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File: 9f36ade7ad5d9ec⋯.png (491.85 KB, 696x540, 58:45, 9f36ade7ad5d9ec10b06f63ecb….png)

ad91ac  No.17582318 [Last 50 Posts]

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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Wednesday 06.29.2022

>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

>>16950147 06.25.2022

>>16950142 06.24.2022

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ad91ac  No.17582323


Posting guidelines: No Hunter near kids; ALSO, report violent threats - msm trying to nail "Q and anons"

E-BAKERS - Clearly sign out after the bake if not continuing as baker

HOW TO BAKE: >>17322493 Quik Pics: >>17322505 E-baking vs Baking: >>17485628 E-Bake: PLS TAG THE DOUGH

Q post formatting: >>17224834 Baker's Lite JS code: >>17224816

Format for A/B notables is -A -B #11111-A #11111-B >>17242529

Know your bunker: https://endchan.gg/qrbunker; Ban lifts & bug reports: >>17224884



>>17581551 dough

>>17581569, >>17581577, N.J. Department of Education Vows To Punish Teachers If They Refuse to Teach Children About ‘Gender Identity’ & Anal Sex - nj.gov

>>17581633 going dark, See you on the other side.- single anon poster


>>17581638, >>17581715, Greg Hogg quits as The Star’s acting CEO just days ahead of Queensland casino inquiry findings - businessnewsaustralia.com

>>17581648 I made a chart of excess deaths in Israel, muh "Most vaccinated" country in the world - twat

>>17581677, >>17581848, Italy’s New Leader Is a Very Weird, Tolkien-Obsessed Right-Wing Extremist - motherjones.com (anon who does not like soros is ok with this anon)

>>17581732 djt retruths jessie watters - djt t.s post

>>17581736 Nunes: FBI Made Danchenko A Paid Source ‘To Hide Him’ From House Intel Cmte - rumble vid

>>17581775 Italian Nationalists swarm an Italian European Union office and take down their Globalist Flag - mp4 vid (note this was done before the election result)

>>17581780, >>17581784, >>17581788, >>17581794, >>17581799, >>17581816 CIA Ex-Director Brennan's Perjury Peril - Paul Sperry

>>17581816 [J C] is on QClock today (Min: 13) and tomorrow (Min: 14) - nom called

>>17581800, >>17581820, UK PM Liz Truss defended her government's controversial announcement to cut taxes for citizens and businesses in an exclusive interview with CNN's - twat jake tapper and mp4 vid

>>17581809 Senator Lindsey Graham has proposed a national ban on abortion that would put criminal penalties on doctors. - biden (oh there she goes again)

>>17581753, >>17581762, >>17581828, possible weather warfare? anon convo.

>>17581833 NASA delays moon rocket launch due to potential hurricane - foxnews.com

>>17581874 Letter to former FBI agent Thibault from 3 ranking house members - cat herridge

>>17581877 FDA adviser says healthy young people SHOULDN'T get another booster - daily mail

Baker Change

>>17581874, >>17581995, >>17582084, >>17582067, >>17582110 1:07 marker Catherine Herridge: Letter to former FBI agent Thibault from 3 ranking house members

>>17581955 Donald J. Trump: The American people will not stand for “Weaponization” any longer!

>>17581976, >>17581981, >>17581997, >>17582018, >>17582021 LOST CONTROL: Sunday Talks, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan States U.S. Will Never Relinquish Control of Ukraine as a Proxy State

>>17581992, >>17582037 Judge rules against NYC COVID vaccine mandate, orders city to reinstate terminated cops

>>17582058 Mortality in the EU climbed to +16% in July 2022 from +7% in both June and May

>>17582098 Luke Robinson is the second January 6er, along with Ray Epps

>>17582134, >>17582201 CME GBP Futures Halted #currencycrash?

>>17582256, >>17582261 Newest ABC News/Wash Post poll on Midterms could have real meaning

>>17582286 Doctor of Common Sense youtube on Michelle Obama: hilarious

>>17582306 #21556

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ad91ac  No.17582326


>>17580785 dough

>>17580806 ukraine propaganda mp4 vid.

>>17580816 Raskin on Jan 6 Committee Claims He Doesn’t Know Who Ray Epps Is – After Standing Up for Epps Earlier - gwp

>>17580872 Israeli Researchers Raise Alarm on Pfizer Shots, Warn of ‘Severe Side Effects’ - slaynews.com (also covered by rfk jr)

>>17580914 This Rosh Hashanah, Jewish communities will celebrate the birth of the world and the beginning of a new year. - biden twat

>>17580919, >>17580937, >>17580950, >>17581402, >>17581417, >>17581451, thousands of Italian firms on brink of closure –rt.com bun (non profit irs newsfeed 503 asset)

>>17580983, >>17581052, NEW ITALIAN PM GIORGIA MELONI DOES NOT SEEM TO BE ON THE WEF - dig called on new italian pm

>>17581070, >>17581232, >>17581266, planefag post , call sign sam788 tracking kamala

>>17581083, >>17581109, weird sky, planet event - need source

>>17581120, >>17581177, >>17581216, Right-Wing Coalition Wins in Italy, American Press Loses Its Mind - redstate.com (kek headline) and examples bun

>>17580948 JUST IN - Italy's center-right bloc heads for election victory. Giorgia Meloni to become next prime minister — exit poll - twat

>>17581317, >>17581372 Russia suspends weapons-grade plutonium deal with US - bbc and anons summary

>>17581352, >>17581360, >>17581378 Criminals wear robes. And suits with ties. And they swear allegiance to the British Accreditation Registry, and to the Knights Templar Courts. - nom called

>>17581442 Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Roman Abramovich Played Role in Russia-Ukraine Prisoner Swap - wsj.com

>>17581489 #21555

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ad91ac  No.17582327


>>17579967, >>17580313, dough baker on duty

>>17580023 Corporate greed, not wages, is behind inflation. It’s time for price controls - theguardian

>>17580025 The U.S. has ordered 171 million doses of the new boosters for the fall.- king5.com

>>17580026 gen flynn - they want to turn us into cyborgs - twat

>>17580029 , >>17580033 Anti-LGBTQIA+ protestors show up outside of Drag Bingo event at a church in Katy - fox26houston.com

>>17580039, >>17580051, >>17580065, >>17580082, >>17580107, From respect to resentment: My history with the CIA - rt.com (non profit irs and klaus asset)

>>17580368, >>17580381, >>17580435, Early turnout numbers for referendums on joining Russia revealed -rt.com (bun)

>>17580057 no one tell commander that summer's over - biden twat (is he talking to trump, dark winter coming)

>>17580081 Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by Sept. 30 - catholicworldreport.com (reminder and qdrops 1950 and 2606)

>>17580108 compare this bean plant w green 3 wks ago - twat chuck grassley

>>17580123 London Banks Prepare For Possible Blackouts - zerohedge (re-nom)

>>17580143 Jamie Raskin just suggested on MTP that “election deniers” shouldn’t be on the ballot in the fall. - twat

>>17580264, >>17580338, MELONI'S BLOC AT 228 SEATS IN ITALIAN LOWER HOUSE: SKYTG24 - Twat


>>17580164 Americans Tell U.S. 'Health Experts' Where They Can Shove Their Booster Shots - pjmedia (covid topic)

>>17580195, >>17580578, Italians Vote in Election that May Overturn EU Order - breitbart

>>17580208 Michael Moore Predicts Democratic 'Landslide Against the Traitors' - pjmedia (for moar keks)

>>17580211 In 2017, a gunman opened fire on a Las Vegas country music festival. - rolling stone twat 25th sept 2022 (why now?)

>>17580243 Animal Shoots 84-Year-Old Pro-Lifer. Tell Me Again How 'We the People' Are the 'Semi-Fascists - pjmedia.com

>>17580286 Starlink now over 1M user terminals manufactured - twat elon musk (only c.i.a will buy them)

>>17580181, >>17580474 djt link to daily wire quote it will soon be a flood. - djt t.s post

>>17580476 It’s time to pass the assault weapons ban. I’ve taken on the NRA, and I beat them before. - joe biden twat

>>17580478 CEO of Pfizer announces he has Covid again, second time in 40 days - twat albert bourla

>>17580490 Newly Unsealed Court Documents Reveal FBI Got Warrant For Beverly Hills Raid of 1,400 Safe-Deposit Boxes, Seizure of $86 Million in Cash by Misleading Judge - gwp

>>17580502 New Orleans Police Department hiring civilians to bolster force as murderous crime wave hits city - foxnews.com

>>17580511 =She was killed for refusing to have sex with guests, says police - msn.com

>>17580588 South Australian Catholic schools defend receiving tens of millions in JobKeeper funding - abc.net

>>17580612 South Australian Catholic schools defend receiving tens of millions in JobKeeper funding - boatfag post

>>17580615 Federal government to unveil new security measures following massive Optus data breach - abc.net.au

>>17580626 diane-feinsteins-husband-wins-ca-rail-contract/ - calwatchdog.com

>>17580651 Likely next Italian PM, Giorgia Meloni of the nationalist FdI, is known for posting anime fan-art of herself - twat (art like manga to those who remember it before the 4chan fags got a hold of it)

>>17580688 When Crain's exposed Trump's (lack of) wealth - crainsnewyork.com (helped Letitia get lawsuit on trump)

>>17580722 #21554

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ad91ac  No.17582336


>>17579967, >>17580313, dough baker on duty

>>17580023 Corporate greed, not wages, is behind inflation. It’s time for price controls - theguardian

>>17580025 The U.S. has ordered 171 million doses of the new boosters for the fall.- king5.com

>>17580026 gen flynn - they want to turn us into cyborgs - twat

>>17580029 , >>17580033 Anti-LGBTQIA+ protestors show up outside of Drag Bingo event at a church in Katy - fox26houston.com

>>17580039, >>17580051, >>17580065, >>17580082, >>17580107, From respect to resentment: My history with the CIA - rt.com (non profit irs and klaus asset)

>>17580368, >>17580381, >>17580435, Early turnout numbers for referendums on joining Russia revealed -rt.com (bun)

>>17580057 no one tell commander that summer's over - biden twat (is he talking to trump, dark winter coming)

>>17580081 Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by Sept. 30 - catholicworldreport.com (reminder and qdrops 1950 and 2606)

>>17580108 compare this bean plant w green 3 wks ago - twat chuck grassley

>>17580123 London Banks Prepare For Possible Blackouts - zerohedge (re-nom)

>>17580143 Jamie Raskin just suggested on MTP that “election deniers” shouldn’t be on the ballot in the fall. - twat

>>17580264, >>17580338, MELONI'S BLOC AT 228 SEATS IN ITALIAN LOWER HOUSE: SKYTG24 - Twat


>>17580164 Americans Tell U.S. 'Health Experts' Where They Can Shove Their Booster Shots - pjmedia (covid topic)

>>17580195, >>17580578, Italians Vote in Election that May Overturn EU Order - breitbart

>>17580208 Michael Moore Predicts Democratic 'Landslide Against the Traitors' - pjmedia (for moar keks)

>>17580211 In 2017, a gunman opened fire on a Las Vegas country music festival. - rolling stone twat 25th sept 2022 (why now?)

>>17580243 Animal Shoots 84-Year-Old Pro-Lifer. Tell Me Again How 'We the People' Are the 'Semi-Fascists - pjmedia.com

>>17580286 Starlink now over 1M user terminals manufactured - twat elon musk (only c.i.a will buy them)

>>17580181, >>17580474 djt link to daily wire quote it will soon be a flood. - djt t.s post

>>17580476 It’s time to pass the assault weapons ban. I’ve taken on the NRA, and I beat them before. - joe biden twat

>>17580478 CEO of Pfizer announces he has Covid again, second time in 40 days - twat albert bourla

>>17580490 Newly Unsealed Court Documents Reveal FBI Got Warrant For Beverly Hills Raid of 1,400 Safe-Deposit Boxes, Seizure of $86 Million in Cash by Misleading Judge - gwp

>>17580502 New Orleans Police Department hiring civilians to bolster force as murderous crime wave hits city - foxnews.com

>>17580511 =She was killed for refusing to have sex with guests, says police - msn.com

>>17580588 South Australian Catholic schools defend receiving tens of millions in JobKeeper funding - abc.net

>>17580612 South Australian Catholic schools defend receiving tens of millions in JobKeeper funding - boatfag post

>>17580615 Federal government to unveil new security measures following massive Optus data breach - abc.net.au

>>17580626 diane-feinsteins-husband-wins-ca-rail-contract/ - calwatchdog.com

>>17580651 Likely next Italian PM, Giorgia Meloni of the nationalist FdI, is known for posting anime fan-art of herself - twat (art like manga to those who remember it before the 4chan fags got a hold of it)

>>17580688 When Crain's exposed Trump's (lack of) wealth - crainsnewyork.com (helped Letitia get lawsuit on trump)

>>17580722 #21554

Previously Collected

>>17579846 #21553-A, >>17579956 #21553-B,

>>17579846 #21553-A, >>17579956 #21553-B, >>17580722 #21554

>>17577599 #21550, >>17578556 #21551, >>17579884 #21552

>>17577294 #21547, >>17575918 #21548, >>17576759 #21549

>>17474548 Q Research Notables #15: High Five

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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ad91ac  No.17582337



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17a3f8  No.17582343

Red October.

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6bb8f7  No.17582344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b061e9  No.17582346

File: e5a78dca2fafc26⋯.jpg (12.62 KB, 238x255, 14:15, 7ee65820428e6390f01a7e3200….jpg)

Wow, not even the shills shit the bread. Amazing.

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91e536  No.17582347

File: f1e7e07e38092b4⋯.png (331.95 KB, 767x637, 59:49, 9db8d84b069b28c1c1d5c5d79a….png)



very noice job of it


thanks for picking up

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91bace  No.17582348

File: 3d6eeaadf2ff36f⋯.png (32.1 KB, 1582x886, 791:443, Caution.png)

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aa32d5  No.17582350

File: 12496a2a581df53⋯.png (368.85 KB, 615x680, 123:136, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e6d2ab6ea6bcdf⋯.png (548.46 KB, 672x680, 84:85, ClipboardImage.png)

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2029ab  No.17582351

File: 0116353bc1bca25⋯.jpg (256.02 KB, 569x853, 569:853, 0116353bc1bca2553a0d72f978….jpg)

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116e8b  No.17582355

File: 3674a1cd62fa9b6⋯.gif (4.17 MB, 800x450, 16:9, NXcuZ2lm_1_.gif)



Nice Snipe

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48993c  No.17582356

File: 69d20c90c0ea8fe⋯.jpg (3.39 MB, 3008x2000, 188:125, Our_flag.jpg)

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91bace  No.17582358

File: 614f799e8f91706⋯.png (15.36 KB, 1161x227, 1161:227, ClipboardImage.png)

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a62f8f  No.17582359

>>17581663 pb

>just learning to lip read,

she has a foreign accent, probably german

"how old are you? are these nice?"

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a36d88  No.17582360

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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116e8b  No.17582361

File: 1b1e6169c35e3e4⋯.png (8.72 MB, 5523x3038, 789:434, QClock_September_25_2022_E….png)

QClock September 25, 2022- Enviro Slush Funds

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91bace  No.17582363

File: ea1cfc7db0ef0a2⋯.png (11.53 KB, 461x231, 461:231, loweffort5.png)


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116e8b  No.17582365

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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48993c  No.17582367

File: 84104f65ae4b1d1⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 990.45 KB, 289x257, 289:257, 84104f65ae4b1d15e2434bd76e….gif)


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3fa368  No.17582368

File: e9907830181b7c9⋯.jpg (78.22 KB, 1119x640, 1119:640, yellen_the_clown.jpg)

File: c638531bd240a01⋯.jpg (119 KB, 1135x780, 227:156, sec_yellen_the_clown.jpg)

File: e52b00a04b25fba⋯.jpg (62.95 KB, 1030x604, 515:302, yellen_the_clown.jpg)









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6bb8f7  No.17582369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It was pretty obvious!

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91bace  No.17582370

File: ee56151edaf3aa0⋯.jpg (209.71 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, ShillWeiner3.jpg)


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cb45e4  No.17582371


red october for the stock market anyway

biden is going to make the great depression

great again

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58fb42  No.17582373

Have all the shills left the echo chamber?

Just checking.

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6bb8f7  No.17582375



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116e8b  No.17582376

File: 8274ace9cc64f47⋯.png (508.25 KB, 718x628, 359:314, ClipboardImage.png)

No idea, but pretty funny if true:

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a1ae82  No.17582377

File: e40e15bc8b5cf14⋯.png (316.54 KB, 951x545, 951:545, e40e15bc8b5cf14b1acf244b25….png)

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a62f8f  No.17582378


why do you hate yourself, gary? after all, you're a boomer, too, and don't bother to deny it.


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db2eca  No.17582379

Dr of common sense >>17582286 pb

Did one on Corney a while back. I guess they removed him from youtube. COuld just find this link for nao. It's horrific.


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41c6a4  No.17582380

FAKE TWAT KEEPS CHITTIN SUPERFULOUS BUTT CHUGGING PLEAS TO MORALITY podesta gapes juwish dickbutt fraud fraud fraud FAKE TWAT KEEPS CHITTIN SUPERFULOUS BUTT CHUGGING PLEAS TO MORALITY podesta gapes juwish dickbutt fraud fraud fraud FAKE TWAT KEEPS CHITTIN SUPERFULOUS BUTT CHUGGING PLEAS TO MORALITY podesta gapes juwish dickbutt fraud fraud fraud FAKE TWAT KEEPS CHITTIN SUPERFULOUS BUTT CHUGGING PLEAS TO MORALITY podesta gapes juwish dickbutt fraud fraud fraud FAKE TWAT KEEPS CHITTIN SUPERFULOUS BUTT CHUGGING PLEAS TO MORALITY podesta gapes juwish dickbutt fraud fraud fraud FAKE TWAT KEEPS CHITTIN SUPERFULOUS BUTT CHUGGING PLEAS TO MORALITY podesta gapes juwish dickbutt fraud fraud fraud FAKE TWAT KEEPS CHITTIN SUPERFULOUS BUTT CHUGGING PLEAS TO MORALITY podesta gapes juwish dickbutt fraud fraud fraud FAKE TWAT KEEPS CHITTIN SUPERFULOUS BUTT CHUGGING PLEAS TO MORALITY podesta gapes juwish dickbutt fraud fraud fraud FAKE TWAT KEEPS CHITTIN SUPERFULOUS BUTT CHUGGING PLEAS TO MORALITY podesta gapes juwish dickbutt fraud fraud fraud FAKE TWAT temple died whine KEEPS CHITTIN SUPERFULOUS BUTT CHUGGING PLEAS TO MORALITY podesta gapes juwish dickbutt fraud fraud fraud FAKE TWAT KEEPS CHITTIN SUPERFULOUS BUTT CHUGGING PLEAS TO MORALITY podesta gapes juwish dickbutt fraud fraud fraud

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a36d88  No.17582381

File: 67f9aae594441fc⋯.png (10.6 KB, 422x168, 211:84, 67f9aae594441fcc362553325d….png)

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26ec04  No.17582382

File: 52e30dc27de456f⋯.jpeg (101.14 KB, 750x396, 125:66, 5B488193_7CC8_4A08_A64E_B….jpeg)

Interesting this stock is moving they do disinfectant products.. 👀

Almost $6m in volume

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151217  No.17582384


I knew it~

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91bace  No.17582385

File: 0cbafd64d6ce65a⋯.jpg (22.24 KB, 360x240, 3:2, shillweiner5.jpg)


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df63eb  No.17582386

File: 65b8e29a64121ee⋯.png (45.11 KB, 500x750, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


thanks, baker!

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6320b7  No.17582387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6bb8f7  No.17582389

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Feeling All Right? - Public Health Film About Syphilis & its Prevention

Public health film informing African Americans about syphilis and its prevention. Feeling All Right contextualizes the problem by focusing on a community affected by the disease and the local organizations that are leading the fight against it.

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be95f8  No.17582390

File: a6f31d2f8b81935⋯.jpeg (78.2 KB, 500x335, 100:67, oto2012.jpeg)

File: aade861f83a3c2e⋯.jpg (130.16 KB, 450x600, 3:4, Saint_Nicholas_with_the_Th….jpg)


that doesn't even make sense?

>>17581108 pb

to me, it's just as good.

when q was around it was different, but no better than now

it's gotten deeper with contemplation

and DJT just gives winks with the truth.

and new no censorship platform, very good

don't have to be worried you'll be banned if you attempt to share info.

St. Nick has boys in a pickle barrel

there's two Nick st. days

supposed to have given money to ladies of the night, too to keep them from being whores.. (wink wink)

One of his great deeds. that and reviving dead children.

evil santa, I really think is a 'thing'

other image is from the 2012 olympic ceremony? London.. or some other Olympic ritual?

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98132f  No.17582392

File: c3f776e4a4851b2⋯.png (789.28 KB, 723x1015, 723:1015, only_date_clockfags.png)

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1c985f  No.17582393

File: bf2939719953e0d⋯.png (85.68 KB, 1094x725, 1094:725, Barkin.png)

There's a mouthy, bitchy, woke, witchy, anti-Trump, liberal cunt who could use some chat from patriots on Twatter.

ELLEN BARKIN - "The news out of Italy is frightening. It really is 1933. Except this time we are Germany. For fuck’s sake #VOTE #INeverForgot."

7:42 PM · Sep 25, 2022 - ·Twitter for iPad

LINK - https://twitter.com/EllenBarkin/status/1574182557981310978

ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/wip/Dz5eE

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6178cc  No.17582395


dat gap

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379e90  No.17582398

File: 7d257cf4ccdbc77⋯.jpg (120.63 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, Csa2TIJXYAAgD07.jpg)


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6178cc  No.17582399


global reported

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ad91ac  No.17582401

File: 00d1fe69b8949e2⋯.jpg (56.53 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 00d1fe69b8949e279b6f84eb99….jpg)


Baker is Tapping

is taking a nap

back in a couple of hours

tyvm Anons


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df63eb  No.17582403


Barkin was born in The Bronx, New York,[1] the daughter of Evelyn (née Rozin), a hospital administrator who worked at Jamaica Hospital, and Sol Barkin, a chemical salesman.[2][3][4] Her family was Jewish;[5][6] they had emigrated from Siberia and the Russian-Polish border

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425aec  No.17582404

File: 513ee28b5fe54e9⋯.jpg (64.21 KB, 750x492, 125:82, poijserjtygj.jpg)

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97e992  No.17582405

File: 620f01777809754⋯.png (585.84 KB, 696x654, 116:109, Bread_jackpot.png)

File: e46394ff8c45350⋯.png (426.98 KB, 720x490, 72:49, night_stars_dog_cave.png)

File: dc7784a8263dbd3⋯.png (152.34 KB, 532x484, 133:121, angel_gets_wings.png)

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6178cc  No.17582406


Don't post a pic of the pedobear link, anon.

reporting yours, too.

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98132f  No.17582407

File: 88c20ceb3ad8758⋯.png (198.66 KB, 399x351, 133:117, ClipboardImage.png)


tyb, sweet dreams

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3acbe6  No.17582408

File: 7e518737a9cc8d2⋯.png (389.67 KB, 488x948, 122:237, Screen_Shot_09_25_22_at_11….PNG)

Joy Overbeck / @JoyOverbeck1 09/24/2022 23:03:19

ID:Twitter for iPhone

Twitter: 1573870737118486529

@kevincorke @foxnewsnight We were all waiting excitedly to see you be named anchor. But now we all know the Lord has something more incredible planned for you. We watch and wait, loving every show you lead. You have something none of them can match. It’s simply honesty and authenticity. Speak on!



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3acbe6  No.17582409


<3 this comment! So true!

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6bb8f7  No.17582410

File: 1d29c607c41604b⋯.png (12.28 KB, 183x275, 183:275, download.png)


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!

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1c985f  No.17582411


Good job, anon.

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359a2d  No.17582412


Doctors of Common Sense is the one who said James Comey dressed up like howdy doody

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1c93c3  No.17582413

File: f650908955bef51⋯.jpg (61.53 KB, 577x432, 577:432, 6oj5ts.jpg)

What is the DS really trying to do? Looks like we're gearing up to recreate the government or something. Careful, this might be what the DS wants. Trick the people in to reforming the current government, steal it, and implement their own. They have the manpower to do so.

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be95f8  No.17582414

File: ae0c1dda20f2f94⋯.png (306.46 KB, 592x640, 37:40, clockfagdatachronology.png)

File: e38f1eab563cddc⋯.jpg (9.41 KB, 480x360, 4:3, qlighting.jpg)

File: 09c768b2390099f⋯.jpg (61.11 KB, 640x458, 320:229, kensingtonpalae640.jpg)

File: 0c836079e9ff8db⋯.jpg (219.69 KB, 525x700, 3:4, kabbalahwheelcc.jpg)

File: f080fe6c404d736⋯.jpg (393.26 KB, 1128x658, 12:7, peacebewithyou.jpg)

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91e536  No.17582415


file deleted

can't post a pic with the link in it

same as posting pedo bear itself


tyvm for your guud intent to file global

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379e90  No.17582416


Where's tranime when you need it?


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3fa368  No.17582417

File: ce02e0493cab114⋯.png (606.13 KB, 821x558, 821:558, ClipboardImage.png)


Damn I remember the good ol days of boycot Marvel for being WOKE and promoting ALITA instead

I got this thing it says MARVEL COMICS, MARVEL STUDIOS, MARVEL CINEMATICS? (sorry I can not rem) anyway all that is tied to ISRAEL INTELLIGENCE.

Even a poor speller can get good search result on this topic.

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99a95a  No.17582418

File: e20d99e6e007ce9⋯.png (297.24 KB, 806x585, 62:45, Pepe_KinderPepe.png)


Gonna be a good night with frens. Waiting for a Trump Q truth tonight before 4am

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b9806f  No.17582419

File: 1cb1ef174460cec⋯.webm (1.75 MB, 640x360, 16:9, wrong_place_for_a_selfie.webm)

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3fa368  No.17582420

File: 0f5e0f511d6d0b4⋯.png (212.99 KB, 663x706, 663:706, ClipboardImage.png)

Marvel tied to "intelliGENE" even a cave man serch can do it.

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6bb8f7  No.17582421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Albert in Blunderland or is it Bidenland?

Animated critique of New Deal–type liberalism. In a dream “Albert,” a worker in a statist economy, is forced to watch a state-sponsored “free movie” on national planning. On awakening, he is convinced of the failings of excessive government control.

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97e992  No.17582422

File: a2db1929e2a027f⋯.png (198.22 KB, 497x235, 497:235, inauguration_guard_2.png)

File: 98b2fb05ad87923⋯.png (338.56 KB, 639x348, 213:116, DJTcuts_regulations_2.png)

File: 97f603082165505⋯.png (388.87 KB, 511x341, 511:341, Trump_not_racist.png)

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a065a5  No.17582423

File: 04f0f572866d09d⋯.jpg (247.1 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 04f0f572866d09d46179684196….jpg)

File: 2837e87d6f2a99f⋯.png (814.49 KB, 591x739, 591:739, 2837e87d6f2a99f9ed7382f0b7….png)

File: e15b7c86203048e⋯.png (297.01 KB, 451x450, 451:450, e15b7c86203048e372ba45f902….png)

File: 83a18d6d7193255⋯.png (465.14 KB, 958x539, 958:539, 83a18d6d7193255f53bf192fe8….png)



Evenin' nightshift. Bewbs out!

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2029ab  No.17582424

File: 4edb38f46a0d2dc⋯.jpg (10.86 KB, 229x220, 229:220, smokingpepe2.jpg)

First appearance of the Jewish Marvel Superhero, Sabra: Hulk #250 (Aug. 1980). The shills forget to mention that part. I personally couldn't care less as I'm done with all the cape shit, but context is important.

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3acbe6  No.17582426


Kevin, I think you would be great in the Ingraham slot. ; )

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48993c  No.17582427

File: d193491388e49f7⋯.gif (3.98 MB, 311x221, 311:221, d193491388e49f7897054970ec….gif)


Don't worry fren I'll get it.


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db2eca  No.17582430

File: e3f1895e23adcd5⋯.png (410.13 KB, 679x367, 679:367, ClipboardImage.png)


They made that meme to troll us, but it's one of the only good ones they have.

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361bc2  No.17582431

File: 6769c289906021d⋯.png (931.53 KB, 1024x937, 1024:937, My_mommy_wants_to_see_some….png)

Fuckin sick of seeing memes. Fucking sick of Trump's mouth and sick and fucking tired checking the news every fucking five god damn minutes. But you know what I'm really fed the fuck up with? You bitches. Dumb ass fucked up in the head "anons" with you smart mouthed pussyfied fucked up ways and passing off dumb ass tough guy memes like and your cute little faggot ass toad memes. Fuck this shit! You bitches are just trying to create chaos so we all kill out fucking selves just to get some fucking peace.

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e863be  No.17582432

>>17582304 lb

I meant more by function than architecture. The tower in WestWorld was used to control humans infected with a virus.

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41c6a4  No.17582433

all this for jfkTRANNY diaper dumpster

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1c985f  No.17582434

File: 4dc2109ef259b64⋯.png (64.29 KB, 419x419, 1:1, KevinCorke.png)

File: 133b79ec11540e2⋯.png (511.38 KB, 1398x821, 1398:821, KevinCorke2.png)


Funny that Kevin Corke's in the news again, because Q asked about Kevin's alarm clock two years and 10 days ago, so he's been on my mind lately. The little deep stater deleted his twat after posting about setting his alarm clock, apparently after Q mentioned it.


Fortunately THE INTERNET IS FOREVER. Corke's now-deleted twat was captured on the Internet Archive, for anyone interested.

LINK - https://web.archive.org/web/20200911225113/https://twitter.com/kevincorke/status/1304552716635697152

ARCHIVE OF ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/wip/RnSvP

Fuck you, Kevin Corke, you Deep State shill. Come on Mr. Durham. We don't want a "report." We want indictments, sir. STAT. Thank you.

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97e992  No.17582435

File: 7414e0744f50e28⋯.png (282.08 KB, 549x645, 183:215, trump_military.png)

File: d2596e4b74e9a56⋯.png (99.52 KB, 379x438, 379:438, Trump_Marines_award.png)

File: 1fbead7685800b6⋯.png (459.12 KB, 625x451, 625:451, Trump_Generals_storm.png)

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b9806f  No.17582436

File: 6b0e6c39a2ea7bc⋯.gif (914.2 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 200_398461025.gif)

File: eb8f960d7abd571⋯.png (185.91 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1557.png)

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2ae853  No.17582437

File: 852de35acd85aa9⋯.png (454.31 KB, 598x612, 299:306, Screenshot_2022_09_25_at_2….png)



the Synagogue of sata..

Barack Obama Retweeted

The Obama Foundation


To all our Jewish friends, family, and neighbors celebrating the start of #RoshHashanah tonight, Shanah Tovah!


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3fa368  No.17582438

File: cc758327a11c775⋯.jpg (75.34 KB, 640x400, 8:5, clinton_color_by_keknocolo….jpg)

Clinton has Tainted State Department who does Security Clearances.

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be95f8  No.17582439

File: e1ffe9a2b414337⋯.jpg (124.39 KB, 500x715, 100:143, Kabbalah_Mysticsm_New_Age_….jpg)

File: 73ce2895a025b84⋯.jpg (132.44 KB, 531x734, 531:734, kaballahoccult_imagery_ser….jpg)

File: 7eb66768d072244⋯.jpg (392.33 KB, 1055x873, 1055:873, babylon.jpg)

File: 24ec4f06e9a558e⋯.png (349.26 KB, 450x450, 1:1, diggersarmy.png)

File: 1b3574b1e1b5a12⋯.jpeg (195.97 KB, 750x1142, 375:571, rrdirtanddirtier.jpeg)

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1c93c3  No.17582440

File: bcaf842e061c442⋯.jpg (29.64 KB, 364x344, 91:86, yes_yes_very_interesting.jpg)

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a065a5  No.17582441

File: 222874a256d708c⋯.jpg (38.66 KB, 616x506, 28:23, 1660175123576715.jpg)

File: b1fd672e516803c⋯.jpg (138.48 KB, 1080x1079, 1080:1079, 30123237260531_2.jpg)

File: f5272a548f0de78⋯.jpeg (83.6 KB, 386x478, 193:239, f5272a548f0de78b00ba7aa0c….jpeg)


No (you) for you nigger. Kys.

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ccaafe  No.17582442

File: 908aa5a8b9253bf⋯.png (233.17 KB, 1894x892, 947:446, ClipboardImage.png)





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a36d88  No.17582443

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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db2eca  No.17582444

File: b5cb39abeb78038⋯.mp4 (427.04 KB, 188x104, 47:26, Kermit_SEAL_rant.mp4)


Peace only comes when you find God.

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cb45e4  No.17582446


in 1949 hollywood was not woke

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1c985f  No.17582447

File: 71dafb28e22942c⋯.jpg (121.46 KB, 1024x634, 512:317, BarkinOyVey.jpg)


Ellen Barkin is one of [THEM]. That's why I despise her so much. Since it's alleged that [THEY] torture and abuse children, I have great disdain for [THEM], especially the females among [THEM]. Oy vey.

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99a95a  No.17582448

File: e9a89d6a4a1edc2⋯.png (91.24 KB, 348x366, 58:61, Pepe_GotchaShades.png)


All good anon. Should've replied to the disinfo shill instead.

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26ec04  No.17582449

File: d90593248577317⋯.jpeg (187.83 KB, 750x810, 25:27, 90592B22_E704_4F97_9BF8_8….jpeg)

VIX up almost 3% in premarket..

Gonna be a wild day tomorrow

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c1fdf4  No.17582450

File: 86ed6e2815fe4bc⋯.gif (2 MB, 289x350, 289:350, 786FEC37_FABE_471B_94AA_C5….gif)

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1c985f  No.17582451


Cry moar, you ignoramus.

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a62f8f  No.17582452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Albert in Blunderland or is it Bidenland?

alice in blunderland

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db2eca  No.17582453

File: 476aa4533a561c5⋯.png (2.54 MB, 1663x1247, 1663:1247, ClipboardImage.png)

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2ae853  No.17582454

File: c3714e1842e85da⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1024x734, 512:367, ClipboardImage.png)

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99f003  No.17582455

File: 35ce8cc8b9653b2⋯.png (111.8 KB, 500x338, 250:169, eh.png)

Are we really the decendants of the survivors of a cataclyism? This is some kind of post apoclytic world that has had our history wiped and/or hidden? Someone once posted that if I really was too impatient and wanted to know the end story, that is what we will find out.

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4ffde0  No.17582456

File: cd82f15ff23bbd2⋯.jpg (54.63 KB, 606x678, 101:113, 8dd9704e1e9b70577b14a103b7….jpg)

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2d075f  No.17582457



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a62f8f  No.17582458


obviously it's not working. so at least ya got that much goin' for ya…

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be95f8  No.17582459

File: 882eb99ab418a02⋯.jpg (249.78 KB, 631x1000, 631:1000, mothmaninflames.jpg)

File: 8f0468d680a2088⋯.png (878.59 KB, 733x694, 733:694, jebbushfuneral.png)

File: fd752fbca1090cf⋯.jpg (55.31 KB, 663x436, 663:436, belongtosamecult.jpg)

File: 5ef99a0ea366938⋯.jpg (59.96 KB, 306x460, 153:230, doesriotn.jpg)

File: 6cd6d715e5a0234⋯.jpg (420.23 KB, 1012x1272, 253:318, WarrenComsBlues.jpg)

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26ec04  No.17582460

File: d218473419b3f64⋯.jpeg (137.12 KB, 750x501, 250:167, 5DEAE3C5_3298_41AC_89D0_2….jpeg)

File: b8980492596812c⋯.jpeg (160.16 KB, 750x667, 750:667, EC94CFB9_CDC7_4B48_ADBC_A….jpeg)

File: f68ad8744cbcafb⋯.jpeg (270.44 KB, 750x873, 250:291, BF94D993_A1EE_4088_B341_0….jpeg)


Nothing happening here..

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97e992  No.17582462

File: d81f2f35dee5a3b⋯.png (217.81 KB, 475x349, 475:349, b_graham_honored.png)

File: b097399b0d16ddc⋯.png (230.16 KB, 602x401, 602:401, ChongaldXrump.png)

File: 546a9507b281177⋯.png (445.02 KB, 440x441, 440:441, i_am_the_storm.png)

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3acbe6  No.17582464


He will believe when he sees it…just like us, anon.

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3acbe6  No.17582465


While I am giving feedback, we can put Tammy Bruce in Hannity's slot. New faces! Make Fox News Great Again!

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3fa368  No.17582466

File: ca5c89cd67bdf83⋯.png (329.27 KB, 805x421, 805:421, Screenshot_2022_09_23_17_0….png)

Explain this my mentally impaired extended family to the north.

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a62f8f  No.17582467


>in 1949 hollywood was not woke

careful… the "oldfags" around here have convinced themselves that john wayne took it up the ass so he could be a movie star.

you're gonna start a slide, at best, and at worst, likely suffer endless ad hominem attacks for disputing one of their favorite delusions.

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a9e387  No.17582468

The Swamp Today

Timelines Change.

Monday, September 26, 2022

The House Stands Adjourned Until September 26, 2022 at 10:00 AM EDT (Pro Forma)

The Senate Stands Adjourned Until September 27, 2022 at 3:00 PM EDT

The Weekly Leader: Friday, September 23, 2022


. . .

September 26, 2022

National Situational Awareness Day

>>17581892 pb

September 26, 2022 - September 27, 2022

Colorado Christian University 2022 Symposium: "Socialism and Capitalism: A Closer Look."

Foundation for Economic Education


September 26, 2022 - September 27, 2022

FDA/National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) – Massive Analysis and Quality Control Society (MAQC) 2022 Conference

Food and Drug Administration


September 26, 2022 - September 27, 2022

WHO-DCVMN Joint Workshop on Collaborative Registration Procedure (CRP) for WHO Prequalified Vaccines in Developing Countries

Developing Countries Vaccine Manufacturers Network (DCVMN) and World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations


September 26, 2022 - September 28, 2022

2022 NLLEA Annual Conference: Building Trust Among Stakeholders for Safer Communities

The National Liquor Law Enforcement Association (NLLEA)


September 26, 2022 - September 28, 2022

The Standing Committee on Finance Forum on Finance for Nature-based Solutions (Part II)

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change


September 26, 2022 - September 30, 2022

CORE week, featuring the Macro-Development Insights Conference and the Advances in Applied Macro-Econometrics Conference

Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond



September 26, 2022 - September 30, 2022

74th Session of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas - 30th Pan American Sanitary Conference

Pan American Health Organization, United Nations


September 26, 2022 - September 30, 2022

Geneva Trade Week 2022

The Geneva Trade Platform



September 26, 2022 - September 30, 2022

U.S. v. Khalid Shaikh Mohammad, et al., Motions Hearing

Office of Military Commissions


September 26, 2022 - October 3, 2022

6th Session of the Codex Committee on Spices and Culinary Herbs

Codex Alimentarius - Food and Agriculture Organization and World Health Organization of the United Nations


4:00 AM EDT

503rd Meeting, 35th Session, Committee on Migrant Workers (CMW)

United Nations


4:00 AM EDT

FAO/WFP Informal Briefing on Emergencies and Ongoing Crises

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and World Food Programme


Hunger Hotspots FAO-WFP Early Warnings on Acute Food Insecurity June to September 2022 Outlook


Joint FAO/WFP Informal Membership Briefing on Emergencies


7:00 AM EDT

The National Centre for the 3Rs NC3Rs Workshop

Developing Countries Vaccine Manufacturers Network (DCVMN)



8:00 AM EDT

Evaluations of the Resilience, Disaster Risk Reduction & Management, and Climate Change Policies Focus Group Discussion with WFP Executive Board

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and World Food Programme



posting early due to irl tomorrow

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2029ab  No.17582470

File: 4843607f18410b1⋯.png (3.63 MB, 1403x2048, 1403:2048, ClipboardImage.png)

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db2eca  No.17582471

File: a52568f1f0d6882⋯.png (230.86 KB, 640x541, 640:541, ClipboardImage.png)


Yes, I poasted the link. It's disgusting. He red pilled me on the howdy doody thing. #Trauma.

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a9e387  No.17582472


9:00 AM EDT

In Search of Trustworthy AI: Can the Law Help?

WHO and ai for good is organized by ITU in partnership with 40 UN Sister Agencies and co-convened with Switzerland



9:00 AM EDT

(Day 6) General Debate - General Assembly, 77th Session

United Nations


9:25 AM EDT

The President departs New Castle, Delaware en route Washington, D.C.

Official Schedule


10:00 AM EDT

Private Investment in Public Infrastructure: Promises, Realities, and the Future

American Enterprise Institute



10:00 AM EDT

The Uses and Abuses of the UN's "China Resolution": Beijing's Interpretation and Taiwan's International Status

Foreign Policy Research Institute


10:00 AM EDT

How Firm Is European Support for Ukraine?

Atlantic Council



10:00 AM EDT

What's Next for Brazil? The 2022 Elections and Beyond

Woodrow Wilson Center


10:00 AM EDT

Federal Reserve Bank of Boston President Susan M. Collins to Share Perspectives on the Economy and on the Opportunities Ahead

Federal Reserve Bank of Boston


10:00 AM EDT

The Future of Political Discourse and the Importance of Bipartisanship - Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ)

McConnell Center




10:00 AM EDT

(Part 1) High-level plenary meeting to commemorate and promote the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons - General Assembly, 77th session

United Nations


10:00 AM EDT

August 2022 Preliminary U.S. Imports for Consumption of Steel Products Data Release


10:30 AM EDT

Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Uzra Zeya participates in the launch of the Special Coordinators for L.A. Declaration on Migration

White House


11:00 AM EDT

Emerging Technologies and the Future of Work in Africa

Brookings Institution


11:00 AM EDT

Webinar: Male Contraception – Research, Contraceptive Options, and Policy Implications

World Health Organization of the United Nations


11:00 AM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken meets with Belizean Prime Minister John Briceño

Department of State


11:45 AM EDT

The President welcomes the Atlanta Braves to the White House

Official Schedule




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c1fdf4  No.17582473

File: 1b568c861741347⋯.jpeg (270.12 KB, 1285x802, 1285:802, 9DAF05B7_2C1F_4C8D_97ED_C….jpeg)

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7c2ea3  No.17582474

Pound slumps to all-time low against dollar

The pound has fallen to its lowest level against the US dollar since decimalisation in 1971.

In early Asia trade, sterling fell by more than 4% to $1.0327 before regaining some ground to around $1.05.

That came after UK Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng unveiled historic tax cuts funded by huge increases in borrowing.

The pound has also been under pressure as the dollar has been boosted by the US central bank continuing to raise interest rates.

The euro also touched a fresh 20-year-low against the dollar in morning Asia trade amid investor concerns about the risk of recession as winter approaches with no sign of an end to the energy crisis or the war in Ukraine.


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a9e387  No.17582475



12:00 PM EDT

Virtual Event | Federal Trade Commission Squashing Small Businesses

Hudson Institute


12:00 PM EDT

No Escape: A Book Event Highlighting the Long Arm of the Chinese State

Hudson Institute


12:00 PM EDT

Daily Press Briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General and the Spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly

United Nations


12:00 PM EDT

The Edge-Cloud-HPC Continuum: A New Era?

Argonne National Laboratory


1:00 PM EDT

MEI Defense Leadership Series: Episode 18 with former U.S. CENTCOM Commander Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie

Middle East Institute


1:00 PM EDT

The Uses and Abuses of the UN's "China Resolution": Beijing's Interpretation and Taiwan's International Status

Foreign Policy Research Institute


1:00 PM EDT

President's National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC) Meeting




1:30 PM EDT

Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Ned Price

Department of State



1:30 PM EDT

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

The White House


2:00 PM EDT

Solutions to Improve Take-Up and Administration of the Child Tax Credit CTC and Earned Income Tax Credit EITC

Bipartisan Policy Center




2:00 PM EDT

US Role in the NATO Alliance With Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Thom Tillis

Atlantic Council




2:00 PM EDT

In-situ TEM of the Radiation Effects on Material Microstructures in IVEM-Tandem Facility: Overview and Recent Development

Argonne National Laboratory


2:00 PM EDT

Dealing With Weather Emergencies

Federal Trade Commission and FEMA


2:00 PM EDT

Pre-Application Re-Occurring Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority on Matters Related to the Development of a Construction Permit Application for the Clinch River Nuclear Site.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission


2:00 PM EDT

Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Uzra Zeya participates in a luncheon in honor of International Migration Organization Deputy Director General Amy Pope

Washington D.C.


2:15 PM EDT

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III hosts an honor cordon and meeting welcoming India's Minister of External Affairs Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar to the Pentagon


2:45 PM EDT

Security Council Media Stakeout (Haiti; Other matters)

United Nations



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97e992  No.17582477

File: 87d2585b33e2502⋯.png (255.69 KB, 354x309, 118:103, life_not_need_vacation.png)

File: 15937266ae9e3fc⋯.png (143.29 KB, 495x435, 33:29, doin_the_audit.png)

File: 4c07ebbe3747c48⋯.png (425.26 KB, 638x468, 319:234, the_path_life.png)


we are on the threshold of a dream

and it is not globalism

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c1fdf4  No.17582478

File: 3f4451a78c30e01⋯.jpeg (58.04 KB, 696x521, 696:521, 471D64AE_30D9_40A8_BFE3_E….jpeg)


GOP + DNC = Uniparty.

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ce665e  No.17582479

File: d06f6cf5915317b⋯.jpeg (18.46 KB, 149x250, 149:250, 55236A38_E6E1_4959_9406_1….jpeg)

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a065a5  No.17582480

File: adbe2c41376ae49⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1080x720, 3:2, howdycornydickfish.png)

File: 1324592005c0993⋯.png (619.26 KB, 552x891, 184:297, 1324592005c0993935705d4647….png)

File: 96f6d6fdefed8c2⋯.png (862.88 KB, 960x534, 160:89, 96f6d6fdefed8c2392f6134be8….png)




Good times, good times.

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a9e387  No.17582482




3:00 PM EDT

U.S.-ASEAN Relations at 45: A Discussion with Lim Jock Hoi, Secretary-General of ASEAN

Center for Strategic & International Studies



3:00 PM EDT

The Question Concerning Haiti - Security Council, 9136th Meeting

United Nations


3:30 PM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken meets with Pakistani Foreign Minister Bhutto Zardari

Department of State


4:00 PM EDT

Rethinking Asian Development and Democracy: A Conversation with Dan Slater and Joseph Wong

American Enterprise Institute



4:00 PM EDT

The Spectre of War: International Communism and the Origins of World War Two

Woodrow Wilson Center


4:00 PM EDT

The GHG Reduction Fund in the IRA: Developing a National Green Bank to Support an Equitable Energy Transition

Atlantic Council Global Energy Center



4:15 PM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken and Pakistani Foreign Minister Bhutto Zardari deliver remarks to highlight flood relief efforts in Pakistan and commemorate the 75th anniversary of U.S.-Pakistan relations

National Museum of American Diplomacy in Washington D.C.


4:15 PM EDT

The President delivers remarks at the third meeting of the White House Competition Council highlighting the significant progress made on the competition agenda in the last year and previewing new actions that will save families money and lower costs

The White House


4:30 PM EDT

Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Uzra Zeya meets with Guinea Foreign Minister Dr. Morissanda Kouyaté

Department of State


6:00 PM EDT

DART: Double Asteroid Redirection Test - Deliberately Crashing Into Dimorphos





6:30 PM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken hosts a working dinner for Indian External Affairs Minister Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar

McLean, Virginia


6:30 PM EDT

Dialogue with the Fed - How Will Inflation End? Three Scenarios.

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


6:30 PM EDT

Hoover Book Club: The Myth of American Inequality - with former Senator Phil Gramm, John Early and John B. Taylor

Hoover Institution



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3fa368  No.17582483

File: d2ffde708c46310⋯.jpg (98.54 KB, 811x456, 811:456, watchme_2022_09_23_16_33_5….jpg)

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2029ab  No.17582484


Is that the dumb bitch that shot and skinned a Husky thinking it was a wolf? Your pic is for ants, btw.

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711e17  No.17582485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a065a5  No.17582486


Might as well poast a smaller one faggot.

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b061e9  No.17582488

File: 0ad5d3dd811cc21⋯.jpg (9.2 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0ad5d3dd811cc212e08a5501ee….jpg)


Boomer eyes don't get that small. Sheeeeit.

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41c6a4  No.17582489


>diaper dumpster

>Disclaimer: 32.3477191,-106.853503

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db2eca  No.17582490


Looks like it. I hope she got triple vaxxed.

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361bc2  No.17582491


It's not right. Withholding the information. We've been more than patient. We are growing old. If Q knows then spill the fucking beans. We could all die tomorrow and never know our true history. Fuck Q. Q either don't know or won't tell. Either way deserves no respect. Zero. And any dumb ass anon wants to shill shame me, FUCK YOU TOO. Your mama is eats shit.

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2ae853  No.17582493

File: d9efaec9d57315d⋯.png (32.07 KB, 598x377, 46:29, Screenshot_2022_09_26_at_0….png)



If Ukrainian forces attack Donbass after referendum results, war with Ukraine will start. - Russian TV.

7:24 PM · Sep 25, 2022

·Twitter for Android


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3fa368  No.17582495

File: 82c940933442e0f⋯.png (11.34 KB, 490x215, 98:43, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ae4578c4d2bac2⋯.png (366.54 KB, 642x272, 321:136, ClipboardImage.png)

is howdy duty MSNBC gettin cancled?

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7f8c13  No.17582497


YES. This 100%

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97e992  No.17582498

File: 8368723486f47a9⋯.png (326.63 KB, 381x454, 381:454, trump_patriots.png)

File: d5fbd3c652ad24c⋯.png (81.09 KB, 619x325, 619:325, trump_cobra_2.png)

File: a7521ff23638820⋯.png (447.03 KB, 564x382, 282:191, Trump_bread_troops.png)

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db2eca  No.17582499




The psycho bitch killed and skinned a dog.

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ce665e  No.17582500

File: d38db3db2446a25⋯.jpeg (79.24 KB, 702x691, 702:691, 16EF3A24_DC69_4AA9_BB1F_4….jpeg)

I made a small mistake.





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db2eca  No.17582502


As soon as you croak, you get to know ALL.

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3fa368  No.17582504

File: 2c21b56b7c33c42⋯.jpg (549.75 KB, 1400x1106, 100:79, ZALES.jpg)


when will army.mil say FUCK NAZIS?

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878367  No.17582505

@ 17:00 hours the pound hit the low of the day


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b9806f  No.17582506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4d1812  No.17582507


saw a similar post, said the same.

It's obvious when you look at 'it'

Troll level 1000

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1ac96c  No.17582508

File: 0100fad43600799⋯.jpg (334.62 KB, 899x990, 899:990, kiev.jpg)


let's see how many diplomats and heads of state travel to Ukraine next week.

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99f003  No.17582509

File: 00db5738c66ff07⋯.png (93.63 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pantone.png)

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4d1812  No.17582512

File: 9eab61d1f6a60c9⋯.png (7.83 KB, 57x74, 57:74, ClipboardImage.png)


minimal camel.

There's your problem

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4d1812  No.17582513

File: 94b93a473db3f3d⋯.jpg (370.82 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Click_that_shit_later.jpg)

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ce4e75  No.17582514

File: 64b32b44d6e08db⋯.jpg (649.21 KB, 2344x1319, 2344:1319, 1656028869429.jpg)

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2029ab  No.17582515



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b8c754  No.17582516

File: 8b5f23d84cbd56c⋯.mp4 (6.65 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Nightshift_3.mp4)


TY baker

I can collect notes for a bit.

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3fa368  No.17582517

File: ce618c251dfb12c⋯.png (226.07 KB, 1040x211, 1040:211, ClipboardImage.png)


You maybe right.

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48993c  No.17582518

File: 42cd7b4cbf47325⋯.png (366.63 KB, 462x578, 231:289, cf6912565d8d59a70a962a69dc….png)


Here's a real camel toe.

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4d1812  No.17582519

File: cb0766e8b770d9d⋯.png (501 B, 31x25, 31:25, ClipboardImage.png)


what's the secret code to make the lb fancy?

I never learned to code.

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faecc6  No.17582521

File: 002120cea7c61d5⋯.png (608.62 KB, 666x500, 333:250, ClipboardImage.png)

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cb45e4  No.17582522


point taken

scratch 1949

in 1915 when hollywood released

the birth of a nation

it was not woke

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a065a5  No.17582523

File: 8dd9fff9b5cca9a⋯.jpeg (57.2 KB, 479x413, 479:413, 8dd9fff9b5cca9acbd0980ff7….jpeg)

File: e1e4df54eed4878⋯.jpg (34.35 KB, 500x375, 4:3, e1e4df54eed4878ac83f938673….jpg)

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99f003  No.17582524

File: f327a06cd49c1f4⋯.png (145.61 KB, 917x871, 917:871, sad.png)


I wish I knew how.... I am not sure I know what I want, or that even if I did, it is what those I am responble for need/want. I just know I am tired. Too tired.

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9958fe  No.17582525

Nice and comfy in here

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b9806f  No.17582526

File: 73b667737dd69ae⋯.png (219.72 KB, 270x301, 270:301, ClipboardImage.png)


That costum sucks. She looks like she's got a front butt.

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41c6a4  No.17582527


canadian juw kilo farce attaks

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3fa368  No.17582528

File: 4fb557897a16956⋯.jpg (267.92 KB, 776x1096, 97:137, naziLosyy.jpg)


whatever you just said.


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48993c  No.17582529

File: 0c6043dc9777e41⋯.jpg (18.95 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Homer_camel_toe.jpg)

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4d1812  No.17582530


hmmm looks industrial.

Steam or gas perhaps?

Able to chew through 6 gorillion per hour.

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61ae2b  No.17582531

File: a341b134b25d2d1⋯.jpeg (191.52 KB, 750x1252, 375:626, AEF5B913_304F_4D85_8EBD_7….jpeg)

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a065a5  No.17582532


Kek. I was looking for that one but couldn't find it fast enough.

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41c6a4  No.17582534


>canadian juw kilo farce attaks

all 12 frigates circled

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48993c  No.17582536

File: f822e838376f1a3⋯.jpg (196.52 KB, 826x1259, 826:1259, f822e838376f1a382aaeb48c68….jpg)


KEK here's a good one.

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b9806f  No.17582538

File: 7c9012b7f34df09⋯.webm (610.57 KB, 224x400, 14:25, happy_dog.webm)

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a065a5  No.17582540

File: 0d4cdadb6ef4c41⋯.gif (953.05 KB, 297x192, 99:64, 0d4cdadb6ef4c41664f54f7408….gif)

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97e992  No.17582542

File: 54f1af19500e5c9⋯.png (162.22 KB, 432x447, 144:149, donald_melania_england.png)

File: 8b81cd735812030⋯.png (173.44 KB, 643x438, 643:438, AF1_90017.png)

File: dd805b9e59984aa⋯.png (217.32 KB, 412x398, 206:199, flag_at_dawn_2.png)

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48993c  No.17582543

File: 34d4b04166c6290⋯.png (119.64 KB, 570x445, 114:89, 34d4b04166c6290b793bc945c7….png)




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2ec407  No.17582544


Enuma Elish

Atra Hasis

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a9e387  No.17582545

File: 26a635483be8185⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 1223x1201, 1223:1201, pepe_a_frame.jpg)

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4d1812  No.17582546


Finance news is where the habbenings are at.

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41c6a4  No.17582547


jfkTRANNY diapers still not locked down

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4d1812  No.17582548


"all for a larp" rings in my ears.

Coz ain't nuthing happening except bad shit.

We're trying to win a lawfare game, which binds everything up for years, and onward the criminals march.

Was it Rove that coined the term regarding "making our own reality"?

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c1fdf4  No.17582549

File: 6cfe9ea872a31f3⋯.jpeg (263.38 KB, 610x524, 305:262, 9E1DA1FC_1EA4_4702_87A6_0….jpeg)

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41c6a4  No.17582550


canadian juw kilo farce attaks epstien island goy wiff frigates

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fc30f9  No.17582551


ty anon.

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97e992  No.17582552

File: b797147f5750c7a⋯.png (359.01 KB, 667x358, 667:358, the_fife_corps2.png)

File: 41c0ab0548e82ab⋯.png (40.81 KB, 483x288, 161:96, whistle_blowing.png)

File: 731bb7e65dc8a93⋯.png (191.74 KB, 482x329, 482:329, Truth_Washington_2.png)

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3fa368  No.17582553

File: 2dec3fcb778cb1d⋯.png (129.39 KB, 878x350, 439:175, ClipboardImage.png)

Lump of fuckin Coal for Christmas.

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a36d88  No.17582554

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, Freedom_Flag.png)

File: d4a3903552ebb7f⋯.png (459.23 KB, 632x960, 79:120, Leaf_Angel.png)

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75e90f  No.17582555


Are you referring to the nigger in the pict, racist?

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41c6a4  No.17582556


frigates claim pedostas dickbutt fraud fraud fraud in HRC emails

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3fa368  No.17582557

Don't say Mom and Dad?

na… instead.

Don't say Go Air Force.

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b9806f  No.17582558

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3fa368  No.17582559

File: a7a024c20ea35ee⋯.png (38.87 KB, 494x270, 247:135, ClipboardImage.png)

This is very non-starter way to spark up friendly warm conversation with me.

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68d453  No.17582560


So China buys up all the debt and collapses all other reserve currency, then gets slapped with crimes against humanity via Trumps EO and it all gets paid back Collapsing the last standing reserve currency. Hmmm

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2029ab  No.17582561

File: 62e8e96c19cb9f0⋯.png (129.68 KB, 350x271, 350:271, ClipboardImage.png)

The theoretical and the practical.

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a36d88  No.17582562

File: 2cec8f4df8d0d3a⋯.jpg (47.81 KB, 773x802, 773:802, Screen_Shot_2021_08_02_at_….jpg)




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a065a5  No.17582563

File: f25909ca443309b⋯.gif (2.67 MB, 414x322, 9:7, 1660165872221884.gif)


Cracks me up every time…

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97e992  No.17582564

File: 20831326eb38c6d⋯.png (149.85 KB, 407x348, 407:348, socialism_rebels.png)

File: 5cf49642eaf5328⋯.png (139.74 KB, 609x483, 29:23, hrc_useful_idiots.png)

File: b4a5a4aa49a7e78⋯.png (373.6 KB, 800x669, 800:669, HRC_reset_button.png)

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b8c754  No.17582565

File: 916a85498239577⋯.gif (7.35 MB, 480x480, 1:1, Pepe_with_frens_Space.gif)


o7 Np fren.

Note CK @ 200

>>17582318 Q Research General #21557: FBI Made Danchenko A Paid Source: ‘To Hide Him’ From House Intel Cmte Edi

>>17582337, >>17582401 Dough, baker departs

>>17582516 Note-taker on duty


>>17582361 Clockfag Reports

>>17582408, >>17582434 @JoyOverbeck1: @kevincorke @foxnewsnight We were all waiting excitedly to see you be named anchor

>>17582474 Pound slumps to all-time low against dollar (bbc)

>>17582468, >>17582472, >>17582475, >>17582482 The Swamp Today


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2bdcbe  No.17582567

File: 5402033cdcc0eb6⋯.png (1.21 MB, 874x634, 437:317, New_Mexico_City_protest_em….PNG)


Families of 43 missing students protest outside Israel's embassy in Mexico City, demanding extradition of suspect

September 22, 2022 / 9:12 AM / CBS/AFP

Protesters gathered in Mexico City Thursday night to call for action in the case of 43 missing students feared dead

Relatives of the 43 Mexican students who disappeared in 2014 protested outside Israel's embassy, demanding the extradition of a former top investigator wanted in connection with the case. Hundreds gathered outside Israel's embassy in Mexico City on Wednesday, with no visible police presence.

Some carried pictures of the missing students while others sprayed graffiti on the embassy walls.

Tomas Zeron, who previously led Mexico's Criminal Investigation Agency, is accused of manipulating the probe into one of the country's worst human rights tragedies.

Zeron is one of the architects of the so-called "historical truth," the official version of the case presented in 2015 that was rejected by the victims' relatives and independent experts.

"Israel is protecting Tomas Zeron, a human rights violator who tortured those he detained at the time to build the 'historical truth,'" Meliton Ortega, a representative of the students' families, told AFP.

But Israeli Ambassador to Mexico Zvi Tal criticized the demonstrators' actions.

"It is clear to us that the violence displayed during the demonstration, where they left the walls of our headquarters painted with offensive graffiti, here is written 'Death to Israel,' has no relation to the Ayotzinapa case," he said in a video address in front of the embassy.

"Israel as a state of law must implement its international legal obligations while examining the request from Mexico, even when it is a request related to an open wound in Mexican public opinion," he said.

Mexico has repeatedly asked Israel to hand over Zeron, who is accused of kidnapping, torturing suspects and manipulating evidence — allegations he has denied.

The 43 teaching students had commandeered buses in the southern state of Guerrero to travel to a demonstration in Mexico City before they went missing.

Investigators say they were detained by corrupt police and handed over to a drug cartel that mistook them for members of a rival gang, but exactly what happened to them is disputed.

So far, the remains of only three victims have been identified.

Last month, a truth commission tasked by the current government to investigate the atrocity branded the case a "state crime" involving agents of various institutions. It said that military personnel bore "clear responsibility," either directly or through negligence.

Alejandro Encinas, Mexico's Interior Undersecretary and the government official leading the truth commission, suggested at the time that six of the students were allegedly kept alive in a warehouse for days before they were turned over to a local army commander, who then ordered for them to be killed. His comments marked the first time an official had directly connected the military to the students' disappearance.

"There is also information corroborated with emergency 089 telephone calls where allegedly six of the 43 disappeared students were held during several days and alive in what they call the old warehouse and from there were turned over to the colonel," Encinas said, according to the Associated Press. "Allegedly the six students were alive for as many as four days after the events and were killed and disappeared on orders of the colonel, allegedly the then Col. José Rodríguez Pérez."

Prosecutors announced last month that arrest warrants had been issued for more than 80 suspects, including 20 military personnel, 44 police officers and 14 cartel members. They are accused of involvement in organized crime, forced disappearance, torture, homicide and obstruction of justice, they said.

The same day, former attorney general Jesus Murillo Karam, who led the controversial "historical truth" investigation, was detained on charges of forced disappearance, torture and obstruction of justice.

Last week, the government said that an army general and two other military personnel had also been arrested.



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41c6a4  No.17582568

File: 4bd6d661e55ce07⋯.jpg (465.8 KB, 2048x1435, 2048:1435, faggot.jpg)

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a36d88  No.17582569

File: 8a468b932352584⋯.jpg (51.39 KB, 500x415, 100:83, 8a468b93235258462d46a357fe….jpg)

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48993c  No.17582570

File: 0c6661a526dfa22⋯.gif (425.94 KB, 305x205, 61:41, 0c6661a526dfa22f5cbd4d9d73….gif)

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83e725  No.17582571

File: 21fd80c5f398711⋯.jpg (144.86 KB, 1300x956, 325:239, joy_thayer_3.jpg)


what we have will go away… but WE will always have frens!


comfy night shift


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97e992  No.17582572

File: 5554c7dadb0c0e7⋯.png (177.39 KB, 697x469, 697:469, theres_there_there.png)

File: 1c462591607dc10⋯.png (342.07 KB, 718x689, 718:689, HRC_Benghazi_hearing.png)

File: 346470e9f0296a8⋯.png (175.82 KB, 538x351, 538:351, lankford_whistleblowers_1.png)

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41c6a4  No.17582573


HRC emails not ready for a pedostas dickbutt fraud fraud fraud after losing frigate vote

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65606d  No.17582574

File: 9a881c6b41ed30d⋯.jpg (347.44 KB, 1440x1800, 4:5, 20220925_190958.jpg)

File: 8beff9cf21e0201⋯.jpg (122.08 KB, 720x1022, 360:511, 20220925_230458.jpg)


What Demon is this?

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4d1812  No.17582576

Shock value is the new black

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41c6a4  No.17582577


frigate vote still considers epstein island juw kilos responsible for syrup suckin moose rides

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3fa368  No.17582578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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41c6a4  No.17582579


syrup suckin moose rides still considers marfas open homo juw kilos interracial and FAYKIN GAHY during frigate votes

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a065a5  No.17582580


JfC anon have some decency and spoiler that hooker. Dunno and don't care who he is.

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41c6a4  No.17582581

File: 42fb5f0e0becedb⋯.jpg (190.54 KB, 750x1132, 375:566, GabrielHO.jpg)

arch angel gets stuck wif F. art student loans after divorce

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69e438  No.17582582

File: 9fb8b83ded6f597⋯.png (147.82 KB, 378x333, 42:37, 9fb8b83ded6f597d72e7ee7ca9….png)


>What Demon is this?

For real. WTF is that!

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b9806f  No.17582583

File: 0670208f872c125⋯.png (577.15 KB, 900x603, 100:67, ClipboardImage.png)

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803c54  No.17582584

File: 50773d53fa8de24⋯.jpg (23.2 KB, 320x320, 1:1, that_way.jpg)


fuckoff then

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41c6a4  No.17582585

File: 24b3e13aef55421⋯.png (71.36 KB, 253x199, 253:199, 24b3e13aef554217d82bd97817….png)

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8f3d93  No.17582586

File: 2f98bcd66bf6c9b⋯.gif (1.54 MB, 697x764, 697:764, 1545612280689.gif)

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97e992  No.17582587

File: 3a77539112fc893⋯.png (225.38 KB, 357x420, 17:20, she_persisted_1.png)

File: 543cdeaec503b40⋯.png (313.03 KB, 492x454, 246:227, trump_hrc_alsmithdinner_2.png)

File: 96b6105e14fa1d4⋯.png (261.92 KB, 490x367, 490:367, BClinton_look_rapevictims.png)

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2bdcbe  No.17582588

File: 3c1f8f389666131⋯.mp4 (6.69 MB, 330x186, 55:31, 2022_09_25_New_Mexico_City.mp4)

File: 5dab6b2d7a561ef⋯.mp4 (6.52 MB, 368x370, 184:185, 2022_09_25_Mexico_City_cit….mp4)



Protest for 43 missing students outside military base after 20 military arrest warrants issued

"Prosecutors announced last month that arrest warrants had been issued for more than 80 suspects, including 20 military personnel, 44 police officers and 14 cartel members. They are accused of involvement in organized crime, forced disappearance, torture, homicide and obstruction of justice, they said."


Iguala mass kidnapping Setember 26, 2014



King 👑 Caesars CIA-Simulation Warlord 🌶🇺🇸🥷


Sep 24

normalistas group attacked the base on the 8 year anniversary of 43 missing college students.

King 👑 Caesars CIA-Simulation Warlord 🌶🇺🇸🥷



Sep 24

Meanwhile in Mexico at a military base. Violent protests on the anniversary of 43 missing college kids. 🇲🇽🌶

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ca99d3  No.17582590

File: 1461df119d23663⋯.gif (1.42 MB, 370x335, 74:67, giphy.gif)

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a36d88  No.17582591

File: 38c2e568fc91f61⋯.jpg (110.92 KB, 441x466, 441:466, 38c2e568fc91f61ca6a0e9325e….jpg)

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41c6a4  No.17582592

File: 0dc159e57bb5020⋯.jpg (134.53 KB, 562x781, 562:781, haroldkumar2_2_Copy.jpg)

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faecc6  No.17582593


>>>17581833 NASA delays moon rocket launch due to potential hurricane - foxnews.com

Maybe they need to know the trajectory of the Didymous moon after the Draco impact before launching Apollo with a nuke on it.

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80b04e  No.17582594


wonder if suicide weekend will begin like this?


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97e992  No.17582595

File: 1c0feadf9e42f7c⋯.png (172.24 KB, 538x239, 538:239, hillary_quitter.png)

File: 720747a29db51af⋯.png (468.12 KB, 640x365, 128:73, BClinton_met_secretly.png)

File: 1d4b8200ed6bc2a⋯.png (182.78 KB, 291x438, 97:146, HRC_baphomet_kids.png)

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41c6a4  No.17582596

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6178cc  No.17582597

File: cac61da68309fb4⋯.png (15.28 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 31d486e49caaaf434944fe3622….png)

While it's slow before 4am talking points…

Anyone have some good fart stories?

>be me

>professional conference in chicago

>eat some bad fish

>next day about to burst in a class

>get out ahead of pack

>going to violate some poor toilet

>3 story escalator

>giant crowd behind anon

>unleash whirlwind of bad fish

>anon feels better

poor bastards trapped on escalator turning green and holding breath

>anon exits stage right watching poor bastards

>they're all glaring at each other

>can't stop laughing

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3fa368  No.17582598

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

only as few years back as 2007 the world was normal

Now this shit WEF treason

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41c6a4  No.17582599

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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faecc6  No.17582600

File: 3c63dce830816cb⋯.png (4.06 MB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, ClipboardImage.png)


>Apollo with a nuke on it.

Here comes the sun

Sky event.

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48993c  No.17582601

File: 3b20013c577b061⋯.png (287.93 KB, 480x513, 160:171, bb_5bb6483a5085b.png)

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41c6a4  No.17582602

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6ec2b4  No.17582604

File: 7c81837f808a418⋯.jpg (121.07 KB, 731x492, 731:492, gfnk_jasdfuiy398gh8wldjkbc….jpg)

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41c6a4  No.17582605

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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97e992  No.17582606

File: 36b3c1f09d012c5⋯.png (168.38 KB, 399x317, 399:317, russians_indicted_1.png)

File: d8a15b486843ffb⋯.png (317.48 KB, 500x345, 100:69, huma_weinstein_hrc_1.png)

File: 1a29ad0d80cadaf⋯.png (240.36 KB, 523x349, 523:349, biggest_loser.png)

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db2eca  No.17582607

File: 4493cafd44bf3de⋯.png (773.84 KB, 960x960, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed596f2816377b6⋯.png (540.04 KB, 913x567, 913:567, ClipboardImage.png)


It's this dude



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3fa368  No.17582608

File: 4611104fc766100⋯.png (209.43 KB, 403x313, 403:313, ClipboardImage.png)

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41c6a4  No.17582609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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41c6a4  No.17582610

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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97e992  No.17582611

File: f1586644a3efe66⋯.png (395.47 KB, 639x420, 213:140, hrc_obama_destroy_2.png)

File: 94c4846c78c224e⋯.png (270.08 KB, 599x405, 599:405, hrc_surprise_balloons_2.png)

File: a406babc9318d37⋯.png (500.83 KB, 693x534, 231:178, HRC_Bezos_how.png)

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322459  No.17582612

File: 75a9b137dcc6ff3⋯.jpg (62.34 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 4g7a4j.jpg)

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4d1812  No.17582613


looks like all that expensive work deflated. Har de har.

Price of Vanity.

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4d1812  No.17582614

File: 4c79667ac156835⋯.jpeg (68.18 KB, 944x820, 236:205, Joe_Imagine_the_smell.jpeg)

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12692d  No.17582615

File: df1ad98eead5e91⋯.jpg (448.83 KB, 1080x1427, 1080:1427, Screenshot_20220925_222956.jpg)

File: aca45aa55a7b7d4⋯.jpg (435.37 KB, 1080x1464, 45:61, Screenshot_20220925_223013.jpg)

Brittany going all dear diary


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97e992  No.17582616

File: 7372fe269bca0c1⋯.png (180.45 KB, 667x800, 667:800, Clinton_trilogy_1.png)

File: 69b694a0061452e⋯.png (148.39 KB, 595x567, 85:81, Clinton_trilogy_2.png)

File: 0b96249bad4d59a⋯.png (145.52 KB, 544x493, 32:29, Clinton_trilogy_3.png)

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2029ab  No.17582617

File: 3c3746a30ff9c52⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1284x1267, 1284:1267, ClipboardImage.png)

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fc30f9  No.17582618

File: 6b7454fb04b9e9b⋯.jpg (97.55 KB, 545x464, 545:464, 2022_09_25_22_30_26.jpg)



Rat-feeding study commissioned by Impossible Foods suggested its burger's key ingredient—genetically engineered SLH—caused rats to develop unexplained changes in weight gain + blood that can indicate onset of inflammation or kidney disease.

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4d8d49  No.17582619

File: f3cbe8e061954b3⋯.jpg (61.54 KB, 500x451, 500:451, mdfd.jpg)

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b9806f  No.17582620

File: 0d42271398344b4⋯.mp4 (411.05 KB, 640x360, 16:9, The_Power_of_Christ_compel….mp4)

File: 7337dea1bfb71bb⋯.png (652.79 KB, 1242x1240, 621:620, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f24bed28e4fa08⋯.png (694.64 KB, 786x786, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3bf3827eab71b91⋯.png (3.49 MB, 3131x3131, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


I guess this is the dude.

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db2eca  No.17582621

File: bc367a4fa757fa8⋯.png (3.34 MB, 1440x1795, 288:359, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 539ce59b31c8db6⋯.png (2.78 MB, 1440x1795, 288:359, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 642e5f2ece36654⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1440x1800, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef42418d27659bc⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1440x1795, 288:359, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ddc5190001e9dc⋯.png (3.49 MB, 1440x1800, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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715924  No.17582622


Colors are the same as the sign on Sneeds feed and seed store.

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48993c  No.17582623

File: a6b0c22dc5155de⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1080x1071, 120:119, Screenshot_2018_08_17_19_2….png)

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41c6a4  No.17582624

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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514a03  No.17582625

File: 58c7ec18cdcfd83⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1680x1261, 1680:1261, ClipboardImage.png)



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a065a5  No.17582626

File: a663760c98b449e⋯.jpg (90.79 KB, 632x527, 632:527, talapia_mangina_3.jpg)

File: 06f48b250e3a37d⋯.png (351.53 KB, 540x526, 270:263, talapia_mangina.png)

File: 6ee345d5e264332⋯.png (472.7 KB, 540x520, 27:26, talapia_mangina_2.png)

File: 9aa948c4f080d12⋯.gif (788.89 KB, 400x225, 16:9, tumblr_nafy9lwYqu1t0jlg6o3….gif)


Let's hope the talapia vagene doesn't fall out.

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75e90f  No.17582627


It's a jew in its real form.

They own and control your government, and the BOOMERS just love them.

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b9806f  No.17582628

File: 32c5688847f8e69⋯.jpg (185.5 KB, 766x1536, 383:768, 67563dc.jpg)


I bet Will Smith don't know about that.

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97e992  No.17582629

File: 36b3459469c2147⋯.png (127.31 KB, 568x279, 568:279, HRC_tweet_constitution.png)

File: 8e751c4b35b21b8⋯.png (347.11 KB, 486x333, 54:37, who_wore_it_best.png)

File: 831203f36c298d7⋯.png (171.7 KB, 727x316, 727:316, hrc_C_means_2.png)

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2ae853  No.17582630


I remember reading stories about succubus and incubus harming their partners by having scaly skin.

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48993c  No.17582631

File: 85526ecf4335fd9⋯.png (342.46 KB, 640x573, 640:573, 18f2aaafa0da6c30608f34bfde….png)

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4d8d49  No.17582632

File: c04af6a099a2133⋯.jpg (54.79 KB, 656x467, 656:467, 20210815_125646.jpg)


Love that song 🎵🎶🎵

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ee4843  No.17582633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dunno if this was a Hollywood production or not however, it is based.

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2029ab  No.17582634

File: 62585e6cfb4ef64⋯.png (1022.45 KB, 1280x1063, 1280:1063, ClipboardImage.png)

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fc30f9  No.17582635

File: 69c1ebb4660185a⋯.mp4 (13.18 MB, 178x250, 89:125, 2022_09_25_22_43_24.mp4)



A look inside of First Christian Churches “Transparency Closet” in Katy, TX.

The closet is setup in a way that is designed to keep parents uninformed.

Chest Binders, Underwear, and Bras can be found.

I was removed by Katy Police (Security) after the Pastor saw my phone.

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a36d88  No.17582636

File: 837ba751e2b2b80⋯.jpeg (133.15 KB, 736x1111, 736:1111, 837ba751e2b2b807ba7414131….jpeg)

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2ae853  No.17582637

File: 244a72a6f27474b⋯.png (482.28 KB, 680x510, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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2029ab  No.17582638

Tomorrow is going to be a bay rum day.

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97e992  No.17582639

File: 800a3d25e4cc110⋯.png (211.64 KB, 532x422, 266:211, hrc_capt_kangaroo.png)

File: 8efd2d2cf052447⋯.png (450.71 KB, 539x737, 49:67, hrc_gifts.png)

File: f94604cfd3cfbce⋯.png (555.59 KB, 693x534, 231:178, HRC_Bezos_hang.png)

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a36d88  No.17582640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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99a95a  No.17582641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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514a03  No.17582642


Was it a really small phone?

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2bdcbe  No.17582643

File: a59631365d294e7⋯.png (259.01 KB, 487x249, 487:249, Yakima_WA_drug_cartel.PNG)

An extremely dangerous cartel is trying to establish a base of operations in Yakima, Washington state

YAKIMA, Wash. (KIMA) — An extremely violent cartel has made its way to Washington state.

Police in Yakima told KIMA said they are vigilantly trying to stop them from building a lethal empire.

"These cartel members are very violent; whether it's the murders, the torturing, the dismemberment of bodies — that is how they thrive," said Robert Hammer, a special agent at Homeland Security.

The Jalisco New Generation cartel is considered a top U.S. threat and Mexico's best-armed criminal group, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration.

The extremely powerful cartel is rapidly spreading across the United States, planting its roots in 28 states.

And now they're working to establish a base of operations in Yakima.

"They're a business, and they look for places to operate their business that they feel that they can grab a stronghold," said Hammer.

In spite of the lethal cartel living behind the shadows and trying to blend in, the Yakima Police Department, Homeland Security and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said the agencies are still making major moves in ending its reign of Yakima.

Officials announced they confiscated 27 high-powered rifles, 9 handguns and 2 shotguns in addition to cash, meth and fentanyl.

But authorities have said this is just the tip of the iceberg because these cartel members won't stop until they're behind bars.

"They're looking for as many customers as possible," said Hammer. "They're looking to introduce fentanyl to our communities. I think the overdose numbers that the Pacific Northwest is seeing speak to the plague and the flood that has occurred."

It's still a long race to the finish line in putting these cartel members behind bars, but law enforcement said each seizure is a critical piece in saving more lives and cleaning the streets of Yakima.

"We've done multiple arrests and search warrants across the region here. And the scary thing is — almost every house that we go into has some sort of firearm associated with uh 30-, 40-, 50,000 pills of fentanyl and, again, it speaks to the inherent danger and the propensity of violence," said Hammer.


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fc30f9  No.17582644


maybe inside something with a small window?

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97e992  No.17582645

File: 096f4767de6664a⋯.png (248.1 KB, 562x1037, 562:1037, Kerry_Iran.png)

File: 2c019a22003b1a9⋯.png (347.43 KB, 532x349, 532:349, spying_on_president_1.png)

File: a607532ffa81541⋯.png (308.96 KB, 668x339, 668:339, aclu_trump.png)

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ee4843  No.17582646


Lvl 80 Necromancer.

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ce4e75  No.17582647

File: eac15265e60bbba⋯.jpeg (151.29 KB, 1080x1633, 1080:1633, eac15265e60bbba844b89c102….jpeg)

File: b3df27bc6f5043e⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1026x874, 27:23, k_dog.png)

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a065a5  No.17582648

File: 54978484018108d⋯.png (130.48 KB, 392x379, 392:379, 1582404073692.png)

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97e992  No.17582649

File: 3466a554abc98ec⋯.png (334.69 KB, 606x366, 101:61, riders_on_the_storm_2.png)

File: 9e8d401ab68f9b5⋯.png (160.38 KB, 568x348, 142:87, little_rascals_playing.png)

File: a4f04119cad099a⋯.png (271.39 KB, 550x401, 550:401, monkey_finger_playing.png)

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a36d88  No.17582650

File: 5a1648d3a08adfd⋯.gif (624.93 KB, 446x404, 223:202, 5a1648d3a08adfd880c6e1129b….gif)

File: fb745c020aed06d⋯.jpeg (472.53 KB, 750x915, 50:61, fb745c020aed06d096204a460….jpeg)

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ee4843  No.17582651

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2d00ac  No.17582652

File: 3c247d94a509719⋯.jpg (30.75 KB, 510x260, 51:26, downloadfile_2.jpg)

File: 82c445672717968⋯.jpg (237.05 KB, 1582x2048, 791:1024, 82c445672717968cf1b605ddb0….jpg)

All those commercials on TV with blacks acting like white people has had no affect on white people ZERO ZIP NADDA.

Just over 90% of white people don't have a close black African negroid friend that they call or go to dinner with.

73% of white people have self segregated from the black African negroid community entity and don't associate with any black people period.

Hollywood Jewish entertainment moguls need a new strategy if they are going to fool white people into liking blacks.

White women in TV shows and in commercials and even in porn movies demand a huge payment to be on camera with a black man…

Don't believe me then do some research on "white people self segregating from black people."

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abbeb4  No.17582653

File: 89118001a374f9b⋯.jpg (27.63 KB, 300x225, 4:3, TrudeauCastro2.JPG)

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4d8d49  No.17582654

File: 28c1843e3afff60⋯.jpg (126.49 KB, 720x991, 720:991, Screenshot_20220822_004240….jpg)

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2ae853  No.17582655

File: 0b6b9305a26fa71⋯.png (52.57 KB, 598x432, 299:216, Screenshot_2022_09_26_at_0….png)



Russia state-affiliated media

😲 RaHDIt hackers have made information about more than 1,500 employees of the foreign intelligence service of Ukraine publicly available.



Telegram: Contact @SputnikInt

1:40 AM · Sep 26, 2022



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a065a5  No.17582656

File: 283db336c35d5de⋯.jpeg (37.97 KB, 623x625, 623:625, 283db336c35d5deaba3f60b22….jpeg)


Holy fuk'n kek!

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700e37  No.17582657

File: e0cbe007bf39f1c⋯.png (268.87 KB, 512x384, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aacd940b8e7f767⋯.png (810.71 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71cc604a2338b52⋯.png (471.56 KB, 978x652, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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b5223c  No.17582658


There are several other races. Mixed races also. Clowns are easy to spot. They want to push the idea that there is only black or white.

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fc30f9  No.17582659


cked, looking good.


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a36d88  No.17582660

File: f3a671f197d23db⋯.png (245.54 KB, 647x424, 647:424, 51fff67823a8cc739a834da463….png)

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ee4843  No.17582661

File: 0f9c51a34fb5039⋯.png (1.11 MB, 634x1308, 317:654, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 778f7d700ff301a⋯.png (39.34 KB, 306x383, 306:383, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cfa1ba16e06bd5a⋯.png (43.65 KB, 306x383, 306:383, ClipboardImage.png)

This is from March 2022


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700e37  No.17582662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

YOU'RE SO DUMB! Best of globohomo Bilderberg moles putting the CON in CONgress


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ffc6d9  No.17582663

File: 6718596efcb5936⋯.png (390.82 KB, 921x568, 921:568, ClipboardImage.png)

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2d00ac  No.17582664



Is his wife a tranny

Nick Jonas' Net Worth Nick Jonas is an American singer, songwriter, and actor worth $70 million with his wife, Priyanka Chopra. The couple has been married since December of last year.

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abbeb4  No.17582665

File: 6829adeee8a4928⋯.jpeg (48.03 KB, 602x279, 602:279, 89E4A0C8_92B6_47E2_9B92_C….jpeg)


I hope she is genuine, with no perestroika.

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2029ab  No.17582666

Getting the dirty nicotine craving like feeling. Tomorrow is going to be noteworthy.

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6178cc  No.17582667

>>17582655 RaHDIt hackers have made information about more than 1,500 employees of the foreign intelligence service of Ukraine publicly available.


Clowns exposed

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26ec04  No.17582668

File: bdc00d5af4a3893⋯.jpeg (369.37 KB, 750x912, 125:152, F7CAF887_442F_4E3B_AD98_1….jpeg)


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fc30f9  No.17582669


Zero sauce, what BS.

"Do some research."

You do it - and include all the research done to suggest the opposite and then reconcile the two. Make sure to include all links and that the links belong to credible sources.

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2d00ac  No.17582670




Dumbo BUFFOONS my research only focused on white and black people.

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a36d88  No.17582671

File: 3d69770dc0e66e4⋯.png (10.57 KB, 422x168, 211:84, 3d69770dc0e66e4fcf5bf5635d….png)

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ffc6d9  No.17582672


Nothing but bold black and red text ran me off.

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a62f8f  No.17582673


>point taken

point missed entirely. i was agreeing with you. hollywood was NOT woke in 1949. it was slowly subverted. hard to say when it started, but it was definitely more autonomous then, even into the sixties and maybe seventies.

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abbeb4  No.17582674

File: 198d308b6401f6b⋯.png (403.5 KB, 640x476, 160:119, DeclassIMF.PNG)

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a065a5  No.17582675



Russian hacker group RaHD published the data of 1,500 Ukrainian spies

Russian hackers from the group RaHDIt (“Evil Russian Hackers”) have released data on 1,500 employees of the Ukrainian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) into the public domain. It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to data from the Nemesis website.

The list reportedly includes details of intelligence representatives working under cover of embassies in more than 20 states. They include the United States, France, Italy, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Greece, Azerbaijan, Argentina, Iraq, South Africa and Tajikistan.

The network also obtained the data from Ukrainian intelligence officers working in the UN, European Union and NATO offices.

On July 6, RaHDit hackers published the data of 1,000 employees of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of the Ukrainian military department, and on July 8 published new data about them and their associates on the Nemesis website. It also contains various characteristics of the employees of the GUR: among the employees there are drug addicts, convicted of robbery, robbery, illegal arms and drug trafficking, burglary, serious bodily injury and rape.


Information about more than 1,500 employees of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine (SVR) has become publicly available. The data on the site “Nemesis” was published by the Russian hacker group RaHDIt (“Evil Russian hackers”).

A law enforcement source confirmed the relevance of the information, RIA Novosti reports.

In particular, it contains data intelligence officialswhich operates under the guise of embassies in more than 20 countries.

The list includes not only countries that actively support Ukraine in confronting Russia (Poland, Italy, Germany, France, the United States), but also states that adhere to a more restrained position, including Greece, Hungary, Tajikistan, Iraq, South Africa, Azerbaijan and other.

The hackers claim they were able to access a database of employees of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry and the Foreign Intelligence Service, after which they compared them and found matches.

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2d00ac  No.17582676




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322459  No.17582677


So your research has the same quality as CNN?

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a36d88  No.17582678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b5223c  No.17582679


That is not surprising, clown.

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333b22  No.17582680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Maybe if we didn't have prohibition, capone like cartels wouldn't be enriched…

End the war on drugs. End the incentives. End the violence. Police go after crimes with victims. Liberty wins.

Look at alcohol. Look at cannabis.

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abbeb4  No.17582681

File: de7b3439e8adfef⋯.jpg (174.23 KB, 1121x681, 1121:681, Trump2020.JPG)

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2d00ac  No.17582682


Yeah because you can't do five minutes of research yourself you idiotic clown.

Q Research is full of dip shit losers now.

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ffc6d9  No.17582683


>So your research has the same quality as CNN?

Avoid the rush and filter him now!

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a62f8f  No.17582684


one death is a tragedy

50 million deaths is a statistic

either/both are exploited for their propaganda value.

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26ec04  No.17582685

File: 51c8d9aec80cf77⋯.jpeg (419.23 KB, 547x1126, 547:1126, 450593FB_A190_4EE9_89E2_4….jpeg)

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b8c754  No.17582686

File: b2b67e77081412e⋯.png (995.02 KB, 737x779, 737:779, Pepe_USA.png)


o7 Thanks anon.



Moar sauce please, ty anons.

Note CK @300

>>17582318 Q Research General #21557: FBI Made Danchenko A Paid Source: ‘To Hide Him’ From House Intel Cmte Edi

>>17582337, >>17582401 Dough, baker departs

>>17582516 Note-taker on duty muh eyes are getting droopy



>>17582361 Clockfag Reports

>>17582408, >>17582434 @JoyOverbeck1: @kevincorke @foxnewsnight We were all waiting excitedly to see you be named anchor

>>17582474 Pound slumps to all-time low against dollar (bbc)

>>17582468, >>17582472, >>17582475, >>17582482 The Swamp Today

>>17582567, >>17582588 Families of 43 missing students protest outside Israel's embassy in Mexico City, demanding extradition of suspect

>>17582618 @RobertKennedyJr: Study Suggests Impossible Burger’s Key GMO Ingredient Cause Weight Gain, Kidney Disease in Humans?

>>17582643 An extremely dangerous cartel is trying to establish a base of operations in Yakima, Washington state


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2d00ac  No.17582687


Google the topic and be a real man and face the facts….

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a065a5  No.17582688

File: 4d9b880bdf7ea21⋯.png (754.58 KB, 500x623, 500:623, 4d9b880bdf7ea21b8d130062a2….png)

File: 094587b8389ed8e⋯.png (984.56 KB, 618x772, 309:386, 094587b8389ed8ede70caa53c5….png)

File: 2b18c9772caf0cf⋯.png (372.34 KB, 505x589, 505:589, 2b18c9772caf0cfa5245dea8dd….png)

File: 9a2098891d41b44⋯.png (1 MB, 622x622, 1:1, 9a2098891d41b4450e572f5bea….png)


Ain't that the truth fren. o7

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ffc6d9  No.17582689

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26ec04  No.17582691


All ruskie men want to do is wear adidas pant and play vidya

They don’t want to fight for putler

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a36d88  No.17582692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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99a95a  No.17582693

File: 0072f48f298d925⋯.png (447.77 KB, 965x742, 965:742, LilPrick.png)


"I swear that I am not a citizen of the United States of America."

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2029ab  No.17582694

File: 273a5934fdc493b⋯.jpg (464.4 KB, 1440x1800, 4:5, 094f8gs8jbk91.jpg)

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26ec04  No.17582695

File: 88965d91fdc5a17⋯.jpeg (235.95 KB, 750x656, 375:328, 46B55250_173E_4475_8EB2_3….jpeg)



>Moscow correspondent for @guardian

He works for the guardian so..

Idk what level of sauce you need but it’s all I gots

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df78bd  No.17582696



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a62f8f  No.17582697



>Maybe if we didn't have prohibition, capone like cartels wouldn't be enriched…

>End the war on drugs. End the incentives. End the violence. Police go after crimes with victims. Liberty wins.

>Look at alcohol. Look at cannabis.

agree 100%, but listen to DJT rant about death penalty for drug dealers, and how many trumptards are going to go along?

another thing, back then we didn't have a MSM monopoly exploiting every dead alky and mob execution as a "beer related murder."

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ee4843  No.17582698


Big Pharma

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a36d88  No.17582699

File: 68ee26e84d340e4⋯.jpeg (32.7 KB, 539x368, 539:368, 68ee26e84d340e4e8c73afa71….jpeg)




See what?


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ffc6d9  No.17582700

File: 12cd3bfbc05157f⋯.png (51.59 KB, 784x375, 784:375, ClipboardImage.png)



Learn something new every day on here!

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a62f8f  No.17582701


>>17582697 (me)

btw, if you've never seen it, watch an old cagney/bogie movie called "The Roaring Twenties." the author introduces the film discussing his long research into how prohibition CREATED the mafia and INCREASED alcohol consumption.

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a36d88  No.17582702

File: b268790e6b3b619⋯.jpeg (26.53 KB, 400x579, 400:579, b268790e6b3b6190e85e5f9dc….jpeg)

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a62f8f  No.17582703


ah… the spin doctors and trump apologists are here. goodie.

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a36d88  No.17582704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Only Love

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db2eca  No.17582705

File: dddb218b3f77737⋯.png (424.1 KB, 632x441, 632:441, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d0770ae6b5a260⋯.png (196.06 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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b5223c  No.17582706


Anons would have to drop 25 IQ points to believe anything that guy says. But you just keep trying. OK?

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401e9e  No.17582707

File: 913df38a8c8790f⋯.jpg (88.3 KB, 845x1024, 845:1024, 1664080774195118m.jpg)


Google the topic and be a real man and face the facts….

BLM made race relations 10× worse than before Obama.

Barack Obama actually help create BLM just like he created ISIS.


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a065a5  No.17582708

File: 64f23e140755a84⋯.gif (423.32 KB, 498x371, 498:371, tenor.gif)


>Google the topic


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b8c754  No.17582709


Comments say the commandant is still alive. Dig anon. Please and TY.

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ee4843  No.17582710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>ah… the spin doctors

Got anymore requests?

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a36d88  No.17582711

File: 4896ac9b1f42f97⋯.jpg (38.05 KB, 496x301, 496:301, Screen_Shot_2022_09_23_at_….jpg)

File: 649961363cb9f5d⋯.jpg (41.68 KB, 495x327, 165:109, Screen_Shot_2022_09_22_at_….jpg)



anon forgot to pay attention… tysk tysk.

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a065a5  No.17582712


>agree 100%, but listen to DJT rant about death penalty for drug dealers

Agree at least in that point. It is rather dueterte (or however the fuck you spell that insane motherfucker's name) level kinda crazy.

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26ec04  No.17582713

File: 88ee78dc2625c1d⋯.jpeg (499.14 KB, 750x814, 375:407, F814AA16_FA10_4BDB_AB84_F….jpeg)

Now markets in India are crashing omg

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401e9e  No.17582714

File: a5c17f5371aa2f1⋯.jpg (6.15 KB, 250x202, 125:101, 1664078177047180.jpg)



Faggot inbreeder I'm not your slave believe the research or Google it and fact the facts.

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26ec04  No.17582715

File: b8980492596812c⋯.jpeg (160.16 KB, 750x667, 750:667, A94550E2_CE02_4B2F_9DE1_5….jpeg)

File: f68ad8744cbcafb⋯.jpeg (270.44 KB, 750x873, 250:291, 793CE058_A015_4270_BD9B_3….jpeg)


>Now markets in India are crashing omg

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db2eca  No.17582716

File: c19bc4e1df9838f⋯.png (486.16 KB, 550x550, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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df78bd  No.17582718


Better keep drinking buddy boy….

If you are syntax fag then put up or shut up. Russel says he is the most powerful person in the world (post master general of USA), so do something then..

P.s. Witty retort with the "kys" comment.. You really outdid yourself!

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ffc6d9  No.17582720


Your first problem is using google.


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401e9e  No.17582721

File: fc7847c7570feb9⋯.webm (751.19 KB, 608x1080, 76:135, 1664135159860818.webm)

Remove all blacks from America and crime will virtual disappear.

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6178cc  No.17582722


pedobear global reported

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a065a5  No.17582723

File: 37a6b1e7fa64f04⋯.gif (2.53 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 2tYt6V9.gif)

File: 10844ca08649f3c⋯.jpg (73.76 KB, 897x586, 897:586, IMG_20220624_143535_101.jpg)


So not only are you a complete newb but retarded too. Tell your boss to send better niggerfaggot.


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b5223c  No.17582724


Anons pay attention and anons don't fall for that bullshit.

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db2eca  No.17582725


pedo bear globaled

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333b22  No.17582726


Imagine dat. Will check it out ty

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8165e8  No.17582727

File: f15f01659402be0⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1554x1184, 21:16, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f476c637d1bf7a⋯.png (162.87 KB, 555x336, 185:112, ClipboardImage.png)

>>17581874 pb

follow the pen


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401e9e  No.17582728

The only thing HotWeheels was good for was his Tech Support his 8Chan it ran very smoothly and Jim Watkins 8Chan and 8Kun are tiny board disasters.

Lucky 8Kun is even online because of all the glitches.

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a62f8f  No.17582729


>73% of white people have self segregated from the black African negroid community entity and don't associate with any black people period.

i'd say it's the blacks that have self segregated from whites as much as the reverse. besides that, all the well-dressed well-behaved well-spoken blacks in commercials cannot wipe out the nightly news, where almost exclusively blacks appear as the stars of the latest "reality" crime dramas.

i grew up in an integrated northern suburb a long time ago, and had a few black friends in jr and sr high. there were some dangerous blacks, but there were also dangerous whites.

i've since moved to a very rural area, there are almost no blacks even in the largest town in the county, and most whites in the boonies agressively hate blacks, even tho some will admit they've never met one.

one thing i've come to realize, it's just about impossible to change anyone's opinions on race once they're an adult.

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a065a5  No.17582730

File: 1fce86f0b4343a1⋯.png (142.59 KB, 500x627, 500:627, 1fce86f0b4343a16503e14a66e….png)

We're gonna need a bigger bingo card frens…

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401e9e  No.17582731

Fredrick Brennan's "Infinity Development Group"

100% Bankrupt.

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a36d88  No.17582732

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>(post master general of USA)


You gotta do it for yourself anon… it's about shipping and it's done through Postal-Mechanics for the state of your claim.


Failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted.






>>17529177 (OP)

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2c5f2f  No.17582733

File: d6694e46a46985c⋯.png (8.04 KB, 255x150, 17:10, bc4682d00ed2fcf2959c6e5f39….png)

Good Morning

God bless you and keep you from harm,

this day and forever.


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d42f54  No.17582734

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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8165e8  No.17582735



first day of happy jewyear 5783

23 = pain to the wotld

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d42f54  No.17582736

File: 626847a2e532d55⋯.gif (941.41 KB, 500x281, 500:281, be_blessed.gif)

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6178cc  No.17582737

File: bc7d0e6fbb24c55⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1320x996, 110:83, FREDDY_MASK.png)


>The only thing HotWeheels was good for was his Tech Support his 8Chan it ran very smoothly and Jim Watkins 8Chan and 8Kun are tiny board disasters.

>Lucky 8Kun is even online because of all the glitches.

Hi, freddy.

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d09d04  No.17582738

File: 7a5bacebbb530f0⋯.jpg (243.39 KB, 1067x1049, 1067:1049, 8th.jpg)


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a065a5  No.17582739

File: 0d3163f20487864⋯.jpg (113.68 KB, 750x746, 375:373, 1660178858016830.jpg)


Swordy larper

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d42f54  No.17582740


You are insulting me.

Pain for the world.

Keep your doings , don't fk w/ me.

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db2eca  No.17582741

File: db9e0e27806210f⋯.png (733.76 KB, 1112x1200, 139:150, ClipboardImage.png)

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401e9e  No.17582742



Blacks have 83% self segregated from whites but smart blacks know everything is run by whites so getting in with white people allows them better opportunities.

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d42f54  No.17582743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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db2eca  No.17582744

File: 8cd63e4c5db570f⋯.png (7.07 MB, 2560x1702, 1280:851, ClipboardImage.png)

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d42f54  No.17582745


go fuck yourself, EVIL.

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c00b99  No.17582746

Anons please confirm





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8165e8  No.17582747



17thday of Fall

also National 5D Chess Day

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b5223c  No.17582748

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8165e8  No.17582749


>You are insulting me.


>don't fk w/ me.

tell me how i can fuck with you and i will bieber

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26ec04  No.17582750

File: 5739b7ce77a217e⋯.jpeg (203.65 KB, 750x602, 375:301, 768F0198_59D0_4162_8A5F_2….jpeg)




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a62f8f  No.17582751


>Will check it out ty

the fictional story has major chapters, and the author inserts additional documentary style blurbs between them.

you can stream it on YT for $$. if you belong to netflix they have a DVD they will mail to you.

i won't give bezos a penny, so i can't say if it's on prime. prolly is, but….

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c00b99  No.17582752

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

When they left a guy on the moon to film it eigh Q?

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2029ab  No.17582753

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB, 220x168, 55:42, popcorn2.gif)

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401e9e  No.17582754

Have you ever wondered why the Traitors Bill Barr and Chris Wray didn't investigate any 2020 election fraud cases?…. This supreme court ruling election precedence is the reason why.

“When the federal statutes speak of ‘the election’… they plainly refer to the combined actions of voters and officials meant to make a final selection of an officeholder… By establishing a particular day as ‘the day’ on which these actions must take place, the statutes simply regulate the time of the election, a matter on which the Constitution explicitly gives Congress the final say.”  Foster v. Love, 522 U.S. 67, 71-72 (1997)

We will take a closer at this binding precedent below, but in preview, please understand that it emanates from a 9-0 decision of the United States Supreme Court, wherein the entire Court joined, not just the outcome, but also the opinion on this very point.

The voters vote.  The officials count.  These combined actions form “the election,” and the election must be decided on the day.  States that failed to make a final selection of officeholder by midnight after Election Day have violated the statute, subjecting the nation at large to the very evils Congressionally mandated deadlines were drafted to prevent. 

Federal Election Day statutes were designed to curtail fraud, and to infuse a prima facie sense of integrity in our electoral process.  But these States – in failing to obey Congressional deadlines – have flagrantly attempted to preempt federal law.  This is certainly prohibited, and this is why the late election results are void. 

Citizens may file actions in the Federal District Courts and appeal all the way to the Supreme Court.  Get this information to your State Representatives and Senators.  Forward it to the White House if you know anyone with connections.  Blog it.  Video it.  Podcast it.  Share it in comments, please.  The President’s team has not made this argument yet.  They have not plead it.  And they must get up to speed. 

You were disenfranchised by the failure of States to follow federal law. 

Your pursuit of happiness is directly infected.  You have a cause of action. 

This is the peaceful, legal battle plan of the Republic.  Let’s roll.



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26ec04  No.17582755

File: a723236abcbbb15⋯.mp4 (1.35 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Run_Cats_in_Alley_Viral_Vi….mp4)

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c16d6f  No.17582756

File: 16e96a1faaad891⋯.png (89.15 KB, 779x322, 779:322, ClipboardImage.png)



Tineye says no matches…

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f4e020  No.17582757

Sweet lady mother Mary, the sweetest lady I want to Merry so we can gently lose our virginity together and make her a proud Mother.

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d42f54  No.17582758


You ask q, the one that said that a plane hit the pentagon? or q+, the one that want's your good, and said to you to take the vaxx?!

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8165e8  No.17582759


>The Roaring Twenties


>The Roaring Twenties


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a065a5  No.17582760

File: 6ae73506fb920c6⋯.webm (2.44 MB, 636x360, 53:30, 1660160026484677.webm)


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db2eca  No.17582761

File: 7a245e02d052fef⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1379x1191, 1379:1191, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c7fcffe5c84fab⋯.png (38.1 KB, 207x153, 23:17, ClipboardImage.png)

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26ec04  No.17582762

File: 455b07b5100619b⋯.jpeg (896.5 KB, 750x1181, 750:1181, 924FA455_E825_49FE_B5A7_5….jpeg)


Roaring twenties only last a year for us bah humbug

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d42f54  No.17582763

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db2eca  No.17582764

File: 4c961d6a2921166⋯.gif (11.62 MB, 544x306, 16:9, Maga_Kek.gif)


Your life sounds painful.

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fc30f9  No.17582765


>We're gonna need a bigger bingo card

of fewer shills…..

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c00b99  No.17582766

File: 343a2f620824188⋯.png (422.11 KB, 754x776, 377:388, ClipboardImage.png)


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a36d88  No.17582767

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fc30f9  No.17582768

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2029ab  No.17582769

File: 03a0a60c6d66d3a⋯.png (210.14 KB, 409x409, 1:1, 03a0a60c6d66d3a649b38eb5d6….png)

I don't even feel the need to call out the shills' bullshit. I'm having more fun laughing at them now than engaging.

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8165e8  No.17582770

File: f9b617747182b01⋯.png (942.05 KB, 1884x833, 1884:833, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10cb098973cd8f7⋯.png (436.65 KB, 711x861, 237:287, ClipboardImage.png)




>Tineye says no matches…c'mon man,

lern to research.

tineye is crap


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9b2452  No.17582771

Something about summer nights.

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a065a5  No.17582772

File: 0e84860c60d8ca6⋯.png (150.31 KB, 550x550, 1:1, pepe_point_soliemani.png)


'Mo 'dastin!

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b8c754  No.17582773

File: 41b81591986fd8d⋯.webm (2.66 MB, 190x286, 95:143, wkfag_pepe.webm)

Note-taker departing

Sorry frens, wkfag is crashing



>>17582318 Q Research General #21557: FBI Made Danchenko A Paid Source: ‘To Hide Him’ From House Intel Cmte Edi

>>17582337, >>17582401 Dough, baker departs

>>17582516, >>17582565, >>17582686 Note-taker



>>17582361 Clockfag Reports

>>17582408, >>17582434 @JoyOverbeck1: @kevincorke @foxnewsnight We were all waiting excitedly to see you be named anchor

>>17582474 Pound slumps to all-time low against dollar (bbc)

>>17582468, >>17582472, >>17582475, >>17582482 The Swamp Today

>>17582567, >>17582588 Families of 43 missing students protest outside Israel's embassy in Mexico City, demanding extradition of suspect

>>17582618 @RobertKennedyJr: Study Suggests Impossible Burger’s Key GMO Ingredient Cause Weight Gain, Kidney Disease in Humans?

>>17582643 An extremely dangerous cartel is trying to establish a base of operations in Yakima, Washington state

>>17582750 Stock Market Crash LIVE Updates

>>17582754 Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void & Preempted by Federal Law – Foster v Love (1997; 9-0 Decision)



Thank you anons.'

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db2eca  No.17582774

File: 18becaf9203e275⋯.png (39.21 KB, 213x163, 213:163, ClipboardImage.png)



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a065a5  No.17582775


Well then. I got excited.

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a36d88  No.17582776

File: 24cdbc252b205b6⋯.gif (1.5 MB, 500x500, 1:1, 24cdbc252b205b669b3a3241c3….gif)

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8165e8  No.17582777

File: f80e3c5fc9164a5⋯.png (264.24 KB, 587x464, 587:464, ClipboardImage.png)

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b5223c  No.17582778


I agree. It is a nice yarn.

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a36d88  No.17582779

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a065a5  No.17582780

File: 6269ad1dbd87d77⋯.gif (1.31 MB, 480x244, 120:61, 6269ad1dbd87d77b024538f67d….gif)


Shills will surely intensify, unfortunately.

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9b2452  No.17582781


Poor Sandy.

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c50320  No.17582782

how is xı?

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8165e8  No.17582783

File: 9f17f4200472828⋯.png (493.88 KB, 600x505, 120:101, ClipboardImage.png)

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db2eca  No.17582784

File: ab97896e1940211⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3853911a16f2eb0⋯.png (370.2 KB, 729x568, 729:568, ClipboardImage.png)



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b5223c  No.17582785


It's all good, bro.

I will make something absolutely spectacular for her. The very best. Everyone says so.

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fc30f9  No.17582786


8chan/8kun and its owner has been under severe attack for several years, not the same thing. 8kun is still online because of the hard work of its admins and support from anons.

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db2eca  No.17582787


Tell me more.

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9b2452  No.17582788


You'll never be able to take that what if it was me away from her. Have fun though. I'll be there when you fail.

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fc30f9  No.17582789


This is a critical time, why shills are thick like Alaskan mosquitos.

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a62f8f  No.17582790


>stonk crash

so riddle me this… why are precious metals continuing on the steady slide that started 4-5 months ago?

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fc30f9  No.17582791

File: 5403e598630c0e3⋯.png (171.49 KB, 281x390, 281:390, scribe_ty_notetaker.png)

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b5223c  No.17582792


OK little buddy.

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a62f8f  No.17582793

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9b2452  No.17582794


I think you forgot who Jesse Skipper is. Kek.

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d42f54  No.17582795

File: 688c1da51c0c2e2⋯.gif (1.56 MB, 230x306, 115:153, coming_for_ya.gif)

george lucas it is a shit cia criminal, that presents ETs cities ugly, full of mug, raining, or dust when not raining, to induce the watcher of his movies, that this shit it is better, so you to not want to go there, so ETs to not be welcome.

In fact, imagine your skycrapers, they are zero. Also, they don't have garbages like newsome or lightfoot - btw/ this it is not their names! they are garbage from cia. we know from where.

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8165e8  No.17582796

File: 1ebdb19d8916998⋯.png (393.61 KB, 525x533, 525:533, ClipboardImage.png)



its one of my old faves

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b5223c  No.17582797


If it's from the movie, then I wouldn't know. I've never watched it.

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db2eca  No.17582798

File: 9571be59d80dc61⋯.png (151.08 KB, 400x357, 400:357, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1cc4978ebacdcfb⋯.png (106.25 KB, 255x222, 85:74, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c34986a6c2f4dd⋯.png (785.66 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdc80d79917bca0⋯.png (959.99 KB, 1199x799, 1199:799, ClipboardImage.png)


Good morning.

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19f07b  No.17582799

File: ae7746697b56d00⋯.gif (1.24 MB, 320x310, 32:31, 1664173421356111.gif)

Word To Your Mother

White if you ever visit the black African negroid cesspool city Detroit, Michigan keep your head down and proceed with caution.

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8165e8  No.17582800


XI = 11

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9b2452  No.17582801


Oh I forgot. You and your mom were in California kidnapping a 16 yo. My bad.

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ee4843  No.17582802


>so riddle me this

it's sticky situation

I have but one theory

and it's price manipulation.

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fc30f9  No.17582803


probably can't stay the course in this slo bread but can pick up notes for a while

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cee773  No.17582804

File: 5eb522d70915481⋯.png (148.84 KB, 290x333, 290:333, I_believe_in_the_1st_amend….png)

File: 032b42046dff234⋯.jpg (1.73 MB, 2000x2186, 1000:1093, Schnoz_Pelosi_in_Italy_Lem….jpg)

File: 240229cd068d3dd⋯.png (122.27 KB, 376x225, 376:225, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f2f7eb0c7f42b3⋯.png (350.99 KB, 600x450, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f052839e887d05e⋯.png (93.21 KB, 401x225, 401:225, All_in_the_family.png)


>how many trumptards

Call anon the usual, a Qtard. Pronouns KYS/GFYS/TFGTFO

"A horse tranquilizer is increasingly popping up as a street drug in the U.S., and it is now involved in nearly one-third of fatal opioid drug overdoses in Philadelphia, according to a new study.

The tranquilizer drug, called xylazine, is not considered an opioid, but it is often found mixed with the opioids heroin or fentanyl, a combination sometimes referred to as "tranq dope," according to the study published Tuesday (Feb. 2) in the journal Injury Prevention."

(this drug is rotting the flesh off addicts)



>prohibition created the Mafia


The Mafia (Cosa Nostra) came to Palermo, Sicily, or at least grew in power there, 1860s or so.

"Then, after 1860, when Sicily officially became part of Italy, parcels of what had been church- and state-owned land went up for sale. This led to a proliferation of small farms, and many of these new landowners also decided to grow lemons, by far the most profitable crop. They, too, found themselves in the position of having to hire guards—and those who couldn’t afford to do so found themselves targeted not only by thieves, but by the gabellotti and their guards, who saw a unique opportunity for extortion.

“The coalition between gabellotti, [guards], and [thieves] triggered a system of corruption and intimidation such that landowners who could not afford to hire a guard became the target of brigands,” the economists write. “This adverse institutional environment provided the breeding ground for the organization which would become known as the mafia.”

In the paper, they present some empirical proof for this claim—after studying a large-scale crime survey from 1886 and a map of mob activity from 1900, they found that the probability of Mafia presence in a given area of Sicily relates strongly to that area’s level of citrus production. Although other researchers have linked the birth of organized crime to different local resource booms, including the rise of sulfur mines, “we believe our paper complements [this research], and is able to explain some aspects that previous theories were not able to explain,” writes one of the authors, Alessia Isopi, in an email."


Find an industry, find a criminal extorting the industry. The lemons were hard to produce and made Palermo attractive so the Italy mob moved to the island. They've been in Italy since… forever.

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b5223c  No.17582805


Drugs are bad. I hope you get the help you deserve.

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db2eca  No.17582806

File: ec1e1c2b9be972a⋯.png (587.94 KB, 514x454, 257:227, ClipboardImage.png)

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8165e8  No.17582807

File: 4b26b5cf841791f⋯.png (359.56 KB, 555x393, 185:131, ClipboardImage.png)


>slo bread

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a62f8f  No.17582808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


found a trailer for the movie that features a bit of commentary by the author, mark hellinger.

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2029ab  No.17582809

Sleep calls. I look forward to seeing the stock shock tomorrow.

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faecc6  No.17582810

File: d63f3f593f910b7⋯.png (3.36 MB, 1942x3423, 1942:3423, ClipboardImage.png)

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26976e  No.17582811
