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File: 65f43c0c8f542db⋯.jpeg (107.08 KB, 600x335, 120:67, 5CDD61D4_3065_45DA_9F79_C….jpeg)

e4e7dc  No.17313509 [Last 50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 06.29.2022

>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

>>16950147 06.25.2022

>>16950142 06.24.2022

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>>15406810 Overview | >>16085354 Intro thread | >>15406442 Board Info, Offsite Bunkers, Optics | >>15406807 Suggested Follow


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10fee6  No.17313624

File: 66a0d445ec110c6⋯.jpg (58.29 KB, 1064x738, 532:369, 0lcgwm7y6xds0.jpg)

Big slow down on posts.

Baker catch up?

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123932  No.17313631

File: d5ea978f0fad074⋯.jpg (53.83 KB, 982x744, 491:372, ug99rede4kx.jpg)


ya, that's why he has to be subversive


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def4f1  No.17313654

File: 04f3623bfa963a7⋯.jpg (53.5 KB, 1161x615, 387:205, 5yvqupwps.jpg)



Stelter is Fat

Abrams is Trans Fat

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bb1042  No.17313674

File: 715c49a902f6514⋯.jpg (56.33 KB, 1157x658, 1157:658, fk6hdsovj4h.jpg)


U.N. Says Joe Biden’s Border Is ‘Deadliest

Land Crossing in the World’

Breitbart Immigration, by Neil Munro

Posted By: Imright, 7/4/2022 6:48:18 AM

President Joe Biden’s border with Mexico is the deadliest land crossing in the world, according to a United Nations group, the International Organization for Migration. “More than 1,238 lives have been lost during migration in the [north, central and south] Americas in 2021, among them at least 51 children,” said the group’s July 1 report. “At least 728 of these deaths occurred on the United States-Mexico border crossing, making this the deadliest land crossing in the world,” said the IOM statement, which added:

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a5351e  No.17313688

File: 3b5c3a684b235b9⋯.jpg (43.68 KB, 1021x546, 1021:546, vs9ndfoqkt8.jpg)


Poor word choice award #2

Libs screaming "illegitimate" before SCOTUS, just like their children that they'll be having in the next year.

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697d8a  No.17313694

File: 5152dd831e588e2⋯.jpg (54.58 KB, 968x737, 88:67, q3fzo8.jpg)


I’m the biggest faggot alive

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118a95  No.17313745

File: d6633ec954f0b72⋯.jpg (46.66 KB, 1121x538, 1121:538, l1r7co9r7o8k9.jpg)


Get going, faggots!!!

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1df70e  No.17313747

File: 8acf117267f47c5⋯.jpg (63.64 KB, 1180x741, 1180:741, anh49ullv3jl.jpg)

Now, I'm not Q. smfh

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19553f  No.17313751

File: 336756f63700ed0⋯.jpg (47.23 KB, 1059x584, 1059:584, 6i7zhgq7ud8v.jpg)


It not only flopped. It flopped in prime time.

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b3a1b6  No.17313776

File: 9b0a7cd33cda960⋯.jpg (48.58 KB, 1035x614, 1035:614, ew8ximmhvcw.jpg)


Speaking of Hussein:


https://archive.vn/szuFL - "Biden reassures Florida Jews on Israel"

https://archive.vn/GhSwJ - "Sen. Joe Biden reiterates support for Israel at two South Florida rallies"


Obama signed a $38 billion package of military aid for Israel over 10 years.


https://archive.vn/CA7gU - "U.S. Finalizes Deal to Give Israel $38 Billion in Military Aid"


Obama said "The example of Israel and its values was inspiring,” at a synagogue in 2015.


https://archive.vn/L7HVL - "An insider’s view: Eight years watching the first Jewish US president "


Obama was very very close to the extremely zionist Rahm Emanuel.


https://archive.vn/Yqy7p - "Rahm Emanuel, Obama's Chieff of Staff"


https://archive.vn/bsK8P - “Obama Hailed as a 'Mensch' After Moving Speech at NYC Synagogue: 'Be Kind. Be Useful. Be Fearless'”


https://archive.vn/L7HVL - "An insider’s view: Eight years watching the first Jewish US president"


As US President Barack Obama stood before the packed synagogue sanctuary, a white kippa comfortably atop his head, he spoke of the impact that images of kibbutzim, Israel’s founders and the 1967 war had on him as he was coming of age.

“To a young man like me, grappling with his own identity, recognizing the scars of race here in this nation, inspired by the Civil Rights struggle, the idea that you could be grounded in your history, as Israel was, but not be trapped by it, to be able to repair the world – that idea was liberating. The example of Israel and its values was inspiring,” Obama said that day, speaking in 2015 at my own synagogue, Adas Israel Congregation in Washington DC, in celebration of Jewish American Heritage Month.



https://archive.vn/TlQsV - "William Kristol & Neocons Are Not Conservatives"


https://archive.vn/dVaoi - "Barack Obama: America’s First Jewish President!"




"Some Chicago Jews Say Obama Is Actually the 'First Jewish President'"


Chuck Schumer talks about how Barrack Obama was introduced to the world of politics by the most powerful Jewish families in Chicago:


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211343  No.17313788

File: 639424e06d56e9b⋯.jpg (57.12 KB, 1108x693, 1108:693, 4d2la6fcqvos.jpg)

Enough country for me. 4am drops just happened. Time for focus music while I ingest. On a side note: Do you ever wonder if Staff Sgt. Jones on Faux News rubs his nipples in a circular motion during commercial breaks? I'll bet he does. The only question then is clockwise or counter-clockwise.

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e406fd  No.17313800

File: 75a3d5cc16620ee⋯.jpg (42.54 KB, 969x546, 323:182, hwiw26ve7.jpg)


Denver airport?

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ba91ad  No.17313819

File: 9b9ee5e4dafb703⋯.jpg (42.29 KB, 1085x500, 217:100, lljnlaag4lrga.jpg)



>Can you believe it?? I'm literally destroying the country and there are dumbasses that still support me.

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87759a  No.17313829

File: 90c9af47b50a97c⋯.jpg (58.17 KB, 1103x716, 1103:716, hs4538.jpg)

George's bad day in Belgrade with the Foot vs color revolution


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e4e7dc  No.17313832


>>17224884 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports and /meta/ for Admin comms

>>17224801 HOW TO BAKE; bakers/notetakers, plz tag the dough

>>17224803 Newfag Q&A; >>16050716

>>17224816 Baker's Lite JS code; >>17224834 formatting for Q posting

CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernment- reminder

BOT attacks current info: META >>17221573 ; Baker thread >>17212015

Also: Know your bunkers endchan.gg/qrbunker


#21289 soon


>>17241250 Washington State Should Be Updating Midterm Election Vote Count Tonight

>>17242146 Fight With Kash & Ric Grenell file defamation suit against fired deep state employee

>>17242532, >>17242548, >>17244459, >>17244804, >>17248216, >>17249075, >>17250707, >>17250712, >>17250717, >>17252792, >>17253033, >>17253605 Donald J. Trump - Truth Social / FBI executes search warrant at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago

>>17245153 Brandon returns, darkly: Democrats turn an insult into a pro-Biden meme

>>17245258 Georgia Ballot Mule on Camera Inserting HUGE Stack of 30+ Ballots into Georgia Dropbox!!

>>17245688 Child, 4, born a female announces transition with a blue gender reveal cannon at Vancouver Pride Parade

>>17247671 Democrats Hire 87,000 IRS Agents; Bannon Motion for New Trial; The Cheneys Panic

>>17250451 Half of Democrats' $740BN spending bill will fund 'transition' to green energy - with $60B for 'environmental justice'

>>17252057 Tracy Beanz - What the FBI has just done is make it open season to forcibly investigate past and current presidents. It may be their biggest foible yet.

>>17252538 Former Health Minister Litzman pled guilty to pressuring ministry employees to alter psychiatric evaluations

>>17253974 #21288


>>17230017, >>17232012, dough corp on duty

>>17226239, >>17226256, >>17226650, >>17226941, German media sheds light on Zelensky’s ‘secret deals’ - rt.com(non-profit klaus asset)

>>17226261 Burma’s Ambassador to China Dies Suddenly - ntd.com (aka myanmar)

>>17226268 Olivia Newton-John Dead at 73 - gwp

>>17226296 (DoD) announces the authorization ofa Presidential Drawdown of security assistance valued at up to $1 billion to meet Ukraine’s critical security and defense needs - defense.gov

>>17226340 Artemis 1 moon mission launch ticket sales crashed website: report - space.com

>>17226485 NASA opens up Artemis moon missions to all astronauts - space.com

>>17226401 Arkansas judge found dead at bottom of lake - cbsnews.com (screencaps)

>>17226411 Deepfake is getting out of hand.. At least 190 K-Pop idols are victimized by mass Deepfake porn production - blog.criminalip.io

>>17226536 cnn-redefines-groomer-as-anti-lgbtq-slur - thepostmillennial.com

>>17226286, >>17226298, >>17226307, >>17226316, >>17226356, >>17226386, >>17226404, >>17226433, >>17226481, >>17226537, forces twats

>>17226607 Another tank exploded at Cuba’s oil facility in Matanzas. At least one person has died and 125 are injured - msn.com

>>17226609 Walt Disney just got canceled by his own company. - toddstarnes.com

>>17226646 german-hospital-federation-demands-withdrawal-of-vaccination-mandate-after-massive-side-effects-revealed/ - dr r malone

>>17226678 #21286

>>17235565 Human traffickers luring Ukrainian refugees on the web targeted in EU-wide hackathon - europol.eu

>>17236152 #21287

Previously Collected

>>17225419 #21285, >>17226678 #21286

>>17224648 #21282, >>17224644 #21283, >>17224642 #21284

>>17112950 #21279, >>17101256 #21280, >>17101964 #21281

>>17105479 #21276, >>17101288 #21277, >>17104733 #21278

>>17067497 #21273, >>17068254 #21274, >>17069053 #21275

>>17065179 #21270, >>17065903 #21271, >>17066742 #21272

>>17059342 #21268-a, >>17059461 #21268-b, >>17064409 #21269

>>17025252 #21265, >>17039555 #21266, >>17058733 #21267

>>16463405 Notables Bread #14: Gonna Rise Up

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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cbf2e6  No.17313847

File: 7fae3942f520838⋯.jpg (50.8 KB, 984x676, 246:169, ymblvv80.jpg)



It is not going away…..

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43e7c5  No.17313884

File: 828d7f205416b3c⋯.jpg (63.57 KB, 1203x725, 1203:725, qe4wumg.jpg)



I saw another account with a pulsating design.

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15f0c3  No.17313887

File: 859bd5e71fb4d71⋯.jpg (47.09 KB, 1056x582, 176:97, b9sguks8ujm.jpg)


Punishment for treason can range from five years in prison to imprisonment for life or even, very rarely, the possible death penalty during the sentencing phase. Treason is a relatively rare charge but it is still used by government officials on occasion. Some crimes have what is known as a statue of limitations. This means someone can no longer be prosecuted for certain crimes after a certain period of time. This is not true of treason. A person can be charged with treason at any point in time.


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0fc54d  No.17313939

File: ecabc319cb318d7⋯.jpg (50.31 KB, 973x673, 973:673, ugdhec4wmw5ovr.jpg)


Seen facial recognition stuff here before, of course. Never once seen it called XR vision until today. Interesting…

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c2e382  No.17313951

File: 3cfe0e64215adef⋯.jpg (62.07 KB, 1162x733, 1162:733, 9zghl1w08kd17.jpg)

-deep inhale-


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c48b41  No.17313971

File: 6995e721ae7642c⋯.jpg (53.63 KB, 1112x643, 1112:643, pgyf877cu92.jpg)


New Mexico is a bigger glownigger hive than DC. Are you really surprised?

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334ab2  No.17313974

File: 00f6c8cf2ecaef7⋯.jpg (44.51 KB, 1093x525, 1093:525, hikcf9c4ukhuty.jpg)

I think I'm in the mood for some 90s Gregorian chant electronic music.

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ce2b11  No.17313977

File: dc3bc43c984da29⋯.jpg (63.37 KB, 1201x744, 1201:744, ue6uc3trxz3w.jpg)

What's kraken little shill bitch bakers? Raise your oath breaker if you fitna back the blue all the way to the gulags.

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af44ba  No.17313993

File: 3090ef4560a5334⋯.jpg (60.34 KB, 1178x703, 62:37, cvexmsnw3s19y8.jpg)


Watch Mass of the Ages.. a 3 part doc on YT. 2/3 released. Shows how freemasonry took over the Vatican in the 60s-70s and created Vatican 2… I now attend a TLM.


Episode 1


Episode 2


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267a17  No.17313997

File: c3cc8df26e8ed6b⋯.jpg (48.88 KB, 995x641, 995:641, nyeusac8ae36.jpg)

Don't most Ukers speak Ruski?

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e4e7dc  No.17314002

File: b0a5d5c03073a8c⋯.jpeg (317.03 KB, 1248x631, 1248:631, AF19C0D9_08EA_4BAF_82CA_5….jpeg)






Ghost & Hand Off

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1bdc02  No.17314006

File: f03561b955fba45⋯.jpg (48.57 KB, 1031x612, 1031:612, 2u6yqjw.jpg)


How the PRC’s lucrative transplant industry kills donors by removing their organs


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4b2572  No.17314016

File: 2bed3444d2009d9⋯.jpg (46.04 KB, 968x615, 968:615, ai9boqk9g2d195.jpg)


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b7b9d3  No.17314045

File: 62445c6c6b79e66⋯.jpg (46.26 KB, 1053x574, 1053:574, 7bxfjfwyi9.jpg)

What, in your opinion, do you think will be the moment that people finally find the will to change (to participate?) Modern Americans are selfish and lazy as a rule, I suspect nothing short of facing down complete economic collapse and civil war. $5 regular unleaded unfortunately is not going to do it.

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87759a  No.17314058

File: 44f70192a4d01bf⋯.jpg (47.67 KB, 1019x622, 1019:622, w3qbnqne.jpg)



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bb1042  No.17314064

File: 1e487f02345e6f5⋯.jpg (44.43 KB, 1022x560, 73:40, kz11hvx.jpg)


wars have to be started to kill those who rape children.

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334ab2  No.17314067

File: b87dcb16316329b⋯.jpg (47.05 KB, 1146x532, 573:266, ks3e63bf.jpg)


Tor posting has been turned back on everyone who posts from Tor shares the same I.D.

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def4f1  No.17314078

File: 079c9510374f119⋯.jpg (44.36 KB, 1070x536, 535:268, gd0znkhrd1rff.jpg)

I will not help a democrat in any situation even if it is life threatening.

I recently pulled over to help a stranded motorist about 50 miles out of town and I ask the driver if he was a democrat he said yes and I just drove away… Lmao

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eae7bb  No.17314112

File: 7ade69346f39a6d⋯.jpg (52.28 KB, 1104x638, 552:319, cgkm62dey303q.jpg)


This works pretty good.

Common words I see the bots using between all of them.

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a01978  No.17314115

File: 2dededba3855608⋯.jpg (58.33 KB, 1208x662, 604:331, cnvemlw1vwuey.jpg)

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d1b628  No.17314119

File: ea43235db7bca90⋯.jpg (49.11 KB, 1015x635, 203:127, vwto5ztwzjw.jpg)


USA-Bashing Press Uses Fourth of July to Trash: America, You Suck!

Scott Whitlock

July 1st, 2022 11:00 AM

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a83bc3  No.17314144

File: 442c85829bac884⋯.jpg (51.68 KB, 1092x627, 364:209, st70qp.jpg)

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27793f  No.17314149

File: 4bdab5de8f3d032⋯.jpg (46.54 KB, 1029x587, 1029:587, k5vupxkx.jpg)


I already tried to spoon the wife and got a "NO" groan.

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321645  No.17314180

File: 02c097146363444⋯.jpg (52.49 KB, 1099x637, 157:91, sd0c5s.jpg)

Think about this, we have a VERIFIED 0 DELTA between a Q poster and PDJT and they REFUSE to add it to notables







15 second Delta between POTUS posts first 2 posts

Q posted FIRST and PDJT followed 14 seconds later

24 minutes between First 2 PDJT post and 0 Delta Post

0 Delta between Scavino and Anon that pointed out 0 DELTA

And Q was the first one that pointed out the DELTA. Q literally made us go look for the proof because everyone ignored it.

https://archive.ph/uawyQ <-Archive in case posts accidently get deleted



Posts about Roe v Wade 12 hours after decision

Dan Scavino Posted BABYFIST 3x exposing the larp

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f858bd  No.17314182

File: c53336f3c520f83⋯.jpg (58.72 KB, 1061x739, 1061:739, 07gyt0or246hlj.jpg)




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563af4  No.17314188

File: ce3593f1c6532ee⋯.jpg (56.97 KB, 1181x661, 1181:661, hdvjbg7c2.jpg)

Jean-Pierre citing some analysis that says all income groups had higher checking account balances at the end of March than they had pre-pandemic; insists we are not in a recession.

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ee53d9  No.17314189

File: 4e20cc94424e12a⋯.jpg (46.72 KB, 1130x539, 1130:539, j53f2w1066s.jpg)


Every bit of that carriers tech stolen from the U.S.

Traitors everywhere.

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a01978  No.17314198

File: 46e3d372dd1379a⋯.jpg (62.96 KB, 1188x733, 1188:733, tcot72g0y.jpg)

According to the great historian Charles Beard,

in 1650 there were 300 Africans in the Virginia colony and they were treated the same as white serfs. Local mayor and governors asked the crown to stop sending them or at least put a limit on their numbers. The (((slave traders))) were paying the king off, so he refused.

Sound familiar?

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87759a  No.17314225

File: ae5925be1563db8⋯.jpg (48.33 KB, 1178x539, 1178:539, 0jhl0uy4wpmcha.jpg)

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5b4d7d  No.17314235

File: 186862ce06f99c7⋯.jpg (48.63 KB, 1097x577, 1097:577, ymfr5214xc82vb.jpg)


11:14 AM · Jun 9, 2022·Twitter Web App

#G30 member @RaghuramRRajan discusses the downsides of "friend-shoring" trade mandates stating that, if applied too broadly, "they would have devastating effects on international trade."-

Just Say No to “Friend-Shoring”


June 3, 2022

Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Jun 3, 2022 Raghuram G. Rajan

Following major shocks to global supply chains in recent years, it is not surprising that governments are groping for new policies to build more resilience and ensure a continuous supply of critical inputs. But abandoning free and fair trade is not the answer.

CHICAGO – In an important speech to the Atlantic Council in April, US Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen issued a welcome call for revitalizing the world economic order. But she also generated headlines with a single sentence advocating what she called “friend-shoring”: that is, limiting the trade of key inputs to trusted countries in order to reduce risks to the supply chains on which the United States and its partners rely.

The Supply Solution to Stagflation Economics


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eef34d  No.17314240

File: fd9bb4c016a7fa3⋯.jpg (44.96 KB, 1146x503, 1146:503, vh1310lxeks.jpg)

Updated Dough


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54932c  No.17314278

File: b9311847301fd96⋯.jpg (51.54 KB, 999x691, 999:691, p8he8ujd1ki.jpg)


chem weather drones. Like the one spotted in broad daylight in Hawaii.

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af44ba  No.17314315

File: f8d319603d5ead6⋯.jpg (45.23 KB, 961x598, 961:598, j1acgso0pxfy.jpg)


>yep tiny developments like this one keep happening and keep Ulvalde in the news cycle.


>wonder what will come of it if anything??

Literal awakening of American normies, all mankind, and ultimately ascension

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ee53d9  No.17314361

File: 71bb13f72267f37⋯.jpg (43.67 KB, 981x570, 327:190, s9jmbzyhuu.jpg)


That's what satanists WANT their targets to 'see' in race and religion, satanist.

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21667e  No.17314367

File: 971df2b1f4d9076⋯.jpg (54.92 KB, 1051x692, 1051:692, 1r77rqtz29rdvp.jpg)


How about no. Fuck off and KILL YOURSELF

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dd0b1f  No.17314433

File: 7ee0840d10134e0⋯.jpg (47.02 KB, 1004x595, 1004:595, trrg1m4kbfq.jpg)


and then france surrendered

and jelly donut wall was built

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54565e  No.17314434

File: a7a4ba5c31252ce⋯.jpg (48.89 KB, 1064x605, 1064:605, exsijhz072r.jpg)


I will always remember Cramer talking down Tesla before the next quarterly sales report shot it toward Mars. Every single time. Fi you bet against him he was good for an extra $20.

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c61d76  No.17314438

File: 7bb376ad81d5f92⋯.jpg (46.46 KB, 988x622, 494:311, a9rm0aozu.jpg)

Author Matt Palumbo Lays Out How George Soros Has Significant Control Over Media Narratives

Matt Palumbo, author of “The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros,” details billionaire George Soros’s connection to American politics, and illustrates how Soros controls not only what is written about him, but also influences how the American public perceives news events.


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16dfdb  No.17314465

File: 61702dd0dad5786⋯.jpg (48.76 KB, 1012x628, 253:157, moz2b88wj5e1s5.jpg)

o7 to the anon who dug on the bohemian grove,

that was mind blowing.

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a57b0f  No.17314501

File: 466fd10a1aa8b77⋯.jpg (52.96 KB, 1190x602, 85:43, b695bz44lv2.jpg)



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c7ddc1  No.17314557

File: c66b64211ed1992⋯.jpg (52.62 KB, 1106x639, 1106:639, vsv5u0v7ze.jpg)


Glamis (Imperial) Sand dunes. My wife's best friends daughter. I didn't take the pic.

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33f22a  No.17314577

File: a836c3bb1a0c900⋯.jpg (55.92 KB, 1202x635, 1202:635, fmuduz.jpg)




this just broke today

people are rolling

it doesn't happen instantaneously

significant arrests have already gone public and True The Vote is partenring with sheriffs around the country

if you still think nothing is happening you're just not paying attention

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767e94  No.17314586

File: 5e78f9b8d85d3a7⋯.jpg (51.53 KB, 1112x617, 1112:617, mi0cwapexki0o.jpg)


Happy Juneteenth.

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8f5606  No.17314650

File: 1c9bafa4f45e99c⋯.jpg (57.46 KB, 1141x679, 163:97, 1dcjk084zy7x0.jpg)


Q Research General #21935: On A Mission From KEK Edition



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484b44  No.17314666

File: eb437e37088bbe8⋯.jpg (51.89 KB, 1008x681, 336:227, i3m2eg62mc6.jpg)


Just click the post number you want to reply to.

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af44ba  No.17314688

File: 5827cbc4120cabd⋯.jpg (44.48 KB, 1023x547, 1023:547, 6w1mhknip4k.jpg)









#22041to be collected

#22041 board attacked by spammers

#22041 board attacked by spammers

#22041 board attacked by spammers

#22041 board attacked by spammers

#22041 board attacked by spammers

#22041 board attacked by spammers

#22041 board attacked by spammers





















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9e1f18  No.17314690

File: 78264cf47b49eb6⋯.jpg (54.8 KB, 1068x685, 1068:685, 7vn373nm.jpg)

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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7baeb4  No.17314691

File: 7c16d730f6524ed⋯.jpg (43.66 KB, 1103x506, 1103:506, warcpz6.jpg)


I'm sorry for your loss, anon

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3bb264  No.17314717

File: cacac9f7c61c6e6⋯.jpg (47.87 KB, 1144x550, 52:25, cbkc2s.jpg)

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5900ff  No.17314729

File: aba4cd124293a91⋯.jpg (45.29 KB, 1108x528, 277:132, zg1ndu9wmfi.jpg)



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90eeba  No.17314736

File: 6c3ab4f4471b191⋯.jpg (45.98 KB, 1058x559, 1058:559, gm2k60e.jpg)


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29b49b  No.17314773

File: cb1459ecced42cf⋯.jpg (55.71 KB, 1166x650, 583:325, on16zvu66.jpg)

arcturians are getting shit done, too.. that i can tell you.

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8efe95  No.17314788

File: 1ac683ec93fc475⋯.jpg (55.66 KB, 1012x728, 253:182, mcny5q.jpg)


That’s muccah

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359861  No.17314791

File: c77018863212b15⋯.jpg (51.9 KB, 1191x581, 1191:581, rviq17k8n8.jpg)


>nobody told you anything

>no time for kidz

That hilarious, because I have no time for absolute retards.

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b739a9  No.17314803

File: 5e921cfc14ce039⋯.jpg (50.39 KB, 1187x562, 1187:562, oekyqg7mjcfibw.jpg)


Barb hru ols stovecki

candy gram ma'am

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885314  No.17314826

File: 8f64603aa37670c⋯.jpg (48.71 KB, 981x667, 981:667, 78xlbr.jpg)


Let's Hope not.

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22a513  No.17314836

File: cf7744e541de5be⋯.jpg (46.2 KB, 1194x504, 199:84, eys9f3f9lh.jpg)

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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c5fb20  No.17314840

File: 607949977915782⋯.jpg (57.8 KB, 1087x714, 1087:714, qcd2b335lklt.jpg)



Q never mentioned nor interacted with Jim not one single time.

CM on the other hand, many such cases.

And Q still made sure there were verification processes in place that were totally independent from the platform management of the 2 sites (counting 8ch/8kun as 1) so as to guard against potential opsec fuckery.

Future Proves Past: Very smart decision, Q, very smart.

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ef31bf  No.17314862

File: c3fad65cbc4765e⋯.jpg (46.68 KB, 981x624, 327:208, 6xw8i7m.jpg)

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e8f867  No.17314869

File: 6ac9e112b655117⋯.jpg (48.83 KB, 981x650, 981:650, cyseeh.jpg)



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1e7c2f  No.17314886

File: a62f4205735e999⋯.jpg (49.15 KB, 1000x668, 250:167, 0h428xzt4ri.jpg)


gender reassignment surgeon?

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a34e25  No.17314905

File: 1ec982155070ada⋯.jpg (63.45 KB, 1189x731, 1189:731, dqekbwc8v26k.jpg)


Where did auntie zannys pill bottle go, umm neva mind.


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77d46d  No.17314914

File: cdfe2acc9277ffc⋯.jpg (40.68 KB, 972x526, 486:263, ntelthfdsmn8dv.jpg)

Did he say Biden was involved in the negotiation?

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f858bd  No.17314919

File: ac1b3f73ccaec81⋯.jpg (51.85 KB, 1012x665, 1012:665, 6aqaaj1m7jkvk.jpg)


So many words …. summarize this shit nigger.

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824ce5  No.17314923

File: 27ee82db89f0fd4⋯.jpg (50.93 KB, 1192x574, 596:287, gvx5to.jpg)


And his pal Joe Biden:

"Joe Biden's rabbi on his connection to Jews, leadership and Israel"



"Meet Biden’s first rabbi, Rabbi Leonard Gewirtz"



"Joe Biden blessed by Delaware rabbi before White House inauguration"



In 2013, Biden had a Jewish Sukkah built at his home, by CHABAD



"On the holiday of Sukkot, Jewish people spend time in the sukkah."



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161fd2  No.17314931

File: 9d64e7d63eac10b⋯.jpg (53.04 KB, 1072x662, 536:331, l44is6v9lcgubj.jpg)


Why did you arbitrarily stop counting "communication artifacts" after TRA? Oh, I know. 'Cause you're just trying to extract a 17, anyway you can. Shill. Filtered.

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bae0c5  No.17314940

File: 9950672c923c0f6⋯.jpg (55.03 KB, 1201x618, 1201:618, 4micczz.jpg)



Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 071c71 No.564130 📁

Mar 6 2018 01:29:38 (EST)


1 of 5.


2 of 5.

What if the steel used for military-grade projects was made-inferior by our enemies as a method to weaken?

What if Hussein knew and authorized?


How many Marines volunteered to serve Hussein during his term?


What if his name we don’t say organized the deal?

The US taxpayer subsidizes the WORLD.

AMERICA has been sold to the highest bidder.

AMERICA has been weakened on purpose.

The depths of their TREASON is unimaginable.

Pure EVIL.

HELL on earth - HRC victory.


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80bce6  No.17314945

File: 4a45d0b431950c3⋯.jpg (54.66 KB, 1146x646, 573:323, b5lzqx.jpg)

South Carolina will resume executing death-row inmates after preparing facilities to accommodate the recently instituted option of death by firing squad.


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0e58f0  No.17314947

File: e37b9196e978812⋯.jpg (52.41 KB, 1175x597, 1175:597, gx5m1hih3d7xa.jpg)


Fren, whether or not the vote counting is manipulated, the questioning of candidates matters.

Their non/answers matter.

Expand your thinking.

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2c28ec  No.17315005

File: c094c6e28cd7895⋯.jpg (50.46 KB, 1053x639, 117:71, p24efbbl4.jpg)


>not a zero delta

Lying faggot

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44939c  No.17315009

File: babb3285f1e1297⋯.jpg (49.08 KB, 1208x539, 1208:539, oprezec.jpg)

The Real Toria Brooke / @wqnderwqman

06/04/2022 09:44:23

Truth Social: 108419498896589667

ICYMI The WHO International Health Regulations Amendments, Pandemic Treaty DEFEATED at the Geneva Conference thanks to Africa Nations and Brazil.



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1e7c2f  No.17315023

File: 0de28ffcb5c4919⋯.jpg (46.72 KB, 1007x605, 1007:605, pu2kq82.jpg)

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98a214  No.17315036

File: 09d516ac5cbe7cc⋯.jpg (53.97 KB, 1174x617, 1174:617, zxdx02nktd4.jpg)


Pls feel free to trim for dough.

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6aca3a  No.17315051

File: 569f184c6eb226e⋯.jpg (47.71 KB, 980x634, 490:317, q1qv0pgnab95v.jpg)


You da Anon Bake’s

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b25d32  No.17315061

File: a7356dbdb60ee7f⋯.jpg (44.17 KB, 1062x529, 1062:529, cbojdzjl9s.jpg)

Feels like next level of CASTLE SIEGE MODE

this time we take back the white house

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2c28ec  No.17315073

File: 24cf4473e4ad635⋯.jpg (56.58 KB, 1066x707, 1066:707, ocwa0san5u.jpg)


Good point

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dd0b1f  No.17315074

File: 6313fa095f39cb5⋯.jpg (55.97 KB, 1144x664, 143:83, sjwmtiuna.jpg)


Thank you, Anon.

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dff095  No.17315076

File: 884c28d18fb3b32⋯.jpg (53.22 KB, 1160x618, 580:309, cyxzphi046rwgq.jpg)

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3c7df1  No.17315099

File: ee5a7756f12bdb8⋯.jpg (42.11 KB, 983x543, 983:543, i1ng1oqk2c8tjj.jpg)

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94ff65  No.17315119

File: 1aca9e9ef77aacc⋯.jpg (47.78 KB, 1164x538, 582:269, 7zovj4r.jpg)


23 posts and the clown guy is pissed at you. Tell us more about CERN genius.

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a9134e  No.17315126

File: b23974433385d43⋯.jpg (52.41 KB, 1084x650, 542:325, qwfidts0mvo.jpg)

7:09 delta, so what’s Q post 709?

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824ce5  No.17315130

File: da928a415075b37⋯.jpg (57.87 KB, 1184x669, 1184:669, 6yzhpzys42lq26.jpg)


Fuck Santa Claus is Tom cruise too

It's the big bang day

That's what they was do Last 4 years

Fucks and fucks and FUCk to great awakening save child bullshit

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095a65  No.17315142

File: 26918798fbb6ac6⋯.jpg (49.66 KB, 1196x552, 13:6, w5hl281rjk.jpg)


Sure thing. You keep telling yourself that as many times as you need to.

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dff095  No.17315149

File: 87dd94038e3324c⋯.jpg (47.47 KB, 1185x527, 1185:527, bqj30cq8m7.jpg)

Does anyone know when that “B” post disappeared from the projectdcomms board?

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ca9e1d  No.17315216

File: 0c34d189276edc5⋯.jpg (57.63 KB, 1188x661, 1188:661, 1fm8zd9vm.jpg)


I have gay clients, they had shared finances and othet problems without being able to taje care of each other in sickness etc. The SC could have called it a legal union instead of marriage and achieved the same thing. But they the biblical term and violated people’s faith.

An atty friend has lot of wealthy gay clients and they didny want gay marriages because they be subject to alimony etc.

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d12ae8  No.17315247

File: 0cdc5f553306f6b⋯.jpg (56.67 KB, 1090x695, 218:139, i3x48rko7f8z20.jpg)


notable icymi

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a5543c  No.17315262

File: 80a63f2c6b7b9c8⋯.jpg (42.27 KB, 1044x505, 1044:505, vlc2r5ms.jpg)


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2309af  No.17315266

File: 7cca8e2074437e2⋯.jpg (51.62 KB, 1050x649, 1050:649, r2t2ejp0j33n1c.jpg)

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52279f  No.17315271

I say this with all my love: you Earthlings have a bit of a skewed idea of what an average being should be able to handle. You seem to think that everyone should be able to handle constant stress and the pain of constant unmet needs, without major issues. Well, the only reason you think that, is because nowadays only very strong souls are even allowed to be born on Earth.

If you took an average being from somewhere in the universe and gave him or her “the earth treatment”, he or she would very likely become depressed and addicted to substances to numb the pain. So if we look at an Earthling who is depressed and addicted to a substance, we think “yes, unfortunately we completely understand why this person is like that. Also, we love him or her very much, we wish we were in a position to directly help them.”

This also means that when we look at an Earthling who is not depressed and addicted to some substance, we are very impressed, because we’re looking at someone who is in a sense stronger than we are. The same goes for me – most people listening to this message are doing better than I would do, if I had a normal Earthling life.

So I’d like to invite you to be kind to yourself. A whole lot of Earthlings are actually doing incredibly well, considering the stress they are under. We are all genuinely very impressed with you. We are proud of you and we love you very much. You are doing great.

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095a65  No.17315272

File: 60733592151648a⋯.jpg (49.25 KB, 1073x603, 1073:603, vq3m9v8.jpg)


MAGA Patriots are America's real deal military all 100 million of them.

Current military are COWARDS and traitors.

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c5fb20  No.17315279

File: 527beb50c9b5af7⋯.jpg (53.76 KB, 1002x699, 334:233, j1ovrz.jpg)


"Trending with Andrew Jackson"


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1df70e  No.17315281

File: b1c3a5719be1452⋯.jpg (51.19 KB, 1154x589, 1154:589, 9xzo7e8.jpg)


Butt pirate?

Where is the AK pic?

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6cd50b  No.17315284

File: 2719e8780cf3312⋯.jpg (49.93 KB, 1009x643, 1009:643, xfk3phm.jpg)


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d12ae8  No.17315286

File: 15ad013b5493a3e⋯.jpg (55.44 KB, 1004x728, 251:182, zzbe43ol3wwq32.jpg)


Joeseph had a wife, who would've been called "his marry"…ergo, "Mary". Joeseph was Mary's Ba'al (husband)…the old Ball & Chain…bonds of matrimony…bondage…slavery.

The husband used to be "king" of his castle, until the Church revoked his soveringty and forced him to worship the King of the Realm..and his boss, Satan, under penalty of death.

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21667e  No.17315310

File: ebbd12752072d59⋯.jpg (44.65 KB, 1008x572, 252:143, 27h0ulbofc6ct7.jpg)


I agree with this, especially because as far as I know Truth Social is using Cloudflare.

Truth Social may be supposed to get taken out.

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1b349c  No.17315322

File: 57855487fc56c22⋯.jpg (47.83 KB, 1055x594, 1055:594, gydv4hc799un.jpg)


Jim Watkins, [03.07.22 11:55]

Gina Hill is spot on, as usual, talking about things most folks wouldn't dare to publicly.


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6836dd  No.17315333

File: 7a7fe33455eacc7⋯.jpg (56.83 KB, 1047x726, 349:242, 3uyuwqhmc8tpu3.jpg)


Nice dialectic inversion division narrative attempt, bro.

Cringe af

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d95c48  No.17315335

File: 7f735264cde3bdc⋯.jpg (53.15 KB, 997x703, 997:703, 9riblfbr3xd3.jpg)


>Elf on a Shelf


>Re-Truthed by Devin Nunes





>I often get asked if I have an assistant or if I work alone.

>I do have an assistant, but he can be a PIA at times and breaks most things that he touches.

>I turned my back for a few minutes and here you see him on my camera 📷

>#Truth #ELF #Assistant #photography #photo #Photographer



Q trolled him with new qdrops whenever they had Corsi on live. Corsi did not want to stop talking and read the Q posts. It was a telling time for real patriots seeing how Pamphlet and Corsi were not legit.

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bdac70  No.17315350

File: 70cd43c54af4a04⋯.jpg (107.94 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, AlgaeBloom.jpg)

26."I work in local news. It's not written anywhere, but you don't report on anyone who advertises on the station. How do I know this? A cult posing as a dance troupe came to my city, and they are well-known to be a cult posing as a dance troupe all across the internet. I took the story to my producers who simply said, 'We run their ads, no go.' And I have never forgotten that."



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21667e  No.17315351

File: 04ec342a7dc7cc5⋯.jpg (57.16 KB, 1142x677, 1142:677, mo3npp5d7.jpg)


You seem to be concentrating on currency, it's bigger than that.

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6cd50b  No.17315357

File: c5033d639e43351⋯.jpg (56.73 KB, 1174x660, 587:330, bqrp8xtczip2rl.jpg)


They themselves create the diseases in order to offer a 'cure' for a profit.

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a07c40  No.17315358

File: 878f5d450650e76⋯.jpg (47.1 KB, 1206x509, 1206:509, 5cxn1tkohnhx.jpg)


Bart Bryant, a three-time PGA Tour winner who bested Tiger Woods down the stretch to win two of them, died in a car accident on Tuesday, according to the PGA Tour.

Information was sketchy but the accident occurred in Florida as Bryant and his wife Donna were driving from Atlanta to their home in Winter Garden.

Bryant grew up in Gatesville, Texas, just outside of Waco. A two-time All-American at New Mexico State, Bryant’s pro career was derailed early by injury, but he continued to grind and eventually — in his 187th start, after 18 years and six trips to Q-school — won in his home state of Texas.

Bryant shot a pair of 67s through the first two days at the Texas Open, then held at the Resort Course at La Cantera Golf Club. He followed with a spectacular third round, tying a record by shooting a 60 — only the fourth time in the history of that event such a score had been posted.

In the final round, he shot another 67 to claim his first title.

He won twice in 2005, and both were huge: he captured The Memorial (being played this week in Dublin, Ohio) by one shot over Fred Couples and four over Tiger Woods, then won the season-ending Tour Championship at East Lake by six over Woods, with a course-record 62 in the first round.

It was the largest margin Woods has ever lost by when finishing second. Woods returned the favor three years later when he made a 25-foot birdie putt on the final hole of the Arnold Palmer Invitational to beat Bryant by one shot.

Bart Bryan won the Dick’s Sporting Goods Open at En-Joie GC in Endicott, New York.

Bryant and his brother were born in Texas but grew up in New Mexico, where they were junior golf and mini-tour legends.

He won twice on the PGA Tour Champions, including the 2007 U.S. Senior Open.

Bryant is survived by his brother, his wife, daughters Kristen and Michelle and his stepchildren.

“The PGA TOUR is saddened by the tragic passing of Bart Bryant and our hearts go out to his family and friends during this difficult time,” said PGA Tour commissioner Jay Monahan in a statement. “The Bryants have been a part of the PGA TOUR family for over four decades and we are grateful for the impact and legacy he made on our organization and countless communities. Bart will be dearly missed.”

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c2d999  No.17315359

File: d26fb62abdd7c07⋯.jpg (48.42 KB, 1061x593, 1061:593, 71t45ma0skk7t.jpg)

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4cd0cb  No.17315368

File: cbd9dd5d1bdb316⋯.jpg (49.23 KB, 994x653, 994:653, dsysxt.jpg)


fuck right off

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6a6829  No.17315399

File: 080c024728c4e51⋯.jpg (57.73 KB, 1103x708, 1103:708, 5merdohgn.jpg)

This thing is fucking fantastic (when it decides to work.)

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804b47  No.17315404

File: 1f34fc7fe3c815f⋯.jpg (56.73 KB, 1146x671, 1146:671, vsa666u39vnvy.jpg)



13 13

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1bd9bc  No.17315422

File: ccac53b52720d59⋯.jpg (46.75 KB, 1097x552, 1097:552, bfsklely5q.jpg)

An OLD meme I first posted on 4chan

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ebcfa8  No.17315443

File: 294faa1f9de799e⋯.jpg (49.51 KB, 1177x555, 1177:555, 29cv33.jpg)


Yep. P = cap stone.

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095a65  No.17315529

File: d5469d91737b7ee⋯.jpg (51.75 KB, 1093x631, 1093:631, 1500xogjghztsm.jpg)


It woudld be funny if it worked by natural selection and wiped out pedos and psychos

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6cd50b  No.17315533

File: c77f25257a71454⋯.jpg (59.24 KB, 1120x717, 1120:717, 75v5pk1sp.jpg)


3 generations/ 100 years of sterility

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f3d177  No.17315545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nup. No idea about mega cities, the twitterverse, or the ruling class. Gonna keep it that way.

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6a52b8  No.17315560

File: 9e00a47cd2e455a⋯.jpg (57.22 KB, 1142x680, 571:340, wmyrfmrcfe.jpg)


Maybe so. I’ll post it on TS too.

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a34e25  No.17315569

File: aaa8c6484d151ba⋯.jpg (54.76 KB, 985x728, 985:728, nvr4x2.jpg)

(17) No. >>17314862

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e12f9e  No.17315585

File: 2278f31f384ff56⋯.jpg (53.36 KB, 983x719, 983:719, g3gmqa6rxm.jpg)



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fa8917  No.17315607

File: 23e8c66f0c9e2ab⋯.jpg (46.02 KB, 996x599, 996:599, 2mfmxo3d5tfhay.jpg)


Doggy has a very satisfiying snout,lengthy

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015bd8  No.17315612

File: 34a1d6e715ac9f6⋯.jpg (47.55 KB, 977x632, 977:632, 9qd2xu25z8.jpg)


Morning Swordy!

God bless you as well and keep you and all anons from harm, this day and forever!



Daily protection Spell Refresh

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4b90b5  No.17315624

File: 59a2c0dfa88a483⋯.jpg (46.04 KB, 1139x521, 1139:521, dbuzfoev6jdq3.jpg)

suggestion for next bread title: One Step Closer Edition

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d37e1b  No.17315632

File: 8471402c8ca3c6d⋯.jpg (48.05 KB, 989x635, 989:635, hhizl7g9sj.jpg)

i have a question,

am i the only one who got redirected from 8kun to facebook or twitter yesterday?

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6c6027  No.17315651

File: 80358f8699400dd⋯.jpg (50.06 KB, 1043x625, 1043:625, 231r322svkq.jpg)



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44939c  No.17315678

File: 518d3e9df6592b1⋯.jpg (50.35 KB, 1119x595, 1119:595, eucg91hn.jpg)


>Google bans users from creating deepfakes on COLAB

but you can still make other deep fakes right?

makes total sense.

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837c76  No.17315686

File: 78ec43db549be60⋯.jpg (52.38 KB, 1194x580, 597:290, mltsz3kqd.jpg)


Fuck today has been ridiculous.

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3b4fc0  No.17315690

File: b45fc9f6df24e0a⋯.jpg (44.79 KB, 1122x508, 561:254, 5jyicz113biszk.jpg)



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de9262  No.17315708

File: 2b0ab9f79029025⋯.jpg (44.9 KB, 1071x541, 1071:541, b0pka2sf5wt4.jpg)


How about "it had to be this way"

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06204d  No.17315711

File: 7c30319760edc6e⋯.jpg (64.56 KB, 1193x743, 1193:743, x1m8t81h70.jpg)


1700 days including the first day? Or was that dark too?

(Note, you are absolutely 100% spot-on that I am retarded, from being hit in the head too much I am slowed. However, there are others witnessing our conversation who are interested in the answers but have no mouth to speak.)

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461bb3  No.17315722

File: 1072eb0b9d3e954⋯.jpg (57.72 KB, 1086x716, 543:358, hjpcee.jpg)

I'm good if you want Q. just don't tell me what I want. don't tell me that I am bound to it, because I Protested from the very first second I got here. We got along because I don't care what you believe. I believe it's your right to believe what you want, and your 100% right in whatever that is. But it's not what I believe and if you think it is; that' your shortcoming not mine. I am 100% right in what I believe as well.


Nobody cares.

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e4fd58  No.17315723

File: 9377176674ff978⋯.jpeg (84.35 KB, 600x450, 4:3, F1A9C966_5E3B_4F10_A51E_C….jpeg)

Morning, frenz

Fuck you, spammer

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5fc463  No.17315728

File: 6b6d4d80e74345b⋯.jpg (56.3 KB, 1130x671, 1130:671, sz926p2db.jpg)


is it a new kind of FF? individual crazy murderer who posts here first, not quite a manifesto?

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dd4223  No.17315732

File: 81c7cf9f96cf1ed⋯.jpg (54.2 KB, 1000x738, 500:369, wwa5hj5k3.jpg)

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6ede49  No.17315749

File: 2846053fcf294cb⋯.jpg (43.5 KB, 1037x534, 1037:534, jtnep7r2.jpg)


Naked, long-haired old guy trying to light his fart

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31266e  No.17315766

File: 38701d5c0cebfc8⋯.jpg (45.99 KB, 1112x536, 139:67, tubo700dl3p2c.jpg)


this should be looked into, instead of ignored or covered up

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d82ab5  No.17315811

File: d3eeb930034c1af⋯.jpg (49.02 KB, 1108x579, 1108:579, 5rvjuk2y.jpg)


P = RHO = ρ or ϱ

17th letter of the Greek alphabet

Who Worships Saturn?

Who Really Worships Saturn?

>The Greek 666 Symbol of St John

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6ede49  No.17315812

File: 6f486c346d0d46d⋯.jpg (59.27 KB, 1185x677, 1185:677, wgyzrwwk.jpg)


when I see adam schiff……..my blood start to boyle…….

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4d2475  No.17315813

File: b9f08edfc6b78d2⋯.jpg (50.86 KB, 1019x663, 1019:663, n1q4v3te.jpg)


Did you report your own post?

Sometimes BVs are not monitoring breads and miss requests.

Self-doxxing should get removed.

This one was deleted by Flint.


Flint hidden 2 hours /qresearch/ Deleted post #21285908

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386dd6  No.17315814

File: 89404c1afb1ddd7⋯.jpg (48.71 KB, 1118x576, 559:288, vdico8csmnom58.jpg)


and comment. I am totally confused and burnt out. Thanks anon.

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6f7799  No.17315815

File: 55142f798792a64⋯.jpg (50.53 KB, 1121x594, 1121:594, vqlnvhs99m.jpg)

Russia earns 93 billion euros from energy exports - France increases purchases

Russia has earned 93 billion euros in revenue from fossil fuel exports in the first hundred days of its war against Ukraine, according to an analysis. According to the report released Monday by the Finland-based Centre for Research on Energy and clean Air (CREA), the EU remains by far the largest buyer of Russian gas and oil.

According to CREA, between Feb. 24 and June 3, the EU accounted for 61 percent of Russia's fossil fuel exports. This is equivalent to 57 billion euros, according to the report. Among individual countries, China was the most important customer with 12.6 billion euros, ahead of Germany with 12.1 billion and Italy with 7.8 billion.

Russia's revenues come primarily from the sale of crude oil with 46 billion euros, followed by gas in pipelines with 24 billion euros. The rest of the revenue comes from the sale of petroleum products, liquefied natural gas (LNG) and finally coal.

France increases energy purchases from Russia

Although the European Union recently adopted a gradual embargo - with exceptions - on its oil imports from Russia. Russian gas, on which the economic bloc is heavily dependent, has not been affected so far, however. Although imports fell in May and Russia is forced to sell its natural resources on international markets at knock-down prices, the Kremlin is benefiting from skyrocketing global energy prices.

While some countries such as Poland, Finland and the Baltic states have reduced their imports since the war began, others such as China, India and EU member France have increased their purchases. "While the EU is considering tougher sanctions against Russia, France has increased its imports, becoming the world's largest buyer of Russian LNG," CREA analyst Lauri Myllyvirta said.

The expert stressed that the imports are spot deals, not long-term supply contracts. This means that France has deliberately chosen to use Russian energy despite the invasion of Ukraine. (afp/dl)

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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014771  No.17315836

File: f974457f591da99⋯.jpg (49.16 KB, 1048x611, 1048:611, wl9n6gsyxdd5n.jpg)


"As you have seen him go, so shall be return…" "…Tongues (pillars) of fire tested upon them"

How did "The Lord lead Israel through the wilderness? Oh that's right, "pillar of fire"

Putting together the picture yet?

No? Just gonna call me Satan again? Ok Satan, whatever you say.

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6f7799  No.17315845

File: 7cb053b83a54b23⋯.jpg (56.48 KB, 1187x655, 1187:655, v0fuo5f.jpg)


no one wants to see what that would look like, trust me.

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7fe6d7  No.17315853

File: 8dce2088ac780f3⋯.jpg (51.4 KB, 1169x577, 1169:577, 4fytg0ue0oj.jpg)

AI is a slide, period.

The only thing it's good for is as a shield that TPTB can hide behind to justify their continued crimes against Humanity.

You can't vote out an AI, you can't shoot it either.

Also, anyone who believes that software can become sentient is a God dammned idiot.

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b7d4d2  No.17315854

File: b2a1402c2808ef1⋯.jpg (46.73 KB, 978x624, 163:104, lqesgrxfd.jpg)










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f0696a  No.17315865

File: 96808f668736718⋯.jpg (50.06 KB, 1041x627, 347:209, resl0nur2hf.jpg)

Early Two And A Half Men is genuinely really funny

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a6385d  No.17315872

File: 97d3c045cf058a8⋯.jpg (44.19 KB, 1058x530, 529:265, fxr42bpym1bk0d.jpg)




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4d2475  No.17315907

File: f0dbe0753d170e9⋯.jpg (55.22 KB, 1124x660, 281:165, bxixgd6lxmv.jpg)


Really does link alottt of things together. These people are EVIL.

Welcome to the real world

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4b48ca  No.17315908

File: 3b83d6575a1019d⋯.jpg (47.21 KB, 1114x550, 557:275, 3rsiq2p2x1jwzc.jpg)


Does it matter? Rather than dismissing information because it is hosted on a platform, by a host you don’t like, look at the content. Ask yourself will this documentary get the word out to MORE people. Beck has a large following.

At this point, every platform must be used. Your comment divides, says because you don’t like this person ignore him and everything he says.

This is GOOD AGAINST EVIL time. We have determined the Global agenda is EVIL. Anyone speaking out against EVIL, is on our side, we all need to come together in this war. There are ONLY two sides. You are throwing the baby out with the bath water. Not everyone on our side will be pure, everyone has their own faults, but, if we don’t unite, they will do their damage.

Anyone with a large platform to reach people, with a good message is helping. Division doesn’t help.

The sooner we unite, the less damage and destruction will occur.

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014771  No.17315930

File: 03286a82d29dddd⋯.jpg (45.76 KB, 1181x501, 1181:501, eak92h.jpg)



Just look at thePANICon this niggas face

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1d3753  No.17315931

File: ae81760f9fb27ce⋯.jpg (50.21 KB, 1111x593, 1111:593, 6zviu2pw0syrc3.jpg)

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32e512  No.17315936

File: 2c1226c64bbeca9⋯.jpg (55.97 KB, 1177x642, 11:6, t9ufux.jpg)


speak fer yerself, snowflake

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92c8ff  No.17315947

File: 5ace0f4f7ecd690⋯.jpg (50.95 KB, 1065x640, 213:128, 45xf4y5wzco39.jpg)


Cap this

Compare this map to post 2022 map

Top future KeK

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249e8e  No.17315958

File: ad796bd1bd61469⋯.jpg (53.26 KB, 1091x656, 1091:656, kjw6vfkvcdd4.jpg)

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032b53  No.17315973

File: 2966619bd3e1a03⋯.jpg (49.78 KB, 1135x578, 1135:578, qh5uwuz5bijly.jpg)


Wow someone doing something

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abfc21  No.17315987

File: d554c0a7961a9d9⋯.jpg (51.12 KB, 1058x637, 1058:637, z2s3q300py6gh.jpg)


Whaaat? Kek, talk shit Piggy.

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6df082  No.17315988

File: 1cf99708c43e6c2⋯.jpg (50.41 KB, 1174x569, 1174:569, 18bjs6.jpg)

Time to bring back some warnings for Newfags.

Tonight is gonna be busy.

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5c6a27  No.17315994

File: f7128420d0bd2ff⋯.jpg (51.25 KB, 1123x603, 1123:603, szgqobitgm5.jpg)


He replied to me. I got a (you), see pic

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5acdbc  No.17316030

File: 867542e68813d60⋯.jpg (49.08 KB, 976x661, 976:661, q9niro.jpg)

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.

Sisters and Brothers, Anon Watchmen Warrior Patriot's World Wide

What is coming to the LIGHT is much bigger than election fraud!!!!





Fort Sill


[THEY] Shouldn't Have Touched the Children.




This is not about personal religious beliefs.

Read the book of Jude in the Bible.














These people HATE America.

Follow the money.

Follow the wives.

[THEY] thought you would follow the STARS.



"SPYGATE is in full force!"







Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming


Where We Go One We Go ALL

I'm going to get you out of this lightning

Military is the only way.



Think EO's







The server brings down the house.

END OF THE D PARTY [leaders].


Clean and swift.

No war.

No civil unrest.


Star Fighter








Marker [9]

Martial Law means it is time to clean the HOUSE!

















We Will Never FORGET

We Will Never FORGIVE





This is not a game.




There is no stopping it now.

Hold the line!


















John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'




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ca9e1d  No.17316039

File: 02226e215626fcb⋯.jpg (50.88 KB, 1180x576, 295:144, nketomuhqooq6e.jpg)


all rounded up. Q return. Texas shuts down Biden… D5

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f052f1  No.17316041

File: 42548dcb0aebfcc⋯.jpg (65.42 KB, 1198x746, 599:373, htgtqgj57h8bp.jpg)

Ebot is nigger

Homo slomo cunt

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32e512  No.17316051

File: 91a524f5f43fee6⋯.jpg (46.76 KB, 1188x508, 297:127, anrpwwxef824uk.jpg)


Criminals protect other criminals.

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c89263  No.17316052

File: 5ba5affe785b323⋯.jpg (42.55 KB, 1026x527, 1026:527, alga1a7ba.jpg)

Hunter Biden ex-wife breaks silence in interview, new memoir


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abfc21  No.17316053

File: df7efe1e466ad39⋯.jpg (51.68 KB, 1093x625, 1093:625, 88t6ew8tcs.jpg)



It's true that I'd seen this before but the project title had escaped my memory (suspiciously so).

Thank you for posting the reminder and context, I appreciate it and it will likely teach others something

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56b874  No.17316065

File: 6f5d040999643c9⋯.jpg (62.06 KB, 1193x714, 1193:714, owcuztxnlms5.jpg)


Breaking: Truth social is running low on 'Night Shift' memes, asks anons to migrate.

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32e512  No.17316079

File: 9f1342973c3749f⋯.jpg (41.69 KB, 1046x503, 1046:503, m8yobpfzw6mr9.jpg)


>i wish you the best you


<im anon just like you

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136fdb  No.17316084

File: 9bce693806d500c⋯.jpg (50.78 KB, 1081x617, 1081:617, 7hhkfs6aa8y.jpg)


That hearing was a giraffe and 10 boxes long and almost tipped Guam.

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46f5c7  No.17316087

File: 0aabcf1d963432b⋯.jpg (42.99 KB, 1021x534, 1021:534, le0uox4mpyp.jpg)


Had anyone on TS confirmed this? Or is it just one person saying it?

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b70159  No.17316092

File: b68c2bf1136b9d0⋯.jpg (60.02 KB, 1175x699, 1175:699, lplmsbz5wdf.jpg)


RvW also

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9f50cd  No.17316107

File: 7eb87184e2b8892⋯.jpg (49.57 KB, 1026x636, 171:106, 7l1r3suww.jpg)

"You want to talk about these allegations of this drag queen, but you don't want to ask about 2000 Mules." - Kari Lake

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4b48ca  No.17316114

File: 3692cd0ac79b967⋯.jpg (42.42 KB, 1004x536, 251:134, ga9hnx.jpg)


and now reports are The Beast came under heavy attack from the J6 Injuns

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9437e0  No.17316123

File: b278c915805cba2⋯.jpg (52.01 KB, 1004x680, 251:170, zxspna5tcr9o.jpg)


>And why only 6 posts? Wouldn't they want to go full throttle while having the moment in that position?

six "rah rah, yay for us" posts with no meaningful content? careful, critical thinking will arouse the shill who who say "REEEE"

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5cf7f5  No.17316133

File: 8782770ab1494d4⋯.jpg (48.73 KB, 1185x537, 395:179, c0ua8x1.jpg)



hail satan.

take the vaxx.

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ca9e1d  No.17316148

File: aed6aaa07f4a219⋯.jpg (56.12 KB, 1098x683, 1098:683, kkixd12c50xvz.jpg)

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1a187a  No.17316168

File: 5b806a605f30f8e⋯.jpg (41.95 KB, 1010x526, 505:263, li3uea.jpg)



Go away

Tuck it in and

Walk that way

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4ecb45  No.17316173

File: 3aeaa1245c7f374⋯.jpg (44.39 KB, 1012x558, 506:279, ngax1eqkqz.jpg)


You win for worst most tone deaf post in 8kun history

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8b0c71  No.17316178

File: cd2458456946b30⋯.jpg (57.98 KB, 1101x709, 1101:709, 4bm8h8.jpg)



Is Notable looking at a different clip than anon is?

Didn't see a "snap" at all.

Didn't see a tough question from Chris Wallace at all.

She seemed very "cutsy" and "baby talk" much more than when she meets the Press with the staged questions as a routine

(she seems moar irritable on other days, Appears very comfy with Wallace)

She was completely comfortable.

Came off as totally staged.

She had her answer prepared;

WTH who wrote that caption for Notables; did they even watch the clip?


Wishful thinking?

Her spin, which was very crafty.

~Bidan does more interaction with the Press than other POTUS, it's just more informal.

He did just as he did at the Senate; he comes out meets with reporters and takes questions… a few times per week; more than other.

Alleged New CNN? same as old CNN?

"That which they did not do

They should have done






anon hopes the fraud discretely steps down and closes shop.

A total piece of corrupt trash.

He's acting, you fool.

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22abd7  No.17316183

File: 85c018979da5b33⋯.jpg (53.17 KB, 978x708, 163:118, h97myf.jpg)


gee what colors will they project onto the White House tonight?

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bea396  No.17316189

File: 7d69a14c3a547bf⋯.jpg (52.4 KB, 1167x597, 389:199, 7rgsb2aqqmbo.jpg)


>Have you even met a bird before bro

Thank you anon.

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062aea  No.17316195

File: 95be3abd9dc0a6f⋯.jpg (47.13 KB, 1206x506, 603:253, 7rumhhcne.jpg)


Denver airport?

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838220  No.17316218

File: e8c65cc0d3de555⋯.jpg (45.87 KB, 1079x545, 1079:545, lbm650sj82n.jpg)



Sun Valley 2022 Guest List Includes Elon Musk, Shari Redstone, David Zaslav, Anderson Cooper (EXCLUSIVE)


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4c7f22  No.17316227

File: 8ece3c376ddf8ec⋯.jpg (42.25 KB, 1052x506, 526:253, 0xk30x.jpg)


I guess I mean Donald Bar. Sr /Jr

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136fdb  No.17316238

File: c4527ebeb24662d⋯.jpg (49.71 KB, 1035x632, 1035:632, j01vlogazu.jpg)

Great newsletter this morning Jim. Perfect synopsis of the Q post from last night.

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2afa9d  No.17316257

File: d06e110a1028854⋯.jpg (47.14 KB, 1026x593, 1026:593, t3fdhht.jpg)

June 06, 2022 | Judicial Watch

Ordering Sex-Change Surgery for Trans Cop, Obama Judge Equates it to Mastectomies for Cancer

(fucking fuck, this is fucked)

Georgia taxpayers will fund the costly “gender-affirming” surgery of a law enforcement officer because an Obama-appointed federal judge ruled that a county in the state’s central region violated the Civil Rights Act when its insurance company denied the operation. The chief judge of theU.S. District Court for the Middle District of Georgie, Marc Treadwell, writes in his opinion that the exclusion for the surgery, which is complicated and can cost tens of thousands of dollars, “plainly discriminates because of transgender status.” Enacted in 1964, the Civil Rights Act prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin.

In a 33-page ruling issued last week Treadwell compares the county’s health insurance excluding “all treatment for gender dysphoria” (including sex-change surgery and drugs related to the procedure) to surgery for breast cancer and hormone therapy for menopausal women. “The fact of the matter is, for example, that the plan pays for mastectomies when medically necessary for cancer treatment but not when mastectomies are medically necessary for sex change surgery,” the judge writes. “And the plan pays for hormone replacement therapy medically necessary for the treatment of menopause, but not hormone replacement therapy medically necessary for “sex change.” The undisputed, ultimate point is that the Exclusion applies only to transgender members, and it applies to Lange [the plaintiff] because she is transgender.”

In 2019 a veteran male deputy sheriff in Houston County with a population of around 155,300, sued his employer after being denied a vaginoplasty, a complex surgical procedure in which surgeons may remove the penis and testes and use tissue to construct a vagina. It is also known as penile inversion and can cost up to $25,000. In 2017, after serving years in uniform as a man, the officer who now goes by the name Anna Lange, came out as transgender and was subsequently diagnosed with gender dysphoria. Lange takes hormone replacement therapy and paid thousands of dollars for breast augmentation surgery to feminize his chest. But Lange continues to suffer significant distress and anxiety due to the incongruence between his female gender identity and his remaining male physical characteristics, according to the court document. “When such symptoms persist, gender-confirming surgery is considered “medically necessary,” the recent ruling states, adding that an endocrinologist, two psychologists and a surgeon recommended Lange have a vaginoplasty, which is also known as “bottom surgery” to treat his gender dysphoria.

In 2018, Lange tried to get the surgery covered by the county insurance but was denied and a year later the Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF), a nonprofit that aims to end discrimination and achieve equality for transgender people, sued the county on his behalf. The group stresses that the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, a nonprofit that evidently is considered the authority on such issues, recommends gender affirming care whenever a person is diagnosed with gender dysphoria. “The Court’s decision makes clear that depriving transgender people of healthcare is not only immoral but also illegal,” said the legal director of TLDEF in a statement celebrating last week’s ruling. “An employer cannot refuse health coverage to a transgender employee who needs access to medically necessary, life-saving care. This ruling will have transformative impact on the quality of life for countless transgender people who live in the South.”

Although less than one percent of the American population is transgender, the Biden administration has launched a fierce governmentwide effort to provide special accommodations with key federal agencies implementing significant measures to support those who identify as transgender. This includes the U.S. Census Bureau spending $10 million to research how to best add questions about sexual orientation and gender identity on surveys. The State Department is allowing all American citizens to select an X as their gender marker on U.S. passport applications.


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b16210  No.17316259

File: 42f762ec12bc7c7⋯.jpg (47.18 KB, 1192x518, 596:259, f85a2dar.jpg)

Allahu Akbar


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8a5a63  No.17316265

File: 5ea2d0d06e9e4b6⋯.jpg (48.11 KB, 1074x580, 537:290, mpqx57usvr6.jpg)



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98d8f2  No.17316270

File: 559bf3472759c25⋯.jpg (46.45 KB, 1034x582, 517:291, aaoifbe0so59et.jpg)

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4c8480  No.17316290

File: b9cef9adac8e737⋯.jpg (53.28 KB, 1162x613, 1162:613, az75o9l4ja.jpg)

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fa0894  No.17316295

File: 90511afc998f849⋯.jpg (49.88 KB, 1134x581, 162:83, mb98k4kcs67.jpg)


Seems fair.

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57032c  No.17316297

File: a01059715f317ab⋯.jpg (62.19 KB, 1143x738, 127:82, 60ujyacj.jpg)


One of muh first hands with Omaha hi-low I rivered somebody because I had a pair of deuces in the hole. Lost his damned mind, it was a big pot and I was too dumb to quit and started raising back… Beginner's luck it was. Or Ignorance is Bliss, unsure really. I beat the aces over deuces with 4. 4 whole deuces. kek

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3d6f32  No.17316303

File: 36b71d208f2e5a1⋯.jpg (41.42 KB, 1027x501, 1027:501, q01nxuv3l7c291.jpg)

Q tapped out like a lil bitch.

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46f5c7  No.17316307

File: ea63e793f33a844⋯.jpg (47.68 KB, 1135x547, 1135:547, gwi3ifcp.jpg)


>Order graphics chronologically from top to bottom (critical).


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2af2b8  No.17316324

File: 8a9b6637926dc4a⋯.jpg (56.44 KB, 1037x727, 1037:727, s5q4r4h2.jpg)


Jesus said ALL THESE THINGS HAPPEN in parable. Jesus spoke in parables and asked "if you don't understand this parable how will you understand any of the parables?" because scripture is parable.

Do you think the planet was literally flooded with water too? It's not literal.

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a98075  No.17316342

File: 28a8bb1eabc87b5⋯.jpg (47.61 KB, 1193x526, 1193:526, v6ojnh6v7x.jpg)

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d0f267  No.17316343

File: 2309338d9b5e567⋯.jpg (41.17 KB, 1012x498, 506:249, 3xaf87k.jpg)


High IQ anon, you will never get through to the sheep

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57032c  No.17316344

File: 3de147529eb3210⋯.jpg (50.39 KB, 1195x560, 239:112, 3xwpu5cb.jpg)

Notice she has a christmas coffee cup. Marines post a christmas tweet.


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286cca  No.17316345

File: 398becd4053cd39⋯.jpg (56.58 KB, 1069x708, 1069:708, eq2dwsw.jpg)



have all zionists (Jew or Gentile) deported or hung for treason

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49b315  No.17316346

File: d212bce39dec5ec⋯.jpg (39.72 KB, 967x512, 967:512, ufx1s2bu0ir.jpg)

kek, Anon old enough to remember when this statement would have been called a conspiracy theory.

Anon noticing deep state fake news no longer pushing this term as much as they used to.

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5cabba  No.17316355

File: d8b9f8dd98848c6⋯.jpg (46.51 KB, 1026x589, 54:31, hj1ajcu54.jpg)



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a73135  No.17316363

File: 9928c93569abb38⋯.jpg (49.43 KB, 1147x572, 1147:572, vi327s27.jpg)


Dan Scavino also signed LA(RP). He's calling Babyfist out.

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07316d  No.17316375

File: ee9c9f0d44dca1b⋯.jpg (60.38 KB, 1147x717, 1147:717, 98hc5eo6zdjn.jpg)

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61f5ea  No.17316391

File: 98a76519a442637⋯.jpg (49.33 KB, 965x670, 193:134, aeam70d.jpg)

YOU and EACH ONE aware of their journey in human form … are here to raise the overall Vibration in the Dimension of your Planet.

THE ONLY THING … one needs to REALLY KNOW … is that …





That is quite an achievement. Think about it.

Through your LOVE for self and all things …

through your understanding of your mission …

through your perseverance and dedication …

through your determination …

YOU are actually allowing the Vibrational Frequency of the entire Planet to lift into a much Higher one.

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18b9ac  No.17316393

File: 3e4d366d7b811fb⋯.jpg (42.64 KB, 1042x514, 521:257, ydlxvmoi9d3r.jpg)


Juat prior to that call he was doing a crossword and sudoku puzzle to pass time.

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fe73f5  No.17316399

File: 1b5781d328a79f9⋯.jpg (49.44 KB, 1108x582, 554:291, jkx18r38k.jpg)


i like both. Annie's got more of an exotic look to her, but Laura Lynn's got a nice rack; a much larger rack than Annie's. Laura-Lynn's got nice legs too.

uncanny how much they look alike.

yes, I'm objectifying them!!! I'm a dude. that's what dude's do!!!

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a98075  No.17316402

File: 53df8eda11ab148⋯.jpg (61.5 KB, 1188x711, 132:79, iwk6cd6.jpg)



23+ Years


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9f2458  No.17316403

File: dbabd7735ce7638⋯.jpg (54.25 KB, 980x728, 35:26, c2u3bud2.jpg)


not necessarily

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1a187a  No.17316407

File: 144fd3909a8472a⋯.jpg (44.95 KB, 974x596, 487:298, uiwl75v.jpg)


>seems to have been a vaccination against liberalism, self defeating for a bunch who wanted to run the world.

It was a test.

Can you think for yourself?

Can you sift the information and assess risk?

Can you resist peer pressure?

Can you resist social pressure?

Are institutions to be trusted?

Who, really, is your 'friend' and who your 'enemy'

An enlightening 2 years for anons.

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d4ca97  No.17316410

File: 1a22a8b0f231828⋯.jpg (58.28 KB, 1056x741, 352:247, 616vr4c1.jpg)


Yes Maxine!

Abort all those Black Babies! What an idiot she is!

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f15b52  No.17316417

File: 03503302dd72794⋯.jpg (50.32 KB, 1148x579, 1148:579, nl84fo6d4zf.jpg)


Bikes. Go to Europe. Not many people can afford cars to begin with.

Go to Denmark and get cucked like never before.

-In Denmark there are three taxes that have to be paid on an automobile. Two of these taxes are paid when registering your vehicle. The Value Added Tax is 25% of the car's initial value.

-The Registration tax is based on the original price of the car plus the value added tax. That tax is 85% of the first 185,100 DKK and 150% of the remaining amount.

-There are deductions and extra charges to this registration tax that depend on the fuel efficiency of the car.

-For gas cars the vehicle registration tax is increased by 6,000 DKK for each kilometer that the vehicle runs below 20 km/l.


This is a replay of what Obama tried to do and what Bernie Sanders froths over. I guess when you're dumb, unemployed, with $150K in debt because of that PHD in Interpretive Dances of Dutch Faggotry, & 45yrs old, you pretty much gave up & hate the world.

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da95fc  No.17316436

File: 521ae2ad215665a⋯.jpg (49.49 KB, 1064x615, 1064:615, y6h99ztey.jpg)

'Shockwave' Jet Truck Crash Battle Creek Michigan 7/2/22

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d0f267  No.17316441

File: 890ae71a0c75124⋯.jpg (58.52 KB, 1106x714, 79:51, x66ig1hf5w54.jpg)


Just fill in your name, email, and your question in the subject field and AdviceAnon will get back with you.

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1a187a  No.17316451

File: b8d3e5deebdfe19⋯.jpg (56.02 KB, 1121x668, 1121:668, py99ww4k.jpg)

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3df295  No.17316471

File: afaace785f56bb9⋯.jpg (45.74 KB, 990x597, 330:199, a4qd6c65g8s.jpg)


morning baker.

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8a5a63  No.17316476

File: f6e8e1d189c50b3⋯.jpg (61.29 KB, 1204x699, 1204:699, bcbbfsz.jpg)


ask him about the lab

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4b48ca  No.17316477

File: 878b2b04efdec81⋯.jpg (62.29 KB, 1209x691, 1209:691, v2b1q2b.jpg)


Forced ignorance no less. Some people desire to see, but alas, are restrained from seeing.

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f9bc50  No.17316483

File: 009ad6c866096c2⋯.jpg (51.04 KB, 1060x639, 1060:639, yr6feq3kl.jpg)




Neisseria meningitidis

Neisseria meningitidis, often referred to as meningococcus, is a Gram-negative bacterium that can cause meningitis and other forms of meningococcal disease such as meningococcemia, a life-threatening sepsis.

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9aaa34  No.17316498

File: e0cc771ed984824⋯.jpg (56.44 KB, 1029x731, 1029:731, flumze0aqw.jpg)

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f15b52  No.17316502

File: daf9825620ffb53⋯.jpg (52.74 KB, 986x704, 493:352, pesksea.jpg)


My take?

"she was NEVER meant to lose"

(their) plans didn't include that as a possible.

(they) have been winging it ever since…

OTOH (they) play against a team that has been planning every possibliity/permutation for a VERY long time.

so one team is per "the game plan" the other…..not so much.

Enjoy the "movie" it was actually pre-planed & written!

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4c7f22  No.17316518

File: 7957290fe132bc3⋯.jpg (55.53 KB, 989x745, 989:745, 4wun77cj0oz1m.jpg)


Trump Rallies = GOP Primary wins for MAGA

GOP Primary wins for MAGA = General Election Wins for MAGA in Congress in November

General Election Wins for MAGA in Congress in November = Trump as Speaker of the House

Trump as Speaker of the House = Biden / Heels Up Impeachment

Biden / Heels Up Impeachment = President Trump


Trump Rallies aren't everything, they're the ONLY THING. Don't get distracted anons.

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c169a7  No.17316523

File: 614885fe663fcb0⋯.jpg (45.95 KB, 1015x580, 7:4, l01l1b.jpg)



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d9af79  No.17316538

File: f54cc9d19e3de56⋯.jpg (50.13 KB, 1157x571, 1157:571, rjj245eunx9.jpg)

When it all gets a bit much, hold your plants leaf in your hand. It works.

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dd904f  No.17316541

File: 6bdbd204d867fa1⋯.jpg (50.17 KB, 1103x607, 1103:607, wv0d2s05qwcybj.jpg)


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867a9b  No.17316568

File: 839467234c43eda⋯.jpg (52.46 KB, 1148x611, 1148:611, xvlbxsif.jpg)



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17944f  No.17316581

File: 41a078d2b571bba⋯.jpg (44.91 KB, 1071x543, 357:181, nk8sq9t9zfgkl.jpg)


Get a Dilated Eye Exam ???

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ac03af  No.17316592

File: 18324b8ac938653⋯.jpg (60.09 KB, 1116x733, 1116:733, 0pnmw1ku.jpg)


These kids and shills, who usually have not read the drops, need something moar current (you) know?

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56cb0c  No.17316648

File: 1de2d288edd3a6e⋯.jpg (50.65 KB, 1002x654, 167:109, cnaw4t0monep.jpg)


Notetaker is out

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47a009  No.17316660

File: aa6f5503349b4a2⋯.jpg (53.83 KB, 1102x663, 1102:663, cnzdajer35q.jpg)



Has The Crew, left?

Have they simply put new masks on~

Same control deployed.

Hook your minds into their monarch "AI".

Dance when they tell you to dance, swarm when they tell you to swarm…

This is Awakening?

Critical Thought?

Know your Battlefield; Know your enemy.

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d26c8f  No.17316671

File: 07299bd934fea3c⋯.jpg (52.37 KB, 986x689, 986:689, pipn62tnzg.jpg)


fully agree

spike = spreadsheet fuckery

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7f9d69  No.17316677

File: 19591c0b07d3e17⋯.jpg (45.59 KB, 1172x501, 1172:501, 1k4gxd3a.jpg)


Make the dot red and cats will approve. kek

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a55885  No.17316678

File: 4a81e5050b68b56⋯.jpg (47.72 KB, 1152x543, 384:181, ue4lai.jpg)

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d9af79  No.17316705

File: 6c9d2cca0d6d6d2⋯.jpg (47.46 KB, 1125x545, 225:109, bcuzvpsiyyv.jpg)

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a73135  No.17316707

File: 93b04d214c50d7b⋯.jpg (52.86 KB, 1181x607, 1181:607, l4iehbn7u.jpg)


This is hard and long.

You have to stay in the game though, anon.

We have each other. The last Revolution took seven years, but this is in the mind.

Get a plant, volunteer, pray. You need a break, we'll be here when you get back. It is not all on you.


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c9dc69  No.17316721

File: 1c1655c6b9f199d⋯.jpg (45.28 KB, 1126x518, 563:259, w2iubplfctsyp.jpg)


Why would anon bake?

Gotta be part of the Jew Crew to bake

Anon isn't welcome

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99d891  No.17316724

File: e04efa9284299b1⋯.jpg (56.29 KB, 1011x731, 1011:731, 3khvunix6p.jpg)


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9ed785  No.17316725

File: 5a7c75e854d9c77⋯.jpg (61.92 KB, 1114x746, 557:373, rc4t5jrsu078.jpg)

Hey Dan post a big red wave now

Let’s get it to 17 so people know who we listen to!!

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cf10c2  No.17316729

File: 6e8a8f876263aa8⋯.jpg (54.29 KB, 1006x720, 503:360, izvi6k.jpg)


One could also say "Kamala for President".

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867a9b  No.17316731

File: 34715c73896763e⋯.jpg (52.15 KB, 1043x661, 1043:661, 80d7y4zclu.jpg)





Anon hears these satanic Khazarians Jews like dirty sex with dickshitz.

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cf1ece  No.17316734

File: 57805cd3cf15fe7⋯.jpg (45.41 KB, 1168x499, 1168:499, sluv8r7s.jpg)



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882872  No.17316755

File: 1977f4051f06b55⋯.jpg (53.17 KB, 1168x616, 146:77, tot3msbcbn.jpg)


sides have left orbit

on a side note, i do miss mw2

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2e239b  No.17316774

File: e2072028d306d0b⋯.jpg (43.98 KB, 962x578, 481:289, nrz5vqw.jpg)

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46f5c7  No.17316780

File: bd5d5c016459265⋯.jpg (49.53 KB, 1117x591, 1117:591, zh5ksr7o6a.jpg)



> 60 Sloane Avenue in London



Stanton Williams

Date Built

Completed 1911 - Redeveloped 1994


60 Sloane Avenue, Chelsea


This building on Sloane Avenue, between Ixworth Place and the Marlborough Primary School, was once a Harrods depository. It was built in 1911 and clad in terracotta and granite. The terracotta and Edwardian Baroque style giving it the same appearance as the main Harrods store in Knightsbridge.

In 1994 Stanton Williams were given a brief to, "create 140,000 square feet of speculative new office space, shops and a restaurant while retaining the partial existing terracotta elevations of the existing building." To do that they used glass, metal and stone to, "… extend and complement the terracotta facades to produce a sensitive contemporary design that gained support from the planners. Two interlocking L-shaped forms were created, one solid in appearance and the other glazed and transparent. Natural light was captured with a 30 metre long glass-roofed atrium built between the two forms, to create an inspiring work space. A solid projecting canopy created a roof terrace and reduced midday glare in the atrium. Delicate steel and glass bridges and spiral stairs were introduced to animate the space."

On June 7, 2012, an article was posted on the "CoStar Group" website claiming that the owners of the building were about to sell the building for £115m. At the time they said that, " … The property comprises 89,112 sq ft of offices arranged over the four upper floors, with floor plates of around 22,000 sq ft. The retail and leisure space in 60 Sloane Avenue comprises 10 stores over basement and ground floors, extending to 33,719 sq ft. 60 Sloane Avenue is multilet to 10 tenants with three office and seven retail occupiers …"

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882872  No.17316794

File: 5ad1172c6b104c3⋯.jpg (49.98 KB, 1090x605, 218:121, ir2ji0pp.jpg)


Dead piling up this weekend

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2afa9d  No.17316814

File: d6cd27263cb1d42⋯.jpg (42.67 KB, 1029x523, 1029:523, rgrwevf.jpg)


My dad murders people for fun.

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9e107c  No.17316826

File: 1a443cfc9dc6bbc⋯.jpg (51.05 KB, 1010x670, 101:67, 88z1qvxyl.jpg)

Cruz, Carson and Trump were spied on by the Hillary campaign.


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46d869  No.17316830

File: 648f41c75e4dd0f⋯.jpg (46.24 KB, 1085x559, 1085:559, oqdwuztjhoax.jpg)




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759aec  No.17316841

File: 50769d996c94001⋯.jpg (56.44 KB, 1117x681, 1117:681, n2jx4hkqx2dour.jpg)


Hunter Laptop Computer Repairman Says No Way 450 Gigs of Additional Data Was Included on Hunter’s Laptop…UPDATE

John Paul Mac Isaac claims that there 300 gigs of data on a 500 gig drive. There was no way that 450 gigs could be on the laptop because there was no more room.


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b5ee49  No.17316889

File: 77506d3f3a29dd9⋯.jpg (49.7 KB, 1034x636, 517:318, ufi4bm.jpg)

In first opinion of the day, SCOTUS rules against a criminal defendant on a double-jeopardy claim. Merle Denezpi, a member of the Navajo Nation, was prosecuted first in a Court of Indian Offenses; later, he was convicted in federal court. SCOTUS upholds that second conviction.


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3f0513  No.17316894

File: 133eca6bff3a47c⋯.jpg (56.41 KB, 1029x732, 343:244, 0kpbivvh5izahv.jpg)


Thanks for the update.

Something is going on with the lightning lately.

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c44b5e  No.17316901

File: a876a6a8bc90818⋯.jpg (54.69 KB, 1015x711, 1015:711, 8rb1kd.jpg)


It's been 7+ years, you MIC faggot.

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a0c6a7  No.17316918

File: 08dc0d1dbc2fd99⋯.jpg (61.77 KB, 1158x731, 1158:731, 1k647x.jpg)





4 BOOMS in 4 Days

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df86e9  No.17316920

File: 70f5910f9b21d96⋯.jpg (47.21 KB, 1115x551, 1115:551, acqaybb0k.jpg)




It's just a click.

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504c0a  No.17316924

File: 96913d8e014a5d3⋯.jpg (52.9 KB, 1014x682, 507:341, r93oot.jpg)


Keister Corkers are the fake jews that Jesus mentions in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.

These Khazarian ass pluggers are really satanists that use an ancient religion they have no ancestral connection with to hide behind, just like the cowards they are.

To learn more watch the "History of the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia" here:


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a54073  No.17316928

File: dd2bbc42a10d401⋯.jpg (47.82 KB, 1208x528, 151:66, aja56sac.jpg)

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3df295  No.17316940

File: 5f7596d5bdce3a9⋯.jpg (54.66 KB, 1157x639, 1157:639, suezamw1jv9.jpg)

The Black Duck Nightspot. There's no way you can't have fun.

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fa0894  No.17316947

File: 194ffe37ac17382⋯.jpg (52.3 KB, 1205x578, 1205:578, tz3uccnhff.jpg)


Biden top lawyer to leave office after midterm elections - White House

White House counsel Dana Remus, Joe Biden's top personal legal adviser, has resigned, joining an exodus of senior officials from the president's personal staff since December, according to a press release issued by Biden on Wednesday.

"I am immensely grateful for the service of Dana Remus, who has been an invaluable member of my senior staff for the past 3 years and helped reinstate a culture of adherence to the rule of law. I wish her the best as she moves forward," the president said.

Jen Psaki, Biden's press secretary, resigned in May to become a political analyst for the MSNBC news channel.

The list of those who have left or are planning to leave the White House staff soon includes National Security Council Senior Director Linda Etim, Digital Engagement Director Cameron Trimble, Associate Counsel Funmi Olorunnipa Badejo, Chief of Staff Ron Klain, Deputy White House counsel Danielle Conley and Council of Economic Advisers aide Saharra Griffin, according to published reports.

This comes after at least 21 Black White House employees have quit their position - or are planning to leave soon - mainly due to the lack of support from superiors in the work environment and the minimal chances of earning a promotion, according to remaining staffers.

Though some staffers have left their White House jobs on good terms with the Biden administration and in pursuit of better opportunities or further educational opportunities, many others have left with a lack of opportunities and mentorship in mind, Politico reported citing nine former and current White House officials.

Moreover, the press secretary for the White House, Jen Psaki, plans to leave the White House for an on-air job at a prominent US news channel, MSNBC, according to a source familiar with the matter to CNBC.

She is to host a show for NBC Universal's streaming platform, Peacock, and has been in talks with CNN and other networks.

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f3d177  No.17316963

F bomb. Nice. Can't read as flickin past ridiculous doodle.

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3f0513  No.17316966

File: 71fe0a67dc2e134⋯.jpg (47.05 KB, 1019x598, 1019:598, u02w2fsyq0q.jpg)


>There's lots of people saying things didn't happen the way they sayin it did.

Those aren't whistleblowers. We need people who actually know something to come out and fucking say it. Was the town bought off? Money changing hands? The people who know aren't talking.

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ac03af  No.17316968

File: 3c34034d7f35eef⋯.jpg (57.73 KB, 1112x701, 1112:701, n0ox7xg2.jpg)


Moar like the church to over the english wasp

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fa0894  No.17316979

File: 0a945e2bd9ffc99⋯.jpg (56.93 KB, 1156x670, 578:335, a0hm7wro3.jpg)


Some Jews call themselves Jews, and some don't.

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3737b2  No.17316984

File: fe3878b47828a31⋯.jpg (61.68 KB, 1164x744, 97:62, nyco090bqzls4i.jpg)


Kim Dotcom Posts Ominous Thread About “Major Global Collapse That Is Coming”


Pretty good read… makes a lot of sense

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d126f7  No.17316990

File: 495ae16ce83ed3b⋯.jpg (43.84 KB, 982x576, 491:288, 09q1bcy.jpg)


Hyperextended knees.

I had that until both knees were replaced.

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cd8442  No.17317011

File: 793a0781c7b73fe⋯.jpg (46.97 KB, 1143x534, 381:178, vg6zvozrytnq7.jpg)


>Proud of what? Sucking dick and taking it up the ass? I've never gotten a good answer to this.

Maybe you should try sucking a little dick and taking it up the ass? The answer may be closer than you think, there, anon.

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928975  No.17317014

File: 31d86544bf7a510⋯.jpg (47.09 KB, 989x620, 989:620, qvzfju3hwzjm8.jpg)


>should be suspended

America is broken. But the barking attack dogs remain.

Good luck.

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2afa9d  No.17317024

File: e9033a65f2f3f52⋯.jpg (55.11 KB, 1144x652, 286:163, j1qlbxtt5.jpg)


yes. correct. everything that should have happened if someone was whitelisted happened.

Big +1 for Jim.

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99d891  No.17317027

File: fc71d50e65bd94b⋯.jpg (49.71 KB, 997x666, 997:666, jf0u4t9.jpg)



Ode to Limited Scope Dimensional Portal

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7aad09  No.17317028

File: 0fc2abab1156d2c⋯.jpg (39.64 KB, 966x505, 966:505, 2pmwszvfw067z.jpg)


maybe that's a thought

i'll try to invert it.

It looks like a negative inverted.

but some things you might see better that way?

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4f6674  No.17317029

File: 52dfdafd8a5a5cc⋯.jpg (57.72 KB, 1116x701, 1116:701, 7vqje1hk2upwhd.jpg)


IAEA claims Iran escalating uranium enrichment at Fordow plant

The United Nations nuclear watchdog said Tuesday in a recently issued report that Tehran is preparing to use advanced IR-6 centrifuges at its underground Fordow site.

In its report, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) claimed that "Iran is escalating its uranium enrichment further by preparing to use advanced IR-6 centrifuges at its underground Fordow site that can more easily switch between enrichment levels."

Reuters cited the IAEA as saying that Iran informed it on Monday that passivation of the cascade - a process that precedes enrichment and involves feeding UF6 (Uranium Hexafluoride) into the machines - had begun on Sunday.

The new IAEA report claimed that Tehran has not informed the UN nuclear watchdog what purity the cascade will enrich after passivation.

However, Iran had previously informed the IAEA that the two IR-6 cascades could be used to enrich to 5% or 20% purity.

"The Agency has yet to receive clarification from Iran as to which mode of production it intends to implement for the aforementioned cascade, following the completion of passivation," the IAEA report indicated.

This comes after the IAEA's Board of Governors adopted on June 8 a draft resolution submitted by the US, France, UK, and Germany, criticizing Iran for what they claim were incomplete answers provided to the IAEA on uranium traces at "undeclared sites".

These claims were quickly refuted by the Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), Mohammad Eslami, who said that Iran has neither secret or unwritten nuclear activities nor unreported nuclear sites.

Iran ceases all commitments beyond nuclear safeguard accords

In the same context, Iran has abandoned all commitments beyond the Safeguards Agreement in response to the International Atomic Energy Agency's Board of Governors' adoption of an anti-Iran resolution, an Iranian lawmaker said on Saturday.

Iranian MP and member of the Parliament's National Security and Foreign Security and Foreign Policy Commission Abolfazl Amoee condemned the resolution passed by the UN nuclear watchdog.

Iran's delegate to the IAEA had also denounced the decision the agency's Board of Governors took, which was the adoption of a resolution drafted by the United States and the E3. The decision came despite Russia's representative to the IAEA warning that such a decision would push success out of reach in the Vienna talks.

Before the release of the IAEA report that later led to the US and E3 submitting the draft, IAEA head Rafael Grossi visited "Israel", which raised questions regarding the nature of the visit ahead of the Body of Governors meeting and led to suspicions regarding the IAEA's impartiality.

Warning that if the IAEA continues to embark on the same path of issuing politically-motivated reports against Iran, Tehran would be required to respond via "proportionally harsher" actions.

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e63c00  No.17317046

File: dbd01c80adba872⋯.jpg (48.73 KB, 1206x531, 134:59, fc4r1cgvznfp.jpg)


For the most part, yes, but not entirely. Not going down a road of hate that dead ends when I die.

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a4fa68  No.17317049

File: 9cce2ee910ccd9b⋯.jpg (42.05 KB, 1014x518, 507:259, i8m4fwu12.jpg)


Something happens every day….

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092544  No.17317069

File: 1999eef6bc449c4⋯.jpg (45.44 KB, 1037x561, 61:33, s8fuoimvwkui4.jpg)


"hellova white rabbit flag ya got there".


Are white rabbits sleepers?

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093d5e  No.17317090

File: 4012dbd66941412⋯.jpg (42.22 KB, 964x549, 964:549, gtxsw27h1.jpg)



>Does it mean PP fudged their accounts/tax returns / corp status /donations / sometink?

Well the numbers don't seem to add up…fraud, corruption… whole list of stuff that should be thoroughly investigated.

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9ed785  No.17317099

File: e8d926b385c805f⋯.jpg (53.18 KB, 1053x675, 39:25, gay03vh.jpg)

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cf1ece  No.17317107

File: b765b007b4f1337⋯.jpg (47.67 KB, 1104x562, 552:281, olp2tzlxyi.jpg)


Because the cops broke their oath and no agency is left in America these guys are going to exterminat you and your family:

commie marxist nazi fascist maoist eugenicist lenonist socialsit globalist terrorist pedoist and identity fraud

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f0fc86  No.17317124

File: 8e7818cdb600e37⋯.jpg (41.45 KB, 1022x510, 511:255, jlf9evr2b.jpg)


Says United on the body.

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f40568  No.17317135

File: 3f2aa5dae053027⋯.jpg (48.49 KB, 1150x560, 115:56, 0c768vgwsa.jpg)


Don't forget the "Haitian Vacation"

“The World Was Tired of Haiti”: The 1994 U.S. Intervention

The United States found itself embroiled in several interventions in the 1990s that focused on upholding basic human rights standards and encouraging democratic regimes to flourish, from Somalia to the Balkans to America’s own backyard in the Caribbean. Despite Haiti being the second nation in the Western Hemisphere to proclaim independence, it has suffered from the beginning to establish an orderly and legitimate system of governance.

In 1991, anarchy ensued once again when the Haitian military, led by Commander-in-chief Raoul Cedras, overthrew Jean-Baptiste Aristide, a controversial yet nevertheless democratically elected President of the nation. The coup represented a decisive step backward from the overall positive trend towards democratization in the region and led many in the U.S. to call for an intervention to restore human rights and democracy.

In October 1993, the Clinton administration dispatched the USS Harlan County to prepare for the return of Aristide, but it was met at the pier in Port-au-Prince by a mob of Haitians, appearing to threaten violence. With the street battle in Mogadishu only a week past, the administration proved unwilling to risk casualties in Port-au-Prince. The ship pulled away.

Four days later, the United Nations Security Council imposed a naval blockade on Haiti. Over the next several months the administration prepared for a full-scale invasion while pressuring the coup leaders to step down. After intense diplomatic maneuvering, in July 1994 Washington was able to secure United Nations Security Council Resolution 940 authorizing the removal of the Haitian military regime, the first resolution authorizing the use of force to restore democracy for a member nation. As the U.S. prepared for the invasion, scheduled for September 19, the Haitian leadership capitulated in time to avoid bloodshed. Aristide returned to Haiti on October 15.



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2eefad  No.17317136

File: c6e15ca5a8be06e⋯.jpg (43.56 KB, 1003x540, 1003:540, xr6wkkgnac.jpg)


interesting password, hmmmm?

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d9af79  No.17317146

File: 743845d904dab31⋯.jpg (57.79 KB, 1117x700, 1117:700, wu7npqq0rbj8zn.jpg)

Holy shit. Devin RT.

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77dacb  No.17317149

File: 47e8610b78728f0⋯.jpg (54.5 KB, 1174x628, 587:314, e8hhz7m6z7k7.jpg)


>wheel in another wheel

being terrestrial bound I always envision picrel

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cf1ece  No.17317154

File: 71e3d8e7c6522a9⋯.jpg (59.4 KB, 1191x687, 397:229, up0empng7cwo3n.jpg)





doesn't seem to me 'that guy' is the actual Biden?

they don't want flags or books, except for their own.

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518a6e  No.17317170

File: 199dc1d8c30b7f2⋯.jpg (44.41 KB, 1126x498, 563:249, ien042ws.jpg)

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fef73b  No.17317175

File: 7b2e33ec80a5985⋯.jpg (48.18 KB, 972x655, 972:655, 1f3uckwkzai8u.jpg)

Interesting article up at the American Thinker about the hoax of Watergate and how the WaPo (Woodward & Bernstein) misrepresented the whole thing and how it ties in with 911 and the J6 committee. https://www.theamericanthinker.com/blog/2022/06/mysteries_of_watergate_what_really_happened_.html

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b5ee49  No.17317192

File: 1d0b138742bdb21⋯.jpg (53.93 KB, 970x733, 970:733, 8qa2vc6.jpg)

What's happening at enemy media this minute anons? It's not the Jan 6 committee, it's not Biden, IT'S ALL TRUMP! Oh yeah, media bring us Qanons into the mix. We got republican primaries going on.

Fucken media can't help itself.

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7c00a9  No.17317199

File: 08e7c208925fda4⋯.jpg (55.42 KB, 1009x744, 1009:744, 2zx0v1jod8xc.jpg)


they should abort themselves at once.

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928975  No.17317200

File: 469c2840446fb03⋯.jpg (47.68 KB, 978x634, 489:317, o2xdoyem.jpg)


Always just tried to live with it to be honest. Not sure how to can fight something you can't "see"

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2afa9d  No.17317206

File: 674072055f5cd71⋯.jpg (56.28 KB, 1063x712, 1063:712, et5z2dbde.jpg)


He's gonna be the first guest on my podcast

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a0c6a7  No.17317209

File: e2f8a32b9a72bb8⋯.jpg (49.54 KB, 1142x576, 571:288, i0bsvslbsmlml.jpg)

"These are…unenforceable, unlawful subpoenas and that Committee should never have been formed."

Peter Navarro responds to being charged with contempt of Congress for not complying with a subpoena with the January 6th Committee.

MORE: https://youtu.be/xGKbHJm1qks


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44939c  No.17317220

File: 69a0d0b195ee418⋯.jpg (49.66 KB, 960x674, 480:337, 1rjxh984r59cl.jpg)

News is fake. War is real. Obama/s (?) done for Treason. What ya gonna do with all that cash?

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a4894a  No.17317239

File: 9142c0fd067bd29⋯.jpg (54.6 KB, 1080x680, 27:17, x8iyl49vbgh4o.jpg)


This is so true. In the early stages of the vax I knew I didn’t really want to take it but it was really just my basic critical thinking skills which made me reason that it was just simply unnecessary. Now? NOW? I’d rather die than take it. It’s principles NOW.

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324f1f  No.17317253

File: ffe96a123b7a439⋯.jpg (53.35 KB, 1020x691, 1020:691, 8zcs9x4tv9flme.jpg)


that will not be necessary

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56cb0c  No.17317270

File: cd3a598ca04ed07⋯.jpg (52.62 KB, 1202x592, 601:296, bm5n0xn8gtq.jpg)

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e8711b  No.17317274

File: 1173b470534fb82⋯.jpg (60.01 KB, 1117x725, 1117:725, vrowwlsaui0isy.jpg)


yippee! buttsecks

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5ffe33  No.17317278

File: c9874222800621b⋯.jpg (56.05 KB, 1177x648, 1177:648, 4xzk3i06vcek.jpg)


We made him such a faggot now he wants us so bad.

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66950a  No.17317298

File: 58790c64c1acc03⋯.jpg (49.37 KB, 1118x579, 1118:579, vqo7mzdokqhok0.jpg)

Tnuva to establish a research and development center dedicated to alternative protein

More and more Israelis are moving away from animal-based protein sources, and Tnuva aims to "to lead the field while facilitating the products’ accessibility to the wider public."

Tnuva, Israel's largest manufacturer of food, announced on Tuesday that it plans to open up a new research and development (R&D) center entirely dedicated to alternative protein.

More and more Israelis are moving away from animal-based protein sources, and Tnuva aims to "to lead the field while facilitating the products’ accessibility to the wider public in Israel and around the world," according to Haim Gavrieli, Chairman of Tnuva Group.

"To date, approximately NIS 40 million have been invested by all the partners, and presently eight start-ups are operating in the incubator, expected to grow to about 40 start-ups in the next few years."

Tnuva Group CEO Eyal Malis

Over the past year, Tnuva has established an investment arm called Tnuva NEXT, through which it contributes to the "complete ecosystem of the foodtech industry," explained Tnuva Group CEO Eyal Malis. "[Tnuva] invests through the CVC fund 'Tnuva NEXT' in several ways: Directly in start-ups, and through leading partnerships like the “Fresh Start” Foodtech Incubator in Kiryat Shmona in northern Israel, that was established with support from the Israel Innovation Authority, together with companies like Tempo, the investment platform OurCrowd, and the investment fund Finistere, which specializes in food and agriculture.

"To date, approximately NIS 40 million have been invested by all the partners, and presently eight start-ups are operating in the incubator, expected to grow to about 40 start-ups in the next few years," Malis continued.


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494a8b  No.17317317

File: 616c6b8ab1d6756⋯.jpg (49.48 KB, 1109x587, 1109:587, 9qh92kbjd.jpg)


itsy ou

no surprises, long time


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fbf5da  No.17317318

File: 24c11cd914b59dc⋯.jpg (55.71 KB, 1101x684, 367:228, n9iajbj.jpg)


Our job here has ALWAYS been to disseminate the news and information that is packed within a “news” article. That’s my assessment basically. When Q shows up everybody turns into the “the little kid with an autograph book” wanting some sort of recognition from the Hero! I must admit, it’s kinda fun when Q shows up but we don’t get shit done for days. I’m starting to see anons settling down. Problem now becomes all the new fags that come here, not knowing how things work and getting anons aggravated and distracted.

Stay focused anons, WE ARE WINNING this fight for our souls, the soul of a nation and the conscience of its people/citizens!

Where We Go 1 We Go All!

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0e4b59  No.17317330

File: 663466bb2a1871d⋯.jpg (49.38 KB, 1169x555, 1169:555, 8tte720ej1gvq.jpg)



Kek… took your reply to notice I replied to the wrong post. Thought I was replying to Clinton's cat SOCKS/SOCcer ball. And I was assigned to "gifted" programs as a ute. Oh well, I intended to say SOMETHING about the FED move, and I guess the ball is digital-techy. FLOTUS looking stylish as ever and wrapped in love of frens!

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324f1f  No.17317332

File: 0ea32cdba1f06a2⋯.jpg (52.77 KB, 1009x683, 1009:683, rfhw1s.jpg)




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2723f7  No.17317344

File: 24017cd4b55dacd⋯.jpg (47.32 KB, 989x625, 989:625, 3zppetp19doj.jpg)

Remember OPSEC anons we will be under attack on all sides ….those poor bastards

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4f6674  No.17317350

File: c899ab6d476c5ad⋯.jpg (54.51 KB, 996x728, 249:182, f3cix6k.jpg)


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9ed785  No.17317360

File: 443d41351b6aa8d⋯.jpg (51.9 KB, 1104x630, 184:105, r15hlmvdmvi.jpg)


I shall remove my headphones. kek.

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a0c6a7  No.17317365

File: 81d19cd5bb3c5ce⋯.jpg (51.87 KB, 1029x672, 49:32, tl2xby178c3.jpg)


apt dweller

need it to be portable

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e17be6  No.17317392

File: 015a102d42a8920⋯.jpg (48.12 KB, 1152x546, 192:91, w1e0dlzpecsb.jpg)




Yup…felt that 'low vibe' too.


First thing I noticed.

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30ecbf  No.17317408

File: e1e1a2c36703210⋯.jpg (56.74 KB, 1192x652, 298:163, bn27et.jpg)


meet you at the dough?

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a4fa68  No.17317418

File: 3b3bd6e281fb9ab⋯.jpg (48.19 KB, 995x633, 995:633, nhsxrt0gk20.jpg)


Sounds pretty common sense to me to anon

I was laughed at when I asked for a paper ballot the first time I voted

I am what those fuckers made me

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31d017  No.17317424

File: 7ee80f7c1186a07⋯.jpg (46.88 KB, 1206x510, 201:85, vvfj7uz8s0plk.jpg)



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f8c4d3  No.17317446

File: 5a1884fee7dd5f5⋯.jpg (55.81 KB, 1206x630, 67:35, z8vwyowa.jpg)



Children's Defense Fund is the largest active, satanist pedovore organization with nationwide grooming/recruiting operations ongoing (6/12/2019) under multiple program names such as; "Freedom Schools," "Beat the Odds" "Faith based programs" and many others.


Search the Q research archive for the vast load of data on Children's Defense Fund and their Pedowood/Clinton Foundation connections.


High functioning psychopathic pedovores, the "biggest names in Hollywood" among them, formed the sham charity back in the 1970s to provide continuous access to children and vulnerable youth under charitable cover or pretext.

The pedovore's phony Children's Defense Fund solicits tax free charitable donations but their activities are largely funded by Federal and State tx dollars. Fund raising and political lobbying are carried out by an ever-changing cavalcade of Pedowood satanists, the biggest and brightest stars, the most powerful studio bosses.

The satanic predators running our new and entertainment industry use sham charities, foundations and museums to support a whole range of criminal activities. Children's Defense Fund is used for money laundering, drug trafficking in addition to providing a secure supply of child victims for ritual sexual activities and human sacrifice.


One of the biggest charities enjoying broad support in the Entertainment Industry is "Children's Defense Fund" a charade operated by popular and beloved show business figures and political celebrities to access children the sham charity pretends to protect. "Children's Defense Fund" is a vehicle for satanist pedovore predation and other criminal activity.

Children's Defense Fund is a worldwide, satanist pedovore child trafficking and money laundering scam operation. CDF has

branches in Africa, Asia and the ME, and runs multiple programs in impoverished, minority communities throughout the US.

Do not let these baby sit:


Sample search product:

#2212610 at 2018-08-28 13:54:06 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #3492: He Who did Not Depart on His Own Terms Edition

Following on from the Discussion yesterday about JJ Abrams.

I have found a massive link between him and HRC through the Children's defence fund, where HRC claimed she started working

in 1973 before the Watergate investigation.

I have also shown links where she is buying and selling influence to this NPO and Lobbying group, by literally selling out

to Goldman Sachs.

Q Research General #3111: Detective Edition

Late to the bread but digging on Clinton/James ties�

Lebron makes massive donations to the Children's defense fund


Which connects him deeply to the Clinton family�



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e4fbdd  No.17317452

File: a89860858d99d29⋯.jpg (45.88 KB, 1166x506, 53:23, f2lfh6izy9j.jpg)


Not one of us, gets out of here alive.


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092544  No.17317468

File: 7a53730c3a4da6c⋯.jpg (54.71 KB, 1070x688, 535:344, jm27cv.jpg)


In 1861, the Tsar emancipated 22 million serfs. This was just the beginning. He wanted to make a series of reforms that would eventually lead to the Russian people having a constitution.

The idea of a liberated Russia and a constitution were anathema to Prussia. The 1776 US Declaration of Independence was an enemy to Prussia. If Russia did the same, Prussia would effectively be facing 2 liberated nations endowed with individual rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

This Prussian fear of such liberty is best described in a Hegel quote.


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4f6674  No.17317478

File: 9c3cd48685cd969⋯.jpg (51.55 KB, 1187x578, 1187:578, 96dzj03kev.jpg)


Listen up Fats, No Way, He said heNEVERdiscussed his son's business deals.

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7fcd4a  No.17317485

File: 5f2792917fd6fb9⋯.jpg (42.1 KB, 1055x498, 1055:498, 12hdg1y570.jpg)

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a54073  No.17317488

File: e9e30f2ab25c37b⋯.jpg (49.19 KB, 1032x630, 172:105, 6t0ew9jrtqvq.jpg)


>but we get by with a little help from our frens

Local news is all about the FF, I'm about 15 miles from there.

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a7d2ec  No.17317491

File: 8106251122da122⋯.jpg (63.58 KB, 1183x737, 1183:737, c7gqe7i6m.jpg)

True the Vote on exposing nonprofits involved in ballot harvesting scheme: We ‘need law enforcement to be able to do their jobs’

by Timothy Frudd June 1, 2022

In a special presentation before the Arizona state Senate Tuesday, True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht testified concerning the evidence the election integrity organization uncovered from the deeply controversial 2020 election.

Engelbrecht’s presentation took place Tuesday in front of Arizona’s Senate members. During the presentation, she and election investigator Gregg Phillips detailed their ballot trafficking and harvesting findings in Maricopa and Yuma Counties.

When asked which nonprofit organizations were involved in the ballot harvesting operations detailed in the documentary “2000 Mules,” Engelbrecht explained, “When you have the level of accuracy that we do, you can assess what address you’re talking about and what organization is at that address.”

Engelbrecht told Arizona’s legislature, “We would love to put that list out and let the chips fall where they may. But, there’s a ‘but,’ we also need law enforcement to be able to do their jobs.”

Not an empty seat in the Arizona Senate hearing as True the Vote presents evidence!

Americans care about election integrity 🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/OgYItHIpyY

— RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) May 31, 2022

True the Vote’s founder emphasized, “We cannot get ahead of that, we just can’t.” She explained they have not yet released the list of nonprofits involved in ballot harvesting because, “This is too important, and we have labored to the best of our ability to make every step as correctly as we can.”

“While there would be a definite feel-good moment to put that out, we have a higher obligation – all of us do,” concluded Engelbrecht.

True the Vote has made it clear that the process must be executed properly and cannot be rushed however slow the process may seem.

True the Vote’s founder has previously stated that the “rise of the American people” is a major force to be reckoned with as the evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election continues to mount.


I am at the Arizona Capitol with @brianglenntv & @RSBNetwork to cover the Ballot Harvesting Hearing in the AZ Senate. Thank you to True The Vote for EXPOSING these CRIMINALS.

This is HUGE — join us at 2:45 at https://t.co/uXtGqnYYK5 🚨

— Kari Lake for AZ Governor (@KariLake) May 31, 2022

Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, who is Trump-endorsed, attended True the Vote’s presentation in front of the state legislature.

Lake has made election integrity an integral component of her platform. In a message to her supporters on Twitter, Lake wrote, “Thank you to True The Vote for EXPOSING these CRIMINALS.”

Despite facing resistance from the government and the Fake News Media, True the Vote explained Tuesday, “We are moving forward.” Engelbrecht stated, “I want my children and my children’s children to be able to vote in a country where the vote matters.”


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e17be6  No.17317496

File: 67d9cc8b773f898⋯.jpg (54.7 KB, 1176x629, 1176:629, uqygyp9w4r9n0.jpg)


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4685b2  No.17317511

File: 5076526cb7b9ee1⋯.jpg (59.72 KB, 1134x717, 378:239, vx7gpc.jpg)


the account was created before signups were opened to the general public and the account bypassed the 3 letter minimum for usernames. this indicates it was added to the database of users manually in the back-end, not through the user interface.

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1a187a  No.17317514

File: 4e63f652df20e1b⋯.jpg (42.96 KB, 1043x519, 1043:519, sv338wxnan.jpg)

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00ec50  No.17317531

File: 0acddb932ce906c⋯.jpg (61.61 KB, 1157x722, 1157:722, 5z22qt4x9tv7.jpg)


At what point does this shit become harassment and warrant a restraining order?

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56cb0c  No.17317546

File: 82f31fbcdcf8abf⋯.jpg (53.87 KB, 1028x696, 257:174, 89d86rhhzrqa0p.jpg)


>What was that, anon? Please share with us.

I made a video about it…


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095836  No.17317564

File: b7925f59c061d89⋯.jpg (42.17 KB, 1002x523, 1002:523, j2j1hk8uya9.jpg)


Digits say YES

was it a 5/4 decision?

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4685b2  No.17317593

File: 4698e814dedbe47⋯.jpg (50.42 KB, 989x665, 989:665, 3jdsa0txzm58v.jpg)



I think most Conservatives just can't wrap their minds around the level of Evil that's gunning for them. Or they can't connect the dots?

Can't accept that it is ALL on purpose.

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eaca3f  No.17317596

File: 67d170185f1530b⋯.jpg (52.67 KB, 1172x603, 1172:603, vm04xyw.jpg)


>Spontaneous conversations with her scientist parents led to a lifelong love of chemistry for Krupa Ramasesha

Sounds exciting. I remember seeing my first nanoparticle after a spontaneous conversation with my parents too. I think caused by my electrons exciting their protons. Let's do lunch and talk about it.

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478646  No.17317605

File: b65744cb01f2c1e⋯.jpg (52.49 KB, 1074x653, 1074:653, 0e472r60d94a8y.jpg)


Rest well, baker.

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95e908  No.17317608

File: 0c4e1dc4582fccb⋯.jpg (61.53 KB, 1143x736, 1143:736, cjhy1s155b.jpg)

anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the (((inbreds))), a jackal ~ (((jakob))) and can only learn that as it is a product of (((inbreeding))) it should never exist as how the (((inbred))) judas was made to hang by Jesus God.

(((inbreeding))) = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.

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f8c4d3  No.17317611

File: 3440e29a89e8489⋯.jpg (50.88 KB, 1058x634, 529:317, jccw9r1c4yufu.jpg)


>Christopher Sign, Alabama news anchor who broke Clinton tarmac story, dead at 45

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30ecbf  No.17317619

File: 8378122b8426a2f⋯.jpg (45.88 KB, 1014x581, 1014:581, wbpxcmg4.jpg)


anyone got the fauci clear png for that face..kek

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b8ca2d  No.17317629

File: 5cbba481b2b66bd⋯.jpg (50.19 KB, 1042x634, 521:317, iggxc39m.jpg)


>It backfired on them.

Is that why all those leftists are sitting in a DC prison right now?

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ccfad8  No.17317637

File: ba3b85ebcf417ed⋯.jpg (45.19 KB, 1075x541, 1075:541, 9cx4c1z.jpg)


Masonic dubz chekk'd

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f80631  No.17317638

File: 971fa7d4f5789f8⋯.jpg (51.58 KB, 1050x649, 1050:649, eygxcgncouiqd.jpg)

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f3d177  No.17317649

I still refuse to believe any of this spam has anything to do with the military.

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1f41c5  No.17317650

File: 51df5820e89960d⋯.jpg (52.97 KB, 1069x660, 1069:660, fh8ccgts.jpg)


there are very few left here that can see

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d546da  No.17317655

File: 238d99b95434612⋯.jpg (46.02 KB, 979x603, 979:603, fyrqy4k69ow3.jpg)


>what Brothers?

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f40568  No.17317660

File: c2100858845e339⋯.jpg (47.94 KB, 1176x533, 1176:533, xnb8zpyumatz1.jpg)


Mr. Pig is based AF

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c01d71  No.17317661

File: 6c6b488b41500bb⋯.jpg (50.63 KB, 1068x630, 178:105, 91xfcrlunjf.jpg)


Jeez. No one pays attention.

Feds were in here trying to get us to go there to fight AntiFa.

It was a made-for-TV presentation.

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324f1f  No.17317674

File: 7a05bdb0cfa9549⋯.jpg (65.21 KB, 1175x747, 1175:747, f1k36k1gwdhh.jpg)


Because the id says "fed"?

Yer prolly right.

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097135  No.17317688

File: e557b30cd8b3f27⋯.jpg (57.25 KB, 1204x650, 602:325, 3aw8vlxs35.jpg)


>how many of those are still counted.

Due to the $ involved with maintaining inflated user numbers…

All of them.

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095836  No.17317692

File: 0302e5c86f53251⋯.jpg (64.07 KB, 1200x738, 200:123, 94cnyjh.jpg)


that wuz awesome

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6cb686  No.17317693

File: dfe3e3c3795dd68⋯.jpg (45.97 KB, 1183x503, 1183:503, 4vmyoegigm1i.jpg)

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77dacb  No.17317701

File: ab18fd61b12b615⋯.jpg (44.72 KB, 1001x585, 77:45, cxnazh6th.jpg)

They are at 6.8 GEV…the GOAL is 13.6 TEV…so they have to split it again…twice the power…hold your ass, FRED!!!…

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e02f03  No.17317704

File: c5cabe460c9b504⋯.jpg (48.77 KB, 1021x629, 1021:629, 7zt4a9.jpg)

To the anon who posted the NIH article on Covid Update: What is the truth?


Somehow, I feel vindicated by this article.


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627b97  No.17317707

File: 8454dc4c21f1c68⋯.jpg (57.63 KB, 1196x658, 598:329, dowacd.jpg)

So what about this new Q post?

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a096bb  No.17317720

File: b08b9ea375f31af⋯.jpg (43.79 KB, 1107x504, 123:56, qjsary.jpg)


This is cool anon.

I have to make the big keks tho

It's my nature

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342d5d  No.17317721

File: 755c73ee887983c⋯.jpg (51.48 KB, 1203x569, 1203:569, 827j9ycbly.jpg)

Updated dough: Q Research General #21527: The Good Ship 8kun sails on relentlessly edition

Right, you have a bread if you can keep it,

anon has 5 minutes moar left in him, in all sorts of pain.

new baker claim bread, note takers step up.

do not let the bread be hijacked,

the worlds eyes are on this board and the work we do here.

In God We Trust, God Speed Ahead


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c4fc67  No.17317722

File: 4f3a429d8c44067⋯.jpg (53.31 KB, 1163x616, 1163:616, cdzaoz.jpg)


Congressman Joseph Kennedy? or is that another family?

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1f5715  No.17317728

File: 806c11a57c96077⋯.jpg (53.14 KB, 1077x662, 1077:662, ehxie9mgo8dq7.jpg)


explain your spoopy nonsense.

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21519c  No.17317738

File: 8565283b9de50ff⋯.jpg (54.41 KB, 1048x691, 1048:691, e7bbawhceomx.jpg)



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30ecbf  No.17317742

File: e51e62b2d07a02f⋯.jpg (52.98 KB, 1131x632, 1131:632, axlnekv0x.jpg)


Previous wind.

Today is :44 again.

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494a8b  No.17317752

File: fc6a2f82b404ca1⋯.jpg (48.91 KB, 1000x657, 1000:657, p0qgn8.jpg)


>Have you ever SEEN them drink actual water?

my fren sd his fren seen it

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6081d2  No.17317763

File: a86b093507f65c7⋯.jpg (52.75 KB, 1152x614, 576:307, 4wzv2vgvfeu.jpg)


im sure a skilled meme can do something with my thoughts

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a096bb  No.17317768

File: 7494c3198066706⋯.jpg (57.03 KB, 1079x708, 1079:708, uxquo96u8iy.jpg)

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e54c30  No.17317776

File: f8c2f8606301d00⋯.jpg (57.12 KB, 1114x694, 557:347, ronrdu.jpg)


this is subtle wokeism and is a vaneer for racism narrative.

also a dig at Trumpfor calling out libtard fornia for dumping water for fish instead of for people

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815115  No.17317801

File: fad2db5e8168ef1⋯.jpg (50.55 KB, 985x672, 985:672, 8by873hdzl54h.jpg)

Ganesha Gold Buffalo was driven out into the woods by the voices of 'her' ancestors screaming where 'her' mind was 'decolonized'.

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81362e  No.17317806

File: 9817e2bdfec8b73⋯.jpg (55.86 KB, 1155x656, 1155:656, 93esxvy39.jpg)


Only if you pickle my doodle in ya vajayjay

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3737b2  No.17317817

File: 0dc5a498e30f520⋯.jpg (59.01 KB, 1139x701, 1139:701, boxjmp7mhni5fp.jpg)


Biden Signs Gun Control Bill Into Law


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83fb56  No.17317822

File: 64f699072c52a90⋯.jpg (52.26 KB, 1157x603, 1157:603, y4geb2y7rjfjd2.jpg)


How % mRNA integrity was apparently resolved

The discrepancy between batches appears to have may been resolved when it’s mentioned that the ‘latest lots [received by the FDA] indicate the % intact RNA are back around 70-75%.’

However, in a leaked report of a meeting with Pfizer and the EMA on November 26, 2020, a day after Veronika’s email, it shockingly reveals that the RNA integrity specification was revised down to >=50% for drug product shelf life, significantly lower than the minimum threshold of 70% that Acuitas Therapeutics had stipulated and the average 78% of the clinical batches. Was this the EMA’s (and potentially FDA/MHRA/HC) way of ‘resolving’ the issue to ensure ‘an approval by the end of the year’?

Mention is made of ‘uncertainties about consistency of product quality and hence uncertainty as regards product safety and efficacy of the commercial product.’ Yet, it’s baffling how lowering the RNA integrity specification would remedy that major objection.

In another slide the artifact states, ‘Truncated [shortened] and modified RNA species should be regarded as product- related impurities.’ This confirms that these shortened mRNA species which lowered the level of %mRNA integrity were classed as impurities. Another alarming concern arising from these impurities is flagged ‘the possibility of translated proteins other than intended spike protein (S1 S2) resulted from truncated and/or modified mRNA species should be addressed.’ (See screenshot below)

The evidence in this report confirms that regulatory bodies like the FDA, MHRA, EMA and Health Canada knew of the differences in batches, regarding % mRNA integrity and because of that the effect on ‘safety and efficacy’ was unknown. The leaked Pfizer/EMA meeting report raises material concerns assuming the issue was resolved by simply lowering the RNA integrity specification. In other words, perhaps it was never resolved.

A particular website that has drawn a lot of attention recently, which speaks to the difference between batches is howbadismybatch.com. It’s a comprehensive database with analysis on ‘batch codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 Vaccines.’ By entering a batch number of any of the Covid-19 vaccines, it tells you the frequency of adverse events reported associated with that batch.

I spoke with Sasha Latypova, who has run clinical trials for over 25 years and owns her own biotech company, to ask her expert opinion on the leaked documents. She said, “The lack of mRNA integrity and presence of uncharacterized fragments of RNA in batches of Pfizer's product was identified as a "Major Objection" - a formal regulatory red flag, deemed a product impurity and would have been a showstopper in any normal drug approval process. At a minimum, it required an additional "bridging" clinical trial to evaluate the clinical effects which would have taken months to design and conduct properly. Panic overruled scientific integrity, and an arbitrarily lowered batch acceptance standard was adopted for the sake of meeting a politically motivated deadline. To date, this issue remains unresolved and could be the underlying cause for the enormous variation in the rates of adverse events and deaths observed for different manufacturing batch numbers in the CDC VAERS and other databases.’

Latypova made an apt reference to the fate of the Titanic, by drawing a comparison in the way regulatory bodies conducted their ‘warp speed’ process of authorising the Covid-19 vaccines. The Titanic's captain, Edward J. Smith, was aiming to better the crossing time of another vessel, which meant the ship was travelling way too fast, in waters known to have ice. This set it on a fatal collision with an iceberg and the rest is history.

In light of the evidence included in this report and the fact that the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine is one of the most lucrative products in history (last year Pfizer made $37 billion in sales with predictions for 2022 being $32 billion), this author strives to open a discussion with some vital questions which must be addressed by the regulatory agencies involved, Pfizer and those in the scientific/medical community:

What are the safety and efficacy implications of a significantly lowered mRNA integrity (arising from truncated and modified mRNA) in the commercial batches of this vaccine?

Exactly what are the visible particles observed in the DP (drug product) that Pfizer shared last minute with the EMA, FDA and MHRA and what are its safety and efficacy implications?

Answers to these questions are of major public importance.

6 of 6



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c01d71  No.17317846

File: cf57650def1dd9f⋯.jpg (52.18 KB, 1116x627, 372:209, r8dkkjd880mu.jpg)

Trump has proven that he isn't going to do jack shit to stop the democrat traitors. So why should anyone support Trump over DeSantis? Seriously, one good reason why Trump is the better choice.

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c1c35e  No.17317860

File: 8f99e4450af2836⋯.jpg (48.56 KB, 1118x569, 1118:569, 198bk78ofr7sox.jpg)



>Turkey runs the ISIS oil operation with Israel

Israel runs Turkey

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d13e27  No.17317863

File: 978d2f4de8c1c44⋯.jpg (56.95 KB, 1106x689, 1106:689, pdkmrmlu.jpg)


all COWARDS who drag God's innocent creatures into their banker wars need to burn in Hell for all eternity, and then some.

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d546da  No.17317870

File: aede963f73642cf⋯.jpg (63.98 KB, 1187x741, 1187:741, pss3vhl0441z.jpg)


ZELENSKY is a midget Tranny.

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7cf512  No.17317885

File: 49d79a0c7b563fa⋯.jpg (52.49 KB, 994x692, 497:346, b58i8hyc08c4.jpg)


cant find it

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de0ac7  No.17317896

File: abdbc33351b6c45⋯.jpg (50.39 KB, 1054x625, 1054:625, pq61icywnh6gf.jpg)

Anons, they are about to start jabbing small children and babies with the deadly "vaccines" now. Please inform as many people as you can about the dangers of the jabs and please try to convince as many parents as possible not to give it to their children. You will help save hundreds or even thousands of young lives. You will be a hero like few other. In Jesus' name, bless you.

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cb52ca  No.17317908

File: 3ac177381424a69⋯.jpg (58.5 KB, 1113x705, 371:235, 3v7dfd5.jpg)

Thailand motorbike festival

Go to:



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ccfad8  No.17317909

File: 43e0bc87c1e1efe⋯.jpg (52.13 KB, 1073x642, 1073:642, g88xusho.jpg)


We don't doxx the boss.

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f21ec4  No.17317915

File: f2d159cb02dcf63⋯.jpg (42.94 KB, 1050x514, 525:257, yc14iblm7ilcs.jpg)


I wonder if it's pointing to $BBBY which is the ticker for Bed Bath & Beyond, current price $4.64. There's currently a lot of contention over at /r/SuperStonk regarding swaps between shares of $GME (GameStop) and $BBBY.

Chairman Ryan Cohen, founder of Chewy, purchased $GME before the Jan 2020 "short squeeze" that was deflated by turning off the buy button at major brokers and took away all the momentum of the massive increase in $GME's share price.

Cohen recently purchased a massive amount of $BBBY shares and also purchased a huge amount of $60 and $80 calls, basically meaning he's betting that the price will get that high. He also has plans to install three board members on Bed Bath & Beyond's board.

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81362e  No.17317917

File: 3ebb7dd9b0c1536⋯.jpg (47.08 KB, 1150x538, 575:269, ch27korgf2z.jpg)



this is worth a dig

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de0ac7  No.17317974

File: 22d092b8a757a0b⋯.jpg (55.52 KB, 1133x662, 1133:662, 95clkz2.jpg)


All sounds great until sh!t hits fan, then I want a bloke with a hat up front

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22943e  No.17317976

File: 2c665408e538a3a⋯.jpg (50 KB, 1125x585, 25:13, r5tp8vja.jpg)


Q Alerts




@qntmpkts, the operator of qanon.pub is here on TRUTH. May want to consider giving him a follow. As far as I know, he was the OG and aggregated Q drops before any of us. It was his JSON format that became for the most part the standard file format for Q drops that many of us use.



Jun 26, 2022, 00:31 <<<< try to remember to post dates/timestamps, as they come in handy for other anons.

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bab6f8  No.17317986

File: bf71aeb1fbd02f6⋯.jpg (49.46 KB, 1056x617, 1056:617, bbmf8tmx54mq32.jpg)

Usually shill activity dies down during night shift, but Q's return has triggered them.

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3c7069  No.17318004

File: e707b8ae7381910⋯.jpg (62.31 KB, 1199x715, 109:65, 4w3lhbr22.jpg)


Can we at least make a promise to not troll GLP so hard this tine, that shit made everything a little too muddy

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3b8659  No.17318009

File: e1c30451ee1e0d6⋯.jpg (61.47 KB, 1166x724, 583:362, 7axcmear.jpg)


>It was.

>That's why Boss pointed us to notice.

>A song about a pair in Love standing before a wall that was soon to fall.

Considering the Superheroes request came on Easter.

And Easter was part of the Tip Top request/confirmation.

And Easter was on the 17th this year..

Almost like a pattern



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9a3833  No.17318016

File: 2deb514755b5279⋯.jpg (45.67 KB, 1035x575, 9:5, xtnade4gk.jpg)


I have seen nature shows where the male will eat the unguarded babies. Maybe not his own offspring, idk. Might have not been tigers. Might have been some other predator. Maybe bears.

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290281  No.17318054

File: e0d866d83fcdd3c⋯.jpg (48.07 KB, 1147x550, 1147:550, 2aje8fw7hlho.jpg)


>You really think they are that mad or will they forget about it in a week or two Kek?

it does seem a bit deflated. it fizzled out over the leak a month or so ago.

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56cb0c  No.17318065

File: 796b1821d775dfc⋯.jpg (51.79 KB, 1018x675, 1018:675, uaguj5y18x32.jpg)


that does it! ;: my closest place for chicken is at the royal farms gas station…thighs, legs and biscuits

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45ccb4  No.17318074

File: 92551438ce9631f⋯.jpg (63.24 KB, 1181x738, 1181:738, 6q4m6s40wsw.jpg)


I've heard this story before. it's not the first time


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af7305  No.17318088

File: c5bbe9d2f5b6a93⋯.jpg (58.76 KB, 1094x744, 547:372, efwa76gby6xd.jpg)

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f0fc86  No.17318099

File: d63d0eb4fd5056b⋯.jpg (51.61 KB, 986x679, 986:679, u43n21gkxyr.jpg)




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305e01  No.17318104

File: 7a56b63f6bb90e9⋯.jpg (45.37 KB, 975x607, 975:607, vq40a6.jpg)

Patriot just seen driving by, exercising 1st Amendment rights. Big flag in back of truck, "F**K BIDEN".

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b2ccc2  No.17318129

File: 9bb0f65ea362112⋯.jpg (56.07 KB, 1170x645, 78:43, yvorxbk9h.jpg)


Great pic, did you ever notice how many people take pictures with Trump and they refuse to make the thumbs up sign. Too many really. Those people are mostly not MAGA, its ok though, they’ll come around or won’t

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aa843f  No.17318131

File: f9e9d8dba2c396f⋯.jpg (44.76 KB, 1037x555, 1037:555, p8ws0fhbwv.jpg)


31 metric tons?

How many fucktons is that?

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4ce373  No.17318133

File: 4f7a085829bce41⋯.jpg (44.89 KB, 1037x556, 1037:556, 6r4q4x5purucd.jpg)




get it White

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aa351f  No.17318135

File: 13bd0661b2f5b5f⋯.jpg (61.67 KB, 1192x709, 1192:709, rndrf5sqmcz.jpg)


possible, another thing is that this is just gang bullshit, but what happens is the media jumps on it to push it into the cycle about mass shooting before later in the day whn it is revealed it is gang shit and can not be utilized

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1c04f2  No.17318136

File: 7811031d89c646f⋯.jpg (43.85 KB, 1036x542, 518:271, fkg02ub3amal.jpg)


He's like gum on a shoe. Hard to scrape off completely. The tide is turning on him though.

"Justin Trudeau to remain Canada's prime minister, but Liberal Party falls short of majority".

Dominion voting machines have been used in countries around the world, primarily in Canada and the United States.

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6081d2  No.17318144

File: 3a0ae672bb0fe80⋯.jpg (52.83 KB, 999x705, 333:235, bh6pwrybh7uox.jpg)

Y'all punch of loser's

Never forget that

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031b8f  No.17318147

File: 4d4521e3966a2bf⋯.jpg (55.81 KB, 1117x669, 1117:669, vm43rdvfv92.jpg)


I am an abuse victim of such depravities most do not want to hear: I had my fingernails pulled out, I had my hand crushed, tied to a chair by the ankle…raped and other atrocities…FUCK THIS BITCH! It is women like this who allowed this to happen!

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f3d177  No.17318159


… so you're saying cures exist. Poor marketing. Reeks of desperation. Psych 101.


Is this the 'painted' thing?

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8a6416  No.17318162

File: 8b1a8a46ac039bf⋯.jpg (47.81 KB, 1073x578, 1073:578, ef2v0smwu.jpg)


I'm sorry, is there a curfew here on honking?

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22094e  No.17318163

File: fb64d9a4cc85309⋯.jpg (63.01 KB, 1190x731, 70:43, giw5zduj0.jpg)


>Working on it,

Enjoy the ride, anon, it is a blast.

Anon felt truly at one with mother Earth.

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7cff0d  No.17318177

File: 1f35602daa48bf0⋯.jpg (58.25 KB, 1069x727, 1069:727, 3rt7bcxcydx.jpg)

Welcome to Q Research General

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2455b6  No.17318178

File: bc881ac9b2c9b43⋯.jpg (44.81 KB, 1016x564, 254:141, q82radhh.jpg)

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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06bedc  No.17318180

File: e5b8f0f8ad36a04⋯.jpg (51.99 KB, 1200x577, 1200:577, 00ihpka3uz.jpg)

The Winning has only just Begun

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6aa3cd  No.17318185

File: 4e0c33ffd7ab568⋯.jpg (53.82 KB, 962x730, 481:365, cvzmxp3.jpg)


PP is moar than "healthcare", right?

They traffic votes!

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15bf7e  No.17318215

File: aa5965f510dec23⋯.jpg (58.37 KB, 1164x686, 582:343, usa0g4yk5a6zaf.jpg)


Remember, Q exposed the criminal crap of the bad guys. Over and over he did. We knew about Perkins Coie back in November of 2017. And if this is a LARP, why is the place shilled so badly?

No LARP. We're still exposing evil.

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251c92  No.17318218

File: e9d0e0741fff255⋯.jpg (47.83 KB, 977x630, 977:630, 5nv7spr.jpg)


The Saxon sword is kind of a giveaway.

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228977  No.17318228

File: c240cfb342443e0⋯.jpg (45.66 KB, 1062x558, 59:31, b8nyqt23hvc.jpg)


the game is rigged

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d6a80e  No.17318240

File: 39b3087bdc4720e⋯.jpg (61.64 KB, 1122x745, 1122:745, uv454evdnx42fp.jpg)

today is 666 day. 6/24(6)/2022(6)

odd little day to post the first time in two years there.

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67f22a  No.17318258

File: 14727d18c08e041⋯.jpg (46.17 KB, 1143x517, 1143:517, 8ard7l255.jpg)


kekity kek

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f6da1c  No.17318259

File: fa87d469c7ab8e4⋯.jpg (55.11 KB, 986x731, 58:43, g7oe1vjnth.jpg)

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0eb090  No.17318262

File: 854feed4be5cf28⋯.jpg (47.45 KB, 1007x610, 1007:610, fqzi307v.jpg)

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bbb78b  No.17318266

File: 2a53a833ba9b6c6⋯.jpg (49.74 KB, 1035x626, 1035:626, isilkwnmhgyjr.jpg)


don't talk to me

you still haven't found your girlfriend

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56cb0c  No.17318268

File: 41ffe2a3ab4c497⋯.jpg (48.6 KB, 1061x596, 1061:596, u0rkoznsps.jpg)


confirmed again

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4ce373  No.17318269

File: 8b9d8f15474e94e⋯.jpg (44.83 KB, 1102x525, 1102:525, fqcdf624fi4fgc.jpg)


So that $15 minimum wage gets gobbled up very easily.

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05c231  No.17318277

File: b3278878113a8ff⋯.jpg (48.62 KB, 970x649, 970:649, q241cmpevk.jpg)


I'm sure they don't. They use 0 deltas to verify and then get a tripcode. Which is why they re-verify with deltas, not old trips.

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305e01  No.17318280

File: 7ca207f5c512e71⋯.jpg (52.13 KB, 1130x613, 1130:613, lf3r11b203.jpg)

corp baker update

Sorry anons, have not been around for nearly a week, getting attacked from all directions, health, finance, family, homelife, tech and even my living space, trying hard to bring things back under control, things are difficult but not impossible.

sent prayers, hard to do this job whilst remaining anonymous without reward. never asked for it, never wanted it,

All anon needs is prayers to help anon to control things spiralling out into chaos.

Send prayer, please!!! In God We Trust - God Speed Ahead - o7

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631e6d  No.17318283

File: dff3e7e5f10c755⋯.png (872.65 KB, 1391x1187, 1391:1187, NWO.PNG)

File: 6a704a2b39dc6fc⋯.jpg (60.25 KB, 508x510, 254:255, 6a704a2b39dc6fc10c80b27070….jpg)

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31b728  No.17318287

File: 12cf374218528f6⋯.jpg (50.16 KB, 970x673, 970:673, 4ezxibyg5zh.jpg)

Starbucks facing pressure to reinstate firedBuffaloworkers


What is with Buffalo in the news lately.

Mass shooting at Tops Friendly Supermarket

Crisis Pregnancy Centers fire bombed

Starbucks v. Unions

US fish & wildlife twitter account posting tweet with a weird picture of a Buffalo

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5f10af  No.17318295

File: a9a4061aa8474e9⋯.jpg (49 KB, 1142x561, 1142:561, xe0r87.jpg)


Jewish girls were typically married by age 12, and she wasn't married off yet, so she was at most 12.

You can find a historical source of facts that doesn't offend your sensitive mythical views of history on your own.

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ee0954  No.17318315

File: 3bf445198b546b7⋯.jpg (49.49 KB, 1172x557, 1172:557, n2luwmfc.jpg)


Anon speaks Truth.

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74d782  No.17318321

File: e4934b934026334⋯.jpg (45.43 KB, 1133x520, 1133:520, gs9siyokdg0x37.jpg)


great message.. i don't care if it's mooch.

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75f9b5  No.17318326

File: 679016b3689d85a⋯.jpg (51.33 KB, 965x695, 193:139, wy8u2d2nmd0ix.jpg)

Nothing but fake news, human trafficking and cover ups. It will never end.

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092c82  No.17318344

File: 41efb0624efcd2c⋯.jpg (41.2 KB, 1018x511, 1018:511, 2xe6r3qn9a1.jpg)


With one blind eye, Leahy "has had a lifelong struggle with reduced depth perception," the statement said. "He has taken some remarkable dingers over the years, but this one finally caught up with him."

Fortunately, he's "expected to make a full recovery and begin a healthy course of physical therapy immediately."

Leahy is currently the longest-serving sitting senator. He announced in November that he will not be seeking reelection in the fall. The Democrat will have served in the Senate for 48 years by the time his term expires in January 2023.


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dcfd6c  No.17318394

File: 7bfd42959237e70⋯.jpg (40.26 KB, 964x520, 241:130, gi7kbyrfrufbh.jpg)


Anons Know

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da1082  No.17318408

File: 92cc61a9e651620⋯.jpg (44.72 KB, 970x588, 485:294, 281m3w7k28eg.jpg)


Elgin or Eglin AFB?

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1a0c0f  No.17318409

File: 02c4a084691a2b5⋯.jpg (56.48 KB, 1003x734, 1003:734, 79u9s54ynz960.jpg)

Elon posts insane video about time


Eventually, everything runs out of time.

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80f894  No.17318413

File: 6fb633d4ed42e34⋯.jpg (57.39 KB, 1106x697, 1106:697, oazobl.jpg)


Since you’re unwilling to leave, here have this filter.

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958280  No.17318414

File: 81ad20f7df75fcf⋯.jpg (62.04 KB, 1172x725, 1172:725, 6uwnbn9g.jpg)


i dont get it

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5578f3  No.17318422

File: af2192c82b55a86⋯.jpg (62.94 KB, 1209x702, 31:18, vlkujh7ioo8vd.jpg)


I don't think we will ever fully know who is who

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cc036f  No.17318423

File: 2861b801ade2475⋯.jpg (57.04 KB, 1142x675, 1142:675, v8bb0mal5.jpg)

Havin issues with cacha>>17314058

So how many years is soon?

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b60e16  No.17318424

File: df88fd447ad4db5⋯.jpg (49.31 KB, 1171x556, 1171:556, a5fuqx9q.jpg)



Barr: Judeo-Christian tradition under attack in US public school system, 'crisis' of western culture

Barr spoke out at Christian conference this past weekend in Chicago

By Sophie Mann

Updated: June 27, 2022 - 2:30pm

Former Attorney General Bill Barr says Christianity is under attack in U.S. public schools, calling it a "crisis" situation in western culture.

"We are going through a fateful crisis in western civilization, Barr said at a Christianity conference this past weekend in Chicago. "This is the deepest crisis we’ve faced in my mind since Christ. That’s because our whole civilization is based on the Judeo-Christian tradition, and that tradition is under sustained attack by increasingly militant secular forces."

Barr also said, according to a report in the Federalist that "the threat today is not that religious people are about to establish a theocracy in the United States, it is that militant secularists are trying to establish an atheocracy,"

He argued that U.S. public schools have become so hostile toward the Judeo-Christian tradition that they effectively wrestle parents for control over their children's upbringing.

This is a view Barr has held for years and has frequently discussed.

He has said, and said agains at the conference, that the anti-religious actions of American pubic schools are becoming so outrageous as to likely be unconstitutional.

He told the audience that the behavior within that system, as an entity, likely violates the Constitution's explicit ban on the government establishing one religion over others, as well as the Free Exercise Clause, which forbids the governments from interfering with the religious obligations of citizens.

"What we’re living through is not a situation where religion is intruding into the government’s rightful arena, it’s exactly the opposite: It’s that government and politics is usurping the role of religion," said Barr, the county's top attorney in the Bush and Trump administrations.

Barr called the U.S. progressive movement an "ersatz religion that gives them a sort of truncated version of the place filled by religion in people’s lives."

"It also explains the bitterness in our politics today" he continued, because once you adopt this view, then your political opponents aren’t just disagreeing with you, they’re evil. They are standing in the way of the salvation of mankind.

"I cannot see a way out for us and the way for Christian citizens to live in peace in this republic until we address the educational system," he said, as he made the point that it is, for religious parents, now impossible to "pretend what’s being taught in schools is compatible with traditional religion."

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cd2f28  No.17318434

File: 0b3379c15fa16e0⋯.jpg (57.66 KB, 1101x708, 367:236, ipqb4jd77y.jpg)

Afghanistan earthquake Live Updates: Death toll is 1000 now as 6.0 magnitude earthquake hits Paktika province

Updated: June 22, 2022 7:45:04 pm

The European seismological agency, EMSC, said the earthquake's tremors were felt over 500 kilometres (310 miles) by 119 million people across Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.

An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 killed at 1000 people in Afghanistan early on Wednesday, officials said, adding that 1500 people are likely to be injured according to state-run Bakhtar News Agency. The quake struck about 44 km (27 miles) from the city of Khost, near the Pakistani border, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGC) said.

Most of the confirmed deaths were in the eastern Afghan province of Paktika, where 255 people had been killed and more than 200 injured, said interior ministry official Salahuddin Ayubi. In Khost province, 25 people had been killed and 90 taken to hospital, he said. The state-run Bakhtar news agency reported the death toll and said rescuers were arriving by helicopter. The news agency’s director-general, Abdul Wahid Rayan, wrote on Twitter that 90 houses have been destroyed in Paktika and dozens of people are believed trapped under the rubble.

The European seismological agency, EMSC, said the earthquake’s tremors were felt over 500 kilometres (310 miles) by 119 million people across Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.



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74d782  No.17318436

File: 0c19a23e81c82d7⋯.jpg (47.08 KB, 1077x574, 1077:574, sxmpebt.jpg)



>For leaf anons…

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290281  No.17318437

File: 7d1e8fcf8c0963f⋯.jpg (56.28 KB, 1056x715, 96:65, drg0balq7f3.jpg)


Gislaine in news, bomb hits mall never ending money to appropriate land for Kazaraian war.

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1d96f2  No.17318438

File: 6c29db21eb9817d⋯.jpg (52.27 KB, 1085x642, 1085:642, w0k9r309b8.jpg)


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e8cd11  No.17318443

File: 5f643ee813dd2fd⋯.jpg (52.14 KB, 1155x603, 385:201, pgkyn015l8a.jpg)



At least 2 people stabbed at Encino Hospital Medical Center; armed suspect still inside

At least two staff members at the Encino Hospital Medical Center were stabbed Friday afternoon, and the armed suspect was holed up in the facility, police said.

Los Angeles police officers were called to the medical center in the 16200 block of Ventura Boulevard just before 4 p.m. for the reported stabbing, Officer Jeff Lee said. At least two employees on the medical staff were found with stab wounds.

Their conditions were not immediately known.

The suspect was inside a room somewhere in the facility, and police were clearing out the area while they worked to detain him, said Officer Drake Madison.

Information on the suspect or possible motive were not immediately available.

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3b8659  No.17318447

File: cf0abab0a5fce4a⋯.jpg (45.23 KB, 998x583, 998:583, ezndzvrfjx.jpg)


Inciting an erection

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b2ccc2  No.17318449

File: 1cdaaacd322cbfc⋯.jpg (51.98 KB, 1190x591, 1190:591, ic4w9npftmqh.jpg)




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1a5dfe  No.17318454

File: 248131a12beec9d⋯.jpg (51.61 KB, 1184x579, 1184:579, jq8bipijn0dvb3.jpg)

Jean-Pierre: [Biden] is going to be traveling to Ohio tomorrow, to discuss the American Rescue Plan…we don't have any plans to go to Chicago…[Harris] is going to be there, and she will speak to the devastation that we all saw with our own eyes in Highland Park.

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1b6728  No.17318467

File: 9112e394baf6cc0⋯.jpg (47.08 KB, 1178x522, 589:261, rdhrfnk.jpg)


which basketball?

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0e3145  No.17318468

File: 07fad30060d6d32⋯.jpg (54.67 KB, 1136x654, 568:327, 1duot2hg3.jpg)


its like they are using some kind of filter to distort the faces

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1a0c0f  No.17318472

File: 24a948daf0ec2cc⋯.jpg (44.04 KB, 1124x500, 281:125, 3t4tph.jpg)



or fuck it here you go

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c4f81a  No.17318475

File: c8d8081a0b4f404⋯.jpg (46.12 KB, 1142x524, 571:262, iroykluafyr1f.jpg)

Here we go again


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15bf7e  No.17318480

File: 060dc25c5629a40⋯.jpg (40.02 KB, 987x498, 329:166, tvuqmluihz.jpg)


>The digging is done, which is why you are only IP hoping and re-using the same memes you have used for years to attack messengers while ignoring proof presented.


>The digging is done, which is why you are only IP hoping and re-using the same memes you have used for years to attack messengers while ignoring proof presented.


>The digging is done, which is why you are only IP hoping and re-using the same memes you have used for years to attack messengers while ignoring proof presented.

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cc036f  No.17318482

File: d1af911a62cdbf3⋯.jpg (42.25 KB, 974x552, 487:276, jpaweqqt.jpg)

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5c3e26  No.17318492

File: 705561544a657bb⋯.jpg (52.12 KB, 1186x586, 593:293, 466u1eu1wc.jpg)

Then Why havent they ended q research, picked off anons

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fc00f2  No.17318518

File: 764d87b102a5bd8⋯.jpg (51.25 KB, 992x682, 16:11, mrjg1b.jpg)


Just imagine the odds…

99% : 1%

in OUR favor!

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f3d177  No.17318536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A successful salesman listens and solves a need or want. You don't actually 'sell'.

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8a6416  No.17318542

File: 41bb436319cec23⋯.jpg (56 KB, 1041x715, 1041:715, ae47vv.jpg)


> Faces of Men with Metal Helmets and Scorpions Tails

6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.

7 And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.

8 And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.

9 And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.

10 And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months.

11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit

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f6a7e2  No.17318543

File: fea3690a6bd7d57⋯.jpg (62.15 KB, 1178x721, 1178:721, 8fg2gwqd563mq.jpg)

The US is a vassal state controlled by zionist traitors:


Zionism in the West must perish, or the Western people will. If the Founding Fathers were around today they would have started shooting zionists on sight a long time ago (disclaimer: always follow the law).

Solution: have all zionists (Jew or Gentile) deported or hung for treason (legally off course) and ban the Talmud (which is anti-Christian, anti-Gentile (in a racial way) and approves of pedophilia) and ban male genital mutilation (aka circumcision) too.

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b2ccc2  No.17318557

File: 43187adbbb96f70⋯.jpg (53.6 KB, 1096x663, 1096:663, 6c6s3zi.jpg)




Succinct description of the clown clock

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80ab0d  No.17318563

File: bf8fd0476a4ef7a⋯.jpg (58.92 KB, 1201x668, 1201:668, 4xpy2g.jpg)


>the Egyptians were here 'before' Jesus died.

they were everywhere BEFORE Jesus was BORN. there is a tomb of an egyptian prince in australia. DIG if you want more.

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2625ec  No.17318567

File: bd957bf5bacc83e⋯.jpg (55.64 KB, 1148x659, 1148:659, msstkky.jpg)


does seem to be a pattern

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a71ed0  No.17318574

File: cbde772b3906140⋯.jpg (46.13 KB, 964x619, 964:619, 0zn23vdi3ybgcz.jpg)


What happened on Nov 3, 2020 that so opened your eyes?

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74d782  No.17318580

File: 04519aaa20bd4da⋯.jpg (42.05 KB, 964x549, 964:549, wcet4sxex.jpg)


>expects indictment to be unsealed

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d1414d  No.17318585

File: 9c2c23a9eee1290⋯.jpg (52.89 KB, 1086x651, 362:217, robipfwly.jpg)

2:30 PM EDT

A Growing Threat: How Disinformation Damages American Democracy

Committee on House Administration





Mr. Edgardo Cortes

Election Security Advisor, The Brennan Center for Justice, Washington, D.C.

Ms. Lisa Deeley

Chairwoman, Philadelphia City Commissioners, Philadelphia, PA

Written Testimony of Lisa Deeley

Lisa Deeley Truth in Testimony Form

Biography of Lisa Deeley

Mr. Yosef Getachew

Media & Democracy Program Director, Common Cause, Washington, D.C.

Written Testimony of Yosef Getachew

Yosef Getachew Truth in Testimony Form

Biography of Yosef Getachew

Mr. Mike Rothschild

Altadena, CA

Written Testimony of Mike Rothschild

Mike Rothschild Truth in Testimony Form

Biography of Mike Rothschild


Mr. Gary Lawkowski

Senior Fellow, Institute for Free Speech, Washington, DC

Biography of Gary Lawkowski


Notice of Hearing


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05c231  No.17318590

File: 22cf3a94f8a159e⋯.jpg (62.18 KB, 1138x743, 1138:743, dx0c6f1t35mh.jpg)


This one is in the running (or rolling) for the 2022 Darwin Award. Time will tell if he's a winner.

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c3c703  No.17318604

File: 43294b393038aa5⋯.jpg (46.23 KB, 1003x580, 1003:580, u80aho9g4hvp.jpg)


gawd ewe'll be missed


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ac154f  No.17318605

File: 2147662474b6fba⋯.jpg (49.19 KB, 1180x545, 236:109, xt5txafw.jpg)


Today's marker

Early version of the notabled clock.

Was cool to experience in real time. The video link, the narration at 1:07, the marker on the clock (:07) it all happens. Live comms from Q were like an adrenaline rush.

Oh, the stories we will tell.

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7cff0d  No.17318611

File: bde14366a8e9e6c⋯.jpg (43.15 KB, 972x566, 486:283, 6rr91w.jpg)



maybe "watch the water"…..

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dcfd6c  No.17318613

File: b34bafa9e2e4745⋯.jpg (53.96 KB, 1053x687, 351:229, q6i0dqn.jpg)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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6a466a  No.17318626

File: 741465e9f491b2e⋯.jpg (56.9 KB, 1147x665, 1147:665, iaqze3l7h7zkhb.jpg)

Hillary Clinton was in France for the elections and Macron still got his ass kicked

Former US Secretary of States Hillary Clinton poses during a photo session in Paris, on June 10, 2022.


Hillary Clinton, invitée de Christine Ockrent dans Affaires étrangères samedi 11 juin à 11h sur France Culture


French President Macron rejected Prime Minister Borne's offer to resign

June 21, 2022

3:59 AM EDT

PARIS, June 21 (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron rejected Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne's offer to resign in the wake of this weekend's parliament election result, said Macron's Elysee office.


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c4f81a  No.17318630

File: aceccf2793e0097⋯.jpg (43.93 KB, 1116x499, 1116:499, gbv0s0dgk.jpg)


A lot of buyers remorse out there.

How many resigned before their time?

How many fight to the end?

How many die tired?

Save tax-payers?

Inflated numbers online.

Those wicked, how many attend their concerts?

What percentage of crowd would follow the stars to death?

Who buys the music?

Anon just giving diff num perspective.

Families of the guilty, true guilty.

From govt., corp, banks, world organisations, countries ……

How deep it leads to how far you want to go?


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f54cff  No.17318631

File: fb370733ab46fcd⋯.jpg (59.06 KB, 1158x695, 1158:695, ayekjw2.jpg)




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82ed6e  No.17318645

File: 63b0a6fb67c2809⋯.jpg (62.41 KB, 1133x746, 1133:746, 2ehuo143.jpg)


As long as it’s for Trump and Our Country

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0e3145  No.17318649

File: cfe5a100516fb0f⋯.jpg (42.67 KB, 1004x535, 1004:535, 14b37g6mu.jpg)

Texan judges, sheriff's and representative's declare INVASION



Bidens border patrol ON NOTICE



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3edd4c  No.17318650

File: c32e221e9194c62⋯.jpg (45.51 KB, 1124x517, 1124:517, d18ym2792n.jpg)


North Carolina sky says it's going to be glorious!

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f21ec4  No.17318651

File: b72995a26d4064d⋯.jpg (43.31 KB, 990x568, 495:284, 5m8bbp947f9.jpg)


Poor white people are already subject to instant reparations


Sucker needed to be choked out with that orange tie on the spot as soon as he spoke those words.

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5f10af  No.17318652

File: e789cf3bb842f45⋯.jpg (48.4 KB, 966x649, 966:649, 4vwwfdyu.jpg)


I seen a few anons say they heading to rally, hopefully they lurking a little while listening

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3b1a83  No.17318656

File: c9aa4fdda80becb⋯.jpg (59.77 KB, 1114x722, 557:361, 8dnwce41d1r.jpg)

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745845  No.17318660

File: d6fce24c232ceb1⋯.jpg (57.37 KB, 1200x652, 300:163, fy64yv1skzwdtz.jpg)


>The Great Awakening


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cc036f  No.17318663

File: 93d209742a9aa55⋯.jpg (57.6 KB, 1180x662, 590:331, k6ibaqcubxutc.jpg)


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31e47a  No.17318673

File: 497f7a7b3545a56⋯.jpg (60.34 KB, 1181x703, 1181:703, q7hk9q74le.jpg)


June 21, 2022

Higher Ground, the production entity led by former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama, the former first lady, has signed an exclusive, multiyear production deal with Audible, the audio arm of Amazon, just two months after a similar agreement with Spotify ended.

Though Higher Ground and Audible did not share any specific details about the shows they aim to create together, they said in a joint statement on Tuesday that they planned to “tell meaningful and entertaining stories that elevate diverse voices and experiences.”

“Together, we will keep striving to tell compelling, provocative, and soulful stories — while doing everything we can to make sure they reach the folks who need to hear them,” Mrs. Obama said in a statement.

Higher Ground developed and aired five shows during its three-year deal with Spotify, including “Renegades: Born in the USA,” which featured a series of conversations between Mr. Obama and Bruce Springsteen, and “The Michelle Obama Podcast.” These shows will remain on the Spotify platform but are also available on all other podcast platforms, including Audible.

Three additional Higher Ground podcasts will still be released on Spotify, including “The Sum of Us” podcast series, based on Heather McGhee’s book “The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together,” which will debut in July, and the final two chapters of “The Big Hit Show,” a series of audio documentaries hosted by Alex Pappademas that focus on pieces of significant moments in popular culture.



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ac154f  No.17318675

File: 8452a0ac6660b44⋯.jpg (45.05 KB, 1144x510, 572:255, 1ecf2hrkkw.jpg)

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5dcefd  No.17318677

File: 2cf18523f1c2732⋯.jpg (43.83 KB, 1124x500, 281:125, ua2e1ij56f.jpg)


Good thing I became suspicious of GPS in phones around 2004 or so and have decided to be a luddite and not use one. I avoided that trap as well.

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906a84  No.17318681

File: 7c60bd6ca7b7813⋯.jpg (52.55 KB, 1172x600, 293:150, 9o64zfp8p0d8.jpg)



why won't you all just give up and sit in silent despair like you were doing until 2016, reeeee, imma sit here and goad you to try and find out what makes you tick, what makes you so resilient, what barbs will really hit home, so it can be analyzed, and psyopped, and used in ways against you.

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e3a0cf  No.17318683

File: 8301bb557715ce5⋯.jpg (48.38 KB, 973x651, 139:93, m0ha0kzw.jpg)


>took the easy way out

>doesn't realize hell awaits him upon death

Comfy. Now I am just waiting for the public declassification board headed by ECW to have people publicly hanged for their traitorous acts against the US. [F] and [D].

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77a9f6  No.17318689

File: afffa271fa693a7⋯.jpg (39.91 KB, 1001x508, 1001:508, q7wojksnvoy.jpg)


i love the shitposting. its all i do. its the disrespect. its not that fucking hard to wait a few fucking minutes or seconds ffs. but when one is here to just …..smh, waste time i guess, demoralize, and talk shit, then, protocols mean shit. shrugs. it is the same as it ever was.

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0e542c  No.17318691

File: e9ac7eec8ae322a⋯.jpg (45.37 KB, 1051x554, 1051:554, mssfe3bg3ev.jpg)


Aaron (Aryan) fashioned a golden calf (cash cow) and said here are your gods O Israel.

No I'm not blaming Israel.

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8a6416  No.17318693

File: c3d365957dc6bd5⋯.jpg (50.19 KB, 1167x571, 1167:571, 871p77jfdq7r.jpg)


I hope we find out what those envelopes had in them

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0aa69f  No.17318703

File: 5df9ead32463843⋯.jpg (49.38 KB, 1116x582, 186:97, wjxjnrl675e4gs.jpg)

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1d96f2  No.17318711

File: 2b1b2538b1f3c5b⋯.jpg (45.99 KB, 1018x580, 509:290, anj2qitijbj5jv.jpg)

Some dark shit is being cast out of the power / control structure, as we speak. Feel it, anons? The more dire it appears, the closer to the end we are.

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42bacf  No.17318712

File: a536497a81e62c1⋯.jpg (63.09 KB, 1174x738, 587:369, 0prv7690wk.jpg)


Welcome back, Harambe. Always good to see you.

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8a6416  No.17318722

File: 801ca4e0df65054⋯.jpg (43.13 KB, 1096x499, 1096:499, s267159.jpg)

Jerone Davison Former Raiders RB congressional candidate in AZ - CD4 re: Internet Bill of Rights

This man has the right idea!

Gotta make these Social Media companies and TC's, Public Utilities.


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22943e  No.17318724

File: 956de3d3201bb6e⋯.jpg (55.57 KB, 1108x675, 1108:675, e2ubyg.jpg)



Yeah, man.

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77a9f6  No.17318728

File: 7d9c1b4e212b544⋯.jpg (53.44 KB, 994x707, 142:101, vul3kssw0d8jb.jpg)

Good evening!

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a4c82a  No.17318729

File: 7fbc4e5e97aa197⋯.jpg (46.47 KB, 1156x526, 578:263, 0257v92vf.jpg)

Odysee still 500 server error.

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c4f81a  No.17318732

File: 14452973795929b⋯.jpg (53.93 KB, 1073x669, 1073:669, u7mrvf53.jpg)

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ab962e  No.17318734

File: 7171509be7db3eb⋯.jpg (55.7 KB, 1089x683, 1089:683, pyfjhe7h.jpg)

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06bedc  No.17318736

File: f943988ef2b062e⋯.jpg (40.86 KB, 960x533, 960:533, 49bkoggs7pz.jpg)


fuck , these people are stupid

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9af77d  No.17318747

File: 4f574384440bec4⋯.jpg (58.47 KB, 1204x662, 602:331, lu01nvz.jpg)

Member the very first Q drop about Hillary being arrested?

What happened to that?…..

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156231  No.17318750

File: eea507b31392705⋯.jpg (46.6 KB, 1028x589, 1028:589, txkaeymu.jpg)


just read my posts in this bread and watch the video, anon.. you'll get it

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b2ccc2  No.17318796

File: bf6225dd5a4a4a8⋯.jpg (50.88 KB, 1151x588, 1151:588, kign7p9nruytwv.jpg)

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611663  No.17318803

I heard the spamming will continue until Qs plan improves

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ac154f  No.17318805

File: bc99373feefb109⋯.jpg (53.31 KB, 1200x607, 1200:607, npyxd2rlbt.jpg)


BioHaz biz. All types.

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a4c82a  No.17318814

File: 0c4399dfdb326b5⋯.jpg (54.21 KB, 1135x642, 1135:642, wymoa1n8r.jpg)

sorry, this anon aint celebrating the 4th. This country sucks…founded by freemason faggots.

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2c48e8  No.17318825

File: 4b445c0e68e723f⋯.jpg (53 KB, 1134x625, 1134:625, snt78z29.jpg)


>No one person is above another.

>Unity is Strength.

>Unity is Love.

>Unity is Humanity.

>Trust yourself.

>Think for yourself.

>Only when good people [collectively] come together will positive change occur.


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a5dcb6  No.17318830

File: b2880c999de489b⋯.jpg (58.98 KB, 1185x679, 1185:679, miv8p7kx3t0.jpg)


so bizarre

as if a dark evil op was under way

purty fucking loud war,ey

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1d96f2  No.17318836

File: 737baf7dbe91f70⋯.jpg (44.29 KB, 1083x521, 1083:521, yy27ibr4kivbv.jpg)


What's really frightening about this is how many "dead" people are really still alive and prowling about.

The whole trannie movement may be nothing more than a way of disguising these demons and hiding them in plain sight.

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3b1a83  No.17318840

File: 253f15da617f5cf⋯.jpg (58.55 KB, 1074x736, 537:368, 0bbnzn6lzvb41.jpg)

Adam Paul Laxalt - US Senate Candidate


President Donald Trump will be joining us TONIGHT for a tele-rally in support of our campaign.

Join us at 6 p.m. to hear why he has been in our corner since the week we launched our campaign for U.S. Senate.


1:05 PM · Jun 8, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


6pm Nevada time?

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c1c35e  No.17318851

File: 0b553f6c6e2fa0b⋯.jpg (52.35 KB, 1096x637, 1096:637, ypdrgch.jpg)


my memory says 1973/74 in aust if anon wants to look it up.

I member the school, the place & the WTF thoughts.

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494300  No.17318855

File: 9b74b3a22eadb5d⋯.jpg (43.88 KB, 1075x516, 25:12, pqa68v.jpg)


why do they look so familiar

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65aa45  No.17318861

File: adbb9e49b485a1f⋯.jpg (55.53 KB, 1127x670, 1127:670, vcklx5.jpg)


I'm sorry, I'm removing you from my train tracks. You love to use that word JEW so much, use it without me for now on.

Your shit language just loops into more meaningless horseshit and trick loops to get me to hate Jews.


into muh placibo filter. enjoy ghost talking

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4fb3ab  No.17318862

File: 3e54b6324cfda6a⋯.jpg (49.75 KB, 1072x615, 1072:615, 2d19ys3u.jpg)


>so wake me up when its all over

>when im wiser and im older

>i didn't know i was lost


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879774  No.17318870

File: 502a5bfaadd73fa⋯.jpg (58.47 KB, 1129x704, 1129:704, ouc4gx.jpg)

The fact the shills are here trying to divide, while nobody is on www.virginneckbeards.com/blog/incel/projections trying to stop the shill's own territory, is all the sufficient proof anyone needs to know who is really in control, who is scared of who, who is losing to who, what is winning, what is losing, and what the truth is.

NWO are all losing their degenerate minds, because their projections are not being 'ingested' by readers as intended, so what was going to be our 'tensions' and 'conflicts' between us, is not centered exclusively in the minds of the great deceivers, whose organic 'body' is literally dying and being erased from reality, thus prompting a fear based REEEEEEEEEE reaction.

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c5e046  No.17318872

File: 48cbbad3cd120b8⋯.jpg (46.1 KB, 1077x555, 359:185, isysjat.jpg)



That's fucked up in so many ways, but here's one.

The screen resolution isn't high enough yet, so if you are using it for extended periods of time (like 2+ hours) you get dizzy because your brain knows something's off.

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e72174  No.17318874

File: f10dc8b0721cf7d⋯.jpg (55.96 KB, 1018x732, 509:366, gpv9nrqge.jpg)

Q+ comes to anons to hear the unvarnished, unpolished truth. There is absolutely nothing wrong and absolutely everything right about that shit.

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c7a657  No.17318876

File: baef52df2ec4831⋯.jpg (53.1 KB, 1004x694, 502:347, l8yivu1j5flz.jpg)


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31e47a  No.17318878

File: 940c610365fc9ba⋯.jpg (51.88 KB, 968x698, 484:349, xe8r382qjb.jpg)


I would be okay with Flores doing that.

Leaving the wall unbuilt and our enemies in power seems like a silly plan.

A fascist leader would have hung her for treason years ago. and built the wall with the bodies of the caravan invaders. People would be less likely to try to cross illegally if they saw a horror wall built out of people who tried and failed.

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b2ccc2  No.17318886

File: 2bdf1f3df793720⋯.jpg (43.12 KB, 1044x524, 261:131, ecfh0aau5pilmb.jpg)

3 Jun, 2022 19:53

HomeRussia & FSU

Ukrainian military at odds with Zelensky – Belarus

Belarus warns of a “serious confrontation” between the army and Kiev leadership

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has reasons to fear his own military, his counterpart in Belarus said on Friday. Alexander Lukashenko also repeated his earlier assertion that Poland was looking to seize parts of Ukraine, saying the Ukrainian military would “decapitate” anyone to prevent this.

“Already in Ukraine, according to my information, a serious confrontation and conflict is starting between Zelensky and the Ukrainian military,” Lukashenko told reporters in Minsk on Friday. He added that the Ukrainian military understands what’s involved in fighting Russia and knows they won’t be able to continue doing so much longer.

Noting that Russia has “changed tactics,”Lukashenko pointed out that Ukraine is running out of troops, having to rely on territorial defense militias to plug gaps in the line. Meanwhile, he added, Zelensky was making deals with Poland – which in his opinion seeks to “chop off” parts of western Ukraine that were once under its rule. Ukrainian nationalists, as well as the military, are displeased by this, according to the Belarusian president.

“They saw that he granted [special] status to the Poles,” which is a step toward losing the western regions, said Lukashenko, adding he was convinced the Ukrainian military and the nationalists are willing to “take the head off anyone” who would dismember the country, including Zelensky.

“We don’t need that. I warned about this long ago. Look, it’s happening. Just as I said, in time they will be asking us and the Russians to preserve Ukraine,” Lukashenko told reporters.

The Belarusian leader warned last monthabout alleged Polish aspirations to Ukrainian territories, echoing claims made in April by Director of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Sergey Naryshkin, citing declassified intelligence. Warsaw has vehemently denied such plans.

Between 1919 and 1939, Poland included parts of present-day Belarus and Ukraine. Cities such as Lwow and Stanislawow – known as Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk in present-day Ukraine – ended up in the USSR after WWII, as Poland’s borders were shifted westward to the Oder-Neisse line.


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aa254e  No.17318891

File: c67c24c91e69ab1⋯.jpg (47.02 KB, 1139x542, 1139:542, 7epr89f003vj3y.jpg)


>вuт аre you willing то вет your life on it?

I really did have to I guess

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cad3df  No.17318916

File: c37fcd9fb595d25⋯.jpg (49.98 KB, 1096x607, 1096:607, n4idpbb1.jpg)



ok added under russia v ukraine topic

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84dd6e  No.17318918

File: f1f23b1bfb4a8d8⋯.jpg (48.33 KB, 1146x548, 573:274, mgytldy.jpg)


Benny Johnson


Another shocking angle just released of Biden’s fall today reveals what might have caused it


NautPoso 🇮🇪☘️

12:14 PM · Jun 18, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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31e47a  No.17318927

File: c0d65e1769aa6db⋯.jpg (60.49 KB, 1129x724, 1129:724, 7x0pkj2u.jpg)

Germany is on the verge of collapse. Electricity rationing, heating regulation, skyrocketing unemployment, wave of insolvencies lead to the collapse of the economy and total failure of a functioning state.

R.I P.🇩🇪


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e4de9f  No.17318928

File: 9db5d3f782c1b7b⋯.jpg (48.57 KB, 1198x531, 1198:531, rqsvbav4uw5b9.jpg)


I never said anything about Katherine or Gregg. I just prefer not to speak to anyone on social media, after what I've experienced lately. That's my God given right to choose my friends follows and right now, it's not very many. idgaf Fix yourself.

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38ede4  No.17318944

File: 2c7c0037125d7a6⋯.jpg (59.44 KB, 1198x676, 599:338, 8om9egz5.jpg)


They don’t attack anything like they attack Q.

They don’t even attack the Bible 1/1000 th this bad.

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a5dcb6  No.17318945

File: 0d6ac6baacef2f7⋯.jpg (49.52 KB, 1124x578, 562:289, 1w6zci57343l.jpg)


How much you wanna bet it really is Q?

Just some guy. Nah, must be an AI from the future.

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ec9577  No.17318952

File: 22e095a996b9a95⋯.jpg (54.6 KB, 1075x674, 1075:674, a4oq8dthpspie8.jpg)


The term is an oxymoran. That said, some of the ideas are based in law. I have had some interesting court experiences. At this point, they will not let others in the court room with me. I went to traffic court and was filing documents. The kept stopping me at the door and giving me continuances. Which pissed me off, since I traveled two hours each way. When I was finally brought before a judge, I was the only one on the docket. I got the judge to admit that I was not the name and she acknowledged that I was the agent for the legal person. I also objected to the prosecutor referring to the statute as a law. He went on to call it an infraction. In the end, I stopped responding to their bullshit and ended up with a bench warrant for not paying their bullshit fine. Since it is so for away, I was never sent there when I was stopped in the city. I do not know if the warrant is still active, since it was from 2011.

Playing this game, you will end up in jail. You being right about law doesn't stop the gatekeepers from being corrupt.

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419ee3  No.17318961

File: 907d0557bab0fae⋯.jpg (61.64 KB, 1192x706, 596:353, 4ihbdh.jpg)

ironic observation

for someone who supposedly has no interest vested in the current admin, they sure do spend every single post they make defending the current admin

quite the transparency

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0aa69f  No.17318963

File: c9153c128d8fa36⋯.jpg (52.82 KB, 963x720, 107:80, floo0j7d.jpg)

I think maybe the decision was leaked earlier by the good guys not the bad guys, to lesson the impact when the ruling came down

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ee5584  No.17318964

File: f698dda93e706a2⋯.jpg (46.43 KB, 1059x576, 353:192, llrypogn.jpg)



So, does this mean their commanders laid down some dope rhymes or that they gave their soldiers some bad times?

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34bbdc  No.17318977

File: 2c512ff009d3e87⋯.jpg (43.26 KB, 1061x519, 1061:519, c9n35wjqdz4a6q.jpg)


Dug on the Ashkanazi the other day at a Jewish school site. Turns out it started with one family in the Rhine Valley everyone else thought they were kind of nuts.

Sort of the Westboro Baptists of Judaism.

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65aa45  No.17318987

File: 92f6e24c8fb3c02⋯.jpg (48.58 KB, 978x644, 489:322, a1v6b27r.jpg)

Where are you my baby, my soul mate, my love? The one noone in the military wanted to fuck.

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589179  No.17318988

File: 39388a5724e610a⋯.jpg (45.43 KB, 1089x539, 99:49, 0xuag1n5t.jpg)


Of course they are trans. Look at those pitts.

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5083ab  No.17318999

File: 9f3c8b085e067dd⋯.jpg (53.75 KB, 1187x622, 1187:622, ell3nfl.jpg)


>This was posted today and then soon after Lindsey said he would vote for Gun Control then the poster immediately took it down

>Warning! If you just ate or are about to eat anything DO NOT READ picrel

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365000  No.17319004

File: b3e64ccb875310c⋯.jpg (49.25 KB, 1031x632, 1031:632, 5jz9szw8kpj.jpg)

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cad3df  No.17319006

File: ac32db5dd3ffd81⋯.jpg (40.81 KB, 987x515, 987:515, tppxvc4a.jpg)

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d3fe98  No.17319031

File: d518be2a0b4f9b6⋯.jpg (57 KB, 1084x712, 271:178, mgg4df8v.jpg)


As above, so below.

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68ce7d  No.17319044

File: 3f2d3a309fd27ab⋯.jpg (45.73 KB, 1089x538, 1089:538, irx7y4c3am.jpg)


Finland: We will not change our legislation to please Turkey

Finland's Foreign Minister said on Friday that his country will not approve of making changes to its legislation and will not deliver certain individuals requested by Turkey unless there are very good reasons to do so.

In a press conference held in Helsinki following talks with his Polish counterpart, Haavisto said that "If the condition for Turkey's ratification of Finland's NATO membership is a change in our legislation, Finland is unlikely to make such concessions."

According to the Finnish FM, the Memorandum of Understanding between Turkey, Sweden, and Finland does not say anything about changes in legislation or anything of a sort, nor did Finland make such commitments.

He further added that everything that was agreed upon was put to paper. Different points of view may be expressed, but nothing was agreed upon that was not written in the MoU.

Haavisto said Helsinki may concede to Turkey's demands of delivering persons it itself considers terrorists, and only if there is evidence to substantiate these claims.

The Finnish Foreign Minister further added that he understands that Kurds living in Finland and Sweden are concerned, but when the matter concerns criminals, then the crime of terrorism would have to be one that was proven in Finland as well. In addition, Finland has also refused to hand over people that may be tortured or executed.

Turkey announced on Wednesday that it would seek the extradition of 33 alleged Kurdish militants and "coup plot" suspects from Sweden and Finland as part of an agreement to secure Ankara's support for the Nordic countries' NATO membership bids.

Following crunch talks ahead of Wednesday's NATO summit in Madrid, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan dropped weeks of opposition to Sweden and Finland joining NATO.

Erdogan declared victory after securing a 10-point agreement in which the two countries agreed to join Turkey's "fight against banned Kurdish militants and to quickly extradite suspects."

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965ba6  No.17319045

File: 68599486901e629⋯.jpg (60.33 KB, 1158x714, 193:119, 2pura1bk2kr.jpg)


[They] might be planning some kind of "birth" for which they need the law of the land to be in sync with the goals of that delivery?

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624760  No.17319055

File: 0e5b2e88fed67e9⋯.jpg (55.73 KB, 1170x642, 195:107, arzzkg1za0a1iv.jpg)


but do you know the giant sized man thing?

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c4bcd8  No.17319056

File: c1c4d16c2493ef3⋯.jpg (59.87 KB, 1170x695, 234:139, x9up7ax6my5.jpg)


"They did it in droves"

"They should be fired immediately"


"No more fake drop …. boxes"

Anon picked this up re: Q's drops yesterday. Bueller ??

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4e9d0e  No.17319058

File: ba8acfb75d95811⋯.jpg (51.48 KB, 960x697, 960:697, pnfcrw83w.jpg)


I honestly think children 12 years or older should be given .22L rifles

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0e788f  No.17319061

File: 20c7fac9fc942e2⋯.jpg (56.86 KB, 1195x655, 239:131, z4knlj1qb.jpg)


Ty baker.

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cc2497  No.17319069

File: 4a21a518244a064⋯.jpg (43.21 KB, 988x560, 247:140, 004ydlle.jpg)


Glad to see you on deck

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18cdef  No.17319070

File: 6c0c45b37e16e66⋯.jpg (49.98 KB, 1043x632, 1043:632, ukqerqlx8eg8.jpg)


>I never got to play with one before

Most of them now are broken like all things from California.

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23b58f  No.17319072

File: 4337893ce9ff2eb⋯.jpg (60.75 KB, 1169x707, 167:101, yc8asrs15d5fv.jpg)


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34bbdc  No.17319078

File: 4ad7db733744aab⋯.jpg (55.07 KB, 1026x706, 513:353, 51b7ri1k.jpg)


“Thorlock”, I like that name. Reminds me of Tungsten KEPs.

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c66d74  No.17319083

File: 6a4648b195da5ff⋯.jpg (44.85 KB, 1149x499, 1149:499, 8nqg6cx0l22t.jpg)



1) Mark Hamel (luke Skywalker) Waiting for the J6 to begin, he looks like the force has left him.

2) James Goldston ABC producer (two days in and cannot keep up with video editing

3) Ben Affleck (bought in to help J6 ) WTF need a smoke !!

4) Mathew Mcconnogehgy and wife with adult shoes. boneheaded moves

5) Sean Penn in Ukraine (100 days plus, please send moar money)

6) Jonny Depp and Amber heard playing with shit and airing their dirty laundry in public (no one cares)

6) Kevin Spacey (up next in court in the uk for rape and sexual assault of young boys).

There are probably loads moar but anons can have a lot of fun with this collection of the celebs completely getting fucked up by mere memes and the anons !!

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e72ec0  No.17319088

File: 12987e5d0644d16⋯.jpg (46.32 KB, 1080x558, 60:31, bx6ucdbwkrxv.jpg)


>ad hominem

>attack the messenger

>refute source not content of message

got it anon

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0aa69f  No.17319089

File: 727189234cb0807⋯.jpg (45.28 KB, 994x586, 497:293, jtfntkzvvef2.jpg)

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3f4d8c  No.17319090

File: 27b0f78eccf0293⋯.jpg (46.82 KB, 1167x528, 389:176, qui86aju.jpg)


anons will hate this

but this is funny & deserves consideration

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c1c35e  No.17319091

File: dc880ebe3a066ef⋯.jpg (45.86 KB, 1170x504, 65:28, ques7ew67nbazp.jpg)


kek w/snort

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9f4000  No.17319092

File: 20db6ca54d65c04⋯.jpg (41 KB, 979x526, 979:526, v71tirmismuyu.jpg)


This flight pattern is new to me.


Flying now.

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745845  No.17319098

File: cda70fc54c4abba⋯.jpg (47.05 KB, 985x616, 985:616, i61g41ov.jpg)


Quints chek't

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da6790  No.17319106

File: ffcb6f166f15aad⋯.jpg (52.69 KB, 1207x587, 1207:587, 84pesao.jpg)


appropriate for the post #.. Digits confirm

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160551  No.17319113

File: c53c3a3538cc4a8⋯.jpg (57.07 KB, 1176x657, 392:219, 373box5mouvlo.jpg)

just breathe.

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ba8203  No.17319114

File: b9cddbcc12c9caa⋯.jpg (43.41 KB, 964x571, 964:571, js9piq245t6.jpg)


>Richard Russell Steals a Horizon Air Q400

I cannot believe this.

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9813f6  No.17319117

File: 30d5d76542b99ba⋯.jpg (55.72 KB, 1208x628, 302:157, ocfyupl.jpg)

Pay attention to Bakers actions during this Bread.


Momentum and direction.

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bbb78b  No.17319123

File: 69848aacb7a96cb⋯.jpg (49.01 KB, 1076x595, 1076:595, c467ez.jpg)


seams like a mensch

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d3c195  No.17319124

File: 9b23000ba26e1fd⋯.jpg (52.09 KB, 981x695, 981:695, n65svkstwf5r6w.jpg)


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0e788f  No.17319134

File: 99215355c8f8826⋯.jpg (57.28 KB, 1073x715, 1073:715, mxnr2zb64x.jpg)


Antifa do something similar with a U-Haul truck


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4487bd  No.17319138

File: f9e13a290dc2d8e⋯.jpg (44.98 KB, 1066x542, 533:271, 463khpo.jpg)


If he died of the vax, that'd be a massive wake up call for his legions.

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06bedc  No.17319139

File: 9c339d4169bc723⋯.jpg (45.55 KB, 1036x564, 259:141, fow62pj4.jpg)


I admit I was!

Would never ever marry you, but for a quick rub, I thought you'd be good enough

I might have been wrong, though … I think.


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a0e3ea  No.17319142

File: c9a57c82711d40f⋯.jpg (51.46 KB, 1180x577, 1180:577, x0ld29f8ruclx.jpg)


Not gonna happen on a board that trafficks "mostly women" and children.

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e8275a  No.17319144

File: da4b9ab177850b1⋯.jpg (44.26 KB, 1135x499, 1135:499, 0n04ye0lzxw.jpg)


Pay attention to which forms of magnesium are best. Magnesium chloride is very well tolerated.

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87d248  No.17319151

File: d96e2347e0b5e98⋯.jpg (51.53 KB, 1208x574, 604:287, zwg0utjamy.jpg)


>Trump as first arrest would truly send a message.

The first arrest was G Maxwell, who ran a blackmail operation for a foreign entity. The enormity of her arrest can only be appreciated in context. It represents an organized effort by a hostile foreign power to corrupt and control the US.


Jul 02, 2020 5:18:30 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 3bbfe0 No. 9829982

Argument: "Maxwell is not a big enough name to trigger a mass awakening." [example]

Counter-argument: Do not make statements based on assumption of 'worth' and/or 'value'. Do not think 'today' but rather 'after' today.



Crimes against Children = common denominator [no matter political affiliation][mass pop awakening].

Have faith in Humanity.



Jul 02, 2020 1:53:00 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e67d38 No. 9827385

Possible Epstein was a puppet [not the main person(s) of interest]?

Financed by who or what [F] entities?

1. [Primary] gather blackmail on elected pols, dignitaries, royalty, hollywood influencers, wall street and other financial top level players, other high profile industry specific people, etc.

2. Feed an addiction [controllable]

Maxwell family background?

Robert Maxwell history [intel, agency, wealth, [CLAS 1-99]]?

Sometimes it's the people in the background that are of greater significance.


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2981ad  No.17319156

File: e391509929255fe⋯.jpg (48.29 KB, 1018x621, 1018:621, k1f26ir3o0cjy.jpg)


>Seems a bit too cushy

well in all fairness she apparently did say dark to light. that's gotta be worth something kek

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7cf3a0  No.17319160

File: 551befc6c98dc51⋯.jpg (55.78 KB, 1066x698, 533:349, pc62s2.jpg)


Youth is all but gone Muppet.

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a45c9a  No.17319162

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Biden FBI Released MAGA Rhino


God Bless

We the People are Waking Up FAST


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84e7b8  No.17319168

File: 3c045ec54205a06⋯.jpg (66.09 KB, 1207x746, 1207:746, qn3g42ibr4bt.jpg)


Thanks, so Q used clearnet 99.13% and Tor for 43 of 4,957 and those done largely on many fewer days due to many posts/day.


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e97d49  No.17319178

File: f717f34264ef196⋯.jpg (56.9 KB, 1100x698, 550:349, t3nki5mtdp.jpg)


Anons, the massive scale of Putin's coordinated and precision missile barrage over entire Ukraine is just beginning to be reported by heavily censored non-Western news sources.

"Ukr forces &

“murder tourists” (foreign mercenaries)

abandon Severodonetsk industrial zone, city is 100% under Russ/Lugansk control; Ukr propaganda shifts hard to “we never needed that place, it was just a sneaky distraction for dumb Russ”; Noose tightens on Ukr in Lisichansk city, birthplace of 2014 Lugansk “Russian Spring”; Ukr withdrawal from Lisichansk west to Seversk and Slaviansk under way, by some accounts; *NO SIGN OF LINDSAY GRAHAM… SOMEONE DO A WELLNESS CHECK???*; To prove it is still a drunken gas station and not a real country, Russia launches ~40 cruise missiles overnight June 24-25, hitting as far as Lvov; Russia has massively stepped up its intel/surveillance—has been striking Ukr regional senior command centers & foreign arms marshalling points w/ increasing frequency, has likely already damaged or destroyed *most* U.S. M-777 cannon sent to Ukr; fate of Ukr force in Gorskoe-Zolotoe cauldron unclear, appears most attempting to exfiltrate on foot, incl. thru mine fields, many in civilian clothes—Russ victory here may be a starving bug hunt rather than “clean” mass surrender, nonetheless, many trophies taken incl. hundreds of U.S./Swedish AT-4 bazookas, millions of $ of high-end combat/trauma medical gear, piles of abandoned body armor; Ukr forces in/near Kharkov hard-pressed as Russia counter-advances near city, NOW HIDING IN HOSPITALS TO AVOID AIR/MISSILE STRIKES, *PREPARE FOR MEDIA SH*TSTORM RE POSSIBLE RUSSIAN STRIKE ON HOSPITAL IN THIS AREA*"


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d3fe98  No.17319179

File: dc8cbe5fe7c7794⋯.jpg (46.62 KB, 1027x589, 1027:589, g8iubhlxgh7.jpg)


And the other way too Ukrainian fetal tissue is laundered through PP.

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18cdef  No.17319185

File: d8aa7ba2e994a7f⋯.jpg (59.03 KB, 1150x699, 1150:699, m5dgnk2umz18.jpg)

BREVARD, NC: "Three men were injured following a plane crash in North Carolina Thursday night, according to Capt. Matthew Chase Owen with Transylvania County Sheriff's Office. A single-engine Cessna 172 crashed around 6 p.m. in Brevard, according to Donnell Evans with Federal Aviation Administration. According to Owen, the plane crashed in a heavily wooded area of 2500 Morgan Mill Road near Camp Kahdalea. Two men were airlifted to Greenville Memorial Hospital and the other was taken to Transylvania Regional prior to EMS arrival and was later transferred to Mission Hospital, Owen said. None of the camp's staff or attendees were in the area where the plane went down as it crashed in a remote wooded area on the edge of the camp boundaries.

According to Owen, the occupants of the plane have ties to the camp, however, the plane was registered to Franklin Air Services LLC from New Orleans, LA.The plane is a 1975 Cessna 172M and appears to have been rented from Franklin Air Services LLC, Owen said."


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14194d  No.17319206

File: 3303cf218deb915⋯.jpg (47.76 KB, 1141x546, 163:78, ay1wm73.jpg)


this is what happened. there was a long thread of people replying to each other. trump RTd a few of those replies and qagg.news picks up the 2 replies before each one

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1d793d  No.17319214

File: 491d4fd34a6ca6b⋯.jpg (49.15 KB, 985x644, 985:644, keocrty.jpg)


Never seen any Batman movies. I gave up on Pedowood a couple decades ago.

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8c202a  No.17319216

File: 50a6c1b77ca58fb⋯.jpg (55.18 KB, 1030x711, 1030:711, ygeatzxggj1f.jpg)

Is Sexual Deviant Month almost over?

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389c8f  No.17319225

File: a9def0ab15cf616⋯.jpg (48.93 KB, 1048x618, 524:309, re46qr3.jpg)

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

06/17/2022 08:18:22

Truth Social: 108492770660651657

The Forgotten Men & Women of our Country are now being forced to endure crooked, rigged, and badly tainted Elections, and Open Borders that allow millions & millions of people to “invade” our Country, totally unchecked, unvetted, and having no idea where they came from or who they are. In other words, our Country is going to HELL! Our Economy is crashing, Inflation is crushing, Crime is raging, we are living with people who we have never seen before, and we have NO Voice. Welcome to America!


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e513a1  No.17319230

File: 048210b0b625285⋯.jpg (54.29 KB, 1124x655, 1124:655, hgmyd9qq9.jpg)


And he was already CIA. He probable help run the Watergate Break-in. The Democrats had something they wanted.

Virgilio Gonzalez, Bernard Barker, James McCord, Eugenio Martínez, and Frank Sturgis all tie into the JFK assassination.

As did Nixon and Bush.

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34bbdc  No.17319231

File: 9bca52f1b8f0627⋯.jpg (56.72 KB, 1119x686, 1119:686, hh3om782hwg02k.jpg)

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df9f58  No.17319237

File: a7dc1056e95db83⋯.jpg (45.81 KB, 1144x518, 572:259, hp7pvd1jl.jpg)


NATO members have declined Kiev's aspirations: Zelensky's office

Ukraine is not planning to do anything in terms of its NATO membership in the near future, Ihor Zhovka, the Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, told the Financial Times.

"Nato members have declined our aspirations. We will not do anything else in this regard," Zhovkva said.

Despite the impasse on Kiev's cooperation with the West within the framework of NATO, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's diplomatic advisor said Kiev wanted Brussels to remove any mentions of Russia as a partner from the military alliance's strategic concept.

Zhovkva said Kiev expected there to be more strict and severe warnings to Moscow within NATO's strategic concept. "Don't be shy - that's my appeal to NATO members - in formulating the provisions vis-a-vis Russia."

He further underlined that if the NATO member states do not "reveal" what is going on in Europe and Ukraine, then Brussels' outline of its policies and priorities for the next decade would be a mere document, "absolutely irrelevant".

NATO is set to hold a summit in Madrid, Spain, next week (June 28-30) where it is expected to adopt a new strategic concept outlining its policies and priorities for the next decade.

Kiev has been voicing its desire to join NATO for months now, and these calls for accession raised security concerns in Russia and prompted Moscow to launch what it called a special military operation in Ukraine.

The operation came with several objectives, such as curbing the spread of neo-Nazism within Ukraine, protecting the people of the Donbass republics from Ukrainian aggression, and preventing Kiev's accession to NATO.

Ukraine, however, has been backtracking on its calls for accession, with Zelensky saying in March that he did not want to be the president of a "country which is begging something on its knees".

Russia sees NATO expansion as a threat, especially since over the years, the Cold War-era alliance expanded eastward, jeopardizing Russian interests.

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70791d  No.17319240

File: f025b7c95f4b351⋯.jpg (48.97 KB, 1090x588, 545:294, ocxtvo1kd.jpg)


Based? i am confused kek

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6a466a  No.17319243

File: 16c8a40c0272b03⋯.jpg (58.06 KB, 1055x745, 211:149, xsjnuf.jpg)



Take note of the socialist #BLM Fist in the message.

The Department of Justice Celebrates #Juneteenth!

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a45c9a  No.17319245

File: e190901a5432fe3⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1058x1212, 529:606, B914AEDA_36A3_4CD0_88E1_A1….png)

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ec9577  No.17319248

File: ebde5c041505d65⋯.jpg (60.62 KB, 1133x734, 1133:734, 9498yv26o.jpg)



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30d458  No.17319252

File: f6b20a3ab940358⋯.jpg (55.14 KB, 981x740, 981:740, 72r787e.jpg)


I remember this also. Q said a couple seconds didn't matter for deltas.

Look at q posts: 2948, 2779.

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b80d0f  No.17319254

File: 67d0d573c669285⋯.jpg (50.42 KB, 1139x589, 1139:589, iv6qs54.jpg)

The 1st track be my vibe ATM, and I haven't even waked one yet.

Cold steel.


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d8fbb8  No.17319256

File: f29114d0a224539⋯.jpg (50.74 KB, 981x677, 981:677, 1p9qan.jpg)


citizens, not subjects, since 1981/82


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8c202a  No.17319257

File: 79be4f3cebd2d7d⋯.jpg (53.33 KB, 974x724, 487:362, f48q896uihqr8n.jpg)


thats a huge ufo

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15716c  No.17319259

File: 72a8a1740032a53⋯.jpg (54.08 KB, 1132x644, 283:161, ch8zinhrarf.jpg)

American Jews 'outraged' over Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade overturn

"Violates our rights as Jews to freely practice our religion" • "A direct violation of American values and Jewish tradition"

American Jewish organizations condemned the US Supreme Court's Friday decision to overturn the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that recognized a woman's constitutional right to an abortion and legalized it nationwide.

"This deplorable decision…violates our First Amendment right, as Jews, to freely practice our religion," rabbinic human rights organization T'ruah said in a statement released shortly after the news of the Supreme Court's decision broke.

"Reproductive freedom is a Jewish value," rabbi Jill Jacobs, CEO of T'ruah said. "According to Jewish law, abortion is not only permitted in at least some circumstances but even required if the life of the pregnant person is at risk."

"Reproductive freedom is a Jewish value"

Rabbi Jill Jacobs, CEO of T'ruah

A draft version of the ruling written by conservative Justice Samuel Alito indicating the court was likely to overturn Roe was leaked in May. US President Joe Biden condemned the overturning of Roe as a "radical" step and urged Congress to pass legislation protecting abortion access nationally.

Rabbi Jacobs called on the Biden administration to "take action where the Senate failed and to ensure equal access to abortion nationwide."

"This is a necessary step forward for racial justice, for abortion justice, and for religious freedom for all," Jacobs said.

The Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) tweeted that the Supreme Court's decision "is an affront to our Jewish values and our religious freedom."

Jewish-American women will "continue to fight"

The National Council of Jewish Women vowed to "continue to fight" following the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

CEO Sheila Katz said the decision is a "moral failure" that will "put lives at risk."

"By overturning 50 years of precedent, safe and vital abortion care is now virtually inaccessible to millions of people who need it. In the weeks and months ahead, we will see the devastating impact this ruling will have on human lives."

“This egregious decision is a direct violation of both our American values and our Jewish tradition"

Sheila Katz, CEO of the National Council of Jewish Women

"This egregious decision is a direct violation of both our American values and our Jewish tradition," Katz continued. "Reversing the protections of Roe defies logic, morality, compassion and the fundamental right of all Americans to practice their religious beliefs without interference from the government."

By erasing abortion as a constitutional right, the ruling restores the ability of states to pass laws prohibiting it. Twenty-six states are seen as either certain or likely now to ban abortion, among them 13 states that already have trigger laws designed to ban abortion when Roe v. Wade is overturned.

In those states, "millions of people will have to face the harsh truth that they no longer have control over their lives and their bodies," Katz warned


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cad3df  No.17319268

File: 9de0aa7b2b3ed16⋯.jpg (52 KB, 1133x611, 1133:611, nulxcff.jpg)


minutes 41:30 to 44:30 says it all

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c0cd05  No.17319270

File: 48fed0fd4236554⋯.jpg (53.98 KB, 1145x634, 1145:634, etl8xw.jpg)

Atlanta police, prosecutors outraged after bond granted to alleged gang member suspected of shooting Atlanta police officer

Prosecutors and police are outraged after a judge granted bond, over the state's objections, to an alleged gang member who is accused of shooting an Atlanta police officer six times in February.

Atlanta police officer David Rodgers was shot six times on February 7, 2022, reportedly while attempting to execute a warrant on Christian Eppinger. Atlanta police say that Eppinger is a member of the Atlanta Slime Life street gang and that he has a lengthy history of convictions for violent crime beginning from the time he was 16 years old. Police say that Eppinger previously spent four years behind bars, and that after he was released on probation, he returned immediately to a life of crime. Police accuse Eppinger of having laid in wait for Rodgers and attempting to "assassinate" him when he served the warrant.

Rodgers survived the shooting but is still recovering.

Due to Eppinger's lengthy criminal history, and the nature of his offense, the Fulton County District Attorney opposed bond, but a magistrate judge granted Eppinger bond over the state's objections. District Attorney Fani Willis announced Wednesday that she had filed an emergency motion for reconsideration of bond, calling the decision a "judicial error" caused by an order that allows unelected magistrate judges to set bonds.

"I have a problem with the fact that judges that are not elected, that are not superior court judges, would even have the authority right now to even hear cases that involve gangs," Willis said. Willis also commented that the judge may have been under pressure to grant bond because of a Georgia law that requires defendants to be granted bond if their case is not put before a grand jury or an indictment within 90 days.

Officials were particularly aggravated by a post to Eppinger's Instagram, which may have been posted by someone acting on his behalf, that proclaimed, "The judge gave me a bond today. I’ll be home soon."

Willis did note that she does not believe that Eppinger will actually be released from jail, because his probation will likely be revoked. "We quite frankly believe that Judge Schwall, who is the judge hearing the revocation, is likely going to sentence this gentleman to between 50 and 60 years in jail, which is the max that he can get," Willis said.

Atlanta police chief Rodney Bryant said, "We find it quite appalling that this individual received this level of bond, but we appreciate the actions taken so swiftly by this DA’s office."


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32be77  No.17319274

File: d29d4bba31268ce⋯.jpg (53.34 KB, 1202x595, 1202:595, 5dx5dcc5pvr1v.jpg)


Let God’s will be done!

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cf03fd  No.17319275

File: 70387f27af0d5be⋯.jpg (56.95 KB, 1035x730, 207:146, 1ej0lga.jpg)


I want it all revealed now!

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f77d41  No.17319278

File: b2f78429607353a⋯.jpg (49.17 KB, 1106x585, 1106:585, q66wxm.jpg)


Well, Ho Lee Fuk. Notable.

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c413e5  No.17319291

File: 1ff9b4c873253f3⋯.jpg (43.02 KB, 1052x520, 263:130, 2nrxps.jpg)




Google whistleblower, Kevin Lloyd, 34, claims tech giant's Developer Studio division has been infiltrated by 'pedophilic religious doomsday cult' Fellowship of Friends.

He was a video producer for Google Developer Studio.


Google studio 'infiltrated by a pedophilic doomsday cult'

Kevin Lloyd, 34, was fired from Google Developer Studio in February 2021. In August he filed a case before California Superior Court, claiming discrimination because he questioned a 'cult'.

1:22 AM · Jun 24, 2022·Twitter Web App

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d8fbb8  No.17319292

File: a9b161e46b79918⋯.jpg (50.8 KB, 1065x636, 355:212, moowbl0rj8j0dg.jpg)


ray epps

snake prey?

very Antifa like:

asp | snake | Britannica

P. porphyriacus is a small-headed member of the cobra family, Elapidae. It is blue-black with a red belly, and its average length is about 1.5 metres (5 feet). If annoyed, it expands its neck, cobra fashion. Its venom—more hemorrhagic than neurotoxic—is considered dangerous and potentially fatal. Black snakes occur on all continents.

Small-scaled burrowing asp - Wikipedia

Description Atractaspis microlepidota is black in color, with the ventral (belly) side having a lighter, "flatter" tone than that of the dorsal (back) side. The body scales are smooth. The head is flattened and contains a blunt snout. The neck of Atractaspis is not well defined, and the tail is relatively short.

Asp Viper - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on Animalia.bio

The Asp viper is a venomous snake that occurs in southwestern Europe. The head of this snake is broad, triangular and quite distinct from the neck. The tip of the snout is slightly but distinctly upturned. Males are generally grey in color while the females can be grey, brown and various shades of orange.

THE ASP VIPER - Vipera aspis Linnaeus, 1758

Feeding: The Asp viper is a diurnal predator which lies in wait for prey. It uses its venomous apparatus to kill the prey. Adult specimens feed primarily on rodents, completing their diet with lizards and small birds. It normally takes about a week to digest an item prey, and in the wild they will feed every three or four weeks.


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e8275a  No.17319300

File: ba450d4950564b8⋯.jpg (45.56 KB, 1130x513, 1130:513, p2ixsq5ud2coxa.jpg)

what did the jews mean by this?

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91dd88  No.17319313

File: 13985e2ab0e3fdf⋯.jpg (51.93 KB, 982x695, 982:695, j4mxf39.jpg)


>Even though all three posts were on Tor with ID 000000, It seems to have the same ID of 3670e5… That tells you a hell of a lot

Yes, it does, because when that happened last night anons verified Q was posting from two distinct avenues, not just Tor… and that might have something to do with image upload issues, or posting lags, or sumthin else.

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cf03fd  No.17319314

File: ce02af7a6ea14c6⋯.jpg (48.36 KB, 1029x614, 1029:614, o7553ohh.jpg)

So, I want to make myself understood, If you fuck with America you are going to die. And I mean that in the literal sense of the word. You have not pussyfied enough Americans to get away with your shit plan. Make no mistake, Q+ don't play. There will be no deals. None. You sons of bitches are Done. Make it easy on yourselves. Contact ProJect Veritas now. 'We' will leT you live. [Scott Free]

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f95680  No.17319322

File: 6ffcbeca29efbdf⋯.jpg (56.66 KB, 1096x689, 1096:689, ndtuereyw4rml4.jpg)

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9e1b30  No.17319325

File: 77900e3ed5616cc⋯.jpg (46.73 KB, 1101x560, 1101:560, jfcfd9.jpg)


Not really. There are photo paths and spheres also. For places that cars can't get to.

This a Google sphere. They are cool.

Like this one near Chengdu China. Only one around the area.

Found it looking for silhouettes on the military runway there.

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c66d74  No.17319333

File: bc63ae9607a1eff⋯.jpg (60.32 KB, 1100x737, 100:67, n7fs1kh8va.jpg)

how times have changed

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d8fbb8  No.17319334

File: c9b9f207ffd24de⋯.jpg (47.99 KB, 1174x537, 1174:537, 1dcx6lr3vjwd1y.jpg)




There is NO way out!!!!

(You) MUST complete the test.

==Love you All Forever Pilotorb ❤

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6983fc  No.17319340

File: a65f46b5e1d2c36⋯.jpg (41.96 KB, 1061x500, 1061:500, zmyzl9o3.jpg)


such good times, anon - the best of times actually and i miss them very dearly

>even the best bakers needed help

yup, someone post screencaps, someone post the fresh bread link for me, no time for notables, i'll have BO edit them in afterwards

>le sigh

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6bb1ae  No.17319352

File: f74cd3c63a6ca44⋯.jpg (46.47 KB, 1072x564, 268:141, krsrl99q.jpg)

The Reasons Why Super Gods Deities Beings Do Not Help Humanity Directly

Source: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com/2022/06/11/the-reasons-why-super-gods-deities-beings-do-not-help-humanity-directly/

On this planet Earth, there are many super gods/deities/beings have level above all kind of people/beings in all kind of government/group/clan.

If you wonder why they don’t help humanity directly, then my answer is that:

– Humanity does not respect each other, they are too selfish, too ignorant, here I mean the top people who make and decied policies of each nations.

– There is absolutely no fair platform that fair and interesting enough to “call” the super gods/deities.

– There is no reason for any super gods/deities help any beings/group directly face-in-face because they do not receive anything in return since most of them can self supply everything they needed already. Here you can understand as law of karma, law of trading. People always “trading” with other since there are always connection between all kind of beings. If do not receive anythign in return, that beings will either reiceve the “good” or “bad” karma from other point of the Universe (the worst case is instantly vanish).

– They treat all mortal humans are equal like them because they know the true potential of humans, many of them are in fact just the evolved human beings from many many years ago.

– When show up in-person and show off any super power/ability, that beings could receive hidden trouble of the secret hidden rules/laws of life. Or the beings received the help will vanished in his/her world in the future since cannot evolve to the highest state of life.

Wake up, remove your ego, open your ear, willing to listen to new material/information and verify it, most people only laugh my message instead of investigate and give it a try, how idiots !

Just few information for those who don’t know.

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Source: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com/2022/06/11/the-reasons-why-super-gods-deities-beings-do-not-help-humanity-directly/

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312ec5  No.17319359

File: 7f462c20e1384a2⋯.jpg (42.58 KB, 1063x511, 1063:511, qfri25mqo.jpg)


And here I was looking for good people and justice and shit, in all the wrong places.

I'm so ready. Bring it, Jesus. =)

I'm ready for some true love, true unity and true freedom.

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ee5584  No.17319363

File: 736511a75e7aab3⋯.jpg (45.75 KB, 1072x556, 268:139, 18mmo365dkqa1.jpg)


i'm not ashamed of my age, child. you, on the other hand, probly should be.

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2981ad  No.17319371

File: c073bb366e28e88⋯.jpg (44.1 KB, 1025x550, 41:22, z3ykr36i9j4.jpg)


Looking, not seeing much…though it may be time for another one soon kek. Tanks, anon.

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9aee11  No.17319372

File: e2940b58abe5c5e⋯.jpg (47.4 KB, 1013x602, 1013:602, ithpez.jpg)

Was sup Boiiiiise???

I hit a r4 leg parley for 4k baby on 20 dollar bet

picks tommorow night





might replace kucherov with Panarin

also like





gonna try





the P's score all the goals and Mika Z

also gonna try





I think Hedman might get one from the point or in front.






and then we add for Adam Fox bein in the right place at the right time





one more





Last one





I like Frank to score

I put 20 bucks on the parley with fan duelly and 10 on each player, helps get your money back and its 60 bucks a bet to win couple thousand maybe.

Good lUck boys and girls

OH Canada and God Bless the USA

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cc2497  No.17319377

File: 5465a1b362596b5⋯.jpg (54.66 KB, 1169x630, 167:90, 5dzdqapnb.jpg)


Thank you for at least putting pepe face on it, anon.

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a0534e  No.17319379

File: 5212b36a63d6381⋯.jpg (43.54 KB, 981x562, 981:562, rllt2jm96.jpg)


Post it another 100 times bitch.

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d8fbb8  No.17319380

File: da562195385c621⋯.jpg (54.85 KB, 1169x638, 1169:638, xw3aawbr65z0.jpg)


Literally reads nothing like a real Q post, and since when does Q post about an event 12 hours in the past?

Posted about R v W 12 hours later

Posted about Hutchinson 12 hours later.

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67a46c  No.17319385

File: c915e5446f093aa⋯.jpg (47.88 KB, 977x635, 977:635, 6znz5s0oe.jpg)



Anonymous ID: L8quGPI9 No.148139234 📁

Nov 5 2017 18:15:25 (EST)

Game Theory.


Why is this relevant?

Moves and countermoves.

Who is the enemy?

False flags.

Shooter identification.

Shooter history.

Shooter background.

Shooter family.


Define hostage.

Define leverage.









Why is this relevant?


What is Flynn’s background?

What was his rank?

Was he involved in intel ops?

What access or special priv?

Why is this relevant?

Set up.

Who wins?

Who becomes exposed?

Who knows where the bodies are buried?

Who has access?

What is MI?

Who was part of MI during BO term?

Who was fired during BO term (MI)?

Why is this relevant?

Re-read complete crumb graphic (confirmed good).

Paint the picture.

Disinformation exists and is necessary.

10 days.



Good v. Evil.

Roadmap of big picture is here.

Review post happenings.


Crumbs not only for /pol/.

The silent ones.

Others monitoring (friends and enemies).


Snow White.

Godfather III.


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04dd67  No.17319387

File: 3632a0085ce604b⋯.jpg (55.43 KB, 1091x679, 1091:679, 8fnv7m1vva.jpg)

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76d2e8  No.17319388

File: ff286bf6bad2a76⋯.jpg (45.13 KB, 1109x513, 1109:513, sio943.jpg)


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726623  No.17319393

File: fa6ddc8af367052⋯.jpg (57.15 KB, 1097x700, 1097:700, b6to0amj9apik.jpg)

All the people that wanted to force a vaccine into my arm the last 1.5 years can suck it trying to tell me "my body my choice"

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75bc07  No.17319402

File: 9a13d28da25789c⋯.jpg (55.53 KB, 1015x727, 1015:727, rjnjfl5cbjsj.jpg)

You see this is exactly what I'm talking about. Even the Chimpanzees have started faking their own deaths. TRUST NO ONE!!!!!!!

Rolling Stone reports that court records indicate that Tonka died last year after suffering a stroke, with the animal’s body burned in a fire pit by owner Tonia Haddix.

However, Tonka was discovered alive and well on Thursday, hidden in Haddix’s Missouri home.

Haddix had reportedly faked the animal’s death due to an ongoing legal battle with PETA, which obtained an emergency court order that allowed police to search the home, where Tonka was found enjoying “a 60-inch TV” and “an interactive iPad-like touch device.”



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fd40b5  No.17319404

File: d8be21076f152a9⋯.jpg (56.33 KB, 1033x728, 1033:728, nnnr3gw79ywkws.jpg)

With Russia defaulting on their debt that's a pretty significant chunk that will not be fed to the eye. I wonder how long it will take before we see the effects.

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18cdef  No.17319405

File: e952b0a00cb8666⋯.jpg (49.67 KB, 1188x552, 99:46, cnezw8x.jpg)


You will make a great father…

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08a14f  No.17319410

File: 93755f68a43767f⋯.jpg (50.12 KB, 1131x585, 29:15, jbbya08vh2.jpg)


> french canadian fart noises virtually wiff ai

catholic farts protest

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ee5584  No.17319413

File: 261a4db2f07e877⋯.jpg (53 KB, 1028x687, 1028:687, al15g65q.jpg)


boomer anon here, since 4ch Q clearance Patriot started droppin'. Thanks to all the shills back then! otherwise I would have missed the early postings due to time-zone diff.

Anyways, flags out anons today. Natl. day celebrations in the Kingdom of Sweden today, hopefully in the future. A constitutional republic for and by, We The People of Sweden.

and Q, not a single day goes by when I reminiscence about the days ago when you could bring up the cellphone and check if there was a new drop, and all the ytuber patriots making new drop vids. Miss y'all guys. USS Kearsarge left the docks, loud and clear signal to the Deep State in Sweden, it's over and has been for a long time now. Any moves have been game planned out w/ counter-moves. May God have mercy on all y'all souls.

Semper Fidelis, and sic temper tyrannis.

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cfcffe  No.17319415

File: 0f97cdc0a3f4cfc⋯.jpg (53.58 KB, 1144x631, 1144:631, 8iepolc0h.jpg)


Prayed for you all day.

Bless you Jim.

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aa6114  No.17319416

File: aecd3328737b5de⋯.jpg (46.26 KB, 1021x588, 1021:588, u3bwed.jpg)


I thought with the Maxwell thing, the court ordered the release of certain info that people were fighting it’s release. Nothing came of that! Just feelz like we’re Larp ing our way thru time. All hype no teeth.

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01c60d  No.17319417

File: 8c735791898eb95⋯.jpg (47.11 KB, 1055x581, 1055:581, 9nuierq7am0.jpg)


The face that launched a Thousand Memes…

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090455  No.17319435

File: 1772c535d595f02⋯.jpg (45.46 KB, 979x596, 979:596, 9eq7g5.jpg)

Business Insider

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas repeated misleading claims that COVID-19 vaccines were made using cells of 'aborted children'

lloydlee@insider.com (Lloyd Lee) - 47m ago

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312ec5  No.17319452

File: f861c2e4f7bc57c⋯.jpg (40.96 KB, 960x533, 960:533, 9g0qjuf1.jpg)


ty anon

Confirmed torposting operational

v3 address = security upgrade


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ccd212  No.17319454

File: 5d4d9de785cd44e⋯.jpg (58.11 KB, 1060x733, 1060:733, rbu68ql.jpg)

Joe Biden met with Hunter Biden business partner at the White House

Hunter Biden’s closest business partner made at least 19 visits to the White House and other official locations between 2009 and 2015, including a sitdown with then-Vice President Joe Biden in the West Wing.

Visitor logs from the White House of former President Barack Obama reviewed by The Post cast further doubt over Joe Biden’s claims that he knew nothing of his son’s dealings.

Eric Schwerin met with Vice President Biden on November 17, 2010 in the West Wing, when he was the president of the since-dissolved investment fund Rosemont Seneca Partners.

The logs also reveal that Schwerin met with various close aides of both Joe and Jill Biden at key moments in Hunter’s life when he was striking multi-million dollar deals in foreign countries, including China.Yet President Biden has long insisted he had no involvement in his son’s foreign affairs. “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” he said in 2019.

”Not everyone gets to meet the Vice President of the United States in the White House. The press should be asking why Hunter Biden’s business associates — like Eric Schwerin — had that privilege and were given access to the Obama White House,” said Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin). “This is additional evidence that Joe Biden lied when he said he never discussed Hunter’s foreign business dealings. It’s well past time for the corporate media to demand the truth from Joe Biden. The corruption of Biden Inc. must be exposed.”


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ee5584  No.17319458

File: 1cfe0a41da23679⋯.jpg (57.05 KB, 1003x743, 1003:743, qjderhn.jpg)


No, Trump was the last President. From now on its CEO's.

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a68f78  No.17319461

File: a5e7ca3c9123d2e⋯.jpg (51.43 KB, 1147x596, 1147:596, bvrp5o4j1.jpg)



The payback on these niggers is gonna be EPIC!

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54565e  No.17319462

File: 58581e22cdbe057⋯.jpg (56.37 KB, 1075x702, 1075:702, bxym5m5pgfdqfo.jpg)

I hate modern American women so fuckin' much.

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918ac5  No.17319463

File: aec0b15a63b98d2⋯.jpg (54.64 KB, 1132x653, 1132:653, 2aemg8kwzeq.jpg)


Alternate version

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3f4d8c  No.17319479

File: e78cbfbff29e25c⋯.jpg (55.94 KB, 1108x680, 277:170, zqtcxqu99al.jpg)


Ummmmm… it was mandated by a politician… just like ALL politicians worldwide, mandated them… some gave out fines etc for not taking it.

Those politicians bear the blame as much as any doctor.

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6566cc  No.17319484

File: ae7051a77a3308a⋯.jpg (52.35 KB, 1058x666, 529:333, a3oceyo5h.jpg)


>in a better place now

Isn't that what they say when someone dies? kek

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745845  No.17319486

File: cf3efb65378c008⋯.jpg (51.44 KB, 1183x580, 1183:580, lh9c71xkzc.jpg)



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08a14f  No.17319489

File: 5060b20ba0363bf⋯.jpg (51.83 KB, 1200x578, 600:289, mxoqb7tx.jpg)

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ccd212  No.17319493

File: f66d50bec689805⋯.jpg (60.21 KB, 1092x742, 78:53, xvcpcireh5bz2.jpg)

At least one person is being held accountable by a Federal Judge for the Kenosha protests/riots. Bit of light sentence is 40 months.

A federal judge has sentenced a Racine man to 40 months in prison for starting a fire that destroyed a furniture store during protests over the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha in 2020.


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b1c0a7  No.17319505

File: 9ab139b3cbb682e⋯.jpg (41.67 KB, 1010x520, 101:52, 2wml6wo.jpg)

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d8fbb8  No.17319515

File: ba1b8553c0390c9⋯.jpg (41.89 KB, 986x529, 986:529, cjwge74hh.jpg)


I would check what Dr.Zelenko has to say about that.

NAC works against blood clots, I´ve heard.

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218b2b  No.17319519

File: 578d29ff63bb3fc⋯.jpg (60.85 KB, 1130x729, 1130:729, vki0tigpq4cj.jpg)


Molested bY mother ?

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a0534e  No.17319527

File: 5ab859b89676b36⋯.jpg (43.88 KB, 1040x543, 1040:543, p9njqmtlr0.jpg)


if they made a series, it most like exists then.

if it exists, where is it, how many are there and who operates it..

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af967d  No.17319530

File: d4bf2540cc8d365⋯.jpg (44.98 KB, 1019x567, 1019:567, lzrbjw.jpg)

Enjoy The Show!

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26b1b1  No.17319537

File: d8fc720c0e165b3⋯.jpg (48.68 KB, 1015x621, 1015:621, 4bmzuec6n0fzqg.jpg)


For old times sake toss us a 0 delta

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437997  No.17319549

File: 576c58b7b472415⋯.jpg (41.14 KB, 982x524, 491:262, 46zbxqks5.jpg)



Knowingly did shit while in their seats

And some only appear bad

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0dd127  No.17319550

File: 39698920f43eb9c⋯.jpg (64.27 KB, 1195x740, 239:148, 6otutyd0p.jpg)


ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

LMFAO this is too rich


>developed in Israel

and in the same sentence

>allow patriots to communicate securely

JFC we are so fucked

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a95fcb  No.17319551

File: 756c1185500fc6c⋯.jpg (54.96 KB, 1181x639, 1181:639, i0lnqodppu2bbf.jpg)

Name the Jew.

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d036ee  No.17319571

File: 99108d0daf16361⋯.jpg (49.52 KB, 960x673, 960:673, l3jed87zk8f.jpg)

Horror as 1800lb charging bison gores man, 34, as he saves little boy from certain death. But why were they so close?


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08b991  No.17319577

File: 916c1ebe9035659⋯.jpg (53.02 KB, 1155x623, 165:89, jpv9o8l.jpg)


ty baker

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792d33  No.17319582

File: 896b8b9906e828e⋯.jpg (45.88 KB, 1104x540, 92:45, xppf26hm95a.jpg)


agreed on 8bit

>If the salt rotating is supposed to change the trip displayed by the same passwords, why didnt Q's trip change?

he's saying Jim's guys put in a new salt so they could generate Q's trip with it

but if they could do this with the new salt, the could do it with the old salt

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9e1b30  No.17319595

File: 71cc5c078e0c8c2⋯.jpg (47.33 KB, 1103x562, 1103:562, czqoyke.jpg)


Much appreciated TY

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0c8cf8  No.17319596

File: 78add3c8eaaa11c⋯.jpg (54.97 KB, 1013x716, 1013:716, qsbpzn.jpg)


Donald Trump attended Fordham Jesuit.

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183750  No.17319600

File: 5e51ccc79b67821⋯.jpg (61.63 KB, 1158x722, 579:361, zh34kcon5.jpg)


Were you not at the parade in 2018?

Did you not get the free beer?

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0e788f  No.17319602

File: 34369e5e5c558d6⋯.jpg (53.91 KB, 1201x603, 1201:603, n0y57ghmqq.jpg)


So now that the real Q is posting again, triggering you stupid pieces of degenerate shill shit, Anons everywhere comfy.

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6d4b24  No.17319604

File: bbac9d52ffd6e32⋯.jpg (55.85 KB, 1198x633, 1198:633, 9xg35pffeoju8.jpg)


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6983fc  No.17319617

File: 62b35ce5d25618d⋯.jpg (59.03 KB, 1182x682, 591:341, caotbswhy9mx.jpg)

So, here's my two cents, for what it's its worth. I don't see how we have the midterm elections. Given the state of the nation at the moment (Roe riots, baby formula shortage, gas price hikes, inflation constantly rising, and others), not to mention all that is yet to come (food shortages, more riots, possibly another "pandemic"), I think the national polls saying Biden's approval rating at around 32% are being WAY too generous. If the elections were fair (which they aren't, and haven't been fixed since the 2020 steal), we could expect a massive bloodletting of RINOs and Ds and MAGA sweeping races at all levels.

Which mean the DS has one of two options: repeat their same shenanigans from 2020 on election night when shit goes south for them (but this would make it too obvious, and you would have Civil War 2 at that point because no sane American would stand for the same BS again); or, they don't have the elections and essentially declare themselves dictators for life or use martial law or a blackout or whatever to suddenly shift the narrative to crisis mode and shutdown. I think that's the most likely scenario. Why would they even risk taking the chance of an election when they saw what happened in VA and almost happened in NJ last year? And that was before all the shit happening now. They know their screwed and it will be an absolute bloodbath for them. So they have to keep that from happening.

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08b991  No.17319619

File: b6e71f34ad1ed6b⋯.jpg (48.45 KB, 1063x596, 1063:596, 4h3egn1v1j1n17.jpg)



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bf998e  No.17319620

File: 7bc78b416edfbeb⋯.jpg (52.42 KB, 964x718, 482:359, cg6av3y46.jpg)


This is out of control

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d17c62  No.17319621

File: 314c6b9bf9d7156⋯.jpg (57.08 KB, 1105x693, 1105:693, rb4wc5ypqdsg3.jpg)


>After we save to world. Or something. Have you decided on which model yet?


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6d4552  No.17319625

File: 4bb2c896d9675dd⋯.jpg (46.86 KB, 995x619, 995:619, 1m43iv.jpg)


>Problem is the psycho Alpha boy here says he's bound by the hip to the candidate.

somehow i doubt it even though some of them have showed up as page ads. either sabotage not thought thru and rejected or naivete.

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b1c0a7  No.17319634

File: 58a1f5afeef1daa⋯.jpg (57.34 KB, 1116x694, 558:347, ij8y3extb8v.jpg)


Matthew McConaughey Has Used 18 Guns in 11 Movies over 25 Years



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5d5615  No.17319652

File: 98591a89ee3e177⋯.jpg (57.71 KB, 1185x664, 1185:664, kvha2j.jpg)


those owls will grow up and eat your face off.

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8acada  No.17319680

File: 2c9737df6fe300b⋯.jpg (57.34 KB, 1180x658, 590:329, a2g5pxujyp.jpg)


>Someone will get arrested for memes

There is an Australian poster here who posts the worst memes ever, full of text. I hope it's him.

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ee4868  No.17319684

File: 16503ead2a72738⋯.jpg (48.35 KB, 1063x599, 1063:599, eln4jj7.jpg)


>He hugged the flag.

I hugged my girlfriend in my dreams…

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ff32ce  No.17319691

File: 369e26482a9ee93⋯.jpg (61.66 KB, 1089x747, 121:83, cjykc5iqamibfq.jpg)






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caedc8  No.17319693

File: 9630d7820f52963⋯.jpg (41.9 KB, 1012x516, 253:129, q9tuds.jpg)



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e7d769  No.17319697

File: c22416d8adc8ab4⋯.jpg (43.71 KB, 1099x511, 157:73, iggruq63oml3m3.jpg)


>he might be a little gay


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a0534e  No.17319708

File: 0a02120c9a59d83⋯.jpg (50.61 KB, 976x682, 488:341, 14op7n02.jpg)


Real Time News, [05.06.22 08:42]

[ Video ]

"A Pfizer document reveals between 82-97% of pregnant women lost their babies. 45% of the 270 pregnant mothers reported adverse clinical events, and more than 60% of these were serious."


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ccd212  No.17319709

File: 0a3ac08cab64aaf⋯.jpg (44.15 KB, 1045x544, 1045:544, ziimhpcjo.jpg)


I would shed no tears if DC was nuked.

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2cb4a7  No.17319719

File: 0189b73b430ed49⋯.jpg (42.23 KB, 1057x502, 1057:502, pt74hq09d7t4xh.jpg)


i was the one that kept bugging you to correct the spelling….

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1c3b40  No.17319721

File: f75bf97ebbc2091⋯.jpg (49.36 KB, 1032x625, 1032:625, v0f9ybszm1q8uh.jpg)


Congratulations. You survived the common cold/flu they want you to believe some bullshit called Covid.

They made it all up, just add tainted testing process, WHAMO! Instant pandemic!

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84e7b8  No.17319725

File: 68bdf154fa967e0⋯.jpg (50.04 KB, 1134x587, 1134:587, zfcca44th.jpg)

T-16m. This bread.

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285284  No.17319726

File: 2c5fc89d2c96448⋯.jpg (44.68 KB, 991x583, 991:583, 3w91z6pn.jpg)


Reeeeeeeeee lolololololol

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558218  No.17319731

File: 3825e149c4f8096⋯.jpg (48.98 KB, 996x646, 498:323, zdofzjkm8ea4.jpg)


>Let's see what the next posts are like.

>If nothing, no big whoop IMO.

>America is still winning. The Evil is coming out into the Light.

On an individual level, God wins. I was very much hoping we could eject Satan as a collective.

Let's see how this can be done. How sweet would it be to have Q publicly lead the charge against the satanic forces once again.

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bbc944  No.17319733

File: 93abc661334f3ba⋯.jpg (54.17 KB, 987x728, 141:104, 7cbuf7a.jpg)


Well… ?

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0de4a5  No.17319741

File: 611d5b9582d969e⋯.jpg (56.37 KB, 1177x645, 1177:645, cqqlmqicwuw.jpg)


It's about the BREAK.

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e70e0b  No.17319744

File: 4f59ee33e821c69⋯.jpg (57.87 KB, 1170x671, 1170:671, 795szephpah3an.jpg)


You don’t know that’s a q drop. No trip. No q. You were told it was. Convenient aye?

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90d9c5  No.17319747

File: e24056d3c65de63⋯.jpg (49.85 KB, 1173x562, 1173:562, itanpiy0ap8k.jpg)

(lb) note taker signing off?

Is a lung infection considered Covid?

Anon trust medics as far as anon can kick them uphill in a blizzard so will never hear the official diagnosis.

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0b5913  No.17319752

File: 4d0a3ab53559b50⋯.jpg (45.82 KB, 1106x533, 1106:533, rx21llhkb.jpg)


The invasion of Russia isn't going as planned. The queer puppets have not genocided the white Russians yet. Moving the government to Moscow is on hold. Be assured, Moscow is The New Jerusalem.

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b7e226  No.17319761

File: 1cdf7d11bf73892⋯.jpg (44.08 KB, 1064x531, 1064:531, dkkpkvkj6.jpg)


Outstanding work here.

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140529  No.17319762

File: 4e80c5d778c6109⋯.jpg (41.42 KB, 1035x502, 1035:502, i8bfs63.jpg)



Baker was experiencing serious lag last bread due to VPN, UID hash changed

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8ad713  No.17319764

File: 4692efcefae08b6⋯.jpg (47.5 KB, 1198x513, 1198:513, tv3di20f8yp0a.jpg)



Can bake this one or handoff


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10a09f  No.17319767

File: 8ad430d18bb925d⋯.jpg (48.84 KB, 1047x615, 349:205, xv2fs2.jpg)

Jack Posobiec @JackPosobiec

The Robert Crimo red tie suit and 47 are from the Hitman series


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7596ee  No.17319770

File: 7367df6a416d159⋯.jpg (56.7 KB, 1048x724, 262:181, ea8pvmw396z8.jpg)


Amen anon!!!

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1d793d  No.17319771

File: 7e41c3e01ef719a⋯.jpg (55.12 KB, 1181x633, 1181:633, gv5saco.jpg)


>Why do you make these sort of claims

>why do YOU



you are sperging out at the wrong faggot anon

I have not reposted them at all in this bread



>your reeing at the wrong faggot anon


>check your sights

>your sperging out at a different anon

but whatever anon

you do you

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c66d74  No.17319782

File: 43f08b074fd2885⋯.jpg (44.49 KB, 991x578, 991:578, bgub2kl.jpg)


wonder how many of those he had to get abortions for?

apparently Natali gave birth?

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f1a28d  No.17319788

File: e40709e90a2a8c5⋯.jpg (40.83 KB, 1004x502, 2:1, p6uc0f.jpg)


All of you are amazing that have made it here. Even the shills that are here messing with us are [their] Digital Special Forces and know what the fuck they're doing; although they are no match for us, just a bunch of bed bugs and mosquitos (flying bedbugs).

I got to know some of the old administration on their Discord ~15 months ago and although they are very talented it is a shame I have to say they were full of resentment and spite; nothing near the true Warrior spirit. They were more like attention seeking rogue agents is the best on the spot description I have.

I'm pretty good at infiltrating and figuring out peoples true intentions. Needless to say OSS and his minions eventually stripped me and tortured me on the cross just like anyone else. Few days of seething and coping and I'm back to normal but back in the day that kind of treatment took me out for weeks.

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f4b89b  No.17319792

File: b256742795171a0⋯.jpg (55.13 KB, 1051x700, 1051:700, w87ppldwlhf.jpg)

When payback time comes, it will be a bitch!


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f29f7b  No.17319796

File: 492d10dc60fc9f3⋯.jpg (46.06 KB, 1109x532, 1109:532, 6o5rlxgixf8.jpg)


I heard that it was about retrieving

a black book

that had belonged to a call girl.

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7abe37  No.17319806

File: 8d4f80f597de462⋯.jpg (60.65 KB, 1184x704, 37:22, mbpqhub.jpg)

fuglytranny.jpeg blames juws for being fugly and tranny and faggot and asshole

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b36441  No.17319807

File: 8e1ceb2da56f7e5⋯.jpg (52.95 KB, 1101x646, 1101:646, yfzrjdxujf1q.jpg)

Breast milk

Goat milk

RAW cow milk (before the fat is removed)

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00aab5  No.17319820

File: 8e4d13fe363c2a4⋯.jpg (43.58 KB, 1061x521, 1061:521, ftvf08apn2.jpg)


Tanks b

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754175  No.17319821

File: d374e47f508b117⋯.jpg (51.78 KB, 1099x627, 1099:627, uh72egziveijx.jpg)

God we pray, bless ALL on the board and protect Our chilldren.

Anoint the planet and solar system with your holy spirit.

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cb9f4a  No.17319839

File: 3f5d7769c45c873⋯.jpg (54.87 KB, 998x725, 998:725, 38t3k7iepq.jpg)

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7596ee  No.17319846

File: 70bac0cc16afe84⋯.jpg (51.04 KB, 1019x660, 1019:660, v7rz9ljf.jpg)


God wins, not mankind… Only those who believe and repent and believe in God's Son Jesus Christ will be saved

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a84670  No.17319851

File: 111e834cbe4a80b⋯.jpg (50.55 KB, 1083x611, 1083:611, lbzn16z.jpg)


Mine still works !

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b4937b  No.17319853

File: c1b4af74919c445⋯.jpg (45.72 KB, 1006x588, 503:294, t66k5k7jgr.jpg)


Notable that the Niʻihau Island can't be penetrated by the Kanaka Haule o dnc kipi and thus can't fuck with MAIL-IN ballots.

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24d01b  No.17319855

File: 495d2c56e4c7ac6⋯.jpg (42.74 KB, 966x559, 966:559, r8ny0eer4.jpg)



Srsly…i'm so pumped on the SCOTUS thang.

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b6577e  No.17319861

File: e52d3dcbc5316dd⋯.jpg (52.12 KB, 1048x661, 1048:661, d37yxwjze.jpg)



Our Country has officially gone Full Retard.

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b14b83  No.17319864

File: ef823941f05dc28⋯.jpg (52.37 KB, 1069x652, 1069:652, spgfljfg.jpg)


thank you

I love these posts

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ee5584  No.17319865

File: 0dff6b624313559⋯.jpg (53.37 KB, 1127x639, 1127:639, hbertqsz2i.jpg)



Symbolism will be their downfall.

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457399  No.17319867

File: bf23e7c21074dab⋯.jpg (57 KB, 1127x685, 1127:685, p86bzmcpa.jpg)

Jews own people.

Catholics own people.

Queens and Kings own people.

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920f84  No.17319869

File: 48b00a75890524e⋯.jpg (52.74 KB, 1020x684, 85:57, 13mso1k2mh.jpg)




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fc2c51  No.17319872

File: 751113f53ecda40⋯.jpg (55.97 KB, 1086x692, 543:346, cc23nf32u.jpg)


Religious Fruitcake identified

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442384  No.17319873

File: c7593398fff46c3⋯.jpg (41.83 KB, 1005x528, 335:176, v5mv05mlmpd.jpg)

Where is pic attached?

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eff2d2  No.17319880

File: e27d99baa0aaee4⋯.jpg (54.1 KB, 982x722, 491:361, bmfi495.jpg)


I can ebake

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30711c  No.17319882

File: 8df5c329cc16a44⋯.jpg (47.62 KB, 997x617, 997:617, kvn4a1.jpg)


>Did some elites really get vaxxed or none of them


>none of them

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1d793d  No.17319887

File: 3b3da185775d9ff⋯.jpg (42.48 KB, 972x547, 972:547, s800ultab21ccj.jpg)

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ee4868  No.17319890

File: 35f6d8005f48bca⋯.jpg (43.42 KB, 1024x541, 1024:541, 742mxa053t.jpg)


>How many Antifa moms got their kids meth to go out into the streets and riot with BLM?

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754175  No.17319894

File: 5288c2f36607b8e⋯.jpg (56.19 KB, 1088x694, 544:347, 75fv9ixu5hf.jpg)

Are we no longer digging in this place?

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7bfe65  No.17319902

File: 4fb6c06dc6daf83⋯.jpg (57.3 KB, 1059x725, 1059:725, nmxtki7lgex.jpg)

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1c3b40  No.17319903

File: 6e67ab935afdce7⋯.jpg (56.59 KB, 1137x669, 379:223, 0x2idnzq4n.jpg)


Who wants to be in the screen cap?

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d3d8a9  No.17319914

File: 6f637c6bd09ba67⋯.jpg (48.4 KB, 994x634, 497:317, 0qbyhxy1dai8.jpg)

God bless America from head to toe.

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2fbf24  No.17319915

File: d6a7e2791541bbf⋯.jpg (41.88 KB, 1046x503, 1046:503, tdv736sx.jpg)


She was so upset… she sold him all our uranium…

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ff2b72  No.17319920

File: 6459981a392c694⋯.jpg (56.26 KB, 1045x720, 209:144, 8wancafey.jpg)

I am the Queen of Qanon

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a84670  No.17319924

File: ffc4bda2eb77c67⋯.jpg (56.18 KB, 1049x718, 1049:718, 3i4h4rt.jpg)



The boat is like the USA Minnow it has a big hole in the side.

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35ed33  No.17319930

File: d332163969b90fa⋯.jpg (60.3 KB, 1160x706, 580:353, i3r6n8k0uckd2.jpg)



>mv /boot/vmlinuz /boot/go_fuck_yourself && shutdown -h

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fd39c5  No.17319935

File: 20545c95aed3448⋯.jpg (60.07 KB, 1180x694, 590:347, 11y3lvmxv08z.jpg)


Indeed. They're magically delicious.

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1545cc  No.17319938

File: 179943a8ca76da0⋯.jpg (43.25 KB, 1044x525, 348:175, g4tdtvj9zc93.jpg)



double debil trips confirm

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11fa6d  No.17319941

File: 0c2fafb907fe9c6⋯.jpg (41.98 KB, 1045x502, 1045:502, rx5t0mha011d.jpg)


he's a traitor.

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76d2e8  No.17319944

File: a059a0c46f12f3c⋯.jpg (55.74 KB, 1019x744, 1019:744, quywta9i777.jpg)

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f29f7b  No.17319946

File: 3f41b704705f2c7⋯.jpg (49.69 KB, 1187x554, 1187:554, zcjojks6lrkm.jpg)



Bitcoin is a algorithmic protocol released into the wild(cyberspace/internet)

Once this occurred it is free to live forever so long as there are miners mining it and people with wallets making use of the network by transacting.

Those transactions are contain within the blockchain ledger and blocks are released on averaged every 10-20 minutes.

Miners are attempting to discover those blocks by hashing at unimaginable speeds.

When they find one that miners pool is awarded the coins contained within that block.

The majority of the coins(21million) have been found and most were mined by miners using GPU’s aka graphics cards(AMD)

The majority of people who had access to high end graphics cards back when they originally were ported to be able to mine bitcoin were gamers.

So to answer your question the individuals who made out or hold the majority of those bitcoins are gamers and also others young nerds all around the world but most of which are American.

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a84670  No.17319961

File: 263dfce1587b63f⋯.jpg (41.39 KB, 1002x509, 1002:509, 99rpgi3vtzfwc.jpg)


The people keeping a scorecard of our ethnic cleansing are the enemy.

Q doesn't want to ethnically cleanse the White race.

You are the one trying to divide us out so you can exterminate us.

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7bfe65  No.17319970

File: 45189226d62c6a1⋯.jpg (48.32 KB, 1085x580, 217:116, 9dms17xwk8.jpg)

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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5f0e0f  No.17319971

File: 03afd6e5961059e⋯.jpg (43.85 KB, 1013x548, 1013:548, 53zy6ga.jpg)


9-15 year olds from 2009 to 2015. It's dead, thank Jesus.

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54565e  No.17319972

File: 8efd2f7ba90cadb⋯.jpg (49.92 KB, 1060x616, 265:154, kbnlupxnxuyj.jpg)


there are only 3 primary colors, red, yellow, and blue.

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1545cc  No.17319973

File: 4d9c29c0c4a200f⋯.jpg (42.37 KB, 1058x499, 1058:499, szzlu49j.jpg)



>also police in the very beginning were standing there in a group totally normal and easypeasy when a roof top shooter was said to go kill frenzy from up above

Being a demonic and evil organization, it wouldn't surprise if there were a jesuit-influenced masonic temple nearby?

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fd6f83  No.17319976

File: 06d5c574c729731⋯.jpg (48.23 KB, 1044x608, 261:152, nsxuq6t5n.jpg)


try Dark Journalism

The research is very thorough and the reporters seem to be non political.

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713574  No.17319980

File: 99a632286f122ff⋯.jpg (44.73 KB, 1123x511, 1123:511, jr5pexn5t5.jpg)

https://www.westernjournal.com/jan-6-committee-delays-remaining-hearings-unspecified-date/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=newsletter-WJ&utm_campaign=dailyam&utm_content=western-journal&ats_es=acd85bd866115593d46884a2b9d09479 🦍📡🇺🇸✴️✴️✴️✴️👁👁🤬 SO THE BS J6 CLUB IS TAKING ORDERS FROM THE COMMIE NARRATIVE NETWORK WHO HAS "FOUND" VIDEO OF TRUMP WITH HIS FAMILY!!! SO THE BIGGEST LIARS IN THE PROPAGANDA MACHINE POLLING FOUND OUT THAT AMERICANS ARE TAKING A HUGE SHIT ON THEIR WORK OF FICTION & NOW NEED MORE TIME TO MAKE UP SOMETHING!!! I WANT TO SEE VIDEO THAT THEY ARE HOLDING BACK! YOU KNOW LIKE THEY ALWAYS DO WITH EXCULPATORY EVIDENCE!

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f29f7b  No.17319985

File: 2954178638ff7e9⋯.jpg (53.41 KB, 1204x594, 602:297, oycwsm.jpg)

Swalwell Plays Ridiculous Recording of Man with Fake Southern Accent ‘Threatening to Kill His Three Children’ – And No One is Buying It

This recording sounds totally legit.

Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell (CA) on Wednesday evening played a recording of a man with a fake southern accent threatening to kill his three children over his relationship with Chinese spy Fang Fang.

Last summer it was reported the Intel Community had a classified report detailing Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell’s intimate relationship with Chinese spy and honeypot Fang Fang.

Fang Fang was a “bundler” for Eric Swalwell and other Democrat candidates but it was also reported the Chinese spy had an intimate relationship with Swalwell.

Despite this Chinese spy scandal, Swalwell remains on the House Intelligence Committee (thanks to Pelosi) and has access to some of the nation’s most highly classified information.

Instead of taking responsibility for compromising national security with his relationship with a Chinese spy, Swalwell blamed Marjorie Taylor Greene for the threatening phone call.

“Marjorie loves to play the victim. But she’s an inciter of violence. Her constant attacks — even after the FBI said I was never suspected of wrongdoing — lead to threatening calls like this. This caller from today threatened to kill my three children.” Swalwell said suggesting the caller is from MTG’s home state of Georgia.


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0de4a5  No.17319993

File: 4d5c2a72cc6cead⋯.jpg (48.09 KB, 1183x535, 1183:535, kusg0qcp6.jpg)


I swear to God, someone is following along with some of the storylines from Doctor Who

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b6577e  No.17319994

File: aaee79b8c18aa1f⋯.jpg (46.07 KB, 1071x560, 153:80, c7q2ylced.jpg)



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4ffeb1  No.17319999

File: 8f52f0e7cbb8f40⋯.jpg (61.41 KB, 1149x736, 1149:736, nj7z7npt6wk.jpg)




>No. I'm saying the installed POTUS, Trump, ordered sanctions against anyone who questioned the legitimacy of our elections, including the one he lost.

I don't think anons generally have read that EO, in fact I'm not certain Trump read it beyond the first paragraph … but I have.

…while the EO condemns those who undermine trust and faith in the American Democratic institutions by casting doubts on the integrity and honesty of the elections, it clearly states that it's foreign malign actors or entities that might get punished/sanctioned for saying that the US elections could have been rigged.

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cc9d71  No.17320003

File: 9fd87fb318c5276⋯.jpg (58.46 KB, 1109x706, 1109:706, 72pyxvy.jpg)


Only criminals and slaves hide their faces.

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0dd127  No.17320005

File: 38d3eda43e8b53d⋯.jpg (50.73 KB, 1030x653, 1030:653, 1cihu1f.jpg)

Ebaked Fresh and Ready




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54565e  No.17320008

File: cb024161f896419⋯.jpg (58.15 KB, 1189x672, 1189:672, ndps6vg.jpg)


I'd rather be called a bigot than a faggot

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eff2d2  No.17320011

File: 8db821ceea5f212⋯.jpg (55 KB, 1095x674, 1095:674, 3exz3nlrikx.jpg)

Crude is down.

Silver is down.

Bitcoin is even worse.

Dollar is up.

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76d2e8  No.17320018

File: ea51602577360ea⋯.jpg (47.17 KB, 1041x586, 1041:586, ds50tevqg859.jpg)

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745845  No.17320024

File: 6ddcd69e252d797⋯.jpg (52.11 KB, 1183x590, 1183:590, wcx216d3w.jpg)


God damn liter of cola

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24d01b  No.17320025

File: c6db77e74f62da7⋯.jpg (57.86 KB, 1121x696, 1121:696, mz6d59gio.jpg)



I do wonder why. How could that be?

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7f3d10  No.17320028

File: cbda02d7b4c656c⋯.jpg (43.55 KB, 1034x542, 517:271, pzgag837dk.jpg)


No shit. He's slow.

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f7e45a  No.17320032

File: d2bc9622f8d5f72⋯.jpg (52.05 KB, 1086x637, 1086:637, 8y54c5dy3.jpg)



But what do I know? I’m not a botanist.

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fc2c51  No.17320034

File: 6c04e8713252e30⋯.jpg (50.75 KB, 1158x578, 579:289, 192j96o9tp5u.jpg)


baker i sd it has already been noted once from lb, no need to spam again this thread.

read slower, u too

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fd39c5  No.17320044

File: d709bb8e4a7632f⋯.jpg (40.65 KB, 1001x515, 1001:515, 41mr78mtmv.jpg)


>From Sol.

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409fd6  No.17320050

File: fcba6cf8d4fc1fb⋯.jpg (62.31 KB, 1174x730, 587:365, ej94oi0xxksw.jpg)


Fucking Cottonweary

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00fdd2  No.17320055

File: 40216faf5e663b5⋯.jpg (55.57 KB, 1024x728, 128:91, i6kmwcft9.jpg)


She left you cause you YELL Everything

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0762fc  No.17320058

File: 6dc589ef8f92d49⋯.jpg (49.42 KB, 1006x648, 503:324, tcff05nmj3v4vu.jpg)


> Look at my red text and NOTICE MEEEEEE!

Fuck off shill faggot

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caaf37  No.17320059

File: bfc41e304d9beed⋯.jpg (42.54 KB, 1063x511, 1063:511, 4lrogcjg6.jpg)


unity is their way

when fighting mascнınes

unity is death

remember zıon…



тнаnк уou

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d7ecb2  No.17320063

File: e4ab2c9822036b0⋯.jpg (45.35 KB, 1123x513, 1123:513, oqr6qdm320.jpg)

Still a ways to go, things have to get a lot worse before people wake up

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9de8ce  No.17320074

File: 71e7ebc4b293ef1⋯.jpg (50.8 KB, 1122x596, 561:298, lk3utdad0.jpg)


I remember the night that happened, bakers literally couldn't make make new breads fast enough.

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35dba0  No.17320075

File: 1ae4ca9237776ab⋯.jpg (54.57 KB, 1015x707, 145:101, ec4ldr4ep7.jpg)


Pak name mean "Shine Brightly" in Hangul.

like big glowie Beondegi

Korean coalition no claim

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792d33  No.17320080

File: 489f6973e9ac5cd⋯.jpg (42.06 KB, 1049x502, 1049:502, fz8e2ijaho9c.jpg)


so organic

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7213ce  No.17320081

File: 545f317797ed6cd⋯.jpg (40.26 KB, 990x509, 990:509, 0m52ahr65.jpg)


haven't had a bong rip in years, feelsbadman

getting old sucks ass

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b7e226  No.17320083

File: c3a1304050d8000⋯.jpg (54.51 KB, 980x736, 245:184, xrqcdtwm2.jpg)


Potus ain't talking about J6. This is coms.

We are with you sir.

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bf25c6  No.17320085

File: da2264f624ac687⋯.jpg (61.36 KB, 1136x745, 1136:745, hrti0bg.jpg)



>The U.S. Army was founded on 14 June 1775, when the Continental Congress authorized enlistment of expert riflemen to serve the United Colonies for one year.

Hooah! 247 years


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fd6f83  No.17320097

File: 796a9f0f5707568⋯.jpg (46.92 KB, 1124x542, 562:271, odfabx5qja.jpg)


Watch the water.

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85826c  No.17320102

File: b3f6bc75dac01b3⋯.jpg (44.83 KB, 1079x535, 1079:535, f848yczkpqd5y4.jpg)


Qewl ain't it?


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caaf37  No.17320103

File: 06d3cf48158d934⋯.jpg (44.76 KB, 992x582, 496:291, wik7n4p.jpg)


Missed you too, Q.

I have had the ammo.

Didn't wanna FF, ya know?

Stay frosty.

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6279c5  No.17320105

File: 0c393f1292291a8⋯.jpg (44.31 KB, 989x576, 989:576, a8sc9jvyrc.jpg)



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5647e3  No.17320107

File: 7e955153d9c4452⋯.jpg (41.93 KB, 984x538, 492:269, cglpsxtlc5fj3.jpg)



meant 2A….


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ee5584  No.17320112

File: 8c22f63985fc5f7⋯.jpg (52.86 KB, 1149x618, 383:206, utqjocg10h4z9.jpg)

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00bb39  No.17320113

File: 88db41fe3e48a30⋯.jpg (43.22 KB, 1023x530, 1023:530, j6lld5.jpg)

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7213ce  No.17320124

File: 151818bbc37d01d⋯.jpg (56.12 KB, 1025x733, 1025:733, mjwjwocoox4b1.jpg)


Continuous confirmations through a series of mathematically impossible coincidences (Q posts) still happening kind of does.

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caedc8  No.17320125

File: f96fffef3c1b5f4⋯.jpg (46.58 KB, 998x602, 499:301, ll0v3h.jpg)

True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht: ‘Mules’ Went on Routes Trafficking Ballots ‘Repeatedly, Day After Day’ Ahead of the 2020 Election

Dirty voter rolls, the mass use of mail-in ballots, and privately-funded drop boxes “combined together to create an easy pass lane for fraud,” as “mules” — or ballot traffickers — trafficked thousands of ballots, likely altering the outcome of the 2020 election, True the Vote president and founder Catherine Engelbrecht told Breitbart News Saturday.

Engelbrecht, who leads the election integrity organization True the Vote, previewed the upcoming film by Dinesh D’Souza, 2,000 Mules, which blows the lid off of the “organized crime” that took place leading up to the 2020 election. The film used data obtained by True the Vote, as Engelbrecht noted that they had so many calls “that had a similar characteristic of concern around what was happening with mail ballots and drop boxes.” Because of that, they focused on that issue.

“We geo fenced or put a sort of a digital fence, if you will, around all the drop boxes, and then we bought a tremendous amount of cellphone data and cellphone data that is transferred off of the apps of your phone that give you great indication about the whereabouts, the time, [and] the location,”she began, noting that they watched the travel patterns of devices going to drop boxes, doing so in five states in five jurisdictions. At the same time, the organization fought for surveillance video around the drop boxes and were ultimately able to thread it all together, as seen in the film.

She clarified one very important part of their study as well. It was not just the number of times a person went to a drop box, but also the number of times they went to nonprofit organizations.

“You had to go to a minimum number of nonprofit organizations and a minimum number of drop boxes. It varied slightly, state to state, jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but on balance … to make our study, you had to go to on average, five nonprofit organizations and 38 drop boxes for us to even collect you in our study,” she said, noting they were looking only at “extremes.”

“As damning as it is, is just the tip of the iceberg,” she said, noting that ballot harvesting rules vary from state to state. But even so, True the Vote weeded through the data.

“Now, I’ll say that in Georgia there’s a loophole, as you will oftentimes find an election laws, there’s always the loophole that … you could submit a ballot on behalf of a family member or someone who is in the hospital, someone who is infirm,” she said, explaining the process [of] doing so.

She said True the Vote closed “that gap through open records by querying to these jurisdictions for any list of any assists or signatures, accounts of ballots, anything that we could find and we found nothing. So every rock that we could kick over in this, we did,” she explained, confirming that there is evidence of potential crimes in the film.

Many of these “mules,” or ballot traffickers, she continued, would go on routes “repeatedly, day after day.”

“One of our sort of top performers, if you will, in one 24-hour period went to 27 different drop boxes across six counties and five different nonprofit organizations in one 24-hour period,” she said.

“But this is a — this is organized crime, and that’s what we need to get our arms around,” she said.

While she said they have to be cautious in how they describe the nonprofit organizations involved, Engelbrecht noted that “all of them were far left of center,” adding that they will release the data publicly in the coming weeks.

Toward the end of the interview, Breitbart News Saturday host and Washington Bureau Chief Matthew Boyle asked if what occurred — which the organization shows through evidence — altered the outcome of the election.

“Yes. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, yes,” she said.

The film’s virtual premiere is May 7.


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051049  No.17320136

File: aaea6c6291a3fd2⋯.jpg (48.59 KB, 1151x559, 1151:559, u1d56lnqvtv.jpg)



Never challenge a Celtic Man to a crazy contest.

Also Never start a Land War in Asia…

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13d293  No.17320137

File: de6b073db6c1425⋯.jpg (54.76 KB, 978x732, 163:122, ybfqcc.jpg)


Stock market is up quite a bit this morning.

There are about 6 hours for that to turn around if this is accurate.

The market in general makes 2-3 moves in a day one at open and then one after those faggots get back from lunch around noon. The third move is a scam move. all the (((insider traders))) and now robinhood tards can trade for a few hours after the market closes. It more often than not moves to wipe out as many options traders as possible.

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08b991  No.17320141

File: f3e4177332cb86b⋯.jpg (48.5 KB, 1005x633, 335:211, eh74t0p4vwzj.jpg)


National Flags are nothing but gang colors.

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fa49cc  No.17320146

File: 903e0b37a68baa7⋯.jpg (53.69 KB, 1117x646, 1117:646, 1669w07hoa.jpg)


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