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File: 13914b05d72e381⋯.png (344.78 KB, 993x564, 331:188, 2022_03_10_14_15_23.png)

a854fe  No.18142129 [Last 50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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a854fe  No.18142130

International Q Research Threads

>>18046055 ————————————–——–————————————–——– Australia #27

>>18070678 ————————————–——–————————————–——– Canada #39

>>16694358 ————————————–——–————————————–——– France #7

>>17595232 ————————————–——–————————————–——– Germany #104

>>18052454 ————————————–——–————————————–——– Japan #10

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>>17631245 ————————————–——–————————————–——– Vatican Research #6


Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>17241201

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information Nov 2022: >>18142037

>>18110436, >>18110442 Why are the latest Q post not active? ( BO >>18111034, >>18111084 ) new

Bakers: how to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444 baking range: @75 up to 751

AFTER 2 breads, or ONE bread lasting more than FOUR HOURS - pls offer bread to other bakers >>18061508, >>18067193 new

No RRN in notables w/o additional sauce >>17980519



>>18141525, >>18141597 Lisa Marie Presley was killed by SECOND cardiac arrest while brain dead

>>18141531 Iran EXECUTES British man with dual-citizenship three years after jailing him over claims he was an MI6 spy

>>18141545, >>18141547, >>18141551 DJT Truth RE documents at MarALago: another phony takedown

>>18141588, >>18141837 DT reTruthed This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected

>>18141611 Anti-Trump AZ Democrat Zoom call went viral after a scantily clad man interrupted his Zoom

>>18141102 pb, >>18141122 pb, >>18141465 pb, >>18141305 pb Is Leftwing Journalist John Nichols the Infamous January 6 “Scaffold Commander”? ANONS DIG

>>18141651, >>18142017 Vought with Gaetz explains the Holman rule - very instructive

>>18141672 From ArchiveAnon: Update on Q Encyclopedia links

>>18141740 Wings Over Dallas Midair Collision Airboss Audio RELEASED!

>>18141760 Two Michigan EMS workers are charged with murder after patient, 35, died when they strapped him FACE-DOWN on stretcher

>>18141805, >>18141762 CALL FOR A DIG ON VOC'S

>>18141814 NY Magazine Tries To “Fact Check” Project Veritas But Prove They Are The Ones Struggling With Facts

>>18141851 Top scientist says globalist ‘net zero’ emissions agenda will destroy modern civilization

>>18141866 King Charles Vows To Abolish the Church of England

>>18141935, >>18141939 Why is Sesame Street on Bidens Advisory Council?

>>18141937 Lithuanian gas pipeline hit by large explosion

>>18141968 Trust in MSM dramatically down

>>18141971, >>18141962, >>18141974, >>18141997 The Rittenhouse Verdict is Only Shocking if You Followed the Last Year of Terrible Reporting

>>18141999 UK press using flap about Bridgen to say that MP was "groomed by gangs of anti-vaxxers"

>>18142013 Ck the earlobes to see whether you are watching Biden 1 or 2

>>18142014 Sheila Jackson Lee's "anti-hate speech" bill

>>18142117 Kayleigh McEnany: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to @Scavino45

>>18142126 #22242

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a854fe  No.18142131


>>18140765, >>18140829, >>18140916, >>18140921 C/2022 E3 [GREEN COMET] was discovered last March within the orbit of Jupiter

>>18140781 1-12-2023 Twitter Files 14 archived

>>18140758 PF Spar980 Lear headed due west out of JBA

>>18140782 Nunes: ‘No coincidence’ Garland appointed Russia Hoaxer as Biden Special Counsel

>>18140818 Nunes:GOP must probe Biden Special Counsel for Russia Hoax tie

>>18140822 Miami Heat home arena gets temporary name after FTX collapse

>>18140826 18-Year-Old Rugby League ‘Star of the Future’ Dies Suddenly

>>18140862 This week on Full Measure: Are there really Nazis in Ukraine?

>>18140890 The NWO robbery, Rothschild takeover of Ukraine, Kolomoisky and his Privat Bank

>>18140895 FBI raids Manhattan building used as secret Chinese POLICE STATION by illegal 'cops' to solve crimes: Premises are linked to charity run by Eric Adams donor

>>18140938 British Cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra Tells BBC 30,000 Excess Deaths This Year Most Likely Linked to mRNA Vaccines (VIDEO)

>>18140948 GOP revives rule allowing lawmakers to target federal agencies, staffers

>>18140948, >>18140950 GOP revives rule allowing lawmakers to target federal agencies, staffers

>>18141061 3rd Battalion 3rd Marines being shutdown while :33 is on the clock

>>18141100 Bill Gates dodges Jeffrey Epstein questions during ‘ask me anything’ Reddit chat

>>18141102, >>18141122, >>18141465, >>18141305 EXCLUSIVE: Is Leftwing Journalist John Nichols the Infamous January 6 “Scaffold Commander”?

>>18141050 Nunes: DC power players pressured Twitter to silence vaccine critics (that would be murder)

>>18141114 Before Isaac Kappy was suicided, he Linked Epstein to Prince Andrew, Kevin Spacey, Brian Singer and others

>>18141161 DC Witches Coven unites against MAGA agenda to save babies from demonic sacrifice scheme

>>18141166 jim live

>>18141124, >>18141138, >>18141151, >>18141163 How many financial things happened on 911? (Enron files, Gold in basement, Pentagon debt, the "control grid"…)

>>18141198 Biden trips over documents (kek)

>>18141204, >>18141237 The guy is very evil' | Mother in disbelief after daughter allegedly shot, killed by man she met on dating app

>>18141240 Biden administration vaccine drive leader David Kessler to step down

>>18141319, >>18141325 The Nation’s John Nichols: Trump’s Coup Nearly Succeeded. He Will Try Again in 2024

>>18141329 Man Who Filmed Ray Epps and Led “Fed Fed Fed” Chant Sentenced to 60 Days in Prison Talks to Revolver News Exclusively

>>18141349 Woman suddenly drops dead while working out at gym in shocking video

>>18141371 This guy us fucking obsessed with Trump and us a real radical leftist, he’s written 7 articles on him since mid 2022

>>18141322 Not a meme. (SATONevilcon)

>>18141422 Ruh-roh! Mindy Kaling's new Scooby Doo spinoff Velma is slammed as a 'massive disaster'

>>18141437 This video CLAIMS to be a recording of missing flight MH370 from an MQ-1L drone

>>18141445 INDIANOLA, Iowa — Journalist John Nichols will present the 11th Annual Culver Lecture at Simpson College at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 14, 2022.

>>18141459 John Nichols: "Standing Up to Donald Trump in the Republican Party … Leads to Your Defeat"

>>18141369, >>18141381, >>18141394 With enough State Nationals, we buck the system. The illusion breaks. The House of Cards falls.

>>18141417 There is nothing that [they] can do against God's people as long as we STAND in His Word

>>18141485 #22241

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a854fe  No.18142134


>>18139953 FBI raids suspected Chinese police outpost in New York City

>>18139981 Chuck Schumer PANIC

>>18139982 October, 2019. Fauci says that it will be at least a decade before an mRNA vaccine can be properly tested and approved for use.

>>18139998 @CoryBooker Hope Springs Eternal For Our Nation's Capitol.

>>18140009 Children's hospital gender program navigator touts giving uteruses from 'live donors' to trans women

>>18140017, >>18140177, >>18140399 BASED Matt Gaetz Joins Timcast Discussing Biden Special Counsel and GOP Investigations

>>18140037 Congressman Chip Roy Introduces Bill to Defund WHO Because It Promotes Abortion" and Death and Depopulation, Generally

>>18140045 Bob Bauer, 0bama problem-solver/lawyer to handle garage-gate scandal over selling of classed dox, is married to senior WH adviser Anita Dunn

>>18140062 Heather Honey: The Lawless Elections of Maricopa County

>>18140070 Remembering #Releasethememo

>>18139999, >>18140080, >>18140213, >>18140171, >>18140238, >>18140342, >>18140430 ayy lmao / space bun

>>18140085 China in the Middle East, a weekly newsletter

>>18140141 Planefag CONUS update and some high-level Nellis departs and a C-17 from Mexico reappears after going 'dark' heading SE last night

>>18140145 USA Today: ‘Kids at Increased Risk of Heart Attacks Due to Gaming and Memes’

>>18140163 Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars: GENERAL ENERGY CONCEPTS

>>18140166 Docs reveal Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the top: The Pentagon controlled the entire vaccine process, it was all political theater

>>18140192 Stephen Miller's AFLF files IRS complaint on "Biden" Center violations

>>18140267 Police in Pakistan said they busted an organ trafficking ring when a missing 14-year-old boy was found in an underground lab after having his kidney removed.

>>18140476, >>18140485 RE: Ukrainian Troops Will Train In Oklahoma, Operation Paperclip 2.0?

>>18140501, >>18140595, >>18140586 US Delegation to WEF in Davos revealed.

>>18140506 Ted Lieu [D]emonstrating of Look here [Russia]

>>18140559 @POTATO Gas is down more than $1.70 from its peak.

>>18140560, >>18140580, >>18140631 Green Comet inbound

>>18140566 That Potato sure has a weird hair line

>>18140675 @FoxNews LAPD bans Thin Blue Line flag over complaint it represents 'violent, extremist views'

>>18140694 #22240

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a854fe  No.18142137


>>18139654 Oh, So That’s What Moderna Forgot to Tell Us About Their COVID Vaccine

>>18139658 Three Salvadoran sisters aged one, six and nine found abandoned by migrant smugglers on an islet on Rio Grande

>>18139659 Russia claims capture of Soledar, Ukraine denies it

>>18139661 While the Corrupt DOJ Special Counsel to Look into Biden’s Crimes Starts Up, FBI Director Chris Wray Will Be Dining in Davos at the WEC

>>18139669 NATO spy planes heading to Romania to monitor Russian activity

>>18139674 Jersey Co: Backlash against weapons ban grows.

>>18139679 Pentagon Announces Ukrainian Troops Will Train In Oklahoma

>>18139696 RT: Soledar-the entire town is littered w/bodies in Russia’s recent victory over Ukraine

>>18139703 Vet Neutralizes Knife-Wielding Maniac With Stanchion in SC Walmart

>>18139704 Anon analysis of Kash "did you know" drop

>>18139707 @GenFlynn @MZHemmingway Ask who is Kathy Chung (EOP) & giving treasure trove of info

>>18139712 Dr. Fauci addresses the "Fauci Files" and @ElonMusk: : “I have no idea what he's talking about"

>>18139714 Patel: Garland's Biden Special Counsel Should Be First Subpoena Of Government Weaponization Subcommittee

>>18139717 Black professor declared racist over hoodie ban

>>18139720 Karine Jean-Pierre has banned African journalist from meeting with her for the entire year

>>18139721 CDC identifies link to ischemic strokes (blood clots to the brain) for people 65+ receiving updated Pfizer CoViD vax

>>18139742 DJT Truth on govt corruption

>>18139749 Devin Nunes - Democrats start to throw Joe Biden under the bus

>>18139777 Emails Show Facebook Suppressed 'Often True' Information on Coronavirus Vaccines

>>18139795 Jeff Clark: Biden's Document Leaks Could Be Dagger That Ends The Biden Presidency

>>18139812 Calls to ban gas stoves are anti-science, anti-freedom, and anti-energy

>>18139861 Tucker is showing footage of 1/6 surveillance cameras. ..Mike Pence location in Capitol… Tucker demanding to see moar footage

>>18139909 Pacific storm parade to aggravate flooding concerns in California

>>18139922 #22239-B

Previously Collected

>>18139898 #22239-A

>>18139643 #22237-A, >>18139645 #22237-B, >>18139701 #22238

>>18136489 #22234, >>18137033 #22235, >>18137785 #22236

>>18133890 #22231, >>18134687 #22232, >>18136557 #22233

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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a854fe  No.18142140

File: ed41594f59511be⋯.jpg (246.63 KB, 1469x751, 1469:751, 2023_01_14_2_47_08.jpg)

File: 5d6cb6a239a5c71⋯.jpg (94.32 KB, 813x603, 271:201, 2023_01_14_2_48_05.jpg)




ty anons for your contributions,



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6aee5c  No.18142151

File: ea96c89684f3719⋯.jpg (51.77 KB, 473x490, 473:490, aXrw77d_700b_jpg_9ff98ecd7….jpg)

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e31a13  No.18142153

File: c67a3b30e048584⋯.png (864.78 KB, 532x764, 133:191, morn.PNG)

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1e031d  No.18142154

File: 1d8f1894ac80bef⋯.gif (3.75 MB, 320x180, 16:9, Pole_shift_my_3rd.gif)

File: 170a121265969f4⋯.png (246.61 KB, 1214x683, 1214:683, Screenshot_2022_04_12_at_0….png)

File: a64cc32f586a51a⋯.jpg (37.13 KB, 490x247, 490:247, a64cc32f586a51a7163520e434….jpg)

>>18141608 (pb)


The average global temperature on Neptune unexpectedly fluctuated during a recent17-year period, according to a new study published by the American Astronomical Society in The Planetary Science Journal.

Pole shift is coming.

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f982bc  No.18142155

File: a5f4427544064c3⋯.webm (2.75 MB, 368x656, 23:41, 1670446484628063.webm)

>>18142146 LB

That craziness is in all democrat run cities.

Black's gone Wild.

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da8b92  No.18142156

File: 103f61058cfb634⋯.mp4 (2.51 MB, 720x640, 9:8, day_shift.mp4)

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1e031d  No.18142157

File: c06c9ac84703ee3⋯.png (15.34 KB, 604x300, 151:75, Q_1480_Ghost.png)

File: 5051befd9a40b0c⋯.png (693.87 KB, 559x596, 559:596, Ghost_command.png)


ThanQ Ghost Baker!

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a854fe  No.18142158


You don't post this as info, just as a racial slur.

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e2ff49  No.18142159

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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a854fe  No.18142160

File: 97abd236650bf07⋯.png (297.86 KB, 598x454, 299:227, ship_of_war_night_battle.png)

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94edd8  No.18142161

File: 391cd2a93f7bfeb⋯.png (1.21 MB, 768x768, 1:1, oii9ib_60e59ff1e56cc00820b….png)

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65c83d  No.18142162

File: 1c97ee85d7ca6b5⋯.jpg (73.56 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1c97ee85d7ca6b50bfbbaeabe7….jpg)

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1a6f9e  No.18142163

I think I'm starting to understand why you won't act directly.

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31fead  No.18142164

File: ade8b5ab026a870⋯.jpeg (580.65 KB, 828x1091, 828:1091, 896E3573_F253_462F_B6C1_3….jpeg)


Comments are funny, ratio is 90% "wtf"

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0c7736  No.18142165

File: 79324b91c61034e⋯.jpeg (95 KB, 540x1057, 540:1057, timcast_npc.jpeg)


>>18140017, >>18140177, >>18140399 BASED Matt Gaetz Joins Timcast

Tiny Tim is a mingy little fucking faggot.

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b4b2c9  No.18142166

File: 5af1c0e6476f166⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1444x880, 361:220, ClipboardImage.png)

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e31a13  No.18142167

File: 6568f992d8433dc⋯.png (538.04 KB, 807x839, 807:839, up.PNG)


The US Is Shipping So Many Weapons To

Ukraine, Defense Companies Can’t Keep

Up, Top Navy Officers Warn

Daily Caller, by Micaela Burrow

Posted By: Harlowe, 1/14/2023 12:33:53 AM

Top officers in the U.S. Navy warned that the Ukraine war is putting a strain on an already stretched industrial base Tuesday, complaining defense contractors continue to fall behind in keeping up with the Navy’s needs, according to media reports.(Snip)“If the conflict does go on for another six months to another year, it certainly continues to stress the supply chain in ways that are challenging,”(Snip) Most of the more than $29.9 billion in security assistance so far committed to Ukraine is withdrawn from existing U.S. stocks and includes equipment suited to defending against attackers from the ground, rather than the sea.

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da8b92  No.18142168

File: f0d60e23fb62523⋯.png (67.14 KB, 510x332, 255:166, ClipboardImage.png)


anon is confused.

a doge meme and the red text


Who are you and what have you done with private doge?

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0c4c62  No.18142169


Is it fake?

Let's see Asians doing this? Jews ? How about an Amish knock down?

Not a racial slur when nothing is said either.

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b4b2c9  No.18142171


Anon has noticed COPS and other crime shows never show black folk being arrested or pulled over. It is only white trash.

With the few exceptions to prove racism was not the motive to quell riots and hopefully stop them from burning their hoods down.

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e31a13  No.18142173

File: 48d376e0a8156a9⋯.png (672.06 KB, 1199x877, 1199:877, death.PNG)

File: ed9f555f458e90d⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1010x559, 1010:559, tric.PNG)


Get Ready for ‘Climate Change Death’ Tracking

American Mind, by Tim O'Brien

Original Article

Posted By: earlybird, 1/13/2023 8:40:38 PM

Anyone following the regime’s playbook already understands that when you disagree with it, you’ll be accused of killing someone. Don’t take the vaccine, don’t lock down, or don’t wear a mask—you’re killing grandma. Question voting and balloting procedures, and your words will provoke a deadly insurrection. Suggest that a man can’t get pregnant, and you’re guilty of stochastic terrorism. The regime characterizes conservatives as killers for their opinions, yet its partisans celebrate abortion up to parturition. It wants to let murderers out of jail, and is now moving to destigmatize the “dignified” culling of the elderly and infirm. (snip) Climate change is the platform from which the regime seeks to achieve power

The Left needs the metric to justify removing more of your rights.

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80041b  No.18142174

File: 4091e9e4adc7dff⋯.jpg (210.79 KB, 1380x1749, 460:583, 1672793079110816.jpg)

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e31a13  No.18142176

File: d8d10ea67b92009⋯.png (823.91 KB, 1429x515, 1429:515, who.PNG)


COVID: Who Was Right?

Creators, by John Stossel

Original Article

Posted By: earlybird, 1/13/2023 8:23:29 PM

It's now been three years since COVID hit. At the start of the pandemic, "experts" shouted: "Stay home!" "Close schools!" "Wash your hands!" "Disinfect countertops!" Clearly, disinfecting countertops and washing hands made no difference. What about closing schools and lockdowns? The media trashed Gov. Ron DeSantis when he lifted Florida's lockdown. (snip) On CNN, Andrew's brother Chris gushed, "I am wowed by what you did!" By contrast, he said, Florida was "in such dire straits."But actually, adjusted for population, Florida and New York had about the same number of deaths. Given that Florida has more old people, Florida did better than New York. Much of the media just reports what it wants to

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b4b2c9  No.18142177


Then BLM raises funds to rebuild!


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1e031d  No.18142178

File: d9bd1c414b450d2⋯.jpg (65.33 KB, 736x825, 736:825, Loren.jpg)

File: 7cc4edb85593570⋯.png (2.39 MB, 1200x1960, 30:49, Loren2.png)

File: 151c0305c94fd95⋯.jpg (439.72 KB, 1251x1920, 417:640, Loren2.jpg)

>>18141637 (pb)

Sophia Loren

Everything you see I owe to spaghetti

88 year old is still alive.

Satanist Mansfield died 56 yrs ago.

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e31a13  No.18142179

File: 019900c85ee9a0f⋯.png (481.2 KB, 585x639, 65:71, lion.PNG)


Rugby Player Dies Suddenly at Age 18: Brillant Young Man with 'Infectious Attitude'

 By Lorri Wickenhauser, Western Journal January 13, 2023 at 8:36pm

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1e031d  No.18142180

File: 8a6e3e32c6fedbd⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1344x756, 16:9, shills_Q.png)


Correct. Why responding only gets divisionfag paid.

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6aee5c  No.18142181

File: 20abdd6f31ffb09⋯.jpg (8.51 KB, 250x243, 250:243, 20abdd6f31ffb09ddc61a3476c….jpg)


>noticed COPS

Notice that television production requires a certain degree of predictability and control. Have to think about safety of film crew and all concerned. If anon were a cop filming with the TV show than anon might be hesitant to take film crew into certain situations for the sake of optics regarding my city and department. There are many reasons for what you are seeing on the tube. Whether or not it represents reality becomes a secondary consideration, at best.

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e31a13  No.18142182

File: 0fdade6b3269eef⋯.png (30.47 KB, 867x269, 867:269, rest.PNG)


‘We Were Preparing for the Rest of Our Life’: Woman Mysteriously Dies In Bed Next to Her Fiancé on the Morning of Their Destination Wedding

Posted byBy Nicole Duncan-Smith | Published on January 13, 2023

“It just happened all of a sudden,” he said. “At least she didn’t have to suffer.”

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44a4e0  No.18142183

File: e832b003eeedfb1⋯.png (780.33 KB, 1080x1455, 72:97, Sghi.png)


Jacqueline Kennedy was not a fan of Martin Luther King Jr., according to never-before-released interviews, ABC News reports–and it appears her opinion was shaped by FBI director J. Edgar Hoover.

"I just can't see a picture of Martin Luther King without thinking, you know, that man's terrible," the former first lady revealed in a series of interviews with historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr. in the months following the 1963 assassination of husband John F. Kennedy.


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804a2d  No.18142184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sanity vs Insanity

The logical and proper champion of such a contest should be obvious for the health and future of all humanity, however the outcome is still very much up in the air

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e31a13  No.18142185

File: a123808df2415a7⋯.png (126.36 KB, 571x383, 571:383, rog.PNG)



Roger Stone




Nixon Threatened to Reveal the CIA's Involvement in the Kennedy Assassination


Nixon Threatened to Reveal the CIA's Involvement in the Kennedy Assassination

Watch now (40 sec) | Shocking new Watergate-era tape reveals.


Jan 13, 2023, 11:26 PM

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b4b2c9  No.18142186


>Have to think about safety of film crew

True. They might become headline news. It would also point out the fact Cops do not enter certain areas alone.

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e31a13  No.18142187

File: 7705e41cd5d0696⋯.png (443.69 KB, 572x762, 286:381, lara.PNG)



Lara Logan




Jan 13, 2023, 6:54 PM

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72f30e  No.18142188


land of tards that kill their own presidents, then ask God to save them…………….


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8e494e  No.18142189




Anyone that was anyone in Hollywood got a BJ from Sophia.

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1e031d  No.18142190

File: 53125d128621b8c⋯.jpg (130.74 KB, 1080x1049, 1080:1049, Hotep_Jesus_whites_not_fre….jpg)


Why is it headless, though?

In DC, they chose a Chinese artist, so he looks Chinese.


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b4b2c9  No.18142191


Hard to even imagine the horrors that occur inside Ukraine.

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72f30e  No.18142192

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0060c2  No.18142193

File: 6c10e8e4452e976⋯.png (306.73 KB, 577x433, 577:433, Hunter_Biden_640x480_prev_….png)

File: 493f55ff82aced0⋯.png (173.29 KB, 532x469, 76:67, 6450a2b4487acf9c188b635e8b….png)



The Ukraine is where the top democrats made all their laundered cash especially the Biden's.

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e31a13  No.18142194

File: eb4c077c80f4538⋯.png (54.21 KB, 1385x392, 1385:392, pd.PNG)



Published January 13, 2023 5:43pm EST

LAPD bans Thin Blue Line flag over complaint it represents 'racist, bigoted views'

An LAPD police union fired back at the news calling it 'political pandering' to 'anti-police activists'

By Kristine Parks | Fox News

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37f8b9  No.18142195

File: 4c2de876a8b1d55⋯.jpeg (201.32 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 609834B3_63A2_46B3_9AC8_5….jpeg)

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f4d6d8  No.18142197

Do we trust the Federal Trade Commission to pursue claims of antitrust law violations, Anons?

Can a federal court order the FTC to investigate and pursue charges if credible and substantiated allegations of violations of The Sherman Act (15 U.S.C. secs. 1 - 7) are presented to a federal court in a related action?

Asking for a fren. . . .

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1e031d  No.18142198

File: 2ec1d8164b6ed9c⋯.jpg (178.33 KB, 552x680, 69:85, MLK_WTF_mine8.jpg)

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72f30e  No.18142199


You're fucking wrong.

But I understand why.

B/c you're a citizen of the evil shit.

'merica it is the the evil.

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0c7736  No.18142200

File: 7c85f4a793f7843⋯.png (511.91 KB, 750x778, 375:389, ClipboardImage.png)

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94edd8  No.18142201

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm on muh alternate IP

pullin an all nighter

listening to autism music

tanx 4 axe'n

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e31a13  No.18142202

File: 6ba9d9f7100ba3a⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1246x769, 1246:769, nwo.PNG)


SGT Report


6 days ago


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f40715  No.18142203


I just lost a friend that also died in his sleep. Seen him two days before and he said he felt great.

People die everyday so it is what it is.

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804a2d  No.18142204


It’s ‘as-if’ Team Insanity wishes to induce grumpy ness and vengeance to get their Win, as they are immune to introspection, honesty and even laughing at their stupidity.

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a854fe  No.18142205


The response is because silence often implies consent. If no one disagrees with shills, third parties like J6 uses those posts as evidence of racism etc. In an info war, words are weapons to combat lies.

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b4b2c9  No.18142206


kek kek

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e31a13  No.18142207

File: 57c1701e9d22c22⋯.png (222.54 KB, 418x552, 209:276, skull.PNG)


#25 Standup comedian Heather McDonald collapsed and fractured her skull during a show in Feb. 2022.

She joked, "I don’t mean to brag, I know you don’t care, but I want you to know, I’m vaxxed, double vaxxed boosted" moments before collapsing.



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24e9a1  No.18142208

File: 8ee8c63446334e5⋯.jpg (61.83 KB, 720x900, 4:5, you_glow_girl_hot_pink_neo….jpg)

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94edd8  No.18142209

File: 9fe9c610d53a387⋯.jpg (577.91 KB, 1080x2398, 540:1199, Polish_20230111_131937491.jpg)


>People die everyday so it is what it is.

life is short

realistically speaking

we spend moar time dead

than we do alive

make the moast of it.

an we all meet up…

at the "end"


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e31a13  No.18142210

File: 4a91f5c024e4d49⋯.png (143.82 KB, 425x643, 425:643, bush.PNG)


CDC investigating link to Pfizer shot and strokes!

BUT…this patent on Coronavirus…shows that the CDC was in on the Covid scam all along!

Created during the Bush years!

Patent #7,220,852 (there are other patents but this was the original)

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447e6b  No.18142211

File: ab1bdf511945770⋯.webm (2.97 MB, 360x640, 9:16, 1670446419519424.webm)




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da8b92  No.18142212

File: adf72d8ca1ea07e⋯.png (279.09 KB, 808x499, 808:499, ClipboardImage.png)


Carry on private doge

Red text poster was a complete faggot.

just a text thingy then.


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42bb02  No.18142213

File: d6e72fbd19e0204⋯.webp (551.61 KB, 1400x1050, 4:3, Culture_Matrix_Code_corri….webp)

I am KaRa. I come at this time to be with you in these momentous changing times you have been speaking of, the momentum that is happening here in this country of your United States For America, as well as many other countries across the world. For these are bright, sweeping changes that are happening, all to bring about The Great Changeover and to lead that which you have heard called The Event, or The Changeover, or The Solar Flash. All of this is leading to that.

But before that, you are in the transition. The transition that is happening right now. The transition that is leading toward many changes, some of those changes being new technology being released everywhere. And this technology is coming. It is coming. It is already being advanced in many areas.

Many of the councils that we have spoken of, the Earth councils, the galactic councils, all of this have been speaking about releasing these new technologies: these new energies, these new medical understandings that are beyond the medical understanding of today, beyond the allopathic medicine that is practiced today.

But there will be no more practicing of anything. It will be real. It will be those that know what they are doing, and do not question it. Because this is technology coming that is beyond anything that this world at this point has.

But it is coming. It is being released. Slowly at first, but then, just like anything, to gain momentum more and more. And there are centers being planned everywhere to bring this technology forward, these ‘med-beds’ that you wish to call them. But they are the precursors of the celestial chambers, the celestial healing chambers that you have also heard about, and some have even visited those chambers within their light body or within their astral body. They are real. And they are coming forward more and more.

These technologies are based in consciousness. Consciousness and vibrational frequency working together and bringing about the changes, or the restructuring within the DNA processes that you have heard about, literally bringing DNA back to where you want it to be, back to before it was changed, before it was shifted away from the balanced DNA that you are all meant to be in and have a balanced DNA structure. And do not forget about the changing of the DNA to add more DNA, more beyond the double helix, reconnecting here and there. All of this is coming.

And the reason I am bringing this up now, and the reason that James brought this up in your discussion earlier is because we want you now—we, being all of the Galactics, the Ascended Masters, the Agarthans, all of your Guides that are working with you, your Higher God Self, all that are working with you want you now to begin to share more and more as you are able, as the situation calls for it. Share. Be open. Do not be afraid to speak about these things now. These new technologies. Just as your President Trump spoke about this in 2016. He hinted at it. He even mentioned it almost directly that these technologies would replace the ones that you have now. So those of your pharmaceutical companies will no longer be. Those of your medical hospitals, as you know them now, will no longer be. It is the change. It is the changeover that you have all been expecting, waiting for. Do not feel like it is not coming. Do not feel anger in any way that it has not happened yet. Because it is all a process. A process that must continue just in the way it is doing. Because mankind right now is not ready to be deluged with these changes all up front. Overnight changes are not possible at this point. It will become more so. But for now, just know it as what it is, a transition where everything is moving in the direction of light. Light and love and higher consciousness. This is where you are all headed. This is what is coming.

In your next year, not to give a prediction, but in your next year expect miracles to come. That is what is happening. Miracles. Scientific miracles. Scientific and spiritual miracles. Many will look at this as miracles. You yourselves will know this differently. Know it for what it is. You will know it as the combining of science and spirit coming together. That is where your technology is leaning toward. And yes, technology can be used for evil forces, it can be used by the dark forces. Just as it has been up until now. But those times are changing. You are moving beyond the darkness. You are moving fully into the light more and more. So expect the miracles.


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804a2d  No.18142214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b4b2c9  No.18142215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



This should be the background music.

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0f311a  No.18142216

File: 0c5df2c61952815⋯.mp4 (4.24 MB, 720x1068, 60:89, 0c5df2c6195281549fcbbb5ef0….mp4)

Go wash your ass nigga!!

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4727aa  No.18142217

File: 2dca971253a3610⋯.mp4 (852.81 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Hitler_Wave.mp4)

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42bb02  No.18142218


>Just as your President Trump spoke about this in 2016. He hinted at it. He even mentioned it almost directly that these technologies would replace the ones that you have now.

This ride is going to be AWESOME.!

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a854fe  No.18142219


jumping IPs? same posts as before.

Q is not anti-black, you are.

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572b89  No.18142220

File: 52c8cac9f4b9490⋯.png (595.16 KB, 725x413, 725:413, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 126c5bac597cfca⋯.png (47.44 KB, 660x303, 220:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2071d2f6060e10c⋯.png (3.72 MB, 1657x2048, 1657:2048, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 151e9e78a3ddc15⋯.png (85.2 KB, 195x240, 13:16, ClipboardImage.png)

File: faeeebfebf39ced⋯.gif (1.44 MB, 300x289, 300:289, IOKL_4288655601.gif)

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b4b2c9  No.18142221

File: 0848806803d4945⋯.png (221.79 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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572b89  No.18142222

File: e863f82ce4a0110⋯.png (83.29 KB, 227x457, 227:457, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8267786bddd7dae⋯.png (189.58 KB, 474x370, 237:185, ClipboardImage.png)

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1e031d  No.18142224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They ain't tryin'a get on WorldStar, fool.


White Trash in Trouble

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e5c3de  No.18142225



Mr Rogers would get his throat cut.

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1e031d  No.18142226

File: e05286cfef1d425⋯.png (514.61 KB, 1887x1098, 629:366, Emergency.png)

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1a6f9e  No.18142227

File: 2b8efce88de4701⋯.jpg (38.34 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, saturn.jpg)


Can't get enough of this cryptic shit that keeps asking us to buy into, that they refuse to explain in any sort of detail.

How about you buy my super medicine now for only $1,000,000? I'll tell you what it actually is after you've paid.

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42bb02  No.18142228

File: b8e42964c905162⋯.jpg (87.8 KB, 640x398, 320:199, Image.jpg)

These are the moments that you have been working toward, waiting for, for a very long time.

I want you to think now of a snow-covered mountain. See it in your mind’s eye. A high mountain covered with snow. Something happens to cause a disturbance on that mountain. Snow begins to fall because of that disturbance. It begins to gain momentum, creating an avalanche, rolling, moving down that mountain, taking everything in its path, and gaining more and more momentum as it continues to come down the mountain.

Think of this as an avalanche of truth that is about to begin, a disturbance that I used as an analogy. The level of truth that is coming out that will set all of this in motion will be the disturbance that creates this avalanche of truth. I cannot tell you what that is at this time. Know that it is coming.

It will bring the truth out to so many that have been in the darkness. It will bring more and more people into a more enlightened state of consciousness. Because the truth must be told. The truth will come out. It cannot be stopped. The avalanche of truth cannot be stopped. It is not possible. And as this truth comes out, you will recognize it for what it is. You will recognize it as the disturbance that creates the avalanche, or, the first domino to fall, as an another analogy that has been used before.

Many of you have been waiting for that domino, wondering when it would be. I tell you know, as an emissary of the Pleiadian fleets, and the sister to all of you, my brothers and sisters, I tell you that the wait is almost over. Along with these truths being brought out, as Ashtar said in this last week, other sources have also begun to share, more and more sightings will be had across the planet as the disclosure of our presence is brought to you. As has been said, it is likely to not be the governments that will reveal this.

It is you, the people of the planet, that will do the revealing. And those of you, the Light Warriors, the ones who are preparing and have prepared, not only anchored the light but who share the light wherever they can, you are the ones who are in line for contact with us.

Of course, much of this has been in your contract before you came here.

So it is not a sense of ‘choose me, choose me,’ raising your hand, it is not in that respect that we will contact you. It is in the respect that when you are ready. You have raised your vibrations enough so that we can safely meet with you, not only for our own vibration, but to not overwhelm yours.

You have to understand that higher vibrations coming into a vicinity of low vibration can short out the central nervous system. This is why we, those of us that have been watching over this planet for so long, this is why we have not yet made contact, full contact. Yes, with some here and there. But there are many things that are looked at, that are considered, before these contacts can occur.

This group, and many other groups across the planet, are being prepared in this way so that you will be able to have contact with us, so that your vibrations will be high enough to meet with our vibration.

For remember, it is all about vibration and consciousness. That is what you have to always remember. Everything is vibration and consciousness.

Continue to raise your vibration whenever you can, however you can, and hold that raised vibration as long as you can. And before you know it, not only will all of these truths be revealed, but you will be fully in the process of your own ascension which will include connection to those of those that are ready to connect with you.

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889e58  No.18142230

File: 12d06ac4cc4aa1a⋯.png (279.15 KB, 419x500, 419:500, place.PNG)


AI SECRET Artificial intelligence replaced humans in job role for months and ‘no one noticed’


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31fead  No.18142231

At this point everything theY do only makes it's worse for theM.

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5fd104  No.18142232

File: 838d242c9934ead⋯.png (750.23 KB, 432x668, 108:167, dayshiftonacid.png)

…Smoke 'em if you got 'em.

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b4b2c9  No.18142233


Funny funny

Never watched South Park or even one episode of Game of Thrones.

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1e031d  No.18142234

File: 3d6eeaadf2ff36f⋯.png (32.1 KB, 1582x886, 791:443, NewFags4.png)

File: 15277595a7dae51⋯.jpg (128.52 KB, 1440x962, 720:481, Shills3.jpg)


Point taken.

Anon gets cross about them, too.

Shills so fucking tedious.

So for newfags: read the picrel.

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b2f93f  No.18142236

File: 6fc453d2459d863⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1080x791, 1080:791, Svgh.png)

File: 11522b068746042⋯.webm (2.93 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 1664854748210428.webm)



Faggot IP hoping is old technology and maybe someday you'll catch up.

MAGA Patriots are 99% white so embrace reality or stay stuck in the mud.

White people are going full tribal back to what gave us modern technology.

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8c4c64  No.18142237

yeah you should have just gone to community college and got that associates in Romanian Philosophy buddy. Air Force is needed, but they are not war fighters. Army or Marines fight. Air Force participates.

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f5b84e  No.18142238

File: aefc8d25b74a072⋯.jpeg (15.85 KB, 456x320, 57:40, i.jpeg)

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85c256  No.18142239

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>clearly Jesus loves me the most

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72c910  No.18142240

File: ef5db8cbf535401⋯.jpg (398.49 KB, 1152x1152, 1:1, NtShtAgn.jpg)

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371c17  No.18142241

File: 9e1c25a53ae9448⋯.jpg (23.58 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 9e1c25a53ae9448d5891f7b578….jpg)


I call it Game of incest and i saw one episode and at the request of a friend

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42bb02  No.18142242


Ip hoppy shilly no likey?

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a854fe  No.18142243

>>18142214 Massive rally for Jordan Peterson


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889e58  No.18142244

File: c93f4f835107fcb⋯.png (146.56 KB, 416x348, 104:87, space.PNG)


United States and Japan signed space cooperation agreement

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31fead  No.18142245

File: 6a7d37a6a0e2382⋯.jpeg (1.14 MB, 828x1441, 828:1441, 82F52238_8507_4186_AB73_D….jpeg)


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8c4c64  No.18142246


Satan has been working since the fall, to discredit God.

You people are not empaths or pleadians.

You had shitty childhoods.

There is no ascension.

Only death of the earthly body

For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred.

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72c910  No.18142248

File: a882d39548e8dc7⋯.gif (1.91 MB, 196x300, 49:75, 31d9d9e3ec64cd7533babdbc30….gif)


no tree fiddy for you

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a854fe  No.18142249

File: 84c5c75a21bc1b9⋯.png (80.84 KB, 343x231, 49:33, lmao_new.png)


According to MAGA Patriots:

>White people are going full tribal

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42bb02  No.18142250

I have somewhat of an announcement for you at this time. This announcement will go out far and wide, not only through myself, but through others who will come forward as well. Many truths are coming forward, as you already know. You are beginning to see these truths coming.

And one very large truth that must be revealed is in the process now of coming forward. You have had some small dominos fall. But you have not yet had the large one that has been spoken of, and that one is coming now. You will know it as it falls. For as it falls, it will be the catalyst to make the next one fall, and the next one, and the next one. And soon it will be as your picture or your video shows of all the dominos falling one right after another as you topple the first one and all follow after. This is what is coming.

Part of those dominos is in disclosure of our presence, a galactic presence among you, not only among you, but above you, and below you as well. All of it is coming to be revealed.

We, the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, the Sirians, the Antarians, all of us have received the green light to move forward with the final phase of this disclosure process. And that final phase is you. We, showing ourselves to you, and you going forward and declaring to the world that you are not alone in the universe, that we are here. That is part of your mission as it continues to unfold.

Gone is likely the moment when our announcement or our presence would be announced by your leaders. For many of them are not the leaders of men: they are the leaders of themselves. And many of them shall be replaced by those of you that stepped forward and assume that mantle of leadership once again. And I say ‘once again’ because many of you–the Light-workers and Warriors, the Bearers, and Sharers–many of you have been in those leadership positions in other lifetimes previously, but also in your experiences among the stars you have been in those leadership capacities leading by example, not by ego, leading from responsibility, not for gain.

You, each and every one of you, have a responsibility to continue to move forward to continue to bring all of these truths forward as much as you can. And as they are brought forward, many of your responsibilities then lie in sharing those truths as they come forward to as many as you can.

For many will look for answers. Many will be confused, for they will not know where to turn. For they will realize that for all of their lifetime the truth has been held back from them. They will feel deceived, just as many of you felt deceived in the beginning when you first began to hear of those truths that have been held back from you.

The time is now, my friends. The time is now to reach out, to go beyond those things which have held you back for so long, to step out on faith, to ‘step out on a limb’ so-to-speak and reach for that fruit at the end of the vine that can only be reached by going out upon it.

Speak your truth wherever you can. And as you speak your truth, others will speak theirs, and so on. And the light will be revealed more and more. And as the light continues to be revealed, the darkness will recede into the shadows from which they came.

Everything is in motion now. Everything is in the flux of the moment. So allow for that moment to continue to rise up all around you

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da8b92  No.18142251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note:Fox looks at the Andrew Bridgen suspension from the tory party and the claim that he was being antisemitic, including a interview with the doctor who wrote the article that bridgen quoted from who is Israeli - the whole thing last up to 31 minutes from the start minus the news and adverts !!!


Laurence Fox | Friday 13th January


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85c256  No.18142252



Artificial intelligence replaced humans in job role for months and ‘no one noticed’

A POPULAR news outlet has been publishing articles written by AI since November, keeping it on the down low.

Tech media siteCNEThas been publishing the articles since November, and lots of readers don't seem to have noticed.

“What is a credit card charge-off?” was the first AI-written article, published on November 11 by CNET Money.

The portal has reportedly churned out and published 73 AI-generated articles since then, reports Futurism.

“This article was created using an AI engine and reviewed, fact-checked, and edited by our editorial staff,” reads a note on the website under the headline, date and author/editor credits.

The publication mentioned on its website that it doesn’t compromise on its journalistic integrity and that a team of editors is involved in the editorial process “from ideation to publication.”

Ironically, Jackson Ryan, a reporter for the tech and news site wrote an article on the website last month where he said that journalism jobs are safe from being pounced on by technology when talking about ChatGPT and artificial intelligence.

“It definitely can’t do the job of a journalist,” Ryan wrote of ChatGPT. “To say so diminishes the act of journalism itself.”

Social media users recently took to Twitter to discuss their shock at finding out about the AI writers.

One person said: "I'll admit I was quite taken aback to see that CNET is now publishing entire articles generated by AI – a grim inflection point in an already-bleak job market for journalists."

"The quality and structure of those articles is atrocious," added another.

The applications of artificial intelligence have taken the tech industry by storm but media outlets are exploiting it to the fullest.

Associated Press was one of the pioneers of applying AI to its newsroom and boasts about leveraging the technology on its website.

“Today, we use machine learning along key points in our value chain, including gathering, producing, and distributing the news.”

In the 2020 elections, The Washington Post used artificial intelligence for live campaign updates on their podcasts.

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b4b2c9  No.18142253

File: c5ef214888a44be⋯.mp4 (3.39 MB, 544x374, 16:11, First_Episode_Dukes_of_Haz….mp4)


Anything with over-the-top CGI is an immediate no for me. Anon misses the good ole days.

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e85d5b  No.18142254


>United States For America

Is how the REAL Constitution reads.

Its to keep the Government under control.

(they) subverted it after Civil War.

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0c49c4  No.18142255


Fuck off, fagott (meant in the most demeaning way.)

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8c4c64  No.18142256


I say this because many deceivers have gone out into the world. They deny that Jesus Christ came in a real body. Such a person is a deceiver and an antichrist.

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572b89  No.18142257

File: f58f5820ecee87b⋯.png (369.62 KB, 500x502, 250:251, mask.png)

File: 0ff0daf3f72858c⋯.jpg (82.67 KB, 933x445, 933:445, bill_clinton_jeffrey_epste….jpg)


'murder was cia weapon'

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572b89  No.18142259



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889e58  No.18142260

File: 5d384bc3afd48fb⋯.png (181.37 KB, 420x536, 105:134, aaaa.PNG)


CNN Is Still Requiring Guests to Produce Their Vax Pass and a Negative COVID Test

Rep. Matt Gaetz: "I was going to come into the studio … and they're like, 'Produce your vaccine—your booster. … Do you have a negative test?' And I'm like, 'I'm not doing any of that stuff.'"

Full Episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0q2dgVuS2QY

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

Rumble (https://rumble.com/v25emhh-cnn-is-still-requiring-guests-to-produce-their-vax-pass-and-a-negative-covi.html) | Substack (http://thevigilantfox.substack.com/) | Support (https://www.redvoicemedia.com/vigilantfox/) | Socials (https://bio.site/vigilantfox)

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1e031d  No.18142261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Philly is full of haters since the Redcoats held it while Washington nearly froze to death outside of town. Thanks to Benedict Arnold who was pissed for not getting a promotion and chasing British pussy.


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804a2d  No.18142262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How many of MORE get away with such crimes, while collecting paychecks as public employees?

The word “disgusting” falls way too short

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42bb02  No.18142263


Be buried in your Dogma.

Maybe you get another shot in a few moar lifetimes.

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bd8a12  No.18142264


Business hours in Europe.

Don't worry, It's almost lunchtime and we'll have a break from their posts.

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4974c2  No.18142265

File: 739f415860591f3⋯.jpg (47.11 KB, 417x626, 417:626, dcghu_1_.jpg)



86% of Whites have already self segregated from black African negroid people and black African negroid people are also 83% self segregated…. Blacks and whites just don't like each other.

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8c4c64  No.18142266


winchester california man tosses his pitbull over the razor wire fence of a cell tower and abandons him.

Someone should fucking disembowel this fucking demon in the joint

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1d1983  No.18142267


First the artists now the journalists…eventually it will be everyone…which makes me happy, can't wait till they get to nurses…

Imagine a world where no one works…yeah, humans with too much time on their hands probably won't end well for anyone…

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371c17  No.18142269

File: 9bfd34dbeb7f4e3⋯.png (559.4 KB, 496x382, 248:191, 9bfd34dbeb7f4e373c14fcddd7….png)


Anon misses the 60´s when anon was a kid , didnt need helmets or trophies back then just be home before dark and remember to wipe them shoes or mom anon gets pissed

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889e58  No.18142270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Timcast IRL - Matt Gaetz Joins, Discussing Biden Special Counsel and GOP Investigations

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b4b2c9  No.18142271

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


imho our entire History has been a lie.

Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility.

(me) –keeps open mind

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804a2d  No.18142272


It was the honest wholesomeness of the storytelling which [they] despised.

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8c4c64  No.18142273

File: 22e889a87c0b9f7⋯.png (95.2 KB, 228x233, 228:233, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ebd6f00494ab2f⋯.png (108.82 KB, 228x270, 38:45, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b4aa07cf88959c⋯.png (122.85 KB, 255x280, 51:56, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 799fefe66309b83⋯.png (125.35 KB, 280x280, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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28a72a  No.18142274

File: 6534b70a27159bb⋯.png (801.33 KB, 957x526, 957:526, ClipboardImage.png)

Big Bad

Dr. Malone shares dire warning: mRNA vaccines are being injected into our food supply…

This could be one of the most alarming warnings yet from Dr. Malone. He wrote an essay on how mRNA vaccines are being injected into livestock and companion animals.

That means, if you consume the vaccinated animal, the mRNA vaccine enters your body.

Dr. Malone:


In today’s substack, the state of mRNA “vaccines” for animal “health” is discussed. Citing public sources, I will review what is known and not known about commercial liaisons and partnerships, the corporations involved, ongoing research and products in various states of development.


Dr. Malone says they’ve been working on livestock and companion animal mRNA vaccines for over 6 years:


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1d8604  No.18142275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Great Solar Flash

will occur


Jan 9, 2023


March 2024

When the super flare comes the

Electrical 3D Matrix of Earth

will be toasted for good.


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b4b2c9  No.18142276


Sounds like you have a decade on me. Spent my early childhood in the 70's on Big Wheels and dirtbikes.

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889e58  No.18142277

File: d4aa4fa01dfcfee⋯.png (179.71 KB, 426x497, 6:7, tog.PNG)


#39 Edward Dowd: "By showing all of these individual stories… we wanted to put a human face on it and really connect people with what's going on… These are real young people dying in the prime of their life on the field."



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42bb02  No.18142278


no one knows when, so this tells me its bullshit date fagging larp

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a5a639  No.18142279

File: 064f1d4f66a3da8⋯.jpg (2.57 MB, 3000x4444, 750:1111, 1673528904577732.jpg)

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4974c2  No.18142280

File: f3d4c6a27016311⋯.jpg (47.59 KB, 500x505, 100:101, SYN.jpg)


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237f8d  No.18142281

Altho the bible states fear from knowing.. it's still running the script. People dying from heart attacks.

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94edd8  No.18142282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



tldr tho

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1a6f9e  No.18142283

File: 860872ed7b85b68⋯.png (283.53 KB, 610x406, 305:203, da7210b533561da45c1cc948c9….png)


You been peeping again?

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1e031d  No.18142284

File: 641daf40736cc16⋯.mp4 (7.3 MB, 324x268, 81:67, Russian_soldier_Ukrainian_….mp4)

File: f700d0261f9f74e⋯.mp4 (5.3 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Biden_suspect_Ukraine.mp4)

File: 368e51dfb974356⋯.png (33.33 KB, 1656x245, 1656:245, Biden_Ukraine_Q_Post_4822.png)

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889e58  No.18142285

File: 781fcfa14928434⋯.png (944.21 KB, 865x643, 865:643, digits_q.PNG)

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5fd104  No.18142287

File: 39995e6af49ff11⋯.png (574.81 KB, 576x576, 1:1, thisshitagain.png)


…How fuckin' vague. Muh predictfagging.

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1d1983  No.18142288


Lord, please let me die suddenly…this is just too fucked up down here. I don't mean to be telling you your job but…my honest opinion is… you've waited too long already…

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bea2bf  No.18142289

File: 69f09855ca32576⋯.mp4 (914.07 KB, 256x256, 1:1, 69f09855ca3257628a894f62a8….mp4)



Anon is that from the "We Are Hairy" collection…lol

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371c17  No.18142290

File: e445906af22cd48⋯.jpg (3.05 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20221020_094901.jpg)


You tasted real freedom as a kid then , we are the lucky generation anon .

This anon is still so old school im still using reel to reel as entertainment fuck radio it only plays shit computer generated bullshit nowadays

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5b9189  No.18142291

File: d59fd9e02c1530f⋯.png (74.5 KB, 311x185, 311:185, lw.PNG)

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38c6e2  No.18142292

File: f40b3e4d1480548⋯.png (698.93 KB, 913x1277, 913:1277, 1673697441581.png)

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94edd8  No.18142293


perhaps you should expand your thinking

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42bb02  No.18142294

File: d9c54b13857569e⋯.jpg (201.72 KB, 1253x1563, 1253:1563, 1_14_23.jpg)

Can you feel it?

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f5b84e  No.18142296

File: fe66ee33c15fc59⋯.jpg (11.42 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 5moarminutes.jpg)

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ff8117  No.18142297


Castrate this bastard.

With no pain killers.

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1401fa  No.18142298

File: 1aa13c5886f7484⋯.jpg (86.55 KB, 500x733, 500:733, 6bxffu.jpg)

CodeMonkey was Right:

Where was the election integrity queen Wendy Rogers when Kari Lake's election got stolen?


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ff8117  No.18142299


Spent my early ‘70s planting mushrooms.

The boom, boom kind.

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f5b84e  No.18142300

File: f6dfcfcd28a98ac⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 252x263, 252:263, somuchtext.gif)

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38c6e2  No.18142301

File: 9b0b52e35c10a7a⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1082x1077, 1082:1077, 1673667489681.png)

File: f22996f00602bd4⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1494x780, 249:130, 1673666721127.png)


It's Coming in the Air Tonight… Oh Lord… Oh Lord!



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94edd8  No.18142302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Carry on

I'm gone beserk

Sun almost up n sheit

do not click dis shit niqqa


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5b9189  No.18142303

File: 9ba5135a920e105⋯.png (9.35 KB, 190x384, 95:192, stpf2kabcd.png)

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804a2d  No.18142304

File: 98f5c00b04e5e4c⋯.jpeg (68.72 KB, 626x480, 313:240, C67632E3_7609_454C_B860_B….jpeg)

File: 734b3aec9ae483a⋯.jpeg (260.34 KB, 804x1314, 134:219, 57EC5B36_26E5_4D64_A2B7_4….jpeg)

File: 579f03155df0db4⋯.jpeg (52.95 KB, 403x403, 1:1, A6D6E386_881C_48E9_A672_5….jpeg)

File: 1be39554986e0d2⋯.jpeg (187.11 KB, 1600x673, 1600:673, ECF4B621_4930_4497_BB05_3….jpeg)

File: 1dd79c14863187a⋯.jpeg (89.45 KB, 748x732, 187:183, 742D0E62_375B_4479_B36E_8….jpeg)

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28a72a  No.18142305

File: dd504949716d4f0⋯.gif (4.29 MB, 368x368, 1:1, dd504949716d4f00d7867412d2….gif)


wow that escalated quickly.

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38c6e2  No.18142306

File: 60e63a82ff2ed2f⋯.png (924.46 KB, 1647x708, 549:236, 1673668440147.png)

File: b8582af7350b36f⋯.png (473.25 KB, 1260x926, 630:463, 1673668147324.png)

File: 53a94b66fbeafa6⋯.png (1020.09 KB, 938x1244, 469:622, 1673233754532.png)

File: 68769a1bdf9df27⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1610x724, 805:362, 1673176159822.png)

File: 6f4df115ab9780d⋯.png (696.44 KB, 792x1473, 264:491, 1673094593043.png)



Well I Rememba, I remember don't worry…worry…worry.

How could I ever forget

It's the first time, the last time we ever met

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7ccfab  No.18142307

File: 030a427997614be⋯.png (331 KB, 482x373, 482:373, trump_melania_miss_us_yet.PNG)

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1e031d  No.18142308

File: 60e38a9f6c40327⋯.jpg (88.22 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, anons_no_division.jpg)

File: 2dece52cc645268⋯.jpg (40.73 KB, 972x542, 486:271, Division.jpg)

File: 33f7dea701b880b⋯.jpg (386.5 KB, 960x1200, 4:5, GA_Division.jpg)

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f5b84e  No.18142309

File: 17060a2d295e9fa⋯.jpg (3.98 KB, 162x255, 54:85, 239738bc843cc2814d296ba7db….jpg)

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5b9189  No.18142310

File: ed2d21b972663ba⋯.png (805.71 KB, 728x742, 52:53, adjq40.PNG)

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f5b84e  No.18142311

File: 875fe7d680a9890⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1076x664, 269:166, lawndartOmnis.png)

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889e58  No.18142312

File: 9bc368a2ee0844f⋯.png (20.42 KB, 612x216, 17:6, form.PNG)


Insider Paper


JUST IN 🚨 Former Bolsonaro minister Torres have been arrested over January 8 capital riots, local media reports

12:51 AM · Jan 14, 2023

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1e031d  No.18142313

File: 2bec5e4a797f2c5⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1080x783, 40:29, GW_Black_people.png)


>MAGA Patriots are 99% white


You are going to be very surprised at the beer party in DC.

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889e58  No.18142314

File: 7459ffb6a7dda60⋯.png (419.49 KB, 586x604, 293:302, silk.PNG)


Diamond and Silk®


President @realDonaldTrump

reflects on the incredible life of Lynette Hardaway, Diamond of @DiamondandSilk

, and the wonderful support that both she and her sister Silk gave to his campaign and administration.

President Donald Trump reflects on the life of Diamond

12:39 AM · Jan 14, 2023


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da8b92  No.18142315

File: 31131e9ea93512d⋯.png (130.55 KB, 1023x831, 341:277, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b13db0a0eac39a6⋯.png (840.04 KB, 1228x748, 307:187, ClipboardImage.png)



Note: Use link below to read full article, very long and detailed look at the harms from the vaccines.



CDC Finally Released Its VAERS Safety Monitoring Analyses for COVID Vaccines via FOIA

And now it's clear why they tried to hide them.

Josh Guetzkow Jan 4



CDC’s VAERS safety signal analysis based on reports from Dec. 14, 2020 – July 29, 2022 for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines shows clear safety signals for death and a range of highly concerning thrombo-embolic, cardiac, neurological, hemorrhagic, hematological, immune-system and menstrual adverse events (AEs) among U.S. adults.

There were 770 different types of adverse events that showed safety signals in ages 18+, of which over 500 (or 2/3) had a larger safety signal than myocarditis/pericarditis.

The CDC analysis shows that the number of serious adverse events reported in less than two years for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines is 5.5 times larger than all serious reports for vaccines given to adults in the US since 2009 (~73,000 vs. ~13,000).

Twice as many mRNA COVID-19 vaccine reports were classified as serious compared to all other vaccines given to adults (11% vs. 5.5%). This meets the CDC definition of a safety signal.

There are 96 safety signals for 12-17 year-olds, which include: myocarditis, pericarditis, Bell’s Palsy, genital ulcerations, high blood pressure and heartrate, menstrual irregularities, cardiac valve incompetencies, pulmonary embolism, cardiac arrhythmias, thromboses, pericardial and pleural effusion, appendicitis and perforated appendix, immune thrombocytopenia, chest pain, increased troponin levels, being in intensive care, and having anticoagulant therapy.

There are 66 safety signals for 5-11 year-olds, which include: myocarditis, pericarditis, ventricular dysfunction and cardiac valve incompetencies, pericardial and pleural effusion, chest pain, appendicitis & appendectomies, Kawasaki’s disease, menstrual irregularities, vitiligo, and vaccine breakthrough infection.

The safety signals cannot be dismissed as due to “stimulated,” exaggerated, fraudulent or otherwise artificially inflated reporting, nor can they be dismissed due to the huge number of COVID vaccines administered. There are several reasons why, but the simplest one is this: the safety signal analysis does not depend on the number of reports, but whether or not some AEs are reported at a higher rate for these vaccines than for other non-COVID vaccines. Other reasons are discussed in the full post below.

In August, 2022, the CDC told the Epoch Times that the results of their safety signal analysis “were generally consistent with EB [Empirical Bayesian] data mining [conducted by the FDA], revealing no additional unexpected safety signals.” So either the FDA’s data mining was consistent with the CDC’s method—meaning they "generally" found the same large number of highly alarming safety signals—or the signals they did find were expected. Or they were lying. We may never know because the FDA has refused to release their data mining results.

[UPDATE: Here is a video webinar I did for http://react19.org going over much of the information contained in this post. My talk is about 45 minutes long then there is an audience Q&A.]

continued in link above


link and article below of matt hancock asking rishi to shut down bridgen antisemtic statements of comparing the holocaust to vaccine injuries and deaths.


Holly Patrick | 2 days ago

Andrew Bridgen: Matt Hancock asks Rishi Sunak to condemn ‘anti-semitic and anti-vax’ comments


Matt Hancock asked Rishi Sunak if he agreed that “anti-semitic, anti-vax comments” had no place in the House of Commons during Prime Minister’s Questions today, 11 January.

“Theories that have been promulgated online this morning are not only deeply offensive, but anti-scientific”, the former health secretary said.

Mr Hancock’s question came after Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen was suspended for spreading Covid vaccine misinformation.

One of Mr Bridgen’s tweets read: “As one consultant cardiologist said to me this is the biggest crime against humanity since the holocaust.”

The prime minister said he “completely condemned” the comments.

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ae77dd  No.18142316

File: 6c00ac209f205ce⋯.png (1012.18 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20221206_132640.png)

File: ad9740671639350⋯.png (415.59 KB, 462x449, 462:449, ad974067163935098393302ed3….png)

File: 130f3995543e3ab⋯.jpg (49.18 KB, 534x461, 534:461, Cgu.jpg)




Q also said Trust Sessions…lol

Anon you need to be castrated.

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72f30e  No.18142317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I will end your crimes against humanity, one way or another.

Mark my words.

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b4b2c9  No.18142318

File: 10ae3ac332931b0⋯.png (42.06 KB, 386x252, 193:126, ClipboardImage.png)


Music? I listen to AM talk radio. I have literally turned into my parents.

Hold they fort down!

Anon needs to clean the smoker. Doing Ribs today.

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85c256  No.18142319


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0q2dgVuS2QY

we believed that Washington was broke.

The normal system of selecting leadership, in both parties, is based on the redistribution of lobbyist and special interest money.

If you wanna be the leader of your party, you have to raise and redistribute North of $100M.

And Kevin McCarthy was so good at that, he raised and distributed about half a billion dollars over the last election cycle. So it creates a covenant that's not really built on trust, or merit, or vision, but trading money for political support, and we wanted to send a shock to that DC cartel system and say no, there's got to be a different way you get there.

And the concessions we sought fell into 3 buckets:

policy - we wanted specific bill scoming to the floor, we wanted specific dates for when they would come to the floor, we wanted adherence to specific spending levels with a budget resolution, and the organizing principle of our policy goals was to make sure that we would never again get an omnibus bill.

That's just a total joke of a way of governing. How can we sit here and honestly say that bills that are thousands of pages long, that spend $1.7 TRILLION dollars and that you get 48 hour before having to cast a vote is really legislating. It's not. It devalues each individual member and it's insulting to our constituents to suggest that we even know what the hell we're doing when that's the way we run the railroad.

So that's policy. Second was procedure. Having those 72 hours to read the bill. Having open amendments. The youngest member of congress was not yet born the last time the appropriations process went through regular order. And that just means we should vote on the defense stuff seperately, and then vote on like the education stuff, and then vote on the Health and Human Services stuff, and then it doesnt just all get mushed together so somebody can vote for a bunch of bullshit that you wouldn't otherwise approve and say well, I had to vote for it to fund our trooops. That's the game, that's what the cartel builds and lobbyists make a gazillion dollars off of it.

The third leg is personell. In order to enforce the deal that we got we wanted specific people on committees in specific leadership posts, and what's the saying? You rob the banks because that's where the money is at.

We wanted far more representation on the appropriations committee bc that's where the money is. And a lot of Amerians dont know what the rules Committee is and why that's important but it totally governs what we get to vote and dont get to vote on , and so we demanded specific people on the Rules Committee.

People said you shouldnt have done that, you showed the country how rough and tumble this is, you should have done that behind closed doors.

I was like, to hell with that, man, behind closed doors is where the American people have been getting screwed

and so I wanted to level my complaint on the House floor,, I wanted to cite the people I was objecting to and their ascension to leadership.

Their are days in Congress where the only thing we vote on is….

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42bb02  No.18142320

File: 7716aff855dad90⋯.jpeg (26.58 KB, 281x500, 281:500, dragon_281x500.jpeg)

You are all in the ascension process now. It has been ongoing for some time. But you are not fully ready for that first wave of ascension yet. Most of you are not. But you are coming closer and closer as you continue to find yourself moving out of the 3-D illusionary world and into the higher vibrations of the higher fourth dimension and at times certainly in the fifth dimension.

Because everything is moving ahead, no matter what. All of this cannot be stopped. Those that attempt to continue to do so, continue to attempt to block the sun or they continue to poison your bodies with chemicals and all of these things that they are doing to hold this process off to keep you from ascending, that is not going to work anymore, and is not even working now at this point.

Many of them have lost control and they are beginning more and more to realize that they have lost control. But they continue to hold on, thinking at the last moment that they will be rescued, that those who came long ago would be here again to rescue them and to continue to keep them in power. But that is not going to happen, and it cannot happen. Everything that is approaching cannot be stopped at this point.

Because you, the Light-workers, the Light-Warriors, are moving ahead with your missions. You all have missions. You all are part of the greater mission, but you also have your individual parts within that greater mission.

And as you’ve discussed earlier, there is no greater or lesser mission, here, no greater or lesser purpose or purposes. Everything is a part of the great whole, here. Everything is a part of the Great Plan.

And all of us and all of you are working together to bring this plan to fruition, to bring it to the culmination, the crescendo that has been spoken of where everything in the moment when you experience it will take you into the next higher levels within your being. And that is what you are all here to do. But not only here to do it for yourselves, but you are here to do it for everyone around you as well, as much as you can, to spread your light, to share your light wherever possible. And that is your mission.

That is what we want you to think of as your mission now, to spread the light, however it happens, whatever it encompasses, here. We want you to focus on that, to spreading your light. Whether it is to be joyful within yourself, or it is to be joyful outside of yourself.

To be happy, to show everyone the joy that you are feeling within, if it is that wonderful. If it is that you secretly share your light with others, send them light without them even knowing that you are doing it, that is okay too. If you are sending healing energy to another by sending them the light, then that is certainly okay as well.

Everything is exactly as it needs to be in the moment that you are doing it. Know that. As long as you are doing it with the best intentions in mind, the best intentions that you can understand in the moment. And that is what you are needing to focus on more and more. Find yourself moving out of the 3-D world as much as you can.

Whenever there are feelings of anger, let that subside. Whenever there are feelings of sorrow or sadness, let that be replaced by joy and gratefulness in the moment. If you do not feel that you are grateful, then bring it about. Think of something that brings that gratitude to you or that brings that happiness to you. You have a saying, ‘find the happy side,’ ‘find your happy place” and this can greatly assist you, as well as going out into nature whenever you can.

Or just simply seeing the beauty around you and within you, or within someone that you are close to. See the beauty within that person. Don’t look for the ugliness, for if you look for it, you will find it. Look for the beauty in that person, whoever it is. And if it is not a person, if it is an animal or a plant, see the beauty within that life form as well. For all is a process, here, and you are all operating now within that process of raising your vibration, raising your consciousness, and coming back to the remembrance of who you are and who you have always been, for you have never not been who you are.

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94edd8  No.18142321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>wake the fuck up

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1e031d  No.18142322

File: 1b92a92127d2498⋯.jpg (181.37 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, You_Aint_Black.jpg)


…And we live in a Republic, not a democracy.

Let me bounce an Aristotle quote back at ya:

Republics decline into democracies and democracies degenerate into despotisms. -Aristotle

The Framers knew what they were building. Pick up a book, and please don't reproduce.

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85c256  No.18142323


Chris Plante ftw

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889e58  No.18142324

File: dc4c491e3c06577⋯.png (876.92 KB, 802x667, 802:667, part.PNG)


Multiple Republicans to take part in 2023

World Economic Forum meeting

Conservative Review, by Alex Nitzberg

Posted By: GustoGrabber, 1/14/2023 6:04:47 AM

Multiple U.S. figures, including some Republicans, are slated to be involved in the World Economic Forum's upcoming annual meeting. Republicans including Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and Rep. Maria Salazar of Florida are listed as participants in the "America (Un)Bound" event at the meeting, along with Democrats including Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware, Rep. Mikie Sherrill of New Jersey, Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, who recently switched from being a Democrat to being an independent, but who is still currently listed as part of the Senate Democratic caucus.

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a3728a  No.18142325

What is page 1, page 2, and page 3?

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37fb6d  No.18142326

File: 1ffeb95bdb148b8⋯.jpg (232.9 KB, 751x669, 751:669, 20201021_093106.jpg)

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a5a048  No.18142327

File: a69ba90cbe98c41⋯.jpg (80.6 KB, 800x360, 20:9, kills_and_maims.jpg)

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38c6e2  No.18142329

File: 9363f0a6072fe6b⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1092x1068, 91:89, 1673698337270.png)

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38c6e2  No.18142330

File: 80292fd47e71e93⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1092x1068, 91:89, 1673698369902.png)

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38c6e2  No.18142331

File: fb15ece2fce8ebf⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1092x1068, 91:89, 1673698401108.png)

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38c6e2  No.18142332

File: 28d7ae8c0f33def⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1092x1068, 91:89, 1673698473368.png)

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f4d6d8  No.18142334


NOTABLEbecause U.S. Patent No. 7,220,852 B1 on "Coronavirus Isolated From Humans" as issued to the United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on May 22, 2007, long before the CDC and others inflicted the deadly jabs on the population of the world, meaning that [THEY] were well aware of the impending COVID scamdemic for years before [THEY] criminally inflicted it on us.


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94edd8  No.18142335

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>And all of us and all of you are working together to bring this plan to fruition, to bring it to the culmination, the crescendo that has been spoken of where everything in the moment when you experience it will take you into the next higher levels within your being.

turn it up

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889e58  No.18142336

File: 0ce76223247f339⋯.png (474.53 KB, 692x739, 692:739, cider.PNG)


National Security

Risky Business: Biden Admin Considers Civilian to Run Missile Defense Agency

Former missile defense chiefs slam unprecedented move as national security risk

Alana Goodman

January 13, 2023

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38c6e2  No.18142337

File: a5e50cd01d1b867⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1092x1068, 91:89, 1673698563098.png)

Limited Trump 5 by 5 Edition!

Collect All 5 Today!

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da8b92  No.18142338

File: 93ea98abd57929b⋯.gif (6.24 MB, 400x400, 1:1, pepe_head_blown.gif)


a bit of advice.

cut out the energy drinks.

they will fuck you up in moar ways then many.

especially things like red bull

carry on


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8c4c64  No.18142339

File: 3a669665089a4a9⋯.png (209.82 KB, 416x255, 416:255, ClipboardImage.png)

deep state fate

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82f97f  No.18142340

File: ab1a6db50158fc2⋯.mp4 (1.44 MB, 360x360, 1:1, ab1a6db50158fc206530e043e6….mp4)



Apparently you don't understand a republic is when all laws passed must be Constitutional and all majority vote laws that are unconstitutional are null and void…. We don't have anything like that in Washington DC today it's majority vote by corrupted politicians and ram it Down the American people's throat.

You are not smart your are ignorant.

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804a2d  No.18142341


The was my face when my feet slipped off the pedals for landing.

(No need for comments from the Peanut Gallery)

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38c6e2  No.18142342

File: e81af6a2b1bfd8f⋯.gif (961.25 KB, 500x214, 250:107, They_Live_BBD_Kek.gif)

File: d2643b2a17cf4a6⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 65.44 KB, 339x735, 113:245, BBC_Covid_Cockrings_Dildo_….png)


Like BBD With Multiple Covid Cockrings Hard?

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72c910  No.18142343

File: 18e5dc2fba656ce⋯.gif (1.78 MB, 397x220, 397:220, GOPRino.gif)


>Multiple Republicans to take part in 2023

>World Economic Forum meeting

Multiple RINOs ….


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a5a048  No.18142344

File: 254098eaab23b80⋯.jpg (180.12 KB, 720x750, 24:25, SOCCER_now_known_as_SUCKER.jpg)

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42bb02  No.18142345


>But they continue to hold on, thinking at the last moment that they will be rescued, that those who came long ago would be here again to rescue them and to continue to keep them in power. But that is not going to happen

So sad for [them]

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72f30e  No.18142346

File: 18e1040e94dc9fa⋯.gif (2.65 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, fuck_your_BS_.gif)

trust the plan.

wray of light.

durham it is the hammer (he\s still alive, btw?)

trust satan

santa it is your freedom.

trust biden.

trust cia.

trust nsa.

trust evil.

trust fuck.

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371c17  No.18142347

File: 4534dd9d8a2a423⋯.png (248.78 KB, 500x475, 20:19, 4534dd9d8a2a423b514e8bbde8….png)


Anon remembers that feeling too

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283b97  No.18142348




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72f30e  No.18142349


Don't make fun of the fucking champion, piece of shit!!!!!!!!!!

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371c17  No.18142350

File: 8a6d21178608a3b⋯.jpg (85.27 KB, 750x563, 750:563, 8a6d21178608a3b1b6f02aa522….jpg)

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702d66  No.18142351



Since Mike Tyson is a nigger he gets to go to prison for three years for rape and then get out and live his life like it never happened ….

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28a72a  No.18142352

File: 85bc93bc4780181⋯.png (221.08 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ClipboardImage.png)

Lithuania-Latvia gas pipeline blows up, but no sign of attack

VILNIUS (Reuters) -A gas pipeline connecting Lithuania and Latvia was hit by an explosion on Friday but there was no immediate evidence of an attack, Lithuania gas transmission operator Amber Grid said.

Video published by Lithuania's public broadcaster LRT showed a fire raging at the blast site in the Panevezys county in northern Lithuania. The fire was put out, the Lithuania pipeline grid operator's chief executive said.

"According to the initial assessment, we do not see any malign cause, but the investigation will cover all possible options," Amber Grid Chief Executive Nemunas Biknius told a news conference.

The supply of gas was cut off but the CEO said the blast had damaged one of two parallel pipelines sending gas from Lithuania to Latvia and that Amber planned to restore supply by using the unaffected one.

"We plan to restore the gas supply in a few hours, in comparable amounts. We plan that the clients will not feel an impact from this event", Biknius told reporters.

Lithuania, like war-torn Ukraine, borders Russia and is situated on the Baltic Sea where the Russia-to-Germany Nord Stream gas pipelines were destroyed by explosions last year.

Flames initially rose some 50 metres (160 feet) in the air and could be seen at a distance of at least 17 km (11 miles), LRT reported.

There were no injuries or fatalities reported, Baltic news agency BNS said.

Povilas Balciunas, the head of public administration in the nearby town of Pasvalys, told Reuters flames initially burned like "a big torch of gas" before calming down.

(Reporting by Andrius Sytas, writing by Terje Solsvik; Editing by Kirsten Donovan, David Evans and Grant McCool)


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804a2d  No.18142353


Listening now

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35d8ef  No.18142354

File: 994c510e74f59b8⋯.jpeg (698.03 KB, 1125x1234, 1125:1234, 1041784F_636C_47BB_A011_8….jpeg)

Trump Truth: Mar-a-Lago serving as "Southern W.H."

Anon thinks notable.

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371c17  No.18142355

File: bb5e0ca59fb20bf⋯.jpg (96.21 KB, 935x1413, 935:1413, FXW5SQMWAAAy43J.jpg)


Division shills gonna division

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889e58  No.18142356

File: 27bdeeece452550⋯.png (933.74 KB, 894x773, 894:773, oak.PNG)


The Groomers Are Out in Oklahoma and the Fight is On! Can The Reddest State in the Nation Stop Them?

By Megan Fox 6:11 PM on January 13, 2023

It’s so weird that Oklahoma has become the battleground against woke ideology. It makes NO SENSE in a state as red as Oklahoma. The people of Oklahoma are more conservative than anywhere else, including Texas, yet I have written multiple horror stories coming from Oklahoma where the woke gender cult members and groomers are wreaking havoc on Oklahoma’s children. Remember when Oklahoma University was chemically castrating kids? That was just a few months ago.

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889e58  No.18142357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3d95d7  No.18142358


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28a72a  No.18142359

File: d6aafae52bb40f2⋯.png (2.29 MB, 1284x885, 428:295, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Corvette memes have begun…


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42bb02  No.18142360

File: 6ec734808bab0c4⋯.jpg (8.79 KB, 200x200, 1:1, kara_of_the_pleiades_eraof….jpg)

For once Prime Creator said, “Enough is enough!” everything was put into motion at that point. And the call went out to so many of us, so many of the civilizations that are beyond this human civilization here on this planet, to come to the aid of Gaia and the people here.

And come in the millions, we have! All in readiness. Readiness at a moment’s notice! Just as your emergency broadcast system is there at a moment’s notice to reach out to the people. But not only of this country, but of the entire planet, to reach out.

We also are in readiness in the same way for the signal to be given, for us then to move into the next part of our operation. We have stages within our operations, just as you do on the planet. To look at it, it’s Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, et cetera. And also, yes, Plan A, B, C. that is the way you look at it here on this planet. We have similar progression as well.

And we are moving now into another stage. It is imminent at this point. I cannot tell you exactly what that stage is, although there will be information coming out from various of our sources that will tell of this from our point of view.

And I use this term ‘our point of view’ because I want all of you, we want all of you to begin to think and to look at the Earth and the progression of the Earth, and all of the people here on the planet in the same way that we look at you.

Again, we see the beauty. We want you to look out and see the beauty everywhere. For it is a beautiful planet with wonderful resources, enough resources to share with everyone on the planet, where no one should be able to go hungry or thirsty, or without love and caring—not a single one! That is the new vision of this planet, and for this planet, as you continue to move into the higher vibrations.

Yes, there is tremendous upheaval at this time, here in this country, your United States of America, as well as other countries throughout the planet–great upheaval. But as you know and have heard many times from many different sources: first, the old paradigm must come tumbling down, must come crashing down at times.

And you are at that point now, for a great part of the old paradigm is about to fall. Exactly how that is to be remains for you to see yet.

But know that all is in readiness both here by the Forces of Light on this planet, as well as the Forces of Light above and below the planet. All is in readiness to begin the Operation of Compression Breakthrough. And it is an operation.

So as always, and as many different sources continue to guide you, trust in the plan. For it is the Creator’s plan. And being the Creator’s plan, nothing, no thing and no one, can interfere with the plan.

Oh yes, they can do things to postpone it, to alter it. And they have done that. But we can only do it for so long. Because they continue to delve back into the same playbook. But that playbook is at a lower vibration. A lower vibration of the third-dimensional consciousness and the illusion.

That playbook will not work at the higher vibrations. And that is about to be shown that it cannot work at the higher vibrations. So they do everything they can now to reach into the deepest part of that playbook, pull out all stops, as your saying goes. But all of this will end in their defeat and their demise.

They have all been given. When I say ‘all,’ I speak now of the dark forces here on this planet, the cabal, the Illuminati, the deep state. All have been given opportunity to be able to turn to the Light.

But so many have turned away from the Light. They do not understand what they do. Just as those that put to death the one known as Yeshua, and he, even on the cross, spoke out to his Father, “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.” So to all of you now: would you also be able to do the same and say to the Father, to the Prime Creator, to the Cosmic Source of this universe, “forgive them, for they know not what they do”?

All of you now: go in peace and love, and sharing of the Christ Consciousness to all that you come in contact with in every given moment. For in every given moment, you can, if you look for it, find those moments of joy, even within, all of the seeming, and I use that term purposefully, ‘seeming,’ consternation and negative vibrations that surround you at this time.


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3d95d7  No.18142361


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d330b4  No.18142362


>Anon thinks notable


All PDJT Truths are notable..

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d330b4  No.18142363



*when correctly sauced.

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ed11ae  No.18142364

File: 05fcc0868763613⋯.mp4 (5.43 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Freed_Minds_Power_of_Hypno….mp4)


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1e031d  No.18142365

File: 65c1fab36be1ae4⋯.jpeg (16.62 KB, 195x255, 13:17, Growing_up_70s.jpeg)

File: 3555426bde28281⋯.jpg (150.25 KB, 1080x1104, 45:46, 70s_kids.jpg)

File: dbeafc6144c4200⋯.jpg (129.37 KB, 900x846, 50:47, 70s_kids_last.jpg)

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42bb02  No.18142366


>trust in the plan. For it is the Creator’s plan. And being the Creator’s plan, nothing, no thing and no one, can interfere with the plan.

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889e58  No.18142367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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35d8ef  No.18142368




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da8b92  No.18142369

File: 238cc24d7e78f32⋯.png (735.5 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


notable sabotage

Anon has actually been there on holiday.

The most beautiful eastern europeon women come from Lithuania. stunning in looks but most have left for europe and the western hemisphere.


>Lithuania, like war-torn Ukraine, borders Russia and is situated on the Baltic Sea where the Russia-to-Germany Nord Stream gas pipelines were destroyed by explosions last year.


>VILNIUS (Reuters) -A gas pipeline connecting Lithuania and Latvia was hit by an explosion on Friday but there was no immediate evidence of an attack, Lithuania gas transmission operator Amber Grid said.

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3d95d7  No.18142370


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3d95d7  No.18142371


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889e58  No.18142372

File: 03c08c7a2b41645⋯.png (515.62 KB, 602x624, 301:312, prog.PNG)


Project Veritas



reaches out to “fact check” their upcoming hit piece on Project Veritas and hear what they don’t want to hear.

Why is reporting truth such a difficult endeavor for you @riceid

? Try it for once.

4:14 PM · Jan 13, 2023



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f5b84e  No.18142373

File: b4310e89e8a4d0d⋯.gif (2.45 MB, 800x800, 1:1, hypnotoad44.gif)

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42bb02  No.18142374


This is MUCH BIGGER THAN even AUTISTS can imagine (MUCH BIGGER!).

This is BIGGER THAN people can possibly imagine.

BIGGER THAN you can imagine.





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72f30e  No.18142375


At least say ty for the gif…..

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85c256  No.18142376

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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72f30e  No.18142377

File: 55cd7322abe850f⋯.gif (2.01 MB, 400x242, 200:121, hocus_pocus_billions_gone.gif)

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4f224d  No.18142378

File: 76efae14c4862da⋯.png (454.23 KB, 477x664, 477:664, we_are_here.png)

File: 7f7b0db5e753018⋯.jpg (46.74 KB, 800x500, 8:5, P_pedophile_consumer.jpg)

File: d0044dd51193785⋯.jpg (141.58 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 77_satan.jpg)

File: 7bed186ac460f4a⋯.jpg (71.52 KB, 573x435, 191:145, 77_hate.jpg)

File: 50d79bc21c62847⋯.jpg (90.15 KB, 871x500, 871:500, shilling.jpg)

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371c17  No.18142379

File: 5b1a64017f06816⋯.jpeg (77.84 KB, 525x469, 75:67, 5b1a64017f06816b11d3c186c….jpeg)

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d330b4  No.18142380

File: 09505d6e5c6cc94⋯.mp4 (11.55 MB, 640x360, 16:9, pveritas_sm.mp4)




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72f30e  No.18142381

File: 511a656cda8ce72⋯.gif (976.09 KB, 204x204, 1:1, hug.gif)


Ask santa klaus.

oven it is bad.

climate shit…..

anyway, have a …..

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889e58  No.18142382


Why I Believe In Rebirth - Manly P. Hall 3/4

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371c17  No.18142383

File: 2e1976231bc8a86⋯.jpg (14.67 KB, 255x248, 255:248, 2e1976231bc8a862f47702414a….jpg)


Yall gonna eat that

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889e58  No.18142384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Why I Believe In Rebirth - Manly P. Hall 3/4

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8c4c64  No.18142385

File: ce9253b707ffb0b⋯.png (141.72 KB, 254x363, 254:363, ClipboardImage.png)

"….BUT…I realize I am actually just a sick deranged man who Daddy and Mommy abandoned early"

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018a81  No.18142386


i really wanted a go cart.

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481584  No.18142387


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a5a639  No.18142388

File: ceadaa526f7384d⋯.jpg (318.5 KB, 1004x1280, 251:320, 1673591776136342.jpg)

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a5a048  No.18142389

File: 1f65af0d098812a⋯.jpg (219.43 KB, 990x779, 990:779, only_makes_money.jpg)

File: 743ced8ebde0d54⋯.jpg (474.46 KB, 1436x684, 359:171, FAUCI_IS_A_KILLER_tic_tic_….jpg)

File: 8def7255f1fb5fa⋯.jpg (147.63 KB, 1059x547, 1059:547, DYING_SUDDENLY.jpg)

File: 09d02af8399f9cc⋯.jpg (365.07 KB, 1544x824, 193:103, ethics_of_clinical_researc….jpg)

File: c454fb21077c2a2⋯.jpg (154.35 KB, 876x586, 438:293, kills_with_impunity.jpg)

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f5b84e  No.18142390

File: 8baed3751ffaa5b⋯.png (13.77 KB, 255x191, 255:191, d5642eb22e2549c96808ffe549….png)

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481584  No.18142391


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889e58  No.18142392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Did You Know

1,174,365 views Mar 28, 2009

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72f30e  No.18142393

File: b680aa4c3ae10ce⋯.jpg (26.47 KB, 640x360, 16:9, soros_funeral.jpg)


At least share some love.

For me, it is ok to kill, if you need to eat.

Bad it is when you kill for trophies.

And rothschild killing humans……….in austria or canada.

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8c4c64  No.18142394


this is fucking awesome, dude gets physically ejected from Guitar Center for trying to steal an axe.

We should do this in Congress

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7ddec9  No.18142395

File: a62107c8f67639c⋯.jpeg (98.31 KB, 800x494, 400:247, 6A9A93AE_65D1_45B9_8649_F….jpeg)

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7bc9e1  No.18142396

File: 2654859848de488⋯.webp (43.71 KB, 940x788, 235:197, C355421A_1697_4066_9F6F_5….webp)

File: e43f97c69dec60d⋯.jpeg (103.14 KB, 1280x798, 640:399, 625EAA33_ECFC_4DD7_A858_6….jpeg)

File: 584913957687d38⋯.jpeg (128.49 KB, 991x646, 991:646, 7EC0A052_ACF1_495C_A71D_A….jpeg)

File: 0e20b05640ea18e⋯.jpeg (58.37 KB, 768x431, 768:431, F733D65F_9826_4EB1_9F0C_4….jpeg)

Is there any Q decoders out there still making videos ?

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371c17  No.18142397

File: 128bb4c476fce69⋯.jpg (83.46 KB, 960x884, 240:221, image0.jpg)


Full speed downhill until the steering rope broke then panic and crash , no helmet , good days

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7ddec9  No.18142398

File: 7e035b8a331aedb⋯.jpeg (418.72 KB, 2008x1312, 251:164, 57F6223A_C040_4492_B0C8_5….jpeg)

The Medical Coincidence Bingo Card Template

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72f30e  No.18142399

File: aace6a3a621f331⋯.gif (1.62 MB, 385x215, 77:43, lemme_get_there.gif)



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371c17  No.18142400

File: e85d05a4366cf4d⋯.png (845.91 KB, 1125x823, 1125:823, fb333861e026966a05205f776a….png)

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fcf316  No.18142401

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why is the World Health Organisation pushing for more power?

Senator Alex Antic (AU)

Why is the World Health Organisation pushing for more power?

By seeking to have the 194 member nations of the World Health Assembly adopted amendments to the International Health Regulations (in addition to a new international agreement referred to as the “Pandemic Treaty”) the WHO is trying to create a new global health bureaucracy, usher in a global health passport and take a vice-like grip on our health system.

Find out more about the amendments at the WHO’s own website:

We have the IHR Amendments: https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_fil…

And the current working draft of the treaty: https://apps.who.int/gb/inb/pdf_files…

Write to your local MP, speak to your friends and create awareness today!

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f5b84e  No.18142402

File: c6ae6b1f2ef4663⋯.png (747.87 KB, 772x500, 193:125, 13JAN22_UFO170.PNG)

File: 1626b8e774654b8⋯.png (565.5 KB, 694x384, 347:192, 14JAN23_171.PNG)



170 vs. 171

must have been another one last night…


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889e58  No.18142403

File: a3b07c1dafc0c81⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1261x945, 1261:945, gate.PNG)

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283b97  No.18142404


I think she is missing one very important aspect (need to listen to part two, may be in there).

1) There are cures and regimens that will allow humans to live indefinitely or at least to a significant old age with life quality.

2) Individuals living to really old age means that the replacement speed of humans (birth rate) must be reduced to prevent mass overpopulation.

3) Once preventing humanity from replicating itself (sterilization) there does need to be an alternative method for creating new humans in an 'on-demand' or controlled manner.

4) The choice to have children is (was) the last uncontrolled aspect of free will.

Read Up On: Reproductive effects of the clot shot.

Artificial wombs: Jar babies.

CRISPR Gene Editing.

The ultimate population control is to completely control the reproductive capability of humans. Animal husbandry…….

Breed enough slaves to keep the high longevity ruling class in comfort.

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bc9471  No.18142405

File: 3376b518daae13c⋯.jpg (184.28 KB, 1080x893, 1080:893, Screenshot_20230114_065810….jpg)


Birds of a feather

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a5429e  No.18142406

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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f9b4b6  No.18142407


more invaders that should be shot first.

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b4b2c9  No.18142408

File: 9c8705783494e27⋯.png (2.39 MB, 1223x1223, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)




Anon Dinner Tonight

Set the Pellet Grill to 225

Add your favorite Rib-Friendly seasoning

Set the Ribs on the Smoker and let the Ribs smoke for 3 hours

Add few pats butter little Apple juice, brown sugar, brush on thin layer favorite BBQ sauce, wrap and cook for 2 more hours.

Remove the foil, then let the Ribs smoke for 1 more hour.

Making homemade tater salad and Baked Beans.

Looking forward to the day the DS is drained and we can use the Internet for what it was actually meant for. Food and Cat memes.

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fcf316  No.18142409

File: 2ab355579a34817⋯.jpeg (360.42 KB, 892x2728, 223:682, Web_capture_14_1_2023_703….jpeg)


The USDA has lowered ending stocks projections for U.S. corn, soybeans, and wheat.

Corn was reducedslightly to 1.242 billion bushels on a200 million bushel cut in the 2022 production figure, which was partially canceled out byreduced expectations for food, feed, and export demand, with no changes to ethanol use.

Soybean ending stocks are seen at 210 million bushels, 10 million less than December, following a 70 million bushel reduction in production against a 55 million drop for export demand.

The USDA lowered average yield and harvested area for soybeans, but raised the yield number for corn, while leaving harvested area unchanged.

Wheat was reported at 567 million bushels, 4 million under a month ago with larger beginning stocks canceled out by expected increases in seed and feed usage.

Globally, the USDA lowered corn and soybean production for Argentina and corn in Brazil, while raising the soybean guess for Brazil and wheat production for Ukraine.

The USDA’s next set of supply and demand estimates is out February 9th.


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889e58  No.18142410

File: 96d9f9f7fff66db⋯.png (1.49 MB, 696x918, 116:153, ride.PNG)

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371c17  No.18142411

File: c64efe36d89b828⋯.png (15.4 KB, 247x255, 247:255, eca1c1011a42fe7aee16f4b0bf….png)

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b4b2c9  No.18142412


>Remove the foil

Butcher's Paper. Never use foil!

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fcf316  No.18142413



cannot edit back to an unedited state

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4f224d  No.18142414

File: a991b02b22d710c⋯.jpg (77.97 KB, 499x468, 499:468, kri_SCHW_na.jpg)

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d43e7b  No.18142415


God Bless You swordAnon.

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fc4388  No.18142416


Wheres Sam and Ralph, Swordy? You should know better than to start roll call before those two clock in. Don't worry we will still deposit your funds for today, keep up the distractions and discord you're doing great.

Signed, shill team 6 command.

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889e58  No.18142417





Some beliefs are too deeply held which prevent moving further.

How do you teach Anons who think that they already know everything?

Sometimes the greatest questions have the simplest answers.

Forget everything you think you know.

Put down your phone and go outside.

Clear your mind.

No fear.

No doubt.

They are waiting for you.

"Try to be wise is only thy ego, aware our blindness is the only true wisdom."

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72f30e  No.18142418

File: 16614fd96cccfb9⋯.gif (977.2 KB, 500x268, 125:67, cats_heaven.gif)

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1e031d  No.18142419

File: bda9c7da59982af⋯.jpg (145.72 KB, 826x1024, 413:512, Covid_tiktok_war_zone.jpg)

File: aa1d0fdde04a974⋯.jpeg (400.27 KB, 640x788, 160:197, Nurse_tiktok_vid.jpeg)


Those numbers reflect the same information that Fauci, himself, discerned from studies of the 1918 "Spanish" Flu.

If anon recalls correctly, St. Louis did NOT lock down, had hospitals overwhelmed. Baltimore DID lock down and hospitals weren't.

Whether you locked down or not, similar number of deaths.

What an incredible waste the pLandemic was.

They cannot execute Fauci soon enough for this anon.Fuck that guy



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b4b2c9  No.18142420

File: 1b002e455b7b912⋯.png (157.1 KB, 397x462, 397:462, ClipboardImage.png)

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f5b84e  No.18142421

File: 4e775bf7d5d18eb⋯.png (373.26 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, indeed.png)


>They are waiting for you.

who's "they"?

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72f30e  No.18142422

File: bbc1f6d56a0464c⋯.gif (1.79 MB, 300x265, 60:53, da_fuck.gif)

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1e031d  No.18142423

File: acf755d5d6368f4⋯.jpg (150.96 KB, 969x331, 969:331, St_Anthony_of_Egypt.jpg)


Mornin', Swordy!

Blessings upon you & yours, anons, QTeam, and operators in the field.

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889e58  No.18142424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Preview Clip: Minnie the Moocher (1932, Cab Calloway and his Cotton Club Band)

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cebc8b  No.18142425


my dad made a go cart , put an 8 horse motor off a grain auger on it

mom thought it went to fast, so he took it off

we would just roll down the steep road by the house

had to pull it back uphill but it was heavy because he made it out of well pipe for a frame

then i got the motor scooter

tied a rope to the go cart and we were off

2 on the scooter and one on the go cart

like watersking for farm kids

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814279  No.18142426


heather the comedian who collapsed on stage suffered a skull fracture and is recovering. per search

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c0ab85  No.18142427

File: 5bfc7abfcc579ff⋯.jpg (27.29 KB, 306x306, 1:1, 5bfc7abfcc579ff1c1f3e75713….jpg)

Morning, Frens.

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77d89e  No.18142428



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283b97  No.18142429

File: 3d69770dc0e66e4⋯.png (10.57 KB, 422x168, 211:84, MediaMatters5.png)

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1e031d  No.18142430

File: 7636b0c260e7b13⋯.png (395.7 KB, 500x605, 100:121, Trigger_swordy_fag.png)

File: 2299835be15ff64⋯.jpeg (40.4 KB, 480x255, 32:17, KYS.jpeg)


Every day.

No way this shill wouldn't be getting paid to do it.

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f5b84e  No.18142431

File: c201a5ad9ecef09⋯.jpg (74.85 KB, 666x375, 222:125, Pfish.jpg)

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db9bb0  No.18142432

cave -> tepe -> ziggurat -> temple -> telescope

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b4b2c9  No.18142433

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Difference between kids and adults.

The speed and size of their toys.

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371c17  No.18142434

File: a9cd52335aca077⋯.jpg (116.41 KB, 843x1116, 281:372, download_3_.jpg)


Morning anon , have some boobs with that coffee

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72f30e  No.18142435

File: 0d7e1a91f05e445⋯.gif (751.92 KB, 220x146, 110:73, the_hunter.gif)

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3af7c0  No.18142436

File: 9a6dc5addaa7d73⋯.jpeg (105.06 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, A3D0A07C_1783_4248_9CD0_D….jpeg)

Better than March

Hobbs wants to give the State away to Illegals

Court of Appeals Gives Kari Lake Great News on Her Election Case

“Our appeal was accepted on its merits. Which means, contrary to what @katiehobbs & her Pravda media say, the Court recognizes this lawsuit has value. Our evidence will be given due consideration before the court. That scares the hell out of Hobbs & Company. It should,” Lake tweeted.

The three-judge panel will hear Lake’s case on Feb. 1.


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72f30e  No.18142437


New fishing style.

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889e58  No.18142438

File: 76a6b050ef26f80⋯.png (154.1 KB, 329x672, 47:96, arts.PNG)



Language alert 🚨


U.S. Army Releases Bizarre ‘Ghosts In The Machine’ Conspiracy Theory Video

By cloverchronicle on May 4, 2022

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6b756e  No.18142439

File: 2f98cfe11854118⋯.jpg (8.79 KB, 225x225, 1:1, PepeCoffee.jpg)

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283b97  No.18142440


>These technologies are based in consciousness. Consciousness and vibrational frequency working together and bringing about the changes, or the restructuring within the DNA processes that you have heard about, literally bringing DNA back to where you want it to be, back to before it was changed, before it was shifted away from the balanced DNA that you are all meant to be in and have a balanced DNA structure. And do not forget about the changing of the DNA to add more DNA, more beyond the double helix, reconnecting here and there. All of this is coming.

Wow for an inter-dimensional being you have some fundamental misunderstandings about DNA. Also, your sentence structure is appalling.

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4f224d  No.18142442

File: 4e0e468cdb42be2⋯.jpg (84.34 KB, 889x499, 889:499, 77_gtfoh.jpg)

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1e031d  No.18142443


Terrific find, anon.

Jazz was so hot, Calloway finished law school and went into the music business.

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889e58  No.18142444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5543d4  No.18142445

File: 612ba5bb3c68256⋯.png (610.45 KB, 772x608, 193:152, ClipboardImage.png)

>>18140962 pb


jan 6th leftists ID'd

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f5b84e  No.18142446

File: 5a9cf2c8b667843⋯.jpg (11.03 KB, 222x255, 74:85, keksuprise44.jpg)

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db9bb0  No.18142447

File: d90ad3eaf38c2e5⋯.png (538.66 KB, 1417x1270, 1417:1270, geowarden.png)

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3af7c0  No.18142448

File: aad3e7e88895825⋯.jpeg (625.79 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, 69D559D5_F9A1_4D0F_B47E_3….jpeg)


God Bless u Swordy

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889e58  No.18142449

File: 31e838a97b814ee⋯.png (207.3 KB, 531x483, 177:161, 4444444.PNG)


YW Thanks 2 https://t.me/PepeDeluxed/37526

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72f30e  No.18142450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


good mourning.

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5fd104  No.18142451

…Saturday morning reruns suck.

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fcf316  No.18142452

File: 2be43db54c54983⋯.jpg (79.48 KB, 750x1045, 150:209, 601d0b3672c0a4f68f518722d6….jpg)

For Running Bird

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1e031d  No.18142453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Kek, not even potted, but forgot the video clip.

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4f224d  No.18142454

File: 6a2f096b8e33790⋯.jpg (52.83 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 77_save_lives.jpg)

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cebc8b  No.18142455


global sent

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7c0106  No.18142456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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72f30e  No.18142457

File: 626847a2e532d55⋯.gif (941.41 KB, 500x281, 500:281, be_blessed.gif)



May God make all the criminals presidents, and give all that work for satan, much moar power.

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a08130  No.18142458

File: a083193492368d3⋯.jpg (79.32 KB, 577x432, 577:432, 774l00.jpg)

File: 8195893a342819c⋯.png (819.54 KB, 1080x1310, 108:131, Cgbu.png)

American people got to be the stupidest people in modern times.

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bee000  No.18142459

File: f77ff52b08205f3⋯.jpeg (12.21 KB, 180x180, 1:1, 567D2074_5BFE_41A9_B40F_F….jpeg)

File: f0c78198cf05c96⋯.jpeg (170.47 KB, 1104x1390, 552:695, D8CC5816_45B8_4735_B3C4_A….jpeg)

File: a1ef38c43c59aca⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 6FFA428E_AF5B_456E_93BB_EB….png)

File: 3f29f67c09ec4dc⋯.jpeg (73.82 KB, 680x380, 34:19, ADFF63E0_BDB8_421E_AD0D_B….jpeg)

Leftwing Journalist, John Nichols, identified as possible Scaffold Commander.

Wow that’s aMAJORdevelopment. Good work anons.

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5543d4  No.18142460

File: 0c3df0436bc9d35⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1253x825, 1253:825, jan6_scaffold_commander_jo….png)


>jan 6th leftists ID'd

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f5b84e  No.18142462

File: 70528209c6b1d1b⋯.png (199.16 KB, 560x279, 560:279, sooooon.png)

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8e5507  No.18142463

File: 569836307e22f97⋯.jpeg (68.24 KB, 1200x656, 75:41, raindrop_as56349902.jpeg)

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8901ad  No.18142464

If you suspect CP, you should not link posts to the offender as it may constitute trafficking of CP.

It is best to NOT LINK to possible CP, but report it.

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889e58  No.18142465

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2001ad  No.18142466

File: ae06d8e8f3772aa⋯.png (282.01 KB, 1852x907, 1852:907, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5649d0e05aac71⋯.png (138.03 KB, 1852x907, 1852:907, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d3003d280ffe16⋯.png (248.82 KB, 1852x907, 1852:907, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c1c29f391e0d3b⋯.png (137.56 KB, 1857x910, 1857:910, ClipboardImage.png)

>>18141805, >>18141762 (Both PB) CALL FOR A DIG ON VOC'S

Pubmed Article:

"Quantifying speciated concentrations and emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is critical to understanding the processes that control indoor VOC dynamics, airborne chemistry, and human exposures. Here, we present source strength profiles from the HOMEChem study, quantifying speciated VOC emissions from scripted experiments (with multiple replicates) of cooking, cleaning, and human occupancy and from unperturbed baseline measurements of the building and its contents."


The building and its contents were the dominant emission source into the house, with large emissions of acetic acid, methanol, and formic acid. Cooking emissions were greater than cleaning emissions and were dominated by ethanol. Bleach cleaning generated high emissions of chlorinated compounds, whereas natural product cleaning emitted predominantly terpenoids.

So what is the HomeChem Study? [https://www.colorado.edu/lab/vance/homechem-open-house]

You are invited to an Open House Event for the HOMEChem study on Friday, June 22, 2018.

The Study

In the United States, as well as in most of the developed world, people spend about 90% of their time in indoor environments. Not only are we impacted by the air we breathe and the surfaces we touch, but we also constantly change and influence the indoor environment around us. Although many research efforts have focused on assessing the presence and quantity of chemical air pollutants that affect the indoor air quality, few comprehensive studies have attempted a deeper exploration into how indoor air chemical compounds may interact and transform throughout a normal day of activities.

The HOMEChem experiment (House Observations of Microbial and Environmental Chemistry) will take place in the month of June 2018, incorporating measurements from over 15 research groups from 9 universities to identify the most important aspects of the chemistry that controls the indoor environment. The HOMEChem field study is expected to kick-start and energize the Chemistry of Indoor Environments community of scientists, while also answering interesting preliminary science questions on the chemistry of indoor environments in a real-world experimental setting. This brings an excellent opportunity for outreach to the broader scientific community and other stakeholders, such as other funding agencies, the local and national media, and the public.

More information about this study can be seen here. [https://indoorchem.org/projects/homechem/]

From the linked "more information" site:

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are a much broader group of gas-phase species with a wide variety of sources, including the paint on our walls, our cleaning products, our beauty products, our meals, and even our skin. Each of these sources–and many more–can contribute molecules that form a chemical soup around us. VOCs have the potential to react with the oxidants described above to form a variety of different products. The VOCs and their products can range from lighter and more volatile species that are quickly distributed throughout a room, to heavier and stickier species that have the potential to condense onto surfaces like walls, fabric, and humans, or to participate in the formation of particles. Many VOCs and their products have a negative impact on human health. By measuring a large range of Volatile Organic Compounds during HOMEChem, we hope to improve our understanding of VOC sources and fates within the indoor environment.

Participants included; HOMEChem researchers are from the University of Colorado Boulder; Colorado State University; the University of Texas at Austin; Drexel University; Syracuse University; Indiana University Bloomington; the University of Toronto; the University of California, Berkeley; the University of California, San Diego; the University of Massachusetts; Harvard University; Washington University in St. Louis Engineering; and The College of William & Mary.

Instruments being used during the experiment have been loaned by Handix Scientific, Airmodus,

Airboxlab, and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).


Study from the Royal Society of Chemistry (this was a WW event):


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f9b4b6  No.18142467

File: d0b50cf4ba41f99⋯.png (2.51 MB, 960x1440, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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fcf316  No.18142468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Massive Sunspots, Rare Interaction, Yellow or White Sun? | S0 News Jan.14.2023


26 minutes ago

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a5429e  No.18142469

File: 75f89d4a68d558f⋯.png (280.2 KB, 600x345, 40:23, 1bc3ad159c4cc7c498b4f1e410….png)



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f5b84e  No.18142470

File: 6f49e9ee7074e2f⋯.jpg (24.39 KB, 600x400, 3:2, grrrr.jpg)

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5fd104  No.18142471

File: 53ae7fc7861bdd6⋯.jpg (105.25 KB, 450x758, 225:379, ElDuceright.jpg)



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3af7c0  No.18142472

File: c4439d85183acfe⋯.jpeg (248.18 KB, 890x800, 89:80, 8F682E59_2234_490F_B370_6….jpeg)

File: 7566f6c5110cbbe⋯.jpeg (77.74 KB, 570x800, 57:80, B9F22AD9_15CC_4AB0_8739_3….jpeg)

File: 94fd8033b9771e4⋯.jpeg (480.55 KB, 1355x1210, 271:242, 89830AD8_2144_42B6_BF67_1….jpeg)

File: 4be39f9b40c7ecb⋯.jpeg (172.18 KB, 1080x683, 1080:683, 8FC08DCD_E46D_43B4_A6E8_D….jpeg)

File: a5303c4b656b95e⋯.jpeg (128.23 KB, 807x800, 807:800, 290DAB79_014E_4C7B_B7D7_3….jpeg)

Time to get to Higher Ground. I hear it Cracking…

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1e031d  No.18142473

File: 4c7eb0b19f2560e⋯.mp4 (14.83 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Ghost_army2.mp4)

File: 8803b5c7bff4cf4⋯.png (196.65 KB, 508x455, 508:455, Ghost_Army_44.png)


Ghost Army was real and important to confusing our opponents.

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b621c2  No.18142474


At the end of the day, we're not uniting with the media. This anon will never forgive what happened here and how alternative media influencers uses this place as their main source of "information and evidence".

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8901ad  No.18142475

File: 89a92c316013251⋯.png (2.33 MB, 1849x1040, 1849:1040, ClipboardImage.png)

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081c89  No.18142476

File: 4bdac7b7180ec50⋯.jpg (52.01 KB, 1200x1415, 240:283, 1673592439911080.jpg)

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fcf316  No.18142477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Stevie brings heat to Seasame Street…

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f5b84e  No.18142478

File: 4de2cb3ba414642⋯.jpg (59.17 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 14.jpg)

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5d8cc1  No.18142479

File: 418c8867aa6c5c3⋯.png (81.69 KB, 325x212, 325:212, ClipboardImage.png)

did the world escape a big false flag event on friday the 13th.

Apart from the lithuania pipeline explosion.

How much damage will that do to the supply of energy and gas supplies.

ripples will ripple.



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473987  No.18142480

File: 7f027f02f5fcc00⋯.png (790.01 KB, 1080x1348, 270:337, Scvbi.png)

HotWheels is ready to cut a deal with the prosecutor's in the Philippines.

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59cf07  No.18142481


>NYMag reaches out to “fact check” their upcoming hit piece on Project Veritas and hear what they don’t want to hear.


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db9bb0  No.18142482

File: f701647998c8505⋯.jpg (208.54 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, f701647998c8505fe753982f2d….jpg)

File: c6f7de205c9f0b3⋯.jpg (144.58 KB, 658x720, 329:360, global_decom.jpg)


an ominous trend

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4f224d  No.18142483

File: a265a25379bf810⋯.jpg (65.84 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 77777.jpg)


proph… aside.

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1e031d  No.18142484

File: 1e453ccd3aa393e⋯.png (212.63 KB, 1739x880, 1739:880, Shill_scale.png)


We must be over the target today, fren.

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72f30e  No.18142485

God let usa put zelensky in power.

all the crimes, biolabs, are to God.

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72f30e  No.18142486



who it is god?

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72f30e  No.18142487

File: 4783637d7e0b6d1⋯.jpg (30.22 KB, 640x673, 640:673, Antarctica_sign.JPG)

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09301e  No.18142488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2ec52e  No.18142489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b621c2  No.18142490

I Repeat:

Alternative Media Influencers (AMI).

I did not say the MSM.

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f5b84e  No.18142491

File: 6870e6388f08cb6⋯.jpg (53.58 KB, 667x374, 667:374, bubblebath44.jpg)

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72f30e  No.18142492


fake alien invasion will save you.

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1bf773  No.18142493

>>18141335 pb

>pure unadulterated fear porn. the clotshot HAS to be injected or inhaled. it will NOT survive the digestive process.

What evidence do you have that it cannot enter through bleeding gums while eating before the digestive process begins?

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7c0106  No.18142494

File: 38de21778e55d15⋯.png (68.16 KB, 1187x217, 1187:217, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34979a312e3bd5c⋯.png (352.06 KB, 1100x685, 220:137, ClipboardImage.png)

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8e5507  No.18142495

File: d180809e8b7bf04⋯.jpg (56.63 KB, 770x770, 1:1, Riders_On_The_Storm.jpg)

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b621c2  No.18142496


America is the center of this evil, Lara.

America and the American media.

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72f30e  No.18142497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cb6ebc  No.18142498



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db9bb0  No.18142499

File: 954d8dca14ca8ab⋯.png (15.87 KB, 221x255, 13:15, 954d8dca14ca8ab5d58f470bfc….png)

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889e58  No.18142500

File: 4abd2fe78103fa7⋯.png (30.55 KB, 770x293, 770:293, sis.PNG)


Tiny upstate town faced with NYC-like

migrant influx: ‘Won’t take many to

overwhelm the system’

New York Post, by Bernadette Hogan *

Posted By: Imright, 1/14/2023 8:27:39 AM

JAMESTOWN, NY — In this small town — about as far as one can get from the southern border without entering Canada — residents are bracing for an influx of migrants that could cause a crisis similar to the one that has New York City facing a fiscal cliff. “If a city of 8 million people can be overwhelmed by a couple thousand migrants, imagine what a couple hundred can do to overwhelm a small rural community upstate?” warned state Sen. Joe Borrello (R-Jamestown). “It wouldn’t take many migrants to overwhelm the system,” he added. At least 35 migrants from Colombia are known to have arrived in the tiny upstate city

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4f224d  No.18142501

File: 16b717ab9fa1fda⋯.jpg (100.24 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 77_covfefe.jpg)

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db1147  No.18142502



Mar A Lago was donated to the government to serve as the southern White House for Roosevelt.

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335152  No.18142503

File: f0421bd97a6b81c⋯.jpeg (41.15 KB, 657x527, 657:527, f0421bd97a6b81c320339a4dd….jpeg)

File: dd134be5fde2556⋯.png (6.71 KB, 282x57, 94:19, ClipboardImage.png)


Oh, I'm going to interpret it very strongly

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f5b84e  No.18142504

File: b15487fec6d68fd⋯.jpg (13.12 KB, 255x143, 255:143, jedistyle44.jpg)

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b27389  No.18142505


Yes, where DJT hosted Xi and gave the Greatest Face possible. Xi could only say yes.

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8034d4  No.18142506

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dr Aseem Malhotra


BREAKING BBC News: (Video Embedded)

Cardiologist says likely contributory factor to excess cardiovascular deaths is covid mRNA vaccine and roll out should be suspended pending an inquiry.

We did it. We broke mainstream broadcast media 🔥🔥🔥

3:56 AM · Jan 13, 2023


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b621c2  No.18142507


Timmy Tim Tim discusses his opinions.

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fcf316  No.18142508


Who owns Amaru?

In mythology of Andean civilizations of South America,the amaroca, amarucaor katariis a mythical serpent or dragon, most associated with the Tiwanaku and Inca empires. In Inca mythology, amaruca is a huge double-headed serpent that dwells underground, at the bottom of lakes and rivers.

2024 Year of the Dragon

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1bf773  No.18142509

>>18141468 pb

>Polling the internet: what is the best way to de-anonymize a Tor user?

Own entry and exit servers,

Or own RSA key distribution servers

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d330b4  No.18142510

File: 44cc0b81852671e⋯.png (30.51 KB, 353x352, 353:352, pepe_socket_newfag.png)


Do NOT link directly to potential CP posts anon. You are effectively sharing it…

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59cf07  No.18142511

File: a940afa82178988⋯.gif (3.61 MB, 286x296, 143:148, pockets.gif)

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1c9eab  No.18142512

File: 9377176674ff978⋯.jpeg (84.35 KB, 600x450, 4:3, F6C611E5_6D1B_4AC2_8210_2….jpeg)

Morning, frenz

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49eae1  No.18142513

File: 35c9f8b744dc81c⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1014x1222, 39:47, Vhi.png)



Since 2021 illegal aliens were brought here by the fake president Joe Biden and they must be deported or denied all government services.

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1bf773  No.18142514


Owning the wire gives you both.

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db9bb0  No.18142515

anon believes that it is time to do a psychological analysis of the legal persons common referred to as corporations. those bitches need to be in therapy.

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b27389  No.18142516


Obligated to DJT by Greatest Giving Of Face.

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838964  No.18142517


I don’t put much stock into what this clown says. He was dumb enough to get vaxxed. That’s Maxine stupid.

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f4b9ea  No.18142518

File: d9393b2299e2b03⋯.jpg (43.41 KB, 400x262, 200:131, d9393b2299e2b03ffa35e0fe64….jpg)

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3af7c0  No.18142519

File: c145d2ca584c939⋯.jpeg (154.82 KB, 705x800, 141:160, 9EE6DFBE_2628_409A_9140_4….jpeg)

File: 7860f2a500d467a⋯.jpeg (302.34 KB, 1067x800, 1067:800, 8254D582_A4EC_43B9_B306_1….jpeg)

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59cf07  No.18142520


yeah yeah

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3c0545  No.18142522

File: 0bc1c9f032b4b40⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB, 360x360, 1:1, 274889.mp4)


Henlo Frens

Happy Saturday

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ed11ae  No.18142523

File: ec9f061f98df809⋯.gif (1.07 MB, 170x180, 17:18, William_Sharner_Capt_Kirk_….gif)

File: 4929716185f82b1⋯.jpg (105.6 KB, 1216x862, 608:431, William_Shatner_Jewish.JPG)

File: 1a58150e694d09c⋯.jpg (197.06 KB, 720x708, 60:59, Dickhats_Wizard_Jews_of_Ke….jpg)

File: c580f3ffdca1a1d⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1050x1111, 1050:1111, 1671936271500.png)


The Kek is Strong with This One!

Praise Kek!


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8034d4  No.18142524

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Brandon Taylor Moore


🚨BREAKING🚨U.S. Life Insurance Companies Say Deaths Have an Unexplainable Increased by 40% in 18-49 Year Olds.

[Video embedded]

1:13 AM · Jan 9, 2023


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2962ec  No.18142525

File: 6778072a4a4f2e1⋯.jpg (44.29 KB, 611x408, 611:408, 6jsuie.jpg)


Bill Gates and Fauci will be skinned alive by theMAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY

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5fd104  No.18142526

File: 8ef9e06ab23ec5a⋯.png (848.77 KB, 499x657, 499:657, waveshift.png)



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49786f  No.18142527

File: 6446960742e2635⋯.png (7.24 KB, 255x121, 255:121, a55a7143c9639571fd949957bf….png)

File: f7dec31dde5f223⋯.png (409.43 KB, 681x355, 681:355, uniparty_23.png)

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d330b4  No.18142528

File: 3b64f31356a3192⋯.mp4 (3.82 MB, 778x360, 389:180, life_insurance_deaths.mp4)

File: f29eddd9b57fbeb⋯.png (285.4 KB, 596x550, 298:275, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2a027d8d8faaea⋯.png (13.02 KB, 688x176, 43:11, ClipboardImage.png)



What happens if the twat gets taken down anon?

Embedded twats don't always work.


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4f224d  No.18142529

File: c751953eddefdce⋯.jpg (80.93 KB, 500x737, 500:737, 77_memes.jpg)

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889e58  No.18142530

File: 2da715782a4f679⋯.png (410.09 KB, 607x638, 607:638, rez.PNG)


Kevin McCarthy


Good news → Democrats joined Republicans in a vote to prohibit the president from selling our Strategic Petroleum Reserves to China. Now the Senate should have an up or down vote on this common-sense legislation so we can send it to the president's desk.

Good news

2:49 AM · Jan 14, 2023



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8e5507  No.18142531






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0a0733  No.18142532

File: 84a26658ea6b935⋯.jpeg (175.93 KB, 958x912, 479:456, 84a26658ea6b935c6299a5f57….jpeg)

Nancy Pelosi thought Paul would die in the hammer attack then she she'd pin it on the retarded Canadian.

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58548f  No.18142533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For the intentions of anons and their families

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c0ab85  No.18142534

File: 3893335632ab09e⋯.png (238.94 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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b621c2  No.18142535


And does reporting in make it go away?

No. It comes back on the next bread, doesn't it?

Okay. Reporting here does nothing, ever.

I just filter and scroll. Filter and scroll.

Internet platforms don't give a rats ass about the law.

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d330b4  No.18142536


Indeed, there was a fair bit of insurance company talk last year anon, but not much verifiable sauce. The tide is turning, they're admitting it themselves now.

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42bb02  No.18142537


>>But (You) continue to hold on, thinking at the last moment that (You) will be rescued, that those who came long ago would be here again to rescue (You) and to continue to keep (You) in power. But that is not going to happen.

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8901ad  No.18142538

File: 20673ee6fcc4131⋯.png (395.89 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>AI cybernetic humanoid organisms controlled by the Military Industrial Complex and we are told that they are Aaayys.

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d43e7b  No.18142539


G'Mornin' Sam… Another Day at the Office.

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8e5507  No.18142540


yahoo did an article yesterday for the normie mind. cited conspiracy theorists….. marinating has begun.

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89ac8c  No.18142541


moar fear pron

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72f30e  No.18142542

If God know everything, including crimes against childre by psychopats like fbi, and do nothing, it means that He is complicit??????????????

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89ac8c  No.18142543

File: 4c77598836933d4⋯.png (90.57 KB, 300x281, 300:281, 4c77598836933d4c4e7bbaaf54….png)


use the filter

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49786f  No.18142544

File: 37331f47fee321c⋯.png (553.94 KB, 927x5697, 103:633, Vote_Details.png)


these members of congress voted to keep selling US strategic reserves oil to communist china ccp

Protecting America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve from China Act

Roll Call 31 | Bill Number: H. R. 22


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4f224d  No.18142545

File: 7cb747132473332⋯.jpg (65.14 KB, 500x602, 250:301, 77gng8.jpg)


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fcaba4  No.18142546

File: a4ecc839e64c24c⋯.jpg (51.43 KB, 629x465, 629:465, Fgi.jpg)

MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY are the most powerful CYBER intelligence outfit on the planet.

Internet KEY

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d330b4  No.18142547


'Anons, suggest you ignore this dumb 'advice'

CP is posted to bring down the board and smear anons. Global reporting it give admins a chance to remove this sick filth from our place.

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4f224d  No.18142548

File: a33ea2b8812c7c5⋯.jpg (252.56 KB, 842x474, 421:237, Jin_final.jpg)

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889e58  No.18142549

File: a14836f1ba9f30e⋯.png (516.15 KB, 603x671, 603:671, cath.PNG)


Catherine Herridge


.Cbs_Herridge: So we're talking about subpoenas on the table for the White House, the Archives + the Treasury Department.


: Yes. NOTE: Treasury docs are Suspicious Activity Reports for Hunter, James Biden’s businesses. FULL interview YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_LhEjN9BIVU


2:52 AM · Jan 14, 2023

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1e031d  No.18142550

File: 252c8e0a5cc4dab⋯.jpg (156.31 KB, 500x743, 500:743, Smart_people_not_bound_by_….jpg)


S0 guy is anon and breaking down the bullshit in the science dogma.

Anon is a regular consumer of his products.

Got the t-shirt, too!

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4f224d  No.18142551

File: ba4ff67c31ea122⋯.jpg (30.87 KB, 680x380, 34:19, 66_NYC.jpg)

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b621c2  No.18142552


Very mature response.

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4afc25  No.18142553

File: 96debb96c601e7a⋯.png (721.48 KB, 976x550, 488:275, 202.png)

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7c0106  No.18142554

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



[linked video]

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b621c2  No.18142555

So much professionalism.

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c60685  No.18142556

File: 8deb7180de36174⋯.jpg (79.8 KB, 613x434, 613:434, BOOM_4.jpg)

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db9bb0  No.18142557

File: 59a9457a14f6811⋯.jpg (284.12 KB, 1900x1006, 950:503, earth_constellations.jpg)

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8034d4  No.18142558

First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

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419d68  No.18142559


Stop whining like a child and you wot get talked to like one

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b621c2  No.18142560


You keep repeating your script but the evidence proves otherwise.

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e4aa29  No.18142561

File: 06caede3ba35692⋯.jpg (81.15 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 761ph8.jpg)


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cebc8b  No.18142562


not a newfag ya retard

the global people need to know

they only need one to report

if no one says they reported it

they either get none because everyone thinks someone else did

or they get a bunch

because everyone thinks no one did

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c60685  No.18142563

File: 778c681da15751d⋯.jpg (38.78 KB, 800x500, 8:5, P_wake_GOD_up.jpg)

File: a33ae8f426ef559⋯.jpg (31.84 KB, 800x500, 8:5, P_female_logic.jpg)

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8901ad  No.18142564


They will do nothing.

Same ol', Same ol'.

Even when Biden and the Military ask for your firearms, you will still do nothing.

You will hand them over willingly with the rest of the programmed masses.

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0c4c62  No.18142565


Then maybe you belong at a different place.

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b621c2  No.18142566

File: 8b436dd38ef0d30⋯.gif (2.39 MB, 350x197, 350:197, wah_doggo.gif)


stop talking to yourself

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3c0545  No.18142567

File: 6b265781303ee03⋯.webp (225.55 KB, 717x1024, 717:1024, largeugugug.webp)


GM swordy

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c60685  No.18142568

File: 3f21edd50292c7d⋯.jpg (73.18 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 77_tictac.jpg)

File: 6fc6320af0ed3b9⋯.jpg (70.79 KB, 500x885, 100:177, ant_warrior.jpg)

File: 512351fa196748a⋯.jpg (99.57 KB, 652x500, 163:125, AI_plus_meme_v2.jpg)

File: 96056dbd9327923⋯.jpg (70.42 KB, 500x549, 500:549, find_self_v2.jpg)

File: a3e3846d3b09f77⋯.jpg (70.54 KB, 561x500, 561:500, flat_truth_v3.jpg)

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b621c2  No.18142569


You brought me here. It's your fault.

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7f584e  No.18142571

File: 2a320f3b336928d⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1096x616, 137:77, E5530D36_0596_4087_B1DD_9B….png)

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d330b4  No.18142572


Do you find potential CP acceptable?

It's not a script, it's common sense and decency, unless you're a CP supporting degenerate, then I suppose you'd disagree.

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185f8c  No.18142574

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







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1e031d  No.18142575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Eskimo elders speak about the sun not in the same position as before

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76764f  No.18142576

File: 7af1957694dbcd9⋯.gif (1.42 MB, 340x184, 85:46, ralph1.gif)


>Morning, frenz

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c60685  No.18142577

File: 547cbd98325e757⋯.jpg (53.85 KB, 500x631, 500:631, c_stands_for_cats.jpg)

File: b47843062b9cf8a⋯.jpg (49.09 KB, 594x420, 99:70, darth_cat.jpg)

File: c39a8974f56af6d⋯.jpg (55.37 KB, 500x500, 1:1, canz_change_world.jpg)

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b621c2  No.18142578


I find everything about this platform unacceptable.

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db9bb0  No.18142579

awaken -> ascension -> enlighten -> transcend

enlightenment, a simple method

with a little contemplation the pieces are understood.

Practices found in various religions:



-sleep deprivation

-dancing (or other body motions)

-recitation (singing, prayer, chanting)

Intent of practices:

-expend excess energy of body

-expend excess energy of the brain

-minimize physical movement

-minimize thought

Method of combined practices:

1.Ideal time for attempt 3:4am or just after.

2. Fasting, 24hr prior attempt.

3. Awake, 24hr prior to attempt.

4. Physical fatigue (i.e. exercise) just prior to attempt.

5. attempt: controlled meditative breathing.

6. attempt: calm & relaxed mind.

7. attempt: trigger cold chills.

8. attempt: mentally contain chills at point of origin.

9. attempt: visualize movement upward on inhale.

10. attempt: visualize movement downward on exhale.

11. attempt: goal, move chill into brain.

12. attempt: movement resistance, overcome with repetition.

one way ticket, no take backs.

most ideal date/time (geometry):

february 14 or just after

@3:14am or just after

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889e58  No.18142580

File: 7ebfca873cffd1b⋯.png (427.37 KB, 617x714, 617:714, took.PNG)


Emerald Robinson ✝️


Read all about it here:


Fox News & Newsmax Took Biden Money To Push Deadly COVID Vaccines To Its Viewers

Corporate news outlets did not disclose the money they took to push dangerous drugs to their conservative audience

3:03 AM · Jan 14, 2023



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94288d  No.18142581


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4afc25  No.18142582

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d330b4  No.18142583


I always global it whether someone says they reported it or not.

Who's retarded? I didn't link to potential CP…YOU DID. YOU shared potential CP.

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1c9eab  No.18142584

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7bc9e1  No.18142585

File: 6f1bb2cf9e3e4eb⋯.png (93.7 KB, 1160x856, 145:107, qrumb536.png)

File: 72cca8038447c75⋯.png (2.4 MB, 2264x1110, 1132:555, masons_mass_shootings.png)

>33,000 emails

more dog whistles of 33, but this time for a delta


>POTUS just retweeted story "Hillary Clintons 33,000 emails may not be missing after all"

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b035bc  No.18142586


>yes, reporting makes it go away

>are you retarded AND new here?

>imagine being retarded, new, and a cp enthusiast

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d330b4  No.18142587


Then go elsewhere.

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dd3766  No.18142588

File: 33e5362983c42bc⋯.jpg (56.65 KB, 500x487, 500:487, 33e5362983c42bcff40c58ee56….jpg)


mornin Swordy!

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8e5507  No.18142589

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c60685  No.18142590

File: 34a4364be5dc2e3⋯.jpg (116.75 KB, 500x636, 125:159, brahma_was_buddha_v3.jpg)

File: 6c867bd75b700ec⋯.jpg (132.3 KB, 499x454, 499:454, Lord_Yeshua_3.jpg)

File: 0f631f86e287a69⋯.jpg (165.01 KB, 499x711, 499:711, Bacon_Wisdom.jpg)

File: 8a81c409bb8dfce⋯.jpg (119.27 KB, 511x487, 511:487, good_and_evil.jpg)

File: 01e35dfbe580d3c⋯.jpg (152.39 KB, 499x768, 499:768, Lord_Krishna_Kalki.jpg)

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b621c2  No.18142591

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7f584e  No.18142592

File: ed6efc8e37d62d0⋯.jpg (18.26 KB, 360x265, 72:53, treasondoor_2.jpg)

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8034d4  No.18142593


Playing both sides, right here on our screens, right now, with outrage shilling.

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5543d4  No.18142594

File: 5be23ad45e8affa⋯.png (72 KB, 351x283, 351:283, fauci_hanging_from_a_noose.png)


that's a CGI fauci.

many such cases

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7bc9e1  No.18142595

File: 331155266e3c83b⋯.png (2.54 MB, 2092x2092, 1:1, 331155266e3c83be9c4c35b21c….png)

File: 03db38071856756⋯.jpg (15.65 KB, 231x255, 77:85, assange.jpg)

File: 9ed125f8b9a62f7⋯.png (420.8 KB, 996x3316, 249:829, JusticeSc_wet_works.png)

File: 04c65a7a860c9a8⋯.jpg (295.69 KB, 1199x1097, 1199:1097, JusticeSc1Wet_Works.jpg)

File: 45e41490986e338⋯.png (1.79 MB, 980x632, 245:158, theboys.png)

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b621c2  No.18142596


Again. You brought me here.

Now, you want me to leave after what you did?

Nah, son. There's still work to be done here.

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bdbf13  No.18142597

File: f84933332c1ab38⋯.jpg (249.71 KB, 2100x1080, 35:18, 1673632012067059.jpg)

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081c89  No.18142598

File: 065bc639444528b⋯.jpg (965.87 KB, 1080x1492, 270:373, 1673541682741061.jpg)

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4afc25  No.18142599

do religious Jews object to atheist ones? or does it not really matter

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3c0545  No.18142600

File: 17cdcebb4611661⋯.jpg (62.96 KB, 945x1144, 945:1144, FmZmUfFWIAARUel.jpg)

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1e031d  No.18142601


Dang, sleeping in today, Sam!



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034244  No.18142602


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7f584e  No.18142603

File: f130b0bb29db0ce⋯.png (561.8 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, morningsun.png)

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db9bb0  No.18142604

File: b7b8a09273796f7⋯.jpg (69.27 KB, 791x713, 791:713, sheep.jpg)

.Shepherd School

As a student there is only one lesson.

On a clear day climb the tallest mountain.

Once at the top.

From the mountain to the surrounding horizon…

…8 billion sheep are seen in many groups, flocks.

Each with one or more apparent shepherds.

The coyotes? (shills, singers, musicians,sports players,foundation/organization/corporation heads,officers)

The wolves? (abc agencies, gov. officials, politicians, ag's, judges, presidents)

Coyotes often found in sheep dog clothing.

Wolves often found in shepherd clothing.


re: to repeat

lig: connection

ion: action of

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f5b84e  No.18142605

File: 110a85b9c832a6e⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 400x296, 50:37, danceoff44_2_.gif)

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31fead  No.18142606

Shills are just stupid piece of shit Deepstate fucktard clowns.

Fuck them all, these idiots are circling th drain for the world to see.

Watch them self immolate and destroy themselves with their sophomoric musings.

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5543d4  No.18142607


just needed a little holocaust to get started eh

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79bb5e  No.18142608

File: 76e692114c977b1⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1000x717, 1000:717, no_deal.png)

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cd5f7b  No.18142609


Completely owned by masters and blackmailers. How much do the elites pay to ‘play’ with these human toys. Even when they have some talent they sell themselves as slop to the pigs.

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889e58  No.18142610

File: 885b327fc50f2a1⋯.png (70.27 KB, 663x528, 221:176, weep.PNG)


Girl, 17, weeps as she recalls seeing

naked trans woman with penis in women's

changing room at California YMCA - and

says woke staff scolded her for complaining

Daily Mail (UK), by Harriet Alexander

Posted By: Imright, 1/14/2023 9:11:31 AM

A Californian teenager sobbed before the city council as she told of her trauma at seeing 'a naked man' she says was a transgender woman inside the women's changing rooms at her local YMCA. Rebecca Philips, 17, addressed the meeting in Santee, a city suburb of San Diego, on Wednesday night to demand reform to the existing policy after encountering the unidentified individual. She told the council how, two weeks ago, she was getting changed after swimming at the Santee YMCA when she saw a transgender woman naked in the changing rooms.

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d330b4  No.18142611

File: aa30c4afc70a344⋯.png (62.85 KB, 500x671, 500:671, shilly.png)


Anon didn't bring you here, your paymaster did.

Kek! Anons often say "they're not sending their best."

Wrong - they are sending their best, they're just not very good at what they do.

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4afc25  No.18142612

File: eb2a6c36fdb3a02⋯.png (812.19 KB, 976x550, 488:275, than.png)

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d43e7b  No.18142613


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Dark Roast Covfefe.

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7bc9e1  No.18142614

File: be231befa6b0c24⋯.jpg (273.66 KB, 796x1085, 796:1085, nightshift_7_.jpg)

File: e7b750a29ace1e9⋯.png (225.19 KB, 1160x1686, 580:843, 537.png)



TG departure [HEC].

NOT to testify.

NOT needed to testify.

Think logically.

NO NEED to step down if needed to TESTIFY.


What ROLE might TG be walking into?

Who can WE TRUST?

RATS everywhere.

EVIL everywhere.

TRAITORS everywhere.






Boards changed due to statements re: private comms - FALSE.

Boards changed due to failure to IDEN accurately.

Boards changed due to MISINFO.

Targeted approach to direct flow of info created.




>MAJOR players here to distract, create doubt, and alter the direction.

SC: MISINFO everywhere.

SC: MISINFO from past reliable sources.

SC: AXIS OF EVIL can & will return FIRE [is].

SC: Seek immediate [F9-Sx_VB8239].



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59cf07  No.18142615

File: 1155db0383279d1⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1993x1068, 1993:1068, ClipboardImage.png)

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a5429e  No.18142616

File: 6e4277daa9be4ac⋯.png (155.04 KB, 733x464, 733:464, 11.png)

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8e5507  No.18142617

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f9b4b6  No.18142618


sees naked man in women's changing room.

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db9bb0  No.18142619

File: 38140706e4c21ad⋯.jpg (51.68 KB, 499x364, 499:364, stages_enoch.jpg)

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034244  No.18142620


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1c9eab  No.18142621


Long couple of days, needed it!

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5fd104  No.18142622

File: 99517c723349fd7⋯.png (1.28 MB, 830x620, 83:62, lrkpots.png)

…Axial tilting & displacement of water around the 'new' equator (shifting water tables). The question would be whether there would be any change in Earth's rotation speed, resulting in a change of gravitational pull, be it increasing or decreasing.

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5b8244  No.18142623

File: 4f1cd269930b203⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1252x931, 1252:931, 4f1cd269930b203bcc4a50a87f….png)

File: 16219350c2ffb26⋯.jpg (93.07 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 16219350c2ffb264d36e8e23a8….jpg)

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889e58  No.18142624

File: dc2db5c355ae511⋯.png (56.97 KB, 626x441, 626:441, 40.PNG)


Like Paul Revere, a Massachusetts Republican

Sends Warning

American Thinker, by Ian MacConnell

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 1/14/2023 8:53:30 AM

I’ve been a Republican voter in Massachusetts for over forty years. I also suffered from another malady - being a lifelong Boston Red Sox fan. As you can imagine, I was pretty used to ‘my team’ always losing, whether championships or elections. Then, along came the 2000s. The Curse of the Bambino had been broken at last, and I finally began to see the truth behind blue-state politics: That miracles can happen. For many years, I believed the conventional wisdom – that there were just a lot of foolish, uninformed Democrat voters up here. I watched my state legislature do things that everyone seemed to hate.

Please, from the state of Paul Revere, don’t let the progressives slither in and take over red states, too. If they succeed, America, as we all knew it, may be lost forever. The choices we’ll have left at that point, those of us who yearn to breathe free, will be drastic and are disturbing to contemplate.

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4afc25  No.18142625

File: 2f19f7e9bb43be0⋯.png (730.1 KB, 980x588, 5:3, wholedozen.png)

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5b8244  No.18142626

File: e6a7dfb13cb871b⋯.jpg (60.44 KB, 500x566, 250:283, 761y5m.jpg)

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f2c716  No.18142627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






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db9bb0  No.18142628

File: c8cc34d56eadc50⋯.jpg (66.32 KB, 371x557, 371:557, learn_versus.jpg)

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26f707  No.18142629

File: 5a08371499f2420⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1546x842, 773:421, faggots_2.png)

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1e031d  No.18142630

File: c3e8cefc4fccef7⋯.jpg (34.31 KB, 558x688, 279:344, 40387233f9daa26f6487e7a19c….jpg)

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97421e  No.18142631


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7bc9e1  No.18142632

File: 6ad7aa7a41a8582⋯.jpg (126.01 KB, 1024x628, 256:157, 1667387960574085.jpg)

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1e5287  No.18142633

File: 0eef6f413141963⋯.jpg (551.63 KB, 1627x2572, 1627:2572, William_Adolphe_Bouguereau….jpg)


> Morning blessing

Good morning, swordanon fren.

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b4b2c9  No.18142634

File: bac6f186416d456⋯.gif (59.98 KB, 753x184, 753:184, dance_pepe_animation_band.gif)


>Happy Saturday

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556e84  No.18142635

am I observing correctly this morning?

I have tried to post twice, and neither one posted, this morning.

am I seeing correctly: a bot-script persona pairing are playing a banter and one of them actually admits to being 'brought' here?

the level of stupid is rather high.

intersting that this localle still gets a lot of play from the mind-fart-botics of the DC cringe factories.

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68a734  No.18142636


No one is arranging anything

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889e58  No.18142637

File: 263c745e8699d73⋯.png (188.58 KB, 424x571, 424:571, power.PNG)


Kash Patel explains that Congress actually has the power to arrest people 👀

There is a law that gives the Speaker of the House the ability to order the Seargent at Arms (after Congress votes on it) to go arrest citizens & government employees who violate congressional subpoenas - AND they have to the power to detain them.

Now think of this hypothetical example:

Schiff ignores subpoena.

Congress votes to arrest him.

McCarthy has him detained.

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59cf07  No.18142638

File: 6706272c234e83e⋯.mp4 (871.73 KB, 734x720, 367:360, thatlong.mp4)

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db9bb0  No.18142639

File: 4f0a4815f730c63⋯.jpg (241.92 KB, 1731x973, 1731:973, music_notes_color.jpg)

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edd3f8  No.18142640


Must be caused by Global Warming.

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aa90f4  No.18142641

File: 1e8b0fbe8b615fc⋯.jpeg (41.67 KB, 440x401, 440:401, 38C74FAB_E34A_4DB3_BCD5_2….jpeg)


There will not.

From time to times and half a time God cleans and resets the clock

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5fd104  No.18142642


…That's a kinda piss poor explanation.

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f5b84e  No.18142643

File: 62df228e57d50f6⋯.jpg (11.68 KB, 255x219, 85:73, chucklesinOG44.jpg)


fake Congress has arrest authority?

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42bb02  No.18142644



D's get orders and riot and burn cities

The MSM gois on attack 24/7 "racists racists racists"

R's cry and apologize for arresting a Jew and being racists

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3c0545  No.18142645

File: 6c9fedc1c9ec735⋯.png (335.64 KB, 639x666, 71:74, FmQg_jgaYAQtYLm.png)

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db9bb0  No.18142646

File: 82df8a80a56b5c0⋯.png (195.7 KB, 431x608, 431:608, tru.png)

File: c7148b8579555eb⋯.jpg (214.6 KB, 800x800, 1:1, reimage.jpg)

File: cb905dfcc2d5901⋯.jpg (232.53 KB, 800x800, 1:1, hemimage.jpg)

File: b40fd2d0885333a⋯.png (513.22 KB, 626x534, 313:267, 001_kali.png)

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889e58  No.18142647

File: 8b922c170f1f149⋯.png (411.16 KB, 601x594, 601:594, lok.PNG)


Washington Examiner


New study offers even more proof lockdowns were deadly, writes @Brad_Polumbo


Sad illness child on home quarantine. Boy and his teddy bear both in protective medical masks sits on windowsill and looks out window. Virus protection, coronavirus pandemic, prevention epidemic.


New study offers even more proof lockdowns were deadly

In hopes of containing the pandemic, Americans across the country were forced to suffer through lockdown orders, closed schools, and shuttered workplaces in the spring of 2020. In Democratic-contro…

3:17 AM · Jan 14, 2023


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a5429e  No.18142648

File: 71dde0658642ebf⋯.png (5.96 MB, 3260x1842, 1630:921, shillzo.png)


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edd3f8  No.18142649


Looks like an ass from this angle. Woke artist?

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3c0545  No.18142650

File: 5a3ada828ec39a6⋯.jpg (97.53 KB, 669x900, 223:300, largeuyhou.jpg)

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aa90f4  No.18142651

File: 10eb415e785f4cd⋯.jpeg (222.75 KB, 1169x1071, 167:153, E0846A82_F291_4969_B314_4….jpeg)


Don’t make me come thru the interwebs and reset your clock.

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1e031d  No.18142652

File: b2a5dcb427d0064⋯.mp4 (3.92 MB, 640x360, 16:9, GoGos_Our_lips_are_sealed.mp4)


This song is?

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f5b84e  No.18142653

File: 13c6da7b86c40dd⋯.jpg (108.92 KB, 888x499, 888:499, bross.jpg)

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c60685  No.18142654

File: c03ac97b1552674⋯.jpg (55.17 KB, 580x435, 4:3, aa_cat.jpg)

Life should feel like you're on a vacation forever.

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76764f  No.18142655

File: be1baa171cdc003⋯.png (1.1 MB, 656x1593, 656:1593, Screenshot_2023_01_14_at_0….png)

File: 59d167d98033de5⋯.png (84.21 KB, 660x533, 660:533, Screenshot_from_2023_01_14….png)

File: fe5dd091b684d25⋯.png (1.12 MB, 641x1998, 641:1998, Screenshot_2023_01_14_at_0….png)


near:washingtondc (from:NicholsUprising) until:2021-01-07 since:2021-01-05


near:wisconsin (from:NicholsUprising) until:2021-01-07 since:2021-01-05


near:wisconsinwith no time constraint

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09cbde  No.18142656

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Keep On Smiling" by Wet Willie


Well you say you got the blues,

Got holes in both of your shoes,

Feelin' alone and confused,

You got to keep on smilin', keep on smilin'

Yeah, you're about to go insane,

Cause your womans playing games

And she says that you're to blame,

You got to keep on smilin', keep on smilin'

Keep on smilin' through the rain, laughin' at the pain

Rollin with the changes til the sun comes out again

Keep on smilin' through the rain, laughin' at the pain

Rollin with the changes, singin' this refrain

Singin' in a honky tonk cafe,

Nobody's hearin' what you play,

they're too busy drinkin' anyway,

You got to keep on smilin', keep on smilin'

You say you found a peace of land

Gonna change from city boy to country man

Try to build your life with your hands

You got to keep on smilin', keep on smilin'

Keep on smilin' through the rain, laughin' at the pain

Rollin with the changes til the sun comes out again

Keep on smilin' through the rain, laughin' at the pain

Rollin with the changes, singin' this refrain

you're just hangin' out in a local bar,

And you're wonderin' who the hell you are

Are you a bum or are you a star?

Keep on smilin' through the rain, laughin' at the pain

Rollin with the changes til the sun comes out again

Keep on smilin' through the rain, laughin' at the pain

Rollin with the changes, singin' this refrain

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5b8244  No.18142657

File: b82259270116858⋯.png (63.95 KB, 229x220, 229:220, b822592701168584419fed7d2f….png)


>fake congress

House is 'real-er'

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889e58  No.18142658

File: 48485abc7ba8451⋯.png (319.5 KB, 607x582, 607:582, case.PNG)


Juanita Broaddrick


This is a case for @Project_Veritas

Elite globalists hiring only unvaxxed pilots.

Quote Tweet

Claire Keeley



Jan 12

Elites are requiring unvaxxed pilots

3:22 AM · Jan 14, 2023


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d330b4  No.18142659


There's worse angles, so you're probably not wrong.

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f5b84e  No.18142660

File: 1d9af254bd061bd⋯.jpg (11.87 KB, 255x204, 5:4, happysmokes44.jpg)



thought the same thing.


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db9bb0  No.18142661


angle, angel… meh, who's counting?

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76764f  No.18142662

File: ba6b763e136210a⋯.png (151.86 KB, 394x327, 394:327, ralph3d.png)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Dark Roast Covfefe.

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26f707  No.18142663

File: 0eab6c8d5fbb506⋯.jpeg (210.68 KB, 487x745, 487:745, ivanka.jpeg)

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76764f  No.18142664

File: 20b82e576875281⋯.gif (1.57 MB, 345x259, 345:259, ralphl.gif)


>Dang, sleeping in today, Sam!


thought I was gonna be late


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f5b84e  No.18142665

File: 057aef44b2acf5b⋯.jpg (190.88 KB, 888x500, 222:125, mornin.jpg)

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457e72  No.18142666


Well, thanks for the heads up.

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a5429e  No.18142667

File: be4f5806995a0c4⋯.jpg (74.28 KB, 660x440, 3:2, void.jpg)

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1e031d  No.18142668

File: 374b82d1c2c08e0⋯.jpeg (104.5 KB, 533x499, 533:499, Soros.jpeg)

File: f35c51b9bbda167⋯.jpg (73.86 KB, 1420x657, 1420:657, Soros_2_.jpg)

File: cc5390192b9e07b⋯.jpg (75.25 KB, 665x900, 133:180, Smartmatic_Soros.jpg)

File: bbd378fce5719c9⋯.jpg (46.06 KB, 400x379, 400:379, Soros.jpg)


Orthodox voted overwhelmingly for Trump (83%).

Soros leads leftists, so…

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edd3f8  No.18142669


Kids onto something - has NASA even tried it at scale?

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68a734  No.18142670

This entire World fucking sucks

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aa90f4  No.18142671

File: a83a5fb07be4f6e⋯.webp (23.29 KB, 710x553, 710:553, E601F3B8_E5D5_449A_A66F_E….webp)

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db9bb0  No.18142672


balance does is not present in the physical universe…

…equilibrium on the other hands is woven into the fabric.

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782ac4  No.18142673


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7c0106  No.18142674

File: c89643f1a970013⋯.mp4 (11.4 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Bob_Ross_Remixed_Happy_Lit….mp4)

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0c4c62  No.18142675


I would love to see a walk around 360 view of the thing. They haven't shown the entire statue as far as I have seen.

Has another Anon seen it?

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1e031d  No.18142676

File: fa0af8d9be92eb5⋯.png (1.14 MB, 875x1061, 875:1061, Eggs.png)

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a9e59a  No.18142677


at least we have each other

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556e84  No.18142678


they let the statues have no heads for 40 or 50 years there, at that place, on the knoll. And then suddenly the group said to be honored by it, Civil War veterans, were suddenly in vouge (and Cryspis Attics who was shown as if he looked like OJ on a coin minted by the government) and then

when it was in vouge (because a movie producer has money to burn) suddenly they come up with new heads for all the decapitated statues at the top of the hill . . .

it was one of Boston's famous 'stoners spots' because if you saw anyone aproach you could always back around the monument and then descend to the well travelled ways.

So it was easy to burn-one on your way into the city, because it was easy back then to enjoy the town (the downtown) of that (which was then) a wonderful place to be . . . on a sunny day, but really just fun any time at all on your way here and there around the town.

but now it's a zone of the radical governance of those on the larger hill who seem not elected but agreed about

on committee.

with a guy just near by who was so frivilous and vein as to demand that the fire department move a fire hydrant so he'd have a better place to park . . .

now what's the point. I haven't gone down there in a long long time. It stopped being easy to get there or friendly and so I stopped going there.

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c60685  No.18142679

File: 8f051f253a85b3a⋯.jpg (64.16 KB, 500x503, 500:503, love_thyself.jpg)

File: bab98ecd6808022⋯.jpg (67.41 KB, 500x500, 1:1, boomer.jpg)

Everyone must be real, because there is no shortage of sex on this planet.

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f5b84e  No.18142680

File: ec1c109c30b34b0⋯.jpg (83.04 KB, 500x592, 125:148, coke44.jpg)

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335152  No.18142681

File: 053db7038b5b894⋯.png (25.91 KB, 713x611, 713:611, 1638374303752.png)

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85e7c8  No.18142682

File: 1948f884d25ff13⋯.png (90.45 KB, 254x251, 254:251, wtf.png)


>Standup comedian Heather McDonald collapsed and fractured her skull

That sound the melon makes when it hits the floor…


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231cd6  No.18142683

File: e73e8a322c37bb8⋯.png (132.35 KB, 255x255, 1:1, positive_vibes.png)


it does indeed, but whats hilarious is (you) suck even harder. kekekekekekek

but seriously, we gotta stop being negative. seriously. you are a blob of energy. we must learn to use the energy properly. it begins by raising your vibration. capuche?

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b621c2  No.18142684

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782ac4  No.18142685


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3c0545  No.18142686

File: 95971310756084e⋯.jpg (67.34 KB, 751x1061, 751:1061, 95971310756084e8114349afde….jpg)

File: fd7b5640dd5e5e0⋯.jpg (113.4 KB, 1212x1440, 101:120, FmZff0NakAEGppT.jpg)

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db9bb0  No.18142687

File: 42c1d41e0b7ccfc⋯.jpg (41 KB, 374x526, 187:263, ayyylmao.jpg)

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edd3f8  No.18142688


Fake news activists being fucked by their own - glorious.

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457e72  No.18142689


[They] knew this would happen. We are not dealing with people who are inept, incompetent or stupid.

The goal, world depopulation by any and all means necessary. These people are overdue for a reckoning.

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231cd6  No.18142690

File: 8bd40ea65bbce8b⋯.jpg (17.68 KB, 344x372, 86:93, i_love_you.jpg)



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f5b84e  No.18142691

File: 3fe2e00592c36f2⋯.png (16.13 KB, 255x243, 85:81, doubleaught.png)

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889e58  No.18142692

File: 958e6cdc5a51d15⋯.png (125.49 KB, 406x368, 203:184, humm.PNG)

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8901ad  No.18142693

File: 4b43298d8bdcca8⋯.png (129.91 KB, 818x731, 818:731, ClipboardImage.png)

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8034d4  No.18142694

File: 6c9fedc1c9ec735⋯.png (335.64 KB, 639x666, 71:74, Fl_XpWUWYAAMCdW.png)

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a9e59a  No.18142695


is it still murder if big Pharma changes your DNA and categorizes you as non-human before you die from the jab?

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f5b84e  No.18142696

File: c1f7447c3aa67ca⋯.jpg (146.04 KB, 856x499, 856:499, 77f4sw.jpg)

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7c0106  No.18142697

File: d363e0bc3c81666⋯.mp4 (3.18 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Heather_McDonald_Faints_On….mp4)




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900efa  No.18142698


Edsel? did you bring the plutonian nyborg?

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5543d4  No.18142699

File: d9700b6dc72201d⋯.png (397.9 KB, 1024x728, 128:91, ClipboardImage.png)

I always wondered why Colorado is so disproportionately fucked relative to its size

Now I know

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db9bb0  No.18142700

File: 91cd917c1ae87bb⋯.jpg (48.62 KB, 382x355, 382:355, carrot_stick.jpg)

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72f30e  No.18142701

File: 2775fd942a0783e⋯.gif (3.09 MB, 345x242, 345:242, ok_now.gif)

hannity it is a traitor?

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f5b84e  No.18142702

File: 6028b222a634b33⋯.jpg (78.51 KB, 500x592, 125:148, laugh.jpg)

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081c89  No.18142703

File: 586116392d09d45⋯.jpg (65.83 KB, 600x1041, 200:347, 1671504325238979.jpg)

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0f3c8b  No.18142704

File: bc9f1ae044aded6⋯.jpg (218.35 KB, 720x1139, 720:1139, 20230114_073050.jpg)

File: ad98b049a52cee7⋯.jpg (91.95 KB, 418x717, 418:717, 20230114_073408.jpg)

File: 54681dbd5ad8ff0⋯.jpg (355.98 KB, 1124x1485, 1124:1485, 20230114_073426.jpg)

File: 607a30e1adcc72e⋯.jpg (110.32 KB, 889x1236, 889:1236, 20230114_073432.jpg)

File: 889b39780002b04⋯.jpg (216.49 KB, 988x1363, 988:1363, 20230114_073414.jpg)

These are actual street signs in Washington, DC. International dignitaries and tourists see these signs when visiting our nation’s capital which no longer represents the American people, but instead the baseless, anti-white ideology being forced on them by elites working in DC.


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a9e59a  No.18142705

File: a5936d0ee995b69⋯.jpeg (244.26 KB, 654x504, 109:84, denvervax.jpeg)

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5b8244  No.18142706

File: af0519bdf67eb51⋯.png (136.87 KB, 800x800, 1:1, af0519bdf67eb51e3a310cc73b….png)

Another day ofFAIL

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edd3f8  No.18142707


These freaks need to be made an example off - more red lines being crossed everyday.

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8034d4  No.18142708


My God, what a coincidence. She seems like a nice lady. Probably low blood sugar. I certainly didn't hear the slurring in her speech, leading up to the event, like a sign of a stroke. Move along.

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d5fc68  No.18142709

File: e995af158bfc43d⋯.png (663.06 KB, 987x845, 987:845, ClipboardImage.png)

peace is the prize



Please read my other tweets about the sculpture—but here is another angle and the photo of the two “The Embrace” is based on. It’s when MLK Jr. found out he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.


when you have to explain your 'art' it's a big fail

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aa90f4  No.18142710


Take the Dilithium for mood warps.

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72f30e  No.18142711


put something pm you, cos you look like a whore.

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8034d4  No.18142712


Should've called it "The Cunnilingus"

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d23c85  No.18142713

File: 51218154d104b24⋯.jpg (54.65 KB, 750x384, 125:64, biden.jpg)

>>18141866 pb

Will the Episcopal Churches in USA thereby lose tax exemption?

the one burned in D.C. across from White House , was U.N. affiliated.

There are others in that network.

They support BLM , leading members say they identify more with Arabs and Jews than fellow Christians.

Why should they be tax - exempt?

They are political bodies.

Money for illegal refugees.

Confess to being White Privileged as part of the service?

They are a political business, not a Church?

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76764f  No.18142714

File: ea9943a0caf5071⋯.png (270.65 KB, 671x754, 671:754, Screenshot_from_2023_01_14….png)

File: 69629e727684b7a⋯.png (473.57 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot_from_2023_01_14….png)

File: ef1b871ef06db34⋯.png (198.49 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot_from_2023_01_14….png)



wonder if the within: flag still works?

kinda looks like it

near:washingtondc within:5mi (from:NicholsUprising) until:2021-01-07 since:2021-01-05

near:washingtondc within:1mi (from:NicholsUprising) until:2021-01-07 since:2021-01-05

near:washingtondc within:1mi (from:aoc) until:2021-01-07 since:2021-01-05

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75236e  No.18142715


Necause it never happened. Gold digging lying bitch.

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db9bb0  No.18142716

File: 21f5af2a127cf1a⋯.jpg (42.74 KB, 371x472, 371:472, dig_great_work.jpg)

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edd3f8  No.18142717


This are preparing to kill people with meat - media will scream the meat is killing you and not mention the MRNA death shots being given to the animal.

These bastards need to be stopped

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0f3c8b  No.18142718

File: 8f6fbde7268d782⋯.jpg (151.71 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, 20230114_000742.jpg)



That's a big cock

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d5fc68  No.18142719

Matt Gaetz was just on Smerconish, CNN, this morning.

He systematically and logically answered every gotcha question asked of him.

in fact, he was so good, that Smerconish got a message in his earpiece to end the segment.

it was funny

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556e84  No.18142720


it's like that episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where they all have to explain to Marie what the art she purchased is really a depiction of . . .

It's horrid.

oh well, it'll be a place for pigeons.

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68a734  No.18142721


We have global genocide happening and retards are making egg memes


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457e72  No.18142722


I like the pictures of her where she's unshaven. Sexy.

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d23c85  No.18142723


what about how the FBI killed him; wouldn't that be a great sculpture?

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d5fc68  No.18142724


one of those dickfish could easily be substituted.

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a9e59a  No.18142725


so his head is up his ass?

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db9bb0  No.18142726

File: 81aa90d0fc15790⋯.jpg (50.81 KB, 369x363, 123:121, ncswic.jpg)

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34dc8d  No.18142727


Buy local beef.

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7bc9e1  No.18142728




Feb 22, 2019 1:25:29 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f55f0b No. 5327931

Feb 22, 2019 1:23:49 PM EST

Anonymous ID: b836d1 No. 5327889



DeGenova says 'sedition' not 'treason', is that delineation accurate on those who were involved to frame Trump and the American people?

Please advise.






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457e72  No.18142729


Who's money was it that paid for this shit? I could've done that. WTF?

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5b8244  No.18142730

File: 03ac5c0f6f40c6b⋯.png (71.48 KB, 503x702, 503:702, 03ac5c0f6f40c6b736b2a6d2a6….png)

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a5ad48  No.18142731


Excuse me, sir, this is the white pill board where we pray that the genocide is a PSYOP. I think you know where the other chan is located.

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5543d4  No.18142732

File: 263b25b4e1d7701⋯.png (4.55 MB, 1542x2048, 771:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

oh say, can you motherfucking see?

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8034d4  No.18142733


The Assemblies of God churches have their own, Member's Only Banks. Literally tax-free banking for the church, who mandates direct deposit for member's paychecks, with automatic 10% Church Tithing. This is required for Membership.

With fractional reserve lending, these churches are controlling the mortgage's on Billions in Real Estate…with loans to "Member's Only".

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85e7c8  No.18142734

File: 7960196f62afbe7⋯.png (450.37 KB, 669x413, 669:413, 2023_01_14_09_45_18.png)


>Dr. Malone shares dire warning: mRNA vaccines are being injected into our food supply…

(You) are the virus theY want to eliminate.

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f9b4b6  No.18142735


what a waste of metal. Even as an artist I find this just terrible in so many ways most of all aesthetically. As you say art should be able to speak for itself, without the artists further details. If you have to explain it you did not have either a fixed message or you failed.

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0c4c62  No.18142736


"based on"

If that is based on the embraced that is pictured, the sculptor needs glasses. This is nothing but disrespecful.

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db9bb0  No.18142737

File: ca854fcffaa7c8c⋯.jpg (38.7 KB, 373x425, 373:425, never.jpg)

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5543d4  No.18142738

File: 606ecb1f6ae0a28⋯.png (1.04 MB, 960x960, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

elon agreed w/this

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0c4c62  No.18142739

t… I missed adding the t by this much.


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0f3c8b  No.18142740

File: 1c248c18eba101b⋯.jpg (146.83 KB, 1329x887, 1329:887, 20230112_093843.jpg)




Eggs are just one of the teeny tiny parts of the picture needed to wake up normies

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42bb02  No.18142741

File: db188769af25c37⋯.jpg (390.27 KB, 910x1918, 65:137, 1673668639394206.jpg)

RIP Lisa Marie

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d23c85  No.18142742

File: f6cfb9e31ec6bd7⋯.jpg (61.27 KB, 720x899, 720:899, declassifyd.jpg)


"all is fair in love and war", they say.


maybe somebody's in love, or wants to be?

Good going then?

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889e58  No.18142743

File: 2ba11a9693b9fc6⋯.png (23.87 KB, 1008x217, 144:31, 2a.PNG)


Washington Secrets

2A groups brace to fight ATF register or surrender demand on 40M guns

by Paul Bedard, Washington Secrets Columnist |

January 14, 2023 09:13 AM

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8901ad  No.18142744

File: 084adc1e9f71266⋯.png (493.31 KB, 602x553, 86:79, ClipboardImage.png)

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09cbde  No.18142745

File: 7cd6c29818492ea⋯.png (301.1 KB, 512x640, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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68a734  No.18142746


I'll make sure I pass this on to my dying mother. Thanks buddy

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d5fc68  No.18142747

File: d9b3568c30d9271⋯.png (31.22 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, ClipboardImage.png)


There was a time

Q 4559

Jul 1 2020 18:38:43 (EST)

There was a time when our children stood at attention, and with pride, put their hand on their heart, and in one UNITED voice, recited the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE.

There was a time when STRENGTH and HONOR meant something.

There was a time when standing for our FLAG meant something.

There was a time when our history (heritage) was taught with PRIDE and RESPECT.

There was a time when respect was given to those who serve(d), bled, and died to protect and defend our FREEDOM.

There was a time when we were GRATEFUL.

There was a time when our ACCOMPLISHMENTS meant something.






There was a time when, WE, THE PEOPLE, decided our future.

There was a time when, WE, THE PEOPLE, had a voice.

There was a time when, WE, THE PEOPLE, were UNITED and STRONG.

There was a time when the media was free from political bias [and corruption].

There was a time when our elected leaders stood their ground, dug in, and defended those they represented.

How many Men and Women in uniform are currently serving on the frontlines abroad only to look back in horror to see the homeland on fire?

What does the word ‘Patriot’ mean to you?



Now is not the time to be complacent.

Will you answer the call?

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” – Reagan


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8034d4  No.18142748

File: b0ca2403d7a6e0d⋯.png (1.71 MB, 881x1115, 881:1115, 599fc2e4_7819_496c_a78f_68….png)

File: 7be4be30cfb1eb3⋯.png (9.63 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Assemblies of God Credit Union

"Banking with a purpose"

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db9bb0  No.18142749


good eye. respect.

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0c4c62  No.18142750


Most of us are on the list for removal. We won't be making it past 2030, if we don't get them stopped.

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231cd6  No.18142751

File: 33b1bc8e9d65207⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1248x958, 624:479, ClipboardImage.png)


kek, it is presented on the interzones as a very real thing. but then off to the side we see a scene from star trek. love it

Dilithium is a precious crystal used in tactical warp drives. It is semi-permeable to both deuterium and anti-deuterium, and provides a natural chamber for a controlled matter-antimatter reaction, focusing the energy so it can be harnessed and used for power.

Dilithium Crystalshttps://www.mit.edu › ~locutus › SFB › rules › node12

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5543d4  No.18142752

File: 0b0b72041b927b5⋯.png (862.58 KB, 674x986, 337:493, ClipboardImage.png)

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c39f69  No.18142753

File: 9a6e422be36dcab⋯.jpg (76.5 KB, 680x680, 1:1, eggman.jpg)


I hear there's an egg shortage

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49786f  No.18142754

File: b726eda99e85234⋯.jpg (13.47 KB, 428x394, 214:197, eyesoflaura.jpg)

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76764f  No.18142755

File: 7b7f88779b38cf0⋯.png (264.87 KB, 638x579, 638:579, aocRayciss.png)

File: 560cede0ae8e6da⋯.mp4 (346.55 KB, 706x720, 353:360, aoc_AssBooty.mp4)


>near:washingtondc within:1mi (from:aoc) until:2021-01-07 since:2021-01-05

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez



Jan 5, 2021

Imagine being so racist that you go out of your way to ensure that the people who prepare *your* food are unvaccinated.

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1e5287  No.18142756

File: bf60cd9ea1d9a21⋯.gif (7.96 MB, 3508x5126, 1754:2563, William_Adolphe_Bouguereau….gif)

File: ef662b2bb05003d⋯.pdf (808.06 KB, UCMJ_20December2019.pdf)

File: 0341fb7f32a4862⋯.pdf (3.7 KB, Nuremberg_Code.pdf)



> […]

> You, the PEOPLE, have the POWER.

Daily reminder that partisans are legal.



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8901ad  No.18142757

File: 127eb1ceb8a5b26⋯.png (318.5 KB, 530x325, 106:65, thatdicktoobig.png)

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edd3f8  No.18142758


Bruce Lee would kick his ass so bad.

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a5429e  No.18142759

File: 12ebbcd16cd27e6⋯.jpeg (40.9 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 12ebbcd16cd27e6fa094ec69e….jpeg)



Cultist street sign division shilling in Washington DC.

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889e58  No.18142760

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c39f69  No.18142761

File: 7f2c641339024fc⋯.jpg (1.94 MB, 3028x2281, 3028:2281, brucens.jpg)

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7a3e74  No.18142762

File: 4ba64cc3679fdcb⋯.png (622.54 KB, 557x768, 557:768, Shitpost_the_Kali_Yuga.png)


Imagine getting stepped on while feeling all four of her hands at the same time.

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0f3c8b  No.18142763

File: 02f06c340fdca4f⋯.jpg (554.02 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 20230114_001622.jpg)

File: 7de3c726d17b7d9⋯.jpg (407.78 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 20230114_000814.jpg)

File: 7b5df49555fc5da⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB, 640x360, 16:9, bAM3xqRj_U4qYaqb.mp4)



Squad endorsed

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68a734  No.18142764


Dead people can afford eggs

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1e031d  No.18142765

File: b5d5ba2136f67e5⋯.jpg (106.7 KB, 985x554, 985:554, Space_weather.jpg)


In collection and distribution, expect you to get out there and post to your socials fren.

There has always been global genocide.

People have moved too far from God.

There will be hell to pay.

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0c4c62  No.18142766


My take on it is that God is waiting for us to quit whining and begging him to do something.

God is waiting to see if we will get up and DO SOMETHING against evil. He created us in HIS image correct?

Did God whine about evil?

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457e72  No.18142767


What a piece of shit. How bout a good size bat with a Grand Slam swing right upside his fucking head?

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db9bb0  No.18142768

File: 1db593cc9ea2349⋯.gif (3.55 MB, 360x360, 1:1, hmmmm.gif)

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f5b84e  No.18142769

File: 74d82d0897f5fc0⋯.jpg (41.55 KB, 504x495, 56:55, 77gs6u.jpg)

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77d89e  No.18142770

They Promised "Safe and Effective"

We Got "Sudden and Unexpected"


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5b8244  No.18142771

File: f32d990ed588d31⋯.png (6.01 MB, 1818x1528, 909:764, Abraham.PNG)


Daily reminder that legality is merely necessary, not even close to sufficient.

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68a734  No.18142772


Two Moar Weeks?

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edd3f8  No.18142773


Bigger then the Universe, that is infinite?

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f9b4b6  No.18142774

File: 23c3bf6b382577d⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1080x810, 4:3, hqf6zmhk.png)

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a5429e  No.18142775

File: b98befc5fd396e4⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1024x1534, 512:767, xaa.png)

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5543d4  No.18142776



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7a3e74  No.18142777

File: 60aa521e5b4f2d3⋯.png (136.2 KB, 720x304, 45:19, Cage.png)

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8901ad  No.18142778

File: d0051a0988adab4⋯.png (281.14 KB, 384x396, 32:33, PepeBuddhaSpliff.png)

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556e84  No.18142779


So it's basically a partial sculpture of a saytor and someone straddling a giant BBC? (from that angle)

such stuff was common once, in the distant past however

modern tastes have moved away from such.

wonder how long it will last there?

such an 'important work' should be travelled around. It ought have no home but

be shared with those who sponsered it.

maybe put it near their civic buildings and off the common streets

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1a8925  No.18142780

File: eb8d2255ba8482e⋯.webm (3.67 MB, 406x720, 203:360, 1673395388426670.webm)

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c0ab85  No.18142781

File: 8b032331f5feafc⋯.png (266.63 KB, 1727x1297, 1727:1297, 125b3de094f35532874bd6a953….png)

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e2c242  No.18142782


When you choose an artist based on woke social scoring rather than talent. Why they will all implode, everything woke is evil and it shows through in everthing they say, do or present.

Add this to the heap of failures in every democrat run city.

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0c4c62  No.18142783


thanks for the different angle. The hands are nicely done. Still an ugly conglomeration of body parts

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b621c2  No.18142784


Just because you can't see it on video, doesn't mean there isn't action being taken.

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42bb02  No.18142785


White women from around the globe will flock to this as if it were Mecca

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db9bb0  No.18142786

File: b9556a598bdb280⋯.jpg (318.49 KB, 907x974, 907:974, pepe_staff.jpg)

planting a staff = 0 degrees

then measure

then compare


cleanse the un-natural

(planting staff = circle, cycle, spiral)

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68a734  No.18142787


Some where in a woods a tree just fell

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1e031d  No.18142788

File: c88d0509a7025f9⋯.png (6.63 KB, 463x254, 463:254, past_2_years_next_6_years.png)


Needs to read them Q drops and stop shitposting, newfag.

Lurk moar.

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0c4c62  No.18142789


Remarkably, this had to be approved before it went any further than a model.

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762502  No.18142790

File: 94c48a1a7fa07d2⋯.png (250.76 KB, 642x428, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


I ain't embracing that shit, nigga

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556e84  No.18142791

when they modeled the sculpture for casting

i wonder if they rendered it in a true to life situation and

including things

like pigeon droppings

and how that will look

dripping down the head of the statue

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231cd6  No.18142792

File: b60164f0ecfb130⋯.png (104.57 KB, 255x191, 255:191, flags_out.png)

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34dc8d  No.18142793

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76764f  No.18142794



>>18129451 Linda D. Rabbitt - The Federal City Council, Director at Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Board of Trade DC

>>18129499 Federal City Council sent representatives on atrade mission to Chinawith Mayor Muriel E. Bowser

>>18129518 Greater Washington Board of Trade, District real estate development firms and small businesses will also get a chance topitch their projects to Chineseinvesto

>>18129537 In addition to Mayor Bowser, the District’s delegation are:

>>18129591 A partial list of the presidents of the Federal City Council includes:

>>18129740 Economic Club of Washington DC, David Rubenstein.

>>18129793 DC is such a shithole

>>18129805, >>18129825 Invasion via Construction

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0c4c62  No.18142795


No it doesn't at all.

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1e5287  No.18142796

File: 34c0490c714442d⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 1412x2201, 1412:2201, William_Adolphe_Bouguereau….jpg)


> Legality

Yep. GEOTUS relayed his orders to us via Col. Phil Waldron at the Cybersymposium.

Our orders are to gain the support of the domestic populace.

Use of force is not authorized.

We are to maintain our observer non-combatant status.

And we will win.

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49786f  No.18142797

File: 5c23e0c3706e28d⋯.jpg (93.21 KB, 500x435, 100:87, buttigieg.jpg)

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db9bb0  No.18142798

it is never too late to self evaluate and other evaluate.

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7b0012  No.18142799

File: 3ca552d7c35973d⋯.png (1.31 MB, 989x1940, 989:1940, ClipboardImage.png)


Big Pharma to start touting diesel and gas trucks

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889e58  No.18142800

File: 29027c7376835da⋯.png (243.13 KB, 609x498, 203:166, 12.PNG)





Replying to





9:00 AM · Nov 12, 2022

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59cf07  No.18142801

File: 6f3e18252feeb39⋯.mp4 (190.87 KB, 640x360, 16:9, hitslikeahorse.mp4)


>Infectious Attitude

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457e72  No.18142802


West Virginia vs. EPA.

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68a734  No.18142803


I'll print this one and put it on my moms grave. Thanks

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8901ad  No.18142804

File: f4a3660223df544⋯.png (169.78 KB, 378x199, 378:199, ClipboardImage.png)

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7b0012  No.18142805


that orb is might close…

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75236e  No.18142806

File: 5fff1182d03af9b⋯.jpg (114.04 KB, 1080x430, 108:43, Screenshot_20230112_154212.jpg)

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59cf07  No.18142807

File: 98ed646010b17ba⋯.png (377.83 KB, 823x680, 823:680, wellhesdeadso.png)


>actual street signs

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f5b84e  No.18142808

File: 5c13f386d346fe7⋯.jpg (62.4 KB, 612x408, 3:2, df2.jpg)

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f02094  No.18142809


This. Anon tries to balance caring enough about events to try waking people up with the semi indifference of knowing this is gonna take another 2 years so why care about that the house voted on , what this guy said, etc.

I also think white hats gave people the time frame so everyone remains calm and let them do their jobs without anyone fucking things up

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34dc8d  No.18142810


Try that in Saudi Arabia

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a5429e  No.18142811

File: c9b2de43f2fa2f3⋯.jpg (92.36 KB, 700x700, 1:1, Munkus_Icon_2.jpg)


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b621c2  No.18142812


No one should be lecturing us on doing something that you can't even do your damn selves.

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49786f  No.18142813

File: 09f73a661b16f69⋯.jpg (50.86 KB, 434x590, 217:295, pepe_dankness.jpg)

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8901ad  No.18142814


light flare from the sun on the lens of camera

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db9bb0  No.18142815

File: 922164ce3b30972⋯.jpg (93.07 KB, 424x391, 424:391, 9ff7d06908a7df7e280f718d5a….jpg)

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0c4c62  No.18142816



They are entangled arms. shoulders on down

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8034d4  No.18142817

File: 9ba22bb6cff6bba⋯.mp4 (5.37 MB, 320x430, 32:43, kEoNm2OPWO0T1_Xn.mp4)

File: ad4075d440e997c⋯.png (316.25 KB, 542x798, 271:399, ClipboardImage.png)

James Cintolo, RN FN CPT


“I had my eczema so well under control for 29 years, but after every COVID vaccine dose, my eczema got worse and worse. I was told to see a dermatologist and now i’m paying 1164 dollars a month for dupixent out of pocket that I didn’t need before the COVID vaccine— I’m so fed up”

1:30 PM · Jan 13, 2023


She still doesn't think it's the vaccine.

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556e84  No.18142818


Bostons sculpture to 'Penis Envy' is sure to be a tourist draw.

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f5b84e  No.18142819

File: e36d4ccc824c895⋯.jpg (84.93 KB, 552x513, 184:171, eggman.jpg)

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72f30e  No.18142820


Don't worry. take the vaxx and one booster per day and you'll be fine.

trust hunter.

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68a734  No.18142821


I don't have a looking glass. Pretty sure all of the White Hats and their loved ones are safe

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59cf07  No.18142822

File: 684bb2ed283fc94⋯.png (858.92 KB, 1000x400, 5:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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f9b4b6  No.18142823

File: 52b619edc850141⋯.png (654.94 KB, 612x870, 102:145, word.png)

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e2ff49  No.18142824

File: f01bd07d1f3874c⋯.jpg (61.64 KB, 560x424, 70:53, Screen_Shot_2022_04_03_at_….jpg)

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f56bd0  No.18142825


>wow that escalated quickly.

How can that be…

…among such a bunch of Jews, Kikes, Faggots and Traitors?

" K

" E


Holocauster E












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d5fc68  No.18142826

File: 73fa6d5145032bc⋯.png (344.67 KB, 862x841, 862:841, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 11684ed6e39e5a7⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB, 480x270, 16:9, jill_biden_s_ex_husband.mp4)


I can't believe I have never seen this video

The Bidens and their Corvette would be very upset if this went viral so please DO NOT RT this

4:32 PM · Jan 13, 2023


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e2c242  No.18142827


So how many more need to die, before even the normies start becoming afraid they are on the track to die post vaccination ?

Those that promoted the vax are and will be found to be on the wrong side of history. Don't and never did understand the Presley mystique people slobber over.

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b621c2  No.18142828

You're not a white hat but you play one on the tv.

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556e84  No.18142829

In my mind I'm redesigning the statue to not be a 'fertility god' statue but something tasteful.

first: it's monumental size only affords it taste if it looks like the ruin of something, like Constantine's hand in Rome.

so maybe a couple of benches on two sides, so that view of the BBC is blocked, and that vantage point is not provided by the sculpture . . .

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db9bb0  No.18142830

File: f9ca0a1a8c2576c⋯.jpeg (138.36 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 75934cb911db44ea1f9c5fe04….jpeg)

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d5fc68  No.18142831


>like pigeon droppings

>and how that will look


>dripping down the head of the statue

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89ac8c  No.18142832

File: eaf659b9bbf138c⋯.png (813.05 KB, 960x1228, 240:307, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e96b458c739f80⋯.png (808.93 KB, 960x1231, 960:1231, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a32652a575cf02⋯.png (256.72 KB, 960x435, 64:29, ClipboardImage.png)




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572052  No.18142833


Jack Ryan said it definitly can’t do the job of a journalist…lol the most trivial of modern occupations of reading a scripted news report on tv.

Jack is already an ai person nobody could be that fucking stupid. I think most of the news is ai written already just has a robotic human reading a script for fiat shekels.

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7a3e74  No.18142834

File: 595135523f3d795⋯.png (384.23 KB, 396x401, 396:401, Your_time_is_Coming.PNG)

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59cf07  No.18142835

File: 0a450621bfbde48⋯.png (538.43 KB, 782x528, 391:264, ClipboardImage.png)

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72f30e  No.18142836

File: b8eed640099ec05⋯.gif (1.11 MB, 344x225, 344:225, make_me_angry_dumb_fuck.gif)


same as 'merica it is back?

elections are secured?

well, I wish them all well, same as they did it for me.

now go fuck yourself, and take the shit hats w/ you.

You exist now, b/c of me.

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db9bb0  No.18142837

File: d99307f65a14306⋯.jpg (204.17 KB, 964x643, 964:643, 7148e5cd4244059fcbad655247….jpg)

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7c0106  No.18142838

File: 83a5fd737385e5a⋯.png (412.42 KB, 959x562, 959:562, a0bd619913b76d85e28549476b….png)

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c60685  No.18142839

File: 2188662a63ed6ae⋯.jpg (103.58 KB, 500x701, 500:701, robots.jpg)

File: 71a1b348aaebd47⋯.jpg (82 KB, 500x663, 500:663, paranoid.jpg)

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edd3f8  No.18142840


The rat is running around poisoning the food chain - is that not an executable offense?

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d5fc68  No.18142841


now that scupture is a big dickhead

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34dc8d  No.18142842


>think most of the news is ai written already just has a robotic human reading a script

It is. On stories that have a news broadcast, when I watch it, they’re reading word for word, the text in the story that I’m looking at.

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b621c2  No.18142843

You can stop sending your dudes now because I don't want any. Thanks.

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8034d4  No.18142844


"Jill's beloved Corvette."

Follow the wives.

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59cf07  No.18142845

File: a2c839c87550219⋯.png (219.78 KB, 812x538, 406:269, ClipboardImage.png)

her beloved corvette

senator biden was driving

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edd3f8  No.18142846


When you have bastards like Bill Gates pumping the world full of toxic cocktails and now doing the same to the food chain… don't be too surprised.

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68a734  No.18142847


No one is stopping them

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8901ad  No.18142849

File: d424933cd6b0b1f⋯.png (268.53 KB, 508x261, 508:261, ClipboardImage.png)

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e2c242  No.18142850


Just face it, The sculpture is a fail!! Georgia peaches look like a vag and this abomination looks like a cock. The artist and all the assholes that approved this need to be called out as woke shitheads they are. Poor MLK and family being embarrased by this monstrosity.

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28a72a  No.18142851


Baker Prepping a bake

Do we have notes?

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572052  No.18142852


Makes sense that all the rich people have their underground bunkers and separate food production now. It’s pretty clear they are genociding the majority of humanity. And nobody cares lol even though we fucking know who is doing it.

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1e5287  No.18142853

File: 8530aaee59d5d06⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 1947x2733, 649:911, William_Adolphe_Bouguereau….jpg)


> How they really got together

> Truth about Jill's character

Pete Henderson is the Keystone.

I love it.

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8034d4  No.18142854

File: 3326d4bfc6bdae1⋯.mp4 (473.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2dXFB5FMMsLpsL8b.mp4)

Ted Lieu - "The best way to oppose fake news is for people to watch outlets like MSNBC who report real news all the time."

Is he on the payroll?

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556e84  No.18142855


spelling 'America' the way you do

shows you as what you are

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47c357  No.18142856

File: bb6e9f98e5a8253⋯.jpg (420.71 KB, 1200x810, 40:27, trumpnan.jpg)


if excessive death doesn't happen on the tv to the celebs then it isn't happening [to normies]

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89ac8c  No.18142857


global reported

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556e84  No.18142858


only if you see it from the other side.

from the view shown it's a giant phallus being stradled by hands and arms.

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59cf07  No.18142859

The rating system did not handle vessels smaller than the sixth rate. The remainder were simply "unrated". The larger of the unrated vessels were generally all called sloops, but that nomenclature is quite confusing for unrated vessels, especially when dealing with the finer points of "ship-sloop", "brig-sloop", "sloop-of-war" (which really just meant the same in naval parlance as "sloop") or even "corvette" (the last a French term that the British Navy did not use until the 1840s). Technically the category of "sloop-of-war" included any unrated combatant vessel—in theory, the term even extended to bomb vessels and fire ships. During the Napoleonic Wars, the Royal Navy increased the number of sloops in service by some 400% as it found that it needed vast numbers of these small vessels for escorting convoys (as in any war, the introduction of convoys created a huge need for escort vessels), combating privateers, and themselves taking prizes.


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572052  No.18142860


Would rather die than take action in real life just like everyone. Literally would rather lay down and die that do somthing for your society and neighbours. Lol no wonder they killin everyone.

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92d924  No.18142861

>>18141161 on, notable DC Witches Coven unites against MAGA agenda to save babies from demonic sacrifice scheme

Witchcraft/Freemasonry is from the Book of Enoch and so is abortion. The “Fallen Angels” taught human women how to smite a baby in the womb so that the women would be ready for sex sooner.

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59cf07  No.18142862



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5b8244  No.18142863


MSNBCisfake news, kmao.

What a stupid stupid clown!

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edd3f8  No.18142864


What did you do strong ass man?

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7d0a3e  No.18142865

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59cf07  No.18142866

The last vessel lost by France during the American Revolutionary War was the corvette Le Dragon, scuttled by her captain to avoid capture off Monte Cristi, Haïti in January 1783.

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c84146  No.18142867


is this why I been waking up at 3 am all week

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bdbf13  No.18142868

File: ad76bffd388b8a6⋯.jpeg (94.71 KB, 636x477, 4:3, ad76bffd388b8a6dba475e564….jpeg)

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83d4b3  No.18142869

Sterilize the woman then condemn her for life for not having children. Classy.

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e2c242  No.18142871


Adult on porch: "Damn, that boy's gonna be the next evel knievel or end up in the hospital"

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edd3f8  No.18142872


Even the bathroom singers are better then modern talent-less singers.

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8034d4  No.18142873


First, deprive them of dick, and teach them to loathe men. Then sterilize and finally condemn.

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b4b2c9  No.18142874


Geez, what a slime!

Always knew he married the babysitter, just not the back story.

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dbf775  No.18142875


over cooked

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edb2f3  No.18142877

File: d676932509085d3⋯.png (327.72 KB, 640x774, 320:387, ClipboardImage.png)

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6d3d8c  No.18142878

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b4b2c9  No.18142879

File: 2235bd2f326e7e1⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1222x1222, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Zoom in! Juicy AF

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f9b4b6  No.18142880

File: 6d1a6fea878d6e0⋯.png (940.56 KB, 686x694, 343:347, 9wo80ihy.png)

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0c4c62  No.18142881


Outstanding artist. Here is a site with over 400 specimens of his work.


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1e5287  No.18142882

File: f1b798a469e37f7⋯.jpg (122.81 KB, 689x1000, 689:1000, Caspar_David_Friedrich_177….jpg)


> Corvettes

The British nave captured them from the French (who built them because they were cheap and easy to crew), and the Brits liked them for their speed. They started building their own when it became obvious how good they were at catching smugglers. Their use was later expanded to to include support of espionage and smuggling activities of their own, allowing quick ingress-and-egress from enemy territory.

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c84146  No.18142884

File: dd92dc25e2dc624⋯.png (334.82 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 3C69716C_379F_4A58_A620_81….png)

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5c3cd5  No.18142885


And that's the point. This guarantees supply cutt-off(at least a major supply choke and price increase) domestically. They can't go door-to-door, so they starve ammunition, parts and other items. Sure, the civs dont get to buy an abrams, or a neighborhood watch fat amy, but as long as they focus on ground campaigns, it's going to become a much bigger challenge to keep and bear for the long run.

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31fead  No.18142887

File: 1b90ad04f940939⋯.jpeg (25.33 KB, 249x235, 249:235, 19F672D1_8999_4A77_B8DB_5….jpeg)

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59cf07  No.18142888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>allowing quick ingress-and-egress from enemy territory

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72f30e  No.18142889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


A patriot, from another country, that it is suffering b/c of 'merica traitors.

You, as american suffer b/c of your criminals in congress and senate, you just don't see it.

Your gov gave billions to a criminal, to start a war, and loundry money, that your tax pay for.

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aa90f4  No.18142890

File: 3f33a6cc9497ca1⋯.jpeg (81.5 KB, 479x260, 479:260, 34BEA0D9_1647_4E2E_B1DC_A….jpeg)


How can you know that “excess deaths” is even real?

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457e72  No.18142891

This much I know. We are moar fucked today than we were yesterday and we'll be moar fucked tomorrow than we are today. Shall I go on?

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83d4b3  No.18142892

When was the last time Bannon took a shower or went for a walk? Good Lord.

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8901ad  No.18142893

File: de5084216a3348e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 12.3 MB, 4050x2700, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


>Zoom in! Juicy AF

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0c4c62  No.18142894


Listen to it again. It was just an excuse for not going to concert with her husband.

She went over to be with jojo instead. Her husband couldn't believe the excuse.

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7d0a3e  No.18142895

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72f30e  No.18142896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I don't respect you.

Never will.

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85e7c8  No.18142897

File: dd42e2b5e5101cf⋯.png (604.9 KB, 664x417, 664:417, fresh_eggs.png)

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28a72a  No.18142898


>>18142214 Massive rally for Jordan Peterson

>>18142210 U.S. Patent No. 7,220,852 B1 on "Coronavirus Isolated From Humans"

>>18142274, >>18142519 Dr. Malone shares dire warning: mRNA vaccines are being injected into our food supply…

>>18142354 All PDJT Truths are notable..

>>18142352 Lithuania-Latvia gas pipeline blows up, but no sign of attack (kek)

>>18142359 Biden Corvette memes have begun…

>>18142704 Cultist street sign division shilling in Washington DC.

>>18142706 Dank

>>18141161 DC Witches Coven unites against MAGA agenda to save babies from demonic sacrifice scheme

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b4b2c9  No.18142899


Hence, the back story.

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556e84  No.18142900


you don't know me or what I know.

and if they are criminals they are 'the worlds' not specific to any one nation.

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457e72  No.18142901


Pretty damn juicy anon!!!

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7ddec9  No.18142904

File: f68e60ada5a44ce⋯.jpeg (137.09 KB, 800x523, 800:523, 516FC2AD_22BF_47D4_BA36_C….jpeg)

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1e5287  No.18142905

File: ac8e8229d7c3494⋯.jpg (5 MB, 2362x1828, 1181:914, Caspar_David_Friedrich_177….jpg)


> Trips confirm

They were using the 'vette to move documents, and maybe Jill used hers back, some something, in the day too?

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889e58  No.18142907

File: f15472023d84dad⋯.png (526.09 KB, 776x387, 776:387, comet.PNG)

File: b9175d75f0bf0d8⋯.png (403.4 KB, 700x446, 350:223, orb.PNG)



Green comet approaching Earth for first time in 50,000 years

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edb2f3  No.18142908

File: 9bf2b2c1b327b29⋯.png (1.02 MB, 960x937, 960:937, ClipboardImage.png)

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8034d4  No.18142909

File: c78f6cc184d5ee8⋯.mp4 (14.06 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, _hIgIn_yp8FZVfr_.mp4)

File: efc93efc322879e⋯.png (237.54 KB, 538x609, 538:609, ClipboardImage.png)

Chief Nerd


Ernest Ramirez on How FEMA Tried to Coerce Him to Change the Cause of Death for His Son After He Died From the Pfizer Vaccine


10:47 AM · Jan 13, 2023


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0c4c62  No.18142910


U R write. No one is dying at all. It's all a lie.

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43582e  No.18142911


he's scared

i have lost all respect for him

keeping desktop users off truth social was the first bad, Oz was the final straw

you knew he was a snake when you let him in

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572052  No.18142912


The whole fucking governemnt needs to be prosecuted. But it seems the vast majority of people are corrupt and imbeciles. Military doctors police all the way down people just plain and simply suck.

It’s kinda funny though I mean yes innocents die and the righteous are persecuted…but the wicked have to live in in this filthy wastland.

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72f30e  No.18142913

File: 606cc1036763309⋯.jpg (13.14 KB, 416x312, 4:3, I_sin.jpg)


Hidden JFK files, and promote an experimental vaxx, that kills people, kids, and who the fuck knows what will do in a long run.

So forgive, me.


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6fc1d1  No.18142914

File: 91d3752171593cd⋯.jpg (201.34 KB, 484x640, 121:160, Space_Force_19.jpg)

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b4b2c9  No.18142915


Obviously, she was a social climber, "oh boy, a Senator" was her thought.

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85e7c8  No.18142917

File: 4692bafdfb9fc57⋯.png (229.2 KB, 482x398, 241:199, clip_image.png)


Mornin' Swordy

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6d3d8c  No.18142918


Reverse hang that brown sack of shit.

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b4b2c9  No.18142919

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572052  No.18142920


Fuck off nothing will change unless people unify in the streets with law enforcement and military…and that simply can’t happen with the modern cowardly imbecile man.

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28a72a  No.18142921

File: f2a8935c40e4e81⋯.jpg (1.78 MB, 1786x2144, 893:1072, farragut_f.jpg)

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018a81  No.18142923


>still doesn't think

that’s sad..

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d330b4  No.18142924


>>>18142354 All PDJT Truths are notable..

when sauced


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d5fccf  No.18143898

File: 42099074a9137e9⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1154x645, 1154:645, capture_008_14012023_10402….png)

File: 0d388d6b05bbf68⋯.png (1.08 MB, 981x383, 981:383, capture_009_14012023_10403….png)

good times…

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d5fccf  No.18149196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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