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File: 6edcd0521272418⋯.jpg (5.23 KB, 165x129, 55:43, download.jpg)

172a31  No.16930642[Last 50 Posts]





WEF : -



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172a31  No.16930709

File: bced9583e6b4883⋯.jpg (57.89 KB, 728x478, 364:239, 7W63XDW6IVLFFOZRK3CAHRHJBU.jpg)



















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172a31  No.16930772

File: 961ce3b5735855f⋯.jpg (6.21 KB, 262x131, 2:1, download_2_.jpg)














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bb1d70  No.16931762



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bb1d70  No.16931763


Not hard to figure out. The Zog, the Patsy, and the Target. The question is why.

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191d1f  No.16931776


Now your “racist” towards pitbulls… shows your ignorance 100%… & white women LOVE pitbulls (I mean the dog literally too) regardless if it WHITE BLACK TAN BLUE 🤣🤣🤣

Wonder what you think of BLACK LABS 🤣🤣🤣 since color matter so much too you…

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1f8233  No.16931793


That's enough internet for you tonight

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62cc3e  No.16931795



they define what "mental health" is,

and change it as needed.


That might be included as an indicator.


the rule they're working on now,

with super investigating persons under 21?

How many of those took ritalin, etc.?

How many had or were tested for autism?

Even worse,

as part of that "deep dive",

they'll tack on investigating parents and other members of the household.

This won't end.

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c955b8  No.16931800


Answer [Your] Phone..

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a078fd  No.16931814



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6a933f  No.16931829


dont know, cant find his account anymore

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4850d7  No.16931844


Strawberry Man Good, kek!

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21cdab  No.16931847

Dan Scavino

07/03/22 16:24


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c808eb  No.16931855


filtered B4 part 3!!!

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62cc3e  No.16931872


I recollect when the salts were changed, someone asked about it at the time. "What if Q comes back, how to authenticate?", and the answer was that for these Q boards the salt remained intact and was not changed.

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ef15b3  No.16931904


Johnny Says the ‘Best Is Yet to Come’ After Amber Was Found Guilty of Defaming Him—He Wants His ‘Life Back’


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4a5c6d  No.16931909


Q didn't technically confirm that the Earth is a globe, he said it's not flat, like not having hills, mountains, valleys etc

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4cbc2f  No.16931910




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431953  No.16931932



No Quarter Flag hanging out front.

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275c6e  No.16931934


She's pretty!

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5f042f  No.16931939


Also Cain killed Abel.

So who Cain fucked?

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6f6837  No.16931950

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004572  No.16931953


What the hell.

Is that some perfect temp for viruses to thrive or something?

Anon be freezing with that.

Set mine on 79.

Has yet to turn on this season.

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1f8233  No.16931955


>Should people not be arrested for DUIs?

i remember a time when the cops would tell you to park your car, give you a ride home, and tell you to pick up your keys at the station in the morning.

and in the first place, in order to drive, you have to have a license. i did NOT need to be sober to pass the driver exam.

next, the one-size-fits-all mentality is a hallmark of a totalitarian police state. everyone has a different tolerance to alcohol, and everyone has a different level of skill as a driver. if i'm so drunk i have to cover one eye to keep from seeing double, i can STILL drive better than you stone cold sober. so why are YOU allowed to drive at all?

fuck off with your fake and gay slide, shlomo.

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7d2ea0  No.16931965


still morning here but…

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223ed4  No.16931967


Why did Q help take attention off the diary where is was exposed that biden molested his daughter?

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9f9ec9  No.16931973

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ce837a  No.16931978


fixed the broken link

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f4274b  No.16931979


Do you see?????????


soros it is open and ready to arm, but it looks like in defensive, like protecting himself, for killin the enemy.

pelosi, body it is like slave, you bow, and protect genotals, he knows that she is in danger,

soros jr is a psychopath, that wants to take control

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59870f  No.16931997

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d14317  No.16932012


#brysongray #happy

Bryson Gray - HAPPY [Music Video]


Premiered Jun 10, 2022

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8f7972  No.16932014




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c2aa0f  No.16932031


War Room: Official Telegram Channel, [02.07.22 13:32]

[Forwarded from Raheem Kassam]

This study and its associated reporting made me chuckle. So I thought I’d make YOU chuckle. Come have a GOOD OLD CHUCKLE: https://raheemkassam.substack.com/p/qanon-and-dogshit-polling

One in ten Democrats are QAnon conspiracy theorists, right? One in ten. That’s 10 percent of the Democratic Party of America. Right? QAnon, therefore, is one of the most prevalent and dominant parts of the Democratic voter base. It’s as important to them as ‘The Squad’.

Sounds manifestly gibberish, right? Well, a recent study quoted by The Times of London, conducted by the influential Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), alleges precisely this statistic, and presumably with a straight face. Not having to see the faces of pollsters, I assure you, is a form of mercy.

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a38977  No.16932034



cant get through

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ef9968  No.16932045


This Prison is of your own Design

You can leave at any time

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8d40a8  No.16932050


a veterinarian (Bourla) has lead the tagging and corrupting of more livestock, globally, than anyone else in history.



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6f6837  No.16932053

Don’t forget as you watch the freak show tonight (I can never watch these leviathan creatures evil talk), but as you do, thereare millions of people that want to and will believe the BS. And some of our own family will believe it!

The only thing we can really do isDig, Meme and Prayer, and leave it in God’s hands!

Thats the reason I don’t watch the serpents, I feel dirty and have a creepy feeling after.


My prayer is at least 85% wake up. Thats all i can do.

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08fe8c  No.16932056


Checked trips. Thank you, though afternoon has already passed for me. To you as well. o7

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5a98f0  No.16932064


ok understood, ty

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7d2ea0  No.16932073


Ty note taker,

slight change in title for below.

baker cannot stop, on irl missions

be back tonight.



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f27c7c  No.16932090




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ea0f8d  No.16932111



he fought his Calling

The Father reeled him in


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a55e87  No.16932116

If you're intrinsically a good person and pay your dues, you don't own the fuckery. Everybody has stuffed up, it's just the extent that is unique. Sooner you realise that the better. Imagine sabotaging people's lives out of resentment or for an agenda. You don't want to be that person. That is true hell I'd imagine.

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4cbc2f  No.16932117


It's Sunday. Time to go to church mate.

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4850d7  No.16932123


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cddaeb  No.16932124


Thank you. God bless. I want to trust the plan. Just don't know what it is.

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4b5bd3  No.16932136


If I was Trump, and knew for a fact that the election was stolen… Jan 6 would look like a weak dress rehearsal.

I'd literally be revving the base up to rid DC of swamp monsters. You know millions would happily follow that order. Once I kicked it off and everything was hot and lit… I'd just keep the warriors revved up and charging full speed. I wouldn't care if they tried to arrest me… there would be millions coming to break me out of the DNC system. Scorched Earth mode full on until victory. Trump still has the voice that could start it up for real, and he still has the support to back it up. It's going to be hard for any future President to bring that specific type of leadership that could cause real PANIC in DC.

That's probably why nobody ever told me to get into politics.

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e81fb9  No.16932142


Can't wait till these obligatory midterms are over. Maybe we then get some running room. Until then it's morons, psychopaths and mental defective without a rudder.

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7d6e7e  No.16932149


Obviously your being controlled, so I forgive you. My job is to AWAKEN you to the truth and your snide comments made by a broken brain will not stop me.

Someday We'll Laugh About This Week - January 2-8

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cf5053  No.16932157



>Chuck Callesto


>BREAKING REPORT: Fireworks Shows Cancelled or Rescheduled Across Country – Biden Cancels Mount Rushmore Fireworks For Another Year..


>11:32 AM · Jul 2, 2022·Twitter Web App

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024257  No.16932159


These people are sick

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ef087d  No.16932165


well didn't read those pictures tbf, open to being wrong

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6e345b  No.16932183


A man twerks for children at a “family-friendly” pride event in Minnesota

Pedophiles roaming the streets with confidence, all in the name of tolerance

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78ed91  No.16932193


nw anon



How can it be Fear when Anon can hardly fucking wait?

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d4e35e  No.16932198

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bc6bfb  No.16932229

The 1st track be my vibe ATM, and I haven't even waked one yet.

Cold steel.



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ea0f8d  No.16932232



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68c648  No.16932239

Jan. 6 committee postpones Wednesday hearing

Former acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, his deputy Richard Donoghue and Steven Engle, then the head of the Office of Legal Counsel, were all expected to appear before the committee on Wednesday.

“There’s no big deal, but I’ll tell you the putting together the video and exhibits is an exhausting exercise for our very small video staff. So we’re trying to — we were going to have 1-2-3 in one week and it’s just it’s too much to put it all together. So we’re trying to give them a little room to do their technical work, is mainly it,” Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), one of the committee’s members, said on “Morning Joe” on MSNBC on Tuesday.


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a55e87  No.16932240

Ok So It Is Glowing Obvious That they waited to hear the election case till the new justice was in

So It is also obvious she is on our side and this was a tactic to get the case open,

OR we are about to see a few more go

Oct Huh ?

October Suprise Huh ?

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56dce6  No.16932241


Take three rock challenge.

obtain three rocks (you can have a more full set, but we only need three. red, green, white (key))

Ask if Q is Jim y/n=? I got a yes, but that's in the NOW moment and, I didn't ask the last name.

Really this method is just as valid as any other method.

Here' s the thing though.

The content of these 4 messages are less that worthless. I mean really two questions when the person awol is supposed to have answers. (subjective opinion)

I never followed Q but, people can do their thing. Meanwhile keep in mind that piece of shit mike rothschild has proxy that attacks the threads here.

Is Mike Rothschild posting as the anti Jew larp y/n= I got NO.

then I heard people talking about TOR and the idea proxy hit me

Is the anti-jew larp a PROXY of Mike Rothschild y/n= Yes.

Just some tips from an anon an some ROCK DROPS CONFIRMED

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715c72  No.16932247

Here is a vid of bombing in Belgorod if anyone can get it. Im permanently banned from twitter


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3c38e7  No.16932256


ah well, maybe the suffering is deserved since it could just end if he would die

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0e9b6d  No.16932258


Thank you anon. God bless you for your help.

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bdd284  No.16932261



Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.



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551510  No.16932275

The Top Secret Controllers At Mortal Realm Must Give Up, Step Down To Help Them & The World

Source, More Info: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com

All top secret controllers at the mortal realm must give up and step down if they want to evolve, escape the dead rebirth cycle and help the world.

Here I am talking about all beings including both normal and abnormal one.

Even if you able live to a thousands year or more, it still does not mean you have escape circle of death and rebirth !

Look at all the world problems and chaos, I can easily tell all the top secret controllers at mortal realms are not yet fully evolved to the highest level of life.

They do not know what is internal vs external power.

They do not know life is always the “exchange” between everything.

Many of them still think that knowledge wisdom will be shared freely, they still think about “good” and “evil”, they still think money is the problem but not the humans, that assumption will only work at low level of life. But at the highest level of existing, that theory are completely wrong !

What is the point of control others?

You cannot escape dead if you still fear of death.

The window opportunity for all the top secret controllers are closing at rapid speed.

It is just matter of time before the divine force come in and eliminate them (top secret controllers) to save the rest of humanity.

I am talking but not acting because if words cannot help them, then forces cannot help them either.

And when the real forces be used, the only one result is gone, vanish !

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Source, More Info: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com

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257e74  No.16932279

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8020b5  No.16932284


>and wont do anything about it?

Wait for it Jewdy!

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f988a7  No.16932288


UPDATE - Utah County Attorney David Leavitt just held a press conference announcing he has not engaged in ritualistic sexual abuse or cannibalism.

>not engaged in ritualistic sexual abuse or cannibalism

wait wut

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389e77  No.16932291


I'm not tying him to US… big difference… but these evil fucks wanted to HURT US and our cause and effort to Awaken the PEOPLE.

THAT WAS THE POINT OF THE CONSPIRACY and attack. To point a finger at US and the idiots may have been talking to us here and laughing at US knowing what they were planning to do…. make us look like the bad guys.


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7d2ea0  No.16932303


That made me openly weep, Damn

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bdd551  No.16932309

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c0e870  No.16932311


they're gonna hit the 6666666's

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cf5053  No.16932312


attention-starved women, of all ages, will never learn. social media, and the desperation for validation that it creates in weak minds, has ruined them.

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c9c579  No.16932315


PUTIN ==1717

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2f389c  No.16932325


surely they stopped tho. They aren't doing this now? kek

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95f4ad  No.16932328


With lyrics

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0c4973  No.16932344


>why is Q sitting there while kids are murdered by their own parents?

What do you propose to do?

It's not like the parents would be forced to do that.

They WANT that.

It's their RELIGION.

Do you want to arrest doctors?

Great, so now you got tons of people against you because they believe you are the bad guy wanting their children to die without the safe+effective vaccine.

Same for regular adults too.

If an adult wants to suicide him or herself, you can't stop them.

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c6ee5f  No.16932347


Gotta keep the focus on pedos instead of human trafficking, murder and genocide.

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e22bd8  No.16932353


ALERT! We have comms anons!

in the 2nd tweet

>rained in

should be

reined in

Definition of rein in

1 : to limit or control (someone or something) Congress must rein in spending. You had better rein that kid in before she gets hurt. 2 : to make (an animal) stop by using reins The rider reined in his horse.

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a8099d  No.16932357




<Twelfth Defendant Sentenced in Dog-Fighting, Drug Distribution Ring

How long before it ties back to:

1) Stacey Abrams?

2) The NFL?

3) Kemp?

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bc6bfb  No.16932365



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c76944  No.16932366

From a trucker friend

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248f64  No.16932367














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d60546  No.16932368

What do you think is going to happen if they overturn Roe v Wade this Thursday?

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2eff73  No.16932384

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3c38e7  No.16932400


relax everything is fine

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01ab14  No.16932401

Sick and evil

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5f4927  No.16932405


married to nuland

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dcd7c3  No.16932410


The worship of money is near universal, by design.

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97a724  No.16932411






P → 16

i → 9

g → 7


Mr There is only Q

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551510  No.16932434

never promote bad behaviour.

only time to think.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!



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242119  No.16932435


Is a recurring theme, yes.

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3e2b1c  No.16932436





And sorry for eating up so much of last bread

>muh holiday


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cb9fbd  No.16932437



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1f8233  No.16932440


must have been the "won't make criminal referrals" headline last night


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b2220f  No.16932441




Shocking data revealing cause and effect.

I have two metal hips and one metal knee because of fucking VACCINES!

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3d77c3  No.16932446



Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.


We willNever FORGET!

We willNever FORGIVE





Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden's handler


Why was the Lord's prayer changed?

Why is this relevant?

Give me a bun, senpai


James Comey ==TREASON

John Brennan ==TREASON














We are in this together




















45's [76th] BIRTHDAY











I miss Trump

When do we get Trump back


















Pink Panther


Peter Pan

Alice in Wonderland

White Rabbit



Godfather III.


Iron Eagle.

Jason Bourne (CIA)/Dream).






























Reptile eggs



H eifer

R anch

C linton



Gregg Phillips




"sky is falling"






Marker [9]






Military is the only way






"Please let me push the button"








S(KY) O'NE. Oni. Skyr. Skyrim. Ice land! Stay frosty! There's no place like home! My main(e) ho(e)! Haha. Follow the yellow brick road!




John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'




DO IT Q!!!!

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f988a7  No.16932448


Stop it!

Just fucking stop all of this, geez!

What a great way to cause havoc!

You win, shill! This time

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f4274b  No.16932449



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7b3043  No.16932480

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53b83f  No.16932482

Need some fag advice for best place to order Ivermectin

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3ba8b6  No.16932500



WATCH: Under a more than 3,000-year-old temple in the Peruvian Andes, archaeologists have discovered a network of passageways https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/ … 022-05-30/



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6f3012  No.16932533


Bitcoin is a scam, it has a backdoor controlled by the Swiss bank, anons (way back in the day) on 8 chan uncovered sauce to back it up.

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3c3b66  No.16932540

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08fe8c  No.16932546


sure it ain't Mickey Rourke?

also kinda known for wearing his hair that way.

but I tend to think it's prob Val.

More pics makes me lean Val all the more.

Rourke has aged more into that look.

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89a87e  No.16932568

This will “force” them to pack the court now, and they will

Screen cap this

Precipice here we come

A little bit closer

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0e9b6d  No.16932569


I was kidding. Probably took a minute or two after the fall.

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1ae632  No.16932570


no problem for you to comprehend?

Then you no nothing about it

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7f0e1f  No.16932574

Why Q has a 0000000 ID now? What does it mean?

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bdd284  No.16932575


So israeli kids werent getting the vaxx, imagine that

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7d9f89  No.16932577


@realDonaldTrump · 4m

Every single endorsed by Trump candidate won last night, by big margins, with the exception of one very long shot who did FAR better than anticipated against an incumbent.The “Impeacher” was ousted without even a runoff. A GREAT night!


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419f33  No.16932580


WTF is PC 1 and PC 2?

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96d087  No.16932585


simmer down rylenor

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6a1b91  No.16932593




Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.

The world isWATCHING

The world isCONNECTED


If Trump was in office, our economy would be BOOMING…

If Trump was in office, we would have a wall and no problems with our border…

If Trump was in office, our babies would have their formula…

If Trump was in office, we would have so much gas. it would be coming out our asses…










We See All

We Hear All

We Remember All












>The Great Awakening

>It's Happening


Question everything















Roe vs Wade





























































8 pointed star

[as] the world turns



>Now we can fish after dark.


>Fishing is fun








Godfather III


Jason Bourne (CIA / DREAM).












When does a bird sing? When it tweets.



HRC 187'S






















ENTER [99154] EXEC.



CONFIRM KEYSTONE = Pi, Eta, Zeta & Epsilon Hereculis

>S(KY) O'NE. Oni. Skyr. Skyrim. Ice land! Stay frosty!

>There's no place like home! My main(e) ho(e)! Haha.

>Follow the yellow brick road!




General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!💥

You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.

John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope

sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…


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b99b63  No.16932599


They are all knowingly participants in Treason, premeditated mass murder & destruction of our country.

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98fdb5  No.16932614


everything happens

just not around you

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1fda07  No.16932620


wonder why they changed the story.


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248f64  No.16932621

They can't attack anons

They can't attack the information

They try to attack where the information is dispersed.

They try to attack who runs the infrastructure where the information is dispersed using smears.

They're losing ground every day and we're losing none. Wait until Q gives us the go ahead to advance the line, or we pull up our socks and do it on our own. Nothing can stop what's coming!

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b90ee1  No.16932629

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d547ce  No.16932631





what is 'Doar'?

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7d2ea0  No.16932638

Maternity Hospital Hit By Rockets In Donetsk. Mothers, Nurses & Doctors Blame Ukraine

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38ab7a  No.16932640


wonder what a submerged balloon filled with a gas lighter than air looks like when cut loose to erupt from the water? but that is a lot of water/gas moving. curious.

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7b3043  No.16932647

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83d400  No.16932654


By posting again, faggot?

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6765fb  No.16932665


>yet the other path is most difficult

That must have been my path, sure thing!

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4a65ef  No.16932666

No Go on Remain in Mexico.. grrrr

The Supreme Court ALLOWS the Biden administration to terminate the controversial Trump-era asylum policy known as "remain in Mexico." Red states argued that Biden was obliged to keep the policy, but SCOTUS says in a 5-4 ruling that the administration can end it.


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b4d0ba  No.16932681


track this sheet now

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024257  No.16932688



Err… what's with the "(you)" in a bunch of these 'Q' posts?

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67fc20  No.16932689


Are you a scared clown, I never said anything like that.

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4850d7  No.16932690


Stay vigilant.

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010172  No.16932692

re: RED OCTOBER (pic related)

Aaron Babbit claims he met Ashli at Calvert Hills Nuclear Plant where he woriked from 2007-2017 -


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c3434e  No.16932719


I dare you!

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36a579  No.16932721

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f988a7  No.16932722


probably not the first time the FBI was there

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904e57  No.16932723



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23971c  No.16932729


Recently completed a ten-day fast. Not exactly the same, but was my largest challenge yet.

Two weeks, next time?

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cb9fbd  No.16932733


In the beginning, Q was validated with prior knowledge of events and then with access to PDJT. Q confirmed multiple times with Zero Delta. You guys are trying way too hard.

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4e23d3  No.16932739

Massive spike in demand for abortion pills as some women say they are 'stockpiling' after bombshell Roe v. Wade SCOTUS ruling

The Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has led to a huge spike in demand for birth control, emergency contraception and abortion pills.

Women and parents have been stockpiling options over fears that access to family planning resources could be tightened.

Some clinics have reported a fourfold increase in appointments, with nonprofit organization Just the Pill handling 100 requests in the hours after the decision.

Katie Thomas, 42, said she purchased pills for her 16-year-old daughter after learning that abortion would become illegal in the state.

She told The New York Times: 'Just the thought of something happening to my daughter, whether by force or by her choice, and there's an unwanted pregnancy, I want to be able to handle that.

'If I need to handle that on my own, then I will.'

She said she had already been stocking up on the emergency contraceptive Plan B in case her son, 21, and his girlfriend would ever need it, and she bought more on Friday.

Lauren Frazier, a spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood Southeast in Atlanta, said calls have increased about concerned women wanting to know how many pills they can stockpile.

Other abortion and healthcare providers are warning women not to completely clear the shelves to allow others who need pills now to obtain them.

Hey Jane, a start-up providing telemedicine abortions across six states, said website traffic soared 1,000 per cent on Friday and patient demand doubled after the court decision.

More at: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10956807/Huge-spike-demand-abortion-pills-women-stockpile-Roe-v-Wade-ruling.html

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97aebc  No.16932764


true that.

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c3daa9  No.16932765











>we were just a couple of unmarried hobbits living in the shire all saphicly and larp

we were chasing juw coke and larp batters in perpetual denile

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c0e870  No.16932778


True Story

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242119  No.16932781


Crimo was on female hormones Progesterone transitioning to be a "womyn".

He was on Medicaid so the trans procedures are paid for by taxpayers.

One thing that's never mentioned about guys who are "trans women" is that they are also HOMOSEXUAL.

The lying MSM insinuates that by calling transgenders "she", that they're like real women so if trans have sex with men, it's not like trans are gay.

Pic is of the first openly Transgender "woman" to work in the White House in 2015.

The White House announced Raffi Freedman-Gurspan’s appointment on Tuesday.

Sauce: https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-woman-becomes-first-openly-transgender-white-house-official/


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1773f1  No.16932791

Anyone notice this?


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d14317  No.16932793


>But in the meantime, we need to at least identify who the enemy is.


" K

" E


Holocauster E












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094521  No.16932803

Rep. Adam Schiff says 'possibility' Jan. 6 panel will subpoena Mike Pence


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cc6059  No.16932861


You bought the CNN branded Ivermectin?

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bf11d4  No.16932865

Anybody know about how long qagg has been down?

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3d77c3  No.16932893


il donald trumpo

PLEASE post this video if you haven't already.

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4850d7  No.16932894

The real Q never said "use YOUR logic". Just "use logic".

Obvious LARP.

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1ae632  No.16932900

Who was "Jane Roe"? Seems a fraud and liar ?


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d62149  No.16932905


I bet it was fun to make the effects.

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715c72  No.16932910



The Jews DO want that yes, but we can't pretend that niggers are civilized. We have to deport them before their population reaches critical mass and race-mix the Aryan race out of existence into pure monkeyhood.

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468087  No.16932915


eyes on.

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551510  No.16932921

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acd9c7  No.16932922


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6a6a4b  No.16932928

frickin chinks

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ce837a  No.16932934


>Keystone: "something that is necessary to connect or support a number of other related things"

>"Who has all the information"

>"Pandora's 'political elite' box?"


Yeah anon in might well fucking be it, that/ or the "laptop". makes a shit load of sense after what i learnt today, and looking at past Q posts

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290b11  No.16932937

Uhm anons, Even the AI knows who the current president of the US is.


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1efec9  No.16932939


>Give it a rest Hillary.

You should go try stick your finger up your ass, fucking homo, dumb ass-fucking, gullible faggot!

No doubt you gonna like it.

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d547ce  No.16932941


Timber, His eyes are Open

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b8b2f7  No.16932953

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f13258  No.16932966


Satan, that's who the Abrahamic religions worship.

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9c129c  No.16932967



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3e33c4  No.16932976




Did they do their satanic ritual this moring for good luck?

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cc6059  No.16932978


I don't know what is up with her, but she's interesting. She is the only Senator at Bilderberg this year so, got my almonds tingling.

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191d1f  No.16932981


two degrees of separation, he is a good fisherman.

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f988a7  No.16932984

Why Democrats Oppose Emancipation For The Unborn

The argument, already gaining steam in public discourse, is that without a constitutional right to kill the unborn, women are relegated to a kind of second-class status, stripped of their full humanity. This rhetoric will be used in part as a justification for violence, but it also reflects the actual views of Democrats and the left on abortion.

Indeed, the very first paragraph of Justice Stephen Breyer’s dissent in Dobbs makes this claim: “Respecting a woman as an autonomous being, and granting her full equality, meant giving her substantial choice over this most personal and most consequential of all life decisions.” Note the phrase “full equality.” Without a right to abortion, women do not have full equality, goes the argument.

It is not the first time Democrats have asserted absolute constitutional rights that for their vindication require the total abnegation of rights or even personhood of entire classes of people. The modern Democratic Party’s stance on abortion rights is almost indistinguishable from its antebellum stance on the constitutionality of slaveowner rights.

Prior to the Civil War amendments, Democrats asserted that the inherent rights of white men, not just property rights but all of them, required the complete denial of the rights of black Americans. Today, Democrats assert that the inherent rights of women require the complete denial of the rights of the unborn.

Southern Democrats believed the denial of all rights to black people — and indeed the denial of their personhood — was integral to what they understood to be their constitutionally protected rights, without which they would cease to be citizens with equal rights as their northern counterparts.

The exact same thing can be said of today’s pro-abortion Democrats. They believe that the denial of all rights to the unborn is integral to what they understand to be women’s constitutionally protected rights, without which they will cease to be citizens with equal rights as their male counterparts. If women are not allowed to kill their unborn babies, they will be stripped of their full humanity, just as stripping slavery from southern whites meant, to them, stripping full humanity from white people.

The Dobbs decision and the end of Roe have exposed the Democrat view of the Constitution for what it is: not, as Frederick Douglass called it, “a glorious liberty document,” but a slave Constitution that relies for its operation on the total subjugation, indeed the extermination, of an entire class of people whose very humanity must be denied for the rights of women to be vindicated.

We should rejoice in the end of Roe, but we should also be realistic about what lies ahead. It took a civil war and three constitutional amendments to correct the Supreme Court’s error in Dred Scott. This time it took 60 million unborn dead before the Supreme Court corrected the error of Roe.

In the coming days and weeks, expect Democrats to sound the same notes of secession their forebears sounded.

More at link…


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223ed4  No.16933006


is there a rally today?

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657336  No.16933008

"Get a bail fund…there's gonna be some people going to jail."

-black lives matter terrorist in Akron

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6a933f  No.16933015


>High-level Meeting of the UN General Assembly on Global Road Safety

>TU Workshop on "Voice Recognition Implementation in Vehicles"

>International Telecommunication Union (ITU), United Nations

They're laughing at you all.

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d1887b  No.16933019

The only thing good about AOC is absolutely nothing.

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9f9ec9  No.16933022

anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the (((inbreds))), a jackal ~ (((jakob))) and can only learn that as it is a product of (((inbreeding))) it should never exist as how the (((inbred))) judas was made to hang by Jesus God.

(((inbreeding))) = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.

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bdf785  No.16933029




message over messenger anon

is there anything incorrect in the CONTENT presented anon?

can you refute any of it?

does any of it lack sauce?

think logically

that choice, to know, will always be yours

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094521  No.16933037


That's fucking hilarious, because Congress only has the Power of the Purse, based on the Fiscal Year for funding. They have ZERO Operational control. I've told the the Congress to fuck off many times when I was Active duty.

This one time a new Congressman from Texas named Louie Gohmert showed up to my base gate and demanded entry. It was an election year. He was in his convertible with his gf and mom. When my Airman turned him around he threw a walleyed fit (on video) then ran to mama. I told the Sergeant at Arms who followed up to pound sand and go back to reread the Congressional Delegation rules for entry to military installations during elections years…

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e5af78  No.16933044


Becker News, [11.06.22 21:55]

[Forwarded from El American]

[ Photo ]

Virginia Parents, Teachers Sue Schools for Withholding Gender Transition of Children

[Leer en español]

A group of parents and teachers in Virginia, represented by attorneys from Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), filed a lawsuit against a school district for withholding parents’ right to choose their children’s education and imposing gender ideology on teachers and staff.

According to information from ADF, the school district’s policy urges staff to…


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ca5c5c  No.16933052


>did you know that Liberia has an almost identitcal constitution as the USA?

"It's not the votes that count, it's who counts the votes"-Stalin

"It's not the wording of the constitution that counts, it's who INTERPRETS the wording of the constitution."-Someone not as concise or pithy as Stalin.

picrel, Canada's Supreme court justices dress like Santa Claus' helpers.

BTW: Belated thank you to ALL the bakers, I hope you can enjoy this wholesome ginger mom pic.

I can see the 50c army, (will they get a raise due to inflation?) is busy as I've ever seen.

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7f8c43  No.16933067


More virtue signaling from the clickbait counts contessas.

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220f49  No.16933076

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4d6542  No.16933077


I'm not moppin' up what ya spillin', but synchronicities like a mf lately here.

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8ae799  No.16933080


Same day.

Shall we play a game?

January 19

Popcorn Day

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96505e  No.16933081


Morning, Sam.


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5604d6  No.16933083


Suck it!

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0f2995  No.16933099


I don't think there's really any way to prevent things like this from happening. You never go out of the house expecting to get punched, and you never go out of the house being prepared for something like this.

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431953  No.16933109


Elon, my man, wassap?

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1d53fa  No.16933122

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3549da  No.16933125

The Jonestown Massacre


CIA Mind Control Run Amok?

Excerpted from 60 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time

A Citadel Press Book Copyright © 1995 By Jonathan Vankin and John Whalen

On November 18, 1978, in a cleared-out patch of Guyanese jungle, the Reverend Jim Jones ordered the 911 members of his flock to kill themselves by drinking a cyanide potion, and they did.

The cultists were brainwashed by the megalomaniac Jones, who had named their jungle village after himself and held them as virtual slaves, if not living zombies. Jones himself was found dead. He'd shot himself in the head, or someone else had shot him. Square-jaw, jet black hair and sunglasses, looking like a secret service agent on antipsychotic drugs, Jones takes his place alongside Charles Manson in America's iconography of evil.

But was Jones really a lone madman as Americans are so often advised about their villains?

Is it plausible that more than nine hundred people took their own lives willingly, simply because he told them to?

Or is there another explanation?

Not long after the slaughter in Jonestown, whispers began–strange hints of human experiments in mind control, even genocide, and the lurking presence of the CIA. At the very least. these stories maintained, the U.S. government could have prevented the Jonestown massacre, but instead it did nothing. At worst, Jonestown was a CIA-run concentration camp set up as a dry run for the secret government's attempt to reprogram the American psyche. There are suggestions of parallel "Jonestowns" and that the conspiracy did not end with the deaths in Guyana.

Jim Jones was born May 13, 1931, son of a Ku Klux Klansman in Lynn, Indiana. His mother, he claimed, was a Cherokee Indian. That has never been verified.

An unsupervised child, Jones became fascinated by church work at an early age. By 1963 he had his own congregation in Indianapolis: The People's Temple Full Gospel Church. It was an interracial congregation, something then unheard of in Indiana. Young Jim Jones crusaded tirelessly on behalf of blacks. He also suffered from mysterious fainting spells, heeded advice from extraterrestrials, practiced faith healing, and experienced visions of nuclear holocaust.


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0c8761  No.16933127



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e999e0  No.16933130


Z is literally an actor.

Along with most of his Cabinet.


Just like [they] did in to Russia in and around Ukraine.

Hitler tried.

Kennedy tried.

Reagan tried.

45 succeeded.

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a6fc0f  No.16933140

Breads flying again.

Just like old times!

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4497d8  No.16933145


Slavery has existed forever. You are a wage slave right now.

But in English America, the first slave owner was a Black man, and it was created by a court:


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c3daa9  No.16933152

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dcc83a  No.16933166

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1fa04d  No.16933176


Funny not funny, this was invented long ago, but probably only for use of d.s.

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a393e7  No.16933180





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88ad08  No.16933183


Ok Rabbi

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4850d7  No.16933189

Like I said LB

Those 2 decisions will be used by the Cabal to steal the Mid terms.

They will claim Overwhelming lefty turnout, because of the freakout..This is like watching an old "batman" episode.

plots are easy to see

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7f8dd5  No.16933191


Goat Fucker Pox is good too.

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9139e9  No.16933202

When I ran for office, I said I wanted to rebuild the backbone of the economy: the middle class.

Because everybody does better when everybody is in on the deal.


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53254f  No.16933208

Just givin recruits and CNN some inspiration… and readin.

I don't know the bible as well as you do, so you can't be offended. The whole band in this song is great.

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e6f369  No.16950278


Thx for posting this

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85dd4a  No.16950319

This early and you can't cover dumb ass Russia? What were we really fighting for?

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70ef82  No.16950354


Nice anon!

Ya da babe!

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52f57f  No.16950407

[who] is the shill now?

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bade2c  No.16950429

Ukraine to decide how much territory it trades for peace – NATO

Alliance chief Jens Stoltenberg said that peace comes at a price, but insisted it’s up to Ukraine.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Sunday that the US-led alliance aims to strengthen Ukraine’s position at the negotiating table, but added that any peace deal would involve compromises, including of territory.

Stoltenberg spoke at the Kultaranta Talks in Finland, following a meeting with Finnish President Sauli Niinisto. While the NATO chief said that the West was willing to “pay a price” to strengthen the Ukrainian military, Kiev will have to make some territorial concessions to Moscow in order to end the current conflict.

“Peace is possible,” he said. “The only question is what price are you willing to pay for peace? How much territory, how much independence, how much sovereignty…are you willing to sacrifice for peace?”

Stoltenberg did not suggest what terms Ukraine should accept, saying that “it’s for those who are paying the highest price to make that judgment,” while NATO and the West continue supplying arms to the Ukrainians to “strengthen their hand” when a settlement is eventually negotiated.


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6161d6  No.16950555


sounds like some bad R Kelly lyrics .

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a37ee4  No.16950571


Jews are shit, and Trump is untrustworthy because of

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d9d5de  No.16950583





UpFrontInTheProphetic interviews Jeffrey Pedersen AKA @IntheMatrixxx

"Join us with Special Guest Jeffrey Pedersen AKA InTheMatrixxx, Wizards, CORN, AMPFest, Symbolism and so much more….."

"We are all trying to get to that 777 consciousness"

"we know 66 is the number of the fallen angels"

"Yhead is a Chinese satellite company"

"I have been Q'ed 15 times"

"Q did confirm my Payseur post by reposting "hey Q does P = Payseur?""

Wow, just wow!

Amazing work gentlemen!





1 20180525 [intheMatrixxx] on Twitter [30977 views] - 1mfVZ6JO1Ik

00:312 20181006 Wrap Up Smear by [Nancy Pelosi] [139723 views] - 6 WejAVUTCE

03:293 20181218 Q - Anons Perspective NAILED IT! [15698 views] - OAw 4q7-NRU

02:554 20181219 The Global Cabal Power Structure [12868 views] - YRHIcGaTZMI

32:475 20181220 Understanding the Q Clock The Time is Now [41891 views] - jyzxXiY8SKs

04:566 20181221 Twelve Q Drops of Christmas! #QArmy [13275 views] - gqKir0zrqQo

01:42:577 20181223 PAYSEUR PART 1 - Presentation on Q Lounge Live 8 19 PART 1 [73324 views] - 7DlXMs3zyGU

01:43:498 20181224 PAYSEUR PART 2 - Presentation on Q Lounge Live 8 26 PART 2 [28396 views] - oh9R0H6X664

01:20:239 20181226 PAYSEUR PART 3 - [P]=Payseur Confirmed. Q Lounge Live 8 28 [25714 views] - 4Nol07Dmo7M

01:31:5010 20190101 PAYSEUR PART 4 - TRUST the Plan 12 14 Q Lounge Live #QArmy [21102 views] - SYC-owQuIeE

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de4eb8  No.16950624



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318d8a  No.16950626


This sounds like very balanced and fair health care system they’ve got

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1a8f6e  No.16950644


To be fair, he also pushes a positive message, unlike the many others who spam here.

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742836  No.16950658



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c2338b  No.16950674


I love when shit like this happens

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41b8dd  No.16950677


Bring back the gallows

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25336b  No.16950688



thanks, frenz.

truly scary.

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429265  No.16950690

i learned and expanded so much when i was on those meme magic sites and now i don't know what else to learn and look up

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79115b  No.16950705


>muh victim

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4b9605  No.16950733


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3754b9  No.16950773

The Jerusalem Post


#Israel's spy satellites and two other classified projects, including an extended #Mossad one, have been awarded the Israel Defense Prize, the country’s top security prize.


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8c620d  No.16950795

Posting slows down on QR as newbs migrate to HM. hopefully

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121bdc  No.16950820


Several NYC Election Sites Had 'No Republican Ballots' During Last Week's Primary

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Saturday, Jul 02, 2022 - 04:00 PM

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694f53  No.16950833

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24ec9d  No.16950840


kek, its like everyone went fishing at once.

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e5b8a5  No.16950846



4 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already. 4 Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 5 They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them. 6 We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error.

Thank you anon

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396716  No.16950867


Damn, I thought we was microdosing tonight

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7e7aa8  No.16950885

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b978d9  No.16950896


I agree, but.things seemed a little cooked and overdone.

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146e46  No.16950910


Barbarella (1968) Trailer - Jane Fonda In A Roger Vadim Film

>28 views | Apr 3, 2022

✔Barbarella, a 41st-century astronaut, is sent to a distant planet to nab Durand, an evil man, who is a threat to the future of earth.✔

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4ca872  No.16950930

Democrats using sleeper agents?


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636115  No.16950947


The CERN Large Hadron Collider will run at double its record energy level this coming July 5th.

7-15-2022 adds up to 18.

Much like the CERN logo, (6+6+6 = 18.)

A fascinating connection to Stranger Things S3, the Mind Flayer takes over the city on July 4.

This is the same day where the ‘God Particle’ was discovered in CERN, which S. Hawking says has the ability to destroy the universe.

My intuition immediately lead me to think of CERN, which is a "nuclear research facility" .. in reality they are unhinged psychopathic occultists trying to play God

I wondered if they were opening a demon portal.

Monitoring the situation, I kept my eyes open for more clues.

Recently, in Japan, a famous demon broke free of its 1000 year old prison.

Will CERN tear the veil between the spirit world and what we feel is reality? Only time will tell.

(Not coincidence, this was CERN)

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cc2880  No.16951015


TY baker

POTUS T on fire tonight, and I'm only about 20 or so minutes in.


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493fd8  No.16952721




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472997  No.16952733


Saturn is in Aquarius.

So, thanks, but no thanks.

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03d02a  No.16952734

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2a1acd  No.16952739

New SKYKING audio and video of inside the airport and the plane theft. Does this man look like Richard Russell?

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5862c7  No.16952751


>rubbin elbows with the Fancy Conservatives

Youi\ poor thing. I will pray for you.

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a6fcb8  No.16952768


most of the Q proofs are not zero delta you fucking homo.

your narrative isn't working

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a53dff  No.16952773




fuck the attention seekers, way too much wall of text

Boom video half inched

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9dc36f  No.16952825

Night Shift.

Suck it shills

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30b718  No.16952829


I saw this vid. before.

I guess I saw it before Twitter took it down.

Or maybe I saw it here, I don't remember.

But when DJT had his Twitter account, I would look at it everyday. And anons would always post Trump tweets.

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99dbb3  No.16952841

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2decc0  No.16952853


Whittington made the mistake of suing Dick C. He had to stand an take of they bury him on the spot. It was clear. Fuck with Dick Cheney on any level and pay an immediate price. How Whittington didn't know that … probably a catspaw.

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fddbbe  No.16952858

Masonic Order of Police

Fraternal Order of Police

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f16f72  No.16952881

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76e8d9  No.16952897

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636d5c  No.16952902



the coroner's holding out for a higher bribe.

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90a91b  No.16952918

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0c98cf  No.16952925


big Whoop.

meanwhile HRC killed ambassador Stevens when her plot to sell Stingers to Terrorists went south; and they lost her laptop (she planned to sell it, but it fell into wrong hands)

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4389b2  No.16952932


(excerpt from Emerald's substack.)

June 24th 2022

What did President Trump tell the press today about his role in ending Roe v Wade? He said: “God made the decision.” So much for the common fallacy that Donald Trump is an unrepentant narcissist who can’t humble himself in the slightest, right?

Very few predicted that Donald Trump would be the most conservative President in modern history of course — and even fewer predicted that Trump would topple Roe v Wade. In fact, there’s only one person who predicted that Donald Trump would lead America back to God and he did so in the 1980s — and that man was Tom Zimmer, known as the Hermit of Loreto.


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6a2da0  No.16952947

Sum ting definitely Wong with faptcha / site wonky

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4d430c  No.16952950


should be fairly easy

with only two neurons

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362961  No.16952963



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d2c82b  No.16952966


It's certainly possible that Jim is being bamboozled by another rogue admin just like the B post incident.

His reluctance to dig deeper into the nonsensical explanation and calling anyone referencing the fact patterns shills is not a good sign tho.

As for motives for why and how someone is carrying this F&G op out?

The opinions are numerous and start to stray away from the facts known so far, so I'll gladly pass on chiming in on that for now.

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7f5f7e  No.16952977


true, but Quigley is a great on-ramp for newfags. street cred as a historian and globalist insider.

the fact that Brit elites formed a secret society to undermine and then subsume the U.S. is an easy first step to take. never accepted 1776.

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509be7  No.16952979


Shut up have a positive mindset

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57a89b  No.16952985


gender reassignment surgeon?

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993bcd  No.16952990

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121550  No.16953002



BS tripcode should have changed

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d8e5a0  No.16953004

Egbert v. Boule Supreme Court opinion released

6/08/22 21-147 Egbert v. Boule


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14445d  No.16953024


If one owned a wagon wheel factory?

If one owned a buggy whip store?

If one owned a steam engine…. etc etc.

So those with "hand on wheel" of furtune, don't want to get out of that industry.

Aka "resistance" to change.

Rooftop solar > batteries > no elec bills!

who loses?

eCars (aka flintstoners)…

what happens when "liquid fuel" (that powers normal cars) gets converted from kj to Kw?

I see a grid/network meltdown.

Poles & wires never ment to carry that kW load.

I wish biologists would study math & physics (maybe chem also)

What is a 5yo LiOn battery powered eCar worth?

Cost to tow away?

What about all the toxic metals in eWaste?

can we recycle eCars yet?

New rings in Chev, piece of cake.

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9aae27  No.16953030


I enjoy some Lindsey as well.

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b25831  No.16953050


replying to myself. Nevermind I found what what going on. I wish they would protect our southern boarder like this.

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ca5f72  No.16953059


> How worried should the average American be?

“0.0 worry Blutarski.”

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3057b8  No.16953060

You are now my bitch, OSS.

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cac757  No.16953062


Free-beer tomorrow, as always.

Happy Birthday, faggot. No one cares.

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4f36d7  No.16953069


I’m hoping he will do great things, after what he’s seen done to his father.

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0f304d  No.16953072










Prior to Azov becoming an integrated part of the Ukrainian military, the group was funded primarily by Ukrainian oligarchs, the most well known of whom was Igor Kolomoisky. Kolomoisky is of Jewish heritage and is an Israeli citizen and well-known billionaire businessman. Despite his being a Jewish Israeli, he had no problem pouring money into neo-Nazi volunteer militias such as the Azov and Aidar, among other far-right groups that feature elements hostile to Jewish people.


Russian TV panelists notice that the anti-Russia propagandists promoting hatred against Russians are mostly Jews:






"Russian forces opened fire on Israeli jets with S-300 anti-aircraft missiles at the end of an alleged IAF attack on targets in north-western Syria last week, Channel 13 news reported Monday, in what could signal a significant shift in Moscow’s attitude to Israel."

"The report noted that Syria’s S-300 batteries are operated by the Russian military and cannot be fired without their approval."

The connection between Syria, Russia, Israel, Ukraine, Genie Energy (big oil) and Epstein:





"Israel outrage at Russia 'Hitler was Jewish' claim"



"No Putin 'apology' to Israeli PM found in Kremlin transcript"

"Tel Aviv earlier claimed that President Putin apologized for the remarks of his foreign minister, in which he suggested Adolf Hitler may have had 'Jewish blood'"





Russian anon on what Jews say in Russia:


Russia and Iran closer than ever:



Israel provokes Russia:


"Russia orders Jewish Agency to stop all operations in country - exclusive"





"Jewish Agency, in full Jewish Agency Of Israel, Hebrew Ha-sokhnut Ha-yehudit El-eretz Yisraʾel, international body representing the World Zionist Organization, created in 1929 by Chaim Weizmann, with headquarters in Jerusalem."


On this day (June 24th):

1903 Russia prohibits meetings dealing with Zionism



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a1b7bb  No.16953075


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5377d1  No.16953090


That is not me.

I was leaving to go get food when q began posting.

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3b5225  No.16953101

Everybody remember this?

Good Times

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d580ed  No.16953103


in other news Truth Social has power mad mods, who are censoring and banning over perfectly proper info

Well that was fun while it lasted, about two days.


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d059ae  No.16953119


kek, but those were some fun times.

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4e2acb  No.16953132



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5acac3  No.16953133

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06479f  No.16953142

Hidden hand?


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3e9fee  No.16953168




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13f3eb  No.16953175


>You're literally Stupiid

Real anons build each other up.

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9709b3  No.16953177

no confidence in this clown show consisting of commie marxist socialist globalist nazi fascist pedo and identity frauds


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b92698  No.16953189

Everyone catch the blatant FF threat from AOC earlier?


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77b0c0  No.16953192


I think we're playing out that scenario. Trump let them have Biden to prevent them from acting out a real war on American soil.

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7e1a61  No.16953214


Crazy libs aren't the type of person? Jews aren't the type of person? Antifaggots aren't the type of person? GTFOH

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d87f17  No.16953226


Anon digs colloquialisms


Great to see you this nightshift, fren

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0439e0  No.16953229



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9fb5ba  No.16953231

DJT's Q op went to great lengths to make it mathematically impossible for anyone who wants to know. He (Trump) went out of his way to verify, and still does it to this day (see his recent Q pic, and Don Jr accepting a copy in public). If these new posts were real, it would be easy to verify. The salt getting reverted is more than a tell. They got caught imho. Jim, please be transparent. The connections other anons have pointed out…

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68dcd5  No.16953239


Qtime Network ️ ️ ️, [20.06.22 19:11]

[Forwarded from Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸 (Karli Bonne)]

[ Photo ]

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b939c8  No.16953445


sauce it

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00912e  No.16953473



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1afa93  No.16953481


Game Theory

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788efe  No.16953538


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b53a8f  No.16953546


Likewise kike!

Born in America, raised American!

No Faggots allowed!

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8b4b2f  No.16953550


>give us a sec_test and some Bible verses,

Q, post pics of pens and wrist watches, preferably very expensive ones, or a pic of POTUS' personal Sharpie marker on the lawn of Mar a Lago …

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8f4cb6  No.16953552


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52a009  No.16953560

still waiting for a three digit iq post

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1ce0ac  No.16953573


>She did a great job. The release of this movie is going to explode some heads.

she did. and it will


will try and recap

This is not another 4 year election

True the Vote brought geo fence data to FBI in GA in April 21, sans Video.

TtV also notified GBI

GBI who shares an office bldg with FBI wouldn't even look at the data.


Until the Potus Rallywhen he mentioned True the Vote's work.

At this point TtV now has the video evidence to corroborate.

GBI then started active coverup activities vs just ignoring.

GBI wrote letter to the fake news smearing TtV.

Then government officials started threatening outfits that worked with TtV to cut off state contracts.

The early part of the interview was basically an enhanced old election trap anon theory.

Was the 2 election trap.

Now it's the 3 election trap

TtV knew in advance about the drop box ballot harvevsting plan and formulated their own plan to trap the fuckers.

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51fe32  No.16953586



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88f44a  No.16953635


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bbbfc4  No.16953642



>They're dismantling the labs and trying to sneak them out, including the nuke lab at Mariupol.

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825913  No.16953644


> there is NO WAY the Military would sit back and let all this happen and NOT DO A DAMN THING about it

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ef0777  No.16953645

Just now… game at Wimbledon stopped, as ball boy battles to breathe…

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8d2861  No.16953657


Noice - I hit the 750 cut off and copy pasta'd the post and forgot (PB/LB).

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7c2413  No.16953666


Bidan's 'Q' card

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a87298  No.16953694



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d2bc88  No.16953714



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9d44c0  No.16953715


"Frogs are very important for the ecosystem…"

Why, yes. Yes, we are. Kek.

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2d441a  No.16953716


Kek, meanwhile China is building more new coal fired power plants than anyone else.

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1d3c99  No.16953735


sauce that shit, ffs

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1317ce  No.16953741


kekkity again, you really don't recognize anon patterns do you? you'll get used to it. Just try harder agent smiths

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04f533  No.16953743

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b1ea70  No.16953753

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db9226  No.16953763


This map could be used to argue the state department AND the Military didn't do background checks in good faith.

when XI visited WEF. that drew a line from CCP to WHO/CDC/DTRA/DOD all fed state local smith mundt media military down to the hospitals/insurance and their new Remdesnovoir ICU policy.. Hospital in 2022 is Death Camp until this is ended.


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abd2da  No.16953777


I'm a simple man. If I see an Astartes meme, I steal it and make it mine.

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e162c9  No.16953788


Those were the last aircraft at the Base pre-closure. Anon still misses that sound.

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604f51  No.16953789


USS Liberty forever

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7e7d5b  No.16953805


This is going to be like Moses' snake eating up the other snakes (Numbers 21) at some point, the fake Q and Jim Watkins are going to be eaten by TS and real QTeam.

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4f5876  No.16953809


All he wanted was something to eat.

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d4ecf3  No.16953826


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9cb4c0  No.16953868



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020e8d  No.16953888

what do you mean "our?"

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5b7b53  No.16953894


>show up 100 deep in rural towns


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983c9a  No.16953930

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0a839e  No.16953936


Bill Cooper emphasized the importance of watching this movie MULTIPLE TIMES

This anon has multiple VHS copies of this film, some longer run times than others

editing removes the most important history….

history delegated for the black hole

WATCH1936 movie

Things To Come

there is tech in this movie that should not be known in 1936…. multiple spoopies

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331fa2  No.16953947

Ep. 5732 - Alan MacLeod on the Alarming Number of Ex-FBI Agents Working at Twitter - 7/1/22

Jul 5, 2022

Scott Horton

16.1K subscribers

Scott talks with Alan MacLeod about the reporting he’s done on the surprising number of former FBI agents who have joined the content moderation department at Twitter. He runs through some specific examples of people who have spent their careers working for the Bureau before pivoting to join the tech company. He also talks about the research he’s done into Facebook, Google, TikTok and Reddit.

Check out the interview page here: Check out the interview page here:


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a42380  No.16953986


Fortunately we don't live in the 1600's.

I like my games world conquest style.


Axis and Allies.

Fortress America.

Four year olds can master chess.

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c047af  No.16953989


LOL you’re the only person who even cares about your posts.


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9768ef  No.16953994


>The FF to expose all FF's.

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2812ec  No.16954033



Now if we can get Q to do something more than hype post…

Gotta get everyone's attention, sure, but people who haven't noticed by now are already behind.


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eea31c  No.16954034


>Does trade marking you girlfriend mean she is a robot/


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430a16  No.16954038

What happens when they run out of road to kick the doubt can down? Let's wait and see.

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29ae57  No.16954045



just found this:



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1af285  No.16954061


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7dd4b6  No.16954067


Thank You Baker

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31a186  No.16954068



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2139a1  No.16954069


Christian faggots now playing the Jewish "persecution" card.

That's rich.

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0a3a84  No.16954114


⚡ Testimony presented during the Jan. 6 public congressional hearing, from Donald Trump's former attorney general Bill Barr to his own daughter Ivanka Trump, showed some of the former president's closest allies rejected his false claims of voting fraud


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61af79  No.16954157


More scientific research.

Water Displacement Method using Large fun bags.

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cac9f6  No.16954159


tried the ssame thing in Australia licenced firearm owners addresses made public

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c7c220  No.16954167

Serious question. Why do we need a Q proof from these last Qposts? We already know Q is real. None of these last posts are leading us away from the Truth. As far as I'm concerned. NCSWIC…..I've been here (meaning 8 kun and 8 chan since '18, didn't find him on half chan) They are legit. Discern as best you can. And as FLOTUS said. Be Best. wwg1wgA

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ec247d  No.16954191


Is Elon still alive? Dude was rapid fire on Twitter…then suddenly went dark.

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e36a5d  No.16954193


already notabled, should baker do it again?

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36b888  No.16954197


first one works fine if you memorize it

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b9f36f  No.16954210

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939720  No.16954216




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471db9  No.16954221



>May not have been your idea but you're here aren't you?

Yes so what? I am here to address anyone to bring me closer to my girlfriend, my whole life has been a riddle and I had enough mysteries to solve, I think it's enough now and I am sure there aren't many examples to demonstrate when this should end for someone like me so that I can be reunited with the love of my life!!!

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54dc4d  No.16954234


no they won't. speak for yourself. watch a mirror.

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ca1d2b  No.16954254

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3d84d9  No.16954261


and therefore, the androgynous belong to the other guy

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ade063  No.16954262

In hindsight, this was surely money laundering by the Vatican.

Several other examples coming up on the radar now… I won't bore you cat no more today. g'night.

Cardinal Becciu: Pope Francis Permitted Spending $1 Million to Free Nun Kidnapped in Mali

Sister Gloria Cecilia Narváez Argoti was kidnapped in February 2017 and held until her Oct. 9, 2021, release. Cardinal Angelo Becciu said that Pope Francis had allowed spending up to 1 million euros ($1.05 million) toward the liberation of a missionary abducted in Mali. ..



Vatican bank's former chief found guilty of money laundering, sentenced to nearly 9 years in prison

By Valentina Di Donato and Zamira Rahim, CNN

Updated 1731 GMT (0131 HKT) January 22, 2021


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c20740  No.16954278


This is an INSCOM op, soeveryone?

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90e14f  No.16954284


Here we go!

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3a9820  No.16954309


more like lizard green

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a10d88  No.16954343


we all have free will to believe what we want.

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281f57  No.16954369

Up your game bewb bot. Q will not return until Tentacle porn.

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5d3885  No.16954370


She looks highly edumacated…

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488775  No.16954394


Ain't they, though?

No meme farmer here.

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cf30b8  No.16954398


Is that what's his face? I don't know the name.

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3ef63a  No.16955802

Lithuanian authorities said a ban on the transit through their territory to the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad of goods that are subject to EU sanctions was to take effect from Saturday.


European Commission approved Lithuania blockade of Russia’s Kaliningrad


LITHUANIA and RUSSIAN FEDERATION Agreement concerning international road transport (with protocols). Signed at Vilnius on 18 November 1993


Russia Demands Lithuania Lift "Openly Hostile" Blockade


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db0dc8  No.16955820



I'm going to get you out of this lightning

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ecabca  No.16955844


If they got rid of pedophiles, incest wouldn't be a problem.

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292e2a  No.16955848


Yet saving [p] for last came first


cia clowns hmmmm

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06ec04  No.16955902


The 420 crowd would approve.

Cruise does not partake, screen cuts to next scene

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d8020f  No.16955920


Oh shit, You just be shillin

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233d7c  No.16955953




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6fccae  No.16955978


>I'm not talking about them being deleted, I'm talking about your reasoning.


You're ragging on a baker like some menstruating shitlib who sniffed out a microaggression and intends to cancel the offender, instead of wondering why a baker's entire post history got shafted and the dough's also been fucked with.

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b936ab  No.16955992

This census shit needs to be fixed or our already illegitimate government will get even worse.

The enemy is pushing for civil war. They are going to get it too if Q sits on his ass while the do a gun grab. I don't want to die, and I don't want to shoot brainwashed Americans who follow illegal orders and invade my property. The enemy wants to force that choice.


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d94259  No.16955995


These telegram links are useless, nobody wants to download that app just to get in to see the content

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aab0c2  No.16956123


watch the series and index how many times you hear "it's our only hope"

and also index the mentions of God - hopeless universe

and the last star wars released was the absolute worst

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a1c936  No.16956194


Too far back to remember for sure, but I think people were pleasantly surprised.

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3df813  No.16956271

Bet theres gonna be a few covid vaxx deaths to be blamed on the Lack of abortion care

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74f95c  No.16956293


>North Lake Tahoe

Tahoe fireworks used to be awesome. Had several Vegas billionaires vying for the best show ever. Shot them off multiple barges on the lake, no fire hazard.

Haven't been up there for them in 19 years but but I think they pulled them to the shore for enviroMENTAL purposes.

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c6550a  No.16956369


Anon, go take a shower with the coldest water you can

This will flood your body with adrenaline and activate primal survival urges

Then, go to the pharmacy and get Kalium salts.

They come in small bottles mixed with oils

73% of depression is caused by chemical imbalance and difficult communication between the cerebrum and the cerebellum

The salts will fix this

They are also one of the active ingredients in Ivermectin

I used to have bad thoughts often, this will fix it

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b2433f  No.16956372

Do You Feel Useless? Do Something Useful.

Do You Feel Worthless? " " Worthwhile.

Do You Feel Upset? Become Balanced.

You see… we only get through this life TOGETHER. The only way to break the chains of evil is to tell it to get the fuck behind thee!

Otherwise it is an endless game of gotcha, trivia, academia, which through the catalyst of division and hate evolve into theft, rape, and murder.

The Devil doesn't want you to live, he wants you to die. Now or Later using his tools of guilt, shame, malice, projection, or sin, and the wages of Sin is Death.

I buried a lot of good friends over the years and fell into the trap of PTSD and Survivor's Guilt. I wondered why God would allow me to live through all of the worst of Humanity's capacity for evil. Now I know. JESUS SAVED ME.

Forgiveness is the Lesser Redemption. Eternal Life is the Greatest Redemption of Resurrection.




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778898  No.16956376


>guy needs to sleep

but he doesn't

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21a134  No.16956393


Should have been named PAIN

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250f02  No.16956423


Pedos want to control the world & your children. Their agenda make pedophilia legal

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0a9977  No.16956449


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9fedc0  No.16956484

==Somehow they keep saying so many times how Love is the answer, yet I am longing for love for so long that I can feel it so strong now even I haven't been together with my girl for so long and to me that is absolutely amazing to come to realize, but never mind a good love story right.>>16932922

>I'll start listening when you start telling a good one.

I have only one true love story, but it's hard to tell the whole story I guess right now.

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170cae  No.16956491


heckin yeah

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204160  No.16956515

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aa5d8b  No.16956541



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b26bc8  No.16956625


>smart cities



>28,887 views | Apr 19, 2022

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51e9d2  No.16956629


Home of the Northrup Gruman RQ-4 Global Hawk

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004b42  No.16956642


Do about it? Kek, I'm gonna laugh and say I told you so. Like I just did.

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a52a75  No.16956707

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c21746  No.16956738




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498177  No.16956743

PDJT says JR Majewski has been carving the name Trump into farmland.

You could take the five worst Presidents in American history and they would not have done the damage Biden has done.

This is the most dangerous period in the history of our country, because of modern weaponry.

It would have never happened, I know Putin very well, and it didn't happen.

Under me, Russia took nothing.

In fact, I took their pipeline.

The only things Democrats are good at is using law enforcement against Republicans and stealing elections.

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f1769b  No.16956755


Israel/zionists = pedophilia:






"Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law"


WARNING: "100% Proof the Jewish Talmud Approves Pedophilia - Doctrines of Devil"




Brooklyn Shomrim organisers have been accused of withholding information on suspected child molesters and other Jewish criminals, in keeping with an interpretation of the Torah prohibition against mesirah (informing on a fellow Jew to the non-Jewish authorities).[14][15][16]



"The Child-Rape Assembly Line"

"Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg—who is 63 with a long, graying beard—recently sat down with me to explain what he described as a "child-rape assembly line" among sects of fundamentalist Jews."





"Teachers Union leader says Florida bills are type of legislation that start wars"

She's called Randi Weingarten.



"Rhonda "Randi" Weingarten was born in 1957 in New York City, to a Jewish family, Gabriel and Edith (Appelbaum) Weingarten."



"Cleveland rabbi arrested for soliciting an investigator who posed as an underage boy online – The Forward"

Jewish groomer theater play:


Michigan Attorney General (she is Jewish) says every school needs a drag queen.






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55ea35  No.16956757


New World Order by Alliance overtakes the Old Cabal World Order, both Luciferian. White Magic vs Black Magic

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092534  No.16956864




>Latest Benjamin Fulford update -

anons keeping it real …

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a1997d  No.16956881


>Whites need our own Israel for just us so we can be left the fuck alone and live in peace

thats the funny thing, anon, whites ARE Israel

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1df343  No.16956921


May the Lord bless you and keep you.

Let's get this party started.

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3db7b1  No.16956949


how does she fit in to anything?

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287d0d  No.16956977


>California Moves Forward With Bill To Become Sanctuary State For Kids To Undergo Transgender Treatment

Nuke ca when

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28477a  No.16956981


>Jewish menstruation laws

Jesus Keyrist, they wanna put women in menses camps, I knew overturning RvW would end this way

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c574a4  No.16956994

2018-09-22 Trump Wages Have Gone Up




"On the campaign trail, I used to always talk about the fact that wages weren't going up for people. They were down from 20 years ago, and people had one job. Now they were working two and three jobs, and they were making less money.

Well, I have good news for you. It was just announced that wages, for the first time in many years, for people in the United States, have gone up. I'm so happy about that. That means you're working hard, but you're, making more money, and that's going to continue. So, congratulations. Spend your money well."

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d92614  No.16956998



Colin Kaepernick was never a first string QB in the NFL he was always a second stringer….. Kaepernick is assHO.

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1df343  No.16957014

so what is Q saying Csasidy is a plant by a white hat to say trump threw ketchup on the wall?

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bce0b2  No.16957023

…Still not convinced, no matter the amount of sanctimonious virtue signalling. It's the same, tired script, running for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Eventually, humanity has to throw off the mental shackles of religion & this 'God' and join the 21st century. Until the infantile fear of the 'boogyman' is overcome, it's going to be the same cycle of bullshit.

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bf58c1  No.16957056

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c3a9b5  No.16957057

















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a37775  No.16957109


Don't know this Mikey but he sounds like a real faggot homo. Bill of Rights is not up for debate. EVER. The don't like it? Tough, fucking shit.


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7aed10  No.16957116



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3bbf33  No.16957151


Tyrone passed the retard test I guess

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c3a9b5  No.16957175


I need more coffee to understand that.

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dae688  No.16957182



Russia state-affiliated media

❗️Putin announces deployment of S-500 air defense systems

Read: https://on.rt.com/by77



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e30a85  No.16957195


Plausible. Lyin' Ted is a Bush-ite from way back, and is a known dirty trickster who got caught red-handed in the Iowa Caucci perpetrating fuckery against Ben Carson.

Needs a little more sauce. Look for long-time connections between her family and the Bush machine in Tejas.

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26c48c  No.16957215


Great to have you with us anon

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38f7bd  No.16957227

meant to add picrel as itsa bit clearer vs first one here >>16953642

>T Minus One Minute Clock

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dad577  No.16957272


>Biolabs: veterinary facilities are where the “defensive” pathogens become biological weapons


Sun, 06/12/2022

"Russia accuses U.S. of concealing data on biolabs –Attempts to "divert attention" raise questions regarding the Pentagon's biological activity, the Russian Foreign Ministry said | 12 June 2022 | The US has been concealing information about its "military biological activity" in the post-Soviet states, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Sunday. This, according to Zakharova, raises "serious questions" about Washington's compliance with the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC). In an interview with TASS published on Sunday, Zakharova said, "the United States prefers to remain silent about the ongoing work in the post-Soviet space and does not provide information within a framework of the BTWC confidence-building measures."


"Pentagon Admits They’ve Been Funding 46 “Peaceful” Biolabs in Ukraine"

BY TS on JUNE 15, 2022


….."In a series of briefings starting in March, the Russian military has presented evidence of the Pentagon’s involvement in funding laboratories in Ukraine. In early May, Kirillov accused Kiev of launching a biological attack against the breakaway region of Lugansk and of conducting “inhumane experiments” on Ukrainian patients. Other evidence suggested attempts to weaponize drones to disperse pathogens, and attempts to destroy compromising materials after Russia sent troops into Ukraine in February.

According to Russia’s Investigative Committee, the US has poured more than $224 million into biological research in Ukraine between 2005 and early 2022. Western pharmaceutical giants, nonprofits and even the US Democratic Party were involved in the scheme, Moscow has said.

To hear the Pentagon explain it, the US had “full approval” of the Russian government to engage “thousands of former Russian biological weapons scientists to conduct peaceful biological research projects for public health purposes.” Earlier in the document, the US military points out it was trying to create “sustainable civilian employment” for scientists with “weapons-related knowledge” in order to “remove incentives to seek or accept of terrorist or other state actor employment and financing.”

Meanwhile, it accused Russia – with the help of China – of seeking “to undermine that work by spreading disinformation and sowing mistrust in the people and institutions all over the world that contribute to WMD threat reduction.” ….."


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c76476  No.16957277


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ce36b1  No.16957283

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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26a831  No.16957302


Defeat the slap switch sticker!!

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a3f133  No.16957312

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68ac98  No.16957314

Never forget that the Jews did 9/11.

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8ef988  No.16957331


Pink underwear?

I think the little faggot is enjoying it.

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995e72  No.16957340


anon, they are the extreme, extreme minority. this is proof of that.

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1f59cc  No.16957344


Mr. Pig only showed up after Toots died. Toots is the boss. #TootsAintDead

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c75b92  No.16957361

Room Pressure Pickup Ports

Room Static Pressure Sensor RSP Stainless Steel Plate Wall mount NEW



???? the things i notice some times ????

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52e7f6  No.16957378

it obvious bitchute is colluding with rumble

cause it can't get minimized

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3588dd  No.16957379

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62da83  No.16957385





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1df343  No.16957397


There's a lot of cocaine getting ceased lately.

Public figures being straight for the first time in years… I wonder if the reality will start to set in.

They'll be tearing up floorboards for the secret stash, to deal with what is coming…lol.

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bd513e  No.16957435


Fake news asshat.

Mormons are Christians who are brainwashed by satanists at the top of the church. The rest are mostly nice people who were unfortunately born into the church, trafficked, or groomed into it.

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b20dc7  No.16957455


heartfelt tx.

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0618b8  No.16957466


"And the whirlwind 卍 is in the thorn tree

The virgins are all trimming their wicks*

The whirlwind 卍 is in the thorn tree

It's hard for thee to kick against the pricks

Till Armageddon no shalam, no shalom

Then the father hen will call his chickens home

The wise man will bow down before the throne

And at his feet they'll cast their golden crowns

When the man comes around"

>*At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise.

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bfc130  No.16957468


thats a lot

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f7856d  No.16957482


Flynn’s and mcChrystal besties. Never ending war in Afghanistan

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7d1035  No.16957488

People can live in Cause or Effect. Effect people are like Red Text Snowflake, constantly ree-ing about how shitty his or her life is. People that live in Cause say"My life is shit, I need to do something about it"- these people are Anons.

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8935c8  No.16957490


palmyra, ny = birthplace of mormonism

palmyra, syria = temple of baal

and everything mormon is called a temple

isn't it strange how joseph smith's wife was lucy mack and allison mack is the one that gave up nxivm?

nxivm, who was aligned with mormons?

fyi the mormon mafia basically created sin city as we know it

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d92614  No.16957491


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6c5189  No.16957498


I guess he went full retard

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247c85  No.16957511



She blew up any future she nay have had.

The payout must be huge. But the cheque they write won't clear and she will not be avoiding their clean-up crew.

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a1997d  No.16957521

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586516  No.16957550

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ea8a6a  No.16957551

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6b0dff  No.16957559




sorry for reddit link tho.

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5af336  No.16957566

For the benefit of my species I do hope you understand you woke up a fucking giant that is silent to your methods and loud when needs be.

I feel no desire to warn you further in regards to your gestapo tactics and me and my family. Your ilk will be eliminated with NO REGARD to your bullshit laws meant to protect your filthy fucking capitalist environment. And you won’t even be a spec on the glass in regards to news the way we will do it.

So tell me almighty Q. Even after the ‘verification’ bullshit….how you gonna hide what I know without drawback to you and yours? WWB

Your alphabet agency tactics WILL get you harmed.

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287d0d  No.16957574


> forth wall


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a73949  No.16957576


False Flag ref based on alligator comms

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443bc2  No.16957585


are you on a typewriter

that carriage return causes

carpal tunnel syndrome

you know

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10fc18  No.16957589


Honestly, it would fit in with my Omarosa head canon, and how she ran around recording everyone who was opposing the Trump administration from the inside.

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bce0b2  No.16957590


> Let’s continue to act in ways that ensure our flag always inspires those who see it.

Ya…Just tell all of them to "be inspired" from afar, and stay in their own damn nations.

That is all.

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38f7bd  No.16957602


It's taken many years, but I found/believe the Jesus -is- god on earth connection. The history makes sense that way.

I really don't know what to say, other than thank you, and anything else you have to say is very appreciated…

Trying to be helpful, this is my set of Trump links related to time… I suspect many/most are gone by now..

…also many are unrelated, these are just my tags, not meant to represent the idea, I keep things that are wrong to use as examples too… but filtering would take many breads, and I need to sleep.. so, here they are:



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3064cf  No.16957631


Publix CEO is a Trump supporter. Hold the line, Publix.

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039a53  No.16957635


>who is paying Scavino

why aren't you asking "who is paying Scavino to do the following:" and then list out what actions Scavino took that were paid and paid by whom?

So far you have Scavino posting a mean Truth or whatever.

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7aed10  No.16957644


>Tor posting is VERY unreliable. It takes several tries and lot of waiting to get a post to post.


>If Q keeps using Tor then it would take a lot of luck to do a zero delta post (unless military tech).

KEK - New narrative - We can't get a ZERO DELTA cause Jims such a shitty site admin. Try harder niggers.

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dfb5d6  No.16957656



muh bad day

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a11623  No.16957658

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9dad25  No.16957665


>One small bit a light can be seen from a great distance and can reveal vital information.

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f9d118  No.16957672


Q, Trump and Team are a bunch of fucking Gatekeepers who hide the truth.

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35b211  No.16957691




DOJ does not issue statements like these disagreeing with Supreme Court rulings. It doesn’t happen. It has no lawful basis.

This can only be seen as a direct threat against the judiciary by Stasi agents.


9:22 PM · Jun 23, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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8ef988  No.16957696


Not calling you tarded anon but WHY are you not on Truth?

You would know the answer already…actually long ago.


7hrs ago boys …


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e30a85  No.16957704

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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9e35e2  No.16957723


Don't know if this photo (where Macron looks uncomfortable) is before or after Macron supposedly turned Trump's knuckles white. Hard to believe. But that was the reporting at the time and Trump did look uncomfortable.

I can't believe the gall of that little Frenchman. The disrespect - on so many levels.

Trump was known for pulling people toward him and his firm shake. But to crush a man's hand, as Macron reportedly did, who is 30 years older than you, that's just being a twerp.

Could just be fake news, too!


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4a7e11  No.16957739

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247c85  No.16957742


I woke up.

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6c5189  No.16957753


Brunobarking 👶👶👶BrunoBarks, [24.06.22 22:28]

[ Photo ]

48,658,860 seconds since the last Q post… The digits add up to? 45


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40da99  No.16957759


Oh CANADA! ;o)

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bc07cf  No.16957760


Israeli media: "Israel" looking to sell air defense systems to KSA

Israeli media outlets reported on Friday that the occupation is interested in selling air defense systems to Saudi Arabia during US President Joe Biden's upcoming visit.

Israeli Kan TV's military expert Itay Blumental said, answering a question on whether there is an interesting plan that "Israel" wants to push forward during Biden's visit, that "According to estimates, 'Israel' over the coming weeks will try to push forward a security deal with Saudi Arabia, one that will involve the sale of air defense systems."

Blumental further noted that this will all take place under US sponsorship, as "Israel" and Saudi Arabia do not share official diplomatic relations.

He also added that it's expected that Biden will meet with Israeli Security Minister Benny Gantz, and Israeli Chief of the General Staff Aviv Kochavi. During the meeting, Biden will listen to a briefing on Israeli air defense systems, like the Iron Dome, and the Hetz.

This, according to Blumental, involves agreements with Gulf countries, and it can be said that in the last few weeks some transport aircraft landed in Ovda Airforce base, "and not more can be said on why the planes landed there."

The White House announced on June 14 that Biden will visit both "Israel" and Saudi Arabia during his trip in West Asia.

Following the announcement of the trip, Biden said that part of his visit to Saudi Arabia concerns Israeli security.


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3db7b1  No.16957771


She still loose, so no….

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ea8a6a  No.16957775


Do you have any idea how many possible IPs can be used between IPV4 & IPV6? I can't count that high!

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24b658  No.16957778


Now my "ears are itchin'", as they say.

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c76476  No.16957783

nothin today

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4bfd99  No.16957787


Leg so hot it melt da sink

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dfcd55  No.16957788

So, what's the deal? They gonna arrest Trump, convict him, execute him, and then he'll resurrect in 3 days or something?

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a443e0  No.16957792


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02b801  No.16957794



>Names…I like names.

>My name is Anon.

Since you like names Anon, my name is Anon too!

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593973  No.16957799

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33a4af  No.16957800


Not a Baal


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88dd01  No.16957807


I'm SUPER skinny, yet I'm stronger than girls who have more muscle mass than me. I don't fucking get it.

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cc76c2  No.16957810

Q never had 22 posts in any bread ever!

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6164d6  No.16957818


Isn't it wonderful? I am having a great day today.

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31925d  No.16957819


Where can a curious Anon find a copy of this Talmud online?

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aa1769  No.16957822

US airman arrested for alleged insider attack on military base in Syria

By Patrick Reilly

June 21, 2022 7:05pm Updated


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575179  No.16957827

VIDEO: Minnesota Judge reduces bail from $5,000,000 to $100,000 for wanted man that fired shots at police while leading them on high-speed chase

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c17e1c  No.16957828


You're okay with being conned. Got it.

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c0d68f  No.16957831


Sure. In digital land. Sorry, that just doesn't count.

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bf58c1  No.16957832

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71a29e  No.16957836

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d2ab8a  No.16957837


…Is this the infamous 'side 2', of that Subgenius recruitment tape? I usually skip straight to the 3rd side, after the 1st.

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7241f2  No.16957840

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a1997d  No.16957843

… 'deep dream' 😆 fk off already

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e4cd1a  No.16957847


If trump saysbabyfistat the rally tomorrow I will literally fall over

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27ae98  No.16957849

Wow. What a shit take from someone that's got enough "Fuck you" money to not be worried with doxxing cunts ruining people's lives and livelihood. So people don't deserve a voice if they say it behind the means to protect their families?

I seriously hope you rethink this asshattery, Mike.


I hope @elonmusk

will insist that all Twitter posters use their real names & not be keyboard cowards hiding behind silly little sophomoric screen names. Be man enough or woman enough (if you even know what that is) to stand by what you say! If you can’t own it don’t say it.

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9e35e2  No.16957853


yeah they built a giant fraud machine on top of it

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b71ceb  No.16957867


Nelson Mandela LOOKING GOOD!

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0368fa  No.16957875


what are these

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960131  No.16957882


Just set this world on fire already. There's nothing left to save.

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bfc130  No.16957884

2020 Best Picture of the Year

They told us

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4a7e11  No.16957885


Catturd ™


The creepy porn lawyer is in prison and Stormy Daniels owes Trump $300,000.

How did that hoax work out for you? 😂

1:34 PM · Jun 2, 2022·Twitter Web App

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658e9c  No.16957887


I thought the same, but if real Q is gone for good then I guess there's no guarantee. This is the first time Q has ever posted when Trump didn't currently occupy the WH

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293722  No.16957893

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737cf6  No.16957894


“ nadies

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35fe11  No.16957896


The Lord is coming back soon, I am a Bible fag and have studied prophecy for 25 years, the “plan” is actually God’s, God leads Trump and even Q, things happen in God’s timing, not ours. With that said, yes we have a big part to play, God leads anons too!

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f05de8  No.16957902




>Europe is almost whole hog secular. So any shit like this just seems like cultural heritage novelty, like an anthropologist might.


>Just another Greek myth type performance art.

right …

made me kek to see that they had to turn comments off with Venice 2022 Carnival clips, the American Evangelical hicks/Trumpen proles/Qanoners presumably were accusing the festivals being Satanic

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9aa66e  No.16957908


They're still fed boys.


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cab4d4  No.16957922


>penis on stretcher

But I havn't had my morning family yet.


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e5a149  No.16957929


Is she ‘Bubbles’?🫧🫧

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89581c  No.16957943


Corrected, for the notables

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0200f5  No.16957944



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f34d81  No.16957963


THIS is exactly habbening right now

image relates to the 81M


Cernovich Retweeted



Dow down crypto down oil up rent up. Potential nuclear war and the world on the brink of global famine.

81 million ppl desperately trying to convince themselves it was worth it to stop nasty tweets.

1:38 PM · Jun 13, 2022


decentralist, investing, socio-economics and macro economics

clown world ambassador

Joined May 2010

89 Following


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8db3c0  No.16957964

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f213b8  No.16957966

The #FBI Child ID app—the first mobile application created by the Bureau—provides a convenient place to electronically store photos and other vital information about your children so that it’s literally right at hand if you need it. Learn more at https://go.usa.gov/xJSfm.


Stranger Danger

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3b6c2b  No.16958015


>After devolution ends

what is the evidence it's running?

(I asked honest question)


Study Moar.

LurQue MOAR!

(You make fun of the question. Ultimately it's not an answer. if you were in court I would call you guilty)

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b5d7cc  No.16958016


they shouldn't have fucked around in the wrong state.

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c71868  No.16958017


Knesset dissolved.

Netanyahu looking to form a new government?


Let's see what happens.

But of course that is Israel which is what Q is saving for last.

Not "Jews" collectively.

I'm sure you knew that and weren't trying to twist the facts to suit your personal bigot narrative.

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f2f19a  No.16958018


Do you have any idea how immature you sound?

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9d9da3  No.16958033



>I don't see loyalty being a top attribute on the dark side.

It's not.

A desperation to win and avoid the proverbial gallows is all that unites them once they realize they've been placed in checkmate.

Nice Time Stamp.

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7fbc8f  No.16958116



They should have Brought more

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624da1  No.16958120


sound about right

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673f8b  No.16958207



You just make shit up.

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fef383  No.16958220


Short black haired older woman was his dance instructor over the years, incl, Sat. Night Fever.

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2c40a9  No.16958226


If there were guns on that shield, you would have a point, but that isn't the case. In fact it's the opposite.

"Hello, Q sent me" - bam bam at the shield. You can say it's tasteless or come up with your own ideas, but it doesn't imply force coming from "Q" or "Q followers" at all.

>Not QAnons

What's that?

Even the shield says "Q", not "QAnon(s)".

So if that guy was a shill, and you aren't, then the faggot with horns knows it better than you do, which is quite telling.

>for being shot at.

Didn't that Trump supporter get shot (assuming it wasn't just a masonic movie)? Let's say that guy is actually in on the masonic joke. Doesn't the shield make sense now in regards of that potential play?

>protect Jim

Ah I see. Last plot delete B post. And now this. Good bye, not wasting time on you.

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fa21f1  No.16958233


final notable bun now edited into bread above

refresh to see


always guud to mark asfinalfor clarification

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0ff5a8  No.16958241

“I, ____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

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cdd63c  No.16958756


What happens next? Will they hang for their crimes against humanity?

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552669  No.16958765


NY Gov:

"I would like to point out to the Supreme Court justices, that the only weapons at that time were muskets. I'm prepared to go back to muskets."


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5d45b7  No.16958812

ghislaine got 20 years for trafficking kids ot epstein but what about the lolita express n it?

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ef844b  No.16958822


if A falls,


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eaf403  No.16958830


Because they had never heard of Michael Baxter's fictional clickbait blog. Generally people don't go around denying works of fiction because they are already known to be fictional. Proving and winning a defamation case is extraordinarily difficult, specially if you're a public figure. Michael Baxter is just some dude, probably mostly broke so there's no point.

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53429a  No.16958848


The same thing we do every day, Pinky; "Dig Meme, Pray."

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fab159  No.16958850


That pesky ground zero worker that comes here every night waiting on justice to be served. Or you could say, someone who cares about life just like you. That is why I do what I do and am hated for it because I really act upon it and therefor I am considered a threat.

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56798a  No.16958871


I'm quite positive. I'm explaining why otherwise normal people are being absolute fucking tards right now.

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0fd1af  No.16958891


Jamie Dimon lashes out at ‘childish behavior’ from Congress amid deadlock over coronavirus relief

Published Wed, Nov 18 202010:35 AM ESTUpdated Wed, Nov 18 20201:48 PM EST


Hugh Son


JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon criticized lawmakers for a monthslong deadlock over a second round of coronavirus relief to help unemployed Americans and struggling businesses as the pandemic deepens.

“I know now we have this big debate. Is it $2.2 trillion, $1.5 trillion?” Dimon said Wednesday, referring to competing visions for a relief bill from Democrats and Republicans, at The New York Times’ DealBook conference.

“You gotta be kidding me,” Dimon told Andrew Ross Sorkin, who is a co-anchor of CNBC’s “Squawk Box.” “I mean just split the baby and move on. This is childish behavior on the part of our politicians.” Sorkin is also a financial columnist for the Times and the editor-at-large of DealBook.

Congress has so far failed to pass a second relief bill after key parts of the first law, the CARES Act, expired in July. While financial pain for the unemployed and small businesses is set to grow as Covid-19 infections surge to records across the country, top leaders from both parties haven’t met since the Nov. 3 presidential election.


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325596  No.16958904


thought it was next week.

will be on duty tonight

tanks for the reminder


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5c93d7  No.16958906

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49218f  No.16958914

tw - stick together patriots - oh, and Shills we Love you - there's no escaping this

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4deb85  No.16958915


CTRL ALT alt.?

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9df5a0  No.16958918


kek, maybe that's why they're doing it; excuse for the pisspoor ratings.

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f2df8f  No.16958919


>I don't understand sarcasm

Congrats, you may be an autist.

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7d87a9  No.16958945


Of course it was May Day '33

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806a86  No.16958950


But after 4 days it appears the tide is turning.

Could anon's homemade ginger wine have helped?

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5990e6  No.16958962


>You're in my house

Oh that's funny. And quite dangerous. [you] just declared war on Jesus, the Christ. I wish you all the best and recommend you seek redemption.

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26c23c  No.16958975


>You are the troll. Trolls IP hop. I baited you with the filter, and you hopped like the predictable bitch you are.


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ba3272  No.16958981


6 June 2022



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3c5297  No.16958993

#NATO Allies have significantly increased the number of fighter jets on alert.

They are conducting round the clock air patrols over eastern Europe to safeguard Allied air space

*Seems like it's asking for trouble.

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7798f5  No.16959021

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27b25f  No.16959055


>I get retweets from the President and (you)'s from Q Jack.

Poso cracks me up.


He probably has some good writers, is somewhat a decent one himself, and has convincing delivery (good enough to convince a number of people out there). It's the same shit as when late night comedy shows start off with a sliver of truth, then go on a tangent of contradictory or ironic circumstances in order to paint one side as incoherent or oblivious to the problem being discussed while simultaneously being misleading about whatever the real core issue is their own selves.

It's all lies, deception, subterfuge, slight of hand, and guilt. When you see Jon from that lens of many manipulations, he becomes nothing more than a distracting noise maker, incapable of presenting a reasoned stance on anything with intent on improving the human condition; kind of like a bitter, drunken old woman that blames all men in the world for her multiple marriage failures.

It's really sad, actually. Poor Jon.

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395538  No.16959056


Hint: you don't really have a clue what the bible is about…. I actually feel sorry for you

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cda171  No.16959057


Once again, infiltrator or Socialist?

Which one?

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ae7bd1  No.16959064


Reckoning with Secret Agenda is hardly an academic matter. If Hougan and the other Watergate revisionists are correct, then the scandal that toppled Richard Nixon from power was about much more than a third-rate burglary attempt, the wiretapping of the opposing party, or even a series of covert crimes ordered by a paranoid president. Secret Agenda and its progeny force us, instead, to conceive ofWatergate as a Cold War-era power struggle between a duly elected president and the national security state, with Nixon as much a victimin the affair as he was a perpetrator. In a time when legions of Americans believe in the existence of a “deep state,” getting the history of Watergate right takes on new urgency.

Unmasking the Conspirators


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675141  No.16959066


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass a cup of your fine Covfefe.

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2e75e5  No.16959116








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bbd8a6  No.16959160



- John Lunn (feat. Eivør)

Guardians of Life. Lifeguards.



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f2f5ee  No.16959173

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a31c2b  No.16959182


lol…"burn the witch!"….you would be a very busy non anon.


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54fb64  No.16959192


Yes thats what is disturbing! Why would SS watch him get out if a cab in front of his house and let him

walk away. Why would ine if them tackle him

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d62cae  No.16959206


The P-08?

IIRC 9mm Parabellum

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7c2c59  No.16959214


Can you explain why the ID on these posts in the screenshot say (you)?

Nice try.

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963f31  No.16959229


I'm asking logical questions based on claims.

So you don't have answers?

You didn't think this through?

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a8384d  No.16959238



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1c2af3  No.16959246

Get the Justice Department involved if they don’t listen, Joseph.


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70e2b9  No.16959302


>I Hope we don't need no stinking Badges

Badge of Honor to be here with Q+ and Q. Thankee Jimbo!

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f0842a  No.16959313

looking glass

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4aef0e  No.16959328

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f73e07  No.16959341


holy shit your head is up your ass

anons set the tone, anons should beat back shills, BO/BV's did it till board settled, BO is responsible for minimal policy to keep the board running and the BV's are his eyes and hands when needed

anons should bake, doesn't matter if they name fag or not, to each his own

the only thing worth discussing is info dropped

got any info or just moar "opine"

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a81f6c  No.16959384


False comparison.

The Vatican, as a monolith, exerts far more energy covering their crimes.

What is revealed is likely barely scratching the surface.

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00d5da  No.16959406



Muh Treatment

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1f0200  No.16959411


>Carmen Celestini

Carmen is an instructor at the University of Waterloo, in the Religious Studies Department and in the Arts First Program. She is also a fellow with the Centre on Hate, Bias and Extremism, at Ontario Tech University. She reviews the extant Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) policy governing right-wing extremism and related conduct in the CAF. Her scholarly interest centres on the overlapping belief systems of Christian apocalyptic thought and conspiracy theorists, and their joint impact on the American political system, with a particular focus on the belief systems of religious communities on the margins of society that, co-opt pop culture practices and trends. Carmen is a regular contributor to Religion Dispatches, an online journal that publishes work about the intersection of religion, politics, and American culture. Gender, race, moral panics, ethics, concepts of evil and end times, and the media play significant roles in the religious political movements she studies leading to publications which cross disciplinary lines. These publications include a chapter in Angry Groups and Politics: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives on Their Motivations and Effects on Society, and an invited chapter in the upcoming book The Right and the Radical Right in the Americas by York University’s Centre for Analysis of the Radical Right. More information on Carmen's work can be found on her website.


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f32c05  No.16959436


One of these memes is not like the other, hahahahahaha, get bent infiltrating shill, no zero delta on the 'trip code compromised'


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916b8f  No.16959442


45in FFL548 Citation C750 departed Morristown Muni Airport, NJ for Quincy Regional Airport, IL-the shortest route to Adams County Fairgrounds is 13miles the longer is17miles'''

This is abigchange here as this AC is able to be tracked via FlightAware.com..all previous useages of this were blocked by the owner of the AC…it was also visible upon it's departure from Palm Beach Int'l is also a big change-see links below.

with the drops from last night and this being visible……not a coincidence at all.

It is still listed as PIA so the actual tail # is blocked-pic in cap is not actual AC

FAA acknowledges the desire of some operators to limit the availability of real-time ADS-B position and identification information for a specific aircraft. The PIA program enables interested aircraft owners to request an alternate, temporary ICAO aircraft address, which will not be assigned to the owner in the Civil Aviation Registry (CAR).


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549e36  No.16959465


>unable to lie or mislead intentionally

>would be struck down


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c236b9  No.16959466

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076c79  No.16959474

did I say that right?

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857d20  No.16959503


The first year that Trump was POTUS there were numerous hurricanes. I always wondered if HAARP had anything to do with that to try to make Trump look bad.

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98fa2b  No.16959581

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aec64b  No.16959613


Didn't understand all the abbreviations, but tend to agree.


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fbaa56  No.16959643


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a084eb  No.16959645


Seems like a lot of bother just to be able to say that. Especially when they spent the year before it yelling All Cops Are Bastards and Defund the Police. Then have a Capitol Police supposedly shoot an unarmed woman.

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65ea57  No.16959646


>Looks like they finally got Trump today

Interesting you would say that.

Found this shit piece by some australian faggot published today on RT.

No idea why RT would lend that lying faggot their platform, but I sure don't believe him nor do I believe your assessment is correct.


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7bb996  No.16959661

This is great Gay Community calling out the losers on Roe v wade. All they wanted was to have their own life. But you LBTQZ whatever brought it on yourself

If you cant read it, i cant do better go to the link

(I’ve heard this too many times frim gay clients).


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a3ade6  No.16959730


Product has to deliver.

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253e4c  No.16959745


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8bf629  No.16959753

Reread old posts.

The only winning move is not to play!

They're trying to shake everyone put so they can buy up the BTC.

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a68124  No.16959783

So if I identifying as a woman who "doesn't menstruate", can I take the $4,000 from my woke employer/ pentagon and go on a nice vacation?

Poorly hypothetical since i can't squeeze a baby through the peehole in my penis.

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deb4ec  No.16959835


Dasting and NOTABLE as fuck!

@8Bit is fixing to take a shit.

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2ec496  No.16959838

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cc1a28  No.16959841















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fbfddd  No.16959874




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fb83e4  No.16959903


actually 6 9999.99

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8fb005  No.16959910


Okay, sure, one of those cults near the middle is probably the right one…

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696b07  No.16959912





damn I love trolling this place. It's so easy to get (you)s.

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2f863d  No.16959917


Kmfao, at least you're miserable and your life sounds painful.

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5627b8  No.16959930


Muh Q is Fakeeee shills BTFO

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d8daf3  No.16959938

Are there any patriots on this board left?

Most posts seem like repeating bots.

Nothing but goofiness, silliness, and childish mentalities.

What should be done, seems like we are in a never ending cycle of wait, soon, nothing done, justice averted.

Is anybody going to do anything to help this country against these criminals?

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57e1a5  No.16959940


Secret societies have cops as members?

Can those cops then be used to cause more racial division?

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5547ad  No.16959944

OK Patriots, shove your "this is a research site" blah blah blah up your ass. At some point "standing back and standing by" is going to become a sin against humanity. This cannot be allowed to progress any further.

"This is horrifying. A man robbing a Cricket Wireless store in Phoenix, AZ brutally attacked a female employee."


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d4d31a  No.16959955



"No get off me" was the exact phrase.

I'd rather jerk off than fuck some strange. Bitches scare me these days.

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69b820  No.16959977


it's the red text muh girlfriend shill with another scheme

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188c8f  No.16959997


In other words Grassley said it grew 17 inches this week…the week of next Q post.

Q's all over city names, events, number sums, i mean this is becoming more than a coincidence. Not to mention rally words not gonna take it, quick ending because of storm, etc. Just sayin

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dbce7b  No.16960016

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664dec  No.16960018


oh my, my heart is being jerked around again - not

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b251e5  No.16960037


Well this shit here is as bad as lamestream nowadays.

DWAC stock is down hella bad, and when TRUTH is truly up and running as intended, why would anons even need to be here especially if Q and Q+ are long gone?

What other option is there to pump up TRUTH especially during this historic weekend?

If it stays like this… both TRUTH and Infinite burn out.

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ee2efa  No.16960044


>Hard Glaring Questions

obviously you don't if you're still a Christian. Everything Jewish is pure evil.

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cdb691  No.16960052


Just an average ground crew guy. With a perfect takeoff + barrel roll. Flight Sim never gave me those mad skills. The running entry was great. Way to go Richard Bryan Russell. Sky King. That was quite the technical achievement.

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eb43f4  No.16960075

some VPN's hop automatically without user input


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57a2ce  No.16960077

So, anon now has posting privileges restored.

This has been the weirdest board attack anon has yet witnessed to date on 8 Kun.

Anon's last posts were calling out admin for their bloatables policy.

Anon volunteered to collect notes after an ebake yesterday and anon's notes were ignored in favour of an admin collection of worthless bloats.

Anon was not impressed and vowed never to offer anon's service again, however, when anon returned after toiling to earn some bread, anon discovered that anon could not post again, entering the worst kind of captcha hell to date.

Anon expected the usual captcha hell, where failed indecipherable captchas were greeted with the usual error message, but did not expect the Vanwa server offline message when anon was certain anon nailed it.

Was anon just being cynical of the new admin's power when anon assumed this was just retribution for criticising the new admins' bloatable policy?

BTW, fuck you admin, and all who sail in you. You have lost the service of yet another digital soldier.

Dare one say you fucking glow?

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7a4a20  No.16960082

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e67b8f  No.16960104

Since inception, Q has said "USE LOGIC" in 16 posts


Did Q forget his own language?

Fuckery afoot?

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c11dc6  No.16960121


> I've also diversified into going back to the battlefield where the real fight is needed most.

How so?

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017cf3  No.16960130

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32ab8c  No.16960134


Fantastic Beasts may be the most cursed franchise in Hollywood

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4696d5  No.16960146

Severodonetsk industrial area, airport completely liberated — head of Chechnya

Ramzan Kadyrov also said that 800 civilians were liberated from the Azot plant in Severodonetsk

The industrial area and airport of Severodonetsk, Lugansk People’s Republic, have been completely liberated from Ukrainian forces, head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov said on his Telegram channel Saturday.

"The industrial area of Severodonetsk and the airport have been completely liberated," Kadyrov said.

According to Kadyrov, the cleanup of the airport is in progress, and its entire territory is under control.

He also said that 800 civilians were liberated from the Azot plant in Severodonetsk.

"The cleanup of the settlement of Borovskoye is also in progress. One of the difficult points of the Ukrainian defense did not last long," Kadyrov said.

He also thanked his aide Apty Alaudinov and commander of the second corpus of LPR People’s Militia, call sign "Adler", for the operation.


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f2558c  No.16960157


will add what i didn't pick up


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7a9c2d  No.16960179

Sixteen months, motherfuckers. Tick Tock. If you think the U. S. A. is going to survive the next sixteen months at the current rate then you are wrong from my point of view.

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3f29a0  No.16960192


Also… if the OT is entirely parable…

Then… is it not the Word of God?

Are you saying that Jesus "fulfilled" parables?

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2a8b61  No.16960210


The left was claiming that the Right shouldn't be allowed to celebrate Independence Day because "we [the right] took theirs [lefty independence] away".

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40c159  No.16960239

Don't know if this was mentioned or discussed last night after the Q-Town (Mendon, IL) Trump Rally.

His flight path back to Morristown, New Jersey.


Flight path also bore a slight resemblance (to me anyway) to 2nd picrel.

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17387a  No.16960266


greek gut stabbin gasprices.jpeg

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6778ba  No.16960267


Up there with Riding Vacuums.

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fc1c7c  No.16960268

Was thinking of Q and the tripcode previously used. I know it was color changing. Was the Q itself the same green as anon’s “prefilled “anonymous” field, or was the Q a lighter green, or a thinner font? Am I misremembering?

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7ad324  No.16960296

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15cd01  No.16960297



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25eb2c  No.16960304



Vidyo is very normie-frenly

Second sharable

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817c4d  No.16960307

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9e2760  No.16960334


That's the whole reason Q gave us 'drops' and Anons created websites to host them.

Everyone should have read all 4953 of them at least once

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2a045d  No.16960337

we're back to "Trust the Plan?"

That's rich.

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32e892  No.16960364


I always heard white liberals are the most racist. @IndieCat30 posted this and no ban from @Twitter. No mentioning of the other 4 white men and the 1 white female judge! @maddow @MSNBC

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902523  No.16960369



Only 6 left in stock, holy shit… https://www.ceratac.com/Carbine-Classic-Parts-p/kit-556-c-ck-u-blk.htm

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60d6ba  No.16960382


Lindell=Jew=Enemy of the people!

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0a4356  No.16960389


Think about what is going on here.

Your ability to feel your body the way it's supposed to feel is compromised.

By whom?


These areCRUCIALLY VITALquestions!


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791b64  No.16960437


And the sheep follow their fictitious narrative, cementing the false reality as "truth". The same sheep would kill YOU to protect themselves from a non-sensical fear that was implanted in their mind by AI.

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ddb31f  No.16960447


America is fine.

Going to be debt free with my economic plan.

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977d6e  No.16960448

So…when do the nukes start falling?

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87efaa  No.16960463

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63dba5  No.16960468


Fauci should be tested until he looks like this then fed to beagles.

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700513  No.16960469


What is the true meaning of abracadabra?

I will create as I speak

It's from the Aramaic phrase avra kehdabra, meaning “I will create as I speak”. The source is three Hebrew words, ab (father), ben (son), and ruach acadosch (holy spirit). It's from the Chaldean abbada ke dabra, meaning “perish like the word”.Jan 9, 1999

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7cfbc6  No.16960471


You are not Net 30 with your suppliers?

I don't pay a fucking thing until delivery and receipt.

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7845bc  No.16960472



Psychic* there, fixed it for (you).

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27a96f  No.16960479

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473cdf  No.16960481

Happy Independence Day (2.0). Patriots making America great again (again )! Love all you dastardly frogs (most of the time!)

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effd9e  No.16960482

Q i have put the entirety of my faith in God and in you guys.

Please don't let us down.

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c49f4c  No.16960483


Rest well, baker.

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2f87e6  No.16960493


you sound jaded, but you might have something there

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3f59cb  No.16960516



BAHAHAHAHAH YOU don't even understand

MR. PIGread this …. The DOJ is seeing these, KEK

Imma reply, gud DOJ meet WHITE HATS kek

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4b327e  No.16960520


They are destroying EVERYTHING TRUMP did and said…Trump said this Country will never be like Venezuela and oh, look…We are almost there!!!

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71f5fe  No.16960540

Meadows scapegoat for 'the new lawyer' of Cassidy who Q+ referenced?

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0a97da  No.16960553


It's always about RVD

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7581a6  No.16960576


> Transcarpathia

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9213ff  No.16960581


>locked out

That makes zero sense.

Trip really blocked?

Just post one of these AF1 pics, just another one.

That's not happening.

I wonder why.

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ad34cb  No.16960606

Babyfist Reseach on suicide watch

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77408b  No.16962644


Hold muh wine cooler.

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08bfff  No.16962652


Have you considered that is YOU in you place that sucks? I mean why would you come here to say (you) suck?

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9996ea  No.16962669


> 1 post ip hopper


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11067d  No.16962671


>Mondo Duplantis' record-breaking jump

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9eca57  No.16962684


is that… is that an orgone frog keyboard key?

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fa64cb  No.16962702


Who was talking yo you precious?

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026a02  No.16962708


for fuck's sake, please stop with the R bullshit.

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6729bc  No.16962727

Where is John O Brennan? (JOB). Last seen on TV April 22.

Brennan attended Fordham University, graduating with a B.A. in political science in 1977.

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665646  No.16962740


kew gardens

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fafa1c  No.16962748


The Vatican

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b73adb  No.16962764


>Q1415 = NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!

Asian climber with metal around neck is #1415

We've got:




23 P@in

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59e175  No.16962778



Let? Like we humans have control over God? We can let Him or we can NOT let Him do His will?

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56ed7f  No.16962779


This woman I know dated three backs guys to experience a BBC and none of the black guys had a BBC…. She couldn't believe she screwed three ugly black guys and only got what every other guy has…lol

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13e71a  No.16962785


>Ukraine is desperate for money.

[They] got a shit ton of our money.

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0b1e95  No.16962789


Michael Larson

Alan Heuberger

Cascade Investment

ARCO (rings a bell, The Arcos Affair)

Larson is a regular attendant of the Allen & Company Sun Valley Conference. He is Chairman of the Board of Directors at Western Asset and has been a member of the Board of Directors at Teledesic, Pan American Silver, Ecolab, Hamilton Lane, FoodTrader.com, Republic Services and AutoNation. Larson has served on the Board of Trustees at Claremont McKenna College, Lakeside School and the United Negro College Fund. He has served as the Chair of the Investment Committee at the University of Washington

Larson: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Larson_(businessman)

The Arcos Affair (Heuzenberg-Spying Bolsheviks and Ukraine, oh my): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_Russian_Co-operative_Society

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c27bf1  No.16962793

Let's play some 70's Love music


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740633  No.16962798


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1994f9  No.16962805


*tens of millions

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40375d  No.16962813



Look at this buncha bread shittin little bitches!


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ceffa2  No.16962823

The Milgram experiment had an exit door Retweeted

Mark Alan Pearce






In a statement released yesterday, the Pentagon admits there are 46 biolabs in Ukraine as part of a project to rid the world of "weapons of mass destruction."

That's 46 biolabs. 46.


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05dfb9  No.16962824


I fail to see why its anything to desire praise for.

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582f32  No.16962831

Ready to jump into the week?


Soldiers are.


SFC Charlie Arrendale prepares to jump from a C-17 Globemaster IIl over Allen Army Airfield, Fort Greely, during exercise Red Flag-Alaska.


📸 by Sheila deVera



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c7903c  No.16962849


>blonde hair


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1a050b  No.16962852


>He's only happy when he's shitting on America, or taking the cock


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7ca794  No.16962867


picrel is original unique

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76df11  No.16962871



Russia state-affiliated media

At Least One Dead, 8 Injured After #Train Derails in Guizhou, #China, Reports Say


The Matrix is angry.

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a156a9  No.16962881


just click update on the bottom

there are always good drops when the board gets fucked up

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4fa060  No.16962901


All they know is procedures and what their books have told them. None really understand more than that. Very few do any research about the drugs they are prescribing. Can you imagine all the long term side effects of the cocktails of drugs that they give…they do not have any idea what they are doing,>>16957488

I think everyone with a working brain knows what’s really going on. Same enemy as pointed out by the next most despised man…Jesus.

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3fbded  No.16962911


prisoner 2, or 6?

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df415d  No.16962914


good, Pompeo needs to be revealed for who he is. Do you know why it was such and easy transition for him to take over the state dept after CIA, because all state department people are spies and CIA

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e94b0a  No.16962924


You're bald, aren't you

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181873  No.16962939



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42b37a  No.16962965


And today's clickbait bandwagon award goes to:

>Muh Mormons

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8fef87  No.16962969



but on the fast track, because they lost 4 years of their timeline when Trump was POTUS

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86e100  No.16962977


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357739  No.16963024


It looked like they each may have something different. HRC took a moment as if reading, but Jeb reacted immediately.

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2d8f02  No.16963025


MBS to visit Turkey on June 22

Turkish official stated that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) will visit Turkey on June 22.

The official added as quoted by AFP that the details of the visit will be announced "over the weekend".

The two countries will sign several agreements during the trip, which is expected to take place in Ankara, but the exact location has yet to be determined, according to the official.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan paid his first high-level visit to the kingdom in years in April since the 2018 killing of Khashoggi in the Kingdom's Istanbul consulate, which caused a refute between the two countries.

At the time, Erodgan said that the visit was "a manifestation of our common will to begin a new era of cooperation as two brotherly countries."

The trip comes as Turkey - facing an economic crisis fuelled by the collapse of its currency and soaring inflation - tries to draw financial support from energy-rich Gulf countries and to maximize its cooperation with the Israeli occupation "on a win-win basis".

Turkey forgot about Khashoggi

Saudi agents killed and dismembered Khashoggi, an insider turned critic, in the Kingdom's Istanbul consulate in October 2018. His remains have never been found.

Turkey infuriated the Saudis by pressing ahead with an investigation into the murder of The Washington Post Saudi writer. Erdogan revealed that the "highest levels" of the Saudi government ordered the killing.

Saudi Arabia responded by unofficially putting pressure on Turkey's economy through a boycott of Turkish imports.

But trade between the two has been gradually improving, and Saudi Arabia has just announced that MBS is planning a visit to Turkey next week.

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d9b109  No.16963039


Yeah a team posting fake drops

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14fdc0  No.16963048


>Imagine believing you stupid shill's narrative is working.


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4f8b7f  No.16963061


Tucker Carlson Torches Joe Biden Over ‘Horrifying’ Claims of ‘Showers’ With Sex-Addict Daughter

by Sputnik

June 18th 2022, 9:41 am

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617e5e  No.16963065


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13737d  No.16963092

The hydrangeas are starting to bloom…. <3

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7dc8d3  No.16963100


You spelled Kiev wrong.

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69a93f  No.16963132


Salman doesn't have the crazy eyes though. kek

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eae77a  No.16963169

Gregg Phillips - How Do You Catch A Criminal? Build The Pattern Of Life, Map The Cheaters


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cd8394  No.16963170


is this legit?

did Q post?

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ac4c11  No.16963171


> Read the notables

and doesn't matter when because the same ol' shit will be recycled (see current bun for confirmation)

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67bcfa  No.16963173


Jewish whores w black slaves

Nothing new under the sun.

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8d71d7  No.16963179


do not miss the starting gun,

lest you find ten years have

got behind you.

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14d378  No.16963188


Whatever you say, liar.

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3b55e9  No.16963195


and IF realrawnews is reporting facts, does anyone REALLY believe "they" wouldn't do everything in their power to discredit it?

methinks the lady doeth protest too much.

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89ef97  No.16963204


the female Anons thought the boob photos were inappropriate and wanted them banned, fun times

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aadbed  No.16963206


You know, quite the devilish scheme you got goin. It's all about context, and you adjust your behaviour because you're privy, which means demons can pretend. Easy, and totally unethical.

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1f3427  No.16963211

Mr. Biden: People are going to be shocked when the first state…that tries to arrest a woman for crossing the state line to get health services…it's gonna happen, and it's gonna telegraph to the whole country that this is a gigantic deal that affects all your basic rights.

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60d945  No.16963240


What chakra is this then?

To be completely objective,,,none of Robert Crimo the 3rd's social media(videos) showed weapons…only screwy imagery. its kind of lame for a "rapper" to not brandish firearms for street-cred in a video.

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8e31c2  No.16963257


>The Universe is weird…

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da17db  No.16963266


baker, this is abdul and he spams this news site all the time, almayadeen, not notable as it is one narrative pusher

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05b917  No.16963270


amen anon

hope Donald again talks about schitt's watermelon head like he did at yesterday's speech in nashville

it was so funny

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d631ec  No.16963273


I do not believe that you can write prescriptions for yourself.

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7cdc0f  No.16963276

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1d3cca  No.16963288


Welcome to the Third Quarter of 2022.

From Jul 1 to Sep 30 there are 91 days.

The day after Sep 30 is RED OCTOBER.

In the invisible war for the future of our Republic, the tables are now turned. And now, the HUNTERS BECOME THE HUNTED

Patriots In Control!

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7e9317  No.16963314


I need some helP!

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38811f  No.16963322

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cc6f6c  No.16963329



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da5f71  No.16963342




>must buy drowning hunter merch from crew seance

did you help?

when drowning hunter crew seance had merch ?

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128122  No.16963363


that would be so great at the moment!

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8e7f76  No.16963379

The Storm is up on us

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31d806  No.16963387

$54M in Chinese gifts donated to UPenn, home of Biden Center

A government watchdog is demanding the US Attorney probing Hunter Biden in Delaware investigate tens of millions in anonymous donations from China to the University of Pennsylvania, where an academic center is named for his father, President Biden.

The Ivy League college raked in a total of $54.6 million from 2014 through June 2019 in donations from China, including $23.1 million in anonymous gifts starting in 2016, according to public records.

Most of the anonymous donations came after the university announced in February 2017 that it would create the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement. Joe Biden, whose term as vice president had just ended, was to lead the center and was also named a professor at the university.

The center, which is located in Washington, DC., opened its doors in February 2018. Antony Blinken, whom Biden named as Secretary of State, briefly served as its managing director.

The Ivy League university received $15.8 million in anonymous Chinese gifts that year, including one eye-popping $14.5 million donation in May 2018, records show.

The flurry of donations may be related to Hunter Biden’s business interests in China, the National Legal and Policy Center, a Virginia-based watchdog, alleged in complaints sent in May and October 2020 to the Departments of Education and Justice.

Last week, the group asked US Attorney David Weiss to step in and investigate the Chinese largesse to the school as part of his federal tax probe of Hunter Biden.

“We’ve asked … Weiss to pursue the larger network of individuals and institutions who benefited from millions doled out by foreign interests connected to Hunter Biden’s work in China and Ukraine,” said Tom Anderson, director of the NLPC’s Government Integrity Project.

In its 12-page complaint, the watchdog cited a 2017 text found on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop that CEFC China Energy Co, one of the firms that Hunter Biden had a financial stake in, wanted to lobby politicians in the US but did not want to register under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), required for all foreign lobbyists.


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776c9e  No.16963413

"Why haven't you sanctioned Russian oligarch Elena Baturina who did business with your son?"

BIDEN: *confused stare*

Hunter Biden received $3.5 million her in 2014.


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529356  No.16963420


anon nik'd it


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2c9c2a  No.16963424


Yet Trump endorsed him. It defies logic. It would be akin to endorsing Romney. Someone needs to find the weasel in Trump’s circle of advisers and get him/her out. I feel like there’s a weasel in the circle… just a gut feeling. If Trump really knew about some of these people he has endorsed I believe he never would have given them his endorsement.

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149eaa  No.16963438


Oh, excuse my French

*warsh rag

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515560  No.16963444


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a8da31  No.16963451

Rand Paul To Introduce Amendments To Senate Gun Bill



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cc6f6c  No.16963457

She's ded Jim

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6affbb  No.16963461


Did you know that the Aborigines from Australia had some of the lowest cases of contracting the virus?

Music can heal.

Music can protect.

Sound can move water and break glass.

Viruses and bacteria can be pushed away or even destroyed by harmonics.

Yep, the Abbies got a secret.

I wonder what it is?

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f30725  No.16963494


>The FIST-BUMP was for this, perhaps?

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cf8b97  No.16963520


Aviation too.. I'm aware that fucking Awan Spyrings wasn't just in congress

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74992e  No.16963541

Plausible deniability

Lowest denomination

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efc300  No.16963545

There's a lot of gas up over the central US.

Wonder who these boys are refuelling.

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1353ba  No.16963552


dank yo


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fc3b28  No.16963563




They can't even get the headline right without fucking spelling errors.

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acd511  No.16963576


UngaTheGreat, [17.06.22 23:53]

[Forwarded from Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸 (Karli Bonne)]

As Ghislaine Maxwell barked 'Stop!', the chauffeur slammed on the brakes and looked around to see what had caught her attention. It was a young blonde girl — perhaps aged 14, he thought.


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462fba  No.16963577

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6eb7d8  No.16963601


President Richard M. Nixon lashed out repeatedly at "the Jews" he saw at the root of his problems.

"The Jews are all over the government," Nixon complained to his chief of staff, H.R. "Bob" Haldeman, in an Oval Office meeting recorded on one of a set of White House tapes released yesterday at the National Archives. Nixon said the Jews needed to be brought under control by putting someone "in charge who is not Jewish" in key agencies.

Washington "is full of Jews," the president asserted. "Most Jews are disloyal." He made exceptions for some of his top aides, such as national security adviser Henry Kissinger, his White House counsel, Leonard Garment, and one of his speechwriters, William Safire, and then added:

"But, Bob, generally speaking, you can't trust the bastards. They turn on you. Am I wrong or right?"

Haldeman agreed wholeheartedly."Their whole orientation is against you. In this administration, anyway. And they are smart. They have the ability to do what they want to do–which is to hurt us."

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1986c1  No.16963609

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80ab62  No.16963610


Yeah i might have saw it. dont matter both are larps

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d93d32  No.16963614


Something about fisting babies.

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f1523d  No.16963621

Updated dough: Q Research General #20964: G7 SEVEN NATION ARMY COLD WAR 1 NWO

Firstly, R.I.P Dr Zelenko and thank you for your final battle against your own and the globalists, you will never be forgotten for your brave stand to you last breath, Going out fighting is better then dying on your knees.

Semper fi o7

Baker warned yesterday from the language used at nato meeting that they have no need for money with nato, they have a digital printer, they now have a global accounting system, a global health agenda, I.D global passports and now they are going for a global army, Russia, china and the all the countries leaders around the world are involved, you just have to see who has funded the CBDC.

All the research has already been posted by the anons and can be found on Qresear.ch.

Conspiracy Theorist or those paying attention - The army is not there for other armies, they are they for the citizens who when the final push comes will have go underground or fight, with the tech, A.I. bioweapons and survelience in place, they will control the major cities and cut the rest off anon believes, Lets see what happens.

if there was ever a plan, then those who are involved need to step up now, major troop movements are afoot.

sorry for the rant, baker is worried for the sleeping masses.



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aa2870  No.16963624

Reporter: You guys at the White House had some very hard headlines this week about inflation, and about baby formula…did you just schedule it [Biden speaking tonight] to get people to talk about something else?

Jean-Pierre: People have died…this is not about partisan politics here. This is disheartening to hear that this could be used as a political tool.

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a3422c  No.16963631


I know it cracked me the fuck up.

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7eb1aa  No.16963642


Forked tongue doesn't work here fag.

That's exactly what your bosses fear.

Do you publish doomscrolling on the reg.

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0855aa  No.16963660


o7 Jim.

Thanks for standing in the cross-hairs for us all.

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ea98d8  No.16963663


Lots of why it happened but never the actual posts for all to see. No more excuses. An excuse is a lie, plain and simple (ton).

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de6f26  No.16963679



WHY school shootings?

What is more precious than our children?

Emotional pull.

Distraction event.

Gun grab event.

D security. 

WHY would locals go along w/ such a sick organized event?

[THEY must control local police / school / county officials  / etc to work].



Federal aid + donations.

These people are SICK.


Follow the money.

It’s always about the money.


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835377  No.16963713


Why do you want to know the name of Q's user account?

You could claim that it's fake or controlled by admin anyway.

How would you verify that it's actually Qs and that it's not compromised?

I trust Jim.

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19a276  No.16963719


Got my first PC in '97 after retiring my Atari Falcon030. Windows 95. Blue screens every few hours. In college taking Computing Science. Had a book with a CD in the back with something called Linux. Slackware IIRC, with kernel version 0.99.2. Installed it in '97 and never looked back. Fuck MS Internet Explorer.

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af9f2a  No.16963722


it's an lower case "l"

the hashtag part of his tweet

#truthsocia (l) the l is missing

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9c703e  No.16963767

I have no idea what this Pwr index means, but I believe it just the same.


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b945a8  No.16963779


>Q1415 = NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!

Asian climber with metal around neck is #1415

We've got:




23 P@in

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bd8e8e  No.16963788

QAnon Creator ‘Q’ Returns After Nearly Two-Year Hiatus

Fri, June 24, 2022, 11:45 PM

The anonymous message board user known as “Q,” whose cryptic announcements spawned the fascist pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory, has returned to posting after a nearly two-year hiatus.

On Friday night, someone with access to Q’s login credentials posted on 8kun, the anarchic internet community where Q last posted in December 2020.

“Shall we play a game once more?” the first post marking Q’s return to the board read, signed “Q.”

The message was written in the same clue-like format as thousands of earlier Q posts, dubbed “Q Drops” by their fans, that led to the creation of QAnon in late 2017. Q’s followers believe the messages explain the world as it really is, controlled by Satan-worshipping, child-eating pedophiles in the Democratic Party, finance, and other institutions.

In QAnon’s telling, Donald Trump was recruited by the military to run for president in 2016 to take down that nefarious “cabal.” QAnon believers await “The Storm,” an event in which they believe Trump enemies like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama will be executed via orders from a military tribunal, or imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay.

QAnon Leaders Push Followers Into Multi-Level Marketing

The Q poster followed up with two more messages on Friday night. Asked why they had disappeared for more than a year, they wrote, “It had to be done this way.”

“Are you ready to serve your country again?” Q wrote in another post. “Remember your oath.”

Despite its ludicrous claims, QAnon has managed to become a faction within the Republican Party. Two current members of Congress, Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Lauren Boebert (R-CO), have voiced support for QAnon in the past, and more Q backers are expected to win office in the midterms. A 2021 poll found that QAnon’s core tenets have a significant amount of support, with 15 percent of people surveyed saying they believed the world is run by a Satanic pedophile cabal.

Q stopped posting on 8kun in December 2020, shortly after Trump’s election defeat. Ron Watkins, the former 8kun administrator who has often been accused of controlling the QAnon account, is currently running as a longshot candidate for an Arizona House seat.

Watkins, who has denied posting as Q, didn’t respond to an immediate request for comment on Q’s return. It’s not clear whether the new Q posts are meant to coincide with the Supreme Court’s ruling Friday overturning abortion rights.

QAnon has won backing from a number of prominent Trump supporters, including former national security adviser Michael Flynn, comedian Roseanne Barr, and MAGA lawyers Lin Wood and Sidney Powell. A QAnon leader has successfully organized a coalition of secretary of state candidates who could be poised to win control of elections in some battleground states.

The conspiracy theory has also inspired terrorism and multiple murders, as well as providing the inspiration for a number of Capitol rioters.



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00ac52  No.16963789


yes that as well. WEll its been a nice run for those invested.

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7216c5  No.16963793

Ukraine war footage staged by British government – Russian MoD


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6743f7  No.16963808


the absolute state

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431678  No.16963814

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d5b365  No.16963816

Q+ pitching "2000 Mules".

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f8643c  No.16963823


[Watch] Despicable: VP Harris’ Reprehensible

Comments On Abortion And Faith

The Blue State Conservative, by Jordan Case

Posted By: Happy Place USA, 6/19/2022 8:23:24 AM

The fact that we must discuss this topic on Fathers’ Day is unfortunate, but indicative of life in modern America. Democrats, particularly those who are Pro-Abortion, are constantly required to perform an incoherent tap dance in their attempt to legitimize their argument in defiance of both science and faith. It’s an impossible feat to accomplish, but they try it anyway, and some are better at it than others. Vice-President Kamala Harris may be the worst of all at performing the ritual, as we saw once again on Friday. To disregard the scientific facts illustrating

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4a04e5  No.16963825



If she suicides, do her heirs get the bounty?

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ff22fc  No.16963826


It does happen.

I know exactly what he's saying there. Many of us do.

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c8f7ab  No.16963835


>Now we can fish after dark.

Nice! Up here they use flashlights. Kind a modern twist on the old flambeau technique of the Indians. The teens also hunt catfish with their hands.. can’t remember the term. I was going to go magnet fishing this afternoon..

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5299d3  No.16963839

June 14, 2022

8:04 AM EDT

Last Updated 3 hours ago

China bank protest stopped by health codes turning red, depositors say

By Engen Tham

SHANGHAI, June 14 (Reuters) - A protest planned by hundreds of bank depositors in central China seeking access to their frozen funds has been thwarted because the authorities have turned their health code apps red, several depositors told Reuters.

The depositors were planning to travel to the central province of Henan this week from across China to protest against an almost two-month block on accessing at least $178 million of deposits, which has left companies unable to pay workers and individuals unable to access savings. read more

Rights groups have warned China could use its vast COVID surveillance infrastructure to stifle dissent. Without a green code on their smartphone app, citizens lose access to public transport and spaces such as restaurants and malls, as well as the right to travel across the country.

"They are putting digital handcuffs on us," said a depositor from Sichuan province surnamed Chen, who declined to use his full name for fear of government retribution.

The Henan provincial government, the National Health Commission and the Ministry of Public Security did not respond to requests for comment.

After recent COVID outbreaks, some regions in China have asked travellers to register their plans online.

A man surnamed Liu, who lives in Hubei province, found that his health code turned red on the morning of June 12 after he registered the day before to travel to Henan.

Liu had planned to travel to a protest planned for Monday in the Henan provincial capital Zhengzhou, where he had hoped to get his money back. The protest would have been the latest among numerous such demonstrations in Henan in recent months.

More than 200 depositors were similarly blocked when their health codes turned red, according to members of a WeChat group.

It could not be ascertained if the change in code was intended to block the protesters or for another reason, but three depositors told Reuters they knew people who had registered to travel to Henan, who were not connected to the frozen funds, whose codes did not turn red.

Yu Zhou Xin Min Sheng Village Bank, Shangcai Huimin Country Bank and Zhecheng Huanghuai Community Bank froze deposits on April 18, with all three telling customers they were upgrading internal systems. read more

Liu, who declined to give his full name for fear of government repercussions, said his child may not be able to go to school if his code does not soon revert to green.

"I can't do anything, I can't go anywhere. You're treated as though you're a criminal. It infringes on my human rights," said Liu.

Wang Qiong, who lives in the central city of Wuhan, found her health code had turned red after she registered to travel to Henan on June 11.

"The police had my identity details from the last time I went to protest in April," said Wang, who said she has lost access to 2.3 million yuan ($341,550).

Other depositors told Reuters they were able to arrive in Zhengzhou by train and car but their codes turned red as soon as they scanned city health codes.

($1 = 6.7340 Chinese yuan renminbi)


*will bring forward to next bread…

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675a9b  No.16963840


>Dan is telling us something.


thank you for keeping on it anon

a bunch of us are

CAP'd your post just in case Dan decided to throw you a bone

we will learn one way or the other

patience + time = the revealing of all things

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c65a28  No.16963841


This is AFTER her nose job. She had an extreme hooked big beak in Season 1 of Smallville.

All the jar babies have those long horse faces with huge wide mouths.

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