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File: 53ad79564fd16e1⋯.png (877.13 KB, 1588x1072, 397:268, _banner_.png)

02ca9e  No.16871870[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

Saturday 06.25.2022

>>16521604 rt >>16520866, >>16521137 —— Established. (Who was "Jane Roe"? 50 years of conditioning.)

Friday 06.24.2022

>>16506930 ————————————–——– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.

>>16505677 rt >>16505361 ———–––——–— It had to be done this way.

>>16504957 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game once more?

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Banner: Iwo Jima - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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952072  No.16871974


Covid is Over

Burn the Mask

Defend your freedoms

Save the Children from the abuse

Frog March Fauci

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a49916  No.16871984


we hurr

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273743  No.16871985


Maybe anons can help, kek


J6 Unselect Committee is in Full Meltdown Mode

Uncensored Storm Published June 14, 2022 82 Views

The J6 Unselect Committee is in full meltdown mode.They postponed the hearing tomorrow because it’s “exhausting” to put together the videos and exhibits 😂🤣😂🤣

They’ve had 17 months to get their shit together! Lol!

Now consider that yesterday there was a disagreement between all the crooks on the committee about whether they will file criminal referrals against DJT to the DOJ.

Hahaha this is good stuff. Panic!







The Metaverse Is Worse Than You Think!5m28s

The Metaverse Is Worse Than You Think!

Lee Camp

Six-year-old incredibly completes salmon ladder challenge9s

Six-year-old incredibly completes salmon ladder challenge


$2.57 earned

Dramatic toddler thinks she's found a scary bug22s

Dramatic toddler thinks she's found a scary bug


$6.60 earned

Hoes Mad: The GriftMan Cometh - Whiskey, Gin, Vodka and Rants? Audience Choice4h47m04s

Hoes Mad: The GriftMan Cometh - Whiskey, Gin, Vodka and Rants? Audience Choice

Rekieta Law

[1443] “Security Safe” Opened With A FORK: SentrySafe P008E2m42s

[1443] “Security Safe” Opened With A FORK: SentrySafe P008E


The Florida Life 🏝 | Jim Breuer Stand Up Comedy10m34s

The Florida Life 🏝 | Jim Breuer Stand Up Comedy

Jim Breuer

the Government in 2 years1m14s

the Government in 2 years

Tyler Fischer

$12 CRAZY DAY at Kerala Theme Park 🇮🇳46m19s

$12 CRAZY DAY at Kerala Theme Park 🇮🇳

World Nomac

Bill Barr: Trump Believed the Bullshit31m27s

Bill Barr: Trump Believed the Bullshit

The Dershow

Justin Bieber's Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, COVID Long Haulers, Paxlovid & Your Calls - Ask Dr. Drew1h06m47s

Justin Bieber's Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, COVID Long Haulers, Paxlovid & Your Calls - Ask Dr. Drew

Dr. Drew

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f31fb5  No.16872004


Yep. The space up there is malleable, so no issues.

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159c49  No.16872005


wasted 7s. Should've said something cool like "niggers are worthless" or "FUCK NIGGERS"

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f97d65  No.16872015

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952072  No.16872018


>Checkmate faggots


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952072  No.16872025


Needs pics. Chillum is usually pretty good at doing that.

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50a916  No.16872061

AFP News Agency


#UPDATE British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the Conservatives suffer two crushing parliamentary by-election defeats, including in a seat in southwest England held by the party for over a century.

The Tories lost the Tiverton and Honiton seat to the Liberal Democrats


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50a916  No.16872069


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273743  No.16872071

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f97d65  No.16872081


In this country "proud Boys" would mean a "Gay group of men"

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335a28  No.16872098

File: 25da669302d15dd⋯.jpg (288.98 KB, 818x500, 409:250, Sunset_Montage.jpg)

that fuckin bot must go.

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3d4fb1  No.16872101


The Russian Federation Representative to the UN said today that there is video where you can hear Ukrainian radicals saying to shoot those who are not wearing a blue armband.

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a49916  No.16872127

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277a83  No.16872177


Fucking bullshit! This is not even folded as in an envelope! Schiff junior right here. Scab on the face of the Earth. More projection and False flag attempts to victimize himself (typical LIBERAL behavior) and demonize his opponents (letter suggests Christians).

I'm gonna call this faggot Adam Smollet from now on.

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335a28  No.16872181

File: 96639006dea9ec6⋯.png (843.83 KB, 1620x810, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)



culture n sheeit

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277a83  No.16872184

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958de6  No.16872188

File: 1334a8429d7e677⋯.jpg (2.46 MB, 1296x9000, 18:125, 1566683469124.jpg)

File: 26f4aeed6ba6d46⋯.png (82.65 KB, 755x479, 755:479, d69dcde72f093c4da2724d40b3….png)

File: fb521ba1927abc5⋯.jpg (291.14 KB, 1242x1686, 207:281, eeb4ba5ae3bfebce40a9946350….jpg)

File: e2388aff0d0b12a⋯.png (85.21 KB, 648x724, 162:181, 1557280471545.png)


MTG, another zionist clown:



"President Trump was correct in defunding and withdrawing from the Un Human Rights Council. Since its founding in 2006, the Council has passed 0 resolutions against China and over 85 condemning Israel."

So she too is infected by the zionist special interest apparatus, which is treason because giving aid and/or comfort to an enemy of the United States (which Israel is) is treason.

Reminder that Israel has been selling secret US Military tech to China for decades now:


"How Israel betrays US"


More on the proximity between Israel and China:


Proof that Israel uses the US Military to fight its wars and that US Armed Forces are nothing but cannon fodder for Israel:


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a49916  No.16872189

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b989a0  No.16872192

Biden accomplishments

1. Highest gas prices

2. Worst inflation

3. Plummeting crypto prices

4. Highest rent prices ever

5. Created new incomprehensible language

If you’re reading this and voted for Biden and you still don’t regret it then you are the American problem.


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50a916  No.16872193


What do you think the anons were recruited and trained for if not for such a time as when this thing finally collapses?

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273743  No.16872199


Anon tier dig. He needs to come here and work for free to save the world. Joking…not joking.

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c50d50  No.16872209


they were always after the children especially

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6e31ae  No.16872240

Bidan blaming others for his own actions. Everyone knows by now Bidan etc are responsible for everything at this point.


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02ca9e  No.16872247


Baker on duty

if you has notable

b sure to use image



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958de6  No.16872248

File: aedd4f25b64661c⋯.png (602.62 KB, 757x827, 757:827, 1531184525692.png)

File: 1d7a6d90432ad15⋯.png (83.31 KB, 1036x710, 518:355, 1536188279218.png)

File: 674c17229b9a2a2⋯.png (288.95 KB, 851x644, 37:28, 1537468528364.png)

File: ed7c2d6d471240f⋯.png (1.63 MB, 2200x890, 220:89, 1509306188694.png)

File: c1652e60fa1bbaa⋯.png (1.99 MB, 791x7652, 791:7652, 1503256290897_1_.png)


Paul Gosar, another zionist clown:



Note that one of the main excuses Gosar's campaign tries to use to justify (the unjustifiable) support of Israel is "the fight against ISIS", when it's fully verifiable that Israel is directly related to ISIS (ISIS works for Israel and receives direct support from them) because Israel benefits from a destabilized Syria. Proofs here:

Antifa 4 part info graph about the relationship between Antifa, George Soros, ISIS and Israel:





Hilary Clinton wikileaks email confirms Obama administration has deliberately provoked the civil war in Syria (which ISIS helped with against the Assad regime) as the “best way to help Israel.”:


Article about this issue:





A newly-released Hilary Clinton email confirmed that the Obama administration has deliberately provoked the civil war in Syria as the “best way to help Israel.”

In an indication of her murderous and psychopathic nature, Clinton also wrote that it was the “right thing” to personally threaten Bashar Assad’s family with death.



Former Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israeli Collaboration with ISIS in Syria



Ex-defense minister says IS ‘apologized’ to Israel for November clash



Top 10 Indications or Proofs ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation


ISIS fighters APOLOGISED after launching an attack on Israeli soldiers, former defence minister reveals



Israel ‘giving secret aid to Syrian rebels’, report says



Israeli Intel Chief: We Don’t Want ISIS Defeated in Syria



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a49916  No.16872252

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b989a0  No.16872261


They are control freaks.

Draconian pyramid control structure in place, that took thousands of years.

They are fucking raging that they do not control us here.

Their white Draco lizard overlords are shitting bricks

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335a28  No.16872279

File: 56f6881f4f6fdc3⋯.png (490.37 KB, 1054x948, 527:474, ClipboardImage.png)


Boris wants to be Churchill.

Boris Johnson tipped for NATO job – reports


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c50d50  No.16872280


Off to where ever doing what ever getting the same zero results as when he was in the spotlight.

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277a83  No.16872281


>post truth society

generalized reality

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c18306  No.16872287


Long time Constitutional Law Fag here.

If DC gets to vote, the Corporation of the United States of America has been eliminated.

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c50d50  No.16872301


Published 17 hours ago…4/23.

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6e31ae  No.16872304

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958de6  No.16872309

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The US is a vassal state controlled by zionist traitors:


Zionism in the West must perish, or the Western people will. If the Founding Fathers were around today they would have started shooting zionists on sight a long time ago (disclaimer: always follow the law).

Solution: have all zionists (Jew or Gentile) deported or hung for treason (legally off course) and ban the Talmud (which is anti-Christian, anti-Gentile (in a racial way) and approves of pedophilia) and ban male genital mutilation (aka circumcision) too.


"Just a reminder that an intelligence officer from Israel took influential Americans to an island to rape kids so Israel could secretly film it and use it as blackmail.

Then, when he got caught he was assassinated so he couldn't rat on more people.

And we still give billions of dollars to Israel, and if you question this at all you are labeled an anti-Semite and multiple groups will work to destroy your life."

How Israel controls the mainstream and "alt"-media:


"My experience in conservative media was exactly what you would imagine. I had some success, then a little goblin named Matt Tyrmand was like hey do you want to be part of the Zionist Agent Poso influencer project for Israel, and I was like no, and they systemically destroyed my life in every way. So, yeah, America."

How mossad destroys the lives of Westerners who" dare" criticizing Israel:


The power of the media:


The insidiousness of Jewish power:


"Our Destroyed Country"



Civil War in the US is inevitable because social cohesion, national unity and social trust are gone and they are never coming back (it took over 80 years of internal sabotage to achieve it via demographic/ethnic and cultural subversion, and the damage is permanent and irreversible), the future will be decided by those strong and determined enough to carve their own future when they rebuild from the ashes of the already dead USA:



Jews control America, and one proof of that fact is that they try to destroy anyone that openly states that fact:


The West is not dying, it's being killed. And the people killing it have names and addresses (disclaimer: always follow the law):


How Jews subverted China with their nation wrecking communism:




"Half of Americans expect a second U.S. civil war within YEARS, more than 40% agree with 'great replacement theory' and nearly a fifth expect they will choose to bring a gun to a violent political row, alarming poll shows"

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6e31ae  No.16872311

My boyfriend's back and you're gonna be in trouble

(Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back)

When you see him comin' you better cut out on the double

(Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back)

You've been spreadin' lies that I was untrue

(Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back)

So look out now 'cause he's comin' after you

(Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back)

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c50d50  No.16872314




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49cf7f  No.16872330

File: b78854da2a5e6d4⋯.png (252.48 KB, 296x354, 148:177, 5eca9eb8fddc2a3026b092262e….png)


so no namefaggin, famefaggin for the fun of it, just if notable?

aksin for the marvel crew yo

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277a83  No.16872340


Female ?

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25c9fa  No.16872350



Mitigation efforts ongoing

We are up against a bitter enemy.


Only being over the target would cause such fierce and constant attacks.

God bless this board, God Bless America


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958de6  No.16872357

File: 24ec8f1fac16288⋯.mp4 (10.1 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 532bb8800fbad3a3.mp4)


Here is an interview with one of the people victimized by the Israeli mossad Epstein pedo blackmail operation.

And keep this in mind: NONE of their victims was Jewish, they ONLY TARGETED GENTILES (aka non-Jews).

Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell are both Jews that were working for Mossad to blackmail US politicians for the benefit of Israel.

And Robert Maxwell, Ghislane's father who was also a Mossad agent, owned McGraw Hill textbooks, one of the biggest sources of education material for children:



"THE MEDIA : PUBLISHERS: Units to Merge : McGraw-Hill and Maxwell to Merge Units"



Death to Israel and all the traitors who support it (legally off course, as punishment for the crime of treason).






All AIPAC agents are enemies of the people and need to be physically removed from the US by any means necessary ASAP (legally off course), including possibly death penalty for treason:


Israeli Jews Demand that American Jews serve Israel in the "battle of words" their whole lives:


"Lessons from this:

1. Jews REALLY care about the "battle of words"–meaning the work we do, even here on Gab, really matters (all the more so when we break out of our "echo chambers" and carry these ideas into "normie" territory).

2. Israel does not train for defensive warfare. If the war ever had to be fought on Israeli soil, Israel would fall.

3. We must let the war of words stay focused on Israel's nature, never allow the dialogue to shift toward criticism of us or why we cannot (or will not) "accept Israel".

4. We must anticipate that Jews will attempt to claim that Israel's power and influence is trivial or minimal, and be prepared to counter this by pointing out the facts (i.e. related to Jewish organization of wealth and actors in key institutions, internationally)."



"Monica Lewinsky is a jew that was working on behalf of Mossad to blackmail President Bill Clinton for the benefit of Israel."



How long will Western people allow Israel first Jewish infiltrators and traitors to order them around like obidient cattle?


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b989a0  No.16872369


previous bread

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c18306  No.16872370



>didn't this woman say this like two years ago!?

ffs, this

these 'replays' are getting more obvious and bizarre

saturation tactics for the psyop

like with Malone and Ardis

they know when the shift in mass awareness will occur

that's when the next phase begins

the obviousness is ominous imho

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277a83  No.16872375


Ultra Pepe Deluxe, [01.07.22 08:03]

[ Photo ]

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6e31ae  No.16872389

I have AWESOME coffee! it turns around shitty days to productive bitch slaps to the BAAL cult. see they wana mind fuck me in 2022 and I mind fucked them, they wanna punch me in the gut, and it's true, they got a little in, but so did I get some in on them in reverse this time. Reverse means they GET every single piece of their SHIT magic back.

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277a83  No.16872396



National Children's Alliance

NCA has/had some powerful partners. NCA partners include:

National Coalition to End Child Abuse Deaths

- Every Child Matters Education Fund - this page can not be reached

-National Association of Social Workers

-National District Attorneys Association

- National Center for the Review and Prevention of Child Deaths - this page can not be reached

- -the above formedThe National Coalition to End Child Abuse Deathsin2009

- - urged Congress and the Administration to address the deaths in America of children

- - Every day nearly 8 children die from abuse and neglect

- -January 2013, Congress passed the Protect Our Kids Act, a major milestone in the Coalition’s work

- - - The act created a bi-partisan, two-yearCommission to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities

- - - - consisted of 12 members appointed by thePresident and congressional leaders

- - - - recommend a comprehensive national strategy to reduce and prevent child abuse and neglect fatalities

- - - - Coalition will work with/follow Commission and urge collective memberships to attend and provide testimony at public hearings

National Child Abuse Coalition

"The National Child Abuse Coalition is a group of national voluntary and professional organizations; the Coalition embodies a commitment to

coordinate federal advocacy effortson behalf of abused and neglected children. The National Child Abuse Coalition has become a

resource for advocacyand afocal point for leadership and strategyonfederal legislative issuesin child maltreatment."

Children’s Leadership Council

"The Children’s Leadership Council is a coalition of organizations that are dedicated to improving the lives, health, education and well-being of our nation’s children and youth."


"NCA strongly supports all efforts to end human trafficking. NCA has joined forces with ECPAT, which is anon-governmental organization

andglobal network of organizationsdedicated to ending the commercial sexual exploitation of children."

Human Rights 4 Girls

"NCA has also joined forces with Rights 4 Girls, a human rights organization focused on gender-based violence and its impact on vulnerable young women and girls in the U.S., to combat human trafficking."

American Academy of Pediatrics

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is an organization of62,000 pediatricians

committed to the optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. As such, it has

joined together with NCA to urge Congressto support the work that we do on the national level, as well as the work that our member centers do in communities across the country.


Archived -> https://archive.ph/H1H1h

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958de6  No.16872411

File: e16d6ab7da5a35b⋯.mp4 (10.98 MB, 848x464, 53:29, 7b259c9162c7048a.mp4)


Israeli Jews Demand that American Jews serve Israel in the "battle of words" their whole lives:


"Lessons from this:

1. Jews REALLY care about the "battle of words"–meaning the work we do, even here on Gab, really matters (all the more so when we break out of our "echo chambers" and carry these ideas into "normie" territory).

2. Israel does not train for defensive warfare. If the war ever had to be fought on Israeli soil, Israel would fall.

3. We must let the war of words stay focused on Israel's nature, never allow the dialogue to shift toward criticism of us or why we cannot (or will not) "accept Israel".

4. We must anticipate that Jews will attempt to claim that Israel's power and influence is trivial or minimal, and be prepared to counter this by pointing out the facts (i.e. related to Jewish organization of wealth and actors in key institutions, internationally)."

"Literally taking on the ADL, MSNBC, Media Matters, Right Wing Watch, and the entire Democratic machine from my basement in my pajamas with a web cam and Gab.

And winning.

Now you know why they want you shut up on social media."


"These jews are terribly concerned about our civil, non-profane language.

They want to censor and silence you even if you don’t break any laws, rules, terms of service, and are polite."


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277a83  No.16872412


Like women who regret abortions, trans regrets must be silenced by the powers that be.

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958de6  No.16872451

File: bcb2cda7cd166e9⋯.mp4 (5.33 MB, 854x480, 427:240, ea9ab12632bfab13.mp4)


Now, I have no idea how legit Hitler was in his opposition against the Jewish mafia (in the past I thought he should have killed all the Rothschilds while he had the chance, and he didn't, but there is chance that he did not had that chance, as explained here: https://archive.vn/aeAey ), but this compilation of speeches he did still ring true today. Not a Nazi btw, but the man said some truths that haven't changed since his time.

Compilation of some Hitler speeches on what was the problem at his time:


I would have the video embedded in the post, but it seems that the board administration has blocked it from being embedded (it worked the first time, but doesn't anymore, use the link to watch it), so the video embedded is instead of a Jewish Rabbi explaining to his congregation why Hitler didn't liked Jews.

Also anon noted:

"Hitler was voted for by a nation of Christians in response to the leftist atheist degeneracy of the Weimar years."


"The entire WWll narrative requires you to believe that Hitler was a monster with an irrational and unfounded hatred of jews.

Because if you start asking why, and the answer is that jews were behind communism, Antifa, transgenderism, market manipulation, inflation and buying politicians…

You might start to see similar patterns in who and what is happening today."

More people should do some research into WW1/2 and Weimar Germany (i.e. Jew controlled Germany, the Germany between the wars).

>First trannies and sex change operations, via jews

>Communist hotbed, pushed by jews

>Media and academia controlled by jews

>Rampant pornography, pushed by jews

>Frankfurt School was founded there, by jews

>Riots in the streets, pushed by jews

>War declared on Germany in 1933, by jews

>Child sex rings, via jews

>Economy purposely tanked, via jews

>etc. etc.

Sound familiar? The USA has become Weimar 2.0

"Weimar Republic: The jewish Babylon"


"Berlin, Sin City of Weimar Germany"


Book: "Voluptuous Panic: The Erotic World of Weimar":


Jews sabotaged Germany during WW1 and started a civil war among many other things (see above videos), and continued their subversion through the 20's and early 30's until Hitler took power.

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b989a0  No.16872456


dream on

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335a28  No.16872464

File: 18acfe2fc010e89⋯.png (493.67 KB, 708x817, 708:817, Red_Text_Moist_Gretchen_Wh….png)

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b989a0  No.16872465


been watching at least 3 hours, worth archiving for sure

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b989a0  No.16872490


He can't function properly in public.


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25c9fa  No.16872492


>if you has notable b sure to use image

also include proof of the DATE

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a49916  No.16872493

Maybe the timelines flow this way…

CERN creates a (only one???)StarGate and after a few years the StarGate become normal enough for civilian use…years after some billion people are now on other planets…CERN decides to upgrade and causes the "Singularity"…which starts planet Earth all over again…which could be how they were able to find the sandskrits, the StarGate, the pyramids and pic attached…

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989900  No.16872495


It was prolly OSS slipping back in incognito and what was deleted was prolly the entire fucking Protocols.

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226a0c  No.16872496

Trump’s former chief of staff John Kelly is ‘Jekyll-and-Hyde’ bully who once SHOVED Ivanka out of the way following testy Oval Office meeting,Jared Kushner claims in new memoir

In a shocking new allegation from his forthcoming memoir, Jared Kushner alleges that four-star General John Kelly shoved Ivanka Trump

The incident occurred following a volatile meeting in the Oval Office involving President Donald Trump

According to Kushner, Kelly later offered a 'meek apology' for the alleged shove

In his book, 'Breaking History: A White House Memoir,' Kushner goes on to paint Kelly as a bully who was a 'Jeykll-and-Hyde' figure in the White House

Kelly has denied the allegation and making the apology

At the time of Kelly's ousting as chief of staff in 2018, multiple reports cited Kushner and Ivanka as wanting him out of the Trump administration

July 27, 2022

Donald Trump's former chief of staff John Kelly once shoved Ivanka Trump out of the way as he left a fraught Oval Office meeting, Jared Kushner claims.

Writing in his upcoming memoir Breaking History, Kushner paints Kelly as a 'Jekyll-and-Hyde'-style bully who once assaulted the first daughter while storming past her.

He recalled: 'One day he had just marched out of a contentious meeting in the Oval Office. Ivanka was walking down the main hallway in the West Wing when she passed him. Unaware of his heated state of mind, she said, ‘Hello, chief.’

He continued: 'Kelly shoved her out of the way and stormed by. She wasn’t hurt, and didn’t make a big deal about the altercation, but in his rage Kelly had shown his true character.'

Kushner, who served as one of ex-President Donald Trump's closest advisors, said that the incident occurred following a volatile meeting in the Oval Office, according to the Washington Post.

The date when the incident took place has not been shared, and no further details were given on the meeting that is said to have inflamed Kelly.

Following the alleged shove, Kelly offered Ivanka a 'meek apology' that was accepted.

In response to the allegation, Kelly told the Post: 'It is inconceivable that I would EVER shove a woman. Inconceivable. Never happen. Would never intentionally do something like that. Also, don’t remember ever apologizing to her for something I didn’t do. I’d remember that.'

Though Kushner says that Ivanka's chief of staff, Julie Radford, heard Kelly deliver the apology. Both Radford and Ivanka told the Post that Kushner's recalling of the incident is correct.

Sauce: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11056321/Jared-Kushner-accused-four-star-General-John-Kelly-shoving-Ivanka-Trump-White-House.html


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02ca9e  No.16872499

File: 79f05826db96ecc⋯.jpg (91.41 KB, 605x604, 605:604, 60362036_216637642625258_9….jpg)


Can you lock/delete all the #24's and logs pls?



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958de6  No.16872508

File: d83173c3d81b067⋯.mp4 (3.1 MB, 640x352, 20:11, netanyahu_unaware_of_the_c….mp4)

File: 624f0ad65cc5904⋯.mp4 (1.76 MB, 640x480, 4:3, D2YzyDwsdhzW.mp4)

File: bdaf3045b97290b⋯.mp4 (865.11 KB, 854x480, 427:240, s6Wg4PQ50tsT.mp4)

File: 8deb2a8911ba7db⋯.mp4 (4.08 MB, 854x442, 427:221, yt1s_com_What_Did_He_Mean_….mp4)

File: a4d6f060a8897c7⋯.mp4 (3.02 MB, 640x360, 16:9, _zkXcMMT_Oki3X9n.mp4)


Until each and every zionist in the West (Jew or Gentile) is either deported or hanged (legally, off course), any notion of "justice" is fraudulent, disingenuos, and a complete attempt to once again trick the people about them having any power or saying on how their countries are run.

There are no political parties, there is only the Israel first uniparty.


https://archive.vn/EryE9 - "Just for some perspective"

A quote:


The Democratic party gets 50% of its funding from Jews (1) and 70% of Jews voted Democrat in 2016 (2) (3). Jews voted 79% Democrat in 2018 (4).

Add to that the fact that Jews make up 25% of the donations to Republicans (1).

The biggest donor to Trump, Sheldon Adelson, has said that he regretted serving in the US and not having served in Israel (5), and that his biggest mission in life is to defend Israel. (6) He also said that assimilation is a bad thing for Jews in the West. (7)

You have 2% of the population making 37,5% of all political donations. And those 2% belong to the same group that controls the MSM (8) (9) and Hollywood (which shape public opinion and sways voting) (10) (11) (12) AND its the same group that tells Social Media companies what is to be allowed to be said and what must be censored (13) (14).

That same group has pressured the US Congress to pass laws that make it illegal to criticize Jews and Israel in any way shape or form no matter how legitimate the criticism might be (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21), and it's also one of the main forces behind the fight against the 2nd Amend of the US Constitution (22) (23).



Counter-zionist subversion compilation:


How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump:



The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:



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de7ded  No.16872514


I find it interesting that the people who despise and criticize Christians are the same ones who insist that Mormons are Christians and "good" people?

Can't have it both ways.

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25221e  No.16872526


with a face like that, he must work the casting couch like a genius

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226a0c  No.16872527


> General John Kelly shoved Ivanka

The 72 year-old served as chief of staff to Trump between July 2017 and January 2019.

Towards the end of his tenure in the West Wing, it was widely reported that Kelly was not present when Trump made key decisions and that the pair had grown distant.

Kushner's book is due to be published on August 23. A leak from the book already revealed that Trump's son-in-law was diagnosed with thyroid cancer during his time in the administration.

Kelly is a former Marine Corps four-star general who replaced Reince Priebus as Trump's chief of staff.

It isn't the first time that the animosity between Kelly and Ivanka has been reflected in print.

Columnist Michael Wolff wrote in his book 'Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House:' 'Kelly's long-suffering antipathy toward the president was rivaled only by his scorn for the president's family.'

Shortly after taking on the role in the Trump administration, Axios reported that Kelly had seen to it that Kushner's security clearance was downgraded from 'Interim Top Secret' to 'Interim Secret.'

A source described Ivanka and Kushner's battles with Kelly as a 'death match.' During the Winter Olympics in South Korea in 2018, CNN reported that Kelly felt as though Ivanka was 'playing government' in her attempts to enter negotiations between North and South.

In December 2018, prior to his leaving the White House, an official source told the New York Times that Kelly was so at-odds with Kushner and Ivanka that he kept tabs on their requests and dealings.

The Times report says that Kelly kept the notes in plain sight on his desk.

Finally, when Kelly was ousted at the end of 2018, the Washington Post reported that it was Kushner and Ivanka that convinced Trump to pull the trigger.

It wasn't always like this. When Kelly was appointed, Ivanka tweeted a picture of him being sworn in an called him 'a true American hero.' Her father said at the swearing in that Kelly would go down 'in terms of the position of chief of staff, one of the greatest ever.'

A source told CNN that day that Kushner and Ivanka 'have a lot of admiration and respect for (Kelly) and his ability to professionalize the West Wing and are eager to follow his lead. They want this to work.'

The honeymoon didn't last long, by September, the New York Times reported that Kelly had made efforts to put a stop to Ivanka's regular unannounced visits to the Oval Office to visit her father.

At the same time, CNN reported that Ivanka's arrival at meetings had left people such as Senator Mitch McConnell 'visibly annoyed' by her presence.


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989900  No.16872547


The only violence I've observed and kept track of, is the Godless Sodomite Leftist Faggot Trannies.

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c18306  No.16872555


Faggots are a disease, and spread disease… What else is new?

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4afafd  No.16872559

File: e96a5455603ae4c⋯.jpg (36.08 KB, 800x402, 400:201, gdfgrresdt.jpg)

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c18306  No.16872565


pretentious tweaker tries to flash gang signs

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490891  No.16872577

File: ee60a34b1defaea⋯.png (3.16 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, Wave_the_flag_2.png)

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277a83  No.16872580

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958de6  No.16872581

File: b2169d31a01a97f⋯.png (292.62 KB, 463x308, 463:308, b2169d31a01a97f30e281a32e3….png)

File: d13458f9e495df6⋯.jpg (304.16 KB, 1350x1027, 1350:1027, 68a53549e16ce194.jpg)

File: e40065d78b692c5⋯.jpg (114.35 KB, 719x1024, 719:1024, 1657083842534m.jpg)

File: 095bb21d7714bc7⋯.png (282.06 KB, 463x321, 463:321, 095bb21d7714bc7f0238abaabc….png)

File: 93bfa7f25947add⋯.png (317.36 KB, 967x601, 967:601, 1655137257216.png)


Reminder that Soros is a front to the Rothschild and Schwab is a Rothschild, and Rothschilds are the leaders of zionism.

Proof here:


Antifa 4 part info graph about the relationship between Antifa, George Soros, ISIS and Israel:





https://bitchute.com/video/0IzBpK6zd7T4 – "Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda"

https://www.bitchute.com/video/73FsRbYNovPi - “Israel Directly Helping Muslims And Africans Invade Europe”

Proof that Israel uses the US Military to fight its wars and that US Armed Forces are nothing but cannon fodder for Israel:


How and why zionists are always traitors:



Soros promoting WW3 at WEF:





"Pollard claims Jews ‘will always have dual loyalty,’ whether they know it or not"

"Convicted spy laments US Jews see themselves as more American than Jewish, suggests he’d counsel Jew working in American security apparatus to spy for Israel even now"

"Why do we have an Antisemitism Czar, but no government positions to address the more prevalent anti-White or anti-Christian attacks in a country founded by Whites and Christians?"


"How Israel betrays US"


Texas Officials Forcing Hurricane Victims to Pledge Loyalty to Israel to Receive Funding



The Israel lobby is seeking loyalty oaths in America




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25221e  No.16872582


>Fauci's wife

fauci married a cross dresser

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b989a0  No.16872604

nigger is now the in word on twitter

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335a28  No.16872606

File: bb7a551533104e6⋯.jpg (246.48 KB, 992x659, 992:659, Joe_Biden_Going_Down.jpg)

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277a83  No.16872610


… well yes, this is true! Well done.

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335a28  No.16872639

File: 328c2aad537c01d⋯.png (143.65 KB, 247x468, 19:36, Nigga_wut_alpha.png)

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958de6  No.16872653

File: a5d9073be77e4a6⋯.mp4 (9.95 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, WARNING_100_Proof_the_Jewi….mp4)


Israel/zionists = pedophilia

Judaism = pedophilia

"About 100 rabbis and other figures who've been accused, charged or convicted of sexual abuse have already found refuge in Israel, advocates’ group says"










"Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law"


WARNING: "100% Proof the Jewish Talmud Approves Pedophilia - Doctrines of Devil"




Brooklyn Shomrim organisers have been accused of withholding information on suspected child molesters and other Jewish criminals, in keeping with an interpretation of the Torah prohibition against mesirah (informing on a fellow Jew to the non-Jewish authorities).[14][15][16]



"The Child-Rape Assembly Line"

"Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg—who is 63 with a long, graying beard—recently sat down with me to explain what he described as a "child-rape assembly line" among sects of fundamentalist Jews."







"Teachers Union leader says Florida bills are type of legislation that start wars"

She's called Randi Weingarten.



"Rhonda "Randi" Weingarten was born in 1957 in New York City, to a Jewish family, Gabriel and Edith (Appelbaum) Weingarten."

How the LGBT propaganda is weapon against White children:




"Cleveland rabbi arrested for soliciting an investigator who posed as an underage boy online – The Forward"

Jewish groomer theater play:


Michigan Attorney General (she is Jewish) says every school needs a drag queen.






"Israel Grants Residency Status to Rabbi Convicted of Child Sex Abuse"



"Rabbi Baruch Lanner of New Jersey was convicted in 2002 and sentenced to seven years in prison, serving three. He has recently requested Israeli citizenship"

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c50d50  No.16872661

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

06/14/2022 08:05:53

Truth Social: 108475734630887783

The Unselects are going against me because I am the only one who can fix our endangered Country, and they want to DESTROY it! People want to go back to where we were just two years ago.


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02ca9e  No.16872686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e93210  No.16872696

Michael Avenatti to plead guilty in remaining criminal cases

Michael Avenatti, the former lawyer for porn star Stormy Daniels, has reportedly decided to plead guilty in the remaining criminal cases against him.

Avenatti is charged with 36 counts of fraud, embezzlement, perjury, failure to pay taxes, and other financial-related crimes.

In a filing before a federal judge in Southern California on Sunday, Avenatti said he wanted to change his plea guilty, setting in motion the end of his criminal litigation.

Avenatti was sentenced Thursday to four years in prison for stealing book proceeds from his former client, Stormy Daniels, the porn actress who catapulted him to fame as during her legal battles with then-President Trump.

The California lawyer, currently incarcerated, learned his fate in Manhattan federal court, where Judge Jesse M. Furman said the sentence will mean that Avenatti will spend another 2 1/2 years in prison on top of the 2 1/2 years he is already serving after another fraud conviction.

His conviction for aggravated identity theft required a mandatory two-year prison sentence. He was also convicted of wire fraud. He's already serving a 2 1/2-year sentence for trying to extort Nike. Avenatti was convicted in 2020 of threatening to ruin the shoemaker's reputation if it did not pay him up to $25 million.


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277a83  No.16872699


Are you a Lintard?

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b989a0  No.16872712

Soul of the mind, key to life's Aether

Soul of the lost, withdrawn from it's vessel.

Let strength be granted so the world might be mended.

…So the world might be mended

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277a83  No.16872734




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de7ded  No.16872735

Updated Dough


Baker Requesting Handoff

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989900  No.16872745


>Why won't Press Secretary Jen Psaki condemn protesting at a Justice's private residence? After all, it is a crime!


>Justice system that is not equal for everyone?

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277a83  No.16872758


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

Dark Roast if you have it.

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958de6  No.16872767

File: 8de8b55684b35a2⋯.mp4 (2.96 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Destroying_A_Jew_On_Mass_I….mp4)

File: b99ba599e5110a5⋯.mp4 (2.54 MB, 640x360, 16:9, e0502a0f68154b9a.mp4)

File: f26aa6fdd3a23df⋯.mp4 (4.42 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 9a01a69ff5ae42e1.mp4)

File: 1b695b2138f165b⋯.webm (3.03 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1b695b2138f165b43a5cc366b….webm)

File: 3e3426c29d7842b⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Jewish_Politician_Says_Tha….mp4)


Pasta 4

Jewish power is verifiably the main factor in the Islamification of the West and Ethnic Replacement of Whites (aka native Europeans) in their own countries:

Rabbi Joshua Stanton says the Jewish community proudly helps Muslims settle in America to fight 'White Supremacy':




"Israel strikes U.N. deal to send thousands of African migrants to Western countries"



https://bitchute.com/video/0IzBpK6zd7T4 – "Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda"

https://www.bitchute.com/video/73FsRbYNovPi - “Israel Directly Helping Muslims And Africans Invade Europe”

Proof that Israel uses the US Military to fight its wars and that US Armed Forces are nothing but cannon fodder for Israel:


https://youtu.be/wb_4U2UJucE - "Muslims are Jews’ natural allies in Europe – Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt"

https://archive.vn/mPh2x – “Jews, Muslims “Common Cause” To Oppose European Nationalists: Europe’s Top Rabbi”

https://archive.vn/b5WRf – “With anti-Muslim laws, Europe enters new dark age: Leading rabbi condemns discrimination in the name of security.”

https://archive.vn/oUB3V – “Why Jews Should Celebrate The First Muslim Congresswomen”

https://archive.vn/ilUVp – “British Jews lay groundwork for influx of Syrian refugees”

https://archive.vn/C1BzD – “US Jews Demand Israel to Stick to Plan to Deport Africans to White Countries”

The 1965 Immigration Act (the result of 20 years of Jewish activism, lobbying and proactive political agitation), which destroyed US demographics:


BARBARA- SPECTRE: We make You multikulti




"She married Rabbi Philip Spectre, and the couple moved in 1967 to Ashkelon, Israel, where she served on the faculty of Jewish Studies at Achva College of Education. After moving to Jerusalem in 1982, she served on the philosophy faculty of the Shalom Hartman Institute of Jerusalem, the Melton Center of the Hebrew University, and Yellin College of Education, where she was cited as Outstanding Lecturer 1995–1997. She was the founding chairperson of the Schechter Institute in Jerusalem in 1984. She served as a scholar in residence for the United Synagogues, Midwest Regions in 1987, 1990, 1992, 1996, and has lectured extensively throughout the United States.

In 1999, she emigrated to Sweden, settling in Stockholm and joining her husband, who was then serving as the Rabbi of the Stockholm Synagogue. The following year, she applied to the Swedish government for the government-funded formation of Paideia, the European Institute for Jewish Studies, which she has continued to direct."

White Replacement Theory w/Zionist Intent:


Keep in mind that most 80% of Jews in America vote Democrat even thou 95% of them are pro-Israel (which as always fortified their borders in order to not cease to exist).


Https://archive.vn/u5Se5 - “American Jews, Politics and Israel”


95% of Jews have favorable views of Israel…


Jewish voting patterns (sources at bottom of document):



Also keep in mind that the Rabbis that get assigned to Europe (and which incessantly call for open borders for the West) are selected by Israeli Rabbis (who are against open borders for Israel):


The Civil War already started:


Pic related showing that Jews infiltrated the Catholic Migration Network in order to weaponize it against the West:


Jews and migration in the West:


"History of modern immigration into the West"


The consequences of allowing Jewish collective power to operate in any country:



Spain border police has had enough:


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e93210  No.16872779


Ride 'em like a cowboy!

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e93210  No.16872787


comes up a lot in old English poetry

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ea5acb  No.16872813


Yeah that's a good one too.

Just because people get confused… you're correct the delta is 563 days. Q posted again 563 days after last post, but Q was dark 562 days.

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958de6  No.16872842

File: 0569e70534f7d37⋯.mp4 (6.69 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, a001107bf56be056.mp4)

File: c02401be0f90d8c⋯.mp4 (3.77 MB, 872x478, 436:239, F78Voh333Ol7gDiF_mp4_tag_1….mp4)


"Dangerous to Name (((those))) that Enslave You"


Jewish NGOs facilitating Immigration from 3rd world into the West:


Corporate culture is 100% anti-White and needs to be purged if the West is to survive:


Two Dutch 20 year old virgin girls raped by invader at his refugee status acquisition party:


9 year old Swedish girl beaten into coma by. 13 year old Ethiopian invader just given permanent residence:


White Genocide/Great Replacement is a reality:




How the Republican party betrays all White people:



How the uniparty works:

"Democrats bring the invasion of illegals in.

Republicans turn them into legal citizens.

One hand washing the other."


White people have no political representation in the West:



Whites will be a hated minority in their own countries. War is inevitable if Whites keep being denied political representation:


White Genocide efforts now in war against ballet for being "too White":


War against Whites also encompasses saying that hiking and outdoor activities are "too White":


School system and Hollywood efforts against White people:


Big tech efforts in the war against White people:


The world of the past is gone:


Trump's nonsense pardon gone wrong:


Adoption gone wrong:


Civil War or balkanization (or Civil War with balkanization afterwards) is inevitable for the US (the demographic subversion that Jewish collective power has strategically enacted against the US has permanently destroyed America's national unity, and no amount of lies, propaganda and feel good slogans is going to fix it):


White Nationalism:


Leftist racism:


Killing White people in the West has become acceptable:


The war against White people will not end until we make it end, or Whites are all destroyed:


White people need to care about Whites:


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25221e  No.16872847


Only rap I'll do.

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de7ded  No.16872848


>It had to be done this way.


This is a loaded question…and probably one you can't even answer at this time…but gonna toss it out there anyway…

Where we goin' now, boss?

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d9586e  No.16872853

File: ecde354791330c5⋯.png (161.42 KB, 421x492, 421:492, TRUTH.png)

File: 6cd7814622c4619⋯.png (981.28 KB, 580x900, 29:45, STAGE_IS_SET.png)

File: ea52700267c3698⋯.png (18.89 KB, 418x460, 209:230, Theend.png)

File: 3f0baba99ba9c46⋯.png (12.91 KB, 415x393, 415:393, reckoning.png)


Nov 07, 2018 1:12:06 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: ebc49e No. 3783812

We are going to show you a new world. (MELLINIUM REIGN OF JESUS CHRIST)

Those who are blind (JEWISH/ISRAEL) will soon see the light (JESUS CHRIST).

A beautiful BRAVE NEW WORLD lies ahead.

We take this journey together.

One step at a time.



Matthew 24:31

And He will send His angels with a great sound of a TRUMPet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

>The stage for Jesus Christs return is being set

>Israel saved for last




War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness

The War Scroll, found in Qumran Cave 1.

The War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness, also known as War Rule, Rule of War and the War Scroll, is a manual for military organization and strategy that was discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls. The manuscript was among the scrolls found in Qumran Cave 1, acquired by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and first published posthumously by Eleazar Sukenik in 1955.[1] The document is made up of various scrolls and fragments including 1QM, and 4Q491–497.[1] It is possible that The War of the Messiah is the conclusion to this document.[2] The 4Q491–497 fragments were published by Maurice Baillet in Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, 7 and comprise a shorter recension of the War Scroll.[1]

These scrolls contain an apocalyptic prophecy of a war between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness. The war is described in two distinct parts, first (the War against the Kittim) described as a battle between the Sons of Light, consisting of the sons of Levi, the sons of Judah, and the sons of Benjamin, and the exiled of the desert, against Edom, Moab, the sons of Ammon, the Amalekites, and Philistia and their allies the Kittim of Asshur (referred to collectively as the army of Belial), and [those who assist them from among the wicked] who "violate the covenant". The second part of the war (the War of Divisions) is described as the Sons of Light, now the united twelve tribes of Israel, conquering the "nations of vanity."[9] In the end, all of Darkness is to be destroyed and Light will live in peace for all eternity.[7]


The American people are mature and have now understood how much the mainstream media does not want to spread the truth but seeks to silence and distort it, spreading the lie that is useful for the purposes of their masters. However, it is important that the good – who are the majority – wake up from their sluggishness and do not accept being deceived by a minority of dishonest people with unavowable purposes. It is necessary that the good, the

children of LIGHT, come together and make their voices heard. What more effective way is there to do this, Mr. President, than by prayer, asking the Lord to protect you, the United States, and all of humanity from this enormous attack of the Enemy? Before the power of prayer, the deceptions of thechildren of darknesswill collapse, their plots will be revealed, their betrayal will be shown, their frightening power will end in nothing, brought to LIGHT and exposed for what it is: an infernal deception.

Q is literally helping to set the stage for Jesus' return

The deeper we go, the more unrealistic it becomes


Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes.

The END wont' be for everyone

That choice, to know, will be yours.

Q 790



JOHN 3:16

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989900  No.16872859


We should be teaching Our chilldren everything, In the home.

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e93210  No.16872876


You see why people like us can't run for political office yet anon?

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e93210  No.16872933


>Any anons got a cheap room for rent or garage or any housing near Portland/Vancouver WA?

>Gonna be homeless again next week.

Why TF would anons live near Portland?

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952072  No.16872939


Shut up defango.

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de7ded  No.16872944


you get the point

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b4e883  No.16872951

Checkout what Hussein said just the other day in Copenhagen Denmark.

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b4e883  No.16872959


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ea5acb  No.16872984





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02ca9e  No.16872989

File: 846fb0e3ef5cc0e⋯.png (375.99 KB, 670x436, 335:218, 846fb0e3ef5cc0e45680cee85f….png)

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958de6  No.16873001

File: b91d1ee116f7a5e⋯.mp4 (6.68 MB, 858x480, 143:80, b7ffa963707650e1.mp4)


Invaders openly taunt and mock Europeans in their own countries, openly brag about having already conquered them. Civil War and mass amounts of death and violence are unavoidable in the near and long term future (the predictable result of diversity and demographic subversion of any region in any point in human history):


Hate crime legislation doesn't apply to criminals that hate Whites and do crimes against them motivated by hate against Whites:


Politicians who choose to pretend like White people do not exist as their own group with their own set of interests makes them enemies of all the White people:


"One race the human race" is nothing but a verifiable leftist lie:


White authors being discriminated against on the basis of their race is now baked into the culture:


"Hungarians "do not want to become peoples of mixed races," said Orban, triggering serious concerns among the country's Jews"




"Any republican candidate who stops short of calling for deportations is setting you up for amnesty."


"“They’re trying to divide us by race!”

No they aren’t. They are actually uniting all racial groups in solidarity against Whites, while at the same time telling Whites they can’t unite and that race doesn’t matter."


Conservatives conserve nothing but the Israel first legislation that both sides of the Jewish controlled uniparty passes:


Case in point:




"I love how being against race mixing is worrying to the jews. They are clearly emotionally invested in diluting racial Whiteness, and Whites should be asking jews why that is so."






Jewish groups SLAM remarks by far-right leader as ‘unacceptable. and dangerous

The comments sparked condemnation from religious groups, with Hungary’s largest Jewish organization saying on Monday it had called for a meeting with Orbán, while the Central European branch of the American Jewish Committee warned his words recalled “dangerous ideologies in history.”


Jews are only against the racial purity of other races, but they promote it among themselves:


"'Gentile sperm leads to barbaric offspring'"



"Pro-Abortion Jewish Senator Chuck Schumer Supports Anti-Abortion Group In Israel"



"Israel's Knesset passes law barring Palestinian spouses"2

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de7ded  No.16873006


not a constitutional issue.

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952072  No.16873007

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b4e883  No.16873016

Sisters and Brothers, Patriots World Wide

Everything has meaning.

Every word that I type has meaning.

Question everything.

Military is the only way.



[THEY] think you are stupid.

Puppets w/o power.

[THEY] want your guns, and babies, and children.

Remember who (You) are.





These people HATE America.

These people are SICK.

























DD = Dangerous Dragons


Sealed > Unsealed



You'll soon Know why.




The Red Wave


Marker [9]





Godfather III









Alice in Wonderland

Winnie the Poo


Willy Wonka


Bugs Bunny

Johnny Quest

Hannah Barbera


Dream Works


















Watch the Water

We were born for this!

My Stairway to Subud

Elvis Presley

Micheal Jackson





























Now we can fish after dark.













CONFIRM KEYSTONE = Pi, Eta, Zeta & Epsilon Hereculis Templar "Hooked X"

When does a bird sing? When it tweets.



John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'



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7c0360  No.16873063

Hivemind faggot gets filtered. Every. Time.

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e93210  No.16873067

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e93210  No.16873077


its true.

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b4e883  No.16873080

Truth Social coming to non iPhone users soon!

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958de6  No.16873106

File: 47f5766b2e10987⋯.mp4 (11.63 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, How_Israel_Betrays_US.mp4)


Israel is a pedophile haven founded by the Rothschild zionist cabal, and it is enemy number 1 of the Western people.

China and USA politicians:

Keep in mind that the reality is that EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN is serving China's interests, because they ALL pander to Israel and refuse to punish Israel for their ongoing illegal selling of secret US Military tech to China, which started decades ago and is still happening NOW. When you see Bannon, Pompeo, Loomer, Gosar, Trump, MTG, Pelosi, Schumer, Hillary, Obama and ALL other politicians (no matter what their party is) groveling at the feet and licking the asshole of Israel and Jews (which are 95% in favor of Israel despite voting 80% left), rememberthey are actually helping China get US Military secret techand Israel is getting richer at the expense of the security of the American people. That's just an undeniable fact, and that shit needs to change, and it will only change when politicians stop pandering to the enemy number one, Israel. And if people don't call them out constantly, pressure them and DEMAND they ditch the Israeli parasites, nothing will change, they will just distract you with some other bullshit.

Reminder that Israel passes secret US Military tech to China, for decades now:


"How Israel betrays US"


More info on the Israel-China relationship:


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ea5acb  No.16873117

Sometimes this movie seems to have broken the fourth wall to speak directly into my life.

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958de6  No.16873146

File: 076785af3a5c7da⋯.mp4 (816 KB, 576x576, 1:1, 391dbf2a241ef157.mp4)


"If anyone can be an American it means absolutely nothing to be an American. Our country is a joke when anchor babies have just as many rights as my own children."


Amnesty hag says you’re not allowed to question how she votes.


" Found this on Twitter.

The poster pointed out the fact that nobody was upset with these blacks attacking a White man, but they are screamed when he pulled out a gun…

They hate White people, they want us all dead."



"The "march through the institutions" is correct.

Only bit they omitted is that it was a jewish march." - @echoes, on GAB


"Every ethnic group in America gets to integrate and segregate as they please except White people."


"I’ll never forgive the Chinese for putting this Menorah on the White House lawn as proof they rule us."


"You can tell jews are a persecuted minority by the way they use their total control over government and media institutions to slander and ban anyone who says they hold a disproportionate amount of power."


" "DEFEATING THE DEMOCRATS is all that matters, even if it means the demographic displacement of the core White American population."

The stupidity of this argument is only surpassed by its subversiveness."

Both sides of the uniparty are working hand in hand to replace/genocide White people in the US, the Jewish zionist payed for Democrats do it using illegal migration, and the Jewish zionist payed for Republicans do it using "legal" migration and amnesty. The US is dead, and the people who planned its murder and executed the hit all have names, families and addresses (disclaimer: always follow the law):


"90% of conservatives will get on board with amnesty when trump endorses it."

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e93210  No.16873157


now with hopium™ extract, standardized to 17% hopioids.

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b4e883  No.16873159


Not all "anons" are authentic

BOTH sides are undercover

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7c0360  No.16873194


Your opinion is shit.

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235dc5  No.16873199


>Where did the week go?

Ate coon, son. You spent the week here with us.

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48f574  No.16873201


ok. one time. so why do you expect it this year?

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235dc5  No.16873210




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48f574  No.16873212


What distinguishes the current structure of Western countries from the past?

The fusion of the worst of liberalism with the worst of collective socialism. Today we see, after two years of the pandemic farce, how globalist liberalism has made use of communist and dictatorial methods to impose itself with its Great Reset, and how the communist regimes are using liberal methods to enrich the upper echelons of the party without losing total control over the population. This demonstrates that the geopolitical balance is shifting towards a multi-polar vision and that bipolarism fueled by the deep state is in decline.

Is there any analogy between what is happening in the Catholic Church under the pontificate of Jorge Mario Bergoglio?

The deep church is an offshoot of the deep state, in a certain sense. For this reason it should not surprise us that we are witnessing the demolition of Faith and Morals in the name of ecumenism and synodality, applying liberal errors in the theological sphere; and on the other hand the transformation of the Papacy and the Roman Curia into a politburo in which ecclesiastical authority is both absolute and also released from its fidelity to the Magisterium, following the modalities of the exercise of power in a communist-type dictatorship. The law is no longer founded on Justice but rather on the convenience and utility of those who apply it: it is enough to see how harshly the clergy and faithful who are traditional are treated by the Vatican, and on the other hand with how much indulgence the Vatican praises notorious pro-abortion activists (I am thinking of Biden and Pelosi among the most striking cases) as well as the propagandists of LGBTQ ideology and gender theory. Here too, liberalism and communism have formed an alliance to demolish the institution from within, just as has happened in the civil sphere. But we know that contra legem fit, quod in fraudem legis fit – that which circumvents the law is done against the law.

Your Excellency, how do you think things in the United States can change in the near future?

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e93210  No.16873219



Press release 2022 Participants 2022

List of Participants 2022

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7c0360  No.16873237


A name to remember


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7c0360  No.16873246

canned sardonicians get soros face on death star with peanut butter larps

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033387  No.16873250

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48f574  No.16873255


Since the very beginning. Where you been?

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a41109  No.16873267


Never underestimate the power of alcohol

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952072  No.16873270


Wondering the same…..useful idiots getting past their usefulness?

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033387  No.16873279


Nice work anon.

Stop posting your name, normally would have filtered and missed this.

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235dc5  No.16873303


Can someone put a magic sword on this?

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1274da  No.16873308


It's a nigger-maker!

Kill it!

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a41109  No.16873312


Did Candace n AOC have a foot contest?

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e2cfc9  No.16873320

Eyes on Geffen, anons.

Direct ties to Clinton and Obama.

"The first arrest…"

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15563a  No.16873322

File: 060d3b90fdfb5c9⋯.png (354.47 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 060d3b90fdfb5c9a25b0b2d49a….png)


>Their white Draco lizard overlords are shitting bricks

Anon members the 1963 draco lizard brick sale.

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235dc5  No.16873327

If Trump was in office, our economy would be BOOMING…

If Trump was in office, we would have a wall and no problems with our border…

If Trump was in office, our babies would have their formula…

If Trump was in office, we would have so much gas. it would be coming out our asses…

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033387  No.16873328


Are you a wizard?

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a41109  No.16873336


if you can not light a fire without modern assistance

you likely have no future

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958de6  No.16873346

File: cfb03df3f6c7404⋯.mp4 (12.4 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, e0ac5012fce3f8c4.mp4)


Here is how anti-Christian really Israel is:

Plus sign and schools in Israel:



"Alternative plus sign:

A Jewish tradition that dates from at least the 19th century is to write plus using the symbol ﬩.[24] This practice was adopted into Israeli schools and is still commonplace today in elementary schools (including secular schools) but in fewer secondary schools.[25] It is also used occasionally in books by religious authors, but most books for adults use the international symbol +. The reason for this practice is that it avoids the writing of a symbol + that looks like a Christian cross.[24][25]"

Christian goes preaching in Israel, gets death threats:


Christian goes preaching in Israel, Jews spit on him:


The Orthodox Christian Greek Patriarch of Jerusalem has recently come out with the facts about how Israelis treat Christians like crap in the terrorist state of Israel:

"PATRIARCH OF JERUSALEM: Israeli extremists are threatening us, they want to drive us out of the Old City"


Some graphs that will help redpill Evangelicals and other Christians on the truth about the Rothschild founded Israel:



To learn more about the true relationship between Judaism and Christianity, here is a link to the chapter about it from the book "When Victims Rule: An Examination of Jewish Pre-eminence in America And Its Historical Origins":


Israeli TV show mocks the crucifixion of Christ:


Jews demand access to abortions as part of their religion:






Israel eases access to abortion, days after US Supreme Court overturns Roe vs Wade

New rules allow drug-induced early-term abortions at clinics, end requirement for in-person approval by intrusive committees; health minister hails reforms as opposite to US ruling.

Professional and volunteer internet zionist shilling operations are exposed in detail:


"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"

"Real Christians know one thing, and they know it absolutely: any man using the term judeo-Christian tradition is a fraud."


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48f574  No.16873351


The Pulse (https://thepulse.one/2022/06/20/ottawa-spent-39-million-to-block-access-to-information-documents/?fbclid=IwAR18iZKvCGqvrd84ffWy4GH-uknNSAjTGBm7U_zNFVUWotBN9K7oESTPv38)

Ottawa Spent $39 Million To Block Access to Information Documents

The Canadian government charged taxpayers $39 million to hire private contractors for the purposes of processing and “blacking…

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503f7f  No.16873366

File: d9d24e53171b517⋯.gif (2.23 MB, 446x250, 223:125, ChineseWave.gif)

anon ponders whether spammy attacker was paid to do what they did

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7c339f  No.16873375

Is the board currently still gay with spam bots?

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235dc5  No.16873379


fuck off shill

dont care what you or anyone else thinks about taking guns

do it

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ea9b98  No.16873389



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0eb2f7  No.16873396


Mornin’ Sam

Dark roast is the best hints of chocolate

Christmas In July

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7bd4c4  No.16873419

File: 1ea9e1f3f8f9fcb⋯.gif (4.34 MB, 803x803, 1:1, 417BC95A_AC69_4A54_BFDD_CA….gif)

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02983c  No.16873432



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ea5acb  No.16873459

Is the CIA Involved in Drug Trafficking? "I think George Bush is deep into it" - Ron Paul

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1274da  No.16873460


Nigga, did you just make a binomial nomenclature joke?


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235dc5  No.16873463


So will White parents be suing all of the schools that are pushing CRT?

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0b63d9  No.16873465


the date tho

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0b63d9  No.16873479


At least it's only one post.

You're going on 19 fag.

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0b63d9  No.16873493


Liberals grand Bolshevik clown

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e2cfc9  No.16873513

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48f574  No.16873541

Trump calls police officer who killed Capitol rioter Ashli Babbitt a murderer: 'We know who he is'

Grace Panetta

Aug 11, 2021, 1:21 PM

Former President Donald Trump ratcheted up his rhetoric against the law-enforcement officer who shot Ashli Babbitt in a Wednesday statement, calling them a murderer and saying, "We know who he is."

Babbitt died after a law-enforcement officer shot her as she tried to climb through a broken window to get into the Speaker's Lobby during the January 6 riot at the Capitol.

"I spoke to the wonderful mother and husband of Ashli Babbitt, who was murdered at the hands of someone who should have never pulled the trigger of his gun," Trump said. "We know who he is. If this happened to the 'other side,' there would be riots all over America, and yet there are far more people represented by Ashli, who truly loved America, than there are on the other side."

Trump then added: "The Radical Left haters cannot be allowed to get away with this. There must be justice!"


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235dc5  No.16873544



The Carl Sagan of the 21st C

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d2e85a  No.16873570


>Tucker Carlson


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952072  No.16873571

Antifa will try to call the cops in the rural areas, not the other way around

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02ca9e  No.16873583


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1274da  No.16873603



Texas top cop: Uvalde police could've ended rampage early on

Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin said Tuesday that the city has “specific legal reasons” that it's not answering questions publicly or releasing records.“There is no cover-up," he said in a statement.

Police haven’t found any red flags in Ramos' school disciplinary files but learned through interviews that he engaged in cruelty to animals. “He walked around with a bag of dead cats,” McCraw said.?


heard blurb just now on news about todays meeting Arreeedondo has 3 chances to attend, today was the 2nd no-show after 3 they can charge him

The mayor has vowed to release a letter tomorrow to throw under the bus who ever needs to be under the bus live on scene quip

if anyone could whip up some quick sauce on that

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e2cfc9  No.16873610

Don't forget we have The Dog Days of summer approaching. Ancient authors said that the day this star first rises in the morning, the sea boils, wine turns sour, dogs begin to grow mad, people get bilious, febrile, hysterical and crazy, and animals grow languid. How do you feel so far? The days are usually hotter in the Northern Hemisphere, so this was probably the reason for their superstition.

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235dc5  No.16873618

Text Messages Show Cassidy Hutchinson Referring To January 6 Committee As ‘BS’

The January 6 committee’s key witness, Cassidy Hutchinson, called the committee “bs” in a text message obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller.

On Feb 1. Hutchinson sent a text to a conservative activist with connections to the First Amendment Fund, which is a group started by the American Conservative Union that helps Trump officials cover costs for Jan. 6 lawyers. Matt Schlapp said Hutchinson approached CPAC for help through the First Amendment Fund. Schlapp said he is happy they did not end up assisting her because she was relaying White House “hallway gossip as fact.”

In the text message, Hutchinson says: “Hey (redacted)! This is Cassidy Hutchinson. Kind of a random question, but do you still work for the Schlapp’s at the ACU?”

To which the person responded, “Hi, Yes!”

Hutchinson then said, “Do you happen to know a First Amendment fund POC I could reach out to? I was subpoenaed in early Nov., but the committee waited to serve me until last week (after Ben’s deposition).”

“I had to accept service because the U.S. Marshalls came to my apartment last Wednesday, but I haven’t made contact with the Committee. I’m just on a tight timeline and just trying to figure out what my options are to deal with this bs,” Hutchinson added.

In another text message reviewed by the Daily Caller, Hutchinson told the conservative activist that she does not want things to get “unnecessarily elevated” in regards to the Jan. 6 committee.

Hutchinson made headlines after testifying before the Jan. 6 committee, where she claimed former President Donald Trump lunged for the steering wheel in an effort to reroute the car to the Capitol where protesters were gathering. Sources close to the Secret Service have denied her claims.


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0b63d9  No.16873628



time traveler

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235dc5  No.16873630



many such cases

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e2cfc9  No.16873635


>faked his death probably

That's always a possibility though he didn't seem to be in great health at the time.

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958de6  No.16873648

File: d089913f46dec81⋯.mp4 (1.8 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Ted_Nugent_Calls_Out_The_J….mp4)

File: 7b53ffa48ecbd57⋯.mp4 (12.73 MB, 428x240, 107:60, Mike_Harris_It_s_Time_For_….mp4)


https://archive.is/oEmbt – “The Gun Lobby’s Jewish Enemies List”

The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”

The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.

Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws.



"Jewish politicians lead chorus calling for tighter gun laws"

16 December 2012


"Anti-Semitic fliers blame US Jewish lawmakers for gun control"

22 March 2018



"The NRA will fall. It's inevitable"

"Just look at the demographics."

The 1965 Immigration Act (the result of 20 years of Jewish activism, lobbying and proactive political agitation), which destroyed US demographics:


Anti-White gun grab:



Neil Steinberg's article called "Why restrict child porn but not guns?"



Neil Steinberg is unsurprisingly, a Jew:



Jew immediately tries to demonize Whites as soon as a tragedy occurs:


Active shooter gets stopped after being shot at by man carrying gun on a "gun free zone", Jew start calling the hero a criminal:


Respect for the 2A needs to come back:


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a86b4c  No.16873677


Those stretch marks on her breasts…

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a41109  No.16873681


Someone wants to pretend Q never confirmed P= Payseur

The Pope is a puppet.

Rothschild loan to Holy See 1830.

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7c339f  No.16873712

File: b4f0a53b1ec2fac⋯.jpeg (102 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 53AC641A_CFAE_4917_A559_5….jpeg)


“1, 2, boobs”

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f45acb  No.16873726

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9b7454  No.16873727


Portland Andy live feed multi-stream of Roe vs Wade protests


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02983c  No.16873733


It's happening.

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9b7454  No.16873738



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02983c  No.16873745

>I don't know how to protect them in the world.

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7c0360  No.16873748

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9b7454  No.16873750






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235dc5  No.16873751


Stay in New Jersey and drive over. The Battery is not a bad area

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02983c  No.16873757


Joe Biden is the president and you pay more for everything… Stop living in a dream world.

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ea9b98  No.16873760

File: 9e451dcdcd0e0d9⋯.png (214.85 KB, 911x768, 911:768, ClipboardImage.png)


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235dc5  No.16873763

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15563a  No.16873774

File: 2428015f5b6ed15⋯.png (212.47 KB, 523x402, 523:402, 1864d1056c223a899ed6761122….png)



dey worked

>bewbs with spam test

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e2cfc9  No.16873783

(pb) >>16872712

>Don't get lost in the fog.

>They framed POTUS as a Putin's puppet for a reason.

>POTUS has told us many time that He and Putin talked about the situation.

>Do you not recall the media absolutely losing it when they met privately?

>Haas consistently said he'd give the details when the time is right.

>Even hinted on Hannity the other day that Putin might tell us before he did.

Thank you.

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02983c  No.16873786



>*gets shot*


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a86b4c  No.16873792

In wake of SCOTUS's recent 2A ruling, a new federal court case seeks to overturn D.C.’s ban on carrying handguns on public transportation. (The same lawyers also recently successfully challenged D.C.’s ghost gun statute.)


"In the lawsuit, the four plaintiffs say that many of the existing restrictions in D.C. on where concealed handguns can be carried — they include schools, universities, government buildings, stadiums, bars and restaurants, and more — are likely justifiable and constitutional, but the ban on carrying while on public transportation is not."


The complaint (https://www.scribd.com/document/580550922/Complaint-as-Filed-Metrois)

is signed by George Lyon, Jr. and Matthew Bergstrom of arsenalattorneys.com


On their website (www.arsenalattorneys.com), the same lawyers explain another recent 2A victory (last month) whereby DC residents can make their own firearms following their successful challenge of the ghost gun statute:

"Arsenal Attorneys’ George L. Lyon, Jr and Matthew J. Bergstrom, on behalf of client Dick Heller (of District of Columbia v. Heller fame) and two other plaintiffs successfully challenged the District of Columbia’s so-called ghost gun statute. As a result, District residents will have the freedom to make their own firearms, subject to DC’s registration requirement and placing a serial number on the firearm."


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02ca9e  No.16873793

File: 846fb0e3ef5cc0e⋯.png (375.99 KB, 670x436, 335:218, 846fb0e3ef5cc0e45680cee85f….png)


I hear this may be the end

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792567  No.16873805

THE RAT PATROL S1-E17 Opening scene

Look Familiar?


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a41109  No.16873820


Superbly, might I add

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e2cfc9  No.16873821



>right after Trump won the election LOST.. oh my word.. LOST The election,

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02983c  No.16873825


Yeah it's over.

Tell his handlers and writers they are absolutely fucked.

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02983c  No.16873826


That is the question. Crime increase has forced defense against criminal elements on the streets. Will or has, it become necessary for defensive actions against the political criminals whom are so much more oppressive and dangerous. Should I wait until they are in my neighborhood or on my door stoop? Shall we call the sortie?

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bbc75e  No.16873827


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9b7454  No.16873829


Politics isn't addictive your computer is. Hitting refresh so you don't miss a story reflects on your computer habits, The cure is turning the computer off your phone off whatever it is that keeps you focused on stupid garbage…

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0b63d9  No.16873847


I will not put by finger in Liz Cheney's butt. I will not do it.

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bea7de  No.16873848

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e2cfc9  No.16873856




>Anon is no longer keeping this a minor secret

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bea7de  No.16873868

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1274da  No.16873869

Why girls do stupid thing's front 🤳

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235dc5  No.16873871


yeah that's why [they] do it and have been for a long time. They told us it was "evil" and burned us at the steak for it.

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9b7454  No.16873880


Why are you so mad?

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7c339f  No.16873886

File: 83402b08ac55970⋯.jpeg (139.62 KB, 880x481, 880:481, ABEC11DE_2EC8_4272_835C_1….JPEG)

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1274da  No.16873899


Why don’t you bake? Or tell the baker which ones aren’t necessary?

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15563a  No.16873905

File: 4e6aa585e4f0cfe⋯.png (143.08 KB, 814x388, 407:194, sharpie_in_the_pooper.png)


>I will not put by finger in Liz Cheney's butt. I will not do it.

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7f9bd0  No.16873913


No;) But this timeline… I'm long on the rush for 5 point harnesses. A close family member sent me a -somewhat- unexpected pic today.

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f45acb  No.16873914


algæ is phytoplankton


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a86b4c  No.16873916

Damn Wiki…you work fast!!>>16872193

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235dc5  No.16873921


>beyond coincidence

Yeah, it certainly appears so.

Started to look like it needs a new motto.

Arizona: The Glowie State

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a86b4c  No.16873926


no,….please allow me to modify it to : ab-so-lute-lee-fuckingBASED: all publicly funded, and traded, corporations are suspect ; if they sell stock, their board probably sucks….ahem….and all 501c should be put down

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7c339f  No.16873948

File: 3543dd4e95d1426⋯.jpeg (720.57 KB, 1734x2166, 289:361, CDB0BCC2_4394_43A3_BEBA_8….JPEG)

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e2cfc9  No.16873949



ILLEGITIMATE Biden appointment.

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0b63d9  No.16873954


THE Brit cave diver who helped save a trapped Thai youth football team tried to make money from the rescue, new court docs appear to show.

Vernon Unsworth is suing Elon Musk after the Tesla billionaire dubbed him a "pedo guy" when he mocked his offer of a mini submarine to help with the mission.

But text messages allegedly sent by Unsworth, 64, to a friend show how he was plotting to cash in on his heroics with movie and book deals, it's claimed.

In one message apparently written by Unsworth, he says he plans to play "hardball" with TV networks vying for the rights to tell his story.

They were contained among a tranche of court documents filed in the US on Thursday by Musk's legal team, DailyMail.com reports.

The SpaceX founder - worth $20billion - is fighting a $75,000 defamation suit over his "pedo guy" jibe.

Musk, 48, had lashed out in now-deleted tweets after Unsworth told him to "stick his submarine where it hurts".


Unsworth led the team of divers who extracted a boys football team from a network of flooded caves in Thailand in July last year.

After receiving criticism for his insult, Musk doubled down by hiring a $50,000 private investigator to dig up dirt on the diver.

That investigator turned out to be a convicted fraudster from Dorset.

Musk's legal team have since insisted "pedo guy" was a "common insult" used during Musk's upbringing in South Africa - and was meant without malice.

There is no suggestion the texts allegedly sent by Unsworth in the weeks after the rescue constitute wrongdoing.

But they could demonstrate a different side to Unsworth that show he's not the battered party he claims to be, Musk's attorney Alex Spiro claims.

In the messages, sent to his associate Thanet Natisri, Unsworth appears to relish in the media attention the rescue brought him.

He brags about how "needed" he is and reveals how he's hired an agent to "control £££$$".

A text apparently from Unsworth also adds that it was "very stupid" of him not to demand payment from a journalist writing a book about the rescue.

You should see the email I've just received from Dr Harry and Dr Craig book writer. They NEED ME SO SO MUCH. Sent it on to my agent

Text Allegedly Sent By Vernon Unsworth

He writes to Natisri: "Not a £$ from Matt (crazy) very stupid of us."

Unsworth goes on to boast about being contacted by a set of book writers.

He writes: "You should see the email I've just received from Dr Harry and Dr Craig book writer.

"They NEED ME SO SO MUCH. Sent it on to my agent…

"I'm good to play hardball had enough of book writers and film companies taking the piss."

Unsworth's lawyer said last night: "The facts refute Musk’s dishonest legal filings.

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bea7de  No.16873963

They call Thomas a nigger but build a statue out of Floyd

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0b63d9  No.16873981


Kinda does

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2b8135  No.16874013


How TF do they know what Human Meat tastes like? I mean for real. How can they legally claim that?

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958de6  No.16874023

File: 2e07372affe07d9⋯.mp4 (15.75 MB, 640x352, 20:11, 0f5a11e2c275760a.mp4)


It comes from Israel. Israel is the foreign hostile power with the most to lose when Western people have free speech. Also it is really telling that Q and his white hats aren't willing to give us a stable platform where we can have our on going posting without disruption, it sticks of bullshitery just like Flynn's endorsements of Israel first traitor Jews who are pieces of human garbage. All this signals to the people is that there are no political solutions, people's votes don't matter, all politicians are bought by the same Israeli money and blackmail, and they cannot even be free to communicate among themselves.

From the ballot box, to the soap box, to the ammo box.

On leadership, movements and subversion of people's movements:

People are willing to die for ideas, but most people don't find themselves having those ideas on their own, so it takes a leader and a movement to show them those ideas and what can be done.

That's why the feds and Jews infiltrate almost every political movement, since they know their best bet is to snub it out while it's small, or redirect it towards their goals. That's why it's good to tell people to always follow the law (avoid entrapment, the feds want people to self incriminate), and remind them that when the West inevitably collapses there are no laws anymore (and let them make of that what they will). Also remember that lawful and peaceful preparations are an important aspect of this struggle against the West-wide zionist occupation government (ZOG) and Jewish collective power (ZOG is a part of it).

Ideally, along with redpilling everyone about the issue of Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion, people are building their own parallel economies at a local level, but it might not be possible for everyone depending on where you are.

Some more important points:

"The unit card of the right is the lone wolf. Lone wolves are a very special kind of soldier in that they are self sustaining, self motivated and highly intelligent. They are also likely going to be brave because you need to have guts to go it alone. The swarming tactic allows lone wolves to become a pack and then disappear back into the wilderness where they will continue their own little, yet important, operations. When the lone wolves use their "concentrated autism", serious shit gets done. What's also very interesting to remember is that the lone wolf pack storming culture can be applied to lots of things, not just internet mischief. All the lone wolves need is a mission statement. They will do the rest. All the enemy will "know" about them is that an unspecified number of hidden enemies will use unspecified tactics to complete their mission at unspecified points within an indefinite time frame. It's also interesting to consider the fact that, as the Trump election and Brexit have shown, we could probably defeat the enemy before the cold war even gets hot. We must press our advantages and let the left keep doing the wrong thing. And then after Anfita, BLM, RAM and all those groups must go. Everything connected to Soros must go to shit. Everything connected to the Rothschild and Israel too."

Also recommended, this thread about civil war in the US:


The whole thread is worth reading, but here is the most notable post:


"The systems we live under force us to display tolerance… all while they inflict their 'zero tolerance' policies on us."


Without hate for injustice, there can be no justice.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure." - Thomas Jefferson

"Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant then it tries to silence good." - Charles Chaput

"When a free man dies, he loses the pleasure of life. A slave loses his pain. Death is the only freedom a slave knows. That's why he's not afraid of it. That's why we'll win." - Spartacus

"They have to censor us.

Because they are terrified that if we get to speak freely and legally in the public space, we will win"


"I didn't hate anyone until you told me to hate myself."


Matthew 10:34

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."

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e2cfc9  No.16874036

God we pray, bless ALL on the board and protect Our chilldren.

Anoint the planet and solar system with your holy spirit.

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235dc5  No.16874045


thars a dick fish!

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bea7de  No.16874057


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f45acb  No.16874061

Biden Falsely Claims Jan 6 Rioters Killed Police Officers

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ea9b98  No.16874073

File: 0fd0e3753539b6d⋯.jpg (528.64 KB, 1440x1920, 3:4, Great_White_Dope.jpg)

File: 5cf40980819fd80⋯.png (482.58 KB, 623x773, 623:773, ClipboardImage.png)

A World Bank exec to run NATO? Yep, Pietro Benassi’s man.


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bbc75e  No.16874081

>>16872247 ¹⁰𝚀  ₄ 🍞

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f33b4c  No.16874088

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f45acb  No.16874089


No faith in shit?

Worship Spam.

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7c339f  No.16874094

File: 3912eb58b641163⋯.jpg (105.5 KB, 878x648, 439:324, Release_The_Clones_Frau.jpg)

File: 0fe090a50ad8a79⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 2965x3153, 2965:3153, The_Joe_Bidens_1.jpg)

File: 236a5aaee284625⋯.jpg (164.6 KB, 1089x1072, 1089:1072, The_Joe_Bidens_3.JPG)

File: 5375dc305a91014⋯.mp4 (937.52 KB, 720x720, 1:1, _5553411558640752668.MP4)

File: 7d76e099a7f0080⋯.jpg (84.65 KB, 710x464, 355:232, DoublesNClones_01_Joe_Bide….JPG)

Joe Biden Attack of the Clones

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bea7de  No.16874110


But now where are the flying monkeys?

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7f9bd0  No.16874166


>idiot doesn't know the difference between qproofs and tripcode reverification.

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7c339f  No.16874187

File: 3861d202584574b⋯.jpeg (59.76 KB, 504x301, 72:43, Release_The_MonkeyPox_05_….JPEG)

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33cab5  No.16874196


turn this shit up anons!!


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33cab5  No.16874209


Answer your door.


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ea9b98  No.16874228


>Worship Spam.

The Best Spam I seen this week was Godlewski

(it's really bad…)


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e2cfc9  No.16874232

im gonna call it now

not 1 person gets charged never mind convicted for r vs w overturnned backlash

its the same doj that ignores dem crimes and crucifies patriots a j24 select panel …now thats some funny shit

q return awesome

grifter cashing in on a win for us maybe

the world is burning yes this dampens the flames

you know how we believe that THEY have to tell us what there doing (some unwritten code or summin)

what better way to tell us then have us dig it for ourselfs see it know it …completely out in the open

i hope and pray the plan is legit - and with moron biden being a fuck up as offten as possible and every body else else openly showing there intends from trudy to macron

is really possible we watchin a movie ,or they already know its to late and we cant do shit about it

just my opinion dumb as fuck high iq test scoring anon

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7c339f  No.16874244

File: 0d3a3ea86b20396⋯.jpg (238.69 KB, 1199x1030, 1199:1030, IMG_1420.jpg)

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7f9bd0  No.16874253



Anon you are a dumbass or a slow learner Obama helping ISIS news is over 9 years old.

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e2cfc9  No.16874259


That's right! And that's why I'm trying to educate those who are interested in the difference between things that are evidentiary versus based on logical fallacy and emotional appeals. And logical fallacies and emotional appeals are what the "Q is fake" crowd is pushing. So logic indicates they are either disingenuous or too stupid to be doing this work.

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0eb2f7  No.16874262



POPE Is STANLEY MCCHRYSTAL -DARPA CONSULTANT, Never TRUMPER, Hillary lover, best friends with Michael and Charles Flynn Families.

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9b7454  No.16874280

Government documentary record of the effects of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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7f9bd0  No.16874303


That's (D)ifferent

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958de6  No.16874308

File: 41b4f9d843cadf6⋯.mp4 (4.11 MB, 720x720, 1:1, If_You_Had_Trouble_Subscri….mp4)


Beware the widespread government tracking that is already happening when planning how to defend yourself from your tyrannical zionist occupation government:




Yes, the government is tracking your movements. You do not need to have a COVID pass installed on your phone nor do you need to be a criminal. The location data industry has become a $12 billion market that is actively growing.

It recently came to light that the Trump Administration began tracking mobile data on a grand scale. The Department of Homeland Security targeted information on at least 336,000 data points across the country. Biden continued tracking American’s locations and provided the Customs and Border Protection with a $20,000 contract last September.

One company, Venntel, said that it has access to 250 million phones and devices. There are currently no restrictions on this invasion of privacy, and the government may legally track you and your family. This information has been abused by various agencies, such as one that tracked the location of people who visited abortion clinics.  The US military even used the technology to identify Muslim populations.

“There are over 350 million mobile devices in the United States in use today, and that number is growing exponentially as more people purchase mobile devices every day. Therefore it is not uncommon to encounter individuals involved with illicit activity taking advantage of mobile technology to further their criminal goals,” a contract between CBP and Venntel said.

You can attempt to turn off your device’s location, but that is extremely difficult considering the number of apps we use on a daily basis. GPS? Tracked! Social media? Tracked! Various search engines? You bet!

I believe this violates the Fourth Amendment, which is intended to protect citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government.


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2b8135  No.16874312



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33cab5  No.16874319


Does your Rabbi know you are still struggling with this?

Perhaps you need a new therapist.

Are there any firearms in your home?

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60305c  No.16874326

where you at piggy

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7f9bd0  No.16874327


Bet you are loving fake Q driving traffic to your site.

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dcfbc2  No.16874328


Light the fucking tractor on fire.

Fuck the food supply.

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9b7454  No.16874330


Access to AC is also not guaranteed, Horton notes. Migrant and farm laborers and those living in energy poverty will have a harder time withstanding these conditions by cooling off indoors, he says.

Matthew Lewis, director of communications at housing advocacy group California YIMBY, noted in a recent Twitter thread that wet bulb temperatures could soon be a factor at the helm of climate migration.

“Many of the places humans currently live on the planet are on their way to being functionally uninhabitable by humans,” he said. “They will have to move.”

Lewis urges states and municipalities to prepare for this eventuality: “Depose the NIMBYs in your city government. Defeat the car-stans who deny that all of this is happening,” Lewis wrote.

He also urges weather broadcasts to include wet bulb indices in temperature announcements “as a matter of public service,” the way some do air quality and humidity metrics. Horton says “feels like” measurements are the closest many forecasts come to this—but units aren’t standardized across weather stations, and this can create confusion.

“The very fact that there isn't one standard that everyone uses, and that most people couldn't explain exactly what these mean suggests that we could do more,” he said.


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7c339f  No.16874339

File: 4dfdfac16d21dbe⋯.jpg (249.01 KB, 1280x948, 320:237, MonkeyPox_01_Fauci_by_Bob.JPG)

File: 7447a76f89c4f5e⋯.jpg (218.98 KB, 1161x664, 1161:664, MonkeyPox_02_Gates_Fauci_M….jpg)

File: beac0ebf18647ea⋯.jpg (108.13 KB, 1089x910, 1089:910, MonkeyPox_05_Bill_Gates_Do….JPG)

File: 48ce8ad134c0155⋯.jpeg (306.6 KB, 1865x1310, 373:262, Vaccines_Are_The_Virus_03….JPEG)

File: a41db86cd0ebf41⋯.jpg (149.85 KB, 1032x747, 344:249, Vaccines_Are_The_Virus_04_….jpg)

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9b7454  No.16874344


Trash 80…pretty good for celestial mechanics tho…way back in 1979

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33cab5  No.16874345


> like passing a law saying it is legal to commit crimes against humanity.

not like, that is what it is.

CA also passed a law stating it is no longer illegal to knowingly give a person HIV.


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60305c  No.16874351

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f33b4c  No.16874388


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a86b4c  No.16874392


she is pretty

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f33b4c  No.16874401



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7f9bd0  No.16874404


What will (((they))) write for him to say?>>16873255

Might be a different city to get hit hard.

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a86b4c  No.16874406


oh shid I have never left teh city, I have not idea one of how rural areas operates. We can deal with them how we deal with us city folks.


[fortunate son intensifies in background.]

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7f9bd0  No.16874418


how so?

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f33b4c  No.16874428

mornin faggots

lovin the show

God bless you every one

even the shills….your time has run out though

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f5ddc7  No.16874436


>for a buck, gram, hit, or pleasure?

I shoulda learned to code

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ea9b98  No.16874444


Just sign it. stop with the drama.

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dcfbc2  No.16874448


Really good video after the Patel Patriot Video,Gregg says Sheriffs are helping a lot

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a86b4c  No.16874449


Not a mark on him except the One Eye Blind symbolism

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f5ddc7  No.16874477


Israeli Knesset votes to dissolve, making snap election closer

"Israel" moved closer to its sixth election in less than four years on Wednesday, with lawmakers voting to dissolve parliament and former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ranked ahead in the campaign.

The Knesset voted unanimously to dissolve in a preliminary reading of a law anticipated to be approved next week, after which Foreign Minister Yair Lapid will lead an interim government in place of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.

Lapid, who, along with Bennett, ended Netanyahu's record-breaking reign a year ago, which has since failed due to infighting, has characterized the approaching election as a war between moderates and Netanyahu-backed radicals.

Netanyahu, "Israel's" current opposition leader, was overjoyed by Bennett and Lapid's decision to dissolve what he has called the worst government in Israeli history, as he seeks to shatter his record and win a sixth term in office.

Four polls released on Tuesday showed Netanyahu's right-wing Likud party and its potential allies, nationalist and ultra-religious groups, dominating the polls but falling short of a governing majority in "Israel's" 120-seat Knesset.

Their opponents on the entire political spectrum have promised to prevent Netanyahu from returning to power, while he is on trial for corruption accusations, which he denies.

Coalition politicians are already drafting legislation that would make it illegal for someone who is under criminal investigation to lead a government, though it is unclear whether they have the votes.

"Netanyahu knows if 'Israel' remains a liberal democracy that he will not be able to cancel his trial," Lapid said at an economic conference in Occupied Al Quds.

"Our mission is to ensure these people don't take power and not to let them crush 'Israel's' democracy," Lapid said.

"Only a strong national government headed by Netanyahu will put "Israel" back on a right-wing course," Likud said in response to Lapid's remarks.

The specific election date, which will most likely be between late September and early November, will be determined next week.

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60305c  No.16874486


Putin, easy peasy. I dont dine with pedophiles.

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dcfbc2  No.16874503


>That was because I literally asked Q to delete it.


so did I

this was from my phone out on the road

so no (You) from my laptop


CAP related


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fb33c3  No.16874509



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7c339f  No.16874513

File: 16b46b654dde8e1⋯.jpeg (869.36 KB, 1623x2000, 1623:2000, Barry_Obama_s_Family.JPEG)

File: 72106145c6a80f3⋯.jpeg (243.45 KB, 800x763, 800:763, 2294931F_D50A_4324_AF1B_3….JPEG)

File: e942de2efabd038⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB, 2886x2327, 222:179, Barack_Hussein_Obama_Who_….JPEG)

File: 6301d2770924088⋯.jpeg (1.85 MB, 4482x1998, 83:37, Michelle_Obama_is_a_Man.JPEG)

File: 1e08912b729e014⋯.jpeg (2.26 MB, 3571x2805, 3571:2805, Big_Mike_Memes_01.JPEG)

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9b7454  No.16874523


Guess Q team has less time to perfect the art of shitposting here for several hours every day the way some of us do.


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f5ddc7  No.16874547

President Reagan’s and Pope John Paul II Remarks at their Arrival in Alaska on May 2, 1984

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dcfbc2  No.16874548


Track 04 "Over Me"

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3574e0  No.16874554


interesting notable delta

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dcfbc2  No.16874562


You know, all of my life oldanon's wondered: Why April 15th for the date that the previous years federal income tax forms and payment be made? In my younger days media would make a big deal over it. The USPS would have all their nationwide offices stay open until midnight. TV media made a big deal out of it. Showing vids of tax payers paying at midnight. Now I don't have to wonder any more. April 15th was the date they sunk the Titanic. It's a celebration of the anniversary of those inbred central bankers' greatest victory.

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dcfbc2  No.16874576





Ideological bifurcation and fully embracing the church of wokeness beliefs is actually bad for business. If only they'd paid attention to the signs, sooner, instead of their greed over humanity. It's not like anons didn't spend years trying to warn them.

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a86b4c  No.16874601



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60305c  No.16874605

Hebrews 12:16 KJV

“Lest there be any fornicator,

or profane person, as Esau,

who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.”


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33cab5  No.16874610


>You're an ignorant buffon

which makes you a maroon

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3574e0  No.16874614



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dcfbc2  No.16874620


gonna need sum sauce

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dcfbc2  No.16874633

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b8ebb2  No.16874650


>The ones who showed up at Justice Amy Coney Barrett's weren't the prettiest girls, that's for sure

It's about more than looks. It's about character and these would-be sluts have none. They are demented.

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2b8135  No.16874662


Resist the Mainstream, [02.07.22 14:01]

🔴 Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Who Was in Charge of Capitol Security on Jan. 6 Dies Suddenly, Hours Before Hearing

A quick recap.


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f45acb  No.16874667

anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the (((inbreds))), a jackal ~ (((jakob))) and can only learn that as it is a product of (((inbreeding))) it should never exist as how the (((inbred))) judas was made to hang by Jesus God.

(((inbreeding))) = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.

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fb33c3  No.16874677

Juan Guaidó was given a warm welcome of flying chairs and shouting on his recent visit to Zulia.

This is the “legitimate government of Venezuela” according to the United States.


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582ca2  No.16874679


turn em into the local child trafficking and sexual crimes child exploitation units and demand they do something

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7f9bd0  No.16874685


il Donaldo Trumpo






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7c339f  No.16874688

File: b12bb89f1ddd46f⋯.jpg (158.57 KB, 640x800, 4:5, Nancy_Pelosi_03_FBI.jpg)

File: c25a746312d5b49⋯.jpeg (187.65 KB, 800x696, 100:87, Nancy_Pelosi_02_Gin_Vodka.JPEG)

File: 9f0724ac52f08ec⋯.jpeg (159.49 KB, 527x800, 527:800, Nancy_Pelosi_04_Only_Fans.JPEG)

File: d9f8126352f1854⋯.jpg (138.74 KB, 1169x1024, 1169:1024, MonkeyPox_08_Nancy_Pelosis….JPG)

File: 19bac84d1b274b6⋯.jpg (217.2 KB, 1089x749, 1089:749, IMG_0404.JPG)

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2b8135  No.16874702

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33cab5  No.16874703

QClock June 18, 2022


c'mon, you didn't think i'd miss this one…did ya'?

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3574e0  No.16874706



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7f9bd0  No.16874712


thru BVM to Jesus

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3574e0  No.16874719


My parents told a story, they lived in Vegas, Dad worked at Nellis. A train goes by and Mom says "What are those? They look like little lead caskets" -4 people in the car incl Dad's brother. WIthin DAYS the FBI was interviewing people in Dad's hometown (OK) and the local pawn shop who gave Dad a heads up. (the TV went back and forth to the pawn shop because Crap tables)

The internet is far older than they say. There was no possible way to do all that background the old fashioned way in 1957.

Problem: They had sworn to John Q. Public that they would never ship atomic/nuclear materials via rail. But then they did. Nobody in that car had a clue.

Long time family story. I know it by heart.

Nobody in that car spoke to another person about it, it was just an offhand observation.

Presumably it happened on a Friday because that was test day.

They were shipping the stuff to Philly.

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b8ebb2  No.16874743


Operators wouldn't be so sloppy. Unless they're doing it on purpose.

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fb33c3  No.16874762

Sisters and Brothers Anon Watchmen Warrior Patriot's World Wide

The calm before the storm.

Something BIG is about to drop.






Enjoy the show.






Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming



Where We Go One We Go ALL










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f33b4c  No.16874777


Joan sounds like a cunt

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fda3ff  No.16874789


Long tab, short tab, or somethin else? 07

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02ca9e  No.16874797

File: 79f05826db96ecc⋯.jpg (91.41 KB, 605x604, 605:604, 60362036_216637642625258_9….jpg)










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b8ebb2  No.16874825


16 Cat memes. Isn't there a board for homosexuals you should be on versus here?

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582ca2  No.16874826

There is currently no story in the New York Times or Washington Postabout Hunter Biden videotaping a Russian-trafficked prostitutehis father, our current president, gave him money for.

It also has not been mentioned on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, or ABC.

The media is the enemy.


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33cab5  No.16874827

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60305c  No.16874837


FBI advertising

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33cab5  No.16874840


God is torturing earth

and all that live upon it

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2b8135  No.16874842

what shall I rename all these fucking retards too?

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ea9b98  No.16874849



awe CNN DAWNIE poops his panties

(Squirt squirt) told you not to CLICKty CliC

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3574e0  No.16874856


>Jon Voight Calls for Biden Impeachment—'We Cannot Wait Another Second'

Jon Voight sucks the nigger dick

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f5ddc7  No.16874862


Well SURE, she abused them.

But at least she didn't PISS ON THEM!

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dcfbc2  No.16874863


another CNN intern: fuck off

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582ca2  No.16874866


she don't look happy, but she has two fingers in the holes…

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958de6  No.16874873

File: ccf6f046845188b⋯.mp4 (6.6 MB, 640x360, 16:9, ccf6f046845188b31b1cc64c51….mp4)


The point is that Obama created ISIS to benefit Israel, and zionist clown Gosar the bozo claiming that Americans need to support Israel because they fight ISIS (they don't, they support them) is him being a traitor because he is willingly and knowingly lying to his voters in order to benefit a foreign hostile power that has been selling secret US Military tech to China for decades now with full impunity. All zionists are traitors, and all will be deported or hanged for treason.

China and USA politicians:

Keep in mind that the reality is that EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN is serving China's interests, because they ALL pander to Israel and refuse to punish Israel for their ongoing illegal selling of secret US Military tech to China, which started decades ago and is still happening NOW. When you see Bannon, Pompeo, Loomer, Gosar, Trump, MTG, Pelosi, Schumer, Hillary, Obama and ALL other politicians (no matter what their party is) groveling at the feet and licking the asshole of Israel and Jews (which are 95% in favor of Israel despite voting 80% left), rememberthey are actually helping China get US Military secret techand Israel is getting richer at the expense of the security of the American people. That's just an undeniable fact, and that shit needs to change, and it will only change when politicians stop pandering to the enemy number one, Israel. And if people don't call them out constantly, pressure them and DEMAND they ditch the Israeli parasites, nothing will change, they will just distract you with some other bullshit.

Reminder that Israel passes secret US Military tech to China, for decades now:


"How Israel betrays US"


More info on the Israel-China relationship:


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b8ebb2  No.16874880


>I've heard this codeword before…

It's a book and a Bible verse in Revelation.

"Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come."

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33cab5  No.16874884

More people know CodeMonkey than know Joe Biden.

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2b8135  No.16874885


Trips confirm.. it's faggot month.

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7f9bd0  No.16874892


Time to put this to bed and DIG MF's

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60305c  No.16874895


I hope so but keep thinking of the possibility of another Roberts letdown with a 5-4 to keep them in place. Praying hard for sure that that’s not the case.

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fda3ff  No.16874900


Stars are overrated…

keep following them though.

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60305c  No.16874909




It will be telling if we're not. They are itching to take control. And if they don't it's def not because they have thought through the consequences. (the way our Real POTUS did)

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3574e0  No.16874911



This war is fought in different dimensions. When our enemies are brought into the public light, they lose their ability to act and conspire in secret.

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f5ddc7  No.16874917

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dcfbc2  No.16874918

Understanding that the natural world of our senses is only one aspect of environment, understanding mind space, the way ideas work in the mind, is another.

Just as there are rules in matter, physical laws, mind space has rules – logical procedures and cognitive hygiene habits which ensure our survival and our children’s.

When we understand the internet didn't get bad by accident but by design, we understand that it doesn’t have to be that way just because it is that way.

It is possible to create a network that is safe and secure for all its users, which offers both elective anonymity and assured identity.

To be secure FOR everyone, networks have to be secure FROM everyone, even the people who build them.

‘’’Non-linear or Information war’’’ uses social subversion tactics to gradually degrade the whole information infrastructure, from popular entertainment media content and news to children’s stories and school textbooks and even down to local or regional historical records stored in municipal archives and libraries.

Historical frauds are legitimized, self-destructive behaviors are promoted as fashionable, mental illnesses and perversions like pedophilia are induced by repeated suggestion publicity and gradually normalized by stages by seditious, subverted “Mockingbird” news and entertainment industry.

Gradually, over decades, cultists have used their control over publishing broadcasting and media to reduce our public vocabulary, promote social division, emphasize inequities, fan flames of old grievances and use false flag terrorism to foster or rekindle resentments.

By falsifying historical records satanic cultists produce evidence to support a shameful, cult-created US history that never happened. Destroying the story of a nation destroys that nation; values and principles for which men died for are discarded with astroturfed support, endorsed by meaningless elections with no ID required votes. The nation falls apart.

Information warfare destroys people and countries from within. By controlling the minds of citizens, by exploiting conditioned responses with prepared information packages, targeted individuals or nations can be (and have been) brought to take ANY specified action (including 'genocide') voluntarily. It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is that way.


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b8ebb2  No.16874920


AZOV Brigade did it. The key to who did it is who was killed. They say Ukrainians were killed, but what were their loyalties? To Ukraine? Or to Russia? Ukraine has spent 8 years trying to drive the Russia loyalist from the eastern border region.

If the dead could talk, it would probably be in Russian.

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60305c  No.16874921


If her mom had eaten her, she would still come out the same - just a POS.

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3574e0  No.16874923


Knock 3 times this time

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fda3ff  No.16874925

SF health officials identify 1st 'probable' case of monkeypox in city

The San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) announced Friday that the first probable case of monkeypox has been identified in a resident through testing at a California Department of Public Health laboratory.

SFDPH says it anticipates that more cases of monkeypox could occur in San Francisco and is monitoring updates, guidance from the CDC and CDPH.


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af4935  No.16874928


Sure of That?…

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dcfbc2  No.16874930


>Sky event


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fb33c3  No.16874939


He mentioned that one guy committing suicide but made it sound like he actually got wacked for real, it stood out

Maybe an anon can clip that part he was talking about some politician

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f5ddc7  No.16874942


Message; my husband killed a family in a Jeep.

Biden’s audience.

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582ca2  No.16874944

Q, you would be proud of me for putting this together despite the odds habbenin in personal life and fog of war on the kun.

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33cab5  No.16874949

Donald Trump Jr. / @DonaldJTrumpJr

06/20/2022 16:45:57

Truth Social: 108511753533830590

Much more accurate logo


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fb33c3  No.16874962


Jefferson reunion

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94ada6  No.16874986

File: d0fea7607ef5fc2⋯.mp4 (866.09 KB, 320x240, 4:3, gbkmhj9834wu5y9rtmjgvt0349….mp4)

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4cda46  No.16874991



What part of Hollaback Girl didn't you understand?

Also, listen to Taylor Swift's album 1989 (your digs as well as my birth year)…

Particularly "Blank Space."

I can post it for you further down the "bread" if you'd like?

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9ebe81  No.16874995


No he's retarded.

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7c339f  No.16874999

File: 2aa6c60b1bc3a43⋯.jpeg (1.44 MB, 3571x2858, 3571:2858, BavarianNordic_US_Patent_….JPEG)

File: f83bc9d3a0b2dca⋯.pdf (630.98 KB, BavarianNordic_Poxvirus_ve….pdf)

File: 1f799ac9860757e⋯.pdf (55.67 KB, JYNNEOS_Approval_Letter_16….pdf)

File: b0e40c7e4a8f72c⋯.pdf (58.13 KB, JYNNEOS_Approval_Letter_17….pdf)

File: f3e823c7f9b28f9⋯.pdf (88.15 KB, Monkeypox_Vaccine_Informat….pdf)


1/. Bavarian Nordic - Poxvirus with HIV antigens Patent – https://uspto.report/patent/grant/11,229,693

19/. FDA approves first live, non-replicating vaccine to prevent smallpox and monkeypox https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-first-live-non-replicatingvaccine-prevent-smallpox-and-monkeypox

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2e993d  No.16875001


a lot of break-in murders lately

Rhode Island husband and wife are found shot dead in their home while their three children are inside: Cops say it was NOT a random act of violence

Eric and Courtney Huard of Cumberland, Rhode Island, were found shot to death in their home on June 22

All three of their kids, Blake, Grant and Sydney, were found unharmed in the home

Police believe it was not a random act of violence, and the incident is isolated

According to their obituaries, Eric was a lineman for the national grid, while his wife Courtney owned a diet and nutrition practice. Both have been described as loving and invested parents, often seen on the sidelines of their children's sporting events.

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fda3ff  No.16875031


Know that i know what a pleb is it doesn't change the fact that you are a super duper cunt

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3574e0  No.16875033



these stickers are a whole entire new job for gas station attendants.

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4cda46  No.16875038


They will learn.

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3574e0  No.16875043


Define 'Suppression'.

The action of suppressing something such as an activity or publication?

[Bonus Round]

'Narcissists' are renowned for using 'psychological projection' to blame other people, even when it is entirely apparent that they are the ones in the wrong.

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ea9b98  No.16875044





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582ca2  No.16875077


🤣🤣🤣… yea let’s see what they come up with…

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4cda46  No.16875080


JUNE 21, 2017

Jeh Johnson - Russia Orchestrated Cyberattacks on Election


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95b01a  No.16875084

shills be scared if they are dropping the shit they are this morning ….best they just kill themselves now.

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0ea187  No.16875097


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33cab5  No.16875103


sometimes wearing just 1 string is too much

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60305c  No.16875104



‘The man who bought London’: Qatar billionaire behind Prince Charles scandal

Former PM of Qatar was one of Time’s ‘most influential people’ and named in both Panama and Pandora Papers


World Cup 2022 in Qatar: New bribe and corruption claims from US prosecutors

FIFA to seek further information from the United States Department of Justice regarding allegations of bribery in relation to the 2018 and 2022 World Cups

Tuesday 7 April 2020 20:48, UK

Prosecutors have tabled fresh allegations of bribes being paid to FIFA executive committee members to vote for Qatar to host the 2022 World Cup.

An indictment unsealed on Monday in a US District Court in Brooklyn alleges Nicolas Leoz, the then president of South American football's governing body CONMEBOL, and former Brazil federation president Ricardo Teixeira accepted bribes to vote for the Gulf state at FIFA's executive committee meeting in 2010.


June 23, 2022

Deadly Games: The Labour Casualties of Qatar’s World Cup

by Binoy Kampmark

A sordid enterprise, nasty, crude and needless. But the World Cup 2022 will be, should anyone bother watching it, stained by one of the highest casualty rates amongst workers in its history, marked by corruption and stained by a pharisee quality. The sportswashers, cleaning agent at the ready, will be out in force, and the hypocrites dressed to the nines.


Qatar Corruption Report

Last updated: September 2020


Corruption in Qatar is relatively low and is among the lowest in the Middle East and North African region. Despite that petty corruption is almost non-existent in all sector, patronage networks and clientelism are institutionalized, particularly in public procurement. The use of influential middlemen – known as ‘wasta’, and gift-giving play a major role in the business culture of Qatar. The Penal Code No. 11/2004 is Qatar’s primary piece of corruption-related legislation. Anti-corruption laws are effectively enforced, and the country has substantial penalties for corrupt practices. Notwithstanding, the ruling family bypass laws with impunity and high-ranking officials are rarely prosecuted for corruption acts. The likelihood of encountering demands for facilitation payments is low, nonetheless, companies should be aware that facilitation payments are illegal under Qatari laws.


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95b01a  No.16875113

I just came across this game. Fukken kek.

Kyle Rittenhouse's Turkey Shoot.

You get to shoot down fake news turkeys.


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ad731b  No.16875114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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60305c  No.16875121

James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)

Webb: Revealing the First Galaxies

Jun 22, 2022

Take a trip through time and space to the early universe with NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. How will Webb reveal the never-before-seen first galaxies? What are astronomers looking for? Discover the answers to these questions and more with this video.


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2ff145  No.16875124


d0e8d6 fedpedo is looking for child porn


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d4afc4  No.16875137


you will do nothing

and you will like it

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33cab5  No.16875147

something very off putting in this picture,they both look that just hatched some evil plan to dominate the world with midgets

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b8ebb2  No.16875157

Somebody said were you grandstanding just now, Sir as he was leaving.

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2be636  No.16875189

File: d91dee557ad955e⋯.jpg (146.17 KB, 1920x960, 2:1, proxy_image.jpg)

>>16866329 pb

>Yes Trump is coming back,... but will they install an anti-Christian World government? That remains to be seen.

no argument that DJT checks all the boxes for an anti-Christ. just sayin'......

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60305c  No.16875192







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fda3ff  No.16875201


That'll be midnight here

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ad731b  No.16875202

File: 14664997df3f0aa⋯.jpg (8.77 KB, 250x160, 25:16, hinttriangle2.jpg)

File: 2c7807cbe8c07a7⋯.jpg (80.13 KB, 1600x1578, 800:789, Star_of_David.jpg)

File: 6862008fb27f55b⋯.png (17.26 KB, 98x145, 98:145, 8kun_logo_2021.png)


It doesn't have to be destroyed completely. Just watch the temple topple over.


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3574e0  No.16875205


damn i feel that.

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4cda46  No.16875228


I won't be consuming this story. I suspect it's tainted source.

I'm sticking to

1.7 trillion->Nazis

40 Billion ->Nazis

700 million ->Nazis

so nancy pelosi can start ww3.

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9ebe81  No.16875235


v. loquacious cleric.

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3574e0  No.16875236


Give me a break… he will get a fine and pay it off.

So what?

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ea9b98  No.16875260

File: 92b03956b2b7839⋯.png (324.65 KB, 1309x650, 1309:650, Screenshot_2022_07_27_22_2….png)

File: f356099ed3cd18b⋯.jpeg (188.32 KB, 1900x1484, 475:371, FYlijqOXwAEQSg1.jpeg)

File: 12f0f006441f222⋯.jpeg (276.2 KB, 1900x1474, 950:737, FYlijqMXoAAd82q.jpeg)

AVI Braverman

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b8ebb2  No.16875261


anon may just go round and kick him in the nads.

doesn't matter, money will be worthless soon as we anons know.

time to breath deeply and remind him later when it all goes to shit what he did.

do not care about money. just pissed that he sold the property the old man designed and built for somewhere to have if any of his siblings got in trouble.

still anon has a bigger mission at the moment

taking down a 12000 year old death cult.

then anon will go round and kick him repeatly in the nads

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d4afc4  No.16875267


Megan Rapinoe, Simone Biles, Denzel Washington,

John McCain among 17 to receive Presidential

Medal of Freedom

Associated Press, by Darlene Superville

Posted By: nwcudagal, 7/1/2022 3:06:03 PM

President Joe Biden will present the nation’s highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, to 17 people, including actor Denzel Washington, soccer star Megan Rapinoe, gymnast Simone Biles and the late John McCain, the Arizona Republican with whom Biden served in the U.S. Senate. Biden will also recognize Sandra Lindsay, the New York City nurse who rolled up her sleeve on live television in December 2020 to receive the first COVID-19 vaccine dose that was pumped into an arm in the United States, the White House announced Friday.

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95b01a  No.16875272



Be sure to have today's date in the photo.

No kiddie porn.

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2ff145  No.16875282


because he won twice already; term limits…or are you going to tell me they will just ignore that?

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3574e0  No.16875293


>Damian and two buddies MURDERED three eight-year-old boys: Chris Byers, Stevie Branch, and Michael Moore

The West Memphis Three are Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, and Jessie Misskelley Jr., who—as teenagers—were convicted in 1994 of triple murder in West Memphis (Crittenden County). Echols, Baldwin, and Misskelley were accused of killing three eight-year-old boys: Chris Byers, Stevie Branch, and Michael Moore. Their trial, which included assertions that the killings were part of a cultic ritual, and subsequent conviction set off a firestorm around the nation and world, inspired books and movies, and led to a movement to re-try or free the three men, believed by many to have been wrongly convicted.

On May 6, 1993, Byers, Branch, and Moore were found in a water-filled ditch in the woods of the Robin Hood Hills subdivision less than twenty-four hours after their parents had reported them missing.The boys were naked, beaten, and hog-tied. Byers had been castrated.Despite the violence of the crime, there was little evidence at the scene of the crime. Police wondered at the peculiar lack of blood or fibers, and also noted that the area looked as though it had been swept clean. The police were faced with a case that immediately gained national attention but that yielded little information with which to find the person or people responsible.

The state of the boys’ bodies quickly inspired rumors that a satanic cult was responsible. The crime scene’s location in the woods, the nudity, the positioning of the boys’ bodies, and especially the castration caused concern about Satanism amongst the locals, and amongst the police as well. Within days of the murders, Gary Gitchell, the chief inspector, informed the public that the police were considering a number of possible explanations for the murders, one of which was cult activity. Throughout the investigation, the cult theory overshadowed more traditional theories, such as the speculation that the murders were committed by someone who knew the boys.

Jerry Driver was a juvenile probation officer for Crittenden County who believed that there was a satanic cult in the area. Much of that belief was a result of his dealings with Damien Echols, a teenager placed under his supervision until age eighteen after having been arrested for burglary and sexual misconduct. The more that Driver interacted with Echols, the more convinced he became that Echols was involved in a satanic cult. Echols denied any connection with Satanism but did admit to believing in and practicing magic. Driver shared his suspicions with the West Memphis police.

Jason Baldwin was friends with Echols, both of them being social outcasts. Baldwin did well in school and did not join in Echols’s experimentation with magic. Despite their many differences, they spent a great deal of time together. The third and final suspect, Jessie Misskelley Jr., had little connection to either Echols or Baldwin. However, he babysat for Vicki Hutcheson, a woman who volunteered to help the police investigate. Hutcheson began to ask Misskelley questions about the case, and he agreed to introduce her to Echols, well-known as a suspect by that point.

Hutcheson told police that she persuaded Echols to take her with him to a witches’ gathering and that Misskelley went with them. As a result, Misskelley was taken to the police station for several hours of questioning, of which just over thirty minutes were recorded. At the end of the questioning, Misskelley confessed, implicating himself, Echols, and Baldwin. Misskelley’s confession, however, was inconsistent with details of the crime of which the police were already aware. While confessing, Misskelley at times contradicted his own story as well. In spite of the potential problems with Misskelley’s confession, the police arrested him, Echols, and Baldwin on June 3, 1993.

Sauce/moar: https://encyclopediaofarkansas.net/entries/west-memphis-three-3039/

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2e993d  No.16875294


If 2 blackholes were near each other technically they could rip apart Time/Space and fragment it creating the multiple timelines.

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60305c  No.16875299



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4a0737  No.16875307

File: 03a0a60c6d66d3a⋯.png (210.14 KB, 409x409, 1:1, 03a0a60c6d66d3a649b38eb5d6….png)

So… that was fun. Got a lot of things done around the house and whatnot.

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f5ddc7  No.16875316

U.S. Supreme Court insulates federal agents from accountability

une 10 (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday made it nearly impossible for Americans to sue federal law enforcement officers who violate their constitutional rights, further narrowing the already limited path to hold U.S. officials accountable for even egregious misuse of their authority.


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7f0653  No.16875325


Belongs To God

What is the meaning of the name Deron? The name Deron is primarily a male name of Armenian origin that means Belongs To God.


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9ebe81  No.16875332

kill all child rapists.

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2e993d  No.16875333



It has a trip code just not flashy as the CSS is not used.

See images if you still dont get it lurk moar

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60305c  No.16875340


it is not for (You)

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f5ddc7  No.16875342


Thank you Hall Monitor Anon. Always make sure to tell everyone what to do on here and never allow anyone to make their own conclusions. Everyone must follow these rules and never question shills or expose their narratives. Simply let them pass all their disinfo and propaganda unabated.


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b8ebb2  No.16875343




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582ca2  No.16875360

BREAKING: Three people are dead and 14 hurt after a shooting near a Tennessee nightclub.

Police said most were shot, but one of those killed and two of the injured were hit by vehicles while trying to flee.They said there were multiple shooters.


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f5ddc7  No.16875365


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b8ebb2  No.16875366


delta since that drop

1666 on date 6/3/6

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2be636  No.16875370


>Q, you would be proud of me for putting this together despite the odds habbenin in personal life and fog of war on the kun.

uuuuugh…. ok.

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02ca9e  No.16875373

File: 6fb2d33475e5078⋯.jpg (45.3 KB, 706x704, 353:352, hello.JPG)


>Got a lot of things done around the house and whatnot.

I almost did

Maybe next time

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60305c  No.16875382

Finger lakes

Tul'sem back

Bodhi's buried? oR strapping boots back

Lighten up unload the notepad

Hoist the anchors hi and throw them out to the sky.

Ada bo'uy this anon doesn't matter anyweigh

Tears of years tea time stew

Dried and aligned

0 b a mama

Don't taze me ma'am

Fig pharma Wants to lube your engine


Mule con vetter

Say cheese which aertesianal rind

Which hook 🪝 are you dancing for

Which card is your style

What direction your tideflow towards sum bankmenmentos to be riled.

Lynch sinch the wall let.

Lest things go AWA{n}ry.

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fda3ff  No.16875415

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60305c  No.16875418


its like ukrainian flags on faggots profiles, not realizing gay mariage is banned…smh sheep

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33cab5  No.16875421

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7f0653  No.16875442


>A silent heart condition

hello vaxxies, you dumbfucks

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60305c  No.16875447

Reporter: Does [Biden] believe that Attorney General Garland should prosecute President Trump?

Jean-Pierre: We agree all Americans should watch and remember the horrors of one of the darkest days in our history, but this is up to the Department of Justice…we leave it up to the Department of Justice.

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4cda46  No.16875453


Thank you anon. Any note takers or bakers here?

Anon can make a thread- but not really. Learning curve is slow for iphone fags like me.

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ea9b98  No.16875455

File: 4856dfe23f023ad⋯.jpeg (119.87 KB, 760x1120, 19:28, FYndxbTXoAEk_QB.jpeg)

File: 8fec24a94ee85b2⋯.jpeg (25.17 KB, 760x865, 152:173, FYnpWnDXoAEmUue.jpeg)



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7f0653  No.16875458


Did you know the Egyptians believed Atum created himself, while we know God created us in His image?

“When evening comes, you say, ‘The weather will be fair, for the sky is red,’ and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but not the signs of the TIMES."

"The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said:

“The kingdom of the world has become

the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah,

and he will reign for ever and ever.”

And the twenty-four elders, who were seated on their thrones before God, fell on their faces and worshiped God, 17 saying:

“We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty,

the One who is and who was,

because you have taken your great power

and have begun to reign.

The nations were angry,

and your wrath has come.

The time has come for judging the dead,

and for rewarding your servants the prophets

and your people who revere your name,

both great and small—

and for destroying those who destroy the earth.”

The mystery of God is completed in the times of revelation.

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8e763b  No.16875460

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c99afb  No.16875461

Check these timestamps, motherfuckers.


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582ca2  No.16875467



Also, just to note..during that same time qagg.news was acting up as well. Both are fine again now. Interesting.

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ad731b  No.16875470


How about this flag.


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33cab5  No.16875480




I have to run but I am going to check this out when I get back.

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b8ebb2  No.16875487



>Shanghai U



>Panicking Board Jews about everything now

Wew lads!

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8e763b  No.16875490


Pavlov ate Kibble and Bits

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c99afb  No.16875491

Russia collusion delusion comes to mind

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2e993d  No.16875506

Do you think these young men are going to pay attention to gun laws?

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d4afc4  No.16875512


Feel like I'm the only 90s baby in America who has never read or watched a Harry Potter book or movie.

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b8ebb2  No.16875514


He admits to being too harsh on Joan, but not to his puzzles not being worth looking into.

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9ebe81  No.16875520




Chill Fren

All is Maya (Illusion)

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582ca2  No.16875525


Ah, I see kek

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7f0653  No.16875528

Morning anons…

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9ebe81  No.16875535


Somebody tell Hanoi Jane to get back in her hole and shut up

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582ca2  No.16875537






Anyone continuing to push variations of the ‘fix 2020 or bust’ narrative do not have your best interests in mind.

Trump knew he was going to lose and even told us a grazillion times beforehand that it would be the most corrupt election in history.

Better yet, in order for Devolution to take place this was exactly the kind of thing that would enable that undertaking to occur.

Don’t be a moron, vote like your life depended on it come November b/c it does.

This isn’t hard to grasp.

Jun 26, 2022, 02:20

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4a0737  No.16875541

File: 05f5cc62d949345⋯.jpg (30.25 KB, 615x409, 615:409, qbq9xt2yw3e91.jpg)


I'm thankful for being vaccinated.

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7c339f  No.16875545

File: ae6a35b620014d7⋯.jpeg (92.24 KB, 620x702, 310:351, 28AC8B93_8672_4A1D_88DF_F….jpeg)

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33cab5  No.16875546


Stanford spoop Elon Musk gets the same "Tom Swift Jr" PR blackwash as Bill Gates. Beards

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9ebe81  No.16875550

How much would you like me to weigh after I reach peak health, anons? Give me a number above 65 and under 150. I'm here to help you out. Thank you much.

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95b01a  No.16875563


> On 33 of them

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b8ebb2  No.16875565


1-3 Blue Lodge Masons - Any religion

4-33 Scottish Rite - Catholic

York Rite - Church of England

All seeing eye - the power of the Monarch…which is a lie, that all believe, which keeps the scam alive

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c99afb  No.16875567


your sister naked.

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fda3ff  No.16875568

(You) know I have a condition of

showing emotion after I am

2 or 3 steps ahead

of where I was

when I saw or heard

something that would

at a later time ,

say 3_5 sec

I would visually or orally

express my feelings ,

I am different

sorry for being me.

but ,

I Love (You) Always ❤


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33cab5  No.16875569



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2e993d  No.16875570


G reported and filtered

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582ca2  No.16875572


the fuck are you talking about?

Somehow we havnt needed to "unite" with anyone while we literally built civilization from the ground up, but for some reason, we need to try to be friends with every subhuman parasite who floods over the border?

I dont fucking think so, cuck

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95b01a  No.16875574

Imagine when the world is told all I have done…

How inventions have been stolen since I was a child from me.

How I have been framed and tortured then heal for so long.

How Obama, Trump, Reagan, Elon, and others have used my ideas over and over.

How my sanction plans are stopping Putin and his mob.

How I Sherlocked the way Putin is running drugs, Trump is laundering money, Epstein was framing libs for Putin, Epstein was moving drugs for Putin, and much more.

How I saved Trudeau from the Trump/Putin attack with the stage sync lavalin bs.

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33cab5  No.16875591

Our fearless resident


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fc16f6  No.16875593


That's a bot and an easy one to block with about 3 words.

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15563a  No.16875594

File: f769eafc3fb2854⋯.png (538.94 KB, 539x631, 539:631, 85f581322d77f29a3d49d08096….png)

File: ad385fc239895f9⋯.png (125.57 KB, 280x356, 70:89, M_80_Salute_.png)

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582ca2  No.16875596


Obviously it is, otherwise he'd get a life instead.

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7c339f  No.16875599

File: 8500ca60a05e3d3⋯.jpg (150.32 KB, 1081x1183, 1081:1183, Pfizer_Smile_05_Emoji.jpg)

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7f0653  No.16875600


dafug. can see the skeletons in his closet from here.

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fda3ff  No.16875603

Irish people, Scottish people and Norse people are the best races on the planet.

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33cab5  No.16875604


Is mcdnalds about to go out of business here too?

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fc16f6  No.16875621


You have to take care of yourself.

Trust yourself.

The government cant spoon feed you and create your thoughts for you.

The government cant take care of you!

Wake up!

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fda3ff  No.16875638


You try the ones on pol?

Especially when you try to initiate a thread yourself. It's hell.

But that place is great. I like it that threads are broken down into topics.

Three Gorges Dam and La Palma were the comfiest.

Been following Red Skull all along too.

BDA and Burning Bush got way out, actually cultish.

CIAanon is helpful though.

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95b01a  No.16875653


Tyrell is that you?

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582ca2  No.16875656

He[s baaack!

Twitter restores Papi's account


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9ebe81  No.16875657


FREEDOM RALLY, ERIC of Liberty Party; on Medical Tyranny

Sums up a lot in a short time

with the appropriate outrage.

Seasoned Rant.


FREEDOM RALLY, ERIC of Liberty Party; on Medical Tyranny

From the day before the SCOTUS decision on concealed carry NYC

I wonder why these mass murderers who harm people's babies and kill people with their lies and the clot -shot , and take about people's jobs and businesses for their fraud of a "New World Order" would be concerned about Concealed Carry issue?

Just sayn'

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7c339f  No.16875659

File: fe92b13101470cb⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 1899x1354, 1899:1354, IMG_1421.jpg)


The Vaccinated

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d4afc4  No.16875660

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7f0653  No.16875661





We agreed it’s not tinnitus so what the fuck is it.

Are we being activated……

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c99afb  No.16875663


I'm not stupid

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3ce0ec  No.16875664

File: 458067b7cbf2281⋯.jpeg (56.81 KB, 912x500, 228:125, 00C75E7C_6B8D_48DF_9723_0….jpeg)

every time we get spammed with multiple breads, we just fill them and carry on. it amazes and inspires the GOOD and the EVIL in equal measure.

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792567  No.16875668

Same Bat Channel, Same Bat Time, Same Bat Shit.

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4cda46  No.16875684





The Original ‘Antifa’ Was A Jewish Anti-Nazi Militia



Antifa is a terrorist group in the blood-soaked Bolshevik tradition



Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish



Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews



Your top 9 Yiddish antifa anthems: a revolutionary playlist



The Yiddish roots of antifa – the anti-fascist movement whose precursors date back at least as far as opposition to the Russian czar – have been well documented. They are also enshrined in a canon of Yiddish antifa songs – songs of resistance, anarchism, revolution, and workers’ rights – that listeners might find eerily resonant and applicable to our present moment.


4 part info graph about the relationship between Antifa, George Soros, ISIS and Israel:





Convicted domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, founder of Weather Underground ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Ayers ) is also an initiator of one of antifa's branches "Refuse Fascism".

Related pic here:


The Communist Directive in 1943 (label obstructionists as "fascists" to turn public opinion against them):


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4a0737  No.16875686

File: 4edb38f46a0d2dc⋯.jpg (10.86 KB, 229x220, 229:220, smokingpepe2.jpg)


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ea9b98  No.16875687

File: ee716bb08c8e762⋯.png (264 KB, 613x661, 613:661, Screenshot_2022_07_27_22_3….png)

File: 3cbb02dc140cd93⋯.jpeg (135.59 KB, 1125x1523, 1125:1523, FYiy0nZXoAIrFkl.jpeg)

File: 8afdd75b4b30867⋯.jpeg (86.52 KB, 1125x869, 1125:869, FYiy0nXXkAEvAt0.jpeg)

File: 660b8b8ce2dff5a⋯.jpeg (87.73 KB, 1125x905, 225:181, FYiy0nYWYAA4TtV.jpeg)

File: 483c9b5a5b8b6a2⋯.jpeg (96.17 KB, 1125x1206, 125:134, FYiy0nXWIAMv_2C.jpeg)



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7c899d  No.16875693

Just got home from working a double.

Why so lively so early in the morning?

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6713ce  No.16875696


Where's Hunter?

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33cab5  No.16875697



That's cheery little post. On the same wave length as I am feeling right now.

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95b01a  No.16875699

what a fucking shithole - Yes I'm spying on the enemy for a couple minutes.

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fc16f6  No.16875702

"this nation belongs to you"

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c99afb  No.16875707



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7f0653  No.16875716


"I don't care if it's unconstitutional! Do it til the courts strike it down, anyway!"

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9ebe81  No.16875719



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73f52d  No.16875720


Already been two Great Awakenings in history.

People must've needed more coffee because they didn't work.



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ad731b  No.16875721


No they're just reading your thoughts.

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6713ce  No.16875723



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33cab5  No.16875738


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2e993d  No.16875739


>Self admitted product of MK Ultra and a Liberal

MSM will forget this just like the NYC subway shooter a few months ago.

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fc16f6  No.16875742

A long time ago, "the pill" worked by causing spontaneous abortion. The fertilized egg could not implant in the uterine wall.

I'm just curious if this is Thomas' aim in the desire to revisit Griswold decision.

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d4afc4  No.16875743


Becker News, [11.06.22 21:55]

[Forwarded from El American]

[ Photo ]

Virginia Parents, Teachers Sue Schools for Withholding Gender Transition of Children

[Leer en español]

A group of parents and teachers in Virginia, represented by attorneys from Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), filed a lawsuit against a school district for withholding parents’ right to choose their children’s education and imposing gender ideology on teachers and staff.

According to information from ADF, the school district’s policy urges staff to…


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7f0653  No.16875745


mother, husband unisex

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7c899d  No.16875750




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c99afb  No.16875760



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33cab5  No.16875763

Yes, extremely heroic of the old coot. Can you imagine anyone saying this with a straight face?


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4cda46  No.16875765


how is jüтоов рroofof anything other than hearsay

you are of aubpar intelligence

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ef844f  No.16875781


Without water blood dries up and dies.

Remember, Jesus promised LIVING water, and both water and blood flowed from Jesus when He was pierced.

Revelation 17:15 tells you what the water stands for.

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15563a  No.16875784

File: 198823ae805aa85⋯.png (288.41 KB, 755x708, 755:708, 198823ae805aa85b611bd82e30….png)


>How much did that cost I wonder?

About tree-fiddy.

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c99afb  No.16875785



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2e993d  No.16875790



The Salt has since reverted back so it's valid again.


It was rotated Friday when "Q" used that TC.

Which was impossible since his pwd post rotation would have generated a different TC.

Thus fuckery was at play.

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d4afc4  No.16875796

you will always be alone


for you are completely without worth

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95b01a  No.16875806


>If bankers and their mass media really wanted to attack Hitler, then why would Hitler release a banker, but keep regular German citizens in camps.

>And why would he invade all sorts of European countries and strip the white people living in there of their weapons and also behead the ones fighting against them (invaders == the enemy of the people)?

what the fuck are you talking about?

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33cab5  No.16875815


Why are you so mad? Losing social credit?

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277a83  No.16875821


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdooAdjR50Q

CPR Ministries https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxxh4N9weB3eDsbrJZ2PLhw

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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95b01a  No.16875844



Well PedoWood started moving there and filming. That could be a tell.

Atlanta is a "happenin' place". Always has been.

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d4afc4  No.16875850

The calm before the storm.

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.



The Calm before the Storm








We the People

We WillNever FORGET!

We WillNever FORGIVE!

'Hold On, I'm Coming'

I Got Them All








Military is the only way.




7th floor is no more




























































Yellow Submarine


Reptile eggs


Epstein Island

Get me a bun, senpai

Who was Bin Laden's handler?

Why was the Lord's prayer changed?

911-clowns-our father?

"Trick or Trick"




pedo bun


pork chop sandwich












puppet master



Maxwell House














DD Dangerous Dragons

DD Daniel Defense





















e[Y]e of Horus






Holy See

e[Y]e of Ra

















CONFIRM KEYSTONE = Pi, Eta, Zeta, & Epsilon Hereculis

When does a bird sing?

When it tweets

Fourth Wall?

When (You) are watching a movie.

General K.

You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.

Ready, Aim, FIRE!!!💥













>S(KY) O'NE. Oni. Skyr. Skyrim. Ice land! Stay frosty!

>There's no place like home! My main(e) ho(e)! Haha.

>Follow the yellow brick road!



John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope…

sportsball, larry bird is a faggot in…


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4cda46  No.16875854


Fat Leonard brings down US Navy

Yamamoto would be proud

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33cab5  No.16875855

Morning Q.

Are you and the Q account on Truth Social one and the same?


- H

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ef844f  No.16875860



Go get them Kari Lake!

Love watching this woman speak and working for the people best interest.

God speed

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bbc75e  No.16875866

File: 7b83dde6f915cb5⋯.jpg (15.97 KB, 440x293, 440:293, Radioshack_TRS80.jpg)

File: 7b83dde6f915cb5⋯.jpg (15.97 KB, 440x293, 440:293, Radioshack_TRS80.jpg)



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0ea187  No.16875869

File: cc79a928040fa95⋯.gif (1.59 MB, 512x512, 1:1, unnamed.gif)

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c99afb  No.16875877

The Code Behind Google’s Woke Autocorrect


Leaked material from Google provided exclusively to Breitbart News give a behind-the-scenes glimpse of a feature rolled out to business and enterprise users of Google Docs that suggests woke-approved replacements for words like “man,” “woman,” “white,” and “master” as users type.

In the examples below, Google’s curated list of non-woke words and their woke replacements can be seen, such as replacing “manhole” with “maintenance hole” and “whitepaper” with “report.”

In some cases, Google can be seen struggling to replace everyday words. “Motherhood,” for example, is replaced with the far less succinct “experience of being a parent or guardian.”

The feature is so clunky and riddled with errors, that Breitbart News’ source within Google, who wishes to remain anonymous, now says the company is going to roll it back.

“This was an amazingly ham-handed feature,” said the Google employee. “A crude (with at least one spelling mistake), manually curated but poorly vetted list of anything vaguely race or gender-related that led to an obviously bad user experience. It’s hard to believe it ever went through user research.”

Google announced the feature’s rollout in April, but gave scant details about how it operated, except to say that it would flag “discriminatory and inappropriate language” to users, and recommend more “inclusive” alternatives.

The feature works by recommending new words to Google Docs users as they type, in much the same way as a regular autocorrect function.

The pictures below give a glimpse at the backend of the feature, and reveals some of the un-woke words Google wants its users to eliminate from their vocabulary.

In the image above, words that include the prefix “man” are the subject of an “inclusive warning.” The feature recommends that the word “mankind” be replaced with “humankind,” “humanity,” or “people of the world.” It recommends that “manhole” be replaced with “hole” or “maintenance hole,” and that “manhunt” be replaced with “search.”



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9ebe81  No.16875881


Copy that

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ef844f  No.16875888


True but you’re missing the big picture. Optics are important. This is a significant shift to returning power to the people and away from big government.

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02ef9c  No.16875894

Apologizes for any confusion.

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9ebe81  No.16875907

tor test 000001

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f2bea6  No.16875931


You think the war machine is gonna bite the hand that feeds them? Don't be so gullible anon.

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277a83  No.16875938

Nancy and Warren both in Red Coats today.

Fuck those weirdos.

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33a54f  No.16875940

File: 5b69c797eeaafed⋯.png (531.51 KB, 838x1134, 419:567, fury.png)


Anons are always over the target and accurate. Where We Go 1 We Go All. For God and Country.

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7c339f  No.16875964

File: 16a33228c2976e7⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB, 2244x1552, 561:388, BE3F514E_B01E_444E_89FA_8….jpeg)

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6713ce  No.16875974


I'll hold off until after I eat breakfast.

Give you time to tidy up and all. o7

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02ca9e  No.16875982

File: 10554fd177e6830⋯.png (250.36 KB, 585x625, 117:125, IMPUNITY.png)


> How much did that cost I wonder?

Jim needs to release ODIN already

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6713ce  No.16875988


vaccine development too.

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95b01a  No.16875995


I'd love to clown her fuckin world….

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ef844f  No.16876001

Millions of people are silenced but Agent POS gets two fucking hours every week!

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277a83  No.16876024

National average price of gas in the U.S. surpassed $5 per gallon today for the first time ever, according to GasBuddy.


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73f52d  No.16876032


this pedonigger got a state funeral in israel, he has a big memorial.

it is more likely than not that he helped with the JFK assassination.

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fc16f6  No.16876038



While anon acknowledges many 'angles' taking place, anon not imputing self's take on others, just invoking take on why that 'pop culture' imagery about bartenders being 'wise' is echoed.

Bartenders are usually needing to be sober, alert, and cool under pressure.

So Anon acknowledge your angle of some bartenders truly being wise as also true.

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bbc75e  No.16876042



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ecf885  No.16876045

Mst an FYI from a veteran who used to live in flordia.

Jacksonville and Gainesville are the WORST va hospitals in the nation! If you want a bandaid or cold pill , that’s about all you would get,

I could tell you many horror stories about that place but I’ll give you just 2 first hand personal ones.

1. Us army veteran with crushed bones in hand since 1970. They refused him even X-rays.. ( he has a VA I’d card and was fully verified with DD214.) 20 yrs later he moved to a new state, they took him in less then 30 days from his move at the new states VA and did surgery to clean out hand and place a metal plate.

2. Veteran suffered injuries to ear during her US NAVY service. Caused loss of right eardrum and partial hearing loss in left. Was denied hearing aids ( both for VA hospitals) was diabetic and never told. Was sent to gainville for hearing test, after test a nurse practitioner looked at ears and stated needed cleaning. The nurse then proceeded to try removing bone growth in the ear canal with a metal object and no anesthesia. Veteran left with pain and never returned to that hospital. She Moved to new state and has since recieved excellent care from new va hospital.

The veteran running joke in flordia is.. if you want to know what socialized medicine will be like visit a flordia va hospital.

That is all…

I stand in service to this country as a US NAVY VETERAN1

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d4afc4  No.16876053

Did Q alerts go out?

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7f0653  No.16876055


Qtime Network ️ ️ ️, [08.06.22 15:48]


[ Album ]

Does anyone else find it funny that the Truth Social devs specifically gave just one account a pulsating icon and that just so happened to be @q? No one else has this.

They created the q account as one of the oldest accounts on the site and the date of that creation of course adds up to 17. Why are they giving this account so much love?

Can anyone else make a pulsating icon?

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ef844f  No.16876063


–Format your using:


Day 06.25.2022




Versus A Tidy Format





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73f52d  No.16876070

Keep tidy.

For Q.

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ecf885  No.16876079



liar liar pants on fire



'this was not political'

'this was not ideological'

`the censorship board is apolitical and we're just trying to create a comfortable space (for some).' ~to paraphrase.

Obviously a guy, right?

how was it involved in gamergate?

did it send itself death threats?

can I shut down someones right to speech in a 'town square' because what they are saying makes me uncomfortable?




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73f52d  No.16876081

exiled juw pedo in mexico caught preachin closet HOm00 wiff GAHYcowboy lubes from greece choir

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ea9b98  No.16876082

File: 3f8da348ce075ab⋯.png (124.85 KB, 520x432, 65:54, Screenshot_2022_07_27_17_2….png)

File: 4edd45a98bb7eab⋯.png (269.63 KB, 591x356, 591:356, ClipboardImage.png)

Groomer Awareness Month Straggler. Fair game since the PRIDE month had that fag from SF fuck multi-men and get gonoriha and monkeypox (fuckin both!) Oh yeah he's HEALTH EXPERT and and OFFICIAL

SaltyCracker got the dope on this one.



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7c339f  No.16876085

File: 23e1ea89f5b5e60⋯.jpg (181.24 KB, 708x661, 708:661, ClimatePOX_Under_Electron_….jpg)

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f2bea6  No.16876086

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277a83  No.16876119


He’s had it all.

Soviet placements before they crumbled

PUTI has it all w Sow White

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ecf885  No.16876129

Riot Police just showed up at protest in Arkansas…I think it's in Little Rock.

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33cab5  No.16876132




>No one would even believe the truth.

the Law of No One

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f2bea6  No.16876143


It's very hard to get removed. You basically need to send 20 posts of angry diarrhea before the thread is 200 posts long.

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5541dc  No.16876144

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277a83  No.16876145


45s Next Rally Speech Should Be littered With Gooidies For The Happy Shipmates Encouragement Methinks.. Arrrr!!!

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fc16f6  No.16876147


Looks like a Chester.

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ecf885  No.16876149


><run out the clock

As for the mayor of New York City, Prince said he has heard that “de Blasio wants to stay away from this.”

“The evidence is so bad, the email content is so bad, that I think even he wants to stay away from it, which is really telling,” he said.

Prince reported that the other legislators involved in the case “have not been named yet,” and urged the NYPD to hold a press conference and name them.

“I wish they’d do it today,” he said. “These are the unusual sliding-door moments of history, that people can stand up and be counted, and make a real difference, and to save a Republic, save a Constitution that we actually need and love, that our forefathers fought and died for. For any cop that is aware of this level of wrongdoing, and they have veterans in their family, or deceased veterans in their family, they owe it to them to stand up, to stand and be counted today, and shine the light of truth on this great evil.”

“From what I understand, up to the commissioner or at least the chief level in NYPD, they wanted to have a press conference, and DOJ, Washington people, political appointees have been exerting all kinds of undue pressure on them to back down,” he added.

Marlow suggested that some of those involved in keeping the details quiet might want to avoid accusations of politicizing the case and seeking to influence the presidential election.

“Sure, that’s it. That’s the argument for it,” Prince agreed. “But the fact is, you know that if the Left had emails pointing to Donald Trump visiting, multiple times, an island with underage sex slaves basically, emails, you know they’d be talking about it. They’d be shouting it from the rooftops.”

“This kind of evil, this kind of true dirt on Hillary Clinton– look, you don’t have to make any judgments. Just release the emails,” he urged. “Just dump them. Let them out there. Let people see the light of truth.”

Prince dismissed the claims of people like Clinton campaign CEO John Podesta and DNC chair Donna Brazile that some of the damaging emails already released by WikiLeaks were fabricated, noting that “forensic analysis done shows that, indeed, they are not fabricated; they are really legitimate.”

“This is stuff coming right off a hard drive that was owned by Weiner and his wife Huma Abedin, Hillary’s closest adviser for the last 20 years,” he said of the new bombshells. “This is not from some hacker or anybody else. This is a laptop seized from a warrant in a criminal investigation.”

Prince confirmed that based on his information, Abedin is most likely looking at jail time, unless she cuts a deal with prosecutors.

“There’s a minimum of obstruction of justice and all kinds of unlawful handling of classified information,” he said. “Because remember, this laptop was in the possession of Weiner, who did not have a security clearance. And many, many of those emails were from her Yahoo account, which had State Department emails forwarded to them, so she could easier print these messages, scan them, and send them on to Hillary. That’s the carelessness that Hillary and her staff had for the classified information that the intelligence community risks life and limb to collect in challenged, opposed areas around the world.”

“That’s not who you want in the White House,” Prince declared.

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c99afb  No.16876150

Anyone come across anything that would support this?

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7f0653  No.16876151

Norman playing the race/slavery card


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33cab5  No.16876153


The day after the next election get's rigged your gona be back listening to what I said about getting bad people off the ballot. That election integrity is moot point/lost hope. the real problem lay in having candidates who mean harm to america on the ballot.

Keep on RA RA RA though. Maybe there's enough people. But if not. Ask yourself if Ignoring me was the best idea.

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7c339f  No.16876155

File: 395eee2cde81595⋯.jpeg (665.78 KB, 1601x1592, 1601:1592, 676F9284_9AF4_43F0_BE6F_F….JPEG)

File: e07bd53dd7f61df⋯.gif (608.05 KB, 713x280, 713:280, Deep_State_Buildings_UN.GIF)

File: b51aba5fb285ebe⋯.jpeg (175.01 KB, 902x1188, 41:54, Georgia_Guidestones_Meme_….JPEG)

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ef844f  No.16876159


Oh boy here we go 🤦🏻‍♀️


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792567  No.16876163

Billy Joe call in for a airstrike

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73f52d  No.16876166


chisel it out and charge it

most likely still works

those fucking things were pretty much indestructible

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33cab5  No.16876167


yeah, hold on I'll put my pants on, I will do it all for you

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5541dc  No.16876170


he's heading to SA to suck cock for oil

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ef844f  No.16876172


please provide new proofs

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33cab5  No.16876178

Every [3] letter is here.

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5541dc  No.16876181


Haven’t you figured it out yet? Those that NEED TO LNOW fucking KNOW. IGNORANT LITTLE PROGRAM. Kekkle. Trace me. The deaf guy is smarter than you. WHY DO YOU THINK I AM PROTECTED?

HOWEVER the protectors BETTER fucking get a move on because when I go ballistic based SOLELY on the ignorant lies taught in ‘history’ there wil be very little to clean up. Motherfuckers like you think YOU hold ALL the tech. Simple fact of the matter is LOGIC is MORE IMPORTANT than TECH. PIECES OF SHIT

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ef844f  No.16876184


I didn't save the responses. Bunch of… nevermind.

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c99afb  No.16876187




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ad731b  No.16876189


Tell Q come clean the ship if it's that important. I'll keep it clean.

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33cab5  No.16876190



And "Its going to be Biblical" doesn't just apply to justice…

watch THE SUN…

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ef1ddb  No.16876191


>there are a few still not up

Side effect of the vax and/or watching WH press briefings.

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ecf885  No.16876195


elongapes is ready to dominion your old nazi sphincter like it was battered in erdnussbutter at teh lederhosen olympics

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5541dc  No.16876204


hannity's program is repetitious bile squeezed between MyPillow commercials, and he is no longer their ratings cow. He is disposable.

So if he's bad for merely running his worthless mouth in a private convo (HERESAY), what does that make their current ratings cow who went ON-AIR and batted for bidan while slandering the President he has long openly despised??

LOOK at his history, and statements throughout the years regarding TRUMP. At least he's consistent.

This isn't just slander and lying, either. This fucked up peoples' perceptions. OUR side was watching that "program" every night.

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ecf885  No.16876206


Dont you realize the guy you are replying to is being deceptive? He cropped out the top drop that has the delta and claims theres no delta. Its kindergarten level. Look for yourself:


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ef844f  No.16876208








who is the child picture of on dis prominent charm?

IDK - is it one of her grandkids?

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fc16f6  No.16876209


Dogs rescued

Kids killed

Dec 5 to Dec 24 delta

Happy Birthday General Flynn

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73f52d  No.16876211



aw man that fcukwit trudeau

someone needs to give him some toys to play with, he really is a faggot

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33cab5  No.16876212

Underutilised, no balance, aoc in control, and blasting gangster music.

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f2bea6  No.16876214


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277a83  No.16876216


it looks like this in almost all former commie block states (including parts of East Germany). In most cases those apartements belong to the people so they pay no rent. sometimes they look ugly from the outside only because there is no management, but inside they mostly look nice

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33cab5  No.16876223


Easy answer, we don't dox.

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ef1ddb  No.16876224


Yeah… The war rages on, alright.

And the left is killing the right, while the right is shouting "non-violence, non-violence", like their monkey-Marxist, messiah, MLK Jr, trained them to.

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ef844f  No.16876230


Did this post trigger red-text shill?

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2be636  No.16876236

File: 40c79a3456f0061⋯.png (1021.96 KB, 861x671, 861:671, Screen_Shot_2022_07_28_at_….png)


OOOOOOOOhhhhh…. THAT'S gooooood.

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277a83  No.16876240



I can poop

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ef844f  No.16876243


>faggiest singer in the business

his throat was an instrument? : damn Brits are all kind of faggie in the musics

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f2bea6  No.16876249




>Most people can see that you are at the point of breaking. You're posting less. Your eyes are tired to the point it's hard to focus. It's been days now. Imagine how much harder it will be from now on. You might snap.


>Allow for the fact that you're out of options. And how will you deal with the inevitable disappointment that is coming? Will you trip out? It might be time to break. Take a rest.


>You just can't get it out of neutral, can you?


>What would it feel like to just give it up? Notice how much nicer it is to just go outside. It's a good thing to break. You will feel the impact. Snap to it!

Totally organic.

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ef844f  No.16876254

Of course you are lost now and can't even reply, language barrier denied?

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fc16f6  No.16876255

Can anons look to see if they could please provide anon with a copy of the abortion meme that breaks up the value of a fetus by body part?

I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.


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ef844f  No.16876265


they will do ANYTHING to protect the revelation of the stem cell/life extension/cannibal's livestock plantation.

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ef1ddb  No.16876270


breb just woke up from sleeping on the motel loveseat and has to get started fucking up the great awakening so he can get paid

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277a83  No.16876273


Telegram Post at https://t.me/McafeeAfterlife

Q - 7


Robert “Bobby” E. Crimo III





Why Did the CIA

Start Scrubbing 3 days Ago?

These People Are Stupid.

Don’t They Realize

We See and Hear All?

Who Controls the Narrative?

Who Controls the Fake News Media…


No Such Agency.

What Happens When the

World Finds Out That

Clowns In America

Are the #1 Domestic Terrorist Org


Define Panic:


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ef1ddb  No.16876281


what about those trips

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2be636  No.16876286


>Easy answer, we don't dox.

ja' ever stop to think, maybe it's time to start?

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7bd4c4  No.16876289

File: 04efb96bb4eb342⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1246x1554, 89:111, forgodandcountry.png)

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73f52d  No.16876292



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6713ce  No.16876298


Me too.

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277a83  No.16876307



the first screen cap is from /projectdcomms/

the second screencap looks like its from /qresearch/ based on the post count number

>where's the full screen capture for the "are you listening" post?

I can search qresear.ch for it

If I find anything I will post

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73f52d  No.16876312



had one in the works, just in case

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ad731b  No.16876313

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Go ballistic. Nobody doesn't care.

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f2bea6  No.16876315


didn't Texas do the same?

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a86b4c  No.16876321


>Death can't come soon enough for these wastes of oxygen.


>The pedovores are not really 'in another realm'

It's who they serve that I'm referencing.

>I think 'to be covered in gold

I've got quite different thoughts on the meaning.

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f2bea6  No.16876328



Great job with the snipe, Baker!

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ecf885  No.16876330

Pics of President Trump's Statement


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ecf885  No.16876344



>My take after reading that article was transvestites smell like shit.

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ef1ddb  No.16876352


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ea9b98  No.16876363

File: fa93b7b0199a43f⋯.jpg (131.26 KB, 768x462, 128:77, border_hell.jpg)


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7c339f  No.16876365

File: 26706ee0aeb9e23⋯.jpeg (472.96 KB, 1366x1093, 1366:1093, E7BB1BC7_40BF_4D3C_9F4E_7….JPEG)

Jonny Quest - Q drops for Kids

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f2bea6  No.16876369


#soywatch Chuck Grassley warned.

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ef844f  No.16876375


I'm sure she loves you too, but forgot

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ef844f  No.16876387


You never will. Let's be honest, fucker.

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ecf885  No.16876396



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6713ce  No.16876397


DOJ is getting more and more divorced from the idea of real justice. Justice is blind, not also deaf, dumb and biased

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f2bea6  No.16876404


at least he thought she was a woman to be sexist towards. Fucking these people not one thing its another.

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277a83  No.16876405


I'm with anon, a birthday meme for PDJT with Mr. Pig would be quite exemplary

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f2bea6  No.16876415


I've been here since before you were aborted

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73f52d  No.16876421


The Supreme Court would have to be incredibly stupid or have bigger balls than Trump if they are going to release ROE V. WADE on a Friday.

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ef1ddb  No.16876427

What is your favorite weather for PT? 🌤️ 🌞 🌧️ 🌦️ ⛈️

#FiresStrong #TeamSill




If it ain't rainin… it ain't training.

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6713ce  No.16876430


hair down there disgusts me…..

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277a83  No.16876437


Do you say, "Oh great! I'm glad we agree and are on the same side!" ?

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f2bea6  No.16876438



Seconded for keks

>Now we need the Deadpool scene version.

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ecf885  No.16876441

Honestly, Q, pretty shitty methodology on your return.

Three drops of riddles and then, nothing.

I would have thought after two years you guys had your shite together and were ready to roll, but maybe not.

Your return sucks, it's weak.

Oh, BTW, Q…Resident Biden shared with the world {THEIR} New Liberal Order, and {THEIR} New World Order.

Make me eat my words.

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6713ce  No.16876442


mom. you're a bitch, dropping me off here and all

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d330e0  No.16876444


Wow, so another one in mn?

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ef844f  No.16876446


fucking kek

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ea5acb  No.16876447


totally not weird at all


you shouldn't fear the Truth about WW2 and the Holocaust , and Nazi medical experimentation, whatever theTruth is, and this is good news, like Jesus.

50-60 million people died in WW2, and 6 million of them weren't Jewish.

ty Baker, notetakers, and all real anons who try to be entertaining and constructive, not obstructive…


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5541dc  No.16876449

Mirrored :51

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277a83  No.16876450

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f2bea6  No.16876451


I'm kicking ass and not taking names.

I'm running for office and winning.

I'm cleaning up the voter rolls and so much more cleaning out voter fraud.

I'm running for school board.

I'm working at the polls to keep it honest.

I'm winning at 5he Supreme Court.


Not so many bio-labs as there were before.

Need i go on?

Now move along kid, you bother me.

China man, you go home now. Go.

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ea9b98  No.16876454

File: c5d232f65104b27⋯.gif (1.45 MB, 534x338, 267:169, c5d232f65104b27594c958b9e5….gif)

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d330e0  No.16876457


like a year and a half*

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ea5acb  No.16876461



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792567  No.16876462

Reading this shit is like looking into Bidens mind

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33a54f  No.16876463

File: 3506b7374ba5a3f⋯.gif (202.7 KB, 301x200, 301:200, o7s.gif)

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277a83  No.16876465


Translation…..please welcome Nazis to America

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f2bea6  No.16876466





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ecf885  No.16876469









Prior to Azov becoming an integrated part of the Ukrainian military, the group was funded primarily by Ukrainian oligarchs, the most well known of whom was Igor Kolomoisky. Kolomoisky is of Jewish heritage and is an Israeli citizen and well-known billionaire businessman. Despite his being a Jewish Israeli, he had no problem pouring money into neo-Nazi volunteer militias such as the Azov and Aidar, among other far-right groups that feature elements hostile to Jewish people.


Russian TV panelists notice that the anti-Russia propagandists promoting hatred against Russians are mostly Jews:






"Russian forces opened fire on Israeli jets with S-300 anti-aircraft missiles at the end of an alleged IAF attack on targets in north-western Syria last week, Channel 13 news reported Monday, in what could signal a significant shift in Moscow’s attitude to Israel."

"The report noted that Syria’s S-300 batteries are operated by the Russian military and cannot be fired without their approval."

The connection between Syria, Russia, Israel, Ukraine, Genie Energy (big oil) and Epstein:







"Israel outrage at Russia 'Hitler was Jewish' claim"



"No Putin 'apology' to Israeli PM found in Kremlin transcript"

"Tel Aviv earlier claimed that President Putin apologized for the remarks of his foreign minister, in which he suggested Adolf Hitler may have had 'Jewish blood'"





Russian anon on what Jews say in Russia:


Russia and Iran closer than ever:



Israel provokes Russia:


"Russia orders Jewish Agency to stop all operations in country - exclusive"





"Jewish Agency, in full Jewish Agency Of Israel, Hebrew Ha-sokhnut Ha-yehudit El-eretz Yisraʾel, international body representing the World Zionist Organization, created in 1929 by Chaim Weizmann, with headquarters in Jerusalem."




On this day (June 24th):

1903 Russia prohibits meetings dealing with Zionism



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d330e0  No.16876471


Hi anon welcome to best shift!

Except that Nazi Guy.. He's probably Ukrainian or something. Lolz

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a86b4c  No.16876473


Aint that the fucking truth.

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ef844f  No.16876474

Can we fix the world now?

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ea5acb  No.16876475

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277a83  No.16876477

If I had to guess the FBI setting this up and DOJ prosecuting this fraud probably cost at least $300,000 and now the DOJ wants to go after the two that were not acquitted. Wow our government is sick beyond repair


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ea5acb  No.16876487


I think we have Q hangovers going on

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f2bea6  No.16876490


someone posted a meme yesterday about GenX being totally fucked and that is really sinking in for me more and more every day

I'm not old enough to have forgotten everything or not believe it

I'm not young enough to have never known it was different

I've been around long enough to question shit and at least for myself have found enough conflicting information to completely shatter my reality about life and living. I know I can never go back and I am having trouble seeing the way forward. Potentially, I could have quite a few more years stuck in this quandary. I sure hope this board will hang on and keep me company.

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ef1ddb  No.16876492


She might look like Fiona Hill in 30 years anyway kek.

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a86b4c  No.16876498


Who is that. Very good warning anon

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5541dc  No.16876500

Uh guys, looks like we're at the precipice :O

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ad2895  No.16876503


The hard part to imagine, is that somehow, through their reasoning; they believe themselves as on the right side of history. Because they are ruled by the lusts of the body they are blinded to the chaos they cause. They can only see the satisfaction of their hungers as their spirits and morals decay into oblivion.

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6713ce  No.16876506







Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9ba2be No.5800988 📁

Mar 20 2019 21:30:24 (EST)

Anonymous ID: dad469 No.5800566 📁

Mar 20 2019 21:02:59 (EST)


Started digging on the pic Q posted, trying to figure out who took the pic.

Doing a search of it on Tineye, the first article that pops up is from True Pundit, last March.

One thing that popped out, going to dig further in a bit, was the location the pic was taken:

“Clinton is seen here kicking back at a beach day in Jan. 2017 in Palmilla, Bayahibe, an exclusive haven of warm waters and refuge, near the so-called Paso de Catuano, very close to Isla Saona. This resort is only in accessible by private boat.”

No idea who took the pic yet, still digging, but thought I’d share the location in case it helps one of you.

Anybody know anything about this “resort” ?? Is it a “Last Resort” ?

Sauce: https://truepundit.com/busted-muellers-new-star-witness-trump-caught-partying-exclusive-island-resort-bill-clinton/📁



How many 'girls' were waiting for their return to the boat?

Who owned the boat?

What does a 'handler' procure?

Is the 'handler' [one of many] connected to Epstein?

Flight logs reveal many hidden artifacts.





↻ ↑ 37 posts


that need review 2022


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bbc75e  No.16876521




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ad2895  No.16876525


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 06/05/2020 15:41:03 ID: b1c6b3

8kun/qresearch: 9489290

Important to understand.

MSDNC [+social media] projection we are the minority is false.


MSDNC [+social media] projection we are divided is false.


People are awake and see what is happening.

Patriots have no skin color.

Humanity is good.


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73f52d  No.16876529


National motto, In God We Trust

religious freedom is the right of all people.

in american we do not worship government, we worship god

President Trump: We don't have free speech in this country very much anymore

President Trump: The greatest danger to America is the destruction of our nation from the people within.

this is not a political problem, this is a spiritual problem.

schiff, we call him water melon head

President Trump: We're getting closer, but we have to fight some very sick and evil people.

look at schumer, he looked like a mob boss.

2000 mules, cannot be disputed. they are stuffing boxes.

catherines of truethevote spent thousands of hours looking at the tapes

They got and the radicals say, that was debunked.

these are not movie actors

President Trump: [Kinzinger] has a mental disorder. He cries every time he speaks.

president never called him a whimp. just like bill barr, they are weak.

Trump: I'm the president of the United States.

human conveyor belt (mike pence)

President Trump: The sham committee even had to postpone it's scheduled hearing

at the last minute so they could doctor some additional video.

45: I got impeached twice and my poll numbers went up, crowd laughs

old broken down crow. (mich mcconnell)

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ef844f  No.16876531


>finally we are ready to fight back aggressive Muscovite oriental imperialistic despotism

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5541dc  No.16876532


What's the relationship between Shell, Rothschilds and Credit Suisse?

What is a shell?





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277a83  No.16876534

GAHYBARR still in the closet bout being worst pony

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f2bea6  No.16876535


kek someting happening backstage kek

HYBE not required to disclose BTS 'hiatus,' Korea Exchange says

A poster showing BTS members is displayed at a tourist information center in Seoul on June 15.

HYBE was not required to make a formal disclosure about a possible BTS "hiatus," according to the stock exchange, despite concerns that the company failed to properly communicate a material event to the public and shareholders.

"Not disclosing information on a BTS hiatus is not a violation of Korea Exchange rules," said Lee June-hyung, a spokesperson for Korea Exchange. "The band's remarks were vague. The company would have to file a disclosure if it was clear from when to when the group will halt activities."

Lee added that listed entertainment agencies cannot file reports on every activity of their singers or actors.


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ad2895  No.16876536

Fake Yapper has aged…

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73f52d  No.16876541


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6713ce  No.16876553


improper usage of plethora

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a86b4c  No.16876555


He's really starting to look like Morrissey's twin brother as he ages.

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a86b4c  No.16876568

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2be636  No.16876569


>That's a bot and an easy one to block with about 3 words.

so…. what are they?

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5541dc  No.16876571


>Doesn’t that seem odd?

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403d6b  No.16876576


Night of Rage


Portland Andy has feeds,utube

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ea5acb  No.16876582


not asking






all posted as Q

Nunes on team in background

anons know

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02ef9c  No.16876584




==I MISS HER!!!!


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f2bea6  No.16876586


call george soros and tell him you'll let him plug your backhole

i think that's how the initiation goes according to others

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d330e0  No.16876588



Must be Gen Z.


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a86b4c  No.16876593


#questionslikenicki #loza #lozaalexander

Questions Like Nicki - ( FIRE ME ) - Loza Alexander - ( Official Music Video )


Premiered Nov 4, 2021

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f2bea6  No.16876597


well that will happen when he spams those fucking points over and over again screaming at anons to believe what he wants them to believe. the fucker is a control freak and has a plethora of personality disorders.

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403d6b  No.16876600


Great catch anon.


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ecf885  No.16876621


Retroactive pay, promotion, an apology, and a thank you from a grateful nation and command would be a good start.

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ef1ddb  No.16876633


hey i know that guy

he lives here

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a86b4c  No.16876635

25 Jun, 2022 14:53

=Many EU countries are in ‘direct war’ with Russia – Serbia

Europeans are sending weapons to Ukraine and are angry that Serbia “is not in their shoes,” President Aleksandar Vucic claims

(Don’t be stupid EU, you got suckered by US and UK)

Many EU states are in “a direct war” with Russia and are “angry” with Belgrade for refusing to go along with sanctions, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Saturday.

Speaking at a press conference two days after attending a meeting between the 27 EU leaders and six heads of government from the West Balkans, Vucic claimed the Balkans “were not important that day” for the EU, as the bloc is “completely at war with Russia” and its priority was to provide Ukraine and Moldova with EU candidate status.

“Viktor Orban [Hungarian prime minister] said that in the economic sense, Serbia and Montenegro are much more ready to be part of the EU than some other countries. But who cares?” Vucic remarked.

He explained that Serbia is now in a difficult position due to the pressure to join EU members in imposing sanctions on Russia. The president stressed he is aware of “how angry many of them are” over the issue.

“Many EU countries are in a direct war against Russia. They send howitzers, planes, S-300s to Ukraine, and how do you think they will treat us? They are not in our shoes as we are not in theirs, and that is why our position is extremely difficult. Will it be easier? Well, it won't,” Vucic said.

However, he pledged that Serbia will continue to pursue its European path as “there must be a rational and pragmatic approach in politics, which takes the interests into account.”

He noted that in Serbia, 300,000 people work directly and 500,000 indirectly for foreign companies, two thirds of which are from the EU.

“If you do not understand how important the EU is to us, I cannot change that,” he said, while claiming the West fails to appreciate how important it is for Serbia to refrain from anti-Russia sanctions, and to maintain good relations with both Russia and China.

Addressing the economic situation in Europe, Vucic gave a gloomy forecast, saying if the conflict in Donbass does not end with a truce, the world will face “a worse world war than the previous one.”

“A little man from the Balkans says that. I hope that they will start peace negotiations, otherwise we will all go,” he added.

On Thursday, the day when Ukraine and Moldova were granted EU candidate status, Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin said a military conflict with Russia appears to be the condition for fast-track accession to the European Union.

Pointing out that Ukraine falls short of the standards which are “so carefully applied to Balkan countries,” the minister claimed Kiev's “participation in the war was enough to start negotiations” on its EU membership. He added that if getting into war with someone is the only way to speed up Serbia’s accession to the EU, then “it is not worth it.”

Earlier this month the interior minister said his country was not interested in diminishing its “closeness and cooperation” with Moscow, and that by trying to force Belgrade to impose sanctions on Russia, the West simply seeks to “absolve” itself of its own crimes. His remarks came soon after German Chancellor Olaf Scholz urged Serbia to follow the EU's lead in sanctioning Russia, and recognize the breakaway province of Kosovo as an independent state if it hopes to join the bloc.


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667335  No.16876639

We'll have a good laugh

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403d6b  No.16876642

Why isnt every conservative governor doing this?

.@JackPosobiec on corporate media defending "grooming" kids. "They are losing their minds" https://t.co/84JQV…


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ecf885  No.16876643


Can you speak my language?

Can you even vibrate my heart???

Let's kill some gorgeous animals, and cut their tail, then smoke some arena and fuck some whores.

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ad2895  No.16876645


OMG we had to shut down because coofid, we had better lock up all these gays because monkeypox.

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667335  No.16876651



Political Death

Those opposed to the Special Operation and its consequences have been revealed. The Russian and other traitors in our midst, of whom we have continually warned and not been heeded, have shown themselves. Many, though by no means all (though we will not here name names), have run away from Russia and elsewhere been removed. They did not understand the words that the struggle in the Ukraine is a ‘metaphysical one’. The oligarchs and all who treasure dollar bills and the approval of Western Establishments above all else will never understand this – that we have values that are higher than gold. Today the seven billion people of the Non-Western world are ranged against the one billion of the Western world. All the international foundations, the UN, IMF, WHO etc, are going to be remade. Why should some of them at least not be headquartered in Russia? Either in Saint Petersburg, or in Ekaterinburg, or in the Crimea.

The UN, perhaps to be renamed ‘The Union of the Peoples’ or something similar, should be supported by the greatest nations from all Continents and Civilisations: China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Russia, Mexico, Japan, Ethiopia, the Philippines, Egypt and Vietnam. Perhaps there would be other nations which have yet to be reformed from the relics of the present. For example, at the ultimate conclusion of this Special Operation, there is no reason why the USA or the EU should continue to exist. Once they have collapsed and been denazified and reformed, then a new nation or group from North America and Western Europe, for instance, a North American Confederation or a Gaullist-style Federation of the Sovereign Nations of Europe, could be allowed to join and take part in the new World Symphony of Nations. Its anthem could perhaps be taken appropriatey From the New World, the Ninth Symphony by Dvorak.

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d330e0  No.16876653


fuck off.. she almost saw something.

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ea5acb  No.16876658


>Space Force Recruiting


>Graphic design is our passion. Don’t believe us? See: @psgarrison’s emblem.


>Well, that's an interesting design.

>Revelation 13:18


>Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Q came back 06/24/2022 ..

6/2+4/2+2+2 = 666

Trump had a rally at a village called Mendon, in Illinois and the next a train hit a dump truck in Mendon, Missouri

Think Mirror: Dump Truck -> Trump Duck -> Donald (trump)

anon's decode: train crash was a COMM, a warning that the [Deep State] tries to derail Trump and MAGA

but what is the meaning of Q's 666 comeback that's harder to decode …

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ef1ddb  No.16876660


Real Time News, [10.06.22 17:55]

[ Video ]

🇨🇦 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced plans to look into decriminalizing hard drugs


The Opium Wars

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667335  No.16876663

@DonaldJTrumpJr · now

Happy Birthday America!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


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ecf885  No.16876667


>They're creepin' up faster than Biden on a 9-year old.

Is there anything creepier than a Joe Biden nipple pinch at a swearing-in ceremony?

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4e5762  No.16876668


Trips noticed

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d2e85a  No.16876670



Why is this notable?

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5541dc  No.16876672


Don't believe it. FBI are fags

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667335  No.16876676


>They literally want you dead

I have been saying this for 7yrs at least.

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4e5762  No.16876680


The only time I've seen the AF1 callsign is when the plane is outside US airspace.

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a86b4c  No.16876700

Morning anons…

Lil Zulu has been up for aWEEKif not longer now…


RipZulu anyone?

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ad731b  No.16876708


Bull shit, Bill. She stole it from me then used it on you.

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4e5762  No.16876718


Passed Point of No Return

There's no going back now

The only way out is Through

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403d6b  No.16876719


Interesting find anon!

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d2e85a  No.16876721








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4e5762  No.16876729


The stuff of which 'legends' are fabricated. MSM resurfacing with stories of borscht, gefilte fish and shabbos. These jews stole $60B and just siphoned another cool $1B thanks to the jew lobby.

Meanwhile every brownskin from the globe who can get to Mexico is invading America.

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ad2895  No.16876734


Yeah yeah yeah, red text whine some more. That most definitely convinced me.

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9d34b4  No.16876738


Sometimes you have to FORCE their hand.

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5541dc  No.16876750


Isn't one of their gods a hermaphrodite?

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667335  No.16876751


he was looking for his doctor

Tulsa mass shooter allegedly gunned down his doctor after asking for help with pain


On May 19, the suspected gunman underwent back surgery.Dr. Preston Phillips one of the four people killed in the shooting at the Natalie Building, a five-story medical complex at Saint Francis Hospital was the suspect's doctor in that surgery, Tulsa Police Chief Wendell Franklin said at a news conference Thursday.

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a86b4c  No.16876752


What kinda comm's was it when Nancy ripped off her earrings today?

"This means war?"

https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/nancy-is-bitter-as-hellAngry Nancy grabs the mic… - CITIZEN FREE PRESS

TodayPelosi is such an evil clown. She obviously had her Breakfast Vodka and hurriedly got dressed, made-up too quickly (notice the ear ring crashing off of her) and trotted out by her handlers with a prepared statement composed weeks ago. Notice how she can hardly manage to read her script. We got a drunk dinosaur as Speaker of the House. HOWEVER …

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f2bea6  No.16876754


Read it again. It's about being set Free.

Revelation 11:1-2

>I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told, “Go and measure the temple of God and the altar, with its worshipers. 2 But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months.

To measure is to rule.

Remember the markers 11.3, 11.4, 11.6, and America will be unified 11.11.18(R)?

>Revelation 11:3-12.

>"3 And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” 4 They are “the two olive trees” and the two lampstands, and “they stand before the Lord of the earth.” 5 If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die. 6 They have power to shut up the heavens so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want.

>7 Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them. 8 Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city—which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where also their Lord was crucified. 9 For three and a half days some from every people, tribe, language and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them burial. 10 The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth.

>11 But after the three and a half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them. 12 Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here.” And they went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies looked on.

Clothed in sackcloth represents repentance. How do you confess your sins to people who wont believe? Sometimes you can't just tell people, you have to show them. How's the "plague" going? Are you watching the water like Q told you? Revelation 17:15 tells you what the water is. People, multitudes, nations and languages. What does it mean to be turned to blood?

The BREATH OF LIFE enters the Witnesses. Jesus overcomes with the BREATH OF HIS MOUTH. Jesus BREATHED on them and said "receive the Holy Spirit"

>"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Like Q said… Power to the People. Watch the Water. Actors are acting.

The witnesses go to heaven in a CLOUD. He is coming with the CLOUDS.

>After He had said this, they watched as He was taken up, and a CLOUD hid Him from their sight. - Acts 1:9

>“Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” Acts 1:11

Jesus returns the way He left, so hidden in a CLOUD? But don't look to the sky!

What are we posting on? The Cloud?

The WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.

>“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me." - John 17:20-23

>For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” - Matthew 18:20

>After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” - Revelation 7:9-10

To count is to measure, to measure is to rule. They can't be ruled. They're Free.

> I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands, and among the lampstands was someone like a son of man, dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance. - Revelation 1:12-16

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d330e0  No.16876756

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ea5acb  No.16876761


You have to make a request.

call 800-273-8255 operators are standing by.

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2be636  No.16876766


it's futbol…don't care

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403d6b  No.16876770


Kinda wild that during the early Q drops talking about all the hardcore attacks habbening it was Crip's 8ch code that held up pretty damn well.

Now, when there's no real reason to hit a board with steadily declining participation, the attacks are so damn menacing that everything is falling apart.

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a86b4c  No.16876780


>Pfizer Document Reveals 82-97% Of Vaccinated Pregnant Women Lost Their Babies

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ef1ddb  No.16876783

How much water does it take to flood a stubborn dumb.

Where did the water go?

Are you watching where it went?

Oh where oh where did Lake Mead water go, oh where oh where did it go?¿

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d2e85a  No.16876787


So? Why wouldn't I respond?

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667335  No.16876791


"the absolute state"

is a shill spam.

you must be anime.

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f2bea6  No.16876792

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4e5762  No.16876793


Because they're not Q. Not Q would not be able to zero delta. So they HAD to never verify.

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d330e0  No.16876796





Well I had no debt and a business that kicked ass

and I am about done they are all criminals they did covid on purpose It is hard to give a fuck right now I guess that is the point

Good news is I spent all my money fighting back to save you fuckers because I am young


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ad731b  No.16876801

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ad2895  No.16876804


Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸, [11.06.22 12:59]

[Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️)]

[ Photo ]

Finally a headline I agree with from MSNBC! The hidden financiers (George Soros types) should be sweating right now.

The funny thing about this is that 99% of the thousands of people who showed up in DC were average everyday Americans who were pissed off that the election was stolen from us. Typical fake news BS.

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d330e0  No.16876818

Heard defamed Depp.


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ea5acb  No.16876825

“I, ____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

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792567  No.16876836

Yo Mama

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ea5acb  No.16876837


I would assume this administration will simply ignore their judgements.

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667335  No.16876838


Yep. Sounds like Fake News.

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5541dc  No.16876839

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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d330e0  No.16876842


What Is the Internet of Things?


Gavin Phillips

Updated 1 day ago

What is the Internet of Things? Here's everything you need to know about it, why it's so exciting, and some of the risks.

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ea5acb  No.16876849


althought the word "consumer is abhorant"

We made them, we can activate them to make VIrgin Go away too.

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667335  No.16876850


Thnk you early morning pre-dawn glorious morning baker.

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ad2895  No.16876851


>We can hear you masturbating

tippy top

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ef1ddb  No.16876858



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d525cc  No.16876860

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ea5acb  No.16876861



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792567  No.16876867

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ea5acb  No.16876875


>something STINKS and it's not just the "Dems".

WATCH OUT! you'll wake the sleeping contards, reptards, qtards, and trumptards.

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4e5762  No.16876878


Or Whatever…

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d330e0  No.16876880


Some Anon's are working with God.

Stay Tuned.

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ecf885  No.16876881


>I'm leaving after this thread

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d2e85a  No.16876882


So… get to work.

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02ef9c  No.16876884




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667335  No.16876888



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ea5acb  No.16876889


Savage Kun dubs chk'd n' kek'd

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ad2895  No.16876890


"God" particle didn't work out either.

They're more like Bill Nye than like Tesla.

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4e5762  No.16876891



oh and this fraud too

side-kick to pathetic "AJ"

isn't he dead?

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d2e85a  No.16876907


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a86b4c  No.16876908

And Bannon's tits to all

and to all, tit was a very good night

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ef1ddb  No.16876910

Who let the nazi fags in?

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667335  No.16876911

Updated with today's US Army BOOM!

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ad2895  No.16876913


go look for the flashing ID

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d2e85a  No.16876918


That means media matters and DS are like Russian lumberjacks, sawing off their own leg just to outdo the others!

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3b5208  No.16876924


What is at stake?


Who has control?


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d330e0  No.16876927


I have not tried discredited Q

But I enjoyed watching you reply to yourself.

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a86b4c  No.16876930


Are you fucking kidding me, we are and they are just getting started. No one is exhausted about Trump, it's Bidan/Obama destruction of this country.Shut to fuck up, this is the second day you've been making this idiotic argument. If you are too exhausted, leave and don't come back until you head is on right!

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ad2895  No.16876936



Truly makes them look evil, it shows their true selves

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d330e0  No.16876937

Sooner or later, the things that needed righting will get KNOWN and those WHO DID nothing about it will also get KNOWN. I don't care any more about what was done to me, I only care about those WHO COVERED IT UP. YOU are the ones who will get judged, and judged harshly. THERE is no forgiveness for knowingly aiding and abetting a crime…no matter what the criminals tell you, that they will protect you, somehow cover for you.

THEY will throw you under the bus and you need to know that. There is no higher power than God.

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d2e85a  No.16876938


I saw this thread last night. A brilliant and fascinating dig on Margaret Sanger and her whole gang of sex ‘magic’ -necromancer friends through her life. This is not mine. I’m hoping someone will nominate so we can revisit this on future digs with these people mentioned in the post

Michael Higgins

Henry Havelock Ellis

John Murray Spear

Samuel Byron Brittan

Elizabeth Lyle Saxon

Ann Braude

A.R. Orage

Edward Carpenter

This is a spiritual battle of the highest, the baby sacrifice must end.



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a86b4c  No.16876940


Lots of links to east european countries here… could be a front ?


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d330e0  No.16876947


> seo shill

>we can all notice

>you dig faggots wiff bewbs in dresses

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ef1ddb  No.16876954


Counter-rotation FTW

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d52646  No.16876956

Er, Guise, 'Bout Kash Patel

He sure acted like he knew real Q wasn't going to come back, didn't he?

By "real Q" I mean the person/people with the tripcode on here, which would carry a lot more weight for a lot more people, still.

Sure, maybe Trump finally got tired of having an anonymous internet larper be his de facto spox to millions, for three full years, in the final month of his White House residence, and having finally noticed this was happening, he swooped in, and locked the naughty larper up, with extra tendies to shut his mouth.

But the chances of a functionary within the Biden administration NOT leaking such a gleeful fact are utterly non-existent.

Read the original drop:

1481 Q !CbboFOtcZs 06/12/2018 22:08:43 ID: 793722

8chan/qresearch: 1722473




Kashyap Patel - name to remember.


If Q is just some disgruntled basement larper, he could use his tripcode to come back off that video, spin that as "I meant remember Kash, coz he's a big old meanie and he eats kittens" and cause a lot of damage.

Watch the video. Kash knows that's NOT going to happen. Much to ponder, anons. Much to ponder.

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792567  No.16876958

You are gone

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9d34b4  No.16876977

Place is jumping. Baker be ready.


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c99afb  No.16876981


Not really. I've traveled lots and have always been fascinated with accents.

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8c7bdd  No.16876983



How the hell did you meme that under 5 minutes?

Thats Expert level.

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ef1ddb  No.16877005

So did they know the enemy within?


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d330e0  No.16877006


nothing has been avoided

only postponed

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ea5acb  No.16877010

John Podesta and Steve Elmendorf murdered Antonin Scalia.

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ad2895  No.16877013


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d52646  No.16877015

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d330e0  No.16877017


Try harder… Complete bullshit.

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4e5762  No.16877020


What about using dmso to infiltrate body and kill it

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667335  No.16877022


>Dan posted a babyfist three times

This is a fact:

He did this to tell you to fuck off.

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ad2895  No.16877024


"must be a shill" >actually the most militant Q Researcher

Ok silly.

SHILLING for the REAL Q. Getting paid in 45 17 nods.

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c99afb  No.16877025


Planned in 1998?

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d52646  No.16877026


may the fowls of the earth pick your bones clean Klaus

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3b5208  No.16877029


Mirrored 1776 digits

Nicely rolled (probable ClockFag)

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ea5acb  No.16877032


the god of the bible is evil

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792567  No.16877034

Almost over

Just a little more

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a86b4c  No.16877036


>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot



>Go be a nigger elsewhere faggot


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ad2895  No.16877037


Uniparty did it.

They are not divided, we are.

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d52646  No.16877038


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d330e0  No.16877039


Mixing all races into one mongrelized mass is the jewish plan

it turns us all into nationless vagrants

"They" arent trying to divide us by race. We were never "united" to begin with.

God divided us by race, and its foolish yall could ever think we could "come together" in the first place.

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3b5208  No.16877041



>chucky cheese gangbang?

האם הבייגל שלו הריח כמו ג'ין ולמינג?

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c99afb  No.16877046


CNN guest mistakenly says Trump was "responsible for 9/11"

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ad2895  No.16877047



it's what they use to say when they are summoned to a days long meeting with the boss of the underworld

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d52646  No.16877048


there is.

you will see it.

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a86b4c  No.16877049


Arguments over rape and incest divide abortion opponents

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3b5208  No.16877052


the biden bike fall could have happened to anyone, he just did not retract his foot from the foothold on the bike.

had to happen to him, the goof ball.


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d2e85a  No.16877054


>he should have stood up against it.

if he did that SES would have removed him.

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667335  No.16877056


sooo their testing chemical weapons in public spaces again eh?

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a86b4c  No.16877060


Q's not here man

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d330e0  No.16877061


FYI - the QR Board Jews hate Gab because of things Torba has said regarding the JQ.

That's why you see it ragged on hard by some here.

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ea5acb  No.16877066

There's a boxing meme in 4512

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667335  No.16877068

Busy seismic evening around the ring of fire.


Mag 6's in short order.

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c99afb  No.16877069



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d52646  No.16877070


Happy Birthday Sir, let's make it one to remember through the Halls of Amenti.

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792567  No.16877072

This is it

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a86b4c  No.16877074


Now it remembers how to red text…You are so pathetic at spam

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3b5208  No.16877077


Helen Wheels (Remastered 2010)

note original release dates of each iht

McCartney be trolling.

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d2e85a  No.16877079


While recruiting for their next move.

We see them.

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667335  No.16877081



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d330e0  No.16877086


I was thinking more along the lines of, they are going to steal the Midterms too, because obviously they got away with stealing 2020. Criminals who get away with their crimes, often repeat them. They establish a crime pattern. Then they get caught.

One more time we vote in elections that we know are going to get rigged. Then they all get hung out to dry.

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a86b4c  No.16877087


"You'll find out"

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4e5762  No.16877090

FBI pay overtime on sundays?

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792567  No.16877091

It's over

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ea5acb  No.16877092

FLOTUS, volume 51

July 2022

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