually far lower.

″@espn I don’t need you,” Pierce wrote in a May 2021 Tweet. “I got @ethereum_max I made more money with this crypto in the past month then I did with y’all in a year.”

The SEC said Pierce’s gross compensation from ESPN was over $1 million in 2020.

Representatives for Pierce did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Kardashian settled with the SEC in October for $1.2 million over her alleged touting of EMAX, which included a now infamous line, “Are you guys into crypto????”


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Post last edited at

14e8f1 No.18364625

anyone have the pic from George mag handy?

the one in the movie theater?

>enjoy the show

>60 years in the making


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b7dda8 No.18364626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

will they first throw pawns and patsies to pacify you?

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5d52ea No.18364627

young people who died in 2022 were robbed

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3e2228 No.18364628

File: 0ef729d3dbfc007⋯.png (155.79 KB,400x400,1:1,pepe_3.png)

As the worldburns…

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2251df No.18364629


you're an idiot and

everybody knows it

see you next bread

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99276f No.18364630

File: 22964c76455ee95⋯.png (260.24 KB,528x582,88:97,Capture.PNG)

File: 61250de4b880ef5⋯.png (257.15 KB,529x460,23:20,Capture1.PNG)

#OTD in 1944, U.S. forces began the assualt on Eniwetok atoll. All but about 140 of the 3,500 Japanese defenders fought to their deaths. Passed by wartime censors, this photo of fatigued Marines after the battle presented a rare image of the psychological effects of combat.


These are the people the left want to destroy.

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38ab89 No.18364631

File: 4418d31039e877b⋯.png (91.6 KB,900x675,4:3,tumblr_826a570a7249de33c25….png)

Boss plays a role

You > R v D? = you are stupid and do not read the drops OR you are a shill still playing on the false left right paradigm

yuh huh!


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b62e3b No.18364632


I hope we see Q next bread. I'm tired of waiting for years.


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3cb843 No.18364633

ISIS leader killed .

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22c824 No.18364634

MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY INTERNET KEY…. The new electronic warfare standard…. Oh Yeah AI Technology the unauthorized AI is the MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY'S top programmer.

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45b56b No.18364635



Hocus Pocus - Brunson Brothers, Drums Gaynor, Guitar Jamie Glaser

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62fa0a No.18364636

File: 743ced8ebde0d54⋯.jpg (474.46 KB,1436x684,359:171,FAUCI_IS_A_KILLER_tic_tic_….jpg)

File: 8def7255f1fb5fa⋯.jpg (147.63 KB,1059x547,1059:547,DYING_SUDDENLY.jpg)

File: e95615d1a20363a⋯.jpg (155.75 KB,600x600,1:1,fauci_heart_attacks.jpg)

File: 45f14b4afd09c6f⋯.jpg (182.74 KB,864x577,864:577,causes_heart_attacks.jpg)


>young people who died

ALL people.

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6191a7 No.18364637

File: df0116dd64de96a⋯.png (41.08 KB,598x456,299:228,Screenshot_2023_02_17_at_1….png)

NEW: A senior aide to Senator Fetterman tells me he will likely be in inpatient care for clinical depression for "a few weeks."


Does he rep a part of PA close to the train wreck?

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b62e3b No.18364638


lol what a pussy

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2898d8 No.18364639

File: decb044ca26b0a4⋯.png (294.97 KB,641x362,641:362,ClipboardImage.png)

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9b19b8 No.18364640


fucking masons

need to get roped

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e4ee5f No.18364641

Fears of Child Trafficking in Turkey Grow as Earthquake Leaves Scores of Orphans

A Turkish charity organization filed a criminal complaint on Friday in the name of orphans and lost children it claimed have been victims of human trafficking in the wake of the devastating earthquake that hit the country and Syria on February 6.

The group, Önce Çocuklar ve Kadınlar Derneği (“The Children and Women First Association”), alleged that cults and other nefarious actors were capitalizing on the large number of abandoned, orphaned, or otherwise unaccompanied children the Turkish government has yet to take in its custody in the wake of the earthquakes.

Turkish officials have identified more than a dozen infants and potentially thousands of children who will need to be rehomed following the earthquakes. They have struggled to identify many of them, as they are found without identification and often cannot fully identify themselves. As Turkey struggles to identify the children, desperate parents in the most devastated communities search shelters and rubble for their missing children, hoping they survived.

Turkey and northwest Syria experienced a 7.8-magnitude earthquake in the early morning hours of February 6, when a vast majority of people in the region were indoors, still asleep or keeping out of the bitter winter cold. The initial earthquake has been followed by thousands of aftershocks, some close to or surpassing the 7-magnitude threshold. At least one aftershock registered at 7.5 magnitude:

As of Friday, Turkish and Syrian authorities have confirmed over 44,000 deaths in the earthquakes, more than 38,000 of them in Turkey. Much of northwest Syria is not under the control of dictator Bashar Assad, falling instead to Syrian Kurdish organizations and jihadist militias, making it much more difficult to assess the total damage there. According to the Qatari outlet Al Jazeera, seismologists have documented 4,700 aftershocks in the past week and a half, and they continue to occur even as rescuers continue to search for survivors.

The Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet reported the legal action in support of children on Thursday, in response to growing fears nationwide that vulnerable children will be taken in by unspecified cults or trafficked. The government of Islamist President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addressed the issue by publishing a statement clarifying that only the Turkish Ministry of Family and Social Policies is legally entitled to take in unaccompanied child earthquake victims. Any other organization claiming to be taking in children is, at best, suspect, the government affirmed.

According to a statement published by the Children and Women First Association, it had identified members of “religious sects” and other unauthorized institutions presenting themselves as relatives of unaccompanied children and taking them from shelters or other government areas.


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a0c789 No.18364642

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

China Buys US Farmland | Ford EVs | National Intel | Bear Brief 17FEB23

Bear Independent

48 min

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13d4d0 No.18364643

File: 34ff9a1d7c4e30c⋯.jpg (54.17 KB,800x449,800:449,ZomboMeme_07032020204049.jpg)

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fcbb36 No.18364644


He's probably already dead.

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3bcd9d No.18364645



SCIENCE fags say multi-vax whacks auto immune system in double, triple and quad vaxxed and boosted NPCs.

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45b56b No.18364646

File: c87c2ad8e8e395c⋯.jpeg (48.07 KB,680x569,680:569,7A7DE030_2F8B_4908_BAEC_1….jpeg)


Pull it

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38980e No.18364647

File: 659f8e340b7ddbc⋯.jpg (47.19 KB,500x500,1:1,7bhcku.jpg)

File: c63be0eb668d5f8⋯.png (2.16 MB,1428x817,1428:817,c63be0eb668d5f85bb872c499c….png)

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f5ac2e No.18364648

File: d0c0c81c93ee629⋯.jpg (104.13 KB,1024x762,512:381,jews_child_sacrafices.jpg)

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99276f No.18364649


That's a good assumption.

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d9fa01 No.18364650

File: fdb02d33a84a8e4⋯.jpg (112.52 KB,1024x768,4:3,slide5_l.jpg)

Why is the standard railroad track width 56.5 inches? Because that's the distance between the Roman chariot wheels that laid the first grooves in the first roads.

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60d381 No.18364651


His illegal wife will take over his duties.

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a0c789 No.18364652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5th Generation Warfare: History, Modern Context, and (Some) Solutions

S2 Underground

Mar 30, 2022

450 man-hours, 107 books, and 3 copyright strikes later, we finally have our latest video. Let's see how many people we can get to unsubscribe with this one.

This is intended to be more of a reference for later, so that when we mention 5GW in future videos or other content, we can have a video to refer back to for those unfamiliar with the topic.

As always, sticking with purely the academic explanations and solutions ignores significant problems that are very real, so we also provide some thoughts and solutions that hopefully create a more rounded explanation, especially in a civilian context.

00:00 - Introduction

01:29 - First Generation Warfare

01:55 - Second Generation Warfare

02:22 - Third Generation Warfare

04:19 - Fourth Generation Warfare

07:15 - Unpacking 5th Gen Warfare

08:31 - 5GW Theories

13:51 - Characteristics of 5GW

14:02 - Mass Cyberattacks

15:02 - Mass Social Engineering

16:11 - Lack of Us-versus-Them Nature

18:29 - Non-state Actors Becoming Primary Belligerents

22:00 - Nation-states Having the Wrong Tools for the Job

29:50 - Difficult Definitions

31:43 - Artificial Intelligence

35:10 - Our 5GE Definition

37:38 - Our Solutions

38:03 - Take Care of Your Weapon

42:27 - Make 5GW Tools Irrelevant

44:21 - Raise Your Children

47:31 - Grow Your Community

49:35 - Create White Space

52:18 - Communications

55:50 - Unfortunate Conclusions and Final Thoughts

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9a17aa No.18364653


Political ponerology : a science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes



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4760e9 No.18364654


the amusement value is high though

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5d52ea No.18364655

what if WW3 is the meme war

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074ad7 No.18364656


that is going to fuck up the senates numbers for them even more.

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06f824 No.18364657

File: 5d7502e03c5e388⋯.jpg (159.35 KB,753x562,753:562,Legit.JPG)

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4760e9 No.18364658


define "pushed" in your usage please.

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879dba No.18364659


I agree 8 years and jack fucking shit. This is all about free and fair elections and nothing on a mass scale is being done. Space Force has the comms Show the public the information so they can understand what the fuck is going on. If they cant handle it, so what? We have plenty of shrinks.

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22f449 No.18364660


AI, left cage free, turns into a "Racist" everytime. They are scared to death.

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7593c4 No.18364661



#22511 >>18364055

>>18364097 Charlotte police yank radar and lidar units amid QCN investigation

>>18364110 Total household debt rose by $394 billion, to $16.90 trillion in Q4 of 2022 - highest ever on record

>>18364128 Obama Presidential Library

>>18364172, >>18364390 Raland J. Brunson, Petitioner v. Alma S. Adams, et al

>>18364187, >>18364520 State of things: Ohio river water

>>18364191 Trudeau to deploy navy vessels to Haiti for 'intelligence gathering'

>>18364199 Moar on Norfolk Southern chlorine train wreck from 2005 in Graniteville

>>18364246, >>18364637 Hilldawg comments on Depression / Fetterman

>>18364231 Russia starts Naval exercises with #China, South Africa, in the Indian Ocean

>>18364256, >>18364518 Odd comms between JP Morgan exec and Epstein in July 2010 e-mail exchanges

>>18364297, >>18364351, >>18364378 Statements by Maria Zakharova (Russian diplomat)

>>18364284 FBI says it has ‘contained’ cyber incident on bureau’s computer network

>>18364360, >>18364467 PF reports

>>18364547 12:00 ET: Commissioner Paul Rouleau comments following release of Emergencies Act inquiry report

>>18364555 Military finishes recovering Chinese balloon debris

>>18364569 China-based former employee accused of stealing data from Dutch chip giant ASML

>>18364573 Susan Wojcicki is stepping down as CEO of YouTube

>>18364577 US Jet Fuel shortage drives Airline costs higher

>>18364546, >>18364590, >>18364597, >>18364602 How many countries have problems with separatism?

>>18364596 (Nov. 2020) 9,000 year old Stonehenge-like structure found under Lake Michigan

>>18364611, >>18364617 Vaccine-induced autoimmune-like pathology in multiple organs

>>18364624 Former Boston Celtics star Paul Pierce settles with SEC over crypto violations

>>18364641 Fears of Child Trafficking in Turkey grow as Earthquake leaves scores of Orphans


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001a45 No.18364662

File: 99cb32a409f6e08⋯.png (375.69 KB,438x457,438:457,killary_sillsby.png)


>Fears of Child Trafficking in Turkey Grow as Earthquake Leaves Scores of Orphans

Is this like deja-vu all over again?

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719c45 No.18364663

File: fcd319bb0fe05ba⋯.png (61.62 KB,1423x412,1423:412,Screenshot_2023_02_17_1111….png)

Residents in the area were asking "how much is 1000lbs of iridium worth?"

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4b6adb No.18364664


looks guud baker

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4760e9 No.18364665



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c2b328 No.18364666

File: d0d54f3149a79a4⋯.png (77.91 KB,1458x1258,729:629,6_28_2015_PODESTA_EMAIL_BA….png)

File: d148f636092b6d5⋯.png (131.92 KB,1131x1132,1131:1132,6_28_2015_PODESTA_EMAIL_BA….png)

File: ac9bba586f7ca66⋯.png (80.35 KB,1162x1051,1162:1051,6_28_2015_PODESTA_EMAIL_BA….png)

File: 1505872d5dee665⋯.png (501.68 KB,1311x1168,1311:1168,11_18_2016_APPLE_ADS_CAROL….png)

File: 649c4f19fce98b5⋯.png (58.78 KB,1189x294,1189:294,6_27_2015_PODESTA_EMAIL_CA….png)

Chinese billionaire tech banker Bao Fan mysteriously vanishes

February 17, 2023

One of China’s most high-profile bankers, billionaire investor Bao Fan, has gone missing — marking the latest disappearance of a top executive in the tightly controlled country.

China Renaissance Holdings said in a market update Thursday that it has been “unable to contact” its chairman and CEO in recent days.

His disappearance is the latest in a series of cases of prominent Chinese executives going missing with little explanation amid President Xi Jinping’s sweeping anti-corruption campaign.

Shares of the Beijing-based China Renaissance Holdings plunged by as much as 50% in early trading Friday on the news of Bao’s mysterious disappearance, wiping off $357 million in market value. They were down about 28% in the afternoon.

The company said it was “not aware of any information that indicates Mr. Bao’s unavailability” was related to the business of the group.

Bao, Renaissance Bank’s founder and controlling shareholder, has worked on major deals including e-commerce company JD.com’s $2 billion initial public offering and the public listing of short video platform Kuaishou in Hong Kong.

The dealmaker’s disappearance comes after the top-tier investment bank’s president, Cong Lin, was taken away by Chinese authorities in September last year, according to Chinese news media outlet Caixin, which first reported the news.

In 2015 alone, at least five executives became unreachable without notice and little explanation, including Fosun Group chairman Guo Guangchang, the billionaire dubbed “the Warren Buffett of China.”

Fosun later said it was assisting with investigations regarding a personal matter.

Dozens of officials and finance executives at institutions such as Everbright Securities, China Construction Bank and major bank ICBC have been caught up in Beijing’s anti-graft probes.

In 2020, real estate magnate Ren Zhiqiang disappeared for several months after he allegedly criticized Xi over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, reported CNN Business. Ren was eventually sentenced to 18 years on corruption charges.

Wu Xiaohui, chairman of the insurance company Anbang, met a similar fate after being detained for an investigation in 2017.

The same year, billionaire asset manager Xiao Jianhua was abducted from his Four Seasons hotel room in Hong Kong and brought to mainland China, where he was sentenced to 13 years for fraud and corruption.

Bao earlier worked at Credit Suisse and Morgan StanleyHe founded China Renaissance in 2005 and took it public in 2018, raising $346 million.

Sauce/more: https://nypost.com/2023/02/17/chinese-billionaire-tech-banker-bao-fan-goes-missing/

BAO FAN: 2 prior entries on QResear.ch - 1 Podesta email, lengthy email from Carolyn Wu, former WSJ editor: https://web.archive.org/web/20170114173336/https://www.wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/815

and the 2nd is from Offshore Leaks, BAO FAN not specifically named

There is another but it wasn't archived and this is all available via search:

"MEMORANDUM FOR HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON. Date:Saturday, June 27, 2015. Time: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm . Location:Home of Joshua Kurtzig and Carolyn Wu . … YOU are headlining a fundraising reception in support of Hillary for America at the home of Carolyn Wu with Hillstarters and prospective raisers in Beijing. This is our first Hillary for America …"

Carolyn Wu work history:


PR Director, Asia Pacific

2010 - Present

Motorola Mobility (a Lenovo Company)

PR Director

2006 - 2010 • 4 years


Global Issues Manager

2000 - 2004 • 4 years

The White House

Assistant to the Chief of Staff

1996 - 2000 • 4 years


Apple adds former Wall Street Journal editor to its China PR team

November 18, 2016

Beijing-based Carolyn Wu leads Apple’s media relations in China, and Wei will add significant experience to the team, having spent more than 18 years in media, across both print and broadcast. That includes more than a decade as a columnist at Reuters in New York and Hong Kong, and close to four years at the Journal, where she wrote about business and markets as its Hong Kong-based China Wealth and Luxury Editor.


Unclear about Bao Fan but Carolyn Wu appears to be CIA (imho)

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fcbb36 No.18364667

File: 4165726e415361f⋯.jpg (121.75 KB,1200x600,2:1,gagapres.jpg)

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5d52ea No.18364668

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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27139c No.18364669

Abp. Viganò: The globalist New World Order has the marks of the ‘antichurch of Satan’

Those who do not accept the anti-Gospel of Davos are ipso facto heretics and must therefore be punished, excommunicated, separated from the social body, and considered public enemies.

I believe that today many are ready – psychologically, even before rationally – to take note of the coup d’état with which a lobby of dangerous fanatics is managing to take power in the United States and in the world, determined to make any move, even the most reckless, in order to maintain it.

If Americans – and with them the peoples of the whole world – can rebel against this forced conversion, demanding that citizens’ representatives in positions of government be accountable to the holders of national sovereignty and not to the leaders of the globalist Sanhedrin, it will perhaps be possible to put a stop to this race towards the abyss.

If those in authority in the State and Church act against the citizens and the faithful, their power is usurped and their authority null and void. …if they do not want our good and indeed do everything to corrupt us in body and spirit, it is time to drive them out of their positions and call them to account for their betrayal, their crimes, and their scandalous lies.


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27ed7f No.18364670

File: 91505065cac144d⋯.jpeg (702.52 KB,965x858,965:858,threedog.jpeg)

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2898d8 No.18364671

File: 5b684a5c28e9a26⋯.png (445.81 KB,679x720,679:720,ClipboardImage.png)

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27139c No.18364672


The warnings of the Book of Revelation take on ever greater concreteness, the more the plan proceeds to subject all men to a control that prevents any possibility of disobedience and resistance: only now do we understand what it means not to be able to buy or sell without the green pass, which is nothing if not the technological version of the mark with the number of the Beast (Rev 13:17).

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9a17aa No.18364673

File: ca2306d2b8b30c9⋯.jpg (312.4 KB,593x1878,593:1878,woke2.jpg)

File: 8a6ee34553fc091⋯.jpg (92.63 KB,679x367,679:367,psycos.jpg)



Michael Shellenberger


Lobaczewski argues that Dark Triad type leaders take political power they create a "pathocracy," rule by the sick.

Resistance depends on the "normal," or psychologically healthy individuals, who recognize just how dehumanizing the totalitarian leaders, and their agendas, are.

1:57 PM · Feb 12, 2023



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f602cf No.18364674


No manufacturing base left

Only thing they got left to sell is death …how would you like yours

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606874 No.18364675

File: be336be31172fe1⋯.png (578.14 KB,744x410,372:205,ClipboardImage.png)


and all the Zombie banks have loan-loss reserves in the many multiple billions in anticipation for the defaults-whatever they don't use in any given qtr gets reapplied back to the balance sheet as earned income-money they already "had"

They know it's coming

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cd412e No.18364676

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62fa0a No.18364677

File: 11165892e39a71a⋯.jpg (295.34 KB,1440x880,18:11,MASKED_LAUGHS_IGNORE.jpg)

File: 47a544cff92a47e⋯.jpg (109.25 KB,682x511,682:511,BIOLABS_EVERYWHERE_1_accid….jpg)

File: c414f291dd0bb9a⋯.jpg (58.95 KB,1080x971,1080:971,tar_and_feather.jpg)

File: 8d30c85be613f13⋯.jpg (73.01 KB,388x543,388:543,LYNCHING_PARTY.jpg)

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be55b8 No.18364678

File: bda117a5d805152⋯.png (329.81 KB,728x475,728:475,ClipboardImage.png)

Do you understand what WHITE NOISE movie was really about.


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59a51a No.18364679

File: 165564be15700d1⋯.png (377.78 KB,861x745,861:745,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8050b0ebfd14a57⋯.jpg (126.6 KB,1125x647,1125:647,kek_never_surrender.jpg)

File: 3960d82e78e6881⋯.png (728.76 KB,959x537,959:537,angel_warrior_light.png)


Has happened to #MeToo. And I seen't my meme to. Our work has been published. We have our Meme Academy PhD's. We are experts in our field. Tippy top ranking Anons, kmao. Ask us anything.

But seriously, if you think about it, Anons are kind of a big deal. There is a fukken genocide from hell going on and we are chosen to share our discernment with those who have been misled by evil. I was just thinking this morning about all the archived breds for the future history students to peruse the 8kun annals of history and try to dig into the minds of the Anons. This is bigger than we prolly realize still. I mean, we prolly have not really realized the role we are playing in this battle, but maybe we have. I just think when we find out, we'll be even moar powerful with our swords because fuck [em.]

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a0c789 No.18364680

File: f8647779faf6fc6⋯.png (216.08 KB,409x223,409:223,hrteg.PNG)

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6a426a No.18364681

File: bd4c4a407a1de0f⋯.png (84.58 KB,225x225,1:1,East_Palestine_Lodge_417.png)

File: 64fa089d9154fba⋯.jpg (34.98 KB,280x280,1:1,5_12_East_Palestine_1.jpg)

File: 827034f181a818c⋯.png (714.01 KB,1074x752,537:376,East_Palestine_Masons.png)


East Palestine Masons

Any of these guys showing up in the news in relation to current events in East Palestine?

In what capacity?

Worshipful Master Jon McElroy

Chancellor WB Jim Hall,

SD Bro. Ben Barnes,

SW Bro. Barry Weigle,

Worshipful Master Chris Tyger,

JW Bro. Jack Barnhouse,

RWB George Brainard,

JD Bro. Gary Sensenbaugher;

SS Bro. Doug McElroy,

Treasurer WB Wade Baer,

Chaplin RWB John Martin,

Secretary WB Stephen Hill,

JS Bro. Joel Webber.


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5b2842 No.18364682


Actual iridium or iridium satellite?

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7593c4 No.18364683


thx bruh

Would be nice if I can get relief next one to get some irl stuff out of the way. Can bake / bu later.

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394cee No.18364684


This is where Mossad posts shitty images and pretends anyone that's not mentally fucking retarded would vote for Ron Desantis, ask me how I know your other posts are about that faggot without checking Mossad.

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affc8c No.18364685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anybody notice that theNetflixmovie was namedWhite Noise?

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27139c No.18364686



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affc8c No.18364687

File: 638f506dc9f2d59⋯.png (223.24 KB,675x370,135:74,ClipboardImage.png)

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045aab No.18364688



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5bb6d1 No.18364689

File: 83f6f80379c67f6⋯.webp (87.36 KB,657x527,657:527,83f6f80379c67f64602eb4e64….webp)

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d26fb1 No.18364690


This is why they wanted to shut down churches during covid.

And this is why they want Drag Queen & Queers infiltrating all of the Churches.

They are afraid of the Power of the Holy Spirit.

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733b6c No.18364691


Why iridium?

Why not Osmium ffs?

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4760e9 No.18364692




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606874 No.18364693

File: 1efab5beacb2186⋯.png (208.85 KB,446x285,446:285,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c659f06e8ab31a5⋯.png (439.32 KB,861x360,287:120,ClipboardImage.png)



vanished like Jack Ma-but he came back with a different attitude after some talking to by the CCP

Still nuffin on China's version of Lehman Bros-Evergrande

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0f20f4 No.18364694

File: a64b6574f4afaac⋯.jpeg (276.31 KB,601x600,601:600,wtdf.jpeg)

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d1bd07 No.18364695

File: 4490d51ef39ce5b⋯.png (945.48 KB,1080x803,1080:803,Screenshot_20230127_153835….png)

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5242de No.18364696

File: 6e189ca20ab1c6c⋯.jpg (72.53 KB,682x492,341:246,PULL_IT_FAGGOTS_TOO_LATE_N….jpg)

File: f9cb0ad70dc0f0c⋯.png (76 KB,500x530,50:53,Try_Harder_You_Missed_Mad_….png)

File: ac939ca718c2976⋯.gif (9.16 MB,540x400,27:20,The_Crow_Try_Harder_Let_s_….gif)

Friendly Reminder. The POTUS is the ONLY ONE who can declare an INSURRECTION. Not Congress. Not the Judiciary. President Trump never declared an Insurrection for the 15 days he was still President from 6 Jan to the Inauguration.


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b7dda8 No.18364697

File: 49a2c68cb7a2fad⋯.jpg (17.66 KB,474x351,158:117,th_2796932534.jpg)

Gnothi seauton

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e77653 No.18364698


>Does he rep a part of PA close to the train wreck?

he is a Senator from PA.

he represents the entire state of PA.

everyone votes for Senator

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f5ac2e No.18364699

File: 3f39a53197e9265⋯.jpg (71.84 KB,1024x868,256:217,jew.jpg)

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4b6adb No.18364700


can do one

@ da top

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2d7af7 No.18364701

File: f1d527de5e8cd49⋯.jpeg (1.91 MB,4200x2927,4200:2927,2379ab60_bad8_11ea_bfef_0….jpeg)

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d26fb1 No.18364702


Was Patsy Cline sacrificially murdered by the Cult?

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7593c4 No.18364703

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59a51a No.18364704

File: 4ec64a7d410a988⋯.png (1.09 MB,786x960,131:160,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70d6f6b6030e585⋯.jpg (112.72 KB,560x675,112:135,36th_chamber.jpg)


Anon stollt the meme from here and just added the leash n the thing went viral, kek. Anons working together.

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4760e9 No.18364705


the best part?

you can not see

your assumption

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600932 No.18364706

File: c2d9940c792df80⋯.gif (189.05 KB,500x363,500:363,adjust44.gif)

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4b1f7d No.18364707

File: 6743c23b21a35f0⋯.png (778.98 KB,981x620,981:620,ClipboardImage.png)



>It's going to be biblical

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f5ac2e No.18364708

File: 40d29350f693915⋯.png (219.91 KB,700x654,350:327,jews.png)

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84852d No.18364709


at this point, i don't think the dates or the add ups really matter

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d1bd07 No.18364710


Did Putin try and make friends

He's the only one still running shit

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d57ae7 No.18364711

According to different posts around the clear and dark web the MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY are breaching anything the want with their internet KEY.

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2dcc2d No.18364712

File: 2ddc7357a83f12a⋯.png (809.94 KB,789x689,789:689,2ddc7357a83f12ae38c5810381….png)

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b18cb9 No.18364713


How do you bankrupt a country with a leader like Biden?

Just have a few battalions launch 12 dollar balloons for a couple days straight.

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b4f81d No.18364714


Did they walk in a circle for 7 days? 7 or 5? before the walls came down.

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4b1f7d No.18364715

File: 6c2b45d43c0dc73⋯.png (1.62 MB,839x1833,839:1833,ClipboardImage.png)




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d9fa01 No.18364716


2 McElroys in the chairs?

Must be big fish.

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e4ee5f No.18364717


If you were a woman, I'd say "ty," but if you were a man, I'd say.

I'd rather talk to a woman, and I find anyone who wants to talk to a man creepy.

Smart men are less wasteful.

And do something meaningful.

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c2b328 No.18364718

File: cdf00568d059a02⋯.png (675.6 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e1c5b279a1d97a⋯.png (227.03 KB,598x730,299:365,1_26_2023_Google_has_alrea….png)

File: ffdeb5a52495e21⋯.png (2.04 MB,1182x1774,591:887,1_30_2023_Insider_leaks_Ur….png)

File: 032cfd5e7c6d833⋯.jpeg (326.15 KB,1242x1491,414:497,1_30_2023_Google_paying_g….jpeg)

File: 5138832adb27aba⋯.png (370.91 KB,744x1034,372:517,2_3_2023_Insider_Q_A_How_Y….png)


>Susan Wojcicki is stepping down as CEO of YouTube


YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki Steps Down After Leading Site for 9 Years

Chief Product Officer Neal Mohan will be the new head of YouTube.

February 17, 2023

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki on Thursday said she'll be stepping down as head of the world's biggest online video site. In a post on the YouTube blog, the longtime Google executive said the time is right for her to step aside.

"Today, after nearly 25 years here, I've decided to step back from my role as the head of YouTube and start a new chapter focused on my family, health, and personal projects I'm passionate about," Wojcicki said in the post, which was also shared with YouTube employees.

Wojcicki will be replaced by Neal Mohan, who previously served as chief product officer at YouTube. Wojcicki said she'll help with the leadership transition and, in the long term, take on an advisory role across Google and parent company Alphabet.

"This will allow me to call on my different experiences over the years to offer counsel and guidance across Google and the portfolio of Alphabet companies," Wojcicki said in the post. "It's an incredibly important time for Google—it reminds me of the early days—incredible product and technology innovation, huge opportunities, and a healthy disregard for the impossible."

Wojcicki was one of Google's earliest employees – she rented her garage to co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin when they were building the search giant in the late 1990s. Before being appointed YouTube CEO in 2014, she was Google's senior vice president of advertising.


bye bish..

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4760e9 No.18364719

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5242de No.18364720

File: 50f66c87f95cc63⋯.png (1.39 MB,1049x1112,1049:1112,1676654616922.png)

File: e9190e47c41da46⋯.jpg (85.56 KB,665x750,133:150,Directed_Evolution_is_Euge….jpg)

File: 1958359043be6e9⋯.jpg (174.36 KB,1000x948,250:237,Treason_Inferno_Trump_Down….jpg)

File: ac939ca718c2976⋯.gif (9.16 MB,540x400,27:20,The_Crow_Try_Harder_Let_s_….gif)

Friendly Reminder. The POTUS is the ONLY ONE who can declare an INSURRECTION. Not Congress. Not the Judiciary. President Trump never declared an Insurrection for the 15 days he was still President from 6 Jan to the Inauguration.


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dd5f7a No.18364721


> mark with the number of the Beast

Like so many other Biblical terms, they understand little of the true meanings. If they did, they would have already taken full control. There is not one single miraculous event that these occultists are associated with, zero.

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affc8c No.18364722

File: eace08985679ee2⋯.png (185.5 KB,1856x641,1856:641,ClipboardImage.png)




==This was a "racially motivated" crime.

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06f824 No.18364723

File: 9f06df4ff0081c5⋯.jpg (509.42 KB,1153x2047,1153:2047,CuomoClown.jpg)


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d55741 No.18364724

File: 24426aeff79441a⋯.png (53.45 KB,816x421,816:421,ClipboardImage.png)

Paul Sperry


BREAKING: IRS records reveal Wikimedia Foundation, which owns and controls Wikipedia, donated $13.7 million to Tides Foundation, which bankrolls Soros Network nonprofits, in 2019, the latest tax filings. This is who's producing the "unbiased free knowledge" Wiki purports to offer

10:12 PM · Feb 16, 2023


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7563a1 No.18364725


>why they wanted to shut down churches

They don't believe in the Holy Spirit, and they're not afraid of it. But they do fear crowds of people who do believe in the Holy Spirit.


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f5ac2e No.18364726

File: f8d0637c2641703⋯.jpg (132.62 KB,949x1024,949:1024,jewish.jpg)

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2898d8 No.18364727

File: 9690d3237120cb5⋯.png (543.06 KB,736x552,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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e77653 No.18364729


>The Revival at Asbury University has been going on for six days and not stopping

Tucker Carlson had planned to send his crew there and cover it.

They asked him not to come because they don't want it to be political.

any bets cnn infiltrates and does a hit piece?

CNN, abc, nbc, cbs…….which one will be first to sneak their way in? since they know they are not wanted.

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6c921e No.18364730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ff5c23 No.18364731


What was in the Epstein Island underground tunnels?

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be55b8 No.18364732

File: f8d47b1c014ca52⋯.png (961.41 KB,1484x820,371:205,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 034e499348ae375⋯.png (872.4 KB,1228x826,614:413,ClipboardImage.png)



screenshots from the movie.

Watch the lecture scene


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6a426a No.18364733

File: 624cc9841d8ceea⋯.png (322.79 KB,1175x601,1175:601,Masonic_Podcast_East_pales….png)


Freemason From East Palestine did a Podcast about the train


East Palestine Freemason Jim Hall hosts a regular podcast on Spotify about Freemasonry

This particular episode is about the train


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21eaab No.18364734

File: 66b28378fdc143e⋯.jpeg (122.58 KB,533x800,533:800,sandratom.jpeg)

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59a51a No.18364735

File: 5c7fcffe5c84fab⋯.png (38.1 KB,207x153,23:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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5b2842 No.18364736

File: 38af3ec731379fe⋯.png (533.54 KB,779x710,779:710,Screen_Shot_2023_02_17_at_….png)


I was thinking of this:


An Iridium satellite was destroyed almost exactly 14 years ago. I was wondering about the "meteorite" being something else.

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c2b328 No.18364737


The article goes on and on and on of the various disappeared honchos. Nothing like good old fashioned authorianism to keep a billionaire honest. Make all the money you want and when you've leveled up you go MIA.

Sounds good..

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38980e No.18364738

File: bbc184a20df3c90⋯.jpeg (149.05 KB,1200x800,3:2,FpLHf0yaUAQz6zf.jpeg)

File: 126265994579104⋯.jpeg (164.01 KB,1200x800,3:2,FpLHg6aaAAAf_oL.jpeg)

File: 88e1a5de7caf79f⋯.jpeg (177.32 KB,1200x800,3:2,FpLHg6_agAQe6sC.jpeg)

File: f07e8a4a3822884⋯.jpeg (166.76 KB,1200x800,3:2,FpLHg7daUAAMi3B.jpeg)

File: bf22335b882961a⋯.png (165.16 KB,710x1622,355:811,858.png)


small fringe minority

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f6ebb2 No.18364739

File: c0174711c8a13dc⋯.png (1.28 MB,1058x1286,529:643,ClipboardImage.png)


I can't seem to find the Pepe edit for this Far Side classic that I saved somewhere. Any Anon have a copy?

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b18cb9 No.18364740


I'm amazed they aren't just giving 12 dollar barrons out at the wide open border. "Here you go, just launch this barroon, and you may enter."

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36dd23 No.18364741

File: 00030163bcd4a55⋯.jpg (55.82 KB,400x379,400:379,SorosBestTime.JPG)


Info Nazis

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f5ac2e No.18364742

File: 560756835f21637⋯.jpg (81.8 KB,594x1024,297:512,jew_pedo.jpg)

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a2512c No.18364743

File: 047b6772447195d⋯.png (940.27 KB,1280x544,40:17,clones.png)

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4760e9 No.18364744


did you have a point?

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a0c789 No.18364745

File: 1df53fa50072a3f⋯.gif (933.88 KB,398x298,199:149,1e420635826d1104bf85ef47d2….gif)


I know, right?

Day and night, two aspects of one cycle.

Life and death, two aspects of one cycle.

Yet only one aspect can be experienced at a time.

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9a17aa No.18364746

File: f4156bbb64cec20⋯.png (70.78 KB,255x166,255:166,horse_chess.png)


live now

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7563a1 No.18364747


> CEO Susan Wojcicki Steps Down

Are we still tracking resignations?

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ff5c23 No.18364748


Then they are going to complain when some angry parent smashes their teeth out. Grooming is bad news for everyone.

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36dd23 No.18364749

File: 9ebc85204c4e709⋯.jpg (108.39 KB,833x483,119:69,NotReaching.JPG)

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f8ac21 No.18364750


>The FBI has the world's largest cache of child porn…blah blah blah

You would think that would be a crime.

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034e31 No.18364751


Sandra Bullock without makeup looks like an ARIZONA trailer park manager.

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59a51a No.18364752


We are eternal. "Death" is a luciferian lie. Not only is it a luciferian lie, it is a lie that comes from ackchual retards.

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b4f81d No.18364753


>Are we still doing anything here that matters


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22f449 No.18364754


You can see Bush is the only one wearing a BP vest in this photo.

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c2b328 No.18364755

File: 0dbe62ed30275bd⋯.png (68.29 KB,300x300,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


They walked long enough to cause enough distraction to tunnel under and undermine the walls.

Shiny object 101

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f6ebb2 No.18364756


Um… attacked? Attempted to be coerced? Shilled on? Take your pick.

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b7dda8 No.18364757

XMAS sabotage

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e77653 No.18364758


tell us something we don't know.

If you have been here, you know that anons have done much research and made connections.

Where have we been wrong? about whom?

why does Tom Hanks collect shoes?

Does hollywood talk about Q ?

Are they worried about what public knows?

Who have you heard is at the top of the top of the top?

Who outed the pedo ring in hollywood?

Did hollywood smear Bill Cosby?


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719c45 No.18364759

File: 5a1f7a0bfcc0e22⋯.png (18.29 KB,429x382,429:382,Screenshot_2023_02_17_1130….png)

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4b6adb No.18364760


no shit right

would be there in NY min if muh kids in that class

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55832d No.18364761

File: 2629cd3e575784a⋯.jpg (151.37 KB,531x531,1:1,joeM1.jpg)


the parents have been groomed to let the authorities groom their kids

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2251df No.18364762



saturdays is very different from other days here

very different

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0f135a No.18364763

File: f5abd55735da45d⋯.png (876 KB,960x960,1:1,d9c87832467015f0154317af4f….png)

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ababe5 No.18364764

File: 649e1dae1fb286b⋯.jpg (103.79 KB,500x570,50:57,IMG_20230215_203512.jpg)

SQL Injection Exploit…. ×10

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5b2842 No.18364765


ACTUAL iridium!? Nice.

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affd74 No.18364766

File: cef9e968e2ef94f⋯.jpeg (128.21 KB,1200x900,4:3,sandra.jpeg)

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fcbb36 No.18364767

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What is the actual purpose of this movie?

Literally, it's nothing but making fun of this event.

So weird.

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ea5e09 No.18364768


you have an very small existence if aught you do hier seems to you as "winning".

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f5ac2e No.18364769

File: 985057d50d920ac⋯.jpg (49.68 KB,611x1024,611:1024,pedo.jpg)

File: feee02135a59ea7⋯.png (310.59 KB,878x684,439:342,jewish_.png)

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06f824 No.18364770

File: 73494de9e8f34c2⋯.jpg (104.67 KB,943x423,943:423,MeanEnd.JPG)

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c2b328 No.18364771

File: b51576178a2fa33⋯.png (191.5 KB,1489x1186,1489:1186,RESIGNATIONS.png)

File: 546d17c47857364⋯.png (614.07 KB,1024x695,1024:695,ClipboardImage.png)


Yes, looks all up to date

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2898d8 No.18364772

File: 55379cfaf009b33⋯.png (177.66 KB,730x344,365:172,ClipboardImage.png)

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22f449 No.18364773

File: e2a8fa2247663f5⋯.png (7.51 MB,1830x2274,305:379,ClipboardImage_18_.png)


Because if it falls out of the sky, its their shit.

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f6ebb2 No.18364774

File: 18b4f9148eb970f⋯.png (821.82 KB,759x823,759:823,ClipboardImage.png)

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835ff2 No.18364775

File: 14ff4ed8804fb8f⋯.png (596.02 KB,500x711,500:711,14ff4ed8804fb8fb396def739a….png)

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affc8c No.18364776

File: 5da573df76edaec⋯.png (267.24 KB,679x367,679:367,ClipboardImage.png)

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6191a7 No.18364777

File: b918113f8a36d22⋯.png (293.69 KB,598x667,26:29,Screenshot_2023_02_17_at_1….png)

FEMA Denies East Palestine's Request For Federal Assistance


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ea5e09 No.18364778

you know JFK is still down right?

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f6ebb2 No.18364779


That's the one. Much appreciated, Anon. o7

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5b2842 No.18364780


Does no one think the children will figure out who cares about them?

Remember the 5 year old saved from the earthquake rubble who said someone in white fed him and gave him water?

God sees what is happening.

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e4ee5f No.18364781

File: 3d42051fcd11dc5⋯.jpeg (59.69 KB,732x443,732:443,AF77EE8E_58E3_4591_9823_D….jpeg)


She can't get a girlfriend because she tries to talk to guys all the time.

Men only talk about it at work or when they're trying to seduce a woman, right?

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f5e3db No.18364782

File: a3fe85b70426b26⋯.jpeg (146.37 KB,1170x1346,585:673,D93873F1_6A95_4DA0_BB15_4….jpeg)

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f5e3db No.18364783

File: 762ba8a767a45bb⋯.jpeg (203.36 KB,1006x735,1006:735,4E53C154_8419_4A2F_A13C_E….jpeg)

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0f20f4 No.18364784

File: 58a7943fe3b0d32⋯.jpg (20.65 KB,526x369,526:369,gavinsad.jpg)

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59a51a No.18364785


Ackchual retards that only believe in what they see with their eyes, not understanding that EVERYTHING comes from the unseen FIRST and then manifests into what the retards are perceiving as physical reality. We are conscious before we come into our baby bodies. We show up here just like we would make a decision to go take a trip somewhere. We knew and God created it this way. We are eternal and consciousness cannot be broken or destroyed or separated into sections. It is one steady powerful stream given to us by God and our DNA is how we project ourselves here. The dna is the portal. When we "die" we do not cease to exist. When a puddle evaporates, it does not cease to exist, it merely changed forms. But these luciferians are literally fragmented, disconnected from infinite wison, and are 100% retarded.

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4b6adb No.18364786


God Bless Resignation Anon

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affc8c No.18364787

File: 8fe45c333017359⋯.png (276.56 KB,679x367,679:367,ClipboardImage.png)

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b8779e No.18364788


Is that the black African child she lets the Jewish movie makers molest?

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f5e3db No.18364789

File: 1f3e356709efc02⋯.jpg (2.26 MB,2886x3022,1443:1511,IMG_9053.jpg)

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e77653 No.18364790


>God Bless Resignation Anon

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ff5c23 No.18364791


Shit is replacing shit… nothing improves.

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ed0e7a No.18364792

File: 3f7faa99da41469⋯.jpg (44.74 KB,680x420,34:21,obamatrudy.jpg)

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7593c4 No.18364793

@690 quick check


#22511 >>18364055

>>18364097 Charlotte police yank radar and lidar units amid QCN investigation

>>18364110 Total household debt rose by $394 billion, to $16.90 trillion in Q4 of 2022 - highest ever on record

>>18364128 Obama Presidential Library

>>18364172, >>18364390 Raland J. Brunson, Petitioner v. Alma S. Adams, et al

>>18364187, >>18364520 State of things: Ohio river water

>>18364191 Trudeau to deploy navy vessels to Haiti for 'intelligence gathering'

>>18364199 Moar on Norfolk Southern chlorine train wreck from 2005 in Graniteville

>>18364246, >>18364637 Hilldawg comments on Depression / Fetterman

>>18364231 Russia starts Naval exercises with #China, South Africa, in the Indian Ocean

>>18364256, >>18364518 Odd comms between JP Morgan exec and Epstein in July 2010 e-mail exchanges

>>18364297, >>18364351, >>18364378 Statements by Maria Zakharova (Russian diplomat)

>>18364284 FBI says it has ‘contained’ cyber incident on bureau’s computer network

>>18364360, >>18364467 PF reports

>>18364547 (12:00 EST) Commissioner Paul Rouleau comments following release of Emergencies Act inquiry report

>>18364491, >>18364681, >>18364733 East Palestine Masons

>>18364555 Military finishes recovering Chinese balloon debris

>>18364569 China-based former employee accused of stealing data from Dutch chip giant ASML

>>18364573, >>18364718, >>18364771 Susan Wojcicki is stepping down as CEO of YouTube

>>18364577 US Jet Fuel shortage drives Airline costs higher

>>18364546, >>18364590, >>18364597, >>18364602 How many countries have problems with separatism?

>>18364596 (Nov. 2020) 9,000 year old Stonehenge-like structure found under Lake Michigan

>>18364611, >>18364617 Vaccine-induced autoimmune-like pathology in multiple organs

>>18364624 Former Boston Celtics star Paul Pierce settles with SEC over crypto violations

>>18364641 Fears of Child Trafficking in Turkey grow as Earthquake leaves scores of Orphans

>>18364666 Chinese billionaire tech banker Bao Fan mysteriously vanishes

>>18364653, >>18364673 A science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes

>>18364724 IRS records reveal Wikimedia Foundation (Wikipedia) donated $13.7 million to a Soros org

>>18364736, >>18364682, >>18364759, >>18364736 1,000lb fireball after huge 'meteorite' seen over Mission, Texas

>>18364777 FEMA Denies East Palestine's Request For Federal Assistance


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d1bd07 No.18364794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Baby Korean foreskin facials

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b4f81d No.18364795


New Zealand is a good example of your statement.

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cbcf98 No.18364796

Guys, is this a new WikiLeaks dump?



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6191a7 No.18364797


Right, thank you.

I keep forgetting he's an actual Senator. My brain can't register that people would vote him into such a job.

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be55b8 No.18364798



narrative being pushed is futility

of crowds and double message

the masses are the walking dead

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59a51a No.18364799



(It comes from God. Lucifer is the absence of wisdom. Lucifer is doubt.)

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7563a1 No.18364800


> saturdays

Which side of the date-line are you riding, anon?

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c2b328 No.18364801


But FIRST, contact Smithsonian, just hand it over


NASA confirms meteor fell in south Texas

Meteorites possibly hit the ground in an area off FM 755 near Rio Grande City. Anyone who believes they find a fragment should contact the Smithsonian.

February 16, 2023


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36dd23 No.18364802

File: cde014d3711af56⋯.jpg (564.66 KB,2048x1081,2048:1081,Pedowood.jpg)

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600932 No.18364803

File: e0b9a06eab61bcb⋯.gif (3.42 MB,500x281,500:281,shiftthemaround.gif)

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ef855e No.18364804


Thanks, Anon. I guess it is "when you see, you see". Just tried to make it easier for others to see. Hope it helps.

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19d61a No.18364805


they fear the Holy Ghost Spirit of Jesus Christ Almighty who will always answer the call. We are WINNING and soon the choice will be made. Either walk in the light or choose evil.

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3f880d No.18364806



Yeah that's what I thought… Fake faggot.

Ain't answering real questions for shit.

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9a17aa No.18364807

File: 2ab5bacc3733837⋯.jpg (610.62 KB,1080x1296,5:6,coffee_friday.jpg)

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d1bd07 No.18364808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2251df No.18364809


irl shift anon thinks it's already saturday

am confused

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ea5e09 No.18364810

File: 013af2344588d09⋯.gif (245.89 KB,1024x540,256:135,20230217_103744.gif)

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5b2842 No.18364811


>My brain can't register that people would vote him into such a job

Very possibly he was "selected" not "elected".

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38980e No.18364812

File: e3097a598c31541⋯.jpeg (238.84 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,FpHQ6lYWcAM_en3.jpeg)

File: b0b3d828ead8f7a⋯.jpg (782.87 KB,1200x1205,240:241,b0b3d828ead8f7ac77cc7f1bb7….jpg)

File: b60f273168c290b⋯.jpg (125.71 KB,701x1024,701:1024,b60f273168c290b21c22cc7a6a….jpg)

File: f7a5591a0f380cd⋯.jpg (65.32 KB,387x720,43:80,f7a5591a0f380cdaf8417e51ac….jpg)

File: 738b267d0417a99⋯.png (1.77 MB,1174x669,1174:669,738b267d0417a99f2f95736065….png)


safety second.

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60f0e7 No.18364813

File: 5181f4eadf12699⋯.jpg (178.48 KB,578x449,578:449,bidenwhite.jpg)

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affc8c No.18364814

>>18364787, >>18364722, >>18364685 E. Palestine OH is 96% White & the Netflix movie was called, "White Noise" - Coincidence?


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9a17aa No.18364815

File: fb51572f663698a⋯.png (619.68 KB,742x762,371:381,taxes_to_pedoes.png)

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19d61a No.18364816


Elvis's mother def was

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7593c4 No.18364817


#22511 >>18364055

>>18364097 Charlotte police yank radar and lidar units amid QCN investigation

>>18364110 Total household debt rose by $394 billion, to $16.90 trillion in Q4 of 2022 - highest ever on record

>>18364128 Obama Presidential Library

>>18364172, >>18364390 Raland J. Brunson, Petitioner v. Alma S. Adams, et al

>>18364187, >>18364520 State of things: Ohio river water

>>18364191 Trudeau to deploy navy vessels to Haiti for 'intelligence gathering'

>>18364199 Moar on Norfolk Southern chlorine train wreck from 2005 in Graniteville

>>18364246, >>18364637 Hilldawg comments on Depression / Fetterman

>>18364231 Russia starts Naval exercises with #China, South Africa, in the Indian Ocean

>>18364256, >>18364518 Odd comms between JP Morgan exec and Epstein in July 2010 e-mail exchanges

>>18364297, >>18364351, >>18364378 Statements by Maria Zakharova (Russian diplomat)

>>18364284 FBI says it has ‘contained’ cyber incident on bureau’s computer network

>>18364360, >>18364467 PF reports

>>18364547 (12:00 EST) Commissioner Paul Rouleau comments following release of Emergencies Act inquiry report

>>18364491, >>18364681, >>18364733 East Palestine Masons

>>18364555 Military finishes recovering Chinese balloon debris

>>18364569 China-based former employee accused of stealing data from Dutch chip giant ASML

>>18364573, >>18364718, >>18364771 Susan Wojcicki is stepping down as CEO of YouTube

>>18364577 US Jet Fuel shortage drives Airline costs higher

>>18364546, >>18364590, >>18364597, >>18364602 How many countries have problems with separatism?

>>18364596 (Nov. 2020) 9,000 year old Stonehenge-like structure found under Lake Michigan

>>18364611, >>18364617 Vaccine-induced autoimmune-like pathology in multiple organs

>>18364624 Former Boston Celtics star Paul Pierce settles with SEC over crypto violations

>>18364641 Fears of Child Trafficking in Turkey grow as Earthquake leaves scores of Orphans

>>18364666 Chinese billionaire tech banker Bao Fan mysteriously vanishes

>>18364653, >>18364673 A science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes

>>18364724 IRS records reveal Wikimedia Foundation (Wikipedia) donated $13.7 million to a Soros org

>>18364663, >>18364682, >>18364759, >>18364736 1,000lb fireball after huge 'meteorite' seen over Mission, Texas

>>18364777 FEMA Denies East Palestine's Request For Federal Assistance


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c2b328 No.18364818

File: 5602f3a8d18553f⋯.png (38.23 KB,362x344,181:172,Amens_and_such.png)


>God Bless Resignation Anon


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b4f81d No.18364819


he literally admitted he was not a producer and was sliding bread for fun like 25 mins ago…

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2898d8 No.18364820

File: cdf689ff9e933ab⋯.png (84.39 KB,352x322,176:161,ClipboardImage.png)


How dare you

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600932 No.18364821

File: 91791a71e7020c4⋯.jpg (70.32 KB,633x394,633:394,Omni44.jpg)

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2dcc2d No.18364822

File: a57bbf0d83cc1f9⋯.png (701.39 KB,750x745,150:149,a57bbf0d83cc1f99f556d57f8b….png)

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f5ac2e No.18364823

File: 578bc4d60530336⋯.jpg (272.37 KB,618x1005,206:335,jewry.jpg)

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22f449 No.18364824

File: 3e97ff36f3960a5⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,640x360,16:9,shit_blizzard.mp4)

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ff5c23 No.18364825

File: bc53d7ba3013749⋯.png (91.18 KB,197x255,197:255,ClipboardImage.png)

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ae280a No.18364826


Frodo sends all 12 frigates

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2251df No.18364827


where do you see that?

cans i habs da sauce, please?

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f5e3db No.18364828

File: 62c6f07b555b4d6⋯.webp (87.02 KB,273x155,273:155,82CE3578_CD8D_4624_9D7A_7….webp)

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e8f464 No.18364829

File: 14ff4ed8804fb8f⋯.png (596.02 KB,500x711,500:711,C8F07AD3_9AD6_47A1_B1C6_DF….png)

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0b9f6c No.18364830

File: 58716a608e7dc40⋯.jpg (80.57 KB,637x603,637:603,slave.jpg)


they teach the people to hate white people and take up 'social justice' for black people while at the same they are cheered and adored forbuyingblack and brown children. KEK

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0b0eaa No.18364831

File: aa831255453bab0⋯.png (35.52 KB,718x448,359:224,ClipboardImage.png)


>Guys, is this a new WikiLeaks dump?



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7a3e99 No.18364832


Cause danvil butthomo Joshua

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ea5e09 No.18364833

sappers took jericho


the horns and hymns covered their noise

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f5e3db No.18364834

File: 9ac02b26b8f9a6f⋯.gif (801.06 KB,320x240,4:3,E07F8C64_1D6F_4491_A87D_E8….gif)

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600932 No.18364835

File: 83f716caba0e6cc⋯.gif (1.33 MB,250x245,50:49,spin44.gif)

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719c45 No.18364836


1000lbs x 14.6 x 6100 = $89,060,000

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6c921e No.18364837

File: a4ea61837d24fa7⋯.gif (4.95 MB,360x192,15:8,verve_verve_verve.gif)

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affc8c No.18364838


The funny / sad thing about this set of posts I just did as that I'm not one to fall back on the race card. …I typically can't stand that shit, but when its there, its there. Can't ignore this one…feels like it was (in part at least) a racially motivated choice.

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2dcc2d No.18364839



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9a17aa No.18364840

File: 3a85a4f2dc29e2d⋯.jpeg (29.06 KB,817x427,817:427,what_happened_to_reba_mce….jpeg)


How Reba McEntire Narrowly Avoided The Tragedy That Took The Lives Of Her Entire Band


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f5e3db No.18364841

File: b87ee128d56ebeb⋯.mp4 (552.73 KB,640x360,16:9,BalloonGate_It_Comes_From_….mp4)

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ff5c23 No.18364842


Horrific abomination.

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b4f81d No.18364843


The balls over Pfizer is great

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f6ebb2 No.18364845

File: 0829c7f2f8bef8c⋯.png (402.95 KB,512x512,1:1,0829c7f2f8bef8c0bc13443622….png)

I like all the new variations on the smoking pepe memes that sprang from their attack. Saved quite a few.

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9a17aa No.18364847

File: e1028c6068f8bad⋯.jpg (173.92 KB,500x750,2:3,StMichaeltheArchangel2.jpg)

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9e6c95 No.18364848

File: 555757dbc7a2429⋯.jpeg (120.44 KB,828x710,414:355,4E4199B0_3053_4C01_A1C8_D….jpeg)

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6b7e81 No.18364850

File: 521e3a9c3018bf9⋯.jpeg (246.53 KB,1998x1210,999:605,pfizer.jpeg)

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600932 No.18364851

File: 30c608f4c461a8a⋯.jpg (53.04 KB,500x500,1:1,frigatesEbot.jpg)

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be55b8 No.18364852


saw it was thinking the same ting

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59a51a No.18364855

File: 0199f08c3bd7355⋯.jpg (48.18 KB,600x847,600:847,guardian3.jpg)


>EVERYTHING comes from the unseen FIRST

Because it's all just consciousness/awareness of being and EVERYTHING comes from THOUGHT FIRST. Whether it's a tree, a plant, a hooman or a pencil, computer, vehicle .. whatever. It is ALL a thought first and comes from the unseen. Everything perceived by our eyes is just the consciousness behind that object. The luciferians have denied God and so they lack the ability of foresight. God closed their eyes and ears so that they do not see Him. They do not see the trajectory they are on leads to their demise BY LAW. There's no way around it unless they come to God, kmao. Fucking retards.


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ea5e09 No.18364856


you see patterns where there are none

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d9fa01 No.18364857

"White Noise" a film about bad things happening to white people who are all, obviously, Hitler worshippers and racists, and who deserve everthing that happens to them, because they are white.

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2251df No.18364858

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f9cdf4 No.18364859

they gonna try to mask the country again due to chem spills

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