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File: 0341908182d8dd8⋯.jpeg (111.27 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, FB5A9D13_BDB2_46A5_8981_2….jpeg)

8a2307  No.17317033 [Last 50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 06.29.2022

>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

>>16950147 06.25.2022

>>16950142 06.24.2022

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* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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>>15406810 Overview | >>16085354 Intro thread | >>15406442 Board Info, Offsite Bunkers, Optics | >>15406807 Suggested Follow


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8a2307  No.17317168


>>17224884 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports and /meta/ for Admin comms

>>17224801 HOW TO BAKE; bakers/notetakers, plz tag the dough

>>17224803 Newfag Q&A; >>16050716

>>17224816 Baker's Lite JS code; >>17224834 formatting for Q posting

CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernment- reminder

BOT attacks current info: META >>17221573 ; Baker thread >>17212015

Also: Know your bunkers endchan.gg/qrbunker


#21289 soon


>>17241250 Washington State Should Be Updating Midterm Election Vote Count Tonight

>>17242146 Fight With Kash & Ric Grenell file defamation suit against fired deep state employee

>>17242532, >>17242548, >>17244459, >>17244804, >>17248216, >>17249075, >>17250707, >>17250712, >>17250717, >>17252792, >>17253033, >>17253605 Donald J. Trump - Truth Social / FBI executes search warrant at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago

>>17245153 Brandon returns, darkly: Democrats turn an insult into a pro-Biden meme

>>17245258 Georgia Ballot Mule on Camera Inserting HUGE Stack of 30+ Ballots into Georgia Dropbox!!

>>17245688 Child, 4, born a female announces transition with a blue gender reveal cannon at Vancouver Pride Parade

>>17247671 Democrats Hire 87,000 IRS Agents; Bannon Motion for New Trial; The Cheneys Panic

>>17250451 Half of Democrats' $740BN spending bill will fund 'transition' to green energy - with $60B for 'environmental justice'

>>17252057 Tracy Beanz - What the FBI has just done is make it open season to forcibly investigate past and current presidents. It may be their biggest foible yet.

>>17252538 Former Health Minister Litzman pled guilty to pressuring ministry employees to alter psychiatric evaluations

>>17253974 #21288


>>17230017, >>17232012, dough corp on duty

>>17226239, >>17226256, >>17226650, >>17226941, German media sheds light on Zelensky’s ‘secret deals’ - rt.com(non-profit klaus asset)

>>17226261 Burma’s Ambassador to China Dies Suddenly - ntd.com (aka myanmar)

>>17226268 Olivia Newton-John Dead at 73 - gwp

>>17226296 (DoD) announces the authorization ofa Presidential Drawdown of security assistance valued at up to $1 billion to meet Ukraine’s critical security and defense needs - defense.gov

>>17226340 Artemis 1 moon mission launch ticket sales crashed website: report - space.com

>>17226485 NASA opens up Artemis moon missions to all astronauts - space.com

>>17226401 Arkansas judge found dead at bottom of lake - cbsnews.com (screencaps)

>>17226411 Deepfake is getting out of hand.. At least 190 K-Pop idols are victimized by mass Deepfake porn production - blog.criminalip.io

>>17226536 cnn-redefines-groomer-as-anti-lgbtq-slur - thepostmillennial.com

>>17226286, >>17226298, >>17226307, >>17226316, >>17226356, >>17226386, >>17226404, >>17226433, >>17226481, >>17226537, forces twats

>>17226607 Another tank exploded at Cuba’s oil facility in Matanzas. At least one person has died and 125 are injured - msn.com

>>17226609 Walt Disney just got canceled by his own company. - toddstarnes.com

>>17226646 german-hospital-federation-demands-withdrawal-of-vaccination-mandate-after-massive-side-effects-revealed/ - dr r malone

>>17226678 #21286

>>17235565 Human traffickers luring Ukrainian refugees on the web targeted in EU-wide hackathon - europol.eu

>>17236152 #21287

Previously Collected

>>17225419 #21285, >>17226678 #21286

>>17224648 #21282, >>17224644 #21283, >>17224642 #21284

>>17112950 #21279, >>17101256 #21280, >>17101964 #21281

>>17105479 #21276, >>17101288 #21277, >>17104733 #21278

>>17067497 #21273, >>17068254 #21274, >>17069053 #21275

>>17065179 #21270, >>17065903 #21271, >>17066742 #21272

>>17059342 #21268-a, >>17059461 #21268-b, >>17064409 #21269

>>17025252 #21265, >>17039555 #21266, >>17058733 #21267

>>16463405 Notables Bread #14: Gonna Rise Up

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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b52c0c  No.17317211

File: 930f0b3e801bbc4⋯.jpg (48.84 KB, 995x641, 995:641, 47yqcdjg42s.jpg)


Monster or demented degenerate left?

I'd say the Burn Loot & Murder, Pantifa and the rest of the demented degenerate lawless lefties in congress & rioting….and attacking law enforcement and innocent citizens.

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b06a7b  No.17317219

File: 9f63a3eb491ff71⋯.jpg (41.4 KB, 1015x508, 1015:508, fc6bqmmk9kn.jpg)


The shooters mom reps the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

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11a0b2  No.17317222

File: e84068efea8c88f⋯.jpg (53.89 KB, 1205x603, 1205:603, z04ylqk7iygkj.jpg)


>Frudeau's BUTTGINA

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ead87b  No.17317227

File: 90076d72ada1346⋯.jpg (43.37 KB, 1022x544, 511:272, h8k6yg.jpg)


You're too retarded to understand the nature of the language war and how it has altered society around you.

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8a2307  No.17317229






Ghost & Hand Off

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482d58  No.17317232

File: 2b9b03e647fbc8b⋯.jpg (52.55 KB, 1160x622, 580:311, 33lu7l8r22.jpg)


Done and done…. one for one…. NBD until the packing starts.

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93b8a3  No.17317241

File: 20ec6cd7c5f1c3d⋯.jpg (45.03 KB, 964x598, 482:299, tmrg5pghc6r.jpg)


So Jim confirmed that the poster was on a whitelist?

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51d218  No.17317246

File: 81ceaf3dc5ce5ed⋯.jpg (54.42 KB, 996x725, 996:725, t91xp95eg.jpg)



AI makes art interpretations of whatever you put in the box and push RUN. AI searches internet and then interprets it all into an artwork of sorts.

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8be7b1  No.17317266

File: dd3018ff1b90509⋯.jpg (45.4 KB, 1116x523, 1116:523, 6rhawktap0q5jq.jpg)


I already know. You know it and I know it.

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f83234  No.17317276

File: ad2392914cd4ba8⋯.jpg (55.34 KB, 1088x686, 544:343, hgz4jv.jpg)


the mitochondrial DNA of the supposed euro-jew is european ; poland, etc on the distaff side ; anthropologists would describe the skulls as caucasoid ; they are not mongoloid, nor negroid ….sorry about their luck ; what gives? who knows?

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1548dc  No.17317285

File: 3982886150ec7bc⋯.jpg (45.83 KB, 1169x503, 1169:503, tp7ueq4nn1r7.jpg)

Merry Christmas Julian Assange

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4ff482  No.17317303

File: ca156d52750c96c⋯.jpg (59.27 KB, 1084x739, 1084:739, 6rfzocxcfpvn.jpg)


imagine what it's like for people living paycheck to paycheck

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b4c964  No.17317311

File: d34966ebabec69e⋯.jpg (54.88 KB, 976x743, 976:743, sntn6rox245.jpg)


>died in Kansas.

That's one way of saying it. Another is they look like as if cooked.

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de1f35  No.17317321

File: 0a8002b292936cc⋯.jpg (55.86 KB, 985x741, 985:741, 362quhw79n.jpg)


outlaw sodomy when.

it's all been a slippery slope since that

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11a0b2  No.17317338

File: 41e4d1a792baa98⋯.jpg (42.76 KB, 1060x512, 265:128, hoyx5hoj6kr.jpg)

MAYDAY! Media has a problem. What's their problem? RICO law. Yep, NBC is using Ari Melber (msnbc) to tell a tale of two rappers in Atlanta who are involved in a RICO case. Ari spent 5 minutes airtime on Johnny Depp as the Pirate Jack Sparrow and in his law suit against his ex-wife which he won. Even showed clips of Jack Sparrow holding his sword edge against a young lady's neck. Ari the played words from Johnny Cash and Clampton's songs about I shot a man in Reno and another.

Why? To then say that all 3, Depp, Cash and Clampton (sp) had trials and not once was what they said performing their art used against them during their court trials. All to say the 2 rappers (who I have never heard off and can't remember their names) art IS BEING USED AGAINST them in a criminal trial in Atlanta.

That's the first time this anon heard enemy media begin to panic over RICO laws. There's going to be more. Enemy media DON'T LIKE those RICO laws.

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73cf8f  No.17317356

File: 5f7db091878488a⋯.jpg (55.65 KB, 1070x700, 107:70, iptkh290.jpg)


Can you confirm that Q's trip is still active and whitelisted if they choose to use it? Also can you please ban and del hivemind and anything connected to it

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6a0f54  No.17317366

File: 605e1431fc8984d⋯.jpg (45.13 KB, 965x595, 193:119, 058w16hv.jpg)


ah, checking… and I cant test directly keep getting 404 when I use ##something in the name field of https://8kun.top/pen/res/1052.html

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677c6b  No.17317367

File: ca03d05b64f8aac⋯.jpg (61.69 KB, 1160x726, 580:363, ihn8v3bo79y.jpg)


and have everything

don't forget

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4f66a9  No.17317375

File: 39af5c0a9133cc0⋯.jpg (61.24 KB, 1146x727, 1146:727, xa8lkzgnd659l.jpg)


>He's also dead, there's also that.

>Which was kind of the point.

>You're so obnoxious that a blind dead guy can see it.

>Lil' slow on the draw, aren't ya champ?




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8db1b5  No.17317384

File: b8f138ff09e9635⋯.jpg (55.05 KB, 1209x605, 1209:605, wbojqk1d.jpg)



That's the second time tonight you've replied to one of my posts with that meme. First was in the first Q post bred re needing a bigger Marijuana.

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0da938  No.17317388

File: 5a0b25b236ecc26⋯.jpg (51.75 KB, 1039x660, 1039:660, 6b6bh9.jpg)




>vid unrelated

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51d218  No.17317396

File: 5854d2ec75ab2b9⋯.jpg (49.38 KB, 1026x636, 171:106, im4clmzlhf3th.jpg)


Ole Philly

City of Brotherly Thug

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c3b4ef  No.17317430

File: d942147caee9cb6⋯.jpg (53.9 KB, 1027x692, 1027:692, 5qrd5ude0kgoa.jpg)


But, But, But, muh Q said he was our SAVIOR and then posted a bunch of Catholic shit.

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0da938  No.17317435

File: d12f497c785c587⋯.jpg (47.65 KB, 1131x549, 377:183, 3fi1cnbcc.jpg)

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d38b88  No.17317439

File: 94bef87dcd5a618⋯.jpg (51.35 KB, 1163x592, 1163:592, y59iobngjbeyvb.jpg)



Dixie L. Leavitt(born August 27, 1929) is an American entrepreneur and state legislator who served as a Republican member of the Utah State House of Representatives and Senate from 1963 to 1976, and from 1989 to 1992 from Utah's 24th house district and 11th and 29th senate districts. He is the founder of the Leavitt Group, one of the largest independent insurance brokerages in the nation, and is the father of former Utah governor Mike Leavitt.

Early life and family

Dixie L. Leavitt was born in St. George, Utah, and raised in the town of Bunkerville, in the state of Nevada.[2] He attendedVirgin Valley High School, where he served as student body president and was an all-state basketball player.[3] After high school, Dixie went to Branch Agricultural College (BAC) in Cedar City, Utah, where he was yearbook editor and student body president, and became the institution's first student to letter all four years in both football and track.[4] He married Anne Okerlund in 1950. Dixie and his wife Ann reared a family of six sons.

Michael O. Leavitt: Former Secretary of Health and Human Services, Administrator of the EPA and governor of Utah.

Dane Leavitt

Mark Leavitt

Eric Leavitt

David O. Leavitt: former Juab County Attorney

Matthew Leavitt

Several of the Leavitt sons followed their father in the family insurance business.

Dixie Leavitt is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Early career

Dixie's plan throughout college was to become a schoolteacher. In 1951, after graduating from BAC, he began teaching fourth grade at Cedar West Elementary School.

After that first year, during the summer of 1952, Dixie got a job selling insurance. Though he fully intended to return to teaching in the fall, during the week before school began, the manager of the insurance company paid him a visit and urged him to stay in the insurance business. Dixie loved the business and believed he could prosper, so he decided to remain.

Dixie's first insurance office was a desk in his family's small basement apartment.[5] His business prospered and in 1959, Dixie partnered with his brother Bert Leavitt to create the first Leavitt Group affiliated agency. Dixie created the model based on the principle of aligned interests between the Leavitt Group (which maintains contractual control) and its local managing co-owners (who maintain client control).

Dixie's business grew as he partnered with other individuals and insurance agencies using the 60/40 ownership arrangement. This unique, new model worked because sharing significant ownership and profits provided the natural incentives to make each agency thrive. Unlike a typical aggregator, The Leavitt Group's "60/40" model gave independent agents a new alternative to their growth and perpetuation needs. The local manager could remain an owner and take responsibility for the local agency culture. As a result, numerous agencies have embraced this model, and today the Leavitt Group is ranked as one of the largest privately held insurance brokerages in the United States.

Utah State Legislature

Dixie served 18 years in the Utah State Legislature (from 1963 to 1976 and from 1989 to 1992)[6] As a legislator, he worked to obtain four-year status for the College of Southern Utah (CSU), which was among his first legislative successes. Another notable legislative achievement was his bill that became the Utah Higher Education Act of 1969. One of the crowning accomplishments of his service in the Utah State Senate was the advancement to university status of Southern Utah University.

Religious and community service

Dixie also served three years as president of the Leeds England Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) in Leeds, England.[7] As a mission president, he presided over 100 missionaries, directing the affairs of the mission organization, its people and assets. After this ecclesiastical service, he formed Leavitt Land and Investments and the Dixie and Anne Foundation—one purpose of which is to provide and manage scholarship housing for Southern Utah University students.

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de1f35  No.17317440

File: 3c537c0218ecbdb⋯.jpg (59.81 KB, 1132x719, 1132:719, bgyostevvjwg.jpg)



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4ff482  No.17317442

File: c51473e7f49be7f⋯.jpg (43.1 KB, 984x547, 984:547, vffyxp3c4sao.jpg)


is this a pedo joke or something..

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b52c0c  No.17317447

File: 9b410496bf69fb3⋯.jpg (56.24 KB, 1051x709, 1051:709, 5i2fb5yo9a76pl.jpg)


someone meme that Soleimani hand to

replace the crooked one? :)

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d86abf  No.17317451

File: 193bc8a1196a315⋯.jpg (49.07 KB, 1140x562, 570:281, tu9zzz.jpg)


I worked in them for 30 years. Soul crushing cube farms just like The Matrix, only the snacks were worse.

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c61a78  No.17317455

File: 8fea1935e698bce⋯.jpg (54.21 KB, 1194x613, 1194:613, 0slboh.jpg)


Outside the Gate 😉🙏

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a85469  No.17317460

File: 7f02b425bd23182⋯.jpg (53.15 KB, 1194x600, 199:100, yavp6c.jpg)


Arrested ethnic Dane with registered weapon. Bet they have an immediate motive as opposed to the never ending motive quest BS most LE's engage in.

Who were the victims? Ethnic Danes or others?

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3d74b6  No.17317462

File: 595acb77038e5c6⋯.jpg (45.77 KB, 1009x578, 1009:578, 0hytpvz1.jpg)


>Happy 4th of July, anons!


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bd4fd5  No.17317474

File: b2f7c792880a3c4⋯.jpg (41.92 KB, 1045x503, 1045:503, etsdwo.jpg)


He's seriously is blaming the Shipping container companies/shippers for the inflation. It's all a fucking clown show & we are the joke

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5b8280  No.17317483

File: aadf1637ad0733b⋯.jpg (52.63 KB, 1113x630, 53:30, dkbblu.jpg)


>Food shortage coming on those fuckers will eat you!

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9d5747  No.17317492

File: e08033a0e241701⋯.jpg (40.47 KB, 1005x503, 1005:503, 1kgr55pzjhbh1l.jpg)


let us not finance…. let the tribes deal locally.

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e4d364  No.17317517

File: 32cde2925c857ad⋯.jpg (48.6 KB, 997x640, 997:640, hpwu6dw.jpg)


Can we at least make a promise to not troll GLP so hard this tine, that shit made everything a little too muddy

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4d092b  No.17317549

File: 12d18f9d0dbd1a1⋯.jpg (58.75 KB, 1101x744, 367:248, 78ng6ifpm7.jpg)


Sounds exactly like something a bot would say.

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ae1526  No.17317581

File: e8e0a638965794b⋯.jpg (49.97 KB, 1067x616, 97:56, v3azxh4qjp3.jpg)

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127670  No.17317597

File: ab7e1a987c47982⋯.jpg (46.99 KB, 1065x576, 355:192, zfx94c7odw5.jpg)



You deleted it for 7 months.


you fukn cunt

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bd4fd5  No.17317600

File: e3698bdf6e234de⋯.jpg (42.79 KB, 1061x508, 1061:508, qpb3gg.jpg)


>Thats what obelisks are. osiris penis

Always loved that song.

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a6f79d  No.17317636

File: c90c08311d6b0e5⋯.jpg (58.89 KB, 1152x699, 384:233, nn0sp2x3i62am.jpg)



double fisted twats are fighting for high dino farts sauce arbitrage

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11a0b2  No.17317643

File: affed4adc3424c4⋯.jpg (48.32 KB, 1144x558, 572:279, 56r9ib305yc.jpg)




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5b8280  No.17317653

File: 3c586aca0be1314⋯.jpg (54.3 KB, 1101x660, 367:220, zpxx5ncz.jpg)

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ab898a  No.17317656

File: 81c152ae9d0b5bf⋯.jpg (63.85 KB, 1185x742, 1185:742, 75mb0bjt.jpg)


Seems like this is confirmation that Q has come back.

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7b53fa  No.17317658

File: 2a525ec29aec818⋯.jpg (41.7 KB, 1003x507, 1003:507, mxxskjcqaox.jpg)


I'll take "ignore things that don't support my world view" for $1000.

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05ce36  No.17317667

File: ee7714394deb04c⋯.jpg (40.18 KB, 994x502, 497:251, 0vus9yo5eflg.jpg)

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a6f79d  No.17317682

File: 79004d917296e51⋯.jpg (46.47 KB, 1062x576, 59:32, 5rimsuye59u7om.jpg)


True Story

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132ee5  No.17317686

File: a6cc18397dc4ae5⋯.jpg (45.28 KB, 989x589, 989:589, e65mwmb.jpg)


Those seeking to divide people by religion like to echo and repeat the divisive narratives of others, hoping to 'spread' the logic that starts with division instead of unity.

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33baaa  No.17317696

File: 57bf6100b2923d3⋯.jpg (46.03 KB, 1114x529, 1114:529, i2hjklxb.jpg)

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e81372  No.17317702

File: ac0341eef224f98⋯.jpg (53.14 KB, 1152x617, 1152:617, x5jnxwv5bewv4.jpg)

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d1675c  No.17317703

File: 40a4b8a0e4cc4ab⋯.jpg (48.49 KB, 1029x613, 1029:613, 014hllnu2acbwb.jpg)


>why can't they say planefag?



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99b184  No.17317717

File: 37206f3c4c5e783⋯.jpg (43.87 KB, 1025x541, 1025:541, 7xtnmfkm081.jpg)



>3 shipments to 3 different people. all on 2020-04-26. ASTGHIK MARKOSYAN. CHELOM LEAVITT. and BRENDA SANDER

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0fffac  No.17317739

File: 7735b1955a32d93⋯.jpg (48.08 KB, 1046x598, 523:299, scxagf.jpg)

Have you seen the movie Top Secret released in 1984, Val Kilmer's first movie.

I thought you all would like this opening song.

FYI, Val Kilmer sang all of the songs in the movie himself.

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f37081  No.17317741

File: 3001aca1dfac04d⋯.jpg (58.73 KB, 1118x713, 1118:713, 4fdu0fy1br8eao.jpg)


This displeases “Future Greta”.

Much displeasure..

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e37b11  No.17317743

File: 479c8df81103ce0⋯.jpg (49.01 KB, 1173x554, 1173:554, 873ii0oe4l.jpg)


He mentioned her.

Imo Mel is Q. (Since Texas /w yellow dress)

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7b53fa  No.17317745

File: c14f93c26c57171⋯.jpg (46.05 KB, 1147x514, 1147:514, vjo5jc14f.jpg)


making fun of Jews.


Now we find out.

It's a moo JOOO the Truth comes out

Nothing to do here but to smear

Wants to go to a bar b q but can't

I wonder why

ch ching ca ching ca ching.

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56a03f  No.17317747

File: eace4a88c1a584a⋯.jpg (58.51 KB, 1086x727, 1086:727, o8zo39h.jpg)


Where is the source video, not a cell capture zoomed in. I don't want second hand sauce.

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c3b4ef  No.17317748

File: e5322a638120825⋯.jpg (51.53 KB, 964x698, 482:349, fx9liy.jpg)


She is not a good example.

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f52b8f  No.17317749

File: 47a55176104dba9⋯.jpg (53.14 KB, 1036x680, 259:170, 55s1smew.jpg)


Paging grandma cat, paging grandma cat

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9f8255  No.17317750

File: 8eebbe2268916c6⋯.jpg (54.22 KB, 1101x657, 367:219, 5cjpugxw73i.jpg)

muh raycism tho!

Think of the blacks!! The big bad white man is hurting the niggers feelings!

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18a3e7  No.17317755

File: 939e9fafc0119f4⋯.jpg (55.09 KB, 1176x633, 392:211, iss9g5mo7k.jpg)



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b0cb7b  No.17317756

File: 6a10d860b4825bc⋯.jpg (56.85 KB, 1043x725, 1043:725, mmhjp1wb.jpg)

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a6f79d  No.17317773

File: 748246afc93c76c⋯.jpg (45.31 KB, 972x603, 108:67, jetn9d.jpg)


>when they are summoned to a days long meeting with the boss of the underworld

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5cd1bc  No.17317775

File: a12579ed225cd0d⋯.jpg (52.86 KB, 994x704, 497:352, 9lb4sk8v.jpg)


Don't be fooled by gay nazi skinhead groomers

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f9e09a  No.17317798

File: 5e35803da5c7937⋯.jpg (45.75 KB, 1162x510, 581:255, 3m9fy85.jpg)


it had rabbi teeth marks on it

next to the ball point pen

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f2a5d1  No.17317803

File: 77fe98e6ba4695e⋯.jpg (58.83 KB, 1071x742, 153:106, qs5xte0fwt3.jpg)


Godspeed, bakir.

not because anon got so many (You)'s, but because bakir has acquitted himself well to anon, demonstrating creativity and initiative above and beyond, setting the standard for all bakirs.

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45d5ec  No.17317807

File: d2310ca78b6a818⋯.jpg (55.46 KB, 1038x708, 173:118, rtyy3uezh6.jpg)

Looks like ZULU82 might be heading back to the US.

Currently heading out to sea.

Journey might take a while speed indicated 6kts.

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f37081  No.17317823

File: be81da46b22b1e7⋯.jpg (60.91 KB, 1145x744, 1145:744, 8rqhbjk.jpg)


But but ….but….. why.

I shit all over police and now they are leaving in droves… I'm not safe anymore…. but…. but…….. why?

Stupid is as stupid does.

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bd4fd5  No.17317825

File: f65283a8a7cc959⋯.jpg (48.94 KB, 1122x574, 561:287, k5uzexaq0tbpu.jpg)


seeing that the end result of democracy is bolshevism, I can kind of see their point.

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cfa86e  No.17317841

File: 31580ef2a9cd48d⋯.jpg (48.01 KB, 1176x539, 24:11, vjyqb7z0.jpg)


no shit,

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2d35fd  No.17317847

File: 98217b95805fbd2⋯.jpg (47.01 KB, 1013x599, 1013:599, 9qxcusebjw0u.jpg)


>This seems huge…..


>Court Rules for the First Time That an Insured Business Can Seek Damages Over COVID-19 Shutdown Losses


An appellate court has ruled for the first time that an insured restaurant can seek COVID-19 shutdown damages.

The Oceana Grill on Bourbon St. in New Orleans had originally lost their request to seek damages from its insurer, but that decision has now been reversed on appeal.

“The physical presence of COVID-19 substantially diminished the usable space of the property, as tables needed to be pushed farther apart, and resulted in economic losses due to the slowdown of the appellants’ business,” Chief Judge Terri Love wrote in the ruling.

Cajun Conti, the company that owns Oceana Grill, sued Lloyd’s of London for damages on the day they were shut down — March 20, 2020. They argued that COVID-19 had caused property damage by forcing it to close — and eventually reduce the amount of seating in the establishment to comply with social distancing rules.

“Oceana Grill’s parent company was one of the first, if not the first, to file a COVID insurance coverage lawsuit, though many more followed. The general consensus was that the pandemic wouldn’t qualify for business interruption assistance, as it was created to cover closures due to property damage from natural disasters. This court, however, found that the wording is open to interpretation and that physical damage did not have to be ‘obvious and observable,'” Nola reports.

One of the policyholder attorneys involved said the “dam has broken” with the ruling, paving the way for other businesses to do the same, according to a report from Reuters.

Lloyd’s attorney Virginia (Ginger) Dodd of Phelps Dunbar told Reuters that she believes the ruling was inconsistent with “ten federal circuit courts of appeal and every other state appellate court.”

“We will pursue all options to address what we believe to be an outlier decision,” Dodd added.

Reuters noted that “while Wednesday’s appellate decision is the first to find coverage for COVID-19 income losses under an all-risk property insurance policy, a state appellate court in New York on Monday affirmed a Bronx judge’s ruling that allowed the New York Botanical Garden to sue its Pollution Liability Insurer, Allied World Assurance, for denying its COVID-related loss of business income claim and for breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing.”

“This lawsuit was all about coverage,” Daniel Davillier, an attorney representing Oceana Grill’s owner, told Nola. “If you don’t have coverage you can’t claim any damages. There are a lot of people out there who suffered losses during the pandemic who’ve been waiting to see how this turns out.”



HUGE:Court Rules for the First Time That an Insured Business Can Seek Damages Over COVID-19 Shutdown Losses

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6effa7  No.17317850

File: daff9315e338195⋯.jpg (50.23 KB, 1080x612, 30:17, zw5y76sj.jpg)



Schumacher mused that Jones was irritated by Carrey because of his extremely extroverted personality.

"Tommy is," he remembered. "And I say this with great respect, a scene stealer. Well, you can't steal the scene from Jim Carrey. It's impossible. And, I think it irked Tommy."

He clarified that Jones didn't try to steal any scenes from Carrey, but was "not kind" to Carrey.

He said: "He did not act towards Jim the way an Oscar winner with a star on Hollywood Boulevard - being the oldest member of the cast, and having such a distinguished career and the accolades to go with it - should have acted towards Jim. But what happens on the set stays on the set."


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e81372  No.17317855

File: 26a5b6cf2ba660a⋯.jpg (58.87 KB, 1123x705, 1123:705, 4ejg4oes6hs4.jpg)


I mean Cohen does not claim that he is from Kazakstan and when he is in character he does not tell he is Sascha Baron Cohen

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9ffa54  No.17317871

File: f67fcf95e0458e3⋯.jpg (46.52 KB, 1088x559, 1088:559, wea3u1atx.jpg)


See? This is why you're a simpleton.

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597a5c  No.17317883

File: d362b5c5455cdcd⋯.jpg (59.93 KB, 1176x703, 1176:703, 1jurd4.jpg)


Handoff Acknowledged

Have a great bake!

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b6d5e4  No.17317891

File: af9482169da3659⋯.jpg (42.3 KB, 1054x507, 1054:507, 98qf5d9cmhc.jpg)


>I meant Jim Watkins, owner here, who also sells coffee and honey

Yeah, I figured that. Just thought I'd rib you a bit, kek.

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33baaa  No.17317918

File: 42eabdf2f5997f0⋯.jpg (55.67 KB, 1018x725, 1018:725, 7tqra3.jpg)


mRNA Death Toll, [05.04.22 15:15]

[ Video ]

339 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 193 Dead, After COVID Shot

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1bdfb0  No.17317934

File: 5e3f62cb6779a24⋯.jpg (47.68 KB, 1072x585, 1072:585, cm4uwcovn.jpg)


She WAS talking head.

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47fdb2  No.17317942

File: 32f9cca6b78221d⋯.png (581.92 KB, 791x814, 791:814, 32f9cca6b78221daafd5d92c84….png)

File: dff3e7e5f10c755⋯.png (872.65 KB, 1391x1187, 1391:1187, NWO.PNG)

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d02503  No.17317945

File: e9227e2d4bf9d9c⋯.jpg (54.49 KB, 1141x642, 1141:642, i10jgx.jpg)

The only person able to pull something like this off would have to be Jim. No way someone could do this over an internet connection


The only person able to pull something like this off would have to be Jim. No way someone could do this over an internet connection


The only person able to pull something like this off would have to be Jim. No way someone could do this over an internet connection


The only person able to pull something like this off would have to be Jim. No way someone could do this over an internet connection


The only person able to pull something like this off would have to be Jim. No way someone could do this over an internet connection


The only person able to pull something like this off would have to be Jim. No way someone could do this over an internet connection


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001613  No.17317946

File: 5fb2be87a75326f⋯.jpg (45.95 KB, 1051x566, 1051:566, 9z1b2leafc.jpg)


Victims turn perpetrators or die

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d02503  No.17317981

File: 1a23f06c2386b36⋯.jpg (42.47 KB, 985x538, 985:538, 710mjkacc0be.jpg)


It's a shithole.

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efcf89  No.17317982

File: fedd9a70b9c74e8⋯.jpg (50.21 KB, 1046x638, 523:319, butxh9ar9gr.jpg)


Yup. While everyone is zooming in on the gun politics narrative, nobody is watching the human trafficking, cartel crimes, and the LAND GRAB by FOREIGN "renewable energy" entities.

It's all about cornering the market on hydrogen and keeping us slaves.

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6e3982  No.17317992

File: 131b090e7871c61⋯.jpg (62.49 KB, 1169x735, 167:105, d1pyqah9a.jpg)

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56a03f  No.17317994

File: 1b346c605b27c4f⋯.jpg (62.42 KB, 1184x744, 148:93, layhez.jpg)



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a755c6  No.17318015

File: 054d82ef7b7d8a6⋯.jpg (51.28 KB, 1050x641, 1050:641, z3yam4.jpg)


repoast nb if not picked up

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efcf89  No.17318018

File: d1b6e9c31c48dac⋯.jpg (52.48 KB, 1178x593, 1178:593, oubztrvrli5.jpg)


>A New Declaration???

Ya might want to link this video : https://youtu.be/k0qfRINxoO4

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001613  No.17318028

File: f2f9360801a938e⋯.jpg (52.15 KB, 969x697, 57:41, ftl2xc.jpg)



no moar satan sacrifices.

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597a5c  No.17318045

File: b9630a6af80e70c⋯.jpg (51.59 KB, 1169x592, 1169:592, bfsno0di2.jpg)


Key word: ‘Seems’.

“Deception is the art of war.”

—Sun Tsu (paraphrased)




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e37b11  No.17318052

File: 8b3ed3a6fa82b38⋯.jpg (63.7 KB, 1183x741, 91:57, hi3ap2fgxvbu.jpg)



The best part of the plan is Trusting Sessions…. Lmao.

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5b2c01  No.17318057

File: 03a112b8ba70ce2⋯.jpg (51.25 KB, 973x691, 973:691, 9rfycq4.jpg)


who doesnt need a starship?

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250929  No.17318066

File: 8e48e8ea2cda772⋯.jpg (48.8 KB, 992x648, 124:81, pyiguwpa1pa.jpg)



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47fdb2  No.17318094

File: 6a704a2b39dc6fc⋯.jpg (60.25 KB, 508x510, 254:255, 6a704a2b39dc6fc10c80b27070….jpg)

File: dff3e7e5f10c755⋯.png (872.65 KB, 1391x1187, 1391:1187, NWO.PNG)

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49d7d2  No.17318102

File: df8057402250660⋯.jpg (45.9 KB, 987x595, 141:85, sgmutr15ps.jpg)


Anon had a great 2018 - 2020 and 2022 is looking pretty fucking awesome so 4 and 8 are tops hands down.

Fuck pol

Fuck reddit

Fuck everywhere else

All mods must die!


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d1e7fd  No.17318108

File: 37d7e46fe6253ee⋯.jpg (46.17 KB, 1063x562, 1063:562, uz41cjky7z6.jpg)


yes sorry bakes, was doing choirs - hand off confirmed. thank you for stepping up - o7

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d02503  No.17318109

File: e9ea5adef92fdd6⋯.jpg (62.02 KB, 1161x725, 1161:725, 398juba.jpg)

I am the Queen of Qanon

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1548dc  No.17318110

File: 4d355cd570d8d15⋯.jpg (59.27 KB, 1077x740, 1077:740, 938aam1t.jpg)




good night

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971723  No.17318111

File: 84140a6a024c707⋯.jpg (47.47 KB, 1184x525, 1184:525, 4zf2691ey8.jpg)


That image truth never gets old. o7

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d1675c  No.17318115

File: eef967ef08a262b⋯.jpg (48.21 KB, 1188x531, 132:59, btpi7s6eq8h.jpg)


Wow.. it gets worse.

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e81372  No.17318116

File: 5b959ca641d89dc⋯.jpg (52.06 KB, 982x692, 491:346, 2mf10z4jy78ym.jpg)


Q сказал нам "учить русский"

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a91c38  No.17318117

File: e12b6b19d1ef6d6⋯.jpg (56.79 KB, 1192x653, 1192:653, s0dng2.jpg)

Funny how they were comparing Hearsay Hutchinson to John Dean, who testified against Nixon.



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5b2c01  No.17318123

File: c68f9333c97ce16⋯.jpg (43.43 KB, 966x574, 69:41, l8hg1myn2.jpg)

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05011e  No.17318148

File: 14da06decd70d20⋯.jpg (55.4 KB, 1125x664, 1125:664, i1ahq9ztue.jpg)



Former US vice [resident Dick Cheney walks with his daughter, Republican Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming, in the Capitol Rotunda at the US Capitol in Washington, January 6, 2022. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)


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2d934e  No.17318154

File: 0a9065687bb6db5⋯.jpg (50.18 KB, 1197x555, 399:185, 4uno7ii6.jpg)


Captcha's are like appetites

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3c705c  No.17318155

File: a10c7a2452840c6⋯.jpg (46.93 KB, 1111x552, 1111:552, 63xiv5xt54q4.jpg)


>Nazis never lost

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cfa86e  No.17318188

File: 623bca3629e2eed⋯.jpg (51.12 KB, 1074x636, 179:106, kbug75ui8mxs2.jpg)



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000d2d  No.17318190

File: 4cb542dc97f7ff1⋯.jpg (51.98 KB, 1006x684, 503:342, wmcmajpmc0q59.jpg)

>Human Trafficking Shitshow Shift

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1ba6b3  No.17318192

File: 3766d57b4eaeb16⋯.jpg (53.08 KB, 1097x644, 1097:644, u1jmsjl.jpg)

Any of you faggots want to form a terrorist group, and fill the power vacuum that the traitors left us to conquer the entire world?

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c8a319  No.17318194

File: 5f1ad0821ef420f⋯.jpg (44.58 KB, 1135x502, 1135:502, u803z2cfu.jpg)


my mom was the hardest. I'm kinda glad she was first. All after her are manageable.

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2d934e  No.17318197

File: e4c2b74951a6a19⋯.jpg (46.15 KB, 1107x537, 369:179, tuo7h8mnyjha3.jpg)



4-year delta in 4 days.

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cda7a8  No.17318209

File: 806538be9c664bc⋯.jpg (49.84 KB, 1078x614, 539:307, heqgiwircb.jpg)


Now explain how Ukraine NAZIS needs 750 Billion.

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b8e462  No.17318210

File: 13c7e3b4a9da08f⋯.jpg (52.63 KB, 1173x602, 1173:602, dd0m29q.jpg)


Oh a lot is happening, but what has it to do with Q?

Where did Q ever mention the Russian/Ukraine thing?

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e97b3d  No.17318214

File: 77f7eb3a155c571⋯.jpg (53.99 KB, 1034x696, 517:348, jcg0d4hwxzf3.jpg)



I see red text guy like this . . . .

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ee9c2a  No.17318216

File: 681a0742c74a90c⋯.jpg (47.5 KB, 1097x561, 1097:561, o91iv7yt2g.jpg)


gaze into my eyes anon

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75a40c  No.17318217

File: b3e3e423c0b5116⋯.jpg (60.9 KB, 1151x722, 1151:722, ybfxcmsa7wu5vx.jpg)


Looks like they did a shoop and added the red rose?


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d25004  No.17318223

File: 6cd5f3d7bc4f3b8⋯.jpg (52.72 KB, 1191x600, 397:200, 80tg05mc9.jpg)


That boomerang wont fly.

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5cd1bc  No.17318231

File: b6bfb69bfe90333⋯.jpg (59.83 KB, 1043x747, 1043:747, 0r2h488el.jpg)

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f8a7c8  No.17318238

File: ec398391aafe603⋯.jpg (54.91 KB, 970x745, 194:149, 7zbs1n76aee83.jpg)



(jew pic lagged as illegal content! Kek fucking bunch of Gatekeepers!)

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c8a319  No.17318254

File: 4ced09ab58ffa9d⋯.jpg (51.26 KB, 1188x576, 33:16, m90imq9c.jpg)


friend of mine

went into a fast food place

came back to her car

on the seat was a porno magazine

opened to a very sick page

as she looked at it in disgust

she noticed a man in a car passing by on the street

getting a good look at her horror, smiling

you know

pervs have many manifestations

delight in gobbling up innocence in people

and always seem to need more and more

like drug addicts

in the movie documentary "Wonderland"

about a pedophile group that exchanged photos

and were busted

there was talk about voice turn ons

visiting their favorite "star' victims (tourism)

like sadists get off on screaming, terror, pain, blood

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e37b11  No.17318271

File: ff57a65f6538c88⋯.jpg (42.23 KB, 1049x510, 1049:510, eo1xa10fj1e.jpg)


they are evolving

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14ec38  No.17318298

File: dc30bbf7b682908⋯.jpg (45.5 KB, 1103x535, 1103:535, wqvwgu.jpg)


Some anons aren’t anon and don’t wish the best for you. Anyone who fought for me to keep my rights could at the least be called friend, at best hero!

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619341  No.17318300

File: 49f43318767928e⋯.jpg (47.51 KB, 1198x521, 1198:521, a5ymfcc9s8.jpg)

What disaster would have ensued? Law enforcement could have removed them from the Capitol at any time.

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e37b11  No.17318301

File: edb18ef3e277288⋯.jpg (58.55 KB, 1124x698, 562:349, 0bxwjarnbn.jpg)


Australian state rejected from human race for communism, so that explains that

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cda7a8  No.17318304

File: e67166fca074928⋯.jpg (50.06 KB, 1122x592, 561:296, k1jg2qg05zd0k.jpg)


Q confirmed Ghislaine Maxwell as the first arrest

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8e2182  No.17318305

File: b901869797cfc30⋯.jpg (51.94 KB, 1051x663, 1051:663, rqrh2gxt4pt4.jpg)


hannity just a side pony now

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d02503  No.17318312

File: e6fb965143201e9⋯.jpg (50.28 KB, 1078x612, 539:306, ctqjyomncc0.jpg)


>adjudicated as mentally ill

>anybody who questions authority

>everything is under the high table

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142ad8  No.17318319

File: 0e3e2fe5c5865b4⋯.jpg (53.28 KB, 1128x640, 141:80, gutqym.jpg)

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c077bd  No.17318325

File: 82f4c0617c769b3⋯.jpg (57.33 KB, 1159x669, 1159:669, wj9o4p5vk.jpg)



Projection. Fail again.

You division shill morons are easily spotted.

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41db7e  No.17318333

File: 736caeaa0aba86e⋯.jpg (47.44 KB, 1192x523, 1192:523, dezifjtub3qju.jpg)

re: RED OCTOBER (pic related)

Aaron Babbit claims he met Ashli at Calvert Hills Nuclear Plant where he woriked from 2007-2017 -


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e97b3d  No.17318334

File: d3a79efa1434e67⋯.jpg (50.45 KB, 1104x606, 184:101, 8oyh4e38x1lu.jpg)



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b4d613  No.17318342

File: ae0b2527ee45cae⋯.jpg (56.3 KB, 1093x692, 1093:692, 1hbvn0029wh7.jpg)

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8e2182  No.17318348

File: 9ec2c430ddb4895⋯.jpg (49.27 KB, 1131x574, 1131:574, 5gppvm5bu8m.jpg)


Prayers sent

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5ce7da  No.17318351

File: 3c4ceceb056f0d2⋯.jpg (43.57 KB, 1009x552, 1009:552, 1kgvqm33v8cmd1.jpg)


he was born in that, likely; bred.

like with a surrogate.

but that's someone else's doing, not his.

same with Kyle

might be MK'd but not his fault.

Seth Rich might be witness protection.

it's possible.

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61ec31  No.17318357

File: 38c9d24e33afca6⋯.jpg (57.82 KB, 1172x669, 1172:669, yj320ioa7.jpg)


Sri Lanka, Bulgaria, Israel. Who's next.

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515762  No.17318361

File: 4c6910b5526319d⋯.jpg (49.54 KB, 1023x640, 1023:640, scm0osd.jpg)



24 yr old Steeler QB dead. reportedly died after being "hit by vehicle." news is uncharacteristically vague. is he another victim of the clotshot?

Report: Steelers QB Dwayne Haskins has died at 24

By Taylor Spirito, WPXI.com

April 09, 2022 at 11:50 am EDT

PITTSBURGH — Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Dwayne Haskins was reportedly killed Saturday morning after being hit by a car in South Florida.

ESPN’s Adam Schefter reported that Haskins’ agent, Cedric Saunders, confirmed the news.

PHOTOS: Dwayne Haskins through the years

The Steelers signed Haskins to a one-year restricted free agent contract in March after he signed with the team in 2021 but did not see any playing time.

“I’ve wanted to be a quarterback my entire life. Being a quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers is a dream. I always had great respect for the black and gold. Great respect for Coach (Mike) Tomlin, 15 seasons with no losing season. I want to show him that I want this bad. I want to be a leader. I want to be a guy that people can rely on, on and off the field to be more than just a guy that can throw a ball, talented enough to be in a position where I can execute at a high level and keep the Steelers way,” Haskins said in a release in March.

Haskins was originally drafted by the Washington Commanders as the No. 15 overall pick in 2019. Before he was released by Washington in 2020, he completed 267 of 444 pass attempts for 2,804 with 12 touchdowns and 14 interceptions in two seasons, according to the Steelers.

Haskins played for Ohio State University and finished third in the Heisman Trophy race in 2018.

Haskins would have turned 25 on May 3.


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e97b3d  No.17318363

File: 87e8bebe905fbe5⋯.jpg (47.64 KB, 1049x590, 1049:590, rt4juh9hm41kfy.jpg)

The month of AUGUST is traditionally very HOT.

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5ce7da  No.17318382

File: 707b9c0c9ac9e8a⋯.jpg (44.34 KB, 966x586, 483:293, i882lp.jpg)


meanwhile in other states…

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8aff29  No.17318384

File: 31226d5f8bf4dd5⋯.jpg (41.63 KB, 993x517, 993:517, ktb6or9a.jpg)

Breaking News: The gunman who killed four people at a Tulsa medical building underwent back surgery last month and the doctor who performed it was one of the victims, police said.His weapons included an AR-15-style rifle he bought hours before the attack.


So the guy was probably lib at his wits end with pain & told the Doctor. The Doctor probably told him to take 2 Advil & see a Physical Therapist once a week for 6 weeks before he will consider prescribing pain meds. The guy decided he couldn't take it anymore, & decided to not only off himself & take out the Doctor who he blamed, but also try to help the Left with gun control.

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74b287  No.17318395

File: b63f25d272fc0fd⋯.jpg (58.68 KB, 1164x683, 1164:683, ujq4qfq6luie.jpg)





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aefb89  No.17318398

File: 6a772b3d0a048e8⋯.jpg (55.59 KB, 1013x725, 1013:725, v2gp9ui1oo2.jpg)


WW2 happening was more than likely due to the language barriers and no comms between non cultists across borders.

WW3 will be almost impossible to sell. we talk to ukrainians and russians every day.

ukraine is zog run by soros cousin.

russia is zog east. They are just trying to kill European soldiers who would oppose the planned famine and mass migration from africa.

I'd never fight a war in europe where we have to kill other Europeans in yet another jewish war. one was enough for me thanks.

Be on the look our for the next 9/11 where Israel and their deep state here kill Americans and blame their enemies for it.

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f84838  No.17318400

File: 60b65aa2fced9f4⋯.jpg (59.09 KB, 1078x739, 1078:739, rwf1u73w5zzl.jpg)


PAYtriot, not patriot

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000d2d  No.17318401

File: c26118c5a1e1910⋯.jpg (48.99 KB, 1109x579, 1109:579, 69i66zn9b51.jpg)

Dem TX Rep Al Green on Fox on Capitol riot & 1/6 hearing: There is enough probable cause here to arrest..I think the Justice Department is really what's on trial right now, because the Justice Department has got to take action. You cannot allow this kind of behavior to exist


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61ec31  No.17318419

File: 5b2c35470c2812d⋯.jpg (54.36 KB, 1135x656, 1135:656, bbe2mf5nn0oa.jpg)



>Is he selling others' memes?

You could say that


Il Donaldo Trumpo may have blocked me, but the good news is that if I pay to join his website, I can see my own work.

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aa8e45  No.17318426

File: a73b88761136d68⋯.jpg (47.57 KB, 1158x539, 1158:539, qekpbb4grdqw.jpg)


Look at the shading on the floor.

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2cc467  No.17318431

File: 815860890a15f8d⋯.jpg (49.99 KB, 1207x549, 1207:549, xo05nb.jpg)

White House Stalls On Bill Allowing People With Prior Cannabis Use To Work For CIA, NSA And Other Intelligence Agencies

by Nina Zdinjak, Benzinga Staff Writer

June 27, 2022 11:04 AM

The White House still has not formed an official stance on a bill that bans the federal government from rejecting security clearances required for employment at the CIA and NSA.

Progress on this front occurred in July 2021 when the FBI updated its hiring policies to consider candidates who had not consumed cannabis for one full year prior to their application date. Previously the agency demanded that candidates not consume cannabis for at least three years before applying.

Sen. Ron Wyden’s (D-OR) measure that forbids the federal government from declining employment security clearances for intelligence agencies due to prior marijuana use passed the Senate Intelligence Committee last week. The measure is now attached to the 2023 Intelligence Authorization Act, which needs to pass both chambers to reach the President’s desk.

LIVE ON YOUTUBE: How New Traders are Using this Secret Options Trading Strategy to Profit in a Bear Market. Click Here Now to Join the Stream

“I applaud the committee for including my provisions, in particular an amendment ensuring that past cannabis use will not disqualify intelligence community applicants from serving their country,” Wyden, stated in a press release Thursday. “It’s a common-sense change to ensure the IC can recruit the most capable people possible.”

At a press briefing Thursday, a reporter asked John Kirby, National Security Council (NSC) Coordinator for Strategic Communication if the administration has seen the measure yet and has a position. “You’re going to have to let me take that question, sir. I don’t have anything for you on that,” replied Kirby, a former Pentagon spokesperson, and retired Navy Rear Admiral.

While provisions of the marijuana amendment are not public, they were partly presented in Sen. Wyden’s official press release.

The provisions include, “Prohibiting denial of a security clearance to IC personnel based solely on past use of cannabis.”

In the press release, Sen. Wyden says he “will continue to fight to ensure that ongoing cannabis use is not the basis for denying or losing a clearance.”


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29e8f7  No.17318446

File: 4caac13262f3e2b⋯.jpg (42.64 KB, 1060x512, 265:128, hy4d5c49f2.jpg)

Depeche Mode keyboardist Andy “Fletch” Fletcher died after suffering an aortic dissection at his home last month at the age of 60.

Depeche Mode’s Martin Gore and Dave Gahan revealed the musician’s cause of death — at his family’s request — on Facebook Monday, June 27. Per the Mayo Clinic, an aortic dissection occurs when the inner layer of the body’s main artery tears, allowing blood to rush through and split the middle and inner layers of the aorta. Though generally uncommon, aortic dissections often occur in men in their sixties and seventies; they are fatal when the blood goes through the outside wall of the aorta.

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cfa86e  No.17318448

File: 81a6a2b4d30db9b⋯.jpg (50.18 KB, 1005x663, 335:221, 7jvhww3hxv.jpg)


Dammit I shit the bread. Sorry.

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8e2182  No.17318451

File: e2022ac3d1b592a⋯.jpg (51.06 KB, 1098x610, 9:5, oopzc5.jpg)



>had a problem shower two planes


I'm fucking illiterate.

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01198b  No.17318455

File: e2e822adb0173aa⋯.jpg (42.82 KB, 1012x530, 506:265, 3na5vpwbfj.jpg)


She deserves an Oscar for her performance.

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d430de  No.17318462

File: 556b9fe35492dc8⋯.jpg (45.64 KB, 1095x540, 73:36, lj5mk35wv4jf.jpg)


>The point as given by Q was to lock in trips

thats not even considering the full sentence of context

>Formation of 'clean' board possible to lock in trip(s) > issues w/ safeguards.

lock in trip(s)


issues w/safeguards


like keeping a 'clean' private board

clean and private

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bda324  No.17318464

File: 15c774de62f32ab⋯.jpg (52.22 KB, 1070x652, 535:326, iyowns155eit2.jpg)


>I do not have electricity

It's ok anon. I don't have any kind of internet connection.

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b93d38  No.17318477

File: f26adbdc3d2533e⋯.jpg (44.74 KB, 1032x560, 129:70, y0jh61y47u0s.jpg)


Thing is that there are millions of retail holders right now! They have over sold this stock by billions of shares! They thought they couild use their algo's and FUD to get us to sell…….WRONG!!!! This is the play! After this squeezes, I am out of the stock market for good! Proceeds going to PHYSICAL!

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3d39e7  No.17318478

File: 7f0575c551dff2d⋯.jpg (45.52 KB, 1130x514, 565:257, 2eybkksoti.jpg)


Good place to start with all that fresh Libyan blood that just pored in. Never considered Rwanda a place of refuge.

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814056  No.17318484

File: 8702fac73e8a021⋯.jpg (52.59 KB, 1145x614, 1145:614, 8gelkst0xo405k.jpg)


Biden showered with his kids. He and Hunter had homosexual relations.

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2ce95c  No.17318485

File: 08c7d3cf174952d⋯.jpg (51.71 KB, 1209x558, 13:6, d17pa1.jpg)


>Almost 18 months later, the most corrupt DOJ in US history still rounding up Biden regime dissidents

I was thinking about going to that January 6 event.

When will the Biden and the DOJ make that a thought crime?

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fcf036  No.17318486

File: e6e803233e7e882⋯.jpg (43.62 KB, 1089x510, 363:170, xzknhd6h4.jpg)


> No wonder this board is trash now.

because anon misspells "bye"?


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515762  No.17318497

File: a3d2621a5035380⋯.jpg (47.34 KB, 994x623, 142:89, 5bb6ezt1a.jpg)

Texan judges, sheriff's and representative's declare INVASION



Bidens border patrol ON NOTICE



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b4d613  No.17318503

File: c87b002e88c77b5⋯.jpg (46.85 KB, 964x631, 964:631, pj74gyy8sx.jpg)

THC Rosin extracted from premium Hashish + Wax Liquidizer + Terpenes = I am in love.

My Q-Juice came out great!

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206706  No.17318508

File: b3f76406c88a788⋯.jpg (44.94 KB, 1140x503, 1140:503, tiqfsbadlizbh3.jpg)

(you)r Children Live in the Land of Legends


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15d49a  No.17318509

File: 48dacf70c03253a⋯.jpg (54.26 KB, 1167x629, 1167:629, t3gpff.jpg)

Shout out to Pastor in Virginia Beach, Virginia! I know you're here Dave! God Bless your lovely flock today!

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1ba6b3  No.17318510

File: 2bc57b410463077⋯.jpg (56.82 KB, 1053x728, 81:56, c24k5mo9jfa7.jpg)


DeltaFags must’ve clocked in for night shift.

“…I dunno guise, I’ll wait for confirmation before we should put in q posts…just cannot be sure…”

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c8a319  No.17318514

File: 3c9c2ecd80eebc5⋯.jpg (53.39 KB, 1078x662, 539:331, jicao1lxffi.jpg)

Are Your Passwords in the Green?

It’s here!

The 2022 update to our famous Hive Systems Password Table that’s been shared across the internet, social media, the news, and organizations worldwide. So what’s new, and what’s our methodology behind it? Keep reading!


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d474d3  No.17318516

File: f1b0d4c6e68625d⋯.jpg (53.62 KB, 1196x607, 1196:607, t7cbjv.jpg)


After battling bureaucrats throughout presidency, Trump gets last laugh against 'deep state'

A Trump-infused Supreme Court reins in federal bureaucracy in historic fashion.

Donald Trump accused the "deep state" of trying to ruin his presidency from Russia collusion to two impeachments, but the 45th president may have gotten the last laugh 18 months after leaving office when a Supreme Court infused with three of his appointees drastically reined in the powers of alphabet-soup federal bureaucracy.

Thursday's ruling in the case of West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency significantly confined the ability of unelected federal bureaucrats to make law or policy outside of Congress.

In the decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts, the court held 6-3 that under the so-called major questions doctrine, judges can strike down federal agency regulations that have substantial economic effects when Congress did not give explicit authority to the agency to make such decisions.

The federal bureaucracy "must point to clear congressional authorization for the power it claims," Roberts wrote in a ruling that shook Washington on Thursday.

You can read the ruling here:




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5ce7da  No.17318521

File: 91b2ea4ee1b49b5⋯.jpg (45.52 KB, 983x599, 983:599, af6m2qzl.jpg)

BOEING KC-135R/T Stratotanker 57-1453. Call Sign DIXIE30.

BOEING B-52 Stratofortress 61-0015. No Callsign. Nose Art: "The Last Laugh"

Just finished air to air refueling NE of Memphis, TN. A conscious uncoupling. kek

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1a18a7  No.17318531

File: 6e5344ad5db9add⋯.jpg (44.95 KB, 967x590, 967:590, zp4mu71pwhh.jpg)

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

06/20/2022 15:57:53

Truth Social: 108511564478988131


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f99454  No.17318545

File: f08c9c3e07b0f6c⋯.jpg (42.69 KB, 1064x507, 1064:507, oyn7z3rd.jpg)


More deets.

Ain' seen Kash in green socks

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c8a319  No.17318547

File: a054f8d1b6d60aa⋯.jpg (58.68 KB, 1083x728, 1083:728, ftk5o6265k.jpg)


>really thought of everything.

this is incorrect, by focusing on everything one is too busy, and may never focus on a single thing. thus 1700 days of Awol followed up by 4 sentences of nothing. (it was Late news too, I think I Heard about that bitch before the shit drop)

Fuck this Savior shit.

I've posted more news than the four lines in 7 one day

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0635b5  No.17318549

File: afc83481ae07c85⋯.jpg (62.6 KB, 1171x734, 1171:734, tvse0jwl5qma.jpg)

Exxon bans LGBTQ, Black Lives Matter flags from being displayed at company flagpoleReport

13 hours ago

The move has made some within the company upset

Exxon is banning the LGBTQ pride flag from being flown outside its Houston corporate office during pride month in June.

The company updated guidance on acceptable flags which can be displayed outside offices, which included banning "external position flags," including the pride flag and Black Lives Matter flag, according to the new policy obtained by Bloomberg News.

The rule does permit a flag representing an LGBTQ employees’ group to be flown, but it can't prominently display the Exxon corporate logo, according to the report.

Exxon's move didn't go over well with members of the Exxon PRIDE Houston chapter who are now refusing to represent the company at Houston's pride celebration, the report states.

Flags representing employee resource groups at the company can be displayed, according to a spokesperson, and told Bloomberg News it supports that.

"The flags are directly related to our business and company support of our ERGs, including PRIDE for LGBTQ+ employees," the spokesperson said.


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81b304  No.17318556

File: db0cc9ce2b82048⋯.jpg (53.21 KB, 1121x633, 1121:633, h95vhanag6jxh5.jpg)


From the fingertips that struck your keyboard to God's ears!

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2ce95c  No.17318562

File: 4d1e1ed41e8ff58⋯.jpg (50.14 KB, 1043x635, 1043:635, s98kgu6.jpg)


Every post claiming that was the real Q last night uses the same memes that shills have been using to attack anons that question BO for months. What a surprise.

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04590c  No.17318565

File: cdb8bc40e9bbaa1⋯.jpg (60.25 KB, 1174x703, 1174:703, musu4uvcc.jpg)


Great detail ….. as I said Stepan.

Worked onsite 3 yrs. Nat Prods very protected and not advertised for obvious reasons.

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f84838  No.17318571

File: e3bd2a5b8703dd1⋯.jpg (43 KB, 1015x531, 1015:531, phxwch1989q4a9.jpg)


good find

the event is fake

more gay jewish actors


last pages



other videos of Crimo's


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dc8e18  No.17318576

File: a37801ae1bca9e6⋯.jpg (47.01 KB, 1022x596, 511:298, i8nciq8hs.jpg)





Anon is not having a seizure…

This board is a little fucked right now…

All of these got an error message 500 when I tried to post…

Carry on…

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78644b  No.17318587

File: 9be87f1643270bf⋯.jpg (46.62 KB, 1199x501, 1199:501, 51p6hz40s9jw3.jpg)

5:5 give me hint or riddle about myself

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aa8e45  No.17318591

File: 8c405f5545fdd2a⋯.jpg (52.42 KB, 1195x588, 1195:588, 14qvcmp.jpg)


they're staged. and less then swift about it.

once you figure that out it all makes sense.

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81b304  No.17318592

File: a45ecd501cb41ab⋯.jpg (52.83 KB, 1064x661, 1064:661, zyr99npfo.jpg)



Al has its limits and without humans they'll just do the same things over and over.

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3d39e7  No.17318595

File: c6e4a7de379079c⋯.jpg (49.2 KB, 1020x634, 510:317, biw1teg5c9bf4j.jpg)

kinda skidded the bottom half of the rocket sideways a bit right at touchdown

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29e8f7  No.17318597

File: e7b11c03f6584e7⋯.jpg (41.38 KB, 1027x503, 1027:503, zg8irbwuo1.jpg)


America may be many things but your country ain't shit on a stick without us. Best remember that you sniveling picklesmoocher.

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8a3054  No.17318598

File: 3d5fd52b2ee870b⋯.jpg (46.9 KB, 986x610, 493:305, tkn36nf7b1x.jpg)


>the Lord raises up a standard

< me thinks


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cfa86e  No.17318601

File: 1c7e5928e8cbc4a⋯.jpg (48.24 KB, 1064x597, 1064:597, dolmaz329liy.jpg)


She's in full Red Coat mode.

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3e4b7c  No.17318623

File: 8f15f2180709f32⋯.jpg (55.68 KB, 1092x686, 78:49, 209zq9stu.jpg)


in fact I thought one of the last posts of the “were not gonna take it” video the day the vaccine was approved was a hint not to

I wouldn’t take it regardless, it’s just one of the big questions I’ve had with trump

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8968ff  No.17318634

File: 7094434030acc78⋯.jpg (47.03 KB, 1045x585, 209:117, luizzo8jvyz.jpg)


A good reminder our history is made up by degenerates.

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814056  No.17318639

File: a511f6554aae2bb⋯.jpg (49.91 KB, 1199x556, 1199:556, e1kvomt7.jpg)


Video One- Underage Teen Boy giving blood transfusion direct to HRC. White Coat Doctor present. Operating room setting procedure.

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e3f4a5  No.17318640

File: 6f316ce1ffb09eb⋯.jpg (52.62 KB, 977x701, 977:701, 3x7at0y7.jpg)


>As Stenger crossed the street towards his apartment, he was shot and killed.

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b0eef4  No.17318641

File: 7122a26844eb43f⋯.jpg (57.46 KB, 1084x716, 271:179, y3n2rd.jpg)


Beautiful place. Got to go as a kid.

Buffalo burgers were delicious.

Thanks, Dad.

That Independence Day Trump rally was spectacular.

Noem for Veep in '24?

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b4d613  No.17318642

File: 3b94d1d6f730cc5⋯.jpg (61.31 KB, 1182x715, 1182:715, 34j5ti.jpg)

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1d1f64  No.17318647

File: 67fea0d60a64d36⋯.jpg (57.07 KB, 1107x695, 1107:695, wxvlctse.jpg)


This is real just got notification from TS

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515762  No.17318654

File: ef79ba8eacadc28⋯.jpg (53.69 KB, 995x716, 995:716, nunjrvqs1.jpg)


>Alternative energy

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000d2d  No.17318655

File: 50f9d73d015296e⋯.jpg (40.36 KB, 986x498, 493:249, 0f0xmt1cv.jpg)

(you) can tell by the way we Write

We're Anonymous, no time for H[y]pe

ah ah ah ah

Posting a lot

Taking the Pot

ah ah ah ah

Living the Dream

Stealing your memes

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db827c  No.17318658

File: 4659d83c3343e8d⋯.jpg (45.39 KB, 1050x558, 175:93, 3jrulpyn0w.jpg)




This shill are trying to make it plausible the someone hacked Q trip

And they imagine it's Jim because he needs the money…

when this place loses money and is under massive attack, practically getting him killed

People who buy into that BS just watch too much TV

"A real anon…" blah blah blah

A real anon would not be on Jim's platform attacking Jim.

It's just true.

they sent a team.

It' s not even a glow, it's a stench.




no it's not

ur the embarrassment




see, the shill hate Trump

that's why they shill here. And for $$$

and for bragging rights / pride in front of their satanist friends

I'm thinking "Born" Bourne Trilogy

Could that be about tube babies.

Someone who's created in vitro ?

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8968ff  No.17318672

File: 7254a5419b0d147⋯.jpg (60.27 KB, 1146x719, 1146:719, o9dkyhbm.jpg)


That meme was posted a few times here the past few days. I wonder if Kennedy is telling us he hangs out here?

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122108  No.17318676

File: 45bc12fa9ac7824⋯.jpg (54.71 KB, 1045x700, 209:140, owokvvir2vnz.jpg)


I imagine you do very little organizing or teaching or propagandist in the real world your self…so look in the fucking mirror.

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9f4a70  No.17318685

File: c63cd414ad6d698⋯.jpg (55.67 KB, 996x742, 498:371, l4e8dwf.jpg)

Nobody Actually Needs Nancy Pelosi except for NAZIS

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22277d  No.17318701

File: 49e6db2d634a714⋯.jpg (41.33 KB, 997x516, 997:516, grvex6ge8r2o4v.jpg)


>Polly is an artificial intelligence system built by Ottawa-based startup Advanced Symbolics Inc. (ASI) that scrapes public data from social media networks to predict election outcomes.

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a2d6e7  No.17318730

File: 0acc14278d9e984⋯.jpg (49.09 KB, 1129x575, 1129:575, 782d1qd83j.jpg)


prolly why they put out the "suicide watch" for GM this past weekend

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1aed37  No.17318733

File: 1ed3060d7b70b98⋯.jpg (59.36 KB, 1103x736, 1103:736, 43fk5fmew.jpg)


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b1aaf6  No.17318738

File: fd44f97014f6e52⋯.jpg (47.6 KB, 1061x585, 1061:585, ljad7q.jpg)


Rejoice! God has better plans for you

hard to see sometimes but you are way ahead of most so… do persevere

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3d39e7  No.17318739

File: 737d5e6218befac⋯.jpg (56.11 KB, 1204x639, 1204:639, iqatitm.jpg)


I think that's probably one of the right trees to bark up, and how the false power of the Vatican, based in the lies of the Roman Empire, intersects with the cabal that controls the world, and our path to "freedom".

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d25250  No.17318744

File: 9144a6d765b975c⋯.jpg (47.91 KB, 1000x647, 1000:647, 14c0cn1qxausai.jpg)


>She doesn´t miss you, she´s have fun with all of us, taking turns.


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699ef7  No.17318745

File: 418ec9b1a38c804⋯.jpg (46.7 KB, 984x615, 8:5, 1tckoylxvjli.jpg)


my ip is hopping and i'm not even hopping

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b0eef4  No.17318746

File: 7a4cf33b0c004bc⋯.jpg (52.25 KB, 1077x641, 1077:641, acmarj2l.jpg)


… step outta line and I'll triplet and offer you a chocolate bar because I could smell something funny on ya.

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1d1f64  No.17318749

File: fcdffc9db168a86⋯.jpg (59.48 KB, 1081x739, 1081:739, fg5g0psmq.jpg)


find a ferry

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15d49a  No.17318751

File: a292271e8750094⋯.jpg (52.74 KB, 962x719, 962:719, r0wxzm7ysqw.jpg)


you can see the cancer 69 sign at the keystone point of the arch in the first image here.If you look close

Mid el on the bottom row

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cf44b2  No.17318768

File: 63b45d38f84666f⋯.jpg (51.33 KB, 1135x607, 1135:607, go5jpu4qy.jpg)

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f84838  No.17318771

File: 9e9aac213e2f96b⋯.jpg (55.12 KB, 1110x671, 1110:671, sm0wm9rqb.jpg)

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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a755c6  No.17318772

File: 2e4d57e266d599b⋯.jpg (45.27 KB, 1088x534, 544:267, b9e3pqlcj6i.jpg)


See the panic In real.time…

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ff053b  No.17318778

File: 0e754aaf1eb09cf⋯.jpg (44.95 KB, 1108x518, 554:259, 2tdnkx1tvpdz.jpg)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

Fukn Covfefe maker went tits up.

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01fed6  No.17318780

File: 19d7340dab3e607⋯.jpg (44.08 KB, 1085x521, 1085:521, 91qqa2.jpg)

The hell. He's back?

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01fed6  No.17318806

File: 02f02be7da16849⋯.jpg (54.2 KB, 1126x667, 1126:667, pueusdsm.jpg)


The 12 Tribes of Israel have a special place in God's heart. To whom much is given, much shall be required. But not every Jew goes to heaven, nor those of any other "tribe". All of our souls are in jeopardy and only His love and mercy gives us hope.

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ade170  No.17318807

File: 5fdce84eee43b00⋯.jpg (51 KB, 1104x613, 1104:613, 2dcavpe16.jpg)

7 minutes until SCOTUS decisions

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d25250  No.17318809

File: 17a26946caf86ff⋯.jpg (58.04 KB, 1094x713, 1094:713, bh6gc5.jpg)

This posted yet?

McCormick Concedes to Oz

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d2a4f1  No.17318816

File: a974734582b5a48⋯.jpg (55.96 KB, 1043x706, 1043:706, vsu01vus2sl.jpg)


My best guess withouth searching deeper

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ed8502  No.17318818

File: b57e8fd6c4ed780⋯.jpg (43.65 KB, 1032x543, 344:181, hvb3bxov4.jpg)


Notice you mock rather than try to debate what I said? Kek

Truth is coming.

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b3ed6c  No.17318822

File: c71e09737fc46a6⋯.jpg (55.83 KB, 1065x703, 1065:703, 4et3gwkcp.jpg)

Qtards: "tHe UsA waS sO uNiTeD iN tHe pAsT!!"

The past:

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831ace  No.17318826

File: b18baff79afb1c7⋯.jpg (59.08 KB, 1166x696, 583:348, rfznj8.jpg)


Hope Hicks to testify behind closed doors before House Judiciary next Wednesday


By Manu Raju and Jeremy Herb, CNN June 12, 2019


'They are going to go nuts': Republican makes prediction day before January 6


She lost her daughter in Uvalde shooting. Hear her warning to other mothers


New audio reveals McCarthy advising GOP 'change course' days after Jan. 6


Who is Hope Hicks?


AOC calls out Gaetz, Boebert and Greene on pardons


Bash asks Raskin if he thinks Trump should be indicted


GOP congressman talks backlash after gun stance change


Barr: Trump to blame for people going to the Capitol


John Dean identifies potential witnesses who could turn on Trump over Jan. 6


'Disingenuous': January 6 committee chair responds to Trump's Ivanka comments


'Bullshit': Hear what Barr told Trump about election fraud claims


Cheney alleges Trump had a 'seven-part plan' to overturn election


Liz Cheney reveals how Trump reacted to chants to hang Mike Pence


See Fanone's reaction to McCarthy blaming entire country for insurrection


'So awful': Franken reacts to Republican invoking 9/11 in gun control argument


New audio: Republican confronted Boebert over January 6 tweets


'They are going to go nuts': Republican makes prediction day before January 6


She lost her daughter in Uvalde shooting. Hear her warning to other mothers


New audio reveals McCarthy advising GOP 'change course' days after Jan. 6


Who is Hope Hicks?


AOC calls out Gaetz, Boebert and Greene on pardons


Bash asks Raskin if he thinks Trump should be indicted


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ade170  No.17318841

File: 6872533ba972c18⋯.jpg (53.21 KB, 1089x655, 1089:655, 1wfl2hpqhwn1h.jpg)



what feds?

no feds here!

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3948fc  No.17318849

File: 23f53425e60ec3a⋯.jpg (47.56 KB, 1063x587, 1063:587, 2sl8a9d5.jpg)

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1ba6b3  No.17318856

File: fb80abf61e84a40⋯.jpg (60.54 KB, 1123x734, 1123:734, 4kbbw0u9o.jpg)

If you were a normal person watching this…what would you think so far?

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478d7a  No.17318868

File: ba0743f2f4ea466⋯.jpg (48.78 KB, 1004x633, 1004:633, 0rbxptvkqly9.jpg)

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503f48  No.17318871

File: 0dca40e69551f3f⋯.jpg (48.61 KB, 1129x564, 1129:564, geif1c1ic.jpg)


I was the first mover pal, the day after serving on 911 I was bitching about 2 planes taking down 3 buildings all to deaf ears. What have you done? I have done much more than that.

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01fed6  No.17318881

File: bc4ff76737bc019⋯.jpg (54.53 KB, 1006x716, 503:358, hpo2q8jqx7ga5d.jpg)


biden is toast, even the new york times is running stories

june 11 2022

should biden run in 2024? democratic whispers of 'no' start

behind paywall

need to keep linking that loser to pelosi and schumer etc

and start looking for times the "replacements" stood with him and his policies

for use now and later

klobuchar sanders warren buttigieg beto newsome

kamila they don't have much to pick from

so far there is only a figurative millstone dragging down biden

but they all need to be tied to him

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6aa5a7  No.17318882

File: c9ece4b9de38a79⋯.jpg (48.18 KB, 1184x534, 592:267, jh4wwzq.jpg)


I saw a streamer a few minutes ago who was up at the Justice Center, wondering where everyone is. Street was totally empty. Curfew seems to be working.

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021109  No.17318894

File: 3579c22a8ba94a0⋯.jpg (52.39 KB, 1196x592, 299:148, gnphjtssx.jpg)

THAT is a whopper.

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aa8e45  No.17318897

File: 9b75fabdcfd3f0a⋯.jpg (50.47 KB, 1145x591, 1145:591, g9bz946q.jpg)


fetus shills know

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b35a41  No.17318899

File: aa5890d29f843b9⋯.jpg (55.26 KB, 1007x725, 1007:725, cu8uye7ssv.jpg)


Too many to count.

Fuck off already.

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8f64ab  No.17318915

File: 9cf12601293bdfc⋯.jpg (52.15 KB, 1012x676, 253:169, xwopi9jk01.jpg)


>libshits got deferrals in vietnam

Was Trump a registered Dem. when he got out of the draft because of his bonespurs?

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570db5  No.17318917

File: 757277a54134d44⋯.jpg (52.69 KB, 1145x612, 1145:612, ab4fd4yo6xpec.jpg)

“We have to take this stuff seriously, as seriously as you are because you have been forced to take this seriously,” she said.


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ed8502  No.17318923

File: cfb10720326607e⋯.jpg (56.01 KB, 1084x699, 1084:699, 1djm86w.jpg)

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ac33cd  No.17318934

File: 4c7c004a1fa3cf4⋯.jpg (56.95 KB, 1091x704, 1091:704, ye7kxmgsifn8n.jpg)


OSS team = B post team

prove me wrong

(you can't)

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89beba  No.17318940

File: b963e19b1c7ebbe⋯.jpg (54.11 KB, 1074x675, 358:225, 2nx3cjwo7.jpg)


And Trump is pushing Hannity

(Didn't miss much)

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8968ff  No.17318943

File: 3de132dfaff227c⋯.jpg (55.27 KB, 1071x696, 357:232, crbn7m4n.jpg)


It is showing 422ccc ID on QAGG.

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a910b6  No.17318950

File: 2904061b61d6c19⋯.jpg (48.95 KB, 1018x626, 509:313, feky9j6xl.jpg)

If I can't swim, I sure as fuck ain't going swimming. Just … yanno, one of this things you might think is common sense…

What killed this black man was BLM, CRT propaganda. Think about it.

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af4062  No.17318954

File: c067cd68c8662ed⋯.jpg (46.51 KB, 985x604, 985:604, q2auc5.jpg)


Meanwhile, Gonzalo Lira just went out of his way to demean ALL Americans, of any stripe. Sorry fucker got full of himself after getting some attention.

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1aed37  No.17318955

File: 6bcecf138aa9102⋯.jpg (47.72 KB, 993x620, 993:620, tz8mrrg.jpg)


>What if its a girl?

Then it's all good, even if a bit messy.

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d7043f  No.17318960

File: 521ae491c87d24f⋯.jpg (45.88 KB, 1005x589, 1005:589, hqsnixj9gfw.jpg)



Yeah, Joe's vids helped many.

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42abbf  No.17318966

File: e6103493a5c49bb⋯.jpg (42.74 KB, 1035x521, 1035:521, of1i04db8cyy1.jpg)

Pardons Granted by President Joseph R. Biden (2021-Present)


Commutations Granted by President Joseph R. Biden (2021-Present)


Commutations Denied by President Joseph R. Biden (2021-Present)


Pardons Denied by President Joseph R. Biden (2021-Present)


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d4c46a  No.17318968

File: b11db2ff5b83e8d⋯.jpg (55.25 KB, 1121x658, 1121:658, d2czt9px94ktph.jpg)


I don't like the disinformation board either. But damnit I'm tired of seeing China insulting us in public. We didn't have this kind of shit going on when DJT was president. Every time I turn around China is flapping their gums, talking shit about us. Fuck it, I say WW3 now. Winner takes all. Loser shuts the fuck up, forever. Let's get this shit on and over with

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90fa9a  No.17318971

File: afccd009b4309d8⋯.jpg (56.61 KB, 1178x649, 1178:649, g5sideekyqff5r.jpg)


With you, till the end!

This cannot go on until 2024?!

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d6783a  No.17318973

File: 01be7a9c94a17f9⋯.jpg (48.25 KB, 986x637, 986:637, c58d10.jpg)


it looks like the algorithms got confused by the current demonic entity occupying the seat.. i see bits of it in his image.

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fa5298  No.17318979

File: 0713e217b71d445⋯.jpg (48.01 KB, 963x648, 107:72, qzkrunub.jpg)


The one thing I think, every time they speak, they wake more people up, andthe moderate dem voters are definitely second guessing their votes.

That's the only thing good I can think of that comes from this. It's better if they publicly speak or brag since they feel so free to speak about what they are doing.

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8cb8a8  No.17318980

File: e30bf00d642fa7e⋯.jpg (52.77 KB, 1083x652, 1083:652, ldxivxps1.jpg)



Monks can have circles, look it up.

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a910b6  No.17318986

File: b7819e4ad428fb9⋯.jpg (54.26 KB, 1196x609, 1196:609, b9y010gqtrlefh.jpg)


>they said they weren't Q

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570db5  No.17318992

File: a63c2d880d67137⋯.jpg (63.19 KB, 1190x736, 595:368, y3d1f947dh.jpg)


Gah. sorry for double post. Connection's messed up.

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ae6c3e  No.17319010

File: 928b2151901a424⋯.jpg (55.7 KB, 1189x636, 1189:636, 2z3frrb1kbke.jpg)



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90fa9a  No.17319016

File: 00c131a254d97d9⋯.jpg (46.67 KB, 1164x513, 388:171, u13zvdch.jpg)


We Brake for Nobody


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0c88ab  No.17319018

File: 3213d4ef3e105e2⋯.jpg (53.51 KB, 1008x707, 144:101, hud6pjxfz4l06.jpg)

We the People want Hillary to wear orange….. in prison. Am I right.


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9c5b9c  No.17319029

File: 58f63b756fe6135⋯.jpg (49.91 KB, 1209x530, 1209:530, 69eggx7.jpg)


Thank you for your opinion.

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570db5  No.17319036

File: 5c25562185a59e7⋯.jpg (43.72 KB, 979x567, 979:567, rnmvf2t95imv.jpg)


>Russia committed war crimes

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53efa1  No.17319038

File: 20e329200a930f5⋯.jpg (55.45 KB, 1144x663, 88:51, bvpkkzkyax9m.jpg)


Whoever said Vigano was a child murderer?

What do you KNOW Anon?

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9f4a70  No.17319040

File: c5e74e4b0c5f5d5⋯.jpg (55.09 KB, 1160x645, 232:129, 857a7yv.jpg)

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af4062  No.17319041

File: 698bad719d4d204⋯.jpg (55.29 KB, 1179x638, 1179:638, tuhlj1hmqb.jpg)

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bf44f9  No.17319057

File: 41ed6d0f4b242ff⋯.jpg (46.21 KB, 973x624, 973:624, tw04u5y2q0.jpg)


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e59471  No.17319059

File: be1d03804c2b4f3⋯.jpg (48.8 KB, 1068x602, 534:301, eimdyv6eahg5.jpg)


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87f715  No.17319060

File: 992200b59b3259d⋯.jpg (43.01 KB, 962x562, 481:281, 33x5b91ed1bqja.jpg)

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5b8e60  No.17319063

File: 9b5a6d3f5cf6b54⋯.jpg (44.39 KB, 1019x554, 1019:554, jwewakbgl3fkr.jpg)


Duper spread um

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9c5b9c  No.17319066

File: ef6ed7d36b245a2⋯.jpg (42.11 KB, 1053x502, 1053:502, bbbsisw75cik.jpg)


UngaTheGreat, [17.06.22 18:31]

[Forwarded from KAGBABE]

[ Photo ]

BREAKING (https://twitter.com/anopensecret/status/1537877559571992577?s=21): Disney Bus Driver arrested in Pedophile Sting Operation, one of 12 pedophiles arrested in 'Operation Child Predator II'

Polk County Sherriff Grady Judd, “If your bus was running late at Disney, this guy was driving it, while sending nude photos of himself to what he thought was a 15 year old girl.”

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2b1f4b  No.17319071

File: d19872e15e6b593⋯.jpg (58.51 KB, 1065x723, 355:241, bhwhpqhyr7r1z1.jpg)


is that the password

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363f03  No.17319073

File: e7410d5cdbfff1a⋯.jpg (50.9 KB, 1121x606, 1121:606, r9wa9vremozw.jpg)


KanekoaTheGreat, [02.07.22 10:50]

[Forwarded from X22 Report Official]


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f01865  No.17319074

File: aa3ab8f286b8a38⋯.jpg (50.25 KB, 1112x597, 1112:597, z7vpaq.jpg)

I have sooo many witnesses to everything good, but the highly partisan and one sided Unselect Committee of political hacks has not interest in hearing or seeing them. This Witch Hunt could all be ended quickly if they did!

Trump + co to testify in NY soon. what will they say?

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136d54  No.17319082

File: 6f2de66c3dfd045⋯.jpg (52.3 KB, 1024x680, 128:85, 0j7i3af7y.jpg)

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ed8502  No.17319084

File: fa1ee6014bbe0d5⋯.jpg (57.73 KB, 1088x714, 32:21, af95ooj.jpg)

Satanic Statues Recovered From Russian Missile Strike in Ukraine — Russia Claims U.S. Mercenaries Fighting in Ukraine “Worship the Devil”

Russian news sources have claimed to have uncovered “Satanists from the ‘Forward Observation Group,'” — an alleged U.S. mercenary unit comprised of former military and special operations currently in Ukraine — stating that members of the group “worship the devil in the truest sense of the word.”

Only #satanism was missing in this #war #ukraine #ukraina #Russia #RussiaUkraineWar #ucraina #ucraine pic.twitter.com/zWdekkdAak

— Mi(che)l guevara (@cheguev11273542) March 28, 2022

These allegations come as recent video from the front lines of the Ukraine conflict shows Russian military forces uncovering what appears to be satanic statues with the face of baphomet, and cult-like paganistic figurines.

The video purports to show the Russian military uncovering satanic artifacts from a bombed Ukrainian military barracks that allegedly housed U.S. mercenaries belonging to the “forward observation group”

A Telegram account documenting the Russia Ukraine conflict has reported American mercenaries belonging to the “Forward Observation Group” were killed in a missile strike outside of Kiev.

The satanic material pulled from the rubble resembles the “Forward Observation Group” insignia — an image of what appears to be baphomet.


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af9024  No.17319087

File: 98042b685beca72⋯.jpg (54.74 KB, 973x745, 973:745, jsjhdoeukla5d.jpg)


I claim royalties on that one.

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5b8e60  No.17319093

File: efe24c78f91ad41⋯.jpg (53.59 KB, 1151x631, 1151:631, qjwgreah.jpg)


imagine the dirt white hats have on her

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8b7ea2  No.17319101

File: 79f41b10bd10290⋯.jpg (54.61 KB, 1002x706, 501:353, m9s67q7.jpg)


They are somehow terrified of Anubis, pretty sure there is a Anubis bloodline.

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e3f4a5  No.17319104

File: c2e612b1e06d7e6⋯.jpg (59.42 KB, 1122x713, 1122:713, 8zpb3k73wb.jpg)

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aee287  No.17319107

File: 271343ba66d026a⋯.jpg (60.85 KB, 1187x702, 1187:702, y8eqcb.jpg)


Dubs dos

Bain/mittens had a little assist from R. Maxwell et al too.

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49dfc7  No.17319108

File: 3cc47243d576319⋯.jpg (59.35 KB, 1077x741, 359:247, 1me9w16htg.jpg)

The only person able to pull something like this off would have to be Jim. No way someone could do this over an internet connection


The only person able to pull something like this off would have to be Jim. No way someone could do this over an internet connection


The only person able to pull something like this off would have to be Jim. No way someone could do this over an internet connection


The only person able to pull something like this off would have to be Jim. No way someone could do this over an internet connection


The only person able to pull something like this off would have to be Jim. No way someone could do this over an internet connection


The only person able to pull something like this off would have to be Jim. No way someone could do this over an internet connection


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2d934e  No.17319109

File: 1c2d8b1f91647b0⋯.jpg (47.31 KB, 968x633, 968:633, u3ni0bme1he.jpg)


she blamed her 60 pound weight gain on the evil ultra papa john's

tv adds anudder 60 sammiches - but yes, inflation is bad ting

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a755c6  No.17319116

File: ad94f122666625a⋯.jpg (53.44 KB, 1139x631, 1139:631, 4lhrkplm5mp3x3.jpg)


and you are replying to yourself…

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cc910d  No.17319122

File: b8aee37c57a867c⋯.jpg (45.77 KB, 984x603, 328:201, jx73usqls.jpg)

I hate modern American women so fuckin' much.

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5b2cf1  No.17319127

File: a3fa2b98bf4fd16⋯.jpg (48.39 KB, 1193x529, 1193:529, m6v05ecv6.jpg)


Imagine if you wrote, "The BLACK MAN will not be our equal but our slave"

The Jew-controlled Twitter would censor it within minutes. Fuck I hate niggers and Jews.

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87f715  No.17319128

File: 97b348a9c195939⋯.jpg (62.31 KB, 1208x712, 151:89, 3raidh1xzscxy.jpg)


— That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. —


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b543e7  No.17319146

File: 6be9d2cb01afe9b⋯.jpg (50.74 KB, 997x664, 997:664, 1bqzqi.jpg)


kek, spot on Anon!

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b5fe95  No.17319149

File: 54ab7a992183d69⋯.jpg (45.52 KB, 1008x587, 1008:587, t6wekh.jpg)


>night shift never sleeps.

We've seen some shit.

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abf41d  No.17319157

File: bee78f85dc01278⋯.jpg (40.87 KB, 981x520, 981:520, ysepao.jpg)

Picture reportedly of smoke rising near Masyaf following reported Israeli strike


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f84838  No.17319159

File: 78fa6e5ed7038a9⋯.jpg (51 KB, 1206x568, 603:284, f3zq1q94ea.jpg)

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206706  No.17319165

File: 43c134dd3599cb5⋯.jpg (45.57 KB, 1064x556, 266:139, c5myj0lzd7.jpg)


1. Sheer volume comparisons with other politicos not done by the goofball.

2. DJT wrote his own tweets, unlike the others compared with.

3. DJT is Q+ and everything has meaning.


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a100d5  No.17319171

File: f83e8c475263e79⋯.jpg (48.54 KB, 1055x604, 1055:604, 9vdaujjyg26d.jpg)


But what if they cut off muh cell phone services and I can't buy muh ten pounds of war paint? Oh, noes!

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52eb3e  No.17319180

File: 7d6156e706846f1⋯.jpg (49 KB, 1173x554, 1173:554, 57cmfnwmgv8.jpg)

RAM was hosted by Olena Semenyaka, head of the National Corps, the political wing of the Azov Battalion, a unit of the Ukrainian National Guard with neo-Nazi and white supremacist affiliations. Semenyaka later stated that Rundo and his compatriots “came to learn our ways” and “showed interest in learning how to create youth forces in the ways Azov has.” During their visit, the RAM members joined the Azov Battalion for sparring at the Reconquista Club, an mixed martial arts (MMA) club affiliated with the group. Rundo entered an MMA competition for white supremacists from across Europe, supposedly the first American to take part in the history of the event. While in Kiev, Rundo also got a tattoo of the Viking warrior logo of White Rex, a clothing label founded by Russian MMA fighter and Azov Battalion associate Denis Nikitin. –CISAC



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b66ab6  No.17319188

File: 9865b460dcf8558⋯.jpg (47.17 KB, 1084x576, 271:144, rxjaum07s8.jpg)

How many hamburgers and hotdogs total? Thank you Kash & Devin for spending July 4th with us! We watching!

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972d78  No.17319190

File: 6d7fee126bed129⋯.jpg (51.6 KB, 1145x595, 229:119, thxas4e984ft.jpg)

Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump

06/28/2022 22:24:55

Truth Social: 108558384841980647

Congratulations to Darren Bailey on his very big and impressive win in the Republican Primary for Governor of Illinois. He will beat Pritzker, one of the worst and most obnoxious Governors (Mr. Lockdown!) in the USA.


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aa8e45  No.17319197

File: 4215f8f418b4727⋯.jpg (47.86 KB, 1045x597, 1045:597, 4hjta6kb.jpg)


not saying it is

but Ron fields "Qanon" questions every day

should his retort be "Oh, well you know, Qanon doesn't exist."

it's stupid and easily connected to other people's fuckery

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962346  No.17319201

File: 0ed142fc265fb4e⋯.jpg (48.02 KB, 1112x565, 1112:565, zjl5g0m1b3c.jpg)

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1c42cc  No.17319224

File: f4e22e4b63d22d2⋯.jpg (55.27 KB, 1094x676, 547:338, g1pbxql.jpg)






You did, in point of fact, answer me but you can stop now because you’re a dumbass.

Need a tissue, dumbass?

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024500  No.17319227

File: df7894831c6ee1f⋯.jpg (56.44 KB, 1030x744, 515:372, wcyr8486hkn.jpg)

China declared war when Trump imposed the tariffs

Many Americans are bought or threatened into submission

Some are banking on China winning this war

Hence the treason

China declares a ‘people’s war’ after Trump’s latest tariff hikes

Foreign Affairs

Jeremy Goldkorn Published May 15, 2019


belt and road initiative


steve mosher bully of Asia

committee on the present danger of china


unrestricted warfare


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d14caa  No.17319241

File: fb20a924329a817⋯.jpg (58.1 KB, 1064x735, 152:105, hqavw28rl4.jpg)


Truth Bombs… "pilot to bombardier, you may drop the bombs now"

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aee287  No.17319261

File: a31238d0b38f2e5⋯.jpg (58.21 KB, 1203x663, 401:221, ulijf1nof92m63.jpg)

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53efa1  No.17319269

File: ed5e4d9d5d666e7⋯.jpg (43.94 KB, 1025x546, 1025:546, fafuyc0.jpg)


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9c5b9c  No.17319281

File: d36ec7c63eab5c6⋯.jpg (54.66 KB, 1043x691, 1043:691, 5dllnef.jpg)


>The Spartans were gay and they were expert warriors. So there's that.

This post glows.

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c69476  No.17319290

File: 107d4582f918fb9⋯.jpg (57.58 KB, 1089x708, 363:236, vl40w4o4.jpg)

WHy does he always add mostly women?

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0c28b0  No.17319296

File: 939d64123a66df1⋯.jpg (51.6 KB, 1149x598, 1149:598, s47k7e3a.jpg)


Notable Jim.

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77bded  No.17319299

File: c0ebbf4e4f55a61⋯.jpg (43.42 KB, 963x572, 963:572, g2ku0r79lec.jpg)


thought has been they are getting called in for questioning, no proof just speculation.

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9f4a70  No.17319301

File: cd264080ac8f3a5⋯.jpg (47.09 KB, 1098x556, 549:278, w5xgj0a4p9.jpg)



Why is that guy Bastard important?

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0649d1  No.17319316

File: 35967c138dacc26⋯.jpg (50.68 KB, 1160x579, 1160:579, icx2aldfsuvyf2.jpg)


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aee287  No.17319324

File: 3a31b989ba28efe⋯.jpg (53.33 KB, 984x713, 984:713, 6eig0z2ghp09.jpg)


We're ready, Master Sergeant.

Let's play some fuck fuck games.

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13e43b  No.17319327

File: 03739d57e494cca⋯.jpg (51.5 KB, 1081x634, 1081:634, y7mntf5ucbse.jpg)


Claim your sovereignty

Same website, look for it, learn how to do it.

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4a0db8  No.17319331

File: d63c005442adbd2⋯.jpg (54.93 KB, 1085x673, 1085:673, oswmlzihk.jpg)


Fake and Ghey

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43ad4a  No.17319341

File: 295493a2fb3646e⋯.jpg (61.24 KB, 1174x720, 587:360, 7k939n95cc.jpg)


Q Research General #21710: They Was Hooting and Honking All Night Shift Long Edition























Final notables at 670, Next bread title : Julian Assange Birthday and 1 day to 4th July countdown edition, hold on tight, the good ship 8kun is on cruise mode, enjoy the ride, Arrrrrgh

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a8f126  No.17319347

File: c50fdcc33ed7e97⋯.jpg (42.83 KB, 1037x527, 61:31, hlg4xxmkqpyzy.jpg)


What if I told you the asshole who you paid lots of money to do that work… lied to you for that money.


Delusions of the death cult always thinking they have the only real knowledge and work so hard to stave off death because they FEAR death and the unknown.

The oldest cult of humanity.

Transhumanism… lol.

Everything dies. Humanity even has an end date on Earth… what is that date? The closer we are drawn to the "Blackhole" mass in the center of the Milky Way the closer humanity is to that date.

There is no current way to escape that.

Enjoy the show.

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2563cf  No.17319351

File: 3c1edd4d6dde7ce⋯.jpg (43.72 KB, 969x564, 323:188, awhup7.jpg)


>I should really just deal with my daily life

What does that entail for you?

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f4d86b  No.17319354

File: ef7643c59bb72d3⋯.jpg (56.86 KB, 1205x646, 1205:646, ggkab5jn8j5.jpg)


In the ghetto?

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2b1f4b  No.17319365

File: ae5387855dfb1ab⋯.jpg (45.6 KB, 1091x542, 1091:542, ajtmm47.jpg)


The Gulag Archipelago

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8f64ab  No.17319373

File: bca0af9d6761e6b⋯.jpg (39.89 KB, 1000x521, 1000:521, b8ppednjnqv.jpg)


>it ain't over. If anons thought it was, they would not be here.


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82d6f0  No.17319374

File: 91e2df9fe703466⋯.jpg (49.34 KB, 1080x603, 120:67, m39cr8q9xys.jpg)


>religious groups

Especially when you are the ones who invented them all.

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f095aa  No.17319375

File: 4878df7156e2682⋯.jpg (53.5 KB, 1206x594, 67:33, v0yxf748g.jpg)


Today [25] also the Dogecoin version of "Every dog has its day" fwiw.

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9a6ae2  No.17319376

File: 91c4af7fbc350d9⋯.jpg (54.52 KB, 961x739, 961:739, ebk8ta1f45j.jpg)


What about using dmso to infiltrate body and kill it

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b543e7  No.17319378

File: feafea030a59ba8⋯.jpg (45.52 KB, 1084x546, 542:273, sw3muhdgw7.jpg)


several mattresses on the walls can soundproof a room?

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80bbe8  No.17319383

File: 68e7da0141a8177⋯.jpg (56.04 KB, 1113x674, 1113:674, yhpt55.jpg)


Macron: Opposition ready to work on 'major topics'

In his first speech since the election setback, French President Emmanuel Macron stated, on Wednesday, that opposition groups have expressed their readiness to work with his government on "major topics", having lost the parliamentary majority.

In a televised address, Macron added, "They are available to advance on major topics" such as the cost of living, jobs, energy, climate, and health.

The French President deemed any attempt to create a "government of national unity" unlikely after his Together party on Sunday fell short of the majority needed to legislate without others, stressing that such a move was "not justified" at this stage.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Macron approved that the parliamentary elections had exposed social problems in France, however, he urged opposition parties to "leave in-fighting behind" and move "beyond politics".

"Together we will have to learn a new way to govern and to legislate," he said.

He went on to say that urgent draft laws, most notably to lessen the impact of inflation and rising energy prices, would be succumbed to parliament over the summer.

Macron urged the opposition parties to "clarify in all transparency, in the coming days, how far they are willing to go".

He claimed that he himself had been re-elected in April on a platform of "ambitious reform", which he anticipated to carry out.

The French President concluded by saying that the parliamentary impasse should not lead to "stagnation", but to "dialogue and the willingness to listen to each other."

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911c56  No.17319398

File: bbfc18be7436b28⋯.jpg (51.03 KB, 1192x576, 149:72, 4i5hwl.jpg)

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8733f7  No.17319403

File: 7958780d67f6c96⋯.jpg (44 KB, 1020x545, 204:109, fxxm7tkufd3lg.jpg)

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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25caa5  No.17319406

File: df6886653913acd⋯.jpg (47.11 KB, 982x621, 982:621, zpzc9e36aj8adt.jpg)


Hope you're having a great Birthday Justice Thomas!! Bless you and your entire fam! We love you, thank you for all your good work for our wonderful Country!

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22277d  No.17319407

File: 5af7462500901e7⋯.jpg (58.08 KB, 1119x703, 1119:703, 5z9d2nahphs21.jpg)


I've seen a lotta flight patterns, but gotta agree.


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c69476  No.17319409

File: 1760f429c7d9f04⋯.jpg (48.96 KB, 1174x549, 1174:549, yij7l9.jpg)

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f3eee3  No.17319411

File: fea32027fefe2b9⋯.jpg (58.2 KB, 1069x727, 1069:727, fposgsp8ju.jpg)


Everything the Devil suppresses eventually rebounds. The greater and longer the oppression, the more boisterous the eventual rebound. Expect it.

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8f64ab  No.17319419

File: 3f281c3aaf57401⋯.jpg (46.74 KB, 1198x505, 1198:505, 6marqtst1.jpg)


>What's really happening


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962541  No.17319432

File: 776fae9f189c827⋯.jpg (44.55 KB, 1065x539, 1065:539, hz7pl0ul.jpg)


Exactly this. That’s what we’ve been told for years.

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2c3eaf  No.17319433

File: d17b5128018b933⋯.jpg (53.59 KB, 978x714, 163:119, tqsta4n2iyu.jpg)



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9a3211  No.17319438

File: e3473d49c1872c0⋯.jpg (55.07 KB, 1067x688, 1067:688, mdk3a6sa54.jpg)


>Ghislaine Maxwell Sentenced to 20 in Prison

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ae6c3e  No.17319442

File: 730d0de8e9bb3b1⋯.jpg (56.17 KB, 1204x639, 1204:639, 828z9b0lypv1.jpg)


these ARE the best of times anon!

this is what we have been working and lurking for

THIS is it!

What part of


escapes (you)?

use a smile and a song in that heart of yours to spread the love and winning that is all over

without eyes and ears people will never see

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25caa5  No.17319450

File: a77c0390c2780ef⋯.jpg (51.05 KB, 1121x605, 1121:605, ca9a7bwl.jpg)


Translation: I can't respond to the information provided, so instead I post a meme I have used 67000 times since January.

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3fec0a  No.17319457

File: 6584ee8cd8c38f2⋯.jpg (57.13 KB, 1025x739, 1025:739, lhahdc0tl2ht.jpg)


monkeypox sounds too funny

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b543e7  No.17319466

File: a92a43b2fd1c902⋯.jpg (46.66 KB, 1201x498, 1201:498, n4bo2nv1wpnt0g.jpg)

The term cabal is derived from Kabbalah (a word that has numerous spelling variations), the Jewish mystical and spiritual interpretation of the Hebrew scripture.

The Talmud is the central text of Rabbinic Judaism and the primary source of Jewish religious law and Jewish theology.

Talmud aka Written Oral Torah/Jewish Law Excerpts:

“Jews always have to try to deceive Non-Jews.” (Zohar I, 168ª)

Every Jew is allowed to use lies and perjury to bring a Non-Jew to ruin.” (Babha Kama 113ª).

Tosefta. Aboda Zara B, 5: “If a goy kills a goy or a Jew, he is responsible; but if a Jew kills a goy, he is NOT responsible.

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

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2c3eaf  No.17319468

File: 5e92f359fb44552⋯.jpg (45.62 KB, 1096x534, 548:267, 5fs3909.jpg)

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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59deb3  No.17319471

File: cc5cec0574bfff7⋯.jpg (59.01 KB, 1135x705, 227:141, ksh8tr90jm.jpg)

Your daily reminder:

Biden family had a billion dollar deal with China before Biden was ‘elected’

Postal workers are EXEMPT from vaccine mandates

The entire military was FORCED to get vaccinated by the Biden regime

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76875c  No.17319476

File: de210d2c67e33d0⋯.jpg (52.82 KB, 1160x616, 145:77, t6b3ys7xxd.jpg)


I can't imagine why they would do that!


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886593  No.17319477

File: 29eb68ced3a4675⋯.jpg (47.29 KB, 1190x517, 1190:517, zoprwo6b.jpg)

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166546  No.17319494

File: 7d0724ed2208e27⋯.jpg (52.54 KB, 1198x590, 599:295, 1bsw72t.jpg)

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b6b005  No.17319498

File: cf17ac0af948a75⋯.jpg (45.16 KB, 1000x602, 500:301, g6ost3.jpg)


the best part?

you will be stricken immobile

like an deer in headlights


trying to understand wtf is occurring

then you will die

bleating like the sнеер [you] were


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9f4a70  No.17319499

File: 95896043e2499dd⋯.jpg (50.47 KB, 1151x580, 1151:580, lzuqpuuear9w.jpg)

AWESOME BEAUTIFUL (5) F-35's right over top of house!!!!

Just as I was posting!!!!

mission activated

missing man slot , causes my heart to pain.

Thank(You) for the Ultimate Price Paid for Your Service Airmen

Thank(You) Q , and Q+ !!!!

==::stay at home <




I Love ALL of (You) more than (YOU) know!!!!


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ec04b1  No.17319508

File: 2fd23cd4514f88a⋯.jpg (41.27 KB, 976x530, 488:265, u7ow8q.jpg)


Where's the GitHub link

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f8c623  No.17319514

File: eddd5ea2d4de687⋯.jpg (51.3 KB, 1196x570, 598:285, 4qj4a2xhnz.jpg)


low iq anon or shill

hard to discern atm

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2c3eaf  No.17319522

File: cf0ebb963dbd760⋯.jpg (50.92 KB, 1016x664, 127:83, kqv60vp.jpg)



Your using my sales technique, nuggets. What percent do I own, and that could change my perspective?

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166546  No.17319531

File: 81c9619ee00319a⋯.jpg (54.21 KB, 1026x703, 54:37, obgx6bg.jpg)


Michael Scott Speicher

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6159ed  No.17319532

File: 17d30afcaaba7a6⋯.jpg (53.35 KB, 992x710, 496:355, tr7f26g.jpg)


oh anon wont be having a talk with you

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00b2c0  No.17319534

File: d3de4e859d8d361⋯.jpg (58.07 KB, 1043x740, 1043:740, kmy17wbf.jpg)


>No ghey me up in the showers pls.

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c69476  No.17319535

File: a4fe6915c88bdb2⋯.jpg (52.18 KB, 1092x639, 364:213, pqpah2xg8mg.jpg)

Persecution of political opponents of the regime escalating ahead of November elections…


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440d46  No.17319540

File: de75c49acd89106⋯.jpg (49.92 KB, 1095x604, 1095:604, 1my32g0b.jpg)


> Richard Dearlove

Sauce on this seems sketchy but Dearlove does seem to be in the midst of a swirling disinfo campaign…..

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d0afdd  No.17319544

File: d8a8168de08022e⋯.jpg (48.22 KB, 1170x540, 13:6, oy7a318c.jpg)

interesting containment strategy

that other bread's gone already

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a100d5  No.17319559

File: 20d5eb6c6cc31ec⋯.jpg (50.97 KB, 1101x613, 1101:613, slfn1lfw0aadk.jpg)


>beach blonde

it's BLEACH blonde

Daily Mail Idiots

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ae104b  No.17319560

File: 336e95eb0319de9⋯.jpg (44.09 KB, 1105x512, 1105:512, 7b0zrhsx.jpg)

Wow Nothing fucking happened, but these two freaks get a pass…as fucking usual.

Tom Hanks loses it after fan knocks his wife shouting 'back the f**k off' at the assembled crowd

Jun 16, 2022

I am giving up the embed to show the timeline of events: https://youtu.be/Xwcd38i1Lmw

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58ee0b  No.17319566

File: 9c343edf33870e1⋯.jpg (50.1 KB, 1044x627, 348:209, ydu5jt.jpg)


>xor eax, eax

>mov eax, 8

>ror 1, eax

>or eax, 1


ror 1, eax should be shl 1, eax making the end result 17.

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82d6f0  No.17319589

File: fa302e65adedf51⋯.jpg (41.83 KB, 969x534, 323:178, f5zjycogamm5n.jpg)


gold will end the feds


gold will end the feds


mules of a different color


We need CongressMonkey…


designed to fly into a DUMB immediately after a flying saucer and before the clamshell doors close, then descend …


as ebot would say, you may have already won a cruise


nine dot nine dot nine dot nine

posts take too long and never a You to be had otherwise smooth sailing

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6639f7  No.17319591

File: 00d33530a1b3d78⋯.jpg (44.76 KB, 1068x540, 89:45, ishhchs.jpg)

GW Chunnel drop confirmed boys!

Real Journalism is back!

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672c0a  No.17319599

File: 297359a9985aa29⋯.jpg (46.05 KB, 964x610, 482:305, k4en4dsby0qkkp.jpg)


Never thought I'd say this but the BO needs to ban Q's tripcode as it has clearly been compromised.

If Q wants to return they can do so using more images from their AF1 photo stream. This is how they "established" their identity in the past.

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80477f  No.17319601

File: b242553598cab2f⋯.jpg (53.2 KB, 1023x685, 1023:685, v3ijao03ax.jpg)


>that's not Pelosi's voice

correct, but it might be her voice in 1996.

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cf3f9b  No.17319605

File: 231be596ae0f258⋯.jpg (54.17 KB, 1081x671, 1081:671, gtubfmff9olu.jpg)

Kyle Orton


Severodonetsk has fallen to the Russians twitter.com/michaelh992/st…

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992

#Breaking The head of the Severodonetsk military administration says the city has been captured by #Russia


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a100d5  No.17319611

File: 47418bfb3df0cf0⋯.jpg (41.39 KB, 1023x503, 1023:503, av7dpi2uou7n2d.jpg)



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c77a83  No.17319612

File: 6b566df90bb7c4c⋯.jpg (52.34 KB, 982x697, 982:697, k9f34elv.jpg)

Well anons

Know it or not, in the spirit, a great win habbened.

I picked it up.

I'm sure others got even bigger revelation.

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b66ab6  No.17319631

File: 59fd54b00a2a5f7⋯.jpg (60.13 KB, 1090x742, 545:371, ro8t2nj.jpg)


>So you don't care about being a liar.


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490c97  No.17319643

File: 8450434198ae6dc⋯.jpg (48.54 KB, 1121x563, 1121:563, 6xsf1udf4.jpg)


… bad people in power want to close the gap between them and the citizen. Crime spree. Impossible. You'd know a lot of what they got up to being on here.

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2b8988  No.17319647

File: f4b6d93b9ddd95f⋯.jpg (48.58 KB, 1147x559, 1147:559, 4p3gnvxvmk4p.jpg)



okie dokie den.

=morning baker has the ball

carry on anons.

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d64ff5  No.17319649

File: 9509191e3dc6bfa⋯.jpg (45.03 KB, 1055x553, 1055:553, oaln4r6f1.jpg)

China appeasing WHO Chief and Lancet Commission Chairman support the lab leak theory | Trailer

Premiered 30 minutes ago

The Epoch Times

528K subscribers

🔵 Watch more:


Jeffrey Sachs, the leader of the Lancet Commission on COVID-19 now admits that the Covid pandemic started in a lab. Even more startlingly, he now also admits that the virus was made with US biotechnology.

Sachs made his comments last week at a conference in Spain where he had been invited by former Spanish prime minister José Luís Zapatero.

Sachs’s astonishing revelations were upstaged by World Health Organization Director Tedros Adanom Ghabrieysus when he reportedly confessed to a senior European politician that the virus most likely came out of a Wuhan lab.

The admissions from two of the most prominent Covid authorities in the world, who also happen to be establishment stalwarts with a record of appeasing the Chinese Communist Party, is a huge game changer.


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43da73  No.17319654

File: 6a2385dd2ffcfc1⋯.jpg (47.21 KB, 1085x572, 1085:572, hlhlwbukw.jpg)


osprey maybe? carrying nuclear material? 4 dead one missing?

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d7da43  No.17319656

File: 92c328c4e5a9c64⋯.jpg (57.67 KB, 1151x686, 1151:686, prm46l2f7o53jy.jpg)


Nice. I really miss having that channel on cable (I know, I know, kill the cable but I have a subscription for my work).

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04650b  No.17319661

File: 5162596b27f03c3⋯.jpg (47.71 KB, 1097x561, 1097:561, 2p5dvbca.jpg)

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ae104b  No.17319662

File: 6d36fea77600e40⋯.jpg (52.48 KB, 977x700, 977:700, g5tlm9i.jpg)



B.O you can delete bread which note taker baker made, but as others are using this bread, anon will stay here.

or stay here and use updated dough below !!

God Speed Ahead o7


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bf44f9  No.17319663

File: 53102c51dbd65c6⋯.jpg (59.36 KB, 1132x712, 283:178, 5r1mois3m6i6.jpg)


>I was with you assholes since Nov '17

no you weren't nigger and do you think Q posts for the amount of replies he gets?

Stupid faggot.

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d659c1  No.17319665

File: ef85bd592946cb8⋯.jpg (56.21 KB, 1007x741, 53:39, 1egbo9tx87.jpg)


OMG. She has Kamala face now.

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a26c63  No.17319676

File: 28eb63202bc7f5a⋯.jpg (52.65 KB, 1114x629, 1114:629, jdk5f0a.jpg)


You are not alone.


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80477f  No.17319678

File: cb79c02020efd8a⋯.jpg (55.64 KB, 1157x656, 1157:656, c6yc5ook6uok.jpg)


Where is the link?

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6159ed  No.17319681

File: fecf0d81f1ad53c⋯.jpg (61.44 KB, 1203x703, 1203:703, 05jqq15ah1m.jpg)



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490c97  No.17319682

File: b5a8f47a795ff8b⋯.jpg (41.59 KB, 1034x506, 47:23, 8mfpvlv83x66.jpg)






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0c142e  No.17319690

File: 9ee53725902c03f⋯.jpg (47.16 KB, 1172x528, 293:132, 5m2iu2zogz6k.jpg)

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43620f  No.17319695

File: 1d30e5fee8c8ffe⋯.jpg (55.64 KB, 1184x637, 1184:637, i46nrr5nzwp.jpg)


Anal sex destroyed your frontal cortex.

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57b0f1  No.17319699

File: 6246bdc8aec8292⋯.jpg (41.53 KB, 965x539, 965:539, f5tl4x3.jpg)


You Can't Stop What is Coming

The Pentagon is building a new $4 million war court chamber at Guantanamo Bay that will not allow for public access, The New York Times reported Wednesday.

The new courtroom is expected to begin holding proceedings in 2023. Two military judges will be able to hold proceedings at the same time in the new chamber, and it will hold smaller cases, the NYT reported.

Due to Open - June 2023…


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6639f7  No.17319701

File: af8a2c84ca7c432⋯.jpg (48.62 KB, 1062x602, 531:301, xie0ibx4sw2os.jpg)



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217916  No.17319706

File: 8664b970c5dd9a7⋯.jpg (58.62 KB, 1072x740, 268:185, 2a0ni6jmf79c4.jpg)


When are folks gonna stop using their language?

It's not "gay".

It's "homosexual".

The change in language is a psyop.

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737244  No.17319707

File: 4ed89ef5c92ea42⋯.jpg (51.79 KB, 1024x671, 1024:671, 1iv3flf3i10rl.jpg)


(You) feel how much it hertz?

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490c97  No.17319712

File: c88ce016a6ed925⋯.jpg (49.18 KB, 1115x579, 1115:579, otnkaoenb2pnjg.jpg)




you were in here the night they flew jules into ATX

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a994b1  No.17319713

File: 7103af78c5a48c0⋯.jpg (48.01 KB, 1067x587, 1067:587, c6b13m.jpg)


Watch CA

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8733f7  No.17319714

File: e66af9106264ab6⋯.jpg (42.22 KB, 984x542, 492:271, pirhkc.jpg)

PEDO BUN 1 June 22

Texan who groped minor teenage girl on airplane into Bozeman sentenced to 20 months in prison


U.S. Attorney Charges Bronx Attorney With Attempted Sexual Exploitation Of A Minor And Attempted Enticement Of A Minor


CBP Officers Arrest Fugitive Sought for Sexual Assault of a Child


WA man charged with nine online child abuse related offences


Convicted child rapist turned illegal immigrant nabbed in Massachusetts sanctuary city


Auburn Man Pleads Guilty to Receipt and Possession of Child Pornography


United States Army National Guardsman and Former Rockville, Maryland Police Officer Admits to Possessing Over 12,000 Depictions of Child Pornography


Maharashtra: 2 abducted women, minor girl rescued by anti-human trafficking police unit


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cf3f9b  No.17319716

File: 7d2ef9d46a93337⋯.jpg (58.5 KB, 1133x700, 1133:700, q3kdtnxg1mn.jpg)

When posting Q comms, please post the date and #, so others may find it later, should they need it, tanks kids.

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8f64ab  No.17319718

File: d5a139b04359502⋯.jpg (39.43 KB, 974x512, 487:256, pf0zg09q0rrq.jpg)

Engineer Advisor Teams 5522 and 5512 participated in 555th Engineer Brigade’s annual Courage Crossing Wet Gap Crossing Exercise this past week.

This combined arms exercise brought together units from across JBLM allowing SFAB Advisors to showcase their expertise.



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5d52d0  No.17319723

File: ae53991803767c9⋯.jpg (44.33 KB, 1005x562, 1005:562, c6ta3jofi1.jpg)


Why are you posting a babysitter?

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2320c0  No.17319738

File: d8d6d3d3d87dea9⋯.jpg (57.2 KB, 1135x688, 1135:688, f8t92ofht.jpg)


need help on this..

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22277d  No.17319745

File: 9f80986e6176dd0⋯.jpg (57.35 KB, 1185x659, 1185:659, hp8vbh18uyyoq.jpg)


>Don't see any white hats in that pict.

look in upper left, at least 5

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089ee7  No.17319749

File: 42fa038398d6ba4⋯.jpg (43.11 KB, 961x565, 961:565, w9hrlr5b.jpg)


I won all the souls of the vaccinated in a bet with the devil

but it cost me my first love. I won her soul too and I'm gonna

go get her Dantes Inferno style. No Love lost if No Love gained.

think I might of married a hoe. Don't feel like she deserves me,

currently planning on friendzoning her forever.

Won the bet though. Starting to feel the vibe

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1936f8  No.17319756

File: b98c3d3eb455baa⋯.jpg (56.43 KB, 1174x666, 587:333, 1i9q4rim9k249u.jpg)



Eisen, jokingly called “The Fun Sponge” by colleagues

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59deb3  No.17319760

File: 6eab6595f71174c⋯.jpg (53.58 KB, 1036x685, 1036:685, 66nvusrprf5.jpg)





only shillswant you to believe Q posted recently without discernment!

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cf3f9b  No.17319763

File: f95dcd10de231f4⋯.jpg (49.73 KB, 1017x646, 1017:646, t066qoy.jpg)


That shooting was fake as fuck.

I watched the video repeatedly.

You don't stop for a selfie when same maniac has just finished firing dozens of shots in your direction.

Same with Buffalo.

Same with Texas.

We are watching a movie.

Actors are acting.

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e9a2a1  No.17319772

File: d11aa7fd464bac5⋯.jpg (50.51 KB, 1033x642, 1033:642, 58jeqmx6lsyka2.jpg)


how many died from da vaxx by now?

How many in the future????????

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82d6f0  No.17319774

File: cf4ee00093c88f2⋯.jpg (47.37 KB, 1008x624, 21:13, kkgn8kv.jpg)

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a26c63  No.17319775

File: ded67d288c43ea6⋯.jpg (41.62 KB, 1005x524, 1005:524, na1o3dqqrhzbry.jpg)


I meant, [They] done did gone and went full retard.

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2ef833  No.17319779

File: c7754fb3513c71f⋯.jpg (56.58 KB, 1035x728, 1035:728, yf9h3b5.jpg)

This one is my favorite. Comical In it’s posed naziness.

It will be that “iconic photo” in the history books, if they win..

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737244  No.17319781

File: 85673979e35f200⋯.jpg (47 KB, 1031x590, 1031:590, vfb16kkp.jpg)


Was the milstone scripture referring to innocents and all of God's children? I don't take this as literal as ya'll and again think it might me misinterpreted.

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cf1f25  No.17319785

File: 2eb1ba9f3568d9c⋯.jpg (52.57 KB, 1028x680, 257:170, 4d2edne.jpg)

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c77a83  No.17319787

File: 5817f8f72394d01⋯.jpg (55.16 KB, 1027x706, 1027:706, f6b237529fmutv.jpg)

Mr pig memes on truth

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66809a  No.17319791

File: 5ca3c470612ac3e⋯.jpg (51.5 KB, 1204x569, 1204:569, cz1l115w.jpg)


>Is princess Olga posting in this bread?

Just saying things are good or better to say the least.

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3b0998  No.17319795

File: f645744722ee7e6⋯.jpg (44.21 KB, 1013x558, 1013:558, nygos1.jpg)


MASK OFF: Biden's FCC Nominee Gigi Sohn and her Far-Left backers openly acknowledge she will weaponize the FCC to go after Right-Wing media

🔗 Columbia Bugle

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5d52d0  No.17319797

File: 464736a81a96935⋯.jpg (45.49 KB, 1068x548, 267:137, w7yhy45ukv.jpg)


I would like my eating utensil back…

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d64ff5  No.17319798

File: 386728a7382e738⋯.jpg (56.84 KB, 1198x644, 599:322, akgxhja07dq.jpg)

Nice game of chest

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edf5fb  No.17319800

File: 6d7b25edb9020f3⋯.jpg (53.72 KB, 1116x644, 279:161, ir6afitdi636.jpg)

I Think we're alone now

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925d56  No.17319802

File: c10ffb93481a057⋯.jpg (47.98 KB, 988x640, 247:160, 7pk9028p.jpg)

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.






























do it Q , Q+…….Just DO it !!!




















Come and Take it Faggots





















































lonE skuM

zuck wife

rizvi traverse











When does a bird sing, when it tweets.

Fourth Wall? VEIL has been opened.

=Now Comes THEP@in ___23!!!==

General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!!!💥

You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots











>S(KY) O'NE. Oni. Skyr. Skyrim. Ice land! Stay frosty!

>There's no place like home! My main(e) ho(e)! Haha.

> Follow the yellow brick road!





John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope

sportsball, larry bird is a faggot in…


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408281  No.17319803

File: 37af4e783e41422⋯.jpg (53.46 KB, 1142x628, 571:314, mposf0.jpg)



That's Jim's OG baby tho.

Bet he's kicking himself for not welcoming them back when 8kun came online.

He needed fallback traffic in case QR declined precipitously as it has now.

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911c56  No.17319804

File: b26e7d75ba2bb10⋯.jpg (57.51 KB, 1056x735, 352:245, qbfg63o.jpg)

I am leading in every poll, by a lot, and the Democrats are doing everything they can to change that, even if it’s another Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, Mueller Scam, Impeachment waste of time, or whatever. The same lying people saying the same kind of thing. I only want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


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27fe6e  No.17319811

File: cf188a874574715⋯.jpg (44.21 KB, 1049x539, 1049:539, bwhv4yxns.jpg)


Also read The 13th Valley by John Delvecchio. The rain. And to really blow your mind, read his epic work, For the Sake of All Living Beings, a historical fiction that looks in depth at the killing fields of Cambodia which had six or seven armies in the country fighting. That is the book which should be required reading for all humans. Then let the Communist come back and tell us how great Communism is …after he apologizes to the murdered millions.

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f3eee3  No.17319813

File: efe33260fc3dcfe⋯.jpg (47.9 KB, 1122x555, 374:185, bgd4ipq.jpg)



We don't trust on you guys

There's Big different

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f8dd0c  No.17319815

File: 84792ed5f08e28d⋯.jpg (43.98 KB, 991x574, 991:574, 7oazeruwkzz.jpg)

Rand Paul-

This Supreme Court decision is a monumental step to not only protect life but also for the court to finally correct the mistake it made and return governance back to the people and their elected representatives.

I’ve been the sponsor of a federal law to overturn Roe since I came to Washington, and I’m pleased to see the court make this decision today.

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29e6da  No.17319816

File: ea5ea8915fc7322⋯.jpg (44.14 KB, 1052x539, 1052:539, hhyjfonsm9sw.jpg)

Good morning to all of you inglorious frogs.

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e9242f  No.17319823

File: 8ded1fb55235e43⋯.jpg (58.27 KB, 1042x741, 1042:741, g678edolxm2n.jpg)



i'll put myself in tard jail fer a bit.

here's the dough:


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c93b39  No.17319824

File: 9814010d6606cfe⋯.jpg (60.9 KB, 1145x725, 229:145, fcry4nwad3h.jpg)


Damage control

Shut it down quick!

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bf2ee1  No.17319828

File: b7e2cbf9360de46⋯.jpg (54.33 KB, 960x741, 320:247, hxc7br.jpg)


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1ea2bc  No.17319830

File: c65c33971bd2a19⋯.jpg (52.97 KB, 1095x643, 1095:643, uhrwnesp9460.jpg)

Trump Sends Cease And Desist Demand To GOP Candidate

Trump Sends Cease And Desist Demand To GOP Candidate RINO AZ AG Brnovich did nothing about 2020 election integrity. But now trying to use Trumps image, name & message to raise money. Trump sent cease and desist letter.



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a994b1  No.17319834

File: 898e0c1cc284729⋯.jpg (54.16 KB, 1000x739, 1000:739, gwiygavytyt.jpg)


Because the research those labs do is illegal in the U.S.

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ae6c3e  No.17319835

File: c10f1fe5194d93f⋯.jpg (54.94 KB, 1086x681, 362:227, gpacb0va5g.jpg)

Stop watching tv.

Stop shopping at amz, wm, sam’s, etc.

Stop giving those bad sites clicks.

Stop buying processed food.

Start supporting your neighbors.

Start buying locally and from patriots.

Start growing and making things.

Start preparing mentally and physically and get your priorities straight.

It all makes a difference when you refuse to play and decide you can be happy with less, not in an “eat the bugs” kind of way, but focusing on what’s truly important in life. I’m living proof that one can change ways from vapid materialism and truly be happy. Am busy from sun up to down but finally feel whole. Hope others can unplug from the system, in whatever way that may mean for you. o7.

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5bc96c  No.17319836

File: d030b880db40ec6⋯.jpg (51.33 KB, 990x677, 990:677, 66rvbuonp9z.jpg)


Crazy Joe should turn in his shotguns then.

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c18cde  No.17319841

File: 6d84ff5fb7affcc⋯.jpg (44.94 KB, 1046x554, 523:277, ok2k9g6xx2p2.jpg)


Very nice!

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13f664  No.17319842

File: 4567940ca000396⋯.jpg (48.09 KB, 1206x528, 201:88, fl0u1dx6jey.jpg)


Need to cut off Ukraine

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6e5bf7  No.17319845

File: 9923cce8b463c98⋯.jpg (57.98 KB, 1072x732, 268:183, 7k90r5rl90ems.jpg)


I'm learning, so you must kill me for what I believe?????????????????

Who the fuck gives you this power???????????????????????????


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27fe6e  No.17319848

File: 5f044e7c715a67b⋯.jpg (45.81 KB, 1119x530, 1119:530, mqgzykbxfcc.jpg)


Stop trying to give RRN credibility.

It's that kind of shit that make it hard to spread any actual truth.

Whether it be anons or trolls, too much BS keeps getting injected and a lot of that is what "normies" end up seeing.

Which is the point. Kills credibility.

Stop being dumb.

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b35462  No.17319854

File: 02a0949a30e1abe⋯.jpg (49.71 KB, 960x680, 24:17, lxhe6eb2k1.jpg)




Will help out for 5 hours later today


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1ab232  No.17319859

File: 3a023ececbf2845⋯.jpg (56.74 KB, 1146x671, 1146:671, jmyzmt6f.jpg)


Don't quite look like Feds, more like abused kids who were forced into it. Do they look MAGA? A few with MK Ultra Eyes.

If you met one in Real Life would you think they were "Far Right Militia?"

The second to bottom row, last one was the one with the FBI Bullhorn. Good on their Police to release the Mugs.

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82d6f0  No.17319860

File: 84b18e0e214a851⋯.jpg (50.47 KB, 1141x585, 1141:585, f1w8bqoy.jpg)

And Bannon's tits to all

and to all, tit was a very good night

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22277d  No.17319863

File: e3acb0cfe8080a5⋯.jpg (49.42 KB, 1190x551, 1190:551, w7ycute.jpg)


17 seconds… your making a lot more sense than the way I've been looking at them

you need the timestamps and the deltas…

Can see some of them.

Thanks because this is very helpful


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5b62ad  No.17319868

File: f9c04768e90a571⋯.jpg (58.04 KB, 1166x673, 1166:673, brq739z3.jpg)

June 30, 2022 at 8:15am

One Solution Against Tyranny Is Creating State Guards to Defend the Constitution and Fight Back Against the Deep State

At this moment in American history, there is no more important battle than to preserve the Second Amendment, increase state sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment and oppose tyranny by the federal government.

A systematic assault on the Bill of Rights is now underway, including the First Amendment’s protection of free speech, the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition of illegal search and seizure, and the Fifth Amendment’s guarantee of due process under the law.

State Guards, also known as State Defense Forces, which are distinct from a state’s National Guard and operate under the sole authority of a state government, can provide a legal and effective remedy to the violation of our constitutional rights.

Such military units are, in fact, authorized by federal statute under Title 32 of the U.S. Code: Sec. 109. Maintenance of other troops

(C) In addition to its National Guard, if any, a State, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, Guam, or the Virgin Islands may, as provided by its laws, organize and maintain defense forces. A defense force established under this section may be used within the jurisdiction concerned, as its chief executive considers necessary, but it may not be called, ordered, or drafted into the armed forces.

At the present time, only 22 of the 50 states have active State Guards, while Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, West Virginia, and Wyoming have never established one.

In recent years, a number of prudent officials have spearheaded efforts to reactivate State Guards, which have been previously established but have become inactive.

In December 2021, for example, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced plans to rejuvenate the Florida State Guard as a 200-person volunteer force that would act independently of the federal government to maintain security and respond to natural or man-made disasters.

There is overwhelming enthusiasm to re-establish our constitutional republic.

What the effort lacks is structure, organization and a generic course of action around which patriots can rally, one that cuts across regional differences and avoids dead-end, narrowly-focused approaches.

The following is a high-level, generic structure and mission of a State Guard.(See second pic)

The Second Amendment is our last line of defense against absolute tyranny:

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The Second Amendment is specifically written to prevent unconstitutional intrusions by the U.S. government.

The 1878 Posse Comitatus Act, which reaffirmed the intent of the Second Amendment by specifically limiting the federal government’s use of the U.S. military to enforce domestic policies, is another law the rogue Biden regime may attempt to violate.

Firearm training and qualification are fundamental components of a State Guard’s mission, thereby buttressing an individual’s and a community’s ability to defend themselves against criminality originating from either hoodlums or government officials.

The core unit of a State Guard would be County Civil Support Teams trained in military defense operations and having skills necessary to assist in the response to natural or man-made disasters, both in coordination with and under the guidance of constitutional sheriffs.

Any law-abiding adult physically capable of performing an assigned task within the mission of a State Guard would be eligible to participate.

Thus, State Guards offer patriotic Americans both useful training and an opportunity to defend and serve their communities.


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80db06  No.17319874

File: ef8938397b0a782⋯.jpg (62.27 KB, 1204x712, 301:178, cea275xeo.jpg)


>ima go with the sheriff

looking for the full press conference video…

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2ff250  No.17319877

File: 4930412a86f4f28⋯.jpg (56.31 KB, 1085x700, 31:20, x3f5uwx.jpg)

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200333  No.17319885

File: bd2da30bf17cb99⋯.jpg (48.54 KB, 1128x565, 1128:565, ugc1wkfqi.jpg)

Bad night for masoncucks, really, really fuckin bad.

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6a3b0d  No.17319889

File: f802b7e4abb1997⋯.jpg (53.58 KB, 1003x691, 1003:691, o6edik7b4.jpg)


Can you post a direct link please, that information puts the onus on others instead of yourself where it should be because you proffered the REFERENCE to it.

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c69476  No.17319891

File: 12e263c2d9bc02a⋯.jpg (42.82 KB, 1009x531, 1009:531, z8w82em51.jpg)


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2ef75f  No.17319892

File: 708f106ab140c65⋯.jpg (62.13 KB, 1140x745, 228:149, 037osaw9ypsjf.jpg)


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1ea2bc  No.17319899

File: 674d012c1cc6213⋯.jpg (55.35 KB, 1150x649, 1150:649, zp4oatj.jpg)

Latest Trump re-truths from Patriots


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2c3eaf  No.17319905

File: b11386778909626⋯.jpg (45.36 KB, 1125x516, 375:172, s48nca0.jpg)



any sauce for this other than randos on twitter?

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1936f8  No.17319910

File: abfa7f9218a743d⋯.jpg (51.77 KB, 1143x608, 1143:608, jbfu75exrft.jpg)


>We're approaching an East/West Germany model

i think an "Escape from NY" model

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05a7ed  No.17319912

File: 10ac476197fe448⋯.jpg (42.5 KB, 1057x506, 1057:506, 2u2vrwtn.jpg)


>nomfor incoming baker


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28dca8  No.17319916

File: ea2384addaea099⋯.jpg (49.73 KB, 973x669, 973:669, lwu37t1igqsl1.jpg)


in order to talk to Q you'll need to by this Qanon pin from my ebay store

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0cab92  No.17319923

File: da5f5d4ddace44f⋯.jpg (57.55 KB, 1142x684, 571:342, fv4r0mcejnr13.jpg)

Former child actor Cole Sprouse says Disney 'heavily sexualized' young girls at the network

Actor and former Disney child star Cole Sprouse blasted the Disney Channel with accusations of what he said was rampant sexualization of his former female costars.

What are the details?

In a recent interview with the New York Times, the former "Suite Life of Zack and Cody" actor said that he has a "very complicated relationship to celebrity culture."

“I started acting when I was so young that I hadn’t actually attempted, as an adult, to think about if I really enjoyed performance," the "Riverdale" actor said. "When I returned, I reminded myself that I do very much love the art of acting. But I still have a very complicated relationship to celebrity culture."

He also argued that becoming a successful child actor or actress is more of a trauma than anything — an idea he only conceived in hindsight as he got older and gained more experience in the entertainment industry.

“My brother and I used to get quite a bit of, ‘Oh, you made it out! Oh, you’re unscathed!’ No," he insisted. "The young women on the channel we were on [Disney Channel] were so heavily sexualized from such an earlier age than my brother and I that there’s absolutely no way that we could compare our experiences."

He explained that all of his former female costars "going through that trauma" have had their own unique and troubling experiences with being hypersexualized as a child in Hollywood.

“And every single person going through that trauma has a unique experience. When we talk about child stars going nuts, what we’re not actually talking about is how fame is a trauma," he reasoned. "So I’m violently defensive against people who mock some of the young women who were on the channel when I was younger because I don’t feel like [they] adequately comprehend … the humanity of that experience and what it takes to recover."


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f39311  No.17319933

File: 7ab8ef0b5fc6b7f⋯.jpg (57.27 KB, 1086x706, 543:353, wiuo4t05490g9.jpg)


We will always fight on to Victory. The desire for Truth demands it.


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c18cde  No.17319945

File: 4a10164aadc3870⋯.jpg (59.62 KB, 1107x727, 1107:727, 2czs3zrm6tpgp.jpg)


Their wounds? The grifters?

Are you kidding? Since when did the grifters become victims? Enlighten me? I need to heal too.

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84fbbb  No.17319950

File: b73df657180f734⋯.jpg (58.78 KB, 1062x742, 531:371, zq9kkr2hnp4o.jpg)

Amnesty: "We call on the UK to refrain from extraditing Julian Assange, for the US to drop the charges, and for Assange to be freed”



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c9019e  No.17319956

File: 27cf26fb209c4a4⋯.jpg (47.32 KB, 1183x525, 169:75, zb349sqviqex.jpg)


KEK. You so right anon. Got in at what I thought was the bottom. It was a good play. I failed to think about what the internal enemy would do. That they would attack DWAC for all they are worth. They did it over the weekend and didn't announce it to the public until yesterday. Fuck 'em. I'm holding. In fact, I thought of buying more yesterday afternoon. Was a little sad to see it open up almost 3 points.

Know we are under attack, the fake admin is weaponizing every government agency as a weapon against 'we the people'. Not offering market advice.

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d659c1  No.17319957

File: 9155b0ce36e1d12⋯.jpg (41.39 KB, 1004x506, 502:253, staug75y.jpg)


I prefer my whores to be free-range, and not from a whore mill, like that.

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c69476  No.17319959

File: e4a342f11ea3279⋯.jpg (51.33 KB, 1111x612, 1111:612, 5tmqdexyaii4lw.jpg)

meant to add picrel as itsa bit clearer vs first one here >>17319180

>T Minus One Minute Clock

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c8f589  No.17319960

File: 1d9070edff8f21a⋯.jpg (48.63 KB, 1187x539, 1187:539, 4yq41w.jpg)

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5bc96c  No.17319965

File: c7142f76dab85d6⋯.jpg (51.93 KB, 1136x611, 1136:611, 5m8fhkjplp6pj.jpg)

President Trump: We will not take legal protection away from them, they want to take legal protection away from our police; let them represent themselves..that's not going to happen.

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262c07  No.17319968

File: d33f521dc794e22⋯.jpg (60.94 KB, 1153x717, 1153:717, lgteri577.jpg)


Before they went woke.

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343d3a  No.17319977

File: 83d015ffd4c21cc⋯.jpg (55.28 KB, 983x743, 983:743, uizls8.jpg)


fuck off with your clickb8

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e33dbf  No.17319982

File: 4e023e6546ed06d⋯.jpg (48.95 KB, 1069x595, 1069:595, 7nv30bk.jpg)


What if…all their clones have to be executed too

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9b970a  No.17319986

File: fccc7a45209c6ea⋯.jpg (55.67 KB, 1019x724, 1019:724, smr4pigkbvxe.jpg)

Remember when Q didn't mind the word QAnon, and rl QAnoners went out into the streets of Portland and fucked up the enemy's shit?

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ae3acb  No.17319987

File: 5e01e9c7be6d9e8⋯.jpg (51.48 KB, 1059x642, 353:214, ispu6qbdwl.jpg)


yeh, I did that and surprised myself, learned something very quickly and the old hats hated me and claimed I couldn't' do it.

But it wasn't by 25 , not at all

And the injection injured youth, they may have to recover from the damage before they hit their stride?

Without opportunity, one may never learn one's strenghts. Not about age.

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a100d5  No.17319989

File: a5dc79250da1c5e⋯.jpg (59.58 KB, 1102x729, 1102:729, qsk9g5bqpb7.jpg)


Wasted fucking digits.

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2ef75f  No.17319995

File: f187bcaaa9da4f5⋯.jpg (59.47 KB, 1191x686, 1191:686, b6xvia2eknyho7.jpg)


Learn our comms.


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d64ff5  No.17319997

File: 2b7d721c35c2313⋯.jpg (52.33 KB, 985x689, 985:689, kpzdzn.jpg)


Missouri v. Biden (3:22-cv-01213)




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c13d46  No.17320000

File: 53c6bbe47c3c624⋯.jpg (57 KB, 1103x699, 1103:699, yhzd2wb3w4.jpg)

sounds pASSionate

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afc07d  No.17320001

File: 1b1b827f4c35d04⋯.jpg (45.74 KB, 1024x584, 128:73, yfth57i.jpg)


Da fuk?

Anon just watched that scene like 2 minutes ago.

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e3301b  No.17320009

File: e221bd3c88e51d2⋯.jpg (61.96 KB, 1166x730, 583:365, kcaaxtaj5xzqe.jpg)

2000 mules "debunked" THOSE are the CORRECT conclusions …fuck off

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d9c1e3  No.17320010

File: 67d7dc60af9707b⋯.jpg (53.94 KB, 1045x685, 209:137, mynu27bu99pk.jpg)

Kali Yugas are the Training Grounds for the Three Deities for Their Next Roles: Brahma to Shiva, Shiva to Vishnu, Vishnu to Brahma.

During the duration of the universe (~14 trillion years), the first half (~7 trillion years) are the (6?) failures, with each succeeding one improving on the former. The other half (~7 trillion years) are the (7?) Successes, with each succeeding one improving on the former.

At the End of the Universe cycle (@ the ~14 trillion year mark), Brahma is Fully Trained as Shiva, Shiva is Fully Trained as Vishnu, and Vishnu is Fully Trained as Brahma.

And once again, the Universe Comes into Being with Brand New Deities, and Repeats Identically.

The above has happened countless times x infinity.

When Vishnu and Brahma leave the populated planet, Kali Yuga results. It's then up to Shiva.

Shiva has no memory during the first half of the duration of the universe (~trillion years). It is also likely thenBrahma has no memory during Kali Yugas.

When Shiva becomes the ONE @ the ~7 trillion year mark (after the 6(?) failures), then Shiva retains His memory until He is Brahma in Kali Yuga; God retains His memory for ~21 trillion years.


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d1172b  No.17320012

File: 7e073f3227b28f2⋯.jpg (42.63 KB, 1027x521, 1027:521, k2uhgs.jpg)


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5a5084  No.17320021

File: 0a3ca5149587c4e⋯.jpg (54.5 KB, 1163x627, 1163:627, lplmds6oznuai.jpg)



⚡️Former NATO Commander Wesley Clark called on NATO to directly interfere in Russia’s war on Ukraine, emphasizing that it's the only way to stop the Russian aggression.


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c46d05  No.17320022

File: 4a63f234fda9fe3⋯.jpg (52.31 KB, 1073x655, 1073:655, gufxkfa.jpg)



thats a funny way to spell


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bfd7f7  No.17320023

File: 4a198b3c1317061⋯.jpg (61.6 KB, 1162x725, 1162:725, 9jor0u.jpg)


standing down, baker was still on duty.

but tx.

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7e6a70  No.17320027

File: 84653e6be4d858c⋯.jpg (56.52 KB, 1058x719, 1058:719, abqcumb6.jpg)


Suck it!

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a755c6  No.17320035

File: dbdaf20ec65b08a⋯.jpg (47.39 KB, 1116x559, 1116:559, bag86csw.jpg)

These stupid handmaid tale larpers keep saying "blessed be the fruit"

Anon doesn't watch stupid movies. What are they talking about?

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230b9f  No.17320036

File: a7703ffdf9993f9⋯.jpg (48.57 KB, 1029x610, 1029:610, wi01onub0.jpg)

Do you all think Antifa was baited out so the military/police could geolocate leaders and arrest them?

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2f7370  No.17320038

File: 4bfa4ebb76fc7c5⋯.jpg (53.24 KB, 1075x659, 1075:659, 7yu84vzcu.jpg)


two hands berliner fake porkin !

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64d0d8  No.17320040

File: 1462ece6b2e672b⋯.jpg (47.45 KB, 1060x583, 20:11, th31cmg68cwm.jpg)



>Zulu the drone has been up for3 days

During Trump Admin, drone over CA to TX/MX border was normal. Wonder what's up…

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311c7a  No.17320041

File: 9a48038109352a8⋯.jpg (48.85 KB, 1005x637, 1005:637, qaisojpeg69dw.jpg)






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2ef833  No.17320043

File: 260ef71d2524284⋯.jpg (43.3 KB, 1092x501, 364:167, jg75nmha4hq.jpg)


Fake accusations will stand this way.

Only win is a fake win

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897b35  No.17320045

File: dd41f630288f167⋯.jpg (58.43 KB, 1105x712, 1105:712, im5vgjupyl26z0.jpg)


>RRN is pure fiction.

only tards are CERTAIN of anything.

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5d52d0  No.17320049

File: f83bebe8cb138f0⋯.jpg (49.98 KB, 1060x620, 53:31, 9lh6n7o5j6mah.jpg)

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82d6f0  No.17320052

File: 5bd25548fd79773⋯.jpg (42.38 KB, 974x554, 487:277, uhjmbm0ffqtjdi.jpg)

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61ed6f  No.17320056

File: 5d969fc85f0f72e⋯.jpg (49.2 KB, 1190x549, 1190:549, 5slqcu1ky7ur7.jpg)

Check these timestamps, motherfuckers.


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3901ca  No.17320061

File: 782b2d684b5b11a⋯.jpg (57.15 KB, 1201x648, 1201:648, dqcbgep.jpg)


Jews are not Asian

Jews are not Negroid

Therefore, Jews are Caucasian aka White

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b35462  No.17320062

File: 2ca870c0b825e37⋯.jpg (47.29 KB, 1189x517, 1189:517, gc4ny8br95s15.jpg)


Q forecast the timing of an announcement by posting the watch image before the announcement took place.

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2ef75f  No.17320076

File: 7c97157e82bf239⋯.jpg (50.34 KB, 1022x647, 1022:647, lo1hkvwggss42.jpg)

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c18cde  No.17320077

File: 1c3e46ca94c5d70⋯.jpg (43.31 KB, 1058x514, 529:257, r0znc98klmp75d.jpg)

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c3aaf6  No.17320088

File: a5d412ccff0f365⋯.jpg (44.19 KB, 1110x508, 555:254, wg30cuqke164l.jpg)

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897b35  No.17320089

File: 3015395074daabb⋯.jpg (49.64 KB, 1096x597, 1096:597, hzh5qsu3zqy30.jpg)


The Pope serves man.

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c55fc5  No.17320094

File: 3e9693397ca523d⋯.jpg (45.93 KB, 992x603, 992:603, pfujaa.jpg)



All of your Enemies Walk Free.

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c8f589  No.17320111

File: 3a0d0610330204a⋯.jpg (59.38 KB, 1196x677, 1196:677, eknscpcmlfopf.jpg)


>confirming identity after 1.5 years of absence and a change of BO is not exactly demanding a parlor trick, anon


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979413  No.17320118

File: ee9bbd5577c63a4⋯.jpg (47.32 KB, 1055x592, 1055:592, manto01b7qfp9i.jpg)



https://archive.vn/szuFL - "Biden reassures Florida Jews on Israel"

https://archive.vn/GhSwJ - "Sen. Joe Biden reiterates support for Israel at two South Florida rallies"


Obama signed a $38 billion package of military aid for Israel over 10 years.


https://archive.vn/CA7gU - "U.S. Finalizes Deal to Give Israel $38 Billion in Military Aid"


Obama said "The example of Israel and its values was inspiring,” at a synagogue in 2015.


https://archive.vn/L7HVL - "An insider’s view: Eight years watching the first Jewish US president "


Obama was very very close to the extremely zionist Rahm Emanuel.


https://archive.vn/Yqy7p - "Rahm Emanuel, Obama's Chieff of Staff"


https://archive.vn/bsK8P - “Obama Hailed as a 'Mensch' After Moving Speech at NYC Synagogue: 'Be Kind. Be Useful. Be Fearless'”


https://archive.vn/L7HVL - "An insider’s view: Eight years watching the first Jewish US president"


As US President Barack Obama stood before the packed synagogue sanctuary, a white kippa comfortably atop his head, he spoke of the impact that images of kibbutzim, Israel’s founders and the 1967 war had on him as he was coming of age.

“To a young man like me, grappling with his own identity, recognizing the scars of race here in this nation, inspired by the Civil Rights struggle, the idea that you could be grounded in your history, as Israel was, but not be trapped by it, to be able to repair the world – that idea was liberating. The example of Israel and its values was inspiring,” Obama said that day, speaking in 2015 at my own synagogue, Adas Israel Congregation in Washington DC, in celebration of Jewish American Heritage Month.



https://archive.vn/TlQsV - "William Kristol & Neocons Are Not Conservatives"


https://archive.vn/dVaoi - "Barack Obama: America’s First Jewish President!"




"Some Chicago Jews Say Obama Is Actually the 'First Jewish President'"


Chuck Schumer talks about how Barrack Obama was introduced to the world of politics by the most powerful Jewish families in Chicago:


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d659c1  No.17320119

File: 35ffb2d3d3ebc2b⋯.jpg (56.73 KB, 1020x740, 51:37, 5k8ugsqjmet250.jpg)

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c8a2ca  No.17320121

File: 3c5393013629454⋯.jpg (55.98 KB, 1138x664, 569:332, kcfc31e1.jpg)

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d9c1e3  No.17320122

File: 4118add7b2826a7⋯.jpg (56.01 KB, 1178x642, 589:321, rufywv63p.jpg)


Tina is an America First patriot

And I agree with Tina

You dudes are the Rascist and the O bama ass kissers.

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8e5d1b  No.17320127

File: 31bcedc3d4fb324⋯.jpg (42.78 KB, 987x551, 987:551, sz75uujhjtjh4x.jpg)

There once was a LARPING faggot named Q, A few useless clues the riddlenigger did spew.

A one year delta turned into two, three, and then four, Anons are suckers for punishment so let's wait ten more.

The grand plan of 8kun and open source design, Is nothing more than a place to shitpost in your spare time.

You thought Q would rescue humanity from the Matrix, Butt for five years your asshole feels like you just left the dominatrix.

Promises of big name arrests had repeatedly been made, But future disproved past and they were never repaid.

Pissy smell Hill was supposed to be caught in October by the team, But all we got for Christmas was a shitty Santa meme.

Skippy the pedo was another promised indictment, But he's still Scott Free and tortures minors for excitement.

We got strung along by Q's promise of hope, For nothing to habben so now we just cope.

The Great awakening fell flat on it's face, To your friends and family an outcast and disgrace.

A natural death has been the only justice so far, Maybe Q could hang just one traitor and at least raise the Barr?

Did you really believe the elites would be put in a cage? Trump pointed his finger "you'd be in jail" - but it was just for the stage!

Whether you know it or not Donny is related to boiled cabbage Hill, You claim to be awake but took the blue pill.

Fauci made a new strain in the lab just for fun, To use on the public when Q's job was done.

A few million people had to die just for "optics", While Trump played golf with his friends in the tropics.

But don't worry frens Q said "this is war", While globalists rape our country like an old dirty whore.

Make no mistake we all think Q's plan is just fab, So we wait in line like good little sheep just for the jab.

Don sat on the fence while he gave more to Israel, Ever wonder why his cabinet and team leads were so miserable?

Trump sent more to (((them))) then in all of past history, Are his zionist friends really a mystery?

He signed an EO to protect his tribe from a slur, Undone in a year by Joe his victories were a blur.

You thought Donny would deliver us to the land of milk and honey? The country burns while his face shines on zionist money!

Grabbing women by the pussy is common behavior, Do you really think Trump is humanity's savior?

A cognitive dissonance when faced with this proof, Cry all you like every word is the truth.

Look back on the years of defeat and dismay, You really think the military will come save the day?

With this ballad of truth you might call me a shill, But only the learned chose the red pill.

For thousands of years they've won at this game, red vs. blue it's always the same.

History repeats itself all through the ages, Those who can see are the wisest of sages.

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33b89e  No.17320130

File: d234e0932fc2617⋯.jpg (52.57 KB, 1022x673, 1022:673, t1f6cyid9dhty.jpg)

Testing something.



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7c37f5  No.17320134

File: 7f1865de612c2f4⋯.jpg (47.06 KB, 1074x571, 1074:571, sm2i0ksur5.jpg)



Yep. APES are taking the Stock Market and Wall Street away from the crooked bastards.


If you already own it DO NOT SELL. We have the Hedge Funds on the ropes.

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05a7ed  No.17320140

File: 931919b0aa8c2e0⋯.jpg (53.33 KB, 1085x661, 1085:661, sjf38puo6a20.jpg)

so why don't we go

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3bc51d  No.17320142

File: 950d484f0286080⋯.jpg (47.35 KB, 1106x557, 1106:557, a4dtc92wq7.jpg)


thank you spelling nazi.

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72485e  No.17320143

File: b69b9af383e743b⋯.jpg (44.95 KB, 1067x540, 1067:540, 7uxp3wberacdk.jpg)

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f82156  No.17320148

File: f5130d42575fddf⋯.jpg (62.76 KB, 1184x733, 1184:733, 4anxu3xosttfkm.jpg)

faux pains


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e19ecb  No.17320151

File: 5f0b44dc94a9bb2⋯.jpg (57.3 KB, 1122x683, 1122:683, hkl0m155wu.jpg)

Carherine Herridge has missing years in her history, believe me, dont believe me. I’ve done the research

Not going to point to any article.

Think for yourself.

The pen may not mean anything

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440d46  No.17320154

File: 5c5dd50a750b6c5⋯.jpg (47.94 KB, 975x648, 325:216, dmkzi5r.jpg)



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979413  No.17320160

File: b677ac46fb2976c⋯.jpg (57.29 KB, 1084x713, 1084:713, xw1gvy6lo.jpg)


a picture is worth a thousand words…


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c9019e  No.17320161

File: 5d0187df6c433ae⋯.jpg (48.45 KB, 1160x551, 40:19, pys4uyzoujzo31.jpg)

ICE officially considers military service when deciding to deport non-citizen vets and families

The policy has been unofficial until now

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced Tuesday that it will officially consider migrants' US military service before deciding whether to enforce civil immigration actions, such as deportation, against them or their family members.

While ICE has previously recognized US military service as a mitigating factor, the Biden administration's directive makes consideration of US military service an official agency policy. The department will take into account the non-citizen US veteran's type of discharge, length of service, and other related factors before deciding to take action against an illegal immigrant and their immediate family members.

Immigration enforcement actions include "arrest, detention, return, and removal from the United States of foreign nationals who are inadmissible to or removable from the United States under U.S. immigration law," according to the Department of Homeland Security.

The Biden administration stressed in a press release announcing the policy that the focus of ICE is "the apprehension and removal of noncitizens who are a threat to national security, public safety, and border security."

The newly official policy will also create training, tracking, and reporting requirements for current and former US service members who are illegal immigrants.

"ICE values the incredible contributions of noncitizens who have served in the U.S. military," ICE Acting Director Tae D. Johnson said in a press release. "Through this directive, ICE will consider U.S. military service by a noncitizen or their immediate family members when determining whether to take civil immigration enforcement decisions against a noncitizen."


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408281  No.17320162

File: e537acdb73c72dd⋯.jpg (44.33 KB, 1122x498, 187:83, kz87q0k.jpg)


oh my..

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6f13eb  No.17320163

File: 374595cd526fb62⋯.jpg (51.41 KB, 1063x641, 1063:641, iq8v3m4k.jpg)

Jeffrey Epstein survivor Sarah Ransome details being groomed by Ghislaine

Maxwell: 'Once you’re there, you can't get out'


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66809a  No.17320164

File: 3e1147842e5824b⋯.jpg (47.69 KB, 1034x603, 1034:603, qebkg056.jpg)


I have a free flowing well…and I have food and I have weed. If the power goes out, I have a generator and fuel, I'll can what I am able, dehydrate what wont be canned and eat the rest.

What exactly is your problem anon?

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f82dec  No.17320168

File: aca7207da1f2f61⋯.jpg (41.11 KB, 1002x512, 501:256, 1jb41pk.jpg)


U1 comms?

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0dd207  No.17320169

File: 38764eac63cb9af⋯.jpg (49.08 KB, 1131x574, 1131:574, b0v36yc8dcers.jpg)


If you post this kind of shit again, I'll get you banned.

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61ed6f  No.17320170

File: 5e1fd9b4d0c12b4⋯.jpg (44.21 KB, 977x572, 977:572, xl2e5fyb.jpg)


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e2300c  No.17320171

File: 2d254aa3061a190⋯.jpg (46.17 KB, 1098x543, 366:181, utceb7.jpg)

Had to step out during the Nashville POTUS speech. Anybody got a good link for the speech? TIA

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8c7145  No.17320175

File: e308889548b0a56⋯.jpg (47.07 KB, 1102x557, 1102:557, 12l6mpazn22o2z.jpg)

how many and where from?

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51111d  No.17320176

File: 1f36dfbf70945b7⋯.jpg (41.72 KB, 966x543, 322:181, mxxu2ilz9.jpg)




I care

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c3aaf6  No.17320182

File: f8d486d93f2e822⋯.jpg (56.61 KB, 1033x734, 1033:734, eq859ephjl.jpg)




This is the chick @TSQ retweeted.

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22277d  No.17320185

File: 7f7a2873d6cda1c⋯.jpg (58.18 KB, 1121x702, 1121:702, ziaiizi4cjh.jpg)


'pizza delivery'

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6f13eb  No.17320186

File: b460b74973027eb⋯.jpg (59.02 KB, 1154x689, 1154:689, 3j0ilj32ed.jpg)


using legal military force is an idea

it is a good idea for the military to kill all pedos

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0f5b97  No.17320187

File: 137eb894267bf6d⋯.jpg (57.2 KB, 1131x685, 1131:685, 4w9vkk11y.jpg)



>The opposite Cramer portfolio is a thing.

That it is. I just read he has zero FINRA record, none. Never did. He's "infotainment"

I was looking for that epic blowup re: some IPO that he pumped repeatedly and it went sideways immediately. There's so many I can't remember.

Never Forget: Long on GE

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00e901  No.17320188

File: 6581601164675a4⋯.jpg (46.06 KB, 1109x539, 1109:539, vy91uxvdrmpbg5.jpg)

another oldie but goodie:

…Nothing is as it appears.

What was the DC vote breakdown between Trump & Clinton?

What is the nickname for DC?

Why would sealed indictments be outside of DC jurisdiction?

What purpose would this serve?

Why are judicial appointments being rapidly completed?

Who can you trust?

Have faith, Patriots.


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f82dec  No.17320190

File: 00942d7ce769443⋯.jpg (44.64 KB, 1088x526, 544:263, qu7dqt4.jpg)


>Half a lifetime preceded this stage.

What exactly do you mean please?

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d1172b  No.17320191

File: dcda9a598868c94⋯.jpg (46.26 KB, 1043x575, 1043:575, uu98gs6.jpg)

the DNC is the HEADQUARTERS for US terrorism

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31548d  No.17320195

File: 7a1d9f9e0f209f3⋯.jpg (50.5 KB, 1031x647, 1031:647, wxzbjb.jpg)


Don't mind if I do

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9baa9c  No.17320199

File: 28f2ce91059183f⋯.jpg (46.76 KB, 1003x590, 17:10, bjzqlg4jytu.jpg)



without HD golf footage how will they sell lawn chemicals?

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311c7a  No.17320202

File: 311b0df8fc19f6f⋯.jpg (42.95 KB, 1001x559, 77:43, nwnrx8utw1grs8.jpg)


ted cassidy as lurch v.s. cassidy hutchinson /lurchinson

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0c142e  No.17320216

File: 90ec7fe5ad7dc43⋯.jpg (52.78 KB, 1167x605, 1167:605, 3mdxd7zvudsd.jpg)


Uncle Larry's stab at Corporatism is mid-collapse.

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497803  No.17320217

File: 0179f6220f47827⋯.jpg (51.12 KB, 1127x606, 1127:606, 6pokpbvck.jpg)


look like a radar gun

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2f7247  No.17320218

File: 45e67a300e263b7⋯.jpg (46.74 KB, 989x614, 989:614, en1z22y4etf.jpg)


>do anons want the notables from #22082?


>Someone needs to pick em up

will repost next bread




















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897b35  No.17320219

File: e52d62da8a6a63d⋯.jpg (52.08 KB, 1084x645, 1084:645, lakfk4pj9hd09.jpg)

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61ed6f  No.17320237

File: 11d5f33c1712905⋯.jpg (46.82 KB, 1058x575, 46:25, xv2pnz9h.jpg)


Algorithmic prediction

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351667  No.17320242

File: d57c186aeb16721⋯.jpg (41.06 KB, 970x530, 97:53, 914kw73acatd6.jpg)

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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c54504  No.17320243

File: 7742064c08104bd⋯.jpg (59.62 KB, 1110x727, 1110:727, gmqu0o.jpg)

There is no hope for some……..

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37d7c5  No.17320244

File: 2d2cedd43bbc70b⋯.jpg (52.66 KB, 1010x683, 1010:683, qo094kwll.jpg)


That help others, b/c of altruism…..

To get vaxxed!


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52f1b7  No.17320245

File: 9be42250c552347⋯.jpg (45.48 KB, 1100x536, 275:134, rbwarrj4weye.jpg)

Ancient Ayyleeuns talking about the "keyhole shape". Hmmmmmmm…

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2f7247  No.17320248

File: 3b1c8d9795a9cf6⋯.jpg (56.06 KB, 1202x635, 1202:635, xeyof0ohzf9oty.jpg)

Minor Shumman event underway…


This is aSHIT TONof military traffic for a Monday…

Anyone else have thatIMPENDING DOOMfeeling?

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d8d0b4  No.17320250

File: a7972163ef161af⋯.jpg (46.52 KB, 1030x585, 206:117, lxv75q7.jpg)


Well, if you can't post on Tor then someone in the know is posting, I guess.

I don't know.

If it's not Q, then we'll find out eventually. Might as well enjoy our VICTORY tonight.

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b6c5c4  No.17320253

File: 89e36dcffef34f6⋯.jpg (43.18 KB, 1015x538, 1015:538, v3hl0j.jpg)


Is there coca

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c57487  No.17320254

File: 0a009a72d72f041⋯.jpg (50.18 KB, 1166x573, 1166:573, 50ik2jh4r97.jpg)

Ok here we go again… fun fun TS n 8kun

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80db06  No.17320255

File: 4338df54ca95e51⋯.jpg (46.92 KB, 1026x598, 513:299, olvdgjphr.jpg)


There was a 16-year plan to destroy America. Hussein completed the first 8 years by greatly weakening America. HRC was supposed to be installed in 2016 and complete the plan.

I think ISIS was supposed to be a vital puppet for the deep state but Trump destroyed them. I think ISIS was supposed to acquire a nuclear weapon.

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a45a73  No.17320258

File: afa0c4467157e89⋯.jpg (62.26 KB, 1169x722, 1169:722, 0rja3vfh06da.jpg)


Happy Independence day frens.

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f5a9de  No.17320265

File: 1ad67d6589ebfc4⋯.jpg (51.43 KB, 975x692, 975:692, crwn7bx7wn0q.jpg)

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b6793d  No.17320267

File: e7deea28aa8cb30⋯.jpg (52.84 KB, 1205x589, 1205:589, n2rpohxlv0t.jpg)

Er muh gerd! Muh backhole!

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37d7c5  No.17320272

File: ec4c30e0a6799e4⋯.jpg (55.54 KB, 1142x663, 1142:663, mzqvefqeq.jpg)

demoralization shills are in full force

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d37099  No.17320273

File: 5a3ae0da7532f81⋯.jpg (56.39 KB, 1061x707, 1061:707, padk79n8j9e.jpg)


yes, I hate the people who are destroying white civilization

why shouldnt I?

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be2b8f  No.17320277

File: f6c7e30a74c3707⋯.jpg (45.78 KB, 1100x544, 275:136, ew7modgenws.jpg)


think about the pronoun "we"

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b405ff  No.17320278

File: dc5c66a0c8bb1fe⋯.jpg (45.86 KB, 1163x508, 1163:508, ir0j9n.jpg)


> Using your premise, you think they would allow someone to post under a cracked trip code and not correct it someway?

By correct you mean by saying "TRIP COMPROMISED"?

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c57487  No.17320279

File: 2e34c03defbdf42⋯.jpg (59.69 KB, 1148x709, 1148:709, t4mt0xhbxmkp0a.jpg)

The[y] Shouldn't Have Touched The Children

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50d03b  No.17320284

File: eab9813448f12b4⋯.jpg (45.14 KB, 1087x532, 1087:532, 25s5b4r4.jpg)


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0f5b97  No.17320285

File: 1f46bbd61c78be8⋯.jpg (45.18 KB, 1052x552, 263:138, 5xq5zpo.jpg)


did kinzinger learn this trick from jussie smollett?

get the picture of the 2 shirtless guys

put a letter in one of their hands

title it something like

kinzinger receives death threat letter

you meme makers know what to do when a softball is lobbed your way

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00e901  No.17320286

File: c964042da9847d4⋯.jpg (47.67 KB, 1194x527, 1194:527, 7e249ltjvxjri7.jpg)

Sisters and Brothers Anon Watchmen Warrior Patriot's World Wide

who is WHO?

Good- B[y]e Old Guard


The calm before the storm.









No war.

No civil unrest.

Clean and swift.

Midnight Riders

Think EO's

Who controls the NG?

Military is the only way.


The World is WATCHING.

The World is CONNECTED.






EVERYTHING has meaning.


Marker [9]



These people HATE America.

These people are SICK.

Crimes against Humanity.

Crimes against children.

They shouldn't have touched the children.















e[Y]e of Horus

Horus [P]riory of Sion


e[Y]e of Ra


Hunters become the HUNTED










These Two Fellow American Patriots Saved HUMANITY WW!!!!




















17 items





Valhalla Calling


Fantasy Land








we 'default' on the $32 trillon.

The Cold War was fake.

a quanon screen

The Washington Post





The Gaurdian


Sectec Astronomy

7th floor is no more.



Alice in Wonderland

White Rabbit




Wizard of Oz

Emerald City

Yellow Brick Road

Yellow Submarine

Willy Wonka

oompa loompa

Godfather III

The Sum of All Fears

Jason Bourne (CIA/DREAM)






















CONFIRM KEYSTONE = Pi, Eta, Zeta & Epsilon Hereculis Templar X

Have you met The FLASH yet?

"Coming SOON to a theater near you"

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09c28d  No.17320287

File: 42b6ecb52239cf0⋯.jpg (53.98 KB, 1051x686, 1051:686, r4jkzy3ap.jpg)


False…I've seen you guys go after news and posts and then 72 hours it is proven wrong…

Some of you go after the messenger and forget about the subject…ummm…oh…look at RRN…they put out ummm…articles let's call it…most of you here go right for RRN…but little to the research on the article…

I notice everything…CTA…I'm not on this board that much…I pop in from time to time…check out the Notables - see what's hot…then I go down the posts…been doing that since before Q on 4chan…my mind is soo packed with little bits of everything sometimes I have a hard time finding it…6Tb's of pic, articles, posts…you get a feeling for who is who on this board…I've called a few out by name(sorry)…anyways…it is what it is…

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f82156  No.17320288

File: c69c9dabb31c9ff⋯.jpg (60.41 KB, 1155x710, 231:142, thn1qfix46q.jpg)


Interesting Cruz always seems to fail at being an effective senator, good orator, senator not so much

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311c7a  No.17320290

File: 559bc38d47038f6⋯.jpg (64.32 KB, 1196x737, 1196:737, 6nccoemnbtxtdf.jpg)


But do they have the real control over the military?

NO we do

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925d56  No.17320291

File: b842a9e69eaff84⋯.jpg (44.09 KB, 995x575, 199:115, gty8e9.jpg)

If there is a federal gun registry they can target 2A owners much more easily.

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61ed6f  No.17320293

File: fc769965bb8c239⋯.jpg (49.75 KB, 971x665, 971:665, p9td7q1lc.jpg)


there's way moar noise in these breads than that cat

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c8a2ca  No.17320294

File: ab10e2d488f2b56⋯.jpg (49.14 KB, 1085x596, 1085:596, 1pz1zl14ulncb.jpg)



not the only one


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64d0d8  No.17320295

File: 1045218e3430697⋯.jpg (41.82 KB, 1018x514, 509:257, wq1fyw4xf.jpg)


I work in an oily environment. Dawn breaks up grease. I've used it as a laundry detergent.

Not too much though.

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72485e  No.17320297

File: 405e88d867bc3f2⋯.jpg (44.08 KB, 1054x535, 1054:535, bbpsiifdp.jpg)


Bullshit, what q post was this then?

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27f792  No.17320298

File: f8c9108d2cefeac⋯.jpg (46.48 KB, 998x606, 499:303, dar5qr2.jpg)


Every single American and human on the planet that the NSA has access to has been spied on.

Fuck Trump. He ain't special.

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fd3a40  No.17320300

File: 0a9da1991beb3d7⋯.jpg (51.42 KB, 1025x662, 1025:662, qc176synfg6rbp.jpg)


>Maggie should have taken Q’s advice

Handler (Conductor):

Smoking can be bad for your health. Read the warning label. Deboard train and walk away. Once in the tunnel, there is no going back.


A stone sits idle while the world around it evolves. Evolution, depending on the stage, can be deadly.

We can talk through code or we can act through transparency. The choice is yours. However, the clock is ticking, and, at a select point in time, that option will be expired. Regular service appointments should be made in order to maintain functionality.


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80a1dd  No.17320302

File: c71fc0eb04bcd1a⋯.jpg (55.31 KB, 978x737, 978:737, nw5lzd81.jpg)


there will be no mercy shown to the DS or their families.

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062514  No.17320306

File: 03972771ca2352f⋯.jpg (44.77 KB, 1103x528, 1103:528, ndb0glk.jpg)


stealin that question

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b6c5c4  No.17320307

File: 45ec2f46d346eb4⋯.jpg (65.23 KB, 1207x743, 1207:743, 19mphj9unpv1ge.jpg)


It's always been Hell, Anon.

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20324c  No.17320308

File: 3eaf3f470072a72⋯.jpg (53.27 KB, 1185x597, 395:199, 58f4abtjuaxpfu.jpg)


It's the same in the Wild West. The east calls us savages and liberals, but we're the most polite people on the planet… unless you're a real scumbucket. I've been to both sides of the coast and I thought the east was full of incredibly rude people and I couldn't wait to get back to the West.

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969ede  No.17320309

File: 5b090bbc368dddf⋯.jpg (56.38 KB, 1108x687, 1108:687, vrgwv2y1kb7.jpg)


I don't get it…"FBI lied about recusal" meaning? They lied about why Sessions needed to recuse himself? Doesn't make sense - Sessions recused himself because of he didn't mention at the confirmation hearing that he met with the Russian ambassador.

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00f256  No.17320310

File: 6e23e1c4ecb5cff⋯.jpg (60.66 KB, 1209x675, 403:225, 01bs6ea8brb09k.jpg)


He certainly does, he calls me a "muhjoo shill", because he can't censor the verifiable facts about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion I am posting.

He is great at showing the audience why we're not going to have peace until all zionists are either deported or hanged for treason (legally off course).

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c18cde  No.17320311

File: b1161377aa59438⋯.jpg (47.25 KB, 996x619, 996:619, uas5twzejazkx.jpg)

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c69476  No.17320313

File: 2d79ff089c1eebc⋯.jpg (54.92 KB, 1169x640, 1169:640, u9wqxtpq0yk.jpg)

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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e2300c  No.17320314

File: 190ad0e63494044⋯.jpg (55.27 KB, 1199x627, 109:57, vdcbsxbuxd54.jpg)


proclivities are not genders

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64a74a  No.17320315

File: 0ec90bee17e0b5d⋯.jpg (44.42 KB, 971x589, 971:589, o297gw.jpg)




>Overturned RoeVWade ended their sacrifices

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1bf902  No.17320317

File: 82d965bb36d1190⋯.jpg (44.75 KB, 990x578, 495:289, zuaudw.jpg)

One of the so-called "jan 6th prisoners" is a glownigger

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236efa  No.17320321

File: ff77f6158b30f1b⋯.jpg (51.41 KB, 990x687, 330:229, 2n1wmx41qruyw7.jpg)


Thank you Q.>>17319188

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9baa9c  No.17320323

File: cabff117c8db7b8⋯.jpg (56.62 KB, 1141x669, 1141:669, ebmjrrb.jpg)


Infiltration not invasion..on the lowest local level.

Black folk hate. They just hate and it's sad. They seem to hate any race they think is up on them..no matter whether it's white folk, yellow folk, red folk, brown folk..they really hate white and brown folk. Sad! Thing is people like her are tripping up her own race. Bet they hate green too.

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925d56  No.17320324

File: 6132dc61c68d2ba⋯.jpg (52.75 KB, 1063x657, 1063:657, j9ble2w.jpg)

By Susan Katz Keating

Updated: June 4, 2022 - 10:21pm

Aveteran in the throes of acute heart failure, septic shock, pneumonia, and with large, open wounds on his legs was refused emergency care at a Florida Veterans Affairs hospital because the barely conscious man could not prove his military service, according to an oversight investigation. The man later died at a civilian hospital.

The incident took place in the summer of 2020, at the Malcom Randall VA Medical Center in Gainesville, Fla., according to a May 31 report from the VA's Office of the Inspector General.

"The OIG determined that facility Emergency Department nurses failed to provide emergency care to a patient who arrived at the facility by ambulance," wrote oversight official Dr. John Daigh Jr., in the May 31 report. As a result, he added, his office "questioned the Emergency Department nurses' competence to treat patients seeking emergency care" at the facility.

The incident involved a tense standoff between the ambulance staff and VA employees in which some hospital staff argued with the emergency crew while other employees said that the facility was not supposed to refuse the patient, the report noted.

The episode unfolded when a 60-year-old veteran was found unresponsive by a neighbor, who called an ambulance.

"Upon arrival, the neighbor informed EMS responders that the patient had been recently discharged from the VA hospital," according to the report. "The patient was in significant distress, had 'large amounts of swelling and large open wounds on both legs and feet,' made loud groaning sounds, and withdrew from touch, 'but did not open [their] eyes or speak,'" according to the report.

The ambulance crew determined that the patient — who also suffered from diabetes, hypertension, and other chronic ailments — needed lifesaving care and phoned the local VA to report that they were en route to the emergency room.

Several hospital staff members convened with a stretcher to meet the ambulance outside the emergency room. Instead of rushing to help the patient, though, they demanded proof that the desperately ill and unconscious man was a veteran.

The exchange was witnessed by a contract security guard, according to the report.

"The contract security guard recalled facility staff arguing with the EMS personnel stating that if they could not obtain the patient's information, and determine veteran status, then they could not take the patient," the report reads.

One nurse reported that "the patient was moaning constantly and appeared to be in pain."

The EMS crew loaded the unconscious patient back into the ambulance, and drove him to a nearby hospital, where he died.

The death certificate showed that the cause of death included septic shock, acute onset chronic heart failure, acute pyelonephritis, and pneumonia.

A representative from the Malcolm Randall VA did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


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b35462  No.17320326

File: f1c3025bc42327b⋯.jpg (57.17 KB, 1047x736, 1047:736, li27g3d9td.jpg)

Your receipt is right around the corner.

I will never forgive nor forget.

The build up to your ass whooping makes it all worth it.

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6a32a0  No.17320327

File: b8d525851cf8624⋯.jpg (50.85 KB, 982x677, 982:677, fos2y153svercg.jpg)


Good one!


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06dcb8  No.17320328

File: 105b67ce491d39b⋯.jpg (50.96 KB, 1076x626, 538:313, zcg4k0b6by2cc2.jpg)


i dont think oss sleeps much

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c8a2ca  No.17320330

File: af0b2323b096b54⋯.jpg (56.82 KB, 1098x693, 122:77, hpoz9hhqwok7g.jpg)


Unification of a Nation of People Under God.

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6cdea1  No.17320331

File: ee3d9694cae4534⋯.jpg (47.28 KB, 1117x556, 1117:556, 32cm25r.jpg)



The Universe is information.

Information requires an observer.

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b32455  No.17320335

File: b7d90308158d499⋯.jpg (48.91 KB, 1207x533, 1207:533, vhw2q7x4ig7.jpg)

David Straight "Confirms it all! Lobstr QFS XRP RV Gesara Nesara, it's Here! We MUST Demand it!

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20324c  No.17320337

File: 5073699f40853c9⋯.jpg (51.28 KB, 1086x625, 1086:625, crvd4idt8d.jpg)

the stupidest people are the highly educated ; why is that? this is why we have to go through all this shit because they are too dumb to figure it out on their own

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c18cde  No.17320341

File: 5a5b08961c61ef0⋯.jpg (60.35 KB, 1098x740, 549:370, 5oibcrvp.jpg)


>just a jfkLESBIAN serial killer tho

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93ca36  No.17320343

File: dc8262793a02859⋯.jpg (53.17 KB, 1034x684, 517:342, 4yj9dm.jpg)


i also am taking this ty anon

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0dd207  No.17320344

File: 20fb3a6e5e6e05a⋯.jpg (55.48 KB, 1094x680, 547:340, gi7h9ll2c8s.jpg)

uh oh

Last time Orange trended, PedoBob Sagetoffed himself in Orange County

I mean died peacefully in his sleep.



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990613  No.17320346

File: a9b0d1f614cd07a⋯.jpg (54 KB, 1181x618, 1181:618, c485gl2x92389p.jpg)


>Where are the decisions from the SC?

There were two today:

Announcement of opinions for Wednesday, June 29 (complete)

By Angie Gou on June 29 at 12 a.m.

On Wednesday, June 29, we live blogged as the court released opinions in Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta and Torres v. Texas Department of Public Safety.


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c9019e  No.17320348

File: f963d2a09b3cfeb⋯.jpg (58.79 KB, 1175x685, 235:137, bi950w34nw25.jpg)


Curious if anyone has noticed.

I went to Lowes today to get vegetable seeds. They are all out!

The guy says to me, “ someone came in the store last week and took all the seed display/packages because they were “ expired” and they don’t plan on replenishing until next year/season”

I thought this was quite odd and am wondering if it is a planned event

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abce54  No.17320352

File: e5477e7976494fe⋯.jpg (48.68 KB, 1037x624, 1037:624, nar8ypbd1bbjj.jpg)


Taking the Constitution back by tearing down the NWO's bastardization of it.

Wonder if they will be addressing Anchor Babies?

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00f256  No.17320355

File: f37ad76093141a3⋯.jpg (51.19 KB, 1056x646, 528:323, v654vsmizc.jpg)


west coast, no one in family has died yet, but one is about to,..i wonder if the deaths will come in waves…

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aa3de2  No.17320357

File: 93a24f3e90ad1ee⋯.jpg (45.16 KB, 994x591, 994:591, f64h6y.jpg)


Wait…this post has an ID of 000000…but no trip.

Separate from the Q post. We got more than 1 TOR poster goin' now? Q without a trip? What's up?

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960490  No.17320358

File: 65311fdb792bfa7⋯.jpg (60.7 KB, 1112x738, 556:369, yjdmmc.jpg)


What would life be like if the earth and humanity vibrated at 15,000 hz?

We are at 7.87 hz now , a very low dark frequency of fear and anger

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236efa  No.17320362

File: f11b681fa3d0c02⋯.jpg (47.78 KB, 1010x616, 505:308, ujxrmcbepd7ho.jpg)


We don’t have a fair system of “Justice” in this Country anymore. The way they are treating me & my supporters, compared to what happens to those “on the other side,” is like day & night. It has been this way for a long time, but never like it is today! All semblance of a “FAIR & BALANCED” Media to look over, study, and report on what is going on in our Country is GONE! Fight on, America, Fight On! (Oh, I’m sorry. By using the word FIGHT, they will say I am inciting an Insurrection. Apologies!).


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969ede  No.17320363

File: 03fe14c04bac302⋯.jpg (54.16 KB, 979x725, 979:725, lkobv4382.jpg)


Ftr: Not

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b32455  No.17320367

File: 8132846ca8fa910⋯.jpg (50.48 KB, 1141x585, 1141:585, fpxuzu4qys8b.jpg)


If they are ordered to cower and ignore an obvious massmurdering enemy they clearly will…lmao. The6 can’t understand if it’s not shooting at the, they are that dumb,

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06df8d  No.17320368

File: a45179beacdebe3⋯.jpg (49.02 KB, 1181x550, 1181:550, 0lte6cnh10.jpg)


>You may call me: babyfist, Laughing_Man, CivAnon or George

thank you anon


>in case anyone had ANY question about Dan's "babyfist" comms

>for good measure

>Dan tweeted the SAME babyfist meme AGAIN, today

>thats 3 times

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2c3eaf  No.17320369

File: d245d28d41b1521⋯.jpg (57.44 KB, 1055x734, 1055:734, ac9v27p49t1lnp.jpg)


Sure, sure CNN has info from inside of NK

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06dcb8  No.17320374

File: 649826297b915a9⋯.jpg (62.29 KB, 1200x717, 400:239, ettqnn80in9.jpg)

can one of you anons help me please?

looking for the screencap that explains the tits or get out meme.


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f4d292  No.17320375

File: b4f323e5e2b42e5⋯.jpg (49.08 KB, 1146x568, 573:284, m2x70krr.jpg)

telepathy is not peer to peer

it is a broadcast fiesta

tune in politely

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267187  No.17320379

File: 8bc7c91110edf76⋯.jpg (57.38 KB, 1113x689, 21:13, bskbcaa3aw7lp.jpg)


>what style is this

same kind this is…made up crap by no talent asshats.

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3a262d  No.17320380

File: a199dd36bd6a133⋯.jpg (54.84 KB, 1097x665, 1097:665, mbw2xr.jpg)


Yeah, rape victims have no rights.

Fuck you guys. All of you.

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990613  No.17320381

File: 268a988eb394ae6⋯.jpg (48.16 KB, 1047x605, 1047:605, 3wf9fc758zc4x.jpg)


ty bake!

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80db06  No.17320384

File: cb74f520ac7f981⋯.jpg (60.76 KB, 1161x709, 1161:709, wnftyb4gs.jpg)

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8e5d1b  No.17320386

File: 3dd27f1316fe5d3⋯.jpg (49.77 KB, 996x659, 996:659, rai3m1fxlo.jpg)


It's Phil G posting

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69e07b  No.17320390

File: 0ea0fe144879970⋯.jpg (41.47 KB, 964x538, 482:269, gxwy8y6.jpg)

Blink four times, alternating between left and right eyes if they're gagging you from telling the truth. KEK!

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f55fb4  No.17320391

File: a7a4813c20a5d8a⋯.jpg (58.29 KB, 1065x731, 1065:731, 76230rdrogd8.jpg)


yes, yes I do. But I remember them as blondes? guess their hair could have been bleached

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b6793d  No.17320392

File: 30279457c615a6f⋯.jpg (49.6 KB, 1031x638, 1031:638, h3hdrqez.jpg)



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658c88  No.17320393

File: ab914d614658a59⋯.jpg (57.55 KB, 1090x707, 1090:707, yaq741c7.jpg)




when old notables are collected, they must be LISTED in the dough to be picked up by aggregators, can't go directly into "previously" section.

please add back #21472 for one bread.

Then it can go into Previously section.

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6a32a0  No.17320396

File: 6e2038671a7862b⋯.jpg (56.12 KB, 1030x725, 206:145, zva0hmpcgt.jpg)


Donald Trump Changes ’Fake News’ to

‘Corrupt News’

Breitbart Politics, by Jordan Dixon-Hamilton

Posted By: Ribicon, 6/26/2022 1:05:19 PM

Former President Donald Trump said the new name for the “Fake News” media would be “Corrupt News” at a rally in Mendon, Illinois, on Saturday evening. Trump was talking about how he dubbed the January 6 Select Committee the “unselect committee” when he introduced his new nickname for the corporate press. “Unselect Committee. Do you like that name? The unselect. I came up with that one,” Trump said. “Of course every time I say that they say, ‘no, actually 100 years ago, somebody else came up with that term.’ I think I came up with it.” Trump said the “Fake News” moniker is “not strong enough” to describe the media

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960490  No.17320404

File: 550e0a47d21b51a⋯.jpg (54.13 KB, 1071x678, 357:226, be4t0zc.jpg)


The holocaust never happened. It's a Jewish lie.

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f85d0a  No.17320405

File: 441ef6e7f0faef5⋯.jpg (60.51 KB, 1180x702, 590:351, mrdj2d.jpg)

Welcome to the team! As the service component of #USSPACECOM and a provider of space-domain intelligence, the activation of Delta 18 delivers a vital warfighting capability to the joint force.



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2f7370  No.17320406

File: 7ae064ef0b1fed6⋯.jpg (46.67 KB, 1030x591, 1030:591, 885kwkvlmhl.jpg)




Try again, faggot.

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abce54  No.17320407

File: 460c0e25d12c201⋯.jpg (54.71 KB, 1112x662, 556:331, 10nd5v3a6n0k.jpg)


you some on his hair

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e2300c  No.17320408

File: 0dd2898712a9612⋯.jpg (48.89 KB, 1045x615, 209:123, 1wqbceozd60vfm.jpg)


The Highest Elevation of the Human Spirit.

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09a2da  No.17320409

File: 742c184a381ca97⋯.jpg (49.92 KB, 1065x618, 355:206, fkrok3auk2.jpg)


brass monkey

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0cab92  No.17320410

File: 3c216a2bb0ae504⋯.jpg (52.33 KB, 1032x671, 1032:671, 6jvwoudrfyqp.jpg)


True. But they are currently handing us our asses.

Weiner Laptop

Uranium One

2020 Election

Biden Laptop


Covid Death Jabs

Fake MSM brainwashed normies

(+ all the other shit - 911, wars etc)

If we have it all, lets nab them and wake up the rest of the world. People won't be changing sides now.

Then we keep on fighting

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90b3ee  No.17320412

File: 62f267a4770d2d4⋯.jpg (52.42 KB, 1052x660, 263:165, fpewwlw6jh53.jpg)


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842afd  No.17320415

File: 2d523e8979081bb⋯.jpg (54.95 KB, 1026x714, 171:119, hi0l9lqdw.jpg)

Puppet Masters Pt 1


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3bc51d  No.17320416

File: 9d1f9be106a5281⋯.jpg (53.62 KB, 1111x648, 1111:648, v3a37w452fc.jpg)

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2f7247  No.17320420

File: c41b347af678626⋯.jpg (51.41 KB, 1024x670, 512:335, qtytmck4in6.jpg)


Did you know the fucktard Bret from Poison is in the hospital?

so there's that.

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06dcb8  No.17320421

File: 104a4597de03818⋯.jpg (47.12 KB, 1047x588, 349:196, 8y6yier.jpg)


When the shills reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee at it, it's definitely…


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64a74a  No.17320422

File: d4ea612c9cb882a⋯.jpg (53.7 KB, 995x718, 995:718, 2g18sbviaf3.jpg)


"Israel strikes U.N. deal to send thousands of African migrants to Western countries"



https://bitchute.com/video/0IzBpK6zd7T4 – "Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda"

https://www.bitchute.com/video/73FsRbYNovPi - “Israel Directly Helping Muslims And Africans Invade Europe”

Proof that Israel uses the US Military to fight its wars and that US Armed Forces are nothing but cannon fodder for Israel:


https://youtu.be/wb_4U2UJucE - "Muslims are Jews’ natural allies in Europe – Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt"

https://archive.vn/mPh2x – “Jews, Muslims “Common Cause” To Oppose European Nationalists: Europe’s Top Rabbi”

https://archive.vn/b5WRf – “With anti-Muslim laws, Europe enters new dark age: Leading rabbi condemns discrimination in the name of security.”

https://archive.vn/oUB3V – “Why Jews Should Celebrate The First Muslim Congresswomen”

https://archive.vn/ilUVp – “British Jews lay groundwork for influx of Syrian refugees”

https://archive.vn/C1BzD – “US Jews Demand Israel to Stick to Plan to Deport Africans to White Countries”

The 1965 Immigration Act (the result of 20 years of Jewish activism, lobbying and proactive political agitation), which destroyed US demographics:


BARBARA- SPECTRE: We make You multikulti




"She married Rabbi Philip Spectre, and the couple moved in 1967 to Ashkelon, Israel, where she served on the faculty of Jewish Studies at Achva College of Education. After moving to Jerusalem in 1982, she served on the philosophy faculty of the Shalom Hartman Institute of Jerusalem, the Melton Center of the Hebrew University, and Yellin College of Education, where she was cited as Outstanding Lecturer 1995–1997. She was the founding chairperson of the Schechter Institute in Jerusalem in 1984. She served as a scholar in residence for the United Synagogues, Midwest Regions in 1987, 1990, 1992, 1996, and has lectured extensively throughout the United States.

In 1999, she emigrated to Sweden, settling in Stockholm and joining her husband, who was then serving as the Rabbi of the Stockholm Synagogue. The following year, she applied to the Swedish government for the government-funded formation of Paideia, the European Institute for Jewish Studies, which she has continued to direct."

White Replacement Theory w/Zionist Intent:


Keep in mind that most 80% of Jews in America vote Democrat even thou 95% of them are pro-Israel (which as always fortified their borders in order to not cease to exist).


Https://archive.vn/u5Se5 - “American Jews, Politics and Israel”


95% of Jews have favorable views of Israel…


Jewish voting patterns (sources at bottom of document):



Also keep in mind that the Rabbis that get assigned to Europe (and which incessantly call for open borders for the West) are selected by Israeli Rabbis (who are against open borders for Israel):


The Civil War already started:


Pic related showing that Jews infiltrated the Catholic Migration Network in order to weaponize it against the West:


Jews and migration in the West:


"History of modern immigration into the West"


The consequences of allowing Jewish collective power to operate in any country:



Spain border police has had enough:


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f4d292  No.17320423

File: 5bfa8a07e614cb9⋯.jpg (58.01 KB, 1084x728, 271:182, x4kxn7jfzw1.jpg)

Mr. Biden: Anybody out there think the tax system is fair, raise your hand.


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2bead5  No.17320424

File: c65d8040ea7e8c1⋯.jpg (45.37 KB, 1072x546, 536:273, s2se5gl0nimzzf.jpg)


>Oh no, now they're gaying us

Try to gay me, dumbass!

I double dare you, and you won't win.

also, evil tripz

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0f5b97  No.17320426

File: 1c287c3de579fc9⋯.jpg (49.08 KB, 1084x596, 271:149, i3i1ng3c.jpg)

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69e07b  No.17320428

File: ea05c5eb385515b⋯.jpg (56.76 KB, 1196x644, 13:7, 20naher.jpg)


Killing your way to the top takes a toll..

"San Francisco Board of Supervisors

Feinstein was elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1969.[21][22] She remained on the board for nine years.

During her tenure on the Board of Supervisors,she unsuccessfully ran for mayorof San Francisco twice, in 1971 against Mayor Joseph Alioto, and in 1975, when

she lost the contest for a runoff slot

(against George Moscone)by one percentage point to Supervisor John Barbagelata.

Because of her position, Feinstein became a target of the New World Liberation Front, an anti-capitalist terrorist group that carried out bombings in California in the 1970s. In 1976 the NWLF placed a bomb on the windowsill of her home that failed to explode.[23] The group later shot out the windows of a beach house she owned.[24]

Feinstein was elected president of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1978 with initial opposition from Quentin L. Kopp.

Mayor of San Francisco

Main article: Mayoralty of Dianne Feinstein

As mayor of San Francisco, 1978–1988

On November 27, 1978, Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk were assassinatedby former supervisor Dan White.Feinstein became acting mayoras she was president of the Board of Supervisors.[25] Supervisors John Molinari, Ella Hill Hutch, Ron Pelosi, Robert Gonzales, and Gordon Lau endorsed Feinstein for an appointment as mayor by the Board of Supervisors. Gonzales initially ran to be appointed by the Board of Supervisors as mayor, but dropped out.[26] The Board of Supervisors voted six to two to appoint Feinstein as mayor.[27] She was inaugurated by Chief Justice Rose Bird of the Supreme Court of California on December 4, 1978, becoming San Francisco's first female mayor.[28] Molinari was selected to replace Feinstein as president of the Board of Supervisors by a vote of eight to two.[29]

MILK. All we hear about is MILK. Not a thing about Moscone.

Moscone refused to investigate

JIM JONES(People's Temple, kool-aid, Jim Ryan, Congress shot dead)



POTUS has "that look" at Feinstein/Rubio.

One of Feinstein's first challenges as mayor was the state of the San Francisco cable car system, which was shut down for emergency repairs in 1979; an engineering study concluded that it needed comprehensive rebuilding at a cost of $60 million. Feinstein helped win federal funding for the bulk of the work. The system closed for rebuilding in 1982 and it was completed just in time for the 1984 Democratic National Convention.[30] Feinstein also oversaw policies to increase the number of high-rise buildings in San Francisco.[31]

Feinstein was seen as a relatively moderate Democrat in one of the country's most liberal cities. As a supervisor, she was considered part of the centrist bloc that included White and generally opposed Moscone. As mayor, Feinstein angered the city's large gay community by vetoing domestic partner legislation in 1982.[32] In the 1980 presidential election, while a majority of Bay Area Democrats continued to support Senator Ted Kennedy's primary challenge to President Jimmy Carter even after it was clear Kennedy could not win, Feinstein strongly supported the Carter–Mondale ticket. She was given a high-profile speaking role on the opening night of the August Democratic National Convention, urging delegates to reject the Kennedy delegates' proposal to "open" the convention, thereby allowing delegates to ignore their states' popular vote, a proposal that was soundly defeated.

In the run-up to the 1984 Democratic National Convention, there was considerable media and public speculation that Mondale might pick Feinstein as his running mate. He chose Geraldine Ferraro instead. Also in 1984, Feinstein proposed banning handguns in San Francisco, and became subject to a recall attempt organized by the White Panther Party. She won the recall election and finished her second term as mayor on January 8, 1988.

Feinstein revealed sensitive details about the hunt for serial killer Richard Ramirez at a 1985 press conference, antagonizing detectives by publicizing details of his crimes known only to law enforcement, and thus jeopardizing their investigation.[33]

City and State magazine named Feinstein the nation's "Most Effective Mayor" in 1987. She served on the Trilateral Commission during the 1980s.

Gubernatorial election

Feinstein made an unsuccessful bid for governor of California in 1990. She won the Democratic Party's nomination, but lost the general election to Republican Senator Pete Wilson, who resigned from the Senate to assume the governorship. In 1992, Feinstein was fined $190,000 for failure to properly report campaign contributions and expenditures in that campaign

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a79ef3  No.17320430

File: 481da770b828824⋯.jpg (52 KB, 1069x645, 1069:645, 2f1j7p5ylk6.jpg)

Q Research is a funny freakshow on steroids… No substance just hardcore trolling.

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74c6c6  No.17320432

File: 75cca4deb504456⋯.jpg (44.32 KB, 997x563, 997:563, m1kx4k1.jpg)


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f3eee3  No.17320435

File: 7cdd900b082b907⋯.jpg (49.18 KB, 1139x570, 1139:570, cbskovaz4y.jpg)




There's nothing about her (Tammy Sepetis) getting fired but she's Google famous now. Not in a good way.

Her tiktoc is private now, it was loaded with crazy.

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78e757  No.17320436

File: 35badf6de424afa⋯.jpg (57.31 KB, 1085x709, 1085:709, yyk0s41le.jpg)


>What's your plan?

Anon believes the plan of that anon is to give morale boosting blowjobs.

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b8070a  No.17320437

File: 397a2214f3c6be9⋯.jpg (56.59 KB, 1133x674, 1133:674, 6evt4cg2jap0n.jpg)


Just ID+ this bitch and drive on. o7

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efe4a5  No.17320438

File: ef954d1e4fa43dd⋯.jpg (52.8 KB, 1056x668, 264:167, dajzcx27gr4.jpg)


>god fucking dammit I love being white

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6cdea1  No.17320441

File: 861aeeb766355d4⋯.jpg (52.77 KB, 960x721, 960:721, 7c99cnqao.jpg)


>Trust the plan

How many booster shots are included in "The Plan", Q?

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e2300c  No.17320442

File: 08cd0932642c586⋯.jpg (58.75 KB, 1060x745, 212:149, xffeam1z.jpg)


Ghosts in the machine?

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6bbec3  No.17320443

File: e3666eeaf79e5fc⋯.jpg (54.97 KB, 1041x703, 1041:703, 2o2nem.jpg)


What was the best part of living overseas?

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72485e  No.17320445

File: 564a4b506ac8d31⋯.jpg (56.07 KB, 1016x723, 1016:723, q8swz2h.jpg)


The buildings were there long before and just re-purposed into government buildings, libraries, cathedrals, etc.

Freemasons = 'Free' Masonry

Stolen history.

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267187  No.17320447

File: af715abce85c8bf⋯.jpg (60 KB, 1129x724, 1129:724, uabdflvu2eoj9.jpg)

New York Attorney General Letitia James has partnered with pro-choice groups and more than a dozen law firms to launch a hotline for abortion advice. The hotline number: 212-899-5567


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83f0b9  No.17320448

File: 4b97eb77ce3c21d⋯.jpg (55.34 KB, 1189x630, 1189:630, n2towi.jpg)

Oh yeah, and Muh Dick said the fake Prince Harry was sixth inline to nothing! then Prince Harry married MARKLE and look now he's banished from the Royal family and lives in America.

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2c3eaf  No.17320449

File: 3cbef0ba8d28833⋯.jpg (47.04 KB, 1146x534, 191:89, jof15x2muam.jpg)


>babyfist posted the B post on Q's private board.


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4aeb07  No.17320451

File: be5e3942c8d2c20⋯.jpg (51.17 KB, 1082x626, 541:313, ykxuq8bty2db.jpg)

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b32455  No.17320452

File: 93cbbe7ae93b2a3⋯.jpg (53.03 KB, 1172x602, 586:301, r7388tu2jjdc.jpg)


Please make sure this is notable.

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6f13eb  No.17320454

File: bb31c79478b6a50⋯.jpg (56.33 KB, 1018x723, 1018:723, auyl3sisir9hrb.jpg)


pink underoos

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3a262d  No.17320456

File: bfb8a771918edfc⋯.jpg (54.65 KB, 976x739, 976:739, mbbfcg84woc.jpg)


>I'm God's Elite

Are you Jewish?

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1f19bd  No.17320460

File: 983349d0dff2305⋯.jpg (47.8 KB, 1045x593, 1045:593, vh4lq67.jpg)


America already fallen. Now it needs to get up, starting with deporting or hanging all zionists for treason (legally off course).

US Representative Cohen: 80% of White Males In Military Can’t Be Trusted




US Navy has released a training video which looks like a children’s TV show encouraging sailors to announce their pronouns in order to create a “safe space” and avoid “misgendering” people.




Command too stupid for doctrine


US Military subverted


Russia is playing NATO


"Why the US. will lose the next major war: Army lowered standards so women can graduate ranger school"


US Military offering to perform abortions?


US Military anti-White propaganda


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47fdb2  No.17320461

File: 871e29621f4fda9⋯.png (327.45 KB, 1498x1333, 1498:1333, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d92a11a9f7feea⋯.png (161.47 KB, 512x378, 256:189, 9d92a11a9f7feea6489de6d361….png)

the FBI removed boxes of documents without looking through them.

Because they knew what was in them?


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c18cde  No.17320464

File: 5dbf3af586ff6a8⋯.jpg (59.58 KB, 1098x734, 549:367, 47gkc2wi.jpg)

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸@julie_kelly2

Also a few months after Chris Wray testified that he *thought* one person had a firearms charge, DOJ indicted Guy Reffitt for having a gun outside the Capitol (June 2021). The only evidence they had was a holster.

A DC jury nonetheless found him guilty. Performance prosecution

About the “armed mob” narrative.

First, Capitol Hill was crawling with undercover agents from numerous law enforcement agencies including Capitol police and DC Metro.

Second, it’s not the president’s job to protect DC. That primarily falls to mayor of DC, who rejected extra guardsmen on January 6, a decision the J6 committee hasn’t explored.

Third, only 2 men associated with the protest on J6 were arrested that night for possession of firearms. One left ammo in his truck and another was arrested at night near Capitol grounds.

The only person who had a gun and used it that day was Michael Byrd, the Capitol cop who executed Ashli Babbitt. The committee has never mentioned her name.

There is zero evidence of anyone, let alone a Trump supporter, carrying a rifle especially an AR-15 on Jan 6.

If what Hutchinson said is true, police on the ground including Secret Service are to blame. They allowed the president to speak in a public venue filled with hundreds or thousands of people without adequate protection.

I’ve seen no video, photos, or evidence in DOJ filings this is true

Further, Trump supporters brought things to defend themselves bc they were assaulted throughout 2020 in DC, including Stop the Steal rallies in November and December.

Anyone who knew of “armed” agitators in DC before Trump took the stage at the Ellipse and did nothing is complicit in allowing an attempted attack against the sitting US president and every lawmaker in that building on January 6.

If true, we’d hear screams from AOC and those who said their lives were in danger.

But we haven’t. And we know why.


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5b9ab8  No.17320465

File: cfeac0f53ffe4fc⋯.jpg (56.03 KB, 1011x734, 1011:734, s38npxzyr.jpg)



Russia state-affiliated media

#US #Investigators Examine #Bullet That Killed Reporter #ShireenAbuAkleh


Never interfere…

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2bead5  No.17320466

File: ba3857be9a58efb⋯.jpg (46.15 KB, 1021x587, 1021:587, e7mxzub0q0wa4b.jpg)


How amazing We, the People thwarted [their] DATES!

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711100  No.17320467

File: 69d4f3ea9af2d0a⋯.jpg (49.4 KB, 1172x556, 293:139, szz0754wft9.jpg)



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f5a9de  No.17320468

File: 5152a3d335c5f44⋯.jpg (60.21 KB, 1153x710, 1153:710, ad6lyyphj8uxa.jpg)


From what I could tell this man was a true patriot to all humanity. I sure hope this is not true.

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00f256  No.17320469

File: 574af53cfdd7aa6⋯.jpg (55.06 KB, 1083x673, 1083:673, 4eu3gd.jpg)


It’s about Democrats introducing new weights and measures standards.

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c54504  No.17320471

File: 13165a6f5f7fb83⋯.jpg (57.96 KB, 1134x690, 189:115, zmfkg6c.jpg)



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be2b8f  No.17320472

File: f96f0c35578c577⋯.jpg (55.44 KB, 1040x706, 520:353, tmo65jwhce2ga.jpg)

Thank you Ebaker

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445a88  No.17320475

File: 4e7e387d49b4eba⋯.jpg (43.73 KB, 981x572, 981:572, 300lhc5zs.jpg)


Dark to light.

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ebb6e1  No.17320477

File: aacdb952c663618⋯.jpg (56.32 KB, 1097x683, 1097:683, 5glycczk.jpg)


Dow falls nearly 500 points as bear market

bounce loses steam

CNBC, by Tanaya Macheel & Yun Li

Posted By: Dreadnought, 6/28/2022 6:51:37 PM

U.S. stocks fell on Tuesday, erasing earlier gains as the market failed to keep its rebound from the bear-market lows going. The blue-chip Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 491.27 points, or 1.56%, to 30,946.99. The S&P 500 dropped 2.01% to 3,821.55, and the Nasdaq Composite was the laggard, down 3% to 11,181.54. At one point, the Dow was up as much as 446.83 points, or 1.4%. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq gained as much as 1.2% and 1%, respectively. However, the major averages reversed those gains after the release of disappointing economic data.

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64a74a  No.17320479

File: 36346747a9ee8a6⋯.jpg (62 KB, 1092x747, 364:249, m1cr8frtst.jpg)


rgardless if he's unknowingly working for the MAFIA I had to remove it.

These clowns and fists stand on their own.

IF the kid's path crosses in, then I am unsure how as I don't see it, I thought I did but I was jumping the gun and didn't follow the source.

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78e757  No.17320480

File: 33f08c1ff18cd3a⋯.jpg (53.21 KB, 1059x671, 1059:671, z3w6cs00ef2mv.jpg)


'destroyer of illusions' ~ 'destroyer of 'false' universes'

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b8070a  No.17320482

File: 9267f4c88221531⋯.jpg (52.92 KB, 1100x645, 220:129, 7o4rq9an.jpg)


there are limits, you fucking hear me??????????????????


I will blow your head in a second!!!!!!!!!

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3bc51d  No.17320484

File: 3b4fab39b71ace8⋯.jpg (54.62 KB, 1035x699, 345:233, wg8jd48cxq.jpg)


You are here aren't you? Is she yelling at you while searching through the knife drawer?

Consider it a victory if not.

And you are whipped.

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0cab92  No.17320489

File: 8cec5b74e350e20⋯.jpg (49.84 KB, 984x662, 492:331, 3s4wqaf83.jpg)


We got to wait till July

maybe Aug

but ya thats coming for nov


will b gud Will will get memes

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8f5ddc  No.17320493

File: d93500c78fb4b54⋯.jpg (46.72 KB, 979x612, 979:612, qkx9rlm.jpg)


Then post as Q and prove it.

Sauce before cumguzzling..

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3cb1d4  No.17320494

File: e2fa4bdd19d3e38⋯.jpg (55.95 KB, 1167x654, 389:218, i1cpn94y3b.jpg)


Psa "140 To the Overseer. – A Psalm of David. Deliver me, O Jehovah, from an evil man, From one of violence Thou keepest me.

2 Who have devised evils in the heart, All the day they assemble [for] wars.

3 They sharpened their tongue as a serpent, Poison of an adder [is] under their lips. Selah.

4 Preserve me, Jehovah, from the hands of the wicked, From one of violence Thou keepest me, Who have devised to overthrow my steps.

5 The proud hid a snare for me – and cords, They spread a net by the side of the path, Snares they have set for me. Selah.

6 I have said to Jehovah, `My God [art] Thou, Hear, Jehovah, the voice of my supplications.'

7 O Jehovah, my Lord, strength of my salvation, Thou hast covered my head in the day of armour.

8 Grant not, O Jehovah, the desires of the wicked, His wicked device bring not forth, They are high. Selah.

9 The chief of my surrounders, The perverseness of their lips covereth them.

10 They cause to fall on themselves burning coals, Into fire He doth cast them, Into deep pits – they arise not.

11 A talkative man is not established in the earth, One of violence – evil hunteth to overflowing.

12 I have known that Jehovah doth execute The judgment of the afflicted, The judgment of the needy.

13 Only – the righteous give thanks to Thy name, The upright do dwell with Thy presence!"

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06df8d  No.17320495

File: d0e4dfd6db95629⋯.jpg (60.24 KB, 1117x733, 1117:733, amw0wwxmvokb1.jpg)

Mexico arrests alleged leader of international child sex ring

Mexican police have arrested aDutch citizen accused of being the leader of an international pedophile ring, Mexico City's attorney general said on Monday.

The man, identified only as Nelson 'N', was caught "in flagrante delicto," said Attorney General Ernestina Godoy, adding that he is the "possible leader of an international association of pedophiles created in 1982."

The arrest was the result of a "broad investigation" by prosecutors in collaboration with the NGO Operation Underground Railroad (OUR), Godoy said in a video posted on social media.

The NGO, dedicated to combating the sexual exploitation of children, reported the Dutchman's presence in Mexico to the authorities.

The group "had information that Nelson 'N' was in our country, possibly in order to expand his human trafficking and child pornography network," Godoy said.

The investigation observed his "modus operandi and location" and made it possible to determine his routines, aimed at getting in touch with other possible pedophiles, the authorities said.

"A covert operation was carried out that allowed him to be detained in flagrante delicto" at a public transportation station near the central Bosque de Chapultepec park, Godoy added.

The prosecutor's office is working on the investigation, which will be presented before a judge, and it has also requested consular assistance to "safeguard his rights as a foreigner," Godoy said.

After arresting the suspect, authorities searched the place where he was believed to be staying in the north of the city and said they found photographs featuring child pornography, as well as computers, hard drives, memory cards and two Dutch passports.

According to the investigation, the subject had, between 2014 and 2021, promoted various publications on social media that advocated the legalization of sex with children.

Nelson "N" had been arrested several times in the Netherlands, the prosecutor said, but had been on the run since at least February of this year.


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75f109  No.17320496

File: 6ac78ace5f8cfcf⋯.jpg (59.79 KB, 1139x713, 1139:713, 5260e7j55dux.jpg)

"YOUR WELCOME" with Michael Malice #213: Glenn Greenwald

Michael Malice

181K subscribers

Michael Malice (“YOUR WELCOME”) is joined by journalist, author, and constitutional lawyer, Glenn Greenwald, to talk about his critical stance on corporate media, the strange evolution of Liz Cheney, and why most Americans don’t know the true story about the War in Ukraine.






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37d7c5  No.17320497

File: c496db733d7a901⋯.jpg (49.76 KB, 984x657, 328:219, v03exc2.jpg)

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2f7247  No.17320498

File: e2377873405e852⋯.jpg (44.83 KB, 1035x557, 1035:557, qcnk3juael.jpg)


Had chicken pox as a kid…

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20324c  No.17320499

File: fb69717af307646⋯.jpg (47.27 KB, 986x619, 986:619, yhqws9mlgzuy.jpg)


So you are OSS?

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0ebf59  No.17320500

File: 8ab49c4e07862ef⋯.jpg (62.6 KB, 1181x730, 1181:730, f72wg3.jpg)

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1bf902  No.17320501

File: b7596bcc2944dd0⋯.jpg (54.64 KB, 1186x617, 1186:617, bcdzi63.jpg)

Lmao! Another misspelling.

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445a88  No.17320502

File: d02920b6e709c7b⋯.jpg (58.71 KB, 1102x717, 1102:717, 3swrg4pcf2ygvp.jpg)




Brain-dead inferior Kikes!

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d8d0b4  No.17320503

File: 3fbfde7a5ea72ad⋯.jpg (54.72 KB, 1049x696, 1049:696, li3t1qmd.jpg)


Any anon using tor will have that ID.

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bd6ef6  No.17320505

File: d020e3753324153⋯.jpg (57.13 KB, 1013x741, 1013:741, 5jx4ibv4.jpg)


She ruined Atlanta, they won’t notice if she ruins DC more than it is

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ebb6e1  No.17320506

File: 2312ab4596d93e8⋯.jpg (39.4 KB, 965x504, 965:504, trdu7g19e.jpg)

destroyed by kek again

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33387a  No.17320508

File: 4562986bf757a2a⋯.jpg (52.63 KB, 1083x648, 361:216, 7iyvno.jpg)


Handoff Gratefully Acknowledged

Had an issue with this one, seems I had the latest Q in the dough, but it didn't go in. I redid dough, (twice, there was a number issue) so when you go to bake next please look over the updated


Just in case, I stuck in an extra break at the top

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b6c5c4  No.17320509

File: 6b5b3a24302e966⋯.jpg (53.53 KB, 1116x642, 186:107, c11ptp7.jpg)

biden's handlers wants you all ghey

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6bbec3  No.17320510

File: 72a308e6443af5e⋯.jpg (49.5 KB, 1049x617, 1049:617, 399nj92vj.jpg)


bored, horny……alone w/ walk-in……..

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00f256  No.17320511

File: 79a62936fc166de⋯.jpg (50.31 KB, 1044x633, 348:211, 1vgbd9.jpg)


i am the bringer of meme

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51111d  No.17320512

File: f7898410a358a14⋯.jpg (46.21 KB, 1019x586, 1019:586, 4mzk4w90n4k.jpg)

Can a baker live stream doing a bake so we can see just exactly how and what is done?

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da0396  No.17320513

File: c93a21934f2c139⋯.jpg (60.49 KB, 1106x741, 1106:741, 39qh766dl6l.jpg)


> tons of baby diaretics for cutting missing kilos

cut missing kilos get cut again in mysterious UK appearance

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911dac  No.17320514

File: c368857a92fcdfb⋯.jpg (55.68 KB, 1021x724, 1021:724, o7re1h.jpg)


I guess he went full retard

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27f792  No.17320516

File: 496ce0bb88ff005⋯.jpg (62.69 KB, 1181x730, 1181:730, 4349hxx.jpg)


He loved films—"a portal into different worlds for me"…

Pitt visited the University of Missouri campus in October 2004 to encourage students to vote in the 2004 U.S. presidential election,[160] in which he supported John Kerry.[160][161] Later in October, he publicly supported the principle of public funding for embryonic stem-cell research. "We have to make sure that we open up these avenues so that our best and our brightest can go find these cures that they believe they will find", he said.[162] In support of this he endorsed Proposition 71, a California ballot initiative intended to provide state government funding for stem-cell research.[163]

Pitt at the 'Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict' in 2014

Pitt supports One Campaign, an organization aimed at combating AIDS and poverty in the developing world.[164][165] He narrated the 2005 PBS public television series Rx for Survival: A Global Health Challenge, which discusses current global health issues.[166] The following year Pitt and Jolie flew to Haiti, where they visited a school supported by Yéle Haïti, a charity founded by Haitian-born hip hop musician Wyclef Jean.[167] In May 2007, Pitt and Jolie donated $1 million to three organizations in Chad and Sudan dedicated to those affected by the crisis in the Darfur region.[168] Along with Clooney, Damon, Don Cheadle, David Pressman, and Jerry Weintraub, Pitt is one of the founders of Not On Our Watch, an organization that focuses global attention on stopping "mass atrocities".[169]

Pitt has a sustained interest in architecture,[170] even taking time away from film to study computer-aided design at the Los Angeles offices of renowned architect Frank Gehry.[171] He narrated e2 design, a PBS television series focused on worldwide efforts to build environmentally friendly structures through sustainable architecture and design.[172] In 2000, he co-authored an architectural book on the Blacker House with the architects Thomas A. Heinz and Randell Makinson.[173] In 2006, he founded the Make It Right Foundation, organizing housing professionals in New Orleans to finance and construct 150 sustainable, affordable new houses in New Orleans's Ninth Ward following the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina.[174][175]

The project involves 13 architectural firms and the environmental organization Global Green USA, with several of the firms donating their services.[176][177] Pitt and philanthropist Steve Bing have each committed $5 million in donations.[178] The first six homes were completed in October 2008,[179] and in September 2009 Pitt received an award in recognition of the project from the U.S. Green Building Council, a non-profit trade organization that promotes sustainability in how buildings are designed, built and operated.[180][181] Pitt met with U.S. President Barack Obama and Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi in March 2009 to promote his concept of green housing as a national model and to discuss federal funding possibilities.[182]

In September 2006, Pitt and Jolie established a charitable organization, the Jolie-Pitt Foundation, to aid humanitarian causes around the world.[183] The foundation made initial donations of $1 million each to Global Action for Children and Doctors Without Borders,[184] followed by an October 2006 donation of $100,000 to the Daniel Pearl Foundation, an organization created in memory of the late American journalist Daniel Pearl.[185] According to federal filings, Pitt and Jolie invested $8.5 million into the foundation in 2006; it gave away $2.4 million in 2006[186] and $3.4 million in 2007.[187] In June 2009, the Jolie-Pitt Foundation donated $1 million to a U.N. refugee agency to help Pakistanis displaced by fighting between troops and Taliban militants.[188] In January 2010, the foundation donated $1 million to Doctors Without Borders for emergency medical assistance to help victims of the Haiti earthquake.[189][190]

Pitt is a supporter of same-sex marriage.[191] In an October 2006 interview with Esquire, Pitt said that he would marry Jolie when everyone in America is legally able to marry.[192] In September 2008, he donated $100,000 to the campaign against California's 2008 ballot proposition Proposition 8, an initiative to overturn the state Supreme Court decision that had legalized same-sex marriage.[193] In March 2012, Pitt was featured in a performance of Dustin Lance Black's play, 8 – a staged reenactment of the federal trial that overturned California's Prop 8 ban on same-sex marriage – as Judge Vaughn Walker.[194]

In September 2012, Pitt reaffirmed his support of President Obama, saying, "I am an Obama supporter and I'm backing his US election campaign."[195] In October 2020, he narrated an advertisement for Joe Biden's 2020 presidential campaign.[196


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69e07b  No.17320517

File: 107366610cb02e7⋯.jpg (56.32 KB, 1157x659, 1157:659, 0t0dn18s.jpg)

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10ae5a  No.17320518

File: aa852262967bd09⋯.jpg (51.68 KB, 1180x586, 590:293, 1xlej3qtyx2.jpg)

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f5a9de  No.17320519

File: e63707773fdff1a⋯.jpg (55.45 KB, 990x738, 55:41, bdwz1bx.jpg)


>oh look, it's lame demoralization shill and his shitty memes

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75f109  No.17320520

File: 8d3d6ac5740bd5e⋯.jpg (55.03 KB, 1107x668, 1107:668, vnh8bqhyc509e.jpg)



video is 36 seconds.

5:08am time (58th letter is 3rd F, or "36")

[36] on the clock today.

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b35462  No.17320521

File: e590d2bf90b22dc⋯.jpg (59.34 KB, 1191x682, 1191:682, ivnwxu4rpp4.jpg)


We’re not.biologists.

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0ebf59  No.17320522

File: e430832bf9a79cb⋯.jpg (44.47 KB, 1134x503, 1134:503, tyds5uq1h3ef.jpg)


Woah so you understand the Mysteries and the Greco-Egyptian and Zoroastrian/Mithraic influences on Christianity and even the reiteration of Osiris/Haoma/Demeter/Dionysus/Plant Mother?

>I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

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eea692  No.17320523

File: 613d3683ff6f2a8⋯.jpg (59.72 KB, 1108x724, 277:181, ze7l7pfe4t.jpg)


shut up and sit down

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47fdb2  No.17320524

File: dff3e7e5f10c755⋯.png (872.65 KB, 1391x1187, 1391:1187, NWO.PNG)

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54944f  No.17320525

File: 1935c116cd7287e⋯.jpg (49.62 KB, 1155x561, 35:17, amlg9lh.jpg)


3 + 2 + 7 + 3 + 6 + 0 = 21 = 2 + 1 = Treason


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1bf902  No.17320526

File: 4b78b47ffe8462c⋯.jpg (50.37 KB, 1150x578, 575:289, 0dxnjpxcgqzu.jpg)


They never really went after Pipe Tobacco. Taxes or flavor.

I smoke a pipe now.

WAY cheaper and I smoke way less.

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31548d  No.17320527

File: 3b6680fb9d230a8⋯.jpg (60.34 KB, 1148x717, 1148:717, vuojcf3zyqyxc.jpg)


Who cares, the fact is half the bread was deleted.

Don’t care to see excuse.

Hidden information period.

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ad5e89  No.17320528

File: 6d6c4d26bb67ff8⋯.jpg (57 KB, 1127x682, 1127:682, vyz7czdt.jpg)


saying that they have turned, implies that at some point, they were FOR The United States.

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d8d0b4  No.17320529

File: 928044dfdb24f3c⋯.jpg (54.61 KB, 1126x652, 563:326, g7r3e5f.jpg)


LADWAP = no water projects, give muh monies to the high speeds rails to nowhere land WEF globalists fuck californians.

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c69476  No.17320530

File: 10c43a7796a0340⋯.jpg (49.36 KB, 1121x582, 1121:582, tpv9u526xuoc4.jpg)



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9a845e  No.17320531

File: 9d086b074bfe0ef⋯.jpg (58.47 KB, 1076x733, 1076:733, r9yd2z8gis4.jpg)

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7d5460  No.17320532

File: 34b90bd4aa55dba⋯.jpg (50.51 KB, 1056x638, 48:29, qy2fgb716e54.jpg)

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928f7b  No.17320533

File: 9f77dc3888f1364⋯.jpg (53.05 KB, 1008x702, 56:39, 2pnpw61jc3hug.jpg)


Will it prevent you from asking yourself certain questions??

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3bc51d  No.17320534

File: 54ebf92c7f5bc5c⋯.jpg (50.46 KB, 984x675, 328:225, 60gz4ag.jpg)


I'm sure the DOJ will get right on that

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ff562c  No.17320535

File: ad82501419fddf5⋯.jpg (44.27 KB, 1094x522, 547:261, 4f1zyl.jpg)

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adc5ed  No.17320536

File: 6ede750d05778a4⋯.jpg (50.04 KB, 1101x606, 367:202, 4dxm37no33ymb.jpg)

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78e757  No.17320537

File: 6411fd184b2cddc⋯.jpg (43.54 KB, 963x576, 107:64, rpgy1sw.jpg)


First act in the series of false flags to suspend the Constitution. [They] want it all.

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17a6dc  No.17320538

File: 101e1800f868d74⋯.jpg (47.07 KB, 1020x601, 1020:601, 466s0xkdl1db7.jpg)

Roe v. Wade…Aborted Abortions…good bye - Planned Parenthood…

Hello…Family Guy…Prom Night Dumpster Baby!!!


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6f13eb  No.17320539

File: a6c1dba207cd8ad⋯.jpg (45.27 KB, 997x579, 997:579, uy475m4s.jpg)


is no name on deck? fuck that!

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6bbec3  No.17320540

File: 5dd5106d04da442⋯.jpg (48.15 KB, 1051x600, 1051:600, e4yaovtc.jpg)

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8e1a2f  No.17320541

File: d42e666a34b1ab3⋯.jpg (48.91 KB, 1155x557, 1155:557, jagspmjvve.jpg)


>But nothing ever happens.

Cops Tased and Arrested Deaf Driver for Not Following Orders

A routine traffic stop turned physical after police failed to recognize that a driver they pulled over was deaf. 26-year-old Brady Mistic got out of his car when police pulled him over, but instead of being met with compassion, the cops tased him and threw him to the ground for failing to comply with orders he could not hear. He says he was beaten during the incident and emotionally disturbed. He ended up spending four months in jail as a result, and charges were later dropped.

Nothing happened to the cops. They're waiting to fuck you up on the highway somewhere today. Probably kill your dog one day.


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8fe2e2  No.17320542

File: b98bb3ed2a6bc20⋯.jpg (47.02 KB, 1047x588, 349:196, 8bulnfd.jpg)


That is some background for xi.

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6cdea1  No.17320543

File: 21ca5c00dc6a071⋯.jpg (54.49 KB, 1009x706, 1009:706, w8j2c16fa1m.jpg)

UNREAL: Same College Behind Bogus Study Used to Support Shutdowns Is Behind BS Study Used to Force COVID Vaccines on US Children

By Joe Hoft

Published June 28, 2022 at 12:30pm




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Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. A study from the Imperial College of London was behind the garbage COVID study that led to US shutdowns which ultimately never should have happened. Now this same college has a legion of individuals behind a garbage study that the CDC is using force killer vaccines on children.

Doctors Fauci and Birx used a BS study from Imperial College to convince President Trump to shut down the economy in 2020. This faulty advice led to the suffering of millions of people around the world after many nations followed the US’s lead. It was wrong and based on a BS study.


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eba6ef  No.17320544

File: 785b787c34457b9⋯.jpg (39.76 KB, 983x498, 983:498, 4h2r0gyfyxq6.jpg)


Still fond of your choices, anon.

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b32455  No.17320545

File: 3ea17f8732c49ba⋯.jpg (54.48 KB, 1078x675, 1078:675, 9oye4tax.jpg)

Who was fired or resigned after Jan 6th?

Steven Sund, chief of the US Capitol police

Chad Thomas, the No. 2 Capitol Police official

Michael Stenger, the Senate sergeant-at-arms

Paul Irving, the official who holds the same position at the House of Representatives.

More than 70 officers have left force since January 6, Capitol Police

CROOKED. They all got caught.




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ce6478  No.17320546

File: 3358b75e787edd1⋯.jpg (49.56 KB, 1165x561, 1165:561, 05bxqetd.jpg)


Relevant portion:


To which I say no, we're going to keep on Noticing and Digging and Memeing and Praying, no matter how many red-text meltdowns you throw.

In fact they're an encouragement, because if you were really winning, this kind of nonsense would be completely unnecessary. Thanks!

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0cab92  No.17320547

File: 2e1735ca367209d⋯.jpg (54.88 KB, 986x730, 493:365, bgiknoyq0h7se.jpg)

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911dac  No.17320548

File: 48013dc6a24053b⋯.jpg (46.4 KB, 1121x535, 1121:535, vqxptw3bkiwb.jpg)


Healthy People 2030



Looks rather militaristic to anon.

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1ba9cc  No.17320549

File: 4cd6cc635104ccd⋯.jpg (44.65 KB, 1000x594, 500:297, sjoegrx6t.jpg)


try Dark Journalism

The research is very thorough and the reporters seem to be non political.

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51111d  No.17320550

File: 0e81a80bc01b360⋯.jpg (56.68 KB, 1132x678, 566:339, 44g0joe8.jpg)


Sp1int3r Tunez

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27f792  No.17320551

File: 5169561830654e9⋯.jpg (47.99 KB, 1053x598, 81:46, 8y1lozzpakquo.jpg)


You could lurk at the parade and smile every once in a while, I’m an introvert too, crowds are hard for me, but I’d make the effort, just because we are an army of outcasts and autists….which is a good thing

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6b4a4c  No.17320552

File: cc9d68c6621517c⋯.jpg (47.87 KB, 1209x503, 1209:503, r2xfzsl5zu8vpk.jpg)

Maybe Q used tor to more confuse DS.

Just as we are confused here…deep state is confused on the other side.

We won a huge battle last night. Maybe we should concentrate on the riots to find more connections between GS and ANTIFA.

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8c374c  No.17320553

File: 1acd26a38fbbf1c⋯.jpg (48.78 KB, 1208x533, 1208:533, 5fjlqr9jr.jpg)


Moar pots.

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a79ef3  No.17320554

File: 3f631792f1908d6⋯.jpg (43.6 KB, 995x563, 995:563, rtk9m7.jpg)

all (((inbreds))) and child rapists are godless creatures to be drowned.

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8e5d1b  No.17320555

File: ca6792e0dbd9611⋯.jpg (49.91 KB, 1128x585, 376:195, cf846bxcex1mz.jpg)

It's Happening

The World is WATCHING

The World is CONNECTED























These people HATE America

Everything woke turns to shit.














45's [76th] BIRTHDAY




The Military is the only way.




"NG Activated"









Marker [9]


on Pelosi's watch





[they] expect you to follow the stars

Wizard of Oz

Emerald City

Yellow Brick Road

Godfather III

Sum of All Fears












At some point it will not be safe for them to walk down the street.










Black Monday















Jack Posobiec
















































We have it all























I miss Trump

When do we get Trump back



Green Castle

Red Castle



When does a bird sing? when it tweets

Enjoy the SHOW





ACTIVATE CODE: [0 0000 018739 7-ZjG]







General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!💥

You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.



John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'


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10ae5a  No.17320556

File: d287353540f0abb⋯.jpg (49.03 KB, 1097x585, 1097:585, 3ylngy9it2z48.jpg)


i clicked

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74c6c6  No.17320557

File: cf0331db913aad9⋯.jpg (41.04 KB, 1016x503, 1016:503, ztj96q49q4.jpg)


>Try reading more.

you wrote so little text?

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06dcb8  No.17320558

File: 7237ef7a3471ff1⋯.jpg (55.1 KB, 1160x644, 290:161, wtpyxce.jpg)


The wasn't ketchup…that was her aborted baby drippin's…

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c54504  No.17320559

File: 26ecfd81536ff57⋯.jpg (45.07 KB, 995x588, 995:588, jnzm9auj.jpg)

if its the womens right to kill a baby at will, anytime for any reason

does the women have the right to keep em legs shut tight – as per current prescription from grim reaping murdering psychopaths bent on destroying their very own heritage

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d9c1e3  No.17320560

File: c9219cb4c8c3f5b⋯.jpg (53.49 KB, 1120x645, 224:129, lfhr4f.jpg)


and the spotlight is on the criminals since 2000 Mules released

do criminals like spotlights?

let them do their crimes in the light

easy pickins

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995b22  No.17320561

File: 27062d0e30b8d1f⋯.jpg (57.46 KB, 1050x727, 1050:727, nlgfovuw.jpg)

yeh and he just popped up below this post

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2cb6cd  No.17320562

File: cad7f5766de9226⋯.jpg (55.78 KB, 1013x721, 1013:721, 941gyp9qcs.jpg)

Q post 4241 (right)

Gregg Phillips (left)

Same Person??

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eea692  No.17320563

File: 310fbb60222ebf7⋯.jpg (44.93 KB, 1139x498, 1139:498, 42edc1hy.jpg)


why don't they just throw out $10 worth of salt blocks for them if they care so much?

that would last a few ibex for months

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50df83  No.17320564

File: c66e145144c9755⋯.jpg (59.33 KB, 1076x741, 1076:741, zejawr9o.jpg)


B post might have been a way to protect anons?


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47ad0f  No.17320565

File: ff2702eee997fca⋯.jpg (55.67 KB, 1064x704, 133:88, rfwe9f.jpg)


Spoiler that shit!

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80db06  No.17320566

File: 11e63d983c24120⋯.jpg (41.72 KB, 1047x503, 1047:503, g4xej6upt6.jpg)

If the Fed doesn't raise 1% today, they are not serious about quelling inflation.

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cba754  No.17320567

File: 4ff9a38f45a6b8e⋯.jpg (55 KB, 1202x618, 601:309, 5nn5813tt.jpg)


o7 swordy!

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bd6ef6  No.17320568

File: 9e637dd238a53d8⋯.jpg (47.36 KB, 993x610, 993:610, ej2et0y.jpg)


ThanQ for that vid.


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90b3ee  No.17320569

File: dba288927573539⋯.jpg (59.59 KB, 1084x743, 1084:743, qg6fh5s.jpg)


The only way to get our country back is to TAKE IT I’m sorry to say (if you know what I mean).

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c9019e  No.17320570

File: c1a6d5592c7569a⋯.jpg (55.6 KB, 1160x650, 116:65, wkpsw7xfxa5tnb.jpg)

shitpost faster i was going to leave at the end of this bread

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b8070a  No.17320571

File: ccf5b0fa79ad58a⋯.jpg (40.28 KB, 992x506, 496:253, rfgd8d.jpg)


Fail more, tough guy.

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09c28d  No.17320572

File: a2f5e58081ccc84⋯.jpg (48.12 KB, 1179x539, 1179:539, wve51eoglqrfye.jpg)

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c69476  No.17320574

File: 2b5f9ee6e8425fe⋯.jpg (45.68 KB, 1109x536, 1109:536, 8vjwplfyx.jpg)

Michigan Senate Majority Leader, Mike Shirkey caught on camera telling the truth about Jan 6th.

“It was ALL staged, Mitch McConnell wanted it to be “a mess” so he could secure a Trump impeachment conviction for Pelosi and Schumer”


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d8d0b4  No.17320575

File: a7c11064f623dfa⋯.jpg (55.34 KB, 1003x719, 1003:719, 09ukcz.jpg)

Q , and Q+

Called U.S. Ambassadors a Q uad ago







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9c4d9e  No.17320576

File: 6a85347c430d3d3⋯.jpg (49.31 KB, 1022x634, 511:317, rlrfcmnvt5siad.jpg)

POTUS a smooth mudda fawka! KEK

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a90510  No.17320577

File: 2c6e86aebdc9cdb⋯.jpg (46.74 KB, 980x618, 490:309, mmwoqyfr36xof.jpg)


dog comms is siris the dog planet of communication connection, plus from Egyptian deity's



Sirius was known as Sothis to the ancient Egyptians, who were aware that it made its first heliacal rising (i.e., rose just before sunrise) of the year at about the time the annual floods were beginning in the Nile River delta. They long believed that Sothis caused the Nile floods, and they discovered that the heliacal rising of the star occurred at intervals of 365.25 days rather than the 365 days of their calendar year, a correction in the length of the year that was later incorporated in the Julian calendar. Among the ancient Romans, the hottest part of the year was associated with the heliacal rising of the Dog Star, a connection that survives in the expression “dog days.”

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beedc2  No.17320578

File: 8578a795a6f0024⋯.jpg (49.46 KB, 1116x588, 93:49, idkx5jy.jpg)


Refresh and search for this. It's also on syslog.

EDITed for confirmation.


Post last edited at 06/25/22 (Sat)

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b36caa  No.17320579

File: c697c981b1a76e1⋯.jpg (51.63 KB, 1087x633, 1087:633, hgy3dlnv2.jpg)


why are you so aggressive anon? none of what you just said is true. i was simply implying that deep down you might believe Q might come back, but i guess i was wrong. sheesh..

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3bc51d  No.17320580

File: 64a30aa6f036bbb⋯.jpg (49.97 KB, 1171x561, 1171:561, qwcsnitny.jpg)


yeah… every fucking day.

>An estimated 25 million meteoroids, micrometeoroids and other space debris enter Earth's atmosphere each day, which results in an estimated 15,000 tonnes of that material entering the atmosphere each year.

read a book.

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0b9ccd  No.17320581

File: 5ff68244bc32989⋯.jpg (60.5 KB, 1102x741, 58:39, pu4qsigp3zl22u.jpg)


neocon = false flag terrorism and send american kids to die and get crippled with permanat disabilities in the desert for israel.

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08820b  No.17320582

File: e5069200b326cf4⋯.jpg (60.41 KB, 1130x722, 565:361, tdoa3pkc7l95.jpg)


i see not all the demons have left here

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8fe2e2  No.17320583

File: bfbccba8d42b9a2⋯.jpg (53.2 KB, 973x719, 973:719, zgw6mshzz.jpg)


I'm going on 37+/- times I thought "EVERYTHING IS FUCKED!!"

I'm kind of over it. Just take care of your own shit and everything will be fine.

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e5c72c  No.17320584

File: 0ed70617723c0a7⋯.jpg (57.13 KB, 1102x697, 1102:697, yhdjleb9nzp.jpg)

just returned from 7day break, glorious wedding for a sibling and after unpacking this was the one and ONLY place i was waiting for.. NOT SLEEP! this place is quite the drug guys-n-gals! but seriously the brides father has had a medical emergency on the return trip home.. he is out of critical but not out of and the woods.. can we put some prayers his way.. he's a veteran with another family member serving. o7


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960490  No.17320585

File: 7d6d5a432c5a6e6⋯.jpg (54.63 KB, 990x730, 99:73, 523do9oogz.jpg)






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928f7b  No.17320586

File: a58da299b4cf17e⋯.jpg (63.43 KB, 1193x735, 1193:735, lwrgxv3d1w4h.jpg)

and, like most times I post, when I signalled to not post anymore but go watch tv or whatever, bread is slow as fuck instantly.

totally organic.

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6f13eb  No.17320587

File: 1507cf902454339⋯.jpg (51.92 KB, 967x703, 967:703, c0y4bl1lqog2.jpg)


No Vindman?

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186976  No.17320588

File: bda9496ba6c19b2⋯.jpg (48.39 KB, 1147x556, 1147:556, 5t0zt17pma7z82.jpg)

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925d56  No.17320589

File: 577996e2587826f⋯.jpg (44.37 KB, 1057x530, 1057:530, u08po3.jpg)


When I scroll over the TRIP is flashing


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eb5236  No.17320590

File: 1a06a498ae5109d⋯.jpg (59.54 KB, 1115x744, 1115:744, zkp5fu92.jpg)

DOJ waits out the crooked mid terms to blast POTUS.

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711100  No.17320591

File: ec45aa78edbced0⋯.jpg (63.25 KB, 1181x723, 1181:723, h1wzqn.jpg)


Do you even realize that you have not a single reply???????????

This means that all anons in here trust the plan………


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69e07b  No.17320592

File: 491c2078aee33b1⋯.jpg (62.74 KB, 1174x731, 1174:731, xna8a6mmward7q.jpg)


He has his period

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d41bc4  No.17320593

File: 6c5ae5e8fe7f88e⋯.jpg (47.15 KB, 1003x593, 1003:593, ltt3zobdqo.jpg)


shill detected

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2ed521  No.17320594

File: cfbbe915d5a9a45⋯.jpg (62.15 KB, 1199x711, 1199:711, yjl54uu.jpg)



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f4d292  No.17320595

File: 76d8d161b47f4fd⋯.jpg (50.9 KB, 1041x646, 1041:646, 85qjdm9woc.jpg)


Nice catch. Steering to starboard with a little bit of yaw.

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2f7370  No.17320596

File: 1e8e6f3472cec41⋯.jpg (50.86 KB, 1157x578, 1157:578, cljvkw.jpg)

Who put communists on your BALLOT?

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897b35  No.17320597

File: c418359a86377c5⋯.jpg (46.92 KB, 1067x573, 1067:573, j5fm7w.jpg)


I was just trying to figure out if there was a thread I was supposed to respond to. Was being lazy and not "finding" your ID.

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6b4a4c  No.17320598

File: 97f94807f933d22⋯.jpg (50.51 KB, 1148x586, 574:293, qssp4cg.jpg)


189 is on the clock today, an Anon clocked it a couple breads ago

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8c374c  No.17320599

File: 0e583205c2f4a85⋯.jpg (51.8 KB, 1053x666, 117:74, jdecwsul502t.jpg)



You mean 5hat co. that is owned 30% by the Italian government?

That aerospace co. that allowed Chy-nah to steal the plans for the 737 workhorse and then force the max to ruin so they could make 737 knockoff sales?

Is that who you mean?

The ones in control of the Itialian satellites?

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be2b8f  No.17320600

File: 1fd7d9629df8d9f⋯.jpg (58.81 KB, 1145x695, 229:139, k5dkqwalpae0i.jpg)


Thanks God, for a moment I thought it was the jews.

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51111d  No.17320601

File: 87b350e63fae399⋯.jpg (43.33 KB, 962x575, 962:575, gsydb6n374np.jpg)


Very common for arson to be committed by firefighters….just like 50% of crime is committed by police

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9e21f2  No.17320602

File: c02ad8b8045bd74⋯.jpg (47.8 KB, 989x625, 989:625, rqmpfr48w9tw.jpg)


Site Admin said they would give us an update on what happened with Tripcodes and Tor posting on Tuesday at the latest

See >>17320298

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ce6478  No.17320603

File: daf08b607411489⋯.jpg (41.74 KB, 991x531, 991:531, teoym1.jpg)



>They're dismantling the labs and trying to sneak them out, including the nuke lab at Mariupol.

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64a74a  No.17320604

File: 41defdd7956e610⋯.jpg (55.67 KB, 1032x718, 516:359, 1kpt50g7kbk.jpg)


Ashley was the Original, Meghan is the clone

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54944f  No.17320605

File: cb0b20c3e4bb032⋯.jpg (55.5 KB, 968x746, 484:373, u6rfwjb.jpg)


Builds morale

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2bead5  No.17320606

File: 0969eac26770223⋯.jpg (52.31 KB, 991x700, 991:700, fenxcd0v95vc.jpg)

U.S. Coast Guard / @USCG

We're getting the band back together!

The United States Coast Guard Band will be making some noise and is hosting our Instagram Takeover over the holiday weekend!

#uscginstagramtakeover #coastguard #coastguardbanhttps://t.co/Bbd5pMW7zad

We're getting the band back together!

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995b22  No.17320607

File: 9c399ee4e8e94ad⋯.jpg (51.78 KB, 1006x677, 1006:677, vablqebbucnoe4.jpg)

It's Happening

The World is WATCHING

The World is CONNECTED






We the People


















These people HATE America

Everything woke turns to shit.












45's [76th] BIRTHDAY




The Military is the only way.




"NG Activated"












Marker [9]


on Pelosi's watch



United on 11.11


[they] expect you to follow the stars

Wizard of Oz

Emerald City

Yellow Brick Road

Godfather III

Sum of All Fears












At some point it will not be safe for them to walk down the street.


Question everything






Black Monday














Jack Posobiec

















































We have it all























I miss Trump

When do we get Trump back


No fear




Green Castle

Red Castle



When does a bird sing? when it tweets

Enjoy the SHOW





ACTIVATE CODE: [0 0000 018739 7-ZjG]







General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!💥

You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.

Give me a sign for a fellow soldier of the LIGHT to know if I am on track



John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'


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3e0d3c  No.17321039

File: e190901a5432fe3⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1058x1212, 529:606, FA576F27_DC1E_416F_8C8D_52….png)

87,000 New IRS agents Rush to 8Chan to SPAM while they wait on Orders to rifle further through your taxes

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83c72e  No.17321784

File: ce34790da251767⋯.png (92.13 KB, 197x159, 197:159, proteus_4477.png)

File: a4ea61837d24fa7⋯.gif (4.95 MB, 360x192, 15:8, muh_verve.gif)

File: 03d7ad83f8f29e6⋯.jpg (54.38 KB, 296x146, 148:73, _Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….jpg)

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