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172a31  No.16930642[View All]





WEF : -



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cc6f6c  No.16963329



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da5f71  No.16963342




>must buy drowning hunter merch from crew seance

did you help?

when drowning hunter crew seance had merch ?

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128122  No.16963363


that would be so great at the moment!

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8e7f76  No.16963379

The Storm is up on us

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31d806  No.16963387

$54M in Chinese gifts donated to UPenn, home of Biden Center

A government watchdog is demanding the US Attorney probing Hunter Biden in Delaware investigate tens of millions in anonymous donations from China to the University of Pennsylvania, where an academic center is named for his father, President Biden.

The Ivy League college raked in a total of $54.6 million from 2014 through June 2019 in donations from China, including $23.1 million in anonymous gifts starting in 2016, according to public records.

Most of the anonymous donations came after the university announced in February 2017 that it would create the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement. Joe Biden, whose term as vice president had just ended, was to lead the center and was also named a professor at the university.

The center, which is located in Washington, DC., opened its doors in February 2018. Antony Blinken, whom Biden named as Secretary of State, briefly served as its managing director.

The Ivy League university received $15.8 million in anonymous Chinese gifts that year, including one eye-popping $14.5 million donation in May 2018, records show.

The flurry of donations may be related to Hunter Biden’s business interests in China, the National Legal and Policy Center, a Virginia-based watchdog, alleged in complaints sent in May and October 2020 to the Departments of Education and Justice.

Last week, the group asked US Attorney David Weiss to step in and investigate the Chinese largesse to the school as part of his federal tax probe of Hunter Biden.

“We’ve asked … Weiss to pursue the larger network of individuals and institutions who benefited from millions doled out by foreign interests connected to Hunter Biden’s work in China and Ukraine,” said Tom Anderson, director of the NLPC’s Government Integrity Project.

In its 12-page complaint, the watchdog cited a 2017 text found on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop that CEFC China Energy Co, one of the firms that Hunter Biden had a financial stake in, wanted to lobby politicians in the US but did not want to register under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), required for all foreign lobbyists.


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776c9e  No.16963413

"Why haven't you sanctioned Russian oligarch Elena Baturina who did business with your son?"

BIDEN: *confused stare*

Hunter Biden received $3.5 million her in 2014.


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529356  No.16963420


anon nik'd it


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2c9c2a  No.16963424


Yet Trump endorsed him. It defies logic. It would be akin to endorsing Romney. Someone needs to find the weasel in Trump’s circle of advisers and get him/her out. I feel like there’s a weasel in the circle… just a gut feeling. If Trump really knew about some of these people he has endorsed I believe he never would have given them his endorsement.

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149eaa  No.16963438


Oh, excuse my French

*warsh rag

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515560  No.16963444


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a8da31  No.16963451

Rand Paul To Introduce Amendments To Senate Gun Bill



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cc6f6c  No.16963457

She's ded Jim

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6affbb  No.16963461


Did you know that the Aborigines from Australia had some of the lowest cases of contracting the virus?

Music can heal.

Music can protect.

Sound can move water and break glass.

Viruses and bacteria can be pushed away or even destroyed by harmonics.

Yep, the Abbies got a secret.

I wonder what it is?

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f30725  No.16963494


>The FIST-BUMP was for this, perhaps?

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cf8b97  No.16963520


Aviation too.. I'm aware that fucking Awan Spyrings wasn't just in congress

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74992e  No.16963541

Plausible deniability

Lowest denomination

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efc300  No.16963545

There's a lot of gas up over the central US.

Wonder who these boys are refuelling.

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1353ba  No.16963552


dank yo


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fc3b28  No.16963563




They can't even get the headline right without fucking spelling errors.

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acd511  No.16963576


UngaTheGreat, [17.06.22 23:53]

[Forwarded from Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸 (Karli Bonne)]

As Ghislaine Maxwell barked 'Stop!', the chauffeur slammed on the brakes and looked around to see what had caught her attention. It was a young blonde girl — perhaps aged 14, he thought.


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462fba  No.16963577

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6eb7d8  No.16963601


President Richard M. Nixon lashed out repeatedly at "the Jews" he saw at the root of his problems.

"The Jews are all over the government," Nixon complained to his chief of staff, H.R. "Bob" Haldeman, in an Oval Office meeting recorded on one of a set of White House tapes released yesterday at the National Archives. Nixon said the Jews needed to be brought under control by putting someone "in charge who is not Jewish" in key agencies.

Washington "is full of Jews," the president asserted. "Most Jews are disloyal." He made exceptions for some of his top aides, such as national security adviser Henry Kissinger, his White House counsel, Leonard Garment, and one of his speechwriters, William Safire, and then added:

"But, Bob, generally speaking, you can't trust the bastards. They turn on you. Am I wrong or right?"

Haldeman agreed wholeheartedly."Their whole orientation is against you. In this administration, anyway. And they are smart. They have the ability to do what they want to do–which is to hurt us."

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1986c1  No.16963609

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80ab62  No.16963610


Yeah i might have saw it. dont matter both are larps

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d93d32  No.16963614


Something about fisting babies.

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f1523d  No.16963621

Updated dough: Q Research General #20964: G7 SEVEN NATION ARMY COLD WAR 1 NWO

Firstly, R.I.P Dr Zelenko and thank you for your final battle against your own and the globalists, you will never be forgotten for your brave stand to you last breath, Going out fighting is better then dying on your knees.

Semper fi o7

Baker warned yesterday from the language used at nato meeting that they have no need for money with nato, they have a digital printer, they now have a global accounting system, a global health agenda, I.D global passports and now they are going for a global army, Russia, china and the all the countries leaders around the world are involved, you just have to see who has funded the CBDC.

All the research has already been posted by the anons and can be found on Qresear.ch.

Conspiracy Theorist or those paying attention - The army is not there for other armies, they are they for the citizens who when the final push comes will have go underground or fight, with the tech, A.I. bioweapons and survelience in place, they will control the major cities and cut the rest off anon believes, Lets see what happens.

if there was ever a plan, then those who are involved need to step up now, major troop movements are afoot.

sorry for the rant, baker is worried for the sleeping masses.



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aa2870  No.16963624

Reporter: You guys at the White House had some very hard headlines this week about inflation, and about baby formula…did you just schedule it [Biden speaking tonight] to get people to talk about something else?

Jean-Pierre: People have died…this is not about partisan politics here. This is disheartening to hear that this could be used as a political tool.

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a3422c  No.16963631


I know it cracked me the fuck up.

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7eb1aa  No.16963642


Forked tongue doesn't work here fag.

That's exactly what your bosses fear.

Do you publish doomscrolling on the reg.

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0855aa  No.16963660


o7 Jim.

Thanks for standing in the cross-hairs for us all.

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ea98d8  No.16963663


Lots of why it happened but never the actual posts for all to see. No more excuses. An excuse is a lie, plain and simple (ton).

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de6f26  No.16963679



WHY school shootings?

What is more precious than our children?

Emotional pull.

Distraction event.

Gun grab event.

D security. 

WHY would locals go along w/ such a sick organized event?

[THEY must control local police / school / county officials  / etc to work].



Federal aid + donations.

These people are SICK.


Follow the money.

It’s always about the money.


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835377  No.16963713


Why do you want to know the name of Q's user account?

You could claim that it's fake or controlled by admin anyway.

How would you verify that it's actually Qs and that it's not compromised?

I trust Jim.

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19a276  No.16963719


Got my first PC in '97 after retiring my Atari Falcon030. Windows 95. Blue screens every few hours. In college taking Computing Science. Had a book with a CD in the back with something called Linux. Slackware IIRC, with kernel version 0.99.2. Installed it in '97 and never looked back. Fuck MS Internet Explorer.

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af9f2a  No.16963722


it's an lower case "l"

the hashtag part of his tweet

#truthsocia (l) the l is missing

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9c703e  No.16963767

I have no idea what this Pwr index means, but I believe it just the same.


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b945a8  No.16963779


>Q1415 = NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!

Asian climber with metal around neck is #1415

We've got:




23 P@in

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bd8e8e  No.16963788

QAnon Creator ‘Q’ Returns After Nearly Two-Year Hiatus

Fri, June 24, 2022, 11:45 PM

The anonymous message board user known as “Q,” whose cryptic announcements spawned the fascist pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory, has returned to posting after a nearly two-year hiatus.

On Friday night, someone with access to Q’s login credentials posted on 8kun, the anarchic internet community where Q last posted in December 2020.

“Shall we play a game once more?” the first post marking Q’s return to the board read, signed “Q.”

The message was written in the same clue-like format as thousands of earlier Q posts, dubbed “Q Drops” by their fans, that led to the creation of QAnon in late 2017. Q’s followers believe the messages explain the world as it really is, controlled by Satan-worshipping, child-eating pedophiles in the Democratic Party, finance, and other institutions.

In QAnon’s telling, Donald Trump was recruited by the military to run for president in 2016 to take down that nefarious “cabal.” QAnon believers await “The Storm,” an event in which they believe Trump enemies like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama will be executed via orders from a military tribunal, or imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay.

QAnon Leaders Push Followers Into Multi-Level Marketing

The Q poster followed up with two more messages on Friday night. Asked why they had disappeared for more than a year, they wrote, “It had to be done this way.”

“Are you ready to serve your country again?” Q wrote in another post. “Remember your oath.”

Despite its ludicrous claims, QAnon has managed to become a faction within the Republican Party. Two current members of Congress, Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Lauren Boebert (R-CO), have voiced support for QAnon in the past, and more Q backers are expected to win office in the midterms. A 2021 poll found that QAnon’s core tenets have a significant amount of support, with 15 percent of people surveyed saying they believed the world is run by a Satanic pedophile cabal.

Q stopped posting on 8kun in December 2020, shortly after Trump’s election defeat. Ron Watkins, the former 8kun administrator who has often been accused of controlling the QAnon account, is currently running as a longshot candidate for an Arizona House seat.

Watkins, who has denied posting as Q, didn’t respond to an immediate request for comment on Q’s return. It’s not clear whether the new Q posts are meant to coincide with the Supreme Court’s ruling Friday overturning abortion rights.

QAnon has won backing from a number of prominent Trump supporters, including former national security adviser Michael Flynn, comedian Roseanne Barr, and MAGA lawyers Lin Wood and Sidney Powell. A QAnon leader has successfully organized a coalition of secretary of state candidates who could be poised to win control of elections in some battleground states.

The conspiracy theory has also inspired terrorism and multiple murders, as well as providing the inspiration for a number of Capitol rioters.



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00ac52  No.16963789


yes that as well. WEll its been a nice run for those invested.

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7216c5  No.16963793

Ukraine war footage staged by British government – Russian MoD


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6743f7  No.16963808


the absolute state

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431678  No.16963814

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d5b365  No.16963816

Q+ pitching "2000 Mules".

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f8643c  No.16963823


[Watch] Despicable: VP Harris’ Reprehensible

Comments On Abortion And Faith

The Blue State Conservative, by Jordan Case

Posted By: Happy Place USA, 6/19/2022 8:23:24 AM

The fact that we must discuss this topic on Fathers’ Day is unfortunate, but indicative of life in modern America. Democrats, particularly those who are Pro-Abortion, are constantly required to perform an incoherent tap dance in their attempt to legitimize their argument in defiance of both science and faith. It’s an impossible feat to accomplish, but they try it anyway, and some are better at it than others. Vice-President Kamala Harris may be the worst of all at performing the ritual, as we saw once again on Friday. To disregard the scientific facts illustrating

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4a04e5  No.16963825



If she suicides, do her heirs get the bounty?

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ff22fc  No.16963826


It does happen.

I know exactly what he's saying there. Many of us do.

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c8f7ab  No.16963835


>Now we can fish after dark.

Nice! Up here they use flashlights. Kind a modern twist on the old flambeau technique of the Indians. The teens also hunt catfish with their hands.. can’t remember the term. I was going to go magnet fishing this afternoon..

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5299d3  No.16963839

June 14, 2022

8:04 AM EDT

Last Updated 3 hours ago

China bank protest stopped by health codes turning red, depositors say

By Engen Tham

SHANGHAI, June 14 (Reuters) - A protest planned by hundreds of bank depositors in central China seeking access to their frozen funds has been thwarted because the authorities have turned their health code apps red, several depositors told Reuters.

The depositors were planning to travel to the central province of Henan this week from across China to protest against an almost two-month block on accessing at least $178 million of deposits, which has left companies unable to pay workers and individuals unable to access savings. read more

Rights groups have warned China could use its vast COVID surveillance infrastructure to stifle dissent. Without a green code on their smartphone app, citizens lose access to public transport and spaces such as restaurants and malls, as well as the right to travel across the country.

"They are putting digital handcuffs on us," said a depositor from Sichuan province surnamed Chen, who declined to use his full name for fear of government retribution.

The Henan provincial government, the National Health Commission and the Ministry of Public Security did not respond to requests for comment.

After recent COVID outbreaks, some regions in China have asked travellers to register their plans online.

A man surnamed Liu, who lives in Hubei province, found that his health code turned red on the morning of June 12 after he registered the day before to travel to Henan.

Liu had planned to travel to a protest planned for Monday in the Henan provincial capital Zhengzhou, where he had hoped to get his money back. The protest would have been the latest among numerous such demonstrations in Henan in recent months.

More than 200 depositors were similarly blocked when their health codes turned red, according to members of a WeChat group.

It could not be ascertained if the change in code was intended to block the protesters or for another reason, but three depositors told Reuters they knew people who had registered to travel to Henan, who were not connected to the frozen funds, whose codes did not turn red.

Yu Zhou Xin Min Sheng Village Bank, Shangcai Huimin Country Bank and Zhecheng Huanghuai Community Bank froze deposits on April 18, with all three telling customers they were upgrading internal systems. read more

Liu, who declined to give his full name for fear of government repercussions, said his child may not be able to go to school if his code does not soon revert to green.

"I can't do anything, I can't go anywhere. You're treated as though you're a criminal. It infringes on my human rights," said Liu.

Wang Qiong, who lives in the central city of Wuhan, found her health code had turned red after she registered to travel to Henan on June 11.

"The police had my identity details from the last time I went to protest in April," said Wang, who said she has lost access to 2.3 million yuan ($341,550).

Other depositors told Reuters they were able to arrive in Zhengzhou by train and car but their codes turned red as soon as they scanned city health codes.

($1 = 6.7340 Chinese yuan renminbi)


*will bring forward to next bread…

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675a9b  No.16963840


>Dan is telling us something.


thank you for keeping on it anon

a bunch of us are

CAP'd your post just in case Dan decided to throw you a bone

we will learn one way or the other

patience + time = the revealing of all things

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c65a28  No.16963841


This is AFTER her nose job. She had an extreme hooked big beak in Season 1 of Smallville.

All the jar babies have those long horse faces with huge wide mouths.

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