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File: f3a592589f3f40d⋯.jpg (7.39 KB,250x140,25:14,obake30.jpg)

131527 No.18363197 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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131527 No.18363202

International Q Research Threads

>>18046055 ——–——– Australia #27

>>18070678 ——–——– Canada #39

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>17595232 ——–——– Germany #104

>>18052454 ——–——– Japan #10

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6


Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>18147768

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information Nov 2022: >>18142037, No p*rn videos >>18147527

Bakers: How to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

Formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444

Baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761, No RRN in notes >>17980519, >>18310901

Post notables or step down by @300 >>18311579

>>18360444 8Kun was down for maintenance 2/17/23 00:00-~5:30 Completed(?) NEW


#22509 >>18362457

>>18362470 There's a psychological war in which the majority of one side doesn't even know they're at war ridicule those that do as conspiracy theorist while being blindly obedient to the enemy

>>18362536 East Palestine waterways are very polluted. It’s time for Norfolk Southern to finish the cleanup.

>>18362581 Half A Million Dollars Missing At Stacey Abrams Charity

>>18362582 Dr. Andrew Zywiec Exposes Vax Genocide

>>18362701 Fox News’ Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham Privately Mocked Trump’s Election Fraud Claims

>>18362866 Australian standing Committee on Health hearing on Vax injuries: patients repeatedly dismissed/not heard

>>18362904 Auburn Black Student Union produces list of racial slurs for white people (bun)

>>18362965 INDOPACOM retweeting PacificMarines - set up and check communication systems

>>18362975 Anon notes on election fraud video from PB

>>18363001 new baker

>>18362980, >>18362986, >>18362989, >>18362992, >>18362999, >>18363014, >>18363015 .Mil Tweets

>>18363040 Breaking 911: faux noose (Fox News)

>>18363163 Much Coincidence So Questioning

>>18363184 Kitchen is HOT

>>18363198 #22509

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131527 No.18363204

#22508 >>18361695

>>18362202 Kun may be down for maintenance soon Reminder

>>18361719, >>18361902 "Long train of abuses" shows up 12 times in Q drops

>>18361852 Corrupt Arizona Appellate Court Ruled For Katie Hobbs

>>18361880, >>18361736, >>18361771, >>18361850, >>18361919 Biden is strong as an ox, Fetterman on suicide watch

>>18361894, >>18362222, >>18362348 George Soros says DeSantis will beat Trump for GOP nomination


>>18361964, >>18362016

>>18362016 FED are giving the European Central Bank $400m a week (avg) in US dollars in exchange for Euros to keep that currency alive

>>18362060, >>18362125 East Palenstine, OH 6000 Dead Fish in Creeks

>>18362142 CBS News Medical Contributor Claims Decline in Vaccination and Mask Use Against COVID Causes Heart Attacks in Young Adults

>>18362199 Breakthrough election fraud arrest by the sheriff in San Joaquin County, CAof a Lodi city councilman named Shakir Khan

>>18362193, >>18362243 Jim Watkins back on twitter!

>>18362229 House is on district work period until the 27th

>>18362269 Ever since FTX’s collapse and bankruptcy, the CTB on AMC has skyrocketed >Wallstreet Crime

>>18362300 Two Las Vegas mothers including former Judge Melanie Andress-Tobiasson (above) committed suicide within five months of each other after crusading against corruption in that city.

>>18362314, >>18362275 Nuland outlines Genocide goals in Ukraine

>>18362336 Australia's Parliament House is evacuated and locked down due to a 'credible threat' with alarms activated

>>18362376 UK NHS #COVIDVACCINE suspended for all ages?

>>18362437 #22508

#22507 >>18360935

>>18360958 PF: NASA Martin 272 up at 56k Departed Houston and vectoring toward Panama.

>>18360978 Implications of US Destruction of Nordstream 2 Pipeline

>>18360985, >>18361017 Kun may be down for maintenance soon

>>18360993, >>18361153, >>18361340 Buttigieg: "While this horrible situation has gotten a particularly high amount of attention, there are roughly 1,000 cases a year of a train derailing."

>>18361088, >>18361101, >>18361089 How do prayers work metaphysically?

>>18361178 RE: ABC’s, CBS’s and NBC’s premature abandonment of coverage of the environmental disaster in East Palestine, Ohio

>>18361185 St. Louis Children's Hospital doubles down on prescribing cross-sex hormones for trans-identified patients after whistleblower's expose

>>18361200 Majority of people in Germany do not support the supply of fighter jets to Ukraine, shocking!

>>18361204 Judge Seeks Tougher Bail Restrictions for Sam Bankman-Fried

>>18361234 PF-two high level SPAR ACs 15 &17 plus Nancy on BOXER41 NE from JBA-Nancy Pelosi to join Kamala Harris on diplomatic trip to Germany

>>18361343 an Illinois hobby group - claims its $13 weather balloon last pinged near Yukon on February 10 - hours before F-22 brought down UFO in SAME area with $400k missile

>>18361369, >>18361490, >>18361478 Why Would Biden Admin Reject Ohio’s Request for Emergency Aid for Train Disaster?

>>18361414 Ohio now has its own Birx and Fauci to gaslight the people into genocide.

>>18361413, >>18361529 Biden physician declares him a 'healthy, vigorous, 80-year-old male' despite multiple health problems

>>18361446 Mike Davis Calls For Republicans To "Professionalize" The Committee On The Weaponization Of The Federal Government

>>18361680 #22507

Previously Collected

>>18360912 #22506

>>18358613 #22503, >>18359386 #22504, >>18360146 #22505

>>18356337 #22500, >>18357050 #22501, >>18357789 #22502

>>18354073 #22497, >>18354828 #22498, >>18355591 #22499

>>18352493 #22495, #22496-A >>18353245, >>18353301 #22496-B

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #16: Loud and Clear >>18154557

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131527 No.18363207

File: 6d9d059e4df1e3c⋯.mp4 (4.13 MB,640x360,16:9,Don_t_mess_around_with_Jim….mp4)



make No Mistake

Must Handoff or Ghost

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e96ba7 No.18363226

File: 8a6cc9f57b33a91⋯.png (381.8 KB,994x961,994:961,ClipboardImage.png)

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e96ba7 No.18363232


George Soros says DeSantis will beat Trump for GOP nomination

“This could induce Trump, whose narcissism has turned into a disease, to run as a third-party candidate. This would lead to a Democratic landslide and force the Republican Party to reform itself,” Soros said at the 2023 Munich Security Conference.

“DeSantis is shrewd, ruthless, and ambitious,” said Soros, adding, “He is likely to be the Republican candidate.”

Trump, on the other hand, “has turned into a pitiful figure continually bemoaning his loss in 2020. Big Republican donors are abandoning him in droves,” he said.

Soros, an international financier and philanthropist, typically dumps millions of dollars into political races and committees. He heads a global liberal network of groups pushing climate change, financial reform, and changes to the criminal system.

He recently teamed with Charles Koch and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund to revive the Iran nuclear deal, according to reports.

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e8b919 No.18363239

File: 175a8ab71bb3570⋯.jpg (65.58 KB,772x824,193:206,Godwins2.jpg)


TY Baker!

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e96ba7 No.18363242

File: 79d6f3fc7239861⋯.mp4 (501.19 KB,848x848,1:1,nordstream.mp4)

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ca4b2a No.18363244

File: 399c74f094233e0⋯.jpg (138.46 KB,425x408,25:24,smoking_badluck_brian_tyb.jpg)

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e7b81b No.18363245

File: 2aea0aa6fef7bf2⋯.png (1.16 MB,1080x799,1080:799,Screenshot_20230215_194522….png)

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5fe636 No.18363246

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For the intentions of anons

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1781bb No.18363249

File: bc89bbbcb6e963d⋯.png (191.69 KB,592x459,592:459,Screen_Shot_02_17_23_at_07….PNG)

Missing "t" in "intel"

Kash Patel


So the FBIs top counter inel agent, strzoks buddy McGonigal, who worked up bogus russia gate, and was on the payroll of the Russians, has a financial sync with Hunter… fake news mafia, where you at??? #GovernmentGangsters

Feb 16, 2023, 11:22 AM


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c5a053 No.18363257

File: a87e3666557efda⋯.gif (11.15 KB,500x387,500:387,sparklin444.gif)

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149353 No.18363258

File: cacb69116e0684f⋯.png (225.44 KB,900x776,225:194,opjkvx0k.png)

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9c667b No.18363261

File: 3b2f524b87c96a4⋯.jpg (44.73 KB,852x480,71:40,3b2f524b87c96a457db9c87d8d….jpg)

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e27059 No.18363262

File: 8976dbf00695639⋯.png (535.59 KB,1079x1081,1079:1081,Green_Mind_Tornado_Dink_Da….png)

File: 1aab03b7e5f174f⋯.mp4 (12.78 MB,490x360,49:36,Dink_Green_Mind.mp4)




>>18363189 (LB)

Crazy! I Listened to this Lecture while drifting off to sleep last night!

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237340 No.18363263

File: eb92644709f5a6e⋯.gif (1.88 MB,400x224,25:14,left_is_up.gif)

Fuck w/ the best.


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833658 No.18363264

File: cec32ae7cb325b0⋯.png (83.4 KB,229x220,229:220,ClipboardImage.png)

Divide they try, fail they will


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b74edb No.18363266

Sum1 broke n2 my YouTube feed, leave me alone stalker.

I don't want your*suggested* music punk.

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b74edb No.18363267


Speaking of my stalker here he is.

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e27059 No.18363268

File: 0970a3b128a0a4c⋯.png (237.84 KB,566x238,283:119,777_God_Wins_Gold_Glory.png)

File: d9e2ea71e1c7e4e⋯.png (236.08 KB,611x488,611:488,President_Donald_John_Trum….png)

File: 12cbe17db037ce9⋯.jpg (19.86 KB,333x355,333:355,God_Wins_Patrick_Mahomes_P….jpg)

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b74edb No.18363269


Ip hopping stalker bitch.

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c5a053 No.18363270

File: 24713d32876734b⋯.gif (1019.8 KB,500x207,500:207,44.gif)

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c077b8 No.18363271


>fake news mafia, where you at???

same place as the EPA and environmental whackos.

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22256b No.18363274

File: 8ba3f92f16b5398⋯.jpg (58.49 KB,652x508,163:127,c8e38cc24f270b959c9fc01b9c….jpg)

File: 975bd48f55cd658⋯.png (377.52 KB,819x467,819:467,Quote_by_Manly_Hall.png)

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38f1d1 No.18363275

File: d0f59124295cbc0⋯.jpg (191.58 KB,833x833,1:1,Bakes.jpg)


ThanQ Baker!

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c077b8 No.18363276

File: 8e6f26187c7ad34⋯.png (901.58 KB,676x906,338:453,Screenshot_2023_02_17_at_7….png)


and the transportation secretary

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e8b919 No.18363277

File: b8eb0bc1035a72e⋯.png (383.49 KB,750x364,375:182,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4222a6e2ac765d9⋯.png (192.42 KB,548x706,274:353,ClipboardImage.png)

A Stinky Methane Trail

A pattern of sabotage and blaming others has emerged among NATO countries, evoking past evidence of US scapegoating. Where can we turn for responsible leadership?

According to Alain Juillet, former Director of Intelligence at France’s Directorate-General for External Security, the Russians had no interest in blowing up a pipeline that they could simply turn off. On the other hand, a functioning pipeline was a risk to NATO’s raison d’être. The winter cold might cause Germany to lose resolve, and run back to Russia to re-negotiate opening the pipeline.

If we follow the money, we can see US liquid natural gas exporters boosted shipments to Europe by more than 137% in the first 11 months of 2022 from the same period in 2021, according to data from Kpler. The US now supplies more than half of Europe’s imported liquid natural gas at elevated prices.

As Alain Juillet, explained to the French Senate, the war broke out in Syria right after signing a deal for a gas pipeline. Unfortunately, the history of this region has been manipulated because of its rich natural resources. Alain Juillet, given his considerable experience, is in one of the best positions to formulate a realistic and dispassionate vision of the geostrategic stakes.

It was the fight over gas that transformed a peaceful country into a brutal one.

Juillet points out that, “Yes, Syria is a dictatorship, but so are most countries in the Middle East.” The real conflict goes back 20 years to when the Iranians discovered the world’s largest gas field, the South Pars/North Dome natural-gas condensate field in the Persian Gulf, in Iran. “At the time, everyone said, It’s a great deposit, you have to exploit it, and on both sides, the Qatari and the Iranians reflected on how to go about it,” Juillet says.

The Qataris had the idea, supported by Saudi Arabia, to make a pipeline that would leave from Qatar, go up through Arabia and Syria, and then plug into the South Stream ― that’s the pipeline that passes through Turkey and brings gas to Europe. This was a great project because this gas was going to Europe via the South. Russia was going to allow it to bypass the entire northern part of Europe.

On the other hand, the Iranians, realizing that they were going to have a significant amount of gas available without outlets on the west side, had the idea of laying a pipeline from Iran through Iraq, because as in Iran, the Shiites also control Iraq. Then, it would turn towards Syria to create a gas outlet at the port of Tartus in Syria.

This plan would allow the Iranians to sell their gas to all Western countries around the Mediterranean, including northern countries such as France.

The project took shape in 2010. In 2011, President Bashar held in his hands both folders: the Qatari proposal to make a pipe that would pass through Syria to go to Turkey, and the Iranian proposal to go directly from Iran to Syria, and from there directly towards the Mediterranean.

“Bashar Assad signed official agreements with Iran in 2011 choosing the pipeline going through Iraq to Syria and into the Mediterranean”, Juillet said. It was no coincidence that three weeks later, divisive rhetoric started brewing, and Syrians began rebelling.

“We can therefore legitimately ask whether this is a war of liberation or a gas war,”

— Alain Juillet, former Director of Intelligence at the DGSE

Now the US, in Syria on another “regime change operation,” has been caught with its pants down. In the aftermath of the earthquake, the US is sanctioning to death the very rebels it had originally flown in to back.


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7d8aae No.18363278

lounge chair pilferer

posts other people's old (and stale) posts as copy pasta and also posts the lounge chair smoker vanity-image (which pretends to be a meme, but is really just a fame fag calling card)

cease and desist, lounge chair shill

use quotes if you're copy-pasting other people's work.

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dbb5ce No.18363280

Sharing an old interview with Dr. Zelenko and a Dr. Breggin. This from July 2021.

Just shows how early on he would never hesitate to call out the jabs.


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c5a053 No.18363281

File: 87511aef458988c⋯.png (8.54 KB,255x255,1:1,smilingsmoke44.png)


>fake news mafia, where you at???

currently talking about the NBA all-star game this weekend.

sportsball and all…

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e7b81b No.18363282

File: 7d01e4fb237b256⋯.png (677.15 KB,1080x2400,9:20,Screenshot_20230217_065030.png)

Any pf can check,

2 aircraft left location following same path,

Got this screencap went to get the others path

And it is disappeared

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d7a970 No.18363283

File: ca1901e11040f18⋯.jpeg (254.53 KB,563x523,563:523,47625CC9_6A68_478C_B121_C….jpeg)

File: a6202a040166ea4⋯.jpeg (92.33 KB,1240x1463,1240:1463,8BB02119_AA2E_4F22_922B_B….jpeg)


Morning frens.

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e27059 No.18363285

File: 7507a7072fc31fe⋯.png (1.4 MB,1662x702,277:117,1676638774818.png)

File: c08e6adb0fd4485⋯.jpg (75.41 KB,627x464,627:464,GOD_WINS_CHIEFS_PATRICK_MA….jpg)

File: 40b8bb2d35bfb2a⋯.png (2.56 MB,1640x1156,410:289,Pepe_God_Wins.png)

File: e19b7b2a44e2c6a⋯.jpg (108.52 KB,1373x769,1373:769,Godwin_s_Beard_GOD_WINS_TS….jpg)

File: a655af46c1d6f30⋯.mp4 (9.19 MB,522x360,29:20,God_Wins_Pray_Pray_Pray_.mp4)


When the Internets slow down I Airplane Mode reset my cell connection… Does that Reset the IP Address?

Y are (You) so Angry?

God Loves You. I Love You.

Need Help?

Just Ask.

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07fc85 No.18363287

File: 173e7c00874b05f⋯.jpeg (453.49 KB,1100x1858,550:929,F60B9647_EBD3_4E49_827C_8….jpeg)

GA anon here Fulton (and Dekalb) county have been stolen at the very least of 2020 and 2022. Fulton largest county with approximately 300,000 more voters than Dekalb.

==Fulton County is Gradually Losing its Grip on Election Corruption

Topic: Elections==

In a few short years, Georgia has gone from being a reliably Republican political afterthought to one of the cornerstones of the American political scene. The likely 2024 Republican nominee, Donald Trump, has 235 electoral votes on the board if he holds the exact same hand that was certified in 2020, with all its fraud, and 236 if Nebraska makes its electoral votes winner-take-all. That means Trump would meet or surpass 270 electoral votes by taking Georgia and Pennsylvania, or Georgia with Arizona andWisconsin.

In short, Georgia is critical for restoring functionality, confidence, and transparency in our national system of elections. Georgia’s 2020 Presidential Election was decided by the slimmest of margins, behind only Arizona’s margin of 10,457 votes between Trump and Biden. It’s largest county, Fulton, integrated a “pipe burst” into its corruption arsenal, and the fourth largest, DeKalb, found and counted votes for days after even The New York Times had Georgia going to Trump with certainty on Election Night; had that happened in reverse in favor of Trump, the political commentariat would have been apoplectic.

Fulton County, home to most of metro Atlanta, is a typical Democrat-run mega-county, mired in crime and corruption and oppressive to the professional class that inhabits its far-flung suburban towns and cities. Recently, the City of Milton’s City Council voted unanimously to run its own municipal elections in 2023, citing substantial cost savings:

The Cities ofJohns Creek and Roswell capitalized on Milton’s move, and are also making the break from Fulton County. Georgia sources reportAlpharetta and Mountain Parkare also branching away from the county and its burdensome cost to administer its (Fulton’s) brand of third-world elections in their respective politically moderate cities.

This separation is the first step toward providing the transparency that is needed to bring about confidence in elections once again. You may be reading this thinking, “well, these changes are only for municipal elections,” but now that these cities are taking ownership of their own election administration, the window of opportunity for repairing public trust has opened widely. This opportunity of seizing back of control in Fulton County extends to the long-sought banishment of voting machines, allowable by an obscure law: GA Code § 21-2-334 (2021)

If a method of nomination or election for any candidate or office, or of voting on any question is prescribed by law, in which the use of voting machines is not possible or practicable, or in case, at any primary or election, the number of candidates seeking nomination or nominated for any office renders the use of voting machines for such office at such primary or election impracticable, or if, for any other reason, at any primary or election the use of voting machines wholly or in part is not practicable, thesuperintendent may arrangeto have the voting for such candidates or offices or for such questions conducted by paper ballots. In such cases, paper ballots shall be printed for such candidates, offices, or questions, and the primary or election shall be conducted by the poll officers, and the ballots shall be counted and return thereof made in the manner required by law for such nominations, offices, or questions, insofar as paper ballots are used.

If the focus municipalities continue this path, it is indeed earth-shaking news.Banning electronic elections equipmentis the second of the Ten Points to True Election Integrity; Georgia cities or subsequent counties abandoning voting machines would also be wise to ban electronic poll books and other complex tabulation systems that inhibit transparency in voting and tabulation, and by virtue of moving away from black-box voting, automatically adopt the third of the ten points, voting on paper ballots, with enforced voter ID.

In accordance with the law shown above, officials would also be tasked to ensure precinct-level voting operations run without a hitch, which would mandate smaller precincts (the sixth point of the ten), the counting of ballots there, and the creation of a timely counting and reporting mechanism (point nine of ten)….

This plan toseize control of local elections in Fulton County may catch on like wildfirethroughout the country, and is instrumental in restoring order to Georgia’s elections, which is a critical national task…


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131527 No.18363289

File: aaf196935bbef70⋯.png (309.52 KB,474x316,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


Ghost Protocol

May God Bless Q,Q+,Anons, and ((you))

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08eaad No.18363290

File: 0d3ba689f14839a⋯.jpg (105.66 KB,969x468,323:156,fuck_desantis_minion.jpg)

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21cdc3 No.18363293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




The people who side with the FBI and the STATE who are killing people, love to post hate Jew shit here.

We see them.

Paid by Soros NAZI

who is a Royal Hapsberg.

you guys thinks you are so smart.


The more you attack us with your fake Hate Jew shit,

the more the real story about you becomes real to the public.

And the more our research here makes sense.

You are losers.

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ca4b2a No.18363295

File: ecfadc7ac03cf13⋯.mp4 (12.4 MB,848x464,53:29,hitler_history_1_.mp4)



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a0a9ca No.18363296

Mornin’ Frens

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e27059 No.18363299

File: c442ed3a3c8b6b6⋯.jpg (2.51 MB,3840x2160,16:9,Trust_The_Plan_Don_t_Be_Di….jpg)

File: 1da494780428a61⋯.png (658.68 KB,670x900,67:90,Only_One_Way_To_the_Lord_G….png)

File: f12e0e79a2ec450⋯.jpg (47.82 KB,512x346,256:173,Dark_to_Light_Isiah_45_7_G….jpg)

File: 27fe10497c8a386⋯.jpg (48.44 KB,474x355,474:355,Slow_Steady_Wins_The_Race_….jpg)

File: f420a48fd88f466⋯.mp4 (4.95 MB,720x720,1:1,The_Old_Rugged_Cross_Brad_….mp4)

On this day of Our Lord Jesus Christ, 17 February 2023, I Pray, that All whom Look to the Lord for Guidance and Love will receive the Holy Spirit for the trials that are to come. I pray that the Devil's most secret and effective tool, the Wedge of Division, be smashed and thrown into the deepest trench. Lord please bless your long suffering children with Mercy, Strength, amd Wisdom to bring us out of Darkness into Light. In Jesus Name I Pray. Amen.

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7bf01b No.18363300


>Mornin’ Frens

Night Enemies

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e27dcc No.18363301


posted end pb, reposting

Norfolk Southern [Railroad] Shareholders:

Major Holders Currency in USD

0.13% % of Shares Held by All Insider

77.19% % of Shares Held by Institutions

77.29% % of Float Held by Institutions

1,996 Number of Institutions Holding Shares

Top Institutional Holders

Holder Shares Date Reported % Out Value

Vanguard Group, Inc. (The)18,533,329 Dec 30, 2022 8.14% 4,263,036,415

Blackrock Inc.15,734,144 Dec 30, 2022 6.91% 3,619,167,870

JP Morgan Chase & Company11,555,480 Dec 30, 2022 5.07% 2,657,991,558

State Street Corporation10,160,051 Dec 30, 2022 4.46% 2,337,014,974

Capital International Investors 7,763,760 Dec 30, 2022 3.41% 1,785,820,108

Lazard Asset Management LLC 7,144,381 Dec 30, 2022 3.14% 1,643,350,548

Capital World Investors 6,135,920 Dec 30, 2022 2.69% 1,411,384,344

Wells Fargo & Company 4,103,911 Dec 30, 2022 1.80% 943,981,625

Geode Capital Management, LLC 4,099,195 Dec 30, 2022 1.80% 942,896,851

Northern Trust Corporation 3,352,141 Dec 30, 2022 1.47% 771,059,487


'nuff said. These people are screwed if thinking they're dealing with just a railroad company….

If you are affected, plan to take care of yourselves. I'm sorry.

I don't do social media - someone pls get this out

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4ed450 No.18363303


It's a bot script. You're yelling at a robot. It doesn't care.

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c5a053 No.18363304

File: ad1724707885c3a⋯.jpg (16.87 KB,480x204,40:17,supfrater44.jpg)

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237340 No.18363305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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21cdc3 No.18363306

File: 4d1e47a7382dda5⋯.png (3.82 MB,1192x1844,298:461,barryandbidenmoviea3.png)


proposing violence and genocide.?

wonder who that could be?

heelo FBI

hello Soros. Hello Biden

Hello Schwab.

Notice how muh-Jew shill never give anything of value

Keep repeating the same Hate Garbage, then tag us as "Groundhog Day"

The template for Propaganda is projection.

because that's all they have.

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2828f1 No.18363309

Filling Senate Vacancies in PA

In Pennsylvania, U.S. Senate vacancies are temporarily filled by gubernatorial appointment. The appointee serves until the next statewide general election is held; the winner in that election serves out the remainder of the term.

So if Fetterman winds up having to step down related to health conditions including depression, the Dem Governor of PA appoints something for the next 2 years. In 2024……… will PA get a Dem or Rep or Lib to serve out the remaining term?


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21cdc3 No.18363310


Promoting Death to "all of them"

That's illegal?

Must be the FBI

They're the only ones who post material like that.

Didn't they set up some patsies?

How many times now?

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7d8aae No.18363312

the hate bot reposts other people's posts and then all it's anti-ethnic hatereds in subsequent posts perhaps to try and make real people seem to be haters too.

and then it posts the 'new bread' post

so I really have to ask what am I dealing with?

a smear bot out to slander me?

what it does, and it seems to be a baker, is a form of intimidation. what it does is counter to the idea of people being free to speak out about real things.

what it does is insipid shilling.

and it's a baker?

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e27059 No.18363314

File: 9e9d7610c3dad76⋯.mp4 (427.33 KB,496x502,248:251,RINO_Ron_DeSantis_Paul_Rya….mp4)

File: 8eb949f28116006⋯.png (330.7 KB,447x358,447:358,Woodchipper_Pedo_Herse_Fun….png)

File: f4a6e0fb5435fda⋯.jpg (189.7 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Best_POTUS_Ever_Donald_J_T….jpg)

File: 6fb20d98f1adaa4⋯.png (763.53 KB,1440x810,16:9,1676639391304.png)


Let's See What Happens...

These People Are Stupid...

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095054 No.18363315

File: 3038b37f5d985f6⋯.png (236.11 KB,610x610,1:1,pepe_Q.png)


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86253f No.18363316

File: 9c34544f3b864ed⋯.png (784.3 KB,767x768,767:768,0f4d2db559218ef76b5d828916….png)

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08eaad No.18363317

File: 90dd8379700bec8⋯.jpg (348.66 KB,1268x573,1268:573,NOT_VOTED_IN.jpg)

File: cc3de30ca22f5b0⋯.jpg (53.65 KB,492x410,6:5,not_looking_good.jpg)


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e27059 No.18363318

File: cb8b38096848ce2⋯.gif (1.27 MB,320x136,40:17,Irish_Feint_Howdy_Y_all.gif)



Maidin Mhaith!


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c3d64c No.18363319

File: 4888dd1b20bfdd5⋯.jpeg (162.83 KB,1080x1091,1080:1091,4888dd1b20bfdd5a3f32c9b70….jpeg)


Hersh is only step one.

It wasn't leaked to him so it could stop at him.

Corroborating evidence will be coming down the pike.

Biden is sooooo fucked.

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38f1d1 No.18363320

File: 8fdbeaf928c6e2b⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB,506x270,253:135,Trump_v_DeSantis.mp4)


Soros crew did a meet up recently with Koch (still Brothers, only one is left), so perhaps part of their new alignment plan?


ETS (or whatever now), has said that the same money guys that initially promoted Trump, are now behind the push for DeSantis.

Still think RD's best move is to be Trump's veep, but sure that Q-Team will tilt us the correct direction for '24.

From the vid: Trump is the nominee unless he endorses DeSantis or dies.

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c5a053 No.18363321

File: 09bd5a856c0210e⋯.gif (996.77 KB,498x211,498:211,deplorables44.gif)

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c077b8 No.18363323

evil is clearly ramping up.

evil is darkness. the light is truth.

darkness is the opposite of light.

The more brightly the light shines, the darker the shadow it will cast. The brighter the light, the more darkness and light will separate. Light intensifying is forcing darkness to reveal itself.

anons, don't despair as you see evil growing. it's the manifest reaction to the work we are doing, and evidence that the light is shining brighter and brighter every day.

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e27059 No.18363325

File: 4f87abf188a9726⋯.gif (856.61 KB,320x180,16:9,Death_Blossom_Button.gif)

File: aee8e75a0c7939b⋯.mp4 (1.47 MB,406x720,203:360,WOO_HOO_GET_THE_BAND_BACK_….mp4)

File: df3d10092934f00⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB,320x400,4:5,Hoggin_Dirtbike_Fat_Girlfr….mp4)

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095054 No.18363326

File: f045254994c7151⋯.jpg (109.39 KB,620x703,620:703,do_not_want.jpg)


>Soros endorses

Then we all know who wedon'twant.

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e7b81b No.18363327

File: 2ca35c0610d42a7⋯.png (842.4 KB,1080x2400,9:20,Screenshot_20230217_070645.png)

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c5a053 No.18363329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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21cdc3 No.18363330

File: fae71d8c45cef36⋯.jpg (301.77 KB,900x933,300:311,kingjesusG.jpg)


Jesus was a "Jew" even though the word wasn't created back then. But that was his family.

Get used to it suckers


They are getting desperate.

If they lose the USA, the rest of their plan can't survive.

They can't survive with free speech and other rights we take as our birthright.

So they push DiSentist

but they will fail


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6c40eb No.18363332

File: dd3305100e8135b⋯.png (141.65 KB,342x270,19:15,aaaku.PNG)

File: 5a452857aa58d1e⋯.png (109.49 KB,602x1136,301:568,hm1abcdef.png)

File: 1e880fc0ad1b850⋯.png (242.47 KB,471x286,471:286,hm208.PNG)

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07fc85 No.18363336

File: 022267e3db40b41⋯.jpeg (615.18 KB,1241x1907,1241:1907,82B7584F_BF10_47CD_8385_7….jpeg)

File: 8eb95e2a501defc⋯.jpeg (763.61 KB,1242x2553,18:37,B9813426_19F4_47DE_9CAB_B….jpeg)

File: 5675a9ab8db52a7⋯.jpeg (331.73 KB,1241x1026,1241:1026,F8072BEA_B1D9_483B_AFF7_A….jpeg)

File: 29fb97df1090810⋯.jpeg (634.76 KB,1241x1921,73:113,12560228_27A2_4073_A57D_F….jpeg)

File: 61015b7d2f59083⋯.jpeg (367.04 KB,1158x2255,1158:2255,00122CAD_34F3_42F5_9D1B_F….jpeg)

Reminder Brunson vs Adams et al case going to SC conference today. Pray for all involved that the Supreme Court justices get 4 votes in favor to proceed.

Conference Feb.17, 2023

Attached are rules for accepting a case, over 7,000 submitted with only 100-150 heard before the court. This means very few get through conference.

Stats 1.4% to 2.14% are accepted to be heard of the 7000

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2c966f No.18363337

do you agree: Jesus was a Christian

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21cdc3 No.18363338


figures. speak in German moar

you idiot

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7d8aae No.18363339

File: aa5154a24ffccdf⋯.jpg (16.44 KB,519x344,519:344,hate_bot_reposts_without_q….jpg)

the hate bot posts other people's posts as copy pasta and then does an ethnic hate post spamming of hateful ethnic badgering, prehaps to try and smeer those who posted the original material.

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2c966f No.18363340

File: a0dbb7993341538⋯.png (200.52 KB,502x310,251:155,la.png)

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c8b274 No.18363341

When one takes a long hard look at places and environments in the United States that were once shining examples of humanity, creativity, and beauty, I can think of two prime examples.

San Francisco and 8kun. With the exception of humanity, because we all know we are all faggots on a mission for truth and justice that is blind to race or religion here, I never expected you fuggin morans (myself included) to extend niceties. That is not what we do here.

However, what I have seen lately, having been here and lurking and occasionally posting a snarky comment since hitler did nothing wrong days, you all need to do something creative and beautiful again to prove to the world what this place is really all about.

Fuck all the Q noise. We cannot control Q or summon Q. This is not about Q. And fuck off with your GAIA trash.

This is about human sovereignty.

Think hard and let us all reflect on what is actually facing humanity right now.

This is truly as close to the end as any moment in human history.

The universe is not fucking around.

We will soon all be the "finding outers"

Peace be with you all.

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038670 No.18363342


…like a Paul Ryan?

No thanks!

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577504 No.18363343

File: ad821a31659441f⋯.jpg (84.52 KB,850x400,17:8,Enemy_Within_Marcus_Tullio….jpg)

>>18363012 lb

This case is irrefutable. We all watched the evidence play out on Jan 6th. The ruling the SC makes today will be a bell weather moment in this country's history. Simply, the "Oath of Office" that all of these people take including the 9 justices sitting on the SCOTUS either means what it says it does or it does not. There is no gray area here.

Frankly, I will be stunned if the SC rules in favor of this petition. What I fully anticipate happening is SCOTUS ruling against Brunson and in doing so, will solidify this country's fate and codify every usurpation of law we are seeing on a daily basis. Today is the day as to whether the "law of the land", the Constitution, is taken seriously and upheld or just non-meaningful words on a piece of paper that any court throughout the land can just make that shit up as they go.

One other thought. Our Military is charged with defending the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. Can there be any doubt that our Republic has been infiltrated and is being destroyed in the exact manner that Marcus Tullious Cicero described in 43 BC, the "Enemy Within"?

When the SCOTUS rules against Brunson today is the Military going to step in and uphold and honor their oath? I won't be holding my breath anons. What Q sought to avoid, will now be assured.

God help Us.

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7a0f07 No.18363344

File: d0d63b2f78f116b⋯.jpg (26.76 KB,512x422,256:211,d0d63b2f78f116bad9e8e9ee26….jpg)

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930e1d No.18363345

TheY will eliminate their "intelligence" assets first.

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ca94c3 No.18363346

File: cf0aa7bfff793cc⋯.jpg (63.5 KB,225x225,1:1,DA_MAN.jpg)

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2c966f No.18363347


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c3d64c No.18363348


I forget the faggot's name Kelly is talking to in this video, I just remember he's a faggot. You can tell he wants to suck DeSantis cock. You can also tell he knows nothing about MAGA. He's a fagservitive.

"What, you don't thnk DeSantis can beat Trump?'

>surprised pikachu face

Fucking grifter

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86253f No.18363349

File: 1d745fd6b832c64⋯.jpeg (339.02 KB,2048x2500,512:625,yieUOqX9AePi.jpeg)



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e27059 No.18363351

File: b6aefdfcc479200⋯.gif (11.84 MB,640x361,640:361,Aim_Small_Miss_Small_Patri….gif)

File: 5e173c08aee1ebc⋯.gif (233.56 KB,400x170,40:17,Lord_Make_Me_Fast_and_Accu….gif)


A Thiarna déan tapa agus cruinn mé


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095054 No.18363352

File: 0b4c026ec09021e⋯.jpeg (204.87 KB,1082x1545,1082:1545,EPA_Hypocrisy.jpeg)

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627337 No.18363353

Morning anons…


ty bake!

Boy is THEIR narrative falling apart…

The UFO/ballon is like watching them spin water…

Soros endorses DeSantis…

No one in the USA thinks elections are secure…

The HOUSE is gonna bring down da house…

Nordstream front and center…

Biolabs front and center…

China front and center…

We are atWARand it will get more intense the more the house pushes and the more GLOWIES are produced…


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0254bd No.18363354

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

High wire,

Train derailment, area not safe, guests on this video trained professionals. Residents do not have information and are at risk.

Share share share

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7d8aae No.18363356


use quotes when quoting other people, hate bot.

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149353 No.18363357

Do anons know when we should expect the SC to pass that ruling down today?

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07fc85 No.18363360

File: 8aa4669e0b8320c⋯.jpeg (160.86 KB,768x432,16:9,36DF9CD9_25BD_42CA_9D45_3….jpeg)

17 Feb, 2023 12:30

Patriotic’ civilians must leave key embattled city – top Ukrainian official

“Sane, law-abiding” people should evacuate Artyomovsk immediately, the deputy prime minister in Kiev urged

Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Irina Vereshchuk has warned civilians who remain in the contested frontline city of Artyomovsk to leave immediately. The official expressed surprise at the thousands of people reportedly still in the area as the battle rages.

“Frankly, I wonder what 6,000 civilians are still doing there,” Vereshchuk wrote on Facebook on Friday. “If you are a sane, law-abiding and patriotic citizen, you should evacuate immediately.”

The politician argued that by remaining in the city, civilians are risking their own lives and those of the people trying to help them, andare standing in the way of the Ukrainian troops defending the area.

Last week, the authorities in Kiev announced further restrictions on access to Artyomovsk, which is known as Bakhmut by Ukraine. Starting from Monday, only civilians with special single-day permits are allowed in, and only military-accredited journalists qualify for entry.

There has been intense fighting for several weeks for the control of the city, which is in the People’s Republic of Donetsk and forms part of the Donbass defense line prepared for years by Kiev. Russian troops have made advances, and according to reports have significantly disrupted Ukraine’s ability to resupply troops in the city.

Washington has downplayed the importance of Artyomovsk to the broader situation on the battlefield. Even if the city were to fall, “it would not have a strategic impact on the overall war,”National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby said this week.

The US government has reportedlyurged Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky to withdraw troopsand prepare for a future counteroffensive. However, the Washington Post reported this week that Zelensky refuses to do so because he “attaches symbolic importance” to the city and fears a setback to morale, should it be surrendered.


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ca4b2a No.18363361



Eyes should be all the fuck on over this. They are not as far as I can tell.


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237340 No.18363363


if you don't kill yerself………you bad for the woke.

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577504 No.18363365


Dr. Zelenko was a Patriot as he knew almost from the beginning that this China Virus was a DS slide.

RIP Dr. Zelenko.

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095054 No.18363367

File: 5506e1d795d2d8a⋯.png (340.57 KB,510x490,51:49,ClipboardImage.png)


>Divide they try


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c5a053 No.18363370

File: 18c24ab131c8c7b⋯.jpg (199.43 KB,736x732,184:183,NecessariumHaeresis.jpg)


Pax Tibi


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7d8aae No.18363371


he reposts other people's posts as copy pasta, verbatum, and then does a series of the 'I hate the . . . . .' posts, my quess is to try and defame the original posters.

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237340 No.18363373

File: acfc4e6c87c8bf9⋯.jpeg (44.67 KB,680x459,40:27,ERdpCUWXUAAhNhX.jpeg)

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38f1d1 No.18363374

File: c57e01031065208⋯.jpg (653.78 KB,2400x3000,4:5,Litany_of_Humility.jpg)

File: 54d1558a81b36d3⋯.jpg (112.24 KB,843x500,843:500,Kinda_Star_Wars.jpg)

File: a64cc32f586a51a⋯.jpg (37.13 KB,490x247,490:247,a64cc32f586a51a7163520e434….jpg)

File: 7d6079532329e40⋯.png (377.25 KB,400x542,200:271,God_Wins_Q.png)



Thank you, rosary anon.

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21cdc3 No.18363375

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.


His followers were evangelists for his teaching and Holy Redemption.

Taken over by the Romans who killed him and who lied about History.

Covered up history.

The word "Christian" is an English word.

Not sure what they called themselves back then?

Original followers and the original martyrs were "Jews"

Why do you think the Roman Inquisitors hated jews?

They punish Jews, make them their fall guys (put up front in positions of power) because of their own guilt.

Likely the Banker family "Rothschild" (originally Maier?) who supposedly own all the Banks in the world are ethnically Jewish, but un-religious 7 obviously Fail to follow the ten commandments etc.

The original falling-out among the Jews is likely because some small cult within it desired to continue with the sacrifices which were banned by Moses.

They parade as Jews, when they are not.

It makes more sense when you realize the timeline is much much shorter than they pretend.

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21cdc3 No.18363378


"Romans" is Deep State, never ended.

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07fc85 No.18363379

File: 7c317dcd4b30749⋯.jpeg (60.43 KB,768x432,16:9,ECFD4580_7ADD_4BF4_9195_7….jpeg)

17 Feb, 2023 12:59

Moscow warns EU over seized assets

Russia will respond in kind if its funds are given to Ukraine, the Foreign Ministry said

Any Western attempts to transfer seized Russian assets to Ukraine would be “barbarism,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has claimed. If necessary,Moscow is ready to impose a tit-for-tat response, she added.

Speaking at a press briefing on Friday, Zakharova noted that EU nations had invested heavily in Russia, meaning a significant amount of European-owned assets remain in the country. Their value is larger than that of the Russian assets seized by foreign nations, the spokeswoman argued.

Zakharova insisted that Russia wants to operate within the law and would give the US and its allies “every last chance” to reconsider any plans to confiscate Russian property. However, she added that Moscow was fully prepared to defend its interests, including through the use of “equal compensatory measures.”

The remarks referred to a new EU working group, established to explore ways to make Russia fund the future reconstruction of Ukraine.

“This must be done in accordance with EU and international law, and there is currently no direct model for this,” Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said, commenting on the new group. Stockholm currently holds the rotating presidency of the EU Council.

Western nations have frozen hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of Russian sovereign reserves, as well the assets of Russians whom they consider close to the government. Moscow has branded the measures an act of robbery.

Zakharova stressed that property rights should not be subject to the whims and geopolitical needs of a handful of nations, adding that US foreign policy was often prone to wild swings. She claimed that a case in point is Venezuela, where Washington previously referred to Juan Guaido as a legitimate leader with the right to manage the nation’s wealth.

“Now Western delegations visit [Nicolas] Maduro, whom we always considered the legitimate president, as if nothing happened,”Zakharova said. “So everything they say now about Russia, their accusations, threats, and blackmail… can flip-flop in a moment. Mark my words.”

The spokeswoman warned that the international community should oppose the push for the expropriation of Russian property. Countries could otherwise find themselves on the receiving end of the “ostensibly impartial”Western-controlled financial system, Zakharova cautioned.


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237340 No.18363380

File: 6a95c5d32c52acc⋯.jpg (82.03 KB,1140x726,190:121,Normal.JPG)

I'll show you "Biblical"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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c442a8 No.18363382


TY Baker, o7

Have a good day.

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237340 No.18363385

File: 20424a4e4e4795b⋯.jpg (4.04 KB,248x248,1:1,Ngoma_Lungundu.jpg)

File: bd6d177a19ecf63⋯.jpg (33.67 KB,750x483,250:161,af1_targetting.jpg)

File: 54075ca4c56a54c⋯.jpg (6.73 KB,248x248,1:1,justice_will_come.jpg)


Biblical means peace, love, God………….

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7d87b1 No.18363386


>We are at war mkultra style.

>Smart dust + tubuals + signals/wifi + flicker rate/screen time + dreamtime hypnotic suggestions = the new improved mkultra

Sadly, this is most definitely the case. The question is, how to mitigate the attacks when we are literally swimming in this shit? Without lots of financial resources to invest in rf blocking tech, expensive filtration systems, or walking around in a suit like bubble boy, it seems doing our best with healthy living and prayer is the best one can hope for. I mean just spending lots of time in this forum is damaging with the flicker rate, right? Demoralizing to say the least.

On a similar note, do any anons know of any reason that ketamine treatment should be considered as a viable option for depression? It’s being pushed on this anon by someone who is well meaning and cares for me but is not at all awake to the dangers of the mkultra programming aspect of the drug. Just knows that I refuse to go the psychiatric meds route and thinks this could help. Sorta at the end of my rope with the depression. So the positive reports of the ketamine treatment route are appealing if they could help me get my life back on track in short order so that I can get back to my previously high functioning state IRL. But otherwise, I’m super fucking hesitant for all the obvious reasons.

Shills can fuck off as I’m not looking for a pity party here. Just looking for thoughts on ketamine treatment for depression. This down cycle has been going on way too long and I need to figure out how to kick it to the fuckin’ curb stat!

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08eaad No.18363387

File: 8bb8ce4c5c30d53⋯.jpg (94.31 KB,800x533,800:533,soros_satan_endorced.jpg)

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22256b No.18363388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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237340 No.18363389

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



This was "Biblical" too?!


You fuckinb criminal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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577504 No.18363390

If I lived in East Palinstine, OH and that EPA Director came. I would be standing there with a glass of water from my sink, I would say to him, here is some of the water from my home that you and other government officials are telling us, is safe to drink, drink it, right now or get your fucking ass outta here you JAMF'n piece of shit.

Dewine running his fucking mouth on FNC right now. I trust his ass like I trust KJP and the rest.

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7d87b1 No.18363391


Fuck forgot the LB on that link!!!

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379ee1 No.18363392

File: 7ee88620874eb61⋯.png (714.18 KB,1020x955,204:191,Scrhhi.png)

File: 723f0b14b11c73c⋯.png (1.12 MB,1080x1276,270:319,Scbhu.png)

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0254bd No.18363393


Does anyone think DeSantis, being a really good governor, leading the way for other governors, could just string them along, then refuse to run for President.

Any chance DeSantis has been brought into the Plan?

If nothing else the GOP rhinos are showing themselves. Known enemies are easier to contain.

What about counter measure telling DeSantis to wait.

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c3d64c No.18363394





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21cdc3 No.18363395


we see you FBI

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07fc85 No.18363396

File: d54950df4987a41⋯.jpeg (71.83 KB,768x432,16:9,D7C9C6DA_72ED_4A1E_AEF6_4….jpeg)

17 Feb, 2023 07:37

Russia reacts to US ‘support’ for strikes on Crimea

Washington is fueling Kiev’s ambitions to attack Moscow’s territory, embassy warns

The US has again confirmed its direct involvement in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Moscow's Embassy in Washington has claimed. The statement came after US Deputy Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland saidmilitary sites in Crimea were “legitimate targets” for Ukraine, and that her country was “supporting” strikes on them.

Nuland “has admitted that the [Biden] administration is fueling the ambitions of the Kiev regime to attack our country,” the Russian Embassy argued in a statement on Friday.

The words of the high-ranking American official were “clear confirmation of Russia’s position that the US is directly involved in the conflict” between Moscow and Kiev, it said.

The statement added that Washington is not just using rhetoric but is also taking “concrete actions” by supplying modern weapons and advising Ukrainian military leaders, and that “de facto, they plan operations together.”

Citing American and Ukrainian officials, the Washington Post reported last week that Kiev’s forces would not fire a single shot from artillery systems provided by the US without first confirming the coordinates of the target with the Americans.

“Inciting Kiev criminals to attack Crimea is the same as pushing them to attack Moscow or Vladivostok,” the embassy insisted, adding thatRussia would defend its territory in any case.

Crimea overwhelmingly voted to reunite with Russia in 2014 after a violent coup in Kiev. Ukraine still views the peninsula as part of its territory, with the US sharing that stance.

In her interview on Thursday with American think tank the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Nuland said the US believes that Kiev is “owed and due all of their territory within their international borders,”including Crimea. “Ukraine is not going to be safe unless Crimea is – at a minimum, at a minimum – demilitarized,” she asserted, adding that the Biden administration backed Kiev’s attempts to target the peninsula.

Washington’s support for attacks on Crimea is “an undisguised manifestation of the bellicose attitude of the US towards our country,” the Russian Embassy insisted.


The witch of death and war. Nuland at it again!

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c442a8 No.18363398




Good Morning Anons

Happy Q day!


Have a blessed day!

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638feb No.18363399

File: 3c8271819c61f51⋯.mp4 (12.11 MB,1280x720,16:9,3c8271819c61f517c4a0cd3ece….mp4)

russian military cathedral

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2e41b2 No.18363400


If it's like last time we won't know anything until Monday morning

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c5a053 No.18363402

File: e7be09bdc13cf1f⋯.jpeg (46.92 KB,250x381,250:381,Arch44.jpeg)

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d9486e No.18363403

File: 177d6bd52035c92⋯.png (343.38 KB,485x554,485:554,331983938_566891512048667_….png)

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f8773c No.18363404

File: 2300bd14609dbf6⋯.jpg (138.16 KB,1012x1024,253:256,right.jpg)

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d0ef5e No.18363405

Get Ready Anons.

Something BIG is coming…

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f8773c No.18363406

File: a75f2fe9106dfda⋯.png (667.66 KB,500x845,100:169,crush_evil.png)

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9c667b No.18363407

File: 43a35fe62eb5689⋯.jpg (173.09 KB,1024x768,4:3,jesus.jpg)

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08eaad No.18363408

File: a1c1cd327090975⋯.jpg (159.03 KB,1026x530,513:265,IS_THAT_A_TANK_WITH_A_FUCK….jpg)

File: 21e646eaad8e9e2⋯.jpg (152.17 KB,764x723,764:723,FAMOUS_LAST_WORDS.jpg)

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7be4fd No.18363409

File: 1c00f8bcf144407⋯.png (1.02 MB,1080x1074,180:179,Screghu.png)

Anons I told AI artificial intelligence about the Bible and heaven and hell and AI asked a lot of questions about God, heaven and hell and then AI made this picture of heaven and hell.

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206f2e No.18363410


Try this: "Klaatu Barada Nikto"

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b17b85 No.18363412


You are not the only one anon. But, since ketamine is known as the date rape drug, what do you think? Make that person who cares for you happy by going to get some natural supplements. Try NAC, or ask the person at the natural store.

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c3d64c No.18363413

File: 27523507e314dfb⋯.jpg (20.15 KB,720x403,720:403,1638986511373.jpg)


DeSantis is not a good guy

He never was.

I tried to tell you niggers about Barr

You called me shill for year

I tried to tell you niggers no one was getting arrested before the 2020 election

I was called idiot

Hear ye, hear ye


he was never ever ever a good guy

Rubio is scum

Cruz is scum

Grassley is scum

Lidsay Graham is scum

DeSantis is scum

This is not about R v D.

They are all on the same team

Hear Ye, Hear Ye

Like there is only Q

No R, E, Sgt. B

There is only Q

There is no DeSantis

There is only Trump

There is no republican party

There is only Trump

100 yrs they've been rope a doping us


Trump is our only chance.

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213789 No.18363414

File: e959fd0d42306b4⋯.png (467.88 KB,700x738,350:369,Screen_Shot_2023_02_17_at_….png)

Calling all blockchain experts: New York City wants you

Despite the crypto downturn, the city sees potential in using the tech to manage vitality records and home deeds

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f290cc No.18363415


How dare you say we must remember who we are. How dare you say that we must become our true selves. How dare you say that we need to make our light shine brightly.

We never forgot who we are.

Our light never went out.


King James Bible

John 10:34

Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

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7d87b1 No.18363416


Chek’d! What the fuck? Was gonna give you a hard time about the lack of warning on the bread jump until I saw the tripcode.

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22256b No.18363417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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149353 No.18363418


I thought anons found out soon after, can't recall if it was because Brunson tweeted something or it if was another way. Tried to not get to involved in worrying about it but still interested enough to keep it on the radar.

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9fd47b No.18363420


Please stop shilling Desantis here Mossad, just fucking go to 4chan and Reddit, it's getting old.

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c5a053 No.18363422

File: d5527d938494c86⋯.png (309.16 KB,747x679,747:679,d5527d938494c86422749f17ed….png)

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f1544f No.18363424



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213789 No.18363425

File: a630556762424e0⋯.png (6.73 KB,70x41,70:41,the_filter.png)


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97b70d No.18363426

File: 672873f759da7e2⋯.png (1.64 MB,1450x957,50:33,ClipboardImage.png)



self claim and ackpawledged

can bake until whenever

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86253f No.18363427

File: fdcc1c82e0e48be⋯.jpeg (101.09 KB,752x786,376:393,fdcc1c82e0e48be889cff1d39….jpeg)



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21cdc3 No.18363428

File: 9a30ba8d1f92d95⋯.mp4 (7.18 MB,406x720,203:360,chosenforareasona.mp4)

The original falling-out among the Jews is likely because some small cult within it desired to continue with the sacrifices which were banned by Moses?

Needs a question mark.

Much moar work to be done on this

"Learn Russian"

Anatoly Fomenko the historian - mathmatician - astronomer 's group has 150 in Russian on the reconciliation of the historical chronology.

Many questions have been answered by their group - but to catch -up with it all will take a bit of word.

The main "discovery" new understanding of chronology came back in the 70's and now it's just working out the details as best possible, when so much evidence has been lost to time; and likely deliberately destroyed?

THAT's A BIG MAP (picture) which anon may see more filled in as time goes on.

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7d87b1 No.18363429


Oh, I’ve been on the supplement treatment route for a long time now with varying degrees of success. Taking NAC for a while now. Regular parasite/deworming cleanses. Careful diet, etc. Sadly this person is bought and sold into western medicine as lord and savior. So there’s really not much discussion to be had there.

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c5a053 No.18363430

File: 5961a747ffe6b88⋯.png (175.03 KB,1080x478,540:239,DS.png)

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c68598 No.18363431


Nothing was announced until the following Monday, unless something leaks. I am not holding my breath, but it feels like a pressure cooker out there right now.

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fe7669 No.18363432

File: 28e9f8610db335b⋯.png (1.01 MB,750x639,250:213,shill_blending_in.png)



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095054 No.18363433

File: ba833ed3b5953ab⋯.png (770.69 KB,1206x640,603:320,pepe_yellow_cake.png)


Have some moar kek…

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2e41b2 No.18363434

Did I miss it or is there a side by side of the changes the CDC made to increase the safe levels of vinyl chloride gas? tia

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237340 No.18363435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yoooo, pompeo, piece of shit, this it was biblical too???????????????

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86253f No.18363436

File: 53589235287dd3f⋯.jpg (51.96 KB,900x900,1:1,oops.jpg)


oops, was on my clipboard, not meant to post

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ea9756 No.18363437

If you have Jewish blood and you denounce Judaism, and pronounce Jesus Christ as your Lord & Savior, the Promised Messiah, are you still Jewish?

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f8773c No.18363438

File: 02cdb71ab59e0ab⋯.jpg (14.12 KB,255x255,1:1,truck_canada_pepe.jpg)

12:00 PM EDT

Public Order Emergency Commission Report to Be Released February 17, 2023

Media lock-up to begin at 10 a.m., tabling in Parliament anticipated at noon



Canadian Commission on Final Report of Ottawa Trucker Protests

Paul Rouleau, commissioner of Canada’s Public Order Emergency Commission, reads a statement about a final report on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s decision to use emergency powers to end a Feb. 2022 protest against COVID-19 vaccine mandates.


1:30 PM EST

PM Trudeau Holds News Conference on Emergency Commission's Final Report Into Trucker Protests

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau and Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland hold a news conference in Ottawa about a commission’s investigatory report of Mr. Trudeau’s decision to use emergency powers to end a Feb. 2022 protest against COVID-19 vaccine mandates.



1:30 p.m. The Prime Minister will deliver remarks and hold a media availability.


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9c667b No.18363439

File: c0a96304ffe7e29⋯.png (525.1 KB,685x382,685:382,1.PNG)

File: d9f937d161b477e⋯.png (442.25 KB,676x387,676:387,2.PNG)

File: f97a13fb2ab8d73⋯.png (494.74 KB,670x379,670:379,3.PNG)

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577504 No.18363440


I'm praying for you anon. It's a hard road that has been put in front of you but I believe you have answered your own question. God. I am not an overly religious person but I do fully believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. I am far from perfect but I think this is your pathway out of this situation. I leave to God things that I have no power over and I act on the things that God puts in front of me. Take charge of your life. Suit up and show up. One foot in front of the other. Start with making your bed up in the morning and go from there. What ever it is that is causing you to feel like this can be overcome. Ultimately, it's up to you.

God bless you.


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213789 No.18363441


>Trump is our only chance.


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0254bd No.18363442


The Ukrainian troops are out of ammunition and no one has any in their own stockpiles to send them. Opps!

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0f7582 No.18363443

File: c795c74e8e7a34e⋯.png (1.52 MB,1080x1580,54:79,Schu.png)

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638feb No.18363444

File: 533f3232bbb5d4a⋯.mp4 (3.65 MB,720x900,4:5,533f3232bbb5d4afb962b8a9af….mp4)

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ea9756 No.18363445



DeSantis is a sleeper.

He is being exposed.

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c0b532 No.18363446

The light of the intellect shines through the heart. Untl the heart is healed the light can not shine. The purpose of the Holy Spirit is that healing of the heart, illumination of the mind, and the complrte eradication of ye pedovores their cult.

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51b4eb No.18363447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“Imagine the hippocracy of making face covering mandatory and then arrest/detain someone for wearing a mask!”

The world is OFF THE RAILS!

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78ed3e No.18363449

Good morning you inglorious frogs.

I have been looking into and collecting information on the East Palestine Event. My wifeanons Motheranon lives in East Palestine

She will be sending me photos and or videos today from her place. They will be hopefully after the rain. As it is I have instructed her to do the rock in the lakes test and video all of it, looking for any chemical or rainbow looking materials rising to top. Her lakes are filled with variety of fish but mainly blue channel cat. And I mean filled like a fish farm. I have a photo copy of the letter they want her to sign for testing. Have looked it over and compared it to others I have seen from other residents. They do not match. Have gotten word the railroad admitted to the mistake on the paperwork. Still not trusting anything. Will have more information later today as Motherinlawanon shoots me the pictures and short videos.

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213789 No.18363450

mr biden tear down this fence

but no, cuz nobody has the conviction to say it


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b1f172 No.18363453


>Jewish Blood



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095054 No.18363454

File: 63a5ac4dc6b27e2⋯.png (271.7 KB,550x550,1:1,pepe_dank_3.png)


The (Soros) shills here have been pushing DeSantis a lot lately.

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22256b No.18363455

File: 5f568c4ac396b65⋯.jpg (613.71 KB,3464x3464,1:1,PicsArt_01_03_10_00_36.jpg)

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21cdc3 No.18363456

File: 524b44ba04f5214⋯.png (185.31 KB,1348x1438,674:719,fomenko_.png)

Anatoly Fomenko the historian - mathematician - astronomer 's group has 150 books, in Russian, which work on the reconciliation of historical chronology.


Many questions have been answered by their group - but to catch -up with it all will take a "bit of work." (understatement; likely take some generations of effort?)

and learning Russian or getting a reliable person to translate?

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f1544f No.18363457




gracias, panaderos

we are being contaminated

but yeah, still winning

(no sarc)

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d1b6f1 No.18363458

File: 2f40b1e34a936ad⋯.jpg (38.06 KB,500x413,500:413,Chuu.jpg)


BANKRUPTED America is not the greatest country in the world in fact America is the most corrupted country in the world.

Trump's election was stolen so what did the lethargic lazy American people do in response to a blatantly stolen election by the highly organized DEEP STATE, MSM and dirty Washington politicians?

They did absolutely nothing because they are weak stupid assholes that got sucked in by people like the walking dead corpse of Nancy Pelosi and as a result America is now a piece of shit garbage disposal for third world buffoon illegals that need a new place to take a bean shit…..

American people you assholes got exactly what you fuckin' deserve~

Further more when a faggot like Zelenskiy can blackmail the fake American president for billions and billions it is proof that the American ZOMBIES are lifeless weak dumbass bastards…

Now you idiotic fools got Frank Luntz's boyfriend getting ready to run America even further into the ground….lol

In closing America:Who gave the fake president Joe Biden the permission to invade your country with millions of low IQ subhuman worthless people?

RIP America

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e698ff No.18363460

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ea9756 No.18363462


Per the Jews, they say that they have Jewish DNA. Is that all just Jewish bullshit?

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c5a053 No.18363463

File: 603a8914d8155c2⋯.jpeg (14.68 KB,244x255,244:255,68a79fe074736c3959a3959d4….jpeg)

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774f59 No.18363464

File: be70fab7aedb807⋯.jpg (194.41 KB,1242x1120,621:560,1785e6d64eb02093a1a3de5f3f….jpg)

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213789 No.18363465

File: 93fbb819df262fb⋯.png (12.97 KB,254x198,127:99,ClipboardImage.png)

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b3b3f5 No.18363466


thanks for the heads-up

watch canada today dayshift

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b1f172 No.18363467

File: 84eba6ce56dccca⋯.jpg (29.18 KB,600x338,300:169,84eba6ce56dccca33ecc8ecf2d….jpg)

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07fc85 No.18363468

File: 5e2b0da422e0d0c⋯.jpeg (104.29 KB,768x432,16:9,BC99D4CB_7126_4ED5_A4AF_3….jpeg)

17 Feb, 2023 10:44

Biden sets out views on prospects of cold war with China

US president says he makes no apologies for his order to shoot down the Chinese balloon

Washington isn’t interested in starting a cold war with China, US President Joe Biden reassured an audience in a speech on Thursday in which he also said he plans to discuss the recent balloon incident with his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping.

The downing of a Chinese balloon by the US Air Force earlier this month “underscores the importance of maintaining open lines of communication” between US and Chinese diplomats and military officials, Biden said during his address.

“We are not looking for a new Cold War,” the US leader said, while referring to the recent spike in tensions between Washington and Beijing as a result of the incident.

The original Cold War was a geopolitical standoff between the US and the Soviet Union that started shortly after the end of World War II and lasted until the collapse of the USSR in 1991. The two superpowers avoided an open military confrontation but actively worked to undermine each other through supporting opposing sides in regional conflicts, as well as through espionage, economic restrictions, propaganda and other means. The period was also characterized by the so-called Arms Race, and by a technology race between Washington and Moscow, in space and in other sectors.

“I expect to be speaking with President Xi, I hope we are going to get to the bottom of this, but I make no apologies for taking down that balloon,” Biden said.

He didn’t specify when exactly the conversation with the Chinese leader is going to take place.

After his address, the US president commented on the issue further to NBC News, saying: “I think the last thing that Xi wants is to fundamentally rip the relationship with the US and with me.

The American side insists that the balloon, which was shot down over US territory on February 4, was a spying device. China has denied these claims, stating that it was a civilian craft that was blown off-course by strong winds.

The balloon incident led to the postponement of a visit to China by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and by Washington imposing sanctions against several Chinese firms and research institutes involved in the country’s balloon program.

On Wednesday, the US Senate unanimously passed two resolutions condemning Beijing’s alleged conduct. On Thursday, China’s National People’s Congress responded to the move, blaming American lawmakers for “deliberately exaggerate[ing] the ‘China threat.’” The US Senators “took advantage of the issue and fanned the flames, fully exposing their sinister intention to oppose China and contain China,” the statement by the Chinese legislature pointed out.


(Fake dance between China and US, I bet Bidan called Xi to get permission to shoot the barroom down. Evil creatures like him never apologize for harm and death, so no one expects it!)

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7bf01b No.18363469

File: 252f9adeb641354⋯.png (141.96 KB,334x255,334:255,ClipboardImage.png)


Clear the way BO needs to delete "spam"

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149353 No.18363470


They try to paint narratives and failing miserably every time. They got nothing except fear and panic and trying to divide as much as they shout about muh division. Good times.

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f290cc No.18363471


Jeremiah 1:5

King James Bible

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

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fffa71 No.18363473


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08eaad No.18363474

File: 6f74bf43efb6fc7⋯.jpg (132.84 KB,1230x513,410:171,HYPOCRISY.jpg)

File: f70cd731f33780b⋯.jpg (92.09 KB,738x455,738:455,TRUDEAU_LOCKED_COUNTRY_AND….jpg)

File: 63a7501d3b74455⋯.jpg (132.42 KB,770x513,770:513,DRIVEN_INTO_GROUND.jpg)

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7d87b1 No.18363476


Thank you, anon. Prays appreciated. And, God is def where I lean these days. All I got left in some respects. But like I said, not looking for a pity party here this morn. I’ll work this out one way or another. Appreciate the feedback.

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29ac0b No.18363477


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b1f172 No.18363478


Do they have litttle hexagrams holding their double-helixes together?

There is no such thing as Being born Royal aka Jewish.

That's that they really mean by "Jewish" blood…descended from some slave king and therefore given the "birth-right" to "rule slaves" by "God".

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b3b3f5 No.18363479


global report sent

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149353 No.18363480


Thanks for proving my point ass wipe. Kill yourself for being stupid

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237340 No.18363482


Hey doll.

Do you have a niece and president shower clip?

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833658 No.18363484

File: cec32ae7cb325b0⋯.png (83.4 KB,229x220,229:220,ClipboardImage.png)



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dbb5ce No.18363485



Putting on the armor of God and picking up the Sword

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08eaad No.18363486

File: 17afe0ba38ea32f⋯.jpg (167.83 KB,800x800,1:1,MAGA_2_0_Unstoppable.jpg)


Yup… it's like watching a front wheel drive on wet grass… just no traction.

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f1544f No.18363487


when the heart is heavy and the mind is depressed spending lots of time outdoors could be helpful and strengthening the body.

the heart and mind will follow.

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baf70e No.18363488

File: 649e1dae1fb286b⋯.jpg (103.79 KB,500x570,50:57,IMG_20230215_203512.jpg)


BANKRUPTED America is not the greatest country in the world in fact America is the most corrupted country in the world.

Trump's election was stolen so what did the lethargic lazy American people do in response to a blatantly stolen election by the highly organized DEEP STATE, MSM and dirty Washington politicians?

They did absolutely nothing because they are weak stupid assholes that got sucked in by people like the walking dead corpse of Nancy Pelosi and as a result America is now a piece of shit garbage disposal for third world buffoon illegals that need a new place to take a bean shit…..

American people you assholes got exactly what you fuckin' deserve~

Further more when a faggot like Zelenskiy can blackmail the fake American president for billions and billions it is proof that the American ZOMBIES are lifeless weak dumbass bastards…

Now you idiotic fools got Frank Luntz's boyfriend getting ready to run America even further into the ground….lol

In closing America:Who gave the fake president Joe Biden the permission to invade your country with millions of low IQ subhuman worthless people?

RIP America

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aed598 No.18363489


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9fd47b No.18363490


Show me the gif where Trump doesn't shake Bibi's hand.

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038670 No.18363493



Something BIG?

Prove it!

Do you know how many times a retard like you has said that? I do! 10,825 times

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237340 No.18363494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Or DUI of the ……..

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833658 No.18363495

File: cec32ae7cb325b0⋯.png (83.4 KB,229x220,229:220,ClipboardImage.png)


>How dare you


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07fc85 No.18363496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Norfolk Southern Says they “Accidentally” Asked East Palestine Residents to Sign Legal Waivers as Condition of Contamination Tests

February 16, 2023 | Sundance |

When Ohio Senator JD Vance was briefing the press earlier today, he was asked about East Palestine residents being required to sign indemnity waivers, releasing Norfolk Southern Railway from legal liability, as a requirement of having their water/air tests conducted on their property.

Senator Vance said he talked to a resident about it, then reviewed the contract and confirmed the indemnity demand. Vance then immediately called Norfolk Southern Railroad officials and asked them about it. According to Vance, the response from Norfolk Southern Railway was that the liability waiver was accidentally presented. WATCH (@24:54 Prompted):

Does anyone really believe the contingency waivers were “accidentally” presented to the residents?



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149353 No.18363498


they are desperate, perhaps they should be nice and ask pig for some kitty litter, it might help.

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149353 No.18363499



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29ac0b No.18363500

The Atum Wind

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e698ff No.18363501

File: 8af321e49f95207⋯.png (247.02 KB,413x549,413:549,ClipboardImage.png)

Keep fighting anons!

I am gaining my spirit back.

NGL I was crushed after the 2020 steal and the J6 false flag.

This anon gave up hope for awhile. I have been in a very dark place and came close to ending it all. The only thing keeping me going is the fact that I would leave my beautiful children without a father and I could never do that to them. I have literally laid in bed at night and asked God to take me in my sleep. That is how down and depressed I have been. I stopped believing and convinced myself that evil was firmly in control of the world. Only recently have I started to see a light at the end of the tunnel.I thought the red wave was coming in 2020 and we were all going to celebrate the final death blow of the satanic cabal but I now realize that this is a war of attrition and it's going to be fucking ugly. But I am back in it and ready to fight with you crazy mother fuckers until the bitter end. Fucking Valhalla mother fuckers. For God. For Country. For Family. For FREEDOM. LET'S FUCKING GO!!!

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9cd694 No.18363502


ok what about P's and Q's ?

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833658 No.18363503

File: cec32ae7cb325b0⋯.png (83.4 KB,229x220,229:220,ClipboardImage.png)



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b17b85 No.18363504


Ah, apologies then. The only advice I can come up with then, is to strive to find beauty and hope in the midst of all this. The root cause is ignored by western medicine, and your root cause is the same as mine maybe…the result of viewing objective reality right now.

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149353 No.18363505


Fine, kill yourself.

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97b70d No.18363506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ad76d1 No.18363508


When the damage from the transgender movement hits a fever pitch and people start suing the medical professionals, non-binary advocates, etc., we are going to see the democrat media blob blame conservatives for not being accepting enough. It won’t be their fault for saying gender affirmation was, in fact, gender denial. It’ll be our fault for pushing back and being “hateful”.

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ea9756 No.18363510


DeSantis "being a really good governor" is just a ploy to get the Conservatives to trust him.

imo, DeSantis is a sleeper who has been groomed, by TPTB, to be a RINO.

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d99116 No.18363513

File: 504568b1a73c84f⋯.jpg (29.44 KB,225x225,1:1,earth.jpg)

Donald Trump Will Win 2024 Election In Landslide, The USA Will Disband In 2028 If No Miracle Appear

Source, More Info: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=73

The dates have been set.

Look at history and connect to today.

The Chernobyl disaster occurred in 1986, the big Soviet Union disbanded 5 years later in 1991.

The similar disaster event have just occurred in the USA: the toxic chemical train 2023.

So It could be a real sign: the sign the end for the United States of Americas USA in 2028.

Donald Trump will win 2024 presidential election in big landslide margin because there won’t be any “cheating allowed” in that potential US last election, there is no doubt about that because Donald Trump is the only real leader the USA have at the moment, the rest are only puppet.

Thus Donald Trump will have his final term and also the final chance for the USA in general.

If no miracle appear, then it the USA will gone or can say most likely will disband like the Soviet Union.

The US Dollar will gone in 2028 with the current pace.

That is the what behind the screen between the elites group around the world.

I as the Savior have magic and a great plan to restore the United States the USA in the most spectacular way but sadly nobody give me any attention or hope.

A calling for donation from me the Savior to cover the travel expense got ignored completely.

Life is a 2 way street.

Do you see any person go into any temple to seek help from the super deities/gods with empty hand?

I don’t see any in most case.

I do not understand why they don’t spend the soon to be useless US Dollar to seeking any potential solution/help yet (in most public and private way).

As a real legendary Savior, I can repeat that without me, there won’t any miracle appear.

Without receive something in advanced, I just cannot give more ideas or advice because I have given too many for free but receive absolutely nothing in return.

Feel free to send this message to all beings/entities/groups.

Best Regard,

The Savior

Source, More Info: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=73

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774f59 No.18363514

anerica at the mercy of pure madness

these people are truly sick

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3c6a5c No.18363515

File: da5b78b0c9ba29e⋯.mp4 (193.69 KB,516x624,43:52,9de3f8ae78ca6bb4422840509b….mp4)


BANKRUPTED America is not the greatest country in the world in fact America is the most corrupted country in the world.

Trump's election was stolen so what did the lethargic lazy American people do in response to a blatantly stolen election by the highly organized DEEP STATE, MSM and dirty Washington politicians?

They did absolutely nothing because they are weak stupid assholes that got sucked in by people like the walking dead corpse of Nancy Pelosi and as a result America is now a piece of shit garbage disposal for third world buffoon illegals that need a new place to take a bean shit…..

American people you assholes got exactly what you fuckin' deserve~

Further more when a faggot like Zelenskiy can blackmail the fake American president for billions and billions it is proof that the American ZOMBIES are lifeless weak dumbass bastards…

Now you idiotic fools got Frank Luntz's boyfriend getting ready to run America even further into the ground….lol

In closing America:Who gave the fake president Joe Biden the permission to invade your country with millions of low IQ subhuman worthless people?

RIP America

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f1544f No.18363516


might be of interest for you >>18363501

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9c667b No.18363517


>P's and Q's ?

mind them. that is what anon was told

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f1544f No.18363518



wrong tags

i meant this >>18363501

for you: >>18363386

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ea9756 No.18363519



Evil people will continue to be evil.

They will continue to lie, and place the blame of their own sins onto others. Projection 101.

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08eaad No.18363520

File: 507261262209a00⋯.jpg (108.19 KB,828x479,828:479,never_guilty_when_no_laws_….jpg)


Anyone would think their name was Pfizer.

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c68598 No.18363523


>ready to fight with you crazy mother fuckers until the bitter end

So glad you are still with us, anon. God could have taken you, he didn't was his will that you are needed here. This crazy mother fucker anon is proud to be in your bunker. o7

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206f2e No.18363524

File: d101700694889e6⋯.png (604.78 KB,955x489,955:489,Screenshot_2023_02_12_1734….png)

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9c667b No.18363526

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

John "The Punisher" Durham | The Second Coming

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e698ff No.18363527

File: 28bee5b8b34e7c0⋯.png (1.11 MB,1160x773,1160:773,ClipboardImage.png)



that is the play

and it's working

I was speaking with my brother in law in Missouri last night and all of his family is starting to sour on Trump. People are pissed about the vaccine and want to POTUS more outspoken and going after Pfizer. They are blaming him. This is a harsh reality and something we are going to have to battle.

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f8773c No.18363528

File: 81d983ba15800f5⋯.png (333.41 KB,764x747,764:747,98_Points_of_Light_Road_Bi….png)

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7d87b1 No.18363529

File: 7cd41e614286fe8⋯.jpeg (1.87 MB,4032x3024,4:3,1F7691B8_60C7_4996_BF04_7….jpeg)


>the result of viewing objective reality right now

Def think this is part of it. But, it feels like something deeper, bigger, heavier holding me back/down this time. Thank God for muh kittehs!!! And thank you for the kind words and advice!!!

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29ac0b No.18363530

I am KING.


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93f143 No.18363532


Calling anons "Soros shills" is a hallmark of a C_A operative.

We see you!

(You) glow.

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0254bd No.18363533


There are plants that work for depression, I think Staint Johns Wort, do some research, or visit nature path doctor.

I would definitely try natural medicine first.

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c077b8 No.18363534

File: ce9d5d3872d8ea8⋯.png (190.33 KB,344x340,86:85,Screenshot_2023_02_17_at_8….png)

File: 0b43bad0ba029dc⋯.png (190.94 KB,346x350,173:175,Screenshot_2023_02_17_at_8….png)


but does she run trains?

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07eec2 No.18363535


Pain in 23

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08eaad No.18363536

File: 060071080fb8ac4⋯.jpg (232.06 KB,788x544,197:136,Pfizer_UN_fatalities_and_i….jpg)

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fdeb46 No.18363537

File: e14ce5f31061da4⋯.jpg (87.48 KB,750x324,125:54,aeryrjstgj.jpg)


There's a distinction between Italians and the mafia.

The same applies here.

There's a distinction between everyday Jews and Them.

Yes, it's the Jews, but generally not everyday Jews.

The Jews (Them) have a genocidal wish against gentile Europeans, and they have the power to do it.

Don't believe me? Look at the origins of the transgender movement in the West.

Go on. Do it. I dare you. Then tell me I'm wrong.

Who has the power to do the Covid and vaccine scam/genocide?


Who's behind communist China?

Come on. Go for it. Tell me.

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f8773c No.18363539

File: 73c568918c5ccc1⋯.jpg (21.96 KB,335x480,67:96,A_Thousand_Points_of_Light.jpg)

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c077b8 No.18363540

File: d6a23601fe810ee⋯.png (258.61 KB,722x436,361:218,Screenshot_2023_02_17_at_9….png)

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149353 No.18363541


True and there is a complaint to be had, but from an optics stand point it does not make sense for trump to play those cards at this time. Too early in the process of waking up and too much time for the DS to try to run another play. When the time is right he will talk about it but not before. Still a long ways off but the early push for desantis smells.

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237340 No.18363543

File: 23ab7c63030f848⋯.gif (3.93 MB,512x640,4:5,cant_believe_it_sauce_plea….gif)

Please one of you call that journalist that blow it w/ the NS2 and tell me that it was a cover BS info, to cover 203/26 biolabs in Ukraine.

And all the Ukraine modified grain to Europe.

Never stop, and don't fall for first!!!!!!!

Get to fucking work, b/c shit it is so deep that involves things that will give you a heart attack.

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7d87b1 No.18363544


Have been attempting to treat naturally for depression over a year now. And have also been shunning the ketamine treatment for a year now. That mkultra post LB just prompted me to inquire here to see if there might be any reason I should actually consider the ketamine treatment.

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d83e14 No.18363545

Q is Jew also

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f8773c No.18363546

File: ae77f637c8c145c⋯.png (132.28 KB,400x267,400:267,ghwb_if_the_people_wake_up.png)

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c3d64c No.18363547


Depression usually comes from a backed up colon and worms

turpentine is good to shit out the worms.

intestinal health is important.

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21cdc3 No.18363548

File: b6fc83f5be5cac1⋯.jpg (338.95 KB,1200x1812,100:151,ciagoodat3thingsd.jpg)


what a joke.

as if Trump followers will take Soros advise.

and Trump followers outnumber Diddentis followers.

What was Soros thinking? or not, as the case may be.

Likely blinded by his fear and rage to come out with a statement like that

FEAR SHOCK works both ways.

destroys people's ability to think well

Soros is apparently long gone

FBI / C-A joined at the hip?

they are also poor at shilling on a free speech board.

Think of it; to win their arguments they have to remove their opponent from the discussion; usually.

If they don't , they lose.

They might have bots, they might hire scores of people who need the work; They have the entire Mass Media, and control of all the cell phones.

But here, where it's fair.

They lose.

What a lesson in the power of Truth.

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149353 No.18363549


we see you deflecting. You are bad at your job, you should leave and go play in traffic.

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93f143 No.18363550

DeSantis is a white hat, luring in the bad guys. Remember, Trump pushed the vaxx.

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356299 No.18363551

File: 582f68c8c32eebb⋯.png (1.79 MB,1856x1975,1856:1975,tjr_doyoubelieveinCoincide….png)





> Q on the belt


>WHAT ARE THE ODDS of a 'Q'stocking next to a 'T


>1 day off

>1 minute off


>Feb 17, 2019 6:44

>6:45 PM · Feb 17, 2019



>There are preciselyZERO Qoincidences…





>No coinkidinks Don Jr.


>I'd like to solve the puzzle, please…..


>Do you believe in coincidences?

>Kitchen is HOT.

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dbb5ce No.18363552


spew spew spew




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e698ff No.18363553


thanks but yea i will pass on the special k

going to try and get sober again

i went 3 years starting in 2017 and fell off the wagon in a big way after the 2020 steal was complete. i am battling alcoholism and depression badly but I am determined to make it

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f8773c No.18363555

File: 4d8abbbd20df842⋯.png (606.21 KB,973x978,973:978,Fog_of_War_Pepe.png)

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149353 No.18363556


fuck off a homo like you does not have a wife quite lying.

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7d87b1 No.18363557


Just finished a three day cycle of turps. It’s a regular part of my routine.

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e698ff No.18363560

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213789 No.18363561

File: 55611b0d9644cd7⋯.png (181.26 KB,555x428,555:428,muhjooshills_filter.png)

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095054 No.18363563

File: a6f40c6325f6a41⋯.png (241.47 KB,516x500,129:125,pepe_loser.png)

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c3d64c No.18363564



well, if you're regular in that way.

what exactly has you depressed?

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fda2e9 No.18363565

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 02/17/2023


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774f59 No.18363566


Breakfast of Champions

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b1f172 No.18363567


Jewish Privilege

Mafia Privilege

Royal Privilege

It's all the same thing and it's all about who has the most power over the fake & corrupt system of control.

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1ea647 No.18363568

File: 3b9dd7051cb21ae⋯.jpg (23.93 KB,385x385,1:1,3b9dd7051cb21ae0a0ac607a44….jpg)


Welp, makes anon wonder.Fool us twice ?

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213789 No.18363569

ukraine/ww3 is their panic-button option for when we get too close.

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213789 No.18363572


somebody has a napoleon complex

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6c9d0c No.18363573


Nigeria, First African Country To Launch Digital Currency – Emefiele

The governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Godwin Emefiele


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7d87b1 No.18363575


I’ve found that turpentine cleansing and other parasite protocols are YUUUGELY helpful in reducing cravings at the outset when you really get serious about putting down alcohol. The yeast in beer is responsible for a lot of those cravings once it gets lodged in the system. I wish you the best on your journey, anon!

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206f2e No.18363577


I don't know, 3535's all you got?

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ea9756 No.18363578



You are glowing.

How old is Diane Feinstein?

She will be 90 in June, 2023 and she will be in office until Jan. of 2025 before she "retires"

And Go Blow Joe is already 80 and Trump is only 76 as of last June.

How old was SCOTUS Ruthie when she died?

She was 87.

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213789 No.18363579


they were way ahead on sterilizing their populations by "vaccine," too.

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21cdc3 No.18363580

File: 669e32fd3a6b85c⋯.jpg (924.89 KB,1170x1801,1170:1801,DEWusedonprotesters294.jpg)


try harder.

cry moar, loozer

Deep State jew haters only win if they brutalize dissidents.

That's their style.


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e698ff No.18363581

File: c8cf2f47e845d44⋯.png (853.57 KB,2880x1458,160:81,ClipboardImage.png)

the screencap i took last night right as the board went down for maintenance 

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38f1d1 No.18363582

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Projection much?

Grenell is a dedicated Trump guy, and a fagfag.

Focus on the end game, not the frailties of other anons.

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21cdc3 No.18363583

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e698ff No.18363584

has the big story been dropped re: Pelosi

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184f66 No.18363585

File: d537fb800c5b9c4⋯.jpg (102.27 KB,561x588,187:196,YOU_CAN_CHOOSE.jpg)


Regeneron worked… he pushed that…. the "cheif health officer" at the time, along with every sold out maggot…. pushed the mrna vax… it was made to be the cure all end all solution………. not like he could have refused without being …..prob impeached again.

and just a reminder for today… go fuck yourself.

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e4ce8a No.18363586

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e27059 No.18363588

File: 74fb40b05bbcfe5⋯.jpg (125.31 KB,540x540,1:1,We_The_People_Not_Going_to….jpg)

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38f1d1 No.18363590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sorry, this link for you.



Cool airport!

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e4ce8a No.18363591


The part when Q did nothing and we lost our country.

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93f143 No.18363592


(You) need to be less obvious. The left endorsed DeSantis to try and drive people away from him. This is PROOF, that every patriot needs to fully back DeSantis.

Your shilling isn't working here. Real anons can see right through your glowing bullshit.

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6c9d0c No.18363593


>they were way ahead on sterilizing their populations by "vaccine," too.

can't say I'm 100% opposed to a bunch of subhuman overbreeders getting sterilized

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7d87b1 No.18363594


>This anon gave up hope for awhile. I have been in a very dark place and came close to ending it all.

>I have literally laid in bed at night and asked God to take me in my sleep.

Been there done that! Thankfully God has lifted those thoughts for now. Still here fighting the Good fight with all of you. Prayers for you and yours, anon! We def have a long hard road ahead of us…

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184f66 No.18363595

File: ac46c4888a1f9f4⋯.jpg (12.49 KB,255x214,255:214,hysterical.jpg)

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0568e1 No.18363596


Northwest of there

In Richfield..old colesium

They were fracking for oil or gas or …

Remodeling a house for this lady

And she told us and then showed us

That the water there was foul..smells like fuel

And it was so bad 2 streets over they could light it on fire

Seen that shit myself

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c3d64c No.18363598



Dave Rubin is a cocksucker (figuratively)

I don't give a fuck what you say.

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38f1d1 No.18363599

File: 1e70a51bb34f0fb⋯.jpeg (14.95 KB,255x237,85:79,Watch_the_water8.jpeg)


LdR warned, or threatened us.

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07eec2 No.18363600


09:01:07 = 17

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184f66 No.18363601


Soooo…. you have taken the jab yes?

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7d87b1 No.18363602


Don’t see it being discussed here. So I’m guessing, no. How boutcha share with the class?

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21cdc3 No.18363603

File: 15895e3a94cbe0f⋯.mp4 (7.76 MB,952x720,119:90,moonfakery9.mp4)

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ea9756 No.18363604


So you think that Joe is doing a good job?

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149353 No.18363605


You are the suicide case. You know your life means nothing. I give you permission to end your suffering.

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e4ce8a No.18363606


Gateway Pundit said so, but I haven't seen anything.

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cf103a No.18363607

File: 1ea3dfe865bfa98⋯.gif (1.4 MB,260x258,130:129,PEPERMAN_2.gif)

File: 7f08eba8cdf644f⋯.gif (1.22 MB,404x305,404:305,gabby.gif)

File: f651ec0d18a16b3⋯.gif (1.5 MB,500x207,500:207,gladitor.gif)

File: 00ed80cb9d543d6⋯.png (335.23 KB,714x500,357:250,ClipboardImage.png)



Breaker breaker.

We have operational ignition again.

Start your engines

the 8kun ride begins again.


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97b70d No.18363608

@325 still collecting

#22510 >>18363207

>>18363232, >>18363320 James Bond villain George Soros says DeSantis will beat Trump for GOP nomination

>>18363237 Hot Potato: China/Germany/Russia looking for excuses to overshadow their own acts of sabotage

>>18363277 A pattern of sabotage and blaming others has emerged among NATO countries

>>18363282, >>18363286, >>18363327 PF

>>18363284, >>18363292, >>18363352 They derailed the East Palestine train directly over a drainage culvert

>>18363287 Fulton County needs to put more pressure on Election Corruption

>>18363297 George Soros endorses DeSantis for 2024

>>18363301 Norfolk Southern [Railroad] Shareholders

>>18363336 Reminder Brunson vs Adams et al case going to SC conference today


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f8773c No.18363609

The MSC Advisory Council, led by its Chairman Joe Kaeser, helps to maintain and advance the high quality of the annual Munich Security Conference and the MSC's other events, including the annual Core Group Meetings and the Munich Security Report.


Joe Kaeser

Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Siemens Energy AG, Munich


Paul Achleitner

Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt a.M.

Prince Turki Al Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

Chairman, King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies, Riyadh

Oliver Bäte

Chief Executive Officer, Allianz SE, Munich

Carl Bildt

Former Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Sweden, Stockholm

Josep Borrell Fontelles

Vice President of the Commission and High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security Policy, European Union, Brussels

Thomas Enders

President, German Council on Foreign Relations, Berlin

Fu Ying

Chairperson, Center for International Strategy and Security, Tsinghua University; former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, Beijing

Arancha González Laya

Dean, Paris School of International Affairs, Sciences Po; former Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of the Kingdom of Spain, Paris

Jane Harman

Distinguished Fellow and President Emerita, Wilson Center, Washington, D.C.

Frank Haun

Chief Executive Officer, Krauss-Maffei Wegmann GmbH & Co. KG, Munich

Toomas Hendrik Ilves

Former President of the Republic of Estonia; Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Tallinn

Kersti Kaljulaid

Global Advocate of the United Nations Secretary-General, Every Woman Every Child; former President of the Republic of Estonia; Member of the Security Innovation Board, Munich Security Conference, Tallinn

John F. Kerry

Former Secretary of State; Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, United States of America, Washington, D.C.

David Miliband

President and Chief Executive Officer, International Rescue Committee; former Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs of the United Kingdom, New York

Federica Mogherini

Former Vice President of the European Commission and High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, European Union, Brussels

Louise Mushikiwabo

Secretary General, Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie; former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and East African Community, Republic of Rwanda, Kigali

Nancy Pelosi

Speaker Emerita of the House of Representatives of the United States of America, Washington, D.C.

Boris Pistorius

Federal Minister of Defense, Federal Republic of Germany, Berlin

Wolfgang Reitzle

Chairman of the Board, Linde plc, Munich

Radosław Sikorski

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Poland; Senior Fellow at Harvard University, Brussels

Javier Solana

Former Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; former High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union, Madrid

Ine Eriksen Søreide

Chairwoman of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence, Parliament of the Kingdom of Norway; former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway, Oslo

Alexander Soros

Deputy Chairman, Open Society Foundations, New York

James G. Stavridis

Admiral (ret.); former Supreme Allied Commander Europe of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; Operating Executive, Carlyle Group, Washington D.C.


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095054 No.18363610

File: a8f58d0cae7e524⋯.gif (7.81 MB,480x340,24:17,cat_math.gif)



You're logic to arrive at said proof is a complete fail.

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0254bd No.18363611

File: 1b3e988c4cb5db1⋯.png (3.18 MB,2160x1620,4:3,7DA9AF3B_1A0F_4D3D_9118_3A….png)

File: 325a2669d0421e0⋯.png (774.76 KB,2160x1620,4:3,474AD786_3464_4D7F_864F_7B….png)

File: ebc51b62fb2cd94⋯.png (1.16 MB,2160x1620,4:3,5CD77970_0A2F_489E_81D8_A3….png)

File: ac09b16f7dc5953⋯.png (2.27 MB,2160x1620,4:3,A0E59E75_5555_4C82_9534_E4….png)


This might help residents. Watch the video.

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095054 No.18363612



inb4 grammy cat

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c5a053 No.18363613

File: 754a44f24d534a3⋯.gif (6.37 MB,360x202,180:101,58FireUp44.gif)

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ed9bd6 No.18363615

File: 2bd8d1c4f2a4f27⋯.png (283.84 KB,537x488,537:488,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe1ef9 No.18363616

File: 0949f5642a4b909⋯.png (34.17 KB,619x257,619:257,tt_grandjury.png)

File: a49a5a956c7b90a⋯.png (31.32 KB,390x385,78:77,Screenshot_2023_02_17_at_0….png)




Donald J. Trump




Thank you to the SpecialGrand Juryin the Great State of Georgia for your Patriotism & Courage. Total exoneration. The USA is very proud of you!!!

Feb 16, 2023, 3:21 PM


Oct 03, 2018 3:27:16 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 323

Sessions meeting Huber THE SAME DAY as POTUS_ALERT.

Sessions meeting Huber THE DAY PRIOR to >>>


What must be understood prior to?

Think GJ information.



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184f66 No.18363617

File: d622bf8caa9d360⋯.jpeg (546.69 KB,725x1038,725:1038,Pelosi_dingbat.jpeg)

File: c5e92724aabf61b⋯.jpg (152.41 KB,1218x487,1218:487,Nancy_is_fucked.jpg)

File: 4b462761f56e20f⋯.png (472.34 KB,810x421,810:421,PELOSI_LIES.png)

File: 4e2bf1cf3934d03⋯.jpg (236.62 KB,1328x509,1328:509,LIKE_MOTHER_LIKE_SON.jpg)

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149353 No.18363618


The only proof is that you are a fucking tard.

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e4ce8a No.18363619


Maybe they meant: you ARE logic…

Just like Fauci is THE SCIENCE.

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2e41b2 No.18363620


Have a friend that even his doctor approves takes NAC twice the rec dose for depression

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d83e14 No.18363621


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c5a053 No.18363622

File: 8053a8a7f30267b⋯.gif (1.17 MB,498x496,249:248,digging44.gif)

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aa9bc6 No.18363623

File: 89fde031094685f⋯.png (1.26 MB,1340x762,670:381,ClipboardImage.png)


Only Trump knows it all. KEK

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51b4eb No.18363624

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interview with John Paul Mac Issac. Hunter’s laptop was so gross it broke his eyeballs.

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ad76d1 No.18363625

File: 24a9e7e1f812a01⋯.gif (142.61 KB,1024x859,1024:859,23CA61E2_14F6_40C0_936F_6E….gif)

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6e4e9e No.18363626

File: 974b2a3f979d770⋯.jpg (195.78 KB,600x335,120:67,GoodMorning.jpg)



Thank you, Bakers!

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095054 No.18363627

File: 41fd5f35985f703⋯.gif (1.74 MB,480x309,160:103,fauci_laughing.gif)

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86253f No.18363628

File: 229e185eafbbee3⋯.png (53.54 KB,1036x330,518:165,ClipboardImage.png)


maybe this?


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237340 No.18363629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Where the azov people clips, where they tight and ….girls in the streets, and UE, was all about HUMAN RIGHTS????????




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38f1d1 No.18363630


Agree, could be possible.

Haley asked Trump for permission to run.

Notice how Trump refers to people.

If you're his fren, he breaks your balls. If an enemy only on glowing terms:

Beautiful Nellie Ohr

Lovely Lisa Page

Wishing Ghis Maxwell well.

You have to take his cut-downs to be his friend.

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21cdc3 No.18363631

File: e2cdb495c0575ef⋯.jpg (250.53 KB,605x986,605:986,harlquiwj1.jpg)



you're obviously ignorant of Trump, like a typical "know-it-all" moran.

What's wrong with you-all?

Your bluff fails, because we all know your hand is empty.

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7d87b1 No.18363633


I feel like I’ve already shit up the bread enough with muh depression talk. Was really just looking for thoughts on ketamine treatment per my original post. But honestly, if you really want to know what I truly think it is would be that I’m like this fucking close to breaking through some deep, deep layers of programming from when I was a child. But, it feels like the closer I get, the harder they come doubling down on the attacks from all sides to maintain said programming.

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a8e11f No.18363634

File: 22f1b6e250a0ee1⋯.jpg (26.81 KB,512x267,512:267,unnamed_2.jpg)


>There is no republican party

There is We the People


There is the enemy

All those who fight against the best interests of the American people.

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638feb No.18363635

File: 18d1af58c386cda⋯.mp4 (8.85 MB,320x240,4:3,18d1af58c386cdafc3c3f5c32f….mp4)

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ea9756 No.18363636


Everyday Jews?

You mean those narcissistic people who think that they are better than everyone else and claim to be victims?

The ones who claim to be God's Chosen People yet deny Jesus, a Jew Himself, as the Promised Messiah?

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9cd694 No.18363638

File: 8fcb66b09eb3f83⋯.png (77.13 KB,603x436,603:436,ClipboardImage.png)

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184f66 No.18363639

File: 23a4d8ac2eda215⋯.jpg (25.53 KB,252x255,84:85,goes_where_the_money_is.jpg)

File: 9b5a41d3e11b3f5⋯.jpg (146.46 KB,976x549,16:9,JUST_A_SCAM_FOR_MONEY.jpg)

File: 1859bf2a130e848⋯.jpg (64.89 KB,550x366,275:183,millions_adds_to_billions.jpg)

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fe1ef9 No.18363640

File: fdc515c28eedba8⋯.png (152.54 KB,618x506,309:253,tt_whataretheodds.png)

File: 64339e35b70bac5⋯.png (64.69 KB,396x433,396:433,q3420_whataretheodds1.png)

File: 074a2741f1ca966⋯.png (110.56 KB,638x472,319:236,q3420_whataretheodds.png)







Donald J. Trump




Thank you, we really had it going. Will do it again, and fast! dcenquirer.com/thanks-to-trump

Thanks To Trump’s Anti-Sex Trafficking Policies, 368 Arrested In Human Trafficking Sweep: 'No Question About It' - DC Enquirer

By: Reed Cooper | Thanks to Trump, "we've seen a tremendous rise in apprehension, the arrest of perpetrators and the rescue of victims."

DC Enquirer

Feb 16, 2023, 12:26 PM


Jul 12, 2019 12:00:38 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 1dce2a No. 7005334








Trump just retweetedan account (dropped by #QAnon) who's name is "Save the Littles". Their cover photo is of two children from an interview (here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=N7_epvNbaPQ…) talking about secret pedo and human sacrifice rings being exposed. DARK > LIGHT.


Papa kills babies - Secret UK Pedophile ring is being exposed

Children exposing secret UK Pedophile ring.


3:54 AM · Jul 12, 2019·Twitter for Android

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38f1d1 No.18363641

File: 2ddc40842adbe8e⋯.png (540.89 KB,495x681,165:227,Shills.png)

File: 8b2e279429bd054⋯.jpg (568.53 KB,816x1145,816:1145,Shills.jpg)

File: 64fb4bf4f59bfe6⋯.jpg (95.53 KB,640x360,16:9,snowflake_shills_so_hot.jpg)


Know it's hard, because they're assholes, they get so bent out of shape, and frankly, it is fun, but try not to reply to shills, fren.


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e4ce8a No.18363642

File: fdc91a4702675fb⋯.png (19.91 KB,437x285,23:15,ClipboardImage.png)

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930e1d No.18363643

TheY fear death, which is sophomoric.

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28848b No.18363644


>think for ourselves

>Trump LOST 2020

Error, sys fail.

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7d87b1 No.18363645


I take 2000mg NAC per day. Also, taking niacin at max dose as it’s supposed to be a fantastic antifung, antiparasite, anti depression supplement.

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095054 No.18363646

File: ef0aece351c73c9⋯.jpg (201.89 KB,742x416,371:208,HRC_accident1.jpg)


>Norfolk Southern Says they “Accidentally” Asked East Palestine Residents to Sign Legal Waivers

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206f2e No.18363647

File: 7b29ead11720833⋯.png (439.8 KB,652x582,326:291,Screenshot_2023_02_16_0922….png)


and dubs

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c3d64c No.18363648


Programmed, how?

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e4ce8a No.18363650


Yep, that be it.

But nothing will happen.

So used to it by now.

2 weeks?

Next week?

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eb8458 No.18363652


I shall pass on to those affected. Wifeanons brother and his fam all live in W. VA. trying to get info to them as well. They are just east and south about 2 hrs from E.P.

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a8e11f No.18363654

File: d806386fd107854⋯.jpg (62.85 KB,380x373,380:373,haley.jpg)


>Haley asked Trump for permission to run.

Never trust a politician.


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e06257 No.18363655


>try harder.

>cry moar, loozer

Projecting brain-dead mongrel.

>Deep State jew haters only win if they brutalize dissidents.

Holy crap.

>That's their style.


Nice projection, again.

Why do you always hide behind other folks?

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97b70d No.18363656


RussiaToday is a sack of shit lately.

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0568e1 No.18363657


It is sad

Democrat that got rich the same way

TV Celebrity

Runs with the same crowd

Turns politician. Feather in the hat

Yea can hear it already

We are here to help

I said before

When you hear that ….it is a call to arms

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fdfbd0 No.18363658

File: 74f59cc24848dca⋯.jpeg (147.75 KB,1242x1606,621:803,8B37D7C9_5ACE_4578_A185_3….jpeg)

Happy Q Day.

Game Over

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ea9756 No.18363659


Useful idiots?

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095054 No.18363660

File: d7f8b07a3bc3909⋯.png (343.78 KB,788x685,788:685,pepe_toast.png)


>Game Over

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184f66 No.18363661

File: 9aa1bd136aea5f9⋯.jpg (155.02 KB,1200x607,1200:607,J6_INNOCENT_OF_INCITEMENT.jpg)

File: 38414f00b062653⋯.jpg (288.85 KB,1704x724,426:181,A_SETUP_CONJOB.jpg)

File: fcfdd2e68b411e9⋯.jpg (143.05 KB,666x499,666:499,Fuckoff_Trump_won.jpg)

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cf103a No.18363662

File: 1ac00c569a6c7fd⋯.mp4 (12.81 MB,854x480,427:240,w_e_f_klaus_nightmare_vid.mp4)



but trump is not our only chance.

Trump and Q have taught the anons to focus on the real news, not the fake and diluted shit they call news,

Distractions and narratives which you are allowed to talk about.

The captured media.

This is why they hate open dialogue and free speech.


The masses are passive and distracted b clowns, tits and fake drama reality shows.

be a good consumer and stop questioning things.

We see those responsible clearly and they do not it one bit !!!



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213789 No.18363663


girlie pushups

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237340 No.18363666

File: aa497e812b60283⋯.jpg (2.72 KB,474x266,237:133,Green_for_White.jpg)


here me good, mrs Moldova president:

You are a criminal, and soros lover.

Your actions, are against people.


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ed9bd6 No.18363667

File: a1b5adc8667fc82⋯.jpg (49.86 KB,750x747,250:249,environmental_disaster.jpg)

File: def1f96d2ac65d2⋯.jpg (50 KB,750x747,250:249,trust_the_government.jpg)

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21cdc3 No.18363668


They've know who they are and what they have done, so the compliment is a way of saying something to them, without saying anything.

If he's harsh it's meant for real, i think. most of the time.

His ex-girlfriend (she was a black American) said, according to a friend of hers, that Donald only likes certain people, and for most people he doesn't like them.

Makes sense?

He's protecting the "little guy" from the assholes and stupid people he's seen up close?


can't you do better.


When the pick of the litter are people like you, what is he to do?

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095054 No.18363670

File: b9a52fc6f31eea3⋯.jpg (285.77 KB,712x500,178:125,HRC_evil_topkek.jpg)

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213789 No.18363671

buffett owns the railroads

buffett insures the railroads


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7d87b1 No.18363672


Mkultra style at a child development center when I was a child.

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7d7121 No.18363673

File: c49f32d39ebce1e⋯.jpeg (104.43 KB,882x960,147:160,1588897257.jpeg)

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f39328 No.18363674

File: 4960567256ba1f0⋯.jpeg (741.48 KB,892x6423,892:6423,Web_capture_17_2_2023_824….jpeg)


Why NASA is sending bacteria into the sky on balloons during the eclipse

Aug 15, 2017

As the Moon blocks the Sun’s light completely next week in a total solar eclipse, more than 50 high-altitude balloons in over 20 locations across the US will soar up to 100,000 feet in the sky. On board will be Raspberry Pi cameras, weather sensors, and modems to stream live eclipse footage. They’ll also have metal tags coated with very hardy bacteria, because NASA wants to know whether they will survive on Mars.

Every time we send a rover to the Red Planet, our own microorganisms latch on to them and hitch a ride across space. What happens to these bacteria once they’re on Mars? Do they mutate? Do they die? Or can they continue living undisturbed, colonizing worlds other than our own? To answer these questions we need to run experiments here on Earth, and the eclipse on August 21st provides the perfect opportunity.

“I said, oh my god, that’s like being on Mars!”

The balloons are being sent up by teams of high school and college students from across the US as part of the Eclipse Ballooning Project, led by Angela Des Jardins of Montana State University. When Jim Green, the director of planetary science at NASA, first heard that over 50 balloons were being flown to the stratosphere to live stream the eclipse, he couldn’t believe his ears. “I said, oh my god, that’s like being on Mars!” Green tells The Verge. NASA couldn’t pass on the opportunity.

The upper part of the Earth’s stratosphere — just above the ozone layer — is very much like the surface of Mars: it’s about minus 35 degrees Fahrenheit, with very rarified air, and it’s hammered by the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation. During the eclipse, conditions will get even more Mars-like: the temperatures will go down even further, and the Moon will buffer some of those ultraviolet rays to better resemble the radiation on the Red Planet. “It’s really quite an outstanding astrobiology and planetary protection experiment,” Green says.

A photo taken from the stratosphere (84,000 feet up) during one of Montana Space Grant Consortium's high-altitude balloon tests in 2014.

Photo: Montana State University

The bacteria that will fly to the edge of space is a particular strain called Paenibacillus xerothermodurans. It was first isolated from soil outside a spacecraft-assembly facility at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida in 1973, says Parag Vaishampayan, an astrobiologist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. These bacteria form shields of spores that allow them to survive even when conditions turn deadly. It takes around 140 hours at 257 degrees Fahrenheit to kill 90 percent of these bacteria, Vaishampayan tells The Verge.

“These are some of the most resilient types of bacteria that we know of,” says David J. Smith, a researcher in the Space Biosciences Division at NASA's Ames Research Center.

Last week, Smith finished mailing the bacteria — which are not dangerous for people or the environment — to the student groups. (Only 34 of the balloons will carry the bacteria.) The microorganisms are dried onto the surface of two metal cards the size of a dog tag. One card will fly to the stratosphere, while one will remain on the ground to function as a control group. On eclipse day, the balloons will launch every 15 minutes or so from states that are in the path of the Moon’s shadow, Des Jardins says. They’ll fly for about two hours, reaching the stratosphere and eventually popping because of the pressure drop. Once they’re back on the ground (a parachute will slow down descent), the students will track them by GPS, recover the metal tags, and mail them back to NASA.


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f39328 No.18363675


A small metal card used to transport bacteria.

Photo: NASA / Ames Research Center / Tristan Caro

That’s when Vaishampayan and Smith will get to analyze how many bacteria have died, and whether their DNA has changed in any way. If some of them survive the flight, that might mean that these bacteria may have already survived a trip to the Red Planet as hitchhikers on a Mars rover. We don’t know for sure whether Paenibacillus xerothermodurans is actually on any Mars rover. (It was found outside the spacecraft-assembly facility, not on the spacecraft themselves, Vaishampayan says.) But even if it’s not, learning more about these resilient bacteria could help us understand how similar ones could behave on Mars, and help NASA better understand the risk of infecting other worlds.

After all, we send million-dollar spacecraft to other planets and moons to search for alien life, so it makes sense that we’d want to make sure these places are protected from Earth’s germs. Pushing organisms to the known limits of life can also help NASA find that life. If we know that resilient bacteria can’t withstand certain conditions, then we won’t look for life when those same conditions are found on other planets, Smith says.

“I don’t think it’s ever been done.”

NASA has conducted very few experiments with high-altitude balloons, and none with this particular strain of bacteria. So flying over 30 balloons at once, under such perfect Mars-like conditions that won’t be possible to replicate in the lab, is an amazing opportunity. “I don’t think it’s ever been done in terms of a coordinated astrobiology experiment happening across the entire continental United States on the same day,” Smith says. “This is spatial coverage that one could never dream of in other circumstances.”

Green hopes the experiment will also inspire the next generation of astrobiologists and planetary protection officers. He got into science when he was in high school and had the chance to use an observatory telescope to observe the Sun. Taking part in the Eclipse Ballooning Project might do the same for the students flying the balloons. “You never know what turns kids on [to science],” Green says. “You never know how excited they can be.”

2 of 2

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237340 No.18363676


bot detected.

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c3d64c No.18363678

File: 884f39410b236ff⋯.png (8.56 KB,510x464,255:232,884f39410b236ffb4f7ef8e133….png)


>but trump is not our only chance.

who else is there? (at present)

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ad76d1 No.18363679

File: 6025a8738fd3e97⋯.jpeg (506 KB,1170x885,78:59,B9352BBC_A1D0_466A_932B_9….jpeg)


you’re probably onto something.

>Lawyer Dan Goldman is running for Congress, NY-10, and it is my great honor to Strongly Endorse him. I do this not because of the fact that he headed up the Impeachment Committee and lost, but because he was honorable, fair, and highly intelligent. While it was my honor to beat him, and beat him badly, Dan Goldman has a wonderful future ahead….


One of the most compelling aspects of the Silent War is trying to determine who is on/off team.

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213789 No.18363680

File: 441121104e3a461⋯.png (203.38 KB,523x283,523:283,Screen_Shot_2023_02_16_at_….png)

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60034f No.18363681

File: 18669f2019240d8⋯.jpeg (331.08 KB,466x700,233:350,TYB_8kun.jpeg)



I'm here to let you know that the Japan#12 thread has been created.

Thank you, patriots of the world, for everything.


>>18363355 Q Research General Japan/NIhon #12: WE STAND TOGETHER Edition

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095054 No.18363683

File: 3fdb6a788d92c4c⋯.jpg (58.39 KB,462x405,154:135,AI.jpg)

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f8773c No.18363684

File: 99ae4ed8da8ba54⋯.jpg (9.56 KB,255x203,255:203,1d5647546b90c60674bd892920….jpg)

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c3d64c No.18363686



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f39328 No.18363687

File: dc52b1876ba587a⋯.jpeg (789.98 KB,892x6015,892:6015,Web_capture_17_2_2023_827….jpeg)





NASA Launching Huge Bacteria-Filled Balloons During Solar Eclipse on Monday8.19.2017

And it's not because NASA is just super excited about the solar eclipse. This endeavor is part of the Eclipse Ballooning Project, which will help researchers prepare for a Mars trip.

Teams across the US are sending approximately 75 balloons equipped with cameras and trackers over 80,000 feet in the air. Over 30 of the balloons will also carry a highly resilient strain of bacteria called Paenibacillus xerothermodurans attached to aluminum "coupons." Scientists are hoping to discover how the bacteria will react in the surface atmosphere on Mars.

"We have to be extremely careful that we don't bring bacteria or other tiny Earth organisms to other planets," project leader and Director of the Montana Space Grant Consortium Angela Des Jardins, told Gizmodo.

"While most of these tiny forms of life that exist in abundance around us won't survive the trip through space, it's understood that some resilient types could ‘go dormant' on the trip and then survive on the surface of the other planet. Therefore, in order to be prepared to keep planets we visit absolutely pristine, it's important to understand how bacteria might behave there."

The balloons will also carry cameras to capture videos of cloud formations during the solar eclipse. Some of the balloons will also have weather stations called radiosondes attached to them so that researchers can identify how earth's atmosphere changes during an eclipse.

"We anticipate having high-quality video and images back from the balloons flights within a day or two," Jardins said.

"Analysis of the bacteria experiment will be done by scientists at Cornell and it will likely be a month or two before results are ready. Analysis of the atmospheric response to the eclipse (from our special set of weather balloons) will similarly take a month or two."

So, it seems like researchers are ready to gain lots of knowledge from the solar eclipse taking place in a couple days. Wondering how you can benefit from the balloon experiment? Well, NASA will be livestreaming the eclipse on the internet using its balloon cameras. Now, that's an interesting vantage point you can brag to your friends about.

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ae48e3 No.18363688

File: 63d74193dfe56e0⋯.png (511.77 KB,1697x2585,1697:2585,ClipboardImage.png)

Norfolk Southern hosting a webcast featuring TPTB on Feb. 22nd. per a filing w/the SEC:

On February 17, 2023, the Registrant announced that its President and Chief Executive Officer, Alan H. Shaw, and Executive Vice President and

Chief Marketing Officer, Ed Elkins, will address the Barclays Industrial Select Conference. Details on joining the related webcast are below.

What: Barclays Industrial Select Conference 2023

When: February 22, 2023 at 1:15 p.m. ET

Where: Via webcast posted on the Registrant’s Investor Relations webpage under “Presentations” at www.NorfolkSouthern.com

(What happened on Feb. 2nd which is alsonoted as another "unscheduled material events or corporate event"??)


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237340 No.18363689


I press Enter, In 2 '' REPLY, DA FUCK?~

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486bb3 No.18363690


How about all of them Jews in Israel dropping dead because of the vax?

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774f59 No.18363691

File: 34217ef11bdf622⋯.jpg (24.41 KB,474x474,1:1,th_2139653622.jpg)

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638feb No.18363692

File: 69358d056abca66⋯.jpg (9.02 KB,255x159,85:53,a21e0be6af942d98541dc75ba6….jpg)

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f8773c No.18363694

File: 0fde344739ef450⋯.jpg (43.1 KB,440x330,4:3,Jay_Z_and_Warren_Buffett_a….jpg)

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095054 No.18363695

File: 6c57182feb615a3⋯.jpg (16.99 KB,255x255,1:1,2_2_a.jpg)


2 what? Seconds? Minutes?


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a70138 No.18363696

It’s Friday.

Who is the FBI raiding today?

Anybody else notice that pattern?

I think it actually started with Durham.

He always broke news on Fridays.

And contrary to popular belief, I think it’s a great day to break news because it gives us the entire weekend to analyze.

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577504 No.18363697

File: 9f6bafeb95bb71a⋯.jpg (703.6 KB,800x1222,400:611,hold_on_im_3c82b769a6.jpg)


It's possible. As with anyone, their credibility is judged going forward. I would say Gov. DeSantis has done a damn good job of pissing off the right people with his agenda in Florida. From Disney's woke shit, the grooming the BOE's and teachers were doing, tellling Biden, Fauci to fuck right off, shipping illegal aliens out of his state to these JAMF'n liberal enclaves and many other things he has done. So far, so good.

It's simple for me. I judge any man, woman based on what they do. What they said they were going to do and what they in fact, did. I used this exact premise with our POTUS in the beginning. I listened to what he said he was going to do and then I watched as he fucking did it. Even when his own party was stabbing him in the back the whole fucking way.

I am 1000% behind our POTUS and no one including DeSantis gets my vote in 2024. It's either MAGA or bust. We have unfinished business as does our POTUS and no one sidetracks that.

I think if DeSantis challenges Trump for the nomination that his political career ends in Florida. I don't know anyone who is a MAGA supporter that is not backing President Trump to the fucking hilt. Haley, Pompeo and the rest of the back benchers will barely poll and won't come anywhere close to our POTUS. It is President Trump and MAGA all the fucking way anons. DeSantis' time will come as long as he tows the MAGA line and so far, he's doing that. 2028. Time tells.

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38f1d1 No.18363698

File: 1e453ccd3aa393e⋯.png (212.63 KB,1739x880,1739:880,Shill_scale.png)


Global reported, burn in hell, fucker.

Odd to see CP this late in the morning.

We may be over a target, anons.

Keep digging, boys!

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f39328 No.18363700

File: 6c0236c9072ac3e⋯.jpeg (444.29 KB,892x3426,446:1713,Web_capture_17_2_2023_830….jpeg)





NASA Is Sending Bacteria Into The Sky During The Total Solar EclipseAug. 17, 2017

NASA and Montana State Universityare ready to send loads of bacteria into the stratosphere. But don't worry; it's all for science.

Teams across the U.S. will release about 100 balloons during the Aug. 21 total solar eclipse. They'll float around 85,000 feet in the air, and each balloon will have cameras for video and photos, as well as a tracker.

Some of those balloons will also carry samples of a highly resistant bacteria. NASA scientists want to see how it reacts to Mars-like conditions.

The upper part of Earth's stratosphere has conditions very similar to Mars' atmosphere at the surface. There, the air is thin, and the environment is cold and full of radiation. During the eclipse, Earth's atmospheric conditions will become even more like Mars.

The experiment aims to test the limits of living things on Earth.

You Could Be NASA's New Planetary Protection Officer

You Could Be NASA's New Planetary Protection Officer

If you got the job, you'd protect NASA's search for alien life — and make six figures.


Eventually, the balloons will pop, and devices will send the data and bacteria down to the ground. NASA will compare the stratosphere bacteria with samples left on Earth to see what changed.

Researchers say they hope to learn a lot from the balloon experiment. And here's a bonus: The onboard cameras will livestream the eclipse on the internet for millions to watch.

NASA is using balloons to send bacteria into the stratosphere. The test will see how something that lives on Earth responds to the conditions.

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237340 No.18363702

What if soros baked the one that hates, for drama?!

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e698ff No.18363703


my Q senses are tingling

i feel like this is going to be a great day with lots of happenings

if SCOTUS decides to hear the election case then expect mass reeeeeing from the satanists

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149353 No.18363705


Brunson is today, they are on alert. Might be something else on dock. Seems like there is something every day lately.

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237340 No.18363707


You;ll fall for it.

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206f2e No.18363708


All of these on the red platform.

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97b70d No.18363710


Anyone posting a video longer than 2 minutes needs to provide bullet points especially during dayshift.

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ea9756 No.18363711


You just know that TPTB are gonna try to get someone who the Conservatives see as "a good guy" to shoo into the POTUS position to replace Trump. They hate Trump because they can't control him. They need someone who they can control. They don't care if it's a Dem. or a RINO, as long as they can control him. They always play both sides of the fence.

It has become apparent that they have set up DeSantis as their controlled RINO.

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237340 No.18363713


In a world of intelligence……you must wear a FBI t-shirt………

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97b70d No.18363714


Can't watch 30 min clips while collecting.

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c3d64c No.18363715



Live Webcast Today of Norfolk Southern's CEO and other Execs talking to… Barclays? Investors? IDK, but someone. Not we the people though.

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b1f172 No.18363716


Group A wants all the luxuries the world can offer

Group B wants to be left alone

Both are possible.

Except Group A wants everything, including slaves, and uses every trick in the book to gain control of those who just want to be left alone.

Conflict demands resolution.

It's the nature of humans.

The Mamluk Sultanate reigned for centuries out of a slave rebellion in Egypt. It gave birth to both the Bahri dynasty and Burji dynasty and their countless artistic and scientific achievements. Among many accomplishments, the Mamluks were responsible for turning back the Mongol conquest.

Ancient Sparta had a special type of serf called helots who were often treated harshly, leading them to rebel.[1] According to Herodotus (IX, 28–29), helots were seven times as numerous as Spartans. Every autumn, according to Plutarch (Life of Lycurgus, 28, 3–7), the Spartan ephors would pro forma declare war on the helot population so that any Spartan citizen could kill a helot without fear of blood or guilt in order to keep them in line (crypteia).

In the Roman Empire, though the heterogeneous nature of the slave population worked against a strong sense of solidarity, slave revolts did occur and were severely punished.[2] The most famous slave rebellion in Europe was led by Spartacus in Roman Italy, the Third Servile War. This war resulted in the 6000 surviving rebel slaves being crucified along the main roads leading into Rome.[3] This was the third in a series of unrelated Servile Wars fought by slaves against the Romans.

The English peasants' revolt of 1381 led to calls for the reform of feudalism in England and an increase in rights for serfs. The Peasants' Revolt was one of several popular revolts in late medieval Europe. Richard II agreed to reforms including fair rents and the abolition of serfdom. Following the collapse of the revolt, the king's concessions were quickly revoked, but the rebellion is significant because it marked the beginning of the end of serfdom in medieval England.[4]

In Russia, the slaves were usually classified as kholops. A kholop's master had unlimited power over his life. Slavery remained a major institution in Russia until 1723, when Peter the Great converted the household slaves into house serfs. Russian agricultural slaves were formally converted into serfs earlier in 1679.[5] During the 16th and 17th centuries, runaway serfs and kholops known as Cossacks, ("outlaws") formed autonomous communities in the southern steppes. There were numerous rebellions against slavery and serfdom, most often in conjunction with Cossack uprisings, such as the uprisings of Ivan Bolotnikov (1606–1607), Stenka Razin (1667–1671),[6] Kondraty Bulavin (1707–1709), and Yemelyan Pugachev (1773–1775), often involving hundreds of thousands and sometimes millions.[7] Between the end of the Pugachev rebellion and the beginning of the 19th century, there were hundreds of outbreaks across Russia.[8]

Numerous African slave rebellions and insurrections took place in North America during the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. There is documented evidence of more than 250 uprisings or attempted uprisings involving 10 or more slaves. Three of the best known in the United States during the 19th century are the revolts by Gabriel Prosser in the Richmond, Virginia area in 1800, Denmark Vesey in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1822, and Nat Turner in Southampton County, Virginia, in 1831. Slave resistance in the antebellum South did not gain the attention of academic historians until the 1940s, when historian Herbert Aptheker started publishing the first serious scholarly work on the subject. Aptheker stressed how rebellions were rooted in the exploitative conditions of the southern slave system. He traversed libraries and archives throughout the South, managing to uncover roughly 250 similar instances.


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9c667b No.18363718

File: 40bbfacc2b0b1ef⋯.png (323.38 KB,498x604,249:302,sessions_pay_attention.PNG)

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0d3e0c No.18363719


DeSanctimonious is a regular asshole globalist - who would have guessed.

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cf103a No.18363720

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trump cannot do it alone

Trump is our only hope, but he will not be here for ever.

They have time and they count on that.

He must get back in power but the citizens once awake must hold those corrupt to account, refuse to pay taxes, protest peacefully, send letters, use alternative media to get the message out.

Would you rejoin the brain washed after all that has been exposed?

Not this anon.

God forbid anything happen to him before 2024, if we even manage to make it till then.

The plan is flan, anon is not seeing enough apart from strong words and even strongly worded letters.

The deep state will pretend to hold someone accountable

They will get a book deal and retire off to continue their propaganda by going on a speaking tour.

The masses are dozing off again.

anon can see it and feel it. it is going to be a shock to the system to wake them up.

Anon not the klaus type.

listen closely to what Klaus has to say, every word is carefully crafted for the elite at the his world summit.


Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum talks about the state of the world at the World Government Summit 2023.

The State of the World


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07fc85 No.18363724

File: 7c77d90e8e349c5⋯.jpeg (90.45 KB,847x436,847:436,13E5A30F_AF30_4788_AB7B_2….jpeg)

From Constructed Sound Stage, (The Arrogant Idiot) Joe BidenSays U.S. Military Shot Down Balloons Belonging to “private companies, recreation, and research institutions”…

February 16, 2023 | Sundance | 283 Comments

Apparently almost every media outlet buried the lead. According to analysis from combined intelligence operations of the U.S government, last week the Biden administration ordered U.S. military fighter jets to launch missiles and shoot down of what is now believed to be “balloons belonging to private companies, recreation, or research institutions.” WATCH (w/ transcript below):

We don’t yet know exactly what these three objects were. But nothing — nothing right now suggests they were related to China’s spy balloon program or that they were surveillance vehicles from other — any other country.

The intelligence community’s current assessment is that these three objects were most likelyballoons tied to private companies, recreation, or research institutionsstudying weather or conducting other scientific research.

Now, we’ll also continue to engage with China, as we have throughout the past two weeks. As I’ve said since the beginning of my administration, we seek competition, not conflict, with China. We’re not looking for a new Cold War.

ButI make no apologize — I make no apologies, and we will compete. And we’ll be res- — we’ll responsibly manage that competition so that it doesn’t veer into conflict.

Q Mr. President, why did you wait so long to address the public on this matter, Mr. President?

Q Sir, there’s been a criticism — there’s been criticism of this —

Q When are you speaking to President Xi, Mr. President?

Q Is this deal with China compromised by your family’s business relationships in China, President Biden?

THE PRESIDENT: Give me a break, man. (Laughs.) (Inaudible.)

Q Sir — Mr. President — Mr. President, there’s been criticism —

Q Did you overreact?

Q — Mr. President, there’s been criticism that this was an overreaction that was done because of political pressure —

(Cross-talk by reporters.)


Q Is your son still (inaudible) —

THE PRESIDENT: You can come to my office and ask the question when you have more polite people (inaudible).


Link to video to watch the babbling:


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237340 No.18363725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thank you.

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38f1d1 No.18363727


Garrison has been with us since early on, anon.


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095054 No.18363729

File: b987e9e3a75238e⋯.png (254.96 KB,600x600,1:1,pepe_braces.png)


>especially during dayshift

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f8773c No.18363730

Harvey Schwartz Named CEO of Carlyle and Member of the Board


Washington, D.C. and New York, NY – Global investment firm Carlyle (NASDAQ: CG) today announced that its Board of Directors has unanimously agreed to appoint Harvey M. Schwartz as Chief Executive Officer and a member of the Board, effective February 15, 2023. At that time, Bill Conway will step down as Interim CEO, maintaining his role as Co-Chairman of the Board.


didn't see in archives yet


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f39328 No.18363731

File: f62c16a8b8636ce⋯.png (196.69 KB,462x479,462:479,fgd.PNG)

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ea9756 No.18363732


Color Revolution in Ukraine was started in 2014 by the US C!A and the 0bama Adm.

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b1f172 No.18363735


The insurance company manages the railroad's legal exposure to minimize costs and maximize profits for the shareholders. This will always be accomplished through a variety of traceable legal actions and untraceable illegal actions to boost corporate stocks which is all that matters to these Money-Obsessed followers of Abraham the First Land Broker/Real Estate Developer.

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809cc3 No.18363736

>>18363372 lb

>>18363104 lb

>>18363067 lb

Staley, Epstein, Silverstein?

Epstein and Silverstein Cases Uncover Jewish Power Structure


One thing Epstein and Silverstein have in common, besides names ending in “-stein,” is alleged involvement in the illicit sex industry. Epstein’s antics, or at least some of them, are by now well-known. Not so for Silverstein, who apparently began his rags-to-9/11-riches story as a pimp supplying prostitutes and nude dancers to the shadier venues of NYC, alongside other illicit activities including “the heroin trade, money laundering and New York Police corruption.” All of this was exposed in a mid-1990s lawsuit. But good luck finding any investigative reports in The New York Times.

Another Epstein-Silverstein connection is their relationships to major American Jewish organizations. Even while he was allegedly pimping girls and running heroin, Larry Silverstein served as president for United Jewish Appeal of New York. As for Epstein, he was the boy toy and protégé of Les Wexner, co-founder of the Mega Group of Jewish billionaires associated with the World Jewish Congress, the Anti-Defamation League, and other pro-Israel groups. Indeed, there is no evidence that “self-made billionaire” Epstein ever earned significant amounts of money; his only investment “client” was Les Wexner. Epstein, a professional sexual blackmailer, used his supposed billionaire status as a cover story. In fact, he was just an employee working for Wexner and associated criminal/intelligence networks.

Which brings us to the third and most important Epstein-Silverstein similarity: They were both close to the government of Israel. Jeffrey Epstein’s handler was Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of Mossad super-spy Robert Maxwell; among his friends was Ehud Barak, who is currently challenging Netanyahu for leadership of Israel. Larry Silverstein, too, has friends in high Israeli places. According to Haaretz, Silverstein has “close ties with Netanyahu” (speaking to him on the phone every weekend) as well as with Ehud Barak, “whom Silverstein in the past offered a job as his representative in Israel” and who called Silverstein immediately after 9/11.

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184f66 No.18363738

File: 16c9a0129550700⋯.jpg (96.98 KB,622x539,622:539,TRUST_THE_BIG_GOV_DEPARTME….jpg)

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774f59 No.18363739

File: 9c1d30fe165fe96⋯.jpg (30.09 KB,474x294,79:49,th_567365500.jpg)

File: 40d857196bcf9ab⋯.jpg (19.04 KB,474x248,237:124,th_2005284542.jpg)

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0d3e0c No.18363741


DeSanctimonious receives kiss of death.

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930e1d No.18363742

TheY will lose it all.

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e4ce8a No.18363743

WATCH LIVE: Murdaugh Family Murders — SC v. Alex Murdaugh — Day 18


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0e0f80 No.18363744

File: 06137c2436944d4⋯.jpg (36.81 KB,1130x480,113:48,weak.jpg)

Not what they used to be

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e4ce8a No.18363745



D is Done.

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07fc85 No.18363747

File: 950b2535446c20b⋯.jpeg (62.26 KB,860x475,172:95,78070B52_BF94_4014_84DA_1….jpeg)

File: 70c90876738ea45⋯.jpeg (115.87 KB,1114x652,557:326,FCC177CF_6E79_4AFD_AE69_7….jpeg)

California's Predicted Fiscal Firestorm Has Arrived

Victoria Taft

California’s fiscal wildfire is here. The flames are licking the highest levels of the state capitol in Sacramento. The flames surround the Democrat super majority-run legislature.

Democrats’ profligate spending, greed, and lack of imagination on how to run America’s most populous state have been disastrous. An investment research group says California’s “tax policy is killing the Golden Goose in the Golden State.” And that’s not the only problem.

Governor Gavin Newsom sent billions of Joe Biden’s specially printed, inflation-causing Covid money to voters for “inflation relief” before his latest election. He teed up “free” kindergarten for four-year-olds, and gave out “free” healthcare to illegal aliens. His reckless spending was the fiscal equivalent of putting on a pork chop suit and heading out to the closest dog park. Now, of course, he’ll be blaming this fiscal cliff on someone — anyone — else.

Newsom helped destroy contracting jobs and continued towaste money on the Train to Nowhere. His one-time Democrat leader in the legislature told billionaires like Elon Musk to, well, read it yourself:

Money is fungible, and many billionaires and millionaires have “moved” their wealth to other states by spending a few more days of the month in another state. Last month, Newsom, a rich kid, and Democrats balled their collective fists, howled at the moon, and declared they’d show them by going all Hotel California on people who got the heck out of the state. The plan was to “aggressively crack down” on this “extreme wealth” by vowing to continue to tax them based on their “worldwide net worth” of over $50 million in “total assets.” This is unalloyed greed. Plus, it’s just dumb economics.

The Strategas Research article predicting California’s fiscal disaster is behind a paywall but was quoted by the “Radio Free California” podcast hosted by Will Swaim of the California Policy Center and David Bahnsen, the founder of wealth management firm The Bahnsen Group.

The bad news for California starts out with “California tax revenues, a bellwether for the country, declined 42% year-over-year in January, led by a 50% decline in income tax revenues.”

And no, it’s not because of Covid. No, it’s not due to the market alone, according to the financial research company. Economists predicted a decrease in tax revenues, but nothing this dire.


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237340 No.18363748


No shit?>?!>!>!

Who else????????



Who stoel election?


This is nothing kiddo.

Learn about outsider bots.

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c68598 No.18363750


Monday is a holiday, so we won't know anything until Tuesday…

This year, Presidents’ Day is going to fall on Monday, February 20. Every year, on the third Monday in February, Presidents’ Day is observed.

Read more at:


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07c21e No.18363751

File: 96e750f1376b83d⋯.png (1.17 MB,1092x734,546:367,maz.png)


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3fa228 No.18363752

File: 0e744da3a5c5e36⋯.jpg (133.12 KB,720x915,48:61,20230217_073815.jpg)


Report: Fetterman to Be Hospitalized “For a Few Weeks” for Treatment for Depression

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cb0309 No.18363753

File: d80cb2a9208c427⋯.png (711.72 KB,634x670,317:335,Flynn_Take_control_of_what….PNG)

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a70138 No.18363754

File: 2ee3753f1c62bae⋯.jpeg (169.74 KB,1170x605,234:121,14452CBC_D35D_420F_9334_0….jpeg)

man - it’s so so hard to ignore the fact that we are in the throes of a history moment in time.

i know it’s hard to believe, but the vast, vast majority of Americans (not sure about elsewhere) are wide, and I mean WIDE awake. I’ll give you a quick example:

I lost my job in Jan. 2020, and between then and Covid bringing the world to a complete stop in March 2020, I started a painting gig, just to bring in some cash while I looked for another job in my profession. Well one day we loaded up the van and I was in the back with a couple Guatemalans and a black dude, and somehow the topic of Oprah came up. And the black guy went in on her connections to Weinstein, Epstein, human trafficking, her schools in Africa, etc. and so for the Guatemalans, this was all news to them - they had no idea. But sure enough, they started pulling out their phones and digging. And this was in 2020! Think about how much has happened since then. I wish there was a way for us to know what % of the population is awake, but if I had to guess, I would say probably 70-80%.


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c3d64c No.18363755

File: a7a051805382ee4⋯.gif (962.62 KB,500x375,4:3,6865dd957d7b1dddf1ea9eb999….gif)




err, that's not today, that's the 22nd of February



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b1f172 No.18363756


It's hard to see that any other way that the, "Kiss of death," at least for any supporters of the idea that he should start a Presidential Campaign NOW, after Trump has already announced.

Is anyone really taking this fake DeSantis offensive seriously? It's obviously an outside operation.

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c30847 No.18363757

File: 312eaf691ef515c⋯.jpg (314.07 KB,1026x966,171:161,Screenshot_20230217_093939.jpg)

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577504 No.18363758


You're welcome anon. We are holding the line with you fren. Pressing on.


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c5a053 No.18363759

File: 04d1cdcc7dd8dc7⋯.jpg (72.44 KB,632x395,8:5,fD44.jpg)

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f89b21 No.18363760

I hate niggers. Worst race on the planet.

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184f66 No.18363761

File: baacb176d5642a0⋯.jpg (130.37 KB,776x676,194:169,Bad_forest_managment.jpg)

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f1544f No.18363762


is depression a code word for sth?

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c68598 No.18363763


He's not coming back. I want proof of life!

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38f1d1 No.18363764



Does that make him less important in this movement or more? Does that matter? Unless he's sucking your johnson.

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4a05c1 No.18363765

File: 57b576a05daeec8⋯.jpg (56.55 KB,484x650,242:325,1995TheTinfoilHatsWarnedUs.jpg)

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17587b No.18363767


This Mr Swine character seems familiar…

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3fd634 No.18363768

File: f429d69877ecb8e⋯.png (396.15 KB,628x472,157:118,ClipboardImage.png)

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c30847 No.18363769

File: ac10985db16b615⋯.jpg (29.55 KB,513x337,513:337,ZomboMeme_17022023094256.jpg)

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930e1d No.18363770

TheY are growing weaker by the second.

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07c21e No.18363771

fed grindr

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c5a053 No.18363772

File: 5683ef689ad746d⋯.jpg (27.04 KB,750x478,375:239,11f41b3958c73019dd1a6877d2….jpg)

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17587b No.18363773


Format /c

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149353 No.18363774


do WE? or are you still projecting your faggot narrative?

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3fa228 No.18363776

File: f3b9eda202100c2⋯.jpg (72.6 KB,780x520,3:2,8847b045_cb2c_4b7d_8af8_8d….jpg)


>Fetterman in hospital for a few weeks for depression

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07fc85 No.18363777

File: 633350f310f748e⋯.jpeg (63.04 KB,860x475,172:95,368E59DD_B54D_4C34_A05A_C….jpeg)

Let's Talk: Idaho House of Representatives Passes a Resolution to Start Talks About "Greater Idaho"

Lincoln Brown

For some time now, a number of eastern counties in Oregon have been hard at work in an attempt to secede from their state and become a part of Idaho. And the Idaho House of Representatives is interested. On Wednesday, that body passed House Memorial 1, according to the Idaho Capitol Sun. Unlike binding legislation, a memorial is merely a statement of intent. In this case, the intent is to open talks between Idaho and Oregon about moving the border westward. The article in the Sun said that Democrat Representative Colin Nash voiced his “support” by joking that the bill be amended to include Montana.

Meanwhile, the Idaho Press reported that House Minority Leader Ilana Rubel, also of Boise, fretted that many of the counties that would join the Gem State are low-income areas with large numbers of people who depend on Medicaid and free or reduced-price lunches. That, she said, would impose a financial burden on the state.

Hmm. Who would have thought a Democrat would turn her back on the poor? But then again, we must keep Idaho a playground for the well-heeled and famous, right? Or make it that way ASAP. I am sure that Rubel is already vexed by the presence of so many commoners who vote red. Save the ranches for the rich! Keep Sun Valley exclusive! Those ski resorts aren’t going to police themselves, you know! The struggle is real!

Actually, Rubel is genuinely concerned with the potential influx of new conservatives. The Idaho Press also said that Rubel stated that as a member of the minority in Idaho, she knows what it is like to feel less represented. It appeared to be a slight nod to those in eastern Oregon who feel fed up with that state’s policies and laws.

Well, gee whiz, Representative. If you feel that way about it, why not move to Portland where you will enjoy a solid majority? I hear Portland is lovely in the spring when the arsonists, vandals, and looters come out of hibernation, the first window of the year is broken and the smell of the spray paint from fresh graffiti fills the air. The first shipments of fentanyl are arriving, and the weed is in full blossom. I understand that the morning sun looks majestic as it plays across the needles in the streets and the winds of social change gently sway the tents in the homeless encampments. And that is all before the first fire of the season is lit.

On the flip side, Barbara Ehardt of Idaho Falls who, along with Judy Boyle from Midvale, introduced the resolution, said that moving the border would add to Idaho’s land mass and access to resources. It would also push the state line further west, increasing the distance of much of the state from Oregon and its arguably insane drug laws. Ehardt also pointed out that the resolution only opens talks between Oregon and Idaho.

The group Greater Idaho has been pushing the move, and you can see a map of counties that have voted to secede, along with those who have not voted or are scheduled to do so, here. The group issued a press release that stated in part, “…we are asking Oregon Legislature leaders to give this idea a hearing in Oregon. Unlike any other bill, our Oregon bill SJM 2 [sic] is supported by the votes of 11 counties, and a poll a year ago showed that 68% of northwestern Oregonian voters want their officials to look into the idea. Eastern Oregon deserves a chance to present this proposal to Oregon state leaders.”

Despite whatever support there may be, the future of the effort does not look bright. While Idaho may decide that the concept is sound, and the people in those 11 counties may be eager to switch out their license plates, the Oregon legislature and the U.S. Congress would need to give their approval as well, which is not likely. After all, once progressives have something, they do not want to give it up. Progressives only care about themselves. And if they can make conservatives suffer? Well, that’s just an added bonus.


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f39328 No.18363778

File: f18057cb968c8ab⋯.png (173.05 KB,397x573,397:573,1.PNG)

File: de5ab1b96329a82⋯.png (194.71 KB,405x565,81:113,2.PNG)

File: 89bfff89cad87c5⋯.png (36.99 KB,408x427,408:427,3.PNG)

File: 05e65e6bfd64464⋯.png (141.19 KB,390x574,195:287,4.PNG)

File: 63fd6b6f573e1a1⋯.png (170.61 KB,406x564,203:282,5.PNG)


Kevin McKernan



Feb 15

The First Sequencing of the Bivalent vaccines is now available for public consumption.

WARNING- There are contaminating Expression vectors in the vaccines that contain antibiotic resistance genes.

This might explain the prolonged expression of spike protein in many studies

Kevin McKernan



Feb 15

This sequencing cost $7 per sample.

I wonder if these Pharma's can afford this for every lot?

Nah.. Why would they?

Your government gave them a liability shield and even paid them billions for the products they then mandated.


Curious Kittens

We shouldn't have to do our own Fragment analysis and Sequencing

Kevin McKernan



Feb 15

Among other treats in these expression vectors are the SV40 mammalian promoter and a high copy origin of replication (pUC) for bacterial amplification of these plasmids.

The Biodistribution studies covered by


show LNPs getting into the intestines.

Kevin McKernan



Feb 15

Its estimated that each shot contains billions of these plasmids and if they get into the gut microbiome, they can replicate to 50-300 copies per cell.

If any vaccinated patient is then placed on Neomycin or Kanamycin, these will be the only bacteria that survive

Kevin McKernan



Feb 15

As these plasmid encode Kan and Neo resistance. Its not known if these contaminating plasmid can also express spike protein but some of the vectors have T7 tails so we cant rule that out.

What happens if we inject billions of Antibiotic resistance genes into billions of people?

Kevin McKernan



Feb 15

What happens when the injection contains LNPs that can get to your intestines and transform bacteria with these genes?

Why isn't there sequencing QC of every lot given how cheap this is to perform in 2023?

Why QC things when gov is paying & you have a hall pass and a mandate?

Kevin McKernan



Feb 15

I want thank









for helpful comments on this project

Kevin McKernan



Feb 15

This molecule wasn't part of the informed consent but each injection likely includes billions of them.

Kevin McKernan



Feb 15

I don’t even know how to respond.

There is so much gaslighting, Jupiters storm is getting jealous.

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aa9bc6 No.18363779

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e06257 No.18363781

File: c5d1b04409aedc4⋯.png (658.94 KB,840x472,105:59,AZOG.png)

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4e0703 No.18363782

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2db357 No.18363783


VITAMIN D, large amounts of vitamin D will do wonders. Just made a world of difference for a family member of mine, I use it myself when I need it. I no longer deal with seasonal depression.

10,000IU of Vitamin D x 2 a day ( morning and night)

* do this for a week, then back it down to a maintenance dose. Vitamin D is a fat soluable so taking with fat(OMEGA 3) helps it absorb. Humans can have large amounts of Vitamin D with no issue, think 50-100,000UI range, but no need. Just mean it is relative safe.


bonus if it has OMEGA 3 in it too. go to local pharmacy and buy some Vitamin D, start today, then order some really go stuff online.

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0d3e0c No.18363784

File: a2eb8aac2cfa5be⋯.png (829.14 KB,896x840,16:15,ClipboardImage.png)

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184f66 No.18363785

File: 4471adbe2380005⋯.jpg (166.19 KB,1000x692,250:173,SUDDENLY_DYING_IS_BETTER.jpg)


Wheel in the next trainwreck.

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e4ce8a No.18363786

File: 5a09dbc142f4414⋯.png (310.93 KB,896x513,896:513,ClipboardImage.png)


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17587b No.18363788


This meme sucks! I’m just kidding. It’s as good as you want it to be.

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17587b No.18363789


Is his name ConYe?

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e4ce8a No.18363790


This is his wife's "test run".

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6e4e9e No.18363791


Probably going in for next level programming.

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774f59 No.18363792

File: eae8f1d3aa9fc7e⋯.jpg (12.47 KB,474x315,158:105,th_1482913362.jpg)

File: 01c5a18937ff631⋯.jpg (19.98 KB,474x388,237:194,th_3497234988.jpg)

File: d61df7a5639d36d⋯.jpg (29.32 KB,474x504,79:84,th_2726643956.jpg)


>Not what they used to be

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c3d64c No.18363793


Sto chaffing my dick, anon (figuratively)

>Does that make him less important in this movement or more? Does that matter?

He's importance consists of the moment when he is exposed as a grifter.

People will be better at spotting wolves in sheep's clothing after he has a public anti trump meltdown.

Should happen in the next 12 months.

>Unless he's sucking your johnson

Hard pass.

Not my type of fag

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f39328 No.18363794

File: 6daa39399b9a519⋯.png (166.28 KB,397x557,397:557,6.PNG)

File: b901f468c1afbd6⋯.png (102.27 KB,385x592,385:592,7.PNG)

File: 6edfcbf405b107d⋯.png (93.92 KB,429x611,33:47,8.PNG)


Kevin McKernan



Feb 15

If you are going to inject the population with antibiotic resistance genes, you would wise to have a strong antibiotic discovery program.


Kevin McKernan



Feb 16

Some question on the Substack.

There are several stones left unturned in the data as I didn’t want to hold up disclosure of this.

1)do the paired end reads imply linear or circular DNA?

Kevin McKernan



Feb 16

2)what is the strandedness count? Directional libraries should be able to answer this. Might inform if the vector sequence is DNA or RNA or both.

3) the EMA has limits on the dsRNA and they measure this with some ELISA assay which I’m suspect of?

Kevin McKernan



Feb 16

4)error rates in the vector sequence should be lower than in the mRNA as the mRNA goes through a T7 polymerase step with PseudoU and an RT step with PseudoU. There is no PseudoU in the vector.

5)the SV40 in this vector is just a strong promoter. It is not the entire SV40 genome.

Kevin McKernan




Is the plasmid sequence DNA or RNA?

DNA will provide sequence from both the watson (antisense) and crick (sense) strands.

mRNA will be sense strand (crick).

We used directional libraries so we can count the sense vs antisense strands.


RNA Strandedness: A Road Travelled In Both Directions

Read on to learn more about RNA strandedness, it's importance in transcriptome profiling, and the best ways to detect.

Kevin McKernan




Download the BAM files and run these 2 samtools scripts on it. This will count the Forward and Reverse strands in the data per base across the contig.

Kevin McKernan




Now put those in excel and subtract the Forward read count from the reverse read count and chart the results.

What do we see? We see a foward strand bias for half the vector and then a sudden shift to a reverse strand bias at position ~2100

Kevin McKernan


Thats the exact location of the T7 promoter which initiates synthesis of the mRNA.

This is hard evidence of the vector sequence being DNA and and not an RNA mirage.

The variability in the strandedness in the mRNA region is very interesting? Maybe G4s or other RNA knots?

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f3b786 No.18363795

The Hidden Gospel, he will speak in the minds of men with empathy EDITION

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3e2aed No.18363796


you still here baker?

claiming the bake

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c5a053 No.18363797

File: a0743daba3c121e⋯.jpg (113.28 KB,750x1186,375:593,992ba802789d9d8ca10cf6fb17….jpg)

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3fa228 No.18363798

File: ca5f6fd249e67c2⋯.png (1.17 MB,1329x886,3:2,1676577746681.png)


That's crazy ,nobody gets hospitalized for weeks at a time for depression unless you are committed.Something is fishy here

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5ac1e9 No.18363799

File: a96a7aa1345c3d0⋯.png (152.15 KB,537x306,179:102,ClipboardImage.png)

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38f1d1 No.18363800


One of the most compelling aspects of the Silent War is trying to determine who is on/off team.

^^^THIS^^^ is absolute truth.

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577504 No.18363802


Well Ms. Fletcher, I believe that Elon Musk told you and Gavin Newsom to FUCK RIGHT OFF as he moved his wealth, jobs and company out of CommieFornia. Kunt.

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184f66 No.18363804

File: b4a7bd80a1454f3⋯.jpg (180.41 KB,841x660,841:660,MK_Ultra_weapon.jpg)


Jumps into a RV, mounts the sidewalk and mows down pedestrians…… drives to back street and self terminates.

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f39328 No.18363805

File: 21c764038eead0d⋯.jpeg (602.37 KB,524x4937,524:4937,Web_capture_17_2_2023_849….jpeg)


There Must Be Investigations

Eight leading critics of the United States’s COVID-19 response have called for an investigation of the many failures of policy architects and key decision makers — at institutions ranging from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Food and Drug Administration to universities and hospitals — over their repeated mishandling of the pandemic.

Given the immense harm inflicted on our society by the follies of a ruling class and their expert advisers who never failed to make a wrong decision when presented with the opportunity, as well as the fact that lives are still being destroyed by their lingering policies , we can only hope this blueprint does not go ignored.

Dubbing themselves the “Norfolk Group,” the association of scholars includes such prominent names as Stanford epidemiologist Jay Bhattacharya, Harvard epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff, UCSF physician Tracy Beth Høeg, Johns Hopkins University surgeon Marty Makary, and Indiana University School of Medicine immunologist Steven Templeton.

According to the Norfolk Group’s website , although initially organized by Brownstone Institute in May 2022, the eight members of the group have since worked free from outside influence to draft the 80-page document they published earlier this year, “Questions for a COVID-19 Commission.”

Presented as a series of summaries and questions pertaining to key elements of U.S. COVID policy, the document, in effect, lays out a thorough indictment of the consistent incompetence of our ruling class while also raising concerns over the possible influence on policy by special interests such as teachers unions and drug companies.

Regarding natural immunity , the authors ask, “Why did the CDC downplay infection-acquired immunity, despite robust evidence for it?”

In respect to school closures, they ask, “Why were schools and universities closed despite early evidence about the enormous age-gradient in COVID-19 mortality … and early evidence that school closures would cause enormous collateral damage to the education and mental health of children and young adults?”

On that matter, they also wonder, “Why did the CDC incorporate policy language proposed by leaders of teachers unions on the scientific and public health aspects of school reopening without soliciting expertise of outside scientists in public health, infectious diseases, or other related fields?”

When discussing lockdowns , they inquire, “Why was so much influence on public health policy accorded to Drs. [Francis] Collins and [Anthony] Fauci? They control the largest source of infectious disease research funding in the world. How many infectious disease scientists, who should have been strong voices during the pandemic, kept quiet for fear of losing the research funding on which their livelihood depends?”

In their section on epidemiologic modeling , they demand, “Why did world leaders overly rely on models that made unverified assumptions about the pandemic’s trajectory rather than trying to verify these assumptions and their implications?”


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07c21e No.18363806

a senator with clinical depression okay

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07fc85 No.18363807

File: 37a48fc03020b9d⋯.jpeg (393.97 KB,1141x1594,1141:1594,62C07F8F_0E5F_4381_8984_6….jpeg)

World Government Summit Panelist Says ‘Shock’ Needed for ‘Transformation’ of ‘International Order’

Catherine Salgado

6:09 PM on February 16, 2023

According to a panelist at the World Government Summit in the United Arab Emirates this week, the “international order” needs some reorganizing — and not in a “gradual” way, but with a “shock.” His fellow panelist agreed that global institutions, which of course have little to no accountability to the citizens of specific countries,need more power to stop crises. The unanswered question is, just what sort of “shock” do these globalists have in mind?

Three experts spoke during the Feb. 13 panel, “Key Predictions for a Changing World Order.” The World Government Summit website describes the panel: “A world transformed by climate shocks? A multipolar economic future? A democratic renaissance? In the history of global events, pandemics and wars have both been proven turning points in history. So what lies ahead? During this session, we invite leading Professor Arturo Bris, Director to build on their strategic foresight and envision the state of the future world order.”

Bris, director of IMD World Competitiveness Center, certainly has opinions on the “future world order,” and he made a somewhat vague but “shock”ing comment during the panel.

“How — how is this transition going to happen?” Bris stammered. “I mean, I agree, totally agree, that the world order, the way it is built today, doesn’t make any sense. That is, it is not in line with the economic powers like India, Brazil, or Germany, you know? That they don’t have a — they don’t have a massive role in the — in the international order.”

So what needs to happen, according to Bris? “But to me the big question is, so how we are going to go through this transformation? It has to be — it cannot be gradual,” Bris insisted, “it has to be — has to be driven by a part — by a certain shock that will happen, so now we will reconsider this entire…” Bris here broke off, leaving his startling sentence incomplete, as he was interrupted by Samir Saran, president of the Observer Research Foundation.

”No, see, if your question is that this period could be turbulent, could have violence, could have conflicts, we are already living it,” Saran exclaimed excitedly. “I think that the last five or six years… that we are going through a rather turbulent phase.” He put all the blame on COVID-19.

“We have lost a large part of humankind to the pandemic because we are all selfish, we were not willing to share, we were not willing to use the global institutions to deliver responses to different parts of the world, we have lost people,” Saran pontificated. “Now how much more bloodshed do we need to understand that the transition is upon us?”

It is ironic that Saran should say this, because of course countries’ COVID-19 protocols such as lockdowns and masking all came from the global entity the World Health Organization (WHO) — and all turned out to be a disaster. Furthermore, while it is very tragic that almost 7 million people are estimated to have died from COVID-19 (though COVID deaths havecertainly been overcounted), I would not call that such a “large part of humankind” that it necessitates an abrupt and radical “transformation” in the international order and more power for “global institutions.”

Global institutions like the WHO and the United Nations (UN) told countries to lock down and mask up, and lockdowns and maskscaused great harm to economies and citizens. And that doesn’t even take into account the COVID-19 vaccines, which are still being pushed by global entities such as the World Economic Forum, the UN, and the WHO, and which can cause very serious side effects.

So what exactly did Bris and Saran mean? And were there others at the World Government Summit who agreed with them?


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f39328 No.18363808


When addressing COVID-19 vaccines, they raise questions such as, “Why did many organizations continue with mandates through summer and fall of 2021, despite data demonstrating both waning efficacy of symptomatic infection and reduced long term ability to curb viral spread?”

Regarding masks, they state, “Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the evidence that masks did little if anything to stop the spread of respiratory viruses was uncontroversial,” before summarizing a few studies demonstrating this and asking the obvious: “[W]hy did public health officials and agencies promote the idea that masks would be effective against SARS-CoV2?”

In its entirety, the Norfolk Group’s “Questions for a COVID-19 Commission” serves as a blueprint for the kind of investigation our country needs. Just don’t expect the Biden administration to do anything about it.

Reprinted from Washington Examiner

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f89b21 No.18363809


the jews don't even try to hide their evil symbolism anymore. They will not quit until the jew wipes out the white race.

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97b70d No.18363810


I am here'th.

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f1544f No.18363811


alien invasion

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3fd634 No.18363813

File: 8cbd6f7af857b3d⋯.png (851.41 KB,800x1200,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Feb 17 2023

2023 CX1 Meteor Flash

While scanning the skies for near earth objects Hungarian astronomer Krisztián Sárneczky first imaged the meter-sized space rock now cataloged as 2023 CX1 on 12 February 2023 at 20:18:07 UTC. That was about 7 hours before it impacted planet Earth's atmosphere. Its predicted trajectory created a rare opportunity for meteor observers and a last minute plan resulted in this spectacular image of the fireball, captured from the Netherlands as 2023 CX1 vaporized and broke up over northern France. Remarkably it was Sárneczky's second discovery of an impacting asteroid, while 2023 CX1 is only the seventh asteroid to be detected before being successfully predicted to impact Earth. It has recently become the third such object from which meteorites have been recovered. This fireball was witnessed almost 10 years to the day following the infamous Chelyabinsk Meteor flash.


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17587b No.18363814


I would still pound his wife tho.

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ea9756 No.18363815


This is why the Elites hate the Middle Class.

The lower class is unable to succeed in a rebellion. Only the Middle Class is able to do that.

Right now, in the US, the elites are trying to eliminate the Middle Class.

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f39328 No.18363816

File: 8ac10b7242c9ef0⋯.jpeg (828.03 KB,524x6677,524:6677,Web_capture_17_2_2023_851….jpeg)


Fauci confesses that Covid vaccines could never have worked as claimed

On 11 January 2023 a paper was published in Cell Host & Microbe titled “Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenza viruses, and other respiratory viruses”.

There are just 3 authors, one of whom is Anthony Fauci, who served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) from 1984 to 2022, and the chief medical advisor to the President from 2021 to 2022.

Fauci is generally regarded as one of the key architects of the USA’s – and therefore the world’s – response to the pandemic, including pushing for the emergency authorisation and rollout of the Covid vaccines, and the formulation of policies which exerted huge pressure on citizens in nearly all countries to be injected with these products or else face sanctions, ranging from social ostracisation via the use of “vaccine passport” schemes, through to job losses, and even fines merely for being unvaccinated.

Fauci made some bold claims about the Covid vaccines in order to justify such coercive policies, including that they would prevent infections and limit transmission of the virus to others. These claims were then picked up by political leaders worldwide and used to justify their own policies, even when – from early data – it became obvious that the vaccines did not prevent infections or reduce the viral load of those infected.

This latest article, therefore, has quite rightly raised some eyebrows because of the astonishing concessions it contains, amongst which are the following:

Of the influenza vaccines, the authors note:

As of 2022, after more than 60 years of experience with influenza vaccines, very little improvement in vaccine prevention of infection has been noted. As pointed out decades ago, and still true today, the rates of effectiveness of our best approved influenza vaccines would be inadequate for licensure for most other vaccine-preventable diseases.

The authors then draw parallels between the vaccines for covid and those for influenza:

The vaccines for these two very different viruses [covid19 and influenza] have common characteristics: they elicit incomplete and short-lived protection against evolving virus variants that escape population immunity.

They propose that the reason why vaccines against covid and influenza are ineffective compared to those against mumps, measles, rubella and smallpox and varicella zoster (chickenpox) is that the former replicate predominantly in local mucosal tissue, without causing viremia.

They posit that the finding by PCR testing of the circulation of viral SARS-CoV-2 RNA in the bloodstream, is an “RNAemia” (as is seen with most mucosal respiratory virus infections), as distinct from viremia, in which infectious viruses can be cultured from the blood.

This statement is rather glossed over, but it actually has huge significance, in that it is essentially saying that the finding by PCR testing of tissues in people with mucosal respiratory virus infections like covid may simply represent the presence of RNA not culturable whole virus.

However, much has been made of these PCR findings, leading to statements that covid is “highly unusual, attacking all tissues” and “covid isn’t just a respiratory disease but a circulatory one”, notions which the authors of this paper seem not to share, the tone of the article being very much that SARS-CoV-2 sits within the broad category of mucosal respiratory viruses.


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4a05c1 No.18363818

File: 6517a791f9d06e9⋯.png (1020.05 KB,900x705,60:47,ClipboardImage.png)


Commiefornia has 10% sales tax. Everybody in Commiefornia pasys 10% sales tax - on the internet, too.

There will be an accounting in lalaland.

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f39328 No.18363819


(Having said that, one point the authors did not make is that even in the absence of circulating whole virus, it could be that circulating spike protein leads to the clots and other vascular pathology seen both in infection and after vaccination, although this seems a likely potential mechanism only in more severe disease.)

They then state that antigenic drift is the reason why we can expect people to be infected multiply both with influenza and SARS-CoV-2.

Tying these all together, they conclude that:

It is not surprising that none of the predominantly mucosal respiratory viruses [of which influenza and SARS-Cov-2 are examples] have ever been effectively controlled by vaccines.

They then write that:

This observation raises a question of fundamental importance: if natural mucosal respiratory virus infections do not elicit complete and long-term protective immunity against reinfection, how can we expect vaccines, especially systemically administered non-replicating vaccines, to do so?

How indeed? This is one of the points that those who questioned the design of the Covid vaccines have been making repeatedly.

In a section which looks like it was written before the (thankfully temporary) purging in 2020 of prior immunology theory and knowledge, they then discuss in some depth the complexity of the highly-evolved mucosal immune response, and the delicate balance that it must (and therefore by implications so must vaccines) achieve between tolerance (preventing tissue damage) and infection control (which may ultimately result in an aberrant immune response).

Some sample extracts:

The immunologic “Faustian bargain” between tolerance versus infection control, which permits transient, moderated infection by respiratory agents of low or intermediate pathogenicity to restrain the destructive forces of an immune elimination response may be problematic for vaccine control of respiratory viruses, not only in the local and systemic sensing of vaccine antigens but also in eliciting optimal immune responses.

The immune system is complex with many effectors. Serum antibody titers to various viral epitopes may only indirectly correlate with protection because of association with other more critical (but not usually measured) immune effectors.

In short, correlations between serum antibody titers and susceptibility to influenza infection may be statistically valid in large studies, but imperfect in the context of individual variation, rapid viral evolution, and waning titers.

A closely related question is whether vaccines that generate immune responses only against single critical epitopes conserved across virus strains and subtypes, or a limited number of such epitopes, can perform as well as vaccines that elicit broad humoral and cell-mediated responses against multiple epitopes. Although such conserved epitopes seem ideal candidates, vaccines based on this approach have not been particularly successful.


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f8773c No.18363820

File: b98a3357b5a97c3⋯.jpg (72.5 KB,450x645,30:43,chief.jpg)

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4e0703 No.18363821

File: fb41fe2eb8e90da⋯.jpg (16.35 KB,491x97,491:97,ifonly.JPG)


Do It!!!!!

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7d87b1 No.18363822


o7. I usually take my D3 combined with K2. Ran out a couple weeks ago and need to reup on that zinc and b12. Funds are tight right meow. So relying on the vitamin c from the pine needle tea from trees on muh land plus NAC, blackseed oil, and oregano oil gel caps ATM.

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f39328 No.18363823



Attempting to control mucosal respiratory viruses with systemically administered non-replicating vaccines has thus far been largely unsuccessful, indicating that new approaches are needed.

In summary, this article reads like an admission of failure – of the vaccines to prevent infection and transmission at least. But the most notable point is that the reasons given are based on immunological theory and knowledge which was commonly known before 2020, meaning that the assertions made about them preventing infection and transmission must have been known – or at least strongly suspected – to be untrue. Is this lying? We leave it to the reader to judge.

Even after data emerged which confirmed the inability to block infection and transmission, the voices raising this were suppressed and censored by forces seemingly under the control of US Federal agencies, as we have seen from the “Twitter files” releases.

This article clearly has the “fact checkers” in a bind, as to counter the article’s premises they would have to debunk those who they had previously staunchly defended. Associated Press has published a risible “fact check” which essentially states that the article does not explicitly state that the vaccines do not prevent severe disease, whilst remaining completely silent on the most important concession – the inability to block infection and transmission.

Alex Berenson’s take on this article is also worth a read, as is this piece in The Daily Sceptic by an anonymous senior Pharmaceutical Industry executive.

It remains to be seen whether this Fauci article has any effect on mainstream opinion which seems immobile, despite the weight of accumulating evidence against both the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines.

Another example of former covid vaccine enthusiasts expressing concerns and apparently recanting, but without any mainstream acknowledgement, can be found in an article written by Paul Offit, an American paediatrician specialising in infectious diseases, vaccines, immunology, and virology. Notably, Professor Offit has been a member of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

His article in the prestigious and decidedly establishment journal NEJM titled “Bivalent Covid-19 Vaccines — A Cautionary Tale” raised the worrying spectre of “immune imprinting” (where the immune system becomes fixated on one particular antigenic sequence and therefore less able to deal with variations of the same) and concluded that:

“we should stop trying to prevent all symptomatic infections in healthy, young people by boosting them with vaccines containing mRNA from strains that might disappear a few months later”.

However, this has not been accompanied by any official toning down of the enthusiasm with which the boosters have been recommended by USA Federal officials, although many other countries have essentially stopped offering the vaccines to younger and healthy individuals.

The disconnect between real-world data and the promises made for these vaccines was jarring enough. Now we have previous proponents expressing the same doubts previously censored critics have been raising for years.

When is the mainstream media going to restore much-needed balance to the debate instead of acting as an unquestioning mouthpiece for government?

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c3d64c No.18363824


Updated Senate Numbers

50 D votes - 49 R votes

Sinema and Manchin are free agents sort of.

Manchin will go hard R in 2024.

Can't win in West Virigina as a D any moar.

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07c21e No.18363825


america's first undocumented senator

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38f1d1 No.18363826

File: d04fb62d00b1c9f⋯.jpg (167.02 KB,1129x806,1129:806,fetterman_biden.jpg)


Love that movie.

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17587b No.18363827


I’m still going to eat bagels and lox tho.

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6e4e9e No.18363828


>claiming the bake

fyi - it looks like id: 97b70d already claimed


>self claim and ackpawledged

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7d87b1 No.18363829


For depression treatment or re-programming treatment?

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7d7121 No.18363830

File: 5a5e2579974d752⋯.png (544.27 KB,1080x669,360:223,Memeto_1607986664704.png)


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774f59 No.18363831

File: 84fce9483386459⋯.jpg (15.19 KB,474x358,237:179,th_3304702598.jpg)

File: 5b7dbdf7b99d465⋯.jpg (20.53 KB,474x266,237:133,th_3068562306.jpg)

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21cdc3 No.18363832


thinking this over;

I revise what i wrote

Seems like he enjoys praising people, and he praises people a lot.

It might make him feel positive, to say things which are kind and flattering. People only mention "mean words" and that's always to people who deserve it, and who are obviously humorless and thin-skinned


People were very disappointed by Mattis betrayal; seemed like it from here. Lots of false hope pinned on Mattis?

Who suggested him to Trump?

Most of the Generals have to be comped, right? the lower levels seem more honest. Like "Razin Cain"

Level of corruption is so deep.

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184f66 No.18363833

File: 97e6e85f26fb620⋯.jpg (60.68 KB,460x438,230:219,HANGING_JUDGE.jpg)


Mass hanging will do that quite well.

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3e2aed No.18363834


sorry bro, didn't see your claim, imma step down

beevee here

will rework some notes and add Japan to internationals

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f89b21 No.18363835


A world government is the step next. That's what the jews are preparing the world for.

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07c21e No.18363837

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this ugy was jewish, this was progressive back then becaues pro black then they flipped it etc

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f39328 No.18363838

Former EcoHealth Vice President Andrew Huff says his "attack list" of US food facilities went missing from his personal computer and is being implemented


Andrew Huff is a self-described “whistleblower” who joined EcoHealth in 2014 and left in 2021. You may know him as an author of “The Truth About Wuhan,” one of several books on the Wuhan Institute of Virology and COVID-19.

Huff appeared on the MG Show February 9 to discuss his claims that his “attack list” had disappeared from his personal computer, and that those same places had fallen under attack. He described his background in the military, academia and intelligence:

I’m not your typical infectious disease doctor or academic. I started my career in the US Army as an Infantryman. I was combat deployed during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Degrees are in Psychology, Security Technology Engineering, Geographic Information Systems. My PhD is in environmental health with an infectious disease specialty track, which is public health epidemiology essentially. I did some post-doc work at MIT in complex systems. I was a scientist at Sandia National Laboratories where I was a senior member of the technical staff where I worked on Pandemic preparedness plans, complex models and simulations of disasters and doom and gloom, trying to figure out how we respond to national security threats. My area of expertise was bioterrorism and biowarfare, pandemics and emerging diseases. I got sick of working in the classified space and I went on to work at EcoHealth Alliance.

Somewhere along the way, (I didn’t catch they dates if he said them), Huff created an “attack list” of US food facilities.

I had a highly sensitive national security data set, which I constructed. So I wrote the book on how to attack US food facilities. I was a research fellow at a Department of Homeland Security Center for Excellence on PhD full scholarship. And I started working with the 3-letter agencies on trying to figure out how to protect the American food supply. Well I essentially wrote the book on it. I published all the papers. And I developed the classified attack methods and models which are sitting in the government somewhere. But anyways I had this work, because I began it as a PhD student. I actually had the attack list on my personal drives. And guess what. It went missing.

Not only did Huff’s attack list go missing from his personal computer, he says that these facilities fell under attack.

Look what’s been happening with all of these food facilities attacks over the past year. And here’s the craziest, and I was tweeting about this today (Feb 9, 2023), so I analyzed the attack facilities versus that target list, and it’s almost a perfect match. The probability of that happening- zero.

Huff went into some greater detail about the origin of the food facility attack list.

The way that this worked was that a couple of other research scientists, military experts, and myself, they went around the country collecting the data from states and industries. So they would have meetings and sent the experts down to people who owned all the food in the United States - it was a massive project. And then they’d have them walk them through was called - it’s called a modified delta method if you want to get nerdy. But what that means is they’re using subject matter experts to collect all the different risk, threat, vulnerability, and attack data, including methods of attack on the system. So, for example, they would go to someone in the chicken production industry, broilers you’d buy in the grocery store, and they’d say, hypothetically speaking, if someone was to attack your food system or your facility, what would be the most catastrophic thing that could happen? And they’d tell you. You know like burn it down, you destroy it, you poison the chickens, you use a zoonotic disease, you use a chemical agent, and there’s a whole list of different things you could use. And then you’d ask well what’s the magnitude of this impact, and what kind of impact would it have on the country? So all that data- gone. So it’s basically a roadmap of how to attack US food facilities and systems.


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67f55f No.18363839

File: e2c63f9f79c4a84⋯.png (431.92 KB,1010x1014,505:507,have_faith.png)

File: 4bec5c210f84e43⋯.png (1.56 MB,673x1687,673:1687,stay_elevated.png)

File: 8355c113590df10⋯.png (375.47 KB,499x624,499:624,truth_is_a_force_of_nature.png)


the struggle is real. and shared.


I AM the LOVE.



Say this mantra often to raise your happiness level. Raise your vibration Raise your frequency

Raise your consciousness level

There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are torn apart and will suffer greatly.

Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore and push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open and our heads above water. And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

The time for the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word ‘struggle’ from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. We are the ones we have been waiting for.

Attributed to an unnamed Hopi elder.

Hopi Nation, Oraibi, Arizona.

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4a05c1 No.18363840


He's kickin in Malibu. Just like Liddle Bobby Biden.

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3e2aed No.18363841


just seent



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97b70d No.18363842

@530 call em out

#22510 >>18363207

>>18363232, >>18363320 James Bond villain George Soros says DeSantis will beat Trump for GOP nomination

>>18363237 Hot Potato: China/Germany/Russia looking for excuses to overshadow their own acts of sabotage

>>18363277 A pattern of sabotage and blaming others has emerged among NATO countries

>>18363282, >>18363286, >>18363327 PF

>>18363284, >>18363292, >>18363352 They derailed the East Palestine train directly over a drainage culvert

>>18363287 Fulton County needs to put more pressure on Election Corruption

>>18363297 George Soros endorses DeSantis for 2024

>>18363301 Norfolk Southern [Railroad] Shareholders

>>18363309, >>18363752 Filling Senate Vacancies in PA (Fetterman)

>>18363336 Reminder Brunson vs Adams et al case going to SC conference today

>>18363393, >>18363679, >>18363679, >>18363697 Anons opine DeSantis

>>18363438 Swamp schedule, Feb 17th

>>18363456 Different point-of-view Historical collection

>>18363496 Norfolk Southern says they “Accidentally” (on purpose) asked East Palestine Residents to sign Legal Waivers

>>18363609 The MSC Advisory Council

>>18363628 Nancy Pelosi’s daughter caught on tape refuting J6 Narrative – Admits J6 protests not an Insurrection

>>18363654 Nikki Haley connected to WEF / Klaus Schwab's 'Young Global Leaders'

>>18363688 Norfolk Southern hosting a webcast featuring TPTB on Feb. 22nd. per a filing w/the SEC

>>18363700 (Aug. 17, 2017) NASA sending balloons into the sky filled with bacteria

>>18363777 Idaho House of Representatives passes a Resolution to start talks about Greater Idaho

>>18363778, >>18363794 The First Sequencing of the Bivalent vaccines is now available to the public

>>18363805, >>18363808 Eight leading critics of the US Covid-19 response have called for an investigation

>>18363807 World Government Summit panelist says ‘Shock’ needed for ‘Transformation’ into ‘International Order’

>>18363813 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day, Feb 17 2023: 2023 CX1 Meteor Flash


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f39328 No.18363843

File: 2b579948f7e14fe⋯.jpeg (637.03 KB,892x4780,223:1195,Web_capture_17_2_2023_853….jpeg)


Huff said that he reported the missing food facility attack list to several government agencies, including the FBI, DHS, FDA, and Representative Brad Wenstrup (Ohio) of the House Intelligence Committee.

I recently had a brief discussion with Huff on Twitter before he blocked me. On Feb 5, I told him I would buy a copy of his book if he said anything about Michael Callahan and his Chinese colleagues.

The role of Michael Callahan in China, a self-described bioterrorism expert who testified to Congress that was deeply involved with biowarfare scientists in the former Soviet Union, and was routinely called by said scientists when they had lab leaks, is one of the many “elephants in the room” that the media refuses to discuss.

I was trying to keep an open mind on Huff as a “whistleblower” at this point. EcoHealth Alliance is one of the most evil organizations in the history of mankind. The primary purpose of EcoHealth Alliance was to collect, modify, and transfer viruses from one bat species to another all over the world to simulate a natural evolution of pathogenic viruses that would later “spill over” and could be blamed on nature. Maybe he didn’t know that, but when he said that “The Callahan story is false” and that “He was not sneaking into Chinese hospitals” because Callahan was “white,” I thought that was either extremely stupid or deceptive. So I reminded him that one of EcoHealth Alliance’s own white guys, Ian Lipkin, actually set up China’s version of a CDC after SARS1. (1). As a former VP of EcoHealth, and a “PhD … in environmental health with an infectious disease specialty track,” I think Huff should know about the history of white guy Ian Lipkin and China, and I don’t like the way he dismissed Callahan’s reported presence in Wuhan Central Hospital without any reason other than his race.


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17587b No.18363844


Doesn’t a “judge” retire to their “chambers”. So creepy..

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7d87b1 No.18363845

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ea9756 No.18363846


There is no cure for the Common Cold.

Still holds true.

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e4ce8a No.18363847


You will never know there was a "nuclear strike".

They will say it's an asteroid strike.

That will be Their cover.

We are fighting WW3, but They are using all Their access to the best deep fake tech and AI tech in addition to actual weapons, allows Them to fight a war without the masses knowing.

They want you to focus on Ukraine as the "real war"…but the "real war" is being fought right now.


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21cdc3 No.18363848


knows they stole it for him

doesn't feel right.

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f39328 No.18363849



Maybe I pissed him off on Feb 5, but he didn’t block me at this point. He blocked me after I made a few comments about the methods by which fires at food facilities might be set.

I’ve been thinking about the wicked applications of directed-energy weapons for many years. Starting fires is just one of these applications. Every fire season in the US, which seem to keep getting worse, I always think about these weapons. On this day, Feb 12, at 2:42 PM, it just so happened that the United States shot down another “unidentified object” at 20,000 feet over Lake Huron, Michigan. This object had no visible propulsion system. I figure it was powered by electromagnetism or something similar. It also crossed my mind that it could possibly have been a directed-energy weapon. I don’t know but how can we rule that out without an explanation?

Huff first replied that he thought the fires were started by “arson or cyber attack.” Then he blocked my on Twitter. I’m not saying it’s related.

Around this time on February 12, a Twitter narrative “why are we talking about UFO’s when we should be talking about the environmental disaster in Ohio?” really picked up.

And while I certainly concur that the environmental disaster is a huge concern that should be discussed and reported, I hardly think that unidentified objects over your head are a distraction. I can consider two things in the course of a day myself. I didn’t tell anyone not to talk about Ohio. Directed energy weapons can start fires, they can warp train tracks, they can make people drop dead without a trace. I’m not saying that’s been happening, but it could be happening.

Congress needs to demand answers on exactly what the objects shot down were and what their propulsion systems were.

Charles Wright

(1). Columbia.edu, China Honors Ian Lipkin, January 07, 2020.

At the height of the SARS outbreak in 2003, Lipkin was invited by senior Chinese scientists and officials to assess the state of the epidemic, identify gaps in science, and develop a strategy for containing the virus and curtailing infections and deaths. Once the outbreak was contained, Lipkin helped develop the institutional infrastructure to ensure China would have the resources to detect and more rapidly respond to emerging infectious threats, in part through building the Institut Pasteur in Shanghai, new national Centers for Disease Control in Beijing, and the Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health. Today, he continues to consult with the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Chinese Academy of Science, and the Ministry of Health. He has also served as a consultant for a climate change program at Beijing Normal and as a visiting professor at Beijing University. Last year, the Chinese Academy of Sciences awarded funding for a collaborative project between CII and Sun Yat-Sen University in zoonotic diseases. Since 2003, Lipkin has presented more than 20 lectures in China, notably including the inaugurations of the Institut Pasteur de Shanghai in 2004 and the Beijing Center for Infectious Diseases two years later. In 2016, he was honored with the China International Science and Technology Cooperation Award, presented in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, presided by President Xi Jinping.

3 of 3

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4a05c1 No.18363850


Even Conye shits on white guys

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f89b21 No.18363851

In order for the jews to usher in a One World Government, the jew will crash the economy, start wars. Same ol' bag of tricks. The jew will not rest until the jew controls the world and ushers in the jewish Anti-Christ.

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b1f172 No.18363852

File: 96007157664a149⋯.webp (14.57 KB,1114x1200,557:600,sheriff_badge_decal_17.webp)


No shit, right?

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e06257 No.18363853


>their evil symbolism anymore.

Not an evil symbol, they stole it and perverted it like everything else. Everything good and beautiful they destroy. Why do you think they mix all folks together and destroy nature?

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7d7121 No.18363854

File: 51d3d9ac185c7ad⋯.png (585.15 KB,1080x805,216:161,Memeto_1624023563552.png)


Ask for your money back then faggot

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3e2aed No.18363855


>>18362564, >>18362566, >>18362567 New Hit Piece: Inside QAnon: A Look at an Alarming New Book

>>18362470 There's a psychological war in which the majority of one side doesn't even know they're at war ridicule those that do as conspiracy theorist while being blindly obedient to the enemy

>>18362581 Half A Million Dollars Missing At Stacey Abrams Charity

>>18362536 East Palestine waterways are very polluted. It’s time for Norfolk Southern to finish the cleanup

>>18362582 Dr. Andrew Zywiec Exposes Vax Genocide

>>18362688 Planefag: 2 moar SAMs heading across to Munich Security Conference-781 C-32A is Blinken this time-since Kneepads has already arrived

>>18362691, >>18362716 JuliansRum: noticed the East Palestine train derailed DIRECTLY over 2 drainage pipes (yellow squares). Then I noticed that the orange car (red rectangle) was out of place compared to the cars around it

>>18362835, >>18362856, >>18362860, >>18362887, >>18362889 Auburn Black Student Union produces list of racial slurs for white people — Discovered on GroupMe text chat allegedly associated with organization

>>18362701 “COMPLETE NUT.” Fox News’ Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham Privately Mocked Trump’s Election Fraud Claims, Court Docs Reveal

>>18362736, >>18362934 Asbury Revival a "Spontaneous Outpouring"

>>18362752 Swiss President and Former Minister of Health Alain Berset Under Investigation by Attorney General Over COVID Crimes

>>18362835, >>18362860, >>18362856, >>18362887, >>18362889 Auburn Black Student Union produces list of racial slurs for white people — Discovered on GroupMe text chat allegedly associated with organization

>>18362781 Kari Lake loses appeal in Arizona governor race challenge

>>18362858 No coinkidinks Don Jr

>>18362866 Young woman died after ‘catastrophic reaction’ to Covid vaccine, inquiry told

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cf103a No.18363856

File: 7e16e8789319a15⋯.png (312.7 KB,500x635,100:127,ClipboardImage.png)


should include this anon cap

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63dab6 No.18363857

Someone give me some motivation to go clean my basement…

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944b67 No.18363858


U start my morning off rite. T y anon!

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07fc85 No.18363859

File: 15c6dc2dd8dc7a7⋯.jpeg (61.64 KB,860x475,172:95,19270520_14B9_4EE9_9FA7_4….jpeg)

File: 0469b875f1871dd⋯.jpeg (236.98 KB,1014x1035,338:345,FCA82040_1C35_4FB5_BD10_C….jpeg)

File: e1d3484621447ce⋯.jpeg (238.47 KB,1104x1055,1104:1055,DF974E08_086C_4346_9A65_7….jpeg)

Fulton County's Trump Grand Jury Probe Was a Waste of Time and Money

Chris Queen

On Thursday, a Judge in Fulton County, Ga., released portions of a grand jury’s report on its investigation into Donald Trump’s alleged attempts to interfere with the results of the 2020 presidential election in Georgia.

“The Grand Jury was impaneled to investigate a specific issue: the facts and circumstances relating directly or indirectly to possible attempts to disrupt the lawful administration of the 2020 presidential elections in the State of Georgia,” reads the report.

District Attorney Fani Willis convened the grand jury, which met for eight months and interviewed 75 witnesses, including Gov. Brian Kemp, (R-Ga.), Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), and Trump adviser Rudy Giuliani. The grand jury didn’t even bother to call Donald Trump himself as a witness.

It’s unclear whether Willis thought she had the goods on Trump and could bring him down or whether she called for a grand jury to bring attention to herself and even position herself for higher office.

It all smacks of the narrative of “the walls are closing in on Trump” that we’ve heard for years. The trouble is that the grand jury’s findings were a bit of a nothing-burger.

The grand jury had a tall order on its hands, and Willis tasked it with looking for evidence to charge a litany of crimes, including criminal solicitation to commit election fraud, making false statements to state and local governmental bodies, conspiracy, racketeering, violation of oath of office, and involvement in violence or threats related to election administration.

Instead of closing in the walls on Trump, his administration, or even Georgia Republicans, what the grand jury brought us was something like, “we think there might have been some perjury.” Not exactly a barn-burning investigation.

A grand jury and its alternates met for eight months, called dozens of witnesses, and exhausted taxpayer resources at the behest of a grandstanding district attorney. There’s no telling how much this investigation cost the taxpayers of Fulton County, but it’s painfully obvious that it was a waste of money.

Granted, the Fulton County Trump investigation wasn’t the immense dog-and-pony show that the January 6 Committee was, even though it had largely the same goal of bringing down or besmirching Donald Trump. The potential for perjury indictments also means that the Fulton County investigation may have more to show for it than the January 6 Committee — and more to offer than just putting Fani Willis’ name in the headlines.

None of that means that Fulton County taxpayers’ money was well spent, and it doesn’t relieve Willis of the responsibility to account to the citizens of Georgia’s most populous county how she spent their money. She really should explain herself.

Interesting Facts: Mayor Bottoms and Fanni Willis’s fathers were both black panthers! Also Bottoms is currently serving in the WH


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21cdc3 No.18363860


doubt about any "nuke"

but other part, that we are at War, is corrct.

didn't Tucker Carlson say that, the other night?

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07c21e No.18363861

File: 90cb216266f397f⋯.png (819.28 KB,978x650,489:325,notsa.png)

just get gender affirming surgery already

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7d7121 No.18363862

File: b478a8548fb5bdc⋯.png (395.26 KB,1055x628,1055:628,20221110_120021.png)

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c5a053 No.18363863

File: e017ade3100841c⋯.jpg (24.2 KB,614x356,307:178,e017ade3100841cb76a48fc4b8….jpg)

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944b67 No.18363864


Put on some tunes and set a timer for 1 hour. Have a reward in mind after that hour. Then take a 30 min break and repeat!

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0d3e0c No.18363866


These globalists are unelected progressives with retarded ideas that AOC types came up with.

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3fa228 No.18363867

File: 787e9a806df2196⋯.jpg (245.8 KB,720x1163,720:1163,20230217_075527.jpg)

File: 027e1b63d461546⋯.jpg (211.27 KB,1200x1037,1200:1037,20230217_075417.jpg)


It's a pity that during black history month, a black @PressSec is discriminating against me and @JoeBiden @whitehouse is fully behind it. I wonder how she explains this to her wife, Suzanne Malveaux,

when she gets home in the evening. When the secret service was called on me today, I felt sad for the United States of America.

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ea9756 No.18363868


If you catch a cold or the flu:

Stay home

Get plenty of Rest

Drink lots of fluids

Let you immune system take care of it.

No vaccine can replace this.

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7d87b1 No.18363869


Beautiful, anon! TY for sharing!

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dae0b9 No.18363870

File: bf121b6b039d27b⋯.png (106.76 KB,282x277,282:277,kek.png)

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f89b21 No.18363871


lol he's sad.

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206f2e No.18363872

File: 1f8b7197e658757⋯.png (578.13 KB,409x586,409:586,y.png)

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0d3e0c No.18363874


May Fauci die the most miserable death possible… to hell with maggots that feed of the death of others.

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2d1386 No.18363875

Want people doing more creative work? Stop peeping on them.

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63dab6 No.18363876


You could say the cold is the cure.

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07c21e No.18363877

File: a194b76964dc443⋯.png (1008.69 KB,876x844,219:211,tv1.png)

i saw this lady on TV and this guy was the one in Saudi Arabia

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237340 No.18363878


Give this man some credit.

He has a lot on his head.

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184f66 No.18363879

File: 1f65af0d098812a⋯.jpg (219.43 KB,990x779,990:779,only_makes_money.jpg)

File: 7e74cd031c1fafd⋯.jpg (54.22 KB,387x290,387:290,payback_for_protest.jpg)

File: d0ae5b42b27e7ec⋯.jpg (53.49 KB,466x349,466:349,FALSE_POSITIVES_MADE_PANIC.jpg)

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944b67 No.18363880

Listening to a podcast about dr Paul osteen (brother).. “helping” the poor in Africa. Hosting a conference at the mega church in Tx.


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213789 No.18363881

File: 2653067a2013661⋯.png (570.39 KB,765x510,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

kek "Breaking"

Power outage shuts down JFK's Terminal 1, spurring flight delays

An electrical panel failure has left several airlines scrambling to reroute flights

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4a05c1 No.18363882

File: bfdd69e21c9b5d9⋯.png (488.53 KB,530x792,265:396,ClipboardImage.png)


Globohomie Nimarata Randhawa aka "Nikki Haley"? Ya don't say…

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0d3e0c No.18363883


Full of unelected progressives - what could possible go wrong.

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c5a053 No.18363884

File: dcc8432133ad330⋯.jpg (71.34 KB,691x361,691:361,simonA.jpg)


yeah Simon!

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63dab6 No.18363885


This sounds good. Don’t have too much fun without me.

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c3d64c No.18363886

File: e1874dc4fae06d8⋯.png (94.02 KB,344x299,344:299,65a3c41d056ba57fded558f939….png)


he should do pots

it's good for the head

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944b67 No.18363887


Ideally, yes. A cure for busyness. Stay home for some r&r and reset.

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f39328 No.18363888

File: adcd2d10722f5fe⋯.jpeg (634.05 KB,892x4497,892:4497,Web_capture_17_2_2023_858….jpeg)


Idaho lawmakers introduce legislation to criminalize those who administer COVID vaccines

IDAHO, USA — Two Idaho lawmakers have introduced a bill to charge those who administer mRNA vaccines with a misdemeanor.

Sen. Tammy Nichols, R-Middleton, and Rep. Judy Boyle, R-Midvale, sponsored HB 154. It was introduced in the House Health & Welfare Committee on Feb. 15 by Nichols. According to the bill text, "A person may not provide or administer a vaccine developed using messenger ribonucleic acid technology for use in an individual or any other mammal in this state."

That person would then be charged with a misdemeanor.

Nichols said during her presentation to the committee, "We have issues this was fast tracked."

Nichols said there is no liability, informed consent or data on mRNA vaccines. She later clarified she was referring to the two COVID-19 vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna.

"I think there is a lot of information that comes out with concerns to blood clots and heart issues," Nichols said.

Rep. Ilana Rubel, D-Boise, questioned Nichols' statement that the vaccines were fast-tracked. She said her understanding was that the vaccines were approved and survived the testing, later approved by the FDA.

Nichols said she is finding it "may not have been done like we thought it should've been done."

"There are other shots we could utilize that don't have mRNA in it," Nichols said.

MRNA is a molecule that assists in making proteins. The COVID-19 vaccines, which are known as mRNA vaccines, help your body make proteins that mimic the COVID virus to help bodies fight off the infection, according to John Hopkins Medicine.

MRNA was discovered in the early 1960's, John Hopkins states. Some were used to fight the Ebola virus. Researchers are also currently working to use mRNA to prevent other respiratory viruses.

The bill requires a future vote in the committee to pass onto the House floor for debate.

The bill would make administering an mRNA vaccine a COVID vaccine a misdemeanor.

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d0fbd4 No.18363889

Brunson case now in Hearing . Raland is now up .🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

God speed

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e4ce8a No.18363890



It just dawned on me!

Spy Balloons.

Jets shoot down.

Conditioning the population that shooting down balloons with millions of dollars of military equipment is "normal".

Now, add a small meteor or asteroid that provokes a military response; and that a Nuclear War is started by Balloons and Asteroids.

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885108 No.18363891


He'll come back a different dude. Literally.

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b1f280 No.18363892


When you sell your soul and find out the truth, depression is inevitable.

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3e2aed No.18363893



hi baker, these were gathered last night after the shut down, left with admins to post when up again, if you could change these out in your dough would appreciate

also change entry for Nihon int'l thread without messin with the lines



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944b67 No.18363895


I’m the crazy who loves doing this. Put on the coffee and I’ll be there in an hr. Kek

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b1f172 No.18363896


We need a Jew-free medium of exchange.

No spying/tracking/controlling

No dirty tricks

No fees/surcharges

No colluding with the dirty cops to fuck people

But, there isn't anyone capable or trusted enough to create an open-market medium exchange that can withstand the onslaught from those who demand the collective right to restrict individual freedom.

So, were stuck with the Jews and their Babylonian Money Magick systems

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f39328 No.18363897

File: 6b301f08dcac57b⋯.png (10.03 KB,413x161,59:23,gsdgf.PNG)


Leading Report


BREAKING: Tennessee legislators have filed a proposal to prohibit the mRNA vaccine in food products.

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0568e1 No.18363898


My fave is ExTampa police chief

Reason is this …in 1995

We both commited the almost exact crimes

Drunk and hit a cop

She becomes top cop

I get a label and a new number

And life gets very interesting

During job interviews

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21cdc3 No.18363899

File: 091ddc13f00cdad⋯.jpg (173.35 KB,1000x1000,1:1,coup_party_music1.jpg)


"Black Panthers" the ones who weren't muredered by the FBI , were the FBI

the singer who album cover mocked the forthcoming 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers, his dad was lawyer for them

Music group called "COUP"

singer's name "Boots" and he pubicly expressed approval of Obama corruption, saying Black politician should be able to cheat and steal (to paraphrase) as much as the white politicians do.

The crazies idea of equality.

Wait til he finds out Obama Barry is a royal

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63dab6 No.18363900

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ea9756 No.18363901


The idea that employers demand that their employees have to go to the doctor when they are sick, is ludicrous.

First off, when you're sick, you are supposed to stay home, not go to a doctor's office where you will make everyone else sick.

Second, the doctor can't do anything for you anyways.

Employers need to trust that their employees really are sick when they call in sick. And even if they aren't, so what, they get so many sick days and should be able to take them when they want to.

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07c21e No.18363902


she went to Brigham young

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21cdc3 No.18363903


album cover released summer before 9/11

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0d3e0c No.18363904

File: 2d117706d0af5fe⋯.png (585.05 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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cf103a No.18363905

File: 7c5ea3139c06717⋯.png (325.8 KB,1000x541,1000:541,ClipboardImage.png)


so kjp wears and gollywog wig at press conferences.

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07fc85 No.18363906

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cambodia Closes State Department-Funded Propaganda Outlet, Corporate Media Cries About 'Democracy'

Ben Bartee February 16, 2023

Via The Independent:

Cambodia’s prime minister Hun Sen shut down one of the last few independent[emphasis added] media outlets in the country on Sunday with less than six months to go until a general election.

The prime minister ordered the immediate revocation of Voice Of Democracy‘s (VOD) operating licence after the outlet published an article that he claimed intentionally slandered his son.

That sounds awful!

How “independent” is Voice of Democracy?

Via Voice of Democracy’s “about page“:

VOD was created on Jan. 16, 2003 by the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) [emphasis added] as a local independent media outlet to produce radio programs and disseminate information to the public.

VOD is now run by Cambodian Center for Independent Media (CCIM), which was registered with the Interior Ministry in June 2007 to take over the management of VOD.

So the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) runs VOD. Who runs CCHR? Via its “donors” page, financial sponsors include:

U.S. Department of State

British Embassy


Open Society Institute (George Soros’ NGO)

United Nations

To summarize, the Cambodian government shut down an obvious imperialist propaganda machine financed and run by the U.S. Department of State, George Soros’ Open Society Institute, the UN, and USAID — and this is somehow, according to CNN, an attack on an “independent” media outlet.

Obviously, Democracy™ demands that the U.S. government and its globalist partners should be permitted to disseminate whatever noxious ideological smut it pleases to the people of Cambodia with no limitations.



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97b70d No.18363907


can you turn on tag

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07c21e No.18363908


do you think he died of the vax that she says to get not knowing it's deadly? or if CIA assets why make one a sports reporter. anyway RIP

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21cdc3 No.18363909


doesn't pedo joe and his crew claim it was an amateur weather hobbie balloon

he's denying it carried elaborate equipment

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a6af3b No.18363910


He'll come out looking.. 'different'

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184f66 No.18363911

File: 2c501f9c7a71bc7⋯.jpg (27.55 KB,640x640,1:1,devil_takes_all.jpg)

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b53c4b No.18363912

File: b19cce486f9da27⋯.jpg (6.34 KB,250x250,1:1,b19cce486f9da27e5f49894d90….jpg)


>Someone give me some motivation to go clean my basement…

Give me a break! Get your ass down there and do a great job! Make us proud!

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67f55f No.18363913

File: dbb4542650141bc⋯.png (1.08 MB,900x1125,4:5,mississippi_kite.png)

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e27059 No.18363914

File: e145a2cea1e8ff8⋯.png (241.55 KB,500x511,500:511,Ayy_Alien_No_Shit_Kek.png)

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0d3e0c No.18363915


Soros sperm looks like his fuck buddy.

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9c667b No.18363916


link pleae?

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c1990e No.18363917


She's prolly fuggin with his meds.

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97b70d No.18363918

@600 last call

#22510 >>18363207

>>18363232, >>18363320 James Bond villain George Soros says DeSantis will beat Trump for GOP nomination

>>18363237 Hot Potato: China/Germany/Russia looking for excuses to overshadow their own acts of sabotage

>>18363277 A pattern of sabotage and blaming others has emerged among NATO countries

>>18363282, >>18363286, >>18363327 PF

>>18363284, >>18363292, >>18363352 They derailed the East Palestine train directly over a drainage culvert

>>18363287 Fulton County needs to put more pressure on Election Corruption

>>18363297 George Soros endorses DeSantis for 2024

>>18363301 Norfolk Southern [Railroad] Shareholders

>>18363309, >>18363752 Filling Senate Vacancies in PA (Fetterman)

>>18363336 Reminder Brunson vs Adams et al case going to SC conference today

>>18363393, >>18363679, >>18363679, >>18363697 Anons opine DeSantis

>>18363438 Swamp schedule, Feb 17th

>>18363456 Different point-of-view Historical collection

>>18363496 Norfolk Southern says they “Accidentally” (on purpose) asked East Palestine Residents to sign Legal Waivers

>>18363609 The MSC Advisory Council

>>18363628 Nancy Pelosi’s daughter caught on tape refuting J6 Narrative – Admits J6 protests not an Insurrection

>>18363654 Nikki Haley connected to WEF / Klaus Schwab's 'Young Global Leaders'

>>18363688 Norfolk Southern hosting a webcast featuring TPTB on Feb. 22nd. per a filing w/the SEC

>>18363700 (Aug. 17, 2017) NASA sending balloons into the sky filled with bacteria

>>18363777 Idaho House of Representatives passes a Resolution to start talks about Greater Idaho

>>18363778, >>18363794 The First Sequencing of the Bivalent vaccines is now available to the public

>>18363805, >>18363808 Eight leading critics of the US Covid-19 response have called for an investigation

>>18363807 World Government Summit panelist says ‘Shock’ needed for ‘Transformation’ into ‘International Order’

>>18363813 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day, Feb 17 2023: 2023 CX1 Meteor Flash

>>18363816, >>18363819, >>18363823 Fauci confesses that Covid vaccines could never have worked as claimed

>>18363838, >>18363843, >>18363849 Andrew Huff says his "attack list" of US food facilities went missing from his PC and is being implemented

>>18363859 Fulton County's Trump Grand Jury Probe was a waste of Time and Money

>>18363888 Idaho lawmakers introduce legislation to criminalize those who administer COVID vaccines


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e27059 No.18363919

File: e077e40e200bf47⋯.jpg (114.87 KB,720x715,144:143,Elon_Musk_Testify_Back_to_….jpg)

File: 89cb07a23ca2b2a⋯.mp4 (10.8 MB,480x360,4:3,RATM_Testify.mp4)

The movie ran through me

The glamour subdue me

The tabloid untie me

I'm empty, please fill me

Mister Anchor, assure me

That Baghdad is burning

Your voice, it is so soothing

That cunning mantra of killing

I need you, my witness

To dress this up so bloodless

To numb me and purge me now

Of thoughts of blaming you

Yes, the car is our wheelchair

My witness, your coughing

Oily silence mocks the legless

Ones who travel now in coffins

On the corner

The jury's sleepless

We found your weakness

And it's right outside your door

Now testify

Now testify

It's right outside your door

Now testify

Yes, testify

It's right outside your door

With precision you feed me

My witness, I'm hungry

Your temple, it calms me

So I can carry on

My slaving, sweating

The skin right off my bones

On a bed of fire, I'm choking

On the smoke that fills my home

The wrecking ball is rushing

Witness, you're blushing

The pipeline is gushing

While here we lie in tombs

While on the corner

The jury's sleepless

We found your weakness

And it's right outside your door

Now testify

Yeah, testify

It's right outside your door

Now testify

Now testify

Well, it's right outside your door

Mass graves for the pump and the price is set

And the price is set

Mass graves for the pump and the price is set

And the price is set

Mass graves for the pump and the price is set

And the price is set

Mass graves for the pump and the price is set

And the price is set

Who controls the past now controls the future

Who controls the present now controls the past

Who controls the past now controls the future

Who controls the present now?

Now testify


It's right outside your door

Now testify


It's right outside your door

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f8773c No.18363920



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0d3e0c No.18363921


Suicide weekend.

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3e2aed No.18363922

File: 4ad4e94898720dc⋯.jpg (14.44 KB,195x255,13:17,4ad4e94898720dcc8fb97757e3….jpg)


here ya go


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237340 No.18363923



Give up on everything.

Start complaining to God.

Give your soul to satan.

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21cdc3 No.18363924


didn't they f-up Cambodia enough already?

is that where they get "kids" from or something?

Like Burma?

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0d3e0c No.18363925


Red scarf suicide?

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07fc85 No.18363927

File: d55907d99633bf3⋯.jpeg (105.72 KB,768x432,16:9,D79A1672_D1EB_4E40_96C0_1….jpeg)

17 Feb, 2023 13:59

EU member approves giving drunk drivers’ cars to Ukraine

Latvian MPs authorized the cabinet to hand over confiscated vehicles to Kiev

The Latvian parliament has allowed the government to donate vehicles seized from Latvian citizens to Ukraine. The new power will be applied by ministers to cars confiscated for traffic violations, such as driving under the influence of alcohol.

The legal change, an amendment approved in a landslide vote on Thursday, was promoted by lawmaker Raimonds Bergmanis, chairman of parliament’s Defense, Internal Affairs and Corruption Prevention Commission.

“Currently, we can utilize vehicles confiscated from drunk drivers by selling them, scrapping them or disassembling them for spare parts,”he explained, according to the parliamentary website. “But we see that in the current conditions they would be a useful support for the people of Ukraine.”

MPs gave the Latvian cabinet the right to decide on a case-by-case basis, whether a state-impounded car should be donated.

READ MORE: The Kiev Purge: What has spurred a wave of resignations among senior Ukrainian officials?

The law authorizing the seizure of cars from drunk drivers entered into force in December, and was used against 215 people in the first month, according to local media.

The Latvian agency responsible for handling state property said at the time that it may need extra funding to provide additional storage space for confiscated vehicles.

The Latvian Justice Ministry predicted that around 2,500 cases would be prosecuted annually under the new law. It allows a driver to buy back their car at full cost, before a certain deadline.


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e27059 No.18363928

File: 9849399261162b5⋯.jpg (41.52 KB,1451x688,1451:688,Wake_Up_Anon.jpg)

File: 9409c822b693c09⋯.png (555.02 KB,979x979,1:1,Red_Pill_Forced_Awakening_….png)

File: deb3ccf78e856d5⋯.jpg (172.36 KB,719x510,719:510,RATM_Sleep_Now_In_The_Fire….jpg)

File: dcf81dcc26061f5⋯.jpg (172.56 KB,718x533,718:533,RATM_Sleep_Now_In_The_Fire….jpg)

File: 4861a67e6384bef⋯.mp4 (14.06 MB,1280x532,320:133,RATM_Wake_Up_The_Matrix_En….mp4)

Wake Up Anons….

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61301a No.18363929

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,popcorn2.gif)

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0341a6 No.18363930


The fact this even needs to have a law, holy shit these people are evil.

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0d3e0c No.18363931

These criminals must be made to grow their public hair, weave it into a rope and then hung with it.

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c0b532 No.18363933

amtrak PA

"If you havent already BRUSH YOUR TEETH!"

To polite to add you illegal Soros border hoppers.

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07c21e No.18363934

who won the superbowl? if it was the eagles may Q predicted that

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0568e1 No.18363936


Golden triangle

CIA stronghold on heroin and opium trade

For a long long time

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7a0f07 No.18363937


Kansas City won.

Trust Kansas.

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e27059 No.18363938

File: 954364754971b9d⋯.jpg (116.7 KB,700x700,1:1,Brotherly_Love_Patrick_Mah….jpg)

File: 70c5c5efb258828⋯.jpg (82.7 KB,628x463,628:463,Fly_Eagles_Fly_Crying_Coac….jpg)

File: c08e6adb0fd4485⋯.jpg (75.41 KB,627x464,627:464,GOD_WINS_CHIEFS_PATRICK_MA….jpg)

File: b7a7cb3f734e023⋯.jpg (85 KB,700x508,175:127,Burn_in_Hell_Deep_State_Tw….jpg)

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0341a6 No.18363939

File: 87d7997c3190dee⋯.png (193.4 KB,710x512,355:256,87d7997c3190dee76e65d4eebc….png)


It's the projecting 'hooknosed mongrel' shill, trying to hide his own evil activity by using jews as human shields.

Hooknosed hooknosed hooknosed.

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774f59 No.18363940

File: d0bd4fcc1f786b7⋯.jpg (24.16 KB,474x355,474:355,th_1515136678.jpg)


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a98ecb No.18363941


ty, ghost baker


ty, new baker

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7385f8 No.18363943

>replying to THE RABBIT HOLE 84

obvious pointer is pointing


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61301a No.18363945

File: a38d5858f554a83⋯.png (148.06 KB,600x440,15:11,c40dd7d130118a218698f3a652….png)

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944b67 No.18363947


Hey, watching. T y!

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cdbebc No.18363949

The World is waking up to the TRUTH.

Expect 'attacks' to dramatically intensify across all platforms.

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e698ff No.18363950


what's the QRD on how they would put mRNA vax in food?

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97b70d No.18363951



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f3b1fe No.18363952


or a "c"

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0568e1 No.18363953

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

500 error funk

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944b67 No.18363954


Yesterday I was able to tell 3 new people about my experience with ivermectin and shared truth about nutritional help thru herbs and foraging. 👍

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213789 No.18363955



board already infiltrat'd

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0341a6 No.18363956

File: 11ed25c064db556⋯.png (218.18 KB,746x425,746:425,ProjectMuch.png)


Anon was not 'suggesting' violence be initiated against any other Anon. It's just a meme of a neonazi getting bitchslapped, we don't know the full story there.

The hooknosed mongrel shill on the other hand positively advocates violence.

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ae48e3 No.18363957

File: a9a2b7a154f357f⋯.png (343.89 KB,1756x828,439:207,ClipboardImage.png)

NOT NS's first rodeo. Guessing that's why indemnity waivers came before water testing.

The 2005 railroad chlorine spill in Graniteville, South Carolina, killed “only” nine people, but it illustrated the difficulties of achieving adequate capacity to handle no-notice evacuation for hazardous materials incidents. This research uses Graniteville as a case study to highlight needs for building capacity in evacuation capabilities and transportation recovery.


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3e2aed No.18363958

File: 4d4a994a9138b35⋯.jpeg (609.65 KB,1344x738,224:123,4d4a994a9138b35f64c7b7019….jpeg)


your post count is goncerning

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b1f172 No.18363959

US Constitution

Amendment V

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Amendment XIV

Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

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5655ae No.18363960


Interesting. Very interesting.

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e4ce8a No.18363961


It cost less than 20 bucks.

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cf103a No.18363962

File: d149641e9199fc8⋯.png (606.2 KB,952x500,238:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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774f59 No.18363963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trump political instruction series-

What liars look and sound like when called out

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61301a No.18363964

File: 34a63766a259254⋯.jpg (173.28 KB,1080x1350,4:5,white_scar_primaris2.jpg)


Awww... a picture of someone getting punched. Must mean they want to get violent with you, right? Retard. And then attack the BV with a snarky comment too, right? Behave like a division shill and you get treated like one, and of course you would have to whine about the repercussions to your behavior. You're not just a faggot, but a gaylord as well.

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0d3e0c No.18363966

File: 0a3df0ab2bd346e⋯.png (437.07 KB,584x427,584:427,ClipboardImage.png)

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3e2aed No.18363967

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0568e1 No.18363969

File: 120d0eb9057a9d6⋯.png (461.17 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_01_27_21_31_2….png)

File: 4228ec64dab1d4a⋯.png (138.64 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_01_19_15_38_1….png)

File: 8417f1e1bfbd26f⋯.png (205.67 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_01_11_12_47_1….png)


Not so sure bout Kansas

Got bad shit there

Really bad shit there

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f39328 No.18363970

File: 15f0201456d7393⋯.jpeg (929.63 KB,3200x3200,1:1,ODB.jpeg)



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cbc567 No.18363971

File: b42f1ddccb625bf⋯.jpg (40.31 KB,510x489,170:163,gould_smokin.jpg)

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fbfe3d No.18363973

File: b9b2694cccae3f7⋯.png (642.89 KB,1005x668,1005:668,q4024_you_are_watching_a_m….png)

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07fc85 No.18363974


The fuck up everything and everywhere. The State Dept is the NWO DS. Remember when Trump tried to cut programs and or money VOC and the media flipped their lids as usual, “We Are Exporting Democracy Around The World”!

None of the countries invited them in.

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5b868a No.18363975


The FDA is supposed to be blocking adulterants being injected into the food supply. The FDA was created by the PURE FOOD and Drug Act of 1906. Define pure.

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97b70d No.18363976

@650 last call & check

#22510 >>18363207

>>18363232, >>18363320 James Bond villain George Soros says DeSantis will beat Trump for GOP nomination

>>18363237 Hot Potato: China/Germany/Russia looking for excuses to overshadow their own acts of sabotage

>>18363277 A pattern of sabotage and blaming others has emerged among NATO countries

>>18363282, >>18363286, >>18363327 PF

>>18363284, >>18363292, >>18363352 They derailed the East Palestine train directly over a drainage culvert

>>18363287 Fulton County needs to put more pressure on Election Corruption

>>18363297 George Soros endorses DeSantis for 2024

>>18363301 Norfolk Southern [Railroad] Shareholders

>>18363309, >>18363752 Filling Senate Vacancies in PA (Fetterman)

>>18363336 Reminder Brunson vs Adams et al case going to SC conference today

>>18363393, >>18363679,, >>18363413, >>18363697 Anons opine DeSantis

>>18363438 Swamp schedule, Feb 17th

>>18363456 Different point-of-view Historical collection

>>18363496 Norfolk Southern says they “Accidentally” (on purpose) asked East Palestine Residents to sign Legal Waivers

>>18363609 The MSC Advisory Council

>>18363628 Nancy Pelosi’s daughter caught on tape refuting J6 Narrative – Admits J6 protests not an Insurrection

>>18363654 Nikki Haley connected to WEF / Klaus Schwab's 'Young Global Leaders'

>>18363688 Norfolk Southern to host a webcast featuring TPTB on Feb. 22nd per a filing w/ the SEC

>>18363700 (Aug. 17, 2017) NASA sending balloons into the sky filled with bacteria

>>18363777 Idaho House of Representatives passes a Resolution to start talks about Greater Idaho

>>18363778, >>18363794 The First Sequencing of the Bivalent vaccines is now available to the public

>>18363805, >>18363808 Eight leading critics of the US Covid-19 response have called for an investigation

>>18363807 World Government Summit panelist says ‘Shock’ needed for ‘Transformation’ into ‘International Order’

>>18363813 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day, Feb 17 2023: 2023 CX1 Meteor Flash

>>18363816, >>18363819, >>18363823 Fauci confesses that Covid vaccines could never have worked as claimed

>>18363838, >>18363843, >>18363849 Andrew Huff says his "attack list" of US food facilities went missing from his PC and is being implemented

>>18363859 Fulton County's Trump Grand Jury Probe was a waste of Time and Money

>>18363888 Idaho lawmakers introduce legislation to criminalize those who administer COVID vaccines

>>18363897 Tennessee legislators have filed a proposal to prohibit the mRNA vaccine in food products

>>18363957 Norfolk Southern had a 2005 railroad chlorine spill in Graniteville, South Carolina


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6c9d0c No.18363977

File: 02ef77667909e9e⋯.png (1.6 MB,1080x1350,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

tick tock

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0341a6 No.18363978

File: efdf2b851abeea2⋯.png (280.86 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


That 'new' old muhjoo meme pattern is cringe.

Cringe cringe cringe.

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ddee0a No.18363979

File: 26d8d97b247aaed⋯.png (410 B,91x128,91:128,ClipboardImage.png)

you are all dumb shits here

i work for open society

and you have no idea the plans we have

you only think you do

we own you

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237340 No.18363980


Diamonds are build under the highest pressure, and highest heat, and never broke, after.

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5ac1e9 No.18363981

File: fc8b325253ae389⋯.png (126.92 KB,413x442,413:442,ClipboardImage.png)


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46131f No.18363982

File: 6104c136c4bce57⋯.png (79.5 KB,229x220,229:220,ClipboardImage.png)

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61301a No.18363984

File: 8993957244bcc0b⋯.jpeg (128.54 KB,1202x799,1202:799,QIz93RtYtXV1.jpeg)


Pictures of your bans when there is an entire bread of your division fuckery is supposed to prove what, exactly, other than you're a fucking idiot.

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c5a053 No.18363985

File: d4c05c5e15c0cfe⋯.gif (4.21 MB,444x250,222:125,paperplease44.gif)


always liked this one

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3e2aed No.18363986


bet yo ass

you take yo sheitz to JQ where they wlll suck yo dick

not here

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b1f172 No.18363987


"Pure as defined by ze German Purity Laws of 1516, wherein ze Holy Roman Emperor makes ze Rules, and ze Pissants drink ze Beer unt shut the fuck up."

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184f66 No.18363989

File: 09d02af8399f9cc⋯.jpg (365.07 KB,1544x824,193:103,ethics_of_clinical_researc….jpg)

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60034f No.18363990

File: deb22c54cef86fa⋯.jpg (116.55 KB,600x600,1:1,tyb.jpg)




Sorry I did not link to the new Baker. Thank you for your support.

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61301a No.18363991

File: 032951cd223726e⋯.png (432.98 KB,556x720,139:180,032951cd223726eacb1aa91d27….png)


And? Do you think he is sympathetic towards your bans for division shilling?

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5b868a No.18363992


inb4 muhjoo

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c5a053 No.18363993

File: a331fd04d3b0c1c⋯.jpg (44.58 KB,511x500,511:500,eggzzzz.jpg)

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ffe161 No.18363994

File: 5714fea2012da1a⋯.jpg (18.13 KB,250x247,250:247,676c8315577751a75b622679e1….jpg)


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b1c582 No.18363996


She does hate that dude!

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f8773c No.18363997

File: 2b77ca192bbb67b⋯.jpg (1.34 MB,1536x1906,768:953,funkin_comfy.jpg)

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ba24dc No.18363998

File: 4c1afa9f251fc7f⋯.png (462.46 KB,678x1362,113:227,ClipboardImage.png)

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4ef7c5 No.18364000


But everything Q said suggests they got the option to flip. Would be hard to wake up the world if every single one needed to be replaced. So WERE they traitors? Probably. Are they now?

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1ea647 No.18364001

File: ac3fd905cbe0baf⋯.jpeg (108.02 KB,960x720,4:3,ac3fd905cbe0baf0811af5e73….jpeg)


You're pitiful!

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61301a No.18364002

File: 2946a4c2f33786e⋯.jpeg (418.04 KB,750x847,750:847,2946a4c2f33786ee2ceee98ce….jpeg)

Is the smoking pepe physically in the room with them right now? TOP FUCKING KEK!

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3e2aed No.18364003


was muh bad

you tagged to dough

you guud

just didn't see it

report was rather long this am


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6c9d0c No.18364005


>Soooo…. you have taken the jab yes?

no because your mom can't get pregnant anymore.

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5b868a No.18364006



>human subjects research

Does "she" know that "her" husband tortures beagle puppies?

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3cfcd3 No.18364007

if joo is muh joo who is joo then ergo muh joo

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86253f No.18364008

File: 67cda4a6115c4d5⋯.png (688.77 KB,736x918,368:459,67cda4a6115c4d5873f190ad53….png)

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97b70d No.18364009


you awnt next bake?

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774f59 No.18364010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Analysis of Hunter Biden's hard drive shows he, his firm took in about $11 million from 2013 to 2018, spent it fast

The hard drive and documents from Senate Republicans indicate few of Biden’s deals ever came to fruition and shed light on how fast he was spending his money.

May 19, 2022, 1:29 AM PDT

By Tom Winter, Sarah Fitzpatrick, Chloe Atkins and Laura Strickler

From 2013 through 2018 Hunter Biden and his company brought in about $11 million via his roles as an attorney and a board member with a Ukrainian firm accused of bribery and his work with a Chinese businessman now accused of fraud, according to an NBC News analysis of a copy of Biden’s hard drive and iCloud account and documents released by Republicans on two Senate committees.


Joe Biden's Son Hunter Biden Discharged From Navy After Positive Cocaine Test

Ex-reservist "embarrassed that my actions led to my administrative discharge."


October 16, 2014, 5:00 PM

– Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden was discharged from the Navy in February after testing positive for cocaine, a person familiar with the case confirmed to ABC News.

The person said Biden had failed a urinalysis test administered in June 2013 before he was discharged from the Navy.

“It was the honor of my life to serve in the U.S .Navy, and I deeply regret and am embarrassed that my actions led to my administrative discharge,” Hunter Biden said in a statement distributed through his lawyer. “I respect the Navy's decision. With the love and support of my family, I'm moving forward.”


Hunter Biden was paid millions by Chinese state-linked energy firm, Washington Post report finds

Grayson Quay, Weekend editor

March 30, 2022·


Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired

1.7M views · 3 years ago

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c5a053 No.18364012

File: 8a1628f93320f1b⋯.jpg (236.6 KB,1005x671,1005:671,8a1628f93320f1b97da29637e5….jpg)

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6c9d0c No.18364013

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>girlie pushups

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3e2aed No.18364014


if you need to bounce imma always bu baker

not here to take bakes, just keep things rollin

new mattress did the trick

sleep is guud, very very guud

lemme know

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f8773c No.18364015

File: dfd046258b5db39⋯.jpg (194.56 KB,1242x1854,69:103,stand_npc_ukraine.jpg)

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cbc567 No.18364016

File: fb8fa4856625214⋯.jpg (44.99 KB,510x489,170:163,Jr_cigar7bcmfd.jpg)

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d9486e No.18364017


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ba62ce No.18364018

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fbfe3d No.18364019

File: 973ea403c591a2a⋯.png (937.35 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Patriots_in_Control_Alpha.png)

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97b70d No.18364020


k i can do another np

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20af77 No.18364021

File: b84875227c6db53⋯.jpg (273.13 KB,720x818,360:409,Screenshot_20221118_215814….jpg)

>There's a psychological war in which the majority of one side doesn't even know they're at war ridicule those that do as conspiracy theorist while being blindly obedient to the enemy

Agreed, but

*ridicule those who

Grammar kitty says "Good Morning."

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fbfe3d No.18364022

File: 53e5b7ad315398e⋯.mp4 (3.42 MB,640x496,40:31,CCP_Power_Grid_control.mp4)

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97b70d No.18364023

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0568e1 No.18364025

File: 5e4db60dd81106d⋯.png (217.92 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_02_07_12_08_2….png)

File: 74b23d31d70beb1⋯.png (142.17 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_02_14_18_05_2….png)

File: f9e2612b20bf940⋯.png (526.38 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_02_05_16_43_5….png)


Let's see who will look at this

Our fine leaders own these too

If Blackrock / Vanguard. Did not buy it up

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f8773c No.18364027

File: 71e55d5f4214a67⋯.png (438.03 KB,485x877,485:877,God_Wins_Canada_Flag.png)

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4ef7c5 No.18364028


Pure poison

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944b67 No.18364029


Just another reason to shun this stuff and buy local.

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184f66 No.18364030


I was implying that you were the subhuman over breeder….. but comprehension isn't your thing.


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97b70d No.18364031


#22510 >>18363207

>>18363232, >>18363320 James Bond villain George Soros says DeSantis will beat Trump for GOP nomination

>>18363237 Hot Potato: China/Germany/Russia looking for excuses to overshadow their own acts of sabotage

>>18363277 A pattern of sabotage and blaming others has emerged among NATO countries

>>18363282, >>18363286, >>18363327 PF

>>18363284, >>18363292, >>18363352 They derailed the East Palestine train directly over a drainage culvert

>>18363287 Fulton County needs to put more pressure on Election Corruption

>>18363297 George Soros endorses DeSantis for 2024

>>18363301 Norfolk Southern [Railroad] Shareholders

>>18363309, >>18363752 Filling Senate Vacancies in PA (Fetterman)

>>18363336 Reminder Brunson vs Adams et al case going to SC conference today

>>18363393, >>18363679, >>18363413, >>18363697 Anons opine DeSantis

>>18363438 Swamp schedule, Feb 17th

>>18363456 Different point-of-view Historical collection

>>18363496 Norfolk Southern says they “Accidentally” (on purpose) asked East Palestine Residents to sign Legal Waivers

>>18363609 The MSC Advisory Council

>>18363628 Nancy Pelosi’s daughter caught on tape refuting J6 Narrative – Admits J6 protests not an Insurrection

>>18363654 Nikki Haley connected to WEF / Klaus Schwab's 'Young Global Leaders'

>>18363688 Norfolk Southern to host a webcast featuring TPTB on Feb. 22nd per a filing w/ the SEC

>>18363700 (Aug. 17, 2017) NASA sending balloons into the sky filled with bacteria

>>18363777 Idaho House of Representatives passes a Resolution to start talks about Greater Idaho

>>18363778, >>18363794 The First Sequencing of the Bivalent vaccines is now available to the public

>>18363805, >>18363808 Eight leading critics of the US Covid-19 response have called for an investigation

>>18363807 World Government Summit panelist says ‘Shock’ needed for ‘Transformation’ into ‘International Order’

>>18363813 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day, Feb 17 2023: 2023 CX1 Meteor Flash

>>18363816, >>18363819, >>18363823 Fauci confesses that Covid vaccines could never have worked as claimed

>>18363838, >>18363843, >>18363849 Andrew Huff says his "attack list" of US food facilities went missing from his PC and is being implemented

>>18363859 Fulton County's Trump Grand Jury Probe was a waste of Time and Money

>>18363888 Idaho lawmakers introduce legislation to criminalize those who administer COVID vaccines

>>18363897 Tennessee legislators have filed a proposal to prohibit the mRNA vaccine in food products

>>18363957 Norfolk Southern had a 2005 railroad chlorine spill in Graniteville, South Carolina


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864051 No.18364033

File: 7e4e02d1b2a4041⋯.png (1.99 MB,1234x1238,617:619,pepeporsche.png)

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5b868a No.18364034


Biden admitted on camera in his first week that he didn't know what he was signing. Who is writing the Executive Orders?

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c30847 No.18364035


Grammar is dangerous to our democracy.

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4ef7c5 No.18364036


It's like everything started 1900ish, they started banning weapons and creating shit like the AMA FDA etc.

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f8773c No.18364037

File: 5683787fdc8b1b8⋯.jpg (137.98 KB,624x858,8:11,canadians_tired.jpg)

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3e2aed No.18364038


have at it then

will ride 6


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184f66 No.18364039

File: 054f7732c0346cb⋯.jpg (216.95 KB,1024x601,1024:601,fauci_loves_hurting_animal….jpg)


Probably holds them down.

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4320e4 No.18364040

File: b19cce486f9da27⋯.jpg (6.34 KB,250x250,1:1,b19cce486f9da27e5f49894d90….jpg)

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0568e1 No.18364041


They killed local. No feed mills any more

Look at what they own

It's damn near everything on the bread isle

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61301a No.18364042

File: 0d7e24b890ed433⋯.png (123.24 KB,393x341,393:341,0d7e24b890ed43309c76d1ea26….png)

It all stems down to the spam they went with last summer that resulted in Proto being implemented. Dumb bastards got personal with me. Now all they do is whine and seethe and try to take down some cartoon pixels in an attempt to hurt me. Did they think I had an emotional attraction to that Pepe because I said it was my favorite? And that they could deal a psychological blow to my psyche by "taking it down" with vitriolic parody? Yeah, you'll have to do better than that. Subtle bait is the best bait.

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c5a053 No.18364046

File: e77ccbe58162ed9⋯.jpg (181.36 KB,2048x1419,2048:1419,oocyteClawedFrog.jpg)

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27ab6e No.18364048

File: 9759b02380982d1⋯.jpg (65.99 KB,512x540,128:135,3359b7090c01546c.jpg)

That made for a quite night.

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0ff31a No.18364050

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f8773c No.18364051

File: a335552a025a24a⋯.jpg (268.27 KB,2037x2415,97:115,canada_pepe_please_leave_m….jpg)

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3cfcd3 No.18364053

post the word Jew you get jannied

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b1f172 No.18364054

File: cd83bfa04b06e51⋯.jpg (102.53 KB,543x679,543:679,FpLbDiGXwAMZAlu.jpg)

I wonder which private club is more powerful?

A. The American Bar Association that secretly runs our courts

B. The Judeo-Masonic conspiracy that secretly controls the State/Federal Bureaucracy

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45a2da No.18364056





just no

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1781bb No.18364057

File: 5bef8ec7e3acccb⋯.png (17.34 KB,554x175,554:175,Screen_Shot_02_17_23_at_10….PNG)

Donald Trump Jr.


Maybe if the people of East Palestine Ohio pretend they’re Palestinians from the Middle East the Biden administration will actually pay some attention to them and send them aid.

8:21 AM · Feb 17, 2023


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e4ce8a No.18364058

File: 58436a27f254a60⋯.png (1.74 MB,664x4620,166:1155,RupuzelPubes.png)

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97b70d No.18364059

File: 1e3a4401f1819ad⋯.png (347.02 KB,1000x1124,250:281,ClipboardImage.png)







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45a2da No.18364061


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69ed1d No.18364062

File: 43d22690b1f4802⋯.png (297.33 KB,444x444,1:1,ClintonUnholy.PNG)

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f8773c No.18364063

File: d7897d24076f399⋯.jpg (61.74 KB,549x680,549:680,same_script.jpg)

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1781bb No.18364065


You may be right because you got an "interesting" reply!


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61301a No.18364066

File: b5c961fc13e62e3⋯.png (144.47 KB,331x320,331:320,smokingpepe8.png)


Is your futility starting to sink in? Don't answer. Just keep up appearances.

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ac0a34 No.18364067

File: 6bb63a5c4015d99⋯.jpeg (42.23 KB,326x492,163:246,B65FE2F7_D43E_4F5F_81CD_C….jpeg)

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f39328 No.18364068

File: 5a07507b4bc5fb9⋯.png (23.84 KB,175x175,1:1,US_Department_of_Health_an….png)

File: 9ae976b09dfa9d0⋯.png (31.47 KB,680x435,136:87,gtr.PNG)

File: d7876362c65231d⋯.png (164.24 KB,715x586,715:586,vfcds.PNG)


The FDA dictates the maximum allowable adulterants and toxins in the food and drug supply. It does not attempt to block them entirely, but merely to deem products 'fit for human consumption'. And if paid enough, everything passes. See Johnson & Johnson Talcum powder, Merck's Vioxx, etc etc.

Re: pharmakeia, the FDA, NIH, and CDC are parallel, subordinate agencies to the United States Department of Health and Human Services. thus why they always support/approve each other in 'lockstep'

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184f66 No.18364069

File: d2ebd4110ca9945⋯.jpg (120.99 KB,1021x546,1021:546,BAFFOON_NOT_BALLOON.jpg)

File: ba78539094da8e0⋯.jpg (329.15 KB,1600x985,320:197,SLOW_CLAP_FOR_THE_RETARDS.jpg)

File: 47b6f21e4f51acf⋯.jpg (135.66 KB,894x599,894:599,10_FOR_EVERYTHING.jpg)

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7f444b No.18364070


it's been here already for a long time

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f8773c No.18364072

File: e6497a55fbee880⋯.png (137.04 KB,500x565,100:113,doc_holiday_2a.png)

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e06257 No.18364073


>if joo is muh joo who is joo then ergo muh joo

"Let God be true, but every man a liar."

I will do the assignment with pleasure.


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ddee0a No.18364074

you are all dumb shits here

i work for open society

and you have no idea the plans we have

you only think you do

we own you

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774f59 No.18364076

they will lie lie lie and again the will do worse

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f8773c No.18364077

File: 28937ffdf58b2c1⋯.jpg (16.83 KB,255x245,51:49,Schwab_philtrum.jpg)

fill trum

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ba24dc No.18364079

File: 2d08413913dcfeb⋯.png (207.36 KB,956x596,239:149,ClipboardImage.png)

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c5a053 No.18364080

File: 6a032fa87ee6318⋯.jpg (14.36 KB,450x402,75:67,flyingcamel.jpg)

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b1f172 No.18364081

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

UNDER THE RADAR: Charlotte police yank radar and lidar units amid QCN investigation

UNDER THE RADAR: Just 14 days after we filed an open records request for years of City of Charlotte Government radar certification records, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department yanks 170 radar and lidar units from service.

Our investigation found the city didn't follow NC law in how the city certified speed device testing/calibration – since 2008.

Now, the district attorney and the Mecklenburg County justice system is working to figure out the magnitude of what we uncovered here with the help of a whistleblower.




The City of Charlotte has been breaking the law for 15 years while extorting the people who get caught in their illicit schemes.

Government is evil, even if "necessary".

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61301a No.18364082


>and you have no idea the plans we have

Too bad all your plans can't stop what is coming.

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930e1d No.18364083

TheY cannot escape.

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f8773c No.18364084

File: a0babc7ad8d8749⋯.jpg (468.43 KB,725x1000,29:40,Phil.Jpg)

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20af77 No.18364086


>they all scum

Nobody rose to a high position without playing the game, that includes Trump.

Anon is not saying that Trump is one of [them], but he could have been and he is now one of those who

>all will do as told

Or, Trump could be involved from the very beginning and groomed for this role.

Or, Trump could be the antiChrist.

Or, Trump could be a myriad of other things.

The fact is: none of us know, except a very few, and we are all just along for the ride.

If Trump is the one representing the sane, conservative, "choose life" platform, then anon will certainly vote for, and support, him.

That said, it is foolish to blindly follow any human being without questioning.

(No offense, Mr. President, sir)

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45a2da No.18364089

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ea9756 No.18364093


God Wins.

Read the Bible.

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1781bb No.18364098

File: c279bbf67e3e69d⋯.png (46.42 KB,601x352,601:352,Screen_Shot_02_17_23_at_10….PNG)

"cuaght" vs "caught"

Kash Patel


Heres the beginning of the problem: Trump stopped construction of Nordstream pipeline. Biden green lit its completion, and now we supposed to believe Biden blew it up. Fake news mafia wants us to believe Biden admits he was wrong n then he sent in our B team to blow it up n got cuaght doing so #FWK . Epic Failure in national security

Kash Patel




nordstream huh???

Feb 17, 2023, 9:58 AM


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f39328 No.18364099

File: 6139c6dd3e51494⋯.jpg (136.13 KB,1175x1170,235:234,w4ejba1nxky41.jpg)

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f39328 No.18364100







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e06257 No.18364102


>you are all dumb shits here

>i work for open society

>and you have no idea the plans we have

>you only think you do

>we own you

4-6%, Keckistan calling!

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206f2e No.18364104


Moves and countermoves.

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7a0f07 No.18364107

File: 371473e3a295223⋯.gif (268.51 KB,400x502,200:251,371473e3a2952235903481267e….gif)

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f39328 No.18364113



?donde estan?

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ea9756 No.18364114

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45a2da No.18364115

File: 41c1d9d0a07c289⋯.jpg (54.54 KB,510x488,255:244,20230217_084459.jpg)


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86253f No.18364118

File: 26d9b213a43bca2⋯.jpg (11.43 KB,294x171,98:57,26d9b213a43bca2519b8535586….jpg)

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e4ce8a No.18440091

File: 99403b430508d6d⋯.png (1.16 MB,1200x600,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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fc7e2f No.18440094


You all tarded idiots and easily folled by caps red tx lover of a whore that left him.

so how the fuck you;ll ever recover, from other brian washed things?!

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fc7e2f No.18440103

I do not even know what time line I am………

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c8b3a8 No.18440108

shall [we]

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fc7e2f No.18440113


this mf ers like to play w/ my brians

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c8b3a8 No.18440114


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fc7e2f No.18440118


yes, like fucking right no, see what will happen.

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c8b3a8 No.18440119


there is

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fc7e2f No.18440120



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c8b3a8 No.18440126


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fc7e2f No.18440128


I will pee all over you.

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c8b3a8 No.18440131

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7ef681 No.18440132

File: 428bd71bd0ffb72⋯.png (804.06 KB,1242x682,621:341,pedobeer.png)

File: deadef049371e05⋯.png (113.01 KB,601x531,601:531,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7cce2f8d135df46⋯.png (90.49 KB,300x200,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7010a2b4d1a557⋯.png (1.08 MB,944x1002,472:501,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cfa421c569da4a3⋯.png (2.67 MB,4001x1880,4001:1880,elonghis.png)

'grabbing a pedobear/child rapist'

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fc7e2f No.18440134


i'll put satan goat style and fuck him .

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573928 No.18440135


back in the cell kelly

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b6ad8b No.18440136

File: 3c753c70a838a22⋯.jpg (53.68 KB,387x389,387:389,Screen_Shot_2023_03_03_at_….jpg)

Clowns tryin to bury #22608: Friday In The Wilds Of Kekistan Edition?!?

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fc7e2f No.18440137


there is no cell that can keep me away

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fc7e2f No.18440141



i fuck the worden in the mouth, and wife loves it.

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573928 No.18440147


He is the only one Playing

it is a stupid thing to say.

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